Valparaiso University Guild Cookbook Vol. IV | 1993

Page 1



A fourth book of favorite and family recipes, companion to THE GUILD COOKBOOK, VOL. I, THE GUILD COOKBOOK, VOL. II, and THE GUILD COOKBOOK, VOL. Ill.

Published by the Guild 1993

Cover Design:

Art Reproductions:



Original by Michael Scherb Modification by Caron Maas

Selections from the Valparaiso University Art Collections-the Sloan Collection of American Paintings and the University Art Collections

Valparaiso University campus scenes by the Office of Institutional Advancement

Architect's drawings by Hammel Green and Abrahamson, Inc., Minneapolis MN

Etched angel photograph, page 3, by Kristin Schumacher

Valparaiso University and Valparaiso University Guild compiled and written by Marilyn Krueger

Primary sources-University and Guild publications

Divider page articles by Professor Richard Brauer, Director, Valparaiso University Art Collections

Copyright 1993 Valparaiso University Guild Published by Valparaiso University Guild Valparaiso, IN 46383

First Edition 1993, 10,000 copies

Printed in Valparaiso, Indiana United States of America

Dedication 3

Dedicated to the thousands of women of the Valparaiso University Guild for their years of unstinting love of, and devoted service to the Valparaiso University Guild, and the hundreds of women who submitted recipes, tested recipes, and made this book possible.

"A Lutheran University is supported by church people to hand on the substance and values of the Christian faith in a secularized world." From the University's Report of the Ad Hoc Committee Further to Realize the Lutheran Character of Valparaiso University"as printed in Valpo's Worlq, a quarterly report to the church from Valparaiso University.

"The Lutheran perspective includes above all the notion that salvation and wholeness are given in grace as the starting point of human life, not a good to be achieved, thus freeing the sinner just one for the pursuit of truth wherever it leads For the believer, this means trusting that God's salvation and wholeness will motivate courageous, enlightened efforts at building up the common good."


A tremendous THANK YOU to the following Guild members and friends of the Guild who have so generously contributed their time preparing this cookbook.

Guild women across the country who submitted their favorite recipes for inclusion in this book.

Marilyn Krueger, who as assistant editor helped in all areas from retesting and entering recipes into the computer to proofreading and editing sections. Her help and support throughout the project were invaluable to me .

Professor Richard Brauer, who assisted in choosing and photographing artwork for the division pages and who designed the layout and wrote the accompanying commentary of the artwork and artist.

Lois Hoeppner and Bonnie Naumann, who handled pre-paid orders so that part of the cost of printing could be defrayed. As cookbook chairman, Bonnie will be in charge of distribution.

Kris Krueger, who laid out the format for the combined index and did the initial entries of the first three volumes into her computer.

Eunice Koepke, who cross-referenced and entered the combined index for the first three volumes into her computer. ·

Debi Schumacher, who entered and cross-referenced the index for Volume IV into her computer, and along with Eric Johnson, combined and changed programs so that the indexes would merge as one.

Laurie Jones, a dietician who made healthful comments on many of the main dish recipes.

Faith Rechel, a home economist who provided some of the tips at the bottom of the pages. Others were provided by various testing chairman and Guild members.

Mary Ann Whited, who helped develop marketing and promotional materials for the cookbook.

Virgina Amling, Lois Brandt, Kathy Hahn, Barb Keller, Eunice Koepke, Alberta Kraft, Nancy Langlas, Arlene Rachiele, Tami Scheck, Debi Schumacher, Kristin Schumacher, Jack Schumacher, and Dee Stritof for proofing sections of the book.

Janie Lichtfuss, who gathered pictures and drawings and assisted with the introduction.

Larry Klemz and Paulita Flournoy at Home Mountain Publishing Co., Inc., who made the extra effort to have this book printed and ready for distribution at the 1993 national convention.

My entire family, who were a constant source of enthusiasm, support, patience, and love during this project. •


Acknowledgements 5

A tremendous THANK YOU to the following Guild members who were chairmen of the testing committees for the various sections and to those who helped to edit them. In most cases entire chapters were involved, often holding tasting parties to evaluate recipes. Theirs was a difficult task indeed to check that we did not repeat recipes and to choose the 625 recipes for th'is book.




Quick Yeast


Cakes & Frostings





Casseroles & Main Dishes




Pork, Veal







Main Dish



Kathy Allen

Dori Freundt

Helene Richy

Oconomowoc , WI

Melrose Park, IL

Melrose Park, IL

Milwaukee Suburban Geiseman Memorial Geiseman Memorial

Margaret Hansel West Henrietta, NY Rochester

Paula Strietelmeier Valparaiso , IN Valparaiso

Ann Collard

Mary Horn

Barb Bressler

Joyce Kontak

Marge Demuth

Faith Rechel

Marilyn Ochs

Sue Minster

Cindy Russler

West Seneca, NY

West Seneca, NY

Lakefront, CA

Elmore, OH

Union Grove, WI

Dublin, OH Indianapolis, IN Indianapolis, IN

Appleton, WI

Jan Schlegelmilch Michigan City, IN

Sharon Erickson

Sue Hill

Kay Moore

Laurie Jones

Kay Mellom

JoAnne Savage

Kris Krueger

Laurie Jones

Kay Moore

Donna Berry

Lakewood, CA Centerville, OH Madison, WI Madison, WI Greenville, SC

Walla Walla, WA

Wauwatosa, WI Madison, WI

Madison, WI

Shoreham, NY

Barb Ediger Naperville, IL

Marge Oliphant

Naperville, IL

Marilyn Gebauer St. Paul, MN

Southtowns of Erie County

Southtowns of Erie County

Saddleback Valley

Trinity Elmore


Columbus Capital Bells




Michigan City

Harbor Lights

Greater Dayton



South Carolina

Walla Walla

Milwaukee Golden Gems




Nape r'ti ille


St. Paul

Valparaiso University


For many of its first 85 years, Valparaiso University was the beneficiary and/or victim of war and erratic economic ups and downs. Begun in 1859 by Methodists, Valparaiso University was then known as the Valparaiso Male and Female College , a pioneer in coeducation. However, the devastating Civil War forced the institution to shut down in 1871 . It re-opened in 1873 as Northern Indiana Normal School with Henry Baker Brown as its founder and president. He re-named it Valparaiso College in 1900. The institution took on a new and expanded character with the acquisition of the Northern Indiana Law School (originally founded in 1879) in 1905. The "golden years" which followed produced alumni who distinguished themselves in government, education, science , art, business, and most professions, -a direct result of the inexpensive higher learning which the university, now named Valparaiso University, afforded.

Another war, World War I, brought decline and bankruptcy to this once vital school. In 1925 the Lutheran University Association purchased the university with the stated purpose of educating the church laity. Gradually building the enrollment despite the Great Depression of the 1930s, the institution faced another crisis of war , World War II. However, with the return of the veterans in 1946, armed with the "GI bill ," Valparaiso University expanded, increasing its enrollment five-fold. The expansion included the addition of colleges of Bus i ness Adm inistration, Engineering , Nursing , and Christ College, along with a graduate division

Valparaiso University expanded physically as well , building a new campus with the Chapel as its focus, east of the original "old " campus . In recent years additional structures include the Athletic Recreation Center (ARC) and the College of Business building (Urschel Hall). In July of 1993 ground was broken for the new Center for the Visual and Performing Arts (CVPA).

Our Lord has mightily blessed this University as it continues to provide quality education. Recognition for its academic excellence has been forthcoming from many sources. It has been named at the top, or near the top , of U S News and World Report's annual "America's Best Colleges" report.

Instead of backing away from its religious roots in the Lutheran church, Valparaiso University , through its Board of Directors, has affirmed its stance. The mission statement, adopted in 1990, states: "Valparaiso University, a private institution of higher learning distinguished by its Lutheran heritage of scholarship, freedom and faith , provides strong programs of liberal and professional studies well-grounded in the arts and sciences by a faculty dedicated to challenging teaching and care for the individual in a residential setting where its students can develop as whole persons , motivated and prepared to serve both church and society."


The Valparaiso University Guild


In 1931 the Great Depression gripped this country, affecting every aspect of daily living. Valparaiso University, purchased by a group of dedicated Lutheran pastors and laymen in the euphoric economic atmosphere of the 1920s, was again in crisis. Churches had a difficult time meeting their obligations. Friends of the University could not meet the pledges given in more prosperous times. It was essential that a broad-based support group be formed to win over a constituency which would aid Valparaiso University financially and spiritually. Discussions with officials and pastors of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod revealed that the formation of a women's auxiliary would be viewed favorably.

On April 13, 1931, in response to an invitation signed by Mrs. John Hemmeter, Mrs. H. A. Eberline of Detroit, Mrs. H. F. Rohrman of Chicago, Mrs. H. A. Dahlen of New York, Mrs. W. A. Maier of St. Louis, and Mrs. 0. C. Kreinheder of Valparaiso, a group of 25 women met on the campus to formally organize The National Women's Committee of the Lutheran University Association. Officers elected at that initial meeting were Mrs. E. W. Schultz of Sheboygan, president, and Miss Lily Fedder of Hammond, secretary These women determined that their objectives were: to create and develop a greater interest in the University as an institution of Christian higher learning; to give financial assistance to University through the Lutheran University Association; to assist in increasing student enrollment; and to seek to provide facilities necessary for the students' welfare. In October, 1932, the annual meeting agenda included drawing up a constitution. The name of this organization became Valparaiso University Guild in 1938.

Because of its many chapters from coast to coast, the Guild has been a "presence" for Valparaiso University, many times in communities where the name would not be known except for the work the members do for the University. The Guild adopted a formal student recruitment program, the Person-to-Person program, in 1973. This continues to be one of the most important aspects of Guildsponsored activity and one enthusiastically endorsed by the Admissions Director.

In a world of constant change, the Valparaiso University Guild, in 1990, began the process of strategic planning in order to be able to renew and continually improve itself. This time of renewal has resulted in the drafting of a Statement of Vision and Statement of Mission, based on the values we hold in common. This process provides the basis for establishing goals and objectives.

Our opportunities are limited only by our imaginations. This renewal is an ongoing task that will enable us to prosper as a dynamic organization serving Valparaiso University well into the future.


8 Guild Projects

From its beginning, the Valparaiso University Guild has held as one of its purposes the raising of funds to assist the University. While the national organization in Convention decides the specific national project, the individual chapters make their own decisions regarding the manner in which they will raise funds that will enable them to contribute to the national project.

The national projects have ranged from new beds for Altruria Hall and mattresses for Lembke Hall, to the present project, the lobby for the Center for the Visual and Performing Arts.

In the tenth anniversary Convention the women of the Valparaiso University Guild took a giant leap of faith in their decision to put all funds for the years 1941-1945 toward the building of a women's dormitory, to be named "Guild Hall". The fiveyear plan, presented by President Kretzmann, was to raise $75,000. These were war years, years of privation and rationing; yet when the totals were announced, the women had exceeded their goal by $23,255!

Guild Projects 9

Undaunted by the challenges placed before them, the Guild voted to furnish the Prayer Chapel in the new Chapel of the Resurrection. The old Auditorium housing the chapel was destroyed by fire November 27, 1956. A beautiful new chapel , seating 3,000 was built on the new "east" campus . Guild members voted to name the new Prayer Chapel, located under the chancel, Gloria Christi Chapel. Dedication Day was September 27, 1959, the Sunday of Convention week. President Kretzmann preached on Psalm 96:9, saying in part, "You have given those who will come after you a place, a lovely place, to worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness "

It was decided at the fiftieth anniversary convention to institute another 5-year project, this time to build the racquetball courts in the new Athletic Recreation center, nicknamed "The ARC". The $500,000 goal was met in that time frame.

Current National Project

For many years, the women of the Valparaiso University Guild yearned for a Performing Arts facility. They were complimented when, in 1988, they were asked to be a founding contributor toward the construction of the proposed facility. It was concluded that such a pledge from the Guild would encourage other University constituencies to adopt similar commitments to the challenge of providing the Center for the Visual and Performing Arts. The Guild, in Convention, asking the blessing of our Lord upon this undertaking and the Guild's portion of that undertaking, enthusiastically voted to raise "a minimum of $500,000" for the lobby of the Center for the Visual and Performing Arts. It would appear that the decision of the women of the Valparaiso University Guild has been greatly blessed as their commitment reaches its completion and the construction begins. Everyone looks forward to the expected occupancy of the Center for the Visual and Performing Arts in the spring of 1995!


Current National Project 11

On Saturday, July 24, 1993, in beautiful weather sandwiched between days of hot, muggy weather, the Celebration of Groundbreaking for the Center for the Visual and Performing Arts was held. Large red and white, green and white, and yellow and white striped tents were placed in the exact area where the building will be constructed. An arch of multicolored balloons marked the entry to the main tent where a luncheon was served to the invited guests and where the Celebration of the Arts Program took place later in the afternoon.

Valparaiso University Guild President Barbara Reithmeier participates in the groundbreaking ceremony July 24, 1993.

12 Guild Scholarship Recipients


From 1975 until the present time, scholarships have been awarded from earnings received from the sale of Guild cookbooks . As of the end of the fiscal year 1992-93, the amount in that endowed fund was $378,440.00. The scholarships were awarded , in most cases, to incoming freshmen students. As long as the student maintained a 3.0 GPA or above, the scholarship was renewed each year.

In 1985, it was thought that the earnings were great enough that two freshman scholarships could be awarded each year. This continued through 198889, at which time one freshman scholarship was awarded. Beginning with the 1993-94 school year, two freshman scholarships will once again be awarded.

Following are the names of the Guild scholarship recipients and the Guild chapters of which their mothers are/were members :

1975-76 Jr.

Mark Bromann, Glen Ellyn IL

Mrs. Gloria Bromann, DuPage Chapter

So. Cynthia Silhan, Chicago IL

Mrs. Arthur Silhan, Former Chicago Chapter

Fr. Rudolph Beese, Beloit WI

Mrs. Hilda Beese, Beloit Chapter

1976-77 Fr.

1977-78 Fr.

1978-79 Fr.

1979-80 Fr.

1980-81 Fr. Fr.

1981-82 Fr.

1982-83 Fr.

Jan Eckenfels, Cincinnati OH

Mrs. Betty Eckenfels, Cincinnati Chapter

Hans Lichtfuss, Boulder CO

Mrs. Janie Lichtfuss, Boulder Chapter

Anne Yox, Buffalo NY

Mrs. Lois Yox, Buffalo Chapter

Mark Mielke, Berkeley IL

Mrs. Gladys Mielke, Elm Chapter

Pamela Hack, Fountain Valley CA

Mrs. Judy Tesch, Harbor Lights Chapter

Jeff Jungemann (Spring Semester Only), Oak Park IL

Mrs. Jackie Jungemann, Geiseman Chapter

Kristine Kolterman, Wilton CT

Mrs. Millie Kolterman, Former Nutmeg Chapter

Patricia Jaeger, Burnsville MN

Mrs. Loy Jaeger, Land of Lakes Chapter

1983-84 Fr.

1984-85 Fr.


1985-86 Fr. Fr.

1986-87 Fr. Fr.

1987-88 Fr. Fr.

1988-89 Fr. Fr.

1989-90 Fr.

1990-91 Fr.

1991-92 Fr.

1992-93 Fr.

1993-94 Fr. Fr.

Guild Scholarship Recipients 13

Ann Zobel, Clearwater FL

Mrs. Margaret Zobel , St. Petersburg Chapter

Joel Jungemann, Austin TX

Mrs. Jackie Jungemann, Austin-Central TX

Carmen Kimber, Kansas City MO

Mrs. Stella Kimber, Greater Kansas City Chapter

Kyle Otten, Battle Creek Ml

Mrs. Joyce Otten, Battle Creek Chapter

John Raney, St. Petersburg FL

Mrs. Barbara Raney, St. Petersburg Chapter

Christina Scheidt, Dayton OH

Mrs. Judy Scheidt, Greater Dayton Chapter

Greg Haecker, Sheboygan WI

Mrs. Karen Haecker, Sheboygan Chapter

Amy Gebauer, St. Paul MN

Mrs. Marilyn Gebauer, St. Paul Chapter

Scott Cancilla, North East PA

Mrs. Susan Cancilla, North East PA Chapter

Tana Netsch, Omaha NE

Mrs. Jean Netsch, Omaha Chapter

Angela Hardel, Orlando FL

Mrs. Carolyn Hardel, Orlando Chapter

Stephen Easton, Penfield NY

Mrs. Chita Easton, Rochester Chapter

Joel Hieber, Woodburn IN

Mrs. Jean Hieber, Fort Wayne Chapter

Heidi Eilers, Bellevue WA

Mrs. Virginia Eilers, Puget Sound Chapter

Julie Osterland, North Olmsted OH

Mrs. Carol Osterland, Cleveland Chapter

Peter DeMik, Arlington VA

Mrs. Elizabeth DeMik, Northern Virginia Chapter



1931-33 - Mrs. E. W. Schultz (Deceased)

1933-36 - Mrs. H. W. Bartels (Deceased)

1936-39 - Mrs. H. A. Eberline (Deceased)

1939-42 - Mrs. Walter N. Hoppe (Deceased)

1942-45 - Mrs A. A. Taube (Deceased)

1945-48 - Miss Louise F. Nicolay (Deceased)

1948-51 - Mrs. Walter A. Hansen (Deceased)

1951-54 - Mrs. E.T. J. Birner, Champaign IL

1954-57 - Mrs. William A. Drews , Mentor OH

1957-60 - Mrs. Roy Frank (Deceased)

1960-63 - Mrs . Frederick Schmalz (Deceased)

1963-66 - Mrs. Cyril M. Wismar, Falls Village CT

1966-68 - Mrs. Louis A. Jacobs (Deceased)

1968-70 - Mrs. Fred Froehlich , Appleton WI

1970-72 - Mrs. Gene Bahls, Bourbonnais IL

1972-74 - Mrs . Hershel Madoerin, Omaha NE

1974-76 - Mrs. Armin Lichtfuss, Valparaiso IN

1976-78 - Mrs John Jungemann, Austin TX

1978-80 - Mrs. Roy W. Maas , Savannah GA

1980-82 - Mrs. D. W. Russler, Hilton Head Island SC

1982-84 - Mrs. Arthur Amling, Des Plaines IL

1984-86 - Mrs. Joseph Mattes, Roswell GA

1986-88 - Mrs . Ted Schuessler, Sunset Hills MO

1988-90 - Mrs. Ralph Krueger, Milwaukee WI

1990-92 - Mrs. James Sauer, Worthington OH


1945-47 - Mrs . Ernest G. Schwiebert (Deceased)

1947-52 - Mrs C R. Heidbrink (Deceased)

1952-75 - Mrs . E. H . Ruprecht , Thousand Oaks CA

1975-83 - Mrs. Norman Nagel , Clayton MO

1983-89 - Mrs. James Nuechterle i n, Valparaiso IN



First Vice President

Second Vice President



Executive Director

Mrs. Alton Riethmeier , Victor NY

Mrs. Dan Wick, Bellevue WA

Mrs. Gerhard Pera, Scott City KS

Mrs. Kenneth Rakow, Columbia TN

Mrs. Rob Mathuny, Corona del Mar CA

Mrs. Armin Lichtfuss, Valparaiso IN

14 Guild Officers

About This Book 15

For your reading and cooking pleasure we bring to you The Guild Cookbook, Volume IV, a completely new book! We carry on the tradition of including a diverse selection of recipes submitted and tested by Guild women in chapters all over the country. All recipes have been clarified for accuracy. You will notice several special features of this cookbook.

An exciting "first" is the colored section dividers! The Guild is a strong supporter of the arts at Valparaiso University as evidenced by our pledge for the Center for the Visual and Performing Arts. We were therefore pleased to select artwork from the University collection that is both appropriate for the section and often has a specific connection to the University and to the Gu ild.

As you page through the book, notice another new feature-symbols at the top of some recipes to tell you at a glance what type it is.

J-.. Food Pyramid Part of a healthful eating plan. In choosing these recipes we were concerned about fat, sodium, and sugar. (See page 284 for an explanation of the Food Pyramid.

Globe An authentic international recipe or one that has been adapted and has an international flavor .

Chef's Hat Recipes considered quite special-possibly company fare, and often taking more preparation than other recipes of the same type.


Stopwatch Fast and/or Easy. Generally has 5 ingredients or less and may be prepared easily without a great deal of cutting, chopping, and measuring. May require long unattended cooking.

r-m:a Microwave Recipes prepared primarily in a microwave-not those ...., that use a microwave for some small portion of preparation.

• Refrigerator Make-ahead recipes prepared the day before except IJ for last minute baking or minor preparations. Ones that may be refrigerated or frozen for long term storage. Many recipes (such as gelatins) are always prepared ahead of time and others may be reheated (such as soups), but those are not included.

We also call to your attention the HEALTHFUL EATING TIP found after some of the main dish recipes which was added by either the submitter herself, a dietician, a home economist, or one of the editors. Many submitted recipes were already healthful, reflecting the concern of many people today for better eating. Additional tips and recipes appear at the bottoms of some pages.

The last very prominent feature of this book is the combined index for all four of our published volumes. We received many requests for such an index because it is often difficult to remember which volume contains Grandma's Super Sugar Cookies or Uncle Henry's Pickled Pigs Feet! It is written alphabetically by categories, the style used in professional cookbook indexes today. Most recipes are listed in 2-3 different places and will be easy to find.

We hope you will derive much joy and satisfaction in preparing recipes from this cookbook as well as in knowing you have contributed to our student scholarship endowment fund.




SALADS. . . . . . . . . . . .


VEGETABLES . . . . . .






33- 64

65- 96


129 -192



241 -272




. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 16
17- 32

Joseph Cornell, American 1903-1973

Untitled (Wine Glass), Mid-1960s Collage, 11-15/16 x 9-1/16 inches

Valparaiso University Museum of Art

Gift of Mrs. Betty Benton

Joseph Cornell, an object and assemblage maker, here combines clippings from the popular ress iQtO an image of a purified world where a mysteriously secure glass of wine and the all-pervasive sky sparkle with life The donor, Mrs. Betty Benton, is the sister of Joseph Cornell. Mrs, Benton gave the collage to Valparaiso University largely because of her friendship with her neighbor and long-time VU Guild member, Joan Derryberry.

Appetizers APPETIZERS BEVERAGES Ann's Salmon Pate 21 Coffee and Tea Tips ... .. .. ................ .. ...... 32 Apple Dip 17 Company Tea 32 Beer Balls ................ .. .. .... ... ................... 29 Cranberry Wine Punch 31 Blue Cheese Dip ... .. ....... ... ............... .... .. 17 Mediterranean Coffee ... ... ..... ..... .... .. ..... .32 Blue Cheesecake 20 Sparkling Pink Punch 31 Broiled Cheesy Party Ryes 29 White Sangria Punch 32 Cheddar Chutney Spread 20 Cheese and Baco Puffs 29 Cheesy Carrot Dip ................. .... ... ...... ... 26 Cheesy Muffin Bites 28 Chicken Little Can apes 22 Chili Cheese Squares 28 Chinese Fried Walnuts 25 Cocktail Lamb Meatballs .. .................. .... 30 Cucumber Rounds ......... ......... ... ... ......... 22 Delicious Peanut Apple Dip 17 Dill Snack Crax 25 Dippin' Chili Pizza .......... .. ... .... .......... ..... 26 Easy Shrimp Dip 19 Easy Taco Dip 26 Fast Fresh Salsa ... ....... .. ......... .............. .19 Grape Garnishes for Cheese Trays ....... 21 Green Pepper Dip 18 Guacamole ................ ..... .................... .. .18 Haystack .. ........................ .... .. .. ...... ........ 22 Hors d'oeuvres Pie 24 Hot Bean Dip ...... ..... ... ..... .......... ............ 26 Hot Taco Appetizer 27 Jezebel Sauce 20 Kind-To-Your-Heart Stuffed Mushrooms 30 Low Calorie Bites 21 Low-Cal Mushrooms 30 Mexican Cheese Dip 27 Mustard Dip for Pretzels .. .. .................... 18 Norris Nibbles 25 Peanut Butter Dip 17 Pizza Fondue 28 Popcorn Treats 25 Reuben Dip 26 Spicy Mustard Sauce ...... ... .................... 19 Stuffed Snow Peas 23 Super Bowl Dip 27 Super Shrimp Spread ..... ....................... 20 Three-Peppered Quesadillas 31 Tortilla Pinwheels 23 Veggie Pizza ..... ...... ........... .. .... ....... ....... 24

Cold Dips/Appetizers 17


8 oz. regular or light cream cheese, softened

1/2 cup dark brown sugar

1 tsp. vanilla

1/2 cup coarsely chopped peanuts

Tart red and green apples

Lemon juice or Fruit Fresh

Cream cheese, brown sugar, and vanilla together. Stir in peanuts. Slice apples into lemon juice (or other citrus fruit juice) or Fruit Fresh mixed with water to prevent discoloration. Drain and serve.

Editor's note: 1/2-3/4 cup light brown sugar and 1 Tbls vanilla may be used. Use dry roasted or salted peanuts.

Verna (Mietz) Buis Valparaiso, IN


4 oz. blue cheese, crumbled

4 oz. cream cheese, softened

3 Tbls. dry vermouth

1 small clove garlic, mashed or minced

Sour cream as needed


Variation #1: Use 3/4 cup light brown sugar and 1/4 cup white sugar instead of the dark brown sugar. Finely chop the peanuts.

Nelda Hinz-Saginaw, Ml

Variation #2: Peanut Butter Dip. Mix 1 cup peanut butter, 1 cup brown sugar, and 1 (5 3/4 oz.) can evaporated milk together. (no additional peanuts)

Marilyn (Moeller) Holmquist West Bend, WI

Variation #3: Apple Dip. Melt 1/2 stick butter or margarine. Stir in 8 oz. cream cheese , 3/4 cup brown sugar, and 1 tsp. vanilla and blend. (no peanuts)

Dorothy Crampton-Chesterton, IN

In electric mixer cream all ingredients, adding sour cream to make mixture of dipping texture. Use to dip fruits such as grapes, pears, and apples or to dip vegetables such as celery, carrots, green onions, raw sliced turnips, and zucchini.

Tester's note: For blue cheese lovers! Add extra sour cream for a great salad dressing.

Carol Lu (Menze) Bieberich Fort Wayne, IN

• •
bottom of page 128 for additional fruit dips.

Appetizers/Cold Dips


2 ripe avocados, mashed

1 large tomato, chopped

1/4 cup mild or medium salsa

2-3 tsp. lime juice

1-2 tsp. garlic salt

Chopped fresh cilantro to taste

Mix all ingredients together and refrigerate. Allow flavors to blend for several hours, if possible. Use for dipping with tortilla chips or as topping for other southwestern dishes as desired.

Joyce (Rullman) Rich-Lomita, CA


4 green peppers

1 small onion

2 tsp. corn or other oil

1 tsp. salt

1 tsp. lemon juice

6 Tbls. sugar

1 (8 oz.) pkg. cream cheese, softened

1/4 cup Miracle Whip

Vegetables or taco chips

Grate or chop green pepper and onion in food processor Drain and discard fluid. Place peppers, oil, salt, lemon juice, and sugar in small bowl and marinate in refrigerator for a day. Drain thoroughly-use spoon to squeeze through sieve. Beat cream cheese and mayonnaise and add pepper mixture to it. Serve with vegetables or taco chips. May be frozen.

Tester's note: Try this if you're looking for something different. It's a refreshing dip for summer.

Carol (Bergmann) Lamm-Appleton, WI


1/4 cup dry mustard

2 Tbls. vinegar

1 Tbls. water

1/4 cup sugar

1 egg yolk

8 oz. cream cheese, softened

Yield: 12 oz. of dip

In very small saucepan mix mustard, vinegar, and water; cook over low heat until blended. Using wire wisk add sugar and egg yolk ; cook mixture until thickened. Cool to room temperature. Cream cheese, add mustard sauce, and beat until creamy. Refrigerate.

Note: During the year save attractive glass jars from jams , chutney , or specialty items. At Christmas fill them with dip and give to friends.

Judy (Weiherman) Schumacher Brookfield, WI

• •

20 Appetizers/Cold Spreads



1 cup crushed butter crackers, such as Ritz

1 Tbls. butter, melted

1 1/2 Tbls. mayonnaise


16 oz. cream cheese

8 oz. blue cheese

2/3 cup sour cream

2/3 cup mayonnaise



Combine crust ingredients; press into 1Oinch springform pan. Bake 10 minutes at 350°. Cream cheeses; add sour cream and mayonnaise; add eggs one at a time, beating thoroughly. Pour into baked crust; bake 45-60 minutes at 300° until toothpick comes out clean. Allow to cool or bake the day ahead. Cut in small pieces or let guests cut their own. Have extra crackers available.

Tester's note: Great for a large party! A favorite of many guests.

Lynn Bahls-Bourbonnais, IL


1 (8 oz.) pkg. cream cheese, softened

1 (12 oz.) bottle chili sauce

8 oz. cooked shrimp, cut in pieces

1 cup chopped green pepper

1 cup green onions, chopped 8 oz. shredded Mozzarella cheese


• II

Spread cream cheese on round serving plate. Spread chili sauce on top. Arrange shrimp, green pepper, and onions. Sprinkle with cheese. Refrigerate for 3-4 hours to blend flavors. Take out half an hour before serving. Serve with crackers.

Editor's note: For a southwestern flavor, substitute salsa for chili sauce, add 1/4 cup finely chopped cilantro on top, and use Monterey Jack cheese instead of Mozzarella.

Donna Petersohn-Evansville, IN


Jezebel Sauce. In a food processor blend a 1O oz. jar each apple jelly and pineapple preserves, 1/4 cup horseradish, 3 Tbls. dry mustard, and 1 tsp. pepper. Pour sauce over an 8 oz. pkg. cream cheese.

Cheddar Chutney Spread. Soften 8 oz. cream cheese and 6 oz. shredded Cheddar cheese; blend with 2 tsp. apple cider or sherry and 1/2 tsp. curry powder. Spread on serving plate; cover with 1/2 cup chopped chutney, then 2 Tbls. finely chopped green onions. (Could also add raisins, toasted coconut, and/or peanuts.)


1/2 cup Coleman's dry mustard

1/2 cup white vinegar

1/2 cup sugar

1 egg, beaten


2 (8 oz.) pkgs. cream cheese, softened

1 (10 3/4 oz.) can cream of shrimp soup

2 Tbls. lemon juice

1/2-1 tsp. paprika

1/4-1/2 tsp. garlic powder


1 (28 oz.) can whole tomatoes

3/4 cup chopped celery

3/4 cup chopped green bell pepper

1/2 cup chopped onion

Jalapeiio peppers to taste

Optional ingredients: salt, pepper, chili pepper seasoning, garlic salt

Yield: One quart salsa

Cold Dips/Appetizers 19

Soak mustard in vinegar overnight. The next day add the sugar and the beaten egg. Cook in double boiler until thick, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and continue to stir until it stops steaming. Cover and refrigerate Serve with cubes of Monterey Jack cheese or use sparingly as an intriguing condiment. Keeps indefinitely in the refrigerator.

Note: Coleman's mustard is very finely ground and is the best to yield the silky texture of this sauce. This is potent-a great hit with men. This recipe is the origin of the jars of sweet and tangy mustard you see in gift shops.

Sharon Hollenberger-Mequon, WI 0

Blend all ingredients on low in mixer Chill and serve with potato chips, pretzel sticks, or vegetables.

Editor's note: Stir in a 5-6 oz. pkg. small cooked frozen shrimp for extra flavor.

Debbie (Karstens) Moore-Valparaiso, IN

Puree tomatoes in blender. Stir all ingredients together. Refrigerate.

Tester's note: Great for dipping or your favorite Mexican dishes!

Judy (Stresney) Waetjen-Eugene, OR


Tips/Cold Bites/Appetizers 21


1 small onion, finely chopped

1 Tbls. butter

1 lb. fresh cooked salmon or 1 (15 1/2 oz.) can, drained, skinned, boned

8 oz. cream cheese, softened 3eggs

2 Tbls. white wine vinegar

1 Tbls. snipped fresh dill or 3/4 tsp. dried

1/3 cup low fat Miracle Whip

1/3 cup sour cream




In small skillet saute onion in butter until tender. In food processor combine salmon, cream cheese , eggs, vinegar, and dill; blend. Pour into an attractive quiche dish or a tart , cake, or springform pan with removable sides. Bake and cool. Cover and chill 4-48 hours. CorTlbine Miracle Whip and sour cream. Spread on top; decorate with fresh dill sprigs and cherry tomatoes if desired and serve with crackers . (Dried dill weed loses its flavor easily. Buy smaller quantities more often:)

Debi Schumacher-Seoul, Korea

8 or 9-inch round 325 ° 25-35 minutes


Make yogurt "cheese" to replace some of cream cheese in dips and spreads. Put 1 pint (2 cups) good quality yogurt without gelatin or artificial sweeteners, etc. (like Dannon) into coffee filter or cheesecloth set in strainer over bowl; cover top with plastic wrap Let sit overnight-liquid will drain into bowl. You will have I cup thick cream cheese type product to use.


Serve your favorite dip in a raw fruit or vegetable container . Hollow out a grapefruit, pineapple, green pepper, squash, large cucumber, etc .


Dip clean dry grape clusters in egg whites that have been beaten with a fork. Roll in sugar and let dry on a wire rack .

Beat together 8 oz. softened cream cheese, 2 oz. Roquefort, and 2 Tbls. cream until smooth. Coat clean dry grapes with cheese mixture and roll in toasted chopped nuts; chill.


Cook 1 (10 oz.) pkg. frozen Brussels sprouts; drain and cut large ones in half. Combine 1/2 cup low calorie Italian salad dressing, 1 1/2 tsp. dried parsley flakes, and 1 1/2 tsp. chopped onion; pour over warm sprouts. Marinate overnight in Ziploc bag in refrigerator. Serve with picks. 1O calories each! (Canned artichokes or fresh mushrooms may also be marinated.)

Appetizers/Cold Bites


1 (5 oz.) can chicken spread

1 Tbls. light salad dressing

1/2 cup chopped salted almonds

1 Tbls. sweet pickle relish

melba rounds or squares

Canned jellied cranberry sauce


8 oz. cream cheese, softened

1 pkg. dry Italian salad dressing mix

1 loaf cocktail rye bread rounds

1 cucumber, sliced

Seasoned salt to taste

Yield: 2 dozen appetizers

Combine chicken, dressing, almonds, and relish. Spread on melba rounds. Garnish with tiny cutouts of jellied cranberry sauce.

Tester's note: Very good-attractive and colorful!

Marilyn Krueger-Milwaukee, WI

Beat cheese and dressing mix until creamy. Spread on rye. Top with a slice of cucumber. Sprinkle with a dash of seasoned salt.

Tester's note: Excellent! Great in the summer or anytime. Can also use dry ranch style dressing mix

Janet (Harger) Bunn-Inverness, IL


2 (8 oz.) pkgs. cream cheese, softened

2 cups chopped deli thinlysliced ham

8 green onions, thinly-sliced

3 Tbls. mayonnaise

1 Tbls. Worcestershire sauce

1/2 tsp. garlic powder

1/4 tsp. salt

Dash pepper

8 (10-inch) flour tortillas

Chopped nuts for garnish, if desired

Combine all ingredients except tortillas. Center one tortilla on a large, flat serving dish. Spread 1/8 of the filling thinly over tortilla . Continue to layer tortillas and filling until all are used Using a very sharp large butcher knife, cut all the way through the tortilla stack into 1-inch square servings. Garnish . For smaller groups , use 6 or 8inch tortillas and reduce the amount of the cream cheese mixture used.

Tester ' s note: Unique appearance! Surround with parsley sprigs and cherry tomatoes . Serve with toothpicks.

Faith (Guebert) Rechel-Dublin, OH


Cold Bites/Appetizers 23


2 (8 oz.) pkgs. cream cheese

1 pkg. ranch style dry dressing mix

2 finely chopped green onions

4 (12-inch) flour tortillas

1/2 cup diced red pepper

1/2 cup diced celery

1 (2 3/4 oz.) can sliced black olives, drained

Yield: 4 dozen appetizers

Mix first three ingredients and spread on tortillas. Sprinkle the remaining ingredients evenly on cheese mixture. Press topping firmly onto cheese mixture with spatula. Roll each tortilla and wrap tightly with plastic wrap. Chill for two hours. Unwrap and cut into 3/4-inch slices. May be made a day or two ahead and kept chilled.

Tester's note: Serve with a dish of salsa for dipping, if desired. Attractive and colorful!

Vi Brelje-Orange, CA

Variation: Substitute combination of finely chopped broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, celery, and peppers for the red pepper and celery. Add some cheddar cheese.

Tester's note: Chopping the vegetables slightly in a food processor makes this much easier to assemble, since large chunks of vegetables will tend to fall out of the tortilla. Be prepared to share the recipe!

Marion Burkman-Highland, IN

Editor's note: Many variations are possible using the cream cheese, 1/4 cup mayonnaise, and seasonings as desired. Try any or all listed in the recipe for Buttermilk dressing in the salad section. Add taco seasoning and a little salsa to the cream cheese for a Mexican flavor. For a ham variation add some finely chopped green onions, a dash of Worcestershire, and some pickle relish to the cream cheese and lay slices of deli-style ham on top. If you are a mustard lover, add mustard and green onions to the cream cheese, sprinkle grated Swiss or Cheddar on top and then add the ham. Try a seafood combination. Be creative with this versatile recipe! Don't forget to write down your winning combination!


50 fresh snow peas

8 oz. Neufchatel cheese, softened

1 cup shredded drained radishes

1/2 cup finely chopped pecans (optional)

1 tsp. garlic powder

1 1/2 tsp. dill weed

Salt to taste

Blanch pea pods in boiling salted water no more than a minute until crisp-tender. Drain and immediately immerse in cold water; drain and refrigerate. Carefully slit straightest side of each pod. Combine remaining ingredients and fill pods with a demitasse spoon or pastry bag. Also good with herbed cheese filling or dried beef and cream cheese spread. An easy option is to dab the filling on top of the raw or blanched pea pod.

Tami Scheck-Sussex, WI

Appetizers/Cold Bites


2 (8 oz.) pkgs. refrigerated crescent rolls

1 (8 oz.) pkg. cream cheese, softened

1 cup mayonnaise

1 envelope dry ranch-type dressing mix

Chopped vegetables such as: broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, celery, cucumber, green pepper, black olives, onions, radishes, tomatoes

Shredded Cheddar cheese

Yield: 50-60 squares

Pan: 17 x 11-inch cookie sheet

Oven: 350 °

Bake: 10 minutes

Unroll the crescent dough; press onto cookie sheet, covering comp I et e Iy and pinching seams together. Bake and cool. Beat together cream cheese, mayonnaise, and dressing mix. Spread on crust. Chop any combination of vegetables very finely and sprinkle on top, pressing gently Sprinkle cheese on top; refrigerate. Cut into squares as desired

Mikki Matheson-Boulder, CO

Variation #1: Two round pizza pans may be used ; bake at 400 ° for 8-1 O minutes Use 2 (8 oz.) pkgs. cream cheese and 2/3 cup mayonnaise. One tsp. each dillweed and onion powder may be substituted for the dry dressing mix Brands preferred are Pillsbury and Hidden Valley.

Lois Ann Gersch-Cudahy, WI

Variation #2: Use 2 (8 oz.) pkgs. cream cheese, 11 1/2 cups mayonnaise, and 1/2 cup sour c.ream. Use 3 cups Cheddar cheese. May make half the recipe using a 13 x 9-inch pan, 1 1/2 Tbls. dressing mix, and half of other ingredients. A food processor shortens the veggie chopping time.

Variation #3: Spread only 8 oz. low cholestrol sour cream mixed with light ranch dressing on base. Then sprinkle 8 oz. Mozzarella cheese on that. Top with chopped broccoli and cauliflower. Green onions and any other favorite vegetables may be added.

Variation #4: Hors d'Oeurves Pie. Pat 1 frozen 9-inch pastry shell, thawed, into 11inch circle; pierce thoroughly with fork. Bake at 425 ° for 8 minutes until lightly browned Cool. Use 1 (8 oz.) pkg. cream cheese , 2 oz. blue cheese (opt.), 1/2 cup mayonnaise, and 1/2 tsp. onion or garlic salt. Place vegetables in circles around pastry. Suggestions are: cherry tomatoes (cut in half), sliced fresh mushrooms, chopped parsley, finely-chopped hardcooked eggs, and ripe olives. Place whole cherry tomato in center . Cut in wedges.

• •

Nuts & Nibbles/Appetizers 25


1 (11 oz.) pkg. oyster crackers

1 (1.6 oz.) pkg. Hidden Valley original salad dressing mix

2 Tbls. dried dill weed

2/3 cup vegetable oil

1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper


Mix all the dry ingredients in a large bowl. Warm oil in microwave, pour over the dry ingredients, and mix well. Leave it awhile, then mix again. Positively addictive!

Pat Norris-Glenview, IL

Variation: Dill Snack Crax. Mix 1 cup light oil, 1 (.4 oz.) pkg dressing mix, and 1 tsp. dill weed. Stir in oyster crackers and mix thoroughly. Store in sealed plastic bag or covered can. Prepare several days before using to allow time for crackers to absorb oil mixture.

Marie Piepenbrink-Chicago Heights, IL


4 cups walnut halves and pieces

1/2 cup sugar

Salad oil for frying

1/8 tsp. salt

In large pan over high heat, boil 6 cups of water. Add nuts and reheat to boiling. Cook 1 minute. Rinse under hot water and drain well. Toss nuts with sugar. Heat 1 inch of oil to 350 ° in electric frypan. Add half of the nuts and fry 5 minutes or until golden, stirring often. With slotted spoon, remove nuts to coarse sieve to drain. Sprinkle with salt. Transfer to waxed paper to cool . Repeat with remainder of nuts. Store tightly covered.


To 4 cups of popped corn add:

ltalian-2 Tbls . melted butter, 1/4 cup Parmesan cheese, 1 tsp. oregano, and 1/2 tsp. garlic salt.

Fire-eaters-2 Tbls. melted butter, 1/2 tsp. chili powder, 1/4 tsp. salt, and crushed red pepper to taste.

Nutso-2 Tbls melted butter, 1 cup unsalted nuts, and 1/4 tsp salt. Sweet Treat-1 cup M&M's, chocolate, or other flavored morsels.

Appetizers/Hot Dips


8 oz. cream cheese, softened

1 (15 oz.) can Hormel chili with beans

2 cups grated Jalepeiio pepper cheese

2 cups grated sharp Cheddar cheese

1 bunch green onions, chopped (stems and some tops)

2 green peppers, seeded and chopped

2 large fresh tomatoes, seeded and chopped

1 (15 oz.) can pitted black olives, sliced Tortilla chips




13 x 9-inch glass 300° 20 minutes

Spread cream cheese on bottom of casserole. Layer in order, the chili, cheeses, onions, green peppers, tomatoes, and black olives. Bake until cheese melts. The trick is not to let the vegetables cook, so watch carefully. Serve with tortilla chips.

Karla Horn-Eggertsville, NV


Variation #1: Easy Taco Dip. Use a 1quart casserole. Substitute chili without beans and substitute 10 oz. (2 1/2 cups) shredded Monterey Jack cheese for the Jalapef\o and Cheddar cheeses. Use 1 small onion and 1 green pepper, omit tomatoes, and cover with black olives to taste. Bake at 350° for 20-25 minutes. May be made ahead and frozen.

Evelyn Gade-Forest Hill, MD

Variation #2: Beat 8 oz. cream cheese; gradually add 8 oz. sour cream and 8 oz. salsa (opt.). Stir in 9 oz. can bean dip, 1/2 (1 oz.) pkg. taco seasoning mix, and 3 green onions, sliced. Put half into 1 1/2 qt. casserole, cover with 3/4 cup shredded Monterey Jack cheese. Pour remaining mixture over and top with 3/4 cup shredded Cheddar cheese. Bake at 350° for 15 minutes.

Sylvia Luekens-Huntington Beach, CA

Variation #3: Dippin' Chili Pizza. On a 10-inch pizza pan, layer cream cheese and chili; sprinkle with 2 cups shredded Mozzarella cheese. Microwave 4 minutes or broil to melt cheese.

Verna (Mietz) Buis-Valparaiso, IN

Reuben Dip. Mix 16 oz. drained sauerkraut, 6 oz. chopped thinly-sliced corned beef (deli or Buddig), 8 oz. thousand island dressing , and 2 1/4 cups grated Swiss cheese. Microwave on HIGH for 10 minutes, stirring after 5 minutes. Serve with rye crackers.

Cheesy Carrot Dip. Mix together 1 cup grated carrots, 1 cup mayonnaise, and 1 cup Parmesan cheese. Bake at 350° for 30 minutes. Serve with crackers.


Hot Dips/Appetizers 27


1 lb. ground beef

1 medium onion, chopped

1 pkg. dry taco seasoning

1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce

15 oz. tomato sauce

8 oz. mild Mexican Velveeta cheese, diced

Pan: Crockpot

Heat: Low

Brown beef and onion and drain off any fat. Add the taco seasoning and Worcestershire sauce. Place in crackpot. Add tomato sauce and diced cheese, stir to blend, and heat on low Serve with tortilla chips for dipping.

Tester's note: 1 Tbls mild green chilies, rinsed and chopped may be added to plain Velveeta cheese.

lrmie Roggow-Hemlock, Ml

Variation: Hot Taco Appetizer. Brown 1/2 lb. ground chuck and drain fat. Add 1/2 pkg taco seasoning mix and cook as directed on pkg. Cover bottom of 9-inch pie pan with torn lettuce. Place meat on lettuce. Sprinkle with 2 medium tomatoes, chopped, and then 1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese. Place under broiler 6-8 inches from heat until cheese melts. Enjoy immediately.

Jean LaFrombois-Appleton, WI


8 oz. cream cheese, softened

1 1/2 cups sour cream

2 cups shredded _sharp Cheddar cheese

1 cup diced cooked ham

1/2 cup chopped green onion

1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce

1/2-1 (8 oz.) jar hot jalapefio peppers, drained and chopped

1 loaf round bread




10 servings 350 ° 1 hour

Cream together the cream cheese and sour cream. Add rest of ingredients except bread and mix well. Slice top off of bread and pull out middle, creating a bowl. Cut middle pieces into squares . Spoon dip into bread ; wrap in foil and bake. Serve hot with the bread squares for dipping.

Note: Men love this dip! Very hot!

Janet (Haeger) Bunn-Inverness, IL


2 lbs. ground beef

3 (30 oz.) jars Prego spaghetti sauce

3 Tbls. cornstarch

4 tsp. fennel seed

4 tsp. oregano

1 tsp. garlic powder

1 1/2 lbs. Cheddar cheese

1 1/2 lbs. Mozzarella cheese

Cubed French bread


1 lb. shredded Monterey Jack cheese (4 cups)

3/4 lb. shredded Cheddar cheese (3 cups)

8 oz. mild green chilies, drained and chopped

3 eggs, beaten

1/4 cup milk

1 Tbls. flour





30 squares 13 x 9-inch 350 ° (325° for glass) 45 minutes


2 cups grated Cheddar cheese (8 oz.)

1/2 cup chopped green onions

1/2 cup chopped ripe olives

1/2 cup mayonnaise

1 tsp. curry powder

1 (4 oz.) can chopped mushrooms, drained

6 English muffins, split




72-96 pieces 350 ° 15 minutes

Brown ground beef and drain fat. Set aside . In a large saucepan, stir together spaghetti sauce, cornstarch, fennel seed oregano, and garlic powder; heat untii thickened slightly . Add cheeses to sauce. When melted, stir in ground beef. Serve in a crockpot with French bread for dipping.

Jackie (Wagemann) Jungemann Austin, TX

Mix cheeses together. Layer half the cheese, all the chilies, and then the other half of the cheese in pan. Mix eggs, milk, and flour Pour over cheese mixture. Bake and let stand 15 minutes. Cut in squares and serve hot.

Betty Gundermann-Kirkwood, MO

Variation: Use 3 cups Monterey Jack, 1 1/2 cups Cheddar, 2 eggs, and 2 Tbls. milk with same amount of flour and chilies cut in thin strips. Bake in 9-inch square pan.

Carol (Weiss) Lestina Arlington Heights, IL

Combine all ingredients except English muffins. Spread on muffin halves and bake. Remove from oven and cut each half into 6-8 wedges. Serve hot.

Tester's note: For fast preparation chop onions, olives, and mushrooms in food processor bowl and then grate cheese in it. Very tasty!

Carol Prange-Milwaukee, WI

Appetizers/Hot Dips & Bites

Hot Bites/Appetizers 29


1 cup shredded Swiss cheese

6 slices bacon, cooked crisp and crumbled

1/2 cup pimiento-stuffed olives

1/3 cup mayonnaise

2 Tbls. chopped onion

Party rye bread

Slices pimiento-stuffed olives

Combine cheese, bacon, olives, mayonnaise, and onion; mix well. Spread on bread . Top each with an olive slice. Broil about 2 minutes or until the cheese melts; serve hot.

Lois Ann Gersch-Cudahy, WI

Variation #1: Toast bread on one side under broiler Cream 3 oz cream cheese and gradually add 1 cup mayonnaise, 3/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese , 1 finely chopped small onion , and 1/8 tsp. tabasco. Spread on untoasted side. (Bread may be toasted and cheese mixture may be prepared the day ahead.)

lrmie Roggow-Hemlock, Ml

Variation #2: Cheese and Baco Puffs. Toast 10-12 slices white firm bread. Stir together 1 cup mayonnaise, 2/3 cup grated Cheddar cheese , 2/3 cup Bacos, and 2 tsp. horseradish. Cut each slice into 4-6 pieces before broiling.

Tester's note: 1 lb. bacon, crisply cooked, may be substituted for the Bacos and more Cheddar may be added. Tasty morsels indeed!

Kathryn {Drews) Hronec-Winetka, IL


2 lbs. ground chuck


1 cup crushed cornflakes

4 tsp. dried onion soup mix

2 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. pepper

70 small pieces dill pickle

2 cups ketchup

2/3 cup beer

Yield: 6 dozen meatballs

Oven: 325°

Bake: 30 minutes

Combine chuck, eggs, cornflakes, soup mix, salt, and pepper. Wrap small amount of mixture around pickle and shape into a ball. Brown meatballs in skillet, then transfer to a 1 1/2-quart casserole and cover with mixture of ketchup and beer. Bake and serve in a chafing dish.

Editor's note: Brown in T-Fal pan or skillet sprayed with vegetable coating. Also may be placed on a jelly-roll pan and baked at 400 ° until done .

Katherine Maaske-Omaha, NE

Hot Brie Appetizer. Remove rind from the top of Brie, sprinkle with chopped pecans or almonds and brown sugar, and broil until sugar and cheese are bubbly.


Appetizers/Hot Bites


2 lbs. ground lamb

1/2 cup soy sauce

2 cloves garlic, minced

2/3 cup oriental plum sauce

Yield: 10-12 servings

Tester's note: Lamb lovers delight! More sauce may be added.

Combine lamb , soy sauce, and garlic. Shape into marble-sized balls. Arrange in a single layer in a microwave-safe dish and cover with waxed paper Cook on HIGH for 3 minutes. Turn and cook for 3 more minutes (until no longer pink in the center). Heat plum sauce in medium saucepan ; add cooked meatballs and heat 5-6 minutes until glazed.

Caroline (Schwanke) Clinard Lancaster, NY


18 medium mushrooms

2 Tbls. unsalted margarine

1/4 cup chopped onion

1 clove minced garlic

1/2 cup chopped walnuts

1/4 cup fresh bread crumbs

1 Tbls. chopped parsley

1/4 tsp. pepper

Dash of red pepper




18 appetizers 350 ° 15-20 minutes


1 (10 oz.) pkg. frozen chopped spinach

1 lb. fresh mushrooms

1 egg (or egg substitute)

1/4 cup Parmesan cheese

Dash garlic powder

Yield: Oven:


25-35 servings 350 ° 20 minutes

Remove stems from mushrooms. Chop and set aside. Melt margarine in small skillet. Add chopped stems , onions, and garlic; saute until tender or transparent. Mix in walnuts, bread crumbs, parsley, and peppers. Stuff each mushroom cap with prepared filling. Place caps on greased baking dish and bake .

Ellen Schnabel-Valparaiso, IN

Cook and drain spinach very well. Wash mushrooms; remove and chop stems. Add stems, egg, cheese, and garlic to spinach. Stuff mushrooms with mixture. Bake on broiler pan. Serve immediately.

Kathryn (Drews) Hronec Rancho Palos Verdes, CA


1 cup each thinly-sliced green, yellow, and red pepper

1/2 cup thinly-sliced onion

1/2 tsp. ground cumin

1/3 cup margarine

8 oz. cream cheese, softened

8 oz. Cheddar cheese, shredded

1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese

1O (6-inch) flour tortillas




30 appetizers 425 ° 10 minutes


1 qt. cranberry juice cocktail

1 (750 ml) bottle burgundy wine

1 (6 oz.) can frozen orange juice, thawed

1/3 cup lemon juice

2 cups sugar

1 (2 liter) bottle club soda

Yield: 30 servings

Saute peppers and onion with cumin in margarine. Drain, saving margarine drippings, and set aside. In mixer beat together the cheeses. On each tortilla place 2 Tbls. of the pepper mixture and 2 Tbls. of the cheese mixture, spreading out somewhat. Fold in half and brush with reserved margarine drippings. Bake on cookie sheet; cut into thirds. Serve warm.

Tester's note: Great as an appetizer or with a salad for lunch!

Kathy Dallman-Bayside, WI

Stir together all ingredients except club soda; chill. When ready to serve, pour in club soda.

Tester's note: Wonderful flavor! Great Christmas punch!

For a similar non-alcoholic punch use 2 qts. cranberry juice cocktail, 1 qt. orange juice, juice of 4 lemons, 1/2 cup sugar, and 2 liters of ginger ale.

Barbara (Nolde) Schoedel-Kirkwood, MO


2 (24 oz.) bottles white grape juice, chilled

2 (12 oz.) cans frozen fruit juice, thawed (apple, grape, or cherry)

2 cups water

2 liters club soda, chilled

Mix juice, concentrate, and water. Blend well. Add soda just before serving. Stir gently and add an ice ring.

Tester's note: Delicious and refreshing! Disappeared quickly at an anniversary party!

Barbara (Holzer) McKissick Naperville, IL

& Hot Bites/Appetizers

32 Beverages


1/5 gallon dry white wine

2 Tbls. sugar

2 Tbls. brandy

3 Tbls. orange liquor

2 cups bottled sparkling water (do not substitute)

Yield: About 6 cups


1/3 cup fresh or bottled lemon juice

3 Tbls. sugar

1 Orange Pekoe teabag

3 1/2 cups boiling water


Mix ingredients in the order given, stirring to dissolve the sugar before adding the sparkling water. Slices of peeled kiwi fruit or pears or seedless white grapes may be floated in punch bowl. Sprigs of mint may also be added. I use Chablis wine and apricot brandy.

Carol (Stoker) Petzold-Rockville, MD

Put all ingredients into a teapot and steep until tea is a rich, deep, golden color. Our guests constantly comment about this tea and are surprised to learn that the ingredients are so very simple.

Tester's note: Warm and relaxing with a rich golden hue!

Paula Strietelmeier-Valparaiso, IN


2 qts. strong hot coffee

1/4 cup chocolate syrup

1/3 cup sugar

4 cinnamon sticks

1 1/2 tsp. whole cloves

1/2 tsp. anise flavoring

1 each orange and lemon peel, cut into strips or twists

Whipped cream

Yield: 16 servings


Combine coffee, syrup, sugar, spices, and flavoring in a crock pot. Cover and simmer on low for 2-3 hours. Serve with twists of orange and lemon and cap of whipped cream.

Tester's note: My 15 guests at an anniversary party all really liked it. Heavy drink-good for winter. May be simmered on very low heat on a cook top.

Joan Keller-Placentia, CA

-Flavor ordinary coffee after brewing with your favorite extracts-vanilla, almond, chocolate, mint, raspberry, etc.

-For iced tea, steep a variety of tea bags to taste-2 orange pekoe, 1 orange and spice, and 1 or 2 lemon is good; add a cinnamon tea bag or a fruit-flavored one to plain tea.

Charles E. Burchfield, American 1893-1967 July (Wheatfield and Maples), 1935-43 Watercolor on paper, 31-11 /16 x 49-15/16 inches

Valparaiso University Museum of Art Gift of the artist 54.1

This image of a Midwest wheatfield ready for the summer harvest is imbued with intense inner energy. The tree leaves vibrate, the wheat sways in the hazy heat, and the tree trunks have an irridescent glow. Pictured is an endless, almost effortless, paradisal bounty The gift of this painting from Charles E. Burchfield, a Lutheran whose daughter Mary Alice graduated from VU in 1947, began VU's Burchfield collection of four watercolors, three drawings, and three wallpaper designs, many of which were acquired through the generosity of the Charles E Burchfield Foundation, Inc.

Breads QUICK BREADS MUFFINS Apple Raisin Muffins 33 Baked Fresh Donuts (Muffins) 37 Banana Walnut Muffins ........... ..... ... ...... .33 Blueberry Muffins 34 Cranberry Oat Bran Muffins 37 Fruited Oat Bran Muffins ... ..................... 37 Graham Gems 38 Lemon Blueberry Muffins 34 Morning Glory Muffins ................ ..... .... ... 36 Oat Bran Muffins 37 Orange Cranberry Muffins 35 Quivey's Grove Raspberry Muffins ........ 35 Sugar-Free Date Bran Muffins ............... 36 Zucchini Oatmeal Muffins ........ ...... ........ 38 COFFEECAKES Sundt Sticky Buns .44 Cranberry Nut Coffeecake ....... ............. .40 Ellen's German Peach Kuchen .41 Fresh Apple Coffeecake .40 Fruit Kuchen ..... .............. ....... .. ... .... ...... .41 "I Can't Believe It's So Easy" Kringle ... ..43 Italian Plum Coffeecake .42 Orange Nut Coffeecake ........ .. .............. .42 Sunflower Coffeecake .43 BREADS Aunt Martha 's Brown Bread ........ ... .. .. ....49 Banana Chocolate Chip Bread ............. .48 Brandied Apricot Loaves .47 Cheddar-Oat Quick Bread .47 Cranberry Banana Bread .............. ..... ....48 Graham Bread ................. ... ... ................ 38 Irish Soda Bread ........ ..... .... ................... 50 Molasses Brown Bread .49 Peanutty Date Loaf .48 Sweet Corn Bread ... .. .. .. .................... ... .44 OTHER Apple Pancakes 39 Best Blueberry Pancakes 39 Cornmeal Biscuits .45 Dutch Blankets .46 Low Cholesterol Buttermilk Pancakes 39 Su prising Butterhorns .45 YEAST BREADS BREADS AND DINNER ROLLS Cherry Raisin Holiday Bread 58 Christmas Stollen 57 Coffee Can Bread 63 English Muffin Bread (Microwave) 50 German Christmas Stollen 56 House Bread 51 Kathy's Bran Rolls .... ..... .. ............. ...... .. .52 Mom's No-Knead Dinner Rolls ... .... ....... 53 Pilgrim's Bread 51 Potato Bread ....... .... ................. .............. 52 BREAD MACHINE BREADS Arleen's Swedish Rye 55 Cheddar Cheese Bread ... .. ......... ........... 53 Mozzarella and Sun-Dried Tomato Bread 54 Orrie's Spaghetti Bread 54 Sunshine Egg Bread ...... .................. ...... 54 Swedish Lim pa 55 Yogurt Sesame Bread 55 COFFEECAKES AND SWEET ROLLS Cheese Coffee Cake 63 Cherry Ring 60 Danish Rolls ....... .. .................................. 62 Finnish Cardamon Braids 59 Giant Cinnam-m-m -on Rolls .................. 61 Praline Rolls 64 OTHER Yeast Waffles .. .. .......... ................. ........ ..64

Fruit/Muffins 33


2 cups flour

1 cup sugar

1 tsp. salt

1 tsp. baking powder

1/2 tsp. baking soda

1/3 cup orange juice

1/3 cup oil

1 egg, beaten

1 cup finely chopped apples

3/4 cup raisins

1/4 cup chopped nuts

1 Tbls. orange rind

Yield: 12 muffins

Oven: 400°

Bake: 25 minutes


1112 cups flour

3/4 cup sugar

3/4 cups chopped walnuts

1 1/2 tsp. baking soda

11/4 cups mashed bananas (3 large)

1 egg

1/2 cup butter, melted

2 112 Tbls. milk

Yield: 12-14 muffins

Oven: 350°

Bake: 23-25 minutes


Sift together flour, sugar, salt, baking powder, and baking soda. Add orange juice and oil to beaten egg. Add egg mixture, apples, raisins, nuts, and orange rind to dry ingredients. Bake in well-greased muffin pan.

Tester's note: A sweet treat!

Carol Prange-Milwaukee, WI

Mix together flour, sugar, nuts, and soda in large bowl and set aside. Combine bananas, egg, butter, and milk; add to dry ingredients and mix just until combined Put into well-greased muffin pan. Bake until nicely browned.

Editor's note: For a variation, eliminate nuts from muffins and add a pecan praline topping. Mix together 1/4 cup brown sugar, 2 Tbls. softened butter, and 1/3 cup chopped pecans; sprinkle over tops before baking.

For making the perfect muffin, remember that less is better Mix by stirring only a few strokes ; the batter will look lumpy . When the batter is overbeaten, the muffins will be coarse -textured, tough, and full of tunnels.

34 Muffins/Fruit


1 cup margarine

2 cups sugar


3 1/4 cups flour, divided 2 tsp. baking powder

1 tsp. salt

1/2 cup milk

1 tsp . vanilla

3 cups blueberries (fresh or frozen)

Sugar for topping

Yield: 3-4 dozen

Oven: 350 °

Bake: 25-30 minutes

Cream margarine and sugar . Add eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition. Sift 3 cups flour with baking powder and salt. Add alternately to creamed mixture with milk to which vanilla has been added. Start and end with flour . Roll blueberries in remaining 1/4 cup flour and fold into batter. (If frozen berries are used, do not defrost.) Fill lined muffin pans 2/3 full. Sprinkle each with 1/2 tsp. sugar and bake until golden brown.

Note: Batter can be baked in two 9 x 5-in. loaf pans . Sprinkle with sugar.

Tester's note: Blueberry heaven!

Helen (Jarosch) Warke-Bradley, IL


1 egg

6-8 oz. lemon yogurt

1/4 cup oil or melted butter

1 tsp. grated lemon rind

1 1/2 cups flour

1/2 cup sugar plus 1 Tbls.

1 tsp. baking powder

1 tsp. baking soda

1/4 tsp. salt

1 cup fresh or thawed, drained frozen blueberries




In medium bowl beat egg slightly with fork; add yogurt , oil or butter, and lemon rind. In separate bowl stir together flour, 1/2 cup sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. Stir dry ingredients and blueberries into egg mixture just enough to combine thoroughly. Spoon into greased muffin pan and sprinkle tops with remaining 1 Tbls. sugar . Bake until nicely browned. They freeze well.

Judy Schumacher-Brookfield, WI

12 medium muffins 400° 18 minutes


When blueberries and cranberries are in season, put unopened packages in heavy plastic freezer bags and put in freezer or wash and dry thoroughly and pack in portions needed for your favorite recipies. Use without thawing.


