Valley Star Fall 2011 Volume 75 Issue 5

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The independent student newspaper of Valley College

October 12, 2011


Restaurant Review- Stop by Pinocchio’s for a slice of Italy.


In its second conference game Oct. 5, the Monarchs pummeled Citrus College 18-6.

Feria de los moles.


A look at back at innovator Steve Jobs.


SPORTS PAGE 5 Vol. 75, Issue 5

interns today, teachers tomorrow

Occupy L.A. Protests

Valley College is mentoring those interested in teaching at the community college level. courtney bassler online editor

Many classes at Valley College are taught traditionally with a professor giving a lecture. However, some classes on campus are taught with two people: a professor, better known as a “mentor” to Los Angeles Community College District’s Project Mentors Act To Change Histor y program, and a teacher’s assistant, known as the “intern.” Project M ATCH is an i n st r uct ion a l developme nt prog ram created by the LACCD that promotes quality instr uction and diversity in community college teaching, according to its website. samson Uba, photo editor | Valley Star In the winter, those who together united - A protester rallies near L.A. City Hall Tuesday, taking part in Occupy L.A., the sister protest of Occupy Wallstreet, a movement that expanded globaly to demand a new type of democracy and economic system. have a master’s degree and are interested in teaching at the community college level apply through the district to be an inter n for Project MATCH. Once accepted, the inter ns charges $1.50 for the same. The vendors, introducing the Monarch north of Campus Center, sales bottled attend “The Summer Institute.” Valley College students get First-Class Vending Prices company outbid five other companies Café cart, a mobile cart with food soda for $1.89, plus tax, and fountain The instit ute, a f ive-week less Coke for their buck. Can: $1 for a five-year contract, securing the and drinks. While not offering bottled soda, including 24-ounce cups for program, provides them with campus $100 per machine plus 30 $1.75 and 32-ounce cups for $2.25, plus Bottle: $1.50 the resources they will need antwone mercer percent of their profits. tax. The LAVC Bookstore, located Gatorade: $1.50 while they intern at community staff writer Coke had to pay in Campus Center, offers 20-ounce Seven of the nine replacement colleges in the fall semester Water: $1.25 machines were installed Monday with to be able to stay bottles of soda for $1.79, plus tax. Valley College students can two more left to be installed in the to teach with trainings on the The reason for the inconsistent best skills, techniques and expect to pay a quarter more for coming weeks. First-Class Vending’s on campus, but there prices is because the Monarch Café, Cafeteria Prices approaches in the classroom. a bottle of soda after the college’s new dispensers add to the company’s the LAVC Bookstore and the soda weren’t enough sodas Bottle: $1.85 +tax In the summer, the interns meet contract with the Coca-Cola Company seven machines that were already on machines are all contracted out to and figure out where they are expired Sept. 24, prompting the Coke campus. In addition to Coke, Pepsi and being sold. Vitamin Water: $2 different vendors who pay the campus assigned and in what area of machines on campus to be swapped other products are also available. to occupy the spaces. Fountain: $1.75 24 ounce study they will teach, which out Monday for dispensers owned by “I’m going to still buy even “We have to mark it up to make $2.25 32 ounce is usually close to the subject First-Class Vending. though the sodas are $1.50 now,” said a profit,” said Larry Cantrell, food “Coke had to pay to be able to stay for which they received their psychology major Jafet Escobar. “I services director at the Café, adding on campus, but there weren’t enough like the way the new machines have a -Raul Castillo that the typical mark-up is around 45 master’s degree. Cafeteria Cart Va l le y Me d ia A r t s sodas being sold,” said Raul Gonzalez, mixture of cans, snacks and bottles.” Head of Administrative Services percent. Can: 75 cents De pa r t me nt C hai r, Er ic head of administrative services. Following the shake-up, FirstThe campus plans to gradually Bottle: N/A The nine Coke machines offered Swelstad, has been involved Class Vending is now the campus’ install 28 more machines over the with LACCD’s Project MATCH 20-ounce bottles of Coke products sole proprietor, but the Monarch Café soda, the cart sales 12-ounce cans for course of the campus’ construction, Gatorade: N/A for $1.25 while First-Class Vending is taking advantage of the shift in 75 cents. The cafeteria itself, located for two years. which is slated for completion in 2014. Water: 50 cents “It’s a great program,” said Swelstad. “You are really seeing the next generation of professors, and you are able to show them not just the good Valley College’s cafeteria is alerting its fans where the cart is things, but also the challenging now on wheels and keeping located on campus. things of teaching.” Monarch Café cart’s menu ranges Oct. 12: UCLA the campus updated via This year, Swelstad is from 50 cents for bottled water, $1 for social media sites. mentoring Laurel Geare, who candy, soda, chips and fresh fruit to Representative @ 9 am- 3 is helping him with his Cinema $2 for a large Starbucks frappuccino pm at the Career/Transfer Courtney bassler 123 class, Motion Pict ure and Bon Appetite danishes and Center online edtior Production Workshop I. sandwiches for less than $5. “I couldn’t have asked for Due to the cart selling retailed With the price increase in a better mentor to be paired up vending machine products on campus, products, it does not have to post a Oct. 13: LACCD Strategic with,” said Geare. “(Professor the Monarch Café has unveiled the letter grade that follows regulations Planning Event for Swelstad) is not only a seasoned Monarch Café food cart for students set for food trucks and food carts, students @ 2:30 to 4 p.m. professor, but he is a seasoned who want to grab something quick better known as mobile food facilities, professional in Holly wood. according to San Miguel. However, at the Cafeteria between classes. There is so much to learn from The Monarch Café cart makes the Café cart does have to follow Conference Room him. He fosters an environment four stops in the morning and standards set by the Department of p.m. at the Career/ for the students to explore their afternoon during class breaks, Public Health. individual creativity, which is Transfer Center Psychology major Meg Whittner according to Valley College’s food so important in film.” services director Larry Cantrell, and was excited to learn about the cart, Laurel Geare helps Swelstad it is the first food cart to come to especially with its fresh-fruit options. and also teaches her own “It’s a great idea because you Valley’s campus. Wednesday night class while Since its launch last week, the don’t have to walk to the cafeteria,” Swelstad shadows her. Geare food cart has had its ups and downs, said Whittner. “I’d really like to see received her master’s degree at while many students still don’t know juices and granola bars there as well, CSULA in Telecommunications Coverage of the Occupy for a fresh alternative.” about the cart. and Film and has been working To get more feedback from “It’s been a rocky start because L.A. protests. in the TV industry for more students don’t know about (the cart), the students, the cart is handing out than eight years, mainly in but I won’t steal your money from surveys. Students who receive the Reality Television casting. you,” said Adam San Miguel with survey, fill out their opinions and Geare applied for Project the Monarch Café cart, referring to return them back to the cafeteria will MATCH at a community college broken vending machines that can’t be in the running for an iPod. job and is enjoying her time To find out the locations of the These features and more can be give back change. here at Valley. ANTWONE MERCER, CHIEF PHOTOGRAPHER | Valley Star Following the trend of food Monarch Café cart during breaks, visit found in full @ BEEP, BEEP - Anthony Flerian-Dubarr (left) said, “I would definitely buy from the cart before trucks, the Café has been runningé or follow them I spend my money with these vending machines. They are too damn expensive.” specials on Twitter and Facebook, on Twitter at See MATCH, Page 2

First-Class Vending gets the highest bid

Valley is going mobile

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