VCES Reopening Plans

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Social and Emotional Learning Recourses and Curriculum We recognize the importance of providing students and staff with extra social and emotional support as they return to school this year. Expect to see special welcome activities, extra time for building relationships and establishing new routines, and focus on coping strategies.

Field Trips Field trips will be canceled until further notice.

PREVENTION Hygiene Measures A variety of PPE will be on‐site at all VCS schools and administration buildings to help prevent the spread of COVID‐19. Below is a look at some of the requirements and protocols in place at the Elementary Leigh Campus.

Face Coverings Teachers and staff  All adults must wear a cloth face covering at all times while on campus, except while eating or drinking.  Face shields are not recommended as a replacement for face coverings. o Staff excluded from this requirement are those that require respiratory protection according to Cal/OSHA standards.  If a staff member experiences difficulty wearing his/her face covering, allow the individual to remove his/her face covering for a short period of time. Students  All students (Grades K‐5) are required to wear cloth face coverings: o While arriving and departing from school campus. o In any area outside of the classroom (except when eating, drinking, or engaging in physical activity) o While waiting for or riding on a school bus.  Students (Grades K‐2) are strongly encouraged to wear face coverings, if they can be worn properly.  Students (Grades 3‐5) will be required to wear cloth face coverings while in classrooms.  Face shields will also be available for teachers to allow for comprehension during classroom instructional time.  Mask “breaks” will be included for students in grades 3‐5 throughout the day. The duration and timing of mask breaks is being determined by a teacher/principal and task force.  If a student experiences difficulty wearing his/her face covering, allow the individual to remove his/her face covering for a short period of time.  Students without face coverings should maintain physical distance to extent feasible. VCES-C19PLAN-200810


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