Graduation Ceremony
Flag Salutes Nathaniel Kommu Milania Chacon
Welcome and Invocation
Dr. Clifford E. Daugherty VCS President
Mr. Brian Clemons (’87) VCS Senior Vice President
“A Tower of Growth” Michael Liu
“The Ultimate Roller Coaster Ride” Anya Chen
Presentation of Graduates
Presentation of Diplomas
Miss Lauren Chaplin (’06) VCJH Vice Principal
Mr. Eric Maxwell
VCJH Principal
Mr. Eric Maxwell
VCJH Principal
2023-2024 Theme: Be An Example
Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.
1 Timothy 4:12
Pledge to the Christian Flag
I pledge allegiance to the Christian flag and to the Savior for whose kingdom it stands. One Savior, crucified, risen, and coming again with life and liberty for all who believe.
Valley Christian Alma Mater
O, Lord our God, to You we lift our voice in grateful praise, Creator, King, we will remember You for all our days. Teach us the wisdom that comes from heav’n above, That we in turn may tell about Your love.
This is our prayer, with each and ev’ry day: to know Your will. This one desire, in all we do and say: Your Word fulfill. For all You’ve done and all that You will do, We thank You, Lord, for Valley Christian School.
Class of 2024
Ava Leilani Ackerson
Charlie Keahi Ackerson
Julius Christian Onose Agbonbhase
Keimana Little Feather Agnew t
Kayla Ahn
Sena Akili Allen
Hannah Catalina Allmen t
Zeqi (Daniel) An
Lasya Reddy Anumandla
David Monroe Aoalin
Chloe Argo t
Armaan Arya
Mina Ava Ashtiani
Allyson Mariette Asuncion
Anthony Si Heng Au
David Avalos
Jacinda Christine Bateman
Jonathan Bauhng
Saira Bhatia
Makena Marie Blauman t
Kate Borba
Kate Leslie Borders
Wesley James Brassfield t
William Shey Brassfield t
Ayla Jeanne Briski
Dennis Preston Robert Butchart t
Sora Marie Cerniglia
Milania Leia Chacon
Sean Yoojun Chae
Ethan Brayden David Chan
Jesse Chang
Tiffany Li Hsien Chang
Anya Chen
Crystal Chen
Ella Cheng
Rhea Chepuri
Bryce Junwoo Choi
Liliana Cluck
Ethan Leighton Kong Co t
Aiden Robert Cornell
Naomi Corinn Crockett
Lin Kyle Cui
Tianyang (Thomas) Cui
Nathan Kien-Thanh Cung
Akshay Datla
Juliana Mary Denena
Calista Ding
Giuliana Marie Dore’
Mia Lucia Doursounian
Cole Elliott
Wes Elliott
Cameron David Ewers
Hongyao Fan
Leanna Fang
Aubrey Mia Felix
Yicheng Feng
Grace Adaire Frieder
Mason Gaetano Gallo
Darian Belangoy Gameng
Louie Ernesto Garay
George Richard Leo Gass
Kian Sebastian Gaubatz t
Joseph Michael Giammona
Evelyn Simone Gittens
Samantha Marie Grove t
Samantha Anne Guarini
Jillian Gunter
Ivy YT Guo
Kennedy Grace Hagan
Kendra Mahsa Haghighi
Jason Soomin Ham
Mason Brooks Hamilton t
Brayden Lee Hatlo Porter t
James Porter Hayward
Justin Heo
Johnny Frank Hernandez
Kylie Claire Hider
Benjamin Mac Ho t
Spencer Matthew Horsley t
Aaron Huang
Andrew Huang
Arthur Gabriel Huang
Lucas Huang
Lucas Huang
David Hyunwoo Hwang
Zephyn Isbell
Sharaf Faiaz Islam
Dean Jaffari
Stuthi Jaladanki
Prathik Janakiram
Adelaide Sienna Jane
Claire Jiang
Lindsey Lingxi Jiang
Anay Kalchuri
Aarush Kamma
Diya Karthik
Samantha Renee Ketron t
Arash Michael Keyani
Yash Khare
Misha Kharya
Claire W. Kim
Jordan Kim
Luke Jesel Kim
Lumi Kim
Nalin Kim
Yunho Kim
Aman Kochar
Nathaniel Adonai Kommu
Darren William Kwok
Isobel Joy Kwong
Kavin Ganesh Laad
Ashley Lai
Bella Grace Lane
Daphne Maria-Nicole Leach t
Calix Hojin Lee
Gordon Chun Hei Lee
Kayden Shim Lee
Lena Lee
Yuna Lee
Vanessa Kate Leggio
Rachael Shirui Li
Rachel Yunyan Li
Sophia Xinhui Licalsi t
Noah Lim
