Valparaiso University Guild Cookbook Vol. II | 1978

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A second, companion book of favorite and family recipes compiled by the Women of the Valparaiso University Guild to complement THE GU I LD COOKBOOK.

Shirley Nelesen Honold, Chairman Cookbook Committee

Margaret Michael Rive rs, Editor

Published by the Guild 1978

Copyright, 1978, Valparaiso University Guild

Published by Valparaiso University Guild Valparaiso, IN 46383

First Edition , 1978, 10,000 copies

Second Printing, 1978, 10,000 copies

Third Printing, 1983, 5,000 copies

Printed in the United States of America

Home Mountain Publishing Company, Inc Valparaiso , IN 46383

CHAPEL WITH BRANDT CAMPANILE IN FOREGROUND - Valparaiso University 's uniquely beautiful Chapel of the Resurrection .,, lies in the center of the new East Campus where it dominates the N physical campus and typifies the centrality of Christ in the Christian 's life.


Christian higher education as exemplified by Valparaiso University and to the women of the Valparaiso Univer sity Guild who through the years have worked, dreamed and schemed to help support and further the growth of Valparaiso University .

May the sale and use of this book prove to be of benefit to many : to those who enjoy eating, those who delight in preparing good food , and to those students who are assisted in attending V. U. through its profits .

The proceeds from the sale of this book will be added to the endowed scholarship fund established with funds from the sale of THE GUILD COOKBOOK, published in 1972, available from the V .U. Guild, Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, IN 46383.

" Valparaiso University 's educational philosophy concentrates on the integration of academic excellence with spiritual grace in cultivation of the total personality toward better equipped Christian service for Church and society".

The Valparaiso University Guild purposes to create and develop a greater interest in the University as an institution of Christian higher learning; to give financial assistance ; to aid in student enrollment; and to help provide facilities necessary for the student's welfare.


M any people have be en involved in the preparation of this book .

We thank all the ladies who took time and thought to send in their recipes. The response was so great that many recipes had to be edited . We trust that the final selections of the evaluating committees and the editors meet with your approval. It was extremely difficult to make the final selections.

The following ladies served as chairmen of their respective testing committees and as assistant editors :


BEVERAGES ...... . .......



CANDY .. ... . ... .... ... .. . .... .


CASSEROLES .. . ... ..








PIES ... .. ...... ... .... ... .. ...

POUL TRY .. ...... . . ..



SAUCES ... . .. .... .. . . ... ..... . .. .. ..


VEG ET ABLES ... ........... . .. ....

Mrs. Paul (Bev) Fricke, Minneapolis, MN

Mrs. David (Sue) Durnford, Naperville, IL

Mrs Gene C. (Lynn) Bahls, Bourbonnais, IL (Kankakee Valley Chap .)

Mrs Robert (Karen) Mai, Plymouth, Ml (Detroit Sub. West Chap .)

Mrs . Charles (Marcille) Ansorge , Lincoln , NB

Mrs. Francis (Lu) Zoll , Valparaiso , IN

Mrs. Dale (Marge) Mertz, N. Olmstead , OH (Cleveland Chap.)

Mrs. Truman (Helen) Tornow, Wausau, WI

Mrs. Robert (Sandi) Trenka, Boulder, CO

Mrs Harry (Pauline) Parthun, LaPorte, IN

Mrs Melvin (Margaret) Bartz , Newport Beach, CA (Orange County Chap .)

Mrs Arnold (Helen) Firnhaber, Ann Arbor, Ml

Mrs. Alton (Barb) Riethmeier, Rochester, NY

Mrs . Ralph (Marilyn) Krueger, Brookfield, WI (Milwaukee Chap.)

Mrs. David (MaryAnne) Whited, Kokomo, IN

Mrs Robert (Judy) Brooks, Moline, IL (Quad Cities Chap.)

Mrs . Richard (Lu) Walsh, Crown Point, IN (South Lake County Chap.)

Mrs . Kenneth (Linda) Mc Ferren, Madison , WI

Mrs. Walter (Myla) Lohss , Indianapolis, IN

Mrs. Glenn (Gretchen) Ocock, Appleton, WI

The metrics section , tables and informative notes were researched and prepared by Mrs. Arthur (Katherine) Hallerberg, Valparaiso, IN.

Proof-reading and indexing were completed with considerable assistance from several members of the Valparaiso, IN., chapter.

Special appreciation is due Professor Richard H. Brauer of the University ' s Art Department and Melvin Doering for their assistance with the art work and photography in this book.



President _____ Mrs John (Jackie) Jungemann

1st Vice President ______ Mrs Edward (Miriam) Griessel

2nd Vice President __________________ _:_ ___ Mrs D. W. (Ruth) Russler

Secretary ______________________________ Mrs. Roy (Barbara) Maas

Treasurer ________ _________________ Mrs. Edward (Chita) Easton

Executive Director _________ Mrs Norman (Betsy) Nagel

Primary resource for information on Valparaiso University : VALPARAISO UNIVERSITY BULLETIN

Vol . 51; July 1, 1977, No . 1, Valparaiso University, Valparaiso , IN


Cover Design : Michael Scherb (V . U. Grad)

All Division Pages : Paul Mielke (V U. Sr )

" The relationship between the University and The Lutheran ChurchMissouri Synod for more than half a century ha s been based on mutual good will rather than on official documents . .. . The University seeks to fulfill the needs of the Synod for a place which provides diversity of educational opportunity for young people, develops lay leaders, and serves as an intellectual center where ideas can be evaluated freely and new approaches to thought and action explored. Without the Synod, the University would lose an important constituency and church identification . Without the University, the Synod would deprive itself of a richness in the present and a great potential for the future ."

Part of V . U . President A. G. Huegli ' s comments to the Dallas Convention of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod



In Thy Light We See Light, the motto of Valparaiso University since 1925 under the Lutheran Administration, is very significant to those who support the institution For the heart of V U. is the philosophy that to be a whole person, one must develop spiritually as well as mentally, emotionally and physically. Accordingly, many opportunities to worship privately, in small groups and in general community are provided Spiritual counselling as well as psychological counselling is available. The Christian life is also encouraged through the Honor Code under which exams are taken without a proctor present. Consistent with Christian freedom and liberty, no one is forced to participate in religious exercises; it is a personal matter of choice

Symbolic of this commitment to Christ as Lord, The Chapel of the Resurrection is built on the center of the East (Main) Campus and towers majestically over the area. Daily matins and vespers are held there as well as three communion services each week. The building is open for private worship as well.

Many music recitals and concerts are presented in the magnificent Chapel of the Resurrection which seats about 3,000 and in the smaller Gloria Christi Chapel which seats about 300 Music is an integral part of life at V . U . Several choirs, orchestra and band provide rich opportunity to participate by both music majors and others with musical talent .

The Great Seal of Valparaiso University embedded in the floor of the narthex of the Chapel of the Resurrection . "In Luce Tua Videmus Lucem'' undergirds the philosophy of education at V U.
V. U. student nurses care for a patient in Valparaiso 's Porter Memorial Hospital as part of their training
Sports for all are available on both the intramural and intercollegiate level

Drama students and others interested in the dramatic arts enjoy working with The University Theatre which annually presents four major stage productions , one of which is a musical. Additional one-act plays and other short dramatic works are part of classroom work or special projects courses.

Athletics, both intercollegiate and intramural are an integral part of the total educational program , giving all students the opportunity to participate in a variety of physical activities and for those students with special athletic aptitude the opportunity to develop a high level of mastery.

Students operate WVUR FM Radio. Here they interview incoming Freshmen during orientation Over forty students serve as disc jockeys during the periods when students are on campus. The 143 hours air time per week is filled with music, hourly news breaks, announcements , taped concerts and full newscasts . All football and basketball games are broadcast. In January, 1978, WVUR moved into the new communications center on the west edge of East Campus

While V.U. has q strong liberal arts college it also has several professional schools where practical experience is considered essential. The University Law School provides legal assistance in the community for those unable to pay for such service . Moot Court, visiting courts in the area (Chicago is about an hour' s drive away) and publishing the V.U Law Review are part of the law student's experience.

Nurses receive practical experience in area hospitals; immediately adjacent to the campus is the 390 bed (plus nursery) Porter Memorial Hospital which serves all of Porter County.

Education majors student teach in public and private local schools ; journalism students write for community newspapers; art majors develop portfolios of published efforts. Social Work majors have placements their Junior and Senior years in Social Service Agencies in several surrounding communities as well as in Valparaiso


Before vacations, the bulletin boards sport signs such as this one as students arrange transportation with one another The V U. student body typically has students from over 40 states and several foreign countries In 1977-78, 46 states and 21 foreign countries were represented.


The marching band adds to the color and excitement of athletic events and parades . Many members also play in the concert band

Faculty and students plant trees to help beautify the new East Campus. Buildings visible are Wesemann Hall (the Law School building), the Chapel in the background, and Meier Hall which contains offices, classrooms and a language lab.

The University has several computers which are used extensively by engineering and natural science students and to some degree by others especially in the behavioral sciences. Civil, Mechanical, and Electrical Engineering all have the necessary laboratories for their disciplines; the computer laboratory is shared. It includes a Hewlett-Packard 3000-11 digital computer system .

The extensive library contains over 250,000 standard volumes, bound periodicals and microforms. Historical research can be done on original works through the use of microform copies. In addition, as a despository library, it has approximately 100,000 maps of the U.S. Geological Survey and the Army Map Service.

The Sloan Galleries of American Paintings are also located in library. Over 400 works of art are in constant exhibition in the Galleries and throughout the campus, making a significant contribution to cultural life. In addition, visiting exhibitions are also scheduled.

Academically Valparaiso University insists on excellence; the University is fully accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools and by the various accrediting associations for each profession for which training is provided.

Students may participate in one of several special semesters such as the Urban Affairs Semester spent in Chicago, the overseas programs at Cambridge, England and Reutlingen, Germany, the Washington, D.C. Semester, the Semester on the United Nations or the Merrill-Palmer Program. Each of these programs is affiliated with an educational institution and earns academic credit as well as invaluable experience.

A close student-faculty relationship is encouraged at Valparaiso University with over 270 faculty members for the 4,000 member student body The Graduate Division is fully accredited but graduate students are not used in teaching under-graduate courses.



The beautiful physical campus, consisting of over 70 instructional and residential buildings on 310 acres, is located 50 miles southeast of Chicago in northwestern Indiana, just 15 miles south of Lake Michigan and the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore and Dunes State Park. The community of Valparaiso, population 20,000, is the county seat of Porter County which has a growing population of over 90,000.

Historically the community has backed the University and continues to do so today.

Organized in 1859 by the Methodist Church as the Male and Female College of Northern Indiana, the community's leading citizens were instrumental in locating the school on the east edge of town.

After reverses caused by the Civil War, classes were suspended in 1869, but the institution was revived by Henry Baker Brown as the Northern Indiana Normal School and Business Institute in 1873. "Mr. Brown's School", a flourishing private, proprietary institution, was renamed Valparaiso College in 1900 and rechartered as Valparaiso University in 1907.

World War I caused much social upheaval and the school was affected. The community looked for someone to take over the administration of the impoverished institution.

A new chapter in the history of the University was begun in the summer of 1925, when the University was purchased by the Lutheran University Association. The Association, an Indiana Corporation composed of men and women affiliated with the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, now owns and controls the University.

Neils Science Center, completed in 1967, contains facilities for Biology and Chemistry. The Klingsick addition, 1973, has facilities for Physics, several general classrooms and an which the Guild helped finance.

While the setting can 't compare to the annual Christmas concert (above) local chapters enjoy the choirs and bands when they travel to their communities Chapter members often provide food and housing for the students .


In 1931 the wives of board members and a few other interested women held a meeting which resulted in the formation of a national committee of women pledged to provide financial support for the University . The formation of local chapters followed and five years later this auxiliary was re-named the Valparaiso University Women's Guild

The V.U. Guild has grown to a membership of 5,500 with over 125 chapters throughout the country. Since its founding in 1931 it has raised over $2 million in support of various programs and improvement projects of the University.

The various areas in which the Guild actively supports the University are:

1) To help recruit students for the University in their home communities through personal contacts

2) To publicize and promote Valparaiso University.

3) To give financial assistance to the University .

4) To provide specially needed student facilities

Each chapter has a life and spirit of its own Women in the Guild have worked together, grown together, given together through many years to help make the University the place that it is They have helped it grow. They have helped it stretch. They have helped give it its Christian excitement .

If you should like more information about the Guild or the University, please write the Valparaiso University Guild, Valparaiso, Ind 46383.


2 cups table salt

¥3 cup water (hot)


1 cup cornstarch

Yi cup cold water

Mix salt and ¥3 cup hot water in a saucepan. Stir constantly at a boil for three minutes. Remove from heat, add cornstarch and Yi cup cold water. Mix with hands until smooth and cooled off. Separate into different piles and add food coloring. When storing, place in tightly closed sandwich bags or containers.


Combine instant starch and small amount of powdered tempera paint or

2 cups powdered starch

2 cups cold water

12 cups boiling water

Dissolve starch in cold water. Then add boiling water. When cool add powdered tempera paint to desired color.

HINT: Have child do finger painting in bathtub. When finished, both chi Id and bathtub can be easily cleaned.

Sandi Olsen Trenka-Boulder, CO

Metric 28 grams 120 200 230 280 350 450 (454) 1 kilogram Customary 1 ounce 4 ounces pound) 7 8 (Yi pound) 10 12 pound) 16 (1 pound) 2.2 pounds
Table for conversion of metric weights on labels of canned and packaged foods to customary pounds and ounces for use with customary recipes.


Common can size information in customary and metric amounts:


varies with food

11 & 111/15
Can size Content* Approx. Approx. Approx Customary Milliliters Grams* 5 oz. 6 fl. oz 6 Y2 oz (tuna) 8 oz . No. 1 picnic (soup) No 300 No 303 No. 2 No. 2 Yi No. 3
Cups 5 oz (weight) Ya 6 fl. oz 6 Y2 oz. 1 8 oz. 10-12 oz 1Y4-1 Y2 14-17 oz. 2Y4 1 lb 5 oz 2 1 lb 4 oz 2Y4 1 lb . 13 oz . 3Y4 -3 Yi 46 fl. oz. TABLE Ill Volume Equivalents 150 177 236 236 300-350 530 470 500 765-825 1380 Customary Fluid Measures: Fluid Ounces: 1 teaspoon (tsp .) 60 drops % 3 teaspoons 1 tablespoon Y2 1 tablespoon (Tbsp .) 3 teaspoons Y2 8 tablespoons Yi cup 4 16 tablespoons 1 cup 8 1 cup ( c ) Yi pint 8 2 cups 1 pint 16 1 pint Yi quart(qt.) 16 2 pints 1 quart 32 Metric Fluid Measures: 125 milliliters (ml) 250 milliliters 500 milliliters 1000 milliliters (1 liter) Customary Fluid Measures: Yi cup plus 1 Yi teaspoons 1 cup plus 1 tablespoon 2 cups plus 2 tablespoons 4 cups plus 4 tablespoons 140 170 185 227 300-312 400-475 480 560 825 1200 Milliliters: 5 15 15 118 236 236 472 472 944 (1 quart plus Y4 cup)


Conversion Tables-Adaptation of National Bureau of Standards Information

Approximate Conversion: Customary to Metric

When you know: Multiply by: To find:

milliliters (ml)

milliliters (ml)


Conversion: Metric to Customary When you know:

by: To find:

Conversion of Temperatures

Volume: teaspoons (tsp. ) 5
fluid ounces (fl. oz.) 30 milliliters
cups (c) 240 milliliters (ml) cups 0 .24 liters (l) pints (pt.) 0.47 liters (l) quarts (qt.) 0 .95 liters (l) gallons (gal.) 3 8 liters (l) Weight: ounces (oz. ) 28 grams (g) (mass) pounds (lb.) 0.45 kilograms (kg) Length: inches (in .) 25 millimeters (mm) inches 2 .5 centimeters (cm) feet (ft.) 30 centimeters (cm) yards (yd ) 0.9 meters (m) miles (mi.) 1 .6 kilometers (km)
Volume: milliliters (ml) 0.03 fluid ounces (fl. oz.) milliliters 0.004 cups (c.) liters (l) 2 1 pints (pt.) liters 1.06 quarts (qt.) liters 0.26 gallons (gal.) Weight: grams (g) 0 .035 ounces (oz .) (mass) kilograms (kg) 2.2 pounds (lb ) Length: millimeters (mm) 0.04 inches (in.) centimeters (cm) 0.4 inches (in.) meters (m) 3.3 feet (ft.) meters 1 1 yards (yd.) kilometers (km) 0 6 miles (mi )
Celsius (metric) to Fahrenheit (customary) : Fahrenheit (customary) to Celsius (metric) : °C == 5/ 9 ( ° F - 32) ° F == (9/ 5 x °C) + 32


" When the recipes come out in metric units , I am ju st going to play ostrich! " So said a busy homemaker recently That attitude may be typical , but it will not change the fact that new recipes in metric units will be appearing in magazines and newspapers The good news is that these recipes will be easy and fun to use because measuring equipment geared to metric measures is available For a time all of us can cook with a dual measuring system, u sing the customary cups and spoons with familiar recipes and metric measures with metric recipes

A few metric recipes are included in this cookbook and listed as a group in the index. Some of the recipes which were submitted in customary units have been converted to metrics, and it is hoped that these recipes will encourage the reader to obtain and begin to use metric measures. To assist in this transition , the following paragraphs offer a few guidelines for measuring in metrics , some suggestions about equipment to acquire and a large dose of reassurance that one can survive the change and even find it enjoyable as metric units become familiar.

Much has been written about the history of measurement. Many have deplored the fact that, since the early days of our republic, we used the decimal system only for our money, retaining the cumbersome system of weights and measures.

Metric Language

As people begin to think about using the metric system, invariably they are caught in the conversion maze and contemplate with impatience such questions as: how many liters in a gallon , how many centimeters in a foot, how many milliliters in a cup and so on The best way to avoid confusion and unnecessary mental gymnastics is to become familiar with metric units and then in the preparation of food, to use the metric recipes with the metric measures. First of all , an elementary vocabulary will be helpful.

Basic units, commonly used in the home: meter - a I ittle longer than a yard (about 1.1 yards) liter -a little larger than a quart (about 1.06 quarts) gram -a little more than the weight of an ordinary paperclip degrees Celsius - for temperatures

Common prefixes used with basic units (indicate fractions or multiples of units) milli - one thousandth part of (0.001) centi - one hundredth part of (0.01) kilo - one thousand ti mes (1000)



For example : 1000 millimeters

100 centimeters

1000 meters

meter meter kilometer

Other commonly used units: millimeter 0 001 meter thickness of a dime centimeter kilometer kilogram milliliter

Symbols used are:

milliliter liter gram kilogram

0.01 meter a little more than width of paperclip (5 cm . -2 inches)

1000 meters -a little farther than Y2 mile (about 0.6 mile)

1000 grams a little more than 2 pounds (about 2 2 pounds)

0.001 Iiter 5 of them make a teaspoon ml

L (writing the word is preferable) g kg meter m centimeter - cm

The measures are numerically greater than those to which we are accustomed . We are used to dealing with numbers smaller than 10 when we cook. The new metric recipes use much higher numbers, and as the metric measuring equipment is used, these numbers will become familiar.

When speaking or writing about these units , the whole word should be used; that is, "kilogram " not " kilo " to distinguish between it and kilometer, "milliliter", not "mills " for the same reason. The preferred SI (Systeme Internationale) pronunciation for kilometer is KILL-o-meter rather than kill-AH-meter, to be consistent with other metric units prefixed with "kilo. " The American spelling indicates "liter" as preferable to "litre" though both spellings are acceptable. Utensils for volume measures are properly called "metric measures " or "customary cups and spoons " for the familiar recipes, never " metric cups and spoons."

Metric Measures

Various problems have been evident in shifting family recipes to metric units with the least confusion and greatest acceptability. An early question was that of " soft or hard conversions. " A recipe expressed in the customary cups and spoons does not translate readily into a system based on units with different relationships to one another.

" Soft conversions " are changes to equivalent amounts in the other system. A cup of all-purpose flour, for example, is 237 milliliters (vol-


ume) or 115 grams (weight) in metrics. 237 milliliters, however, is difficult to measure accurately. " Hard conversions " are changes to the nearest standard metric measure . A cup of flour becomes 250 milliliters , easily measured in one of the new metric dry measures. Although 250 ml is only about one. tablespoon greater than the customary cup, in many recipes this sort of change results in a different relationship of the ingredients. While not a great problem in a stew or a casserole recipe , in a cake recipe this could be disastrous. Thus in many instances a new recipe geared to the new metric measures would be simpler at the outset.

Another question was that of using volume measures or weights. Our familiar family recipes are given in volume measurements , and the homemaker is accustomed to using cups and spoons for volume measurements. Therefore, volume measures are considered to be the better answer Continuing the use of volume units, new metric recipes appearing in print will be in volume metric measurements. However, there are advantages in accuracy and simplicity to weighing ingredients with the help of a gram scale and some information about the weights of common foods. More will be said on this subject later for those interested.


The equipment for volume measurement of foods is becoming readily available. With the following measures the cook can work with any metric recipe expressed in volumes:

I. Glass 1000 ml (milliliter) measure (1000 ml = 1 liter - a little larger than a quart) measure has graduated markings by 50 ml large divisions are 250 ml, 500 ml, 750 ml measure also marked in quart, customary cup, and fluid ounce

2. Glass or plastic liquid measure 250 ml with graduated marks by 25 ml some also marked with fractions of customary measuring cup (250 ml - a little more than a cup)


. Set of dry measures

250 ml, 125 ml, and 50 ml available in plastic or metal and look very much like fractional customary cup measures

4. Set of small metric measures

25 ml, 15ml, 5 ml, 2ml, 1 ml look very much like graduated customary measuring spoons



W e may miss the old breakdown into thirds and quarters of the customary system, but the 25 ml and 15 ml will give flexibility to the new measures . Five or six dollars at 1977 price s will buy all of the above. To help picture the metric quantities, keep this in mind :

250 ml replaces an 8 ounce cup, customary measure 15 ml replaces 1 tablespoon 5 ml replaces 1 teaspoon 1 kilogram is a little more than 2 pounds 500 grams is a little more than 1 pound

Celsius temperatures are roughly half those of the Fahrenheit scale200 °C is 400 °F. The new oven dial settings will be approximately :

Within the fluctations of the home oven thermostat, these settings will be adequate

Use of Metric Measures

There are many similarities in measurements from old cups to new measures. If a recipe calls for 750 ml, for example, the 250 ml measure is filled three times if a solid , or if a liquid , the liter measure is filled to the 750 ml mark If 65 ml of shortening are needed , the 50 ml and the 15 ml measures are used ; if 175 ml of flour, the 125 ml and the 50 ml measures are filled , and so on For measuring very small amounts such as 10 ml of baking powder use the 5 ml twice . For meat recipes calling for the meat in kilograms, remember that one kilogram is a little more than 2 pounds . Unfortunately, if a recipe is doubled or halved, it is still necessary to multiply or divide by two and rethink the available measures .

The average cook prepares dishes at different levels of measuring accuracy. Many dishes need neither recipe nor measuring , and in many cases the flavoring or blending of ingredients is adjusted to suit our tastes . Some recipes, however, should be followed with careful attention to as high a level of accuracy as possible. Examples of dishes that might be made with rough approximations are casseroles, soups and stews , salads , meat loaves, many sauces, dips and icings Such recipes could shift directly to the similar metric units without great change in flavor or consistency

150 °( for 300 °F 160 325 180 350 190 375 200 400 220 425 230 450


The batters and doughs are a group of foods, however, which need accuracy, Yeast breads are a possible exception, within limits. For batters and doughs there is a balance necessary between flour, liquid and leavening. The amount of fat, flour and sugar makes for a better or a poorer product in terms of texture and flavor. Careful measurement usually produces an acceptable product the first time. With the coming of the metric recipes, one must be sure to use the measures - either the metric measures or customary cups - for which the recipe is written, particularly with batter and dough recipes. Likewise, when commercial mixes geared for metric measurement of liquids come into the market, the customary cup will not do and the new metric measures must be used.

Measuring Techniques

Homemakers differ from one another in regard to measuring techniques, and indeed, perhaps the same cook measures differently from day to day. Whether metric measures or customary cups are used, measurements should be made in such a way that the amounts are consistently reproducible. A cup of flour or 250 ml of flour should always be as nearly the same from one time to another as possible. The homemaker is allowed a small margin of error before the product suffers, but greater differences will affect the product, possibly to the point of undesirability. When recipes for batters and doughs are given to others, there should be an indication of the manner of measuring the problem ingredients such as the flour.

Liquids should always be measured in transparent measures that stand on the table or work counter. One should look at the line of measurement at eye level; the correct line is the lower line in the center, not the thin line that rises slightly as it wets the glass at the edge. The dry measures should not be used for liquids. Small amounts of liquid measured by spoon or small milliliter measures should not be allowed to "round up."

Fats are most easily measured in small fractional cups for the customary half, third, and quarter cups; in small dry measures for 125 ml, 50 ml or 25 ml measurements. Fats should be pushed down firmly to avoid air pockets.

Eggs are usually "medium" size for the customary measure recipes; metric measure recipes should be made with "large" eggs since the metric measures are a little larger than their customary counterparts.

Dry ingredients such as baking powder, soda and spices are measured by first stirring, then spooning and leveling.

Granulated sugar does not present a particular problem. Brown sugar, however, should be packed firmly into the measure. Powdered sugar should be measured with the same care as flour.

Measuring flour for batters and doughs presents the greatest prob-


lem since the result can vary from cook to cook and from method to method . It may even vary for the same cook using the same method at different times Different cookbooks may indicate different methods for their recipes. Some of the methods of measuring flour are the following :

Sifting onto a paper, spooning lightly into a cup, leveling;

Spooning unsifted flour into a cup , leveling ;

Dipping directly into unsifted flour with a cup , leveling ;

Sifting directly into cup, leveling ;

Sifting onto a paper, lifting the paper to make a funnel, then carefully slipping the flour into the cup and leveling

Consistency in measurement could be attained with any of these methods If a particular cookbook indicates a specific method for its recipes, that method should be used.

It is important to realize , however, that different amounts of flour by weight result from one method to another. For example, differences as great as 25 % to 30 % have been found between the weight of one cup of flour measured by the method of sifting and spooning and by the dipping method A difference of 10% to 12 % was found between sifting and spooning, and spooning directly into the cup Sifting directly into a cup gives a still lighter weight of flour per cup, accordingly a still greater difference from the other methods . A baking recipe given to a friend should indicate how the flour is measured for it.

Any cookbook or recipe file will become more valuable for future use with notations in the margin when a recipe is used. An indication of the measurement technique used , the flavor, the success , family reactions, suggestions for another time , all will be very helpful.

Weighing Ingredients

The decision at present is to use metric volume measurements rather than metric weights for metric family recipes However, a good case can be made for weighing dry ingredients on a gram scale, particularly for batters and doughs where accuracy is desirable . A homemaker possessing an accurate gram scale and a table of weights for a few common ingredients would find weighing desirable , easily done and accurate This method has long been used in Europe , in quantity food preparation, in foods laboratories , in schools and experimental kitchens in this country . Although the average homemaker will have a sufficient challenge in adjusting to metric volume measures and terminology, the dedicated, more adventurous cook who does a considerable amount of baking " from scratch " could be encouraged to consider weighing many ingredients .

A 500 gram dietetic scale in one or two gram increments, with a dial that can be moved back to zero for offset of the weighing pan, is what


is needed. Such a scale should cost no more than twenty-five to thirty dollars , comparable to what small pieces of kitchen equipment cost . The small sca-les in ten to twenty-five gram increments without the movable dial would be less accurate for weighing ingredients .

The buyer should check the scales against a known weight to be sure it is accurate at the outset, and check it from time to time to assure continued accuracy. Tables giving gram weights of one measured cup ( customary) are available (see references below) . A few common ingredients are given here At this time conversions to the gram weight of a customary cup results in a " soft" conversion. In time gram weights for metric measures should also become available for use with metric recipes.

The advantages of weighing, first of all, that of consistent reproducibility One customary cup of flour weighs 115 grams by AHEA definition whether sifted or not, one cup of brown sugar, 200 grams, whether packed or not A second convenience is that of simplicity: fats are weighed on a slip of waxed paper, with no scraping out or washing of greasy cup or measure. Aside from ingredients for batters and doughs, one can readily weigh out troublesome foods like noodles or spaghetti , one can divide a package of cake mix or whipped topping mix by weighing and so on (one ounce = 28.3 grams). Initially it is necessary to take a moment to be sure it is properly done ; thereafter the procedure is so simple that grade school children can weigh out cookie or cake ingredients and produce a successful product. Men who enjoy cooking will likely prefer weighing to measuring Women who do a great deal of baking might consider this approach

A few weights for a start with batters and doughs are:

Flour (wheat)

* From AHEA Handbook of Food Preparation, Seventh Ed.

* *From Nat. Bureau of Standards NBS 345-7 "Calculated values "

Unsifted/ spooned Cake : Sifted Spooned Sugar/ granulated brown confectioners unsifted sifted Margarine/ butter Hydrogenated fats Weight of customary cup* 115 grams 125 96 111 200 200 123 95 224 188 Weight of 250 ml** 121 grams 211 211 236 198
All purpose Sifted



In the not too distant future, metrics will become familiar to all. Now, during this period of transition , the best course of action for the homemaker will be to use the customary cups and spoons with recipes designed for them , use metric measures for metric recipes , and learn to recognize the difference so that proper measures are used with each kind of recipe. The day may come when all our customary cookbooks and recipe files will be outmoded and our children will be using only the metric system in their kitchens . In the meantime , perhaps we can, with a bit of flexibility, enjoy the best of both systems


Sincere appreciation is due each of the following for her great help in the preparation of this section :

Constance C. Adams , Extension Associate , New York State College of Human Ecology, Cornell University

Mary Darling and Deborah Wardle, Agricultural Extension Service, University of Minnesota .

Sharon Hoerr, Food Nutrition Specialist, University of Illinois

Anita Manning and Gene Evans, Department of Home Economics , Valparaiso University

References: (Sources for gram weights of ingredients)

Home and Garden Bulletin No . 72, Nutritive Value of Foods (A-1, 77:40 HGB 72) Supt. of Documents, U.S. Gov' t Printing Office , Washington D .C. Price: 0.30

Food Preparation Handbook, American Home Economics Ass'n 2010 Massachusetts Ave. N W , Washington D.C. 20036 Price : $4 00 (This is an invaluable source for all manner of food information. Among other things it includes buying and quality guides, food preservation data, definitions of food terms, servings from market units as well as weight and volume measurement )

Pelouze Scale Company, Customer Relations Dept., 1218 Chicago Ave , Evanston, IL 60202 (If you are unable to find a reliable metric scale as described above, you may write directly to this company for information regarding their nearest distributor. Please mention this book )



APPETIZERS, BEVERAGES, SOUPS HORS D ' OEUVRES Asparagus Hors D ' oeuvres .25 Bacon Roll-Ups 25 Beer Cheese .26 California Beef Jerky .. . .......... .25 Cheese Bal I .. .. . ... ... ... ............ 26 Chili Cheese Log 27 Clam Cocktail. ........... .. ....... . .. .30 Clam Dip .29 Crab Spread 30 Curried Cheese Toasts . .. ......... 27 Deep Fried Mushrooms 35 Dill Dip 31 French-Fried Sauerkraut Balls 38 French Quiche. .37 Hambits .............. . ... ... .33 Heavenly Shrimp Ball. ... .... . .. ..40 Herb Toast .... ............... .. . .. ...... 33 Herring Salad Spread .............. 33 Hot Cheese Spinach . . ... . . . .. .. .... 28 Hot Clam Dip ............. .. .... ... .... 29 Hot Clam Triangles . ..29 Hot Crab Dip ...... .... ............... 31 Hot Dog Yummies ... .... ....... .. ..32 Hot Mushroom Dip 35 Hot Shrimp Dip .40 Hot Shrimp Hors D ' oeuvres ... .41 Indian Curry Cheese Bal I .. 28 Liver Roll 34 Make-Ahead Cheesettes .27 Mock Oyster Dip (Broccoli) 26 Mushroom Canapes .............. ..34 Nacho ' s (Microwave) . .. ...... . ... .43 Onion Pie (Quiche) . . ... . .. 36 Onion Puffs 36 Pecan Cheese Bal I .28 Salmon Party Ball.. .37 Sausage Patties 39 Seafood Caribbean Goulash .39 Shrimp Cucumber Dip ... . .... .41 Shrimp Scampers .41 Shrimp Wheels .............. .. ... . . ..40 Spring Garden Dip ..... ... ......... .32 Stuffed Mushrooms 34, 35 Swiss Cheese Swirls ........ .... .. ..38 Water Chestnut Appetizers ... .42 World ' s Easiest Appetizer ..... . .. 32 Yogurt .42 BEVERAGES Apricot Brandy .... ... .. ... . ..... ... .43 Banana Blender Ade .43 Chocolate Liqueur .46 Egg Nog (2) .44 Frosty Fruit Punch .. .... .. ..... . ... .44 Frozen Daiquiris .46 Fruit Punch ........................... .45 Golden Punch ....................... .45 Hot Holiday Punch .45 Kahlua .46, 47 Liisan Boo Ii (Vodka Punch) .47 Liter Juice ... ... .. .. .. .. . ... ...... .. ..... .48 Sangria (Spanish Wine Punch) 47 Spanish Coffee .48 SOUPS Blumenkohl Suppe .49 Brunswick Stew .. .. ... ... . . .. .... ... .49 Cheesy Chowder .. ........... ...... . .. 50 Chili (2) .... .. ... ..... .. .. . ... ... .... 51 Clam Chowder 52 Creme of Peanut Soup 52 Fish Chowder 53 Fruit Soup ... .. ............ 56 Grandma ' s Lentil Soup ..... . .. ... .54 Great Cabbage Soup . .. .. .. ... ... .50 Hearty Vegetable Beer Soup 55 Kartoffel Suppe (Potato Soup) 53 Lentil Soup ........... .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .55 Minestrone ... . .... ... ... ... .. ........... 54 Old Fashioned Bean Soup ..... .50 Quick Corn Curry Soup 51



20 slices thin white bread

3 oz Bleu cheese

8 oz cream cheese

1 egg

20 spears canned asparagus

Yi Ib. butter

Trim bread crusts and flatten bread slightly with rolling pin . Blend cheeses and egg and spread on each slice. Roll 1 spear in each slice, fasten with toothpick. Roll in melted butter. Put on cookie sheet and place in freezer. When frozen, slice each slice into 3 equal parts. Bake in 400° oven for 15 minutes or until lightly browned.

Yield : 60

Mrs . Harold Paetz-Milwaukee, WI

VARIATION: Spread each slice of bread with cheese whiz and roll around an asparagus spear Brush with melted butter and broil , turning and brushing with butter until brown. ·

Corliss Marowske-Detroit, Ml


Sandwich bread

Cream of mushroom soup

Thin sliced bacon Toothpicks

Remove crusts from thinly sliced sandwich bread at least two days old. Cut each slice in thirds and spread with cream of mushroom soup. Roll bread and wrap with Yi slice thin bacon. Secure with toothpick. Place on rack in 400° oven. Turn once to brown other side.

Bee Muck-Appleton, WI


beef brisket or flank steak

Yi cup soy sauce

Y4 tsp garlic salt

Y4 tsp. lemon pepper

Trim off all fat from beef. Cut lengthwise with grain into long thin strips, less than Y4" thick. If beef is slightly frozen, it's a little easier to slice thin Combine soy sauce and seasonings. Pour over beef strips and toss until well coated Arrange strips on wire rack that is placed over baking sheet. Strips may touch but not overlap. Bake 150° - 175° oven overnight, 10 to 12 hours. Store in air tight container at room temperature. Jerky should not be crisp If it is, oven is too hot. If jerky is not quite dry enough, white specks may appear after a few days. Just wipe off and enjoy the beef!

Barbara (Hamann) VanFossen-Walnut Creek, CA



bunch shallots (gr . onions)

lb. butter

1 can cream of mushroom soup

1 pkg . chopped broccoli

1 can sliced mushrooms (4 or 8 oz .) chopped

1 tube garlic cheese (6 or 8 oz .)

2 tsp. Worcestershire

Yi tsp. Tabasco (or to taste)

Chop shallots finely using some of green parts . Saute in butter . Put into double boiler with mushroom soup. In separate pot cook broccoli according to package directions but using juice from sliced mushrooms. Add the broccoli to double boiler with rest of ingredients. Stir until cheese is melted. Serve warm.

Yield : 1 quart Barbara Oster-New Orleans, LA

NOTE: The dip tastes good with Triscuits or Doritos. It can be made ahead of ti me and then warmed before serving

VARIATION: 1 pkg . frozen chopped broccoli, 1 can undiluted cream of mushroom soup and 1 garlic cheese roll (not squeeze kind). Cook and drain broccoli adding no salt. Heat soup on low heat. Cut in cheese and heat until cheese is melted. Add broccoli. Serve in chafing dish with large corn chips

Marilyn Utter-Countryside, KS


lb. aged sharp cheddar cheese

lb American or 'rat' cheese (bland)

2 or 3 garlic pods (to taste)

8 oz beer

3 Tbsp Worcestershire sauce

1 tsp. salt

1 tsp . dry mustard

Dash Tabasco or cayenne

cheese and garlic pods together. Mix in remaining ingredients. Put in bowl and beat slowly enough to make a paste smooth enough to spread . Store in 'covered jar in refrigerator .

Barbara (Strombeck) Maas-Anchorage, KY


8 oz. pkg. cream cheese

1 stick margarine

cup chopped olives

2 to 3 Tbsp. chives

5 scallions, chopped semi-fine cup chopped nuts

Mix together cream cheese and margarine. Add scallions, chives and olives. Mix well. Roll into a ball and r<?ll in chopped nuts. Can be frozen

Yield : 1 cheese ball

Dot Wabrek-New Hartford, CT



1 stick butter or margarine

2 cups ( Y2 pound) shredded cheddar cheese

Y2 envelope dry onion soup mix

Y2 tsp . salt

1 cup flour

Mix softened butter and cheddar cheese at room temperature. Add soup mix, salt and flour . Mix well with hands. Shape into rolls about 1 Y2 inches in diameter (makes 3 rolls). Wrap in wax paper or plastic wrap and refrigerate several hours or longer. ·Shortly before serving, cut rolls into slices, }4 inch thick Bake on ungreased cookie sheets at 375° 10 to ·12 minutes , or until golden brown . (Watch so they do not turn too brown) . Serve warm or at room temperature . Very good for snacks or as appetizers

Yield : about 6 dozen Ber Ruprecht-Valparaiso, IN


10 oz. sharp cheddar cheesegrated

8 oz cream cheese (softened)

}4 cup dry white wine

1 pkg. chili seasoning mix

2 Tbsp thinly sliced green onion

Finely chopped pecans (enough to coat cheese log)

Combine cheddar cheese, soft cream cheese and wine and mix until well blended . Add chili seasoning and sliced green onions . Mix well and shape into log. Roll in chopped pecans and chill thoroughly. Serve with fancy assorted crackers

For a party of 20 . Lois Rutkowsky Brenner-Mt . Clemens, Ml


1 cup ripe olives

8 oz. sharp cheese - finely grated

}4 cup mayonnaise

2 Tbsp finely chopped onions

1 tsp. curry powder

Y2 tsp. garlic salt

Toast triangles

Chop ripe olives Add all ingredients and mix well. Toast bread and cut in triangles. Spread mixture on toast. Broil on baking sheet 2-3 minutes until bubbly. Serve 'hot.

Yield : 3 dozen Jackie Jungemann, Maywood, IL



1 8 oz pkg. cream cheese

1 cup finely chopped , cooked chicken or turkey cup finely chopped , toasted almond s

Yi cup mayonnaise

Y2 t sp salt

tsp. curry powder

2 Tbsp . chopped chutney or cup drained , crushed pineapple

1 3 oz. can flaked coconut

Mix all ingredients thoroughly . Chill several hours in refrigerator. Shape into large ball or individual balls. Roll in coconut or chopped parsley


2 8 oz. pkgs cream cheese

1 8 oz can crushed pineapple, drained

2 cups chopped pecans

cup chopped green pepper

2 Tbsp chopped onion

1 Tbsp seasoned salt or Beau

Mon de

Cream cheese , add drained pineapple. Add one cup pecans and remaining ingredients . Chill, then shape and roll in remaining pecans.

Norma (DeeDee Deets) May-Burnsville, MN

Mrs Earl Thiele-Beloit, WI


2 beaten eggs

1 pkg frozen spinach, thawed , drained and chopped

1 stick melted butter

1 lb . Monterey Jack cheese - cubed

1 cup milk

1 cup flour

1 tsp. salt

1 tsp . baking powder

Dried onions and sweet red bell pepper flakes - optional and to taste

Mix all ingredients. Pour into buttered jelly roll pan (size 10" x 15"). Bake at 350° for 40 - 50 minutes until lightly browned. Cut into small squares and serve warm .

Yield: 54 squares. Mrs. Gerald Grube, Sheboygan, WI

" Tell me what you eat and I'll tell you what you are ."



1 can (1 cup) minced clams

2 Tbsp. minced onion

2 Tbsp. butter

1 Tbsp. catsup

4 drops Tabasco sauce

1 cup diced process American cheese

2 Tbsp. pitted ripe olives - chopped

1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce

Drain clams, reserving 1 Tbsp. of the liquor. Saute onion in butter (do NOT brown). Add clams, liquor, and remaining ingredients. Heat till cheese is melted and mixture hot. (Do not let burn) . Serve in chafing dish to keep hot with crackers and chips, or raw vegetables .

Mrs. Lawrence Gilmer-Minneapolis, MN


1 can refrigerated quick crescent dinner rolls

1 can (7Yi oz.) minced clams, drained

1 cup shredded American cheese

cup catsup

1 Tbsp. Worcestershire sauce

Yi tsp. onion powder

Unroll and separate dough into eight triangles. Cut each triangle into four small triangles Place on ungreased cookie sheet. Combine remaining ingredients Spread each triangle with the mixture Bake at 375° for 10 - 12 minutes until golden brown. Serve hot Yield: 32 Chita Chaffer Easton, Rochester, NY

NOTE: The mixture may be prepared ahead of time and refrigerated so all you have to do when the guests arrive is to prepare the rolls and bake.

EDITOR'S NOTE: This can be done by patting dough together on bottom of 9 x 9 cake pan. Spread with topping, bake and then cut into squares.


1 6 oz. can clams

1 8 oz. cream cheese

2 Tbsp. parsley

2 Tbsp. mayonnaise

1 tsp . grated on ion

1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce

Drain clams reserving Y2 can of juice. Mix clam juice with all ingredients until well blended. Chill. Serve as dip with raw vegetables.

1 Yi cups. Jackie Jungemann-Maywood, IL




Yi cup finely chopped onion

Yi cup finely chopped celery cup finely chopped green pepper

4 Tbsp butter or margarine

2 Tbsp flour

1 Tbsp. grated parmesan cheese tsp. salt

Dash of pepper

Dash of Worcestershire sauce

Dash of hot pepper sauce

Yi cup Ritz cracker crumbs

1 7Yi oz can minced clams

1 Tbsp melted margarine

In medium skillet cook onion, celery and green pepper in the 4 Tbsp butter or margarine until tender and brown Stir in flour, cheese and seasonings. Add cup cracker crumbs and mix well. Stir in the unstrained clams. Cook and stir until mixture thickens and bubbles.

Divide evenly among 3 or 4 large baking shells or individual baking dishes. Sprinkle remaining butter and crumbs atop each filled shell. Bake in 350° oven 15 minutes.

Yield : 6 first course servings or three main dish servings.


1 can or frozen 6 Yi oz pkg crabmeat, drained

1 bottle Hoffman House cocktail sauce -8 oz.

1 8 oz. pkg cream cheese

Mix the sauce with crabmeat. Whip cream cheese with small amount of milk. Mound onto a platter. Cool both in refrigerator Just prior to serving, spread crabmeat mixture on top of cream cheese. Serve with crackers.

Milly Warmann Kolterman-Wilton , CT


Mix 8 oz. cream cheese, cup milk, 2 tsp. Worcestershire sauce, 1 clove garlic. Spread on platter (dinner plate size). Top with crabmeat, snipped fine. Spread 1 bottle chili sauce over all.

Hilda (Wassmann) Novotny-Aurora, IL

Mix 8 oz. cream cheese, 1 can crabmeat, drained , 1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce, few drops of lemon juice, cup chili sauce and horseradish to taste. Form into ball and refrigerate but remove to room temperature 1 hour before serving Serve with crackers.

Mrs. H. A (Arleen) Gieseking-Grosse Pointe, Ml

in metric usage are : fir st learn the basic language , think and measure metric ; convert only when necessary .
Recommended steps



1 8 oz. pkg. cream cheese

1 7 oz can King Crab Meatdrained

Ya tsp. garlic powder

Y2 cup mayonnaise

1 tsp. onion - chopped fine

1 tsp. dry mustard

1 tsp. powdered sugar

Pinch of salt

Combine ingredients and melt over low heat. Mix until smooth. Add

2 Tbsp. dry white wine before serving if desired. Lower heat, keep warm for serving. An electric fondue pot is very useful for this Serve with crackers and raw vegetables.

Mrs. Wm. Rohn-St. Joseph, Ml


cup mayonnaise

cup sour cream

1 tsp. dill weed

1 Tbsp . finely diced green onion

Salt to taste

Yi tsp. Accent

Yi tsp. onion powder

tsp. celery seed

1 Tbsp. dried parsley

Mix all ingredients together, chill and serve with crackers or raw vegetables .

Yield: 1Yi cup.

VARIATIONS: Add any or all of these.

Ruth Hoffmann-Minneapolis, MN

From 1 tsp. to 1 Tbsp. Beau Monde

1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce

1 Tbsp. caraway seed

Use: One 16 oz. carton large curd cottage cheese (Y2 cup mayonnaise and 1 tsp. sour cream). Blend smooth in blender.

Mrs. W. 0. Wiedenheft-Honolulu, HI

Mrs. Herman Jespersen-St. Joseph, Ml

Elizabeth Siefker-Indianapolis, IN

Dolores Obermeyer-Naperville, IL

Anne Hartner Dana-Lincoln, NB

Barbara Bernthal Gockel-Ann Arbor, Ml

Olga Trenka-Whiting, IN

Ruth Engel Willut-Chippewa Falls, WI

" The metric system was refined in 1960 to iron out discrepancies that had crept in over the years The result became the International System of Units-SJ-the simplified and modernized version of the metric system. "


1 cup sour cream


Yi cup mayonnaise or Miracle Whip

1 Tbsp. sugar

1 tsp . salt

Dash pepper

Y4 cup minced green onions

Y4 cup minced radishes

Y4 cup minced cucumber, drained

Y4 cup minced green pepper

1 clove garlic, minced

Blend the sour cream, mayonnaise, sugar, salt and pepper. Stir in minced vegetables. Serve with raw vegetables such as carrot and celery sticks, radishes, cauliflower, and kohlrabi .

Yield : 2 cups

Mrs. John Bolgert-Sheboygan, WI


1 8 oz. pkg. cream cheese

1 8 oz. or 12 oz. jar Picante sauce or Salsa Mexicana

Place block of cream cheese on serving dish Pour Picante or Salsa sauce over. Set tray of triscuits next to cream cheese and slice cheese and sauce together onto cracker.

Yield : 40 servings.

1 cup pancake mix

Yi tsp. onion powder

Yi tsp. dry mustard

tsp. salt

cup water

1 pkg. wieners

Angel Baumhefner-Boulder, CO



Y4 cup firmly packed brown sugar

1 Tbsp. cornstarch

cup pineapple juice

Y4 cup vinegar

1 Tbsp. catsup

1 tsp. soy sauce

4 drops Tabasco

For batter, combine pancake mix, onion powder, dry mustard and salt in bowl. Add water, stir until fairly smooth. Cut wieners in fourths. Dry wieners on paper. Dip wiener into batter. Fry in hot fat, 400° for 2Yi to 3 minutes. Turn once. Drain on paper towel until cool. When cool put in plastic bag and refrigerate until serving time. When ready to serve place on ungreased cookie sheet and heat in 425° oven for about 8 to 10 minutes. Turn once. Serve with warm sauce.

Sauce directions: Heat juice and vinegar, add other ingredients until thickened.

Karen Kreinheder Moseley-Valparaiso,

1 pkg . (4 slices) Danola ham

1 3 oz . pkg . cream cheese

3 t sp lemon juice


1 t sp. fre e ze dried chives or chopped onion

Combine softened cream cheese, lemon juice and chives , or onion Blend together into an easily spreadable m i xture Separate ham slices and spread the cream cheese mixture evenly on three of the slices , layering them as you proceed , with ham slice on top Wrap in wa xed paper and chill for an hour or longer Before serving , cut in small squares, placing toothpick in center of each

Yield : at least 18

Ann (Schaffnit) Millard - Yarba Linda, CA


loaf of very thin Pepperidge Farm white bread

Y<i lb butter

Y2 tsp salt

Y2 tsp Accent

Dash of hot pepper, or about 8 drops of Tabasco sauce

Yi tsp garlic salt, if desired

Yi tsp thyme

Y2 tsp summer savory

1 tsp sesame seeds

Mix all ingredients, and spread thinly on bread. Cut bread into 4 strips , and place on ungreased cookie sheet. Bake at 225° for 1 hour or till brown

This delicious snack keeps indefinitely in a covered container.

Lydia D . Meinke-Grosse Pointe , Ml


1 jar ( 12 oz.) herring in wine sauce

1 cup onions finely chopped

Yi cup fresh dill snipped or use

Y<i to Yi tsp. dill weed dried herb

Y2 cup chilled whipping cream


White pepper

Drain herring and dice Combine with the onion , dill, salt and pepper

Whip the cream until soft and fluffy. Fold herring and cream together

Garnish with leaf lettuce and lemon wedge if to be used at a salad buffet .

Excellent when spread on crackers or rye bread .

Yi e ld : appro x. 2 cups

Paula (Graef ) Sauer-Madison , WI



1 lb . liverwurst

Yi tsp basil

3 Tbsp. grated onions

1 clove crushed garlic


8 oz. cream cheese

Yi clove crushed garlic

2 drops Tabasco

1 Tbsp. Miracle Whip salad dressing

Chopped nuts

Mash first 4 ingredients with fork and shape into roll. Cover with the cheese mixture and sprinkle with nuts. Serve with crackers.

Cena Richter-Omaha, NB


25 large mushrooms, fresh

8 oz. cream cheese

8 strips of bacon

1 tsp. instant minced onion or chopped green onions

Wash mushrooms and remove stems Fry bacon until crisp; drain and crumble it Soften cheese and mix with onion and bacon. Fill mushroom caps with the mixture and broil until brown and bubbly.


1 lb. medium size fresh mushrooms

Y4 cup butter

sliced bread, white Yi smal I clove garlic

Y2 tsp. salt

8 oz cream cheese

2 egg yolks, slightly beaten

Saute mushroom caps in butter for 5 minutes. Cool. Cut rounds of bread with a cooky cutter (1 Yi" ). Toast bread rounds on one side under the broiler. Mash garlic with the salt. Combine with cheese and egg yolks in an electric mixer until smooth. Spread a little of this mixture on the untoasted side of bread . Top each round with a mushroom cap. Cover all with cheese mix. Broil until golden. Watch carefully.

Yield : 30 canapes

Vera Grethel-Northbrook, IL

VARIATION: Instead of fresh mushrooms, use 2 - 4Yi oz jars of mushrooms. Cream together 8 oz. cream cheese, 1 egg yolk, 1 tsp. chopped onion, dash of Worcestershire sauce and Y4 tsp. Lawry seasoning salt Prepare bread as above and brush with melted butter on untoasted side. Place mushroom cap on buttered side and frost with cheese mixture. Sprinkle with paprika and broil. Can be made ahead and frozen or refrigerated for later use.


Per serving: 4-5 fresh mushrooms, about 1-1 Y2 inch in diameter

About 1-4 cup Bisquick or pancake mix Water for mix

Clean mushrooms Trim stems so not much longer than cap Mix Bisquick or pancake mix according to box directions to make a thick batter Dip mushrooms into mix, covering completely Place on paper towel. Let sit for 30 minutes so batter firms around mushrooms, otherwise batter comes off in fryer. Heat oil to 360°. Deep fry until golden brown, about 2 minutes.

NOTE: I receive compliments every time I serve these

Elaine Mueller Myers-Colorado Springs, CO


1 lb. fresh mushrooms

3 Tbsp. margarine

2 Tbsp minced onion

Y2 cup seasoned bread crumbs

1-4 tsp. salt

Ya tsp pepper

3 Tbsp . dry white wine

Gently wash mushrooms - do not peel. Remove stems with twisting motion . Chop stems medium fine. Saute with onions in margarine until soft. Add bread crumbs, seasoning, and wine . Mix well. Stuff into mushroom caps Place in buttered flat pan -Bake 350° 10 minutes. (If large mushrooms are used, it is a good vegetable with dinner.)

Lois Wyneken Oster-New Orleans, LA

HOT MUSHROOM DIP (Russian Caviar)

cup chopped onion cup butter

1 tsp. paprika

2 cups chopped fresh mushrooms

2 Tbsp wine vinegar

Y2 tsp. salt tsp. pepper

YJ <;: up chopped parsley

¥3 cup sour cream

2 Tbsp green onion or chives

Saute onions in butter Stir in paprika and cook one minute Add mushrooms, wine vinegar , salt and pepper Saute 4 minutes Stir in parsley, sour cream and green onions . Heat thoroughly. Pour into heated chafing dish Scoop up with crackers.

Mrs. Robert (Judith) Johnson-Michigan City, IN



12 pieces of white bread, crusts removed

1 Y2 cup parmesan cheese

Y<i cup mayonnaise

2/3 cup finely chopped onions

Cut bread in fourths and butter. Mix parmesan cheese, mayonnaise and onions together Put generous teaspoon on each square and broil about 5 minutes, or until brown

NOTE: You may butter squares and pile on filling ahead of time. Keep in refrigerator until ready to broil.

Yield: 4 dozen. Mrs. W. 0 Wiedenheft-Honolulu, HI

ONION PIE (Quiche)


2 cups flour

1 tsp. baking powder

Y2 tsp. salt

Y<i cup butter

1 medium egg, beaten

1 Tbsp. cream

1 unbeaten egg white

Combine flour, baking powder, salt. Cut in the butter till mealy. Add egg (and cream if needed.) Work together into dough and pat into bottom and sides of 10 or 11 inch pie pan. Brush egg white over crust.


2 cups chopped onions ( 4 large)

2 slices bacon, diced

2 Tbsp. butter

Y4 tsp. salt

1 tsp. caraway seeds

Y2 Tbsp. flour

Y2 cup cream

2 eggs, beaten

Cook onions and bacon in butter, till onions are soft Add salt, caraway seed and flour. Slowly add cream. Remove from heat. Add a little of hot mixture to eggs. Then combine all. Spoon into crust.

Bake at 375° for 20 minutes, or until knife inserted into center comes out clean

Yield: 10-12 snack size servings. Lorna Bernthal-Boulder, CO

NOTE: In Germany this "Zwiebelkuchen" is served with new wine. We like it with white wine. Serve hot. May be cooled and reheated.

The condiment of condiments is salt ; the blessing of blessings is friendship



1 prepared 9" pie crust

Yi cup frozen spinach, cooked and drained

1 cup grated swiss cheese

1 cup light cream

3 eggs

Salt/ pepper to taste

Y2 tsp. nutmeg

Thaw pie crust and bake in 400° oven for 10 minutes with another pie crust tin inside . Spread grated cheese over crust. Put cream , eggs , salt, pepper, spinach, and nutmeg into blender and mix well. Pour into pie crust and bake for at least 30 minutes . It will be golden brown when done

Serves 10-12 as appetizer

Mary Moeller-Setauket, NY


1 16 oz. can salmon

8 oz. cream cheese - softened

2 tsp grated onion

1 tsp . prepared horseradish

1 tsp . lemon juice

"14 tsp salt

"14 tsp. liquid smoke

3 Tbsp. chopped parsley

Y3 to Y2 cup chopped pecans

Mix first 7 ingredients , chill. Form into ball and roll in parsley and nuts Chill before serving. May be frozen Serve with crackers

Helene Hoffmann-Sheboygan , WI

Mrs Henry Huber-Saginaw, Ml


Anita Schmidt-Wittenberg, WI uses 1 Tbsp lemon juice (instead of 1 tsp.) and shapes into 2 medium size logs instead of a ball.

Mrs. Theo (Marie) Huchthausen-Minneapolis, MN uses 1 Tbsp grated onion , 1 Tbsp horseradish , Y2 tsp. liquid smoke and does not add the lemon juice

Mrs. Mel Bartz (Margaret)-Newport Beach, CA uses 1 Tbsp. lemon juice, 1 tsp . grated onion, "14 tsp. white pepper, dash of garlic powder, Y2 cup chopped walnuts instead of pecans and shapes into one log.

OR: Make a smaller ball using oz can salmon, 3 oz. cream cheese, "14 tsp liquid smoke , 1 tsp lemon juice, 1 tsp. Frito-Lay onion dip mix. Roll in chopped parsley and chill.

NOTE: Editor prefers salmon ball without the liquid smoke ) A fanciful name never made a dish better.




lb can sauerkraut, drained, squeezed to extract juice (reserve)

Y4 I b . cooked ham

Yi lb. raw bulk pork sausage

Y4 lb. cooked corned beef

YJ cup finely chopped onion or 1 Y2 Tbsp. instant minced onion soaked in an equal amount of water for 3 or 4 minutes

Yi cup flour

Yi tsp. salt

Yi tsp. dry mustard

2/3 cup sauerkraut juice (extracted above)


1 egg, beaten

¥3 cup milk tsp. salt

Fine dry bread crumbs

Grind ham and corned beef through fine grinder. Fry pork sausage and onions in heavy skillet over medium heat until lightly browned, breaking meat into small pieces as it cooks. Add ground ham and corned beef and continue cooking until heated Sift flour, salt and mustard together and add all above to meat mixture stirring constantly to combine ingredients. Add sauerkraut juice while stirring and continue cooking for 3-5 minutes until mixture thickens. Remove from heat, add drained, chopped sauerkraut. Mix well. Chill overnight in refrigerator. Shape mixture into balls size of small walnuts. Dip in flour to coat lightly . Dip in egg batter ( above) and roll in fine, dry bread crumbs. The balls can be frozen at this stage for french-frying later Fry in deep fat for about 3 minutes. If browning too much on outside before completely heated through, reduce temperature just a little. Should be just golden brown . Use deep fat fryer or skillet. Temperature 360° on deep-fat thermometer. Serve hot with cocktail picks

Yield: 75 sauerkraut balls.

Mrs . Harry Nolke-Aurora, IN


pkg refrigerator crescent rolls

Parmesan cheese

Swiss cheese slices

Separate rolls into 4 rectangles Cover with layer of swiss cheese. Sprinkle with parmesan. Roll up like jelly roll. Cut into 6 or 7 pieces. Bake 10 minutes at 350°.

Yield : 2 dozen Shirley Honold-Sheboygan, WI

EDITOR'S NOTE: Sprinkle with dried parsley before rolling up

" How much? " " How many? ", " How far? " M easurement
helps find answers.


2 lbs. pork sausage meat

1 tsp sweet basil leaves

1 can (8 oz ) water chestnuts, minced


3 doz. cocktail buns

Savory mustard

Combine first 3 ingredients and mix well. Shape in small patties 2 " to 2 Y2" in diameter, or a size to fit in buns . Arrange on 15" x 10" baking pan and sprinkle with paprika . Bake at 375° for 15 minutes. Remove from oven and drain off fat. Turn patties and sprinkle with paprika. Bake 15 minutes longer and drain very well. Serve on cocktail buns with savory mustard . Yield : 36 patties

NOTE: Sausage patties can be baked, cooled , wrapped in foil and frozen Thaw in refrigerator over night and reheat 15 to 20 minutes


Seafood Mixture:

2 pkgs. (7 oz ) frozen, precooked breaded seal lops

basket cherry tomatoes

10 oz. pkg frozen smal I precooked shrimp can pitted jumbo ripe olives, well drained

1 6 oz. can water chestnuts, well drained

Y2 of 1 medium cauliflower cut into flowerettes, uncooked


2 cups mayonnaise

Y2 cup well drained prepared


Y2 tsp . monosodium glutamate

2 tsp dry mustard

2 tsp. lemon juice

Thaw scallops . Thaw and drain shrimp . Combine scallops, tomatoes, shrimp, olives, water chestnuts, cauliflowerettes. Combine all sauce ingredients and mix well. Add sauce to seafood mixture Mix lightly , but thoroughly . Refrigerate until thoroughly chilled. Serve with wooden picks for guests to spear ingredient of their choice. Serves a party.

Sandi Olsen Trenka-Boulder, CO

Many act1v1t1es in homemaking involve measurements , some of them are food preparation , clothing construction or purchase, home furnishing



1 cup cooked and deveined shrimp

cup softened butter or oleo

Yi small onion

1 Tbsp lemon juice

cup mayonnaise

tsp salt

Yi cup parsley sprigs

Put Yi cup shrimp into blender container - cover and run on "chop " speed for 15 seconds or until finely chopped . Add remaining Yi cup shrimp and repeat . To shrimp add all remaining ingredients except parsley and puree for 30 to 40 seconds until smooth Stop blender and stir down with rubber spatula if necessary . Chill thoroughly. Shape into ball and roll in chopped parsley - chill . Serve with crackers . Yield: 2 cups. Arlene Peters - Minneapolis, MN


8 oz . cream cheese, softened

2 Tbsp dry sherry

4 Y2 oz. can shrimp pieces , drained

1 Tbsp. snipped chives

1 Tbsp. minced onion

tsp horseradish

Yi cup sour cream

Mix together . Put in small souffle baking dish . Sprinkle top with paprika Bake 350° for 25-30 minutes. Serve with crackers and chips

Mrs. Lawrence Gilmer-Minneapolis, MN


1 4 Y2 oz can or 1 cup shrimp, drain and mash cup mayonnaise

2 Tbsp. chopped pimento-stuffed green olives

2 Tbsp. chili sauce

1 Tbsp . finely chopped celery

1 pkg. refrigerated crescent rolls

Combine all ingredients except the rolls . Unroll dough and separate into 4 rectangles. (Do not se parate into triangles .) Spread mixture on dough , roll up from short end and cut each of the 4 rolls into 10 slices Place on greased cookie sheey. Bake 375 ° for 10 to 12 minutes . Serve hot

Yield: 40 Mrs Rad Radke-Appleton , WI

NOTE: Can prepare ahead and keep in refrigerator until ready



Yi loaf of sandwich (white) breadPepperidge Farm works well

1 can cocktail shrimp

10 stuffed olives minced

3 oz. cream cheese

3 Tbsp mayonnaise

Yi tsp garlic powder

tsp lemon pepper

Rinse shrimp under running water Mash shrimp well (or put in a blender) Add remaining ingredients and mix well in small bowl. Cut crusts from each slice of bread and roll out each piece making it like a piece of pastry. Spread mix on each slice to cover well. Roll up jellyroll fashion. Spear with toothpicks into four even sections and then slice into four canapes. Freeze on cookie sheet and then store in plastic bag . When ready to use, brush well with melted butter and bake in a pre-heated oven 350 - 375° for 15 - 20 minutes until crisp and brown. Yield : about 48 canapes. Mrs Betty Jane Foster-Hicksville, NY


medium unpared cucumber

1 cup cream-style cottage cheese

2 Tbsp. finely chopped onion

2 tsp vinegar

Yi tsp . prepared horseradish

1 4 Yi oz can shrimp, drained and coarsely chopped

Cut cucumber in half lengthwise. Remove seeds and discard. Shred enough cucumber to make 1 cup; drain. In small mixer bowl combine the shredded cucumber, cottage cheese, onion, vinegar, and horseradish. Beat smooth. Stir in shrimp. Serve with crackers, or celery and carrot sticks.

Margaret Riethmeier Zobel-Saginaw, Ml


7 oz cooked, cleaned or canned shrimp

3 Yi oz. grated Gruyere or Swiss cheese

1 tsp minced onion

2 Tbsp. (heaping) mayonnaise

Dash of Worcestershire sauce

24 to 30 toast rounds (plain or onion)

Mix first five ingredients. Place in mounds on toast rounds. Broil for about 2 minutes or until cheese begins to melt; serve immediately. Yield : 24 to 30 servings Mrs E. F. H. PennekampBloomfield Hills , Ml


Water chestnuts

Soy sauce


Brown sugar


Sprinkle soy sauce on water chestnuts so that all water chestnuts are coated. Let marinate at least 1 hour. Roll in brown sugar. Cut bacon into strips long enough to wrap around water chestnuts and secure with a toothpick. Place on cookie sheet. Bake 425° at least 30 minutes.

Bake until bacon is browned. Drain off grease. Serve in chafing dish. My husband's favorite!

Beverly Glick Fricke-Minneapolis, MN

Mrs. E. C. Kieninger-Lighthouse Point, FL

YOGURT (Natural Foods)

Y2 gal. milk (use 2% for lower fat)

2 cups instant powdered skim milk

Y2 cup fresh natural yogurt (Dannon, Continental are good or may use a package of dry yogurt starter available at health food stores)

Scald 2 one-quart jars and one 1-pint jar and one stirring spoon with boiling water. Place Y2 gallon milk in saucepan and while over heat, stir in 2 cups powdered milk. When lukewarm, mix in yogurt starter. Store in water bath at 105° to 114° until set. Initial batch will take approximately 3 or more hours.

Yield: 2 quarts, 1 pint .

NOTES: From each batch of yogurt, save Y2 cup in a clean jar to be used as a starter for next batch.

This makes a thick, sweet yogurt which is delicious on fruit.

Holding the proper temperature is important. If too low, the yogurt will be thin; if too high, the yogurt turns into cottage cheese and the enzyme is killed.

Mrs. Martin Wegman-Brecksville (Cleveland), OH

Mrs. Ewald F. Timm, New Berlin, WI suggests making a yogurt incubator with a heating pad on a heatproof surface and a cardboard box to invert over the jars of milk. Set pad on high; lower to medium after 1 hour. Incubate 3 to 5 hours or unti .I knife inserted in yogurt comes out clean.

11 Forget not the poor. 11

Taco flavored tortillas

Refried beans


NACHO'S (Microwave)

Velveeta cheese Jalapeno peppers

Spread taco flavored tortillas with refried beans. Cover with a piece of Velveeta cheese and a thin slice of Jalapeno pepper. Place on paper plate in microwave oven for 30 seconds or until cheese is melted. If heated under broiler in regular oven , it takes 2 -3 minutes

Mrs. Virgil C. Rothel-Cincinnati , OH

VARIATION: Use " Pinata " chips, cheddar cheese and chopped green chilies . Can also add onion, chopped ripe olives, taco sauce.


1 lb dried apricots

1 lb . rock candy


Fifth of vodka (4 weeks time)

Alternate layers of apricots and candy in wide top jar or container. Pour fifth vodka over all. Cover and let stand two weeks. Take out apricots and let stand another two weeks. Lickin good!

Anne M. Jensen-Bellevue, NB


1 peeled and frozen banana

Y2 cup orange juice

cup grapefruit juice

cup pineapple juice (or canned fruit syrup)

4 Tbsp. lemon yogurt

Slice frozen banana into a blender Add a little juice at a time and blend until the consistency of a milk shake. Add yogurt.

Suggestion: Peel, wrap in foil , and freeze over ripe bananas. Store in freezer to make drink with many variations.

Yield : 1 large or 2 small glasses. Mrs . Ruth G. Myers-Cincinnati, OH

1 qt dairy egg nog


1 qt. vanilla ice cream

1 cup brandy

Yi cup rum

Let ice cream soften ; combine ingredients

"This recipe was given to me years ago by Pat Bibler's father, Harry Hauter. We serve it every year at our New Year ' s Day Open House ." Serves 10. Mrs. Fred Froehlich-Appleton , WI


can sweetened condensed milk

2 qts . milk

4 eggs

4 scoops ice cream

Ya tsp. salt (scant)

Ya tsp. nutmeg (scant)

2 oz brandy

Mix in electric mixer until blended or put all ingredients except all the milk in blender. Blend for 20 seconds . Pour into large pitcher and stir in the rest of the milk

Serves 8-10.

1 qt. sugar

1 Yi qts. water

1 cup orange juice cup lemon juice

Dr Leola Garriott- Hortonvi I le, WI


1 lg. can pineapple juice (46 oz.)

5 medium bananas

2 - 28 oz. bottles white soda

Boil sugar and water. Cool. Mix juices and pour into syrup Add bananas (put through blender). Freeze Remove from freezer and scrape with spoon to consistency of crushed ice, or use blender . Add two 28 oz. bottles of white soda. Serve.

Serves 20 adequately

Irene Laudert Zielske-Morristown, MN

14th century definition of inch : three barleycorns round and dry from the middle of the ear laid end to end.


1 qt orange juice

Juice of 3 lemons

Juice of 2 grapefruits or 2 sm.

cans frozen concentrate


1 sm. can pineapple juice

1 Tbsp. vinegar

1 lb . sugar

Club soda to make one gal. liquid

Squeeze fruits, combine with liquids and serve . The action of the vinegar will make the punch taste " spiked " when it isn ' t . However, gin added to it makes a good adult punch.

Yield : 32-4 oz servings Wilma Schmidt-Sheboygan, WI


2 (6 oz ) cans frozen orange juice

2 (6 oz.) cans frozen lemonade

2 (12 oz.) cans apricot nectar

2 (1 pt 2 oz.) cans pineapple juice

Gingerale as desired

Decorative ice cubes or ice block

Add water to frozen orange juice and lemonade as directed on cans. Combine with apricot nectar and pineapple juice Use decorative ice cubes or ice block when serving

Yield: 6 quarts or 50 servings (more if gingerale is added)

Barbara (Strombeck) Maas-Anchorage, KY


2 cans apple juice

1 bottle cranberry juice

2 cinnamon sticks

10 cloves

2 or 3 tea bags

You can heat in a large electric percolator and the juices will fill up to the 30 cup line Put spices and tea bags in the basket. If you use a large kettle put spices in a cloth bag and float in juices while heating Yield : 30 cups. Georgia Luebke-Holland , Ml

EDITOR'S NOTE: Similar recipes were submitted by Barbara Wismar, Rochester, NY, substituting 1 cup orange juice and cup lemon juice for tea; Meta Irving, Glen Ellyn, IL, omitting tea; and Fran Borcherding, Lincoln, NB, substituting 2 Tbsp Tang for tea

Old English measures : 2 mouthfuls make 1 jigger, 2 jiggers make 1 jackpot, 2 jackpots make 1 gill, 2 gills make 1 cup, 2 cups make 1 pint



1 Yi cups firmly packed brown sugar

1 cup white sugar

2 cups water

3 cups vodka

6 tsp . chocolate extract

4 tsp. vanilla extract

Combine brown and white sugar and water in large saucepan Heat to boiling, stirring often - simmer 5 minutes Pour into large glass container and cool to room temperature. Stir vodka and extracts into syrup until well blended. Put in tightly covered jars and store in cool dark place at least one week to age .

To make CHOCOLATE-MINT LIQUEUR, add Y2 tsp . peppermint extract .

Mrs. Donald Sager-West Bend, WI


2 cans (6 oz .) frozen limeade

2 cans water

1 fifth white rum

4 cans 7-Up

2 tsp. sugar

Mix together. Freeze in 5 qt ice cream plastic pail (or other suitable container) 24 hours in advance . Nice to keep on hand for unexpected guests .

Serves 24.

Mrs. Lawrence Gilmer-Minneapolis, MN


2 oz. jar antiqua instant coffee

4 cups sugar

2 cups boiling water

1 pt. bourbon

1 vanilla bean (coffee and vanilla found in Spice Island rackgrocery store)

Combine coffee, sugar and boiling water, stir until coffee and sugar dissolves . Add bourbon. Cut vanilla bean in half - split sides of each half and add to above mixture Close bottle tightly and let stand one month. Happy sippin!

Yield : about 6 cups. Anne M Jensen-Bellevue, NB

EDITOR'S NOTE: This is a good liqueur for serving over crushed ice, ice cream, and in other drinks.


Combine in a large saucepan :

3 Yi cups sugar

3 cups water



Yi cup instant coffee (not concentrated type)

tsp . salt

Bring to a full boil. Watch carefully . Simmer one hour. Cool. Add : 3 Tbsp vanilla

3 cups vodka

Delicious plain or served over crushed ice or ice cream

Yield: 2 quarts .

Carol Stoker Petzold - Rockville , MD

LllSAN BOOLI (Vodka Punch)

6 cups Italian sweet vermouth , chilled 4 cups cold water

1 cup vodka

Mix liquids and pour over ice in glasses. (Excellent as a before meal drink with appetizers)

Serves : 8 people easily .

Yi cup orange juice

Yi cup lemon juice

Y2 c up powd e red sugar

Paula (Graef) Sauer-Madi son, WI

SANGRIA (Spanish Wine Punch)

Fifth of dry red wine

7 oz . club soda

Mix ahead all but the club soda When ready to serve, add the club soda You may like to float Yi cup fresh fruit (lemon slices , orange slices , fresh strawberries , etc ) . Serve over ice.

Yield: 5 measuring cups

Carol Stoker Petzold - Rockville, MD

NOTE: This recipe may be multiplied many times for large groups Delightful in a punch bowl for a party or as the beverage at a summer meal.

Th e Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want Psalm 23: 1

Fresh lime


151 rum



Hot coffee

Whipped cream

Rub rim of glass with cut lime then sugar the wet rim. Add 1Y2 oz

151 rum and 1 oz. of kahlua Fill glass full with hot coffee. Top with whipped cream.

Yield : 8 Y2 oz. glass . Sandi Olsen Trenka-Boulder, CO

EDITOR'S NOTE: For a less costly and milder drink, regular proof rum may be substituted for 151 rum.


15 ml koolaid

200 ml sugar

2 liters cold water

Mix together, serve over ice.

Yield : Approx . 4 liters.

375 ml 7-up or similar beverage

1 liter orange juice

Helen Menzel (for Kay Mervar)

Crest View School-Boulder, CO

French scientists have provided leadership in the history of measurement standardization . 1795 is called the birthdate of the metric system , though it built on a decimal system more than a century older. A delicate international political situation precluded participation by the USA and England in the 1795 confer e nce . Had they been there , the USA and England might have been using the metric system ever since. 1875, the year of the International Treaty of the Meter, saw the establishment of the International Bureau of Weights and Measures . Both England and the USA were participants in this conference


1 large cauliflower

2 cups chicken stock or canned broth

2 cups water

4 Tbsp butter

Y3 cup flour

BLUMENKOHL SUPPE ( Gentleman ' s Special )

1 cup milk

1 tsp. salt

tsp pepper

Ya tsp. nutmeg

Egg yolk

tsp. lemon juice

Wash cauliflower and separate into flowerets. Set aside 10 and chop remainder Combine stock and water and bring to boil over high heat. Add flowerets and boil uncovered 8 - 10 minutes or until tender crisp . Remove , and save stock .

In another pan melt butter and add flour, stirring constantly for 2 minutes , being careful not to brown. Pour in stock and milk, stirring and cooking until smooth. Add chopped cauliflower and seasonings. Simmer 15 minutes until very soft with lid ajar allowing steam to escape . Pour thru sieve , using spoon to press the cauliflower thru. (Do not use blender.) Return to kettle Beat yolk with fork Add a little soup to egg and then return to soup. Add reserved flowerets and lemon juice and heat gently until serving temperature.

Yield : About 6 cups Frank Gallagher-Indianapolis, IN

NOTE: Frank made this for a congregational dinner at Our Redeemer and was immediately swamped with requests for the recipe.


4 lb stewing chicken cut up

2 qts. water

2 tsp. salt

Splash of lemon juice or white wine

Simmer covered until tender, about 3 -4 hours. Remove and cool quickly. Cut into bite size pieces, removing skin and bones and return to stock.


Yi cup catsup

2 tsp Worcestershire sauce

Yi tsp. hot pepper sauce

Grated rind (if you used lemon juice)

Salt and pepper to taste

4 cups baby limas

4 cups whole-kernel corn

2 cups fresh okra , Yi inch slices

4 ribs celery, Yi inch slices

4 cloves garlic , minced (if desired)

2 med. onions, minced

Cook covered at simmer, stirring occasionally until mixture is thick, about 2 hours. This can be made with frozen vegetables , dried onion and garlic powder.

Myla Lohss - lndianapolis , IN




2 cups dry navy beans (1 lb ., soak overnight)

2 qts water

Yi cup chopped celery leaves

Yi to 1 lb. meaty ham bones or pieces plus any juice

1 Tbsp . salt

Pepper to taste

1 medium onion , chopped

3 medium potatoes , cubed

2 to 3 sliced carrots

Put all ingredients in 5 quart crockpot. Cover and cook on low for 10 - 12 hours May be cooked on high for 5 to 6 hours Also may use a combination of the two . This is a family favorite.

Yield : 3 Y2 quarts Joyce Rullman Rich-Lomita, CA

GREAT CABBAGE SOUP (Good for Dieters)

Yi head cabbage, medium size, shredded

16 oz. can French style beans, drained large can mushrooms

6 stalks celery - tips and leaves

1 Tbsp. lemon juice

1 Tbsp . liquid sweetener

3 cups tomato juice

4 cups water

1 tsp . salt

Pepper to taste

1 tsp garlic salt

Cook 1 Y2 hours on low heat. Use 4 quart pan .

Makes 6 to 8 servings

Gladys Damitz-Wausau, WI


5 Tbsp butter or margarine

2 cups chopped potato

1 cup chopped carrots

1 cup chopped celery

Y2 cup chopped green pepper

Yi cup chopped onion

4 cups College Inn chicken broth

Ya tsp. white pepper

2 cups milk

Y2 cup flour

3 to 4 cups sharp cheddar cheese, grated

3 Tbsp. chopped parsley

Melt butter, add potatoes, carrots , celery, green pepper and onions. Cook partially, then add broth and pepper. Cover and simmer 20 - 30 minutes. Add milk and flour that has been blended to chicken broth, stirring constantly . Add cheese and parsley, cook till smooth and creamy.

