2013 Valley Family Church Annual Report

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annual report


etter from: pastors

Dear VFC Family and Friends, One word Launched!




In this year’s Annual Report, you’ll see an overview of the amazing things God did in and through the people at Valley Family Church. Jesus is building His Church and we saw His hand moving mightily in a year that was marked by several new launches, including: the launch of the Cathedral Campus, Portage Campus, Online Service, Friday Groceries and Valley Care Store just to name a few! In addition to these launches and the “pioneer spirit” that is a part of the VFC DNA, the gospel of salvation and abundant life went forth each week through multiple weekend services, Valley Nights, Get a Grip classes, EPIC School of Leadership, EPIC Commission, VOX Student Ministries and Kidamazoo Ministries. And that’s not all . . . as a church, we continued to give cars to those in need through the VFC Car Giveaway outreach. We sent a relief team to Haiti; we fed thousands of people throughout Southwest Michigan on Christmas Day; we sent the Valley Girls out to “Give Back” and bless those in need; we hosted 4000 people for this year’s


indoor Trunk or Treat event and hundreds of VFCers dedicated an entire week of their time during “Love Week” to love our community with generous acts of service! All of this was possible because of your commitment to love, serve and give! Literally, thousands of lives have been touched, changed and rearranged by God’s grace and through your efforts and the ministries of Valley Family Church. We appreciate your part in all of it. As you know, our mission is simple: “We exist so people get it.” In 2013, you proved that YOU “get it” and with the whole church “screaming green” and working together, we sensed a new level of unity and purpose. We are excited and expectant for all that 2014 holds and we are confident that God is about to take us to places we’ve never been before––the best is yet to come! Thank you for having a heart for HIS house! With love, Jeff and Beth Senior Pastors

from our

Family to yours


O ne church many locations S

Kalamazoo Campus This was a year marked by the word “launch”! With the Lord’s help we saw several ‘launches’ including the Cathedral Campus Re-Launch, grand opening of the Portage Campus, a Sunday morning live stream Online Campus, Friday Groceries and the Valley Care Store. In addition to these launches and the “pioneer spirit” that is a part of the VFC DNA, the gospel of salvation and abundant life went forth each week through multiple weekend services, Valley Nights, Get a Grip classes, EPIC School of Leadership, EPIC Commission, VOX Student Ministries and Kidamazoo Ministries. In addition, multiple outreaches of VFC impacted our community and we saw thousands of people truly “get it” this year.

Cathedral Campus The Cathedral Campus had an exciting year in 2013. After a season of re-identifying the specific purpose and focus for the Cathedral services in 2012, we had a Grand Re-Opening in January 2013 with a vision to provide an alternative environment for VFC’ers who would prefer a smaller, casual worship service experience with a worship style that is more acoustic, but with the same modern worship songs as our other campuses. The Grand ReOpening was a great success and we met our goal of having over 200 people in attendance and settled in just above our goal of 125 by February. In 2013, the Cathedral Campus saw 84 salvations and re-dedications.

Portage Campus In 2013, VFC re-acquired the 995 Romence Rd facility, and with God’s help and a faithful team of staff and volunteers, the campus was completely turned around within just six weeks. This location became VFC’s 5th Campus, offering a Saturday night service option. On Saturday, September 7 the Grand Opening service had 612 people in attendance, and was a great night of celebration! Each Saturday night this campus offers full kids ministry and experiences its own live worship and message. The average weekly attendance in 2013 was 309.

Battle Creek Campus The Battle Creek Campus came through it’s first official year, and in 2013 the average attendance was at a strong 119. Through a series of community events, such as the World’s Longest Breakfast Table and the BC Holiday Parade, the BC campus was able to gain greater exposure in the community. Beginning in September, we began the search for a new location for the Battle Creek campus and in December made the decision to move from the Lakeview Middle School to the Holiday Inn at Harper Village. The Battle Creek Campus celebrated Christmas with a special breakfast at the Holiday Inn - their new campus home!


O ne church many locations S

Online Campus In 2013, we took a strategic move from a Monday night service, to a Sunday morning live streamed service. On Sunday, September 8 we made the switch and saw an exponential growth in numbers. The total service attendance since the switch was 1,062. In 2013, we had a total of 1,811 in attendance, and saw 16 individuals give their life to Christ. There were over 2,134 unique visitors to the website, and 23 different countries around the world were reached. The top 5 countries being the United States, Canada, Germany, United Kingdom and France.

