Valparaiso University Guild Cookbook | 1972

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THE GUILD COOKBOOK A book of favorite and family traditional recipes compiled by the Women of the Valparaiso University Guild .
Margaret Michael Rivers, Editor Published by the Guild 1972

Copyright, 1972, Valparaiso University Guild

First Edition, 1972

Printed in the United States of America

Christus Rex (Christ the King) window provides inspirational backdrop for the crucified but resurrected and ascended Lord sculpture rising above the altar in the Chapel of the Resurrection



Christian higher education as exemplified by Va/para · U d h f h . . 1so n1vers1ty an to t e women o t e Valparaiso University Guild who through the years have worked, dreamed and schemed to help support and f h h h f V I · u · · urt er t e growt o a para1so nivers1ty.

May the sale and use of this book prove to be of benefit to all : to those who enjoy eating, those who delight in preparing good food , and especially to all those who care about " Va/po "

" Valparaiso University 's educational philosophy concentrates on the integration of academic excellence with spiritual grace in cultivation of the total personality toward better equipped Christian service for Church and society ".

The Valparaiso University Guild purposes to create and develop a greater interest in the University as an institution of Christian higher /earning; to give financial assistance ; to aid in student enrollment; and to help provide facilities necessary for the student 's welfare .



Many people have been involved in the preparation of this book and the Editor would like to acknowledge and thank them, a few by name

We thank all the ladies who took time and thought to send us their recipes . We regret that due to understandable limitations we could not use many recipes we received and they had to be edited We trust that the final selection of the editor and her assistants meets with your approval and cooking enjoyment.

We thank the many women who assisted the editors in testing, tasting , and selecting the recipes The quality of this book attests to their contribution . Also thanks to those who helped with proof-reading .

We thank Professor Richard H. Brauer of the University ' s Art Department for his invaluable assistance with the layout of this book Also for his direction and guidance of the Graphic Arts class in producing our covers and dividers.

We thank Melvin Doering, Director of Publications and News , for his assistance with the photography in this book, and Mrs. F. E. (Joyce) Frederick for assuming the task of Distribution Chairman .

A special thanks to Mrs Frederick D. (Irma) Schmalz, Guild Historian , for the carefully selected and prepared material on the University and the Guild found throughout this book .

To Mrs Walter (Carol) Petzold, Activities Chairman, a thank you for requesting the Editor to assume this task. It has been a rewarding experience.

To the National Board, to the Executive Director, Mrs. E H (Bernice) Ruprecht, and to her own family, the Editor gives credit for their support and encouragement in completing the editing of this book

ASSISTANT EDITORS : Mrs Robert (Judy) Brooks, Mrs. Frederick (Bette) Froehlich, Mrs. J. E. (Doris) Gruettner , Mrs. Reynolds (Shirley) Honold , Mr s. Darrell (Donnie ) Lisby , and Mrs. Edgar ( Dor c a s) Luecke.

To all those who have had a hand in producing this cookbook , thank you .

President · ·


Mrs. Gene C. Bahls

1st Vice-President Mrs Hershel M d ·

2nd Vice-President

Secretary . .


a oenn


Armin Lichtfuss

Mrs. John Jungemann

Mrs Richard Walsh

Executive Director Mrs. E. H Ruprecht


In compiling the material on the University and the Guild, the Guild Historian drew on the following resources, using copyrighted material with permission :

Striete/meier, John, VALPARAISO 'S FIRST CENTURY, Valparaiso University, 1959

HISTORY OF THE VALPARAISO UNIVERSITY GUILD, Volume 1-3; 1931-1961; Volume 4; 1961-1971.


Valparaiso University, Division of Public & Alumni Affairs, AN EMERGING NEW DAY: A REPORT ON THE PEOPLE AND TIMES AT VALPARAISO UNIVERSITY, 1971.


Cover design : Michael Scherb

Appetizers, Beverages & Soups; Breads: George Allen

Cakes, Frostings & Tortes : Jean Schultz

Cookies & Candy: Susan Harm

Desserts & Pies: Linda Dietz

Meats & Casseroles; Index: Maury Killey

Salads & Dressings: Joanne Johnson

Vegetables: Margo Miller

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TABLE OF CONTENTS I 7 TABLE OF CONTENTS APPETIZERS Beverages Soup 25 . .. 29 BREADS ........... . ..... . ...... ............ .................. . ..................... . ........ . Nut Breads 49 17 33 CAKES ... 57 Frostings 82 Tortes 85 Cheescake 93 COOKIES ......... . ........ .. . ....... . .............. ........... .. 97 Candy. 125 DESSERTS ........ ........ .. .. .. . ........... ................ ...... . .. . ........ ..... . ......... . .... . .. 129 Pies 153 MEATS & CASSEROLES .. 169 Beef 169 Pork .... . ..... . ......... . . .. .. . .............. . . . ........ .. 190 Veal ........ .. . . . .. .. . . .. . . .. . ....... . .. ....... . ............ .200 Lamb 203 Chicken ... . . . ..... . .... .. ........ .. .... . ... . .............................. 204 Stuffings 218 Egg Dishes ........................... . ..... . ...... .. ..................... 220 Sandwiches .... . ............. . ....... ...................... . ....... ... .. 222 Seafood , fish ....... . ................ ...... ..... . .... . ........... ... .... .226 SALADS .. ..... .................... .. .. .... .......................... .. ............. . . ...... 233 Fruit . . .................... . .............................. . .... . ..... .. . . . . .. 233 Fresh Vegetable 242 Main Dish ..... . ... . .. . . . ........ . ........ . .. . .. . . .. . . ....... . .............. 246 Vegetable ......... . .. . ........... . ........ . . . ........ .. .................... 251 Dressings . . ....... . ....................... ... .. . ... .. ..... . ........ . .. . .... 254 VEGETABLES ................ . .. . .................. .......... ... . .. .... .. ........ . .............. 257 Side Dishes .... . ................ . .... .. ........ . ....... . .............. . .... 268 INDEX ... .. . .. .. .... .. .... ... ... . .. . . . ...... . ..... . .......... ....... ...... . ............ ... ........ ... ..273


This uniquely beautiful chapel-auditorium towers an elevated site in the center of the New Campus. It may be seen from a distance symbolic of '' the Christian faith made meaningful in the life and work of the University ". Lit at night, against the darkness the_ Chapel stands as a spokesman for Valpo 's motto: " In Thy Light We See Light. "

The Gloria Christi Chapel, which the Guild funded and furnished, is a smaller worship area located below the chancel of the Chapel of the Resurrection .



As wife of the President of Valparaiso University, -Mrs. A.G. (Rae) Huegli is often called upon to entertain guests of the University. We asked her if she would share a favorite menu with us. She chose a meal served either informally on the patio or more formally in the dining room, a summer-time menu.

Before dinner, appetites might be wetted with her special Shrimps Remoulades* , assorted cheeses on picks (stuck into a grapefruit porcupine style with parsley or other greens for garnish) and crackers on the side. A beverage would also be offered.

The dinner would feature Beef Shish-Kebob* , seasoned rice made with white and wild rice combination, garlic bread with parmesan cheese, salad of mixed greens, vinegar & oil dressing, a vegetable casserole, and fresh fruit with a cooky for dessert. Iced tea or coffee would complete the meal.

Shrimps Remoulades

3 lb. shelled frozen shrimp, cooked according to directions. Drain and chill.

Sauce: Blend thoroughly:

1 1/4 cup salad oil

1/2 cup prepared mustard

1/3 cup vinegar

1 1/2 tsp. salt

1 tsp. paprika

Now add:

2 hard-cooked eggs, chopped fine

11/2 cups minced celery

4 green onions & tops, sliced very thin

1/4 cup minced parsley

1/2 cup minced green pepper

Mix all thoroughly. Pour over chilled shrimp and refrigerate several hours or over night. Serve with picks in bowl or shells if you have them. This is finger food, kind of sloppy, but very, very good.

8 to 10 servings

Beef Shish-Kebob

1/4 to 1/2 lb. sirloin steak per person, cubed in 1 1/2 to 2 inch pieces. Marinate beef pieces all day in prepared Italian Salad dressing. Marinate large fresh mushrooms with the beef.

On skewers alternate chunks of fresh green pepper, sweet onions, not quite ripened tomatoes, quartered, and marinated mushrooms with the marinated beef chunks.

Charcoal broil, turning often until desired doneness is reached (rare, medium or well).


We asked Betsy Nagel, wife of Dr. Norman Nagel, dean of the University Chapel to share some of her entertaining ideas with us. Because of Dr. Nagel's position, they are often called upon to have receptions for guests of the University .

After living in spartan England for 16 years. Mrs Nagel has developed a typically simple fare for these gatherings She might serve dry and sweet sherry , madeira wine, a carbonated beverage for those who prefer it, white and purple raisins, nut meats, and an assortment of cheese on toothpicks . It is always kept simple

Annually on Epiphany the Nagels have a joyous gathering of friends celebrating the Christmas of the Wise Men. Traditionally they serve tiny mincemeat tarts with a special brandy butter hard sauce and mulled wine that Dr . Nagel personally makes and has generously agreed to share his secrets of mulling wine with us.

Betsy's Hard Sauce (enough for 60)

1 lb. butter or margarine (2 cups)

2 lbs. 6 oz. powdered sugar (about 1 2/3 quarts)

1/4 cup vanilla

Brandy or sherry to taste

Cream the butter with mixer, add sugar and vanilla gradually. Add the brandy or sherry by small glassfuls, beating after each addition, until it has about the taste you like Refrigerate to harden

Serve the mince pies hot, with the hard sauce in small silver (or anything) dishes with a bit of nutmeg sprinkled on top Put sauce in these dishes before placing them in the 'fridge' to harden Sometimes it's nice to put holly on top .

Dr. Nagel's Mulled Wine

Cinnamon sticks


1/2 gal. wine (Muscatel or malaga)

1 qt . juice (pineapple, peach, apricot, other)

Bitters, lemon juice, or nutmeg


"Sim mer half a dozen cinnamon sticks in the largest saucepan you have (the one in which you do the potatoes when there's lots of people for dinner) in a couple inches of water for three or four hours . A few cloves lend roundness to the ultimate flavour. Any ground spices should be added only at the penultimate stage so as not to lose their individuality

Ten minutes before serving, pour off half the spice water and save. Fruit juice may now be added. Final proportions should be roughly half wine, quarter juice and quarter water. These need to be varied according to the kind of juice and the character of the wine. Since most ordinary fullbodied wines tend to be rather sweet, the tartness of pineapple juice



Dr. Nagel's Mulled Wine, Cont.

serves to sharpen the profile of the flavour. Ideally there should be an ascorbic overtone to the flavour. Those who enjoy a full-bellied flavour may prefer peach juice or the syrup from canned peaches. Apricot juice gives the most sophisticated flavour but is very sticky to handle . Cherry juice should be avoided like the plague.

After a quart of juice has been added, pour in a half gallon of red winemuscatel for an elegant, slender flavour, malaga for something more substantial. Simmer for five minutes, tasting assiduously the meanwhile, and adding just whatever may be lacking for the fullness and balance of the flavour. It is at this stage that you may do that stroke of genius which produces the quintessential mulled wine -a few drops of bitters or squeeze of lemon juice or pinch of nutmeg or cup of water.

Capital offence is to allow the mixture to boil. Most frequent blunder is to produce a cloying sweetness.

Having achieved the ultimate flavour, fish out the cinnamon sticks, douse the punch bowl with boiling water, and pour in the mulled wine. When necessary, repeat the foregoing with the remaining spiced water. Absolute repetition is impossible and contemptible. The second bowl should tend toward a thinner, more piquant flavour to transcend any stodginess of palate.

The experienced muller may recall climactic mullings, but remains ever in pursuit of the ultimate."

"This university is kept from falling apart by the exercise of authority, and there are Christian men and women who have that as their calling. But the university is not Christian by the exercise of authority. The more that this university is as Christian is given by its dedication to be a university under the cross, as that dedication is lived by those who know themselves called by Christ to discipleship, to his way, the way of the cross, of solidarity with suffering, of being there for one another, of bending down under to lift one another up toward the unique and happy fruition Cod in his cross-shaped love wants for each one of us." · - Dean Norman E. Nagel, Preacher to the University.

_we asked Mrs. H: (Ber) Ruprecht, the vivacious, lovely Executive Director of the Guild since 1952, to share with us the favorite me f . . nus o her own family and she graciously agreed .

For Homecoming :

When the families of John, Jean, and Mary, plus friends and additional Ruprecht and Lillie relatives join on a bright, crisp, October day for Homecoming, the standard menu includes a huge kettle of "mother's chili" with a salad and cherry pie Everything can be prepared early, or frozen, and ready to serve a large crowd in a jiffy. Late arrivals eat at "second table " without a sense of having left-overs.

For a Holiday:

The traditional menu consists of baked chicken (made in the old blackiron Dutch Oven, or in a huge old green enamel roaster). Method is to shake the chicken pieces in flour and lightly brown in oil. Use a good measure of salt, pepper and paprika to make it golden brown. Place in oven about 325 degrees or less and leave for church. When church is over, or Chapel services ended, come home to find the chicken just right - no matter how long the service has lasted! Pure magic! Have a son-in-law mash the potatoes. Serve gravy, a yummy broccoli casserole (recipe below), plain creamed corn, cranberries, a tossed salad with a mixture of grated vegetables, raisins and other fruit; and ending with the frozen strawberry dessert found on page 137 of this cookbook. End result: Good conversation, good eating, platters clean, people happy. Should there be late regrets you have food for the following day - or pop it in the freezer for another time.

Broccoli Casserole

Cook together:

6 Tbsp. butter or margarine

1/3 cup minced onion

2 Tbsp. flour

1/2 cup water

When slightly thickened add 1 8-oz. jar Cheese Whiz and stir lightly . Add above mixture to:

2 pkgs. cooked, drained and chopped broccoli

Add 3 wel I beaten eggs

Bake in casserole 45 minutes in 350 degree oven. Crumbled soda crackers may be sprinkled on top if you wish.



Baking powder - 1 teaspoon = 1/ 4 teaspoon baking soda plus 1/ 2 teaspoon cream of tartar.

Butter-1 cup = 7/8 cup lard or 7/8 cup cottonseed , corn , or nut oil.

Butter-1 cup = 1/2 cup suet.

Chocolate-1 square = 3 tablespoons cocoa plus 1 1/2 teaspoons fat .

Cornstarch - 1 tablespoon = 2 tablespoons flour when used for thicken i ng purposes

Cracker Crumbs-3/4 cup = 1 cup bread crumbs

Cream , Sour, heavy - 1 cup = 1/3 cup butter and 2/3 cup milk in any sour-milk recipe.

Cream, Sour, thin-1 cup = 3 tablespoons butter and 3/4 cup milk in any sour-milk recipe

Eggs-1 average = ounces

Flour, all purpose, sifted-1 tup = 1 cup plus 2 tablespoons sifted cake flour.

Milk-1 cup = 1/2 cup evaporated milk and 1/2 cup water.

Milk-1 cup = 1/3 cup powdered milk and 7/8 cup water

Sugar-1 cup = 1 cup honey plus 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon soda.

Sour Milk-1 cup = 1 1/3 tablespoon vinegar or 1 1/2 tablespoon lemon juice and sweet milk to make 1 cup

Sour milk and buttermilk are interchangeable in recipes


3 tsp 1 Tbsp.

4 Tbsp ,.1/4 cup

5 Tbsp. plus 1 tsp

2 cups 1 pint

pints, 4 cups

quart 4quarts 1 gal. 32 ounces liquid 1 quart 16 ounces dry measure 1 pound

4 cups shredded American cheese

1 stick margarine

1 cup macaroni, uncooked

1 cup raw rice

2 cups ground meat, tightly packed

1 pound

1/4 pound or 1/2 cup

cups, cooked

cups cooked rice


#1 can (tall) 2 cups

#.2 can 2 1/2-3 cups

#21/2 can

. .. . . . .. . ........... . . . . . ... . ....... .... . . . . ...... . . . . . . .. . . . . .... . ........ 1/3
..... .. .... .. . ... .. . ...... . . . .. . . . . . . ... .. .. . . ... . . ... .. . .. . . . .. .. . . ..... . . . . .. . ....... . . . ... 1
cup 16 Tbsp
. . .. .. ... . .. . ..... .. .. . .. . ... . . . .. . ...............
..... ... ......... . .... . . . . . ...... . . . .... .. 8
2, 2-1/4
. . . . .. .... . . ....... ...... . ..... . ..... . .... . .. . .. . .... . ... .... . . .3
. . ... . . . .. .... .. ... . .. . ..... .. . . . ... .. ... . . . ..... ..
. . .1
31/2 cups or
1 quart home-canned


In general we suggest preparing the meal with as little verbal emphasis on the guest' s medical problem as possible. Attempt to give your guest the choice of staying on his diet Qr not He may have made allowances during the day and wants to take this opportunity to splurge. Try not to be the judge - if he ' s an adult - serve the same food to all the guests so that the dietary problem of your one guest is not obvious Some people don't mind, others do. No nuts or seeds should be used in cooking _ for any of the following diets

For receptions it is good to remember that persons on special diets must avoid alcoholic, carbonated , and any beverages that contain caffeine Fruit juice, a pitcher of ice water and/or iced tea, plain served with side dish of lemon slices , is a thoughtful addition to the serving table

Fresh fruits and vegetables served at receptions can be served crisp and cold with a dip or dressing in a side dish which may or may not be used by the person on a special diet.

Diabetic: Lean meats , fresh fruits , fresh vegetables, cooked fresh vegetables with no sauce s.

A long term diabe t ic can usually judge portions at a glance, just keep the combinations simple and plain.

Fresh green salad can be served with choice of dressings; then your guest can choose one or none without notice. Serve cooked vegetables plain with plenty of butter patties for the other guests.

Dessert might be fresh sliced strawberries or frozen blueberries served frozen with milk poured over - makes blueberry ice .

Low F"t: (Gallbladder problem): Lean meats should be served; broiled, barbequed or roasted . Never fried . Vegetables should be of mild variety: carrots, peas, squash, wax or green beans, beets. Cottage cheese pear is an ideal salad Gelatin or sherbet is fine for dessert. Avoid butter, cream , anything with fats or grease in cooking.

Ulcer Diet: Serve bland foods such as custards, puddings, cottage cheese No raw fruits or vegetables should be served. Avoid acid foods, spicey dishes, strong cheese and strong vegetables . Meats should be roasted or broiled

Low Salt Diet: (High blood pressure): Cook with minimal salt - other guests can always add salt. No hams , bacon or brine-cured meats or vegetab les.

Mrs. Walter (Glo r ia) Keller, R.N.-Valparaiso, Ind .



We all have times when entertaining children, our own or others, when something creative from the kitchen is just the thing to keep them occupied. We offer a few suggestions.

Play Dough: (simple type, throw it away after a couple of days) 2 cups flour, 1 cup salt, 1 cup water. Mix well. A few drops of food coloring may be added. Let children work on counter, plastic on floor, or water-proof table top . Add a rolling pin and cookie cutters for more fun . (Watch the food-coloring - it stains.)

Creative Play Clay: Thoroughly mix 1 cup corn starch into 2 cups Baking soda. Mix in 1 1/4 cups cold water. Cook over medium heat about 4 minutes, stirring constantly until mixture thickens to moist mashed potato consistency. Cover with damp cloth to cool. Knead as you would dough. (Food coloring may be added.)

Children can roll, cut, mold play clay into many creative shapes (animals, flowers, medallions, jewelry, etc.). Let dry over-night, longer for larger pieces. Paint with tempera or water colors; dip in shellac, spray with clear plastic or coat with clear nail polish.

Crystal Gardens: 6 Tbsp. each: salt without iodine, laundry bluing, water; mix with 1 Tbsp. household ammonia until salt is almost dissolved. Put coal (do not use charcoal) in saucer or dish (anything disposable), pour mix over Add food coloring if you wish (adds a garden-flower dimension)

This is a fine sick room or winter-time activity. Children can actually see crystals form.

Hand Cookies: With little ones, helping to make sugar cookies is always fun, but making "hand cookies" is extra special. Have them place their hand over the dough while you trace around it with a table knife. Older children will enjoy making brownies or other simple cookies with a little supervision at first.

First Chemistry Experiment: Treat 8 to 10 year olds to the fun of making carbon-dioxide: mixing baking soda with vinegar. (Beware, as they show their triends their "chemistry experiment" your supply of soda and vinegar will quickly deplete )

Blocks From Milk Cartons: Quart, half gallon and gallon milk cartons make fine building blocks. Rinse thoroughly; cut off tops; when dry insert one, open end, into a second carton to make one sturdy block . If you want to be fancy, cover with wall-paper scraps.

16/ NOTES PHOTOGRAPHS OF UNIVERSITY BUILDINGS: Arts-Music page 55 Chapel Chancel .3 Chapel of the Resurrection 8 Christ College . . 144 College of Nursing 56 Entrance to East Campus 95 Entra nee to Old West Campus ..... ...................... . .. .. .... ... ...................... .32 Gloria Christi Chapel 8 Guild Center of Admissions ... ..... .. ................. . .. . . .. ...... . .... .......... . . .... 96 Guild Hall . ... ...... . ... ........................ ...... ................... . . . ... . .. .27 Heritage Hall .39 Library 81 Lake Home Economics Center ...... . ..... .... .. ... . . .. . ..... .. ... . . ... . . . .. .152 Old Auditorium 219 Student Union ···· ····· ······ ······· ····· 52


1-8 oz pkg. cream cheese

1/4 lb. crumbled Bleu cheese

1/2 lb . sharp Cheddar cheese (grated)


1 small onion (minced)

1 Tbsp. Worchestershire sauce

1/2 cup chopped pecans .or walnuts finely chopped or dried parsley

Place cheeses in mixer bowl and let stand at room temperature until softened. Beat on medium speed until well mixed Add onion and Worchestershire sauce and beat well. Stir in nuts. Chill 3-4 hours. Roll mixture into ball and roll in parsley. Chill at least two more hours . Serve with a variety of crackers


8-oz. pkg. Philadelphia cream cheese

11/2 Tbsp. blue cheese

1/4 lb. Velveeta cheese

3-oz. sharp Cheddar cheese, grated

1 tsp. parsley flakes

1/2 tsp. Accent

11/2 Tbsp. onion juice

1 tsp. mayonnaise

Pinch of garlic salt

Pinch of white pepper

Dash of paprika

1/2 tsp. dry mustard

Have all cheese at room temperature. Work cheese into paste. Add other ingredients. Thin with commercial so,ur cream if necessary.

Mrs. Dorothy Eggerding--Valparaiso, Ind


2 cups sharp American cheese, grated

1/2 cup butter, soft

1 .cup sifted flour

1/2 tsp. salt

1 tsp. paprika

48 stuffed olives, smallest variety

Blend cheese with butter. Stir in flour, salt, and paprika, mixing well. Wrap in 1 tsp of this mixture around each olive, covering completely. Arrange on a baking sheet or flat pan and freeze firm. Place in 2 or 3 small plastic bags and return to freezer. When ready to· use bake 15 minutes at 400 degrees.



1/4 lb. butter

1 cup grated cheese

1 cup flour

Mix together. Shape into rolls as you would for refrigerator cookies. Chill overnight Slice and bake until delicately brown at 350 degrees. Keeps in covered containers

Mrs Harvey Groehn--Grosse Pointe Park, Mich.


1/4 lb sharp Cheddar cheese (grated)

1 pkg . (3 oz.) cream cheese

1/2 cup butter

1 egg white, stiffly beaten

1 loaf (1 lb.) unsliced white bread

Melt cheeses and butter in top of double boiler. Cool slightly. Fold in egg white. Remove crust from bread; cut into 1 1/2 inch cubes. Dip cubes in cheese mixture coating evenly, using spatula to spread mixture Place on ungreased cookie sheet. Refrigerate overnight. Bake at 400 degrees for 12 minutes. Serve immediately.

Approx. 2 dozen

Mrs. George Fry--Elmhurst, Ill.


1 dozen chicken wings (discard tip and cut wing in 2 pieces)

Combine in skillet:

1/4 cup sherry

1/4 cup soy sauce

1/2 cup water

2 Tbsp brown sugar

2 tsp dry mustard

3 or 4 green onions (chopped, top and all)

Add chicken wings , bring to .boil. Cover and simmer 30 minutes Uncover and simmer until sticky - about 15 minutes . Great for cocktail party Make the day before - simmer 1st 30 minutes; refrigerate. Before serving simmer last 15 minutes (until sticky). Serve hot.

Marlene E Fenske--Ann Arbor, Mich.

"Valparaiso University Guild is more than just another women 's organization. It is a cause.'' - Louise Nicolay, Guild Historian




6 oz. can crab meat

1/2 cup mayonaise

1 tsp. onion salt or minced onion plus 1 tsp salt

1/2 Tbsp. parsley

1/8 tsp pepper

1 Tbsp grated parmesan cheese

Combine above ingredients and refrigerate for a couple hours before use. May be spread on crackers or used as dip with potato chips.

· · Mrs . Paul A. Beelke--Eggertsville, N.Y.


8-oz. cream cheese

1 Tbsp. milk

6 i/2 oz. flaked crabmeat

2 Tbsp. finely chopped onion

1/2 tsp. horse radish

1/4 tsp. salt

dash of pepper

1/3 cup toasted almonds, sliced

Soften cheese with 1 Tbsp. milk. Add remaining ingredients; blend well. Put in oven proof (2 cup) dish. Sprinkle with 1/3 cup toasted sliced al- monds . Bake at 375 degrees for 15 minutes . Serve with cocktail rye bread or crackers Keep Hot!

Yield: 2 cups Jackie Jungemann--Maywood, Ill.


1 cup mayonnaise

1 Tbsp. lemon juice

2 Tbsp. tarragon vinegar dash of: salt and pepper, 1 tsp. curry worcestershire sauce, 1/4 tsp. thyme paprika,

1 Tbsp. chili sauce ·monosodium glutamate

Blend and serve with raw vegetables. Carrot and celery strips, radishes, cauliflower, turnips, kohlrabi, green pepper, cucumber, green onions.

NOTE: This is an excellent weight-watchers hors d'oeuvres; also great with sandwiches for

Yvonne Bockelman Walewski--Cleveland, Ohio

Valparaiso University Guild beginnings - on April 13, 1931 twenty five women met on campus and formally organized The National Women 's Committee of the Lutheran University Association . From 1933-1938 the organization was known as the Women's Auxiliary of the L. U. A.



1/2 lb pkg. chipped beef

3 oz . pkg . cream cheese diluted with milk

1 sm onion or onion salt mayonaise to moisten

Mix ingredients ; spread a loaf of thin-sliced bread with mix. Roll each slice separately , hold with toothpick and put in oven of 325 degrees until brown Serve warm

Mrs C. L. Lake--Grand Haven, Mich


1-8 'oz . cream cheese softened

2 Tbsp milk

2 1/2 oz jar or one pkg sliced dried beef (chopped)

2 Tbsp. instant minced onion

2 Tbsp. finely chopped green pepper

1/8 tsp. pepper

1 1/2 cups sour cream

1/4 cup chopped walnuts

Blend cream cheese and milk ; stir in the beef, onion, green pepper and pepper Mix well , then stir in sour cream Spoon into an 8 11 pie plate or shallow baking dish and sprinkle with walnuts on top. Bake 15 minutes at 350 degrees. Serve with melba rounds, crackers, or triscuits.

Makes about 2 cups

Mrs . Robert (Ila Mae) Hora--Wauwatosa, Wis.


8-oz softened cream cheese

1 1/2 tsp grated onion

4-6 minced pimento-stuffed olives

3 oz. finely cut dried beef

1/4 lb. fresh mushrooms

Mince and lightly saute the mushrooms. Mix with remaining ingredients Serve with snack rye bread or assorted crackers (This may be made with minced , canned mushrooms, but there is a difference in flavor.)

Yield: 11/2 cups

Mix together :

Mrs Carl J. Kuehnert, Shorewood, Wis.


1 pint sour cream

3 oz . finely cut beef grated on ion to taste

Mrs . Carl J. Kuehnert--Shorewood , Wis .



1 lb browned ground beef

1 can chilli without beans (Armour)

2 lb Velveeta (don't substitute) Sm. hot pepper, opt.

Heat together. Serve in chafing dish or fondue pot with Taco chips or corn chips. If pepper is added, remove before serving Yield : lots o·f dip Mrs Clarence Rivers, Jr -- Valparaiso, Ind


2 lb . ground beef

1 egg

2 Tbsp. bread crumbs

2 Tbsp. water

1 tsp . salt

1 tsp. seasoning salt (Lawry ' s, etc )


1 bottle chili sauce

1 small glass grape jelly juice of 1/2 lemon

Mix first six ingredients and let stand for 5 or 10 minutes. Roll into balls the size of an olive Slowly heat next three ingredients in a heavy skillet. Drop meatballs into sauce Cook gently for 1 hour uncovered.

(It freezes well and also is good as a main dish served on rice. It is easy because meatballs do not have to be browned.)

Makes about 100 Mrs Carl Kuehnert-Shorewood, Wis.


11/2 lb ground beef

3/4 cup Quaker or Mother's Oats (quick or old fash ., uncooked)

1/2 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. garlic salt

1/4 tsp . pepper

1/ 4 cup finely-chopped onion

2 Tbsp milk


1-8 oz. can tomato sauce

1 Tbsp vinegar

2 Tbsp . brown sugar

1 Tbsp Worcestershire sauce

For meatballs, combine all ingredients thoroughly Shape to form 1 " meatballs. Panfry in small amount of shortening Place in chafing dish. Dip meatballs in hot sauce made by combining and heating all ingredients ( I always pour my sauce right over meatballs and have a cup with picks ne xt to the di sh .)

Make s 6 dozen Jackie Jungemann--Maywood , Ill.


1 loaf bread, unsliced


6 Tbsp soft butter

Using sharp knife, remove crusts from loaf of bread. Cut loaf into four lengthwise slices (or ask baker to slice it) Carefully spread each piece with softened butter, thus preventing fillings from soaking into bread. Add the three fillings and replace bread slices Cover with cream cheese frosting.

Ham Relish Filling (Red)

1/2 cup chopped cooked ham

1 hard-cooked egg, diced

1/4 cup chopped pickle

4 Tbsp . salad dressing

Mix ingredients and use as filling for one layer

Olive-Nut Filling (Green)

1/2 cup chopped green olives

1 tsp. chopped parsley

1/2 cup chopped nuts

1/4 tsp. lemon juice

4 Tbsp salad dressing

Mix ingredients and use as filling for one layer.

Tuna Filling

1/2 cup flaked tuna

1 tsp. chopped pi men to

1/4 cup chopped celery

1 tsp. lemon juice

1 tsp . chopped pickle

1/8 tsp. salt

2 Tbsp . salad dressing

Mix ingredients and use as filling for one layer.

Cream Cheese Frosting

2 cups white cream cheese

green pepper strips

pimento strips

sliced pimento stuffed olives

Mix cream cheese until softened. Spread over top and sides of loaf. Garnish with remaining ingredients to make holiday symbols as holly or poinsettia. Chill several hours. Cut into slices to serve.

Roberta Haller Strom-San Lorenzo, Cal.


1-8 oz. bottle Italian dressing

1/4 tsp. each: dried leaf tarragon, thyme, dill weed

1/2 tsp. snipped chives

3/4 to 1 lb mushroom caps

Combine dressing with seasonings. Pour over mushroom caps in bowl or jar. Cover and marinate in refrigerator 4 hours or overnight. Serve chilled with crisp crackers (Marinade may be used again if stored in frigerator in tightly covered container Also may be used with jullienne carrot strips or cauliflowerets ) .

Makes 8-10 appetizers

Barbara Weiss Goodwin--Maywood, Ill.

3/ 4 lb. chicken livers

1 can (61 / 2 oz.) whole water chestnuts



1/ 21b . bacon

1/ 2 cup soy sauce

1 small clove garlic, mashed

Wash , drain, and cut chicken livers in half . Drain water chestnuts . Fold each piece of liver around a water chestnut, then wrap 1/ 2 slice of bacon around and fasten each with toothpick. Mix soy sauce and garlic and marinade your bundles for several hours. Stir occasionally Broil 5-7 minutes and turn once.

Makes 2-4 dozen Mrs. Kenneth E. Schultz--Colorado Springs, Colo.


1 Tbsp garlic salt

1 lb. clean de-veined shrimp

1/4 to 1/2 lb. bacon

Roll shrimp in garlic salt. Cut bacon strips into thirds or halves according to size of shrimp. Roll shrimp in piece of bacon, place on broiler rack. Broil 2-3 minutes; turn, broil 1-2 additional minutes. Stab with toothpick, serve on paper towel-lined platter. Keep hot on a warming tray during cocktails

Lu (Bockelman) Zoll--Valparaiso, Ind .


1-3 oz pkg. cream cheese-softened

1/ 2 cup mayonnaise

1/2 cup chopped green onion tops

11/2 Tbsp. lemon juice

1 small . can of small shrimp

Stir cheese and mayonnaise together Add remaining ingredients and mix well a few hours ahead of serving, or better still , the day before. Refrigerate.

Serves 8-12 people

1 lb shrimp

2 tsp . butter

salt and pepper

Jo Oltmann Price--Davenport, la .


2 tsp. parsley

1 garlic clove , mashed

4-6 " squares of foil

Place about 6 cleaned raw shrimp on piece of foil. Add 1/2 tsp butter, 1/2 tsp. parsley, pinch of garlic, salt and pepper. Gather corners of foil to seal tightly. Place on Bar B Q grill over fire for 10 to 15 minutes. Serve each person a packet with cocktail pick

Makes 4 servings

Dr . Richard C. Oster--New Orleans, La.

Member Board of Trustees, Valparaiso Univ.



1 lb. shrimp, cooked, shelled and deveined

1 cup butter or margarine

1 Tbsp. prepared mustard

2 Tbsp. lemon juice

1/2 tsp. celery salt

1/4 tsp. garlic powder

1 tsp. salt

1/8 tsp. pepper 1/4 cup chopped parsley toast points

Put shrimp through food grinder or whirl in blender. Combine butter or margarine, mustard, lemon juice, garlic powder, celery salt, salt, pepper and parsley. Mix well. Stir in shrimp; blend well. Pack into jar or crock. Chill before serving. Decorate with tiny shrimp, if desired. Serve with toast points.

Makes about 12 servings


Verna Buls--Valparaiso, Ind.

1/4 lb. butter

8 oz. pkg. cream cheese

1 tsp. chopped onion juice of 1 lemon

2 Tbsp. mayonnaise

5 or 6 oz. frozen ready-cooked shrimp or canned

Allow butter to stand at room temperature until very soft. Add cream cheese which has also been softened and blend well. Add onion, juice of lemon, and mayonnaise. Salt, pepper and/or garlic salt to taste. Add shrimp, which can be cut up, minced or left whole.

Yield: about 2 cups Nancy Beer--Wheaton, Ill.


1/2 cup brown sugar

1/2 tsp. salt

1 Tbsp. cornstarch

1/4 cup white vinegar

1/2 cup pineapple juice

Cook the above ingredients for 5 minutes. Brown breakfast link sausages cut in thirds. Drain 1 large can chunk pineapple, 15 maraschino cherries; a green pepper cut into 1 in. squares. Add these ingredients to sweet and sour mixture and heat for 5 minutes. Serve in chafing dish with tooth picks.

Mrs. Robert Woiwod--Hacienda Heights, Cal if.

The early National Women's Committee of the Lutheran University Asociation was the first national women's organization to be formed within the confines of the then Synodical Conference



(From Relatives in East Germany)

2 lbs fresh whole strawberries

1/2 lb. sugar

1/4 bottle cognac

Combine above and let stand 2 hours in refrigerator. In punch bowl place the above and add:

4 bottles white wine

1 bottle champagne or soda water

Yield: 35 punch cups

Mrs. L. J (Katie) Knepp--Bloomfield Hills, Mich.


2 qts . dandelions added to 1 gal. water, boiling. Let stand 24 hours . Then strain and add:

7 oranges

1 lb. raisins

3 lbs sugar

1 lemon

1 yeast cake

Let stand 2 weeks; stir 2 or 3 times a day Then strain.

Mrs. A. (Olga) Theer--Bristol, Conn

EPITOR'S NOTE: Be sure to use only the yellow flowers and no greens.


3 bottles (fifths) red wine

1 1/2 cups sugar

4 cups water

Cinnamon cloves

Boil water and sugar with 4 cinnamon sticks and 25 cloves, (*or 1/2 tsp. ground cloves and 1 tsp cinnamon extract ) Add wine afterwards when ready to serve. Heat but do not boil.

Note *Ground spices flavor better than \\'.hole ones, but are apt to leave a sediment Just pour off the clear liquid for use above and dispose of brown dregs . Extracts work best of all.

Mrs Dorothy Eggerding-Valparaiso, Ind


1 gal. cider

6 whole allspice

2 sticks cinnamon

6 whole cloves

1 cup brown sugar

Simmer the ingredients for fifteen minutes. Strain or serve plain or with 1/2 cup lemon juice and 1/4 cup orange juice.

Roberta Haller Strom-San Lorenzo, Cal.



1 1/2 cup Tang

3/4 cup Lipton instant iced tea mix (Low calorie and lemon flavored)

3/4 tsp. ground cinnamon

3/4 tsp . ground cloves

Combine all ingredients and mix well with a fork. Use one heaping tsp . in a mug and a level tsp. in a cup of boiling water. Also good iced.

Mrs. Robert P. Honold--Sheboygan, Wis.


1 #2 can apple juice

1 #2 can pineapple juice

1 sm. can orange juice frozen

1 sm. can lemon juice frozen 1 quart hot tea, sweetened spice bag (see below)

Tie in bag: 2 sticks cinnamon, 1 Tbsp. whole cloves, 1 Tbsp. All-spice. Boil in 1 quart water. Then mix with juice and tea. Serve hot.

Approx. 1 gal. tea

Mrs. Kenneth E. Schultz--Colorado Springs, Colo.

RUSSIAN TEA (Instant Mix)

1 pkg. Wyler's Lemonade Mix

3/4 cup Tang- instant orange drink

1 cup instant tea

1/2 cup sugar

1/4 tsp cinnamon (powdered or ground)

1/4 tsp. cloves

Mix all ingredients together. Place in glass jar or container which can be sealed (keeps indefinitely). For one cup, add 2 tsp. to boiling water. Can be used as iced tea.

Approx. 36 servings.

Mrs. Herbert C. Kanske--Sheboygan, Wis.


8 quart pkg. Carnation dry milk

16oz. pkg. Nestle's Quick

6 oz. jar Coffee Mate

1 cup powdered sugar

Sift all ingredients together. Store in tightly covered containers. Makes a large amount. Use 1/2 cup of chocolate mixture filled with boiling water to make a big cup of hot chocolate. Very good.

Yield: 32 (8 oz.) cups

Mrs. Donald J. Davis --East Moline, Ill.



Originally projected in 1937, the Valparaiso University Guild at its tenth anniversary convention in 1941 undertook a challenging project. A decision was made to create a building fund for the erection of a new dormitory for women Guild members were moved to do so by a deep understanding of the purpose and objectives of the University - and faith in the future of the school. Income totaling $70,617.47 from Guild activities for the succeeding five years was devoted to the project. The following year the Guild added an additional $28,255.80 - and in appreciation the University named one of two new dormitories Guild Hall.

The cornerstone for the Guild-Memorial Quadrangle was put into place on September 28, 1946. Guild Hall stands east of Memorial Hall, another women's dorm, and these residences have been and continue to be "home" on campus for many women students.


2 qt. cranberry juice (I use bottled)

2 Tbsp. instant tea

2 Tbsp. whole cloves

1 stick cinnamon

1 cup sugar

1/4 cup lemon juice

Sim mer cloves and cinammon stick in 1 pint of hot water for five minutes; strain. At simmering level add 1 cup sugar and 2 Tbsp. instant tea. This is your spiced tea infusion. Next, bring 4 qts. water to a boil in large enameled kettle; add spiced tea infusion, lemon juice and cranberry juice. Serve hot or cold.

Yield 40-50 servings

Dorothea Dunagan--Pocahontas, Ark.

NOTE: This was the traditional Christmas party punch at Guild-Memorial Halls during my 18 years as Dorm Director there.




4-16 oz. bottles orange pop

3-6 oz. cans frozen orange juice

1 pint orange sherbet

Prepare frozen orange juice according to directions. Add orange pop, mix well. Float orange sherbet on top and pour.

'\pprox. 1 gal. Donnie Lisby-Aurora, Ill.


1 quart eggnog mix

6 oz. can concentrated orange juice

2 10 oz. pkgs. strawberries or raspberries

Beat the eggnog mix and orange juice until thick and foamy. Put thawed fruit into punch bowl. Add eggnog mixture, stir gently, garnish with nutmeg and cinnamon stick. An additional amount of white rum may be added to mixture for flavor.

Approx. 2 quarts Theresa Schmalz--Saint Paul, Minn.


2 cans (1 qt. 14 oz.) unsweetened 2 pkg. raspberry Kool-Aid (dry) pineapple juice 11/2 quarts water

cup Tang (powder; may substi- 1/4 cup Real lemon tute 1 can frozen orange juice) 3 cups sugar

Combine. This punch can be frozen for later use. Pretty addition when serving is to mix another pkg. Kool-Aid and freeze in mold. Put into punch bowl when serving.

Mrs. G. W. (Edythe) Hartmann-Kokomo, Ind.

Chapter organization of the Guild began in October of 1931. The first chapters were Detroit, Fort Wayne, and Appleton.

Guild membership fees are used for current support of the University; this practice was established by resolution in 1934.

Monies raised through chapter activities are used for special projects voted upon by Guild members in convention.

The name Valparaiso University Guild was adopted in 1938.

First social event recorded, the Guild banquet, was held in the parish hall of Immanuel Lutheran Church to honor the senior girls 'in 1938.



1 qt. fresh, frozen or canned sour cherries

4 cups water

2/3 cup sugar

1/4 tsp. salt

4 slices bacon

Add water, sugar and salt to cherries. Cook about 10 minutes or until cherries are done. Cut bacon into bits, fry until crisp. Add bacon and the fat to soup. Drop in dumplings:

n;4 cups sifted all-purpose flour

1 tsp. salt

'1112 cups boiling water

1 large egg

Add salt to flour and sift. With a fork stir- the boiling into flour. Add egg and mix. With a tablespoon, first dipped into soup to wet it, cut off dumplings (teaspoonful) and drop into boiling soup. Cook about 10 minutes. A softer dough makes more tender dumplings, but they should not cook apart into small pieces in the soup.

Serves 4-6 people.

6 cups chicken stock

3 Tbsp. cornstarch

3 Tbsp. cold water

1/2 tsp. sugar

Augusta Paslean-Metamora, Mich.


1 tsp. salt

1/4 tsp. pepper

2 eggs, beaten

2 or 3 scallions, chopped

Heat stock to boiling point. Mix cornstarch smoothly with water, add sugar, salt, pepper. Stir slowly into stock till smoothly blended and boiling. Reduce heat; add beaten eggs; stir slowly for 1 or 2 minutes till eggs separate in shreds. Turn off heat. Add scallions and serve.

Serves 4 Mrs. Harvey Groehn--Gross Pointe Park, Mich.


1 lb. frozen perch fillet (or haddock)

3 cups salted water

heaping tsp. dried dill weed

1 can er. tomato soup or tomato bisque

1 Tbsp. butter

Pepper fresh parsley

Bring water .to a boil. Add fish and dill. Let simmer until tender, about 15 minutes. "Chunk" fish with a fork. Add can of soup, undiluted . Simmer 5 minutes; add butter and sprinkle with parsley.

Serves 4

Mrs. Douglas R. Seltz--St. Paul, Minn.

NOTE: It is the dill weed that gives the broth its nutty, lobster-like flavor.


FRUCHT SUPPE (fruit Soup)

1/2 lb. dried prunes

1 cup seeded raisins

1 orange sliced thin

1/4 lb. dried apricots

3 apples cored and diced

1 lemon sliced thin

1 cup sugar

1 stick cinnamon

1/8 tsp . salt

1 Tbsp butter

4 Tbsp tapioca

.Soak tapioca , cinnamon, orange, _,lemon, sugar and salt in enough water to cover overnight The next day add dried prunes and cook for 10 minutes

Then add raisins, apricots and apples and cook until soft - about 15-20 minutes Remove from heat and add butter and cool. May be served warm or cold. More water may be added while cooking to cover the fruit (about 2 cups.)

Yield : 1-2 quarts

Norma (Baumeister) Stoltzmann--St. Paul, Minn.


2 cups dry Navy beans

1/2 lb . lean boneless fresh pork (or a ham bone)

1/2 tsp. salt (or more if desired)

Wash; and soak beans in cold water, 2 to 3 hours. (Beans will swell about twice the original mass). Add cold water as necessary to stand above level of beans as they soak. Rinse. Place in 4 quart saucepan or soup kettle. Add fresh cold water, twice the mass of beans and meat. Bring to boil; then cover and reduce heat to slow bubbling boil for 3-4 hours. Maintain broth at approximately original level by adding water as needed, during cooking. Stir occasionally to prevent burning.

Variations: Additional seasoning (thyme, or other); potatoes, or other vegetables may be added.

NOTE: This is a hearty, delectable soup; a fine winter supper. Possibly its simplicity reflects the stark requirements of meals during the Depression years.

8-8 oz. servings

Augusta M Kraegel--Silver Spring, Md.

The " Guild Special, an annual assesment of $5 .00 per chapter, is used to present to the University each year some special, useful gift to enrich life on campus. It began in 1936 when chapters contributed trees for University Park - each tree bearing a plaque with . the chapter's name .


2 lbs hamburger

salt and pepper to taste

4 medium onions, chopped

4 stalks celery, chopped

2 cans kidney beans or hot chili beans (15 oz each)

3 cans tomatosoup(103/4oz . each)

3 or more soup cans of water

1 tsp. chili powder

8 oz egg noodles

Brown hamburger and onions in shortening in large soup kettle, adding salt and pepper to taste . Add celery, beans, soup, water, and chili powder. Bring to boil over medium heat, stirring occasionally Add noodles, and simmer 15 minutes or until noodles are tender. More water and soup may be added to leftover soup when re-heating

16 servings

2 1/2 lbs. chuck roast

2 chopped medium onions

2 cups diced celery

Mrs. Richard Reul-Beloit, Wis


salt and pepper

4 quarts cold water

Simmer 2 to 3 hours, then remove meat, cut off all fat and remove any floating fatty pieces. Replace meat, then add :

1-8 oz. pkg. frozen corn

2-1 lb. 12 oz. cans tomato wedges

1-8 oz. pkg frozen cut-up green and juice


1-8 oz. pkg. frozen spinach

1-8 oz. pkg frozen peas

2 cups cut-up celery

8 beef bouillon cubes

2 Tbsp. vinegar

3 Tbsp. sugar

4 whole medium onions

Simmer for 2 to 3 hours, then add 2 cups diced carrots, 2 cups diced potatoes, then simmer till done.

Serves 12

Mrs W H Borchelt--Fort Wayne, Ind.

Papers written on Guild subjects by Guild members and poetry, pageant, essay, and letter-writing contests were featured at early Guild meetings .

The Cui/d 's emblem was designed by Mrs. Charles Bodenstab, Chicago chapter . It was the prize-winning entry in a contest - and officially adopted by the Guild in 1942

" Build with the Guild " was the winning slogan submitted in a contest by Mrs . Edward W . Jaeger, Chicago chapter.


3 lbs beef shank

3 quarts water

3 blades celery with tops


3 bay leaves

2 Tbsp. peppercorns

3 lg. carrots parsley (quite a bit)

3 lg. onions salt to taste

Put above ingredients together in large soup kettle and bring to boil and then simmer covered for about 3 hours or until meat is very tender. Take meat out and strain the soup. Then grind meat on medium knife or desired consistency. Return ground meat to clear soup stock, return to boil again and add:

1 lb. barley grits*

1 Tbsp allspice

1/4 tsp. cloves

4 tsp. salt

1 tsp. ground peppercorn

*Grits available from Brumwell Milling Co., Solon, Iowa 52333

Stir frequently as barley grits will cause to thicken. Simmer about 1 hour. May be kept in refrigerator and warmed as needed. Makes large amount. This is a German family traditional recipe used for breakfast during winter.



Two brick pillars indicate the entrance to the Old Campus on Freeman Street. The inscription reads: "Valparaiso UniversityFounded 1859." The original campus consisted of 15 acres purchased from the estate of Mr . Azariah Freeman, a public-spirited c1t1zen interested in the college movement.

This site selected for the early Valparaiso Male and Female College was one of the most desirable in this part of Indiana. The first subscription for the school totaled over $11,000

The Lutheran University Association in 1925 negotiated the purchase of now called Valparaiso University for $176,500 .



2 1/2 cups warm water (110-115 1/4 cup honey , brown sugar or light mollasses degrees)

1 pkg. active dry yeast

1/4 cup soft shortening

1 1/3 Tbsp. salt

6 cups whole wheat flour (or 4 cups whole wheat flour & 2 cups white flour

In bowl, dissolve yeast in water Sift flour. Add shortening, salt, sugar and half of the flour to yeast. Beat 2 minutes at medium speed of mixer or 300 vigorous strokes by hand. Scrape bowl frequently. Add remaining flour, blend in with spoon. Scrape batter from sides of bowl. Cover with cloth. Let rise in warm place (85 degrees) until double, about 30 minutes (If kitchen is cool, place dough on a rack over a bowl of hot water and cover completely with a towel.)

Stir down batter by beating about 25 strokes Batter will be sticky. Sprinkle Ii ghtly with flour for easier handling . Split dough into six loaves . Again let rise in warm place about 10 minutes. Roll out with rolling pin approximate diameter should be 4x4". Mark with deep cross Arrange on flat cookie sheet Let rise in warm place for 40 minutes more

Heat oven to 375 degrees. Bake 15 minutes. Cool slowly. Do not cool in draft .

Note : Each loaf will commune about 50 people . Whole wheat bread comes out better for altar use - fewer crumbs . Prepare at least 24 hours before use at altar

Mrs . Wayne (Karyn) Kiefer--Valparaiso , Ind .


2 cups white flour

2 cups whole wheat flour

1 1/2 tsp. salt

2 Tbsp. shortening

1 1/8 cups water

Knead thoroughly . Roll out with rolling pin, cut round shapes about 4 to 6-in . in diameter. Mark cross in middle . Place on ungreased cookie bake in 375 degree prehe<\ted oven for 20-25 minutes. Cool on rack . Store frozen .

Communes 150 JoAnn Wittwer (Valpo student)--Colorado Springs, Colo.



1 cup warm water

2 or 3 pkg. dry yeast (3 saves at least an hour rising time)

4 cups tepid water (water saved from cooking potatoes adds a delightful flavor)

11/2 cup powdered milk

I 2 Tbsp. salt

1/2 cup sugar

1/3 cup cooking oil (for richer bread, use 1/2 cup)

11 -12 cups unsifted flour

Into very large mixing bowl put 1 cup warm water and 2 or 3 pkg. dry yeast. Stir to dissolve. Add the next 4 cups water, powdered milk, salt and sugar and stir to dissolve. Then add cooking oil. Add 8 cups unsifted flour. Mix thoroughly with spoon. Let set, covered, 10-15 minutes; add 3 to 4 cups flour with hands--as much as dough will confortably take. It will be firm but not tough or dry, no longer sticky (If sifting flour, use 10 cups to stir in, add about 3 or 4 more.) Knead well for 10 minutes or more. Cover, let rest until double in bulk; work down thoroughly. Cover. Let rest until double in bulk a second time. Knead down .

Thoroughly grease 4 - 9x5x3 loaf pans, divide dough into 4 parts; shape into loaves; put into pans; grease tops; cover to let rise until at least double in bulk.

Bake 30 minutes at 400 degrees. (Tap top of loaf-a hollow sound indicates bread is done .) Immediately remove bread from pans to cool. A cloth cover will prevent top from cracking. As soon as cool package loaves in plastic bags Store in freezer.

(If using potato water in quantity, reduce salt by 1 tsp. - using 5 tsp.) For a special variation--Raisin Bread

Instead of merely shaping the fourth loaf; roll it out about 1/2 inch thick after punching it down well; brush with cooking oil; sprinkle with 2 Tbsp. sugar mixed with 1 tsp cinnamon; press 1 cup soaked and drained raisins into dough (enough to make them stay in place as you .. .) roll up loaf; shape ends ; fit into pan ; let rise ; Bake as above Great toasted for breakfast.

Yield : 4 large loaves

Margaret Michael Rivers- -Valparaiso , Ind.


1 1/2 cakes yeast

3 Tbsp lukewarm water

1 cup lukewarm water

2 Tbsp. honey or brown sugar

1 1/2 tsp . salt

1 1/2 cup all purpose flour, sifted

1 1/2 cup whole-wheat flour

3 Tbsp. shortening, melted

1 cup raisins, sprinkled with 1 tbsp. flour, optional

(Directions on following page . )


(Quick Whole -Wheat Raisin Bread , cont .)

Dissolve yeast in 3 Tbsp. lukewarm water and add 1 cup lukewarm water, honey or brown sugar and salt. Combine liquid and flours Add melted shortening. Add raisins , if desired . Knead dough until it is smooth :. Shape it into ball. Cover it with cloth and permit to stand in a warm place for 15 minutes . Knead for 10 minutes. Shape it into loaf . Place in a greased 5 x 10 pan. Permit to stand for about 1 hour, or until doubled in size Bake at 385 degrees for about 45 minutes.

HINT : Much kneading makes finer yeast bread. You won 't over-knead.


2/3 cup powdered milk dissolved in warm water to make 2 cups liquid

3 tsp. salt

1/4 to 1/2 cup mild molasses , syrup, sorghum or brown sugar

1 Tbsp. caraway seed

1/2 to 1 oz. fresh or 1 pkg dry yeast

2 to 3 cups stirred medium rye flour

3 to 4 cups sifted white flour (use a total of 6 cups flour)

2 Tbsp . soft fat

Add salt , sweetening and caraway seed to dissolved milk in mixing bowl. Add yeast softened in 1/2 cup lukewarm water.* Add rye flour and enough of white flour to make a medium thick batter. Beat well. Cover and let stand until light and spongy

Add fat and beat until smooth. Add enough white flour to make a stiff dough. (Rye bread is almost always a bit sticky .) Turn out on floured board . Knead dough until smooth and elastic-5 to 8 minutes . Place dough in greased bowl and let rise until double in bulk Divide dough into 2 portions Mold each into a round ball. Cover with a towel and let rise 10 to 15 minutes. Then shape into 2 round loaves Place in two 8 inch cake or pie pans . Brush top lightly with melted fat . Cover and let rise until almost double in bulk. Do not allow rye dough to become as light as white bread dough. Bake at 375 degrees to 385 degrees for 10 minutes. Reduce temperature to 350 degrees and bake an additional 35 to 40 minutes. When baked , remove bread from pan and place on wire rack to cool.

*Use lukewarm (95 degrees - 100 degrees F.) water for fresh yeast

Use warm (105 degrees - 110 degrees F ) water for active dry yeast

Yield : two 8 inch round loaves Mrs. Ewald F. Timm--New Berlin, Wis .



KOLACE (ko-lat-che)

1/3 cup sugar

3 Tbsp. cornstarch

1/4 tsp. salt

11/2 cup milk

11/2 tsp. vanilla

1 stick margarine

2 pkg yeast, dissolved in 1/2 cup warm water

2 beaten eggs

2 tsp . salt

5 to 5 1/ 2 cup flour


2 Tbsp . butter, room temperature

3/4 lb. creamed cottage cheese (12 oz.)

2 egg yolks

1/ 3 cup raisins

1/2 cup sugar

1/4 tsp salt

1/4 tsp. vanilla or lemon extract

Mix sugar , cornstarch and salt in saucepan . Gradually add milk; bring to boil over medium heat, stirring constantly; boil 1 minute . Remove from heat; stir in vanilla and oleo. Cool. Pour into large mixing bowl. Add dissolved yeast to pudding mixture . Add eggs, salt and flour and mix well. Cover with plastic wrap ; let rise once , about 1 hour Stir down. Roll pieces of dough, size of large walnuts, and place on greased baking sheets. Press large indentation in center and fill with heaping tsp. of filling. To make filling - cream butter , add remaining ingredients. Let rise 15 - 20 minutes until light . Bake at 375 degrees for 15 - 25 minutes . When removed from oven, dust with sifted confectioners sugar.

Yield : 5 dozen Carol Rusch Findling Beatrice, Neb

EDITOR'S NOTE: Prune, poppyseed or jam filling may also be used

MALASADAS (Portuguese Doughnuts)

1 pkg active dry yeast

1 tsp. sugar

1/4 cup warm water


6 cups flour

1/2 cup sugar

1/ 4 cup butter or margarine, melted

1 cup evaporated milk

1 cup water

1 tsp salt

Deep fat for frying

Dissolve yeast and the 1 tsp. sugar in warm water. Beat eggs until thick. Measure flour into a large bowl; make a well in the center. Add yeast, eggs, and remaining ingredients; beat thoroughly to form a soft smooth dough. Cover and let rise until doubled. With a circular motion following the outer edge of bowl, turn dough and let rise until doubled. Heat deep fat to 375 degrees F. Spoon teaspoonfuls of dough carefully from bowl, to keep risen dough from falling. Drop into fat and fry until brown. Drain on absorbent paper, shake in a bag with granulated sugar, and serve hot. Yield: 7 dozen Mrs. W. 0 . Wiedenheft--Honolulu, Hawaii

1 cup sugar

1/2 cup butter

2 eggs

1/2 cup thick buttermilk



1 tsp. soda

1/4 tsp. nutmeg

1 tsp. salt

2 cup all purpose flour

Cream sugar and butter, add eggs, stir soda into buttermilk and mix well. Add this to first mixture. Then add nutmeg, salt and flour. Chill well. If necessary add a bit more flour while rolling out, cut and fry in deep fat 375 degrees turning once or twice, drain on paper toweling and sugar or glaze.

Yield: 2 dozen, large Mrs . Ray D. Matas--Beloit, Wis .


3/8 cup oleo

1/2 cup scalded milk

1/2 cup sugar

1/2 cup cold water

2 eggs

1 yeast cake (Red Star) dissolved in 1/4 cup warm water

1 1/2 tsp salt

41/2 cups flour

Scald the milk. To it add the sugar and oleo Beat well with mixer. Add the cold water , eggs and yeast. Beat well. Add salt and 2 cups flour. Mix well and add rest of flour . Stir well. Let rise until double in size . Roll out on floured board Cut. Let rise again. Fry in deep fat. (No kneading necessary .) Heat deep fat to 390 degrees and fry until brown on both sides.

Yield : 2 1/ 2 dozen Mrs Ervin F. Basner--Saginaw, Mich.


4 Tbsp melted butter

1 cup granulated sugar

3 eggs

1 cup milk

4 cup flour

3 tsp. baking powder

1 tsp . salt

1/2 tsp mace

Shortening for deep frying


1/3 cup hot water

1 cup powdered sugar

Add melted butter to sugar. Add eggs one at a time. Mix well. Add milk . Mix baking powder, salt and mace with flour, add to batter. Shape into crullers with hands. Fry in deep fat until golden brown. (Add hot water to powdered sugar and mix well.) Frost while warm with powdered sugar glaze.

Yield: 2 1/2 dozen Mrs. Glenn Meyer--Greendale, Wis.


6 egg yolk s

1 egg white

1 tsp sugar


11 / 4 cup sifted all purpose flour

1/ 2 tsp salt

Beat egg yolks until thick and lemon colored. Beat egg white until stiff Add sugar to the egg white , then fold it into the beaten egg yolks. Sift together the flour and salt and add to the eggs Knead dough a few times on floured board, then divide into 3 parts . Roll out paper thin. Cut in diamond shapes and with a knife , cut a slit in center of each diamond . Draw one corner through slit and fry in deep fat (375 degrees) as for donuts, turning over when one side is golden brown, and browning the other side . Drain, sift powdered sugar over them.

Mrs . Albert (Lydia A.) Jabs--Bristol, Conn.


1 cake yeast

1 Tbsp . sugar

1/4 cup lukewarm water

Mix these three ingredients and let rise 10 minutes .

1 cup shortening (1/2 butter), creamed

2 1/2 cup flour

1/4 tsp. salt

1 egg & 2 yolks

1/2 cup sugar

1 tsp cinnamon

2 egg whites

Mix first three ingredients like pie dough Beat well 1 egg ·and 2 egg yolks and add to yeast mixture Then add to flour, mix, stir well until all are well mixed and smooth. Divide dough into 3 parts. Roll each as thin as possible . Mix 1/2 cup sugar , 1 tsp . cinnamon . Take 2 egg whites beaten stiff . Spread over dough, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon . Cut into pie fashion. Roll each wedge as jelly roll. Put loosely into pan Stand in warm place for 20 minutes Bake at 425 degrees until brown (do not over bake). Spread with butter frosting and nuts

Yield : 3 dozen Pat Fraunfelder--Oberlin , Ohio NOTE: This recipe has been handed down in our family for years. It is the most popular pastry I have ever made . Use for church dinner, bake sales , etc

" Activities should be of a high standard and in accord with the policy of the University - and existing conditions in cities where chapters are located - adopted in 1936 and still adhered to by the Guild


1 lb . 10 oz . cooking apples


11 / 4 cup all purpose flour

3 tsp . baking powder



1 cup milk

1 tsp. sugar

1 egg

Wash, peel and core apples and cut into 1/ 2 in rings. To make batter, sift flour and baking powder into bowl; make well in center and add sugar and egg Starting from the middle, carefully mix egg into flour, gradually adding milk until the batter is smooth and a good dropping consistency . Dip apple rings in batter and put into deep fat (375 degrees for 1 to 2 minutes). Fry until golden brown on both sides. Remove from fat. Sprinkle with sugar and serve warm (Other fruits such as rhubarb or banana slices, slices of pineapple, or peach or apricot halves can be substituted for the apple rings.)


Built in 1875 as Flint Hall, it was " better known to students of the Old School as Heritage Hall and to students of the Lutheran era (after 1925) as the University Library ." A fire destroyed the original third floor

The Valparaiso University Guild fiscal projects for two successive years, 1959-1961 , provided funds toward the rehabilitation of the then vacant but structurally sound building

Heritage Hall currently houses classrooms, faculty offices and a lounge.

1 pkg. dry yeast

1 1/2 cup warm water

1 Tbsp. sugar

1 tsp salt


4 cup flour

1 egg, beaten Coarse salt

Dissolve yeast in 1 1/2 cups warm water. Add sugar and salt and blend in flour. Turn dough out onto a lightly-floured board and knead it until smooth Cut off slices of dough; roll into ropes and twist ropes into the traditional pretzel shapes. Arrange the pretzels on a cookie sheet lined with greased brown paper. Brush pretzels with beaten egg and sprinkle generously with coarse salt . Bake in preheated 425 degree oven for 12-15 minutes or until brown Remove from brown paper immediately.

Yield : 2 dozen Mrs. Alton F. Riethmeier--Rochester, N.Y.


1 cup shortening or margarine

1 cup sugar

2 tsp. salt

2 eggs

1 cup milk, scalded and cooled

2 cakes of yeast, dissolved in one cup lukewarm water

6 scant cups flour

Cream margarine and sugar. Add eggs, salt, milk and yeast. Add flour a little at a time until all is well mixed. Refrigerate overnight In the morning put the dough in 5 or 6 greased round cake pans and let rise about two hours. Brush with melted butter and either sprinkle with a sugarcinnamon mixture or top with a streusel made of 3 Tbsp. each of brown sugar, white sugar, flour and 2 Tbsp . butter . Bake at 360 degrees until light brown, about 45 minutes.

Yield: 5 or 6 coffee cakes

11/2 cup scalded milk

1 cup sugar

2 pkg. dry yeast

6 cup flour, divided 4 eggs, beaten

1/2 tsp. salt

1/2 cup melted butter

1/2 cup melted oleo

Mrs . R. Arthur Schack--Ft . Wayne, Ind.



1/2 cup butter

1 3/4 cup walnuts, cutfine

1 cup honey

1 tsp cinnamon

2 cup dates, cut up

Mix milk, sugar and yeast until dissolved Stir in 3 cups flour. Let rise 45 minutes. Add eggs, salt, butter, oleo, and remaining flour. Put in greased bowl. Spread surface of dough with butter. Cover. Let rise 1 hour.

To make filling, combine butter, walnuts, honey and cinnamon and simmer 5 minutes. Remove from heat and add dates. Cool slightly.

(Cont. following page )


Divide raised dough into quarters. Roll out one piece on well-floured pastry cloth into a 9" x 12" rectangle. Spread 1/4 filling over dough. Roll dough jellyroll style to form a 12 " long stollen. Place on ungreased cookie sheet. Repeat for remaining 3 pieces. Bake at 375 degrees for 30 - 35 minutes. When cool, frost with a thin butter frosting and decorate with candied cherries and colored sugar. (Unfrosted stollens freeze very well.) Yield: 4 stollens

Mrs. Dale Mertz-North Olmsted, Ohio


1 cup shortening (1/2 cup Crisco, 1/2 cup oleo)

4 cup all-purpose flour

1/2 tsp salt

3 Tbsp sugar

1 cup milk

1/2cakeor1 pkg. dry yeast

2 egg yolks & 1 whole egg

Mix first four ingredients as for pie crust. Heat milk to lukewarm (not hot) and dissolve the yeast in it and add to first mixture Add slightly beaten eggs. Put in refrigerator overnight. In the morning let stand at room temperature for awhile. Divide into 2 parts. Put on floured board and knead gently. Roll thin. Spread with melted oleo, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon. Dot with nuts, raisins and mixed fruit. Roll up like jelly roll. Let rise 2 1/2 hours. Bake 350 degrees for 45 minutes. While warm, spread top with confectioners sugar mixed with milk.

Mrs. John Steininger-Holland, Mich.

Also submitted as Danish Krinkle by Mrs. Louis Krueckenberg-Clintonville, Wis.


3 cakes yeast

2 cup lukewarm milk

8 cup flour

1 lb margarine or butter

1 cup sugar

1 tsp. salt


1 pkg white raisins -15 oz

1 pkg. dark raisins -15 oz.

1 pkg. currants -15 oz.

1 lb. mixed candied fruit

1/2 lb . candied cherries& pineapple


2 cup confectioners sugar

4 Tbsp. butter melted

Lemon juice to make spreading consistency

Dissolve yeast in lukewarm milk and stir in 1 cup of flour. Let stand in warm place. Cream margarine and sugar. Add eggs and salt Add milk and yeast . Beat well. Add remaining flour gradually, reserving 1/2 cup to mix with fruit. Knead dough, gradually adding fruit as you knead. Let rise until double in volume. Shape into loaves and pJace in eight 8 1/2 x 4 loaf pans. Let rise until double in volume Bake at 325 degrees for 50 minutes Glaze while warm with icing.

