December 2017 Current

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2 • DECEMBER 2017


The Park Bench

Coach with Character – Burgess has impact in gymnastics and beyond

By Craig Howard Current Editor Just as gymnastics has its allaround competition featuring a variety of challenging events, Nadine Burgess has challenged herself in numerous areas, excelling in all and helping others achieve their own respective success. A native of Grants Pass, Oregon, Burgess grew up tumbling and leaping. As a kid, she followed the 1992 Summer Olympics featuring Team USA standout Shannon Miller and other American gymnasts and saw what gymnastics could be at a world-class level. Despite no formal training, she became adept at the sport and later became a youth coach. Years after the Olympics, Burgess would meet Miller and, in her words, become an outright “fan girl.” Nadine and her husband moved from Oregon to the Spokane area in 2006. Not long after, she started as a coach at Spokane Elite Gymnastics. By July 2010, she purchased the business, branding it as Spokane Gymnastics to emphasize her mission of an accessible and positive approach that “develops strength, skill and character through gymnastics training.” In September of 2013, Burgess expanded the venture into a 30,000-square-foot building in Spokane Valley near the Yoke’s market off Argonne Road. The efforts of Burgess and her colleagues have led to Spokane Gymnastics having among the top 3 percent in enrollment of all similar schools in the nation. Burgess is quick to give credit to her team at Spokane Gymnastics for the success, much like the individual/team format of the sport itself. In June, the company earned “Medium Business of the Year” from Greater Spokane Incorporated (GSI) at the annual Agora Awards. The Greater Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce selected Spokane Gymnastics for a similar honor in

Nadine Burgess is the owner of Spokane Gymnastics in Spokane Valley which was selected as the “Medium Business of the Year” at the Agora Awards hosted by Greater Spokane Incorporated this June. A native of Oregon, Burgess has called the Inland Northwest home since 2006. Contributed photo 2016. Along with leading the charge that has resulted in Spokane Gymnastics hosting national championship events, Burgess has traveled to the U.S. Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs for training as a coach. She makes it clear, however, that the primary purpose of her school is not to raise the next Olympic champion. Burgess is about the athlete as an entire person, using gymnastics as a springboard to achieve potential and overall well-being. Burgess is accomplished beyond gymnastics as well. She has a bachelor’s degree in business administration from the University of Phoenix and served as a City Council representative in Joseph, Oregon for over two years. She has volunteered with the American Red Cross and Wallowa County (Oregon) Search and Rescue and completed a six-month training in the EMT-B program. Since migrating to the Spokane area, Burgess has plunged into a variety of nonprofit causes, including Rotary 21 and Embrace Washington, a cause founded by former legislator Kevin Parker to provide support and care for foster children and families. She is also a board member with GSI and Children FIRST, a pre-school program for kids with special needs. This March, Burgess was named by Spokane/CDA Living magazine as one of the leading “Women in Business Leadership” for 2017. The Current caught up with Burgess recently to talk about gymnastics, keys to becoming a successful entrepreneur and life in the Inland

Northwest. Q: Gymnastics have been part of your life for a long time. In what ways do you think the sport teaches life skills that go beyond the mat? A: I love gymnastics! Besides it providing a solid foundation for fitness, gymnasts build strength and agility and enjoy better coordination and improved flexibility. Gymnastics can be a perfect solution for athletes of all abilities to develop their character. It is a sport where the elements are taught in a logical progression. To be successful, athletes must learn to listen and follow directions, make corrections and work hard for achievable objectives. It requires patience, discipline, commitment and perseverance. Gymnastics provides the opportunity for athletes to learn the importance of focus, teamwork and sportsmanship. Q: You are known as a business owner that has grown Spokane Gymnastics into an extremely successful venture. What have been some of the keys to your success? A: It's definitely our people. I am fortunate to be part of a team that is the best in our industry with teaching the sport of gymnastics, but just as importantly, our coaches have the patience and character to teach in a way that is positive and productive. We are extremely serious about the safety, quality and progressions within our program, but once those objectives are met, we exist to have and create fun! We strive for a culture where our students understand

The Current

they are valued no matter their ability, goal or achievements within gymnastics. We believe that learning is best accomplished in a fun and encouraging environment. Plus, if we can be entertaining to the parents, an additional role-model or positive factor in their children's lives, that is a bonus. I am constantly amazed and appreciative of the support we have received from our community! To have people trust us with their kiddos is a tremendous honor that we don't take lightly. The biggest factor to our success is our coaches. Supporting our team, both with professional and personal development is our top priority since they are the ones who take care of our students. Our instructors must be actively engaged, well-trained, and also provide additional responsibly and opportunity. Often Millennials are associated with negative stereotypes, but we have been blessed to have attracted the brightest and best. Q: Speaking of business, how have you enjoyed being part of the Greater Spokane Incorporated (GSI) Board of Directors? What have you been able to bring to GSI? What have you learned? A: I am motivated by challenge, being able to contribute, and learning, therefore being connected with Greater Spokane Incorporated has been a great fit for me personally. I have appreciated the opportunity be part of something greater than my own personal or professional goals. It has been impressive to witness so many local leaders and organizations working together to improve our community. One example is the collaboration with the West Plains Chamber and Greater Spokane Valley Chamber on various projects, including the Olympia and D.C. flyIn trips. Since the opportunities are available to all members of GSI, not just board members, for several years now, I have been able to join the delegation of business, education and community leaders to advocate on behalf of our region. Finally, an initiative that I believe will have vital long-term impact is “Greater Minds” and GSI has a dedicated team to help working adults on the path to finish their degree or certificate. The goal is to increase the proportion of residents in Spokane County with high-quality degrees or certificates from 40 percent to 60 percent by 2025. Besides benefiting the quality of life for those community members and their families, this will also improve the talent pipeline for existing local businesses, as well as companies considering operations in the Spokane area. Q: Youth sports provide many opportunities for learning, exercise, and teamwork. Yet we

See BURGESS, Page 3

The Current


DECEMBER 2017 • 3


Continued from page 2 also hear stories of burnout and injuries among kids at different levels. You seem to take a more flexible approach as a coach, not going overboard with practice and competition. How did this become a priority for you? A: I believe that gymnastics has the potential to be the greatest activity that a child can choose to pursue or a negative, and even harmful experience. This is dependent on how it is taught, realistic expectations, and the priority of the gymnast, their family, the coaches, and the focus of the program. As with every goal worth going after, there are going to be sacrifices, but I do not believe that achievement should ever be at the expense of the physical or emotional well-being of a child. Every sport has potential for injuries, but I feel strongly that it is the duty of the coach to minimize that risk and do everything possible to make sure that their students are better because of gymnastics, not broken. Too many hours practicing, training too soon after an injury and lack of balance with social development or academics are issues that have been associated with many sports and it is important to me to prevent that in our gymnastics program. Obviously

healthy, happy athletes have a better life in general, but I also feel strongly that they do better at competitions at all levels. Locally, I love going to meets with our competitive teams. Besides the gymnasts placing well individually and as a team, I am just as proud of their interaction, sportsmanship and that it is obvious that they are healthy and having fun. If becoming an elite gymnast is the goal, then there are terrific programs which can provide the training and support in a positive environment. Statistically speaking, very few athletes are going to reach high levels within gymnastics, and we have chosen to provide a program which caters to the 95 percent of athletes who will never compete beyond our region. Because my priority is the overall development of the student long-term, we are innovative with practicing efficiently and purposely limit the hours of training that we provide. Q: Along those same lines, what do you think are the keys to ensuring the healthy future of gymnastics? A: The well-being of all athletes must be priority over everything else. We have a moral duty to protect the athletes with nonnegotiable requirements selecting who can be instructors, extensive

See COACH, Page 6

Wherever she goes, Burgess takes time to add some gymnastics to her agenda. The approach has generated a souvenir album of handstands from her travels. Contributed photo

’Tis the season

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4 • DECEMBER 2017

Valley Chamber





Stories of Good Will Join us for this special holiday-themed Business Connections celebration lunch and come away with a renewed commitment to serving in our community. The event begins with networking among our featured non-profit organizations in a trade-show format. The program introduces the inspiring work of each organization and the businesses that sponsor them.

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Challengers fare well in races for Valley Council

By Craig Howard Current Editor In February 2013, Rod Higgins won a coin flip against Linda Thompson to land a place on the Spokane Valley City Council after the sitting council could not reach a decision on a replacement for Brenda Grassel. That fall, Higgins emerged victorious again, edging Thompson in the general election with 52 percent of ballots to earn a four-year term on the Valley’s governing board. Last month, Thompson was back in the running for a council bid, this time in the general election, facing off against incumbent Mike Munch who was appointed to fill a Pos. 7 vacancy last July. When the final votes were counted, Thompson defeated Munch by a margin of 56 percent, becoming one of three council challengers to earn victories on the Nov. 7 ballot. “I want to give back to the community,” said Thompson, who has served as the executive director of the Spokane Valley-based Greater Spokane Substance Abuse Council for the past 24 years. “I thought City Council would be a good way to serve.” Ben Wick, a former council member who narrowly lost to Sam Wood in 2015, and Brandi Peetz, office manager for Stahl Optical, also won in their bids for Valley Council. Wick earned over 58 percent to dislodge Council Member Ed Pace for Pos. 4 while Peetz collected nearly 57 percent against Council Member Caleb Collier, appointed in June 2016 to fill a Pos. 2 vacancy. Thompson said she plans to bring enthusiasm and transparency to her new role. “This is really about engaging the citizens,” she said. “For me, it’s about how we can all work together. Being

The Current

a new member of this council, I know I’m going to have to listen and learn. I see City Council as a catalyst for community engagement.” Thompson’s former foe, Higgins, was also on the ballot last month, defending his Pos. 1 seat. Currently serving in the mayor’s position, a post decided upon by fellow council members, Higgins edged out challenger Chris Jackson by 271 votes with a margin of 50.8 percent. In the race for Pos. 5, incumbent Pam Haley – a business owner appointed last June to fill a vacancy – won with nearly 61 percent of votes against challenger Angie Beem. Since their election opponents were appointed to fill voids left by previous council members, Thompson and Peetz will take office when the election is certified Nov. 28. Haley will also start her next term then. Wick will begin his term on Jan. 1, 2018 as will Higgins. In Millwood, a city with a strong mayor-council form of government, Mayor Kevin Freeman faced challenger Jay Molitor and walked away with a 68-percent victory. Molitor has spoken out against the idea of turning an area on South Riverway into a park with access to the Spokane River. The concept was recently recommended by the city’s planning commission and will be reviewed by council before a decision is made. Freeman, who has served as Millwood’s mayor since 2014 and was on the City Council for eight years prior to that, said he valued having an opponent on the ballot. “I’m always grateful to see residents step up and run,” he said. “I wish more would be a part of the political process. It also makes me a better candidate.” Freeman noted that election season in Millwood is “pretty lowkey,” acknowledging that his yard signs were the only placards from any candidate vying for City Hall. Millwood Council Members Shawna

See ELECTION, Page 5

The Current



Continued from page 4

Beese and Dan Sander also won Nov. 7. Neither faced a challenger. Looking ahead, Freeman said he wants to continue the priority on public works projects, address the congestion on Argonne Road, complete the Millwood Trail and provide support for the success of local businesses and commercial property owners. “I look at winning an election as a vote of confidence,” Freeman said. “It’s a validation that voters appreciate what we are doing as a city. It’s also a reality check for the next four years.” On the ballot for Spokane Valley Fire commissioner Pos. 1, incumbent Patrick Burch faced longtime Central Valley High School teacher and Liberty Lake resident Stan Chalich who retired from CV this summer after 49 years. In a race decided by just over 400 votes, Burch held his office with 51 percent of the vote. Burch, co-owner and business manager of Neurotherapy NW, began volunteering with SVFD’s Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) in 2008 and went on to serve as team leader and member of SVFD Fire Corps. He replaced Kolby Hanson who stepped away from the board last July due to work obligations. Burch will now serve the reminder of Hanson’s unexpired six-year term through December 2019. The other fire commissioner race featured two former SVFD employees – incumbent William (Bill) Anderson and challenger Larry T. Rider. Anderson, who has served on the board since 2000, collected 52 percent to earn another six-year term. In Liberty Lake, incumbent Odin Langford, a fixture at the dais since 2007, retained his council seat with a 57-percent win over challenger Jeanette Nall. Incumbent Hugh Severs ran unopposed in his council bid while Mike Kennedy defeated