OUR PRIORITY: Life Changing Weekend Worship Services NUMBERS FOR ALL CAMPUSES Average Weekend Attendance: 2315 Total # of 1st Time Visitors: 2573 Avg. # of 1st Time Visitors Each Weekend: 49 Salvations & Re-dedications: 2968 Salvations & 266 Re-dedications Get Started Orientation: 376 volunteers completed and joined VCrew Total # of Volunteer Positions: 885 Total # of Volunteers at Each Campus: Kalamazoo = 717 Portage = 95 Battle Creek = 66 Cathedral = 40 Online = 7 Get a Grip Total Attendance: 467 Get a Grip Attendance by Class: Grip 101 = 105, Grip 201 = 67, Grip 301 = 124, Grip 401 = 171 Valley Nights Attendance (Pre-Marital/FPU/Overcoming Life/Divorce Care/Grief Share): 195


M onthly series “Intoxicated” helped us to see what a Spirit-filled life looks like and how it will dramatically change our Christian walks. Through teaching on the Holy Spirit we were encouraged to get filled with the Spirit and be “intoxicated” by Him!

Pastor Beth Jones

We all have questions, big questions - like who to marry, where to go to school, what job to take. But what do we do when God’s word doesn’t make things black and white? The “Grey Matter” series helped us see how to seek God’s will and discern His voice in uncertain circumstances.

Pastor Jeff Jones

God has called us to be leaders and it’s time we wake up, stand up and own our destiny as leaders. Not only do we lead ourselves, but we also lead others in the kind of life He wants for us. “Take The Lead” focused on developing God given disciplines to improve our lives and influence for Jesus.

Pastor Jeff Jones

In a tangible and creative way to show just a glimpse of the generosity of Heaven, we decided to call our Easter weekend “The Big Give.” Through the generous donations of VFC’ers, we were able to give away hundreds of gifts with no strings attached. Through a nomination process 4 individuals in need also won a new car. It was a monumental weekend of God’s love being shown to our community.

Pastors Jeff & Beth Jones

We all have a purpose and a call and God has strategically placed us and uniquely equipped us to be an influence for Jesus. Through the “Called” series we learned to recognize the different mountains of culture, recognize what mountain we’ve been called to influence, and celebrate what God has called us to.

Pastor Beth Jones 6

M onthly series During Summer Spin we learned how to recharge our spiritual life and thrive in our walks with God. We learned practical tools to connect with God and saw how putting a plan into place can change the trajectory of our life with Christ.

Pastor Jeff Jones

During “Latitudes” we had the opportunity to hear from Pastors and Missionaries who are sacrificing everything for the cause of Christ. We heard encouraging messages from Pastors Tim and Rhonda Rogers from Mexico City, Pastor Wyatt Brown from South Carolina, Tim Storey from California, and Pastors Walker and Haley Schurz from Zambia, Africa. Jesus is building His Church around the world.

Guest Speakers

A great destination is not fantastic unless you do it with great people. We were never meant to do life alone. God created us with relationship needs and during the “Friend Request” series we saw just what God’s intentions are for friendships and what we can do to be and have better friendships.

Pastors Jeff & Beth Jones

In a culture where marriage isn’t celebrated and divorce rates are high, we kicked off the fall heading into a series called “InstaMarriage.” We learned four “snapshots” that need to be nurtured to have a beautiful marriage: partnership, forgiveness, laughter and endurance.

Pastors Jeff & Beth Jones

We dedicate our entire lives to this faith - this wild, crazy, unbelievably fulfilling faith. In “Crazy Faith” we talked about our faith, that Jesus is the only Way, that the Bible is our guidebook, that our words matter and that a life of generosity may be crazy, but it’s exactly what we’ve been called to.

Pastor Jeff Jones 7

M onthly series In November and December we threw it back, way back, to some of our favorite and most impactful message from the history of VFC. We revisited powerful teachings from the series’ RED, Walk the Line, Off the Record, You Inc, SeXed, and Living on a Prayer.

