Symphony of peace

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Pictorial Poetry Coffee Table Book

Symphony of Peace Jyotirmaya Thakur

Pictorial Poetry Coffee Table Book

Symphony of Peace Jyotirmaya Thakur

The Poetry Society of India Gurugram- 122 002 (Haryana)

Book Type : Pictorial Poetry Coffee Table Book Title : Symphony of Peace Author : Jyotirmaya Thakur Copyright © 2018 Jyotirmaya Thakur E-mail : Pictorial Poetry (English) Coffee Table Book (Hard Bound) ISBN: ISBN: 978-93-83888-90-0 Price: ` 750.00 US Dollar: $ 60 Picture Courtesy : K.C. Sethi & ALL RIGHTS RESERVED : No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photo copying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission from the publisher. Except : Pictures & Photographs by Courtesy but with a permission of Mr. K.C. Sethi & Published by:

THE POETRY SOCIETY OF INDIA H-23/16, DLF Phase-I, Gurugram - 122 002 (Haryana), India Phone : 0124-4054392, 098118-42292 Typeset by : Email




Book Available at :, Distributor : SHASHI KANT SHARMA N-91, New Model Town Extension, Hisar - 125001 (Haryana) M : +91-90340-06808

I dedicate this Pictorial Poetry Coffee Table book to my loving parents who taught me the importance of peace in personal life. ...Jyotirmaya Thakur

CONTENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37.


10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 37 38 39 41 42 43 44 45 47 48 49

38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73.


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ENCOMIUM I feel proud to speak on the works of Ms. Jyotirmaya Thakur, a renowned poet, writer and author of high calibre hailing from Ranchi (Bihar). A retired vice-principal of an international school is an awarded poet, writer, editor, teacher, academician, administrator, translator, reviewer, Reiki healer, Spiritual and Social activist, and promoter of literature .She has been a member of jury for English co-curricular activities in schools, colleges and Poetry forums. She has been honorary counselor and coordinator of charity organizations. A published author of four poetry collection and a book on Reiki Healing. Many of her poems have been published and translated in foreign languages in national and international websites and anthologies. A passionate person in love with children, life, nature, peace and all cultures of this beautiful world with a dream of one universe. Married to a corrosion scientist, Dr.C.P. Thakur- former chief editor of ‘Chemical communications’ of Royal Society of Chemistry of Her Queen the Majesty's office in Cambridge, UK. Later founder head of corrosion department in R & D, SAIL, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India .She is blessed with two sons, her elder son Dr. Manoj Thakur is a senior academic faculty in University of Essex in Photonics Department and younger is Saket Thakur, a Senior Vice President in Morgan Stanley, investment bank in Glasgow. On being impressed by our pictorial poetry coffee table book; ‘Lure, Love, Life’, she made up her mind to enjoy the beauty of this novice concept in her works wherein the pictures speak through their poems. Frankly speaking, I voluntarily came forward to help her in drafting the coffee table book, matching her poems with beautiful and self speaking pictures to frame unique coffee table book with pictorial poetry. I wish her great success on her upcoming compilation and hope it will prove to be an enchanting coffee table book. K.C. Sethi Poet, writer, International author, Publisher of pictorial and Historical coffee table books

FOREWORD Jyotirmaya Thakur's Poems on PEACE In the Indian tradition poets are seers, visionaries and prophetic in their expressions. The Veda itself is a poetic expression of highly disciplined and dedicated thinker Rishis who could due to their power of concentration, contemplation and meditation visualize divine messages and expressed all that in a poetic form par excellence. Sri Aurobindo "charged with a mandate from eternity" has visualised that "one man's perfection still can save the world"......" A prayer, a master act, a king idea can change the course of things "........".A lonely thought becomes omnipotent." Jyotirmaya's collection of poems on the topic of "Peace" appears to possess the capacity to save the world from the mindless terror that has gripped it now. In the welfare States of today a majority opinion respects the minority opinion and a change is brought in through ballot. But when fanaticism seizes the mind of the majority then religious frenzy leads to violence & terrorism. The world is paying a painful price today in the the grip of such religious fanaticism right from Bombay to Barcelona to Boston to Bangkok. Against this background Mrs. Jyotirmaya Thakur's minority voice is soothing and well timed in her Anthology of poems on the topic of Peace. If this idea prevails upon a critical mass of rational minds who can "explore possibilities of a noble world of brotherhood" forcefully enough against violence & terrorism, "then the world will witness a harmonious rebirth" as visualized by the poetess. Ashok K. Singh A bilingual writer in local magazine, a review writer, a consultant of private firms and a voracious reader from Patna. Email

PREFACE Jyotirmaya Thakur is a poetess rooted in goodness and integrity.She speaks in clear tones in her poetry, a carefully built structure of woven yarns and ethical parable with a gallery of memorable portraits. Interestingly enough, her poems, soaringly lyrical and morally acute, the perfect confection of fine writing, moving themes and soul-stirring effect give readers the impression that a New Age mystic Guru is born, born to take the world and writing to a new direction.Sometimes, tears may pool in our eyes while reading some of her poems. In her poem, 'A festive wish', she says, 'Be a healer of wounds and pains'. It is heart-rending for the world does require healers in the disastrous times we are living, a world rampant with wars, genocide and natural calamities. According to the poetess, the urgent need for humanity is peace.She beautifully writes in her poem entitled 'Search for peace', Peace is a way of life, Begins at home with lessons of tolerance, After arguments or angry confrontation, No grudge or guilt should persist for long, Hold hands and bond with forgiveness strong.' She also delves deep in man's thinking process and the effect thoughts have in our style of living.In 'What you think, you are', she believes that 'spiritual growth is not automatic, it is a matter of choice how we think.' Most of her poems have food for thought, with varying imagery, an unflinching determination to bring change, she writes with vitality and veracity of the art of poetry.She believes in the power of the pen.May she continue writing with noble ink and make the world a better place to live where all men are brothers. pramila khadun. A writer and poet from Mauritius.

INTRODUCTION Symphony of Peace, a very captivating title for a poetic collection, is in itself evident about the content it contains. Jyotirmaya Thakur, a very professional and polished poet, puts forward the message of peace, harmony, togetherness, connection, acceptance, love and friendship through her poetic creations. Her poetry is rich in imageries and symbolism. Sometimes, she finds peace as a dream only, sometimes, she sees peace in exile, and sometimes, she questions peace. She gives wings to peace, becomes a bird herself to spread the message of peace and wants to sow the seeds of friendship. As a poet of intellect, she appears to have the traits that she portrays in her poem, Time to Rise. “Time to rise as a light bearer, Awaken and arouse as a healer, Lessons of compassion as teacher, Empower empathy as a word weaver�. (JyotirmayaThakur) To me, she is the light bearer, healer, teacher and word weaver. She wants people to adopt peace and leave aggression to make the world a better place to live in. She sheds light on the elevated hatred, hostility and power of word of the poets, the word that can bring back peace from exile. She wants to be a bird with heavy responsibility of helping every aggrieved soul and spreading the message of peace. She encourages people to do kind deeds and show their sympathy towards others to make the world a brighter place. She wishes for equality for all, acceptance of diversity and ending of differences based on superiority and inferiority. She aspires to bring in a change to end any kind of biases or prejudices. Her poems contain thought provoking messages and make people realize the importance of peace, friendship and love. Through her work, she yearns for global peace and emphasizes that through global peace and togetherness, we can solve all big and tragic issues. We, humankind should be one and connected. We should not fight for our differences, but accept them. Through her words, she makes people see the necessity of freedom for all. Through her poems, she connects heaven and earth, universe and the world, nature and humankind, living things and nonliving things. Her poems represent her as a mentor, an advisor encouraging people to adopt the right path and understand that the ill doings of some horrify all the others. You will find the book delightful and inspiring.

Syedah Maryam Iqbal -President of the World Union of Poets for Pakistan,a poet, writer,translator,research analyst and blogger.

AUTHOR'S MESSAGE In the welfare States of today a majority opinion respects the minority opinion and a change is brought in through ballot. But when fanaticism seizes the mind of the majority then religious frenzy leads to violence & terrorism. Earlier all wars were raised to establish peace upon the earth. Today's wars are more for religious fanaticism, economic dominance or political expansionism. Since war starts in the mind first, it has to be first fought on the intellectual level to nip the very idea of war in the bud. What can be better option than to spread the poetic message of peace along with all other political & economic efforts simultaneously. Peace has got to be both interior and exterior in individual and like charity, peace, "Begins at home with lessons of tolerance" and continues as "a way of life" in the world at large. In the journey of my dreams, in "a butterfly's eternal dance" I step on many manifestations of Peace and "foresee a glorious future" and attempt to reach the ancient idea of India, " vasudhaiva kutumbakam" and wish, "sarve bhavantu sukhinah". The conception of one world in harmony and peace is the desperate need of the day, because " This world was not built with random bricks of chance. There is a meaning in each curve and line� A conscious Power has drawn the plan of life. ( Sri Aurobindo's epic Savitri) The publisher and Mr.K C Sethi deserve a special thanks for their contribution towards " A Conscious Power's plan of life. Jyotirmaya Thakur, writer, poet, editor, reviewer, critic, honorary counsellor, coordinator, spiritual and social activist.