Serves 10 Deborah Zudell (V U '76)-Westlake, OH


2 15 oz. cans kidney beans

2 16 oz . cans peeled tomatoes

2 lbs. browned ground beef

2 medium onions , chopped

1 tsp. garlic powder

CHILI (Crockpot)

2 Tbsp chili powder

1 Yi tsp salt

1 tsp . pepper

1 can Campbell's beef broth

Drain kidney beans Put all ingredients in crockpot in order listed. Stir once Cover and cook on low for 10 - 12 hours ; on high for 5 -6 hours; or in conventional oven at 225 ° for 5 hours

Yield : 6 servings Erna Haselton-Omaha, NB

VARIATIONS: Janie Lichtfuss, Boulder, CO omits the garlic powder and chili powder and adds 2 Tbsp . of Ortega Diced Green Chiles . Some may prefer to reduce the garlic powder to tsp.


3 lbs. ground beef, lean

Y2 lb . bacon , diced

3 large onions , ground or finely chopped

2 green peppers, ground or finely chopped

2 large cans tomatoes (1 lb 13 oz.)

2 cans tomato soup

3 Tbsp. chili powder

Salt, pepper, 1 bud minced garlic

2 cans red kidney beans, (17 oz cans)

Flake and brown ground beef Add bacon and fry Season with salt and pepper. Add remaining ingredients and simmer over low heat 3 to 4 hours. If I double recipe , I cook in electric roaster Freezes well Yield: 18-20 servings. Mrs W 0. Wiedenheft - Honolulu, HI


Mix in blender:

1 can creamed corn 1 cup milk

1 tsp . chopped onion 1 tsp curry powder

Fold in large lump butter and simmer 5 to 10 minutes. Serves 2-3. Mrs. D . W. Russler-Dayton , OH

S t ea df as t lo ve s urrounds him who tru s t s in th e Lord . Psalm 32: 1


8 slices of bacon

2-7 oz. can5 minced clams

1 Tbsp. in stant minced onion

tsp . thyme

tsp . pepper

2 cups potatoes , diced

2 cups carrots, diced

1 Yi cups celery, cut up

1 Yi cups water

1-# 2 can tomato juice (2 Y2 cups)

In a large kettle, render bacon slices until crisp . Remove bacon and set aside . Into bacon drippings add liquid from 2 cans clams, the onion, thyme, pepper, potatoes, carrots, celery and water. Cook until vegetables are just tender. Add tomato juice and drained clams Heat and serve piping hot . Garnish with crushed bacon.

Yield: 4 to 6 servings Mrs. Mel (Margaret) Bartz-Newport Beach , CA


cup butter or margarine

1 cup finely chopped celery

YJ cup finely chopped onion

1 Tbsp. flour

1 cup chunk-style peanut butter

3 cans (reg ) chicken broth oz. size)

2 cups heavy cream (Homo. milk for dieters)

In hot butter in 4 qt. saucepan, saute celery and onion until tender (about 5 minutes) . Remove from heat ; add flour, peanut butter and stir until melted Gradually stir in broth ; bring to boil. Reduce heat and simmer uncovered 10 minutes. Stir occasionally. Add cream or milk - heat until heated through .

Yield: Makes qts 8 - 10 servings.

Capacities for the customary cup, table s poon and teaspoon were established in 1926 by the National Bureau of Standards . Studies show a ten or more year period before these were generally accepted to replace the old " breakfast cup " " tea cup " and family spoons .



4 large potatoes cut in small

4 slices bacon , diced Minced parsley chunks (about 4 cups)

1 tsp. salt

Y2 to 1 cup diced onion

Yi cup diced celery

1 diced carrot

2 cups milk

Yi tsp . each pepper, paprika , oregano

Smoked sausage cut in pieces (Kielbasa or Bratwurst)

Add water to cover vegetables , cook until tender and mash. Meanwhile, fry bacon and add with grease to mashed vegetables Add milk to make creamy consistency, season , add sausage. Cook slowly about Yi hour longer . Flavor improves when made earlier in day . This is an old recipe passed on for generations. Proportions can vary according to taste

Yield : 4 or more servings.

Mrs. Alvin W. Graf-Williamsville, NY


Elinor Burce, wife of Missionary Willard Burce who spent the 76-77 school year at V U ., serves a delicious fish chowder. The Burces live in Lae , New Guinea , where sea food is plentiful.

Make the above potato soup,. except use cup onion sauteed in bacon fat, omit the paprika, oregano and sausage Boil 1 lb. white fish until just done and add the chunks to the potato soup . Simmer gently for at least 30 minutes . As above , it will improve in flavor if simmered longer. Do not let it boil.

FOR VARIETY: Use other sea food; and/or add a can of cream of mushroom soup Additional cup of diced vegetables (carrots, celery, peas) may be added

16th century definition o,f a rod and foot: after church on Sunday, bid 16 m e n , tall and short, as they come out, place them in line , left foot one behind the other . The total length s hall b e the lawful rod, one sixteenth , the foot.



2 lb. bags lentils

1 ham bone (with or without meat)


2 large onions

3 Tbsp. horseradish (optional)

Boiled potatoes (optional)


Soak lentils overnight Cover ham bone with water Bring to boil. Add 2 large sliced onions Simmer 4 hours Remove bone. Add drained lentils and 3 Tbsp . horseradish (optional). Salt to taste. Simmer 4 hours more. Stir to avoid sticking Boiled potatoes may be added at serving time. (My husband says it' s even better the second day!)

Yield: 8 large bowls. Carol Frazier-Glen Ellyn, IL


3 lb. chuck soup bone

Small onion

2Y2 qts. water

2 tsp. salt

Simmer together in a large kettle for 3 hours Remove bones and fat and cut meat in small pieces.


1 large onion, chopped

1 can kidney beans

Y2 cup snipped parsley

1 cup diced celery

2 cups shredded cabbage

Y2 tsp. garlic salt

Cook 30 minutes.


1 cup chopped zucchini cup broken spaghetti

1 Y2 cup diced carrots

3 Y2 cups tomatoes

1 cup green beans

1 cup chopped spinach

1 green pepper, chopped

Y2 cup red wine

1 cup parmesan cheese

Simmer 10 minutes. Season with salt, pepper and serve with additional cheese.

Serves 8 generously Audrey Nuechterlein-Midland, Ml

Buying fabric by the meter is similar to buying by the yard since the meter is only about 3" longer than the yard.


LENTIL SOUP (Crockpot)

1 8 oz. pkg. lentils

Smoked hocks (2-3)

4-6 cups water (depending on amount and size of hocks)

2 Tbsp. instant beef bouillon

1 tsp salt

2-3 carrots

1 cup diced celery with greens

1 cup pickled small onions

2 Tbsp. vinegar (to taste)

Put all ingredients in crockpot, simmer on low heat overnight or 8 hours . Take meat out and cut from bone. Taste soup now, has delicious sweet-sour flavor. Put meat back and serve This is a high protein, hearty meal, color is a dark brown, favored in Europe.

Yield: 4-6 servings.

Mrs. Freia Micha-Kankakee, IL


1 lb. ground beef

1 tsp. salt

Ya tsp pepper

1 can (1# 12 oz.) whole tomatoes

3 beef bouillon cubes

3 cups water

1 can (12 oz.) beer (you may use only 6 oz. of beer if desired)

1 cup thinly sliced carrots

1 cup thinly sliced celery

1 cup raw potatoes

1 cup chopped onions

1 cup cubed raw turnip

1 clove garlic, minced

1 tsp. chili powder

1 Tbsp. salt

tsp. pepper

1-10 oz. pkg frozen green beans

Yi cup spaghetti, broken into 1" pieces

Season ground beef with 1 tsp. salt and Ya tsp pepper. Shape into small meatballs; brown and set aside. Add tomatoes, bouillon cubes, water, beer, carrots, celery, onion, potatoes, turnips, garlic, chili powder, salt and pepper Bring mixture to a boil over medium heat; reduce heat and simmer for 30 minutes. Add green beans" spaghetti and meatballs and continue cooking about 20 minutes or until all vegetables are tender.

Yield: 6 to 8 servings

Mrs. Jerome (Joanne) Kraase-Kokomo, IN

EDITOR'S NOTE: Turnips may be omitted, according to taste.

Information on sewing patterns (yardages, body measurements, notions) are given in metric as well as customary units.



May be a starter course, served with meal or as dessert with whipped cream.

Some prefer it hot - some icy cold If served cold, thicken it by adding a small package of lemon-flavored gelatin immediately after it is removed from the heat.

Yi lb prunes , pitted

Y2 lb. raisins

1 cup dried apricots

1 cup dried peaches

2Yi cups water

1 orange, pulp and rind (cut into small pieces)

1 large peeled and diced apple

1 cup currants

3 to 5 rings pineapple , diced

1 Tbsp butter

cup firmly packed brown sugar

1 Tbsp . lemon juice or vinegar

2 cups canned blueberries and/ or 1 pt grape juice

2 Tbsp . flour

Yi cup cold water

Wash the prunes , raisins , currants , apricots and peaches Add the 2Yi cups water and let stand overnight . Simmer mixture until fruit is tender, 30 to 45 minutes

Add while simmering, the orange, apple, pineapple , butter, brown sugar and lemon juice. Add grape juice and water to make 4 quarts of fruit and juice Thicken soup by adding flour and water mixture ( Yi cup ). Makes a large quantity which may be served in a large glass bowl at a smorgasbord.

Irene Laudert Zielske-Morristown, MN

EDITOR'S NOTE: The grape juice or blueberries affects the color; you may wish to omit it and have 3 Y2 quarts instead.



BREAD Appl e Bran Bread ... . .......... 57 Apple Doughnuts .7 3 Appl e Nut Bread 85 Appl e Strudel 83 Aunt Frieda ' s Dilly Bread ........ 58 Banana Muffins . . .. . ... ...... 66 Beer Br ead ... . ..... ... ... .60 Beer Rolls 64 Bohemian Bread 74 Bran Muffins ( Natural Foods) 66 Breakfast CinnamonRaisin Rolls ... . ...... .... 76 Buttermilk Biscuits 67 Butter Cinnamon Cake .......... 77 Butterscotch Bis c uits 67 Caramel Pecan Rolls ... 69 Challah (Jewish Egg Bread) .... 57 C eese Bread 58 Chocolate Yeast Te a Bread .... 72 Cranb e rry and Apple Kuchen .. 84 Cranberry Nut Br ead (Gentleman ' s Sp ecial ) ... ..86 Cranberry-Orange Bread 86 Croissants 64 Crunchy Granola ( Natural Foods) .71 Danish Kringle .78 Danish Pastry . . . ............. ..81 Delicious Danish 80 Easy Refrigerator Rolls 62 5 Minute Hot Coffee Cake 75 French Bread 59 German Pancakes 68 Grandma ' s Crumb Cake 77 Grandma ' s Treasure Haunts Fruited ............................. .82 Granola ( Natural Foods) .71 Herb Bread 60 Japanese Mandarin Orange Nut Loaf 85 Jewish Coff ee Cake 84 Julekaka ( Norwegian Christmas Bread) .79 Kuemmelweck Rolls 65 Lemon Bread ...... ...... . .... . .... 85 Leola ' s Bread ( Natural Foods ) 61 Mary Metchenberg ' s Green Tomato Bread 87 Oatmeal Bread 59 Oatmeal Gems ...... ........ ......... .75 Onion Cheese Supper Bread 62 Overnight Buns 63 Peanut Butter Granola ( Natural Foods ) 72 Peasant Bread 60 Plum Kuchen ... ............. .... ..... 83 Portuguese Sweet Bread 73 Potato Rolls ....................... .63 Prune Bread ............. . .............. 88 Quick French Bread 66 Quick Supper Muffins ........... .68 Rich Baking Powder Biscuits .. 68 Rich Corn Bread 67 Rum Buns 77 Sour Cream Twists ..... . ... .81 Spud nuts .76 Sweet Dough Dinner Rolls .... ..69 Sweet Rolls. . .. 80 Twin Mountain Blueberry Coffee Cake .75 Wheat Germ Muffins ( Natural Foods) 70 Wholemeal Treacle Scones with Rum Butter 74 Whole Wheat Honey Nut Bread ( Natural Foods) .. .. 70 Zucchini Bread 88 Zucchini Tea Loaf . . .87


2 cups bran

2 tsp . salt

Yi cup sugar

2 Tbsp. butter

1 Yi cups sweetened applesauce

1 Yi cups boiling water

1 pkg . yeast

Y3 cup lukewarm water

8 cups flour

Combine bran, salt, sugar, butter and applesauce . Stir in 1 Y2 cups boiling water Cool to lukewarm Soften yeast in lukewarm water Add to first mixture. Add about 8 cups flour. Knead. Cover - let rise until double. Knead again and shape into 2 loaves - let rise again Bake 350° for 50 minutes .

Yield : 2 loaves. Mrs. Donald W Letz-Canoga Park, CA

2 pkg dried yeast

Yi cup warm water

1 tsp. sugar

3 eggs

Yi cup sugar

1 Yi cups warm water

CHALLAH (Jewish Egg Bread)

Yi cup vegetable oil

1 Tbsp. salt

9 cups flour (about)

2 Yi cups raisins

1 egg beaten with 1 Tbsp . water

Sesame or poppy seeds

Combine yeast, water, and sugar; set aside. Beat eggs with sugar ; add warm water, oil and salt. Blend with yeast mixture, beating well. Using 5 cups of flour, add 1 cup at a time beating well after each addition. The dough will be sticky . Add raisins (if desired) . Now add 2 more cupfuls of flour, beating well with wooden spoon until dough leaves the sides of the bowl. Place the dough on a surface onto which you have shaken an additional 2 cups of flour and knead until almost all the flour is absorbed Return to bowl. Cover with a towel and let rise until doubled (about 1 hour).

Punch down . Divide dough into 3 parts and divide each part into 3 again for braiding. Braid on a greased and floured cookie sheet, cover with towel and let rise until double in size (1 Yi -2 hours)

Preheat over to 400° Before baking, brush with egg-water mixture and seeds. Bake for 15 minutes Tap the loaves for hollow sound, if not bake 5 more minutes. Cool on wire rack

Yield : 3 loaves .

Mary Moeller-Setauket, NY

0 give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good, for his mercy endureth forever . Psalm 136 :1 (KJ)



1 Yi cups milk

Y3 cup sugar

cup margarine

1 Tbsp salt

2 pkg. dry yeast

1 egg


1 Yi cups shredded sharp cheddar cheese

1 tsp thyme

1 tsp . marjoram

Yi cup chopped pimento

6 cups flour

Combine milk, sugar, margarine, salt and yeast ; blend well. Add egg, cheese , thyme , marjoram and pimento. Gradually add flour . Cover bowl and allow dough to rise until double in bulk. Place on floured board and knead for 5 minutes Divide dough in half Shape into two loaves. Place in two 5 x 9" greased loaf pans. Allow to rise about 45 minutes. Bake at 375° for 30 minutes .

This is a nice accompaniment for chicken salad or a seafood salad. Corinne Bieber-Davenport, IA


1 pkg dry yeast

Yi cup I ukewarm water

1 cup cottage cheese

2 Yi cups sifted flour

1 Tbsp instant onion

1 Tbsp dill seed

2 Tbsp. sugar

1 tsp. salt tsp. baking soda

1 egg, beaten

Preheat oven to 350°. Dissolve yeast in lukewarm water . Set aside . Heat cottage cheese to lukewarm , stirring constantly over low heat. Combine dissolved yeast and warm cottage cheese in large bowl. Add remaining ingredients and beat well. Cover with cloth . Let rise 1 hour . Turn out on floured board and knead until smooth. Shape into 2 loaves and place in greased bread pans Let rise until double Bake 45 to 50 minutes . While bread i s warm, brush with butter and sprinkle lightly with salt Bread is delicious toasted

Yield : 2 loaves.


Mrs. Barbara Faust Counsel I-Fraser, Ml

Irene Laudert Zielske, Morristown, MN, submitted a similar recipe, HIGH PROTEIN ONION BREAD ; she shapes the risen dough into two loaves and places them on a greased cookie sheet ; let rise one hour ; bake in 350° oven for 30 - 35 minutes

Susan Heitmuller Zimmerman, Washington, DC, adds Yi tsp. dried dill weed and 1 Tbsp . salad oil to her DILLY BREAD , and bakes it as one loaf in a 1 Yi quart round casserole.

6-6Y2 cups all-purpose flour

2 pkg active dry yeast

2 Tbsp sugar

1 Tbsp. salt


2 Tbsp softened margarine or shortening

2Yi cups hot tap water

In large mixing bowl combine thoroughly 2 cups flour , yeast, sugar, salt. Add margarine or shortening Add hot tap water all at once. Beat with electric mixer at medium speed for 2 minutes. Add 1 more cup of flour to the mixture and beat with electric mixer at high speed for 1 minute. Stir in approximately 3 or 3 Y2 cups additional flour with wooden spoon .

Turn dough out onto floured board and knead for about 10 minutes or until dough has a blistered surface appearance and has a smooth, elastic texture. Cover dough with plastic wrap and then a towel ; let rest for 20 minutes. Punch down after 20 minutes Divide dough into 2 equal parts. Roll each portion into an 8 x 15 inch rectangle on a lightly greased board Roll up like a jellyroll ; seal lengthwise edge and ends Place seamside down on greased baking sheet. Brush lightly with oil. Cover lightly with plastic wrap and refrigerate 2 to 24 hours at moderately cold setting

When ready to bake, remove from refrigerator and let stand for at least 10 minutes. Slash tops of loaves diagonally if desired. Bake at 400° for 30 to 40 minutes.

Yield: 2 loaves . Marcille Ansorge-Lincoln, NB


2 cups milk, scalded

2 cups quick rolled oats

3 Tbsp. margarine

2 pkg active dry yeast or 2 cakes compressed yeast softened in Y2 cup warm water

Yi cup molasses (sorghum or Briar Rabbit)

2 tsp. salt

5Yi to 6 cups sifted all purpose flour

Pour milk over oats and margarine Cool to lukewarm Add yeast, molasses and salt . Beat in half the flour . Turn onto board. Work in remaining flour Knead until smooth and elastic - about 8 to 10 minutes. Let rise in greased bowl until double in bulk. Divide into two parts. Shape into loaves. Place into greased 9 " x 5" x 2Yi" pans and let rise until double. Bake at 375° for 40 minutes Reduce heat to 325° and continue baking for 10 more minutes or until bread sounds hollow when tapped . Remove from pans and cool on racks.

Yield : 2 medium loaves.

Mrs. Faye E. Zachau-Munster, IN



1 tsp oregano

1 tsp . garlic salt

2 tsp parsley flakes


3 Tbsp. parmesan cheese

Y2 I b . soft butter

1 loaf French bread

Mix first five ingredients well. Slice bread . Butter generously on both sides Wrap in foil and bake at 350° for 15 - 20 minutes (Any extra butter is great on pop corn) .

Karen Kreinheder Moseley-Valparaiso, IN


1 pkg yeast

1 tsp . sugar

cup warm water

4 cups flour

4 cups whole wheat flour

4 heaped tsp salt

3-3 Y2 cups water

Put the yeast and sugar in warm water for 10 minutes. Put the flour in a large bowl with salt and mix Add the yeast mixture and more water slowly Stir as you add Form into round ball and cover with a damp cloth . Let rise until double in size (about 45 minutes). Punch down and knead about 10 minutes Form into two round balls. Let rise again Bake on greased cookie sheet at 400° for about 40 - 45 minutes

Yield : 2 loaves. Janie Lichtfuss-Boulder, CO

NOTE: This bread is called peasant bread because it is dark bread and is quite dense and solid We love it with stews and soups and the bread with either of these two main dishes is a complete meal.


3 cups self-rising flour

3 Tbsp. sugar

1 12 oz . can beer (at room temperature)

Mix all ingredients together. Pour into a greased loaf pan Bake until golden brown. (At 375° about 60 minutes, a little less time at 400°). Pan size: 9" x 5" x "

To make your own self-rising flour, mix together 1 cup flour, 1 Y2 tsp. baking powder and Y2 tsp. salt.

Mrs . Mel (Margaret) Bartz-Newport Beach, CA Mildred Buechner-Willshire, OH

LEOLA'S BREAD (Natural Foods)

9 cups warm potato water

1 Tbsp sugar

YJ cup honey

YJ cup old-fashioned molasses

4 oz baker ' s yeast

1 Yi cups salad oil

3 Tbsp sea salt

1 Tbsp . sea kelp powder

2 Tbsp. bonemeal powder

2 Tbsp. brewer's yeast

1 cup soya flour

1 cup wheat germ

2 cups quick-cooking oatmeal

1 cup nonfat dry milk

2 cups stoneground whole wheat flour

2 cups stone ground rye flour

1 Yi cups chopped nutmeats

Extra flours, dark and light

To warm potato water (or if not available, just warm non-softened water) in large kettle, add sugar, honey, molasses. Blend well. Add yeast to mixture and allow yeast to dissolve. Add salad oil, sea salt, sea kelp powder, bonemeal powder, brewer ' s yeast; blend well with spoon Mix in soya flour , wheat germ, oatmeal, nonfat dry milk, then the whole wheat and rye flours. Mix, and blend with electric mixer to make a sponge. Let sponge sit for 30 minutes Mixture will rise a little

Stir in nutmeats (hickory nuts are best, also pecans or walnuts) Stir in with a spoon as much whole wheat flour as you can, then turn out onto a large, well-floured board and knead in unbleached white flour until it becomes firm and elastic with no stickiness when you stick your thumb into the dough, about 10 minutes.

Since this is such a large batch (my oven holds 10 one-pound loaves), I knead half of the dough at a time.

Place the dough back into the large container which has been greased for best results so that it turns out easier later. Let rise in a draft-free, warm spot covered with a clean towel, until double in bulk .

While dough is rising, grease the bread tins well with melted shortening. Turn out the dough onto the board which has been lightly covered with flour , knead it again just until the bubbles are all out - more shaping it than kneading. Place in tins and grease the surface. Let rise until almost double in bulk, quickly place in oven (if allowed to rise too long, the bread will tip over the sides of the pans in the oven, as it rises a lot more in the oven) .

I preheat the oven to 375° because a lot of heat escapes as I insert the lodves . Then turn the oven back to 325° and bake for one hour. Remove from oven and turn out on wax paper to cool. Caress the tops of loaves with butter immediately.

Ingredients can be found in health food stores If some items cannot be found, omit.

Yield: 10 loaves . Dr. Leola Garriott-Hortonville, WI


1 pkg yeast

cup warm water

1 egg

2 tsp . salt, level


1 Tbsp. sugar cup Mazola oil cup warm water

3 cups all purpose flour

Dissolve yeast in cup warm water ; add remaining ingredients, adding one cup of flour at a time, beating thoroughly each time Put in refrigerator for 4 hours or overnight. Roll out on floured board and cut with cookie cutter to desired size Let rise until double size.

Bake at 375° for 15 minutes or 350° for 20 minutes.

Yield : about 20 rolls


Ruth Rosenbusch-Detroit, Ml

Pearl Irk Firchau, Saginaw, Ml, refrigerates her similar recipe for several hours, rolls the dough in a circle, cuts it in wedges, rolls up each, ending with the tip, places tip side down on greased pan, butters top, lets them rise until double (about 2 - 2Y2 hours). Bake at 400° for 20 minutes.

Mrs. Richard (Barbara) Diersen, Kankakee, IL, makes HERB ROLLS by adding 2 tsp. celery seed and 1 tsp. crushed dried thyme to her similar recipe.


Yi cup chopped onion

1 Tbsp. shortening

1 egg

Yi cup milk

1 Yi cups biscuit mix

1 cup sharp cheese, grated

1 Tbsp. poppy seed

3 Tbsp. melted butter

Saute onion in shortening until golden. Mix egg and milk and blend in biscuit mix. Add onion and half of cheese. Spread dough in greased 8 x 1 Yi inch round glass baking dish. Sprinkle top with remaining cheese and poppy seeds. Sprinkle melted butter over all. Bake 400° for 20 - 25 minutes.

Yield: 6 servings.

Marty Ruprecht Mattes-Roswell, GA

Bless the Lord, oh my soul, and forget not his benefits . . . who satisfieth thy mouth with good things so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle 's . " Psalm 103:1 (KJ)


4 cups water

1 Y2 cups sugar

1 cup oil

1 pkg . yeast



4 beaten eggs

2 Tbsp salt

About 12 cups flour

Start about 1 P M. Boil water and sugar 5 minutes Add oil ; cool to lukewarm. Mix yeast with first mixture until yeast starts to work Add eggs , salt and a little flour . Gradually mix in rest of flour . Turn out onto floured board and knead until elastic. Put into large greased bowl and let rise until about 5 P M Knead down, let rise again until about 9 or 9:30 P.M. Make into any size or kind of roll you wish (hamburger buns , dinner rolls, etc.) Set in greased pans on kitchen table or cupboards - DO NOT REFRIGERATE Cover with towel and bake in morning . (I usually bake mine about 7 A.M .) Bake 350° for about 18 minutes or until lightly browned Brush lightly with oil to keep tops from getting too hard Needless to say, my kids always have hot rolls for breakfast the day I bake these! That ' s a heavenly smell to wake up to in the morning!

Mikki Matheson-Boulder, CO


1 pkg. yeast

cup water

Y2 cup mashed potatoes

cup shortening

cup sugar

1 Y2 tsp . salt

1 cup scalded milk

1 egg

4 - 4 Yi cups sifted flour

Soften yeast in water. Combine potatoes , shortening , sugar, salt and scalded milk . Cool to lukewarm . Add 2 Y2 cups flour. Add yeast and egg Stir in 2 cups of flour Knead for 6 or 8 minutes Place in lightly grea sed bowl. Cover till double in size ( 2 hours ). Punch down Let rest for 10 minutes . Shape into small balls and place in 2 greased 8 " pans. Let rise in pans till double in size Bake at 400 ° for 10 - 12 minutes (Can also be made into hamburger buns by placing separately on cookie sheet and brush top with egg yolk before second rising.)

These were the first yeast rolls I ' d ever made - so they ' re easy! Still a favorite!

Yield : 2 8" pans . Barbara ( Barnekoff) Jabs-Englewood, CO

Jesus said, " / am the bread of lif e. He who come s to me shall not hunger and he who believes on me shall never thirst. " John 6:35 (RSV)



3 cups Bisquick

10 oz beer , room temperature

2 Tbsp sugar

Mix and put in lined muffin tins, add small amount of butter on top of each . Bake at 450° 15 minutes . Serve warm.

Mildred Buechner-Willshire , OH


1 pkg dry yeast cup warm water - pinch sugar

1 cup warm water

2 Tbsp each butter and sugar

tsp salt

YJ cup non-fat dry milk

1 egg

3 Y2 cups sifted flour (about) cup softened butter

2 Tbsp milk (optional)

1 egg yolk (optional)

Soften yeast in cup warm water to which a pinch of sugar has been added Combine 1 cup warm water, 2 Tbsp each of butter and sugar, salt and dry milk in large bowl of mixer . Add egg and yeast. Mix well. Gradually beat in enough flour to make a thick batter . Stir in enough flour to make a soft dough. In mixing bowl, knead until smooth and elastic. Turn dough in buttered bowl to grease top ; cover and let rise until doubled . Roll out on lightly floured surface into a 16 x 10 inch rectangle

Beginning at one end of short side, spread cup soft butter over ¥3 of dough . Fold unbuttered YJ over center Vi; fold remaining YJ over top Roll out again to 16 x 10 inch rectangle and spread similarly with cup butter. Repeat process again. Place dough in plastic bag. Refrigerate several hours or overnight When dough is thoroughly chilled, divide into 4 portions and form each into a ball. Roll each ball on floured surface to inch thickness Cut each round portion into 8 wedge shaped pieces Roll each wedge from wide end, pressing tip against roll to keep from unfolding. Bend 2 ends around forming crescent shape. Put on ungreased cookie sheets, tip side down Cover and let rise in warm place until doubled.

Bake at 400° about 15 minutes until delicately browned. (While hot, brush with egg yolk blended with 2 Tbsp milk Optional)

Yield: 32 rolls Esther Weerts Goehring-Valparaiso, IN

In cooking, the most important ingredient is love .

4 Y2 to 5 Y2 cups flour

2 Tbsp. sugar

2 tsp . salt

1 pkg. active dry yeast


1 Y2 cups hot tap water

1 egg white (room temperature)

Coarse or kosher salt

Caraway seed


3 Tbsp. softened margarine

In a large bowl, thoroughly mix 1 Y3 cups of the flour , the sugar, salt and undissolved yeast. Add softened margarine Gradually add tap water to dry ingredients and beat 2 minutes at medium speed of electric mixer, scraping bowl occasionally .

Add egg white and another cup of flour (enough to make a thick batter) Beat at high speed 2 minutes, scraping bowl occasionally.

Stir in enough additional flour to make a soft dough. Turn out on a lightly floured board. Knead dough until smooth and elastic, about 8 to 10 minutes. Place in greased bowl turning dough to grease the top. Cover bowl, let dough rise in a warm place free of drafts until double in bulk, about 45 minutes .

Punch down dough Place on floured board Knead gently for a minute or two. Break dough into 2-ounce pieces (a little less than cup). Form the pieces into balls. Let them stand, covered on the board for 15 minutes.

To shape the rolls: swab a small amount of melted butter on the top of each round . Using a Yi inch dowel, press across each round firmly. Then make another indentation at right angles to the first crease forming 4 equal segments. Pick up each creased round Gently squeeze it together with the hand, compressing the quarters somewhat Turn face down on greased baking sheet. Repeat with each roll. Then cover rolls and let them rise again until double, about 35 minutes.

Mix coarse or kosher salt with caraway seeds, proportion according to taste . Rub through the fingers to combine the flavors.

Turn each risen roll face up . With a pastry brush , lightly brush the top of the roll with water, sprinkle well with caraway mixture

Bake on cookie sheet for about 30 minutes at 375°

These rolls are unique to the western New York area and are most frequently served with thinly sliced roast beef (hot) piled as thick as one enjoys together with a spoon or two of the gravy.

These are also delicious with ham and swiss cheese. Yield : 1 Y2 dozen.

Mrs . Paul A . Beelke - Eggertsville , NY

A pint 's a pound the world around "
A British imperial pint is more than 20% greater than the US pint.


2-8 oz. or 9.5 oz. pkg. refrigerator flaky biscuits

1 egg, beaten

1 Tbsp. sesame seeds

Grease large cookie sheet. Place rolls of dough end to end, pressing biscuits together lightly and shape into long loaf. In small cup, beat egg and brush over loaf. Sprinkle with sesame seeds. Bake at 350° for 30 minutes or until golden brown. Serve hot. (Does not taste like biscuits).

Yield: 1 loaf.

2/3 cup flour

cup sugar

1 tsp. baking powder

tsp. salt

Lois Wyneken Oster-New Orleans, LA


Ys tsp. baking soda

1 egg, wel I beaten

1 medium banana, mashed cup butter, melted

Sift dry ingredients. Add remaining ingredients and mix quickly. Fill greased muffin tins about 2/3 full. Bake at 400° for 20 minutes.

These are delicious. May be served as a cupcake; no frosting necessary. The recipe is easily doubled.

Yield: 6 muffins.

Amanda Tuschling-Port Huron, Ml

BRAN MUFFINS (Natural Foods)

1 Y2 cup unprocessed Miller's bran

1 cup stoneground whole wheat cup milk

Yi cup Blackstrap molasses or honey flour

Y2 cup raisins

1 tsp. baking soda

1 tsp baking powder

Stir dry ingredients

2 Tbsp safflower oil

1 egg, beaten

Blend all liquids together. Add liquid to dry mixture and stir just until moistened. Bake in muffin tin at 400° for 15 - 20 minutes.

Yield: 12 Mrs Lawrence Gilmer-Minneapolis, MN


Yi cup candy caramels

Yi cup milk

2 cups biscuit mix


¥3 cup milk

Y2 cup chopped almonds

Remove wrappings from caramels and put caramels and Yi cup milk in top of double boiler and heat over boiling water until you have a smooth mixture. Combine biscuit mix and ¥3 cup milk in a bowl. Stir with a fork until mixed, then dump on a board lightly dusted with additional biscuit mix and pat or roll Yi " thick. Cut out 14 to 16 little biscuits Sprinkle chopped almonds in bottom of greased 9" cake pan. Pour in caramel mixture and arrange biscuits on top. Bake 13 to 15 minutes in 400° oven. Cool for 5 minutes before removing from pan. Serve immediately.

Yield: 14 - 16 biscuits. Mrs. Robert B. Colbeck-West Dundee, IL


2 cups sifted flour

3 tsp. baking powder

Y2 tsp. salt

Yi tsp. soda

5 Tbsp. shortening (lard)

1 cup buttermilk (butter flaked)

Sift flour , baking powder, salt and soda. Cut in shortening until crumbly. All buttermilk is to be added at once and stir until dough follows fork around bowl. Knead Y2 minute. Roll Y2" thick . Cut with round cutter Place on ungreased baking sheet and brush with melted shortening. Bake at 450° for 12 - 15 minutes.


Y2 cup butter or margarine

Y2 cup sugar

2 eggs

1 cup sifted all purpose flour

1 tsp baking powder

1 tsp. baking soda

Y2 tsp salt

1 cup yellow corn meal

1 cup buttermilk

Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy Add eggs and beat thoroughly . Add sifted dry ingredients and corn meal alternately with buttermilk , beating until smooth after each addition Turn mixture into a greased 9 x 12 x 2" pan.

Bake at 375 ° for 20 - 25 minutes or until delicately browned . Serv e hot with butter .

Amanda Tus c hling-Port Huron , Ml


500 ml all purpose flour

125 ml hydrogenated fat

15 ml SAS Phos baking powder (i.e. Calumet)

4 ml salt

165 ml milk (few drops more , if needed)

Sift flour onto wax paper Spoon lightly into measure Cut fat into dry ingredients. Add milk until well moistened but not wet Turn out on floured pastry cloth, knead quickly while you count to 20. Pat or roll out to 1 5 to 2 cm thickness Cut out with cutter, or into squares with knife . Put on ungreased pan . Bake in preheated 220 °C (425 ° F.) oven for about 18 minutes.

VARIATIONS: With 50 to 60 ml sugar added , this makes a good biscuit shortcake for strawberries.

Adding 200 ml grated sharp cheddar to the basic recipe makes a good cheese biscuit Add the cheese with the flour and fat before adding the milk .

Yield : 20 - 24 biscuits about 5 cm across

Katherine Hallerberg - Valparaiso , IN


1 cup water

2 cups flour

4 tsp baking powder

tsp salt

5 Tbsp sugar

3 Tbsp. Crisco

Mix together. Drop on ungreased cookie sheet Bake 450° for 15

Yield : 12 - 15 muffins .

Mrs Carl B. (Erana) Lubbert-Baltimore, MD


1 Yi Tbsp . butter

3 eggs

Yi cup sifted flour

Yi cup milk

1 Tbsp . sugar

Yi tsp. salt

Melt butter in a 10 inch skillet. Meanwhile , beat eggs until frothy. Add sifted flour , milk , sugar and salt Pour batter into 10 inch skillet and bake at 450° for 15 minutes Do not open the oven while baking Serve immediately with syrup or jelly

Yield: 3 servings. Mrs Arthur H Dutton-Richton Park, IL



(Basic Sweet Roll Recipe )

2/3 cup lukewarm water *

2 Tbsp. sugar

2 pkgs active dry or 2 cakes compressed yeast

2/3 cup milk

Yi cup sugar tsp. salt

6 Tbsp . shortening , melted

3 egg s, beaten

6 cups flour , sifted (about)

Combine water, 2 Tbsp sugar and yeast Set aside. Scald ¥3 cup fresh milk or add warm water to dry milk and proceed . Add and stir in sugar, salt and shortening. Combine dissolved yeast with milk mixture and add eggs Mix well. Add 3 cups flour and beat until smooth, by hand or with mixer. Add and stir in about 3 more cups flour Place dough on lightly floured board Knead till elastic Place in large, lightly greased bowl. Cover with wax paper and clean towel. Let rise in warm place until doubled in bulk , about 1 Yi hours Form into desired shapes. Bake about 12 to 15 minutes at 400°. Also excellent for hamburger buns or sweet rolls

*Water temperature for active dry yeast: 110° to 115° F

*Water temperature for fresh compressed yeast : 85° to 100° F.

Yield : 3 to 4 dozen small rolls depending upon size created

Mrs Ewald F Timm-New Berlin, WI


Use above recipe but place shaped rolls into pans prepared with Caramel Pecan Topping:

Yi cup butter

Yi cup margarine

1 cup brown sugar, packed Pecans, as desired

Melt butter and margarine in saucepan Add 1 cup firmly packed brown sugar. Stir over low heat until mixture boils and loses its sugary consistency Line two BY2 x 11 " pans with coarsely chopped pecans Pour caramel sauce over pecans. Place rolls on top of sauce . Let rise until doubled in bulk . Bake at 350° for 20 - 25 minutes . Invert immediately to cool

(Topping can be made while dough is rising the first time )

Mrs. Myrtle Lucht-Milwaukee , WI

N e wly purcha s ed cups and m e as ures should b e ch e cked against known measures for accuracy . Manufacturers ar e allowe d a 5% variation ; great e r variation may b e damaging to food mixtures



(Natural Foods)

1 Yi cups flour

1 Y2 tsp. baking powder

Yi tsp. baking soda

Y2 tsp salt

1 cup whole wheat flour

1 cup walnuts , chopped

1 cup raisins

1 egg

1 v,i cups buttermilk

cup honey

2 Tbsp oil

Sift together flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt Stir in whole wheat flour, raisins, and walnuts . Set aside. In another bowl , beat egg , buttermilk, honey and oil. Add buttermilk mixture to dry ingredients and stir until blended . Place in greased 9 x 5" loaf pan. Bake at 375° for 45 - 50 minutes. Cool 10 minutes before removing from pan

Yield : 1 loaf. Mrs Warren Doede-Wausau, WI

NOTE: Whole wheat flour should be stored in freezer or refrigerator

It has a short shelf life at room temperature


1 cup currants or rai sins

1 cup boiling water

1 cup wheat germ

Yi cup whole wheat flour

Yi cup unbleached white flour

cup brown sugar ( or honey)


Brown sugar


1 Tbsp baking powder

Yi cup powdered skim milk

Yi tsp salt

2 eggs

v,i cup vegetable oil

Broken walnuts

Place currants in boiling water; soak a few minutes. Mix dry ingredients. Add currants , water , eggs , and vegetable oil to dry ingredients . Mix until all are blended Fill greased muffin tins full. Sprinkle top of each w; ch a mixture of topping ingredi e nts Bake at 400 - 425 ° for 15 - 20 minutes .

Yield : 12 muffin s.

Sa lly (Shook ) Faubel - Sagin aw , Ml

Th e h e a ve ns a re t e llin g th e g l o r y o f Co d ; a nd th e firm a m e nt pr ocla im s hi s h a ndi wo rk Psa lm 1 9: 1

GRANOLA (Natural Foods)

6 cups plain rolled oats

1 cup shredded coconut

1 cup wheat germ

Y2 cup shelled sunflower seeds

v,i cup your favorite nuts (I like sliced almonds)

Yi cup vegetable oil

Yi cup honey

Y3 cup water

1 Yi tsp. vanilla

1 Yi tsp. salt

1 cup raisins or other dried fruit (optional)

In large bowl, combine oats, coconut, wheat germ, sunflower seeds, and nuts. Mix together oil, honey, water, salt, vanilla, and pour over oatmeal mixture. Stir until well coated.

Spread oat mixture on two greased baking sheets. Bake in oven at 300° for 30 minutes, stirring frequently; cool thoroughly. Add fruit if desired and store in airtight container. Should be golden brown and nicely toasted, or darker brown if preferred.

Delicious and nutritious as snack like popcorn, or with milk as cereal, or as a topping for plain cereal and milk.

Yield: Approx. 10 cups.

Wilma Jacobs (Mrs Louis)-Decatur, IN

NOTE: Brown sugar may be substituted for the honey. Double the amount; increase the water to Yi cup. Pumpkin seeds may be added.

Mrs. Barbara Faust Counsell-Fraser, Ml


4 cups uncooked old-fashioned rolled oats (may use part bran or wheat flakes)

cup whole wheat flour

cup powdered milk

2 cups wheat germ

Yi cup sesame seeds

Yi cup sunflower seeds

1 cup mixed nuts (walnuts, almonds, pecans)

Yi cup unsweetened coconut

Y2 cup brown sugar

Vs cup safflower oil (or other)

Y3 cup honey

Y3 cup water

2 Tbsp vanilla

Combine and mix dry ingredients in large bowl. Add remainder of ingredients . Stir together and spread in two 9 " x 13 " pans . Bake at 325 ° for 30 - 40 minutes, stirring frequently until golden brown Cool, store in air tight containers in refrigerator.

NOTE: This can be served with yogurt and/ or fruit , eaten as is or served with milk as a cereal. The dry ingredients can be varied depending on what is on hand Raisins or dried fruit can be added.

Yield : About 10 cups Judy (Stresney) Waetjen-Lincoln , NB




34 cup corn oil

:V3 cup peanut butter ( chunky or creamy )

Y2 cup firmly packed brown sugar

5 cups rolled oats

1 cup raisins (preferably golden)

Mix oil and peanut butter in 9 x 13 " pan. Add sugar, mix well. Add oats and stir thoroughly Spread evenly in pan and bake at 300° for 15 - 20 minutes Stir twice during baking. Remove from oven, add raisins Store in plastic bag. Serve with or without milk

Yield : 8 cups Norma (DeeDee Deets) May-Burnsville, MN


Y2 cup raisins

3 squares unsweetened chocolate, melted

2 envelopes dry yeast

34 cup warm water - 110° to 115°

1 cup butter

2 cups sugar

3 eggs

3 cups flour, sifted

Y2 tsp salt

1 tsp. baking soda

1 cup milk

1 tsp vanilla

Y2 cup pecans, chopped

Cover raisins with warm water and soak for 10 to 15 minutes. Drain thoroughly. Melt chocolate and cool. Soften yeast in 34 cup warm water. Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each. Add yeast mixture and the chocolate. Mix well. Sift flour , salt and soda together Add alternately with milk to chocolate mixture. Beat five minutes . Add vanilla . Fold in raisins and pecans. Pour into two 9 x 5 x 3 inch greased and floured loaf pans Cover. Let rise until dough is puffy - about 3 hours . Or cover with waxed paper and store in refrigerator overnight . Bake at 350° for 1 hour. Remove from pans Cool. Spread with rum icing

Rum Icing:

2 cups powdered sugar

1 tsp . rum extract

3 to 4 Tbsp . milk

Combine sugar and extract. Gradually add milk until icing is the right consistency to spread

Yield: 2 loaves. Mrs. Ewald F. Timm-New Berlin , WI

S e rve the Lord with gladne ss . Psalm 100 :1


10-12 cups all purpose flour , sifted

Y4 lb butter

Y3 cup Crisco shortening

2Y4 cups sugar

6 eggs, beaten slightly (save 1 egg white)

Mix dry yeast with warm water . preparing other ingredients.

Tbsp salt

1 Y2 cups warm milk (105 ° - 115 °)

Y2 tsp nutmeg

2 pkgs. dry yeast

Y2 cup warm water for yeast (105 ° - 115 °)

Add Y2 Tbsp. sugar. Let stand while

Cream the butter, Crisco and sugar . Add salt, nutmeg, beaten eggs and the warm milk . Stir . Add yeast mixture and stir again.

Sift in 10 - 12 cups of flour, combining all of mixture, using amount of flour necessary to make dough easy to handle . Knead and turn dough until springy when pushed down . Let rise until double in bulk (about 3 hours) in a warm place.

Knead again - let rise for 1 hour . Knead again. Shape into 4 loaves . (Use bread pans or round pans) . Let rise again 2 - 3 hours until about doubled in bulk. Brush tops with reserved egg white. Bake at 300° for 45 minutes.

Mrs Elmer P. (Mary Ellen) Simon - Frankenmuth, Ml


1 Y2 cup flour

Y2 tsp . salt

tsp baking powder

Y2 tsp. nutmeg

Y2 cup sugar

Y3 cup vegetable shortening

1 egg, beaten

Y4 cup milk

Y2 cup grated apple

Sift together flour, salt, baking powder, nutmeg and sugar Cut in shortening, add egg, milk and apple. Mix quickly, but thoroughly. Fill muffin tins ¥3 full. Bake at 350° for 20 - 25 minutes until golden brown.

Roll immediately in melted butter or oleo (1 stick) and then roll in mixture of Y3 cup sugar plus 1 tsp cinnamon.

Yield: 12.

Esther Streit Hildner-Glen Ellyn, IL

Mary Moeller-Setauket, NY

A 125 pound woman weighs only 56 kilograms; her 36 inch bust measure is 91 centimeters .



cup sugar

lb . butter

3 egg yolks

1 tsp . salt

Pinch of mace

1 pkg. yeast (cake or dry)


cup milk (scalded & cooled to lukewarm)

4 cups flour

cup almonds , cut lengthwise

Y2 cup raisins (light)

Work well together the sugar, butter, yolks, salt and mace Dissolve the yeast in the milk, add to above, then add flour gradually . Knead the dough well, add almonds and raisins. Let rise in a warm place, 2 Yi to 3 hours. Then divide the dough into five parts and form into strips. Place 3 strips on a floured board, braid and seal the ends. Then twist together two strips , seal ends , and put on top of the braid Set aside for about an hour and let rise slowly .

Brush with beaten egg, put into preheated oven and bake at 350° for about 45 minutes or until done.


Yi cup plain flour

Y2 cup wheat or graham flour

Variation of this would be to use

all 1 cup of plain flour

1 tsp. cream of tartar

Yi tsp . baking soda

2 Tbsp . superfine sugar

cup margarine

7 Tbsp. fresh or sour milk

1 Tbsp. warmed treacle syrup (golden syrup is the same thing) (However, since treacle is a product imported from England, I would suggest that honey would do instead.)

Sieve dry ingredients and cut in fat Add milk and treacle syrup and mix to form a soft dough. Turn out onto a floured board and knead .

Roll or pat out to Yi" thickness in a round , cut into triangles (pie shaped). Put on wel I greased baking sheet and bake at 450° for 12 - 15 minutes Edges will brown and rest may look pale Excellent served with Rum Butter or butter and orange marmalade

Yield : 8 good shaped triangles

Rum Butter:

Yi cup butter

cup brown sugar

1 oz rum

Beat butter to fluffy. Cream and beat in sugar . When light and creamy, add rum gradually, while beating. Chill. Leave out long enough before serving to soften Also good on biscuits or muffins.

Paula (Graef) Sauer-Madison , WI



cup sifted all purpose flour

};4 cup sugar (optional)

4 tsp. baking powder

Yi tsp. salt

1 cup uncooked oatmeal

1 egg

1 cup milk

};4 cup shortening, soft or melted

Sift together flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt into bowl and add oatmeal. Beat egg, add milk and add with shortening to dry ingredients. Stir only till dry ingredients are mixed. Preheat oven. Bake in greased, 8 inch square pan at 400° for 20 to 25 minutes. Y2 cup raisins, chopped apples or blueberries may be added to batter, if desired.

May be cut in serving pieces as soon as taken from oven and served with butter and applesauce or jelly, syrup or with sugar and milk.

Buttermilk or sour milk may be substituted for sweet milk; then add Yi tsp. soda and only 1 tsp. baking powder.

Mrs. Arthur H. Dutton-Richton Park, IL


2 cups flour

1 cup sugar

3 tsp. baking powder

};4 tsp. salt

Yi cup shortening

2 eggs, beaten

1 cup milk

1 Y2 cups blueberries

1YJ cups flaked coconut

Mix and sift dry ingredients. Cut in shortening with pastry blender or two knives. Combine eggs and milk. Stir into dry ingredients. Fold in blueberries. Divide batter between 2 greased 9" cake pans. Sprinkle coconut evenly over tops. Bake at 375° for 25 minutes.

Beverly Bade Johnson-Michigan City, IN


1 egg

Yi cup milk

Yi cup sugar

3 tsp. baking powder

Yi cup sugar

1 cup flour

};4 tsp. cinnamon

};4 cup melted margarine or oil

Beat egg well, add milk, sugar, dry ingredients and margarine. Place batter in buttered round 9 inch cake pan. Sprinkle with additional Y2 cup sugar and sprinkle with cinnamon. Nuts may be added to batter or with sugar for topping. (Sliced almonds look pretty). Bake 20 to 30 minutes in 375° oven. Serve hot, or reheat in pan placed in low degree electric skillet for a few minutes. Wilma Jacobs-Decatur, IN


2 pkg . dry or cake y e ast

Y2 cup I ukewarm water

1 cup hot water

Yi cup cold water

Y3 cup sugar

Y3 cup oil

2 t sp. salt

flour to make soft dough ( approx. 4-5 cups )

Soft butter, brown sugar, cinnamon , raisins

Dissolve yeast in the lukewarm water, and let rise. In large m1x1ng bowl put the hot water and the cold water and add the yeast mixture

Add a small amount of flour and mix . Add the oil , sugar and salt . Add enough flour to make a soft, elastic dough Turn out on floured board and knead Place in a large greased bowl , cover, and let rise Punch down after it has about doubled in size. Roll out on floured board so it is flat and spread with soft butter, sprinkle with cinnamon and brown sugar, then with raisins. Roll up as you would a jellyroll. Cut into 1 inch slices and place on greased baking sheets . Let rise about one hour in a warm place

Bake in preheated oven at 375 ° for about 20 minutes Remove from pan to cool. Frost with your favorite white frosting.

Mary Hoffmeier-Honolulu, HI


cups milk

Yi cup shortening

Yi cup sugar

Yi cup mashed potatoes

1 pkg. active dry yeast

Yi cup warm water

2 eggs , beaten

Yi tsp . vanilla

6 Y2 to 7 cups sifted flour

1 tsp baking powder

2 tsp. salt

Oil or melted shortening

Confectioners sugar

Scald milk , stir in shortening , sugar and mashed potatoes. Cool to lukewarm , blend well. Sprinkle yeast over water and stir until dissolved

Add to lukewarm mixture Stir in eggs and vanilla

Sift 6 Y2 cups flour with baking powder and salt, add gradually to mixture, mixing well after each addition. Add remaining flour if needed. Turn into greased container, cover Let rise about 1 Yi hours until doubled in bulk . On a well floured board, roll out dough to Y2 inch thicknes s, cut with floured doughnut cutter, place cut doughnuts on waxed paper or board , cover with cloth and let rise about 30 minutes until doubled in bulk . Fry doughnuts a few at a time in oil or shortening heated to 375°. Drain on absorbent paper . Shake a few doughnuts at a time in bag containing sugar and cinnamon or spread with a glaze made from confectioners sugar and additional milk

Yield : 5 dozen .

Paslean-Metamora , Ml


1 cup butter

2 cups sugar

4 eggs

3 cups flour



2 tsp. baking powder tsp. salt

1 cup milk

2 tsp . vanilla

Thoroughly cream butter and sugar. Add eggs one at a time, beating after e ach addition Add sifted dry ingredients alternately with combined milk and vanilla Pour into two 9 x 13 x 2" pans.

Top with mixture of: 2/3 cup sugar 2 t sp. cinnamon

Then pour over lb . ( Yi cup) melted butter. Bake at 375° for 2530 minutes

Our family ' s favorite breakfast and snack cake Much like the cake baked by my brothers in their bakeries many years ago .

Mrs . Michael (Cecilia) Dausch-Baltimore , MD


2 cups regular flour

2 tsp baking powder

1 pinch salt

1 cup sugar

lb. butter or oleomargarine (melted)

Mix all these ingredients, then take about Yi cup of the mixture and use for Streusel Topping Then put 1 egg in a cup and beat - add enough milk to make cupful. Add Y2 tsp lemon extract - mix together . Put in greased loaf pan (bread) . Put Streusel Topping on and place in 350° oven for 1 hour or until lightly browned.

Mrs. Dorothy Zoellich-Chicago, IL


1 - 1 # loaf frozen bread dough

1 to 2 Tbsp. rum extract (to taste)

2 cups powdered sugar

5 tsp water

3 Tbsp. soft butter Cinnamon

Thaw dough After first rising, roll dough into a 10 x 14 inch rectangle Combine rum extract, powdered sugar and water ; mix until smooth . Spread soft butter and half of the powdered sugar mixture over the dough. Sprinkle with cinnamon Roll as jelly roll, starting with long side Cut into 12 slices (A thread wrapped around and pulled in opposite directions is an easy way to cut.) Put into greased muffin cups , cut side down . Set in warm place and allow to rise until double. Bake in 350° oven 25 minutes. Remove from pans Drizzle remainder of powdered sugar mixture over buns.

Yield : 12 .

Carol (Erdmann) Dausch-Baltimore, MD



1 pkg. dry yeast

Y4 cup warm water - 110° to 115°

2 cups flour, sifted

1 Yi Tbsp. sugar

Y2 tsp. salt

1 Tbsp. butter

1 egg, separated

Yi cup milk, scalded

Y2 cup butter or margarine

Dissolve yeast in warm water . Sift dry ingredients. Cut in 1 Tbsp. butter. Stir egg yolk into slightly cooled milk. Add milk mixture and yeast to dry ingredients. Beat until well blended. Dough will be soft. Cover and refrigerate two hours or more. Roll dough Y4 inch thick and in rectangular shape. Spread with Y4 of soft butter. Fold in thirds. Give dough quarter turn. Again roll dough Y4 inch thick and in rectangular shape. Spread with Y4 of soft butter. Fold in thirds. Give dough quarter turn. Repeat two more times. Refrigerate 30 to 60 minutes.

Prepare fillings before rolling Kringles or use canned fillings.

Raisin Filling:

2 Tbsp. butter

Y4 cup brown sugar, packed

1 cup raisins

2 tsp. almond extract

Cream butter and sugar well; add raisins and almond extract. (Soak raisins beforehand to plump them)

Almond Paste Filling:

Y4 cup soft butter

Yi cup brown sugar, packed

Yi cup almond paste

Cream butter and sugar until smooth and fluffy. Add almond paste and mix until smooth.

Prune Filling:

1 Y2 cups chopped stewed prunes

3 Tbsp. lemon juice

Yi tsp. grated lemon peel

Y4 cup sugar

(Blend before spreading mixture)

Pecan Filling:

Y4 cup butter

Yi cup brown sugar, packed

1 cup pecans, chopped


Apple Filling:

Yi cup brown sugar, packed

1 cup apples, chopped fine

Y2 cup pecans, chopped

Mix together.

Date Pecan Filling:

Y2 cup brown sugar, packed

1 cup dates, chopped fine

Yi cup pecans, chopped




Danish Kringle continu e d

To Form Kringles:

Beat egg white. Use pastry cloth covered lightly with flour. Divide dough in half . Return other half to refrigerator . Roll dough into a 6 x 18 inch rectangle Spread three inch center strip with beaten egg white; then with a filling. Fold over one side of dough, then the other, forming a 1 Y2 inch overlap . Pinch to seal. Arrange in oval shape on greased 10 x 15 Y2 x 1 inch pan . Shape second Kringle . Cover and let rise in a warm place 30 to 45 minutes. Dough should no longer be cold . Bake at 400° for 20 to 30 minutes, until golden brown Spread with sugar icing while hot.

Sugar Icing:

1 cup powdered sugar

1 Tbsp. or more milk

Combine and spread on Kringles

Y4 tsp. vanilla

Yield: about 2 dozen servings each Kringle.

Mrs. Ewald F. Timm-New Berlin, WI

Mrs. Meta C. Koepke-Milwaukee , WI


(Norwegian Christmas Bread)

2 cups scalded milk

Y2 lb. butter

1 cup sugar

Y2 tsp. salt

6 cups flour

2 pkgs. dry yeast

Yi cup warm water

2 eggs, beaten

Y2 lb seeded raisins (soften in hot water; drain)

14 crushed cardamom seeds or 1 Yi tsp. ground

Pour scalded milk over butter. Add sugar, salt and a little flour Stir until smooth. Dissolve yeast in warm water and add to mixture Add a little flour, beaten eggs, softened raisins and cardamom. Add flour until dough is easy to handle. Knead very little. Cover with a towel and let stand until double; punch down ; let rise again. Cut into 3 loaves; put into greased bread pans or shape into round loaves. Cover and let rise until double in bulk. Bake at 400° for 10 minutes Reduce temperature to 350° and bake an additional 40 to 50 minutes Remove from pans at once to cool.

Yield : 3 loaves

Mrs. Reuben J. Snartemo-Milwaukee, WI

VARIATION: Mrs. C. W. (Laura) Stradtman, Beloit, WI, substitutes for the raisins, Y2 cup raisins, Yi cup currants and Yi cup finely cut citron.


4 cups flour

2/3 cup shortening

2 Tbsp. sugar

1 tsp. salt

1 pkg. dry yeast

1 cup cold milk

1 tsp . sugar


3 egg yolks

1 can cherry pie filling mix

3 egg whites

3 Tbsp. sugar

tsp. almond flavoring

Powdered sugar frosting

Mix first 4 ingredients together like pie crust Soak yeast in cold milk with 1 tsp . sugar added. Beat egg yolks and add to yeast mixture. Mix well with above flour mixture but do not knead. Place in refrigerator for several hours or overnight .

Divide dough into 3 parts. Roll in 10 inch circles, each about Yi inch thick . Spread with pie filling mix. Beat 3 egg whites and 3 Tbsp. sugar and almond flavoring. Pour over filling and crust. Fold in edges, leaving center opening. Place on cookie sheet, let rise Yi hour. Bake for 35 minutes or until golden brown at 375°. Frost with powdered sugar frosting

Verna Mietz Buis-Valparaiso, IN


Dr. Leola Garriott, Hortonville, WI, increases the shortening to 1 cup butter and adds 2 Tbsp . wheat germ. She shapes the dough as desired, baking the recipe in four 9" x 9" pans and topping with favorite toppings


Use the above recipe for Delicious Danish. You may substitute lard for the shortening. You may also add 1 tsp. lemon or orange rind if you like.

After chilling the dough overnight, divide it into 2 parts, roll 1t into two 16 x 6" rectangles. Spread with melted butter, sugar, cinnamon and ground nuts (optional) . Roll up as a jelly roll. Cut about 1 inch slices off ends, place cut side down on greased cookie sheets, press flat with hands. Let raise until about double.

Bake at 350° to 375° about 10 - 15 minutes until golden. Yield: about 3 dozen.

Mrs. Robert (Ila Mae) Hora-Wauwatosa, WI Mabel Hormann-Omaha, NB

EDITOR'S NOTE: For pecan rolls, melt Y2 stick butter or margarine in 9 x 13 pan, spread with Yi to 2/3 cup brown sugar and chopped pecans (to taste). Place rolls just touching over this layer. Let rise. Bake about 20 - 25 minutes. Remove from oven and invert on waxed paper to cool.


3 Y2 cups flour

1 cup butter or margarine

1 egg

2 yolks

1 cup sour cream

1 pkg. dry yeast

1 tsp . salt

1 t sp vanilla or nutmeg

1 cup sugar

Mix flour and shortening as for pie dough Add egg and yolks , and Yi the sour cream , mix. Sprinkle yeast over dough , and rest of sour cream. Blend well, add salt and flavoring. Mix well to a stiff dough. Cover and refrigerate at least 2 hours Sprinkle some sugar on rolling pin and board. Roll dough 3 or 4 times, keeping sugar on board and pin, until dough is Cut into Yi" wide stripes and shape twists . Let rise 20 minutes at room temperature Bake on ungreased cookie sheet at 350° for 15 - 20 minutes.

Yield : about 60 twists. Mrs . Henry Eckenfels-Cincinnati, OH


2 pkgs . dry yeast

1 cup milk (fresh or reconstituted dry)

3 eggs

1 Y3 cups butter or margarine

Y3 cup sugar

2 tsp salt

4 Y2 cups flour

Jam , confectioners ' sugar icing, nuts (optional)

Dissolve yea st in milk . Beat eggs; melt Y3 cup butter ; add to yeast along with sugar and salt. Stir in flour and mix well. Place in 9 x 13 grea sed glass baking dish and chill several hours. Spread Y3 cup butter ov e r 2/3 dough; fold unspread Y3 over center Y3 ; fold over remaining Y3; turn a quarter way around ; flatten to fit dish . Repeat 2 times using remaining 2/3 cup butter. Repeat folding, turning and flattening 2 more tim es without adding butter Chill several hours or overnight To form spiral rolls , cut strips x 9 " long ; carefully remove from dish ; roll gently on lightly floured surface to barely curve the corners and cut surfa c es ; twist like a rope and coil into spiral rolls . Or to make pinwh eels , remove dough from dish ; roll thick ; cut into 3 " squares ; c ut from eac h c orner almost to center ; fold alternate point s to the center pr e ssing down firmly. Plac e on baking sheet, cover and let rise . Bak e in moderate ov e n , 3 75 ° for 10 - 12 minute s. Place 1 t sp . jam on ea ch roll , ice with confectioner s' sugar i c ing, sprinkl e with chopped nuts .

Yi e ld : 3 dozen rolls Mrs . Gen e C. Bahls - Bourbonnai s, IL



1 Y2 cups milk

cup sugar

cup honey

2 oz. yeast

2 eggs

cup butter, melted and cooled

cup wheat germ

6 cups regular all purpose flour

Y2 cup nonfat dry milk

1 Y2 tsp. salt

1 tsp. vani Ila

Y2 cup raisins

Y2 cup mixed candied fruit

Additional melted butter (about cup)

Scald milk; cool to lukewarm. Add sugar, honey and crumbled yeast to milk and let stand until dissolved - about 5 minutes. Add eggs, butter, wheat germ, 2 cups flour, dry milk, salt and vanilla; beat with electric mixer until smooth and elastic. Gradually add remaining flour until mixture stiffens, then continue to blend it in with a spoon, adding the raisins and fruit. Place in buttered bowl and let stand until double in bulk - about 1 Y2 hours. Roll out on well-floured board to Va" thickness.

Cut circles out of dough with a 2Y2 " round cookie cutter. Place 1 tsp. of cream cheese filling on each circle. For variety, cover the filling of half of the Haunts with a pitted date, the other half of them with a Maraschino cherry. Fold the dough over the filling and seal by pinching the edges tightly Place on 2 buttered cookie sheets, anoint each Haunt with a pastry brush dipped in melted butter and allow to rise again for about a Y2 hour (until finger pressure leaves an indentation). Bake in preheated 350° oven for 25 to 30 minutes. Remove from oven, frost while still warm. Garnish with nutmeats and candied cherries. Store in freezer or refrigerator

Yield: Approximately 3 dozen


1 pkg (8 oz.) cream cheese

3 Tbsp. honey

Pitted date s Maraschino cherries

Have cheese at room temperature. Add honey and bl.end well


2 cups confectioner ' s sugar

cup nonfat dry milk

tsp . almond extract

1 tsp. butter

3 Tbsp. boiling water

Combine above ingredients and mix well - add a little more water if needed for good spreading consistency.



pkg . compressed or dry yeast

Y4 cup water (lukewarm for compressed; warmer for dry yeast)

3 egg yolks

2 Tbsp sugar

2 Tbsp . sour cream

3 cups sifted flour

1 cup butter or oleo

Dissolve yeast in water, add egg yolks , sugar and sour cream and beat until blended Sift flour and measure into bowl. Cut in butter until it looks like coarse meal. Make a well in center of flour and gradually stir in yeast mixture to form a dough that can be kneaded Turn onto a floured board and knead until dough is soft and elastic. Place dough in greased bowl , turn at once, cover and place in refrigerator overnight

Remove from refrigerator 2 hours before using Cut in half. Roll one out at a time to square 14" x 14" . Spread each with filling and roll up like a jelly roll. Place in ungreased pan Brush top with melted shortening Bake at 325° for 1 hour or until done

Apple Filling:

10 - 12 large cooking apples , peeled, pared and sliced

Y4 tsp salt

Mix together and spread on dough.

Yield: 2 strudels

1 Yi - 2 cups sugar, depending on apples

1 Y2 tsp. cinnamon

1 cup bread crumbs

Mrs. Robert Novota-Holland , Ml


Yi cup butter or margarine

1 cup sugar

1 Y4 cups sifted al I purpose flour

Yi tsp . salt

Yi tsp. cinnamon

Y4 tsp. baking powder

1 lb. fresh plums , halved and pitted

1 egg, slightly beaten

1 cup heavy cream

Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add sifted dry ingreddients and mix as for pie crust . Reserve Y3 cup of the mixture and press remaining amount in bottom and up about Yi" on sides of an 8 x 8 x 2" pan Arrange plum halves, rounded sides up, in a single layer in shell. Sprinkle reserved mixture on top. Bake at 375° for 20 minutes. Mix egg and cream and pour over plums

Bake for about 25 minutes longer, or until custard is set. Cool Kuchen and cut into squares.

Mrs Irvin (Anne) Jaffke-St. Joseph , Ml



Y2 cup sugar

1 cup evaporated milk

Y2 cup butter

1 tsp . salt

1 pkg . dry yeast

Y., cup warm water - 110° - 115 ° 3 eggs , wel I beaten

5 cups flour , sifted

1 lb (3 med.) apples , pared, cored and sliced

1 can (1 lb ) whole cranberry sauce or prepare your own from fresh berries

2 Tbsp brown sugar

1 Y2 tsp . orange peel , grated

Y2 tsp. cinnamon

Powdered sugar frosting

In a small saucepan , combine sugar, milk , butter and salt Stir over low heat until butter melts Cool. Dissolve yeast in warm water in mixing bowl. Stir in cooled milk mi xture Blend in beaten eggs Add flour , one cup at a time Beat batter smooth after each addition Cover and set in warm place to rise until double in bulk , about 1 Y2 hours Punch dough down and divide in half Press each half into a greased 9" baking pan Arrange apple slices in rows on top of dough In small bowl , blend cranberry sauce , brown sugar, orange peel and cinnamon. Spread evenly over apple slices Let rise until double in bulk, about 30 minutes. Bake in a 400° oven, about 25 minutes Cool. Drizzle with icing

Yield : 2 Kuchen

Powdered Sugar Icing: Blend 2/3 cup powdered sugar, Y2 tsp vanilla and 1 Tbsp evaporated milk together Add more milk if needed.

Mrs. Ewald F. Timm-New Berlin , WI


Y2 cup salad oi I

1 pkg instant pudding ( vanilla)

4 eggs

1 white cake mix

8 oz sour cream

Mix above on medium speed for 3 minutes .


Y2 cup nuts

2 t sp . cinnamon

Y2 cup granulated sugar

Y., c up brown sugar

Pour Y2 batter in greased and floured pan Sprinkle Y2 of topping on it Swirl it through with toothpick Add remaining batter and topping and swirl again Bake in a 10" angel food pan at 350° for 50 - 60 minutes

Mary Kontak Paetow-Woodville, OH



4 eggs

1 Yi cups Crisco Oil (12 oz bottle)

2 cups sugar

3 cup s flour

1 tsp. cinnamon

Yi tsp salt

1 tsp baking soda

1 tsp. vanilla

1 cup large pieces of walnuts

3 cups Delicious apples

Beat eggs in large bowl. Add oil and sugar and beat together. Sift dry ingredients and add to first mixture Add vanilla Stir in walnuts and apples which have been peeled, quartered and sliced thin. Place in 2 well-greased bread pans 9 Yi x 5 x 3 or 3 well-greased 1 lb coffee tins. Bake at 325° for 1 hour, 20 minutes. Cool 10 minutes and remove from pans to cooling racks.

Yield : 2 loaves or 3 rounds Mrs. Robert Jacobi-Ft Lauderdale, FL


¥3 cup melted butter

2 Yi cups sugar

4 eggs (add one at a time and beat)

1 tsp almond extract

2 cups flour

2 tsp . baking powder

2 tsp. salt

1 cup milk

1 Tbsp. grated lemon rind

1 cup nuts

Mix ingredients in order given Bake in greased , floured loaf pans at 350° for 45 - 50 minutes

Make glaze and pour over hot bread after cooling slightly and removing from pan.


6 Tbsp fresh lemon juice

2 cups powdered sugar

Yield: 4 small or 2 large loaves. Lorene Brauer-Columbus, IN


1 can (11 oz.) Japanese mandarin oranges, well drained (save juice)

cup sugar

1 egg

Y4 cup milk

3 cups biscuit mix ( package)

Yi cup chopped nuts

Drain mandarin oranges , measure juice adding water if neces sary to make 1 cup Mix sugar, egg, milk and juice Add dry biscuit mix and beat vigorousl y for about Y2 minute. Stir in nuts and well drained oranges. Pour into a greased loaf pan 9 x 5 x 3 ". Bake 50 minutes or until toothpick test comes out clean Serve warm or cold

Yield : 1 loaf .

Marge Nadig-St. Petersburg , FL



2 cups sifted flour

cup granulated sugar

1 Y2 tsp baking powder

1 tsp. salt

Y2 tsp. soda

1 cup chopped or halved cranberries

Y2 cup chopped walnuts or pecans

1 tsp. grated orange peel

1 beaten egg

cup orange juice

2 Tbsp. salad oi I

Sift together dry ingredients Stir in cranberries, nuts and orange peel. Combine egg , juice and salad oil and add to first mixture. Stir just until moistened Pour into loaf pan 9 Y2 x 5 x 3 Bake at 350° for 50 - 60 minutes.

Mrs . W . A. (Leitha) Richardson-Omaha, NB

Similar recipes were submitted by the following:

Arlene Utter, Shawnee Mission, KS, uses Y2 cup orange juice and 2 Tbsp. hot water

Edna Heinecke Gessner, Sheboygan, WI, increases the sugar to 1 cup and the orange rind to 2 tsp .

Lou Walsh, Crown Point, IN, also increases the sugar to 1 cup. She mixes the juice and rind of one orange with the 2 Tbsp shortening and adds enough boiling water to make cup . She increases the halved cranberries to 1 Y2 cups.


(Gentleman's Special)

1 cup coarsely chopped cranberries

2 cups sifted flour

Y2 cup chopped walnuts

1 tsp salt

1 Y2 tsp baking powder

Grated rind of one orange

Y2 tsp. baking soda

1 cup sugar

Y2 cup orange juice

1 egg

1 Tbsp. melted butter

2 Tbsp. hot water

Mix all ingredients together until well blended. Pour into greased and lightly floured bread pan and bake in 325° oven for 60 minutes .

Yield : 1 loaf, 12 - 14 slices .

David A. Samber-Chicago , IL

God is great God is good, and we thank Him for our food . (Child ' s prayer)



(Winner of area contest, gave permission for publication )

Y2 cup walnuts

2 eggs

1 cup granulated sugar

Yi cup vegetable oil

2 cups al I purpose flour tsp . baking soda

tsp . salt

Yi tsp . cinnamon

Y2 tsp baking powder

1 cup grated green tomato

Yi cup raisins

Yi tsp vanilla

Chop walnuts and set aside . Beat eggs, then gradually beat in sugar, then oil. Combine dry ingredients; add to first mixture alternately with green tomato. Stir in raisins , walnuts and vanilla Grease and lightly flour a loaf pan 9 x 5 x and turn mixture into it Bake on lowest rack at 350° for approximately 55 minutes, or until tests done. Let stand about 10 minutes, remove and cool on wire rack This moist bread keeps well and freezes well .

Mrs Myles T Musgrave-Port Huron , Ml


1 Yi cups all purpose flour

2 tsp baking powder

Y2 tsp . baking soda

Yi tsp salt

1 tsp cinnamon

1 cup grated zucchini (raw, unpeeled, minus seeds)

2 eggs

1 cup sugar

Y2 cup salad (vegetable) oil

Y2 cup chopped nuts

1 tsp vanilla

Sift the dry ingredients together (first five). Beat eggs , add sugar, oil and vanilla Beat thoroughly to blend Stir in zucchini and add flour mixture. Blend well but do not overbeat. Add nuts. Pour batter into greased 9 x 5" loaf pan and bake 55 - 60 minutes at 350 °. Cool bread in pan 10 - 15 minutes Turn out onto rack to cool completely

Yield : 1 large loaf.

Pumpkin Bread

Mrs. Edward Rullman-Aurora , IN

SPREAD FOR Carrot Bread

1 8 oz. pkg cream cheese

Y3 cup pancake syrup

Blend well. Delicious

Zucchini Bread

Dorothy Schram - Milwaukee, WI



2 cups white sugar

1 cup oil

3 unbeaten eggs

1 jar jr. size prunes (or 2 infant)

1 cup chopped nuts

2 Yi cups plus 1 Tbsp. flour

1 tsp. cinnamon

Y2 tsp . cloves

1 tsp. salt

2 tsp . soda mixed with 1 cup buttermilk

Mix in order. Bake in greased loaf pans at 325° for 1 hour

Yield : 2 loaves.

Mrs. Carl Kontak-Elmore, OH


3 eggs

1 cup oil

2 cups sugar

2 cups peeled and grated zucchini

2 tsp vanilla

3 cups flour

1 tsp baking soda

tsp. baking powder

1 tsp . salt

3 tsp. cinnamon

Y2 cup pecans

Beat eggs till light and foamy Add oil, sugar, zucchini and vanilla. Mix lightly but well. Mix dry ingredients together. Add to first mixture and blend Add nuts. Bake in two 9 x 5" loaf pans or four smaller pans at 325° for 1 hour.

Bette Froehlich-Appleton, WI

Joyce Rullman Rich-Lomita, CA

Similar recipes were submitted by the following:

Helen Hartwick, Minneapolis, MN, decreases the cinnamon to Yi tsp

Frances Hannusch Borcherding, Lincoln, NB, adds another Yi cup nuts and/ or raisins.

Mrs. Arnold Firnhaber, Ann Arbor, Ml, decreases the sugar to 1 2/3 cup and the cinnamon to 2 Yi tsp.

Jeannette Holle Nelson, Denver, CO, includes nuts, raisins, or currants

Mrs. M. W. Roggemann, Gaylord, Ml, adds Y2 cup coconut .

Jeannine Krentz, Fraser, Ml, decreases the cinnamon to 2 tsp ., increases the nuts to cup and adds 1 cup drained crushed pineapple and cup raisins.

EDITOR'S NOTE: The pulp of other summer squash may be substituted satisfactorily for the zucchini .



CAKES & FROSTINGS CAKES Applesauce (no eggs) 92 Applesauce ... . . . ... .. .... ... .... . . ... 92 Apricot Crumble. .93 Autumn Apple Fruit 91 Banana Nut .... 94 Banana Sour Cream ... 93 Cake Roll 89 Carrot Pineapple 103 Carrot Sheet .. ... ........... .... ... . .. .94 Cherry 95 Cherry Chocolate 95 Chip-Cherry 95 Chocolate Angel Food 99 Chocolate Chip Oatmeal 108 Chocolate Nut Fluff . ... .. ...... .. .89 Chocolate Mousse Roll 89 Chocolate Sheet .. .............. . .. 96 Devil ' s Food .... . ... . .. .............. .97 Fast Pound 99 500 Cake 90 Great Italian Cream .107 Harvest 102 Heavenly Hash ..... . ... 98 High Society 111 Jewish Apple 91 Kentucky Jam . .... . .. . ........... ... 109 Laura Wilder ' s Gingerbread .. 100 Mandarin Orange 100 Mississippi Mud Cake ... .... .. .. .. .98 Mocha Peanut Squares .... .. ... 101 1930's Sponge Cake 106 Nutmeg Feather ... .. .. 110 Oatmeal, Grandma Finke's ... .108 1-2-3-4 (yellow) . .106 Pea Picking Cake ... . .. . .......... 109 Peanut Squares 101 Pear 102 Pineapple. . .. ...... .. ... ..... .. .104 Pineapple Coconut. . ....... 104 Pineapple Upside Down 103 Pumpkin ......... ........... .... . . .. .. 105 Pumpkin Cake Loaf 105 Schokoladen Gugelhopf 99 Sour Cream . .. ... .. ...... .. .... .. .. .. 107 Sour Cream Pound 106 Viennnese Cheese Cakes 90 Wacky Cake 110 CUP CAKES German Chocolate My Crazy Cupcakes FROSTINGS 110 111 Broiled Coconut ... ...... 110 Caramel ...... .. ... . .. .... .. .. ..109 Cream Cheese 94 Chocolate ..... . . ... .. . .... .97 Chocolate Butter Cream 111 Marvelous Mocha .... ... ... 112 Peppermint ... . ........... . 112 Waldorf Astoria ... 112 White Syrup 104


1 angel food cake - divide in 3 la y ers

1 cup c hocolate bits , melted in double boiler . Cool.

1 cup blanched almonds, toasted

2 cups whipping cream, whipped

Fold chocolate into whipped cream allowing chocolate to hard e n in flakes. Spread between layers and on top of cake . Sprinkle nut s on layers and on top . Refrigerate.

(Every time I serve this, I ' m always asked for the recipe.)


Make filling first:

1 Y2 cups semisweet chocolate bits

Y3 cup sugar

cup water

5 eggs, separated

2 tsp vanilla

Melt chocolate, sugar and water Stir until smooth Cool. Beat egg yolks until thick and lemon-colored . Add egg yolks and vanilla to chocolate mixture. Beat egg whites until stiff enough to hold peak. Beat whites and chocolate just long enough to mix well. Chill in refrigerator 3 or 4 hours .

Cake Roll:

6 Tbsp cake flour

6 Tbsp cocoa

tsp. salt

tsp baking powder

4 eggs , separated cup sugar

1 tsp vanilla

Sift together flour, cocoa, salt, baking powder Beat yolks until thick and lemon-colored. Add vanilla. Beat whites to soft peaks, carefully fold in sugar. Fold yolks and whites together. Carefully fold dry ingredients into eggs Pour in pan Use greased and lined with greased waxed paper jelly roll pan, 10" x 15 " x Yi" Bake at 400° for 13 minutes. Turn out on tea towel sprinkled with confectioner ' s sugar . Roll up. Cool on rack. Unroll and spread filling. Roll up again , wrap in foil and freeze

Mrs Franklin Petersohn - Evansville , IN

Do you enjoy cooking? That i s a n e cessary requirement for becoming a good cook


1 Yi cups sugar

Yi cup shortening

3 eggs, wel I beaten

Y2 cup sour milk

1 tsp soda

1 tsp. vanilla

4 bananas, mashed


500 CAKE

8 oz cut up dates

Yi cup red candied or Maraschino cherries

Yi cup nut meats , cut up

2 cups all purpose flour, sifted 4 times

Mix sugar and shortening; add well beaten eggs . Add milk, soda and vanilla, then the mashed bananas Next dates, cherries (candied red) and nut meats . Lastly, flour which has been sifted 4 times. Bake in a greased 13 x 9 x 2 pan at 250° for 2 hours .