Rod Higgins

DECEMBER 2017 • 5

Dylan McGuire with 79 percent in the other council race. In Rockford, Mayor Carrie Roecks won in an unchallenged race as did Timothy Fricke and Brian Laude for Town Council. KayDee Gilkey will remain mayor in Fairfield after earning 76 percent of votes to defeat challenger Derek Knecht. In the Town Council No. 1 race, Melissa Lunsford won out against Angela Warner-Harvey by 56 percent while Darcie Sainsbury ran unchallenged for the No. 2 council bid. Election winners in Latah included Chuck Embry for mayor and Carole Meissner, Michael VanHeel, Jennifer Embry and Melanie Meagher for Town Council. Tom Dingus was re-elected to the Central Valley School District Board of Directors as the Dist. 2 representative. In CVSD Dist. 5, Mysti Reneau was elected to replace Amy Mason who did not run for reelection. Both Dingus and Reneau ran unopposed. In races for the West Valley School District Board, Dan Hansen collected 77 percent to defeat Gerald Rosenbaum in Dist. 1 while Robert Dompier was the Dist. 2 winner with 61 percent over Keith Acord. Justin Voelker retained his Dist. 3 seat on the East Valley School District Board with 66 percent against challenger Nathaniel Rooney. Fred Helms was a winner in Dist. 4 with 51 percent against Emily Provencio and Mike Novakovich ran unchallenged in Dist. 5. Neil Fuchs (Dist. 4) and Ed Cashmere (Dist. 2) ran unopposed on the ballot for the Freeman School District Board. On the judicial side, Tony Hazel earned 62 percent of the electorate in a victory against Jocelyn Cook for Spokane County Superior Court judge Pos. 6. Hazel was appointed in April by Gov. Jay Inslee to replace Judge Sam Cozza who passed away in January. Following his victory, Hazel will now serve through 2020.

Brandi Peetz

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Pamela Haley

Linda Thompson

6 • DECEMBER 2017



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background checks, training and high expectations required before any coach works with an athlete, ongoing transparency and standards with how those coaches interact with the gymnasts. Also, there needs to be consistent stipulations on how any issues are addressed immediately and appropriately. Individually, most clubs have been doing things correctly all along, but there must be strict standards set within our industry that all adhere to. Q: You are a self-taught gymnast. How do you think learning the sport the way you did has helped you as a coach? A: Growing up, I was an extremely hyperactive child. I didn't just bounce off the walls, I climbed them and constantly left both hand and foot prints on them. Taking structured gymnastics classes was not an option for me, but I was constantly doing my own self-taught tumbling at home, on the ballfield at school, and to my family's chagrin, down the aisles of the local Fred Meyer. Because I was “that kid,” I not only understand, but welcome, the students who seem unable to sit still or bounce off the walls. I embrace their energy and hope to direct positively. Teaching myself, I struggled with and fought hard for every skill that I now can do. I can explain all the things not to do within an element, as well as the tips that helped me make progress. Within coaching, it's hardest to teach a student struggling with a skill if it is foreign for the instructor to understand the challenge. If a coach only remembers being able to do a cartwheel without even thinking about it, then it's much harder to break down the skill into manageable pieces for the students learning. As much as I would have loved being enrolled in structured gymnastics growing up, I now believe that my path has been a blessing, since now I don't have pre-conceived ideas of what “should” be within a gymnastics program. I am proud that we are quite different from other programs, and never want to lose what makes us special. Q: Tell us why you contribute to Embrace Washington as a volunteer and board member and why raising awareness of foster care is important to you. A: The mission of Embrace Washington is to support children in foster care, the generous foster families who open up their hearts and homes, plus the social workers who advocate for those in care. We want to raise awareness of the specific needs of children in foster care, identify how to best meet those

The Current

needs and provide needed tangible items. Embrace Washington provides funds on an individual request basis to pay for summer camp, music or sports and educational support. It is a privilege to be part of the team of Embrace Washington volunteers because I see first-hand how a small investment of time or donation can make such a huge impact in the life of some of the most vulnerable members of our community. I appreciate that the generosity that we receive from donations goes directly to local children and how the nonprofit organization is run so efficiently, with a very active board, who all contribute financially and with their time. It's a team effort to bridge a gap and in whatever way possible to improve the situation for children in foster care. Q: You also donate time to a variety of other nonprofit causes. What have you learned about your community by paying it forward? A: We are fortunate to live in a very generous community. Truly neighbors helping neighbors. While there are many needs, I am impressed by how much time, treasure and talent are given on a constant and ongoing basis. I have benefited from many mentors freely sharing their time, wisdom, ideas and advice with me. Countless people have actively invested in my development and I feel the least that I can do is attempt to pay it forward to the community which has given so much to me. It's an honor to serve alongside so many hard working and successful leaders who give back constantly. I am a member of Rotary Club 21 which actively supports causes worldwide, but also locally. With volunteering, I've been impressed by the collaboration of the various local nonprofit organizations who make the best possible use of their resources and make sure that needs are met without waste. Q: You are from Oregon, but really seem to have embraced the Inland Northwest as your adopted home. What do you enjoy most about living and working in this area? A: I love the outdoors and all the opportunities for adventure in our own backyard, yea- round. I live in the country with horses, mules, dogs and a pet hedgehog, less than a 15-minute drive from my office in the Valley, and love the vicinity to downtown where I can also enjoy all the best offerings of a city. The quality of life is unlike anything I had experienced before but what is most special is the people. There is always something to do and people willing to get involved, positive, fun people who are willing to try new things are who I chose to surround myself with and that is abundant in Spokane.

The Current

Millwood moves closer to park on South Riverway

By Mary Anne Ruddis Current Correspondent After an extensive public participation process that began in early 2017 to determine the preferred use of two parcels of land on South Riverway, the Millwood Planning Commission delivered its report to the City Council at the Nov. 14 council meeting. The city purchased the parcels in 2016 and the planning commission issued an approximately 250-page report along with its recommendation. The report considered the need for public access to the Spokane River, the conditions of the site, policies set forth in the Millwood Comprehensive Plan and Shoreline Management Plan, as well as comments by Millwood residents and residents of nearby neighborhoods. The report states that a majority of the comments received from Millwood residents and businesses were in favor of a small park that provided access to the river. Concerns were noted that non-Millwood residents may cause problems and that the city needs to be prepared to provide adequate law enforcement and traffic management for a new park facility.

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DECEMBER 2017 • 7

Taking into consideration the current policies of the Millwood Comprehensive Plan and the Shoreline Management plan as well as public comments, the planning commission is recommending that the parcels be used for a neighborhood park with access to the river. The report notes that development of the site will require careful planning and assessment of the site conditions. The council says it will need time to review the recommendation and the complete report. Due to the enthusiastic public interest and the extensive material collected, the council will hold a special meeting dedicated to this issue sometime after the first of the year before making a decision. At the December council meeting, a date will be set for the special meeting. Anyone wishing to be notified of the meeting may contact the city staff. All of the materials will be available on the city’s website. Comments may be sent to tom. or on the city’s website. The preliminary 2018 annual budget public hearing opened on Nov. 14. Public comments included a discussion of the portion of funds allocated for public safety (35 percent) in relation to the general fund total operating budget. The street fund has a deficit and it was proposed to move some of the

utility taxes to the street fund to cover the deficit. A special budget meeting will be November 28 at 7 p.m. with council consideration of the budget in December. The council approved Resolution #2017-08, setting the property tax increase for 2018. The levy amount from 2017 was $391,000 and the 2018 levy is set at $416,465, an increase of $25,465.00. The levy is set at the maximum levy calculation of $1.60 per $1,000 of assessed property value as determined by the county assessor. This can change at the end of the year if there are data updates. Resolution #2017-10 is a proposed amendment of zoning code related to residential maximum lot coverage. The current zoning requirement is that 65 percent of the lots must be open spaces free from structures and other impervious surfaces. The “other impervious surfaces” addition was added in 1999. The problem with the current requirement is that it creates serious restrictions on the use of smaller lots and limits the number of multi-family units that could be allowed in the UR-3 zone. The council approved that the resolution be sent to the planning commission for public input and study. Earlier a first public meeting was held with a presentation by the city engineers to consider traffic calming measures on Empire beginning at

Butler. One of the neighborhood concerns is that the bike lanes are preserved. The follow-up meeting will be held sometime after the new year when the city engineer can present various concepts such as a traffic circle, narrowing the roadway, or other alternatives. After a concept is decided upon, cost and implementation will be assessed. The Millwood code enforcement process is being streamlined to handle any complaints in a more efficient manner. Currently, there is an apparent breakdown of communication concerning code complaints. Communication between the code enforcement officer and staff is in the process of being resolved. Inland Empire Paper also has a process for complaints and will coordinate with the city. A few citizens have requested information from the two radar signs. The city will make the data available at the December council meeting for those who are interested. The Tree Lighting will be Dec. 1 at 6 p.m. on the Inland Paper Company lawn, 3320 N. Argonne. After the tree lighting, there will be cookie decorating at the Masonic Lodge along with a Christmas bazaar. Millwood small businesses will be participating in “Shop Small” on Saturday, Nov. 25 emphasizing support for local small business.

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8 • DECEMBER 2017

Spokane Valley City Council Report By Bill Gothmann

Current Correspondent Lodging Tax grants criticized Several citizens criticized the Lodging Tax Grant Committee’s power, process and grants at the Nov. 14 City Council meeting. Jayne Singleton, director of the Spokane Valley Heritage Museum, argued that the grants have neither been equitable nor collaborative, noting that the minutes of the committee show that hoteliers met before the committee meeting to decide who got what grants, thereby violating the Open Public Meetings Act. Bill Crawford observed that 40 percent of the funds go outside Spokane Valley with, in some years, Visit Spokane receiving over 50 percent of the funds. Peggy Doering, director of Valleyfest, noted a 14-year history of contention on the committee and observed that the funds belong to the city of Spokane Valley, not the


The Current


lodging community. “We should first grant funds to finish Browns Park,” Doering said. She suggested looking to the city of Ellensburg as a model for the committee.

Tom McArthur, board member with the museum, asked why the city would want to give four times more money to outside competitors compared with city causes. In response to citizen complaints about the process, Deputy City Attorney Erik Lamb presented a new option the city could utilize. In the past, because of state law, the City Council had to accept or reject each recommendation of the committee. However, Lamb said that once council receives the recommendation from the committee, it could propose their own list of recommendations, send these back to the committee, allow 45 days for committee review and then make their decision. Council Member Sam Wood, who is on the committee, felt this would discourage anyone from volunteering to serve on the committee. After considerable discussion, council approved the new option. Eighth Avenue, Pines Sullivan to go to 30 mph


Flashing beacons have been installed and vegetation trimmed in order to reduce accidents at Eighth and McDonald. As a result, there have been no reported accidents since June 27. Staff has conducted speed analyses and examined the number of driveways, the width of the road and other factors and recommended lowering the speed from 35 mph to 30 mph. Several citizens testified that having multiple speed limits for Eighth Avenue was confusing to the public and difficult to enforce. Council Member Caleb Collier agreed and Council Member Ed Pace wanted a 25 mph speed limit for all of Eighth. After considerable discussion, council approved the speed limit change to 30 mph for Eighth from Pines to Sullivan, leaving other sections unchanged. 2018

Council finalized the 2018 property tax to be collected by the city: $11,796,122, the same as 2017, plus $129,775 estimated for new construction. This results in a tax rate of $1.36 per $1,000 of assessed property valuation, 7 cents lower than last year. In 2017, the 1.4335 dollar per $1,000 City levy property tax rate was 10.47 percent of the total levy rate of 13.6933 dollars per 1,000 paid by most Central Valley citizens – those within Central Valley School District and Spokane Valley Fire District. The actual property tax also rises or falls with the property’s assessed valuation. Should assessed valuation increase 10 percent, for example, the total tax bill would rise by 10 percent. Should assessed valuation decrease by 10 percent, the total tax bill will decrease by 10 percent.