Yield: 8-1 lb. loaves

Mrs. E. E. Goehring, Valparaiso, Ind.



2 cups dairy sour c ream

2 pkg. active dry yeast

1/2 cup warm water (105 degrees115 degrees F.)

1/4 cup soft margarine

1/3 cup sugar

2 tsp. salt

2 eggs

6 cups flour, approx.

1 1/2 cup finely chopped dried apricots

1/2 cup finely chopped drained maraschino cherries

Heat sour cream over low heat just until lukewarm. Dissolve yeast in water in large mixing bowl. Add warm sour cream, margarine, sugar, salt, eggs and 2 cups of the flour; beat until smooth, stir in remaining flour until dough cleans side of bowl. Knead dough on well-floured board until smooth, about 10 minutes. Place in greased bowl, turning once to bring greased side up. Cover; let rise in warm place (85 degrees) about 1 hour, or until dough is double. Punch down dough.

Heat oven to 375 degrees. Divide sour cream yeast dough into 3 parts. Roll each third into a rectangle, 15 x 6" . Place on greased baking sheet. Make cuts, 2" deep from outer edge of 15" sides at 1/2" intervals with scissors. Combine dried apricots and maraschino cherries. Spread 1/3 of fruit mixture down center of each rectangle. Crisscross strips over filling.

Stretch cane to 1 1/2 times its length (22"). Curve dough to form cane. Bake 15 to 20 minutes or until golden brown . While warm, brush with margarine and drizzle with thin confectioners icing. Decorate with halves of cherries, if desired.


2 pkgs. yeast

1/2 cup warm water

8 cup flour

2 tsp. salt

1/2 cup white sugar

1 lb. oleo

4 eggs, beaten

2 cup scalded milk

2 cup white sugar

2 Tbsp. cinnamon

Dissolve yeast in water; mix flour, salt, white sugar. Crumble oleo into this mixture as pie dough . Scald the milk and cool. Add milk, the eggs and yeast mixture to the flour mixture. Put in refrigerator over night in a tight container . Next morning divide into 4 parts, rolling each part separately while keeping the rest in the refrigerator. Mix sugar with the cinnamon; use 1/4 for each roll. Roll up as for Jelly roll. Do not let raise; cut off as for thin rolls; bake immediately at 350 degrees until nice and brown. Ice with powdered sugar and milk while warm.

Mrs Edgar (Leonora) Krueckeberg--Decatur, Ind.



1/2 lb butter or margarine

3 cup flour

1 cup white sugar

1 cup brown sugar

2 eggs, well beaten

1 cup chopped pecans

1 tsp. baking soda

1 cup buttermilk

Hand mix until crumbly butter, flour and sugars. Reserve one cup crumbs for topping. Add eggs and nuts to batter and blend. Mix baking soda with buttermilk and add to batter. Mix with slotted spoon. Pour batter into 9 x 13 pan Sprinkle on crumb topping. Bake for 35 minutes at 350 degrees. When cool, sprinkle with confectioners sugar

Mrs. Ted Schuessler-Kirkwood, Mo.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Mrs. Elona E. Bricker-Quincy, Ill. doesn't use nuts in her batter, but instead adds 1/2 cup chopped nuts and 3 coarsely chopped Heath Bars to her topping mix for a different flavor.


1 pkg. yellow cake mix

1 pkg. instant vanilla pudding


1-8 oz. carton sour cream

1/2 cup salad oil

1 tsp . vanilla

Topping :

1/4 cup white sugar

1/4 cup light brown sugar

11/2 tsp. cinnamon

1 Tbsp. melted butter

Put all ingredients, except topping, in mixing bowl and beat at high speed until thick, about 7 minutes. Crease a large tube or Bundt pan. Alternate layers of cake batter and topping, beginning and ending with cake batter. Bake at 350 degrees for 50 to 60 minutes. Cool 20 minutes before removing from pan.

When cool, coffee cake may be frosted with:

1/4 cup butter

2 cup confectioners sugar

Pinch of salt

1 Tbsp . cream

2 Tbsp. whiskey

Cream butter; add sugar and salt, then cream and whiskey. Whip until smooth.

Pearl Taylor--G reendale, Ind

EDITOR'S NOTE: Mrs. W. H Neuendorf-Decatur, Ill. uses 1 cup buttermilk instead of the sour cream and 1 cup oil instead of the half cup. She also uses 1/2 cup chopped nuts in her topping, which adds a delightful crunchiness to the coffee cake. Very delicious.




1/2 cup butter or margarine

1 cup sugar

2 eggs

2 cup sifted all purpose flour

1 tsp. soda

1 tsp. baking powder

1/2 tsp. salt

1 cup sour cream

1 tsp. vanilla

Nut Filling:

1/3 cup brown sugar

1/4 cup white sugar

1 tsp. cinnamon

1 cup chopped pecans

Cream butter, add sugar gradually and cream till fluffy. Add eggs one at a time beating well after each addition Sift dry ingredients together and add to first mixture alternately with the sour cream, beginning and ending with flour. Add vanilla and pour half the mixture into a lightly greased 9x5x3 loaf pan, a 9x13 pan, or a 9" tube or bundt pan. Cover with half the nut filling and repeat. Bake at 350 degrees for 40 to 50 minutes for the loaf pan, for 35 minutes for the 9x13 pan, and for 70 minutes for the 9" tube or bundt pan .

Mrs C. Victor Youngmark-Valparaiso, Ind.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Also submitted by Mrs. Edna C. Buetzow--Pittsburgh, Pa., Mrs . Charles L. Wilson--Ann Arbor, Mich., Marcella Borcherding, Valparaiso, Ind., and Mrs. Grace Buechler--Decatur, Ill. who covers the first layer of batter with a can of cherry pie filling and puts all the nut filling on top.


1 cup sifted flour

1/2 cup butter or margarine

2 Tbsp . water

1/2 cup butter or margarine

1 cup water

1 tsp almond flavoring

1 cup sifted flour

3 eggs

Cut butter into flour and add water, as for pie crust. Pat or roll dough into 2 long strips 12" x 3". Place strips 3" apart on ungreased cookie sheet Put butter into water and bring to rolling boil. Add flavoring and remove from heat. Stir in flour immediately to keep from lumping. Add eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition. Divide in half and spread on each strip. Bake at 350 degrees for 60 minutes or until crisp and brown. When cool, frost with icing made of confectioners sugar, butter, milk and flavoring. Sprinkle with nuts.

Janet Blume Jabs--Newberry, S.C.; and Esther Hildner--Glen Ellyn, 111.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Maple flavoring is also delicious.



2 pkg. dry yeast

1/2 cup warm water

1/3 cup sugar

2 tsp. salt

1 cup milk, scalded

1 egg

5 to 5 1/2 cup flour

1/2 cup cooking oil

1/4 cup grated apple

1 cup chopped nuts

1 cup brown sugar

1/2 cup butter

1/2 cup corn syrup

Soften yeast in warm water. Add sugar and salt to milk, cool to lukewarm. Add yeast and egg, stir. Add 2 cups flour, beat until smooth, add oil, stir. Add grated apple, stir. Add remaining flour to form stiff dough. Knead. Cover and let rise 1 1/2 hours or until double in bulk Sprinkle nuts in 24 greased muffin cups. Combine brown sugar, butter and corn syrup in saucepan and bring to boil. Pour syrup over nuts. Cut dough into 24 pieces, form in balls and place over syrup mixture. Cover. Let rise 45 minutes. Bake at 375 degrees for 20 minutes. Turn upside.down for 10 minutes after baking and remove pan.

Mrs. Donald Cress-Broadlands, Ill.


6 -10 apples, sliced

1 1/2 cup sugar

1/2 tsp. cinnamon

2 1/2 cup flour

2 Tbsp. sugar

1/2 tsp. salt

1 cup margarine

2 egg yolks in a cup filled with milk to make 2/3 cup liquid

1 cup corn flakes, rolled

Toss the apples, sugar and cinnamon; set aside. Make a dough of remaining ingredients, except corn flakes. Roll out half of dough and place on a jelly roll pan. Sprinkle with the corn flakes; spread the apple mixture over the corn flakes. Roll out remainder of dough and lay it over the apples. Punch holes in top crust. Beat two egg whites slightly with fork and spread over top of crust. Bake at 400 degrees for 30-35 minutes. When cool, frost with confectioners icing.

Serves 12. Mrs. Robert Suppan--Minneapolis, Minn .

Formal official registration of members and guests with a registration fee of $1.00 was first ordered for a Guild convention in 1940. The GUILD EDITION of the VALPARAISO UNIVERSITY BULLETIN made its first appearance Oct. 21, 1940. It was a o .ne-page 8 1/2x11 mimeographed news sheet edited by the president and secretary of the Guild .

1 c up ro ll ed o at s

1 c up butte rm i lk

1 l arge egg

1 c up b row n sugar, pa c ked

1 c up sifted flour


1 t sp . ba kin g powder

1 tsp salt

1/ 2 tsp soda

1/3 c up shorte ning, melted & cooled

Soak rolled oats in buttermilk for 1 hour Add egg and beat Stir in brown sugar Sift together flour, baking powder, salt and soda. Add to first mixture . Last add melted , cooled shortening . Bake 400 degrees for 20 minutes.

Yield : 12 large muffins or 18 smaller ones Mrs. Ruth F Ruff--Cranger, Ind


1/ 2 cup shortening

1/2 cup butter

2 cup brown sugar

2 .eggs

i cup pumpkin

2 1/2 cup flour

1/ 2 tsp. salt

2 tsp soda

2 tsp. baking powder

3/ 4 cup dates

3/ 4 cup chopped nuts

1 tsp. vanilla

Sift flour, soda, baking powder and salt once Cream shortening and butter, with sugar. Add eggs, one at a time and beat well. Fold sifted dry ingredients alternately with pumpkin :· Add vanilla, dates and nuts . Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.

Yield : 24 large - 30 small

Meta Koepke-Milwaukee, Wis .


2 cup boiling water

2 cup bran flakes

1 cup shortening

2 cups sugar

4 beaten eggs

1 quart buttermilk

5 cup white flour

5 tsp soda

1 tsp . salt ·

4 cup Kelloggs All Bran (or flakes)

Soak bran flakes in the boiling water and cool. Cream shortening and sugar. Add eggs . Add buttermilk and soaked bran flakes . Sift dry ingredients and add with All Bran (or flakes) Mix until moist Do not over-mix Keeps 6 to 7 weeks in refrigerator Grease muffin tins well or use paper muffin c ups. Wh e n putting into tins to bake, blueberries, ra i sins, or dates may be added. Bake at 400 degrees for 15 to 20 minutes. These are so handy to have on hand for breakfast muffins!

Yield : 1 gallon mix (5-6 dozen)

Nancy Kickbush-Valparaiso , Ind.


1/2 cup oleo

3/4 cup sugar

1 egg

1 1/2 cup flour

1 Tbsp. baking powder


1/2 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. cinnamon

Pinch of nutmeg

1/2 cup milk

1 cup finely chopped fresh apples

Cream shortening, add sugar, blend well. Add egg, beat until light (2 minutes). Combine dry ingredients, add alternately with milk. Fold in apples. Fill 12 large muffin cups half full. Sprinkle with topping of: 1/4 cup brown sugar, 1/4 cup chopped nuts, 1/2 tsp. cinnamon. Bake at 375 degrees for about 20 minutes.

Mrs. Edgar Luecke--Valparaiso, Ind


1 cup sifted flour

1/2 tsp. salt

1 cup milk

2 eggs

1/3 cup hot beef drippings

Mix flour and salt together. Gradually add milk, beating until smooth after each addition. Add eggs, one a time, beating with mixer until smooth. Cover and chill for an hour. Spoon 1 Tbsp. of hot beef drippings into each cup of hot 12-cup Teflon muffin pan. Then pour pudding mixture into each cup, filling 3/4 of the cup. Bake, without peeking, at 425 degrees for 25-30 minutes. Serve immediately with hot roast of beef and gravy, if desired. Can take the place of potatoes.

Yield: 12 Maybelle Magee Owen-Park Forest, Ill.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Made in muffin cups well greased with vegetable shortening, these are excellent popovers.


3 cup milk

11/4 cup cornmeal (white)

3 eggs

2 Tbsp. butter

1 3/4 tsp. baking powder

1 tsp. salt

Stir meal into rapidly boiling milk. Cook until very thick, stirring constantly. Remove from fire and cool till stiff. Add well beaten eggs, salt, baking powder and melted butter. Beat 15 minutes. Pour into well-greased casserole. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.

Serves 6-8.

Elsa Horst Powers--Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.


3 Tbsp. flour

1/4 tsp baking powder

1/8 tsp. salt

2 large eggs, separated

5 Tbsp sugar


3 Tbsp . milk

1 cup pared, finely diced Yellow Delicious or Winesap apples

1 tsp . lemon juice

1/2 tsp. cinnamon

Sift together flour, baking powder and salt. Beat egg whites till foamy. Gradually beat in 3 Tbsp . sugar. Continue beating, if necessary, until whites stand in stiff peaks . Beat yolks until pale yellow. Add milk to egg yolks alternately with flour mixture . Fold in egg whites, apple and lemon juice Melt butter in 10" oven proof skillet. Turn batter into skillet over butter . Spread evenly. Sprinkle with remaining 2 Tbsp. sugar and cinnamon . Bake in moderate (375 degrees) oven until lightly browned, about 10 minutes . Cut into wedges with wide spatula and serve at once with confectioners sugar or superfine granulated sugar. Serves 4 . Mrs. Wm. Borcherding--New Orleans, La.

PALACSINTA (Hungarian pancake)

1 1/2 cup sifted flour

1 1/2 Tbsp sugar

1 tsp . salt

2 whole eggs

1 cup milk , plus 2 Tbsp.

2 Tbsp. shortening, approx.

1/2 carton cottage cheese

1 cup grape jam

2 Tbsp. sour cream (optional)

Mix flour, sugar and salt. Add eggs, and while stirring add milk. Batter will be thin Add small amount of water, if necessary. Put 1/2 Tbsp. shortening in fry pan over medium heat Pour about 1/2 cup batter into pan, spreading all around pan area by picking up pan to allow to flow. Lightly brown on both sides, and put out onto plate. Repeat process until batter is used up. As they are done, spread palacsinta with either cottage cheese, or grape jam ; roll, and place in baking dish, in a low oven. Mix sour cream Nith small amount of milk, and pour lengthwise over rolled palacsinta. Keep warm until time to serve.

4 servings

11/2 cup milk

1/2 cup cream

1/2 cup melted butter

4 eggs, beaten

Helen Bertalan-Holland, Mich .


1 cup flour

2 Tbsp. sugar

1/4 tsp. salt

Mix milk, cream, butter and eggs. Beat in sifted dry ingredients until smooth. Bake small cakes (about 3") on a Swedish griddle or a buttered small skillet. Delicious rolled with cinnamon sugar or jams.

Serves 6 . Mrs. Robert Teibel-Schererville, Ind.



1 egg

1 cup sugar

2 Tbsp. melted butter

2 Tbsp. hot water

1/2 cup orange juice

2 cup flour

1/2 tsp. baking powder


1/2 tsp. baking soda

1/2 tsp. salt

1 cup dried apricots, cut in small pieces

1/2 cup maraschino cherries, cut in pieces

1/2 cup nutmeats

egg and sugar Add butter, hot water and orange juice alternately with dry that have been sifted together Sprinkle a little flour over the apricots and cherries and add to above mixture with the nuts. Bake in greased 9x5x3 loaf pan at 325 degrees for 60 minutes. When done brush top with butter Remove from pan. When cool wrap in wax paper and store for 24 hours before serving.

Yield: 1 loaf

1/2 cup shortening

1 cup sugar

2 well-beaten eggs

3-4 bananas, mashed

1/4 cup chopped nuts

Mrs. Crace Buechler--Decatur, Ill.


1/4 cup maraschino cherries cut-up

1/2 cup chocolate chips

2 cup flour

1 tsp. baking soda

Crease and flour 2 -7 3/8 x 3 7/8 x 2 1/4 pans. Cream shortening and sugar; add beaten eggs, then mashed bananas ; mix thoroughly Add nuts, cherries and chocolate chips. Stir until blended. Sift flour and baking soda. Add to the creamed mixture Stir thoroughly. Bake at 350 degrees for 5 5 minutes Cool. Wrap in foil.

Yield : 2 1# loaves

Mrs. John Bolgert--Sheboygan, Wis and

Mrs Frederick W Meyer--Milwaukee, Wis.

The appointment of a full-time executive secretary for the Guild, to be paid by the University, was made Jan . 1, 1945 in the person of Mrs . Gayle T. Schwiebert This was the first such position of its kind in the history of the University and of the Church.

Highly qualified, calm, quiet " So " Heidbrink became the Cui/d 's second executive secretary, January 11, 1947.

Warm congratulations to "Ber" Ruprecht who in this year on December 1, 1972 marks her twentieth anniversary as the third executive secretary and now executive director of the Guild!



2 cup sifted all -purpose flour

1 tsp. baking soda

1/2 tsp. salt

1/2 cup butter or margarine

1 cup sugar

2 eggs

1 cup mashed bananas

1/3 cup buttermilk

1 tsp. lemon juice

1/2 cup chopped nuts

Sift together flour, soda and salt. Cream butter or margarine, gradually adding sugar . Add eggs and bananas, blending thoroughly. Combine buttermilk and lemon juice. Add sifted dry ingredients to banana mixture, alternately with buttermilk mixture, beginning and ending with the dry ingredients. Stir in nuts Spoon mixture into a 9x5x3 inch loaf pan greased only on the bottom. Bake in a moderate over (350 degrees) for 60 to 70 minutes. Remove from oven and cool slightly - then remove from pan and cool right side up.

Mrs Horst Englert-Crosse Pointe Woods, Mich.


4 eggs, well beaten

2 cups sugar

11/2 cup oil

3 cup finely grated carrots

3 cup flour

1 Tbsp baking powder

1 1/i tsp. soda

1/2 tsp. salt

1/2 cup chopped nuts

Combine eggs , sugar , oil and carrots Add dry ingredients and nuts and fill two loaf pans (8 1/2 x 4 1/2) two-thirds full. Bake at 375 degrees for 50 minutes .

Prof Margaretta Tangerman Valparaiso, Ind.


1 cup sugar

1/2 cup butter

2 eggs, unbeaten

1-1 lb . can cranberry sauce , whole berries

2 cup sifted flour

3 tsp . baking powder

1/2 tsp salt

1/4 cup water

1 cup walnuts

Cream butter and sugar, add eggs, beat well. Sift flour, baking powder and salt and add to mixture alternately with the cranberry sauce. Last add water and nutmeats Place in 9x5x3 loaf pan, and bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour or until done

Yield : 1 loaf

Mrs. Frederick W. Meyer--Milwaukee, Wis.

1 cup dates

2 tsp. baking soda

2 cup boiling water

2 cup brown sugar

3 Tbsp. butter



2 eggs

4 cups sifted flour

1 tsp . salt

2 tsp . vanilla

1 cup chopped nuts

Cut dates fine ; sprinkle soda over them; add boiling water. While this is cooling, cream sugar and butter ; add eggs ; beat well. To this add the date mb<ture, alternating with flour and salt . Then add vanilla and nuts . Pour batter i nto five well-greased tin cans or two 9x5x3 loaf pans . Bake the cans in a 325 degree oven for 60-70 minutes and the loaves at 350 degrees for 50 minutes .

Mrs Ruth Hemmeter-Ft Wayne , Ind .; and Mrs Wm R Sittler--Elmhurst, Ill.


1 cup sugar

1 cup grape-nuts

2 cups buttermilk

2 3/4 cup flour

4 tsp baking powder

1/4 cup sunflower seeds , optional

1/4 cup wheat germ

1/2 tsp . salt

1 tsp. baking soda

1 egg

Mix first 3 ingredients and let stand 1 hour Then add all other ingredients , beat well and put in buttered 9x5x3 loaf pan. (Baked in ring mold it's beautiful.) Bake at 350 degrees for 60 minutes .

Yield: 1 loaf

1 cup butter

1-8 oz. pkg. cream cheese

1 1/2 cup sugar


11/2 tsp. vanilla

2 1/4 cup sifted flour

Mrs Kenneth E Schultz--Colorado Springs , Colo


2 tsp. baking powder

1 cup candied cherries

1 cup candied pineapple

1 cup nuts

1/4 cup flour for dredging fruit and nuts

Cream butter and cream cheese together. Beat in sugar until light and fluffy Add eggs , one at a time and beat well. Add vanilla Sift flour and baking powder together and add to the creamed mixture . Fold floured fruit and nuts into batter. Bake in 2 small loaf pans or in a Sundt pan at 325 degrees for 75 minutes

Yield : 2 small loaves or 1 Sundt shaped loaf

Alvina D. Cannery--Milwaukee , Wis


This building has special significance as the center of campus life. Launched as a project in 1949, the student body voluntarily increased its student council fees over the years to aid with the funding of this building, dedicated on May 28, 1955. The Union has played an important part in the life and development of the University in its extra-curricular program. Most importantly, it effectively shifted the campus from its, original center to the new East Campus


3/4 cup sugar

3 Tbsp. shortening

1 tsp. salt

1 tsp. baking soda

1 whole egg

3/4 cup whole orange, ground

3/4 cup bleached raisins, ground

1/2 cup nuts, chopped

1 cup water

3 cup flour

1 Tbsp. bakingpowder(addtoflour)

Mix together the sugar, shortening, salt and soda at medium speed. Add egg and mix well. Mix in the orange, raisins, and nuts. Add water alternately with the flour and baking powder mixture. Mix until smooth. Pour into greased 9x5x3 loaf pan. Let set 20 minutes before baking at 350 degrees for 60 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean .

Yield: one 9x5x3 loaf

EDITOR'S NOTE: This is a "kitchen-size" version adapted from a 14-loaf recipe from Ken Harmon, Director of Food Services-Valparaiso University.


3 cup sugar

1 cup salad oil

4 eggs, beaten

2 cup pumpkin (1 lb. can)

3 1/2 cup flour

1 tsp. baking powder



2 tsp . baking soda

1 tsp. cinnamon

1 tsp. nutmeg

1 tsp. vanilla

2/3 cup water

1/2 cup chopped nuts (optional)

Combine sugar, oil and eggs . Add pumpkin. Sift together dry ingredients and add to pumpkin mixture. Add vanilla and water Fold in nuts. Pour i nto 4 greased one lb . coffee cans or 2 9x5x3 loaf pans. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes to 1 hour. Freezes well.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Also submitted by Mrs Evelyn Lavrenz who adds 1 tsp. allspice and 1/2 tsp . cloves to her recipe.


1 1/2 cup brown sugar

2/3 cup liquid shortening

1 egg

1 cup sour milk

1 tsp. salt

1 tsp baking soda

1 tsp. vanilla

2 1/2 cup flour

1 1/2 cup diced rhubarb

1/2 cup chopped nuts

Mix ingred i ents together in order given. Pour into two well-greased 9x5 loaf pans. Bake at 350 degrees for 50-55 minutes.

Yield: 2 loaves Carol Stoker Petzold--Rockville, Md.

In 1943 the Guild was severed "completely from the Department of Public Relation s, and it was attached to the office of the president of the Unive rsit y. The Guild now puts its trust and reliance in Dr 0 . P Kretzmann , whose wise counsel and advice were accepted gratefully ."

" Members attended a tea given by Mrs. 0 . P Kretzmann Here all could see and admire the Guild 's wedding gift to President Kretzmann and his bride, which consisted of a large double damask, pure linen banquet cloth with matching napkins ." (1943)

John Paul , first son of Pres and Mrs Kretzmann, born Dec. 6, 1944 was presented a U. S. bond by the Guild upon the announcement of his arrival. Mark John was a Reformation baby born Oct. 31, 1946 . He, too, received a bond A third recipient was Stephen Paul born August 11 , 1952


3 cup sifted all purpose flour

4 tsp . baking powder

1 tsp. salt

1 cup sugar

1 cup chopped walnuts

2 1/2 cup coarsely cut pitted fresh plums

1 egg, well beaten

3/4 cup milk

1/3 cup orange juice

3 tsp . grated orange rind

3 Tbsp. salad oil

Sift together all dry ingredients into large bowl. Fold in nuts and pitted coarsely cut fresh plums. Beat egg until thick and lemon colored Add milk, orange juice, rind and oil to beaten egg Add to flour mixture, stirring until just blended.

Turn into a well greased 2 quart bread loaf pan , spreading batter well into corners and leaving a slight hollow in center

Cover with same size pan , lightly greased, or a double thickness of foil, shaped like a covered wagon top . Allow to rest 20 minutes. Place in 350 degree oven for 20 minutes Carefully remove top pan or foil. Continue to bake for 60 minutes longer or until toothpick inserted in center comes clean. Remove from pan to cake rack to cool. Wrap loosely in wax paper or foil and store in refrigerator. If you wish to freeze the bread , wrap tightly in foil or freezer paper.

Mrs. Horst Englert--Grosse Pointe Woods, Mich.


2 1/4 cup sifted flour

11/4 tsp soda

1 tsp. salt

1/2 cup sugar

1/2 tsp. ginger

1/2 tsp. cinnamon

1/4 tsp gr cloves

2 eggs, beaten

1/2 cup milk

1/2 cup light molasses

1/2 cup oil

2 cans (8 1/2 oz. each) crushed pineapple drained

1/4 tsp. peppermint extract

Sift together the dry ingredients. Blend beaten eggs, milk, molasses, oil, drained pineapple and peppermint extract. Stir into dry ingredients , blending until well mixed Pour into greased 9x5 loaf pan. Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for 50-55 minutes, or until done. Slice and serve with fruit salad, or serve as a dessert, with a topping of whipped cream or ice cream. (This ·loaf will stay moist and fresh for over a week )

Mrs Walter A. Kandt--Lockport, N.Y.



Build of cement blocks as the Engineering Building by student labor in 1948, funds were allocated by the Guild in 1970-1971 to reface and redesign this structure to become part of a Fine Arts complex The new brick facing now makes the appearance of this building consistent in architectural style with other buildings on the New Campus . Landscaping and the inclusion of a mall link this structure with the new music practice building, dedicated April 1972.


" Life at Va/po is what you choose it to be It is very much a give and take proposition . What you give is the responsibility you have to share with the University community in deciding its present and future; what you get is an opportunity to fulfill yourself in any of a number of areas that might interest you . " - A Student


A College of Nursing at Valparaiso University was established in conjunction with Porter Memorial Hospital in the Fall of 1968. This recent college offers a four year program and graduated its first class of nurses with the degree of 8. S in 1972

Le Bien Hall c9ntains the latest facilities for nursing education, including a simulated six bed hospital ward, and audio-visual aids - incorporating color closed circuit and Indiana Medical Network television and individual TV carrels for review and study . In addition there are small class rooms , a tiered theatre classroom and faculty offices .

The cornerstone for this attractive building was laid on September 26 1970 The Valparaiso University Guild found this a joyous occasion since its 1967-68 project monies had been allocated to support a chair and other expenses in this new College of Nursing.

In appreciation of substantial gifts to the University the building is named for Mr and Mrs A. }. W LeBien



"And Solomon's provision for one day was thirty measures of fine flour, and threescore measures of meal."

In the foregoing quotation from the Bible (I Kings 4:22} you'll find the first of your ingredients for Scripture cake. This is an old recipe of my mother's.

11/2 cups I Kingc; 4:22 (flour)

2 cups Jeremiah 6:20 (sugar)

1/2 cup Judges 5:25 (butter)

2 cups I Samuel 30:12 (raisins)

2 cups Nahum 3:12 (figs)

1/2 cup Judges4:19 lastclause (milk)

2 cups Numbers 17:8 (almonds)

2 Tbsp . I Samuel 14:25 (honey)

2 tsp. Amos 4:5 (leaven - baking powder)

11 Chronicles 9:9 (spices: 2 tsp. cinnamon, 1/2 tsp. ginger, 1 tsp . nutmeg, 1/2 tsp. cloves)

1 pinch of Leviticus 2:13 (salt)

6 Jeremiah 17:11 (eggs - separated)

Cream together butter, sugar and honey. Add 6 beaten egg yolks. Sift

1 1/2 cups sifted flour with 2 tsp. baking powder, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, cloves and salt Add alternately with milk. Stir in raisins, chopped figs, and chopped almonds. Fold in 6 stiffly beaten egg whites. Bake in well greased 10 in. tube pan at 300 degrees for two hours. Cool 10-15 minutes; remove from pan; cool completely.

Note: This cake is nice with New Year's egg nog. It's a lightly fruited cake of fine flavor; is moist; has good keeping quality. (Similar to a dark fruit cake but without the usual citron or candied fruits).

Serves 16 or more . Professor Margaretta Ind.


2 cups sugar

2 cups hot water

1 lb. box raisins or likely amount of mixed fruits or half of each

2 Tbsp. shortening or lard (heaping)

1 tsp. baking soda in 1/4 cup water

1 tsp . cinnamon

1 tsp. salt

1 tsp. nutmeg

1/2 tsp. cloves

4 cups flour (nuts are optional)

Boil sugar, water, fruit and shortening for 5 minutes. Cool. Sift dry ingredients together. Add all to boiled mixture and stir. Pour into greased and floured bundt pan. Pour on sugar glaze while warm or frost with plain butter icing. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour and 10 minutes or until cake tests done . ·

Note: This was a favorite recipe of my mother's and for well over a half century it has been a tradition to serve this cake with wine or coffee after church on Christmas Eve. It's also a good mailable cake to send to our boys in service.

Mrs. Hurley Scott-Quincy, Ill.



3 eggs wel I beaten

1 cup sugar

1 1/2 cup flour

11/2 tsp. baking powder

1/4 tsp . salt

1-6 oz. pkg. chocolate bits

1 cup dates, cut up

1 cup candied cherries, halved

2 cups nuts (walnuts and pecans)

Sift flour, baking powder, and salt - set aside. Mix sugar and eggs and blend well. Add chocolate bits . Mix fruits, nuts and flour. Add to egg mixture . Pour into loaf pan that has been greased and lined with waxpaper . Bake at 325 degrees for 1 hour and 15 minutes . Check after 1 hour.

Mrs Bea Jenny-Arlington Heights, Ill.


1 lb . dates (cut up)

1 lb. broken pecans (or whole)

1/2 lb. coconut

small bottle candied cherries

1 can sweetened condensed milk

Mix well. Pack tightly in 2 (3 1/2 x 7 1/2) waxpaper lined pans . Bake 1 hour in 300 degree oven. Peel waxpaper from cake when removed from oven . Cool, wrap and store in refrigerator. (More cherries may be added according to taste.)

Irma Daye--Rockford, 111.


1 lb. butter

2 cups sugar

6 eggs

4 cups flour

1 lb pecans

1 lb . white raisins (plump in hot water)

2 tsp. baking powder

1 1/2 oz. lemon extract

4 slices candied pineapple (2 red, 2 green)

1 lb. cut up candied cherries (half red, half green)

Cream butter and sugar; add eggs whole, one at a time. Beat well. Flour the nuts and fruit and dump in. Mix baking powder with the other flour (balance of 4 cups after flouring fruit) and add to mixture with extract Mix well. Pour into wax paper-lined pans ; makes 5 (71/2 x 3 1/2 in ) cakes, each we i ghing over 1 1/4 pounds. Other size pans may be used , fill to 2/3 or 3/4 full. Bake 1 1/2 hours at 350 degrees oven. Test as any other cake. Placing a pan of water on the bottom of the oven during baking helps prevent dryness

NOTE: I usually make this before Thanksgiving for Christmas; one batch for us and another to use for gifts



1 cup melted butter or margarine

2 cups sugar

1 cup milk

1 tsp soda

1 tsp. salt

1 tsp . mace or more to taste

3 cups flour

4 eggs

1 cup seeded raisins

1 cup chopped walnuts

1 pkg . fruit cake mix

Melt butter, add sugar. Mix milk w -ith soda, salt and mace, then add to butter and sugar. Add yolks of eggs, then flour - flour the fruit and addlastly add egg whites- beaten stiff . Fold into above mix . Bake in large ring or in two loaf pans (9x5x3) Bake 11/2 to 2 hours at 325 degrees.

Mrs. Charles P. Feuerstein--Westfield N .J.

PORK CAKE (A Christmas Favorite Cake)

2 cups salt pork (ground)

2 cups boiling water, pour over 2 tsp. soda ground pork, add 1/2 tsp. baking powder

2 cups brown sugar

cinnamon, cloves, allspice, nutmeg

1 cup molasses and ginger to taste

1 cup seedless raisins

1 cup seeded raisins

6 cups flour

If pork is unsalted add about 1 1/2 1/2 cup mixed fruit tsp salt

Use 3tin pans 71/2 x 31/2 x 2 1/2 in. Bake about 1 hour at 350 degrees.

Mrs. Amanda Wohlhueter-Colden, N .Y.

Valparaiso University values its close association with the Lutheran ChurchMissouri Synocl; yet it remains privately controlled and welcomes qualified students without regard to race, sex, creed, color, or national origin

An address in Latin by Dr. Franz Peiper, president of the St. Louis Seminary was given at Dr. Dau's inauguration. Translated the title was : "On the Friendship which Should Be Cultivated between Human Science and the Christian Religion ."

Two problems facing the new Lutheran university president Dau in - 1926 were : 1) that of creating a specifically Lutheran way of life and thought on campus, and 2) that of achieving academic respectability through accreditation .


APPLE CAKE (With Sauce)

2 cups diced peeled apples

1 cup sugar

1 egg

1 cup flour (sifted)

1 tsp. baking soda

1/4 tsp. salt

1/2 cup broken or coarsely chop11/2 tsp. cinnamon ped pecan or walnut meats

Mix sugar with apples and let stand until sugar is dissolved. Add egg and beat well. Sift dry ingredients together and stir in the apple mixture Add nuts Pour into greased and floured 8 in square pan and bake 30 to 40 minutes or until done in 375 degree oven (Reduce heat to 350 if baking in glass) . Immediately cover with following sauce.

1/2 cup packed brown sugar

1/2 cup granulated sugar

2 Tbsp flour

1 cup water

1/4 cup butter

1 tsp. vanilla

Cook sugar, flour and water together until clear. Add butter and vanilla. Stir until butter melts Pour sauce over cake while both are hot. Serve with a dab of unsweetened whipped cream .

Mildred A. Hartner--Mission, Kan.


1 cup flour

2 Tbsp. sugar

1 tsp. salt

1/2 cup shortening

1 egg

1 Tbsp. water

10 to 12 apples or peaches peeled or23 medium prune plums, halved


2 Tbsp. flour

1/2 cup sugar




1/4 to 1/2 cup additional sugar

Mix together in bowl flour, sugar and salt (not necessary to sift). Add shortening with pastry blender. Beat egg and add 1 Tbsp. water (enough to make dough soft). Mix all together and press into 10 in. baking dish with floured hands. Bring dough up to rim of pan. Prepare mixture of 2 Tbsp. flour and 1/2 cup sugar. Sprinkle part of mixture lightly over dough. Place fruit on dough and sprinkle 1/4 to 1/2 cup sugar over it Add cinnamon, nutmeg and lots of margarine. Sprinkle the rest of flour-sugar mixture over fruit. Bake at 425 degrees for 45 minutes.

Serves 6-8 Mrs. Paul C. Plehn-Monroe, Mich.

Valparaiso, Indiana, home of Valparaiso Universit)', is a community of 20,000, located about 50 miles from Chicago.



2 cups sugar

11/2 cups cooking oil

3 wel I-beaten eggs

3 cups sifted flour

1 tsp . soda

1/2 tsp. baking powder


1 tsp. salt

2 tsp vanilla

3 cups finely chopped apples

1 cup flaked coconut

1/2 cup thopped nuts (optional)

Mix sugar and oil, add eggs and mix well. Add vanilla; then add mixed dry ingredients, blending thoroughly. Then add apples , coconut, and nuts and blend well. Bake in a greased and floured 9 x 13 pan at 350 degrees for 55 minutes. Frost as desired, or serve with whipped cream

Serves 16

3 cups flour

1/2 cup sugar

1 tsp. salt

2 tsp. baking powder

Mrs. Carl Doversberger-Hammond, Ind


3/4 cup shortening

1/2 cup cold milk

1 egg

Sift dry ingredients into bowl. Cut in shortening as you would for pie dough . Beat egg slightly and add to 1/2 cup milk . Add to dry ingredients and mix Roll out 2/3 of dough for bottom and side crust of cake, using a 9 x 13 size pan

5 or 6 cup sliced apples

1/3 cup flour

1 cup sugar

1/4 tsp. nutmeg

1/2 tsp . .cinnamon

1/4 cup butter

Peel and core and slice about 5 or 6 cups of baking apples. Dredge in above combined dry ingredients. Place dabs of butter over apples. Roll out last 1/3 of dough for cover of cake. Bake at 350 degrees for 60 minutes This recipe has been in our family a long time. It has a mellowness qPoUt it that can't be beat And browned butter frosting tops it off:

1/4 cup butter

2 cups Confectioners sugar

2 Tbsp. cream

1 tsp. vanilla

Brown butter, add sugar, cream, and vanilla. Stir until smooth and frost cake while slightly warm t

Serves 12

Mrs. Ewald F. Timm-New Berlin, Wis.

I 61



2 cups sifted all-purpose flour

1 cup sugar

11/2 tsp. baking soda

1 tsp. salt

1 tsp. ground cinnamon

1/2 tsp. ground allspice

2 slightly beaten eggs

1 21-oz. ·can apple pie filling

1/2 cup cooking oil

1 tsp. vanilla

1 cup chopped dates

1/4 cup chopped walnuts

Sift together flour, sugar, soda, salt, cinnamon and allspice Combine eggs, pie filling, oil and vanilla . Stir into flour mixture and mix well. Stir in dates and nuts. Pour into greased and floured 13 x 9 in. pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 40-45 minutes. Cool and cut in squares. A little cream may be used as topping, if desired.

Serves 12 Miss Gretchen W. Kirsch--Faribault, Minn.


4 cups apples

2 cups sugar

2 eggs

1/2 cup vegetable oil

1 tsp. vanilla

2 cup all purpose flour

2 tsp. baking soda

2 tsp. cinnamon

1 tsp. salt

1 cup chopped walnuts

Combine coarsely chopped apples and sugar, let stand Beat· slightly eggs, oil and vanilla. Sift together dry ingredients. Add to creamed mixture; add apples and walnuts. Grease and flour 9x13x2 in. pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 60 minutes. When cool frost with lemon butter frosting, see page 84.

Serves 18

Maire E. Wilbeck--Westfield, N.J.

Alice Orling-Westfield, N.J.


1/2 cup butter or margarine

1 cup sugar

1 egg

2 tsp. cinnamon

3/4 tsp. allspice

1 cup pitted prunes, cut up 1 2/3 cup flour

1/2 tsp. salt

1/2 cup chopped nuts

1 cup applesauce

1 tsp. soda powdered sugar

Beat butter and sugar until light and creamy; beat in egg. Sift dry ingredients together. Add prunes, nuts to dry ingredients and add to batter. Blend in applesauce. Bake in greased 9-cup bundt pan at 350 degrees for 45 minutes. Cool on rack in pan for ten minutes before turning out. Sprinkle with powdered sugar or glaze.

Serves G

Lydia W. Hawkins--Hallandale, Fla.

2/3 cup butter

1 cup sugar

2 eggs

1 Tbsp . sour cream



1 tsp. soda

1 1/2 cup flour

1 tsp vanilla

1 cup mashed banana s

Mix ingredients in order listed Cream butter and sugar Add eggs Beat well. Mix in sour cream; add soda with flour, then vanilla and mashed bananas . Pour into 9x5x3 in. greased pan and bake at 350-375 degrees for 45 minutes or until done

Yield: 1 loaf cake Lois C . Kusch--Park Ridge, Ill.


1/2 cup butter or margarine

1 1/2 cup brown sugar

1 egg

1 cup buttermilk or sour milk

1 tsp . vanilla

2 cups flour

1 tsp. soda

1/2 tsp . salt

1 1/2 cups fresh or drained frozen blueberries


1/3 cup sugar

1 tsp. cinnamon

Cream butter and brown sugar. Add egg and vanilla. Mix well. Mix flour, soda, and salt and add alternately with buttermilk. Fold in berries and sprinkle sugar and cinnamon on top. Pour in greased and floured 9 x 13 in . pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 50 minutes.

Mrs Wallace Muschinske--Merrill, Wis.


3 egg whites

1/2 tsp. cream of tartar

1 cup sugar

1 tsp . vanilla

1 cup broken saltine crackers (about size large pea)

1/2 cup broken pecans

11/2 envelopes Dream Whip

11/2 cans Thank You cherries

Beat egg whites and cream of tartar till it stands in peaks. Add sugar and vanilla . Fold in broken saltines and pecans . Spread mixture in ungreased , aluminum 13 x 9 in. pan. Bake 25 minutes at 350 degrees. Cool. Prepare dream whip according to pkg. and spread on meringue Spread cherries over this. Let stand at least 3 to 4 hours. I usually prepare the night before using . Can use other fruits if desired.

Serves 12

Mrs . W. L. Otterstein--Mishawaka, Ind .

2 cups flour

2 cups sugar

1/2 tsp. salt

2 eggs beaten


1 can (No. 2) tart cherries, drain, save juice

2 tsp. soda dissolved in 2 Tbsp. water

2 Tbsp. melted butter

1 1/2 cups chopped nuts

Mix flour, sugar, salt, eggs and cherry juice Mix in butter and soda. Fold in cherries and nuts. Pour into 9 x 13 in. greased and floured pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes or test for doneness. When done and while warm top with cherry cake topping as follows :

1 1/2 cup brown sugar

2 tsp butter

1 tsp vanilla

2 Tbsp. flour

11/2 cup water dash of salt

Mix and cook like gravy . Pour over cake . Top with whipped cream, if desired. NOTE: This is almost a pudding-like cake It is rich, moist and rather heavy but delicious.

Serves 12-15

Mrs. Carl Brauer, Jr.--Ann Arbor, Mich.


1 cup flour

1/2 cup butter

2 Tbsp powdered sugar

Put 1/4 in. layer in 9 x 13 in. pan and bake 5 or 6 minutes at 350 degrees.


1 cup sugar

2 eggs


1/4 cup flour (mixed with)

1/2 tsp. baking powder


1/2 cup coconut

1 cup nuts

pinch of salt

1 sm. bottle Maraschino cherries

1 tsp. vanilla

Place mixture on slightly baked crust and bake 45 minutes at 350 degrees. (So appropriate for a Washington Birthday party.)

Irene Laudert Zielski-Morristown, Minn.




1 can peach prepared pie filling (or cherry pie filling)

1-1 lb. can crushed pineapple

1 box yellow cake mix (18.5 oz.)

1 1/2 stick butter or margarine (up to 2 sticks may be used)

1/2 cup ground nut meats (optional)

Grer1se a 9 x 13 in. pan . Dump pie filling in and spread to cover bottom of pan. Dump can of pineapple on top. Then sprinkle the box of cake mix (just as it comes from the box) over the mixture. Slice butter thin on top of cake mix. Sprinkle ground nut meats on top Do not mix Bake 1 hour at 350 degrees. Cut in squares and serve with a dab of whipped cream (May be made the night before. Quick and easy .)

Serves 12

Mrs. Don H Burke-Decatur, Ind and

Shirley Merkel--Largo, Fla


1 egg

1 can (No. 2) fruit cocktail

11/2 cup all purpose flour

1 cup sugar

1 tsp. soda

1/2 tsp. salt

1 cup brown sugar

1/2 cup nuts

Mix egg and fruit cocktail, including juice. Add flour, sugar, salt, soda Put batter in two 8 x 8 in. pans and sprinkle with 1 cup of brown sugar and 1/2 cup of nuts. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.

Mrs. Ruth Hemmeter-Fort Wayne, Ind .


2 eggs

1 1/2 cup sugar

2 cup flour

2 tsp. soda

1/2 tsp salt

2 cup fruit cocktail (300 can)

2 tsp . vanilla

1 cup nuts

1/2 cup brown sugar

Beat eggs and sugar . Add remaining ingredients except nuts and brown sugar. Pour into greased 9x13x2-in. pan. Mix and spririkle over batter 1 cup nuts and 1/2 cup brown sugar. Bake 45 minutes at 350 degrees


1 1/2 cup sugar

1 cup canned milk (1 small can)

1 stick oleo

2 tsp. vanilla

Mix in sauce pan and bring to a boil. When cake is baked, puncture with fork and pour sauce over top . Serve with whipped cream.

Mrs . Edward Rahe--Lawrenceburg, Ind.


1/2 cup shortening (part butter)

1/2 tsp. salt

1 1/2 cup brown sugar, packed

1 tsp. vanilla

1 cup buttermilk

1 tsp. soda

2 cups sifted flour

1 1/2 cup rhubarb cut in 1/4 in. 1 egg pieces

Cream shortening, salt, and brown sugar. Add egg and vanilla . Stir soda into buttermilk and mix alternately with the flour to first mixture. Last put in rhubarb. Spread into 9x13 in. greased pyrex pan. Put cinnamon and sugar topping on: mix 1/3 cup sugar and 1 tsp. cinnamon together. Spread over batter, patting in a little with spoon. Bake at 325 degrees for 35 to 45 minutes. Cake is best served warm.

Serves 15

Mrs . James Sensenbaugh--Rochester, Minn.


1 cup sugar

1/2 cup butter

2 eggs

1 tsp. soda

1 tsp. baking powder

2 cups flour

2/3 cup sour milk or buttermilk

1/2 cup nut meats

1 cup raisins

rind of one orange

1 tsp. vanilla

Juice of 1 orange poured over 1 cup powdered sugar, which you let stand for icing while cake is baking.

Cream butter and sugar; add eggs. Mix and sift soda, baking powder and flour. Add alternately with the milk . Grind raisins, nuts and orange rind . Add to mixture with vanilla. Put in greased tube pan and bake 1 hour at 350 degrees Pour the icing over the cake while hot. It puts a glaze over it.


1 yellow cake mix add

4 eggs

1/ 2 cup salad oil

1/2 tsp cardamom seed (ground)

one orange rind, grated

1 cup orange juice (may be frozen)

Mix altogether in one bowl. Bake at 350 degrees for approximately 1 hour or until toothpick comes out clean. Use 2 single loaf bread pansgreased and lightly floured Sprinkle with powdered sugar while warm Needs no icing. Similar to pound cake



1 1/2 cup sugar

1/2 cup butter or oleo

4 eggs

1 tsp. salt

1 cup buttermilk

1 cup chopped nuts

1 lemon and 1 orange rind, grated Sauce:

2 1/2 cup flour juice of 1 lemon

11/2 tsp. baking powder juice of 1 orange

1 tsp. soda

1 cup sugar

Cream butter and sugar Add eggs; beat well. Add rinds, following with dry ingredients alternately with buttermilk. Add nuts. Bake for 50 minutes at 375 degrees. After baking cake, boil juices of lemon and orange plus 1 cup sugar together and pour over cake while in pan. Remove from pan and turn upside down to store. Serve. (Best if stored at 24 degrees)

Serves 12

Sue Golke--Bettendorf, la.


1 cup miniature marshmallows

2 cups sliced strawberries "frozen in syrup and thawed"

1 pkg (3-oz.) strawberry gelatin

2 1/2 cups flour

1 1/2 cup sugar

1/2 cup shortening

3 tsp. baking powder

1/2 tsp. salt

1 cup milk

1 tsp. vanilla

3 eggs

Grease a 9 x 13 in. baking pan. Sprinkle the marshmallows evenly over bottom of pan and set aside. Thoroughly combine the strawberries along with their syrup and gelatin and set aside. In a large bowl, combine flour sugar, shortening, baking powder, salt, milk, vanilla and eggs. Blend at low speed until moistened. Beat 3 minutes at medium speed. Pour over marshmallows. Spoon strawberry mixture over the batter and bake for 45 to 50 minutes at 350 degrees.

Opal Esch--St. Petersburg, Fla.


4 eggs

2 cups sugar

11/2 cups salad oil

3 cups flour

11/2 tsp. baking soda

1/2 tsp. salt

10 oz. fresh milk or 1 lg. can evap.

1/2 cup nuts (optional)

1-2 1/4 oz. box poppy seeds

Beat eggs, add sugar, salad oil, nuts and poppy seeds. Blend well. Add dry ingredients and milk and mix until smooth. Bake in an ungreased 10 in. tube pan (or two 9 x 5 in. loaf pans) at 350 degrees for about an hour to 1 1/4 hour. May be served plain, sprinkled with confectioners sugar, or lightly iced. Excellent with coffee.



1/4 lb. dates

1 level tsp soda


1 cup boiling water

Cut dates into 5 pieces into small sauce pan. Add hot water; stir and set aside to cool .

1/4 cup margarine

1 cup sugar

1 egg

1 1/2 cup sifted all purpose flour

1 tsp. baking powder

1/2 cup chopped nuts (optional)

Combine margarine, sugar, pinch of salt and egg in a bowl and beat at high speed till creamy. Sift flour, then measure and sift with baking powder . Add cooled date mixture and flour to the creamed mixture; stir smooth If using nuts , add now. Pour batter into greased and floured 7 x 11 in. pan. Bake at 350 degrees for about 30 to 35 minutes. Leave in pan till serving time . While cake is baking, prepare the topping .

1/4 lb. cut dates

1/2 cup sugar

3/4 cup boiling water

Combine and cook and stir till thick. Spread this hot thick mixture evenly over cake as it is taken from the oven

Butterscotch orange sauce:

3/4 cup light brown sugar

stir in 1 Tbsp cornstarch

3/4 cup water

3/4 cup orange juice

1/4 tsp. salt

1 heaping Tbsp margarine

Compine all ingredients in saucepan , stirring to make sure cornstarch is evenly distributed (no lumps) Cook and stir over low heat until thickened and clear Serve warm around cake with cool whip on top of cake. Serves 12 Lauretta Renner--Aurora, Ind


1 cup sugar

1/2 cup shortening

3 egg yolks

24 Graham crackers, crushed

3 Tbsp . flour

1 cup milk

3 beaten egg whites

Filling :

1/2 lb. dates cut up

1 cup sugar

3 tsp . baking powder water - just enough to boil

Mix sugar and shortening; add beaten egg yolks. Add cracker crumbs, flour and baking powder. Alternate milk and beaten egg whites. Mix. Pour into 2-8 or 9 in. round pans . Bake at 375 degrees for 30 minutes. Cool 15 minutes; remove from pans. Cool. Put layers together with filling in between .

Mrs. Robert Patrick--Beloit, Wis.



1-6 oz. pkg. of dates, quartered

1 cup boiling water

1 tsp. baking soda

1 cup white sugar

1/2 cup margarine

2 eggs, beaten

1 3/4 cups all purpose flour, sitted

1 tsp . vanilla

2 Tbsp. cocoa

1/2 tsp. salt

chocolate chips

1 cup nuts, chopped

Combine dates, boiling water, soda and set aside to coot Cream sugar , margarine; add beaten eggs. In another bowl combine flour, cocoa, and salt - add to sugar, egg, margarine mixture. Add vanilla and date mix. Pour into 2 round 8 or 9 in . cake pans (greesed and floured) . Sprinkle chocolate chips and nuts on top Serve warm or cold. (Bake at 325 degrees for 30 minutes.)

Barbara Cline Meyer--Ft. Lauderdale, Fla

NOTE: Mrs. George W. Meyer, Council Bluffs, la., adds 1/2 cup chocolate chips to the cake batter. She notes that mint-flavored chocolate chips are also good . Esther Hildner, Glen Ellyn, Ill., uses a 9x 13 pan and bakes it 40 to 45 minutes. She also sprinkles 3/4 cup brown sugar over cake with the chips and nuts


1/2 cup butter

3/ 4 cup wh i te sugar

1/4 cup brown sugar

2 eggs

2 cups cake flour

1 tsp. baking soda

1 tsp . baking powder

1/2 tsp. salt

1 tsp . vanilla

1 cup buttermilk

1 cup cut up dates

grated rind of 2 oranges

1/2 cup chopped nuts (optional)

Glaze :

1/2 cup orange juice

1/2 cup sugar

Cream butter and sugar . Add eggs. Sift flour with baking soda, powder and salt. Add alternately with buttermilk. Add orange rind, dates, and nuts . Bake 1 hour at 350 degrees in a 9 in. tubed spring form. While cake is baking, make glaze. Boil orange juice and sugar 10 minutes. When cake is out of oven about 5 minutes, pour glaze over cake slowly . Let stand in form until cold.

Serves 12-16

Lydia Schaus-Shorewood, Wis.

A distinctive feature in art at Va/po is the Sloan Galleries, a gift of the Sloan family making possible the purchase for the University a large quan · tity of paintings; plus monthly exhibits by nationally recognized artists




2 cups· milk for pudding

1 pkg. regular chocolate pudding mix (not instant)

1 pkg. any two-layer chocolate cake mix

1/2 cup chocolate bits

1/2 cup chopped nuts (or to taste)

Prepare the pudding mix according to package instructions Let it cool until it's just warm Stir in the dry chocolate cake mix. Add no other ingredients to the dry mix. Turn the mixture into a greased and floured 9 x 13 in . loaf cake pan . Sprinkle chocolate bits and chopped nuts over the top. Bake according to the cake mix package instructions for that size cake. To serve, cut in squares. Serve plain or topped with whipped cream, ice cream or a pudding sauce.

Serves 12-15

Mrs. Walter A. Kandt-Lockport, N.Y.

EDITOR'S NOTE: This cake can also be made with other flavor puddings and cake mixes, such as coconut pudding, white cake mix with coconut and almonds for topping.


3 cups instant blending flour

2 cups sugar

1 1/2 tsp soda

1 tsp. salt

3/4 cup butter (room temp.)

11/2 cup milk

3 unbeaten eggs

1/4 cup maraschino cherry juice

3 sq . (3 oz.) unsweetened chocolate (melted)

12 maraschino cherries sliced

Combine first four ingredients in m ,ixing bowl; add butter and milk; beat 1 1/2 minutes with mixer at low speed or about 225 strokes by hand. Add eggs, cherry juice, chocolate and cherry slices . Beat until blended. Pour into pans which have been greased and floured. Makes three 9 in. round layers. Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes. Frost with Chocolatecherry frosting, see page 83.

Vera K . Blake (Mrs. Francis B.)--Westfield, N.J.


3 cups flour

2 cups white sugar

1/2 tsp. salt

1/2 cup cocoa

1/2 tsp. baking powder

1 cup lard

1 cup hot water

2 tsp. soda

2 eggs

1 tsp. vanilla

1 cup sour milk

Put all dry ingredients in a sifter. Sift in mixing bowl. Add lard, hot water (with the soda mixed in), eggs, vanilla and sour milk Pour into two 9x11/2 in. round layer pans. Bake in a 350 degree oven for 40 minutes.


2 cups sugar

3/4 cup shortening

3 eggs

1/4 tsp. salt

1/3 cup cocoa in 1/2 cup boiling water

1 cup sour milk

1 tsp soda

2 cups flour

1 tsp. vanilla

Cream sugar and shortening; add eggs and salt ; mix thoroughly Add cocoa mix ; blend. Add sour milk and soda Add to mixture alternately with flour. Add vanilla. Blend well. Pour into 9x13 or two 8 in round pans. Bake at 350 degrees until it springs back by touch (about 30-35 minutes) .

LaDonna Koch--Valparaiso, Ind .


2 cups sugar

1/2 cup liquid shortening

2 eggs

1/2 cup cold coffee

· 1 tsp vanilla

2 cups sifted flour

1 tsp. soda

1/2 tsp. salt

1 cup hot water

1/2 cup cocoa

Pre-mix water and cocoa, dissolving cocoa. Cream sugar and shortening. Add eggs, coffee and vanilla until well mixed. Add flour, soda, and salt. Beat until smooth . Add water and cocoa. Pour into a well greased and floured 9 in square pan. This is very easy to increase by half and then use a standard 9 x 13 in. pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes or until cake tests done

Carol Frazier--Glen Ellyn, 111.


1/ 2 cup cake flour

1 tsp baking powder

1/2 t sp salt

1/3 cup sugar

1/4 cup milk

1 Tbsp . cocoa

1 Tbsp. melted butter

1/2 tsp . vanilla

1/4 cup chopped walnuts

Mix 1/2 cup brown sugar

2 Tbsp. cocoa

3/4 cup boiling water

Sift flour , bak i ng powder , salt, sugar and cocoa into bowl. Add remaining ingredients and beat until well blended . Turn batter into a one quart baking dish . Mix 1/2 cup brown sugar , 2 Tbsp . cocoa and sprinkle over the batter Over this , pour 3/4 cup boiling water evenly. Water will sink into the bottom and make a chocolate sauce as the cake bakes Bake for 30-40 minutes at 350 degrees

Miss Agatha Kirsch--Faribault, Minn .


4-1oq: Milky Way candy bars

2 cups sugar

21/2 cups flour

2 sticks margarine

4 eggs, one at a time


1/4 tsp. soda

2 tsp. vanilla

1 cup buttermilk

1/4 tsp . salt

1 cup walnuts or pecans (chopped)

Put one stick of margarine and cut up candy bars into top of double boiler and melt ; cool. Cream 1 stick margarine, add sugar and eggs . Beat well after each egg . Add melted chocolate candy to egg and sugar mixture. Sift flour, salt, soda, and add to mixture with buttermilk . Beat well. Add nuts. Bake in tube cake pan at 275 degrees for 2 hours.

Milky Way Frosting

2 1/2 cups sugar

1/2 stick margarine

1 cup evaporated milk

1 1/2 cup chocolate chips (milk chocolate are best)

1 cup marshmallow cream

1 tsp vanilla

Combine sugar, milk, and margarine. Cook to a very soft stage (about 4 minutes) . Add chocolate chips, marshmallow cream and vanilla. Stir well and ice cake.

Mrs Wm Boerger--Decatur, Ind


2 cups sugar

2 eggs beaten

1 cup sour cream

1 tsp . baking soda

1 cup cold water

2 cups flour

1/2 cup cocoa

1 tsp. vanilla

Combine the sugar and the eggs. Add the soda to the sour cream. Put the cocoa in a sifter with the flour. Add the cream, water and flour alternately to the sugar and egg mixture beating all the while with an electric mixer on medium speed Grease and flour a 9 x 13 in. pan. Bake at 360 degrees for 30-35 minutes. Frost with a powdered sugar frosting.

Mrs. Michael Brauer--Colorado Springs, Colo.

Dr . William H. T. Dau, first Lutheran president of Valparaiso University was inaugurated Oct. 3, 1926 and said upon that occasion, "The inspired truth of Cod's Book shall make plain and straight whatever is perplexing to man in any study, because it keeps him close to Him who said : 'I am the Light of the world; he that fol/oweth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life'; John 8:12 "



Combine in mixing bowl:

1 cup (8 oz.) cream cheese

1 unbeaten egg

1/3 cup sugar

1/8 tsp salt

Beat well. Stir in 1 cup (6 oz ) semi-sweet chocolate chips Set aside.

Sift together in a mixing bowl :

1 1/2 cups flour

1 cup sugar

1/4 cup cocoa

1 tsp . baking soda

1/2 tsp salt

Add :

1 cup water

1/3 cup Wesson oil

1 Tbsp. vinegar

1 tsp vanilla

Beat until well combined . Fill muffin cups (paper cups) 1/3 full with chocolate batter . Top each with a heaping tsp . of cream cheese mixture . , Bake at 350 degrees for 30-35 minutes

Yield : approx 20 cupcakes Mrs Doris M Goncher--Chesterland , Ohio


1/ 3 cup vegetable shortening

1/2 tsp. salt

1 tsp vanilla

1 cup sugar

1 whole egg and 1 egg yolk unbeaten

1 2/3 cup flour (sifted) (cake flour preferred)

2 tsp. baking powder

1/2 cup milk

1 egg white

1/2 cup brown sugar

2 Tbsp. cocoa

1/4 cup chopped nuts

Combine spry, salt and vanilla . Add sugar gradually and cream until light and fluffy. Add whole egg and beat thoroughly. Then add yolk and beat again thoroughly. Sift flour and baking powder together 3 times . Add small amounts at a time to creamed mixture alternating with milkbeating after each addition until smooth . Pour batter into cup cake pans (which have been greased) filling them half full . Beat egg white stiff and beat in gradually brown sugar and cocoa. Spread small amounts on batter and sprinkle with nuts. Bake in moderate oven of 350 degrees for 25 to 30 minutes.

Yield : 20 small cupcakes

Vera Blake (Mrs. Francis B.)-Westfield, N.J.

Valparaiso 's second Lutheran president, the Rev. Dr. Oscar Carl Kreinheder, 1930-1939, proclaimed in an inaugural address, "The highest ideal of a nobel life is the Christian ideal, and the Christian ideal is the ideal of service."

I 73


3/4 cup sliced almonds

1 Tbsp . sugar

3/4 cup butter or margarine

1 1/ 2 cups sugar

11 / 2 tsp vanilla

1/ 4 tsp almond extract

1 tsp grated lemon peel

3 egg yolks

2 1/2 cups sifted cake flour

3 tsp . baking powder

1 tsp salt

1 cup milk

3 egg whites

Generously butter bottom and sides of a 10 in bundt or tube pan Press bottom and sides with 3/ 4 cup sliced almonds and sprinkle with 1 Tbsp sugar Thoroughly cream the 3/4 cup butter with the 1 1/2 cups sugar Add vanilla , almond extract and lemon peel. Beat in egg yolks until light and fluffy . Sift together flour , baking powder and salt . Add to creamed mixture alternately with milk, beating after each addition . Beat egg whites until stiff but not dry . Gently fold into batter. Carefully turn into prepared pan. Bake at 325 degrees for 70 minutes .

Mrs R. C. Merritt--Omaha, Neb.


1 pkg. (2 layer size) white cake mix

1 pkg. instant butterscotch pudding

1 cup water

1/2 cup cooking oil

4 eggs

1/2 cup chocolate syrup

In large mixer bowl, combine cake mix, pudding mix, water and oil. Beat on medium speed for 2 minutes or till mixture is smooth. Add eggs, one at a time beating well after each . Pour 2/3 of batter into well greased and floured fluted tube pan Mix remaining 1/3 batter with chocolate syrup and pour evenly over butterscotch mixture. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour and 15 minutes .

Florence Konrad--Aurora, Ill.

EDITOR'S NOTE: This is excellent , moist cake, and beautiful Valpo gold and brown .

The Rev 0. P Kretzmann at his inaugural in 1940 spoke on " The Destiny of a Christian University in the Modern World ", closing with these words , " Clearly aware of the magnitude of our problems, deeply committed to the importance of our work , humbly certain of our destiny, we may hope , under Cod, to prepare a growing number of men and women who will go out of this community into the darkness of a dying world as the living embodiment of the motto of this University, ' In Thy light we shall see light. ' to that end I implore the benediction of Almighty Cod. "


1 lb. margarine or butter

3 cups sugar

8 eggs, separated

3 cups flour


2 tsp. vanilla

2 tsp . almond extract

1/3 cup bourbon

1/2 cup chopped pecans

Cream butter and 2 cups sugar until light and fluffy. Add egg yolks one at a time, beating thoroughly after each Cl ddition. Add flour alternately wit h flavoring and bourbon. Beat egg whites until stiff; beat in remaining sugar Fold into flour mixture. Fold in pecans. Bake in greased angel food pan (large) at 350 degrees for 11/2 hours.

Mrs. Arthur A. Amling--Chicago, Ill.


1 1/2 cups egg whites

1/4 tsp. salt

1 tsp. cream of tartar

11/2 cups sugar

6 egg yolks

1 tsp. vanilla

3/4 cup cake flour

1 tsp. lemon extract

1/2 cup cake flour

Beat egg whites until foamy. Add salt and cream of tartar. Beat until stiff. Fold in sugar. Divide mixture into two parts To one part add well beaten egg yolks and lemon. Fold in 3/4 cup sifted flour. To second part add vanilla and 1/2 cup sifted flour. Drop alternate spoonfuls in lined angel cake pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 60 minutes.

Mrs. Ray Mossman-St. Charles, Mo .


1 cup butter or margarine

2 cups sugar

6 eggs, separated

11/2 cup sifted all purpose flour

1/2 tsp. salt

2 tsp. baking powder

6 Tbsp. milk

1 tsp. vanilla, or 1/2 tsp. almond extractor 2 tsp. grated lemon peel

Cream butter to consistency of mayonnaise Add sugar slowly while continuing to cream. Beat until light and fluffy. Beat in egg yolks one at a time. Mix and sift flour, salt a!:ld baking powder. Combine milk and flavoring. Add flour mixture and milk alternately to butter mixture, stirring in gently but thoroughly. Beat egg whites stiff but not dry; fold in thoroughly. Spoon into well-greased and floured 12-cup gugelhupf pan (Turk's head mold). Bake at 350 degrees for about 1 hour and 10 minutes or until cake tests done. Cool in pan 10 minutes, loosen cake gently around rim and tube. Invert on cake rack. Finish cooling. Dust with confectioners sugar Garnish with- whole maraschino cherries if desired Serves 10-12

Mrs. Olga Theer--Bristol, Conn .



2 cups flour

2 cups dark brown sugar

1/2 cup margarine

Cut shortening into flour and sugar

Save 1 cup for topping

Add to rest of mixture:

1 egg

1 cup milk with 1 tsp . soda added

1 tsp. vanilla

/2 tsp. salt

Mix thoroughly (use mixer) Pour into 9 x 13 in greased and floured pan.

Spr i nkle on top :

1 cup remaining sugar, flour and margarine mixture

1/2 cup chopped nuts

4-10Q: Heath candy bars (cut into small pieces)

Bake at 350 degrees for 30 to 40 minutes, until tests done.

Marjorie Martin Demuth--Union Grove, Wis


1/2 I b butter

3 cups sugar

1 tsp lemon extract

3 cups plain flour

6 eggs pinch of salt

1 tsp. vanilla

1/2 pint whipping cream

Beat butter and sugar until very light and fluffy. Add eggs one at a time . Add vanilla, lemon extract, and salt. Add whipping cream alternately with flour, beginning and ending with flour. Put in greased and floured tube pan. Place in cold oven; bake 1 1/2 hours at 300 degrees.

Note: Plenty of beating, in my opinion, makes for a good cake. I've been experimenting with pound cake recipes for 3 1/2 years; this is the best I've found.

Mrs. Albert (Janet Blume) Jabs

"How does a University approach an age that is just beginning? Surely not with misgivings and fear and a closed mind We approach it with anticipation We should welcome its possibilities and sense its excitement. In this spirit I have accepted the Presidency of Valparaiso University."

- From Dr A. G Huegli's inaugural address, "The Present Imperative", Sept. 10, 1969.

