POBox144, SpringGreen,Wisconsin53588 (608)588-6694 editor@valleysentinelnews.com
TO: JENNIFERHARPER,DistrictAttorney 181WSeminaryStreet RichlandCenter,WI53581
MICHAELWINDLE,CorporationCounsel*1 210NorthMainStreet P.O.Box128,Westby,WI54667
DearCounsels; TheValleySentinelsubmitsthefollowingtoyouasaverifiedcomplaint pursuanttostatestatute1997againsttheVillageofLoneRock,itsVillageBoard andPublicSafetyCommittee,andcertainofficersofthatvillage,towit,Tammy Christianson,DanQuinn,HarryPulvermacher,MaryLitviak,SteveMorgenson, BrandonBindl,AdamReno,andChrisConner.InsupportoftheComplaint,the ValleySentinelstates:
1Thiscomplaintconcernsmeetingsthatwereheldwithoutpropernotice bytheLoneRockVillageBoard(includingpublichearingsonthevillage’sannual budget)onNovember1,2022,andbytheLoneRockVillageBoard’sPublicSafety Committee,conductedjointlywiththeboard,onOctober31,2022.
2ComplainantisaWisconsinDomesticLimitedLiabilityCompany(Entity IDL068429).Itisa“person”asthattermisusedinsections19.97and990.01(26)of thestatutes
*AlthoughthestatutesdirectenforcementoftheWisconsinOpenMeetingsLawtothe districtattorneyofeachcounty,Complainantisawarethatinsomecountiesthisfunctionis delegatedtocorporationcounsel,soinanabundanceofcaution,thiscomplaintisbeing transmittedtobothofficers.
3Complainantisabonafidenewsmedia/pressorganizationwhich publishesanindependentbiweeklygeneralinterestnewspaper,the“Valley Sentinel,”coveringlocalnews,artsandculture,events,outdoorsandrecreation, andmeetingsinthegreaterLowerWisconsinRiverValleycommunitythatincludes SpringGreen,Arena,LoneRock,PlainandthesurroundingareasinSauk,Iowaand Richlandcounties.ComplainantisamemberoftheWisconsinNewspaper Association
4.ComplainantfiledawrittenrequestunderWis.Stat.§19.84(1)(b)for noticeofallmeetingsofboardsandcommitteesoftheVillageofLoneRockand subunits.TherequestwastransmittedtotheVillageClerkofLoneRockather officialemailaddress,vlrclerk@villageoflonerockcom,onOctober12,2020The emailintroducedtheValleySentinelnewspaperandrequested,“Couldyouplease sendusallupcomingboardandcommitteeagendas/notices/meetingpacketsand includeusindefinitelyonyouroffice'sWis.Stat.§19.84(1)(b).newsmediaemaillist toreceivethoseitemsinthefuture?”Acopyofthatrequestisattached
5.TheVillageofLoneRockisavillageinRichlandCounty.Itsvillageboard isapublicbodycorporateandpoliticformallyconstitutedpursuanttosection61.32 ofthestatutes,anditsPublicSafetyCommitteeisasubunitformallyconstituted pursuantoninformationandbelieftoLoneRockvillageordinance.Eachofthe aboveisagovernmentalbodywithinthemeaningofWis.Stat.§19.82(1).
6.Atalltimesrelevanthereto,theVillageofLoneRockhadthefollowing officers:VillageClerkTammyChristianson,VillagePresidentDanQuinn;Trustees HarryPulvermacher,MaryLitviak,SteveMorgenson,BrandonBindl,Adam RenoandChrisConner.TheVillagePresidentandeachVillageTrusteenamed aboveweremembersoftheLoneRockVillageBoard.PresidentQuinn,and TrusteesPulvermacher,BindlandConnerwerealsomembersofitsPublicSafety Committee,withPulvermacherasitschair.
7PresidentQuinnisthechiefpresidingofficerofthevillageanditsboard, responsibleinabsenceofadesigneetoprovidethenoticerequiredbyWis.Stat.§ 1984(1)(b)Oninformationandbelief,VillageClerkTammyChristiansonishis designeeforthesepurposes,andthatofthevillagetoissuenoticesformeetingsof committees,includingthePublicSafetyCommittee
8.TheLoneRockVillageBoardconvenedameetingonNovember1,2022,to onorabout7:00p.m.,andengagedinpublicbusinesswhichincludedapublic hearingontheannualvillagebudgetOninformationandbelief,thebudget
hearingandotherboardbusinesswereconductedintheformoftwoseparate meetings.
9NopropernoticewassenttoComplainantthatthismeeting(ormeetings) wastobeheld.TheonlynoticewhichComplainantreceivedwasanemailfrom TammyChristianson,at6:07pmthatevening,ie,only53minutesnotice,farless thanthe24hoursgenerallyrequiredbyWis.Stat.§19.84(3),andlessthanhalfthe timepermittedeveninthecaseofanemergency.
10.Oninformationandbelief,othermembersofthepressentitledtonotice underWis.Stat.§19.84(1)(b)alsofailedtoreceivetimelynotice.
