Junior High Student Handbook

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2020-2021 Student Handbook

100 Skyway Drive #130 San Jose, CA 95111-3636 Office: (408) 513-2460 Fax: (408) 513-2472 Attendance Line: (408) 513-2473 Security (408) 639-6865 President Superintendent Clifford Daugherty, Ed.D Mr. Jerry Merza

Principal Mr. Brian Clemons

STATEMENT OF AGREEMENT We acknowledge that we have read, discussed, and understand the policies and procedures contained in this Handbook. We agree to abide by the policies and procedures contained in this Handbook. This acknowledgement is accomplished through the agreement to and signing of the Enrollment Contract.

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FROM THE PRINCIPAL... Welcome to Valley Christian Junior High School! We have a great year ahead of us. As the teachers, administrators, parents, and students work together, our school will be a positive and strong example of Christian education throughout our community. It is my desire and prayer that you experience success throughout the school year. This year you will be challenged to meet your learning potential through your own unique abilities, talents, and intelligence. The pattern and example of mature growth and development is found in Luke 2:52 where Jesus, as our example, “… increased in wisdom (academics), and stature (physical), and in favor with God (spiritual) and man (social).” We are very pleased that you are here. Be sure to make yourself familiar with this Student Handbook. If you do, you will see positive results. Mr. Brian Clemons Principal Office Staff Brian Clemons Principal bclemons@vcs.net Lauren Chaplin Vice Principal lchaplin@vcs.net Steve Parmenter Dean of Students sparmenter@vcs.net Kristen Cunningham Student Support kcunningham@vcs.net C. J. Clark Academic Counselor cclark@vcs.net Judy Wilson Academic Counselor judywilson@vcs.net Kim Picard Office Manager/Registrar kpicard@vcs.net Anita Waltz Admissions Coordinator awaltz@vcs.net Anita Chen Administrative Assistant achen@vcs.net Marline Estell Administrative Assistant mestell@vcs.net Annette Clark Administrative Assistant aclark@vcs.net Department Heads John Delke Bible jodelke@vcs.net Joan Wescott English jwescott@vcs.net Traci Willson History twillson@vcs.net Amy Hawkins Math ahawkins@vcs.net Adam Gill PE agill@vcs.net Amber Kraver Science akraver@vcs.net Nancy Franklin Technology nfranklin@vcs.net Jeff Wilson Conservatory jwilson@vcs.net

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TABLE OF CONTENTS STATEMENT OF AGREEMENT .............................................................................................................................................. 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................................................................... 4 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Vision ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 8 Mission Statement.................................................................................................................................................................. 8 Statement of Philosophy ..................................................................................................................................................... 8 Educational Purpose ............................................................................................................................................................. 8 Quest for Excellence .............................................................................................................................................................. 8 Expected School-wide Learning Results (ESLRs) ................................................................................................... 8 Accreditation ............................................................................................................................................................................ 9 Parent Teacher Prayer Fellowship ................................................................................................................................ 9 Agreement Between VCS and Parents.......................................................................................................................... 9 Statement of Faith ............................................................................................................................................................... 10 Parent Communication ..................................................................................................................................................... 11 Steps to Resolving Concerns .......................................................................................................................................... 11 Student Records ................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Salute to the Christian Flag ............................................................................................................................................. 11 WHERE TO FIND INFORMATION ..................................................................................................................................... 12 ALL Junior High Information ........................................................................................................................................ 12 PowerSchool ......................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Learn.vcs.net .......................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Daily Bulletin/Announcements ................................................................................................................................... 12 Student Lunch Accounts ................................................................................................................................................. 12 SCHOOL ROUTINE.................................................................................................................................................................... 13 HOURS....................................................................................................................................................................................... 13 School Hours .......................................................................................................................................................................... 13 Student Life Center Hours ............................................................................................................................................... 13 Bell Schedule.......................................................................................................................................................................... 13 WHERE TO BE ....................................................................................................................................................................... 13 Before School ......................................................................................................................................................................... 13 Break ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 14 Lunch ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 14 Hall Passes .............................................................................................................................................................................. 14 Hallway Behavior ................................................................................................................................................................ 14 Supervised Areas ................................................................................................................................................................. 14 After School ............................................................................................................................................................................ 14 Leaving School ...................................................................................................................................................................... 14 Chapel ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 14 Lockers ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 15 Lost and Found ..................................................................................................................................................................... 15 Phone Usage ........................................................................................................................................................................... 15 School Equipment ............................................................................................................................................................... 15 Textbooks ................................................................................................................................................................................ 15 Visitor Policy .......................................................................................................................................................................... 15 TRAVEL TO AND FROM SCHOOL ...................................................................................................................................... 16 Bus Rules ................................................................................................................................................................................. 16 [Type here]


Parking and Traffic Information for Parents ......................................................................................................... 16 Bicycles ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 16 ATTENDANCE ............................................................................................................................................................................ 16 Excused Absences ............................................................................................................................................................... 17 Unexcused Absences .......................................................................................................................................................... 17 Advanced Absences ............................................................................................................................................................ 17 Truant Absences .................................................................................................................................................................. 17 Concussions and Extended Illness .............................................................................................................................. 17 Excessive Absences ............................................................................................................................................................ 18 Tardies ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 18 HEALTH and WELFARE ........................................................................................................................................................ 18 Emergencies ........................................................................................................................................................................... 18 Health ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 18 Medicines ................................................................................................................................................................................ 19 Skyway Library and Student Life Center ............................................................................................................................ 20 Library Hours - Junior High ............................................................................................................................................ 20 Student Life Center Hours - Junior High................................................................................................................... 20 Library Use ............................................................................................................................................................................. 20 In the Skyway Library: ...................................................................................................................................................... 20 Online Library Catalog ...................................................................................................................................................... 20 Material Circulation and Fines ...................................................................................................................................... 20 Library Databases ............................................................................................................................................................... 20 Printing, Photocopying ..................................................................................................................................................... 21 Computers and Internet Use .......................................................................................................................................... 21 ACADEMICS ................................................................................................................................................................................. 22 Schedules ................................................................................................................................................................................. 22 Schedule Changes ................................................................................................................................................................ 22 Honors Classes ...................................................................................................................................................................... 22 Taking HS classes as a JH student ................................................................................................................................ 22 Homework Policy ................................................................................................................................................................ 23 Make-Up Work ...................................................................................................................................................................... 23 Excused Absences .......................................................................................................................................................... 23 Unexcused Absences ..................................................................................................................................................... 23 Advanced Absences ....................................................................................................................................................... 23 Extended Absences ........................................................................................................................................................ 23 School Performance/Athletic Competition Absences .................................................................................. 23 Homework During Breaks .............................................................................................................................................. 24 Grading Scale ......................................................................................................................................................................... 24 Grade Point Average .......................................................................................................................................................... 24 Honor Roll ............................................................................................................................................................................... 24 Learn.vcs.net (Teacher Websites) ............................................................................................................................... 24 PowerSchool .......................................................................................................................................................................... 24 PowerSchool Grading and Posting Policy ................................................................................................................ 25 Report Cards .......................................................................................................................................................................... 25 Academic Probation ........................................................................................................................................................... 25 Academic Requirements .................................................................................................................................................. 25 Graduation and Promotion ............................................................................................................................................. 25 [Type here]


Student Activities: Elective/Co-Curricular/School ............................................................................................. 26 Citizenship Grades .............................................................................................................................................................. 27 Citizenship Criteria ............................................................................................................................................................. 27 ACADEMIC INTEGRITY .......................................................................................................................................................... 28 Academic Integrity Policy ............................................................................................................................................... 28 Cheating or Suspicion of Cheating............................................................................................................................... 28 Plagiarism ............................................................................................................................................................................... 28 Conscientious Effort Program ....................................................................................................................................... 29 DRESS CODE ............................................................................................................................................................................... 29 Dress Code Standards for All Students ..................................................................................................................... 29 Dress Code Specific for Young Ladies ........................................................................................................................ 30 Dress Code Specific for Young Men ............................................................................................................................ 30 Dress Code Specific for Athletes on Games Days ................................................................................................. 31 Dress Code Enforcement ................................................................................................................................................. 31 CITIZENSHIP/STUDENT CONDUCT ................................................................................................................................ 31 Code of Conduct ................................................................................................................................................................... 31 Warrior Shield ...................................................................................................................................................................... 32 Assembly and Chapel Behavior .................................................................................................................................... 32 Gum, Food, and Drinks ...................................................................................................................................................... 32 Backpacks................................................................................................................................................................................ 32 Buying, Borrowing Money, Selling, and Trading .................................................................................................. 32 Inappropriate Language................................................................................................................................................... 32 School/Personal Property............................................................................................................................................... 32 What Not to Bring or Have at School ......................................................................................................................... 33 Property Damage ................................................................................................................................................................. 33 Harassment ............................................................................................................................................................................ 33 Bullying .................................................................................................................................................................................... 34 Serious Offenses ................................................................................................................................................................... 35 Demerits and Assertive Discipline Procedures .................................................................................................... 35 Discipline Consequences ................................................................................................................................................. 35 Detention ................................................................................................................................................................................. 37 Suspension .............................................................................................................................................................................. 37 Behavioral Expectations .................................................................................................................................................. 37 Required Withdrawal from VCS ................................................................................................................................... 37 Expulsion ................................................................................................................................................................................. 38 PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND ATHLETICS ................................................................................................................... 38 Physical Education Uniforms ......................................................................................................................................... 38 PE Locker Room ................................................................................................................................................................... 38 PE Participation Policies .................................................................................................................................................. 38 Afterschool Sports............................................................................................................................................................... 38 Appeal Process...................................................................................................................................................................... 39 VCS Student ACCEPTABLE USE (AUP) ........................................................................................................................... 39 VCS Computers and Devices .......................................................................................................................................... 40 VCS Storage and Servers .................................................................................................................................................. 40 Personal Devices .................................................................................................................................................................. 40 Non-Academic Electronic Devices (Cell Phones/Cameras/Smartwatches) ...................................... 40 iPads ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 41 [Type here]


Network ................................................................................................................................................................................... 42 Copyright ................................................................................................................................................................................. 42 Security and Privacy .......................................................................................................................................................... 42 Internet Use............................................................................................................................................................................ 43 Social Media and Online Posting .................................................................................................................................. 43 Search and Seizure .............................................................................................................................................................. 44 Procedure ................................................................................................................................................................................ 44 Liability .................................................................................................................................................................................... 45 Release and Indemnification ......................................................................................................................................... 45 VCS SUBSTANCE ABUSE TESTING ................................................................................................................................... 45 Substance Abuse Testing Policy ................................................................................................................................... 46

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INTRODUCTION Vision Valley Christian Schools supports the homes and churches of students in providing an education that is grounded in the Judeo-Christian values of the Bible as reflected in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Valley Christian Schools is committed to a Quest for Excellence in all of its educational programs and provides a comprehensive kindergarten through twelfth-grade curriculum with a rigorous college program. Firmly founded on Christian values, VCS challenges youth to aspire toward lives of character, service, and influence while pursuing their individual Quests for Excellence.

Mission Statement Valley Christian Schools' mission is to provide a nurturing environment offering quality education supported by a strong foundation of Christian values in partnership with parents, equipping students to become leaders to serve God, to serve their families, and to positively impact their communities and the world.

