Over the past couple of years we have experienced an incredible move of God. From students, parents, and teachers - people are sharing how they are seeing God move throughout our campus. I believe the move we are experiencing is a direct result of your prayers for our community. We have new ministries being planted on all three campuses. Students are coming to faith in Christ, expressing interest in baptism, and looking for ways to serve God’s Kingdom.
This spring, we’re excited to launch a new ministry of Parent Ambassadors partnering with us to reach families with the good news of Jesus as part of our Spiritual Formation initiative of parents reaching parents. We’re increasing intentionality through all community and cultural events. Finally, we hope this guide will close the communication gap with our stakeholders so you know how to encourage, pray, and get involved as part of our focus to unify communication.
On behalf of Pastors Anna, Marcus and myself, we want to say, “thank you” for your partnership in prayer.
Grace and Peace,
Big Idea: There are 3 big questions we all ask as human beings that end up shaping our lives: Who am I? What am I supposed to do? Where do I belong?
In this series, we explore the seminal work done by the Fuller Youth Institute on the lives of teenagers and young adults.
Key Verse: Ephesians 1:3-14
Parent’s Night with Kristel Acevedo – January 16, 2025. Kristel Acevedo, is a pastor at Transformation Church in South Carolina and coauthor of 3 Big Questions That Shape Your Future, will lead this conversation. She will share research and practical strategies to help families cultivate healthy communities and navigate challenging conversations with their teens.
1. Pray for our students to discover how to find their identity, purpose, and belonging in Christ.
2. Pray for parents to attend and be encouraged by our parent’s night.
3. Pray for students to take their faith beyond belief and turn it into a lifelong, transformational relationship with Jesus.
4. Pray for the Spiritual Formation Team as we plan chapel for 2025-2026.
5. Pray as we launch our Parent Ambassadors program.
Greater than _____
Big Idea: There are so many things we chase in our culture to derive meaning. We look to influence, fame, material possessions, and personal ambition to fulfill us. What if pursuing Jesus gave us an unshakeable foundation upon which to build our lives? What if seeking first God’s kingdom could give us eternal purpose? In this series, we will explore how pursuing Jesus is greater than all things.
Key Verse: Philippians 3:8
Lunar New Year – February 1, 2025
All VCS Community Worship Night – Encounter.
March 6, 2025. 7 PM in the Conservatory Hall. The season of “Lent” in the Christian calendar marks a 40-day time period where people are invited to intentionally focus on their relationship with God. Let’s kick off this season of intentionality together in worship and a brief reflection on God’s Word. RSVP at vcs.net/encounter.
Spiritual Emphasis Week – For this Spring’s Spiritual Emphasis Week, we will continue our series, “Greater Than” with Pastor Charles Homer. March 17-20, 2024.
Prayer Requests:
1. Pray for all of the families who attend the Lunar New Year event that they will experience the good news of Jesus through the hospitality of Christians.
2. Pray for our K-12 community; parents, faculty, staff, and alumni to experience meaningful moments with God over the 40 days of Lent.
3. Pray for our spring Spiritual Emphasis Week to encourage, challenge, and invite students to take the next step in their relationship with God.
4. Pray for our local churches and ministries to be filled by the Holy Spirit as they serve and minister in Jesus’ name.
5. Pray for our Easter service where students will learn about the good news of Jesus.
Live Like a Warrior
Big Idea: Our desire for every student at VCHS is to embody the Way of the Warrior ethos of wisdom, honor, courage and sacrifice. More than mere words, we hope these virtues inspire students to live out Christ-like character in their families, workplaces, and communities. In this series, we will explore what the Way of the Warrior looks like in everyday life.
Key Verse: Philippians 4:4-9
Student Spiritual Retreat - March 14-16, 2025. An opportunity to get off campus to focus on faith.
Baccalaureate – May 22, 2024. This is our final chapel for our seniors and their families.
Graduation – May 30, 2024. Our farewell to our seniors as students and a welcome to our alumni ministries.
Prayer Requests:
1. Pray for our students who are taking finals, for their mental health and wellness as they study.
3. Pray for our teachers and staff as they wrap up the year.
4. Pray for our SFO team and their families as we transition into a season of rest and make final preparations for the next year.
5. Pray for our seniors and their families as they make the transition from students to alumni. Pray for our students to feel loved and cared for by VCS. Pray for the continual work of the Holy Spirit throughout their lives.