Pastors Jeff & Beth Jones

This Christmas, a talented cast of VFCers put on a production of the Retro Christmas Musical. With remakes of classic songs, we took a journey to see what it would have been like if Jesus were born in the 60s or 70s. Both services on Saturday Night went off without a hitch, but due to a snow and ice storm, by Sunday morning the power was out. Through the hard work of the cast and crew and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, in a less than 30 minutes, an acoustic version of Retro was created. It was one of the most impactful and impromptu Christmas services yet.

vision for 2014 The best way to end one year is to cast vision for the next year. 2013 was great, but 2014 will be better. During the final weekend of 2013, we were encouraged to think about our vision for the next year and through practical steps learned how to set goals and accomplish them. It was a great year at VFC!


G uest speakers Bob Reccord

Christopher Alam Ed Gungor

Keith Hudson

Tim Storey

Walker & Haley Schurz Tim Rogers

Wyatt Brown

Joe Purcell

Mary Hudson






Valley Girls Arise Conference 490 IN ATTENDANCE





Annual Yard Sale OVER 2,000 ATTENDED

Valley Girls Give Back 289 IN ATTENDANCE

4,400 cookies baked 1,000s of gifts distributed





Men’s Conference 181 ATTENDED





Trunk or Treat OVER 4,000 ATTENDED



quipping & training all generations

valley nights classes Financial Peace University - 78 participants Overcoming Life - 29 participants DivorceCare - 16 participants DivorceCare 4 Kids - 10 participants iMarriage - 53 participants Parental Guidance Required - 27 participants

Salvations: 2,968 Baptisms: 68 Prayer Requests: 1,350 Care Contacts Made: 505 supported outreaches & missions Africa Outreach Angel House C3 Global Champions Network Club 1040 Council for National Policy Dynamis World Ministries Grunewald Ministries International Fellowship of Christians and Jews Joe Purcell Ministries Kalamazoo Deacon’s Conference Kalamazoo Gospel Mission 14

Kenneth Hagin Ministries Living Word Global Mercy Ministries Nation to Nation International Pray America Rhema Austria Significant Church Strategic Global Missions Tim Rogers Ministries, Inc Tony Cooke Ministries Wave Network

loving our community through outreach events Haiti Missions Trip •

$18,000 spent to feed 26 children in our sponsored orphanage

11 boxes of medicine sent to children in orphanage in Haiti

Team of 10 sent in July 2013 to build chicken coop, French drain, repair pump and build relationship with children

100 gifts given to children in July by team

Love Week •

47 organizations were served & helped. Spanned over 4 counties.

457 volunteers participated. Ages from 3-84 years old

1635 hours of time spent helping community

16 schools were impacted from Love Week

5 teacher lounges were made over

$7,000 spent on teacher lounges

54 people gave blood to local hospitals

Valley Christmas Dinner •

2625 meals were prepared

538 addresses were delivered to

408 volunteers participated in this outreach

ACTION TEAM VCrew volunteers who respond to community needs • 8 local projects responded to • 18 volunteers on team

Car Giveaways •

10 vehicles were received into ministry

7 vehicles were given away

3 vehicles were sold and money put back into ministry



F riday groceries

Total # Fridays open: Total hours open: Total households: Total individuals: Total bags distributed: Total lbs. of food distributed: Total lbs. of produce distributed: Least # of lbs. out on a Friday: Highest # of lbs. out on a Friday: Average # of lbs. out per Friday:

12 24 583 1979 1736 20,013 2,949 310 (first week) 3,389 (11th week) 1,668

Total lbs. of food given away:





piritual growth

7 Basics Discussion Group God wants every believer to survive and thrive by having a strong root system in Him and His Word. This group launched at the end of June as a tool for people to learn about God, the Bible, faith and what it means to be a Christian. Using the 7 Basics book, this group saw 12 enrolled through the summer months with 10 graduates. Get a Grip Classes In 2013 we took a strategic step to offer Get a Grip 101: Basics every term, and rotate 201, 301 and 401 during the school year. Having these classes more often has allowed more VFCers to jump onto a VCrew team and step up in leadership. As Term 2 classes wrap up heading into 2014, Get a Grip 101 expects to have 30 more graduates, and Get a Grip 201 also expects to see 26 new graduates. Total Get a Grip 2013 Graduates Get a Grip 101: Basics Online Get a Grip 101: Basics Get a Grip 201: Serving Online Get a Grip 301: Generous Living Get a Grip 401: Health & Healing