11Oninformationandbelief,eachofthemembersoftheLoneRockVillage Boardnamedaboveattendedthismeeting(ormeetings)withoutobjectionwhen theykneworreasonablyshouldhaveknownthatnopropernoticehadbeengiven
12.Theomissionoftheboardinfailingtogivepropernoticeandtheactions ofmeetingandconductingbusinesswithoutsuchnoticearemoreseriousinthis casebecausethesubjectmatterofthemeeting(s)concernedcommentand/or actiononthevillage’sannualbudget,whichissingledoutbystatuteasrequiring morerobustformsofnoticeunderWis.Stat.§65.90.
13Theomissionoftheboardinfailingtogivepropernoticeandtheactions ofmeetingandconductingbusinesswithoutsuchnoticearemoreseriousinthis casebecausethevillagebyitsclerkindicatedtoComplainantinane-mailthatit didnotacknowledgeanylegalresponsibilitytoprovidetimelynoticeofitsmeetings tothepressasrequiredbyWis.Stat.§19.84(1)(b).
14.Complainantmadeapublicrecordsrequesttothevillagefordocuments relatedtothemeetinginquestionwhichitdidnotreceive.Thisraisesaninference thatthevillage,itsboard,anditsofficers,committedfurtherviolationsofopen meetingslawsrelatedtothemeeting(s)inquestion,whichrequesteddocuments wouldhavedisclosed.
15.ThisincludesviolationsofWis.Stat.§65.90whicharemadepartof openmeetingslawbyWisStat§1984(1)(a)
16TheLoneRockPublicSafetyCommitteeconvenedameetingonOctober 31,2022,toonorabout7:00p.m.,andengagedinpublicbusiness.Itappearsfrom villagerecordsthatbusinesswasconductedasajointmeetingalongwiththe
VillageBoardOninformationandbelief,thepresenceandquorumofeachbody meansthattwomeetingsoccurred,eachsubjecttoopenmeetingslawand independentlyactionable
17.NonoticewassenttoComplainantthatthismeeting(ormeetings)was tobeheld
18.Oninformationandbelief,othermembersofthepressentitledtonotice underWis.Stat.§19.84(1)(b)alsofailedtoreceivenotice.
19Oninformationandbelief,eachofthemembersoftheLoneRockPublic SafetyCommitteeandVillageBoardnamedaboveattendedthismeeting(or meetings)withoutobjectionwhentheykneworreasonablyshouldhaveknownthat nopropernoticehadbeengiven.
20Theomissionofthecommitteeinfailingtogivepropernoticeandthe actionsofmeetingandconductingbusinesswithoutsuchnoticearemoreserious inthiscasebecausethevillagebyitsclerkindicatedtoComplainantinane-mail thatitdidnotacknowledgeanylegalresponsibilitytoprovidetimelynoticeofits meetingstothepressasrequiredbyWisStat§1984(1)(b)
21.Complainantmadeapublicrecordsrequesttothevillagefordocuments relatedtothemeetinginquestionwhichitdidnotreceiveThisraisesaninference thatthevillage,itsboard,anditsofficers,committedfurtherviolationsofopen meetingslawsrelatedtothemeeting(s)inquestion,whichrequesteddocuments wouldhavedisclosed.
22.ThisincludesviolationsofWis.Stat.§19.85(1)relatedtomeetingin closedsession,whichappearlikelybecausethemeetingagendaindicatesthat meetinginclosedsessionwascontemplated.
NicoleAimone,ValleySentinelEditor-in-Chief,POBox144,SpringGreen, WI53588,608-588-6694,editor@valleysentinelnews.com
TaylorScott,ValleySentinelManagingEditor,POBox144,SpringGreen, WI53588,608-588-6694,editor@valleysentinelnews.com
TammyChristianson,LoneRockVillageClerk,314EForestSt,POBox338, LoneRock,WI53556,608-583-0088,vlr.clerk@villageoflonerock.com
EstherMarshall,LoneRockVillageTreasurer,314EForestSt,POBox338, LoneRock,WI53556,608-583-0088,vlr.treasurer@villageoflonerock.com
DanQuinn,LoneRockVillagePresident,409NMillSt,LoneRock,WI 53556,608-604-7383,danquinn409@gmail.com
HarryPulvermacher,LoneRockVillageTrustee,32875USHwy14,Lone Rock,WI53556,608-574-0919,pulvys@charter.net
MaryLitviak,LoneRockVillageTrustee,321NMillSt,LoneRock,WI53556, 608-225-8318,litviak@charter.net
SteveMorgenson,LoneRockVillageTrustee,350ERichlandSt,LoneRock, WI53556,608-604-0113,stevenbird@charter.net
BrandonBindl,LoneRockVillageTrustee,304EMadisonSt,LoneRock, WI53556,608-513-9513,bbindl92@hotmailcom
AdamReno,LoneRockVillageTrustee,222WRichlandSt,LoneRock,WI 53556,608-475-0996,areno01@hotmailcom
ChrisConner,LoneRockVillageTrustee,3250WCommercialAve,Lone Rock,WI53556,608-553-2754,cconner69@hotmail.com
LindaSchwanke,HomeNewsEditor-in-Chief,POBox286,1126MillsSt, BlackEarth,WI53515,608-767-3655,homenewseditor@newspubinc.com
24.Thefollowingdocumentaryevidenceofsaidactsoromissionsis available:
Email1of11/1/2022withsubject“2022-11-01VLRBoardAgenda.docx” fromChristiansontoValleySentinelandtheHomeNewswith insufficientnotice.