Leora Lin
Luna Lin
Nina Ling
Cynthia Lily Liu
Eric Liu
Michael Liu
Yuze(Louis) Liu
Zihan Liu
Xitong Lou
Shiyun (Chelsea) Lu
Eva Grace Lundgaard
Claire Luo
Teddy Luo
Jessica Evangeline Ma
Carissa Mac
Jakub Karel Bohuš Makovec
Caden Evan Malinowski
Jayamiliana Tasileta Mamea
Arnav Mani
Suvir Maniktala
Naomi Margoosian
Hana Michaela Mašková
Karen Mimi Matsui
Nicholas Jaydan McIntyre
Kieran Patrick McMorrow
Revathi Mekkoth
Agob Mersho
Alessandra E. Miller
Aashi Mishra
Micah Zachary Moon
Alexzandria Luna Mora t
Allison Xinyi Mu
Tristen Alexander Munoz
Samanyu Nadipalli
Sanvi Manas Naik
Krishivar Nalagandla
Sradha Namala
Kavya Nambiar
Sophie Yvette Namek
Ethan Ndeh Nana
David Nangoy t
Emmanuelle Zixin Ng
Emily Hien Ngo
Kaitlyn Wei Ly Ngo t
Addison Grace Xuan Nguyen
Fangyi Niu
Jonah Benjamin Olson
Kevin Ou
Marcus Raijon Owens t
Shaurya Sheil Panda
Shyla Nasrin Paredes
Amy Park t
Manas N. Patel
Ruhaan Niken Patel
Ashley Pham
Noah Kei Phan t
Pravaranand Purvam
Michael C. Qi
Elle Quynh Quach t
Emmaline Miriam Rabe
Mia Jaelyn Raby
Akshara Rajesh
Tanisha S. Rameshkumar
Nayantara Rammohan
Emily Renee Rank t
Meena Rao
Olyvia Caroline Reza
Khloe Felysa Bilbes Rivera t
Gabriela Danielle Rodriguez
Sienna Grace Roland t
Reggie Gichuri Nisuke Saito
Arrielle Elizabeth Shabaglian
Carter O’Donnell Shanahan
Sebastian David Sharpe
Serena She
Katelyn Kimiko Shiraki
Bryce Oliver Siao t
Alice Lam Siu
Taylor Jane Skovmand
Adam Kent Smith t
Ava Lilie Smith
Trevor James Smith t
Kensey Elizabeth Sponseller
Elias Rowan Stewart
Arshan Stoll
Baylor Keola Stutzmann
Neha Subhash
Sanjay M. Subramanian
Lillian Sun
Neha Sunil
Natalia Leone Szmauz
Jeffrey Tan
Sophie Haojing Tankiewicz
Hailey Ann Taylor
Srihari Thiagarajan
Evelyn Elsa Tony
Brendan Bodhi Tran
Lincoln Jacob Tran
Tristan Tran
Yen-Nhi Brooke Tran
Thomas Phommachack Trinh
Audrey Ceana Truong
Nicole Ashley Tsang
Justine Tsao
Emma Tseng
Viraaj Sai Vatte
Evelyn Arlina Hernandez Venneman
Daniil Verovkin
Armaan Vidhani
Sawyer Nicholas Voshall
Aaron Vu
Eileen Wang
Emily Wang
Grace Wang
Jiayi Wang
Ziqing Wang
Christopher Wu Wang
Alexandra Washten
Danielle Tao Whitmill t
Kenley Rae Williams t
Riley Scout Wilson t
Luke Gabriel Wright
John Manen Wu
Chloe Xiao
Karen Xiao
Nolan Brady Lu Yang
Serene Parhelia Yang
Summer Yang
Bella Ye
Jonathan Lucas Ka Wah Yeung
Eva Yin
Melissa Hao Ying
Sofia Yuchen Yiu
Aeneas Yu
James B. Yu
Sophie Yu
Kyriakos Zafiris
Sam Zeidan t
Samuel Ruiyan Zeng
Yulin Zhan
Andre Zhang
Audrina Lu Zhang t
Jacob Zhang
Joshua Yichi Zhang
Joysong Grace Zhang
Derek Zhao
Allison Huilin Zhong
Zimo Joseph Zhou
Yunxi Zhu
Morgan Zullo
Madison Ching
Jax Gill
Elijah Harrison
Lucas Martinez
Alexis Vander Veen
Chloe Vartanian
Avery Watson
Josiah Willson
Faculty and Staff
Mr. Eric Maxwell, Principal
Miss Lauren Chaplin (’06), Vice Principal
Mr. Steve Parmenter, Dean of Students
Mr. Michael Sprauve, VCS Board Chair
Kristin (Daugherty ’89) Annab
Victoria Arild
Steve Barnes
Kristina Blauman
Michelle Buckman
Debbie Buron
Lauren Chaplin (’06)
Annette Clark
C. J. Clark (’05)
Reggie Coates
Shea Coleman
Rachel Davis
Larah de Bussy
John Delke (’94)
Taylor Dempsey
John Diatte (’84)
Katelyn Dietz (’14)
Dwain Fairweather
Myron Falkowski
Ashley Fiore
Jennifer Fong
Nancy Franklin
Shari Gambello
David Gonzalez
Thomas Granado
Britt Gunter
Rosa Gutierrez
Noelle Heacock (’18)
Lily Homer
Scott Homer
Debi Hughes
Justine Hunter
Mike Jones
Eric Kalisa
Mini Kommu
Amber Kraver