Yield: 20 servings. Gertrude Alwardt-Mt . Clemens, Ml


Graham cracker crumbs

2 8 oz. pkgs. Philadelphia brand

cream cheese

cup plus 3 Tbsp . sugar

3 eggs, separated

1 tsp vanilla

Food coloring

Butter well 36 small muffin tins. Sprinkle with graham cracker crumbs, and shake off excess crumbs In large bowl cream Philadelphia cream cheese with sugar; add 3 egg yolks one at a time and beat . Then fold in 3 beat e n egg whites Fill muffin tins

Bake at 350 ° for 15 minutes . Remove from oven , and cakes will fall within 1 to 2 minute s. Fill the depression with the following :

Mix together:

1 8 oz carton sour cream

3 Tbsp. sugar

1 tsp. vanilla

Divide filling in half. Add Y2 drop red food coloring to one half , and Yi drop green to remaining half, or any desired color. Ice the cakes and bake in 350° oven for 5 minutes Remove from tins while slightly warm. Delicious and very pretty on dessert plate

Yield: 36 tiny cakes Mrs John A. (Leona) W es t-Flossmoor, IL

How can you know if you like it or not if you have not tasted it?



4 apples - medium size

5 Tbsp. sugar

2 tsp. cinnamon

3 cups sifted flour

1 tsp. salt

3 tsp. baking powder


2 cups sugar

1 cup oil

4 eggs

cup orange juice

2Y2 tsp . vanilla

Peel and slice 4 apples, set aside. Combine 5 Tbsp. sugar and cinnamon, set aside. Beat all other ingredients until smooth and thick. Grease tube pan well. Pour in layer of batter then place layer of sliced apples on batter and sprinkle with half the cinnamon/sugar mixture. Repeat ending with sugar mixture. Bake at 350° for - 1 Yi hours (until toothpick is clean).

Mrs. George Wehmeyer-Arlington, VA


Put in saucepan and simmer 10 minutes:

1 cup raisins


Yi stick cup) butter. Stir and cool.

In large bowl combine:

1 cups flour

cup sugar

Y2 tsp. cinnamon

Additional ingredients:

1 egg, wel I beaten

1 cup pecans

Yi cup chopped dates

2 cups water

Yi tsp. nutmeg

tsp. salt

1 tsp. baking soda

Y2 cup glace fruit

3 cups chopped apples

Add well beaten egg to cooled raisin and butter mixture. Pour slowly over mixed dry ingredients in bowl. Then add nuts and fruit. Last of all the chopped apples. Use angel food or bundt pan, grease and dust with flour . Bake at 350° for 1 hour.

Mrs. Orville Bopp-Kirkwood, MO

He who salts his food before he tastes it does not compliment the cook .


2 sticks of butter or margarine

1 cup sugar

2 eggs

1 cup dates, cut up

1 Y2 cups applesauce

1 cup chopped nuts

1 cup raisins

1 tsp cinnamon tsp cloves

1 tsp. vani Ila

2 cups flour

2 tsp soda

Cream butter and sugar. Add eggs, well beaten and vanilla Add the rest of the ingredients which have been mixed together. Pour into well buttered angel food cake pan Bake at 350° oven for 50 minutes. This will keep for a long time if stored in a cool place .

Esther (Streit) Hildner-Glen Ellyn, IL


3 cups flour

4 tsp . soda

2 / 3 cup cocoa

Yi tsp. salt

2 cups sugar

Y2 tsp. allspice

Yi tsp. cinnamon

Yi tsp. ginger

Yi tsp. cloves

6 Tbsp. shortening

3 Yi cups applesauce

2 cups raisins

Y2 cup nuts

Mix all dry ingredients well. Add shortening and applesauce . Beat well. Add raisins - softened in boiling water 5 minutes and strained. Mix in nuts . Bake in 10" tube pan at 350° for 60 minutes or until done. This family recipe is at least 50 years old. Used when eggs were "high"!

Yield: 16 servings. Rena Walter-Council Bluffs, IA

EDITOR'S NOTE: You may wish to decrease the amount of cocoa so that the spices are more prominent.

The nutrition conscious consumer will check labels of canned and packaged foods Nutrition information is given in calories , grams , milligrams, micrograms, IU 's (International Units) and percentages of recommended daily allowances (US : RDA) .



227 g pkg. cream cheese

125 ml margarine

300 ml sugar

2 med. eggs

75 ml milk


500 ml shredded coconut

5 ml vanilla

500 ml sifted flour

5 ml baking powder

3 ml baking soda

1 ml salt

250 ml apricot preserves

100 ml margarine

175 ml brown sugar

Heat oven to 350°. Combine softened cream cheese, margarine and sugar, mixing until well blended. Add eggs, milk and vanilla; mix well. Add flour sifted with baking powder, soda and salt, mixing until well blended. Pour half of batter into greased and floured 9 x 13" baking pan. Cover with preserves; top with remaining batter. Bake at 180 °C (350° F.) for 35 - 40 minutes. Combine ingredients for topping; spread on cake. Broil about 2 minutes or until golden brown.

Yield: 12 - 15 servings. Mrs. Gene Moldenhauer-Michigan City, IN


Yi cup soft margarine

1 cup sugar

2 eggs

Yi cup sour cream

1 cup mashed bananas (about 3)

Yi tsp. vanilla


1 cup walnuts

Yi tsp. cinnamon

Yi tsp. lemon extract

2 cups flour

1 tsp. baking powder

1 tsp. soda

tsp. salt cup brown sugar

Cream margarine, add sugar, add eggs, beat well. Add bananas, sour cream and flavorings. Sift dry ingredients together. Stir into cream mixture - do not beat.

Alternate layers of topping and batter. Start with topping, end with batter. Bake in greased tube pan at 350° for 45 minutes. Cool 5 minutes before removing from pan.


me to know thy ways, 0 Lord; teach me thy paths. Psalm 25:4


cup shortening ( Crisco or butter) cup buttermilk*

1 Yi tsp. soda cup sugar

2 egg yolks

3 bananas , mashed

3 cups flour

Y2 tsp. salt

2 tsp. baking powder

1 Yi t sp . vanilla

1 cup chopped walnuts

2 egg whites (beat lightly with fork)

*For buttermilk use: cup milk , add 1 Tbsp lemon juice , let stand 5 minutes.

Cream butter and sugar, add egg yolks, then bananas Mix in dry ingredients . Add soda to buttermilk, then add to mixture along with vanilla and nuts. Fold in egg whites Divide into 4 8 " layer pans. Bake at 325° for 45 minutes. Ice with Deluxe White Frosting

Deluxe White Frosting

Cook and cool: 2 small pkgs . vanilla pudding and 2 cups milk .

1 cup margarine

1 cup Crisco

2 cups sugar

1 tsp . vanilla

Cream margarine, Crisco and sugar . Add vanilla . Mix with pudding mixture. Beat until light and fluffy. Mixture makes enough to frost and fill 4 layer banana cake.

This cake is extremely rich and very elegant for special desserts, because of its 4 layers.

Angel Baumhefner-Boulder, CO


2 cups flour

2 cups sugar

2 tsp soda

1 tsp. salt

1 Yi tsp. cinnamon

cup salad oil

2 (7 Y2 oz .) jars Gerbers junior carrots

4 eggs

Sift dry ingredients Add oil , carrots, and eggs Pour into greased and floured 12 " x 18" x 1 " edged cookie sheet. Bake at 350° for 30 minutes.


6 oz. soft cream cheese

I b. soft margarine

2 cups powdered sugar

2 tsp . vanilla

Beat till smooth and fluffy. Sprinkle nuts on top (optional).

Barbara (Schaper) Schroeder-Aiea, HI



pk g. chocolate cake mix

tsp soda

YJ cup boiling water

2 eggs

Add 1 tsp. cherry or almond flavoring if desired

1 c an cherry pie filling

Combine all ingredients Beat with mixer until light and fluffy (about 2 minutes) . Fold in one can cherry pie mix . Grease and flour 9 x 13 " pan or two 8 x 8 " pans Bake at 350° for about 30 - 45 minutes (depending o n size of pan) . Flavor improves if baked a day or two before serving. Serve with Dream Whip

Dorothy D. Stach - St . Paul, MN


3 eggs, well beaten

1 cup sugar

1 Yi cups sifted flour

1 Yi tsp baking powder

tsp salt

Y4 lb. chocolate bits

2 cups coarsely chopped nuts

1 cup coarsely cut dates

1 cup halved candied cherries

Beat eggs and sugar together Sift dry ingredients. Add chocolate, nuts, dates and cherries to flour , then fold in egg-sugar mixture Pour in waxed paper lined loaf pan, 9 x 5 x 3 or use cans for round cakes Bake at 325° for 90 minutes.

This is a nice cake for Christmas

2 sticks butter or margarine

1 cup sugar

3 eggs

2 cups flour


1 tsp. vanilla

2 tsp. baking powder

1 can cherry pie filling

Put all ingredients (except pie filling) into large bowl and beat with electric mixer about 3 minutes. Spread evenly in greased 9 x 13 " pan. Spread 1 can pie filling over top, cutting into batter with knife. Bake at 350° for 1 hour. Sprinkle with powdered sugar or frost with your favorite butter frosting.

Serves 12 - 15.

Mrs. LeRoy H. Vandre - Kokomo , IN



1 c up o l eo

c up cocoa ( n o t in stant )

1 c up w at e r

2 c up s su gar

2 c up s flour

Yi c up butt e rm i lk , so ur milk , o r sour c ream

2 eggs , be at e n

1 t sp . baking soda

1 tsp . vanilla

Put ol eo , c o c oa a nd water in kettle and bring to a boil. Pour hot mi xtur e o v er the su ga r and flour which have been mixed in a large mixin g bowl. Mi x w e ll and add remaining ingredients , mixing well afte r ea c h addition . Pour into large greased jelly roll pan 15 x 10" or even larger ( I use a 17 Y2 x 11 Y2" pan) Bake in 350° oven for about 20 minutes.

Yield : 24 - 35 pieces .


Yi cup oleo

cup cocoa

6 Tbsp milk

1 I b pkg powdered sugar

1 tsp vanilla

1 cup chopped nuts

Put oleo, cocoa and milk in the same kettle you used before (no need to wash it) and bring to a boil. Pour hot mixture over powdered sugar in small mixing bowl. Beat well and add vanilla and nuts. Spread on warm cake

Georgia Luebke - Holland, Ml

Mrs Edward (Norine) Radde-St. Joseph , Ml

Karen Niska-Ypsilanti, Ml

Marilyn (Meier) Krueger-Brookfield, WI

Lynne (Christiansen) Schroeder - Livonia, Ml


Mrs. Gerald L. Butts, Moline, IL, adds Yi tsp. cinnamon to the cake as well as increasing the cocoa to 6 Tbsp . She uses 6 Tbsp. cocoa in the frosting as well .

Mrs. Henry Huber, Saginaw, Ml, adds 1 tsp . cinnamon to the cake batter .


Yi cup margarine

1Vi cups sugar

2 eggs , unbeaten

2 sq. unsweetened chocolate, melted

2 cups sifted cake flour

1 tsp soda tsp . salt

1 cup plus 2 Tbsp. milk

1 tsp. vanilla

(Directions on page 97)



Cream shortening, add sugar gradually and cream together until light and fluffy Add eggs , one at a time and beat well after each ; then add melted chocolate and blend Sift flour , measure, add soda and salt and sift again at least 3 times Add flour alternately with milk, beating well after each addition Add vanilla Turn into two 9 " layer pans lined with wax paper . Bake at 350° 25 - 30 minutes . Spread with chocolate frosting. Yield: 12 - 15 big slices.

Mrs . T. D . Sullivan-Omaha , NB


1 cup unsifted, unsweetened cocoa

2 cups boiling water cups sifted (before measuring) all purpose flour

2 tsp. baking soda

Y2 tsp. salt

Y2 tsp baking powder

1 cup butter or margarine , softened

2 Yi cups granulated sugar

4 eggs

1 Y2 tsp vanilla extract

In medium bowl combine cocoa with boiling water, mixing with wire whisk until smooth. Let cool completely. Sift flour with soda, salt and baking powder. Preheat oven to 350°. Grease and flour three 9 x 1 Yi inch layer cake pans.

In large bowl of electric mixer, beat 1 cup butter, sugar, eggs and vanilla about 5 minutes Add flour mixture alternately with cocoa mixture, beginning and ending with flour. Do not overheat Divide evenly into prepared pans Bake 25 - 30 minutes or until surface springs back when touched. Cool in pans 10 minutes. Carefully loosen sides with spatula , remove from pan, cool. Fill and frost


1 cup heavy cream , chilled

1 tsp . vanilla extract cup unsifted powdered sugar

Whip cream , add sugar and vanilla Whip together ; refrigerate

Turn a cake layer on serving plate Spread 1st and 2nd layers of cake with filling Place 3rd layer on top and frost side first , covering whipped cream. Use rest of frosting on top . Refrigerate at least 1 hour before serving .


1 pkg (6 oz.) semisweet chocolate pieces

Yi cup light cream

1 cup butter or margarine

2 Yi cups unsifted confectioners sugar

In medium saucepan combine chocolate pieces, cream and butter. Stir over medium heat until smooth Remove from heat With wire whisk, blend in powdered sugar . Beat until it cools down and holds shape .

Yield: 10 - 12 pieces. Mrs. Franklin Hofmeister-Sebewaing, Ml


500 ml sugar

250 ml butter or margarine

30 ml cocoa

4 eggs

5 ml vanilla

375 ml flour

350 ml coconut

375 ml black walnuts or other nuts

1 reg . or lg. jar marshmallow creme

Cream sugar, butter and cocoa. Add well beaten eggs with the vanilla . Stir in flour and beat well. Add coconut and nuts Spread in greased 23 x 33 cm (9 x 13 " ) pan, bake at 180 °C (350° F.) 30 - 40 minutes

Spread hot cake with marshmallow creme or substitute cut-up marshmallows and return cake to oven for marshmallows to melt . Let cool and then cover with frosting.

Chocolate Frosting:

1000 ml sifted powdered sugar

125 ml margarine, melted

125 ml evaporated milk

100 ml cocoa

5 ml vanilla

Mix all ingredients and beat until smooth. When cake is completely cool cover with frosting. Let stand for several hours before cutting

Yield : 15 - 18 servings

Martha Plumer Oestmann-Kansas City, KS


2 cups sugar

1 cup shortening

4 eggs

1 Yi cup flour

Y3 cup cocoa

tsp. salt

2 tsp. vanilla

1 cup chopped nuts, optional

Yi pkg . miniature marshmallows

Cream sugar and shortening. Add eggs Beat by hand Sift flour, add cocoa and salt ; add to creamed mixture Mix well. Add nuts and vanilla. Pour in greased 9 x 13 " pan. Bake 30 minutes at 300° Remove from oven ; pour marshmallows over cake Return to oven at 350 ° for 10 minutes. Remove from oven and immediately cover with icing


1 lb pkg. powdered sugar

Y3 cup cocoa

1 tsp. vanilla

1 stick margarine, melted

Y3 cup evaporated milk

1 cup chopped nuts , optional

Sift sugar and cocoa. Mix with milk and margarine. Add vanilla and nuts. Spread immediately over hot cake.

Yield: 24 pieces

Norma (Reik) Porterfield-Louisville, KY



cup plus 2 Tbsp. cake flour

5 Tbsp cocoa

1 Yi cups sugar

1 cups egg whites (room temperature)

tsp . salt

tsp cream of tartar

1 tsp. vanilla

tsp almond extract

Sift flour, cocoa and sugar together seven times. Add salt to egg whites and beat until foamy throughout. Add cream of tartar and beat at high speed until stiff but not dry Beat in vanilla and almond extract Fold in sugar mixture 2 Tbsp. at a time. Bake in ungreased tube pan 35 minutes at 375°. Invert immediately and cool 1 hour.

Mrs Richard K. Conradi-St. Louis, MO


1 large chocolate bar with nuts

(6-8 oz )

1 cup butter (2 sticks)

2 cups sugar

2 Y2 cups sifted flour

Yi tsp. baking soda

cups buttermilk

1 tsp . vani Ila

4 eggs Yi cup chopped nuts

Melt chocolate bar and 1 stick butter over low heat Beat remaining butter and sugar until fluffy. Add 1 egg at a time . Beat well. Add flour and soda alternately with buttermilk, stir until smooth. Add melted candy, nuts , and vanilla . Pour into greased and floured Bundt or angel food cake pan Bake in 350 ° oven for 1 hour, 20 minutes or until top springs back when cake is touched. Cool in pan for 10 minutes . Remove from pan and sprinkle with powdered sugar, if desired

Mrs Elmer P ( Mary Ell e n) Simon-Frankenmuth, Ml


1 pkg Duncan Hines yellow c ake mix

1 8 oz pkg. cream chees e

4 eggs

Y2 cup water

Place cream cheese out to get soft, then mix all together Pour into 10" tube pan , greased. Bake in 350° oven for about 40 minutes or until done.

Mrs George Zoellick-Chicago, IL



1 cup brown sugar blended with Y2 cup lard or other shortening 1 cup molasses mixed well with this 2 tsp. baking soda in 1 cup boiling water. (Be sure cup is full of water after foam is run off into cake mixture .) Mix all well.

To 3 cups of flour add one tsp. each of the following spices : ginger, cinnamon, allspice, nutmeg, cloves ; and Yi tsp. salt. Sift all into cake mixture and mix well. Add lastly 2 well beaten eggs Mixture should be quite thin.

Pour into a greased and floured 9 x 13 pan Bake in a moderate oven (350° - 375°) for 30 minutes Raisins or candied fruit may be added A chocolate frosting adds to the goodness or it may be served with whipped cream or cool whip topping.

Anna Hase-Hemlock, Ml



1 egg

1 cup sugar

1 tsp. soda

1 tsp. vanilla

1 can mandarin oranges, drained

1 cup flour

¥3 cup chopped nuts tsp. salt

Combine egg, sugar, vanilla, drained oranges, soda and flour. Mix for 3 minutes. Add nuts and salt. Mix well. Pour batter into a greased and floured 8 x 8" pan. Bake at 350° for 30 - 35 minutes.


Y2 cup brown sugar

3 Tbsp milk

3 Tbsp. butter

Combine brown sugar, milk and butter . Boil for 6 minutes and pour over cooled cake .

Yield: 9 servings.

Mrs. Laura Schweineke-Homer, IL

Ye are the salt of the earth : but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? It is thenceforth good for nothing. Matt 5:13.



4 egg whites

Y-1 lb. butter or margarine

2 cups sugar

3 cups flour

3 tsp. baking powder

1 cup milk



4 egg yolks

1 lb. powdered sugar

1 Tbsp. butter

1 Tbsp. vanilla Milk

2 lb. Spanish peanuts, ground

Beat egg whites stiff; set aside . Beat butter, sugar, flour, baking powder and milk. Add egg whites; mix well. Put into greased and floured 12 x 18 sheet cake pan (or two 9 x 13) and bake at 350° for 20 minutes. When cool, cut into squares and frost.

Frosting: Mix first four frosting ingredients well. Add a little milk so you can spread frosting onto squares. Once frosted, dip squares into ground peanuts. (A food grinder works best for grinding peanuts). Works best with 2 people, 1 frosting and the other putting on the nuts.

Yield: 3Yi dozen. Mrs. Ralph H. (Marion) Krueger-West Allis, WI

EDITOR'S NOTE: Have children help with frosting. They'll love it .



1 box white or yellow cake mix

3 cups roasted peanuts or Planters shelled peanuts, ground very fine (use electric nut grinder if you have one)


YJ cup butter

4 cups powdered sugar, sifted

1 egg yolk

1 Y2 tsp. rum flavoring

3 Tbsp. brewed coffee

Bake cake in 13 x 9 loaf pan according to package directions. When cool, freeze. When ready to prepare peanut squares, cut cake in small squares - I cut into 45 squares because it is very rich. Return to freezer. Mix frosting If not thin enough, add more coffee or flavoring. Frosting should not be too thick. Remove 4 pieces of cake from freezer at a time; frost and roll in peanuts If cake isn't frozen, it will crumble while frosting. Freezes well too after frosting and rolled in nuts .

Yield: 45 squares. Mrs W. 0. Wiedenheft-Honolulu, HI

" Matt.
" The measure you give will be the measure you get.
7 :2

1 Yi cups salad oil

2 cups sugar

3 eggs

3 cups sifted flour

1 tsp. salt

1 tsp baking soda


1 tsp cinnamon

1 tsp. vanilla

2 cups canned pears, well drained and chopped

1 cup chopped pecans

Combine oil, sugar, eggs Beat well. Sift together flour, salt, soda, cinnamon and add to creamed mixture Add vanilla Fold in pears and pecans . Bake in greased and floured 10" Sundt pan at 325° for 1 hour, 15 minutes Cool in pan 20 minutes before removing. Drizzle glaze over cake - let run down sides

Frosting Glaze:

1 Tbsp . soft butter

1 Yi cups confectioners sugar

Blend until slightly runny

2 eggs

2 cups flour

2 cups sugar

2 tsp. soda

2 or 3 Tbsp. syrup from pears

Karen Stelter Sobey-Flossmoor, IL

HARVEST CAKE (Pineapple-Nut


1 tsp. vanilla

1 cup chopped nuts

1 20 oz can crushed pineapple, undrained

Mix by hand. Bake in greased and floured 13 x 9" pan 35 minutes at 350°. Frost either warm or after cooling


8 oz. cream cheese, room temp.

Yi cup margarine, room temp.

1YJ to 2 cups powdered sugar

1 tsp. vani I la

Beat until fluffy. Keep in refrigerator.

Mrs . Kenneth (Loretta) Heermann-Ellicott City , MD Mikki Matheson-Boulder, CO Elisebeth Benning-Lawrenceburg , IN

" Ever y thin g that h a ppen s in thi s world happ e n s at th e time Cod choos es . " (Ecc. 3: 1 : Good News Bible).



(A good cake when you ' re in a hurry )

Y2 cup butter

1 cup brown sugar

1 can sliced pineapple, drained

Large whole pecans

Maraschino cherries

1 cup sifted flour

1 tsp baking powder

Ya tsp . salt

3 eggs , separated

1 cup granulated sugar

5 Tbsp. pineapple juice

Melt butt e r in iron skillet or 9" x 9" baking pan Spread brown sugar evenly in pan , arrange pineapple slices, pecans and cherries in bottom

Sift flour , baking powder and salt together Beat egg yolks until light, adding sugar gradually. Add pineapple juice and sifted dry ingredients

Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. Pour batter over pineapple slices Bake in moderate oven (350°) for 30 - 35 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in center of cake comes out dry. Immediately invert cake (turn upside down) on cake plate. Serve plain or with ice cream or whipped cream

Instead of pineapple you may substitute canned peaches , apricots, pears, prunes or apples

Dr Leola Garriott-Hortonville, WI


1 can (20 oz.) crushed pineapple

1 YJ cups sugar

cup oil

1 tsp. vanilla

3 large eggs

2 Yi cups sifted flour

1 tsp . salt

1 tsp baking powder

1 tsp baking soda

1 tsp cinnamon

tsp. nutmeg

tsp. ginger

2 cups finely shredded carrots (6 medium)

Drain pineapple well. Beat sugar, oil and vanilla together well. Beat in eggs , one at a time, beating well after each addition. Resift flour with salt, baking powder, soda, and spices. Stir into creamed mixture alternately with carrots Fold in drained pineapple. Turn into greased 12 cup Sundt pan . Bake below oven center at 350° for 45 minutes . Serve with dab of whipped cream

Yield : 10 - 12 servings.

Mrs. W . W . Nuechterlein-St. Joseph, Ml

It i s poor eating when the flavor of a dish come s from the condiments added at the table




3 eggs

1 Y2 cups sugar

1 Yi tsp vanilla

1 20 oz can crushed pineapple

3 cups flour

1 Y2 tsp soda

1 tsp. salt


Y2 cup brown sugar

Y2 cup coconut

Yi cup chopped nuts

Beat eggs, sugar and vanilla till fluffy ; add pineapple with juice. Sift together flour, soda and salt . Add to mixture. Pour into 9 x 13 greased and floured pan. Mix topping ingredients and cover batter Bake at 350° about 40 minutes or until tests done.

Yield: 12 servings . Mildred Buechner-Willshire, OH


Make a white box cake (preferably Duncan Hines) in either two 9" layers or one 9 x 13 " pan If the latter, slice horizontally in half to fill.


2 Tbsp Argo cornstarch

Yi cup sugar

2 cups crushed pineapple including juice

1 Tbsp. lemon juice

White Syrup Frosting:

2 egg whites

cup white Karo syrup

1 tsp vanilla

Flaked coconut

Cook filling ingredients slowly until thick and clear. Cool. Save cup filling to decorate the top of cake Fill cake with remainder.


Beat egg whites stiff and holds peak. Bring syrup to a full rolling boil and add slowly to the egg whites, beating constantly until thick enough to spread Add vanilla. Fro st cake Decorate.

If using large rectangular cake, make four cross -wise rows with saved filling. Sprinkle flaked coconut between the rows of pineapple. Yield : 12 - 15 servings. Gertrude Alwardt-Mt Clemens , Ml

fruit ; yo u s hall ha

C o d sa id, " Be h o ld, I h ave g i ve n yo u eve r y p la nt y ie ldin g see d which
upon th e fa ce o f all th e e arth , and e v e ry tr ee with see d in it s
ve th e m for foo d . G e n . 1 :29


1 Yi cups all purpose flour

1 tsp. baking soda

Yi tsp salt

1 tsp cinnamon

Yi tsp nutmeg

tsp. ginger

tsp . cloves

Yi cup butter or margarine

1 cup sugar

1 tsp. vanilla

2 eggs

cup solid pack pumpkin

Y2 cup walnuts, coarsely chopped


Sift together flour, baking soda, salt and spices. Cream butter in large bowl. Gradually add sugar, beating with mixer until light and fluffy Add vanilla. Blend in eggs ; beat well. At low speed, add dry ingredients, alternately with pumpkin, beginning and ending with dry ingredients

Stir in cup of nuts. Grease bottom of 9 x 5 x 3" loaf pan; spread batter in pan ; sprinkle with remaining nuts Bake in 350° oven for 6070 minutes or until cake springs bac:k when touched lightly in center . Let cool 15 minutes; remove from pan and allow to cool completely. Drizzle with glaze. Let stand at least 6 hours before slicing .

Glaze: Combine Yi cup sifted confectioners' sugar, YB tsp cinnamon and YB tsp. nutmeg. Blend with 1 -2 Tbsp cream until consistency of a glaze.

Yield: 1 9" loaf cake. Patti (Weil) Cline


cups sifted cake flour

3 tsp. baking powder

Yi tsp salt tsp soda

1 Yi tsp cinnamon

Yi tsp. ginger

Y2 tsp allspice

Yi cup shortening

1 cup packea brown sugar

Yi cup granulated sugar

1 egg plus 2 yolks, unbeaten cup buttermilk or sour milk cup pumpkin

Yi cup finely chopped walnuts

Measure sifted flour, add baking powder, salt, soda, spices. Sift together. Cream shortening, add sugars gradually, cream well. Add egg and egg yolks one at a time, beating until light. Add flour alternately with buttermilk in small amounts , beating after each addition until smooth. Add pumpkin and nuts ; mix well. Bake in 2 round 8 " greased and paper lined pans at 350° for 30 - 35 minutes. Cool and frost with fluffy frosting.

Yield: 2 layers. Mrs Charles Schneider-St Louis , MO

Re prov e a wi se man , and h e

will lo v e yo u . Pro v . 9 :8

6 egg yolks

1 cup sugar

Yi cup water

1 Y2 cups cake flour


2 tsp baking powder

t sp . salt

1 tsp vanilla

Beat egg yolks until thick and creamy. Gradually spoon in sugar while mixing with electric mixer . Stir in water . Add sifted dry ingredients , folding carefully Add vanilla , beat 20 to 25 beats with a spoon Bake at 350° in greased 9 x 13 pan , ungreased tube pan or in a jelly roll pan until done. Time will vary with size of pan For jelly roll, turn out immediately on a clean wet dish towel. Spread quickly with jelly, roll up . When cool, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Yield : 12 servings.

Dr Leola Garriott-Hortonville, WI


1 cup butter or margarine

cups sugar

6 eggs

tsp. soda

Y2 tsp. salt

3 cups flour

1 cup sour cream

1 tsp . flavor - almond or vanilla or lemon

Raisins or candied fruits and nuts might be added

Cream shortening and sugar until fluffy . Add eggs , one at a time, beating well aft e r each Sift flour 3 times with soda and salt Add flour and sour cream alternately, b eat well . Add flavoring . Turn into grea sed and floured tube pan Bake at 350 ° for 1 hour, 20 minutes.

Jean M Wuschke-Deerfield Beach , FL

1 -2 - 3 - 4 CAKE

1 stick butter lb )

2 cups sugar

3 cups flour

4 eggs , separated

1 cup milk

1 tsp baking powder

1 tsp. lemon extract (or Y2 tsp . lemon & Y2 tsp almond extract)

Cream butter and sugar together . Beat egg yolks , add milk and stir into butter and sugar . Sift baking powder and flour , add them to other . Add flavoring Last, beat egg whites and fold in Bake in 10" tube pan at 300° for 1 Yi hours. Sprinkle baked cake with powdered sugar . Yield : 12 - 16 servings.

Gloria H . Squiers ( Mrs . D .E.)-Kalamazoo, Ml

NOTE: Can be mailed . Keeps well.


1 cup oleo (2 sticks)

1 cup sugar

2 eggs

2 cups flour

1 tsp. baking powder

1 tsp. baking soda

1 tsp. vani Ila



cup white or brown sugar

1 cup nuts, ground

1 tsp cinnamon

1 cup sour cream (8 oz . carton)

Cream oleo and sugar together, add eggs. Sift flour, baking powder and baking soda Add vanilla Alternate flour and sour cream. Dough will be stiff. Put half of dough in a greased bundt pan or any deep pan. Add Y2 of topping and then remainder of dough . Put rest of topping on top. Bake at 350° for 30 - 40 minutes

Doris Stockman-Brooklyn, OH


1 stick soft margarine

Yi cup shortening

2 cups sugar

5 egg yolks

2 cups flour (regular)

1 tsp. baking soda

1 cup buttermilk

1 tsp. vanilla

1 small can coconut

1 cup pecans

5 egg whites

Cream margarine and shortening; beat in sugar; mix in egg yolk. Sift flour and soda together Add flour and soda mixture and buttermilk alternately to mixture while beating . Add vanilla. Mix in coconut and chopped pecans. Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. Bake at 350° for 2530 minutes or until cake tests done. Let cool thoroughly. Makes two 9" layers or 13 x 9" loaf or three 8 " layers

Frosting: (Cream Cheese)

1 8 oz. pkg. cream cheese

Yi stick soft margarine

1 lb. powdered sugar

1 tsp. vanilla

Chopped pecans

Mix cream cheese and margarine. Beat in powdered sugar. Fold in vanilla. Sprinkle pecans on top of cake.

NOTE: Due to this cake being heavy, the center almost always falls .

A soft answer turns away wrath , but a harsh word stirs up anger . Prov . 15 :1



(A traditional favorite when the Finkes get together for homemade ice cream on the 4th of July.)

cup Minute oatmeal

1 "14 cups boiling water

1 stick (Y2 cup) butter or margarine

2 large eggs

1 cup brown sugar

1 cup granulated sugar

1YJ cups flour, sifted

1 tsp. salt

1 tsp. soda

1 Y2 tsp. cinnamon

Y2 tsp. nutmeg

Stir oats into boiling water. Remove from heat and add margarine

Let stand, covered, for 20 minutes. Sift together flour, salt, soda and spices. Set aside Beat eggs, stir in sugars. Add egg mixture to oatmeal and margarine; mix well. Blend in flour mixture and beat thoroughly . Pour into greased and floured 9 x 12 inch pan. Bake for 30 - 35 minutes at 375°. Toothpick should come out clean when inserted in center .

Topping: (prepare while cake is baking)

"14 cup cream or evaporated milk

cup brown sugar

2 Tbsp butter or margarine

1 cup coconut

Y2 cup nuts

1 tsp vanilla

Mix thoroughly and spread over cake immediately after removing from oven Place cake under oven broiler just long enough to toast coconut

Yield : one large cake .

Topping Variation:

1 stick butter or oleo

1 cup light brown sugar

1 small can evaporated milk

Marcia Finke Schwenk-Columbus, IN

cup broken nut meats

cup flaked coconut

Combine all ingredients in a sauce pan, bring to a boil, stirring constantly . Cook 1 minute . Spread on warm cake after removing from pan.

Dr. Leola Garriott-Hortonville, WI


Follow above recipe for oatmeal cake increasing boiling water to cups Also increase the flour to cups Add 1 Tbsp cocoa Omit cinnamon and nutmeg , stir in Y2 of a 12 oz. package semi-sweet chocolate chips.

Pour into greased and floured 9 x 13 cake pan Spread remaining chocolat e c hips and cup coars e ly chopped walnuts or pecans on top . Bake at 3 50 ° for 40 minute s. Cool before serving.



1 cup soft butter or margarine

2 cups sugar

5 eggs

1 cup seedless blackberry jam

3 cups sifted all purpose flour

1 tsp baking soda

Yi tsp . salt

Yi tsp. each of ground cloves and allspice

1 cup buttermilk

1 cup chopped nuts

1 cup chopped dates or raisins

Cream butter and sugar until light Add eggs , one at a time, beating well after each addition. Add jam and beat well. Add sifted flour , soda , salt, cloves and allspice alternately with buttermilk, beating until smooth , beginning and ending with dry ingredients. Stir in nuts and dates. Pour into four 9" layer pans lined on bottom with greased waxed paper. Bake in preheated slow oven (325°) for about 35 minutes. Cool, spread Caramel Frosting between layers and on top


2 cups light brown sugar

1 cup sugar

2 Tbsp light corn syrup

3 Tbsp butter

Dash salt

2/J cup cream

1 tsp vanilla

Place all ingredients in pan , bring to boil, cover and cook for 3 minutes. Uncover and cook to 236° F. Cool for 5 minutes, beat until thick . If too stiff, add a little hot water

Barbara (Strombeck) Maas-Anchorage, KY


pkg. yellow cake mix

cup oil

4 eggs

1 small can (10 Yi oz.) mandarin oranges including juice

Blend ingredients together. Pour into a 9 x 13 " greased pan . Bake at 350° for 30 minutes. Cool.


1 20 oz. can crushed pineapple, drained

1 3 oz. pkg. instant pistachio pudding

1 cup to 1 Y2 cups of Cool Whip

Mix all together and put on cooled cake

Mrs Frieda Knippinberg-Plymouth , WI

EDITOR'S NOTE: This cake may also be baked in a Bundt pan if baked for about 45 minutes Nice for a special occasion



Yi cup shortening

1 Yi cups sugar

3 beaten eggs

2 cups flour

'J;4 tsp salt


1 tsp. baking powder

1 tsp . soda

2 tsp. nutmeg

1 cup buttermilk

Yi tsp . vanilla

Cream shortening and sugar. Add eggs, and beat well. Add sifted dry ingredients, alternately with buttermilk and vanilla . Bake in 9 x 13 " oiled cake pan in moderate oven (350°) for 25 minutes. Frost as follows :


6 Tbsp. melted butter

Yi cup brown sugar

'J;4 cup cream

Yi tsp . vanilla

1 cup shredded coconut

Combine and spread over warm cake. Brown under broiler.

Irma K. Schmalz (Mrs Frederick)-Edina, MN


1 Yi cups flour

1 cup sugar

3 Tbsp . cocoa

1 tsp. soda

Yi tsp . salt

1 tsp vanilla

1 Tbsp . vinegar

6 Tbsp Wesson oil

1 cup warm water

Sift dry ingredients into 8 or 9 " square ungreased cake pan Make 3 depressions in this . Put vanilla in one , vinegar in one and Wesson oil in one. Pour water over all. Mix well. Bake 350° for 30 minutes . Frost, when cooled in same pan, with powdered sugar, cocoa, butter and milk icing . (Always moist and delicious.)

Elizabeth E. Siefker-Indianapolis , IN

EDITOR'S NOTE: You may double all the ingredients except use the same amount of vinegar and use a 9 x 13 " pan.


Prepare German chocolate cake mix as package directs Then take V<i of 8 oz . package cream cheese , soften with a fork ; beat in 1 egg , add 1 Tbsp . canned milk or a little more, 1 c up c oconut, 1 cup c hocolate chips. Mix all together

Pour batter half full in cup cake pans Take 1 tsp mixture and put on top of batter . Bake at 350° for 25 minutes . Frost as desired. Yield : 2 Yi dozen. Elta Bluemlein-Saginaw, Ml



box yellow or white cake mix

1 cup cooking oil

4 eggs, wel I beaten

1 tsp vanilla

2 tsp almond extract

1 cup club soda

2 boxes pistachio pudding (instant)

1 cup nuts , ground fine

Combine above ingredients - put into greased Bundt pan. Bake at 350° for 45 - 55 minutes Cool. Frost


1 box pistachio instant pudding

Yi cup sugar

1 cup sour cream

Beat wel I and frost

Yield : 15 pieces.

1 cup milk

1 env topping whip (whipped)

Mrs. Adele E Frey-Omaha , NB

EDITOR'S NOTE: This cake is excellent with just powdered sugar sprinkled over it also

MY CRAZY CAKE (Cupcakes)

In bowl put:

1 cup sugar

1 egg

Yi cup milk

Y2 c up cocoa

Yi cup shortening

1 Yi cups flour

Yi tsp salt

1 tsp. baking powder

Yi tsp. soda

Add Yi cup boiling water and tsp . vanilla extract and beat 3 minutes. Bake in cupcake pans in slow oven ( 325°) for 30 minutes

Dorothy Peters-South Bend , IN


Yi cup butter or margarine

Ya tsp. salt

1 cup confectioners sugar

2 egg yolks

3 sq. unsweetened chocolate, melted

2 cups confectioners sugar

Ya cup milk or light cream

1 Yi tsp vanilla

Cream butter, salt and 1 cup confectioners sugar till light and fluffy . Add egg yolks and chocolate . ( Substitute cocoa for chocolate , add according to taste ). Add remaining confectioners sugar, milk and vanilla Beat until very smooth


¥3 cup margarine

1 egg -1 lb confectioners sugar

tsp. salt

2 -4 Tbsp. strong brewed coffee

5 -6 Tbsp cocoa

Cream margarine till light ; add egg and beat till combined. Slowly blend in confectioners sugar and salt and cocoa , alternating dry ingredients with coffee Beat till smooth, adding enough coffee for easy spreading. Frosts layer cake. This has been a family favorite for 3 generations now.

Mrs. Barbara Faust Counsel!-Fraser, Ml


2 egg whites

1 Yi cups sugar

tsp. cream of tartar

Y3 cup water

Yi tsp. vanilla

Yi tsp peppermint extract

3 sq. bitter chocolate

Yi tsp Crisco

Mix first four ingredients in top of double boiler. Place over boiling water and beat with hand mixer at high speed until stiff peaks form (8 - 12 minutes). Scrape bottom and sides of pan occasionally Remove from heat and fold in vanilla and peppermint extract. Spread smoothly over cool 13 x 9" cake

Melt 3 squares bitter chocolate and Yi tsp. Crisco shortening in double boiler Drizzle over white frosting and tip cake (or lightly spread with spoon) until chocolate covers top of cake with about half an inch of white showing along pan sides Refrigerate to set frosting

I usually serve this right from the cake pan.

Barbara Babiar Riethmeier-Rochester, NY


Mix unt i l smooth 5 Tbsp flour and 1 cup milk Cook over medium heat in heavy pan until mixture thickens . Chill .

Beat together until creamy:

1 cup sugar

1 tsp . vanilla

Yi cup oleo

Yi cup Crisco

Dash salt

Combine mixtures and beat until smooth . Makes a lot . Cut two 9" layer cakes crosswise into four thinner layers Frost between layers and on top

Verna Mietz Buis-Valparaiso , IN



COOKIES & CANDIES COOKIES Baked Fudge ( Brownies ). .127 Bourbon or Rum Balls .......... 114 Brazil Nut Cookies ... 114 Butter Cookies Special .. .. ...... 117 Butter Fudge Fingers ............ 125 Butter Pecan Roll Cookies 123 Butterscotch Bars ... .... ........... 125 Carrot Bars 124 Cheesecake Cookies. 124 Chocolate Chip Cookies .... .... 126 Chocolate Delight Bars ......... 126 Chocolate Schnitzels .... 127 Chocolate Yummies . . .. 120 Chow Mein ChocolateClusters126 Christmas Candied Cookies .. 113 Christmas Cut-outs 116 Cream Cheese Cookies 122 Crisp Cookies 121 Date Bars 127 Filbert Nut Cookies 123 Filbert Poppyseed Slices 115 Filler-uppers 118 Frosted Christmas Fruit Cookies 113 Grasshopper Bars 128 Ground Chocolate Cookies 123 Holly Confections ................. 117 Honey Carob Drops (Natural Cookies) 122 Jell-Meringue Nut Bars 129 Lemon Squares 128 Nutritious Cookies ................ 121 Oatmeal Fudge Squares ....... 129 Orange-Pecan Balls 119 Pecan Mounds ... . ... ...... ......... 120 Pecan Pie Cookies .. ..... .. .... .119 Poppy Seed Bars 130 Raisin Cookies 118 Sandy' s Dream (Cookies) 122 Soft Raisin Cookies ...121 Soft Sugar Cookies ..... ..117 Springerle ............ .. ... ... . .. 115 Sunday School Church Cookies ..... .. .. ........ .. .. ... ... 114 Toffee Bars 124 Trudy ' s Molasses Cookies . ... 120 Turtle Bars ...... . .......... ........... 130 White Sugar Cookies .. .116 CANDIES Baked Caramel Corn . . 134 Butter Mints ..... .. .. ...... 132 Country House Fudge .. ...... .133 Date and Pecan Logs .... 131 Date Roll ....... ........ .......... 131 English Toffee .. . ... ... . ....... 135 Festive Kisses 131 Honey Fruit Brittle 136 Peanut Butter Balls 135 , 136 Peanut Butter Cups (Candy) 130 Pop Corn Balls 134 Pralines 132 Quick Candy 132 Quick Chocolate Fudge 133 Supreme Sour Cream Penuche 135 Wheat Germ Candy Bars 136


1 cup butter

1 Yi cups brown sugar

2 eggs , beaten

1 tsp. vanilla

1 Y2 cups flour

1 tsp soda

Yi tsp salt

8 oz candied cherries

8 oz. candied pineapple

1 lb . dates (cut up)

1 cup filberts

1 cup english walnuts

1 cup pecans

1 cup flour

Cream butter and brown sugar. Add beaten eggs and vanilla. Sift the 1 Yi cups flour , soda and salt and blend with creamed mixture Cut into small pieces and dredge in the 1 cup flour, the candied cherries and pineapple, dates , filberts , walnuts and pecans Add to cookie mixture. Drop dough by rounded teaspoonfuls, 2 inches apart onto cookie sheet Bake at 300° for 20 minutes. (Watch so cookies don't get too brown.)

Mrs Harold (Janet) Gehle-Davenport , IA


1 cup butter

2 cups sugar

3 Tbsp. milk

3 eggs, well beaten

1 cup ground dates , room temp.

1 cup ground nuts

Frosting or Glaze:

2 cups powdered sugar

4 Tbsp. hot water

4 cups flour

1 tsp . soda

1 tsp cinnamon

1 tsp nutmeg

1 tsp . cloves

Dash of salt

Yi tsp. vanilla

Food coloring, your choice

Colored sugars or non-pareils

Cream butter with sugar . Add milk and eggs . Stir in dates and nuts . Sift together flour, soda, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves and salt. Add dry ingredients to the first mixture Chill for an hour or more Take small portions and roll out on slightly floured board about inch thick . Cut into shapes. Bake on greased cookie sheet at 350° for 12 - 15 minutes . Do not let them brown . Frost immediately and decorate while hot.

NOTE: Dough may be put into 4 sheets of foil in long rolls and refrigerated. When cold, dough can be sliced off and baked or cut with a form . This cookie tastes better a day after baked when flavor has penetrated . This recipe came from Mrs . Boettcher, a pastor ' s wife, from the west coast and my family and I make it each year.


1 lb. brazil nuts

2 egg whites

Ya tsp. salt (scant)


Yi cup sugar

Candied cherries , halved

Slice nuts thinly lengthwise using a sharp knife or razor blade Beat egg whites with a fork and add salt and sugar Mix with nuts Drop onto greased cookie sheets from a teaspoon and top with Yi candied cherry Remove cookies from sheet immediately after baking. Bake at 250° for 60 minutes.

Yield : 4 to 5 doz. depending upon size.

Mrs. Reuben C. Haack-Sheboygan, WI


4 cups sifted flour

1 tsp. cinnamon

tsp. nutmeg

Yi tsp. salt

tsp. baking soda

1 cup brown sugar

1 cup butter

1 cup molasses

Yi tsp . vinegar

Sift together the flour, cinnamon, nutmeg, salt and baking soda into a medium size bowl. Mix in sugar, cut in butter with pastry blender until resembles coarse corn meal. Add molasses and vinegar ; stir until thoroughly blended Cover bowl. Chill dough until very firm, about 34 hours. On lightly floured board , roll out chilled dough, a little at a time about Ya inch thick. Cut dough with a floured , church shaped cutter ; place on greased cookie sheets Bake in preheated oven at 350° for 8 - 10 minutes , or until edges of cookie s are slightly crisp Remove from sheets and cool on wire rack .

Yield: 10 - 14 dozen .

Lydia A. Jabs-Bristol , CT


1 cup vanilla wafer crumbs

1 cup finely chopped pecans

1 cup powdered sugar

2 Tbsp . cocoa

Yi cup bourbon or white rum

1 Yi Tbsp. light corn syrup

Mix crumbs , pecans, sugar and cocoa ; blend bourbon and syrup

Combine the two mixtures . Shape into one inch balls; roll in powdered sugar and refrigerate.

Yield : 4 dozen .

Mrs. Myrtle Lucht-Milwaukee, WI



1 cup butter or margarine, softened

1 cup sugar

1 egg

1 tsp. vanilla

1 tsp . ground ginger

1 Y2 cups finely chopped filberts

Y2 cup poppy seeds

2 cups all purpose flour

2 Tbsp . sugar

Place butter, 1 cup sugar, egg, vanilla and ginger into large mixing bowl. Blend Y2 minute on low speed on mixer, scraping bowl constantly. Beat 2 minutes on medium speed, scraping bowl. Add filberts and poppy seeds ; beat on low speed 1 minute. Stir in flour gradually .

Shape dough into 2 square logs 11 x 1 Y2 x 1 Y2 inches on waxed paper. Wrap each log . Refrigerate at least 3 hours or overnight . Heat oven to 325°. Coat logs with 2 Tbsp . granulated sugar. Cut logs into inch slices . Place 1 inch apart on ungreased baking sheet. Bake until cookies are set and just starting to color, about 15 - 20 minutes . Cool on wire racks. Store cookies in airtight containers at room temperature no longer than 2 weeks, or in freezer no longer than 3 months.

Yield: 8 dozen Mrs. Carl Brauer, Jr.-Ann Arbor, Ml


4 large eggs

1 lb. powdered sugar

tsp. salt

1 tsp vanilla

4 cups sifted flour

1 tsp . baking powder

1 Tbsp. soft butter

1 Y2 Tbsp honey

Anise seeds

Beat eggs for 15 minutes with electric mixer. Add sugar, a little at a time; add salt and vanilla. Beat 15 minutes longer, scraping bowl so batter from sides mixes with center for even distribution Sift together flour and baking powder . With mixer at lowest speed add flour, little at a time until mixture is too heavy for beaters. Stir in by hand butter and honey. Add remaining flour and knead. Let dough rest for 30 minutes, then turn out on well floured board. Knead into a ball. Put in plastic bag and refrigerate for 2 hours. Remove of dough from bag and place on floured board Work in as much flour necessary to make a dough that is not sticky. Pat it down with hands, then roll out to about thickness with a springerle roller Cut apart and place on cookie sheets sprinkled with anise seeds. Let stand overnight, uncovered. Bake at 225° for 45 minutes Cookies must not brown. If directions are followed carefully, these cookies will never harden

Yield: 5 dozen Mrs Arnold Firnhaber-Ann Arbor, Ml

VARIATION: Verna Stelzer Hinck, Minneapolis, MN uses Y2 tsp oil of anise flavoring and no honey instead of the anise seeds in her Springerle.


2 cups sugar

4 cups oleo

5 tsp baking powder


tsp. salt

2 cups milk

9 cup s flour, about

Cream sugar and oleo until fluffy . Add baking powder and salt . Add alternately milk and flour , adding only enough flour to handle Roll on well-floured cloth Ya to thick. Dough does not toughen if re-rolled . Cut in desired shape. Bake on ungreased cookie sheets. Bake 350° for 10 - 12 minutes or until edges are light brown . When cool , frost and decorate Recipe can be divided in half successfully

Yield : 20 - 24 dozen

NOTE: This recipe was used by a Wausau , WI doctor and his wife every Christmas to share by the hundreds with children who had to spend the holidays in the hospital. They were childless but when we would visit, just before Christmas, the house was filled with these goodies . They are now tradition , even used in smaller quantity at Valentines, Easter, Halloween, any excuse !

Carol Rusch Findling (Mrs . Martin ) -Naperville, IL


1 cup oleo

1 cup sugar

3 eggs , beaten

1 tsp. vanilla

3Yi cups flour


1 egg white, stiffly beaten

Powdered sugar

1 tsp. cream of tartar

1 tsp . soda

Y2 tsp salt

1 tsp . nutmeg tsp. vanilla

Cream oleo and sugar . Add beaten eggs and vanilla . Mix well. Sift together flour , cream of tartar, soda, salt and nutmeg ; add to mixture and blend well. Chill dough . Roll out on slightly floured surface and cut with cookie cutters of your choice . Place on ungreased cookie sheet. Bake at 400° for 8 minutes. When cool, frost as follows:

Beat egg white stiff, add vanilla and enough powdered sugar to make spreadable .

Mrs. Otto (Gertrude) Jahns-Wausau, WI

The Lord i s m y light and m y salvation ; whom shall I f ear? Th e Lord is the stronghold of my life ; of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27 :1


30 large marshmallows

Yi cup margarine



3 cups corn flakes, not crushed

Red cinnamon candies

1 Yi tsp. green food coloring

Melt marshmallows and oleo in top of double boiler. Stir in coloring; remove from heat. Add corn flakes; mix gently and quickly until completely coated. Drop from teaspoon on waxed paper. Place a couple of red cinnamon candies between corn flakes to look like holly berries. They look like ceramics, and make a very pretty garnish for cookie plate.

Yield: 4 dozen.

Mrs. John A. (Leona) West-Flossmoor, IL


1 cup soft butter (or half butterhalf oleo)

Yi cup sugar

1 egg yolk

1 Tbsp. bourbon tsp. salt

1 tsp. vanilla

2Y2 cups sifted flour

Cream butter and sugar until fluffy; beat in egg yolk. Stir in bourbon and salt. Blend in vanilla; gradually add flour to make a stiff dough. Cover and chill several hours. Roll out inch thick on lightly floured board. Cut with cookie cutters as desired. Place on lightly greased cookie sheet about 1 inch apart. May sprinkle with colored sugars. Bake at 350° for 8 - 10 minutes.


2 cups butter

2 cups sugar

2 eggs

2 tsp. vanilla or other flavoring

6 cups flour

4 tsp. baking powder

2 tsp. baking soda

1 cup milk

Cream butter, sugar and eggs. Add vanilla and mix. Sift together dry ingredients and add alternately with milk. On pastry cloth, roll thick; cut out with round cutter; sprinkle sugar on top before baking or put raisin in center. This dough will be very sticky so pat on pastry cloth with a little flour before rolling out. Use as little flour as possible. Very good and stays soft. They also freeze nicely. Bake at 400° for 10 minutes.

Yield: About 10 dozen.

Jeanette Z. Bateman-Hamburg, NY


1 cup butter ( do not substitute)

2 cups sugar

2 eggs

1 scant Tbsp . soda

Yi cup sour or buttermilk

2 cups flour

2 Tbsp. cinnamon

1 tsp nutmeg

2 cups ground raisins

Cream butter and sugar in large bowl , add eggs and mix well. Add soda , which has been dissolved in Y2 cup sour or buttermilk , alternately with sifted flour, cinnamon and nutmeg . Add the ground raisins and mix well. Now add enough additional flour so that the cookies can be rolled out and cut with a cookie cutter . Bake at 350°. Press with finger to see if done.

Yield: 4 dozen.

Mrs . Walter J. Finger-Saginaw, Ml


1 cup butter

1 pkg. (3 oz ) cream cheese

1 egg

Yi cup brown sugar, firmly packed

Yi cup granulated sugar

Yi cup molasses

Yi cup instant dry milk solids

"!4 cup buttermilk

"!4 cup wheat germ

2 Yi cups regular all purpose flour, sifted

1 tsp. baking soda

Yi tsp. salt

Yi tsp. almond extract

1 tsp . vanilla extract

1 cup (dry) quick oats

1 cup coconut

1 cup nutmeats, chopped

1 cup dates (or raisins, chopped fine)

1 cup chocolate chips

Have all ingredients at room temperature . In a large bowl of electric mixer, put the butter, cream cheese, egg, brown sugar, granulated sugar and molasses; mix well. Scrape sides of bowl often . Stop mixer and add dry milk, buttermilk, wheat germ and 1 cup of the flour.

Scatter in bowl the baking soda, salt and extracts. Add the remaining flour , oats and coconut. Scrape sides of bowl while mixing Remove beaters and stir in nutmeats , dates and chocolate chips. Drop by teaspoons on greased cookie sheet and bake 12 - 15 minutes in preheated 350° oven. (Twelve minutes makes a chewy cookie - fifteen minutes makes a crispy cookie). (Optional: Press a whole nutmeat on top of cookie before baking)

Yield: 11 dozen.

Dr . Leola Garriott-Hortonville, WI

God is our refug e and strength , a ver y present help in trouble .

Psalm 46:1


1 c_up butter or margarine

Yi cup sugar

Yi cup dark corn syrup



2 eggs, separated

2 Y2 cups unsifted all purpose flour

Beat butter or margarine and sugar on low speed in large bowl of electric mixer Add corn syrup and egg yolks , beat until thoroughly blended . Stir in flour gradually . Chill several hours .

Beat egg whites slightly Using one tablespoonful of dough for each cookie, roll into balls * Brush very lightly with egg whites Place on greased cookie sheet, leaving a 2 inch space between each cookie Bake 350° - 375° for 5 minutes Remove from oven.

Roll Yi tsp. of the chilled Pecan Filling into a ball and firmly press into the center of each cookie Return to oven, bake 5 minutes longer or until lightly browned . Cool 5 minutes on cookie sheet. Remove , cool completely on rack.

Yield: About 3 Yi to 4 dozen.

*NOTE: It is important for dough to be chilled or cold after rolling into balls before baking

Pecan Filling:

Yi cup confectioners sugar cup butter or margarine

3 Tbsp. dark corn syrup

Yi cup chopped pecans

Combine sugar, butter or margarine, and corn syrup in saucepan, stir to blend. Cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally until mixture reaches a full boil. Remove from heat, stir in pecans . Chill. Mrs. Richard F. Huegli-Grosse Pointe Farms, Ml


1 stick butter or oleo, softened

1 (1 Jb .) box confectioners sugar

1 (11 or 12 oz ) box vanilla wafers, crushed

1 (6 oz.) can frozen orange juice concentrate, undiluted and thawed

1 cup chopped pecans

Mix together butter, sugar, crumbs and orange juice concentrate. Roll into or smaller balls. Roll in chopped pecans. Refrigerate in container until ready to serve

Yield: 140 small delicious balls

The Lord of hosts is with us ; the Cod of Jacob is our refuge


46 : 7, 11


Yi cup oleo

2 cups peanut butter

3 cups Rice Krispies (mashed)

1 I b powdered sugar


1 - 12 oz. pkg chocolate chips

2 - 4 oz. German sweet chocolate bars

Yi bar parafin

Melt oleo, add peanut butter; mix in Rice Krispies (put in large baggie and crush with rolling pin). Add powdered sugar and mix altogether and chill for an hour Then make into small balls. Dip each ball into coating which has been melted together, using a toothpick and let set on wax paper to harden.

Yield : 3 dozen. Dorotha (Dottie) Britton Landino-Olympia Fields, IL


Y2 cup sugar

Y2 cup shortening

1 egg

1 cup molasses

3 cups flour tsp . soda

Y2 tsp. salt

Yi tsp. cinnamon

Y2 tsp. cloves

Yi tsp. nutmeg

1 tsp. anise seed

Cream together sugar and shortening . Beat in egg; then stir in molasses. Mix together flour, soda, salt, cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg. Add to mixture. Add anise seeds last. Chill thoroughly. Roll to inch thickness on well floured board, as dough is sticky. Cut circles or shapes as desired. Bake at 375° for 10 - 12 minutes.

Yield: 3 -4 dozen.

3 egg whites

Yi lb. brown sugar

Mrs. Wallace Muschinske-Merrill, WI


lb. pecan meats, ground fine

Yi tsp. vanilla

Beat egg whites until stiff but not dry, add sugar gradually, then nuts and vanilla. Drop by teaspoon on greased cookie sheet. Bake at 350° for 12 minutes. If desired , decorate with small piece of red or green cherries, before baking.

Yield: 5 dozen.

Mrs. Norman Bernreuter-Saginaw, Ml


1 cup sugar

1 cup brown sugar

1 cup oleo or butter

1 cup Wesson oil

1 egg

3Y2 cups flour



1 tsp. soda

tsp. salt tsp. vanilla

1 cup oatmeal

1 cup cornflakes, crushed

Y2 cup nuts or coconut

Cream sugars and oleo, add oil and mix. Beat in egg. Sift dry ingredients and add . Blend in vanilla, add oatmeal, cornflakes and nuts or coconut. Refrigerate until cool. Make into inch balls flatten with glass dipped in sugar. Bake at 375° for 10 minutes.

Yield: 8 dozen.

Mrs. Harold Schroeder-Omaha, NB

VARIATION: For NUTRITIOUS COOKIES increase salt to 1 tsp., vanilla to 1 tsp., add 1 tsp. cream of tartar, a full cup of coconut and Y2 cup nuts. Substitute Rice Krispies for corn flakes.

Gertrude Mueller-Indianapolis, IN


Y2 cup butter or margarine

1 Y2 cups sugar

2 eggs

1 tsp. vanilla

1 tsp. grated lemon rind

3 cups sifted flour

1 tsp. salt

Y2 tsp. baking powder

Y2 tsp. soda

1 cup sour cream

1 cup seedless raisins

Cream the butter till fluffy, gradually beat in sugar. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Add vanilla and lemon rind. Sift together the dry ingredients. Add to creamed mixture alternately with sour cream beginning and ending with dry ingredients. Stir in raisins. Drop by teaspoon onto well greased cookie sheets, at least two inches apart. Bake in preheated 375° oven 10 - 12 minutes. Do not overbake. When cool frost lightly with confectioners frosting. These will keep well in tightly closed tin.

Mrs . Walter N . Hoppe-Fairview Park, OH

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my lif e; and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever Psalm 23:6

Y2 cup butter

4 oz. cream cheese

1 Yi cups unsifted flour


Favorite preserves

Powdered sugar

Mix butter, cream cheese and flour. Chill mixture overnight. Sprinkle the dough liberally with flour and roll as thin as it can get while still holding its shape. Cut into circles about 2Y2 inches in diameter. Place one teaspoon of your favorite fruit preserve (no jelly) in the center of each circle. Fold over and pinch seal with a fork . Bake at 350° for 1012 minutes on ungreased cookie sheet. Coat with powdered sugar while they cool.

NOTE: This same dough can be used for canapes if filled with a salty hors d'oeuvres mixture.


(Natural Foods) (Cookies)

165 ml shortening (butter)

250 ml honey

1 large unbeaten egg

5 ml vanilla

5 ml baking soda

5 ml salt

250 ml chopped nuts

250 ml carob bits

625 ml whole wheat flour or 1 200 g pkg.

Cream shortening and honey together. Add unbeaten egg and vanilla; beat until light and fluffy. Set mixture aside. Mix together flour, baking soda and salt; add to shortening mixture. Stir in nuts and carob bits. Drop from teaspoon onto greased cookie sheet. Bake at 190 °C (375° F.) 10 - 12 minutes.

Yield: About 60 cookies.

Mrs Lydia A. Jabs-Bristol, CT


Yi cup butter (1 stick), softened

1 8 oz. pkg cream cheese

1 egg yolk

J4 tsp. vanilla

1 pkg. (18.1 oz.) yellow cake mix

Cream butter and cream cheese. Blend in egg yolk and vanilla. Mix in dry cake mix Y3 at a time, mixing last Y3 by hand. Chill Yi hour. Drop by large teaspoonfuls onto ungreased cookie sheet. Bake at 375° for 8 - 10 minutes.

Yield: 4 dozen.

Melissa Amling Swanson-Crystal Lake, IL



Yi cup butter

Y2 cup margarine

1 tsp. vanilla

1 cups confectioners sugar

Yi tsp. salt

1 4 oz. bar Ccrman sweet chocolate, ground

1 cup ground walnuts

1 cups flour

Cream shortening, add vanilla. Add sifted sugar gradually (this is very important). Beat until shortening, vanilla and sugar are light and fluffy . Add remaining ingredients and mix well. Drop by teaspoonfuls on ungreased, cold cookie sheet . Bake at 250° for 40 minutes. After baking, cool cookies on baking sheet before removing.

Yield: 4 dozen.

Laurel Karzel Rouse-Rothschild, WI


6 Tbsp. butter or oleo

1 cup brown sugar (firmly packed)

1 egg, well beaten

1 pinch of salt

Yi tsp. vanilla

6 Tbsp. flour

1 cup finely chopped pecans

Cream butter with sugar, add well beaten egg, salt and vanilla. Add flour and pecans. Drop by teaspoons two to three inches apart on greased cookie sheet. They spread, so leave room between them. Bake about 7 minutes at 350°. Let cool on sheet for a few seconds , then loosen and curl each around your finger while still soft enough to roll. It's better to bake these in small batches so you have enough time to roll a tray of cookies before the next tray comes out of the oven. If too cool to roll, return to oven to re-warm

Yield : 8 dozen rolls.

2 egg whites

Yi tsp. lemon juice tsp. salt

Dorothy Peters-South Bend, IN


5 oz. powdered sugar, sifted

5 ¥3 oz. filbert nuts, ground

Place egg whites into small mixer bowl with lemon juice and salt. Beat until soft peaks form Gradually add powdered sugar and beat until stiff. Fold ground nuts into the egg white mixture and mix well. Drop by teaspoonfuls onto greased (or teflon coated) baking sheet . Bake until lightly browned at 300° for 20 - 25 minutes.

Yield : 3 dozen.

Laurel Karzel Rouse-Rothschild, WI

I 123


4 eggs

2 cups sugar

1 Yi cups oil

Yi tsp. salt

2 tsp. soda


4 Tbsp. butter

1 3 oz . pkg . cream cheese


2 tsp cinnamon

2 cups flour

3 cups grated carrots

1'4 cup chopped nuts, if desired

11'4 cups confectioners sugar

2 tsp. vanilla

Beat eggs, add sugar and oil. Beat well. Add rest of ingredients and mix well. Pour into greased and floured 15 x 10" jelly roll pan. Bake 350° for 30 minutes. ' Frost while warm with cream cheese frosting

Yield: 2 dozen bars Mrs John (Irma) Hicks-Saginaw, Ml


Y3 cup butter

Y3 cup firmly packed brown sugar

1 cup flour

Yi cup chopped walnuts

Y4 cup sugar

8 oz . pkg. cream cheese

1 egg

2 Tbsp . milk

1 Tbsp. lemon juice

Y2 tsp. vanilla extract

Cream butter with brown sugar in small bowl. Add flour and walnuts; mix well to make crumb mixture. Reserve 1 cup for topping. Press remainder into bottom of 8" square pan . Bake at 350° for 12 - 15 minutes until lightly browned. Blend sugar with creamed cheese in small mixing bowl until smooth. Add egg, milk, lemon juice and vanilla extract; beat well. Spread over baked crust. Sprinkle with reserved crumb mixture . Bake at 350° for 25 minutes. Cool; cut into small squares.

Yield: About 36 squares . Lorraine Berndsen-Springfield, VA


Y2 cup melted butter

2 cups rolled oats

Yi cup brown sugar

2 Tbsp. white syrup (corn syrup)

Yi tsp. salt

1Y2 tsp. vanilla

1 cup chopped nuts

8 oz . milk chocolate bar (broken in pieces)

Mix all but the chocolate pieces and the nuts . Pack firmly into a 7 x 11 pan Bake at 350° for 15 minutes or until golden brown. Remove


from oven and immediately cover with pieces of chocolate Allow to melt and smooth with knife Sprinkle with 1 cup chopped nuts. Cut into squares while warm

Mrs. Mary Rittmiller Marshall-Kirkwood , MO


2 sq. unsweetened chocolate

Y2 cup oleo

1 cup sugar

2 eggs

Frosting: cup soft oleo

2 cups powdered sugar

2 Tbsp cream


1 sq. unsweetened chocolate

cup flour

Yi tsp baking powder

Yi tsp. salt

Y2 cup chopped nuts (optional)

1 tsp vanilla tsp. (scant) peppermint extract

Food coloring

1 Tbsp oleo

Melt chocolate and oleo. Beat in sugar and eggs. Sift dry ingredients and stir in; add nuts. Spread in greased 8 " x 8 " pan and bake at 350° for 30 minutes . Cool slightly . Mix frosting, adding food coloring to suit the color you prefer. Spread on brownies . Prepare glaze by melting chocolate and add oleo . Let cool and spread glaze over top. Nice for Christmas.

Yield : 12 - 25 cut small like fudge or like brownies.

Mrs. Paul (Beverly) Fricke-Minneapolis, MN


(No Bake)

2 eggs

1 cup sugar cup oleo

2 cups graham cracker crumbs


1 cup butterscotch chips

Y2 cup coconut

Yi cup chopped nuts

2 cups mini marshmallows

3 Tbsp. peanut butter

Beat eggs ; add sugar and oleo Boil slowly for 2 minutes stirring constantly. Cool a bit. Mix together crumbs , coconut, nuts and marshmallows. Combine with cooled mixture and press into greased 9 x 1 3" pan. Melt butterscotch chips and add peanut butter . Spread over mi xture Cool and cut into bars or squares

Gertrude Mueller - Indianapolis , IN /

65 ml white sugar

125 ml brown sugar


250 ml all purpose flour*

2 ml baking soda

125 ml shortening or margarine 2 ml salt

1 large egg

2 ml vanilla

250 ml chocolate chips

125 ml chopped nuts

Cream sugars and shortening. Add vanilla and egg, beat together Blend in mixture of flour, soda and salt . Stir in chips and nuts. Drop by small amounts onto lightly greased cookie sheet, 5 cm . apart. Bake at 190 °C (375° F.) for 10 - 12 minutes .

*Measure by sifting flour, then spooning lightly into metric measure. Yield: About 4 doz. cookies. Helen Menzel

Crest View School-Boulder, CO


Yi cup butter or oleo

1 egg yolk

2 Tbsp . water

1 cups sifted flour

1 tsp. sugar

1 tsp. baking powder

12 oz. pkg. chocolate chips

2 eggs cup sugar

6 Tbsp. melted butter or oleo

2 tsp. vanilla

2 cups finely cut nuts

Beat butter, egg yolk and water. Stir in flour, sugar and baking powder. Press into greased 13 x 9 x 2" pan. Bake at 350° for 10 minutes Sprinkle at once with chocolate chips Return to oven 1 minute Remove from oven and spread chocolate over top. Beat eggs until thick, beat in cup sugar; stir in 6 Tbsp. melted butter and vanilla. Add nuts . Spread over top. Bake at 350° for 30 - 35 minutes. Cut into 1 Yi" squares .

Yield: 4 dozen. Mrs. Wilma Schnack-Quincy, IL


2 cups chocolate chips

2 cups butterscotch chips

2 cups chow mein noodles

2 cups cashew nuts

Melt both packages of chips over hot water. Remove and add noodles and nuts. Drop from teaspoon on to waxed paper Chill. Serve.

Donna Wunrow Mack-Oxon Hill,· MD


Yi cup butter

1 cup sugar

2 eggs

2 squares bitter chocolate (melted)

Yi tsp. salt


BAKED FUDGE (Brownies)

Y2 tsp. baking powder

Yi cup flour

cup milk

1 tsp. vanilla

1 cup nuts

Cream butter and sugar together until fluffy. Add beaten eggs, blend well. Add melted chocolate. Sift flour, salt and baking powder together and add alternately with milk. Stir in vanilla and nuts. Bake in a 9 x 9 11 pan at 350° for 35 - 40 minutes. When cool, sprinkle powdered sugar over top.

Yield: 16 squares.

Mrs. Roy (Jane) Rachul-Parma Hts., OH


lb . butter or oleo

1 cup sugar

4 eggs, separated

lb German sweet chocolate, melted

1 cup sifted flour

Rind of 1 lemon, grated cup slivered almonds cup raisins

Cream butter and sugar. Add 4 egg yolks, melted chocolate, flour and lemon rind Fold in 4 beaten egg whites Put in greased and floured 10Yi x 15Yi /1 pan. Will be about Yi 11 thick. Sprinkle with almonds and raisins. Bake at 350° for 15 - 20 minutes. Cut into bars.

Yield: 4 -5 dozen. Mrs. Walter Hoffman-Saginaw, Ml

1 Yi cups sifted flour

Yi tsp. soda

Yi tsp. salt

1 Yi cups brown sugar

2 cups quick oats

cup melted butter



2 cups cut up dates

Yi cup sugar

1 Tbsp. flour

1 cup water

Combine flour, soda, salt, sugar, oats and melted butter. Blend with a pie crust blender until crumbly . Pat Yi mixture in 13 x 11 11 pan.

Filling: Cook dates, sugar, flour and water until thick. Cool. Spread over crumb mixture, top with remaining crumbs. Press down evenly. Bake at 375° for 20 minutes.

Mrs. William C. Blinn-Margate, FL


1 Yi cups sifted flour

2 cups sugar cup plus 2 Tbsp. cocoa

1 Yi tsp. salt

1 tsp. baking powder

1 YJ cups softened butter or oleo

4 eggs

2 Tbsp. light corn syrup

2 tsp vanilla

2 cups coarsely chopped nuts

Preheat oven to 350°. Sift flour, sugar, cocoa, salt and baking powder into mixing bowl. Add butter, eggs, corn syrup and vanilla; mix until blended. Add nuts, mix. Spread into 13 x 9 " greased pan . Bake for about 40 minutes. Cool.


2 cups powdered sugar

6 Tbsp. soft butter

2 Tbsp milk

1 tsp. mint extract

Ya tsp green food coloring

2 squares unsweetened chocolate

Combine sugar, 4 Tbsp butter, milk, mint and food coloring Beat until smooth. Spread on cooled mixture Chill until firm Combine chocolate and remaining 2 Tbsp . butter; melt over hot water. Spread over mint filling. Cool and cut into bars

Dolores Obermeyer-Naperville, IL



1 cup sugar

1 Tbsp. flour

1 cup cold water

1 egg

Juice of 1 lemon

Rind of 1 lemon, grated

1 Tbsp. butter

1 dash of salt

Crust: cup unsalted soda crackers, crushed

2 cups coconut cup flour

Yi cup sugar cup melted butter

Cook filling ingredients until thick Let cool. Combine crust ingredients and press all but 1 cupful into bottom of 9 x 9" pan Pour cooled filling over, then sprinkle top with reserved crumb mixture. Bake at 350° for 30 minutes

Yield : About 16 squares Mrs. F. A (Marion) Rath-Spencerport, NY

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my h e art b e acc e ptable in thy sight, 0 Lord, my rock and my re d ee m e r Psalm 19 :14



Yi cup soft margarine


Yi cup sifted powdered sugar

2 egg yolks

1 cup sifted flour

cup apricot jam or other preserves

Meringue Topping:

2 egg whites

Y2 cup sugar

tsp. cinnamon

1 cup chopped nutmeats

Mix together thoroughly first four ingredients. Press with hands to cover bottom of ungreased 13 x 9" pan. Bake 10 minutes at 350°. Remove from oven and immediately spread with apricot jam. Top with meringue topping: beat egg whites until stiff; fold in sugar, cinnamon and nuts Spread meringue over preserves. Return to oven for about 20 minutes or until topping is golden brown. Cool and cut into bars. Yield: 36 bars.

Y2 cup shortening

Mrs. Harry Moeslein-lndianapolis, IN


1 cup firmly packed brown sugar

1 egg

Yi tsp. vanilla cup flour

Fudge Layer:

1 6 oz pkg. semi-sweet chocolate morsels

1 Tbsp. shortening

Y3 cup sweetened condensed milk

Yi tsp. baking soda

Yi tsp. salt

2 cups quick-cooked rolled oats

Yi cup chopped nuts tsp salt

1 cup chopped nuts

1 tsp vanilla

Cream together shortening, brown sugar, egg and vanilla Sift in flour, soda and salt. Stir in oats and nuts. Reserve 1 cup of this mixture for topping Press remaining mixture into bottom of gieased 9" square pan Prepare fudge layer. Combine chocolate morsels, shortening, condensed milk and salt in saucepan. Place over low heat, stirring constantly until chocolate is melted. Remove from heat and stir in nuts and vanilla. Press fudge mixture evenly over oatmeal layer. Crumble and sprinkle reserved oatmeal mixture over top. Bake at 350° for 25 minutes. Cool - cut into 1 Yi" squares

NOTE: This may be doubled in 9 x 13 " pan Freezes well. Store in air tight container after cut.

Yield: 36 squares. Mrs Thomas E. (Marilyn) Ochs-Indianapolis, IN

The fear of the Lord is th e beginning of Knowledg e. Prov. 1 :7



2 cups graham cracker crumbs

2 Tbsp . sugar

Y2 cup soft butter

2 eggs

cup brown sugar

1 cup sour cream

1 tsp vani Ila

cup poppy seeds

Mix together crumbs , sugar and butter. Pat into a 9 x 13 " lightly greased pan. Beat eggs with a fork, add brown sugar and beat. Add sour cream , vanilla and poppy seeds. Pour over crust and bake 350° for 30 minutes .


1 8 oz. pkg. cream cheese

2 Tbsp milk cup powdered sugar

Yi tsp. poppy seed

While bars are baking, mix the topping . Cream the cream cheese, add milk and powdered sugar. Beat well. Spread on cooled bars . Sprinkle with poppy seeds on top of frosting. Keep refrigerated.

Mrs. Frieda Knippenberg-Plymouth, WI


1 cup brown sugar

2 cups flour

Yi cup butter

1 cup coarsely chopped pecans or walnuts

¥3 cup butter

Yi cup brown sugar

1 cup chocolate chips

Cut 1 cup brown sugar, flour and Yi cup butter together Press into 9 x 13 " pan Sprinkle nuts over crust Heat ¥3 cup butter and Yi cup brown sugar together until it turns to caramel. Pour caramel over nuts . Bake 18 - 20 minutes at 350°. Don ' t let it get too brown . Sprinkle chocolate chips on top and let set a few minutes to soften . Swirl with back of spoon to spread evenly . Cut in bars.

Yield: 36 bars.

Mrs. Franklin Hofmeister-Sebewaing, Ml


1 cup oleomargarine

1 cup smooth peanut butter

1 lb. powdered sugar, sifted

1 12 oz chocolate bar, melted

Melt oleo and remove from heat. Add peanut butter and mix well. Add sifted powdered sugar. Pat into 9 x 13 " buttered pan . Spread melted chocolate over top and chill. Mark off and cut before completely hard Tastes like peanut butter cups.

Yield : 20 - 24 pieces

Mrs Patricia Muehrer-Hammond, IN




2 cups granulated sugar tsp. salt

1 Tbsp. light corn syrup

1 cup evaporated milk

1 oz.) pkg. pitted dates

1 cup finely chopped nuts

1 lb. (56 pcs.) caramels

2 Tbsp evaporated milk

1 Yi to 2 cups pecan halves

Combine sugar, salt, syrup and milk in saucepan. Cook, stirring constantly to firm ball stage. (238° F) Cool to lukewarm, work with wooden spoon until thick. Work in dates and cut meats with hand. (Butter hands so candy won't stick.) Shape in 4 rolls -6 inches long and chill. After well chilled coat with the following: Melt caramels with milk in skillet on waxed paper. Hold chilled rolls with 2 forks, dip rolls in hot caramels to coat. Roll quickly in pecans so surface is covered with nuts Slice when firm.

Mrs. Edmund (Dorothy) Nieting-Manawa, WI

VARIATION: The dates may be omitted for a delicious caramel-pecan roll.


Yi lb. graham crackers rolled into crumbs

Yi lb . small marshmallows

1 cup chopped dates

1 cup or less Milnot

1 cup nuts (optional)

Reserve Yi cup crumbs. Combine remaining crumbs, dates, marshmallows and enough Milnot for ingredients to hold together. On waxed paper spread reserved cracker crumbs. Divide date mixture into 2 long thin rolls Roll in crumbs and wrap. Refrigerate until serving time. (Make a day or so ahead). Slice and serve . (Can be frozen).