PEACE IS A DREAM My pen has a heavenly mind , So are the poets and artists inclined, Rake,snip and prune , Violent, aggressive overgrowth , Nip in the bud , truce , Teach at home and school, To be a peaceful presence, To be men of letters and cool , Develop feelings of love,compassion, Empower empathy and kindness, For world's sustainable progress Instill hope and faith to the lost , Courage to downtrodden,oppressed , Food for starving generous, An end to hatred blind rage , Impoverish the poor on wage, Visualise the world in cosmic bliss, Open all doors for sacred peace, In the ocean of love drown immense tears, Peace lies in eyes without fears, Embrace the common man's dream , Awaken the power of good in streams , Let the light of grace reside , Let opportunity focus on bright side.


Jyotirmaya Thakur

WORLD PEACE People raise a war for peace I say, Bring back all humanity under one roof, Future generation why should they pay? Greed,hatred,intolerance is enough proof. The power lies in hands of the few, Who have gone astray to worship the devil, God's children unite like drops of dew Wash away violent blood and level. The ground for a heroic angelic race, So kindness,compassion empathy dwells, While evil fails at destructive pace, Let the divinity awaken to cast a spell. Once again earth holy spirit beckons, Like phoenix to rise from ashen grave, And save millions of orphans forsaken, From bloodshed of universal hate wave. Or the world will come to annihilation , And then there will be no retribution, Like the mediators of peace be aroused, The distant dream of one world be found. Let six continents be wonders of universe Without any discrimination of diverse, Let bugle of renaissance fraternity resound. Like nature reinvent with universal bond.

Symphony of Peace


PEACE IS IN EXILE Peace is in exile for sometime, Banished and frozen in caves of hatred, Sceptre and crown of love and Compassion, Has tumbled digracefully in dust. Virtuous men feeble and enamoured, Their valour and strength at devil's mercy, Hideous monsters terrify, Proclaim triumph far and wide , While the good bitterly cry. Peace soldiers march everyday, To their graves scattered in wild, Survivors live in fear of death, From bombs or in planes above, Tanks and guns bring havoc, And he'll on land anywhere, Women and children sleep near graves, Or with the dead incognito, Peace ,On peace,heaven is deaf, To pleading wails of innocuous. Men O!men of vision, Where are you leading tomorrow? Patience with held today, Not worthy of any sorrows. The pen of a true poet, Like a lion's roaring dare, From the cave of hatred , Bring peace back to his lair. Let wise providence bring no distress, Let grace prevail and fly the dove, So peace be restored in the universe.


Jyotirmaya Thakur

JUSTICE FOR PEACE Let's commemorate the blessed days, When peace walks bravely in democracy, When corruption is not hot like summer days, When peace will rule in easy stability. Laws not butchered to put on display, Freedom honoured for all everyday, Peaceful hours are buried in sand, Love swallowed by demons grand. Now peace is in court house stand, Morning service to formalise the act, Noble procedure of truth in hand, The highest seat awarded as artifact. In this violent world of terror and fear, Its no mean achievement to rise as Atlas, Slow and steady like turtle wait for years , A cathartic release after war ravages.

Symphony of Peace


QUESTIONING PEACE The sky has questions enormous for earth, As blood splatters on planet in mirth , Red rose symbolic colour of love , But red defamed spoils on pure white dove. Pale corpses drained by draculas everywhere, Ocean maligned by watering graves , Sky at mercy of fighter aeroplanes, Humanity handicapped innocence raves. Death is the game of bloody blue whales , Innocuous adolescence lives at stake , Clouds insanity incantation sounds , Heaven cries in thunder lightening loud. Seas harbour micro and macro alike, Nature nurtures fierce and timid rise , Sky is at home with all colours and size , Why is the earth in turmoil burying the wise.


Jyotirmaya Thakur

PEACE ON EARTH Christmas is a time of venerable peace, You can look at bejeweled stacks of trees, And the world often perceived as intense, When family reunions break messy fence. Snow's candid praise bedeck the gate, Children hang their socks and wait , It is the eve of Christmas never late, Harbinger of change in humanity's fate. The sounds of sweet carols from afar, In azure clear sky a shining star, Bright bulbs and tinsel,cinnamon,cloves, Nuts and raisins as cold pierces gloves. The bells are ringing chimes sublime, Harmony illuminate every soul divine, Festival of charity,celebration combine, Trinity of holy spirit in celestial shine. Cards inscribed in peace,joy and love, Prophesy of baby Jesus in stable grove, Turkey stuffed drips sizzling in stoves, Fruits and desserts lined in shoves. The unbroken songs of peace on earth, Resound clear in loud magnified mirth, Baggage of past guilt,hate are strong , Wrong shall be buried and right be born.

Symphony of Peace


WINGS OF PEACE I am a white dove on a pilgrimage for peace, I carry feathers of hope and serenity in my wings, With my pure intention I wander for a dream, Collecting all tears,fears and terror stricken things. Like a butterfly change colours in eternal dance, Cross all borders for coexistence of this earth, Spread golden love for brotherhood trance. Then the world will witness a harmonious rebirth. The valleys of death and terror I visit, Wipe blood shed with patience and tolerance, With contagious amity and friendship adorn, And sort out contradiction,friction and difference. Hatred,injustice ego-centric ambitions are hassles of progress, Longing for peace unfurls in self realization, A song for tomorrow's peace shall float on the horizon, A gorgeous sight of freedom with passionate cooperation. Devoted winds of change shall blow evil intentions, Blessed will cherish an empowered global future, Seven coloured rainbow will wake up among black thunder, Then planet earth shall redeem heavenly wonder. Like a bird of hope shall visit every broken home, Bring every war orphan under a prosperous dome, Journey of my dreams fly high on wings of peace, Among the ruins of misdeeds a glorious future foresee.


Jyotirmaya Thakur

SEARCH FOR PEACE Peace is a way of life Begins at home with lessons of tolerance, After arguments or angry confrontations, No grudge or guilt should persist for long, Hold hands and bond with forgiveness strong. Peace is not a philosophy for odds, It is for survival of world at large, Not only when terror strikes at one end, Light candles and say prayers is farce, Write a poem or a report and it is done. World is united in music and poetry, Language,religion,colour or creed disappear when we sing, That helps mankind,inspires to look within, Receptive to synergy,searching for harmony, With a little touch of humanity. Float a dream,a vsion of universal art, Since nothing else can cure people of hatred and war, Effusing perspiration to inspire with empathy, Explore possibilities of a noble world of brotherhood, Where people in peace can live together without any wound.

Symphony of Peace


MOMENTS OF MIRTH When man takes birth on earth , His choice unlimited sources of mirth, From dawn of rising golden splendour, To night of sky in silvery wonder. God made this beautiful universe , Mountains high with life diverse, Towering trees touching the sky, Birds in breeze flying high. Valleys intoxicating bliss in blooms, Translucent lakes calmly swoons, Vast meadows refreshing green, Walking towards cliff heavenly scene. Flowers in gardens down to pick, Fragrant air playing magical tricks , Smiling cherubs all glowing pink, Old mellowed people mature winks. Open views of busy retrospection, Mundane activities in glorious transaction, Morning to evening friendly conversation, Life is seizing in moments of endurance. Spreading kindness a deed of joy, Helping the needy a passionate foil, Honestly working for society's call, Strenuous life becomes pleasant toil. Laughter is the healthy fruit of heart, Humour the best panacea of dirth, Life is a beauty for those who choose, True freedom for everyone on loose. 18

Jyotirmaya Thakur

FREE THEM A girl child's clear existence is clouded by perceptions, Simple free spirit is victim of orthodox dogmas, Grows up with self effacing and self sacrifices, No rights reserved,abandoned all for male egos. Child labour rampant in society without repentance, Innocence butchered at the altar of fanatic religions, Human trafficking prosper, poverty in segregation. Old parents dumped in old age homes, Free hunger stricken eating from dustbins, Abusive dowry victims locked in their homes inside, Support justice for rape victims from twisted minds, Free impure touch of ragging and eveteasing outside, Scared girls deformed by acid thrown by boys, Ask your sons when they come home late at night, Much could change if the rules of restraint would be same, Whether a daughter who is wayward or boys mistake. Empower poor farmers from committing suicide, Free third world from oppression, war and bombing squads.

Symphony of Peace


WHAT YOU THINK-YOU ARE The way we think determines the way we feel, The way we feel determines the way we act, God whispers softly to us in pleasure, But he shouts to us in painful facts. Spiritual growth is not automatic, It is a matter of choice how we think, Right attitude is the first step forward, To learn from every situation that stinks. Sad fact is we are unloving instead of loving, We feel defeated,depressed and discouraged, Rather than joy and happy in perceiving, Rather than peace we feel uptight and pressed. Instead of being kind,we are selfish, Instead of being patient,we are frustrated, Instead of being good,we lack confidence Instead of compassion, we are irritated. Being unfaithful ,we neglect our commitment, We respond to others in anger and resentment, Instead of being humble and gentle at start, Lose our self control,watch our life fall apart. A happy person carries a temple around, Music of compassion thoughtful sounds, Cherish difficulties as challenges affront, Love for life defines a soul in search.


Jyotirmaya Thakur

SEEDS OF FRIENDSHIP Let's sow seeds of friendship light, With a friendly smile, cheerful vibes, A friendly word greeting slides, A warm hug with healing lights. If one person spreads smile a day, Leading a blind crossing his way, Holding an elderly on a busy street, Picking up groceries for the weak. If one person picks an abandoned, Gave alms to beggars on roadside, Gave poorly shelter and some food, comfort the needy in rain or sunshine. If friendly smiles could touch many hearts, A penny or two to struggling musical arts, If every person walked the extra mile, And sow seeds of friendship on every path.