The City Council gave final approval to the 2018 municipal budget, discussed in detail in the November issue of the Current. Revenue is expected to grow 3.67 percent whereas expenses are expected to grow 1.81 percent.

Council approved adding two issues to their legislative agenda, a list comprising the concerns they express to state lawmakerts. The state is seeking input on permitting

Council budget



Legislative agenda adds marijuana and parental rights issues

2018 property tax approved

See SV COUNCIL, Page 9

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The Current


DECEMBER 2017 • 9


Continued from page 8

home growing of recreational marijuana and council “supports the continued prohibition on home growing of recreational marijuana.” In addition, the council added, “The city supports changes in state law that strengthen parental rights and requests that future legislation not have the unintended consequence of eroding parental rights.” Council Member Pam Haley asked how much the parental rights issue has cost in city time. Staff reported that it cost about 28 staff hours or $2,400. City Manager Mark Calhoun is setting up meetings with the city’s lobbyist to discuss these items on council’s agenda. New signal type debuts on Pines The city’s first High-Intensity Activated Crosswalk (HAWK) traffic signal was installed on Pines Road where it intersects with the new section of the Appleway Trail. From the pedestrian point of view, it appears as a simple crosswalk, with a hand meaning “wait” and a stylized walking man meaning “walk,” and a hand with a number meaning to stop if you have not entered the intersection or continue to the other curb if you have already started. The driver sees two red lights above one yellow light. If none are lighted, proceed with caution – the signal has not been activated. When the yellow light flashes, begin slowing and prepare to stop. When the yellow light is steady, stop, for the light will be shortly changing to red. When two red signals come on steady, stop, for pedestrians are crossing. When the red lights alternate, pull up to the stop line, stop, verify the crosswalk is clear, then proceed with caution. Finally, all the signals will go dark. These signals have been installed in several cities throughout the

country. Through a joint effort of the Spokane County Library District and the city, there is an educational video of HAWK on the city’s web site, Select Departments and under Public Works, click on Traffic Engineering.

Merry Christmas! Now accepting new patients!

Council Briefs: • Council Member Pace asked to have neighborhood meetings on both Fourth Avenue and Eighth Avenue speeds and speed limits.

Susan Ashley, MD

• Council Member Collier asked to have Spokane Valley appoint its own Police Oversight Committee. Staff will bring back a report on this. • City Manager Calhoun noted that council always meets on election day in even numbered years and does not meet in odd numbered years. • Calhoun announced that the city has received a $6 million grant from the National Highway Freight Program for the BNSF separation project. This brings the city up to having $16 million of the estimated $20 million cost of the project. • Spokane County Hearing Examiner Mike Dempsey is retiring and the county will have to determine what they must do to replace him. Since the city has utilized Dempsey for hearing related work, it will await the county’s action before proceeding. • Staff presented seven amendments to the city’s comprehensive plan. These will now go to the planning commission for citizen input and recommendation and will come back to the council for final action. • Mayor Rod Higgins appointed Timothy Norwick to the county’s Community Development Advisory Committee. The groups administer Federal Housing and Urban Department (HUD) grants and Spokane Valley is one of the recipients.

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Ashley Wilkinson, PA-C


Welcome Marnie Smith, ARNP

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Family Medicine Liberty Lake providing care for the entire family Monday - Friday 8 am - 6 pm HOURS: Saturday 8 am - 12 pm


10 • DECEMBER 2017

The Current

Calendar of Events COMMUNITY EVENTS Dec. 1 | Millwood Tree Lighting Celebration, 6 p.m. on the lawn at the Inland Paper Co., 3320 N. Argonne. After the tree lighting, there will be cookie decorating at the Masonic Lodge along with a Christmas bazaar. Millwood small businesses will be participating in “Shop Small” event on Saturday, Nov. 25 emphasizing support for local small business. Dec. 2 | Santa’s Breakfast, sponsored by Newman Lake Fire Auxiliary, 8 a.m.-noon, TriCommunity Grange, 25025 E Heather Lane, Newman Lake (onehalf block north of Trent on Starr). Stop by and have pancakes with all the fixings (a cash contribution is appreciated). Pictures with Santa are just $2. The Kids’ Gift Shop will be stocked for kids to buy presents for their family and friends. Nothing is priced over $3 and most everything is $1 or less. Elves are available to help wrap. Call Deb Davis at 226-0187 for more information. Dec. 2 │ Pinecroft Fire Station No. 8 open house, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., 2110 N. Wilbur Road. The Spokane Valley Fire Department invites the community to this free event featuring free family fun with Santa. Meet SVFD firefighters and paramedics, check out both fire engines housed at Station No. 8 and take pictures with Santa. Tour the fire station and try on firefighter gear. Enjoy holiday treats and cool giveaways. And, get a free Operation Family ID child safety kit. More at 892-4155 or visit www. Dec. 9-12 | Reindeer Games and Christmas Cheer, noon to 3

p.m., Honor Point Museum, Felts Field 6095 Rutter Ave., Spokane. This community event will feature cookies and hot cocoa, holiday crafts and games and appearances by Santa and Mrs. Claus. Admission is $5 for kids; free for ages 2 and under; adults $10, seniors/military $7. This is also a Toys for Tots dropoff center. For more information, call 244-0244.

RECURRING ACT 2 senior classes | Affordable classes offered by Community Colleges of Spokane to those who are retired or planning to retire. A wide range of courses from geology and history to exercise and art are offered at CenterPlace, 2426 N. Discovery Place, as well as other locations throughout the area. “Focused Fitness on Dishman Mica,” a yoga class, is now part of the schedule. More at www.sccel. Baha’i Fireside Conversation | 5 to 6 p.m., third Friday of the month. Spokane Valley Library, 12004 E. Main Ave. Discussion of Baha’i teachings, history, and perspectives on resolving the challenges facing humanity. All are welcome. More at 599-2411 or Inland Empire Blues Society monthly meeting | Oct. 13 at 7:30 p.m., Bolo's 116 S. Best Road. Café Card Club | 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., Tuesdays. On Sacred Grounds, 12212 E. Palouse Hwy., Valleyford. Play pinochle, cribbage, or hearts. More at www.onsacredgrounds. com. Catholic Singles Mingle | Meeting times and locations vary. This group, with no dues, is for single adults of all ages. More at www. DivorceCare Recovery Support

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Group | Tuesdays 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Eastpoint Church, 15303 E. Sprague Ave. Learn how to heal from the deep hurt of divorce and discover hope for your future. DivorceCare for Kids (ages 5-12) meets at the same time and location. Cost is $25 for workbook. More at 892-5255 or Military Sobriety Support Group | 10 to 11: 30 a.m., Spokane Vet Center, 13109 E. Mirabeau Parkway, Spokane Valley. Call Steve at 8934746 for more information. Grange Meeting and Dessert | 6:30 p.m., first Wednesday of the month, Tri-Community Grange, 25025 Heather St., Newman Lake. The public is welcome for this community-based service organization. For more information call 226-2202 or see us on Facebook. Men’s Weekly Bible Study | 7 a.m. Tuesdays. Millwood Presbyterian Church, 3223 N. Marguerite Road, Millwood. The men’s weekly Bible Study meets in the Reception Hall with different members sharing in the leading of the study. All men are invited to join. More at www. Pancreatic Cancer Action Network | 6:30 p.m., the first Monday of each month. Liberty Lake Municipal Library, 23123 E. Mission Ave., Liberty Lake. More at or 534-2564. Rockford Crochet Class | 10 a.m. to noon, Saturdays. The Harvest Moon, 20 S. First St., Rockford. Free classes. We have crocheters, knitters, embroidery, quilting and needlepoint. Come and share with us what you are doing. Call 2913722. Rockford Historical Society | 11:30 a.m. second Friday of the month (Feb. to Nov.). Harvest Moon restaurant, 20 S. First St., Rockford. More at 291-3193. Spokane County Library District | Locations include Argonne, Fairfield, Otis Orchards, and Spokane Valley. Special events and weekly activities for all ages including book clubs, children’s story times, classes, Lego club, teen anime club and writing clubs. More at Spokane Valley Eagles | 16801 E. Sprague Ave. Breakfast served Sundays 9 to 11:30 a.m. Lunch served Thursdays 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. followed by bingo from 1 to 3:30 p.m. More at www.foe3433. com. Spokane Valley Partners Food Bank | Weekly distribution

takes place Wednesdays and Thursdays at 10814 E. Broadway by appointment. Appointments are available during the following days/times: Wednesday, 11 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. Thursday (reserved for advanced-age seniors — age 60 and over — and/or physicallyhandicapped people with limited mobility): 11 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. Address verification is required. To make an appointment, call 927.1153 ext. 10, Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 1 p.m Spokane Valley Quilt Guild | Meetings are held at 7 p.m. on the first Tuesday of February, April, June, August, October and December at Valley Assembly of God Church, 15618 E. Broadway, Spokane Valley. Open to all interested in sharing ideas and skills of our quilting craft. Participants have can access a comprehensive library, can engage experienced teachers and participate in community service projects. More at

MUSIC & THE ARTS Nov. 30-Dec. 3. | The Nutcracker, Martin Woldson Theater at the Fox, 1001 W. Sprague Ave. A cherished family tradition signaling the start of the holiday season. This production features 75 local dancers and live music composed by Tchaikovsky and performed by the Spokane Symphony. Hours are Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 7:30 p.m. with matinees Saturday and Sunday at 2 p.m. Tickets are $25-$82/adults, $17.50-$57/ age 12 and younger. For more information, call 624-1200 Dec. 2 | Holiday Craft Fair, Spokane Community College, 1810 N. Greene Street, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. This event is free to the public and will feature over 100 vendors. Sparky’s Subs will be on-site for lunch. Free parking. For more information, call 533-7000. Dec. 6 | A Christmas Story, The Musical, 7:30 p.m., Spokane Civic Theatre, 1020 N. Howard Street. The evening begins at 6:30 p.m. with a reception and auction. Curtain time is 7:30 p.m. Proceeds will support the Northeast Community Center in their mission of improving life for residents of northeast Spokane. Tickets are $35. For more information, call 487-1603.


The Current

Drop-in Square Dance Lessons | 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. (through May 18). Western Dance Center, 1901 N. Sullivan Road. Square dance lessons for $3 per person; no partner needed. More at 270-9264. Pages of Harmony | 6:30 to 9:30 p.m., Wednesdays. Thornhill Valley Chapel, 1400 S. Pines Road. If you enjoy singing, you will love the four-part, a cappella harmony of this men’s barbershop chorus. More at Spirit of Spokane Chorus | 6:45 p.m., Tuesdays. Opportunity Presbyterian Church, 202 N. Pines Road. Make new friends by joining this women’s chorus, specializing in four-part, a cappella harmony in the barbershop style. More at 2184799. Spokane Novelists Group | Noon to 4 p.m., second and fourth Saturday of the month. Otis Orchards Community Church, 23304 E. Wellesley Ave., Otis Orchards. A support/critique group for writers. Open to anyone with an interest in writing fiction (no memoirs, nonfiction, poetry, etc., please). Participants should bring 5-10 pages to read aloud and 6-8 copies for others to read along and critique. More at 590-7316.