6 egg whites, beaten stiff with a pinch of salt

2 cups sugar

1 tsp vanilla

1 tsp. vinegar

When egg whites are stiff, beat in sugar gradually, then vanilla and vinegar. Line a cookie sheet with wax paper and drop mixture from a teaspoon onto the wax paper Bake in slow oven (225°) for one hour These will be white kisses For festive occasions (Christmas, etc.) divide mixture into 3 parts - leave one part white (stick slivered almonds into them before baking). Mix other parts with green and red food coloring.

Mrs. John Steininger-Holland, Ml


1 cup cane sugar

cup water

Pinch of cream of tartar


2 Tbsp. (heaping) Fluff marshmallow whip

2 Tbsp. butter

Couple drops of desired coloring

Boil sugar, water, and cream of tartar together until it spins a thread (230° - 240° F.). Mix fluff and butter together and pour syrup over this mixture. Beat until it loses its glossy look . (Put syrup pan back on the stove with a little bit of boilrng water and use a few drops of this in the mixture if it sets up too quickly while working it into mints .) Drop from spoon to wax paper and twirl or spin spoon to make a peak on each mint .

NOTE: I have used a decorating bag for quick and easy mint making. It helps to make even mints to lay a card board marked in 1 Yi" or 2 " squares under the wax paper No flavoring is needed, but can be added. With experience the recipe can be doubled with good results It does not set up well in high humidity, and some brands of sugar are not satisfactory. Syrup can be boiled in micro-wave oven - 2 Yi - 3 minutes on Hi.

In spite of the practice this recipe may require, it is delicious and elegant for showers, teas, etc.

Yield: 3 -4 dozen. Elinor Hannusch Kenyon-Kansas City, MO


1 cup brown sugar

2 cups white sugar

1 cup Milnot

3 Tbsp white corn syrup

tsp. salt

4 Tbsp . butter

1 tsp vanilla

1 cup broken pecans

Yi cup pecan halves

Combine sugars, milk , syrup and salt. Cook to softball stage , 236° F. Remove from heat, add butter and vanilla Cool for a few minutes and then stir until candy begins to thicken Add broken pecans, and drop from a spoon onto waxed paper .

Press pecan halves into the surface of each , working quickly as they set rapidly.

Yield : 36 pralines. Viola L. Schmidt-Hometown , IL


1 12 oz pkg chocolate chips

1 12 oz pkg. butter scotch chips

1 c up peanut butter

10Yi oz pkg miniature marshmallows

3 cups peanuts


Quick Candy directions.

Melt chips and peanut butter in large pan. Add marshmallows and peanuts Spread in a 9 x 13" pan. Cool. Cut immediately.


4Yi cups granulated sugar

1 tsp. salt

1 stick butter

1 13 oz. can evaporated milk

1 12 oz. pkg. semi-sweet chocolate pieces

4 German sweet chocolate bars

1 large Hershey bar (8 oz.) (with or without almonds)

About 1 Yi pts. marshmallow creme

2 tsp. vanilla flavoring

4 cups nut meats

Boil gently the sugar, salt, butter and evaporated milk for 8 - 10 minutes. (Be sure you start the timing after the candy mixture has reached a full, but gentle, boiling point.) Remove from heat and add semi-sweet chocolate pieces, German sweet chocolate bars, Hershey bar, marshmallow creme, vanilla flavoring, and nut meats. Mix rapidly with large spoon until thoroughly blended. Pour into buttered pans (two 9 x 13 x 2 or 4 or more cake tins). Cool several hours before serving. Cut into serving pieces and store in cookie tins in the refrigerator.

NOTE: This is the richest, creamiest, most delicious fudge you'll ever taste. Don't be alarmed at the number of ingredients or the expense to make it It makes several pounds and can be stored in the refrigerator indefinitely. It makes a wonderful gift for friends who are hard to buy for.


31.i cup margarine

3 sq (1 oz. each) unsweetened chocolate

Y2 cup corn syrup (light or dark)

1 Tbsp . water

1 tsp. vanilla

3Yi cups confectioners sugar

YJ cup instant non-fat dry milk powder

Yi cup chopped nuts

Butter 8 x 8 x 2 inch baking pan. In heavy 2 qt. saucepan melt margarine and chocolate over low heat, stirring constantly . Stir in corn syrup, water and vanilla. Stir together the sugar and dry milk. Stir into chocolate mixture in 2 additions, stirring until mixture is well blended and smooth. Remove from heat. Stir in nuts. Turn into pan Cool. Cut into squares. Store in refrigerator.

Yield: pounds

Elaine Mueller Myers-Colorado Springs, CO




1 cup (2 sticks) butter or oleo

2 cups firmly packed brown sugar

Yi cup corn syrup (light or dark)

1 tsp. salt

Y2 tsp. baking soda

1 tsp. vanilla

6 quarts popped popcorn

Melt butter, stir in brown sugar, corn syrup and salt. Bring to a boil , stirring constantly; boil without stirring for 5 minutes Remove from heat ; stir in baking soda and vanilla. Gradually pour over popcorn , mixing well. Turn into two large shallow baking or roasting pans Bake in 250° oven for 1 hour, stirring every 15 minutes . Remove from oven; cool completely. Break apart and store in tightly covered container. Yield: About 5 quarts


Mrs. Myrtle Lucht-Milwaukee, WI

Dr . Leola Garriott-Hortonville, WI

Bertha Achelpohl, Argonia, KS, uses 8 quarts popped popcorn . Other ingredients as listed . Burnt sugar or 3 Tbsp . molasses may be substituted for the vanilla Follow same cooking procedure but bake at 150° for 1 hour.

Carol (Erdmann) Dausch, Baltimore, MD, makes a smaller batch using 15 cups popcorn and Yi the ingredients listed. Bake at 200° for 1 hour, stirring as above.

Alberta G. Kraft, Milwaukee, WI, uses 3 quarts popcorn and Yi the above ingredients but substitute Y4 cup honey for the corn syrup. Omit salt and soda. Use full tsp. vanilla Add 1 cup nut meats (walnuts, pecans or peanuts) and pour sauce over. Follow rest of directions above.

Mrs. Reynolds (Shirley) Honold, Sheboygan, WI, uses 7Yi quarts popcorn and 1 Tbsp. vanilla with other ingredients as listed above Add 2 cups dry roasted peanuts Follow cooking procedure and bake at 200° for 1 hour.


Y4 Ib. butter

1 pkg. large marshmallows (32)

2 Tbsp. sugar

Food coloring (if desired such as red or green)

Large bowl of popcorn (4 -6 qts.)

Melt butter, marshmallows and sugar in the top of double boiler . Mix well. Add coloring, if desired Pour over popped corn Butter hands and form into balls

Yield: 15 - 20 balls

Mrs Robert Brown-Aurora, OH

1 cup pecan halves

1 cup butter

1 cup sugar


tsp salt

Yi tsp vanilla

1 cup chocolate chips

Spread pecan halves in oval shape on cookie sheet About 9 x 12 size oval. Combine sugar, butter, salt and vanilla in heavy aluminum saucepan. Use medium heat, stirring constantly, while butter and other ingredients are melting and combining Cook over high heat, continuing to stir until hard crack stage, 285° F. on candy thermometer Candy color will change to caramel tone. May cook an additional few seconds if you like it darker. Remove from heat and pour thinly over the pecans. Put chocolate chips on top and spread as they melt. When cold break into bite-size pieces


3 cups light brown sugar

8 oz . (1 cup) sour cream

2 Tbsp. light corn syrup

4 Tbsp butter ( Y2 stick)

2 tsp. vani I la

Y2 - 1 cup nuts (optional)

Combine the brown sugar with the sour cream and corn syrup. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly Boil until candy reaches the soft ball stage (238° F.) Remove from heat . Add butter without stirring . When mixture has cooled to lukewarm (you can put your hand lightly against the pan bottom), add vanilla and beat until fudge loses its gloss and starts to firm up . Pour into 8 " square, buttered pan . Cut when cooled. (If using nuts, add with vanilla).

Yield: 2 pounds .


1 cup peanut butter

Yi cup nuts

1 cup confectioners sugar

1 Tbsp vegetable oil

2 large bars of Hershey chocolate

Yi bar paraffin

Mix first four ingredients until well distributed. Melt chocolate and paraffin in top of double boiler . Form peanut butter mixture irito balls about the size of walnuts Dip in chocolate and let set on sheet of wax pap e r until firm It is best to store candy in refrigerator

NOTE: This recipe is used at Camp Lutherhaven, Albion , Indiana . The campers love them

Yield: 25 balls.

Harriet Mertz --Kouts , IN



Yi cup honey cup peanut butter

1 tsp. vanilla


cup powdered milk cup quick oatmeal

4· Tbsp. wheat germ

Mix together honey, peanut butter, vanilla Mix together dry ingredients and add to the honey mixture . Mix thoroughly. Shape into balls the size of walnuts . Chill in refrigerator until firm.

Yield : 2 dozen

Mrs. Warren Doede-Wausau, WI

NOTES: Joyce Rullman Rich, Lomita, CA, makes " Moon Balls " using similar ingredients, but rolls the balls in the wheat germ rather than using the wheat germ in the recipe itself

A good, nutritious snack for children. Make smaller balls to increase yield.


3 cups wheat germ

1 cup powdered non-fat milk

1 cup crunchy-style peanut butter

1 cup (blackstrap) molasses or honey

1 cup raisins

Mix together - add more molasses or honey as needed to produce a mixture that will hold together when pressed into 9 x 13 buttered pan. May refrigerate.

Yield: 15 - 18 bars.

Joyce Rullman Rich-Lomita , CA


Yi cup butter or margarine

¥3 cup brown sugar

YJ cup honey

1 Yi cups quick or old fashioned oats , uncooked

Yi cup flaked or shredded coconut

Yi cup chopped almonds

Y2 cup wheat germ

1 cup finely chopped mixed dried fruit

Melt butter in large saucepan over low heat . Stir in sugar and honey ; beat until smooth. Remove from heat and stir in oats , coconut, almonds , wheat germ and dried fruit. Stir until dry ingredients are well coated. Spread mixture evenly into ungreased 13 x 9" pan. Bake at 350 ° stirring occasionally until lightly browned and bubbly . Remove from oven Spread mixture into a thin layer on cook i e sheet. Chill until firm. Break into pieces Store in refr i gerator in covered container.

Haller O'Farrell-Washington, DC


DESSERTS PIES DESSERTS Almond Torte 166 Angel Food Ice Box Cake 156 Apple Crisp 138 Apple Noodle Kugel ....... .. ... ..137 Baked Apple Slices .. . .. ... 137 Bananas Flambe .... .. 144 Banana Split Dessert ..157 Blueberry Torte ................. ..160 Bread Pudding . .. ......... ..... . ... 146 Brown and Gold Gingerbread 148 Cheese Cake (2) 164 Cherry Pike .. ............... .. ....... 138 Chocolate Hershey Dessert .. ..157 Chocolate Mousse ..... .. ... .. .. ..146 Christmas Plum Pudding 148 Cranberry Pudding 147 Cran berry Refrigerator Dessert 158 Cream Cheese Mousse 163 Date Nut Torte. 143 Date Pudding 149 Deep Dish Apple Pie 138 Dessert Cake 159 Dessert Sauces (4) 150 Easy Frozen Dessert 155 Easy Pie Crust 168 Easy-Time Holiday Squares .. 143 English Christmas Pudding .. .. 149 English Trifle ....... . .... 145 Favorite Dessert ... .. .. ... .. .. .. . ... 163 Fresh Plum & Apple Compote144 Frozen Apricot Whip .. .... 152 Frozen Brandy Dessert . .... ... ..152 Frozen Chocolate Torte 153 Frozen Fruit Cake . .. . .. 154 Fruit Cocktail Dessert .......... .160 Fruit Jello Dessert 159 Fruit Pizza .. ... ...... ..... ..... 142 Fudge Bars 141 Grasshopper Torte ..... 167 Honey Fruit Fondue ......... . .... 145 Ice Cream (2) . . .... ... .. ...... .151 Ice Cream Dessert .. .152 Lime Delight ..... ........... .... .... 162 Lime Slices 159 Mother' s Caramel Custard 147 Mousse Africaine 154 Orange to the 4th Power 155 Peach Sponge 139 Pecan Tassies 142 Pineapple No-Bake Torte ...... 160 Pineapple Squares . . .. ... .143 Pi neapple Torte (2) . .161 , 166 Pink Sugar Wafer Torte . .. 156 Pudding Dessert ...... .... ... ..162 Pumpkin Date Torte ..... .. ..165 Rainbow Dessert . .. ... 153 Raspberry Angel Torte 156 Red, White and Blue Berry Dessert Rhubarb Dessert.. . .. ... ... . ...... 158 .. ..139 Ruby Fruit Compote ... . ...... ...144 Shortcake ....... .. ...... . .. 137 Soft Meringues/ Strawberries .. 140 Sour Cream Torte 167 Strawberry Crunch Cake . ..140 Strawberry Fluff Torte .162 Strawberry Jello Delight 161 Strawberry Swirl 155 Strawberry Tarts . .. . ... 141 Strawberry Trifle 146 PIES Brandy Alexander Pie 168 Cherry Pie 171 Chess Pie 165 Coconut Cream Pie 169 Concord Grape Pie 171 Derby Pie.. . ...... .. ..... .169 French Cream Pie 170 Frozen Chocolate Pie .... ....... 170 Frozen Pumpkin Pie ..... .. . .. .... 174 Fudge Pie ............. .. ... .. ........ .168 Grandma Schwartzkopf's Strawberry Pie ... . ...... 176 Grapefruit Pie (2) 172 Lemon Party Pie 172 Lime Pie .. .. .. .. ... ........ ..... ........ 173 Million Dollar Pie .... ... ......... ..173 Peaches 'n Cream Pie 174 Pumpkin Ice Cream Pie 174 Rhubarb Cream Pie 176 Rhubarb Supreme Pie 175 Shoo-Fly Pie 175



8 oz. wide noodles

3 eggs

3 cups apples , thinly sliced

Yi cup cottage cheese

Y2 cup sour cream

Y2 cup raisins

Y4 cup sugar

1 tsp . salt

3 Tbsp. margarine or butter

Cook noodles according to package directions . Beat eggs lightly and combine with all ingredients except butter, folding in the noodles last Pour into a greased 2 quart casserole or a 12 x 8 " baking dish. Dot with butter. Bake about 1 hour at 350° or until lightly brown . Serve warm with sour cream.

Yield: 6 -8 servings.

Elizabeth Seehausen-Hammond , IN


12 baking apples, peeled , cored, and thickly sliced

Yi cup butter, softened cup sugar

Yi cup vanilla sugar*

Y3 cup sweet marsala wine

Y3 cup almonds, coarsely chopped

1 cup heavy cream , whipped

Cream butter and sugars , spread on bottom of large, heavy skillet. Place apples on top Place over medium heat Stir to coat apples. Cover. Cook 5 minutes. Uncover and add marsala , raise heat and cook until pan liquid is almost gone Stir once in awhile

When apples are glazed, turn off heat, sprinkle with almonds and a little sugar Put under medium broiler heat about 5 minutes Serve warm with whipped cream.

" To make vanilla sugar, place a split vanilla bean in a covered jar of sugar for several days A French innovation, also delicious for sweetening coffee.

Yield: 8 - 10 servings .

2 cups flour

3 tsp baking powder tsp . salt

3 Tbsp sugar

Lois Wyneken Oster-New Orleans, LA


4 to 6 Tbsp shortening, lard or butter

1 egg

¥3 cup milk

Sift dry ingredients together. Cut in shortening Beat the egg with milk and add. Bake in greased muffin pans at 325° until golden brown Best when served warm with strawberries ; fresh, frozen or canned peaches; or cooked rhubarb and a whipped topping. These are lighttextured and delicious.

Yield : 8

Mrs. A H. Ernst-Lincoln , NB



6 to 8 apples sliced (4 cups)

1 Tbsp sugar

1 tsp cinnamon

1 stick butter or margarine, softened

1 cup sugar

1 egg

1 pinch salt

1 cup flour cup chopped nuts

Place sliced apples in buttered 10" pie plate . Mix 1 Tbsp. sugar and cinnamon together and sprinkle over apples. Cream butter, sugar, egg and salt . Add flour - mix well and spread over apples . Sprinkle chopped nuts over top Bake at 350° for 45 minutes

Yield: 6 servings . Dot Wabrek-New Hartford, CT

APPLE CRISP (Microwave)

1 small jar apple sauce


cup plus 2 Tbsp uncooked oatmeal tsp. salt

Y2 tsp cinnamon

Yi cup flour cup butter or margarine

Yi cup brown sugar

Place apple sauce in a 1 quart utility dish. Combine flour, brown sugar, salt and cinnamon. Cut shortening into the dry ingredients until mixture is crumbly. Sprinkle topping evenly over apple sauce. Place in microwave on high or " 6" for 10 minutes , turning the dish 90° after 5 minutes.

Yield: 4 -6 servings . Harriet Mertz-Kouts, IN


(A cross between a pie and a cake)

Mix together in a saucepan and bring to boiling point:

1 can sour cherries or 2 c up s frozen sour cherries with juice cup sugar

Set this mixture aside to cool.

(continued on page 139)


Mix into a batter:

1 cup flour

1 cup sugar

1-4 tsp. baking powder

Y2 cup milk

Dash salt

2 Tbsp. melted butter

Pour cherries into a 9 x 12 " baking dish; drizzle with batter to cover . Bake 40 minutes at 350° or until light brown on top . Serve warm, topped with scoop of vanilla ice cream This is our favorite way to use sour cherries off our tree, and I freeze cherries especially for this recipe .

Yield : 6 -9 servings .

Carol Stoker Petzold-Rockville, MD


10 fresh peaches (pitted, peeled, 2 eggs, separated

6 Tbsp. sugar halved)

1 cup sugar

Y2 cup water

2 Tbsp. tapioca

Ya tsp. salt

tsp. cream of tartar

6 Tbsp. sifted, all purpose flour

Put peaches, sugar, water and tapioca in saucepan and cook until tapioca is transparent. Pour into 2 quart casserole . Take 2 egg yolks and beat until thick and lemon-colored. Add sugar and continue beating until well mixed. Beat egg whites until foamy, add salt and cream of tartar . Continue beating until stiff but not dry . Fold in egg yolks and flour . Pour mixture over peaches. Bake at 350° for 45 minutes. Serve cold with whipped cream, if desired .

Yield : 6 servings.

1 cup flour

1 egg

Yi tsp. salt

1 tsp baking powder

Mrs. Robert Brown-Aurora, OH


2 Tbsp. butter

2 Tbsp. milk

4 cups raw rhubarb

3 oz . pkg . strawberry gelatin

Mix flour , egg, salt, baking powder, butter and milk Press into ungreased 9 x 9" pan . Cover with rhubarb . Sprinkle gelatin over the top.


1 cup sugar

Yi cup flour

3 Tbsp butter

Mix together with pastry blender and sprinkle over the top of rhubarb and gelatin. Bake at 375° for 40 - 45 minutes.

Yield: 9 servings.

Mrs. Arthur Schmidt-Hortonville , WI


2 (10 oz.) pkgs. frozen sliced strawberries, thawed

1 cup butter or margarine

1 cups sugar

2 eggs

1 cup dairy sour cream

2 cups flour

1 tsp. baking powder

Yi tsp. baking soda

Yi tsp salt

Y2 cup chopped walnuts

Yi cup brown sugar, packed

2 Tbsp sugar

1 tsp. cinnamon

4 tsp. cornstarch

Strawberry syrup, reserved

2 tsp lemon juice

Whipped cream, optional

Drain strawberries, reserving syrup. Set aside Cream together butter and sugar until light and fluffy Add eggs; beat well. Blend in sour cream. Stir together flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt; add to creamed mixture, mixing well. Spread half of the batter in a greased 13 x 9 x 2" pan. Spoon strawberries (drained) atop batter.

Combine walnuts, brown sugar, sugar and cinnamon. Sprinkle half the nut mixture over strawberries. Spread remaining batter over all. Sprinkle with remaining nut mixture. Bake in 350° oven about 35 minutes. In smal I saucepan, combine cornstarch and the reserved strawberry syrup. Heat and stir until thickened and bubbly. Add lemon juice. Cool. Serve over warm or cool cake. Top each serving with whipped cream, if desired

Yield: 12 servings.


8 egg whites

tsp. salt

tsp. cream of tartar

1 Y2 cups sugar

1 tsp. vanilla

Yi pt (1 cup) whipping cream

2 (10 oz.) pkgs. frozen strawberries, thawed or qt fresh

Be sure egg whites are at room temperature. Preheat oven to 450°. Beat egg whites, salt and cream of tartar until peaks form . Gradually beat in sugar, 2 Tbsp. at a time, beating until smooth. Beat in vanilla. Butter an 8 x 8" pan. Pile meringue in it, filling all corners. Put into hot oven, close door and turn off the heat. Leave in overnight or at least 8 hours. Refrigerate. Whip cream stiff and spread on top. Can refrigerate again To serve, cut into squares, place on serving plate and spoon strawberries over.

Yield: 9 servings. Barbara (Hamann) VanFossen-Walnut Creek, CA

My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.

Psalm 121 :2



Pastry: Glaze:

Sift and spoon lightly into measure: 500 ml fresh strawberries

500 ml all purpose flour

4 ml salt

160 ml hydrogenated shortening

10 ml grated orange rind

Orange juice, as needed


85 g (3 oz.) cream cheese

Water, as needed

65 ml cornstarch

190 ml sugar

Dash of salt

30 ml milk

Large fresh strawberries to fill pastry shells

Blend flour, salt, shortening and orange rind. Add orange juice until pastry can be formed into balls 4 cm (1Yi") in diameter. Roll out, fit into individual tart shells. Prick well. Put foil tins on cookie sheet. Bake at 200 °C for about 7 or 8 minutes, until golden brown.

Mash strawberries, add water to make 375 ml. Mix cornstarch, sugar and salt. Add strawberry-water mixture to dry mixture. Bring to boil, cook 5 minutes. Cool.

To assemble tarts: Spread cream cheese softened with the milk in bottom of pastry shells; put in whole strawberries, bottoms up and cover with the cooled glaze.

Serve with a garnish of whipped cream or whipped topping.

Yield: 8 tarts or more depending on size.


1 cup margarine

2 cups brown sugar

2 eggs

1 tsp. vanilla

1 Yi cups flour

1 tsp . soda

1 tsp. salt

4 cups oatmeal

2 cups chocolate chips

2 Tbsp. butter or margarine

2 cans sweetened condensed mi I k

Yi tsp. salt

1 cup chopped nuts

2 tsp. vanilla

Cream margarine and brown sugar; add eggs and vanilla; combine. Sift flour, soda and salt, add oatmeal. Heat chocolate chips, butter or margarine, sweetened condensed milk and salt in saucepan until melted; add nuts and vanilla. Remove cup syrup for topping. Combine remainder with first 2 mixtures and pour into 9 x 13" pan. Bake at 350° for 25 minutes. Do not overbake. Spread with reserved topping. This is a rich dessert .

Yield: 4 dozen, 1" squares. Mrs . Jerry (Molly) Karstens-LaPorte, IN


1 ( 15 oz .) pkg refrigerated sugar cookie dough

1 (8 oz ) pkg. cream cheese

Y3 cup sugar


Yi t sp vanilla

3 to 8 varieties of fruit

2 -4 Tbsp. orange marmalade or peach preserves

Slice cookie dough Ya" thick and arrange overlapping to fill a 12 Y2" round pizza pan. Bake at 375 ° for 15 minutes. Cool. Mix the cream cheese, sugar and vanilla together and spread on the cookie dough

Lightly mark wedge shaped sections (6 or 8) and fill each with one fruit . Blueberry pie mix, fresh strawberries - halved , and banana slices for a patriotic flair . Other possibilities include oranges, fresh or canned pie mix, cherries, pineapple, peaches and apples . Thin the marmalade (our preference) with a little water and spread over the top for glaze . Cut servings to include 2 fruits or more.

Yield: 6 -8 slices. Elinor Hannusch Kenyon-Kansas City, MO


Cheese Pastry:

1 (3 oz.) pkg. cream cheese

Y2 cup butter or margarine

1 cup sifted flour

Let cream cheese and butter soften at room temperature Blend together . Stir in flour . Chill about 1 hour. Shape in 2 dozen, 1 " balls . Place in ungreased muffin pans. Press dough evenly against bottoms and sides of each.

Pecan Filling:

1 egg

cup brown sugar

1 Tbsp. butter or margarine, softened

1 tsp . vanilla

Dash salt

¥3 cup coarsely broken pecans

Beat together egg, brown sugar, butter, vanilla and salt just until smooth. Divide half the pecans among pastry lined pans Add egg mixture. Top with remaining nuts Bake 325° for 25 minutes or until filling is set Cool before removing from pans

Yield : 2 dozen.

Mrs . E.C. Kieninger-Lighthouse Point, FL

Eileen Felton-South Bend , IN Deborah S. Karstens-LaPorte, IN

Wait for th e Lord; b e strong, and let your heart take courage ; y ea, wait for th e Lord!

Psalm 27 :14


1 cup butter

2 cups flour



1 cup sugar

Mix as pie crust. Put ¥3 of mixture in 9 x 13" pan and pat down.

Mix and cook until thick:

1 #2 can crushed pineapple

1 cup sugar - scant

2 Tbsp . cornstarch

2 eggs , slightly beaten

Spread over crumbs in pan. Add remaining Y3 of mixture. Bake at 350° for 25 minutes.

Yield: 18 bars

Mrs. Roland Keetle-Ralston, NB


1 Yi cups sugar

1 cup butter (or Yi cup butter and Yi cup margarine

4 eggs

2 cups sifted flour

1 Tbsp. lemon extract or juice

1 can cherry pie filling Confectioners sugar

Gradually add sugar to butter in large mixer bowl, creaming until light and fluffy. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each. At low speed, add flour and lemon juice. Pour batter into well greased

15 x 10 x 1" jelly roll pan. Mark off into 20 squares Place 1 heaping Tbsp pie filling in center of each square. Bake at 350° for 45 - 50 minutes. While warm, sift confectioners sugar over cake. Cool; cut into squares

Yield: 20 servings.

2 egg whites

Y3 cup instant (dry) milk cup water

1 cup sugar

Lorraine Berndsen-Springfield, VA


1 cup fine soda cracker crumbs

Y2 cup nuts

Yi cup dates

Beat egg whites, instant milk and water at high speed with electric mixer until stiff. Beat in sugar about a Tbsp. at a time to make a thick, glossy meringue-like mixture. Fold in all at once cracker crumbs, nuts and dates Recipe may be varied by adding Yi cup coconut in place of nuts, or Yi cup cut up mixed candied fruit in place of dates, or Yi cup semi-sweet chocolate pieces in place of dates

Bake in greased 9" pie pan at 325° for 45 - 50 minutes Cut in wedges and serve with whipped cream.

Mrs. John F.W Koch-Evansville, IN

Orang e p ee l cup sugar

2 Tbsp butter


Yi cup pineapple juice

4 bananas

1 oz brandy

Rub skillet with orange peel as it heats over medium heat . Discard peel. Carmelize sugar in skillet, add butter and juice . Cook and stir until smooth . Add bananas, sliced lengthwise and cook for one minute. Warm brandy, pour over bananas and flame . Serve immediately alone or over ice cream

Yield : 4 servings.

Mrs. Gene C. Bahls-Bourbonnais, IL


Yi cup sugar

1 cup water

4 large tart apples

12 Italian plums

Yi tsp. pure vanilla extract

Combine sugar and water in saucepan and bring to boiling point. Meanwhile peel, quarter and core apples and add to syrup Cover and cook eight minutes or until apples are almost tender Wash plums, cut in half and remove pits Add to syrup and cook two or three minutes. Stir in vanilla extract Serve warm or chilled

Yield : 8 servings .

Mrs . George P. Slayback-Bronx, NY


1 pkg. frozen strawberries (halves) 6 oz

1 pkg. or carton frozen raspberries 6 oz

1 #2 can dark sweet cherries

1 pkg or carton frozen boysenberries, 6 oz.

Drain fruit . To liquid , add 1 Yi Tbsp. of cornstarch and 1 Tbsp. of lemon juice Cook mixture until thick Cool thoroughly Add drained fruits, chill. Pour into sherbet dishes and top with 1 tsp. of sour cream before serving.

Yield: 6 servings. Mrs Mel (Margaret) Bartz-Newport Beach, CA

The b eginning of wisdom is thi s: Ge t wisdom, and whatever you get, get insight. Prov. 4 :7



Yi cup butter

1 cup whipping cream

cup honey

cup pineapple-apricot preserves

1 Yi Tbsp. cornstarch

cup fresh orange juice

Assorted Dippers:

Peach slices

Pineapple chunks

Fresh strawberries

Chunks of angel food or pound cake

Pitted dates

Fresh orange sections

Place butter, cream, honey and preserves in fondue pot . Heat at medium temperature, stirring constantly until butter is melted and mixture is bubbly. Reduce heat to low. Blend cornstarch and juice Add to cream mixture and continue cooking, stirring constantly until thickened

Yield: 6 - 8 servings.

Mrs . Warren Doede-Wausau, WI


Basically, Trifle consists of three things sponge cake, fruit, and English custard (or vanilla pudding). The variations are many. This is mine .

3 individual shortcake sponges (4 come in a packet ; use 3)

12 oz can sliced peaches, cut up

1 (10 oz ) pkg frozen raspberries, defrosted and juice drained off

Yi cup raisins

2 Tbsp . chopped mixed nuts

Yi cup peach juice

cup cocktail sherry - sweet or dry

1 packet vanilla pudding. Or better, if available at a specialty shop: 1 packet Bird ' s Custard Powder (an English import but not too difficult to find in larger cities or towns).

Yi pt. whipping cream

Sliced almonds


In dish in which you wish to serve, put sponges which have been broken up into small pieces. Add all the ingredients up to the vanilla pudding and stir to mix well. Prepare pudding or Bird ' s custard as indicated on package Pour pudding over mixture. When cool , whip c ream sti f fly and spread over top of pudding. Sprinkle liberally with sliced almonds and nutmeg . Thi s is light but rich .

Yi eld : 8 servings.

Betsy Nagel-Valparaiso, IN



1 pkg. whit e cake mix

1 pkg . (16 oz. ) frozen strawberry halves , thawed

1 can (18 oz ) vanilla pudding or 3 oz. cooked prepared pudding

1 pkg. Dream Whip (prepare according to directions) cup sl i ced almonds

Bake cake in oblong pan as directed. Cool. Cut cake crosswise in half Reserve Yi for another dessert. Cut remaining cake into 8 pieces, split each piece horizontally Arrange Yi the pieces in a 2 quart glass serving bowl , cutting pieces to fit bowl. Pour half the strawberries with syrup over cake, spread with one cup of the pudding . Repeat with remaining cake, pudding and strawberries. Cover . Chill at least 4 hours . Prepare Dream Whip and pour over trifle . Sprinkle with almonds . Spoon into dessert dishes.

Yield : 8 - 10 servings .

Mrs . D.W. Russler-Dayton , OH


4 whole bars German sweet chocolate cup water

1 tsp vanilla

6 egg whites

4 Tbsp . confectioners sugar

6 egg yolks

3 -4 pkgs. unfilled lady fingers

1 pt. heavy cream

Melt chocolate and water over hot water. Add vanilla. Beat egg whites until stiff Put chocolate mixture into beater bowl, add sugar and egg yolks. Mix well. Fold in egg whites into chocolate mixture. Line bottom and sides of a 9" spring form pan with lady fingers, layer of chocolate mixture ; layer again with lady fingers. Then another layer of chocolate Finish with lady fingers. Cover and chill overnight. Unmold and frost with whipped cream Serve elegantly! This was served after the Annual Advent Vespers in Rochester and was well received.

Yield 12 - 16 servings.

Milly Kolterman-Wilton , CT


3 eggs

1 Yi cups soft bread , b i ts of pieces

3 cups scalded milk

3 Tbsp sugar

tsp salt

Yi tsp vanilla



( Directions , page 147)

Beat eggs , add bread pieces , hot milk , sugar, salt and vanilla . Pour into greased baking dish Grate or sprinkle a small amount of nutmeg over the top Then completely cover the top with a single layer of the large size marshmallows Place in a pan of water and bake at 325° for about 45 minutes or until firm .

Yield: 6 -8 servings.

Mrs . Brooke Lerch-Baltimore, MD


cup sugar tsp. salt

4 cups milk (scant)

4 large eggs, well beaten

1 tsp. vanilla

Put about Yi cup of the sugar into a heavy iron skillet and stir constantly over moderate heat until a rich brown . Have the milk heating at the same time into which the rest of the sugar was first sprinkled (this helps to keep the milk from sticking to the pan).

Very gradually add the milk to the carmelized sugar. (If some of the sugar hardens , just let it stand in the hot milk until it melts.) Add salt and vanilla to the milk.

Add all slowly to the beaten eggs, mix well; pour into a casserole about 8 " in diameter, set into a pan (an iron skillet works fine) with an inch or so of hot water and bake in a 325° oven about 50 to 60 minutes . Remove when custard is set and set out to cool.

(A good way to use extra egg yolks is to substitute 2 large yolks for one of the eggs. Four yolks may be used in place of 2 eggs with excellent results )

Yield: 8 servings .

Yi cup sugar cup butter

1 c up flour

Margaret Michael Rivers-Valparaiso , IN


1 tsp baking powder

Yi cup milk

1 cups whole raw cranb e rries

Cream sugar and butter Sift flour and baking powd e r together and add alternately with milk Stir in the cranberrie s. Bake in a 9 x 9" greased pan for 35 minutes at 350 °. Serve with :

Warm Butter Sauce:

Yi cup sugar cup butter

Yi cup co ff ee c ream (half & half)

Yi tsp. vanilla

Boil sugar, butter and cream for 2 minutes , stirring constantly Add vanilla and serve warm on pudding.

Yield : 6 -9 servings

Mrs. Gordon Bubolz-Appleton , WI



2 cups whole wheat flour

1 Yi tsp. baking soda

Yi tsp salt

1 tsp. ginger

1 tsp. cinnamon

1 cup Grandma's molasses lb . butter

Yi cup plain yogurt

2 eggs

Y2 cup chopped walnuts

Y2 cup sunflower seeds


Canned apricot or peach halves or golden honey

Sift dry ingredients into bowl. Heat the molasses in a pan on low heat When warm, remove from stove and stir in butter. Add yogurt, eggs, nuts and seeds ; beat for 1 minute and pour into flour mixture

Combine. Pour into buttered and floured 8" or 9" pan. Bake at 350° for 30 minutes. For the gold effect, top with drained, canned ·apricot or peach halves or serve with golden honey.

Yield: One cake or 9 servings. Gloria Stephan Jabs-San Antonio, TX


1 cup suet (Yi lb .), ground

2 cups dried bread crumbs (about 10 slices)

1 cup raisins

Yi cup chopped black walnuts

1 cup sugar

1 cup milk

Yi cup flour

1 beaten egg

Yi tsp soda

Yi tsp. each, cloves, allspice and salt

1 tsp . cinnamon

Mix all good. Grease 2 or 3 (1 lb .) coffee cans, fill them about Yi full. Set on a rack above water . Put in enough water to last 2 hours steaming time. Cover kettle, steam 2 hours.

Sauce for pudding:

2 Tbsp. flour

1 cup (or less) sugar

Yi cup milk

Y2 cup water

2 tsp . oleo

Cook until thickened and clear, add 1 tsp. cinnamon. (Makes 1.Yi cups of sauce.)

Yield : Serves 12 easily. Ruth F. Ruff-Granger, IN

Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; Knock, and it will be opened to you. Matt. 7 :7


3 eggs , beaten

1 cup sugar cup flour

tsp. salt



1 tsp baking powder

1 cup chopped dates

1 cup broken nutmeats

Beat eggs until light and fluffy. Add sugar and cream thoroughly with eggs. Sift dry ingredients and add to mixture. Fold in dates and nutmeats. Grease an 8" square baking dish. Set dish in hot water and bake at 350° for 60 minutes. Serve with whipped cream.

Yield: 6 servings.

Dorothy Vogler-Omaha, NB


1 cup seeded raisins, chopped

1 cup currants, chopped

1 cup dried figs, chopped cup glace' cherries

Soak 6 hours in juice of one lemon and one orange.

1 cup flour, plain or self rising

1 cup frozen margarine, grated

1 cup bread crumbs

1 cup brown sugar (soft)

Grate the lemon and orange peel lb. peeled apples, chopped

1 cup carrots, grated cup ground almonds

cup flaked almonds

Yi cup brown beer (bock beer)

cup brandy

4 large eggs

1 tsp . mixed spice (pumpkin pie spice)

1 tsp. cinnamon

1 tsp . salt

Stir all ingredients together for 5 minutes. Divide into two equal parts and steam in double boilers for 8 hours. Serve with cream or brandy butter or hard sauce (add brandy) .

Serve one pudding on Christmas Day and the second on New Year's Day. When reheating, steam for two hours.

Billie Harvatt, my friend from the Isle of Man, says this is her loveliest Christmas pudding recipe. It can be prepared well in advance of the holidays , as she says it will keep for 12 months . I prepared mine the first week in December

Yield : 15 - 20 small servings each pudding

Virginia (Butz) Amling-Des Plaines, IL

NOTE: Wrap some silver charms in foil when reheating. It' s fun to find them. Billie sent me a card of 12 silver Christmas pudding charms I don ' t know whether these can be purchased here or not, but the pudding is rich and delicious without them .



3 sq bitter chocolate

2 Tbsp. butter

1 Tbsp instant coffee

Y3 cup hot water

1 cup sugar

3 Tbsp white corn syrup

Yi tsp vanilla

Melt chocolate in top of double boiler . Add butter . When butter is melted , add coffee mixed in Y3 cup hot water. (Mixture will be very thick .) Add sugar. Heat through . Add syrup and vanilla. Cook a minute. Remove from double boiler and cook slowly for 8 minutes over direct heat. Cool slightly. Serve warm.

Yield: 2 cups.

Martha N . Hodges-Lemon Grove, CA


Y4 cup oleo

2 sq. semi-sweet chocolate

1 Y4 cup sugar

1 sm . can evaporated milk (6 oz .)

1 tsp . vanilla

Pinch of salt

Melt oleo and chocolate squares in a 1 quart saucepan Stir in sugar until well combined. Add milk. Cook 2 minutes. Add vanilla and salt.

Yield : About 2 cups .

Fran (Hannusch) Borcherding-Lincoln, NB


Y3 cup sugar

1 Tbsp cornstarch

Ya tsp salt

Juice drained from can of blueberries. Add water to make 1 cup

2 Tbsp . margarine

1 Tbsp . lemon juice

1 can of blueberries, drained

In a saucepan, stir sugar, cornstarch and salt until there are no lumps Add juice, stirring constantly . Cook and stir over medium heat until thick and clear . Cook 5 minutes longer over low heat, stirring occasionally . Remove from heat and add margarine, lemon juice, and blueberries, drained. Serve warm over pancakes or as a dessert sauce.

Carol Stoker Petzold-Rockville, MD


1 cup sugar

2/3 cup water

Yi cup chopped fresh mint leaves

Y2 cup fresh orange juice

Y4 cup fresh lemon juice

Combine the sugar and water in small pan ; bring to boil. Boil three



Mrs. Myles T. Musgrave-Port Huron, Ml

minutes. Add mint leaves. Stir, cool and strain Add orange and lemon juices. Chill. Keep in refrigerator to serve over melons and other fruits . Yield: 1Yi cups.

SNOW ICE CREAM (Kids ' Special)

2 qts. clean snow taken during or immediately after snow fall

1 Yi cups evaporated milk

Yi cup sugar

1 egg

Mix together all ingredients except snow. Fold snow in gently and eat immediately. Flavoring may be added if desired (Maple flavor is a favorite at our house).

Carol Stoker Petzold-Rockville, MD

VANILLA ICE CREAM (3 -4 quarts)

2 cups sugar

Y4 cup cornstarch

Y4 tsp. salt

1 qt . milk

4 eggs, beaten

2 Tbsp . van i Ila

4 cups (half & half and whipping cream in proportion you want)

Mix sugar, cornstarch and salt in the top of a double boiler. Blend in milk and cook over hot water stirring mixture until thickened, about 15 minutes . Blend a small amount of the mixture into the beaten eggs. Then pour back into the custard base, and cook stirring constantly for 4 - 5 minutes more . Chill the mixture thoroughly. (For best results, prepare custard a day ahead). Add vanilla and cream and pour into freezer container. Pack with ice and salt . Freeze according to directions for your ice cream maker.


Butter Pecan: Saute a cup of chopped pecans in 2 Tbsp. butter until slightly browned, cool; add to the basic mix prepared this time with brown sugar instead of white .

Chocolate: Melt 4 ounces unsweetened chocolate and add Yi cup extra sugar to the basic mix.

Peach, Strawberry, Raspberry: Add to the mix 2 cups pureed, slightly sweetened fruit. Many other fruits may be prepared in the same way Berries and cherries (chopped fine) mangoes and plums, fresh or cooked.

NOTE: To fill a 6 quart freezer I use 1Yi recipes

Yield : 3 - 4 quarts Lulu Bockelmann Zoll-Valparaiso, IN



Make crust for 9 x 13 " pan by crushing 24 saltine and 12 graham crackers and mixing with Yi cup melted margarine Pat into pan, chill.

Beat 2 packages vanilla instant pudding with 2 cups milk just until blended . Add 1 quart softened butter pecan ice cream . Pour over crust, chill.

Prepare 1 package Dream Whip and spread on top . (2 cups prepared topping) Crush 3 Heath bars (freeze, then pound in wrapper) and sprinkle over top. Chill.

VARIATIONS: Other flavors of ice cream and toppings such as peppermint ice cream with shaved chocolate or strawberry with fresh berries are also delicious .

Yield: 15 - 18 servings.

1 lb. can apricots

1 banana

Juice of 1 orange

Micky Schultz Schroer-Valparaiso , IN


1 cup granulated sugar

Y2 pt. whipped cream

Yi tsp. vanilla

Pres s through a potato ricer the apricots from which about half of the jui c e ha s been drained . Peel and mash very fine the pulp of one banana and mix it with the apricots , along with the juice of one orange and the sugar .

Put the fruit mixture in an 8 x 8" pan or freezer tray into the freezer and when it begins to harden , fold in the whipped cream to which the vanilla has been added . Replace in freezing unit and continue freezing for about three hours .

Yield : 6 servings

Mrs George P Slayback-Bronx, NY


1 Yi cups crumbled macaroons

Yi cup sugar

Yi cup cognac

Mix ingredients together. Fold in 1 pint whipping cream beaten stiff . Freeze at least 3 hours

Yield : 6 - 8 servings.

Mildred Buechner - Willshire, OH

Fo r w isd o m is b e tt e r than iewe ls, and all th at yo u m ay d es ire c annot compar e with h e r Prov. 8 :11




3 egg whites

Yi tsp cream of tartar

cup sugar

tup chopped pecans


1 pt. whipping cream

cup chocolate syrup

1 tsp vanilla

Shaved chocolate

Beat egg whites until frothy . Add cream of tartar and beat until soft peaks form . Add sugar slowly and continue beating until very stiff peaks form. Fold in pecans.

Cover 2 baking sheets with brown paper; draw an 8 " circle on each paper . Divide and spread meringue over each circle; shape into a flat shell. Bake in a preheated 275° oven 45 minutes . Turn off oven and leave meringues in oven without opening door for 45 additional minutes.

Beat cream very stiff. Fold in chocolate syrup and vanilla . Spread one meringue layer with half the whipped cream mixture. Add second layer and repeat. Garnish with shaved chocolate and freeze.

Yield : 8 - 10 servings .

Ruth Acker Trepanier-Midland, Ml


1 angel food cake (broken in

1 pkg thawed strawberries (drain juice) pieces)

1 pkg lime jello

1 pkg . strawberry jello

1 pkg. orange jel lo

1 angel food cake pan

1st layer:

1 (16 oz.) can blueberries , drained or 1 Y2 cups fresh or frozen

1 can mandarin oranges, drained

Yi gal. vanilla ice cream

Mix dry red jello with Y3 of broken up cake . Spread in bottom of pan, cover with strawberries and then add Y3 of the ice cream , softened .

2nd layer:

Mix dry green jello with Y3 of broken up cake Spread over first layer, cover with blueberries and Y3 of ice cream .

3rd layer:

Mix dry orange jello with cake. Spread over 2nd layer, cover with oranges and remaining ice cream. Freeze at least 12 hours.

Mrs . Dolores Stranghoener-Appleton , WI

Cena Richter-Omaha, NB

" In Thy Light we see Light. " Valparaiso University motto.


1 cup whipping cream or evaporated milk

2 cups milk

Yi cup sugar cup flour

tsp. salt

2 eggs , beaten

1 tsp . vanilla

1 cup white raisins

1 cup broken pecans

2 cups cake crumbs (white cake, vanilla wafers or macaroons)

Yi cup candied red cherries , halved cup candied green fruit, cherries , citron or mild ginger

Chill cream or evaporated milk for whipping . Scald milk in top of double boiler . Mix together sugar, flour, salt and add milk all at once . Cook over hot water about 3 minutes until smooth and medium thick, stirring constantly Pour cooked mixture over eggs, slowly and return to boiler Cook until thick - about 3 minutes, stirring constantly Add vanilla and cool.

Reserve a few whole red and green fruits and nuts if desired for decorating top.

Stir raisins, crumbs and remainder of chopped fruit and nuts into mixture. Add whipped cream. Pour into 1 Yi quart loaf pan , bottom greased and lined with waxed paper on which fruits and nuts have been arranged. Freeze overnight. Also good iced with flavored whipped cream

Yield : 8 servings.

Mrs. Harry Nolke-Aurora, IN


3 oz. or squares unsweetened


Y3 cup water

cup sugar

Pinch of salt

3 egg yolks

1 Tbsp. instant coffee

Yi tsp. vanilla extract

2 cups whipped cream

Combine chocolate and water in a saucepan and heat slowly, stirring constantly. When chocolate is melted, add sugar and salt and cook over low heat for 2 minutes , stirring constantly . Beat egg yolks well in a bowl. Pour in the chocolate mixture , beating constantly. Add the coffee and cool. Fold in vanilla extract and whipped cream. Pour into refrigerator trays and freeze.

Yield : 8 servings .

Patti (Weil) Cline-Northbrook , IL

Be h o ld, th o u d es ires t truth in th e inwa rd b e in g ; th e re for e t e ach m e w isd o m in m y sec re t h e art . Psalm 51 :6

ORANGE TO THE 4TH POWER (Gentleman ' s Special)

1 qt . orange sherbet

16 oz can mandarin oranges

3 oz frozen orange juice

3 oz. Cointreau (or Triple Sec)

Mix Y2 small can of frozen juice (undiluted) with equal amount of Cointreau . Pour over servings of sherbet topped with orange segments . Yield : 8 servings. Warren W . Wyneken-Ft . Wayne, IN


1 (14 oz .) can Eagle Brand condensed milk

1 (16 oz .) can crushed pineapple (do not drain)

1 (21 oz .) can cherry pie filling

1 (9 oz ) carton Cool Whip

2 Tbsp lemon juice

Mix all ingredients together . Pour into 9 x 13 " pan and freeze , or pour into quart milk cartons to freeze. This way the dessert can be sliced off easily as the carton is peeled away! This dessert will keep i n the freezer for a long time so you can take out servings as needed and keep the remainder frozen

Yield : 12 servings

Rita Hormann Seelman ('73)-Brownsburg, IN


cup graham cracker crumbs

3 Tbsp. melted butter

Mix well and put in 8" square pan.

3 eggs, separated

8 oz. pkg cream cheese

1 cup sugar

Ya tsp salt

2 Tbsp sugar

carton (9 oz .) Cool Whip

10 oz. (1 pkg.) frozen strawberries (partially thawed)

Beat egg yolks until thick ; add cheese, sugar and salt . Beat until smooth and light . Beat egg whites until stiff peaks form . Fold egg whites and Cool Whip into cheese mixture .

In a mixer or blender crush berries to a pulp . Gently swirl half of fruit through cheese filling and spread mixture into crust . Spoon remaining puree over top - swirl with a knife ; freeze

Yield : 6 - 8 servings

Mrs. Ruth Rase-Van W e rt , OH



Yi of large angel food cake

1 cup boiling water

1 pkg. raspberry gelatin

1 egg white

1 Tbsp. sugar

Pinch salt

Y2 pt. whipping cream

2 cups raspberries

Tear angel food in pieces and cover bottom of 12 x 8 " pan . Add boiling water to gelatin and stir until dissolved. Cool to cold. Beat egg white with the sugar and salt until stiff but not dry Whip the cream

Pour cool gelatin into egg white and mix Slowly pour mixture into whipping cream Put 2 cups raspberries over angel food cake. Top with cream mixture and refrigerate immediately for about 6 hours.

Yield: 12 - 16 servings. Jean Albers-Kokomo, IN


1 large angel food cake

2 squares baking chocolate

Yi cup sugar

cup water

5 eggs

1 cup powdered sugar

Yi lb. butter

1 pt whipping cream

Sugar and vanilla

Melt chocolate, sugar and water in double boiler . Separate eggs. Beat yolks slightly ; add to chocolate mixture . Cook until thick, stirring constantly. When thick, set aside. Cool thoroughly .

Cream butter and powdered sugar. Add to cooled chocolate mixture . Beat egg whites until stiff and fold into above mixture .

Cut cake in 3 layers . Spread mixture between layers , on top, sides and in center hole . Place in refrigerator for 18 - 24 hours . Whip cream quite stiff, adding sugar (enough to sweeten) and a little vanilla. Spread on top, sides, and center of cake about 4 hours before serving . Put back in refrigerator.

Yield : 16 servings.

Dorothy Lange - Valparaiso, IN


2 cups crushed pink sugar wafers

1 cup butter

1 Yi cups confectioners sugar

2 eggs

1 tsp vanilla

2 cups fresh strawberries or raspberries or 2 (10 oz ) pkgs. berries thawed and drained

Yi pt whipping cream

2 Tbsp. confectioners sugar

1 tsp vanilla


Pink Sugar Wafer Torte directions

Put crushed sugar wafers in 8 x 12" pan , reserving about 2 -3 Tbsp. for topping . Cream butter with confectioners sugar ; add eggs and vanilla and beat until light. Carefully spoon this mixture over crumbs. Place drained berrie s on top . Top with the cream , whipped with sugar and vanilla . Sprinkle with reserved crumbs . Ch i ll several hours.

Yield: 12 - 16 servings.

Jean Albers-Kokomo , IN



Yi stick margarine, melted and mixed with 2 cups graham cracker crumbs


2 eggs


4 or more bananas, sliced

1 can (#2) crushed pineapple , drained

2 sticks butter

2 cups confectioners sugar

Cool Whip (1 large carton)

Chopped pecans (about Yi cup) Maraschino cherries

Pat crust into 9 x 13 " pan. Beat eggs, butter and sugar for 15 minutes . Spread over crust . Then arrange bananas over filling. Cover with layer of pineapple and top with Cool Whip. Sprinkle with chopped pecans and decorate with cherries . Refrigerate several hours or overnight . Yield: 15 servings .

Lorene Brauer - Columbus , IN Adele E. Frey-Omaha, NB


Yi cup butter

1 cup powdered sugar

1 tsp vanilla

3 large eggs , separated

1 cup Hershey chocolate syrup

1 cup chopped nuts

3 cups miniature marshmallows

16 graham crackers , crushed

Cream butter, sugar and vanilla . Add egg yolks one at a time and b eat well. Add chocolate syrup , nuts and marshmallows. Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites Cover bottom of 9 x 13 " pan with ¥3 the cracker crumbs Spread the filling over the crumbs and top with remaining crumbs Chill 12 hours before serving

Yield : 15 - 18 servings

Mabel Hormann-Omaha , NB




2 cups fresh or frozen cranberries

1 large banana, diced (1 cup)

Yi cup sugar

2 cups vanilla wafer crumbs

6 Tbsp. butter or margarine, melted

Yi cup butter or margarine

1 cup sugar

2 eggs

Y2 cup chopped nuts

1 cup whipping cream

Grind fresh cranberries . Combine with banana and Y2 cup sugar; set aside. Combine vanilla wafer crumbs and melted butter. Press half the crumb mixture in bottom of 9 x 9 x 2" pan.

Cream Yi cup butter or margarine and 1 cup sugar until light. Add eggs and beat until fluffy Fold in chopped nuts Spread over crumb layer . Top with cranberry mixture. Whip 1 cup whipping cream just until soft peaks form; spread over all. Sprinkle with remaining crumbs; press down slightly. Chill 6 hours or overnight.

Yield: 12 servings.


Day ahead:

1. Prepare one 3 oz. package strawberry gelatin as label directs; refrigerate until mixture mounds when dropped from spoon, about 1 hour. Fold in 1 pint strawberries, sliced, spoon into 8-cup mold. Refrigerate until almost set.

2. Meanwhile, in 1 quart saucepan, sprinkle 2 envelopes unflavored gelatin onto Yi cup water. Cook over medium - low heat, stirring until dissolved.

3. Stir 2 Tbsp sugar and the dissolved gelatin into one 16 oz. container sour cream; pour into mold; refrigerate until almost set.

4. Prepare one 3 oz. package lemon gelatin as label directs. In covered blender container at low speed, blend Yi cup of the lemon gelatin and one 9 oz. container frozen, whole blueberries, thawed; pour into remaining lemon gelatin; add 2 Tbsp. sugar. Refrigerate until mixture mounds when dropped from spoon; pour into mold . Refrigerate until set.

Yield: 12 servings.

Mrs. Paul (Gladys) Mielke-Berkeley, IL

" Which of you by being anxious can add one cubit to his stature?"

Matt. 6:27



2 cups frozen fruit (or fresh)

1 cup hot water

1 cup Cool Whip


1 (3 oz .) pkg. gelatin, same fruit flavor

Thaw and drain fruit and add water to make 1 cup. (If using ,fresh fruit use 1 cup water) Heat water, dissolve jello in it. Chill until set ; whip jello, add fruit and Cool Whip. Raspberries, strawberries, peaches, other fruit may be used

Yield : 6 servings.

Mrs. Kurt Hentschel-Verona, WI


Crust for 9 x 13" pan:

1 Yi cups flour

2 sticks margarine, room temp.

2 Tbsp . powdered sugar tsp . salt

Pat with fingertips in a 9 x 13 " pan, also up side of pan. Bake at 350° for 30 minutes .


1 pkg. lime pudding mix

Y2 cup sugar

Mix well. Add:

1 cups water

cup water

3 egg yolks

1 tsp Real Lemon juice

Bring just to a boil, remove from heat and cool about 5 minutes

Beat until stiff and glossy:

3 egg whites tsp cream of tartar

6 Tbsp. sugar

Gradually pour into hot pudding while continuing beating. Pour into crust . Top with whipped cream or Dream Whip . May be made day before serving Refrigerate.

Mrs. Charles G Ferrebee-Kankakee, IL


Bake Yi box yellow cake mix (or 1 "Jiffy " brand 9 oz. pkg.) according to directions using a 9 x 13 " pan (15 to 20 minutes at 350°) Prepare 1 package instant pudding, cool ; blend in one 3 oz. package cream cheese and spread over cooled cake Spread 20 oz. can of drained pineapple or can of pie filling over. Top with layer of Cool Whip or whipped cream.

Yield : 12 - 15 servings. Mrs. H . A. (Arleen) Gieseking-Grosse Pointe, Ml



Make crust of 22 graham crackers, crushed, 2 Tbsp . sugar and Y3 cup melted margarine Mix well and line 9 x 13 " pan Spread 1 large can blueberry pie filling over crust.

Make up 2 packages instant vanilla pudding with 3 cups milk, add 6 oz. softened cream cheese to pudding and spread over the berries

This may be topped with 2 cups miniature marshmallows and/or 1 package Cool Whip Chill 12 hours

Yield: 12 - 15 servings

Mrs. C.W. Stradtman-Beloit, WI


1 (3 oz.) pkg lemon jello

1 (3 oz ) pkg peach jello

1 (1 lb ) can fruit cocktail

1 pt vanilla ice cream

1 pt. Cool Whip


2 cups crushed vanilla wafers cup light brown sugar

1 stick butter

Mix crust ingredients thoroughly, pat into 10" pie pan Bake at 400° F. for 6 minutes.

Drain fruit and add enough water to make 1 cup syrup. Heat to boiling and dissolve jello Add Yi cup cold water and ice cream. Stir to mix, let gel slightly, then fold in Cool Whip and pour into crust . Chill. Yield: 8 - 10 servings.

Mrs . Ray Kuhlmeier-Aurora, IN


1 cup vanilla wafer crumbs

Y3 cup melted butter or oleo

Combine crumbs and butter and line 9 x 9 x 2" pan .


1 #2 can crushed pineapple (unsweetened)

1 pkg. lemon jello

Y3 cup butter or oleo

Yi cup sugar

3 egg yolks, well beaten

Yi cup walnuts , cut up

3 egg whites cup sugar

Y2 cup additional wafer crumbs

Drain pineapple and reserve liquid . Bring liquid to boil , remove from heat and add gelatin and dissolve . Cool in refrigerator until almost set. Cream butter and Yi cup sugar and add beaten egg yolks . When gelatin is cool, combine mixtures and add the pineapple and nuts. Beat egg whites until firm and add cup sugar. Fold gently into other mixture . Spread over wafer crumbs in pan Top with additional wafer crumbs

Yield : 9 servings.

Margaret M. Tiller-Wausau, WI



30 graham crackers , rolled fine

1 stick margarine or butter

Yi cup walnuts , cut up

1 cup milk

1 lb. marshmallows , quartered

1 pt cream , whipped

1 cup crushed pineapple

1 sm . bottle maraschino cherries, sliced

1 tsp vanilla

Melt butter, stir in cracker crumbs and nuts over low heat Pat half the cr umb mixture into 9 x 12 " pan. Put milk in double boiler, add marshmallows , heat to melt. Cool. When cold , fold in whipped cream , then pineapple, cherries and vanilla

Pour filling onto crust, sprinkle reserved crumbs over the top Make a day ahead. Will keep several days ; no need for additional topping. Yield: 12 servings Mrs Carl Denner - Sebewaing, Ml

Katherine D. Moore, Madison, WI, makes a similar torte but uses two oz . cans of crushed pineapple including the juice and omiting the milk. Melt marshmallows in juice . She also leaves the maraschino cherries out. Nuts in the crust may be omitted.


cup marshmallows

2 cups boiling water

2 (3 oz ) pkgs strawberry jello

1 cup crushed pineapple, drained

1 qt. fresh or frozen strawberries

Graham cracker crumbs for crust

Dissolve marshmallows in boiling water . Add and dissolve jello . Add pineapple, strawberries and 1 cup juice from pineapple and strawberries Make a graham cracker crust in a 9 x 13 " pan, saving some crumbs to sprinkle on top Pour in jello mixture and chill until set


1 cup juice from fruit

1 beaten egg

Yi cup sugar

3 Tbsp flour

1 Tbsp . butter

1 cup whipped cream or Cool Whip

Mix all ingredients except whipped cream and cook over low heat stirring until thick. Cool and blend in whipped cream. Spread on top of jello mixture Sprinkle with remaining crumbs. Store in refrigerator until ready to serve Cut into squares. Yield: 15 servings. Chita Chaffer Easton-Rochester, NY

Gr e at is th e Lord and greatly to be praised in the city of our God!

Psalm 48 :1


2 cups c oconut

1 cup flour

1 cup margarine

Y2 cup sugar


2 pkgs . instant cream pudding

3 Yi cup s milk

1 pkg. Dream Whip

Mix first 4 ingredients as for pie crust . Pat into 9 x 13 " pan and brown in 350° oven , stirring occasionally . Remove Y3 of crumbs and save Spread remainder evenly in bottom of pan. Prepare pudding with milk according to package directions Spread over crumbs in pan Cover with prepared Dream Whip and top with reserved Y3 crumbs . Yield : 12 servings . Elsie Cress-Broadlands, IL


1 can evaporated milk (14 Yi oz.) or 10 oz . frozen whipped topping

1 (3 oz .) pkg . lime jello

1 cup hot water

1 cup sugar

cup lime juice

2 tsp . lemon juice

2 cups chocolate wafer crumbs

Y2 cup melted butter

Chocolate shavings - Yi cup

Chill milk until icy cold. Dissolve jello in hot water Chill until partially set . Whip until fluffy. Stir in sugar and fruit juices . Whip chilled milk ; fold into jello mixture. (Or fold thawed whipped topping into the jello). Combine crumbs and melted butter ; press into a 11 x 7 Y2" pan Pour gelatin mixture over crumbs Top with chocolate shavings Chill until firm .

Barbara Graef Haller-Louisville, KY


Prepare graham cracker crust, reserve Yi cup crumbs for topping. Pat remainder on bottom of 7 Y2" x 12" pan

1 pkg. (3 oz ) strawberry jello

Y2 cup boiling water

1 pkg . (10 oz .) frozen strawberries

1 pt. vanilla ice cream , softened

Thaw and drain strawberries . Add Yi cup juice to boiling water and dissolve jello in the hot liquid. Stir in the strawberries. Blend in the ice cream . Stir until ice cream is completely melted. Chill until partially set . Pour over crust and cover with crumbs . Chill overnight in refrigerator · . . . · ·

Yield : 8 - 10 servings.

Mrs Robert Maile-Milwaukee, WI


4 egg yolks

Yi cup sugar


1 lb. cream cheese

1 tsp rum or sherry

Beat egg yolks until light and fluffy Gradually add sugar and beat until thick and creamy. Add cream cheese and rum or sherry. Beat all ingredients together until well blended . Chill. Serve in individual dessert dishes with fresh or frozen raspberries as garnish.

Yield : 6 servings .

1 cup flour

Yi cup margarine

Mrs . Helen DiBlasio-Ridgewood , NJ


(Chocolate , Pistachio or Lemon)

Yi cup nuts, chopped

Mix flour and margarine until crumbly, stir in nuts . Press into 9 x 13 " pan. Bake at 350° until lightly browned - about 15 minutes.

1 (8 oz.) pkg. cream cheese

1 cup powdered sugar

1 cup Cool Whip

Combine cream cheese , sugar and Cool Whip ; beat until creamy. Spread on top of cooled crust

2 pkgs . pistachio, chocolate, lemon or butterscotch instant pudding mix

3 cups milk

Combine pudding mix and milk. Beat for 2 minutes . Spread over the cream cheese layer.

1 cup Cool Whip

Grated chocolate, toasted coconut or chopped nuts

Spread Cool Whip over all and top with chocolate, coconut or nuts. Refrigerate .

Yield : 12 - 15 servings. Lois Brustman Nelson-Concord, CA Erna Vogt-Omaha, NB

Mrs . Gerald McGuire-Evergreen Park, IL

Mrs. Herman (Lillian) Jespersen-St. Joseph, Ml

Mrs. Walter Riedel-St. Louis, MO

Alice Dehnke, OH, sprinkles nuts over the top, omit from crust.

Karen Alwardt, Mt. Clemens, Ml,· increases nuts in crust to 1 cup chopped pecans. Grate .frozen Hershey with almonds bar over top.



cup margarine

Yi cup brown sugar


2 cups flour

1 cup chopped nuts

Mix margarine, sugar and flour with pastry blender, add nuts. Put into 9 x 13" pan and bake at 350° for 15 - 20 minutes -until golden brown. Stir a couple times while baking. Remove from oven, stir again, cool. Crumble. Remove half for topping, spread half in bottom of pan.

1 pkg. (3 oz .) lemon gelatin

1 cup boiling water

3 Tbsp. lemon juice

1 pkg. (8 oz.) cream cheese

1 cup sugar

1 tsp vanilla

1 can (14 Yi oz.) chilled Milnot

Dissolve jello in hot water, add lemon juice. Cool until slightly set. Cream the cream cheese, sugar and vanilla, add to jello mix. Whip the chilled Milnot. Add first mixture to Milnot . Pour all over crumbs in pan and sprinkle reserved crumbs on top. Chill 8 hours

Yield: 12 servings.

Mary Rittmiller Marshall-Kirkwood, MO



1 Yi cups graham crackers, crushed


2 (8 oz.) pkgs. cream cheese

1 cup sugar


Y2 pt. sour cream

Y2 cup butter, melted

1 tsp. lemon juice

3 eggs cup sherry

2 Tbsp . powdered sugar

1 Tbsp. sherry

Crush graham crackers until very fine; add melted butter and mix well. Line bottom and sides of an 8" spring form pan or a deep baking dish with mixture . Combine cheese, sugar, lemon juice, sherry and eggs and beat until smooth . Pour into crust and bake in 300° oven until cheese mixture is firm - 40 - 45 minutes. Remove from oven and cover with topping, well mixed; bake another 10 minutes. Refrigerate overnight for full flavor. (I make without topping.)

Yield: 10 - 12 servings.

Dorothy Czamanske-Valparaiso, IN

A false balance is an abomination to the Lord, but a just weight is his delight. Prov 11 :1

PUMPKIN DATE TORTE (Husband's Special)

1 - 18Yi oz box spice cake mix

Yi tsp. baking soda

1 cup milk

1 cup canned pumpkin

Yi cup chopped dates

Y2 cup chopped walnuts

Combine cake mix with soda. Add milk and pumpkin, blending until moist; beat 2 minutes. Fold in dates and nuts and bake in two 9" pans which have been greased and lined with waxed paper. Bake 25 - 30 minutes at 350°. Cool and remove from pans and cool completely.


1 small can (5 oz ) evaporated milk

Add water to make 1 cup cup sugar

·Yi tsp. cinnamon tsp. cloves cup chopped dates

Yi cup chopped walnuts

2 Tbsp lemon juice

1 tsp. vanilla

Whipped cream

1 Tbsp. molasses

tsp nutmeg

Chopped nuts


Cook first 6 ingredients 4 to 5 minutes. Cool and stir in nuts, juice and vanilla. Spread between layers while still a little warm . Frost torte with whipped cream mixed with molasses and nutmeg. Decorate with chopped nuts and sprinkle with nutmeg. Do not frost sides (unless you have damaged the sides removing it from the pans!!) The layers will freeze if you want to make them ahead and fill and decorate as needed.

This is my husband's recipe which he makes for pitch-in dinners. It is very attractive served on a high cake stand It is also good with whipped cream between the layers instead of the filling if you are in a hurry .

Mrs. Walter Lohss-lndianapolis, IN


Yi cup (1 stick) oleo

1 cup sugar

Y2 cup dark corn syrup

Yi cup evaporated milk

3 eggs, beaten

1 Tbsp. flour

1 tsp. vanilla

1 8" unbaked pie shell

Melt oleo in saucepan; add remaining ingredients. Stir. Pour into shell and bake at 350° for 35 - 45 minutes. Tastes like pecan pie without the pecans

Yield: 1 - 8" pie. Mary Moeller-Setauket, NY



fa cup flour

2 tsp baking powder

Y4 tsp salt

Y3 cup butter


Y2 cup sugar

4 egg yolks

1 tsp vanilla

Y4 cup milk

Sift flour, baking powder and salt together four times. Cream butter and sugar. Add egg yolks and beat well. Add vanilla . Add sifted dry ingredients alternately with the milk. Pour into two 8" layer cake pans that have been lined with wax paper . Cover with the following meringue :

4 egg whites

Yi tsp. salt

Yi tsp. cream of tartar

1 cup sugar

Y2 cup blanched almond halves

Beat egg whites until stiff; add salt and cream of tartar; add sugar gradually, beating constantly Pile half of meringue in center of each layer ; spread to within 1" of side of pan. Press almond halves into meringue in circular design. Bake in moderate oven , 350° for 35 minutes. When cool, serve with ice cream or whipped cream between layers Yield : 6 - 8 servings.

1 yellow cake mix

cup sugar

Y4 cup flour

Y2 tsp. salt

Elfrieda Brustman-St. Paul, MN


1 cup sour cream

1 Tbsp lemon juice

2 slightly beaten egg yolks

1 Yi cups heavy cream, whipped

2 Yi cups undrained crushed pineapple

2 Tbsp. sugar

Bake cake mix according to package directions using two 8 or. 9" layer pans. Cool

In saucepan combine sugar, flour and salt. Stir in next 3 ingredients. Cook and stir until mixture thickens and comes to boiling, cook 2 minutes. Stir small amount hot mixture into egg yolks, return to hot mixture, stirring constantly, but do not boil. Cook and stir 2 minutes. Cool to room temperature .

Cut each layer horizontally to make four layers Spread pineapple filling between each layer . Whip cream until stiff, add sugar. Spread over entire cake .

NOTE: Cake can be made day before, put together with filling, refrigerated and frosted with whipping cream hqurs serving Yield : 12 -16 servings.

Marian Temme-Valparaiso, IN




3 cups sifted all purpose flour cup sugar

1 cup butter or margarine

1 egg

Mix flour and sugar in bowl. Work in butter with pastry blender until mixture looks mealy. Stir in the unbeaten egg and mix with your hands, until dough holds together. Divide dough into 7 equal parts and roll into layers.* (As for a large thin cookie). Use an 8 or 9" pan lid as a giant cookie cutter to make the layers. Place on a cookie sheet and bake at 350° for 10 to 12 minutes or until the edges begin to brown slightly Cool and remove with a· spatula.

*Hint: Rolling the cookie dough between two pieces of wax paper makes it easier to handle.

Filling for torte:

2 cups walnuts

2 cups sour cream

1 Yi cups confectioners sugar

1 tsp . vanilla extract

Chop walnuts very fine and mix with sour cream, sugar and vanilla. Spread a layer of filling between each layer of baked torte, stacking layers on top of each other. Sprinkle top cookie with additional confectioners sugar. Let torte mellow in refrigerator at least 8 hours (48 hours is even better!) Cut in thin wedges to serve.

Yield: 16 servings.

Mrs. E.F H. Pennekamp-Bloomfield Hills, Ml


24 large marshmallows cup milk ·

2 Tbsp. white creme de cocoa

2 Tbsp. creme de menthe tsp. salt

2 cups cream, whipped Green food coloring (optional)

1 large angel food cake ·

Yi cup sliced or slivered almonds

Place marshmallows and milk in top of double boiler. Cook over hot water until marshmallows are melted; cool. Stir in liqueurs and salt. Chill until partly set. Fold in whipped cream If desired, add coloring. Cut cake in 3 layers. Spread mixture between layers, on top and sides. Sprinkle almonds over cake. Chill several hours or over night.

Yield: 16 servings.

Micky Schultz Schroer-Valparaiso, IN

But I have trusted in thy steadfast love ; my heart re101ce in thy salvation I will sin_g to , the Lord, because ·he has boy'!tifully with me Psalm 13:5-6

1 Yi cups flour

1 Yi tsp sugar

Yi tsp salt



Y2 cup oil

2 Tbsp. cold milk

Sift flour, sugar and salt into ungreased pie plate. Combine oil and milk in measuring cup and whip with a fork until cloudy Pour over flour mixture; mix with fork until blended Press to bottom and sides with fingers. Cover part of rim and flute. For cream pi es, prick and bake at 400° for 12 to 15 minutes.

Yield : 1 - 9" pie shell.

Mil'dred K . Rupprecht-Indianapolis, IN



1 envelope unflavored gelatin

Yi cup cold water

¥3 cup sugar, divided Ya tsp. salt


114 cups vanill.a wafer crumbs

3 eggs, separated

14 cup brandy

14 cup dark creme de cacao

1 cup heavy cream, whipped

14 cup soft butter or margarine

Sprinkle gelatin over water in double boiler saucepan. Add Y3 cup of the sugar, salt, and egg yolks. Stir until thoroughly blended. Place over boiling water (double boiler) over low heat; stir constantly until gelatin dissolves and mixture thickens slightly, about five minutes. Remove from heat; stir in brandy and creme de cacao. Chill, stirring occasionally, until mixture mounds slightly when dropped from spoon. Beat egg whites stiff, but not dry. Gradually add remaining YJ cup sugar and beat until very stiff. Fold in gelatin mixture. Fold in whipped cream. Pour into crumb crust. Chill until firm. If desired, garnish with additional whipped cream and chocolate curls.

For crumb crust, combine crumbs and butter. Press over bottom and sides of a 9" pie plate.

Yield: 8 servings Leona Liesch-Wittenberg, WI

Y2 cup butter or oleo

3 oz. unsweetened chocolate

1 Yi cups sugar

3 Tbsp. light corn syrup


1 tsp. vanilla

4 eggs

14 tsp. salt

1 unbaked pie shell (9")



Fudge Pie directions

Melt butter and chocolate over low heat Beat sugar, corn syrup, vanilla, eggs and salt together. Add chocolate mixture. Pour in unbaked pie shell. Bake 350° 30 - 35 minutes. Do not overbake. Pie should shake a little in center. Chill thoroughly. Serve with whipped cream (This is very rich!)

Yield: 8 servings Barbara (Lammertse) Schulz

65 ml margarine

250 ml sugar

3 large eggs

190 ml light corn syrup

1 ml salt


5 ml vanilla

125 ml chocolate chips

125 ml black walnuts or pecans

30 ml bourbon

23 cm (9 " ) unbaked pie crust

Cream margarine and sugar. Add beaten eggs , .syrup, salt and vanilla . When blended, add chocolate chips , nuts and bourbon. Pour into pie shell. Bake at 190 °C (375° F.) for 45 minutes. (If using glass pie plate, lower temperature 10 °C or 25° F ) Traditionally served in Louisville on Kentucky Derby weekend .

Yield : 1 - 23 cm (9 " ) pie.

Joyce Agle Anderson-Louisville, KY


1 9" baked pie shell

1 Yi cup hot milk

3 egg yolks, beaten lightly

4 Tbsp sugar

tsp . salt

Yi tsp . nutmeg

cup fresh coconut (freshly grated, brown outer coating removed)

1 tsp . vanilla

To beaten egg yolks add: sugar, salt, nutmeg, coconut, vanilla . Stir in hot milk. Pour into baked pie shell. Cook on defrost 40 - 50 minutes until filling is set.


3 egg whites

tsp cream of tartar

3 Tb sp. sugar

Yi tsp. vanilla

Whip egg whites until frothy. Add cream of tartar. Whip until stiff adding sugar gradually . Beat in v a nilla. Pile on top of pie ; broil until brown in conventional oven .




Yi cup butter cup all purpose flour

Y2 cup rolled oats

Yi cup chopped nuts

2 Tbsp sugar

Preheat oven to 400 °. In saucepan melt butter. Stir in next 4 ingredients. Mix well and pat in 9" pie pan Bake 12 to 15 minutes or until golden brown Cool.


1 cup confectioners sugar

Yi cup soft butter

6 oz. semi-sweet chocolate (melted and cooled)

1 tsp . vanilla

4 eggs

Creme de menthe (to taste)

Whipped cream

In small mixing bowl blend sugar and butter on low speed until fluffy. Blend in chocolate and vanilla. On high speed beat in eggs , one at a time, beating thoroughly after each addition. Stir in creme de menthe. Pour into baked pie shell . Cover with plastic wrap . Freeze several hours or until firm For easier cutting, remove from freezer 15 minutes before using . Spread with whipped cream and decorate with chocolate sprinkles . (May be made a day or two ahead of time.)

Yield : 8 servings . Mary Anne Moeslein Whited-Kokomo, IN


6 Tbsp . cornstarch

1 cup sugar

Ya tsp. salt

5 cups milk , divided

1 egg

3 egg yolks

1 Tbsp . butter tsp . vanilla

Whipped cream

2 9" baked pie shells

Mi x cornstarch , sugar and salt Add Yi cup of the milk and stir till sugar is dissolved Add slightly beaten egg and egg yolks ; stir Heat remaining milk, and pour egg mixture into it. Cook over double boiler, stirring constantly until it comes to a boil. Remove from heat Add butter and vanilla Cool and pour into shells. Chill. When ready to serve , top with whipped cream For variety you may add strawberries , chocolate or butterscotch syrup to the whipped cream.

Yield: 2 - 9" pies Ann Zupancic-Cleveland , OH

0 Lo rd, o p

e n th o u m
o w
Psalm 51 :15
y li ps, and
y mouth sh a ll sh
forth th
prai se.


1 cup flour

Yi cup brown sugar

Yi cup shortening

Yi tsp salt



1 cup oatmeal

Yi tsp soda

1 Tbsp . cold water

Mix flour, brown sugar, shortening, and salt until well blended Add oatmeal and soda which has been dissolved in water Reserve Vi cup for topping, and press remainder into 10" pie pan


4 cups frozen cherries

2 Tbsp . cornstarch

Yi cup sugar

Yi tsp. almond extract

Combine juice from thawed cherries with cornstarch . Stir in sugar and cook until thick ; add cherries and extract . Pour into unbaked pie shell . Top with reserved crumbs.

Yield : 1 - 10" pie

Mrs. Walter Tritten-Wausau, WI

EDITOR'S NOTE: If unsweetened cherries are used in filling, increase sugar to taste


4 cups concord grapes, stemmed

1 Y3 cups sugar

4 Tbsp cornstarch

¥3 cup water

}--4 tsp salt

1 tsp . lemon juice

1 Tbsp. butter

Pastry for two-crust 9" pie

Wash and drain grapes . Remove skins but do not discard. Place pulp in a saucepan and bring to a boil , slowly Boil 5 minutes Force through a sieve or food mill to remove seeds. Combine sieved pulp and skins . Combine sugar, cornstarch, water, salt and lemon juice; add to pulp . Cook slightly over low heat, stirring constantly Remove from heat; add butter Pour into the unbaked pie shell Cut strips from the remaining pastry, and make · a lattice work over the pie Sprinkle top with plain sugar Bake in 400° oven for 10 minutes. Reduce heat to 350° and bake until crust is brown 25 - 30 minutes

Yield : 1 -9 " pie. Mrs . E.F.H . Pennekamp-Bloomfield Hills , Ml

VARIATION: Christine Paslean, Metamora, Ml, makes this pie , but omit s the water, and does not cook the grapes She halves them and removes the seeds In addition , she substitutes YJ cup flour for the cornstarch , adds }--4 tsp . cinnamon and Ya tsp . nutmeg and reduces the sugar to 1 cup Bake until crust is browned and grapes are tender.


32 marshmallows (not miniature)

"Jl.i cup grapefruit juice

2 cups grapefruit sections, cut sm.

