Headlines fromtheHill

Marginal gains is a concept that little changes can add up over time to make a big impact over time.
As we slowly started building up the Alumni Association over the past couple years, I tried to be as intentional as possible with every conversation, every reconnection, every reunion, every event, and every college visit because little moments can build momentum to create major change
This summer, I had the opportunity to attend the 20-year reunion for the class of 2003 I had many friends and acquaintances from ‘03 and it was incredible to see these faces in the same room after all these years As an employee at VCS, I was asked many questions about our student body and what God is doing on our campus now For me, this is my favorite question because there is too much to share.
I get to share about our first all-community worship night, called “Encounter” held this past winter that kicked off the season of Lent. It was open to our K-12 families and alums. Over 200 people showed up. One alum came all the way from San Diego. Five parents decided to follow Jesus that night I get to share about the sixty 6th graders who attended the last day of our Discipleship Track and stood up to describe how they became followers of Jesus I get to share about what God is doing in our alumni community as our graduates are pouring back into the life of our school
I get to share about how our Alumni Ambassadors around the country are welcoming new VCHS grads moving to their area for college I get to share about the connection made between a graduate from 2000 and a graduate from 2022 I get to tell them about my travels with Mark Lodewyk to encourage our college students around the country I get to tell about the various alums who have returned to campus to share their story in Chapel These little moments add up
God is doing incredible things through our Association, and there is much further to go
With an alumni community of over 9500 members, every follower on Instagram, every email, every hour on an airplane, and every coffee meeting is helping us become a stronger alumni community. As a fellow alumnus and Campus Pastor at VCS, I want to thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for reconnecting. I cannot begin to tell you what it means to me, to our faculty and staff, and to our students to have you engage with us again We are so excited for what is ahead! If you get that feeling like, “I should go back and visit sometime,” let us know and we can roll out the red carpet for you!
Atownbuiltonahillcannotbe hidden.”-Matthew5:14
Wekickedoffthe2023-2024school yearwithanightofworshipcalled, “Convocation.”PastorStevesharedan encouragingmessagethatlightsexist toreachthroughthedarkness.May ourcommunityexisttobeabeaconof lightpointingtoJesuswherewelive, workandplay.
Wewereblessedtobeledbya worshipteamofalumsandcurrent studentswhoserveinchurches aroundtheBayArea.
From the many energizing class reunions, to multiple college visits catching up with former VC students, to many meaningful conversations around a delicious meal, our alumni are active and being celebrated each and every day
We are thankful for our growing number of alumni that are reaching out and staying in touch We enjoy time with alumni on the hill as well as time visiting their college campus or the city where they are now living We are here to encourage, support, and listen to the stories our alumni are living
As we partner with our alumni we learn so much about their lives, what their families and friends are up to, and what they are pursuing in college and beyond We try to plug them into VCS networks for internships, jobs or simply advice as they walk similar steps in life
During a college visit, one alumni shared, “When I went to VC I thought you cared about us Now I know you do!” All of this is credited to the partnership with our Alumni Ambassadors; these VCS alumni span the globe and are ready to connect
Many students have expressed their appreciation for our Ambassadors by saying their relationship with their Ambassador has helped them transition into the next stage of their life I have enjoyed many visits with alumni this past year Whether it was praying with them, getting them plugged into a church, or simply sharing a meal and warm conversation it was a rejuvenating and meaningful year to say the least
Mark Lodewyk VP of Ministry Relations Member of our Alumni TeamFor some of you, it may have been only a few years since you have roamed the hallways at VCHS. For me, it has been 20 years since my peers and I have walked the campus each day. During my time at VC, we experienced moving up to the hill during our Freshman year, which was only a dream to others before me. We now all stand in awe at the beautiful campus that exists today. Through both challenging and celebratory times, the years that we spent at Valley will always hold a distinct place in our memories. Together, as the Class of 2003, we participated in countless rallies, experienced the tragedy of 9/11, won our first West Coast Catholic Championship football game, and looked forward to our futures on graduation day.
Often, it isn't until later in life that we look back and realize that our experiences in high school were special. Since the founding of the Alumni Association a couple of years ago, we have focused on connecting with our former students throughout the country. Our 50 wonderful Ambassadors have played a pivotal role in making that happen; they have welcomed fellow alumni who have moved to a new area, they have provided career advice over coffee, have hosted fellow alumni for dinner and have provided vital feedback to our association in what it truly means to remain a Warrior. VCHS staff has had the pleasure of traveling across the country to meet with many of you. Those experiences have allowed for us to reconnect through our pasts together and network for our present and future.
We are always looking for alumni to get involved at any of our events. If you are interested in becoming an Alumni Ambassador, or want to tell us what you have been up to, click here or follow us on social media.