Statement of Philosophy Academic excellence at Valley Christian Schools finds its roots in the mainstream of Christian history. Teachers challenge students to think deeply about complex, timeless, and contemporary issues. Students are expected to probe the nature of truth and apply truth to their everyday lives. In this way, teachers and students sharpen one another as they challenge ideas, concepts, and theories to better understand matters of truth. Quality education at Valley Christian Schools means accepting students as God created them with varied gifts and abilities. It means providing opportunities for students to learn at their level of understanding and at their individual pace and offering a wide range of instructional strategies and learning opportunities to allow for the varied gifts and abilities of students.

Educational Purpose

As a nurturing Christian school, VCS seeks to admit students of parents who will support VCS’s mission and educational philosophy. VCS instructs students under the delegated authority of their parents in harmony with their various local congregations

Quest for Excellence The standard for excellence is ultimately defined as the nature, character, and works of God, the Creator of "the heavens and the earth" (Genesis 1:1). God's excellence is revealed in Jesus Christ. Regarding Jesus' divine creative works, John the Apostle declared, "All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made" (John 1:3). God came to earth through his son Jesus Christ to declare His glory, grace, truth, and light to all humankind. John writes, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was, in the beginning, with God. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men” (John 1:1, 4). The Quest for Excellence is a lifelong journey, and includes a personal, God-given passion to become like Jesus and to do everything to the highest standard, "heartily as to the Lord" (Colossians 3:23).

Expected School-wide Learning Results (ESLRs)

To provide a good method of assessing how VCS is doing in achieving its mission statement, the Expected School-wide Learning Results (ESLRs) were implemented. [Type here] 8

VCS students will: 1. Discover and develop their unique, God-given talents to, as Jesus taught, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind” and “love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:37-39) through their personal Quests for Excellence. 2. Develop extraordinary success involving Academic Achievement, Artistic Beauty, and Athletic Distinction to serve God, their families, their communities, and the world.

Accreditation Valley Christian Schools maintains dual accreditation from the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) and the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC). As a member of ACSI, VCS subscribes to ACSI’s Christian Philosophy of Education: The mission of ACSI is to enable Christian educators and schools worldwide to effectively prepare students for life.

Parent Teacher Prayer Fellowship The Parent Teacher Prayer Fellowship (PTPF) will: Seek to glorify God through word and deed in response to the unique blessing that is VCS; Work to build a strong school community through purposeful gatherings, personal interactions, and written communication that enhances the spiritual and learning environment of VCJH; Seek opportunities to encourage and support the teachers and staff of VCJH through tangible actions and regular prayer; Seek to provide events, needs, and special programs outside the realm of the educational experience being offered at VCJH. For information on how you may get involved, contact the PTPF liaison Mrs. Anita Chen at achen@vcs.net

Agreement Between VCS and Parents Parents and Guardians agree to support the mission, philosophy, and beliefs as described in the Philosophy of Christian Education publication of the school as a condition of admission and continued enrollment. Enrollment is conditioned upon parental/guardian and student compliance with all current or future policies, rules, and regulations of VCS as stated in the Enrollment Contract. See http://www.vcs.net/page.cfm?p=504 They further agree that their child may give the Christian faith as reflected in the Bible and the life and teachings of Jesus Christ fair consideration and that they will support any decisions of their child to be Christian should they choose to live the Christian faith. Accordingly, VCJH’s core curriculum includes three years of Bible courses and regular chapel attendance for all students. While VCS desires that all parents/guardians reflect the same Christlike life, as interpreted by the school’s biblical beliefs, VCS realizes that there are circumstances where this may not be the case. Parents and guardians however must agree to support the mission, philosophy, beliefs, and policies of VCS as a condition of admission and continued enrollment. In fulfilling its mission, philosophy, and beliefs, VCS cannot be viewed as condoning or promoting an attitude, conduct, morality, or lifestyle contrary to those taught by VCS. Consequently, in order to fulfill its mission, philosophy, and beliefs in cases where parents/guardians are attending VCS sponsored or related events or activities and/or on school property, VCS reserves the right to require parents/guardians to refrain from conduct, actions, or activities that would reflect an attitude, conduct, morality, or lifestyle contrary to VCS policies or Judeo-Christian values, as reflected in the Bible and the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and taught by VCS. VCS may, in its sole discretion, restrict parents’/guardian’s participation in an event, activity, or access on or to school property [Type here]


or inform the parents/guardians of the expectations, criteria, and/or circumstances that would be required to permit participation and/or attendance.

Statement of Faith • • •

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We believe the Bible to be the inspired, the only infallible, authoritative, inerrant Word of God (2 Timothy 3:15; 2 Peter 1:21). We believe there is one God, Creator of the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1), eternally existent in three persons - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Genesis 1:1; Matthew 28:19; John 10:30). We believe in the deity of Christ (Isaiah 9:6; John 1:1-14; John 10:33; John 14:9); His virgin birth (Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:23; Luke 1:35); His sinless life (Hebrews 4:15; Hebrews 7:26); His miracles (John 2:11); His vicarious and atoning death (1 Corinthians 15:3; Ephesians 1:7; Hebrews 2:9); His resurrection (John 11:25; I Corinthians 15:4; 1 Peter 1:34; Revelation 1:18); His Ascension to the right hand of the Father (Mark 16:19); and His personal return in power and glory (Acts 1:11; Revelation 19:11). We believe “God said, ‘Let Us make man in Our image according to Our likeness … So God created man in His own image … male and female He created them.” Every human life is designed by God before conception, “being yet unformed” (Genesis 1:26-27; Psalm 139:16). We believe life begins at conception as every person is “made in secret,” with sacred infinite value, being “fearfully and wonderfully made” by our Creator. Because of the sacred value of each human life, our loving God demands “… do not kill the innocent and righteous” (Genesis 1:26-27; Exodus 20:13; 23:7; Psalm 139:13-16). We believe it is not the divinely intended prerogative of people who are created by God to redefine His creation of human kind as being other than male and female. Regarding God’s creation of male and female, Jesus said, “Therefore, what God has joined together, let not man separate.” Redefinition of genders is contrary to God’s will as expressed in the Bible given that men and women are both intended by God to reflect His image and nature. Marriage involving both genders is also a biblical type of Christ as the groom and the Church as His pure bride (Matthew 19:4-6; 25:1-13; Revelation 22:17). We believe in the absolute necessity of regeneration by the Holy Spirit for salvation because of the exceeding sinfulness of human nature; and that people are justified on the single ground of faith in the shed blood of Christ and that only by God’s grace and through faith alone are we saved; and that “there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved” other than the name of Jesus Christ (John 3:16-19; John 5:24; John 14:6; Acts 4:12; Romans 3:23; Romans 5:8-9; Romans 10:9-10; Ephesians 2:8-10; Titus 3:5; 1 John 1:9; Revelation 3:20). We believe that every person should “love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength … and your neighbor as yourself.” Accordingly, Christians are to afford every person love, compassion, kindness, respect, and dignity regardless of differences involving beliefs, cultures, or status (Matthew 22:31; Mark 12:12-28; Luke 10:27; John 3:17; Galatians 5:22-23; Philippians 2:3; James 2:1-13). We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit, by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life and that the spiritual unity of all believers exists as one in our Father God and our Lord Jesus Christ (John 17:20-23; Romans 8:9; Romans 8:13-14; 1 Corinthians 3:16; 1 Corinthians 6:19-20; 1 Corinthians 12:12-13; Galatians 3:26-28; Ephesians 2:8-9; Ephesians 4:30; Ephesians 5:18).

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We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved unto the resurrection of life, and they that are lost unto the resurrection of condemnation (John 5:28-29; Revelation 20:12-15).

Parent Communication Sometimes, in the rush of the academic schedule, a phone call or an email to a teacher or staff member from a parent may go unnoticed. If we do not respond by email or telephone to your message or inquiry within a twenty-four hour business day, or your need is not met, please contact the Principal’s office at (408) 513-2463. Your calls are important to all of us at VCS as we pursue our Quest for Excellence.

Steps to Resolving Concerns Parents, teachers, and administrators accept the Bible’s command to make every effort to live at peace and to resolve disputes with each other in private…in conformity with biblical principles. If students/parents have a concern regarding a teacher, following the Matthew 18:15-17 principle, the steps to take are: • Student brings the concern to the teacher. • Parent brings the concern to the teacher. If the concern is not addressed by the above measures: • Parent brings the concern to the Department Head. • Parent brings the concern to the Principal. • Parent brings the concern to the Superintendent.

Student Records Student school records are kept in school files. Parents who wish to view their student’s records will need to allow up to 24 hours to schedule an appointment to view the file with school personnel. All files and records remain the property of Valley Christian Schools. Valley Christian Schools will make copies of files upon written request of a parent if all financial obligations are current.

Salute to the Christian Flag I pledge allegiance to the Christian flag, and to the Savior for whose Kingdom it stands. One Savior crucified, risen, and coming again, with life and liberty, for all who believe.

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ALL Junior High Information - JHPortal.vcs.net Current parents of VCJH will find links to all current school information through this website. Once a parent goes to this website and logs in using their Parent Portal username and password, links to the right will take them to the information that they need to know.

PowerSchool - PowerSchool.vcs.net

Parents may log on to this site with their Parent Portal login to access current grades, attendance records, discipline records (Teacher Comments), Progress Reports, and Report Cards.

Learn.vcs.net (Teacher Websites) - Learn.vcs.net

Parents may log on to this site using their child’s Warriorlife username and password to access each of their child’s courses, lesson plans, and homework. This is also your link to iPad Parent Information, and other information about the courses at the junior high. Parents may link their child’s homework calendar to their own electronic device using the instructions found on this site.

Daily Bulletin/Announcements - Jhportal.vcs.net http://powerschool.valleychristian.net/bulletin/2 Each morning during first period, the “Daily Bulletin” will be announced in the classrooms. The Daily Bulletin will be automatically distributed to each student’s iPad and is also available for viewing on PowerSchool or in the school office. It is the school’s communication tool used to tell the school community about the upcoming activities, events, sports, news, new policies, and more. Students are responsible for knowing the information in the Daily Bulletin.

Student Lunch Accounts - Myschoolaccount.com

Students may bring food from home or purchase food from Food Services. To purchase lunch from the VCS Food Services, students must use their student ID card as cash is not accepted. These cards are linked to each individual student’s lunch account. Parents establish accounts and deposit money into the account through My School Account at myschoolaccount.com. While funds may be deposited at any time, only funds deposited by 9pm the previous day are available for use on the following day. Students are not allowed to purchase food for other individuals. Lost or damaged student ID cards will result in a $5 fine to replace the card. This fine will grow incrementally with each loss or damaged card. (On site vending machines accept both cash and credit card. The afterschool Student Store accepts only cash.) School Address and Phone Numbers - 100 Skyway Drive #130 San Jose, CA 95111-3636 Office: (408) 513-2460 Fax: (408) 513-2472 Attendance Line: (408) 513-2473 Transportation: (408) 513-2504 Security: (408) 639-6865 [Type here]


SCHOOL ROUTINE HOURS School Hours School begins at 8:30am each day. Outside school hours, students may be on campus as early as 7am and as late as 6pm in supervised areas.

