Valley Key Club: March 2015 Newsletter

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The Victorious Vikings

Valley Key Club members pose with the Region 5 Spirit Stick at #CELEBRATE2015.

March 2015| Volume 1 | Issue 11 | Valley HS Key Club | D28S | Region 5


Table of Contents 4: Contact Info Page

6: Bubble Run 5K

Feel free to message your

Learn about how our Vikings

board whenever. They’re

served it up in the suds at this

available 24/7!


service event!

8: DCON 2015

Our End of the Year Banquet was

The 2014-2015 Key Club Year has

filled with sad moments, and lots

officially ended! Check out how we

of happy ones, too!

celebrated the end of the year!

10: Three Square

11: PICU Basket Making Committee

Learn about Valley Key Club’s

Check out how our Vikes

experience at Three Square!

gave back to kids in our local PICUs.


Calendar Past Events Saturday, March 7th:

Bubble Run 5K

Upcoming Events Saturday, March 21st:

Walk for Wishes

CMN Dance Marathon Wednesday, March 11th:

#CELEBRATE2015 March 13th, 14th, 15th:

DCON 2015 Saturday, March 14th:

Three Square Thursday, March 19th:

March DCM & D28S Banquet

Saturday, March 28th:



Contact Information President

Vice President of



Hashitani Email

Cassandra Pascua


Vice President of



Kyle Catarata

Litzy Rivera Diaz Email




Hadley Mitchell

Editor Deidra Dilworth Email



Note From the Editor

Hello Readers, My name is Deidra Dilworth, and I will be the Technology Editor of Valley Key Club for the 2015-2016 term. There are countless things to look forward to during this term: new episodes, socials, advertisements, and updates. I am indubitably excited to be serving you all this term, as well as being apart of Valley Key Club’s incredible journey by documenting the continuous growth in service, spirit, leaders,

membership, and activities in its entirety. As for the newsletter, expect new pages, new designs, and special features throughout. Remember to check the YouTube channel for new videos that will be updated constantly during the term. Don’t forget to follow us on all our social media for new updates about our club regularly. Most importantly, don’t forget to check back every month and explore our newsletter. If you liked an event or just want to express how you felt about an event, don’t be afraid to send in articles or photos to the Tumblr, or to my email, Although I am unsure exactly what the future holds for me, I am certain that the future is bright, and I am fervent to start writing this new chapter in my Key Club journey as technology editor of Valley. As promised, I will create a legacy, and something that will live on forever. Expect great things this year. You are Golden! With Respect and Service,

Deidra Dilworth


Bubble Run 5K

These members love stirring up those bubbles!

These members are super excited to get down to business at this

Our volunteers are doing a

service event!

G-Double O-D J-O-B, GOOD JOB!

Secretary Kyle Catarata’s take on: Bubble Run 5K “The Bubble Run was an amazing service event that Valley Key Club volunteered at. I had a blast cheering on the runners with my friends. When I arrived at the service event, I was positioned in a remote location. When the runners came, we cheered and congratulated them. I saw their faces, happy and joyful that someone was there to cheer them on. I then saw that that the reason I joined Key Club was to affect my community in a positive way, and seeing their faces made me extremely joyful as well. The Bubble Run service event was extraordinary. I had an amazing time volunteering with my friends and with my Key Club, Valley Key Club.”



We Love Key Club!

Immediate Past Valley Key Club President Karl Catarata takes the stage for the last time as president.

These Valley Key Clubbers pose with the Region 5 Spirit Stick!

Member Sage de la Garza’s take on:

#CELEBRATE2015 “#Celebrate2015 was a wonderful banquet that brought together members, advisors and friends with speeches, jokes, food and activities. Heartfelt farewells with slideshows made many very sad, but also happy at the same time. Many of us were happy because we knew that after all the ups and downs our club had been through in the past year, we made it the best that it could be. It was sad seeing the old board retire, but everyone knew that those officers would go on to do bigger and better things. After all of the tear-jerking moments, activities like a talent show and icebreakers pumped up the spirit in the room so that a smile could be seen on every face. When the activities finally came to an end, I knew that I couldn't wait to see what the next Key Club year has in store.”



