NCT Altar Training

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The Altar Manifesto

The Purpose of the altar

The Power of the altar

Our Position at the altar

Our Place of Refuge in time of trouble

A place where we meet God

Matthew 5: 23-24

Exodus 20: 22-25

Leviticus 17: 11

I Kings 1: 50-53

Leviticus 9: 22-24; 10: 1-3

Leviticus 27:28

Leviticus 24: 3-11


There is great expectancy of people who will respond to the Gospel. The altar worker should ensure the needs of a person responding or addressed. Altar workers are an asset to the Pastor when properly trained. These workers may include Elders, Ministers, Missionaries, Deaconess, Leaders, and Laymen.

The altar worker will minister, salvation, and the Holy Spirit, the laying of hands for healing and deliverance. They will pray for those who have a special request before the Lord.

The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, he that wins souls is wise. Proverbs 11:30 the person going forth in this area needs to know this is a very large responsibility and needs to have a clear understanding of the importance of this job. The person needs to develop the character and have the prerequisites necessary for this blessed work.

The altar workers are to minister directly to those in their moments of decision, so that they may except Christ, be assured of salvation, receive the Holy Spirit, receive healing, or deliverance. As they pray for special needs, they should emanate love, reflecting assurance, and confidence in God

When people respond effectively to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, it brings about a significant change in the life of the individual. Therefore, there should never be a time when an altar call is exempted or omitted from a service.


The very first object that a worshipper would notice, upon entering the curtain that surrounded that ancient sanctuary (Moses Tabernacle) was the "Altar of Burnt Offering" or Brazen Altar, it stood just inside the entryway and was accessible to all the people! The Altar was constructed and framed in wood that was covered with brass and it was sufficient to hold any offering that might be placed upon it.

There was a fire continually burning, continually smoking from the sacrifices, renewed daily, that were placed upon it. The fire on the altar had a two-fold meaning, in which it proclaimed the Holiness and Justice of God "PURITY" and was a symbol of His readiness to receive the sacrificial offering of the people to cleanse them from their sin.

'The Altar was always blood stained and open round-the-clock to any individual. It was situated in such a way that everyone who entered the interior of the tabernacle had to pass, of necessity, the "Altar" and take of its sacrificial blood to be accepted into the Holy Place.

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The very position of the "Altar", which is a type of Christ, teaches us that the sacrifice of Jesus, the Christ, stands at the very doorway through which we must enter to have access to and communion with Almighty God, the Father! The relationship that existed between the altar and the inner sanctuary teaches us that the blood of Jesus, the Christ, is our only "passport" into the presence of Almighty God.

The word altar means "High Place" and was a place of sacrifice in which something or must die and the place where man would meet God. Before the Priest went before God in the Old Testament, an innocent lamb would be sacrificed to bore the judgment of the guilty. The Priests would lay their hands upon the head of the offering symbolizing their sins being transferred to the offering and the life of the offering was transferred to them. The altar is what gave value to the sacrifice. Therefore, it was Jesus giving Himself as a ransom for the sins of mankind that gave value to His sacrifice.

History records the building of altars before any Patriarch went before the presence of God. In the Old Testament scriptures, you will find that altars were:

• Built by Noah (Genesis 8:20)

• Built by Abraham (Genesis 12:7-8; Genesis 13:18; Genesis 22:9)

• Built by Isaac (Genesis 26:25)

• Built by Jacob (Genesis 33:20; Genesis 35:1-7)

• Built by Moses (Exodus 17:15; Exodus 24:4)

• Built by Balaam (Numbers 23:1; Numbers 23:14; Numbers 23:29)

• Built by Joshua (Deuteronomy 27:4-7; Joshua 8:30-32)

• Built by Reubenites and Gadites (Joshua 22:10; Joshua 22:34)

• Built by Gideon (Judges 6:26-27)

• Built by Samuel (1 Samuel 7:17)

• Built by Saul (1 Samuel 14:35)

• Built by David (2 Samuel 24:18-19)

• Built by Elijah (1 Kings 18:31-32)


In the Old Testament, the Altar Workers were the individuals that assisted the Priest during the sacrifice and had the most important job of all the people. They were responsible for cleaning the altar and ensuring that the fire of the altar never went out (Leviticus 6:13).

Today, the Altar Workers mainly include Elders, Ministers, and Missionaries. Sometimes Deaconess, other Leaders, and Laymen may be properly trained and anointed for the service of Altar Worker. Most importantly, the significance and responsibility of the Altar Worker must remain the same in the sight of God. Therefore, the heart and attitude of the Altar Worker should be established with grace.