22 students graduated 41 total graduates across all campuses 21 students graduated 37 graduates 118 total graduates across all campuses

EPIC School of Leadership EPIC School of Leadership is equipping Christian leaders for the local church with Bible courses and spiritual leadership training. For the 2013 school year, EPIC saw 107 students enrolled and 3 alumni students taking refresher classes. 98 students and 7 alumni students continued into 2014’s second half of the school year. Internship Program The internship program is developing men and women, ages 18 and up for the adult program and 14-18 for the High School program, by offering them work and ministry experience. Interns have real responsibility, outstanding training, and the chance to learn the ropes of a growing, innovative ministry as they gain relevant work experience. In 2013, we saw a total of 26 interns (21 Adult + 5 High School) come through the program during the spring, summer, fall and winter launches. 17

G et it groups S

Get It Groups GIGS In preparation for the 2014 launch of our new small group ministry - “Get It Groups” (GIGs) we spent time launching beta GIGs to develop leaders and see if this new model of small groups would be a fit at VFC. The Get It Group model was created for adults in the same season and stage of life to meet in homes once a month throughout a year’s time, digging into the content of the weekend messages. Through GIGs relationships at VFC will increase, and those in a GIG will catch the heart of worship and the heart of the weekend preaching. Throughout the pre-launch, we worked hard behind the scenes to develop this model and strategically train leaders and cast vision. Over the summer, Pastors Jeff and Beth led a GIG with their Executive Team and spouses. Then seven Beta GIGs were led by Executive Team members in order to develop new leaders. In the fall another 17 Beta GIGs were launched with 28 leaders to help develop leaders for the 2014 launch of GIGs to the church at large. Two final GIG Training Workshops were held late in the year and 68 small group leaders were trained for the winter 2014 launch with the goal of over 500 people to sign up for a GIG in 2014!




amily ministries


Twenty-one volunteers were trained and moved into leadership roles within Preschool Ministry during the year. 26 preschool girls and their moms attended the Princess Tea Party and had fun learning they are the Lord’s princess. 47 children were dedicated to the Lord.

• •

We hosted two Kidamazoo Junior Day Camps in June and July and had a total of 43 3-6 year olds in attendance. We opened a new Portage Campus in September with two preschool classrooms and 16 preschool volunteers.


In conjunction with what was happening across VFC for Easter, we had our Big Give Easter Weekend with over 400 kids in attendance. Every child walked away with at least 2 gifts, most of which were donated from various places in the community. We launched kidamazoostudios.com website and had a total of 3 churches sign up for our kids ministry curriculum. In June, we began to record the dramas of our curriculum so we can offer a video driven curriculum to other churches. In June, we hosted a week long discipleship program called Producer’s Training Week. During this week, 27 4th and 5th grade students grew deeper with God through prayer, worship, Getting a Grip on the Basics for Kids, leadership training, creative team planning and fun activities. During the month of August, we held our week-long Armor Up Kids Summer Camp for all 2nd - 5th grade students at Center Lake

• •

Bible Camp with 88 kids in attendance. Of those 88 kids, 55 of them were baptized in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues for the very first time. We launched our Kidamazoo Studios Kids Ministry and video curriculum at both our Battle Creek & Portage Campus. We hosted our annual Trunk or Treat event. This year the event was held inside due to bad weather, but despite this we were able to serve over 4,000 people from the community by giving away roughly 2 tons of candy! We had great participation in offering through our bucket wars challenge where the kids brought in $1,757.



F amily ministries

VOX Middle School & High School On February 21-23rd, we hosted our annual Student Conference “ENCOUNTER”. Over 540 middle and high school students attended the final night and many students dedicated or rededicated their lives to Christ! For two weeks in June, the 17-27th we held our annual NEXT LEVEL Program for high school students. We had 60 students in a attendance and over the course of two weeks, students were poured into through various classes and spiritual components. In addition, students participated in community outreach at the Gospel Mission and had a blast at our Next Level events. We saw five students get filled with the spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues during Next level. On July 15-20 we held our annual SUMMER CAMP with 166 middle and high school students. Summer camp provided an opportunity for relationships to grow, and gave the students momentum for the next school year to be the lights in their schools. On November 1-3 we held our annual Fall Retreat with 140 middle and high school students in attendance. Students spent time making new friendships, having fun, and growing in their walk with the Lord.