Student Life Center Hours 4-6pm, Monday through Thursday, and from 3:30-6pm Friday

Bell Schedule

Minimum Day Schedule release at 11:45am WHERE TO BE

Before School

Students arriving before 8am Monday through Friday must report to Early Bird Study Hall. (The library will not be open to junior high students before this time.) Between 8:00 and 8:20am, students must be outside the school buildings in the supervised areas. Students may not be in the Conservatory/Student Life Center before 8:20am. Ten minutes before class begins, students may enter the buildings, visit their locker, and go to their classes. [Type here]


Break Our schedule includes a ten-minute morning break after the first period and a ten-minute afternoon break after the third period. During this time, students may go to their locker and then move outside to a supervised location. The lunch line will be open during the morning and afternoon breaks for students to purchase snacks and drinks.

Lunch The schedule provides for a thirty-minute lunch break each day. When the bell rings for lunch, students are to move to the designated lunch area. Students may not return to the school building until the end of lunch bell rings unless a pass is obtained from the office. Students may purchase food and drinks from the lunch line or bring a lunch from home. Lunch is to be eaten in the designated lunch area only. Students are to clean up the eating area before leaving.

Hall Passes Students out of class must have teacher or office permission and a Hall Pass in their possession.

Hallway Behavior

Students are to pass through the hallways in an orderly fashion walking on the right-hand side of the hallway without pushing, shoving, or horseplay.

Supervised Areas

While on campus, students must stay within supervised areas for their own safety and protection. Students are NOT to be in the area of the baseball stadium, football stadium, athletic fields, parking lots, or any other area on campus without the supervision of a VCS staff member. When in the buildings, gyms, and hallways, students must be accompanied by a VCS staff or faculty member. Students needing to use the elevator must obtain an Elevator Pass. Disciplinary action will be taken for those students found in unsupervised areas.

After School Students may be in the Quad area, in the Student Life Center, library and in the pickup area after school. All other areas are off limits. Students may enter the pickup area just before their ride arrives, but may not wait in that area for an extended period of time.

Leaving School

Under NO circumstances may students leave the campus without proper permission. After arriving, students may not leave the campus until a parent or guardian picks up the student or they board their assigned bus. Students leaving campus without proper permission may be subject to suspension or required withdrawal. The procedure for leaving the campus early during the day is to have the student bring a note to the office in the morning or the parent may call the office to make early dismissal arrangements. The parent or approved guardian must come to the office to sign out the student, or they may call the school office when they have arrived on campus. The student will then sign out through the junior high office.


Chapel is held once a week. Students will attend with their assigned class and sit in the class’s assigned section. Chapel includes singing, sharing, and study from God’s Word. No excessive [Type here]


talking or rowdiness will be tolerated; automatic referrals will be given for unacceptable behavior. Students are to attend chapel joyfully but respectfully, preparing their hearts to meet with God.

Lockers Students are to follow these guidelines: • Students may visit their locker ten minutes before the start of school, at breaks, at the beginning and end of lunch, and after school. • Combinations should not be shared with anyone. • Students should not have the combination of nor open the locker of any other student. • Lockers should be locked and clean. • Know that all locker contents are the student’s responsibility. • Students should not keep items which are illegal or unauthorized in their locker. • VCJH is not responsible for articles taken from or damaged in a student’s locker. • Lockers and all school property are subject to random or individualized searches at any time. • Locker privileges will be revoked if any of the above statements are violated.

ADDITIONAL ITEMS Lost and Found All articles left in classrooms or on the grounds will be placed in the “Lost and Found” on the table just outside the junior high office. PE Lost and Found is located in the PE locker room. Personal belongings should be labeled. Items not claimed are periodically donated to an appropriate charitable organization.

Phone Usage Students may make phone calls to their parents or guardians only from the school phone in the office at no cost to the student. During school hours students cannot contact parents through their personal devices, phones, or iPads. All communication must go through the office.

School Equipment Students must leave all school equipment alone including, but not limited to, golf carts, maintenance carts, and maintenance equipment. Disciplinary action will be taken for those students touching off-limits equipment.


It is the responsibility of the parent to replace lost textbooks or workbooks and to purchase new textbooks when a course is changed during the school year.

Visitor Policy

We want people to know about our school and that we are proud of VCJH. However, problems can develop if unguided people are on campus. To ensure student safety, visitors are asked to check in at the school office to obtain a Visitor Pass. Therefore, the following visitor guidelines are to be followed: 1. All visitors (students and parents) must obtain a Visitor Pass from the office prior to entering any building, and this badge is to be worn at all times while on campus. A valid ID is required at the time of check in. The badge is to be returned to the school office before leaving campus. 2. Students are not to bring visitors on campus without prior approval from the administration. [Type here]


3. If parents of a student desire to visit VCJH classrooms or have a conference with a teacher, prior arrangements need to be made. Parent/Teacher Conferences may be arranged through the teachers.

TRAVEL TO AND FROM SCHOOL Bus Rules All school rules in this Handbook apply to the bus as the bus is considered an extension of the classroom. All students transported on the bus must submit to the authority of the driver and address the driver with respect. There will be disciplinary consequences for students not following these policies including the loss of all bussing privileges.

Parking and Traffic Information for Parents The success of the day-to-day traffic flow relies entirely on the cooperation of parents and students and their commitment to follow the policies put into place. Safety is our main concern, and we will be strictly enforcing traffic and parking policies to maintain student and driver safety. Parents are to ensure that their child(ren) are familiar with the drop-off and pick-up guidelines. It is their responsibility to follow those guidelines and the direction of the traffic officers on duty. Students may be picked up (curbside) in front of the football stadium and soccer field. Students may never be picked up in the passing lane. Students may not be picked up at any other place including in the local neighborhoods. They may not walk off campus unless they have a “Walk Home Pass” that is obtained through the junior high office. Parents are encouraged to pick up their children in a timely manner. Please see the Pick-up Policy for Students in the VCJH-Routine section of this Handbook for more information. Please read and follow the “General Traffic and Parking Policy” published by the Transportation Department. Questions about the Parking and Traffic Policy should be directed to the Transportation Department at (408) 513-2504.

Bicycles Students riding their bicycle to school must wear bicycles helmets, observe safety laws and rules, and display courtesy toward other riders and pedestrians. Bikes must be locked in the designated area upon arrival at school.


There is a positive correlation between school attendance and good academic achievement. Regular, daily attendance is required for all students. When it is necessary for a student to miss school, parents must call the school office (408) 513-2473 or email JHattendance@vcs.net by 9am each day their child is absent. A student who has an excused absence is given one class session for every day that they were absent to make up their work.

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Excused Absences There are three basic categories of excused absences. They are: (1) illness of the student, (2) family funeral, and (3) medical/dental appointments. Please try to make appointments after school whenever possible. If a student is absent for more than five days due to illness, a doctor’s note must accompany their return to school as verification that the student is well enough to be in class.

Unexcused Absences Absences for reason other than listed above and those that are not properly cleared are considered unexcused. Examples of unexcused absences include being late to class ten or more minutes, choosing to miss class due to lack of preparedness, being suspended from school, missing class due to being out of dress code, unverified absences, sleeping in, or scheduling appointments (i.e. hair appointments, social activities, etc.) during school time. There is no additional time to make up any missed work and class work will be due the day the student returns. It is the student’s responsibility to determine what assignments have been missed. Any participation points or in-class extra credit missed during an unexcused absence or suspension may not be made up.

Advanced Absences

Students who plan to be absent due to family vacations, church retreats, and/or non-VCS sports competitions or mission efforts must plan to submit all missing work and make up any missing tests on the day of their return. Students who need support in planning can use an advanced absence form located in any of the school counselors’ offices. A note or phone call to the office from a parent/guardian must precede the Advanced Absence.

Truant Absences Valley Christian School Junior High School is a closed campus, which means a student may not leave the campus without written permission from a school official based upon permission from a parent/guardian. Truancy is being absent from class, (on or off campus) all or part of a day, without parental permission. This includes chapel or any other required assembly. Truancy is considered serious and may result in a suspension. To help the school from misconstruing an absence as truancy (cutting), both parental and school permission must be given before an absence occurs. The school reserves the right to make the determination as to whether a particular absence is truancy or an unexcused absence.

Concussions and Extended Illness Students who have been diagnosed by their doctors with a concussion or an extended illness must follow the doctor’s prescribed guidelines until cleared by a physician. In these instances, parents are required to provide the school with a doctor’s note that includes the date of diagnosis and the doctor’s required physical or cognitive limitations for the student. Student Support will be notified to come alongside the student in crafting an education plan while the student is healing. Students with extended medical conditions that require intensive academic modifications must work closely with Student Support and teachers. Even with strong communication and dedication by all stakeholders, some situations are extended for such a long period or require such modifications that a leave of absence or disenrollment may be the only possible course of action. [Type here]


Excessive Absences A student may only be absent ten percent of the total possible school days without putting their promotion in jeopardy. Parents of students approaching ten percent of the current school days will be notified and subsequent absences must be accompanied by a doctor’s note. If a student’s habitual or chronic absences or tardies are creating a burden on the VCJH teachers/staff or are harming the educational experience of the student, then VCJH administration may not allow for the student to reenroll the following year. Without an established understanding with the Administration, chronically absent students will most likely lose their seat at VCJH the following school year or will be placed on a contract requiring regular attendance.


If a student is late five minutes or less to their first period class, they are to go straight to class. Students more than ten minutes late to school should report to the office before going to class. Students are considered tardy if they are not in their seat and ready to work when the bell starts to ring. Examples of excused first period tardies are: sickness with parent verification by note or phone call, medical appointment with verification by note or phone call, auto accidents - direct or indirect involvement, unavoidable breakdowns (flat tire, dead battery, etc.), and unique, unavoidable circumstances, as confirmed by administration such as bus delays or breakdowns. Examples of unexcused first period tardies are: oversleeping, running out of gas, and normal traffic problems. The administration will be responsible to determine whether an absence or tardy is excused or unexcused.


Emergencies In case of an emergency on campus, such as a fire or earthquake, the teachers will give directions on where to go and what to do. Students are to follow their instructions completely. During the school year, drills will be held to prepare for potential emergencies. If the fire alarm sounds during class, students are to evacuate with that class to the appropriate field. If it sounds outside of class time, students are to report to their first period of the days meeting place In the event of a major earthquake, students will remain at school until their parents are able to pick them up. Communication will be through the automated phone system, the website, and email. If an emergency evacuation is required, parents are to bring appropriate identification and be prepared to follow the instructions of school and community officials.

Health If a student experiences any of the following symptoms, VCS requires that he/she stay at home until he/she feels better: vomiting, abnormal temperature, diarrhea, infectious cough, and contagious childhood diseases such as measles, mumps, chickenpox, or lice. Students must be fever free without the use of a fever reducer for 24 hours before returning to school. If a student does not feel well at school, they are to ask the teacher for permission to come to the office. Parents must pick up their child within the hour when they become ill or injured at school or on a school related trip. [Type here]


Medicines Students will not be allowed to carry any medicinal (prescription or non-prescription) product, including aspirin, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, cold symptom medication, and others, while at school. All medication must be turned in to the office for dispensing by the school staff. A “Medication Consent Form” must be obtained from the school office or school website and filled out by a physician for prescription medication and/or filled out by a parent for non-prescription drugs. A separate Medication Consent Form is needed for each medication and family member. All medication is to be in the original container with the student’s name clearly marked. No pain reliever can be given unless the student has brought some from home with a Medication Consent Form properly filled out. No student may take another student’s medication under any circumstance. Students who require an Epi-Pen or an inhaler may carry it with them but they must have a signed Self Carry Contract on file in the JH office.

