What's on at ... The Crown
I N M A R C HEvery Monday is Pub Games Night - Cards, Chess, Darts, Dominoes, Shove Ha'penny etc, just for the fun of it! (Also thrift club collection)
Friday & Saturday 3rd, 4th, 10th & 11th it's Babes in the Wood at the Pamela Hambro Hall - Take a bottle of your favourite beer; and as usual the bar will be open at The Crown until midnight for audience, cast and helpers!
Thursday 9th - 8pm - The Folk Club (and 2nd Thursday every month)
Saturday 18th - 7pm - Special Chinese Food Evening - book early to avoid disappointment!
Sunday 26th is Mother’s Day! - Show Mum how much she is appreciated, treat her to a real 'Home cooked Sunday lunch' at The Crown. Special Menu available, Bookingsessential!
Sunday 26th - 8pm - Jazz & Blues Club (and 4th Sunday each month) Musicians of all abilities are welcome, singly or in groups Tuesday 28th - 9pm - The Pub Quiz (and 4th Tuesday each month) Team Nigella are the in-form team at present, who can give them a run for their smarties this time? Remember the fee of £1.00 per team member goes to our nominated charities, The Motor Neurone Disease Association and The Joseph Weld & Trimar Hospice and CancerCare Dorset Trust!
Saturday 22nd April - Annual St. George's Day Fair - Time to start planning if you want a stall. Anylocalorganisationcanraise fundsatthisevent,forwhichthereisnocharge!
Auditions for The Dragon, Damsel in Distress, Village Idiot etc. will be held shortly! (Nominations for Village Idiot to David, please)
The Crown
Mother's Day Lunch Menu
Your choice of:
Roast Topside of English Beef with Yorkshire Puddings
Roast Whole Breast of Chicken with Sage & Onion Stuffing Whole Plaice in Breadcrumbs filled with Prawns and Mushrooms in a White Wine Sauce
Tuscan Bean Crunch (V) Served with Roast Potatoes and Fresh Vegetables, or Chips and Peas
Followed by:
Home made Treacle Sponge, or Spotted Dick, served with Custard Banoffee Pie served with Cream, or Lemon Brulee Ice Cream Dessert
All for only £10.75!
Children's Menu:
Children's Roast Beef, as above £5.75 Sausage, Chips and Peas or Beans £3.95 Chicken Nuggets, Chips and Peas or Beans £3.95 Fish Fingers, Chips and Peas or Beans £3.75
Children's portion of Vanilla Ice Cream with Chocolate or Strawberry Sauce £1.00 Cafetiere of Ground Coffee £1.75, or Coffee by the cup £1.00
Valley News
Valley News is back and will appear monthly, following the successful meeting held on 31st January. We intend to review progress at a similar meeting on 30th January 2007. It is funded for 12 months already from advertising revenue.However,in the event of nonpublication a pro rata refund will be arranged as necessary.
Its primary aim is to help inform and unite the community. We see our function as providing information,not our views, as we feel there are enough outlets in the local press and we do not wish to get involvedindivisiveissues.
Valley News will be delivered free to households in Winterborne Whitechurch, Whatcombe, Winterborne Clenston, Winterborne Stickland, Winterborne Houghton,TurnworthandMiltonAbbas.Copieswillalso beavailableinshops,postofficesandpubs.
It is aimed at all age groups - perhaps youngsters would like to contribute theirown page.There is a small committee to get things off the ground but more offers of help, particularly with distribution, would be welcome. If you think you can help in any way, please contact Valerie Ashford on 01258 880094 or via our emailaddress.
Valley News will be a newsletter, letting you know what events are planned and giving reports on local group, club and society activities. Please let Valerie Ashford have details of contacts and date, time and place of meetings. Advertisements for local charity events will be included free of charge.Small Ads will be accepted for a small donation. Copy will be confirmed onreceiptofdonation.
All items for inclusion in Valley News should be left with Valerie Ashford at 11 Fairmead, Winterbome Stickland,by the 15th of the month and must have the nameand telephonenumberofthecontributor.
Valerie is also running the Datewatch Calendar, so check with her when planning events to avoid clashes. ThecalendarwillbeincludedinValleyNews.
If you hear of anyone who has not had a copy and wouldlikeone,pleaseletus know.
Our thanks go to all who have already volunteered to help, and to Norman and Joan Wellstead for their kinddonationofacomputerforustouse.
