Valley Key Club: May 2014 Newsletter

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// May 2014 // Volume 1 // Issue 1 //

Key Club Member

Katlin Quezada teaches an event-goer how to make a lei at the Ohana Festival.

// Valley High School Key Club // D28S // Region 5 //


3—Calendar 4—Contacts 5—Eliminate Week 6—Relay For Life West Youth 7—Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure 8—Officer Training Conference 2014 9—Ohana Festival

10—End of the Year Banquet 12—May DCM 13—Note From the Editor 14—Social Media


May 2014 Sun




Thu 1








2—Relay for 3—Susan G. Life West

Komen Race


for the Cure

9—End of


the Year





12—Director 13

14—Director 15—May


of Commit-










17—Miles for Medicine 5K Run



24—The Patriot Run







31—Foam Glow


President Karl Catarata

Vice President of Service Marie Hashitani



Vice President of Fund-

Secretary Cassandra

raising Sofia Yahya




Treasurer Eyasu Kebede

Technology Editor Alissa Dumo



Please welcome our new Director of Committees, Serena Salgado! Email:


One week in the month of May is dedicated to the Eliminate Project, in which Key Clubs every where raise money and awareness for Maternal Neonatal Tetanus. For the last two weeks of May, Valley Key Club decided to sell blue bracelets in honor of this cause for only two dollars each. Each bracelet helps pay for the vaccination of one mother and prevents her and all of her future children from contracting MNT.


Key clubbers sit and watch during a Relay talent show!

Valley Key Clubbers cheer on cancer survivors as they take their victory lap around the track.

Relay for Life 2014 was awesome! I was super proud of Valley Key Club! I had the wonderful opportunity of serving as one of the Committee Chairs for this event, and as

Treasurer Eyasu Kebede walks along the track to raise cancer awareness.

far as I saw, the event went very well and everyone had a lot of fun! We fundraised by selling purple ribbons and all proceeds went

to the American Cancer Society, and walked around the track all night to show support for the charity. It was a fantastic bonding event for our club, as we participated in many events all night and even won a team scavenger hunt! Good job Vikes! - Serena

Valley Key Club members happily

Salgado // VKC Director of Committees

make their way around the track.

Member of the Month— April Edition: Becky Lang!


Q: How did it feel being MOTM? A: I was really proud. It felt nice to be recognized.

Q: What did you do to get this award? A: I attended all of the meetings and most of the service events and I participated in committees.

Members happily attend this event and make sure to bring

their silliness!

At this event, Valley Key Club members arrived at Freemont Street early in the morning. Throughout the several hours they stayed to help out, Key Clubbers handed out water, smoothies, granola bars and fruit, to the runners. This event really taught Valley Key Club how important it is to

Q: Was it worth it? Why?

spread awareness of breast cancer and how much

A: Yes, because I enjoy going to key club events and helping out.

an experience I am sure I will never forget,” says

Congrats, Becky!

it’s affected the people in our community. “ is Catalina Corral, VKC member. Expressed by many of our members, we hope to volunteer at this event again!


Signs all along the hallways marked the rooms where each officer would be trained and taught the tricks

Valley High School Key Club was awarded with several

of the trade for their office.

awards for the 2013-2014 Key Club year.

Officer Training Conference is a time for Key Club Officers to come together and learn the responsibilities of their office and how to carry them out properly and efficiently.

"Officer Training Conference 2014 was absolutely amazing! Although I was not able to attend a workshop on how to be a developing president, I was able to have the highest honor of presenting at the Bulletin Editors/Historian's Workshop!

At the workshop, I was able to meet many editors around Region 5 who found their passion on wanting to become better communicators and better servant leaders through the use of the responsibilities of being an Editor. In training the editors, not only was I able to reflect on the goals that I achieved as past Editor, but also help improve for future editors too! Officer Training Conference was absolutely amazing! I hope that my administration, and other attending officers, learned a lot from the conference!"