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Skyway Library and Student Life Center Library Hours - Junior High

Monday-Thursday 7:15am* – 5:00pm Friday 7:15am* – 3:30pm *With pass from JH office.

Student Life Center Hours - Junior High Monday-Friday 4:00pm – 6:00pm

Library Use The Skyway Library is a place for quiet study and research. Collaborative study and/or project groups must work very quietly at the tables or relocate to the tables outside or to the Student Life Center after 4:00pm.

In the Skyway Library: VCJH dress code and behavior rules apply at all times. • Eating is not permitted at any time. All food and beverages other than water must be left at the counter when entering. • Bottled water is only permitted at the tables. • VCJH cell phone rules apply during the school day. Cell phone calls before or after the school day must be taken outside unless permission has been given by the Library staff.

Online Library Catalog

The Skyway Library provides more than 35,000 print and ebooks to its users for research and recreational reading. To find the online catalog, go to Learn.vcs.net and select “Library” under the Warriorlife menu. Click on the image of the Search button, select Skyway Campus Library, and enter your search term in the field. Click on the Keyword, Title, or Author button to execute the catalog search.

Material Circulation and Fines Library books may be checked out for two weeks with fines assessed at 20 cents per day per book. There is a five-day grace period after the due date; if the book is returned after the five-day grace period, fines are calculated from the due date. Overdue notices are sent through Warriorlife email. If students do not respond to notices in a timely manner, additional notices may be sent to a student in the classroom, or a student may be given detention until the issues are resolved. Students are responsible for all materials checked out on their account, and/or any fines and replacement fees for items that are late, lost, or damaged.

Library Databases The databases provided through Valley Christian Schools are a valuable tool to assist students in research and homework projects and are available at school and at home if you have access to the Internet. Students can access the databases through the Library’s homepage [Learn.vcs.net -> My Warriorlife menu -> Library -> Research menu -> Digital Resources].

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When off-campus, enter the correct password when prompted. See your English teacher’s homepage on Learn.vcs.net for the list of off-campus credentials.

Printing, Photocopying The Library provides printing services only through the Library’s computers for producing black-andwhite documents and short presentations. Photocopying is also available. Print-outs and copies are 10 cents per page, payable with a Library Print/Copy card which may be purchased from the Circulation Desk.

Computers and Internet Use

Computers are available for student use for word processing, printing, and research using library resources and the Internet as needed. All school policies apply when using Library computers. Computers are a shared resource for school-related use only. Therefore, students using the computers agree to adhere to the following rules as well as any other rules deemed necessary during the year, including the Acceptable Use Policy in the Student Handbook. Students will be notified of any changes. Any violation of the rules may result in disciplinary measures. • Access to the Internet in the Library is restricted to research for school-related projects. • Playing games or streaming digital content (videos, movies, music, etc.) in the Library on any device – Library or personal – for recreation or entertainment is not permitted. • Music CDs and DVDs may not be played for personal use on Library computers. • Except as permitted by library staff, no other devices may be connected to the computers for any reason, including, but not limited to, charging of personal devices. • Students may not alter the settings of any computer, including applications, keyboards, and computer mice. • Nothing may be downloaded to the C-drive. • The Librarian’s decision is final on whether a site is appropriate. Any violation of the Library’s policies or disregard of the Library Staff’s direction may result in the loss of computer or library privileges for a period of time. Use of any electronic devices in the Library, whether personal or school devices, must comply with the VCS Acceptable Use Policy and Academic Integrity Policy, including: • Any site related to computer hacking, or any other criminal act • Sites not in English, unless required for a World Language class • Any site with inappropriate language, images, or music as judged by the Library staff or school administration • Any attempt by a student to defeat any security measures on the Library computers or attempt to access data on VCS networks that is not relevant to a student’s schoolwork is a violation of California Penal Code section 502.

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Schedules Students are enrolled in eight classes: five academics (Bible, English, History, Math, and Science), plus PE and two electives. These classes will meet on alternating days, four each day.

Schedule Changes While we would love to be able to fulfill requests from students and their parents to change electives, the time of day that a student may take a particular course, or requests for particular teachers, the reality is that we are rarely able to make changes to students’ schedules during the school year. In order to facilitate a schedule change, students must complete a Schedule Change Form that is found in the Academic Counselors’ office. This will require students, parents, and teachers to agree and sign to the requested schedule change. Completion of this for does not guarantee a schedule change but is the first step in the process. The only times that a schedule change will be considered is for: • A student who is struggling in their math or honors course and is in need of being moved to a less challenging course. • A student needs additional study time and requests that one of their electives become a Study Hall. • If a student has three or more core classes in one day and needs to balance their schedule. If these changes can be made, it typically requires reworking the majority of the student’s schedule. We ask that you please keep in mind the above limitations when making your request.

Honors Classes

Students enrolled in the honors classes are bound by the conditions of the contract they and their parents signed prior to placement in the classes. If any of the contract conditions are not met, the student may be placed in the grade level English or math. The conditions of the contract are not negotiable.

Taking HS classes as a JH student A distinct opportunity of being a part of the VCJH family is the ability to participate in a limited selection of our VCHS courses. Here are the two situations where that course selection is permitted: • When a student’s math track has exceeded Algebra II with qualifying transcripts. • When an incoming eighth-grade student has previous consecutive world language experience. In the event that you qualify, please inform the Vice Principal, and she will assess the possibility of participating in high school courses. Please note that any participation in high school courses will have an impact on the student’s junior high schedule that includes but is not limited to: loss of elective, earlier start time, class attendance during junior high only breaks or events (Washington DC Trip, Disneyland Trip, etc.), and participation in high school Finals Week.

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Homework Policy Students are expected to set aside approximately one and a half hours (in non-honors classes) each night to focus on their academic development. The average student should spend approximately 30 minutes for each academic class, and one hour for each honors class session. If a student has created a distraction-free environment and still is spending significantly more time than this guideline describes, he or she should speak directly to the teacher or an Academic Counselor.

Make-Up Work Excused Absences Students with excused absences will be allowed one class session for each day absent to make up missed work. See sample below: • If a student is sick on Monday, the student will check the teacher’s website before class on Wednesday and ask clarifying questions of the teacher on Wednesday. The work is due on Friday. • If a student is sick on Monday and comes to school on Tuesday, the student is responsible for Tuesday’s classwork, since the student did not miss any time from that class. If the student needs an extension on Tuesday’s assignments, they must email the teacher in advance and exceptions are at the discretion of the teacher. Work includes in-class assignments, labs, quizzes, tests, papers, projects, and any other activities worth points. Students must also determine what work or tests were missed and initiate arrangements with the teacher. A reduced grade or zero may be given for make-up work not turned in according to the policy above. Unexcused Absences Students with unexcused absences may make up missed work, but it is due the next class; there is no extended make-up time given. Participation points or in-class extra credit given during that class cannot be made up. Advanced Absences Assignments due during an Advanced Absence are due the day the student returns to school. Extended Absences Parents of students who have extended absences due to surgery or extended illness should contact Mrs. Kristen Cunningham, the Director of Student Support, at kcunningham@vcs.net to create a reasonable plan for make-up work, including in-class work and tests. Plans will be made on an individual basis by consulting the family and the teachers. Our goal is to support the healing of a student’s physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health while at the same time advising students on how to successfully continue in their academic studies. School Performance/Athletic Competition Absences Students who miss one class due to an excused event such as a school performance or athletic competition are still responsible for the work due that day. Work should be turned in to the teacher or to the junior high office before leaving campus. For the work that was assigned during the missed class, students should check the teacher’s website for the missed work and speak with a classmate about what occurred in class. The student [Type here] 23

must complete the assigned work without an extension if possible. If the student cannot complete the assigned work, the student MUST (no exceptions) email the teacher prior to the next class session and work directly with the teacher to see if an extension is possible.

Homework During Breaks

No homework will be assigned over major breaks (Thanksgiving, Christmas, Winter, and Easter breaks). For example, for Winter Break, the last day to assign homework is Wednesday. Also, no major projects or tests will be due the day upon returning to school.

Grading Scale A+ A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D D- F I

Superior Superior Superior Excellent Excellent Excellent Satisfactory Satisfactory Satisfactory Below Average Below Average Below Average Failing Incomplete

100%+ 93% - 100% 90% - 92% 88% - 89% 83% - 87% 80% - 82% 78% - 79% 73% - 77% 70% - 72% 68% - 69% 63% - 67% 60% - 62% Below 60%

4.0 4.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0

(work must be made up within ten school days of issuance of Report Card)

Grade Point Average

Grades will be averaged to determine a “Grade Point Average” (GPA). Each letter grade is worth “points”: A=4 points; B=3 points; C=2 points; D=1 point; F=0 points. P/F=Pass/Fail classes are not figured into GPA.

Honor Roll An award given to high achieving students that receive a 3.5 GPA at the close of each quarter. Certificates are calculated and issued by mail with their final Report Card in June.

Learn.vcs.net (Teacher Websites) Learn.vcs.net is the resource for knowing what is happening in each class. Teachers use this tool to post lesson plans, instructional resources, interactive assignments/assessments, homework, and due dates for assignments. Each page is current for the upcoming week each Friday by 5pm. To assist with our student learning organizational skills we utilize the homework calendars which are automatically posted on the students’ iPad iCal. This is done all year for all sixth graders and the first semester only for all seventh graders.


PowerSchool is the primary form of communication from teachers to parents about their child’s progress in their academic subjects. It also provides information about student’s attendance and the “Daily Bulletin” so that parents may keep up to date with the latest news at the school. PowerSchool is updated weekly—every Monday by 5pm. [Type here] 24

Parents may choose to log on to PowerSchool to view their child’s grades or sign up on PowerSchool to receive regular emails with grade reports. When logging on to PowerSchool, be sure to click on anything that is in blue as those items are links to information that is being communicated about the student.

PowerSchool Grading and Posting Policy Grading Student Work: Daily assignments, workbooks, and quizzes will be graded and returned the next day the class meets or no more than two class days later.* Major tests and assignments will be graded and returned within one week.* Posting to PowerSchool: After an assignment has been graded within the above time guidelines, the assignment will be posted to PowerSchool. All graded student work for the week (Monday through Friday) will be posted to PowerSchool no later than the following Monday by 5pm. *Given the nature of the assignment, some assignments may take longer to grade and post than others. Teachers will post in the “assignment description” detail on PowerSchool information regarding extra time needed for individual assignments.

Report Cards Parents may sign on to PowerSchool regularly to observe a weekly “Progress Report” on their child. Report Cards will be available online through PowerSchool after each quarter in October, December, March, and June. Semester Report Cards are mailed home in December and June.

Academic Probation

A student will be placed on Academic Probation when the following occurs on a quarterly report card: (1) a grade of F in one or more subjects; (2) three grades of D; or (3) a GPA below 2.0. If a student is placed on Academic Probation, the following actions take place: (1) parents are notified by email; (2) a meeting will be held with the Academic Counselor at which time a specific contract outlining steps needed for academic success will be discussed; and (3) the student may be enrolled in the Study Hall elective as space is available. Academic Probation will last for one grading period. A student will be removed from probation upon achieving a GPA of at least 2.5, along with no Fs and no more than two Ds. If a student does not clear Academic Probation, the administration will consider whether the student should be on “extended” probation for the next quarter, or should be asked to withdraw from VCS. That decision will be based on student effort, along with other factors.