1 cup whipping cream

1 10" baked pie shell

Toasted coconut

Melt marshmallows in juice over low heat. When cool, fold in grapefruit sections and cream (whipped). Pour into pie shell. Sprinkle with coconut and refrigerate 6 - 12 hours.

NOTE: If grapefruit is sour, add 4 or 5 extra marshmallows. Make sure to cool melted marshmallows thoroughly before folding in sections and whipped cream .

Yield: 1 - 10" pie .

1 baked 8 " pie shell

3 whole eggs

2 extra egg yolks

cup sugar


3 egg whites

Mrs . Paul (Gladys) Mielke-Berkeley, IL


Grated rind of Yi grapefruit

Juice of Yi large grapefruit ( "Jl.i cup)

8 Tbsp (1 stick) sweet butter

Y2 cup sugar

Combine the whole eggs , extra yolks, sugar, grapefruit juice and butter in top of a double boiler and mix well. Place over simmering water and cook, stirring constantly until mixture is as thick as heavy mayonnaise. This will take from 25 to 30 minutes. Take off heat . When . it is stir in grapefruit rind . Spoon this cooled grapefruit butter into the pastry shell and smooth with a rubber spatula. Beat the egg whites until they begin to hold shape; gradually add the sugar, beating constantly Continue beating until the meringue holds firm, shiny peaks. Spread meringue over filling making certain it touches the pastry all around . Bake in a preheated oven 350° until the meringue is flecked with gold, about 15 minutes. Cool, but do not refrigerate . Neither pastry nor meringue responds well to refrigerating.

This is a family favorite - it's so delicious!

Yield: 1 - 8" pie.

Mrs. David A. (Lorena) Obey-Wausau, WI


4 egg whites (room temperature)

Y2 tsp . cream of tartar

1 cup sugar

YB tsp. salt

Yi tsp vanilla


Lemon Party Pie continued.

Beat egg whites, cream of tartar and salt with a rotary beater until stiff. Gradually beat in sugar one or two tablespoonsful at a time, add vanilla When very stiff spread in a well buttered 9" oven glass plate and bake slowly at 275° for one hour or until a delicate creamy tan .


4 egg yolks

Yi cup sugar

Grated rind of 1 lemon

2 Tbsp. lemon juice

Yi cup crushed pineapple pulp and syrup

Few grains salt

Beat egg yolks well and mix with remaining ingredients. Cook over hot water stirring constantly until thickened and smooth - more of a sauce consistency. When cool spread over cooled meringue. Top with Yi pint whipping cream, whipped. Let stand in refrigerator.

For my 11 Y2" pyrex pie plate I use 1 Yi the recipe and increase the topping by Yi for ten servings.

Yield: 6 servings.

Mrs. Walter N. Hoppe-Fairview Park, OH


1 6 oz . can frozen limeade

1 14 oz can sweetened condensed milk

1 9 oz . container whipped topping

Few drops green food coloring

1 9" graham crumb crust

Combine limeade and sweetened condensed milk. Fold in whipped topping and food coloring . Pour into graham crumb crust. Refrigerate. May also be frozen.

Yield : 6 - 8 servings.

Mrs. D . W . Russler-Dayton, OH


1 #2 can crushed pineapple, drained very well

4 Tbsp. lemon juice

1 cup sweetened condensed milk

1 cup chopped pecans

1 9 oz. container whipped topping

2 9" graham crumb crusts

Drain pineapple thoroughly. Add lemon juice to sweetened condensed milk before combining with remaining ingredients Mix well and place in crusts Chill several hours.

Yield: 2 - 9" pies .

Mrs . Roy Dallman-Shawano, WI



cup flour

1 tsp . baking powder

3 Y4 oz. vanilla pudding dry mix (not instant)

3 Tbsp . butter, softened

1 egg

Y2 cup milk

1 lg. can sliced peaches , drained

8 oz cream cheese , softened

Yi cup sugar

3 Tbsp . peach juice


1 Tbsp . sugar

Yi tsp . cinnamon

Combine first six ingredients in mixer bowl. Beat at medium speed for 3 minutes. Pour this batter into greased 9 or 10" pie pan. Place peaches over batter in pan.

Beat cream cheese, sugar, and peach juice until smooth. Spread this mixture over peaches in pan. Sprinkle top with sugar and cinnamon. Bake at 350° for 35 minutes or until bubbly

Yield : 8 pieces Mary Kontak Paetow-Woodville, OH


1 qt vanilla ice cream

1 9" baked pastry she II

1 cup cooked pumpkin

cup brown sugar

Yi tsp. salt

Y4 tsp. each ginger, nutmeg, cinnamon

1 cup heavy cream

Soften ice cream slightly and spread in pie shell. Place in freezer until ice cream has hardened. Mix pumpkin, sugar, spices and salt well. Whip cream until stiff and fold into pumpkin mixture. Spoon over ice cream and return to freezer until ready to serve

Yield: 8 servings . Caroline (Schwanke) Clinard-Lancaster, NY


1 cup rolled oats

3 Tbsp brown sugar

¥3 cup chopped nuts

Y3 cup butter, melted

1 cup pumpkin

Yi cup brown sugar

Yi tsp . salt

Y2 tsp . cinnamon

Y2 tsp . ginger

Y4 tsp. nutmeg

1 qt . vanilla ice cream, softened

Preheat oven to 350 ° Spread oats in large shal low pan Bake for 10 minutes Combine with sugar, nuts and butt e r Press onto bottom and sides of 9" pan Refrigerate Combine remaining ingredients ; pour into pie shell. Garnish with whipped cream and walnut halves , if desired Yield: 6 servings Beverly Bade Johnson - Michigan City, IN



1 cup flour

1 tsp. baking powder

Y2 tsp salt


2 Tbsp butter

1 egg , beaten

2 Tbsp. milk

Sift together flour, baking powder and salt Cut in butter Add egg and milk ; mix. Press into a greased 9" pie pan.


3 cup s rhubarb , diced

1 3 oz . pkg . strawberry gelatin

1 cup sugar

Yi cup flour

Y2 tsp. cinnamon cup melted butter

Arrange rhubarb in pie shell. Sprinkle with the dry gelatin . Combine remaining ingredients. Sprinkle on top of pie. Bake at 350° for 50 minutes .

Yield: 6 - 8 servings. Alice Dehnke-Napoleon , OH


1 YJ cups flour

v.i cup firmly packed dark brown sugar

Y2 tsp . salt

Vi cup margarine

Yi tsp . baking soda

Vi cup hot water

YJ cup dark corn syrup

1 unbaked 9 " pie shell tsp. cinnamon

Stir together flour , sugar and salt Cut in margarine until mixture is crumbly Set aside. Stir baking soda into hot water, stir in corn syrup Pour corn syrup mixture into bottom of pastry shell, spread crumb mixture evenly over top Sprinkle with cinnamon. Bake at 400 ° oven for 15 minutes. Reduce heat to 350 ° and bake 30 minutes longer or until firm. Serve warm .

Sandi Olsen Trenka-Boulder , CO

EDITOR'S NOTE: Some may prefer to use molasses instead of the corn syrup

Be hold th e nations ar e lik e a drop from a buck e t, and are accounted as th e dust on th e scales ; b e hold h e takes up th e is le s like fine du s t.

Isaiah 40:15 - RSV



2 Yi cups diced rhubarb

2 Tbsp margarine

1 cups sugar, divided

2 Tbsp. cornstarch


2 eggs , beaten cup whole milk

Ya tsp . salt

1 9" pastry shel I

Whipped topping

Cook rhubarb , margarine and 1 cup sugar till rhubarb is tender. Add cup sugar , cornstarch , eggs , milk and salt, and continue cooking until thick. Cool. Pour into pie shell. Cover with whipped topping to serve.

Yield : 1 -9" pie. Lou Walsh - Crown Point , IN


pudding recipe (below)

1 strawberry glaze recipe (below)

2 baked pie shells


2 cups milk

4 rounded Tbsp flour

1 cup sugar

Ya tsp . salt

2 eggs

1 tsp vanilla

Heat 1 Y2 cups milk in double boiler Combine dry ingredients Beat eggs, add remaining Yi cup milk. Add milk and egg mixture to dry ingredients carefully. Add entire mixture to hot milk in double boiler. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until mixture thickens. Cool partially ; add vanilla and beat Divide vanilla pudding between two baked pie shells . Cover with strawberry glaze; chill.

Strawberry Glaze:

1 qt. pl us 1 cup stemmed strawberries

Yi cup sugar

1 Yi Tbsp. cornstarch

1 tsp lemon juice

Set aside 1 cup of the berrie s Crush the rest and stir in other ingredients. Cook in saucepan over medium heat until mi xture thickens and becomes glazed and clear. Spread over vanilla pudding in pie shells and top with halves from reserved berries.

VARIATION FOR WINTER: Make chocolate pudding pie by adding one square unsweetened baking chocolate to the hot milk , stirring until m e lted Top with whipped cr eam or prepared topping (1 pie )

Yield: 2 -8" pies .

Marcia Finke Schwenk-Columbus , IN



MEATS & CASSEROLES Bee f Bee f Oliv es .. 180 Bee f Brisket ....... .. .. .... . ....... 178 Bee f Burgundy 179 Chuck , Cubed 179, 184 (2) , 196 Chuck or Pot Roast ... .. ... 178, 181 Chuck Steak .... .. . ....... 182 Corned Beef 185 , 192 (2) Dri ed Beef Casserole 193 Fe riak (Marinated Chuck) ...... 181 Flank Steak . ....... .. 180 (2) German Short Ribs 181 Ground Beef 186-203 Ground Beef Casseroles . .192-198 Rib Roast 177 Roast 177, 178 Round Steak .. 177, 179, 180, 182 Short Ribs 181 Shredded Beef . ... .. ... . ... .. .. . .. .185 Sirloin o r Porterhouse 184 Sour Beef ...... 177 Te nderloin . ........ . ......... ... ...... 183 Che es e dishes 199, 205-209 Ch ee se dishes 199, 205-209 Chi c ken . .. . . .... ..227-235 Chicken Coating Mix ...... .. . ...... .233 Chicken Livers 232 Chili , Bayou 193 Chili Seasoning Mix ..... ..... ....... 202 Chop Suey for 50 224 Chow Mein 224 Chow Mein , Mock 197 Corned Beef and Cabbage 192 Crab Meat . . .238-240 Crepe Buffet ..212-213 Dolmathes 187 Egg dishes .210 Fish 244 Flounder .. .. . .... .... .......... .... ........ 238 Goetta ........ ............ . ........ .. ....... 191 Ham dishes 214-216 Hungarian Goulash 184 Lamb 218 Lasagna 200 Manicotti 199 Meatballs 186, 189-190 Meatballs , with Spaetzle 194 Meatloaf 187 Milt' s Beef Ragout ...... . ....... . ..... 182 Moussaka 196 Parmigiana 182 Pastitsio 188 Pastrami ........ . ... . ......... . ...... .. .. ..185 Pizza dishes . . ... ... .. .... 199, 201 Pizza Fondue. .... ..... .214 Pork 219-223 Pork and Veal ....... ......... 224 Poultry Bread Stuffing 226, 235 Quesadillas ................... .......... 245 Quiches 210-212 Reuben Casserole ....... . ..... 192 Runzas . .... ........ .............. ... .. ..... 190 Salmon 244 Sandwiches 244-248 Sauces Ham, Poultry .............. ...... ...217 Sauerbraten Meatballs 186 Sausage 204 Shrimp .. . .. .. .239-241 Sloppy Joe Seasoning Mix ....... 245 Spaghetti Pie 202 Spaghetti Sauce 191 Stroganoff, mock ...... ..... . .. ........ 196 Torpan File (Tenderloin) ...... .. ..183 Tortilla Pie 200 Tripes Clementine 226 Tuna dishes .. .. .. . ..... .. .242-243 Turkey .... . .. ... .236-237 Veal 224 Vegetable Meat Casserole .203 Wiener Supper 225 For a complete listing of this section , please refer to the general index at the back of the book

1 standing rib roast


Worcestershire sauce

Garlic salt

Onion salt

Rock salt (as used in ice cream freezers)

Rub roast generously with Worcestershire sauce. Sprinkle on garlic salt and onion salt Let stand at room temperature one hour (or more). Cover bottom of roaster (roaster should be deep) with rock salt . Sprinkle with water. Place roast on layer of rock salt and completely cover roast with rock salt. Sprinkle with water. Preheat oven to 500°. Place roast in oven - uncovered Cook 12 -14 minutes per pound for medium rare roast After required cooking time, take roast from oven and break away rock salt with hammer or chip away with fork or pick. Remove roast and brush with sturdy pastry brush. (Salt is re-usable but should be stored in refrigerator.)


Brown round steak in electric frying pan. Mix together 1 can cream of mushroom soup and Yi can water . Pour over round steak. Simmer for 2 hours or until tender.

Mrs Claude (Sandy) Radtke-Appleton, WI


4 lbs beef (chuck, rump or round)

Salt and pepper

2 cups vinegar

4 bay leaves

12 peppercorns

4 cloves

1 bunch carrots cut in strips (opt .)

6 onions, sliced

1 Tbsp. sugar

12 gingersnaps

Wipe meat with a damp cloth and sprinkle thoroughly with salt and pepper. Place in an earthen dish and add vinegar and enough water to cover. Add bay leaves, peppercorns and cloves and refrigerate for 2 to 5 days Drain meat and place meat in a dutch oven and brown well on all sides. Add carrots and onions and 1 cup of the spiced vinegar. Cover tightly and cook over low heat for about 3 hours or until the meat is tender . When the meat is cooked, add the sugar and crumbled gingersnaps and cook for 10 minutes. If necessary, more of the spiced vinegar may be added.

Yield: 8 servings. Elinor Wells-Ellicott City, MD



1 Y2 cups pineapple juice

J4 cup soy sauce

2 cloves garlic, crushed

Y2 t sp basil

2 Tbsp. brown sugar

3 or 4 lb . English cut roast

Combine above ingredients, pour over the roast and marinate for 2 hours . Flour and brown the roast in dutch oven. Pour 1 cup of marinade in, cook 2}12 hours. Add remaining marinade last 15 minutes. Makes delicious gravy!

Yield: 6 servings.

Beef roast, any cut desired, any size


1 Tbsp. salt

1 Tbsp. pepper

1 onion

1 carrot

Barbara (Lammertse) Schulz


1 bay leaf

1 thyme leaf

1 cup water

1 smal I can tomato paste

1 Tbsp. flour

2 Tbsp. sherry

Rub roast with cooking oil, then rub with salt and pepper. Cut onion in 6 pieces and place with carrot in bottom of roasting pan. Add 1 bay leaf and 1 thyme . Place meat in 400° .oven until brown (approx. 1 hour) Then add 1 cup water and tomato paste. Turn oven to 300° for 2 hours If desired, add 1 Tbsp flour and 2 Tbsp sherry to gravy

Yield : Depends on size of roast.

Barbara Holzer McKissick-Naperville, IL


4 lbs. lean beef brisket

Y2 cup soy sauce

YJ cup red wine vinegar

1 Tbsp . tomato paste

Y2 tsp. ground cardamom

YJ cup coarsely ground black pepper

Trim fat from brisket . Marinate beef in soy sauce, vinegar and tomato paste 12 hours or longer. Drain Coat all surfaces with cardamom mixed with pepper. Place in baking pan. Cover closely (foil will do). Bake at 300° 3 Y2 - 4 hours. Excellent served cold To serve cold , chill, and cut in thin slices

Yield : 8 or more servings. Martha N Hodges-Lemon Grove, CA



(Gentleman ' s Special)

cup butter and cup salad oil

4 -5 lb. chuck or round, cubed

}4 lb. mushrooms

cup flour

2 to 4 Tbsp. meat extract

1 smal I can tomato paste

3 cups burgundy tsp pepper

2 bay leaves

Yi tsp thyme

Yi tsp . marjoram

4 Tbsp. parsley

1 large jar onions

Brown meat in butter and oil. Put in casserole. If mushrooms are fresh , saute them and add to meat Retain 2 - 3 Tbsp fat. Add flour, meat extract and tomato paste. Stir until smooth . Add burgundy gradually, add spices. Bake 1 hours at 325°. Add onions. Bake 1 hour or until meat is tender Serve with noodles.

Serves 8 - 10 adults

Dr E. S. Woestehoff-Fairport, NY


1 Yi to 1 }4 lb. round steak, cut in Yi - }4" strips

cup flour

}4 tsp. salt

Ya tsp pepper

2 Tbsp shortening

1 cup rose wine

Yi cup water

1 Yi Tbsp. onion soup mix

Half of 6 oz can tomato paste

cup water

1 Tbsp. brown sugar

Yi cup shredded cheddar cheese

4 oz fresh mushrooms , halved

Combine flour, salt and pepper and sprinkle over meat to lightly dredge Brown dredged meat in shortening in a large frying pan , about YJ of the strips at a time. Combine wine, Y2 cup water and onion soup mix and add to the meat . Cover tightly and cook slowly 45 minutes. Combine and add tomato paste, cup water and brown sugar Continue cooking 20 minutes, st i rring occasionally Add cheese and mushrooms and continue cooking slowly - 10 minutes Serve over rice or noodles

For crockpot: Cook 6 to 8 hours on low (3 to 4 high). Add cheese and mushrooms and cook for 1 hour on high

Yield : 4 - 6 serving s.

Harriet Mertz-Kouts, IN

Cas t yo u r bu rd e n o n

eve r p e rmit th e right e ou

t h e Lo
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s t o b e m ove d
Psa lm
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55: 22



1 Yi lbs top or bottom round, cut into 6 slices measuring 5 x 3"

Y2 lb . ground sausage meat

1 onion, finely chopped

3 Tbsp bread crumbs

Grated rind of 1 lemon

1 tsp salt

Freshly ground black pepper

1 egg, lightly beaten

2 Tbsp. oil

1 Yi cups beef broth (can use bouillon cubes)

1 tsp tomato paste

1 Tbsp butter, softened

1 Yi Tbsp. flour

2 Tbsp. parsley, finely chopped

Flatten and tenderize beef slices with a cleaver . To prepare filling for the beef: cook sausage until the fat has rendered. Drain off fat. Place sausage in bowl. Add onion, bread crumbs, lemon rind, salt and pepper. Stir in egg to bind the mixture together. Spread part of filling on each piece of beef. Roll and tie the beef. Brown the beef lightly in hot oil and then place in baking dish . Add broth and tomato paste. Cover with foil and bake in 350° oven for 1 Yi hours. Combine butter and flour and stir into beef broth . Simmer 5 minutes until liquid has thickened into sauce Serve in gravy bowl.

Yield : 6 servings.

2 Tbsp. salad oil

3 tsp. chopped parsley

1 large clove garlic, crushed

1 Yi tsp . salt

Paula (Graef) Sauer-Madison, WI


2 tsp . lemon juice

Y<i tsp . pepper (freshly ground)

1 flank steak (2 lbs.)

Combine oil, parsley, garlic, salt, lemon juice and pepper Brush both sides of steak with mixture and let it sit at room temperature Yi hour or longer. Broil or barbeque 4" from heat 5 minutes per side. Meat should be rare. Slice very thinly on diagonal across grain.

Yield: 4 - 6 servings Mrs. Marjorie (Kalb) Mccown-Kirkwood, MO


1 (1 Yi lbs ) flank steak

Y4 cup rose wine

1 clove garlic , crushed or Yi tsp. garlic powder

1 tsp salt

1 tsp. pepper

Y<i tsp. dried dill or rosemary

Directions, page 181


Place meat in medium size pan. co·mbine other ingredients ; pour over meat Cover and marinate in refrigerator 1 to 2 hours ; turn meat several times. Drain , saving marinade . Brush meat with oil; broil or barbecue quickly until rare to medium-rare . Cut diagonally across grain of meat into thin slices (Remaining marinade may be used as sauce for steak. Add 1 or 2 Tbsp. butter, bring to boil and spoon over meat.)

Yield : 5 -6 servings .

3 - 3 Yi lbs. short ribs

2 Tbsp . flour

1 tsp salt

Ya tsp. pepper

2 Tbsp. shortening

2 medium onions, sliced

Lorraine Berndsen-Springfield , VA


Yi cup dry red wine

3 Tbsp. brown sugar

3 Tbsp. vinegar

1 Tbsp . Worcestershire sauce

Yi tsp. dry mustard

Yi tsp. chili powder

Coat ribs in flour, salt and pepper mixture . Melt shortening in large skillet. Brown flour-coated ribs on all sides . Transfer to slow cooker. Combine the last seven ingredients (sauce ingredients) and pour over ribs. Cover and cook 8 to 9 hours on low (4 to 5 hours on high) To thicken, mix 2 Tbsp . flour with a small amount of cold water . Add to drippings Serve over cooked noodles May be cooked in a conventional oven at 275° for 7 hours.

Corinne Bieber-Davenport, IA

NOTE: Taste-testers suggested doubling the sauce ingredients .


Marinate overnight 3 to 4 lbs. chuck roast sliced in: Yi cup salad oil, cup soy sauce, cup Worcestershire, 2 Tbsp . dry mustard, 2 whole peppers (black), Yi cup wine vinegar, Yi tsp. parsley flakes, 2 garlic cloves, chopped, Y3 cup lemon juice.

Bake uncovered in marinade for 1 Yi hours at 350°. Serve over rice with marinade as gravy

Suggestion: Add warm saki wine and tossed salad; great company dinner.

Yield: 5 servings.

Elinor Wells-Ellicott City, MD



Strips of chuck steak






Burgundy wine

Line heavy pot with 4 -6 bacon strips . Remove fat from meat and slice into Yi 11 strips (across the steak). Arrange on top of bacon Salt and pepper. Slice 2 onions and arrange on top of steak Salt and pepper

Slice carrots into Ya 11 rounds and put on top of onions. Salt and pepper. Slice potatoes into Ya 11 slices and arrange on top of carrots. Salt and pepper. Cover pot and put on high flame until you hear the bacon sizzle. Lower heat and cook 45 minutes -1 hour. Add 1 cup burgundy wine and cook for 15 more minutes at slightly higher temperature

Serve and enjoy


1Y2 lbs. round steak

1 egg, beaten

YJ cup grated parmesan cheese

Y2 cup fine dry bread crumbs

Y3 cup oil

1 medium onion, sliced

1 tsp. salt

tsp. pepper

Yi tsp. sugar

Yi tsp . marjoram

1 8 oz . can tomato sauce

1 Yi cups hot water

Yi lb. mozzarella cheese slices

Trim off gristle and excess fat from meat and cut into 6 or 8 pieces. Dip meat in egg; roll in mixture of parmesan cheese and crumbs. Heat oil in large skillet. Brown steak on both sides over medium heat until golden brown . Lay in wide baking dish . In same sk i llet cook onion over low heat until soft. Stir in salt, pepper, sugar, marjoram and tomato sauce. Gradually add hot water, stirring constantly Boil 5 minutes, scraping browned bits from pan Pour most of the sauce over meat; top with cheese slices and remaining sauce. Bake in moderate oven (350°) about 1 hour or until tender . Delicious - with or without spaghetti .

Yield : 4 -6 servings.

cup cooking oil

cup soy sauce

cup honey

2 Tbsp vinegar

Lois Brustman Nelson-Concord, CA


2 Tbsp. chopped onion

1 large garlic clove, chopped

Yi tsp. ginger



Marinade, directions.

Combine all ingredients and shake very well. Marinate flank steak 2 or 3 hours , turning as necessary. Sauce may be kept indefinitely in refrigerator. Is delicious brushed on hamburgers while grilling, too. Bobbie Wilson-Battle Creek, Ml

"TORPAN FILE" (Finnish Beef Tenderloin with Cognac Cream Sauce)

1 beef tenderloin roast (3 lbs .)

(Since this is a very expensive cut, I have used other types of beef, altered the cooking time accordingly, and still used the Cognac Cream Sauce Excellent too!)

Salt Pepper

2 Tbsp butter

Cognac Cream Sauce

Black olive slices

Heat oven to 375°. Trim silver skin and excess fat from meat . Season with salt and pepper. Melt butter in large skillet . Place meat in skillet. Cook over high heat, turning once, just until meat is brown on both sides About 10 minutes Transfer meat to rack in shallow roasting pan. Insert meat thermometer in thickest part of meat. Roast to desired degree of doneness, 140° or rare, about 45 minutes . (It is important not to over cook especially if you do use the tenderloin!)

To serve, drizzle some Cognac Cream Sauce over meat Garnish with the black olive slices Pass the remaining sauce. '

Cognac Cream Sauce:

3 Tbsp butter

3 Tbsp. flour

2 cups half & half or light cream

2 Tbsp. English beef tea concentrate or meat glaze

1 Tbsp. red currant jelly

1 Tbsp . crumbled roquefort or bleu cheese

2 tsp. Dijon style mustard cup cognac or brandy


Melt butter in a 1 quart saucepan over low heat. Stir in flour Cook over low heat stirring constantly, until mixture is smooth and bubbly Remove from heat Stir in half and half Heat to boiling, stirring constantly . Boil and stir one minute . Mix beef tea concentrate, jelly, cheese and mustard in small bowl. Stir into cream sauce.

Warm cognac in small saucepan. Ignite cognac and pour it gradually into saucepan with the other ingredients, stirring constantly . Season with salt Keep warm until serving time (Sauce can be made ahead and refrigerated covered up to 24 hours) . Heat until hot in double boiler. Yield : 8 servings. Paula (Graef) Sauer-Madison , WI


sirloin or porterhouse steak, 3" thick (I use sirloin tip roast or rump roast on sale, cheaper)

2 Tbsp. butter or margarine

3 onions, chopped

Yi cup chili sauce

1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce

1 lemon, thinly sliced

Salt and pepper to taste and paprika and chopped parsley

Quickly sear steak on both sides in very hot, dry skillet Place in baking pan or shallow casserole In same skillet, melt butter or margarine and cook onions until lightly browned Spread buttery onions on top of steak Combine chili sauce, parsley and seasonings. Spread over onions. Top with thin slices of lemon and sprinkle with paprika. Let stand at room temperature for one hour Bake in moderate oven 350° for 35 to 40 minutes or • until desired doneness.

Yield : 4 servings

Donna Balko-Valparaiso, IN


Yi lb string beans cut lengthwise or 1 pkg frozen french cut (cooked only until crisp-done . Save water .)

1 lb tender beef, cubed or thinly sliced

2 Tbsp. soy sauce

1 tsp . sugar

1 Tbsp cornstarch

Yi tsp. salt

1 Tbsp wine (sauterne)

2 Tbsp. oil

Dredge beef with mix of soy, sugar, cornstarch, salt and wine. Heat pan, add oil, saute beef a few seconds. Add cup bean water and beans. Simmer a few seconds. Serve hot. (Do not overcook beans). Serve with rice or dry noodles.

Veldena (Jones) Urban-Ft Collins, CO



2 lbs . beef stew meat, cut into 1" cubes

2 Tbsp. instant minced onion

Y2 cup catsup

2 tsp. salt

1 tsp . paprika

1 Tbsp. brown sugar

Yi tsp. dry mustard

2 Tbsp. Worcestershire sauce

1 cup water

cup flour



(Hungarian Goulash, directions)

Place meat in crockpot and add onion , catsup, salt, paprika, sugar, mustard and Worcestershire sauce. Stir in water. Cover and cook on low for 9 to 10 hours (On high for 4 -5 hours) Turn control to high. Dissolve flour in small amount of cold water, stir into meat mixture. Cook 10 minutes Serve over cooked noodles

Yield: 6 servings. Mildred Volz Kegel-Baltimore, MD


Prepare 4 oz. cellophane noodles (soak in warm water for 15 minutes, drain and cut into 2" pieces).

Shred cup scallions

Mix in a bowl:

Yi tsp . salt

tsp. monosodi um glutamate

Yi tsp. sugar

Shred Yi lb. lean beef

1 tsp cornstarch

1 Yi Tbsp. dry sherry

1 Y2 Tbsp. soy sauce

Set bowl aside. Stir fry the shredded lean beef and scallions for 2 minutes in 3 Tbsp . peanut oil over high heat in a wok or frying pan. Add liquid mixture and the cellophane noodles, then stir fry for 3 minutes over medium flame .

Yield: 4 servings. Mrs. Elmer P. (Mary Ellen) Simon-Frankenmuth, Ml

NOTE: Cellophane noodles are available in oriental section of specialty food stores.


3 -6 lbs corned beef

2 bay leaves

2 cloves garlic (optional)

12 peppercorns

1 onion, sliced thin

Cover corned beef with water and soak overnight in refrigerator. Following day, boil approximately 1 hour in the same water . Add new water to cover beef . Add spices and onion . Simmer 3 hours or until tender. Drain. Cool.

Make paste of:

1 Yi Tbsp salad oil

2 tsp. paprika

1 tsp . garlic powder

1 Tbsp . coarse ground pepper

Coat beef thoroughly. Let stand covered 2 hours : Bake 325° for 1 hour. Cool. Slice paper thin

Martha N. Hodges-Lemon Grove, CA

RISO-NEOPOLITAN (Microwave) (Meatballs)

1 lb. hamburger

1 slightly beaten egg

Yi cup bread crumbs

1 tsp salt

Dash pepper

Yi cup buttered bread crumbs

3 or 4 cups cooked rice

1 cup grated mozzarella cheese

Y2 cup chopped and cooked chicken giblets

1 cup peas

1 Yi cups (12 oz ) tomato sauce

Parmesan cheese

Combine first five ingredients, shape into 12 to 16 balls and brown Layer in 2 Y2 quart casserole dish: Yi of the crumbs, rice, meatballs, mozzarella cheese, giblets, peas and sauce. Repeat layers Top with parmesan cheese. Bake in covered dish on high for 8 - 10 minutes Can also be prepared in a conventional oven at 375 ° for 30 minutes. Yield: 6 -8 servings . Carol Fischer-Lincoln, NB


1 lb ground beef

1 egg cup soft bread crumbs

cup water

cup finely chopped onions

Y2 tsp . salt

Dash pepper

Combine meat with next six ingredients Shape into 1 " balls (about 24).


1 Yi cups water

2 beef bouillon cubes

YJ cup brown sugar

cup dark raisins

2 Yi Tbsp . lemon juice

6 broken gingersnaps

Bring 1 Y2 cups water to boiling. Stir in bouillon cubes , sugar, ra1s1ns and lemon juice. Add meatballs (do not brown). Cook over low heat for 10 minutes turning occasionally Simmer another 30 - 40 minutes. Put crumbled cookies in 10 minutes before serving. Cookies thicken sauce

Yield: 5 -6 servings .

Mrs. John Bolgert-Sheboygan, WI

Blessed is ever y one who fear s the Lord, who walks in his ways! You shall eat the fruit of the labor of your hands ; you shall be happy, and it shall be well with vou . Psalm 128:2


1 lb . ground beef or lamb

1 tsp salt

Yi cup rice cup water


8 oz grape leaves , drained (buy at a Greek deli)

2 Tbsp. lemon juice

2 cups broth (chicken or beef)

Brown ground meat, add salt Simmer rice and water 10 minutes ; combine with meat and place 1 heaping Tbsp . on each grape leaf . Roll up, folding in side edges Simmer rolls in lemon juice and broth for 30 minutes . For variety substiture tomato juice for half of the broth and/or add 1 Tbsp. dillweed to meat mixture Serve with Lemon Sauce

3 eggs, separated

3 Tbsp lemon juice

2 Tbsp . butter

Yi tsp. salt

1 cup simmering liquid

Beat egg whites until stiff. Combine egg yolks, lemon juice, butter, salt, and liquid (if necessary add broth or water to make 1 cup liquid) and boil 1 minute. Slowly add to stiffly beaten egg whites folding in. Return to saucepan and boil 1 minute. Sauce will be foamy; serve immediately over Dolmathes.

Yield : 24 rolls.

1 Y2 I bs . ground beef

cup quick rolled oats

cup chopped onion

1 Yi tsp. salt

Mrs. Gene C. Bahls-Bourbonnais, IL


tsp. pepper

1 beaten egg

cup milk or 1 cup tomato juice

Mix all ingredients together . Place in baking dish .

Cover with following sauce:

Y3 cup catsup

2 Tbsp brown sugar

1 Tbsp . prepared mustard

Mix well and cover the meat . Bake at 350° for 1 hour . Really sparks up the old stand-by meat loaf .

Yield : 6 servings. Ber Ruprecht-Valparaiso, IN

VARIATION: Mrs. Reuben J. Snartemo, Milwaukee, WI makes a different sauce for her meat loaf by combining 1 lb can of whole cranberry sauce , Y3 cup brown sugar and 1 Tbsp lemon juice to spoon over her individually shaped meat loaves. (Be sure to use milk rather than tomato juice and decrease the onions to 2 Tbsp. in the loaf mix.)



5 lbs. hamburger (not ground chuck as the grease is needed for juiciness)

4 cups celery, chopped fine or ground

4 cups onions, chopped or ground

2 green peppers, chopped or ground

2 Yi bottles cats-up (14 oz. size; · or one 35 oz.)

Salt, pepper, paprika, chili powder to taste

3 Tbsp. sugar

2 tsp. Accent or MSC

Brown the hamburger, add vegetables and seasonings. Simmer for 2 hours, stirring occasionally on top of stove or in oven. Will fill roughly 50 buns for a crowd.

NOTE: This recipe is used by Appleton members for the concession at the summer Art Fair and other Guild functions and over the years has netted the Guild hundreds of dollars.


1 lb ground beef

1 6 oz . can tomato paste

6 oz. water

1 tsp. salt

tsp. cinnamon

tsp. nutmeg lb butter

8 oz elbow macaroni, cooked and drained

4 oz. grated cheese

3 eggs

1 Yi cups milk

3 Tbsp. flour

Brown ground meat; add tomato paste, water and seasonings. Melt half the butter; pour over macaroni. Stir gently; spread half the macaroni on bottom of 8 x 8 x 2" pan. Sprinkle part of cheese on top; spread with meat mixture. Cover with remaining macaroni; add remaining cheese. Combine 1 egg with Yi cup milk; beat. Pour over cheese; shake pan. Melt remaining butter in saucepan; add flour and remaining milk to make thick white sauce Add 2 eggs slowly; cook until thickened; spread over macaroni. Bake at 350° for 45 minutes.

Mrs . Gene C. Bahls-Bourbonnais, IL


1 Yi lbs . ground beef

cup uncooked oatmeal

1 tsp. salt

Yi tsp. garlic powder

1 8 oz. can tomato sauce

1 egg

Combine above ingredients, shape into small meat balls. Brown


( Meatball Creole, cont .)

Combine following ingredients , pour over meat balls, simmer 20 minutes , covered :

1 8 oz can tomato sauce

1 cup chili sauce

1 Yi cups water

cup chopped onion

Yi cup green pepper

Serve with spaghetti, mashed potatoes or rice.

Yield: 6 servings.

Katie Renken-Ann Arbor , Ml

SWEDISH MEATBALLS (Gentleman's Special)

1 lb ground round steak

YJ lb ground veal

Y3 lb ground pork

1 cup milk

1 Y2 cups soft bread crumbs

Yi cup onion, minced

2 Tbsp . butter

2 tsp. salt

tsp. nutmeg

tsp. allspice

tsp . cardamom

Pinch of pepper

2 eggs, slightly beaten

4 Tbsp. butter (or less for frying)

Have meats ground together . Pour milk over bread to soak. Cook onion in butter until soft . Combine all ingredients except butter for frying. Mix well. (Mixture is soft and hard to handle but that' s why the meatballs are light ) With wet hands form into small meatballs, not larger than an inch in diameter. If possible, refrigerate overnight to mellow flavors, but remove a few minutes before frying so they can warm up Fry a few at a time Brown slowly, shaking the pan occasionally . Heat in sauce for 30 minutes . (May keep warm for longer period or transfer to a chafing dish.)

Yield : Approx 100.

Red Wine Sauce:

Pan drippings

3 Tbsp flour

1 cup bouillon

1 cup water

1 cup dry red wine (Burgundy, claret)

Stir flour into pan drippings (You may have to use your own judgment about the amount of flour and pan drippings needed for the rest of the ingredients in the sauce A little more, a little les s.) Stir together until smooth, then cook over low heat, stirring steadily until it' s all bubbly and brown. Stir in liquid, taking pan off heat to avoid lumps . Return to heat, stirring and scraping in the rich drippings . Boil 1 minute . Add meatballs to simmer .


1 can tomato soup

1 can water

¥3 cup uncooked rice cup milk

1 Yi Ibs . ground beef

1 egg, beaten


1 tsp . chopped onion (more if desired)

1 tsp . salt

Dash of pepper

Fat for browning

Add water to soup and set aside. Mix all other ingredients together. Form into small balls , and brown in hot fat . Put balls in 2 quart casserole and pour tomato soup mixture over them . Bake covered until rice pops out, about 50 to 60 minutes at 350°

Yield: 8 servings.

Clara A. Laesch-Saginaw, Ml


2 lbs. ground beef

"Y4 lb . ground pork

2 eggs , wel I beaten

Yi cup water

2 small slices wheat bread , dried and crushed

1 large onion, minced

2 medium potatoes, boiled and · mashed

3 tsp . salt

Ya tsp paprika

1 tsp Worcestershire sauce

1 tsp. parsley flakes

1 dash Tabasco sauce

Pinch of sugar

Ya tsp. Accent

Butter or oleo for frying

Mix the 2 meats , add eggs , water, onions , and dried bread crumbs

When mashed potatoes are cooled , add to first five ingredients and mix well, then add all other spices Make small balls (May be made very small and used as appetizers for parties). Fry first and then put them in casserole at 325 ° oven for 40 minute s.

Yield : 5 -6 dozen.

1 lb. ground beef

1 I b pork sausage

1 medium onion , chopped

Miss Melitta Quasius - Sheboygan , WI


1 med head of cabbage, chopped

Salt and pepper

2 pkgs. hot roll mix

Brown ground meat and onions Add cabbage and season with salt and pepper Simmer about 2 hours Prepare hot roll mix according to directions on package Roll dough very thin and cut into 6 or 7" squares Place about 3 Tbsp of meat mixture in center of each square. Bring corners of dough to the center, pinch edges together and place smooth


(Runzas, cont .)

side up on greased baking sheet . Let rise and bake at 350° for 20 minutes. To freeze, shorten baking time, wrap in foil and reheat later.

NOTE: Runzas are a Nebraska favorite which come from the Czechoslovakian heritage. Our Lincoln chapter of the Guild makes and sells Runzas at our bazaars and bake sales - they ' ve become a tradition .

Yield : 25 Runzas.

Carol Fischer-Lincoln, NB


6 Tbsp. olive oil

1 tsp salt

8 tsp sugar

6 Tbsp vinegar (wine)

1 Tbsp. minced onion flakes

3 Tbsp. garlic powder (optional)

2 tsp. oregano

3 8 oz cans tomato sauce

1 12 oz. can tomato paste

1 Tbsp Worcestershire sauce

Dash cinnamon and cloves

Combine above ingredients in large heavy kettle - allow to simmer. In fry pan, brown 1 lb. ground beef plus 1 tsp. salt. Add to sauce and simmer 2 hours Cook package of spaghetti as directed. Serve sauce over spaghetti. May add parmesan cheese if desired.

Yield: 12 - 15 servings

Helen Roesler-Lincoln, NB


1 lb ground beef

1 lb pork sausage

2 qts cold water

2 cups steel cut oatmeal (availabfe in health stores)

1 medium onion (about Yi cup minced)

2 tsp . salt

Yi tsp . coarse ground pepper

2 large bay leaves

Brown beef and pork (breaking up with a fork) and drain off grease In a heavy pan , bring water, oatmeal, onion and seasonings to a boil and cook for Yi hour, stirring at close intervals. Add meat and cook for another Yi hour Goetta will be thick when done (A good stirring arm is needed.) Remove bay leaves Pour into two loaf pans ; when cool it will be firm and easily sliced. Fried a golden brown and served with eggs, it makes a delicious breakfast or supper.

Yield : 28 slices . Mrs . Joe D . ( Norma) Kolb-New Albany, IN




3 to 4 lbs. corned beef (brisket or round)

112 oz. can beer (optional)

1 large onion, sliced

2 stalks celery

Yi tsp . salt

1 bay leaf

Yi tsp. whole cloves

8 peppercorns

1 medium head cabbage (green)

Put brisket in Dutch oven or deep kettle and cover with cold water. Add beer, seasonings and vegetables except cabbage. Cover and bring to boil, then simmer 3 to 4 hours. About 20 minutes before serving, cut cabbage into wedges and put in broth. Simmer until crisp tender; don't overcook. Drain wedges and serve on platter with sliced corned beef. Pass horseradish sauce and/or sharp mustard . Complete meal with Dilly Creamed Potatoes (or boil potatoes in some beef broth) and fresh fruit salad.

Yield: 6 -8 servings.

Doris (Krueger) Nelson-Brookfield, WI


2 12 oz cans corned beef

1 Yi cups caraway rye bread

cup creamy Russian dressing

1 Tbsp Worcestershire sauce crumbs

1 egg

Yi cup chopped onion cup sweet pickle relish

74 tsp. pepper

1 can sauerkraut, drained

1 Yi cups grated swiss cheese

Combine beef and bread crumbs , egg, onion, relish, dressing and seasonings Spread Yi of mixture in 9 x 13" pan. Then spread on drained sauerkraut, Yi of cheese, remaining corned beef mixture and remaining cheese. Bake at 325° for 45 minutes.

Yield: 8 servings Florence Krueger Oppliger-Port Huron, Ml


1 onion

1 lb. ground beef

3 cups diced, cooked potatoes

Yi cup catsup

1 (15Yi oz.) can baked beans (any kind)

Brown chopped onion. Add and brown ground beef. Season and add beans, potatoes and catsup. Heat and serve with salad and dessert.

Yield: 6 servings .

Mrs . Donald W. Letz-Canoga Park, CA



8 oz . noodles

cup onion, chopped cup green pepper, chopped

1 tsp . margarine

1 Y3 cups milk

6 oz. processed American cheese , diced

1 10 Y2 oz. can mushroom soup

1 2 Y2 oz jar dried beef, cut into strips or 1 12 oz. can corned beef, diced

Cook noodles in salted water as directed on package and drain. Saute onion and green pepper in margarine . Add milk, cheese , and mushroom soup and warm until cheese begins to melt . Combine with rest of ingredients and transfer to greased casserole. Bake at 350° for 30 to 40 minutes

Yield: 8 servings. Millie Hensler Sparschu

VARIATION: Mrs. Miidred Buechner, Willshire, OH uses 1 cup each: raw macaroni, grated cheddar cheese, minced dried beef with 1 Yi cups milk, 1 Tbsp minced onion and 1 can mushroom soup Mix all ingredients in buttered 8 x 8" casserole. Refrigerate overnight Bake at 350° for one hour .

Mrs. Lydia Kanske, Sheboygan, WI makes a ham casserole using 1 Yi cups left-over ham instead of the dried beef and only 1 cup milk. (Follow Mrs . Buechner's variation).

Y2 cup onion, chopped

1 Tbsp . fat

1 Yi lbs . ground chuck

2 1 lb cans kidney beans

2 1 I b. cans tomatoes

1 6 oz can tomato paste

1 Tbsp. chili powder

1 tsp salt


Y2 tsp . oregano

Dash pepper

1 bay leaf

Dash Tabasco sauce

1 Yi cups water

1 cup chopped celery

1 cup chopped green pepper

Cook onion in hot fat until tender, but not brown . Add meat and brown lightly . Add beans, tomatoes , tomato paste, seasonings, water and Yi cup each of celery and green pepper . Simmer uncovered for one hour Add remaining celery and green pepper ; simmer another 10 minutes . Garnish with onion rings.

Yield: 6 -8 servings.

Marilyn (Meier) Krueger - Brookfield, WI

VARIATION: Omit oregano , bay leaf , Tabasco sauce , celery Add lb diced and fried bacon and half a bud of garlic.

Mrs Dieter Nickel-Merrill, WI




1 lb ground chuck

Y.4 cup fine dry bread crumbs

1 tsp. salt

Dash pepper

Yi tsp. poultry seasoning

1 Tbsp. snipped parsley

Y4 cup milk

1 egg, beaten

2 Tbsp. bacon fat


1 bouillon cube

1 cup boiling water

4 oz can mushrooms with liquid

1 medium onion, chopped

2/J cup sour half & half

1 Tbsp. flour

Yi tsp. caraway seed


2 cups flour

1 tsp. salt

2 slightly beaten eggs cup milk

Y4 cup fine dry bread crumbs

2 Tbsp. butter

Combine beef, crumbs, salt, pepper, poultry seasoning, parsley, milk and egg. Mix lightly and form into 24 -1 Yi" balls. Brown slowly on all sides in hot bacon fat, shaking pan frequently.

Add cube dissolved in boiling water, mushrooms with liquid, and onion . Simmer covered 30 minutes . Blend sour half & half, flour and caraway seed. Stir into broth . Cook and stir until mixture thickens. Serve with spaetzle.

Sift together flour and salt. Add 2 slightly beaten eggs and milk. Beat well. Place mixture in coarse sieved colander. Hold over large kettle of boiling salted water (as for noodles or spaghetti) Press batter through colander Cook and stir 5 minutes; drain Serve on a platter with spaetzle surrounding meatballs and gravy. Sprinkle spaetzle with a mixture of crumbs and melted butter.

Yield: 5 -6 servings

Marilyn (Meier) Krueger-Brookfield, WI


1 lb. ground beef

1 onion, chopped

1 can tomatoes (2 cups)

1 6 oz. can tomato paste (or sauce) and 1 can water

1 cup uncooked macaroni

Yi cup Minute rice

1 tsp . sugar

1 tsp. salt

Few dashes pepper



(Hamburger Hotdish, directions)

Brown beef and onion. Add rest of ingredients and cook over low heat or in electric skillet for 30 minutes or transfer to casserole and bake in 350° oven for 30 minutes. Add 1 cup tomato juice or V-8 if it becomes too dry.

Yield: 4 -5 servings.

Sandy Radtke-Appleton, WI

VARIATION: To Yi the recipe add 1 tsp . chili powder.

Evelyn Lindstrom-South Euclid, OH


8 oz. uncooked egg noodles (wide)

1 lb. ground beef

Yi lb. (1 cup) cottage cheese

8 oz. cream cheese

cup sour cream

YJ cup onion, chopped

2 Tbsp melted butter

2 cans (8 oz.) tomato sauce

Cook noodles and drain. Saute ground meat in large skillet. Combine noodles with meat. Combine cottage cheese, cream cheese, sour cream and onion. Put half noodle-meat mixture in casserole - cover with cheese mixture - add remaining noodle-beef mixture. Drizzle butter over noodles and spoon on tomato sauce. Can be prepared in the morning and refrigerated until one hour before serving time. Bake at 350° for 40 to 45 minutes.

Yield : 4 -5 servings. Leona Liesch-Wittenberg, WI


2 Tbsp oil

1 onion

2 lbs. ground beef

4 cans oz.) meatless mushroom spaghetti sauce

1 tsp. salt

1 lb. fine noodles, cooked and drained

1 Ib. sharp cheddar cheese, grated or shredded

Seasoning salt

Heat oil, add onion and cook until golden. Add meat and cook until meat looses its red color, stirring. Add spaghetti sauce and salt, simmer. Arrange in 3 quart casserole - half of noodles, half of sauce and half of cheese ; sprinkle with seasoning salt - repeat layers. This can be prepared in the morning and refrigerated. Remove from refrigerator 2 hours before dinner. Bake at 325° for 1 hour.

Yield: 8 - 10 servings (generously). Carol Ensroth Holm-Detroit, Ml

2 medium eggplants


4 Tbsp butter

2 lbs. chopped beef

3 medium onions , chopped

2 Tbsp tomato paste cup chopped parsley

Yi cup red wine

Yi cup water

Dash of cinnamon 2 unbeaten eggs


Yi cup cheddar cheese, grated

Yi cup bread crumbs

6 Tbsp . butter

6 Tbsp flour

3 cups hot milk

2 tsp. salt

Yi tsp. pepper

Dash of nutmeg

4 egg yolks

Yi cup grated parmesan cheese

Oi I for cooking

To prepare eggplant: remove Yi" wide strips of peel lengthwise from eggplant leaving Yi " between strips. Cut into thick slices, sprinkle with salt and let stand to drain .

To prepare meat: in frying pan, melt butter, saute meat and onion until meat is browned. Add tomato paste, parsley, wine and water. Simmer until most of liquid is absorbed . Cool. Stir in cinnamon, eggs, cheese and half of the crumbs.

To prepare sauce: in saucepan melt 6 Tbsp. butter. Add flour. Stir until well blended. Remove from heat and gradually stir in the milk. Return to heat, and cook, stirring until sauce is thick and smooth. Add salt, pepper, and nutmeg. Combine egg yolks with a little of the hot sauce . Mix well and add to sauce. Cook over low heat until thick, stirring constantly

To assemble: brown eggplant slices in hot oil on both sides . Grease large baking dish or lasagna pan. Sprinkle bottom with remaining crumbs Cover with a layer of eggplant slices, then a layer of meat, and continue until all of the eggplant and meat are used, finishing with a layer of eggplant Cover with the sauce, sprinkle with grated parmesan Bake at 350° for an hour. Serve hot

Yield : 10 - 12 servings.

Mrs. Edward Griessel (Miriam Schurman ) -Englewood , FL


pkg . onion soup mix

3 lbs stewing beef, cut in bite size pieces (do not brown meat)

2 cans mushroom soup

Mix in greased , 1 Yi quart casserole . Bake 1 Yi to 2 hours in 325 ° oven . Stir once during the last 15 minutes of baking . No seasonings or additional water needed . Serve over wide noodles or rice .

Yield : 4 -6 servings .

Mrs . Myles T. Musgrave-Port Huron , Ml




1 Yi lbs ground beef

1 tsp. salt

Yi tsp . pepper

Yi tsp . garlic salt

1 lg can Italian plum tomatoes

1 pkg. (10 oz.) frozen chopped spinach

1 4 oz . can green chilies (if you wish it hot, use two cans) cup grated longhorn cheese can mushroom soup

Yi cup sour cream

1 pkg. corn or flour tortillas

Brown meat until it loses its color Add salt, pepper and garlic salt

Then add tomatoes Drop frozen spinach in this and cook until it separates Line buttered casserole with either flour or corn tortillas

Place half of this mixture in Top with half of green chilies Second layer of mixture Top with cheese Again layer of green chilies Top with mixture of mushroom soup and sour cream and a little garlic salt . Place lid on casserole and bake 30 to 35 minutes at 350°. Then 5 minutes without lid . Serve with green tossed salad (grapefruit, avocado , spinach) and casserole of Mexican beans if you wish.

Yield: 4 -6 servings

Ellen Waldschmidt-Oak Park, IL


1 lb ground beef

1 onion, chopped ( Yi cup)

1 cup chopped celery

1 can cream of mushroom soup

1 can cream of chicken soup

1 soup can of water

Y2 cup uncooked rice

2 to 4 Tbsp . soy sauce , according to taste

1 sm can mu shroom pieces with liquid

Chow mein noodles

Brown and drain ground meat, onion and celery Add this to remaining ingredients except chow mein noodles in a 2 quart, greased casserole. Bake at 350° for 30 minutes covered. Uncover and bake another 30 minutes. Cover mixture with chow mein noodles and bake 15 minutes more

Yield : 6 servings

VARIATIONS: add 1 small chopped green pepper, 1 can bean sprouts; rice variations include cup white rice with cup soaked wild rice , cup Minute rice with an additional cup water, or cup cooked brown rice .

Re cipe with variations submitted by :

Mikki Matheson-Boulder, CO

Mari e A. Collin s- LaPort e, IN

Mrs Stephen Brtis - Woodland Hills , CA

Dr Leola Garriott-Hortonville, WI



1 Yi lbs . lean ground beef

2 cups boiling water

3 beef bouillon cubes

2 Tbsp . soy sauce

2 Tbsp dark molasses

4 Tbsp . flour

Y2 cup cold water

1 cup coarsely chopped onion

2 cups chopped celery

Brown beef, pour off fat, then add boiling water, bouillon cubes, soy sauce and molasses Stir well to blend Mix flour with cold water and slowly add to meat mixture, stirring constantly. Cook slowly until mixture thickens. After mixture thickens, add onions and celery. Blend in and then cover and simmer for 20 minutes. Serve over hot rice or chow mein noodles.

Yield: 4 -6 servings.

Margaret (Steelman) Kohn-Livonia, Ml

NOTE: Add about 1 cup water if mixture thickens too much .


lb. ground beef, browned, drained and seasoned pkg. frozen tater tots

1 pkg. frozen on ion rings

1 pkg. frozen peas

1 can cream of chicken soup

Combine all ingredients. Bake at 350° for 45 minutes.

Yield: 4 -6 servings.

Kay Diesterhaft-lowa City, IA

VARIATION: Add one chopped onion to the meat when browning instead of frozen onion rings; one can mixed vegetables, drained instead of frozen peas; and add Y2 cup milk to soup. Save some tater tots for topping. Bake at 375° for 1 hour.

Mrs. Irvin Jaffke-St. Joseph, Ml


1 lb. ground beef

Y1 lb. bacon, cut up

Yi cup chopped onion

1 (1 lb.) can lima beans

1 (1 lb.) can kidney beans

1 (1 lb.) can baked beans

Yi cup catsup

cup brown sugar

1 tsp. dry mustard

2 tsp vinegar

Brown ground beef, bacon and onion. Drain fat. Drain the lima beans and kidney beans. Add to hamburger mixture along with remaining ingredients. Bake in 2 quart casserole at 350° for 60 minutes.

Yield : 6 - 8 servings. Joyce (Schreiber) Schoenfield-Beloit, WI




1 Yi cups water

1 8 oz can tomato sauce

1 pkg. spaghetti sauce mix

1 lb hamburger, fried and drained

Blend sauce ingredients and simmer uncovered for 10 - 12 minutes .


2 cups shredded mozzarella


1 cup ricotta or cream style

cottage cheese

Yi cup grated parmesan cheese

2 beaten eggs

cup snipped parsley

Yi tsp salt and Yi t sp. pepper

8 manicotti shells, cooked and drained

Combine 1 cup mozzarella, ricotta and parmesan cheeses Add eggs, parsley, salt and pepper. Mix lightly. Stuff shells with cheese mixture. Pour half sauce into 2 quart casserole or 7 x 11" dish. Arrange stuffed shells in dish. Pour remaining sauce over top Sprinkle with remaining mozzarella cheese . Bake uncovered at 350° for 25 to 30 minutes.

Yield: 4 servings .

Mary Anne Moeslein Whited-Kokomo, IN


Vi lb. bulk pork sausage

Yi lb ground beef

1 can (8 oz .) refrigerated crescent rolls*

8 oz . can tomato sauce

1 4 oz can mushrooms

cup chopped green pepper

cup chopped onion

tsp basil leaves

tsp. oregano

Yi tsp . fennel seeds

1 Yi cups mozzarella cheese

Parmesan cheese to taste

Brown sausage and hamburger ; drain . Separate crescent rolls and press into ungreased 9 x 13 " pan and up the sides of the pan about one inch. Combine tomato sauce , mushrooms, green pepper, onion, seasonings and 1 cup of the mozzarella cheese with the meat mixture . Spoon into crust. Sprinkle top with remaining Yi cup cheese and parmesan cheese. Bake at 350° for 25 - 30 minutes or until crust is golden brown Let stand 5 minutes before cutting into squares

Yield : 4 -6 servings.

Marilyn Meier Krueger - Brookfield, WI

* If a thicker c rust is desired, use 2 cans.

Give instruction to a wise man , and he will be still wiser; teach a righteous man and he will increase in learning Prov. 9 :9

I 199



1 Yi lbs. ground beef

1 large onion, chopped

Salt and pepper

2 cups tomato sauce (16 oz. can)

3 Tbsp. chili powder

1 (10 oz.) pkg. frozen whole kernel corn

12 tortillas (soft ones) found in dairy-cheese case

1 lb cheddar cheese, shredded

Ripe olives, sliced (small can)

Brown ground beef and onion, season with salt and pepper Add tomato sauce and chili powder. Thaw corn by cooking for a few minutes; add to meat mixture. Place 4 tortillas on bottom of 9 x 13" pan (sides will overlap), spread Y3 meat mixture on tortillas and then Y3 cheese. Repeat layers ending with cheese. Top with ripe olives Bake at 350° uncovered for 30 minutes. Can be frozen before baking for later use. Increase baking time to 45 minutes to 1 hour.

Ann Burgdorf-Colorado Springs, CO


1 box lasagna noodles

48 oz. Ragu sauce

Yi tsp garlic powder

1 Tbsp. sugar

Yi tsp. oregano

2 lbs . hamburger, browned

Yi to cup parmesan cheese

12 - 16 oz. ricotti or dry cottage cheese

8 oz. sliced mozzarella cheese

Cook noodles until not quite done To Ragu, add garlic powder, sugar and oregano to taste. Heat. Add hamburger. Layer noodles, sauce, parmesan and cottage cheeses (about 5 layers) until all is used. Top with mozzarella. Cover with foil and bake. Use a 9 x 13" pan. Bake 30 minutes at 350°. One of the easier lasagna recipes and very tasty. Yield: 10 servings.

Mrs Noel (Jan Hemminghaus) Schlegelmilch-Michigan City, IN


10 oz. pkg . med . size shell macaroni

lYi lbs ground beef

1 tsp. seasoned salt

1 pkg (1 Yi oz.) spaghetti sauce mix

1 6 oz. can tomato paste

1 8 oz. can tomato sauce

1 Yi cups water

1 carton (about 1 lb.) dry cottage cheese

1 Y1 cups grated cheddar cheese

Directions, page 201

Cook macaroni . Drain . Brown ground beef until pink disappears ; drain fat . Add seasoned salt, spaghetti sauce mix, tomato paste, tomato sauce and water. Mix well. Bring to boil, stirring occasionally .

In 2 quart casserole, layer Yi macaroni , Yi cottage cheese, Yi meat sauce in that order Sprinkle on Yi cup cheddar cheese Repeat layers. Top with remaining cheddar cheese Bake in 350° oven for 30 to 40 minutes or until bubbly and cheese is melted

Yield: 8 servings.

1 lb ground beef

2 Tbsp. oil

1 medium onion

1 Yi tsp. salt tsp. pepper

1 Yi tsp. oregano


Mrs. John Weber-Atco , NJ

Yi tsp. garlic salt

2 Tbsp. flour

1 (#2 Y2 ) can tomatoes (4 cups)

1 (8 oz.) pkg. broad noodles

Y2 lb. mozzarella cheese, sliced

Yi cup parmesan cheese

Brown meat in oil. Add onion and seasonings. Mix flour with tomatoes Pour over meat. Simmer. Cook noodles. Put in layers in casserole - noodles, meat mixture and slices of cheese. Sprinkle parmesan cheese on top. Bake for 45 minutes at 350°.

Mrs. Richard Heronemus-Sheboygan, WI


cup shortening

1 3 oz pkg. cream cheese

1 cup flour

Yi tsp. salt

3 Tbsp . cold water

Y2 lb ground beef

Y3 cup catsup

1 Tbsp. chopped onion

1 tsp. oregano tsp . salt

Ya tsp . pepper

Yi cup shredded mozzarella cheese

Cut shortening and cream cheese into flour and salt. Sprinkle with water 1 Tbsp. at a time until dough holds together ' Chill. Brown ground beef . Pour off fat. Stir in catsup, onion, oregano, salt and pepper . Set aside . Roll out pastry into two 8" circles on a floured surface. Cover Yi of each circle with meat mixture , and top each with cheese. Fold over pastry to make a half moon Press out edges with fork to seal. Bake on an ungreased cookie sheet for 20 minutes at 425°

Yield: 3 -4 servings.

Mrs. Arnold Firnhaber-Ann Arbor, Ml


6 oz. spaghetti, cooked

2 Tbsp butter or margarine

Yi cup parmesan cheese

2 eggs, beaten

1 lb . ground beef

1 small onion, chopped

6 oz . tomato paste


1 16 oz . can tomatoes, undrained

1 tsp oregano

1 tsp. sugar

Yi tsp. garlic salt

1 cup cottage cheese

Yi cup grated mozzarella cheese

Combine spaghetti and butter, cool ; then add parmesan cheese and eggs. Mix well. Mold into a 10" pie plate. Brown ground beef and onion, drain. Add tomato paste, tomatoes, oregano, sugar and garlic salt. Simmer 15 to 20 minutes . Cover bottom of spaghetti shell with cottage cheese Put meat filling over cottage cheese allowing spaghetti shell to show around the edge Cover with foil. At this point it may be refrigerated or frozen Bake, covered, in 375° oven for 45 minutes. Sprinkle mozzarella cheese over meat and bake 10 - 15 minutes more. Allow to stand 5 minutes before cutting

Yield : 6 servings .

Betty Graef Fry-Elmhurst, IL

NOTE: This has a taste very much like lasagna


3 Tbsp. flour

2 Tbsp. instant minced onion

1 Yi tsp chili powder

1 tsp. salt

Yi tsp. ground cumin

Yi tsp. instant minced garlic

Yi tsp. sugar

Combine all ingredients. Place on 6" square of aluminum foil and seal air tight. Great to make in quantity to have several packages on hand.

Makes 1 package.

Chili using Chili Seasoning Mix:

Y2 lb. ground beef

1 pkg. chili seasoning mix

15 oz can tomato sauce

1 (15 oz .) can red beans, undrained

Brown beef in skillet; drain off excess fat. Blend in Chili Seasoning Mix Stir in tomato sauce and beans. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat; cover and simmer 10 minutes.

Makes 4 servings.

Doris Drews Wennerstrom-Rochester, NY



2 acorn squash

1 small onion, chopped

1 stalk celery, chopped

1 lb . ground beef

1 can cheddar cheese soup

Cut squash in half lengthwise, remove seeds, and sprinkle with salt Turn down on cookie sheet and bake at 350° for 35 - 40 minutes Cook onion and celery together. Brown ground beef and drain . Mix ground beef, onion and celery together with the cheese soup . Stuff squash with the ground beef mixture and return to oven for 5 - 10 minutes.

Yield: 4 servings.

Rita Hormann Seelman ('73)-Brownsburg, IN


Yi lb. seasoned pork sausage

Yi cup cooked rice

3 small yellow summer squash

1 small onion, chopped

2 Tbsp parsley, chopped

Salt and pepper to taste

1 cup tomato sauce

6 Tbsp Ritz cracker crumbs

2 Tbsp. butter

Fry sausage until done, pour off grease, add cooked rice . Meanwhile, boil squash 10 minutes, cut in half lengthwise and scoop out center pulp. Place squash shells in baking dish or pan. Combine rice and pork with squash pulp and seasonings and stuff shells. Cover with 1 cup tomato sauce, cracker crumbs and butter. Bake Yi hour at 375°.

Yield : 6 servings

Barbara (Strombeck) Maas-Anchorage, KY


1 lb. ground beef

1 medium onion, chopped

Yi tsp . chili powder

Yi tsp oregano

tsp. Tabasco

Y2 tsp. garlic powder

tsp. salt

tsp. pepper

1 Y2 lbs . zucchini

1 Tbsp. butter

1 can cream of mushroom soup

YJ lb. grated cheddar cheese

Buttered crumbs

Brown ground beef and chopped onion. Add all the seasonings Slice zucchini and steam in butter for a few minutes Drain well. In a greased 2 quart casserole dish, alternate layers of hamburger mixture and zucchini. Mix soup and cheese, pour over zucchini and hamburger. Top with buttered crumbs. Bake at 350° for 35 minutes Let stand for 15 minutes before serving.

Yield: 6 servings . Anne Hartner Dana-Lincoln, NB



5 lbs. ground beef (hamburger or chuck)

5 tsp. Morton ' s tender quick salt (curing salt)

2 Yi tsp garlic salt or 2 cloves garlic , crushed


2 Yi tsp. regular salt

2 Y2 tsp mustard seed

2 .tsp . coarse ground black pepper

Yi tsp. cayenne pepper

1 tsp liquid smoke

Mix all ingredients very well. Cover lightly . Refrigerate for 24 hours . Mix well again and chill for another 24 hours Mix well. Shape into 4 rolls, 12" long. Place on broiler pan (drippings will flow under rack) and bake in 175° to 200° oven for 8 hours. Cool. Can be frozen.

Yield: 4 rolls. Mrs. Elmer P. (Mary Ellen) Simon-Frankenmuth, Ml

VARIATIONS: Mrs. Richard , (Arliss) . Reul, Beloit, WI, adds 2 Yi tsp. Accent but omits the 2 Yi tsp. regular salt . Elsie Bender, Frankenmuth, Ml, uses 2 Tbsp. hickory smoke salt omitting the regular salt and the liquid smoke. She adds Y<i cup water.

Fran (Hannusch) Borcherding, Lincoln, NB, makes her summer sausage with 5 lbs. ground beef, 5 tsp. curing salt, 2 tsp . hickory smoked salt, 4 Y2 tsp. mustard seed, 2 tsp. cayenne or red pepper and 3 tsp. garlic powder or 4 garlic buds , crushed.


(2 rolls)

2 lbs . hamburger

1 lb . pork sausage

2 tsp. liquid smoke

Y<i tsp. garlic powder

2 tsp. mustard seed

1 Yi tsp. black pepper

1 Yi tsp. onion powder

1 cup water

2 Tbsp. Morton tender quick salt

Mix together by hand or potato masher. Roll in foil with shiney side in. Makes 2 rolls. Put in refrigerator for 24 hours before you bake. Prick holes in foil and place pan of water beneath rack because liquid drips. Bake at 350° for 1Yi hours. Be sure to use ingredients as listed; no substitutions.

Mrs. Leo C. Tiefenbach-St. Joseph, Ml

Honor the Lord with your substance and with the first fruits of all your produce; then your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will be bursting with wine . Prov . 3:9, 10




2Yi - 3 lbs Kielbasa or smoked sausage

Y2 cup brown sugar

1 medium to large onion , sliced

2 medium green peppers , cut in rings

1 Y2 - 2 cups barbecue sauce

Cut kielbasa on the bias in slices about thick Put in 2 quart casserole or pan and sprinkle with brown sugar Put onion slices and pepper rings on top and pour barbecue sauce over all. Bake uncovered in slow oven 250 ° for about 2 Y2 to 3 hours. Delicious on crusty hard rolls as a hot sandwich or could be served over rice as a main dish.

Yield: 6 servings.

Mrs Robert M Brown-Aurora , OH


1 8 oz. jar or 1 cup of cheese whiz

2 cans (condensed) cream of chicken soup

Yi cup milk

Yi cup chopped onion

4 Tbsp. butter

2 10 oz pkgs frozen , chopped broccoli

4 cups diced, cooked ham or spam

2 cups pre-cooked rice (minute)

Yi tsp. Worcestershire sauce (opt .)

Blend cheese, soup and milk Cook onion in butter until tender. Cook broccoli until tender and drain Mix all ingredients in 2 Y2 quart casserole. Cover and bake at 350° for 30 minutes.

Yield : 8 servings .

Marie Fowler-Lawrenceburg, IN


1 Yi cups macaroni, cooked

1 cup diced brick cheese

1 cup soft bread crumbs

1 Tbsp. minced parsley

3 Tbsp minced pimento

3 Tbsp . melted butter

1 Tbsp. minced onion

1 cup scalded milk

1 egg, wel I beaten

1 tsp . salt

Dash of pepper

Combine ingredients in order given. Bake in well greased casserole at 375° until firm - about 35 to 45 minutes. Serve hot. Can also be served in ring mold which can be filled with creamed leftover meat.

Yield : 8 servings.

Mrs. C.R. (So) Heidbrink-Valparaiso, IN



2 cups elbow macaroni

1 Y2 lbs. ground beef

1 small onion, chopped

1 can (8 oz.) tomato paste

Y3 cup water

2 tsp salt

cup grated hard cheese

1 tsp. salt

Ya tsp. nutmeg

Ya tsp . cinnamon

2YJ cups milk

YJ cup butter

4 eggs, beaten

Cook macaroni. Drain and set aside. Cook and stir meat and onion in large skillet until brown. Stir in paste, water and 2 tsp salt. Set aside. Mix cheese, 1 tsp. salt, nutmeg and cinnamon Spread Yi macaroni in greased baking dish, 13 x 9 x 2". Cover macaroni with meat mixture Sprinkle cheese-spice mixture on meat. Cover with remaining macaroni. Measure milk and butter in 2 quart pan. Cook and stir until melted. Remove from heat . Gradually stir at least half of hot mixture into eggsthen egg mixture into pan. Pour over casserole. Bake at 325° for 55 minutes.

Yield: 6 servings. Susan Stoppenhasen- Thousand Oaks, CA


1 medium onion, chopped

1 Tbsp. margarine

1 can (10Y2 oz.) cheese soup

1 6 oz. roll nippy or garlic cheese

Yi tsp. garlic powder

1 8 oz. can mushrooms

1 pkg frozen chopped broccoli, cooked and drained (10 oz )

3 cups hot cooked rice

1 can (3 oz ) French fried onions

Cook onion in margarine until soft but not brown Add soup, cheese and garlic powder. Cook over low heat, stirring until cheese melts. Add mushrooms plus liquid, broccoli and rice Turn into a shallow casserole (approx. 8 x 12"). Top with French fried onions. Bake at 350° for 15 to 20 minutes.

Yield: 8 servings . Mrs Jos. (Pat) Bibler-Valparaiso, IN


8 oz. spaghetti, broken into 1 Y2" to 2" pieces lb. butter

2 10 oz. pkgs. frozen spinach, defrosted and drained

3 Tbsp. dehydrated onions

1 lb. grated monterey jack cheese

1 pint sour cream

1 tsp. salt tsp pepper


Sandi Olsen Trenka-Boulder, CO

Cook spaghetti and drain. Add rest of ingredients. Blend well. Bake in ten cup casserole dish at 350° for 30 minutes or until heated through. Yield: 10 - 12 servings.


Yi lb. frozen chopped spinach

4 Tbsp . butter

2 Tbsp . flour

1 cup milk or buttermilk

1 cup (8 oz ) cream cheese

Salt and pepper

4 eggs, separated

Cook spinach, drain, removing as much moisture as possible. Melt butter, blend with flour and add heated milk or buttermilk . When smooth, stir in cream cheese broken into small pieces . When smooth, stir in spinach and season well. Cook slightly, then mix in beaten egg yolks When ready to cook, whip egg whites until stiff and fold into mixture. Pour into buttered souffle dish and bake 30 minutes at 350°. Serve with Spinach Sauce

Spinach Sauce:

Y4 lb frozen chopped spinach

2 Tbsp butter

1 Tbsp. flour

Yi cup heated milk

Yi cup thin cream

Salt and black pepper


Cook spinach ; drain well. Make white sauce and add chopped spinach and nutmeg Put in blender. Return to pan, taste for seasoning, add a little milk if too thick.

Mrs. Van (Miriam) Kussrow-Valparaiso, IN


8 oz spaghetti

1 or 2 10 oz. pkg. chopped spinach

Yi cup chopped onion

Yi cup grated parmesan cheese (mozzarella is good also)

1 4 oz. jar pimento, chopped

4 Tbsp. butter

2 eggs, beaten

YJ cup sliced fresh mushrooms

4 Tbsp butter

1 16 oz. jar meatless spaghetti sauce

Cook spaghetti and drain. Cook 'spinach with onions and drain. Combine spaghetti, spinach, cheese , pimento, 4 Tbsp . butter and eggs . Mix well. Put in a 6 Y2 cup greased ring mold or a 9 x 13 " greased pan. Bake at 375° for 25 minutes. While this is baking, cook mushrooms in remaining butter and add spaghetti sauce Serve over spaghetti ring. (My grandchildren eat this without knowing they are eating spinach).

Yield: 8 servings Hazel Weiherman-Hinckley, IL



1 t sp. butter or margarine

1 Tb sp grated swiss cheese

Y4 cup butter or margarine

Y4 cup flour

1Y3 cups boiling milk

tsp. salt

Y4 tsp. pepper

Dash cayenne pepper

Dash nutmeg

6 whole eggs

1 cup grated swiss cheese

Dash salt

1. Butter inside of souffle dish , sprinkle with 1 Tbsp. cheese .

2. Melt butter (Y4 cup) in saucepan, stir in flour, cook over medium heat until mixture bubbles.

3 Slowly add boiling milk, beating constantly, add salt, pepper, cayenne pepper and nutmeg.

4 Cook over medium heat until very thick, about one minute, stirring constantly

5 Separate eggs - drop whites into large mixing bowl, yolks into hot sauce (one at a time) beating well after each addition .

6. Blend in grated cheese.

7. Beat egg whites, salt, until stiff but not dry

8. Stir large spoonful of egg whites into sauce

9 Pour sauce into remaining egg whites, gently fold to blend

10. Pour souffle mixture into souffle dish, smooth surface with spatula .

11 Place in center of preheated 400° oven , immediately turn oven temperature down to 375°, bake 30 - 35 minutes

12. Serve immediately. (Serving can be delayed about 5 minutes if the oven is turned off and the souffle is allowed to remain in the hot oven) .

VARIATION: Cheddar cheese may be substituted for swiss cheese ; increase baking time to 35 - 40 minutes.

SPINACH SOUFFLE - Follow basic recipe with following changes:

Before proceeding with step 1 prepare 1 10 oz. pkg frozen chopped spinach as follows :

1 Place spinach in saucepan.

2 . Heat until completely thawed, stirring frequently with fork.

In step 3 . substitute Yi tsp. onion powder for cayenne pepper, nutmeg. In step 6. decrease grated swiss cheese to Yi cup, add cheese, spinach to sauce, blend.

SALMON SOUFFLE - Follow basic recipe with following changes:

In step 3. substitute liquid from canned salmon for part of milk ; substitute Y4 tsp oregano, Yi tsp. onion powder for cayenne, nutmeg

In step 6 decrease grated swiss cheese to Y2 cup; add 1 cup canned flaked salmon; add cheese , salmon to sauce ; blend In step 11. increase baking time to 35 - 40 minutes.

Yield : 5 -6 servings .

Hessler-North Olmsted , OH



8 slices bread (crumb fine)


Yi lb . Old English cheese, grated Y2 cup melted butter

1 pt. milk

5 eggs

Put bread crumbs and cheese in layers in a greased 9 x 9" pan Pour melted butter over crumbs and cheese . Beat eggs together well, add milk and pour over above mixture . Refrigerate at least 3 hoursbetter overnight. Bake 1 hour at 375° until inserted knife comes out clean. Serve immediately .

Yield: 6 servings. Bernice Luebke-Port Huron , Ml

VARIATION: Use 10 slices bread (stale and cubed) to layer in pan with cheese Use only two eggs Add Yi tsp. Worcestershire sauce and Y2 tsp salt Cheese, butter and milk the same

Mrs M Arthur Arduin-Grosse Pointe Farms, Ml


1 small pkg. cottage cheese-8 oz (small curd)

3 eggs

4 Tbsp. flour

2 Tbsp oil

Dash salt

Break eggs into cottage cheese Beat a little, but don ' t over beat. Sift flour and salt over top Add oil and mix. Can do this ahead of time and refrigerate until serving time. Butter griddle and set about 375°. After one side is cooked , turn and butter top. Serve 3 to a person. Stack , putting powdered sugar between each layer and a little more on top. Can double or triple for a larger group . Serve with applesauce, rolls and dessert.

Yield : 2 servings

Mrs. Dale E. Mertz-North Olmsted , OH


1 can mushroom soup

1 can tomato soup

1 can deviled ham

1 8 oz pkg. velveeta , cut in cubes

8 slices toast

8 pineapple slices

Bacon to garnish

Warm the first four ingredients . in a double boiler . Pour over pi ece of toast with a slice of drained pineapple on it Garni sh wfrh crisp bacon · strips , if desired.

Yield: 8 servings.

Gertrude Sattelmeier-Grosse Pointe Farm s, Ml


2 cups grated velveeta or American cheese (do not use cheddar)

cup butter

1 cup cream (or half & half)


Yi tsp salt

tsp pepper

2 tsp. prepared mustard

1 doz . eggs, slightly beaten

Spread cheese in a lightly buttered 7 x 11 " glass dish . Dot with butter . Combine cream , salt, pepper and mustard . Blend well. Pour Yi of mixture over cheese. Pour all of eggs over that Top with rest of cream mixture. Bake at 325° for 40 minutes . For brunch - serve with ham , fruit bowl and rolls.

Yield: 8 servings .

1 Ib. sausage

6 eggs, beaten

1 Yi cups milk

1 tsp dry mustard

Meta M . Irving-Glen Ellyn, IL

EGGS AND SAUSAGE (Sunday Brunch)

Y2 tsp. salt

2 slices white bread, cubed

1 cup shredded cheddar cheese

Brown sausage and drain on paper toweling and set aside . Beat eggs and add milk, dry mustard and salt. Add cubed bread to egg mixture; add sausage. Pour mixture into a buttered 8 x 8" baking dish . Sprinkle cheese on top. Cover and refrigerate overnight . Bake uncovered at 325° for 50 minutes. (Note : when doubling this recipe , use a 9 x 13" baking dish.)

Yield : 6 servings .

Mrs. Gerald L. Butts-Moline, IL

VARIATION: Use 5 slices of cubed bread , increase milk to 2 cups. Add cheese to egg mixture rather than sprinkling on top of casserole.

Vera M . Doty - Fort Wayne , IN


1 9" unbaked pie shell

2 Tbsp. butter

lb. sliced mushrooms

3 Tbsp . finely chopped onion

1 pkg. (6 oz.) frozen crabmeat, flaked

3 eggs

1 cup heavy cream

2 tsp . tomato paste

1 tsp . Worcestershire sauce

tsp. salt

Dash red pepper sauce

Y2 cup grated swiss cheese, divided in 2 parts

Directions, page 211


Partially bake pie shell in preheated hot oven (450°) 8 - 10 minutes, or until lightly brown. Remove from oven and cool. In large skillet , melt butter, add mushrooms and onion , saute 5 minutes . Add crabmeat and cook two minutes longer . Cool. In small mixing bowl , beat eggs. Add cream , tomato paste , Worcestershire sauce , salt and pepper sauce. Blend in mushroom mixture. Sprinkle Y4 cup of cheese over pie shell. Pour crab mixture over cheese, sprinkle with remaining Y4 cup cheese. Bake in preheated hot oven (450°) for 10 minutes Reduce heat to moderate (325°) and bake 20 - 25 minutes longer or until quiche has puffed and browned

Yield : 6 -8 servings .

