Valley Art Gallery july/august newsletter

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From the


Valley Art Gallery


We welcome you to the Artists’ Reception

2022 Main Street Forest Grove, Oregon

Repurposed Materials Art


Saturday, July 6 2–4 p.m.

A showing of works by Jeffrey Hall, Karen Van Hoy and Tom Boring. Come meet these artists and be be filled with wonder at these amazing works of art! Complimentary refreshments will be served.

Gallery open Mon.–Sat. 11 a.m.–5:30 p.m. and special occasions. Open until 8:00 p.m. on First Wednesdays.

Repurposed— to a higher calling Tom Boring has tinkered with sculptures from repurposed metal for the past 20 years. His first works were larger pieces assembled with a wire feed welder and mild steel rod. A Hillsboro resident, he sold his large sunflowers and tulips, very large fish and other designs at the South Store in Scholls. He went on to sell at street fairs in Sisters for a few years.

Valley Art is dedicated to supporting working artists and encouraging beginning artists. We exhibit exceptional artwork and offer art classes for the entire community at affordable prices. Valley Art board meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. These meetings are open to all who might like to attend.

As his pieces became more detailed, he turned to Tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding and used smaller—and then even smaller—pieces of scrap metal. These sculptures passed the jurying process for shows in Lake Oswego, Astoria, West Linn and Anacortes, Washington. Several commissioned pieces used memorabilia related to personal history, objects from loved ones and odd collections. His whimsical creations are designed to be deceptive. The goal is to lure people in from a distance by creating an image they recognize: a bird, animal or other object. Then, as they get closer, they start to see the pieces he used to create them.

MARK THE DATE! Valley Art’s Annual Membership Meeting is July 23rd, at 6:30 pm.

Continued on page 2




Caught My Eye...



Classes & Workshops for Everyone



Notice of Annual Meeting

Left: “Dungeoness Crab” by Tom Boring



Caroline’s Corner

Repurposed, continued...

“Hummingbird” by Tom Boring


July/August 2013

When Tom starts a piece he has a vision in his mind and then seeks recycled metal parts to create it. With TIG welding he uses silicone/bronze rod, and each small weld is brushed with a brass brush while the metal is hot. This causes the pieces to take on a brass patina that helps tone down the harsh color differences of the varying metals and alloys. A former executive who found his artistic side about 20 years ago, he graduated from David Douglas High School in Portland in 1960 and is a selftaught welder who began his career as an assistant professor of chemistry at California State University, East Bay. Tom also worked for Crown Zellerbach as a chemist and environmental engineer in Port Townsend, Washington, and then in Fairhaven, California. He worked in Crossett, Arkansas, where he was in charge of water purification and effluent treatment and was the first international marketer of real-time processing equipment in the forest products industry, then CEO of a subsidiary. He recently ran start-up companies in the high tech arena and has been a metal sculptor since 1993. Jeffrey Hall is a local Forest Grove artist working with recycled materials such as Styrofoam and newspaper. He says, “Look at my work. That is how I express myself. Your own background and prejudices will form your opinion anyway.”

Jeff says he is “materials driven.” Using items rescued from the wastestream comes natural to him and he claims to be a third-generation packrat. Using cast-off materials in his work, his images also tend to recycle and repeat themselves. After formal fine arts training, he spent many years in commercial printing. “Looking through layers of film on a light table for the first 10 years of my career, and then using layers features in software, I learned I love layers! It’s like a discovery or an excavation for me to look through and to build them, and/ or tear them apart.” Jeff enjoys both nature and technology and asks himself “How can we solve our collective problems using technology without ending our existence?” To this end he embraces analog and digital artwork, which he feels are both valid expressions of creativity.

With repurposed materials, Jeff Hall captures a moment in cafe visitors’ lives.