Academic Requirements In order to graduate or be promoted, one must possess at least a 2.0 GPA based on semester grades. If a student, based on the student’s semester grades in their five core classes, earns yearlong Ds in three or more subjects, or a yearlong F in any subject, he or she will not qualify for graduation or promotion. A student may be promoted to the next grade if acceptable remedial work is completed by the beginning of the following year. Also, students must attend at least 90% of the school days in order to be eligible for promotion to the next grade.

Graduation and Promotion

Every professional develops a “resumé” for career advancement, and students at VCJH build a resumé for possible re-enrollment to VCJH or for admission to VCHS. At the conclusion of each year, the administrators at VCJH and VCHS view the resumé of every student for re-enrollment or [Type here]


admission to Valley Christian High School. Students with a weak resumé are notified that their junior high resumé is weak and that prospects for re-enrollment or admission to VCHS are not promising. The student resumé includes academic grades, attendance records, and the student’s citizenship records. These may be viewed on PowerSchool by choosing the “Grades and Attendance” button and the word “Log Entries” on the student page. When choosing “Log Entries,” note any listing of “Behavior Difficulties.” This is the primary method in which a behavior issue is communicated to the parent on a weekly basis. The elementary, junior high, and high school share access to PowerSchool. The administration reviews the resumé of each student before re-enrolling or granting acceptance into our high school. This process is intended to help each student gain an understanding of the importance of developing a strong resumé for promoting his or her academic and eventual professional career.

Student Activities: Elective/Co-Curricular/School

Given that the academic program at VCJH is rigorous, students choosing to participate in extracurricular activities need to first determine if they will be able to balance their academic studies and the extra time necessary to participate in an extracurricular activity. A student must maintain a 2.5 GPA, without any grades of F or more than two Ds in academic classes along with exemplary citizenship grades of “O” or “S” to be eligible to perform in programs, plays, and any other major activity related to electives or co-curricular activities. If a student does not maintain this criterion, he or she will not be allowed to participate in further activities until the grades meet this criterion. Students missing class due to a performance, practice, or game must obtain the work missed on their own and turn it in to their teacher on time. Missed class time does not allow for extra time to make up missed work. Students must be in attendance for the full school day in order to play afterschool sports, participate in music or theater arts practices or performances, or participate in other afterschool activities. Students choosing to stay home for rest due to late practices, performances, or games will have that absence counted as unexcused. All school rules apply on all field trips and on school-sponsored events on the school campus and away from it.

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Citizenship Grades Students will receive a grade for citizenship from each teacher. This grade reflects classroom citizenship in the areas of behavior, attitude, respect, tardies, and participation. The grades will be: O=Outstanding; S=Satisfactory; N=Needs improvement, and U=Unsatisfactory. Students representing VCJH off campus will be required to maintain high standards of citizenship.

Citizenship Criteria O - Outstanding N - Needs Improvement S - Satisfactory U - Unsatisfactory A student’s citizenship grade should reflect which of the above categories is most aligned with the student’s overall behavior. Citizenship = “O” This student has not earned any tardies, off-tasks, unprepared, eating in class, etc., for the grading period. This student participates readily (as his/her ability allows) and always has a respectful attitude toward the teacher and his/her peers. He/She has an excellent track record of exemplary behavior and class participation. See “Above Average Performance.” Overall, this student is doing an excellent job. Citizenship = “S” This student may have earned one or two tardies, off-tasks, or other marks for classroom discipline issues. This student typically participates when asked. This student is respectful toward his/her teacher and peers most of the time. He/She has a record of cooperative behavior and class participation. See “Average Performance.”Overall, this student is doing an average job. Citizenship = “N” This student has earned many off-tasks, tardies, or eating in class, etc., for the grading period. This student rarely, if ever, participates in a positive manner in class. This student has been disrespectful toward his/her teacher and peers. He/She has a record of uncooperative behavior and seldom participates in class. See “Below Average Performance.” Overall, this student needs improvement. Citizenship = “U” This student has earned one or more Referrals for his/her behavior in class. This student often distracts others by his/her behavior in class. This student is disrespectful to the teacher and other students by his/her behavior and words. He/She has a record of challenging the behavior expectancies of the teacher and very seldom participates in class. Overall, this student needs to make major improvements in his/her behavior.

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Academic Integrity Policy Students are to practice honesty, integrity, and optimum effort on all assignments resulting in grades that reflect the student’s original work and is an indicator of their understanding of the course material. Students are expected to do their own homework, submit their own thoughts for writing assignments, and take tests without external aids. Students are also expected to deny requests from other students to copy from their work. The determination that a student has breached the Academic Integrity Policy will be based on the judgment of the teacher or staff member. Observations, written materials, electronic data, student statements, and other items will be considered when making the determination. A student will receive a disciplinary referral if it is determined they have breached the Academic Integrity Policy. The work must be redone and re-submitted. Resubmitted work will not receive partial credit.

Cheating or Suspicion of Cheating Examples of cheating or suspicion of cheating are, but not limited to: Test or quiz: Sharing information that is on a test with an individual that has not taken the test; looking on another student’s paper; sending or receiving any type of electronic transmission; electronically accessing the test prior to it being assigned; having out any information pertaining to the test or quiz during the exam; talking, whispering, or any type of communication during a test or quiz, verbal or nonverbal, after instructions to begin the test are given until all tests are turned in. Assignments: Copying homework or other assignments; sharing assignments verbally, electronically, or in writing; having another student do work and taking credit for it; helping another student to obtain work that is not his or hers; and sharing answers through any means unless directed to work as a group by the teacher.

Plagiarism • • • • • •

Plagiarism: The offering of another person’s words or ideas as one’s own writing/work. Plagiarism includes: Submitting another’s work, word-for-word (three or more consecutive words) without citing the source. Failing to use student’s own word choice and sentence structure by instead simply copying a source’s sentence structure and substituting synonyms. Copying another person’s work, in part or in full (including homework and math formulas). Copying and pasting from the Internet without citation. Having a parent or another person write an essay or do a project that is then submitted as one’s own work. Submitting work previously submitted for another assignment (by oneself or another) for credit on a current assignment.

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Conscientious Effort Program The purpose of the Conscientious Effort Program (CEP) is to develop the students’ desire to do their best, and to achieve a higher standard of accuracy and legibility in their written work Student work should: • be written in a style that is both legible and neat. • use correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation. • show their work (math). If a paper does not meet these requirements: • The teacher will mark it RESUBMIT and will return it to the student. • The student will be given one day to resubmit the assignment. (In the case of a lengthy assignment, the teacher may give longer periods of time.) • A grading reduction of 10% per day will be assessed when the work is resubmitted. • A student who does not turn in an acceptable revision will have his paper graded in accordance with its original quality.


The purpose of Valley Christians School’s dress code is to promote Christian unity among students and to avoid a segmented student body based on distinctive cultural or religious attire. The purpose disallows attire representing images, messages, or traditions that are inconsistent with Christian faith and the mission and values of VCS. We aim to assure student safety and emphasize the importance of the school and its work. Clothing can contribute to a sense of pride and professionalism in the students' workplace and may lead to a sense that school is important business. All student dress must be of a modest appearance. Modest appearance includes clothing that is clean, well kept, gender-specific, has a moderately loose fit, and only has appropriate brand logos on the front. All-over consistent geometric prints, which do not incorporate logos, graphics, letters, numbers, or inappropriate images, are acceptable. Worn, frayed, or torn clothes are not permitted. Exceptions to VCS’s Dress Code are not granted for religious or cultural reasons. VCS administrators reserve the right to determine what is appropriate in terms of dress. Please ask these questions when selecting clothing and hairstyles: • Does what I am wearing glorify God? • Is it immodest? • Might my appearance be disruptive by calling attention to it? • Does my garment associate with or identify anything that is inappropriate to the mission and vision of VCS? • Does the clothing present a health or safety hazard? • Is the clothing faded, worn, frayed, torn, or improperly fitted?

Dress Code Standards for All Students

Footwear Students are to wear shoes at all times. Leisure footwear such as slippers, moccasins, flip flops, and any in-between the toe shoes are not permitted. Shirts [Type here]


Small brand logos on the front of shirts are acceptable. Warrior Wear is acceptable and can be purchased at www.vcwarriorwear.net Outerwear Any jacket, sweatshirt, or coat can only have brand logos on the front, not the sleeves or back and must only contain appropriate graphics, lettering, and logos. Hair Hair styles with extreme cuts, styles, or unnatural colors caused by permanent or washable dyes are not permitted. Extreme styles may include but are not limited to: designs cut/shaved into hair styles, hair that is styled in excessive heights, shaved heads, and colored streaks in the hair. Hats Baseball caps and visors may not be worn indoors. When caps are worn, the bill of the cap must be worn forward. Bandanas and headbands worn across the forehead may not be worn. Head coverings of any type for males or females may not be worn inside the buildings at any time. Backpacks Backpacks must be free of all patches, pins, and other writing with the exception of the student’s name written on the backpack. Rolling backpacks are not allowed unless specific permission is granted by the administration. Athletic wear Sweat pants, warm-ups, exercise wear, nylon shorts, any items with elastic waistbands, and recreational clothing are not permitted as normal daily wear. Shorts Hemmed Bermuda or jean-type shorts are allowed for all students at all times. The length of the shorts must be no shorter than at the knee. Fads: Counter-cultural fads such as leather studded belts and jewelry, heavy chained jewelry, sports jerseys, , body piercing, tattoos, and the gang or gothic types of dress are not acceptable attire. “Body Graffiti,” tattoos, or drawing on the body is not acceptable. Oversized clothing, pants and shirts, are not allowed. Leisure pants and shorts such as yoga pants, athletic shorts, or any shorts or pants with an elastic waist are not permitted. All clothing must be size appropriate and gender specific for the student.

Dress Code Specific for Young Ladies

Skirts, dresses, blouses, sweaters, loose fitting capri pants (hitting at least midway between the knee and the ankle), or modestly tailored pants and jeans are standard school wear. Skirts, dresses, and slits in skirts or dresses must be no shorter than just above the knee (athletic, cheerleading, and other school uniforms excepted). When leggings are worn, a skirt or dress (of dress code length) must be worn over the leggings. Shirts must cover the shoulder; no sleeveless shirts. Backless attire, off the shoulder, halter, or low-cut necklines are not permitted. Tight, form fitting shirts and pants will not be allowed. Absolutely no midriffs may show at any time. Sheer clothing may be worn as long as what is underneath is within dress code. Undergarments, such as bralettes, must not be visible. Swimwear includes a modest, full-cut, one-piece suit or a modest two-piece suit with a dark colored t-shirt.

Dress Code Specific for Young Men

Pants are to be worn no lower than the hips and to the top of the underwear. Belt ends are to be held by pant belt loops. Underwear is to remain covered at all times. The natural length of one’s hair must not extend below the middle of the ear, over the eyebrow, or past the top of the shirt collar. Sideburns must be no lower than the bottom of the ear. The face is to be clean-shaven. Earrings are not allowed. Swim trunks are to be full cut design. [Type here] 30

Dress Code Specific for Athletes on Games Days On the day of a game, athletes may wear the game jersey portion of their uniform for the entire school day. If the jersey does not have sleeves, a shirt with sleeves must be worn under the game jersey. At lunch, athletes may change into their entire uniform. However, if the uniform includes short shorts, dress code acceptable shorts or sweats must be worn over the shorts.