1 egg

213 cup buttermilk

1/3 cup orange juice concentrate

1/4 cup butter or margarine, melted

1/2 cup whole fresh or thawed, drained frozen cranberries

1/2 cup finely chopped cranberries

2 cups flour

1/2 cup sugar

1 tsp. baking soda

1/2 tsp. baking powder

1/4 tsp. salt

Yield: 14 muffins

Oven: 400 °

Bake: 18 minutes

Beat egg w i th fork ; stir in buttermilk, orange juice concentrate, and butter . Stir in cranberries . In separate bowl stir together dry ingredients and add, mixing gently just until mixed together. Bake in greased muffin cups until golden brown on top. After baking and remov i ng from pan, tops may be dipped in melted butter and then sugar , if desired

Note: For orange nut muffins, eliminate the cranberries and add 1/2 cup chopped walnuts or pecans. (Raisins or dates could also be substituted .)

Gretchen Ocock-Appleton, WI


2 1/4 cups flour

1/2 cup plus 2 Tbls. sugar

1 tsp. baking soda

1/4 tsp. salt

1/4 tsp. allspice

1 egg

1 cup buttermilk

1/4 butter, melted

1 cup fresh raspberries, washed and drained

Sugar to top muffins

Yield: 12 muffins

Oven: 425 °

Bake: 18-22 minutes

Sift together flour, sugar, baking soda, salt, and allspice. In another bowl, beat eggs and buttermilk Add melted butter to egg mixture and stir . Add half the dry ingredients to the egg and butter mixture; mix lightly. Add raspberries, mix lightly. Add remaining dry ingredients and mix just to moisten . Fill greased muffin tins threefourths full. Top with a sprinkle of sugar. Bake until golden brown.

Note: Quivey's Grove is a nationally landmarked 1855 fieldstone home in Madison, WI that is known for fine dining.

Fruit/Muffins 35

36 Muffins/Fruit


1 1/4 cups All-Bran cereal

1 cup buttermilk

1/4 cup oil

1/4 cup apple juice (frozen concentrate)

1 egg, or equivalent egg substitute

1 cup flour

1 tsp. baking soda

1/2 tsp. baking powder

1/2 tsp. salt

1 cup dates, cut up and packed

1/2 cup nuts, chopped (opt.)

Yield: 12 muffins

Oven: 375 °

Bake: 20-25 minutes


2 cups flour

1 1/4 cups sugar

2 tsp. baking soda

2 tsp. cinnamon

1/2 tsp. salt

2 cups grated carrots

1/2 cup raisins

1/2 cup nuts

1/2 cup coconut

1 apple, peeled, cored, and grated

3 eggs, beaten

1 cup oil

2 tsp. vanilla

Yield: 24 muffins

Oven: 350 °

Bake: 20 minutes

Combine cereal, buttermilk, oil, and apple juice and let stand for a few minutes until some of the moisture is absorbed. Add egg and stir well. Combine and mix well the flour, baking soda, baking powder, and salt. Add to the buttermilk mixture and stir in dates and nuts, if desired. Fill greased tins 3/4 full and bake.

Note: Raisins can be added or substituted for dates. For diabetics, the apple juice may be omitted

Marge (Schaus) Kuehnert Milwaukee, WI

Mix dry ingredients; stir in carrots, raisins, nuts, coconut, and apple. Combine eggs, oil, and vanilla; add to dry ingredients and blend. Do NOT overbeat. Spoon into greased muffin pan and bake. These muffins freeze well.

Elnora Dutton-Richton Park, IL

Variation: Decrease sugar to 1 cup and oil to 1/2 cup plus 2 Tbls.

Margaret (Michael) Rivers Valparaiso, IN

Plain muffins may be varied by adding nuts, sunflower seeds, or toasted sesame seeds, in addition to the usual raisins and dried fruits.


1/2 cup + 2 Tbls. margarine

1 cup sugar

2 eggs, beaten

2 cups flour

4 1/2 tsp. baking powder

1/2 tsp. salt

1 cup milk

1/2 cup margarine, melted

Cinnamon sugar mixture

Yield: 24 muffins

Oven: 350 °

Bake: 20-25 minutes

Cream margarine and sugar. Add eggs and mix well. Add sifted flour, baking powder, and salt alternately with milk. Fill buttered muffin tins half full. After baking, roll muffins in melted margarine, then in cinnamon sugar mixture.

Editor's note: Muffins may be brushed with margarine rather than rolled. Makes 4-5 dozen "donut holes" when using miniature muffin tins. All the delicious goodness of doughnuts without the bother of deep frying!

Marlene Rakow-Columbia, TN


1 1/2 cups oat bran cereal, uncooked

3/4 cup flour

1 Tbls. baking powder

1/2 cup skim milk

1/2 cup honey or molasses

1/4 cup egg substitute

1/4 cup margarine, melted

Yield: 12 muffins

Oven: 400 °

Bake: 15 minutes

Mix dry ingredients; mix liquids and add to dry. Stir until blended. Bake in greased muffin pan.

Note: For variety add one or more of the following : 1/2 cup raisins, 1 mashed banana, 1/2 cup pumpkin puree, 1/2 cup chopped dates.

Tester's note: Raisins and banana are especially good!

Donna Berry-Shoreham, NY

Variation #1: Fruited Oat Bran Muffins. Substitute 1 cup 100% bran for the flour, 1 Tbls. brown sugar for the honey, 3 egg whites for the egg substitute, 1 cup lowfat buttermilk for the skim milk, and 1 Tbls. safflower oil for the melted margarine. Add 1/2 cup currants, raisins, or dates, 1/2 cup chopped nuts, and the grated zest of one orange. Bake at 425 ° for 17 minutes.

Janice Rinderle-Appleton, WI

Variation #2: Cranberry Oat Bran Muffins. Substitute 2 1/4 cups oat bran cereal for the combined cereal and flour, 1/4 cup brown sugar and 1 Tbls. corn syrup for the honey, 2 egg whites for the egg substitute, and 1 Tbls. canola oil for the melted margarine. Add 2/3 cup whole cranberries, 1/2 cup chopped nuts, 1 tsp. grated orange peel, and 1/2 tsp . allspice. Bake at 425 ° for 15 minutes.

Sylvia Luekens-Huntington Beach, CA

Bran/Muffins 37


1 cup graham flour

1 cup white flour

1/4 cup sugar

1 tsp. baking soda

1 tsp. baking powder

1/4 tsp. salt

1 cup sour milk or buttermilk

1 egg, beaten

2 Tbls. melted margarine or vegetable oil




20 -22 muffins 350 ° 15 minutes

Mix all ingredients and beat for 2 minutes. Half fill well-greased muffin tins and bake.

Variation: Graham Bread. Use same ingredients except increase sugar to 1/2 cup and add 1/4 cup molasses. Decrease soda to 1/4 tsp . and baking powder to 1/2 tsp Bake 45-50 minutes. Makes 1 loaf.

Editor's note: Graham flour is a coarsely ground whole wheat flour.

Esther Lexow-North East, PA


2 1/2 cups flour

1 1/2 cups sugar

1 cup pecans, chopped

1/2 cup quick-cooking oatmeal

1 Tbls. baking powder

1 tsp. salt

1 tsp. cinnamon


1 medium zucchini (1 O oz.), finely shredded

1/4 cup salad oil

Yield: 12 3-inch muffins (20 medium size)

Oven: 400 °

Bake: 25 minutes

Mix all dry ingredients in a large bowl. In a medium bowl beat eggs slightly with fork; stir in undrained zucchini and oil. Stir mixture all at once into flour mixture, just until moistened (Batter will be lumpy.) Spoon into greased muffin cups. Bake. Serve warm, or cool on wire rack .

Tester's note: Sugar may be reduced to 1 cup.

Dolores (Volz) Neuman-Springfield, VA


For variety when making plain muffins, put half of batter in muffin cups, spoon on 1-2 tsp. of jelly, jam, or marmalade, and cover with rest of batter Jellied cranberry sauce cut into 1/2-inch cubes may be folded into plain batter prior to baking for additional flavor and color.


Pancakes 39


1 1/2 cups flour

1 1/2 Tbls. sugar

2 tsp. baking powder

1/2 tsp. salt

1/8 tsp. mace

2 eggs, separated

1/3 cup melted shortening

1 tsp. grated lemon peel (opt.)

1 1/3 cups milk

4 cooking apples

1 Tbls. lemon juice

1 tsp. vanilla

16-20 oz. applesauce

Cinnamon sugar

Yield: 4 servings

Sift dry ingredients together into mixing bowl. Whisk egg yolks, shortening, and lemon peel into milk Peel, core, and grate apples; sprinkle with lemon juice. Make a well in flour, pour in milk mixture, and whisk just to blend. Fold in apples. Beat egg whites until stiff and fold in Grease pre-heated skillet. Drop batter by tablespoonfuls. While pancakes are cooking, add vanilla to applesauce in serving bowl. To serve , top each pancake with applesauce and cinnamon sugar.

Note: Good with Canadian bacon!

Patti (Weil) Cline-Springdale, AR


2 cups flour

2 Tbls. sugar

1 tsp. salt

1 tsp. baking soda

4 egg whites

2 cups buttermilk (or lowfat yogurt)

2 Tbls. oil

1 pint blueberries, fresh or frozen

Yield: 20 2 1/2-inch pancakes

Stir together dry ingredients. Combine egg whites, buttermilk, and oil; add to dry mixture. Gently fold in blueberries and drop by 1/4-cupfuls onto hot, greased griddle. (Batter is very moist, so keep griddle hot.)

Note: Tastes wonderful with pure maple syrup!

Audrey Kaiser-Upper Arlington, OH


Combine 1 cup flour , 1 Tbls . sugar, 1 1/2 tsp. baking powder, 1/2 tsp. soda, and 1/4 tsp. salt. Stir together 1/4 cup Eggbeaters , 1 egg white, 1 cup buttermilk, and 2 Tbls. oil; add to dry ingredients stirring just until combined. Bake on hot griddle. Linda Allen - Kennesaw, GA



1 cup sugar

1/2 cup margarine, softened

1 egg

1 1/2 cups flour

1 tsp. baking soda

1 tsp. salt

1 tsp. cinnamon

1/2 cup cold coffee

2 cups diced apples with skins on

1/2 cup chopped nuts


1/2 cup chopped nuts

3 Tbls. sugar

1/2 tsp. cinnamon




Mix sugar, margarine, and egg until creamy. Sift together flour, soda, salt, and cinnamon. Add alternately with coffee to creamed mixture. Stir in apples and nuts. Pour into greased pan. Combine topping ingredients and sprinkle on coffee cake. Bake.

Deanna (Bartels) Stritof-Valparaiso, IN

12-15 servings 325 ° 35 minutes


1/2 cup butter or oil

3/4 cup sugar

2 large eggs

2 cups flour

1 tsp. baking soda

1 tsp. baking powder

1/2 tsp. salt

1 cup sour cream

1 tsp. almond flavoring

1 cup walnuts or pecans, chopped

1 (16 oz.) can whole cranberry sauce


3/4 cup powdered sugar

1 Tbls. warm water

1/2 tsp. almond flavoring





12- i 10-inch tube pan 350° 50 minutes

Cream butter and sugar until fluffy. Add eggs and beat well. Sift flour, baking soda, baking powder, and salt; add to creamed mixture alternately with sour cream. Mix in almond flavoring and 1/2 cup nuts. Spread half of batter in greased and floured pan. Spread half of cranberry sauce over batter. Repeat layers and add remaining nuts on top of cake. Bake. Invert to cool. When cool, drizzle glaze over top, letting it run down sides.

Tester's note: Moist, delicious, and pretty to look at!


Fruit/Quick/Coffeecake 41


3/4 cup margarine

1 1/2 cups flour

1/2 tsp. baking powder

pinch of salt

1 egg

2 Tbls. milk

Filling :

2 cups fresh fruit or loose frozen (not thawed)

1 1/2 cups sugar

3 beaten eggs

2 Tbls. flour

3/4 cup milk


1/2 cup flour

1/2 cup sugar

2 Tbsp. margarine





Mix first six ingredients. Pat with floured hands in bottom and sides of pan.

Filling: Scatter fruit on top. Mix eggs, sugar, flour, and milk. Pour over fruit.

Streusel: Mix ingredients and crumble over kuchen . Bake until lightly browned and "set" . Serve warm or cooled (with a dollop of whipped topping, if desired)

Note: Especially good made with 2 cups raspberries or 1 cup peaches and 1 cup blueberries. Easy and fast to make .

Irene (Gehrke) Hintz-Appleton, WI

10-12 servings 13 X 9-inch 350 ° 40 minutes


1 (29 oz.) can sliced peaches

1 1/3 cup sugar, divided

1/2 cup margarine or butter

3 medium eggs

2 Tbls. milk

2 cups flour

2 tsp. baking powder

1/2 tsp. cinnamon

Powdered sugar

Yield: 15 servings

Pan: 13 x 9-inch

Oven: 375 °

Bake: 20-25 minutes

Drain peaches well. Cream 1 cup sugar and margarine. Add eggs one at a time and then milk. Add flour and baking powder and mix well. Pour into greased and floured pan. Arrange peaches in three rows on top of batter. Combine remaining sugar and cinnamon and sprinkle on top of peaches. Bake. Sprinkle with powdered sugar after cake is cool.

Editor's Note: For richer variation, after batter is poured into pan, cream 4 oz. cream cheese and 2/3 cup sour cream. Spread on top of batter. Arrange peach slices on top and sprinkle with mixture of 1/3 cup sugar, 1/2 tsp cinnamon, 2 Tbls flour, and 2 Tbls. butter. Bake at 350 ° 30-35 minutes.

Cordelia Henline-Fort Wayne, IN

42 Coffeecake/Quick/Fruit


2 cups biscuit mix

1/4 cup sugar

1/4 tsp. nutmeg

3/4 cup milk

1 egg

2 Tbls. melted butter


16-18 Italian plums

1/2 cup sugar

1 tsp. cinnamon

2 Tbls. nuts

3 Tbls. butter





Mix all batter ingredients together and beat for one minute Spread in well-greased pan. For topping, place pitted, halved plums on batter with peel side up. Mix sugar, cinnamon , nuts, and butter until crumbly. Sprinkle over plums. Bake; serve warm.

Martha (Bubeck) Schmidt-Madison, WI

6-8 servings 10 X 8 X 2-inch 400 ° 20-25 minutes


1/2 cup chopped nuts

1 (18 oz.) pkg. yellow cake mix

1/2 cup orange juice

1/2 cup water

1/3 cup oil

1/2 tsp. grated orange rind


Powdered sugar glaze





10 servings Sundt or Tube 350° 35-45 minutes

Generously grease pan. Press nuts in pan bottom Combine cake mix, orange juice, water, oil, orange rind, and eggs at low speed until moistened; beat 2 minutes at high speed. Carefully pour batter into pan. Bake until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool 10 minutes; invert onto serving plate. Spoon your favorite powdered sugar glaze over warm cake. Cool completely.

Tester's note: Delicious with a light orange flavor!

Barbara Niksch-Valparaiso, IN


Have a favorite plain crumb-topped coffeecake that needs a lift? Drop teaspoonfuls of your favorite berry preserves (1/3 cup for a 9-inch square pan) over the batter; cut through with a knife to marble the preserves, then add topping

Quick/Coffeecake 43


1 cup low-fat buttermilk

2 eggs (or egg substitute)

1/3 cup canola oil

1/3-1/2 cup honey

11/2 cups whole wheat flour

1/2 cup fine oat bran

1 tsp. baking powder

1/2 tsp. baking soda

1 tsp. cinnamon

1 tsp. nutmeg, freshly grated

1/4 tsp. salt





Beat liquid ingredients for a minute In another bowl stir together all dry ingredients. Pour liquids into the dry and barely mix. Do NOT overbeat. Pour into greased and floured pan. Bake until toothpick comes up clean.

8-9 servings 9-inch square 375 ° 25 minutes


2 cups flour

1 cup cold butter, cut in chunks

1 cup sour half and half

1 1/2 cups berry jam or preserves (or any flavor) Browned butter frosting





4 small kringles 2 cookie sheets 350° 30 minutes

Put flour and butter in food processor bowl. Pulse on and off a few seconds until butter is cut in. Add sour half and half and process until dough forms a solid ballabout 10 seconds. (By hand, cut butter into flour and stir in sour cream.) For ease of rolling refrigerate 30 minutes or overnight. Divide dough into fourths; on a floured surface roll one at a time into a 11 x 4-inch rectangle. Spread preserves lengthwise down center third; fold sides into center to meet and overlap slightly. Tuck ends in so preserves don't run out and burn on pan. Bake and frost with Browned butter frosting (see page 222).

Tester's note: Like a delicate French pastry! And so easy!

A ... --


1/2 cup pecans, chopped

1 (24 oz.) pkg. frozen rolls (about 20)

3/4 cup brown sugar

1 tsp. cinnamon

1 (3 oz.) pkg. vanilla pudding mix (not instant)

6 Tbls. margarine, melted





16-20 servings Bundt 350 ° 30 minutes

Grease bundt pan generously. (Do NOT use angel food pan.) Put ingredients in pan in order given. Cover with waxed paper; let sit out on counter overnight. Bake in the morning. Invert on serving tray, keeping pan in place for a minute until the caramel is fully free from pan.

Note: Everyone thinks so much time goes into making this-little do they realize how easy it is! For Christmas I have substituted white sugar for the brown and then iced it while it's warm. Decorate with whole pecans and red and green candied cherries.

Kay Mellom-Greenville, SC

Variation: Omit cinnamon. Decrease brown sugar to 1/2 cup and increase margarine to 1/2 cup. Combine pudding mix with brown sugar and pecans.

Kathy Allen-Waukesha, WI

Kathy (Stiener) Dockweiler College Station, TX

Loretta Heerman-Ellicott City, MD


1 pkg. (18.25 oz.) yellow cake mix

1 pkg. (13-15 oz.) corn bread mix

Melted butter





32 servings 2 (9-inch square) 350 ° 30-35 minutes

Prepare cake mix and corn bread mix according to package directions. Blend batters together. Pour into greased pans. Bake until it springs back when lightly touched. Remove from oven and brush lightly with melted butter.

Note: World's shortest recipe!

Kathryn (Drews) Hronec Rancho Palos Verdes, CA


Qu ick/Rol ls/Bis cu its 45


1 1/4 cups all purpose flour

3/4 cup yellow cornmeal

1 Tbls . baking powder

1/2 tsp. salt

1/3 cup margarine

2/3 cup milk (approximately)

Yield: 12-14 biscuits

Oven: 425 °

Bake: 18 minutes

Combine dry ingredients. With a pastry blender cut in margarine until fine. Add milk to make a soft dough . Turn out onto a floured board; knead while you count to 20 Roll or pat into an oblong about 5/8inch thick. Cut into 2-inch squares Bake on an ungreased cookie sheet until golden brown. These biscuits may be prepared several hours in advance, placed in a plastic bag, and refrigerated .

Editor's note: Very good with chili or stew.


1 cup butter or margarine

1 16-oz. carton small curd cottage cheese

2 cups flour

Yield: 48 butterhorns

Oven: 350 °

Bake: 20 minutes


Mix ingredients thoroughly. Cool in refrigerator overnight (or several hours). Divide dough into fourths. On a lightly floured surface, roll each fourth in a circle. Cut into triangles (12 each). Roll each into horns, beginning at the larger end; shape into crescents and place on greased baking sheets with point tucked under. Bake until light brown. Frost with powdered sugar frosting.

Alva Lea (Herman) Pingel Sun Prairie, WI

Variation: Use 1/2 cup margarine. Spread circles with 1/2 cup additional melted margarine before cutting into 8 pie-shaped pieces each. Bake for 30-35 minutes. While horns are warm, glaze with mixture of 3/4 cup powdered sugar, 1 Tbls. lemon, orange, or lime juice, and 1/2 tsp vanilla. Makes 32 horns.

Ginny (Meier) Eilers-Bellevue, WA

46 Rolls/Bread/Quick


4 cups flour

1 lb. butter or margarine

1 cup ice water


1 (16 oz.) can almond paste

3 eggs, beaten

2 cups sugar

1 tsp. almond flavor





60 pieces

Baking sheets 350 ° 30-40 minutes

Cut flour and butter together as for pie crust ; add water. Mix until all the water is blended in. Form into ball ; cover completely with plastic wrap and refrigerate at least 4 hours or overnight. Mix filling ingredients together and chill.

When ready to bake, form pastry into 12 balls. Roll each ball into a thin 10 x 5-inch strip. Put about 2 1/2 Tbls. filling down center. Roll pastry over from each side so filling remains in center. Seal ends and slit in places to leave out steam. Bake . To serve cut into 2-inch pieces. They keep well in refrigerator or may be frozen when wrapped in plastic wrap and then in foil.

Variation: Add 1/2 tsp. baking powder and 1/2 tsp. salt to pastry. For filling use fresh (not canned) almond paste, 2 eggs, and 2 cups sugar. Divide dough into 8 parts and roll to 14 x 4-inch size Fill as above, but bring top long side completely down over top of filling, moistening edge and pressing. Bring bottom long edge over top ; pressing seams; seal ends. Brush tops with glaze made of 2 egg whites beaten until frothy. Bake 15-20 minutes at 425°


A brand new powder puff works great when your recipe says to dust the pan with flour. You can do just that!

When using a glass loaf baking pan, lower oven temperature by 25 °.

Nut and fruit quick breads should be baked the day before serving; the flavors mellow and blend and the bread slices easier.


1/3 cup margarine

2 1/2 cups flour

5 tsp. baking powder

1/2 tsp. salt

2 cups shredded Cheddar cheese

1 1/2 cups uncooked quick oats

2 eggs, beaten

1 1/2 cups milk





One loaf 9 x 5-inch loaf pan 375° 50 minutes

Cut margarine into flour, baking powder, and salt until mixture resembles coarse crumbs; stir in cheese and oats. Combine milk and eggs; stir into dry mixture and mix just until ingredients are moistened. Bake in greased pan. Cool 5 minutes and remove from pan. Cool at least 30-40 minutes before slicing to serve.

Tester's note: Firm texture; hearty accompaniment for soups and stews.


1 1/2 cups coarsely chopped dried apricots (8 oz.)

1/2 cup brandy

1/2 cup water

1 cup sugar


1/3 cup vegetable oil

1/2 tsp. baking soda

1 Tbls. baking powder

1 tsp. salt

2 3/4 cups flour

1 cup chopped pecans

Yield: 2 loaves

Pans: 2 (9 x 5-inch)

Oven: 350°

Bake: 35-45 minutes

'Bring apricots, brandy, and water to boil. Remove from heat and set aside 10-12 minutes. In large bowl combine sugar, eggs, oil, baking soda, and liquid drained from apricots. Beat 2 minutes. Mix in baking powder, salt, flour, and apricots, stirring just to blend. Fold in nuts. Turn into greased and floured pans. Bake until tops are browned and loaves are springy to the touch. Cool 5 minutes before turning on wire rack. Wrap in aluminum foil while still slightly warm. Store 24 hours before slicing.

Note: Delicious with flavored cream cheese spread.

Quick/Bread 47


1/2 cup butter

1 1/4 cups sugar


1 cup mashed banana

1/4 cup sour cream

2 cups flour

11/2 tsp. baking powder

1/2 tsp. baking soda

1/2 tsp. salt

1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips





3 loaves

3 (5 1/2 x 3-inch) mini 350° 45 minutes

Cream butter and sugar . Add beaten eggs and mix well. Add banana and sour cream. Stir together flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. Add all at once, mixing just until flour is moistened. With one or two turns, stir in chocolate chips. Pour into small pans and bake.

Variation: Cranberry Banana Bread. Use only 1/4 cup margarine and 2/3 cup bananas. Eliminate the sour cream. Substitute 1 1/4 cups coarsely chopped fresh or frozen cranberries for the chocolate chips and add 1/2 cup chopped nuts if desired. Use 3 small pans baked as above or 1 (9 x 5-inch) loaf pan baked for 65-70 minutes.

Tester's note: These were delicious served with coffee for our afternoon Bible class. Would be good for brunch or for gifts.


2/3 cup chunky peanut butter

1/4 cup margarine

2 eggs, beaten

1 tsp. vanilla

2 cups flour

1 tsp. baking powder

1/2 tsp. baking soda

1 tsp. salt

1 cup milk

11/2 cups chopped dates

Yield: 1 loaf

Pan: 9 x 5-inch loaf

Oven: 350 °

Bake: 60-70 minutes

Cream peanut butter, margarine, and sugar. Add eggs and vanilla Beat until light and fluffy. Sift together flour, baking powder, soda, and salt. Add to peanut butter mixture alternately with milk. Stir just until blended. Fold in dates. Pour into greased and floured pan. Bake until inserted toothpick comes out clean.

Note: A small portion of the flour may be used to toss with the dates to prevent them from "clumping ."



1 cup raisins

2 cups sour milk

1 cup sugar

11/2 cups whole wheat flour

1 1/2 cups white flour

1 cup nuts, ground

1 cup bran flakes

1 Tbls. margarine

4 tsp. corn syrup

1 tsp. baking soda

1/2 tsp. salt

Yield: One loaf

Pan: 9 x 5-inch loaf

Oven: 350 °

Bake: 60 minutes


2 cups all-purpose flour

2 cups whole wheat flour

2 cups yellow cornmeal

2 tsp. baking powder

2 tsp. baking soda

2 tsp. salt

1 1/2 cups molasses

4 cups buttermilk

2 cups chopped pecans

2 cups golden raisins

Yield: 8-10 small round loaves

Pans: 8-10 (10 3/4 oz. to 15 oz.) soup or vegetable cans

Oven: 350 °

Bake: 60 minutes


Place raisins in pan of boiling water; boil one minute. Drain ; rinse with cold water and drain . Put through food grinder (or use food processor) and combine with remaining ingredients. Pour into loaf pan and let rest for one hour. Bake.

Lois Prange-Brookfield, WI

In large bowl stir first 6 dry ingredients together. Beat in molasses and milk . Fold in nuts and raisins , mixing thoroughly . Spoon batter into greased cans filling 3/4 full. Cover cans tightly with small pieces of greased foil. Place cans on cookie sheet in oven and bake. Let bread cool in cans 5 minutes and then unmold. Cool thoroughly before cutting into thin slices.

Note: These make great little gifts . Wrap in foil to freeze. Thaw unwrapped bread one hour before using.

Eunice (Kretzmann) Koepke

Pewaukee, WI

Serve quick breads with one of the butter or cheese spreads found on pages 281 and 282.

Quick/Bread 49


4 cups flour

1 1/4 cups whole wheat flour

2 1/2 tsp. baking soda

1 tsp. cream of tartar

1 1/2 tsp. salt

3/4 cup dark raisins

3/4 cup golden raisins

1 Tbls. caraway seeds

1/2 cup vegetable shortening

3 cups buttermilk (or soy milk)

Yield: 1 loaf

Pan: 10-inch cast iron skillet

Oven: 375°

Bake: 60 minutes

In a large bowl sift dry ingredients together. Stir in raisins and seeds. Melt shortening in skillet; pour shortening and buttermilk into flour mixture and fold in with a wooden spoon. (Dough is sticky.) Cover with towel and let rest 1O minutes. Distribute shortening remaining in the skillet to the sides; dust with flour. Place dough in skillet and spread out with floured knife. Pull dough away from sides and cut a cross about 1/4-inch deep in top of dough from side to side. Bake until toothpick comes out clean and loaf sounds hollow when tapped. Remove from skillet and cool on wire rack. To serve, cut into quarters and then slice.

Note: This bread freezes well.


4 1/4 cups flour, divided

3/4 cup wheat germ

2 pkg. dry yeast

1 Tbls. sugar

2 tsp. salt

1/4 tsp. baking soda

2 cups milk

1/2 cup water


Yield: 2 loaves

Pan: 2 (9 x 5-inch) loaf pans

Mix 2 1/4 cups flour with remaining dry ingredients. Mix milk and water in glass measure; heat to 120-130 degrees (2 1/2 minutes on HIGH). Gradually stir into dry ingredients; beat well. Stir in remaining flour. Grease pans; sprinkle with cornmeal. Pour batter into pans, smooth tops and sprinkle with cornmeal. Cover with towel. Micro cook at 30% for 1 minute. Let rest 10 minutes. Repeat this twice. Dough should be double. Micro each loaf separately on HIGH for 6 1/2 minutes, or until firm. (Surface will be pale and flat.) Should not be doughy. Let rest 5 minutes. Turn out of pan and cool on wire rack.

Tester's note: Fresh bread in less than an hour! Very good sliced and toasted. Easily halved for one loaf.

50 Bread/Quick/Yeast


2 cups lukewarm water

1 pkg. dry yeast

5 cups sifted flour, divided

1 Tbls. sugar

2 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp . powdered ginger

Melted butter for brushing

Yield: 2 loaves

Pan: Cookie sheet

Oven: 450 ° for 7 minutes

350 ° for 35 minutes


1/2 cup yellow cornmeal

1/3 cup brown sugar

1 Tbls. salt

2 cups boiling water

1/4 cup cooking oil

2 pkgs. active dry yeast

1/2 cup warm water (110 °)

3/4 cup whole wheat flour

1/2 cup rye flour

4-4 1/2 cups unbleached white flour






2 (9 X 5-inch) loaf pans


45 minutes

Measure water into large bowl; dissolve yeast. Add 2 cups flour, sugar, salt , and ginger. Beat until smooth . Add remaining flour . On floured board knead until smooth and elastic (about 8 minutes) , adding more flour if necessary. Dough should be stiff. Cover hands with butter ; form into a ball. Put into large bowl; cover and let rise until double . Punch down. Shape into 2 round loaves. Place loaves on foil-lined cookie sheet and brush tops with cold water. Make 3 or 4 diagonal slashes across the top . Do not cover. Let rise till double . Preheat oven to 450 ° ; put pan of boiling water on bottom rack. Brush loaves with melted butter. Bake 7 minutes ; reduce heat to 350 ° and bake 35 minutes .

Pat Potratz-Michigan City, IN

Combine cornmeal, sugar, and salt. Gradually add boiling water; stir in oil. Cool to lukewarm. Soften yeast in warm water; stir into cornmeal mixture. Add wheat and rye flours and mix well. Stir in enough white flour to make a moderately stiff dough. Place on lightly floured surface. Cover; let rise in warm place until double (1 hour). Punch dough down. Divide in half; cover and let rest 10 minutes. Shape into 2 loaves and place in greased pans. Cover; let rise in a warm place until double (30 minutes). Bake.

Note: If bread browns rapidly, cap loosely with foil after 25 minutes, and turn oven down to 350°. Remove loaves from pans and cool on a wire rack.

A ..... --
Yeast/Bread 51
A ..... --


10 cups flour, divided

1/3 cup sugar

2 Tbls. salt

1 1/2 cups dry milk powder

1 1/2 cups potato flakes

5 1/2 cups hot water

1/3 cup margarine or butter

2 pkgs. dry yeast

Yield: 6 loaves

Oven: 375 °

Bake: 35 minutes

Mix 4 cups flour with sugar, salt, dry milk, and potato flakes ; set aside. Mix water with butter until butter melts; add yeast and flour mixture and mix well. Mix in remaining flour a cup at a time. Knead dough on floured board, adding flour if necessary. Place in greased bowl. Cover and put in oven on lowest setting until dough doubles in bulk (40-60 minutes). Punch down and let rise again. Divide dough into 6 equal pieces and shape into loaves. Place into greased loaf pans and let rise again until half again as large. Bake until brown and loaves sound hollow when tapped. Brush with butter or margarine and allow to cool on rack.


1/2 cup milk, scalded

1/4 cup soft butter

2 Tbls. sugar

1 1/2 tsp. salt

1/2 cup water

1 oz. cake yeast

1 egg

3 cups sifted flour





30 rolls 11 x 7-inch 400 ° 15-20 minutes

Combine milk, butter, sugar, and salt. Cool to lukewarm by adding 1/2 cup water. Add yeast and let dissolve a few seconds. Mix well. Beat in one egg. Gradually add 3 cups sifted flour. (Add enough at first so it isn't too runny. Add remaining flour grad-

ually.) Beat well to make it light and to put air into the dough. Mix until well-blended and soft. Cover; let rise in warm place until doubled in bulk. Pat out or roll out on lightly floured surface. Make in desired shape and let rise until doubled in bulk. Bake until golden brown. Freezes well.

Parker House Rolls: The recipe will make 30 (3 rows of 10 each in an 11 x 7-inch pan.) Grease pan and melt 2 Tbls. butter. Roll dough 1/2-inch thick and cut into 2inch circles with a cookie cutter or glass. Brush top of each circle with melted butter and fold in half, buttered side in. Arrange in rows in prepared pan. Re-roll scraps to fill pan. Bake; cool pan on wire rack.

Marilyn (Moeller) Holmquist West Bend, WI

52 Bread/RollsNeast
A .... --


1/3 cup sugar

1/2 cup butter, cut in chunks

1/2 cup original All-Bran cereal

1/2 cup boiling water

1 pkg. active dry yeast

1/2 cup warm water (105 °-115 °)

1 egg, beaten

1 tsp. salt

3 1/4 -3 1/2 cups flour

Melted butter





36 medium-size rolls

Baking sheets 400 ° 10-12 minutes

In a large mixing bowl , stir together sugar , All-bran, butter, and boiling water. Set aside . Dissolve yeast in warm water . Add yeast mixture, egg, salt, and flour to AllBran mixture; mix well. Refrigerate several hours or overnight. When ready to bake, divide into three balls. Roll out dough like pie crust , 1/4-inch thick . Cut each into 12 triangles. Roll towards point. Brush with melted butter and let rise in warm place until double in bulk . Bake .

Debi Schumacher-Seoul, Korea

The following 7 recipes for bread machines were favorites from friends and home economics teachers of yeast bread making. They were originally made in various brands of machines

They have now become favorites of Marilyn Krueger and Lisa (Gast) Krueger and have been very successful in their Hitachi and Panasonic machines. Note that those with more flour are only to be made in machines that make 1 1/2 lb. loaves .


1 pkg. active dry yeast

3 cups bread flour

1 Tbls. soft butter

1 tsp. salt

2 Tbls. sugar

11/4 cups warm water

1 1/2 cups (6 oz.) grated

Cheddar cheese

Yeast/Bread Machine/Rolls 53
Follow your manufacturer's directions for the order in which you add ingredients.

5'4 Bread MachineNeast

SUNSHINE EGG BREAD (Bread machine)

1 pkg. active dry yeast

3 cups bread flour

4 Tbls. sugar

2 eggs

6 Tbls. corn oil

1 1/2 tsp. salt

3/4 cup warm water

Combine all ingredients in pan in order suggested by the breadmaker manual. Push "start."

Guest taster's note: Our family gave it "three thumbs up!" Good texture, moist, ) light, and flavorful


(Bread machine)

1 pkg. active dry yeast

1 3/4 cups bread flour

1 Tbls. sugar

1 tsp. salt

1 Tbls. olive oil

1/3 cup chopped sun-dried tomatoes

1/2 cup warm water

1/3 cup cubed Mozzarella cheese

Add all ingredients, except cheese, in order suggested by breadmaker manual. Process on basic bread cycle. At beeper or at the end of the first kneading, add cheese. Continue baking cycle as directed.


1 pkg. active dry yeast

3 cups bread flour

1 Tbls. sugar

1 tsp. garlic salt

1/3 cup grated Parmesan cheese

1 tsp. dried Italian seasoning

1 Tbls. olive oil

1 1/2 cups warm water

Combine all ingredients in pan in order suggested by the breadmaker manual. Push "start ."

Note: Delicious accompaniment for Italian casseroles or entrees.

... ....

ARLEEN'S SWEDISH RYE (Bread machine)

1 pkg. active dry yeast

2 cups bread flour

1 cup rye flour

1 1/2 tsp. salt

3 Tbls. molasses

1 Tbls. dark corn syrup

1 Tbls. brown sugar

1 1/2 Tbls. vegetable oil

1 cup warm water

Place ingredients in order in bread machine container, and follow instructions for baking.

Note: The original recipe, which I adapted for the bread machine, comes from a friend's Swedish grandmother.

SWEDISH LIMPA (Bread machine)

2 1/4 cups bread flour

1/4 cup rye flour

2 Tbls. brown sugar

1 Tbls. dry milk

1 tsp. salt

1 Tbls. butter, softened

1 Tbls. orange peel, chopped

1 1/2 tsp. caraway seeds

1/2 tsp. fennel seed

1 cup less 1 Tbls. warm water

1 pkg. active dry yeast

Add all ingredients in order suggested by breadmaker manual. Bake.


2 1/4 cups bread flour

1 Tbls. sugar

1 Tbls. dry milk

1 tsp. salt

1 Tbls. butter, melted

2 Tbls. sesame seed

1/2 cup plain yogurt or sour cream

1/2 cup warm water

1 pkg. active dry yeast

Add all ingredients in order suggested by breadmaker manual. Bake.

Note: The yogurt gives this a sourdough flavor. Sesame seed may be toasted first for additional flavor.

Yeast/Bread Machine 55


1 1/2 cups sugar

1 tsp. salt

4 cups milk

2 1/2 cups (1 1/4 lb.) margarine

3 pkgs. dry yeast

1/3 cup warm water

3 eggs

Grated rind of 3 lemons

16 cups flour

1 tsp. mace

1 lb. raisins

1 cup currants

1 cup candied cherries, chopped

1 cup chopped citron (opt.)

1 cup chopped candied lemon peel (opt.)

1 cup chopped pecans





8 loaves 2 cook ie sheets 350 ° 30-40 min.

In a very large bowl measure sugar and salt. Scald milk with margarine; cool; add to sugar. Then add yeast dissolved in water, eggs, rind , and flour mixed with mace.

Mix well. Stir in fruit and nuts and mix with hands. Knead on floured board briefly (2 min .). Cover and let rise overnight in a warm place. Punch down; divide into 8 parts , shape as desired, and place on greased cookie sheets. Cover and let rise 1-2 hours. Bake. Loaves may be frosted with confectioner's icing. May be frozen

Note: This is 1/2 of my great-grandfather's recipe , used while he was a cook at an orphanage in Hawthorne, NY.

Tester 's note: Definitely will make againnot so heavy and better than my own for children 's palates-and economical!

Ruth (Karkau) Dallman-Buffalo, NY


Many European countries have a Christmas bread or coffeecake which is firmly entrenched as a part of their cultural heritage. In Switzerland, pear bread made with dried pears is identified as a Christmas celebration requirement. In Czechoslovakia, vanocka, a raised sweet dough filled with raisins, citron, and almonds , is a Christmas "must " Norway's julekaka and Germany's stollen are similar in that both list dried or candied fruit and nuts among the ingredients for their national favorite Christmas sweet breads Typically, julekaka has cardamon as a spice; stollen has mace. There are many versions of the original stollen recipes brought to this country by German immigrants , as can be seen by the variations printed in Volume I and in this book It is believed that stollen originated in Saxony, Germany One custom which has become a part of American households with German derivation is that "Christmas isn't Christmas until the stollen is baked!"

56 StollenNeast


1 small potato, pared and quartered

1 cup water

1/2 cup dark raisins

1/2 cup golden raisins

2 oz. diced citron

2 pkgs. dry yeast

1/2 cup warm water

2 eggs, beaten

1/2 cup sugar

1/2 cup butter or margarine, melted

4 1/2 cups sifted all-purpose flour

1 tsp. salt

3/4 tsp. cardamon





3 stollens

Cookie sheets 375° 20-25 min.

Yeast/Stollen 57 1®1

Cook potato in water until tender. Leave potato in water and mash; measure and add water, if needed, to make 1 cup. Return to saucepan; stir in raisins and citron. Cool to lukewarm. Sprinkle yeast in 1/2 cup warm water in large bowl. Stir until dissolved; add potato mixture, eggs, sugar, and butter. Stir in 2 cups flour, salt, and cardamon until smooth; beat in remaining flour to make a stiff dough. Turn out onto a lightly floured board; knead until smooth and elastic. Place in a large greased bowl, turning to coat all over with shortening; cover with a clean towel. Let rise in a warm place 1 hour, or until double in bulk. Punch dough down; divide into thirds . Knead several times and shape into stollens. Place on greased cookie sheet and let rise until double. Bake until golden and loaves sound hollow when tapped. Remove to wire racks and frost with confectioner's icing when cool.

Tester's note: Good texture; lemon or vanilla extract can be added for additional flavor.

Lois (Hadde) Brandt-Milwaukee, WI


Using the proper temperature of water in dissolving active dry yeast is very important. When yeast is directly dissolved in warm water, the temperature of the water should be between 105° and 115°. When yeast is added to other dry ingredients and hot water is added to mixture, water temperature should be between 120° and 130°. Higher temperatures can destroy the yeast. Lower temperatures will take longer to act. The dough will rise faster if warm ingredients are used. If kitchen is not warm, turn your oven on to warm (lowest setting), then turn off and place well-greased covered dough in it. Leave until doubled in bulk only-a yeasty taste results from dough being too warm during rising or rising too long.


Red candied cherries (about 20)

Whole blanched almonds (about 20)

2 pkgs. dry yeast

1/2 cup warm water

1 cup milk

1/4 cup sugar

1 cup flour

3/4 cup butter or margarine

1/2 cup sugar

3 eggs, beaten

1 tsp. grated lemon rind

1 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. nutmeg

3 cups flour

2 cups seedless dark

3/4 cup diced candied cherries

1/2 cup diced citron

1/2 cup flour

Yield: 16 servings

Pan: 10-inch bundt or tube

Oven: 375 °

Bake: 45-55 minutes

'Butter pan generously; decorate bottom with cherries and almonds (in circle around edge or as desired). Refrigerate pan to keep in place while preparing dough. Dissolve yeast in water. Heat milk to lukewarm; add 1/4 cup sugar. Mix yeast and milk mixture with one cup flour until smooth; cover; let rise until doubled Cream butter; add 1/2 cup sugar gradually. Beat in eggs, lemon rind, salt, nutmeg, yeast mixture, and 3 cups flour. Combine raisins, cherries, and remaining 1/2 cup flour; mix into batter; beat well. Spoon batter carefully into prepared pan; let rise until doubled. Bake; allow to stand about 1O minutes before removing from pan.

Tester's note: Great as is for the holidays! At another testing candied cherries were not available, so I substituted regular chopped cherries and omitted the citronit's yummy!


To double: Take 2 times each ingredient except yeast. It is not necessary to increase yeast more than 1 1/2 times. If recipe to be doubled calls for 2 pkg. yeast, use only 3 pkg. if recipe is doubled.

To cut in half: Take 1/2 of each ingredients except yeast (not very practical to divide package of yeast).


For a soft and tender crust: Brush loaves or rolls lightly with melted butter immediately after removing them from the oven.

For a glossy and glazed crust: Brush loaves or rolls lightly with a mixture of 1 egg and 1 1/2 Tbls. water immediately before baking.

For a crisp crust: Do not grease loaves of bread. Do not cover. Keep out of draft to prevent cracking.


HolidayNeast/Coffeecake 59


6- 6 1/2 cups all-purpose flour, spooned into cup

2 packages active dry yeast

1 tsp. crushed cardamon seed

2 eggs, room temperature

113 cup sugar

1 tsp. salt

1/2 cup softened butter or margarine

1 Tbls. milk

Additional sugar for top





2 coffee cakes

Cookie sheet 375° 20-25 minutes

Measure flour onto waxed paper. Sprinkle yeast into 2 cups warm water in large bowl and let stand for 3-5 minutes; stir. Stir in cardamon seed, 1 egg, 1/3 cup sugar, salt, butter, and half the flour. Beat until smooth and elastic. Gradually add enough flour to make a soft dough. Turn onto lightly floured board and knead for 5-10 minutes until smooth and elastic. Put in greased bowl, turning to grease top. Cover and let rise in a warm, draft-free place for one hour or until double in bulk. Punch down and turn onto floured board and knead until free of air bubbles. Cut into 6 equal pieces and shape into even ropes one inch wide. Use three at a time to form two braids. Put on large greased baking sheet two inches apart. Cover and let rise 30 minutes. Brush with remaining egg, beaten together with the milk. Sprinkle generously with sugar. Bake. Remove to rack and cover with a soft cloth. Cool before slicing.

Note: A family favorite for hoiiday breakfasts. We like its simplicity with no nuts, raisins, or citron!


Breadmaking is that one basic form of cookery rooted in ages past that continues to be a most satisfying occupation of one's time. All those within proximity of the kitchen derive great pleasure in savoring the aroma, the flavor, and the texture of a good loaf of bread. An open door with those earthy smells drifting out could entice many a neighbor to stop in for a chat and a slice of bread. Add a jar of jam and little ones will come running. Anyone who has ever made bread knows that special joy that comes from taking that golden brown loaf from the oven. Baking your own bread is an experience to lift your spirits, calm your soul, and warm your heart. Why not start now with one of our recipes?

60 CoffeecakeNeast


3 1/2 -4 cups all-purpose flour, divided

1/2 cup sugar

1 tsp. salt

1 package active dry yeast

3/4 cup milk

1/2 cup water

1/2 cup (1 stick) butter or margarine

1 egg


1/4 cup butter, softened

1 (16 oz.) can pitted red sour cherries, very well drained

1/2 cup flour

1/2 cup brown sugar

1/2 cup nuts (opt.)

Powdered sugar frosting





2 rings Baking sheets 375 ° 20-25 minutes

In large electric mixer bowl, combine 1 1/2 cups flour , sugar , salt, and yeast; blend well. Combine milk , water, and butter in small saucepan Heat until very warm ( 120 ° to 130 ° ) . Butter does not have to melt completely. Gradually add warm mixture along with egg to flour mixture; blend well and beat about 1 minute at medium speed. By hand stir in enough flour to make a stiff dough

Cover bowl tightly with plastic wrap and refrigerate at least 2 hours or up to 2 days . When ready to shape dough , combine flour , brown sugar , and nuts. Divide dough in half and roll one half out to a 15 x 8-inch rectangle on floured board Spread 2 Tbls. of butter over dough .

Sprinkle 3/4 cup cherries on top. Sprinkle with half of flour mixture Roll up from long edge, jelly-roll style. Place seam side down on baking sheet forming roll into a circle. Cut slits 3/4 through ring at 1-inch intervals; turning each section on the side (as for Swedish Tea Ring). Repeat with remaining dough or cut into 15 1-inch pieces and place in a 13 x 9-inch baking pan . Let rise in warm place until doubled in bulk. Bake until golden brown. Frost while warm with your favorite confectioners' sugar frosting .

Gretchen Ocock-Appleton, WI


Select ingredients for bread carefully. Try the bread flour, or one designated "better for bread" rather than all-purpose flour. Bread flour is sometimes called a "hard" flour; all-purpose is softer. (Cake flour is very soft and cannot be used for breadmaking.) The difference is in the amount of gluten in each. More gluten causes the loaf to rise higher and makes the finished loaf more tender. Most whole wheat flours have less gluten than white. Rye and soy flours contain no gluten, and thus, cannot be used alone in making bread. Most recipes need at least some white flour for the gluten (from the Latin word meaning "glue").

Yeast/Sweet Rolls 61


3-3 3/4 cups all-purpose flour, divided

1/4 cup sugar

1/2 tsp. salt

1 package active dry yeast

3/4 cup milk

1/4 cup water

1/4 cup butter or margarine

1 egg


6 Tbls. butter

3/4 cup brown sugar

2 Tbls. flour

1 Tbls. cinnamon


1/4 cup butter, softened 1 1/2 cups confectioners' sugar

1 tsp. vanilla

3 Tbls. milk





12 large rolls 13 x 9-inch 325° 35-40 minutes

In large electric mixer bowl, combine 1 1/2 cups flour, sugar, salt, and yeast; blend well. Combine milk, water, and butter in small saucepan. Heat until very warm (120 ° to 130 ° }. Butter does not have to melt completely. Gradually add warm mixture along with egg to flour mixture; blend well and beat about 1 minute at medium speed. By hand stir in enough remaining flour to make dough easy to hand Ie . Place dough on floured counter and knead several minutes until smooth and elastic. Put in well-greased bowl, turning so that top also has shortening

on it. Place damp warm towel on top and put in warm place. Let rise until doubled. Punch down; roll out to a 20 x 12-inch rectangle.

Filling: Spread butter with rubber spatula over surface of dough. Combine brown sugar, flour, and cinnamon and sprinkle on top, pressing slightly into dough. Roll up beginning with 12-inch side; cut into 12 1inch slices. Place in pan; let rise until double. Bake until golden brown. Frost while still warm.

Frosting: Brown butter, watching carefully so as not to burn. Set aside for about 10 minutes to cool, so as not to melt confectioners' sugar. In small bowl combine all ingredients and pour over warm rolls.

Note: I experimented with a lower baking temperature (as the commercial establishments do) and found it to be very successful for making softer rolls without the butter burning on the bottom. If very large rolls are desired, cut rolled dough in only 9 pieces and put in a deep 9-inch square pan. If you like more dough in the 13 x 9inch pan, use a recipe that calls for 4 1/2 to 5 cups flour.

Variation: Orange Rolls. Substitute 1/2 cup white sugar and 1-2 Tbls. grated orange rind for the brown sugar, flour. and cinnamon in the filling.

Variation: Caramel Rolls. Put mixture of 1/2 cup packed brown sugar, 1/2 cup butter, softened, 2 Tbls. light corn syrup and 1 cup chopped pecans in the bottom of pan. Put rolls on top. Cut down filling to: 2 Tbls. butter, 1/2 cup brown sugar, and 2 tsp. cinnamon. Bake at 375 ° , 20-30 minutes.

Sweet RollsNeast


3/4 cup sugar

3 rounded Tbls. butter-flavored Crisco

2 Tbls. salt

2 cups water, divided

2 yeast cakes or 2 dry packets

5-6 cups flour

2 eggs

1/4 cup cornstarch

1/4 cup lemon juice

2 1/2 cups margarine (1 1/2 lbs. or 6 sticks)


1 lb. confectioners' sugar

Small amount of milk

Vanilla to taste

Toppings (crushed nuts, raspberry or apricot jam, coconut)




Bake :

Many! Baking sheets 400 ° 10-12 minutes


In a saucepan, put sugar , Crisco, salt, and 1 cup water Heat over low heat until sugar and Crisco are melted. Remove from stove and add 1 cup cold water. Set aside. In a small bowl sprinkle yeast over 1/3 cup lukewarm water ; add 1/2 tsp. sugar. Let sit until it gets foamy and all granules have melted. Pour yeast mixture into bowl of sugar and Crisco mixture. Add 3 cups flour, 2 eggs, 1/4 cup cornstarch, and 1/4 cup lemon juice and stir until well-mixed ; add another cup of flour Mix well and add one more cup of flour. The dough will be a little sticky but when you touch it , it does not stick to your finger. Cover and refrigerate overnight.

To form : Use 1/2 dough first , while keeping the rest refrigerated. Roll 1/2-inch thick to 16 x 8-inches on floured board Spread with 1/4 lb. margarine. Then fold into three layers, roll out again and spread with another 1/4 lb. margarine. Repeat once more using margarine and folding. Cut strips about 8 inches long and 1/2 inch wide and twist by taking each end in your hands and twirling. Make twists into complete solid circles on cookie sheets . Make other half of the dough using same method. Use as above or to make cinnamon or Parker House rolls. Let rise until very light in warm place. Bake until light brown ; cool and frost. For frosting, mix ingredients together and top as desired.


Almost any dough except plain bread dough may be refrigerated. Those made with at least 1/4 cup sugar and milk, keep about 3 days. Doughs made with water keep about 5 days. Grease top of dough well and then cover with heavy plastic wrap. Use only as much dough as needed and return rest to refrigerator.


Yeast/Coffeecakes 63


1 cup milk

2 pkgs. yeast

1 cup margarine

4 cups flour

1/4 cup sugar

1 tsp. salt

4 egg yolks

1 tsp. vanilla


12 oz. cream cheese

3/4 cup sugar

1 Tbls. lemon juice

Yield: 3 coffee cakes

Pan: Cookie sheet

Oven: 350°

Bake: 20 minutes


4 cups unsifted flour

1 pkg. active dry yeast

1/2 cup water

1/2 cup milk

1/2 cup butter or margarine

1/4 cup sugar

1 tsp. salt

1/2 cup ground almonds

1/2 cup chopped raisins

2 eggs, slightly beaten

Yield: 2 loaves

Pan: 2 (13-16 oz.) coffee cans

Oven: 375°

Bake: 35 minutes

Scald and cool milk to lukewarm; then add yeast. Cut margarine into flour, sugar and salt. Mix well. Add yeast mixture, yolks, and vanilla. Mix well. Divide into 3 balls. For filling, combine cheese, sugar, and juice; mix well. Roll each ball of dough into a 14 X 9-in. rectangle; spread 1/3 of filling lengthwise down center of each. Make 3in. cuts at 1-in. intervals on both sides of dough. Fold cut strips at an angle over filling. Let rise in warm place one hour. Bake.

Mabel Stueckler-Albuquerque, NM

Mix 2 cups flour with yeast. Stir water, milk, butter, sugar, and salt over low heat until butter melts. Cool about 5 minutes; add to flour and yeast. Add remaining flour, nuts, fruit, and eggs. (Dough will be stiff.) Knead on a floured board until dough is smooth and elastic and raisins are well distributed. Coat the inside of each coffee can, using a small amount of oil. Divide dough in half, place half in each can; cover cans with plastic tops. Let rise in warm place (85 °) until dough reaches approximately one inch from top. Remove plastic lids; bake until top sounds hollow when tapped.

Note: Bread can also be made using whole wheat flour for part of the white flour; molasses or brown sugar for the white sugar; and chopped dried fruit in place of, or in addition to, the raisins.

64 Sweet Rolls/WafflesNeast


1 pkg. yeast

1/4 cup warm water

1/3 cup milk

1/3 cup soft butter

2 1/4 cups flour

2 Tbls. sugar

2 tsp. baking powder

1/2 tsp. salt

1 slightly beaten egg


1/3 cup butter or margarine

3/4 cup brown sugar

1/2 cup chopped walnuts

Chopped walnuts

Yield: 15 rolls

Pan: Cookie sheet/jelly roll

Oven: 425°

Bake: 10-12 minutes


1 pkg. yeast

1/4 cup warm water

1 cup milk, scalded

2 Tbls. sugar

1/2 tsp. salt

1/4 cup butter

1 egg, beaten

1 1/2 cups flour

Yield: 6 servings

Soften yeast in water. Scald milk; cool. Cut butter into dry ingredients. Add yeast mixture, milk, and egg. Toss on wellfloured surface; roll to 15 X 10-inch rectangle. For filling, cream butter and sugar. Spread 1/2 mixture over dough. Sprinkle with 1/2 cup walnuts. Roll up starting with 15-inch side. Cut into one-inch slices. Flatten on foil-lined cookie sheet. Spread remaining sugar mixture over top and sprinkle with more chopped nuts. Cover. Let rise until double. Bake.

Tester's comment: Yummy! Wonderful; easy.

Dissolve yeast in water. Pour milk over sugar, salt, and butter When mixture is cooled to lukewarm, add yeast, egg, and flour. Beat; let rise one hour in a warm place. Spoon batter onto hot waffle iron; bake.

Dorothy Hill-Fort Collins, CO


-Add crumbled bacon, broken pecans, or shredded ham to your favorite waffle batter.

-Freeze extra waffles and use as needed by popping into toaster.

-Use as a base for dessert with ice cream and fruit sauce.

-Use under Chicken a la King.

-Make "waffle wiches" by spreading sandwich filling between two waffles. Warm 15-20 minutes in a 350° oven; serve with hot cheese sauce.

Gary Kleinschmidt, American b.1962, VU '84

Untitled (Still Life) , 1983

Pastel on paper, 30 x 22 inches Student Collection

Valparaiso University Museum of Art Zahn Fund purchase 84.1 O

"Still Life was the cornerstone of my Senior Thesis/show" recounts former VU art major Gary Kleinschmidt. The pastel was purchased with funds earned by an art student exhibit endowment bequeathed by Irene P. Zahn in memory of her artist father, Emil Zahn, her brother, Emil i;:. Zahn , and her artist uncle Alfred F. Dittmer. Kleinschmidt went on ' to earn his master's degree in architecture at Harvard University.

Eggs/Brunch/Soups/Sandwiches BRUNCH/EGGS Savory Chicken Soup .. .. ............ .. .......... 78 Banana French Toast... 68 Seafood Chowder .... .... ... .... .. ............ .. .. .84 Better-For-You Baked Egg Scramble 70 Slovak Potato-Mushroom Soup 89 Breakfast Apple-Rice Pudding 65 Soup Avgolemono .... .. .. ........ .... ... .......... 78 Breakfast Sunrise 65 Southern Seafood Chowder 85 Caramelized French Toast.. 68 Squash Soup 90 Cheese Blintzes .. ..... ........... .... ............... 67 Stony Hill Chili. .. .. ...... .. .... .... .. ............... .. 82 Cheesy Cinnamon Roll ups 67 Tomato Soup 91 Cheesy Ham & Egg Bake Turkey Chili ... .... ..... .... ............. .. .... .. .... ... 79 with Veggies 71 Vegetarian Chili ... ....... .... ...... .... .. ... ......... 82 Chili Cheese Souffle 73 Crunchy Granola 66 SANDWICHES Crustless Broccoli Quiche 74 Breadless Turkey Melt Sandwich 96 Curried Eggs .... .. ....................... ..... .... .... 69 Cheesy Tuna Sandwich Spread 95 Easy Do-Ahead Baked Eggs .... .. ......... .. 71 Chicken and Chutney Pitas 96 Easy Spinach Pie 74 Corned Beef Bar-B-Q .... .. ... ....... .. .......... 92 Egg Substitute 69 Crab Meat Burgers 95 Elegant Egg Scramble 70 Easy Beef and Slaw Special 94 Grits Au Gratin .. ............ .. .. ........ ............. 67 Easy Oven Beef Barbeque For Ham and Cheese Brunch Enchiladas 72 Sandwiches 93 Ham and Egg Breakfast Strudels .... .... .. 73 Fast Ham Vegetable Sandwich .. ............ 94 Orange and Honey Oven-Baked French Hot Vegetarian Sandwiches 96 Toast 68 Savory Italian Beef For Sandwiches 92 Spinach Quiche 74 Sliced Beef With Wine For Sandwiches 93 Sunday Sausage Bake ...... ............... ..... 72 Southern Pork Barbeque Sandwiches ... 94 Turkey and Stuffing Brunch Bake .......... 75 Spicy Italian Beef For Sandwiches 92 Valpo Brunch Bake ........ ........ ................ 71 Stromboli 94 "Tastes Like Chicken" Tuna Salad SOUPS Sandwiches ....... .. ............................ ..95 Bread Bowl Tip .. .... .. .. ......................... .. .88 Broccoli Soup 87 Broccoli-Corn Chowder. 87 Chicken Stock ............. .. .... ......... ....... ..... 78 Chinese Shrimp and Vegetable Soup 84 Clam Chowder-Noah's Ark 85 Corn Sausage Chowder .... ......... ......... .. 86 Dilled Chicken Vegetable Chowder ....... 79 Doc's Gourmet Chili. 81 German Goulash Soup 76 Hearty Beef Barley Soup 76 Hearty Italian "Chili" 83 Low-Calorie Broccoli Soup 87 Low-Calorie Creamy Mushroom Soup .. .89 Make-A-Meal Soup ... .. .. .. ..... .... ... ........... 83 Mexican Beef Vegetable Soup 77 New Orleans Chili With Chicken ........ ... .80 New Zealand Pumpkin Soup 90 Our Family's Nu.mber One Chili 80 Polish Beef Barley Soup ........................ ?? Potato Soup With Vegetables ...... .... .. .... 88 Roman Style Bean Soup 86 Sauerkraut Bean Soup 86


2 medium apples

1/4-1/3 cup maple syrup

2 Tbls. butter or margarine

1/4 tsp. ground cinnamon

1/8 tsp. ground nutmeg

2 cups cooked brown rice

2 cups milk

2/3 cup raisins

1/3 cup toasted coconut, wheat germ, or sunflower seeds (or combination

Yield: 4-6 servings

Core and chop apples. (Remove skin or leave on as desired.) In a medium saucepan, heat maple syrup, butter, cinnamon, nutmeg, and apples until mixture is hot and bubbly. Add the cooked rice, milk, and raisins. Heat until mixture begins to bubble but has not yet reached a full boil. Reduce heat and simmer, stirring occasionally, until pudding thickens; about 15 minutes. Sprinkle with toasted coconut or other toppings and serve warm.

Editor's note: A highly-rated breakfast dish.

Ginny (Meier) Eilers-Bellevue, WA


1 (16 oz.) can apricot halves

1 Tbls. butter

2 Tbls. sugar

1 tsp. cinnamon

Yield: 4-6 servings

Drain apricots saving juice. In a small saucepan combine juice with rest of ingredients and heat, stirring until well mixed and hot. Put cereal (such as shredded wheat biscuits) in individual bowls, top with cut-up apricots, and pour sauce over. Serve with milk or cream.

Editor's note: Delicious with apricots in heavy syrup; but water-packed is also good. Great on oatmeal, pancakes, and French toast. For buffet, stir in cut apricots and serve in chafing dish.

Janie (Kipp) Lichtfuss-Valparaiso, IN


For an attractive and tasty addition to a brunch plate, try this recipe: Place 1 or 2 canned peach halves per person in a glass baking dish. Fill the center of each with granola, sprinkle with brown sugar, and put a pat of butter on top. Pour the canned peach juice in bottom of dish and bake about 15 minutes at 350°.

Breakfast 65


1 cup margarine

1/2 cup brown sugar or honey

1/2 cup water

1 tsp. vanilla

1 tsp. salt

1/2 cup sesame seeds

7-8 cups quick oats

1 cup raisins

1 cup slivered almonds

1/2 cup sunflower seeds

1/2 cup chopped pumpkin seeds

1/2 cup walnuts

Additional chopped fruits such as dates, prunes, dried apricots, figs, etc. may be added




In microwave oven in a large bowl, melt margarine, brown sugar, and water. Add vanilla, salt, and sesame seeds. Gradually stir in oats until they are well coated. Spread on 2 ungreased jelly roll pans. Bake and stir at 20 minute intervals. Cool and add rest of ingredients. Put in sealed containers . Keeps fresh and crisp on shelf for 2 months. May be stored in refrigerator in humid weather.

Tester's note: Nuts and seeds could be toasted before adding. Of all the granola recipes our chapter tested this was by far the best!

Beata Madoerin-Omaha, NE

2 ungreased 15 x 10-inch 250-275 °

60 minutes

Variation: In a roaster stir together 1 (42 oz.) box old fashioned oats, 1 cup wheat germ, 1 1/4 cups honey, and 1 cup oil. Bake at 250 ° for one hour, stirring every 15 minutes. Cool and break apart. Stir cinnamon , cinnamon sugar , nuts, or coconut into bowls when serving according to individual tastes.

Editor's note: Easy to make; easy to please everyone!

Carolyn (Dombey) Lichtfuss Loveland, CO.


Stir together complimentary boxes of your favorite cereals and add any desired ingredients. Use bran flakes, meuslix, Grapenuts, Total, some of the new grain cereals, raisins, nuts, and dried fruit. This is a good way to use up the leftovers also.

66 Breakfast/Granola


2 lb. loaf Pepperidge Farm bread

16 oz. cream cheese

1/2 cup sugar

2 egg yolks

1/2 cup butter, melted

1 cup sugar

1 Tbls. cinnamon

Sour cream





60-64 blintzes Cookie sheet 375 ° 15-20 minutes

Cut crust off bread ; roll flat with a rolling pin. Cream together cream cheese, sugar, and egg yolks. Spread on flattened bread and roll tightly. Brush with melted butter and sprinkle with mixture of sugar and cinnamon. Cut rolls in half. Bake on cookie sheet or freeze for future use . Serve with sour cream.

Editor's note: What a w i nner from the wife of the former president of Valparaiso University!