Marty Ruprecht Mattes-Roswell, GA


1 9" unbaked pastry shell

Yi lb bacon , fried and crumbled

Yi lb swiss cheese, shredded

4 eggs

Yi tsp . salt

Y4 cup light cream

Bake pastry shell at 450° for 7 minutes or until lightly browned. Sprinkle bacon and cheese on bottom of pie shell. Slightly beat eggs, cream and salt . Pour over bacon and cheese . Bake 30 to 35 minutes at 350°. Let stand 10 minutes. Can add mushrooms , chopped peppers or olives .

Yield : 6 servings

Elvira (Mrs. R J ) Schmidt-Wausaw, WI


1 9" pie shell, unbaked

1 Yi cups (6 oz.) grated swiss cheese

8 slices crisp bacon, crumbled

3 eggs

1 cup cream (or combination of cream and evaporated milk)

Yi cup milk

Y2 tsp. salt

Y4 tsp pepper

Dash cayenne

Yi tsp . dry mustard

Bake pie shell at 350° for 10 minutes . Sprinkle cheese and bacon in pie shell. Beat remaining ingredients together and pour into pie shell. Bake at 375° for 45 minutes or until firm and browned

Yield : 6 servings Mrs Van C. (Miriam) Kussrow-Valparaiso, IN

VARIATION: Omit bacon and add Yi - 1 cup diced ham Reduce cream and milk to 1 cup light cream or milk Omit pepper and cayenne Serve warm or cold Can wrap in foil and freeze. Keeps one month Remove foi I before baking.

Viola L. Schmidt-Hometown , ILMrs . Dieter Nickel - Merrill , WI

1 baked 9" pie shel I

8 brown & serve sausages

1-4 cup milk

Y2 cup cream cheese

YJ cup chopped onion

1 Tbsp. butter


3 eggs

1 cup shredded cheddar cheese

Yi tsp. Worcestershire sauce

Y2 tsp salt

Ya tsp. pepper

Cook sausages. Heat milk, add cream cheese and stir until melted. Saute onion in butter until soft. Beat eggs, gradually add milk mixture until smooth. Add onions, cheddar cheese, Worcestershire sauce, salt and pepper. Pour into pie shell. Arrange sausage on top like spokes. Bake at 350° for 25 minutes or until custard is set. Cool 5 - 10 m.inutes. Slice into wedges.

Yield : 6 -8 servings .

Kay Diesterhaft-lowa City, IA


4 recipes Crepes - approximately 48 crepes

1 recipe Turkey Filling

1 recipe Cheese and Egg Filling

Yi gallon vanilla ice cream

1 can chocolate syrup

1 cup chopped nuts

2 recipes Suzette Sauce

2 recipes Blueberry Sauce

Prepare crepes ahead; reheat before serving. Arrange crepes, fillings, sauces, ice cream etc. on buffet, table, counter or range and invite guests to fill and fold or roll their own crepes. Have a recipe of batter and a skillet ready for guests who may want to test their own crepemaking skill.


2 eggs

1 cup milk

Yi tsp . salt

1 cup flour


Beat eggs, add milk, salt and flour . Mix until smooth. Let stand for at least Yi hour. Melt Yi tsp. margarine in 6" skillet over medium heat . Pour 1 Yi oz . of batter into skillet, tilting it to coat the bottom evenly . Cook until the crepe begins to dry around edges; turn and cook other side. Remove to serving plate or oven-proof dish Regrease skillet for each crepe Crepes may be covered and kept warm in low oven or refrigerated and oven-heated later . Two Tbsp . sugar may be added to batter for dessert crepes. 1 I


(Crepe Buffet for 16, cont.)

Turkey Filling:

lb. butter

cup flour

1 tsp. salt

Ya tsp. MSG


3 cups concentrated turkey broth

1 cup water

4 cups cubed turkey

1 small can sliced mushrooms

Combine butter and flour in saucepan over medium heat. Add seasonings, broth and water stirring until sauce thickens. Add turkey and mushrooms .

Cheese and Egg Filling:

lb. butter

cup flour

1 tsp. salt

Ya tsp. MSG

4 cups milk

Yi lb. cheddar cheese, grated

1 pimento, diced

6 hard cooked eggs, peeled and diced

Combine butter and flour in saucepan over medium heat. Add seasonings, milk and grated cheese, stirring until sauce thickens. Add pimento and eggs.

Suzette Sauce:

Yi cup butter Grated rind and juice of 1 orange Yi cup powdered sugar cup orange liqueur

Cream butter and sugar, add orange rind and juice. Heat in skillet until just bubbly. Heat rolled crepes in sauce; warm liqueur, pour over sau ce and flame.

Blueberry Sauce:

1 cup blueberries, fresh or frozen

cup sugar

1 Tbsp cornstarch

1 Tbsp. water

2 tsp. lemon juice

Combine blueberries and sugar in saucepan over medium heat, stirring and mashing some of the berries to make juice. Combine cornstarch and water, add while stirring; add lemon juice. Stir until sauce is thickened.

Mrs. Gene C. Bahls-Bourbonnais, IL

11 / have been young, and now am old; yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his children begging bread. He is ever giving liberally and lending, and his children become a blessing. 11 King David, Psalm 37:25-26



32 oz. jar spaghetti sauce (plain or mushroom)

8 oz pkg mozzarella cheese, diced

cup parmesan cheese

2 tsp oregano

1 tsp. instant onion

tsp. garlic salt

2 loaves garlic bread , cubed

Mix all the above ingredients together except bread . Heat over low heat on stove until cheese is melted and hot, stirring frequently. Place in fondue pot and dip cubed garlic bread in it .

Yield : Serves 6 for dinner or use for appetizers (larger party).


cup margarine

cup chopped onion

Y3 cup chopped green pepper

1 Tbsp . flour

1 tsp salt

2 cups elbow macaroni

3 Yi cups milk

1 Y2 cups cooked ham (about Yi lb ), cut in julienne strips

1 cup shredded swiss cheese

1 cup sour cream

Melt margarine and saute onion and green pepper until tender Stir in flour and salt . Add uncooked macaroni and milk and ham. Stir to blend well. Cover and bring to boil. Reduce heat and simmer 15 minutes or until macaroni is tender. Add swiss cheese and sour cream. Heat and stir until cheese is melted.

Yield: 6 servings.

Mrs. John Weber-Atco, NJ


2 cups ground ham

8 hard cooked eggs, separated

2 cups medium white sauce

1 cup buttered bread crumbs

Put ground ham in the bottom of a 1 Yi quart cas serole Crumble egg yolks on top of ham Chop egg whites and spoon on top of yolk s. Pour white sauce over white s. Cov e r with buttered bread crumbs . Bake at 350 ° for 35 minutes , uncovered.

Yield : 5 - 6 servings

Marion Sternberg-Prospect Hgts ., IL

NOTE: The layers are pretty when cut into (and delicious ) A good way to use up leftover ham


(Simple leftover ham recipe)


1 cup onion slices

1 clove garlic , minced cup diced green pepper

3 Tbsp butter

1 #2 1/2 can tomatoes

Yi cup dry white wine

1 tsp. salt

tsp. Tabasco

tsp. thyme

tsp. basil

tsp marjoram

tsp . paprika

2 cups diced ham

1 cup uncooked white rice

Chopped parsley, if desired

Using dutch oven, saute the onion, garlic and green pepper in butter until the onion is tender and lightly gold. Add the tomatoes , wine, salt, Tabasco, herbs and ham and mix well. Bring the mixture to a boil, add the rice gradually, stirring constantly. Cover, reduce heat and simmer for 25 minutes Pour into serving bowl - if desired sprinkle lavishly with chopped parsley

Yield: 6 servings Mrs. Louise S Schapper-Louisville, KY

NOTE: Variation of Spanish rice and economical.


1 lb hamburger

1 lb. ham (ground)

1 cup graham cracker crumbs

Mix together and form loaf

Mix and pour on top of loaf:

1 cup tomato soup

1 Tbsp. dry mustard

1 cup brown sugar

Bake at 350° for 1 1/2 hours .

Y3 cup milk

2 eggs

Yi tsp. salt

2 Tbsp vinegar

Carrots (optional) *

* If carrots are added, they should be precooked. Put on top shortly before loaf is finished , basting carrots with topping

Yield : 8 servings.

Mrs. Erwin H. Baehr-Wausau , WI

The Lord is good; his steadfast /ov,e endures for ever, and his faithfulness to all generations / fsalm 100 : 5 I


1 Y2 lbs ground ham

lb. lean ground beef

2 eggs


1 cup milk

-Yi cup graham cracker crumbs

2 tsp. parsley, cut up

Mix well. Make loaf and bake 45 to 60 minutes at 300° basting several ti mes with:

1 cup brown sugar mixed with cup vinegar

Sauce to serve with ham:

1 cup Miracle Whip dressing

1 cup sour cream

cup prepared mustard

Juice of Yi lemon

Dash of salt

Mix well and serve cold with the ham loaf.

Yield: 8 - 10 servings.

Gertrude Mueller-Indianapolis, IN


Y2 lb. ham

1 Y2 lbs pork

1 cup dry bread or cracker crumbs

2 eggs

Yi cup milk

Salt and pepper

Grind the ham and pork together Add other ingredients and shape balls ; put into 9 x 13" baking pan. Pour the following sauce over the ham balls and bake at 325° for 60 minutes or more, basting occasionally.


1 cup brown sugar

Yi cup vinegar

Mix and boil together .

Yield : About 16 servings

Yi cup water

1 tsp. dry mustard

Mrs . Wm . G . (Ruth I.) Lusthoff-Riverside , IL

VARIATIONS: Bette Froehlich, Appleton, WI, makes individual ham loaves instead of balls using 1 lb . ham and 2 lb . lean pork, 1 cup milk, 2 cups crumbs and 2 eggs . Salt and pepper to taste . She uses 1 Yi cups brown sugar i nstearl of 1 cup in the same sauce, bakes her loaves at 350° about 2 hours, basting also Makes about 20 loaves

Marcille Ansorge, Lincoln, NB, makes a ham loaf with 1 lb ham and 1 lb fresh pork, YJ cup of eggs , Yi of 1 lb. loaf of bread, broken in pieces and dried and 1 cup milk . She mixes it together, forms large balls placed side by side in pan and indents top of each slightly. She pours glaze into each indentation before starting to bake loaf. As loaf bakes, she continues to baste it with her YJ cup brown sugar, cup vinegar and 1 tsp dry mustard glaze She bakes it 1 hour at 300°


1 Tbsp. pr e pared mustard

1 cup brown sugar

4 tsp. granulated sugar

1 cup water

Yi cup white vinegar

5 whole clove s

2 to 3 bay leaves

Ya tsp pepper

1 can tomato soup

Ya cup bacon fat

Mix mustard and sugar together in a saucepan Add water and vinegar and spices Bring to a boil. Add tomato soup and bacon drippings, mixing until smooth. Simmer uncovered for approximately 1 Yi to 2 hours until right consistency Excellent served over ham or lamb

Yield : 2 cups Milly Warmann Kolterman-Wilton, CT


Yi cup prepared yellow mu stard

2 Tbsp frozen or freeze-dried chives

1 Tbsp . instant minced onion

Dash of hot pepper sauce

Mix all ingredients together thoroughly Ca rl be made ahead and stored in refrigerator.

Yield : Y2 cup

Liz Buetow Freiburger-La Grange, IL


Whip Y2 pt. whipping cream ; fold in 1 cup applesauce ; add horseradish (from 5 oz. bottle) to desired zippiness . Will keep in refrigerator (improves with age) or may be frozen

Bobbi Wilson-Battle Creek, Ml


Y4 cup cooking oil or butter cup white table wine

1 clove garlic, minced

1 large onion, minced

1 tsp. salt

1 tsp. celery salt

Ya tsp. cayenne pepper

Y4 tsp black pepper

Ya tsp dried tarragon

Y4 tsp. dried thyme

1 Tbsp . parsley, chopped

Mix together - let stand overnight if possible. Use for barbequing. (Especially fine to brush over young chickens when broiling.) Let fowl stand in sauce for 1 hour or so before broiling. Great on baked fish. Will keep in covered jar in refrigerator for a long time.

Loraine Ortwein-Crosse Pte . Farms, Ml



2 onions, chopped cup butter or margarine

Y3 cup pine nuts (or other nut meat)

1 cup uncooked rice

Yi cup dried currants

4 cups chicken or lamb brqth

1 chopped fresh or canned tomato

Yi tsp . pepper

Yi tsp cloves, cinnamon and allspice

Ya tsp . sage leaves

2 cups slivered roast lamb

Salt to taste

Cook onion in butter for 5 minutes. Add nuts and rice . Cook 5 minutes longer. Add remaining ingredients except lamb and salt Cover and simmer 25 minutes until liquid is absorbed. Add lamb and salt. Heat.

Yield: 6 servings Mrs. Van C. (Miriam) Kussrow-Valparaiso, IN


2 lbs. lamb, cut into Yi" cubes

Yi cup olive oil

1 cup red wine

1 tsp salt

2 tsp . garlic powder

1 Tbsp wine vinegar

Place lamb in bowl with ingredients and marinate thoroughly . Let stand at room temperature (stirring occasionally) at least 3 hours .

Alternate with the following on long skewers:

6 smoky sausages , cut in 1 " lengths

24 small cherry tomatoes

1 can small white onions

1 lb cleaned sm fresh mushrooms

Broil over hot coals quickly, turning gently until meat is brown. Yield: 6 servings. Dorothy Schram-Milwaukee, WI

SAUCY LAMB CHOPS (Husband's Special)

4 -6 shoulder lamb chops, 1 " thick

Garlic salt


3 Tbsp. salad oil

2 Yi cups cooked rhubarb sauce green pepper, chopped smal I

1 Tbsp . soy sauce

Rub chops with garlic salt and pepper ; brown in hot oil. Mix together rhubarb sauce, green pepper and soy sauce ; pour over chops. Cover and cook slowly until tender, about 40 minutes.

Serves 4 - 6.

Mrs. Alton F. Riethmeier-Rochester, NY



6 pork rib chops, 1" thick (ask your butcher to cut the pockets in the chops)

1 cup packaged stuffing

Yi cup water


6 Tbsp butter

Y2 tsp salt

Yi tsp. onion salt

1 lb. of applesauce

Ya tsp. each of thyme, marjoram, oregano

Mix stuffing with cup of the water and 4 Tbsp. of the butter, melted . Season with salt and onion salt. Stuff pork chop pockets with bread mixture and tie the chops closed with heavy thread or string. Brown chops in 2 Tbsp. butter. Place chops in large casserole.

Mix together the applesauce, seasonings and cup water and pour over the chops Bake, covered at 350° for 1 Yi hours; uncover and bake for an additional 20 minutes.

Mrs. Harold (Janet) Gehle-Davenport, IA


Trim excess fat; on one side of chop, sprinkle garlic salt and pepper, then sprinkle with bread crumbs. On other side of chop, sprinkle poultry seasoning and paprika, then sprinkle with bread crumbs . Bake uncovered in 350° oven 45 - 60 minutes depending on thickness of chops.

Carol Mills-Appleton, WI


6 pork chops

1 tsp. salt

tsp. pepper

2 Tbsp. oil

1 cup rice (quick cooking)

1 can cream of chicken soup

1 cup milk

Season chops with salt and pepper. Brown in oil in frying pan. Place in 9 x 13" baking dish. Cover with rice. Mix soup with milk and pour over the chops, being sure to cover rice with liquid. Cover with foil. Bake in 350° oven for hours . The chicken soup will be absorbed into the chops and rice.

Mrs. Ken Bengtson-Elmhurst, IL


12 pork chops, thick cut

Y2 tsp. salt

Y2 cup catsup

3 Tbsp brown sugar


cup vinegar

9 oz can crushed pineapple

1 Tbsp soy sauce

Place unsalted chops in baking pan (9 x 13 " ) Make sauce of other ingredients and pour over chops. Bake uncovered at 300° or 1ower for about 2 hours.

Yield : 12 servings . Mrs. W . L. Rugland-Appleton, WI


8 slices pork tenderloin

1 lb . fresh mushrooms, sauteed in 4 Tbsp. butter or margarine

4 Tbsp butter or margarine

4 Tbsp. flour

1 cup water

1 cup sour cream

1 Tbsp. onion juice

2 Tbsp . Worcestershire sauce

Salt and pepper

Fry tenderloins in 4 Tbsp butter until brown. Place in shallow baking dish. Add flour to butter left in frying pan and make a browned paste. Add water, sour cream and seasonings Add mushrooms Pour mixture over pork, cover and bake for one hour at 275°. Can be served on rounds of toast with gravy, or on rice . This is easy to prepare and can wait if dinner is late.

(Number of servings depends on the appetites of your family or friends.)

Shirley Honold-Sheboygan, WI


3 lbs. ribs

1 large onion

1 lemon

1 cup catsup

YJ cup Worcestershire sauce

1 tsp. chili powder

1 tsp. salt

2 dashes Tabasco

2 cups water

Place ribs in shallow pan, meaty side up On each individual serving piece, place a slice of onion topped with a slice of unpeeled lemon and secure with a toothpick Bake 450° for 30 minutes. Combine remaining ingredients and bring to a boil. Pour over ribs . Continue cooking at 350° until tender (1 Yi - 2 hours). Baste every 15 minutes . If sauce thickens, add water.

Yield: 4 servings Mrs Reuben J. Snartemo-Milwaukee, WI



6 lbs. lean spareribs cut in 3" lengths

Yi Tbsp. coarse salt

4 cloves garlic, mashed

1 tsp. powdered ginger

Y2 cup each brown sugar, pineapple juice, vinegar, soy sauce

3 Tbsp each honey, sherry

Sprinkle coarse salt on spareribs . Let stand 20 minutes. Pour over the rest of the ingredients and refrigerate overnight. Turn over ribs 2 or 3 times Bake uncovered 1 hour and 45 minutes at 350°. Turn over meat once while baking. Pour off all but cup drippings. Return ribs to pan Add cup water and continue baking and basting. When the sauce becomes sticky, the ribs are done. Garnish ribs with a 10 oz. can of well drained pineapple chunks .

Bessie Harada-Honolulu, HI


4 pork shoulder chops, cut Y2" thick (2 lbs.)

1 16 oz . can (2 cups) sauerkraut, undrained and snipped

1 8 oz can (1 cup) applesauce

cup finely chopped onion

2 Tbsp. brown sugar tsp caraway seed

Trim excess fat from chops; cook trimmings in skillet until 1 Tbsp. fat accumulates . Discard the trimmings . Brown the chops slowly on both sides in hot fat. Remove chops; drain off excess fat. Combine sauerkraut, applesauce, onion, brown sugar and caraway seed. Pour into skillet. Add chops; season with a little salt and pepper Cover and simmer until chops are tender, 35 to 45 minutes. Yield: 4 servings. Mrs Rad Radke-Appleton, WI


1 Yi Ibs. pork steaks, cut in strips

1 Tbsp. shortening

1 pkg. McCormick teriyaki sauce mix

1 cup water

1 pkg frozen pea pods

Yi can water chestnuts

Yi can drained, sliced mushrooms

Brown meat in shortening and allow to simmer in natural juices for 10 minutes . Mix sauce and water and pour over meat. Cover and simmer for 30 minutes Push meat to one side, add pea pods, water chestnuts, and mushrooms. Simmer for 3 minutes. Serve immediately over hot rice.

Yield: 4 servings Mrs. Howard (Marlene) Hallman-Bellwood, IL


Pork steak - enough to feed your family

Sauerkraut - 4 cups canned

Onion - Yi cup, chopped

Brown sugar - cup to 1 cup-depending on how sour the sauerkraut is

Salt - Yi tsp

Pepper - tsp.

Catsup - at least cup

Barley - uncooked - Yi cup

Brown pork steak well, add sauerkraut, onion, brown sugar, salt and pepper and catsup. Mix well and add barley, mix well again. Cook at least 1 hour, so that barley is tender. Taste half way through the cooking. You may wish to add more brown sugar, catsup or salt. Cook, eat, enjoy! Also good with kielbasi as the meat base

Mrs Steven (Sue) Hronec-Elyria, OH


1 lb fresh pork

1 egg

Salt, pepper to taste

5 Tbsp . flour

1 tsp. baking powder

Y2 cup water

Oil for deep frying in skillet

Cut pork into 1 " x 1" pieces. Mix in one beaten egg and seasonings. For batter, mix flour, baking powder and water. Heat oil to 360° to 375°. Dip meat into batter, fry in hot oil. Fry one side done before turning . If meat is not done, turn the oil down a bit . Fry for about 10 minutes Drain on paper toweling. Serve meat over a bowl of sweetsour vegetables.

2 slices pineapple

1 green pepper

1 tomato

1 carrot

1 tsp. oil

Cut into Yi" triangles - pineapple, pepper and tomatoes . Notch edges of the carrot for a flower effect, slice thin.

Saute all of these in the oil a short time, do not cook until soft. (3-5 minutes)

Sweet-sour sauce:

Yi cup white vinegar

YJ cup sugar

2 Tbsp cornstarch (or tapioca starch)

1 cup water or broth (such as chicken)

1 tsp. soy sauce


Cook the sauce until clear; pour over the vegetables that are placed in a serving bowl. Top with the deep fried pork.

This is very delicious, and very attractive Everything can be prepared the day before. Heat the pork in a 250° oven until warm . Put sauce over hot water until it is hot. Can serve with rice.

Yield: 3 -4 servings. Mrs Eileen (Borchelt) Felton-South Bend, IN (by Chuc Do, Vietnamese refugee sponsored by the South Bend-Mishawaka Lutheran churches).


4 pork chops, thick

Y2 cup flour

Salt and pepper to taste

Yi tsp. each of dry mustard, sugar and ground ginger

3 Tbsp . shortening

2 cups hard or aged cider

2 medium sized cooking apples

Slightly salt the pork chops . Mix flour and salt and pepper to taste, roll chops in this mix, cover all sides . Sprinkle each floured chop with dashes of the dry mustard, sugar and ground ginger Brown chops in shortening in large skillet on both sides and transfer to baking dish, greased 10" square. Add remains of the flour mix to skillet, stir to cook, about 4 minutes to brown a bit. Remove from heat and add the cider; stir until smooth. Bring to boil and cook until slightly thickened. Pour over chops. Peel and core the apples, cut into eights, place over chops. Bake 1 hour at 375°. Turn apples over once, just before serving Serve with hot, steamed rice or mashed potatoes

Yield: 4 servings.

Mrs. Myles T. Musgrave-Port Huron, Ml


1 Yi to 2 lbs. pork loin or shoulder

1 tsp. fat

2 large onions, thinly sliced

1 Yi tsp sage

1 bay leaf, crumbled

3 Tbsp chopped parsley

1 tsp . salt

Yi tsp. pepper

1 tsp thyme

Yi cup dry white wine

2 cups chicken broth or 2 cups water and 2 chicken bouillon cubes

cups brown rice (uncooked)

Trim fat and bones from pork and cut into 1" squares. Saute meat in fat until browned or about 5 minutes, stirring frequently. Add onions, sage, bay leaf, parsley, salt, pepper, thyme and wine. Keep warm . In a 7 x 11" buttered baking dish, combine rice with chicken broth. Spread pork mixture on top. Cover and bake at 350° for 1 hour.

Yield: 6 servings.

Verna Mietz Buis-Valparaiso, IN



1 cup cooked veal or pork (chicken or turkey good too) pack firmly

6 Tbsp. butter 2 eggs, separated

6 Tbsp. flour

1 tsp salt

3 cups milk

Yi cup blanched, slivered almonds

1 3 oz. can chow mein noodles

Buttered peas

Remove all fat from the meat and dice finely. Melt butter and blend in flour and salt. Add milk gradually and cook, stirring constantly until thickened. Remove from heat; stir small amount of hot mixture into well beaten egg yolks, then return to remaining mixture in pan. Cook for only 1 minute longer, still stirring. Add to it the meat, almonds and chow mein noodles. Beat egg whites stiffly and fold them into the meat mixture . Pour into a well greased 9" ring mold . Set ring mold in a pan of hot water and bake in moderate oven (350°) for 30 minutes or until firm. Turn out on platter and fill center with buttered peas.

Yield : 6 servings.

Mrs. Alvin W . Graef-Louisville, KY

This recipe has been in our family for years. Also it's possible to serve 8 ladies portions with this recipe .


8 lbs. veal , cut in Y2" cubes

7 lbs. lean pork, cut in Yi" cubes

Margarine for browning meat

1 gal. chicken bouillon (16 bouillon cubes)

2Y2 cups soy sauce cup molasses

1 Yi cups catsup

1 cup cornstarch, little water

9 - 10 lbs. onions, chopped

7 large bunches celery, chopped

4 lbs. bean sprouts

4 lbs. rice

Brown meat in a little margarine. Add bouillon, soy sauce, molasses and catsup. Cover and cook for about 1 hour Mix cornstarch and water to smooth paste. Stir into meat mixture. Add onions and celery. Cook for about 1 hour, stirring occasionally. Add bean sprouts and cook for another 15 - 30 minutes longer. Add more thickening if necessary. Cook rice just before serving with the chop suey

Yield : 50 servings.

Mrs Eunice (Nazareth) Sieloff-Chicago, IL

NOTE: We served this to Chicago chapter in January, 1977. He who despises his neighbor is a sinner, but happy is he who is kind to the poor . Prov. 14:21

224/ PORK and VEAL


2 lbs veal , cubed

2 lbs . pork , cubed

1 onion

1 pkg noodles , cooked

1 can ( #2) cream style corn

1 can mushroom soup

1 can cream of chicken soup

1 can pimentos , chopped

1 can mushrooms

1 large green pepper, chopped

1 can sliced water chestnuts

Yi lb. grated sharp cheese

Salt and pepper

Brown meat and onions Simmer until meat is tender Add all above ingredients Place in 2 large casseroles Cover with bread crumbs Bake for 1 Y2 hours at 350°. (This can be made 24 hours ahead) Serve with caesar salad and herb bread.

Yield : 12 servings.

Karen Kreinheder Moseley - Valparaiso, IN


1 Y2 lbs. (about 10) chubby frankfurters

6 slices bacon, diced

Yi cup sliced green onions and tops

1 Tbsp. enriched flour

1 Tbsp sugar

1 Y2 tsp. salt

Yi tsp. celery seed

Dash pepper

Y3 cup vinegar

cup water

3 Tbsp salad dressing

4 medium potatoes, cooked and sliced (4 cups)

V<i tsp . salt

2 hard-cooked eggs , sliced

Cut one end off each frank , diagonally; dice frank ends . Fry bacon in large skillet until c'risp . Add onion and diced franks ; cook until onion is tender but not brown. Push meat to one side ; blend flour into bacon drippings ; add sugar, 1 Y2 tsp . salt, celery seed, and pepper. Stir in vinegar and water. Cook, stirring constantly, until thick. Remove from heat and stir in salad dressing. Sprinkle potatoes with V<i tsp salt ; pour the hot dressing over and toss lightly, then heat salad in skillet until hot through ; fold in egg slices ; spoon half of potato salad into 8 x 1 Yi" round baking dish Stand franks up around edge. Fill center with remainder of potato salad Bake at 350° for 30 minutes

Yi e ld: 8 servings.

Mrs. Blake Giles-Council Bluffs , IA

It is good to give thank s to the Lord, to s ing prai ses to thy name, 0 Most. High ; to declare thy steadfa st love in the morning, and th y faithfulness by night. Psalm 92:1 , 2


Dr Bichsel, former Professor of Music at V U. , shares a gourmet favorite. Many Alums will fondly recall singing and studying under him His wife is an active member of our Rochester chapter.


(Gentleman's Special)

Most Americans, when tripe is mentioned, either shudder in horror or turn up their noses in simulated "hauteur." Yet this meat was relished by the Emperors of the Holy Roman Empire. When properly prepared neither epicurean nor member of the gourmet set could say anything but "Ah, c'est bon!" when tripe is set before him.

1 Yi to 2 lb. scalded honeycomb tripe

1 6 oz. can tomato paste

1 4 oz. can mushroom stems and pieces

6 peppercorns

6 whole cloves

2 large bay leaves

Salt to taste

Dry sherry wine

1 8 oz. pkg . frozen carrots and peas

Patty shells

Thoroughly wash and remove extra fat from tripe. Cut in strips and dice to about 1" cubes and place in large bowl with peppercorns, cloves, bay leaves and salt. Add sherry wine so that it barely covers. Cover bowl and marinate for a minimum of 3 days in refrigerator, being careful each day to stir so that the upper pieces get into the marinade.

Drain marinade from tripe, preserving liquid. Saute tripe in margarine or butter in cocotte or Dutch oven . As liquid begins to form, slowly add marinade, tomato paste, mushrooms including liquid. Allow to simmer, covered for a minimum of 3 hours. Add frozen carrots and peas Yi hour before serving. Serve in patty shells with side dishes of your choice . If you care for a thicker stew, thicken in your usual manner, but I would suggest a mixture of flour and sherry.

Serves 4 - 6

Dr. M. Alfred Bichsel-Rochester, NY

EDITOR'S NOTE: Anyone not knowing , would think it was clams.


2 cups chopped apples

5 cups bread cubes, dried

Yi cup raisins

2 Tbsp. melted butter

cup sugar

1 Tbsp. lemon juice

1 tsp . cinnamon

1 tsp. salt cup water

Combine all ingredients and mix until blended. Makes enough stuffing for a 5 lb chicken. Double recipe for a small turkey


L. Schmidt-Hometown, IL


3 lbs chicken thighs

1 cup catsup

Y2 cup soy sauce

Y2 cup oil


cup sugar tsp. pepper

2 tsp. sesame seeds

Combine all ingredients except chicken, stir until the sugar has dissolved. Place chicken skin side up in a large baking dish, cover with the sauce and marinate for one hour in the refrigerator. Bake at 350° for 1 hour, basting frequently.

Yield: 6 servings.

Mary Hoffmeier-Honolulu, HI


Split whole chicken breasts (about 4 lbs.) and remove skin. Bone them if desired. Arrange chicken in a shallow 2 to 3 quart baking pan. Place one slice process or natural swiss cheese (about 1 oz.) on each piece of chicken. Stir together 1 can (10Y<i oz.) condensed cream of chicken soup (undiluted) and cup dry wine or water ; spoon evenly over chicken Coarsely crush 2 cups seasoned stuffing mix and sprinkle over top ; evenly drizzle with Y3 cup melted butter. Bake uncovered in a 350° oven for 50 to 55 minutes or until thickened portion of breast is tender when pierced and meat is opaque throughout.

"Yield : 8 servings.

" Ann "

Tested by Mary Anne Whited-Kokomo, IN


This recipe was first served to us by a favorite cousin thus the name It' s easy (once you get the chicken breasts boned if you can't buy them that way) and is nice for. parties as it can be prepared ahead of time ready for cooking and refrigerated .

6 - 8 boned chicken breasts (fillets) 3 oz creamed cheese with chives Bacon (thin sliced works best)

Pound chicken with mallet or back of knife. Cut cheese into chunks. Wrap with chicken, tucking in all sides to keep cheese in , then with bacon and fasten with toothpicks. Bake at 350° for about 30 minutes Can finish under broiler to crisp bacon.

Yield : 6 servings.

Carol (Erdmann) Dausch-Baltimore , MD


4 broiler chicken breasts

Dijon mustard

2 Tbsp instant minced onion

1 Tbsp powdered tumeric

1 Tbsp minced fresh parsley tsp garlic powder

1 tsp salt


1 egg, beaten

1 cup fresh or coconut milk

Rub chicken breasts all over with mustard ; then cover with onions, tumeric , parsley, garlic and salt Place in greased casserole and pour over egg-milk mixture. Bake 375 ° until tender, basting occasionally. Baking time: 35 minutes Sprinkle with crunchy peanut topping and serve.

Crunchy Peanut Topping:

3 slices lean bacon, fried crisply and crumbled

Yi cup chopped peanuts (roasted)

Y2 tsp. curry powder

Y2 tsp. dill weed

cup honey

Place first four ingredients in a pie plate and mix well ; drizzle honey over everything ; put under broiler to crisp. Stir.

Yield: 4 servings

Bessie Harada-Honolulu , HI


2 Tbsp. butter

1 sliced green pepper

2 cups cooked chicken, cut in large pieces

1 #2 can pineapple chunks, drained

Yi tsp onion salt

1 can cream of chicken soup, undiluted

Melt butter, add green pepper, saute until tender. Add remaining ingredients Heat thoroughly Serve on rice or crisp noodles

Marian Temme-Valparaiso, IN


1 chicken , cut up cup honey

cup mustard

1 Tbsp . lemon juice

Line 9 x 13 " pan with foil. Spread chicken pieces on foil. Combine honey, mustard and lemon juice. Pour over chicken pieces Bake at 400 ° F After Y2 hour, turn chicken pieces Bake 30 minutes more.

Yield: 4 servings

Wilma Franke 1fickhoff-lndianapolis, IN

I, l 11


2 whole chicken breasts

Yi cup flour

1 tsp . salt

Yi tsp. pepper

4 Tbsp butter

6 green on ions, chopped

4 slices ham, slivered

Y2 cup dry white wine

Y4 tsp. rosemary, crushed

2 medium tomatoes, chopped

Sprinkle breasts with flour, salt and pepper Heat 2 Tbsp. of the butter in stove-top/oven casserole (or in fry pan) . Quickly brown breasts. Remove and keep warm. Melt remaining butter, saute onions and ham until onions are soft. Replace chicken, add wine and rosemary. Cook uncovered over low heat until wine is absorbed. Stir in tomatoes. Cover and bake (or cook in electric skillet) at 350° for 45 minutes until chicken is tender. Serve hot with noodles.

Yield: 4 servings Mrs Elizabeth Seehausen-Hammond, IN


YJ to Yi cup butter

1 ready to cook young chicken , 2 Yi to 3 Yi lbs., cut up

Y3 cup all purpose flour

1 Yi tsp. salt

1 tsp paprika

Y4 tsp. poultry seasoning

Ya tsp . black pepper

1 cup uncooked white rice

Yi cup chopped celery

Yi cup chopped green pepper

Yi cup chopped onion

1 Yi tsp . salt

Ya tsp black pepper

3 cups hot chicken broth made by cooking backs and neck in water

2 large tomatoes, cut into wedges

Light the oven and set at 400°. Place the butter in a large all metal skillet, baking pan about 12 x 9 x 2" . Place this pan in the oven until the butter melts. While the butter is melting, wash the chicken in cold water. Pat dry . Put the flour, 1 Yi tsp. salt, paprika, poultry seasoning and Ya tsp black pepper in a paper bag. Add 1 piece of chicken at a time Shake bag to thoroughly coat each piece of chicken with the flour mixture Place the chicken in the hot melted butter, skin side down. Bake uncovered 25 minutes at 400°.

Arrange rice , celery, green pepper and onion under the chicken , turning the chicken so the skin side is up . Sprinkle the rice with the 1 Yi tsp salt and Ya tsp black pepper. Slowly pour the hot chicken broth over the rice. Make certain all the rice is under the broth. Arrange the tomato wedges over the rice and chicken. Return to the 400° oven and bake, uncovered , 45 minutes or until rice is tender If the mixture becomes too dry, add a small amount of chicken broth or water . If desired , serve from the dish in which the chicken rice bakes.

Yield: 6 servings.

Miss Dorothy Bode-Garfield Heights , OH



1 broiler fryer, about 2 Y2 lbs., cut up cup vegetable oil

Y2 cup chopped onion

1 clove garlic, minced tsp . marjoram, crushed

1 tsp. salt

Ya tsp. pepper

Y2 cup dry white wine or chicken broth

1 jar sliced mushrooms (2Y2 oz. size)

2 fresh tomatoes, peeled or 1 lb. canned tomatoes

Chopped parsley

Brown chicken slowly in hot vegetable oil. Add onion, garlic and marjoram; cook until onion is soft. Season with salt and pepper . Add wine and broth drained from mushrooms . Scrape bottom of pan to loosen browned bits . Cover and cook over low heat until chicken is tender, about 35 minutes. Skim off any fat. Cut tomatoes into small pieces and add with mushrooms to chicken Continue cooking, covered, for 5 minutes more Remove to hot serving platter and sprinkle with parsley or serve over hot rice.

Yield : 4 -5 servings Trudy Jordan Weil-Appleton, WI


4 large chicken breasts, halved


4 cups dairy sour cream

2 tsp crushed dried tarragon

2 tsp crushed dried thyme

2 tsp salt

2 tsp paprika

1 cup corn flake crumbs

tsp . gar I ic powder

1 cup precooked shrimp, thawed and well drained

Y2 cup pitted ripe olives, quartered

Dip chicken into sour cream mixture and roll into corn flake crumbs

Place chicken pieces, skin side down into very well greased 13 x 9 x 2 " baking dish . Bake uncovered at 350 ° for 40 minutes - turn chicken a nd bake 10 minutes longer .

To remaining sour cream mixture add shrimp and olives Spoon over chicken Bake 10 minutes more Trim with olives and fresh parsley sprigs Serve with cooked brown rice. Garnish with peach halves topped with red raspberries . Add a leafy salad and thi s elegantly and amply serves 8 .

Grace Burgdorf Nelson-Glenwood Springs , CO

A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches , and favor is better than silver or gold . Prov 22 :1




2 (3 lb.) chicken fryers, each cut into 8 pieces

1 lb. lean pork, cut in 1" cubes

2 cups chopped onion

2 cloves garlic, crushed

"J!.4 tsp. pepper

1 tsp. oregano

2 tsp. salt

2 cups raw long-grain white rice

Yi tsp. saffron

1 lb. Italian sausage

2 fresh tomatoes, peeled and chopped

1 bay leaf

3 cans (10Y2 oz.) chicken broth

1 Y2 lb. large shrimp, shelled and deveined

1 pkg. frozen peas, thawed

Yi jar (4 oz. size) pimientos

2 lemons, each cut into 8 wedges

Wipe chicken with damp paper towels. In hot oil, brown chicken. Remove. Add pork and brown. Remove. To drippings in skillet add onions, garlic, pepper, and oregano; saute about 5 minutes until onion is golden. Add salt, rice and saffron; cook, stirring until rice is lightly browned - about 10 minutes.

Meanwhile, in another skillet, brown sausage well, about 10 minutes. Drain and discard fat Meanwhile, place chicken, sausage and pork in large roasting pan, about 17 x 11". Preheat oven to 375°. Add tomatoes, bay leaf and chicken broth to rice mixture; bring to boiling. Add shrimp; spoon mixture evenly over meat in pan. Bake covered 1 hour.

If mixture seems dry, add Yi cup water. Sprinkle peas over top without stirring. Bake covered 20 minutes longer. To serve, turn paella onto heated round platter . Garnish with pimiento and lemon wedges.

Delicious served with hot crusty bread and green salad.

Yield: 10 servings.

Shirley Honold-Sheboygan, WI


4 cups chopped cooked chicken

2 cups fresh bread crumbs

1 Yi cups cooked rice

"J!.4 cup chopped green pepper

1 Yi cups chicken broth

1 Yi cups milk

1 Yi tsp . salt

4 eggs, beaten

Put all ingredients above in greased 9 x 13 " pan and stir to mix. Bake at 325° for 1 hour. Cut into squares and serve hot with following sauce.


"J!.4 cup butter

"J!.4 cup flour

Y2 cup milk

1 Yi cups chicken broth

1 can cream of mushroom soup

Cook sauce a few minutes and serve over squares of chicken loaf Salad and dessert completes the meal.

Yield: 12 - 15 servings.

Mrs. LeRoy H. Vandre-Kokomo, IN



2 medium onions, ringed

2 cans mushrooms or 1 large pkg . fresh mushrooms, sliced

1 stick butter, melted

1 Y2 to 2 lbs . chicken livers, cut bite size

Y2 stick butter


Worcestershire sauce, kitchen bouquet to taste

salt and pepper to taste

1 cup red wine

Cooked rice or noodles

Saute onion rings and mushrooms in melted butter, only until soft but not browned. Lift out and drain. In same skillet brown floured bite size pieces of liver. When brown, remove and add the Yi stick of butter. Melt and thicken with flour to make gravy. Add Worcestershire, kitchen bouquet, salt and pepper to taste Add wine. Replace livers, onions and mushrooms and simmer. Serve over rice or noodles . Delicious! Yield: 6 -8 servings Judy Beckman Wolff-Peoria, IL


1 3 to 4 lb. stewing chicken

1 large onion, chopped

2 stalks celery, chopped

1 tsp salt

Y2 to 1 tsp. pepper

2 Tbsp . flour

2 Tbsp parsley


2 Tbsp. butter

1 tsp. salt

1 cup water

1 cup flour

1 egg (no need for baking soda or powder)

Put chicken in large pot with onion, celery, salt and pepper ; add enough water to cover chicken Heat to boiling Reduce heat, cover and simmer 1 Yi hours, until chicken is tender. Put flour into a cup and make a thin paste with a little chicken broth Thin and stir into pot Simmer until sauce thickens . Add dumplings . Sprinkle with parsley and serve hot. '


(Put on a pot of water to boil). Put butter, salt and water into second saucepan. Heat until butter melts . Add flour and beat together . Add egg and mix thoroughly. Drop by teaspoons into pot of boiling water. Dumplings will rise to top They are ready to add to chicken stew and be served. Do not cook longer

If you want vegetables, add 1 package frozen peas and 1 cup sliced carrots last half hour of cooking.

Yield: 6 servings . Mrs. Elizabeth Seehausen-Hammond, IN


2 chicken breasts, skinned and split

Salt and pepper

4 rectangular slices boiled ham

4 rectangular slices swiss cheese

1 egg

1 Tbsp milk

2 Tbsp flour

¥3 cup fine dry bread crumbs

Planters peanut oil


Place each piece of chicken between sheets of wax paper Pound very thin with meat hammer or rolling pin Do not tear flesh. Remove wax paper Lightly sprinkle chicken with salt and pepper

Fold 1 ham slice into quarters , folding from short end Wrap 1 slice of cheese around ham. Place on one side of a chicken breast. Fold chicken breast in half overlapping sides so that ham and cheese are completely enclosed Press edges together. Repeat with remaining ham, cheese and chicken.

Beat egg and milk together Coat chicken with flour Roll in egg mixture, then in bread crumbs coating evenly. Refrigerate at least 20 minutes Fry in }4" depth hot oil (375°) , for 4 minutes per side or until brown. Drain on paper towels. Garnish with parsley.

Yield: 4 servings

Mrs Paul (Gladys) Mielke-Berkeley, IL


2 cups fine bread crumbs

Yi cup flour

4 tsp. paprika

2 tsp. salt

2 tsp. poultry seasoning

1 tsp. pepper

Y3 cup oil

Combine bread crumbs, flour, paprika, salt, poultry seasoning and pepper in mixing bowl. Mix thoroughly. Cut in shortening until mixture resembles coarse crumbs Place in covered container and store in a cool place.

Yield: 4 - 4 Yi cups.

To use: Dip chicken in water Shake a few pieces at a time in plastic bag containing Seasoned Coating Mix until pieces are evenly coated Place in a single layer in ungreased, shallow baking pan; do not cover . Bake in 400° oven 40 to 50 minutes. Makes enough for 2 chickens

Doris Drews Wennerstrom-Rochester, NY



lg . fryer or hen , boiled , boned and cut into bite size pieces

1 pkg . (12) tortillas (soaked in chicken broth until wilted)

1 large onion , chopped

1 large bell pepper, chopped

Y2 lb grated cheddar cheese

1 tsp chili powder

Garlic salt to taste

1 can cream of chicken soup (undiluted)

1 can cream of mushroom soup (undiluted)

1 can chili - rote! tomatoes

Line 9 x 12 " pan as a pie shell with tortillas. Place the balance of ingredients in layers as listed above Bake at 375° for 30 minutes.


Y4 cup olive oil

Yi tsp . garlic salt

1 chicken, cut up

Yi cup flour

1 tsp salt

Yi tsp Accent

Y4 tsp. pepper

1 chopped onion

2 sticks celery , finely chopped

Y4 cup margarine

1 28 oz can tomatoes

Y2 cup sherry

1 Tbsp . oregano

2 bay leaves

1 8 oz. can mushrooms

1 15 oz. can tomato sauce

1 8 oz. can tomato paste

1 Tbsp. sugar

Heat olive oil and garlic salt in heavy skillet Coat chicken with mixture of flour, salt, Accent and pepper. Then brown evenly on all sides in skillet While chicken is browning, saute onions and celery in margarine. After chicken is browned, add remaining ingredients and pour over chicken . Cover and simmer 45 minutes to 1 hour, or until chicken is tender, basting occasionally. Arrange chicken on a heated platter. Pour sauce over al I . Serve with spaghetti, a tossed salad and crusty Italian bread

Florence Krueger Oppliger-Port Huron, Ml


Sprinkle 1 cup regular uncooked rice in greased casserole, preferably a 9 x 13 " size dish. Place cut up chicken on rice Pour Y4 cup melted oleo over . Salt and pepper to taste. Top with mixture of any 3 of these 4 cream soups : mushroom, celery, chicken or onion. Cover and bake 4 hours at 275°. Do not peek

Yield: 4 -6 servings Mrs. Carl (Isabelle) Brauer, Jr. -Ann Arbor , Ml


cup butter



4 green onions (bulbs and tops), chopped

1 clove garlic, pressed (opt .)

2 Tbsp flour

1 tsp. monosodium glutamate

1 tsp. salt

Yi cup pineapple juice

Y2 cup sauterne or white table


1 can (5Yi oz .) water chestnuts, drained and sliced

1 can (3 - 4 oz.) mushrooms, drained and sliced

1 can (5 -6 oz ) bamboo shoots, drained (optional)

1 can (1 lb., 4 oz.) pineapple chunks, drained. Reserve syrup

3 cups chicken pieces (cooked white meat) or 3 cans (5 oz . ea.)

1 red pimiento, cut into strips or diced

Macadamia nuts, chopped

Melt butter Add onions and garlic Cook until tender. Blend in flour, glutamate and salt. Add pineapple juice and wine. Cook until mixture thickens - stirring. Add chestnuts, mushrooms and bamboo shoots

Simmer 5 minutes Add pineapple chunks, pimiento and chicken. Heat through. Stir only if necessary. Serve macadamia nuts in a side dish and garnish chicken dish for serving.

Yield : 4 -6 servings.

Mrs. Ewald F. Timm-New Berlin, WI

NOTE: Ono means delicious in Hawaiian - double delicious.


(For a large turkey)

24 oz. unseasoned bread for

Yi cup melted oleo or butter stuffing

1 tsp salt

1 large onion tsp. black pepper

Raw turkey liver, heart, gizzard 2 tsp. sage leaves

2 extra large eggs Milk

Slice bread and let it dry out overnight. Grind onion and meat through coarse food grinder. Put into big bowl. Add eggs, oleo, salt, pepper. Take sage leaves and add by rubbing into little bits between hands. Put milk into a separate bowl. Take a slice of bread, drop into milk, squeeze out milk, crumble into stuffing mixture. Salt inside of bird. Stuff bird immediately and bake promptly. Because of the raw egg it should not be made ahead. Amounts can be approximate There has to be enough sage to delight the nose. I keep it subtle.

Bake fowl about Y2 to 1 hour longer stuffed than unstuffed bird would need. 325° oven recommended.


Yi cup butter

2 cups diced celery

1 cup chopped onions

Yi cup flour

1 Tbsp. cornstarch

2 tsp . salt

2 chicken bouillon cubes

1 Tbsp. curry powder

Yi can ripe olives, sliced

4 cups cooked , diced turkey or chicken

4 cups milk

Using large skillet on medium heat, cook celery and onions in hot butter until limp. Stir in flour, cornstarch, salt, bouillon and curry powder Heat, stirring until blended. Slowly stir in milk and cook until thickened Stir in olives and meat; heat through, stirring occasionally. Serve over hot rice, biscuits or shel Is .

Yield : 6 -8 servings .

Elvira (Mrs. R.J .) Schmidt-Wausau, WI


1 cup wild rice

4 cups diced turkey

4 hard cooked eggs

5 Tbsp . melted butter

1 Yi cups chopped parsley

1 Tbsp. curry powder

2 Tbsp. lemon juice

1 Yi tsp . salt

1 Yi cups evaporated milk


Cook rice according to directions, using no salt . Toss all ingredients, put into 8" buttered casserole. Cover with the milk and sprinkle on paprika Bake at 350° for 35 minutes.

Yield : 8 servings. Theresa Schmalz-St. Paul, MN


1 6 oz pkg wide noodles

1 can cream mushroom soup

1 cup milk

Y2 cup grated cheddar cheese , Yi tsp salt

Ya tsp . pepper

4 Tbsp . finely cut green pepper

2 cups cooked diced turkey

4 Tbsp. rolled, buttered corn flakes

Cook noodles in boiling, salted water until tender . Put soup in saucepan and stir well. Add milk and heat, but do not boil. Add cheese and stir until melted ; add seasonings, green pepper and turkey . Add noodles , mix well together. Sprinkle top with buttered corn flake crumbs. Bake at 350° until brown (25 to 30 minutes)

Yield : 6 servings. Betty Wehmueller Grimm-St. Louis, MO




3 Tbsp. salt

3 Tbsp . oil

1 Tbsp wine vinegar

1 large Spanish onion, quartered

1 tsp . garlic salt

1 tsp . poultry seasoning

10 - 12 lb. turkey - cooked to 185° (meat thermometer)

Place above ingredients in cavity of turkey and sew up good (so juice will not leak out) before placing on rotisserie. Turkey is then self basting, as it marinates from the inside out.

Place on rotisserie and use a gas outdoor grill with cover closed and control set at low temperature. Place an aluminum pie pan directly on top of briquettes under turkey to catch drippings. This will prevent any flare-up which may be caused by the drippings. Total cooking time takes about 2Yi hours for a 12 lb. turkey.

Also, it is a good idea to use a very fine wire and wrap around the turkey to hold wings in firmly, otherwise they will open up and drag on the hot briquettes .

Mrs. Virgil Rathel-Cincinnati, OH


Y2 cup sliced mushrooms

cup butter or margarine

cup flour

2 cups milk

1 pimiento, diced

2 cups diced cooked turkey or chicken

Salt and pepper to taste

Y2 cup sauterne wine

lb . spaghetti, broken into pieces, cooked and drained

Yi cup parmesan cheese

Saute mushrooms in medium saucepan in two Tbsp. butter until browned. Remove from pan and set aside. Add remaining butter to saucepan. Blend in flour, gradually blend in milk. Cook and stir until thickened . (2 cups undiluted mushroom soup may be substituted for the white sauce.) Add mushrooms, pimiento, turkey, salt and pepper and wine . Stir in cooked spaghetti, pour into greased 1 Yi quart casserole. Sprinkle with parmesan cheese If desired, top with green pepper, pimiento, chopped olives or slivered almonds. Bake in 350° oven for 20 minutes or until hot and bubbly

Yield: 6 -8 servings.

Mrs. Paul A. Beelke-Eggertsville, NY

VARIATION: Use 4 oz . medium noodles, cooked, in place of spaghetti . Substitute 2 cups chicken broth and 1 cup light cream for milk and wine. May also add Yi tsp celery salt and 3 Tbsp. minced parsley.

Mrs. Ewald F. Timm-New Berlin, WI


Yi lb. lasagna noodles

1 Tbsp. olive oil

2 7 oz . cans king crabmeat

2 cans frozen cream of shrimp soup

2 cups cream-style cottage cheese

1 8 oz. pkg cream cheese, softened

1 large onion, chopped

1 egg

2 tsp . basil

1 tsp. salt

tsp. pepper

4 medium sized tomatoes, peeled and sliced

2 tsp sugar

1 cup grated cheddar cheese

Cook noodles in water. Drain and flake crabmeat, removing any bony tissue Combine soup and crabmeat in saucepan and heat until bubbly. Blend cottage cheese with next 6 ingredients. Spread olive oil on bottom of baking dish . Layer Y3 of noodles - half of cheese mixtureY3 of noodles, then all of the crab sauce . Cover with remaining noodles, then remaining cheese mixture. Arrange tomato slices on top; sprinkle with sugar. Bake at 350° for 15 minutes; sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake 45 minutes longer . Let set 15 minutes.

Yield: 8 servings. Virginia (Butz) Amling-Des Plaines, IL


2 Tbsp butter or margarine

4 Tbsp. finely chopped onion

Ya tsp. rosemary, crushed

1 (10 oz.) pkg. frozen, chopped spinach (cooked & well drained)

Y2 cup cooked rice

1 Tbsp. lemon juice

4 Tbsp. toasted almonds, chopped

6 (5 oz.) portions sole or flounder fi lets, thawed

1 oz.) can cream of mushroom soup, undiluted to Yi cup water

Few drops red food coloring

In large saucepan, heat onions and rosemary in butter until tender. Add cooked spinach, rice, lemon juice and almonds. Heat until flavors are well blended . Wash filets and wipe completely dry . Place cup of filling mixture on each filet, spread length and roll up, securing with toothpick Arrange each rolled fillet in a 9 x 9 x 4" baking dish. Blend soup and to Yi cup water. Add food coloring. Bring to a boil and remove from heat . Pour sauce over fish. Sprinkle with paprika, bake at 350° for 20 minutes. Garnish with sprigs of parsley and lemon slices. Yield: 6 servings .

Martha Zudell-Westlake, OH

Better is a dinner of herbs where love is than a fatted ox and hatred with it. Prov. 15:17



2 lbs . haddock , sole or cod fi I lets

1 can cream of shrimp soup

Y4 cup butter, melted

1 tsp grated onion

1 tsp Worcestershire sauce

Y4 tsp garlic salt

1 Y4 cups crushed Ritz crackers (30 crackers)

1 can small shrimp

Place fillets in greased 9 x 13 " baking dish. Spread with soup. Bake in 375° oven for 20 minutes. Combine butter and seasonings Mix with cracker crumbs. Sprinkle drained shrimp and crumb mixture over fish. Bake another 10 minutes.

Marilyn (Meier) Krueger- Brookfield , WI


1 can crabmeat

1 can shrimp

1 can water chestnuts , sliced

1 cup celery, sliced thin

cup mayonnaise, more if necessary pkg. Pepperidge Farm stuffing

Y4 lb. butter or margarine , melted

Mix first four ingredients with amount of mayonnaise needed to make mixture the consistency of a salad . Place in a casserole and top with the stuffing which has been mixed with the melted butter or margarine. Bake at 350° for 30 minutes. Great to use from your " emergency shelf " for unexpected guests

Yield : 4 servings.

Mrs Edward (Miriam Schurman) Griessel-Englewood, FL


4 hard cooked eggs, sliced or coarsely chopped

1 5 oz . can shrimp, halved

1 7 oz. can tuna, drained

1 2 oz . can mushrooms

1 6 Y2 oz can crabmeat

2 cups medium white sauce

Y4 I b . cheddar cheese, grated

1 cup bread crumbs

Yi stick butter, melted

Layer or mix half of the first 5 ingredients into an 8" casserole, cover with half of the white sauce, repeat and sprinkle with cheese and top with bread crumbs that have been mixed with the butter . Bake in 325° oven for 45 minutes If using frozen shrimp and crab, be sure all the ice has been drained off

Yield : 4 -6 servings

Theresa Schmalz - St. Paul, MN

I 239


4 slices white bread , cubed

3 6 oz. pkgs frozen crab meat

Yi cup mayonnaise

1 medium onion, chopped

1 cup celery, chopped

1 medium green pepper, chopped

4 to 6 slices white bread

4 eggs

3 cups milk

1 can cream of mushroom soup cup shredded cheddar cheese


Arrange cubed bread evenly in rectangular 2 quart baking dish Fold togeth er crabmeat, mayonnaise, onion, celery and green pepper ; spoon over bread cubes Trim crusts from remaining bread and arrange over crabmeat mixture to cover top Beat eggs and milk together and pour over bread Cover and chill in refrigerator for 8 hours or longer, until serving time . Heat oven to 325°. Remove cover and bake souffle for 15 minutes . Spread soup evenly over bread slices; top with shredded cheese and a sprinkle of paprika. Bake 1 hour longer.

Yield : 12 servings .

Mrs. Helen DiBlasio-Ridgewood , NJ


1 can cream of shrimp soup

1 soup can of water cup precooked rice (minute)

1 10 oz pkg. frozen cooked shrimp, thawed, or use equivalent amount of canned shrimp

Yi cup diced celery

Yi cup chopped green pepper

1 tsp curry powder

Yi tsp. salt

Dash of pepper

Yi cup sliced , pitted ripe olives

Y4 cup toasted slivered blanched almonds

Combine all ingredients (except olives and almonds) in a stove-totable skillet. Cover and bring to boiling . Simmer about 10 minutes until rice is done and shrimp is heated through. Stir occasionally. Just before serving, add olives ; sprinkle with almonds. Garnish with parsley.

I keep these ingredients on hand because this skillet is excellent for unexpected guests.

Yield: 4 servings

Marilyn (Meier) Krueger-Broadfield, WI

Mrs. C. R. (So) Heidbrink-Valparaiso, IN

VARIATION: Cook Yi cup chopped onion in 1 Tbsp. margarine . Use 1 cup sour cream and omit water, celery, green pepper, olives and almonds. Instead of including rice in ·shrimp mixture, serve shrimp mixture over 3 cups cooked rice. Garnish with paprika and sprig of parsley.

Mrs Carl Brauer, Jr.-Ann Arbor, Ml

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight. Prov . 3 :5




5 slices buttered bread

2 cups fresh cooked or canned shrimp

2 cups grated sharp cheddar cheese

3 eggs

1 can cream of celery soup


Cut bread in Yi" cubes . Place layer of bread cubes on bottom of buttered 1 Yi quart casserole. Remove black vein from back of shrimp . Cut shrimp in half lengthwise . Place layer of shrimp on bread cubes . Cover with layer of grated cheese . Repeat layers of bread cubes topped with shrimp and cheese Measure contents of can of soup Add enough milk to make two cups of liquid in all. Add eggs and beat Pour over mixture in casserole Place casserole in pan filled with warm water up to within 1 " of top of casserole Bake 1 hour in 375° oven Garnish w i th shrimp and sliced pimiento olives. Excellent for Lenten meals , lunch or dinner.

Yield : 6 servings

Dorothy Peters-South Bend, IN


4 Y2 oz can small shrimp

8 eggs

1 Y2 tsp salt

2 tsp soy sauce

Yi (303) can bean sprouts, drained

J.'4 cup finely minced green pepper (optional)

J.'4 cup finely minced celery

Yi cup finely chopped green onion

Cooking oil

Rinse and drain shrimp ; save 6 -8 for garnish Beat eggs with salt until blended . Add soy sauce . Fold in shrimp and vegetables . Be sure all vegetables are completely dry Heat oil in heavy skillet Fry about J.'4 cup mixture for each egg pancake. Keep hot in oven as you fry.

Foo Yong Sauce:

1 can (13 Y2 oz .) chicken broth (or homemade)

1 chicken bouillon cube

J.'4 tsp Worcestershire sauce

1 Yi Tbsp cornstarch

2 Tbsp . water

1 Tbsp soy sauce

Combine broth (skim fat) and chicken bouillon cube ; bring to boil. Add Worcestershire sauce . Blend cornstarch and water until smooth . Stir into broth. Bring to boil , lower heat. Add soy sauce and cook over low heat about 10 minutes until clear. Add reserved shrimp to sauce . Serve with rice. Put egg pancakes over rice ; add sauce as desired .

Yield : 4 servings.

Norma (Reik ) Porterfield-Louisville, KY


2 cups thick white sauce

2 cans tuna

3 or 4 avocados, halved (do not peel)

Buttered bread crumbs

Mix tuna in white sauce, cool. Grease skins of avocado; fill halves with tuna, cover with buttered crumbs. Put in pan with Ya" water. A thin slice of skin off the bottom of each half will keep it from tipping in the pan. Bake in 350° oven for 30 minutes.

Yield 6 - 8 servings.

Theresa Schmalz-St. Paul, MN


¥3 cup chopped celery

Yi cup chopped green pepper

3 Tbsp. margarine

Yi tsp. salt

8 oz. very fine egg noodles or thin spaghetti

1 pkg. (8 oz.) cream cheese

1 cup milk

1 clove garlic, crushed

Yi cup grated parmesan cheese

2 cans (6Y2 oz. each) tuna, drained and broken in large chunks

4 oz. can mushrooms (stems and pieces), drained


Saute vegetables lightly in Tbsp. margarine. Sprinkle with the salt. Cook the noodles as directed on package label; drain and put in bowl. In a small saucepan, heat cream cheese and milk, stirring over low heat until smooth. Add sauce to noodles with the garlic, cup grated cheese, the sauteed vegetables, mushrooms and the tuna. Mix well and put in shallow 1 Y2 quart baking dish. Sprinkle with the remaining cheese and dot with remaining butter. Sprinkle with paprika. Bake 350° for 30 minutes.

NOTE: Good enough to serve to company. My nephew, who says he hates tuna casseroles, asked for seconds.

Yield: 6 servings. Jeannine Krentz-Fraser, Ml

VARIATION: Add 2 Tbsp. flour to sauteed vegetables. Then add 2 cups hot milk, rather than cream cheese and 1 cup milk. Add 1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce and 1 Tbsp. minced parsley. Simmer 5 minutes. Omit garlic and mushrooms.

Margaret (Michael) Rivers-Valparaiso, IN

Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. Prov. 22:6



3 Tbsp. butter

2 Tbsp minced onion

3 Tbsp. unbleached flour

1 tsp. salt

2 cups milk

cup plain yogurt (optional)

1 can (7 oz .) tuna, drained and flaked

4 cups thinly sliced potatoes

Minced fresh or dried parsley

Heat butter in saucepan and saute onion about 5 minutes . Blend in flour and salt. Gradually stir in milk and yogurt. Heat over medium heat until thickened. Stir in tuna. Put potatoes in a greased 6 x 2 x 10" casserole, pour tuna mixture over, and bake at 350° for 1 hour. Uncover and bake 30 minutes or until potatoes are tender Garnish with parsley

Yield: 4 servings .

Mrs. Max (Gloria) Jabs-San Antonio, TX

NOTE: You may prefer to decrease the potatoes by 1 cup and increase the tuna to 2 cans .


3 Tbsp butter

Y2 cup sliced green pepper

2 slices onion

6 Tbsp . flour

Yi tsp. salt

3 cups milk

1 large oz.) can tuna fish, drained

1 Tbsp. lemon juice

Melt butter; add green pepper and onion Cook until soft Add flour and stir until well blended. Add salt Add milk slowly, stirring constantly until thick and smooth Bring to boil ; boil 2 minutes Add remaining ingredients. Pour into large baking dish and cover with cheese rolls.

Cheese Rolls:

1 Y2 cups flour

3 tsp. baking powder

Yi tsp. salt

3 Tbsp . shortening (butter is best)

Yi cup milk

cup grated cheese

2 pimientos, chopped

Sift together first three ingredients Add shortening; mix thoroughly with fork. Add liquid to make soft dough Toss lightly on floured board Roll out into sheet 8 x 12". Sprinkle with cheese and pimiento. Roll up like jelly roll, starting at short side. With sharp knife , cut into eight 1 " slices . Flatten slightly and lay on top of creamed mixture. Bake at 450° for 30 minutes, or until browned.

Yield: 8 servings.

Mrs. C.R. (So) Heidbrink-Valparaiso, IN




For 6 delicious servings, dip 2 lbs. fish fillets in cup milk, then in a mixture of 1 cup crushed potato chips, cup grated parmesan cheese, tsp. thyme.

Place fish in buttered baking dish. Sprinkle with any extra crumbs. Drizzle cup melted butter or margarine over top Bake in extremely hot oven (500°) for 12 to 15 minutes May be garnished with lemon wedges and parsley before serving. This is our family's favorite way to fix fish and we especially like perch done this way.


Flake one tall can of salmon with a fork and add 2 eggs, beaten light, 2 Tbsp. flour, 2 Tbsp of sweet cream (milk and a little butter may be used), 2 tsp. of baking powder, salt and pepper to taste

Mix all together and drop in spoonfuls on buttered frying pan; brown and turn .

Yield : 4 servings.

Augusta Paslean-Metamora, Ml


4 slices toast

cup American cheese - yellow

1 cup white sauce

4 slices breast chicken or turkey, cooked

8 strips bacon, fried

4 Tbsp. parmesan cheese

Heat yellow cheese with white sauce. Place a piece of turkey on each piece of toast. Cover with cup sauce, 2 bacon strips and sprinkle with 1 Tbsp. parmesan cheese. Broil until cheese melts and becomes a golden brown. Should be served in the dish in which it was broiled. Great dish for your leftover Thanksgiving turkey

Yield: 4 sandwiches.

1 Yi lbs ground beef

2 Tbsp vinegar

1 tsp. salt

Yi tsp pepper

2 Tbsp. sugar

Joyce Agle Anderson-Louisville, KY


2 Tbsp. Worcestershire sauce

cup catsup

cup water

2 tsp . chili powder

1 onion, chopped


(Barbeque, directions)

Put the 1 Y2 lbs. of ground beef in a baking pan or dutch oven and pack down and bake at 375° for 15 minutes. Then mix all together and bake at 350° for 1 Y2 hours more. Serve over large split buns or as sandwiches.

Yield: 12 servings.

Mrs. Alvin W. Graef-Louisville, KY ·


1 Tbsp. instant minced onion

1 tsp . green pepper flakes

1 tsp. salt

1 tsp. cornstarch

Yi tsp . sugar

Y2 tsp instant minced garlic

}.'4 tsp . dry mustard

}.'4 tsp. celery seeds

}.'4 tsp. chili powder

Combine all ingredients . Place on 6" square of aluminum foil and seal air tight .

Yield: 1 package.

Sloppy Joe Burgers using Sloppy Joe Seasoning Mix:

1 lb. ground beef

1 (6 oz ) can tomato paste

1 pkg. Sloppy Joe Seasoning Mix 1 }.'4 cup water

6 hamburger buns

Brown beef in skillet; drain off excess fat. Blend in Sloppy Joe Seasoning Mix. Stir in tomato paste and water. Cover and simmer 10 minutes. Serve hot between split buns.

Yield: 6 sandwiches . Doris Drews Wennerstrom-Rochester, NY


(Husband ' s Special)

1 doz. medium flour tortillas

1 Ib . jack cheese

1 medium onion, chopped

1 can diced green chiles

24 drops of green taco sauce

Cooking oil or shortening

Lay tortilla out flat . Put layer of jack cheese approximately 2" square in center of tortilla. Add 2 tsp . chopped onion and 2 tsp. diced green chiles or to taste. Add 2 drops of green taco sauce . Then add another 2" square layer of jack cheese. Fold the tortilla around the cheese on all sides. Repeat with other tortillas Place in skillet and fry in shortening until golden brown If tortillas aren ' t flexible, they may be steamed before being used.

Yield: 1 dozen. Mrs. Stephen Brtis-Woodland Hills, CA


12 slices white bread


1 cup chopped, cooked shrimp, canned or frozen

3 cups (12 oz .) shredded cheddar cheese

Y2 cup mayonnaise or salad dressing

1 Tbsp. lemon juice

1 tsp . Worcestershire sauce

Y2 tsp. curry powder


Spread bread with butter. Trim crusts, if desired . Combine remaining ingredients, except paprika and spread on each slice of bread . Sprinkle with paprika Broil until cheese bubbles. Serve at once.

Yield: 6 servings.

1 loaf French bread

1 stick margarine

3 Tbsp. prepared mustard

1 Tbsp. poppy seeds


Carolyn Niemann French-St. Charles, IL


Y3 cup green onions, chopped finely

16 slices swiss cheese

Bacon slices cut in half, lengthwise

Slice bread through completely into 16 pieces. Mix margarine with next 4 ingredients. Then spread on each side of the bread slices. Place a slice of cheese between each slice of bread, reforming the loaf of bread. Lay strips of bacon on top of each slice. Wrap in foil and heat about Y2 hour at 350°. After about 20 minutes, open foil to expose bacon and heat the remaining 10 minutes.

Yield: 8 servings.

Mrs . Dale E. Mertz-North Olmsted, OH


(7 oz.) can tuna , drained and flaked

1 Y2 tsp. prepared mustard

Y4 cup mayonnaise

1 Y2 tsp. grated onion

2 Tbsp chopped green pepper

3 hamburger buns, split

6 tomato slices

Y2 cup mayonnaise

Y4 cup finely shredded American cheese

Blend first five ingredients. Pile onto bun halves Top each with tomato slice. Blend Y2 cup mayonnaise with cheese; spread on tomato slices. Broil 4" from heat until topping puffs and browns.

Yield : 6 servings. Dorothy Peters-South Bend, IN




4 hamburger buns

4 Ya" slices of ham

4 slices American cheese

2 Tbsp. butter, melted

2 Tbsp onion, chopped

2 Tbsp. poppy seeds

2 Tbsp prepared mustard

Combine butter, chopped onion, poppy seed and mustard. (Can first saute onion in melted butter.) Spread on top and bottom of buns. Add 1 slice ham and 1 slice cheese on each bun. Wrap each sandwich in foil. Refrigerate until serving time . Heat in a 300° oven for 20 minutes. Can be frozen before baking. Defrost several hours before baking as above

Yield: 4 servings.

Mrs. Gerald L Butts-Moline, IL

VARIATION: Use poppy seed or kaiser buns Use swiss cheese instead of American. From a small can crushed pineapple which is drained, place 1 Tbsp. pineapple on top of butter, poppy seed, onion mixture (omit mustard) on just one bun half. Place ham and cheese on other bun half Place prepared buns on cookie sheet or broiler pan and broil both halves until cheese melts . Remove and stack halves together. Serve warm.

Marilyn (Faust) Albrecht-Rochester, Ml


1 lb . ground beef

1 onion, chopped

1 small can tomato sauce

1 cup cheese (e g. cheddar), grated

Mozzarella cheese slices

tsp . salt



8 - 12 hamburger buns

Brown hamburger and onion and drain Add salt and pepper, tomato sauce and grated cheese Turn down heat and simmer 12 - 15 minutes (Watch so it doesn ' t scorch. ) Cool. Put mixture into hamburger buns Sprinkle oregano on each and place 1 slice mozzarella cheese on each. Wrap each sandwich in foil. Before serving, bake at 350° for 15 to 20 minutes These may be made ahead of time and frozen Thaw about 4 hours before baking . They are very convenient to have on hand for weekend guests

Yield : 8 large or 12 small buns. Lois Joesting Grote - St. Cloud , MN

VARIATION: Omit cheddar cheese and dice 1 cup mozzarella cheese Add this to cooled beef mixture along with tsp . garlic salt and cup sliced , stuffed olives

Mrs. Dale E Mertz-North Olmsted , OH



2 c ups chopped turkey (light & dark meat)

2 hard cooked eggs , chopped 1 cup grated cheese (cheddar or American)

2 Tbsp . chopped green pepper

2 Tbsp . chopped onion

2 Tbsp . chopped stuffed olives cup mayonnaise or salad dressing

6 hamburger buns or 10 - 12 small buns

Mix the first seven ingredients. Cut buns in half, butter lightly , top with turkey mixture Place on broiler pan and broil 6" from heat for 5 minutes or until mixture bubbles. Top with parsley sprigs .

Yield: 12 sandwiches (4 -6 servings). Elfrieda Brustman-St . Paul , MN


1 tsp. garlic salt

1 stick margarine or butter


1 lb. ground beef

2 Tbsp onion, chopped

Y2 cup tomato sauce

Yi cup catsup

"J.l,i cup parmesan cheese

Y2 tsp. garlic powder

"J.1,i tsp fennel seed

Ya tsp. oregano

6 - 8 sesame seed buns

"J.l,i lb mozzarella cheese, grated

Mix garlic salt with butter and add enough paprika to turn it pink. Brown meat and add next 7 ingredients. Cook 20 minutes Brush buns with garlic-butter spread Spoon meat mixture on bun half, sprinkle with grated cheese . Wrap each -sandwich in foil wrap. Heat in 350° oven for 15 minutes . (Can make 4 to 5 pounds of the meat mixture at once as it is excellent frozen and re-heated.)

Yield : 12 - 16 open faced sandwiches.

Norma (Graves) Wehrman-Valparaiso, IN

EDITOR'S NOTE: Can put all open faced sandwiches in a foiled-lined 9 x 13 " pan and cover the pan with foil for heating . Can also put mixture into closed buns and serve that way.


Yi lb Amer i can cheese or velvetta

"J.l,i I b. bacon, fried Small onion

Green pepper

1 Tbsp. Worcestershire sauce

10 - 12 slices bread

Grind first 4 ingredients together and mix in Worcestershire sauce Toast slices of bread , then spread with mixture generously and toast under broiler until bubbly and brown

Yield: 10 - 12 sandwiches

Mrs Carl Wagemann-Palm Harbor, FL



SALADS & DRESSINGS SALADS A Grea t Fruit Salad 250 Antipasto 266 Ba ked Cranberry Salad 249 Broccoli Salad 264, 267 Butte rmilk Salad Jello 257 Cabbage-Banana Salad 261 Cardinal Salad 268 Carrot-Apple Mold .. . ............. 257 Carrot Salad .......................... 265 Cauliflower Salad .................. 265 Ch e rry Jello Mold .................. 254 Chicken -Rice Salad ................ 258 Cleo ' s Caesar Salad 263 Cranberry Relish 249 Cranberry Salad 249 Cranberry Sherbet 252 Cucumber Molds 268 Cucumber Mousse 269 Cucumber Salad .................... 269 Dutch Slaw .......................... 261 Fast Frozen Fruit Salad .......... 252 Fresh Blueberry Salad Mold .. 253 Frozen Cranberry Salad 251 Frozen Fruit and Cheese Salad 252 Frozen Fruit Bits 251 Fruit Salad . . . ................. .250 Garden Medley Salad ............ 262 German Potato Salad ........... .260 Hurry-up Tomato Aspic ....... .270 Jello , Beef Salad ................... .256 Jello Tuna Salad .................... 259 Katie ' s ArtichokeMushroom Salad 268 King Crab Crown 258 Luscious Strawberry Salad .... 255 Mandarin Orange Sherbet Mold .257 Marj ' s Mustaccioli Salad 260 Mixed Vegetable Salad 261 Molded Rhubarb Salad 255 Oriental Vegetable Salad 267 Overnight Cole Slaw 266 Peaches and Cream Salad . . .. 254 Pinata Salad .. ..... .. . .. ..... 256 Pistachio Salad ...................... 250 Portofino Jello ...................... 254 Port Wine Cherry Mold ........ 253 Sallad 266 Salmon Mousse 258 Seasoning Salt 272 Shrimp-Ham Gumbo Salad ... .259 Spinach Salad 264, 269 Strawberry Ribbon Salad ...... 255 Sweet Sour Spinach Salad .... 264 Taco Salad ............................ 256 Tossed Salad with Mandarin Oranges 263 24 Hour Cauliflower Salad 262 Yogurt Jello Salad 257 Zucchini Salad 263 , 267 SALAD DRESSINGS Easy Bleu Cheese Dressing ... .271 Fruit Salad Dressing .............. 272 L & H Dressing 270 Lo Cal Martinque Dressing .271 Oil/Vinegar Salad Dressing 272 Poppy Seed Dressing 261 Renata's French Dressing .270 Russian Salad Dressing .271 Shirley' s Fruit Dressing .......... 271

1 lb cranberries

1 cup sugar


1 12 oz . jar of orange marmalade

1 cup chopped walnuts

Mix these ingredients together and pour into a 2 quart glass baking dish. Bake at 300° for 1 hour uncovered.

NOTE: Children especially love this dish!

Yield : 12 servings. Mrs. Jerome (Joanne) Kraase-Kokomo, IN


lb. pkg. raw cranberries

1 fresh med. size lemon, seeds removed

8 oz can of crushed pineapple, drained 2 cups sugar

Grind together, using a medium blade , the cranberries, lemon and pineapple. Add sugar and blend well. Put in refrigerator to mellow for two days . Stir and serve. This freezes well.

Yield: 6 cups.

1 cup cranberries

1 cup apples, unpared

Mrs . Myles T . Musgrave-Port Huron, Ml


2 oranges (1 with peeling, 1 without)

1 cup sugar

Put cranberries, apples and oranges through meat grinder and add sugar.

Yield: 3 cups.

Mabel C. Frank-Chevy Chase, MD

EDITOR'S NOTE: Any left over may be added to red gelatin for variety. Nuts may also be added.

Early consumer protection occurs frequently in the Bible . Particularly condemned were " false weights and measures ", one set used for selling, a smaller, lighter set for buying " Diverse weights and diverse measures are both an abomination to the Lord" (Prov. 20 :21 ); " A full and just weight you shall ·have, a full and just measure " (Deut. 25:15).




Y2 cup frozen lemonade

Y2 cup honey

Melon balls

Fresh or canned peaches


Pineapple chunks


Fresh apples



Whole raspberries


Blend together frozen lemonade and honey The day before serving add any or all fruits to lemonade and honey mixture except the berries and bananas Blend carefully and store in refrigerator Add raspberries strawberries and bananas when ready to serve. Serve in a pretty glass bowl.

NOTE: This same fruit mixture is good with a cup of miniature marshmallows added Then fold in whipped cream when ready to serve. Yummy!

Yield: 6 -8 servings . Mrs Myron Mader-Antigo, WI


1 no 2 can crushed pineapple

1 pkg . pistachio instant pudding

1 cup miniature marshmallows

1 9 oz cool whip

Yi cup nuts , if desired

Pour pineapple and juice in bowl. Mix with the instant pudding . Add rest of the ingredients.

Yield : 6 -8 servings

Mrs E A. Boedeker-Chatfield , MN Helen Foehl-Kendallville, IN


1 20 oz can pineapple chunks

1 17 oz jar of Queen Anne sweet cherries

1 16 oz. can pears


3 beaten eggs

3 Tbsp sugar

Juice of 2 lemons

1 lb miniature colored marshmallows

Y2 to jar maraschino cherries , cut up

Yi cup water

Yi pt. heavy cream , whipped or 1 pkg Dream Whip

Directions, page 251


Cook first 4 dressing ingredients in double boiler over medium flame until it begins to thicken . Chill. Fold whipped cream or Dream Whip into dressing. Cut up and drain the fruit. Mix with the dressing.

