Janfeb2015 newsletter

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From the

Gallery Red


Valley Art Gallery

We welcome you to the

2022 Main Street Forest Grove, Oregon

A r t i s t s ’ Re c e p t i o n Saturday, January 10, 2-4 p.m.

503•357•3703 www.valleyart.org

Valley Art welcomes artists Laura Hopper, Bruce Countryman and Denise McDonald.

Gallery open Mon.–Sat. 11 a.m.–5:30 p.m. and special occasions.

Complimentary refreshments will be served.

Art warms a chilly winter day Watercolor, wood and pastels are the media featured in January’s Artist Display at Valley Art. From January 7th through the 27th of February, the works of Laura Hopper, Bruce Contryman and Denise McDonald will prominently occupy the main display area at Valley Art on Main Street in Forest Grove. The welcoming Reception for this exhibit will be held Saturday, January 10, from 2 until 4 p.m. Art in general, and painting in particular, has played a major role in Laura Hopper’s personal and professional life. In her teaching experience she

Valley Art board meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:30p.m. These meetings are open to all who might like to attend. There are no First Wednesday events planned for January or February.





Classes & Workshops for Everyone



used art across the curriculum and across grade levels. She taught from kindergarten students to seventh and eighth grade middle schoolers. All the time she was making education as seamless as possible, using one form of instruction or one discipline, to teach in another. Using art in computer classrooms was just one example of her

Laura Hopper

Valley Art is dedicated to supporting working artists and encouraging beginning artists. We exhibit exceptional artwork and offer art classes for the entire community at affordable prices.

Caught My Eye...


Continued on page 2

Caroline’s Corner



A Look Back at 2014

Art warms a chilly day...

Laura Hopper

efforts at teaching the whole child. Now, out of teaching, she has more time to devote to her watercolors and in her travels finds many subjects to paint, helping her to express again, art across the curriculum of the world. At the same time, she also finds inspiration at home in the “everyday”, and her grandchildren are instrumental in her desire to communicate through the paintbrush. After thirty years in eastern Oregon, Bruce Countryman brought his woodworking artistry to Forest Grove. His craft allows him to take wood relegated to the chopping block (no pun intended) and, using his word, “repurpose” it into something beautiful that stands the test of time. The true reward comes from taking that wood, blemishes and all, and literally turn it into something that speaks from the wood itself. Bruce comments that the real joy comes from designing something from wood and then seeing the art “go somewhere else”, experience a metamorphosis. As Bruce sees it, sometimes this works,


January/February 2015

and sometimes…well, there is always firewood. Bruce is not a stranger to having his work on display in shows. In 2008, he had his pieces displayed in Wallowa Valley Festival of Arts in the northeastern Oregon town of Joseph. “Much of what I turn now are hollow vessels that first get the outer surface turned and shaped before switching to using special tools to hollow the inside of the piece,” says Bruce. “It’s during the hollowing process that the bark inclusions and other voids can become small windows for viewing the inside surface of the hollow vessel.” “The diverse geography of Oregon provides always changing venue for photos and plein air drawings which in turns feeds my love of the natural environment and of the florals and the spectacular beauty of the Northwest.”—Denise McDonald

Woodwork by Bruce Countryman


Woodwork by Bruce Countryman

The previous quotation from Denise McDonald points out that in her pastels, Oregon is the palette. From the Museum Art School of Portland to Oregon College of Arts and Craft and a myriad number of stops in between, she has experienced art in many forms and many venues. At the Arts and Crafts School, she worked a great deal with printing media, such as etching, lino-cuts and stencils. The vibrant color of pastels called to her in the early part of this century, and now she works as pushing this art form to the limit and often has a number of works in progress at the same time, taking inspiration from her garden, the landscape, and her in-house cat.

Caught my eye... Something that has “caught my eye” recently in the gallery is the dedication we have from our volunteers. Our volunteers are what keep Valley Art alive and well! They put in thousands of hours of work. There are a two people I’d like to mention

by name: Jeanne Levy has been involved at Valley Art since 1998. Over the years she has spread her talents over many areas of the Gallery. She began as the Chair of the Newsletter Committee and was the FeaturedArtist Writer for many years. She was also present at events taking photographs to be used in the newsletter. Jeanne was a part of the reception committee and helped with these events. She was also Chair of the AAE committee in 2006. Jeanne works hard to keep the website up-to-date and adding news posts to Valley Art’s Facebook page. She recently started Family Art Night on Wednesday nights—a great addition to our class schedule. This is a free opportunity for families to