Ministry Changes VOX Student Ministries implemented a new weekend ministry structure in 2013 to help students connect with each other, grow in their relationship with God and effectively reach out to their friends. Twice a month students breakout into “Get It Groups” (GIGs), and through these small groups are making more personal connections with one another while growing in their relationship with the Lord. Once a month gender specific breakouts called “XY” take place that give the ability to talk about specific teachings that apply to guys and girls individually. VOX also began doing an outreach service called “Big Sunday” once a month. These services give the students a chance to invite their friends and peers who may or may not know the Lord or attend VFC. These services are a great way to reach new students and impact this generation. Ministry Stats Total VOX Salvations - 171 Total VOX 1st Time Visitors - 246




pic commission

EPIC Commission EC Upclose Weekends - EPIC Commission hosted two Upclose Weekends in 2013. 46 prospective students attended the January event and 33 prospective students attended the May event to get an “upclose” look at EC! Students are able to experience 24 hours in the life of an EC student - attend classes, stay in EC condos, join EC events, and more! EC Guatemala Mission Trip (Feb. 28-Mar. 7) – 12 EC students spent one week in the Peten, Guatemala ministering to children in villages, school, hospitals as well as a dump. They did 10+ services/outreaches and distributed 1,500 balloon animals, all while linked up with an organization called Hearts in Action. EC Panama City Beach Reach Mission Trip (Mar. 1-9) – 22 22 EC students spent one week in Panama City Beach, FL ministering to college spring breakers through free van rides, free pancakes, street evangelism and prayer. They lead 25 spring breakers in the prayer of salvation and prayed general prayers with 303 spring breakers. They linked up with a Lifeway event called Beach Reach. EC/EPIC Graduation (May 19) - Had a great graduation ceremony with 14 graduating 2nd year EC students and 21 graduating 1st year students. EPIC Commission 2013-2014 class launched with 37 total first and second year students.



ife change stories

Valley Family Church has made a big impact on my life for the better and I’m happy God led me here. The energy and excitement toward worship and church events is so genuine and made me look forward to going to church every Sunday.

God has blessed us in so many ways even though we’ve gone through hard times. We think and pray for so many others going through struggles. God bless Pastor Jeff and Pastor Beth. You have us both taught us in God’s word for about 15 years at VFC.

I never went to a church before where I wanted to learn so much about God until I came here.



ife change stories


“Our family has been attending VFC every weekend since November 2012 and my husband and I have both been serving for awhile, too. We have a 4-year-old son and the children’s ministry is so great. I wanted to share that last night, we were praying with our son like always, and out of the clear blue sky he said in his squeaky, innocent, and pure voice, “Mathew 28:6 He is not here; for He is risen.” OUR 4-YEAR-OLD SON SAID THIS TO US! My husband and I both teared up, tucked him in, left the room and grabbed a bible. We flipped to Matthew and my goodness, he was right! I do not know the bible inside out, but our son’s voice saying this to us has brought me to wanting to know everything. Every single word in the bible! I will never, EVER, for as long as I live forget that scripture! VFC, THANK YOU!”

“I attended Valley Family Church for The Big Give Easter service last week. I have to say, I’ve never enjoyed a church service as much as I did at Valley! Thank you for helping me get inspired to start going to church again, and for creating such a welcoming haven to practice one’s faith.” “We moved here this month to follow God’s purpose for our lives and are very excited to have found a church we relate to and where we feel God speaking directly to us. It’s also great to see our 2 yr old excited about church after just one week and knowing the great children’s ministry continues as he grows.”