We look forward to hearing from you with your contributionsandideas.
Valley News Team
Valley Local History Group
We start our meetings again in March, on Wednesday, 1st March, in the Pamela Hambro Hall. The speaker starts at 7.30pm (doors open at 7.00 pm) and refreshments are served afterwards. We have no formalities, no membership and no subscriptionseveryone is most welcome. The cost is £2.50 each meeting, unless, of course, you paid "up front" at the beginningofthissessioninOctober.
Wednesday 1st March ~ 7.30pm
Martin Green on "More discoveries in Cursus Country"-Aboutthelatestarchaeologicalfindsonhis
Email: valley.news@virgin.net
Editors: DavidHeath GrahamCase ValerieAshford-01258880094
Treasurer: KevinMorgan
Advertising: DarrenRoberts
Distribution: DavidParker
Printing: StourPrint Design: MarkSteele
12months OneOff
FullPage £480 £45 HalfPage £250 £23 QuarterPage £130 £12 EighthPage £75 £7
BOX ADVERTS Textonly adverts £25for12months
For a small donation. Advert will be confirmed for publication when the donation is received.This service isforprivatesellersonly.
Items toValerieAshford,11 Fairmead,Stickland orbyemail tovalley.news@virgin.net
Allitemsmusthavethenameand telephonenumberofthe contributor.
Ifyouhavealocalphotographthatwouldlookgood on our cover or for use in Valley News, please submit your pictures toValerie Ashford or send your picture by emailtovalley.news@virgin.net
farm, which covers parts of Akling Dyke and the DorsetCursusnearSixpennyHandley.
Wednesday 5th April ~ 7.30pm
Alan Wilson fromthe EastDorsetHeritageCentreon "How Dorset changed the World" - Well come along andfindoutwhatitisallabout!
Wednesday 3rd May ~ 7.30pm
Dr. Karin Mew on "The suffering of the Clergy in the 16th and 17th Centuries" - This covers the Reformation and the Civil War. A very good speaker who is both knowledgeableandentertaining.
For further information, contact Enid Chilcott on 01258880027.
Stickland Village Stores
With the unwillingness of wholesalers to supply small quantities to small outlets, life has become more and more difficult for them. Add to this Audrey's ill health over the past year and we've all come, sadly, to theendofanera.
May we offer them a calmer and happier period of lifeintheirretirement.Theywillbeverymuchmissed.
Jill & Arthur WilliamsAs you are aware, Gordon and Audrey are, after 20 years, retiringfromthevillageshopattheend ofMarch. Wanting to say a big "Thank you", we are organising a small "party" for all the village to attend and to wish them well for the future at the Pamela Hambro Hall, on Sunday2nd April,from11.00amto1.00pm.
Please join us for a cup of tea or coffee or a glass of wine. Any queries please contact Michelle Walters, 880655,orKarenEvans.
In line with many other villages up and down the country, we are to lose "our" village shop at the end of March. And whilst it will be sad and inconvenient to most of us in one way or another, it will be even sadder forGordonandAudrey.Theyhavegivensomuchinthe past 20 years here - free delivery of orders to those who areunableto"makeit" totheshop,longopeninghours, to say nothing of the work to be done after closingstock checking, ordering, general maintenance, etc., addinguptolongdaysandshortnights!
They have always supported village events with raffle prizes, supplying wine and glasses for private and communal events plus all the extras - serviettes, paper table cloths, plates and dishes and, where possible, attending the events in the village. Add to this the DIY bits and pieces, flowers and plants, telephone Top-up, batteries,lightbulbs,fuelandgas, pottingcompostand garden needs, etc., and baked on the premises bread, rolls,etc.
As you are aware, Winterborne Stickland Mace shop owned by Gordon and Audrey Walters is closing on 31st March2006.
As we feel the services they provide are a MUST for ourcommunity,wehave agreedto take onthe majority of these services, i.e. Calor Gas, Dry Cleaning, Daily Echo's,Dorsetcereals,Moore’sBiscuits,Coal,etc.
As you can appreciate with the size of our shop we will not be able to accommodate all the stock we wish to supply straight away. We are, however, at this time looking of ways to expand our shop to accommodate the majority of groceries Gordon and Audrey provide foryounow.