Ellen Schnabel-Valparaiso, IN

Variation: Cheesy Cinnamon Roll-ups. Use 1 loaf white sandwich bread (30-40 slices). Use only 1 egg yolk in filling. Dip rolls in 1 cup melted butter; roll in mixture of 2 cups sugar and 4 tsp. cinnamon. After freezing on cookie sheet, store in plastic bags. When ready to use, bake 10-15 minutes at 400 ° Do not thaw

Tester's note: Surprising that such a treat can come out of a loaf of white bread!

Nancy (Kelley) Gahl-Indianapolis, IN


1/2 cup yellow or white hominy grits

3 cups water, boiling

1 lb. Velveeta cheese, diced

1/2 cup butter, cut up 3 eggs, beaten

Yield: 8 servings

Pan: 13 x 9-inch

Oven: 325 °

Bake: 30-45 minutes

Add grits to boiling water; stir until boiling only (very thin). Add cheese and butter, stirring until dissolved. Set aside and cool completely Stir beaten eggs into cooled mixture Put in casserole dish and bake until set.

Note: A Christmas brunch favorite at our home with ham rolls, pineapple, and pastry.

Betty (Wehmueller) Grimm Kirkwood, MO

Cheese/Brunch 67 •



1/2 cup butter

1 cup brown sugar

2 Tbls. light corn syrup

8-10 white bread slices, any thickness

3 eggs

1 cup milk





4-5 servings

13 x 9-inch baking pan 350 ° 40 minutes

Melt butter in bottom of pan. Remove from heat; stir in brown sugar and corn syrup until dissolved and smooth. Put bread slices over butter mixture to cover pan. Beat eggs and milk together with a whisk and pour over bread. May be baked immediately or may be refrigerated overnight and baked the next morning. Turn pieces over and serve warm. (If allowed to cool , the caramel syrup mixture will harden somewhat-reheat in oven to soften again.)

Kristin Schumacher-Brookfield, WI


1/4 cup butter or margarine

2 Tbls. honey

1/2 tsp. cinnamon

3 eggs or egg substitute

1/2 cup fresh orange juice

1/8 tsp. sea salt (opt.)

6-8 slices whole wheat bread

Yield: 3-4 servings

Pan: 13 x 9-inch

Oven: 400 °

Bake: 20 minutes

Melt butter and honey in baking pan; sprinkle with cinnamon and mix with spoon. Set aside. In bowl beat eggs, juice, and salt. Soak bread in egg mixture, but do not allow slices to get so wet as to fall apart. Arrange slices in one layer on top of honey mixture. Bake until set. Invert toast when serving or turn over halfway through baking.

Tester's note: Our family loved it! For more orang'e flavor add a little grated orange peel or serve with orange-honey butter: Beat 1/2 cup butter, 3 Tbls. honey, and 1 Tbls. grated orange rind until fluffy.

Ruby Hosfield-Glenview, IL


In food processor blend I large ripe banana, 2 eggs, 1/2 cup milk, and 1/2 tsp. cinnamon. Place 4-6 slices whole wheat bread in 13 x 9-inch pan; pour milk mixture over and soak until all liquid is absorbed. Cook in butter in heavy skillet.

68 Brunch/French

Eggs/Brunch 69


8 egg whites

1/4 cup non-fat dry milk

1 Tbls. polyunsaturated vegetable oil

6-7 drops yellow food coloring


8 hard-cooked eggs

1/2 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. paprika

1/2 tsp. curry powder

1/4 tsp. dry mustard

1/3 cup mayonnaise

1 cup soft bread crumbs


2 Tbls. butter

2 Tbls. flour

1 (10 3/4 oz.) can cream of chicken soup

1 soup can milk

1/2 cup shredded Cheddar cheese





8 servings 12 x 8-inch 350° 45 minutes

Put all ingredients in blender and beat until smooth. Store in tightly covered jar in refrigerator for no more than one week. May be frozen. 1/4 cup of mixture is equal to one egg.

Joanne Gatz-Urbana, IL

Variation: Use 3 egg whites, 1/4 cup nonfat milk liquid, 1 Tbls. non-fat dry milk, and 1 tsp. polyunsaturated oil. Beat egg whites with a fork. Add remaining ingredients and beat with a whisk until thoroughly blended.

Kathy {Boerger) Bardenhagen Racine, WI

Cut eggs in half. Remove yolks, mashing them and adding seasonings and mayonnaise . Blend until smooth and stuff into whites. Arrange in buttered dish. Sprinkle bread crumbs over eggs. Spread sauce over all. Refrigerate overnight, if desired. Bake until bubbly.

Sauce: Melt butter; blend in flour; add soup, milk, and cheese. Stir until smooth; -· cook over low heat, stirring constantly until thickened.

Tester's note: Excellent flavor!

Lorena Neumann

Submitted by Joanne Gatz Urbana, IL

• •


1 cup diced ham or Canadian bacon

1/4 cup chopped onion

3 Tbls. butter or margarine

12 eggs, beaten

1 (3 oz.) can mushrooms stems and pieces, drained

Cheese sauce:

2 Tbls. butter

2 Tbls. flour

1/2 tsp. salt

1/8 tsp. pepper

2 cups milk

1 cup (4 oz.) shredded Cheddar cheese




6-8 servings 12 x 7-inch 350 ° 30 minutes

1 lb. ground turkey sausage

6 slices whole grain bread

6 eggs or egg substitute

2 cups milk

1/2 tsp. each: salt, paprika, dry mustard

1/4 tsp. pepper





6 servings 2-quart casserole 325 ° 45 minutes

In a large skillet cook ham or bacon and onions in butter or margarine until onion is tender but not brown. Add eggs and scramble just until set. Fold mushrooms and cheese sauce into cooked eggs. Turn into baking dish. Cover; chill overnight in refrigerator, if desired. Bake uncovered.

Cheese Sauce: Melt butter, add flour and seasonings. Gradually add milk and stir until thickened. Stir in cheese.

Note: May make 1 1/2 times the recipe in a 13 x 9-inch pan. May substitute 2 (10 1/2 oz.) cans condensed Cheddar cheese soup or sauce for the cheese sauce.

Brown sausage in frypan, crumbling roll sausage or patties as they brown. Remove crusts from bread and cut into 1/2-inch cubes. Place sausage and bread in casserole which has been sprayed with vegetable coating spray. Beat eggs well and combine with remaining ingredients; pour over sausage and bread. (Can be refrigerated at this point.) Bake until a knife inserted in center comes out clean.

Note: We always serve this for our Christmas morning brunch.

Editor's note: Certainly a healthier choice for a classic favorite breakfast casserole!

Sylvia Luekens-Huntington Beach, CA

70 Brunch/Eggs
Bake: • •
Marilyn (Moeller) Holmquist West Bend, WI


16 slices white bread, crusts trimmed and cubed

1 lb. grated sharp Cheddar cheese

1 lb. bacon, fried and crumbled 2/3 cup melted butter or margarine

1 quart milk

12 eggs, beaten 1/2 tsp. salt

Yield: 8-10 servings

Pan: 13 x 9-inch or 14 x 10-inch

Oven: 350 °

Bake: 50 minutes

Place bread cubes in the greased pan. Combine remaining ingredients and pour into pan. Place in refrigerator overnight. Bake.

Note: This dish received rave reviews at our Valpo Guild Brunch.

Faith Rechel-Dublin, OH

Variation #1: Valpo Brunch Bake. Use 10 slices bread, 3 cups cheese, 1 lb. bacon, 3 1/2 cups milk, 1/4 cup onion, 1 tsp. dry mustard with 12 eggs. Put no butter in casserole, but top with 1/4 lb. melted butter tossed with 2 cups cornflakes (crush slightly if very large pieces). Refrigerate overnight. Bake at 325 ° for 60-70 minutes

Milwaukee Suburban Guild Milwaukee, WI

Variation #2: Cheesy Ham and Egg

Bake with Veggies. Sprinkle 1 1/2 cups each shredded Cheddar and Mozarella in bottom of ungreased baking dish. Saute 8 oz. sliced mushrooms, 1/3 cup sliced green onions, and 1/2 medium red pepper in 1/4 cup butter. Drain well and sprinkle over cheese. Cover with 8 oz. julienned ham. Refrigerate overnight. Before baking whisk together 1/2 cup flour, 1 3/4 cup milk, 8 eggs , and 2 Tbls. chopped parsley; pour over all ingredients in casserole. Bake at 350 ° for 35-45 minutes. Stand for 10 minutes.

Lois (Hadde) Brandt-Milwaukee, WI


Create your own quiche recipe with what's on hand! Remember the basics: add to one 9-inch pie crust pre-baked at 425 ° for 7 minutes, a combination of the following:

• 3-4 eggs

• 1-1- 1/2 cups any combination of milk, cream, sour cream, blended cottage cheese, or softened cream cheese

• 2-3 cups any combination sauteed or steamed vegetables , cooked meats, poultry, seafood, or cheeses

• 1/2-1 tsp. spice or flavor enhancer (salt, dry mustard, cayenne pepper, basil, chives , marjoram, fresh parsley

Bake at 400° for 40-50 minutes or until knife inserted in center comes out clean.

Eggs/Brunch 71 •


1 cup Stove Top one step chicken stuffing mix

1 lb. sausage, browned and drained


2 cups milk

1/4 tsp. dry mustard

2 cups grated sharp Cheddar cheese

1 (4 oz.) can mushroom pieces

1 (1 O 3/4 oz.) can cream of mushroom soup

1/2 soup can of milk

1/4 cup additional Stove Top dressing crumbs for top




8 servings 13 x 9-inch 350 ° 60 minutes

3 cups diced ham

3/4 cup chopped green onions

1/2 cup chopped green pepper

3 1/2 cups grated Cheddar cheese

10 7-inch flour tortillas

6 large eggs, beaten

3 cups whole milk or light cream

2 Tbls. flour

1/2 tsp. garlic powder (opt.)

6 drops Tabasco sauce (opt.)

Salt and pepper (opt.)





10 servings

13 x 9-inch baking dish 350 ° 60 minutes

Sprinkle stuffing mix on the bottom of greased casserole. Distribute sausage pieces evenly over crumbs. Beat eggs with milk and dry mustard. Stir in cheese and mushrooms and carefully pour into casserole. Refrigerate overnight. Before baking the next day, combine soup and remaining 1/2 can of milk and spoon on top of egg mixture. Sprinkle additional stuffing crumbs over all. Bake. (May also be baked at 325 ° for 1 1/4 hours.)

Tester's note: A wonderful main dish for brunch or supper!

Combine ham, onion, and green pepper. Place a generous 1/3 cup of this mixture plus 1/4 cup grated cheese on each tortilla; roll up and place seam side down in greased or vegetable oil sprayed baking dish, making two rows of 5 each. Whisk together eggs, milk, flour, and seasonings. Pour over tortillas, making sure that all are moistened. Cover and refrigerate several hours or .0vernight. When ready to bake, press tortillas down slightly to moisten top Bake until set. Sprinkle with remaining cheese and serve when cheese is melted.

Note: Buy 20 oz. ham. A ham slice works very well or thick-sliced deli ham of good quality without a lot of water added. We served this at one of our annual brunches.

Milwaukee Suburban Chapter Milwaukee, WI

Bake: • •
Sue Hill-Centerville, OH


8 slices white bread

1/2 cup (1/4 lb.) butter, melted

1 cup grated Longhorn or Cheddar cheese, divided

1 (4 oz.) can chopped green chiles, divided

8 eggs, separated

2 cups milk

Salt to taste

Pepper to taste





12-15 servings 13 x 9-inch 325 ° 45-60 minutes

Grease pan with solid shortening. Trim crusts from bread and cut into 1/2-inch cubes; toss with butter until coated and spread evenly in pan. Layer the cheese on top and then the chiles. Combine egg yolks with milk, salt, and pepper. Beat egg whites until stiff and fold into egg yolk mixture. Pour over all. Refrigerate overnight ; bake the next day.

Tester's note: A wonderful make-ahead dish with delightful flavor and texture. I have never seen an "egg bake" dish go together so satisfactorily!

Carol (Rozhon) Raby-Albuquerque, NM


3 Tbls. chopped green onions

1/4 cup butter

1/4 cup flour

2 cups milk

1 cup shredded Swiss or Cheddar cheese

1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese

1/2 tsp. salt

Dash pepper and nutmeg

10 eggs, beaten

1/2 lb. ham (with no or little water added), finely diced 2 Tbls. fresh parsley


10 (13 x 9-inch) filo (phyllo) dough sheets, thawed

1 cup butter or margarine, melted

1/3 cup dry bread crumbs

Additional Parmesan and parsley




10 individual strudels

375 ° 13-15 minutes

Saute onions in butter in small saucepan. Blend in flour, then milk, cooking untii thickened . Remove from heat ; add cheeses, salt, pepper, and nutmeg. Set aside. Scramble eggs; stir into cheese sauce mixture along with ham and parsley. Refrigerate until cool.

Wrapping: Unroll filo sheets and cover with plastic wrap. Brush 1 sheet with melted butter and sprinkle with bread crumbs. Top with another sheet. Put 1/2 cup egg mixture on bottom of short side of filo, leaving a 2-inch edge on bottom and sides. Turn up edge, fold in sides, and roll up. Place seam side down on ungreased cookie sheet. Brush with butter and sprinkle with additional Parmesan and parsley Repeat with other sheets. Bake until lightly browned. Sausage may be substituted for the ham. May be made the day before and refrigerated. Freezing is also acceptable if necessary for a large group .

Judy Schumacher-Brookfield, WI

Eggs/Brunch 73 -



3 eggs

3 Tbls. flour

1 lb. cottage cheese

1/8 tsp. garlic salt

1 (1 O oz.) pkg. frozen chopped spinach, thawed and drained

1/4 cup melted margarine

3/4 cup shredded Cheddar cheese

Frozen deep dish prepared pie shell




6 seNings Prepared pie shell 350 ° 60 minutes


1 (10 oz.) pkg. frozen chopped spinach

1 (8 oz.) pkg. refrigerator crescent rolls

1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese

3 eggs, slightly beaten

1 cup evaporated milk

2 tsp. Worcestershire sauce

1/2 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. onion salt

1/2 tsp. dried sweet pepper flakes

1/8 tsp. pepper

1 (2 1/2 oz.) jar sliced mushrooms, drained 8 slices bacon, diced and crisply fried

Grated Parmesan cheese





6 seNings 10-inch pie or quiche 350 ° 40-45 minutes

Beat eggs, flour, cottage cheese, and garlic salt together well. Add remaining ingredients and pour into pie shell. Bake and let sit a few minutes before seNing.

Diane (Mawe) Mathuny-Costa Mesa, CA

Variation: Crustless Broccoli Quiche. In blender, blend eggs, flour, and cottage cheese. Eliminate garlic salt. Add margarine and only 1/4 cup of Cheddar cheese just to blend. Stir in 1 (10 oz.) pkg. frozen chopped broccoli that has been thawed. Pour into greased 10-inch pie pan and bake as above.

Marion Burkman-Highland, IN

'Cook spinach just to thaw completely and drain well. Unroll crescent rolls and press into pan to form crust. Sprinkle Cheddar cheese over crust. In bowl combine eggs, milk, Worcestershire sauce, and seasonings; stir in spinach, mushrooms, and half the bacon. Pour over cheese in crust. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese. Bake 20 minutes; sprinkle remaining bacon on top. Bake additional 20-25 minutes or until knife inserted in center comes out clean.

Tester's note: A definite yes! Let sit a few minutes before cutting. If crust begins to get brown, put a little foil over edges. Another variation is: Prepare spinach as directed above, draining again on paper toweling; combine with 2 Tbls. flour. Add 1 cup each grated Cheddar and Swiss cheeses, 1/2 cup each mayonnaise and milk, 3 lightly beaten eggs, 10 slices crisply cooked and crumbled bacon, 8 oz. sliced mushrooms, and 1 bunch sliced green onions. Pour into 9-inch pastry shell; bake 1 hour at 350°

Shirley (Nelesen) Honold-Sheboygan, WI



1 cup celery, finely diced

6 Tbls. margarine

2/3 cup water

2 cups herb-seasoned crushed-style stuffing

4 large beaten eggs

1 (10 3/4 oz.) can cream of chicken soup

1 (5 oz.) can evaporated milk

2 Tbls. minced onion

2 Tbls. finely chopped parsley

Dash of pepper

1 1/2 cups (6 oz.) shredded Swiss cheese, divided

3 cups finely chopped turkey breast

Pimiento Mushroom Sauce:

1 (1 O 3/4 oz.) can cream of mushroom soup

1/2 cup milk

1 cup sour half-and-half 1/4 cup finely diced pimiento

Yield: 12-15 servings

Dish: 13 x 9-inch

Oven: 350 °

Bake: 35-45 minutes


Saute celery in margarine until tender. Add water and stuffing mix; toss to mix and set aside. Combine beaten eggs, soup, milk, onion, parsley, dash of pepper, and half the cheese. Stir in turkey. Turn into well-greased dish. Sprinkle with remaining cheese. Top with stuffing mixture; bake until firm. Let stand 5 minutes before cutting. Top each serving with sauce. May be refrigerated overnight before baking.

Sauce: Whisk all ingredients together and heat in double boiler until hot, but not boiling Do not overheat to avoid curdling.

Note: This has been served at some of our annual brunches. The sauce recipe is in Vol. I, originally submitted by Mrs. E. A. Nerger.

Milwaukee Suburban Guild Milwaukee, WI

-Freeze raw egg whites in a plastic ice cube tray; remove to a plastic bag for storage. Thaw egg whites in the refrigerator. Two tablespoons thawed liquid egg whites are equal to one large egg white.

-To successfully freeze egg yolks, add either 1'/8 tsp. salt or 1 1/2 tsp. sugar or corn syrup for each 1/4 cup of yolks.

-To make perfect "sunnyside up" fried eggs, add a few drops of water for each egg to skillet; cover and cook over low heat until yolk is of desired firmness.


See Bread section for pancakes, waffles, French toast, and coffeecakes. See Preserving/Canning/Side Dish section for fruit side dishes suitable for brunches.

Brunch 75 •


3 large onions, chopped

2 Tbls. bacon fat or lard

3 Tbls. paprika

1 (6 oz.) can tomato paste, divided

2 lbs. beef chuck roast, cut into 1/2-inch cubes

2 tsp. salt

1 tsp. garlic salt

1 1/2 tsp. ground caraway seed

1/4 tsp. thyme

7 cups beef stock

2 cups water

1 1/2 lbs. potatoes, diced

3 carrots, diced

Yield: 12 servings

In large Dutch oven, lightly saute onions in fat. Add paprika and 1 Tbls. tomato paste. Toss beef cubes with remaining spices and brown with the onions. Add stock, water, rest of tomato paste, potatoes, and carrots and simmer for several hours. Flavor improves if made one day, refrigerated, and then reheated and served the second day.

Note: This is reminiscent of the soup we ordered daily for lunch as we traveled throughout Germany.


1/2 lb. lean ground beef or turkey

1/2 cup chopped onions

1 clove garlic, minced, or 1 tsp. garlic powder

7 cups water or 1 (46 oz.) can tomato juice and water to equal 7 cups

1 (14 1/2 oz.) can whole tomatoes, undrained and chopped

1/2 cup chopped green pepper

1/2 cup medium Quaker barley

1/2 cup sliced celery

1/2 cup sliced carrots

2 beef boullion cubes

1/2 tsp. crushed dried basil

1 large bay leaf

1 (10 oz.) pkg. frozen mixed vegetables

Yield: 12 servings

Brown ground meat and onions in a 4quart kettle. Add remaining ingredients except frozen vegetables. Bring to a full boil; reduce to simmer for 30 minutes. Add frozen vegetables and simmer until tender. If too thick, add water.

76 Soup/Beef


2/3 cup fine pearl barley

1O cups beef stock, divided

5 Tbls. unsalted butter or margarine, divided

1 onion, minced

2 carrots, shredded

3 stalks celery with leaves, sliced

2-3 potatoes, peeled and diced

1/2 lb. fresh mushrooms, sliced

Salt and pepper to taste

2 Tbls. dried dill or parsley or 1 large sprig of fresh dill or 1/2 cup chopped parsley

1/2 cup sour cream

Additional dill or parsley for garnish

Yield: 6-10 servings

In a stockpot, combine the barley and 3 cups of the stock. Bring to a boil; cover. Simmer for 1 hour or until the barley is tender. Remove from the heat.

In a skillet, heat 3 Tbls. butter or margarine; saute the onion until softened. Add the carrots , celery, and potatoes. Cover and cook for about 15 minutes. Transfer to stockpot. Add the remaining butter to the skillet; add the mushrooms and saute until browned. Transfer to the stockpot; add the remaining stock. Add salt and pepper. Bring to a boil; simmer 15 minutes stirring frequently. Add the dill or parsley. In a small bowl, blend the sour cream with 1 cup of the hot soup. Stir into the soup. Serve hot with additional dill or parsley for garnish.


1 lb. ground beef or turkey

1 pkg. taco seasoning mix

1 (46 oz.) can tomato juice

1 (15 1/4 oz.) can chili hot beans, undrained

1 (16 oz.) pkg. frozen mixed vegetables

1 (12 oz.) can tomato paste

2 cups crushed corn chips

2 cups (8 oz.) shredded Cheddar cheese

Yield: 6-12 servings

In a 5-quart Dutch oven, brown meat and drain off excess fat. Add seasoning mix, juice, beans, vegetables, and tomato paste. Mix well. Bring to boil; reduce heat and simmer uncovered for 20-25 minutes or until vegetables are tender, stirring occasionally. Top each serving with chips and cheese.

Editor's note: A hearty, flavorful meal-ina-bowl!

Lucille (Halleen) Kers-Dearborn, Ml

Beef/Soup 77


1 medium onion

1 stalk celery

2 carrots

1 (8 oz.) baking potato

1 green pepper

4 Tbls. unsalted butter

3 garlic cloves, minced

Dash each of thyme and sage

Salt and pepper to taste

5 cups chicken stock (recipe follows)

3 cups diced cooked chicken

8-1 Ofresh mushrooms, sliced

Yield: 6-8 servings (3 qts )

Dice onion, celery, carrots, potato, and green pepper into 1/2inch pieces and set aside. Melt butter in heavy soup pot over medium high heat. Saute garlic until fragrant, about 30 seconds. Add diced vegetables , thyme, sage, salt, and pepper. Cook, stirring frequently, until onion is soft, but not browned. Add chicken stock, chicken, and mushrooms. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low and simmer about 40 minutes.


3 quarts water

3 lbs. chicken necks, backs, and wings

3 carrots, halved

1 large onion, sliced

Bouquet garni (1 sprig parsley, 1 bay leaf, 1/4 tsp. dried thyme and 3 peppercorns, all tied in cheesecloth)

Yield: About 3 quarts

Heat all ingredients in large stockpot to boiling. Reduce heat and simmer, partially covered, 3-4 hours, skimming surface occasionally. Add more water to keep ingredients covered, if necessary. Strain stock through sieve lined with double thickness of dampened cheesecloth; discard solids. Cool stock to room temperature; cover and refrigerate. When chilled remove and discard fat from surface. Stock can be refrigerated, tightly covered, up to 3 days or frozen up to 2 months. Reheat to boiling before serving.

SOUP AVGOLEMONO (Greek Lemon Soup)

6 cups chicken stock

1/3 cup uncooked rice


3 Tbls. fresh lemon juice

Sprinkle of salt

Yield: 6 servings

Bring chicken stock to boil; add rice and reduce heat to low. Simmer, partially covered, 15 minutes. Beat eggs, lemon juice, and salt together. Slowly add 1 cup of hot broth to egg mixture , stirring while adding . Add another cup of broth in the same manner. Pour this blended egg mixture back into the rest of the hot broth and heat gently a few minutes. Do not boil.

78 Soup/Chicken


1 medium onion, chopped

1 clove garlic, minced

2 Tbls. butter or margarine

1/4 cup flour

3 cups chicken broth

1 1/2 cups shredded unpeeled zucchini

3/4 cup shredded carrot

3 Tbls. chopped parsley

1 tsp. dried dillweed

1/2 tsp. salt

1 cup light cream, milk, or evaporated skim milk

2 cups chopped cooked chicken or turkey

Yield: 6 servings



2 (16 oz.) cans whole tomatoes

2 (15 oz.) cans red kidney beans, drained

1 (8 oz.) can tomato sauce

1/2 cup chopped onions

1/4 cup dry red wine

1-2 Tbls. chili powder

1 tsp. dry parsley flakes

3/4 tsp. basil

3/4 tsp. oregano

1/2 tsp. black pepper

1/2 tsp. cinnamon

1 clove garlic, chopped

1/4-1/2 tsp. ground red pepper

1 bay leaf

Yield: 10 servings

In a heavy 3-qt. saucepan, saute onion and garlic in margarine or butter until tender. Blend in flour, add broth , and whisk until thickened. Add zucchini, carrots, and seasonings. Cover ; simmer 10 minutes. Stir in cream and chicken and heat through.

Note: Delicious and eye-appealing! Be sure to use the fresh good quality dried dillweed for full flavor.

Eunice Koepke-Pewaukee, WI

Brown the raw turkey in large Dutch oven

Add remaining ingredients. Simmer 2 hours, covered. May use ground beef.

Tester's note: Very hot! Spices may be changed to suit varying tastes. Also good without basil and oregano and less red pepper.

Beth Van De Velde Highlands Ranch, CO (submitted by Mary Ellen Simon)

Variation: Brown 1 lb. ground turkey. Stir in 1 pkg. French's Chili-0 seasoning mix, 1/2 cup water, 1 (16 oz.) can tomato sauce, and 1 (15 3/4 oz .) can Brook's mild chili beans in sauce. Heat to boiling and simmer 10 minutes. Serve with grated Cheddar cheese and tortilla chips.

Tester's note: Fast! Easy! Delicious!

Kathryn (Drews) Hronec-Winnetka, IL

Poultry/Chili/Soup 79


1 (28 oz.) can Italian plum tomatoes

6 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves

1/2 cup defatted chicken broth

1 large yellow onion, chopped

2 Tbls. coarsley chopped garlic

2 medium-sized zucchini, cut in thin slices

2 red bell peppers, cored, seeded and cut into 1-inch squares

2 Tbls. chili powder

1 tsp. ground cumin (opt.)

2 tsp. curry powder

1 tsp. dried oregano

1/8 tsp. ground allspice

1 cup dark-red kidney beans, drained

1 Tbls. fresh lemon juice

1/4 cup chopped parsley

Freshly ground pepper to taste

1 cup nonfat plain yogurt

4 scallions, cleaned and thinly sliced

Yield: 10 servings

Cut tomatoes in 1-inch pieces and reserve liquid. Place breasts in shallow roasting pan and pour 1/2 cup of the tomato liquid over. Cover well with aluminum foil. Bake for 20-25 minutes. Remove chicken from the cooking liquid and cool slightly. Cut into 1-inch cubes, cover and reserve. Discard cooking liquid.

Place broth in a large heavy pot. Add onion and garlic; cook for 3 minutes over low heat, stirring occasionally. Add zucchini and the red peppers. Cook, covered, for an additional 8 minutes. Add reserved tomatoes and remaining liquid, chili powder, cumin, curry powder, oregano, and allspice. Simmer, uncovered, over low heat for 3 minutes, stirring once.

Add reserved chicken, kidney beans, lemon juice, 2 Tbls. parsley, and pepper. Simmer over low heat, uncovered 10-12 minutes more, stirring occasionally. Adjust seasonings and stir in remaining parsley. Serve piping hot over brown or white rice. Garnish with yogurt and scallions, if desired.

Tester's note: Not your typical chili-quite delicious!


(Le Cron) Laporte-New Orleans, LA


1 lb. ground chuck

1 onion, chopped

1 (1 O 3/4 oz.) can tomato soup

1 (16 oz.) can diced tomatoes

1 Tbls. chili powder

1 (16 oz.) can Bush's baked beans

1 tsp. salt (opt.)

Yield: 3-4 servings

Brown chuck with onion; drain. Stir in all except beans; simmer 10-20 minutes. Add beans; simmer another 10-20 minutes or until supper.

Note: A "no recipe" chili without kidney beans that is our favorite easy meal.

Judy Schumacher-Brookfield, WI

80 Soup/Chili
.... --

Chili/Soup 81


Seasoning mix:

1 Tbls. & 1 tsp. cumin

2 1/2 tsp. coriander

2 1/2 tsp. chili powder

2 tsp. dried oregano

2 tsp. crumbled thyme

1/4 tsp. ground cloves

1/4 tsp. allspice

1/4 tsp. cinnamon

1 cup dried pinto beans, rinsed and picked over

2 Tbls. flour

6 Tbls. oil, divided

2 3/4 lbs. boneless chuck, cut into small pieces (can substitute pork or hamburger)

2 large onions, cut into 1/2-inch slices

6-8 garlic cloves, minced

1 jalapeno chili pepper, minced, with seeds

3 Tbls. tomato paste

1 1/2 cups beer

2 cups beef stock

2 cups chicken stock

1 (28 oz.) can Italian plum tomatoes

1 small ham hock

1/2 tsp. dried red pepper flakes

3 bell peppers, coarsely chopped (green, red, and yellow)

Yield: 6-8 servings

Pan: Dutch oven

'Combine spices for seasoning mix in a small bowl and set aside. Cover beans with cold water in a saucepan. Bring to a boil. Let stand one hour. Drain. Toss beef in a large bowl with salt and pepper to taste, 2 Tbls. seasoning mix, and 2 Tbls. flour.

Heat 4 Tbls. oil in Dutch oven. Add meat and brown. Transfer to a bowl. Pour remaining 2 Tbls. oil into Dutch oven and add the onion, garlic, jalepeno, tomato paste, and all but 2 tsp. of the seasoning mix. Saute until the onion is transparent. Add beer, stock, tomatoes, ham hock, and pepper flakes. Bring to a simmer. Return meat to the pot. Simmer partially covered for 30 minutes , stirring occasionally. Add beans and simmer one hour. Add reserved seasoning and simmer until meat is tender (about 45 minutes).

Remove ham hock. Trim off fat and cut meat into small pieces. Return to chili. Degrease stew. Saute peppers in oil until tender crisp Add to chili and simmer 5 minutes.

Note: Dr. Keller is a 1970 Valpo graduate and his recipe was the winner of the 1990 Greensboro, NC Chili Cook-off!

Editor's note: Very spicy! Preparation is quite involved, but the excellent blending of flavors is well worth it!

Dr. David Keller - submitted by Joan Keller-Greensboro, NC


To easily remove a garlic clove from stews, soups, sauces, etc., spear the garlic with a toothpick befor-e placing in the pot.

To reduce excessive saltiness in soups and stews, add several slices of raw potato and cook for about 10 minutes. Remove potato slices before serving


7 lbs. lean ground beef

1/2-3/4 lb. chopped onions

1/2 bunch celery, chopped (about 3 cups)

5 (12 oz.) cans tomato paste (or 1/2 gallon)

4 (16 oz.) cans kidney or red beans (or 1/2 gallon)

2 (46 oz.) cans tomato juice

6 Tbls. salt

1/4 cup sugar

2 Tbls. chili powder

1 1/4 tsp. pepper

3 1/2 cups elbow spaghetti, cooked in boiling salted water, drained (7 cups cooked)

Water, about 7 quarts

Yield: 50 servings

Pan: 18-20 qt. roaster


3 cups chopped celery

2 green peppers, chopped

2 medium onions, chopped

2 cloves garlic, chopped

2 (28 oz.) cans tomatoes

3 (16 oz.) cans kidney beans

1 (16 oz.) can Garbanzo beans

1 (4 oz.) can green chiles

1/4 cup vinegar

1 Tbls. chili powder

1 1/2 tsp. cumin seeds

1/4 tsp. cinnamon

1 (12 oz.) can beer, or less

1 1/2 cups dry roasted peanuts (optional)

Sharp Cheddar cheese

Parsley (optional)

Yield: 6-8 servings

Brown beef, onions, and celery. Add all other ingredients except water if chili is to be served the following day. Keep very cold overnight. The next day add enough water to almost fill roaster. Simmer for 2-3 hours, stirring occasionally. Add additional boiling water just before serving to completely fill roaster.

Note: This chili, first served at our country church located on a stony hill, is now served by the Valpo Guild for Lenten suppers.

Concordia Beversdorf-Shawano, WI

Saute celery, green peppers, onions, and garlic. Add tomatoes, beans, chiles, vinegar, chili powder, cumin, and cinnamon. Cover and simmer 1 1/2 hours. Add beer and simmer uncovered 30 minutes more. Stir in peanuts. Serve with topping of cheese and parsley, if desired.

Laurel Drabkowski-Baltimore, MD

82 Soup/Chili
• •

Chili/Soup 83


1 1/2 lbs. mild Italian sausage, cut into 1/2-inch lengths

2 cloves garlic, minced

2 large onions, chopped

1 (28 oz.) can Italian style pear shaped or whole tomatoes

3 (13 3/4 oz.) cans beef broth

1 1/2 cups dry red wine

1/2 tsp. basil

1/2 tsp. oregano

1 bay leaf

3 Tbls. chopped parsley

1 medium green pepper, chopped

2 medium zucchini, sliced 1/4inch thick

3 cups cooked bow tie noodles or other pasta (5 oz. uncooked)

Grated Parmesan cheese

Yield: 6-8 servings

Pan: 5-qt. Dutch oven


1 onion, chopped

1 Tbls. vegetable oil

1 lb. smoked sausage, thinly sliced

3 cups water

1 (28 oz.) can whole tomatoes

1 (15 oz.) can red beans

1 (8 oz.) can tomato sauce

3 carrots, sliced

3 celery stalks, sliced

1/4 head cabbage, cut in 1-inch chunks

1/4 cup uncooked rice

2 chicken bouillon cubes

1 bay leaf

1 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. thyme

1/4 tsp. pepper

Yield: 6-8 servings

In Dutch oven cook sausage until medium brown ; drain off fat. Add garlic and onions ; cook until limp. Add tomatoes with liquid , breaking tomatoes into pieces. Add broth, w i ne , basil , oregano, and bay leaf. Simmer uncovered 30 minutes. Add parsley, pepper, and zucchini and simmer covered for about 20 minutes longer. Add cooked noodles. Serve in soup bowls with Parmesan cheese served separately to sprinkle over top.

Tester's note: Rich and full-bodied one dish meal.

Marilyn (Moeller) Holmquist West Bend, WI

In a large saucepan , brown the onion in oil until tender. Add remaining ingredients. Cover and simmer 30 minutes or until vegetables are tender. Add more water as needed .

Marilyn Burch-Rochester Hills, Ml



1/3 cup margarine

1 medium onion, cubed

3/4 cup celery and leaves, sliced

1/3 lb. shark fillet, cubed

2 medium potatoes, cubed

1 1/2 cups water

1/3 cup frozen mixed vegetables

1/4 cup flour

2 cups skim milk

Salt, pepper, and lemon-herb seasoning to taste

Fried bacon for garnish

Chopped fresh parsley for garnish

Yield: 4 servings

Melt margar i ne in non-stick pan Add onion , celery, and shark. Saute until shark loses its transparency. Add potatoes and water , just to cover. Cover pan , and cook over med i um heat for 10 minutes. Add frozen vegetables and cook 5 minutes longer. Mix flour into milk (as for gravy thickening) and pour into pan with rest of i ngredients . Stir until evenly thickened . Add seasonings and simmer until flavors blend. Garnish and serve. Good with soft bread sticks.

Tester's note: Eye-appealing and tasty!

Barbara Pahl-Appleton, WI


2 cups Chinese cabbage (Bok Choy)

1/2 cup Chinese mushrooms (or regular fresh mushrooms)

6 cups chicken broth (or 3 bouillon cubes in water)

2-3 Tbls. soy sauce

1 Tbls. ginger root, cut match stick size

1/2 cup sliced water chestnuts

1/2 lb. cleaned peeled shrimp

Salt and hot sauce to taste

Yield: 4-6 servings


Clean and slice cabbage diagonally in 1inch pieces. Soak Chinese mushrooms until soft and slice. Bring broth to boil in soup pot. Add cabbage, mushrooms, soy sauce, ginger, and water chestnuts; cook 4 minutes. Add shrimp; bring to boil. Remove from heat. Add salt and hot sauce as needed . Note: May substitute a pound of dow too (cut into 1-inch size) for shrimp.

Tester's note: Family enjoyed it! , ·. - •

Jean (Louie) and Paul Wildgrube Schenectady, NY

To make full-flavored stock for soup, use a stewing hen or 2 younger broiler-fryers. Wings , necks , backs, or carcasses may be used for stock but will not be as flavorful for soup.


Seafood/Soup 85


2 (6 1/2 oz.) cans minced clams or approx. 1 pt. fresh

1 large onion, finely chopped

1/4 lb. butter

3 (1 O 1/2 oz.) cans Campbell's New England clam chowder

6 (1 O 1/2 oz.) cans Campbell's cream of potato soup

2 quarts half-and-half





Makes 7 quarts

Large ovenproof pot 200° 2 hours

Drain clams and save juice. Saute clams and onions for 15 minutes in butter. In a pot combine all ingredients except clam juice. Cover and bake. Stir every hour. Thin with clam juice if chowder is too thick. Serve with oyster crackers or saltines.

Note: Perfect for Christmas Eve when family comes in from the airport or for a bowl game party. Freezes well.

Tester's note: Excellent! Just like chowder from a good restaurant!

Velma (Meier) Altobelli-St. Louis, MO


2 (6 1/2 oz.) cans minced clams

1 (28 oz.) can whole tomatoes, undrained and chopped

2 cups water

1 large potato, peeled and cubed

2 cloves garlic, minced

2 medium onions, thinly sliced

1 medium green pepper, chopped

1 bay leaf

1 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. dried basil

1/8 tsp. pepper

1 (10 oz.) pkg. cut frozen okra

1 lb. frozen flounder or sole fillets, cut into bite-sized pieces

Yield: 3 quarts

'Drain clams, reserving liquid. Set clams aside. Combine clam liquid and rest of ingredients except okra, flounder, and clams in a Dutch oven or heavy kettle. Bring to a boil. Cover and reduce heat; simmer for 15-20 minutes or until the potatoes are tender. Stir in okra, flounder, and clams. Bring to a boil. Cover and reduce heat; simmer for 8 minutes or until fish flakes easily. Remove bay leaf before serving.

Esther (Predoehl) Bierwagen

Valparaiso, IN


1 lb. bulk pork sausage

1 cup coarsely chopped onion

4 cups (1/2 inch cubes) peeled potatoes

1 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. dried marjoram, crushed

1/8 tsp. freshly ground pepper

2 cups water

1 (17 oz.) can cream-style corn

1 (17 oz.) can whole kernel corn, drained

1 (12 oz.) can evaporated milk

Yield: 6 seNings


4 slices bacon, cut up

1/4 cup chopped onion

1 (18 oz.) can stewed tomatoes

4 frankfurters, cut into slices

3 cups water

3 tsp. instant chicken bouillon

1/8 tsp. salt

1/8 tsp. pepper

1 (17 oz.) can kidney beans

3/4 cup uncooked elbow or small shell macaroni

Yield: 4 seNings


1 lb. Polish sausage, cut into 2-inch pieces

1 quart water

1 quart sauerkraut

1 (28 oz.) can kidney beans, undrained

1 small onion, chopped

1/2 tsp. caraway seeds

1/2 tsp. paprika

Instant mashed potatoes

Yield: 10-12 seNings

In a Dutch oven, cook sausage and onion until sausage is brown and onion is tender; drain well on paper towel. Return sausage and onion to pan with potatoes, salt, marjoram, pepper, and water. Bring to a boil; reduce heat and simmer just until potato is tender, about 15 minutes. Add corn and milk. Heat through.

Note: I use evaporated skimmed milk. It freezes and reheats well. This is a favorite from the restaurant at Blackwolf Run in Kohler, Wi.

Shirley (Nelesen) Honold Sheboygan, WI

Fry and stir bacon and onions in 3-qt. saucepan over medium heat until onions are tender. Drain. Stir in tomatoes, frankfurters, water, bouillon, salt, and pepper. Heat to boiling; reduce heat; cover and simmer until bouillon is dissolved. Stir beans with liquid and macaroni into tomato mixture. Cover and simmer until macaroni is tender, about 10 minutes.

Loretta Gray-Reston, VA

Brown sausage. In a 6-quart kettle, simmer sausage in water for 1/2 hour. Add sauerkraut, beans, onions, and seasonings. Simmer for 1 1/2 hours. Thicken with instant mashed potatoes to desired consistency. Cook until thickened.

Tester's note: We seNed this at a meeting with our husbands-they loved it!

Susan (Luekens) Schlifke South Bend, IN


Broccoli/Soup 87


1 (1 o oz.) pkg. frozen chopped broccoli

1 Tbls. chopped onion

1/4 cup margarine

1/4 cup flour

1 tsp. salt

1/4 tsp. or less pepper

2 cups milk

·1 cup chicken broth

Yield: 2-4 servings


1 quart chicken broth

1 (1 Ooz.) pkg. frozen chopped broccoli (or fresh)

1 (16 oz.) pkg. frozen whole kernel corn

1 1/2 cups chopped onions

1 1/2 cups sliced mushrooms

1/4 cup margarine

3/4 cup flour

1/2 tsp. pepper

2 1/2 cups skimmed milk

1/4 cup chopped pimiento (opt.)

Yield: 10-12 servings

Take outside wrapper off broccoli and put the box in microwave on HIGH for 3-4 minutes. Squeeze out excess water and set aside. Microwave onion and margarine for 2 minutes . Add flour, seasonings, milk, and broth. Microwave 8-10 minutes, stirring every 3 minutes. To this mixture add the broccoli and microwave 3-4 minutes stirring twice.

Malinda Steltenpohl-Seymour, IN

Combine broth , broccoli , and corn. Bring to boil. Reduce heat to low and simmer 15 minutes . Meanwhile, saute onions and mushrooms in margarine Stir flour and pepper into mushroom mixture. Add milk and blend with whisk. Add to broth , broccol i , and corn mixture and blend well. Simmer over low heat for about 30 minutes, stirring often until thickened . Stir in pimiento before serving, if desired.

Mrs. Dale Mertz-North Olmsted, OH


In large kettle saute 1 coarsely chopped medium onion and 4 coarsely chopped ribs of celery in 2 Tbls . butter- for about 5 minutes. Add 2 lbs. fresh trimmed chopped broccoli. Sprinkle with 6 Tbls. flour and blend. Add 1 1/2 qts. chicken stock; stir until thickened. Add 1 crumbled bay leaf and 1 tsp. dried thyme. Partially cover and simmer on low about 1O minutes . Puree in food processor and return to kettle Add salt-and pepper to taste. To serve, top with a dollop of yogurt. May be prepared ahead of time and reheated.


1 medium onion, chopped

3 Tbls. margarine

10 medium potatoes

2 chicken bouillon cubes

3/4 lb. American cheese, shredded

1 (20 oz.) pkg. frozen Florentine vegetables, precooked

1 Tbls. parsley

1 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. each basil, dill, marjoram

1/4 tsp. each celery seed, rosemary, sage

1 (13 oz.) can evaporated milk

Yield: 8-10 servings

In frying pan, saute onion in melted margarine. In large kettle cook potatoes in water until tender. Drain, saving 3 cups water. In blender combine the reserved potato water, the chicken bouillon cubes, and half of the cooked potatoes. Blend . Put back in large kettle. Add the sauteed onions, cheese, vegetables, seasonings, and the remaining potatoes cut into chunks. Blend in evaporated milk. Heat until cheese is melted and warm.

Tester's note: Florentine vegetables consist of broccoli, carrots, and onions. Very tasty, good flavor blend, good reheated.

Paula Nord-West Des Moines, IA

Variation: Cook 2 cups sliced potatoes and 1 cup chopped onion in 3 cups chicken broth with 1 tsp. dried dill weed for 15 minutes. Mash potatoes. In medium saucepan melt 4 Tbls. butter and add 4 Tbls. flour, 1 tsp. salt, and dash of pepper. Cook until bubbly, then add 2 cups milk and stir until thickened. Add to potato and cook until heated through.

Martha (Redman) Diekelmann Crown Point, IN


Use a hollowed out bread bowl for a unique way of serving your potato soup or other thick chowder. Look for or order from your bakery small round or oval loaves of bread or large rolls. They should be approximately 6 inches in diameter and quite solid in texture. Cut about 1/4-1 /3 off the top for a lid. Hollow out the center, leaving a 3/4-inch edge. If compatible with soup, rub the inside with garlic, brush with olive oil, and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese. Put loaves and "lids" on a cookie sheet and bake at 350 ° about 15 minutes or until cheese melts. Fill just before serving. When guests have finished their soup, encourage them to tear the bread bowl into chunks and eat as a perfect companion to a green salad.

88 Soup/Potato

Mushroom/Soup 89


1 quart beef broth

2 quarts water

4 large red potatoes, cubed

1 cup sliced mushrooms (fresh or dried)

1 carrot, sliced thin

1/2 stalk celery, sliced

1 small onion, diced

1 garlic clove, minced

1 1/2 tsp. salt

2 Tbls. butter

2 Tbls. flour

Yield: 6 servings

Place all ingredients except butter and flour into pot Cook until potatoes are done . Mash the vegetables into the soup liquid . In separate pan , melt the butter and add flour , stirring until all the flour is absorbed into the butter. Cook until medium brown . Add to boiling soup for thickening


1 1/2 cups chopped onions

1 Tbls. butter or margarine

1 lb. mushrooms, sliced

1O oz. (2 medium) potatoes, peeled and thinly sliced

1 (14 1/2 oz.) can chicken broth

1/2 cup water

1/2 cup skim milk

1 Tbls. soy sauce

2 Tbls. chopped parsley

Salt to taste

Yield: 4 servings

Saute onions in butter in skillet over medium heat for 5 minutes. Increase heat slightly and add mushrooms . Toss until mushrooms are browned lightly, about 5 minutes. Remove half of this mixture and set aside. Add potatoes and broth to skillet and cook until potatoes are tender , about 10 minutes. Pour this mixture into electric blender, add water and blend until smooth. Return to skillet. Stir in reserved mushrooms and onions , milk , and soy sauce. Bring just to boil. Stir in parsley and more water if needed. Salt to taste.

A ....


8 oz. cooked pumpkin puree, fresh or canned

2 1/2 cups chicken bouillon

1/2 cup tomato juice

1 medium green pepper, diced

1 Tbls. onion flakes

Pinch cayenne pepper

1 (12 oz.) can evaporated milk

Salt and pepper to taste

1 Tbls. chopped fresh parsley

Yield: 4 servings

Combine pumpkin , bouillon, tomato juice, green pepper , and onion in saucepan. Bring to boil ; add cayenne pepper. Simmer until green pepper is tender. Add milk ; season to taste. Reheat, but don 't boil. Sprinkle with parsley.

Note: This is great in the fall served in a hollowed out pumpkin that has been preheated slightly. May also be made with squash. Add some butter or margarine if des ired.

Barbara Pahl-Appleton, WI


1 small butternut squash

3 slices bacon, diced

1/3 cup chopped onion

1 garlic clove, minced

1 (16 oz.) can whole tomatoes, undrained

2 1/4 cups water

1/4 cup parsley, snipped

2 beef bouillon cubes

1 bay leaf

1/2 tsp. fresh basil leaves, minced

1/2 tsp. fresh thyme leaves, minced

Yield: 5 cups soup

Pare squash and remove seeds. Cut squash into 1/2-inch cubes (about 3 cups). Set aside. Brown bacon until crisp in a 2 1/2 quart saucepan. Drain off fat. Return 1 Tbls. fat to pan. Cook onion and garlic until tender. Add the rest of the ingredients. Heat to boiling. Reduce heat, cover and simmer 25 minutes. Serve hot.

Susan Timm-New Berlin, WI

90 Soup/Pumpkin/Squash

Tomato/Soup 91


1 large onion, chopped

1-2 cloves finely minced garlic (opt.-see directions)

1 Tbls. butter or margarine

6 cups chopped fresh ripe tomatoes (2 1/2 lbs.)

3 Tbls. flour

4 cups de-fatted chicken broth, divided

1 (6 oz.) can tomato paste

2 tsp. chopped fresh basil or 1 tsp. dried

1 tsp. chopped fresh dill or 1/2 tsp. dried (opt.-see directions)

1 bay leaf (opt.)

2 tsp. sugar

Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste

1 cup yogurt for topping

Chopped fresh dill for garnish

Yield: 6-8 servings

Saute onion and garlic in butter until onion starts to brown. (Instead of garlic, dill may be used and added later.) Add tomatoes and simmer about 5 minutes. In a small bowl blend flour with 1/2 cup chicken broth; stir into tomatoes. Add tomato paste, remaining chicken broth, and remaining seasonings; stir until smooth and simmer about 15 minutes. Puree in batches in food processor or blender. Top with a dollop of yogurt and a sprinkling of dill. (If you're not worried about fat, use whipping cream with fresh dill or basil or with grated Parmesan cheese.)

Hazel Weiherman-Hinckley, IL


-In a pinch for time and unable to soak beans overnight? Cover beans with water and boil for 2 minutes, remove from heat and allow to soak for one hour, covered.

-Want to remove fat from freshly made stock? Skim off as much fat as possible, then skim an ice cube or chilled lettuce leaf over the surface to collect remaining fat.

-Place a plastic carton in your freezer to put leftover scraps of meat and vegetables in. Add to soup stock for an easy meal.


See Index for Fruit Soup


1 1/2 lbs. ground beef

1 medium yellow onion, chopped

1 can Hormel corned beef

2 cups ketchup

1 cup warm water

1 Tbls. chili powder

2 Tbls. light brown sugar

2 Tbls. flour

Dash garlic salt (optional)

Yield: 6-1 O servings

• II

Brown ground beef and onion in heavy skillet. Add mashed corned beef and stir well. Add remaining ingredients in order given . Mix well, stirring constantly until mixture comes to a boil. If bar-b-q seems runny , add 1-2 tbls. more flour to thicken. Serve on hamburger buns. Best if made a day or two ahead of serving. May also be frozen for later use . Serves 6-10.

Dottie (Garbers) Franzen-Peoria, IL


3 lb. rump roast

1/2 cup vinegar

3 Tbls. Worcestershire sauce

1 Tbls. oregano

1 onion, sliced

3 beef boullion cubes

2 pkgs. dry Italian salad dressing mix

4-5 cups water

Salt and pepper to taste

Yield: 12-15 servings

Pan: Slow cooker

Put roast in slow cooker. In medium saucepan , stir all remaining ingredients together and bring to a boil. Pour sauce over roast. Cook on low 8-10 hours or on high 4-6 hours. Slice and serve on hard rolls . Dip rolls in juice while eating if you desire. Good for entertaining.

Tester's note: Spicy and good! We experimented and put the roast in a Dutch oven in a 275 ° oven for 5 hours and it was super tender that way if you don't have a slow cooker. Refrigerate overnight, slice the next day into the juice that has been thickened as desired.

Roma Offerman-Davenport, IA


3 lb. rump roast

2 tsp. salt

2-3 tsp. garlic powder

2-3 tsp. basil

1/4-1/2 cup Parmesan cheese

1 large green pepper, sliced

1 medium onion, thinly sliced

Yield: 8-10 servings

Pan: 3-quart baking dish

Bake roast in open pan until rare (about 2 hours) at 325 ° . Let cool overnight, reserving juices. Slice very thin and place in 4 layers, sprinkling one-fourth of the salt, garlic powder, basil, and Parmesan cheese on each layer. Put green pepper and onion on top. Pour reserved juices and water over (not quite to cover). Cover pan and bake at 300° until fork tender, about 2 hours or less. Serve on large rolls.

Joyce (Rullman) Rich-Lomita, CA

92 Sandwich/Beef


3 lb. arm (round bone) chuck roast

2 cups catsup

1 cup water

1/4 cup cider vinegar

2 Tbls. Worcestershire sauce

1 medium onion, chopped

1/4 cup chopped celery

1/4 cup diced green pepper

1/4 cup brown sugar

1 tsp. dry mustard

1 tsp. chili powder

1 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. pepper





12-16 sandwiches Small roasting pan 325 ° Three hours

Trim all visible fat from roast. Place in roasting pan. Stir together all remaining ingredients, blending thoroughly. Pour over roast , cover tightly with foil and bake . When very tender so that meat falls apart in shreds, remove from oven. Leaving meat in pan , shred with two forks. Reheat to serve; refrigerate or freeze to use later.

Note: A "moving day" or "after the game" favorite.

Tester's note: Delicious barbeque flavor and so easy!

Judy (Weiherman) Schumacher Brookfield, WI


5 lb. top round or boneless rolled roast

1/2 cup butter, divided

3/4 cup dry sherry

3/4-1 lb. large sweet onion, sliced

2 Tbls. Worcestershire sauce

Juice of 1/2 lemon

1/2 lb. fresh mushrooms, sliced, or 1 (8 oz.) can 3 beef bouillon cubes dissolved in 1 1/2 cups hot water 1/2 tsp. salt

Yield: 16-20 servings

Oven: 325 °

In skillet brown meat on all sides in 1/4 cup butter. Bake in 13 x 9-inch pan uncovered for 2 hours. Pour sherry over meat and bake one additional hour. Remove from pan saving all pan juices.

In large skillet melt remaining 1/4 cup butter and saute onions until golden. Add Worcestershire, lemon juice, mushrooms, bouillon in water, salt, and pan juices. Simmer 5 minutes. Slice meat thinly and return to pan. Pour sauce over top. At this point beef can be frozen or refrigerated.)

Bake covered for 45 minutes. Adjust time if frozen or refrigerated. Serve with rolls.

Editors note: What a delicious sandwich!

Beef/Sandwich 93 •


1 (3 lb.) pork loin roast

1 cup water

1/2 cup catsup

1/2 cup water

1/4 cup vinegar

1 large white onion, chopped

3 tsp. salt

2 tsp. chili powder

1 tsp. paprika

Yield: 15-20 sandwiches

Pan: Pressure cooker

Cook roast with 1 cup water in pressure cooker at 15 lbs. pressure, 15 minutes per pound (or as pressure cooker directs until well done ) Drain water; pull pork off bone and cut into small pieces. Mix other ingredients and place with meat back into pressure cooker. Cook 5 minutes at 15 lbs. pressure.

Tester's note: Very good flavor. Try it if you use a pressure cooker!

Alva Lea (Herman) Pingel Sun Prairie, WI


1 tube Pillsbury French bread (can, not frozen)

1/4 lb. salami, sliced

1/4 lb. capicola, sliced (Italian ham, mild or hot)

9 thin slices Mozzarella cheese

9 thin slices Provolone cheese

Italian dressing as desired





4-6 servings

Large cookie sheet 375 ° 30 minutes

Grease large cookie sheet and cover with bread dough . Arrange salami, capicola, and cheeses in layers over dough. Drizzle with dressing. Roll tightly lengthwise, pinching seam and ends. Lay seam side down. Bake and let set 30 minutes before serving.

Tester's note: Very good!

Lillian Kontak-Elmore, OH


Cut thin slice off top of a round club roll. Hollow out bottom, leaving 1/2-inch shell. Pile very thin slices of smoked ham inside roll bottom. Fill roll with drained deli marinated vegetable salad (or your own homemade). Top with Havarti cheese slices. Broil a minute or two until cheese oozes. Recap with roll top.


Cut slices of cooked beef into bite-sized strips. Toss with your favorite barbecue sauce to which a little horseradish has been added. Heat and pile onto bottom of split submarine roll. Top with coleslaw and top of roll.

94 Sandwich/Pork


3 English muffins

1 (6 1/2 oz.) can crab meat, drained

1/4 cup diced celery

2 Tbls. chopped onion

1/2 cup shredded sharp Cheddar cheese

1/2 cup mayonnaise

Yield: 3-6 servings

Split and butter English muffins. Combine remaining ingredients and spread on muffin halves. Broil until hot and slightly browned on edges and cheese is meltedabout 3 minutes.

Marilyn (Clabuesch) Eberhardt

South Bend, IN


1 (6 oz.) can chunk-style waterpacked tuna

2/3 cup Cheese-Whiz

1/2 tsp. Worcestershire sauce

1/4 tsp. garlic salt

1 small onion, finely chopped

2/3 cup sweet pickles, chopped

1 Tbls. prepared mustard

2/3 cup Miracle Whip dressing

In a large bowl mix ingredients in order listed. Stir until creamy. May also be used as a dip with fresh vegetables.

Te·ster's note: May also be spread on crackers . Great for an after school snack.

Joyce Thompson-Spencerport, NV


2 Tbls. light mayonnaise

1 Tbls. lemon juice

1 Tbls. minced onion

2 Tbls. green or red pepper, finely chopped

1/2 cup finely diced celery

1 small apple, peeled, cored, grated

1/8 tsp. white pepper

Salt to taste, if desired

1 Tbls. sweet pickle relish, (opt.)

1 (6 1/4 oz.) can solid albacore tuna, drained

Yield: 4 sandwiches

Stir together all except tuna. Fold in tuna. Serve on whole wheat toast with lettuce.

Note: The grated apple and lemon juice give this mixture a chicken, rather than tuna, flavor.

Marilyn (Meier) Krueger-Milwaukee, WI

.... ...


2 slices turkey, about 1/4" thick, the size of bread slice 1/4 cup stuffing

1 Tbls. cranberry sauce

I slice sharp Cheddar cheese, 1/8" thick

1/4 cup giblet gravy




1 serving 350° 15 minutes

Place one slice of turkey on aluminum foil. Spread stuffing on top evenly and cover with cranberry sauce. Lay the cheese on top and cover with remaining turkey slice. Loosely wrap sandwich and bake for 15 minutes. Meanwhile, heat the gravy in a saucepan. To serve, unwrap sandwich, place on plate and pour gravy over.

Note: May be wrapped in wax paper and microwaved.

Editor's note: A great way to serve Thanksgiving leftovers! A very interesting flavor combination.

Virginia Hasewinkle-Fort Wayne, IN.


2 cups finely chopped vegetables (combination of carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, onions, celery, green pepper, olives)

1/4 cup reduced calorie salad dressing (such as Green Goddess, Ranch, or Italian)

1/2 cup shredded cheese (such as Cheddar, Monterey Jack, Mozzarella, or Brick)

6 hamburger or hard rolls




Mix vegetables, dressing, and cheese together. Spread mixture on rolls. Wrap in foil and bake.

Note: May be..w rapped in microwave wrap and microwaved.

Tester's note: Yummy hot or cold!

Harriet Redman-Appleton, WI

6 sandwiches 350° 10 minutes


Mix together 2 cups diced cooked chicken, 1/2 cup diced celery, 1/3 cup raisins, 1 cup diced Monterey Jack cheese, 1/2 cup sour cream, 3 Tbls. mayonnaise, 1/3 cup chutney, and 1/2 tsp. curry powder. Fill pita halves and set in baking dish with open sides up. Cover with foil and heat 15 minutes at 350°.

96 Sandwich/PoultryNegetable

Romare Bearden, American 1912-1988

In the Garden n.d .

One of six prints in American Portfolio published by London Arts, Inc

Lithograph in color 89/150, 21-15/16 x 16-1/16 inches

Valparaiso University Museum of Art Gift of Richard F. and Evelyn C. Cox

Romare Bearden, a master pictorial storyteller of African-American life , here uses his collagist technique to portray a tall , graceful woman greeting plants and bi rd in hetJresh, rural garden The independent, cutout-like shapes and the green/red and lavender/orange color combinations shift focuses in abrupt, syncopated ways

Salads FRUIT MAIN DISH Cherry Salad 100 Antipasto Salad 126 Chunky Fruit Salad .. .................. .. ..... .... .97 Arlene's Special Seafood Salad .......... 122 Cran-Raspberry Ring 101 Beggin' For Bacon Chicken Salad 117 Dorothy's "Aunt Adele's Jello" 100 Chicken Artichoke Salad 118 Dreamy Salad .......... ...... .... .................... 98 Chicken Curry Salad .... ... ..................... 119 Fresh Strawberry and Melon Mold ... .... 101 Chicken or Albacore Tuna Rice Salad .122 Frog Eye Salad .. .. ....................... ...... ..... 99 Chinese Chicken Salad ........................ 117 Fruit Salad di Pepe 99 Crunchy Hot Chicken Salad 121 Fruit Slush 102 Crunchy Turkey Salad ....... .. ................ 120 Lemonade Mold ... ...... ................. ...... ..... 99 Incredible Egg Macaroni Salad ............ 124 Mama Richter's Perfection Salad 100 Marylin's Taco Salad ................. .. ........ .125 Pink and Pretty Frozen Salad 102 Mock Egg Salad 125 Quick Cottage Cheese Salad ..... ..... ...... 98 Oven Cashew Chicken Salad ..... .. ....... 121 Quick Fruit Cup ........ ... .. ..... .................. 102 Overnight Layered Chicken Salad 120 Taffy Apple Salad ....... .. ...... ........ ............ 97 Pandl's Crab Salad .... .......................... 123 Whipped Pear Salad 101 Peach Turkey Medley Salad 119 Picnic Salad ............ ... .. ... .... ................. 126 VEGETABLE Salmon Mousse Buffet Salad 124 Bavarian Vegetable Salad 108 Simply Great Shrimp Salad 123 Belgian Tomatoes 114 Southwestern Chicken Salad ............... 118 Broccoli Salad ............. .... ... ..... ............ .103 Warm Taco Salad .... ... ...... ... .... .. ... ...... .125 Chinese Cabbage Salad ...................... 105 Corn and Black Bean Salad 107 SALAD DRESSINGS Creamy Fresh Vegetable Salad 104 Amelia's Fruit Salad Dressing 127 Crowd-Pleasing Vegetable Salad ..... ...108 Lo-Cal Salad Dressing ......................... 127 Crunchy Cauliflower Salad 104 Other Salad Dressings 128 Cucumber Sambal 111 Danish Potato Salad .... ........................ 111 Easy Mexican Salad 107 German Potato Salad 112 Marinated Tomatoes .... .. ......... .. ........... 114 Meme's Slaw 106 Microwave German Potato Salad 113 My Favorite Cole Slaw 106 Oriental Spinach Salad ........................ 109 Patti's Maui Salad ................................ 108 Popcorn Salad 112 Sauerkraut Salad 106 Snow Pea and Tomato Salad ........... .... 113 Spinach Salad With Cottage Cheese Dressing ............................. .... ... .. .... .11 O Strawberry and Spinach Salad 109 Tabouli. ............ .................................. ... 110 Tomatoes Toccata 114 PASTA Barb's Wonderful Pasta Salad 115 Linguini Salad 116 The "One" Salad ................ ... .. .. ...... .....116 Vermicelli Salad ................... ....... ......... 115


1 (20 oz.) can crushed pineapple in natural juice

7 cups Granny Smith apples, unpeeled, diced in 1/2" squares

2 cups unsalted, dry roasted peanuts, crushed


1 cup sugar

2 Tbls. flour

2 eggs, beaten

2 Tbls. cider vinegar

1 (8 oz.) carton Cool Whip, thawed

Yield: 20-25 servings

Editor's note: Drizzle top with caramel ice cream topping!


1 (16 oz.) can sliced peaches

1 (16 oz.) can pineapple chunks

1 (11 oz.) can mandarin oranges

1 cup seedless green grapes

2 Tbls. cornstarch

1 (12 oz.) can peach nectar

2 Tbls. Cointreau or other orange-flavored liqueur

1/4-1/2 tsp. grated lemon rind

Yield: 6-8 servings

Put pineapple with juice in large bowl. Dice apples and immediately add to bowl. Stir to coat apples well to prevent browning. Set aside while preparing dressing.

For dressing, mix sugar and flour; add beaten eggs and vinegar, stirring well. In small microwavable bowl or double boiler, cook to a thick pudding mixture. Cool and fold in whipped topping. Drain pineapple and apples well. Combine with dressing. Just before serving, stir in 1 2/3 cups peanuts and sprinkle remaining 1/3 cup on top.