6. Pray for our Alumni Ministries Team as they reach out to seniors and visit students in college.
January – ESTHER
Big Idea: We will kick off the new year with a series based on the book of Esther, which tells the story of a Jewish community living in Susa, an ancient city in Persia. The narrative introduces us to Mordecai and his niece Esther, who both display extraordinary faith in their interactions with Xerxes and Haman. This book offers many valuable lessons that can encourage our students to reflect on culture, the importance of honoring others, and, ultimately, their relationship with God.
Big Idea: When God appeared to Solomon in a dream, he humbly asked for wisdom and God gave it to him. Early in the narrative, two women claimed to be the mother of the same baby. Solomon was able to discern the true mother by observing their reactions to a dramatic test. Credited with authoring the Book of Proverbs, Solomon’s life illustrates both wise decision-making and significant failures in judgment and unhealthy desires. Ultimately, Solomon despite profound wisdom, is not able to uphold his end of the covenant with God and the need for a savior. This series aims to help young people to make wise choices.
Parent Night with Kristel Acevedo – January 16, 2025 - Kristel is a pastor at Transformation Church in South Carolina and co-author of 3 Big Questions That Shape Your Future. She will share research and practical strategies to help families cultivate a healthy community and navigate challenging conversations with their teens.
All VCS Community Worship Night – Encounter. March 6, 2025. 7 PM in the Conservatory Hall. The season of “Lent” in the Christian calendar is a 40-day time period where people are invited to focus on their relationship with God. Let’s kick off this season of intentionality together. RSVP at vcs.net/encounter.
Prayer Requests:
1. Pray for all of the students to understand and to be shaped by the series on Esther and Solomon. For them to be more aware of the cultures around them and help them to make wise decisions.
2. Pray for our Spring Spiritual Emphasis Week to encourage, challenge, and invite students to take the next step in their relationship with God.
3. Pray for our Easter service where students will learn about the good news of Jesus.
4. Pray for our families to grow in love, and for our parents to share with and minister to one another.
March and Spiritual Emphasis Week - GREATER THAN _____
There are so many things we chase in our culture to derive meaning. We look to influence, fame, material possessions and personal ambition to fulfill us, but what if pursuing Jesus gave us an unshakeable foundation for us to build our lives? What if seeking first God’s kingdom could give us eternal purpose? In this series we will explore how pursuing Jesus is greater than all things.
April and May – STORIES
Through the stories we will share as our students and staff about knowing Jesus, we will gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our identity. This includes developing self-awareness, which involves understanding our emotions, thoughts, and values and how they shape our behavior in different situations. It's about recognizing our strengths and limitations while maintaining a sense of confidence and purpose. By exploring these themes within the context of knowing Jesus, we can deepen our self-awareness and grow as individuals who are grounded in faith and purpose.
Mexico Impact Missions Trip – This semester, VCS embarks on it’s first Junior High Impact Missions trip! A group of students and teachers will head down to Door of Faith Orphanage and serve through relational ministry and projects in Baja, Mexico.
Spiritual Emphasis Week – For this spring’s Spiritual Emphasis Week, we will continue our series, “Greater Than” with Pastor Jacob Messersmith. March 17-20, 2024.
Discipleship Track: Every Thursday following Spiritual Emphasis Week until the end of the year. This is a place for students to learn more about what it practically looks like to follow as a disciple of Jesus.
Prayer Requests:
1. Pray our students would come to the Discipleship track and come into a life-long relationship with Jesus.
2. Pray for our students, staff, worship leaders and speakers for Spiritual Emphasis Week. Pray for students to take the next step in their relationship with God.
3. Pray for our 5th and 8th graders as they are promoted to the next stage of their VCS journey.
4. Pray for our team heading to Mexico as they act as the hands and feet of Jesus.
5. Pray for our families to come to know Jesus through Chapels, parent events, and relationships.
Christian Leadership and Bible Study
Big Idea: In elementary school, we focus on establishing the foundations of faith which include God’s love for us, His purpose for our lives, and how we live out our faith in the world. We break down our lessons according to “Today’s Total Truth” which make the lessons applicable. This semester, through Pastor Anna’s clubs and Bible studies, we look at leadership, service, and learning to study the Bible.
Key Verse: Ephesians 6:10
All VCS Community Worship Night – Encounter. March 6, 2025. 7 PM in the Conservatory Hall. The season of “Lent” in the Christian calendar marks a 40-day time period where people are invited to focus on their relationship with God. Let’s kick off this season of intentionality together in worship and a brief reflection on God’s word. RSVP at vcs.net/encounter.
Knight of Passage/ Night to Remember: May 2025. Two separate events, one with 5th-grade boys and their dads and another with 5th-grade girls and their moms. This evening is an amazing time of intentional fellowship between students and their families before they graduate from elementary school and head to junior high.