DECEMBER 2017 • 11


Spokane Valley Camera Club | 7:15 p.m., third and fourth Monday of the month (September through April). Liberty Lake Sewer and Water District building, 22510 E. Mission Ave., Liberty Lake. All levels of ability—students through experienced photographers—are invited to learn. Social events include field trips and workshops. More at 951-1446 or org Spokane Valley Writers’ Group | 6:15 p.m. the first and third Thursdays of the month. Lakeside Church, 23129 E. Mission Ave. This supportive critique group welcomes adult writers. More at 570-4440.

HEALTH & RECREATION RECURRING HUB Sports Center 19619 E. Cataldo Ave., Liberty Lake. Various activities and events occur throughout the week including: • Pickleball drop-in: 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. Mon. through Thurs.; 10 a.m. to noon Tues. and Thurs. and 6 to 8 p.m. Wed. and Sun. $3/seniors ($5/non-seniors) •

and Zumba Aerobics. See website for cost and times. Yoga in Rockford | 5:30 p.m. Wednesdays. Rockford Park, 20 W. Emma Street, Rockford. In case of inclement weather, classes will be held at Dave’s Autobody, 8 W. Emma Street. Wednesday mornings | Mindful Music & Movement class, 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Specifically designed for those living with chronic health issues such as: Parkinson's, dementia, COPD, MS, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, cancer. Supporting body, mind and soul. $10 donation suggested. Facilitated by board-certified Music Therapist, Carla Carnegie. Willow Song Music Therapy Center. 21101 E. Wellesley #102. Otis Orchards. For more information, visit www. or call 592 7875. Tuesday afternoons | Decreasing Anger Group, 3 to 4:30 p.m., the Vet Center, 13109 E. Mirabeau Parkway, Spokane Valley. Eligibility: Combat veteran from all eras, military sexual trauma survivors, Contact Steve at 893-4746 to make an intake appointment.

Classes including Kenpo Karate

CIVIC & BUSINESS RECURRING Spokane Valley City Council | Regular meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers at Spokane Valley City Hall, 11707 E. Sprague Ave., Ste. 101. Council study sessions are held the first, third and sometimes fifth Tuesdays at 6 p.m., also in Council Chambers. Flag Museum | Sponsored by the Sons of the American Revolution and the Fairmount Memorial Association, details the rich history of the American flag, Mondays-Fridays, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Saturdays, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Pines Cemetery, 1402 S. Pines Road, Spokane Valley. For more information: 926-2753 or www. Spokane Valley Kiwanis | 6:45 a.m. Tuesdays. Valley Hospital Education Center, 12606 E. Mission Ave. More at www. Spokane Valley Rotary | Noon to 1 p.m., Tuesdays. Darcy’s, 10502 E. Sprague Ave. More at www.svrotary. org.











New homes in Spokane, Spokane Valley, Liberty Lake, Post Falls & Coeur d’Alene. gr


12 • DECEMBER 2017

A great gift idea celebrating local writers

’Tis the season for mobile devices

SELF-e Select Collections” featuring romance, mystery, young adult and more genre eBooks. Get started discovering local, indie authors at Audiobookcloud

by Erin Dodge

Even the youngest of readers can enjoy a great audiobook without busting your budget! Discover and listen to fiction and non-fiction audiobooks for children, young adults, and adult listeners. Explore classics and current titles with your Internet connection at www.scld. org/audiobookcloud.

Current Guest Correspondent Whether you have a new device or you're enjoying your old one, you have access to apps and resources with a library card from Spokane County Library District to download popular books, movies, music and more. All of the apps and digital resources from the library district are free with your library card, which could save some avid and casual readers hundreds of dollars each year on eBooks and audiobooks alone.



Before you spend a bundle apps and in-app purchases your mobile devices, check out following free offerings from library district.

on for the the


This community anthology commemorates the 75th anniversary of the Spokane County Library District and features the theme of “celebration” from writers of all ages from the region. Order your copy today— only $15, online at Published by and benefiting the Friends of the Spokane County Library District

Discover eBooks and audiobooks of popular and topical fiction, nonfiction, and poetry titles that you can download for your Kindle and other eReaders as well as for audio players. Start digital reading and listening today at www.scld. org/overdrive. Hoopla

Reading with kids brings identity, voices, shared memories By Gwendolyn Haley

Spokane County Library District I hear my grandfather's voice when I read “The Tale of Peter Rabbit.” He did not read to me regularly. We lived very far away from him and only saw those grandparents once or twice a year. But when he read that story to me, it was magical. When I would open the book and read to my daughters, “Once upon a time, there were four little rabbits, and their names were Flopsy, Mopsy, Cottontail and Peter,” I am immediately transported back to a single moment in time with my grandpa in his big overstuffed recliner, hearing his soft rumbly

The Current

Get Help with Your Device

What do you hoopla? This popular app includes downloadable and streaming music, movies, audiobooks, eBooks, comicsand television shows instantly with automatic returns, so you never have any late fees. Plan your road trips and family movie nights or just watch your favorites with hoopla at Biblioboard Discover eBooks by independent authors and digital anthologies on a wide variety of topics. Biblioboard collections include the “Inland Northwest Collection,” “Indie Washington: Discover Local Authors,” and “Library Journals voice. In the movie “You’ve Got Mail,” Kathleen Kelly, owner of the children’s bookstore says, “When you read a book as a child, it becomes a part of your identity in a way that no other reading in your whole life does.” I would add that a book shared with a child can become a part of your family identity forever as well. Most often my mother read to me when I was a child, so of course her voice stays with me for so many favorite stories. “Madeline” by Ludwig Bemelmans is one we both recite from memory. We also loved “Ramona and Her Mother” by Beverly Cleary, which we read together when I was the same age as Ramona. I totally identified with her. That was the year that I broke everything I touched – not on purpose but out of some exuberance of energy and imagination. Because of that, I know my mom felt a keen sense of empathy for Ramona’s mother. The last book we read together in its entirety was “Charlotte’s

If frustration is keeping you from enjoying your mobile device, you can get personalized help with the Book-a-Librarian service from Spokane County Library District. When you schedule an appointment, library staff will help you understand the ins and outs of your mobile device, such as setting up your email and downloading eBooks. You can make an appointment at book-a-librarian. It is the season for mobile devices, and you can make it a season of thriftiness too! You’ll find even more apps and resources for electronic magazines, hobbies and crafts, online courses, book recommendations, and more in the digital library, online at www.scld/ org/digital-library. Web” by E. B. White. We took turns reading and doing different voices. Mom was particularly-larly-larly good at mimicking the goose’s distinctive triple-speak pattern. And kind, wise, and fiercely devoted Charlotte will always sound like my mom to me. After we finished that book, I was reading independently. My mom would come to read the night’s chapter, only to have me tell her, “Oh, I finished that one already.” That’s probably why, once I became a mother, I hid the books I read aloud to my girls. Those shared books are special and reading ahead isn’t allowed. Of course, two of my daughters are teens now – much too old for me to read to them. Although, I notice that when I snuggle on the couch with the youngest, they wander into the room and listen. As I read the Ramona books out loud to my youngest, her older sisters make eye contact and smile over shared memories. I wonder if it’s my voice they’ll hear someday when they pick up an old favorite – if it’s my loving embrace they’ll feel. I hope so.

The Current

DECEMBER 2017 • 13

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

The Holiday season is upon is. It feels like it snuck up on us – but what an exciting time of year.

This is the time of year to take some extra time to recognize and say “thank you” to all the people that surround and impact us in our daily lives. Whether it’s sharing a meal with close friends and/or family, giving a gift to someone to show your appreciation, or enjoying some holiday cheer (maybe with Santa). It is with that thought that we have pulled together our annual “Eat, Shop and Be Merry” guide this year, complete with local businesses to check some of these items off your holiday list. From the team here at The Splash and The Current, we want to thank you, our readers for taking the time to read our publication and advertisers for partnering with us to share their stories. We hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed taking the time to meet all of these friends and neighbors and help with some ideas for making your holiday the best one ever. We encourage you to pause from your busy everyday routine to appreciate all of the wonderful people around us and help spread the holiday cheer! Ben Wick, Publisher

14 • DECEMBER 2017

The Current

The Current

Holiday Gift Guide

When you go out shopping this holiday season check out these local businesses and support members of our community while finding unique, eclectic, personal or elegant gifts for anyone on your shopping list. Pricing key $ – $0 - $50 $$ – $50-$200 $$$ – You really like this person Adorkable Flowers and Gifts

This longtime Valley florist has over 30,000 square feet of greenhouse space in which to showcase their bouquets and special arrangements. They also have a large selection of candles, plush, balloons and gift items. Throughout the year, special events are also hosted here such as pictures with Santa and the Easter Bunny. $ Our Choice: Plush toys. Large assortment that are sure to capture anyone this season.

DECEMBER 2017 • 15

Gourmet goodies readily available for your consumption. Here you can find delicacies ranging from fudge and chocolates to caramel apples and ice cream. You can usually find a sample of one of their tasty treats to try. $ Our Choice: Chocolate covered caramel apple. Choose from a large assortment of flavors such as “apple pie,” “turtle pecan,” and the holiday special “peppermint stick.” The Bike HUB

Artistry in Gold

891-1999, 14222 E. Sprague Ave., Spokane Valley At the BrickHouse, you’ll step away from your stress and indulge in some of your favorite things. Whether you are coming in alone, with your sweetheart or with a group of friends, we have the spa package to fit your needs. Give us a call to schedule your perfect BrickHouse spa day today! $-$$ Our choice: Gift Card. They have a vast variety of services. Give the gift of relaxation and pampering to anyone on your list. Bruttles

922-6300, 21950 E. Country Vista Drive, Suite 500, Liberty Lake The welcoming shop owners have vastly expanded their inventory over the last year. The store atmosphere is still welcoming, eclectic and creative, all things that you are sure to find in the arrangements and gifts that here. Purchase custom or prearranged flowers, candy bouquets, potted plants, balloon arrangements, local artist work, and more. $ Our Choice: Metal ornaments that are beautiful and versatile. Choose from animals, angels, Christmas letters and more. Hang them on your tree or hang on the rearview mirror in your car. $ Our Choice: An assortment of wonderful stocking stuffers to delight both the young and young at heart. Appleway Florist and Gifts

924-5050, 11006 E, Sprague Ave., Spokane Valley

228-9509, 12609 E. Sprague Ave., Spokane Valley 927-4569, 13817 E. Sprague Ave., Suite 7, Spokane Valley This quaint jewelry store specializes in custom design and superior quality craftsmanship with their own on-site goldsmith. They pride themselves in personalizing their customer service to the needs of their customers to ensure that every client leaves happy and never regrets a purchase. They also carry a generous assortment of jewelry and gifts ready to take home and wrap. $ Our Choice: Silver ring holder. Perfect to set next to any sink and keep your rings safe while washing your hands. Big Bear Chocolates

891-2662, Located near the food court in the Spokane Valley Mall

443-4005, 12505 E. Sprague Ave. #101, Spokane Valley A friendly, full-service bicycle shop in the heart of Spokane Valley. Go in and let the friendly staff help you, or browse their catalog online. Either way you are sure to find cool gadgets or just the right bike for you. $$ Our choice: Rechargeable bike light. This time of year it gets dark fast. Help keep your loved one safe with this light, that conveniently recharges.