Gretchen Ocock-Appleton, WI

Variation: For a smaller version, use 1 (8 oz.) can crushed pineapple and 4 cups tart apples. Make dressing with 1/3 cup sugar, 1 Tbls. flour, 1 beaten egg, and 2 Tbls. vinegar. Reduce the whipped topping to 4 oz. Use 3/4 cup Spanish peanuts.

Laurie (Warren) Jones-Madison, WI

Drain all fruit well and cut grapes in half; combine and set aside. In a small saucepan, combine cornstarch with peach nectar, Cointreau, and lemon rind, stirring well. Cook over medium heat until thick, stirring constantly. Chill and spoon over fruit. Chill thoroughly.

Editor's note: There is plenty of dressing. You may want to add extra fruit. Fresh strawberries and bananas are a colorful and tasty addition, but add gently just before serving so that they don't draw extra juice. For a different taste, apricot nectar also works-make full strength or use part water. A good recipe to have all year around!

Fruit/Salad 97 •
• •



1 lb. low-fat cottage cheese

1 (8 oz.) container of Lite or regular Cool Whip

1 (.6 oz.) pkg. orange sugarfree Jello (or regular)

1 (20 oz.) can crushed pineapple (in own juice), drained

1 (11 oz.) can mandarin oranges, drained

Yield: 8-12 servings

Stir together the cottage cheese and Cool Whip until blended. Add the dry Jello and blend well. Stir in the crushed pineapple and mandarin oranges and chill at least an hour in the refrigerator.

Note: Good for a potluck-quick and easy to do; carries well.

Barbara (Looman) Town Schenectady, NY

Variation: Use 1 lb. small curd cottage cheese, 4 1/2 oz whipped topping, 1 (3 oz.) pkg strawberry Jello, 1 (8 oz ) can crushed pineapple with juice, and 1 (11 oz. can) drained oranges.

Note: Any combination of fruits or Jello may be used.

Elizabeth Siefker-Indianapolis, IN


5 cups water

1/2 tsp. salt (opt.)

1/2 cup plus 1 Tbls. small pearl tapioca

1/2 cup sugar

1 (3 oz.) pkg. strawberry Jello

1 (8 oz.) container Cool Whip, thawed

1 (16 oz.) pkg. frozen whole strawberries

2 bananas, sliced

1 cup fresh or frozen whole blueberries (opt.)

Yield: 10-12 servings

In a saucepan, bring water and salt to a boil. Add tapioca; boil for 15 minutes. Add sugar and Jello; stir to dissolve. Chill in refrigerator overnight. (It will be semisolid.) Before serving, stir well and fold in Cool Whip, strawberries, bananas, and blueberries, if desired.

Editor's note: This is a soft fruit salad to be spooned into bowls. It would be good spooned into sherbet glasses for dessertespecially for children.

Joan Sattler-Milford, IL

• •

Gelatin/Fruit/Salad 99



1 cup sugar

2 Tbls. flour

1/2 tsp. salt

2 (20 oz.) cans pineapple chunks

1 (20 oz.) can crushed pineapple

2 eggs, beaten

1 Tbls. lemon juice

1 (16 oz.) pkg. Acini de Pepe pasta

1 (8 oz.) carton frozen whipped topping, thawed

3 (11 oz.) cans mandarin oranges, drained

1 cup miniature marshmallows (opt.)

1 cup flaked coconut (opt.)

Yield: 25 servings

Dressing: In a saucepan combine sugar, flour and salt. Drain all 3 cans of pineapple, reserving 1 3/4 cups juice. Set pineapple aside. Gradually stir juice and eggs into Cook over medium heat, stirring until thickened. Add lemon juice. Cool to room temperature.

In another saucepan cook pasta according to package directions. Drain and rinse with cold water. Cool to room temperature. Combine pasta and dressing mixture; mix lightly but thoroughly. Refrigerate overnight or up to a week in an airtight container. Before serving, add reserved pineapple, whipped topping, oranges, marshmallows, and coconut, if desired.

Laura Cinda-Austin, TX

Variation: Fruit Salad di Pepe. For a smaller version, use only 1 cup pasta, cooked, 1 (20 oz.) can pineapple chunks, and 2 (11 oz.) cans oranges. The sauce is made with 3 eggs, 3 Tbls. flour, 1 cup sugar, 1 tsp. salt, and the juice from the pineapple. Omit lemon juice. Use same amounts of whipped topping, marshmallows, and coconut.

Kathy (Steiner) Dockweiler College Station, TX


1 (6 oz.) pkg. lemon Jello

2 1/4 cups boiling water

1 (6 oz.) can frozen lemonade

1 (8 oz.) cartpn frozen whipped topping, thawed Strawberries, raspberries, and/or blueberries (opt.)

Yield: 8-1 O servings

In a large bowl, dissolve gelatin in water. Add lemonade; refrigerate until mixture has a jelly-like consistency. Fold in whipped topping; pour into a mold or bowl. Refrigerate. Top with berries, if desired.

Elvira (Fleck) Wiedelman Park Forest, IL


1 (16 oz.) can crushed pineapple

1 (6 oz.) pkg. lemon Jello

2 Tbls. white vinegar

1 cup diced celery

1 (4 oz.) jar pimiento, drained Celery leaves, green olives, or mayonnaise for garnish

Yield: 8-10 servings

Pan: 13 x 9-inch or mold

Drain pineapple, reserving liquid. Prepare gelatin according to package directions, using pineapple juice for some of the cold water. Add vinegar , celery, pineapple, and pimiento . Mix well; pour into mold or pan. Chill until completely set. Unmold or cut into squares to serve and garnish.

Note: Pretty, light, and crunchy. Good with a soup and sandwich luncheon.

Marie (Hasz) Geesa-Doraville, GA


1 (6 oz.) pkg. cherry Jello (or .6 oz. sugar-free)

2 cups boiling water

1 (5 1/2-8 oz.) can crushed pineapple, well-drained

1 (21 oz.) can cherry pie filling

1 (3 oz.) pkg. light cream cheese, softened 1/4 cup sugar

1/4 cup finely chopped pecans

Yield: 6 servings

Dissolve Jello in water. Add pineapple and cherry pie filling. Pour into a serving dish or mold; chill until set. Beat together cream cheese and sugar; spread over gelatin. Sprinkle pecans on top.

Dorathea Duvel-E. Dundee, IL


2 (16 oz.) boxes frozen raspberries, thawed

1 (6 oz.) pkg. raspberry Jello

2 cups boiling water

1 cup cold water

1/2 pint whipping cream

Yield: 8 servings

Editor's note: For raspberry lovers, this a real winner!

Drain raspberries well, saving juice. Dissolve Jello in boiling water. Stir in 1 cup of reserved juice and cold water. Take out 1/2 cup of liquid Jello mixture and set aside. Add raspberries to the remainder of Jello when partly cooled and refrigerate until firm. Then whip the cream and gently stir in the reserved 1/2 cup Jello and spread over top. Refrigerate until firm, about 1-2 hours.

100 Salad/Gelatin

Gelatin/Salad 101


1 (3 oz.) pkg. lemon Jello

1 (3 oz.) pkg. raspberry Jello

1 1/4 cups boiling water

1 (1 Ooz.) pkg. frozen raspberries

1 (1 Ooz.) jar cranberryorange relish

11/4 cups lemon-flavored carbonated beverage

Yield: 8-1 O servings

In a large bowl, dissolve Jello in water. Add raspberries; break apart with a fork. Add relish. Slowly add carbonated beverage. Pour into a ring mold. Chill until firm.

Editor's note: A 12 oz. container of cranberry orange cran-fruit (Ocean Spray) or a 10 oz. package of frozen cranberry-orange relish (Indian Trail) may be used.

Linda (Ivett) Allen-Kennesaw, GA


1 medium or large cantaloupe, halved and seeded

1 (1/4 oz.) envelope unflavored gelatin

2 Tbls. sugar

3/4 cup orange juice

1/2 cup plain low-fat yogurt

1 cup sliced strawberries

Yield: 6-8 servings

Scoop out cantaloupe pieces, leaving 1/2inch shell. Drain, cover, and chill. In blender, puree enough scooped out cantaloupe to make 1/2 cup; chop remaining into small pieces. Cover and chill.

In small saucepan, stir together gelatin and sugar; add orange juice to soften. Heat and stir until gelatin is completely dissolved. Remove from heat and cool slight1y. Whisk in yogurt and pureed cantaloupe. Chill, stirring occasionally until mixture is consistency of unbeaten egg white. Fold in reserved cantaloupe and strawberries. Put into the two reserved half shells and chill several hours until very firm. To serve, carefully cut in wedges with sharp knife and place on lettuce leaf.

Judy Schumacher-Brookfield, WI


1 (3 oz.) pkg. lemon Jello

1 cup boiling water

8 oz. Cool Whip

9 pear halves (29 oz. can)

9 maraschino cherries

Yield: 9 servings

Dissolve Jello in boiling water. Add 1 cup pear juice (and water, if necessary.) Chill until quite congealed. Whip Jello with beater; by hand fold in Cool Whip. Pour into 9-inch square pan or mold in which pear halves have been placed, face down, with a cherry in each center. Refrigerate.

Beata Dunham-Indianapolis, IN

102 Salad/Frozen


1 (6 oz.) can frozen orange juice concentrate ·

1 (6 oz.) can frozen lemonade concentrate

1 (20 oz.) can crushed · pineapple (undrained)

2 (1 O oz.) pkgs. frozen strawberries (undrained)

3 large bananas, sliced

2 1/2 cups water

3/4 cup sugar


Thaw concentrates. Mix all together and freeze in one or more covered containers. Remove from freezer about 1/2 hour before serving. Stir and put in attractive glass serving bowl and/or individual bowls.

Tester's note: Wonderful to have ready in the freezer! Very refreshing!

Tami Scheck-Sussex, WI


1 (20 oz.) can crushed pineapple, drained

1 pt. light sour cream or sour half-and-half

1/4 cup sugar

1 Tbls. lemon juice

1 (16 oz.) can pitted dark sweet cherries, drained, whole or cut in half

1/4 cup chopped pecans (opt.)

1 banana, cut in half lengthwise and then in slices

Red food coloring

Yield: 10-12 servings

Combine pineapple, sour cream, sugar, lemon juice, cherries, and pecans, if desired. Gently stir in bananas and a few drops of red food coloring. Freeze in loaf pan. Remove from freezer about 10 minutes before serving . Slice.

Note: May freeze in individual paper-lined muffin cups also, but more attractive sliced and served on lettuce leaves. If using regular sour cream, may substitute up to onethird yogurt.

Note: A great make-ahead recipe we like to serve for showers and the holidays

Debi Schumacher-Seoul, Korea


Combine 1 (20 oz.) can pineapple chunks, 1 (11 oz.) can mandarin oranges, and 1 (10 oz.) pkg. frozen strawberries and juice. Gently fold in 2 sliced bananas. The frozen berries combined with room temperature fruit makes it ready to eat immediately.

Broccoli/Salad 103


1 large bunch broccoli, rJ.; into bite-sized pieces

1/2-1 lb. bacon, fried crisp and crumbled, well drained

1 cup sunflower seeds

1/2 cup raisins

1/4 cup (or more) chopped sweet onion, red or purple


1 cup mayonnaise

2 Tbls. cider vinegar

1/4 cup white sugar

Yield: 6-8 servings

Mix salad ingredients . Combine dressing ingredients well; pour over all and blend. Leftover salad will keep several days.

Margaret (Michael) Rivers Valparaiso, IN

Variation #1: Use 1/2 cup sugar instead of 1/4 cup in dressing.

Esther Hildner-Clifton, NJ

Vi Brelje-Orange, CA

Variation #2: Substitute 5 sliced green onions for sweet onions, add 1 cup mushrooms, and eliminate the sunflower seeds.

Deanna (Bartels) Stritof Valparaiso, IN

Variation #3: Omit sunflower seeds and add 1/2 cup celery Dressing: 1 cup mayonnaise, 1 cup vinegar, and 1/3 cup sugar.

Wilma (Franke) Eickhoff Indianapolis, IN

Variation #4: Omit bacon, add 1 cup sliced celery. Use golden raisins and 1 cup onion. Use bottled buttermilk or ranch dressing, adding just to cover or to taste.

Patti (Weil) Cline-Springdale, AK

Variation #5: Use 3 stalks broccoli and one head cauliflower. Eliminate sunflower seeds and raisins. Add 1/2 cup chopped pecans and 1 pint quartered cherry tomatoes. Dressing: 1 cup mayonnaise, 1/2 cup sugar, and 3 Tbls. vinegar. Prepare salad ahead, but add bacon and tomatoes about 30 minutes before serving.

Linda (Ivett) Allen-Kennesaw, GA

Variation #6: Use 1 cup each of broccoli, cauliflower, sunflower seeds, an!) raisins (plumped in hot water). Use 1/4 cup chopped green onions and 1/3 cup crumbled bacon. Dressing: 3/4-1 cup Miracle Whip, 1/4 cup milk, 2 Tbls. vinegar, and 2 Tbls. sugar. There will be enough dressing for more broccoli and cauliflower.

Note: Great for potlucks , but remember the rule: Don't take it back to the group you got the recipe from. If you do, so will everyone else, and that's all that will be ser\ied that night!

Nancy Langlas-Wauwatosa, WI


Use low-fat products wherever possible and pack vitam in and fiber-rich salads into whole wheat pita breads lined with lettuce


3 cups broccoli flowerets

3 cups cauliflower, cut in small pieces

3/4 cup chopped celery

3/4 cup unthawed frozen peas

1 medium onion, chopped

1/2 cup chopped cucumber

1/2 cup finely chopped carrots


2 cups prepared salad dressing, such as Miracle Whip

1/2 cup sour cream

1/2 cup lemon yogurt

1/4 cup plus 1 Tbls. sugar

1 tsp. beau monde seasoning (Spice Island)

1 tsp. pepper

Yield: 8-10 servings

Toss salad ingredients together. Stir dressing ingredients together. Dressing may be made ahead and kept in refrigerator. Toss with salad.

Editor's note: Also tasty using a little less dressing.

Inez Ohlmansiek-Cincinnati, OH


1 1/4 cups mayonnaise

1/4 cup sugar

1 large head cauliflower, broken or cut into tiny flowerets, finely chopped

1 large green pepper, chopped

1 small onion, diced

1 lb. bacon, cooked, drained, chopped

1 cup (4 oz.) shredded Colby or mild Cheddar cheese

Yield: 8-10 servings

In small bowl combine mayonnaise and sugar; set aside. In large bowl combine remaining ingredients. Pour dressing over and mix well. Refrigerate.

Editor's note: Editor's favorite vegetable salad! My mom always made this for the evening snack on every holiday with the leftover ham, turkey, or beef.

Hazel Weiherman-Hinckley, IL


Chinese or celery cabbage, napa, and bok choy are three different vegetables with different tastes and textures .

104 Salad/Cauliflower •


1/2 head regular cabbage, chopped

4 green onions, chopped 1/2 cup slivered almonds, toasted

2 Tbls. sesame seeds or sunflower seeds

Toasted noodles from I pkg. ramen noodle soup mix, chicken flavor, broken

Optional vegetables: chopped carrots, celery, radishes, red cabbage, etc.


1/2 cup oil

1/4 cup wine or white vinegar

2 Tbls. sugar

1 tsp. salt

1/2-1 pkg. chicken flavoring from noodle package

Yield: 8 servings

Put all salad ingredients in bowl. Shake dressing ingredients together, pour over and toss.

Carol (Boesch) Hoerger Plymouth, MN

Variation #1: For dressing add 1/2 tsp. pepper and use only 3 Tbls. vinegar.

Ginny (Meier) Eilers Bellevue, WA

Variation #2: Add grapes and chicken to taste as optional ingredients. For dressing add 1/4 tsp. pepper and use 3 Tbls. vinegar and 3 Tbls. sugar.

Cabbage/Salad 105

Marilyn Holmquist West Bend, WI

Variation #3: Use only 2 Tbls. almonds; add 1/2 lb. cooked chicken or turkey. Sprinkle seasoning packet over salad.

Dressing: 1/4 cup oil, 3 Tbls. sugar, 3 Tbls. vinegar and salt and pepper to taste.

Judy (Stresney) Waetjen-Eugene, OR

Variation #4: Use one napa cabbage. In skillet brown 1 1/4 oz. slivered almonds and noodles in 2 Tbls. butter.

Dressing: 1/2 cup oil, 1/2 cup white vinegar, 1/2 cup sugar, and 2 Tbls. soy sauce (no seasoning packet).

Corinne Bieber-Davenport, IA

Variation #5: For larger amount use 1 large napa or Chinese cabbage and 5 onions. In skillet with 1/2 cup margarine, brown noodles from 2 pkgs. mix. When they begin to brown, add 3 oz. sliced almonds and 1/2 cup sesame seeds. Brown.

Dressing: 1 cup oil, 1/2 cup vinegar, 1 cup sugar, and 2 Tbls. soy sauce (no seasoning packet). Toss together 20 minutes before serving.

Nancy Langlas-Wauwatosa, WI

Variation #6: Coarsely chop stalks and leaves from 1 large or 2 small bok choy (2 lbs.) with 4 onions . In skillet, melt 1/2 butter or margarine; add 2 Tbls. sugar , 2 pkgs. noodles , 3 oz . sliced almonds, and 1/2 cup sesame seeds Brown lightly.

Dressing: 3/4 cup oil, 1/4 cup red wine vinegar, 1/2 cup sugar, and 2 Tbls. soy sauce (no seasoning packet).

Marilyn Krueger-Milwaukee, WI

106 Salad/Cabbage


1 large head cabbage, finely chopped or grated

1 tsp. celery seed

2 tsp. salt

1/4 tsp. pepper

1/2 pint half-and-half

1/3 cup cider vinegar

1 cup sugar

Yield: 8-1 O servings


5 cups shredded cabbage

1 small onion, grated

1/4 cup chopped red pepper

1/2 cup chopped green pepper

3/4 cup chopped celery

2 Tbls. salt


1 3/4 cup sugar

1/2 cup salad oil

3/4 cup white vinegar

1 tsp. celery seed

Yield: 8-10 servings


1 (36 oz.) can sauerkraut, undrained

1/2 cup pimiento, chopped 2 stalks celery, chopped

1 small onion, diced

1/2 cup oil

1/4 cup vinegar

1/3 cup catsup

1/2 cup sugar

1/2 tsp. salt

1 tsp. paprika

Dash pepper

Yield: 10-12 servings

Stir everything together in a large bowl and let sit a bit before eating.

Note: My mother used the taste-and-add method for making her slaw, but wrote, it down as she added when I asked for her recipe as a young bride!

Tester's note: Best after several hours of refrigeration-great the next day!

Bette (Silliman) Froehlich Appleton, WI

Mix salad ingredients with 2 cups water; refrigerate overnight. Combine dressing ingredients in saucepan; bring to boil. Refrigerate overnight. The next morning put salad ingredients in colander and drain well. Combine with dressing and refrigerate to marinate overnight. It keeps for several days in refrigerator.

Tester's note: Also is good with more cabbage in the salad and less sugar in the dressing.

Dorothy (Ondov) Nieting Valparaiso, IN

Place kraut in saucepan and heat just to boiling. Mix in all other ingrdients. Marinate overnight. May drain before serving.

Note: Super for a picnic!

Editor's note: Less sugar than older recipes. Nice addition of catsup.

Erna Graef-Louisville, KY

submitted by:

Paula (Graef) Sauer-Worthington, OH

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• •
• •


1 (12 oz.) can whole-kernel corn, drained

1 (15 oz.) can black beans, drained and rinsed

1 red bell pepper, finely chopped

1/2 cup diagonally sliced green onions

1/2 cup chopped red onion

1 clove garlic, minced

1 jalapeno pepper, seeded and finely chopped (opt.)

Cilantro sprigs or red onion wedge for garnish


3/4 cup Italian salad dressing

3/4 tsp . hot pepper sauce

1/2 tsp. chili powder

1 Tbls. fresh lemon or lime juice

1 Tbls. chopped fresh cilantro


1 large head lettuce, broken in pieces

1 large tomato, cubed

1 (15 oz.) can ranch style pinto beans (black label) drained

1/4-1/2 lb. shredded sharp Cheddar cheese

Fritos to taste, broken

4 oz. Kraft Catalina Dressing

Yield: 8 servings

In a large bowl , combine beans , bell pepper, onions, garlic , tomato, and jalapeno pepper.

Dressing: In a jar with a tight-fitting lid, combine Italian salad dressing, hot pepper sauce, chili powder, lemon juice, and chopped cilantro . Close lid. Shake to mix well.

Pour dressing over corn mixture. Stir to mix. Refrigerate, covered, at least 6 hours or overnight. To serve, put corn mixture in an attractive bowl. Garnish with a few sprigs of cilantro or a thin wedge of red onion.

Nancy Langlas-Wauwatosa, WI

Reprinted by permission ©" Food Writer's Favorite Cookbook" Dial Publishing Co

Layer all ingredients except dressing in large mixing bowl. Just before serving, add the dressing and toss lightly

Note: If using a whole small bag of Fritos they may be kneaded in the bag to break.

Tester's note: Excellent and quick to make. Makes a great lunch!

Dorothy (Bischoff) Gregory Albuquerque, NM

Bean/Salad 107

Salad/Green/Mixed Vegetables


2 (15 oz.) cans shoepeg (white) corn

20 oz. frozen green peas, thawed

1 1/2 lbs. fresh green beans, cooked, or 20 oz. frozen, thawed

1 cup chopped celery

1/2 c. chopped Vidalia or mild onion

1/2 cup chopped red or green pepper


1/2 cup cider vinegar

1/2 cup sugar

1 tsp. salt

1/2 cup vegetable oil

Yield: 12-15 servings

Note: Easy to prepare for a potluck Good flavor.

Editor's note: Shoepeg corn not available in all areas at all times. Stock up.

Combine all vegetables in large glass bowl. In saucepan combine vinegar, sugar and salt ; bring to a boil. Stir in oil. Pour warm marinade over vegetables. Serve at room temperature or chilled. Stays fresh for several days under refrigeration.

Faith (Guebert) Rechel-Columbus, OH

Variation #1: Use half the amount of vegetables with the same amount of dressing. Substitute canned French-style beans; eliminate peppers Eliminate salt from marinade. Serves 8.

Susan Siebert-Brunswick, OH

Variation #2: Bavarian Vegetable Salad. Use 1 (14-17 oz.) can each of: corn , peas, and French-cut beans. Use 1 (2 oz .) jar pimiento, 1 cup each celery and green pepper, and 3-5 chopped green onions. For marinade, use same amount of sugar, salt, and oil, but substitute 3/4 c. vinegar; add 1 Tbls. water and 1 tsp. pepper.

Elizabeth Siefker-Indianapolis, IN


1 head romaine

1/2 cucumber

1/2 medium onion

Kraft Zesty Italian dressing, low calorie

Grated Feta cheese, about 2 oz.

Yield: 8 servings

Tear romaine into bite-sized pieces and put into large bowl. Cut cucumber into slices, quarter them and add. Thinly slice onion, then quarter them and add. Add just enough dressing to moisten and toss. Grate Feta cheese to cover top of salad.

Editor's note: Good for pot luck. Adapted from a salad served in Hawaii.

Patti (Weil) Cline-Springdale, AK


Spinach/Salad 109


1/2-1 lb. spinach

1 bunch green onions, chopped

1 cup sliced fresh mushrooms

1 (8 oz.) can water chestnuts, drained

1-1 1/2 cups fresh bean sprouts

1-2 hard cooked eggs, sliced or chopped

2-3 Tbls. toasted sesame seed

3-4 slices crisp cooked bacon, crumbled


1/4 cup olive or salad oil

1/4 cup catsup

1/4 cup sugar

3 Tbls. tarragon vinegar

1 Tbls. lemon juice

1/2 tsp. salt

1/4 tsp. paprika

Dash hot pepper sauce

Dash garlic powder

Yield: 8-12 servings

Discard stems and heavy center vein from spinach. Clean and tear. Combine all salad ingredients except eggs, sesame seeds, and bacon; refrigerate several hours or overnight. Shake dressing ingredients together and chill. Before serving add other salad ingredients; pour dressing over all and toss lightly. Serve with freshly ground pepper.

Bev Wick-Bellevue, WA

Variation: Use 10-16 oz. spinach, 8 slices bacon, 2 hard-boiled eggs, and 8 sliced mushrooms; eliminate rest. Dressing is: 1 cup oil, 1/3 cup ketchup, 3/4 cup sugar, 1/4 cup wine vinegar, 2 Tbls. Worcestershire sauce, 1 grated onion, and 1/2 tsp. salt.

Pamela (Burow) Matusik-Omaha, NE


1 1/2-2 lbs. fresh spinach

1 pint fresh strawberries


1/2 cup sugar

2 Tbls. sesame seed

1 Tbls. poppy seed

1 1/2 tsp. minced onion

1/4 tsp. Worcestershire sauce

1/4 tsp. paprika

1/2 cup vegetable oil

1/4 cup cider vinegar

Yield: 6-8 servings

Note: Beautiful color! Great for the holidays.

Wash, dry spinach. Discard stems and center vein. Wash, hull, and slice strawberries. Place sugar, seeds, onion, Worcestershire sauce, and paprika in blender. With blender running, add oil and vinegar in slow stream until mixed and thick. Toss strawberries and spinach with desired dressing. Serve immediately.

Carolyn Krause-Mendon, NY

Editor's note: A similar salad adds 1 Tbls. fresh dill or 1 tsp. dried dillweed sprinkled over salad. Dressing substitutes wine vinegar for cider, eliminates poppy seed and paprika, uses only 1 Tbls. sesame seeds and 1/4 cup sugar, and adds 1/4 tsp. each: dry mustard, salt, fresh pepper and garlic powder.

110 Salad/Spinach/Mixed


1O oz. fresh spinach

1 head red leaf or iceberg lettuce

1/2 lb bacon


3/4 cup salad oil

1/3 cup cider vinegar

1/4 cup sugar

1 Tbls. each: poppy seed, dry mustard, and onion juice

1 tsp. salt

1 1/2 cups large curd cottage cheese

Yield: 8 servings

TABOULI (Middle East Salad)

1/2 cup Bulgur wheat

1/2 cup canned red kidney beans, drained

1/2 cup canned garbanzo beans, drained

3/4 cup finely chopped green onion

1/2 cup chopped parsley

1/4 cup stuffed olives, chopped

1 carrot, coarsely grated Red and green pepper rings for garnish

Tomato wedges and parsley for garnish


1 Tbls. dried mint leaves or 3 Tbls. fresh

1/4 cup olive oil

Juice and pulp of one medium lemon

1/8 tsp. salt (opt.)

1/4 tsp. each: sweet basil, oregano, and garlic powder

Yield: 8-12 servings

Wash spinach , removing center stem and heavy ve in; wash lettuce; tear into pieces. Fry bacon until crisp; cool and crumble over greens.

Dressing: Combine all except cottage cheese and shake well. Add cottage cheese and shake again . Toss with greens

Virginia Hasewinkle Fort Wayne, IN

Put bulgur in a bowl and pour 1 cup boiling water over it. Let stand 1 hour and drain. Combine the bulgur with the rest of the salad ingredients except the carrot.

Dressing: Put ingredients into a blender and process until very smooth. Pour the dressing over the salad, mix well, and refrigerate at least an hour before serving. May be made the day before.

To serve, toss salad with grated carrot. Line a bowl with Romaine or other lettuce and spoon in salad. Garnish top with pepper rings, tomato wedges, and parsley.

Imelda (Binneboese) Merlin Alameda, CA


2 medium cucumbers

1 cup plain yogurt


2 Tbls. oil

1 large onion, finely chopped

1/2 tsp. garlic powder

1/2 tsp. cayenne

1/2 tsp. ground ginger

1/2 tsp. cumin

1 tsp. turmeric

1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce

1 tsp. salt

Yield: 6-8 servings

Peel and quarter cucumbers lengthwise; then slice into 1/4-inch slices. Put in serving bowl. Combine cooled dressing and yogurt and mix into cucumbers. Refrigerate until ready to serve, at least several hours. Serve as side dish with curry or pilau.

Dressing: Saute onions in oil until golden. Add seasonings and saute a few minutes longer. Cool.

Tester's note: Unusual and tasty. Quite a bite!

Eunice (Kretzmann) Koepke Pewaukee, WI


4 cups cubed, cooked, skinless potatoes (about 2 lbs.)

2 hard-cooked eggs, chopped

1/2 cup chopped cucumber

1 Tbls. chopped green pepper

1 Tbls. or more chopped onion


1/4 cup vinegar

1/4 cup water

1/4 cup sugar

1 tsp. prepared mustard

1/4 tsp. salt

Dash pepper

2 eggs, well-beaten

1 cup salad dressing

Yield: 6 servings

Toss together salad ingredients and set aside. Combine all dressing ingredients except eggs and salad dressing in saucepan and bring to a boil. Reduce heat. Stir some of hot dressing into beaten eggs. Stir all back into rest of dressing in saucepan and cook, stirring constantly until slightly thickened, about 5 minutes. Beat in salad dressing. Pour on salad and toss gently. Adjust seasonings to taste. Chill.

Tester's note: Cucumber gives good texture and flavor.

Potato/Cucumber/Salad 111
A .... --



5-6 lbs. brown-skinned potatoes

1 sweet onion, chopped Salt and coarse ground pepper to taste

1 lb.bacon

3 Tbls. flour

1 1/2 cups water

1 1/2 cups cider vinegar

1 1/2 cups brown sugar

Dried parsley to taste

Yield: 12-15 servings

Variation #1: Use 3 lb. cooked, then peeled red salad potatoes, 1/2 cup onion, and 1/3 lb bacon.

Sauce: 2 Tbls. flour, 1/3 cup granulated sugar, 2 tsp. salt, 1/8 tsp. pepper, 1/2 cup cide.r vinegar, and 1 cup water. Add 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley.

Martha Oestmann Kansas City, KS


6 cups popped popcorn

1/2 cup sliced green onion

1 cup sliced celery

1 cup mayonnaise or salad dressing (prefer Miracle Whip)

1/2 cup sliced water chestnuts

3/4 cup crumbled crisp bacon (save some for top)

1 cup grated cheese (save some for top)

Yield: 8 servings

Boil potatoes in skins. Cool. Cut into bitesized pieces (or into quarters if potatoes are small), leaving skins on. Put in large bowl and add onion, salt and pepper. Cut bacon into small pieces and fry until crisp. Remove bacon pieces to potato bowl. Discard all but 1/4 cup fat. Add flour, stirring to combine well. Add water, vinegar and brown sugar. Bring to a boil and simmer until thickened. Pour sauce over potatoes and sprinkle with dried parsley.

Editor's note: Named Karen's Potato Salad, this is unique with unpeeled potatoes and brown sugar!

Lois (Hadde) Brandt-Milwaukee, WI

Variation #2: Use 3 lbs. cooked, then peeled potatoes, 1 medium onion, 1/4 lb. bacon, 3 Tbls. flour and 1/3 cup each granulated sugar, water, and vinegar. Serve warm or cold. Makes 6 servings.

Valeria Bruesehoff-Sheboygan, WI

In large bowl combine all ingredients except reserved bacon and cheese. Chill. Top with bacon and cheese. Serve immediately.

Tester's note: What a surprise! Different and good.

Nancy Langlas-Wauwatosa, WI



6 medium baking potatoes

8 slices bacon, diced

1/2 cup chopped onion

4 tsp. flour

2/3 cup cider vinegar

1/4 cup packed brown sugar

1/2 tsp. celery seed

Salt and pepper to taste

Bake potatoes according to instructions with your microwave. Cool 10 minutes; peel and dice. Combine bacon and onion in a 2-qt round microwavable dish; cook on HIGH 8-12 minutes, stirring occasionally . Stir in flour, vinegar , brown sugar , celery seed, and salt and pepper. Cook on HIGH about 3 minutes or until slightly thickened. Stir occasionally. Add potatoes and cook on HIGH until heated through, stirring occasionally. Serve warm.

Tester's note: Full-flavored potato salad. You may want to drain off some of the bacon fat and add some water to the sauce. No messy pans to clean up!


1 lb. small fresh snow peas

2 lb. ripe firm tomatoes, sliced


2 Tbls. red wine vinegar

3 garlic cloves, crushed

1 tsp. Dijon mustard

Salt and pepper to taste

6 Tbls. olive oil

2 Tbls. chopped fresh parsley

3 Tbls. chopped fresh basil

String peas, if necessary. Blanch in salted water for 2 minutes. Drain and refresh under cold water. Drain thoroughly on paper towels. If peas are large, cut in half diagonally. Slice tomatoes; set aside. Place vinegar, garlic, mustard, salt, and pepper into a mixing bowl and stir well until the salt dissolves. Beat in the olive oil. Stir in the parsley and basil. Arrange the tomato slices and snow peas in layers and spoon the dressing over each layer. Refrigerate for about 2 hours.

PotatoNegetable/Salad 113



4 large tomatoes

1 Spanish onion

1/2 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. sugar


1 tsp. each cut chives, basil, fresh dill, celery seed

1/2 cup French dressing

Yield: 8-10 servings

Slice tomatoes and onions. Arrange alternately on large platter. Sprinkle with seasonings and herbs. Drizzle dressing over all. Cover platter and refrigerate at least one hour. (Longer than one hour is better.)

Note: This is a nice compliment to grilled steaks.

Lois Prange-Wauwatosa, WI


3 large tomatoes, sliced

1 green pepper, cut in rings 2 green onions, sliced


6 Tbls. salad oil

3 Tbls. vinegar

2 Tbls. sugar

1/2 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. oregano

1/4 tsp. dried dillweed

1/8 tsp. celery seed

Yield: 8-10 servings

Layer tomatoes, green pepper, and onions in a shallow dish. Mix marinade well and pour over tomatoes. Chill several hours.

Kari (Petermann) Eckhardt Cedarburg, WI

Variation #1: Use 3-4 large thinly-sliced tomatoes, 1/3 cup coarsely chopped green pepper, and 1/4 cup chopped onions.

Dressing: Pour 1/2-3/4 cup Italian dressing over (enough to marinate); let stand one hour. Sprinkle with parsley. (Since my European trip, I add 1 tsp. sugar for the taste of Tomato Salat in Austria and Slovakia).

Margaret Zobel-Clearwater, FL

Variation #2: Tomatoes Toccato: Cut stem ends from 8 tomatoes. Turn stem side down and cut 4 vertical 1/2-inch slices into tomato, being careful not to slice completely through tomato. Stuff 1 Tbls. parsley in each tomato divided between slices. Place in shallow dish. In blender combine 1/4 cup olive oil, 2 Tbls. tarragon vinegar, 2 tsp. dijon mustard, 1 tsp. sugar, 1 tsp. salt, 1/4 tsp. pepper, and 1 clove minced garlic. Pour over tomatoes and refrigerate until 20 minutes before serving. Serves 8. (To peel tomatoes dip them in boiling water for 30 seconds.)

Tester's note: Delicious and attractive!

Diane Ford-Traverse City, Ml

• •


1 1/2 cups dry uncooked macaroni (shells or mixed rigatoni)

2 cups broccoli flowerets

2 cups cauliflower flowerets

1 cup fresh mushrooms

1 (6 oz.) can artichoke hearts, rinsed and chopped

1 cup ripe olives, sliced

1/2 cup green onion, chopped

2/3 cup Italian dressing

1 tomato, chopped

1 medium avocado, sliced

Yield: 20 (1/2 cup) servings


4 oz. vermicelli

1 (6 1/2 oz.) can marinated artichoke hearts

2 large tomatoes, chopped

1 cup sliced mushrooms

1/2 cup chopped nuts

2 Tbls. chopped parsley


1/4 cup reserved marinade

1/4 cup vegetable oil

1/4 cup red wine vinegar

1 large clove garlic, minced

1/2 tsp. each basil, pepper, and salt

Veld: 6 servings

Pasta/Salad 115

Cook macaroni and drain. Combine all ingredients except avocado and chill. Add avocado just before serving.

Note: Additional pasta can be used according to personal preference. Any Italian dressing is fine. To cut in half, use 3/4-1 cup macaroni, a small tomato, a small avocado and half of all other ingredients.

Margaret (Michael) Rivers Valparaiso, IN

Cook vermicelli according to package directions, omitting salt; drain. Drain and chop artichoke hearts, reserving 1/4 cup marinade. Use walnuts or pecans. Combine all salad ingredients; set aside.

Dressing: Combine ingredients in jar. Cover tightly and shake vigorously. Pour over vermicelli mixture; toss gently. Cover and chill thoroughly. Arrange salad on lettuce leaves when serving. Garnish with additional parsley, if desired.

Marilyn Krueger-Milwaukee, WI


To pasta add a bag of your favorite frozen mixed vegetable combination and bottled dressing.

Purchase a take-out "salad" of just fresh vegetables (with cheese and dressing, if desired) at a fast-food salad bar. Toss with your own pasta at home! (Also good for a stir-fry.)

• •




1 lb. linguini

2 medium size cucumbers

2 medium size tomatoes

1/2 large purple onion


2 envelopes dry Good Season Italian Salad Dressing mix

1/4 cup vinegar

2 Tbls. water

1/2 cup salad oil (Canola)

2 Tbls. McCormick Salad Supreme

Yield: 12-14 seNings

Break linguini into thirds; cook according to package directions. Rinse and drain in cool water. Dice the cucumbers, tomatoes, and onion. Mix the linguini and vegetables together.

Dressing: Mix the dry salad dressing, vinegar, and water in a jar. Add the salad oil and shake vigorously until well blended. Pour over the linguini and mix well. Add the Salad Supreme and mix well. Refrigerate at least one hour.

Susan (Mellendorf) Dippold Baltimore, MD

Variation #1: The "One" Salad. Use 1 lb. cooked vermicelli, 1 each chopped green pepper, tomato, and celery stalk, 1 jar McCormick Salad Supreme, and 1 (8-16 oz.) bottle Kraft Zesty Italian Dressing. SeNes 20-25.

Eunice (Kretzmann) Koepke Pewaukee, WI

Variation #2: Use 8 oz. cooked spaghetti, 1 each chopped onion and green pepper, 2 each chopped and seeded cucumbers and tomatoes, 1 (2 3/4 oz.) can chopped ripe olives, 2-3 Tbls. Salad Supreme seasoning, 1 (8 oz.) bottle zesty Italian dressing, and salt and pepper to taste. Leave in refrigerator overnight or at least 2 hours.

Note: Best to add tomatoes, cucumbers, and olives just before seNing.

Carol (Wachholz) Larson Cedarburg, WI

• •

Chicken/Salad 117



1/4 cup rice vinegar

1/4 cup salad oil

5 Tbls. sugar

2 Tbls. lemon juice

1 tsp. salt

1 tsp. Accent

3 slices fresh ginger, minced

4 cooked chicken breast halves, torn or cut up 1 head iceberg lettuce, torn 3 green onions, sliced

1/4 cup toasted sesame seeds

Yield: 4 servings

Shake dressing ingredients together except ginger. Add ginger and chill at least 1 hour. Toss chicken , lettuce , onions , and sesame seed with dressing just before serving. (Does not keep well once dressing has been added )

Editor's note: Add 1 (6 oz.) box frozen snow pea pods and 1 (11 oz.) can mandarin oranges. Use only 2 Tbls. toasted sesame seed (same amount of onions).

Dressing: In blender mix 1 egg yolk, 3 Tbls. soy sauce, 3 Tbls. rice vinegar, and 3 Tbls. sugar. Turn blender to low and very slowly add 2 Tbls . dark oriental sesame oil and I cup salad oil. (Mixture will be thick.) Tass and top with fine rice noodles from 5 oz. can by La Choy. See note on raw eggs on page 223.

Bev Wick - Bellevue, WA


5 cups torn iceberg lettuce

5 cups spinach, stemmed, heavy vein removed

4 cooked chicken breast halves, cut crosswise in strips

2 medium tomatoes, in wedges

2 hard-cooked eggs, sliced

Vegetables for garnish, if desired

Hot Bacon Dijon Dressing:

6 slices bacon, cut up 1/2 cup chopped onion

3/4 cup white wine vinegar

1/2 cup brown sugar

3/4 cup water

1 Tbls. cornstarch

2-4 tsp. Dijon mustard

Yield: 4 servings

Toss lettuce, spinach, and chicken together; divide onto four plates. (Complete chicken breast, cut in strips, may be carefully placed on center of plate.) Garnish with tomatoes, eggs, and other vegetables as desired May use carrots in sticks or grated, green onions, etc.

Dressing: Saute bacon and remove from skillet. Saute onions and remove. Pour off all bacon grease. Add vinegar and brown sugar. Dissolve cornstarch in water and add. Boil until thickened and clear Whisk in Dijon mustard to taste. Put in serv ing bowl and pass.

Note: Mustard may be eliminated. For a pleasing mellow flavor, don't substitute vinegars. Plates may be arranged in advance and refrigerated. Heat dressing in microwave just before serving.

Tami Scheck - Sussex, WI




1 (6 oz.) pkg. chickenflavored rice mix

4 cups cooked chicken, cut up

1/2 green pepper, chopped

2 green onions, sliced

8 green or black olives, sliced

2 (6 oz.) jars marinated artichoke hearts, undrained, cut in half

1/2 cup mayonnaise

1/2 tsp. curry powder

Yield: 6 servings

Cook rice mix; cool and fluff. Add chicken, pepper, onions, olives, artichokes, and half of marinade Guice of artichokes). Mix mayonnaise, curry powder, and the rest of the marinade. Pour over and toss. Add salt and pepper, if desired.

Marilyn (Moeller) Holmquist West Bend, WI


12 cups torn salad greens, mostly iceberg with some leaf and a few spinach

6 whole green onions, sliced

1 large grated carrot

1 cup grated Cheddar cheese

1/4 cup chopped red cabbage (opt.)

1 tomato, chopped

2-3 cups crushed tortilla chips

4 boneless, skinless, grilled or cooked chicken breast halves, cut in strips

Sour cream, guacamole, and salsa for topping


1/2 cup light sour cream

1/2 cup good quality salsa

2 Tbls. light salad dressing

1/4 tsp. ground cumin

Yield: 4 servings

Toss together greens, onions, carrots, cheese, and cabbage, if desired. Refrigerate until serving time. Just before serving, toss with tomato , tortilla chips that have been broken slightly, and dressing; divide onto individual plates. Lay cut-up breast across middle of salad (or toss with salad). Put dollops of sour cream and guacamole on either side. Sprinkle with additional salsa or pass in dish.

Tester's note: Just the right blend of flavors! A wonderful , different chicken salad!

Judy (Weiherman) Schumacher Brookfield, WI

Turkey/Chicken/Salad 119


4 cups cooked diced chicken

1 cup diced celery

2 tsp. grated onion

1 (11 oz.) can mandarin oranges, drained

1 cup seedless grapes

1/2 cup sliced almonds

1 (6 oz.) can water chestnuts, sliced

1 (13 oz.) can pineapple chunks, drained


1 cup mayonnaise

1/2 tsp salt

1 tsp. curry powder

1/4 tsp. pepper

1 Tbls. soy sauce

2 Tbls. lemon juice

Yield: 4-6 servings

Combine all salad i ngredients in large bowl. Blend dressing ingredients together and stir into the chicken mixture. Let stand overnight in the refrigerator for best flavor.

Kristine (Kolterman) Fox Baltimore, MD

Editor's note: Variation for a large quantity. Use 10 cups cut-up chicken or turkey, 3 cups celery , 3 cups quartered green grapes , 4 finely sliced green onions , 1 1/2 tsp. salt , and 1 1/2 cups fresh or 20 oz. can pineapple tidbits. Dressing is: 2 1/2 cups mayonnaise or Miracle Whip or combination, 3 Tbls. lemon juice, 1 1/2 Tbls. soy sauce , and 1 tsp . or more curry powder Lay a thawed 6 oz. box of frozen pea pods in a circle on large serving platter and heap chicken salad in center. Sprinkle top with toasted almonds or rice noodles. Makes 10-12 main dish servings, about 13 cups. (A 6 lb. turkey breast yields about 7 1/2 cups turkey; a 15 lb . whole turkey yields about 16 cups turkey.)


1 lb. cooked turkey, diced

1 cup diced celery

3/4 cup chopped red apple, in bite-sized pieces

3 cups (29 oz. can) drained peaches, sliced

1/2 cup Miracle Whip

1/2 cup dry roasted peanuts

Yield: 6-8 servings

Combine all ingredients except peanuts and chill. Just before serving add peanuts.

Tester's note: A good ladies luncheon salad.

Kristine (Kolterman) Fox Baltimore, MD

• •

120 Salad/Chicken/Turkey


6 cups shredded iceberg lettuce

1/4 lb. fresh bean sprouts (or canned, rinsed and drained)

1 (8 oz.) can water chestnuts, sliced, drained

1/2 cup sliced green onions

4 cups diced cooked chicken

1 small cucumber, thinly sliced

2 (6 oz.) pkgs. frozen snow pea pods, thawed


2 cups mayonnaise

1 Tbls. sugar

2 tsp. curry powder

1/2 tsp. ground ginger

Garnishes: avocado slices, cherry tomato halves, or mandarin oranges

Yield: 10-12 servings


12 cups cut-up cooked turkey

8 medium stalks celery, sliced (about 4 cups)

3 (10 oz.) jars watermelon pickles, drained and cut into fourths

1 medium onion, chopped

3 cups mayonnaise or salad dressing

4 tsp. salt

2 tsp. curry powder

1/4 tsp. freshly ground pepper

4 cups chow mein noodles

Celery leaves

Yield: 18 servings

Arrange lettuce in bottom of 13 x 9-inch glass dish or other glass serving bowl.

Top with layers of sprouts, water chestnuts, onions, chicken, cucumber, and pea pods. In small bowl, stir together dressing ingredients and spread evenly over pea pods. Cover tightly with plastic wrap. Toss, if desired, before serving. Add garnish.

Note: May mix dressing with chicken and put that on the top layer.

Editor's note: A tasty make-ahead salad.

Nancy (Kelley) Gahl-Indianapolis, IN

Elizabeth Siefker-Indianapolis, IN

Divide turkey, celery, pickles, and onion between 2 large bowls. Mix mayonnaise, salt, curry powder, and pepper. Toss half of the mayonnaise mixture gently with each turkey mixture. Refrigerate no longer than 12 hours. Just before serving, stir half of the noodles into each bowl. Garnish with celery leaves.

Note: Talking turkey-a 5-6 lb. turkey roast will yield about 12 cups cut-up turkey.

• •

Hot Chicken/Salad 121 •


3 cups diced cooked chicken

1 cup finely chopped celery

1 small chopped onion

1/2 cup sliced almonds

1 1/2 cups cooked rice

1 (1 O 3/4 oz.) can cream of chicken soup

3/4 cup mayonnaise, whisked with 1/4 cup water

1 Tbls. lemon juice

1/2 tsp. salt, if desired

1/4 tsp. pepper

3 hard cooked eggs

2 cups crushed potato chips or croutons

3/4 cup shredded Cheddar cheese


Pan: Oven:

6-8 servings 2 qt. casserole 450 °

Thoroughly combine all ingredients except eggs, chips, and cheese. Add eggs and toss lightly. Spoon into greased casserole. Cover and refrigerate overnight or bake uncovered immediately for 25 minutes or more until heated thoroughly. Sprinkle with chips and cheese Bake an additional 5 minutes.

Editor's note: May be baked longer at a lower temperature.

Corliss Marowske

Grosse Pointe Farms, Ml

Variation: Eliminate almonds, rice, water, and Cheddar cheese. Substitute cream of mushroom for the chicken soup and cornflakes for the potato chip topping. Bake at 350 ° for 30 minutes.


2 cups cubed cooked chicken

1 cup sliced celery

1/2 cup salted cashews, chopped

1/4 cup chopped green pepper

1/4 cup diced pimiento

1 cup mayonnaise

1/2 cup milk

3 Tbls. lemon juice

1/4 tsp. salt

1 (2.8 oz.) can French fried onions






6 servings 2 qt. casserole 350 ° 30 minutes

Combine all ingredients except half of the can of onions. Put in greased casserole. Bake, covered, for 30 minutes. Top with remaining onions, sprinkle with paprika, and continue baking for 5 minutes longer, uncovered.

Editor's note: Pimientos and green pepper add nice color. Cashews add great flavor.



1 (4 1/2 oz.) pkg. Lipton rice, (long grain and wild or any variety)

1 cup assorted chopped vegetables, (celery, carrots, green and/or red or yellow pepper, peas, etc.)

1 cup chopped cooked chicken or solid white albacore tuna

3 Tbls. Italian dressing

1/4 tsp. lime juice

1/8 tsp. ground thyme

Yield: 4-6 servings

Prepare rice as directed on package. Cool. Stir in vegetables and chicken or tuna. Stir dressing, lime juice, and thyme together and toss with salad.

Chill and serve in lettuce cups or tomato wedges.

Note: You may omit the chicken or tuna and use only 2 Tbls. dressing for a side salad.

Vi Brelje-Orange, CA


1 1/2-2 lbs. crab-style seafood product

1 1/2 cups uncooked small shell macaroni, cooked (yields 2 1/2-3 cups)

1 cup tiny frozen green peas

1 cup chopped celery

1 cup grated carrot

1/2 cup chopped red pepper

2 whole green onions, finely sliced


1 cup salad dressing

1 cup sour cream

1/2 cup milk

1/4 cup finely chopped dill pickle

1/2 tsp. each: dry mustard, salt, basil, dill weed

Dash cayenne pepper (opt.)

Yield: 8-10 servings

Toss salad ingredients together. Whisk dressing ingredients together. Combine .

Note: May vary amounts of seafood, macaroni, and any other vegetable to suit your taste and occasion, perhaps less seafood and more macaroni for a buffet salad where other salads are present. You may also use the salad ingredients with your favorite seafood salad dressing.

Eunice (Kretzmann) Koepke Pewaukee, WI



2 cups cooked, cleaned shrimp

1 cup chopped celery

1 1/2 Tbls. diced green pepper

1 1/2 Tbls. diced red pepper

1 Tbls. chopped chives


1/3 cup mayonnaise

1/4 cup sour cream

2 Tbls. chili sauce {or seafood sauce)

2 Tbls. fresh lemon juice

1 Tbls. sugar

1 tsp. salt

Yield: 2-3 servings

'Toss salad ingredients together. Blend dressing ingredients well. Mix lightly but thoroughly with salad. Serve on salad greens.

Note: Cook whole frozen shrimp in shells and put in refrigerator in cooking liquid until ready to prepare salad.

Editor's note: What a wonderfully, elegant salad for a few special people. Expensive, but worth it. An excellent blend of flavors! May want to add a little less of the dressing or a little more shrimp.

Doris Nelson-Brookfield, WI


1 lb. surimi (imitation crab), chopped

1 1/4-1 1/2 cups finely chopped celery

1 tsp. chopped fresh dill


1/2 cup mayonnaise

1 tsp. Lawry's seasoned salt

1 Tbls. chopped fresh parsley

2 Tbls. catsup

2 tsp. creamy horseradish sauce

1 Tbls. packed brown sugar

2 dashes hot pepper sauce

Chopped lettuce

Lemon wedges for garnish

Yield: 8 servings

In large bowl combine surimi, celery, and dill. In separate bowl combine all dressing ingredients, except lettuce and lemon wedges. Add to surimi mixture. Spoon each serving onto bed of lettuce and garnish with a lemon wedge.

Note: Surimi is a combination of Pacific pollack and crab meat, cooked, molded, colored, and flavored to imitate regular crab meat.

Seafood/Salad 123


1 (15-16 oz.) can red salmon

2 envelopes unflavored gelatin

1 cup mayonnaise

1 cup heavy cream

1/4 cup lemon juice

1/2 cup chopped onion

1/2 cup chopped celery

1/2 cup peeled chopped cucumber

1/2 tsp. dill weed

1/2 tsp. salt

Yield: 8-10 servings

Mold: Large fish shaped

Drain salmon, reserving liquid. Add cold water to make 1 cup. Sprinkle gelatin on liquid to soften; heat to dissolve. Put all other ingredients in blender until mixed. Add gelatin and pour into fish mold. When set, unmold and decorate with red pimiento on the tail and mouth, olives for eyes, and sliced almonds across the back. Serve with Cucumber Sauce.

'Note: Use for a salad buffet luncheon or for an appetizer served with crackers.

Editor's note: Delicious! What a beautiful presentation when decorated!


1 cup peeled, seeded, well-drained, grated cucumber

2 cups (1 pint) sour cream

1 Tbls. white wine vinegar

1 tsp. fresh lemon juice

1 tsp. salt

2 tsp. grated onion

1 tsp. or more di!I weed

Squeeze liquid out of cucumber on paper towel. Mix all ingredients together and refrigerate to blend flavors.

Mrs. John Koch-Evansville, IN


1 (7 1/2 oz.) pkg. Kraft _ macaroni and cheese

1 (10 oz.) pkg. frozen peas

1 chopped medium tomato

3/4 cup Miracle Whip

1/2 cup chopped celery

1/2 cup chopped onion

1/2 tsp. salt

6 hard cooked eggs, chopped

Yield: 6-8 servings

Prepare macaroni and cheese as package directs. Add remaining ingredients. Chill. Add more salad dressing if desired.

Tester's note: High in cholesterol, but very tasty.

Editor's note: Also good without or with less egg. A very nice salad addition to a summer buffet table.

Debbie (Karstens) Moore Valparaiso, IN

124 Salad/Seafood/Egg

Taco/Egg/Salad 125


1 lb. firm tofu

1 rib of celery, chopped

2 Tbls. mayonnaise

1 Tbls. tamari or soy sauce

1 Tbls. chopped onion

1 Tbls. chopped parsley

3/4 tsp. mustard

1/4 tsp. garlic powder or salt

Dash of cayenne (opt.)

Dash of curry powder (opt.)


Hot beef topping:

1 1/2 lb. ground beef

1 cup chopped onion

1 cup chopped green pepper

1 or 2 (1 1/4 oz.) pkgs. taco seasoning, to taste

1 lb. Velveeta cheese

1 (15 oz.) can stewed tomatoes

1 head lettuce, torn

1 (15 oz.) can kidney beans, drained

1 (15 oz.) can ripe olives, drained and sliced

1 medium (8-10 oz.) bag tortilla chips, slightly broken

Yield: 8 servings

Crumble tofu into the rest of ingredients that have been mixed together. Spread on bread , tuck into celery or peppers or stuff into a tomato

Tester's note: Very good imitation of the real thing! Healthy low cholesterol salad!

Doloris Radke-Michigan City, IN

Saute ground beef , onion, and green pepper. Drain. Add taco seasoning and water according to pkg. directions . Melt cheese in tomatoes in double boiler. Combine two mixtures and keep warm

Combine lettuce, beans, and olives in a large bowl. Pour warm beef mixture over and toss lightly together. Add chips. Toss and serve immediately.

Note: For additional servings, increase tomatoes, cheese, lettuce, and tortilla chips.

Betty Gundermann-Kirkwood, MO

Variation #1: Marilyn's Taco Salad. Fry and drain ground beef. Toss with lettuce, 2 medium diced tomatoes, 4 sliced green onions, 1/2 of 16 oz. bag Nacho Doritos (crumble this half), and 1/2 lb. grated mild Cheddar cheese. Toss with dressing: 2 very ripe mashed avocados, 1 1/2 pts . sour cream, 1/3 cup Italian dressing, and 2 (4 oz.) cans chopped green chiles. Put other half bag of Doritos around edge of bowl and sprinkle top with another 1/2 lb. Cheddar cheese.

Patti Cline - Springdale, AK



2 (6 oz.) jars marinated artichoke hearts, drained

1 medium red onion, sliced thin

1 (2 1/2-4 oz.) stick pepperoni, cubed

1/2 lb. fresh mushrooms, sliced

1/3 cup vinegar

1/3 cup white wine

1/3 cup salad oil

1 1/2 tsp. sugar

1/2 tsp. salt and pepper

1/4 tsp. garlic powder

1 large head lettuce, broken

4 medium tomatoes

Yield: 6-8 servings


1 lb. sea shell macaroni

1/2 lb. provolone cheese

1/4 lb. pepperoni or hard salami

3 stalks celery

4 tomatoes

1 (6 oz.) can chopped black olives (or cut in half)

1 (5 3/4 oz.) jar pitted green olives or stuffed olives

1 (8 oz.) can garbanzo beans

1 red onion, cut into rings

Chopped parsley for garnish


3/4 cup salad oil

1/2 cup cider vinegar

1 tsp. oregano

1 1/2 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. pepper

Yield: 12 servings

Combine all ingredients except lettuce and tomatoes. Marinate for 24 hours. Toss salad with lettuce and tomatoes just before serving.

Juline Pichel-Washington, DC

Cook macaroni according to package directions. Drain and put in large bowl. Cut cheese and meat into bite-sized pieces, dice celery and tomatoes , and drain all liquids from olives and beans Add these, plus onions, to macaroni. Combine dressing ingredients Mix salad and dressing together . Refrigerate. Make several hours or day before serving. Stir well before serving and garnish with parsley.

Mary Klenz-North East, PA

• ll


1/2 cup sugar

2 Tbls. flour

Juice of one lemon, (approx. 1/4 cup)

Juice of one orange (approx. 1/2 cup)

2 Tbls. butter or margarine

Editors note: A truly "timeless" gem of a dressing! Whipped cream may be folded in also, if desired. Good as a fruit dip.

Mix sugar and flour in small heavy saucepan. Add fruit juices and butter. Cook over medium-low heat, stirring constantly until thick. Store in refrigerator. Use as needed by thinning desired amount of this concentrate with a similar amount of milk in a small bowl. Just before seNing spoon onto fresh fruit salad and toss to coat.

Note: This keeps for weeks refrigerated. A little goes a long way, as the natural juices of the fruit dilute the dressing further. The citrus juices in this concentrate will keep bananas and peaches from turning brown. The total amount will nicely dress two huge (3 quarts each) fresh fruit salads. This recipe was given to my mother in the 1920's.


1/4 cup fine olive oil

1/4 cup water

1/4 cup vinegar (wine, fruit, or Chinese rice)

1 clove garlic, crushed

1/2 tsp. salt

1 tsp. dried tarragon

Shake in jar and let stand for several hours, not refrigerated, before its first use. Shake well before using. Toss with bowl of variety of leaf lettuce.

Note: Don't be concerned about the water in this recipe-it helps spread the flavors and save calories. Dressing has about 33 calories per tablespoon.

Editor's note: A simple very tasty dressing. Since tarragon tends to stay on top of dressing and comes out when you pour, you may have to add a touch more after you have used it once or twice.

Dressing/Salad 127


Low-Calorie Blue Cheese: Stir together 1/2 cup plain yogurt, 3 Tbls skim milk, 1/2 cup thinly-sliced green onions and tops, 1/4 cup crumbled Blue cheese, 1 small clove garlic, pressed, and 1/4 tsp. each basil and crushed rosemary. May use as a dip . Use part sour cream for a richer dressing .

Buttermilk Ranch: Whisk together 1 cup each buttermilk and salad dressing, 1 1/2 tsp. dried parsley flakes, 1 tsp . each fresh lemon juice, chives , and salt, 1/4 tsp. each dried oregano, basil, tarragon, garlic powder, and freshly ground pepper to taste. May use low-cholesterol dressing and use as a vegetable dip.

Honey Dijon: In a jar with a tight-fitting lid, shake together 1/2 cup salad oil, 1/4 cup honey , 3 Tbls cider vinegar , and 3 Tbls Dijon mustard.

Cracked Peppercorn: In blender or food processor blend 3/4 cup sour cream, 2 Tbls each buttermilk , salad oil, and wine vinegar, 1 Tbls. honey, 1 tsp. cracked pepper, 1/2 tsp. onion powder, and 1/4 tsp. each garlic powder and salt.

Thousand Island: Stir together 1 cup mayonnaise, 1/3 cup chili sauce or ketchup, 2 Tbls. sweet pickle relish, 2 tsp. lemon juice, and 1 1/2 tsp. sugar. Mild flavored-add more chili sauce and adjust ingredients to taste , if des i red. Arleen Gieseking-Grosse Pointe Park, Ml.


Raspberry Honey Vinaigrette: In electric mixer at low speed blend 2/3 cup salad oil, 1/4 cup white wine or rice vinegar, 1/4 cup honey, 1 cup whole frozen raspberries (not in syrup), 1/4 tsp. salt, and 1/4 tsp. freshly ground pepper.

Make individual salads with bed of Boston or bibb lettuce and some colorful mixed fruit in season on top, such as, raspberries, peaches, blueberries, kiwi, and melons . Drizzle dressing over.


Banana Yogurt: Blend 1/2 cup plain yogurt , 1 ripe banana , and 1/2 cup orange juice in blender. Serve over strawberries and melons.

Orange Sour Cream: In small bowl stir together 1 cup sour cream, 2 Tbls. honey, 2 Tbls fresh orange juice, 1 tsp grated orange rind, and 1/4 tsp ground ginger. Serve over decoratively arranged fruits in season. (Wonderful with sour cream, not bad with part yogurt.)


-Blend 8 oz. cream cheese with 12 oz. marshmallow cream.

Elizabeth Siefker-Indianapolis, IN

-Blend 6 oz. berry yogurt with 1 or 2 cups whipped topping

-Blend whipped cream into Amelia's Fruit Dressing (previous page.)

-In blender combine 2/3 cup milk, 1/2 cup sour cream, 8 oz. crushed pineapple with juice, and 1 (3 1/2 oz.) pkg. coconut instant pudding mix. Blend 20 seconds.



R. Sloan, American 1827-1900

On Grandpa Sloan's Farm , Illinois, 1866

Oil on canvas , 7-5/8 x 13-1/2 inches

Valparaiso University Museum of Art

Estate of Percy H. Sloan 53 1.275

Junius Sloan painted this and other prairie farm and fami ly scenes on a summer visit that he, his wife and his four year old son made to his parents' 160 acre farm just southeast of Kewanee , Illinois. Father Seymour (of course "Grandpa" to Junius' son), a redheaded blacksmith/farmer, would soon retire with some of his family to a fine house in the center of Kewanee. In the meantime, Junius was beg inning his landscape painting career in a studio apartment, on the third floor of Chicago's famed Crosby Opera House.