His involvement in this show began with the gift of an iPad 2 from his “Patron Saint Melinda.â€? Jeff spent months taking pictures at Caffe Montecassino, a coffee shop in Forest Grove. He took images of the locals, and others just traveling through, and then used both his high- and low-tech abilities “and let my imagination take me away.â€? Jeff remarks he “learned something from each and every one.â€? He took over 3,000 images, and one of them might be of you if you entered the cafĂŠ while he was there. Jeff also produces commissioned and limited edition prints. Karen Van Hoy, our third gallery artist, says, “Fabrics are a joy to me. They touch us and touch our lives every day, comforting us and whispering wonderful stories. They speak of our past, our present, and what things we value.â€? She believes that if she were a painter instead of a fiber artist, her life would be simpler and her living room tidier. “When a painter runs out of a tube of a particular color, they merely buy another. I find that being a fiber artist is fabulously more complicated and challenging, as there is no end to the variety of colors, patterns, textures and methods in which fabrics are decorated. It is this challenge that keeps me ever moving on in my art.â€? Karen’s work is improvisational and intuitive. She rarely works from sketches and lets the fabric speak to her and dictate how the piece will unfold. Karen believes there are no such things as “accidentsâ€? in her life. She started living that philosophy in regard to her art and “it gave me a freedom and confidence beyond what I’d ever experienced.â€?

Valley Art Association

She also believes that color affects us in ways we don’t realize. “When one becomes a student of color, it is a lifetime commitment. Color, and its parent, Light, that illuminates and brings meaning, is ever changing. I feel very blessed to consider fabrics and color my mentors.� She feels very blessed to consider fabrics and credits her mentors. Karen is thankful her parents taught and encouraged her to make things from raw materials. She also likes to “find use in things other people put into landfills.� As a commitment to the earth her new work is made from at least 85 percent reused materials. She says “doing so is more difficult and time consuming, but it’s quite satisfying to see pieces that had other lives resurrected in new art.� While living in Japan for four years she learned about that country’s textiles. When she relocated to the San Francisco Bay-area, Karen created wearable art and high-end cushions from antique textiles at her studio in Oakland before moving on to wall art. She now runs Crow Magic Studio from her home and is director of a large nonprofit gallery in southwest Portland. Join us for the artists’ reception on July 6, from 2-4 p.m., and see all of this amazing work for yourself.

Two of Karen Van Hoy’s textile works: Top: “Amore� Grom the Heart 4eries, and “Wetlands Evening II �

July/August 2013


Something for Everyone Art Classes & Groups Artist Networking Meeting second Tuesday of each month—6:30 p.m.

Club open to anyone interested in art. Networking and fun! Find us on Facebook - The Artist Network—to keep up with any changes. Sign up for Classes at the Valley Art Front Desk or contact the class instructor directly. For details, contact Christiana Mayer at No charge to participate.

Needlework Studio: 102 Thursdays—9 a.m.–1:30 p.m.

The needlework class welcomes anyone who would like to work on a needlework project. There is no one teacher; we help each other to learn what we know. We help with—Hardanger, Knitting, Crochet, Embroidery, Crewel, Cross-stitch, etc. Contact: Linda Wilke 503-359-4566 Cost is $24 set-up fee; $5 per quarter thereafter.

Quilting Studio: 101 Fridays—9 a.m.–1:30 p.m.

This is an ongoing class and may be joined at any time. All levels, from beginning to advanced are welcome. This is the time to do your own work; get expert advice on a special project; and meet with other local quilters. Come join the fun. Cost is $28/year for members and $43/year for non-members.

Watercolors: Tuesdays—11 a.m.–1 p.m.

Participants of all skill levels will learn watercolor technique including art basics of color mixing and drawing skills as you are taught how to prepare your paper for watercolor. Also, learn brush handling and a wide range of techniques. Pick up a supply list when you sign up at the gallery front counter. For details, contact instructor JanSu Hirst at Cost is $85 for members and $100 for non-members for six classes. Per session: $15 for members; $20 for non-members

Forest Grove Camera Club Does not meet in July and August. Watch for this club to kick-off again in September.

23rd Annual

CHALK ART FESTIVAL September 21 Pre-registration on September 18 at Valley Art.