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Altar Work consists of more than holding a sheet or garment or catching an individual when they are slain by the Holy Ghost. The person going forth in this area needs to know this is a very large responsibility and must have a clear understanding of the seriousness and importance of this ministry.

The primary function of the Altar Worker is to assist the Pastor or Conductor by ministering and praying for those who have a special request before the Lord such as acceptance of Jesus Christ, the filling of the Holy Ghost, and the receiving of healing or deliverance. As they pray for special needs, they should display love, reflecting assurance and confidence in God.

Normally, after the Pastor or Conductor has prayed, the Altar Worker must seal the work by a continuation of prayer with the individual; guiding the individual to deal directly with God.

Altar Workers must learn to identify the witness of the Holy Ghost. The Spirit will be sensitive to the Altar Workers spirit thereby causing them to discern the difference between right and wrong. The Altar Workers should watch, pray, and listen carefully to individuals. They must never assume that they know the reason why the individuals have come to the Altar.

The Altar Worker is to be spiritually alerted to assist in the needs of an individual.

As the Altar Worker prays with the individual, he or she must determine if there is a need to continue additional Altar Work. The Altar Worker should not hesitate to ask another worker to join for assistance. Sometimes it may require the assistance of two or three Altar Workers to bring about a breakthrough or deliverance to an individual.

The Altar Worker should always stay focused on the individual and acknowledge that God is the one who in control of the Altar Call. Therefore, his or her faith or confidence is in the blood of Jesus, and they speak of God's Power and not their own. The individual needs to know that it is God who has the power to heal and deliver.


• Born Again and HOLY-GHOST FILLED.

• Understand the work of the Holy Ghost and the Warfare of Satan.

• Effective Prayer Life.

• Gift of Discernment.

• Possess Victory in Manifestation over Habits.

• Good Personal Hygiene.

• Be sensitive to the Spirit of God

• Follow the leading of the person in charge of the service.

• Be careful where you touch opposite sex when you are praying for them.

• Be clear as to why the person is at the altar.

• Know how to lead a person to the Lord (Sinner's prayer)

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• Be prepared (cover, Kleenex, etc.)

• Do not be a distraction.

• Do follow-up if possible.

1. You must be born again, Saint John 3:7 know that you know God, Holy Ghost filled, and walking with Jesus.

a. I understand, and I have a working knowledge of the Holy Spirit and the word.

b. Know your aim the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart, a good conscience, and have since faith.

2. Victory in manifestation over habits

a. Smoking, drinking, narcotics, and illegitimate sexual habits.

b. Cleanliness, fresh breath, need this in personal appearance, good, badly hygiene; attire should not be a distraction to the ministry.

Remember to be a good altar, worker is to be involved in a ministry in the body of Christ. Therefore, you should govern your life accordingly, with a life of holiness.

Individual: if the pastor is conducting mass altar, call; you are his staff person, and your responsibilities entail:

A. That you come, prayerful, and stand beside or behind the perspective convert. Connect with Pastor’s language, to go with the flow of the spirit. Do not go ahead of a pastor when he is conducting the altar call.

B. During a selected point, began to quietly Minister, the love of Jesus, his mercy, and forgiveness of sins, encourage them to make a choice.

C. Ask them to put his or her faith and confidence in the blood of Jesus. Make mention of God’s peace, Grace, and love.

D. Speak softly, and prayerfully, be alert.

The primary function of the alter worker is helping the individual with immediate spiritual problems. If an individual wants to explain his spiritual problems, the altar worker must listen to what is being said. In addition, also, workers must ask God to give them spiritual, discernment, so that they may be able to address any problem. Also, all the workers need not feel that they must have an answer for everything. God will use others too; he is the one with the answer.

And I want to worker must not forget to seal the discussion with prayer. This will help to teach the person he is laboring with to deal directly with God. Consequently, alter workers must learn to identify the witness of the Holy Spirit. The spirit will be sensitive to the altar workers spirit there by causing them to discern the difference between right and wrong.

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To reiterate, altar, workers should listen carefully to individuals with whom they are working. They must never assume that they know the reason why the individuals have come to the altar. Altar workers should begin their session with those at the altar, by finding out why the individuals responded to the altar call. As the worker talks to the individual, they may feel that there needs to be an additional altar worker assisting. They should not hesitate to ask another worker to join. Sometimes an additional person may need to come and help the altar worker if they feel in adequate at that .2 or three workers may work with the inquirer to bring about a solution to the problem. The altar worker should ask the person to put his or her faith and confidence in the blood of Jesus, speak of God’s grace, love, and peace. The inquirer needs to know that God is concerned about them, and he can heal and deliver. Since God’s main purpose is to draw the inquirer to himself, he will utilize the situation, and they need at hand to catch the inquirers attention. The altar helpers’ positive attitude is vital in the work of the Lord.