Meats/Poultry/Fish/Main Dishes

BEEF Barbequed Pot Roast... 129 Bulgogi (Korean Barbecued Beef) 138 Carbonades a La Flamande ......... .......... .. ...... ... .... ..... 134 Chap-Chae (Korean Noodle Dish) 138 Chinese Beef and Pea Pods 137 Crockpot Beef Fajitas 134 Favorite Swiss Steak 131 Greek Beef Stew 133 Marinated Steak 132 Maryland Pot Roast... 130 One-Pan Cantonese Beef 136 Orange Flavored Beef Stir-Fry 135 Oriental Beef Stir-Fry 136 Our Special Beef Kabobs 132 Pepper Steak 137 Pot Roast Italiano .. .. ...·.. ... ........... ......... .. ...... .. ....... ... ... 130 Savory Beef Stew 133 Savory Round Steak 131 Slow Cooker Beef in Beer. 135 Spicy Pot Roast with Biscuit Dumplings 129 GROUND BEEF Bev's Deep Dish Mexican Pie. 140 California Vegetable Pie 145 Company Casserole. 143 Easy Lasgne with Uncooked Noodles ... ..142 Enchilada Pie 139 Family Reunion Chow Mein 174 Greek Meatballs (Keltethes) 142 Ground Beef Florentine 140 Meat Ball Curry 144 Meatloaf with Piquant Topping (Microwave) 141 Men 's Favorite Casserole .............. .. ............... .. .. ...... .144 Mexican Lasagne 139 Mom 's Casserole 144 Tacorita 141 Valpo Sunday Brunch Meatballs 143 VEAL Veal Piccata Veal Scaloppine PORK 146 146 Country Sausage Dinner ...... .. .... ...... ... ................. ..... 152 German Style Schnitzel. 147 Ham-Chicken Bake 152 Maiki Ham 149 Polish Sausage Platter 151 Pork and Mushroom Dish 150 Pork and Spinach Manicotti 147 Spinach and Ham Roll -Ups 148 Sweet Barbeque Pork Chops 148 Triple D Italian Casserole 151 Upside-Down Ham Loaf 149 POULTRY Breast of Chicken with Zucchini and Mushrooms 153 Chicken Casserole Supreme 166 Chicken en Papillote 167 Chicken Enchiladas 167 Chicken Extraordinaire 154 Chicken Firenze 155 Chicken in Honey Mustard Sauce 156 Chicken Lasagne .. ....... .... ..... ..... ....... ..... ..... ..... .... . ..168 Chicken Nuggets 165 Chicken Parmesan 158 Chicken Spaghetti 169 Chicken Supreme 154 Chicken Taco Filling 170 Chicken Tandoori 162 Chicken Vegetable Stir-Fry 163 Chicken with Peaches 155 Chinese Style Chicken 164 Crab-Stuffed Chicken Breasts 156 Creamy Chicken Casserole 169 Dijon Chicken 153 Family Reunion Chow Mein 174 Festive Chicken 157 Festive Chicken Noel 157 Five Spice Turkey Legs 171 Ham-Chicken Bake 152 Hearth Healthy Chicken Casserole 170 Her and Wine Roasted Chicken 163 Jack's Favorite Pheasant en Sauce 174 Lickety-Split Turkey Breast... 171 Lo-Cal Chinese Chicken Stir Fry 164 Mexicali Casserole 168 Oven-Easy Italian Meatballs 172 Parmesan Chicken Strips 165 Pineapple Baked Chicken 158 Ron's Grecian Chicken Breasts 159 Stacki-Uppi 173 Stuffed Chicken Breasts 159 Super Chicken Enchilada Casserole 166 Swedish Dilled Chicken 160 Sweet and Tangy Chicken Breasts 160 Tasty Baked Chicken Breasts 161 "The Best" Chicken Breasts ... ... .. .. .. .. ... ... .. ....... ....... ...161 Tom's Grilled Chicken with Marinade 162 Turkey Fiesta 172 SEAFOOD Amelia's Fillet of Flounder 177 Baked Fish with Rice and Spinach 175 Baked Shrimp with Garlic and Herbs ......... ..... .. ..... .... 186 Barbeque Basting Sauce for Fish 184 Cajun Crawfish Etouffee 180 Chinese Fried Rice with Shrimp and Eggs 181 Crab Florentine 180 Curried Cod-Potato Skillet 175 Janson 's Temptation 176 Lemon-Pepper Catfish 176 Marinated Smoked Salmon 178 Microwave Fish Recipes 185 Oven Fish with Spinach .......... ... ... .. ...... ... ......... ... .. ... 177 Pedie's Crab Imperial.. 183 Scallop-Salmon Kabobs 178 Scallops Supreme. 182 Seafood Stir-Fry 181 Shrimp and Crab Casserole 182 Shrimp Artichoke Casserole 184 Shrimp Crab Casserole 183 Shrimp Rice Pie 185 Skewered Shrimp with Apricot Glaze 186 Wisconsin Fish Boil 179 OTHER Barbeque Basting Sauce for Fish 184 Cambridge Pine Nut Roast 187 Costa Rica Black Beans and Rice 188 Homemade Canned Soup Substitutes 191 Honey Mustard Glaze 173 Low-Calorie Cucumber-Dill Sauce ................ ......... .. .. 184 Low-Cal Spinach Lasagne 189 Millie 's Spaghetti Sauce 190 Orange Glaze 173 Pizza Ole 190 Red Beans and Rice 188 Tomato Coulis 187 Whipped Cream Horseradish Sauce .... .... ...... ....... .. ... 150

Beef/Meats 129


3-4 lb. blade or round bone pot roast

Small red potatoes, thickly sliced

Carrots, thickly sliced

1 or more onions, sliced

1/2 cup catsup or chili sauce

1/2 cup water

1 Tbls. vinegar

2 Tbls. lemon juice

1 Tbls. brown sugar

1 Tbls. Worcestershire sauce

Salt and pepper to taste

1Ooz. pkg. frozen green peas, optional

Yield: 6-8 servings

Pan: Medium roasting pan

Oven: 350 °

Roast: 3 1/2-4 hours

Place roast in pan . Surround with potatoes and carrots , amount determ i ned by family's appetite. Mix together all other ingredients except peas and pour on top. Cover tightly with aluminum foil and bake. Add peas about one hour before serving.

Tester's note: Nice flavor, tender meat, a complete meal.

Helen Wilcox-Lake Forest, IL


3-4 lb. beef arm or blade pot roast

16 oz. stewed tomatoes

1/4 cup cider vinegar

1/4 cup water

1 clove garlic, minced

6 whole cloves

1 tsp. mixed pickling spices

1 tsp. salt

1/4 tsp. black pepper

1 (8-12 oz.) pkg. refrigerated biscuits

1 Tbls. snipped parsley

Yield: 6-8 servings

Pan: Dutch oven or large skillet

Using excess fat trimmed from roast, brown roast on all sides Add all remaining ingredients except biscuits and parsley. Cover; cook slowly 2 1/2 hours or until tender. Place biscuits on meat; sprinkle with parsley. Cover tightly and steam 15 minutes or until "dumplings" are done. Remove meat and biscuits to a warm platter. If desired, make gravy by adding 1 Tbls. cornstarch mixed with 3 Tbls cold water to the pan liquids ; cook and stir until thickened.

Note: The spicy aroma generated by the cloves and pickling spice brings the family to the dinner table in a flash!


3-4 lb. pot or rump roast

2 cups apple cider

2 onions, chopped

1/4 cup finely chopped fresh parsley

3 whole cloves

1/4 tsp. ginger

Salt and pepper to taste

Oil for browning

Flour or cornstarch for thickening

Yield: 6-8 servings

Pan: Dutch oven

Place meat in large glass casserole.

remaining ingredients except oil and flour together; pour over roast and marinate for at least 3 hours, turning occasionally. When ready to cook, remove meat from liquid, reserving liquid, and pat dry with paper towels. Season with salt and pepper. (I use little salt, but generous twists of freshly ground pepper). Brown roast in hot oil in a large Dutch oven. Add reserved cider mix. Cover, reduce heat and simmer for 3-4 hours until meat is very tender. Transfer to serving platter and keep warm. Thicken juice with flour or cornstarch and serve with roast. Pot roast may be partially cooked, refrigerated, and finished the next day. Add one hour to remaining cooking time if done this way.

Tester's note: Delicious with a mild (almost sauerbraten) taste with lots of good onion gravy!

Maralyn Marske-Walker-East Berne, NY


1 1/2 lbs. flank steak

2 Tbls. grated Romano or Parmesan cheese

1 tsp. leaf oregano, crumbled

1 tsp. garlic salt

1/4 tsp. pepper

1 Tbls. olive oil

1 lb. can whole tomatoes

1 cup water

1 medium onion, chopped

1/2 tsp. salt

1/8 tsp. pepper

1/4 tsp. leaf oregano, crumbled


Pan: 4-6 servings Dutch oven

Lay flank steak flat; score one side to prevent shrinking. Turn steak over; sprinkle unscored side with cheese, oregano, garlic salt, and pepper. Roll up from the long side. Tie in several places with white string. Heat olive oil in a heavy non-stick pan or Dutch oven. Brown rolled steak on all sides. Drain off any remaining fat. Add tomatoes, water, onion, salt, and remaining pepper and oregano. Cover; simmer over very low heat 1 1/2 to 2 hours or until meat is tender. Remove meat to serving plate. Slice meat; top with sauce.

130 Meats/Beef

Beef/Meats 131


2 lbs. round steak

Flour, salt, and pepper

4 Tbls. oil, divided

2 medium onions, sliced

3 Tbls flour

2 cups liquid (water, drippings, bouillon)

1 (1 O 1/2 oz.) can concentrated beef bouillon or consomme

2 Tbls. parsley

1/2-1 tsp. paprika

1/2-1 tsp. thyme





4 servings 11 x 7-inch glass casserole 325 ° 1 3/4 hours

Cut steak into serving size pieces; toss in mixture of flour , salt, and pepper. Brown in 2 Tbls. oil; remove to casserole. Add a little water to loosen brown bits on pan and put all in a 2-cup measuring cup. Fill cup with water and a bouillon cube to equal 2 cups. Saute onions in 2 Tbls. oil until golden brown Blend in flour , then add remaining ingredients and stir or whisk together until blended and thickened. Pour over meat and cover with foil. Bake until fork tender.

Note: You may eliminate flouring the meat, but you should add an extra tablespoon of flour when thickening the juice. May be prepared the day before and refrigeratedallow extra time for baking.

Tester's note: Great flavor with lots of good gravy!

Judy (Weiherman) Schumacher Brookfield, WI


3 lbs. round steak

1 1/2 tsp. salt

1/4 tsp. pepper

3 Tbls. lemon juice

3-5 Tbls. horseradish

1/2 cup ketchup

1/2 cup water

1 medium onion, sliced

1 green pepper, sliced into rings





8 servings 13 x 9-inch 325 °-350 ° 2 hours

Cut steak into serving size pieces and pound. Place in baking pan. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, and lemon juice. Combine horseradish, ketchup, and water and pour over meat. Arrange onion slices and green pepper rings on top. Cover tightly with foil and bake about 2 hours or until meat is tender. May garnish with chopped parsley.

Tester's note: We really loved this fork tender meat-has a nice bite!

Arleen Gieseking

Grosse Pointe Park, Ml

• •



1 cup ketchup

1 1/4 cup water

1/2 cup vinegar

1/2 cup oil

2 Tbls. prepared mustard

1 Tbls. lemon juice

1 pkg. dry onion soup mix

Dash of hot pepper sauce

3 lbs. trimmed round bone chuck roast, or 2 lbs. trimmed beef tenderloin, cut into one-inch chunks

Meat tenderizer if using chuck roast

4-6 medium potatoes, partially cooked and quartered

2 large onions

2 red or green peppers, cut in 1-inch squares

Yield: 4 servings


1 thick flank steak (or London broil), about 1 1/2 lbs.

2/3 cup dry red wine

1 Tbls. soy sauce

1/8 tsp. Italian Seasoning





6 servings Broiler pan Broil 5 min on each side for medium rare

Combine sauce ingredients and simmer 15 minutes Cool completely. Add meat to cooled sauce and marinate in refrigerator 1-2 hours . If using chuck roast, remove from marinade and tenderize according to tenderizer bottle directions. Remove and use outer layers of onions; cut into 1-inch squares . Stir onions, peppers, and potatoes into marinade to coat. Thread all onto skewers and put on grill, turning and brushing with sauce occasionally until browned. Bring remaining sauce to a boil , adding a little water if too thick, and pour over kabobs before serving. May also be broiled inside

Note: Our favorite summer kabobs. Amounts may be varied adding more vegetables, if desired. We like the tenderized arm roast , but tenderloin is faster. Tenderized round steak also works.

Judy (Weiherman) Schumacher

Brookfield, WI

Place steak in a long glass baking dish. Mix together rest of ingredients and pour over meat to marinate Cover and refrigerate at least 12-18 hours, turning meat once or twice. Remove the steak from the marinade and pat dry . Place on broiler pan and broil 4 inches from the heat, about 5 minutes on each side for medium rare. To serve , cut thin slices diagonally across the grain.

Tester's note: Good on outdoor grill also.

Ruby Hosfield-Glenview, IL

Variation: Karen's Steak: Use same methods, but make marinade of 3/4 c. soy sauce, 3 Tbls sugar, 1 Tbls. whiskey, 1 tsp. ginger and garlic to taste.

Marilyn Krueger-Milwaukee, WI

132 Meats/Beef

Beef/Meats 133


3 lbs. extra lean beef stew meat

Salt and pepper to taste

1/2 cup butter or margarine

2 lbs. small onions, peeled and halved

2 (6 oz.) cans tomato paste

2/3 cup red wine

1/4 cup red wine vinegar

2 Tbls. brown sugar

2 cloves garlic, minced

1-2 bay leaves

2 sticks cinnamon

1 tsp. whole cloves

1/4 cup raisins

Yield: 6 servings

Pan: Dutch oven

Simmer: 3 hours


1 1/2 lbs. beef stew meat, cut into 1-inch cubes

2 Tbls. cooking oil

1 (1 O 1/2 oz.) can mushroom gravy

1 cup tomato juice

1/2 cup water1/2 envelope dry onion soup mix (1/4 cup)

1 tsp. prepared horseradish

3 medium potatoes, peeled and cut into eighths

3 carrots, scraped and cut in chunks


Pan: Oven:


3-4 servings 2-quart casserole 350°

1 1/2-1 3/4 hours

Sprinkle meat with salt and pepper. Melt butter in Dutch oven. Add meat and brown on all sides. Arrange onions over meat. Combine tomato paste , wine , v i negar, sugar, and garlic. Pour over meat and onions. Add remaining ingredients Cover pan. Simmer 3 hours until meat is tender. Do not stir . When serving , stir gently to blend.

Tester's note: Excellent flavor! As good or better than that served in our favorite Greek restaurant. Serve over rice or noodles with crusty bread and a green or fruit salad.

HEALTHFUL EATING TIP: Canola oil may be substituted for butter. Browning the meat adds fuller flavor, but meat may be put into the pan without browning for those wishing to restrict fat intake.

Ruby Hosfield-Glenview, IL

Brown meat in hot oil; drain off fat. Combine gravy, tomato juice, water, soup mix, and horseradish. Stir into meat. Simmer, covered, 5 minutes. Place potatoes and carrots in 2-quart casserole. Mix in meat mixture. Bake covered until meat and vegetables are tender, stirring once or twice during baking.

Tester's note: Very tasty! Also delicious without browning meat first. Enough juice to add extra meat and carrots if desired! Cream of mushroom soup may be substituted for gravy.


2 lbs. lean beef cubes

Flour for dredging

1/4 cup vegetable oil

I large onion, sliced

2 cloves garlic, minced

2 Tbls. brown sugar

3 Tbls. red wine vinegar

1/4 cup chopped parsley

1 bay leaf

1 tsp. thyme

1/2 tsp. salt

1/4 tsp. black pepper

1 (1 O 1/2 oz.) can beef bouillon

1 (12 oz.) can beer

Dumplings (Vol. II, p. 164)





6-8 servings 3-4 qt. Dutch oven or casserole

325 ° 2 hours


1 1/2 lbs. stew meat

1 (1.12 oz.) pkg. McCormick fajita marinade

2 Tbls. cider vinegar

2 Tbls. sugar

1 tsp. salad oil

1/2 cup water

2 Tbls. cornstarch

4-6 (7-inch) flour tortillas

Shredded lettuce to taste

Black olives to taste

Plain yogurt to taste

Yield: 4 servings

Cookware: Crockpot

Cook: High

Time: 4 hours

Dredge beef in flour; brown a few cubes at a time in hot oil ; transfer to casserole. Add onions and garlic to remaining oil and brown lightly. Add sugar, vinegar, parsley, bay leaf, thyme, salt, and pepper, stirring once or twice. Add and heat, stirring to loosen all browned bits. Pour over meat. Pour beer over all, cover and bake. Remove from oven and put on top of stove. Drop dumpling batter by teaspoonful on top of hot stew. Cover; reduce heat and simmer 15 minutes. Do not remove cover.

Note: This may be varied by serving over noodles or mashed potatoes instead of dumplings.

Cut stew meat into small strips. Mix marinade, vinegar, sugar, oil, and water together with meat in crockpot. Cook. Just before serving, stir in the cornstarch to thicken. Serve in tortillas (or over rice). Top with lettuce, olives, and yogurt.

Tester's note: Delicious! Sour cream and shredded cheese are great with it also.

Editor's note: A cut-up round bone chuck roast (arm), round steak, or a rump roast may also be used for this recipe

Barb (Kretzschman) Dienking St. Louis, MO

134 Meats/Beef

Beef/Meats 135


1 lb. well-trimmed boneless beef top sirloin or top round steak, cut 3/4-inch thick

5 Tbls. Kikkoman stir-fry sauce, divided

1-2 tsp. instant minced garlic

1/4 tsp. grated orange peel

1 Tbls. fresh orange juice

1/2 tsp. cornstarch

1 lb. fresh broccoli

1 medium carrot

3 Tbls. vegetable oil, divided

1/4 cup toasted slivered almonds

Yield: 4 servings

Pan: Wok or large skillet

Cut beef into 1/8 to 1/4-inch strips. Combine 2 Tbls. stir-fry sauce, garlic, and orange peel; stir in beef to coat. Set aside. Combine remaining 3 Tbls. stir-fry sauce, orange juice, and cornstarch; set aside. Remove flowerets from broccoli; cut into bite-sized pieces. Peel stalks; cut stalk and carrot diagonally into thin slices. Heat 1 Tbls. oil in hot wok or large skillet over high heat. Stir-fry half of beef strips one minute; remove . Repeat with 1 Tbls. oil and remaining beef strips. Heat remaining 1 Tbls. oil in same wok over medium-high heat. Add broccoli and carrot; stir-fry three to four minutes, or until tender-crisp. Sprinkle with a little water if needed. Stir in reserved stir-fry sauce mixture. Cook and stir until mixture boils and thickens. Return beef and heat through. Sprinkle with toasted almonds.

Tester's note: Delicious-better than a Chinese restaurant!

Mary Ellen Simon-Frankenmuth, Ml


1 (12 oz.) can of beer

1 envelope onion soup mix

1 envelope brown gravy mix

1/3 cup all-purpose flour

2 1/2-3 lbs. round steak, cut in 1 1/2 inch cubes

Yield: 8-1 O servings

Cookware: Slow cooker

Setting: Low

Cook: 8 hours

In slow cooker, mix together the beer, soup mix and gravy mix. In a plastic bag, shake the round steak cubes in the flour. Empty bag contents into slow cooker and gently stir to coat meat with liquid. Cover and cook. Serve with cooked noodles.

Tester's note: Super fast and easy. A great meal to come home to after work!

Marilyn (Moeller) Holmquist West Bend, WI


1 lb. round steak, cut into thin strips

2 Tbls. oil

1 1/2 cups water

1 pkg. mushroom gravy mix

1 red pepper, cut into thin strips

1 (8 oz.) can sliced water chestnuts, drained

4 green onions, sliced diagonally into 1-inch pieces

3 Tbls. soy sauce

1 tsp. or less ground ginger

1 1/2 cups dry Minute rice

Yield: 4 servings


1 1/2 lbs. sirloin steak, cut into thin strips

1/4 cup peanut or vegetable oil

1 clove garlic, minced

1 cup thinly sliced carrots

2 stalks celery, sliced diagonally

1 large green pepper, cut into 3/4-inch squares

1 zucchini, sliced thinly

1/4 lb. mushrooms, sliced (opt.)

1 cup chicken broth

1/4 cup soy sauce

1 1/2 Tbls. cornstarch

3 cups hot cooked rice

Yield: 6 servings

Brown beef in oil in large skillet, about 5 minutes. Combine water and gravy mix. Add to beef with all remaining ingredients except rice. Bring to a full boil. Stir in rice. Cover; remove from heat. Let stand 5 minutes and fluff with fork.

Microwave directions: Combine all ingredients in 12 x 7-inch microwave-safe dish. Cover and cook at High four minutes. Stir, cover and cook three to four minutes longer. Let stand five minutes and fluff.

Tester's note: May omit water and gravy mix. Sprinkle 2 Tbls. cornstarch over browned beef and stir in 1 1/2 cups beef broth with the vegetables. Use sirloin steak for more tender meat.

Brown steak in hot oil in large skillet or wok Push to the side and add garlic and vegetables. Stir-fry about three minutes; then push to the side. In another bowl combine broth, soy sauce and cornstarch. Add to skillet and cook until clear and thickened. Serve over fluffy rice.


Beef/Meats 137


1 1/2 lbs. round steak, cut into 1/2-inch thick strips

2 Tbls. oil, divided

1 16 oz. can whole tomatoes

1 small onion, chopped

1/2 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. pepper

2 Tbls. butter

2-3 Tbls. flour

1 Tbls. Worcestershire sauce

1 green pepper, cut in strips

Yield: 4 servings

Brown round steak in 1 Tbls. hot oil. Drain tomatoes, saving juice. Add saved juice, onions, salt, and pepper to beef mixture. Simmer covered for 1 1/2 hours, checking occasionally to be sure there is enough liquid. Add an extra 1/2 cup of water or more if needed. In small saucepan brown other 1 Tbls. oil, 2 Tbls. butter, and 1/4 cup flour, stirring constantly until very deep brown Take off heat and add 1/2 cup water and stir rapidly Add this thickened mix to the steak mixture; add Worcestershire sauce, green pepper, and tomato pieces. Simmer 10 minutes. Serve over steamed rice or mashed potatoes. May be frozen for future microwave meals. Venison may be substituted for the round steak.

Carol (Armstrong) Stedge Fort Wayne, IN


1 Tbls. wine

2 Tbls. soy sauce

2 tsp. cornstarch

1/2 lb. extra lean beef, sliced in thin strips

2 Tbls. oil

1 (6 oz.) pkg. frozen pea pods or 2 cups fresh

4 oz. mushrooms, sliced (about 1/2 cup)

Yield: 4 servings

Pan: Wok or large skillet

Combine wine, soy sauce, and cornstarch; add sliced beef. Marinate for at least 5 minutes. Put oil in wok and heat. Add beef and marinade and saute over high heat until beef color changes. Add pea pods and mushrooms. Cook for 2 minutes, stirring constantly. Serve hot.

Note: We prefer to use beef tenderloin. You may quarter tomatoes and place on top of pea pods and mushrooms long enough to heat them completely.

Tester's note: A quick and easy meal, ready in less than 30 minutes. May also double the amount of meat and marinade and add 1 large onion, 2 large carrots, and 1 or 2 stalks celery before adding pea pods.

BULGOGI (Korean Barbecued Beef)

1 lb. sirloin steak, trimmed

2 Tbls. white wine

3 Tbls. sugar

5 Tbls. soy sauce

2 cloves garlic, crushed or finely minced

2 Tbls. dark oriental sesame oil

2-3 green onions, finely chopped

1/8 tsp. pepper

Cooked rice

Yield: 2-4 servings


Cut beef into 1/8-inch wide strips. In medium bowl mix wine and sugar; stir in beef until well coated . Let stand 20-30 minutes· drain. Mix remaining ingredients except rice; stir in beef until well coated. Cover and refrigerate 30 minutes. Drain beef. Stir-fry beef in 10-inch skillet over mediumhigh heat until light brown, 2-3 minutes (or broil). Serve with hot cooked rice.

Note: In Korea bulgogi is broiled over charcoal on a grill at the table. Reserve soy and sesame oil marinade for sauce over rice if desired; bring to a boil and let boil for 1 minute.

Debi Schumacher-Seoul, Korea

CHAP-CHAE (Korean Noodle Dish)

Beef and marinade:

3/4-1 lb. sirloin steak, trimmed

1/4 cup soy sauce

2 Tbls. sugar

2 green onions, finely chopped

2 cloves garlic, minced or crushed

4 carrots, slivered into 2-inch lengths

2 onions, sliced into thin strips

8 oz. mushroom caps, slivered 1 lb. bag spinach, trimmed and chopped

1 (12-16 oz.) bag Chinese rice noodles

2 Tbls. soy sauce

1 Tbls. dark oriental sesame oil 1/2 tsp. sesame seed (opt.)

Yield: 4-6 main dish servings 8-10 side dish servings

Cut beef into 1/8-inch wide slices. Mix ingredients for marinade and stir in beef until well coated. Cover and let stand for 30 minutes in refrigerator. Meanwhile boil noodles; cut strands in thirds Barely stirfry carrots, onions, and mushrooms; scald spinach. Put these into a large bowl; set aside. Drain beef and stir-fry; add to other ingredients in bowl. Add soy sauce and sesame oil and toss all ingredients until well-mixed. Sprinkle with sesame seed before serving if desired.

Note: Use more or less soy sauce and sesame oil according to taste. Koreans eat this warm; but you may wish to reheat it after all is mixed together. I usually buy Chinese rice noodles that are translucent and taupe in color.

138 Meats/Beef


1 lb. ground beef

1 medium onion, chopped

1 (17 oz.) can whole kernel corn, drained

1 (15 oz.) can tomato sauce

1 cup picante sauce

1 Tbls. chili powder

1 1/2 tsp. ground cumin

16 oz. low-fat cottage cheese

2 eggs, slightly beaten

1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese

1 tsp. oregano

1/2 tsp. garlic salt

12 corn or flour tortillas

1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese





8 servings 13 x 9-inch pan 375 ° 30 minutes


1 lb. ground beef

1/2 medium onion, chopped

1 (2 3/4 oz.) can sliced black olives

1 (19 oz.) can enchilada sauce

5 flour tortillas, size of casserole dish

1 (8 oz.) pkg. shredded Cheddar or Colby cheese

Yield: 4-6 servings

Pan: 1 1/2-qt. casserole

Oven: 350°

Bake: 30 minutes

Ground Beef/Meats 139

Brown ground beef with onions in a large skillet. Drain off fat. Add corn, tomato and picante sauces, chili powder, and cumin to the skillet. Simmer 5 minutes. In a separate bowl, combine cottage cheese, eggs, Parmesan, oregano, and garlic. Mix well. Arrange 6 tortillas on bottom and sides of lightly greased baking dish, overlapping as necessary. Top with half the meat mixture. Spoon cheese mixture over me,at. Arrange remaining tortillas over cheese. Top with remaining meat mixture. Bake until hot and bubbly . Remove from oven and sprinkle with Cheddar cheese; let stand 10 minutes before cutting. Additional picante sauce may be served with it.


Use ground chuck or turkey. May use 1 egg, egg substitute, or 1 egg plus 1 egg white. Use low-fat Cheddar cheese.

Julene (Hessler) Pichel-Mitchelville, MD.

Brown beef and onions, draining any excess fat. Add black olives and enchilada sauce. Cook for 5 minutes In casserole, layer a tortilla, meat sauce, and cheese. Repeat layers with each tortilla . Pour 1/4 cup water around edge and cover. Bake. Cut into pie-shaped wedges to serve.

Note: May substitute I pkg. enchilada sauce mix, I (6 oz.) can tomato paste, and 2 1/2 -3 cups water instead of canned sauce.

Editor's note: Easy to make and good!

Marilyn (Moeller) Holmquist West Bend, WI

140 Meats/Ground Beef


1 lb. ground beef

1 Tbls. chili powder

Dash salt

2 garlic cloves, crushed

1/4 cup ripe olives, sliced

1/4 cup onions, chopped

1 cup sour cream

2/3 cup mayonnaise

1 (8 oz.) can crescent rolls or sliced cooked potatoes

2 medium tomatoes , sliced

1/4 cup chopped green chilies

6 oz. Cheddar cheese, shredded (1 1/2 cups)





4-6 servings 2-qt. casserole or rectangular baking dish

375 ° 25-30 minutes


2 lbs. ground beef

1 medium onion, chopped

1 (15 oz.) can tomato sauce

1 (15 oz.) can tomato paste

1 (4 oz.) can sliced mushrooms, drained

2 tsp. basil

1 tsp. oregano

1 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. pepper

2 (1 O oz.) pkgs. frozen chopped spinach, thawed

16 oz. cottage cheese

8 oz. Mozzarella cheese, shredded (about 2 cups)


Pan: Oven:


8-10 servings

13 x 9-inch casserole

375 ° 25-30 minutes

Brown ground beef with chili powder, salt, and garlic in skillet ; drain. Remove any visible garlic , if desired. In a small bowl combine olives , onions , sour cream , and mayonna ise . Arrange -crescent rolls -or potatoes in the bottom and up the sides of the greased casserole dish. Put the meat m ixture on the bottom and arrange the tomatoes over meat. Sprinkle with chilies and 1 cup of the cheese. Spread sour cream mixture over filling . Top with remaining cheese Bake until center bubbles.

Wanda (Jerzyk) Schoenbohm Appleton, WI

Cook ground beef and onion until meat is browned; drain off excess fat. Add tomato sauce, tomato paste, mushrooms, and seasonings; heat to boiling. Reduce heat to low and simmer uncovered 10 minutes, stirring often. Squeeze out as much liquid as possible from spinach. Combine with cottage cheese. Spoon meat mixture into baking dish; sprinkle with half mozzarella cheese; top with spinach mixture. Sprinkle remaining Mozzarella on top.

Note: This is a much-requested recipe whenever I've served it. It may be made ahead and refrigerated, increasing baking time accordingly.

HEALTHFUL EATING TIP: Use lean ground beef, omit salt, use low-fat Mozzarella and cottage cheese.

Betty (Rohde) Schultz-Camden, SC

Ground Beef/Meats 141


1 lb. ground beef

3 tsp. chili powder

1/4 tsp. salt

1/4 tsp. garlic or garlic salt

1 (10 3/4 oz.) can cream of chicken soup

1 (1 O3/4 oz.) can Cheddar cheese soup

1 cup water

1 tsp. cumin

1 tsp. oregano

1Oflour tortillas

2 cups shredded lettuce

1/2 cup chopped onion

1-2 cups shredded Cheddar cheese





5 servings 13 x 9-inch casserole 350° 40 minutes

Brown meat and drain fat. Add chili powder, salt, and garlic. In a medium saucepan mix soups with water, cumin, and oregano. Cook until mixture bubbles. Add one third soup mixture to the meat. Fill tortillas with hamburger mixture, lettuce, onion, and cheese. Roll up and arrange in casserole. Pour remaining sauce over tortillas and sprinkle more cheese on top if desired. Bake until warmed through, about 40 minutes. Serve with additional lettuce, salsa, black olives, tomatoes, sour cream, and chips.

Tester's note: I prepared this for a Guild potluck and everyone loved it!


Be sure to use ground chuck, round, or turkey. Use lowf at, low-salt commercial canned soup (such as Healthy Request) or Homemade canned soup substitute (see page 191 ). Use low fat Cheddar.

Judy (Stresney) Waetjen-Eugene, OR


1 1/2 lbs. ground beef

2 eggs, slightly beaten

1/2 cup dried bread crumbs

'1/2 cup chopped green onions or 1 Tbls. dried minced onion

3 Tbls. ketchup

2 Tbls. low-sodium soy sauce


3 Tbls. ketchup

1 Tbls. low-sodium soy sauce

1 Tbls. brown sugar

Yield: 6 servings

Dish: 12 x 8-inch microwavable

Mix together all meat loaf ingredients; shape into loaf and put in dish. Cover with waxed paper and microwave on HIGH for 15-17 minutes, rotating a half turn after 8 minutes. Drain off fat.

Topping: Stir together ingredients; spoon over meatloaf. Microwave at MED HIGH uncovered 1 1/2-2 minutes. Let stand 5 minutes.

Tester's note: Easy to prepare. We really enjoyed this and will make it again often.

Ann Collard-West Seneca, NY

Meats/Ground Beef


1 lb. ground beef

3 1/2 cups (32 oz. jar) thick spaghetti sauce

1 1/2 cups water

2 cups (15 oz. container) ricotta or small curd cottage cheese

3 cups (12 oz.) shredded cheese (Mozzarella or Monterey Jack)

1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese

2 eggs

1/4 cup chopped parsley

1 tsp. salt

1/4 tsp. pepper

8 oz. uncooked lasagne noodles




12 3" x 3" servings 13 x 9-inch 350°

Brown beef in 3-qt. saucepan; drain off excess fat. Add sauce and water; simmer about 1O minutes. Combine remaining ingredients, except lasagne, for filling. Pour about 1 cup sauce on bottom of baking pan (not uncoated aluminum). Lay 3 pieces of uncooked lasagne over sauce; cover with about 1 1/2 cups sauce. Spread 1/2 of cheese filling over sauce. Repeat layers of lasagne, sauce and cheese filling. Top with layer of lasagne and remaining sauce. Cover with foil and bake 55-60 minutes. Remove foil; bake about 10 minutes longer. Allow to stand about 10 minutes before cutting for easier handling. Lasagne will expand to fill empty spaces.

Editor's note: Great time-saver for families and church potlucks! Be sure to note longer cooking time and use a deep enough pan to prevent boilover.


4 slices bread

1 lb. ground chuck 1 onion, chopped 2 eggs

Juice from 1/2 lemon

3 Tbls. chopped fresh mint leaves or about 2 tsp. dry

1 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. pepper

1/4 cup olive oil or enough vegetable spray to coat pan

Yield: 4 servings

Soak bread in some water; then squeeze dry and combine with remaining ingredients except olive oil. Mix thoroughly. Let stand in the bowl for about an hour. Form into small balls. Pat with a little flour and fry in oil or sprayed pan. Remove from pan to deep dish. Cover and let stand about 1O minutes before serving to soften any crust that may have formed.


Prepare as is for authenticity, but for one who wants the flavor without the cholesterol, use ground round or turkey (they will not be as moist) and egg substitute. Bake in 400° oven on pan sprayed with vegetable coating.


Ground Beef/Meats 143


2 lbs. ground beef

1 onion, chopped

2 (17 oz.) cans creamed corn

2 (28 oz.) cans whole or crushed tomatoes

1 green pepper, chopped

1 tsp. salt

1/4 tsp. ground black pepper

1 cup stuffed olives, sliced

2 tsp. Worcestershire sauce

1/2 cup slivered almonds

1 (4 oz.) can mushrooms, sliced

1 (14 oz.) pkg. small egg noodles

1/4 lb. or less margarine

1 lb.Cheddarcheese,shredded





15-20 servings 2 13 x 9-inch pans 325°

Casserole-45 minutes; with cheese-15 minutes more

Brown beef in skillet and drain any excess fat. Add onion, corn, tomatoes, green pepper, salt, and pepper. Cook 15 minutes on medium heat, stirring frequently. Add olives, Worcestershire, almonds, and mushrooms. Reduce heat and simmer until blended. Prepare noodles according to package directions and drain. Return to pan with margarine, tossing to coat. Combine noodles with meat mixture. Add 1/2 of the cheese and mix. Pour into the well-greased baking pans. Bake 45 minutes. Top with the rest of the cheese and bake 15 minutes longer.

Tester's note: A great casserole for a large group. Good flavor combinations!


Use ground chuck or ground turkey. With so many ingredients you will hardly taste the difference if you use turkey. Use less margarine and 3/4 lb. low-fat Cheddar cheese or a combination of regular and low-fat. The low-fat version does not melt quite as well on top.

Marlene (Bader) Rakow-Columbia, TN


3 lbs. ground chuck

3/4 cup dried bread crumbs

3 eggs, slightly beaten

6 Tbls. finely diced onion


2 medium onions, chopped

1/4 cup margarine

1/4 cup flour

2 (1 O 3/4 oz.) cans beef consomme

1 cup Rose wine

1/4 cup brown sugar

1/4 cup catsup

2 Tbls. lemon juice

Salt and pepper to taste

Combine meatball ingredients and shape into 125 small balls. Place on shallow baking pan and broil or bake at 400 °. For sauce, saute onions in butter until golden. Blend in flour; add consomme and stir until thickened. Stir in remaining ingredients and simmer. Add meatballs to sauce

Note: These may be made in advance and frozen if desired. We developed this recipe with a pleasing beefy sauce to be suitable for our annual Guild brunch. It is complementary to chicken, egg , and seafood dishes or may be served as a main dish with rice or noodles.

Milwaukee Suburban Chapter

144 Meats/Ground Beef


1 large onion, chopped

2 Tbls. oil

3 Tbls. curry powder

1/4 tsp. each: coriander, cumin seed, dry mustard, ginger, cloves, mace, cayenne (or chili powder), turmeric, garlic powder

2 slices bread

1/2 cup water

2 lbs. ground beef

2 tsp. salt

1/4 tsp. pepper

Oil for browning

1 (8 oz.) can tomato sauce

1 1/2 cups water

1 tsp. salt

1/4 tsp. pepper


Yield: 5-6 servings

Brown onion in oil in heavy skillet. Mix curry powder and other spices together and stir in 1/4 cup water to make a rather thin paste, and add to onions. Stir constantly to prevent burning, but let mixture get nice and brown before you scrape it from skillet. Set aside.

For meat balls, in medium bowl crumble bread into water. Squeeze out and add ground beef, salt, and pepper. Mix thoroughly and shape into 36-40 balls about the size of a small walnut. Brown well on all sides in a little hot oil. Add tomato sauce, water, salt, pepper, and browned onion-spice mixture-. Blend until smooth; cover and simmer about 1 hour. If necessary, add more water occasionally, so there will be plenty of sauce. Serve with hot rice and chutney.

Note: This freezes well. To serve, thaw partially and reheat in a covered double boiler or casserole in slow oven, stirring occasionally. For hors d'oeuvres, shape into about 120 balls, 3/4-inch diameter.

Eunice (Kretzmann) Koepke

Pewaukee, WI


Mom's Casserole. Brown 1 lb. ground beef and onion to taste in skillet; drain fat. Cover bottom of 1 1/2 qt. casserole with 1 (10 3/4 oz.) can tomato soup. Layer beef and 1 (17 oz.) can drained green beans. Cover with 2 cups mashed potatoes. Bake at 350 ° for 30 minutes. Serves 4. Judy (Warman) Pierce-Santa . Clara, CA

Tester's note: May mix soup, beef, and beans together; put dollops of potatoes on top.

Men's Favorite Casserole. Brown 1 lb. ground beef and 2 medium onions, chopped. Cook 1 cup sliced carrots and 1 cup sliced celery in 1 cup water for 10 minutes. Mix all above ingredients with 2 cups raw sliced potatoes, 1 (8 oz.) can peas with liquid, 1 (10 3/4 oz.) can cream of mushroom soup, and salt and pepper to taste. Bake in covered casserole at 250° to 300° for 2 1/2-3 hours. Serves 4. Marilyn Holmquist-West Bend, WI

Ground Beef/Meats 145


I lb. ground beef

1/2 cup chopped onion

1/2 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. pepper

1 1/2 cups sliced zucchini

1/2 cup chopped green pepper

2 Tbls. margarine

1 tsp. dried dill weed

1 (8 oz.) can refrigerated crescent rolls

I cup shredded Cheddar cheese

5 tomato slices

Alfalfa sprouts

Sour cream





6 servings 9-inch pie pan

375° 25 minutes

Brown ground beef and onion, adding salt and pepper as desired. Drain and set aside. Stir-fry zucchini and green pepper in margarine for about 5' minutes. Add dill weed. Separate dough into 8 triangles and place in pie pan. Press over bottom and up sides to form a crust. Layer meat on bottom, then sprinkle half the cheese over the meat. Spread sauteed vegetables evenly over cheese and top with tomato slices. Bake for 1O minutes. Sprinkle remaining cheese over tomatoes and return to oven for 15 more minutes. Garnish with dollops of sour cream and sprouts. Cut into wedges and serve.

Tester's note: Very attractive appearance! A nice luncheon dish.


Use lean ground chuck or ground round and spray a non-stick skillet with vegetable coating spray. Low fat cheese may be used, but it will not melt as well on top as regular cheese. Experiment with yogurt or a combination of lower fat dairy products for a taste that is pleasing to your palate.


Turn a metal colander upside down over the frying pan when preparing fried foods. It lets the steam out but keeps greasy spatters off the stove .

After browning and draining ground beef in colander, pour boiling water over it to remove more of the fat. A related tip is to pour very hot water over drained pasta to remove the starch. Cold water only coagulates it.

Instead of using lots of paper toweling when draining fried or wet foods, use a single sheet on several thicknesses of old newspapers.


1-1 1/2 lbs. veal medallions or steak, pounded to 1/4-inch thick

1/2 cup flour for dredging

1 tsp. salt

1 tsp. freshly ground pepper

3 Tbls. butter

1 Tbls. vegetable oil

1 clove garlic, minced

1 Tbls. parsley, minced

1/4 cup dry white wine

1 Tbls. lemon juice

Lemon slices for garnish

Parsley for garnish

Yield: 4 servings

Place veal medallions or steak between sheets of plastic and pound thin with rolling pin or mallet. In bag combine flour, salt, and pepper; shake to mix. Put veal slices in and shake gently to coat with flour. Melt butter in heavy skillet and add oil; saute garlic and parsley briefly-about 30 seconds. Add veal to skillet and brown quickly on both sides . Add wine and bring quickly to boil. Cook 1 minute. Remove meat to warm platter. Boil wine down a little more and add lemon juice; heat and pour over meat. Add garnish.


Start with less butter in a non-stick frying pan sprayed with vegetable coating spray.

Lois (Hadde) Brandt-Milwaukee, WI


1 1/2 lbs. veal cutlet, cut into 6 pieces

1/2 cup fresh sliced mushrooms

1/4 cup Marsala wine or sherry

1 clove garlic, minced

1/2 tsp. salt

1/4 tsp. pepper

1/4 tsp. oregano

1/4 tsp. dried basil

Yield: 6 servings


Pound veal to 1/4" thickness . In a Tefloncoated or iron skillet, or a skillet sprayed with non-stick vegetable cooking spray, brown the veal on both sides over medium-high heat. Reduce heat to low, and add other ingredients. Cover and cook until veal is tender, about 15 minutes

Lois (Hadde) Brandt-Milwaukee, WI

Have you ever attempted to brown meat in hot shortening only to have it steam in its own juices and not brown at all? One reason could be that the meat was too cold. Even if the frying pan and shortening are very hot, the temperature is lowered significantly when you fill the pan with cold meat. If this happens and you are determined to have the rich flavor that only browning gives, you can transfer the meat to a bowl, draining and saving the juices, and begin again. To avoid this from happening, take beef out of the refrigerator about 1/2 hour or more before browning. If it is close to room temperature it will brown very well.

146 MeatsNeal


8-12 manicotti shells

1 1b. lean ground pork

1 medium onion, chopped

1 (1 Ooz.) pkg. frozen chopped spinach, thawed, welldrained

1 egg

1 cup ricotta cheese

2 tsp. dried crushed basil

1 tsp. garlic salt

1/4 tsp. ground black pepper

1 (10 1/2 oz.) can Campbell's zesty tomato soup, undiluted

1 cup water

1 Tbls. red wine vinegar

1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese

Yield: 4-6 servings

Pan: 13 x 9-inch

Oven: 350°


6 boneless pork loin chops, trimmed

1/4 cup all-purpose flour

1 tsp. seasoned salt

1/4 tsp. pepper

1 egg, beaten

2 Tbls. milk

3/4 cup fine dry bread crumbs

1 tsp. paprika

3 Tbls. shortening

3/4 cup chicken broth

1/4 tsp. dried dillweed

1/2 cup dairy sour cream

Yield: 6 servings

Cook manicotti shells according to package directions. Drain . Brown pork with onion until pork is no longer pink. Remove from heat. Drain off any excess fat. Stir in spinach, egg, ricotta, basil, garlic salt and pepper. In a baking dish, combine soup, water, and vinegar; mix well. Fill shells with pork and spinach mixture and set in sauce. Cover and bake for 25 minutes. Uncover, sprinkle mozzarella on top and bake another 5 minutes or until cheese is melted and sauce is bubbling. Spoon some sauce over each shell when serving. Note: Can be made ahead. Freezes well.

Kristine (Honold) Krueger Wauwatosa, WI

Pound pork to 1/4-1 /8-inch thickness . Coat meat with mixture of the 1/4 cup flour, the seasoned salt, and pepper. Combine egg and milk . Dip pork in egg mixture , then in mixture of crumbs and paprika.

In a large skillet, cook cutlets in hot shortening 2-3 minutes on each side. Remove from pan to platter, keep warm. Pour broth into skillet, scraping to loosen crusty drippings. Blend flour and dillweed into sour cream. Stir mixture into broth. Cook and stir until mixture is thickened; do not boil. Pass sauce with cutlets.

Tester's note: Good gravy flavor! Would double to have more for spaetzle, noodles, or rice.

Pork/Meats 147


1O rib or loin porkchops

1/2 cup ketchup

1/2 cup brown sugar

1/2 cup chopped onions

6 Tbls. vinegar

2 tsp. Worcestershire sauce

Salt and pepper to taste





0Combine all ingredients except pork chops in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Simmer 5 minutes. Spoon sauce over chops in pan and bake until fork tender.

Tester's note: Great flavor! Easy to make!

5-10 servings 13 x 9-inch casserole

350° 1 1/2 hours


1/2 cup onion, finely chopped

1 (10 3/4 oz.) can cream of celery soup

8 oz. sour cream

2 Tbls. Dijon-style mustard

1 cup instant rice

1 (1 O oz.) pkg. frozen chopped spinach, thawed and pressed dry with paper towels

8 oz. small curd cottage cheese


1/4 cup unsifted flour

18 slices boiled ham

1 cup bread crumbs

Paprika as desired





8-1 O servings 13 x 9-inch baking dish

350 ° 30-35 minutes

Saute onion in small pan and set aside. In a small bowl, mix soup, sour cream, and mustard. In a medium bowl, combine onion, 1/2 cup soup mixture, rice, spinach, cheese, eggs, and flour. Mix well. Place 2 heaping tablespoons spinach mixture on each ham slice. Roll up and place close together, seam side down, in the baking dish. Spoon remaining soup mixture over. Top with crumbs and paprika. Bake uncovered until hot. Let stand 10 minutes before serving.

Tester's note: I will use this recipe often. It would make a wonderful brunch or luncheon dish! The sauce is excellent!


Use low-fat, low-salt commercial canned soup (such as Healthy Request) or Homemade canned soup substitute (see page 192). Tastes as good using sour half-and-half, low-fat cottage cheese, and 2 egg whites or egg substitute.

Martha (Rupprecht) Mattes-Roswell, GA


Pork/Meats 149


1 (20 oz.) can pineapple chunks

1 cup diced green pepper

1 (4 1/2 oz.) jar mushrooms, drained

3 Tbls. butter or margarine, melted

1 1/2 lbs. cooked ham, cut in 1/2-inch chunks

2 Tbls. cornstarch

1/4 tsp. salt, if desired

1/4 cup firmly packed brown sugar

1/3 cup apple cider vinegar

2 Tbls. soy sauce

1 (5 oz.) can chow mein noodles

Yield: 8 servings


1/3 cup firmly packed light brown sugar

1 cup well-drained crushed pineapple (20 oz. can, drained)

1 lb. raw ground ham

1 lb. ground uncooked pork

1 cup dry bread crumbs

1/4 tsp. black pepper

2 beaten eggs

1 cup milk

Yield: 6-8 servings

Pan: 11 x 7-inch or 8-inch square

Oven: 350°

Bake: 1 hour and 15 minutes

Drain pineapple, reserving juice. Add water to juice to equal 1 1/2 cups and set aside. Saute green peppers and mushrooms in butter in large fry pan until peppers are just tender and mushrooms are lightly browned Add pineapple and ham. Blend cornstarch, reserved liquid, and remaining ingredients except noodles. Stir into ham mixture. Cook over low heat, stirring frequently until slightly thickened, about 10 minutes. Serve over warmed chow mein noodles.

Tester's note: The noodles add a nice crunch. Also good over rice with noodles on top.

Erna Graef-Louisville, KY

Put brown sugar evenly on bottom of a pan greased with butter. Cover evenly with drained pineapple .

Mix remainder of ingredients and put on top of pineapple. Bake. Drain off fat. Turn over onto platter so that pineapple is on top. Cherry flowers added on top to garnish are attractive.

Tester's note: Tasty and attractive!

Erna Graef-Louisville, KY

150 Meats/Pork


1 1/2 lbs. boneless pork (chops, tenderloin , steak, etc.), cut into 4 x 4-inch pieces, 1/2-inch thick Bread crumbs

2 eggs, beaten with 4 Tbls. water

8 slices bacon, cut into 1-inch pieces

1 cup thin-sliced onions

1 (4 oz.) can mushrooms plus broth

1 tsp. oregano

1 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. pepper

1 beef bouillon cube dissolved in 1/2 cup water

Potatoes, quartered (opt.)

Yield: 4-6 servings

Pan: 13 x 9-inch

Oven: 325 °

Bake: 60 minutes

Coat meat with bread crumbs , dip into eggs and cover with bread crumbs again. Let stand 20 minutes. Brown bacon and remove from drippings. Brown meat quickly. Saute onions in drippings for 4 minutes . Place browned meat, bacon, onions, and mushrooms into casserole. Season with oregano , salt , and pepper . Pour bouillon mixture over all. Add several potatoes , if desired. Cover and bake until meat is fork tender.

Tester's note: A hearty meat and potato dish with excellent flavor!


3 egg yolks

2 Tbls. sugar

1/4 cup vinegar

2 Tbls. water

1 Tbls. dry mustard

1/2 tsp. salt

2 Tbls. butter

2 Tbls. grated horseradish

1 cup whipping cream

Beat egg yolks; add sugar, vinegar, water, mustard, and salt. Cook in top of double boiler until mixture coats spoon. Add butter and horseradish. Stir until well blended. Cool. Whip cream and add to horseradish mixture.

Note: This was a recipe I made in a class with Mrs. Manning in the leaky old Home Ee lab on old campus!

Editor's note: Delicious with ham or ham loaf (Vol. I).

Sally (Lerch) Dausch-Baldwin, MD

Pork/Meats 151


6 slices bacon, cut into I-inch pieces

1 1/2 lbs. smoked Polish sausage, cut into 12 pieces

1 large onion, halved and sliced

1 (12 oz.) can regular beer

1 medium head cabbage, finely sliced

2 tsp. sugar

1 1/2 tsp. salt

1/8 tsp. pepper

2 Tbls. flour

1/4 cup hot water




In a Dutch oven, fry bacon until crisp; drain on paper towel. Pour off all but 1 Tbls. of the bacon drippings; add the sausage, onion, and beer. Cover and cook slowly for 15 minutes. Add cabbage, sugar, salt, and pepper; continue cooking for another 15 minutes . In a small bowl , blend the flour and water. Stir into the cabbage mixture and cook, stirring until thickened. Fold in reserved bacon. Serve on a platter with boiled potatoes sprinkled with snipped parsley.

Mrs. John Koch-Evansville, IN

8 servings Dutch oven 30 minutes


6 Italian sausage links (about 1 1/2 lbs.), cut in half

6 medium potatoes, quartered

3 medium peppers, green or red or both, in large chunks

2 medium onions, quartered

1 cup mushrooms, sliced

1 cup frozen Italian green beans, thawed

1 cup zucchir.?i, cut in chunks (opt.)

1 cup mushrooms, sliced (opt.)

1 cup Italian green beans, thawed (opt.)





4-6 servings Dutch oven 350° 60 minutes ..

Brown sausages and drain fat. Add potatoes, peppers, and onions. Sprinkle with seasoning and drizzle oil and wine over the top. Gently stir to mix. Cover and bake 30 minutes Remove cover and add one or more of the optional ingredients. Stir, cover again and bake until potatoes are tender, about 30 more minutes . Editor's note: This is a great recipe to experiment with! It can be different every time!

Sue (Moody) Durnford-Naperville, IL



1 lb. smoked sausage, cut into 1/2-inch pieces

1 large onion, chopped

1 Tbls. vegetable oil

1 (5.25 oz.) pkg. au gratin potato mix

2 1/2 cups water

1/4 tsp. pepper

4 medium carrots, sliced

1 (10 oz.) pkg. frozen chopped broccoli

1 cup (4 oz.) shredded Cheddar cheese or cubed American

Yield: 4-5 servings


1 lb. ham, sliced

1 whole chicken, cooked and sliced

1/2 (1/4 lb.) butter or margarine

1/4 cup flour

2 cups cream, half-and-half, or milk

1 cup chicken broth

1/2 cup chopped onions

1 (4 oz.) can mushroom pieces, drained

1/2 tsp. pepper

Parmesan cheese





8 servings 13 x 9-inch 350 ° 30 minutes

In large skillet brown sausage and onion in oil until onion is tender, about 5 minutes. Stir in potatoes with sauce mix, water, and pepper. Cover and simmer for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Stir in carrots and frozen broccoli ; simmer 10 minutes Add cheese and simmer additional 5 minutes until cheese is melted.

Note: Very tasty! Easy when you're in a hurry.

Lynette Johnson-Michigan City, IN

A l ternate ham and chicken slices in greased pan. Melt butter in heavy sauce pan. Add flour and make a paste. Blend in chicken broth and cream; stir until smooth and thick. Add pepper, onions, and mushrooms and pour over chicken and ham. Sprinkle Parmesan cheese over top.

Editor's note: A mildly-flavored combination that appealed to my family served with noodles. Another time I sauteed the onions and fresh mushrooms in the butter and added Swiss cheese and a little tarragon to the sauce. You could vary the seasonings. Roast 2 chickens the night before for dinner and use one for this. Good use for "planned-over" ham or buy a center-cut ham slice.


Chicken Breasts/Poultry 153 A


1 medium onion, sliced into rings

4 chicken breast halves, skinned and boned

Dijon mustard to taste

Salt and pepper to taste

1/2 lb. mushrooms, sliced

2 medium zucchini or yellow squash, sliced 1/4-inch thick

3 Tbls. margarine

3/4 tsp. basil leaves

1/4 tsp. garlic powder

1/4 tsp. paprika

1 Tbls. grated Parmesan cheese




4 servings 450 ° 25 minutes

Tear off four 12 x 8-inch lengths of heavy duty foil. Place onion rings in center of lower half of each length of foil. Place chicken breasts between 2 pieces of plastic wrap and flatten with a rolling pin to 1/4inch thick. Spread a little mustard on top of each and season with salt and pepper. Top with mushrooms and zucchini and season with more salt and pepper. Dot with margarine; sprinkle with basil, garlic powder, and paprika. Fold upper half of foil over ingredients meeting bottom edge. Turn up edges, forming a 1/2" fold . Press tightly but allow for heat circulation and expansion. Follow same directions for folding each end. Place foil packets on a large cookie sheet in a single layer. Bake until done. Before serving, top each with 3/4 tsp. Parmesan cheese.

Note: Great make-ahead no mess dinner. Perfect for camping trips, too!

Tester's note: Blend of flavors exceeded my expectations! For guests you could use parchment paper to wrap.

Kristine (Kolterman) Fox-Baltimore, MD


6 chicken breast halves, skinned and boned

1/2 cup Dijon-style mustard

3/4 cup bread crumbs

1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese

1/4 cup chopped parsley Pepper to taste




4-6 servings 425 ° 15-18 minutes

Spread mustard on both sides of chicken breasts. Combine bread crumbs, Parmesan, parsley and pepper. Roll chicken in crumb mixture and place in a lightly greased baking pan. Bake.

Note: Fast and easy to prepare! Moist, with no added fat!

Kristine (Honold) Krueger Wauwatosa, WI

154 Poultry/Chicken Breasts


2 cups sour cream

1/4 cup lemon juice

2 tsp. Worcestershire sauce

2 tsp. paprika

2 tsp. garlic salt

2 tsp. celery salt

1/2 tsp. pepper

6-8 chicken breast halves, skinned and boned

1 3/4 cups dry bread crumbs

1 cup (1/2 lb.) butter or margarine

Additional butter for basting

Yield: 6-8 servings

Pan: Shallow baking pan

Oven: 350°

Combine sour cream, lemon juice, Worcestershire sauce, and seasonings. Coat chicken with sour cream mixture and refrigerate overnight. Roll chicken breasts in crumbs. Arrange in single layer in shallow pan. Melt butter and pour over chicken; bake 1 hour. Baste with additional butter; bake 15 minutes longer or until chicken is tender and well browned.

Joanne Gatz-Urbana, IL

Variation: Use 1 cup sour cream, 2 Tbls. each lemon juice and Worcestershire sauce, 1 tsp. each paprika and celery salt, and 1/2 tsp. each garlic salt and seasoned salt. (No pepper) Use 1 whole chicken, cut up. You do not need to refrigerate overnight. Pour 1/4 cup melted butter or margarine over and bake at 425° for 1 hour.

Lorraine Gaunt-Smyrna, GA


6 chicken breast halves, skinned and boned

1 (4 oz.) jar artichoke hearts, plain or marinated

1 (1 O 3/4 oz.) can golden mushroom soup

1 cup (8 oz.) sour cream

1/4 cup white wine

1 (4 oz.) can whQle mushrooms

Yield: 6 servings

Oven: 350°

Bake: 30-40 minutes

Place chicken breasts in baking dish and place artichoke hearts between chicken pieces. In medium saucepan combine remaining ingredients and warm over medium heat; pour sauce over chicken. Note: It is also tasty without the artichoke hearts and topped with bread crumbs. May also be cooked in the microwave. Serve with extra wide noodles.

Diane (Mawe) Mathuny-Costa Mesa, CA

Chicken Breasts/Poultry 155


1 (1 O oz.) pkg. frozen chopped spinach

8 medium mushrooms, sliced

1 clove garlic, chopped

1 Tbls. butter

2 Tbls. Italian flavored bread crumbs

4 Tbls. grated Parmesan cheese

4 chicken breast halves, skinned and boned

1 Tbls. butter

1 Tbls. olive oil


1 cup dry white wine

1 cup water

1 Tbls. Dijon mustard

1 tsp. tarragon

Salt and pepper to taste

Yield: 2-4 servings


1 (16 oz.) can sliced peaches

2 Tbls. butter or margarine

1/4 cup honey

2 Tbls. lemon juice

1 1/2 Tbls. cornstarch

1/4 tsp. ginger

4 chicken breast halves, skinned ar,d boned

Yield: Pan:

Cook: Tjme:

4 servings 12 x 8-inch microwavable Microwave HIGH Chicken-18-20 minutes; sauce-2-3 minutes

Prepare spinach according to package directions. While spinach is cooking saute mushrooms in garlic and butter. Drain spinach well. Add mushroom mixture, bread crumbs, and cheese to spinach. Mix well. Pound chicken breasts flat. Stuff with spinach mixture and hold together with toothpicks. Saute chicken in butter and oil until golden brown. Remove chicken from frying pan and keep warm.

Sauce: Add white wine and water to deglaze pan, using a wooden spoon to loosen bits. Stir mustard into the sauce, blending well. Return stuffed chicken breasts to pan. Season with tarragon, salt and pepper and cook for 1O minutes on Ii low.

Tester's note: Looks appealing and the aroma is tantalizing!

Drain peaches and reserve liquid; set aside. Microwave butter in baking dish for 40 seconds or until melted. Add peach liquid and honey. Combine lemon juice and cornstarch; stir until smooth and add to other mixture. Then add ginger. Place chicken in mixture with thickest portions to outside of dish Cover with wax paper and microwave on HIGH 18-20 minutes, rearranging half way through. Remove chicken. Add peaches to sauce. Microwave uncovered 2-3 minutes. Spoon sauce over chicken. Prepare with rice and spoon sauce on rice.

Tester's note: Easy to prepare. Grandchildren loved it with the fruit.

156 Poultry/Chicken Breasts


4 chicken breast halves, skinned and boned

4 slices ham, sliced thinly (opt.)

8 oz. crabmeat or imitation

1/3 cup chopped parsley

1/3 cup bread crumbs

1 cup grated Swiss cheese

Sauce, divided (recipe below)


1/2 cup chopped green onions

8 oz. fresh mushrooms, sliced

1/4 cup margarine

3 Tbls. flour

1/8 tsp. oregano

1/2 cup chicken stock

1/2 cup milk

1/2 cup white wine





'Pound chicken breasts thin. Lay ham slice on chicken, if using. Mix crabmeat, parsley , crumbs , and Swiss cheese with 1/4 cup of sauce. Spoon mixture onto each breast and roll up . Place seam side down in baking pan. Top with remaining sauce and Swiss cheese and bake.

Sauce: Saute onions and mushrooms in margarine. Stir in flour and oregano Add stock , milk, and wine and stir until thickened .

HEALTHFUL EATING TIP: Use low-fat ham, Swiss cheese, and milk. Turkey ham is also a very satisfactory substitute. Spray a non-stick skillet with vegetable coating spray and use only 2 Tbls. margarine . Use de-fatted chicken stock.

4 servings 11 x 7-inch 400° 25 minutes covered, then 15 minutes uncovered

Betty Gundermann-Kirkwood, MO.


4 chicken breast halves, skinned and boned (about 2 lbs.)

1 Tbls. vegetable oil

1 can (1 O 3/4 oz.) condensed cream of chicken soup

1 cup milk or water

1 Tbls. honey

1/2-1 Tbls. spicy brown mustard

4 thin orange or lemon slices

Yield: 4 servings

In a 10-inch skillet over medium-high heat, cook chicken breasts in hot oil a few minutes until lightly browned on both sides. Spoon off fat. Stir in soup, milk, honey, and mustard. Top each chicken piece with orange slice. Reduce heat to low. Cover; simmer 5-10 minutes or until chicken is fork-tender. Serve with rice.

HEALTHFUL EATING TIP: Use low-fat, low-salt commercial canned soup (such as Healthy Request) or use Homemade canned soup substitute (see page 191 ).

Chicken Breasts/Poultry 157


1 (1 o 3/4 oz.) can cream of mushroom soup

1 (1 O 3/4 oz.) can cream of celery soup

1 (1 O 3/4 oz.) can cream of chicken soup

1/4 cup melted butter or margarine

1/4 cup French dressing

1/4 cup milk

2 pkgs. Uncle Ben's Long Grain and Wild Rice (original)

8 chicken breast halves, skinned and boned

1/2 cup sliced almonds

1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese





6-8 servings 13 x 9-inch 325° 1 1/2 hours


2 (1 O oz.) pkgs. frozen broccoli spears

1/2 lemon

8 chicken breast halves, skinned and boned

1 (1 O 3/4 oz.) can cream of mushroom soup

1 (4 oz.) can mushroom caps

1 cup sour cream

1 cup sherry


Yield: 8 servings

Pan: 13 x 9-inch

Oven: , 350 °

Bake: 60 minutes

Stir together soups, butter, dressing, milk, and seasoning packets from rice. Mix half of this liquid mixture with the rice and put in greased pan. Place chicken on top of rice and pour the rest of the liquid mixture over chicken. Sprinkle with almonds and cheese. Bake. Canned or sauteed mushrooms and/or water chestnuts may be added to rice mixture.

HEALTHFUL EATING TIP: Use low-fat, low-salt commercial canned soup (such as Healthy Request) or Homemade canned soup substitute (see page 192). Use 2 Tbls. margarine, fat-free French dressing, and low-fat milk. Could cut down on the almonds and Parmesan a little.

Vera (Schafer) Betker-Dearborn, Ml

wCook broccoli according to package directions. Drain well and place in greased casserole. Squeeze lemon over. Place chicken breasts on broccoli. Combine soup, mushrooms, sour cream, and sherry; pour over chicken. Sprinkle generously with paprika and bake.

HEALTHFUL EATING TIP: Use sour halfand-half and Campbell's Healthy Request soup or Homemade canned soup substitute (see page 192).

Heidi (Steskel) Hill-Basking Ridge, NJ

158 Poultry/Chicken Breasts


6 chicken breast halves, skinned and boned

2 beaten eggs

3/4 cup dry bread crumbs

1/2 tsp. salt

1/8 tsp. pepper

1/4 cup butter

1/4 cup oil

1/2 tsp. oregano

1/2 tsp. basil

6 slices Mozzarella cheese

6 Tbls. tomato sauce

1/4 cup Parmesan cheese

2/3 cup water

Yield: 6 servings

Pan: 13 x 9-inch

Oven: 350°

Bake: 45 minutes

Dip chicken into eggs and then into crumbs mixed with salt and pepper. Refrigerate 15 minutes. Melt butter and oil and brown chicken. Put chicken in buttered pan. Sprinkle oregano and basil on each piece and cover with a slice of Mozzarella. Spoon tomato sauce on cheese and sprinkle Parmesan on top. Pour water around chicken and bake.