Email1of11/1/2022withsubject“Re:2022-11-01VLRBoard Agendadocx”fromValleySentineltoChristiansonandtheHome NewsaskingChristiansonaboutthemeetingnotice
Email2of11/1/2022withsubject“Re:2022-11-01VLRBoard Agendadocx”fromValleySentineltoChristiansonandEsther Marshall,LoneRockVillageTreasurerrequestingpublicrecords
Email3of11/1/2022withsubject“Re:2022-11-01VLRBoard Agenda.docx”fromValleySentineltoChristiansonandEsther Marshall,LoneRockVillageTreasurerrequestingadditionalpublic records.
Email1of11/7/2022withsubject“2022-11-01VLRBoard Minutes.docx”fromChristiansontoValleySentinel,theHomeNews andotherVillageofficials,withChristianson’sdraftminutes.
Email1of11/11/2022withsubject“Re:2022-11-01VLRBoard Agenda.docx”fromValleySentineltoChristiansonfollowingupon themeetingandpublicrecordsrequests.
Email1of11/14/2022withsubject“Re:2022-11-01VLRBoard Agendadocx”fromChristiansontoValleySentinelreplying,inpart, andfalselyclaimingthatnewsmedianoticeisFYIonly
Email1of12/12/2022withsubject“Re:2022-12-13VLRBoard Agendadocx”fromValleySentineltoChristiansonfollowingupon thepublicrecordsrequests
2022-11-01VLRBoardAgenda. 2022-10-31VLRJointPublicSafety/BdMtgAgenda
Wis.Stat.§19.84(1)(b)newsmediarequestfromValleySentinelto Christiansonformeetingnotices.
LoneRockvillageordinancesorexecutiveordersregardingopenmeetings responsibilitiesanddesignatingresponsibleofficersforcarryingoutnotice.
Complainant’spublicrecordsrequeststothevillageregardingthese meetings,andresponsivedocumentsretainedbythevillage.
25.ThiscomplaintismadetotheDistrictAttorneyforRichlandCounty undertheprovisionsofWis.Stat.§19.97,andthatthedistrictattorneymaybring anactiontorecovertheforfeitureprovidedinWis.Stat§19.96,andseektovoidany actiontakenatmeetingsofthegovernmentalbodyheldinviolationasprovidedin Wis.Stat.§19.97(3),ifthefindingsweighthatitisinthepublicinteresttodoso.
Verified Open Meetings Complaint
Prayer for Relief
WHEREFORE, Complainant prays that the District Attorney for Richland County, Wisconsin timely institute an action against those Respondents named above to recover the forfeitures provided in Wis. Stat. § 19.96, together with reasonable costs and disbursements as provided by law, and further seek to void any action taken by said governmental body at meetings of the governmental body held in violation as provided by Wis. Stat.§ 19.97(3).
Nicole Aimone, as the agent and principal of the Complainant Valley Sentinel, and affiding on its behalf, having being first duly sworn on oath deposes and attests that she has read the foregoing complaint and that, based on her knowledge, the contents of the complaint are true.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this CJday of January 2023
~~Notary Public
My commission is permanent/ expires*(;,
MONDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2022, AT 7:00 P.M.
1.Call to order
2.Roll call
3.Proof of proper notice
4.Consideration of adjourning to closed session pursuant to Wis. Stat. sec. 19.85(1)(c) for the purpose of discussing employment and performance evaluation data related to the police chief.
5.Reconvene to open session
6.The board may reconvene to open session and may take action on the matter discussed during the closed session.
Requests from persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting or hearing should be made to the Clerk’s office at 583-0088 with as much advance notice as possible.
Tammy <vlr.clerk@villageoflonerock.com> Tue 11/1/2022 6:07 PM
To: Valley Sentinel <editor@valleysentinelnews.com>;homenewseditor@newspubinc.com <homenewseditor@newspubinc.com>
Sorry for the late notice. Been kind of crazy.
Tammy Christianson, Clerk
Village of Lone Rock 314 E. Forest St. P.O. Box 338 Lone Rock, WI 53556 608-583-0088 vlr.clerk@villageoflonerock.com
Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84958001534
The Lone Rock Village Board will meet on Tuesday, November 1, 2022, 7:00 P.M. at the Village Office, 314 E Forest St, Lone Rock, WI,
Board Members: Dan Quinn - President; Mary Litviak; Steve Morgenson; Harry Pulvermacher; Brandon Bindl; Adam Reno; Chris Conner
Roll Call
Discussion on Proposed Budget Adjourn Public Hearing
Roll Call –Approve Agenda –Approve Minutes – 10/11/2022
Act on Proposed 2023 Budget Presented/Discussed in Public Hearing.
Act on 2023 Lone Rock Fire Districts 2023 Budget.
Adopting Resolution 2022-02: Updated Richland County All-Hazards Mitigation Plan.
Promoting Brad Wilson from Public Works Employee to Public Works Director effective immediately.
Replacement of Village: Public Works truck – Tractor – Ambulance
CD’s -
Jail Lot.
Santa – Sandra Creasey
Building Permits (D. Butteris approved)
Operator’s License
EMS – Theresa Jensen
Library – Caitlin Opatik
Police – Tim Gratz
Streets & Parks – Haydn Walsh
Water & Sewer – Brad Wilson
Public Input
Upcoming Village or Community Meetings:
Next Board Meeting – December 13, 2022, 7:00 PM at the Village Office.