Cathy LaPore
Elizabeth Lee
Heather Lee
Elizabeth Lin (’14)
Daniel Malmin
Eric Maxwell
Sophia McCann (’15)
Mailey McLemore
Justin McPherson (’07)
Alisa Meyer
Andrea Moses
Blair Nordby
Sara Olson
Steve Parmenter
Suzy Parmenter
Colin Pfaff
Michael Pond
Ken Richardson
Coral Rosas
Shane Ryan (’16)
David Sankus
Matt Schmidt (’10)
Nigel Shum
Megan Stagi
Ellen Steele
Sarajane Stewart
Ivan Utomo
Jayde Viskovich
Anita Waltz
Joan Wescott
Traci Willson
Dan Yuen
Melissa (Culbertson ’96) Truong
Ashley (Anders ’06) Tuttle
The Shechem Oak Society empowers our community to make an extraordinary impact on future generations. The society comprises all who generously bequeath legacy gifts to Valley Christian Schools.
God assured Abraham of keeping His promise to grant the land to Abraham’s descendants. Shechem holds a significant place in this narrative—it’s where Jacob excavated a well and erected an altar, where Joseph’s family laid his remains to rest, where Joshua delivered his parting words in service to the Lord, and where Jesus revealed Himself as the Messiah to the Samaritan woman at the well (Genesis 12:6, 33:18, Joshua 24:26, John 4:12). Shechem stands as a powerful symbol of God’s faithfulness across generations. We fervently pray that VCS, like Shechem, will serve as a reminder of God’s unwavering faithfulness in Silicon Valley and worldwide.
At a time when many American educational institutions are straying from biblical values, you can ensure that Valley Christian Schools continues its Quest for Excellence™ for future generations. Join us in providing high-quality Christ-centered education to our children and grandchildren by including VCS in your will.
VCS partners with Thompson & Associates to offer confidential and complimentary estate planning consultations to our board members, administrators, faculty, staff, and community. Join my wife, Kris, myself, and others in discovering the most tax-efficient means of transferring your estate to benefit your family and your passions.
As a trusted member of our VCS community, please accept our gift to you and arrange your estate planning consultation with Darren Penny of Thompson & Associates. You may email or call my office at 408-513-2503. If you have already included VCS in your planned giving, kindly inform us so we may include you in our Shechem Oak Society.
Looking forward,

Valley Christian Schools’ mission is to provide a nurturing environment o ering quality education supported by a strong foundation of Christian values in partnership with parents, equipping students to become leaders to serve God, to serve their families, and to positively impact their communities and the world.
A world where every student pursues their personal Quest for Excellence™
Valley Christian Schools supports the homes and churches of students in providing an education that is grounded in the Judeo-Christian values of the Bible, as reflected in the life and teaching of Jesus Christ. Valley Christian Schools is committed to a Quest for Excellence™ in all of its educational programs, and provides a comprehensive kindergarten through twelfth grade curriculum with a rigorous college preparatory program. Firmly founded on Christian values, Valley Christian Schools challenges youth to aspire toward lives of character, service and influence while pursuing their individual Quests for Excellence
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