Cut down the butter and oil used to saute breasts or eliminate the first step with eggs, crumbs, and sauteeing. Put plain breasts in pan. Proceed as above and pour remainder of the 8 oz. can tomato sauce around chicken breasts with water and bake as above.

Judy (Spannenberg) Steinbeck Arlington Heights, IL


4 chicken breast halves or 6 drumsticks or any combination of pieces, skinned

1 (8 oz.) can crushed pineapple in own juice

2 Tbls. oil

1 Tbls. soy sauce

1/2 tsp. ground ginger

Dash pepper




4 servings 400° 45 minutes

Place chicken in pan large enough to allow one layer. In small bowl stir together pineapple with juice, oil, soy sauce, ginger, and pepper. Spoon over chicken. Bake until fork tender.

Note: Quick and easy! May prepare in the morning and store in the refrigerator until ready to bake.

Editor's note: A nice lo-cal recipe!

Susan Greve-Park Ridge, IL

Chicken Breasts/Poultry 159


2 (1 O oz.) pkgs. frozen chopped spinach, thawed and well-drained

1 (16 oz.) pkg. crumbled feta cheese

1 cup mayonnaise

2 cloves garlic, minced

Salt and pepper to taste

8 chicken breast halves, skinned and boned

16 strips bacon





Combine spinach, feta cheese, mayonnaise, garlic, salt, and pepper. Cut pocket in breast and stuff with spinach mixture.

Wrap two strips of bacon around each breast. Bake uncovered.

Note: Our friend, Ron Weir, won first prize among 5,000 entries in a national chicken cooking contest with this recipe!

Kathy (Kolb) Sauer-Shorewood, WI

8 servings 13 x 9-inch baking dish 325° 60 minutes


8 chicken breast halves, skinned and boned

2 cups Stove-top stuffing

1 cup boiling water

2 Tbls. margarine

1/4 cup margarine

1 (12 oz.) jar chicken gravy

1 (15 oz.) can tomato sauce with tomato bits

Thyme to taste

Yield: 4-8 servings

Pound chicken breasts flat. Mix stuffing, water, and 2 Tbls. margarine together. Spoon about 1/3 cup stuffing mix on each breast. Roll and fasten with toothpicks. In heavy skillet, brown breasts in 1/4 cup margarine. Pour gravy and tomato sauce over and sprinkle with a little thyme. Cover and simmer for 30 minutes. (After browning chicken may be placed in a 9-inch square baking pan and baked at 325° for 45 minutes.)

HEALTHFUL EATING TIP: Look for the new lower fat gravies (such as Heinz and Pepperidge Farm) that are coming on the market. Also lower fat packaged mixes.

160 Poultry/Chicken Breasts


4 chicken breast halves, skinned and boned

1 Tbls. oil

1 tsp. lemon juice

1/4 cup chopped cucumber

2 tsp. dried parsley

1/8 tsp. dried dill weed

1/2 cup sour cream

1/4 tsp. sugar

Fresh dill and lemon twist for garnish, if desired

Yield: 4 servings

Add chicken to oil and lemon juice in large skillet over medium heat. Cook 1O minutes, turning once, until chicken is brown and fork can be inserted with ease. Remove chicken to platter and keep warm. Add cucumber, parsley flakes and dill to skillet and cook for 2 minutes, stirring frequently. Add sour cream and sugar; heat through, but do not boil. Spoon over chicken and garnish with dill and lemon.

Note: Good served with red-skinned potatoes or baked sweet potatoes and green beans.

Tester's note: Nice blend of flavors. Sour half-and-half is satisfactory also.


6 large chicken breast halves, skinned and boned

1/3 cup chopped onion

1 Tbls. margarine or oil

1 cup (8 oz.) canned jellied cranberry sauce

1/2 cup ketchup

1/4 cup firmly packed brown sugar





6 servings 9 x 9-inch baking dish 350° 60 minutes

Wash breasts thoroughly and lay in pan. Saute onion in margarine until light brown. Stir in remaining ingredients and cook on low heat, stirring frequently until sauce is melted. Pour over breasts and bake. To use leftover cranberry sauce, make decorative cut-outs with small cookie cutters; use as salad or garnish.

Note: Easy to have ingredients on hand and easy to prepare. Good glaze for grilling breasts also.

Tester's note: Good flavor blend!

Chicken Breasts/Poultry 161


6 chicken breast halves, skinned and boned

2 well-beaten eggs or 1/2 cup Eggbeaters

1 cup Italian-seasoned bread crumbs, purchased or homemade

1/2 lb. fresh mushrooms, sauteed

2 (4x6-inch each) slices low-fat Muenster or Monterey Jack cheese

1/2 cup chicken broth

1 lemon, squeezed for juice

Yield: 6 servings

Pan: 13 x 9-inch baking dish

Oven: 350 °

Time: 30 minutes

Submerge chicken breasts in eggs. Refrigerate 2-3 hours . Roll in bread crumbs. Spray skillet with cooking spray or use a little oil. Brown breasts. Place in baking dish and cover with sauteed mushrooms . Divide cheese into six portions and place on top of chicken and mushrooms. Bake, basting every 10 minutes with combination of chicken broth and lemon juice.

Tester's note: Tasty! Low in calories!

Linda (Ivett) Allen-Kennesaw, GA


8 chicken breast halves, skinned and boned

8 slices (about 1 oz. each) natural Swiss cheese

1 (1 O 3/4 oz.) can cream of chicken soup

1/3 cup Sherry

2 cups crushed type stuffing mix

1/2 cup (1/4 lb.) melted butter or margarine





8 servings 11 x 7-inch baking dish 350 ° 50-60 minutes

Arrange chicken breasts in baking dish. Top each breast with a slice of cheese. In a small bowl , stir together soup and wine; spoon evenly over chicken. Sprinkle stuffing mix over all. Drizzle melted butter evenly over top. Bake.

Editor's note: In our past cookbooks we have very similar versions of this recipe and it was submitted again without a name on it. It was deemed "the best" by several testers, so we clarified it and decided to include it in this recipe format in the poultry section.

162 Poultry/Chicken


1/4 cup fresh lemon juice

1/4 cup canola oil

1/4 tsp. garlic powder

1/4 tsp. onion powder

1/2 tsp. Italian seasoning

4-6 chicken breast halves, boned

Yield: 4-6 servings

Equipment: Outdoor grill

Combine lemon juice and oil. Heat in microwave on HIGH for 1 minute. Add seasonings. Brush on underside of chicken and place over low heat on gas grill. Brush top side of chicken with marinade. Turn after 5 minutes and brush surface again. Continue brushing with marinade each time chicken is turned at 5 minute intervals. Grill until chicken is brown and cooked through, about 25-30 minutes.

Note: May also use marinade with shark and swordfish. Experiment and add other favorite seasonings to change flavor, such as Worcestershire sauce. Marinade is enough for 4-6 boneless breasts or 1 1/2 lbs. of shark.

Sylvia Luekens-Huntington Beach, CA


3-4 lbs. chicken, cut up 2 cups coarsely chopped onion

2 cups chopped green peppers

2 tomatoes, chopped

1 clove garlic, chopped

1 Tbls. each: curry powder, coriander, cumin

1 tsp. tumeric

2 tsp. salt

1 tsp. pepper

1/2 tsp. cinnamon

2 cups chicken stock





4 servings

Large deep casserole 375° 50-70 minutes

Put chicken into casserole. Sprinkle with all vegetables and seasonings. Pour stock over and bake uncovered until chicken is well done , stirring and basting occasionally

Editor's note: Although "tandoori" refers to the oven in which this dish is baked in India, Eunice has translated this recipe to one suited for our modern kitchens. These are typical of the spices used in the meals served in India where she grew up with her missionary parents. Spicy, low-calorie main dish!

Eunice (Kretzmann) Koepke Pewaukee, WI

.... --

Chicken/Poultry 163


1 chicken

1 tsp . each: rosemary, tarragon, and salt, mixed together, divided

1 Tbls. melted butter, margarine, or oil

1/2 cup Sauterne or dry white wine




4-5 servings 375° 1 1/4-1 1/2 hours

Rub chicken cavity with 1/2 of the seasonings. Mix remaining seasonings with melted butter. Brush over skin. Tuck wings back and tie legs to body. Place in shallow pan. Bake until chicken begins to brown and skin is crisp. Spoon wine over chicken and bake 15-30 minutes longer.

Tester's note: Delightful and subtle in flavor.

Dorothy (Ondov) Nieting-Valparaiso, IN


1 lb. green beans

1/2 lb. fresh snow peas or 8 oz. frozen, thawed

1/2 lb. mushrooms

1 medium onion

1 cup chicken broth (or 1 bouillon cube in hot water)

2 tsp. cornstarch

1 Tbls. soy sauce

1 Tbls. sauce

Red hot sauce to taste

2 Tbls. peanut oil

1 clove garlic, minced

2 chicken breast halves skinned, boned, and sliced thin

Yield: 4-5 servings

Pan: Wok or large skillet

Remove tips from beans; string and cut into halves. Bring water to boil and drop in beans and boil for 2 minutes. Remove to cold water and drain. Remove ends of snow peas. Slice mushrooms and onions. Stir together chicken broth and cornstarch until smooth. Add soy, oyster, and hot sauces. Set aside. Heat wok or skillet until very hot. Add 1 Tbls. oil and garlic and saute until brown. Add chicken and stir-fry 3 minutes; remove fr-om pan. Add remaining oil and stir-fry vegetables for 3 minutes or until tender crisp. Return chicken to the pan along with the broth mixture. Stir and toss to coat the chicken and vegetables. Heat until thickened, about 1 minute.

Editor's note: This is a vibrant green and brown combination. Add a few red pepper rings for even more color!


4 chicken breast halves, skinned and boned

2 Tbls. oil

1 (.87 oz.) pkg. gravy mix for chicken

1 cup water

2 Tbls. soy sauce

1 (4 oz.) can mushrooms (or 68 oz. fresh, sauteed)

1 medium onion, thinly sliced

1 (6 oz.) can sliced water chestnuts

1 (5 oz.) pkg. frozen pea pods

1/4 cup cashew nut pieces, optional but good

Yield: 4 servings

Cut chicken into bite-sized pieces and add to heated oil in skillet. Cook 5-1 O minutes until cooked through. Add contents of gravy mix envelope and water; cook until gravy thickens. Add soy sauce, mushrooms, onion, and water chestnuts; simmer for 5 minutes. If not serving immediately, add pea pods about five minutes before. Serve over boiled rice and sprinkle with cashew nuts. Also good prepared with thin slices of pork tenderloin and pork gravy mix.

Tester's note: Excellent flavor! Will make again. More vegetables can be added for more color and texture, if desired.


1 (20 oz.) can pineapple chunks in natural juice


7 tsp. cornstarch, divided

3 Tbls. light soy sauce

1 lb. skinned and boned chicken breasts, cut in 1/4-inch strips

1 Tbls. oil or cooking spray

2 cups sliced celery

1 cup sliced green pepper

1 cup small chunks tomato

Yield: 4 servings

Pan: Wok or large skillet

Drain pineapple, reserving juice. Cut pineapple chunks in half, if desired. Add water to juice to make 1 1/2 cups, stir in 5 tsp. cornstarch and set aside. Combine remaining 2 tsp. cornstarch and soy sauce. Add to chicken to coat.

In wok put 1 Tbls. oil (or spray with cooking spray). Add chicken; cook and stir lightly about 5 minutes. Set meat aside or up sides of the wok. Add celery and green pepper and stir-fry 3 minutes. Stir in pineapple juice and cook and stir until thickened. Add tomato, chicken and pineapple. Stir about 1 minute. Serve with rice.

Note: Broccoli and/or cauliflower may be added with vegetables.



4 chicken breast halves, skinned and boned

1/4-1/2 cup melted margarine (or vegetable oil)

1/2 cup plain bread crumbs

2 Tbls. oat bran

2 Tbls. Parmesan cheese

3/4-1 tsp. mixed herbs, such as: parsley, sage, majoram, basil

1/4 tsp. garlic powder or chili powder





Chicken/Poultry 165

Cut chicken into 1-inch pieces. Dip in margarine, then in remaining ingredients that have been mixed together. Place on cookie sheet covered with aluminum foil. Bake until golden brown and tender.

Note: I make my own bread crumbs from a variety of whole-grain breads.

Tester's note: Excellent!

Maralyn Marske-Walker East Berne, NY

4 servings Cookie sheet 400° 10 minutes


2 cloves garlic, minced

1/2 cup sour cream

1 Tbls. Worcestershire sauce

1 Tbls. celery salt

1 Tbls. paprika

1 cup fine dry breadcrumbs

1/2 cup Parmesan cheese

1/2 cup butter

5 chicken breast halves, skinned and boned, cut into strips





Stir garlic into sour cream and allow to marinate 2 hours or longer. Stir Worcestershire sauce, celery salt, and paprika into sour cream mixture. Mix breadcrumbs with Parmesan cheese. Dip chicken into sour cream mixture, then roll in breadcrumbs. Melt butter in baking dish; arrange chicken in dish. Bake.

Esther Hildner-Clifton, NJ

4 servings 13 x 9-inch 350° 35 minutes


To insure that all vegetables are crisp-tender at the same time, add them in stages. First add the longer-cooking ones like carrots, green beans, and broccoli. Next add asparagus, celery, green peppers, pea pods, and onion rings. At the end add bean sprouts, cabbage, green onions, mushrooms, and zucchini. Just warm tomatoes, bamboo shoots, and canned water chestnuts before serving.

166 Poultry/Chicken


2 (1 O 3/4 oz.) cans cream of chicken soup

2 (1 O 3/4 oz.) cans cream of mushroom soup

I lb. tortilla chips

4-8 oz. diced green chiles

20 oz. boned cooked chicken, about 3 cups cubed

16 oz. chopped ripe olives

2 large white onions, diced

I lb. Cheddar cheese, sliced or shredded

Sour cream






12 servings 13 x 9-inch 350° 45 minutes

Combine soups , stirring until well blended. In baking pan layer half of chips, chiles, chicken, olives, and onions, in the order listed. Cover with half the soup mixture. Repeat layers Cover with cheese. Bake. Serve with sour cream and salsa.

HEALTHFUL EATING TIP: You can lower fat and salt significantly by making several changes. Use low-fat, low-salt commercial canned soup (such as Healthy Request) or Homemade canned soup substitute (see pages 191, 192). Use baked tortilla chips , low-fat Cheddar cheese, and part yogurt.

Deanna Bartels Stritof-Valparaiso, IN

Variation: Combine soups, 1 onion, 4 oz. chiles, and 1/8 tsp. garlic powder. In wellgreased casserole, layer 8-12 8" flour tortillas, 1 1/2 c. chicken, half soup mixture, 1/3 c. salsa, and 1 1/4 c. shredded Monterey Jack cheese. Repeat layers and bake in 2 qt. casserole for 30 minutes.

Marlene Kluge-Baltimore, MD


3--4 cups diced cooked chicken

2 cups (1 pt.) sour cream

1 (1 O 3/4 oz.) can cream of mushroom soup

1 (8 oz..) pkg. of stuffing mix

1 cup chicken broth

1/2 lb. butter or margarine, melted





6 servings 2-qt. casserole 350 ° 45 minutes

Combine chicken, sour cream, and soup; place in casserole dish. Mix together remaining ingredients and pour over first mixture. Bake .

Editor's note: So simple and so delicious! Tester said: "very good!"

Vivan Palmer-Arlington Hieghts, IL


1 (10 3/4 oz.) can cream of chicken soup

3/4 soup can water

1 tsp. chicken bouillon granules

1 cup sour cream

1 cup diced onion

1 (1 1/4 oz.) package taco seasoning mix

3 cups cooked diced chicken

12 (7") flour tortillas

2 cups shredded sharp Cheddar cheese (8 oz.)





12 servings 13 x 9-inch baking dish 350° 40 minutes


6 large chicken breast halves, skinned and boned

3 large carrots

3 medium zucchini

6 green onions

2 Tbls. minced parsley

1 1/2 tsp. grated lemon rind

1 tsp. salt

1/8 tsp. pepper

6 Tbls. butter or margarine





6 servings

Shallow baking pan

Parchment paper 375° 20 minutes

Chicken/Poultry 167

Heat soup, water, and bouillon granules. Add sour cream, onion, and seasoning mix. Mix well and set aside. Place about 1/4 cup chicken on each tortilla; roll up tightly and place seam side down in baking dish. Pour sauce over. Sprinkle with cheese. Bake.

HEALTHFUL EATING TIP: Use low-fat, low-salt commercial canned soup (such as Healthy Request) or Homemade canned soup substitute (see page 191 ). Very acceptable with sour half-and-half and lowfat Cheddar cheese. -

Janet Nolting-Brownstone, IN '

Cut into 1/2-inch wide slices across width of breasts. Cut carrots and zucchini into 3 x 1/4-inch matchsticks. Cut green onions into 1-inch pieces. Toss all ingredients except butter together in bowl. Cut parchment paper into 12-inch squares. Put 1/6 chicken mixture just off center on each sheet. Dot each with 1 Tbls. butter. Fold paper in half diagonally to form a triangle. Roll the edges together tightly several times. Put on baking sheet and bake. Serve closed or cut an X in the top to let aroma waft out. Next time vary the seasonings and vegetables using the same basic recipe.

Tester's note: Tasty and low-calorie surprise package!

• ... .....



9 lasagne noodles

3 Tbls. butter or margarine

1/2 cup onion, chopped

1/2 cup chopped green pepper

1/4-1/2 lb. fresh mushrooms or 1 (8 oz.) can, drained, sliced

1 (1 O 3/4 oz.) can cream of chicken soup

1/2 cup milk

1/2 tsp. basil

1 egg (optional)

16 oz. small curd cottage cheese

3 cups cooked and diced chicken

2 cups grated Cheddar cheese

1 cup grated Parmesan cheese





12 servings 13 x 9-inch 350 ° 40 minutes

Cook lasagne noodles according to package directions. Melt butter in saute pan. Add onion and green pepper (and fresh mushrooms, if you are using them); saute until onions are translucent. Remove from heat and drain.

Stir in mushrooms (if you are using canned), soup, milk, and basil. In a small bowl, beat the egg and stir in cottage cheese. Arrange 3 cooked noodles in bottom of a greased pan . Layer ingredients as follows: 3 noodles, 1/3 sauce, 1/3 cottage cheese mixture, 1/3 chicken, 1/3 Cheddar cheese , and 1/3 Parmesan. Repeat layers two more times. Bake. Let stand at least 1O minutes before cutting. May be made ahead and frozen.

Editor's note: The testers loved this great variation of traditional lasagne! The cheese and green pepper give it good color.


Consider these substitutions-2 Tbls. margarine, Healthy Request soup, skim milk, low-fat (1 %) cottage cheese, egg substitute or no egg, low-fat Cheddar cheese.

Barbara (Holzer) McKissick Naperville, IL


2 1/2 cups corn chips, divided 1 lb. ground turkey

1 Tbls. canola oil

2 cups salsa, divided 1 pkg. taco seasoning mix

1 (15 oz.) can vegetarian refried beans

1/2 cup shredded Cheddar cheese (low-fat, if possible)

Yield: 6-8 servings

Pan: 11 x 7-inch casserole

Oven: 375 °

Line bottom of casserole with 2 cups corn chips . Brown turkey in oil. Add 1 1/2 cups salsa and taco seasoning mix. Spoon mixture over chips. Combine remaining salsa with refried beans; spread over meat mixture. Bake for 25 minutes. Sprinkle cheese over top and then remaining half cup crushed corn chips. Bake 5 minutes more.


Chicken/Poultry 169


1 whole chicken, cooked and cut into chunks (save cooking liquid)

12 oz. spaghetti, cooked

1 onion, chopped

1 green pepper, chopped

1 cup sliced fresh mushrooms

1/4 lb. margarine

1 lb. Velveeta cheese

1 (10 1/2 oz.) can Rotel tomatoes with green chiles





6 servings 3-qt. casserole

350 ° 30 minutes

Use saved chicken broth for part of cooking water for spaghetti and some for sauce, if desired. Put chicken in bottom of casserole. Add spaghetti on top. Saute onion, green pepper, and mushrooms in margarine. Add cheese and tomatoes and stir until melted. Add 1/4-1/2 cup reserved broth; remove from heat and pour over spaghetti. Bake.

Tester's note: Spicy and tasty! Also good with a little less spaghetti.

Marilyn (Clabuesch) Eberhardt South Bend, IN


8 oz. extra-wide noodles

3 cups cooked chicken breast, cubed

1 (6 oz.) jar sliced mushrooms

1 (1 O oz.) pkg. frozen peas, thawed

3 (1 O 3/4 oz.) cans cream of chicken soup

1 1/2 cups mayonnaise

1 1/2 cups sour cream

3 cups shredded Cheddar cheese

1 cup bread crumbs

1/4 cup melted butter or margarine





8-12 servings 4-qt. casserole 375 ° 60 minutes

Prepare noodles according to package directions. Drain and rinse with warm water and place in casserole dish. Add chicken, mushrooms, and peas; gently toss with noodles. In separate bowl, combine chicken soup, mayonnaise, and sour cream until smooth ano then mix with other ingredients in the casserole dish. Sprinkle Cheddar cheese over all and top with bread crumbs and margarine. Bake until bubbly and golden brown on top .


Cholesterolfree mayonnaise, light sour cream and reduced-fat cheese are equally as good. Use Healthy Request canned soup or Homemade canned soup substitute (see page 191 ).

Marilyn (Koch) Ochs-Indianapolis, IN

170 Poultry/Chicken


2 whole chicken breasts, skinned and boned

1 15 oz. can stewed tomatoes {low salt)

1 15 oz. can whole tomatoes

1 medium onion, diced 1/2 cup Parmesan cheese (or more)

Basil and fresh pepper to taste 1 (8 oz.) pkg. frozen Frenchstyle green beans, thawed1 cup tomato juice

Yield: 4 servings

Pan: 11 x 8-inch

Oven: 350°

Bake: 20-30 minutes

Simmer the chicken breasts until cooked, about 20 minutes. Slice into bite-sized pieces. Cover bottom of baking dish with stewed tomatoes. Place chicken pieces over tomatoes and layer the remaining ingredients in following order: whole tomatoes (crushed slightly and spread), 1/2 of the diced onion, 1/2 of the Parmesan cheese, 1/2 of the basil and pepper seasonings, green beans, tomato juice, and the remaining 1/2 of the Parmesan cheese, onion, basil, and pepper. Bake until hot and bubbly. Serve with rice, boiled potatoes, or pasta.

Tester's note: Very Italian! Good with pasta and garlic bread.

Editor's note: Add some onions, carrots, celery, and seasonings to simmering water and you have mild chicken broth. Add extra chicken and have soup for another meal and chicken for Chicken Enchiladas, Chicken Casserole Supreme or another main dish or salad! (See Index)

Lori Dusenberg-St. Louis, MO


1 small onion, chopped

1 small green pepper, chopped

1 jalapeno pepper, seeded and chopped

2 Tbls. butter or margarine

2 tomatoes, chopped (fresh or canned)

2 cups cooked, finely diced chicken

Salt and pepper to taste

In medium saucepan wilt onion and peppers in butter. Stir in remaining ingredients; simmer 10-12 minutes. Spoon into 6-8 taco shells. Put as many "extras" on as desired, such as shredded lettuce, grated Cheddar cheese, diced onions, sliced green or black olives, sliced avocado, and sour cream.

Julene Pichel-Washington, DC

Turkey/Poultry 171


2 Tbls. fresh herbs (marjoram, sage, thyme, lemon thyme)

2 Tbls. margarine or oil

1 (5-6 lb.) turkey breast, fresh or frozen and thawed

Yield: 8-10 servings

Pan: Cooking bag and microwave-safe dish


HIGH, program to 175°

Cook: Less than one hour (

Work combination of fresh herbs into the margarine and spread on breast. Place in cooking bag; add flour and make slits according to bag directions. Put bag in dish; insert probe and program to 175°. Cook on HIGH. This takes less than an hour and results in a moist, delicious product. Let stand about 10-15 minutes before carving.

Note: If your microwave does not have a probe, remove turkey from oven every 15 minutes to check on temperature. For variety, remove turkey at 150° inner temperature and spread with wine jelly or marmalade glaze before completing cooking.

Tester's note: Very good flavor! Would use again!

Marilyn (Meier) Krueger-Milwaukee, WI


4 turkey legs

1 cup water

1/4 cup soy sauce

1/2 cup thinly sliced green onions, including tops

1 clove garlic, minced

1/2 tsp. cinnamon

1/2 tsp. ginger

1/4 tsp. allspice

1/4 tsp. anise seeds

1/8 tsp. ground cloves

2 Tbls. cornstarch

2 Tbls. water

Yield: Pan:



4 servings Large glass baking dish 325° 2 1/4-2 1/2 hours

Place turkey legs in baking dish. Stir together water, soy sauce, green onions, garlic, and spices. Pour over turkey; cover and refrigerate overnight. Turn several times. Cover and bake for 45 minutes. Turn legs and bake another 45 minutes. Uncover and bake 45-60 minutes, turning once or twice, until turkey is very tender. Remove to platter and keep warm. Skim off fat. Stir cornstarch into 2 Tbls. water. Add to pan juices and cook, stirring, over medium heat until sauce thickens.

Tester's note: Delicious gravy with unusual, but good, flavor.

Marge Mertz-North Olmsted, Ohio

172 Poultryrrurkey


1 lb. ground turkey

1 egg ( 1/2 cup tomato sauce

1/2 cup Italian-seasoned bread crumbs

1/3 cup grated Parmesan cheese

1 Tbls. dried parsley

Dash garlic powder

Pepper to taste





8-9 large meatballs, 4-6 servings

Baking sheet 350° 25-35 minutes


1 lb. ground turkey

1 Tbls. canola oil

1/4 cup diced onion

1 tsp. chili powder

1 tsp. salt

1/4 tsp. pepper

1 (16 oz.) jar mild or medium salsa

1 (12 oz.) can whole kernel corn

1 1/4 cups chicken bouillon

1 small green pepper, cut in strips

1 1/3 cups Minute Rice

Yield: 4-6 servings

Combine all ingredients well and form into 8-9 meatballs. Place on baking sheet and bake.

Note: Depending on consistency of mixture, more crumbs or tomato sauce may be added. For serving, they may be covered with spaghetti sauce and heated through. A great side dish for spaghetti of manicotti. Ground beef may be substituted.

Audrey (Dobias) Kaiser Upper Arlington, OH

In skillet over medium high heat, brown turkey in oil. Add onion; reduce heat to medium. Cook until onion is tender. Add seasonings, salsa, corn, and bouillon; bring to boil. Stir in green pepper. Boil again. Stir in rice; remove from heat. Cover; let stand 5 minutes.

Tester's note: Excellent! A recipe with a bite!

Turkey/Poultry 173


3 lbs. rice, cooked as directed

20 lbs. turkey, roasted, diced

Chicken gravy-Heat 2 (49 oz.) cans chicken broth with 8 (1 o 3/4 oz.) cans cream of chicken soup

2 (9 oz.) cans chinese noodles

6 lbs. tomatoes, diced

2 large bunches celery, sliced

3 lbs. sharp Cheddar cheese, shredded

8 bunches green onions, chopped

6 (20 oz.) cans crushed pineapple

1 lb. shredded coconut

24 oz. peanuts, chopped

Yield: 30-35 servings

Serve potluck style, each ingredient in a separate bowl, with instructions in middle of table-Le., "Stack on large plate beginning with rice and continue in this order:




Chinese noodles




Green onions




More gravy

More noodles

First Helping-everyone must try it as listed!"

Note: We serve this every summer for gatherings that include all Valpo friends in the area.

Tester's note: Great way to feed a large group! The taste appealed to all our Guild women! Fun to serve!

Shirley Lawrence-Ann Arbor, Ml


Honey Mustard Glaze. Stir together 1/4 cup honey, 2 tsp. Dijon-style mustard, 1 Tbls. melted butter or margarine, 1 Tbls. white wine, and 1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce in a small bowl. Brush on turkey or chicken to be grilled or broiled.

Orange Glaze. Stir together 1/2 cup orange marmalade (about 1/2 of a 10 oz. jar), 1 Tbls. lemon juice, 1 tsp. Dijon-style mustard, and a dash of cloves. Brush on chicken, ham, or pork chops to be grilled or broiled.

174 Poultry!Turkey/Pheasant


2 pheasants

Salt and pepper

Flour for coating

2 Tbls. vegetable oil

6 Tbls. butter, divided

1 medium onion, diced

1/2 lb. fresh mushrooms (opt.)

1/4 cup flour

2 cups chicken broth

1/2 cup dry red wine

1/4 cup brandy

2 Tbls. chopped parsley

1/4 tsp. rosemary (opt.)

1/4 tsp. marjoram (opt.)

Yield: 4 servings

'Cut pheasants into serving pieces. Sprinkle with salt and pepper; dust lightly with flour. Brown in oil and 2 Tbls. butter. Meanwhile, saute onions and mushrooms in remaining 4 Tbls. butter until softened. Sprinkle flour over and blend well. Add chicken broth, wine, and brandy, whisking until sauce is smooth and thickened. Add parsley and any additional seasonings. Add to skillet with pheasant and simmer until pheasant is tender.

Note: This is an especially good recipe to always insure tenderness when you do not know the age of the pheasant. You may use white wine also or whatever you have opened.


1 lb. ground turkey

1 lb. ground beef

3 onions, sliced

2 stalks celery, sliced diagonally

1 (15 oz.) can bean sprouts, drained and rinsed

1 (4 oz.) can mushrooms

2 Tbls. brown sugar

2 Tbls. soy sauce (or more)

1 Tbls. cornstarch (or more)

3/4 cup water

Yield: 6 servings

In a large skillet brown meat and onions. Add celery and just enough water to cover and simmer on low heat until celery is tender. Add bean sprouts and mushrooms and heat through. Stir brown sugar, soy sauce, and cornstarch into water and stir into skillet until thick. Serve over chow mein noodles. Freezes well.

Editor's note: Beef bouillon may be added for richer flavor, if desired. A nice family supper.

Cathie (Richardson) Conley-Norwalk, IA

Fish 175


2 Tbls. melted margarine

1/2 cup uncooked converted white rice

1/2 cup water

1 (1 o oz.) pkg. frozen chopped spinach, thawed, but not drained

1 (16 oz.) block of frozen haddock or pollock fillets

1 tsp. salt

1 medium onion, sliced

1 medium tomato, sliced (firm and ripe)

1 tsp. basil





Spread melted margarine in bottom of baking dish, using some to grease sides.

Sprinkle rice over margarine. Add water. Distribute spinach with liquid over rice. Cut block of fish into quarters about 15 minutes after it has been taken out of freezer; arrange on top of spinach. Sprinkle with salt. Place onion and tomato on top and sprinkle with basil. Cover tightly with foil; bake.

Lucille (Halleen) Kers-Dearborn, Ml

4 servings 10 x 6-inch baking dish 350° 60 minutes


1/2 cup margarine or butter

1 1/2 tsp. curry powder

1 lb. frozen cod, thawed and cut into 4-5 pieces

5-6 medium potatoes, sliced 1/4-inch thick

1 medium onion, halved, sliced

3-4 carrots, sliced

Salt and pepper

2/3 cup water, white wine, or clam broth

1 lemon

Dill or parsley for garnish




4-5 servings 10-inch covered skillet 30 minutes

Melt margarine in skillet; stir in curry powder. Season fish lightly with salt (opt.) and roll in butter mixture; set aside. Pour off most of the remaining butter and reserve. Layer potatoes, onions, and carrots in skillet; season lightly with salt and pepper (may also use a substitute like Mrs. Dash). Pour liquid over top and add fish. Squeeze juice from 1/2 lemon over fish and slice the rest to save for garnish. Cover and simmer until vegetables are tender. Top fish with reserved butter that has been brought to a boil and garnish with lemon and dill or parsley.

Ginny (Meier) Eilers-Bellevue, WA

176 Fish


2-3 onions, sliced

3 Tbls. butter

Salt and pepper to taste

6-8 medium size potatoes

15 fillets of anchovies

1 1/3 cups cream (3 deciliters)

2 Tbls. dried bread crumbs





4-6 servings 1 1/2 qt. baking dish

350° 50-60 minutes

Fry onions lightly in butter, dusting with salt and pepper as they fry. Peel potatoes and cut into strips . Spread some butter in baking dish. Layer half the potatoes, all the onions, all the anchovies (spread out), and the remaining potatoes. Pour cream over all; sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Bake until potatoes are soft.

Note: This is a recipe from Sigbrit Liljeberg of Eskilstuna, Sweden, translated into English by one of her sons. I use evaporated milk instead of cream. However, as her son said, ''Taste will lose on that!"

Tester's note: Truly a Scandinavian treat-only for those of us who love anchovies!

Maralyn Marske-Walker-East Berne, NY


1 fresh catfish fillet (about 1/2 lb.)

1 cup dry pancake mix

1 tsp. chili powder

1 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. pepper

1/4 tsp. garlic powder or salt

2 Tbls. oil

Lemon-pepper seasoning

Yield: 2 servings

Wash catfish fillet. Mix pancake mix with chili powder, salt, pepper, and garlic powder in shaking bag and coat fish. (You'll have some left for next time-tie bag and put in freezer.) Heat oil in non-stick fry pan and fry at medium heat, seasoning first side liberally with lemon-pepper seasoning before turning. Turn and season second side. Don't overcook. Catfish is very moist; it is done when the fish begins to flake and the crevices don't hold transparent juice. Serve with fresh bread, rice, a Creole vegetable, and a crisp green salad.

Editor's note: Excellent! Good on other fish also

Fish 177


1 (1 Ooz.) pkg. chopped frozen spinach

2 Tbls. margarine, divided

1/2 cup chopped onions

1/3 cup chopped mushrooms

1 clove garlic, crushed

1/2 cup bread crumbs

1/4 cup crumbled Feta cheese

1 lb. fish fillets (sole, orange roughy, etc.)

2 Tbls. white wine

Sprinkle of paprika

Yield: 4 servings

Pan: 8-inch square

Oven: 375°

Bake: 20 minutes or until fish is flaky.

Cook spinach and drain well. Set aside. In medium size frying pan, heat 1 Tbls. of margarine. Saute onions, mushrooms, and garlic over medium heat for 3-4 minutes Empty mixture into large mixing bowl. Mix in the bread crumbs, reserved spinach and Feta cheese. Place 2-3 Tbls. of mixture on each fillet, rolling up fillet around mixture. Spray baking dish with vegetable cooking spray. Line the dish with the remainder of spinach mixture and place fish rolls on top. Pour wine over fish and dot with the other 1 Tbls. of margarine. Sprinkle with paprika.

Tester's note: Delightful family or company fare!


1 lb. fillet of flounder

1 small can evaporated skimmed milk

1 cup corn flake crumbs

1 tsp. "lite" seasoned salt

1/4 cup margarine

2 Tbls. lemon juice





4 servings

Baking sheet 550° 10 minutes

Dip the fish into the evaporated milk and then into the crumbs to which the seasoned salt has been added. Place on a greased baking sheet. Pour margarine and lemon juice over the fish. Bake in a very hot oven. Serve immediately.

Tester's note: Was also good with sole. The margarine and lemon juice give it a nice crispy top. A good quality seasoned salt and herb blend makes it special.


• JI• --


1 fresh whole salmom

1 qt. water

1 cup brown sugar

1/4 cup non-iodized pickling salt

1/4 cup soy sauce

2 Tbls. Worcestershire sauce

2 Tbls. lemon juice

2 cloves garlic, minced


Time: Smoker 8-10 hours

Fillet a fresh whole salmon and cut into 2i n ch to 3-inch wide strips. Combine remaining ingredients; marinate salmon for 4 hours. Drain on towel and put on covered baking sheet in refrigerator overnight. Smoke in smoker. If moist at end of smoking, pop in oven on a cookie sheet for a few minutes. Serve on a large plate garnished with parsley. Using a fork, guests may help themselves and place on a cracker.

Bev Wick-Bellevue, WA


8 wood skewers, 1O inches long

8 small white onions

1 medium green pepper, cut into 16 pieces

1 lb. sea scallops, cut into 1inch pieces

2 salmon steaks, 1 lb. each, cut into 1-inch cubes

1 lemon, cut into 8 wedges

1 Tbls. margarine, melted

Basting sauce:

3 Tbls. olive oil

2 Tbls. vermouth

1/4 tsp. marjoram

Dash pepper

Yield: Oven: Time:

8 servings Microwave on HIGH 8 minutes

On each skewer thread one onion and one piece of green pepper. Then alternate 3 scallop pieces with 2 salmon cubes. Add one more piece of green pepper and end with lemon wedge . Brush with melted margarine. Stir together sauce ingredients and baste skewers. Place them in shallow baking dish and microwave until scallops are opaque and salmon flakes easily with a fork.

Tester's note: Superb! My husband's favorite!

Mrs. Dale Mertz-North Olmsted, OH

178 Fish

Fish 179


1 1/2 gallons water

1/4 cup vinegar

2 Tbls. salt

1 tsp. celery salt

1 bay leaf

10-12 potatoes, peeled or unpeeled

2 medium onions, sliced horizontally (3 slices per onion)

3 lbs. frozen cod, cut in serving-size pieces

Lemon wedges

Hot melted butter

Yield: 6 servings

Pan: Very large kettle

Bring water and seasonings to boil. Add potatoes and onions. Boil for 10 minutes. Add cod. Return to boil and time for ten more minutes. Serve immediately with lemon wedges and hot melted butter, if desired. Whitefish may also be used, but should be watched carefully so that it doesn't overcook and break up.

Note: For variety, top each cooked portion with thin slices of mozzarella and broil until cheese melts.

Editor's note: Fish boils are a tradition along the shores of Lake Superior in Wisconsin and Lake Michigan in Door County. It's not uncommon for towns such as Port Wing to serve 1800 people from huge cast iron pots on open fires. They multiply this basic recipe: Bring a large pot of very salty water (the secret) to a rolling boil with 3-5 bay leaves, 1 1/2 tsp. whole allspice and 1/2 tsp. whole peppercorns. Add 10-12 small or medium whole onions and boil for 10 minutes. Add 10-12 whole or chunks of scrubbed potatoes and boil for 10 minutes. Add 5-6 lbs. trout steaks, cut in 1-inch thick pieces. Boil or simmer 10-12 minutes and serve with melted butter or margarine with chives, cole slaw and rye bread.


Use a.4-6 oz. fish fillet or steak; cook on HIGH 1 1/2-3 minutes until opaque. Let stand, covered, for 2 minutes.

Amandine. Cook fish covered with plastic wrap. In 1-cup glass measure, cook 1 Tbls. sliced almonds and 1 tsp. butter or margarine on HIGH 1 1/2-2 minutes until browned, stirring halfway through cooking. Stir in 1 tsp. lemon juice; spoon over fish.

Mexican. Top fish with 1 Tbls. salsa. Cook covered with waxed paper. Sprinkle with 1 Tbls. shredded Cheddar or Monterey Jack cheese.

Deviled. On fish, spread 1 Tbls. creamy mustard blend (like the new Dijonnaise). Sprinkle with 2 tsp. seasoned dried bread crumbs, then with paprika. Cook covered with waxed paper.

180 Fish/Shellfish


1 cup oil

In a large skillet make roux by stirring oil 3/4 cup flour and flour over slow to medium heat. When 1 1/2 cups chopped onion roux reaches peanut butter color add 2/3 cup chopped green pepper chopped onions, green peppers, celery, 1/4 cup chopped celery and garlic; saute for 5 minutes. In another 1/3 cup garlic, mashed and skillet (small) melt butter and add tomato finely minced paste. Stir until smooth and thick, about 5 1/4 cup butter minutes, and then mix with roux. Pour in 1/2 cup tomato paste broth, water with dissolved bouillon cubes, 1 (10 3/4 oz.) can chicken broth and balance of seasonings. ·cook for 30 3 cups water minutes. Add crawfish tails 5 minutes

2 chicken bouillon cubes before serving. Serve with rice.

2 tsp. salt

2 tsp. black pepper

1 tsp. Tabasco sauce

1 tsp. paprika

2 lbs. crawfish tails

Yield: 8 servings

Note: Small shrimp may be substituted for crawfish.

Editor's note: Different taste treatterrific!

Linda (Ivett) Allen-Kennesaw, GA


2 Tbls. margarine

2 (10 oz.) pkgs. frozen spinach, thawed and drained

2 (10 3/4 oz.) cans cream of mushroom soup, divided

1 1/4 cups shredded Swiss cheese

2 Tbls. sherry or lemon juice

1 1/2 lbs. imitation crab (sea legs)

1 cup drained sliced water chestnuts

Parmesan cheese





4-6 servings 2 1/2 qt. casserole 300 ° 40 minutes

Melt margarine in small frying pan; add spinach and stir until liquid evaporates. Stir in 1 can soup and blend. Set aside. In another pan combine other can of soup, Swiss cheese, and sherry. Heat , stirring until cheese melts. Stir in crab and water chestnuts. Set aside. Grease casserole. Layer 1/2 spinach mixture, top with 1/2 crab mixture. Repeat layers. Just before baking, sprinkle with Parmesan cheese; bake uncovered until hot. This may be made ahead and refrigerated.

Editors note: Very nice blend of ingredients.

HEALTHFUL EATING TIP: Use Healthy Request soup or Homemade canned soup substitute (see page 192). Use low-fat Swiss cheese.

• •


1/4 cup vegetable oil, divided

1 cup regular rice

1 envelope Lipton noodle soup mix with real chicken broth

2 1/2 cups boiling water

3/4-1 1/2 lbs. fresh shrimp in shells, cooked, shelled, cleaned (or 10-20 oz. frozen ready-to-eat)

2 eggs, slightly beaten (or a commercial egg substitute)

1/4 tsp. salt (opt.)

Few grains of pepper (opt.)

11/2 Tbls. soy sauce

Chopped scallions, if desired

Yield: 2-4 servings

In a large skillet, heat 2 Tbls. oil and saute rice until golden brown. Combine soup mix and water and stir into rice. Cover and simmer 30 minutes or until liquid is absorbed. In another skillet, heat remaining oil and saute shrimp quickly, about 1 minute. Add eggs, stirring constantly and cook 1-2 minutes Add salt and pepper, if desired, and soy sauce. Stir shrimp-egg mixture into soup-rice mixture; heat 2-3 minutes. Top with scallions.

Note: The amount of shrimp used depends on whether you want to use it as a side or main dish.


1 Tbls. cornstarch

1/2 cup chicken broth

2 Tbls. soy sauce

2 Tbls. peanut oil

1 clove garlic, minced

1 tsp. grated ginger root

1/2 cup thinly sliced carrots

1 cup broccoli florets

1/2 cup thinly sliced celery

1 (8 oz.) can sliced water chestnuts, drained

1 cup pea pods

1/2 cup sliced mushrooms

3-4 green onions, sliced

8 oz. imitation crab legs, thawed and sliced

Yield: 4 servings

Pan: Wok or frying pan

Blend cornstarch into chicken broth; stir in soy sauce and set aside. Add peanut oil to wok. Stir-fry garlic and ginger root for 30 seconds. Add carrots, broccoli, and celery; stir-fry 3 minutes. Add remaining vegetables and stir-fry 2 minutes or until vegetables are tender. Remove vegetables to bowl. Stir-fry crab 2 minutes. Add chicken broth mixture. Cook and stir until thick and bubbly. Stir in vegetables. Serve immediately over rice.

Mrs. Dale Mertz-North Olmsted, OH

Shellfish/Fish 181


5 slices bread

1 cup milk

3 eggs, slightly beaten

1 (10 3/4 oz.) can cream of shrimp soup

2 Tbls. grated onion

3 Tbls. chopped green pepper

1 Tbls. chopped parsley

2 Tbls. lemon juice

1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce

Few drops Tabasco sauce

1 lb. shrimp, cooked, cleaned

12-16 oz. fresh, frozen, or canned crab

1/2 cup grated Cheddar cheese

1/4 cup sherry

Salt and pepper

1/2 cup crushed cornflakes

2 Tbls. melted butter




10-12 servings

13 x 9-inch casserole 375°

Bake: 30-40 minutes

'Cut crusts from bread and cut in cubes. Soak in milk until liquid is absorbed. Beat up with fork. Add eggs, soup, onion, green pepper, parsley, lemon 1u1ce, Worcestershire sauce, and Tabasco. Mix well and add shrimp, crab and cheese. Let stand several hours or overnight. Before baking add sherry and taste for salt and pepper. Place in greased casserole. Toss cornflakes with butter and top casserole. Bake uncovered.

Note: Other seafood can be substituted for crab-scallops, imitation crab, or a mild white fish. Years ago I combined two recipes to come up with this-it's always wel I-received.

Tester's note: Wonderful make-ahead!

HEALTHFUL EATING TIP: The shrimp and crab are high in cholesterol; you could substitute the imitation products if you are not a purist. Some of the other ingredients may be substituted, such as skim milk, egg whites or egg substitute, and low-fat Cheddar cheese. Eliminate the butter on the cornflakes.


1 lb. large sea scallops

2 Tbls. olive oil

2 Tbls. butter

2 Tbls. light soy sauce

1/4 tsp. seasoned salt

1/4 cup cracker crumbs

1/4 cup grated Co-Jack cheese (Monterey Jack and Colby)

Yield: 2-3 servings

Betty (Rhode) Schultz-Camden, SC 0

Thoroughly wash scallops to remove all traces of sand. In fry pan combine olive oil, butter, soy sauce, and seasoned salt. Add scallops. Cover and saute for five minutes, stirring occasionally. Gather scallops together. Sprinkle with the cracker crumbs, then with the grated cheese. Cover and simmer until cheese is melted.

lrmie Roggow-Hemlock, Ml



5 cups celery

3 green peppers

3 onions


2 Tbls. Worcestershire sauce

3 cups light mayonnaise

5 lbs. medium shrimp, steamed, shelled and cut into 3 pieces each

3 lbs. crabmeat, picked over to remove shells

Salt and pepper to taste

Yield: 20 servings

Pan: 2 13 x 9-inch casseroles

Oven: 350 °

Bake: 30 minutes


1 egg

1 cup milk

2 slices crumbled bread

2 Tbls. Old Bay seafood seasoning

1 1/2 tsp. hot sauce

1 Tbls. butter

1 lb. crab meat

1 Tbls. mayonnaise

1/4 cup chopped green pepper

1 (2 oz.) jar chopped pimientos

Additional mayonnaise

Grated Parmesan cheese


Dish: Oven:


4-6 servings

1 1/2 qt. casserole 350° 35 minutes

Shellfish/Fish 183

'Chop celery, peppers and onions in food processor. Saute in butter and drain well. Stir Worcestershire into mayonnaise and mix all ingredients together. Divide into casseroles. Cover with foil. Refrigerate overnight. Cover to bake.

Note: Good served with broccoli spears and rice

Laurel Drabkowski-Baltimore, MD

IIIn saucepan mix egg, milk, bread, seasoning, hot sauce, and butter. Cook over medium heat until thickened. Add crab meat, mayonnaise, green pepper, and pimientos. Place in buttered casserole. Cover freely with additional mayonnaise and sprinkle thickly with Parmesan cheese. Bake until bubbly and golden brown.

Note: May be prepared several hours ahead or frozen.

184 Fish/Shellfish/Sauce


2 (1 O oz.) pkgs. frozen arti-

0In casserole layer frozen artichoke hearts, choke hearts, thawed then shrimp and mushrooms. Stir together 1 1/2 lbs. medium shrimp, soup and wine and pour over top. Bake steamed and cleaned uncovered. Serve with rice.

1 lb. mushrooms, sliced and sauteed

1 (1 O 3/4 oz.) can cream of mushroom soup

1/2 soup can white wine





10 servings 11 x 7-inch 350 ° 40 minutes

HEALTHFUL EATING TIP: Spray nonstick pan with vegetable coating spray and use minimum amount of butter or margarine or use all or part water to poach mushrooms. Use low-fat, low-salt commercial canned condensed soup (such as Healthy Request) or Homemade canned soup substitute (see page 192).

Laurel Drabkowski-Baltimore, MD


1/4 cup ketchup

1/4 cup water

2 Tbls. oil

1 Tbls. grated onion

1 Tbls. vinegar

1 tsp. horseradish

1/2 tsp. dry mustard

1/4 tsp. salt

1/4 tsp. pepper

Combine all ingredients and heat to boiling. Cut about 1 1/2 lbs fish into pieces for serving or use salmon steaks. Dip steaks into sauce and cook 3-4 minutes on each side, basting regularly with heated sauce. Also good on swordfish or halibut steaks cooked outdoors on the grill or broiled in the oven.

Lois (Hadde) Brandt-Milwaukee, WI


1 cup shredded cucumber

1/2 cup plain yogurt

1/4 cup low-fat mayonnaise

1 Tbls. fresh chopped parsley

2 tsp. fresh lemon juice

1 Tbls. minced green onion

3/4 tsp. dried dillweed

Salt and freshly-ground pepper

Blend all ingredients and chill. Serve on poached salmon or other fish. Garnish with a cucumber twist.

Alberta Kraft-Menomonee Falls, WI

Shellfish/Fish 185


Base mixture:

3 cups hot cooked rice

2 Tbls. minced parsley

2 Tbls. minced pimiento

1 Tbls. grated onion

1/4 tsp. salt

1/8 tsp. pepper

2 Tbls. butter


1 1/2 lbs. raw shrimp

2 Tbls. butter

1 (1 O 3/4 oz.) can cream of mushroom soup

1 Tbls. lemon juice

1/8 tsp. pepper





6 servings 9-inch pie 350° 20-30 minutes

Toss all base ingredients together lightly with a fork until butter is melted. Press evenly and firmly around the sides and bottom of greased pan.

Filling: Clean, shell, and devein shrimp. Melt butter in skillet; add shrimp Cook slowly until they are lightly browned on all sides. Arrange shrimp in rice-lined pan. To the skillet in which the shrimp were cooked, add mushroom soup, lemon juice, and pepper . Stir until smooth and thoroughly heated ; pour over shrimp . Bake until thoroughly heated and lightly browned.

HEALTHFUL EATING TIP: Substitute commercial low-fat soup (such as Healthy Request) or use Homemade canned soup substitute (see page 192).

Patti (Weil) Cline-Springdale, AR


Cook fish in the microwave for tender moist pieces It's fast and easy with little clean-up required.

Arrange fish in the dish with the thicker portions toward the edge. Be sure to tuck any thin ends under to prevent overcooking.

Cover with plastic wrap for steamed or poached fish. Cover with waxed paper for breaded fish.

Cook for 2-4 minutes on HIGH for each pound of fish

When fish turns opaque, it is done. It should flake easily with a fork when tested.

To freshen microwave and kitchen after cooking fish, combine juice of one lemon, the lemon shells, and 1 cup of water in a bowl. Cook on HIGH until boiling; continue boiling for 3 minutes.


6 (10-inch) wooden skewers

6 Tbls. apricot preserves

6 Tbls. oil

3 Tbls. white wine vinegar

3 tsp. Dijon mustard

1 tsp. curry powder

1 tsp. minced garlic

1 1/2 lbs. uncooked large shrimp, peeled, deveined, tails left on

Bed of herbed rice

Yield: 6 servings

Soak skewers in water about 1 hour.

Whisk together all ingredients except shrimp in medium bowl. Set half of sauce mixture aside. Toss shrimp in remainder of sauce mixture and thread on wooden skewers. Place on broiler pan and broil a few minutes until done (don't overcook), brushing with sauce they were tossed in. Serve on bed of plain or herbed rice on individual plates or on a platter. Pour a little of the warmed reserved sauce over shrimp.

Herbed Rice: Prepare 1 cup raw rice as directed on the package. Stir in about 1/4 cup chopped parsley, 2 Tbls. minced chives, and any desired herbs just before serving.

Tami Scheck-Sussex, WI


1 cup dry breadcrumbs

1/2 cup olive oil

1-2 cloves garlic, minced

2 Tbls. fresh minced parsley

1 Tbls. finely chopped fresh basil or 1 1/2 tsp. dried

Salt and freshly ground pepper

2 lbs. uncooked large shrimp

Yield: 4-6 servings

Oven: 425°

Bake: 6-8 minutes

IICombine all ingredients except shrimp. Pat generously onto each shrimp and place on baking sheet. Cover and refrigerate at least two hours or up to 24 hours. Bake in upper third of oven, turning once, until shrimp lose translucency and coating is brown, about 3-4 minutes per side depending on size of shrimp.

186 Fish/Shellfish


3 Tbls. butter or margarine, divided

2 Tbls. dried breadcrumbs

1 medium onion, chopped (1/2 cup)

2 oz. pine nuts, finely chopped

4 oz. cashew nuts, finely chopped

2 oz. ground almonds

4 oz. fresh white breadcrumbs (about 2 cups)

1/4 cup milk


Salt, pepper, nutmeg to taste


1/4 lb. softened butter or margarine

Grated rind and juice of 1/2 lemon

1 tsp. thyme

1/4 cup parsley, chopped

1 clove garlic, minced

4 oz. fresh wheat breadcrumbs (about 2 cups)




'stuffing and then the remaining nut mixture. Cover the roast with buttered foil and bake. Remove from oven and allow to stand for 5-1 O minutes before turning out. Serve with additional toasted pine nuts and lemon slices .

Note: If pine nuts are not available, walnuts or pecans make suitable substitutes. I like to serve with a cheddar cheese sauce or a tomato coulis (recipe follows). The recipe is from the Country Centre, Cambridge Regional College, in Cambridge, England.

Editor's note: This roast was a favorite among students on Valpo's semester study program in Cambridge where Bette and her husband, Dr. Carl Galow, spent two years when he was director of the program.


1-qt. loaf pan 350° 60 minutes

Coat base and sides of baking pan with 1 Tbls. of the butter. Coat base and sides with dried breadcrumbs. Melt the remaining 2 Tbls. butter in a skillet and add onion, frying gently until softened, or place the butter and onion in a bowl and microwave for 2-3 minutes. Add nuts, white breadcrumbs, milk, eggs and seasonings.

Make the stuffing by blending all ingredients well.

Spoon half the nut mixture into the prepared pan, cover with

1 Tbls. olive oil

1 clove garlic, peeled and crushed 1 lb. tomatoes, skinned and quartered, or 1 (15 oz.) can of tomatoes with juice

Herbes de Provence or Italian-type seasoning to taste

Salt and pepper

In a heavy saucepan in oil, saute the garlic for about 1 minute. Add tomatoes and a pinch of the seasonings. Cover and simmer 10-15 minutes . If too liquid, uncover and simmer until thickened.

Note: This sauce is very good served with a variety of meat and fish dishes or with poached eggs.

Bette Galow-Valparaiso, IN

Vegetable/Entrees 187



1 lb. pinto beans

2-4 oz. bacon (3-6 strips)

1 green pepper, chopped

1 large onion, chopped

2 cloves garlic, minced

2 Tbls. olive oil

3 Tbls. cider vinegar

1 Tbls. sugar

1/2 tsp. pepper

1/2 tsp. oregano

1/2 tsp. cumin

1 bay leaf

1 (4 oz.) jar pimiento, chopped

1 1/2 tsp. salt

Cooked rice as desired

Yield: 8 servings

Wash beans, picking out any bad ones. Add water to cover generously. Soak overnight. Discard soaking water. (This is important to improve digestibility.) Add fresh water to cover beans in a good-sized pot. Cut bacon into small pieces and fry. Drain fat. Add bacon pieces to beans.

Add all other ingredients except pimiento, salt, and rice. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer 2-3 hours, until beans are tender. Add water if necessary to make desired soup consistency-it will be thin. Add salt and pimiento. Serve with raw chopped onion or hot sauce on top of beans, if desired. Serve with rice on the side.

Note: Families in our church tried this during a World Hunger Appeal so we'd know how the South American native families eat when all they have are beans and rice. For one meal it was great-for every meal-not so great!

Paula (Graef) Sauer-Worthington, OH


1 lb. dry red kidney beans

2 medium onions, chopped

1 lb. ham for seasoning

2 bay leaves

4-5 cloves garlic, chopped fine

Salt and pepper to taste

Cooked rice

Yield: 6-8 servings

Combine all ingredients except rice in heavy saucepan and cover with water. Cook over medium low heat until beans are soft (about 2 hours). When cooked, mash some of the beans so that juice is creamy. Serve over hot rice. Consistency should be such that it spreads out over rice.

Note: Very popular New Orleans dish served at most restaurants. Dr. 0.P. Kretzmann loved this when we served it at our home-said we should be serving it on campus!



2 lbs. fresh spinach (or 32 oz. frozen leaf, thawed)

6 oz. dried whole wheat lasagne noodles, cooked

1 small onion, thinly sliced

6 oz. fresh mushrooms, sliced

1 Tbls. oil

2 garlic cloves, minced

1 tsp. dried basil

1/2 tsp. dried oregano

Pinch of nutmeg

Black pepper to taste

1 1/2 cups low fat ricotta cheese

3 Tbls. grated Parmesan cheese

1 egg plus 1 egg white

2 Tbls. chopped parsley

2 1/2 cups prepared tomato sauce (recipe follows)

3/4 cup grated low fat Mozzarella cheese

Tomato sauce:

12 tomatoes, cored

4 cloves garlic

1 tsp. oregano

2 tsp. champagne vinegar

2 cups chopped onions

1 cup fresh basil

1 tsp. chopped mint leaves

6 cups vegetable stock

Yield: 6 servings

Pan: 10 x 8 x 3-inch

Oven: Preheat to 400°, bake at 350°

Bake: 20 minutes

'.... ...

Wash and drain fresh spinach and steam until just wilted; drain. Press to remove water and chop; set aside. (If using frozen, drain well and press.) In medium-sized pan over medium heat, saute onions and mushrooms in oil until onions are soft-about 10 minutes. Add garlic, herbs, and spinach and cook for 5 minutes; season with nutmeg and pepper. In a medium-sized bowl mix together the cheeses, eggs, and parsley. Spread 1 cup tomato sauce in baking dish. Layer half noodles, half the cheese mixture, and all of the spinach onion mixture. Finish layering with the remaining noodles, cheese mixture and the tomato sauce. Top with Mozzarella cheese. Bake until hot and bubbly.

Tomato sauce: Simmer all ingredients together for 20 minutes; blend in blender until smooth. Vegetable stock is made my simmering leftover vegetable trimmingscelery, potatoes, mushrooms, carrots, lettuce etc.(no cabbage family trimmings) with water until vegetables are cooked. Drain, using liquid and discarding vegetables. Commercially prepared tomato sauce may also be used.

Editor's note: A variation of this great recipe is: Combine 2 lbs. prepared spinach, 1/4 cup Parmesan, 3/4 cup low-fat cottage cheese and 1/4 tsp. nutmeg; spread on 10 prepared whole wheat lasagne noodles. Roll up and stand on end in deep casserole dish. Simmer 4 cups tomato sauce, 1 large onion, chopped, 2 cloves minced garlic, 3/4 tsp. basil, 1 tsp. oregano, and 1/2 tsp. marjoram until warm; pour over roll-ups. Sprinkle with 2 cups grated Muenster or Monterey Jack cheese. Bake at 350° for 45 minutes. (If you aren't worried about fat and calories, use a commercial spaghetti sauce or your favorite homemade one.)

Vegetable/Entrees 189



1 Tbls. cornmeal

1 (1 O oz.) can refrigerated pizza crust

1 8 oz. can tomato sauce

1/2 tsp. chili powder

1/2 cup diced green pepper

1/2 cup diced red pepper

1 (2 3/4 oz.) can sliced black olives, drained

1 (4 oz.) can green chilies, chopped

4 oz. shredded Cheddar or Colby cheese

4 oz. shredded Monterey Jack cheese

1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro





Sprinkle cornmeal on bottom of greased jelly roll pan. Spread dough into pan and bake for 5 minutes. Combine tomato sauce and chili powder. In a separate bowl, toss peppers, olives, chilies, and cheeses with cilantro.

Remove crust from oven and spread with tomato sauce mixture. Top with remaining ingredients. Bake 15-20 minutes until crust is golden brown.

Tester's note: Our friends loved this pizza!

Marilyn (Moeller) Holmquist West Bend, WI.

6-8 servings 15 x 10-inch jelly roll 425°

Crust-5 minutes; pizza-15-20 minutes


1 (46 Oz.) can tomato juice

1 (15 oz.) can tomato sauce

1 (8 oz.) can to mato sauce

1 tsp. each: sugar, oregano, salt, pepper, garlic powder, rosemary

1 bay leaf

1 small onion, chopped Meatballs (opt.)

Yield: 10-12 servings

Combine tomato juice and tomato sauce in a large saucepan; add spices and stir. Bring sauce to a boil, stirring often. Reduce heat and cook on medium for 2 hours uncovered. Add meatb?llS if desired. Serve over pasta.

Note: We recently served this for 130 people at a Valpo Guild Spaghetti Dinner and received many compliments.

Tester's note: Spicy and hot!

Janet (Haeger) Bunn-Inverness, IL


Soup Substitutes 191

Many casserole recipes that have become family favorites through the years contain canned condensed soups. Until recently we had no choice but the grocery store variety which was often laden with more fat, salt, and monosodium glutamate (MSG) than we would like. We may now use Campbell's Healthy Request soups to substitute for some of them. Consumer demands are high for this type of product, so watch your grocer's shelves for newly-developed products. We have experimented with various combinations of low-fat, low-sodium ingredients to come up with a homemade substitute that we think is every bit as good, if not better, than the canned varieties available. We offer them for your consideration if you have an extra 15 minutes to spend preparing them and a desire to know exactly what ingredients go into your casserole.



1 cup low-sodium, low-fat chicken stock (homemade or commercial)

1/3 cup finely chopped onion

1/2 tsp. canola oil

2 Tbls. flour

1/2 cup evaporated skimmed milk

2 Tbls. yogurt

1/4 cup finely diced cooked chicken

Salt and pepper to taste

Additional seasonings, if desired

Yield: 1 1/8 cups condensed soup or equivalent to 1 (1 O 3/4 oz.) can

In small heavy saucepan boil chicken stock over high heat until reduced to 1/3 cup (about 5 minutes) . Saute onion in oil until softened. Sprinkle flour over mixture; blend and cook for about 1 minute, stirring constantly. Slowly add reduced stock and skimmed milk, whisking constantly. Cook until smooth and thickened. Remove from heat; stir in yogurt, chicken, salt, pepper, and any additional seasonings. Use immediately, store in refrigerator for 2 days, or store in freezer up to 6 weeks.

.A .. --

192 Soup Substitutes


1/3 cup finely chopped onion

3/4 cup finely chopped celery

1/4 tsp. celery seed

1/2 tsp. canola oil

2 Tbls. flour

3/4 cup plus 2 Tbls. evaporated skimmed milk

2 Tbls. yogurt

Salt and pepper to taste

Additional seasonings, if desired

Yield: 1 1/8 cups condensed soup or equivalent to 1 (10 3/4 oz.) can

Saute onion, celery, and celery seed in oil until vegetables are softened. Sprinkle flour over mixture; blend and cook for about 1 minute, stirring constantly. Slowly add skimmed milk, whisking constantly. Cook until smooth and thickened. Remove from heat; stir in yogurt, salt, pepper, and any additional seasonings. Use immediately, store in refrigerator for 2 days, or store in freezer up to 6 weeks.


1/3 cup finely chopped onion

1/2 tsp. canola oil

1 cup finely chopped mushrooms

3/4 cup evaporated skimmed milk

3 Tbls. yogurt

Salt and pepper to taste

Additional seasonings, if desired

Yield: 1 1/8 cups condensed soup or equivalent to 1 (1 O 3/4 oz.) can

Saute onion in oil until softened. Add mushrooms and saute another 2 minutes. Sprinkle flour over mixture; blend and cook for about 1 minute, stirring constantly. Slowly add skimmed milk, whisking constantly. Cook until smooth and thickened. Remove from heat; stir in yogurt, salt, pepper, and any additional seasonings. Use immediately, store in refrigerator for 2 days, or store in freezer up to 6 weeks.