Review Bills – Adjourn
Re: 2022-11-01 VLR Board Agenda.docx
Valley Sentinel <editor@valleysentinelnews.com>
Tue 11/1/2022 6:24 PM
To: Tammy <vlr.clerk@villageoflonerock.com>;homenewseditor@newspubinc.com <homenewseditor@newspubinc.com>
Cc: Gary Grass <g.grass@sbcglobal.net> Hi Tammy,
This is the first time we're seeing this notice. We gotta ask (and with great respect to all the great work you do and all that goes into a budget) — because the delay is incredibly egregious and less than one hour's notice to news media isn't a small deficiency — was there a good cause emergency? (And if so, why was the statutory two hour minimum notice not met?)
Do you believe any interested community members, beyond news media, were deprived notice?
When was the agenda/notice posted physically? When was the agenda/notice posted online? When was the agenda/notice posted in a publication? (Linda, we've copied you to see if you have any context on the last question.)
Are you going to make a recommendation that the board reschedule this meeting to a time that is properly noticed?
Thanks, Taylor Scott, Managing Editor Nicole Aimone, Editor-in-Chief
Valley Sentinel
Spring Green, Wisconsin 608-588-6694 editor@valleysentinelnews.com www.valleysentinelnews.com
From: Tammy <vlr.clerk@villageoflonerock.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 1, 2022 6:06 PM
To: Valley Sentinel <editor@valleysentinelnews.com>; homenewseditor@newspubinc.com <homenewseditor@newspubinc.com>
Subject: 2022-11-01 VLR Board Agenda.docx
Sorry for the late notice. Been kind of crazy.
Tammy Christianson, Clerk
Village of Lone Rock 314 E. Forest St. P.O. Box 338 Lone Rock, WI 53556 608-583-0088 vlr.clerk@villageoflonerock.com
Re: 2022-11-01 VLR Board Agenda.docx
Valley Sentinel <editor@valleysentinelnews.com>
Tue 11/1/2022 8:08 PM
To: Tammy <vlr.clerk@villageoflonerock.com>;vlr.treasurer@villageoflonerock.com <vlr.treasurer@villageoflonerock.com>
Cc: Gary Grass <g.grass@sbcglobal.net>
Clerk Christianson,
This is to request, under the State of Wisconsin’s Public Records Law, Wis. Stat. §§19.3119.39 the following records, in electronic format:
1. Any and all video and audio recording(s) of the Nov. 1, 2022 public hearing held by the Village Board (including, but not limited to, any Zoom recordings).
2. Any and all video and audio recording(s) of the Nov. 1, 2022 meeting of the Village Board (including, but not limited to, any Zoom recordings).
3. Any and all budgets, bids, resolutions, permits, hirings the Village Board (purportedly) approved at their Nov. 1, 2022 meeting.
4. Any and all emails or other communications sent or received by the Village Clerk regarding notice for the Nov. 1, 2022 public hearing and Village Board meeting (including, but not limited to, those regarding posting or publishing).
5. Any and all emails or other communications sent or received by the Village President regarding notice for the Nov. 1, 2022public hearing and Village Board meeting (including, but not limited to, those regarding posting or publishing).
We are amenable to utilizing Google Drive, Dropbox or similar program to receive any large files electronically from the Village.
Wisconsin's Public Records Law states, in relevant part, "In recognition of the fact that a representative government is dependent upon an informed electorate, it is declared to be the public policy of this state that all persons are entitled to the greatest possible information regarding the affairs of the government and the official acts of those officers and employees who represent them. Further, providing persons with such information is declared to be an essential function of a representative government and an integral part of the routine duties of officers and employees whose responsibility and duty is to provide such information."
The law continues "To that end [the Public Records Law] shall be construed in every instance with the presumption of complete public access consistent with the conduct of governmental business. The denial of access generally is contrary to the public interest and only in exceptional cases can access be denied." Wis. Stat. § 19.35(4)(a) states, "Each authority, upon request for any record, shall, as soon as practicable and without delay, either fill the request or notify the requester of the authority's determination to deny the request in whole or in part and the reasons therefore." If my request is denied, please do so in writing and state what part of the law you believe entitles you to do so, and advise me of the process through which I may appeal. Wis. Stat. § 19.35(4)(a)
Please contact me if you have any questions regarding this request, and thank you for your attention in this matter.
Respectfully, Nicole Aimone, Editor-in-Chief
Valley Sentinel
Spring Green, Wisconsin 608-588-6694 editor@valleysentinelnews.com www.valleysentinelnews.com
From: Valley Sentinel <editor@valleysentinelnews.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 1, 2022 6:24 PM
To: Tammy <vlr.clerk@villageoflonerock.com>; homenewseditor@newspubinc.com <homenewseditor@newspubinc.com>
Cc: Gary Grass <g.grass@sbcglobal.net>
Subject: Re: 2022-11-01 VLR Board Agenda.docx
Hi Tammy,
This is the first time we're seeing this notice. We gotta ask (and with great respect to all the great work you do and all that goes into a budget) — because the delay is incredibly egregious and less than one hour's notice to news media isn't a small deficiency — was there a good cause emergency? (And if so, why was the statutory two hour minimum notice not met?)