"It is a university 's duty to lift the hearts and minds of its students to new and higher levels of achievement for themselves and mankind. The Chapel of the Resurrection represents the continuing hope that human knowledge coupled with spiritual understanding will lead to lives that are in the noblest sense both whole and holy." - Dr . A. G. Hueg/i, President Valparaiso University



1 1/2 cups sifted cake flour

1 cup sugar

1/2 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. baking powder

3/4 cup egg whites (6 eggs, med.)

1 tsp cream of tartar

1/2 cup additional sugar

1/2 cup egg yolks (6 med. eggs)

1/4 cup cold water

1 tsp. vanilla

·1 tsp. lemon or almond extract

Sift flour, 1 cup sugar, salt and baking powder together into small mixing bowl. Combine egg whites and cream of tartar in large bowl. Beat with electric mixer at high speed until very soft mounds begin to form. Beat remaining sugar into egg white, a Tbsp. at a time. Continue beating until very stiff peaks are formed. Do not underbeat. Combine egg yolks, water and flavoring . Blend into sifted dry ingredients . Beat at medium speed one minute. Fold yolk mixture (1/4 at a time) into white mixture. Put in 10 in. tube pan . Bake at 350 degrees for 40-50 minutes. Frost with fluffy frosting, see page 82.

Mrs. C. L. Lake-Grand Haven, Mich.


1 cup shortening

2 cups sugar

4 eggs

3 cups cake flour

2 tsp. baking powder

1/2 tsp. salt

1 cup milk

1 tsp. vanilla

Cream together shortening and sugar. Add eggs one at a time, beating after each. Sift together flour, baking powder and salt. Add alternately with milk to creamed mixture. Add vanilla, pour into 2 9 in. layer pans Bake at 375 degrees for 35 minutes.


2 cups sifted cake flour

2 tsp. baking powder

1/4 tsp. baking soda

1/4 tsp. salt

1 tsp. vanilla

1/2 cup shortening or lard

1 1/2 cups sugar

3 egg yolks

1 cup sour cream

3 egg whites

Sift flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt together. Cream shortening and only 1 cup of sugar until light and fluffy. Add egg yolks one at a time and beat until creamy. Add vanilla. Add sour cream and flour mixture alternately. Beat egg whites with a rotary egg beater until stiff but not dry and then beat in remaining 1/2 cup sugar until it barely disappears. Fold into cake mixture with slotted spoon. Pour into 9 x 13 in. cake pan (greased). Bake at 350 degrees for 25-30 minutes. Frost with white icing and sprinkle with coconut.





1/4 cup butter or oleo

1/2 cup sugar

1 egg

1/4 cup milk


1 cup flour

2 tsp. baking powder

1/4 tsp. salt

Cream butter and sugar. Add egg and cream mixture again. Add milk; beat until smooth. Add flour, baking powder and salt. Beat only until smooth . Bake in greased, floured, 8 or 9 in . round cake pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes. When cooled, split the cake. Layer bottom with whipped cream and fruit. Replace top half and put more cream and fruit on this. Chill until serving.

Frazier-Glen Ellyn, Ill.


11/4 cup flour

3/ 4 cup sugar

2 tsp. baking powder

1/4 cup melted butter

1 egg milk

1/2 tsp. vanilla

Into small mixing bowl add flour, sugar, baking powder (sifted). Put melted (not hot) butter into cup, add the egg, and fill cup with milk. Add to dry ingredients, plus vanilla. Use 9 in. square pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes. (Good, and simple, this recipe only uses 1 bowl, cup and mixing fork, saves dishes. Does not need beating, just mix with fork or spoon)

Serves 9

Theresa Schmalz--St. Paul, Minn.



1 cup cream sherry

3/4 cup cooking oil

1 pkg. instant vanilla pudding

1 tsp. nutmeg (scant)

1 tsp. vanilla

1/2 cup chopped nuts

1 pkg. yellow cake mix

Mix eggs, sherry, oil and pudding till smooth. Add cake mix, nutmeg and van ii la and beat till smooth. Add nuts; bake 50 minutes or till done at 350 degrees. Bake in tube pan well greased and floured.

Mrs. Wilma Schnack-Quincy, Ill.

NOTE: Mary M. Nurenberg, South Bend, Ind., makes this cake but uses only 3/4 cup cream sherry and omits the vanilla and nuts. She sprinkles the cake with confectioner's sugar before serving.



1 1/2 cup sugar

1/2 cup butter

3/4 cup milk

2 cups flour

2 1/2 tsp. baking powder

1 cup black walnut meats - chopped

4 egg whites

1 tsp. vanilla

1/2 lemon rind - grated

Cream butter, gradually add sugar working it into the batter and continue until mixture is light and foamy. Add dry ingredients and milk alternately. Add nut meats, then fold in stiffly beaten egg whites Bake in well greased 8 or 9 in round (or 9 x 13 in. pan) pans for 30 minutes in oven set at 350 degrees

Opal Esch-St. Petersburg, Fla.


1/4 cup butter or shortening

1/2 cup sugar

1/2 cup molasses

1 egg

11/2 cup flour, sifted

1 tsp. soda

1 tsp. mixed spices (cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg or cloves)

1/2 cup sour milk or buttermilk

1/2 cup walnuts, coarsely broken

1/2 cup seeded raisins (the large sticky ones)

Cream together butter and sugar and add molasses and egg and continue beating until light and fluffy. Mix and sift together the dry ingredients and add alternately with the milk . Mix until smooth. Stir in the walnuts and raisins. Pour into a well greased and floured 8 x 8 in. pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 40 minutes. Frost with buttercream or caramel icing. It's a favorite with the men of our family.

Marion Oberst--Detroit, Mich.

NOTE: Mrs. Oberst received this recipe from her cousin who got it from her high school Home Ee class over 50 years ago.


11/2 cup suga1

1/2 cup oleo

3 eggs

1 tsp. vanilla

2 cups flour

1 tsp. baking powder

1 tsp . soda

1/2 cup cocoa

1 cup water

1 8-oz. can sauerkraut, drained, rinsed and finely snipped

Cream sugar and oleo. Add eggs one at a time, beating after each. Add vanilla. Sift dry ingredients and add to creamed mixture alternately with the water. Stir in sauerkraut. Pour into greased 9 x 13 in. pan. Bake for 35-40 minutes at 350 degrees. To make two layers, increase oleo to 2/3 cup and flour to 2 1/2 cups .

Mrs. Walter A. Kandt--Lockport, N .Y.



1 cup oatmeal

11/2 cup boiling water

1 stick butter

1 cup brown sugar

1 cup white sugar

2 eggs


1 1/2 cups flour

1 tsp. soda

1 tsp . cinnamon

1/2 tsp. nutmeg

1 cup raisins (optional)

Pour 11/2 cups boiling water over 1 cup oatmeal. Let stand 20 minutes. Cream butter, sugars, and eggs. Sift together dry ingredients and add to mixture. Add oatmeal mixture and raisins. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. For frosting: Mix together and spread on baked warm cake 1/2 cup butter, 1 cup brown sugar, 1/2 cup chopped nuts, 1/2 cup fine coconut. Place in broiler for a few minutes until bubbly

Ken Harmon--Director of Food Servfces, Valparaiso Univ.


2 sticks oleo*

2 1/2 cup flour

2 cups sugar

1 cup chopped nuts

2 eggs

1 Junior jar (or 2 small) mashed sweet potatoes

1-20 oz can crushed pineapple, including juice

1 tsp. cinnamon

2 tsp. soda

1 tsp. salt

1 tsp. vanilla

*Melt oleo in 9x13-in. pan in oven. Mix all other ingredie.rts. Pour oleo over ingredients in bowl - mix well. Return to pan. Bake 20 minutes at 350 degrees then 40 minutes at 325 degrees. Serve with topping of Cool Whip.

Serves 12-16

2 cups sifted flour

11/2 tsp. baking soda

1/4 tsp. salt

1 cup sugar

1 tsp. cinnamon

Mrs. Walter Gaertner-Farmington, Mich.


1 tsp. nutmeg

1/2 cup butter

1 egg well beaten

1 cup raisins

1 can tomato soup

Sift flour once, add soda, salt, and spices and sift together 3 times. Work butter with spoon until creamy. Add sugar gradually and beat after each addition. Blend well. Add raisins, and flour alternately with tomato soup, a amount at a time, beating until smooth after each addition. Turn into a greased square pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 40 minutes. Frost with Creamed Cheese Frosting (see page 82).


(Mrs. Gary) Eleanor Enger-St. Petersburg, .Fla.

1 1/2 cup sugar

3 egg yolks

1 cup oil (salad oil)

2 cups flour

2 tsp. baking powder

1 tsp. cinnamon


1/2 tsp. salt

1 cup raw carrots, grated

1 cup raw beets, grated

1 cup chopped walnuts

1 tsp. vanilla

3 well beaten egg whites

Beat well first 3 ingredients . Sift and add dry ingredients at medium speed . Add and blend remaining ingredients. Fold all into 3 well beaten egg whites. Put into greased Angel food pan or loaf pan (9 x 13 in.) (Place water in oven while baking.) Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour and 10 minutes

Mrs George Wingeier--Bay City, Mich.


The new Henry F. Moel/ering Memorial Library was so named in recognition of the Jong record of support which the Moel/ering family had given the Lutheran university movement.

Erection of the new library building was begun in June 1956 and completed during the University's centenial year, 1959 Generous grants from the Lilly Endowment and from Mrs Margaret Moel/ering to the library fund made initial construction possible

The Guild 's 35th Birthday Penny Fund provided listening center equipment , tapes , and records for the Library. Since 1968 Guild Memorials have been directed to a "Living Book Fund " for additions to the Library 's collect i on



Cook until thick, then cool :

1 Tbsp. cornstarch, plus 1 tsp cornstarch

1 cup milk

Cream together in electric mixer:

1 cup butter (only)

1 cup sugar

1 tsp . vanilla

1 cup chocolate morsels

Add cooked cornstarch mixture to creamed butter and sugar and beat until sugar is melted and mixture is creamy Beat in 1 tsp. vanilla Spread between 2 8 " or 9" layers of your favorite chocolate cake , frost all over, place cake in refrigerator to harden slightly while melting 1 cup of chocolate morsels over warm water . Carefully cover top of cake with melted chocolate and dribble down sides .

Mrs. W. Ralph Jewell-Grosse Pointe Shores, Mich.


1/2 cup butter or margarine

1 cup brown sugar, packed

1/4 cup milk

1 tsp. vanilla

2 1/2 cup sifted confectioners sugar

Melt butter in saucepan; add sugar and boil over low heat 2 minutes, stirring constantly. Add milk, keep stirring until mixture boils again. Re- · move from heat. Add vanilla. Cool. Add powdered sugar beating well after each addition until thick enough to spread .

Yield: Will frost 8 or 9-in. layer cake

Mrs. G . C. Michael-Howard Lake, Minn.


4 Tbsp. creamed cheese

4 Tbsp. butter, melted or soft Powdered sugar as needed

Blend until smooth and creamy.

(Mrs. Gary) Eleanor Enger--St. Petersburg, Fla .


1 cup sugar

1 cup boiling water (scant)

1/4 tsp . cream of tartar

1 egg white unbeaten

1/2 tsp. vanilla

Mix and beat, beat, beat, beat

Mrs. C. L. Lake-Grand Haven, Mich .


1 1/3 cup sugar

6 Tbsp. milk


6 Tbsp butter or margarine

1/2 cup chocolate chips

Boil 1 minute sugar, milk, and butter or margarine Remove from heat and add chocolate chips. Stir until dissolved and creamy.

Lois Horsch-Minneapolis, Minn .


2 cups powdered sugar

1/4 tsp. salt

1 egg

Put ingredients in bowl and beat .

1/3 cup butter (room temp.)

2 squares melted Baker's chocolate

Mrs. Herbert Franke--Ossian, Ind




4 squares (4 oz.) unsweetened chocolate

1/4 cup butter over boiling water

1 lb sifted powdered sugar

1/2 cup milk

1 tsp. vanilla

1/4 tsp. salt

Add chocolate mixture, blend well. Chill 10 minutes, then beat until spreading consistency. Stir in 6 cut maraschino cherries .

Vera K. Blake (Mrs . Francis B.)--Westfield, N.J .


1 envelope whipped topping mix (Dream Whip)

1 (4 1/2 oz.) Chocolate instant pudding

11/2 cups cold milk

Combine all ingredients in deep mixing bowl, then slowly beat until blended. Gradually increase beating speed and whip until mixture forms soft peaks, 4 to 6 minutes. Makes about 3 1/2 cups, enough to frost tops of three 9 inch layers.

Hilda Novotny-Aurora, Ill.

Beat together :

2 1/3 cup powdered sugar

1 whole egg

1/8 tsp. salt

1 tsp. vanilla


Add :

2 Tbsp white Karo Syrup

2/3 cup Crisco (room temperature)

Blend well. Keeps well in refrigerator. To have white frosting, use 2 egg whites instead of one whole egg.

Frosts 2 layer cakes or 9x13

Mrs. Darrell Koss--Minneapolis, Minn


4 Tbsp. butter

3 cup confectioners sugar

2 Tbsp . lemon juice

Beat well.

Makes 3 1/2 cups frosting

1 or 2 Tbsp. cold water (enough to make spreading easy)

Few grains salt

Maire E. Wi!peck--Westfield, N .J. and Alice Orling--Westfield, N J.

"WHIPPED CREAM" FROSTING (not too sweet-just right)

3 Tbsp. flour

1/2 cup milk

2 sticks butter or margarine or 1 of each

1 cup granulated sugar

1 tsp. vanilla or desired flavoring

Blend flour & milk . Cook and stir until thick. Cool. Cream butter and sugar. Add flour,.Jmixture & flavoring. Blend at high speed

Frosts 2 layer cakes or 9x13

Mrs. Carl J. Kuehnert-Shorewood, Wis


2 boxes choice frozen strawberries

1 scant cup sugar

1/4 cup lemon juice

Bring berries to a boil, stirring constantly, add sugar & lemon juice, cook 10 minutes more to bring to right consistency This topping must be refrigerated. Serve on cake, top with ice cream, top again with berries

Irene Laudert Zielske-Morristown, Minn .



1/2 cup butter or margarine, melted 11/4 cup flour

2 Tbsp. sugar

Mix above ingrsdients and press into 9 x 6 in. pan. Bake in 350 degree oven about 20 minutes. Prepare one pkg. vanilla pudding according to directions; cool, and pour over crust. Open one can cherry pie filling and spread over vanilla pudding. Top with whipped cream and serve

Serves 8 Lora Reinke--Neenah, Wis.

11/4 cup sugar

1 cup flour

1 tsp. soda

1 tsp . cinnamon

1/8 tsp. salt

1/2 cup chopped nut meats

2 cups drained sour cherries


1 egg, well beaten

1 Tbsp. melted butter


1/2 cup sugar

1 cup cherry juice

1 Tbsp. cornstarch

1 Tbsp. melted butter

Mix all ingredients in order given except sauce. Bake in greased 7 x 11 in. (or 9x13) pan for 45 minutes at 350 degrees. Serve with whipped cream or ice cream and cherry sauce made by cooking the sauce ingredients listed until thickened.

Serves 6 generously

Bernice Holst--Valparaiso, Ind. Mrs. Ruth Bellman-LaPorte, Ind.


2 cans sour cherries

1 pkg. white cake mix

1 cup chopped walnuts

2 sticks margarine (melted)

Use a 9 x 13 in. pan. Spread cherries on pan bottom (including juice). Pour cake mix over cherries evenly. Sprinkle nuts over cake mix. Drizzle margarine over mixture. Bake at 350 degrees for 50-60 minutes. After baking, cake will be very dark.

Serves 12-16 ·

Mrs. Norman Minster-Sheboygan, Wis.



lb. cans of pitted dark sweet cherries (Bing)

2-3 oz. pkg. dark cherry jello

1 quart vanilla ice cream

1 cup Port wine

1 lg. (11/2 #)angel food cake

1/2 pint whipping cream

Drain cherries. Add water to cherry juice to make 2 cups. Heat liquid to boiling and dissolve jello in it. Remove from heat. Add ice cream a spoonful at a time and stir until ice cream melts . Add wine. Add cherries . Cut angel food cake into 3/4 in. cubes. Fold cake cubes gently into cherry mixture. Place in 9 in . Spring form with flat bottom. Place in refrigerator. Top with whipped cream before serving.

Mrs . Glenn Meyer-Greendale, Wis .


5 eggs

2 1/2 cups sugar

1 Tbsp. butter or margarine

11/4 cups milk, scalded

2 1/2 cups flour

1/8 tsp. salt

2 1/2 tSp. baking powder

1 tsp. vanilla

Beat eggs until light; gradually add 1 cup sugar and continue beating; add remaining sugar and beat until light colored and fluffy. Combine butter and hot milk; gradually add to egg mixture. Add sifted dry ingredients and vanilla . Mix well. Bake in three waxed paperlined 9 in. pans . Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.

2 cups milk

1/2 cup sugar

1/2 cup flour

1/4 cup cocoa

1/3 cup cold milk

Chocolate Torte Frosting:

1 cup butter or margarine

1 cup confectioner's sugar

2 tsp. vanilla

11/2 cups chopped nuts

Heat milk in double boiler. Combine sugar, flour, cocoa and 1/3 cup cold milk. Add to hot milk and cook over hot water till thick (about 20 minutes) stirring constantly . Cover a11d cool to room temperature . Cream butter and confectioner' s sugar Add to cooked mixture and beat until smooth Spread between layers and top and sides and decorate with nuts

VU has dire cted the greater part of its energy toward the development of undergraduate education, with a heavy emphasis on small classes, full-time faculty, and excellent laboratories and other facilities .



1 cup butter or margarine

1 3/4 cups sugar

4 eggs

1/2 cup milk

3/ 4 cup grated chocolate or cocoa

1 cup chopped nuts

1 tsp. cinnamon

1 cup grated boiled potatoes (cold)

1 tsp vanilla

1 tsp . baking powder sifted with 1 1/4 cup flour

Grate in blender or hand grater the chocolate, nuts, and cold potatoes Cream butter and sugar until thoroughly blended. Add the remaining ingredients as listed in the recipe. Grease and flour spring form pan. Spoon blended into spring form. Bake at 350 for about 60 minutes. Frost with favorite chocolate fudge frosting. Serves 20

Dorothy Lassanske-Hammond, Ind.


3 eggs

1 cup sugar

1 cup chopped English walnuts

1/2 cup chopped dates

1/2 cup chopped figs

2 Tbsp. flour

1 tsp. baking powder

1 tsp. vanilla

Beat egg yolks until light, gradually adding the sugar, beating until light and fluffy. Cut the dates and figs very fine with shears dipped in hot water Mix with flour to which has been added the baking powder before sifting. Add the egg mixture with walnuts Fold in the egg whites beaten stiff, plus a pinch of salt and the vanilla Butter and lightly flour two cake pans and pour in the mixture. Bake in a slow oven, 300 degrees or 325, about 30 minutes. This is better made a day before serving.

Shortly before serving, spread with whipped cream between layers and over cake. Garnish with nuts and candied cherries, if desired .

Alma Moellering--Ft. Wayne, Ind.


12 medium eggs, separated

2 scant cups sugar

2 cups ground hazelnuts

12 lady fingers (grated)

1 lemon (juice and grated rind) for flavoring

Ample powdered sugar for top sprinkling

Beat the yolks of eggs and sugar, add lady fingers, flavoring, nuts, then fold in the beaten whites. Bake in spring form pan about 50 minutes in a moderate oven. When cool, sprinkle powdered sugar over top

Mrs. Theo . Lucht--MilwaukeP. Wis .



Crust :

2 cups flour

1 cup butter

1/4 tsp. salt

3 Tbsp. granulated sugar


8 egg yolks

1 cup granulated sugar

juice and rind of 2 lemons

2 envelopes unflavored gelatin

1 cup cold water

8 egg whites

1 cup granulated sugar

1/2 pint whipping cream

Mix crust ingredients like pie crust. Pat into 9 in. spring form (flat bottom) or 10x14x2 in. pan. Bake at 375 degrees for 25 minutes Cool crust. Place egg yolks, 1 cup sugar and juice and rind of lemons in double boiler and cook until thick. Soak 2 envelopes of unflavored gelatin in 1 cup cold water for several minutes, then place over boiling water to completely dissolve. Add gelatin to yolk mixture, mix, cool. Beat egg whites until stiff but not dry. Add 1 cup sugar and beat well Fold into yolk mixture and pour in baked shell. Refrigerate for several hours. Top with whipped cream.

Mrs. Glenn Meyer--Greendale, Wis.


2/3 pkg swiebach

1/2 cup melted butter

1/2 cup sugar

6 egg yolks

1 cup canned apple sauce

1 can condensed milk, Eagle brand

1/3 cup lemon juice

1/4 tsp. lemon extract

6 egg whites

10 in. spring pan

Crush swiebach very fine; add melted butter and sugar (mix these three well and put in bottom of Spring pan, which has been well greased with butter). Mix 6 egg yolks well, then add a cup of canned apple sauce; 1 can Eagle brand condensed milk, lemon juice and lemon extract. Then add 6 egg whites which have been well beaten. Bake at 350 degrees for 10 minutes, then 200 degrees for 1 hour 'and 50 minutes. Let stand at least 6 hours, remove sides of pan and serve with whipped cream . Serves 10 Carol E. Sieving--Wheaton, Ill.

The Honor System at Valparaiso is a plan originated and operated b" the students which allows st1._1dents to take test ' without a proctor ""atching O\'er them.


Crust :

1 cup flour

1/2 cup chopped walnuts


1 cup graham cracker crumbs

1/2 cup melted butter or margarine

Combine and pat in 9 x 13 in. pan Bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes


1/4 cup poppy seed

1 cup milk

4 egg yolks, beaten

1/ 2 cup sugar

2 Tbsp. cornstarch

1/8 tsp. salt

1 tsp. vanilla

1 Tbsp . Knox gelatine (1 envelope )

1/4 cup cold water

4 egg whites

1/2 cup sugar

1/2 tsp cream of tartar

Combine first six ingredients in saucepan. Cook over low heat until thick. (Be careful not to get lumpy. Stir constantly.) Add vanilla Add gelatine which has been soaked in the 1/4 cup cold water . Cool. Beat egg whites until stiff, add sugar and cream of tartar and beat until stiff but not dry. Fold into custard. Pour on crust Chill until firm. Can be topped with whipped cream and a few of the crumbs, if desired. (Can be made a day ahead.)

Serves 12-15

Mrs Reynolds Keith Honold--Sheboygan, Wis


1 3/ 4 cup graham cracker (24)

1/2 c up soft butter or margarine

1/2 c up sugar

Filling :

1 can (1 lb .) pumpkin

3 egg yolks

1/ 2 cup sugar

1 tsp . salt

1/2 cup milk

2 eggs

3/ 4 cup sugar

8 oz . cream cheese

1 tsp cinnamon

1/4 cup sugar

3 egg whites

1 envelope gelatin

1/4 cup cold water

Crush graham crackers. Mix with_ butter and sugar and pack lightly in 9 x 13 in pan Beat eggs, sugar and cream cheese and pour over crust Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes . Cool. Cook pumpkin, egg yolks, sugar, milk, salt and cinnamon in double boiler till thick. Remove from heat and add gelatin dissolved in cold water. Cool. Beat egg whites and add 1/4 cup sugar. Fold into pumpkin mixture and pour into crust. Chill until firm. Top with whipped cream.

NOTE: This dessert may be kept frozen if you wish to make it ahead of time.

Serves 12

Leona Liesch-Wittenberg, Wis




1/4 cup butter

1 cup brown sugar

2/3 cup pumpkin

1 tsp. vanilla

2 eggs

1/ 2 cup flour

1/2 tsp. baking powder

1/ 2 tsp . cinnamon

1/2 tsp. nutmeg

1/4 tsp ginger

1/4 tsp soda

Combine in separate bowl :

1/2 cup chopped dates

1/ 2 cup walnuts , broken

2 Tbsp . flour

Melt butter, blend in brown sugar. Stir in pumpkin and vanilla. Add eggs, one at a time Fold in flour, baking powder, and spices Add dates, wain uts and 2 Tbsp flour last. Pour into 8 in round pan and bake at 350 degrees for approximately 20 to 30 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean

Rum sauce:

In saucepan melt 1/4 cup butter , add 5 Tbsp. flour and blend. Add 1/2 cup brown sugar and 1/2 cup white sugar and 1/2 tsp . Rum flavoring. Pour 1/3 to 1/2 cup boiling water into mixture and stir over medium heat until it thickens.

Serves 8

3 egg whites

1 tsp. vanilla

1/8 tsp. salt

1 tsp. baking powder

1 cup sugar

Mrs. Harvey Croehn--Detroit, Mich


3/4 cup soda cracker crumbs

3/4 cup chopped nuts

1/2 pint whipping cream

1 Tbsp confectioner's sugar

Combine egg whites , vanilla, baking powder and salt and beat until stiff. Add 1 cup sugar and beat until very stiff . Fold in soda cracker crumbs and chopped nuts. Bake in 9 in pie tin (greased) for 25 minutes at 350 degrees or until brown . Cool. Add whipping cream or Dream Whip and confectioner ' s sugar Let stand overnight. May be topped with any fruit. Serves 8 Mrs. C. L. Lake-Grand Haven, Mich.

Three traditional festival weekends - Homecoming, Winter Weekend, and Spring Weekend - are happy events at Va/po .

" Week of Challenge " brings distinguished speakers to campus from a wide variety of fields.


1/2 cup butter or safflower margarine

1 cup powdered sugar

4 egg yolks, well beaten

1 cup cake flour

1 tsp. baking powder

1/2 tsp salt

3 Tbsp milk

1 tsp. vanilla

Cream butter and powdered sugar. Add egg yolks Then add sifted dry i ngredients alternately with milk. Add vanilla and mix thoroughly Spread batter evenly and thinly over bottoms of two greased and floured slipbottom cake pans (It cannot be turned upside down.)


4 egg whites

1 cup sugar

slivered, blanched almonds sliced strawberries sweetened whipped cream cream cake filling* whole, sugared berries

Beat egg whites stiff but not dry. Add sugar a little at a time, beating well after each addition Spread meringue over each layer of batter, sprinkle slivered blanched almonds over the top. Bake at 300 degrees for a little less than an hour (slightly brown); and cool. Remove from pans to large cake plate with turned up edges. Spread one layer with cream cake filling to which sliced strawberries have been added Then spread with sweetened whipped cream . Top with other layer. Serve garnished with sugared berries or frozen berries over all. (Best Birthday cake ever!)

Mrs. F. W. McCauley--Detroit, Mich.

1/4 cup sugar

1 Tbsp. cornstarch

1/4 tsp. salt


1 cup milk

1 egg yolk

1 Tbsp butter

1 tsp. vanilla

Mix sugar, cornstarch and salt in saucepan. Gradually add milk. Bring to boil over medium heat, stirring constantly. Boil 1 minute. Remove from heat. Stir half mixture into slightly beaten egg yolk . Blend back into balance of mixture. Boil 1 minute more Remove from heat Add butter and van ii la Cool, stir occasionally.



Crumb mixture :

1/2 cup brown sugar

1 1/2 cup flour

3/ 4 cup butter

1/2 cup nuts, crushed



2 unbeaten egg whites

1 cup sugar

1 Tbsp. lemon juice

1-16 oz pkg frozen strawberries slightly thawed

2 cups Rich's topping (or whipping cream)

Mix crumb mixture together Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes. Stir while baking; crumble when done. Line bottom of 9 x 13 in. pan reserving 1/3 crumbs for top. Filling: Beat first four ingredients until thick (20 minutes) . Beat Rich's topping; combine with filling and spread over crumbs . Sprinkle crumbs on top. Keep in freezer. Remove just before serving .

Mrs. Byron Markwardt--Plymouth, Wis.


3 pkg. Lady Fingers

1 small pkg. vanilla pudding, cooked and cooled

1 small pkg. chocolate pudding, cooked and cooled

1 pint whipping cream or 2 packs of Dessert Topping Mix

1 large can fruit (peaches or pineapple) well drained

Rum - light

Number of layers used:

Lady Fingers - 4 additions

Fruit - 3 additions

Cream - 3 additions

Use angel food cake pan with removable center. Line bottom of pan with split lady fingers Sprinkle rum over same. Put in half vanilla pudding Putin layer of fruit Put in layer of whipped cream. Another layer of lady fingers and rum. Put in all of chocolate pudding. Layer of fruit. Layer of whipped cream. Layer of lady fingers and rum. Balance of vanilla pudding Balance of fruit. Layer of lady fingers and rum. Balance of whipped cream. Chill several hours.

Mother & Daughter: Mrs. G. H. Eberhardt--Jacksonville, Ill.

Mrs. Wayne B. Anderson--Aurora, Ill.

Pioneered in 1962 and called the Pilot Plan for student recruitment, the present Person-to-Person program has become a significant part of the Guild 's endeavors. Telephone interviews are made by members of Guild chapters, based on prospective student cards sent out from the Admissions Center .




1 cup flour

1/4 cup sugar

1 tsp. grated lemon rind


1/2 cup butter or margarine

1 slightly beaten egg yolk

1/4 tsp. vanilla

Combine flour, sugar and lemon peel. Cut in butter till mixture is crumbly. Add egg yolk and vanilla. Blend thoroughly. Pat 1/2 of dough on bottom of 9 in. spring form pan (sides removed). Bake in hot oven, 400 degrees, about 6 minutes, or till golden; cool. Butter sides of pan and attach to bottom. Pat remaining dough evenly on sides to a height of 2 inches.

Cheese filling:

5-8 oz. pkg. cream cheese

1/4 tsp. vanilla

3/4 tsp. grated lemon rind

1 3/4 cups sugar

3 Tbsp. flour

1/4 tsp. salt

5 eggs (1 cup)

2 egg yolks

1/4 cup heavy cream

Stir cream cheese to soften; beat until fluffy. Add ·vanilla and peel. Mix sugar, flour, and salt; gradually blend into cheese. Add eggs and yolks, one at a time, beating well after each. Stir in cream. Turn into crust-lined pan. Bake in very hot oven 500 degrees for 6 to 8 minutes or till top edge of crust is golden. Reduce oven heat to 200 degrees and bake 1 hour longer. Remove from oven; cool in pan about 3 hours. Remove sides of pan.

NOTE: The recipe calls for a spring form pan but you can also use a large cake pan, but you will have to increase your crust recipe to 1 1/2 recipe. Irene Laudert Zielske--Morristown, Minn Ruth Will iams--Prospect Heights, 111.


Mix together:

2 cups graham cracker crumbs

1/4 cup butter, melted

1/2 cup white sugar

Pat this mixture evenly over bottom of 9 x 13 in. pan.

Blend the following:

2 eggs

1 cup sugar

2-8 oz. Philadelphia cream cheese

1 tsp. vanilla

1 can Blueberry pie filling

Spread this mixture over crumbs and bake at 375 degrees for 15 minutes. When cool, spread 1 can Thank You blueberry pie filling over the top. Refrigerate overnight

Mrs. Paul (Hilda) Bieberich--Ft. Wayne, Ind.



30 graham crackers

Filling :

2-8 oz. pkgs . cream cheese

2/3 cup sugar


1/2 tsp. van i lla

1/2 cup (1/4 lb.) butter

Topping :

1 cup commercial sour cream

2 Tbsp. sugar

1/2 tsp. vanilla

Roll crackers to fine crumbs ; add soft butter and blend very well. Press into bottom and sides of an 8-in. spring form pan and set aside. Soften cheese at room temperature. Stir in sugar gradually, blending well. Add well beaten eggs and vanilla and beat until very smooth. Turn into pan Bake at 375 degrees for 22-25 minutes or until set (Do not overbake.) Cool cake on wire rack for 20 minutes. Combine topping ingredients and spread on top of cake Return to oven at 475 degrees for 5 minutes Cool. Cover lightly with wax paper. Chill 6 to 7 hours before serving.

Yield: 10-12

Crumb Mixture:

Mrs . Robert Novota-Holland, Mich.


2/3 cup graham cracker crumbs

3 Tbsp. butter or margarine (1/3 cup graham cracker crumbs

2 Tbsp sugar and 1/3 cup chocolate cookie 1/4tsp. each: cinnamon and nutmeg crumbs could be used)

Combine melted butter, sugar, and spices. Add to graham cracker crumbs.


2 envelopes unflavored gelatin

1 cup sugar, divided

2 eggs, separated

1 cup milk

1 tsp. grated lemon rind

1 Tbsp. lemon juice

1 tsp. vanilla

3 cups (24 oz.) mild creamed cottage cheese

1 cup heavy cream, whipped

Combine gelatin and 3/4 cup sugar in medium saucepan. Beat egg yolks and milk together; stir into gelatin mixture. Place over low heat; stir constantly until gelatin dissolves and mixture thickens slightly, 3-5 minutes. Remove from heat, stir in lemon rind, juice and vanilla Sieve or beat cottage cheese on high speed of electric mixer until smooth, 3-4 minutes; stir into gelatin mixture. Chill, stirring occasionally, until mixture mounds slightly when dropped from spoon. Beat egg whites until stiff but not dry; gradually add remaining 1/4 cup sugar and beat until very stiff. Fold into gelatin mixture; fold in whipped cream. Turn into 8 or 9 in pan (spring form). Sprinkle with crumbs. Chill until firm, 3-4 hours Loosen side of pan with sharp knife; release spring form

Serves 12

Mrs. Edna Schaekel-Ft Lauderdale, Fla.




2 cups graham cracker crumbs (about 28 squares)

1/2 cup melted butter or margarine

1/3 cup sugar


2 cup sour cream

2 Tbsp. grated orange rind

2 Tbsp. sugar


3 8-oz. pkg cream cheese, softened

3/ 4 cup sugar

2 Tbsp flour

2 Tbsp. corn starch

1 tsp. vanilla

6 eggs, separated

1 cup orange juice

Combine crumbs, butter and sugar. into bottom of 13x9" pan . Beat cream cheese until smooth. Combine sugar, flour and cornstarch . Add to cream cheese with vanilla. Beat until fluffy Add egg yolks, one at a time, beating after each addition. Beat in orange juice. Beat egg whites until stiff but not dry. Fold gently into cream cheese mixture. Pour into crumb-lined pan Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes. Turn off heat; let stand in oven 1 hour After removing from oven spread with sour cream topping. (Combine sour cream with grated orange rind and sugar) RE!frigerate several hours or overnight.

Serves 12-15


The East gate torch pylons, the Fred Smoke Memorial, mark the access to the New Campus from off State Highway 49 .

The East Campus property, acquired through efforts plus personal generosity of several me mbers of the University 's Board of Directors, was purchased in 1944 for an average of $381 per acre. The 92 acres of new land to which 15 additional acres were added the next two years at a cost of $15,000 provided space for growth and development when the University needed it most. About 85% of all classes are now held on the East Campus.

The flaming torch entrance honors a man whose bequest to Valparaiso University is known as the Fred Smoke Student Loan Fund.

Mrs. lohn A. West--Flossmoor , Ill.



Older facilities had served as Va/pa's admission center for many years . Prompted by the awareness that a positive and favorable impression is important for the University in its initial contacts with future students and visitors - plus the need for enlarged quarters, the Guild Center of Admissions was built.

As active participants in the University's Person-to-Person program for presenting Va/po to prospective students and recruiting them, the Valparaiso University Guild helped in to supply funds for this inviting and centrally located admissions facility. The next year the Guild pledged monies to provide for offices and for the lounge. The Executive Council of the Guild participated in the dedication ceremonies in February 1966.

The building also houses a large wood paneled board room for University administrative meetings.

"A new day is dawning in higher education. What it will be is not yet clear. But the factors shaping the beginning of another era are becoming more and more apparent.

At Valparaiso University we have been grappling with the changing situation in ways that I think are imaginative, creative, and reflective of our Christian commitment. It is important for a university that works under the Cross to undertake this task, for I believe it has a distinctive contribution to make to the world of higher education in our time." - Dr. A. C Hueg/i, President, from: "An Emerging New Day" p. 1


3/4 lb. butter or margarine

1/2 cup sugar

3 cups flour


1 tsp. vanilla

1 cup chopped almonds

Cream butter and sugar Add flour, vanilla and nuts Mix well. Roll into pencil-shaped rolls. Break off pieces . Form crescents (horns). Place on ungreased cookie sheet. (Dough may need to be chilled to be handled easily.) Bake at 350 degrees for 12-15 minutes.

Yield: 6 dozen Mrs . Robert Novota-Holland, Mich .


1/2 cup vegetable oil

4 sq. unsweetened chocolate (4 oz.) melted

2 cups granulated sugar


2 tsp. vanilla

2 cups flour

2 tsp. baking powder

1/2 tsp. salt

1 cup confectioner's sugar

Mix oil, chocolate and sugar. Blend in one egg at a time until well mixed. Add vanilla Measure flour, baking powder and salt and sift into oil mixture. Chill several hours or over night. Heat oven to 350 degrees . Drop teaspoonfuls of dough into confectioners' sugar . Roll in sugar; shape into balls. Place about 2 in. apart on greased baking sheet Bake 10-12 minutes. Do not overbake!

Yield: 6 dozen Erna Almquist-East Moline, Ill.


1 cup shortening

1 cup white sugar

1 Tbsp . syrup

1 Tbsp . cinnamon (3 tsp .)

1 tsp. soda, mixed in 1 egg yolk

2 cups sifted flour

Mix in usual manner. Roll in balls, size of large marbles. Place balls on lightly greased cookie sheet; dip masher or glass into sugar and flatten cookies. Bake at 350 degrees for about 10 minutes or until light brown.

Yield: 8 dozen Irma K . Schmalz-Edina, Minn .

Dr 0 P. Kretzmann was inaugurated president of Valparaiso University on October 6, 1940 and served in this office with wisdom and foresight until his retirement on June 1, 1968. The Guild paid him honor during its 1969 convention with a program , " An evening with O P.K. "



1/2 lb. butter (1 cup) very soft

1/2 cup corn starch

1 cup flour

1/2 cup confectioners' sugar

2 tsp. instant coffee (powder)

1 tsp. vanilla

Semi-sweet chocolate chips

Sift dry ingredients together. Cut butter into sifted dry ingredients. Add van ii la Cream well. Chill. Shape into small balls; dent slightly in middle with finger. Bake at 300 degrees for about 20 minutes on ungreased cookie sheet. Cool. Top with melted semi-sweet chocolate chips .

(Mrs . H.) Marge Nadig--St. Petersburg, Fla.


2 1/4 cups sifted cake flour

1/2 tsp. cinnamon

1 tsp. baking soda

1/2 cup butter

1 cup brown sugar

2 eggs, beaten

2 Tbsp. sour cream

1 cup chopped figs

Sift flour, cinnamon and soda together. Cream butter with sugar until fluffy; add eggs, cream and figs. Add sifted dry ingredients with more flour if necessary. Chill thoroughly. Roll out on lightly floured board to 1/8 in. thickness, cut with cookie cutter and bake on buttered baking sheet in moderate oven (350 degrees) 10-12 minutes.

Yield: 3 dozen Mrs. John F. Kanies-West Dundee, Ill.


3 eggs, beaten

1 cup sugar

1/2 tsp. salt

1 tsp. ginger

1 tsp. cinnamon

2 tsp. soda in 1 cup flour

1/4 cup honey

3/4 cup light molasses

31/2 or 4 cups additional flour

Mix first 8 ingredients; let stand overnight. Add remaining flour in morning; roll out and cut into shapes. Bake at 350 degrees for 5-8 minutes depending on size.

Note: very good for small children - no shortening and don't crumble or ever get stale. Make animals, stars, Christmas trees, etc.

Yield: 5 dozen Mrs. Ernest Kalb-Ft. Wayne, Ind.


1 cup sugar

1 cup shortening

1 tsp. cinnamon

3 Tbsp. ginger

1/2 tsp cloves

1/2 tsp. allspice

1/2 tsp. salt

1 cup molasses (sorghum)

1 tsp. soda dissolved in:

3 Tbsp. hot water

3 1/2 cups flour

Cream sugar and shortening together; add spices, molasses, soda water and mix thoroughly together. Stir in flour. Add a bit more flour if necessary so that cookies can be rolled out easily. Roll thin and cut small. Bake at 350 degrees until crisp (about 8-12 minutes - depending on size of cookie) on a greased cookie sheet.

Note: My maternal grandmother acquired this recipe from her motherin-law shortly after she married my grandfather. My mother grew up with these cookies; and she, in turn, made them for us. It was the opinion of some of the younger grandchildren that "Grandma puts too much pepper in her cookies." But these gingersnaps are a symbol of our family - now 4 generations - and everyone loves "Grandma's Gingersnaps."

Yield: about 6 dozen Jean M. Tyler Morgan (Val po '69)--Decatur, Ind.

EDITOR'S NOTE: We tried these and found them also delightful made with only 3 teaspoons ginger -a mild gingersnap A quick substitute for rolling and cutting: roll dough into small balls, place on greased cookie sheet, dip glass into sugar and flatten ball into thin cookie .


1 cup butter

1/3 cup powdered sugar

3/4 cup corn starch

1 cup flour


3-oz. pkg. cream cheese

1 cup powdered sugar

1 tsp vanilla

Cream butter and sugar. Add flour and corn starch. Mix until well _ blended and chill. Form into 1-in. balls and place on greased cookie sheet . Bake 35{) degrees for 10-12 minutes Remove to wir e rack to cool. Cream cream cheese with sugar. Beat in vanilla. Tint frosting as desired.

Yleld: 2 1/2 -3 dozen

Miss Serena Kirsch--Faribault, Minn.

More than 500 graduates and students of Valparaiso joined the armed forces during World War II.



3/4 cup shortening

1 cup sugar

1/4 cup dark molasses

1 egg

2 cups sifted all-purpose flour

2 tsp. baking soda

1 tsp. cinnamon

1/2 tsp. cloves

1/2 tsp. ginger

1/2 tsp. salt

Cream together shortening and sugar. Add molasses and egg; beat well. Sift together flour, soda, cinnamon, cloves, ginger and salt; add to first mixture. Mix well, chill. Form in 1-in. balls, roll in granulated sugar and place on greased cookie sheets two inches apart. Bake in moderately hot oven, 375 degrees F, 8-10 minutes.

Yield: 2 dozen (depending on size) Grace Ford-Corunna, Mich.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Mrs. Mary Alice Gin--Aurora, Ill. makes these Molasses

Cookies and notes "These are never fail and unbelieveably bake into perfect round cookies and crack on the top - just like a picture." This recipe was also submitted by Myrtle H. Miller, Algonquin, Ill. and Dr. Leola Garriott--Hortonville, Wis . And Nancy Jane Kolar--Western Springs, Ill., makes them but eliminates the cloves and uses 2 tsp cinnamon and 1 tsp. ginger while E. Lois Sielaff of Cleveland Heights, Ohio leaves the doves in, increases the cinnamon to 2 tsp. and the ginger to 2 tsp. also for a spicier cookie. Lois puts a raisin in the middle of each ball, too.


1 cup butter

1/2 cup confectioners sugar

11/2 cup flour

1 cup quick oatmeal

1 tsp. soda

2 tsp. vanilla

1/4 tsp. salt

1/2 cup coconut, shredded orflaked

1/2 cup nuts, chopped

Cream butter and confectioners sugar, add rest of ingredients and mix until thoroughly blended. Place teaspoon-size mounds of dough on ungreased baking sheet . Bake at 350 degrees 10-12 minutes.

Yield: 5 doz. tea cookies

Mrs. Ray (Verna) Krumsieg--St. Petersburg, Fla.

EDITOR'S NOTE: A candied cherry or nut meat half pressed on top will add a note of color.

Guild conventions began being held in fall, in 1944.


1/2 cup butter

2 1/2 Tbsp. sugar

1 cup nuts, chopped small



1 cup cake flour, not sifted

1 tsp. vanilla

Powdered sugar

Soften butter, mix all with hand. Form into small balls, place on ungreased cookie sheet. Bake at 325 degrees about 30 minutes or until firm, then roll in powdered sugar while still warm.

Yield: 3 dozen

1/2 cup butter

1/2 cup margarine

1/2 cup granulated sugar

Mrs. Norman Hartman--St. Louis, Mo.


1 cup flour

11/2 cup quick cooking oats

Powdered sugar

Beat butter and margarine until creamy. Add sugar, flour and oats. Mix well. Chill. Shape dough into tiny balls (about 1 tsp.). Place 3-in. apart on a greased baking sheet. Flatten with the bottom of a glass dipped in flour. Bake in 350 degrees oven for 12-15 minutes. Cool and remove from baking sheet. Sprinkle with powdered sugar. Store in tight container. Sprinkle with additional powdered sugar at serving time.

Yield: 3 dozen

Mrs. Glenn Meyer--Greendale, Wis.


1/2 cup lard (or shortening)

1/2 cup butter

1 cup white sugar

1 cup brown sugar

1 cup peanut butter

2 eggs, beaten

3 cup flour

1 tsp. soda

1/2 tsp. salt

1 tsp. vanilla

Cream butter and sugar; then add peanut butter and mix well. Add eggs, then dry ingredients sifted together, and flavoring. Mix well and shape between hands into small balls. Place about 2-in. apart on greased cookie sheet. Press two ways (crosswise) with fork tines to flatten. Bake at 375 degrees until lightly brown, about 10 minutes.

Yield: 4-5 dozen

Mrs. Glen Zobel-Hicksville, N.Y

EDITOR'S NOTE: Mrs. Arthur Schmidt-Hortonville, Wis., increases the soda to 2 tsp. and adds 1/4 cup milk.


1 cup margarine

11/2 cups crunchy peanut butter

1 1/2 cups graham cracker crumbs

1 cup coconut

1 cup nuts

3/4 box powdered sugar

1/2 cup (1/2 6-oz. pkg ) butterscotch chips

1/2 cup chocolate chips

1-in. square parafin wax

Melt margarine and peanut butter over low heat. Add graham cracker crumbs, coconut, nuts, and powdered sugar. Mix well. Form into small balls and dip into melted chocolate mixture. (Melt parafin wax in double boiler then melt chips in with parafin ) Cool on wax paper.

Note: These cookies keep well and are delicious frozen.

Yield : 6 dozen Mrs. Marvin M Manning-Colden Gate, Fla.


1 cup brown sugar

1 cup white sugar

1 cup shortening

2 eggs

1 cup crushed cornflakes

1 cup oatmeal

1 cup salted Spanish peanuts

1 tsp. baking powder

1 tsp. soda

2 cup flour

1 tsp. vanilla

Cream thoroughly the sugars and shortening; add eggs one at a time; Sift together baking powder, soda and flour. Add rest of ingredients in order given Roll into balls the size of a walnut; sprinkle with sugar and bake on greased cookie sheet in 375 degree oven about 8 minutes.

Yield: 5 dozen Mrs. Wilma Schnack-Quincy, Ill.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Mrs. E. W. Husemann-Dunnellon, Fla., makes these but d raps dough from spoon onto ungreased cookie sheet and bakes at 350 degrees.


1 cup butter

6 Tbsp. confectioners sugar

1 tsp. vanilla

2 cups all-purpose flour

1/8 tsp. salt

1 cup finely cut pecans

Sift flour once, measure; add salt and sift again. Cream butter until soft, add sugar and vanilla, blend well. Add the flour, small amount at a time until all is used. Fold in pecans. Chill dough slightly to be easily handled. Roll cookie dough in roll like a pencil; pinch off pieces in 2 1/2 in. lengths; pull end down to form a crescent Bake in 350 degree oven until light brown Dust with confectioners sugar while still warm.




1 lb. fine ground coconut

1/4 lb. ground nuts, blanched

2 Tbsp. sugar

2 3-oz. pkg. Strawberry gelatin

1 can sweetened condensed milk (Eagle Brand)

4 Tbsp. red sugar

Mix all ingredients except red sugar and 1/2 pkg of gelatin. Shape a smal I amount at a time into a strawberry by rolling in palm of hand then shaping. Roll in a mixture of 1/2 pkg. gelatin plus red sugar. Add plastic strawberry shaped leaves, or make hull of powdered sugar frosting, tinted green.

Yield: Approx. 125 berries

1 cup granulated sugar

1 cup powdered sugar

1 cup oleo

1 cup Crisco oil

2 eggs

Mrs. John G. Pajer-Lorain, Ohio


1 tsp. soda

1 tsp. cream of tartar

1 tsp. vanilla

4 cups sifted flour

Mix in order given. Chill. Roll in balls - size of walnuts. Flatten with greased glass dipped in sugar. Bake about 10 minutes at 350 degrees. Yield: 90 cookies


Mrs. Robert Hagy-Yorkville, Ill.

3 1/2 cup flour

1 cake crumbled yeast

1/3 cup sugar

1/2 lb. lard

1 tsp. salt

2 eggs

1/2 cup milk

Desired filling

Blend together first five ingredients as for pie. Add the eggs and milk beaten together. Blend well. Chill in refrigerator until firm. Roll out 1/4in. thick on lightly floured surface and cut in squares or rounds. Fill with desired filling and bake at 350 degrees on ungreased cookie sheets for 10-15 minutes. When cool, sprinkle with sifted confectioners sugar.

Yield: 6 dozen

Mrs. Robert Novota-Holland, Mich.

The printing of the second edition of the ROAD BACK TO GOD written by Dr. 0. P. Kretzmann was sponsored by the Guild in observance of Dr. Kretzmann's 25th anniversary as president of Va1paraiso University.


1/2 cup butter or shortening

1 cup sugar

1 egg

1/2 cup sour or sweet milk

1 tsp. vanilla

2 1/2 cups flour

2 tsp cream of tartar

1 tsp. soda

Cream butter and sugar thoroughly; beat in egg; add vanilla and milk . Sift flour once and measure. Sift with soda and cream of tartar and add to mixture. Roll thin. Put cookies on greased cookie sheet and put a teaspoonful of filling on each cookie and another cookie on top lightly. Bake at 375 degrees about 12 minutes or until done.


2 cups raisins, ground

1 cup sugar

2 1/2 level Tbsp. flour

1 Tbsp. butter

11/2 cups hot water

1/2 tsp lemon or vanilla flavoring

Cook all ingredients except flavoring until thick; add flavoring. This is enough filling for a double batch of cookies.


Filling (make first):

1 #2 can crushed pineapple

2 Tbsp. butter


4 cups brown sugar

3 eggs

1 cup shortening

1/2 cup hot coffee

1 1/2 cups brown sugar

3 Tbsp. corn starch

11/2 tsp . baking soda

1/2 tsp. salt

1 tsp. vanilla

1 1/2 tsp. cream of tartar

6 cups all-purpose flour

To prepare filling, place crushed pineapple in sauce pan; add butter and put on heat. Mix brown sugar and corn starch together. Add to hot pineapple and cook until thick Remove from heat and cool. While filling is cooling, mix batter

Sift flour before measuring. Cream shortening, sugar, eggs and vanilla together. Then sift flour, soda, salt and cream of tartar into creamed mixture. Add coffee and mix . Have dough stiff enough to form small ball about as large as a quarter. Put on greased cookie sheet and press down with fork cross ways to flatten cookies . Bake in 375 degree oven for 10 minutes. Cool cookies completely. When cool take 2 cookies and put a teaspoon full of filling on one cookie, put another cookie on top and press together like a sandwich.

Yield: 40 to 48 cookies

Gloria Justice--South Bend, Ind.




2 1/2 sticks oleo

1 1/2 cup sugar

2 cup flour

2 tsp. lemon extract or juice

2 scant tsp. baking powder

4 eggs, separated

1 can cherry pie filling

Cream sugar and oleo; add egg yolks and lemon; add flour; mix thoroughly, fold in egg whites. Dough will be stiff; spread in 12x16 1/2-in . pan. Put cherry filling in rows - 1-in. apart and bake at 350 degrees for 35 to 40 minutes. Cool. Strew powdered sugar down the line. Cut. Yield: 18 pieces Hildagard McClain-Ft. Lauderdale, Fla .


1 cup oleo

2 cup granulated sugar

2 eggs

1 tsp. vanilla

2 cups flour

1/2 cup cocoa

1/3 cup maraschino cherries, chopped

1/2 cup chopped nuts

1 pkg . Jiffy Fudge icing, opt .

Cream oleo and sugar; add eggs and vanilla . Add flour and cocoa; beat well. Add cherries and nuts. Bake at 350 degrees in a buttered 13x9x2 pan for 30-35 minutes (do not over bake) or until centers are fudgelike. Frost if desired

Mrs. John Hicks-Saginaw, Mich.


1/4 lb oleo

1 cup sugar

2 eggs, beaten

4 Tbsp. cocoa

2/3 cup flour

1 tsp. vanilla

1 cup walnuts

12 marshmallows


2 cups confectioners sugar

4 Tbsp. cream or milk

1/4 cup cocoa

2 Tbsp. soft butter

1 tsp. vanilla

Cream oleo and sugar; add eggs. Sift cocoa with flour . Add to first mixture . Then add vanilla and walnuts. Spread in a 9x9 . Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes. Remove from oven and cover with marshmallows. Put back in oven for 3 minutes Press marshmallows down Mix all icing ingredients together in mixer and beat till smooth and frost while warm.

Note: This has usually resulted in a request for the recipe. Can be doubled and baked in 9x13 pan .

Yield: 2-3 dozen

Mrs. Fred Froehlich--Appleton, Wis .



4 oz. (square) bitter chocolate

1 cup butter or oleo

2 cups sugar

4 eggs, unbeaten

1 cup flour

1 cup nuts, opt .

1 tsp . vanilla

Melt chocolate and butter in saucepan . Add remaining ingredients in order. Pour into greased 9x13x2 pan . Mixes well with a wooden spoon. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes Cool and frost with chocolate icing or sprinkle with sifted powdered confectioners sugar.

Yield: Ap prox. 24 squares

Mrs Doris Copeland-Milwaukee, Wis.


4 eggs

2 cups sugar

1 cup butter or margarine, melted & cooled

1 1/2 cups flour

4 Tbsp cocoa

1 tsp. vanilla

1 cup pecans, opt .

Beat eggs and sugar well. Add remaining ingredients. Beat with mixer until blended. Pour into 9x13 pan which has been greased and floured. Bake in 350 degree oven for 30 minutes. (A jelly roll pan may be used if a thinner square is desired.) Cut into squares while warm.

Note: This was my mother's recipe and whenever she took these squ.ares to the fair she would receive a blue ribbon for them.

Yield: 4 dozen, 1-in. x 2-in.

Mrs. E. A. Mohr--Allerton, Ill.


1/4 cup margarine

1 pkg. (1/2 lb.) graham crackers


3 egg yolks, beaten

2 1/4 cup brown sugar

1 cup chopped nuts

3/4 cup shredded coconut

3 egg whites, beaten stiff

Confectioners sugar

Mix margaine and graham crackers and pat into an 8 or 9 in. square pan. Bake 5 minutes at 375 degrees. Mix sugar and beaten egg yolks well. Fold in nuts, coconut and egg whites . Pour mixture over slightly baked graham cracker crust and bake 25-30 minutes at 375 degrees. Cut into squares and sprinkle with confectioners sugar.

Yield: 36 squa res

Mrs H D. Masc her-Ft Lauderdale, Fla.


2 squares chocolate

1/2 cup shortening

1 cup sugar

2 eggs, unbeaten



1/2 cup flour

1/2 tsp. vanilla

1 cup nutmeats, chopped fine

Melt chocolate and shortening in saucepan - getting just warm enough to melt but not hot. Add sugar, eggs, flour and vanilla. Mix well. Spread in well greased 9x13 pan. Sprinkle with nuts . Bake in oven at 400 degrees for 15 minutes. Cut in squares and let cool in pan.

Note : Jane Lichtfuss says this recipe of her mother's is a perfect quick cookie to make when someone calls and says they'll be over in a few minutes - goes great with a cup of coffee!

Yield: 2 dozen bars

Mrs. H. H. Kipp--Havana, Ill.


11/4 cup sifted flour

3/ 4 tsp. soda

1/2 tsp. salt

11/4 cup dates, cut in pieces

3/4 cup firmly packed brown sugar

1/2 cup water

1/2 cup butter or oleo

1 cup chocolate chips

2 eggs, unbeaten

1/2 cup orange juice

1/2 cup milk

1 cup nuts, chopped


3 cups powdered sugar

4 Tbsp. butter

6 Tbsp. milk

1/2 to 1 tsp vanilla

Sift flour with soda and salt. Combine dates, brown sugar, water and butter in large sauce pan. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly until dates soften. Remove from heat. Stir in chocolate chips, beat in eggs. Add dry ingredients alternately with orange juice and milk. Blend well after each addition. Stir in nuts. Bake in well greased jelly roll pan Beat all topping ingredients until smooth and creamy. Bake at 350 degrees for 25-30 minutes. Spread with topping when cool.

Mrs. Truman Tornow, Sr.-Wausau, Wis.

A signal honor came to a former national president of the Guild, Mrs W. N. Hoppe when she became the first woman in history to receive the Lumen Christi medal, awarded to her by Valparaiso University as the outstanding lay-worker of our Church. This is the highest honor the University can bestow.


1/4 cup margarine

1 cup sugar

2 eggs

1 tsp. vanilla

1 cup sifted cake flour


1 tsp. baking powder

1/2 tsp. salt

1 cup dates, chopped

1/2 cup nuts, chopped

Cream margarine and sugar. Add eggs and beat well. Add vanilla and dry ingredients. Mix the dates and nuts . Bake 15 minutes at 350 degrees in greased 9x13 in. pan. Reduce heat to 300 degrees and bake 15 minutes more. After bars cool, cut and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Yield: 2 dozen Dorothy Mooneyham-Wilton Manors, Fla.


1/2 cup butter

1/2 tsp. salt


1 cup brown sugar

1 tsp. vanilla

2 eggs, beaten

2 Tbsp. flour

1/2 cup brown sugar

1 cup sifted flour

1/2 tsp baking powder

1/8 tsp salt

11/2 cup coconut

1 cup nuts, chopped

Mix butter, salt, brown sugar & sifted flour well and pat into ungreased 9x13 baking pan Bake 15 minutes at 350 degrees or until slightly brown Blend ingredients for topping and spread over above layer. Bake from 15-20 minutes in 350 degree oven . Cut while still warm :

Yield: 2 dozen bars

Mrs. A H. Buechner-Willshire, Ohio

EDITOR'S NOTE: Mrs. Alan Pretzel-Waukesha, Wis., makes these bars but uses 1 cup chocolate chips instead of the coconut and 1/2 cup nuts for Chocolate Chip Squares. She uses a 7x11 pan.


2 eggs

1 cup brown sugar

1 cup white sugar

1 cup shortening

1 cup raisins

3 cups flour

1 tsp. cinnamon

1/2 tsp . salt

1 tsp baking soda

1 tsp baking powder

1 Tbsp . cocoa

1 cup hot water

Put all ingredients into large bowl. Pour hot water over all. Mix well. Put in large Jelly Roll pan or 9x13 pan Spread about 1/4 in. thick. When cool cover with powder sugar frosting. Cut to desired size. Bake at 375 degrees about 30 minutes or until done.

Miss Ruth B. Bargmann--Davenport, la.


2 eggs, beaten

2/3 cup shortening

2 cup brown sugar

1 tsp vanilla



1 1/2 cup sifted flour

2 tsp . baking powder

1/4 tsp . salt

3/4 cup walnut meats

Melt shortening in a large saucepan in which batter is to be mixed. Add brown sugar to the melted shortening Remove from heat. Sift flour, baking powder, salt and nuts together Alternate this mixture with beaten eggs and vanilla Spread in a greased 9x13 pan lined with wax paper Bake at 350 degrees for 30-35 minutes .

Yield : 36 squares

Mary A. Henning--South Bend, Ind.


1 cup white sugar

3/4 cup oleo

2 eggs, beaten

1/2 cup coconut

2 1/2 cup graham cracker crumbs

2 cup miniature marshamllows Butterscotch icing

Beat sugar, oleo and eggs until well blended and cook for 2 minutes. Stir constantly as it scorches easily. Cool and add coconut, graham cracker crumbs and marshmallows Press into greased 9x13 pan. Let cool thoroughly . Frost with buterscotch icing.

Yleld: 24 squares

1/2 cup shortening

1/2 cup sugar

1/2 cup honey

1 egg

2/3 cup flour

1 tsp. vanilla

Mrs Darrell Koss-Minneapolis, Minn


1/2 tsp. soda

1/2 tsp. baking powder

1/4 tsp. salt

1 cup quick oatmeal

1 cup coconut, shredded

1/2 cup nuts , chopped

Cream shortening, sugar and honey together until light and fluffy Add egg, blend. Sift flour with dry ingredients; add to mixture Stir well. Add oats, coconut and vanilla. Add nuts. Spread in greased 9x13 pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 20-25 minutes. Cut while warm.

Yield : 24 bars

Warren Doede-Wausau, Wis.

1/2 cup butter

1/4 cup powdered sugar


2 eggs, beaten

2 Tbsp. lemon juice

1 cup sugar

2 heaping Tbsp. flour

1/2 tsp. baking powder


1 cup flour


1 cup powdered sugar

1 tsp. lemon juice

2 Tbsp butter

1 Tbsp. milk

Mix the butter, powdered sugar _ and flour and pat into a 9x13 pan. Bake 15-20 minutes at 350 degrees until lightly brown Mix the ingredients for the filling and spread on the first mixture. It will be soupy Bake 20-25 minutes at 350 degrees. Mix the frosting and spread on bars when cool. Yield: 2 dozen bars Mrs. Paul H. Hoppe-Elmhurst, Ill.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Mrs. Elmer P. Simon-Frankenmuth, Mich. doubles both the crust and filling recipe and uses a 9x13 pan. Baking time remains the same Instead of frosting she sprinkles confectioners sugar over bars immediately after removing from oven . Do not cut until cool.


3/4 cup vegetable shortening (or part margarine)

1/2 cup white sugar

1/2 cup light brown sugar, packed

1 Tbsp. water

1 tsp. vanilla

3 egg yolks

Combine above ingredients, then add following which have been sifted together:

2 cups flour

1 tsp. baking soda

1 tsp. baking powder

1/2 tsp. salt

Mix with hands or wooden spoon to finish blending dough which will be stiff. Pat and press into large pan (9x13)


1 cup chocolate bits on dough.

1 cup walnuts, chopped

Top with meringue made by beating:

3 egg whites

1 cup brown sugar, sifted

Add the sugar slowly until meringue ls thick . Gently spread meringue over chocolate bits, nuts and dough Bake in moderate oven, 350 degrees for 20-30 minutes. Cut into desired size squares while still warm. If desired, put squares in colored baking cups for serving easily.

Yield: 30 bar:> Marie E. Doege (Mrs. Elmer A.)-N. Canton, Ohio


Topping :



1 cup almonds, slivered

1/2 cup candied cherries, chopped

1/2 cup raisins

Combine, mix well and set aside.

Cookie mixture: sift together :

1 1/3 cup sifted flour

Melt over hot (not boiling) water:

1 6-oz. pkg. ((1 cup) butterscotch morsels

Remove from heat.

Beat in gradually:

2 eggs, slightly beaten

1 Thn sugar

1 Tbsp grated orange rind

1/2 tsp. baking soda

1/8 tsp. salt

1/2 cup shortening

1/2 cup firmly packed brown sugar, stir into flour mixture. Spread in 9x13 pan . Bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes . Remove from oven. Cover evenly with topping and bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes longer.

Yield: 2 dozen bars

Millie Muegenburg-Sheboygan, Wis.


1/2 cup brown sugar

1/2 cup granulated sugar

1 cup shortening, softened

2 tsp. vanilla

1 Tbsp. grated orange rind

1/2 tsp. salt

2 eggs

1 cup sifted all-purpose flour

l cup rolled oats, quick or oldfashioned

1/2 cup semi-sweet chocolate pieces


1/4 cup sugar

1/2 cup orange juice

1 Tbsp orange rind

Combine sugars in a bowl; add softened shortening, vanilla, orange rind, salt and eggs and beat thoroughly. Add flour and oats and mix well. Stir in chocolate pieces. Turn into a greased 7x11 or 9-in square pan. Bake in 350 degree oven 40 minutes

To prepare topping, combine sugar, orange juice and <?range rind in a sauce pan; bring to a full boil, stirring constantly. Pour over hot cake. When cool, cut into bars .

Note: These store beautifully as they stay fresh a long time. I ' ve found · them ideal to send to my daughter at Valpo thus have chosen this recipe for the Guild Cookbook. Have given it to numerous other friends with college students and find it is a great favorite on all campuses

Yield: 36 bars Shirley R. Sauerman (Mrs. John P.)--Clen Ellyn, Ill.



1 cup flour

1 cup brown sugar, firmly packed

1/2 cup shortening

3/4 cup canned pumpkin

1/2 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. soda

1 tsp. vanilla

1 tsp. pumpkin pie spices

2 eggs

Combine all ingredients in mixing bowl. Beat at medium speed 2 minutes. (Can also be mixed by hand.) Spread in greased 9x13 pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 20-25 minutes. Keeps well and can be frozen.

Mrs. Carl Broecker-Metamora, Mich


2 cups graham cracker crumbs

1/2 cup melted butter or oleo

1 6-oz. pkg. chocolate chips

1 6-oz. pkg. butterscotch chips

1 cup Angel flake coconut

1 cup chopped nuts

1 cup Eagle Brand sweetened condensed milk

Put the above ingredients in layers in the order listed in a 9x13 buttered pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes. Cool 15 minutes; then cut while still warm.

Yield: 35 bars Chita Easton-Hamlin, N.Y.

Irene Laudert Zielske-Morristown, Minn.

Mildred Wqolley--Colorado Springs, Colo.


1 cup (6-oz. pkg.) butterscotch pieces

1/4 cup granulated brown sugar

1/4 cup butter or margarine

1 egg

3/4 cup flour

1 tsp. baking powder

1/4 tsp. salt

1 cup (6-oz. pkg.) semi-sweetchocolate pieces

1 cup miniature marshmallows

1/2 cup walnuts, chopped

1 tsp. vanilla extract

Melt butterscotch pieces, sugar and butter in saucepan over medium heat, stirring constantly. Remove from heat. Add egg, beat well. Add flour, baking powder and salt. Stir in remaining ingredients. Spread in greased 8-in. square pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 20-25 minutes. Cool; cut i ntu bars.

Yield: 24 bars Wm. V.) Anne Willcox-Arlington Heights, Ill.

1 cup flour

3 Tbsp. sugar


1/2 cup butter

Mix together, place in 9x13 pan, bake 15 minutes in moderate oven of 350 degrees. (A 7x11 or 10x10 pan may also be used.)

1 cup walnuts, chopped

1 cup coconut

2 eggs, beaten slightly

1 1/2 cups brown sugar

1/2 tsp. baking powder

1/4 tsp. salt

1 tsp. vanilla

2 Tbsp. flour

Mix together well. Spread this on top of first mixture and bake another 15 minutes or until brown on top. When slightly cool, cut into bars with a sharp knife.