Grant Wood, American 1892-1942

Seed Time and Harvest, 1937

Lithograph, unnumbered edition 7-1/2 x 12-1/8 inches

Valparaiso University Museum of Art Gift of Friends of Art - VUMA 91.2

Iowa artist Grant Wood was central among those who celebrated the "American Scene;, in the 1930s. Here his tidy heartland of plenty seems to respond richly to human nurturing.

Though the edition of this print was published in the depths of the Depression, it sold out immediately. In 1991, a VU student alerted VU that one of the original buyers was offering the print for sale. FRIENDS OF ART then generously purchased it for the VU Museum. Since its founding in 1986-1987 the FRIENDS organiza-tion and many of its individual members have given well over 100 artworks to the Museum.

VEGETABLES Almond Barley Casserole 208 Artichoke-Spinach Casserole .............. 203 Au Gratin Potatoes 201 Baked Potato Party : 201 Broccoli-Cauliflower Casserole .... ... ..... 194 Brussel Sprouts in Sour Cream 194 Caramel Onions 198 Cauliflower With Toasted Almond Butter 194 Celery Amandine 197 Cheese-y Onion Vegetable Combo ..... 199 Cherry Tomato Serving Tip 205 Cranberry-Glazed Beets 193 Crispy Cheesey Carrot Casserole 196 Dilled Carrots With Sour Cream .......... 196 Eggplant Parmesan 197 Fabulous French Fried Onion Rings .... 200 Fruited Sweet Potatoes 203 Golden Baked Onions 198 Grilled Potatoes 200 Healthful Twice-Baked Potatoes 200 Healthful Vegetable Dinner 196 Johnny Apple-Sweet Potatoes 202 Lee's Vegetable Rice Marinara 208 Lentil Pilaf .... .. ....... ..... .......................... 207 Lime-Flavored Rice 208 Mexican Squash 204 Old-Fashioned Baked Beans ............... 193 Pasta Sauce 206 Puree of Carrots In Orange Cups 195 Rice Ring lndienne ...... ........................ 207 Sesame Broccoli 193 Spinach-Wild Rice Casserole .............. 204 Stewed Tomato Casserole .................. .205 Sweet Potatoes Supreme 202 Swiss Vegetable Medley .......... ............ 195 Top-of-the-Stove Wild Rice Pilaf .......... 206 Vegetable Pilaf 207 Vegetable-French Fry Medley 199 Versatile Cheese Sauce ........... ........... 206 Yellow Spaghetti Squash 204 Zucchini Mexicali 205


1/2 lb. bacon

1 small onion, chopped

1 (31 oz.) can pork and beans

1/2 cup brown sugar

1 (8 oz.) can pineapple chunks, drained





6 servings 1 1/2 qt. casserole 325 ° 1 1/2-2 hours

Vegetable 193

•Dice and fry bacon until crisp; drain. Reserve 3 Tbls. drippings; saute onion in drippings . Add onion and bacon to beans ; stir in sugar and pineapple. Bake covered.

Note: To save time this casserole may be started in microwave

Marion(Kraft)Yunghans Bellingham, WA


1 Tbls. sugar

1 Tbls. cornstarch

1/8 tsp. salt

3/4 cup cranberry juice cocktail

1 (16 oz.) can sliced beets, drained

1/4 tsp. shredded orange peel

Yield: 4 servings

In a microwave-safe bowl combine sugar, cornstarch, and salt. Stir in cranberry juice . Cook on HIGH 3 minutes, stirring after each minute. Add beets and peel. Cook 4 min. on HIGH, or till heated through.

Marilyn (Meier) Krueger-Milwaukee, WI


1 lb. fresh broccoli

1 Tbls. vegetable oil

2 tsp. vinegar

1 Tbls. soy sauce

1 Tbls. sugar

1 Tbls. sesame seed, toasted

Yield: 3-4 servings

Cook broccoli in small amount of water until tender; drain. In a small saucepan (or microwave-safe bowl) combine remaining ingredients, except sesame seed, and heat to boiling. Pour over broccoli, turning spears to coat; sprinkle with seeds.

Note: To toast sesame seed, sprinkle on pie plate and put in 350° oven a few minutes until light brown. Watch carefully!

Judy (Weiherman) Schumacher Brookfield, WI

194 Vegetables


1 pkg. (16 oz.) frozen Brussels sprouts

1/4 cup sour cream, room temperature

2 Tbls. toasted almonds

2 Tbls. chopped pimiento

1/2 tsp. sugar

1/2 tsp. salt

1/8 tsp. white pepper

Yield: 4-6 servings

Cook sprouts till crisp tender. Combine sour cream with remaining ingredients. Toss sprouts with mixture just before serving. May be kept warm in double boiler over hot (not boiling) water until serving time.


2 (1 O 3/4 oz.) cans cream of mushroom soup

1/2 cup margarine, melted

1 (7 oz.) jar Cheez Whiz

11/3 cup uncooked quickcooking rice

1 (20 oz.) bag frozen broccoli and cauliflower

1 (4 oz.) can mushrooms, drained

1/2 cup chopped onions

1 (2.8 oz.) can fried onion rings

Yield: 12-16 servings

Mix soup, margarine, and cheese. Add remaining ingredients except onion rings. Pour into 3-quart casserole and sprinkle with onion rings. Bake covered for one hour at 350°.

Kristine (Kolterman) Fox-Baltimore, MD


1 medium head cauliflower, cut up

1/2 cup unsalted butter

1/2 cup slivered almonds

Dash each: cayenne, turmeric Salt to taste

Freshly ground pepper to taste

Minced green onions or parsley

Yield: 4 servings

Cook cauliflower in 2 quarts boiling salted water, uncovered, 5-7 minutes, or until crisp tender. Heat butter in large skillet; add almonds, cayenne and turmeric. Cook and stir 3 minutes, or until almonds are toasted. Add cauliflower, salt, and pepper; cook and stir just until heated. Garnish with onion and/or parsley.

Ruby L. Hosfield-Glenview, IL


1 (16 oz.) bag frozen broccoli, carrots, and cauliflower combination, thawed and drained

1 (1 o 3/4 oz.) can cream of mushroom soup

1 cup (4 oz.) shredded Swiss cheese

1/3 cup sour cream

2 Tbls. pimiento

1/4 tsp. pepper

1 (2.8 oz.) can French fried onions





Vegetables 195 •

Combine vegetables, soup, 1/2 cup cheese, sour cream , pimiento, pepper, and 1/2 can onions. Pour into casserole ; bake covered for 30 minutes. Top with remaining cheese and onions ; bake uncovered 5 minutes longer.

6 servings

1 qt. casserole 350 ° 35 minutes


4 cups cooked sliced carrots

1/4 cup butter or margarine, melted

1 tsp. sugar

1 tsp. lemon juice

1/8-1/4 tsp. cinnamon

Salt and pepper to taste

12 orange cups (see note)





10-12 servings

Shallow baking pan 325 ° 15 minutes

'Puree carrots in processor or blender container. Place in bowl. Stir in margarine, sugar, lemon juice, cinnamon, salt, and pepper. Spoon an equal amount into each orange cup and fluff top with fork.

Note: Use 5-6 small oranges to make orange cups. Cut oranges in half crosswise. Remove fruit from skin with a sharp knife, leaving shell intact; scrape insides clean. May be made several weeks in advance As you use oranges save shells. Store in freezer in plastic bags.

Tester's note: What a nice presentation on a dinner plate!

Judy (Weiherman) Schumacher Brookfield, WI


2 Tbls. butter

2 lbs. carrots, cut julienne style (4 cups)

2 tsp. chopped fresh dill or 1 tsp. dried

1/2 cup strong chicken broth

1 tsp. sugar

2 Tbls. sour cream (room temperature)

Yield: 1O servings

Melt butter in 3-qt. saucepan. Add carrots and dill; cook 5 minutes on medium/high heat. Stir in broth and sugar. Cover and cook until carrots are crisp tender. With a slotted spoon transfer carrots to serving dish; keep warm. Boil remaining broth until it is reduced to 2 Tbls. Pour this over carrots; gently blend in sour cream. Serve immediately. May be prepared ahead up to the point of adding sour cream. To serve, warm and add sour cream.

Kathy (Boerger) Bardenhagen Racine, WI


4 cups thinly sliced carrots (1/8-inch wheels)

1/4 cup butter or margarine

1 small onion, chopped 1 cup diced Velveeta cheese

Crushed potato chips to taste





4-6 servings 1 1/2 quart casserole 350° 30 minutes

Cook carrots in small amount of water for 5 minutes. (Carrots should still be crisp.) Drain; transfer to casserole. Stir in butter and onion. Sprinkle cheese over mixture. Top with 2-4 handfuls of crushed potato chips. Bake uncovered. For a spicier version, use Mexican Velveeta.

Judy Beumer-St. Louis, MO

Kathy Allen-Waukesha, WI


2 cups sliced carrots

2 cups sliced zucchini

1 (16 oz.) jar small onions, drained

3 Tbls. margarine

1 lb. fresh mushrooms

2 Tbls. lemon juice

1/2 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. marjoram

1/4 tsp basil (opt.)

Yield: 4 servings

Steam carrots for 8 minutes; add zucchini and onions and steam for 10 minutes longer. Meanwhile, melt margarine in skillet; saute mushrooms. Add lemon juice, salt, marjoram, and basil. Add steamed vegetables; heat and stir. Serve.

Note: Use fewer carrots and add 1 cup sliced green beans if desired. Hard rolls or rye bread complete the meal.

Elinor Wells-Ellicott City, MD

196 Vegetables
A ... --

Vegetables 197


1 bunch celery, cut into 1-inch pieces

1/4 cup margarine

1/4 cup flour

1 cup chicken broth

1 cup milk

1/2 tsp. salt

1/8 tsp. white pepper

4 green onions, tops and bottoms, sliced thin

2 oz. pimiento

1 cup grated Swiss cheese

1 cup toasted almond slices





6 servings

11 X 7 1/2-inch 350° 30 minutes


1 medium-size eggplant

1/2 cup whole wheat flour

1 tsp. salt (opt.)

2 eggs, slightly beaten

1/4 cup milk

2 1/2 cups crushed whole wheat crackers

Dash pepper

1/4 tsp. oregano

1 1/2 cups tomato sauce

1 cup Parmesan cheese

1 cup Mozzarella cheese

Yield: Pan:



4-6 servings 13 X 9-inch 350° 30-45 minutes

Cook celery in lightly salted water for five minutes. Combine with white sauce made of margarine, flour, broth, milk, salt, and pepper. Stir in onion and pimiento . Add 1/2 of the cheese and almonds. Pour into baking dish; cover with remaining cheese and almonds. Bake until bubbly

Tester's note: Attractive way to cook celery.

Marilyn (Meier) Krueger-Milwaukee, WI

Prepare three bowls for dipping eggplant slices: in one combine flour and salt; in second combine eggs and milk; and in third, cracker crumbs, pepper, and oregano. Slice eggplant into 1/4-inch rounds. Dip slices in each mixture and layer in baking dish. (Slices may overlap.) Pour tomato sauce over each layer and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese. Cover with foil and bake until a fork pierces slices easily. Remove from oven and cover with Mozzarella cheese and remaining Parmesan. Return uncovered to oven just until the cheese melts.

Nancy Moldenhauer- St. Louis, MO

198 Vegetables


1/2 cup butter or margarine

6 medium white onions, sliced

1 (1 O 3/4 oz.) can cream of chicken soup

1 cup milk

Salt and pepper to taste

3/4 lb. grated Swiss cheese

French bread slices

Yield: 6-8 servings

Pan: 13 X 9-in .

Oven: 350°

Bake: 30 minutes

Melt butter in a large skillet over medium heat. Add onions and cook until translucent, stirring frequently, about 15 minutes. Pour off juices and transfer to buttered casserole. Combine soup, milk, salt, and pepper in bowl. Pour over onions. Sprinkle with cheese. Butter bread on one side, and arrange buttered side up over onions. Cover onions completely with bread slices. Bake until bread is browned. Serve bubbly hot.

Tester's note: May be frozen, reheated, and used as a luncheon dish or light supper main dish.

Bette (Silliman) Froehlich-Appleton, WI


2 Tbls. margarine or butter

2-3 tsps. brown sugar

1/4 tsp. salt

2 medium sweet onions, cut in 1/2-in. slices

1 Tbls. minced parsley

Yield: 4-6 servings


In large skillet melt margarine; add sugar and salt. Place onions in single layer over mixture. Cover; cook slowly 10 minutes. Turn; sprinkle with parsley. Cook uncovered 10 minutes more. Serve with steak or roast.

Marilyn (Meier) Krueger-Milwaukee, WI

Elevate cooked celery, green beans, or asparagus to company status by topping with browned-in-butter crushed, seasoned croutons or chopped salted cashews.

Since older vegetables tend to lose their natural sugars, they may profit by a pinch of sugar during cooking or by dressing with seasoned butters, herbs, spices, and sauces. (See page 283 for Savory Butters and Seasoned Vegetable Butters.)

For flavor variation cook vegetables in chicken or beef stock or consomme.

To peel tomatoes easily, place in boiling water for several seconds. Add a little sugar to tomatoes while cooking to bring out their flavor and to cut acidity.

Vegetables 199


3/4 cup green pepper, cut in large chunks

1 clove garlic, peeled and crushed

1/4 cup margarine

1/4 cup flour

2/3 cup milk

3/4 tsp. salt (opt.)

1/4 tsp. sugar

1/8 tsp. each: pepper, basil, oregano

1 cup grated Cheddar cheese, divided

1 cup solid-pack tomatoes, drained

2 (16 oz.) jars whole onions, drained

1 (9 oz.) pkg. frozen corn, thawed





Cook green pepper and garlic in margarine until tender crisp. Stir in flour until smooth; add milk, salt, sugar, pepper, and herbs. Heat and stir until thickened. Add 1/2 cup cheese; stir until melted. Add tomatoes to sauce; heat and stir until thick again. Add onions and corn; stir until blended. Pour into casserole and sprinkle with remaining cheese. Bake.

Glee Krentz-Lexington, OH

6-8 servings

2 qt. casserole

350 ° 50 minutes


1 can (1 O 3/4 oz.) cream of celery soup

1/2 cup Cheez Whiz

1/2 cup milk

1/4 cup minced onions

1/4 cup minced green pepper

2 Tbls. pimiento

Salt and pepper to taste

1 pkg. (12 oz.) frozen French fries

1 pkg. (1 O oz.) frozen mixed vegetables

Yield: 6 servings

Pan: 11 X 7 1/2-inch

Oven: 400°

Bake: 30 minutes

Combine all ingredients except fries and mixed vegetables; heat. Pour over fries and vegetables which have been combined in pan. Bake uncovered.

Tester's note: Delicious with ham! A real hit as a company or potluck dish!

Anne (Froehlich) Baerbock Appleton. WI

200 Vegetables


1 1/2 cups flour

1 1/2 cups beer, active or flat, cold or room temperature

3 very large onions, such as Bermudas

3-4 cups shortening

Combine flour and beer in a large bowl and blend thoroughly; cover and keep at room temperature at least three hours. Cut onions into l/4-inch slices and separate into rings. Preheat oven to 200°. Line a cookie sheet with paper towels and place in oven. Meanwhile heat shortening in a 10-inch pan to 375 ° . Using tongs, dip rings into batter and then into hot shortening. Fry, turning once or twice, until golden. Transfer to oven to keep warm until all are fried.

Note: These stay very crisp, even if made well in advance, and may be frozen. To reheat, place in pre-heated 400° oven for 4-6 minutes.


3 medium potatoes, baked

1/4 cup skim milk

1/2 cup lowfat cottage cheese

1 Tbls. minced onion

Salt and pepper to taste

2 Tbls. Parmesan cheese

Margarine (or butter-flavored granules)

Yield: 3 servings

Scoop out center of potatoes, saving skins. Beat with milk and cottage cheese; add onion, salt, and pepper. Fill skins equally with mixture and top with Parmesan cheese. Dot with margarine or granules; return to oven (350°) to heat through.

Note: Add 1 (6 oz.) can water-packed tuna for a complete meal. Add 1/2 tsp. dillweed for a different flavor. Using 3 large potatoes will yield 6 generous servings.


Slice potatoes into 4 pieces, spreading with butter, salt, and pepper, and threading each onto a skewer with 1/2-inch onion slices between potato slices. Double wrap each potato in foil. Cook on grill with chicken or beef (or bake in oven) for one hour at 375°.

Vegetables 201


1/2 cup chopped onion

1 Tbls. vegetable oil

1 (1 o 3/4 oz.) can cream of celery soup

1 (3 oz.) pkg. cream cheese, cubed

12 oz. frozen hash brown pototoes

1/3 cup shredded Cheddar cheese

Yield: Pan: Oven: Bake

4-6 seNings 1 qt. casserole 400° 45-60 minutes

Cook onions in oil over medium heat. Stir in soup and cream cheese. Cook, stirring constantly until smooth and hot. In greased casserole alternate frozen potatoes and hot cream sauce in layers, ending with sauce. Cover and bake until potatoes are done. Remove from oven; sprinkle with shredded cheese. Return to oven for cheese to melt.

Dorothy (Ondov) Nieting Valparaiso, IN

Variation #1: Combine 2 lbs. frozen hash browns, thawed; 1 lb. Velveeta cheese, cubed; 2 cups Hellman's mayonnaise; and 1/4 cup chopped onions (optional) in a greased 13 X 9-in. baking dish. Sprinkle with bacon bits and bake at 325° for 30-45 min. or until golden brown.

Mary Ann Gardels-lndependence, MO

Variation #2: Combine 2 lbs. frozen hash browns, thawed; 12 oz. Cheddar cheese; 8 oz. sour cream; 1 (10 3/4 oz.) can mushroom soup; 1 large onion, diced; and salt and pepper to taste, in a greased 13 X 9in. baking dish. Top with 2 cups Rice Krispies and 1/2 cup melted butter or margarine. Bake at 350 ° for 1 1/2 hours.

Deanna (Bartels) Stritof-Valparaiso, IN

Variation #3: Combine 12 oz. frozen hash browns with a mixture of 1 (1 O 3/4 oz.) can cream of chicken soup, 1 cup milk, 1/2 cup shredded Swiss cheese, 1 Tbls. instant onion, 1/4 cup chopped green and/or red pepper, and 1/2 tsp. white pepper. Bake at 350° for 40 minutes.

Lois Ann Gersch, Cudahy, WI


Prepare baked potatoes and a salad. Ask guests to each bring a potato topping such as broccoli and cheese; chili; ground beef, bacon, and Cheddar; fried onions and Cheddar; beef burgundy or stew; low-fat cheese and veggie medley; chicken or seafood, Swiss cheese, and broccoli; and of course, butter, sour cream, and chives. Be creative! Keep a list to avoid duplication!


202 Vegetables


4 cups cooked and mashed sweet potatoes

1/2 cup sugar


1/3 cup butter

1/3 cup milk

1 tsp. vanilla


1 cup brown sugar

1 cup chopped pecans

1/3 cup flour

1/3 cup butter





'Mix potatoes, sugar, eggs, butter, milk, and vanilla. Pour into buttered casserole. Stir topping ingredients and crumble over potatoes. Bake .

Editor's note: This crunchy topping is also delicious on baked, mashed squash.

Barbara Riethmeier-Victor, NY

8-10 servings

13 X 9-in 350 ° 30 min.

Variation #1: Use 3 cups sweet potatoes, increase both the butter and milk to 1/2 cup, and reduce the vanilla to 1/2 tsp. In the topping, decrease the brown sugar to 2/3 cup .

Dorothy Hill-Fort Collins, CO

Variation #2: Use 3 cups sweet potatoes, increase sugar to 2/3-1 cup, increase the milk to 1/2 cup, and add 1/2 tsp. salt , 1 tsp. butter flavoring (if margarine is used), and 1 tsp. sherry flavoring or a splash of sherry wine. The topping ingredients remain the same.

Mrs. Fred Rockett-St. Louis, MO

Judy Beumer-St. Louis, MO

Kathy Allen-Waukesha, WI


1 (16 oz.) can sweet potatoes

2 tart apples, peeled and sliced

1/2 cup apple jelly

1/4 cup butter

1/2 tsp. salt

Arrange sweet potatoes and apples in flat microwave dish. In a separate bowl melt jelly with butter and salt on HIGH for 1 minute. Pour over potatoes and apples. Heat in microwave; transfer to 350 ° oven for 10 minutes.

Vegetables 203


4 medium sweet potatoes

1/3 cup orange juice

2 Tbls. sugar

2 tsp. cornstarch

2 cups pineapple tidbits

1/4 cup raisins

Shredded or flaked coconut Walnuts (optional)

Yield: 4-8 servings

Note: Wonderful with poultry, pork, or ham!

Wash and prick potatoes. Microwave on HIGH for 11-14 min. until soft; turn during cooking. Remove; set aside. In a medium micro-bowl combine orange juice, sugar, and cornstarch; cover with waxed paper and cook on HIGH 1 1/2 minutes, or until thickened. (Stir half way through.) Stir in pineapple and raisins to coat thoroughly. Cover and microwave 30-45 seconds on HIGH just until fruit is warmed. Peel and split potatoes. Serve topped with fruit sauce. Garnish with coconut and walnuts, if desired.


2 (9 oz.) pkg. frozen artichoke hearts, defrosted, or 2 (14oz.) cans artichoke hearts

4 (10 oz.) pkg. frozen chopped spinach, defrosted 12 oz. cream cheese

6 Tbls. butter or olive oil

3 Tbls. mayonnaise

Pepper to taste

2 Tbls. grated onion

1/2 cup milk

3/4 cup (3 oz.) shredded Parmesan cheese





10 servings 13 X 9-inch 350° 40 minutes

Place artichoke hearts in bottom of pan, slicing hearts, if necessary, to spread out. Squeeze moisture out of spinach and spread over artichoke hearts. Combine cream cheese, softened butter or oil, mayonnaise, and pepper; beat until light and fluffy. Add onion and gradually beat in milk. Spread mixture over vegetables. Sprinkle with cheese. Bake uncovered until top is lightly browned. (May be prepared ahead and refrigerated.)

Marge (Schaus) Kuehnert Milwaukee, WI

Editor's note: Variation: Use only 1 can artichoke heart; add 1/2 lb. mushrooms sauteed in 2 Tbls. butter. Sauce is 1/2 cup mayonnaise, 1/2 cup sour cream, and 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese, and salt and pepper to taste. Lay 3 sliced tomatoes on top. Saute 1/2 cup dry bread crumbs in 1/4 cup butter until lightly browned and sprinkle over top. Bake at 325° for 20 minutes.

204 Vegetables


1 (6 oz.) box long grain and wild rice

1 (1 Ooz.) can beef broth

2 (1 O oz.) pkgs. frozen chopped spinach

1 (8 oz.) pkg. cream cheese, softened

1 lb. fresh mushrooms, thinly sliced

2-3 Tbls. butter





6-8 servings 2-qt. casserole 350 ° 40 minutes


2/3 cup chopped onion

1/2 cup green pepper

3 Tbls. butter or margarine

2 cups canned tomatoes

1 tsp. chili powder

1/2 tsp. garlic salt

1/2 tsp. salt

Dash pepper

11/2 lb. cooked yellow summer squash

2/3 cup grated sharp Cheddar cheese

Cracker crumbs





Cook rice as directed , using beef broth instead of water, and using seasoning packet from rice. Cook spinach, covered, until tender Drain well and combine with cream cheese. Saute mushrooms in butter until golden. In buttered casserole layer 1/2 of the rice , spinach, and mushrooms . Repeat. Bake covered.

Note: Can be made ahead and then baked.

lrmie Roggow-Hemlock, Ml

Saute onion and green pepper in butter. Add tomatoes and seasonings and cook for 10-15 minutes. Add well-drained squash and cheese Pour into greased casserole and top w ith desired cracker crumbs. Bake.

Note: A delicious and different way to prepare squash.

Betty (Rohde) Schultz-Camden, SC

6 servings 1 1/2 qt. casserole 350 ° 30 minutes


Cook 1/2 of yellow spaghetti squash in one inch water in large pan, covered, for 25 minutes. Pull out contents with a fork. (This forms spaghetti-like strands.) Toss with garlic salt, 2 Tbls. margarine, and 1/4 cup Parmesan cheese.


2 (16 oz.) cans stewed tomatoes

2 small zucchini, sliced (opt.)

1 Tbls. cornstarch

1/2 tsp. dried basil leaves

1/4 tsp. dried marjoram leaves

1/4 tsp. garlic powder

1o saltine crackers, crushed

2 Tbls. grated Parmesan cheese

1 Tbls. butter-flavored granules, or 2 Tbls. melted margarine





Drain tomatoes , reserving juice. Combine 1/4 cup reserved juice with cornstarch; blend until smooth. Add remaining juice. Pour into baking dish; add tomatoes and seasonings

Bake for 15 minutes; remove and stir. Combine crackers, cheese and margarine; sprinkle over tomatoes. Bake an additional 5-10 minutes.

Kay Mellom-Greenville, SC

6 servings 8-inch square 450° 20-25 minutes


2 Tbls. butter or margarine

1/2 cup thinly sliced onions

2 lbs. zucchini, sliced diagonally

1/2 tsp. herbs or spices

1/2 tsp. salt (optional)

Dash freshly ground pepper

3 medium tomatoes, cut into 8 wedges each

1 (12 oz.) can corn, or equivalent fresh

Yield: 4-6 servings

Melt butter; saute onion until tender. Add zucchini, herbs, salt, and pepper. Simmer until zucchini is tender crisp, stirring occasi onally . (Add water as needed to prevent sticking.) Add tomatoes and cook covered, for 5-10 min. Add corn and heat through. (If using fresh corn, add with the tomatoes.)

Tester's note: Easy preparation; simple adaptation for microwave; a gardener's dream recipe!

Maralyn Marske-Walker-East Berne, NY


Dip 2 pints tomatoes in boiling water for 3-4 seconds; cut around tip of stem and slip skins off (may be done in advance). Before serving, roll in 1-2 Tbls. hot melted butter in frying pan to which 3-4 Tbls. fresh green herbs have been added . Use parsley, chives, tarragon, chervil-alone or mixed. (For a combo, use part green beans.) Serves 6.

Vegetables 205

206 Vegetables


4 cups (2 lbs.) tomatoes, peeled and diced

1/2 tsp. salt

1/2 cup chopped fresh parsley

1/2 cup chopped fresh basil

2 cloves garlic, minced

2 Tbls. olive oil

1/4 tsp. freshly ground black pepper

1/4 tsp. crushed dried red pepper, or to taste


1/4 cup butter or margarine

1/2 small green pepper, chopped

1/2 onion, chopped

1/4 cup flour

3/4 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. paprika

1/2 tsp. dry mustard

1/4 tsp. white pepper

1/8 tsp. thyme

2 cups milk

1 cup packed shredded sharp Cheddar cheese

Sprinkle tomatoes with salt and mix well. Place in colander and drain for 2 hours. Combine parsley, basil, garlic, oil, and pepper. Add drained tomatoes and mix well. Serve over favorite pasta. (Six servings of about 65 calories each.)

Tester's note: May be served hot or cold.

Mildred (Warmann) Kolterman Lake Forest, IL

Melt butter in saucepan; add green pepper and onion and saute. Stir in flour and seasonings. Gradually add milk and cook until thick. Add cheese; stir until melted. Makes about 3 cups.

Note: Perfect for vegetables, baked potatoes, or pasta.

Linda S. Talbot-Houston, TX


1/2 cup margarine

1 1/2 cups wild rice, or 1/2 wild and 1/2 white

8 oz. fresh mushrooms, sliced

3/4 cup celery, sliced thinly

1/2 cup chopped onion

4 1/2 cups chicken stock

1 (1.2 oz.) envelope dry onion soup mix

Salt and pepper (opt.)

Yield: 1O servings

Melt margarine in heavy skillet. Saute rice, mushrooms, celery, and onions. Add stock and soup mix. Cover and bring to a boil. Simmer 50-60 minutes. Add more stock as needed. Remove cover and continue cooking to reduce stock. May be cooked in advance and re-heated in microwave.

Betty Gundermann-Kirkwood, MO

A .. --

Vegetables 207


5 carrots, sliced

3 onions, chopped

11/2 cups chopped celery

1 cup chopped green pepper

2 cans (10 1/2 oz.) condensed chicken broth

4 cups water

2 cups lentils

1/2 tsp. freshly ground black pepper

1 cup rice (uncooked)

Yield: 12 servings


1 cup chopped onion

1 cup chopped celery

1 cup sliced mushrooms

Dash garlic salt

3 Tbls. cooking oil

1 cup sliced carrots

1 cup zucchini or broccoli

1/2 cup red or green pepper, chopped

1/2 cup bulgar wheat or cracked wheat

1 cup chicken or beef broth

1 tsp. dried crushed tarragon

1/2 tsp. salt

Yield: 8 servings

Saute vegetables in small amount of oil. Meanwhile bring broth and water to boil; add vegetables, lentils, and pepper. Cover; simmer 30 minutes. Add rice; stir well. Cover and simmer 25 minutes more or until rice is cooked.

Note: Good as main dish for a lowfat, high fiber meal. Serve with corn bread, salad, and fruit.

Laurel Drabkowski-Baltimore, MD A

In a large saucepan cook onion, celery, mushrooms, and garlic salt in hot oil about 8 minutes, or until vegetables are tender. Add remaining ingredients; bring to a boil. Reduce heat; cover and simmer 15 minutes.

Note: A good one-dish meal; just add a salad or fruit.

Harriet Redman-Appleton, WI


Cook 2 cups converted rice in 4 cups chicken broth. Saute 1 large onion and 1 clove garlic, minced, in 1/4 cup butter until golden. Stir in 1/2 cup toasted pine nuts Gr slivered almonds, 1/2 cup currants or raisins that have been plumped in Sherry, 1/3 cup finely chopped Major Grey's chutney, and 1/2 tsp. each tumeric and nutmeg. With a fork toss mixture into cooked rice. Pack into 1 1/2-qt. greased ring mold and place in cake pan with one inch hot water in it and place in warm oven until serving time. Unmold and garnish top with chopped green onion or chives. Serves 8.

A ..... .....
..... .....

208 Vegetables


3 cups cooked brown rice

1 cup fresh, sliced carrots

1-1 1/2 cups fresh, cut broccoli

1-1 1/2 cups fresh, sliced zucchini

2 cups marinara sauce (your own or purchased)

1/2 cup grated Monterey Jack cheese





6-8 servings 13 x 9-inch

350° 1 hour

Press even layer of rice in bottom of greased pan. Blanch vegetables on stove or in microwave ; drain. Layer vegetables over rice . Drizzle marinara evenly over vegetables. Use large spoon or spatula to press sauce into rice. Sprinkle cheese evenly over top. Cover with foil; refrigerate. Bake covered.

Note: The secret is letting the dish marinate overnight, or at least a few hours. To vary this casserole, add or substitute mushrooms , tomatoes, and green beans.

Dorilee Feller-Atlanta, GA


5 Tbls. butter or margarine, divided

1/3 cup slivered almonds

1 cup quick-cooking pearl barley

1 cup chopped onion

1/2 cup chopped fresh parsley

1/2 tsp. salt

1/4 tsp. pepper

3 1/2 cups boiling chicken stock





8 side dish servings 1 1/2 qt. casserole

375 ° 1 hour

In small skillet melt 1 Tbls. butter. Add almonds and saute over low heat, stirring until lightly browned, about 3 minutes. Set aside. In large skillet melt remaining butter; add barley and onion and saute over low heat , stirring until onion is lightly browned, about 5 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in almonds, parsley, salt and pepper. Spoon into greased casserole. Pour stock over mixture and stir to blend. Cover. Bake until liquid is absorbed.

Note: For 6 main dish servings, add 2 cups cooked chicken.

Tester's note: Also delicious using rice in place of barley.


For 4 servings, cook 1 1/4 cups regular white rice as directed on package. Before serving toss with 1/2 cup minced fresh parsley, 1/3 cup minced green onions, and the grated rind of 1 small lime. Refreshing and tasty with chicken.

• ljA.. • ...

Emil Zahn, French-American c.1850-1893 Apples, Oranges, and Lemons, 1875

Gou ache on paper, 11-1 /2 x 17-1 /8 inches

Valparaiso University Museum of Art Bequest of Irene P. Zahn 71.4.11

Born in Alsace-Lorraine, France, and trained at the Art and Technical School in Vienna, Austria, Emil Zahn painted decorations in palaces and public buildings in Hungary and Bohemia before joining his Lutheran minister uncle in Toronto, Canada, where he painted at least one altar and church chancel. He then settled in Boston where he painted fruit, flowers, birds and other decorations on walls and ceilings in public buildings and in fine homes. His daughter Irene, a high school English teacher and devoted member of First Lutheran Church of Boston, bequeathed this and other artworks of his to Valparaiso University.


CAKES Applesauce Fruit Cake ........................ 212 Best Gingerbread Ever .. .... .. ................ 218 Bill's Birthday Cake 210 Bill's Fruit and Nut Cake ...................... 212 Brandied Apple Cake 209 Cherry Cake 211 Cherry Cake With Sauce ...... ............ .. .211 Chocolate Angel Food Cake 213 Chocolate Chip Apple Cake 209 Chocolate Chip Pound Cake ............... 214 Chocolate Fudge Cake ........................ 216 Christmas Cake ........................ .... ....... 213 Donna's Sweet Chocolate Caramel Cake ................................ .217 Door County Choco-Cherry Cake ........ 211 Double Chocolate Pound Cake 214 Family Reunion Carrot Cake ............... 218 French Christmas Cake 213 German Chocolate Upside-Down Cake 215 Glazed Carrot Cake ............................. 218 Grandma's Old-Fashioned Rhubarb Cake 221 Healthful Poppy Seed Cake ................. 219 Kokus Flad ... ................ .. ..... .. ............... 219 Mounds Cake 217 Mousse-Topped Fudge Cake 215 My Boss's Cake 210 Oma's Puffa 220 Pumpkin Pie Cake 220 Rum Cake 221 Twinkie Cake .. .. ............................... .. .. 222 TORTES Cherry Top Cheese Torte ..................... 230 Chocolate Coffee-Toffee Torte 216 Chocolate Raspberry Yogurt Torte 217 Cinnamon Lemon Torte ....................... 225 Raspberry Cheese Torte ................ .. .... 235 DESSERTS Angel Delight ....................................... 236 Apple Crisp 224 Apple Surprise ..................................... 224 Saccone Dolce (Sweet Mouthful) 231 Baileys Irish Cream Cheesecake 228 Brandied Cherries ................................ 229 Caramel Rhubarb and Dumplings ....... 226 Choco-Nutty Ice Cream Dessert .......... 238 Chocolate Charlotte 232 Chocolate Cheesecake 229 Chocolate Fruit Dip .. ............................234 Dirt Dessert ......... ......... .. ...................... 233 Easy Trifle 236 English Apple Pie ................................. 224 Fast Oatmeal Company Dessert 225 French Apple Tart .. ..............................223 Fresh Peach "Ice Cream" .................... 239 Frozen Creams With Cherry Berries 238 Fruit Pizza 234 Lemon Angel Food Delight 235 Luscious Layered Chocolate Kahlua Dessert 231 Microwave Cheesecake 229 Molded Cream of Wheat Pudding ........ 233 Norwegian Deluxe Rice Pudding 226 Nutty Peach Crisp .............................. .. 224 Party Trifle 236 Peach Marlow 240 Peach Sundaes With Brandied Caramel Sauce 239 Peaches 'N Cream Cheesecake 230 Peanut Butter Chocolate Delight ......... 237 Pears In Chocolate Sauce .. ................ .232 Pears With Raspberry Sauce 227 Peppermint Ice Cream .. ....................... 240 Prune Whip ..........................................227 Pumpkin Upside-Down Dessert 228 Rhubarb Mallow Sherbet 240 FROSTINGS Browned Butter Frosting 222 French Frosting For Angel Food Cake 222 SAUCES Peach Sundaes With Brandied Caramel Sauce .. .. .. .. 239 Quick Fudge Sauce 238 Simple Sundae Sauce 239

Cakes 209


2 cups flour

1 1/2 tsp. salt

1 tsp. nutmeg

1 tsp. cinnamon

1 tsp. soda

1 1/4 cups vegetable oil

1 1/3 cups sugar

2 eggs (or 3 egg whites)

2 cups peeled chopped apples

1 cup nuts

1/3 cup brandy (apricot is good)

1 tsp. vanilla

Yield: 15 servings

Pan: 13 x 9-inch

Oven: 350°

Bake: 35-45 minutes

Sift together the dry ingredients and set aside. Mix oil and sugar in mixer bowl. Add eggs and flour mixture and beat well. Add remaining ingredients. Pour into greased pan and bake

Note: Needs no frosting, but very go od with ice cream.

Tester's note: This cake stays moist for a long time. Great for packing in lunches or for snacks!

Lucille (Mueller) Seyferth-Racine, WI


1 cup margarine

1 cup white sugar

1 cup brown sugar

1 cup milk

1 tsp. vanilla


2 1/4 cups flour

1 tsp. baking soda

1 tsp. baking powder

2 cups sliced raw apples


1/2 cup brown sugar

1/2 cup nuts

1 tsp. flour

1 cup chocolate chips





Up to 24 pieces 13 x 9-inch 350° 40-45 minutes

Cream margarine and sugars together. Add milk, vanilla, and eggs. Combine flour, baking soda, and baking powder and add to batter. Fold in apples. Spread in greased and floured pan.

Topping: Combine all ingredients and sprinkle over batter in pan. Bake. Good served with whipped topping.

Tester's note: Liked it! Good for brunch.

Nancy Langlas-Wauwatosa, WI

210 Cakes


1 (16 oz.) pkg. angel food cake mix

1 envelope Knox gelatin

1/2 cup cold water

1 (20 oz.) can crushed pineapple

1/2 cup granulated sugar

Pinch of salt

Juice of 1 lemon (3 1/2 Tbls.)

1/2 pint whipping cream

1 pint whipping cream

Combine with whole can of pineapple (fruit and juice) , sugar, salt, and lemon juice. Let stand in refrigerator until set-about 3 hours. Whip the 1/2 pint of cream and fold into the pineapple mixture. Spread evenly on the three bottom layers of the cake. Whip the pint of cream and cover the top and sides of cake. Refrigerate at least 2 hours before serving.

Tester's note: Excellent! Decorate with maraschino cherries or fresh berries for color, if desired.

Nancy (Tesch) Foshag-Mequon, WI


1 (18.25 oz.) pkg. white cake mix with pudding in mix

2 very ripe pears, chopped finely

1 cup ground pecans

1 cup cranberry juice

1/3 cup oil

3 eggs

1 tsp. almond extract

3 Tbls. sugar

1 Tbls. cinnamon


2 Tbls. heavy cream or half and half

1 Tbls. plus 1 tsp. lemon juice

1 cup confectioners' sugar

1 tsp. vanilla extract




12 servings Bundtpan 350° 60 minutes

Beat all cake ingredients except sugar and cinnamon together for 2 minutes on high. Pour half of mixture into greased and floured pan . Sprinkle mixture of cinnamon and sugar over batter, covering it completely. Cover with rest of batter and bake. Cool slightly; remove from pan; invert cake.

Topping: Mix all ingredients together and pour over cake while still warm.

Jean Netsch-Omaha, NE

Bake: •
Bake cake as directed on box. When cooled cut into 4 layers. For filling, dissolve gelatin in cold water and let stand 1O minutes to soften. Heat until dissolved.

Cakes 211


1/3 cup shortening

1 1/2 cups sugar

2 eggs, well-beaten

2 1/4 cups flour

11/2 tsp. baking powder

1/2 tsp. soda

1/2 tsp. salt

1 cup milk

2 cups pitted cherries or 1 (16 oz.) can cherries, drained (reserve juice)

1/2 cup chopped nuts

Cherry sauce:

1/2 cup sugar

2 Tbls. cornstarch

Dash salt

3/4 cup cherry juice

1 cup water

1/4 tsp. almond flavoring





12 servings 13 x 9-inch 350 ° 35-45 minutes



1/2 cup sugar

1 cup flour

1 tsp. baking powder

1 tsp. lemon rind

1/2 cup melted margarine or butter

3 cups unsweetened cherries, frozen or canned

Yield: 12 servings

Pan: 13 x 9-inch

Oven: 350°

Bake: 35-40 minutes

Cream shortening with sugar and add eggs. Stir together dry ingredients and add alternately with milk Stir in cherries and nuts. Bake in greased pan. Serve warm with hot cherry sauce .

Cherry sauce: Mix sugar, cornstarch, and salt in saucepan. Blend in reserved juice and water. Boil unt i l mixture thickens (about 1O minutes), stirring constantly. Add almond flavoring . Pour over cake squares.

Tester's note: This is a winner! Delicious with a scoop of ice cream!

Mildred Buechner-Albany, NY

Beat eggs and sugar. Slowly add flour, baking powder, and lemon rind. Add margarine and mix well. Stir in drained and thawed (if frozen) cherries. Bake.

Louise Killinger-Orlando, FL

Variation: Door County Choco-Cherry Cake. Omit lemon rind. Add 1/2 cup mini chocolate chips. Frost with commercial cherry frosting and drizzle with melted chocolate.

Marilyn Krueger-Milwaukee, WI

212 Cakes


1 1/2 cups canned applesauce

11/2 tsp. baking soda

1/2 cup butter, softened

1 cup brown sugar

1 egg

2 cups flour

2 tsp. cinnamon

1 tsp. salt

1/4 tsp. cloves

1/4 tsp. nutmeg

1/4 tsp. allspice

1 cup combination of raisins, currants, nuts

1/2 cup candied fruit





Stir applesauce and soda together (will foam up). Stir together, mixing well, all ingredients except raisins, currants, nuts, and candied fruit; then stir those in also. Bake in greased pan.

Note: May be made without candied fruit using a "heaping cup" of the raisin, currant, and nut mixture. This recipe belonged to my grandmother who was born in 1885.

Tester's note: Very substantial cake. Makes a good coffeecake for breakfast.

15 servings 13 x 9-inch 350° 60 minutes


1 1/2 cups pecan halves

1 1/2 cups walnut halves

8 oz. maraschino cherries, drained

8 oz. whole pitted dates

3/4 cup flour

3/4 cup sugar

1/2 tsp. baking powder

1/2 tsp. salt


1 tsp. vanilla

Yield: 2 loaves

Pans: 2 (7 3/8 x 3 5/8) bread pans

Oven: 300°

Bake: 60 minutes

Mix nuts and fruit together in large bowl. Sift flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt together and add to fruit and nut mixture. Beat eggs until foamy; add vanilla. Stir into cake mixture. Pour into well-greased pans, packing evenly, and bake.

Tester's note: Moist and tasty! Would make a lovely gift.


8 oz. cream cheese, softened

1 cup butter or margarine

1 1/2 cups sugar


1 tsp. vanilla

1 tsp. almond extract

2 1/4 cups flour

11/2 tsp. baking powder

1 cup candied green and red cherries

Yield: 20-25 servings

Pan: 10-inch tube or bundt

Oven: 325°

Bake: 60 minutes

Cakes 213

Cream cheese and butter together ; add sugar, then eggs and extracts. Stir flour, baking powder, and fruit together; add to creamed mixture. Bake until cake is light brown and toothpick comes out clean.

Editor's note: For attractive gifts bake in small ring molds. (3 molds of 3 cups each) Turn upside down and dust with powdered sugar and decorate with red and green cherries. Put cake in a round tin of matching size.


1 cup butter (not margarine)

2 cups sugar


1 (13 oz.) box vanilla wafers, crushed

1/2 cup milk

1 1/2 cups nuts (pecans best)

7 oz. coconut

Yield: 12-15 servings

Pan: 10-inch tube or bundt

Oven: 350°

Bake: 60-75 minutes

Cream butter; add sugar and beat until smooth. Add eggs one at a time, beating after each addition. Add wafer crumbs and milk alternately, a little at a time, beating after each addition. Stir in nuts and coconut. Bake in a greased and floured pan. Serve plain, sprinkle top with confectioners' sugar, or use a simple browned butter frosting. (See index.)

Tester's note: Wonderful texture and flavor, a special cake! Good with ice cream.


1 (17 oz.) box angel food cake mix (select box with separate packets for egg white mixture and sugar/ flour mixture)

1/4 cup cocoa

1/4 tsp. chocolate extract

Add cocoa to the sugar/flour mixture of the cake mix and proceed as directed on box. Add chocolate extract while folding mixture together. Bake as directed. Dust cake with powdered sugar when cool.

Note: Chocolate extract is rather expensive but the bottle should last a lifetime!

Editor's note: Six tasters rated this very high and would make it many times again!

214 Cakes


1 (18.25 oz.) pkg. golden butter cake mix

1 cup dairy sour cream

2/3 cup oil


1 (3 1/2 oz.) pkg. instant vanilla pudding mix

4 Tbls. milk

2 Tbls. lemon juice

3/4 cup chopped nuts

6 oz. semi-sweet chocolate chips

1 cup coconut


1 1/2 cups powdered sugar

Milk or lemon juice





Mix together cake mix, sour cream, oil, and eggs; beat well. Add pudding mix, milk, and lemon juice; beat well. Add nuts, chocolate chips, and coconut. Pour into greased pan and bake until toothpick comes out clean Cool; do not turn upside down. Remove from pan after one hour.

Frosting: Sift powdered sugar into bowl. Add enough milk or lemon juice to make frosting drizzle down the cake.

Eunice (Ewert) Jones Independence, MO

12-16 servings 10-inch tube or bundt 350° 60 minutes


1 (18 oz.) pkg. devil's food cake mix

2/3 cup water


1 cup sour cream

1 cup chocolate chips


1/2 cup margarine

8 oz. cream cheese, softened

1 lb. powdered sugar

1 tsp. vanilla

Pan: Oven:


Bundtpan 350° 40-45 minutes

Beat dry cake mix, water, eggs, and sour cream on low till blended; then beat on medium speed for 2 minutes, scraping sides often. Fold in chips. Pour into greased and floured pan and bake. Cool 1O minutes, then invert onto wire rack. Frost when cool.

Icing: Mix all ingredients together until smooth.

Note: Quick, easy, and delicious cake any chocolate lover will enjoy!

Cakes 215


1 1/4 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips (prefer Nestle)

1/2 cup butter

8 eggs, separated

1 cup sugar, divided

1 cup whipping cream

2 Tbls. confectioners' sugar





10 servings 9-inch springform 325° 35-40 minutes

Melt chocolate chips and butter on low heat just to melt; set aside With electric mixer beat egg yolks and 3/4 cup sugar about 4 minutes until very light. Gradually beat in warm chocolate mixture. In another bowl beat egg whites until frothy; gradually add sugar and beat until stiff. Fold a little of the whites into chocolate mixture to lighten it and then fold all of whites in carefully. Put 3/4 of the batter into ungreased springform pan. Put other 1/4 in small bowl and refrigerate, to be used later for mousse topping. Bake cake; cool. (Cake will drop.)

Remove rim of pan and put any pieces that remain on rim onto top of cake. Stir refrigerated mousse mixture and spread on top of cake. Whip cream, add sugar and spread on top Decorate with chocolate dipped strawberries or brandied chocolate maraschino cherries. (See page 223.) (A little Cream de Mint or extract and green food coloring may be added for a different flavor.) Our favorite flourless fudgy torte!

Judy Schumacher-Brookfield, WI


1 cup coconut

1 cup finely chopped pecans

1 (18 oz.) box German chocolate cake mix

1/4 lb. margarine

8 oz. cream cheese

1 lb. confectioners' sugar

1 tsp. vanilla





15 servings 13 x 9-inch 350° 60 minutes

Grease bottom of pan; sprinkle coconut and pecans on bottom. Prepare the cake mix according to package directions. Pour over the coconut and pecans Set aside. Melt margarine and cream cheese together. Remove from heat and stir in sugar and vanilla. Drizzle mixture over cake batter; do not stir in! Bake.

Editor's note: Cream cheese mixture sinks to bottom and ends up as a layer on top when you turn it over to serve! Rich and good served with whipped cream or ice cream!

Judy (Schuermann) Rullman-Moline, IL

216 Cakes


1/2 cup butter

1 1/2 cups sugar


1 tsp. vanilla

2 cups cake flour

1 tsp. soda

1 tsp. baking powder

1/2 tsp. salt

1 cup buttermilk

1/2 cup cocoa

1/3 cup hot water


2 cups granulated sugar

1 cup light cream

2 Tbls. cocoa

1 tsp. butter

1 tsp. vanilla

Yield: 12 servings

Pan: 2 (8-inch) rounds

Oven: 350°

Bake: 35 minutes

Cream butter and sugar Add eggs and beat well. Add vanilla Sift flour with soda, baking powder, and salt. Add to the first mixture alternately with buttermilk. Thoroughly mix cocoa with hot water and add to mixture. Pour into greased and floured pans and bake.

Icing: Bring sugar, cream , and cocoa to a boil and boil until it reaches a softball stage. Remove from heat and add butter and vanilla. Beat until spreading consistency and spread on cake .

Editor's note: Gertrude has been baking this cake for 58 years, and at least once a week for 36 of those years! She once made 19 of them for a wedding! Full of oldfashioned flavor! If you are in a hurry, a simple chocolate butter frosting may be used.

Gertrude C. Bergsieker-Seymour, IN


1 (14.5-16 oz.) pkg. angel food cake mix

1 (3.9 oz.) pkg. chocolate pudding mix, cooked style

1-1 1/2 Tbls. instant coffee crystals

1 1/3 cups milk

1 cup whipping cream, whipped, divided (or 8 oz. Cool Whip)

1-2 (1.4 oz.) English toffee bars (Heath), chilled and crushed

Yield: 12-16 servings

Pan: 10-inch tube pan

Prepare angel food cake mix as directed on package; set aside. In saucepan stir together pudding mix and instant coffee. Prepare according to package directions using only 1 1/3 cups milk; chill. Beat smooth; fold in half the whipped cream. Split cake into 3 layers. Spread half the pudding mixture between the layers. Fold the remaining whipped cream into the remaining pudding-cream mixture and use to cover top and sides of cake. Sprinkle with crushed toffee bars; chill until serving time.

Tester's note: Make 1 1/2-2 times filling for more mocha flavor and easier spreading!

Cakes 217


1 (18.25 oz.) box German sweet chocolate cake mix

1 (12.25 oz.) jar Smuckers caramel topping

3-4 (1.4 oz.) Heath candy bars 8 oz. Cool Whip

Tester's note: So-o-o yummy!

Prepare cake mix as directed on box and bake. After removing from oven and while cake is still warm, punch holes in top with the handle of a table knife. Warm the topping slightly so that it pours freely and pour over cake and into holes. Let cake cool. Spread Cool Whip over top . Crunch Heath bars and sprinkle on top. Refrigerate for several hours or overnight.

Frieda Voigt-Sheboygan, WI


1 (18 1/2 oz.) pkg. chocolate cake mix

2 (8 oz.) containers raspberry yogurt

8-12 oz. frozen whipped topping, thawed

Fresh raspberries for garnish

Tester's note: Easy to make; good eye appeal.


1 (17.5 oz.) box devil's food cake mix


3/4 cup sugar

1 cup milk

25 large marshmallows

1 (14 oz.) pkg. coconut


1/2 cup milk

1 1/2 cups sugar

1/4 lb. margarine

6 oz. semi-sweet chocolate chips

Bake cake mix according to directions in two 9-inch cake pans. Cool completely. Using a serrated knife , cut cake horizontally into 4 layers. For filling, mix yogurt with whipped topping; frost tops of each layer and stack them on plate. Do not frost sides. Garnish with raspberries. Refrigerate-keeps well for several days.

Note: One of my favorite make-ahead recipes for a group.

Kay Mellom-Greenville, SC

Prepare cake mix as directed on package and bake in a 13 x 9-inch pan. Cool.

Topping: Cook sugar , milk , and marshm al I ows together over low heat unt i l marshmallows are melted . Add coconut, pour over cake, and cool.

Icing: Combine all ingredients in saucepan and cook for 1 1/2 minutes. Then beat for one minute with wooden spoon. Pour over coconut layer and refrigerate until serving time.

Kathy (Stiener) Dockweiler College Station, TX

• •

218 Cakes


2 cups sugar

11/2 cups oil


2 1/2 cups flour

1 tsp. cinnamon

2 tsp. baking soda

1 tsp. salt

1 1/2 tsp. vanilla

1 cup chopped nuts

1 cup coconut

1 (20 oz.) can crushed pineapple, drained

2 cups grated carrots


1/4 cup butter

1/2 cup milk

1 tsp. vanilla

1 Tbls. white corn syrup

1 cup sugar

1 tsp. baking soda

Yield: 12-15 servings

Pan: 13 x 9-inch

Oven: 350°

Bake: 60 minutes


1 cup sugar

3 eggs

1 cup corn oil

1 cup dark molasses

2 cups flour

1 tsp. cinnamon

1 tsp. cloves

1 tsp. ginger

1/2 tsp. salt

2 tsp. baking soda

2 Tbls. hot water

1 cup boiling water

Yield: 12-15 servings

Pan: 13 x 9-inch

Oven: 350°

Bake: 45 minutes

With mixer running, add all ingredients in order given. Pour into greased pan and bake. Just before cake is finished baking, make glaze. Take hot cake from oven, prick all over with fork and pour glaze over.

Glaze: Boil all ingredients together for five minutes.

Janice Larson-Walla Walla, WA

Variation: Family reunion carrot cake. Add in order: 1 1/2 cups salad oil, 4 unbeaten eggs, 2 cups flour, 2 cups sugar, 2 tsp. cinnamon, 2 tsp. soda, 2 tsp. baking powder, 1 tsp. salt, 1/2 cup chopped nuts, and 3 cups grated carrots. For frosting, cream 8 oz. cream cheese with 1/2 cup margarine. Add 1 lb. confectioners' sugar, 2 tsp. vanilla, and 1 cup nuts and blend well. Spread over cooled cake.

Place sugar, eggs, oil, and molasses in mixing bowl and beat well. Sift together the flour, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, and salt; add it and mix well. Add the baking soda which has been dissolved in the 2 Tbls. hot water. When that is well mixed, quickly add the cup of boiling water and beat again. The batter will be very thin. Pour into greased pan and bake.

Note: The gingerbread is the best I've ever tasted-real old-fashioned flavor!

Cakes 219


1/3 cup vegetable oil

3/4 cup granulated sugar

2 eggs, separated

2 Tbls. vanilla extract

1 cup whole wheat flour

1/2 tsp. baking soda

1/2 tsp. salt

2/3 cup Dannon lemon yogurt (or plain)

1/3 cup poppy seeds





20 servings 8-inch tube 350° 45 minutes


1/2 cup (1/4 lb.) butter, softened

1/2 cup (1/4 lb.) sugar

4 egg yolks, room temp.

1 1/2 cups (1/2 lb.) flour

2 tsp. baking powder

1 Tbls. milk


4 egg whites

1 cup (1/2 lb.) sugar

1/2 cup (3 oz. can) flaked coconut





16-24 15 x 10-inch jelly roll pan 375° 15 minutes

Blend oil and sugar in a large bowl. Add the egg yolks one at a time, beating well. Add vanilla. In another bowl, sift together the flour, baking soda, and salt. Alternately fold the flour mixture and the yogurt into the oil/sugar mixture. Set aside. Beat egg whites until stiff. Fold into the batter. Fold in the poppy seeds. Spray pan with non-stick vegetable cooking spray and dust lightly with whole wheat flour. Pour batter into pan and bake until top is nicely brown and a toothpick inserted into center comes out clean.

Note: There are about 120 calories per slice.

Tester's note: The members of my family who are conscious of healthful eating really liked this!

Donna (Blado) Ulteig-Madison, WI

Cream butter, sugar, and yolks; add remaining ingredients and beat until smooth. It will be thick, but spread it in the greased pan. Beat egg whites until frothy; gradually add the sugar, beating continuously until all of the sugar is mixed in. Fold in coconut and spread on top of cake mixture. Bake in middle rack of oven; cool.

Note: A light dessert with ingredients you may have on hand. This recipe was from my mother-in-law who is from the island of Fohr in the Fresian Islands of the North Sea.

220 Cakes


1 cup butter or margarine

1 cup sugar


1 tsp. vanilla

2 cups flour

1 tsp. baking powder

6 oz. Nestle chocolate chips





20-25 slices 10-inch springform tube 350 ° 35 minutes

Cream butter and sugar in a large bowl with an electric mixer. Add eggs one at a time, beating thoroughly. Mix in vanilla. Stir the flour and baking powder together and add this gradually, blending well. Stir in chocolate chips. Grease and flour pan and scrape batter into it. Place on center rack of preheated oven and bake until a toothpick comes out clean. Cool. Remove from the pan and cut into 1/2 or 3/4-inch slices.

Note: A family favorite from my mother-inlaw. It traveled well to Valpo in a metal Christmas cookie tin for final exam time.

Tester's note: Attractive, quick with ingredients on hand! Good with a dollop of whipped topping.

Kathy (Boerger) Bardenhagen Racine, WI


1 (18.25 oz.) pkg. yellow cake mix

1/2 cup melted margarine

1 egg


1 (29 oz.) can pumpkin


2/3 cup milk

1/2 cup brown sugar

1/4 cup granulated sugar

2 tsp. cinnamon


1 cup reserved dry cake mix

1/4 sugar

1/4 cup margarine, softened

Yield: 15 seNings

Pan: 13 x 9-inch

Oven: 350 °

Bake: 60 minutes

Set aside 1 cup dry cake mix; mix rest with margarine and egg. Spread batter in ungreased cake pan

Filling: Mix all ingredients together; pour over top of batter.

Topping: Mix all with fork until crumbly. Sprinkle over top of pumpkin filling. Bake until toothpick comes out clean. Good seNed with whipped cream or ice cream.

Tester's note: Absolutely great! Everyone liked it!

Elinor (Agle) Will-Eden, NY

Cakes 221


1 cup sugar

2 Tbls. soft shortening

1 large egg

1 cup milk

2 cups flour minus 1 Tbls.

1/2 tsp. baking powder

1/2 tsp. baking soda

1/4 tsp. nutmeg


2 cups rhubarb, finely diced

1/2 cup brown sugar

1/2 cup nuts

Confectioners' sugar frosting, optional





12 servings 13 x 9-inch 350° 45 minutes


1 cup chopped pecans

1 (18.5 oz.) pkg. yellow cake mix

1 (3.75 oz.) pkg vanilla instant pudding mix

1/2 cup light rum

1/2 cup water

1/2 cup vegetable oil


Hot rum glaze:

1 cup sugar

1/2 cup butter or margarine

1/4 cup water

1/2 cup light rum





15 servings 10-inch tube pan 325° 50-60 minutes

Cream sugar, shortening, and egg. Add remaining ingredients; mix well. Pour into greased pan.

Topping: Sprinkle rhubarb on batter. Sprinkle with brown sugar and nuts; bake. Drizzle with confectioners' sugar frosting, if desired.

Marian Blaschka-Appleton, WI

Grease and flour pan; sprinkle chopped pecans over bottom. Combine remaining cake ingredients and beat exactly two minutes at medium speed with electric mixer. Pour batter in pan and bake. After baking, remove cake from oven and pour hot rum glaze over hot cake while still in pan. (The glaze will cause the cake to settle.) Allow cake to cool in pan for thirty minutes before removing from pan.

Hot rum glaze: Combine sugar, butter, and water and boil for 2-3 minutes. Remove from heat and add rum.

Tester's note: Two different groups loved this!

Kathy (Stiener) Dockweiler College Station, TX

222 Cakes



2 cups sugar

1/2 tsp. salt

2 tsp. vanilla

1 cup milk

1 This. butter or margarine

2 cups sifted flour

2 This. baking powder

French cream filling/frosting:

4 This. flour

1 cup milk

1/2 cup butter or margarine

1/2 cup shortening

1 cup sugar

1 tsp. vanilla

Yield: 12-15 servings

Pan: 13 x 9-inch

Oven: 350°

Bake: 35-40 minutes

Beat eggs well; gradually add sugar, salt, and vanilla. While beating eggs, heat milk and butter to boiling in a small saucepan. Add boiling milk mixture to egg mixture, then add sifted flour and baking powder. Pour into pan lined with waxed paper and bake. When cool, remove from pan and slice cake in half horizontally for two 13 x 9-inch pieces. Fill.

Filling/frosting: In a small saucepan, combine flour and milk well with whisk. Cook on low to pudding stage. Cool thoroughly. Beat butter or margarine and shortening together to the consistency of whipped cream. Add cooled milk and flour mixture to butter mixture and then gradually add sugar and vanilla. Beat for at least 1O minutes and spread between cooled cake layers. Sprinkle top with sifted confectioners' sugar.

Laurie (Warren) Jones-Madison, WI


3/4 cup whole milk

4 egg yolks

3/4 cup powdered sugar

1/2 lb. butter

1 tsp. vanilla extract

Note: Frosting can be spread on any kind of cake, but because of its richness, it tastes best when spread on angel food cake.

Place milk, egg yolks, and sugar in top of double boiler. Mix together with a whisk. Cook over boiling water, stirring constantly, until mixture thickens. Remove top of double boiler with mixture in it and cool completely. Cream butter with electric mixer and add cooled custard 1 Tbls. at a time. Add vanilla and spread on cake. Refrigerate cake about 2 hours before serving to harden the butter.

Dottie (Garbers) Franzen-Peoria, IL


Brown 1/2 cup (1/4 lb. or 1 stick) butter in heavy saucepan. Watch very carefully so as not to burn. Set aside for about 1O minutes to cool, so as not to melt confectioners' sugar. In medium bowl combine 3 cups confectioners' sugar, 6 Tbls. milk, 2 tsp. vanilla extract, and the browned butter. Will frost one cake or 2 (13 x 9-inch) pans of rolls.


Rich cookie crust:

1 1/4 cups flour

1/4 cup sugar

1/4 tsp. cinnamon

1/3 cup butter or margarine, cut in chunks

2 Tbls. cold water

1 egg yolk

2 tsp. vanilla

Apple filling:

1 (17 1/2 oz.) jar unsweetened applesauce

1/4 cup apricot preserves

3 Tbls. margarine, divided

2 tsp. vanilla extract

3/4 lb. tart apples

2 tsp. lemon juice

Apricot glaze:

1/4 cup apricot preserves

1 Tbls. water

1/2 tsp. vanilla

Yield: Pan: Oven:


12 servings 10-inch tart pan with removable bottom or 9-inch pie pan

425° crust, 375 ° filling

5 minutes crust, 40-45 minutes filling

Baked/Desserts 223 '

Cookie crust: Place flour, sugar, and cinnamon in food processor with metal blade. Mix well. Add butter. Process until mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Add water, egg yolk, and vanilla. Process just until mixture forms a ball. On waxed paper flatten dough to a 5-inch round. Wrap and chill one hour or up to two days. Working quickly, roll out dough between sheets of waxed paper to a 12-inch round. Place carefully into tart or pie pan. Trim or flute edge. Prick bottom. Chill until firm. Bake crust in preheated oven. Cool before filling.

Apple filling: In saucepan, cook applesauce over low heat until reduced to 2 cups-about 10 minutes. Add apricot preserves and 1 Tbls. butter. Cool. Stir in vanilla. Pour into crust. Peel, core , and slice apples 1/4-inch thick (about 2 1/2 cups). In bowl, toss apples with lemon juice. Arrange in circles over applesauce. Melt remaining butter in microwave and drizzle over apples. Bake until apples are just tender. Just before tart is done, prepare glaze.

Apricot glaze: Force preserves through sieve into small bowl. Add water, cover, and heat to a boil (about 40 seconds in microwave). Cool and stir in vanilla. Carefully brush over hot apples. Cool on rack. Serve warm or cold.