Do you believe any interested community members, beyond news media, were deprived notice?
When was the agenda/notice posted physically? When was the agenda/notice posted online? When was the agenda/notice posted in a publication? (Linda, we've copied you to see if you have any context on the last question.)
Are you going to make a recommendation that the board reschedule this meeting to a time that is properly noticed?
Thanks, Taylor Scott, Managing Editor
Nicole Aimone, Editor-in-Chief
Valley Sentinel
Spring Green, Wisconsin 608-588-6694 editor@valleysentinelnews.com www.valleysentinelnews.com
From: Tammy <vlr.clerk@villageoflonerock.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 1, 2022 6:06 PM
To: Valley Sentinel <editor@valleysentinelnews.com>; homenewseditor@newspubinc.com <homenewseditor@newspubinc.com> Subject: 2022-11-01 VLR Board Agenda.docx
Sorry for the late notice. Been kind of crazy.
Tammy Christianson, Clerk Village of Lone Rock 314 E. Forest St. P.O. Box 338 Lone Rock, WI 53556 608-583-0088 vlr.clerk@villageoflonerock.com
Re: 2022-11-01 VLR Board Agenda.docx
Valley Sentinel <editor@valleysentinelnews.com>
Tue 11/1/2022 8:08 PM
To: Tammy <vlr.clerk@villageoflonerock.com>;vlr.treasurer@villageoflonerock.com <vlr.treasurer@villageoflonerock.com>
Cc: Gary Grass <g.grass@sbcglobal.net>
It appears there was also a Oct. 31 special meeting that we didn't receive any notice for.
This is to request, under the State of Wisconsin’s Public Records Law, Wis. Stat. §§19.3119.39 the following records, in electronic format:
1. Any and all video and audio recording(s) of the Oct. 31, 2022 meeting of the Village Board (including, but not limited to, any Zoom recordings).
2. The agenda of the Oct. 31, 2022 special Village Board meeting.
3. Proof of proper notice of the Oct. 31, 2022 special Village Board meeting.
4. Any and all actions the Village Board (purportedly) approved at their Oct. 31, 2022 meeting.
5. Any and all emails or other communications sent or received by the Village Clerk regarding notice for the Oct. 31, 2022 public hearing and Village Board meeting (including, but not limited to, those regarding posting or publishing).
6. Any and all emails or other communications received by the Village Clerk from at least two trustees requesting a special meeting of the Village Board on Oct. 31, 2022 (Wis. Stat. §61.32 "...Special meetings may be called by any 2 trustees in writing, filed with the clerk, who shall thereupon seasonably notify all the trustees of the time and place thereof in the manner directed by the bylaws. ...").
7. Any and all emails or other communications sent by the Village Clerk seasonably notifying all the trustees of the time and place of the special meeting of the Village Board on Oct. 31, 2022.
We are amenable to utilizing Google Drive, Dropbox or similar program to receive any large files electronically from the Village.
Wisconsin's Public Records Law states, in relevant part, "In recognition of the fact that a representative government is dependent upon an informed electorate, it is declared to be the public policy of this state that all persons are entitled to the greatest possible information regarding the affairs of the government and the official acts of those officers and employees who represent them. Further, providing persons with such information is declared to be an essential function of a representative government and an integral part of the routine duties of officers and employees whose responsibility and duty is to provide such information."
The law continues "To that end [the Public Records Law] shall be construed in every instance with the presumption of complete public access consistent with the conduct of governmental business. The denial of access generally is contrary to the public interest and only in exceptional cases can access be denied." Wis. Stat. § 19.35(4)(a) states, "Each authority, upon request for any record, shall, as soon as practicable and without delay, either fill the request or notify the requester of the
authority's determination to deny the request in whole or in part and the reasons therefore." If my request is denied, please do so in writing and state what part of the law you believe entitles you to do so, and advise me of the process through which I may appeal. Wis. Stat. § 19.35(4)(a)
Please contact me if you have any questions regarding this request, and thank you for your attention in this matter.
Respectfully, Nicole Aimone, Editor-in-Chief
Valley Sentinel
Spring Green, Wisconsin 608-588-6694 editor@valleysentinelnews.com www.valleysentinelnews.com
From: Valley Sentinel <editor@valleysentinelnews.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 1, 2022 6:24 PM To: Tammy <vlr.clerk@villageoflonerock.com>; homenewseditor@newspubinc.com <homenewseditor@newspubinc.com> Cc: Gary Grass <g.grass@sbcglobal.net>
Subject: Re: 2022-11-01 VLR Board Agenda.docx
Hi Tammy,
This is the first time we're seeing this notice. We gotta ask (and with great respect to all the great work you do and all that goes into a budget) — because the delay is incredibly egregious and less than one hour's notice to news media isn't a small deficiency — was there a good cause emergency? (And if so, why was the statutory two hour minimum notice not met?)
Do you believe any interested community members, beyond news media, were deprived notice?
When was the agenda/notice posted physically? When was the agenda/notice posted online? When was the agenda/notice posted in a publication? (Linda, we've copied you to see if you have any context on the last question.)
Are you going to make a recommendation that the board reschedule this meeting to a time that is properly noticed?