Dr. Leola Garriott-Hortonville, Wis.


Mrs. Henry Koepchen-Somerville, N.J., frosts these bars before cutting with icing made of 2 Tbsp. soft butter, 1 Tbsp. orange juice, 1 Tbsp. lemon juice and enough confectioners sugar to spread.

For Pecan Slices use this recipe. Omit the coconut and use 1 1/2 cups pecans instead of the walnuts. Plain butter frosting may be added before cutting.

Mrs. Peter N. Martell-Lighthouse Point, Fla.


1/2 cups butter or margarine

2/3 cup firmly packed brown sugar

1 egg, large

1/2 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. nutmeg

2 cups sifted flour

1/2 tsp. soda

1/4 cup sweet wine

1 cup dates or raisins, chopped

Chopped nut meats


3 Tbsp. butter

2 cups confectioners sugar

3 Tbsp. sweet wine

2-3 drops red food coloring, opt.

Cream butter and sugar thoroughly. Beat in egg and add salt and nutmeg. Sift flour with soda; add alternately with wine to creamed mixture. Add fruit and nuts. Spread thinly on greased cookie sheet. Bake at 375 degrees 12 minutes or until done. Mix frosting and frost while warm. Score into bars while slightly warm.

Yield: about4dozen

Mrs. Ruth F. Ruff-Granger, Ind.

The C uild president for the duration of her term became a member of the University's Board of Directors in 1941; she became a voting member in 1951.


2 cups butter

1 cup brown sugar

2 egg yolks

1 tsp. vanilla


1/2 tsp. salt

4 cups flour

2/3 cup candied cherries, cut up

1 1/2 cup nut meats, chopped

Mix ingredients. Make into balls the size of a walnut. Press flat with a glass covered with a wet cloth. Bake in a very moderate oven of 325 degrees until hardly brown. While still warm, roll in powdered sugar. Store in a tightly covered jar in a cool place.

(Store??? You don't have a chance to store these cookies!!) YIELD: I never had a chance to count them with boys around!

Dr. Leola Garriott-Hortonville, Wis.


1 lb. milk chocolate

2 sq. baking chocolate, bitter

1 cup dates, cut

1 cup walnut meats

Pinch of salt

5 cups corn flakes, measured, then crushed

Melt chocolate together over low heat or in double boiler; add rest of ingredients. Stir. Do not bake. Drop by teaspoonsful onto wax paper. Let stand overnight. Mrs. Clara Quast-Bay City, Mich.


1 cup butter or margarine

3/4 cup white sugar

3/4 cup brown sugar

2 eggs

1 tsp. vanilla

1 tsp. soda

1 tsp. water

2 1/2 cup sifted flour

1 tsp. salt

1 cup nuts, chopped

1 6-oz. pkg. chocolate chips

Cream shortening and sugars. Add eggs and vanilla and beat well. Dissolve soda in water and mix. Alternate adding flour and salt with soda and water mixture into the creamed mixture. Then add nuts and chips. Bake at 375 degrees for 10 minutes.

Note: This is one of two cookies my family likes best. I usually double the recipe so I can store lots in freezer.

Yield: 100 cookies

Mrs. Eleanor Hansen-Midland, Mich.

VARIATION: Myrtle H. Miller-Algonquin, Ill., substitutes 2 cups oatmeal for 1 cup of the flour to make Chocolate Chip-Oatmeal Cookies.


1 cup sugar

1/2 cup butter

1/2 cup molasses

1 egg

2 cups sifted flour

1 tsp. soda


1/2 tsp. salt

1 tsp. vanilla

1 cup quick oats

1 pkg. chocolate chips

1 cup coconut

1/2 cup broken nutmeats

Mix butter and sugar'in mixer; add molasses, egg, dry ingredients. Stir in the vanilla, oatmeal, chips, coconut, and nuts. Drop by teaspoonful on greased cookie sheet, bake at 350 degrees for about :12 minutes or until they turn brown.

Yield? About 5 dozen, but I usually make a triple batch at one time. Our son, Gale said: "Mom, I sure hope you give this recipe to whomever I marry, because these are the BEST cookies I ever ate!"

Dr. Leola Garriott-Hortonville, Wis.


2 egg whites

3/ 4 cup sugar

1/2 cup nuts, chopped

1/2 cup dates, chopped

1/2 cup chocolate chips

1/4 tsp salt

Preheat oven to 35,0 degrees. Beat egg whites until stiff but not dry; add sugar slCM'ly to egg whites as you beat it in. Fold fruit , and nuts and chips into egg white mixture. Drop mixture by teaspoonfuls onto a greased cookie ·sheet . Place in oven. Turn off the heat and forget about them. Can be made in the evening and left in oven until next a .m.

Yield : 2 1/2 c:bzen Sally Zaremba-Appleton, Wis.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Mrs H P (Louise) Krause--St Petersburg, Fla , makes Chocolate Chip Forgotten Cookies by leaving out the nuts and dates and using a full cup of chips. She bakes them at 225 degrees for one hour and 15 minutes


1 can sweetened condensed milk

1/2 lb . shredded coconut

1/2 lb. walnut meats, chopped

1/4 lb. dates, cut-up

1/4 cup candied pineapple

1/4 cup red cherries

1/4 cup green cherries

1/4 cup seedless raisins

1 Tbsp boiling water

Puff raisins in boiling water, then drain. Have all ingredients at room temperature Mix.together thoroughly Drop on greased and floured cookie sheets. Bake at 325 degrees for 15-17 minutes Must bake slowly as they burn easily. Make small and dainty using a scant teaspoonful per cookie.

Yield: 5 dozen Mrs. Madoerin, Sr --Omaha, Nebr.



5 egg whites

2 cups sugar

Pinch of salt

1/2 tsp. cream of tartar


8 Tbsp. flour

8 oz. fine coconut

1 tsp. almond extract

In double boiler heat egg whites, sugar and pinch of salt about 6-7 minutes, beating constantly with mixer or egg beater . Remove from heat, fold in flour and cream of tartar. Last add carefully the coconut and the almond extract. Grease cookie sheet lightly and dust with flour. Drop batter by teaspoonsful onto cookie sheet or it may be rounded onto vanilla wafers. Bake in 325 degree oven about 7-8 minutes They remain light in color. Bake until set . When warm handle carefully .

Note : This recipe originally came from my father's bakery in Germany. It took me a long time to convert his amounts to average portions.

Yield : 4 dozen Martha Kohzer-Michigan City, Ind.


1 cup shortening

1 cup brown sugar

2 eggs, wel I beaten

1 cup molasses

2 tsp. cinnamon

2 tsp . ginger

1/2 tsp. soda

1 cup hot coffee

1 tsp. vinegar

4 cup flour

3 tsp. baking powder

1 tsp. salt

Blend shortening and sugar, add beaten eggs, molasses, spices and soda which has been mixed with hot coffee. Then add vinegar and beat in sifted flour, baking powder and salt . Stir well and drop from end of spoon onto greased cookie sheet. Bake at 350 degrees for 10 minutes.

Yield : 5 dozen Mrs. (W.A ) Wanda Reuning-St. Petersburg, Fla.


1/2 cup sugar

1/2 cup shortening

1 egg

1/2 cup molasses

1/2 cup sour milk

1/2 tsp. soda in milk

Spices of your choice

2 cup flour (measure before sifting)

1 tsp baking powder

Cream sugar and shortening Add egg and mix well. Add molasses. Dissolve soda in sour milk and add. Sift flour with spices and baking powder and stir in. Drop by tablespoon on greased baking sheet. Bake at 400 degrees for 8-10 minutes.

Yield : 2 1/2 dozen

Mrs. Edward B uehring--Lockport, N .Y.




1 1/2 cup granulated sugar

1/2 cup vegetable shortening

1/2 cup butter

Juice & grated rind of 1 lg. orange

3 eggs

1 cup sour milk

1 tsp. soda

3 tsp. baking powder

3 3/4 cups flour

1/2 tsp. salt


Juice & rind of 1 lg. orange

2 Tbsp. butter, melted

Confectioners' sugar to thicken

Cream shortening and sugar. Add juice and rind of orange Add eggs and beat. Sift flour, soda, baking powder and salt. Add alternately with milk . Drop by spoonsful onto greased baking sheet. Bake at 350 degrees about 10 minutes. Cool and frost.

Yield: 7 dozen Arlene Peters-Hopkins, Minn.


1 cup margarine

1/2 cup granulated sugar

11/4 cups flour

1/2 cup crushed potato chips

1/2 cup nuts, chopped

1 tsp. vanilla

Mix in order given. Drop by teaspoonful on ungreased cookie sheet. Bake in 350 degree oven for 15-20 minutes. Sprinkle with powdered sugar on top while hot . Let cool before serving.

Yield: 40 cookies

1/4 cup butter

1/2 cup sugar

1 egg

1/2 tsp. soda in 1/2 cup hot water

1 1/2 cup flour

E. Lois Sielaff-Cleveland Heights, Ohio


1/2 tsp. cinnamon

1/4 tsp. cloves

1/2 tsp. salt

1/2 cup nuts

1/2 cup dates

Cream butter and sugar together; add egg and beat until well mixed. Add soda water alternately with flour, spices and salt. Mix well. Add nuts and dates. Drop by teaspoonful onto greased cookie sheet. Bake at 400 degrees 10-15 minutes.

Mrs. Claude Luss-Springville, N .Y.

Guild Friday night smorgasbords and Ken Harmon are synonymous!


3 eggs (Beat yolks and whites separately)

Add: 1/4 cup sugar slowly to each.

Then: add grated rind from one lemon to yolks of eggs. Also 2 tsp. lemon juice

Combine above.

Fold in 3/4 cup self-rising sifted cake flour (such as Swansdown)

Drop from teaspoon onto pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes . Wonderfully light. Serve with ice cream.

Note: This recipe was handed down from my 87 year-old mother. She always made them for special occasions and so have I.

Yield: 4 dozen Mrs. Albert Jabs-Bristol, Conn.


1 cup sugar

1/2 cup oleo or Crisco

1 large egg

1 tsp. vanilla or nutmeg

1/2 cup sour milk

1/2 tsp. soda in milk

1 tsp. baking powder

2 cup flour, measure before sifting

Cream sugar and shortening. Add egg and vanilla and mix well. Dissolve soda in sour milk and add to above mixture. Sift flour with baking powder and stir in. Drop by tablespoon on greased baking sheet.

Bake for 8-10 minutes at 400 degrees.

Yield: 2 1/2 dozen

Mrs. Edward Buehring-Lockport, N.Y.


1 cup shortening

2 eggs

2 cups brown sugar

1/4 cup milk

3 cups flour

1 tsp . soda

1 tsp. nutmeg

Pinch of salt

1 tsp. vanilla

1 cup raisins

1 cup nuts (use 2 cups raisins if no nuts are desired)

Cream shortening, sugar, and eggs; sift flour, soda, nutmeg and salt. Add to batter alternately with niilk, add vanilla, raisins and nuts. Drop by rounded teaspoons (or larger if you like bigger cookies) onto greased or oiled sheet. Bake at 350 degrees approximately 10-12 minutes until done when touched with fingertips.

Note: To improve flavor store in stone crock or heavy casserole for a week.

Yield: 5 dozen Theresa Schmalz-St. Paul, Minn.


2 tsp. soda

1 tsp. baking powder

1 tsp. vanilla

3/4 tsp. salt

1 cup oleo

1 cup brown sugar


1 cup white sugar

2 eggs

2 cups flour

2 cups rolled oats

2 cups corn flakes

1 cup coconut

Mix together and drop on ungreased cookie sheet. Bake 8-10 minutes in a 375 degree oven. For variation add either chocolate chips, cut gum drops or candied fruit.

Yield: 5 dozen Mrs. Dolly Lorenz--Decatur, 111.


1 cup semi-sweet choc. chips

2 egg whites

1/8 tsp. salt

1/2 cup sugar

1/2 tsp. vanilla

1/2 tsp. vinegar

1/2 Tbsp. instant coffee powder

5 Tbsp. flour

3/4 cup nuts, chopped

Melt chocolate over hot water . Beat egg whites with salt until foamy. Gradually add sugar, beat until stiff. Add other ingredients, folding in melted chocolate and nuts last. Drop by teaspoonful on greased cookie sheet. Bake in 350 degree oven for 10 minutes .

Yield: 3 dozen Mrs. Norman Hartman--St. Louis, Mo


1 I b. butter or margarine

1 cup white sugar

1 cup brown sugar

3 eggs, beaten

1/4 lb . sliced, blanched almonds

5 cups sifted flour

2 tsp. baking soda

1 Tbsp. cinnamon

Stir butter and sugars until creamy. Add well beaten eggs. Add almonds. Blend in flour, soda and cinnamon and mix well. Mold dough into 2-in. thick rolls and wrap in waxed paper. Place in refrigerator over night or until firm. Cut in thin slices and bake in a 350 degree oven for 11 minutes or until lightly browned and crisp.

Yield: 10-12 dozen

Sharon Gendrich Drawz-Beloit, Wis.




31/4 cup flour

1 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. soda

11/2 tsp. cinnamon

1/2 cup shortening

1/2 cup butter or margarine

1/2 cup brown sugar

1/2 cup white sugar

2 eggs

1/2 cup almonds

Carmel Filling:

1/4 cup butter

1/3 cup brown sugar

1 cup quick cooking oats

1/4 tsp salt

2 medium bananas, mashed (1 cup)

Sift flour, salt, soda and cinnamon together. Cream shortening, butter or margarine, brown sugar and white sugar together. Add eggs to creamed mixture. Blend in dry ingredients. Stir in almonds. Chill dough while preparing filling Melt butter ; add brown sugar, oats, salt and bananas Divide dough into 3 parts. Spread 1/3 filling. Roll up. Put in wax paper and chill overnight. Cut in 1/4-in. slices. Bake at 375 degrees for 10-14 minutes

Mrs. Ernest (Barbara) Jabs-Englewood, Colo


1/2 cup butter only

1 cup confectioners sugar

1 tsp . vanilla

1 Tbsp. lemon juice

4 hard cooked egg yolks, powdered

1 1/2 cup sifted flour

1/4 tsp. nutmeg

1 cup diced candied (mixed) fruit

Mix butter and confectioners sugar; add vanilla, lemon juice, egg yolks (grated) and cream together . Add flour, nutmeg and diced, mixed, candied fruit (the more colors the better). Form into 2 rolls -1 1/2-in. in diameter and freeze. Slice about 1/4 to 1/8-in. thick. Bake in 300 degree oven. Allow no browning of surface No leavening agent is needed.

Note : A delicate departure from the ordinary . Yield: 3 dozen little windows

Irene Laudert Zielske-Morristown, Minn.


6 2/3 cup flour

4 cup brown sugar, packed

1 tsp. salt

1 Tbsp. soda

1 Tbsp. cream of tartar

1 cup melted shortening, cooled

4 eggs, beaten

11/2 Tbsp vanilla

Combine the flour, brown sugar, salt, soda and cream of tartar; mix well. Stir in the melted shortening, beaten eggs and vanilla. Mix well.

(Continued on next page)



Caramel cookies, cont.

To bake immediately: drop by teaspoonsful onto ungreased baking sheet. Bake in 350 degree oven for 8-10 minutes or until lightly browned. (Let cookies bake a minute longer if a crisp cookie is preferred).

Or : shape cookie dough into rolls (about 1 1/2-in. in diameter); wrap in waxed paper, plastic wrap or foil and refrigerate until ready to use. Then slice into 1/4-in. thick rounds and bake as above

The dough can be divided and nuts, dates, coconut, chocolate chips, etc . added for variety .

Yield: 7 dozen Carol Petzold Stoker-Rockville, Md.


1 cup shortening

1 cup white sugar

2 cup brown sugar


1 Tbsp. soda

1/2 Tbsp. cream of tartar (1 1/2 tsp.)

5 cup flour, sift-then measure

2 tsp. vanilla

1 cup nuts , chopped

Cream the sugars and shortening. Add eggs and vanilla. Beat thoroughly Sift flour three times with soda and cream of tartar Combine, using spoon and hands . Add nuts , mix thoroughly . Form dough into three rolls, wrap in wax paper, plastic or foil. Chill and slice 1/4-in . thick . Bake in 425 degree oven for 6-8 minutes or until golden brown .

Note : These are delicious made with either Black or English walnuts Also good plain.

Yield: 6dozen Mrs C C. Michael-Howard Lake, Minn.


1 cup shortening (lard preferred)

1 cup granulated sugar

1 cup brown sugar

2 eggs

1 1/2 cup flour

1 tsp . baking soda

1 tsp . salt

3 cups rolled oats

1 tsp. vanilla

1/2 nuts, finely chopped

Cream shortening and sugars. Add eggs. Sift flour, baking soda and salt together and add to batter. Add oats, vanilla and nuts. Place dough on wax paper and shape into long roll 2 1/2-in. in Chill several hours or overnight Cut into 1/8-in. slices with sharp knife. Place on ungreased baking sheet. Bake at 400 degrees for 8-10 minutes.

Yield: 5 dozen Mrs. Edwin N. Schultz-New Port Richey, Fla.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Mrs. Eleanor Hansen-Midland, Mich , makes this recipe but drops the dough by spoonsful onto greased cookie sheets and bakes at 350 degrees for 10 minutes.



1 cup softened butter

1/3 cup granulated sugar

1 egg

1 tsp. vanilla (almond or lemon flavoring may be substituted)

11/2 tsp. baking powder

1/2 tsp. salt

2 1/2 cups flour

Chopped nuts, opt.

Cream butter until soft, add sugar and cream together until light and fluffy. Add egg, and beat until well blended, add vanilla. Sift together baking powder, salt and flour. Add to mixture, alternating with nuts, if desired. Place onto wax paper, roll until desired length. Place on cookie sheet in refrigerator or freezer until ready to use. Slice thin and place on greased cookie sheet. Bake at 365 degrees for 10-12 minutes.

Yield: 4 dozen Mildred Licht-Pinellas Park, Fla.


3 eggs, room temperature

1 cup plus 2 Tbsp. sugar

1 3/ 4 cup sifted flour

1/2 tsp. baking powder

1/2 tsp salt

3 tsp. anise seed or

1 tsp anise extract

Beat eggs in electric mixer at medium speed until fluffy. Then add sugar gradually beating constantly. Continue beating for 20 minutes more. Reduce speed of mixer and add flour which has been sifted with baking powder and salt. Beat another three minutes. Add anise.

Drop by teaspoonfuls on well greased and floured cookie sheets, swirling dough to form a perfectly round cookie. Let stand for at least 8 hours to dry, perferably overnight Bake at 325 degrees for about 10 minutes or until cookies are creamy golden color, not brown on bottom . Store in airtight tins.

Note: These are traditional Christmas cookies which can be made early in November and stored. They are better when aged.

Yield: 90 1 1/2-in . cookies

Carol Stoker Petzold-Rockville, Md.




2 cup sorghum syrup

1 1/2 cup sugar

1 cup shortening

2 eggs, well beaten

1 1/2 Tbsp. crushed anise seed

1/4 tsp. allspice

1/4 tsp. cloves

1/4 cup hot water

1/2 tsp. salt

1/2 Tbsp. soda

8 cup flour

Heat sorghum syrup, sugar and shortening in saucepan on low heat until hot, stirring continually. Let cool. Put soda in hot water and add together with the other ingredients. Let stand in cool place overnight Roll and cut into desired shapes. Bake on greased cookie sheet in 350 degree oven for 10-15 minutes. Cookies may be frosted or decorated with colored sugar, if desired.

Yield: 7 dozen

1 cup butter

1 cup sugar

1 cup honey

1 egg, beaten

2 tsp. salt

6 cup flour

2 tsp cinnamon

Mrs Clara Lichtfuss-Kaukauna, Wis.


1/2 tsp cloves

1/2 tsp. nutmeg

1/2 tsp. ginger

2 drops oil of anise

1 tsp. soda

1/4 cup hot water ·

Cream sugar and butter; add egg, honey and dry ingredients. When dough is smooth add soda which has been dissolved in the hot water. Chill. Roll out, cut in shapes, bake about 7 minutes at 350 degrees. Yield: 6 dozen-depending on size of cookie.cutters

Dr. Leola Garriott-Hortonville, Wis.


1 lb. brown sugar

2 eggs, beaten

1/2 lb almonds, chopped

1/2 oz. (1 Tbsp.) cinnamon

1/4 oz. (1 tsp.) cloves

1 tsp. nutmeg

3 oz. chopped citron

1 grated lemon rind

1 pint hot honey

11/4 lb. flour (5 cups)

1 tsp. salt

1 Tbsp. soda

Mix well the brown sugar, eggs, almonds, citron, spices and lemon rind. Over this pour the hot honey, then add dry ingredients which have been sifted together. Knead well. Roll out on board, cut into squares or diamonds, place an almond in the center of each cookie. Bake lightly at 350 degrees.

Mrs. Arthur Schmidt--Hortonville, Wis


MOENDCHEN (Christmas Cookies)

1 lb flour (4 cup sifted)

1 lb. butter

1 lb. white sugar (2 cup)

1 lb. nutmeats, ground to nut butter

Mix flour and butter as for pie crust. Add sugar, nutmeats, and roll out on a board. Cut into crescents . Bake in slow oven for about 10 minutes Roll in granulated sugar, to which a few drops of vanilla has been mixed, while still hot. Cool on wax paper.

Mrs. Arthur Schmidt--Hortonville, Wis .

PEPPERNUTS (Christmas cookies)

2 cup brown sugar

1/2 cup lard

2 eggs

2 oz. whiskey

1 tsp soda dissolved in 1/2 cup black coffee

4 cup flour

1/2 tsp salt

1 cup dates, chopped

1 cup nuts

Cream sugar and lard; add beaten eggs, whiskey, soda and coffee. Sift flour and salt; add with dates and nuts Drop from spoon into powdered sugar, shape into balls and bake at 375 degrees about 10 minutes. Store in air tight container.

Yield: 8 dozen Alice Dehnke--Napoleon, Ohio


2 cup sugar

4 cup sifted flour

2 tsp. baking powder

1 tsp nutmeg

1 tsp cloves

1 tsp. cinnamon

4 eggs, beaten light

3 oz. citron

Grated rind of 1 lemon

1 tsp. lemon extract

1/2 cup nutmeats

Sift dry ingredients (first 6) together several times Mix beaten eggs into dry ingredients. Add rest of ingredients and mix together. Turn out onto board and knead well. Roll out dough. Cut into small squares or diamonds Place on greased cookie sheet and bake about 10-15 minutes in a 350 degree oven. Place in crock to mellow.

Yield: 5-6 dozen Alvina Schiffman--Metamora, Mich.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Mrs. Renata Geisman-Van Wert, Ohio makes these cookies but does not add the nutmeats to the dough. Instead she rolls the dough into small balls, then presses a pecan or walnut half into the top of each cookie round, flattening the cookie


2 cups sugar

1 cup white corn syrup

·1 cup water



1 tsp. flavoring (Must use oil of flavoring desired, which may be purchased at drug stores)

food coloring

powdered sugar

Boil sugar, syrup and water to hard crack stage. Add flavoring and food coloring. Pour onto cookie sheet that has powdered sugar sifted evenly on it. Sift powdered sugar on top. Break into pieces when hard . Store in airtight container.



Mix : 2 cups light brown sugar

1 cup white syrup

1/2 cup milk

2 squares unsweetened chocolate .

Cook until crisp when small amount is dropped into cup of cold water. Add 1/2 tsp . vanilla and lump of butter. Pour into buttered 8" or 9" square pan When cool break up into bite size pieces

Mrs Carl Brink-Decatur, Ill.


3/4 cup (11/2 sticks) butter or margarine

1/4 cup granulated sugar

5 Tbsp dry cocoa (not instant mix)

1 egg, slightly beaten

1 tsp. vanilla

2 cups fine graham cracker crumbs

1 cup flaked coconut

1 cup finely chopped walnuts

2 cups 10X (confectioners' powdered) sugar

3 1/2 Tbsp. vanilla flavor instant pudding mix (half of 4 oz. pkg.)

3 Tbsp. milk

4 squares semi-sweet chocolate

1 ) Melt 1/2 cup (1 stick) of the butter or margarine in top of a double boiler; stir in granulated sugar, cocoa, egg and vanilla. Cook, stirring constantly, over simmering water 3 minutes or until thick and custardlike. Remove from heat. 2 . ) Pour over graham-cracker crumbs, coconut, and walnuts in a medium-size bowl; stir until well mixed. Pat firmly and evenly into bottom of a baking pan, 9x9x2 3.) Blend 10X sugar with 3 Tbsp. of the remaining butter or margarine in a medium-size bowl; beat in dry pudding mix powder and milk until thick and smooth. Spread over crumb layer. Let stand about 20 minutes to set. 4.) Melt chocolate with remaining 1 Tbsp. butter or margarine in top of double boiler over simmering water. Spread over filling. Chill several hours. Cut into small squares. Makes 3 doz. small squares

Jackie Jungemann-Maywood, Ill.

Mrs. Michael Braner-Colorado Springs, Colo.



1 cup white sugar

1 cup light brown sugar

1 cup dark brown sugar


1 cup milk

4 Tbsp. butter

1 cup crunchy type Peanut Butter

Butter pan (approx. sixe 9x12) Cup up marshmallows into bottom of pan. Cook to soft ball stage (test in cold water): sugar and milk. When soft ball forms, remove from fire and beat in butter and peanut butter. Keep beating until candy begins to thicken. Pour over marshmallows and let set . When cool, cut into squares.

Mrs. Carl Doversberger--Hammond, Ind.

MAPLE CREAM FUDGE (Absolutely Foolproof!)

2 (3 oz.) pkg.

Philadelphia Cream Cheese

5 cups sifted Confectioner's sugar

1/4 tsp. maple flavoring

1 cup chopped walnuts

Place cream cheese in a bowl; cream until smooth. Slowly blend in sugar, add flavoring and nuts; mix until well blended. Press into a well greased 8x8x2 inch pan. Place in refrigerator until firm; cut into squares. Top each square with a walnut half, if desired. Looks festive if decorated thus. Never fails to be met with requests for the recipe.

Irene Laudert Zielske-Morristown, Minn.


1 2/3 cups sugar

2/3 cup (small can) evaporated milk

6 oz. pkg. semi-sweet chocolate chips (mint or spice chips can also be used giving a different flavor)

11/2 cups miniature marshmallows

1/2 tsp. -salt

1 tsp. vanilla

Mix sugar, milk, salt and vanilla in kettle. Bring to boil and boil 8 minutes - do not stir while boiling. Remove from heat and add chocolate chips, marshmallows, and nuts if desired. Beat with a spoon until chips and marshmallows are all mixed and melted. Spread in an ungreased 6x9 pan. Cool. (May be doubled.)


1 cup sugar

1/2 tsp. salt

1/4 cup water

1/2 cup butter



1/2 cup chopped nuts

1 cup chocolate chips

1/2 cup finely chopped nuts

Cook first 4 ingredients to light crack stage, 265 degrees to 285 degrees (just beyond hard ball). Add 1/2 cup chopped nuts (walnuts, almonds), pour onto well-greased cookie sheet (with edges). Let cool. Melt 1 cup chocolate chips, spread over top. Sprinkle immediately with 1/2 cup finely chopped nuts. Let cool completely; break into pieces.

Makes 1 pound.

Margaret (Midge Michael) Rivers--Valparaiso, Ind.

PEANUT BRITTLE (Salted Peanuts)

2 cups sugar

1 cup light corn syrup

1/2 cup water

2 cups salted peanuts

2 tsp soda

2 tsp. vanilla

2 tsp. butter

Bring sugar, corn syrup and water to 280 degrees medium crack stage . A sample dropped in cold water will clink against the cup. Add 2 cups peanuts. Cook about 3 minutes to 300 degrees or until light golden brown. Remove from heat; add soda, then vanilla & butter. As soon as foaming has subsided, pour candy onto a greased cookie sheet in a thin layer. When cold, break into pieces. Attention; add the 2 tsp. of soda before adding vanilla and butter.


1. 2 cups sugar

3/4 cup evaporated milk

2. 1 cup sugar - in iron skillet or frying pan

Plus: 1 Tbsp. butter

1 tsp. vanilla

3 cups pecans

Start No. 1 cooking on a low fire, stir occasionally. Then put No 2 on fire and start melting sugar, stirring constantly. When last bit of sugar is melted, pour a little of No. 1 (which will be boiling) into No . 2, then pour No. 2 back into No. 1, let cook. Add the butter, vanilla, and pecans. Cook until a little dropped in cold water forms a firm, soft ball. Remove from fire and whip until it begins to thicken on side of pot. Drop on freezer paper.

Makes about30 small candies . Mrs. William J. Hagstette--New Orleans, La.


PEANUT BRITTLE (Unroasted Peanuts)

2 cups white sugar

1 cup light corn syrup

1/2 cup water

3 Tbsp. butter

1 lb (2 cups) unroasted peanuts

1/4 tsp. salt

1 tsp. soda

1 tsp. vanilla

1 tsp. water

Combine first 3 ingredients, place over medium heat and stir until sugar dissolves. Cover and .cook 3 minutes; uncover and cook to firm ball (238 degrees). Add butter and peanuts; stir constantly over medium heat to 300 degrees Combine last 4 and add to brittle removed from heat. Stir for a few seconds and then pour onto a well-buttered cookie sheet spreading as thin as possible. Cut with kitchen shears and spread with buttered fingers on a buttered surface. An excellent fund-raiser!

Mrs Otto Wittkopp-Bay City, Mich.


1 egg white

1 tsp. cold water

1 lb. almonds or pecan halves

1/2 cup sugar

1/4 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. cinnamon, more to taste

1/2 tsp nutmeg

1/4 tsp. cloves (optional)

Beat egg white and water until frothy, but not stiff. Add nuts and mix until coated . Mix sugar and spices and add nuts to that bowl. Place on buttered jelly roll pan Bake at 225 degrees for 1 hour, stirring every 15 minutes. Watch they don't burn

Mrs. Reynolds Keith Honold--Sheboygan, Wis. and Mrs. Louis A. (Marie) Menking--St. Petersburg, Fla.

NOTE: These are great packaged in apothecary jars and given as gifts at Christmas time.


2 egg whites

pinch of salt

1 cup sugar

1 lb. nuts (walnuts, pecans, or almonds)

1/2 cup soft butter (almost melted)

Toast nuts in 325 degrees oven for 1/2 hour, stirring occasionally. Beat egg whites into meringue, adding salt and sugar. Add the toasted nuts, then add butter. Pat down onto cookie sheet and put in oven 1/2 to 3/4 hour at very low temperature, 200 or less. Turn occasionally with spatula while toasting and also while cooling. Break into pieces .

Theresa Schmalz--Saint Paul, Minn.


4 cups apples, diced


2 cups fresh raw cranberries

11/4 cup sugar

1 tsp salt

3/4 cup water

3 Tbsp. Quick cooking tapioca

1/2 tsp. vanilla

· 6 tsp. melted butter or oleo

Mix all together and pour into baking dish about 9x13x2 pyrex. Cover with shortcake dough and bake until well done about 40 minutes at 350 degrees. Serve warm with a little cream, topping or half and half cream .

Shortcake Dough

2 cups flour

1/2 tsp. salt

2 Tbsp. sugar

4 tsp. baking powder

3 Tbsp. shortening

1 egg

1/2 cup milk

Sift dry ingredients and mix in shortening. Add beaten egg to milk and add to dry ingredients to make soft dough. Roll out on lightly floured board to fit approx. 9x13x2 Pyrex dish. Cover fruit and bake as directed.

Mrs. Irma Brauer--Decatur, Ill.


1/2 cup butter or oleo, soft

1 pkg. yellow cake mix

1/2 cup flaked coconut

1 20-oz. can pie sliced apples, well drained

1/2 cup sugar

1 tsp. cinnamon

1 cup dairy sour cream

2 egg yolks or 1 egg

Heat oven to 350 degrees. Cut butter into cake mix until crumbly. Mix in coconut. Pat mixture lightly into ungreased oblong pan 13x9x2 building up sides slightly. Bake 10 minutes. Arrange apple slices on warm crust. Mix sugar and cinnamon. Sprinkle on apples. Blend sour cream, 2 egg yolks or 1 whole egg together. Drizzle over apples. Bake 25 minutes or until edges are lightly brown. Serve warm.

Serves 12-15 .

Mrs. H. H. Koenig--Ft. Wayne, Ind.

Pioneers at Va/po who visited and enlisted Lutheran women leaders in the Midwest in the formation of a women's auxiliary to the Lutheran University Association were: Pres. 0. C. Kreinheder, Pastors Theo Andres and Karl Henrichs.




2 cups sifted all-purpose flour

1/2 tsp . salt

2/3 cup lard

2 egg yolks

1 Tbsp . lemon juice

1/4 cup water

4-6 tart cooking apples, peeled, cored & sliced

1 cup sugar

2 Tbsp flour

1/2 tsp. cinnamon


1 cup confectioners sugar

2 Tbsp. butter

1/2 tsp. vanilla

2 Tbsp milk

Sift flour with salt; cut in lard as for pie crust . Mix egg yolks, lemon juice, and water and sprinkle over flour mixture; blend lightly. Divide into two parts Roll first piece to fit bottom and sides of 9x13" baking pan. Arrange sliced apples in crust lined pan, then sprinkle over them mixture of sugar, flour, and cinnamon. Roll remaining dough to fit top; arrange over fi 11 i ng; seal edges Cut steam vents and bake at 400 degrees for 30 to 40 minutes. While still warm, frost top with mixture of remaining ingredients.

Mrs. William V. Willcox--Arlington Heights, Ill.


1 box cake mix, yellow, lemon, or orange

4 eggs

1/2 cup' butter or margarine, melted

3/ 4 cup water

Sauce :

2 cups water

1 cup sugar

1/2 cup rum (or more)

Twenty-four hours before serving time, bake a pound cake, either of your own recipe or as follows :

Combine cake mix, eggs , butter and water and beat for 5 minutes Use a 10" tube pan , preferably a spring form pan . Bake in 350 degree oven for 45 -55 minutes or until done Do not remove from pan Let stand 10 minutes after removing from oven; then pour the sauce over the cake at intervals until serving time. Invert on large platter to catch the wayward drippings. Cover to prevent evaporation.

Sauce : Bring sugar and water to boil and remove from heat . When cool add rum .

Note: This is a delightful dessert for a holiday dinner or on a buffet table. The origin of this recipe is Spanish. Serves 16-20. Alma Moellering-Ft. Wayne, Ind.


CHERRY CRESCENT CHEESECAKE CUPS (Winner in Pillsbury's 22nd Annual Bake-Off)

1 can (8 oz.) Pillsbury Refrigerated Quick Crescent Dinner Rolls


2 cups (1 lb. 5-oz. can) prepared

cherry pie filling

1/4 cup lemon juice or kirsch

1 Tbsp. butter or margarine


1 8-oz. pkg cream cheese, softened

1 egg

2 cups (half 15.4-oz. pkg.) Pillsbury Vanilla Frosting Mix

1/4 cup chopped almonds, pecans, or walnuts

1 tsp. almond extract

Lightly grease 8 muffin cups. Prepare filling; set aside. Separate crescent dough into 4 rectangles Firmly press perforations to seal (this prevents separation during baking). Roll or pat out each to about a 10x5-in rectangle. Cut each in half, crosswise, forming 8 squares. Place about 1/4 cup filling in the center of each square. Bring 4 corners of squares to center. Place filled squares, sealed-side up in prepared muffin cups Bake at 350 degrees for 18-22 minutes until golden brown. Immediately remove from pan Serve warm with topping.

Filling: In small mixer bowl, blend cream cheese and egg. Add dry frosting mix, nuts and almond extract; mix well.

Topping: In medium saucepan, combine all ingredients Cook over low heat until bubbly and butter melts, stirring occasionally.

Tips: Reheat, loosely wrapped in foil, at 350 degrees for 25 to 30 minutes until warm. To make ahead, prepare, cover and refrigerate up to 2 hours before baking. Bake as directed.

8 servings

Gretchen Wagner (Mrs. Glen) Ocock--Appleton, Wis.


1 can of frozen cherries (2 1/2 cups)

21/2 cups crushed pineapple

1/3 cup tapioca

11/2 cup sugar

3/4 cup butter

1 cup brown sugar

11/2 tsp. vanilla

1 cup bran flakes

1 cup quick oatmeal

2 cups sifted flour

1 tsp. baking soda

1/4 tsp. salt

Cook cherries, pineapple, tapioca and white sugar together 5 minutes or until it comes to boil. Set aside. Then cream butter with brown sugar. Add vanilla, bran flakes, oatmeal, and flour sifted with soda and salt. Crumble together with pastry blender. Put half of this in bottom of baking dish Pour over cherry mixture and add rest of crumb mixture on top. Serve plain or with whipped cream. (Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes). Serves 12-15 Gertrude Kramer--lee's Summit, Mo.


20 soda crackers

3 egg whites

1 cup sugar

1/2 cup pecans

1 tsp. vinegar

1 tsp. baking powder


1 tsp. vanilla

2 packets Dream Whip

1 8-oz. pkg. cream cheese, softened

1/2 cup powdered sugar

1 1/2 tsp. vanilla

Fruit pie filling

Finely crush soda crackers and set aside. Beat egg whites and add sugar gradually until st i ff. Add pecans, vinegar, baking powder, vanilla, and cracker crumbs to egg whites Spread in greased 9x13x2" pyrex pan Bake at 350 degrees for 20-25 minutes Remove from oven and let cool. Mix Dream Whip according to directions on pkg. Then add the cream cheese, powdered sugar and vanilla. Spread on cooled crust Top with cherry , blueberry, peach, pineapple or apricot pie filling This can be made the day before serving.

Serves 15.

Mrs. John F. W. Koch--Evansville, Ind


8 egg whites

1/4 tsp . salt

1/2 tsp cream of tartar

1 1/2 cup sugar, sifted

1 tsp. vanilla

Preheat oven to 450 degrees : Beat egg whites and salt until frothy. Add cream of tartar and beat until stiff. Add sugar 1 tablespoon at a time Add vanilla and continue beating until very stiff . About 15 minutes. Put into a well greased pan, 8x12". Put in hot oven and then turn off heat. Leave overnight. Frost with whipped cream or Dream Whip Delicious served with fresh or frozen strawberries or peaches .

Serves 10

3/4 cup brown sugar

3/4 cup flour

3/8 tsp soda

6 Tbsp. butter

10 salted soda crackers

3/4 cup nutmeats

Mrs Otto Wittkopp--Bay City, Mich.



Juice of 1 large or 2 small lemons (4 Tbsp.)

1 cup sugar

2 beaten eggs

2 Tbsp. cornstarch

1 cup water

3 Tbsp. butter



(Lemon Crackle, cont.)

Blend brown sugar, flour, soda and butter . Add crushed crackers and nutmeats . Put 3/4 of mixture in 9x9" pan or 7 1/2 x 11 1/2" pan . Cook lemon juice, sugar, beaten eggs, cornstarch, water and butter until thick. Add 1 tsp . vanilla and pour over mixture in pan. Sprinkle remaining mixture over top. Bake 1/2 hour in 350 degree oven

Serves 8-10

1/2 cup milk

1 cup flour

1/2 cup sugar

1/4 cup oleomargarine

Mrs Martin W (Ruth Hahm) Rupprecht


2 tsp . baking powder

1/4 tsp. salt

1 #303 can sliced peaches, with juice

1/4 cup sugar

Grease 2 quart baking dish or 8" square pan. Mix all ingredients except peaches and 1/4 cup sugar in this dish. Pour peaches and juice over the somewhat lumpy dough. Sprinkle with 1/4 cup sugar Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes Serve with whipped topping if desired. (As this cooks the cake mixture comes to top and browns and the peaches form sauce on bottom of pan )

Serves 6


1 3/4 cup flour

2 Tbsp. sugar

1/2 tsp . salt

1/4 tsp. baking powder

1/2 cup butter

Mrs. Harold Rissman-DeKalb, Ill.



4-6 fresh peaches, peeled & halved

1 cup sugar

1 tsp. cinnamon

2 egg yolks, beaten

1 cup heavy cream

Mix flour, sugar, salt, and b.aki ng powder Cut in butter with pastry blender or two knives until pebbly. Press evenly over bottom and halfway up sides of 8" square pan. Use hands and press firmly until mixture holds

Arrange peaches - cut side down - closely over mixture Sprinkle mixture of sugar and cinnamon over peaches. Bake at 400 degrees for 15 minutes.

Mix egg yolks and cream. Pour over peaches. Bake 30 minutes more. Cool 30 minutes before serving warm or cold.

Serves 6. Mrs. J. A. Sauerman-Elmhurst, Ill.




1 1/2 cup sifted flour

1/2 tsp salt

1/2 tup butter

1 can (1 lb. 13 oz.) sliced peaches, drained (or 1 quart)

1/2 cup sugar

1 tsp. cinnamon

1 egg beaten

1 cup evaporated milk

1/2 cup peach syrup

Mix and sift flour and salt . Cut in butter. Press into 9x9 pan to form crust. Arrange slices on crust. Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon. Bake 20 minutes at 375 degrees. Combine reserved syrup, egg and milk Pour over hot peach crust. Return to oven and bake about 30 minutes longer. Serve either warm or cold. Top with a whipped topping if desired . Serves 9.

Mrs. Roy Eberhardt--Clintonville, Wis


3 eggs, separated

1 cup sugar

1 cup crushed pineapple (as it comes from can)

1 cup crushed graham cracker crumbs (about 12)

1/4 cup of chopped nuts (pecans)

1/8 tsp cream of tartar or Few drops lemon juice

Have all ingredients ready before mixing, oven set for 350 degrees and pyrex pan, 7x10x1 1/2" buttered. Beat egg whites until they stand in soft peaks, add cream of tartar and gradually beat in 1/3 of the sugar. In another larger bowl beat the yolks until thick and lemon colored , gradually adding the rest of the sugar and some of the pineapple juice . Quickly blend in with large spoon pineapple crumbs, nuts and fold in the beaten whites. Bake for 30 minutes or until golden brown. Cool in the pan. Serve with whipped cream.

Note: Ideal for party dessert. Increase amounts for larger pans.

Yield: 8-12 squares

Mrs Clara Kretzmann-Ft Lauderdale, Fla.

"Honorary alumna" - three Guild women have had this highest award from the University Alumni Association conferred upon them : Mrs. Sophia Heidbrink, Miss Louise Nicolay, and Mrs. Bernice Ruprecht. This honor is bestowed upon a person not an alumnus, yet exemplifying the ideals and achievements for which Valparaiso University stands .


3 cup rhubarb

3/4 cup sugar


1 cup flour

2 tsp. baking powder

1/2 cup shortening, soft



1/4 cup flour

6 Tbsp. water

1/2 tsp. salt

1/4 cup sugar

3/4 cup milk

1/2 cup oatmeal

Spread rhubarb evenly over bottom of 10" square or 2 quart casserole baking dish. Then sprinkle sugar, flour and water over it as evenly as possible. For topping sift together flour , baking powder, salt, and sugar. Cut in shortening, add milk and oats Spread over rhubarb mixture and bake 1 hour in 350 degree oven. Serve warm topped with cold milk . Serves 6-8 Mrs Palmer (Dorothy) Czamanske--Valparaiso, Ind


3 large grapefruit sugar

1 pint vanilla ice cream


1/8 tsp salt

3 egg whites

6 Tbsp sugar

1/2 tsp vanilla

Cut grapefruit in half Remove cores and cut around each section to loosen fruit from membrane . Sprinkle lightly with sugar. Chill. When ready to serve preheat oven to 500 degrees. To make meringue add salt to egg whites and beat until foamy Gradually add sugar beating until very stiff and glossy. Add vanilla Place dipper of ice cream in center of each half grapefru i t. Cover with meringue being sure to spread meringue to edges of grap efruit . Place in oven until lightly browned , about 1 minutes . Serve . Serve s 6 Mrs . Elmer C. Kieninger--Lighthouse Point, Fla.

Valpo 's 1200 graduates from the School of Law are located in 44 states , the District of Columbia , and in four foreign countries . They are in private practice, legal aid, federal and state agencies, and private corporations .

Seventeen women students are currently enrolled A recent class of approximately 300 had come from undergraduate work at 47 colleges and universities from Coast to Coast. (1971)


1 cup fine chocolate wafer crumbs

1/3 cup melted butter

1/2 cup butter

1 1/2 cup powdered sugar

2 eggs

1/4 cup sugar

2 Tbsp. cocoa

1 cup whipping cream

1 cup chopped pecans

1 banana mashed

1/4 cup sliced maraschino cherriei;

Mix together crumbs and melted butter Press in bottom ot 1 quart refrigerator tray. Cream together 1/2 cup butter a11d powdered sugar. Add eggs one at a time. Beat well after each. Spread over crumbs. Add sugar and cocoa to whipped cream. Fold in nuts and fruit. Pile on top. Freeze 24 hours.

Mrs. R. A. Heinicke--St. Louis, Mo.


24 cream filled chocolate cookies, finely crushed

1/4 cup butter, melted

1/4 cup creme de menthe liqueur

1 pint marshmallow creme

2 cups heavy cream whipped

Combine cookie crumbs and butter, mixing well. Press into the bottom of a buttered 9" spring form pan, reserving about 1/2 cup crumbs for top. Gradually add creme de menthe to marshmallow creme; mixing well until blended. Fold in whipped cream. Pour into pan. Sprinkle remaining crumbs over top. Freeze for several hours or until firm. Remove from freezer a few minutes before serving. ·

Serves 8-10

Mrs. Richard Hastings--Lafayette, Calif


18 coconut macaroons

1 pint whipping cream, whipped and sweetened to taste

1 cup chopped nuts

1 pint lemon sherbet

1 pint lime sherbet

1 pint orange sherbet

Crush macaroons and place evenly in 9x13 pan. Cover with 1'/2 :of whipped cream and 1/2 of nuts. Add a layer of each flavor sherbet. Cover with remaining whipped cream and nuts. Freeze. Cut in squares to serve. Serves 12. Sophia Grewe--Ossian, Ind.



1 cup flour

1/2 cup brown sugar

1/2 cup melted butter

1/2 cup chopped walnuts

2 egg whites

10-oz. pkg frozen strawberries

2/3 cup sugar

2 Tbsp. lemon juice

1/2 pint whipping cream (or 1 pkg. Dream whip}

Mix flour, brown sugar, butter, and walnuts and spread on shallow baking pan. Bake at 350 degrees approximately 15 minutes stirring occasionally until brown. Crumble crumbs and sprinkle 2/3 of them in 9x13 pan. Beat egg whites, strawberries, sugar and lemon juice with electric beater at high speed until stiff peaks form - at least 10" high . Whip 1/2 pint whipping cream - fold into strawberry mixture gently . Spoon over crumbs, top with remaining crumbs. Freeze 6 hours or overnight Serve frozen . Sprinkle blueberries, candy hearts, cherry on top for special occasions .

Serves 15

12 eggs, separated

1 quart milk

1 1/2 cups sugar

1/2 cup flour

1/2 tsp. salt

Bernice Ruprecht--Valparaiso, Ind

Mrs . W . V. Willcox--Arlington Heights, Ill.

VANILLA ICE CREAM (for paddle-type freezer)

2 pkg. unflavored gelatin

2 pints half 'n half

1 p i nt additional milk

3 Tbsp vanilla extract (not imitation)

Separate eggs. Make custard using 11 yolks and 1 whole egg, milk, sugar, flour and salt in top of double boiler . Cook over hot water until it coats spoon. Soften gelatin in 1/2 cup cold water, dissolve in hot custard after removing from hot water. Chill custard mixture several hours or over night.

Beat egg whites until stiff, stir half 'n half, milk, and vanilla into co1d custard and fold that mixture into the egg whites. Put into freezer and freeze until firm.

Variation: Omit extra pint of milk and add 1 quart any kind of crushed, sugared berries or fruit.

Yield: 6 quarts

Lu Bockelmann Zoll-Valparaiso, Ind.

An International Studies Program enlarged the University's concepts when It was begun in the Spring of 1968. Centers are located in Cambridge, England and Reutlingen, Germany. Religion drama students have studies at Coventry, England. ·




2 1/2 cups crushed rice chex

1 cup brown sugar

1/2 cup margarine

3 1/2-oz. coconut 1/2 cup chopped nuts

1/2 gallon ice cream

Mix all ingredients together except ice cream. Pat 1/2 of mixture into bottom of 9x13 pan Spread ice cream over mixture in pan. Use other 1/2 of mixture ove.r top and pat down Cover and freeze Serves 12 .

Mrs. H. D . Mascher--Ft. Lauderdale , Fla .


Graham Cracker crust (yourfavorite)

Vanilla ice cream

Brandied mincemeat

Prepare your favorite graham cracker crust and put it in a 9x13 pan or pie pan, saving some of the crumbs for the top For the filling, soften van ii la ice cream, and mix in brandied mincemeat (not dried mincemeat) . Use 1/3 cup mincemeat to 1 quart vanilla ice cream . Spread it on the crust, sprinkle crumbs on top, and refreeze. One gallon of ice cream, 1 1/3 cups of mincemeat makes a 9x13 pan and a 10" pie.

Mrs. Forrest Frederick-Mishawaka, Ind.


Ice Cream with Character

1/2 gal. ice cream (Sealtest) Cherry nugget is best, otherwise vanilla, peach or butter almond

Have this slightly softened in large mixer bowl.


1 cup sherry; or 1/2 cup sherry and 1/2 cup fruit flavored brandyapricot, cherry or peach

Mix thoroughly and add to the above:

1 pint very hard chocolate ice cream cut into 1/2-in. cubes. Stir just enough to distribute through but not blended in with soft ice cream mixture. Add (if using ice cream without nuts): 1 cup chopped toasted almonds

Pour into containers & freeze G l azed chopped fruits are nice to use for Christmas.

Mrs. Dorothy Eggerding--Valparaiso, Ind.


2 cups carrots, chopped fine

1 cup raisins , chopped fine

1 cup currants , chopped fine

1 cup suet, chopped fine

2 1/2 cups flour

1 cup brown sugar

1 tsp . soda

Pinch of salt

1 Tbsp . cinnamon

1 egg

1 cup sour milk

Mix in order given Pour into a lightly greased angel food pan Place in pan of hot water and steam approximately 3 hours at 300 degrees Cover pudding with aluminum foil while baking Serve warm with the following sauce :

2 cup s water

1/4 cup butter

1/ 2 cup sugar

Serves 12

2 cups brown sugar

1 1/2 cups water

2 Tbsp. butter

1 cup chopped nuts

1 cup sugar

pinch nutmeg cornstarch to thicker. brandy to taste

Mrs. Leonard A. Oehmke-- Detroit , Mich


2 Tbsp butter

1 cup milk

2 tsp. baking powder

1 tsp. cinnamon

2 cups flour

Bring to boil first three ingredients and take off fire Mix remaining ingredients (except nuts) in order given. Put in 9 x 13 in. baking pan and pour syrup over this. Sprinkle on about 1 cup chopped nuts. Bake at 400 degrees for 30 minutes Serve plain or with whipped cream.

Serves 10-12

Mrs. Wm Boerger--Decatur, Ind

The new, modern , student sponsored Valparaiso Union became the Guild's convention setting for the first time in 1955.

Tradition s at Guild conventions : the quiet, moving vesper service after t h e ba nquet - Sunday morning breakfast for members and their student g ue sts - the clo sing communion worship service



1 1/ 2 cups brown sugar

2 cups boiling water

1 Tbsp . butter

1 tsp . vanilla


Batter : 1/2 cup milk

1 cup sugar

2 tsp. baking powder

1 cup dates, chopped

1 cup nuts, chopped

11/4 cups flour (approx .)

Mix ingredients for sauce and put mixture in a 9 x 13 in. baking dish. Mix ingredients for batter using enough flour to make a stiff dough, like dumplings. Drop batter in sauce Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes

Serves 12 Mrs. Erwin C. Franke, Sr .--Ossian, Ind.


1-8 oz. pkg. Dromedary chopped dates or 1-8 oz. pkg pitted dates, each date cut in six with scissors

1 tsp . soda

1 cup boiling water

1 Tbsp soft butter

1 cup sugar

1 beaten egg

1 1/4 cup flour sifted with 1 tsp. baking powder

1 tsp. vanilla

Sprinkle soda over dates in mixing bowl, and add 1 cup boiling water. Let stand until cooled or lukewarm Then add soft butter or substitute, 1 cup sugar, 1 beaten egg, 1 1/4 cup flour sifted with 1 tsp. baking powder. Add the vanilla. Bake on rack slightly above center of oven. Bake in 300 degree oven for 45-55 minutes in 10 x 10 in. pan or 35-40 minutes in 9 x 13 in. pan. Serve with your favorite sauce, or top with ice cream or whipped cream and cherry.

Serves 8-10

2 cups dry bread crumbs

1 qt hot milk

3/4 cup sugar

1 cup chopped figs

Louise Drews (Mrs. Wm. A )--Fairview Park, Ohio


1/4 cup melted butter

3 eggs, beaten

1/4 tsp. salt

1/2 cup chopped nuts

Add bread crumbs to hot milk and set aside to cool. Add other ingredients and pour into greased baking dish. Place in pan of hot water in moderate oven of 350 degrees for one hour . Serve with cream or pudding sauce .

Serves 12 (Mrs . W . A.) Wanda Reuning--St. Petersburg, Fla.


2 Tbsp. cornstarch

1/2 cup cold water

2 cups warm water

1 cup sugar



pinch of salt juice and rind of 1 lemon

2 eggs, separated

Dissolve cornstarch in 1/2 cup water. Add 2 cups warm water, sugar and salt. Boil until thick and clear, stirring constantly. Cool. Add juice and rind of lemon . Beat egg whites till very stiff and fold into cornstarch mixture. Chill. Serve with sauce.

Sauce :

1 cup milk

2 tsp. sugar

Heat to boiling point; add slowly to 2 beaten egg yolks. Add 1 tsp. vanilla .

Serves 6-8 (Mrs.) Charlotte Niemann--Clen Ellyn, Ill.

NOTE: This recipe of my mother's is very light and airy with an excellent flavor, very delicate. It was my favorite while I was growing up, and now my children love it.

Carolyn French


1 cup sifted self rising flour

1/2 cup sugar

2 Tbsp. butter 1/2 cup milk

6-8 peaches, peeled and sliced 1/2 cup sugar (additional)

2 Tbsp. butter (additional)

Butter 8 in. square pan. Combine flour and 1/2 cup sugar. Cut in 2 Tbsp. butter Add 1/2 cup milk; stir well. (It wrll be soupy.) Pour into pan and spoon peaches over batter: Sprinkle 1/2 cup sugar over peaches and dot with butter. Cover with foil. Bake in 375 degree oven for 20 minutes. Uncover and bake 40 minutes. Serve warm with whipped cream.

Serves 6-8

Mrs. Edw. Rahe--Lawrenceburg, Ind.

"Through the years of its existence the Guild has been a tremendous help in building our Lutheran University. Many of the evidences of progress and achievement in the history of the University are directly traceable to the devotion and dedication of the Guild ." - 0 . P. Kretzmann, Chancellor, Valparaiso University.


1 Tbsp . butter

1 cup sugar

1 cup persimmon pulp

2 tsp. soda (dissolve in 1 Tbsp . hot water)

1 cup flour

11/2 tsp. baking powder

Pinch of salt

1/2 cup milk

1 tsp . vanilla

Steam 2 1/2-3 hours at 225 degrees (more or less) (I mix sugar into good grade of oleo-margarine .) Then blend in persimmon pulp , and add soda. Next add flour with baking powder and salt in it. Then milk - blend it in with a sort of "folding " motion Add vanilla last, and the same way Cover glass baking dish (butter the bottom first) tightly with aluminum foil, and set in larger dish or pan of hot water in pre-heated oven Caution : Be sure soda and baking powder are fresh. Suggestion: Use original baking powder-soda proportions for wild persimmons, the altered proportions for cultivated fruit . .. 2 tsp. baking powder , 11/4 tsp. soda) .

Serve with :


Sift: 1 1/2 cups brown sugar Beat until soft: 1/2 cup butter. Add sugar gradually Beat until well blended. Beat in slowly : 1/3 cup cream. Beat in drop by drop: 1 tsp. vanilla (or 2 Tbsp . wine). When smooth , chill thoroughly. 1/4 cup nutmeats may be added to smooth sauce.

Approx. 1 2/3 cups Prof Margaretta S. Tangerman--Valparaiso, Ind.


11/4 cups sugar

2 eggs

3/4 cup all purpose flour

2 tsp . baking powder

1/4 tsp. salt

1 tsp vanilla

1-#2 can crushed pineapple (well drained, reserve syrup)

1/2 cup chopped nuts

Sift flour, baking powder and salt. Beat eggs well with sugar. Fold in dry ingredients, nuts, vanilla and pineapple. Pour into buttered 8 x 12 in. pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes


1/4 cup butter

2 Tbsp flour

1 cup light brown sugar

1/4 cup water

1/3 cup pineapple juice

1 egg

1 tsp. vanilla

Combine butter, flour, sugar, water and pineapple juice. Cook over low heat. Remove from heat and add 1 slightly beaten egg. Return to heat and cook until thick , stirring constantly to prevent curdling Cool. Add vanilla.

Put whipped cream on pudding and spoon sauce over all.

Serves 8-10

Mrs . Don Schoenfeld-Appleton, Wis .



1 1/4 cup cooked or canned pumpkin

2/3 cup sugar, part brown

1 tsp . cinnamon

1/4 tsp . cloves

1/4 tsp ginger

1/2 tsp salt

1 Tbsp soft margarine or butter

1 cup soft bread or cracker crumbs

1 egg, separated

1/2 cup raisins or nuts (or both)

1 cup milk

Grease 1 1/2 qt. glass loaf pan or casserole and mix in same : pumpkin, sugar, spices , butter , crumbs, milk , and egg yolk. Beat egg white and fold into above mixture Add nuts and raisins Bake at 350 degrees for 60 minutes Serve with whipped topping or ice cream.

Serves 6-8 Mrs . Henry Huber--Saginaw, Mich.

NOTE: Scant 2 Tbsp. sucaryl can be substituted for 2/ 3 cup sugar


1/2 cup rice

3 cups boiling water

2 Tbsp. butter

2 eggs, separated

1/4 tsp salt

1 tsp . vanilla or grated lemon rind

1/2 cup sugar

3 cups milk

Wash rice Cook with salt in boiling water 5 minutes Drain through sieve and run hot water over rice to separate kernels. Combine sugar, egg yolks, milk, butter and flavoring with rice. Fold in beaten egg whites . Place in buttered baking dish (bowl type) and bake in pan of hot water in oven at 325-350 degrees until firm (about 30-45 minutes)

Serves 6 Luella M. Ansorge-Omaha , Neb


1/2 cup Pearl tapioca

4 cups water

1 cup sugar

1-3 oz. box red jello

1 cup miniature marshmallows

1 small can crushed pineapple

1 cup heavy cream, whipped, or 1 env. prepared Dream Whip

Soak Pearl tapioca over night. Drain. Boil tapioca, water, and sugar until tapioca is clear. (A double boiler is ideal for this.) Pour mixture over jello and marshmallows. Cool. When set, add pineapple and blend in whipped cream or Dream Whip.

Serves 8-10 Frieda Schumm-Convoy, Ohio



1/2 cup water

1 cup brown sugar

1 cup milk

1 cup ground suet

2 cups flour


1 cup raisins or dates

1/2 cup chopped nuts

1/2 tsp. cinnamon

1/2 tsp . nutmeg

1 tsp. baking soda

Boil water, add brown sugar and bring again to boil. Cool. Combine suet, flour, raisins, nuts, spices and baking soda. Add milk and brown sugar syrup. Combine thoroughly. Place in two 1 lb. coffee cans. Cover with foil and secure with string. Steam in kettle partially filled with water for 2 hours. Slice and serve warm with warm sauce and whipped cream


1/3 cup brown sugar

1/2 cup white sugar

2 Tbsp. flour

1 cup water

1/4 cup butter

Combine and bring to boil. Serve warm .

Serves 10

Mrs. John H. Bleke--Ft. Wayne, Ind.

CHRIST COLLEGE (Dedicated April 26, 1970)

Christ College, established in 1966, emphasizes the importance of liberal studies, particularly the humanities, for the student's life and for public affairs but does not prepare a student for a particular profession Students are admitted to the program by invitation, but the Committee encourages interested students to bring their names to its attention through the office of the dean. Students enrolled in Christ College are normally enrolled concurrently in one of the other four undergraduate colleges of the University and are officially designated "Members of Christ College."

3 Tbsp. butter

1/2 cup brown sugar

1/4 cup flour

1/4 tsp. salt


CARAMEL SAUCE (Excellent on Date Pudding)

1/2 cup brown sugar

1 cup milk

2 egg yolks

1/2 pint whipped cream

Melt butter and add 1/2 cup brown sugar. Mix well and set aside. Mix flour, salt and remaining brown sugar. Gradually add milk. Cook in double boiler 15 minutes. Gradually add the butter and brown sugar mixture . Beat two egg yolks, add a little of the hot mixture, and add all to the hot mixture. Mix well and remove from fire Cool and fold in whipped cream. Tops 8 servings.

Mrs. Carl Doversberger--Hammond, Ind .


4 oz. baking chocolate (unsweetened)

2 Tbsp. butter

2 cup sugar

1-13 oz. can e"'.'aporated milk

1 tsp. vanilla

Melt chocolate and butter in sauce pan or double boiler. Stir in sugar, then gradually add milk, while mixing smooth. Cook until it boils and begins to thicken. Stir in vanilla. This keeps well in refrigerator and stays smooth; doesn't get grainy .

Yield: 1 pint

Mrs . Norman Hartman--St. Louis, Mo .

Mrs. Armin Lichtfuss--Boulder, Colo


4 oz. unsweetened chocolate, melt

2 cups confectioner's sugar

2/3 cup evaporated milk

3 Tbsp butter

1/4 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. vanilla extract

Mix the chocolate and sugar . Gradually stir in the milk . Cook over low heat until smooth, stirring constantly. Add butter and salt and continue cooking until butter melts. Add vanilla. Serve warm on ice cream or store, covered, in refrigerator. Reheat in double boiler before using. If too thick, thin with additional milk.

Yield: 2 cups

Mrs. Richard Hastings--Lafayette, Cal if.

First officers of the Guild's foL·nding organization were Mrs. E. W. Schultz of Sheboygan, Wisconsin, president and Miss Lily Fedder of Hammond, Indiana, secretary.


1-1 lb. 4 oz. can crushed pineapple

1-11 oz . can mandarin oranges

1 cup heavy cream

1/4 cup sugar

1/2 tsp. vanilla

1/2 cup coconut

Drain pineapple and mandarin oranges. Beat cream gradually adding sugar until soft peaks form. Stir in vanilla; fold in fruits and coconut Place in 9x9 in. pan. Chill.

Serves 6-8

Marjory Stoll--Rochester, N.Y.

NOTE: A quick, but elegant dessert - light enough to serve after a hearty meal, yet substantial enough to serve alone with coffee or tea.


1 Angel food cake

1-4 oz. pkg. vanilla pudding or pie mix

2 cups milk

1 can (No. 2) peach pie filling (21/2 cups)

1 cup whipping cream -whipped

Cut 1 in. slice from top of cake. Cut out center, leaving base and sides about 1 in thickness. Prepare pudding mix according to directions on package, using 2 cups milk. Cool. When cool, mix half of pudding with peach pie filling Spoon into cavity of cake. Place cut slice of cake back on top. Chill 2 hours. Fold remaining pudding into whipped cream. Spread on cake. Chill until ready to serve.

Serves 12

Louise F. Nicolay-South Bend, Ind.


6 egg yolks, beaten 3/4 cup sugar

juice of 3 or 4 lemons

1/2 tsp . grated lemon rind

1 Tbsp . gelatin

1/4 cup cold water

1 lg. Angel food cake

6 egg whites

3/4 cup sugar

Cook first four ingredients over low heat, stirring constantly until mixture thickens. Dissolve gelatine in cold water. Add to hot lemon custard and cool. Beat egg whites until stiff, gradually adding 3/4 cup sugar; fold egg whites into custard. Break cake into large chunks and place alternately with custard into angel food cake pan . Refrigerate 24 hours. Serve with whipped cream.

Serves 14-16

Mrs. Harold Graumiller--Detroit, Mich.




1-6 oz. pkg. chocolate chips

1 sq. bitter chocolate

3 Tbsp powdered sugar

4 eggs (separated)

1 cup whipping cream

1/2 cup nutmeats (chopped)

(more if desired)

1/2 lb . Angel food cake

Butter a 9 x 13 in. pan and break up the cake into it Melt the chips and chocolate in top of double boiler. Add sugar and egg yolks one at a time ; beat well after each one Add cream - whipped, then the egg whites ,. beaten stiff but not dry Add nuts Pour over cake Chill at least 8 hours May be served with whipped cream and a cherry.

Serves 10-12

Mrs . Edith Orr--Beloit, Wis .


11/2 cups crushed vanilla wafers

1/4 cup melted butter

1/2 lb tiny marshmallows

1 lg. can (No. 2 1/2) apricots (plus juice)

2 beaten eggs

3/ 4 cup powdered sugar

2 Tbsp. cornstarch

1/4 cup butter

1/2 pintwhipping cream, sweetened

Mix crushed vanilla wafers with 1/4 cup melted butter. Reserve 2 Tbsp . mixture for topping. Press remainder into bottom of pan. Sprinkle marshmallows over crumbs. Cook until thick: apricots and juice, eggs, powdered sugar, cornstarch and butter. Pour hot filling over marshmallows

Top with sweetened whipped cream and reserve crumbs ChiJI at least 3 hours. Use 7x11or8x10 in pan.

Serves 8

24 oz. apricot nectar

1 cup sugar

4 Tbsp. cornstarch

1/2 tsp salt

Mrs. Gordon Grimm-Elmhurst, Ill.


whipped topping

Coconut or apricot halves

1 Angel food cake

Mix nectar, sugar, cornstarch, and salt; cook over medium heat until clear, stirring as necessary. Cool. Break angel food cake into pieces, putting into 9 x 13 in. pan . Pour cooled sauce over cake and chill in refrigerator over night Prior to serving cover with whipped topping and sprinkle with coconut or top each serving with an apricot half.

Serves 12-15

Mrs. Lauretta Renner-Aurora, Ind.

Mrs. John Kihslinger, St. Petersburg, Fla., makes this same dessert but uses a 46 oz. can apricot nectar, 1 1/2 cups sugar and 1/2 cup cornstarch for the sauce. Other ingredients, pan size, etc . the same.