Do you remember the first time you saw a rainbow, watched your first Dracula or zombie movie, or took a close look at a honey bee on a flower? Why not try to draw that picture on the sidewalk of Downtown Forest Grove at the 23rd Annual Sidewalk Chalk Art Festival? The Festival happens September 21st (always the 3rd Saturday of September) from 8 am.—4 pm. You can pre-register at Valley Art -2022 Main Street) on Wednesday, September 18th from 5-7 pm or register on the day of the event.

The cost is $7 for members of Valley Art and $12 for nonmembers. This fee includes a tray of colorful pastel chalk (that you get to keep) and an assigned square of sidewalk to create your masterpiece on for the day. You do not have to be a professional artist to participate. Anyone of any age can participate. Come out and join in the creative fun or to view the art work. There is no judging, only admiration. Questions? Call 503-357-0311.


July/August 2013

Especially for Kids! Watercolor for Kids Wednesdays—11:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. , July 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, August 7, 14, 21, 28

For ages 8-12 with self-management skills and an interest in art. Have fun learning some simple techniques, studying from nature, as well as from the “Master works” hanging in our own gallery. We will also will look at some famous watercolor paintings from the past, and learn from those. All materials provided. Contact Skip Buhler at or 503-747-9087 for a registration form, or pick up one at the gallery front desk. Bring completed form with payment to first class. Class size is limited. Cost is $10.00 for each two-hour session. (Need-based scholarships are available to cover up to 50% of the class cost.)

Elementary Drawing Class Fridays—3:30–4:30 p.m., August 2, 9, 23, 30

For youth ages 9-12 with self-management skills and interest in art. Doodle, sketch, and decorate with pens, pencils, charcoal, oil pastels, and water soluble crayons. Explore texture, form, shape, color, line, tone and mood. Learn how to create simple 3-D effects using shading, overlap, and beginning perspective. All materials provided. Contact Charlotte Lumae at or (971) 732-4627 for a registration form, or pick up one at the gallery front desk. Bring the completed form along with payment to the first class. Cost is $5.00 for each one-hour session. (Need-based scholarships are available to cover up to 50% of the class cost.)

Artistic Geometry Drawing Class Fridays—5:00–7:00 p.m. , August 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 For youth ages 12-15 with self-management skills and interest in art. Create geometric designs with compass & ruler. Explore stars, fractals, transformations, creative lettering, and abstract doodling. Learn how to create 3-D effects using shading, overlap, and 1-point perspective. All materials provided. Contact Charlotte Lumae at or (971) 732-4627 for a registration form, or pick up one at the gallery front desk. Bring the completed form along with payment to the first class. Cost is $10.00 for each two-hour session. (Need-based scholarships are available to cover up to 50% of the class cost.)

Hey Kids!! Congratulations on another school year over. Got an itchin’ for art over the summer? Check out our fun art classes just for kids! All events and workshops take place in the Valley Art Gallery workshop space unless otherwise noted. Valley Art is located at 2022 Main Street in Forest Grove. Parking is available along Main Street and in the public parking lot located directly behind Valley Art, a half block to the west. Gallery hours are Monday–Saturday 11 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Always stay up-to-date with Valley Art events at

Valley Art Association

July/August 2013


Notice of Annual Membership Meeting Report of the Nomination Committee The Annual General Meeting of Valley Art Association is scheduled for 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, July 23, 2013, at the Gallery located at 2022 Main Street, Forest Grove, Oregon. There are two Directors to be elected to three-year terms of service on the Board. The Nomination Committee will present at the Annual General Meeting the following four members for consideration as Board members by the general membership: Bev Camp, Jan Peiffer, Megan Valle and Trudy Wilson. In accordance with the bylaws, nominations for Directors may be made from the floor as well at the Annual General Meeting provided that 1) the nominee is a member in good standing, 2) the nominee has agreed in writing to be a candidate, and 3) the nomination is supported by the written endorsement of at least five members of Valley Art Association who are in good standing.