Taylor Scott, Managing Editor
Nicole Aimone, Editor-in-Chief
Valley Sentinel Spring Green, Wisconsin 608-588-6694
editor@valleysentinelnews.com www.valleysentinelnews.com
From: Tammy <vlr.clerk@villageoflonerock.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 1, 2022 6:06 PM
To: Valley Sentinel <editor@valleysentinelnews.com>; homenewseditor@newspubinc.com <homenewseditor@newspubinc.com>
Subject: 2022-11-01 VLR Board Agenda.docx
Sorry for the late notice. Been kind of crazy.
Tammy Christianson, Clerk
Village of Lone Rock 314 E. Forest St. P.O. Box 338 Lone Rock, WI 53556 608-583-0088 vlr.clerk@villageoflonerock.com
Tammy <vlr.clerk@villageoflonerock.com> Mon 11/7/2022 3:19 PM
To: Adam Reno <areno01@hotmail.com>;Brandon Bindl <bbindl92@hotmail.com>;Chris Conner <c_conner69@hotmail.com>;Dan Quinn <danquinn409@gmail.com>;Mary Litviak <litviak@charter.net>;pulvys@charter.net <pulvys@charter.net>;rocky61.sm@gmail.com <rocky61.sm@gmail.com>
Cc: vlr.utility@villageoflonerock.com <vlr.utility@villageoflonerock.com>;vlr.general@villageoflonerock.com <vlr.general@villageoflonerock.com>;'Caitlin Opatik' <copatik@swls.org>;Valley Sentinel <editor@valleysentinelnews.com>;homenewseditor@newspubinc.com <homenewseditor@newspubinc.com>
Tammy Christianson, Clerk
Village of Lone Rock 314 E. Forest St. P.O. Box 338 Lone Rock, WI 53556 608-583-0088 vlr.clerk@villageoflonerock.com
The Lone Rock Village Board held on Tuesday, November 1, 2022, 7:00 P.M. at the Village Office, 314 E Forest St, Lone Rock, WI,
Board Members: Dan Quinn - President; Mary Litviak; Steve Morgenson; Harry Pulvermacher; Brandon Bindl; Adam Reno; Chris Conner
Roll call was taken by Tammy Christianson with all members present, except Harry Pulvermacher at 7:00 P.M. No discussion on Proposed Budget Adjourned Public Hearing
Roll Call was taken by Tammy Christianson with all members present, except Harry Pulvermacher. Also in attendance: Esther Marshall, Brad Wilson, Haydn Walsh, Tim Gratz, Pat Christianson, Sandra Creasey, Theresa Jensen, Christa Quinn – ZOOM: Linda Schwanke, Valley Sentinel.
Motion made by Adam Reno, seconded by Steve Morgenson to approve agenda as presented, all voted aye, carried.
Motion made by Mary Litviak, seconded by Adam Reno approving the 10/11/2022 minutes, all voted aye, carried.
Motion made by Steve Morgenson, seconded by Adam Reno to accept the 2023 Budget as presented with no discussion, all voted aye, carried.
Motion made by Adam Reno, seconded by Steve Morgenson adopting the 2023 Lone Rock Fire Districts 2023 budget, all voted aye, carried
Motion made by Adam Reno, seconded by Brandon Bindl adopting Resolution 2022-02: Updated Richland County All-Hazards Mitigation Plan, all voted aye, carried.
Motion made by Adam Reno, seconded by Mary Litviak promoting Brad Wilson from Public Works Employee to Public Works Director effective immediately, all voted aye, carried.
Discussion on CD’s/amounts. The sewer CD will be cashed, satisfy the Lift Station Loan, and the balance of CD placed into a Savings Account.
Motion made by Adam Reno, seconded by Steve Morgenson to purchase a 2022 RAM 4500 Truck from Kayser Chrysler Center, Inc., Sauk City for $56,010.00, Plow & Crane from Monroe Trucking Equipment for $21,531.00, all voted aye, carried.
Motion made by Adam Reno, seconded by Mary Litviak to lease a 2022 NH Powerstar Tractor with Simpson’s Tractor Inc. for 36 months with an annual payment of $17,752.80, all voted aye, carried.
Ambulance will be placed on order with a delivery date in 2024.
Jail Lot – Robert Osborne is still interested in purchasing the lot. Discussion followed on the jail structure. Dan Quinn will contact the Ewers Contracting on the cost to demo the jail.
Motion made by Adam Reno, seconded by Mary Litviak to donate $100.00 to the Franklin Lodge for Santa, all voted aye, carried.
Building Permits (D. Butteris approved) - None
Operator’s License - None
EMS – Theresa Jensen said there is problem with the ambulance and Jefferson’s Fire has been contacted.
Library – Caitlin Opatik – None Steve Morgenson stated that the camera system is install but waiting for 1 part to be completed.
Police – Tim Gratz - None
Streets & Parks – Haydn Walsh
Brad Wilson purchased the lumber needed for the salt shed. Dan Quinn will contact Zander Solutions about a rubber base coating.
Water & Sewer – Brad Wilson
Siren has been installed but waiting for paging system.
Public Input - None
Upcoming Village or Community Meetings: None
Next Board Meeting – December 13, 2022, 7:00 PM at the Village Office.
Review bills and initialed by all present.
Adjourned at 8:04 PM
Respectfully submitted by Tammy Christianson, Clerk.