5 different jello flavors (3 oz. box) 11/2 cup boiling water for each box base -3 boxes lemon jello (3 oz.)

2 cups boiling water

1 large can crushed pineapple

1 pint sour cream

Mix the 5 jellos in different pans. (Ice cube trays are good.) Let set until firm, then cut into bite size pieces when base is ready. Base - Dissolve lemon jello, let cool, then add pineapple. Chill slightly and thoroughly mix in sour cream. Refrigerate 5 minutes. Then gently fold in cubes of jel lo. Pour into large mold.

Serves 12-15

Janet Krauss-Fairview Park, Ohio


12 ladyfingers

red currant or raspberry jelly

1/2 cup sherry, apricot brandy or orange juice

1-4 oz. pkg. vanilla pudding mix or 1 pt. rich custard ·

1 tsp. almond extract

1 cup heavy cream, whipped blanched almonds

glace cherries

Split ladyfingers; spread with jelly. Put halves together; arrange on bottom and around sides of 1 1/2 quart glass bowl. Sprinkle with sherry, brandy or orange juice. Cover bowl with plastic wrap to prevent evaporation. Prepare pudding mix as instructed on package, adding 3/4 tsp. almond extract. Stir at intervals until cool to prevent film from forming. Pour over ladyfingers . Whip cream until thick; sweeten if desired and flavor with remaining 1/4 tsp. almond extract. Spread over pudding, being sure ladyfingers are. completely covered. Decorate with blanched almonds and cherries . Chill.

Serves 6

Mrs. Harry Wangelin-Colden, N.Y.


1-3 oz. pkg. lemon gelatin

1-3 oz. pkg. orange-pineapple gelatin

2 cups hot water

1 1/2 cups cold water

2 tsp. lemon juice

1 cup pineapple tidbits, drained 2 bananas, sliced

1 cup miniature marshmallows

Dissolve the gelatins in hot water; add cold water and lemon juice. Allow to become slightly congealed before adding remaining ingredients. Put in 9x13 in. pan, and when set, frost with topping:


Cook together:

2 Tbsp. flour

1/2 cup sugar

(Frosted Salad, cont.)

2 Tbsp. butter

1 cup pineapple juice

1 egg, beaten

When cool, add 1 cup whipping cream

Serves 12

Mrs Harvard Nolting--Brownstown, Ind.


3 dozen lady fingers

2 cups sugar

1 cup butter


1/4 cup black coffee

1 Tbsp. vanilla

1 cup chopped nuts

1 pint whipping cream

Cream the butter and sugar. Beat the 6 eggs each separately for 2 or 3 minutes, and add one at a time to butter and sugar. Add the coffee, van ii la and nuts. Place one layer of halves of lady fingers in 9 x 13 in . pan. Cover with only a little of mixture . Put on another layer of half lady fingers and cover well with mixture Put on another layer of lady fingers and cover with balance of mixture Place in refrigerator overnight Serve with whipped cream.

Serves 12

Mrs. Erwin H. Baehr--Detroit, Mich


1-13 oz. can evaporated milk

1-3 oz. pkg. lemon jello

11/2 cups boiling water

1/3 cup honey (or sugar)

1/8 tsp salt

3 Tbsp. lemon juice (of 1 lemon)

grated lemon rind (optional)

2 cups vanilla wafer or graham cracker crumbs

Thoroughly chill evaporated milk. Dissolve jello in boiling water, add honey, salt, lemon juice and rind. (A few drops of yellow food coloring may be added.) Cool until slightly congealed. Beat milk until stiff. Whip jello mixture into it. Spread 1/2 crumbs in a 9 x 13 in. or 10 x 14 in. pan, pour mixture over, top with remaining crumbs. Chill at least 3 hours before serving .

Serves 12

Betty Barley-Buffalo, N.Y.

Mrs. C. C. Michael-Howard Lake, Minn

EDITOR'S NOTE: This recipe evolved during World War 11 sugar rationing. It does not have a honey flavor however; it is inexpensive, delightfully light, a refreshing dessert.




2 cups chocolate cookie crumbs

1/3 cup melted butter

1-13 oz: can evaporated milk

1-3 oz . pkg. lime jello

1 3/ 4 cup hot water

1/4 cup lime juice

2 tsp. lemon juice

1 cup sugar

grated Ii me rind

Semi-sweet chocolate bar

Combine first 2 ingredients and press into bottom of 9 x 13 in. pan. Chill milk in ice cube tray until crystals form at sides . Dissolve jello in hot water and chill until it thickens. Whip until fluffy. Stir in lemon and lime juice, rind, and sugar. Whip milk and fold into jello mixture. Pour over chocolate crumbs. Grate chocolate over top. Refrigerate several hours before serving.

Serves 12

Mrs Theo. H. Fuelling-Ft. Wayne, Ind. Elfrieda Miller of Oak Park, Ill., makes this dessert using 11/3 cups graham cracker crumbs, 1/2 cup butter or margarine for the crust . She uses Mil not and omits the rind and adds a little green food coloring to the filling.


1 smal I Angel food cake

1-3 oz. pkg. orange flavored gelatin

1 cup hot water

1/4 cup mandarin orange juice

1 pint orange sherbert

2 pkg. Dream Whip

2-11 oz. cans mandarin oranges, drained flaked coconut

Cut cake in thin slices and place 1/2 of them on bottom of 9 x 13 in. pan . Dissolve jello in hot liquid. At once add sherbert and stir until dissolved Set aside until slightly thickened Whip Dream Whip; add mandarin oranges, saving some to decorate top. Spread one-half of jello mixture over cake in pan, then spread one half of the Dream Whip and orange mixture over jello mixture. Repeat once. Cover with coconut and garnish with oranges.

Serves 12-15

Mrs. Norman Bernreuter-Saginaw, Mich .


32 chocolate sandwich cookies with cream filling, crushed

1 pint heavy cream

2 cups tiny pastel marshmallows

1 cup pastel pillow after-dinner mints

Put half or crushed cookies in bottom of a 9 x 13 in. pan. Whip cream and add marshmallows and mints. Spread over bottom layer. Sprinkle rest of crumbs on top. Refrigerate two days before serving.

Serves 12

Irma K. Schmalz-Edina, Minn.




2 cups milk

1 lb. marshmallows

1-#2 can crushed pineapple

1 pint whipping cream (whipped) 30 graham crackers, crushed

8 Tbsp. butter, melted

Melt marshmallows in 2 cups milk over double boiler. Allow to cool thoroughly. Drain pineapple well. Mix pineapple and marshmallow mixture together. Fold in whipped cream Mix melted butter and graham cracker crumbs . Put half of graham cracker crumbs in 13 x 9 in. pan . Pour marshmallow, pineapple, and whipped cream mixture over this. Use remaining crumbs for topping. Chill several hours in refrigerator.

Serves 12 Mrs. Edgar C. Pickard-Valparaiso, Ind.


Crust: Mix together:

11/4 cup graham cracker crumbs

2 Tbsp. sugar

6 Tbsp. butter or margarine, melted


1-3 oz. pkg. raspberry jello

1/4 cup sugar

11/4 cup boiling water

1-10 oz. pkg. frozen raspberries

1 Tbsp. lemon juice

Cream Cheese layer:

1-3 oz. pkg. cream cheese, softened 1/3 cup confectioner's sugar

1 tsp. vanilla dash of salt

1 cup whipping cream, whipped

Reserve 1/2 cup crumb mixture. Press remainder into 9 x 9 in. pan Combine cream cheese, confectioner's sugar, vanilla and salt until creamy. Add whipped cream. Spread 1/2 of mixture on crumb crust; spread on thickened jello filling. Then add remaining cheese mixture. Sprinkle reserved crumbs on top. Chill.

To assemble filling: mix jello and sugar. Add boiling water and stir till dissoJved. Add frozen raspberries. Stir till berries are thawed. Add lemon juice. Chill till it starts to thicken.

Serves 9 Roberta Weiss (Mrs. Raymond E.)-Frankenmuth, Mich.

Guild chapters in 1971 numbered 142, respresenting 26 states including Hawaii, and the District of Columbia


This one-story brick building was dedicated in 1968 and provides excellent facilities including foods, textiles, and applied arts laboratories.

Early history records that the Guild's first project launched in 1932 provided financial assistance to the Home Economics Department.

In 1944 a $3000 gift was used to purchase the Mathilda Heldt Home Economics Laboratory. This small house was located at the north end of the Old Campus. Finding this building antiquated for quality instruction ,after many years, the Guild again in 1966-67 pledged funds to initiate the erection of new facilities for the Home Economics Department. The Center was named in recognition of the interest and support of Edgar W. Loke.

"the bachelor president (Kretzmann, until 1942) ran a kind of informal student union in the President's House . Impressionable undergraduates, thrown into almost daily contacts with the President, were quick to adopt his mannerisms, and, for a year or two, the Valparaiso student could be identified by his habit of tugging the lobe of his right ear, dropping terminal "rs", sprinkling his conversation with such expressions as "I am profoundly persuaded" and "ultimate meaning", and substituting a "d" for "th". Some students went so far as to clutter their rooms with candles and try to acquire a taste for Bach . "

152/ LOKE

21/4 cup shortening

5 cups flour

1 tsp. sugar

1 tsp. salt



1 tsp. vinegar

1 egg water

Cut shortening into flour. Add sugar & salt. Beat 1 egg slightly in 1 cup measuring cup. Add 1 tsp vinegar & fill with water. Add to flour shortening mixture. Chill. Will keep a week in refrigerator. Yield: 7 single crusts. Mrs. Richard Walsh-South Lake County, Ind.


6 cups flour

2 1/2 cups shortening

1 egg, beaten slightly in a cup measure

1 Tbsp. salt

Fil I cup full with milk and add the crumb mixture (flour, shortening, & salt). Blend with fork or pastry blender. Then work dough with your hands until all flour is mixed in well and dough is consistency of Play Dough. You can't over mix - so mix thoroughly. Measure out into 6 equal portions or roll out into 6 flat pie pan size rounds. Wrap in wax paper & store in freezer until needed.

Verna Buis-Valparaiso, Ind.


1 cup sugar

2 Tbsp. cornstarch

2 cups boiling water

4 Tbsp. butter

2 tsp. vanilla

2 tsp. cinnamon

Mix sugar & cornstarch together in sauce pan. Gradually stir in boiling water. Then stir in butter, vanilla & cinnamon. Keep hot until time to serve. Blend with egg beater before serving. Good-Good-Good over pieces of apple or peach pie.

Roberta Haller Strom-San Lorenzo, Calif.

For six of the past eight years, a Valparaiso senior has been awarded one of the twelve annual fellowship awards for graduate school made by Tau Beta Pi, national engineering honor society. This record is unequaled by any other engineering school in the country. (1971) ;,



6 cups apples

1 cup granulated sugar or brown sugar or 1/2 cup granulated and 1/2 cup brown

2 Tbsp flour

1/2 cup cream

1/4 tsp nutmeg or cinnamon (whichever you like best or both can be used if preferred)

9" unbaked pie shell ·

Peel, core and slice apples Put into pie shell. Mix sugar, flour and spice and add cream ; mix well; pour over apples, bake at 550 degrees for 10 to 15 minutes Then put foil over top and bake at 350 degrees for 20 to 30 minutes longer or until apples are well done and pie is cooked through Yield: 6-8 servings

Mrs Lydia Busick--Decatur, Ind


11/2 cup brown sugar

1 cup water

2 tsp vinegar

6 apples, sliced

1/8 tsp. salt

4 Tbsp. flour

2 Tbsp. butter

1 tsp. cinnamon

Combine 3/4 cup sugar, water & vinegar. Heat to boiling Simmer apples in syrup until tender. Remove apples. Cool. Combine remaining sugar, flour, & salt. Add to syrup. Blend thoroughly Cook until thick , stirring frequently Add butter & cinnamon. Cool. Place apples in pastrylined pie pan Pour syrup over top. Put on top crust Bake at 425 degrees for about 30 min

Mrs Gladys Fauble-Ohio City, Ohio


1/2 cup all-purpose flour

1 tsp baking powder

1/8 tsp salt

3/4 cup sugar

1 cup diced apples (not peeled)

1 egg, slightly beaten

Sift together the dry ingredients. Combine with remaining ingredients. Spread into buttered 8-inch pie plate . Bake at 400 degrees for 25 to 30 minutes.

Irma Lange--Seymour, Ind.

EDITOR'S NOTE: For flavor change, add 1/2 tsp. cinnamon. Sugar may be varied slightly according to tartness of apples.

Mrs. Hershel! Madoerin-Omaha, Neb. adds 1/2 cup nuts to this dessert and bakes it in an 8x8 in squarP pan.

1 9-in . pie shell

Apples, to fill shell

1 egg

3/4 cup milk


1 Tbsp. cornstarch

1/2 cup sugar


Prepare pie shell. Pare & cut apples into eights & place in pie shell. Beat egg, add milk & cornstarch & blend until smooth. Pour over apples. Sprinkle sugar over apples and custard. Bake at 400 degrees, 10 min Then reduce heat to 375 degrees & bake until done (about 40 to 50 min.). Remove from oven & sprinkle with cinnamon.

Serves 6. Kathryn Liebelt--South Bend, Ind.


11 oz. pkg dried apricots

2 1/4 cup water

1/4 cup sugar

2 3/4 cup chocolate or vanilla

wafer crumbs

1 Tbsp. sugar

1 1/2 stick butter or margarine

1 cup confectioner's sugar

2 eggs

11/2 cup whipping cream

Simmer apricots for 20 minutes. Add 1/4 cup sugar and continue to simmer 5 minutes more. Puree through sieve. Mix wafer crumbs, 1 Tbsp. sugar, 1/2 stick butter Press into 9" spring form pan. Cream remaining butter; add confectioner's sugar and cream until light and fluffy Beat in eggs and apricot puree. Whip cream until stiff and fold into apricot mixture. Pour over crumb crust . Sprinkle with additional crumbs and refrigerate several hours.

Yield: 10-12 servings·

Mrs. Gene C. Bahls-Bourbonnais, Ill.


1-10 oz . pkg . frozen strawberries, thawed

5 Tbsp. sugar

3 Tbsp. flour

Dash of salt

1/2 cup water

3 large bananas

1 cup cream, whipped

2 Tbsp. sugar

1 tsp. vanilla

Few drops of red food coloring

1 Tbsp. lemon juice

8" or 9" baked pie shell

Combine strawberries, sugar, flour, water, salt and food coloring in saucepan and cook until thickened . Cool. Add lemon juice . Slice bananas in bottom of baked pie shel!, top with strawberry mixture. Add sugar and van ii la to whipped cream and spread on pie. Chill until ready to serve (may be made several hours before serving).

Mrs. William V. Willcox--Arlington Heights, Ill.

I 155


1 cup sugar

3 Tbsp cornstarch

2/3 cup cherry juice


4 cups frozen cherries, drained

2 Tbsp. butter

Mix sugar & cornstarch. Add cherry juice. Cook until mixture becomes clear. Then add cherries & butter. Cook until mixture thickens. Cool. During the cooling period prepare this crust .

Crust :

1 1/2 cups flour

3/4 tsp. salt

1/2 cup & 2 Tbsp . shortening

2 Tbsp water

2 Tbsp beaten egg

1 Tbsp lemon juice

1 Tbsp sugar

1/16 tsp. baking soda

Sift flour with salt Mix ·in shortening in separate operations Mix remaining ingredients together. Using a pastry blender, add this mixture to flour & shortening mixture . Roll on pastry cloth. Choose between lattice top or plain. Bake at 425 degrees for 5 min , then at 350 degrees for 20 min

Note : "I use lard for my shortening, it is very flaky & light . I brush my top crust with milk & sprinkle sugar over it, it browns beautifully. This was a prize-winning recipe."

Serves 6 to 8

Mrs David (Lorena) Obey--Wausau, Wis.


1/2 cup butter or margarine

1 Tbsp sugar

1 cup flour

1 1/2 cup peaches, peeled & sliced

1/2 cup Bing cherries, pitted

1/2 cup brown sugar

1/4 cup Cherry Kijava (or orange juice)

2 eggs

1/2 cup sugar

1/2 cup flour

1/2 cup milk

Combine fruits, brown sugar & Kijava and let stand. In 10-in. pie plate melt butter&' sugar over low heat. Add flour and stir until mixture forms ball. Press onto bottom and sides of pie plate. Chill. In mixing bowl, beat eggs with sugar. Blend in flour & milk. Add fruit mixture. Pour filling on chilled crust. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hr. or until knife inserted in center comes out clean.

Serves 6 to 8

Esther W. Goehring --Valparaiso, Ind

Since 1940 enrollment at Va/po has gone from 400 to 4,703 (1971).




(First place winner in Wisconsin's Dairy Dessert Pies Contest)


11/3 cups crumbs (crush 2/3 cup vanilla wafers - about 18 cookies; & 2/3 cup chocolate wafers - about 15 cookies)

1/4 cup sugar

1 Tbsp. Wheat Germ

1/2 cup (1 stick) butter, melted

Mix together the crumbs, sugar & Wheat Germ. Add the melted butter and mix well. Reserve about 2 Tbsp. to use as a garnish. Pour crumbs into a pie plate & press into place. Bake for 8-10 min. in preheated 350 degree oven. Remove from oven and cool.


2 Tbsp. strained honey

1 3-oz . pkg . cream cheese, softened

115-oz. can sweetened, condensed milk

1/3 cup lemon juice

1/4 tsp . almond extract

1 #2 can unsweetened pie cherries, drained

Whipping cream

Maraschino cherries with stems

Beat the honey in the small bowl of mixer until white & creamy. Gradually add the cream cheese which is at room temperature Beat until smooth. Add the milk, lemon juice & almond extract; mix together at low speed until blended. Stir in the drained cherries. Place in pie shell. Refrigerate at least one hour Garnish with crumbs, whipped cream & maraschino cherries. (Instead of cookies, crumb pie shell may be made with graham crackers or wafers. Baked regular pastry may also be used.) Use a 9-in. pie plate.

Serves 6. Dr. Leola Garriott--Hortonville, Wis.


5 fresh medium-sized peaches

1-9" unbaked shell

1 cup sugar

1 Tbsp. flour (heaping)

pinch of salt

dash of nutmeg

1 cup heavy cream

1/2 tsp. vanilla

Peel and slice peaches. Arrange in pastry shell. Mix together sugar, flour, salt and nutmeg. Stir in cream and vanilla. Pour over peaches. Bake at 425 degrees for 15 minutes. Reduce heat to 350 degrees and continue baking for 30 minutes or until filling is set. Let cool thoroughly before serving. Warning! Do not fill pie too full; it could run over.

Yield: 6 servings Mrs. Lauretta Renner-Aurora, Ind.


6 cups dices, fresh peaches

1 cup su.gar

1/2 cup water

1/4 pt whipping cream or Dream Whip

3 Tbsp. cornstarch

1 Tbsp. butter

1 baked pie crust

Ma sh a full cup of good, ripe peach slices Add sugar, water & cornstarch. Cook until syrup is clear. Remove from heat and stir in butter (or margarine). Place remaining peach slices in baked pie shell. Part of whipped cream can first go in as a "liner " so peaches won't soak the crust . Pour cooked mixture over all. Let set. Top with whipped cream .

Mrs. Paul A. Bierwagen-Valparaiso, Ind


6 medium pears, cut in 8ths (about 4 cups)

1/2 cup sugar


1/2 cup flour

1/2 cup sugar

1/2 tsp. ginger

1 tsp. grated lemon peel

3 Tbsp lemon juice

1 9-in unbaked pastry shell

1/2 tsp. cinnamon

1/4 tsp mace

1/3 cup butter

Heavy cream, whipped

Mix pears, 1/2 cup sugar, lemon peel & juice. Arrange in pie shell. Combine flour, 1/2 cup sugar & spices. Cut in butter. Sprinkle over pears. Bake at 400 degrees about 45 min. or until done. Serve warm with whipped cream.

Serves 6 to 7

Mrs Reynolds Keith Honold-Sheboygan, Wis.


1 9-in. pie shell & top crust

2 eggs

11/3 cups granulated sugar

1 Tbsp. lemon juice

2 cups fresh pineapple, diced

1 Tbsp melted butter

1/3 cup sifted all purpose flour

1/8 tsp. salt

Beat the eggs slightly. Add sugar, lemon juice and flour to the eggs. Mix that with the pineapple and then pour the filling into an unbaked pie shell Sprinkle with the melted butter. Cover with top crust Bake in a preheated oven at 450 degrees for 10 minutes , then 350 degrees for 35 minutes , or until the pineapple is tender .

Yield: one 9-inch pie

Mrs. W. 0


NOTE: Amount of sugar varies with the maturity and sweetness of the pineapple . Also , a little sugar sprinkled over the top crust helps to brown it slightl y .



1 stick butter, melted

1 cup pl us 2 Tbsp. sugar

3 eggs

1/2 can coconut (4 oz. can)


1 tsp. vanilla

1 small can crushed pineapple (81/2 oz. can) well drained

1-9" unbaked pie shell

Cream together butter and sugar. Add eggs one at a time, beating after each egg. Add vanilla, pineapple and coconut. Mix well and pour into raw pie crust. Bake 45 minutes at 350 degrees.

Mrs. John Kihslinger--St. Petersburg, Fla.


3 egg whites

1 cup sugar

1 tsp. vanilla

21 Ritz crackers

2/3 cup & 2 Tbsp. pecans

8-oz. pkg. cream cheese

3/ 4 cup powdered sugar

1/2 pint heavy cream

1 sm. can crushed pineapple

Beat egg whites very stiff and add sugar and vanilla Roll 21 ritz crackers very fine and fold into beaten whites. Add 2/3 cup chopped pecans. Bake in a greased pie tin for 30 minutes at 350 degrees. Cool pie shell. Make a filling of the soft cream cheese and powdered sugar. Spread this over the pie shell. Whip cream and add drained pineapple. Spread this over the filling. Sprinkle with 2 Tbsp. pecans.

Mrs John Kihslinger-St. Petersburg, Fla.


1 6-oz. pkg. Strawberry Jello

1 cup sugar

4 Tbsp. cornstarch

2 cups boiling water

1 qt. frozen strawberries

110-in. baked pie crust

Mix first 3 ingredients. Add boiling water. Bring mixture to rolling boil. Add frozen berries to hot sauce. If fresh berries are used, cool mixture before Put into a 10-in. baked pie crust. Top with whipped cream.

Mildred Buechner-Willshire, Ohio


3 Tbsp. Strawberry Gelatin

1 cup water

1 cup sugar

3 Tbsp. cornstarch

3 Tbsp. corn syrup

1 pt. fresh strawberries

1/2 pt. whipping cream

9-in. baked pie shell

Cook water, sugar, cornstarch & corn syrup until thick. Remove from stove and add gelatin Cool. Put berries into the baked pie shell & pour sauce over them. Serve topped with whipped cream .

Note: "This recipe appeared in our local paper for weekly recipe award - category was favorite 'strawberry' recipe. My neighbor had submitted it. For years I had tried to duplicate Tops Big Boy restaurant's delicious strawberry pie & this really does it! I'm so happy with it!"

Mrs. Mary Alice Gin-Aurora, Ill.


1 8 or 9-in . unbaked pie shell

2 cup fresh-cut rhubarb

2 eggs, separated

2 level Tbsp . flour

1 cup sugar

1 Tbsp. lemon juice

1/4 cup sugar

Put finely cut rhubarb into unbaked pie crust. Beat egg yolks, add flour, 1 cup sugar and lemon juice. Spread this mixture over rhubarb and bake in pre-heated 450 degree oven for 10 minutes. Reduce heat to 350 degrees and continue baking for 30 minutes or until rhubarb is done and browned slightly .

Make meringue of egg whites, beating to soft mounds, gradually adding 1/4 cup sugar and beating until stiff. Pile onto baked pie, sealing edges to crust . Brown in 400 degree oven about 8-10 minutes.

Note: best results achieved when a pyrex pie plate is used

Mrs G.C. Michael-Howard Lake, Minn.

EDITOR'S NOTE: If you like ' a pie with a lot of filling use the 8-in. shell for ingredients listed and increase by 1/2 for the 9-in. pie shell.

Va/po is 303 acres large . It enrolled 4,703 students in 1971. Its faculty offers ·56 fields of study.


1 cup sugar

1/4 cup water

1/2 cup grapefruit juice

4 eggs, separated


9" baked pie shell

1 envelope gelatin

Whipped cream, opt.

Cook 1/2 cup sugar, water, juice, and egg yolks until it forms a custard, stirring constantly. Dissolve 1 envelope gelatin in 1/4 cup water, then add to custard. Beat 4 egg whites with 1/2 cup sugar. Mix all together and pour into baked pie shell. Serve with whipped cream (opt.). Very good.

Edith A. Unger-St. Petersburg, Fla


3 eggs, separated

1/2 cup sugar

1 cup whipping cream, whipped

2 or 3 tsp. lemon rind

1/4 to 1/3 cup lemon juice

9" graham cracker pie crust

Beat egg whites, add sugar and beat until stiff and glazed. Fold in beaten egg yolks into egg white mixture. Add whipped cream, lemon rind, and juice. Add to pie crust. Sprinkle graham cracker crumbs over top and freeze.

Edith Hudson--Kokomo, Ind .



20 graham crackers (crumb with blender or rolling pin)


4 egg yolks

1 can Eagle Brand sweetened condensed milk


4 egg whites

1/4 cup sugar

1/4 cup butter

1/8 tsp. salt

2/3 cup lemon juice

1 tsp. lemon rind

1/2 tsp . cream tartar

8 Tbsp. sugar

Mix ingredients for crust and pat into a 9-in. pie pan. Bake 5 min. at 350 degrees. Let cool. Beat egg yolks until light and very thick. Stir in rest of ingredients for filling and pour into crust. For meringue, beat egg whites with cream tartar until foamy, then add sugar gradually while beating to firm peaks, but not dry. Spread over filling and brown in 350 degree oven for 10-12 min. Chill pie in refrigerator several hours or overnight. To cut nicely, dip sharp knife in hot water. Serves 8 to 10 pieces.

Mrs. Norman Hartman-St. Louis, Mo.



110-in baked pie shell

6 egg yolks

6 Tbsp. cold water

6 Tbsp. sugar

Juice and rind of 11/2 lemons

6egg whites

6 Tbsp. sugar

Mix egg yolks , water, sugar, juice & rind in sauce pan . Bring to a boil stirring constantly until thickened, (it will be thin). Cool slightly Beat egg whites until foamy, add sugar gradually for meringue, beat until stiff - not "out". Add about 1 1/2 cups of this meringue to the custard. (I use 6 heaping Tbsp. to measure this amount of meringue.) Pour into a baked pie shell, cover with balance of meringue being sure the meringue touches the pie crust, put in 325 degree oven for 10-15 min or until browned. This amount fills a 10-in pie shell but amounts in fives & fours may be used for 8-in . or 6-in . pies.



11/4 cup graham cracker crumbs

3 Tbsp. sugar

Meringue :

3 egg whites

3 Tbsp. sugar

1/3 cup melted or softened butter or margarine 1/2 tsp. vanilla

Mix together crumbs & sugar. Add butter or shortening. Pack firmly in 8-9-in. pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 8 min. Cool (Prepared crust may be substituted to save time.)


3 egg yolks

1 can Bordens "Magnolia" condensed milk 2/3 cup lime juice, reg. limes may be substituted

Empty can of milk scraping sides with ice tea spoon. Blend in beaten egg yolks and then juice. Does not require baking. Make meringue by beating egg whites until foamy, gradually add sugar beating until stiff but not dry, beat in vanilla Fill crust; then top with meringue. Bake at 350 degrees for 5-7 min.

Serves 6.

Mrs. Paul J. (Calista) Prokopy-Miramar, Fla

A national " fund raiser", the yearly Calendar Project, had its start in 1957. The first monies were used to improve sorority housing .



Pie shell:

11/2 cup graham cracker crumbs


2 eggs

1/2 cup granulated sugar

1/2 cup light corn syrup

1 cup cream

1/3 cup powdered sugar

1/4 cup butter

1 cup milk

1/3 cup lime juice

grated lime peel

green food coloring

Make pie shell in 9 in . pan and bake at 350 degrees for 10 minutes. For filling, beat eggs until light and fluffy, adding sugar gradually, beating until thickened Add remaining ingredients, and freeze until quite mushy. Take from freezer and beat fluffy. Put in pie shell, and freeze. Serve frozen.

Yield: 8 servings

Mrs. Harvard Nolting-Brownstown, Ind.

Meringue shell:

3 egg whites

3/4 cup sugar

1 tsp. vinegar

1/8 tsp. cream of tartar

1/8 tsp. salt



4 egg yolks

1/2 cup sugar

4 Tbsp. lime juice

1or2 Tbsp. grated lime rind

green food coloring

1 cup whipping cream

Beat egg whites until foamy. Add salt and cream of tartar. Continue beating until mixture will stand in soft peaks. Add 3/4 cup sugar gradually and beat until stiff and glossy. Beat in the vinegar. Spread in a well greased 9 in. pie plate and make a nest-like shell building up the sides. Bake in a slow oven (275 degrees) 50 to 55 minutes. Cool.

Beat egg yolks until thick and lemon colored. Gradually beat in 1/2 cup sugar. Blend in lime juice and rind, and food coloring if desired Cook over hot water, stirring constantly, until thick. Cool.

Whip the cream until stiff and spread half over meringue pie shell. Spread cooled lime filling over the cream. Top with remaining whipped cream. Chill about 12 hours before serving.

Mrs. Carl J. Kuehnert--Shorewood, Wis.



9" chocolate graham crust:

11/2 cups graham cracker crumbs

1/4 cup brown sugar

dash of nutmeg

1/3 cup melted butter or margarine

1 oz square unsweetened chocolate

Mix together cracker crumbs , sugar and nutmeg. Melt chocolate with butter and pour into crumb mixture . Press mixture onto bottom and sides of 9" pie pan Chill crust until firm


6 oz. pkg . semi-sweet chocolate bits

8 oz. pkg . cream cheese

3/4 cup light brown sugar

dash of salt

1 tsp vanilla

2 eggs separated

1 cup heavy cream, whipped

Melt chocolate bits over hot water, cool about 10 minutes. Blend cream cheese and 1/2 cup brown sugar, salt, and vanilla. Beat in egg yolks one at a time. Beat in cooled chocolate Blend well. Beat egg whites until stiff but not dry. Gradually beat in remaining 1/4 cup brown sugar. Beat until stiff and glossy Fold in whipped cream and chocolate mixture Pour mixture into chilled pie crust. Refrigerate overnight .

Mrs . Arthur J. Griesel--Shawnee Mission, Kan.


1-9" baked pie shell or graham cracker crust

1 Tbsp unflavored gelatine

1/2 cup milk

1-4 oz . pkg . chocolate pudding

2 cups milk

2 eggs separated

1/2 tsp vanilla

4 Tbsp. sugar

Soften gelatine in 1/2 cup milk. Add 2 cups milk to chocolate pudding and cook until thickened. Add beaten egg yolks and cook 2 minutes longer. Remove from heat, add softened gelatine. Cool . Beat the two egg whites until stiff, add 4 Tbsp. sugar and fold into chocolate mixture. Add van ii la . Pour into crust and refrigerate.

Yield: 6 servings

Mrs. Edward Rullman--Aurora, Ind.

EDITOR'S NOTE: For a Chocolate Angel Pie use the Meringue Shell from the Lime Angel Pie , page 163, and this filling .

Individual Guild membership totaled some 7000 in 1971

1 cup evaporated milk

1 cup chocolate chips



1 cup miniature marshmallows

1/4 tsp . salt

1-9" baked pie shell

1 quart vanilla ice cream pecans

Combine milk, chocolate ch i ps, marshmallows and salt in heavy saucepan. Stir over medium heat until chocolate and marshmallows melt completely and mixture thickens. Cool to room temperature. When cool , spoon half of ice cream in the pie shell. Cover with half the chocolate mixture and repeat. Place pecans on top . Freeze until firm, 3 to 5 hours . Yield : 8-10 servings Mrs Reynolds Keith Honold-Sheboygan, Wisc


1 unbaked pie shell

3 egg whites, beaten

1 pt. coffee cream

11/2 cups brown sugar

3 heaping Tbsp . flour

1 tsp. vanilla

Take out 3 Tbsp. of sugar, add to the flour and mix this together. Then add to beaten egg whites. Pour cream over the rest of the sugar. Then add mixture of beaten egg whites, sugar & flour to the cream. Add vanilla. Pour in unbaked crust. Sprinkle nutmeg over the top Bake very slow for 1 hr. at 275 degrees.

Serves 6 to 8 .

Mrs. Richard E. Mailand--Decatur, Ind.


1 Tbsp. butter

1 cup brown sugar

2 Tbsp flour

2 egg yolks

1/8 tsp . salt

1/2 tsp . vanilla

2 cups cold milk

1-9" baked pie shel I


2 egg whites

1/4 cup sugar

Melt butter in saucepan, mix in flour, sugar and egg yolks, salt and 'van ii la . Then mix in milk slowly . Cook until thick, stirring constantly . Cool. Put in pie shell; cover with meringue (beat egg whites until firm, add sugar gradually, beating until stiff); brown in 400 degree oven for 8 to 10 minutes

Yield : 6 servings

Mrs. Esther Heinitz-Sebewaing, Mich.

4 slightly beaten eggs

1/4 tsp. salt

2 1/2 cup milk, scalded


1/2 cup sugar

1 tsp. vanilla

1-9" pastry shell

Thoroughly mix eggs, sugar, salt, and vanilla. Slowly stir in hot milk. At once pour into unbaked pastry shell. (To avoid spills, fill at oven ) Dash- top with nutmeg. Bake in very hot oven (475 degrees) and bake 5 minutes; reduce heat to 425 degrees and bake 15 minutes longer or till knife inserted halfway between center and edge comes out clean. Cool on rack. Serve cool, or chill.

Mrs. Harry Rullman-Aurora, Ind.


Combine 4 well beaten eggs with 3/4 cup honey or 11/2 cup sugar

1 tsp. vanilla

2 cup milk

1/2 cup flour

1/4 tsp. soda

1 cup coconut

1/4 tsp. salt

1/2 stick butter or margarine

1/2 tsp. cream of tartar

Beat well and pour into greased 9" pie pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 50 minutes or until knife comes clean. Makes its own crust. (No special crust needed.)

Yield: 6 servings Mrs. W. A. (Wanda) Reuning-St. Petersburg, Fla.



2/3 cup sugar

11/3 cup dark corn syrup

dash salt

1 tsp. vanilla

1/3 cup oleo, melted

2/3 cup Quick-Oats

2/3 cup Shredded Coconut

1 pie shell, unbaked pastry whipped topping

Beat eggs; add all other ingredients and mix well. Pour into unbaked pie shell. Bake at 350 degrees for 50 minutes or until top is brown and filling is set. Serve with whipped topping.



1 9-in. unbaked pastry shell

3 eggs

1 cup corn syrup, light or half light & half dark

1/4 tsp . salt

1/2 cup sugar

1 tsp. vanilla

1 cup pecan pieces

Beat eggs slightly . Mix in other ingredients & pour into pastry shell. Bake at 350 degrees about 45 min. Pastry shell may be partially baked before pouring in the filling. Bake until a silver knife inserted in pie 2 in. from edge comes out clean. Cool.

Serves 8.

Mrs. Norman Hartman-St. Louis, Mo.

EDITOR'S NOTE: For extra rich, delicious pie add 1 stick (1/2 cup) of melted butter, reduce salt to 1/8 tsp.


2 Tbsp. butter

3/4 cup sugar

2 Tbsp. flour

2 eggs

3/4 cup light Karo syrup

2 Tbsp. water

1 tsp. vanilla

Pinch salt

1 cup pecans

9-in. unbaked pie shell

Cream butter, sugar & flour together. Beat eggs & mix with creamed mixture. Add water, salt, syrup & vanilla & mix together. Put pecans in pie shell, pour mixture over. Bake at 325 degrees for 60 min.

Serves 8.

Mrs. Lawrence Gilmer-Min'neapolis, Minn.

The 15th president of Valparaiso University and the school's 4th under Lutheran University Association ownership, Dr. Albert G Huegli was appointed to this position on Dec. 14, 1968. He was inaugurated on Sept. 10, 1969.


2 9-in. unbaked pie shells

2 beaten eggs

1 cup brown sugar

3/4 cup white sugar (scant)


1 tsp. ginger

2 tsp. cinnamon

1/2 tsp. salt

2 cups pumpkin

3 cups milk, if large eggs are used, reduce milk about 1/4 cup

Beat eggs until foamy, gradually add brown & white sugar & seasonings. Blend in pumpkin & then the milk. Pour into 2 pastry lined pie tins Can use baked, cut-out turkey or Christmas tree design of pastry to trim top of baked pies, as per season. Bake at 350 degrees for 40 min.

Serves 12.

Mrs. Wm. Luebkert--Bay City, Mich.


1 cup milk

1-3 1/4 oz. pkg. vanilla pudding or pie filling

3 cups miniature marshmallow

2 cups (1 lb. can) pumpkin

11/2 tsp. pumpkin pie spice

1/2 cup whipping cream, whipped

1-9" graham cracker crust

Prepare pudding as directed on package except using 1 cup milk; add 1 cup marshmallow, stirring until melted. Add pumpkin and spice; mix well. Chill. Fold in whipped cream and remaining 2 cups marshmallow. Pour into crust. Chill several hours. You can use small Cool Whip and save enough to spread over top of the pie.

Serves 6

Mrs. Theodore (Edith) Kramer--St. Petersburg, Fla


1/2 cup Peanut butter

3/4 cup powdered sugar

1 pkg. vanilla pudding

(made according to package directions)

1 container whipped topping

1-9" baked pie shel I

Mix peanut butter and powdered sugar into fine crumbs. Put 1/3 of crumbs in bottom of baked pie shell. Pour in vanilla pudding. Add 1/3 more of crumbs on top of pudding. Put whipped topping over crumbs and pudding and sprinkle rest of crumbs on top Chill in refrigerator.


beef brisket

1 pkg dry Lipton's onion soup

1/2 cup chili sauce

5-6 lb . beef brisket

3 oz. Wright's commercial liquid smoke



1/2 cup red wine

5 cups water

Bake at 350 degrees for 3 hours. Mrs . C. Thrasher--Kokomo, Ind .


ce1ery, onion, garlic salt salt and pepper

Worchestershire sauce

6-8 oz. commercial barbecue sauce

Pour liquid smoke over brisket placed in baking dish. Generously sprinkle meat on both sides with celery salt, onion salt, garlic salt, salt and pepper and Worchestershire sauce. Cover and place in refrigerator overnight Bake at 275 degrees, covered, for 5 hours Pour off half juice and add barbecue sauce. Bake uncovered another hour. Cool before slicing. Pour heated sauce over meat before serving.

Serves 8-10

Mrs. Arthur R Huber--Shawnee Mission, Kan.

Variations : Omit barbecue sauce Bake 7-8 hours at 200-250 degrees.

Mrs. Joseph Bibler--Valparaiso, Ind.

Eliminate marinating. Use same ingredients as above Cool meat in refrigerator overnight or long enough for it to get cold and hard. Slice very thin. Before serving, heat meat covered, in 275-300 degree oven for 45 -60 minutes .

Eunice Jones--lndependence, Mo .


3-5 lb . blade cut pot roast tenderizer

1/2 cup oil

2 Tbsp. wine vinegar

1 tsp . coarse pepper

1/4 cup soy sauce

2 Tbsp. dry mustard

1/2 tsp . dried parsley

4 tsp. Worchestershire sauce

3/4 tsp. salt

1/2 crushed garlic

2 Tbsp. lemon juice

Sprinkle tenderizer freely on pot roast and poke all over with fork. Combine marinade ingredients and pour over roast. Let meat marinade for 12-24 hours, turning now and then. Crill over medium heat for one hour, brushing with sauce till used up. Roast appears very brown. Slice diagonally and serve .

6-8 servings .

Mrs. Wm. Lindenberg-Elmhurst, Ill.


3-4 lbs blade cut roast 1/2 cup olive oil

12 oz. beer

2 large onions (diced)

2 large green peppers (quartered)

1 lb fresh mushrooms (washedbreak stems from tops)

sage parsley flakes (to taste)

garlic powder (to taste)

1 lb. can whole tomatoes (halves)

2 Tbsp . flour

12 oz. water

Remove all fat, trim meat from bone. Cut into 1 inch squares, season with salt and pepper. Sear in olive oil. Add 12 oz. beer; cover and simmer for 15 minutes Lay diced onions on top of meat. Lay quartered green peppers on top of onions. Lay mushrooms on top of green peppers Season with sage , parsley flakes and garlic powder to taste. Lay tomatoe halves on top of mushrooms. Pour tomato juice over all. Cover and simmer for 30 minutes Mix 2 Tbsp. flour in 12 oz water Pour into pot Cover and cook 1 hour over medium heat. Serve over rice Very important : The secret i s never to stir after the meat is seared! Cook in dutch oven or deep pan 6 servings Mrs Jon Kilpinen-Dearborn Hgts , Mich


Prepare broth from either beef or veal (shouldn't be too rich) with onion sliced and celery for seasoning Add salt and pepper to taste. Remove meat from broth , add to broth thinly sliced potatoes and pot-pie to boiling broth . The pot-pie should be added a piece at a time. Liquid must be kept boiling . Chopped parsley may be added at this time . Cover and cook 30 minutes Pot pie:

2 cups flour

1/4 tsp. salt

Cut into the flour a piece of shortening about size of a small egg. Beat 1 egg in a cup and add water to make 1/2 cup liquid. Add liquid to flour to make a stiff dough that can be rolled. Roll thin (the thinner the better) Cut into pieces about 1 to 1 1/2 inches square or oblong shaped Serve with the meat in soup bowls. This makes a meal in itself with a salad. Serves 4-6 Mrs. Ruth F. Ruff-Granger, Ind.

"Valparaiso University as we



today is

the third in a succession of institutions of higher learning that have occupied the hilly site on the southeast side of the city of Valparaiso, Indiana." The first, the Valparaiso Male and Female College, was begun in 1859 by the Methodist Episcopal Church during the time when education was left primarily up to the Churches and private individuals .



11/2 lb. stew beef

2 onions, cut in eighths

2 Tbsp. tapioca

2 beef bouillon cubes, crushed

1-8oz. can of mushrooms with liquid 1/2 cup water

1 cup burgundy or sherry wine

Use a heavy casserole dish with lid. Place all ingredients in ungreased casserole in the order listed. Cover. Do not stir while cooking. Serve over curried rice, noodles, or potatoes, Garnish with canned fried onion rings if desired. (Bake at 350 degrees for 3 hours; 10 degrees lower for gas oven) 6 servings Mrs. Claude Wuepper-Bay City, Mich.


3 beef tenderloins cut to 3/4 lb. each . Freeze and then slice the frozen tenderloins as thin as possible. (I freeze them because I can't slice them as thin as I like when unfrozen.) Saute meat, about 1/3 at a time, in butter. Set aside to cool.


1 envelope Liptons onion soup mix, add 1 cup water, 3 Tbsp. soy sauce, 2 Tbsp. dark molasses, 1 Tbsp. brown sugar, 1 tsp oyster sauce Then add 1 lg 6-8 oz can mushrooms with juice (pieces and stems), 2 cans drained water chestnuts sliced thin. Simmer all about 10 minutes. Cool an d add 2/3 cup Sautern wine Pour all over meat and store overnight. About 1 hour before serving, bring to gentle simmer and thicken with corn starch mixed with the juice and cook to consistency of gravy. Cook 2 pkgs. Chinese pea pods according to directions (2 minutes); add to meat product just before serving. Serve on fried rice.

Fried Rice

Cook minute rice according to directions adding 2 Tbsp. beef bouillion and 2 Tbsp. soy sauce, 1 Tbsp. dehydrated parsley, 2 Tbsp. butter to the water when cooking. Sprinkle 6-8 toasted and salted whole almonds on top Serves4. Mrs. Irene LaudertZielske--Morristown, Minn .


3 flank steaks, 1 1/2-2 lbs. each

1/2 cup soy sauce

1/4 cup vinegar

1/4 cup onion flakes

1/2 tsp . garlic powder

3 tsp. ginger

1-2 Tbsp. sugar

Mix marinade, pour over flank steaks, marinate four or more hours, turning occasionally. Broil either in oven or over charcoal approximately 15 minutes per side. Slice across grain into thin slices. 8-10 servings . Carolyn French-Glenn Ellyn, Ill.

BEEF I 171


3 lb stewing beef, cubed

2 lb . onions, sliced bacon grease

2 Tbsp vinegar

2 tsp. caraway seed


1 tsp. marjoram

2 garlic cloves, minced

2-3 Tbsp. paprika

1 tsp . salt

1/ 4 cup catsup

Saute onions in bacon grease about 10 minutes. Add vinegar and paprika and stir. Add meat, spices and 3/4 cup water . Bring to boil, reduce heat and simmer 2-3 hours. About 10 minutes before serving add catsup Serve over noodles.

Serves 6

Gloria Rupprecht Strieter--Rock Island, 111.


1 1/2 lb sirloin, cut in 1 inch cubes

2 Tbsp. butter or margarine

2 cansCampbellsGolden Mushroom soup

1/8 tsp. pepper

1/2 cup cooking burgundy or dry red wine

12 small whole white onions (can use frozen)

2 Tbsp chopped parsley

1 lb. cooked wide noodles

Brown meat in butter. Add remaining ingredients except noodles. Cover and simmer 1 hour or until meat is tender. Stir occasionally Serve over cooked noodles .

Serves 6

Mrs. Arthur (Norma) Meyer--Davenport, la.


3-4 slices bacon, cut up

2 lbs. beef (small pieces) (or combined beef, veal and pork)

1 tsp . salt

1 tsp. sugar

1 Tbsp. soy sauce

1/2 tsp. pepper

1 small bayleaf

2 large onion, (1 cup chopped)

2 cups celery (chopped)

1/2 cup carrot (chopped raw)

3 Tbsp. catsup

2 cups tomatoes

1/2 cup green pepper (chopped)

Brown meat in bacon drippings, add onions and saute . Season with salt, pepper and simmer in catsup a few minutes. Add rest of ingredients and cook slowly about 2 hours Thicken gravy with flour. Good served with noodles (This recipe is from my son's mother-in-law, who is from Germany .)

Yield: 8-10 servings Mrs. Norman Hartman--St. Louis, Mo



1 lb. each round steak and sirloin steak

1 medium onion, diced salt and pepper to taste

1 bay leaf

2 Tbsp . flour

2-2 oz. jars of small button mushrooms

1 cup water

1 can cream of mushroom soup

1/2 cup sour cream

hot cooked rice

Cut meat in long thin strips. Fry until brown. Add onion, salt, pepper, bay leaf Sprinkle flour over all, and brown again. Add mushrooms with liquid, .1 cup water, and simmer until tender, at least 1 1/2 hours. Add cream of mushroom soup and heat through Add sour cream and heat just before serving Serve over rice

6-8 servings

Mrs. Reynolds Keith Honold-Sheboygan, Wis.


6 Tbsp . butter or margarine

2 lbs . flank steak, cut in 1/2" strips (a butcher will do this)

3 large onions, chopped

2 pints fresh mushrooms

1-8 oz. can tomato sauce

1 cup dairy sour cream

2 tsp. Worchestershire sauce

salt and pepper to taste

Stroganoff noodles (wide)

Melt butter in large skillet. Brown meat. Stir in onions and cook until clear but not brown. Add mushrooms (whole or sliced) and cook lightly. Add tomato sauce, sour cream, Worchestershire, salt and pepper and heat through. Cover and let simmer for 30 min. or more. Serve over cooked wide noodles, garnished with parsley or curly endive. This is a good dish to freeze .

Serves 6

2 Tbsp . flour

2 tsp. salt

11/2 lb . boneless chuck or steak, cut into strips

4 Tbsp. butter

1 medium onion, chopped several stalks celery

Dorcas Schudlich-Dearborn Heights, Mich.


1 can condensed cream of chicken soup

1/2 cup beef bouillon

1 Tbsp. Worchestershire sauce

1 small can mushroom pieces

3 cups hot cooked rice or Chinese noodles

1 cup sour cream

Combine flour and salt; sprinkle meat with flour mixture. Melt butter, add meat and brown well. Add onions, celery, bouillon, Worchestershire and liquid from mushrooms, cover and simmer until meat is tender. Add soup and mushrooms, cook 10 minutes more. Serve with sour cream.

Serves 6 Carol E. Sieving-Wheaton, Ill.


11/2 lb. round steak 1/2" thick

1 envelope brown gravy mix

1 Tbsp. instant onion mix

1 Tbsp. brown sugar

2 Tbsp. wine vinegar

1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce

1/4 tsp. ground ginger

1 bay leaf noodles

Cut meat in 1 inch squares. Brown meat in 1 Tbsp. hot shortening. Remove meat from skillet and add gravy mix and 2 cups water. Bring to boil, stirring constantly . Stir in next 6 ingredients, 1/2 tsp. salt and 1/4 tsp. pepper. Add meat. Turn into 1 1/2 qt. casserole. Cover; bake at 350 degrees for 1 1/2 hours. Remove bay leaf. Serve on noodles.

Serves 5-6

Vera K. Blake (Mrs. Francis B.)-Westfield, N J.

SPEEDY SAU ERB RA 'TEN (Pressure Cooked)

3-4 lbs. rolled rump or chuck pot roast

1/3 cup grape jelly

2 large onions, cut in 1/4" slices

6 whole black peppers

2 bay leaves, crushed

2 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. allspice

1/2 tsp. ginger

1/4 tsp. pepper

1/3 cup vinegar

1/4 cup water plus 1 tsp. kitchen bouquet

Trim excess fat from meat and fry fat lightly in pressure cooker. Brown meat slowly on all sides in fat. Allow 10 to 20 minutes for browning. Spread with grape jelly; top with onion slices and sprinkle with seasonings. Combine vinegar, water, and kitchen bouquet; pour over meat. Cook at15 pounds pressurefor45-50minutes. Allow pressure to go down normally. 8-10 servings

1 6-lb. rolled beef roast

Barbara B. Gockel-Ann Arbor, Mich.


2 cups beef broth or 1 cup canned thinned with 1 can water

2/3 cup soy sauce

1/2 red wine

1/4 cup onion, finely chopped

3 Tbsp. brown sugar

3 Tbsp. lemon juice

2 tsp. powdered ginger

2 cloves garlic, crushed

Mix all ingredients except meat together. Stir until sugar dissolves Pour over meat Refrigerate at least ten hours. Remove meat from marinade. Place on rack in foil lined roast pan. Set marinade aside, use for basting and gravy later. Roast 32 minutes per lb . at 350 or 325 degrees for rare roast.

Note: Marinade is excellent to baste charcoal grilled steak

Mrs. Dorothy Eggerding--Valparaiso, Ind.

174 I BEEF

11/2 lb. beef, sliced 1/4" thick


1 onion, chopped

1/2 lb ground beef

1 Tbsp parsley

1 slice bread

1/4 cup milk



1/4 cup flour

2 onions, sliced

1 carrot, sliced

1/2 tsp. salt

1/4 tsp . pepper

1/2 tsp thyme

1 bay leaf

2 tomatoes, chopped

1 cup stock or wine

Combine stuffing ingredients . Pound beef with mallet; cut into 4 pieces and spread stuffing on each. Roll and tie with string. Dip rolls in flour and brown on all sides. Add remaining ingredients. Simmer 45 minutes . Remove rolls to serving dish; strain gravy, pressing vegetables through sieve ; th i cken with flour if desired. For variety: Place dill pickle inside stuffing, or substitute ground veal or gro u nd pork for part of ground beef, or omit tomatoes.

Serves 4 Mrs Gene C. Bahls--Bourbonnais , Ill.


4 slices of round steak about 1/4 inch thick

salt and pepper

4 tsp. prepared mustard

2 slices bacon, cut in half

4 Tbsp. finely chopped onions

4 dill pickles cut in quarters lengthwise

1 Tbsp bacon dripping

1 onion finely chopped

1 can beef consomme diluted

1 bay leaf

Lay slices of beef flat on surface and season them with salt and pepper. Spread one tsp. mustard over each slice. Place 1 piece of bacon on end of each slice of beef along with 1 Tbsp. chopped onion and 1 piece of pickle. Roll beef up tightly making sure that it is well closed Use toothpicks or string to hold securely. Heat bacon drippings in heavy kettle and add rouladen. Saute on all sides until nicely brown. Add the onion and saute for another minute. Add diluted consomme and bay leaf. Bring to a boil and simmer about 2 hours. Make gravy with flour after removing rouladen.

The hi/I-site chosen for the college was one of the most desirable in northwest Indiana; much of the area was swampy lowland Mr Azariah Freeman owned an estate, part of which became the new campus


176/ BEEF


1 cup catsup

2 Tbsp. flour

2 lbs round steak, 1 inch thick

1 large onion, sliced

2 Tbsp. lemon juice or 1 lemon, thickly sliced (opt.)

Combine catsup and flour. Spoon 1/2 of mixture into center of large piece of foil. Place steak on top of mixture. Season with salt and pepper . Cover meat with onion slices and remaining catsup mixture; sprinkle with lemon juice or top with lemon slices . Fold foil over top ; seal Pdges securely. Place in shallow baking pan . Bake at 450 degrees for 1 1/ 2 hour or until meat is tender . Remove foil and serve.

5-6 servings.

Mrs. A. L. Hennig--Fort Wayne, Ind.


1 1/2 lb. round steak, cut in 1 1/2" strips

2 Tbsp . butter or margarine

1 cup thinly sliced onions

1-4 oz . can pimento, drained and chopped

1 tsp. each salt, basil, garlic (opt )

1/4 tsp. pepper

1/4 cup cooking wine

1 cup water

1-4 oz. can mushroom stems and pieces

3 cups hot cooked rice

Saute steak in butter until browned, using moderately high heat Add remaining ingredients except mushrooms and rice. Cover and simmer about 1 hour, or until meat is tender. Add mushrooms during last 5 minutes. Serve over rice. (Thicken cooking liquid with cornstarch, if desired).

5 servings

Irene Frenk-Dundee, Ill

Freeman street is the north boundary of the original 15-acre campus . When the site was purchased there were no streets linking it to the town; these were soon laid down. Some of the original brick streets remain today (1972).

From the first, the administrators of Valparaiso University have been men of foresight and faith . In 1859, the Valparaiso Male and Female College was begun with a town subscription of $11,000, the backing of the Methodist Church and with six instructors and 75 students. In 1860 a new brick building was erected (where it stood on the site of the old-campus flag-pole until 1923 when it burned ) The enrollment grew to 327; a normal school was founded to train teachers However, the Civil War stunted the school's growth. From 1859 to 1871, the college had five presidents. and an acting president; in 1871 it was closed for a year until it could be re-opened on a sounder basis.

SWEDISH KALOPS (Beef Stew with Sour Cream)

2 Tbsp. butter

2 Tbsp. vegetable oil

2 lbs. boneless beef chuck, cut in 11/2-in. cubes

1 lg. onion, thinly sliced

1 Tbsp. flour

1/2 tsp. salt

1/4 tsp. ground allspice

1/8 tsp. black pepper, freshly ground

1 bay leaf

11/4 cups beef stock, freshly made or canned

2 Tbsp. sour cream

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Heat the butter and oil in a heavy 10-12-in skillet. When the foam subsides, add the meat and brown it well on all sides. Transfer the meat to a 3 or 4 quart covered casserole. Add the sliced onion to the skillet (with more butter and oil if necessary) and cook over moderate heat until soft and transparent. Scrape them into the casserole, add the flour and toss the ingredients lightly with a wooden spoon to coat them evenly. Add the salt, allspice, pepper and bay leaf.

Pour the stock into the skillet and boil it rapidly for 2-3 minutes, scraping into the liquid any browned bits of meat and onions clinging to the pan . Pour into the casserole . Bring the casserole to a boil on top of the stove, cover it tightly, then set in the lower third of the oven Cook, lowering the oven heat if necessary, so that the sauce in the casserole barely simmers .

In about 11/4 hours, the meat should be tender when pierced with the tip of sharp knife Remove the meat to a deep, heated platter and cover it lightly with foil. With a large spoon, skim the fat from the liquid in the casserole and discard it. With a wire wisk, beat in the sour cream, a tablespoon at a time Taste and season with salt and pepper, and reheat if necessary Then pour the finished sauce over the meat

Note: If you find that you need more liquid - add a bit of sherry or burgandy (or use either of these instead of all the stock .)

Serves 4

Ruth Schultz--Valparaiso, Ind

EDITOR'S NOTE: Served over hot buttered noodles with a fine green salad and steamed green vegetable makes a fine "company " meal.

Just after 1865, a new era in education began. With peace and the returning veteran s it was demanded of the schools to be practical; to train men and women for vocations . Henry Baker Brown was caught up in this spirit of reform ; in 1869 he was shown the buildings of the College in Valparaiso with the suggestion he run a school there . Finally, in 1873 , he agreed to accept Mr Freeman's offer and he opened the Northern Indiana Normal School and Business Institute in the old building of the Valparaiso Male and Female College .



2-3 lbs . beef cubes

3 onions, quartered

6 carrots, cut up

6 potatoes, cut up

3 stalks of eel ery


2 cups water

3 cubes bouillon

2 Tbsp. corn starch

salt and pepper to taste

Mix all ingredients together in large roasting pan except corn starch. Cover tightly with foil and bake for 5 hours at 225 degrees One half hour before removing from oven, mix corn starch with 1/2 cup of water and add to stew to thicken.

Serves 6

Mrs James Winterholler, Jr.--Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.


2 lbs. cubed beef

4 or 5 cubed raw potatoes

6 sliced raw carrots

2 stalks sliced or diced celery

1 onion sliced

3 Tbsp. Minute Tapioca

1 1/2 Tbsp. sugar

1 tsp. salt

1/4 tsp. black pepper

1/4 tsp. garlic salt (optional)

11/2 cups tomato juice

Put meat in 9 x 13 baking pan. On top of meat place potatoes, carrots, celery and onion. Mix dry ingredients and sprinkle over contents Pour tomato juice over all. Seal with foil and bake 5 hours at 250 degrees. Do not oeek!

Serves 6

Luella Ansorge--Omaha, Neb.

Variations: Use V-8 juice instead of tomato juice. Eliminate potatoes and serve over noodles or potatoes.

Elaine Ponton-Holtville, Calif.

Eliminate potatoes, increase onions to 4, and use 1-8 oz. can tomatoes instead of juice

Bake at 350 degrees for 3 hours.

1-101/2 oz . can onion soup

1 cup red cooking wine

1 sm. can pearl onions

1 cup frozen peas

Mrs. Edwin Craft-Uniondale, Ind.

Mrs. Paul E. Rupprecht, Sr.-lndianapolis, Ind.


1 10 1/2 oz. can golden mushroom soup

2 lbs. stew meat

1-4 oz can mushroom pieces

1 cup diced carrots

Put onion and mushroom soups, wine and stew meat in casserole; cover and bake for three hours at 325 degrees Add pearl onions, mushroom pieces, peas and carrots. Bake for another 45 minutes . Thicken if necessary. Serve over rice, noodles or biscuits.

8 servings

Margaret Boedeker--Chatfield, Minn


2 cups raw rice

2 cans cream of mushroom soup

2 cans cream of celery soup

4 eggs, beaten

3/4 lb. crackers, rolled 1/4to1/2 lb . almonds, chopped

11/2 lb. cubed beef

1 lb. cubed veal

1 lb. cubed pork

Salt & pepper to taste

1 lb. butter

Brown meat in 1/4 lb. butter until tender. Cook rice Add to meat Add mushroom soup, celery soup and well beaten eggs. Blend well. Take cracker crumbs, rolled fine, saute in 3/4 lb . butter only to light brown. Pat 3/4 of crumbs in bottom of two 9x13 pans. Pour meat mixture over the crumbs. Top with balance of crumbs and chopped almonds Bake 1 hour in 350 degree oven. Remove slices from pan with spatula and serve -with a mushroom sauce. Can be prepared the day before and refrigerated (For mushroom sauce see page 220.)

Serves 20 or more

Mrs . Helen Nicolet--Milwaukee , Wis .


1-8 oz. pkg. elbo macaroni

1-12 oz. can corned beef, chopped

1/4 lb. cheese, cubed yellow cheese

1 can cream of chicken soup

1 can of milk (fill soup can)

1/2 cup chopped onions

3/4 cup buttered crumbs

Cook macaroni in salt water, drain and rinse. Combine remaining ingredients except crumbs Alternate mixture with layers of macaroni in greased 2 qt. casserole. Top with crumbs Bake 1 hour at 375 degrees

Esther Cruse--Pompano Beach, Fla.

VARIATION: Add 4 strips of bacon diced and fried or 2 Tbsp. green pepper, minced and fried with onion


2 lbs. chop suey meat, cut fine. (Available from butcher : pork, veal, beef)

2 cups chopped onion

2 cups chopped celery

3 Tbsp . sorgum or bead molasses (LaChoy brand)

1/4 -1/2 cup soy sauce to taste

2 cans LaChoy bean sprouts

1 can water chestnuts (optional)

Roll meat in flour and pepper (no salt) In large skillet brown lightly in 2 Tbsp. oil. Add one half of the celery and one half of the onion. After browning, put meat, celery and onions in large kettle. Add remaining onion, celery, soy sauce, molasses and 1 cup water. Simmer slowly for about two hours, stirring frequently. About 15-20 minutes before serving, add bean sprouts and water chestnuts . Serve with hot rice and Chinese noodles.

6-8 servings

Judy Schuermann Brooks-Moline, Ill.




1 lg . egg plant (peeled and cut in cubes)

1 egg, beaten

2 Tbsp. milk

3 Tbsp . oil

1 lb . ground beef

2 onions, chopped

1-8 oz can Italian peeled tomatoes

1-8 oz. can tomato sauce

1/4 tsp. each basil and oregano (or use 1/2 tsp. Italian seasoning)

1 tsp. salt

Pepper to taste

1 pressed garlic clove

1/2to1 lb. mozarella cheese, slked

1/2 cup or more Wheat germ

Mix egg and milk and dip egg plant in mixture. Saute egg plant in oil until brown and drain. Cook onions and ground beef in remaining oil and when meat is done, remove any excess fat. Add remaining ingredients except the cheese and wheat germ Cook 10-15 minutes. Put layers of meat sauce, egg plant, wheat germ and cheese into a casserole; end with cheese layer on top . Bake at 350 degrees for 40 minutes .

Gloria Rupprecht Strieter-Rock Island, Ill.


1 lb. ground beef

2 sm. onions (cut up)

2 cups cut celery

11/4 cups wild rice

1 can cream of mushroom soup

2 cups boiling water

1-3 oz. pkg. slivered almonds

1 cup"buttered bread crumbs

1 can cream of chicken soup for topping

Wash wild rice; put in 2 cups boiling water, let stand 15 minutes. Remove chaff. Cook 15 minutes in same water . Drain . Mix with first three ingredients and brown in skillet. Add remaining ingredients , topping casserole with buttered crumbs Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour.

6-8 servings

4-6 slices bacon, chopped green pepper (to taste) onion (to taste) chopped celery (to taste)

Mrs Edith Laudert Best--Faribault, Minn


11/2 lb. hamburger or ground round steak or half of both

1 medium head cabbage, shredded

2 cups dry rice cooked

2 cans tomato soup

Saute bacon. Add vegetables and fry until onion is golden Add meat and fry until no red remains. Add rice and mix well. Alternate layers of meat mixture and shredded cabbage. Cover with soup which is diluted with 2 cups water Simmer on top of stove until cabbage is tender.

Serves 8-10 Edith A. Unger--St. Fla



1 lb. lean ground beef

1/2 tsp salt

1/4 tsp pepper

pinch of ground thyme, ground oregano, ground ·mustard, garlic salt

3/4 cup uncooked Creamettes macaroni

3/4 cup chopped green pepper

1/2 cup chopped onion

2-4 1/2 oz jars sliced mushrooms, drained

1-10 1/2 oz can tomato soup

1-8 oz. can tomato sauce

1/4 cup shredded parmesan cheese

Saute meat with seasonings, do not brown, pour off excess fat Cook macaroni according to package directions. In 2 quart casserole place one half of each of the following in layers starting with beef, then onions, green pepper , mushrooms, macaroni; repeat with remainder of each Top with tomato soup and tomato sauce. Sprinkle with cheese. Preheat oven to 325 degrees and bake 1 hour or until green pepper is tender.

NOTE: This recipe originated in the small kitchen on the third floor of Memorial Hall. When I was a student we cooked most of our meals there and ate in our room . My roommates called it "Marilyn's Gloup" .

Serves 4


1 Tbsp. butter

1-14 oz. can sauerkraut with liquid

1/2 cup uncooked regular rice

1 medium onion, peeled and chopped

1 lb. chuck beef, ground

1 tsp. salt

1/4 tsp. pepper

1-8 oz . can tomato sauce

In large skillet melt butter Spread sauerkraut and liquid over butter, sprinkle with rice, then onion. Spread ground chuck over all. Sprinkle salt and pepper over meat. Top with tomato sauce Cook covered over low heat 30-3? minutes. Serve from skillet.

Serving Suggestions: serve with apple sauce and hearts of lettuce with Russian dressing.

4-5 servings

Ella Pennekamp (Mrs. E F H )-Bloomfield Hills, Mich.

Professor Brown , as he was called, believed in the Protestant ethic that Cod helps those who help themselves and that what was needed to run a good school was serious purpose, hard work, application to the job at hand, and a bare minimum of interference from other people . His students were permitted to come and go pretty much as they pleased, college frills were kept at a minimum , drinking was absolutely forbidden and meant immediate expulsion if detected. (1873-1900)


STUFFED CABBAGE (Large Quantity)

2 heads cabbage with lg. leaves

Core cabbage, put into boiling water in large kettle, cored end down, boil for about 1 minute Keep turning with two forks or spoons, in the boiling water, separating leaves from the head. Remove leaves from water as they separate. When all done , trim heavy core off a little to make leaf thinner to roll.

(For in-between rolls)

2 lg cans sauerkraut

2 lg. onions, sliced

1/2 tsp. rosemary

1 quart tomatoes , not strained

2 Tbsp. sugar

1/4 generous tsp . oregano Mix in bowl and set aside.

(For filling)

2 lb. ground lean beef

1 lb. ground pork

3 cups rice (boil until almost done and water is absorbed)

2 on i ons , finely chopped

1 tsp. celery salt

2 tsp. salt

1/3 tsp. pepper dash of cayenne

Put hot rice in large bowl, add meat, onions and seasonings . Mix while warm . Cover bottom of roaster with sauerkraut mixture . Use largest leaves for bottom layer. Place leaf on hand , core end toward wrist. Put as much filling on leaf as you think it will hold, even out and pack it down on hand. Make one turn then fold in ends, roll up the rest. Pack them in closely, folded end down. When one layer is complete, cover with sauerkraut mixture. Follow with another layer of rolls, and sauerkraut mixture If there are small leaves left, put them over the top ; if not, cover with aluminum foil, loosely. Put roaster cover on and roast 2 1/2 hours at 300 degrees May be prepared in advance and frozen in meal size portions.