NOTE: I cook the dressing and cut up the fruit letting it drain the day before. I have found that if the fruit is not well drained, the salad can become soggy.

Yield : 6 -8 servings

Mrs. Glen (Margaret Riethmeier ' 60) Zobel


2 cups sugar

1 cup water

1 20 oz . pkg . frozen strawberries (defrosted)

4 bananas cut up in small chunks

2 cups crushed pineapple (in own juice)

1 #21/2 can apricots, drained, cut fine

Boil together sugar and water for one minute. Combine strawberries with juice, bananas, pineapple with juice and apricots. Cover with boiled syrup. Pour into 9 x 13 " pan or 24 dixie cups and freeze. Good for breakfast or brunch.

Yield 15 - 25 servings .


Mrs. Donald J. Davis-East Moline, IL


2 cans whole cranberry sauce

1 sm. can crushed pineapple, drained

2 Tbsp. lemon juice

1 cup heavy cream

cup sugar

Pinch of salt

Y2 tsp. vanilla

1/2 cup chopped nuts

Whip cranberries, pineapple and lemon juice; pour into mold or 8 x 8" pan. Whip cream with sugar, salt and vanilla. Add nuts; spread carefully over fruit base Cover with foil. Freeze. Cut into squares and place on lettuce leaves a few moments before serving.

This recipe may be doubled and placed in a 13 x 9" pan. It is my husband's favorite salad and is traditionally served at Thanksgiving and Christmas. Since it is frozen you can make it several days in advance of use.

Yield: 9 servings .

Mrs. Thomas (Norrine Engelbert) Nagel '62-Buffalo, NY


1 8 oz . pkg . Philadelphia Cream cheese Yi can bing cherries , pitted

1 cup miniature marshmallows

1 No. 2 can fruit cocktail

Soften cheese to room temperature Add juice from fruit cocktail and beat well with electric mixer. (Or use blender ) Add fruit, cherries and marshmallows mixing carefully but well through the cheese mixture Pour into 9 x 9" pan and freeze.

Yield : 8 servings .

Mrs . John (Georgiana Rupprecht) Schroeder-Zionsville, IN


1 16 oz can whole cranberry sauce

1 small can crushed pineapple in syrup

1 cup sour cream

Y4 cup confectioners sugar

Combine cranberry sauce and crushed pineapple. Stir together sour cream and sugar; combine the two mixtures . Line a refrigerator tray or 8 x 8" pan with foil ; pour in mixture . Freeze firm . To serve, turn out frozen salad. Let stand at room temperature a few minutes. Remove foil and cut in wedges or squares. Serve on lettuce if you wish.

NOTE: This can be made very quickly so is a good family recipe .

Yield : 8 servings.

4 cups cranberries

2Yi cups water

2 cups sugar

Mrs . Paul Rupprecht-Indianapolis, IN


1 tsp. Knox gelatin

Juice of 2 lemons

Y2 cup cold water

Cook cranberries with water until the berries stop popping Strain and add sugar Cook until sugar is dissolved Add gelatin which has been dissolved in cold water . Cool. Add strained lemon juice. Pour into tray and freeze. When frozen , put into bowl and beat until light and fluffy. Return to freezer . Serve with fowl during the meal . (My ambitious father often makes this in the ice cream freezer)

Mrs Dieter Nickel-Merrill , WI



2 3 oz . pkgs. lim e jello di ssolved in 2 cups boiling water

Immediately add:

1 pint vanilla ice cream

Set aside until partly jelled


1 pint fresh blueberries

1 (1 lb ) can sliced pineapple, diced and drained

1 cup seedless green grapes , cut up

Pour into 9 x 13 " pan and refrigerate until firm . Cut into squares and serve on crisp lettuce

Yield: 12 servings.

Mrs. John A. (Leona) West-Flossmoor, IL


1 can (16 oz.) pitted dark sweet cherries , drained (reserve syrup)

1 cup boiling water

2 pkgs. (3 oz. each) black cherryflavored gelatin

1 cup applesauce cup port wine

Yi cup chopped nuts


Orange and grapefruit sections

Port Wine Dressing

Measure reserved cherry syrup and, if necessary, enough water 'to measure cup. Pour boiling water on gelatin ; stir to dissolve Stir in applesauce, cherry syrup-water mixture and port wine Refrigerate until slightly thickened but not firm , about 2 hours

Cut cherries in half . Stir cherries and nuts into thickened gelatin mixture . Pour into 6-cup mold . Chill until firm , about 4 hours . Unmold on plate . Garnish with watercress and fruit sections. Serve with Port Wine Dressing

Port Wine Dressing:

1 cup mayonnaise or salad dressing

2 Tbsp port wine

1 Tbsp . grated orange peel

2 Tbsp orange juice

Mix all ingredients until smooth. Chill at least 1 hour. Yield : 8 - 10 servings. Leona Liesch-Wittenberg , WI

" If I were hungry, I would not tell you ; for the world and all that is in it is mine . Offer to Cod a sacrifice of thanksgiving; .. . and call upon me in the day of trouble ; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify me. "

Psalm 50:12, 14, 15



2 3 oz . pkgs. cherry jello

1 lg . can crushed pineapple (20 oz .)

1 lg. can dark red pitted cherries (16 oz.)

2 cups ginger ale or coca cola

Y2 cup chopped nuts

Drain juice from cherries and pineapple and heat until almost boiling. Add jello then cola . Stir well and add other ingredients. Pour into mold (makes about 7 cups) and chill.

Yield : 12 - 14 servings.

Susan Heitmuller Zimmerman-Highland, MD

PORTOFINO lElLO (Cranberry)

2 pkgs. raspberry jello

1Y4 cups boiling water

1 #2 can cranberry sauce (whole berries)

1 #2 can crushed pineapple (do not drain)

1 cup nuts

cup port wine

8 oz pkg cream cheese

1 cup sour cream

In largest mixing bowl, dissolve jello in water. Add pineapple and cranberry sauce. Stir. Then add nuts and wine. Put in serving container (13 x 9 x 2 Yi ") and let set


Soften cheese and add sour cream Beat until smooth. Spread on top of set jel lo

Yield: 18 average servings

Beata Pflueger Madoerin-Omaha, NB


1 6 oz pkg. peach flavored gelatin

1 cup water

1 can (20 oz .) crushed pineapple, undrained

1 pkg. (8 oz.) cream cheese

1 cup finely chopped celery

1 cup chopped nuts

1 container (9 oz.) Cool Whip

Mix together and boil for 10 minutes - gelatin, water and pineapple . Remove from heat and add the cream cheese. Stir well until smooth . Allow to cool and thicken Add celery and nuts Fold in cool whip Pour mixture into oiled 6 cup ring or bombe mold Chill thoroughly Unmold at serving time.

Yield: 12 - 15 servings .

Jeannine Krentz-Fraser, Ml



1 6 oz. pkg . strawberry jello

2 cups boiling water

2 cups thick rhubarb sauce

2 cups chopped apples

Yi cup chopped nuts

Cool jello until slightly thickened ; add remaining ingredients. Chill until firm .

Yield : 10 - 12 servings . Mildred Buechner-Willshire, OH

VARIATION: Pineapple Rhubarb Salad. Drain a 9 oz . can of crushed pineapple and reserve juice . Cook rhubarb sauce from 2 cups fresh rhubarb cut in 1 " pieces , Y3 cup sugar and Yi cup water until tender. Drain, reserving syrup . Combine pineapple juice and rhubarb syrup, heat to boiling. Add Yi Tbsp. lemon juice and a 3 oz package cherry or strawberry jello. Fold in pineapple and rhubarb after cool and partially set. When doubling, use 20 oz can pineapple.

Yield: 4 -6 servings.

Dorothy Czamanske - Valparaiso , IN Judy Schuermann Brooks-Moline, IL


1 Yi cups boiling water

2 3 oz pkgs. strawberry flavored gelatin

1 Y2 pkgs (10 oz. each) frozen strawberries

1 can (about 1 cup) crushed pineapple with juice

Yi cup chopped pecans

1 cup dairy sour cream

Add boiling water to gelatin and stir until dissolved . Immediately add frozen strawberries and mix gently . Chill until slightly congealed . Add pineapple and nutmeats and mix. Pour Y2 of gelatin mixture into lightly oiled 9" square pan or fancy mold Chill slightly Fold sour cream into remaining gelatin and pour carefully over first layer. Chill until set

Yield: 12 servings. Jean Albers-Kokomo, IN

VARIATION: Mrs. Norman Hartman, St. Louis, MO makes a Strawberry Ribbon Salad with a similar recipe. She uses 2 full packages strawberries , deletes the nuts, adds tsp salt. She pours Yi the jello mixture into her mold to set, keeping the other half at room temperature She mixes an 8 oz . package of cream cheese with Yi cup sour cream and carefully spreads this over the set gelatin . Then she carefully pours the remaining strawberry mixture over the white layer . Chill overnight.

So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.

Psalm 90:12



pkg. (3 oz.) lemon jello, dissolve in 1 cup hot water, cool.

Add in order given: 2 tsp vinegar, Y2 cup salad dressing , Y2 cup chopped celery, cup chopped green pepper, 3 oz. of dried beef (pull apart in small pieces) 1 cup cottage cheese, well drained , 1 Tbsp minced onion, 8 - 10 pimento olives , sliced.

Pour in 9 x 9 " cake pan Refrigerate. Can be made 3 days ahead. Double recipe and put in 9 x 13 " pan . May be put in mold, also.

Irene M Laude-Wittenberg, WI

PINATA SALAD (also Taco Salad)

2 lbs. ground beef

1 green pepper, chopped

1 large onion , chopped

1 tsp. salt

2 16 oz. cans stewed tomatoes, drained

1 Tbsp. chili powder (or more to taste)


10 oz. grated longhorn cheddar cheese

1 12 oz. carton sour cream mixed with 2 Tbsp. Taco sauce

Taco chips or Fritos

Ripe olives, avocado - for garnish

Brown the ground beef, draining off most of the fat . Add chopped green pepper, chopped onion and salt Saute a few minutes. Add drained tomatoes, chili powder and simmer 2 hours Shortly before using, shred lettuce and grate cheese Combine by starting with chips on bottom Add hot meat, sprinkle with cheese. Cover with shredded lettuce Spoon sour cream sauce on lettuce. Top with garnishes as desired. (Plain taco sauce can be used instead of the sour cream sauce). This is a make your own salad .

Mrs. Robert (Pat) llten-Leawood, KS


Various quantities of ground beef and cheese are possible. Fresh tomatoes can be tossed with lettuce Instead of stewed tomatoes use 8 oz. can tomato sauce and 1 envelope taco seasoning mix, and cup water with the ground beef.

Barbara (Lammertse) Schulz

Lettuce mixture can be tossed with Catalina dressing or your favorite diet dressing . Red kidney beans can be added to ground beef mixture.

Vera Morgan-Omaha NB

Joyce Rullman Rich-Lomita, CA

EDITOR'S NOTE: This salad can also be made omitting beans and ground beef for just a good tossed salad




"Mix and match " flavors of jello and yogurt to: 1 3 oz. pkg. gelatin

1 cup boiling water

V<i cup cold water or fruit juice

Add one 8 oz container of commercial fruited yogurt.

Mrs Glen (Margaret Riethmeier) Zobel


2 pkgs. (3 oz ) orange jello

2 cups hot water

1 pint orange sherbet

2 cans mandarin oranges (11 oz. cans), drained

Mix jello with hot water . Stir in sherbet until dissolved . Refrigerate until slightly set . Add mandarin oranges. Refrigerate to completely set . Marge Lambrecht-Wauwatosa, WI


1 6 oz. pkg. strawberry jello

1 #2 can (20 oz.) crushed pineapple with juice

2 cups buttermilk

1 large (9 oz ) Cool Whip

Heat pineapple and juice hot enough to dissolve jello. Add buttermilk . Cool and set in refrigerator until thickened, but not set. Fold in Cool Whip and chill.

Marge Nadig-St Petersburg, FL


1 3 oz pkg. orange gelatin cup sugar

1 Y2 cups boiling water

1 8 oz pkg. cream cheese

Yi cup orange juice

Yi tsp. lemon peel, grated

2 Tbsp . lemon juice

1 cup shredded carrots

1 cup chopped unpared apple

Dissolve gelatin and sugar in boiling water. Add softened cream cheese and beat smooth with electric beater. Stir in orange juice, lemon peel and lemon juice. Chill until partially set. Add carrots and apple . Spoon into individual molds or a one quart mold . Chill until firm . Yield : 6 - 8 servings.

Mary Ann Nowack Gollin - Pittsford , NY


15 ml lemon juice

190 ml mayonnaise or salad

500 ml diced cooked chicken

250 ml diced celery dressing

30 ml thinly sliced green onion

125 ml sliced stuffed green 65 ml sliced almonds , toasted olives

Dash pepper

500 ml cooked long-grain rice 6 lettuce cups

Add lemon juice to mayonnaise; blend well. Combine with remaining ingredients except lettuce cups ; mix lightly and chill. Serve in individual cups; garnish with additional sliced olives (Olives enhance flavor , make this luncheon salad extra special.)

Jo (Oltmann) Price - Davenport , IA


1 env. unflavored gelatin

2 Tbsp. cold water

2 Tbsp. mayonnaise

Y4 cup lemon juice

2 Tbsp. snipped par sley

4 tsp finely chopped chives

1 Tbsp prepared mustard

Y4 tsp salt

Dash of pepper

17 Y2 oz can crabmeat, drained

1 cup whipping cream

Avocado and lemon slices for garnish

Soften gelatin in water ; place over hot water and heat until dissolved. Stir gelatin into mayonnaise . Blend in lemon juice , parsley, chives , mustard, salt and pepper. Fold in crabmeat . Whip 1 cup whipping cream until stiff ; fold in salad . Turn into oiled 3-cup mold . Chill until firm. Unmold on chilled platter and garnish with avocado and lemon. Serve with breads and chilled, heaped fresh fruit bowl.

Yield: 6 servings.

Irene laudert Zielske-Morristown , MN


This recipe has been a favorite at our brunches .

1 Tbsp unflavored gelat i n

2 Tbsp . sugar

1 tsp. salt

1 tsp. prepared mustard

Yi cup vinegar

2 egg yolks , beaten

1 Tbsp. horseradish

1-1 lb can salmon , flaked

1 cup chopped celery

Y2 cup heavy cream , whipped Olive slic es

Pimento strips


Directions, page 259


Soften gelatin in cup cold water. Mix sugar, salt and mustard thoroughly ; combine .with vinegar and egg yolks in double boiler. Cook until thick , stirring constantly Remove from heat ; add gelatin and stir until dissolved Add horseradish. Chill until mixture begins to thicken; add salmon and celery. Fold in cream . Place olive slices and pimento strips in bottom of oiled fish mold ; turn mixture into mold . Chill until firm . Unmold on platter . Garnish with watercress.

Yield: 8 - 10 servings.

Virginia (Butz) Amling-DesPlaines , IL


1 cup raw rice

1 tsp. sugar

Yi tsp grated lime rind

2 Tbsp. lime juice

1 Y2 cups diced cooked ham (1 Y2 lb .)

1 cup celery

Y2 cup diced green pepper

1 pkg (12 oz ) frozen raw shrimp

6 Tbsp. bottled thin French dressing

Yi cup mayonnaise

1 Tbsp. chopped parsley

1 cup halved cherry tomatoes

Romaine lettuce

Cook rice, drain well. Place in large bowl ; stir in sugar, lime rind and juice, ham , celery and green pepper . Cook shrimp and drain well. (Set aside a few for garnish) Dice remaining shrimp and add to rice. Drizzle with French dressing, toss to mix Chill at least 30 minutes to season and blend flavors Just before serving fold in mayonnaise, parsley and tomatoes . Season to taste. Spoon into large bowl lined with romaine. Garnish with reserved shrimp

Yield: 8 - 10 servings.

Jo Oltman Price-Davenport, IA


2 pkgs lemon jello

1 cup boiling water

2 c ans Campbell ' s chicken noodle soup (chill and · skim off fat, if any )

2 cans Gei sha solid pack tuna in water (white label Albacore) , drain

1 cup salad dressing

1 can water chestnuts , sliced

1 cup diced celery

3 tsp . finely chopped onion (may use chives)

3 tsp. chopped green pepper (opt )

1 cup whipping cream, not whipped

Little lemon juice and salt, to improve flavor, if desired

Mix in order given and mold in 9 x 13 " pan Serve on lettuce.

Yield : 12 servings. Irma K . Schmalz (Mrs. Frederick)-Edina, MN



1 16 oz. pkg mustaccioli noodles

12 slices bacon (sliced in 1" pieces)

1 tsp garlic salt

Yi cup sugar

5 carrots, finely grated

2 large green peppers , chopped

1 large onion , chopped

2 Yi cups salad dressing (not mayonnaise)

Salt and pepper to taste

Cook noodles 20 - 25 minutes. Slice bacon , fry until crisp, remove and drain on paper towel. When drippings are cool , mix all other ingredients together with drippings. Drain noodles, blanche with warm water, drain again. Mix noodles with dressing and sprinkle crisp bacon on top just before serving . Serve at room temperature .

NOTE: Great with all barbequed meat .

Yield : 12 - 16 servings . Mrs . Marjorie (Kalb) Mccown-Kirkwood , MO


8 medium potatoes

5 slices bacon, diced

1 medium onion, chopped

1 Yi Tbsp. flour cup water

Y3 cup cider vinegar

2 Tbsp. sugar

1 tsp . salt

Y4 tsp dry mustard

Yi cup celery, finely chopped or 1 Tbsp. minced parsley

Cook potatoes with jackets. Peel. In fry-pan , saute bacon and onion until bacon is cooked through . Add remaining ingredients, except potatoes and celery, and cook until thickened. Slice several potatoes in bowl. Sprinkle salt and small amount of celery over them , then several spoonfuls of sauce Repeat this procedure until all ingredients are used Let stand at least an hour so flavorings blend , keeping warm

Yield: 6 servings. Eunice (Ullrich) Thanepohn-Oswego , IL

VARIATION: Mrs. Lenore Roschke, Naperville, IL reduces the water to 2 Tbsp and eliminates the flour She notes that to serve 12 - 15, use 5 lbs . potatoes, 1 lb . bacon and other ingredients in proportion . For a sweeter salad, decrease vinegar to Y4 cup and increase sugar to 3 Tbsp .

Let all who tak e re fug e in the e re joi ce, le t th e m eve r s in g for jo y; and do thou def e nd them , that tho se who lov e th y n a m e m ay ex ult in th ee.

5 :11


2 1 lb cans mixed vegetables, drained

4 stalks celery, chopped

Yi green pepper, chopped

1 medium onion, chopped

1 can red beans, drained and rinsed

Mix all ingredients together and add chilled dressing


cup sugar

Yi cup cider vinegar

1 Tbsp. prepared mustard

2Yi Tbsp. flour

Blend and cook until thick and clear, stirring constantly Chill.

Yield: 12 servings.

Mrs . LeRoy H . Vandre-Kokomo, IN


2Y2 cups finely shredded cabbage

Add: 1 cut up apple

Yi cup cut up banana cup cut up salted peanuts or cashews

Season to taste with salt. Toss lightly with fork with a blend of your favorite dressings such as a cooked salad dressing - mayonnaise modified with sour cream, etc. Serve immediately .

Yield: 4 servings.

Shredded cabbage Pineapple tidbits

Amanda Tuschling-Port Huron, Ml


Carrot coins Poppy seed dressing

Combine cabbage, pineapple, carrots and enough dressing to moisten; toss lightly.


Yi cup sugar

Vi cup vinegar

1 tsp. salt

1 tsp. dry mustard

tsp . grated onion

1 cup Safflower oil

1 Tbsp. poppy seeds

Combine sugar, vinegar, salt, mustard and onion juice; shake or beat until sugar dissolves. Add oil and poppy seeds. Chill. Shake well before serving.

Yield : cups.

Mrs . Florence Kraus-Davenport, IA



1 head lettuce, broken bite size and towel dried

1 red onion , sliced into thin rings

1 lb. bacon , cut up and fried crisp

Yi large head cauliflower, raw, broken and sliced

Yi cup sugar

1 cup mayonnaise

Yi cup parmesan cheese

Salt, pepper and croutons

Prepare night before - layer lettuce , onions , bacon pieces and cauliflower into large bowl with tight fitting lid or plan to use heavy foil. Sprinkle with sugar over top layer . Spread mayonnaise over all ; sprinkle with cheese, salt and pepper Cover tightly and refrigerate until ready to use . Mix well before serving and add croutons . Spinach may be added if desired

Yield : 8 - 12 servings.Mildred K . (Mrs. Paul) Rupprecht-Indianapolis, IN


Omit croutons, use Yi lb . bacon , use 2 cups mayonnaise (Hellmans) .

Jo Oltmann Price-Davenport, IA

Sue Moody Durnford - Naperville, IL

Use cabbage instead of lettuce.

Mrs. Dieter Nickel-Merrill, WI


1 cup sliced carrots

1 cup green lima beans

1 cup green or wax beans

1 cup broccoli flowerets

Yi cup Fr or Ital. style dressing

Yi cup wat e r

1 large Savoy or regular cabbage

1 cup di c ed c e lery

1 large onion, chopped

1 cucumber, seeded and diced

1 cup sliced radishes

Creamy Dressing:

Yi lb . cheddar or swiss cheese , finely chopped

1 cup mayonnaise

Yi cup dairy sour cream

2 -3 Tbsp . wine vinegar

Dash cayenne

Yi tsp pepper

Yi tsp salt

1 clove garlic mashed or liquid garlic

Place vegetables in pressure cooker with dressing and water and cook 3 minutes . (Vegetable s may be cooked in regular pan as usual also .) Cool in liquid. Hollow out cabbage , leaving the curling outside leaves and Yi" shell. Shred or chop the cut out cabbage Drain chilled vegetables and add to cabbage Add rest of ingredients and mix with dressing. Serve in cabbage shell. Be careful to drain veg etables well and use only enough dressing to moisten. The dressing is good on any combination of vegetables , even frozen ones or left-overs

Yield: 8 servings Mrs Walter Lohss-lndianapolis, IN



Yi cup salad oil

cup red wine vinegar

Ya tsp garlic powder

2 tsp . Worce stershire sauce

Yi tsp salt

Dash pepper

3 slices bread , cut in Yi" cubes

Yi cup parmesan cheese cup crumbled bleu cheese

8 cups romaine, bib, boston and/ or endive

1 egg, raw

Dressing: In a jar shake together first 6 ingredients Chill overnight

Prepare croutons by toasting bread cubes in a 225° oven for 2 hours. Sprinkl e cheeses over lettuce in salad bowl and add croutons. Add egg to dressing; shake until well blended Add dressing to salad, toss and serve.

Yield : 6 servings .

Marilyn (Meier) Krueger-Brookfield , WI



cup red wine vinegar

cup salad oil

cup sugar

(Make several days ahead and refrigerate)

head lettuce

1 head romaine

1 bunch of small green onions (or 1 med. red onion thinly sliced)

Yi cup chopped pecans

2 sm cans of mandarin oranges

Drain oranges well. Toss all ingredients with dressing.

Jo (Oltmann) Price-Davenport, IA


3 med . zucchini, sliced thin

Yi cup chopped green pepper

Yi cup chopped celery

Dressing: c:up sugar

2/3 cup vinegar

1 grated carrot (small)

1 medium onion, sliced

Y3 cup salad oil

1 tsp . salt

Yi tsp. pepper

Prepare vegetables in bowl. Mix dressing ingredients. Pour dressing over vegetables This is best if made ahead of time

Mrs Brooke Lerch-Baltimore , MD

NOTE: Cucumbers may be substituted for the zucchini




Yi cup salad oil

34 cup wine vinegar

1 Tbsp. sugar

2 Tbsp Worcestershire sauce

1 tsp. salt

Yi tsp. celery salt

Yi tsp. dry mustard

Yi tsp. pepper

Mix by shaking in a jar or using a blender.

1 Y2 - 2 lbs. spinach - torn. Place in large bowl.


Y2 lb. bacon, cooked well and crumbled or use Broadcast canned bacon crumbles

1 avocado, peeled and sliced

1 medium purple onion, sliced

Pour dressing over salad and toss.

Yield: 6 -8 servings.

Yi lb. fresh mushrooms

2 - 3 hard boiled eggs, chopped or sliced


Yi cup vinegar

cup sugar

Ruth Gockel- Evanston, IL


1 cellophane pkg. of fresh spinach

About YJ lb. of bacon

1 small onion, chopped fine

1 egg, beaten

1 tsp. salt

Wash and dry spinach, and cut in bite size pieces. Refrigerate . Dice bacon, and fry until crisp Beat egg, and mix with vinegar, sugar and salt; then cook until this mixture comes to a boil. Cool, but you may put this dressing on salad slightly warm if desired Before serving_ mix bacon, spinach and onion, and stir in the dressing

Yield: 6 -8 servings .

2 heads raw broccoli

1 can ripe olives

1 can water chestnuts

1 box cherry tomatoes

2 or 3 cans mushrooms

Lydia D. Meinke-Grosse Point, Ml


Yi purple onion, sliced into rings

1 large bottle Italian Wishbone Dressing (16 oz .)

Directions, page 265

Cut broccoli in small pieces , using only blossoms . Mix well all ingredients but tomatoes . Let stand overnight in dressing , refrigerated . Add tomatoes before serving

Mrs. E A Boedeker-Chatfield , MN

EDITOR'S NOTE: Individual taste may require salt and pepper and smaller amount of dressing


1 can tomato soup

1 cup sugar

cup vinegar

1 tsp salt

1 tsp. dry mustard

Y2 tsp . pepper

1 large onion , sliced thin

1 green pepper, sliced thin

4 cans sliced, cooked carrots

Combine soup, sugar, vinegar, salt, pepper, dry mustard . Add the onion, green pepper and carrots. Let stand overnight to marinate. Yield: 8 servings .


Mrs. Frank J. Podojil-Chagrin Falls, OH

Beatrice Pringnitz, Mt. Clemens, Ml adds 1 cup of salad oil.

Eleanor Sutton, Omaha, NB uses Yi cup vinegar, 1 tsp Worcestershire sauce and cup oil. She boils dressing ingredients before adding green pepper, onion and carrots


4 cups sliced raw cauliflower

cup coarsely chopped black olives


Y2 cup salad oil

3 Tbsp . lemon juice

Yi cup sliced green stuffed olives

2/3 cup chopped green pepper

Yi cup chopped onion

2 tsp salt

Yi tsp. sugar

3 Tbsp . red wine vinegar tsp . pepper

Combine and beat until well blended

Combine raw vegetables and olives in bowl. Pour dressing over ingredients ; refrigerate covered 4 - 5 hours or overnight Toss and serve

NOTE: Re c ipe is v e ry flexible . I use one head of cauliflower and vary other ingredients to taste . Dressing should be made as given .

Yield: 8 - 10 serving s.

Mrs . Rob e rt Treder - Rockford , IL

VARIATION: Anna Hannusch, Enid, OK u ses pimento instead of stuffed g re e n olives .



1 regular can green beans

1 regular can black olives

1 medium jar stuffed olives

2 smal I jars pimento

1 can anchovies (optional)

1 medium can tuna

1 can mushrooms


1 jar mixed pickled onions and cauliflower

5 or 6 dill pickles

1 bottle catsup

Yi cup oil

Vinegar if desired

Cut up all ingredients into desired sizes and mix together. Combine with catsup, oil and vinegar. Best made a day in advance.

NOTE: Although this salad contains tuna it is an accompaniment dish for a buffet salad or possibly first course to an Italian meal. Goes well with lasagne. Quantities of various ingredients can be varied to suit taste .

Georgia Shoemaker-Quad City Chapter


(Swedish spelling from Mrs. J. W. Weber)

2 medium onions, cut in rings and fourths

2 cups green beans (French style)

1 can water chestnuts, quartered

2 medium cucumbers, sliced and cut in fourths

Put in blender:

1 Yi cups sugar

1 cup apple cider vinegar

Y2 cup salad oil

Salt, pepper, dillweed to taste

Pour over vegetables, chill overnight. (Leftovers keep well and the flavor is enhanced. I use two #2 cans green beans to "stretch the recipe .")

Yield : 8 servings

Dr Leola Garriott-Hortonville, WI


1 head cabbage, grated or chopped

15 ml salt

onion, grated or chopped green pepper, chopped

190 ml vinegar

125 ml sugar

125 ml honey

190 ml vegetable oil

Mix cabbage, salt, onion and green pepper In a saucepan, mix dressing ingredients in order, bring to a boil and pour over cabbage mixture while hot. Let stand overnight.

Yield : 12 - 15 servings

Joyce Rullman Rich-Lomita, CA



1 med . size can French cut green beans med size can LeSueur early peas

4 stalks celery, sliced thin


1 cup sugar

1 sm. can water chestnuts, sliced thin

1 red onion, sliced thin 1 med . size can bean sprouts

1 tsp. salt

cup >vyine vinegar

1'4 cup cider vinegar

Drain vegetables thoroughly and mix together . Sprinkle salt over. Stir marinade until smooth , pour over vegetable mixture. Let stand several hours or overnight in refrigerator Drain and serve over lettuce leaves

Yield : 12 servings.

Yi cup pickle relish

2 Tbsp . white vinegar

1 tsp. sugar

Yi tsp. salt

Diane R Mehl - Louisville , KY


3 zucchini, sliced thin or chopped Lettuce leaves

1 tomato

Combine pickle relish , vinegar , sugar and salt in bowl. Add zucchini

Toss gently and refrigerate 30 minutes, tossing occasionally. At serving time line salad bowl with lettuce leaves Add tomato., cut in thin wedges, to zucchini and toss lightly. Place zucchini on lettuce.

Yield : 12 servings. Elinor Hannusch Kenyon-Kansas City, MO


1 pkg. chopped broccoli

1 env. plain gelatin

Y2 Tb sp lemon juic e

1'4 cup beef consomme

1'4 tsp salt

1 tsp. pepper

1 Tbsp . Worcestershire sauce

Yi tsp Tabasco

3 oz. pkg. cream cheese, softened

1'4 cup mayonnaise

2 eggs , hard boiled and chopped

2 Tbsp. chopped pimento

Cook broccoli and drain well. Dissolve gelatin in lemon juice and add to heated consomme. Add seasonings . Blend cream c hees e with mayonnaise. Fold in broccoli , chopped egg and pimento . Add gelatin consomme mixture and pour into mold .

Yield : 6 - 8 servings.

Mrs. Frederick Schuermann - St. Louis , MO



1 9 oz. pkg. frozen artichoke

hearts (may substitute canned)

Y2 cup Italian dressing

1 cup thinly sliced mushrooms

1 3 oz . pkg. lemon jello

1 Tbsp. pimento

1 cup mayonnaise

Prepare artichokes as directed, cool slightly and drain or drain if using canned Cut artichokes in half and combine with Italian dressing and mushrooms. Refrigerate for at least one hour. Drain and save dressing.

Meanwhile, prepare gelatin using cups water and chill until slightly set. Fold in pimento and artichoke-mushroom mixture. Pour into 4 cup mold, refrigerate until firm. For dressing, combine mayonnaise and reserved marinade.

Judy Schuermann Brooks-Moline, IL


2 3 oz. pkgs. lemon gelatin

2 cups hot water

cup beet juice

Y4 cup vinegar

Y2 tsp . salt

1 tsp. grated onion

1 Tbsp. horseradish

1 cup chopped celery

1 1 lb. can whole beets, coarsely shredded

1 8 oz. can crushed pineapple, juice and all

Dissolve gelatin in hot water Add beet juice, vinegar, salt, onion and horseradish. Chill. When slightly thickened, fold in celery, beets and pineapple. into 7 or 8 cup mold and chill until firm.

Yield : 16 servings. Barbara (Strombeck) Maas-Anchorage, KY

VARIATION: Mildred Buechner, Willshire, OH omits crushed pineapple.


pkg. lemon ge1atin, 3 oz.

1 Y4 cup hot water

Yi cup dry sherry

Y4 tsp . grated lemon rind

2 Tbsp. lemon juice

Yi tsp salt

Y4 tsp . dried dill

1 cup diced cucumber, seeds removed

Yi cup finely diced celery

Y4 cup finely chopped green pepper

Y4 cup chopped walnuts

Dissolve gelatin in boiling water. Stir in sherry, lemon rind and juice, salt and dill. Chill until mixture thickens and mounds on spoon. Fold in all remaining ingredients Spoon into 6 molds. Chill until firm.

Mrs. Walter Lohss-lndianapolis , IN



2 cucumbers

1 Tbsp . lemon juice

1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce tsp. salt

Y2 tsp white pepper

Yi cup mayonnaise

1 env. unflavored gelatin

Y2 cup whipping cream, whipped

Peel cucumbers, cut in half and remove seeds. Blanch 5 minutes in a cup of boiling water to which lemon juice has been added. Drain. Put through a sieve or blender. When pulp is cool, add Worcestershire sauce, salt, pepper and mayonnaise.

Soften gelatin in 1 Tbsp . cool water and dissolve in 1 Tbsp . hot water . Add to cucumber mixture. Fold in whipped cream . Turn into chilled mold. Chill until firm Garnish with thin sliced cucumbers and watercress.

Yield : 4 - 6 servings.

1 pkg. lemon or lime jello

cup boiling water

1 cup cottage cheese

1 cup mayonnaise


Arlene Lind-Anaheim, CA

Yi small onion, grated cucumber, grated

Yi cup walnuts or pecans

Dissolve jello in boiling water. Cool and add cottage cheese, mayonnaise, onion, cucumber and nuts. Pour into mold. Chill until set.

Yield : 4 - 6 servings .

Mrs . Donald J. Davis-East Moline, IL


1 pkg lemon gelatin

1 cup hot water

Yi cup cold water

2 Tbsp . lemon juice

Yi cup mayonnaise (may use diet mayonnaise)

1 cup chopped fresh spinach

1 cup cottage cheese, drained (may use diet cottage cheese)

Yi cup diced celery

1 Tbsp. diced onion (or 1 tsp . instant onion added with hot water)

Dissolve gelatin in hot water ; stir in cold water, lemon juice and mayonnaise. Chill until almost firm, then whip until foamy. (May use blender.) Fold in remaining ingredients ; pour into mold or 9" square pan and chill until firm. Spinach stays crisp and looks most attractive when served.

Yield: 9 servings in square pan.

Mrs. Walter Lohss-1 ndianapol is, IN



1 12 oz. can VB juice

1 3 oz. pkg . lemon jello

Heat VB juice until almost boiling. Add jello and stir until dis solved. Remove from heat and add Y2 cup cold water . Pour into mold and chill until set .

Judy Schuermann Brooks-Moline , IL


2 cups Wesson oi I

1 cup vinegar

1 cup tomato paste

1 Y2 Tbsp Worcestershire sauce

1 Yi cups sugar

1 Yi Tbsp salt

1 Tb sp paprika

1 Yi Tb sp. dry mustard

1 clove garlic , punctured with fork

In 5-cup blender, thoroughly blend oil and vinegar. Blend remaining ingredients except garlic. Add garlic clove and store in refrigerator

VARIATIONS: Add crumbled bleu cheese for salad OR use equal parts mayonnaise and French dressing for potato salad OR add small amount of honey to dressing for fruit salad

NOTE: This recipe is a hand-down from my husband ' s mother, Renata Findling, who was active in the Hammond , IN Guild chapter many years ago. It is delicious and a good fund - raiser

Yield : 5 cups.

Carol Rusch Findling (Mrs Martin)-Naperville, IL

1 can tomato soup

1 cup Wesson oil

Yi cup vinegar

cup sugar

Yi tsp . garlic chips

L& H DRESSING (French)

1 tsp pepper

1 medium onion, chopped

Yi tsp dry mustard

1 tsp Worcestershire sauce

Dash paprika

Combine all ingredients in a blender - blend well . Pour into jars and refrigerate . Serve with tossed green salad.

Yield: 1 Yi pints Mrs Mel Bartz (Margaret )- Newport Beach , CA

NOTE: For a low calorie version use sugar substitute and reduce oil to Yi cup




1 cup sugar

Yi cup water

Yi cup salad oil

1 cup catsup

1 Tbsp Worcestershire sauce

1 tsp. onion powder

1 Tbsp . celery salt

1 tsp paprika tsp salt

Boil sugar and water until thick Pour in jar and add remaining ingredients. Shake well

Mrs . John F. W. Koch - Evansville, IN


1 cup marshmallow creme cup orange juice

Yi cup peanut butter

cup salad dressing (Miracle Whip)

1 Tbsp. lemon juice

Combine marshmallow and juice with electric beater until fluffy Blend in peanut butter, dressing and lemon juice with beater. Refrigerate until used Use as a dip for apple slices and bananas ; great for kids. Or serve over fresh fruit on lettuce; apple , banana , orange , pear, etc .

Yield : 12 servings. Mrs. Marvin (Shirley) Burbrink-Columbus, IN


Yi cup tomato juice

2 Tbsp. wine vinegar tsp. salt

Yi tsp pepper

1 clove garlic , crushed

1 Tbsp parsley

2 Tbsp chopped pimento

1 tsp . chopped chives

Mix well . Refrigerate at least 3 hours before using.

Sandi Olsen Trenka-Boulder, CO


Pour one bottle of commercial bleu cheese dressing into bowl. Crumble a small package of bleu cheese into the dressing and mix. Spoon onto salad Your guests will ask for your gourmet recipe!!

Sandi Olsen Trenka-Boulder, CO



24 oz salad oi I

8 oz . white wine v i negar

4 tsp. celery seed

4 tsp. French mustard

¥3 tsp garlic salt or powder

4 Tbsp . grated parmesan cheese

2 eggs

Salt, pepper and Worcestershire sauce to taste

Combine vinegar, celery seed, mustard, garlic salt or powder, parmesan cheese and eggs . Blend in oil very slowly . Season to taste with salt, pepper and Worcestershire sauce.

Yield: 1 quart

Mrs. W 0 Wiedenheft-Honolulu, HI


250 ml sugar

25 ml flour

2 ml salt

125 ml pineapple juice

125 ml lemon juice

2 large eggs, beaten

15 ml butter

Whipped cream

Mix sugar, flour and salt. Add fruit juices and beaten eggs. Cook until thick stirring constantly . Add butter, cool. When using, mix with an equal amount of whipped cream Serve with canned peaches, pears, pineapple, fresh oranges , grapefruit, grapes, and bananas . Other fruits may be added. Drain fruits well before adding dressing.

Corliss Marowske-Grosse Pointe Woods , Ml

EDITOR'S NOTE: Whipped topping may be substituted .


In a blender mix following to blend and pulverize: cup dry vegetable flakes

Ya cup dry green bell peppers

Place in mixing bowl and add:

1 cup coarse grind salt (Kosher will do)

Ya cup black pepper, med grind

cup parsley flakes

Ya cup dillweed

2 Tbsp. garlic salt

2 Tbsp . MSG powder

Yi tsp . chili powder

Blend with spoon and store in covered jar

Bette Schoenherr - Ludington, Ml



VEGETABLES, CANNING VEGETABLES Asparagus Casserole 274 Asparagus dishes (2) 273 Avocado Pear Sandwich 296 Bacon Tomato Kraut 289 Barbecued Lima Beans (2) 283, 284 Bean-Cabbage Scramble . .... ... 275 Broccoli (2) . .. .. . ... . ... . ... ......... 277 Broccoli-Corn Casserole ........ 278 Broccoli Lima Bean Cass. .276 Carrots (3) .. ............ ............. 280 Carrots and Broccoli Cass 278 Carrots and Zucchini 292 Cauliflower (2) 281 Corn dishes (3) 282 Creole Style Green Beans ...... 274 Crisp Fried Carrots ... . . ........ 279 Easy Corn Casserole . ..283 English Pea Casserole . .284 Four Bean Baked Beans 275 Golden Carrot Mold 278 Green Bean Casserole 275 Hash Brown Casserole .286 Herbed Potato Fluff 284 Husband ' s Special Baked Beans ............. .. .276 Li ma Bean and Corn Cass .. . ... .283 Marinated Carrots ... 279 Mashed Potato Balls ............ .288 Mixed Vegetables (3) 293 Mushroom dishes (2) "285 Okra and Tom atoes 291 Potato Dumplings 286 Potato Pancakes ... ... . .. ... . . ... 288 Potatoes (3) 287 Sauteed Zucchini ..... . ... .... ... .291 Schnitzel Beans .... .. ... .. ........ 274 Shrimp Stuffed Egg Plant .. .... 292 Slovak Sauerkraut 288 Spinach Casseroles (2) .289 Squash Casseroles (2) 290 Sweet and Sour Beets 276 Tomato Wedges Provencal ... 290 Zucchini Jack ..... ..... .. . ... 291 SIDE DISHES Apple Squares Grits Casserole Macaroni Ring .296 295 295 294 Rice dishes (4) Scalloped Pineapple Wild Rice Broccoli Bake .... 295 . .... 277 SAUCE Blender Hollandaise .. .296 BUTTERS , JAMS AND JELLIES Apple Butter ....... . .. .... 304 Apricot Butter . ..... . ... . .. .. ...... 304 Fresh Blueberry and Cherry Jam 304 Hot Pepper Jelly 303 Peach Jam 305 Peach Pit Jelly .... 303 Raspberry Jam . .. .. 305 Red Raspberry Jam .... 306 Red Raspberry, Strawberry and Blueberry Jam .. .. ...... ..305 Rhubarb Jam 306 Strawberry Jam .306 Dilly Beans Mince Meat PICKLES 312 ····· ··· ··· 312 Tips for making better 297 Bread and Butter 301 Dill (2) 302 Happy(notcanned) 299 Icicle 298 Open Jar Sweet ... 299 Refrigerator ........ .. ... . ......... 300 Sweet Dill ......... ......... .. ........ 301 Sweet Freezer .. .. ............. .. .. .299 Sweet Virginia ... 297 Watermelon .. .. ......... ... ........ 298 RELISHES Apple Tomato ..... ...... . ... ..... .307 Beet . ..... .. .. .. ... .. .............. 307 Chili Sauce (2) . . .. .. .... ..309, 311 End of the Garden ....... ... ... ... 309 Green Tomato .308 Hot Dog 310 Sweet Cucumber 307 Zucchini 308 SAUCES Frozen Tomato .................. .. .311 Harvest Cranberry .312 Mexican Hot 310 Tomato Catsup 311


2 (10 oz .) pkgs. frozen asparagus spears

2 Tbsp . butter

2 Tbsp . minced onion

1 Yi cups dairy sour cream

2 tsp sugar

1 tsp white vinegar

Yi tsp poppy seed

Yi tsp paprika

3'4 tsp. salt

3'4 tsp. white pepper

3'4 cup chopped cashews

Cook asparagus as directed on package. In a small saucepan melt butter and saute onion . Remove from heat and stir in sour cream, sugar, vinegar , poppy seed, paprika, salt and pepper Arrange asparagus spears on a heated platter and pour sour cream sauce over. Sprinkle chopped cashews over the sauce

NOTE: Two 15 oz . cans or two 13 oz. jars of asparagus spears may be substituted for the frozen asparagus.

Yield : 6 servings.

Mrs . Joe D. Kolb-New Albany, IN


2 lb . fat asparagus (fresh)

Seasoning Sauce:

1 Yi Tbsp toasted sesame seeds, pulverized 13'4 tsp salt

2 tsp sugar

2 tsp. corn oil

2 drops Tabasco sauce

Break off each stalk of asparagus as far down as it snaps easily. Fill large pot with water; bring to a boil; add asparagus to cook. When water comes to a boil again cook thirty seconds ; plunge into cold water. Drain in collander and cut into 1" diagonal slices. Place in serving dish; pour over sesame seasoning sauce and mix well. Serve cold.

For sauce: Place sesame seeds in hot heavy skillet; cook on top of the stove until sesame seeds brown and pop. Stir constantly. Turn off heat and cool sesame seeds in skillet. Grind toasted seeds in special sesame seed grinder or whir briefly in blender Add the rest of the ingredients to pulverized sesame seeds in small bowl. Mix well.

Yield : 6 -8 servings.

Bessie Harada-Honolulu, HI

Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain

Psalm 127:1



2 (10 oz.) packages asparagus , cooked

1 cup grated cheese

1 ( 4 oz.) can mushrooms, drained

1 can petite peas

Arrange in layers in casserole Top with Yi cup bread crumbs and 2 tsp . melted butter . Bake at 300° for Yi hour.

Mrs . Roy Frank-Chevy Chase, MD


6 slices bacon, diced cup chopped onion

Yi cup chopped green pepper

2 Tbsp . flour

2 Tbsp brown sugar

1 Tbsp. Worcestershire sauce

Y2 tsp. salt tsp. pepper tsp dry mustard

1 can (16 oz.) peeled tomatoes

1 can (16 oz ) green beans, drained

Cook bacon until crisp; remove from skillet Add onion and green pepper to 3 Tbsp. bacon drippings ; cook until tender Blend in flour, sugar, Worcestershire sauce, salt, pepper and mustard . Add tomatoes. Cook stirring constantly, until thickened. Add beans Heat Top with bacon.

Yield: 6 - 8 servings

Amanda Tuschling-Port Huron, Ml


2 #2 cans cut green beans , drained

4 slices bacon , crumbled

1 cup sugar

Yi cup vinegar

1 small onion , chopped

Fry bacon strips, remove from pan , cool and crumble . Add chopped onions to bacon fat and fry until tender Add sugar and vinegar to onions in pan Cook until sugar is dissolved Add beans and simmer 20 minutes . Place in serving dish and put bacon on top . Yield: 6 - 8 servings. Ruth Engel Willut-Chippewa Falls, WI




2 pkgs frozen green beans

1 can cheddar cheese soup

Y3 cup milk

1 can (3 Y2 oz.) French fried onion rings

Cook green beans Drain Stir undiluted soup and milk and Y2 onions into beans Bake in 1 Y2 quart casserole at 350° for 20 minutes. Add remaining onion rings and bake 5 more minutes .

Caroline (Schwanke) Clinard-Lancaster, NY

2 - 4 slices bacon


1 (10 oz ) pkg frozen green beans (or 1 #2 can French style)

cup water

3 Tbsp. chopped onion cup vinegar

Y2 tsp . dill weed

3 cups coarsely shredded cabbage

Fry bacon in skillet until crisp. Remove bacon. Add green beans , onion , water. Bring to boil. Then simmer 5 minutes . Season with salt and pepper, vinegar and dill weed. Add cabbage. Cover and bring to boil. Simmer 10 minutes . Sprinkle fried bacon on top to serve.

Lorene Brauer - Columbus, IN


Y2 lb bacon, diced

2 med. sized onions, diced

1 can kidney beans

1 can butter beans

1 can Ii ma beans

1 family size can B & M baked beans

Y2 tsp dry mustard

Y2 cup cider vinegar

1 cup brown sugar

Fry bacon and remove the grease. Cook diced onion in grease. Drain kidney, butter, and lima beans. Combine all beans , bacon , onions and grease in bean pot or casserole Add mustard , vinegar and brown sugar. Mix well and bake uncovered at 325° for 1 Y2 hours.

Yield : 10 - 12 servings Mrs Gretchen Ocock-Appleton , WI


2 31 oz cans pork and beans

1 Ib. dark brown sugar

2 medium onions, diced

1 green pepper, diced

2 heaping Tbsp. mustard

1 heaping tsp. ginger

Yi lb . bacon, diced

Yi of 26 oz bottle catsup

Mix ingredients together. Place in 9 x 13 " casserole . Bake 2 hours at 3S0°.

Serves 12. Mrs . Virgil Rathel-Cincinnati, OH


1.S liters sliced, canned beets SO ml oil (or freshly , cooked , diced) 37S ml beet juice

2SO ml sugar Dash salt

40 ml cornstarch S ml vanilla

2SO ml vinegar 24 whole cloves (tied in bag)

SO ml catsup

Mix cornstarch with sugar and salt Gradually add vinegar, beet juice, catsup, oil, vanilla and cloves Cook until thickened. Add beets and cook 3 minutes.

Yield: 8 - 10 servings.

Gertrude Mueller-Indianapolis, IN


2 pkgs. frozen broccoli, chopped

1 pkg. frozen lima beans

1 can cream of mushroom soup

Yi pkg dry Lipton onion soup

1 cup sour cream

1 can water chestnuts, sliced

4 Tbsp. melted butter

2 cups Rice Krispies

Thaw the broccoli. Cook the lima beans until almost tender Arrange in layers the soups, sour cream and sliced chestnuts with the broccoli and beans Top with the butter and Rice Krispies. Bake 30 - 4S minutes at 3S0°.

Yield : 12 servings.

Helen Foehl-i<endallville, IN

The Lord provided the children of Israel with manna during their wanderings in the desert and the Lord commanded " Let an omer of it be kept throughout your that they may s ee the bread with which I fed you in the wilderness , when I brought you out of the land of Egypt ." (An omer is the tenth part of an ephah ) Ex 16:32, 36

276 /BEANS,


1 pkg. (10 oz.) chopped broccoli

1 can cream of mushroom soup

Yi cup grated cheese (sharp)

J4 cup milk

J4 cup mayonnaise

1 beaten egg

1 Tbsp butter, melted

J4 cup fine bread crumbs

Cook and drain broccoli; mix soup, cheese, milk, mayonnaise and egg. Mix well and pour over broccoli. Combine crumbs and butter; sprinkle over top. Bake in a small casserole at 350° for 45 minutes

Yield: 4 servings.

Mrs. Ben Deck-Kankakee, IL


2 (10 oz.) pkgs. frozen broccoli


1 can cream of mushroom soup, undiluted

cup sour cream

1 (2 oz.) jar pimentos, cut fine

Cook broccoli until barely tender. Cut in one inch pieces. Fold into sauce made with remaining ingredients . Place in casserole dish. Bake at 350° for 30 minutes. Top with grated sharp cheddar cheese.

Helen Rammler-Monroe, Ml


1 pkg (6 oz.) long grain and wild rice

1 cup sliced celery

2 pkgs. (10 oz. each) frozen broccoli spears

3 Tbsp. butter or oleo

3 Tbsp . flour

J4 tsp. salt

2 cups milk

1 chicken bouillon cube

Yi cup grated parmesan cheese

1 Tbsp. lemon juice

Cook rice according to package directions. Stir in celery. Place in bottom of shallow 2 quart casserole. Arrange broccoli spears, cooked and cut thinner on top of rice .

Melt butter; stir in flour and salt; add milk and bouillon cube. Cook, stirring constantly till smooth and thick. Stir in J4 cup of cheese and lemon juice. Pour over broccoli; sprinkle with rest of cheese. Bake at 375° about 25 minutes, or till hot and bubbly.

I 277



1 (10 oz.) pkg. chopped broccoli

1 egg

1 can (1 lb.) cream style corn

1 Tbsp. grated onion

1 tsp salt

Pepper to taste

3 Tbsp. melted butter

1 cup herbed seasoned stuffing mix

Pour boiling water over broccoli and drain at once Combine beaten egg, broccoli, corn, onion, salt and pepper . Combine melted butter and stuffing mix Set aside Y4 of this stuffing mixture to sprinkle on top. Add remaining to vegetables. Bake uncovered at 350° for 35 - 40 minutes.

Yield: 6 -8 servings.

Lou Walsh-Crown Point, IN


2 (10 oz ) pkgs. chopped broccoli or 1 large fresh head

1 can cream of mushroom soup, undiluted

Yi cup mayonnaise

2 oz. pimento, chopped

1 Tbsp. lemon juice

Y2 cup grated sharp cheese

6 -8 cooked carrots

1 cup crushed Ritz crackers

Y4 cup sliced almonds

Place cooked carrots in bottom of greased casserole . Put half the pimento next. Then a layer of broccoli and then the rest of the pimento . Mix soup, mayonnaise, lemon juice and cheese and pour over . Spread crushed crackers and almonds over the top. Bake in 2 quart casserole at 350° for 20 minutes.

Yield: 8 servings.

Barbara Graef Haller-Louisville, KY


2 lbs. carrots

1 sm. onion, chopped (Y4 cup)

4 Tbsp. butter (Y2 stick)

Y4 cup chopped parsley

Yi tsp. salt

Y4 tsp. pepper

Clean, quarter and cook carrots in salted water until tender. Drain and mash, set aside Saute onion in butter Stir into carrots with parsley, salt and pepper. Grease ring mold, fill with carrot mixture. Can be made a day ahead. Chill until 30 minutes before serving. Place mold in pan of water and bake at 325° for 30 minutes Unmold and surround with peas or other cooked vegetables.

Yield : 8 servings.

Jackie Jungemann-Maywood, IL



2 lbs . carrots, sliced and cooked until barely tender

1 green pepper, slivered

1 onion, thinly sliced and separated into rings

Place ingredients in bowl. Mix togeth e r the following marinade dressing.

1 can tomato soup cup vinegar

2/3 cup sugar

Yi cup salad oil

1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce

1 tsp. prepared mustard

Yi tsp salt

Beat tomato mixture and pour over vegetables Cover and refrigerate several hours or overnight. This recipe may be served as a vegetable or on lettuce as a salad . It keeps 2 weeks. The left-over (drained) marinade keeps for months. It can be used as a French dressing over other vegetables as well.

Yield : 10 - 12 servings.

Mrs D W Russler-Dayton, OH

Shirley Sauerman (Mrs. John P )-Glen Ellyn, IL

Mrs . Edward Stegman-Mishawaka , IN

Gertrude Mueller - Indianapolis, IN

Jo Oltmann Price-Davenport, IA

Millie Hensler Sparschu-Port Huron , Ml

Mrs Jerome (Joanne) Kraase-Kokomo, IN

VARIATION: This recipe put in a two quart casserole, covered and baked at 350° for 30 minutes was submitted by:

Mrs Robert (Alice) Jacobi - Ft. Lauderdale, FL


2 Tbsp. butter or oleo

3 coarsely shredded peeled carrots

1 small onion , shredded

1 Tbsp. brown sugar

Dash cinnamon

Salt to taste

Melt oleo in 10" skillet. Add carrots, onion, brown sugar, cinnamon and salt; cover and cook over medium-high heat about 5 minutes, until carrots are tender crisp.

Yield: 3 -4 servings

Doris Drews Wennerstrom-Rochester, NY



6 - 8 carrots, cut lengthwise

cup liquid from carrots

1 Tbsp. grated onion

1 Tbsp. horseradish

Y2 cup mayonnaise


Yi tsp salt

tsp black pepper

cup bread or cracker crumbs

1 Tbsp. butter

Dash of paprika

Cook carrots until just barely tender and spread in a shallow baking dish . Mix carrot liquid, grated onion, horseradish, mayonnaise, salt and pepper together. Pour over the carrots . Combine crumbs, butter (melted) and paprika and sprinkle the mixture over the carrots. Bake in 375° oven for 15 - 20 minutes

Yield : 6 servings

Garnish with minced parsley

Mrs. Alvin W. Graef-Louisville, KY


5 med carrots, cut crosswise on on bias, cooked in boiling salted water

1 Tbsp. sugar

1 tsp. cornstarch

tsp. salt

tsp. ginger

cup orange JUiee

2 Tbsp. butter

Combine dry ingredients, add orange juice, heat, stirring constantly, until mixture thickens. Boil 1 minute Stir in butter. Pour over hot carrots, tossing evenly to coat.

Yield: 4 servings.

Mrs. A. T. Layher-Detroit, Ml


8 carrots, sliced and cooked

1 can pie apples

cup sugar

1 Tbsp . butter or oleo

Dash paprika

Mix cooked carrots and apples in shallow baking dish. Sprinkle with sugar. Dot with butter and sprinkle with paprika. Bake in 350° oven until bubbly.

Mrs. John Steininger-Holland, Ml

Give me understanding, that I may keep thy law and observe it with my whole heart.

Psalm 119:34




1 head cauliflower

Yi tsp. salt

cup butter

2 Tbsp. flour

Yi pkg Italian salad dressing mix

1 cup milk

cup grated sharp cheddar cheese

1 egg yolk

cup chopped toasted almonds

Trim cauliflower head, taking care to leave intact, but removing leaves and excess stem . Place in large kettle, cover partially with hot water, add salt, cover and bring to a boil. Boil gently for 15 minutes or until just fork-tender. Drain, and place in glass pie plate or on a warm platter.

While cauliflower cooks, melt butter in small saucepan, stir in flour and dry salad dressing mix, then milk Cook, stirring, over medium heat until mixture is thickened and comes to a boil. Stir in cheese until melted Stir a little of the hot mixture into the egg yolk in a small bowl, then add egg yolk to the remaining sauce. Add half the almonds to the sauce. Pour sauce over hot cauliflower and sprinkle with remaining almonds.

Yield : 5 - 6 servings.

Elfrieda Brustman-St. Paul, MN


1 large head of cauliflower cut into flowerets

Cook in 3 quarts of salted boiling water . Don't over cook.

cup butter

1 small onion chopped

1 lb. fresh mushrooms, sliced

Brown and cook the onion and mushrooms in butter until tender.

1Y2 cups milk

3 Tbsp. flour

Yi tsp. salt

Ya tsp. pepper

Ya tsp. paprika

Mix all ingredients except cauliflower and cook until thick. Place cauliflower in casserole and pour on sauce. Sprinkle with Yi cup browned, buttered bread crumbs. Bake at 350° for 25 minutes.

Yield: 6 - 8 servings.

Ruth Engel Willut-Chippewa Falls, WI

It is vain that you rise up early, to go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil; for he gives to his beloved in sleep. Psalm 127:2

3 cups cream style corn

3 egg yolks

3 Tbsp butter

2 Tbsp. flour

1 Tbsp. sugar


1 tsp. salt

Dash of pepper cup milk

3 egg whites (stiffly beaten)

Mix all the ingredients together with the exception of the egg whites which are folded in last Pour the complete mixture into a buttered casserole and bake at 325° for 60 minutes.

Yield: 6 -8 servings.

Mrs. W. Stranghoener-Appleton, WI


1 can whole kernel corn, drained-add to this 2 well beaten eggs

1 Y2 cups milk

2 Tbsp. flour

2 Tbsp. sugar

1 tsp. salt

Ya tsp. pepper

2 Tbsp. butter or oleo

Drain the corn-add to this 2 well beaten eggs. Mix the milk, flour, sugar, salt and pepper. Add to corn and eggs. Melt the butter and add to the mixture. Set casserole in pan of water. Bake in 2 quart casserole at 350° for 50 - 60 minutes or until inserted knife comes out clean.

Yield: 6 servings.

Mrs Erdman Nehring-St. Joseph, Ml

2 Tbsp . butter

1 tsp. salt

2 Tbsp. flour

2 Tbsp. chopped onion


1 cup sour cream

2 cans (1 lb. each) whole kernel corn, drained

3 slices bacon, fried and crumbled

Blend butter, salt, flour and onion. Cook over low heat. Add sour cream and corn. Place in casserole; top with crumbled bacon. Bake at 350° for 30 minutes.

Yield: 6 -8 servings.

Mrs Carl (Hazel) Brehan-Beloit, WI


cup butter

1 c up cracker crumbs


1 cup milk

1 No. 2 can creamed corn

Melt butter. Mix crumbs , butter and milk. Add corn Bake in 1 Yi quart casserole 45 minutes at 350° uncovered.

Yield : 6 servings.

Ethel (Dunlap) Blackburn-Stillwater, MN

NOTE: Mrs . Blackburn took a business course at Valpo in 1908-09. The next year she taught it there. Most of her students were farm boys who came in after the fall work was done. Her salary was $1.00 per day.

She is not a Guild member, but has many interesting Valpo memories at 92


cup butter

cup flour

1 Yi cups milk

cup American cheese

1 tsp. salt

tsp . pepper

cup pimento, cut up

1 pkg. frozen Ii ma beans (cooked)

1 large can whole kernel corn

Yi cup green onion tops , cut up

2 cups bread cubes

3 Tbsp melted butter

Make sauce with butter, flour and milk. Add cheese, salt, pepper and pimento . Combine sauce with cooked vegetables and onion tops . Pour into well greased 3 quart baking dish. Sprinkle crumbs on top and drizzle with melted butter. Bake at 350° for 30 minutes

Yield: 8 - 10 servings.

Mrs Elmer P (Mary Ellen) Simon-Frankenmuth , Ml


2 ca n s lima beans

c up margarine

1 small onion , sliced

1 toe garlic , chopped

1 Tbsp . prepared mustard

2 tsp Worcestershire sauce

1 Y2 tsp salt

1 can tomato soup

Y3 cup vinegar

1 Y2 tsp. chili powder

Brown onion and garlic in cup margarine. Add to beans with remaining ingredients Bake in medium casserole at 350° for one hour

Yield: 6 -8 servings.

Mrs Ralph Williams-Saginaw, Ml



1 Yi lbs. dry lima beans

1 large onion

2 green peppers

2 tsp. dry mustard

1 (15 oz ) can tomato sauce

1 lb. dark brown sugar

Yi tsp . salt

tsp. pepper

1 can tomato soup

1 lb. bacon

Start beans in cold salted water and parboil 1 hour. Reserve 2 tomato soup cans of bean stock. Drain beans Add chopped onion, diced pepper, dry mustard, salt, pepper to the tomato soup, tomato sauce, brown sugar and bean stock mixture. Chop bacon into 1" pieces Partially fry and add to above mixture. Bake in two 2 quart casseroles at 350° for 2Yi hours.

Yield: 24 servings Carol Lewis Johnston-Valparaiso, IN


3 cups frozen peas, cooked (2 pkgs.)

1 can water chestnuts

Y3 cup green pepper, chopped

Vi cup onion, chopped

Y3 cup celery, chopped

cup butter

Pimento (small can), chopped

1 can cream of mushroom soup cup milk

Cheese flavored Ritz crackers, crushed

Cook frozen peas according to directions on package and drain. Slice chestnuts but do not drain - use liquid. Saute pepper, onion, and celery in butter Dilute mushroom soup with the milk. Mix all ingredients together and put in greased casserole. Sprinkle cracker crumbs lightly on top and bake in a 1Yi quart or 8 x 5" baking dish at 350° for 30 minutes .

Yield: 10 - 12 servings.

Mrs . Richard Schnack-Quincy, IL


1 sm. pkg . instant mashed potatoes (4 servings)

1 cup small curd cottage cheese

Yi cup sour cream

3 egg yolks

2 Tbsp. snipped chives

Yi tsp. celery salt

3 egg whites

2 Tbsp. finely snipped parsley

2 Tbsp. butter

Prepare potatoes according to package directions. Beat in cottage cheese, sour cream, egg yolks, chives and celery salt. Beat egg whites



until st i ff peaks form , fold into potato mixture along with parsley . Turn into a 2 quart casserole ; dot with butter . Bake at 350° for 1 hour or until top is lightly browned. May be prepared ahead of time and kept in refrigerator

Yield: 8 servings.

Judy Beckman Wolff-Peoria, IL


lb. fresh mushrooms, sliced

Yi cup butter, melted

10 slices bread , buttered, cut into 1 '' cubes

Yi cup each finely-chopped onion , celery, green pepper

Yi cup mayonnaise

2 egg s, wel I beaten

1 Yi cups milk

tsp. salt

Y4 tsp. pepper

1 can cream of mushroom soup

1 cup grated cheddar cheese

Saute mushrooms in butter, reserve. Put about half of bread in shallow 2 quart baking dish. Combine mushrooms , onion, celery, green pepper and mayonnaise. Spoon over bread , top with half of remaining bread Combine eggs, milk, salt and pepper; pour over bread. Refrigerate 2 hours or overnight. Before baking, spread soup over all, top with remaining bread. Bake at 300° for 40 minutes Sprinkle with cheese and bake 20 minutes more

Yield : 8 servings.

Verna Buis-Valparaiso, IN


4 cups fresh mushrooms , halved

Yi cup chopped onion

4 Tbsp. butter

2 Tbsp. all purpose flour

1 tsp instant chicken bouillon granules

Yi tsp. salt

Yi tsp . ground nutmeg

1 cup milk

2 or 3 8 oz. pkgs. frozen asparagus, cooked and drained

Y4 cup chopped pimento

1 Yi tsp. lemon juice

cup soft bread crumbs

1 Tbsp. butter, melted

Using covered pan, cook mushrooms and onions in butter until tender ; about 10 minutes. Remove vegetables Set aside - leaving butter in skillet Blend in flour, chicken bouillon , salt, dash pepper and nutmeg Add milk Cook and stir until bubbly Stir in mushrooms and onion , cooked asparagus, pimento and lemon juice Turn into 1 Yi quart casserole. Combine crumbs and melted butter Sprinkle over top Bake at 350 ° for 35 - 40 minutes.

Yield: 8 - 10 servings .

Jo Oltmann Price - Davenport, IA



1 pkg . frozen hash brown potatoes (32 oz .)

Yi cup onions , chopped very fine 2 cups grated cheddar cheese

1 can cream of chicken soup

1 pt. sour cream

Yi cup butter or oleo , melted 5 cups corn flakes

Combine first five ingredients and cup melted butter in large bowl. Place in lightly greased 9 x 13 " pan Crush corn flakes and mix with cup melted butter . Sprinkle over potatoes in casserole . Bake uncovered 1 Yi hours at 325°

Yield: 8 - 12 servings. Verna Mietz Buis-Valparaiso, IN

NOTE: This is a very popular recipe It makes an excellent au gratin potato casserole for a large group or pot luck supper

VARIATIONS: Alice Dehnke, Napoleon, OH uses one cup crushed potato chips as a topping.

Veldena Jones Urben, Fort Collins, CO omits cheddar cheese and reduces onion by cup.

Mrs. Richard Heronemus, Sheboygan, WI uses one can potato soup and one of celery soup instead of the chicken soup , and 3 Tbsp chopped green pepper and a dash of garlic salt. She sprinkles paprika and sesame seeds as a topping instead of the corn flakes


10 medium potatoes

1 tsp salt

3 eggs, wel I beaten

1 cup sifted flour

¥3 cup bread crumbs

1 tsp . grated onion

Boil 6 potatoes in their jackets until soft, remove skins and put potatoes through a ricer or mash them. Grate the remaining 4 potatoes raw, place in a bowl and squeeze out liquid. Mix potatoes , add salt , eggs , flour , br ead crumb s and onion . Mix thoroughly . Form mixture into dry balls about the size of walnuts. (I make mine a little larger.) If mixture is too moist add more bread crumbs Drop the balls into boiling , salted water. When the balls come to the surface , allow to boil uncovered for 3 minutes Remove balls from water to a hot platter May be reheated without impairing the flavor . Left over dumpling s may be cut in half and browned in a little butter Excellent left over meal.

Yield: 12 servings.

Elinor Wells-Baltimore, MD

NOTE: My mother-in-law' s real German dumpling recipe.



10 lg potatoes, cooked & diced

2 slices bread, pulled apart

1 large green pepper, diced

1 large onion , diced

Yi lb. American cheese, diced (10 slices)

Salt & pepper

Y2 cup butter


Corn flakes

Combine first 6 ingredients, add salt and pepper to taste Pour butter, melted , over all. Add milk to half depth of dish Crumble corn flakes over top. Bake at 350° for 1 hour. May be assembled day before, except for adding milk and melted butter.

Yield: 10 - 12 servings

Mrs Ralph Williams-Saginaw, Ml


1 Y4 cups milk

1 8 oz. pkg cream cheese

1 Tbsp . chopped parsley (or dried)

1 tsp. instant minced onions

1 tsp . salt

4 cups cubed, cooked potatoes (about 4 medium)


In saucepan blend milk into cream cheese. Beat smooth with rotary beater if necessary. Stir in parsley, onions and salt Add cubed potatoes and stir carefully to coat. Turn into 1 Yi quart casserole and sprinkle with paprika . Bake at 350° for 30 minutes . (Make ahead - bake later.)

Yield: 4 -6 servings.

Dot Wabrek-New Hartford, CT


8 servings instant potatoes (or 8 - 10 medium potatoes)

1 8 oz. pkg. cream cheese

1 cup sour cream

Garlic salt, butter, paprika

Peel potatoes and cook until tender, drain. Beat softened cheese and sour cream until blended . (Or add sour cream to the boiling water before instant potatoes - then cheese.) Add hot potatoes gradually beating until light and fluffy. If too stiff add a little milk . Season to taste with garlic salt. Spoon potatoes into 2 quart casserole, brush with soft butter and sprinkle with paprika . Brown at 350° for 30 minutes.

Yield: 6 -8 servings .

Jo Oltmann Price-Davenport, IA



2 cups finely grated raw potato

Y2 cup milk

2 eggs, wel I beaten

2 Tbsp. flour

1 Tbsp. grated onion

1 tsp. salt

Dash pepper

Mix all ingredients and drop by tablespoonfuls onto well greased griddle. Bake about 3 minutes on each side or until brown. Serve with applesauce as accompaniment to pot roast or braised short ribs.

Yield: 12 pancakes.

Kay Diesterhaft-lowa City, IA


2 eggs, beaten cup flour

2 cups mashed potatoes

2 tsp. baking powder

Beat eggs, add remaining ingredients - mix thoroughly. Drop by heaping teaspoonful into hot grease. Deep fry at 375° until golden brown. They will turn themselves over in hot grease. Serve plain, with catsup, maple syrup or honey.

Yield: 4 servings.

Mrs Truman Tornow, Sr.-Wausau, WI

NOTE: Great for left over mashed potatoes.

4 strips bacon

1 med. onion, chopped lg. can sauerkraut


1 lg. apple, peeled and chopped or 1 cup applesauce

1 med potato, peeled and grated cup brown sugar

Cut bacon in small pieces and fry until crisp; remove from pan. Add chopped onion and saute until golden brown in the bacon drippings. Wash kraut until salty taste is gone. Combine the kraut, bacon and onion in saucepan ; add chopped apple and grated potato and the sugar, a little at a time until it suits your taste. Salt may also be added if desired . Simmer slowly, stirring from time to time, for about one hour .

Yield: 4 - 6 servings.

Barbara Babiar Riethmeier-Rochester, NY



1 qt . drained sauerkraut

1 qt. drained tomatoes

12 slices bacon , diced and fried crisp , drained

Yi to 1 cup brown sugar (depending on desired sweetness)

Place in crockpot on slow for 6 - 7 hours . May als.o be prepared in oven at 325° for 3 - 4 hours, but won't be as juicy.

Yield : 6 - 8 servings .

Ruth Dolleck-Omaha , NB


2 pkgs. frozen chopped spinach, cooked and drained

Yi pkg Pepperidge Farm dressing (1 Yi cups)

8 oz pkg cream cheese

lb. butter or oleo

While cooking spinach, soften half of butter and the cream cheese. Mix with spinach and place in 1 Yi quart casserole. Melt remaining butter and mix with dressing. Spread over spinach. Heat in 350° oven for 30 minutes.

Yield: 6 servings

Gloria H Squiers (Mrs D.E.)-Kalamazoo, Ml


Y2 8 oz pkg. medium noodles (2 Y2 cups)

2 pkgs. frozen chopped spinach, or 2 cups cooked spinach, chopped

3 Tbsp. butter or margarine

2 Tbsp . flour

Yi tsp salt

Y2 tsp. paprika (or to taste)

Ya tsp pepper

1 cup milk

Yi lb swiss cheese , coarsely grated

Cook noodles as package label directs ; drain ; rinse Cook spinach, drain In saucepan m e lt butter, stir in flour , salt, paprika ( or pinch of nutmeg) , pepper; gradually stir in milk Cook until thickened Remove from heat; stir in spinach.

In greased 12 x 8 x 2 " baking dish a rrange h a lf o f noodles ; sprinkle w ith half of cheese ; spoon spinach mi xture over cheese ; add l ay er of remaining noodles and sprinkle remaining c heese over top Bak e 15 minutes in oven at 400°

Yield : 8 servings

Marian Temme-Valparaiso , IN


2 10 oz. pkgs. frozen squash

2 Tbsp minced onion

2 Tbsp butter


1 tsp. salt

tsp. pepper

4 eggs, wel I beaten

Heat 2 10 oz. pkgs frozen cooked squash according to package directions. Season with onion, butter, salt and pepper. Fold in well beaten eggs and pour into a well greased 6 cup ring mold Bake in a pan of hot water in a 350° oven for 1 hour. Unmold onto a hot platter. Serve with buttered green peas mixed with sliced water chestnuts and green .: ' beans topped with butter .

Yield: 8 servings. Mrs. Richard F. Huegli-Grosse Pointe Farms, Ml


2Yi cups mashed cooked squash (any variety)

1 sm. can chopped pimento

1 can cream of chicken soup

1 cup sour cream

2 carrots, shredded fine

1 pkg . Pepperidge Farm cornbread stuffing

1 stick butter or margarine

Melt margarine Mix with stuffing and line casserole, saving Yi cup for topping. Mix other ingredients and pour into crust and top with reserved crumbs . Bake at 350° for 30 - 45 minutes until brown.

NOTE: My daughter, Karen Hughes, serves this for Thanksgiving dinner. The recipe was given to her by her husband's aunt. I like it with cold sliced turkey or ham. It is very attractive for a buffet meal for guests. Yield : 8 - 10 servings .

Mrs. Walter Lohss-lndianapolis, IN


sm. onion, finely chopped cup chopped fresh parsley

1 sm. clove garlic, minced or dash garlic salt

2 Tbsp. butter or margarine, softened

2 Tbsp . fine dry bread crumbs

Yi tsp . salt

tsp dried basil

Dash pepper

4 tomatoes

In small bowl mix together ingredients except tomatoes. Cut each tomato into eight wedges. Place in greased shallow two quart baking dish Sprinkle with herb mixture Bake in 425° oven for 8 - 10 minutes

Yield : 4 servings.

Corliss Marowske-Grosse Pointe Woods , Ml



4 slices of bacon, cut in small pieces

2 10 oz. pkgs . frozen okra, sliced or whole

1 small onion, diced

1 16 oz. can stewed tomatoes or 6 med. red ripe tomatoes, cut into pieces

Y<i tsp. salt and pepper to taste

Fry bacon crisp. Saute onion and sliced okra in bacon fat. Add stewed tomatoes or fresh tomatoes, salt and pepper, and al low to cook on low heat 20 to 30 minutes or until some of the liquid has evaporated. The dish should not be watery when served.

- Yield: 8 servings Mrs. E.F H Pennekamp-Bloomfield Hills, Ml


30 ml butter or margarine

1 med. onion (or equivalent green onions or shallots)

liter julienned zucchini (or other summer squash)

125 ml chicken broth (or bouillon)

65 ml white wine

15 ml lemon juice

Salt and pepper

Lightly brown onion in butter/margarine in a heavy steel or aluminum skillet. Add squash; cook 3 -4 minutes, stir gently but often. Add chicken broth, cook another 3 minutes (may cover). Add wine and lemon, salt and pepper; cook 2 -3 more minutes uncovered until liquid is absorbed. Serve at once.

Yield : 4 -6 servings.


5 to 6 medium size fresh zucchini squash

1 half-stick of butter (4 Tbsp.)

Y<i lb. fresh mushrooms (tops) - approx 10 to 12 medium size

Yi lb. grated monterey jack cheese

Salt and pepper to taste

Trim off ends and cut zucchini into Y<i" thick rounds, slice mushroom tops in quarters. Melt butter in medium size skillet. Add zucchini and mushrooms to butter. Cover and cook over medium heat (approx 200°) turning occasionally for 15 to 20 minutes until browned. Reduce heat to low. Sprinkle grated cheese all over Replace cover for 2 to 3 minutes (until cheese melts).

Yield: 4 -6 servings. Mrs. Alex H. (Betty) Guebert-Ballwin, MO



6 med. carrots, sliced

6 zucchini, sliced

1 med onion, diced

4 slices bacon, cut in small pieces

Yi cup seasoned bread crumbs cup parmesan cheese tsp. salt

Fry bacon crisp. Remove bacon chips Save. Saute sliced carrots in bacon fat. Cover and cook about ten minutes, stirring so they do not burn. Add diced onions and sliced zucchini, and salt. Simmer covered 10 minutes or until the zucchini is just soft. In a buttered casserole layer the carrot zucchini vegetables with the seasoned bread crumbs. Make two layers and top with some bread crumbs and the parmesan cheese. Bake at 350° for 30 minutes.

NOTE: If you use zucchini larger than 1 Yi" in diameter you will end up with more liquid and may want to add more bread crumbs and cheese.

Yield: 8 servi-ngs. Mrs. E.F.H. Pennekamp-Bloomfield Hills, Ml


1 eggplant

1 cup onion, chopped fine cup celery, chopped fine

Yi stick butter or oleo cup green onions and tops, chopped fine cup parsley

2 toes garlic, chopped fine

1 cup raw shrimp

1 slice bread

1 tsp. salt

tsp. pepper (in New Orleans we use a dash of cayenne pepper also for zip!)

Yi cup parmesan cheese cup seasoned bread crumbs

Cut eggplant in half lengthwise. Place in baking dish with cup water in bottom and cover with plastic wrap. Cook on high until soft (about 8 minutes). Set aside to cool.

Saute onion and celery in butter about 10 minutes. Add green onions, parsley and garlic. Saute 3 minutes and add shrimp and cook 2 more rpinutes.

Add eggplant scraped from shell and mashed with one slice of bread moistened with water. Add seasonings and cup parmesan cheese. Fill eggplant shells and top with bread crumbs mixed with remaining cup of parmesan cheese Cook 5 minutes.

Yield: 4 servings.

Nancy Wedig-New Orleans, LA



pkg frozen broccoli

1 pkg. frozen cauliflower

1 pkg . frozen Brussels sprouts

8 oz cheese whiz

1 can cream of mushroom soup

1 can onion rings

Cook vegetables as directed on package and place in casserole dish Mix cheese whiz and soup and heat slowly . Pour over vegetables and bake at 350° for 30 minutes Take out of oven and top with onion rings. Return to oven for 10 minutes.

Yield : 10 - 12 servings . Mrs . Richard Heronemus-Sheboygan, WI


lg . pkg. frozen California blend vegetables

1 can cheddar cheese soup (thin with a little milk)

Croutons or bread crumbs

Mix vegetables with the cheddar soup and put in greased 2 quart casserole. Top with the croutons or bread crumbs . Bake at 350° for 1 hour or until the vegetables are done. Very easy, quick , and very good.