Dress Code Enforcement Students need to be in dress code at all times when on campus and at any school event. VCS reserves the right to make the final decision in regard to dress. Students may be withheld from class when not in proper dress and the missed class time is not excused. Parental review and support before a student leaves for school are important aspects of meeting dress code standards. Students requiring a change of clothing to comply with the dress code may be provided a substitute shirt (such as a Jog-a-thon shirt, class shirt, or Warrior wear) and the parent will be billed for the cost of the shirt - $15.00 Students whose attire does not meet standards at a school function may be asked to leave. See Dress Code Consequences for consequences regarding dress code.


Code of Conduct Recognizing that students are representatives of Valley Christian Schools (a place that honors and upholds the name of Jesus Christ) and recognizing that students should behave in a “manner worthy of their calling,” (investing in the intangibles of life) they agree to behave in accordance with the following VCJH Code of Conduct: (1 Peter 2:13-17) • Students are to have exemplary behavior both on campus and in their communities. (Romans 13:1-5, Deuteronomy 26:17) • Students are to respond to teachers, staff, and all adults the first time they are asked to comply. First-Time Obedience (Romans 13:1-5, Deuteronomy 26:17) • Students are to “consider one another as more important than yourselves,” and to “be kind and tender-hearted to one another.” (Philippians 2:3, Ephesians 4:32) • Students are to keep their hands off other students at all times and for all reasons. Students are to use non-violent means to resolve conflict, showing compassion to one another. Aggressive behavior such as teasing, bullying (physical, rational, and verbal), insults, and harassment are disruptive to the school environment and will not be tolerated. (Romans 12:9-21) • Students are to strive to do their very best, completing all assignments on time and to the best of their ability. (2 Timothy 2:15) • Students are to engage in God-honoring conversation and communications. Profanity, gossip, inappropriate language, and inappropriate innuendoes in word or action are not acceptable and will be dealt with by the administration and staff. Such behavior reflects disrespect for the student and lack of consideration for others. (Colossians 3:17, Ephesians 4:29-30, Proverbs 14:15) • Believing that our bodies are a temple of Christ; students should refrain from the use of any illegal substance such as illegal drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. (1 Corinthians 6:19, Romans 12:1) • Students are to respect the personal property of others by leaving the belongings of others alone at all times. (Exodus 20:15, Ephesians 4:28) • Students should look upon one another as brothers and sisters in Christ. Relationships should not cause embarrassment to others. Students should refrain from showing personal affection [Type here]


toward one another such as prolonged hugging, handholding, kissing, or intimate physical contact. (Romans 12:10-11, Ephesians 5:3-5) • Students are not to promote or engage in intimate sexual relationships of any form. (1 Corinthians 6:8-10, Romans 13:13) • Students are to be cooperative, courteous, respectful, orderly, and accepting of correction. (Hebrews 13:7) “To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in His steps.” (1 Peter 2:21)

Warrior Shield The student who performs special acts of service or kindness may be awarded a “Warrior Shield.” This card may be redeemed at the Student Store.

Assembly and Chapel Behavior Students should be on their utmost best behavior while in chapel. Students should act respectfully, be attentive, and not be a distraction to the speaker or other students around them.

Gum, Food, and Drinks Food and drinks should only be consumed at times and places designated for that purpose. Food may not be consumed in the classrooms (with the exception of bottled water). Food and drinks may never be consumed in the hallways, staircases, or in chapel. Opened bottles of beverages, with the exception of water bottles, are not allowed in the buildings. Gum is not allowed on campus.

Backpacks Students must keep their backpacks with them at all times. They may not leave their backpacks unattended on the school campus. Students may not touch other students’ backpacks. School administrators, without the need of a search warrant, may search a student’s backpack or bag. The school is not responsible for backpacks left unattended.

Buying, Borrowing Money, Selling, and Trading

No student may borrow money from other students. Students may not buy, sell, or trade items without prior permission from the administration.

Inappropriate Language

Students are not to use “street talk,” crass talk, or slang while at school. Warnings or referrals for offenses will be issued. Continued use will result in suspension and recommended withdrawal. “Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned as it were, with salt, so that you may know how you should respond to each person.” Colossians 4:6

School/Personal Property Students are to be responsible for the items they bring to campus. VCS will not be responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen items, money, electronic devices, or valuables. All school-owned equipment and property such as lockers, desks, and computers are subject to random or individualized searches at any time. If a student is suspected of specific wrongdoing, the student may be required to empty his or her pockets, handbag, wallet, or backpack for school personnel. If a student refuses to allow this search or empty his or her pockets, the parents will be contacted. If refusal still occurs, the student will be dis-enrolled. If the suspicion involves a substance or object that may injure the student or other students, then the authorities will be notified. [Type here] 32

What Not to Bring or Have at School Students should only have in their possession materials and items directly related to the learning process. Prohibited items will be confiscated and possibly not returned. Disciplinary action may be taken. Examples of items not related to the learning process are: • Items that may cause damage or harm: • Skateboards, roller blades, skate shoes • Squirt guns, laser pointers, water balloons • Large felt tip pens, aerosol cans, items that shock • Extra money - Students may not bring more money than they need to spend at school in one school day. It is recommended that students bring minimal cash each day as it is only needed for the Student Store after school and chapel offerings. Examples of dangerous and illegal items: • Dangerous Items/Weapons - firecrackers, caps, matches, lighters, flammable materials, or other types of explosive materials, firearms, knives, chains, or weapons of any kind including objects which mimic dangerous items • Objectionable Material - depicting unwholesome or dangerous items • Illegal Items - Possession, use, sale, buying or arranging to buy or sell tobacco or tobacco related products, drugs, alcohol, drug paraphernalia, and other controlled substances, or represented to be a controlled substance Violations will result in severe disciplinary action, including suspension or expulsion and referral to the appropriate law enforcement agency.

Property Damage The people responsible must pay for the damage to school property, either deliberate or accidental. This includes any defacement by graffiti. Details of damage and costs will be sent home to parents. Grade reports and diplomas will be held until all fees have been paid. Students must not remove or change location of any property without specific permission from a teacher or staff member. Valley Christian Schools is not responsible for loss or breakage of any student’s personal items.


Valley Christian Schools respects, cherishes, and protects students of all cultures and backgrounds on our campus. Any form of harassment, including sexual harassment, racial slurs, and derogatory comments or bullying is absolutely prohibited. Incidents of harassment toward students, faculty, staff, or administration will be dealt with as follows: Any incident of possible harassment should be brought immediately to the attention of an administrator who will thoroughly investigate the matter in confidence. After reviewing all the facts, Valley Christian Schools will make a determination concerning whether reasonable grounds exist to believe that harassment has occurred. Disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal, will be taken against any employee or student who is found to have engaged in harassment. [Type here]


Sexual harassment includes unwanted sexual advances such as making or threatening reprisals after a negative response to advances, visual conduct such as leering, making sexual gestures, and displaying sexually suggestive objects/pictures. In reference to verbal conduct: making or using derogatory comments, epithets, slurs and jokes; verbal abuse of a sexual nature; graphic verbal commentaries about an individual’s body; sexually degrading words used to describe an individual; suggestive or obscene letters, notes, or invitations both in person and through social media, texting or emailing. In relation to physical conduct: touching, assault, impeding, or blocking movement. Assaults of any kind including transporting students against their will, hazing of any kind including throwing or smearing food and drinks, or cyber-bullying of any kind may result in suspension or dismissal. Students may be barred from the graduation ceremony. In addition, diplomas may be withheld until after a parent/principal conference has been held. After reviewing all the facts, VCS will make a determination concerning whether harassment has occurred. VCS will take disciplinary action that may include required withdrawal, or expulsion for any employee or student who is found to have engaged in harassment or bullying.

Bullying Bullying, cyber-bullying, and social aggression will be dealt with using the same framework as that cited for harassment. The definition of bullying is as follows: “Bullying means any intentional written, electronic, verbal, or physical act or actions against another person that will have the effect of: • Placing a person in reasonable fear of substantial harm to his or her emotional or physical well-being or substantial damage to his or her property; or • Creating a hostile, threatening, humiliating, or abusive educational environment due to the pervasiveness or persistence of actions or due to a power differential between the bully and the target; or • Interfering with a student or staff member having a safe school environment that is necessary to facilitate education performance, opportunities, or benefits; or • Perpetuating bullying by enticing, soliciting, or coercing an individual or group to demean, dehumanize, embarrass, or cause emotional, psychological, or physical harm to another person.” • Bullying is legally actionable if the harassment is due to race, ethnicity, religion, disability, or gender. (Legal Memorandum, vol. 8, no. 2, winter 2008) The three types of bullying most apparent, whether aggressive or passive, are: • Physical: pushing, tripping, and hitting • Rational: use of peer pressure and manipulation to isolate or target or hurt his or her feelings, or; • Verbal: teasing, mocking, threatening, and taunting. This type of bullying includes spreading rumors, gossips, and lies. (“Bullying in Schools,” Paul Langan, Townsend Press, 2004) After reviewing all the facts, VCS will make a determination concerning whether bullying has occurred. VCS will take disciplinary action that may include required withdrawal, or expulsion for any employee or student who is found to have engaged in harassment or bullying. [Type here]


Serious Offenses Serious offenses will, in most cases, result in suspension, voluntary withdrawal, or expulsion. Examples are, but not limited to: • Harassment • Bullying • Causing physical harm to another student or staff member regardless of intent • Threatening a student or staff member • Possession and/or use of tobacco, weapons, a controlled substance (drugs), or alcoholic beverages • Stealing or attempting to steal or vandalize school or personal property • Repeated use of profanity • Sexual promiscuity • Fighting or conspiring to engage in a fight • Intentionally disrupting school activities or otherwise willfully defying the valid authority of teachers, staff, or administrators Students who have engaged these activities on or off campus will be referred to the proper authorities under the guidelines outlined by the law enforcement agencies and the District Attorney’s office and be subject to school discipline. Consequences relating to serious offenses handled solely by the school will be based upon the following: seriousness of the offense, attitude of the student, previous disciplinary record, and the impact of the offense on the offended and the student body as a whole.

Demerits and Assertive Discipline Procedures At VCJH citizenship is measured using the demerit system. Behavioral infractions are entered on the student’s discipline record when the following reports are forwarded to the office and the Dean of Students. • Teacher’s Weekly Report - 0.5 demerit • Pink Slip - 1.0 demerit-lunch detention on the next Tuesday or Thursday • Disciplinary Referral - 5.0 demerits after school detention the next Wednesday All infractions and demerits can be viewed in PowerSchool under the tab “Log Entries.” All recording of demerits and entries in the behavior log is done by the administration. Students must have less than 15 demerits and/or may not be currently placed on a Behavior Contract to participate in school overnight trips.