Symphony of Peace


A FESTIVE WISH My prayers for festive season delight, May you shine through clouds like sunlight, Like magnet connect all friends and foes, Keep a magical vibe of joys not woes. May the colours of life splash around, Music of love your life surround, Best creation of parents be heard clear and loud, All your ambitions in angelic moods resound. Gratitude to all humbly your path guide, Destination of your dreams glittering wild, Create memories of pearly moments mild, Take everyone dear along by your side. Be a healer of wounds and pains, A rhapsody that clangers not in vain, Stand tall after a fall in the main, Learn in adversity and prosper as a gain. May your life glow with loving existence, Touch every heart with symphonic elegance, Sweet melody from your voice in abundance, Be an icon of beauty and inspiration. Let your presence illuminate every soul, Kick start your life with rock and roll, Be an aristocrat of pleasurable ecstasy, Reverberate as heavenly breeze of divinity.


Jyotirmaya Thakur

PEACE ON HOLD The world nowadays is a stage of hatred,terror and war, Fanatics are hailed as holy martyrs, Rolling innocents like pebbles on the road Shooting warriors of peace on post. The law breakers lead extravagant lives, Donate generously to Satan's of bloodshed Openly support inhuman trends When will these enemies of humanity like aliens migrate? Vandalism is on spree,grabbing precious presence, Shadows are moving as daylight friends, Civilians like bubbles overnight disappear, Drudgery is rampant,honesty at stake. Neighbourhood is harbouring jealously enslaved, Voilence is normal,pacifiers weird. An inferno of death is being transported, Polluted earth,water,air is threatened, The mirage of a better world in desert dry, Tranquility of peace is concealed for awhile. Spiritual messengers are mannequins garbed in fables, Everything seems upside down promoting fallacy. When will universal love illuminate hearts? When the prayer of peace will God perceive?

Symphony of Peace


LET THE PEN SPEAK Let the pen speak for peace, Ultimate goal of the world to see. Beauty is unity in diversity, Variety in nature is pride of creativity. Let the pen speak for love, Everyday is a gift of God, To see divinity in every being, To serve in humanity,our doing. Let the pen speak for truth, Put way of thinking in order, Look at war,terror,trauma as fruits, Of inequality,hunger, and disorder. Let the pen speak for equality, The boundaries,division of race, Of prejudices,apartheid,brutality, End seeds of hatred in fast pace. Let the pen speak for harmony, Progress but with sustainability, Let forests,hills,and lakes survive, The animals of land and sea,birds in sky. Let the pen speak for devotion, Embrace and respect opposition, Let feelings of pain be our true messengers, Turn them into peaceful,joyful,harbingers.


Jyotirmaya Thakur

LOVE-PEACE-BLISS Faith in humanity is only solution, When hatred shall meet annihilation, Divisions of diversity is only illusion, Renew our values of true definition, Celestial bonds of trust in celebration. Let us hope for salvation of grace, Divine being resides in every face, Pristine protector of soil on trace, Sky is the limit of human in race, A region beyond religion we gaze. Let us completely surrender to love, In a world of terror, hatred and bombs, Mind is full of fear in terror of crime, But believe in life, hope and grace, Love can be solution to a world sublime. Let's nurture peace with care, Embrace all religion,creed and race, Forget the differences of diversity, Accept universal connection of entity, Unconditional gift of peaceful harmony. Bliss is a divine blessing of Almighty, It is the joy of souls unity, Exuberance of eternal existence, When world is full of love infinite, Peace will be restored in blissful rhymes.

Symphony of Peace


CHILDREN OF THE EARTH Wandering in the backyard lane, Came across artists of slimy earth, Covering each other splashing mud Surprised masterpieces in dearth. Gray granite structures with twinkling eyes Pushing each other shaking with laughter Flying planes on grounds of all size Laughing loudly eyes filled with water. Outstretched hands nervous endeavor Staring smiles mysteriously gratified On green grass sitting their grimy studio Mischief innovative innocence personified. These symbols of joy need no videos Preserved in series of inward eyes, Best moments lived are never recorded, All elements of earth are unified.


Jyotirmaya Thakur

TIME TO RISE Time to rise as a light bearer, Awaken and arouse as a healer , Lessons of compassion as teacher , Empower empathy as a word weaver. Lend your ears to sounds of equality, Lightly eradicate unseen disparity, Forgive the slights of hurting frailty, Come forward with medical morality. Start sharing precious gifts spiritually, This is the perfect time of validity, Bring comfort and warmth to humanity, Sombre hours of happy society. The world needs greater good , Peace and harmony daily food , Solemn places deserve serenity, Make the world a better fraternity.

Symphony of Peace


UNITY IN DIVERSITY Break down the wall of diversity Unshackle the chains of jealousy. In the name of false progress,stop discrimination. Honour the poets of uniform imagination. Stop the blackmail of ethnic emotions, Corrupting innocent minds with terrorism Salvage the world for future generation. Foundation of equality is only solution. The winds of change are blowing hard Stop the salesman of universal hatred. Throw terrorism out of sight and place, Scatter the seeds of love and grace. Perfect poise of man is noble and upright. All stars and planets revolve for galaxy. Humanity of one eternal spirit is foresight. In all human figures resides one divinity. Humanity is the ultimate religion. Let everyone enjoy unalloyed happiness, On earth every race whatever their origin, Let everyone live in conscious exuberance. Like the blue sky,wide ocean bottomless, Let's break the boundaries for the limtless. Countless stars shine in sky is inspiration, One world,United in harmony our aspiration.


Jyotirmaya Thakur

SPIRITUAL UNITY We are all here for a divine purpose, The spiritual lessons have just begun, The soul has some deeds undone, In previous life we did not learn. The joys and pains are like day and night, For a journey of ordeal on earth, How we deal with virtues and vice, Will score our numbers on the dice. A forlorn, solitary soul departs, It only matters how we lived our part. We all can make our life sublime, The temporary body is just a server, To play the tune on network of time, To live and serve with all our fervour. Strength and courage help to run the race, Charity, faith, and care salvation grace. If we keep our heart pristine, With kindness and forgiveness fine, Sailing to the shore to rise and shine, Heaven on earth will be thine. The unity of universe to perceive, Beauty of earth resonates as we receive, In humanity dwells the mighty infinity, The whole world rejoices in divinity.

Symphony of Peace


A SONG FOR CHANGE I sing For the beauty of this world Without its immigrants Brown or white Without its slaves Yellow or black Of a world free Of dictators and emperors Of kings and queens And other remnants Of present or past. Of deserts in oasis Treeing and fruiting Seeding and sapling Blossoming cactus After the rains. Of earth With no Orientals Or aborigines Or red Indians West or east Best or least North or south Cold and blind I sing a song for A world reshaped.


Jyotirmaya Thakur

LET'S CONNECT Let's sit on the ground surrounded by dust, Remember our humble purpose on earth, Spread like roots giving strong foundation, For tall trees touching sky connection. Let's grow like leaves on pure branches, Spread vibrant curtains of affection, Nourish fruits for diverse fresh chances, Blossoms hanging in fragrant connection. Let's spray like clouds on gray thoughts, Pour down as rain on barren faulty false, Make fertile lands with no social division, Reach out to poor starving existence. Let's believe in silence of solitude, In faith lives flourish in fortitude, Open doors wide to all on lands, Unify together gently hold hands. Let's create a world of one humanity, No race colour or creed disparity, Without fear in faithful fraternity, In peaceful harmony perpetuity.

Symphony of Peace


LIFE OF PEACE I have placed my life in God's hands, And so there's nothing that I possess, Whatever I hold in my hand is sand, I don't make castles for success. I have learned few things along my way, One is to love the perfection of living, The other fleeting nature of the day , A glow that keeps my life uplifting. Far away places come close to me, When I hold some dreams real to me, Though I cannot explore across the sea, I understand why they become a part of me. I am content with galore of what I have Feel gratitude for the abundant hands, Rejoice on the way good memories save, Realize how fortunate I am in my land. Those who love deeply never grow old, Full of life they may die of old age, But die young at heart daring and bold, Savour every creation without any rage. As my sun sets I shall be confident, My soul surrender gracefully in time, As I close my eyes forever sufficient, Melting into horizon miraculous rhyme.


Jyotirmaya Thakur

MY SOUL My soul talks to me every night, The best conversation of enlightened light. It takes account of my whole day deeds My thoughts, my emotions,my words and spiritual needs. It's like a flame in my heart I can't see But when I close my eyes it lits within me It's like a mirror showing my true face And makes me evolve in a kind pace. The voice of sweet soul is profound, A reflection of divine sensation bond, Speaking to the conscientious bound, All the time aware of wise counsel sounds. The purpose of earthly existence is clear, A lesson to learn or deliver for sure, Happiness in abundance to share, Walk in compassion and joyful cheer. The voice of divine guiding me everyday Keeping a track that I remain pristine in every way So when I meet my creator in heaven abode I embrace without guilt my father,the Lord.

Symphony of Peace


CROSS ROADS I have travelled to the crossroads of my life, Four roads lead to different destinations I find First to wealth,second to wisdom , Third to joy and fourth to enlighten mind. The road to material gains is paved with gold, Second is shelved with profound books of old, Third to happiness is filled with thrills , Fourth is unexplored needs strength and skills. The road of gold inviting immense luxuries, Path of wisdom glitter in accolades and fame, Road of pleasure tempting adventures, Path of purpose demand selfless mind frame. I chose the path to enlighten my soul, Of my birth of purpose on this earth, I had waited so long to awaken in true essence, To make a difference in life for what I am worth.