Mrs. Edward (Norine) Radde-St Joseph , Ml


4 pkgs . (10 oz.) frozen vegetables (peas, cauliflower, beans, carrots)

Cook vegetables separately using ingredients listed below.

cup water

1 tsp salt

tsp . garlic salt

1 Tbsp margarine

Drain and reserve liquid for sauce. Put vegetables in greased 9 x 13 " baking dish


cup margarine

cup flour

tsp . salt

2 cups reserved vegetable liquid plus milk

tsp. garlic salt

cup grated cheddar cheese

Da sh nutmeg and thyme

Melt margarine, blend in flour , salt, and spices , stirring until smooth Add liquid and c ook o ver low heat until mixture boil s. Add c heese and stir until melted . Pour sauce over vegetables . Top with Yi cup bread crumbs tossed in 1 Tbsp melted margarine. Bake 30 minute s at 350 °.

Yield: 10 - 12 servings.

Mrs Harry Moeslein - lndianapolis , IN




2 eggs

2 cups milk

1 cup chopped fresh parsley

2 cups longhorn cheese, grated

Yi medium onion, grated

1 tsp. salt

Yi tsp. dry mustard

2 cups cooked cold rice

14 cup salad oi I


Beat eggs well. Add all other ingredients except paprika . Put in 11 x 7" casserole and sprinkle with paprika Bake at 325° for 45 minutes.

Yield: 6 - 8 servings.

Mrs . W . 0 . Wiedenheft - Honolulu, HI


1 can onion soup

1 can beef broth or consomme

1 4 oz can mushroom pieces

1 cup uncooked rice

V3 stick butter or margarine

Pour all into 1 Y2 quart baking dish Bake 1 14 hours at 350° uncovered.

Yield : 6 servings Marian Temme-Valparaiso, IN

Mrs John (Georgiana) Rupprecht-Indianapolis, IN


stick butter

Y2 cup very fine noodles

1 cup rice

2 cups chicken broth

14 tsp . salt

Melt butter ; brown noodles over low heat; add rice - braise until white and hardened Add boiling broth and salt Stir Cover and simmer until all broth is absorbed

Yield: 4 - 6 servings . Carol Mills-Appleton , WI


1 cup long grain rice

1 oz ) can chicken with rice soup

1 oz .) can mushroom soup

Ya lb butter, melted

1 cup celery, diced

Y2 cup parsley, chopped

14 cup chives , chopped

1 4 oz . can chopped mushrooms with liquid

1 can water chestnuts , drained and dic ed

Combine all in buttered 2 quart casserole Cover and bake at 3 25° for 45 minutes. Uncover, stir lightly Bake another 30 minutes

Yield: 6 servings. Erna Vogt-Omaha , NB


1 cup macaroni (cook in boiling salted water)

1 cup cream or top milk

1 cup soft bread , cubed

1 cup American cheese , grated

Y3 cup butter, melted

2 diced pimentos

Y2 tsp . salt

3 eggs , beaten

Combine ingredients and put in greased 1 Yi or 2 quart ring mold

Place in 9" pie plate with water . Bake 45 minutes in 350° oven (should set like custard). Unmold on serving plate and fill center with well drained, cooked frozen peas .

Yield: 12 servings .

1 qt. sweet milk

I b butter or margarine

1 cup instant grits

Mrs. Richard Schnack-Quincy, IL


8 oz . swiss cheese, grated

2 tsp. salt

Yi cup parmesan cheese

Heat milk· and butter to boiling point Add stirring constantly Add swiss cheese and salt , continue to stir until thickened Add cup parmesan cheese . Pour into buttered casserole and top with remaining cup parmesan cheese . Bake in 300° oven for 25 minutes .

Yield : 8 servings

Mrs Edward F Stegman - South Bend, IN


1 #2 can crushed pineapple

3 Tbsp flour

3 eggs

1 Yi Tbsp . soft butter or margarine

2 Tbsp . sugar

1 tsp . salt

1 tsp lemon juice

Mix pin eapple juice with the flour Add other ingredients gently with hand beater Bake in buttered casserole dish 350 ° for 50 minutes Stir once during baking

NOTE: You can have dish prepared ahead. Put into oven as guests arrive Excellent as a side dish with ham or chicken.

Yield: 4 servings .

Mrs. Elizabeth Hecht DeMik-Arlington, VA



APPLE SQUARES (Husband's Special)

Vi cup butter or oleo

Yi cup light brown sugar

1 -1 lb., 4 oz. can pie-sliced apples, well drained

1 Yi cups flour tsp. salt

3 eggs

1 Y2 cups milk

Melt butter in bottom of 13 x 9 x 2" baking dish. Sprinkle brown sugar evenly over the butter. Arrange pie sliced apples on top. Sift together the flour and salt. Beat eggs until thick and light Add flour mix and Yi cup milk and continue to beat until mix is well blended . Gradually add remaining milk and beat until mix is smooth Pour over apples in pan. Bake 450° for 25 to 30 minutes. Cut in squares Serve at once.

These squares go well with pork roast, or with sausages for breakfast. They are excellent for a hot dessert; add 1 tsp. vanilla to the batter and serve with a topping of ice-cream* or whipped cream

*Especially delicious if vanilla ice cream has been flavored with cinnamon . Mix desired amount of soft ice cream with enough cinnamon to flavor and return to freezer until needed .

Serves 6 .

3 egg yolks

2 Tbsp lemon juice

Mrs. Myles T. Musgrave-Port Huron, Ml


Dash cayenne

Y4 lb . (Yi cup) butter or margarine

In blender, place egg yolks, lemon juice and cayenne. Cover; quickly turn blender on and off. Heat butter till melted and almost bubbling. Turn blender on high speed; slowly pour butter into egg mixture, blending till thick and fluffy (about 30 seconds)

Place sauce over warm, not hot, water until serving time.

Yield : About ¥3 cup.

COMMENT: Good and tangy!! Really adds zip .

Harriet Mertz-Kouts, IN


Toast 2 slices whole wheat bread Spread a fully ripe avocado pear on toast Sprinkle with chopped onion and add a leaf of lettuce

Mrs. Lydia A Jabs-Bristol, CT



1 . Use within 24 hours of taking off the vine .

2. Use pickling or Kosher salt, not table or iodized salt.

3. Cut all pickles lengthwise from blossom end to stem end or in chunks before putting in brine to prevent pickles from shriveling.

4 Disposable spice bags may be made from old sheets and pillowcases. (Sometimes the spices turn pickles dark when left in the pickles, or the flavor becomes too strong) .

5. Make sure the vinegar is 5 - 6% acidity.

6. Pack in sterilized jars. Scald lids.

7. Process in boiling water bath 5 minutes or more.


Ball and Kerr companies put out excellent, inexpensive books for canning and freezing. If not available at your grocery store, you can order them from : Ball Blue Book, Ball Corporation, Muncie, IN 47302. Kerr Home Canning Book, P.O. Box 97, Sand Springs, OK 74063. Include $1 00.


2 gals 3 - 5" cucumbers

2 cups salt

3 qts. water

3 Tbsp. powdered alum

6 cups vinegar

5 cups sugar

YJ cup pickling spices

1 Tbsp celery seed

3 cups sugar

Make brine of salt and water, bring to boiling and pour over cucumbers

Weight down to keep under brine Let stand one week. In hot weather skim daily. Drain and clean out crock For the next three mornings make a solution of water and 1 Tbsp. alum, bring to a boil and pour fresh over pickles. On the fourth morning drain and discard final alum water. Heat vinegar, 5 cups sugar, pickling spices and celery seed (in spice bag), to a boil and pour over pickles. On the fifth morning drain off the liquid into pan, add 2 cups sugar and heat to boiling. Pour over pickles. On the sixth morning drain the liquid, add one cup sugar, heat, pack the pickles into sterilized Kerr jars and add liquid to Yi" of top of the jar with boiling liquid. Seal at once.

Yield : 12 pints

Lulu Bockelmann Zoll-Valparaiso, IN My

flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion for ever Psalm 73:26

4 Y2 lbs prepared rind

3 pts . water

5 cups sugar

1 cups vinegar


cup salt

1 lemon, sliced thin, no seeds

1 Yi tsp. whole cloves

1 stick cinnamon

First cut watermelon rind into 1 Yi 11 wide strips. Trim away green skin and pink flesh. Cut the white rind into 2" lengths . Cover with cold water and salt, soak overnight Next morning rinse thoroughly with several changes of fresh water and drain. Barely cover with fresh water · and cook until tender hours). Drain off water and put rind into syrup made by heating sugar and vinegar to boiling, add lemon slices and the spices which are tied in a little bag. Cook until rind is transparent (1 hours) simmering rather than boiling rapidly . Ladle into clean, hot sterile jars, cover with syrup and seal.

Yield: 3 -4 pints .

Dr. Leola Garriott-Hortonville, WI


3 lbs ., 4 11 pickling cucumbers

6 small onions, peeled, quartered

6 ( 4 11 ) pieces celery

1 Tbsp. mustard seed

1 qt white vinegar

cups sugar

cup salt

1 cup water

Wash cucumbers , cut lengthwise into eights. Soak in ice water 3 hours. Drain, pack into clean jars. Add 1 onion , 1 piece celery and Y2 tsp. mustard seed to each jar Combine vinegar and other ingredients, bring to boil. Pour vinegar solution over cucumbers to within Y211 of top Immediately adjust covers on jars Process 10 minutes in boiling water bath.

Yield: 6 -8 pints.

Joyce Rullman Rich-Lomita, CA

Words of the institution of Holy Communion which is celebrated in the Chapel of the Resurrection: Now as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed, and broke it, and gave it to the disciples and said, " Take , eat; this is my body 11 And he took a cup, and when he had given thanks he gave it to them saying, " Drink of it, all of you; for this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins ." (Matt. 26:26-28).



lb. , 3 - 5" cucumbers (about 6)

2 cups sliced onions

4 tsp. salt

2 Tbsp . water

1-4 cup sugar

Y2 cup cider vinegar

1 tsp . dried dill weed

Cut cucumbers into Ya" thick slices to measure about 4 cups. In large bowl mix onions, salt and water. Let stand 2 hours . Drain but do not rinse. Return to bowl. Add sugar, vinegar, dill weed. Let stand, stirring occasionally, until sugar has dissolved completely and liquid covers vegetables. Pack in freezer containers, leaving 1 " headspace. Seal tightly and freeze. Thaw in refrigerator or at room temperature . Yield: About 4 cups Mrs. W.L. (Helen L.) Gienapp-Mt Clemens, Ml


1 gal. small cucumbers (large ones may be sliced)

Y2 cup salt

Make brine of 2 quarts water and salt Heat to boiling, pour over pickles and let stand overnight. Drain, wipe and pack in open jar or crock

Cover with:

Y2 gal. apple cider vinegar

34 cup ground mustard

34 cup salt

1 Y2 tsp. pickling spices

34 cup sugar

Mix well and set crock in a cool place

Weigh out 3 lbs. sugar (about 6 cups) and add Y2 cup to pickles each morning until sugar is gone. Stir well each time

Dr Leola Garriott-Hortonville, WI


(No need to can)

12 large cucumbers, sliced

8 onions, chopped

2 red peppers, chopped

2 green peppers, chopped

1 stalk celery, cut in small pieces

Brine - no cooking

2Y2 cups sugar

2 cups vinegar

Sprinkle 4 Tbsp. canning salt over the vegetables. Let stand 2 hours; drain. Mix together well with brine. Put in large container and refrigerate. May be eaten within 48 hours. Will keep indefinately, refrigerated. Yield: Approx. 4 quarts. Mrs. Truman Tornow, Sr.-Wausau, WI



7 cups (approx . 8 large thickly sliced cucumbers)

1 cup thinly sliced onions

1 tsp. salt

Water to cover


1 cup vinegar

2 cups sugar

1 tsp . celery seed

1 tsp. mustard seed (optional)

Sprinkle salt over vegetables and cover with cold water. Let stand 1 hour or longer Drain Mix sauce ingredients and bring to a -boil. (Optional , mix sauce and pour over vegetables without heating) . Pour over vegetables, cool, co v er and store in refrigerator Keeps well.

' Yield : 2 quarts. Mrs Fred L. Stokey-Omaha , NB Eileen Felton-South Bend, IN


Increase celery and mustard seed to 1 Tbsp. each. Decrease sugar to 1 Y2 cups .

Mrs. Orville Bopp-Kirkwood, MO

The measurement imagery is part of poetic passages also : Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind " . .. where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? ... who determined its measurements - surely you know! Or who stretched the line upon it . . . when the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy? " (Job 38:1-7 - RSV)

Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand and marked off the heavens with a span , enclosed the dust of the earth in a measure and weighed the mountains in scales and the hills in a balance?

Isaiah 40:12

For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son , that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God sent the Son into the world, not to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him. John 3:16, 17




25 - 30 medium sized cucumbers

5 cups cider vinegar (or 3 cups (1 gal.)

8 small to medium onions

2 large sweet peppers

Y2 cup salt

Ice - 1 tray ice cubes

vinegar and 2 cups water)

5 cups sugar

2 Tbsp. mustard seed

1 tsp. tumeric

Yi tsp cloves

Wash and slice vegetables as thin as possible Combine with salt and ice and let stand for 3 hours . Drain thoroughly. Combine vinegar and spices and bring to boil. Add drained vegetables and heat to a boil, but do not boil. Pour into sterilized jars and seal.

NOTE: The spices may be tied in a bag or put directly in the brine. Veldena (Jones) Urban-Ft. Collins, CO Susan Heitmuller Zimmerman-Highland, MD

VARIATIONS: Add 3 cloves garlic, 1 Y2 tsp. celery seed. You may use only 3 cups vinegar and no water also.

Tip: If you ' ve accidently boiled this recipe, add 2 peas alum to each jar as you pack them to recrisp pickles.

Yield : 5 pints.

1 qt. white vinegar

2 qts water

3 cups sugar

Y2 cup pickling salt

Lulu Bockelmann Zoll-Valparaiso, IN

Margaret Michael Rivers-Valparaiso, IN


Alum lumps

20 - 25 dill sized cucumbers

Fresh dill heads

Bring vinegar, water, sugar and salt to boiling point. Stir while boiling until the sugar and salt dissolves.

Cut cucumbers into quarters lengthwise and pack in sterile jars in which 2 dill heads have been placed . Place another 2 heads of dill on top of pickles with 2 -3 lumps of alum. Pour hot liquid over pickles and seal. Process 10 minutes in boiling water bath, counting the time from immersion in water . Makes enough liquid for 7 -8 quarts of pickles.

Bea Hess-Valparaiso, IN

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Gal. 5:22, 23


Enough dill sized cucumbers to fill 6 to 8 quarts (20 - 30). Wash cucumbers, cover with cold water, let stand overnight. Pack in sterilized jars . To each quart add the following:

Ya tsp. alum Yi" hot red pepper

1 clove garlic tsp . pickling spice

2 heads dill or 1 grape leaf

Combine: 3 qts. water

1 qt . vinegar

1 cup Kosher salt

Heat to boiling, fill jars , seal. Place hot jars into boiling water bath; (be sure jars are covered ; add boiling water if necessary) . Process for 15 minutes counting time from when jars are immersed.

Left over brine can be saved ; refrigerated. Reheat and use as you have cucumbers to pickle.

Yield : 6 - 8 quarts.

cups water

3Ya cups vinegar

Marie H. Thompson-Beloit, WI

Margaret M Rivers-Valparaiso, IN


Y2 cup pickling salt

Boil together 5 minutes.

Pack cucumbers in sterilized jars and add to each quart:

1 Tbsp. sugar

1 toe garlic (good size)

1 large head dill (or 2 small ones)

Pour boiling vinegar mix over to of jar top and seal. Put jars in canner . Cover with boiling water to Y2 to 1 " over jars. Let stand until cold. Remove from water and store 3 to 4 weeks before using

Yield: 4 to 5 quarts, depending on how tight the cucumbers are packed.

Margaret Michael Rivers-Valparaiso, IN

Do not be anxious about your life, what you shall eat or what you shall drink, nor about your body, what you shall put on . Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Your heavenly Father knows all your needs But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things shall be yours as well . Matt. 6:25, 32-33




3 med. green (bell) peppers, (2 cups, ground)

2 long green chili peppers or hot banana peppers , ground ( }!,I cup) *

1 Yi cups cider vinegar

S Y2 cups sugar

}!,I tsp salt

Green food coloring, optional

1 bottle liquid fruit pectin (Certo)

Remove seeds from peppers. Grind green peppers on medium wheel of food grinder ; measure. Grind hot peppers ; drain both peppers on towel after grinding. Boil peppers, vinegar, salt and sugar for 5 minutes . Remove from heat, add one bottle pectin. Return to heat and bring to boil. Remove from heat and skim foam off top. Add food coloring if you wish. Pour into sterilized jars and cover with paraffin. Yield: About 6 (4 oz.) jars Verna Mietz Buis-Valparaiso , IN

*NOTE: The amount of hot pepper used may be varied according to personal taste.


Soak any number of peach pits overnight in cold water to cover . The next day, boil pits and water for 5 minutes. Drain off juice into measuring cup , collecting any pulp that might still cling to pits Add water to make 3 cups . Then cook as follows :

3 cups juice

1 box powdered pectin

4 Y2 cups sugar

In very large, heavy saucepan , combine juice and pectin ; stir well. Place on high heat and bring quickly to rolling boil, stirring constantly. Add sugar all at once . Continue stirring and bring again to full rolling boil. Boil hard for 1 minute.

Remove from heat ; skim off foam Pour immediately into hot containers and seal with paraffin or canning lids . This jelly is clear with little pieces of fruit floating through it.

NOTE: I collect pits throughout the eating season , storing them in the freezer until I have about 2 cups. This also works very well with bing cherry pits . In the textured jelly jars this jelly looks like a fine jewel; great for bazaar items.

At Christmas I attach a red bow and sprig of holly for house gifts.

Carol Findling-Naperville, IL



12 - 14 cooking apples (about 16 cups , chopped)

1 cup water

1 Y3 cups sugar

1 Y2 tsp cinnamon

tsp . ground cloves

Ya tsp . allspice

Core and chop apples , but don 't peel. Soak them overnight in 1 cup water . Put apples and water into crockpot. Cover and cook on low for 10 to 12 hours. Puree in food mill or sieve. Return to crockpot, add

· spices Cover and cook for 1 Yi hours on low heat. Will keep for a month in refrigerator or pour into hot sterilized jars, seal and process in boiling water bath for 10 minutes .

Yield : 8 cups Mildred Volz Kegel-Baltimore, MD


6 cups apricot pulp (skins included & put through blender)

1 cup water (may use Yi cup orange juice & Yi cup water)

3 cups sugar or to taste

tsp nutmeg

1 Yi tsp. ground corriander (opt.)

May use overripe apricots in this recipe . Put pulp and rest of ingredients in pan in oven Bake at 325°, stirring occasionally, until of spreading consistency. Pour into hot, sterilized jars. Seal with wax. May use as apricot syrup if cooked to thinner consistency.

Barbara (Hamann) Van Fossen-Walnut Creek, CA


2 cups fruit (1 pt . ripe blueberries and 1 pt ripe sour cherries) cups sugar (2 lbs , 2 oz.)

2 Tbsp. lemon juice

Y2 bottle fruit pectin

Grind ripe blueberries. Measure one cup . Pit and grind sour cherries . Measure one cup Place in large bowl. Add sugar and let stand. Mix together lemon juice and liquid pectin . Stir into fruit mixture for three minutes Ladle quickly into clean jars and cover at once with tight lids. When jam is set (may take 24 hours) store in freezer. Will keep about three weeks in refrigerator.

Yield : 5 medium jars .

Mrs . Ewald F. Timm-New Berlin, WI

Y3 cup chopped maraschino cherries

3 medium oranges



2 lbs . peaches , diced

7Yi cups sugar

1 bottle liquid fruit pectin (Certo)

Peel oranges and peaches and crush pulp of both together to make 3 Y2 cups of orange-peach mixture. In a large sauce kettle, mix chopped cherries, fruit mixture and sugar Bring to a full rolling boil, boil hard 1 minute, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and add pectin. Bring to boil again Take from heat, stir and skim for · 5 minutes to cool slightly and prevent fruit floating Ladle in jars and cover with paraffin. Yield : 10 (6 oz.) glasses. Anne Hartner Dana-Lincoln, NB


2 (10 oz.) pkgs. red raspberries

1 (10 oz.) pkg. strawberries

1 (10 oz .) pkg. frozen blueberries

1 box pectin

6Y2 cups sugar

Place thawed berries in a deep saucepan . Add pectin. Mix thoroughly . Bring mixture to a full boil. Add sugar and cook at a full boil for one minute. Remove from heat . Skim if necessary. Pour into sterilized jars and seal with paraffin.

Yield: About 4 pints.

Martha N Hodges-Lemon Grove, CA

NOTE: When using fresh fruit use 4 cups red raspberries, 2 cups blueberries and 2 cups strawberries.

5 cups raspberries


4 cups sugar

Put 5 cups of berries and 1 cup sugar on stove and bring to boil. Let boil 3 - 5 minutes Add remaining sugar, 1 cup at a time and boil 3 -5 minutes after each addition . Watch to see if it jells and do not cook any longer. Remove from heat and skim Put in sterilized jars and seal with paraffin

Mrs . Myron Mader-Antigo, WI


4 cups red raspberries (fresh) (Do not pack into measuring cup)

3 cups sugar

Bring to a boil and let boil 2 minutes ; pour into bowl of electric mixer (use a silver spoon in bowl so it does not crack) . Beat (using slowest speed) 7 minutes Pour into glasses and cover with paraffin Jam may be frozen ; then do not use paraffin but seal with a lid

Marie H. Thompson- Beloit, WI


4 cups finely cut rhubarb

3 cups sugar

1 pkg. (3 oz .) strawberry gelatin (or other flavor)

Mix rhubarb and sugar, store in refrigerator overnight. Next morning bring to a good rolling boil and boil 15 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in gelatin until dissolved. Pour immediately into sterilized jars. Seal with paraffin if planning to store.

Yield : 3 -4 jars. Ruth F. Ruff-Granger, IN

VARIATION: Use 5 cups rhubarb, 4 cups sugar, 1 cup drained , crushed pineapple and 1 3 oz package strawberry jello.

Yield : 6 cups .

Marge Martin Demuth-Union Grove , WI

Add 1 package same flavor Kool-aid as gelatin. Raspberry is especially delicious.

Lulu Bockelmann Zoll-Valparaiso , IN


8 cups strawberries

8 cups sugar

Wash and hull berries. Put 4 cups of berries and 4 cups of sugar in a large kettle Bring to boil and cook for 10 - 12 minutes Add 4 more cups of sugar and 4 more cups of berries and bring to a boil. Then boil 10 minutes more Remove from heat and pour into a large cake pan 13 x 9". Let stand 24 hours Stir occasionally Put in jars and seal.

Mrs . Myron Mader-Antigo, WI

VARIATION: Up to Yi the fruit may be rhubarb

Irene Laudert Zielske-Morristown , MN


8 ripe tomatoes

8 sour apples

6 onions

3 sweet peppers

3 red (sweet) peppers



3 cups sugar

1 pint vinegar

cup salt

1 tsp. cinnamon

1 tsp. allspice

Chop vegetables and fruit together, add spices, salt, sugar, and vinegar. Cook 20 minutes. Seal while hot in sterile jars.

Yield: 3 - 4 pints.

1 qt. beets, diced

1 medium sized white onion

2 red peppers

1 tsp. salt

Mrs. Harry Nolke-Aurora, IN


2 Tbsp. grated horseradish

2 cups vinegar

cup brown sugar

Cook beets until tender, cold-dip and slip off skins. Chop beets, onions and peppers. Combine ingredients and cook mixture until clear. Seal in clean hot sterilized jars.

NOTE: This was my mother's relish recipe.

Lydia A. Jabs-Bristol, CT


8 large cucumbers

cup salt

4 red or green peppers, seeded and cored

4 large onions, quartered






celery seed

mustard seed


Peel cucumbers and slice into a crock or glass bowl. Add salt and mix well. Let stand overnight in refrigerator. Drain and force through the coarse blade of food chopper with peppers and onions. Put in a kettle and add remaining ingredients. Bring to a boil and cook, uncovered, stirring occasionally, for about 30 minutes If desired, add a small amount of green food coloring while boiling. Pack into hot sterilized jars and seal.

Yield: 3 - 4 pints.

Chita Chaffer Easton-Rochester, NY



2 qts. green tomatoes (10 - 12 tomatoes) lbs.)

2 large onions

4 red peppers

4 green peppers cup salt

1 Y2 tsp. tumeric

2Yi cups cider vinegar (or 1 cup white, 1 cup cider)

2 cups sugar

1 Yi tsp . mustard seed

1 Y2 tsp. celery seed

6 whole cloves

Cut vegetables into thin slices (or put through medium blade of food grinder) and sprinkle salt over them. Let stand overnight . Drain, rinse with cold water and drain again Bring vinegar, spices (tied in a bag) and sugar to a boil. Add vegetables. Simmer 20 minutes. Immediately pack into sterilized Ball jars and seal.

Yield: About 6 pints . Martha N. Hodges-Lemon Grove, CA


10 cups ground zucchini (if old, peel)

4 cups ground onion

5 Tbsp. salt

4 cups sugar

2Yi cups vinegar

1 Tbsp. celery seed

1 Tbsp. tumeric

2 Tbsp. cornstarch

Yi lb. green bell peppers, ground

1 lb. red sweet peppers, ground (may substitute 1 jar pimento)

Combine zucchini, onion and salt and let stand for 24 hours. Drain and wash. Drain again.

Combine sugar, vinegar, spices, cornstarch and peppers in a large kettle. Add zucchini and onion mixture, simmer until clear - about 30 minutes . Pour into hot, sterile jars and seal.

Yield: 6 pints. Lois Brustman Nelson-Concord, CA

Faculty wives with VU 's overseas program encounter different measures and learn to use a dual system : the familiar customary measures brought along from home, and those of England or Germany . They report interesting local units of measure such as " a knob of butter " or a dessert spoon measure in England, a Messerspitze (knifetip) of salt, separate tiny bottles of flavoring for one recipe, in Germany .



750 ml red and green sweet


750 ml celery (pull off strings)

750 ml green tomatoes

750 ml cucumbers

750 ml onions

1500 ml water

175 ml salt

750 ml green and yellow beans

750 ml carrots

1250 ml vinegar

1250 ml sugar

45 ml mustard seed

Dice, rather small, first group of vegetables: peppers, celery, green tomatoes, cucumbers, and onions. Make a brine of the water and salt. Add the five vegetables, let stand overnight. In the morning, drain, discard brine. Dice carrots, cut beans into the same size pieces; cook until just tender. Make a syrup of the vinegar, sugar and mustard seed; add vegetables, bring to a boil and can*.

Yield: Approx. 12 half liters (12 pints).

NOTE: If ingredients are cut into larger pieces, this would be a mixed pickle


3 liters tomato (solid part only, peeled and squeezed)

750 ml onion

750 ml green pepper

750 ml celery (pull off strings) (coarsely ground, measure after grinding)

100 ml mustard seed

60 ml ground cinnamon

75 ml salt

35 ml ground cloves

650 ml cider vinegar

1.5 kg brown sugar

Simmer together about one half hour, or to desired consistency. Freeze or can*.

Yield: About 12 half liters (12 pints).

NOTE: This is a fairly sweet, spicy sauce. Delicious with braunsweiger, hamburgers, meat loaf.


Catch juices while grinding vegetables Combine with the juicy parts of the tomato with seeds. Heat this together, run through a strainer, can if desired. Use this in soups and stews.


'* To can, fill sterilized jars to within 1Y2 cm of top, place sterile lid and screw ring on tight. Process in boiling water bath 5 minutes or more.




5 cups ground cucumbers (remove most of seeds)

3 cups ground onion

3 cups chopped celery

2 sweet red or green peppers , ground

2 small hot peppers, ground

j'4 cup pickling salt

1 Y2 qts. water

1 qt white vinegar

3 cups sugar

2 Tbsp celery seed

2 tsp. mustard seed

Combine ground vegetables ; add salt and water and weigh down with a plate to keep vegetables in brine Let vegetables stand in brine overnight and drain . Heat vinegar, sugar, mustard and celery seed to the boiling point . Add drained vegetables and cook slowly for 10 minutes. Pack in hot sterilized jars and seal.

Use on hot dogs , hamburgers , and add to mayonnaise for delicious tartar sauce for fish May also be added to chunk tuna ( after rinsing off oil) and makes delicious sandwiches Sandwiches may then be frozen for later use .

Yield : 5 pints.

Mrs. Arthur H Dutton-Richton Park, IL


25 - 30 medium tomatoes

3 doz Hungarian peppers

2 doz long red cayenne hot peppers

3 large onions

6 -8 large green peppers


Core and peel tomatoes . Simmer tomatoes while preparing peppers and onions. Remove seeds from peppers and dice . Dice onions. Add to tomatoes and simmer for 15 minutes. Put hot mixture in hot sterile jars. Add Yi tsp. salt to each jar. Put on lids and rings. Pressure cook for 30 minutes at 10 lbs . pressure.

NOTE: My daughter uses this recipe in chili , in Mexican food and as a dip .

Yield : 12 - 16 pints.

Mrs. Raymond E (Roberta ) Weiss - Frankenmuth , Ml

Le t them thank the Lord for his s teadfa s t lo v e , for his w onderful w orks to the sons of men! For he satisfie s him who is thirsty, and the hungry he fills with good things . Psalm

107:8, 9

4 qts peeled tomatoes

2 cups onion

1 cup sweet red peppers

1 cup green peppers

2 to 3 Tbsp. salt


1 Yi cups sugar

1 tsp. cinnamon

1 tsp. cloves

1 Yi cups vinegar

Chop vegetables, measure, then combine and bring to a boil. Add the other ingredients (more sugar can be used if so desired) Bring to a boil again and continue boiling until thick. Pour in sterile jars and seal.

Yield: 4 pints.

Paslean-Metamora, Ml


20 large tomatoes, peeled, cored and cut up

4 small onions, chopped

2 green peppers, chopped

3 Tbsp. sugar

2 Tbsp. salt

Yi tsp pepper

Bring all ingredients to a boil. Lower heat and simmer 1 hour. Put 3 cups into the blender at high speed until smooth Pour into containers and leave 1 11 head space .


18 medium tomatoes (8 lbs )

4 medium onions

2 red sweet peppers

2 green sweet peppers

3 cups white vinegar

3 Tbsp salt

3 cups sugar

1 Yi tsp . ground allspice

3 tsp ground mustard

1 Yi tsp. ground cloves

1 Yi tsp. cinnamon

Yi tsp hot red pepper

NOTE: Instead of the ground spices, if you prefer to use whole spices, use approximately the same amounts, substituting 1 11 fresh red pepper, place onto a cheesecloth square and tie into a bag

Quarter tomatoes and onions, add peppers cut into stripes, mix Put into blender on Hi for 4 seconds Pour into kettle. Add vinegar , salt, sugar and spices. Simmer until Yi amount remains or consistency you want Remove spices and seal in sterilized jars.

Using Italian plum tomatoes saves cooking time ; recipe can be made in about 3 hours.

Yield : 3 pints.

Lulu Bockelmann Zoll-Valparaiso, IN




4 cups fresh cranberries

2 cups water

2 cups sugar

1 cup raisins

1 cup walnuts, chopped

Boil cranberries and water together until the skins of the cranberries pop . Add sugar and raisins and boil together for 10 minutes. Stir in nuts. Pour into jars and refrigerate or pour into sterilized jars and seal. Process in hot water bath 10 minutes or it may be frozen.

NOTE: The combination of cranberries and raisins is really something special. Serve hot.

Yield: 3 pints. Judy Stresney Waetjen-Lincoln, NB


2 lbs. green or wax beans (or combination)

Green dill seed head


Red pepper


2 cups water

2 cups vinegar

cup Kosher salt

4 pint jars

Pack whole, raw beans into jars. Into each jar add 1 dill head, 1 clove garlic, 1 small red pepper (or piece), tsp. alum. Boil water, vinegar and salt. Fill jars. Seal. Process in boiling water for 5 minutes (start to count processing time when water in canner returns to boiling). Store at least 3 weeks before using .


1 qt. cooked salted lean beef, chopped

1 lb. seeded raisins, chopped lb. chopped beef suet cup vinegar

2Yi qts. chopped apples

1 tsp. cinnamon

1 tsp . nutmeg

1 tsp. cloves

2 Tbsp. molasses

1 pt. beef broth (not too fat)

1 lbs. brown sugar (more if desired)

Put all ingredients in a large, heavy kettle . Cook slowly, stirring frequently as it burns easily. Fill sterilized jars, process 20 minutes at 10 lbs pressure or put into clean freezer containers and freeze.

When using in pies, thin with fruit juice or water . Some red sour cherries (canned or fresh) added improves the flavor.

Yield: 4 quarts.

Paslean-Metamora, Ml

x c D · E F y z INDEX G H I _) K
A Acorn Squash , stuffed . . . .. 203 Almond Torte .... 166 Angel food, Chocolate .............................. 99 Chocolate nut fluff layers 89 Grasshopper Torte 167 Ice Box Cake ... 156 Rainbow Dessert 153 Raspberry Angel Torte .156 Antipasto. ...... ..266 Appetizers 25-43 Apple Bran Bread 57 Butter. 304 Cake, Jewish ... ... . ... . ......... .. .... 91 Cranberry Kuchen 84 Crisp ....... .. .... ................ . .. .... 138 Deep Dish Apple Pie ........... .138 Doughnuts 73 Fruit Cake, Autumn 91 Noodle Kugel 137 Nut Bread 85 Plum and Apple Compote . . .. 144 Slices , baked 1 137 Tangy Pork and A Casserole 223 Tomato Relish ........... .. .. .. .... 307 Squares 296 Strudel 83 Applesauce Cakes (2) 92 Applesauce Kraut Bake (Pork) .. 221 Apricot Brandy 43 Apricot Butter 304 Apricot Crumble Cake ... ............. 93 Apricot Whip, frozen 152 Artichoke-Mushroom Salad, Katie's .268 Asparagus, Casserole 27 4 Hors D 'oeuvres ...... .............. ..25 Korean 273 Mushroom Casserole 285 Party Platter .273 Aspic , Tomato .270 Autumn Apple Fruit Cake .. ... . ... 91 Avocado Hot Dish ........ ............ 242 Avocado Pear Sandwich 296 GENERAL INDEX/ 313 B Bacon Roll-ups 25 Bacon, Swiss Quiche .211 Baked Apple Slices 137 Baked Steak 184 Banana Ade (Blender) .43 Banana -Cabbage Salad 261 Muffins. ......... ..... .. 66 Nut Cake 94 Sour Cream Cake ... 93 Split Dessert 157 Bananas Flambe 144 Barbecue .. ... .. . . .. .. ... ....... 244 Sloppy Joe Mix & burgers ...... 245 V. Guild Spanish Hamburger .. 188 Barbecued Hawaiian Chicken . .227 Barbecued Spare Ribs , Oven 220 Bayou Chili 193 Bean-Cabbage Scramble ..... ....... 275 Bean , Green, Casserole ... .. ...... 275 Soup, Old Fashioned 50 Three Bean Casserole ... 198 Beans Baked, Husband ' s Special ... ..276 Dilly (Canned) 312 Four Bean Baked .................. 275 Green, Creole. 274 Green , Schnitzel 274 Beef Baked Steak ........ .................. 184 Barbeque 244 Bayou Chili .. . ... .. ............... 193 Burgundy 179 Camper ' s Special 192 Carol ' s Steak Rose' .179 Cherokee Salami. .. .. . .. .204 Chili 202 Company Casserole 195 Corned Beef & Cabbage 192 Corned Beef (Pastrami) 185 Corned Beef (Reuben Casserole) 192 Crusty Cheese & Noodle Casserole .......... .195 Deluxe Round Steak ! 177
314 I INDEX Beef , cont Dolmathes 187 Dried Beef Noodle Cass . .. . ... 193 Fantastic Pot Roast ...... .178 Feriak .... . . .. 181 Fried with Cellophane Noodles ..... .. .. .. . ..... 185 German meatballs with Spaetzle 194 German Short Ribs ... . ... .. .181 German Goetta 191 Hamburger Hotdish 194 Hungarian Goulash 184 Jerky (California) 25 Lasagne (2) ............. . .. .. . .. .200 London Broil .... ... .. .. .. ... .. 180 Macaroni with cheese, baked .. 206 Meatball Creole 188 Meat Loaf Supreme .... 187 Mexican Casserole 197 Milt's Beef Ragout 182 Mixed-up Lasagna ...... . . .. .. .. . ..200 Mock Chow Mein 197 Mock Stroganoff 196 Mom ' s Chop Suey 198 Moussaka 196 Old-fashioned German Goetta .. ... ... .. .. .. .. .. ......... . .. 191 Olives 180 Parmigiana ............. .. .. ....... ... 182 Pastitsio 188 Peppered Brisket 178 Pizza Hot Dish . .. .. .......... . ..... 201 Porcupines 190 Riso-Neopolitan 186 Roast Beef .. .. .. .. 1 78 Rome Spaghetti Sauce 191 Salad, Jello ............ . ... . ...... .. .256 Salami, Cherokee ... ............ .. 204 Sauerbraten Meatballs 186 Sloppy Joe Burgers & Mix . .. ..245 Sour Beef 177 Spaghetti Pie 202 Standing Rib in Rock Salt 177 String Beans and Beef 184 Stromboli Sandwiches .......... 248 Stuffed Acom Squash ... ..... : .. .203 Summer Sausage 204 Sunday Flank Steak Rose ' ... .. .180 Swedish Meatballs 189, 190 Tater Tot Casserole ....... .. ... .. .198 3 Bean Casserole 198 Torpan File (Tenderloin) 183 Tortilla Pie ... ... 200 Valpo Guild Spanish Hamburger 188 Zucchini Meat Casserole . .... 203 Beer Cheese .26 Beer Bread... 60 Beer Rolls . .... .64 Beet Relish .307 Beets, Sweet & Sour 276 Beverage .43-48 Biscuits (3) ......... ................. 67, 68 Buttermilk 67 Butterscotch 67 Rich Baking Powder ...... .. ....... 68 Blackberry Jam, KentuckyCake 109 Bleu Cheese Dressing 271 Blueberry Coffee Cake, Twin Mt. Fresh, and Cherry Jam Fresh, Salad Mold Red, White & Blueberry .75 .. ..304 253 Dessert 158 Sauce 15b Strawberry & Raspberry Jam .. 305 Torte 160 Blumenkohl Suppe .49 Bohemian Braid Coffee Cake .74 Bourbon or Rum Balls 114 Bran Muffins 66 Brandy Alexander Pie . . .168 Brandy Dessert Frozen 152 Brazil Nut Cookies 114 Bread ... .. ... . ... .... .. .57-88 Apple Bran ........ .. .. .... ............. 57 Beer 60 Cheese . . ..... .. .... ... . ....... 58 Chocolate Yeast Tea Bread .72 Dilly, Aunt Frieda's .58 French .. . . . .. 59 Herb 60
Bread , cont. Julekaka (Norwegian Christmas ) 79 Leola ' s (Naural foods ) . ..61 Oatmeal 59 Onion Cheese 62 Peasant . . .. . .60 Portuguese Sweet. . . .... .73 Pudding 146 Quick French 66 Rich Corn. .... .. . .. ............. 67 Whole Wheat Hon ey Nut .70 Breakfast Rolls .. . ..76 Brisket, Peppered Beef .178 Broccoli, Carrots Casserole .278 Broccoli-Corn Casserole 278 Broccoli Green and Gold Casserole 206 Lima Bean Casserole 276 Mock Oyster Dip .. . ..... . ... . ..26 Puff 277 Salad , (2) .. . ... .. .. . ..264 , 267 Supreme 277 Wild Rice Bake 277 Brunswick Stew .49 Buns , Overnight 63 Buns, Rum ... .. . ... . .... ... .. .... . .. . .. .... 77 Burgundy Beef 179 Butter, Apricot ... . . . .... 304 Apple. .304 Cinnamon Cake .77 Cookie Special Mints .. .. . ..117 132 Buttermilk Biscuits 67 Buttermilk Jello Salad ... 257 Butterscotch Bars 125 INDEX I 315 Cakes (all occasion) 89-111 Angel Food Icebox 156 Butter Cinnamon ....... .. .......... 77 Cheese Cakes ( 2) 164 Cranberry, Apple Kuchen 84 Dessert Cake ... .. .. .. .. .... . .. .159 Grandma ' s Crumb 77 Grasshopper Torte .167 Shortcake. .137 Strawberry Crunch 140 California Beef Jerky 25 Camper ' s Speial . ............... . .... 192 Canning 297-312 Candy 130-136 Natural Foods ...................... .136 Caramel Corn, Baked 134 Caramel Custard . .. .147 Caramel Frosting 109 Caramel-Pecan Rolls . . ...... .69 Cardinal Salad .... .. 268 Carol ' s Steak Rose '.... 179 Carob Drops , Honey (Cookie) 122 Carrot Apple Mold .257 Bars 124 Delight, Anne ' s 280 Golden Mold .278 Pineapple Cake 103 Sal ad .. . .. . ....... ... . ... . .. ..... . .... 265 Sheet Cake ...... 94 Broccoli Casserole 278 Carrots, Crisp Fried .... ....... ... .. .279 Marinated 279 Sunshine 280 Zesty 280 Zucchini 292 Butterscotch Biscuits. 67 Casseroles c Cabbage -Banana Salad 261 -Bean Scramble .275 Corned Beef and Cabbage .... 192 Soup 50 Caesar Salad, Cleo ' s .. .. .. .... . . .... .263 ... ... 182, 188, 192-243, 274-295 Catsup 311 Cauliflower and Mushroom Casserole .281 Blumenkohl Suppe .49 Company . ..... ... . . .... . ..281 · · Salad 265 Salad, 24 hour : ., 262 Challah .... .. ...................... ... .. .. .. ..57
316 I INDEX Cherokee Salami ......... . ..... .. .... 204 Cherry & Fresh Blueberry Jam 304 Cake 95 Chocolate Cake . . . .. ...... . ..... 95 Easy Frozen Dessert 155 Easy-Time Holiday Squares 143 Jello Mold 254 Mold, Port Wine .................... 253 Pie 171 Pike ... .. . .. .. ..... . .... 138 Chess Pie Cheese and Tuna Cheese Ball .. .. ...... ... ......... .. . .165 ······ 242 ······ ... . .... 26 Indian Curry 28 Pecan 28 Beer Cheese ......... . .. .... ... .. .. . ..26 Bread ............. ... ........... . ..... . .. 58 Cakes, (2) 164 Cake, Viennese .. .. . ......... ... .. .. .90 Cottage, Pancakes 209 Curried Toasts 27 Egg Casserole .. .. ... ... . .. . .210 Gourmet Sandwich Spread 248 Hearth Side Bread 246 Log, Chili ................. .. ............. 27 Quiche Lorraine .. .... . ... . ........ .211 Ring of Plenty Casserole 205 Salad Dressings ............. 262, 271 Simple Rarebit ...................... 209 Skillet Ham & Cheese .214 Souffle ................... .............. .209 Souffle with Variations 208 Spinach, Hot .. ... ..................... 28 Swiss, Bacon Quiche ... .... . .... 211 Swiss Swirls .. . .. .. .. ... .. .. .......... 38 Three Cheese Manicotti .... ... .199 Cheesecake Cookies ........ .......... 124 Cheesettes, Make Ahead 27 Cheesy Chowder 50 Chicken . . .. . .... 227-235 Baked Pork Chops 219 Baked with Peanut Topping 228 Barbeque Hawaiian 227 Breasts Roma 229 Brunswick Stew .49 Cacciatore . ... .. .. .. .. ..234 Casserole 234 Chinese 228 Cordon Bleu . .. . ......... .233 Creamy Baked Breasts 227 Herbed C.-Shrimp Bake 230 Honey-Mustard 228 Hot Brown Sandwich ... .. ....... 244 King Ranch (Mexican) 234 Livers in Wine ·· . .. .232 Loaf ........ . .. . 231 Maggie's .... . ..... ... 227 Marengo 230 ' N Dumplings 232 Ono Ono Hawaiian ... . . ...... .235 Oven Fried Ala Creole 229 Paella 231 Rice Salad . ........ ........ ......... 258 Seasoned Coating Mix 233 Or Turkey Curry 236 Chili (2) ... .51 Bayou. 193 Cheese Log 27 Seasoning Mix .. ... .. ......... 202 Sauce (Relish) .309, 311 Chocolate Angel Food .... ... .. ... .. 99 Angel Food Icebox Cake ... 156 Brownies-Baked Fudge 127 Butter Fudge Fingers (Brownies) 125 Cakes (4) 97, 98, 99 Cherry Cake ... .. ... . .. ................ 95 Chip & Cherry Cake 95 Chip Cookies 126 Chip Oatmeal Cake .. ..108 Chow Mein Clusters .126 Cookies, (Ground C.) 123 Delight Bars .......... 126 Derby pie 169 Favorite Dessert 163 Frostings .............. 96, 97, 98, 111 Fudge Bars 141 Fudge ............. . ............ .. ....... .133 Fudge Pie ..................... .. ....... 168 Fudge Sauce, Ice Cream Parlor Style ...... ......... .. ... . ..150
Chocolate , cont. German , Cupcakes 110 Hershey Dessert 157 Hot Fudge Sauce ... .150 Liqueur 46 Mousse 146 ... 154 89 ". 111 Mousse Africaine .... .. . .. Mousse Roi I My Crazy Cupcakes Nut Fluff Layers . .. .. ..... 89 Pie, Frozen 170 Pie (Variation) . . .. .. .... 176 Quick Fudge ......... .. ....... .133 Schokoladen Gugelhopf 99 Schnitzels (bars) 127 Torte, Frozen ........................ 153 Wacky Cake 110 Yeast Tea Bread 72 Yummies (Cookies) ... ..... . ...... 120 Chop Suey for 50.. 224 Chop Suey, Mom's 198 · · Chow Mein, Mock 197 Chow Mein noodle ring .. .. ... ... .224 Christmas Pudding Plum 148 Old English ...... . .. .. ....... . .149 Cider, Apple, Tangy Pork & Apple Casserole 223 Clam Cocktai I .30 Chowder .. ........ . ..... .. .. . ... .52 Dip .29 Dip , Hot ............. .. .. . ........ ..... 29 Triangles, Hot 29 Coconut Broiled Frosting 110 Cream Pie 169 Pineapple Cake ... . . ... 104 Coffee Cakes . .. .. ..... 72-75, 77-84 Coffee, Spanish .48 Cole Slaw, Overnight 266 Colombo Casserole . .. .223 Company Beef Casserole 195 Cookies ............. ............... ..113-130 Bars 124-130 Corn & Lima Bean Casserole .283 Corn Bread 67 Corn-Broccoli Casserole .278 INDEX I 317 Corn, Casserole 282 Casserole , Easy 283 Curry Soup, Quick 51 Custard .282 Pudding 282 Corned Beef and Cabbage .. ... .. .. . ... 192 Pastrami 185 Reuben Casserole 192 Cottage Cheese Pancakes .... .... .209 Cover-up Frosting 111 Crab and Mushroom Quiche .210 Dip, Hot.. .31 Hot Seafood Casserole .239 King, Crown (Salad) .. .... .. .. ... 258 Seafood Lasagna 238 Seafood Party Dish .239 Souffle 240 Spread ... . ...... . . . ........ . ... ... .. 30 Cranberry and Apple Kuchen ........ . .. ... 84 Nut Bread. 86 Orange Nut Bread 86 Portofino Jello . .. .. . ..... ........ . .254 Pudding 147 Refrigerated Dessert ... . ... .. .... 158 Relish ........... . .. .. .......... . ... ... .249 Salads (2) 249 Salad, Frozen ... .. ... 251 Sauce, Harvest (Canned) ... ...312 Sherbet. 252 Cream Cake, Great Italian 107 Cream Cheese Cookies 122 Cream Cheese Frostings ...... 94, 102, 107 Cream Cheese Mousse .. 163 Creamy Cheese Dressing 262 Creole, Meatball 188 Crepes, Buffet for 16 .. ........... .. .212 Cheese & Egg 213 Turkey . .. .. .. . ... ... . .. .. . ...213 Crock Pot Apple Butter 304 Chili ............. ......... .. ... .. . .. .51 Lentil Soup 55 Soup, Old Fashioned Bean 50
318 I INDEX Croissants 64 Crisp Cookies ...... . ... .. .. ............. 121 Crusty Beef , Chees e, Noodle Casserole 195 Cucumber, Salad 269 Mousse .269 Molds . ........... .. .. . . .. 268 Shrimp Dip .41 Sweet Relish 307 Curried Cheese Toasts ........ ... . .... 27 Curried Turkey & Wild Rice 236 Curry Shrimp Skillet 240 Curry, Turkey or Chicken .. ... .... 236 Custard, Mother' s Caramel 147 D Daiquiries , Frozen .46 Danish Bread Stuffing 226 Danish (Delicious) ... ... .......... 80, 81 Danish Kringle 78 Date Bars. 127 Date Nut Torte . .. ........... ......... 143 Date & Pecan Logs (Candy) 131 Date Pudding 149 Date Roll (Candy) 131 Deluxe White Frosting 94 Derby Pie.. . . ... .. . .. ..169 Dessert Pastries Apple Strudel Plum Kuchen . . 83 83 Desserts. . .... 137-167 also Pistachio Salad 250 Devil's Food Cake ... . .... 96 Dill Dip .................. . .. ......... . ..... 31 Dill Pickles (2) 302 Dilly Beans (Canned) .. ... .. .. . .... .312 Dilly Bread, Aunt Frieda's 58 Dinner Rolls 62-65, 69 Dips (8) .......... 26, 29, 31, 32, 35, 41 Dolmathes 187 Doughnuts, apple 73 76 Dressing, Poultry see Stuffing Dressing, Salad see Salad Dressings Dried Beef Casseroles (2) .. ... ..... 193 Dutch Slaw 261 E Easy Frozen Dess e rt .155 Egg and Ham Ca ssero le 214 Egg Casserole 210 Egg Nog (2) .. ............ . ... .... .. . ... .44 Eggs & Sausage 210 Shrimp & Egg Foo Yong 241 Eggplant Mousaka 196 Shrimp Stuffed 292 English Trifle .... 145 .309 End of the Garden Relish .. F Fantastic Sauerkraut .. .222 Favorite Dessert ......... .... ... ...... 163 Feriak 181 Festive Kisses (Candy) 131 Filbert Nut Cookies . .. ..123 Filbert Poppyseed Slices Filled Cookies 115 Sandy 's Dream . .. 122 Pecan Pie Cookies .. ... 119 Filler-Uppers (Cookies) 118 Fish Chowder. 53 Fish 'N Chips .244 500 Cake 90 Five Minute Coffee Cake 75 Flank Steak .179, 180 Flounder Florentine 238 Fondue Honey Fruit. .. .145 Pizza 214 Frankfurters, Wiener Supper ... 225 French Bread ... ....... . .. ...... .. . ...... 59 Quick 66 French Cream Pie ... . .. ...... 170 French Dressings (2) 270 French Quiche... 37 Fried Beef with Cellophane Noodles 185 Frostings Broiled Coconut 110 Caramel 109 Chocolate 97 Butter .. ............... .. .. ... ...... .111 Nut 96, 98
Frosting, cont Cover-Up ..... .. . ... . .... .... .... 111 Cream Cheese ..... .. ... 94, 102, 107 Deluxe White .. . .. .94 · 125 Mint . Mocha . Mocha Rum Peanut .. 112 101 . . . ....... ....... 101 Peppermint ......... .. . . .. ... . .. ..... 112 Waldorf Astoria 112 White Syrup .... .. ... .. ... ... 104 Fruit and Cheese Salad, Frozen 252 Bits, Frozen 251 Cake, Frozen .154 Cocktail Dessert 160 Compote Cookies . .. . ... .. . .... ... 144 · 113 Honey Fruit Fondue 145 Jello Dessert 159 142 Pizza Punch .45 Punch, Frosty Salad Dressing .............. 44 250 272 Frozen, Fast ... 252 Great 250 Soup .... . .... . . .. .56 Fudge G Country House 133 Fingers, Frosted . ... ... .. .... ..... 125 Oatmeal Squares . ... . .. ... . . . .... 129 Quick Chocolate Pie .. ... . .. .. ... .. ... ..... . Sauce (2) Ice Cream 133 168 150 Garden Medley Salad 263 Gelatin Desserts 153, 158-162 Gentlemen ' s Specials Apples Squares 296 Baked Beans 276 Beef Burgundy 179 Blumenkohl Suppe .49 Cranberry Nut Bread . .......... 86 Egg Nog, Husband ' s Special .44 Orange to the 4th Power 155 INDEX I 319 Pumpkin Date Torte 165 Quesadillas .. ....... . .. .. .. ... 245 Saucy Lamb Chops Swedish Meatballs 218 . ... . ... .189 Turkey Cooked on Outside Grill .. ..237 German Old-Fashioned Goetta 191 Pancakes 68 Potato Salad 260 Short Ribs . .... . ...... . . .. .181 Gingerbread, Brown & Gold ..... 148 Gingerbread, Laura Wilder's 100 Goetta, German 191 Golden Punch . .. .. . ......... ... .. . ..45 Golden Shrimp Sandwiches 246 Gourmet Sandwich Spread 248 Grandma's Crumb Cake 77 Grandma Finke'sOatmeal Cake 108 Grandma ' s Treasure Haunts Fruited (Coffee Cake) 82 Granola (3) ... . ... . . . .. ........ .71, 72 Grape Pie, Concord ............... .171 Grapefruit Meringue Pie .172 Grapefruit Pie 172 Grasshopper Bars . .. . .. . .... ... . . .. 128 Grasshopper Torte 167 Green & Gold Casserole 206 Green Spaghetti Casserole ... 206 Green Tomato Relish .308 Great Italian Cream Cake . . ...... 107 Grits Casserole ... ....... . ... .295 Ground Beef 186-203 (or find by name of recipe) H Haddock-Shrimp Casserole .239 Ham and Egg Casserole 214 Balls . .. .. .. . ... ........ ..216 Hambalaya Hot Sandwiches . ..215 247 Hurry-Up Casserole . .205 Loaf .215, 216 Shrimp Gumbo Salad .. .. .. 259 Skillet Ham & Cheese .... .. . . ... 214 Hambits 33
320/ INDEX Hamburger Hot Dish 194 Happy Pickl es ..... .. ... ... ......... ..299 Harvest Cake ..... ....... ....... . . .. 102 Hearthside Bread 246 Hearty Vegetable Bee r Soup 55 Heavenly Hash Cake ................ .98 Herb Bread 60 Herb Toast. 33 Herring Salad Spread .... ... 33 Holly Confections 117 Honey Carob Drops (Cookies) 122 Honey Fruit Brittle ..... . .. 136 Hot Dog Relish 310 Hot Dog Yummies .32 Hot Holiday Punch .. .. .45 Hungarian Goulash 184 Husband ' s Egg Nog .44 Ice Cream, vanilla 151 Dessert 152 Sauces(4) 150 Snow Ice Cream Icicle Pickles Indian Curry Cheese Ball 151 ..... 298 28 Jams. .... . . .... ... .. ....... .. .304-306 Jell-Meringue Nut Bars .. ... .129 Jello Delight, Strawberry 161 Jelly (2) . . .. ... .. . .. ... ... .. . .303 (Hot Pepper & Peach Pit) Jewish Apple Cake. 91 Jewish Egg Bread (Chall ah) ... 57 Julekaka .. . ..... ........ .. ... .. .... 79 K Kahlua (2) .46, 47 Kartoffel Suppe ..... .. ... .... ...... .... 53 Kentucky Jam Cake .. . .... 109 Kuemmelweck (Rolls) 65 L Lamb Saucy Lamb Chops 218 Shish Kebob 218 Turkish Lamb Pilaf ................ 218 Large Quantity Recipes Baked Caramel Corn 134 Barbequed Lima Beans .284 Cherokee Salami 204 Chocolate Sheet Cake 96 Chop Suey for 50 . .. .. .. . ... .. .. ... 224 Fruit Soup 56 Leola ' s Bread (10 loaves) 61 Runzas ......... . ........ . . .......... .190 Valpo Guild Spanish Hamburg e r . 188 Lasagne 200 Lasagne, Mixed-up 200 Laura Wilder ' s Ginge rbread 100 Lemon Favorite D e sert ... ... . . .. ...... .. .. 163 Nut Br ead 85 Party Pie .. ...... ... 172 Squares ... .. ........ 128 Lentil Soup 55 Lentil Soup, Grandma ' s .............. 54 Leola's Bread (Natural Foods) 61 Lima Bean Broccoli Casserole 276 Corn Casserole .......... . .. .. . .. .. .283 Bar-B-Q .283 (Dry) Barbequed .. ... . ..... ... . .. 284 Lime Delight 162 Lime Pie. 173 Lime Slices ....... .. ....... .. . . ..159 Liter Juice Liver Roll. London Broil M Macaroni . ... .. .48 34 .................... 180 Baked with Beef & Cheese 206 Ring .......... .............. .. .... .. . .. .. 295 Ring of Plenty Casserole . ...... 205 Mandarin Orange Cake .. ... . ..... .. . . .. .... . .100 Nut Bread . .... 85 Orange to the 4th Power 155 Pea Picking Cake 109 Sherbet Mold .257 Tossed Salad .. . ... ....... .... .. . .. .263 Manicotti, Three Cheese .. .... ... 199
Marinated Carrots 279 Flank Steak 182 Vegetable Salads ......... ... 266-267 Martinique, Lo Cal Salad Dressing .. .. ... .. .. .. .. . .. 271 Mary Metchenberg's Green Tomato Bread ................... .... 87 Meatballs Creole... 188 German with Spaetzle 19 Porcupines .. .. .. .......... 190 Riso-Neopolitan 186 Sauerbraten .... ............... .. .... 186 Swedish 189 Swedish (with Potato) 190 Meatloaf Supreme ........... . ........ 187 Meat Sauce :?2 Metrics Information 14-24 Customary Weights 23 Equipment .. ... .. .. .. .... ............... 19 Language 17 Measures ................................ 18 Measures, use of .20 Measuring Techniques 21 References ..... . ................. ...... .24 Table I, Conversion from metric to customary ............ 12 Table 11 , Common can sizes in customary and metric 13 Table II I, Volume Equivalents .. 13 Table IV, Conversions 14 Weighing Ingredients 22 Metric Recipes Apricot Crumble Cake .... .93 Beets, Sweet & Sour 276 Biscuits, Baking Powder ......... 68 Chicken Rice Salad 258 Chocolate Chip Cookies ........ 126 Cole Slaw, Overnight .... .266 Derby Pie 169 Heavenly Hash Cake . .. . .. 98 Honey Carob Drops 122 Punch , Liter Juice .48 Relish, Chili Sauc e ... . .. ..309 Relish, End of the Gard en .309 Salad Dressing, Fruit ... 272 INDEX/ 321 Strawberry Tarts ................ .... 141 Zucchini, Sauteed .. .. .... ... ..... 291 Mexican Casserole 197 Hot Sauce ... .................... . ..... .310 Quesadillas 245 Microwave Recipes Beef (Riso-Neopolitan) ..... ..... 186 Coconut Cream Pie 169 Eggplant, Shrimp Stuffed ...... 292 Nacho's .... ........... .......... ...... .. .43 Milt' s Beef Ragout 182 Mince Meat .... .......................... 312 Minestrone 54 Million Dollar Pie .. .................. 173 Mint Syrup ................... ........ .. ... 150 Mint Frosting 125 Mints, Butter ... ... ... ... ...... 132 Mississippi Mud Cake 98 Mocha Frosting 112 Mocha Peanut Squares ...... .. .. .101 Mocha Rum Frosting ....... .. .. .... 101 Mock Chow Mein 197 Oyster Dip (Broccoli) .. .. .......... 26 Stroganoff. 196 Wild Rice ...... .... ...... ... .... . ... .294 Molasses Shoo-Fly Pie S S Church Cookies 175 .. ..114 Trudy ' s Cookies 120 Mom's Poultry Stuffing .235 Moussaka . ... ..... ...... .196 Mousse Africaine Muffins Banana Bran (Natural Foods) Quick Supper Wheat Germ Mushroom 154 .. ..66 66 ...... 68 70 Asparagus Casserole ... .......... .285 Business 285 Canapes .. .... ........ .. .. ........ ... ..34 Crab & Mushroom Quiche .... 210 Dip, Hot. ... ......... .. ... . .. .... 35 Deep Fried Mushrooms : .35 Stuffed 34, 35
322 I INDEX Mustard, Savory Sauce .. .. ... .... ..217 Mustaccioli Salad, Marj's 260 N Nacho' s (Microwave) Natural Foods .43 Bran Muffins .. .. .... .. .. .. .. ....... .66 Brown & Gold Gingerbread ..148 Candy 136 Granola (3) .... . ... ... ..71, 72 Leola's Bread 61 Peanut Butter Balls 136 Wheat Germ Candy Bars 136 Yogurt .42 1930's Sponge Cake 106 Nut Breads (see Quick) ... 70, 85-88 Nutmeg Feather Cake 110 Nutritious Cookies 121 0 Oatmeal Bread . . .. 59 Cake, Grandma Finke ' s 108 Chocolate Chip Cake 108 Coffee Cake 75 Fudge Squares 129 Gem Coffee Cake ... ...... 75 Okra and Tom atoes 291 Oil/Vinegar Salad Dressing 272 Olives, Beef . . ... .... 180 1-2-3-4 Cake .106 Onion Cheese Bread 62 Onion Pie (Quiche) .36 Onion Puffs 36 Oranges, Mandarin with1 Tossed Salad 263 -Pecan Bal Is 119 To the 4th Power . . .155 Ordering Information ...... .4,13,328 1 Oven Barbequed Spare Ribs 220 Overnight Buns 63 p Paella Pancakes Cottage Cheese German .231 ... 209 68 Potato 288 ... 182 Parmigiana, Beef Party Pork Chops ... .. .. ... ... ..... 220 Pastitsio 188 Pastrami 185 Pastry, Danish 81 Pea, English, Casserole 284 Pea Picking Cake ...... 109 Peach Jam 305 Pit Jelly ....... .. ... ....... .. . .. . .. . ... 303 and Cream Salad ...... 254 ' N Cream Pie Sponge Peanut . .. .. .... 174 139 Butter Balls. 135 Butter Cups . . ... .. ... . . . ......... 130 Butter Natural Food Bal Is 136 Frosting 101 Soup, Creme .. . ... .. . ... . ... . .. 52 Squares .. ...... 101 Pear Cake 102 Peasant Bread 60 Pecan Caramel Rolls Cheese Ball Date Logs (Candy) Mounds (Cookies) Orange Balls .. ............. . Pie Cookies Roi I Cookies , Butter Tassies (Tarts) ... .. . .. . ... . Pecans Derby Pie English Toffee Turtle Bars . 69 28 131 ... 120 119 119 .123 142 169 135 130 Penuche, Supreme 135 Pepper, Hot, Jelly 303 Peppered Beef Brisket 178 Peppermint Frosting. . .. .112 Pickles 297-302 Bread & Butter 301 Di 11 (2) .. .. ... .. .............. .. ......... 302 Dill, Sweet 301 Happy (not canned) . ..299 Icicle 298 Refrigerator .300
Pickles , cont. Sweet Dill 301 Freezer . ........ ................... 299 Open Jar 299 Virginia 297 Tips for Making Better .......... 297 Watermelon ........ . .. ... .. ..... 298 Pie Crust 36 Pie Crust, Easy 168 Pies (Dessert) . .. 138, 165, 168-176 Pies (Quiche) .36, 37, 210-212 Pilaf . .. ...................... .. .... .294 Pinata Salad 256 Pineapple Cake.. .. .. .. ... 104 Carrot Cake .... .. ..... .. 103 Coconut Cake 104 Dessert Cake .......... . .............. 159 No-Bake Torte . .. ... 160 Nut (Harvest Cake) 102 Rhubarb Salad, Molded .. .. .. .. 255 Scalloped .295 Squares Torte .. .. .. ........... 143 " " " " 161, 166 103 Upside Down Cake Pink Sugar Wafer Torte Pistachio Favorite Dessert High Society Cake Salad or Dessert .... Pizza Burgers . ... .... . ....... . .. .. . .. .. . Deep Dish Fondue Hot Dish .......... . Pasties Plum & Apple Compote Plum Kuchen ... .. .. 156 163 ". 111 ... 250 247 . .199 .214 .. .. 201 ... 201 144 83 Plum Pudding, Christmas 148 Polynesian Spareribs 221 Pop Corn Balls .134 Caramel .. ......... . .. . .. .. ... 134 Poppy Seed Bars .. .. . .. .130 Poppy Seed Salad Dressing 261 Porcupines (Meatballs) ............ 190 INDEX/ 323 Pork And Pea Pods .221 and Veal Casserole 225 Applesauce Kraut Bake ..... 221 Baked Chops 219 Chicken Baked Chops ..... . ...... 219 Chop Suey for 50 .. ... ........ 224 Chow Mein Noodle Ring ...... 224 Colombo Casserole 223 Fantastic Sauerkraut.. 222 Ham Balls 216 Oven Barbecued Spare Ribs 220 Paella 231 Party Chops 220 Polynesian Spareribs 221 Stuffed Chops ....... .. .. .. ......... 219 Sweet-Sour, Vietnamese Style 222 Tangy P. & Apple Casserole 223 Tenderloin in Sour Cream 220 Port Wine Cherry Mold 253 Port Wine Salad Dressing ......... 253 Portofino Jello . .................... .. .254 Portuguese Sweet Bread 73 Potatoes Cottage ... ......... .... . ..... .287 Creamy Cheese 287 Dumplings .... . .. ............ . ...... 286 Fluffy, Herbed ...... ... 284 Hash Brown Casserole 286 Mashed P. Balls ............ .. .... .288 Pancakes 288 Party .. .. .. ............ . .. ... .. .. 287 Rolls .. .... ...... ................ 63 Scalloped , Tuna Casserole .... 243 Soup (Kartoffel Suppe) 53 Tater Tot Casserole 198 Poultry Stuffing, Mom's 235 Pound Cake Fast Sour Cream Pralines .............. . Prune Bread Pudding, Dessert Pumpkin . .. ... 99 106 . .. .. .. . ........ 132 88 162 Cake .. 105 105 Cake Loaf ... .
324/ INDEX Pumpkin, cont. Date Torte 165 Ice Cream Pie Pie, Frozen .. .. ................ . 174 ... 174 Q Quesadillas Quiche 245 Crab & Mushroom French Onion Pie .. 210 . .. 37 .... .. 36 Lorraine .211 Sausage . ... .... .... .. ....... 212 Swiss-Bacon . . .... 211 Quick Corn Curry ......... .. ........... 51 Quick French Bread 66 Quick Nut Breads 85-88 Apple 85 Cranberry 86 Cranberry-Orange .... 86 Green Tomato 87 Japanese Mandarin Orange 85 Lemon Bread .................... .. . ..85 Prune Bread 88 Whole Wheat, Honey .70 Zucchini Bread .... .. . ... . .. .. .. ..... 88 Zucchini Tea Loaf ... 87 Quick Supper Muffins 68 R Rainbow Dessert 153 Raisin Cookies Raisin Cookies, Soft Raspberry 118 121 Angel Torte .156 Jam .305 Red, Jam ................ ... . ... ... . ..306 Red, Strawberry & Blueberry Jam 305 Red, White & Blue Berry Dessert 158 Red Wine Punch, Sangria .... .47 Refrigerator Pickles 300 Rhubarb Cream Pie .... 176 Dessert .. .. .. .. .. .... ....... . ... 139 Jam .306 Salad, Molded .255 Supreme Pie .... . .175 Ribs German Short (Crockpot) 181 Oven Baked Spare Ribs 220 Polynesian Spareribs 221 Rice Casserole . .. .. ... ................... 294 Colombo Casserole... 223 Green & Gold Casserole 206 Parsley .. .. .. .. . . . . .. .. .. .. .294 Pilaf 294 Ring of Plenty Casserole 205 Riso-Neapolitan Meatballs ... . . ..186 Roast Beef .. .1 78 Rolls Beer ... .. .. ....... ... ... .. .. ... . ... . ....... 64 Caramel Pecan .. .. .. .. .. ... . ..69 Cinnamon Raisin 76 Easy Refrigerator .............. . .. ..62 Kuemmelweck 65 Potato 63 Sour Cream Twists ... . ...... . .. 81 Sweet. . . .... .. .. ... .... 80 Sweet Dough, Dinner 69 Round Steak, Deluxe .... 177 Beef Parmigiana 182 Beef Olives 180 Carol's Steak Rose' 179 Rum Buns .................. . .. .... . .77 Runzas ... . ..... ..... .. .. ... ..... 190 Russian Salad Dressing 271 s Salads 249-270 Cranberry 249 Easy Molded ... 257 Fruit 249-252 Main dish, Chicken, Seafood 258-259 Marinated Vegetable .. .... 266-267 Molded Fruit . .. .253-255 Molded Vegetable 267-270 Mustaccioli .. .. . ..... ... 260 Potato, German ..... 260 Vegetable 261-265
Salad Dressings .... 261, 262, 270-272 Bleu Cheese, Easy .. ... . ... .271 Creamy Cheese .262 French (2) 270 Fruit Salad 250, 272 Martinique, Lo Cal 271 Oil/Vinegar 272 Poppy Seed .. ... . . .. .261 Port Wine 253 Russian 271 Shirley' s Fruit .... ............. ...... 271 Vegetable . ........ ..... .. ........... .261 Vinegar & Oil (2) 263 Sallad ....... . ... 266 Salmon Mousse .258 Party Ball .37 Patties . . .. ..244 Souffle .208 Salt, Seasoning 272 Sandwiches .244-248 Barbecue 244 Golden Shrimp ... . . .... 246 Gourmet Spread .. ...... .. .. ... ... ..248 Hearth Side Bread .. .. ..246 Hot Brown (Poultry) ... . .. . ..... .244 Hot Ham .247 Pizza Burgers .247 Quesadillas ..... .. . . .... ..... ... ..... 245 Sloppy Joe Burgers 245 Stromboli .248 Tuna Puff ... . ............. 246 Turkey 248 Sangria ......... ... . . ... .47 Sauce Chili Seasoning Mix 202 Dessert Blueberry ... ...... .... 150, 213 Fudge, Ice Cream Parlor 150 Hot Fudge Chocolate 150 Mint Syrup . .. . .. ..... 150 Suzette 213 Meat Cognac Cream . .. . .. .183 Marinade for Flank Steak 182 Marinade or Barbeque for Poultry .... .. ..... .. ... ..... 217 INDEX/ 325 Sauce, meat, (cont.) Red Wine Sauce 189 Savory Mustard ....... 217 Tom ato for Ham 217 Zippy Ham 217 Spaghetti, Rome .. .. ... ......... .. .191 Tomato, Frozen 311 Vegetable Asparagus with Sesame . ... .273 Hollandaise, Blender .... . .. ..296 Saucy Lamb Chops ........ . .... ..... 218 Sauerbraten Meatballs ... 186 Sauerkraut Bacon Tom ato Balls, French Fried ... .. .. 289 .. .. .38 Fantastic. 222 Pork Applesauce Kraut Bake 221 Slovak 288 Sausage Cherokee Salami 204 Eggs & Sausage .... .. .. . ........ 210 Kielbasa Casserole 205 Paella . .. .. . ... .. ... ..................... 231 Patties .............. .... .. ... ... . ....... .39 Summer .... .. . .. .. .. ..... . . ..204 Quiche Schokoladen Gugelhopf Scones, Wholemeal Treacle 212 99 with Rum Butter 74 Seafood Caribbean Goulash .39 Seafood Lasagna .......... .. .... 238 Shirley's Fruit Dressing 271 Shish Kebob, Lamb . .. ..218 Shoo-Fly Pie .. r ... 175 Shortcake 137 Shrimp And Egg Foo Yong .241 Balli, Heavenly .40 1 Cucumber Dip Curry Skillet Dip, Hot .41 .240 ...... .40 Golden Casserole 241 Golden Sandwiches Gumbo Salad . Haddock Casserole Herbed Chicken Bake .. Hot, Hors D ' oeuvres .246 259 ... 239 230 .... .41
326/ INDEX Shrimp, cont. Hot Seafood Casserole 239 Paella 231 Scampers ................. .. .. ...... .. . ..41 Seafood Caribbean Goulash ... .39 Seafood Party Dish 239 Wheels. .................. ........ . ..40 Skillet Ham & Cheese 214 Slaw, Dutch .261 Sloppy Joe Seasoning Mix 245 Burgers .... .. .............. .. ...... . . ..245 Slovak Sauerkraut .. . .... . .... . . ..288 Souffle, Cheese ..... ................. . ........ ... 209 Cheese, Salmon, Spinach ...... 208 Crab 240 Spinach with Spinach Sauce .. 207 Soups 49-56 Sour Beef 177 Sour Cream Cake 107 Pound Cake .... .. ... .... .. Torte 106 .... 167 Twists 81 Spaetzle, German Meatballs with ........ .. ... . .... ........ .. .194 Spaghetti Chicken Cacciatore Green S Casserole 234 ....... . .. 206 Pie 202 Sauce, Rome ... ........... ........ .191 Spinach Ring 207 Turkey Tetrazzini 237 Spanish Coffee ..... .. . . .. ........... .48 Spinach Casserole ························ 289 Flounder Florentine .... .... ..... .238 Green Spaghetti Casserole .... 206 Layered 289 Salad .. ................ .. . ..... .... 264 Salad, Molded . .. ....... 269 Salad, Sweet Sour 264 Souffle 208 Souffle with Spinach Sauce . .207 Spaghetti Ring 207 Sponge Cake, 1930's ...... . ...... .... 106 Spring Garden Dip 32 Springerlie 115 Spudnuts ..... . ... .. . .. .... .... .. . .. .. . ... .76 Squash Acorn, Stuffed 203 Casserole ..... ... .. . .. .... ... .290 Meat Casserole 203 Standing Rib in Rock Salt . . .. ... .177 Stew, Brunswick (Chicken) .49 Strawberry Crunch Cake Fluff Torte ... . ... .. ... . Jam 140 . ..... 162 306 Jello Delight 161 Pie, Grandma Schwartzkopf's 176 Pink Sugar Wafer Torte 156 Raspberry & Blueberry Jam .. 305 Ribbon Salad ....... . .... .. .. .. .. .. .255 Salad, Luscious 255 Soft Meringue 140 Swirl .. ................. . . . .155 Tarts in Orange Pastry Shells Trifle String Beans and Beef Stroganoff, Mock .. .......... . Stromboli Sandwiches Stuffed Pork Chops Stuffing Danish Bread .. .. .. ...... . Mom ' s Poultry ... .141 146 184 . .. 196 248 219 . . :226 235 Sugar (Cut out) Cookies 116 Sugar Cookies, Soft 117 Sugar Cookies, White 116 Summer Sausage 204 Swedish Meatballs ............ 189, 190 Sweet Rolls .... 69, 74, 76, 77, 80, 81 Sweet & Sour Beets .... .. .. ......... 276 Sweet-Sour Pork Sweet Dill Pickles . ... 222 301 Sweet Pickles, see Pickles, Sweet Swiss Cheese Swirls 38
T Taco Salad ... ... .. .. .. ... .. 256 Tarts Pecan Tassies . .. Strawberry Tarts Tater Tot Casserole . ..... .. .142 141 198 Tenderloin in Sour Cream Three Bean Casserole Toffee , English. .220 198 135 Tomato And Okra Apple Relish Aspic , Hurry Up Cats up Green, Nut Bread . .291 307 270 ..... 311 87 Sauce, Frozen. .311 Wedges , Provencal 290 Torpan File 183 Tortilla Pie 200 Trifle, English .......... . .. .... .... . ..... 145 Trifle, Strawberry .. . .... 146 Tripes Clementine 226 Tuna Avocado Hot Dish 242 Jello, Salad 259 Pie with Cheese Roll Crust . .. .243 Puff Sandwiches 246 Scalloped Potato , Casserole 243 Seafood Party Dish .. ........ .. .239 Two-Cheese Delight .. . . .. . ..242 Turkey Cooked on Outside Grill .... 237 Hot Brown Sandwich 244 Or Chicken Curry 236 Curried T. & Wild Rice .. . ... . ..236 Seal lop 236 Taste Tease rs . .... ..248 Tetrazzini .. .. .. ....... ....... .. . ..... 237 Turkish Lamb Pilaf 218 v Valpo Guild Spanish Hamburge r .. .... ............ . .. ... ... 188 Veal And Pork Casserole 225 Chop Suey for 50 ... .. .... . .. .. .. ..224 Chow Mein Noodle Ring .. .... 224 INDEX/ 327 Vegetables .. ..... ... ... ... . ...... 273-293 Frozen, Casserole 293 Mixed, Casserole 293 Mornay ... .. . . ... .. ... .. .. .. .. .... ... .293 Salad, Mixed .. .. .. 261 Salad, Oriental 267 Soup .... . ............. 54, 55 Viennese Cheese Cakes ............. 90 Vinegar Oil Dressings (2) .263 Vodka Punch, Liisan Booli .. ... .47 w Waldorf Astoria Frosting ... .. .. . . .112 Water Chestnut Appetizers 42 Watermelon Pickles 298 Wheat Germ Muffins ...... .... .... ... ......... .. .... .70 Natural Food Candy Bars 136 White Syrup Frosting ....... .. ....... 104 Whole Wheat Bread (Quick) 70 Wild Rice Broccoli Bake . . .. . ... .. .. . ... ...... .277 Curried Turkey and W R. 236 Mock 294 Wiener Crown Supper . .. .. ...... . .225 World's Easiest Appetizer .. .. .32 y Yeast Breads Yellow Cake, .. 57-61 High Society 111 1-2-3-4 . ... .. . . .. .. . .. 106 Yogurt .42 Yogurt Jello Salad 257 z Zucchini And Carrots ..... ....... . .. .. . . ...... 292 Bread 88 Jack 291 Meat Casserole ... 203 Relish 308 Salad 263 , 267 Sauteed . .......... 291 Tea Loaf 87

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