Fresh, grade A ingredients go into the making of these confections using recipes that have been passed down for over 60 years. Originally a turn down service at the Davenport Hotel, these delicacies can now be found in Spokane Valley. Along with the original soft peanut brittle, you can find salt water taffy, caramels, butter toffee and chocolate bark. $-$$ Our choice: Original soft peanut brittle. Its “soft” texture make it a great choice for those with a sweet tooth of all ages. The Butcher Block at Hay J’s

Brickhouse Massage & Coffee Bar

928-4530, 21724 E. Mission Ave., Liberty Lake The Butcher Block at Hay J’s is committed to offering the finest

The Current

16 • DECEMBER 2017

selection in Beef, Pork, Poultry, Seafood, Artisan Cheese and Deli Meats along with the friendly service of an old time neighborhood butcher shoppe. $-$$ Our choice: Meat rubs. Unique flavors to choose from that will suit any cooks taste. And maybe it will get you an invitation to dinner to test it out?

wheel” for a prize, which includes geodes, rocks, worry stones and other treasures to choose from. $$ Our Choice: Rock tumbler. For any child or adult that enjoys rocks these tumblers make an ideal gift for decades of polishing capabilities for treasures found on the ground. Liberty Lake Eyecare Center

Coin Corner

$ Our Choice: 2016 silver eagle dollar coin. Great gift for the collector or to use as a stocking stuffer. Hallett’s Marketplace and Cafe

927-8206, 11806 E. Sprague Ave., Spokane Valley

Since 1934, Peter’s has been helping customers find solutions to problems and repair broken parts. They also give advice on projects. With widely stocked shelves, their friendly service can help you with anything you need.

What originally started as a home-based gift basket service is now a gift boutique with fullservice website with local delivery. They offer the ability to choose, or have them create, unique gifts for any family member or friend this holiday season and all year round.

$ Our Choice: Real garden tool. $ Our Choice: Powersmith LED work-light.

928-0860, 9215 E. Trent, Spokane Valley For over 35 years and through three generations, the Coin Corner has been buying and selling investment coins and collections. They also deal with historical memorabilia, maps, documents and military documents. Excellent place to explore if you have been collecting for years or are just starting out.

926-3646, 12118 E. Sprague Ave., Spokane Valley

Silver Bow Fly Shop

509-893-7574, 2207 #100, Liberty Lake


Chocolates made from tradition, these are sure to find a part to play in yours. For over 100 years this company has been providing us with Murphys, mints, caramels, nut clusters and other treats. Although we have listed their main store in downtown Spokane, Spokandy selections can be found at Big Bear Chocolates, Simply Northwest, and other establishments throughout the Spokane Valley area. For your convenience, place your order and have it delivered to your door.


With improved hours for more convenient scheduling the staff takes providing excellent eye care seriously. They have a wide range of brands for you to choose from for both clear lens and sun protection. $$-$$$ Our Choice: Sunglasses. With an abundance of choices this is the place to go for classic, colorful, and unique sunglasses.

926-4076, 14109 E. Sprague Ave., #2, Spokane Valley

Irv’s Rock and Gifts 924-5464, 11907 E. Trent Ave., Spokane Valley For over 50 years Irv, and now his daughter Liz, have been educating the community on the intricacies of jewelry, rocks, stones and gems. Irv’s offers ways to learn about rocks and gems for adults and children. Every Saturday, children under the age of 18 can “spin the

$ Our Choice: Snowman. There are tons to choose from in multiple price points ranging from $ 6.99 - $39.99. You are sure to find a treasure that someone will cherish. 624-1969, 1412 W. Third Ave., Spokane

924-9998, 13210 E. Indiana Ave., Spokane Valley

$$ Our choice: Gift basket. Premade or do it yourself, this basket is the perfect gift for the host of the Christmas party you’re attending or your mother-in-law. Completely customizable, they can cater to any foodie or buy local enthusiast on your shopping list this holiday season.



Pawpular Companions

The marketplace section of this unique business offers a generous makeup of soup mixes, jams, candles, beverages, dips and the largest variety of huckleberry items, all made in the Pacific Northwest. Not to mention Hallett’s chocolates, a local favorite for over 30 years. There is always something new and local to be found here.


927-8890, 21950 E. Country Vista Drive, # 100, Liberty Lake Although the square footage of their store may be small, these pet lovers have managed to have a plethora of food and treats, toys, beds, dishes, collars and other pet supplies available. The owners, Carl and Mara, and their staff are friendly and knowledgeable and take the time to help you make choices that are best for you and your furry family. $ Our Choice: Collars. The variety of rolled leather, sparkly and studded collar choices is unparalleled. Peter’s Hardware

With a goal of “making fish nervous,” this business focuses on carrying gear that is tried and true for all those who wish to try the art of fly fishing. They are available to offer advice based on knowledge from their own time on the water during store hours and at the numerous classes and community events they host throughout the community. $ Our Choice: Fly tying kit. For the fisherman that wants to start being a little more adventurous. If they need a little extra help, there are fly tying classes available as well. Simply Northwest

$ Our Choice: Mints. Buy an assorted pack, available in holiday variety or pastels and you are sure to make a good impression on whomever you gift them to. The Trellis Marketplace


Ba re


yo 928-6158, 4102 Spokane Valley



A veritable smörgåsbord of gift options awaits you at this destination gift boutique. They have items to inspire, amuse, paper, comfort and charm all. They believe that building relationships with their customers inspires loyalty and support in order for visitors to leave as friends. $ Our Choice: Ornaments. They have lots of different choices to choose from that are certain to meet anyone on your lists taste. This Old House 892-3099, 10619 E. Trent Ave., Spokane Valley

The Current


as a ervice h fullivery. se, or ts for d this ound.

DECEMBER 2017 • 17

Eat, Shop & Be Merry this Holiday Season at

Halletts Market & Café, Inc 14109 E. Sprague #2, Spokane Valley, WA 99216 509-926-4076

There ultiple 6.99 find a erish. for specials BE MERRY: Enjoy a glass of wine, or a


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seasonal beer (over 80 to choose from) while you eat & shop!

EAT: Home of our famous Mac & Cheese,

Bacon grilled sandwich - tell us you saw this ad & receive a $1.00 off

SHOP: Tasteful Holiday Gifts for Everyone on your list; Family, Friends, Employees, Business Associates - we specialize in corporate gifts

Holiday Gift Baskets - premade or custom make your own Holiday Gift Boxes - ready for shipping & we will do the shipping for you!

Merry Christmas! Give yourself the gift of


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1431 N Liberty Lake Rd, Ste B Liberty Lake 99019

“We have the largest selection of local and NW products in the Valley. Hand-made Chocolates, Holiday Wine & Beer packs, Huckleberry everything, Smoked Salmon. Come in and let us show you what we have to offer.”

The Current

18 • DECEMBER 2017

10% OFF Find the perfect new toy and enjoy our large selection of pet clothing to keep them warm and dry this season *Expires 12/24/17

Happy Holidays

We have the largest assortment of


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The Current

DECEMBER 2017 • 19

The only second-hand store on our list, these crafters re-purpose and refashion vintage furniture into one-of-a-kind treasures. Throughout their three store spaces, cleverly retrofitted from old houses, you will find exclusive yard and garden decor, holiday decor, kitchen items, jewelry and more.

for the seasoned player or starter boards for those just beginning. They will even give you a lesson! Valley Candles

$-$$ Our Choice: ???? Spend an afternoon wondering through all they have to offer. You are sure to find something to cross off your Christmas shopping list or go home with a treasure for yourself to spruce up the house for the holidays. Tracy Jewelers Found at Hallett’s Marketplace and Simply Northwest - You can also purchase on Amazon

893-2929, 106 Spokane Valley



Although their slogan may be “where Spokane gets engaged,” engagement rings are far from the only items carried here. They stock a broad selection of diamond and colored gemstone jewelry along with offering jewelry repair, custom design, restoration and appraisal services.

A hobby that turned in to a love and now a thriving business. These candles are crafted with US Soy grown wax that is non-GMM and scented with oils that do not have any harmful chemicals. You will enjoy the “smooth, long lasting burn with an exceptional scent throw off the candle.” $ Our Choice: 14 Oz Candle. Burns 70 hours. Choose any scent and the recipient is sure to think of you each time they light it up. White Elephant

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$$ Our Choice: LaFonn earrings. Featuring a variety of style selections, all sure to please the recipient. Uncle’s Books and Games

FROM 924-3006, 12614 E Sprague Ave., Spokane Valley 891-7620, Located Spokane Valley Mall



Locally owned shop featuring board games, puzzles, books and more. Most night there is a “game night” event hosted at their location. Having trouble understanding a board game? They will help. Check out their full calendar on their website for details. $ Our Choice: Chess board. Excellent choices of unique boards

Our area’s most iconic discount toy and sporting goods store. You are sure to find the best prices on quality products, often not carried anywhere else in town. $ Our Choice: Spicy Farkle. A great family game that is easy to travel with. $ Our Choice: Hydroflask Water bottles. Keeps your drink warm or cool for hours. We all need to stay hydrated, so give one to everyone on your list.

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23102 E. Mission Avenue Liberty Lake, Washington 99019


The Current

20 • DECEMBER 2017

Fares to Share

We, here at The Splash and The Current have been gallivanting around the area in search of tasty morsels to tantalize your taste buds this holiday season when you need a break from the kitchen. Here are our favorite bites from our local eateries that we couldn’t wait to share with you.

Max at Mirabeau Restaurant and Lounge 1100 N. Sullivan, Spokane Valley Spokane Valley’s finest dining experience! So good we couldn’t pick just one. Grilled King Salmon with huckleberry glaze, steamed jasmine rice, vegetables Center cut fillet mignon (10 ounce) served with a Yukon mash

Barlows 1428 N Liberty Lake Rd, Liberty Lake Go to enjoy traditional American fare. Our favorite is the apple harvest pork chop that they serve

Ding How 1332 N. Liberty Lake Rd., Liberty Lake Sushi is all made fresh in front of you by a Japanese trained sushi chef. The lobster roll and the Washington roll are yummy.

with an apple compote.

The Cork House 1400 N. Meadowwood Lane, Liberty Lake Serving amazingly fresh food, spirits and coffee suitable for every palette. We enjoyed the grilled ribeye cipollini in balsamic, arugula, Point Reyes bleu and served with mashed Yukon gold potatoes.

The Well 21980 E. Country Vista Drive, Liberty Lake A locally owned coffee house that serves delicious lettuce wraps to accompany your favorite beverage. Or go for breakfast and try one of their amazing Acai Bowl. Oh and did we mention they cater?

Ferraro’s 11204 E. Sprague Ave., Spokane Valley Family owned and operated Italian restaurant. The penne with pesto Sauce is perfect after a hard day of retail therapy

Ambrosia 9211 E. Montgomery, Spokane Valley Simply put, the Ambrosia Bistro is delicious. We thoroughly enjoyed the Orange ginger glazed salmon. Palenque 1102 N. Liberty Lake Rd., Liberty Lake Local Mexican restaurant overlooking the Trailhead golf course. We shared a tasty combination platter while enjoying a lovely view.

True Legends 1803 N. Harvard Rd. Liberty Lake We love their burgers, but they also have Prime Rib Friday Nights. Yumm!

Hallett’s Market and Café 14109 E. Sprague Ave. Spokane Valley A longtime Valley favorite for shopping and eating After eating a grilled mac and cheese, you can find the perfect candy for dessert. Caruso’s 2314 N. Argonne Road., Spokane Valley Known for making pizza dough




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Enjoy best-loved works from the Baroque period at Spokane Valley Church of the Nazarene.

The Current

DECEMBER 2017 • 21

from scratch daily Our favorites are the Hawaiian and when you’re not in the mood for red sauce try the Legit

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Vintage Vines 106 N Evergreen, Spokane Valley Enjoy a relaxing night out with that special someone or the girls sipping wine or learning about beer as you enjoy a nice BLT or some of their other tasty offerings.

Conley’s 12622 E. Sprague Ave., Spokane Valley Offering American fares with an Irish twist. Whether you visit them for breakfast, lunch, or dinner you are sure to leave with a full, happy stomach. During holiday seasons they usually have specials, so go try something new!

Longhorn Barbecue 2315 N Argonne, Spokane Valley A longtime family favorite in Spokane Valley. We love their sandwiches (beef, turkey, ham, or pork) - which can be eaten in the restaurant or picked up and taken back to your home to enjoy with family and/or friends. Don’t forget their juicy steaks and yummy ribs too!