Jyotirmaya Thakur

LOVE AND LAUGHTER Love life and it loves you back, Laughter is the best medicine Tickles all gray matters to the sack. Loyal love the best prescription. Love enhances better understanding Mothers love unending blessing Even if times are painfully changing Father unconditionally wraps our suffering. Nature nurtures universal love Falls in love with stubborn hearts Peace takes flight on white doves, Forgive all slights for love is an art. Frighten the odds with laughter aloud, Be grateful for every presence in life Friends, siblings, strangers smile Ride on the chariot of charity in strife. Health is at mercy of funny diversions Love is an antidote to many frustrations Bad days vanish with comedians insight Funny bone is the secret of a long fruitful life.

Symphony of Peace



Jyotirmaya Thakur

LIFE IS AN AWFUL ORDEAL Life is an ordeal for mortals on earth, We are sum of experiences we encounter everyday, Every decision we make is of significant worth, Tiniest choice we make reverberates our way.

Every dark night stars shine so bright, Tearful prayer is a language God understands, At every sunrise I smile I have a life, My purpose unfulfilled in disappointments.

Day to day struggles and travails, Lead us down different roads or trails, When we encounter a challenge we have to sail, We should never give up even if we fail.

No matter how dusty the day gets, I may fall short but future is not set, Night is cold and lonely I feel, As long there is life there will be strife.

Life is an adventure of unprecedented test, To wait and wail is just time waste, Like a warrior we have to fight, To defeat our problems with insight.

I know triumph is waiting to be found somewhere, I hope things will soon get better, God never gives us more than we can bear, I know years of victory will be sweeter.

Until we walk the road and trod, The distressing events that surround, The distance has to be travelled at all odds, But back home you will reach all worn out.

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EARTH IN MIRTH Spring time when earth is in celebration, Nature rejuvenates in divine intervention. Days become longer, nights shorter, Earth in marvellous mirth jubilation. Migratory birds come home to mate Hibernating lives come out to play, Fields are seeded for bounty harvest, Garden blossoms attract lovers display. Time to revive simple trust old, Stardust love unfolds silver gold, Spotless clouds in nomadic motion, Galaxies meet on waves of ocean. Sea is calm beckoning life and moon, Breathing fresh air on blushing dunes, Peaceful waves bonding in tunes, The earth is a heavenly sight soon.


Jyotirmaya Thakur

SUNSET PROMISE The golden ball of fire stretched wide its wings, To take a plunge again peacefully in the sea, Bidding farewell with a kiss on sky's open lips , The sky blushed pink on the horizon you see. The sun rays dance on tides rising beauty, As angelic clouds rejoice in lovers intimacy, Wandering solemnly in hurry for harmony, Rushing breeze comfort harsh winds to serenity Sun's soulful journey ends with a divine visage, Fading soft smile of a beguiling mystic zillion age, Leading the world to their night of dreamlands, While bestowing wisdom on the adventurous sands. The musical symphony of pulsating palettes enforced, The brilliant sounds of heartbeat phenomenal enfold. Touching the milestone of life-force daily Setting a grand gesture of letting go in love heavenly. A promise of cheer and happiness while dispersing, Leaving humanity to contemplate in restful peace, A prayer of forgiveness for a graceful humility, The sage of revelation will glow on tomorrow's purity. When the golden orb goes down it stops to mourn, Today's suffering, slights, wrongs in garbage gone, Despair asleeps to rise with hope in the morn, Every sunset brings the hope of a new dawn.

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Jyotirmaya Thakur

WORLD IS A MIRROR One of the profound truth is our universe, World is a mirror of our core energy , Reflection of inner being essence, Our present manifested moment synergy. Moment to moment we move within, An energy 'bandwidth 'of our own, This core energy attracts what seem, Circumstances and people woven. Loving people attract loving beings, Universe responds sending similar kind, Thoughts are energy, thoughts are things, Begin the day with good thoughts in mind.

This deeper awakening brings serenity, The truth takes us closer to divine self, Universe responds without judgement any, Universal law same everywhere dwells. When we move to solitude of silence, Meditation of moment creates reality, We allow universal energy flood positivity, Blissful motivation makes life easy. World is the mirror of our creative endeavor, Golden millennium of genius labour , Universe is nothing but the perceiver, Wonder of the world depends on the receiver.

We live in a vibrational world, And we are vibrational beings, With consciousness and wisdom, Whole universe is conscious seeing. Changes in understanding acceptance , Spiritual energy increase without resistance, We expand to see immutable presence, Of universal law of bond in worldly essence.

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ACCESS SUCCESS WITHOUT STRESS Success is a sojourn of great perseverance, Hard work and persistence is in severance , Inspiration is inbuilt with multitude patience, Endeavor with a stubborn determination. A long dark tunnel with light at the end, The goal has to be reached however far, Whatever it takes to bend or amend , Nothing on the way should stop or mar. Attitude is the milestone for any access, To fight without frustration of distress, Only steps of efforts can reach the top , No need to stress in delay of success. Everyone has virtues of immense strength, Weigh your weakness but not be demotivated No one is perfect in long life length, Dream the fruits of success to be elevated. Let hope and faith be in tremendous store, Never let desperation or stress by your side, Haste and anger will step aside, Tenacity of purpose will be your true guide. Flow with the rhythm of your best pace, Keep your tempo high in divine grace, Slowly but steadily keep running your race Pragmatism wisdom resource of smiling face.


Jyotirmaya Thakur

ECSTASY OF EXISTENCE Ecstasy is elixir of existence in harmony , Earth, sky, water, air and fire in proximity, Glories of universe reveals ecstatic dignity, Nature presides over all creatures destiny. Hold your head high to touch the sky, Listen to the music of birds that fly, Grace in wind whistling sublime vibrations, Breathe deeply and rejoice sensual sensations. Sights of vibrant flowers in fragrance, Daylight changing colours in perfection, Walk on woodland wet grass bursting, Flora and fauna constantly blushing. Brooks, streams flexible flowing and yielding, Oasis in a desert an ecstasy of magical weaving. New joy of creating new leaves from boughs Seeds we sow so saplings, blossoms can grow. Life is a gorgeous journey in bouquet of thoughts, Passion of wilderness within soul to be sought, Be alive in dreams of palatial conceptions, Shine brightly to live in lighted consciousness. Feel the unity in diversity everywhere, Embrace people who lift you like a prayer. No dread of cold winter or feeling at loss, Roots are deep in grounds of green moss.

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EARTH PRAYS Our beautiful earth prays everyday, Global warming increase temperature of earth, Sea level rise as glaciers melt away, Scanty rainfalls and floods result food dirth. Normal living conditions get disturbed Drinking water crisis, in short supply, Death and famine go hand in hand, Natural calamities have taken toll on life. Depleting forests, toxic wastes, industrial pollution, Vehicular pollution, air pollution, environmental pollution, All factors lead to a culminating effect, Lack of green colour,altering ecosystem. Drought affects crop production Adverse effects on farmers agriculture, Crunch of harvest panic majority population, Entire depletion created by greedy vultures. Urgent need of hour is to preserve, Our forests and provide green cover to cities, Control use of toxic pollutants,a vicious cycle, Conserve water and change attitude and lifestyle. Campaign against polythene bags,recycle waste, Relate closely to nature,restoring balance, Each of us has to contribute in a small way, To leave the world a better place.


Jyotirmaya Thakur

WE ARE ONE Talking about the oneness of all, Hurting others is hurting yourself, Being revengeful is immoral fall, In reality else's soul is same in self. One who digs a pit to trap someone else, Will one day fall in it himself, The soul in its wisdom knows this well, It will make sure that the pain is felt. Imagine the situation before leaving the source, Where all were one and became many souls , Why individualised existence is stuck in a hole? For to become one again is the ultimate goal. It is better to consider that you are already one, The quicker you realise the truth you've won, There is nothing waiting in you to be done, The spiritual giants are the rising sun. For an ordinary person it's a hard fact, Related existence is a bond intact, The universe moves in right direction, We are one then makes a lot of sense.

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Jyotirmaya Thakur

CONCEPT OF LIFE The concept and meaning of life is the most debated question, All great men differ from common only in one conception. They have the courage to dream and turn it to reality , To give life a purpose and dedicate to humanity. This life is one stage in the path to perfection, The world is under a moral government. Ends and means are bound together, A sublime reality of concord and decent weather. Life becomes livable only through valid ties, The truth will triumph ultimately over lies. World is a living universe not a multiverse, Throb of life is found everywhere you search. Whatever moves in the world is steeped in divinity, Nature is not a dead expanse anywhere in serenity. There is a continuity between the inorganic and organic , Between living ,nonliving consciousness. The transition from matters to life,from life to mind, Is like a slope rather than a staircase in kind. The cosmos has a continuity which bonds to unite in diversity This unitary whole manifests for progress, The past cannot be revived but can help Build better foundation for future through endeavor, The present shall grow into a noble tomorrow. Man is made in the image of God So has to participate in creation of universe. We define life's meaning but what we most remember : The experiences that touched us somewhere deep inside us, Leaving a feeling that lingers long after the event is over, The memorable moments impact us with vibrancy of growth. The times in life are best filled with love , Meaning of enduring brotherhood fostered, Perpetual renewal and rededication to self development essence , Life is meant to enrich the world by our presence , For betterment of mankind and glory of God. Symphony of Peace


INFINITE INK I bow down to the great masters of ink, Chaucer, Shakespeare, Milton and Keats, Religion of poetry indebted to their pen, Magical melody spill from their dens. Human mind, heart, soul combined, Every human emotions empathised, Loneliness on earth cannot survive, If we spend time with luminaries of heights. To pen down the universal drama of life, Imagination of poets and writers take flights, There is endless room for artists of all kind, There is no competition or pressure you find. A faithful platform for creators to be primed, Unmindful of others each talent blossoms, Transforms into goodness or tarnished darkness, Glorious remembrance or creeping gloom. Ink pens the dreams of kindred souls, Silence of the misty shadows of night, Art hugs lovers in infinity of opposite shores, Whether classics of old or future unfold.