Dos and Don’ts for Alter Workers


1. Altar Workers must have an effective Prayer Life

2. Have a time of prayer for the altar service before the church service begins.

3. Altar workers must show encouragement to the individual.

4. Be sensitive, inoffensive, and empathetic (feel what they feel).

5. Be perceptive. Observe what they are saying and what they are doing. Look for both positive and negative signs.

6. Altar Workers must focus on hearing rather than having the answer.

7. Altar workers speak wisely, some phrases cause problems or anxiety.

8. Altar workers approach the altar with a positive attitude.

9. Altar Workers must lean unto spiritual understanding.

10. Something to sweeten the breath is recommended.

11. Plan to work with those of his (or her) own gender.

12. Be a person that seekers can confide in. Do not betray their confidence. Proverbs 11:13"A talebearer revealeth secrets: but he that is of a faithful spirit concealeth the matter. "

13. Do be cautions when you lay hands on seekers. Touch them (shoulder, back, arms, head). You lay your hands on the seeker for the purpose of transmitting faith.

14. Be positive in all your comments. It is good to tell the seeker often that they are doing well. They are usually in unfamiliar territory and your positive comments will set their mind at ease.

15. Encourage them to press on. Many times, a seeker will get the Holy Ghost on the second or third attempt. Answer any questions they might have. Give your opinion as to what is hindering them from breaking through to the Holy Ghost. Then encourage the seeker to pray again.

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16. Pray out loud with them. When the seeker hears you pray, and even speak in tongues, it helps them to know how to worship as well as how to yield to the Holy Spirit.

17. Try to put the seeker at ease immediately. The altar worker should not interrupt the seeker when he is praying! At an opportune moment, the altar worker should get the seeker's name so that it can be used in conversation. "What do you need from the Lord?" is an appropriate question to ask the seeker.

18. Avoid unnecessary doctrinal discussion. Show the person how his need can be met through his relationship to Christ. Keep the explanation simple and brief.

19. Encourage the seeker to decide for Christ and have prayer with him.

20. See that the seeker stands on the Word of God for assurance not on feelings alone. Facts lead to faith, and faith brings feelings.


1. Altar Workers should not leave the altar until the call is over. (The worker will then escort the individuals who receive salvation or desire church membership to the designated place for proper follow up.)

2. Do not put emphasis on church membership on church membership during altar work

3. Altar Workers should not go ahead of the Pastor or Conductor.

4. Altar Workers should not lay hands unless-instructed by the Pastor or Conductor especially when he/she is laying hands on them.

5. Do not lay hands on private parts of the body.

6. Do not pull off bandages or casts etc.

7. Altar Workers should not lift or stand an individual until the Holy Spirit has finished!

8. Altar Workers should not stop an individual from falling during the ministry of the Holy Spirit.

9. Altar Workers should not crowd the altar area, Pastor, or designated Altar Conductor.

10. Altar Workers should not be a participant in the altar line; then proceed to work the altar.

11. Altar Workers should not pat, fan, or rub hands all over persons back. Avoid patting or rubbing to comfort them.

12. Don't hit or slap a seeker on the back, arms, shoulders, or anywhere else. Control your emotions while you are working with seekers.

13. Don't shake the seeker. It is very important that you keep your attention on assisting the seeker. You are not there to get a blessing yourself and forget about helping them.

14. Don't yell in the seeker's ear. Altar services can get very loud. Get close to the seeker's ear and ask in a low voice, "Can you hear me?" If they are having trouble hearing you, you can turn up the volume a little at a time until they do hear your instructions clearly.

15. Don't mess up their hair or clothing. Though many try, we cannot shake the Holy Ghost into a person.

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16. Don't put words in their mouth to get them to speak in tongues. Never tell a seeker to repeat after you or to say something (i.e., "la-la-la", etc...).

17. Don't get in their face (remember infectious diseases).

18. Avoid telling them to crash their glasses, to stop taking medications, to get out if the wheelchair, etc. You should not throw away eyeglasses to convince God to heal the eyes.