Rancho Viejo 14201 E. Sprague, Spokane Valley Enjoy a bit of Mexican? Try this family friendly locally owned establishment. Great for large groups. Friendly service with yummy choices. Don’t worry they will let you take home the left overs.

LaLozy 13917 E. Trent, Spokane Valley If you haven’t yet discovered this unique establishment, get ready! Although they are a coffee shop, they also serve fresh made from scratch Asian food that you will sure enjoy and be coming back for more. All of their dishes are made to order, so that means cutting up fresh vegetables, using their signature sauces that are made from scratch, using NO MSG. This has quickly become one of our favorite lunch and dinner spots. To save a little time you can call your order in advance before going to pick it up.

Mongolian BBQ 15416 E Sprague, Spokane Valley Family owned and operated, roomy establishment. Go in, choose all your own fruit, vegetables, meats, noodles, and sauces. Watch them cook it up and then enjoy!

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The Current

22 • DECEMBER 2017

Santa is Coming toandTown... here is where you can find him It’s that time of year again when Kris Kringle takes a shuttle sleigh to sites across the great Spokane Valley. So keep an ear out for the jingle bells, Santa is coming to town and here is where you can find him: SPOKANE VALLEY MALL 14700 E. Indiana Ave., Spokane Valley Call: 926-3700 Come to the lower JC Penney court to see Santa or make reservations ahead of time to save some time. Plus, save 30 percent on your photos by pre-ordering a package online. Visit before Dec. 9 to save an extra $5. Reservations and photo purchases are not required to visit Santa. Reservations and photo purchases are not required to visit Santa. Regular Hours: Monday – Saturday: 12:00 PM – 8:00 PM Sunday: 12:00 PM – 6:00 PM Special Hours:

12/16 – 12/23: Reg Hours: 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM 12/18: 9:00 AM – 8:00 PM Christmas Eve: 9:00AM – 6:00PM (Break: 1:00PM – 2:00PM) *Santa may take occasional breaks to feed the reindeer. Photos with Santa is sponsored by Tiny Prints. RB PHOTOGRAPHY SANTA’S WORKSHOP 9335 N. Division, Spokane Call: 822-9056 Tired of the long lines in the mall? Want to include the fourlegged members of your family in the picture on your time? Then RB Photography Santa’s Workshop is for you. Come and sit in Santa’s sleigh with the entire family. Enjoy the nice quiet setting, personal quality time and the best Santa photos you will ever have. No appointments necessary just drop on by. Come in early for the shortest wait times the week before Christmas is busy, busy, busy. Traditional to fun, it’s

up to you!! BREAKFAST WITH SANTA CenterPlace Regional Event Center - 2426 N. Discovery Place, Spokane Valley Call: 688-0300 Saturday, Dec. 2 $5 per person Registration Information: Registration to this event is required. Space is limited. Call 509720-5200 or visit spokanevalley. org/santabreakfast This year there will be no photographs with Santa provided by the Spokane Valley Parks and Recreation staff. Please take your own photos if you like. Sponsored by Rotary Club of Spokane Valley and the City of Spokane Valley SPOKANE VALLEY FIRE STATION #8 2110 N Wilbur Rd., Spokane Valley Call: 892-4155 Spokane Valley Fire Department invites the community to join us Dec. 2 from 10 am - 2 pm for a free family fun with Santa! Meet your firefighters and paramedics, check out both fire engines housed at Station 8 and take pictures with Santa! Tour the largest fire station in our Department and try on firefighter gear. Enjoy holiday treats and cool giveaways. And, get a free Operation Family ID child safety kit. visit www.spokanevalleyfire. com. CABELA’S 101 N. Cabela Ave., Post Falls Call: 208-777-6300 Take your own photos with Santa or receive one free keepsake photo per family. Line closes at 1:45 p.m. Saturday Nov. 25, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday Dec. 2, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday Dec. 9, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday Dec. 16, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. LONE WOLF HARLEYDAVIDSON 19011 E. Cataldo Ave., Spokane Valley

Call: 927-3306 Saturday Dec. 2, 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Come on down to get your picture with our Harley Santa! Always a fun event. Pictures include complementary picture frame while supplies last. Also, $5 donations or a toy for Toys for Tots are appreciated! HONOR POINT MUSEUM HOSTS SANTA Felts Field, 6095 Rutter Ave, Spokane Valley Call: 244-0244 Fly in & Join Us for Reindeer Games and Christmas Cheer Cookies & Cocoa with Santa and Mrs Claus Christmas Crafts and Games. Saturday December 9th 12 – 3 PM Kids $5, 2 & under free, Adults $10, Seniors /Military $7 Toys for Tots Drop Off Center HEIDI PRATT - GLIMPSE PHOTOGRAPHY 201 W. Riverside, Spokane Call: 869-4488 Saturday Dec. 2, 201 W Riverside, Suite 201 in Spokane Why stand in line at the mall, when you can reserve your spot at Glimpse Photography Studio? Packages start at $35. The background will be Simple, Merry and Bright and of course Santa with Mrs. Claus. Santa is going to have a real white beard none of that fake itchy stuff. Hope you love it as much as I do!! Sessions include one digital file with a print release for unlimited printing and a gift from Santa. There is the option to upgrade to multiple poses/images if you have the desire to do a family pose or something more creative. Plus, this year I am also offering beautiful photo Christmas tree ornaments!! Sweat pea and the Pauper and I have teamed up to offer these amazing photo ornaments. They are stunning!! You will be able to purchase them the day of the session. Sign ups are now live! You can

The Current

DECEMBER 2017 • 23

choose your session time. Ho Ho Ho, Merry Christmas!! MAX AT MIRABEAU 1100 N. Sullivan Road, Spokane Valley Call: 922-6252 Annual Breakfast with Santa. Reservations are recommended. Call for details, unavailable at time of print HIGH COUNTRY ORCHARD 8518 E. Green Bluff Road, Colbert Call: 238-9545 Skip the mall and find Santa at High Country Orchard from 11am3pm. Have a sleigh ride and take your picture any Wednesday Saturday before Christmas. Cost is $8/child or $25/family. Images delivered online with a full release of copyright. Pre-purchase tickets online or walk-on set with no reservations needed! No Amex cards please, Visa and Mastercard great! APPLEWAY FLORIST AND GREENHOUSE 11006 E. Sprague, Spokane Valley Call: 924-5050 Appleway Florist and Greenhouse is ready for Christmas and the winter holiday season with poinsettias, festive centerpieces, creative fresh and artificial bouquets, plush

Brought to you by LCM

animals, plants, balloons and much more. Photo buttons are available in two sizes for $5 or $7. The 5 x 7 inch pictures are $7 or nine wallet size pictures on a sheet for $7. Or bring your own camera and use the fabulous backdrop! REAL LIFE PHOTOGRAPHY – RACHELLE FLATT 707 W. Seventh Ave., Spokane Call: 280-4420 Dec. 2 & 3 Each child gets a photo individually and in a sibling or family group each reservation is either 5 or 10 min depending in which space is reserved. The cost is $45 payable via the sign-up link. There is a letter writing to Santa station and cookies for all participants as well as a candy can from Santa himself. Each reservation receives 1-5 images this varies on family size... All other details and disclaimers are posted in the sign-up link The event is December 2 & 3 Possibly Dec 9th & 10 will be added soon. To sign up for a reservation there is a link for each date!/ showSignUp/20f0f4daea92ca2fd0-2017!/ showSignUp/20f0f4daea92ca2fd0-20171

CHRISTI LANE PHOTOGRAPHY 511 S. Sullivan Apt 124, Spokane Valley Call: 216-9448 Nov. 28 to Dec. 8. I’m doing photos with Santa. A half hour for $40 or a hour for $100 kids will help Santa decorate a tree have cookies and even play with some of Santa’s toys with Santa and receive a special treat and of course tell Santa what they want for Christmas as well feel free to message me if your interested SANTA’S BREAKFAST HOSTED BY THE NEWMAN LAKE FIRE AUXILIARY Tri-Community Grange 25025 E Heather Ln Dec. 2, 8 am – 12 pm Come have pancakes with all the fixin’s (just make a cash contribution). Pictures with Santa are just $2. And the Kids Gift Shop will be stocked for kids to buy presents for their family and friends. Nothing is priced over $3, and most everything is $1 or less. Elves are available to help wrap so gifts can remain secret until the big day. Any proceeds benefit Newman Lake Fire and Rescue, but we really just want this to be a great community event.

If you would like to donate cash, breakfast makings, or gifts, please contact Kelli Lemley (990-8797), Dawnell Geller (723-6064), or Deb Davis (226-0187). SANTA’S BREAKFAST HOSTED BY THE NEWMAN LAKE FIRE AUXILIARY Tri-Community Grange 25025 E Heather Ln Dec. 2 - 3, 11 am – 3 pm Santa will be stopping by Sat Dec 2nd 11-3 and Sunday 113,for free family pictures in our new workshop! We will also have a professional photographer on hand to offer a beautiful custom photo for a small donation to the Green Bluff Lions Club. Stop by at the Gingerbread Barn and see Santa! SATURDAY WITH SANTA AT THE LIBRARY 23123 E Mission Ave, Liberty Lake (509) 232-2510 Dec 9, 10:30 am - 1:30 pm Come visit with Santa at our annual event! Crafts and activities while you wait for your turn to see Santa. Take your own photos or purchase them from Bugaboo Photography. Everyone who arrives by 1:30 pm sharp will get to see Santa.

The Current

24 • DECEMBER 2017



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The Current

Holiday Desserts you can serve with pride

DECEMBER 2017 • 25

Why not take something off your list this year to give you some extra time to share with friends and family? Here are some excellent desserts that you can pick -up or order last minute to finish off your holiday table with the same tradition and flair, but without all the time and clean-up. We hope you will try out these tasty treats th

Cash & Carry 211 S McKinnon, Spokane Valley (509) 535-7710 Take your Christmas dessert game to a whole new level. This decadent chocolate mousse cake is rich and delicious. Comes frozen so you can buy way in advance and thaw to serve.

Conley’s 12622 E. Sprague Ave., Spokane Valley (509) 924-5411 You won’t go wrong with any of the wide flavor selection of cream pies, fruit pies, or sugar free pies. Your guests will be wowed by their beauty, and you will only have to wash up empty plates! Go to their website for a full list of flavors available.

Rocket Bakery 5601 E. Sprague Ave., Spokane Valley (509) 842-0003 With a day of notice you can have them whip up a delicious carrot cake, devils food fudge, German chocolate. Date Nut Bread or pumpkin Ginger Bread and Cranberry Orange Bread. Wine and Cheese Bread

Just American Desserts 213 S University Rd., Spokane Valley (509) 927-2253 If cheesecake suits your fancy for the holiday season, they carry two different kinds that can be picked up freshly made daily. If you would like something more specific, with 24 hour notice they can accommodate your taste buds.

Rosauers 10618 E. Sprague Ave., Spokane Valley (509) 924-3700 Christmas cookies are must for most households. Try these gingerbread men and/or shortbread Christmas cut-outs. You can pick them up frosted or ready to decorate with the kids.

Fred Meyer 15609 E. Sprague Ave., Spokane Valley (509) 921-5350 Want something beautiful, that makes you feel like your being healthy, but is tasty too? Try picking up a fruit tart. They have two different sizes to choose from so you can get one to feed all or one to place with an array of options.

26 • DECEMBER 2017

The Current

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The Current

DECEMBER 2017 • 27

A Dozen to Deck the Halls

Valley personalities ring in with holiday sentiments

nd a s a m t s Chri y r r e M ro m f s y a d i Hol y pp a H s at u f o ll a and h s a l p T he S en t r r u C e Th SMALL ENGINE REHAB & REPAIR


509 481 5800

28 • DECEMBER 2017

NO ELVES? NO PROBLEM. Northern Quest holiday gift cards make great stocking stuffers. And with so many to choose from, you’ll find the perfect gift for everyone on your list. Available online, too.