PLEASE, PLEASE bear with us during this transitional period. In an ideal world, Gordon and Audrey would close on the Friday and we would be able to provide you with all the services on the Monday, but we hope you can understand it's going to take a little while. As we are a listed building, there are various procedures we have to go through and this will unfortunately take time.
We feel over the last 20 years Gordon and Audrey haveprovidedthiscommunitywiththemostwonderful service.
In an age when so many village shops are closing and communities have no shop or Post Office, we believe it is vitally important for these services to remain.
Please let us know if there are any particular items you would like us to stock and we will do our best to serveyou.Aswealwayssay, "weaimtoplease".
As a family we have serviced this valley for 129 years and,allbeingwell,wecancontinuetodoso.
John, Deirdre, Zoë, Kasia - Stickland Post Office
Houghton Parish Council
Extracts from the draft minutes of the meeting held on Monday 9th January 2006.
Finance : The precept for 2006/2007 had been set at £1360, an increase of £10 from the previous year. Acceptance of the precept was proposed by Colin WhiteandsecondedbyMargaretHicks.
Legacy for Bridleways : The Chairman had received a letter from Hans Hoff enclosing a passbook for the Portman Building Society labelled ‘trustee for bridlepaths’. £178.42 had been given by the late Mrs ShelaghBrowneandheldbythelateMrsAnneHoff.The Chairman with Colin White will make enquiries at the Portman Building Society to check the status of the account.
Planning : NDDC have granted permission for the proposed conversion of a garage into living accommodation,atHoneysuckleForge.
Planning permission to erect a house on the land behind Silver Springs has been refused. The Chairman read the seven reasons for this to the meeting. There wasconcern thattheremaybeanappeal.
The Chairman commented that from this experience of aplanning application claiming that agricultural land had become a‘brownfield site’ by virtue of its use as a garden for a few years; we should be aware that ‘greenfield sites’ - agricultural land - do not allow the creation of gardens without a planning application for thechange.
Rural Highways, Verges & Signs : Concern had been voiced by several parishioners about boards erected on the verge just before the approach to the church.
The Chairman had discussed the matter with the Rector and following discussion with the church warden, it was agreed that another board beneath the church notice board was acceptable. DCC can remove signs that are within one metre of the highway if they poseasafetyhazard.
NDDC Capping : John Close reported on a meeting he had attended and Mike Bignell commented on the reasonswhyNDDChadbeencapped.
Cuts of £600,000 would have to come mainly from non-essential services - tourism, arts, sports, public conveniencesetc.
Dismay was expressed by the meeting and Councillor Bignell said he would welcome written objections.
The new budget would be voted on in the middle of February.
Rights ofWay :
Diversion of BR3 : The Council approved this diversion of BR3 at Higher Houghton to avoid a very muddypatchofground.
Proposed footpath from Dunbury Lane to Dunbury Leg. This is private land which a previous owner had allowed access over but is now is being blocked. The Council felt that there was no reason to support this proposal, there are two access footpaths to Charity Woodwithinreasonablewalkingdistance.
Other matters of interest : Colin White had already reportedthatthetimeronthepondpumphadfailed.
Date of next meeting : 13thMarch2006
Two planning applications were considered. The Councillorsstudiedtheplansforbothapplications.
1. A garage, conservatory and porch at ‘Vista Verde’. Therewasnoobjectiontothisapplication.
2. An extension to link the kitchen to the sun room at ‘The Old Post House’.There was no objection to this application.
TEL 01258 882000
Friends of the Practice Volunteer Drivers are able to provide transport for patients living in rural areas to enable them to make essential trips such as attending surgery appointments. If you have no other means of transport, (such as a neighbour, friend or relative) or are unable to use public transport you may be eligible to use the service.
As the service is provided by Volunteers it may not be possible to provide transport at short notice, please therefore provide the surgery with as much notice as possible.
There is a charge of 35p per mile for all journeys made.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
We are currently seeking a volunteer driver to help provide occasional transport under this scheme in the Ansty/Hilton areas. If you are under 70 years young and feel that you may be able to help on an occasional basis, Sue Brazier, the surgery Volunteer Coordinator would be very pleased to hear from you and can be contacted on the above telephone number. (All travelling expenses are paid.)
Valley Musical Evening
The next Musical Evening will be held on Thursday 23rd March at 7.30pm at 12 St. Mary's Close, Winterborne Whitechurch, at the invitation of Annie and Barry Thorn. Please telephone 01258 881233 to reserveaseat.