4 lg. green peppers

1/2 to 3/4 lb. ground beef

1 cup dry bread crumbs

1-8 oz. can tomato sauce

1 Tbsp. chopped onion

1 tsp. salt

1 tsp pepper

1 medium size hot pepper, chopped

1/2 tsp. minced garlic

Clean and cook green peppers for 5 minutes; drain. Mix remaining ingredients. Stand peppers upright in baking dish (8x8x3) and stuff each with 1/4 mixture. Cover, bake 45 minutes. Uncover . Bake 15 minutes at 350 degrees.

Serves 4 Gladys Osborn-Decatur, Ind.


Grease a shallow, 2 quart top of range casserole having a tight fitting cover. Set out a large sauce pan having a tight fitting cover and a medium size skillet .

From a head of cabbage, remove and wash

8 large cabbage leaves

Pour boiling water into the large saucepan to 1 in level. Add cabbage and

1/2 tsp . salt

Cover and simmer 2 to 3 minutes , or until leaves begin to soften; drain Meanwhile, heat in skillet

2 to 3 Tbsp butter or margarine

Add and cook until transparent

1 cup (about 2 med size) finely chopped onion

Remove from heat and mix in thoroughly

2/3 lb . ground beef (break into small pieces with fork)

2/3 cup packaged pre cooked rice and a mixture of

3/4 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. Worcestershire sauce

1/4 tsp. monosodium glutamate

1/8 tsp. pepper

Place about 1/4 cup of the mixture in center of each cabbage leaf. Roll each leaf tucking ends in towards center. Fasten securely with wooden picks ; place in casserole. Pour over cabbage rolls a mixture of:

3 1/2 cups (#2 can) tomatoes, sieved

1 bay leaf

1 clove garlic, uncut

1/2 tsp salt

Few grains pepper

Cover and simmer 45 minutes to 60 minutes, or until rolls are tender . Place rolls in warm serving dish. Remove garlic and bay leaf. Spoon sauce over rolls

Serves 4 Mrs Raymond Kuhlmeier--Aurora , Ind.

When Professor Brown came to Valparaiso in 1873 he brought with him several instructors , one of them was Miss Mantle Baldwin who taught until 1914 when she broke her hip after having broken the other one tn 1908 She frequently stated to her students : " It is our purpose to do our part in forwarding and uplifting humanity . This is life in life 's best sense ."




1 lb each of ground beef, veal and pork

1 cup cracker crumbs

1 egg

1 can cream of chicken soup

1 tsp. dried onion flakes

salt and pepper to taste

1 1/2 Tbsp. Worchestershire sauce


1/2 cup vinegar

1 1/2 cup brown sugar

1/2 cup water

2 Tbsp. prepared mustard

1/4 tsp cloves

Boil 5 minutes

Mix and shape into individual loaves in an approximate 9 x 13 low baking dish. Bake 1 hour uncovered in 350 degree oven, spooning boiled glaze over loaves at 15 minute intervals. Bake until golden brown and glaze is absorbed by meats.

Makes 10 loaves

Elvira Schmidt (Mrs . R.J. )--Wausau, Wis .


1 lb. ground beef

1 can Campbell onion soup

3 cups corn flakes, crushed

Mix well; form into balls Put in muffin tins. Bake in preheated oven of 350 degrees for 1/2 hour . (Add 1/2 tsp . pepper and/or a dash of worcestersh ire sauce if desired.)

Serves 6

Mrs A. A. Zimmermann--South Bend, Ind.


2 lbs. ground chuck

11/2 tsp. salt

1/4 tsp. pepper

small onion, chopped

1 Tbsp. Worchestershire sauce

1 cup dry bread crumbs

2 beaten eggs

1/2 cup tomato juice


1 cup soft bread crumbs

1/2 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. sage

1 Tbsp. grated onion

1/4 cup melted fat

1 cup tomato juice

Thoroughly combine meat, seasonings, onion, sauce, dry bread crumbs, eggs, and tomato juice Place half meat mixture in greased loaf pan. Make stuffing by combining soft crumbs, salt, sage, onion and fat; spread dressing over meat and top with remaining meat mixture. Pour tomato juice over loaf. Bake in 9 in. loaf pan. Bake at 300 degrees for 90 minutes.

Serves 8 Mrs. Joanne (Trost) Schottman-Shawnee Mission, Kansas



11/2 lb. ground chuck

1 lb. meat loaf mix

1 egg white

1/2 cup corn flake crumbs

1 tsp. salt

1 Tbsp. dry green onions

1/4 tsp. dry dill weed

Mix meat, seasonings and egg white; roll into small balls and roll in corn flake crumbs. Bake at 325 degrees for 1/2 hour. While meat balls are baking make brown gravy with two 1oq: envelopes Pillsbury brown gravy mix and 2 cups water. Add 1 tsp. dry chopped onions and 1/4 tsp . dry dill weed. When meatballs are done mix with gravy and keep hot for 1/2 hour to flavor.

Note: This recipe was adapted for a family with milk and egg yolk allergies.

Serves 10 Alice J. Burkman--Oswego, Ill.


1 lb. ground chuck

1 medium onion, chopped 4 zwieback, soak and squeeze

1 egg

1 tsp. sugar

1 tsp. salt

1/4 tsp. pepper

Make small meat balls and brown. Put in casserole.

Make sauce of: 1 green pepper (cut fine), 3 stalks celery (cut fine), 1-4 oz. can mushroom slices, 1 can tomato soup Cook together and pour over meat. Bake at 325 degrees for 1 hour. When ready to serve, add 4 oz. sliced stuffed olives.

Serves 4 Lynette S. Luekens--Fairview Pk., Ohio


11/2 lb. ground beef

1 cup seasoned stuffing mix

(Prepared according to pkg. directions)

2 Tbsp. chopped onion

1 can cream of mushroom soup dash of pepper

Shape beef into eight flat patties. Combine prepared stuffing and chop· ped onion. Place a spoonful of stuffing on each patty; bring up edges anc mold into balls. Can be prepared ahead and refrigerated. Spoon soup anc pepper over the balls. Bake uncovered at 350 degrees for 40 minutes (45 minutes if refrigerated).

Serves 4 Mrs. William V. Willcox--Arlington Heights, Ill


5 slices bacon, diced

2 medium onions, diced

1/2 lg. or 1 sm . green pepper, diced

8 cloves garlic, minced or crushed

3 Tbsp. olive oil

1 1/2 lb. ground beef

1-29 oz. can tomato sauce

14 oz more tomato sauce

1-6 oz . can tomato paste

1-8 oz. can mushroom slices or pieces

1/2 cup water

11/2 Tbsp sugar

salt and pepper

1/4 tsp thyme

1 Tbsp . oregano


1/2 tsp. sage

2 Tbsp dried parsley flakes (fresh)

Fry bacon pieces in large fry pan till crisp. Put tomato sauce, tomato paste, mushrooms and spices in large kettle over medium-low heat. When bacon is crisp, add to sauce mixture. While sauce is heating put olive oil in fry pan and lightly brown onions, garlic, green pepper Add ground beef and brown Add this mixture to sauce, rinsing out pan with water. Bring to boil stirring constantly. Immediately lower heat to simmer and continue to simmer covered for 2 hours or longer.

Serves 8 D . J. Macbeth-Holland, Mich .


3/4 lb. hamburger

3/4 lb. mild Italian sausage

11/2 tsp garlic salt

1 Tbsp parsley flakes or chopped


11/2 tsp basil

1/2 tsp. oregano

1/2 tsp. salt

1-20 oz. can tomatoes (2 1/2 cups)

1-6 oz. can tomato paste

Brown meat Add next seven ingredients Simmer 1 hour until thickened - uncovered. Stir occasionally.

1-10 oz. pkg. lasagne noodles

24 oz. large curd cottage cheese

2 beaten eggs

1 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. pepper

2 Tbsp. parsley

1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese

1 lb. mozarella cheese, sliced thin

Cook noodles as directed. Rinse in cold water. Combine next six ingredients together. Place 1/2 noodles in 9x13 pan. Spread 1/2 cottage cheese mixture on noodles, then spread 1/2 mozarella cheese, then 1/2 meat mixture. Repeat layers. Bake at 375 degrees for 30 minutes. May be frozen and reheated.

8 servings Jo Oltmann Price-Davenport, la .



1-11/2 lb. ground beef or chuck

1 lg . onion, chopped

1 can tomatoes

1 can tomato soup

2 Tbsp. green peppers, cut up 1 Tbsp. Worchestershire sauce

1 Tbsp. sugar

2 bay leaves

1 Tbsp Italian seasoning

1 tsp garlic powder

salt and pepper to taste

Brown meat and onions together in large skillet . Add tomatoes and tomato soup Stir in seasonings and green pepper. Simmer for one to two hours Just before serving, stir in 3 oz can of chopped mushrooms. Serve on bed of cooked spaghetti and sprinkle parmesan cheese on top of sauce

Serves 4 Mrs. Kenneth (Mary Ann) Ramming-Durham, North Carolina


1 lb. hamburger

1 onion

1 clove garlic

1/3 cup chopped celery

1-6 oz. can tomato paste

1-46 oz. can tomato juice salt

1/4 tsp. pepper

1/8 tsp allspice

1/8 tsp. chili powder

1/4 tsp. thyme

1/4 cup parsley flakes

1 bay leaf

Brown hamburger, add chopped onion Add rest of ingredients and cook slowly 2 to 3 hours until thickened.

Serves 5-6

1 to 2 lb. ground beef

1 Tbsp. basil

1 onion. minced

1 tsp. salt

Mrs. Robert J. Lewis-Janesville, Wis.


1/2 cup parmesan cheese

2 eggs

1/8 tsp. pepper

1 can Hunts tomato sauce with bits

12 oz tomato paste

2 cups cottage cheese or ricotta

2 1/2 Tbsp parsley

9 lasagne noodles

11/2 lb. mozarella cheese

Brown beef , drain. Add onion, basil, salt, tomato sauce and paste Cook 2 hours over low heat Mix cottage cheese, parmesan, eggs, parsley and pepper. Cook noodles 15 minutes. Layer in 3 layers in 3 qt . 13x8x2 dish : noodles first , then meat sauce , cheese mixture and mozarella cheese Repeat twice . Cover with foil and bake 25 minutes ; remove foil , bake 25 or more minutes. Let stand 15 minutes before cutting. Oven temp 350 degrees

Se rves 8

Mrs Sheila August --LJecatur , Ind



1 sm. cake or 1 pkg. yeast

11/4 cups lukewarm water

4 cups sifted flour

1 tsp. salt

2 Tbsp. shortening, melted (or oil)


2-12 oz. cans tomato puree

1/4 tsp. garlic salt

1/4 tsp. onion salt


1/8 (scant) tsp. cayenne or black pepper

3 cups coarsely grated pizza cheese (for a very hot pizz,· buy pizza cheese with spices included) or use pre-sliced cheese, 2 to 3 8-oz. pkg.

1/2 cup grated romano or parmesan cheese

3 tsp. oregano

Allow 1 1/2 hour mixing and baking time. Dissolve yeast in lukewarm water. Add flour, salt and shortening or oil; mix thoroughly. Knead until smooth and elastic. I then lay dough on clean counter, cover with a towel and use same bowl to mix filling ingredients as listed except for cheese and oregano. Grate cheese or separate slices. Fry out sausage if using. Oil or grease your pans - 2-12" or 14" pizza pans, 4-8" or 9" pie pans. (However, I use 1-12" pizza pan and 1-11" x 17" jelly roll pan and have plenty of dough to cover.) Fit dough into pans, crimp edges. Brush with olive or salad oil. Spread tomato-spices mixture over dough. For cheese pizza add cheese, topping with romano or parmesan. Sprinkle oregano over all. Bake in hotoven (475degrees)for about 20 minutes - until dough is browned and crisp. Variations: Place layer of anchovies, mushrooms, pepperoni (thinly sliced) or 1 lb. fried out country sausage or thinly sliced salami over sauce before toping with cheese and oregano. Our favorite is a combination of farm sausage (1 lb.) mushrooms (4 oz. cans of stems and pieces) and full amount of cheese. Our children don't care for the hotter combinations. Left overs go into lunch sacks next day instead of sandwich - by request.

Serves 6-8

Midge Michael Rivers--Valparaiso, Ind.


1 lb. ground beef

1 onion, chopped

1 garlic clove

1-16 oz. can tomato sauce

1/3 of above can filled with tomato juice

1 med. size bag corn chips (Fritos)

1 can Brooks chili beans, with liquid 1/2 tsp. oregano

2 Tbsp. chili powder

Brown meat, onion and garlic. Stir in tomato sauce, juice, oregano and chili powder. Grease casserole. Alternate with layers of beans, meat and corn chips twice. Bake uncovered at 350 degrees for 45 minutes. Uncover last 10 minutes. Before serving, cover with lettuce and chopped onions. Mary Lou Jeude Piotter-LeClaire, la.




1 lb. ground chuck

2-1 lb. cans B&M baked beans

1 lb. can kidney beans

1/2 cup catsup

2 Tbsp. vinegar

2 Tbsp. prepared mustard

1 pkg. Liptons mushroom soup

1 can water

Fry chuck lightly in 2 Tbsp. butter. Mix with other ingredients. Bake in 350 degree oven for 45 minutes or until bubbly.

Mrs. Victor Zaremba--Appleton, Wisc


1 lb. ground beef

2-1 lb. cans (4 cups) pork and beans

1 envelope onion soup mix

1 cup catsup in tomato sauce

1/2 cup water

1-1 lb. can kidney beans, drained 2 Tbsp. vinegar (cider)

Brown meat. Stir in remaining ingredients. Pour into 2 qt. casserole. Bake, uncovered, in moderate oven at 350 degrees for 40-45 minutes or until heated through Serves 6-8


Irma K. Schmalz--Edina, Minn.

2 cans (No. 303) Northern beans, 1 dry onion, chopped drained 6 stalks celery, cut small

1 can (No. 303) Kidney beans, drained 2 Tbsp. chili powder (or to taste)

2 Tbsp. brown sugar

1 lb. hamburger

1 green pepper, chopped

2 tsp. salt

1 tsp. pepper

2 cups catsup

Fry out meat. Mix all ingredients. Bake until bubbly, about 45 minutes to 1 hour at 350 degrees.

LaDonna Koch...:..Valparaiso, Ind.

Prof Bogarte, one of the original faculty of Brown's School, taught until 1894 when he took complete charge of the college book store. Everything was sold or rented at the lowest possible price; rental as low as 15 and 20 cents a term of ten weeks on some books; average was about 35 cents a term.


1 1/2 lb. lean pork shoulder, cut into 1/2 x 2 in. strips

2 Tbsp. fat

1/4 cup water

1/2 cup brown sugar

2 Tbsp . corn starch

1/2 tsp . salt

1/4 cup vinegar

1 Tbsp. soy sauce

1-4 oz. can pineapple tidbits

1 green pepper, cut in long thin strips

2 medium tomatoes, peeled and cut in eighths

Fry pork in fat in heavy skillet until brown Add water and cook slowly until pork is tender. Mix sugar, corn starch and salt; add vinegar, soy sauce and juice from pineapple. Cook until it thickens and is clear. Pour over pork. Gently stir in green peppers, pineapple and tomatoes. Let sit 10 minutes Serve with rice.

Serves 4 Ken Harmon-Valparaiso, Ind

Director of Food Services-Valparaiso University


3 green peppers

1 egg

2 Tbsp. flour

dash pepper

3/4 cup oil

11/2 tsp. salt

1 sm. clove garlic, finely diced

1 1/2 lbs lean pork, cut in 1/2 in. cubes

1 cup chicken bouillon

4 slices pi neap pl e

2 1/2 Tbsp. corn starch

2 tsp. soy sauce

1/2 cup vinegar

1/2 cup sugar

Cut peppers into six pieces each . Cook in boiling water 8 minutes. Set aside. Make batter of egg, flour, 1/2 tsp. salt and pepper. In a 10 in. heavy frying pan, heat the oil and 1 tsp . salt and garlic. Coat pork with batter; separate with fork and drop one at a time into frying pan . Brown over moderate flame until golden brown. Pour out all but 1 Tbsp. oil and add 1/3 cup chicken bouillon. Cut pineapple slices into six pieces each. Place pineapple and green pepper in frying pan with pork. Cover pan tightly and cook over very low flame about 10 minutes. Blend together cornstarch, soy sauce, vinegar, sugar and 2/3 cup bouillon. Stir into pork mixture until thickened. Serve over hot rice.

Serves 4 Sue Philipp Goike-Bettendorf, la.

On July 3, 1873, Mr . Brown advertised in the Porter County Vidette that his school would open Sept. 16, 1873 with instruction in all the common branches of education that teachers need. Room and board at $3 . per week was available . " Tuition is $7.00 a term , payable in advance ."

190/ PORK


2 1/2 lbs. boneless pork shoulder

1 tsp. instant seasoned meat tenderizer

2 cloves garlic, crushed

3/4 tsp. ginger

3/4 tsp. pepper

1/4 cup flour

1/2 cup salad oil or peanut oil

1/2 cup chopped onion

1/2 cup dry sherry

1/4 cup water

2 Tbsp. soy sauce

2-10 oz. pkg. frozen snow peas

1-5 oz. can water chestnuts, drained and sliced

Trim fat from pork. Wipe meat with damp paper towel and sprinkle with 1 tsp. tenderizer. Rub with garlic and sprinkle with 1/2 tsp. ginger and 1 /2 tsp pepper. Cut meat in 2 in. cubes and role in flour. Heat oil in 375 degree skillet Cook pork cubes a few at a time until browned on all sides. Drain on paper towels. Pour all but 2 Tbsp. fat from skillet and add onion. Saute 5 minutes or until golden Stir in sherry, water, soy sauce and remaining 1/4 tsp. each pepper and ginger. Return browned pork. Cook covered over low heat (250 degrees) 20 minutes or until tender Add frozen peas and water chestnuts. Cook stirring mixture once or twice, 5-7 minutes until snow peas are cooked.

Serves 6 Mrs. John Oltmann--Davenport, la.


4-6 lbs. pork loin roast

1-12 oz. jar of cherry preserves

1/2 cup light corn syrup (white Karo)

1/4 cup red wine vinegar

1 /4 tsp. salt

1/4 tsp. nutmeg

1/4 tsp. cinnamon

1/8 tsp. pepper

Place roast on rack and roast at 350 degrees for 4 hours or until meat thermometer registers 180 degrees. Combine ingredients for glaze and bring to boil. Boil 1 minute. Baste roast during last 30 minutes several times. Pass remaining sauce when serving.

Clare Laib Caruso-Rock Island, Ill.

"The story of Valparaiso's next half-century (1873-1925) is very largely the story of two remarkable men, Henry Baker Brown and Oliver Perry Kinsey"

" in the music department we had only one piano and, as I remember it now, only two students." (1873)



2 whole pork tenderloin

1/2 sm. onion, finely chopped

1 can mushrooms (3 oz.)

1/4 cup butter

11/2 cup soft bread crumbs

1/4 cup wheat germ

1/2 cup diced celery

Brown onion, mushrooms in butter. Add 1 1/2 cup soft bread crumbs, celery and wheat germ, plus hot water to moisten. Season with salt and pepper. Cut pork tenderloin in half lengthwise. Use one half for bottom, spoon on dressing, cover with top and hold with toothpicks. Add bacon strips if desired. Bake 11/2 hours at 350 degrees.

Serves 4-6

Mrs. Kenneth E. Schultz--Colorado Springs, Colo.


3 whole tenderloins

Trim and rub with mixture of 1 1/2 tsp. dry mustard

1/2 tsp. salt dash of pepper

Brown in butter in heavy skillet. Transfer to baking dish (7 x 11 ). Sprinkle with rosemary (about 1/2 tsp. for all three). Heat 1/2 cup currant jelly in skillet to loosen dripping. Add 3 Tbsp. butter. Pour over meat. Cover and bake at 300 degrees for 45 minutes. Turn at least once. Mix 2 Tbsp. flour in 1 cup half and half. Pour over meat. Bake 45 ·minutes longer. To serve, slice in one-half inch slices. Heat gravy and serve with meat. Left-over freezes well in gravy.

Mrs. Edgar Horn-Davenport, la.


6 pork steaks, 1/2 in. thick

2 Tbsp. fat raisin stuffing

3 tart red apples, cored, halved

Raisin Stuffing: Toss together 3 cups toasted bread cubes, 1 1/2 cup chopped unpared apple, 1/2 cup each seedless raisins, chopped celery, chopped onion, 1 tsp. each salt, poultry seasoning, 1/2 tsp. pepper Add 1/2 cup qmned condensed beef broth (or 1 beef bouillon cube dissolved in 1/2 cup hot water.) Toss.

Slowly brown steaks on both sides in hot fat. Season well with salt and pepper. Place in a shallow baking dish; cover each steak with a layer of Raisin stuffing and top with an apple half. Sprinkle with sugar. Cover dish tightly with foil. Bake in moderate oven (350 degrees) for 1 hour or until pork is well done.

Serves & Jo Oltmann Price-Davenport, la.




4 pork chops 3/4 in. thick

1 tsp. sage

4 Tbsp. catsup

4 slices bermuda onion

4 slices tomato

Worcestershire sauce dry mustard paprika

5 oz. dry vermouth

Place chops in buttered casserole. Sprinkle each with 1/4 tsp. sage, salt and pepper. Spoon 1 Tbsp. catsup over each chop. Top with slice of onion and then a slice of tomato. Sprinkle Worcestershire sauce over each and season with dry mustard and paprika. Pour vermouth into dish at the side to avoid washing off seasonings. Cover and bake 350 degrees for 1 hour. Remove lid and bake 1/2 hour longer.

Serves 4

Judy Schuermann Brooks--Moline, Ill.


6 medium thick pork chops

1 can cream of mushroom soup

1 envelope dry onion soup mix

1/2 cup white wine (not sweet)

Place chops in single layer in flat baking pan or jelly roll pan. Mix together mushroom soup, onion soup mix and wine. Pour over chopscovering each completely. Place uncovered in 350 degree oven, for 60 minutes or until chops are done.


1 lb. pork chops

1 cup meat or vegetable stock

1 Tbsp. butter

1 tsp . salt

1 egg

1/2 cup bread or cracker crumbs

Dip pork chops in slightly beaten egg, then dip in crumbs. Place chops in large buttered baking dish, top with bits of butter and brown under broiler. Cover with stock, cover and cook in 325 degree oven for 1 1/2 hours.

Note: The broiling makes the difference!

Mrs. Lester Prange--Milwaukee, Wis.

The school under Professor Brown grew rapidly; in 1875 two new buildings were erected: east Hall, a dormitory and dining hall, demolished in 1928, and Flint Hall, better known to students of the Old School as Heritage Hall . . . used as the Library for many years under the Lutheran administration . . .presently used for offices and lectures. (1972)


4 thick pork chops (pocket or butterfly) orange juice

Pepperidge Farm stuffing mix 1/2 cup diced mandarin oranges

Prepare 1 cup of stuffing mix as package directs but use orange juice instead of water Add mandarin oranges. Salt and pepper chops. If pocket chops are used, stuff with dressing; if butterfly chops are used place mound of dressing on top. Bake covered 350 degrees for 1 1/4 hours. Uncover and bake additional 30 minutes basting occasionally .


3/4 cup wild ri c e

1 can onion soup

1/4 cup dry white wine

4 loin pork chops, 1 in. thick

2 Tbsp drippings, rendered from excess fat of chops

salt and pepper to taste

1 tart apple, cored and cut into 4 slices

4 slices tomato

Wash rice, drain and combine with undiluted soup and wine, and turn into casserole. Brown chops on both sides in drippings. Place chops over rice and season to taste. Cover and bake in a moderately slow oven (325 degrees) for one hour. Arrange a slice of apple and a slice of tomato on each chop. Continue baking uncovered 30 minutes longer.

Serves 4 Mrs. Rudolph C. Mueller-Ft. Wayne, Ind.


2-in. square of lean salt pork

2 onions

2 lobes of garlic or 1/2 tsp. garlic powder

2 Tbsp. flour

2 Tbsp. vegetable shortening

1 can baby lima beans

Boiled rice

Cider vinegar

Cut salt pork in 1/2-in strips separating lean portions from fat. Cook in pressure cooker in 4 cups water 1/2 hour (otherwise cook 1 hour). Drain and save water and lean pieces . Brown cut-up onions and garlic in 1 Tbsp. shortening. Remove from skillet and save. In same pan, brown 2 Tbsp. flour in 1 Tbsp. shortening and with water from salt pork make gravy (about 2 cups). Add 1 can drained lima beans, onions, garlic and lean pieces of salt pork. Cook 15 minutes. If too salty, add a little sugar. Serve with rice and a teaspoon of cider vinegar per serving. (A hearty, economical winter dish.)

Yield: 4 servings Barbara Wismar-Rochester, N.Y.


4-5 lb. ribs

2 medium onions, diced

1 cup ketchup

3/4 cup water

3 Tbsp. vinegar

2 Tbsp. Worcestershire sauce

1 tsp. salt

1/4 tsp. cinnamon

1 tsp . paprika

1/4 tsp. pepper

1 tsp. chili powder

1/8 tsp. cloves

Mix sauce ingredients and simmer 15 minutes. Pour over 4-5 lbs. ribs (par boiled if desired). Bake 2 hours at 325 degrees

Serves 4-6

Mrs. Myrtle Piotter-Baltimore, Md.


2 cups tomato or V-8 juice

1 tsp. celery salt

1 tsp. paprika

1 tsp. chili powder

1 tsp salt

1/4 cup brown sugar

1/2 cup vinegar

4-5 lbs. country style ribs

Place meat in skillet. Mix all ingredients and pour over meat. Simmer, covered 3 hours . Last 30 minutes turn up heat (if using electric skillet turn to 275 degrees) and open vent.

Schuermann Brooks-Moline, Ill.


2 medium heads cabbage

2 jars sauerkraut salt and pepper to taste

2 Tbsp. bacon grease

2 onions diced

3 lbs. lean ground pork

1 lb. ground ham

4 cloves garlic, crushed

1/4 tsp. oregano

1/4 tsp. marjoram

1 tsp. caraway seeds

2 cups cooked rice

2 pint cartons of sour cream

Shred cabbage in large soup pan. Add sauerkraut, bacon grease and 1 sliced onion. Cover and cook slowly for 1 hour. Meanwhile, combine meats, 1 onion, garlic and fry for 20 minutes. Add spices and caraway seeds and cook until meat is fully cooked (about 20 minutes more). Grease large baking pan with bacon grease Layer cabbage, rice, meat, and 1 carton of sour cream. Top with cabbage. Bake 350 degrees for 60 minutes or more. Pass remaining sour cream when serving dish to put on top.

Serves 12

Barbara Van Fossin-Concord, Calif.


2 Tbsp. salad oil


1 tsp. salt

1 lb . boneless pork loin (cut in 1/8 tsp. black pepper

1 in. pieces)

1/2 cup chopped medium onion

1/2 cup chopped celery

some Sherry

1/2 tsp . basil

1 can cream of mushroom soup

1/2 cup milk

1-8 oz. pkg . spaghetti

1-3 oz. can sliced mushrooms, un- 1 tomato peeled and cut in wedges drained or a nice amount of 11/2 cup croutons

fresh mushrooms and extra sherry

2 Tbsp . melted butter

1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce or more 1 cup sharp cheddar cheese, grated Brown pork in oil in skillet. Add onion and celery and saute until . tender add about 1/4-1/2 cup sherry. Mix in the sliced mushrooms and all seasonings If you use fresh mushrooms you will probably need to add a little more sherry . (Good reason to use fresh mushrooms!) Now simmer the whole thing, covered, for 1/2 hour . Blend in the soup and milk, simmer, covered, for 5-10 minutes . Boil spaghetti and drain.* Combine pork mixture with spaghetti in an ungreased 2 quart casserole. Overlap the tomato wedges around the edge of the casserole. Toss croutons with melted butter . Sprinkle over the casserole, especially over the tomatoes. Now this is the point where you can either refrigerate and use it tomorrow (we think it ' s better " the day after " ) or bake it.

*If you are going to bake it you can start preheating the oven between boiling spaghetti and mixing the pork Heat the oven to 350 degrees Bake for 20 minutes. Top casserole with cheese. Bake for 10or15 more minutes, until cheese is melted. Serve with a tossed salad and hot buttered French bread and a nice red wine.

Serves 6

Ruth Schultz--Valparaiso, Ind .


1 lb. ground veal

1 lb. ground pork

1 can Campbell's chicken with rice soup

1 cup Quick Quaker Oats

1 egg

2 tsp. salt

1/4 tsp. pepper

1 Tbsp. onion juice paprika

Combine ingredients in the order given Make into 9 individual patties and pack on edge in a loaf pan, making a solid loaf . Sprinkle with paprika and bake in a moderate oven for 11/2 hours

9 servings

Mrs . A. Brackensick-Quincy, Ill.

196/ PORK



1 lb. bulk or roll pork sausage

1/2 cup chopped onion

1/2 cup green pepper

1/2 cup celery

1 cup uncooked rice

11/2 env Lipton chicken rice soup

5 cups water

Saute the pork sausage with vegetables until they are softened Drain any excess grease Combine all ingredients in large casserole. It will be very thin, but the rice will absorb all liquid. Stir at least once during baking to distribute rice.15 minutes before it is done sprinkle slivered almonds generously over top and return to oven Bake at 325 degrees for 1 1/2 hours, in all.

Serves 8

Ellen Amt--Ft Wayne, Ind.


11/2 lb . ground smoked ham

1 lb ground fresh pork

1 cup bread crumbs

1 cup milk

2 eggs

3/4 cup brown sugar

1/2 tsp. dry mustard

1/2 cup water with 1 Tbsp . vinegar

Have smoked ham and fresh pork ground together. Combine with bread crumbs and milk and slightly beaten eggs. Shape into a loaf pan . Make a sauce of brown sugar, dry mustard and dilute vinegar. Pour over loaf. Bake in a moderate oven of 350 degrees until the loaf is done, about one and a half hours. Baste frequently with the sauce.

8-9 servings

Irene Frenk-Dundee, Ill.

Mrs. rlarry Rullman-Aurora, Ind.

Variation: Use 2 lbs. pork, 1 lb. ham and 2 cups dry bread crumbs. Individual loaves can be formed in 6 oz. juice cans.

Mrs. A. H. Buechner-Willshire, Ohio

In 1878, a new charter was granted the school permitting it to have the following departments : preparatory, teachers, business, collegiate, law, medical, engineering, music, fine arts, phonographic, telegraphic, and review.

" The present school of law traces its history back to November, 1879, when Colonel Mark L. DeMotte founded the Northern Indiana Law School with Judge Hiram A. Gillett as principal instructor and a student body of one senior and fifteen juniors . . .Dean DeMotte stated, 'there are no requirements for admission to the junior class, the student must earn his degree before he gets it. ' Which may account for the criticism that it was 'too easy to enter, and too hard to get through ."'



12 slices lean, boneless round ham about 1/4 in. thick

1 pkg. long macaroni (7 oz ) Can be broken in half.

2 Tbsp. (prepared) horseradish

2 Tbsp . yellow mustard

4 Tbsp. butter

3 Tbsp flour

3 cups milk

6 oz shredded sharp cheddar cheese

Cook macaroni in boiling, salted water. (Do not over-cook). Rinse and drain. Spread each ham slice with 1/2 tsp. horseradish and 1/2 tsp mustard; place about 12 halves of the long macaroni on each ham slice and roll carefully. Insert a round toothpick in each end and lay folded side down in oblong baking dish (8 1/2 x 12) or thereabouts. Cover with the following cheese sauce: melt the butter, add the flour, then the milk gradually - stirring constantly until thick, then add the cheese. Bake Serve from baking dish or remove to platter and spoon sauce over each roll. Bake at 350 degrees for 60 minutes.

Serves 6

Elfrieda Brustman--St. Paul, Minn .


1/3 cup margarine

1/4 cup flour

2 cups milk

2 cups diced cooked ham

1/4 cup chopped onion

1 3-oz . can or 2/3 cup fresh mushrooms

3 Tbsp. reconstituted lemon juice

3 or4oz . Philadelphia cream cheese

2 tsp. mustard

Melt the margarineand saute the fresh mushrooms (if you are using them) and the onions. Remove them from the margarine and set aside . Combine the flour with the margarine, then stir in the milk gradually . Cook and stir till thick. Add the ham, mushrooms, onions and the cream cheese; heat until the cheese is melted. Add salt and pepper to taste. Can be served over 4 cups cooked rice, patty shells or hot toast points .

Serves 4-5

Mrs Michael Brauer-Colorado Springs, Colo

In 1881 Oliver Perry Kinsey and his wife, Sarah Porter Kinsey, both teachers, moved to Valparaiso, joining Professor Brown. Mr . Kinsey became coowner and vice-president of the School, taking charge of the Scientific Class and boarding and rooming facilities.

Professor Brown was a fervent Democrat and Mr. Kinsey an equally fervent Republican , however, the two friends worked together for almost 40 years with so few disagreements and such trust in one another that there are few records from this period .



20 slices sandwich bread

3 cups bite-size pieces cooked ham

10 oz piece sharp cheddar chees e 10 oz. piece swiss cheese


3 cups milk

1/2 tsp. onion salt

1/2 tsp dry mustard

3 cups corn flakes

1/2 cup melted butter

Cut off crusts and cut bread in half Grease pan with butter, and arrange bread in bottom of pan. Arrange half of ham as second layer. Grate cheese and sprinkle with half of combined cheeses Repeat layers Combine slightly beaten eggs, seasonings and milk. Pour over layers, cover, and refrigerate overnight. Next day, make topping of crushed corn flakes and melted butter . Sprinkle over strata . Bake 50-60 minutes at 375 degrees . Let set for at least 10 minutes or longer before serving. Shrimp or crabmeat may be substituted for ham Good reheated or frozen. (Use a 9x13 pan )

Serves 10-12

Mrs Walter J. Riedel-Short Hills , N J


1 pkg. frozen or no. 2 can or equal amount of fresh asparagus

1 cup cooked cubed ham

1/4 cup grated American cheese

1 Tbsp. parsley (flakes or fresh)

1 Tbsp lemon juice

4 hard cooked eggs, sliced (mild)

2 Tbsp. quick-cooking tapioca

2 Tbsp . chopped green pepper

2 Tbsp. chopped onions

1/2 cup light cream or milk

1 can cream of mushroom soup

1/2 cup dry bread crumbs

2 Tbsp. butter or margarine, melted Cook asparagus, if using frozen or fresh Drain thoroughly and place in bottom of greased casserole C6mbine ham, cheese, tapioca, green pepper, onion, parsley, lemon juice. Place alternate layers of ham mixture and egg slices atop asparagus Stir cream into mushroom soup, mix until smooth and pour over casserole. Mix bread crumbs with butter. Top on casserole . Bake in moderate oven (375 degrees) for 25-30 minutes.

Serves 6 Eunice Jones-- lndependence, Mo. Variation: Add 1 cup additional ham and 3 cups noodles. Substitute evaporated milk for regular.

Mrs. Frank Hofmeister-Sebewaing, Mich.

In 1900 the School re-chartered under the name " Valparaiso College ". In 1907 it became Valparaiso University

Valparaiso University was once known as " the poor man 's Harvard" (19001919)


2 lbs. veal cutlet, sliced 1/4 in. thick 1/4 or more cup butter

2 shallots, minced or

2 Tbsp. minced onion and 1 small garlic clove, minced

1 lb. mushrooms, sliced

1/2 cup dry white wine

2 Tbsp chopped parsley

1 tsp. salt

freshly ground black pepper brown sauce

Trim fat from veal and cut the meat into 1 in. pieces. Saute veal in butter for 10 minutes or until golden brown. Saute shallots and mushrooms in butter for five minutes. Add wine and simmer for 15 minutes or until the I iquid is reduced one half. Stir in the brown sauce, (below), ·parsley, salt and pepper, and simmer for five minutes . (Note, if meat isn't tender, continue cooking .)

Brown sauce -2 cups

1 onion, chopped

1/4 cup diced celery

1 large carrot, chopped

1 garlic clove, chopped

1/2 cup butter

3 Tbsp. cornstarch

3 cups beef bouillon

2 Tbsp. dry Madeira wine

1/2 tsp . ground thyme

1 lg. bay leaf

1/2 tsp. salt

6 peppercorns

Saute onion, celery, carrot and garlic in butter for 10 minutes or until onion is golden brown. Add cornstarch to 1/2 cup cold bouillon and stir into onion mixture. Add remaining 2 1/2 cups of bouillon, wine, thyme, bay leaf, salt and pepper . Bring to a boil, reduce heat, cover and simmer for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally Strain (Or, remove bay leaf and peppercorns and put through your blender.)

Serves 6

Gloria Rupprecht Strieter--Rock Island, Ill.


10 loin veal chops (3/4 in. thick)

3 Tbsp. butter

3 Tbsp. flour

1 cup powdered cream

1 cup boiling chicken broth

1/2 cup white wine

10 slices mozarella cheese

10 slices Canadian bacon

In large skillet melt 3 Tbsp. butter. Brown chops on both sides Remove chops to a large shallow oven proof dish. Add 1 Tbsp. butter to drippings in skillet, blend in flour, cook and stir 1 minute. Blend in powdered cream, boiling broth and wine Cook and stir until thick. Pour sauce over chops. Top each chop with one slice of bacon and one slice cheese. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Bake 35-45 minutes .

, 10 servings

Mrs. Frederick Schuermann-St . Louis, Mo.



11/2 lbs. veal steak, cut in julienne


1-15 oz. can special tomato sauce

4 Tbsp. butter or margarine, divided 1/2 cup canned, halved or chopped

1/2 cup water water chestnuts

1 tsp. basil few drops hot pepper sauce

1 medium green pepper, diced

1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce

1 cup thinly sliced onions salt and pepper to taste

1-6 oz. can broiled sliced mush-


1/2 cup dry sherry

1 cup dairy sour cream

Brown veal strips slowly in 2 Tbsp. butter, stirring often to prevent burning. Add water and basil; simmer 20 minutes Meanwhile, cook green pepper and onions in remaining 2 Tbsp. butter until soft, but not brown; add to veal with mushrooms, tomato sauce and water chestnuts. Mix well. Simmer 15 minutes. Stir in hot pepper sauce, Worcestershire sauce, salt, pepper and sherry. Simmer 5 minutes. lower heat; stir in sour cream slowly. (Can be made ahead except for sour cream - reheat gently and add sour cream at serving time.)

6 servings

11/2 lb. thin veal steak

3/4 tsp. garlic salt

1/2 tsp. pepper

1/8 tsp. oregano

1 egg, beaten

1/3 cup fine cracker crumbs

1/4 cup half and half

Mrs . John Oltmann-Davenport, la.


1/3 cup parmesan cheese

1 Tbsp . chopped parsley

2 Tbsp. olive oil

1/4 cup sifted flour

1 Tbsp. butter

3/4 cup Sauterneorotherwhitewine

Cut veal into serving-size pieces. Dip each piece in flour mixed with garlic salt, pepper and oregano, then in egg, beaten with half and half. Dip again in cracker crumbs mixed with cheese and parsley. Brown slowly on both sides in heated oil and butter. Remove meat to baking pan. Add wine to drippings left in pan; stir and bring to boil. Pour over meat; cover and bake at 400 degrees for 35 minutes. Serve with hot, buttered noodles.

6 servings

Mrs. Joseph (Ethel) Amodeo--Highland, Ind.

Valparaiso College grew from 2000 in 1900 to 5000 in 1907, placing it second only to Harvard and far larger than any of the state schools Many of the students were housed in private boarding houses that sprang up on the periphery of the campus.

VEAL/ 201


1 cup bread crumbs

1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese

12 thin slices veal

2 eggs, slightly beaten

1 cup chopped onion (large)

1 clove garlic, mashed

2 Tbsp. oil

2 Tbsp. butter

1 can (1 lb .) tomatoes

2 cans (8 oz.) tomato sauce

1 1/2 tsp. basil

1/2 tsp. thyme

1/2 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. onion salt

1/4 tsp pepper

8 oz. mozarella cheese

1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese

Mix bread crumbs and 1/2 cup parmesan cheese. Dip veal in beaten eggs, coat well with crumb mixture Let dry while preparing sauce. Saute onion and garlic Add tomatoes, tomato sauce , basil , thyme, salts and pepper. Cover ; simmer 15 minutes. Heat oven to 350 degrees . Heat oil and butter in skillet until mixture foams . Add veal slices, few at a time and brown on both sides. Arrange veal , cheese (sliced) and sauce in shallow baking dish . Sprinkle with remaining 1/2 cup parmesan cheese . Bake 1520 minutes until sauce bubbles and cheese melts.

Serves 6 Mrs Ralph (Marilyn) Starenko--Sioux Falls, S D


3/4 lb veal, cubed

3/4lb . pork,cubed

salt and pepper to taste

2 small onions

1-8 oz. pkg. noodles, cooked and drained

1 cup grated longhorn cheese

1 can tomato soup

1 small can pimento

1 can mushrooms

Brown meat and onion in 2-3 Tbsp. butter. Combine with noodles, cheese, soup and mushrooms . Pour into buttered casserole. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour.

Serves 6-8 Mrs. Arnold Likeness--Davenport, la.

"One would hardly think it possible to furnish board, room, and higher education for the small sum of thirty-eight cents a day; but the Valparaiso University gives a student an abundant, well cooked, and well served dinner for ten cents, a breakfast for four cents, a supper for four cents, a good bed in a single furnished room for five cents, and tuition for fifteen cents a day "(1908)

202/ VEAL

5 lamb chops

about 2 tsp. salt

4 Tbsp. olive oi I

2 Tbsp. butter

4 Tbsp. flour


1 1/2 cups milk

1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce

1 cup bread crumbs

11/2 cup grated cheese (American or cheddar)

Marinate chops in olive oil, just enough to coat. Broil on one side for 5 minutes. Place broiled side down on pyrex pan or platter. Spread uncooked side with cream sauce made with the following ingredients. Melt butter, add flour and milk. Cook until thick. Add Worchestershire sauce. Spread on chops, sprinkle with crumbs and top with cheese Bake 1 hour in 350 degree oven.

Serves 4 or 5

Mrs. Frederick W. Meyer-Milwaukee, Wis.


leg of lamb

1/2 cup salad oil

1/4 cup tarragon vinegar

1/2 tsp. rosemary

1/2 tsp. marjoram

1/2 tsp. celery salt

1 Tbsp. salt

1 tsp. paprika

1/4 tsp. basil

2 Tbsp. brown sugar

1/2 tsp. onion salt

Mix above ingredients and pour over meat in pan. Refrigerate several hours or overnight, turning several times. Bake uncovered at 325 degrees for 25 minutes per lb. Baste several times while baking. Thicken juice for gravy.

Mrs. John H. Oltmann--Davenport, la.

"An hour after my arrival in Valparaiso I had "dinner", the noon meal, in Heritage Hall, where 240 students are accommodated with table board This was the menu: White, or Irish and sweet potatoes, slaw, two kinds of bread, butterine, pork sausage, cornstarch pudding - everything unlimited in quantities. The quality of all was the best. The food was well cooked, cleanly served, on white-clothed tables. The cost of this sort of fare to the students is $1.40 a week, a trifle Jess than 7 cents a meal! At the $1.75 per week tables , the addition of beef gravy and substitution of apple pie for pudding chiefly seemed to warrant the increased price; the sur roundings here were less severe , the furniture less plain.. Creamery butter accounted for the $2 rate . . . " (COLLIER'S MAGAZINE , March 14, 1914 St netelm eier, VALPARAISO'S FIRST CENTURY, p. 53)

LAMB/ 203


Chicken Curry

3 lbs. stewing hen

1 1/2 tsp. salt

4 cloves

1/2 tsp. fennel powder

1 tsp cummin powder

1/2 tsp chili powder or 1 tsp. paprika

1/4 tsp. tumeric powder

2-3 Tbsp. shortening

3 bay leaves

2 cloves garlic

4 oz. tomato puree

5 oz. chopped nuts (cadju, almond or walnut)

4 oz. desiccated coconut

8 oz. skimmed milk (place puree, chopped nuts and coconut into a blender or liquidizer to form fine paste)

Cut chicken into serving pieces. Mix all ingredients except milk, bay leaves and sliced onions with chicken and set aside for half an hour. Heat fat, add bay leaves, sliced onions and fry until onions are light golden brown. Add pieces of chicken and brown Add liquid in which chicken was allowed to marinade with sufficient milk to just cover chicken . Cover and cook until tender.

Yellow Rice:

8 oz. rice

2 cloves

4 cardamoms

2-3 bay leaves

Pinch of turmeric or 1 tsp yellow food coloring

1 tsp . salt

1 large onion chopped

3-5 Tbsp. cooking oil

2 cups water or meat stock or 1/2 cup desiccated coconut, blended with 1 1/2 cups of water until very fine Strain to remove residue.

In hot fat fry all ingredients except rice, turmeric, salt and liquid until golden brown. Add rice, turmeric and salt. Fry for a minute or two. Add liquid (water, meat stock or coconut mixture). Cook until rice is cooked through. Reduce temperature and simmer until water is absorbed . Remove cloves, cardamoms, etc. before serving .

Substitutes for Ingredients:

Cardamoms -1 tsp . allspice

Cummin - curry powder

Coconut milk - skimmed milk to which 1/2 cup desiccated (dried) coconut has been added . Place in blender and strain. Hot milk gives the best results .


Chutney, pineapple tidbits, pickles, grated coconut, fried prawns , salted nuts, pappadam, sliced banana with lemon, sauted sultanas, yoghurt.


4 portions. In typical Indian and Ceylonese dishes the rice is heaped onto the plate with the curry over the top. Mix in two or more accompaniments. If one goes native, rice and curry is eaten with the fingers of


ceyonese chicken curry, cont.

the right hand only. It can also be eaten with a large soup spoon accompanied with a fork to help guide the food onto the spoon. A simple dessert such as fresh fruit or fruit salad rounds off the meal.


Unlike in a western recipe, when increasing or decreasing portions in a Ceylonese curry recipe, the condiments and spices are never doubled or halved proportionately. An addition or decrease up to 1/2 lb. of meat or fish or vegetable may be done with the same spices and condiments stated in the recipe. The liquid may be adjusted accordingly by 1/4 to 1/3 amount.


I couldn't resist sending you my family's favorite recipe for rice and curry. Since arriving in Ceylon a year ago, we have developed a real taste for Indian and Ceylonese highly spiced food. When making our own rice and curry at home we cut down on the amount of chili powder ordinarily used in profuse amounts in native food. I don't think our readers will find this recipe too highly spiced. Hopefully, they will enjoy it as much as we have


1 can sliced mushrooms (4 oz.)

1 lb. chicken breasts, cut in 2 x 1/2 inch pieces

1 pkg Chinese pea pods (frozen)

1 can Chinese water chestnuts, sliced crosswise, thinly cup fresh green pepper, cut into 1 inch squares

1 can pimento

1 cup celery, cut 1/2 cup hot peanut oil

3 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. each of pepper, garlic salt and Accent

2 cups water

2 chicken boullion cubes

3 Tbsp. cornstarch

Cook pea pods according to package. Cook celery 5 minutes, cook green pepper 1 minute. Drain and mix vegetables Drain pimento , mushrooms and chestnuts, and add to above. Cook chicken in hot peanut oil for 5 minutes; remove from oil and add seasonings. Pour stock, made of last three ingredients, over chicken until ready to eat. Add vegetables just before serving. Heap on serving dish and sprinkle with toasted almonds Serve at once over Cantonese Fried Rice Serves 4 Alma S. Zersen-Santa Rosa, Calif.


1 1/2 cups uncooked rice

1 fryer, 3-4 lbs.

1 can mushroom soup


1 can celery soup

1 pkg. onion soup

2 cans water

Crease 9 x 13 pan Cover bottom with rice. Add soups and water, stir and level off. Place chicken on top and cover with foil. Bake at 375 degrees for 2 hours.

Serves 4-6

Mrs. C. W. Stradtman-Beloit, Wisc.

Variation: Substitute 1 cup brown rice for regular. Substitute chicken with rice soup for cream of celery. Bake 3 hours at 300 degrees.

Mrs Hans Leipski--Glen Head, N.Y.


1/4 cup butter or oleo

1 tsp . paprika

1 (3 lb.) cut up fryer or parts

1/2 lb. fresh mushrooms sliced, or 2 (4 oz.) cans

1/4 cup flour

11/2 cup chicken stock or bouillon

2 Tbsp tomato paste

1/2 cup sliced stuffed olives

1/4 tsp. dried thyme

Salt & pepper to taste

Melt butter, blend in paprika Add chicken and brown. Add mushrooms, and cook 5 minutes. Remove chicken and make gravy by stirring flour into drippings. Gradually add chicken stock, stirring to blend. Add remaining ingredients. Add chicken and cover. Simmer over low heat or in 350 degree oven for 30 minutes or until tender. Serve with cooked noodles.

Serves 4

Mrs. Otto Wittkopp-Bay City, Mich


2 frying chickens, cut into serving pieces

3 Tbsp . ground paprika

6-8 med . onions, finely chopped

2 Tbsp Crisco (or other)

Salt & pepper

Fry the onions gently in Crisco until glossy. Add the paprika and stir . Add the chicken pieces. Turn heat low, and simmer gently until tender . Serve over noodles. (Do not add water , the onions will form the gravy.)

Serves 6-8

Mrs John Steininger-Holland , Mich

206 I



1 can (201/2 oz.) pineapple chunks

1/4 cup butter

1/4 cup chopped green pepper

1/4 cup chopped onion

1/4 cup chopped celery

1/4 cup brown sugar, packed

2 1/2 Tbsp. cornstarch

1/2 tsp. salt

2 Tbsp. soy sauce

1/4 tsp. Worcestershire sauce

2 cups liquid (pineapple juice plus water)

1 chicken

Drain pineapple, reserve syrup; add water to make 2 cups liquid Set aside. In saucepan melt butter; add green pepper, onion, celery and saute

2 to 3 minutes. Stir in brown sugar, cornstarch and salt . Remove from heat, stir in soy sauce, Worcestershire and 2 cups liquid. Cook over med. heat, stirring constantly until thickened. Remove from heat, add pineapple. Place chicken skin side up in 13 x 9 x 2 baking pan. Pour sauce over all. Bake at 375 degrees for 11/2 hours and serve over rice.

Serves 6

Mrs. Edmund Nieting-Wood Dale, Ill.

Found this sauce excellent for baking chicken livers for hors d'oeuvres. Editor


2 broiler-fryer chickens, quartered

6 Tbsp. (3/4 stick) butter or oleo

1 large onion, chopped (1 cup)

8 slices raw bacon, diced fine

2 Tbsp. flour

1 Tbsp. curry powder

1 can condensed beef broth


2 Tbsp. catsup

2 Tbsp. lemon juice

Wash chicken quarters. Pat dry. Remove skin if you wish. Melt butter or margarine in large shallow baking pan. Dip chicken in butter to coat both sides, then arrange meaty side up in a single layer in same pan .

Bake in hot 400 degree oven for 20 minutes or until starting to turn golden.

While chicken bakes, combine remaining ingredients in a medium sized pan, heat, stirring often, 15 minutes or until thick. Spoon about half over chicken to make thick coating, continue baking 20 minutes; spoon on rest of glaze. Bake 20 minutes longer, or until chicken is tender and richly glazed. Total baking time is 1 hour.

Serves 8

Gertrude Rockow-Ocala, Fla. Editor's Note: Have all ingredients for glaze prepared before putting chicken into oven. To serve 12, use 3- 2 lb. or smaller fryers, same amount of glaze.


6 chicken breasts


1 can cream of mushroom soup

1 3 oz . can of mushrooms, sliced

1 cup sour cream

1/2 cup sherry cooking wine

Place chicken breasts skin side up in baking dish. Combine remaining ingredients and pour over chicken, (including mushroom liquid) . Sprinkle generously with paprika . Bake 1 to ·11;2 hours at 350 degrees .

6 servings

Mrs Marvin R. Stein--Cleveland, Ohio and

Gertrude Sattelmeier--Detroit, Mich .


8 chicken breast halves, boiled and boned, but keep whole

Heat to boiling:

2 cans cream of mushroom soup

1 clove garlic, crushed

1/2 cup cream or evaporated milk

1 1/2 cup shredded sharp cheese

Remove from stove and add following ingredients a little at a time, stirring after each addition :

1/3 cup sauterne or dry white wine

1/3 cup mayonnaise - add slowly

Lay chicken breasts side by side in 9x13 dish and cover with sauce Sprinkle Parmesan cheese on top . Bake in 350 degree oven about 30 minutes . Then sprinkle toasted slivered almonds over top and bake 5 minutes longer Serve with rice cooked in broth of the chicken breasts

Serves 4 Marian Hartmann Bradfield-Sunnyvale, Calif .


12 chicken breasts or 24 pieces

1/2 cup seasoned flour

1/2 cup butter

1/2 cup onion , chopped

1 cup dry white wine

1 lb. fresh mushrooms

1 cup half and half cream

1 cup seedless grapes


Flour pieces . Brown in butter. Add onion, wine and mushrooms. Cover and cook until tender, about 1 to 1 1/2 hours. Add grapes. Cook 3 to 5 minutes Remove chicken Stir in cream Pour sauce over chicken and garnish with parsley.

Tip : When serving children, use drumsticks instead of breasts and omit sauce when serving them.

12 servings

Mrs . Ross Prange--Milwaukee, Wis.


3 chicken breasts

1/4 to 1/2 cup dry wine

1 tsp. garlic salt

1/4 tsp . savory



1 tsp. salt

Pepper if desired

Bread crumbs

Butter or margarine for frying

Skin and bone chicken. Combine remaining ingredients . Add raw chicken and marinate for a minimum of 2 hours. Dip in bread crumbs and saute' in butter in a heavy skillet (uncovered) about 10 minutes on each side depending on size of chicken. If desired , garnish with browned pecans or walnuts.

Serves 3-4

Esther W. Goehring--Valparaiso , Ind .


1 jar dried beef (2 1/2 oz.)

8 boned chicken breasts

1 can golden mushroom soup

1 can cream of chicken soup

1 pt. sour cream

4 slices of bacon, cut in half

Wrap 1/2 slice of bacon around rolled chicken breast putting open end down. Place in casserole lined with dried beef. Mix soups and sour cream. Pour over chicken. Bake 3 hours at 300 degrees . Serve with rice or noodles.

Serves 6-8 Mrs. F. A. Risburg--Southfield, Mich.


ahead preparation)

1 large fryer or (4 chicken breastsboned. This is best.)

Flour mixed with a little salt and pepper

1/4 lb. butter or margarine

1/4 cup chopped green onions

1 4 oz . can mushrooms, drained 1 slice ham, 1/2 " thick (diced)

1 clove garlic, minced

Pinch of thyme

Salt & pepper to taste

1 cup red wine

Shake chicken in bag with flour mixture. Brown chicken in butter. Place in casserole Mix together all remaining ingredients. Spoon over the chicken so it is well saturated . Bake at 350 degrees, covered, for 1 hour. Remove, cool and place in refrigerator overnight. Next day when ready to bake again, spoon liquid in bottom over chicken, and place covered in 300 degree oven for 1 hour . Serve with rice and fruit salad .

Serves 6 Mrs. Harvey F. Berghaus--Cleveland, Ohio



3 large chicken breasts, boned and skinned

6 thin slices country ham

6 slices Swiss cheese

1 egg wel I beaten Flour

1/2 lb small mushrooms

1 tsp. finely chopped shallots or green on ions

1/3 cup dry sherry and madeira combination

4 or 5 fresh firm tomatoes

1 cup coffee cream

1 cup Bechamel or cream sauce(recipe below)

Salt to taste

Chopped fresh parsley

Separate the top filet section of each breast from the smaller one lying beneath Flatten each filet a little with a small mallet or the broad side of a knife. The smaller filet which is thicker, should be flattened until it spreads to the same size as the upper one .

Trim the ham and cheese to the size of the chicken filets. Put the two filets together with the ham and cheese between them.

Moisten edges of filets with beaten egg to hold packets together securely . Roll filets in flour and shake off excess.

Melt butter in a shallow pan that is large enough to hold filets side by side. Saute' filets in butter for 10 to 12 minutes or until golden on one side. Turn filets and continue to saute' 5 to 6 minutes until meat is cooked through. Transfer to a serving platter and keep warm. To remaining butter in pan add mushrooms, shallots and wine Cook until liquid is reduced to half. Peel skins from tomatoes and cut in half . Squeeze them gently to remove seeds and juice. Chop coarsely and add to mushrooms in pan. Cook briskly until most of liquid is cooked away, but do not let tomatoes become mushy. Add cream and continue to cook gently until cream is reduced to half.

Add 1 cup Bechamel or cream sauce and salt to taste. Pour the sauce over the chicken Sprinkle with finely chopped parsley Around the chicken arrange 6 small molds of rice. Top each with a slice of truffle or mushroom. Garnish platter with watercress.

Bechamel Sauce

Melt 2 Tbsp. butter in saucepan. Blend in 2 Tbsp. flour. Remove pan from heat or place it over hot water (doubleboiler) . Slowly add 1 cup stock blending it until smooth. Return to heat Cook slowly, stirring constantly, until sauce is thickened and smooth. Season to taste wi th salt and freshly ground pepper. Fold in 1/2 cup cream.

6 servings

Vera K . Blake--Westfield, N.J .



4 large pieces frying chicken

1/4 tsp. garlic salt

1/4 tsp. paprika

1 Tbsp flour

2-3 Tbsp. shortening (half butter)

1/4 tsp . dried rosemary

1/4 tsp. dried basil

1/2 cup California Rose'

1/2 cup commercial sour cream

Dredge chicken with garlic salt, paprika, and flour mixed . Brown on both sides in hot shortening Sprinkle with herbs; add wine Cover and cook slowly until tender, about 45 minutes Skim any excess fat from pan liquid. Thicken liquid with 1 1/2 tsp. cornstarch mixed with 1 Tbsp. water, if desired. Stir in sour cream .

Serves 4 Mrs Wilmar Bernthal--Boulder, Colo.


Run cold water over 3 10 oz. pkgs. frozen broccoli spears to separate, then cut thick spears through middle to make all uniform size. Cook."in salted water about 10 minutes until tender. Drain very well, about 1 1/2 hours. Lay spears out separately to drain .

Cover 6 chicken breasts, 2 thighs, 2 drum sticks or use good meat from 3 whole large chickens, with salted water and simmer until tender. Skin and bone and cut in pieces about 3 inches long and 1 inch wide


1 can cream of mushroom soup

1 can cream of chicken soup

1 carton sour cream with chives

1 1/2 cups miracle whip or spin blend salad dressing

1/2 tsp Lowerys seasoning salt

1 1/2 cups (about) sharp cheddar grated cheese

Mix together

2 cups small soft bread cubes

2/3 cups Sauterne wine poured over bread cubes in bowl and toss lightly then mix into the sauce.

Put layer of sauce over bottom of casserole, lay pieces of broccoli and pieces of chicken over sauce until well covered. Spoon more sauce here and there over this, then another layer of chicken and broccoli. Keep alternating with sauce, chicken and broccoli, until casserole is filled. Put in refrigerator over night . Remove about 1 1/2 hours before putting in oven. Bake at 300 degrees about 2 hours unti I all hot and bubbly . Last 5 minutes spoon 3 Tbsp. buttered bread crumbs on top.

Tip: I dry bread pieces in oven until crisp. Roll to fine crumbs, season with a little garlic salt and onion salt to taste and fry until slightly brown in butter. I make enough crumbs to fill a pint jar at one time. This keeps for a month in refrigerator or freeze crumbs to be used on top of hot dishes.

Serves 20



4 chicken breasts

2 pkgs. frozen broccoli

Mix for sauce:

2 cans cream of chicken soup

1 cup mayonnaise

1 tsp. lemon juice

1/2 tsp. curry powder

1/2 to 3/4 cup buttered bread crumbs

Cook chicken in salted boiling water about 20 minutes. Cool and bone. Cook broccoli about 5 minutes. Place broccoli in greased casserole, cover with chicken, pour sauce ovev all and add bread crumbs on top. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.

Serves 4-6

Niesje Heerman--Appleton, Wisc


2 pkgs. broccoli spears, thawed and drained

3 1/2-4 lb. chicken, cooked and boned

Velveeta cheese

1 can cream of mushroom soup

1/2 cup mayonnaise

1 can water chestnuts

1 can French-fried onion rings

Place broccoli in a well-greased 9 x 13 pan. Cut chicken in large pieces and spread over broccoli Spread 1/8 inch pieces of cheese over pan. Mix soup with mayonnaise Spread over cheese. Sprinkle sliced water chestnuts over top Bake 40 minutes at 350 degrees. Remove from oven. Cover top with onion rings. Bake, uncovered, 20 minutes longer.

Tip: Easy chicken cooking method: Place chicken pieces on greased cookie sheet in 350 degree oven for 1 hour.

Serves 6

Elly Kimmel-Stillwater, Minn.


3 chicken breasts (at least 2 cups cut-up chicken)

1 cup Minute Rice

1 can cream of mushroom soup i can chicken noodle soup

1 cup milk

1/4 cup slivered almonds

1/4 cup cut-up pimento

1 small can mushrooms (cut-up)

Pinch of salt

Cook or bake chicken breasts until tender. Remove bones and cut meat into bite-size pieces . Add other ingredients. Mix well. Pour into wellbuttered 2 quart casserole. Bake at 375 degrees for 45 minutes. Cover with buttered crumbs the last 20 minutes.

6-8 servings Clara A. Laesch-Saginaw, Mich.


6 slices of white bread

3 cups cooked turkey or chicken (1 whole chicken cooked)

1/4 cup chopped onion

1/2 cup finely chopped green pepper

1/2 cup mayonnaise

3/4 tsp. salt

Dash of pepper

2 beaten eggs

11/2 cup milk

1 can cream of mushroom soup

1/2 cup shredded sharp cheddar cheese

Saute all vegetables together Cube two slices of bread and place in bottom of 8 x 8 x 2 baking dish.

Combine meat, vegetables (sauteed), mayonnaise, seasoning. Spoon over bread cubes Trim crust from rest of bread slices; arrange slices on top of mixture. Combine lightly beaten eggs and milk. Pour over all.

Cover and chill 1 hour, or overnight Spoon soup over top. Bake in slow oven at 325 degrees for about 1 hour or until set Sprinkle cheese over top the last few minutes.

Serves 6-8 (Mrs. Martin W.) Ruth Hahm Rupprecht-St. Petersburg, Fla. and

Mrs. Edward F Stegman--South Bend, Ind


4 cups diced chicken (cooked)

1 7 oz . pkg. elbow macaroni (uncooked)

2 cups grated cheddar cheese

2 cans cream of mushroom soup (undiluted)

1/2 cup milk

1/4 cup diced green pepper

2 oz pimento

4 hard cooked eggs coarsely chopped

1 tsp. salt

Dash of pepper

1 can (5 oz.) water chestnuts sliced

1 small onion minced

Combine and mix in large bowl, set in refrigerator overnight. Turn into shallow glass casserole, 13 x 8 1/2. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 1/4 hours (This is a nice dish for a large group - can be made day before and is complete as a main dish and needs only a salad to make a meal. The macaroni gets very soft in the refrigerator overnight and you would never guess there was macaroni in it.)

Serves 8 June L. Krekeler-Valparaiso, Ind

Variation: May substitute turkey, tuna, shrimp or crab for chicken.

Mrs. Arthur Liedtke--Davenport, Iowa




21/2 cups cooked chicken or turkey

1 cup diced celery

1 Tbsp. lemon juice

1/2 tsp. salt

2 tsp. minced onion

3/4 cup Hellman's Mayonnaise

1 cup cooked rice

1 tsp. chicken seasoning

1 can water chestnuts, sliced

1 can cream of chicken soup

Combine above ingredients. Pour into 2 quart buttered casserole Top with 1 cup buttered crushed cornflakes, and 1/2 cup slivered almonds Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.

Mrs. Chester S Nielsen, Jr.--West Bend, Wisc.

Variation : Substitute mushroom soup, add 3 sliced hard-boiled eggs, and omit water chestnuts

Mrs. W A. Richardson-Omaha , Neb


Place in large casserole in layers :

2 cups cooked potato cubes

2 cups cooked carrot cubes

2 cups cooked celery cubes

1 can peas

3 to 4 cups cooked chicken (cut in small pieces)

Using chicken broth, juice of peas and 1 cup flour, make thick sauce

Pour over vegetables and chicken. Cover with buttered bread crumbs. Bake at 350 degrees until it bubbles and crumbs are brown .

Mrs . Helen Dau--Aurora, Ind.


Cook 1 cup wild rice as directed. Cook 1/2 cup chopped onion in 1/2 cup butter until tender, not brown; remove from heat.

Stir into above, 3/4 cup flour. Drain liquid from 6 oz can of mushrooms and add enough chicken broth to make 1 1/2 cups . Gradually stir this into the flour mixture. Add 1 1/2 cups milk. Cook, stirring constantly until mixture thickens

Add rice, mushrooms (sliced), 3 cups diced cooked chicken or turkey, 1/4 cup pimento, 2 Tbsp . snipped parsley, 1 1/2 tsp. salt, 1/4 tsp. pepper Place in 2 quart flat casserole. Sprinkle with 1/2 cup blanched sliced almonds. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 to 45 minutes.

Serves 10

(Mrs. Theodore) Edith Kramer--St . Petersburg, Fla.



2 cups diced chicken

1 can cream of mushroom soup

1 can cream of chicken soup

1 large can chow mein noodles

1 cup diced celery

1 cup cashew nuts

1/2 cup milk

1/2 cup chicken stock

Mix and bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour. You may saute ' celery 5 minutes before adding to remaining ingredients

Serves 4-6

Mrs. Otto Bieber-Davenport, Iowa

Note : Quad City Chapter fed touring Val po Choir with this recipe .


1 2/3 cups thinly sliced carrot strips

1/4 cup butter - scant

1/4 cup green pepper, chopped (optional)

1 cup orange juice

1 cup water or chicken broth

1/2 tsp. poultry seasoning

1/2 cup chopped onion

Grated rind of 1 orange

2 Tbsp. sugar

1 tsp. salt

1/8 tsp. pepper

1 1/2 cup diced cooked chicken

11/3 cup Minute Rice

Saute carrots in butter until tender, add onion and saute'. Add orange juice, rind, water, sugar and seasonings . Bring to a boil. Stir in chicken and rice. Cover anu simmer about 10 minutes. Stir occasionally.