Jyotirmaya Thakur

ODE TO FREEDOM Oh, freedom, Oh freedom!! We are a flock of sheep abandoned, Orphans of war or righteous forsaken, Children who labour just for survival, Education is the only key to our freedom. Oh, freedom, oh freedom! We are girls of poverty and destitute, Stolen in childhood, nipped in the bud, Sold to courtesans in flesh trade institute, Rescue us from this dirt to life of dignity. Oh, freedom, Oh freedom! We are the refugees of nowhere, Lost our home- country, sense of belonging, Devastated, desolate fugitives to settle anywhere, Give us shelter, food, security for healing. Oh, freedom, Oh freedom!! We are immigrants in countries unknown, We are beggars in streets far from home, We are bonded labourers working as slaves, Give us the dignity to live in freedom like brave.

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NIGHT OF INSIGHT Ancient wise ink in darkness restless, Divine moon crawls trapped in mirrors, Modern caverns lit fluorescent windows, Pall of gloom on slumbering treasures. Quintessential beams of sheer magic, Illuminate catacombs of mighty great, Welcome earnest prophesy of logic, Beseeching usher affinity of late. Glorious emergence of stars posthaste, Console the white pepper strands of hair,. Woven in enchanted embrace of guests, Breathing perfumes warmly shared. Sweet nights in wondrous reverie spent, Canvas painted on winged chariots sent, Hushed silence wander in life vagrant, Beguiled twilight melt answers fragrant. Loneliness bleak in contrast surrounds, Curtains fall on opposition sounds, Losing a battle or victory delights , Nocturnal shades of internal insight.


Jyotirmaya Thakur

LET THERE BE PEACE Let there be peace in your heart for a while, Let the whole universe in yourself reside, Chaos and confusion shall soon subside, Open the windows of your soul inside. Fear of future that haunts you everyday, The sad experiences of life yesterday, Mutilated dead bodies lying on the way, I condemn such acts of beasts today. When you see man killed for no reason, Ghastly mass murders in name of religion, Widows crying on bodies dead before season Innocents butchered by veterans in treason. Whole world conspires to make you insane, Love and compassion do not hold in vain, Gather your strength and courage main, Give succour and comfort the victims in lane. Let no conflict bring revenge in your mind, Let not hatred replace your heart kind, Ignore superficial differences you find, Let the history of harmony rewind.

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POEM FOR PEACE P is people for peace E is energy for peace A is affinity for peace C is compassion for peace E is for equality for peace. Peace is our birthright,peace is our true might, Peace is our first choice,peace is our voice, Peace is one entity,peace is true sanity, Peace is in synergy,peace is in integrity, Peace is in action,peace is in reaction, Peace is embracing,peace is accepting, Peace is connection,peace is cooperation, Peace is not in disparity,peace is not in slavery, Peace is not judging,peace is not assuming, Peace is not berating,peace is not defaming, Peace is not subjugation,peace is not inflammation, Peace is not discrimination,peace is not disintegration, Peace is freedom of speech,peace is within reach.


Jyotirmaya Thakur

COSMIC MUSIC Cosmic music in all seasons charm, Songs of silence in timbers of vale calm, In every curve and crease beauty lies dorm, A world entwined in harmonic light warm, Troubled minds find solace in herbal balm. There is death whenever terror strikes, Lands smothered in human folly live in fright, Masses shrouded by death cry at sight, In a breath of friendship hold hand in hand, A respite in poetic melody of waves on sand. The whistling rivers stirred by progress calling, Man made streams of chemical poisoning, Like plagues contagious illness to sea trawling, Numbing chill threaten land mortality rising, Normalcy restored in time by souls surviving. The crowds to the pier of migration depart, Across endless promise of timeless depart, The day is warm and winds subside to mild, The shores adores the lavish smiles of child, Spell of promised land is on everybody's mind. Romance of quiescent mountains and hills, Imprints of each attack on shores refills, Water of hope and salty air of faith spills, Dreams linger to places lovers hold in esteem, A world of goodwill, grace and gratitude exists.

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REBIRTH OF PEACE On a cold and winter windy day, When old lamps light flames sway, Crimson sun suddenly fades away, Birds call their mates in dusky rays, Smoke juggles in chimes on the way. Portrait of lovers on the walls smiling, Sober strangers in the alleys whining, Moments of eternity intensely illuminating, Stars of leaves on dry trees shining, Children and flowers peacefully drowsing. Radical change whisper failing foundations, Restless courtyards of fanatic resolutions, Cracked walls of monumental construction, Endless roars of immigrant population, Winged time chase on planes of corruption. Light of life flashing in discrimination, Green meadows red in poppies passion , Unsung songs of peace in hibernation, Rebirth of destiny in eager anticipation, Prayers for grace new years resolution. Jyotirmaya Thakur copyright 2018.


Jyotirmaya Thakur

STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN Every time someone close to me dies, I think I get a peek in heaven inside, Some of heaven's fresh air escapes, Then it wants me want to be there, But trapped in my body I can't dare. I see them taken up in a cloud, Watch him till I hear the door close in thunder loud, Earth's sorrow overwhelms me in their absence, As I can no longer feel the bodily presence, But someday will return in mystic essence. I candidly confess I am afraid to die, And afraid of my family and friends die, I don't understand life's intricacies, Greater is my lack of understanding deaths mysteries , Everything I know of death is in multicoloured fantasies. The nights when heavens cried with me, All my love and longing it could see, The comfort that one will return from heaven, In the same way as green grass grows in rain, When we kneel down and pray to visit again. My hope in death is that God will lead, Transform and bless life in pure realms, In the recesses of my mind is a life with means, I imagine a world without temptation and greed, That a heaven is better than earth truly exists. Jyotirmaya Thakur copyright 2018.

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POWER OF PEACE The power of peace in Nature can be seen, All seasons await for renaissance of Spring, White blanket of winter uplifts it covering, Spirit restored body presence rejuvenating, Peace is a noble venture in spree reinventing. Peace is not a myth but a living legend, All shadows of past grievance is buried, Cold winds change in warm sunny region, Earth is a paradise with liberty in liaison, Reincarnation of Eden rises without friction. Every break of dawn echoes dreams fulfilled, Memories of humanity in harmony revived, Grandeur of divinity with creativity instilled, Charity of compassion for mercy plead, Patience and tolerance hand in hand lead. The vortices of energy bring back God's grace, Wisdom and respect remove disparity of race, Serenity of Virtues honourable vestige embrace, Beauty of Globe explodes in thousand rays, Liberty for all as justice is restored in high place.


Jyotirmaya Thakur

LET PEACE BEGIN Let's become one prayer for peace to begin, There is no war in which anyone side wins, Annihilation or killing for peace is absolute sin, Just dip in ocean of love clean and rinse, Like innocent flying fish rise in sanity of fins. The terror strikes in revenge to inspire, Huddle all children in the cold around fire, Revive compassion of centuries of gentle pyre, Stop fear that swiftly turns to hatred ire, Power of wisdom should tolerance admire. Let's paint the Earth with rainbow not black, Bombs that explode from above kill in stacks, Innocent victims need protection without slack, Thunders of fires burn homes without tracks, Orphans screaming rootless, identity lack. Numerous crimes done in broad daylight, People with insane scars doesn't feel right, Everywhere echoes terrified sounds of fright, Haunted lives cursing and swearing at night, Let peace prevail with nonviolent might. The shadows lurking around spell doom, Vicious cycle of violence should end soon, Pillars of domes should not become tombs, Future is engulfed and humanity in wounds, Let peace ascend on horizon like calm Moon.

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EXISTENCE OF JUSTICE I am a misfit in this world of conflicts, A voice nonstop against all injustice, Game of elite from hundred years past, Wicked traps of discrimination so vast, The modern generation of great minds,. Thinking about small things to care is crime, For poor and oppressed don't have time. Climbing in the ladder of success is fine. World is progressing in scientific revolution, Smart cities reaching sky in transformation, Tree cut off for housing increasing population, Concrete castles in inequality progression. Without any identity hungry humanity, War children witness violence in slavery, Refugees prowling borders in drudgery, Homeless abound the planet in poverty. Human rights on shelves of adversity, Arms deal fashion brand of prosperity, Powerful blind leaders gigantic jealousy, Globe is breeding a terrorist dynasty, Let me dream of a golden common land, Humanity under wide canopy of one band, May all know true freedom fearlessness, A vivid version of pragmatic gentleness. A land without orphans, beggars on streets, Where old or crippled find respectful seats, Where guided missiles ,nuclear arms aborted, Existence of justice for all people celebrated. 58

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MIGRANT TERRITORY Refugee are aliens mutilated in sanity, Roaming as nomads without a destiny, Raped bodies clinging to unclean identity, Raging regions explore migrant territory. Destination lost in transition of seasons, Dodged by Spring onset in translations, Dreary Summer burns in hot traditions, Drizzling rains create severe conditions. Tough terrains travelled barefoot, Temples of sanctity broken up shoot, Touched by trials,brutal beaten loots, Tribulations added by insulted boots. Whole Universe seems totally ignorant, World at large thinks them vagrant, Worst thing is treated as conviction, Without any charge criminal existence. Lethal wars in all serene valleys, Scarcity of food in hungry alleys, Dust dunes appear in death trolleys, Ocean is drunk on drowned bodies. Beauty of landscapes covered in blood, Cities swept by hurricanes of flood, Man is living half buried in foreign mud, Innocence of children nipped in the bud.