Winterborne Stickland W.I.
We were disappointed at our February meeting when our expected speaker failed to arrive, but the evening was saved by one of our own members who volunteered to tell us about the work of the RNLI. Many thanks to Kathie Underwood, who works tirelessly for the RNLI, for spontaneously giving us such a comprehensive and interesting talk, and answering plentyofpointsraisedbytheaudience.
We are throwing our March meeting OPEN TO ALL and we invite everyone (yes, gentlemen too) to come along to the Pamela Hambro Hall on Wednesday 8th March, to hear an excellent speaker - BONNIE SARTINwhosesubjectwillbe"The Labourer'sLot".Themeeting starts at 7.30pm and for non-members there is a charge of£2.00.We lookforwardtowelcomingyou.
We are quite a small group, with members from all the nearby villages and we proffer a warm welcome to prospective members and visitors. If you are new to the district and would like to make new friends, do come along to one of our meetings, held on the second Wednesday of each month (except August) at 7.30pm inthePamelaHambroHall, andseewhatwedo.
Hazel Jennings on 01258 880040 will be happy to giveyoufurtherinformation.
St Mary’s to St Nicholas”
On Saturday, 4th February, at the Sports Club, Winterborne Stickland, a presentation was made to the representatives from the two churches of cheques to eachchurchof£1,100.
Mr. Oliver Trevett received the cheque on behalf of St. Nicholas, Winterborne Clenston. He expressed his gratitude and told the gathering thatit would be put to immediate use on the planned new heating system for thechurch.
Mr. Sid Fox, Church Warden at St. Mary's, Winterborne Stickland, received the cheque on behalf of the PCC of St. Mary's. After giving his profound thanks, he advised everyone that funds would soon be needed as repairs were going to be necessary, according to our Architect, to the parapet of the church tower.
Both Sid and Oliver thanked Rod Osmond, Mark and Hazel Steele for the outstanding effort they had all made in producing and selling this first class video and DVD which, judging by the amount they have raised, was both purchased and enjoyed by so many people in theValley.
The whole evening was very enjoyable and we were all entertained by Mark and Rod with music and very talentedsingingbyRod.
Our thanks to the Sports Club for donating the use of their excellent facilities and making us all so very welcome.
We wish Mark, Rod and Hazel every success as they embarkon the nextvideo project which we understand is underway. If anyone believes they can help with old photos and information, they would be pleased to hear fromyouon01258880002ormark.steele-uk@virgin.net.
St. Mary’s, Whitechurch
Easter Lilies
As in previous years, we shall be decorating the church with liliesthis Easter Sunday. If you would like to dedicate a lily in memory of a loved one, please contact Sonia Honeywood on 880345. Lilies are expected to cost £2.50 and names will be included in a dedication listinthechurch.
Lent Lunches
These will be held on Fridays during Lent (12 noon2 p.m.) at homes listed in the church porches. Donations this year are towards a local charity - The LanternProjectinWeymouth.
May Fair
TheFairwillbe held onthe PlayingFieldthisyearon Saturday,20thMay.Detailswillfollowlater.
Milton Abbas Surgery
Open afternoons at Milton Abbas & Milborne St. Andrew Surgeries
The Patient Participation Group have bought some new equipment for our new disease management clinics. This equipment will eventually be sited in the waiting rooms at Milton Abbas and Milborne St. Andrew.If there are any of our patients who would like to have a go at taking their own blood pressure, for example,pleasecomealongto: MilborneSt.AndrewSurgery: Tuesday21st March at2pm. MiltonAbbasSurgery: Wednesday29th Marchat2pm.
New staff
We would like to welcome two new members to our clinical staff.Dr.Sarah Key is our new GP who has taken the place of Dr.Elizabeth Jones,and Dr.Sumit Aggarwal, whoisaGPRegistrarandwillbewithusfor6months.
Triage system for appointments
We would love to hear your comments on the appointment system we currently have in place. Please contact a member of the Patient Participation Group or a member of the surgery team. We hope to publish a newtimetablesoon.
Dorset Reclaim
Wehadsomefurnitureinourhousethatwassurplus torequirements.Itwastoobig togointhecartothe tip orcarbootandwecouldn't findanyonewhowantedit. We telephoned Dorset Reclaim (currently based in PooleandBournemouth,butsoontoopenaDorchester warehouse).They were friendly and helpful and booked a day to come and inspect the furniture.They came and didsoand tookitaway.