Valley Art Association

create art! We are so grateful that Jeanne dedicates her time and expertise to Valley Art! She is a treasured member of our family! Thank you, Jeanne, for all that you do! Another volunteer I’d like to recognize is Jerry Hoerber. He has been involved with Valley Art for almost 18 years! He started out as a Gallery Sitter—a highly valued duty—keeping our doors open! Jerry served as the board President during the big remodel of the Gallery space. Today Jerry continues as a very active member Chairing our Membership Committee and keeping the board up to date on any building related projects. Over the last year or so he has diligently replaced all of the gallery spotlights with more efficient LED spotlights. Jerry keeps us all on our toes with important issues and he is a great resource for the gallery. Thank you, Jerry, for all of your hard work and all the hours you give to Valley Art! —Dana Zurcher, Valley Art Board President

January/February 2015


Something for Everyone Art Classes & Groups —WANTED—

Art Instructors for Spring 2015 Classes The Art Education department at Valley Art is searching for art instructors in a number of fields: Wood working, Watercolor, Acrylic and Oil Painting, and other arts. For more information, please contact Skip Buhler at education@valleyart.org. Thank you for your interest!

SAVE MONEY ON ART CLASSES! Many classes offer a discount to Valley Art Members! Inexpensive yearly Valley Art memberships are available through the gallery front desk only and must be established before receiving member discounts. Kids pottery class (ages 6-11)Tuesdays, January 20, 27, February 3, 10— 3:30p.m.-4:30p.m.

This four week pottery class will introduce students to a variety of handbuilding techniques including coils, slabs, and pinch pots. We will work on specific projects the first three weeks, including a variety of games such as checkers or chess and a bowl or dish, and then glazing the last week. There will be time each week as well for the students to create freely. Class size limited to 8 students. All materials are supplied. Please come dressed to get messy. Contact Kalika Stanton for further information and registration: Kalikastanton@gmail.com 971-219-9022 Cost: $40 per student, $30 for each additional sibling in a family.

Adult Pottery on the Wheel Tuesdays, January 15 to March 12—7p.m. until 9:30p.m.

Pottery class is for ages 16-years and older at levels of pottery skills from beginning to intermediate only. Production work is not permitted. Demonstrations will be given during each class. Cost of clay is $12-15 per bag. Sorry no outside clay is allowed. Tool kits are available for $15 each. You must bring your own towel and apron. Class size is limited to 10 students so sign up soon! Call Christine at 503-501-7589 or email her at huraytc@gmail.com to make your prepaid reservation. Cos: $109.00 for members and $119.00 for non-members. Supplies additional.

Adult Handbuilding with Clay (Age 16 and up)

Tuesdays, January 13 to March 10—7p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

Class is intended for beginning to intermediate levels only. Production work is not permitted. Demonstrations will be given during each class. Cost of clay is $12 - $15 per bag (No outside clay is allowed). Tool kits are available for $15 each. You must bring your own towel and apron. Class size is limited to 10 students, so sign up soon! Call Christine at 503-501-7589 or email her at huraytc@gmail.com to make your prepaid reservation. Cos: $109.00 for members and $119.00 for non-members. Supplies additional. All events and workshops take place in the Valley Art Gallery workshop space unless otherwise noted. Valley Art is located at 2022 Main Street in Forest Grove. Parking is available along Main Street and in the public parking lot located directly behind Valley Art, a half block to the west. Gallery hours are Monday–Saturday 11 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Always stay up-to-date with Valley Art events at valleyart.org/events.


January/February 2015


Quilting Studio 101 Fridays—9 a.m.–1:30 p.m.

This is an ongoing class and may be joined at any time. All levels, from beginning to advanced are welcome. This is the time to do your own work; get expert advice on a special project; and meet with other local quilters. Join the fun! Register in person. Cost: $28/year for members and $43/year for non-members.

Forest Grove Camera Club Wednesdays (except 1st Wednesdays)—7:30 p.m.

The Forest Grove Camera Club is a member of the Photographic Society of America (PSA) and the Columbia Council of Camera Clubs. The club participates in a variety of competitions, evaluations and provides programs as well as field trips. To join, contact instructor Carol Berget at cberget@msn.com. Cost: $25 Annual membership / $5 student / $10 Associate membership

Watercolor for Kids (ages 7-12) Fridays, 3:30-5 p.m., Jan. 16, 23, 30; Feb 6, 13, 20 & 27.

Need some relaxing artistic downtime after school? Join us to have fun learning some simple techniques, studying from nature, and from the examples in the Gallery. This class is for young people with self-management skills and an interest in art. To register, email or call Skip at skipbuhler@gmail.com, or phone 503-747-9087. Registration forms are available at the front desk. Please bring completed registration form and payment to first class. Cost: $10 per session. All materials provided. Class size is limited to 10 students. (need-based scholarships are available).

Beginning/Intermediate Watercolor Journaling Thursdays, Feb. 5, 12, 26, Mar. 3— 1-4p.m.