Prayer Requests:
1. Pray for the Holy Spirit to plant seeds of faith in our little ones that will last a lifetime.
2. Pray for all the students participating in the Biblical Leadership Club and the 5th Grade Bible Study to grow in their faith.
3. Pray for our K-12 community, parents, faculty, staff, and alumni to experience meaningful moments with God over the 40 days of Lent
4. Pray for our 5th graders as they begin to transition to Junior High and a new campus.
5. Pray for our local churches and ministries to be filled by the Holy Spirit as they serve and minister in Jesus’ name.
When Valley Christian students serve around the world, they receive a perspective that allows them to develop their unique gifts and abilities while being transformed in meaningful ways. On IMPACT trips, students seek to model Christ’s way of love as they meet the needs of others and build relationships with people around the world. Experiencing the joy of love and being used by God for the sake of others is transformational for students on our campus.
Join us in praying for the 100+ students and staff, our ministry partners, as well the communities we have the privilege to serve:
We pray God stirs our student’s sense of identity, their understanding of how they fit in their community and world, and how they live out their calling to love the people of this world just as Jesus has loved us.
We pray that we recognize Jesus is already at work in the communities we serve
Over winter and spring breaks, students and staff will be traveling to the following countries;
Mexico: Working with Baja Bound, joining their efforts to support migrant families with a house and education scholarships.
Chile: Working with IAM ministries and the local church. Partnering with AMSE robotics program to host a camp for students in the community.
El Salvador: Working with La Casa De Mi Padre; supporting the children’s home and community with care and helping teachers with Biblical integration.
Philippines: Working with KIDS IM supporting their efforts to care for the poor outside of Manila.
2 Cor. 5:20 - We are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making His appeal through us.
"Biblical Unity at VCS uses the critical lens of biblical analysis to approach raising cultural awareness and implement strategies to educate our community."
- Dr. Steven McGriff, K-12 Director of Biblical Unity
Biblical Unity is an integral part of the Spiritual Formation Office. As our team seeks to care for the whole person through discipleship and wellness, the role of Biblical Unity is caring for all the diverse groups of people in the VCS community.
Jesus said the greatest command is to love God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength and to love our neighbor as ourselves (Mark 12:28-33). We believe that following Jesus’ commands to love our neighbor is a significant pathway for uniting people for God’s glory. When we embrace our God-given differences, we demonstrate how God wants us to thrive, teach our children to love the nations, and share the gospel of grace and peace with them.
“How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity” (Psalms 133:1 NIV).
The foundation of biblical unity begins when God created all people on earth in His image (Genesis 1:26) and finishes in the last book, where God welcomes a multitude from every nation, tribe, people, and language into heaven (Revelation 7:9). Our deep hope is for our community to become an earthly preview of our eternal reality.
The Bible tells a unifying story of God’s son, Jesus, and how we can live like Him in a culture that presents challenges that often divide our community. Biblical Unity uses the critical lens of a biblical worldview to analyze culture and engage social challenges with Christian hope.
God has created a wonderfully diverse community at Valley Christian. Biblical unity explores how to love our community and neighbor like Jesus modeled in His life. We guide our community to discover how they belong and encourage each other to promote belonging based on the biblical truths of justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion, not secular social-cultural worldviews.
1. The student cultural club leaders planning the Lunar New Year (February 1), Desi Dhamaal (spring), and multicultural week (March 31-April 4) to find wisdom and apply godly discernment as they program cultural celebrations that honor God.
The junior high school 6th grade Bible teachers and students as they begin a unit of study on "Healthy Relationships," which includes sex education based on God's design.
Outreach to parents who represent cultural groups and want to build our community to celebrate diversity at VCS.
“You’ve got a friend in me.” Research shows that people today have fewer close friends than they did 30 years ago. Ironically, despite the rise of social media, we have become more disconnected than ever.
Last year, our Junior High Team and K-12 Wellness Director launched a ministry called Warriors United, which is a group of students dedicated to befriending peers who are seeking connection and a sense of belonging. Warriors United does this by bridging students with a student leader in a fun, music-filled space, with games and intentional conversations where everyone can feel included and valued. They are launching a weekly outdoor game time that has been envisioned and led by student leaders.
“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.” Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
At Valley Christian, our wellness team is committed to supporting students in need, combating loneliness, and fostering healthy connections through programs and personal interactions. Across all campuses, our wellness counselors support the social and emotional needs of our students. Whether it’s through sessions with a licensed therapist or spending time with Lady Warrior, our wellness dog. Our team is ready to provide compassionate care for our community.