Discipline Consequences

Eating/Drinking/Gum (per year - cumulative in all classes) 1st incident = warning 2nd incident = referral and after school detention 3rd incident = call home by administrator, referral, and suspension Unprepared for Class (per quarter) 1st unprepared for class = warning 2nd unprepared for class = warning and email or call home by teacher 3rd unprepared for class = referral [Type here]


Cell Phone, Smartwatches, and Non-Academic Electronic Devices - Powered on/used in class (per year) 1st incident = referral 2nd incident = referral 3rd incident = referral, the student may not have a phone in their possession on campus for the remainder of the school year. iPad Misuse If an administrator, teacher, or staff member deems that the iPad has been used improperly, such as texting or airdrop, the disciplinary consequences will be as follows: 1st offense = pink slip 2nd offense = referral 3rd offense = referral, restrictions, and further action that is deemed necessary and appropriate by the school administration iPad - Unprepared If the iPad is left unsupervised on campus, not brought to school, or not brought to school fully charged, the disciplinary consequences will be as follows: 1st offense = pink slip 2nd offense = referral, 3rd offense = referral, further action that is deemed necessary and appropriate by the school administration Off-Task (per quarter) 1st offense = warning 2nd offense= pink slip 3rd offense= pink slip and an email or call home to parents 4th offense = referral, afterschool detention Tardies (per quarter/per class) 1st - 2nd tardies = warning 3rd tardy = pink slip 4th tardy = referral 1A/1B period receives grace of six tardies combined before the discipline policy takes effect. Tardies may be viewed on PowerSchool. Dress Code (per year) If a student appears to be out of school dress code, a teacher or staff member will report to the office the name of the student and the area of concern. The student will be called to the office and the dress code situation addressed. 1st incident = warning, student will change into PE clothes, parents will be called to bring appropriate clothing, or appropriate Warrior Wear may be purchased and billed to the parent. Appropriate Warrior Wear includes items such as a Jog-a-thon shirt or a class shirt and PE clothes. 2nd incident = referral 3rd incident = referral, and possible suspension [Type here]


Academic Integrity Policy (per junior high years) 1st incident = Assignment will be recorded as a zero, referral given, parents notified by teacher, and afterschool detention assigned. 2nd incident = Assignment will be recorded as a zero, referral given, student will be suspended 3rd incident = Assignment will be recorded as a zero, referral given, and dismissal from the school will be recommended. Unwholesome Language/Profanity (per junior high years) 1st incident = referral, afterschool detention, and an essay on profanity 2nd incident = referral, and three day suspension 3rd incident = referral, dismissal from the school will be recommended.


Detentions will be assigned by the administration for disciplinary referrals. Serving detention takes priority over any afterschool activity. Lunch detentions, held during lunch on Tuesdays and Thursdays, will be assigned for less serious infractions. Afterschool detention is held on Wednesdays for one hour and takes precedent over any other campus activity. Students should report directly to the assigned room with a pen. Failure to report to an assigned detention will result in a referral and an additional consequence.

Suspension Assigning suspension from school is a duty of the administration. Suspension may last from one to ten consecutive school days. As a part of the suspension, students must complete all work that is missed. Homework will be given credit if it is turned in the day the student returns to school. Projects turned in on the day they are due and tests completed the day the student returns to class will be given credit. Suspensions are considered unexcused absences. During suspensions the student is prohibited from being on campus. During both at-home and in-house suspensions, students may not attend school activities until the day they return to their classes.

Behavioral Expectations If the student accumulates 15 or more demerits during the school year the administration will evaluate the Discipline Log Entries to determine if a student is to continue their enrollment at VCJH. The administration reserves the right to recommend withdrawal from Valley Christian Schools for any student experiencing severe or continuous behavior problems. Sixth and seventh graders with behavior problems will have their re-enrollment held and be asked to re-interview before being enrolled at VCJH. Eighth graders with behavior problems will be asked to re-interview before acceptance at VCHS. Valley Christian Elementary School fifth graders with behavior problems will be asked to re-interview before acceptance at VCJH.

Required Withdrawal from VCS Attendance at Valley Christian Schools is a privilege. Failure of the student or parents to support and comply with all current and future policies, rules, and regulations of Valley Christian Schools will be grounds for Valley Christian Schools to require withdrawal of the student. Valley Christian Schools reserves the right to expel any student for violation of any current or future policy, rule, or regulation by the student or parent or if Valley Christian determines that either the student or [Type here]


parent are not in agreement with the Statement of Philosophy or Educational Purpose. Parents may be advised to voluntarily withdraw their child as an alternative to expulsion.

Expulsion Expulsion is recommended by the Principal and approved by the Board of Directors. Parent hearings will be granted if requested.


PE uniforms can be purchased at LOST Night or by a student coming directly to the Athletic Office throughout the year. To purchase an extra uniform or replace one that has been lost, a student can ask their PE teacher to go visit the Athletic Office to acquire a new one. The parent will be billed through the “Pay Fees” portal.

PE Locker Room A PE locker may be issued to the student at the beginning of the school year, and it is the student's responsibility to make sure the locker is kept locked at all times. Students will take all unlocked items with them during PE class. No item is to be left in the locker room outside of a locker. VCS will not be responsible for lost or stolen property. All items left out of the lockers in the locker room will be placed in the Lost and Found bin. The items left in the bin will be disposed of each Friday. Students may not use perfume, lotion, or spray deodorant in the locker room or any place on campus.

PE Participation Policies Physical education is an important subject for all students. One-day exemptions from PE may be made on the basis of a note signed by the parent, but a written note from a physician is needed for any exemptions for more than one day. Multiple one-day exemptions may result in a grade reduction. A student without a note must take PE unless the PE teacher or administrator acknowledges the student’s physical inability to participate. When a doctor’s note is received, an alternative workout or written assignment will be assigned. If a student is recovering from a sickness or an injury that does not require a doctor’s attention, a parent may request an alternative workout. The modified activity/assignment will be decided by the collaborative efforts of the PE staff and Department Head. Failure to obtain and maintain the appropriate PE clothing negatively impacts the PE grade. In order to participate in after school sports a student must have on file in the Athletic office an “Athletic Pre-Participation Physical Examination” form before tryouts begin.

Afterschool Sports All students are eligible to try out for afterschool sports. Try-outs and practices will be announced and can be found on the Athletics website at gowarriors.net. Practices usually start right after school and last until 4:45 or 5pm. There is a $75.00 participation fee for each of the first two sports. If the student plays a third sport, no fee is required. All athletes will be expected to maintain a 2.5 GPA. Students may not try out for a sport if they do not meet this criterion. If a student does not maintain this criterion, he or she will be taken off the [Type here]


athletic team. This includes all practices and games until the grades meet the criterion. Weekly grade checks will be made to determine continued eligibility. Students on Academic Probation may not participate in afterschool sports without special consideration by the administration. (See Appeal Process) Students missing class due to a game must obtain the work missed on their own and turn it in to their teacher on time. Student athletes will also be expected to maintain high standards of citizenship. Please see the Dress Code section of this Handbook for appropriate athletic dress on game days. Refer to the School Activities section of this Handbook.

Appeal Process Students becoming ineligible to play in an afterschool sport may appeal the decision with the school’s administration. The student may submit a written request outlining the reasons for the drop in grades and the plan regarding bringing those grades up. An appeal may be granted one time during a student’s sixth, seventh, and eighth grade years. Granting appeals is at the discretion of the administration. Appeals must be submitted to the administration at least four days prior to the start of tryouts.


VCS offers computer and Internet access to its students for educational, instructional, and research purposes with an eye towards activities that build positive Christian character. The purpose of this Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) is to prevent unauthorized access and other unlawful activities by users online, prevent unauthorized disclosure of or access to sensitive information, and promote positive digital citizenship by all users. This AUP applies to the use of computers, Internet, email, and all other forms of electronic communication regardless of the device type, owner, or physical location of the user. Use of any electronic device, computer, or VCS' wireless or wired network, or receipt of one or more authorized VCS' domain accounts requires explicit agreement with this AUP. Students are expected to comply with all local, state, and federal laws especially as they relate to unauthorized access to computer systems, copyright infringement, and online behavior. Although it is impossible to outline each and every negative behavior in a single document, it is expected, that each student follow the Student Handbook, this AUP, and to exercise good judgment, common sense, and positive digital citizenship while using technology. Valley Christian students are to remember that they are Warriors at all times and are representatives of the school wherever they may be including online. Students should understand that electronic communication via the network is not guaranteed to be private. When warranted, language, messages, and activities supporting illegal activities will be reported to the authorities. Students warranting closer observation may have their usage closely monitored and/or their past use investigated. [Type here]


It is your responsibility to read and understand this agreement and as a condition of use of VCS’ network and continued enrollment. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to seek the guidance of a teacher, counselor, administrator, or instructional technology staff for assistance in clarifying the content in this document.

VCS Computers and Devices • • • • • • •

School-owned computers remain the property of VCS and are not to be removed from the campuses under any circumstances. VCS staff must install all software on VCS computers without exception. (Students must never install software of any kind including seemingly innocuous software such as search toolbars, screensavers, demo programs, and browser add-ons, etc.) Students may not make changes or customization to any setting on VCS computers. This includes the desktop views and operational settings. Games are not to be played on VCS computers and electronic devices. Music CDs and DVDs may not be played for personal use on VCS computers. Students may not attempt to defeat any security measures on the computers or attempt to access data on VCS networks that is not relevant to academic studies and career preparation. Do not install any VPN applications (i.e. Betternet, EyeDactic, VyperVPN, PIA, IPVanish, Tunnel bear, ect.) To do so is a violation of the AUP and will result in loss of network connectivity.

VCS Storage and Servers • • • • • •

Unless instructed by a teacher or staff member documents, programs, files, and items from the Internet may not be loaded onto or stored on school computers. When instructed by a teacher or staff member to download items from the Internet, these files must be scanned for viruses. Students must never download nor transmit unapproved software, system utilities, executable files, or resources from the Internet. Student work should be saved as directed by the teacher to the student’s file on the server. Storage devices must be checked for viruses before use. When accessing servers or files, students are not to open or in any way disturb another student’s files without permission from the teacher.

Personal Devices • • • •

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Jail-broken devices may not be brought to school nor used on the VCS Network. The camera, video, and audio recording functions of electronic devices and cameras themselves may not be used on campus unless specifically required for a school assignment. VCS is not responsible for lost or damaged electronic devices. During school hours, headphones/ear buds must only be used when instructed by the teacher for use in the classroom. Non-Academic Electronic Devices (Cell Phones/Cameras/Smartwatches) Students may have cell phones and personal devices at school although they are to not to be used, seen, or heard during class, chapel, and assemblies. All content on these devices must be of a wholesome nature. Devices may be collected before tests and quizzes.

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iPads Students in junior high and high school are to have a personal iPad (with at least 32 GB of storage) dedicated to their academic studies. (iPads earlier than 4th generation, iPad minis, iPads with less that 32 GB of storage, and non-iOS products are not supported.) • iPads used on campus must be enrolled in VCS enrollmyipad.com at all times. • iPads are not to be used in places where privacy is expected such as locker rooms and bathrooms. If an iPad is taken into these areas, they must remain off (or in sleep mode) and inside a backpack, locker, or other bag. • Students may not delete their history on the iPad. Parents are encouraged to regularly check the history. Private browsing must be turned off at all times. • Students should be mindful of battery life when using the iPad out of the classroom. • Students should not touch another student’s iPad. • iPad/electronic device usage on busses is governed by this policy. iPad Preparation • iPads are to be set up using the iPad set up instructions specific to their campus - found online or in a Summer iPad Training class (JH). • Returning students are to complete their iPad set up tasks before the start of school. • The name assigned to the iPad must contain the student’s first and last name. • Students should bring their iPad to school each day. (Not having the iPad at school is not an excuse for late or missing homework.) • iPads are to be fully charged at the beginning of the day. • Students should keep their iPad with them at all times or keep it locked in their locker. At no time should students leave their iPad unattended or with another student. This includes before, during, and after school and during afterschool activities. • iPads are required to be backed up to iCloud. • Individual apps (such as Notability) should be backed up to an online storage database. • Find My iPad should be activated on the iPad. • The iPad should be covered with a durable cover. iPad Content and Storage • All content on devices must be of a wholesome nature. • Understanding that VCS does not manage data on students’ personal equipment, students are encouraged do a full iPad back up to their home computer in addition to the required backup to iCloud. • The iPad should not be the sole place that information is stored, but rather as a temporary storage leaving ample space on the iPad for education needs. • Students may load music and photos on their iPads as long as the content is of a wholesome nature, is in good taste, is appropriate for the school environment, and there is ample space on the iPad. Technical Issues with iPads • Students should visit with the following people to address technical issues with iPads: • Classroom teacher • Junior high office (JH students) • Instructional Technology Center (ITC) [Type here]


• Apple Store (Students sometime change their passcode and forget it or tell it to their friends who change it and can’t remember. If iPads are enrolled, IT can remove the passcode lock. If not, there is no way to remove the passcode lock besides completely erasing and setting the iPad back to factory settings. Do not keep entering the incorrect code and lock yourself out of the device.) • Repairs due to damage, theft, or technical issues are the responsibility of the student and their family. (It is highly recommended that the family purchase Apple Care and/or a third party insurance policy for the iPad.) Students should refer to their campus Handbook regarding consequences for improper iPad and electronic device issues.