Serves 4

Mrs. Victor Schulz-Sheboygan, Wis.


2 cups med. cooked noodles

1/4 cup chopped green pepper

1/4 cup minced onion

2 Tbsp . butter

1 can cream of chicken soup

1 cup dairy sour cream

1 Tbsp. minced parsley

1/4 cup milk

1/3 cup mushrooms

1/4 cup sliced ripe olives

1/2 tsp. salt

Dash pepper

11/2 cup diced cooked chicken

Saute green pepper and onion in butter until tender; add soup, sour cream, milk, olives, salt, pepper, mushrooms, and chicken. Blend. Gently stir in noodles. Turn into buttered 1 1/2 quart casserole. Sprinkle with parsley and bake for 35 minutes at 350 degrees. The last 10 or 15 minutes cover top with buttered croutons.

6 servings

Mrs. Elmer P. Simon-Frankenmuth, Mich.



4 to 5 small chicken breasts, boiled, boned and cut up

1 can cream of mushroom soup

1 can cream of chicken soup

2 cups diced celery

1 tsp. diced onion

1 cup slivered almonds

1/2 tsp . salt

Dash of pepper

1 Tbsp. lemon juice

4 hard-boiled eggs, sliced 3/4 cup mayonnaise

Mix all ingredients together Place in 2 1/2 quart greased casserole. Sprinkle top with crushed potato chips and bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes .

Serves 6

Louise Drews--Fairview Park, Ohio

Variation: Delete mushroom soup, ..1 cup celery, and almonds. Add 1 cup (or more) cooked rice


Ber Rupprecht-Valparaiso, Ind .


1 can cream of mushroom soup

1 soup can milk

3/4 cup uncooked regular rice

1 can (4 oz.) mushrooms, stems and pieces

1 envelope (1 1/2 oz.) dehydrated onion soup mix

2 chicken breasts, split in half

Mix mushroom soup with milk; reserve 1/2 cup of mixture. Mix remaining soup mixture with uncooked rice, mushrooms (including liquid) and half of the onion soup mix Pour into oblong baking dish (11 x 7 x 2) Place chicken breasts on top. Pour reserved soup mixture over chicken breasts Sprinkle with remaining onion soup mix Cover and bake 1 hour at 350 degrees. Uncover and bake 15 minutes longer.

Serves 4

4 chicken breasts

Mrs . Arthur Hinz-Saginaw, Mich.


1/2 sm. clove garlic, smashed with 1/2 tsp. salt

1 can mushroom soup

1/2 cup sour cream

1/2 cup sauterne

1/3 cup mayonnaise

1/2 cup grated sharp cheese

2 ·pkg frozen broccoli

1 tsp. lemon juice

2 Tbsp butter

Simmer and fry chicken after bones and skin are removed. Mix garlic, soup, sour cream and heat to boiling. Remove from heat and stir in remaining ingredients. Add chicken and turn into cass erole. Bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes. If desired sprinkle roasted slivered almonds on top before baking Prepare broccoli and serve chicken au vin over broc- · coli on individual plates

Serves 6

Mrs Dorothy Eggerding-Valparaiso, Ind.




1 egg

1 cup milk

1 Tbsp melted butter

1 cup sifted flour


1/2 can cream of chicken soup

1 cup milk

1/3 cup toasted sliced almonds

Melted butter


1 cup finely diced chicken

1/2 cup cooked spinach, drained

1/2 can condensed cream of chicken soup

1/4 cup each - cracker crumbs, grated Parmesan cheese, and chopped onion

Beat egg just enough to blend; add milk, butter, and flour. Beat smooth. Lightly grease small skillet (about 6" diameter); heat. Pour 2 Tbsp. batter into skillet. Lift pan and tilt from side to side until batter covers bottom. Return to heat; brown pancake on one side only. Repeat with remaining batter (12 total) . For filling, mix chicken, spinach, soup, crumbs, cheese, and onion Spoon a heaping Tbsp. filling on unbrowned side of each pancake. Roll up. Arrange seam side down in greased shallow baking dish

Sauce : Combine remaining soup with 1 cup milk; pour over pancakes. Sprinkle with toasted sliced almonds. Bake in 350 degree oven for 30 minutes Drizzle with melted butter.

Serves 6

Mrs. Ralph M Krueger--Brookfield, Wis


1 8-oz . pkg . (3 1/2 cups) herb-seasoned stuffing

3 cups cubed cooked or canned chicken

1/2 cup butter or margarine

1/2 cup enriched flour

1/4 tsp. salt

Dash pepper

4 cups chicken broth

6 slightly beaten eggs

1 recipe Pimento Mushroom Sauce

Prepare stuffing according to package directions for dry stuffing. Spread in a 13 x 9 x 2 baking dish; top with a layer of chicken. In a large saucepan, melt butter; blend in flour and seasonings. Add cool broth; cook and stir till mixture thickens. Stir small amount hot mixture into eggs, return to hot mixture; pour over chicken. Bake in slow oven (325 degrees) 40 to 45 minutes or until knife inserted halfway to center comes out clean. let stand 5 minutes to set; cut in squares serve with Pimento Mushroom Sauce.

Pimento Mushroom Sauce: Mix 1 can condensed cream of mushroom soup, 1/4 cup milk, 1 cup dairy sour cream and 1/4 cup chopped pimento. Heat and stir until hot.

12 servings

Mrs. E A. Nerger-Ft. Wayne, Ind.

3 cups chopped onions

2 cups chopped celery

4-5 Tbsp . bacon drippings

1 tsp. salt


4 Tbsp sage

1 pint stewing oysters and liquid

5 quarts day-old bread, cubed

In large skillet cook onions and celery in bacon drippings until tender. Add salt, sage and oysters with liquid and cook 3-4 minutes more. Pour over bread cubes and mix thoroughly. Stuff turkey and bake. Any remaining stuffing may be put into greased casserole and baked for 1 hour .

Enough for 12-15 lb. turkey

Mrs. Charles Frenzel-Colden, N.Y.


1 pkg. (12) hamburger buns (crum-

11/2 cups celery, chopped bled)

2 sprigs dry parsley, crumbled

1 lb. pork sausage salt and pepper

1 medium onion, chopped

1 cube margarine, melted

Chop, fry and drain pork sausage. Boil onion and celery until tender. Drain. Combine crumbs, pork sausage, onion and celery. Add crumbled parsley and salt and pepper. Stir in melted margarine .

Mrs. R. C. Merritt-Omaha, Neb .



1 medium onion, diced

1 1/2 cup celery, diced

7 pork link sausages, cut up

1 clove garlic, diced or

1/8 tsp. garlic powder

1/2 green pepper, diced

2 Tbsp. oil or shortening


1/2 pint oysters, cooked in water


11/2 cups milk

1 tsp. poultry seasoning

1/2 tsp. oregano

2 eggs

1 tsp. salt pinch of thyme


1 loaf white bread (dried), cut up in pieces

2 cans cream of mushroom soup

Put oil or shortening and all of part (1) in a large frying pan and fry till golden brown. Put all ingredients of part (2) in blender and mix well. Break dry bread into small bieces in a large bowl, add parts of 1,2,3 and pour the two cans of cream of mushroom soup over all and mix well. This is enough for a large turkey. If some is left over - bake in a pan or casserole. This mixture will be very moist.

Miss Ruth B. Bargmann--Davenport, la.



4 cups apples, unpared

2 cups celery

2 cups dried apricots

2 cups dried prunes

4 cups buttered croutons

2 cups raisins

2 cups walnuts, more or less

Dice all ingredients and mix in large bowl. Stuff fowl with mixture just prior to roasting.


" The grandest of the buildings on the old campus, the Auditorium, was built in 1892 to relieve the crowded classroom situation, to accomodate the crowds that came to the r.ampu s for concerts and recitals, and to provid e a s uitable setting for the weekly chapel e xercises The fire which destroy ed the old A uditorium in No vember, 1956, burned out the heart o f t he old campu s ."



12-25 pork sausage links

4-5 eggs, slightly beaten


salt and pepper to taste

1 Tbsp. milk per egg

Fry links until brown. Cut into small pieces. Place in 9 x 9 pan. Pour beaten eggs, mixed with milk, over the sausage and bake at 350 degrees for 30-35 minutes . Serve with creamed fresh mushroom sauce.

Serves 4 Mrs. Otto E. Auch-Grosse Point Park, Mich.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Mushroom sauce: Brown 1 cup fresh mushrooms in 3 Tbsp. butter; add 3 Tbsp. flour and blend. Add 1 1/2 cups milk or stock, 1/2 tsp. salt, dash nutmeg, and dash of pepper. Cook until thick. Stir slowly into 2 beaten egg yolks and 2 tsp. lemon juice; cook 2 minutes. Serve at once. Makes 21/2 cups.


11/21b. bacon,fried

2 pkg. shredded cheddar cheese

Sliced bread

Beat well:

12 eggs

11/4 cup milk

Salt & pepper

Spread one layer of bread in bottom of a greased baking dish or loaf cake pan, keep layer flat. Place fried bacon strips over bread . Sprinkle shredded cheddar cheese over bacon. Pour over all the seasoned egg mixture. Allow to rest overnight in refrigerator! (Beautiful!) Let dish warm to room temperature or warm by placing in warm water awhile. Bake uncovered 1 hour at 250 degrees.

Irene Laudert Zielske--Morristown , Minn.


(Good for a luncheon)

1 tsp. onion, minced

1 Tbsp. melted butter

3 Tbsp. flour

2 cups milk

1-8 oz. pkg cream cheese

1 can mushrooms

1 can mushroom soup

sliced olives

mango pimento

4 hard-cooked eggs

1 large can chow mein noodles

Make cream sauce of first four ingredients . Add cream cheese, stirring until smooth; then add mushrooms , mushroom soup, olives, mango and pimento for color and to taste Mix all together over low heat Add eggs just before serving . Serve on nest of chow mein noodles .

Serves 6 Mrs. F Arthur Schack--Ft. Wayne, Ind.


3 Tbsp. butter

2 Tbsp. frozen or freeze dried chop-

1/4 tsp oregano

1/4 tsp. pepper chives

1 clove garlic, crushed


1 tsp. salt

1 4-oz. pkg. Mozzarella cheese, shredded natural

2 Tbsp grated Parmesan cheese

12 slices pepperoni

Heat butter in 10" skillet with oven-proof handle; saute chives and garlic a few minutes Beat eggs with salt, oregano and pepper until well blended . Stir in cheese. Pour egg mixture into skillet, stirring to blend in chives. Reduce heat . Cook slowly until puffy afld lightly browned on bottom, about 5 minutes. Arrange pepperoni slkes on top. Place in pre-heated 350 degree oven for 10-12 minutes or until a knife inserted into center comes out clean.

With spatula, loosen from bottom and around edge and slide out onto serving platter. To serve, using 2 forks tear gently into pie-shaped wedges. (A serrated knife works well to cut.)

Serves 4-6. Mrs. Wm. (Corlyn) Lindenberg--Elmhurst, Ill.


(German Pancake - Supper Egg Dish)

1 med. apple, pared, cored

5 tsp flour

2 tsp. dried milk

2 tsp. sesame seeds


2 eggs

Peanut oil

Pat of butter

Slice apple 1/16-in. thick; have ready on plate . Put flour into 3 cup mixing bowl, add milk and seeds. Mix. Add cold water gradually until a thick semi-liquid mixture results. Beat. Add eggs. Beat as hard as you can for 5 minutes

Have large 9-in. pan (preferably old-fashioned black iron skillet) on low heat of largest burner with 1/16-in. peanut oil and pat of butter in it. When hot pour batter into it slowly. Arrange apple slices on top. Bake 5 minutes . Pancake should be thick and slightly brown . Turn and let bake on other side.

Invert dinner plate on top of pan and turn. Sprinkle with 2 tsp. sugar and cinnamon. Serve with coffee as a supper dish.

May be made with 1/2 cup fresh blueberries, 1 cup pitted sour cherries, or 10 halved fresh Italian prunes in season. Or make plain, serve it with gooseberry compote, apple sauce or even tomato sauce and cheese.

Dr. A.L. Poggensee--Bronx, New York City



8 lbs . chuck roast

Wrap in foil and bake at 350 degree,s 4 to 5 hours until tender enough to shred.

1 cup water

1 cup brown sugar

1/2 tsp. dry mustard dash of tabasco

2 Tbsp. Worcestershire sauce

2 beef bouillon cubes

1-12 oz . bottle chili sauce

1-12 oz. bottle catsup

1/2 cup vinegar

2 bay leaves

2 or 3 garlic cloves

1/2 tsp. paprika

1 tsp. salt juice of 3 lemons

1/4 tsp. pepper

Mix all ingredients. Bring to boil, simmer 30 minutes Add shredded beef and simmer 15 minutes (Best when made ahead and reheated. Freezes well.)

Mary Lou (Jeude) Piotter-LeClaire , la .


1 lb. pork, cubed

1 lb. stewing beef, cubed

1 can tomato soup

1 onion, diced

1/3 cup vinegar

1/3 cup Worcestershire sauce

1 cup water

1/4 cup sugar garlic, celery salt to taste

Put all ingred.ients in 13 x 9 pan with cover. Stir every hour. Cook 2 1/2 or 3 hours. When done mash with potato masher . Serve on hamburger buns or rice.

Yield: 12-16filled buns Lucille Kers-Detroit, Mich.


1 can roast beef or 1 lb. hamburger or 1 lb left-over roast beef, sliced

2 cups chopped onions

2 cups chopped celery

1 bottle catsup (20 oz. size) salt and pepper to taste

2 Tbsp Worcestershire sauce

3 Tbsp. sugar butter or shortening for frying

Fry onions and celery in butter until golden brown; add the meat, catsup, salt and pepper. Cook over low heat for about 45 minutes; stirring frequently, then add the Worcestershire sauce and sugar. Simmer for additional 15 minutes. Keep covered while cooking entire time. Serve on buns. Very good reheated. Recipe can easily be doubled.

Yield : 10-12 filled buns

Mrs. Walter W Liermann--Beloit, Wis




1 cup crabmeat

2 hard boiled eggs, chopped

1/4 cup stuffed olives , sliced

11/2 Tbsp. grated onion

1/3 cup mayonnaise

12 slices white bread, trim off crusts

1/2 cup Old English cheese spread and 1/4 cup butter, blended

Mix crabmeat, eggs , olives, onion and mayonnaise together.

Butter bread generously and spread crab mixture on six slices. Top with remaining slices of bread. Blend cheese and butter until smooth and top sandwiches with cheese mixture. Place on greased cookie sheet, cover with waxed paper and refrigerated overnight. Bake in preheated oven at' 400 degrees for 10 minutes.

Makes 6 sandwiches

Mrs. Robert Woiwod-Hacienda Heights, Calif.


4 hard rolls

61/2 oz. crabmeat

2 Tbsp. pimento

1 sm onio,1, diced

2 tsp. diced celery

1 Tbsp . parsley

1/2 tsp. salt

1/4 cup mayonnaise

8 slices bacon

Mix above ingredients except rolls and bacon. Place mixture on top of rolls that have been split . Put bacon slice on each roll. Heat in oven under broiler Serve cheese sauce over rolls.

Cheese Sauce:

2 Tbsp. butter

2 Tbsp. flour

1 cup milk

1/4 to 1/2 lb Velveeta cheese

Melt butter, add flour, slowly add milk until sauce thickens. Add cheese and stir constantly until thoroughly blended

Mrs. C. L. Lake-Holland, Mich.


1/4 lb. American cheese, cubed

3 hard cooked eggs, chopped

1-7 oz . can tuna, flaked

2 Tbsp. green pepper, chopped

2 Tbsp . onion, chopped

2 Tbsp. stuffed olives, chopped

2 Tbsp . sweet pickle, chopped

1/2 cup mayonnaise

8 Coney buns (or hamburger buns)

Combine ingredients, except buns. Mix lightly. Split buns and fill. Wrap buns in aluminum foil and heat in slow oven of 250 degrees for 30 minutes Serve hot!

Yield: 8 large buns

Mrs. Edith Laudert Best--Faribault, Minn



2 cups hot dogs, finely chopped

1/3 cup cheese whiz

2 hard boiled eggs, chopped

3 Tbsp. pickle relish

1 tsp. prepared mustard

1/2 tsp. garlic salt

8 hot dog buns

Mix first 6 ingredients well. Fill buns. Wrap each in foil, seal securely. Place on baking sheet for 10-12 minutes in a 375 degree oven .

Rachel Winkler-Kansas City, Mo .


1 lb. ground lean beef salt and pepper

1 small can mushrooms, drained 1 tsp . Worcestershire sauce

1/4 lb. Velveeta cheese , grated 1 tsp. gravy master

Mix all ingredients well Cut 5 hamburger buns in half Spread beef mixture evenly on buns being sure to cover edge of bun. Place close together on pan and broil. Quick, but unusually tasty and juicy.

Yield: 10 sandwiches

Ruth Engel Willut-Deerfield, Ill.


8 oz . cheddar cheese

1 small can pitted ripe olives

1 stick butter

1 small onion

1 pimento

2 hard cooked eggs

1/2 can condensed tomato soup salt to taste

Cut or chop ingredients in mixing bowl and add soup and seasoning and mix well . Spread on sliced (1 in. thick) Vienna or French bread and bake for 10 to 12 minutes at 450 degrees .

Mrs. Paul (Hilda) Bieberich--Ft. Wayne, Ind.


4 English muffins (split)

tomato paste

1/2 lb . ground beef

2 Tbsp. catsup

2 Tbsp. onion finely chopped

1/2 tsp. garlic salt

1/4 lb . sharp cheese basil and oregano

Toast muffins . Place on cooky sheet . Spread with tomato paste. Mix beef, onion, garlic salt, catsup together and spread on top of tomato paste Top with cheese strips Sprinkle with basil and oregano to taste. Bake in oven for 15 minutes at 400 degrees

Yield: 8 pizzas Marie Watson-Florissant, Mo. Variation of above: Substitute Italian Sausage and mozarella cheese. Brown sausage and drain before mixing with other ingredients. Editor



1/2 tsp . butter

1 tsp. flour

salt and pepper to taste

2 cups boiling water

2 egg yolks

1/2 cup cut celery

1 tsp chopped onion

2 cups cooked diced chicken

1 juice of lemon

Melt butter, add flour, salt and pepper to taste Add hot water and cook in double boiler till it begins to thicken. Add beaten yolks, celery and onion. Stir chicken into the sauce. Heat thoroughly and add lemon Serve on rounds of toast or English muffins.

Makes 6-8 sandwiches

Mrs. W. A. (Wanda) Reuning--St. Petersburg, Fla .


1/2 lb. boiled or baked ham

1/2 lb . sharp process cheese

1-(2'3/4-oz.) bottle of stuffed green

1 small onion

1/2 cup ketchup olives, drained .

12 hamburger buns

Put ham, cheese, olives and onion through food chopper. Stir in ketchup. Spread between buns . Wrap each sandwich in foil. Refrigerate until serving time. Heat in slow oven (300 degrees) until cheese melts, about 20 minutes.

Makes 12 sandwiches

Bernice Hill-Ft. Myers, Fla .

" The first supper that I had at Valparaiso was in the East Hall diningroom

It cost four cents, and consisted of hot tea biscuits, French fried potatoes, boiled or steamed rice, baked apples, with sugar and milk, stewed peaches, gingerbread, and tea ... "(1908)

"Students are housed in Valparaiso almost as economically as they are fed . In the older dormitories a single furnished room costs sixty cents a week, and a double room one dollar a week . Both are intended for two occupants, but the latter consists of a sitting room , bedroom, and closet . In the new Lembke Hall the rooms are all double, with hot and cold water, and the rental, including heat, is two dollars a week, or one dollar each for two. Lembke Hall tenants, however, have superior accomodations, and pay about forty-five cents more a week for board .. "(1908)


11/2 lbs . boiled lobster

4 Tbsp. butter

2 Tbsp flour

1 cup heavy cream

2 egg yolks


1 cup fresh mushrooms

3 pimentos

2 Tbsp sherry wine

Salt and pepper to taste

1/4 cup Parmesan cheese

Remove lobster meat and save two shell halves Cut meat into chunks and set aside. Saute fresh mushrooms over low heat in 2 Tbsp. butter, covered, stirring occasionally, about 10 minutes Set mushrooms aside In double boiler top melt 2 Tbsp . butter, stir in flour, lobster, salt, pepper and sherry In another pan, beat egg yolks slightly, add cream and then mushrooms. Mix well. Slowly stir yolk mixture into lobster mixture. Cook over hot water, stirring until just thickened. Divide evenly and stuff into shell halves. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese. Brown lightly under broiler. Serves 2 Edna Stoeppelwerth--Ft Lauderdale, Fla


1 can (10 oz ) frozen cream of 1/2 cup shredded process Amerishrimp soup, thawed can or Cheddar cheese

1/4 cup milk or half and half

1 can (7 1/2 oz.) lobster or crabmeat, drained and flaked

2 tsp. lemon juice

Dash paprika

Dash white pepper

2 Tbsp. sherry, optional

For fondue: Combine all ingredients, except sherry in fondue pot Heat over low heat on stove until bubbling hot. Add sherry, if desired, and transfer to fondue stand. To serve, dunk small pieces of French bread or melba toast in mixture.

For Bisque: Combine all ingredients in pan and heat over low heat on stove as above . Serve on toast points or in patty shells.

Yield: 2 3/4 cups.

Mrs. Reynolds Keith Honold-Sheboygan, Wisc.


2 lobster tails (5 oz . each) cooked and chopped

1 1/2 lb. shrimp, cooked and chopped

1/2 cup wild rice

2 1/2 cups water

1 lb. mushrooms

1 green pepper

1 onion

1 can pimento

2 cans mushroom soup

(Directions on following page .)


Shrimp-Lobster Casserole, cont.

Cook rice and combine with sauteed sliced mushrooms, onions and green pepper. Add remaining ingredients and put in buttered 8 x 11 casserole. Bake 45 minutes at 400 degrees. This can be prepared a day ahead and refrigerated until baking time, or can be prepared and frozen.

Serves 8

Mrs. Emory Nelson-Glen Ellyn, Ill.


1/2 lb. fresh or frozen sm. shelled shrimp

2 cans frozen shrimp soup

2 Tbsp. sherry

4 ozs. button mushrooms, drained

1 pkg. (2 1/2 oz ) slivered almonds

1/2 lb. frozen crabmeat

Sliced American Paprika

Cook shrimp; set aside . Melt soup according to directions on can. (Do not add milk or water to soup.) Place melted soup in 2 qt casserole and stir in sherry, mushrooms and almonds. Fold in shrimp and crabmeat, gently. Cover with a layer of sliced cheese. Sprinkle paprika on top. Refrigerate . When ready to bake, place in 300 degree oven, uncovered, for 1 hour. Serve over hot fluffy rice. (Can be made a day ahead.)

Serves 6 Jackie Jungemann-Maywood, Ill .

Variation: Substitute Cheddat cheese.

Mrs. Reynolds Keith Honold-Sheboygan, Wisc


2 Tbsp fat

1/2 cup chopped onions

1 Tbsp. flour

1 clove garlic, minced

1/2 tsp. salt

1 cup canned tomatoes

1/2 cup water

1 green pepper, chopped fine

1/4 tsp. thyme

1/4 tsp red pepper

1 Tbsp. Worcestershire sauce

3 cups cooked rice

2 cups cooked shrimp (cut in pieces)

1 cup tomato juice

1/2 cup grated cheese

2 Tbsp. parsley

Melt fat in skillet, add onions and cook until tender. Stir in flour and blend thoroughly. Add garlic, tomatoes, water, green pepper, salt, red pepper, thyme, and Worcestershire sauce. Cook until pepper is tender. Add rice, shrimp and tomato juice Pour into a greased baking dish Sprinkle cheese and parsley over top. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.

Serves 6

Mrs. D. W. Russler-Appleton, Wisc.



1 7-1/2 oz. can drained crab meat

1 cup soft bread crumbs

1 cup mayonnaise or salad dressing

3/4 cup milk

6 hard-cooked eggs, finely chopped

1/3 cup chopped onions

1/4 cup sliced stuffed green olives

3/4 tsp. salt

Dash pepper

1/2 cup soft buttered bread crumbs

Break crab meat in pieces removing bony pieces. Mix with remaining ingredients except buttered crumbs. Pile into buttered individual shells or 1-quart casserole. Top with buttered crumbs. Bake 20 to 25 minutes in 350 degree oven. Trim with stuffed olives.

6 servings Mrs. Paul H. Hoppe-Elmhurst, Ill.


1 cup cooked lobster (6 oz. can)

6 oz. canned shrimp (1/2 lb. fresh)

61/2 oz. canned crab meat

1/4 cup chopped green pepper

1/4 cup chopped onion

1 cup chopped celery

1/2 tsp. salt

1/8 tsp. pepper

1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce

1 cup mayonnaise

1 Tbsp. lemon juice, opt

*Ramekins - individual baking dishes

Cut lobster into coarse pieces; combine with deveined shrimp, crab meat, green peppers, onion and celery. To this add mayonnaise and seasoning. Mixture is spooned into the ungreased shells. Sprinkle with 1 cup fine bread crumbs that have been browned in 1/4 cup butter. Add a dash of paprika over top. Bake. (Shells may be filled in advance and browned just before serving.) Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.

Serves 8 Arline Utter--Shawnee Mission, Kans.

NOTE: Mary Louise Heitmuller of Silver Spring, Md ., makes this seafood salad in a flat casserole dish and uses 3/4 cup crushed potato chips on top instead of the bread crumbs. She uses 1 cup tuna fish instead of the lobster, noting that 3 cups of any combination of seafood may be used. This may be served hot or cold.


1/4 cup butter

2 Tbsp . finely chopped onion

1 large tomato cut in pieces, or 1 cup canned tomatoes

1 bay leaf

1 can condensed mushroom soup

1 tsp salt

1/2 tsp thyme

Simmer above ingredients 30 minutes. Put 2 lbs . fresh shrimp, in shells into boiling salted water. Let boil slowly 15 minutes . Cool and shell.

Add to sauce: the shrimp, 1/2 cup sherry, 1 tsp. sugar and a dash of cayenne. Heat thoroughly. Serve on rice.

Serves 6-8

Jo Oltmann Price, Davenport, la.


3 Tbsp minced onion

1/4 cup green pepper, chopped

1/4 cup butter

3 Tbsp flour

1/2 tsp. salt

Dash of pepper

1 #2 can tomatoes

1 1/2 cup processed American cheese, grated

1 lb shrimp, cooked or

2 (41/2-oz.) cans shrimp or

1 can shrimp & 1 can tuna

Cook green pepper and onion in butter until tender , but not brown Blend in flour, salt and pepper. Add tomatoes and cook until mixture thickens. Add cheese, stir until melted ; add shrimp and heat Serve in separate bowl, or over hot rice.

Serves 4 to 6

1 pint oysters

1/4 cup butter, melted

Salt and pepper to taste

Dash of Tabasco sauce

Mrs. Dorothy Eggerding--Valparaiso, Ind


1 cup fine bread crumbs, divide into thirds

1/2 cup milk

Drain oysters and save liquid Cover bottom of baking dish with a layer of bread crumbs, then a layer of oysters and sprinkle with salt and pepper Repeat with a layer of crumbs, another layer of oysters, salt and pepper. Strain oyster liquid and add to liquid a dash of Tabasco sauce, butter and scalding milk. Pour over oysters and sprinkle with remaining crumbs. Bake in 350 degree oven until crumbs are brown and oysters plump, about 40 minutes.

Opal Esch-St Petersburg, Fla.


230 I FISH


7 oz crab meat, drained (frozen or canned)

11/2 lbs fillet of sole

11/2 cups milk

3 Tbsp. butter

1 Tbsp. minced onion

1 tsp dry mustard

2 1/2 Tbsp flour

1 tsp . salt

Dash of pepper, optional

1/2 Tbsp. lemon juice

2 Tbsp sherry

Tightly roll fillets. Place in skillet , add milk, bring to boil and cook 5 minutes Remove fish to shallow casserole. Reserve milk. In a skillet melt butter, saute onion Add mustard, flour, salt and pepper, if desired. Add reserved milk and cook until thick. Add lemon juice, sherry and crab . Pour over fillets. Bake uncovered at 350 degrees for 30 to 40 minutes . For au gratin flavor sprinkle with grated cheese before baking . Can be made ahead and refrigerated before baking (Use toothpick to secure fillet rolls if necessary .)

Serves 4 Lillian Veit--Rocky River , Ohio


1 bunch scallions with green tops , chopped (1 cup)

2 small or 1 large green pepper , seeded and thinly sliced

3 Tbsp . olive oil (other oil may be substituted)

2 lbs. frozen fillet of sole, thawed and separated

2 fresh tomatoes, thinly sliced (during winter, canned tomatoes, drained may be substituted)

1 lemon thinly sliced

1/2 cup chopped parsley

Saute onions and peppers in oil over low heat for 10 minutes Blot fillets with paper towel and place in large baking dish . Sprinkle with salt and pepper and spread with onion, green pepper mixture. Arrange tomato and lemon slices on top. Bake in 350 degree oven for 25 minutes or until fish is opaque and flakes easily with fork. Garnish with parsley.

Serves 4-6

Mary Lou (Jeude) Piotter--LeClaire, la .


Broil 4 medium size (1/2 " thick) salmon steaks 3 to 4 inches from flame, 6 to 8 minutes Turn and add following sauce.

1 cup sour cream, 1/3 cup sliced stuffed olives, 1/3 cup chopped cucumber, 1 Tbsp. prepared horseradish. Salt and pepper to taste. Put half of sauce on salmon. Broil 5 minutes. Heat remaining sauce and serve with salmon.

4 servings

Mrs. Edgar Horn-Davenport, la.


2 to 2 1/2 lbs. halibut steak, fresh

3 Tbsp. lemon juice

1 tsp. salt or frozen

16 med mushrooms

1/2 cup fine dry bread crumbs

1 small onion, chopped

1/2 cup melted butter

1/8 tsp. pepper

16 small shrimp (1/2 lb . or less)

1 cup sour cream

Paprika and parsley

If fish is frozen, let stand at room temperature 30 minutes. Trim mushrooms, remove stems and set hollowed out caps aside. Chop stems very fine. Mix with onion and bread crumbs . Combine butter, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Add about half this mixture to crumbs and stir to make a dry dressing Fill mushroom caps loosely with dressing. (There will be some left over.) Press a shrimp onto each mushroom Butter a bake and serve platter, large enough to hold fish . Sprinkle remaining dressing on platter where steaks will be. Top with steaks and arrange mushrooms, filled side up , around them. Pour remaining melted butter sauce over steaks and into mushroom caps. Spread fish with sour cream and place a peak of cream on each mushroom cap. (Sour cream will hold its shape, so do this carefully . ) Bake at 325 degrees about 30 minutes or until fish flakes easily with a fork and the cream is barely browned . Sprinkle with paprika and garnish platter with parsley .

Serves 6-8


Norma Mast-Buffalo, N. Y

FISH I 231

232 I FISH


4 fish fillets (1 lb ) thaw if frozen

1 pkg (10 oz.) frozen asparagus spears (cooked and drained)

1 can cream of celery soup

2 Tbsp. milk

1 tsp. lemon juice

Slivered toasted almonds

Wrap each fillet around 4 or 5 asparagus spears, fasten with toothpicks . Arrange in shallow baking dish (10 x 6 x 2). Combine soup, milk , and lemon juice Pour over fish. Bake for 20 minutes at 400 degrees or until done. Garnish with almonds.

4 servings

Mrs. Robt . C. Moellering--Ft. Wayne, Ind .


1 onion cut in large pieces

3 cups celery cut in small pieces

1 can tuna

1 can cream of chicken soup

1 can cream of mushroom soup

1 Tbsp. milk

1 Tbsp. soy sauce

1 can Chinese noodles

1/2 cup cashew nuts

Mix onion, celery, tuna, soups, milk, and soy sauce Pour into greased casserole. Bake 30 minutes at 350 degrees Mix Chinese noodles and nuts. Stir half the noodle-nut mixture into hot casserole. Sprinkle the other half over the top. Return to oven and bake another 15 minutes at 350 degrees

6 servings

Mrs Nelson Doty-Fort Wayne, Ind


1 lb. frozen fish fillets, defrosted

1 small onion, chopped

2 Tbsp. Crisco

1/4 cup catsup

2 Tbsp. Worcestershire sauce

3 Tbsp. lemon juice

1/2 tsp. salt

1 tsp. sugar

Dash of pepper

1/4 cup water

Arrange fillets in shallow greased baking dish. Sprinkle with salt Cook onion in hot fat until tender and golden brown. Add remaining ingredients Simmer 5 minutes Pour sauce over fish. Bake at 350 degrees for 35 minutes or until fish can be flaked easily with a fork

4 servings

Mrs. Edgar Horn-Davenport, la.



1 9-oz. (1 cup) crushed pineapple

2 beaten eggs

1/2 cup sugar

Dash salt

3 Tbsp lemon juice

2 cup diced unpared apples

1/2 cup finely diced celery

1 cup heavy cream, whipped

Drain pineapple, reserving syrup Add water to pineapple syrup to make 1/2 cup Combine eggs, sugar, salt, lemon juice & syrup mixture. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly until thick Chill. Fold in pineapple, apple , celery & wbipped cream. Pour in 2 quart refrig. tray. Freeze firm. Serves 8 Mrs Paul (Hilda) Bieberich--Ft. Wayne, Ind


3-3 oz. pkgs. cream cheese (Philadelphia brand)

1/2 cup chopped green pepper (or 1/2 cup finely cut celery may be substituted)

1/2 cup chopped nuts

1/4 tsp. paprika

1/2 tsp salt

1 Tbsp. lemon juice

1/4 cup cream, whipped

Cream the cheese with a fork until soft Then add the chopped green pepper, nuts, paprika, salt, and lemon juice. Last add the cream whipped stiff Turn into a refrigerator tray and spread smooth with a spatula to a thickness of 3/4 inch . Chill until the salad is firm enough to cut into 1inch squares. Serve on lettuce with French dressing

Serves 8. Mrs. Clarence C. Rivers, Sr.--Seattle, Wash.


3 cup cranberries

1 1/2 cup sugar

2/3 cup crushed pineapple (8 3/4 oz can)

1/2 cup walnuts, chopped

1-8 oz pkg Philadelphia Cream Cheese

1 cup heavy cream , whipped

Combine cranberries , ground or finely chopped, with sugar Stir in pineapple and nuts . Gradually add to softened cream cheese. Mix well. Fold in whipped cream . Pour in 6 1/2 cup ring mold . Freeze over night. Serves 10-12 Pearl Taylor--Creendale , Ind



1/2 lb cinnamon drops

1/2 cup water

1/2 cup sugar

10 medium firm apples, such as Cortlands


1/2 cup sugar

1 egg

Juice of 1 lemon

Jyice of 1 orange Cornstarch

1/2 cup cream, whipped

Make syrup of cinnamon drops, water and sugar. Pare and core apples Putin above mixture . Do not cover or boil too hard so they will hold their shape. Handle with care. When done let stand in syrup until cool. These can be made a few days before you want to use them. To make dressing mix sugar , egg , lemon juice and orange juice and bring to a boil. Add a little cornstarch to thicken. When cool add whipped cream . Put apple on lettuce and top with dressing.

Serves 10 .

Mrs. Edward Buehring--Lockport, N .Y.


2 cup raw cranberries, ground

3 cup small marshmallows

3/4 cup sugar

2 cup apples, diced

1/2 cup seedless grapes

1/2 cup walnuts , chopped

1/4 tsp . salt

1 cup heavy cream, whipped

Mix cranberries, marshmallows and sugar. Cover and chill over night. Next day add apples , grapes , walnuts, salt and cream and chill.

Serves 8 -10 .

Mrs. Reynolds Keith Honold--Sheboygan,Wis . Mrs Dolly Lorenz

EDITOR'S NOTE: Mrs . Albert E. Ahlbrand-Seymour, Ind ., makes this recipe but omits the apples and uses 2 cups grapes, seeded and halved, instead .


1 can mandarin oranges

1 can chunk pineapple

1 cup cocoanut

1 cup miniature marshmallows

1 cup sour cream

Mix all together and put into refrigerator over night to congeal.

Serves 5-6 . Mrs. Francis B. (Vera K.) Blake--Westfield, N.J .

2 eggs

1/4 cup sugar

1;'4 cup vinegar

2 Tbsp. butter

2 cups marshmallows



2 cups white cherries

2 cups pineapple

1 orange

1/ 4 cup candied cherries

1 cup whipping cream

Beat eggs; add sugar & vinegar . Cook over a very low flame or , preferably , in a double boiler until thick and smooth Remove from fire and stir in butter . Cool. Pit white cherries , cut pineapple into small pieces, quarter marshmallows, section orange & cut candied cherries into small pieces and mi x together Whip cream; add egg mixture & fruits to it. Pour into a refrigerator dish and let stand 24 hours in the coldest part of your refrigerator but not in the freezer section Serve on lettuce leaves. Serves 12.

Mrs Michael A. Logan--Matawan, N.J.

Variations: Mrs. Roy C. Frank-Bethesda, Md , makes this salad but uses 1/2 cup sugar and the juice of a lemon instead of the vinegar. She substitutes grapes for the white cherries

Mrs. Edith Dallman-Rochester, Minn. uses 3/4 cup sugar, 3 eggs, juice and grated rind of one lemon and one orange in her cooked dressing, adding the 1 cup cream, whipped.

Mandarin oranges, other fruit, may be added Just before serving, bananas, or other fresh fruit in season, may be added. Nuts are also a delightful addition, especially slivered almonds


1 Tbsp. lemon juice

1/4 cup fruit juice

16 marshmallows, quartered

3 oz cream cheese

2/3 cup mayonnaise

1 cui) heavy cream

2 cup canned fruit, drained

1/2 cup maraschino cherries

Add lemon juice and fruit juice to marshmallows, allowing to stand until marshmallows have softened. Cream the cream cheese, beating gradually into mayonnaise , blending thoroughly Add marshmallow mixture. Whip cream to hold its shape. Fold into cream cheese mixture. Add fruit and 1/2 of the cherries, mixing lightly Pour into freezing tray. Freeze until firm, garnish with cherries . Serve with salad greens or lettuce cup .

Note : Pineapple , green grapes, peaches, pears , apricots , banannas, etc. may be used. This fruit salad is convenient since it may be prepared ahead of time .

Serves 8

Irene Laudert Zielske--Morristown , Minn .



1/2 cup cinnamon candies

2 cups boiling water

1 6-oz pkg. mixed fruit flavor jello

2 cups sweetened applesauce

2 Tbsp . lemon juice

1/2 cup broken nuts

1/4 cup milk

6 oz cream cheese, softened

2 Tbsp. salad dressing

Dissolve cinnamon candies in hot water and then the gelatin. Stir in & lemon juice Chill until partially set Add nuts. Pour into mold or bowl. Blend milk, cream cheese & salad dressing & spoon on gelatin & swirl thru to marble Chill until firm. Use 1 qt. mold.

Serves 8to12. Ann Gehweiler--Ft . Lauderdale , Fl.


1-6 oz. pkg Apricot lello (May be obtained at A & P)

1 #2 can crushed pineapple

1 cup water

1-8 oz pkg cream cheese

1 lg. can Apricots

1 lg. Cool Whip or 1 cup whipping cream, whipped

1 cup nut's, chopped

Cook jello, pineapple and water together 10 minutes and cool. Mix cream cheese smoothly with enough juice from can of apricots to make it soft and creamy. Drain and quarter apricots Mix all ingredients together and let it set overnight Put in large mold or 9x13 cake pan

Serves 15 . Mildred P. Sielaff--Cleveland Heights, Ohio


2 3-oz pkg Lemon gelatin

2 cups hot water

2 cups 7-Up

4 medium bananas, diced

1 cup mini marshmallows

1 cup (1 #4 oz . can) drained crushed pineapple, save syrup

Dissolve gelatin in hot water in a large mixing bowl. Slowly add 7-Up. Add pineapple, bananas, and marshmallows. Pour into 12x8x2 dish. Chill until set .


1/2 cup sugar

1 egg

2 Tbsp . flour

1 cup pineapple syrup (add water if necessary)

1 cup whipping cream, whipped Mix sugar, egg, flour, and syrup together. Cook over low heat stirring until thick. Cool. Fold in whipped cream . Spread on top of gelatin . Refrigerate until serving time.

Serves 12, 3-in. servings. Chita Easton, Hamlin, N.Y.



1-6 oz . pkg. strawberry jello

2 cup hot water

2 cup sour cream

1-1 lb. 6 oz. can blueberry pie filling

1/3 cup nuts, chopped, opt

Dissolve jello is hot water, spoon in sour cream and blend. Fold in pie filling and pour in mold Refrigerate over night (Fun to serve with a blue color scheme.)

Serves 10-12

Mrs Paul H Hoppe --Elmhurst, 111.


1/2 cup pecans

1 can (1 lb. 4 oz . ) black cherries, pitted 21/4 cup hot water

2 grapefruit, peeled & sectioned Dash salt

2 pkgs ('herry Jello

1/2 tsp. ground ginger

Cut pecans Drain cherries (save syrup). Cut grapefruit into chunks (save any juice) Combine cherry and grapefruit juice to measure 1 1/4 cup. Mix jello with hot water, ginger & salt until dissolved Stir in fruit juices and chill until like raw eggwhites. Mix in cherries, grapefruit & nuts . Pour into 2 qt. mold . Chill.

Serves 9. Alice Orling--Westfield, N J.


1 10-oz. pkg. frozen raspberries, thawed

1/2 cup currant jelly

2 cups water

2 3-oz. pkg. Red Raspberry Gelatin

1/2 cup sherry wine

1/4 cup lemon juice

11-lb. can (2 cups) pitted, dark, sweet cherries, drained

Drain raspberries, reserving the syrup. Combine jelly and 1/2 cup of the water; heat and stir until jelly melts. Add remaining 1 1/2 cups of water and the gelatin; heat and stir until gelatin dissolves. Remove from heat; add sherry, lemon juice, and reserved raspberry syrup . Chill until partially set Fold remaining raspberries and the cherries into gelatin . Pour into a 6-cup mold . Chill until firm, 6 hrs. or overnight. Unmold on serving plate

Note: "Cherries and raspberries afloat in a ruby ring . This salad has a most wonderful flavor Everytime I use it for a party, I get calls the next day for the recipe ."

Serves 8

Mrs Clarence A Mueller--Rocky River, Ohio



1 pkg Lemon Jello

2 cups hot water

1/2 cup small marshmallows

Combine above and when it begins to jell, add the following:

1 cup mayonaise

1 cup well drained crushed pineapple

1 cup grated dieddar cheese

Lastly, fold in 1 cup cream, whipped. Pour in 9x13 or 8x12 pan. Let set. Pour over red jello prepared according to pkg. directions Serve in squares on lettuce

Serves 15-18.

Mrs. Darrell Koss-Minneapolis, Minn.


1 can whole jellied cranberries

1 #2 can crushed pineapple

1 11-oz . can mandarin oranges

1 3-oz. box Cherry Gelatin

1 Tbsp . vinegar

Pecan meats (optional)

Melt jello in juice drained from pineapple. In same sauce pan add cranberries and stir. Add drained pineapple & drained orange sections & nuts if desired. Pour into mold & refrigerate.

Note: "I wouldn't serve Thanksgiving or Christmas turkey dinners without this cranberry mold - even the kids like it."

Yield: 1 ring mold.

Mrs Mary Alice Gin-Aurora, Ill.


1 pkg. Strawberry flavored Jello

1 cup hot water

1 cup frozen cranberry relish

Dash salt

114-oz can crushed pineapple

1 pkg. Lemon Jello

11/4 cups boiling water

2 cups tiny marshmallows

1 3-oz. pkg. cream cheese, softened

1/2 cup mayonnaise

1/2 cup heavy cream, whipped

Dash salt

First Layer: Dissolve strawberry jello in hot water. Add cranberry relish & salt. Chill in 6 1/2 cup ring mold until firm. Second Layer: Drain pineapple, reserve syrup. Dissolve lemon jello in boiling water; add syrup and marshmallows and stir until melted. Chill until partially set. Blend cream cheese, mayonnaise & salt; add to marshmallow mixture. Stir in pineapple. Fold in whipped cream. Pour over first layer. (If mixture is thin, chill before adding whipped cream.)

Serves 10 to 12.

Irene Frenk-Dundee, Ill.

3 _ boxes Jello (any flavor)

3 cups sugar

3 cups water

4 cups (1 lb . ) cranberries



6 Jonathan apples , without peelings

Crated rind, 1 orange

1 cup nuts, small pieces

Put jello and sugar in large bowl , add hot water. Stir until dissolved and let stand to jell. Grind apples and cranberries and add to jello . Add orange rind and nuts. Pour into pretty bowl or mold and chill for several hours . We usually serve this at Christmas and Thanksgiving Keeps well for several days .

Serves 12 or more.

Carol Stoker Petzold--Rockville, Md.


113 - 3/4-oz can crushed pineapple, well drained, reserving syrup

1 6-oz . pkg. Lemon Jello

1 cup Ginger Ale

1 can whole cranberry sauce

1 pkg . Dream Whip, prepared according to pkg. directions omitting vanilla

1 8-oz pkg cream cheese , sottened to room temperature

1/2 cup slivered almonds

1 tsp . butter

Drain pineapple, reserving syrup Add water to syrup to make 1 cup Heat until mixture is boiling Dissolve gelatin in hot liquid. Cool. Stir in ginger ale . Chill until mixture begins to thicker:i. Add drained pineapple & cranberry sauce Spoon into 9x9x2 dish Chill until firm. Prepare dessert topping mix Fold in cream cheese. Spread over gelatin. Toast slivered almonds in butter in preheated 325 degree oven about 10 min Sprinkle over salad. Chill. Cut in 9 squares

Serves 9

Mrs. H.B. Dierkes-Decatur, Ind


1-6 oz pkg. cherry jello

1 1/4 cup hot water

Dash salt

1-1 lb. can whole cranberry sauce

1/2 cup celery, diced

1/4 cup nuts, chopped

1 cup sour cream

Dissolve jello in hot water. Add salt. Chill until slightly thickened. Break up cranberry sauce with fork and stir into jello. Add celery and nuts. Fold in sour cream. Pour into molds. Chill until firm.

Serves 8. Mrs. Warren Doede-Wausau , Wis



2 1-lb . cans (4 cups) apricot halves, peeled 23-oz . pkgs . Orange flavored Gelatin Dash salt

1 6-oz. can frozen orange juice concentrate

2 Tbsp . lemon juice

1 7-oz bottle (almost 1 cup) lemon - lime (7-Up) carbonated beverage

Drain apricots, reserving 1 1/2 cups syrup Puree apricots in blender or put through sieve (you'll need 2 cups apricot puree) Combine reserved syrup, the gelatin, and salt; heat to boiling, stirring to dissolve gelatin. Remove from heat. Add apricot puree, orange concentrate, and lemori juice; stir to melt concentrate. Slowly pour the carbonated beverage down side of pan To keep bubbles, mix gently with up-and-down motion Pour into 6 1/2 cup ring mold Chill until firm, about 6 hours or overnight .

Serves 10 to 12 .

1 3-oz pkg Ii me jello

11/3 cup boiling pear liquid

1 8-oz. pkg. cream cheese

1 lg can pears

Mrs. Harold Kramer --St. Louis, Mo.


1/2 cup nuts

1 cup coconut

1 pkg Dream Whip

Dissolve jello in pear liquid. Add hot mixture slowly to cream cheese until smoothly blended. Use mixer at low speed. Cool. Let set slightly Add diced pears, nuts, and coconut Fol d in Dream Whip

Serves 4.

Mildred Woolley--Colorado Springs, Colo .


2-3 oz pkgs. raspberry jello

2 cup boiling water

1 #2 jar applesauce

1 pkg. frozen raspberries, thawed

Dissolve jello in boiling water. Let jell and add applesauce and thawed raspberries. Pour into jello mold which has been rinsed with cold water to prevent jello from sticking to mold. When ready to serve remove jello from mold and serve with topping.


1 cup sour cream

1 cup marshmallows, cut up

Combine cream and marshmallows and put in refrigerator over night and whip the next day

Serves 8 Mrs Edith Laudert Best-Faribault Minn

2 pkgs. black cherry jello

2 pkgs. lemon jel lo

2 pkgs. lime jello



1 pkg cherry jello

1 lg. can evaporated milk

Dissolve 1 pkg black cherry jello in 1 cup boiling water, then add 1/2 cup cold water and pour into 9x13 loaf pan and chill until firm. Dissolve next pkg. black cherry jello in 1 cup boiling water and add 1/2 cup evaporated milk and pour on top of first layer. Repeat with other jello pkgs Use 1 red cherry layer on top. Chill until firm. Cut in desired shapes. Serves 20-24.

1 6-oz. pkg. Orange Jello

Gladys Mielke-Berkeley, IU.


1 8-0z. pkg. Philadelphia Cream Cheese

1 6-oz. pkg. Strawberry Jello

1 6-0z. pkg. Lemon Jello

1 large can apricots

Juice from 1 lemon

110-oz. pkg. frozen strawberries

layer must be set before adding next. Make orange jello, using juice of apricots which have been put thru sieve, add together & pour into 9x13 cake pan . Make lemon jello & let set until thick. Beat Philadelphia Cream Cheese with electric beater, add lemon juice & cream cheese to jello. Let cool & pour over orange jello. Make strawberry jello, be sure to use juice of strawberries with your water & add strawberries . Let cool. Pour over layer of lemon jello.

Serves 12 to 20, depending on size of portions.

Dorothea Husemann Peters--Avon Lake, Ohio


2 cup crushed pineapple

3/ 4 cup sugar

Juice of 1 lemon

2 Tbsp. (2 env .) unflavored gelatin

1/2 cup cold water

3/ 4 cup grated yellow cheese

1/2 pint whipping cream, whipped


2 Tbsp. celery, cut fine

2 Tbsp mango, cut fine

1 cup mayonnaise

Soak gelatin for 10 minutes in cold water. Heat pineapple, sugar and lemon juice until sugar dissolves. Add to gelatin with grated cheese. When mixture thickens and sets, add whipped cream, folding into gelatin mixture Pour into loaf pan or 8x8 cake pan. Refrigerate. Cut in squares to serve. Make dressing of celery, mango and mayonnaise to serve over salad.

Serves 8-9. Mrs. Theodore (Edith) Kramer--St. Petersburg, Fla .


1 large cucumber

1/2 cup sugar


1/4 cup vinegar

Peel and slice cucumber. Mix well sugar & vinegar. Pour over cucumber slices. Chill in refrigerator 1/2 hour.

Serves 6 . Mrs. Lillian Lasanen-Dearborn, Mich .

EDITOR'S NOTE: Tomato and sweet onion slices may be layered with the cucumber slices and marinated in the sauce for a pretty and inexpensive summer salad. Keeps at least a week in the refrigerator.


5 slender cucumbers

1 tsp. salt

1 cup yogurt

1/2 tsp. vinegar flavored with 1 crushed clove garlic

1/2 tsp. dried dill weed

let garlic stand in vinegar one hour, then discard garlic. Peel cucumber and slice very thin. Put into a bowl and sprinkle with one tsp. salt to draw out the bitter juices. Mix yogurt, vinegar and dill weed until smooth. Combine with drained cucumbers and chill. Serve over lettuce. This is a delicious way to serve yogurt!

Serves 6. Mrs. Max Jabs-San Antonio, Texas


1/3-1/2 head lettuce (middle)

1 grapefruit

1 carrot

1 lb. can pears, drained French dressing

Can tiny shrimp, opt.

Shred lettuce into fairly small pieces. Peel and section grapefruit, cut sections into halves or thirds Shred carrot; cut pears into bite-size pieces. Toss together; add a little pear juice. Good plain or with French dressing For a low calorie lunch add drained tiny shrimp and serve with rye krisp. Serves 6. Midge Rivers-Valparaiso, Ind.


1 envelope Good Seasons French Salad Dressing Mix

2 Tbsp soy sauce

6 heads bib lettuce

1 head romaine

2 medium Spanish onions, thinly sliced

2 cups fresh pineapple, cubed

2 tomatoes, cut in wedges



(Tahitian Salad, cont.)

Prepare salad dressing as directed on envelope, using soy sauce instead of water. Clean and cut greens into 1-in. pieces and chill. Separate onion slices into rings. Just before serving, toss greens with onion rings. Arrange pineapple and tomatoes on top of salad. Serve with dressing.

Serves 12.

1 lb. spinach (washed)

1 can water chestnuts

2 hard cooked eggs

Toss with a dressing of:

1 small onion, chopped fine

1/2 cup oil

1/2 cup sugar

Serves 6 to 8.

3 cups broken lettuce

3 slices bacon

3 hard boiled eggs, sliced

1 Tbsp. onion, sliced thin

Mrs. Dean (Ruth) Arnold-Ft. Wayne, Ind


3/4 cup drained bean sprouts

1/2 lb . fried crisp bacon

1/6 cup catsup

2 Tbsp. vinegar

1 Tbsp. Worcestershire sauce

Mrs. Richard Miller-Columbus, Ind.


1/2 cup salad dressing

3 Tbsp. milk

1 Tbsp. bacon grease

1/8 tsp. garlic salt

Place lettuce in salad bowl. Add fried and chopped bacon, sliced eggs & onion. Mix dressing, milk, bacon grease & salt. Add to lettuce and toss Garnish with tomatoes and croutons.

Serves 6 . Viola L. Schmidt-Hometown, Ill.


Layer of broken head lettuce

Layer of cut up celery

Layer of 1 cup mayonnaise

Layer of green onions, tops too, cut up Layer of parmesan cheese

Layer of cooked frozen peas, not overly done Layer of crumbled bacon

In a 9x11 in dish layer the ingredients as given. The amount of celery, onions, can be varied to suit tast but be sure to use the cup of mayonnaise & plenty of cheese & bacon. The salad is not mixed but served in layers.

Serves 10to12 .

Mrs. Helen Peper-Holgate, Ohio


1 lb. fresh spinach

1 clove garlic, slivered

1/ 2 cup salad oil

1/4 cup red wine vinegar

1/4 cup lemon juice


1/4 tsp. salt

Dash of pepper

2 Tbsp. grated Parmesan cheese

2 hard cooked eggs, chopped

6 crisp, cooked, bacon slices

Rub wooden salad bowl with a piece of fresh garlic. Tear spinach into bite-size pieces . Toss spinach with chopped eggs and Parmesan cheese . Combine garlic, oil, vinegar, lemon juice, salt and pepper and shake until well-blended. Pour over salad when ready to serve, toss lightly. Crumble bacon slices on top.

Serves 6. Lois Nelson-Concord, Calif


2/3 cup sugar

2/3 cup vinegar

2 tsp. salt

1 tsp celery seed

1/2 cup oil

7 cup shredded cabbage

2 grated carrots

1 green pepper, cut up

3/4 cup cold water

1 envelope gelatin

Mix the vegetables. Sprinkle with an additional 1/4 cup cold water. Set aside . Combine 1/2 cup cold water with oil and heat to boiling point. Add gelatin softened in 1/4 cup cold water, then add rest of ingredients . Drain vegetables and add, blending gently. Refrigerate several hours before serving. Keeps well.

Serves 8

Mrs. Darrell Koss-Minneapolis, Minn.


1 head cabbage, shredded

1 small green pepper, chopped

1 small onion, chopped

1 heaping tsp. salt

1 cup sugar

1/2 cup vinegar

1/2 cup pimento, diced

1 tsp. mustard seed

Cover cabbage, green pepper and onion with boiling salted water let stand one hour . Then drain. Put sugar, vinegar, pimento and mustard seed in pan and bring to boil and pour over drained cabbage mixture . This is better made the day before serving and will keep well. Store in refrigerator.

Mrs John F. W Koch-Evansville, Ind.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Lu Zoll of Valparaiso makes this salad but omits the pimento and adds 1 tsp. celery seed.



1 can (1 lb., 4 oz.) whole kernel corn

1/4 cup chopped sweet pickles

1/4 cup chopped green pepper

2 Tbsp. chopped p imento

3 Tbsp. chopped onion

2 Tbsp. prepared mustard

1 Tbsp. sugar

1/2 tsp. celery seed

2 Tbsp. cooked salad dressing

Salt & pepper to taste

Combine all ingredients, mixing well. Chill before serving.

Olivia Henkel-Valparaiso, Ind


1-16 oz . sauerkraut drained

1 cup celery, cut fine

1/2 cup green pepper, cut fine

1/2 cup onion, cut fine

1/3 cup red pepper or pimento, cut fine

1 cup sugar

Add all together and let stand 8 hours.

Mrs. H. P. (Louise) Krause-St. Petersburg, Fla


1 large head cabbage, chopped 1 tsp mustard seed

1 green pepper, chopped

1 red pepper, chopped

1 carrot, shredded

1 tsp. celery seed

1 tsp. salt

11/2 cups white vinegar

11/2 cups white sugar

1/2 cup water

Boil water, vinegar & sugar until sugar dissolves. Cool. Pour over & m1x well the raw vegetables. Put into freezer container & freeze. Have cole slaw on hand for emergencies!

Ruth F. Ruff-Mishawaka, Ind.


1 cup celery, chopped

1 cup onion, chopped

1 cup green pepper, chopped

#2 can sauerkraut, drained & cut 1 cup vinegar

2 cup sugar

Boil vinegar with sugar. Pour over other ingredients. Cover and refrigerate for at least 24 hours. This will keep indefinitely.

Mrs. Victor Zaremba-Appleton, Wis.


8 hard cooked eggs

3 Tbsp. mayonnaise

1 tsp. prepared mustard

2 tsp lemon juice


11/2 tsp. Worcestershire sauce

1/4 tsp. salt

1/8 tsp. pepper


Cut eggs in half lengthwise. Remove yolks & mash. Add mayonnaise, mustard, lemon juice, Worcestershire sauce, salt & pepper, blending well. Refil egg whites. Sprinkle with paprika. Chill thoroughly

Yield: 16 deviled eggs

Mrs. Alton F. Riethmeier-Rochester, N Y


2 dozen hard boiled eggs,

1 Tbsp. sharp mustard chopped fine Dash of tabasco

1 cup celery, chopped

3-oz. pkg. cream cheese

1 cup mayonnaise

21/2 tsp. salt

1/2 cup hot milk

2 Tbsp plain gelatine, soaked in 1 cup sour cream

1/3 cup cold water

In large mixing bowl, chop hard boiled eggs finely. Add celery Blend cream cheese, mayonnaise, sour cream, mustard & salt together. Dissolve soaked gelatin in hot milk. Add to above mixture. Blend all ingredients together thoroughly. Put in large 1 1/2 quart size mold. Refrigerate. Unmold on large platter Garnish with parsley, ripe olives, tomato wedges, etc.

Molded egg salad may be served with following suace:

1 can crab meat, flaked in bowl

3/4 cup sour cream

3/4 cup mayonnaise

1 Tbsp. lemon juice

2 Tbsp. sherry for thinning

Stir all ingredients well and put in serving bowl.

Serves 30 . .

Mrs . Orville Bopp-Kirkwood, Mo .


1-3 oz. pkg. lemon jello

1 cup corned beef, diced

1 cup celery, diced

1 cup green pepper, diced

1 small onion, diced

1 cup peas

2 hard cooked eggs, diced

1 cup mayonnaise

Dissolve jello in 1 cup boiling water. Cool. Add diced ingredients, peas and mayonnaise. Chill. Use 9" square cake pan or 6 cup mold

Christine Paslean-Metamora, Mich.'


4 cups chicken, cut in 1" chunks

3 hard cooked eggs, cut up

1 cup celery, diced

1/2 cup almonds, chopped

4 Tbsp. parsley chopped

1/4 tsp . tabasco

Juice of 1 lg. lemon

1 tsp. salt

1/4 cup sherry, opt .

1/2 cup sour cream

1/2 cup chicken stock

1/2 cup mayonnaise

Few drops onion juice, opt.

Combine liquids and salt. Add other ingredients and mix well. Serve on lettuce leaf . Garnish.

Serves 16. Alice Orling-Westfield, N .J.


2 cups cut-up cooked chicken

1/2 cup slivered almonds

1 cup sliced water chestnuts

1/4 cup pimento

3/4 cup mushroom pieces

1/8 tsp Accent

1/4 tsp celery salt

2 Tbsp. lemon juice

1 cup mayonnaise

1/2 cup crumbled French fried onions

3/4 cup grated cheddar or American cheese

Mix all ingredients except cheese & onions. Pour into greased casserole. Sprinkle top with cheese & onions and bake for 1/2 hour at 350 degrees.

Serves 6. Mrs. Paul A (Esther) Bierwagen-Valparaiso, Ind


5 cups cooked, diced, chicken

2 Tbsp vegetable oil

2 Tbsp. orange juice

2 Tbsp. vinegar

1 tsp. salt

11/2 cup small green grapes, cut 11/2 cup celery, chopped

13 oz. can pineapple chunks or tidbits, drained

11 oz. can Mandarin oranges, drained

1/2 cup slivered almonds

1 1/2 cup salad dressing

3 cup cooked rice (opt., but good)

Mix and set aside the first five ingredients several hours or over night in refrigerator. Add the rest. Mix and chill.

Serves 8. Mrs. Alfred Klein-Saginaw, Mich .



8-10 cup chicken, cubed, or meat of 2 chickens

7 cup celery

6 cup cooked ham, cubed

2 #2 cans pineapple chunks

2 cup white or red grapes

2 cup nuts, cut in large pieces

Mix all ingredients together and top with a dressing of 3 cups Miracle Whip salad dressing mixed with 1/2 pint whipping cream (whipped) and a few dashes of lemon juice Serve on lettuce with slice cranberry sauce or salad.

Serves 25. Mrs. C. L. Haven, Mich.


11/2 cups fully cooked ham

1/4 cup chili sauce

1 Tbsp. onion, cut fine

2 tsp. prepared mustard

1 tsp. prepared horseradish

1 envelope (1 Tbsp.) unflavored gelatin

1 cup mayonnaise

2 cup potatoes, cooked, peeled, diced

1/2 cup celery, diced

2 Tbsp. green pepper, cut fine

1 Tbsp. onion, cut fine

2 tsp. vinegar

1 tsp. salt

Combine first five ingredients in a sauce pan. Soften gelatin in 1/2 cup cold water. Stir over low heat until gelatin is dissolved. Stir gelatin into mayonnaise. Fold half the gelatin mixture into the ham mixture. Pour into 1 Ox6x1 1/2"mold. Chill almost firm. Keep remaining gelatin and mayonnaise mixture at room temperature. Then combine potatoes, celery, green pepper, onion, vinegar, salt and 1/8 tsp. pepper and fold remaining mayonnaise and gelatin mixture into potato mixture. Spoon over ham layer. Chill until firm.

Serves 8-10.

Mrs. Francis B. (Vera K.) Blake-Westfield, N.J.

Four professional schools - law, engineering, business and nursing plus the College of Arts and Sciences - round out the degree programs at Va/po.

Master of Arts in Liberal Studies and Master of Arts in Teaching are degrees offered in Valpo's graduate program

Some special programs at Va/po include: The United Nations Seminar; the Washington Semester; Urban Studies Program; Law Enforcement Education Program.



1 cup macaroni (uncooked)

2 Tbsp. vinegar

2 sol id tomatoes, cubed

1 peeled cucumber, cubed, opt.

1 green pepper, cut fine

1 sm. onion, cut fine, opt.

1 cup celery, cut fine

1 can peas, drained1

1 can de-veined shrimp, cut in pieces

Salt and pepper to taste

4 heaping Tbsp. mayonnaise, or salad dressing, approx.

Cook macaroni in boiling salted water until tender, drain. When cold, pour the vinegar over it. Add the balance of the ingredients, and combine with the mayonnaise or salad dressing. Chicken, tuna fish, salmon or crabmeat may be substituted for the shrimps. May be served on lettuce leaf.

Makes 12 generous portions. Mildred Licht-Pinellas Park, Fla .


1 Tbsp. (1 env.) unflavored gelatin

1 cup cold water

2 Tbsp sugar

1 Tbsp. lemon juice

1 Tbsp. vinegar

2 tsp. grated onion

1/2 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. prepared horseradish

16 oz. can salmon, drained, flaked, bones removed

1/2 cup mayonnaise

1/3 cup sliced ripe olives

1/2 cup celery, finely chopped


1 lg.avocado

1/2 cup sour cream

1/2 tsp , salt

In saucepan soften gelatin in cold water. Stir over low heat until dissolved. Add next six ingredients .\ Fold in salmon . Add mayonnaise, olives, and celery. Spoon into 3 1/2 cup mold and chill until firm. To prepare the dressing peel and mash the avocado (about 2/3 cup). Add sour cream and salt. Chill. When salmon mold is placed on platter spread avocado dressing evenly over outside of salad. Garnish with lettuce or endive and lemon wedges.

Serves 6 . Mrs. Francis B. (Vera) Blake--Westfield, N.J.




2 Tbsp. gelatin

1/2 cup cold water

1 cup condensed tomato soup

3 3-oz pkgs cream cheese

1 cup mayonnaise

1 cup chopped green pepper

1/8 tsp. black pepper

Dash of tabasco sauce

1 cup celery, finely cut

1/4 cup minced onion

3 hard cooked eggs, finely chopped

2 cup shrimp, cut in thirds

11/2 tsp. salt

1/4 tsp celery salt

1/2 tsp . Worcestershire sauce

Soak gelatin in cold water about 5 min Heat soup. Add cream cheese & beat over low heat until cheese is melted. Add gelatin & stir until dissolved . Cool. Add mayonnaise to soup mixture & beat with mixer . Add chopped vegetables, hard cooked eggs, shrimp & seasoning. Pour into oiled (mineral oil is good) fish mold (or any mold) Let set in refrigerator at least 4 hrs. This can also be frozen Unmold Serve on lettuce or endive. Decorate as you wish.

Serves 12

2 pkg Lemon Jello

1 cup hot water

1 cup Miracle Whip dressing

11/4 cup cold water

1 cup celery diced

Mrs. M E. Reinke-La Porte, Ind


1/2 green pepper, diced

1/2 cup diced pimento

2 6-oz . cans Tuna

1/4 tsp. salt

pinch garlic

Dissolve lemon jello in hot water, when cool add ingredients as listed Pour into 3 cup mold.

Serves 10to12. Ruth Erck-Milwaukee, Wis.


