1 minute read
Tidbits Examines a Few Misconceptions

Did you know you can't really fool a frog into being boiled to death by slowly raising the water temperature in the pot? The fact is the little amphibian is not that dumb and will jump out as soon as he starts feeling uncomfortable. This week Tidbits looks at some common misconceptions that many of us believe, although they actually have no basis in truth. Follow along as we take a closer look and clear up a few of these ubiquitous myths!
• The flight mechanism and aerodynamics of the bumblebee are actually quite well understood, despite the urban legend that math calculations show they should not physically be able to fly at all.
• There is no waiting period for filing a “missing person” report. You are encouraged to call the police as soon as you have good reason to feel something might be amiss.
• Hair and fingernails do not continue to grow after a person dies. Rather, the skin dries and shrinks away from the bases of hairs and nails, giving the appearance of growth. •
The Great Wall of China is not visible from space. Even Earth-orbiting astronauts in the space station can't see it because it blends into the surrounding terrain. The lights of cities, however, are easily visible from orbit on the night side of Earth.