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INFINITE Infinite beauty of nature in magnificent harmony, Beckons everyone to enchanted displays, A wake up call that time is fleeting, Every magical moment counts for infinity to stay. Infinite dreams of wealth and fame, Destroy our life time and energy drain, Let life not be washed in ephemeral glory of stature, Let happiness, love of tranquillity be main. Infinite wisdom abundantly in existence, Burning desire for learning in persistence, A lifetime not enough for knowledge acquisition, Fountain head of youth is spent yearning accumulation. Infinite hope is the core of human endeavor, Each dawn blesses life with warmth of grace, A gift of opportunities with countless triumphs, Twilight for reflection, renewal of resplendent days. The night in candid darkness comforts weary hearts, The mystic wanderer ultimately covered in shrouds, Turbulent winds of fields buried in oceans loud, Symphony of infinite stars in rhapsody resounds. We are all travellers on a cosmic journey , Life is an eternal connection of moments of infinity, To be conscious in the unconscious prayer of our breath, To enter precious temple of sharing eternity.


Jyotirmaya Thakur

NEVER GIVE UP Life is meant to enrich our soul, Whatever happens is to build and mold , From earth we rise in shapes of gold , The more we burn in furnace old. Never give up on dreams you hold , Keep your eyes on destination focused, Your heart sublime shall never be sold , To petty distinction or fake status unfold. Everyone is born with immense courage, Innate strength is the best forage , Problems stepping stones ascendance, Obstacles challenge independence. Fortitude is a virtue to keep by your side, Perseverance as company a great ride, Mighty doors open at passionate stride , Possibilities multiple choices are wide. When a window shuts, opens new doors, Past failures are but pillars for more, Rome was not built in a day or two, An empire awaits for entrepreneurs true. Life is full of potholes ,ups and downs, Unexpected turns and twists frowns , Ride is bumpy or untoward slides, Discover ,explore universe guides. Never give up however tough the terrain , Time and tide takes a toll on every trail, However rough ride don't look back betrayed, Triumph waits for the one who till end sustains. Symphony of Peace



Jyotirmaya Thakur

GENUINE GRATITUDE Grow flowers of gratitude in the soil of prayers, Deepest level of worship is praising God, In Spite of painful tribulations and trials , Trusting HIM and not losing hope in almighty Lord.

Gratitude like faith is a genuine muscle , The more you use it stronger it grows, More power you have to use on your behalf, Increase your gift of benediction as benefaction flows.

A grateful heart is open to receiving, Acknowledgement reinforces cycle of invitation, Simple act of being thankful and appreciation, Confirms and perpetuates sublime veneration.

Thanksgiving is the language of heaven, Grateful for even dispensation that appears dark and frowning, To feel relieved and comfort in successful performance, Live a life without fear in divine rejoicing.

Life may not be perfect but it is blessed, For those who choose to love in midst of hatred and fear, Genuine people who in faith offer true hope to world, Loving HIM in darkness feel his light near.

God is the strength when weakest, The comforter at every side when saddest, Loving HIM when He seems so distant faraway Gratitude is happiness double wonder to stay.

Gratitude to God is like wind in man's sails, It inspires him to combine with his efforts, Give thanks for abundance that exists, It is a miracle spiritual law increase rapport. Let's start the day with an attitude of gratitude, When God sees doing your part he will generously give, HE will open doors that no man can shut, In everything give thanks for glorious life you live. Gratitude transforms common days,routine jobs to joy, Thanksgiving changes ordinary opportunities to blessings, The storms,thorns pricking is truly humbling, Through all sadness HE makes you see new dawn rising.

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SOULFUL SURVIVAL Let not appearance of fine apparels outside, Take away hidden soulful existence inside, The incorruptible ornament of gentle and quiet, The kind nature inherent is a very precious sight. Heart is the epicentre of whole physical energy, To escape from the flesh gives spiritual freedom, As engine is the fundamental source of any machine, The soul is the well of manifested wisdom. What the mouth speaks out is directly preceded, From the mind both purity and impurities abounds, A controlled man delves in virtuous adorns, Entwined with spiritual grace charitable sounds. Virtually every time in a right frame of mind, An alive conscience is aware and awaken, What he is supposed to do and in which kind, What will be the outcome of his deeds expanded. The ability to abide by holy spirit intact, A discipline to be maintained guided by insight, Never to be outclassed natural beauty by fake, Like pillars sculptured in palatial style. Always behave guided by positivity, Walking the path in rightful activity, The qualities of primal beautiful existence, Like a tree of shade in pristine existence. A clear definition of soulful survival, Is the righteous stand taken in stormy turbulence , Not commit wrong however critical situation, A good person will abide his pure heart in education. 64

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GROW COMPASSION Compassion is a divine connectivity, Harbingers define beautiful synchronicity. We are here on earth to honour each other, The bonding thread of a garland forever. It's the strength of a silent healer, The empathy of hidden pain releaser. The unspoken tragedy of others explored, Compassion is the panacea of multifold. Humanity is at its best when caring unfolds, The miracle that dwells in hearts of gold. Happiness spreads to specially lift, For suffering downtrodden most precious gift. Faith in mankind is infinitely restored, When selfless service is kindly bestowed. Messengers of nature are blessed in abundance The world is at peace by presence of Samaritans. In warmth of the sun, calm light of moon, In sacred breath of home united rooms. In shade of a tree, embrace of cool breeze, In ancient wisdom of universal wheels. Disparity is embraced in total equality, Diversity merges in exuberance of unity, The wholesome spirit of sagacity serene, Compassion is the crown of a character supreme.

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WHO CARES ? Who cares is the catch word today! Bombs are dropped,Innocence crushed, Brides are burnt,house of God's demolished, Corruption, pollution, childlabour is rampant, People are shot or stabbed in daylight, Insane hoodlums just parade their might. Senior citizens disowned, disrespected and looted, Women of all ages as witches hunted and Disrobed. Boys get best education,girls nipped in the bud, Poor colonies demolished without any cause, People shedding blood in high pitched rouse. War orphans homeless,Wandering like clouds, Dropping on continents like raining cats and dogs, World is now an open grave,mass disappear without trace, Days seem like nights,empty stomachs howl as waves. All dreams seem fake,eyes pour full of tears, No food,no water,every heart full of fears. Hate is ruling passion,love is standing last, Has humanity forgotten it's glorious past? My soul weeps aloud,is there no one in the crowd? No helping hand,noone who can dare? Is there anyone who really cares? ??


Jyotirmaya Thakur

HEAVEN ON EARTH Heaven on earth is where my heart finds solace, As a child in my father's lap and mother's embrace, In my enchanted idyll home with nature supreme, Tall trees, birds chirping, garden green lawn with flowers in a dream. The family temple sacred prayers with fragrant incense and chiming bells, Chanting scriptures, spiritual thoughts divine tales tells, My grandmother's gourmet delicacies aroma appetize fill, Getting together in twilight hours firm foundations build. On high Himalayas or alps, sunrise or sunset tranquil hours, In backwaters of Kerala or Venice gondola retreats, Camel rides in deserts or pony rides on beach shores, Walking in woods or lying in meadows floral fields. When you forgive someone or when you are generous, When you withhold judgement and stand for injustice, Build eternity in our voyage with sacrifice and respect, The earth is crammed with heaven, love creates undiminished bliss. Heaven on earth is a choice you must make not a place to go, All beauty of unsurpassed joy and unlimited delights are inside, Be at peace with your soul, grace and gratitude go together, The realm of harmony of unending pleasures is within not outside. Heaven on earth is in this moment of the day, The staircase to heaven is through earth's loveliness in eternity, The heart of human being is not different from the soul of heaven, Each moment filled with love and Compassion is heavenly opportunity.

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A PEACEFUL MIND The memories of man in his old age of perfection Is not the passing years but of his grateful deeds, Happiness can be found even in darkest of times, If one dwells in his ability of calm mind not greeds. Act like today is already an awesome day to shine, Gratitude and faith in grace and do not whine, Take a small dream and make it a reality, Don't search for perfect moments,start with alacrity. Grudges are a perfect waste of happiness, Forgive someone or apologize,start reconnecting, Give another chance in life if they are deserving, Give your story together a happy ending. Spend time with children who live by their instincts, Enthusiastic about life,watch how they play, Eager to learn and curiosity to create, Openly without hesitation lose yourself in a calm way. Think happy thoughts,laugh away sordid past, Everyday is a second chance to move ahead in confidence, Open new vistas of fascinating ideas with new perspectives, Engage in passionate ventures of meaningful existence. Always be positive,authentic, true to yourself, Appreciate the pleasant outcomes and learn from the rest See the glass half full grateful and fill it in your way, Life is short,so concentrate on what really matters in happy peaceful way.