Learn to capture the "essence" of a moment in time - while traveling, gardening, or just admiring something fascinating in your daily life. Use color and special watercolor techniques, borders, and interesting arrangements to make those memories shine! JoAnn Pari-Mueller is a retired art museum docent who loves to experiment with different ways of recording those special experiences. Contact JoAnn at hungarianjo@aol.com with any questions or to register/request the supply list. Cost: $135 per person for four 3-hour classes.

Oil Painting class/workshop Tuesdays and Thursdays— 1-3p.m.

Ongoing water-soluable oil painting class for adults. Featured on OPB's ARTBEAT, instructor Irilla Swanson leads this ongoing class/workshop for adults: all professional materials provided including professional water-soluable oil paint– Hooray: no turpentine–oil painting paper, brushes) or bring your own supplies and project photos if you prefer. Irilla will provide examples from nature, as well as helping you capture your own ideas. Step-by-step demonstrations for beginners and problem solving and direction for experienced painters. Focusing on creating beauty is a wonderfully satisfying and fun way to live! Check out Irilla’s website at: http:/www.irillaswanson.com Register by January 5, 2015. To register, contact Irilla at irillaswanson@comcast.net , call 503-285-4399. Cost: $120 for three-month session (breaks down to $20 per class)

Parents, need-based scholarships are available for up to 50% of the kids’ class cost. Email education@valleyart.org to request assistance.

Valley Art Association

January/February 2015


Great to see you at the Annual Artist Event!

Valley Art enjoyed a wonderful AAE Member’s Night. We’re so glad so many of you could join us! At left, board member Jerry Hoerber cheerfully helped members who needed to renew membership or give information updates.


Corner I want to thank everyone who helped so much on Members Night in November, especially Margaret Hoerber and Bev Camp. Yes there were many others but these two are my right and left hands. Everyone who brought food did an amazing job­—what a variety—and it was all very good. I think all of us who worked for several weeks to get everything done were very pleased with all the members who came it was a busy and fun evening. 6

January/February 2015

Spinach Cheese Squares 3 Tbsp. butter 3 eggs 1 C. flour 1 C. milk

1 tsp. salt 1 tsp. baking powder 1 lb. Monterey Jack cheese 2-10oz. pkgs. frozen, chopped spinach, thawed and well drained, or 2 C. fresh spinach, cooked and drained

Preheat oven to 350°. Melt butter in oven in a 9X13 pan. Remove pan from oven. Beat eggs in a large mixing bowl. Add flour, milk, salt and baking powder. Mix ingredients well. Add cheese and spinach. Pour mixture into baking pan. Bake for 35 minutes. Remove from oven. Cool 45 minutes to set. Cut into bite sized squares. Serve immediately or freeze on a cookie sheet and then put into a bag in the freezer. If frozen, place on a cookie sheet in a 325° oven for 12 minutes.


A glance back at 2014

What would we do without our “elves”? Volunteers like Mayme Seaton keep Valley Art up and running. Hint: We’d love to have more helpers so give us a call! Left, a young chalk art participant draws a story from her life in chalk. While the beautiful chalk art faded with the rain, our hope is that the back-of-the-building mural will be with us many years. Lead by mural artists Emily Lux and Nate Marcel (pictured above), Valley Art added beautiful art to the community. Right, volunteers Marcia Ajaoki and Caroline Dau are among several who helped paint the mural.

Our thanks goes to the October 23 mailing party who help in getting this newsletter from our gallery into your hands. Linda Wilke, Nedra Hathaway, Bettie Perkins, Marcia Alajoki, Caroline Dau, John Welch, and H. Crowell— thanks for helping us get the important AAE issue out to everyone! How can you become a Valley Art Volunteer? Drop by the Valley Art Gallery or pick up the phone and call Caroline,

our volunteer coordinator at 503-747-7321. Tell her what you love to do and hear what VAA needs help to accomplish. Volunteers working with children must provide either a current teaching certificate or be willing to undergo a background check. Come join us and have a lot of fun helping this wonderful community arts outreach!

Valley Art Association

January/February 2015


Join the conversation! Scan this QR code to like Valley Art on Facebook. NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S.P.S. POSTAGE PAID FOREST GROVE OR PERMIT NO. 5

Valley Art Association P.O. Box 333 Forest Grove, OR 97116

OF SPECIAL NOTE... Valley Art is entirely volunteer-run and we could use your talents too. Please call us for ways you can contribute to this artistic asset of Forest Grove! Don’t forget, Valley Art is a non-profit organization that benefits the community with art classes and other artistic outreaches. Your tax deductible gifts help support Valley Art programs in the year to come.

Did you know Valley Art has wonderful Valentine gift ideas?

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