The Current

The Current

Student of the Month West Valley senior Connor Whitney has been one of the key cogs in the Eagles’ undefeated football wheel this season. Whitney plays safety and wide receiver and has been named defensive MVP of the Great Northern League the past two seasons. A team captain for the league champs, Whitney has also earned all-league first team honors as a punter and wide receiver each of the last two years. In a win against Clarkston, Whitney had two touchdown catches and two interceptions, including one for a touchdown. Whitney was an All-GNL first team pick in baseball and was named to the All-GNL second team in basketball. He maintains a 3.85 grade point average and is part of Washington Drug Free Youth and DECA, a business marketing club.

Citizen of the Month

Thanks you for all you do in our community

DECEMBER 2017 • 29 West Valley sophomore Annika Esvelt excels in academics, athletics and the arts. She maintains a 4.0 grade point average, is enrolled in AP classes and is a member of the National Honor Society. Esvelt is part of the West Valley Band as a clarinetist and also plays the piano. At the state cross country championships in Pasco last month, Esvelt was part of an Eagles’ squad that finished second among 2A schools. She was the top placer for WV at 14th overall, completing the 5K course in 19 minutes, 26.6 seconds. In track, Esvelt runs the 800 meters, mile and 2-mile. She placed third at districts last season in the 2-mile and was named MVP of the team.

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Athlete of the Month When it comes to preserving and celebrating the history of Spokane Valley, Jayne Singleton has been an uncommon catalyst. She helped found the Spokane Valley Legacy Foundation in 2000 and took the lead on establishing a local museum after collecting items for the 80th anniversary of the Greater Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce that same year. Singleton and her group secured the old Opportunity Township Hall in 2004 after the city of Spokane Valley gifted the historic building to the cause. Singleton has served as director of the Spokane Valley Heritage Museum since it opened in August 2005. She and a dedicated cadre of volunteers have built the venue into a regional landmark. Displays have ranged from traveling exhibits from the Smithsonian Institute to themes celebrating local, national and world history. Singleton has lived in Spokane Valley since 1983 and is the proud mom of three sons.

This time of year we count our blessings! We are thankful for all of our customers, new and returning! Friendly staff, cozy waiting room, courtesy shuttle vehicle, free loaner cars and more will make having your car serviced a breeze! Autocraft is one of just a few shops in the Spokane area to service hybrid and electric vehicles and do battery pack rejuvenations

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The Current

30 • DECEMBER 2017

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Competitive Teams • Parkour, Brea and Hip Hop Classes • Parent’s N • Bitty Bee Academy & Flippin’ Fu Night • Open Gym for All Ages • Gym Birthday Parties • Nin

ENROLL TODAY! Our coaches are passionate about gymnastics and focus on teaching quality gymnastics in a fun and safe environment. Classes run year-round with three 13-week sessions (Fall, Winter and Spring) and one 10-week summer session.


The Current

DECEMBER 2017 • 31


FOR ALL GOALS & ABILITIES TODDLER THROUGH ADULT Competitive Teams • Parkour, Breakdance and Hip Hop Classes • Parent’s Night Out • Bitty Bee Academy & Flippin’ Fun Move Night • Open Gym for All Ages • Gymnastics Birthday Parties • Ninja Zone

Liberty Lake Kiwanis will take you here and there The Father Daughter Dance is beyond compare On March 3rd please be prepared to join us at The Mirabeau Hotel for a dancing affair! Hotel/Dinner/Dance/Breakfast Available More information to come! Questions? Call: Dana 995-4043 or Linda 951-3573

ENROLL TODAY! Our coaches are passionate about gymnastics and focus on teaching quality gymnastics in a fun and safe environment. Classes run year-round with three 13-week sessions (Fall, Winter and Spring) and one 10-week summer session.

315-5433 2515 N. Locust Road Spokane Valley 99206

The Current

32 • DECEMBER 2017 Brought to you by


About and for Valley seniors




Valley Quilt Guild a patchwork of friendship, good causes

“We accept everybody from anywhere or any place within driving range,” said Judi Owens, guild vice president, who will be president next year. The Spokane Valley Quilt Guild meets on the first Tuesday of the even months of the year at the Valley Assembly of God Church, 15618 E. Broadway, with about 100 members who are a part of the program. Generally, the meeting consists of a guest speaker who is a prominent quilter from within or outside the



“Occasionally we get a letter from someone who was touched and it’s nice,” Senechal said. The fabric is donated mostly from elderly folks that have passed away and stores donate once in a while. The group also offers classes for beginners. “We would love younger people to join, also, and it’s a wonderful way to get together with other women and I find that it’s something that we need,” Owens said.

Current Correspondent

In these parts, it’s known as the Spokane Valley Quilt Guild.


hospice organizations, too.

By Michelle Valkov

What do you call a group of women who meet every even month of the year, accepting anyone who is interested in learning how to quilt while voluntarily quilting for a variety of charitable causes?


Marlene Montgomery, the communications service chair who has been with the group for about five years, says it’s a fun group.

From left to right: Bonnie Rae, Marlene Montgomery and Nina Hall are among the members of the Spokane Valley Quilt Guild who gather at the Valley Assembly of God Church every other month. Photo by Michelle Valkov area. The list of presenters includes authors as well. “It sparks inspiration in quilters and makes us feel good,” Owens said. Sometimes instead of a guest speaker, three guild quilters are picked and have a “Round Robin.” “Members go from spot to spot to spot demonstrating techniques,” Owens said. Owens happens to be a member of five quilt groups, including the

Washington State Quilt Guild, Idaho State Quilters, the CV Crazy Quilters (a group of mostly retired folks that once worked for Central Valley School District) and Tuesday Thimble group, where they do handwork on Tuesday mornings at Pines Lutheran Church.

Montgomery said she also appreciates how the group shares ideas and members help each other learn new techniques.

The guild makes quilts for charities such as Camp Good Times, Spokane Valley Partners, Daybreak, Crosswalk, and a new mission group that has just been assigned to their list.

In celebration of National Jelly Roll Day on Sept. 16, quilters came together and made quilts out of rolls of fabric strips. Senechal said it was her theme as she was working on a quilt.

Camp Good Times is a camp for kids who have been diagnosed with cancer, from 7 to 17 years old, which the guild provided quilts for recently. The new mission group is a group that provides families in the Valley with daily necessities such as bedding, foodand clothes. The group serves about 20 families a week. The guild also has a sew day which is the third Saturday of every month where the ladies get together and create quilts. “I really like doing the charity quilts the most,” said quilt member Jeannine Senechal. “We give them to so many diverse groups and people are always so happy to get them and it’s fun to do.”

Becky Anderson works on a quilt at one of the Spokane Valley Quilter Guild meetings last month. The group donates quilts to a variety of local nonprofits. Photo by Michelle Valkov

“My favorite part is the fellowship with like-minded quilters and we’re always looking to expand the membership,” Montgomery said.

Senechal, who has been with the group for about six years, also mentioned that the group often gives to churches, veterans and

Montgomery, who has been quilting for about 24 years, said she really started quilting when she retired.

Bonnie Rae, who has been with the guild about 11 years, was originally part of the larger Spokane Quilt Guild. When she quit that group, she said she missed the camaraderie so she was glad to find that with the Spokane Valley Quilt Guild. Rae has been quilting since 1982 and said her favorite pattern to quilt is the star design. “It’s good to use your creativity, quilts are probably the only thing that’s both useful as well as an art form and it’s something that gives me a lot of satisfaction,” Rae said. Rae also mentioned the Spokane Quilt Show this month that is considered the event of the year for the Spokane Valley Quilt Guild. The 38th annual Spokane Quilt Show will take place Oct. 14-16 at the Spokane County Fair and Expo Center. Admission is $8 for three days.

The Current

DECEMBER 2017 • 33


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The Current

34 • DECEMBER 2017

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WV continues playoff run, undefeated season By Steve Christilaw

Current Correspondent The old adage offers the advice, “Pick on someone your own size.” It’s good instruction, especially when it comes to the game of football. It’s also worked out quite well for Craig Whitney and the West Valley Eagles. When Whitney took on the job of head football coach, the Eagles were mired in the cellar of the Greater Spokane League. In the combined Class 4A/3A league, West Valley was regularly dispatched by much bigger schools with twice the manpower in its sideline. The big schools were much, much bigger and even the Class 3A schools had significantly larger enrollment. The equation was simple. The Eagles were outsized and outmanned. In fact, Whitney’s first team went

0-10 in the GSL. “We just didn’t belong in that league,” Whitney said. “We were just too small. It was difficult to win games at the varsity level, but it was even tougher for us to win games at the junior varsity and freshman level. You can’t build a program when you aren’t having any success at any level.” The school dropped down a level and joined the Class 2A Great Northern League – a conference that featured many long-time rivals: Pullman, Cheney and Clarkston – members of the old Frontier League that the Eagles joined when the old Border League turned into the GSL. Not that the GNL was a cakewalk, Whitney said. Pullman had a long history of success. So did Colville. Since dropping to Class 2A, Whitney has built the program. The Eagles began to win games. Multiple games. It experienced something that had eluded it for so long – a winning streak. “We had to work hard to get those wins, they didn’t just happen,” he said.

With the wins came something even more important at West Valley – pride. Finally, there was gridiron success to build on the success it experienced in the late 1970s and early 1980s, when the Eagles reached the state championship game three times in nine years and won its lone football state championship. “I hadn’t really thought about it in those terms, but yes, pride really is the most important part of it all,” Whitney said. “The kids bought in. The parents bought in. Our teachers bought in.” The number of players turning out went up and so did the number of wins. Suddenly a program that scrambled to win one game per season was in the state playoffs. In 2007 the Eagles lost a play-in game and just missed making the state playoff field of 16. In 2009 they didn’t just break into the playoffs – they went undefeated through the regular season and marched all the way to the state Class 2A championship game, where they fell to Lyndon, 16-6.

In 2011 and 2012, West Valley was stopped in that dreaded play-in game, but last year they returned to the state tournament, losing once more to Lynden, this time in the state quarterfinals. This year the Eagles are once again in the playoffs, and once again undefeated. This time, however, the Eagles are constructed a little differently than in years past. Previous incarnations have been led by prolific offensive performers. The defense was good. But offense ruled. “We’re built around our defense,” Whitney said. “Our players have really done a good job and our coaches have done a good job getting them ready.” The Eagles have allowed an opponent to score more than twice in just one game and that was the season opener against Class 3A Shadle Park – a game West Valley won 38-20. They beat Ephrata in this year’s play-in game 51-12, and they crushed Franklin Pierce in the first-round state playoff game 4613 on Nov. 11. And as the round of eight looms (playoff results after presstime), West Valley is healthy. “We’ve been really lucky with the injury bug,” Whitney said. “We lost (quarterback) Matt Allen for a game, but he’s back and he gives us a completely different look offensively. We can even put Connor (Whitney, the coach’s son) back there for another completely different look. That’s a plus. That gives team one more thing that they have to prepare for.” And that Eagle Pride? It’s on full display. “Saturday (against Franklin Pierce) was awesome,” Whitney said. “We were playing an afternoon game and we had people out for the game that I haven’t seen in a long time. We had a bunch of former players come out to see us. Tyler Hobbs was there – he’s a young man who went off to play college football at Montana and came back to support us.

As of presstime, the West Valley football team was 11-0 with a pending state playoff game at Selah. The Eagles have been led by seniors like Collin Sather (above) who had 56 catches for 1,175 yards and nine receiving touchdowns in the regular season. Photo by Mike Vlahovich

“After the game he told me ‘Coach, you guys are pretty good!’ I said ‘We’ll see. We have to play better if we’re going to keep going.’”

