1 minute read
“Bear one another’s burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2).

Letter from the President
“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father” (James 1:17).
2016-2017 was arguably Valley Christian Schools’ best year in our 56-year history. From both ministry and business perspectives, we enjoyed many wonderful achievements at VCS:
• Reaching full enrollment on our Skyway Campus for the first time since the city increased our capacity to 2,300 students • Continuing to improve our financial positions • Making significant strides in increasing teacher compensation • Setting another record for WARRIOR FUND donations • Successfully refinancing our debt with incredibly favorable terms More importantly, we continued the Quest for Excellence throughout our various Academic Achievement, Artistic Beauty, and Athletic Distinction (A3) programs. I am so proud that our students’ talent and hard work is not only recognized in the VCS community, but also nationally and internationally. Read more about the A3 highlights on page six.
In addition, the United States Department of Education awarded the 2016 National Blue Ribbon Award, the most prestigious award given to K-12 schools, to our very own Valley Christian Elementary School to complete our allschool Blue Ribbon trilogy. 2016-2017 was truly a banner year!
It is with the help of the names listed in this report that we are able to provide students with the resources necessary to achieve at the highest levels. I often say,