Dorset Reclaim is a registered charity which will collect unwanted items of furniture and electrical items andsell iton to people onbenefitsorwithlow incomes. They can be contacted on 01202 773384 or e-mail office@dorsetreclaim.org.uk.
If you have unwanted items or you need some furniture,theymaybeabletohelp.
The Banyard FamilyStickland & District Royal British Legion
The Branch Committee would like to announce that although the Club is (at present) closed, the club house is open every Friday evening, 7.30 - 10.00pm, for the sale of soft drinks (you can bring your own beer, wine, etc.).
The 1st Thursday of every month is Bingo Nighteyes down 7.30pm. Donations for prizes will be gratefullyreceived.
Please support your local Royal British Legion Branch.
Keep Fit
You don't have to be slim to be fit, so come and join us at the Pamela Hambro Hall on Tuesday evenings at 7.45pm. We start with general stretch and tone exercises and finish off the evening with equipment, which includes gymball, clubs, hoops and canes. So any shape, size and age is welcome and any males interested, contact Mary Fripp on 880416 for further details. Also at Whitechurch Village Hall at 7.00pm on Wednesdays.
“FromFrom L to R : Mark Steele, Piers Chichester, Oliver Trevitt, Hazel Steele, Sid Fox, Norman Baker, Rod Osmond
Pamela Hambro Hall
The Hall Management Committee is delighted to welcomebacktheValleyNews.
The Hall now has a beautiful newly sanded floor, carried out overChristmas by Steve Hickson,and we are sure all our users are most appreciative of this. We are also currently adding to the available tea service in the kitchen cupboards,and have bought a set of glasses for halluse.
We are very anxious to recruit new members, as several current members are retiring from the CommitteeattheAGMin Aprilthisyear.Ifyouwouldbe interested in joining the Hall Committee, do please come along to our next meeting as an observer. Meetings are every two months and duties are not onerous, but the village hall is a vital community resource which is now used by many individuals and groups for a variety of purposes, including parish council meetings, the horticultural society, the surgery, children's groups, keep fit, table tennis, yoga,
The Hall cannot, however, function without a management committee which oversees the local societies,parties,functions,etc.- which are the lifeblood of a thriving community. Please consider giving a little bit of your time to helpkeep itgoing.Ournext meeting is on 22nd March and our AGM is on 26th April,both in the Hall at 7.30 p.m. Come along and see if you could help,ortelephone880421forinformation.
Stickland Craft Guild
The next meeting of the CraftGuild will be on Friday 24th March at 7.30pm in the Pamela Hambro Hall when Ann Oldfield will be showing silver jewellery. She has worked on restoration of armour and some of her work reflectsthis.
New members are always welcome - you don't have to have a craft to join. Why not come as a visitor, admission£1.50, andseewhatwedo.
Bythetimeyouread this,Stickland CricketTeamwill have held their AGM and plans for the new season will beunderway. Thefixturelistwillbeprintedassoonasit is finalised and we hope to see lots of spectators at the homematches(thebarwill,ofcourse,beopen).
Should you wish to play in the team, please give me aringon880936orNickHouseon880462.
Jolliffe, Club SecretaryThe tennis court is in use all year round (members and guests). If you wish to join the Club, please contact JoanWellsteadon880495.
We play at the Pamela Hambro Hall from 2.004.00pm on Tuesday afternoons (most weeks) and from 7.00-9.00p.m.onFridayevenings.
PleasecontactGrahamCase (880740)orPeterSteele (881195)forfurtherinformation.
On Monday, 7th August 2006, I will be joining an all female team with Global Yacht Racing in the Sevenstar RoundBritainandIrelandRace2006.
This race represents a true achievement that will provide an unforgettable experience for this all-female amateur crew of the Global Yacht Racing charity yacht. Not only will we be braving all conditions in the circumnavigation of Britain and Ireland but will also be raising funds and awareness for Sail 4 Cancer. (UK Charityno.1090133).
Sail 4 Canceruses sailing as a medium toraise funds for cancer treatment, research, care and rehabilitation and also provides sailing opportunities for cancer sufferers&theirfamilies.