19. Do not tell them them to stop medication; if the individual dies you may find yourself in criminal court.

20. Remember, God is the one with real answers and the power to undertake.


To be an "EFFECTIVE" Altar Worker is to be trained and most important be anointed by God to work in a ministry in the body of Christ. Therefore, you should govern your life accordingly, with a life of Holiness. There is a great expectancy of people who will respond to the Gospel of Christ. When people respond effectively to the Gospel, it brings about a significant change in the life of the individual.

Plan of Salvation

Romans 3;23

John 3:16

Ephesians 2:8,9

Romans 10:9

Hebrews 13:5


Romans 6:23

John 14:6

John 1:12

I John 5: 11-13

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Altar Worker Personalities

(NOTE: These scenarios are meant for training. They should be presented and discussed with all and give insight as to what should be done.)


This is the altar worker that believes they literally have the power of God in their right hand. Not only do they have the power of God, but the only way for them to transfer that power is to shake our head violently, like they are shaking salt on a meal. It does not matter if we are seeking prayer for a migraine... we have got a "head shaking' c9ming to us. Maybe we just want prayer for a job interview? Head shake!

Sure, we try to be polite and gently move our head out the way, but they have a vise-like grip on our skulls, and we cannot get away. Moreover, the Saltshaker doesn't realize that infants don't need their heads tossed to and fro. I suggest avoiding the Saltshaker with your baby or small children. Their brains are still developing, and the neck muscles are not strong enough for the Saltshaker.


This person is a trip! For some reason they believe the key to whatever is going on with us resides inside our belly and the only way to get it is for them to press, hold and rub our stomach. They will hold on to our stomach all the way to the ground. which may be the only way we can get them to take their hands off our stomach. I must imagine for the sisters. this is very uncomfortable for a man to put his hand on your stomach. Probably takes you "out of the spirit"? Hmmmm...

3. Mr. Microphone

So, we did some late-night creeping, and we came to church feeling bad. The word was strong and now we get up to get prayer. However, as we stand there waiting for our turn to get prayer…suddenly the microphone in our face and the preacher is asking us questions! What in the world? We try to stay focused but we're thinking "Uh...I really didn't want the whole church to know my business"! We try to talk low, but that mic gets shoved right up to our mouth for us to speak. "BLANK SATRE"

Now this person is a great intercessor, they really seem to say the right thing and as we like to say, "They reach the throne of Heaven." The only problem is...they sweat like they've just run the Boston Marathon.

We're sure he's clean...but we are really not interested in having him sweat all over us. The crazy part is...they usually have a towel draped over their shoulder, but for some reason they won't take a second to wipe down. When they walk over to pray for us, we stare in their eyes, contemplating if we should try use the Jedi-mind trick to get them to wipe their face.

New, we are all human. There isn't a person alive that hasn't had a "tarty breath moment. We understand. It's life. What we don't understand is the Altar Worker that refuses a mint when offered by the other altar workers. Really? Did you just shake your head no? No? Your job is to get up close and personal with people and you fell like you don't need any assistance in their area? Listen,

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The Saltshaker The Belly Rubber 4. Mr. Sweaty Man 5. Mrs. Refuse-A-Mint

even if...and this is a big IF...even if your breath was cool, you never refuse a mint! So now, you refuse and don't have the decency to talk in our ear, no. you want to talk face to face before you pray. News flash- the reason people fall out is not due to the power of your prayer. its because they were holding their breath for so long, they got dizzy and passed out. Take a mint; chew some gum... put something in your mouth.

6. Mrs. Diva

This is the altar worker that decides to wear their expensive outfit to church knowing they must work the altar. The altar, a place of sacrifice, a place where tears may flow freely, and it may require you to hug and comfort souls. However, Mrs. Diva is not about to let anyone smear make up all over her suit.

She just paid good money for her outfit and the last things she wants is someone crying all over it/ so, she quickly steps back and to the side of any person even close to crying. She has perfected that art of calling over a junior altar worker to "work with these people" as she moves over to pray for the children's line!

7. Mr. "Un- Prophetic

So, we're sitting in church, and we decide to go up for prayer. Now things are going well. The job is great, the family is connected like never before, and prayer life is excellent. However, Mr. UnProphetic has "Hear ye... Hear ye" word for us. He starts out by saying how the devil is messing with us on the job-(uhhh-not) He tells us our family is in turmoil - (uh...not!) Our prayer life is nonexistent - (uh ..not) He is so off with this prayer that we really want to stop him and, "Do you have the right person?" The best part is, because he doesn't get a reaction, he insults us by saying "I rebuke the spirit of rebellion in you" Wow...really, so this is my fault you are wrong?

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