Valley Key Club: September 2014 Newsletter

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The Victorious Vikings 1

Vice President of Fundraising Sofia Yahya with Valley Key Club’s Viva Bike Vegas Recognition Award!

September 2014 | Volume 1 | Issue 5 | Valley HS Key Club | D28S | Region 5


Table of Contents 4: Contact Info Page

6: RTC 2014

Feel free to message your

Check out our

board whenever. They’re

advertisement for this month!

available 24/7!

7: Run for Recovery 8: First General Meeting Key Clubbers cheered their

VKC’s first general meeting

hearts out at this event!

had a great turnout. Check it out!

10: September DCM

12: Viva Bike Vegas

Read all about what went

Our busy Vikes filled

down at this month’s DCM.

downtown Las Vegas with service at this event!

14: Run Or Dye Learn about how Valley Key Club and Valley STUCO made the world a more colorful place!


Calendar Past Events

Upcoming Events

Wednesday, September 3rd: First General Meeting of 2014-2015 Saturday, September 6th:

Run for Recovery 5k! Thursday, September 11th:

Saturday, September 27th:

Southern Nevada—Run Walk Roll Against Bullying Monday, August 22nd:

Weekly Board Meeting

September DCM Saturday, September 13th:

Viva Bike Vegas Monday, September 15th:

Extended Board Interviews Saturday, September 20th:

Run or Dye

Monday, August 26th:

Weekly Board Meeting Saturday, October 4th:

Iron Kids Las Vegas


Contact In


Vice President of

Karl Catarata



Marie Hashitani Email

Vice President of




Sofia Yahya






Eyasu Kebede

Editor Alissa Dumo





Director of Committees


Serena Salgado

Eyubed Balcha Email






Lindy Do

Sage de la Garza



Sophomore Representative Victoria Angulo Email


Freshmen Representative Kyle Catarata Email



Shannon Roberts

Litzy Rivera Diaz Email



It’s that time of year again! RTC is right around the corner and this year’s theme is… Throwback to the 90s! Do you love the 90s? Do you love cheering and showing your spirit? Then get ready to cheer your heart out with your fellow key clubbers from Region 5 on October 18th, 2014, from 8am-3pm at Centennial High School!


Run for Recovery After cheering on runners, Valley Key Clubbers show off their smiles at the Run for Recovery 5k!

Historian Eyubed Balcha’s take on: The Run for Recovery 5k “I had come to the Run for Recovery 5k dreadful. However, it wasn't what I had expected. I got to cheer for the runners with fellow Key Clubbers. We all had fun getting to know each other while helping out. I left that day with new friends.”


First Genera Vikings sit patiently and wait for the first general meeting to start.

Psyched about the first meeting of the school year, Valley Key Clubbers flock together to play an icebreaker!

Board members teach attendees cheers and show them how it’s done!


al Meeting

Member Lalani Porter’s take on: The First General Meeting of 2014-2015 “In the First General Key Club meeting I actually learned how to recite many club cheers. Also losing my voice in the process which is always fun. I really felt like apart of a FAMILY outside of my own home. Every person I meet from

Key Club becomes my OHANA. In all, the First General Key Club meeting was amazing and fun.”



Freshman Representative Kyle Catarata’s take on: The September DCM “The Division 28 South DCM was a great experience for my fellow executive board members and I. When I entered SECTA High School, I was very timid and afraid not just because I was attending my first DCM but, because I was meeting different Key Club members in my division. Once the DCM started, the Key Club presidents of each high school gave their president’s reports. I was very intrigued by how differently key clubs in our division operated and by how their service events are way different than ours. One similar idea each high school Key Club shared in common was commitment to service and how each individual high school in our division perceives service. Once the lecture and new/old business was done, I got to eat pizza and converse with different Key Club members. I also met our Lieutenant Governor of

Division 28 South, Andriyah Anouvongs. I also met a junior from SECTA and we conversed about high school and about how more and more people are joining Key Club, not just for service hours, but for the commitment of serving. The DCM was a great experience for me and my club. I would love to attend another DCM because of how different Key Club members in different high schools think and serve together.”


ber DCM President Karl Catarata

gives the President’s Report at the September DCM.

Valley Key Clubbers attend the September DCM at SECTA High School!

Vice President of Service Marie Hashitani proudly accepts her award alongside President Karl Catarata.


Viva Bike

Picture 1: All Valley Key Club Volunteers rock Downtown Las Vegas with their service! Picture 2: President Karl Catarata proudly holds the Viva Bike Vegas Recognition Award. Picture 3: Vikings stand on the sidelines and cheer on bikers. Picture 4: Medals were handed out at the event to award bikers for their hard work.

e Vegas


Member Hazel Alejandro’s take on: Viva Bike Vegas “I was luckily able to attend Viva Bike Vegas with my club this past

weekend. It was a very fun experience, although not as great as last year. The biggest highlight of the event was when our club received a trophy for our hard work. Hopefully next year will be better!”


Run or Dye Valley Key Club and

Valley STUCO before the Run or Dye event.

Valley Key Club and Valley STUCO after the Run or Dye event! What a colorful bunch!

President Karl Catarata’s take on: Run or Dye “Run or Dye 2014 was awesome! Last year, we only brought 12 people, this year was a big game changer - over 50 Valley Key Club members and VHS Student Council members attended! Members were able to throw powder at runners, distribute water, clean up as the race came to an end, and have fun at the big after party. In the end, it was an amazing sight to see! Great job, Valley Key Clubbers! With over 474 hours this service event, what

else can we accomplish this year?”


Note from the Editor

Hello, Reader! I hope you’re having a wonderful September! School is finally back in session, and that means key club general meetings are also back! I have to say that from what I’ve seen from the first several general meetings, I’m very excited for this upcoming year. I’m also very excited for the new membership and to work with them and the extended board. From this month alone, I’ve seen that there are so many people willing to serve their community and to make their homes better places. Determination like this is what gives me hope and motivates me to make my community a better place as well.

As an ending statement, I sincerely wish that you, dear Reader, can also find that determination and the greatness within yourself to better your community, because we are all worth something, and every single one of us can positively contribute to the world. In the spirit of service,

Alissa Dumo


Social Media @valleykeyclub



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this newsletter!


Thanks for reading! See you next


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