The challenging race is run by the Royal Ocean Racing Club and is due to start from the Royal Yacht Squadron line, Cowes, on Monday 7th August 2006. The approximate race distance around the British Isles is some 1,760 miles and the first yachts should cross the finishinglineabouttendaysafterthestart.
As one of the crew members, I have to raise a minimum of £8,000 in order to compete with Global Yacht Racing. The target is to raise at least £100,000 for thecharity.
On Friday 7th April 2006, from 10.30am - 12 noon, MumandI willbeholdinga coffee morning at27North Street, Winterborne Stickland, to help raise funds for this worthy cause. We will also have a cake stall, bring and buy sale, and raffle. All donations will be very gratefullyreceived.
On Saturday 15th April, we will be running a cake stall-venuetobearranged.
We do hope you are able to support these events. In the meantime if you would like to find out more about the event, please visit the Sail 4 Cancer websitewww.sail4cancer.org. The money that you help us to raise will pay for 10 sailing centres around Britain and Ireland to provide over 300 ongoing sailing opportunitiestolocalcancerpatientsandtheirfamilies. These centres will be the Sail 4 Cancer's ambassadors and will encourage links with their local hospices and cancer support groups, enabling the centre to be a breakfromlivingwith thedisease.
Welookforwardtoseeingyouon7th April.
Jane and Rachel
Many of you will remember our daughter Rachel, whogrewupandwenttoschoolinthevillage.
We arevery proudandpleasedtosupportherinher latest venture to sail in the Sevenstar Round Britain and Ireland Race 2006. Sailing is not new to Rachel, as last year she was part of a 12-man crew which took up and finishedtheFastnetRace.
Wehopeyoucanallsupportus inthesefund raising eventsforsuchaworthycause.
Many thanks, Colin and Jane Robbins
Valley Organisations
Ifyourorganisationisnotlistedandyouwouldlikeitto beincluded,pleasecontactValerieAshford(01258880094) oremailvalley.news@virgin.net KEY : PHH–PamelaHambroHall,Stickland; WVH –WhitechurchVillageHall
BereRegisFloralGroup SecondTuesday,2.00pm WinterborneKingstonVillageHall
FirstWednesday,Autumn&Spring 7.30pm,PHH
MoyraDee 01258881214
EnidChilcott 01258880027
Stickland CraftGuild
ValerieAshford 01258880094 Stickland&District HorticulturalSociety ThirdWednesday,7.30pm, PHH MarkSteele 01258880002
RoyalBritishLegion Fridayevenings, Clubhouse,LegionLane,Stickland RoseRaison 01258880127
SticklebacksParent& ToddlerGroup
Tuesdaysintermtime,10am-12noonMobile Classroom,DunburySchool,SticklandBase
Debbie Charlotte Lynne
01258880406 01258881036 01258880067
ValleyBellRingers KevinParsons 01258880534
WinterborneStickland Women’slnstitute
HazelJennings 01258880040
JackGreaves 01258882155 AbbeySwimmingClub MiltonAbbeySchool 01258837402
ExtendExerciseClass Mondays2.45-4pm,CommunalRoom, ChescombeCourt,Whitechurch
MaryFlecchia 01929471490
GolfClub MiltonAbbeySchool DavidLane 01258880484 LadiesKeepFit Tuesdays7.45pm,PHH Wednesdays7pm,WVH MaryFripp 01258880416
Tuesdays7.30pm,Thursday2pm-4.30pm& 7.30pm,WVH BobHaines 01258880928
TableTennis Tuesdays,2pm-4pm&Fridays7pm-9pm,PHH GrahamCase 01258880740 TennisClub SticklandSportsClub JoanWellstead 01258880495
VillageCricket SticklandSportsClub DavidJolliffe 01258880936
Stickland & District Horticultural Society
March is always a big month for us, as along with ourtalk*onWednesday15th March(PHH7.30pm)when a speaker from Castle Gardens, Sherborne will help us with “Planning a Border”, it also sees the Society’s Spring Show, which will take place on Saturday 18th March(PHH2.30pmto4.15pm).
The show is open to members and all residents of Turnworth, Stickland, Clenston, Whatcombe, Whitechurch, Houghton & Milton Abbas and also sees the return of the Children’s section. Schedules are available from Stickland Post Office and entries close Tuesday14th March.
* Monthly talks : Admission Free to Members, £1 for Non-members,RaffleandRefreshments.