Network Students agree to: • use the school’s wifi “VCS” and not their cellular plan while on campus. • limit their use of the network, in a reasonable manner and understanding the limitations of the school’s network, students may play games, read email, and surf the web before or after school when they have parent permission to do so. Unless specifically requested to do so by the teacher these activities may not be done during class, at lunch, or at break unless: o JH - used for education purposes in the school library. o HS - used for schoolwork or in positive interactions with their peers. Students who are isolated and interacting only with their iPad in a non-academic capacity may be asked by an administrator to put the iPad away. Students agree not to: • use the network in any way that would disrupt use of the network by others. • make deliberate attempts to disrupt the computer network or destroy data by spreading computer viruses, deleting system files, or by any other means. • • • • •

(see United States Code Title 18 – Crimes and Criminal Procedure - Part I - Chapter 47 - Sec. 1030).

use the network by any means to achieve individual commercial gain. gain unauthorized access to the VCS network or to any other computer network using VCS network resources or attempt to elevate current authorized access. attempt to log in through another person's account or access another person's files. (see United States Code Title 18 – Crimes and Criminal Procedure - Part I - Chapter 47 - Sec. 1030).

attempt to connect to the wifi connect via Ethernet with their personal computer. (Students may however use the VCS wifi network.) attempt to harm or destroy any equipment.

Copyright • Students must follow all copyright laws. (http://copyright.gov/title17) • Students must not knowingly receive, send, make copies of, or publish material that violates copyright law including but not limited to software and music.

Security and Privacy

Students agree not to: • post private or personal information about themselves or another person. • share their or anyone else’s username or passwords. • compromise another user’s account. [Type here]


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trespass into other users’ files or folders. attempt to harm or destroy work of another user on the VCS network. attempt to harm or destroy work on websites or networks connected to the school system. re-post or resend digital communications in any form sent to them privately without the permission of the person who sent the message.

Students agree to: • change their password immediately if they learn that it has been compromised. • log out of all sessions once finished. • immediately log out of any machine found logged on under other user’s username. • report to an adult any accidental access to other people’s information or unsuitable websites. • notify the technology office immediately if they have identified a possible security problem.

Internet Use

Students will not attempt to: • subvert the web content filter. • visit websites that might be considered inappropriate or unwholesome. • engage in any illegal activities or harassment of any kind. • hide or erase browser history or activities on any device by any means. • access any site or information related to computer hacking or any other criminal act. • engage in online gambling. • use the VCS network by any means to perform non-sanctioned political lobby activities. Students agree to: • comply with the acceptable use policy of any other networks and sites that they access. • immediately report to a teacher or other school employee when they receive messages or view material that makes them uncomfortable. Students understand that: • web content filters are in place to help shield students from negative and hurtful images, and protection from viruses and malware while on campus. However, these tools are not perfect and students must remain vigilant against these threats by practicing good digital citizenship. • the teacher, staff member, administrator, or librarian’s decision is final on whether a site is appropriate.

Social Media and Online Posting Students must follow all rules established by online sites including age requirements. Any postings including references to the school, employees, parents, students, and others should always be professional and respectful. Students agree not to: • use unwholesome language. • use language, phrases, or verbiage that may stir up hatred against any ethnic, religious, or minority groups. • engage in antisocial behaviors, personal attacks, or threats of any kind. • plan a fight, cause harm, commit a crime, or engage in illegal behavior. [Type here] 43

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engage in harassment of any kind. engage in cyber-bullying of any kind such as but not limited to gossip, hate mail, disparaging remarks, and intimidation. create, send, or post any material that is likely to cause offense or needless anxiety to other people. create, send, or post any material that may bring the school or any faculty or staff person into disrepute. knowingly or recklessly post false information about a person or organization. knowingly or recklessly post defamatory information about a person or organization. post images or private information about students, teachers, staff, or other personnel without receiving permission from the individual(s) involved. reveal any information that could cause damage, loss of reputation, disruption, or division. take, possess, distribute, or share o inappropriate files such as but not limited to, suggestive, risqué, or nude photos of self or others, inappropriate images/text/movies, pornography. o images of weapons, gang-related files, items that glorify violence, drugs, or profanity. o bootleg movies or music. create or send anonymous/unnamed messages. create or access anonymous/unnamed/stolen accounts and/or login information. log into a site or application using a stolen login. compromise another user’s social media account. use VCS equipment or network as a public forum. access or attempt to access unsupervised and/or unauthorized chat rooms.

Search and Seizure • • •

All data transmissions and information transmitted via the VCS network is the property of VCS. There should be no expectation of privacy in the contents of computer files on the VCS network or to information received or transmitted over VCS' network. VCS reserves the right to search cell phones, computers, iPads, and any other devices that would assist in any investigation as deemed necessary by the VCS administration and VCS Security personnel. Should the situation arise which, in VCS’s sole discretion, merits a search of a student’s device, VCS reserves the right to access any and all data for the purpose of investigation and to take disciplinary action, up to and including suspension or expulsion for any violation of this policy.

Procedure •

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In the event there is a claim that a student has violated this policy or disciplinary code in the use of the VCS network, they will be provided with notice of the suspected violation and an opportunity to present an explanation to their campus administrator and/or VCS security personnel. Depending on the nature of the suspected violation, network access may be suspended until the issue is resolved. If the violation also involves a violation of other provisions of this policy, student contract, local, state, or federal laws, additional sanctions may occur.

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VCS will cooperate fully with local, state, or federal officials in any investigation related to any illegal activities. Appropriate disciplinary action up to and including, suspension or expulsion may be earned by students not following these policies.

Liability • • • •

VCS makes no guarantee that the functionality or services provided by or through the VCS network will be error-free or without defect. VCS will not be responsible for any damage a student may suffer, including but not limited to, loss of data or interruptions of service. VCS is not responsible for the accuracy or quality of the information obtained through or stored on the network. VCS will not be responsible for financial obligations arising through the unauthorized use of the network or Internet.

Release and Indemnification •

Students agree to release and hold forever harmless, VCS, its agents, employees, network administrators, and contractors from any and all claims arising from or relating, in any way, to the student’s use of the VCS network or any violation of this Policy, including but not limited to, any claims and damages of any nature arising from the student’s use of, or inability to use, the VCS Network, and also including, but not limited to claims that may arise from the unauthorized use of the network to purchase products or services. Indemnification - Students agree to indemnify VCS, its agents, employees, network administrators and contractors, against any claims, loss or expense, including attorney's fees and costs, incurred or sustained, arising in whole or in part from any violation of this policy.

VCS SUBSTANCE ABUSE TESTING “I urge you therefore brethren, by the mercies of god, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to god, which is your spiritual service of worship.” Romans 12:1 Valley Christian Schools has always had one of the lowest experiences of substance abuse among comprehensive junior and senior high schools. To claim, however, that VCS students have escaped the increasing pressures and temptations to experiment with alcohol and drugs recreationally would be unwise naiveté. The PURPOSE of this partnership with VCS and parents is to prevent substance abuse among some VCS students and to provide support in a compassionate manner for the few students who need such accountability. • The consequences for the occasional substance abuse can be so serious that VCS and parents have chosen to make a PROACTIVE agreement to encourage students to avoid substance abuse. This bold policy ensures that all possible prudent action is taken to promote a zero tolerance campus atmosphere toward substance abuse. • Unfounded rumors about substance abuse are destructive to students. This policy provides a means of defusing unfounded rumors. [Type here]


• Substance abuse testing provides a fast means of resolving the issues surrounding accusations of substance abuse without forcing an administrative investigation. An administrative investigation sometimes places students in the difficult position of being asked to report detailed facts of substance abuse about another student. This policy allows alleged abuse to be more easily handled in a confidential manner. • The policy provides students and parents with the confidence that VCS is doing all possible to provide a safe and caring Christ-centered educational environment. This partnership, between VCS and parents, encourages the few VCS students who may consider substance abuse, to more likely refuse temptation. • This agreement provides parents and VCS the opportunity to provide guidance and accountability for the few students who need and will receive corrective guidance. • During the enrollment process, students who have a history of substance abuse problems are less likely to choose to attend VCS since abuse testing will require accountability. These procedures will help maintain the Christ-centered environment that is such a blessing to VCS students. • The Valley Christian Junior and High School administration, students, parents, and members of the VCS Board are to be commended for being the first school in the nation for taking such a firm and proactive stand to promote a drug-free campus.

Substance Abuse Testing Policy Parental and student consent and agreement to the following policy is required prior to enrolling or re-enrolling at Valley Christian Junior High or High School. Students shall be required by the school principal to submit to substance abuse testing for: • Cause or individualized suspicion - Generally, the principal will require testing after members of the faculty or administration see evidence or signs of substance abuse or after an administrative investigation determines that there is basis to suspect that a report of substance abuse from student(s), parent(s), or other persons may be accurate. In such cases, the principal may require substance abuse testing as a condition of continued enrollment. • Admission or re-enrollment, if the principal suspects that the student may have a history of substance abuse. Such substance abuse testing (probably urine) shall be at the expense of the student(s), or his/her parent(s) or guardian(s) at a facility selected and approved by VCS. Confidentiality and follow-up testing are required to ensure reliability and privacy when a testing report is positive. The school administration may only discuss positive test results with those who must be informed to provide needed direction during the course of the student's educational experience at VCS. A “need to know” only basis in regard to positive substance abuse testing is to be maintained by school personnel. The school may not publish any results of testing and is not to discuss the results with non-related parents, other students, faculty, or staff except on a “need to know” basis. Confirmed positive results from substance abuse testing, after follow-up testing if requested, may prohibit extracurricular participation including athletic involvement and the student may be referred to the school administration for follow-up in regard to the student's school enrollment and attendance status. (Students who succeed in a substance abuse recovery program, which includes intermittent follow-up substance abuse testing as required by the school administration, may continue with school attendance if all other requirements are met.) [Type here]


The student's parent(s) will always be contacted before substance abuse testing. The parents and student will be requested to provide VCS with written authorization and consent for testing. Failure of either the student or parent to consent to testing is grounds for dismissal of the student. Police reports will be made by VCS for all illegal substances found at school. Drug sniffing canines may be used for random searches of all areas of the VCS campus including all automobiles parked on campus.

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