Once a Warrior, Always a Warrior.
I hope to connect with you at an event soon,
Vanessa (Makinster) Galante ‘03 Assistant Director of Alumni MinistriesJoin The Alumni Association in one of the following cities to take an active role in our growing Alumni Association.
September 23rd: HOMECOMING, San Jose, CA/ Click here to REGISTER
October 19th: Wheaton, IL/ Click here to REGISTER
October 20th: Urbana, IL/ Click here to REGISTER
October 21st: West Lafayette, IN/ Click here to REGISTER
October 22nd: South Bend, IN/ Click here to REGISTER
October 23rd: Waco, TX/ Click here to REGISTER
October 23rd: Dallas, TX/ Click here to REGISTER
Christ-Follower.Believer.Wife.Mom. MedicalDirector.Daughter.Sister.Aunt.Friend.
Patricia Hockett M.D. is a Valley Christian High School alum (’92) and so is her husband Richard Hockett (a materials scientist) They have two children, Stephanie (Class of 2023) and Richard “Alex” (Class of 2024). She is a VCS “Lifer” and her life matches the mission of the school: “to lead, serve, and impact our community and the world as we embark on our personal Quest for Excellence ”
Dr. Hockett reflects upon the Valley Christian Schools she attended, compared to the majestic behemoth that now sits atop the hill for the middle and high schoolers When she was a Warrior, Valley Christian was relatively small and the high school was housed at 3 different campuses over the course of her four years The school was far less diverse with respect to culture, socioeconomic status and religious backgrounds
She says, “The school has come a long way with respect to growth, academic excellence and diversity. What has remained the same however, is the school's commitment to a nurturing Christian environment made up of leaders and teachers whose mission is to not only educate, but to support and love their students.”
When looking at the life of Dr. Hockett now, it would be easy to say things like, “she has it all” or “clearly she lives a good life” or “of course she has a great life, she’s a physician”. But the truth is, all of who she is comes from a deep foundation in Jesus Christ and a base nurtured by her parents, church family, and K-12 Education at Valley Christian Schools.
When asking Dr Hockett to describe her affinity for the biblical scripture, she explained that God wants her (and all of us) to focus on Him - all day, every day
“Finally,believers,whateveristrue,whateverishonorableand worthyofrespect,whateverisrightandconfirmedbyGod’sword, whateverispureandwholesome,whateverislovelyand bringspeace,whateverisadmirableandofgoodrepute;ifthereis anyexcellence,ifthereisanythingworthyofpraise,think continuallyonthesethings[centeryourmindonthem,and implanttheminyourheart].”Phil4:8
Specifically, Patricia believes God is the definer of TRUTH. She wants to represent God by speaking and living out the truth, although she is a human - broken and struggling with the challenges life brings.
She knows that whatever God says is HONORABLE. When considering her position on popular topics, she tries to seek God’s Word to understand the honorable opinion–which she admits is often really hard to do. At the same time, she desires to live her life WORTHY of RESPECT and hopes that all humankind can do the same.
She says, “I don’t want to be a shadow of who I was created to be by not operating in the power of the Holy Spirit.” Living a WHOLEsome life that is right and confirmed by purity in God is where she wants to rest.
She strives to remember to pray to seek God’s wisdom before engaging with patients, community members, leaders, and homeless people she meets on the street. As Dr. Hockett practices medicine, serves as a loving wife, and is a supportive mother, she asks God for guidance with finding ways to bring peace and walk in peace –regardless of the storm that may be all around.
For Patricia, the scripture (Phil 4:8) is aspirational, yet it is her life anthem – an anthem she learned while on her Quest for Excellence at Valley Christian Schools. This is also a key reason she chose Valley for her children. Like her and her husband, Rich, she wanted her kids to love people, learn to live in the world, yet understand they are not of the world because they engage in conversations about God daily at school. This Godly engagement happens at Valley Christian Schools.
graduate, you join a network of more n 9500 alumni worldwide. Through our mni Association, we are committed to ering community, providing ouragement and praying for our alums. network of Alumni Ambassadors are oned around the country and beyond.
hope is for graduates to find nections wherever God leads, whether he Bay Area, Los Angeles, San Diego, San Obispo, Santa Barbara, Portland, enix, Denver, Chicago, Waco, Dallas, hville, New Haven, New York, Boston or n Paris, France.
on the lookout for our alumni road trips, nts, and reunions near you by visiting mni.vcs.net.
look forward to meeting with more of you this year, one story - one conversation at a time!
Over the past two years, we have reconnected alumni through our Alumni Corner at Homecoming, an all family Alumni BBQ, alumni trips and alumni games on campus! We hope to see you at an event this year!