Sticklebacks Parent & Toddler Group
All mums, dads, carers, toddlers and babies are welcome to join this friendly group, meeting in the mobile classroom of the Dunbury School Stickland base from10.00amto12noononTuesdaysduringterm time.
ForfurtherdetailspleasecontactDebbieon880406, Charlotteon881036orLynneon880067.
Wednesday 1
Thursday 2 Friday 3
Saturday 4
Sunday 5 Monday 6
Tuesday 7
What’s On MARCH
PHH 7.30pm
ValleyPlayers:BabesintheWood -Evening(TPO) PHH 7.30pmfor8pm
ValleyPlayers:BabesintheWood -Matinee(TPO) PHH 2.30pmfor3pm
ValleyPlayers:BabesintheWood -Evening(TPO) PHH 7.30pmfor8pm
Wednesday 8 Stickland W.I.OpenMeeting
PHH 2pm-4pm
PHH 7.30pm
Thursday 9 MobileLibrary (Milton Abbas/Whitechurch) Seebelowfortimetable Friday 10 MobileLibrary (Stickland/Houghton/Turnworth) Seebelowfortimetable
Saturday 11
Sunday 12 Monday 13
ValleyPlayers:BabesintheWood -Evening(TPO) PHH 7.30pmfor8pm
ValleyPlayers:BabesintheWood -Evening(TPO) PHH 7.30pmfor8pm
PHH 7.30pm
StAndrew’sChurchRoom 7.30pm
Tuesday 14 TableTennis PHH 2pm-4pm
Wednesday 15
Thursday 16 Friday 17 Saturday 18
Sunday 19
Monday 20
Tuesday 21
BereRegisFloralGroup KingstonVillageHall2pm
Stickland&DistrictHorticulturalSociety:Meeting PHH 7.30pm
Stickland&DistrictHorticulturalSociety:SpringShow PHH 2.30pm-4.15pm
PHH 2pm-4pm
Wednesday 22 PamelaHambroHallCommitteeMeeting PHH 7.30pm
Thursday 23 MobileLibrary (Milton Abbas/Whitechurch) Seebelowfortimetable ValleyMusicalEvening (at 12 St. Mary’s Close, Whitechurch) 7.30pm
Friday 24 MobileLibrary (Stickland/Houghton/Turnworth) Seebelowfortimetable Stickland CraftGuild PHH 7.30pm
Saturday 25 DunburySchoolDuckRace WhatcombeCorner 2.30pm SpringBall (TPO/TVS) PHH 8pm-Midnight
Sunday 26 Monday 27 SticklandParishCouncilMeeting PHH 7.30pm Tuesday 28 TableTennis PHH 2pm-4pm Wednesday 29 Thursday 30 Friday 31 TableTennis PHH 7pm-9pm
Key : PHH–PamelaHambroHall,Stickland; WVH –WhitechurchVillageHall TPO–TicketsfromStickland PostOffice; TVS–TicketsfromSticklandVillageStores
The Winterborne Valley & Milton Abbas Benefice
Dear Friends,
In ancient times the number 40 was supposed to have particular special properties. It often occurs in the Bible when recording certain events; e.g. Moses was 40 days on Mount Sinai before he came down with the Ten Commandments, and the Israelites were 40 years in the wilderness. This period of time became known as “quarantine”.
The plague was thought of as originating with demons, and so sailors were kept in quarantine at sea, not because of medical practice, but because of superstition.
Lent is a time of „quarantine ; Jesus spent 40 days in the desert, and the period of Lent is 40 days (in Italian, „quarantena ).
We begin Lent on 1st March, with our Ash Wednesday service at 6.30pm in Turnworth church. Please do come andjoinus.
And rather than giving up something in Lent, why not do something different? A course called „Steps to Heaven will be running on Wednesdays (8th March-5th April) in the Reading Room in Milton Abbas, at 2.30pm and 7.30pm (choose the most convenient for you). The course will be asking questions about death and dying. Don t be put off! It s something we all go through, and wewillbenefittoknowmoreaboutit!
Docallifyouwanttoknowmore.Itwouldbehelpfulif you let me know you are coming, but it doesn t matter ifyoujustturnup.
There are also our usual Friday Lent Lunches, with a simple time of a helpful reading followed by delicious soupandrolls.Fordetailsring880935.
Wishing you a blessed Lent, Robin http://www.mawv.org.uk
th Jan
th Jan