Re: 2022-11-01 VLR Board Agenda.docx
Valley Sentinel <editor@valleysentinelnews.com>
Fri 11/11/2022 3:13 PM
To: Tammy <vlr.clerk@villageoflonerock.com>
Cc: Gary Grass <g.grass@sbcglobal.net> Hi Tammy,
We just wanted to follow up on this to see if you had some clarification on our questions? Is the board planning on holding any meetings to take corrective action or reconfirm its previous actions, with proper and class 1 notice?
We also wanted to request receipt of our public records requests from Nov. 1 and ideally an acknowledgment indicating when a response reasonably might be anticipated.
We know budget and election season are incredibly busy. Thank you for all you do and we hope we can get clarification on this as soon as possible.
Thank you, Nicole Aimone, Editor-in-Chief
Valley Sentinel Spring Green, Wisconsin 608-588-6694 editor@valleysentinelnews.com www.valleysentinelnews.com
From: Valley Sentinel <editor@valleysentinelnews.com>
Date: Tuesday, November 1, 2022 at 6:24 PM
To: Tammy <vlr.clerk@villageoflonerock.com>, homenewseditor@newspubinc.com <homenewseditor@newspubinc.com>
Cc: Gary Grass <g.grass@sbcglobal.net>
Subject: Re: 2022-11-01 VLR Board Agenda.docx
Hi Tammy,
This is the first time we're seeing this notice. We gotta ask (and with great respect to all the great work you do and all that goes into a budget) — because the delay is incredibly egregious and less than one hour's notice to news media isn't a small deficiency — was there a good cause emergency? (And if so, why was the statutory two hour minimum notice not met?)
Do you believe any interested community members, beyond news media, were deprived notice?
When was the agenda/notice posted physically? When was the agenda/notice posted online? When was the agenda/notice posted in a publication? (Linda, we've copied you to see if you have any context on the last question.)
Are you going to make a recommendation that the board reschedule this meeting to a time that is properly noticed?
Thanks, Taylor Scott, Managing Editor Nicole Aimone, Editor-in-Chief
Valley Sentinel
Spring Green, Wisconsin 608-588-6694 editor@valleysentinelnews.com www.valleysentinelnews.com
From: Tammy <vlr.clerk@villageoflonerock.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 1, 2022 6:06 PM
To: Valley Sentinel <editor@valleysentinelnews.com>; homenewseditor@newspubinc.com <homenewseditor@newspubinc.com> Subject: 2022-11-01 VLR Board Agenda.docx
Sorry for the late notice. Been kind of crazy.
Tammy Christianson, Clerk
Village of Lone Rock 314 E. Forest St. P.O. Box 338 Lone Rock, WI 53556 608-583-0088 vlr.clerk@villageoflonerock.com
RE: 2022-11-01 VLR Board Agenda.docx
Tammy <vlr.clerk@villageoflonerock.com> Mon 11/14/2022 9:48 AM
To: Valley Sentinel <editor@valleysentinelnews.com> Cc: 'Gary Grass' <g.grass@sbcglobal.net>;Dan Quinn <danquinn409@gmail.com>;'Eileen A. Brownlee' <EBrownlee@boardmanclark.com>;vlr.treasurer@villageoflonerock.com <vlr.treasurer@villageoflonerock.com>
The Village of Lone Rock does not have a local paper.
Our requirements are to post in 3 places within the village, 24 hours in advance. This has been met.
Notifying news media is a FYI only.
Someone from Valley Sentinel did log into ZOOM that evening.
Tammy Christianson, Clerk
Village of Lone Rock
314 E. Forest St. P.O. Box 338 Lone Rock, WI 53556 608-583-0088 vlr.clerk@villageoflonerock.com
From: Valley Sentinel <editor@valleysentinelnews.com>
Sent: Friday, November 11, 2022 3:14 PM
To: Tammy <vlr.clerk@villageoflonerock.com>
Cc: Gary Grass <g.grass@sbcglobal.net>
Subject: Re: 2022-11-01 VLR Board Agenda.docx
Hi Tammy,
We just wanted to follow up on this to see if you had some clarification on our questions? Is the board planning on holding any meetings to take corrective action or reconfirm its previous actions, with proper and class 1 notice?
We also wanted to request receipt of our public records requests from Nov. 1 and ideally an acknowledgment indicating when a response reasonably might be anticipated.
We know budget and election season are incredibly busy. Thank you for all you do and we hope we can get clarification on this as soon as possible.
Thank you,
Nicole Aimone, Editor-in-Chief
Valley Sentinel Spring Green, Wisconsin 608-588-6694 editor@valleysentinelnews.com www.valleysentinelnews.com
From: Valley Sentinel <editor@valleysentinelnews.com>
Date: Tuesday, November 1, 2022 at 6:24 PM
To: Tammy <vlr.clerk@villageoflonerock.com>, homenewseditor@newspubinc.com <homenewseditor@newspubinc.com>
Cc: Gary Grass <g.grass@sbcglobal.net> Subject: Re: 2022-11-01 VLR Board Agenda.docx
Hi Tammy,
This is the first time we're seeing this notice. We gotta ask (and with great respect to all the great work you do and all that goes into a budget) — because the delay is incredibly egregious and less than one hour's notice to news media isn't a small deficiency — was there a good cause emergency? (And if so, why was the statutory two hour minimum notice not met?)