These Key Clubbers are ready and excited to head to DCON 2015!

These attendees reunite for a picture before a General Session.

Immediate Past President Karl Catarata received Distinguished President at DCON 2015!



A Message from 2015-2016 Lieutenant Governor Sofia Yahya: "Hello pandas! My name is Sofia Yahya, and I serve you as the Division 28 South Lt. Governor. I'm proud to say that I am a

member of Valley Key Club, and I look forward to an amazing year of service with you all. If you ever need anything, feel free to contact me- whether it's through email or in the hallways of Valley High School. Let's make the 2015-2016 term a year filled with integrity in the spirit of service!"

The new District Board was installed at DCON 2015, including our very own, LTG Sofia Yahya!


Three Square

Valley Key Club loves volunteering at Three Square!

These members really know how to get to work during service events.

These members are helping prepare food to give to those that need it.

Treasurer Hadley Mitchell’s take on: Three Square "I have volunteered at Three Square before, however this experience was the most rewarding. Valley Key Club's first shift involved packaging food to take to organizations like Olive Crest to feed families in the Valley. During our second shift, we made food in the kitchen that was to be served at a gala. This service event may have been long, but it gave me the opportunity to become closer to my club and allowed me to make a greater contribution to the community. The impact my club's time will have on the community is the biggest reward in itself!"


PICU Basket Making Committee

These Valley Vikings work hard to

The final product of the

create nicely packaged donations

committee’s hard work is

for children in PICUs.


Member Serena Salgado’s take on: PICU Basket Making Committee “The PICU basket making committee was a very successful event. During this event members sorted through donations to create baskets for children in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit via the Little Miss Hannah's organization. In the end about 30 baskets for 30 children in the valley were made! Good job to all members who attended!”


A Letter From the Immediate Past President

Hey there Vikings! Happy March! As the 2014-2015 Key Club year comes to a close, I would like to thank each and every reader for supporting Technology Editor Alissa Dumo in her monthly publications. Let's be real here - this year was different. Different in how our club ran, different in how we defined success, and different in how we were able to accomplish so much in the small amount of time that we had together as an ohana. Can you believe it's already the end of the 2014-2015 Key Club year? So much has changed! From winning RTC 2014, to winning so many awards at various service events, banquets, and from various ceremonies, this year, we are able to say that we have redefined success as a whole. In all, it has been an honor serving as your 2014-2015 33rd President. I am in no doubt that this club will continue to succeed and soar into new heights of service and for spirit. I am confident that this club will grow in its leaders, membership, and in its activities.

With this being said, I hand it over to the next board in their new journeys for the new 2015-2016 Key Club year, and I can only hope that they continue to carry on their #VikingPride with them in the next school year. Thank you for all that you do, and thank you for allowing me to serve you. If I can be of any assistance to you, please contact me at Thank you for your dedication and passion for this key club. Thank you for being a leader. - 33rd Valley Key Club President, Karl Catarata


A Note From the Immediate Past Editor

Hello, Reader! My final newsletter is actually here! It’s been a long year. I look back at the very first moment I joined Key Club up until this point and I realized that I’ve grown so much. I’ve become a different person. That goes without saying for the club, too. When I first started out, our club was so

small, and yet so happy. Through many highs and through many lows, our club has grown also. It’s become this force to be reckoned with, filled with dedicated members that truly believe in serving their community. I can’t say it enough. I’m so proud of this club and for how far we’ve all come. This experience has been the greatest yet and I wouldn’t trade or change a thing.

To the members, it’s been an honor serving you. To VKCA, it’s been an honor serving alongside you. I look to the future of this club and I have so much hope. Good luck to all of us.

Thank you for everything Valley Key Club,

Alissa Dumo


Social Media @valleykeyclub


We follow back!


Please be green! Do not print

this newsletter!


Thanks for reading! It’s been a great


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