Jyotirmaya Thakur

KINDNESS IS FRAGRANCE OF SPIRITUALITY What the world needs now is fragrance of spirituality, Sunshine of a kind smile even to strangers daily, Its nice to be important but more so to be nice, Be polite to everyone for rudeness is a terrible vice. Kind deeds often are repayed in fairer shapes, Let charity dwell in your heart, start at home, Kindness is always possible with a lovely face, Carve your name in hearts to build a precious dome. A good character is the best epitaph on tombstones, Being kind to people increase your friendship circle, Say no to bad manners,don't be a pain for others, Spare a thought for others to form a gracious miracle. Give a beautiful flower, eat lunch with someone new, Listen to a troubled heart,visit sick friends few, Give an unexpected gift or read to a child, Give a complement to crestfallen,cheer up a sad mind. Walk with old and lonely, carry heavy loads for weak, Celebrate random acts of kindness to anyone who seek. Before you know what kindness is you must loose something's, See a funeral or a dead lying on the street. Tender gravity of kindness is the deepest core inside, Suffering ennobles man to feel sorrow for others outside. Only kindness makes sense and raises voices in the head, In the crowd with empathy leads as a shadow or friend. The angel of mercy gives a special meaning to your life, Spiritual fragrance spreads from your being solves many in strife, Selfless service renders a purpose ful existence, Kindness awakens a rainbow in hopeful presence. Symphony of Peace


REGIONS BEYOND RELIGION Embrace who you are and love like a fool, Universal law of humanity is above all religious tool, When you enter a garden all flowers belong to a region, Diversity of plants, trees,shrubs,grass unite without religion. Music is a beautiful thing like a time machine, A song,its lyrics,melody, mood can take you back in time, It is like a family bonding of past, present and future, Some high notes,some low notes but united together. Poetry sparks and enflames one flame on Earth, Binds whole world with magical rhymes of words, All colour,creed, race united seeking one path , Riding radiantly in every age pierces hearts. In tough war zones of turbulent borders, When foreign strangers lead you to light, When help comes from unexpected corners, No religion interferes in realm of dark nights. Art crosses all boundaries and borders of region, Timeless and precious from beginning to end, Line,shape,colours swing in melody beyond season, The masterpiece unique is a wonder across any management. Science and technology discover new breakthrough, Make bridges across the globe to trace new avenues, Humanity benefits in all glory and universal space, Everyone has access and utilise with equal grace. New savy world has united to communicate, Great millennium minds dream can come true, A place beyond religion of human division, The sublime region of divine intervention. 70

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SPARK OF HOPE IGNITES GROWTH Hope knows no fear so dares where road is not clear, Hope sparks to blossom even inside abysmal abyss, Hope is a small voice whispering, 'maybe' which is weird, Even when the whole world is shouting not to be sure. In life people come and go, never lose hope, Hope ignites growth with no dead end, Like waves on shore, life is full of new scope There are ups and downs and even sharp bends. There will be various opportunities to choose, We have to take a chance, nothing to loose, We have to write our own story, Fill all blanks to rise with glory. Let our dreams take wings without any doubt, Recapture and recover in every failure of past, Fretting or regretting of a bygone will never count, If we seize present moments to grab obtainable vast. Hope is being in middle of terrible crisis still pushing, Being at start of bad flare and still smiling Wearing hope like a cloak display courage and dignity, Knowing that illness is chronic yet looking forward loving. Life journey shall take us far and wide, Like migratory birds fly on uncharted paths blind, When reality begins make believe dies but hope survives, Real zeal is ignited to restore and revive. Life is wonderful,find a way with your will, Live in faith and excel with your skill, Just hold on to your goals steadfast, Spark of hope ignited will lead till the last. Symphony of Peace


TREMENDOUS TOGETHERNESS-A TRIUMPH Togetherness brings triumphs for mighty strengths,, Tremendous energy of unity of courageous length, To build a nation or to achieve great heights, A powerful bond in diversity is needed for such fate. Walking alone loads becomes heavy roads become dreary, Life journey is weary without family is scary, Without friendly support life is joyless, Like garden without flowers graceless. Togetherness is the harmony of music in symphony, In brotherhood we find solutions to hateful enmity, With mutual respect we achieve neighbourhood amity, Discrimination and disparity vanish in simple humility. Acceptance of all culture,language, race and creed, Will bring progress and prosperity in leap and bounds, No leaders can produce anything alone, Unless everyone in a group perform their best all around. There will be no war with tolerance and reconciliation, No game can be won without players cooperation, No technology can be launched without diverse academics endeavor, Humanity will be at peace with united transformation.


Jyotirmaya Thakur

A SMILE CAN SUBDUE LIFE'S STORM A beautiful smile, free of guile goes a long way, Like a sweet song sings along with strangers everyday, No doubt the warm gesture greets all with a flutter, It does more for anyone than ornate words can say. Smiling is infectious begins an epidemic contagious, It's wise to say one smile on its way is naturally sagacious, A single smile of love can travel around the earth, On life's ups and downs fills the journey with mirth. A smile is the sunshine for someone sad priceless, It enriches those who receive while givers foster goodwill, The best antidote for trouble, respite to weary travellers, Smile a cheer to those discouraged, lack this cherished skill. Release a smile to feel good, endorphins drown gloom, One smile can lit a spirit like a new bulb in a dark room, Smiling eyes has a language of intimate interaction, Smiling heart sends an instant message of kind communication. When you smile all anxiety and stress seem far away, A smile survives distress with joy only a stone's throw away, A smile empowers to overcome all hurdles, Whole world belongs to those who smile in despair and troubles. A smile reflects hope of a spectrum of exquisite wishes, Revels in sparkling confidence to subdue life's storms, It's the caring that you feel when you see a sad face, And all because of a smile, world is a better place.

Symphony of Peace


GLOW WITH GRANDEUR IN LIFE Face the sun and glow with the rise, Grow old with grace a privilege denied to many, When dawn settles, stand taller and sweeter, Wear blossom smiles, not prickly thorns any. On nature's theatre wear costumes of gold, In pure grandeur new forget shadows of old, Be content,relaxed,austere as fresh air around, With magical lines let the mind abound. In sunkissed warm of lazy summer days, When shadows grow on solitary ways, Enchant the scene like crinkly leaves, Against rough bark of tree fan out in royal sheathe. Settle with the dusk of life in time, Resplendent with memories of beautiful chimes, Be glad to be alive in real simplicity, In moments of space contended in serenity. Like a swollen rose scented petals flapping, Fill your home with laughter ringing, Light the candles on the altar of every soul, Bow with humility and fragrance of love untold. Look in the mirror of your heart sublime, Seek amazing gifts of blessings inclined, Like celestial sky with stars in moonlight, Glow like the moon in grandeur delight.


Jyotirmaya Thakur

A PRAYER FOR PEACE In the building darkness void of light, In stark violent gunshots of the night, Deliver us from what we see everyday, Mass murder of innocence on our way. Guide us through these turbulent waves, On seashores where death pitiful raves, Heart wrenching cries of tortured souls, Reopen the doors of welcome shores. Let peaceful dreamers of far and wide, Gather together with courage on one side, The lands be spared for panoramic views, Let tranquil breeze heal red sea's blue. All colours of war zone melt in one race, Let me not see spattered blood on the face, I need to know that rainbows on opposites meet No tragic tales of drowned migratory fleets. Our Planet's frailty lies in weak humanity, Send your Angels to fight back cruelty, Natural calamities claim lives in scores, Tragic death's by man of man much more. My prayer is urgent for my dream of peace, A world healed by tolerant kindness, That we all unite to change our fate, Emerge in grace from years of blindness.

Symphony of Peace


BLISSFUL LIVING Bliss in life is created if intact as inherited, When we expand our thought process positively, And move beyond narrow selfish intentions, We enter a permanent state of life blissfully. Sufferings are caused by excessive expectations, The three important faculties, body, mind, intellect, Work within limited boundary and limited horizon, Our gross manifestation has ability and capability limited. The ignorance of truth behind all happenings, Consequently give rise to a state of helplessness, Perceived problems from environment are only our reactions, Reflections of our deeds emanate from ourselves. The awareness of truth of our lack of control, Makes us wiser to manage our interactions, Our responses will be more positive in vibrations, When we achieve expansive state of reciprocation. The universal being will awaken and arise, Whose head is the sky, eyes are the sun and moon, Breath is the vital air, upper abdomen the space, Limbs the earth and lower abdomen the ocean. Man as mediator will achieve an expansive state, Then the individual will access the infinite field, Man with absolute wisdom will rise to eternal bliss, All problems in life will disappear and joys yield. We are responsible for our sufferings, through negative impulses, If we manage our mind, factory of thoughts, life will be blissful ventures.


Jyotirmaya Thakur

OUR PRECIOUS PLANET Our precious planet of beauty unsurpassed, Kaleidoscopic range of colourful hues vast, Range of blues diverse shades of the sky , Changing perceptions of pure oceans wise. When the sun burst into flames and beams, It started at the centre of solar system as star, It's light and warmth spread wide and far , Happening seasons nature's magnificence. Symphony of colours bursting in spring, Greenery adorning rains in pearl strings, Summer flaming golden heat on its wings, Snow white serenity on winter warnings. No matter how still you feel,you are moving, This is because the earth and planets roaming, They are flying through space around sun orbitting, The orbit paths are wonderfully looping. The family of earth planet is fascinating, It includes the beautiful moon illuminating, Million pieces of rocks called asteroids,meteoroids, Frozen lumps of dust and gas called comets. The earth's gravity keeps us grounded , Like the trees are kept firmly rooted, Adventure ride through the world is a discovery, Secrets of science of past,present a future recovery.