Do you believe any interested community members, beyond news media, were deprived notice?
When was the agenda/notice posted physically? When was the agenda/notice posted online? When was the agenda/notice posted in a publication? (Linda, we've copied you to see if you have any context on the last question.)
Are you going to make a recommendation that the board reschedule this meeting to a time that is properly noticed?
Thanks, Taylor Scott, Managing Editor
Nicole Aimone, Editor-in-Chief
Valley Sentinel Spring Green, Wisconsin 608-588-6694 editor@valleysentinelnews.com
From: Tammy <vlr.clerk@villageoflonerock.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 1, 2022 6:06 PM
To: Valley Sentinel <editor@valleysentinelnews.com>; homenewseditor@newspubinc.com <homenewseditor@newspubinc.com>
Subject: 2022-11-01 VLR Board Agenda.docx
Sorry for the late notice. Been kind of crazy.
Tammy Christianson, Clerk
Village of Lone Rock 314 E. Forest St. P.O. Box 338 Lone Rock, WI 53556 608-583-0088 vlr.clerk@villageoflonerock.com
Re: 2022-12-13 VLR Board Agenda.docx
Valley Sentinel <editor@valleysentinelnews.com> Mon 12/12/2022 11:29 AM
To: Tammy <vlr.clerk@villageoflonerock.com> Cc: Gary Grass <g.grass@sbcglobal.net> Thanks Tammy!
Did you have an update on our two public records requests?
And to confirm, there's no intent to reconfirm the actions of the previous board meeting with proper notice?
Thanks, Nicole Aimone, Editor-in-Chief
Valley Sentinel Spring Green, Wisconsin 608-588-6694 editor@valleysentinelnews.com www.valleysentinelnews.com
From: Tammy <vlr.clerk@villageoflonerock.com>
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2022 11:22 AM
To: Adam Reno <areno01@hotmail.com>; Brandon Bindl <bbindl92@hotmail.com>; Chris Conner <c_conner69@hotmail.com>; Dan Quinn <danquinn409@gmail.com>; Mary Litviak <litviak@charter.net>; pulvys@charter.net <pulvys@charter.net>; rocky61.sm@gmail.com <rocky61.sm@gmail.com>; Valley Sentinel <editor@valleysentinelnews.com>; homenewseditor@newspubinc.com <homenewseditor@newspubinc.com> Cc: vlr.treasurer@villageoflonerock.com <vlr.treasurer@villageoflonerock.com>; vlr.utility@villageoflonerock.com <vlr.utility@villageoflonerock.com>; vlr.general@villageoflonerock.com <vlr.general@villageoflonerock.com>; 'Caitlin Opatik' <copatik@swls.org>
Subject: 2022-12-13 VLR Board Agenda.docx
See attached.
Tammy Christianson, Clerk
Village of Lone Rock
314 E. Forest St. P.O. Box 338 Lone Rock, WI 53556 608-583-0088 vlr.clerk@villageoflonerock.com
News Media Request
Valley Sentinel <editor@valleysentinelnews.com>
Mon 10/12/2020 6:37 PM
To: Valley Sentinel <editor@valleysentinelnews.com>
Bcc: vilarena@villageofarena.net <vilarena@villageofarena.net>;vlr.clerk@villageoflonerock.com <vlr.clerk@villageoflonerock.com>;clerk@villageofplain.com <clerk@villageofplain.com>;wcrary@villageofspringgreen.com <wcrary@villageofspringgreen.com>;townofarena@mhtc.net <townofarena@mhtc.net>;eileenberke@gmail.com <eileenberke@gmail.com>;van.nelson@co.richland.wi.us <van.nelson@co.richland.wi.us>;townclerkclyde@gmail.com <townclerkclyde@gmail.com>;vikkistingley61002@gmail.com <vikkistingley61002@gmail.com>;crystalfahrenkampf@yahoo.com <crystalfahrenkampf@yahoo.com>;springgreenclerk@gmail.com <springgreenclerk@gmail.com>;mazins@tds.net <mazins@tds.net>;townofwyoming@gmail.com <townofwyoming@gmail.com>;townoffranklinsauk@gmail.com <townoffranklinsauk@gmail.com>;becky.evert@saukcountywi.gov <becky.evert@saukcountywi.gov>;victor.vlasak@co.richland.wi.us <victor.vlasak@co.richland.wi.us>;greg.klusendorf@iowacounty.org <greg.klusendorf@iowacounty.org>;Valley Sentinel <valleysentinelnews@gmail.com>
Hello -
We wanted to reach out and formally introduce ourselves! We're a new publication — Valley Sentinel — covering Arena, Lone Rock, Plain, Spring Green and the surrounding areas.
Community is the most important aspect of our coverage, and public service is the cornerstone of our community. We hope to make coverage of our local governments a large part of what we do.
Could you please send us all upcoming board and committee agendas/notices/meeting packets and include us indefinitely on your office's Wis. Stat. § 19.84(1)(b). news media email list to receive those items in the future?
Please also include us on any governmental or departmental press release lists as well.
We also wanted to take the time to ask if there are any specific topics/areas in your community that you believe deserve attention, celebration or general coverage?
We look forward to hearing back from you.
Thank you,
Valley Sentinel 608-588-6694 www.valleysentinelnews.com