Here are some upcoming parent events:
Parent Night with Kristel Acevedo – January 16, 2025Kristel Acevedo, a pastor at Transformation Church in South Carolina and co-author of 3 Big Questions That Shape Your Future. She will share research and practical strategies to help families cultivate healthy communities and navigate challenging conversations with their teens.
Pray for our wellness counselors Amy Hernandez, Jane Bahou, Abra Martinez and C. J. Clark as they care for the volume of needs on all our campuses. 1.
Pray for our Junior High Warriors United club to continue to provide a kind and hospitable place where all of our students can belong, and that our new outdoor program would go well.
Pray for our high school clubs that they would meet the need and offer support for students who need support or want to learn and grow. 3.
Pray for our parents and students as they search and discover a place to belong.
Pray for our Parent Ambassadors who are looking to reach and minister to other parents.
work of the Holy Spirit and we join in with what He is already doing.” - Pastor Steve
Spiritual formation is the work of the Holy Spirit and should never bottleneck with a person or an office because spiritual formation is something we all do, together. In order to serve 2800 students and their families, 350 staff, and 9500 alumni, we need to build a team. Last year we launched a cohort of faculty and staff members who are passionate about ministry. The cohort is a group that meets throughout the year to develop ministry skills, experiment with ministry opportunities, and talk about the ministry happening on all campuses and programs.
One of the things we talk about in our cohort are, “passion projects” which God has placed in the hearts of our leaders and how we can support them as they try building ministries. As a result, we’ve seen God’s Spirit at work on a grassroots level.
Ephesians 4:11-13
the past year:
Testimony times in AMSE where students share their testimony with other students.
Spiritual Retreats in athletics and in high school. Girls ministries like Sisterhood (HS), Radiant Souls (JH) and the 5th Grade Girls Bible Study (EL).
Boys ministries like Iron Sharpens Iron (JH)
Our hope for this cohort is amplify what God is doing in our ministries by equipping our community for the work of the ministry. We are have seen much fruit and we are anticipating more.
Pray for God to continue anointing our cohort with His Spirit to give us dreams and visions for what He wants to do in and through VCS.
Pray for our team as we start to reach out to others for next years cohort.
Pray for God to work through the various pilots, projects, and ministries that develop through the assistant chaplains. 3.
Students will graduate from Valley Christian, but they will not graduate from the kingdom of God. We intentionally build partnerships with local churches and ministries to build a strong network working together for God’s kingdom.
College Partnerships:
We continue to build relationships with Christian Colleges/Universities in hopes of building our K-16 model of Christian Education. Our hope is to assist our students pursuing Christian education with guaranteed admission and significant financial grants/scholarships. Our list of current partner schools is APU, Biola, GCU, and William Jesus.
Church Partnerships:
We are inviting 40 churches to pray with us at Menlo Church on Dec 16th. It is a wonderful way for us to strengthen our relationships and be a bridge for our students and families to get plugged into a church! We now partner with over 200 churches. The goal is to introduce new families to a local congregation and for pastors to proactively reach out and welcome fellow Warriors to their communities.
Pastors’ prayer and gathering at Menlo Church. December 16th.
Mark Lodewyk and Steve Dang to visit alumni in MidWest and SoCal. Jan 15-22nd.
IMPACT trips during February break and Easter break in April.
Prayer Requests:
Global Warriors and International students to feel loved and cared for away from home.
College connections and our desire to partner with Christian Colleges in getting MOU’s. The goal is to assist our students with admission and financial assistance as we pursue a K-16 model of Christian education.
2. Pray for parents and students to connect to churches. 3. Prayer for all new applications. May God make it clear who to join our Warrior Nation. Pray for our financial aid process as we assist those in need. Pray For wisdom.
ChristCommunityChurchof Milpitas
Cupertino Creekside
St.JospehCatholic 3Crosses
Valley Christian Schools’ mission is to provide a nurturing environment o ering quality education supported by a strong foundation of Christian values in partnership with parents, equipping students to become leaders to serve God, to serve their families, and to positively impact their communities and the world.
A world where every student pursues their personal Quest for Excellence™.
Valley Christian Schools supports the homes and churches of students in providing an education that is grounded in the Judeo-Christian values of the Bible, as reflected in the life and teaching of Jesus Christ. Valley Christian Schools is committed to a Quest for Excellence™ in all of its educational programs, and provides a comprehensive kindergarten through twelfth grade curriculum with a rigorous college preparatory program. Firmly founded on Christian values, Valley Christian Schools challenges youth to aspire toward lives of character, service, and influence while pursuing their individual Quests for Excellence
valleychristian vcs_warriors apply.vcs.net