Symphony of Peace


THE ELEGANCE OF MIND The elegance of mind is beyond comprehension, Man is the best creation of animal kingdom, The adventurous mind discovers new horizons, A scientific mind envisions new inventions. Infinite power lies dormant within abysmal mind, Minds are like flowers open when time is right, Being happy is all about attitude,a state of mind, Flee from hate,jealousy,don't bury your light. Calm mind brings inner strength and self confidence, Age is just a state of mind, you are as old as you think, You have to count your blessings to be resplendent, Count stars of achievements, failures you just wink. The face is the mirror of mind,eyes confess secrets of heart, Your garden count by flowers not thorns or weeds, Give flight to your imagination,feel free to take part, A work of art is above all an insight of mind's deeds. We are shaped by our thoughts,we become what we think, If mind is pure,joy is a shadow that never leaves, A peaceful mind charms gaiety to life and everything around, To make a serene mental path with profound thought surround. Real mind is like a primal child before opinions corrupt, Loving,happy, free like the breeze outside, Like the ocean and the sun full of mirth and fun, Realize the immense power of the elegant mind inside.


Jyotirmaya Thakur

CHURN YOUR EMOTIONS FOR BLISS Life is an Odyssey not to be missed, Every moment should be cherished with bliss. Troubles and tribulations are challenges to be dealt, To make us stronger for higher goals to set. Gloomy feelings have to be removed, As the dawn's glow amidst darkness proved. Grudge and guilt are not to be frozen, Warmth of understanding brings fine revision. Forget and forgive everyone freely to tread, Life is too short for anything to dread. Like all seasons embrace myriad shades, Endure and rejoice light with shadow as trades. Love life like a blind inside out, Emotions don't stand a chance in extremity bout. Blackout all negativity with a positive response, Smile through deception is best defence. Don't waste time on hatred and revenge, Ignore and walk away with a tolerant fence. Emotions and feelings are just mind game, With intelligence and wisdom easily tame. Churn all violent emotions and dip them in ocean of love, Be free from prejudices fly with peaceful dove. Turn the table on enmity befriend all around, Together rejoice in bliss with kindness surround.

Symphony of Peace


BE CALM IN STORMS Progress is impossible without any change and change in life comes from inside, Strength is in calmness and in clarity of mind, Put the negative aside without reacting in the storm, Win in calmness,in consciousness,in balance find. Be like a tree full of fruits bowing humbly, When people throw stones,she obliges with fruits, The opposite of anger is to be calm in empathy, Avoid all haste for patience is virtuous. Calm mind adorns self-esteem and confidence, Nothing gives a person more advantage than to be always cool, Calmness is the cradle of power to be unruffled in all circumstances, Nothing is so serene than to be cool as a pool. Don't be a drama queen and avoid melodramas, Life is full of strife and ups and downs, Nothing lasts forever not even stormy days, Be at peace with yourself and let evil deal its rage. Stay out of conflicts, be like a, duck, Calm in the surface but paddling underneath, Stand your ground,be firm on your feet, Master your thoughts and never accept defeat. It is the strong mind that finds its way through, A thousand challenge of storms of difficulties, The day you let go of things that weigh you down, You will shine like the sun silently on adversities.


Jyotirmaya Thakur

SANCTITY OF SYMPATHY The purpose of human life is to serve in sympathy, A Samaritan of compassion and help others in deeds, To hasten to the weak, poor or old is pure gold, Eyes filled with kindness for miserable in needs. Sympathy has the ears to hear sighs and cries, Feel tender like flowers in others dark moments, To wipe tears of grief, silently hidden in mind wise, To spread smiles and happiness in miserable moments. To befriend a weeping child, desolate in distress, To guide the tired and forsaken, hunger to feed, Remind the sad and sorrowful life is not a stress, Provide shelter for the weary, lost to lead. Like a child realize the wealth of sympathy to keep, An enlightened soul has generosity in heaps, A magnanimous heart unlocks empathy, Brings comfort in words and faith in action leaps. Give company to lonely, infirm and sick, Bring cheer to downtrodden, bury gloom in a room, Lend a hand, share a journey and caring stick, Appreciate and praise the efforts with goodness soon. When the sun sets at the end of the day, Lift a spirit if you can in sacred existence, Live in the heart and with sympathy stay, Remembered with love and sanctity of compassion.

Symphony of Peace


POSITIVE PRESENCE I am ready to go according to my intuition, Its no mystery to hear heartbeats association, I can still dance with the drops of rain, Feel the dew drops in my tears of pain. I can still love the flowers on bleak days, And smell the fragrance of air as it sways, I can still stare at my reflections in puddles, And cross the road as my steps mud cuddles. I write my words on blank sheets of storms, Awake fresh in the sunshine of golden dawns, I have overcome most gruesome of betrayals, Accepted defeat with merciful survivals. Every twilight embraced loss of a dream, And looked at the moonbeam smiles in a stream, I am still enchanted by Earth's beauty around, Blessed to have people whose love surround. Celebrate compassion in company of humanity, The mystery of divinity in diverse unity, Whispers of night rejoices in lonely essence, Silence of solitude hugs my whole presence.


Jyotirmaya Thakur

CHERISH YOUR DREAMS D-is to dare, R-is to reality share, A-is to be aware, E-is to explore, M-is to marvel at the impossible dreams, Dreams are life's survival kit it seems. From a petty existence to a grand scheme, It's God's profound light like a moonbeam. Live your dream,the fairest blossom of spring, Make it possible by lending your wings. Dreams are the chariots of greatest inventors, Not the day dreams of selfsh desires, Dreams of purpose,service to humanity in life, Going beyond individualism ending all strife. Magnanimous are dreams of generous essence, Make your dream of philanthropic presence. Cherish dreams that push accomplishments of tomorrow, Create a path enlightened less privileged will follow. Let the branches grow high and touch the sky, But like roots of a tree be grounded yet fly. Self discipline and determination will go a long way, Diligent honesty and perseverance will pay. Let your soul lead you with steady significance, Light the fire in your heart daily with passion. Let faith and courage be your true shields, Cherish dream of peace, without it life is a barren field.

Symphony of Peace


THE POWER OF LOVE Love is the primal power that channels in energy, Love hugs every single thing in nature to infinity, Helps everyone to flower in beautiful creativity, Connects and attaches all lives in cosmic eternity. Love is a rare gift that rules primal hearts Free and intriguing,painlessly perplexing, It waits for no reward nor acclaim of any parts, No rules nor barter just tender joy of love for another being. Moments of caring for helpless is ephemeral as sweet dreams, Randomly sharing are alive unique moments it seems. Generosity of acceptance of downtrodden and dejected, Healing the hurting and embracing the rejected. The humility to reach and touch lives in pain, A soft spirit brightens path to the despair and insane. I wish I could right the wrongs of others lives, Colour the emptiness of writhing souls in strife. Like a child of peace help needy reclaim their birthright. Restore the robbed mankind and lend hand to their fight. Honour hurt feelings and exhale mercy invest, Virtuous kindness will help bury remorse or regrets. Hope arched rainbows will spread on damp minds, A white day of trust and faith shall shine on helpless kinds. The tortured souls shall find comfort and peace, Essence of love will heal restless souls with ease.


Jyotirmaya Thakur

GOD IS LOVE Love is a metaphor of absolute surrender, Unspeakable closeness with every breath together. L, is for the laughter we share everyday, We hold on to each other in every way. O, is for opulence that we treasure each other, Knowing our wealth will never wither. V, is for the values of our unconditional smiles, As we walk through troubles miles after miles. E, is for everything amazing at all times, True love measured by how deeply heart rhymes. Love is a river of never ending stream, Shared by each other, answer to a dream. Love is the thirst drowned in ocean blue, Devoted to each other until death is true. Love is a never ending story, Sharing with each in all its glory. Love is colorblind, never prejudiced, Trust unlimited, hospitable and kind. Love is tolerance triumphant in life, Respect for each other, shining in strife. Love is open sky with a beautiful sight , Guide of struggling tears with all might. Love is cosmic energy of natural synergy, Balanced attraction of antonyms, synonyms diversity. Love is the moon and stars in sky above, Love is gift from God and God is a gift of love.

Symphony of Peace


LET US GO GREEN TO BE CLEAN Like the garden of Eden let's go forever green God's primal creation of beauty so serene Like the spring spruce up the nature as queen Let us preserve to keep our earth always clean. The rainforest conserves the fauna wild Man has to just let them retain their pure aura Pristine values of life,lets live and let others live be the motto, Let evergreen trees provide ample flora. The woods around towns are dark and deep, Such comfort they bring for birds to sleep Felling the trees is dangerously on increase, Environment is at stake let them grow not weep. Deforestation is in vogue and concrete jungle in fashion, Let's stand for afforestation and plant trees in score, Green vegetation is a treasure for healthy upbringing, Clean air, oxygen increase for eminent growth. Green lawn with trees is an elusive ecstasy, Fragrant flowers are enthralling fantasy, Flushing out toxic smell of plastic, synthetic pollution, A relief and succour from chemical degradation. Green parks are the oasis of metropolitan cities, Old and young bond, meet for walking or jogging, Mothers with infants find a heavenly retreat, Away from humdrum breathe peace in natural surroundings.


Jyotirmaya Thakur

ISBN: 978-93-83888-90-0

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