The Current


Valley Prep Sports Notebook

153 passing and 16 TDs. Allen was 38-for-54 heading into their 11th game. Transue was also the team’s leading rusher with a team high 99 carries for 392 yards. Between them, they piled up some 3,000 yards of total offense. “They both stepped in (for graduated Hunter Wright) and bring different things to the tables,” said Whitney. “We will continue that.” Collin Sather had 56 catches for 1,175 yards and, Connor Whitney had 51 grabs for 685 yards. Each scored nine touchdowns and Sather added 314 yards on the ground and five more scores. Marshall Meleney had eight rushing TDs. In 4A Central Valley scored 14 points in the first quarter to hold off the Camas 22-15 and improve to 9-1 for the season. They faced Skyline, a perennial westside power, Nov. 18 for a trip to the semifinals. CV rushed for 221 yards with all three touchdowns on the ground. Grant Hannan scored the first and last TDs and Hunter Chodorowski, the third. Chodorowski gained 156 yards on 21 carries. The team had earlier defeated Hanford 43-17. Soccer down to four CV’s girls’ soccer team was back where it belonged playing in the state Final Four with a chance at a third state title on the weekend of Nov. 17-18. It’s been awhile since West Valley was in the same position.

Fall sports postseason format needs upgrade

and Titans were seeded to play each other twice in post-season – first for state seeding and then, after opening wins, in the state quarterfinals. A 1-0 Bears win put them into the Final Four. U-Hi was left home. Likewise, football District 8 Bears and Bullpups could potentially have faced off in the semifinals of a bracket that included five Eastern Washington regional teams. They couldn’t have reached the finals either. Curiously, GSL champion CV represented District 5 by beating defending state champ Camas in its football opener. Last year’s state runner-up, Richland, was considered District 8 No. 1 for whatever reason and was pitted against the District 8 No.2 Bullpups in the other quarterfinal game. The two GSL rivals could have met in the semifinals, but not for the title. The quandary doesn’t end there. District 3 has six state qualifiers.

By Mike Vlahovich Current Sports Editor After this fall sports summary went to press, a quartet of teams – West Valley and Central Valley football, as well Eagles and Bears girls’ soccer – played games to determine how far they would advance in their respective state tournaments. The soccer teams were each one win away from a championship match in the 4A (CV) and 2A (WV) classifications. It was back to business for West Valley football, the Eagles having made their second straight trip to the state 2A quarterfinals prior to their game at Selah on Nov. 18. The Eagles routed Ephrata and Franklin-Pierce in the first two rounds, outscoring them by a combined 97-25 and running their record to a perfect 11-0. Overall, during regular season and playoffs, WV scored 415 points and allowed 122, including a onepoint escape in Colville. They hadn’t envisioned a perfect season. “Going into the season we thought we had a chance to be really good,” coach Craig Whitney said. (the 19 returning seniors) “were pretty special.” WV played two quarterbacks, senior Blake Transue and sophomore Matt Allen. Transue threw for 1,778 yards on 96-for-

By Mike Vlahovich Current Sports Editor When it comes to the prep sports post-season this fall, I admit to being perplexed. What if Central Valley and University were the best two girls’ soccer teams in state? Unfortunately, we didn’t have an opportunity to find out. And what if fellow Greater Spokane League football foes Central Valley and Gonzaga Prep were able to complete unfinished business in the state finals? Couldn’t happen either. State draws paired Eastern Washington schools on the same sides of one bracket who could meet no later than the state semifinals. Thus, GSL soccer rivals Bears

DECEMBER 2017 • 35

Coincidentally, they had to beat Valley rivals on the way there. It took good fortune for the Bears (17-0) to get there. The upstart Eagles (10-9) made it on a lateseason run. After defeating University to qualify for state, the Bears needed a marathon shootout over Sumner and rematch with the Titans in the second round of state, winning 1-0 on Megan Robertson’s second period goal. Robertson scored four goals and had two assists and Kailyn Labrosse scored three times. Goalkeepers Jenna Lauer and AJ Crooks did not allow a goal in regulation and overtime. The Eagles started the season 1-6, won five straight and after being dispatched by East Valley 6-1, won their last five, including the rematch over the Knights to ultimately reach the 2A state semifinals. Frankie Schade had 16 goals; Chelsea Koker had 13 and Madeline Liberg and Abby McConnell eight apiece during the year for WV. Knight netters eighth East Valley made its seventh trip to the state 2A volleyball tournament. They placed seventh in 2014. Under first-year head coach Chad Coupland, the Knights brought home the school’s second bauble with an eighth-place finish on Nov. 11. EV lost its state 2A opener, then rattled off two wins in the consolation bracket. The team lost

in the match for seventh and eighth. The Knights lost three of their first four Great Northern League matches and finished second in the conference. EV was led season long by Chloe Chalfant and Geneva Wilkinson at the net, setter Sydney Frogge and back-court libero Lydia Gordon. WV girls, CV boys soar at state Led by individual champion Ryan Kline, Central Valley’s cross country team finished second in the 4A state ranks for the second straight year. They were joined by West Valley girls who took second in 2A The Bears lost by a mere point to Greater Spokane League rival Lewis and Clark. Gabe Romney, nursing an illness. finished 12th and Evan Peters was 14th. Fielding Demars, Tyler Hunter, Sheamus Mahoney and Joey Nicholls rounded out the lineup. A year ago, the WV girls, comprised of freshmen and sophomores, had a chance to be something special when they placed seventh in 2A state cross country. This year they jumped all the way up to second. Anikka Esvelt led the way at 14th place overall. Fellow sophomores Emma Garza, Jenna England and Sadie Langford placed in the top 38 with times ranging from 19:38 and 20:02. Sydney Stone, Sarah Adamson and Mikayla Davis rounded out the team. University’s Claire Dingus took seventh in the 4A girls race.

Four were on one side of the bracket, two on the other providing an opportunity for four semifinalists. I don’t think it would take much imagination to rectify the situation by putting three teams on each side and splitting the other districts as best they can. The argument about CV and U-Hi in soccer is reinforced by what happened in 2014. Central Valley beat Mead in the semifinals en route to the state championship. It could be argued that if the Panthers were on the other side of the bracket it could have been an All-GSL finale. Somehow volleyball got it. The tournament differs in that it is at one location over a weekend. The way brackets were set up there could have been all-Eastern Washington semi-final and championship matches, Richland vs. Moses Lake in one quarter final, Mead vs. Walla Walla in the other. But like volleyball and soccer, East Valley and Pullman from the Great Northern League were on the same half-bracket and couldn’t play each

other for a championship. Same held true in the case of Freeman and Lakeside from the Northeast A League. There is a wealth of complex criteria for state bracketing, but it breaks down as thus: “Due to the desire to prevent teams from travelling across the mountains, westside and eastside teams shall not meet until the finals when possible. The eastside teams will be placed in the same quarter and/ or half bracket when possible.” The logic, I suppose, is defensible. But this November, Lewis and Clark and Central Valley finished first and second in boys’ cross country. In an idyllic playoff world, I hope for a scenario in which Eastern Washington team sports from the same leagues are provided equal opportunity, resulting in Bears vs. Titans for the state soccer crown or a CV-Gonzaga Prep football state final. My gut feeling? Fat chance.

The Current

36 • DECEMBER 2017

Tired? Snoring?

SVFD Report December 2017

Spokane Valley Fire Department (SVFD) crews responded to a total of 854 emergency calls from October 26 – November 14, 2017. Highlights include:

• Vehicle Extrication – Oct. 26 – SVFD crews responded to a motor vehicle accident shortly after 5 pm in the 800 block of N. Barker Road. A single vehicle went through a fence, through the sales lot of Blue Dog RV and hit a recreational vehicle (RV) at high speed. One of the four occupants was trapped inside the car and required extrication. All four patients were treated by firefighters and then transported – two with serious injuries. • Unauthorized Burning – Nov. 1 – Shortly after 1 pm, SVFD crews responded to the 3700 block of N. Spokane Bridge Rd, in the area south of the Spokane River for a reported brush fire. Upon arrival, firefighters found three piles of burning wooden pallets. The owner was informed that burning lumber, garbage or yard waste is always illegal and he was instructed to extinguish the fire, with firefighter assistance.

SLEEPING IN SEPARATE ROOMS? THAT’S NOT NORMAL! Untreated snoring and sleep apnea can lead to: heart conditions, diabetes, stroke, ED, mood disorder, and sleeping in separate rooms. Get treated today and improve your realtionship in and out of the bedroom. We bill medical insurance and are Medicare approved.

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• Basement Fire – Nov. 2 – Just after 7:00 am, SVFD crews responded to a reported structure fire in the 14700 block of E. 12th Ave. Firefighters arrived to find smoke billowing from the eaves of the home’s roof. They assessed the structure made a fire attack through the front door. Once inside, crews determined the fire’s location was in the basement and quickly extinguished the fire. Fire investigators determined the cause of the fire to be a nine-volt battery on conductive material directly in front of the clothes dryer. No one was home at the time of the fire. A passerby called 9-11 after hearing the home’s working smoke alarms going off. • Service Call – Nov. 4 – SVFD crews responded to a lockout call shortly after 3 pm in the 24000 block of E. Alki Lane. They arrived to find a two-year-old girl locked inside his mother’s Jeep in the driveway. It was not running. Crews quickly accessed the car working alongside the roadside assistance unite that was called simultaneously by the owner. The child was unharmed. • Camper Fire – Nov. 11 – Shortly after 8:00 pm, SVFD crews responded to a fire in the 600 block

of N. State Line Road in response to Kootenai County Fire and Rescue’s (KCFR) mutual aid request. The SVFD crew supplied tank water from their fire engine to the KCFR fire engine being used to fight the camper/RV fire. SVFD recently entered into a new mutual aid agreement with KCFR to respond (upon request) to fire and medical emergencies along the state line. Pinecroft Fire Station #8 Open House with Santa – Dec. 2 - SVFD invites the community to join us for free family fun with Santa! Meet your firefighters and paramedics, check out both fire engines housed at Station 8 and take pictures with Santa! Tour the largest fire station in our Department and try on firefighter gear. Enjoy holiday treats and cool giveaways. And, get a free Operation Family ID child safety kit. Call 892-4155 for more information. By the numbers: •

Fires* = 54

• =689

Emergency medical service

• 46

Motor vehicle accidents =

Hazardous materials = 12

Building alarms = 35

Service calls = 16

Vehicle Extrication = 2

*Brush, Commercial, Residential, Rubbish, Vehicle Fires and Unauthorized Burning About SVFD - Spokane Valley Fire Department serves the City of Liberty Lake, City of Millwood, City of Spokane Valley and unincorporated areas of Spokane County including the communities of Otis Orchards, Pasadena Park, and the area surrounding Liberty Lake, with a combined population of 125,000 across approximately 75 square miles. SVFD firefighters and paramedics responded to more than 16,250 emergency calls in 2016. Established in 1940, SVFD is an Accredited Agency by the Commission on Fire Accreditation International (CFAI), one of only a handful in the state of Washington. SVFD operates 10 stations providing fire suppression, emergency medical services, vehicle extrication, hazardous materials response, special operations rescue, fire investigation, fire prevention, commercial property inspection, CPR and fire safety training. For more information call 928-1700 or visit www.

The Current

DECEMBER 2017 • 37

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38 • DECEMBER 2017


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DECEMBER 2017 • 39

Gus Johnson Ford Homeless Veterans Drive See website for donation needs and information.

Snap Energy Assitance Make your donation on-line today!

Toys for Tots See website for donation locations and on-line donation information.

Meals On Wheels Make your donation on-line today!

Tree of Sharing See website for donation locations Until December 17th.

Union Gospel Mission Make your donation on-line today!

Spokane Valley Partners Food Bank Make your donation on-line today!

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40 • DECEMBER 2017

Thank you to everyone who helped us raise money and goods for local homeless Veterans. From all of us at


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