2-3 oz. pkgs. lime jello

1-7 oz bottle (about 1 cup) chilled ginger ale

2 cup turkey, cooked & diced

2 cups boiling water

1/2 cup cold water

1 cup dairy sour cream

1/4 tsp. ground ginger

1-16 oz . can pears, drained & diced

Dissolve jello and 1/4 tsp. salt in 2 cups boiling water. Cool. To half the jello mixture slowly add ginger ale and 1/2 cup cold water. Chill until partially set. Fold in turkey. Pour jello mixture into 6 1/2 cup mold. Chill until almost firm . Meanwhile beat sour cream and ginger into remaining jello until smooth Chill until partially set. Fold in the pears. Pour over the almost firm turkey layer. Chill until firm.

Serves 4-6 .

Mrs. 'Francis B . (Vera K.) Blake-Westfield, N.J.



1 cup Cream of Asparagus soup

1 pkg. lime jello

1-8 oz. pkg. cream cheese

1/2 cup cold water

1/2 cup mayonnaise

3/ 4 cup celery

1 Tbsp. onion

1/2 cup green pepper, chopped very fine

1/2 cup pecans, chopped

Heat undiluted soup to boiling. Add jello and dissolve. Add cheese, water and mayonnaise. Add remaining ingredients. Blend and mold.

Ber Ruprecht-Valparaiso, Ind.


1 box Lemon or Lime Jello

1 cup hot water

1/2 lb. marshmallows

1 8-oz. pkg. Philadelphia Cream


1/2 cup grated carrots

1 cup chopped celery

1 small can crushed pineapple, drained

1 cup cream, whipped

1/2 cup salad dressing

Dissolve jello, marshmallows & cream cheese in hot water. Let cool. Mix in carrots, celery & pineapple. Then fold in whipped cream & salad dressing. Put in 8x10 square pan or large mold.

Clara Ebersold-South Bend, Ind.


18 small potatoes, whole

3 slices bacon, cut in cubes

1 rounded Tbsp. flour

1 Tbsp. butter

1/4 cup vinegar

3/4 cup water

1/4 cup sugar

1 Tbsp. salt

1/4 tsp. pepper

1 small onion, chopped

Hard boiled eggs

Cook potatoes until soft. Peel and slice. Add onion (chopped). Fry bacon until golden brown. Remove from pan. To bacon fat, add the butter & flour . Stir and add vinegar, water, sugar, salt & pepper. Let come to a boil, stirring frequently and pour over potatoes. Sprinkle bacon cubes & sliced hard boiled eggs on top.

Serves 4 to 6.

Mrs. Ernst Heinecke-Schofield, Wis.


1 #303 can cut green beans

1 #303 can kidney beans, rinsed

1 #303 can wax beans

1/2 cup green pepper

1/4 cup pimento, chopped Sweet onion rings


3/ 4 cup sugar

2/3 cup vinegar

1/3 cup salad oil

1 tsp . salt

1/2 tsp. pepper

1 Tbsp. celery seeds

Mix dressing. Empty all beans into colander after rinsing red beans. Put beans into large bowl, pour dressing over . Refrigerate several hours, preferably over night, stirring occasionally. Keeps several days, flavor improves second day.

Serves 8-12. Georgiana Schroeder--Zionsville, Ind.

Variations: Mrs. Willis Young--Orland Park, Ill., uses this same dressing without the celery seed and only 1/4 tsp . pepper and substitutes a 16 oz . jar of sliced carrots for the kidney beans . She uses whole green and wa:x beans in her 24-Hour Vegetable Salad., Cauliflowerets may be also bP addPd


2 #303 cans French cut beans (about 4 cups)

1/2 cup mayonnaise

2 Tbsp onion juice

Heat beans. Grate enough raw onion for 2 Tbsp. onion 1u1ce Use sieve to strain . Drain beans well. Add onion juice and mayonnaise just before serving. Serve hot.

Serves 6 (medium servings)

Mrs Hershel Madoerin--Omaha, Nebr


4 slices bacon in 1-in. pieces

11/2 Tbsp flour

1 Tbsp . sugar

3 Tbsp. vinegar

1/4 cup water

1/4 cup sliced onion rings

2 cups hot, cooked, seasoned green beans

2 Tbsp. chopped, canned pimento, optional

Cut bacon in 1-in. pieces. Fry until crisp; remove bacon, add flour to fat and blend thoroughly. Add sugar, vinegar; add water. Stir until well blended. Pour over hot, cooked & seasoned green beans, sliced onion rings and chopped, canned pimento. Serve hot as salad or relish Serves 4 to 6.

Mrs. Ralph Capelle-Plymouth, Wis.


3 Tbsp mayonnaise

1/2 cup sour cream

1 tsp. green onion flakes


1-3 oz pkg lemon jello

1-8oz. can Ortega Green Chi lie Salsa

1 cup water

1 jar artichoke hearts, drained

1 avocado, sliced

Heat water and dissolve lemon jello, add salsa and chill until partially set . Place avocado slices and artichoke heart in an 8" or 9" glass square pan. Pour jello mixture over artichokes and avocado. Chill until set . When set spread a mixture of 3 Tbsp. mayonnaise and 1/2 cup sour cream over jello Sprinkle with 1 tsp green onion flakes. Serves 8. Mrs. Robert Woiwod-Hacienda Heights, Calif.


6 pkg frozen spinach, chopped

3/4 cup sour cream

1/2 cup celery, cut fine

6 Tbsp. grated onion (inc. juice)

2 Tbsp. vinegar

1 Tbsp parsley, chopped

1 Tbsp. salt

1 tsp. tarragon

1 tsp. chervil

Cook spinach. Drain well. Mix all ingredients and pack in 2 1/2 quart jello ring . Chill until served.


1 cup sour cream

2 Tbsp. cucumber, chopped

Serves 10-12

1 pkg. lemon jello

1 cup boiling water

11/2 Tbsp. vinegar

1/2 tsp. salt

1 tsp. ginger

Joan Bischoff-Mi n neapolis, Minn.


1-8 oz. can tomato sauce

Dash tobasco sauce

Dash worcestershire sauce

Dissolve jello in boiling water. Add remaining ingredients. You may add chopped celery, shrimp, etc. if so desired. Mold in ring mold, individual molds or in square pan and cut rn squares.

Mrs. John F. W. Koch-Evansville, Ind.


2/3 cup sugar

1 tsp. dry mustard

1 tsp paprika

1/4 tsp. salt

1 tsp celery seed


1/3 cup strained honey

5 Tbsp. vinegar

1 Tbsp. lemon juice

1 tsp grated on ion

1 cup salad oil

Mix dry ingredients; add honey, vinegar, lemon juice & onion. Pour oil into mixture very slowly, beating constantly with rotary or electric beater. Good on fruit salad.

Yield: 2 cups. Marion Mich.

Note: Variation of above: Omit honey for a slightly different flavor.

Frieda Richman-Holland, Mic;:h.


3 Tbsp sugar

1/4 cup vinegar

1 tsp. salt

1 tsp. paprica

1/3 cup ketsup

1 small onion

1/2 cup oil

Blend in blender This is so good you will want to double it. May be varied to your taste with barbaque sauce & more or less onion. Add egg, pickle relish & green pepper - & you have a good Thousand Island dressing.

Mrs. Richard Walsh-Crown Point, Ind.

MOCK SOUR CREAM (low Calorie)

1 cup cottage cheese

1/3 cup skim milk

2 Tbsp. lemon juice 1/2 tsp. sal

Blend in blender . Can be used as a basis for sour cream dressing.

Yield: 1 1/4 cup

Mrs. Darrell Koss-Minneapolis, Minn.

EDITOR'S NOTE: The skim milk may be made by putting 5 tsp. powdered m i lk in 1/ 3 cup measure and filling with water ; dissolve powder 2% or whole milk may be used also.

254/ SALAD

2 eggs

2/3 cup sugar

1/2 cup vinegar



2 Tbsp . butter

1/8 tsp salt

1/2 tsp dry mustard

Beat eggs. Add remaining ingredients. Cook over medium heat until thickened Cool. Keeps in refrigerator.

Lois Horsch - Minneapolis , Minn


1/4 cup malt vinegar

3/4 cup salad oil

1 tsp salt

1 cup sour cream

1 cup mayonnaise

3 small wedges Roquefort cheese

1 8-oz . square cream cheese

2 Tbsp . sugar

1 clove garlic, crushed

Dash Tobasco Sauce

Al low roquefort & cream cheeses to soften at room temperature. Mix given in electric mixer at medium speed. Store in refrigerator. (Malt vinegar must be used .)

Yield : 4 cups Mrs. Alfred E. Jordan-Shawnee Mission, Kansas


2 cups liquid shortening or oil

1/2 cup vinegar

2/3 cup cats up

2 tsp Worcestershire sauce

2 tsp. salt

1 medium onion, peeled & chopped

Combine all ingredients in blender Whirl at high speed for about one min . Store in refrigerator. Keeps several weeks .

Yield: 4 cups. Verna Buls--Valparaiso, Ind


2 cups sugar

1 cup vinegar

1 Tbsp. onion, finely diced

2 Tbsp. salad oil

2 Tbsp . water Dash salt

4 -6 slices bacon , fried crisp, drained & crumbled

Boil vinegar, sugar, water & salt for 5 min. Add bacon & onion just before removing from heat. Add oil after removing from heat Cool.

Yield: 11/2 cups dressing

Mrs Truman Tornow, Sr --Wausau, Wis.


2 eggs

2 Tbsp. lemon juice

1 Tbsp. vinegar


1/2 tsp. ground mustard

1 tsp. salt

11/2 cups oil

Combine eggs, lemon juice, vinegar & seasonings in the blender; cover and blend at high speed for 30 seconds until well mixed . With the blender still running, take off cover and slowly drizzle in the oil. Blend until thick and smooth.

Yield: 1 pint. Mrs. Edw J Mahnke--Minneapolis, Minn


12 large marshmallows

1 3-oz. pkg. Philadelphia Cream Cheese

1/2 pt. whipping cream

Cut marshmallows into small pieces; break up the cream cheese; pour the cream into a bowl; add the marshmallows & cheese to the unwhipped cream. Refrigerate overnight and then beat the mixture until it is stiff and smooth. This keeps well and does not "weep" Very good on gelatin fruit salads.

Yield: about 2 cups

Elfrieda Brustman--St. Paul, Minn


1 3-oz. pkg. Philadelphia cream cheese Juice of 1/2 lemon

1 cup cream, whipped

2 Tbsp. current jelly

Cream the cheese & fold in the whipped cream Add jelly & lemon juice. Put in refrigerator to chill. This is delicious on fruit salads.

Mrs. Ruth Hemmeter--Ft. Wayne, Ind.


1/4 cup flour

1/4 cup sugar

1/2 tsp. dry mustard

1/2 tsp. salt

1 egg

1/2 cup water

1/2 cup vinegar

Mix first five ingredients together, then slowly add water and vinegar. Heat, stirring constantly until thickened. Cool.

Use 1 cup with 1 cup whipping cream, whipped, to make fruit salad of frLJit, nuts and marshmallows combination. Refrigerate salad 24 hours before serving

Yield: 1 cup Nathalie Bregitzer--Cleveland, Ohio



1-7 oz. pkg. elbow macaroni

2 generous cups cooked asparagus, 1 in. cuts

1 can (10 1/2 oz ) cream of mushroom soup

1 cup milk

1 can (2 oz.) mushroom pieces, drained

2 Tbsp. chopped chives or green on ion tops or 1 tsp. instant minced onion

1 1/2 cup (6 oz.) shredded Cheddar cheese, divided

3 hard cooked eggs, sliced or diced

1/2 cup slivered almonds, toasted

Salt and pepper to taste

Cook macaroni according rto pkg. directions. Cook asparagus cuts in · small amount of water for 1. to 3 minutes Set aside a few tips for garnish In 2 quart casserole combine soup, milk, mushrooms, chives, salt a nd pepper, 1 cup of the Cheddar cheese, the diced hard boiled eggs, macaroni and cut asparagus. Mix well. (If casserole is made ahead; cover and refrigerate until baking time.)

Bake uncovered about 40 minutes; then sprinkle top with rest of cheese, almonds and garnish with reserved asparagus tips. Return to oven and bake until cheese melts - about 5 minutes.

Serves 6-8

Mrs. Harry Nolke--Aurora, Ind.

1/2 cup onion, chopped

2 Tbsp. butter

Salt & pepper

1 tsp. sugar

2 Tbsp flour

1 cup sour cream


1/2 lb. Swiss Cheese

4 cup (2 cans) French green beans well drained

1/2 cup bread crumbs

2 Tbsp. butter

Saute onions in 2 Tbsp. butter. Add salt, pepper, sugar and flour. Mix well, then add sour cream . Stir until thick. Add 1/2 of Swiss Cheese (cubed or sliced). Stir in beans. Put in 2 quart casserole. Cover with bread crumbs, butter and rest of cheese Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour.

Serves 6 Mrs Owen Mays--Quincy, Ill.


1 quartwaxbeans(2-1 lb. cans)

2 Tbsp. butter

1 Tbsp flour

1 tsp salt

2 Tbsp. sugar

2 Tbsp. vinegar or lemon juice

Salt & pepper to taste

Cook, drain and reserve 1 cup of bean water for sauce . Melt butter, add flour, then the bean liquid, then the rest of the ingredients. Add the boiled beans and serve hot .

Serves 6-8.

1 lb. kidney beans

2 quarts water

1 pint tomatoes

1 onion, chopped

2 Tbsp. vinegar

Mrs H Buehler-Ft. Wayne, Ind.


1/2 cup sugar

1/2 tsp. mustard

2 tsp. flour


Soak beans overnite . Drain. Cook beans in 2 quarts water until done. Drain. Boil together the next 6 ingredients, then pour over beans in casserole dish . Fry out cut up bacon. Add fat and bacon on top and bake 15 minutes at 350 degrees.

Mrs. C. L. Lake-Grand Haven, Mich.


1/2 lb. sliced bacon

2 eggs

1/3 cup vinegar

1/2 cup water

3 Tbsp . sugar

1/4 tsp. salt

Generous grinding black peppercorns

Two cans (1 lb. each) whole green beans

One canned pimiento, diced, optional but pretty

In large skillet cook bacon on medium heat until golden and crisp; drain bacon on paper towels . Pour off and reserve bacon fat from skillet . Crumble bacon and set aside . Beat eggs, vinegar, water, sugar, salt and pepper together until well blended. Set aside. Heat beans in their liquid When beans are nearly at serving temperature, return skillet to large unit set at low heat, and return 1/2 cup of bacon drippings to it. Add egg mixture; cook over low heat, stirring constantly until thickened . Set skillet off heat; quickly drain beans and put into warm serving dish Pour the hot sauce over beans and sprinkle with crumbled bacon and pimiento.

Serves 8

Mrs . Harry Rullman--Aurora, Ind.



2 pkg. (10 oz each) frozen French style green beans

1 can (1 lb ) brean sprouts, drained

1/2 tsp. salt

1 can (5 oz ) water chestnuts, drained and sliced

1 can (10 1/2 oz ) condensed cream of mushroom soup

1/2 cup unblanched sliced almonds, toasted

Cook beans according to directions on package; drain Add sprouts, salt, chestnuts and soup ; mix and heat thoroughly. Add half of almonds and mix. Turn into casserole and top with remaining almonds . Bake 15 to 20 minutes at 350 degrees.

Serves 6-8.

Mrs. Ralph Krueger--Brookfield, Wis


·1 large on ion

1/4 cup butter (1/2 stick)

3-8 oz. pkg. chopped broccoli

2 cans mushroom soup

2-6 oz. pkg. garlic cheese, slicep

1 tsp. monosodium glutamate

1 small (4 oz ) can mushrooms

1/2 cup chopped, blanched almonds

1/2 cup bread crumbs, opt.

Saute onions in butter. Add broccoli and cook until almost tender. Add mushrooms, soup, cheese, monosodium glutamate, 1/2 almonds Pour into large casserole. Sprinkle rest of almonds and bread crumbs on top Bake at 325 degrees for 30 to 35 minutes or until bubbly.

Serves 10-12 .

Mrs. Warren Doede--Wausau, Wis.


1 cup raw rice

1-10 oz. pkg. frozen broccoli cuts

1 can mushroom soup (do not dilute)

1/2 cup chopped celery

1 8-oz. jar cheese whiz

1/4 cup chopped onion

1/4 cup dry bread crumbs

Cook rice as directed on package . Cook broccoli. Mix rice, broccoli and cheese whiz Add celery, onions and soup. Mix well. Sprinkle crumbs on top. Can be mixed day before and refrigerated. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes Good with chicken breasts.

Serves 6-8. Mrs E F. Mecklenburg--Beloit, Wis


ROTKOHL (German Red Cabbage)

1 lg head red cabbage

2/3 cup red wine vinegar

2/3 cup water

1/2 cup onion , chopped

1 sm . bayleaf

5 Tbsp. sugar

1/ }tsp salt

.?A'art apples, peeled & chopped

3 Tbsp. bacon fat

Shred cabbage. Combine with other ingredients and simmer about 2 1/2 to 3 hours . Remove bayleaf before serving. Tastes good if reheated .

Note : This recipe is from my son's mother-in-law who was born in Germany

Serves 8-10

Mrs. Norman Hartman-St Louis, Mo


2 dozen carrots, quartered or other desired shape

1 onion

2 cups vinegar

2 cups sugar

1/2 tsp. salt

2/3 cup salad oil

Peel carrots and cut in quarters or desired shape Cook in salt water just until a fork can pierce them; drain and put in dish, which can be covered tightly Slice an onion and put over them. Pour hot sauce of vinegar, sugar , salt and oil over them. Refrigerate at least 2 or 3 days before serving.

Mrs. Forrest Frederick--Mishawaka, Ind


4 cups diced celery

1-5 ·oz can water chestnuts

1 can condensed cream of chicken soup

1/4 cup diced pimento

1/2 cup soft bread crumbs

1/4 cup toasted slivered almonds

2 Tbsp . butter

Cook celery in a small amount of boiling water till crisp - about 8 minutes . Do not overcook . Drain . Drain water chestnuts and slice thin . Combine celery, chestnuts, and pimento with condensed chicken soup . Plaqe in a quart casserole . Melt butter ; combine with bread crumbs and almonds. Spread over the casserole . Bake at 350 degrees for 35 minutes. Serves 4 Irene W Fortney--Fairview Park, Ohio

260 / VECET


2 Tbsp. butter or margarine

2 Tbsp. flour

113-oz can evaporated milk

1/2 cup grated cheese

4 cups (2-1 lb. cans) corn

Melt butter, add flour and blend Add milk gradually and stir until thick. Add grated cheese and stir till melted. Add corn Put in casserole, sprinkle top with corn flake crumbs. Bake at 375 degrees for 45 minutes

Serves 6-8

6 cups fresh corn

5 eggs, beaten

3 cups milk

1/4 cup bacon drippings

1/4 cup butter

3 Tbsp. green pepper


Karen Soeken--Bowie, Md.

2 Tbsp. sugar

2 tsp. salt

1/4 tsp pepper

3 Tbsp. cornmeal

Little pimento, if desired

Sm . onion, cut up

Corn may be used as cut off the cob, or put in blender for a few seconds. Mix all ingredients, and bake in a 9x13 pan for 1 hour and 20 minutes at 325 degrees.

Serves 12

Mrs. Harvard Nolting-Brownstown, Ind.


1 medium-sized eggplant, diced

1 cup boiling salted water

4 Tbsp. finely chopped parsley

1 onion, chopped fine & sauteed in 2 Tbsp. butter or oleo

1 cup Ritz Cracker crumbs

Salt to taste

3/4 cup milk

Sauteed bacon, opt

Slice, then dice eggplant. Cook only long enough in boiling salted water to be tender, not mushy. Drain well and sprinkle with the parsley and onion. Place layers of eggplant and layers of crumbs into baking dish, havirrn crumbs on top. Pour the milk over and bake eggplant in 375 degree oven about 1/2 hour . Serve with sauteed bacon .

Serves 5. Mrs. 0. E Sohn-St. Louis, Mo




12-14 large fresh or canned whole mushrooms

1/4- cup chopped green onions

1/4 cup butter

1/4 cup (1-oz.) blue cheese, crumbled

1/3 cup fine dry bread crumbs

Remove stems from mushrooms; chop stems. Cook stems and onions in butter till tender but not brown. Add cheese, 2 Tbsp. of the crumbs, and salt and pepper to taste. Fill mushroom crowns with mixture ; sprinkle with remaining crumbs . Place on baking sheet. Bake at 350 degrees for 12 minutes for fresh mushrooms or 8 minutes for canned .

Serves 4-6

Louise F Nicolay--South Bend , Ind.


24 medium size mushrooms

1 Tbsp . Lemon juice

1 tsp . minced instant onion

2 Tbsp .

1/2 cup dry bread crumbs

1/4 cup chopped pecans

2 strips crisp cooked bacon, crumbled

1/4 tsp. salt

1/2 cup chicken stock or water

Wash mushrooms and remove stems , leaving caps whole. Brush caps with lemon juice. Set aside . Mix onion with 1 Tbsp . water to soften. Chop mushroom stems (about 3/4 cup) saute in butter with onion, about 4 minutes. Combine with bread crumbs, nuts, bacon and salt. Mix well. Add chicken stock or water to moisten. Stuff mushroom caps Place in buttered casserole with 2 Tbsp . chicken stock and bake in preheated 350 degree oven 8 to 10 minutes. Serve with broiled steak.

Mrs. Whelan J. Marsden-Washington, D.C.


1/2 cup flour

1/2 cup corn meal

1 tsp sugar

1/2 tsp . salt

1 egg, beaten

1/2 cup milk

1 Tbsp. melted shortening

Combine ingredients in order given Slice large, sweet onions 1/4" thick. Separate and soak in cold water 1/2 hour. Dry Drop in batter. Fry in deep fat. (375 degrees)

Mrs . Carl Brink--Decatur, Ill.


12 medium onions

6 medium green pepper s

Sau c e:

1/ 4 cup flour

1/ 4 cup butter or margarine

2 1/ 2 c up milk

2 tsp salt

Dash pepper

1 cup grated sharp chee se

Cook onions in boiling salted water until just tender. Cut an X in top and onion won ' t split as it cooks Drain and cut in half Put in 2 quart casserole . Remove seeds from peppers, cut in half, then .in strips cross-wise . Put on top of onions . Make white sauce . Blend in cheese . Pour over vegetables. Bake uncovered in 350 degrees for 25 minutes or until it bubbles and browns on top.

Serves 8.

Mrs. Jack Fischer--Mt. Prospect, 111.


4 large parsnips

1/4 cup orange juice

1 Tbsp. brown sugar

1 Tbsp. maple syrup

1/4 tsp. salt

Cut parsn·ps in strjps. Cook in salted water until done. Place in flat pan. Combine orange juice, brown sugar, syrup and salt and pour over parsnips. Dot with butter. Bake in 400 degree oven for 20 minutes.

Mildred P. Sielaff--Cleveland Heights, Ohio


2 Tbsp butter

1/4 cup finely chopped onion

2 Tbsp. flour

1 tsp. salt

1/4 tsp. pepper

1/4 tsp. nutmeg

11/2 cup milk

3 cup sliced cauliflower, cooked and drained

1 pkg. (10 oz.) frozen peas, partially thawed

1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese

Melt butter in saucepan; add onion and cook till transparent Add flour , salt, pepper, nutmeg, and mix. Add milk gradually and stir and cook until thickened. Add cauliflower, peas, and 1/4 cup cheese and mix . Place mixture in a 1 1/2 quart casserole. Sprinkle remaining cheese over top. Bake in a 350 degree oven about 25 minutes.

Serves 6-8

Mrs. Ralph Krueger--Brookfield, Wis.


Baking potatoes

Melted oleo


Corr.flake crumbs Salt

Peel potatoes, wash and dry with towel. Roll in melted oleo and then roll in cornflake crumbs . Place in shallow baking pan, bottom coated with melted oleo Sprinkle salt to taste on each potato. Bake at 350 degree oven until done. (Cornflaked potatoes are excellent for banquets as well as family meals )

Mrs A. H Buechner--Willshire, Ohio


4 pkgs. frozen hash brown potatoes

1 pint half & half cream

2/ 3 lb Velveeta cheese

2 cup grated sharp cheddar cheese

3/4 lb. margarine

Place potatoes in large baking dish (13x9) and thaw 1 hour. Heat rest of ingredients over low heat until melted and stir. Pour over potatoes and marinate 1 hour. Do not stir but see that cheese covers all potatoes. Bake 1 hour at 350 degrees .

Serves 12-14. Mary Marshall--Kirkwood, Mo.


1-2 1/2 can of sauerkraut

1-2 1/2 can tomatos

1/ 4 cup sugar

3 stalks celery, diced

1 medium onion, diced

2 carrots, diced

3 slices bacon, diced

2 Tbsp vinegar

Combine all ingredients. Place in saucepan . Cook long and slowly on low heat.

Mrs. Ray (Verna) Krumseig --St . Petersburg, Fla .




2-10 oz pkg frozen chopped spinach or broccoli

2 cups cooked rice

2 cups shredded sharp cheddar cheese

4 eggs, slightly beaten

4 Tbsp. melted butter

2/3 cup milk

4 Tbsp . chopped onion

1 tsp. re sauce

1 1/2 tsp . salt

1/2 tsp. thyme

Cook and drain vegetable . Add rest of ingredients and pour into 9x13 greased cake pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 35 minutes . Cut into squares to serve May cut recipe in half and use 10x6 pan Then bake at 350 degrees for 20-25 minutes.

Note: This is much better made with spinach even for those who prefer broccoli as a vegetable

Serves 12-15 or 6 Bette Froehlich (Mrs . Fred) --Appleton , Wis .


1 pkg . (10 oz.) frozen chopped

1 tsp . seasoned salt 1/8 tsp pepper spinach

4 slices bacon, chopped

1 medium onion, chopped

2 Tbsp. flour

1 clove garlic, finely minced or 1/8 tsp instant minced garlic

1 cup milk

Cook spinach according to pkg. directions. Fry bacon and onions together until onions are tender - about 10 minutes. Add flour, seasoned salt, pepper and garlic. Blend thoroughly . Slowly add milk ; cook and stir until thickened. Drain spinach; add to bacon sauce and mix thoroughly.

Serves 4. Mrs. Michael Dausch, 111--Baltimore, Md .


2 cups cottage cheese

2 eggs

2 pkgs. frozen chopped spinach, cooked and drained

1 cup cheddar cheese, shredded

Combine all ingredients with beaten eggs in casserole dish and bake in 350 degree oven until set . About 30-40 minutes .

Serves 6-8.

Olga Gluesenkamp-Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.


2 pkgs. frozen chopped spinach

3 ribs of celery, with leaves

1 lg onion

1 can cream of mushroom soup

Black pepper

7 Tbsp. oleo or butter

1/2 cup bread crumbs

Cook spinach until tender and drain well. Chop celery and onion and saute in 3 Tbsp of the shortening. Add vegetables to spinach and soup and put in greased casserole. Season well with black pepper; add no salt. Brown bread crumbs in remaining 4 Tbsp. of shortening and spread over the spinach. Bake at 375 degrees for 30-40 minutes.

Serves 8. Mrs . Arthur (Ellen) Amt--Ft. Wayne, Ind.


2 pkgs. frozen chopped spinach

4 Tbsp butter

2 Tbsp. flour

2 Tbsp. chopped onion

1/2 cup evaporated milk

1/2 cup vegetable liquor

1/2 tsp. black pepper

3/ 4 tsp. celery salt

3/4 tsp. garlic salt

1/2 tsp. salt

6-oz. roll jalapenos cheese (or hot pepper cheese) cut in small pieces

1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce

Red pepper to taste

Cook spinach as directed on pkg. Drain and reserve liquor. Melt butter in pan, add flour, stirring until smooth, but not brown. Add onion and cook until soft but not brown. Add liquid slowly while stirring. Cook until smooth and thick. Add seasonings and cheese. Stir until melted. Combine with cooked spinach. May he served immediately or put in casserole and topped with buttered bread crumbs and heated in oven. Can be kept over-night in refrigerator or frozen.

Serves 5-6. Mrs. Wilmar Bernthal-Boulder, Colo.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Substitute cheddar cheese if jalapenos or hot pepper cheese is not available



2 pkgs . frozen chopped spinach ; cooked slightly and drained

1 can cream of mushroom soup

1 sm can sliced mushrooms

1 medium onion; chopped fine and sauteed till golden

1/2 tsp marjoram

Parmesan cheese Salt to taste

Crushed, seasoned croutons

Cook slightly and drain spinach ; chop and saute onions. Mix all ingredients together except for croutons. Top with croutons Bake 30 minutes at 350 degrees in casserole.

Serves 6 Mrs. Robert Jacobi-Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.

1/2 cup butter (one stick)

1 cup tomato puree

7/8 cup brown sugar

1 Tbsp. lemon juice


salt, pepper, pinch of sweet basil (if desired)

whiff of cinnamon, cloves, allspice

2 cups white bread cubes

Melt butter and add tomato puree, brown sugar, lemon juice, salt, pepper and spices. Pour mixture over bread cubes. Toss lightly and bake in buttered casserole for 30 minutes in a 400 degree oven.

Serves 6 Marlys Christensen (Mrs. George)-Rocky River; Ohio


4 sm zucchini, in 1/2" slices

1 medium onion, thinly sliced

4 small tomatoes (or 2 med.), sliced 1/4"

1 1/2 cup seasoned croutons

1 cup shredded cheese (cheddar, Swiss or parmesan)

1 1/2 or 2 quart casserole

Place half the sliced zucchini in casserole Season lightly, if desired. Layer half of onions, tomatoes and seasoned croutons . Repeat procedure. Cover and bake in 350 degree oven for 45 minutes Uncover and sprinkle with grated cheese Return to oven for 15 minutes.

Serves 6-8

Doris R. Gruettner--Elm Grove, Wis.



4 or 5 medium, unpeeled apples, thickly sliced

3 Tbsp . bacon grease

1/2 cup sugar (less if sweet apples)

1 cup water

Heat grease in skillet; add apples, sugar and water Cover and simmer over low heat until tender. Good with sausage, pork chops, etc

Serves 4 Bemke Hill-Ft. Myers, Fla.


large jar ( 40-48 oz) applesauce (or slice and cook 10-12 apples)

2 lbs . raisi11s

3/4 cup Mogan David wine

3 Tbsp . pumpkin pie spice mix (or 1/2 cup white port wine cinnamon and nutmeg)

-Combine ingredients and heat. Place into a greased 2 1/2 qt. casserole

Bake in 350 degree oven until thoroughly heated and bubbly (about 30 minutes)

Serves 8-10

Mrs. Martin C. Moellering-Dearborn, Mich.


1 No. 21/2 can peach slices

1 No. 2 1/2 can pear slices

2 No. 2 can pineapple chunks

cup butter

cup brown sugar

tsp. curry powder

Drain fruit well and dry with paper toweling. Arrange in casserole. Melt butter and sugar; add curry. Pour over fruit. Bake for one hour, uncovered, at 325 degrees day before using. Reheat before serving; serve warm.

Serves 10-12

1 lb. extra large prunes

2 cups apple juice

2 cups water

Joan Bischoff-Minneapolis, Minn.


2/3 cup brown sugar

2 sticks cinnamon

6 whole cloves

Boil for 20 minutes. Remove from heat and let stand over night, covered . Next day simmer for 40 minutes. Chill and Serve. Delightful as breakfast dish or as side dish with duck , goose or pork.

(Mrs. Ray) Verna Krumsieg-St. Petersburg, Fla.



3 large potatoes

1 cup flour

1/2 tsp. salt

3 Tbsp. shortel\ling

12 plums

1/4 lb. oleomargarine

1 1/2 cups breadcrumbs

Boil potatoes, whole unpeeled. Set aside to cool. Place flour and salt in deep bowl. Peel cooked potatoes and mash into bowl. Add shortening, and work with hands until well mixed Use small amount of flour on hands as necessary Place some flour on rolling pin and roll out dough. Cut dough into squares, placing whole plum in center. Fold dough over plum, sealing . Place in 3 quarts boiling salted (1 tsp .) water, and cook for 12 to 15 minutes. Melt shortening; add bread crumbs. Mix well. Place cooked dumpling in bread crumb mixture Serve warm

Serves 4 Helen Bertalan--Holland, Mich


3 cups boiled noodles (1/2 lb )

3/4 cup milk, scalded

3 eggs

1 Tbsp . butter

1/2 tsp. salt

pinch of pepper

Boil fine or broad noodles in salted water until tender. Orain. Pour cold water over noodles. Beat whole eggs; add salt and pepper. Stir in the milk and the melted margarine . Crease noodle ring very well with butter or margarine and add the boiled Pour custard over the noodles in ring and bake for 30 minutes at 350 degrees.

Serves 6-8 (Mrs. Martin W.) Ruth Hahm Rupprecht--St. Petersburg, Fla.


12 egg yolks

3 whole eggs

2 Tbsp. milk

3-4 cups all purpose flour

Mix egg yolks, whole eggs and milk with fork. Add 2 1/2 cups flour and mix well. Add more flour to make dough very stiff, using hands at last to knead it in until it is no longer sticky. Divide into 4 parts, and roll each into an approximate 15 x 18 rectangle, on well floured cloth with covered and floured rolling pin.

These have to dry some before cutting : at least an hour on a cloth on the table, or 15 minutes in 225 degree oven (Heat oven to 225 and turn off.)

Cut the noodles into strips about 1 1/2-in. wide and stack. Then cut with sharp knife into the width noodle you like. Then dry more before use or storage, either spread out on cloth, or in the oven as before. (Can also be frozen.)

Makes approx. 11 cups dry noodles

Mary Schneider--Seymour, Ind.


1/4 cup butter or margarine

1 sm. onion, diced


2 cups water

2 bouillon cubes (beef or chicken)

1 cup uncooked rice depends on meat served

Saute onion in melted butter. Add uncooked rice and brown a little. Add water and bouillon cubes Mix. Cover and simmer 45-60 minutes. Stir and scrape bottom of pan several times during cooking.

Serves 4-6

Mrs. Claude Radtke-Appleton, Wis


1 1/2 cups uncooked long grain rice

1/4 cup margarine

3 beef bouillon cubes

2 1/2 cups water

4 slices bacon, cut in pieces

4 oz can mushrooms

1/4 c;up green pepper, chopped

1/2 cup celery, chopped

1/2 cup onions, chopped

1/4 cup soy sauce

Fry rice in margarine until brown . Add bouillon cubes and water; cook until dry, stirring occasionally. Fry bacon pieces; remove bacon from pan and use fat to saute onions, green pepper and celery. Add bacon, onions, green pepper, celery, mushrooms, and soy sauce to cooked rice. Heat and serve. Leftovers freeze very wel I

Serves 6

Mrs . Donna Weihofen-Madison, Wis .


1 lb. pork sausage, mild or hot

2/3 cup onion, chopped

1/3 cup green pepper, chopped

1 lb . raw shrimp, cleaned

1/3 cup parsley, chopped

2 toes garlic, crushed

bay leaf


salt and pepper

3 cups cooked rice (1 cup uncooked)

Saute sausage until completely cooked. Remove meat and part of grease. In remaining grease, saute onion and sweet pepper. When nearly done, add shrimp, parsley, garlic and seasonings When shrimp is done, add cooked rice, sausage, and as much grease as needed. This is a good rice dish served with beef, chicken or turkey - from a Bar-B-Q to a formal dinner.

NOTE: If canned shrimp is substituted, add after rice. Add garlic later also, so that it does not fry .

Lois Oster (Mrs . Richard C.) New Orleans, La.


1/2 cup wild rice

1/2 cup long grain rice

1 cup chopped onion

1 cup chopped celery

3 Tbsp . butter



1/4 cup soy sauce

1-3 oz can mushrooms (drained)

1-5 oz can water chestnuts, sliced and drained

1/4 cup slivered almonds, toasted

Add washed wild rice to 2 1/4 cup boiling water, simmer covered for 20 minutes . Add white rice and bring to a boil. (Or prepare 1-6 oz . pkg . long grain-wild rice mix according to label. Reduce soy sauce to 2 Tbsp . with mix.) Reduce heat. Cover and cook 20 minutes longer. Cook onion and celery in butter until tender. Mix all ingredients Bake in 1 1/2 quart casserole (covered) at 350 degrees for 20 minutes or until hot .

Serves 8 Marie H. Thompson--Beloit, Wis.


4-5 cups chicken broth

11/2 cups wild rice (washed)

11/2 cups celery, sliced

3/4 cup chopped onion

1-3 oz . can mushrooms

1 sm. jar pimento, diced salt and pepper to taste

Place all ingredients except one cup of broth in a greased 1 1/2 quart casserole. Bake about 1 1/2 hours at 375 degrees. Add more broth if needed.

Serves 6 Mrs D W Russler-Appleton, Wis


1 lb. wild rice

2 lbs fresh mushrooms or 1 lb canned

1/4 lb. butter

1 diced small onion

3 cans mushroom soup

3 chicken bouillon cubes, dissolved in 1/2 cup hot water

Wash rice in cold water 3 times Cover with boiling water, let stand 10 minutes. Drain. Do this 3 times, adding 1 tsp salt with the last hot water. (The rice will be almost cooked.) Saute mushrooms in 1/4 lb. butter, add onions and cook until transparent. Add the dissolved bouillon and mushroom soup; place rice and other ingredients into buttered casserole . Cover with bread or swieback crumbs. Bake 1/2 hour at 350 degrees .

NOTE: This may be used as a meatless main dish.

Serves 25

Theresa Schmalz--St. Paul, Minn.


Simmer slowly 1 cup wild rice until tender and fluffy in 1 quart seasoned chicken broth at least 1 1/2 to 2 hours.

Saute unti I tender

2 cups thinly sliced celery

1/2 cup chopped onion

in 1/2 cup melted butter

Add 4 oz can sliced mushrooms, drained.

Saute 5 minutes longer

Fold in:

8 oz. can water chestnuts, sliced

1/3 cup julienne pimentos

1/3 cup chopped parsley

1-101/2 oz can Heinz sliced cream of mushroom soup diluted with liquid drained from water chestnuts and mushrooms

1/2 cup dry sherry or Sauterne

Dash of marjoram and garlic salt

Put in a buttered casserole and top with 3/4 cup sliced toasted blanched almonds Bake about 45 minutes at 350 degrees. Delicious served with wild game, turkey or chicken

Serves 8-10

Mrs. Arthur J. Criesel--Shawnee Mission, Kan .

Explanation of the Guild symbol : The V with the torch is the Valparaiso University emblem The stones under the V represent the Guild supporting the University . The five-petal rose design is Luther 's we/I-known way of representing the Lutheran Church , which, in turn , Valparaiso University represents The enclosing circle represents the element of unity: the V and the "Guild " support and solidify this unity Truly, this emblem represents in miniature all that the Guild stands for.

>< U.I c z --
A Almond Bake Casserole 179 Appetizers · 9, 17,24 Apple, cobbler 129 dressing, poultry 268 fried .. . ........ . ..... . .......... ... . .... . .268 fritters 39 kuchen 129 pancakes 48 pork steaks .... . ............... . .. . .... 192 slices . . .................... . .......... . .. 130 strudel . . ........... .. .. . .. . . . .. . ......... .45 taffy roll:; ............................... .45 Asparagus ..... . ... .. .... . . . ................ 232 Asparagus macaroni casserole 257 B Baked bean dish ........................ 189 Baked burger ball ... . ...... . .. ... ...... 185 Bar-B-Que brisket 169 shish kabob 9 spare ribs 195 ribs in fry pan 195 beef sandwiches (3) 222 fish 232 Beans baked ... . .. .. .. . . .. ....... . .............. 189 Hio 258 green, with bacon dressing 258 green, oriental . . . .. . . ... . ...... . .. . .259 green, Swiss ...................... . ... 257 sweet & sour wax ...... . ............. 258 Beef 169-189 a la Jo 170 bar- b-que sandwiches (3) 222 blade roast 170 brisket 169 brisket, barbecued 169 burgundy (2) 172 Chinese, with pea pods 171 Chop Suey, Mom's ................ 179 flank steak . ...... . .................... 171 INDEX/ 273 French burgundy ....... . ... . ........ 171 Goulash German 172 Viennese 172 Ground Beef 21,180-189 and beans (3) 189 egg plant casserole 180 German skillet dinner 181 Halupcki casserole 180 hot fondue dip .. . ..... . .. .. .... .. .21 lasagne 186 & 187 meat balls baked burger ball ............ 185 cocktail .. . ... . ............. . . . .. . .. 21 golden browns ................ 184 juicy .............................. 184 miniature ...... . . . .. . ... . ...... . .21 Swedish 185 Swedish (eggless) .... .. ...... 185 Pedro ' s special (beans) .. . .. .188 Spaghetti sauce, deluxe 186 spaghetti sauce (2) . .. . ..... . .. 187 stuffed cabbage 182 stuffed cabbage rolls 183 stuffed green peppers 182 Valpo casserole ....... . . .. .. . ... .181 wild rice casserole . ............. 180 Pot-pie, Penn . Dutch meat 170 pot roast, grilled, marinated 169 roast beef teriyaki 174 Roman strips 176 rouladen 175 174 shank, stupflgoetta 32 stew beef French beef burgundy 171 Viennese goulash 172 German goulasch 172 stew, oven (3) ............... . .. . ..... 178 stroganoff (3) . ........ . .. . ........... 173 Swedish kalops .. .......... . . . ....... 177 Swiss steak in foil ..... . .... . ... . ... 176 Tenderloins . ...... . .................... 171
274/ INDEX Beverages 10,25-28 fruit cocktail 65 Bohemian tea , 26 Gugelhupf .. ................. .. ........ .75 Bowle 25 heath bar 76 chocolate, hot (instant) 26 holiday cakes (7) 57,58,59 cider, hot 25 Indiana black walnut ............. .79 dandelion wine 25 oatmeal . ........... .. ........ ............ 80 hot spiced wine 25 orange (3) 66,67 punch, Wassail 27 poppy seed ..... ......................... 67 Russian tea 26 pound ................... . .. .... .... .. ...... 76 Russian tea (instant mix) 26 quick mix sponge ..... ....... ... .. . ..77 Bohemian squares (cookies) 105 rhubarb .. ................................ 66 Borracho 130 Roxbury ······-·· ·····················'···79 Bread , 33-35 sauerkraut ..... ... ......... . ............ 79 homemade ............. . ...... ... ...... .34 scripture . ............ . ............... ... . .57 quick, whole-wheat raisin ... .... .34 strawberry . ....... . ... ............... ... 67 spoon ............................... . ...... 47 sweet potato ................... .. ....... 80 Swedish rye ...... ....... .. . ............ 35 tomato soup ... .. ...... . ... ........ ..... 80 unleavened ................. .. ... .... .... 33 vegetable ........ .. ........... ...... . .... 81 whole wheat communion ... .. ... 33 velvet layer .. ............................ 77 Broccoli 265 yellow sour cream .77 Broccoli casserole ... .. ..... ... .. .12,259 Broccoli-rice casserole 259 Butterhorns, Swedish 38 Buttermilk, see Sour Milk Cambridge-chicken, ham casserole ................................ 209 Candy ............................... .125-128 Butter Toffee ............ ...... .. .... 127 calico fudge .............. ..... ... .... 126 chocolate hard 125 c chocolate-walnut creams 125 Christmas hard candy .... .... .. .. 125 Cabbage rolls, stuffed ................ 183 Cabbage, stuffed 182 Cake 57-81 Cake, see also Torte almond 74 apple (7) .... .. ............... . .. 60,61,62 fudge ...... ......... . .... ... ............. 126 maple cream fudge .. .... .. . ... .... 126 peanut brittle 127 pecan pralines 127 quick fudge 126 Vancover bars 128 banana ... .. ............................ .. .63 Cantonese chicken 205 blueberry ......................... .. ..... 63 bourbon 75 Carrots, marinated 260 butterscotch marble ... . .... .. .. ... .74 Casseroles cherry (3) 63-64 Almond bake 179 chocolate (7) 70,71,72 asparagus, fish 232 cream sherry ... . ........................ 78 bridge (chicken) .................... 214 Daffodil 75 chicken 209, 212-217 date (4) 68-69 chicken broccoli 212 dump .. . ..... .. ............................ 65 chicken-dried beef 209 fruit cake ................ ............ 58,59 Chinese (tuna) 232
INDEX/ 275 Christmas eve crab bake .... .. ..228 loaf . .......... . .. . .... .. . ..... . .............214 corned beef 179 Luau 206 egg plant, hamburger 180 macaroni casserole 213 Halupcki 180 Oriental 207 ham strata . .. . ............. . .. .... .. .... 199 paprikash 206 ham & asparagus 199 party-best glazed 207 Long Beach sea food 227 salad souffle 213 Pork Milano 196 Spanish Olive ....... . .. .............. 206 pork sausage ..... . ... .............. . .. 197 'n stuffing scallop .. ....... . .. ... . . .217 shrimp Jambalaya .......... .. ..... .227 sunshine .... .. ........... . ... .. ... ...... 215 shrimp, lobster, wild rice 226 vegetable casserole ....... .. . . ... .. 214 Val po (hamburger) 181 Chicken liver, Rumaki . .. .. ..... ...... 23 wild rice-hamburger 180 Chicken wings, Chick-a-dings . .. . . .18 Celery, Far East 260 Chili 31 Ceylonese rice & chicken curry 204 Chili beans 189 Cherry cake ........ ... . .. . .. .. .. .. . .... 63, 64 Chinese beef with pea pods 171 Cherry-dumpling soup 29 Chinese casserole (tuna) ... ..... .. .. 232 Cheese Chinese pork and snow peas ... . .. 191 ball 17 Chipped beef cocktail wafers 18 sandwiches 20 frozen salad 238 holiday appetizer pie 20 surprise cheese puffs ... . .. ... ...... .17 mushroom beef cocktail spread20 tangy cheese tidbits ........... . .. ..18 quick easy dip ... ........ . .............. 20 tasty cheese spread ................ ..17 Chocolate cake .. ..... .. .. . .... .. ... .70-72 Cheesecake ... .. . .. ... ......... . ....... 93-95 Chocolate, instant hot 26 Chicken 204-217 Chop suey, Mom's ... .. ........... . . ..179 au vin 216 Chow Mein, chicken casserole 215 breasts .. . ... ...... 208, 210, 212, 216 Cider, hot 25 breast, Kauffmann supreme 210 Coffee cake .40-44 breast on rice 216 candy cane ..... . .. .: . . ....... .. . ....... .42 bridge casserole ...... .. ..... .. . .... 214 cookies .42 broccoli casserole ............ ... . .. 212 Christmas stollen .. ... .. ...... . . .40, 41 Cambridge with ham ... ... .. ...... 209 Danish puff ...... . . .. .... . .............. .44 Cantonese ... . . .. . .... .. ............. . .. 205 Hungarian ... .. . ... . .. .. .. .... .. .. .. ... .43 casseroles ...... .. ...... ..209, 212-217 Lynn's , 43 Ceyonese rice, curry 204 Mimi's stollen .41 Chow Mein casserole ... .. .. . . . .. 215 Old-fashioned .40 crepes 217 Prize sour cream .44 delight 215 Company chicken (2) 208 company (2) .. .. ... .. ... . ... . .. .. . .... 208 Cookies Coq au vin . .. .. ........ . .. .... ...... ..208 Bars .... .... ..... . .. ..... . .. ... . .... 105-113 divine . . ........ . ...... .. ....... ... ... .. .. 211 Christmas ............. . ... .. . .. .. 122-124 dried beef casserole ...... .. . .. . .. 209 Drop 114-119 egg drop soup 29 Filled 103, 104 gourmet 209 Refrigerated 119-122 herbed-rose' ..... ................... ..211 Shaped 97-103
276/INDEX Cookies, continued . . ... peppernuts .. ... . ..... . ...... .. . . .. 124 pineapple-filled 104 almond horns 97 almond 119 anise ............................. . .... 122 banana ice box ................... 120 Bohemian squares .... .......... 105 brownies ............ .......... 105 ,106 butter chews .. ...... .. ............ 106 caramel 120 cathedral window .............. 120 cherry brown sugar ............ 114 chocolate 97,107 ,114 ,115 Christmas (2) 123 cinnamon ............ .. .............. 97 coconut macaroons 116 coffee charmers 98 date nut bar s .................... :. 108 d ream bars (choc chip sq.) 108 figgy figgy 98 forgotten ................. . ........ .. 115 French tea cakes .... ............ 115 frosted cremes '. 108 g i ngersnaps 99 golden bars 109 graham cracker squares 109 Grandma ' s stone crock 118 honey ................. . ................ 98 honey coconut bars 109 potato chip 117 pumpkin ....... ... .................. 112 raisin-filled .... ......... ...... .. ... 104 seven layer ..... .. ................. 112 snickerdoodles .............. . ... 117 sponge .............................. 118 strawberries ....... . ................ 103 sugar ......... .. . ... .. ... 103, 118,122 surfer squares .................... 112 Texas ranger ...................... 119 toffee nut .......................... 119 vanilla ... .. .. .. .. .... .... .... . ........ 122 walnut chews 113 wine fruit bars 113 Coq au vin 208 Corn casserole 261 Corn pudding 261 Corn relish , quick ...................... 245 Corned beef casserole 179 Corned beef jello salad 246 Crab ............... . .............. 19,226,228 Creole, shrimp 229 Cupcakes choco-cheese 73 oven iced 73 spice apple 47 Curry dip .................................... 19 ice box .................. .. ...... .... 121 kolackys ..... .......... . ............ 103 D lebkucken ................ .......... 123 lemon bar s ........................ 110 Double stuffed meat loaf .......... 184 melting moments ................ 99 Dressing, poultry 218,219 meringue 11 O Dandelion wine 25 forgotten 115 Desserts , baked 129-135 Moendchen ............. . ......... .124 apple cranberry cobbler ........ 129 molasses 100,115 ,116 apple kuchen 129 nut balls 101 apple slices ... ..... .................... 130 oatmeal 100,101, 111 , 114,121 October calico squares 111 orange ......... . .. .... .. .... ... . .. . .. .117 Borracho 130 cherry crescent cheese cupcakes .................. .. .. . . .. .. 131 orange oat bars ................ .. 111 cherry pineapple .................... 131 peanut 102 cherry delight 132 peanut butter .............. 101, 102 forgotten ................ . ....... ...... 132 pecan 102, 113 grapefruit baked Alaska 135
INDEX/ 277 Desserts, baked, continued Italian frittata 221 lemon crackle 132 pfann kuchen (supper dish) 221 peach cobbler 133 woodcock ...... .................... .... 220 fresh peaches by jiminy 133 Eggplant casserole 261 peach custard kuchen .... ........ 134 Eggplant hamburger casserole 180 pineapple betty .... .......... .. . ..... 134 Eggyolk noodles ... . .................... 269 rhubarb cobbler . . ., .......... . ...... 135 Desserts, frozen .. ...... .. ........ 136-138 chocolate ....... . ...... ..... ....... .... 136 F grasshopper pie .................. .... 136 frosty strawberry .. .. . ........ . ...... 13 7 Fish 230,231 tropical 136 232 ice cream 138 soup ........... .. . .... .... ......... . .. ...... 29 vanilla ice cream .................... 137 Fondue dip , hot ........ .............. .... 21 mincemeat .. ............... ........... 138 French beef burgundy 171 spiked spumoni ...................... 138 Fritters, apple ........... . ..... . ......... . .. 39 Desserty pastry 38 Fruit cake ................ .. ......... .. .58,59 Desserts, refrigerated 146-151 Fruit, hot baked ...... .. .. .............. 268 ambrosia mousse 146 Frucht (fruit) soup ................ .... .. 30 angel cake 146 Frostings 61 , 72,82-84 lemon angel 146 Fudge 126 angel's delight.. 147 apricotdelight 147 G chocolate-lime delight 150 confetti mold .. .............. .: ...... 148 English trifle .......................... 148 German goulasch 172 German skillet dinner 181 frosted salad .......................... 148 Golden brown meatball 184 lady finger ...... ..... ... ......... .... .149 Golden stew 178 lemon bisque ............ .. .... ...... 149 Gourmet chicken .. ...... .. ............ 209 mandarin orange 150 Ground beef see beef, ground pastel mint ...... .. .................... 150 pineapple marshmallow ........ 151 raspberry 151 H Desserts, pudding (see pudding 139-144 Halibut ....................... .. .. . .......... 231 Donuts Ham buttermilk 37 Asparagus casserole ... ..... . . .. ..199 crullers : 37 glazed ham loaf .... .. .............. 197 raised 37 Pike's Peak special ................ 198 Dumplings, Hungarian plum 269 roll-ups 198 strata 199 E Herbed chicken rose' 211 deviled .' 246 Hors d'oeuvres 9, 17-24 Egg dishes 220,22 1 Hungarian sauerkraut 195 baked omelet 220 breakfast souffle .... .. ...... ... . .... 220
278/ INDEX Nut bread ....... . ........... . ... . .. ... .49-54 apricot , 49 Individual meat loaves ............. .196 banana . .. ........... ....... ...... .. . ...... 50 Italian frittata 221 banana fruit .49 carrot . ...... . .. ...... ... ... .. .. . ..... . . .... 50 cranberry .... ..... . .......... .......... . .50 date .. ... . .. ................ . ...... . ........ 51 Japanese flank steak 171 Juicy meatballs 184 ginger mint ... . ... ........ . ...... .. ... . . .54 grape-nut ...... ..... .. ..... ... ... .. .. . . .. 51 Mardi Gras ......... .. . .. ... ..... ..... . ..51 K orange ... . ... . ... .... ........ .... .. ... .. .. 52 plum .... .. ..... .. ........... ... .. ........... 54 pumpkin 53 Kolace 36 rhubarb 53 Kolackys (cookie) 103 Nuts, spiced ..... . ........ .. . .... . ... ..... 128 L 0 Lamb, baked English chops 203 marinated leg of .. . ...... . ...... .. . .203 Lasagne 186, 187 Lobster .... ... ........ .. .. . ............ 226,228 Luau chicken ..... .. ..... .... ... .... ..... 206 Oatmeal cookies , see cookies Oatmeal muffins ... . ........... . .. .. . .·. .46 Omelet, baked .. ... ......... ............ 220 Onions, scalloped ... . ..... . .. . ....... ..263 french fried 262 M Orange stuffed pork chops .. ...... 194 Oriental chicken 207 Oven beef stew 178 Macaroni-chicken casserole ...... 213 Oysters, scalloped 229 Macaroni combination salad 249 Malasadas 36 Meatballs, miniature .. ................ 21 p cocktail : 21 Muffins (3) ................................. .46 Mushrooms marinated 22 baked stuffed ...... . .............. . .. 262 blue-cheesed 262 Palacsinta (Hungarian pancake) 48 Pancakes (3) ...... .... ... .. . . . .... . ...... . ..48 Paprikash, chicken .. ... .. . .... . ... . ... 206 Parsnips, with orange sauce ...... 263 Party-best glazed chicken .......... 207 Peas, with cauliflower .... ........ ... .263 N Peanut brittle 127 Pecan pralines 127 Navy bean soup .. .. ...................... 30 Pedro's special (beans) 188 New Goo Yak 190 Peppers, stuffed green 182 No peek stew . . ... ........ .. .... ... ..... .178 Penn . Dutch meat pot pie ... .. .. . .. 170 Noodle ring 269 Pfann Kuchen (german) ... .. ..... ..221 Noodles, egg yolk 269 Piecrust 153 Nqodle suey 202 Pie, sauce 153
INDEX/ 279 Pies 153-168 stuffed tenderloin 192 apple (4) 154,155 sweet-sour . ... .... .. ................... 190 apricot chiffon 155 sweet-sour sausages .. .. ............ 24 banberry 155 butterscotch 165 Potatoes, cornflaked .................. 264 cherry, . .. . .......... .... 156 cherry, peacb .................... .... 156 choco-cherry honey ........ .. .... 157 chocolate cheese 164 Mary's cheese 264 Pretzels, soft .40 Prunes, spiced , 268 Puddings 139-144 chocolate chiffon 164 carrot ................. . .............. .... 139 old-fashioned cream 165 Christmas .... . ... ... .. . .. ... . ....... .. .140 custard . .. .... .. . . . . .. .... ... . .. . ...... .. 166 cinnamon .......... ..... . .... .......... 139 coconut custard ....... .... . ........ 166 date 140 fudge sundae .. ..... .. .... . .. ... . .. .. 165 grapefruit 161 lemon 161,162 lime . . ... ...... ... .................. 162,163 fig 140 lemon foam 141 fresh peach 141 persimmon 142 oatmeal . . .......... .. .. ......... . . .. ... 166 Pinter's 142 peach, cream 157 peach, glazed 158 pumpkin 143 rice . ............. .......... .... ..... . .. . .. .143 pear crumble .... ...... ..... ... ...... 158 pecan (2) ..... . ......... . .. .. .......... 167 peanut butter 168 pi neap pie 158, 159 suet ... .. .... .. .... ... .. ........ .... .... .. 144 tapioca 143 Poultry stuffing 218,219 fruit nut 218 pumpkin ....... . . ............ .. ...... .. .168 oyster ............. ...... . ... ..... . .. ..... 218 rhubarb meringue .... .......... .... 160 strawberry .... .. ............... .159,160 pork sausage .. .. ..... . ... ... ... .... .. .218 turkey 218 Pike's Peak ham special 198 Pumpkin muffins .46 Punch see beverages 28 Pizza ..... .. ......... . . .. ..... .. .. .. ...... . .. 188 Pork 190-199,202 R big apple pork steaks 192 with cherry sauce . . .... ... . ... .. ... 191 Ranch style baked beans ..... . ... . .. 189 Chinese pork and snow peas 191 Red cabbage ...... ..... .... .. . ............ 260 chops a la Noilly 193 Rice, delicious 270 chops, deluxe 193 fried .. .. . ....... ....... ... : ...... ......... 270 chops, orange stuffed 194 shrimp jambalaya 270 chops, supreme ................ .. ... .193 Rice golden browns (meatballs) 184 wild, casserole 272 meat loaves, individual ... ....... 196 hot dish .................. .. .. ... ....... 271 Milano 196 Minnesota 271 NewGooYak 190 oriental . .... .. . .. ... .. .... ... . ........... 271 noodle suey 202 Roast beef teriyaki 174 tenderloin rosemary 192 Roman beef strips .. ..... . .. .. . ... ... ... 176 salt, with lima beans .. .... . .. . .. ..194 Rotkohl (red cabbage) ..... .. .... . ..260 sausage casserole ... .............. .197 Rouladen, beef (2) .. ......... . ........ 175
280/ INDEX Rumaki 23 Salad, molded Russian tea 26 apricot jello 236 instant mix ... ................ ... ... . .... 26 asparagus soup 251 banana .................. ................ 236 s blueberry 237 carrot-cheese .... .. .. .. .... .... ..... .251 Salad dressing 254-256 cherry coronet 237 celery seed .................. ..... .. . .. 254 cinnamon applesauce 236 French 254 corned beef jello ................. :.. 246 fruit 256 cranberry jello 238 mayonnaise, blender 256 cranberry 239 mock sour cream .................. 254 cranberry wreath ............ ...... . .238 potato 255 egg 246 Roquefort 255 golden nugget.. ...... ....... .... ..... 238 sweet tomato ... . ... ... ... ........ .. .255 jubilee ..... .. .. .. ..... . .. ... .......... .. 237 24 -hour fruit ... ....... .. .............. 256 orange apricot ...... ... .. ......... ..240 vinegar, oil and bacon 255 pear 240 Salad , fresh .. . .............. .... ... 242-245 raspberry jello 240 cabbage .. .. .. .. .... ...... ......... . .... 244 ribbon . ............. . .......... ....... .. ..241 frozen coleslaw ... . ..... .. . .... ... .245 salmon 249 cucumber ...... .... .............. . ..... 242 salsa . .. . ............ .. .. . ..... .... ........ 253 fresh .......... .. . .......... .... .. ....... .. 242 spinach ... .... .... . .. ... ....... ... . ...... 253 hearty 243 tomato aspic 253 oriental ............ . . .................... 243 three hour 241 7 layer .. .. ........... ..... ........ ....... .243 yum yum .............. ........ ........ 241 spinach 244 Salad, vegetable stay-crisp 244 asparagus soup .. ................. . .. 251 Tahitian .......... . ...... . .......... . . .. 242 hot bean ............. . .................. 252 Salad, frozen ............................ 233 hot green bean ..... .. ........ . ...... 252 Salad, fruit three bean 252 cinnamon apple 234 carrot-cheese 251 cranberry fluff. 234 German potato ... . .................. 251 deluxe ........... . ....... .. ... .. .. . .. .. ... 235 salsa 253 24 hour , 234 spinach mold .. .... .... ..... ......... 253 tomorrow's 235 to-mato aspic . ... .... .... . ........ .. ... 253 Salad, main dish .... . ... .... ...... 247-250 Salmon with olive cheese chicken, epicurean .. . ..... .. .... .. 247 sauce ... .. ......................... .. ... .230 chicken, hot 247 Salt pork and lima beans ..... . ...... 194 chicken and ham . .. .... .. .. ....... 248 Sandwich loaf, holiday 22 chicken, marinated ................ 247 Sandwiches 222-225 ham and potato 248 bar-b-que (3) ................. . .. ...... 222 macaroni .. ...... ...... ..... . .......... 249 chicken hollandaise 225 salmon mold ... ....................... 249 chipped beef ......................... .20 shrimp 250 crabmeat (2) 223 tuna .... .. .... .. ... . ....... ..... ... ... .... 250 ham 225 turkey lime mold ......... ...... .' .... 250 hamburger . .......... . .. ......... . .... 224
hot dog surprises 224 pizza (2) ...................... .......... 224 tuna coneys delight.. .............. 223 Sauces , dessert 145 Sauerbraten .. . .. .. .... . . .. . . .. . .......... 174 Sauerkraut German skillet dinner 181 Hungarian 195 relish 245 salad 245 special .................................. 264 stuffed cabbage 182 Sausages, sweet and sour 24 Scalloped oysters 229 Scripture cake ............................ 57 Seafood 226-229 Bayou Co . shrimp jambalaya 227 Christmas Eve crab bake ........ 228 crab meat delight 19 hot crab philly spread ......... .. ... 19 Lobster or crab fondue ........ ..226 Lobster thermidor 226 Long Beach ................... . ........ 227 in ramekins 228 shrimp, lobster, rice casserole 226 Seven week bran muffins ............ 46 Shi sh Kabob 9 Shrimp butter 24 potted 24 awaiting bar-b-que .................. 23 party dip 23 hot hors d ' oeuvres 23 and cheese dinner .... ... .. .. ....... 229 casseroles 226-229 Shortcake , 78 Snowflakes ................. . ........ . .. . . . ..37 Sole fillets, with crab sauce ........ 230 Sole Oriental 230 Souffle, breakfast 220 Soups 29-32 cherry dumpling 29 chicken egg drop ........ .......... .. 29 chili 31 fish ... .. .. . .. ..... ........ . ............... .. .29 INDEX/ 281 frucht (fruit) 30 navy bean ....................... . ........ 30 stupflgoetta 32 vegetable 31 Sour milk or buttermilk (interchangeable) Banana nut bread .................... 50 Blueberry cake 63 carrot pudding J39 chocolate cake .. ............ .......... 70 date orange cake .................... 69 donuts . . .. : ......... ........ ... ...... .. . .. 37 favorite chocolate cake 71 grape-nut bread ...... .. .. ... ......... 51 MilkyWaycake 72 oatmeal muffins .46 orange cake .. ..... .. ................... 66 orange cookies ...... ....... ......... 117 raisin filled cookies 104 rhubarb cake .......................... 66 rhubarb nut bread ........ .. .......... 53 Roxbury cake : , 79 7-week Refrig Bran Muffins 46 soft molasses cookies 116 soft sugar cookies 118 upside down orange cake 67 Spaghetti ; sauce(3) ............ 186,187 Spanish olive chicken 206 Spice cake 57,79 Spinach baked ........ .. ... .. . ........ ............ 265 casserole 267 elegant 266 Louisiana 266 saucy 265 souffle 265 Spoon bread 47 Strawberry cake 67 Stroganoff ................................ 173 Strudel, apple .45 Stuffed pork tenderloin ...... . ....... 192 Stupflgoetta 32 Sunshine chicken .. .................... 215

• 11 a survey was made by the President and Business Manager of the University, who recommended that special contributions be used for the purchase of new beds for Altruria Hall, the dormitory for women, at an approximate cost of $2,500. Any existing surplus from this endeavor was to be used for new mattresses in Lembke Hall, the dormitory for men." (1934-35)

282/ INDEX Swedish v butterhorns .38 kalops 177 meatballs 185 meatballs, eggless ........... .. ..... 185 nut meats .......... : ... ...... .......... 128 pancake ........ ... ............... . ...... .48 Sweet rolls .... ... ............. ... .... .. ... . .45 Sweet-sour pork ............. ......... .. 190 Swiss steak in foil ...................... 176 Valpo casserole ... .... ..... .... ....... .181 Veal chasseur ..... .. ... .. ... .... . .... ...... ..200 golden browns, meatballs 184 julienne 201 meat loaves, individual 196 noodle suey 202 old world ..... . .... .. ....... . .......... 201 T Parmigiano . .... . ........ . ........ .. ... 202 party chops ....... .. .. .............. .. .200 Vegetable soup ... .......... . ........ .. . .31 Taffy apple rolls .45 Viennese goulash 172 Teriyaki, roast beef 174 Tomatoes, tally-ho 267 w Tortes 85-92 cherry ········· ·········· ···· 85186 W ·1 Ch · t h 27 assa1 , ns mas punc Wild rice, hamburger casserole 180 Wine, hot spiced 25 Woodcock ........... ..................... 220 chocolate ............................ 86,87 fig, date nut .. ..... .. ................ ... 87 hazelnut ........ .. ... .......... ........... 87 lemon ...... ............. .. ............. ... .88 Milwaukee 88 y poppyseed . .. ......... .......... ........ 89 pumpkin ............ . .... .. ......... 89,90 soda cracker .... ........ .. ... .. .. .. .. . .. 90 Yorkshire pudding .47 strawberry . ......... . ........... . .. .91, 92 lady finger rum .................. ..... .92 z Tuna, Chtnese casserole ..... ....... 232 Tuna Coneys (sandwich) ........... .223 Zucchini, casserole ................... .267 Turkey loaf ........... .. ........... .. .. ... .214 Turkey salad ... ............... 213


View of the music practice building to the left linked by the mall and re -faced old engineering building to the right, as it appeared in Spring 1972 On page 55 you will find pictures of the progress of this Guild project for the year 1970-71.

Sung to the Tune of " The Little Brown Jug "

Of al I the things

The C uild has done

The one that brought most happiness

Was simply the

Replacement of

The Iumpy, Lembke mattresses.

Oh what joys

For the boys

Who 'd been sleeping in distress

When the Guild

Replaced for them

The Iumpy, Lembke mattresses

Lyrics composed by Mrs W S (Pat) Friedrich for the 40th Anniversary Convention Social evening

NOTES/ 283


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