“My adventure with Jesus really began on January 20, 2013. Leading up to this particular day my life had been a mess. Miraculously, one of my dearest friends convinced me to go back to church with her. As soon as I took my first step through the doors of Valley Family Church, I knew I was home. This place provided my fertile soil. Since that day, I have been baptized in the Holy Spirit, found that my passions are for this world and ministering to the souls that are in it, built friendships that are God-knit, and truly come into my own”.



ocial media: growth FANS 3,017

quarter 1


quarter 2


quarter 3


quarter 4

FOLLOWERS quarter 1 quarter 2 quarter 3

347 481 685 742

quarter 4

FOLLOWERS quarter 1 quarter 2 quarter 3 quarter 4

Podcast Downloads # of podcast downloads: # of podcast plays:


892 25,029

1,204 1,285 1,365 1,391

Vimeo Views # of video views on Vimeo:



mobile app launched April 21, 2013 255 days



app downloads

each day

downloads 2,198

valleyfamilychurch.org Top 5 Most Viewed Pages: Homepage 65,419 views Times/Directions 12,309 views Watch Services 11,411 views Events 7,102 views Staff 6,329 views

top countries

top states

(page views) UNITED STATES 92,507 Ohio 1,298 Canada 550

California 1,491 Florida 1,709

Germany 452 United Kingdom 337

Illinois 2,781

India 248

MICHIGAN 71,058 25


alley worship

In 2013, the Valley Worship staff and teams launched a creative endeavor called “Valley Sessions.� The talented team members created covers of popular songs and showcased their passion for the Lord and for creative music. Throughout the year VFCers experienced these videos before the weekend services, and the sessions saw thousands of views online.

total views 6,976





GIVING Benevolence $5,386 Honoraria/Expenses $24,612 Donations $4,200 Missions $115,047 Giving Totals $149,245 In addition to the giving total above, we gave in large part to Southwest Michigan through various outreach events and volunteer hours. Through our Love Week outreach, Valley GIrls Give Back, Valley Christmas Dinner and Friday Groceries outreaches tens of thousands of dollars and countless volunteer hours were sowed into our city in 2013.

Heart for the House Campaign Giving $330,826.65 The Heart for the House Campaign is a year long initiative through which VFCers commit to give above and beyond their normal tithes to advance the Kingdom of God through Valley Family Church. Because of the faithfulness of VFCers who committed to the 2013 Heart for the House Campaign, a total of $330,826.65 came in, allowing us to reach more people in Southwest Michigan and around the world. Through the funds given, we were able to see the Valley Care Store and Friday Groceries outreaches launched. In addition we were able to expand campus locations, and upgrade and repair equipment and facilities to better serve our city. Thank you to every Heart for the House Builder who generously gave to this campaign. Through your generosity, lives were touched and more people around the world “get it.� generosity defines us. 27



inances balance sheet Current Assets Cash Inventories & Other Current Assets Accounts Receivable Investments TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS

$336,589 $74,497 $0 $106,361 $517,448

Property & Equipment Main Campus 995 Romence Other Properties Equipment Accumulated Depreciation TOTAL PROPERTIES & EQUIPMENT Summary of Assets & Property Total Current Assets Total Property & Equipment TOTAL ASSETS, PROPERTIES & EQUIPMENT Liabilities Long Term Liabilities Other Liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES TOTAL EQUITY Summary of Liabilities & Equity Total Liabilities Total Equity TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY


$10,993,166 $2,629,107 $1,023,278 $1,163,024 ($2,259,989) $13,548,586

$517,448 $13,548,586 $14,066,034

$11,357,087 $78,012 $11,435,099 $2,630,935

$11,435,099 $2,630,935 $14,066,034



inances statement of operations Revenue & Support General Offerings Designated Contributions Events/Tuition/Sales/Rents GRAND TOTAL

$3,618,857 $496,450 $559,612 $4,674,920

Operating Expenses Family Education Ministries Admin/Office Human Resources (Staff of 50+ Part & Full-Time) Facilities Campus Expansions Pastoral Ministries Special Events Marketing/Advertising Information Technologies General Church Expenses Giving Total TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES Summary Total Revenue & Support Total Operating Expenses NET INCOME Income

$265,498 $160,722 $1,885,119 $1,360,299 $50,533 $34,726 $65,569 $56,724 $119,100 $217,711 $149,245 $4,365,244 $4,674,920 $4,365,244 $309,676


Tithes & Offerings Designated Contributions Tuition Event Registrations Other Accounts

Employee Wages Interest Payments Depreciation Expenses Utilities - Gas, Elec, Water Lease Expense Other Accounts



...the best is yet to come.

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