- Karl Catarata // VKC President

President Karl Catarata smiles brightly next to D28S’s LTG,

Andriyah Anouvongs!

Your Key Club Story: Where did it all start— Victoria Patterson


Q: What made you interested in joining Key Club? A: I first joined to make more friends because I had none in middle school. Q: What do you like about Key Club? A: I like how I can be outgoing and loud without being judged. Q: What are some things Key Club has taught you? A: It’s taught me the value of family and friendship and it’s also taught me that the simplest of things have a big impact on people.

Valley Key Club Member Annitta Taliva’a teaches an event-goer how to make paper flowers.

At the Ohana Festival, I learned many new things about Asian Pacific Islander Culture. I spoke to so many cute and amazing children, as well. I got to see exotic dancing which was very

interesting and I really liked how organized the event was. I even met so many people from other schools. I was also able to speak with other Pacific Islanders that were so excited about the event. It was really fun and I plan on helping out again next year. - Jazzmin Roberson // VKC Member


Step 1: Have the old board say their farewells. // Immediate Past Executive Board Members say their farewells to the club that have not only watched

IP President Alonso Lopez

IP Vice Pres. Jonathan Ta

them grow, but were the reason why they felt the

Step 2: Eat! // “How

need to become leaders in their home, school,

did you feel when the IP

and community.

Board Members were saying their farewells?”

These members, as well

“I felt sad to see all of the past

as so many others, are the reason why Valley

Key Club is the way it is today. We thank you Immediate Past Executive and Extended Valley Key Club Administration.

Current and Past

Administration serve food to their fellow Key Clubbers.

board members leave, but I knew that with the new board, our club would be in good hands. Hearing all of the speeches really made me feel like I had a bigger impact on the community through key club than I had ever before. Overall, I enjoyed attending the banquet.“ - Sage de la Garza // VKC Member


Step 3: Give the old board gifts! // As a way to honor the 2013 2014 VKC Administration, the 2014 - 2015 board bought gifts for each past board member, and even Mr. Girtley, Valley Key Club’s advisor.

Step 4: Introduce the new board! // One by one, as each Immediate Past Board member left the stage, one new board member stepped on and together, they were proudly

announced as the 2014 - 2015 VKC Administrative Board.



Valley Key Club takes a crazy picture with Lieutenant Governor Andriyah Anouvongs! (From left to right: Mark Hernandez - District Executive Assistant, Kayla

This past week I attended the May DCM and had a wonderful time. I helped set up before the meeting and directed other key clubs to the meeting area. I got the chance to become acquainted with my key club’s board members as well as with key clubbers from other schools. During the meeting, I was amazed with the amount of community service events each key club had to offer and

their success. I look forward to helping out with future meetings. - Katlin Quezada // VKC Member

Valley Key Club prepares for and attends the May District Council Meeting!

Arceo - District Technology Editor, Andriyah Anouvongs - Lieutenant Governor, and

Becky Lang - District Secretary.)

Congratulations to Valley Key Club’s very own Mark Hernandez and Becky Lang alongside Coronado Key Club’s Kayla Arceo for making up our new Division Leadership Team!


A Note From the Editor Hey, there! My name is Alissa Dumo, and I’m Valley Key Club’s new Technology Editor for the 2014 - 2015 Key Club year. I sincerely hope you enjoyed my first attempt at creating a newsletter and filling it with all things Valley Key Club and all things service. As these next couple of months go by, I hope to keep you updated on the news of the Victorious Vikings and what we’re up to.

You can always check out more on our websites or even follow us on our social media networks to find out more about us. Thanks for reading! In the spirit of service,

- Alissa Dumo


Look us up

and follow us!


Please be green. Don’t

print this newsletter.


Thanks for reading! See you soon!

Valley High School Key Club Cali-Nev-Ha District | Key Club International | 8360 Red Oak Street #201 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 (909)-989-1500

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