Annual Membership Meeting Tuesday, July 23 at 6:30 p.m. All Valley Art members are invited to attend.

Caught my eye... We LOVE our volunteers! Valley Art is an organization run completely by volunteers. Valley Art has the most wonderful group of people standing up for a cause that is important to them and the surrounding community. The volunteers are dedicated and graciously give thousands of hours to keep the doors open for business, coordinate with artists, pay the bills and keep the books up to date, keep the gallery looking beautiful, hanging new exhibits, replacing burnt out light bulbs, coordinating art


July/August 2013

classes, planning receptions and planning the Chalk Art Festival. This is just the short list of what our volunteers do; they go above and beyond! They each bring something to the table that is unique to them; a bit of expertise to benefit the gallery. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU TO ALL OUR AMAZING VOLUNTEERS! The gallery is what it is today because of you!! —Dana Zurcher, Valley Art Board President



Chili Caseoso (good as a main dish too!) 3-4.5 oz. cans of mild green chilies, seeded and chopped 1 lb. Monterey Jack cheese, shredded 1 lb. cheddar cheese, shredded 4 eggs 1 5.5 oz. can evaporated milk

1. In a greased 9x13 in. pan, place a layer of chilies, a layer of cheese; repeating another layer of each. 2. Beat 4 eggs and add evaporated milk. Pour over top of layers. 3. Bake at 350 for 1 hour. 4. Chill before cutting into squares; and warm to serve.

Got a knack for decorative ideas? Love food? Want to get involved? A reception for the featured artists will be July 6 from 2–4 p.m. Our receptions are always fun and most of the artists are able to join us. The theme will be red, white and blue this time and that’s as far as I have gotten. I can always use ideas for decorations; we use centerpieces on 2 of the classroom tables and a larger one for the buffet. All kidding aside, I am running out of clever ideas. Food donations are always gratefully received and it is nice to know what people may be bringing. I can be contacted by e-mail or phone 503-747-7321. Finger food is the best as it doesn’t require forks and we do have an ample supply of toothpicks—just so you don’t have to bring your own. A mix of sweet and savory is what I try for, but don’t let that limit anyone. We are always looking for new people to help with the receptions and also First Wednesday. New faces are always fun and it’s a great way to meet new people. Thank you in advance for your willingness to help. —Caroline

Our thanks go to the June 25 mailing party who help in getting Valley Art’s newsletter from our gallery into your hands. Linda Wilke, Jack Howard, David Saucy, Jeannette Saucy, Ruth Holznagel, Ruby Lane, Garnet Wilson, Trudy Wilson, Nedra Hathaway and John Welch—we couldn’t do it without you!

How can you become a Valley Art Volunteer? Drop by the Valley Art Gallery or pick up the phone and call Caroline Dau, our volunteer coordinator at 503-357-3703. Tell her what you love to do and hear what VAA needs help to accomplish. Volunteers working with children must provide either a current teaching certificate or be willing to undergo a background check. Come join us and have a lot of fun helping this wonderful community arts outreach!

Valley Art Association

July/August 2013


Join the conversation! Scan this QR code to like Valley Art on Facebook. NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S.P.S. POSTAGE PAID FOREST GROVE OR PERMIT NO. 5

Valley Art Association P.O. Box 333 Forest Grove, OR 97116

OF SPECIAL NOTE... July 23 at 6:30 p.m. is Valley Art’s annual membership meeting. We encourage you to attend, learn more about your local community gallery and consider how you might get involved. Valley Art is entirely volunteer-run and we could use your talents too. Please call us for ways you can contribute to this artistic asset of Forest Grove!

NOW SHOWING July/August We’re open until 8:00p.m. on the FIRST WEDNESDAY of each month. Please join us!

Featured Artists Show- Repurposed Materials Art A showing of works by Jeffrey Hall, Karen Van Hoy and Tom Boring

COMING NEXT September/October

Featured Artists ShowFeatured oils by Wilma Wallace, mixed media by Joanie Lilja and mosaics by Chris Emmert.

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