Some of the recipes in this book contain raw eggs. The submitters have been using these recipes for years, but readers should be aware of warnings from U.S.D.A. health officials concerning the use of raw eggs in food products that are not cooked thoroughly first. Salmonella poisoning could result if the eggs are cracked or contaminated. Young children and the elderly are particularly susceptible, but all should be aware of this health hazard potential.

224 Desserts/Baked


1/2 cup water

1/2 cup sugar

1 tsp. cinnamon

4 cups diced apples

1 cup brown sugar

1 cup flour

7 Tbls. butter





8 servings 11 x 7-inch baking dish 350° 35 minutes

Stir water, sugar, and cinnamon together in bottom of baking dish; stir in apples. Mix brown sugar, flour, and butter with fingers until crumbly and sprinkle on top. Bake and serve warm.

Tester's note: This is by far the best apple crisp I have ever made or tasted! The sugar and water combine to make a wonderful "caramelly" thick sauce on the bottom with the apples.

Hilda Bobb-Seymour, IN

Variation: English Apple Pie. Slice 8 medium tart apples into buttered 9-inch pie pan and sprinkle with 1/2 cup sugar. Mix 1 cup flour, 1/2 cup brown sugar, 1/2 cup chopped pecans (opt.), and 1/2 cup butter together; pat on top and bake at 350° for 30 minutes.

Erna Graef-Louisville, KY


1 (29 oz.) can sliced peaches with syrup

1 (18 1/2 oz.) pkg. dry butter pecan cake mix

1 cup flaked coconut

1 cup chopped pecans

1/2 cup butter or margarine, melted





12-15 servings 13 x 9-inch 350° 45-55 minutes

Layer ingredients in order listed in ungreased pan; bake. Let stand at least 15 minutes before serving. Serve with whipped topping or ice cream.

Editor's note: Testing party and family loved it!

Lynette Johnston-Michigan City, IN

Variation: Apple Surprise. Spread 2 (21 oz.) cans apple pie filling in bottom. Use spice cake mix over top, then 3/4 cup chopped nuts, (no coconut) and 1 qup melted butter.

Mary Ann Gardels-lndependence, MO

Baked/Desserts 225


Torte base:

1/2 cup butter

1/2 cup sugar

3 egg yolks

1 cup flour

1 tsp. baking powder

1/4 tsp. salt

3 Tbls. milk

1 tsp. vanilla


1/2 cup sugar

2 Tbls. cornstarch

1/4 tsp. salt

1 1/2 cups milk

Juice of 2 large lemons

Rind of 2 lemons (1 Tbls.)

2 egg yolks, beaten


5 egg whites

1/2 cup sugar

1 Tbls. cinnamon

1/2 cup chopped pecans

Yield: 8 servings

Pan: 11 x 7-inch

Oven: 350 ° base,375 ° meringue

Bake: Base-15-20 minutes, Meringue-a minutes

Torte base: Cream butter and sugar; add egg yolks and beat well. Add flour, baking powder, and salt, then milk and vanilla; beat until blended. Bake.

Custard: Stir together sugar, cornstarch, and salt; then stir in remaining ingredients. Cook in double boiler or microwave until thickened. Pour over baked torte

Meringue: Beat egg whites until frothy; gradually add sugar and cinnamon mixture and beat until very stiff. Spread over hot custard; sprinkle with pecans. Bake until lightly browned. Serve warm or refrigerate and serve cold. Keep refrigerated after serving.

Ruth Heinicke-St. Louis, MO


1/2 cup butter or margarine

1 cup flour

3/4 cup oatmeal

1/2 cup brown sugar

1 (21 oz.) can pie filling





6-1 O servings

Medium pie plate 350 ° 25 minutes

Mix together all except pie filling until crumbly. Press 2/3 of the mixture into pie plate. Add pie filling. Sprinkle rest of crumb mixture on top. Bake.

Tester's note: Really fast dessert to put together just before supper. Good served warm with ice cream.

Patti (Weil) Cline-Springdale, AK


Caramel rhubarb:

1 1/4 cups water

3/4 cup packed brown sugar

1/4 cup sugar

3 Tbls. cornstarch

3 Tbls. butter or margarine

3 cups sliced rhubarb


1 1/4 cups flour

1/4 cup sugar

11/2 tsp. baking powder

1/4 tsp. salt

1/4 cup butter, melted

1/3 cup milk

2 tsp. sugar

1/4 tsp. cinnamon

Yield: 6-8 servings

In 2-quart microwavable casserole, combine all caramel rhubarb ingredients except rhubarb; then add rhubarb. Microcook uncovered on 100% power (HIGH) 7-9 minutes or until thickened and bubbly, stirring after every minute. Cover casserole to keep warm. For dumplings, combine flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt in bowl; add butter and milk and stir just until blended. Drop by rounded teaspoon onto hot rhubarb mixture. Cover with waxed paper. Microcook 5-6 minutes or until dumplings are done, giving dish 1/2 turn once. Stir together sugar and cinnamon and sprinkle over dumplings. Serve warm with ice cream.

Tester's note: This was wonderful! Even my children who say they don't like rhubarb took second and third helpings until it was gone!


1/2 cup regular rice

4 1/4 cups milk

2 eggs, separated 3/4 cup sugar, divided 1/4 tsp. salt

1 tsp. vanilla

Dash cinnamon

Yield: 8 servings

Pan: 11 x 7-inch

Oven: 300 °

Bake: 1O minutes

Cook rice in milk for about an hour in a covered double boiler. Stir several times to prevent rice from sticking to the bottom of pan. Whisk egg yolks, 1/2 cup sugar, salt, and vanilla together and stir into rice mixture. Put rice into baking dish. Beat egg whites until frothy. Gradually beat in 1/4 cup sugar and beat until stiff. Top rice mixture with meringue. Sprinkle cinnamon on top. Bake until lightly brown.

Note: A favorite old Norwegian recipe. Whole milk, 2%, or part skim may be used.

Tester's note: Attractive ; excellent flavor and texture. Also good with a little less sugar in rice mixture.


226 Desserts/Baked

Warm/Desserts 227

6 pears

3 Tbls. butter (not margarine)


3 Tbls. Grand Marnier or other orange liqueur

1/2 cup seedless raspberry preserves (Smucker's jam)

3/4 cup whipping cream, whipped

1/4 cup slivered almonds, toasted

Yield: 4-6 servings

Tester's note: Wonderful mingling of flavors and textures!

In a large skillet saute pears in butter for 2 minutes, turning to coat well. Reduce heat, cover , arid cook for about 3 minutes until cooked but not mushy. Keep warm in another skillet over very low heat. Stir liqueur and jam into first skillet and cook until bubbly . Spoon pears onto individual plates; top with raspberry sauce , whipped cream and toasted almonds. Serve immediately

Variation: (no fat) Peel and core pears from bottom leaving stem intact. Place a small strip of orange peel in each. Steam (covered) 18-25 minutes or until tender. Chill in refrigerator. Press one thawed 16 oz container of raspberries through sieve into small saucepan to remove seeds. Take out 2 Tbls. of juice and stir 1 Tbls. cornstarch into it; set aside. Bring rest of juice to a boil, blend in reserved cornstarch mixture, and stir constantly until thickened . Add 1 tsp . lemon juice and 2 Tbls. liqueur. Stand pears upright on plates and pour warm sauce over. 6 servings of about 100 calories each.

Judy Schumacher-Brookfield, WI


20 large prunes

2 egg whites

2 Tbls. sugar

Whipped cream for topping

Yield: Pan:



6-8 servings 8-inch square 325° 20 minutes

Cook and pit prunes as directed on package. (Use equal amount of prunes and water, bring to boil, reduce heat and simmer 7-10 minutes.) Chop or mince in the food processor. Beat egg whites until frothy; gradually beat in the sugar. Gently fold in prunes; turn into pan. Bake until nicely browned and serve with whipped cream.

Note: Put this in the oven just as you are sitting down to dinner for a light finish to your meal.

Desserts/Baked & Chilled


3 eggs, beaten

1 (29 oz.) can pumpkin

1 cup sugar

1 (11 oz.) can evaporated milk

1 Tbls. cinnamon

1 Tbls. ginger

1 (18 oz.) box yellow cake mix

3/4 cup margarine, melted

1 cup chopped nuts

Yield: 15 servings

Pan: 13 x 9-inch


Bake: 350 °

Cake - 30 minutes

With nuts - additional 15 minutes

Mix first six ingredients together. Pour into pan. Sprinkle the cake mix over mixture. Drizzle with melted margarine. Bake 30 minutes. Sprinkle nuts over and bake 15 minutes more. Turn pieces upside down to serve.

Editor's note: Good with a dollop of whipped cream . Perfect for autumn.



1O whole graham crackers, crushed

1 1/4 cups pecans, (5 oz.)

1/4 cup sugar

6 Tbls. butter, melted


3 (8 oz.) pkgs. cream cheese, room temperature

3/4 cup sugar

3 large eggs

1/3 cup Baileys Original Irish Cream Liqueur

1/2 tsp. vanilla extract

3 oz. imported white chocolate, grated


1 1/4 cups sour cream

3 Tbls. confectioners' sugar

11/2 oz. imported white chocolate grated

Pan: Oven:


9-inch springform 325 ° 50 minutes

IIIn food processor blend graham crackers, pecans and sugar. Add butter and pulse several times until all blended. Press in bottom and 2 inches up side of lightly buttered pan. Refrigerate 15 minutes. In electric mixer, cream cheese and sugar until smooth. In a small bowl whisk together eggs, liqueur, and vanilla; add to cream cheese mixture and mix just until combined. Stir in the white chocolate. Pour into pan and bake until edges of filling are puffed; cool.

Topping: Stir sour cream and con.fectioners' sugar together in small bowl and spread on top of cooled cheesecake. Refrigerate about 5 hours or day before using. Before serving sprinkle on grated white chocolate and a little additional liqueur, if desired.

Tester's note: Smooth and de-e-e-licious!



1/3 cup butter or margarine

1 1/4 cups graham cracker crumbs (or corn flake crumbs)

1/4 cup sugar

2 (8 oz.) pkgs. cream cheese

1 (14 oz.) can sweetened condensed milk


1/4 cup lemon juice (can use concentrate)

8 oz. sour cream

Dish: Microwavable 10-inch quiche or pie plate


In quiche dish melt margarine on 100% power (HIGH) for 1 minute. (Cover with wax paper, as this may spatter.) Add crumbs and sugar; press on bottom of dish. Cook on HIGH 1 1/2 minutes rotating dish once. In 2-quart glass bowl, beat cream cheese until fluffy. Beat in sweetened condensed milk until smooth. Add eggs, then lemon juice Mix well. Cook on 70% power (MEDIUM HIGH) 6-8 minutes or until very hot, stirring every 2 minutes. Pour into pie plate. Cook on 50% power (MEDIUM) 6-8 minutes or until center is set, rotating plate once. Top with sour cream. Cool and chill. Serve plain or decorate with fresh strawberries, kiwi, oranges, etc. making a circle around the edge.

Betty (Klewin) Denig-Worthington, OH

Variation: Chocolate Cheesecake (ovenbaked). Substitute 3 (8 oz.) pkgs. cream cheese and 4 eggs. Omit lemon juice and sour cream; add 2 tsp. vanilla and 8 (1 oz.) squares semi-sweet chocolate, melted (or 12 oz. chocolate amount works well.) Add melted, cooled chocolate and vanilla to beaten cream cheese mixture. Pour into crust-lined (not pre-baked) 10-inch springform pan. Bake at 300° about 75 minutes or until set. Garnish with whipped cream and shaved chocolate.

Kathy (Stiener) Dockweiler College Station, TX


Place about 12 drained maraschino cherries with stems in small cup and cover with 1/4 cup brandy . Place in freezer overnight or several hours before serving. When ready to dip, put chocolate chips in teacup and melt in microwave or on cooktop just until melted. Dry cherries thoroughly on paper towels (so that chocolate will adhere) and dip in melted chocolate 3/4 of the way up cherries. Let excess drip off and put on piece of wax paper and refrigerate. Use to garnish tops of cakes, pies, tortes, etc.

& Chilled/Desserts


Desserts/Baked & Chilled



1/3 cup margarine, softened

1/3 cup sugar


2Tbls. milk

1 tsp. vanilla

1 1/4 cups flour

1 tsp. baking powder


8 oz. cream cheese, softened

1/2 cup sugar

2 cups Cool Whip

1 (16 oz.) can cherry pie filling

Yield: 6-8 servings

Pan: 10-inch round tart or flan pan (or 10-inch cake or pie pan)

Oven: 350°

Bake: 20 minutes

Shell: Mix all ingredients together with electric mixer. Put in greased pan; bake. Remove from pan.

Topping: Beat together cream cheese and sugar until light; blend in Cool Whip. Spread on shell. Top with cheny pie filling. Chill 2-3 hours before serving.

Alva Lea (Herman) Pingel Sun Prairie, WI


3/4 cup flour

1 (3 1/4 oz.) pkg. vanilla pudding mix (not instant)

1 tsp. baking powder

1/2 tsp. salt

3 Tbls. margarine

1 egg


1 (15-20 oz.) can peach slices

8 oz. cream cheese, softened

1/2 cup sugar

3 Tbls. juice from peaches

1 Tbls. sugar

1/2 tsp. cinnamon

Pan: Oven:


10-inch pie pan 350° 30-35 minutes

Combine all batter ingredients in large mixing bowl; beat for 2 minutes and pour into greased pan.

Topping: Drain peach slices thoroughly, reserving juice. Place slices over batter. Combine cream cheese, sugar, and peach juice in bowl and beat 2 minutes at medium speed. Spoon over batter to within 1/2-inch of edge. Stir sugar and cinnamon together and sprinkle over cream cheese layer. Bake. Cool and store in refrigerator. Good for brunch or dessert.

Tester's note: Love that peaches n' cream cheese combination!

Michele Karpenko-Valparaiso, IN

Baked & Chilled/Desserts 231



9 large egg whites, room temp.

2 tsp. cream of tartar

2 cups sugar

1 1/2 tsp. vanilla


9 oz. semi-sweet chocolate chips

1/4 cup water


3 cups (1 1/2 pts.) whipping cream

1 Tbls. confectioners' sugar

1 qt. fresh strawberries (or loose frozen in bag)

15 whole strawberries for garnish





Beat egg whites and cream of tartar until frothy. Gradually add sugar, beating until stiff peaks form; add vanilla. Bake in butte red pan. Turn off oven; keep door closed all night.

Filling: Melt chocolate chips and water together in double boiler. When cool spread on meringue.

Topping: Whip cream; add confectioners' sugar Spread half on chocolate. Top with cut-up strawberries, then the other half of cream. Refrigerate. To serve, top each piece with a single strawberry.

Editor's note: Raspberries and chocolate are great also!

15 servings 13 x 9-inch 450°

2 minutes, oven off overnight


yI1 (18.5 oz.) box chocolate cake Prepare cake mix according to package mix (pudding in mix) directions and cool. Prepare pudding mix 2 small (3.9 oz.) pkgs. with milk . To assemble, tear 1/2 of cake in chocolate pudding mix chunks and put in bottom of bowl. Slowly 3 1/2 cups milk dribble 1/2 of the Kahlua over to soak into 1/2 cup Kahlua liqueur the cake. Then layer with 1/2 of the pud12 oz. Cool Whip ding, 1/2 of the Cool Whip , and 1/2 of the 6 (1.4 oz.) Heath Bars, crushed Heath bars. Repeat with remaining half.

Yield: 20 servings Refrigerate until serving time.

Bowl: Punch bowl or very Editor's note: Hear the ooh's and aah's large glass salad bowl when this is set on the table! Cake may be baked ahead of time but assemble dessert just a few hours before serving (overnight it tends to settle too much). Lovely for a buffet dinner!

Lapreil Schwan-Stow, MA



2 pkgs. ladyfingers (12 per pkg.)

12 oz. semi-sweet chocolate squares

3 Tbls. instant coffee

1/2 cup boiling water

6 eggs, separated

1/2 cup sugar

1 tsp. vanilla

1 1/2 cups heavy cream, whipped

Yield: 12 servings

Pan: 9-inch springform


Split ladyfingers but leave attached to each other. Line sides and bottom of pan with them, rounded side "out." Melt chocolate in top of double boiler or in microwave. Dissolve coffee in boiling water. Beat egg yolks until foamy, adding sugar gradually, until thick. Reduce speed and beat in vanilla, coffee, and chocolate. Beat egg whites in large bowl until stiff. Stir about one cup egg whites into chocolate to lighten it. Fold chocolate mixture into egg whites and add the whipped cream into it all. Pour into lined pan. Refrigerate until serving time. May be frozen.

Editor's note: Raw eggs are used in this recipe. See page 223.

Mary Anne (Moeslein) Whited Brentwood, TN


2-4 ripe medium size unblemished pears

1/4 cup sugar

2 Tbls. brandy

1 egg yolk

Dash salt

2 Tbls. milk

1 square unsweetened chocolate

1/2-1 cup prepared whipped topping

Yield: 4 servings

'Remove cores from bottom of pears with apple corer. Do not peel or remove stems. Stand pears upright on a glass plate; set aside. (You may have to take a small slice off of bottom of pear to get it to stand upright.) In small bowl, mix sugar, brandy, egg yolk, and salt. Melt chocolate with milk in 1-cup glass measuring cup in small saucepan with one inch of hot (not boiling) water in it. Stir constantly. Slowly stir chocolate mixture into bowl with sugar mixture. Then stir all back into cup in hot water, stirring until mixture is slightly thickened-about 5 minutes. Cool. Pour chocolate sauce over pears and refrigerate. Spoon sauce over pears several times while refrigerated-much will adhere to pears. To serve, spoon 1/4 cup whipped topping on each plate and place pears upright on each. Serve with knife and fork.



1/4 cup margarine, softened

8 oz. cream cheese, softened

1 cup confectioners' sugar

2 small (3.4 oz) pkgs. French vanilla instant pudding mix

3 1/2 cups milk

12 oz. Cool Whip

1 (16 oz.) pkg. Oreo sandwich cookies, crushed Gummy worms

Yield: 16 servings

Container: 2-qt. new flower pot

Refrigerated/Desserts 233

Cream margarine, cheese, and sugar together. Set aside. Mix pudding mix and milk together; when thickened fold in Cool Whip. Combine with first mixture. In flower pot, alternate layers of cookie crumbs and pudding creamy mixture, ending with cookie crumbs on top. Refrigerate. When ready to serve, insert some silk flowers into pot and put a few gummy worms on top if desired.

Tester's note: Delicious and fun for a large group! More cookies could be used if desired. For a spring luncheon may also be served in individual small clay pots with a fresh flower in each-either all the same or a combination of daffodils, irises, daisies, etc.


2 eggs, separated

4 cups milk

1/2 cup sugar

1/2 cup cream of wheat

1/2 tsp. salt

1 tsp. vanilla

Yield: 6-8 servings

Pan: 5-cup mold

Beat egg yolks; bring milk, sugar, and egg yolks to a boil. Add cream of wheat and salt and cook according to directions on the box. Beat egg whites until stiff. Fold into cream of wheat mixture along with vanilla. Pour into a mold and chill until set. Unmold and slice. Serve with sauce of raspberries, strawberries, or blueberries.

Tester's note: This recipe may be made in the microwave. Mix in 3-quart microwavable dish with a wire whisk; cover and microwave on high for 12 minutes, whisking every 2 minutes for the first 8 minutes and then every minute until thickened. Both ways were excellent and were like tapioca pudding with a different texture! Good plain also.

• •

234 Desserts/Refrigerated


Cookie Crust:

1/2 cup margarine, softened

1/4 cup firmly packed brown sugar

1 cup flour

1/4 cup quick-cooking oatmeal

1/2 cup chopped nuts (or Grape Nuts cereal)

Cheese layer:

8 oz. cream cheese, softened

1/3 cup sugar

1/2 tsp. vanilla

Fruit as desired


1/4 cup sugar

1 Tbls. cornstarch

1/2 cup orange juice

2 Tbls. lemon juice

1/2 cup water

Yield: 8-10 servings

Pan: 12-inch or larger



pizza pan 375° 10-12 minutes


3 oz. (1/2 cup) semi-sweet chocolate chips

1 cup sour cream

2 Tbls. half and half

1/4 cup sugar

1/2 tsp. vanilla

'Mix crust ingredients with fork or pastry blender as for pie crust. Press in pan and bake. Cool before adding cheese layer.

Cheese layer: Cream the cheese, sugar, and vanilla until well-blended. Spread over cookie crust. Arrange any fresh or canned fruit or combination on top.

Glaze: Combine ingredients in a saucepan, bring to a boil, and boil 1 minute. Cool. Spread over fruit.

Tester's note: This is beautiful with strawberry rosettes and green kiwi cut to look like leaves!

Editor's note: A delicious dessert for any season from the wife of Dr. Harre, the president of Valparaiso University.

Diane Harre-Valparaiso, IN

Grate chocolate chips in food processor. Stir together all ingredients and chill for 2 hours. Serve with assorted sliced fresh fruits, such as strawberries, bananas, pineapple, grapes , and apples.

Refrigerated/Desserts 235


2 egg yolks, beaten

1 cup sugar

1 cup milk

1 (3 oz.) pkg. lemon gelatin

1 (8 oz.) can (1 cup) crushed pineapple and juice

1 cup whipping cream

1 large angel food cake

Yield: 12 servings

Pan: 13 x 9-inch

Combine beaten egg yolks, sugar, and milk in double boiler; cook for 15 minutes. (It thickens slightly.) Remove from heat and add gelatin; stir to dissolve. Stir in pineapple. Set aside to cool and until it begins to thicken. Whip the cream and fold lightly but thoroughly into the gelatin mixture. Tear cake into bite-sized pieces and line bottom of pan with half. Cover with half of the cream mixture. Repeat with remaining cake and cream mixture; refrigerate until serving time.

Tester's note: Use about 2/3 of an angel food cake prepared from an 18-20 oz. pkg. Delicious served with an extra dab of whipping cream on top.

Vera (Schafer) Betker-Dearborn, Ml



1 cup graham cracker crumbs 1/4 cup melted butter


1 (1 O oz.) pkg. frozen raspberries, thawed 1/4 cup cold water

1 envelope unflavored gelatin

8 oz. cream cheese, softened 1/3 cup sugar

1 Tbls. orange liqueur

1 cup whipping cream, whipped





8 servings 9-inch springform or pie pan 350° 8 minutes

Combine crumbs and butter and press in bottom of springform or pie pan. Bake until lightly browned. Cool.

Filling: Drain raspberries, reserving juice. Set raspberries aside. In a small saucepan combine juice, water, and gelatin and let sit 5 minutes to soften gelatin. Heat on low until gelatin is dissolved and cool for 15 minutes. With electric mixer, beat cream cheese and sugar together. Gradually add orange liqueur, reserved berries, and dissolved gelatin mixture, beating slowly until wellblended. Chill until partially set and fold in whipped cream. Put in pan and chill until set. Garnish with whipped cream, fresh raspberries, and a chocolate leaf.

Note: For a 10-inch springform pan make 1 1/2 times. For a 13 x 9-inch pan make crust 1 1/2 times and double the filling. Slices very well, beautiful color!


1/2 angel food cake (made from 14-16 oz. box mix)

1 small (3.4 oz.) pkg. instant French vanilla pudding mix

1 envelope Dream Whip

1 1/2 cups cold milk

1 (21 oz.) can pie filling (cherry, raspberry, peach)

8 oz. Cool Whip

Fresh fruit for garnish, if desired

Yield: 12 servings

Bowl: Large glass

Note: An easy and beautiful dessert for a buffet table.


Prepare angel food cake as directed on box. Cube 1/2 of cake (save other half for another use). Beat pudding mix, Dream Whip, and cold milk together. In a large glass bowl, place half of the angel food cubes. Cover with half of the pudding, then half of the pie filling. On top, put half of the Cool Whip. Repeat the layers with the remaining ingredients. Garnish top with fresh fruit, if desired. Refrigerate for 2-3 hours before serving.

Ruth (Karkau) Dallman-Buffalo, NV

Variation: Angel Delight. Put cubes from a small purchased angel food cake in bottom of 13 x 9-inch pan. Combine pudding mix, milk, and 1/2 pt. sour cream (no Dream Whip) and pour over cake cubes. Cover with cherry pie filling; chill overnight. Top with Cool Whip.

Marcella (Janke) Schroeder Wauwatosa, WI


1 (3 oz.) pkg. strawberry Jello

1/2-3/4 of a pound cake (Sara Lee 10 3/4 oz.)

1 lb. can sliced peaches, drained

1 lb. can fruit cocktail, drained

1 cup pineapple chunks, drained

2 bananas

1 (3.4 oz.) pkg. instant vanilla pudding mix

2 cups milk

1/2 cup whipping cream

1/4 cup confectioners' sugar

12-18 very nice strawberries for garnish

Yield: 12-15 servings

Bowl: Large glass serving bowl

IIPrepare Jello as directed on package; cool to lukewarm. Slice pound cake very thin and use one-third of it to line bottom of glass serving dish. Pour one-fourth of the Jello over to moisten cake. Line edge of dish around cake with peaches, standing them on end. Spoon half of the fruit cocktail and half of the pineapple chunks over cake. Slice 1 banana over fruit. Repeat next layer with one-third of the cake, onefourth of the Jello, and remaining fruit and banana. Finish with remaining cake and Jello. Prepare pudding with milk according to package directions and spread over all. Whip cream with confectioners' sugar and put on top. Garnish with strawberries. Refrigerate several hours.

Note: Be creative; vary fruit!

Laurel Drabkowski-Baltimore, MD

236 Desserts/Refrigerated


1/4 cup butter or margarine, Mix all ingredients except ice cream in a melted bowl. Sprinkle half in bottom of pan. 1 1/2 cups Rice Chex, crushed Spoon slightly softened ice cream over 1/2 cup brown sugar crumbs and cover with remaining crumbs.

1/2 cup coconut Cover and freeze.

1/2 cup chopped nuts

1/2 gallon any flavor ice cream

Fresh berries for garnish (opt.)

Yield: 12-15 servings

Pan: 13 x 9-inch

Note: We enjoy vanilla ice cream with fresh berries.

Lynette Johnston-Michigan City, IN

Variation: Use Rice Krispies (not crushed) instead of Rice Chex. Use only 1/4 cup brown sugar, but use 1 cup coconut. Spread ice cream in pan and spread all of mixture on top.

Anne (Froehlich) Baerbock Appleton, WI


2 (8 oz.) pkgs. cream cheese, softened

1 cup confectioners' sugar

2 tsp. vanilla

2 cups (1 pt.) whipping cream

1 (21 oz.) can cherry pie filling

1 (16 oz.) pkg. frozen strawberries or raspberries, thawed

Yield: 16-20 servings

Beat cream cheese with sugar and vanilla until light, smooth, and creamy. Add whipping cream and beat until fluffy and whipped. Spoon into individual gelatin molds or cupcake liners. May also form into mounds on cookie sheet. Freeze overnight or longer; unmold. Stir pie filling and berries together; spoon over creams and serve.

Note: Easy to make ahead and serve for many people. (Unmold and store in Ziploc bags.) May make in heart molds for Valentine's Day or showers and top with 4 cups lightly sweetened fresh fruit of any kind or combination in season.


Melt 1/2 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips with 2-3 Tbls. milk in a microwavable custard or tea cup for 75 seconds. Stir and pour over ice cream.

238 Desserts/Frozen •


1/3 cup sugar

1/3 cup margarine

1/3 cup half-and-half

1 (3.9 oz.) pkg. chocolate pudding (cooked type)

Frozen/Desserts 239


Stir all ingredients together and cook until thickened in double boiler, microwave, or over direct heat watching very carefully and stirring constantly.

Tester's note: Our family polished this off in a hurry! Very rich and fudgy!

Betty (Silliman) Froehlich-Appleton, WI


2 cups sugar

4 cups fresh peaches, sliced


2 (13 oz.) cans evaporated milk

2 cups whole milk

1 Tbls. vanilla

Yield: 1 gallon

Mix sugar and peaches, mashing the peaches. Set aside. Beat eggs in large bowl of electric mixer at medium speed. Mix in evaporated milk, whole milk, and vanilla. Stir in peaches. Pour into freezer can of ice cream freezer. Freeze according to general operating directions.

Note: I have substituted skim milk for the whole milk and/or evaporated milk and still had good ice cream.

Tester's note: Lighter frozen dessert. (See note on raw eggs on page 223)

Carol (Stoker) Petzold-Rockville, MD


Place 1 Tbls. fresh lemon juice in medium bowl. Slice 3 large firm peaches into bowl and toss to coat. Melt 6 Tbls. butter in heavy saucepan; add 1/2 cup packed golden brown sugar and stir until mixture thickens and bubbles. Add 3 Tbls. cream, 1 Tbls. at a time, and stir until sugar dissolves and sauce is thick and smooth, about 3 minutes. Stir in peaches, 1 Tbls. brandy, and 1/2 cup toasted pecan pieces, if desired. Cook until sauce is heated through, stirring constantly, about 1 minute longer. Serve over ice cream. Makes 4 servings.

• •

240 Desserts/Frozen


1 cup mashed fresh peaches

3 Tbls. sugar

24 large marshmallows

1/4 cup cold water

1/2 pt. whipping cream, whipped

Yield: 6-8 servings

Pan: 4-cup container

Freeze: 6 hours

Thaw: 10 minutes

Sprinkle peaches with sugar and set al Place marshmallows and water in top half of a double boiler and place over simmering water. When marshmallows are melted, combine with sweetened peaches and allow to cool. When cold and slightly thickened, carefully combine with the whipped cream which has been whipped stiff. Freeze about 6 hours before serving. To serve, allow to stand about ten minutes after taking from freezer.

Note: Mashed strawberries may be substituted for the peaches.

Marie Mast-Tonawanda, NY


4 cups diced fresh rhubarb

2 cups water, divided 2 cups miniature marshmallows

1 cup sugar

1/2 cup light corn syrup

1/2 cup orange juice

2 Tbls. lemon juice

1-2 drops red food coloring

Yield: 1 quart

Pan: 13 x 9-inch


2 cups half-and-half

2 cups whipping cream

1 cup sugar

2 tsp. peppermint extract

1 tsp. red food coloring (opt.)

1/8 tsp. salt

1 cup crushed peppermint candy

Yield: 2 quarts

Cook rhubarb with 1 cup water for 5 minutes. Remove from heat. Add marshmallows; stir until melted. Boil sugar and other cup of water for 5 minutes. Stir into rhubarb and add remaining ingredients. Turn into pan and freeze until partially firm. Turn into bowl; beat until smooth. Return to pan or turn into freezer containers.

Tester's note: Wonderful flavor!

Ruby L. Hosfield-Glenview, IL

Pour both creams into ice cream can. Add sugar, extract, food coloring, and salt. Stir thoroughly with wooden spoon or plastic spatula. Process according to manufacturer's instructions. After processing, blend in peppermint candy. Serve soft or hard.

Tester's note: Pretty and very refreshing!


• •
(Karstens) Moore-Valparaiso, IN

C. A. SChwerdgeburth, German 1785-1879

Dr. Martin Luther in the Circle of His Family in Wittenberg on Christmas Eve, 1536 1843, engraving, 6-5/8 x 9-1 /2 inches

From the "Luther-Bilder" portfolio of seven engta'l(ings picturing important events in Luther's life Valparaiso University Museum of Art Gjft of and Gerhard Neils 80.3.5

.f five children: Flanso' n Margaret b.1534. At one tim hilipp Melanchthon and possibly nfassistant. Supposedly, Martin er originated the custom of bringing a decorated, lighted evergreen tree into thehome during the Christmas season. ,

Aunt Elsie's Coffee Crisps 245 Aunt Frieda's Salted Peanut Cookies .. 241 Butter Pecan Tea Cookies 248 Caramel Nut Slices ....... ... ........ .... ..... .. .248 Choco-Mochas 241 Chocolate Mint Cookies 249 Chocolate Walnut Candy Cookies ....... 241 Church Window Cookies .. ...... ....... ...... 249 Crunchy Peanut Butter Cookies 242 Filled Noel Wreaths 252 Frances' Frosted Mocha Drops 242 Fruit Center Cheese Dainties ...... ........ 250 Giant Peanut Butter Cookies 246 Great Grandma 's Oatmeal Cookies 243 Irma's Christmas Cookies .. .. ... ..... ........ 251 Italian Cookies 246 Jubilee Jumbles ................ ..... .............. 243 Minted Meringue Wreaths 256 Mint-Topped Chocolate Cookies ........ ..245 Non-Pareil Cookies ........ .... ... ............. .. 248 Norwegian Sandbakkels 252 Oatmeal Slices with Chocolate Shot... .249 Orange Oatmeal Cookies .................... 244 Raisin Puffs 247 Soetkoekies 251 Sugar Cookies with Praline Icing ......... 250 Sunflower Crisp Cookies 247 Toasted Oatmeal Cookies ....... ....... .. .... 244 BARS Bake Sale Brownies 254 Blond Brownies 253 Butterscotch Brownies ......................... 253 Caramel Brownies 253 Chocolate Marshmallow Brownies ....... 255 Chocolate Peanut Snacking Bars 257 Cream Cheese Brownies 253 Date Bars 257 Grand Marnier Brownies 254 Hungarian Cookie Bars ..... .. ................. 258 London Squares 258 Mint Brownies 255 Mounds Bars 259 Peanut Butter Cup Brownies 256 Peanutty Caramel Squares 256 Pecan Pie Squares 259 Praline Cookies 260 Praline Strips 260 Pumpkin Pie Squares .......................... 261 Seminary Chocolate Mint Bars ............ 255 Soft and Chewy Ginger Bars 260 South African Crunchies ..... ........ .. ....... 261 PIES Apple Crunch Pie .... .. ..... .. .. .................. 262 Blueberry Lemon Pie 262 Chocolate Angel Pie ....... ......... ............ 263 Chocolate Chip Pie 264 Cranberry-Cheese Nog Pies ................ 265 Fresh Blueberry Pie .. .... ...... .... ............. 263 Fresh Fruit Pie with Shortbread Crust .265 Lemon Angel Pie 266 Lemon Cheesecake Pies (Low cholesterol) 267 Lemonade Pie 266 Mix and Match Ice Cream Pies 269-270 Mom Kipp's Chocolate Pie ............ ....... 264 Never-Fail Miracle Meringue 268 No-Crust Pumpkin Pie .. ....... ....... .. ........ 267 Old-Fashioned Prune Pie 267 Shoofly Pie 268 Sour Cream Rhubarb Pie ............ .. ...... 268 PIE CRUSTS Chocolate Crumb Crust ... .................. .. 269 Graham Cracker Crust Variations 269 Low-Cholesterol Graham Cracker Pie Crust. ..... .............. ...................... 266 Low-Cholesterol Pie Crust 264 Toasted Pecan Crust 269 CANDIES AND CONFECTIONS Absolutely No-Fail, Wonderful, Almost Sinful Fudge 272 Chocolate Mint Candy ..... .... ... ..... ........ 271 Easy Fudge 272 Lake Fudge 272 Peanut Butter Clusters 271 Puppy Chow 271 White Chocolate Party Mix 270
Cookies/Pies/Confections COOKIES

Drop/Cookies 241


1/2 cup butter

1/2 cup margarine

1 cup creamy peanut butter

1 cup white sugar

1 cup brown sugar

1 tsp. vanilla


2 cups flour

1 tsp. baking soda

1/2 tsp. salt

Dash nutmeg

1 cup chocolate chips

1 cup salted peanuts




Cream butter , margarine, peanut butter, sugars , and vanilla; add eggs. In separate bowl combine flour, baking soda, salt, and nutmeg . Mix well. Add to peanut butter mixture and blend together. Stir in chocolate chips and peanuts. Drop by teaspoonfuls onto ungreased cookie sheet and bake.

Tester's note: Tasty blend of chocolate and peanut butter!

Nancy (Geuss) Fehr-Palatine, IL

6 dozen 325 ° 8-1 O minutes


2 (6 oz.) pkgs. semi-sweet chocolate chips, divided

3 Tbls. butter or margarine

2/3 cup sugar

1 egg, unbeaten

1 1/2 tsp. vanilla

1 Tbls. milk

1/2 cup flour

1/4 tsp. baking powder

1/4 tsp. salt

1 1/2 cups chopped walnuts

Yield: 3 1/2 dozen

Oven: 350°

Bake: 10 minutes ONLY

Tester's note: Chewy, like a walnut brownie!

Melt 1 package chips over hot water (or in a microwave-safe 2-cup bowl or measuring cup). Set aside. Blend margarine, sugar, egg, and vanilla until smooth. Stir in melted chocolate and milk followed by flour which has been stirred with baking powder and salt. Stir in second package of chocolate chips and walnuts. Drop by teaspoonsful on ungreased cookie sheet. Bake. Cookies will be soft. Cool slightly and remove to rack

Maralyn Marske-Walker-East Berne, NY

Variation: Choco-Mochas. Melt 1/2 cup each margarine and chocolate chips. Stir in 1 Tbls. instant coffee powder. Cool. Stir in 3/4 cup each white and brown sugar, 2 eggs, 1 tsp. vanilla, 2 cups flour, 1/3 cup dry cocoa, 1/2 tsp. each baking powder and salt. Mix well. Stir in 1 pkg. chocolate chips. Bake as above.

Marilyn (Meier) Krueger-Milwaukee, WI


1/2 cup butter

1 cup sugar

1 egg

1/2 cup crunchy peanut butter

1 1/2 cups flour

1 tsp. baking soda

1/2 tsp. salt

1/2 cup milk

1 tsp. vanilla

2 cups Kellogg's Common Sense oat bran flakes




Cream butter and sugar; add egg, then peanut butter. Combine flour with soda and salt. Alternately fold dry ingredients and milk into creamed mixture, beginning and ending with milk. Add vanilla and fold in cereal. Drop onto ungreased cookie sheets.

Tester's note: Very moist, chewy, and flavorful! Good with milk or coffee.

Patti (Weil) Cline-Springdale, AR

4 1/2-5 dozen 350° 10-12 minutes


1 cup butter

4 oz. unsweetened chocolate

2 cups brown sugar


2 tsp. vanilla

1 cup buttermilk

3 1/4 cups flour

1 tsp. baking powder

1 tsp. baking soda

1 cup chopped nuts

1 (12 oz.) pkg. semi-sweet chocolate chips

Mocha Frosting:

1/2 cup butter or margarine

2 Tbls. cocoa

2 tsp. instant coffee powder

3 1/2 cups powdered sugar

1 1/2 tsp. vanilla

5 Tbls. milk




100 cookies 350° 8-1 o

Melt butter and chocolate over low heat or in microwave. Remove to mixing bowl and cool 10-15 minutes. Stir in brown sugar. Beat in eggs, vanilla and buttermilk. Sift together dry ingredients and add to chocolate mixture. Stir in nuts and chocolate chips. Chill several hours. Drop from teaspoon onto lightly greased cookie sheets. Bake, watching carefully; the edges can burn easily. Cool and frost.

Mocha Frosting: Cream butter and cocoa. Beat in coffee powder, sugar, vanilla, and milk. (If using coffee crystals, dissolve in milk before beating.)

Tester's note: A delicious chocolate delight!

Nancy (Geuss) Fehr-Palatine, IL

242 Cookies/Drop

Drop/Cookies 243


1 cup butter or margarine

1 lb. brown sugar (2 cups)


2 Tbls. cold water

2 cups flour

2 cups rolled oats

3/4 tsp. baking soda

1/8 tsp. salt

Date Filling: (opt.)

1/2 cup water

1/2 cup sugar

1 (8 oz.) pkg. pitted dates, chopped




5 dozen 350° 10-12 minutes


3/4 cup shortening

1/2 cup white sugar

1 cup brown sugar, packed

1 large egg

1 tsp.

2 3/4 cups plus 1 Tbls. flour

1/2 -tsp. soda

1 tsp.

1 cup undiluted evaporated milk

1 1/4 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips

Brown butter glaze:

2 Tbls. butter

1 cup powdered sugar

Undiluted evaporated milk

Yield: 2-3 dozen

Oven: 350°

Bake: 1O minutes

Cream together butter and sugar. Add eggs and water; beat well. Add dry ingredients that have been stirred together and mix well. Drop by teaspoonfuls on cookie sheet and bake. Underbake for chewy cookies. These cookies are great alone or with filling.

Filling: Boil ingredients until thick. After baking, spoon onto the flat bottom side of the cookies and top with another cookie.

Tester's note: A perfect treat for after school snacking!

Debbie (Karstens) Moore-Valparaiso, IN

Cream shortening and sugars. Add egg and vanilla. Sift flour, soda, and salt and add alternately with the milk to the creamed mixture. Stir in chocolate chips. Chill dough one hour or overnight. Drop by .teaspoonfuls two inches apart on greased cookie sheet. Bake until delicately browned. Remove from pan and while still warm, frost with brown butter glaze.

Glaze: Heat butter until golden brown. Beat in sugar and enough milk to make a spreading glaze.

Note: For shortening I like 1/4 cup each of butter, margarine, and Crisco. While in their 90's, my mother Lydia Schaus (Milwaukee Afternoon Chapter) and Aunt Hilda made these favorite cookies for the grandchildren and great-grandchildren! (One did the glazing while the other tended the oven.)

Marge (Schaus) Kuehnert Shorewood, WI



2 cups flour

2 cups sugar

4 tsp. baking powder

1 tsp. salt

1 tsp. nutmeg

1 cup shortening


4 tsp. grated orange rind

2 Tbls. orange juice

3 cups rolled oats




5 dozen 375° 12-15 minutes

In large mixing bowl blend flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, and nutmeg. Add shortening, eggs, orange rind, and orange juice; mix well. Stir in oats. Drop level tablespoons of dough onto greased baking sheet 2 inches apart. Bake.

Tester's note: Our entire family voted "yes" for these cookies! Most of us liked them plain, but my husband liked them with raisins, and my grandchildren liked them with chocolate chips. We also made them with a little less sugar and they were equally as tasty.

Clara Coburn-North East, PA


1 cup margarine

1 1/2 cups quick-cooking oatmeal

3/4 cup white sugar

3/4 cup brown sugar

2 eggs, beaten

2 cups flour

1 tsp. baking soda

1 tsp. baking powder

Yield: 4-5 dozen

Oven: 350°

Bake: 8-1 O minutes

Editor's note: Two different textures; two great cookies! Try them both and add ingredients as desired. A touch of cinnamon is good with raisins in either recipe, as are chocolate chips, peanuts, and coconut.

In large skillet heat margarine until lightly browned, being careful not to burn. Add oats, stirring constantly until golden. Cool. Cream sugars and eggs; add cooled oatmeal and remaining igredients. Mix thoroughly. Drop by rounded teaspoonfuls onto ungreased cookie sheets and bake. Cool on wire rack.

Rose Lillich-Midland, Ml

Variation: Toast 2 1/2 cups oatmeal in 3/4 cup margarine as above; cool. Beat 1 cup light brown sugar, 2 eggs, and 1 tsp. vanilla until light. Add 3/4 cup flour that has been sifted with 1 tsp baking soda and 1/2 tsp. salt; add oats and 1/2 cup (or more) coarsely chopped peanuts and bake.

Editor's note: Marilyn's cookie was selected by Reminisce Extra magazine to be printed in the premier issue.

244 Cookies/Drop

Shaped/Cookies 245


1 cup butter

1 cup sugar

1 egg

1 tsp. vanilla

2 cups flour

1/2 tsp. baking soda

1/2 tsp. cream of tartar

1 tsp. salt

Yield: 5-6 dozen

Oven: 350°

Bake: 10 minutes

In mixer bowl cream butter and sugar; add egg and vanilla and beat. With mixer at low speed, add dry ingredients that have been stirred together. Chill dough about 30 minutes. Roll into 1-inch (or smaller) balls and roll in sugar. Place on cookie sheet and flatten with tumbler dipped in sugar. Bake until edges are lightly browned.

Note: Be sure to use butter and bake until lightly browned for the best flavor in these (and other) butter cookies. For Christmas, I make the balls very small and use part granulated and part colored sugar to roll balls in.


3/4 cup butter or margarine

1 1/2 cups firmly packed dark brown sugar

2 Tbls. water

2 cups (12 oz.) semi-sweet chocolate chips


2 1/2 cups flour

1 1/4 tsp. baking soda

1/2 tsp. salt

About 1 lb. green chocolate mint wafers

Yield: 80 cookies

Oven: 350°

Bake: 12-13 minutes

In a large heavy saucepan over low heat, cook butter, sugar, and water until butter is melted. Add chocolate pieces and stir until partially melted. Remove from heat and continue to stir until chocolate is completely melted. Pour into large mixer bowl and let stand 10 minutes to cool slightly. With mixer at high speed, beat in eggs, one at a time. Reduce speed to low and add dry ingredients, beating just until blended. Chill dough about 1 hour for easier handling. Line 2 cookie sheets with foil. Roll teaspoonfuls of dough into balls; place about 2 inches apart on sheets; bake. Remove from oven and immediately place mint on each hot cookie. Allow to soften, then swirl mint over cookie. Remove from cookie sheets and cool completely.

Tester's note: Delicious and beautiful! What a tasty and colorful addition to a plate of Christmas cookies! I used Andes chocolate mint wafers.

Kay Moore-Madison, WI

246 Cookies/Shaped


1 cup margarine

1 cup peanut butter

1 cup sugar

1 cup brown sugar, firmly packed


1 tsp. vanilla

1 1/2 cups unsifted flour

1 tsp. baking powder

1 tsp. baking soda

1/4 tsp. salt

2 1/2 cups quick oatmeal




24 big cookies 350 ° 15-17 minutes

In mixing bowl beat margarine and peanut butter until smooth . Beat in sugars until blended. Beat in eggs and vanilla. Add remaining dry ingredients that have been combined and mix well. Shape into 2-inch balls. Place 6 balls on ungreased cookie sheet and flatten each to 3 inches in diameter. Bake until golden. Remove to wire rack to cool. Store in tightly covered container.

Tester's note: Easy to make. A decisive favorite!

Florence Caskey-Clintonville, WI


1/2 cup shortening

1 cup sugar


5 tsp. vanilla

2 Tbls. baking powder

1/2 tsp. salt

6 1/2-7 cups flour

1/2-1 cup crushed pineapple, well drained

1/2-1 cup maraschino cherries, drained and chopped

1/2-1 cup chopped nuts

1/2-1 cup coconu t

Powdered sugar and water for gla;ze

Yield: Many dozens

Oven: 350°

Bake: 8-1 O minutes

Blend shortening and sugar; add eggs, two at a time, and vanilla. Stir baking powder and salt into some of the flour. Add to creamed mixture. Add enough flour to form large ball when rolled in bowl. Divide into 4 balls. To each ball, add one of the four remaining ingredients. Divide each ball into small balls using teaspoon. Bake. When cool, dip top into a runny mixture of powdered sugar and water. Food coloring may be added, if desired.

Tester's note: I used 1/2 cup pineapple, cherries, etc. and 6 1/2 cups flour and they were just right for us.

Mary Klenz-North East, PA

Shaped/Cookies 247


1 cup water

1 1/2 cups raisins

3 1/2 cups flour

1 tsp. baking soda

1/2 tsp. salt

1 1/2 cups sugar

1 cup margarine, softened


1 tsp. vanilla

1/2 cup sugar

1 tsp. cinnamon




70 cookies 375 ° 8 minutes

In saucepan bring water to boiling; add raisins and boil until water is absorbed. Cool. Combine flour, soda, and salt and set aside. Cream 1 1/2 cups sugar and margarine; add eggs and vanilla and beat well. Add dry ingredients; mix well. Stir in raisins. Shape into 1-inch balls and roll in mixture of the 1/2 cup sugar and cinnamon. Place 2 inches apart on ungreased cookie sheets . Bake. Remove and cool on wire rack. Bake exact time for soft and chewy cookie.

Martha (Redman) Diekelmann Crown Point, IN


1 cup margarine

1 cup sugar

1/4 cup egg substitute

1 tsp. vanilla

2 cups sifted flour

1/4 tsp. salt (opt.)

3 cups cornflakes, crushed (or 3/4 cup boxed cornflake crumbs), divided

1/2 cup salted, roasted sunflower kernels

Yield: 5 dozen

Oven: 375°

Bake: 12 minutes

Cream margarine and sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in egg substitute and vanilla. Blend in flour, salt, and 1/4 cup crumbs; stir in sunflower seeds. Chill. Shape dough into 1-inch balls. Roll balls in remaining crumbs to coat evenly. Place 2 inches apart on ungreased cookie sheets. Bake until lightly browned.

Tester's note: Makes a perfect-looking cookie, crisp and not too sweet.


(Meier) Krueger-Milwaukee, WI


Cool cookies completely before storing, preferably in a cool place. Soft cookies should be stored in a tightly covered container. Crisp cookies should be stored in a container with a loose-fitting lid, unless very humid. (Recrisp in a 300° oven 3-5 minutes.) Freeze cookies up to two months; it's best to frost after thawing. Unbaked dough may be wrapped and frozen for two months.

248 Cookies/Refrigerated


1 cup butter

1/4 cup confectioners' sugar

2 cups sifted flour

Browned butter frosting:

1/4 cup butter

2 cups confectioners' sugar

2 Tbls. milk

Chopped pecans

Yield: 7-8 dozen

Oven: 350 °

Bake: 15 minutes

Tester's note: Both are excellent! Use butter ONLY!

Cream butter and sugar; add flour. Form dough into 3 rolls about an inch in diameter; wrap in plastic wrap and chill at least an hour. Cut into 1/4-inch slices and bake on ungreased cookie sheets until lightly browned on edges. Cool and frost; sprinkle tops with chopped pecans.

Frosting: Brown butter, watching very carefully so as not to burn. Remove from heat and let cool a little so as not to melt the confectioners' sugar. Blend in sugar and milk to make spreading consistency.

Hazel Weiherman-Hinckley, IL

Variation: Non-pareil cookies. Use granulated sugar instead of confectioners' sugar. Form into balls, put on cookie sheets, and press one non-pareil candy on top of each. Bake at 400° for 1O minutes. Makes 48 cookies. Easy recipe-children can help put candy on top.

Martha (Redman) Diekelmann Crown Point, IN


1 cup margarine

2 cups brown sugar


3 1/2 cups flour

1 tsp. soda

1/2 tsp. salt

1 cup nuts




3-4 dozen 350° 10 minutes

Cream margarine and sugar. Add eggs. Mix well. Add sifted flour, salt, and soda. Mix well. Add nuts. Form 2 rolls. Wrap in waxed paper or plastic wrap. Refrigerate. Bake on ungreased pan.

Tester's note: A crispy, easy-to-prepare cookie with ingredients you usually have on hand. A simple recipe for children to make.

Mary (Kontak) Paetow-Woodville, OH

Special/Refrigerated/Cookies 249


1/2 cup margarine

1 (12 oz.) pkg. chocolate chips

1 (1 O 1/2 oz.) pkg. colored miniature marshmallows

3/4 cup chopped pecans

Yield: 5 dozen

Melt margarine and chips; cool. Stir in marshmallows . With buttered hands shape into log. Refrigerating a short time may make it easier to shape . Roll in pecans. Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate. Cut slices when ready to serve.

Dorathea Duvel-East Dundee, IL


1 cup butter, softened

1 cup confectioners' sugar

2 tsp. vanilla

1 1/2 cups flour

1/2 tsp. baking soda

1 cup oatmeal

2 containers chocolate shot

Yield: 48 cookies

Oven: 325°

Bake: 20 minutes

Cream butter and sugar together until fluffy; add vanilla. Sift flour and soda; add to bowl. Add oatmeal and mix well. Chill dough until somewhat firm (about 2 hours). Divide into 2 portions; place on waxed paper and shape into rolls. Spread chocolate shot on waxed paper; roll dough in shot to coat outside. Chill until firm, at least 1 hour. Slice into 3/8" rounds and place on greased baking sheets. Bake until light golden brown on bottom of cookie. Cool on wire rack. These store well in a cookie tin. For Christmas cookies, roll logs in red and green shot, or sprinkle tops with red and green sugar.

Joan Keller-Placentia, CA

Donnamae Klotz-Placentia, CA

Helen Wilcox-Lake Forest, IL

Barb Potter-Indianapolis, IN


1 lb. chocolate candy disks (confectionery coating)

1-3 drops peppermint oil (not peppermint extract)

1 lb. Ritz crackers

Melt chocolate over hot water or in microwave. Add peppermint oil; oil is very strong. Completely dip crackers in chocolate. Shake off excess; cool on waxed paper.

Note: They taste just like mint Girl Scout cookies! Peppermint oil and candy disks may be purchased in specialty shops.

Nancy (Kelley) Gahl-Indianapolis, IN


1/2 lb. shortening

1 lb. cream cheese, softened

4 cups flour

Fruit filling (apricot or strawberry preserves, Solo fruit filling, etc.)

Butter frosting:

1 cup powdered sugar

2 Tbls. soft butter

1/2 tsp. vanilla

2Tbls. milk

Chopped nuts (opt.)

Yield: 4 1/2 dozen

Oven: 400°

Bake: 15 minutes

'Cream together first three ingredients. Add flour a little at a time until completely mixed. Freeze dough about 1 hour : Roll a section at a time to 1/16-inch thickness and cut into 4-inch squares. Drop about a tablespoonful of filling onto square, placing it off center. Fold in half diagonally (forming a triangle) and pinch edges firmly with a fork to seal. Bake until brown on ungreased cookie sheet.

Butter frosting: Beat ingredients together until creamy and frost while still warm. Sprinkle with nuts if desired.

Dorothy Schram-Wauwatosa, WI


2/3 cup butter

1 1/2 cups sugar


2 Tbls. milk

1/2 tsp. vanilla

1/2 tsp. almond extract

3 1/2 cups flour

2 1/2 tsp. baking powder

1/2 tsp. salt

Praline Icing:

28 square Kraft caramels

1/4 cup evaporated milk

1/4 cup butter

1 cup sifted powdered sugar

1 cup pecans, finely chopped




5 dozen 375° 8-9 minutes

Cream butter and sugar. Add eggs, milk, vanilla, and almond extract. Sift together dry ingredients and beat into creamed mixture. Shape dough into ball, wrap, and refrigerate several hours or overnight. Roll out onto lightly floured board 1/4-inch thick-not thinner. This makes a softer cookie. Cut out dough with 3-inch cutters and place on lightly greased cookie sheets, 12 to a sheet. Bake until the edges are light brown. Cool on wire rack.

Praline Icing: Melt caramels and milk over low heat. Add butter. When smooth, add powdered sugar. Remove from heat. Add pecans. Let cool slightly before icing cookies so that icing will not run.

Tester's note: Easy to make for a rolledout cookie!

Linda Talbot-Houston, TX

250 Cookies/Cut-out


1 cup butter (don't substitute)

2 cups sugar

3 medium eggs

3 cups sifted flour

2 tsp. baking powder

1/2 tsp. salt

1 tsp. vanilla

Colored sugar




5-12 dozen 350° 5-8 minutes

Cream butter and sugar. Add eggs and cream until light and fluffy. Add flour, baking powder, salt, and vanilla. Chill for 1-2 hours and keep dough chilled as you work with it. Roll out on floured pastry cloth and cut into desired shapes. Sprinkle with colored sugar. Bake, watching closely during the last minute or two . Cool on wire rack. Note: I make mine thin, but my sister-inlaw makes hers a bit thicker.

Lois Mae (Gehrke) Hannewald St. Petersburg, FL

SOETKOEKIES (Old-fashioned South African Sugar Cookies)

1/2 lb. butter or margarine, room temperature

3 cups plus 2 Tbls. sugar

5 large eggs

6 1/4 cups cake flour

2 Tbls. baking powder

2 tsp. nutmeg

1/2 tsp. salt


1 egg, beaten

5 tsp. milk


Oven: 400°

Bake: 8-10 minutes

Cream together butter, sugar, and eggs. Sift together cake flour, baking powder, nutmeg, and salt. Add to the egg mixture. Cover dough and allow it to rest for 30 minutes. Then roll out on floured board. Cut out cookies with a 2-inch cookie cutter and arrange them, slightly apart, on greased baking sheets. For topping mix the beaten egg and milk; brush onto the cookies. Sprinkle a little sugar on each cookie. Bake on the middle shelf of the oven until golden brown. Allow cookies to cool slightly on baking sheets, then transfer them to a wire rack to cool completely. Store in airtight container. May be frozen.

Marilyn Holmquist-West Bend, WI


-Never use whipped or light butter or margarine.

-Generally do not substitute whole-wheat flour for all-purpose-the cookie may end up dense, heavy, and dry.

-Use cake flour only when designated for tender, lighter cookies.

-Grease pans with shortening; butter has a lower burning temperature.



1 cup butter

1/2 cup sugar

1 egg

1 tsp. vanilla

2 1/2 cups sifted flour


1/4 cup reserved cookie dough

1 cup finely chopped walnuts

1 tsp. vanilla

1/4 cup light corn syrup

Green and red candied cherries




4 1/2 dozen 350° 15 minutes

Cream butter; add sugar gradually. Beat in egg and vanilla. in flour. Dough is soft. Remove 1/4 cup dough to add to filling. Knead remaining dough in hands until pliable . Use star shaped cookie press plate. Press dough through cookie press onto ungreased cooky sheets to form 3inch strips. Join ends to make wreaths.

Filling: Combine 1/4 cup reserved dough, walnuts, vanilla, and syrup. Place a teaspoonful of filling in center of each wreath. Decorate with bits of candied cherries for berries and leaves. Bake until delicately browned Remove from sheet immediately.

Tester's note: A top rating for these cookies!


1 cup butter

1/2 cup sugar

1 egg

1 tsp. vanilla

2 1/2 cups flour


Yield: About 4 dozen

Pan: Individual sandbakkel tins

Oven: 350°

Bake: 12-14 minutes

Cream butter and sugar. Add egg and vanilla. Slowly add flour until all is mixed well . .Chill slightly. Roll into small balls and press into t ins beginning at center and working up to top edge of tin. Press even with top or trim off excess from edges; place on cookie sheet and bake May be served plain, dusted with confectioners' sugar, or filled with fruit, pie filling and whipped cream, or ice cream. Tins may be purchased in specialty kitchen stores or Scandinavian shops.


A box of sandbakkel tins is a necessary item to any serious cookie or dessert maker! For a cheesy filling: Cream 2 (8 oz.) pkgs. cream cheese and add 1/3 cup sugar. Beat in 1 1/3 cups sour cream until light. Fold in 2/3 cup whipping cream, whipped, and 1 Tbls orange liqueur, if desired. Top with fresh fruit. A lovely addition to a buffet dessert table.

252 Cookies/Formed

Brownies/Bars 253


1/2 cup margarine or butter

1/2 tsp. salt

2 cups brown sugar


1 1/3 cups flour

2 tsp. baking powder

1 tsp. vanilla

3/4 cup pecans, chopped





16-20 pieces 9-inch square 350 ° 30-40 minutes

Melt margarine in 2-quart saucepan. Remove from heat. Add other ingredients to pan in order listed and stir well. Spread into lightly greased pan; bake.

Note: These brownies are made using only the pan, a sturdy spoon and the baking pan-a real time-saver we've enjoyed for years!

Tester's note: Good with chocolate chunks added also.

Barbara Riethmeier-Victor, NY

Variation: Blond Brownies. Use 1/3 cup margarine, 1 cup brown sugar, 1 egg (slightly beaten), and 1 tsp. vanilla, mixing well after each addition . Add 1 cup flour, 1/2 tsp. baking powder, 1/8 tsp. baking soda, and 1/2 tsp. salt that have been sifted together ; add 1/2 cup chopped nuts. Sprinkle 1/2 cup chocolate chips on top. Bake for 20-25 minutes Recipe may be doubled, put in a 13 x 9-inch pan and baked for 30 minutes.

Note: This has been a favorite since I was a freshman at Valpo when a friend's mother regularly sent them to us!

Helen (Jarosch) Warke-Bradley, IL


Make your favorite brownie batter for an 8 to 9-inch square pan and vary them as follows:

Cream Cheese Brownies: Cream 3 oz. cream cheese , 2 Tbls. butter and 1/4 cup sugar; blend in 1 egg, 1 Tbls. flour, and 1/2 tsp. vanilla. Spread half of your brownie batter in pan; top with cream cheese mixture and other half of batter. Zigzag knife through to marble.

Caramel Brownies: Melt 7 oz. vanilla caramels with 2 Tbls. milk. Spread 2/3 of your brownie batter in pan. Sprinkle with 1/2 cup chocolate chips and 1/3 cup nuts. Drizzle caramel over; dot with remaining dough.

254 Bars/Brownies


1 cup butter or margarine, room temperature

2 cups granulated sugar

1 cup firmly packed light brown sugar

2/3 cup dark corn syrup

6 large eggs

6 oz. unsweetened chocolate

2 cups flour

2 cups pecans or walnuts (opt.)

Yield: 30 pieces

Pan: 15 x 10 x 1-inch

Oven: 350°

Bake: 40 minutes

In a large mixing bowl with a wooden spoon, stir together butter, sugars, and syrup. Stir in eggs one at a time until blended. In a small saucepan melt chocolate; stir into sugar mixture until blended. Add flour and stir until smooth. Stir in nuts. Spread evenly in pan lined with heavy duty foil and bake. Cool; then refrigerate uncovered until chilled. For bake sale (or picnics) cut into squares and wrap each in plastic wrap; refrigerate.

Tester's note: A fudgy kid pleaser! For home use bake in a lightly greased pan without foil and eliminate refrigerating or wrapping individually.

Martha (Redman) Diekelman

Crown Point, IN


4 oz. unsweetened chocolate

1/2 lb. butter or margarine

1/2 cup granulated sugar

1/2 cup dark brown sugar

2 large eggs, room temperature

4 Tbls. Grand Marnier, divided (or other orange liqueur)

1 tsp. grated orange peel

1 tsp. vanilla

3/4 cup flour

1/2 cup chocolate chips





16-20 pieces 8-inch square 350° 30-35 minutes


'Melt chocolate and butter; cool slightly. Beat sugars and eggs until light and fluffy, about 2 minutes. Add chocolate, 3 Tbls. Grand Marnier, orange peel, and vanilla. Stir in flour and chocolate chips. Pour into greased and floured pan. Bake until sides look done. (Center may look undercooked but toothpick inserted 2 inches from middle should be clean.) Remove from oven and brush with rest of Grand Marnier. Cool on rack. Dust with confectioners' sugar before serving.

Editor's note: A moist, rich, wonderful treat!

Barbara Riethmeier-Victor, NY

-Bake just above center of oven or rotate pans.

-Slightly underbaking will produce a chewier cookie.

-Unless you're making fragile cookies and are directed differently, remove cookies from sheet immediately after baking to prevent further cooking.



1/2 cup butter or margarine

1 cup sugar


16 oz. (1 1/2 cups) Hershey's chocolate syrup

1 tsp. vanilla

1 cup flour

1/2 cup chopped nuts (opt.)


2 or more cups miniature marshmallows


1 1/2 cups granulated sugar

6 Tbls. butter or margarine

6 Tbls. milk

1/2 cup (6 oz.) semi-sweet chocolate chips





36-48 pieces 13 x 9-inch 350° 22-25 minutes

Cream butter and sugar. Beat in eggs. Add chocolate syrup and vanilla, then flour, mixing thoroughly. Stir in nuts, if desired. Pour into greased and floured pan. Bake, but don't overbake! Prepare topping and frosting while brownies are baking. When brownies are taken from oven, sprinkle with marshmallows and cover all with warm frosting. Cool thoroughly before cutting.

Frosting: Bring sugar, butter, and milk to a boil; boil for 30 seconds. Remove from heat and add chocolate chips. Beat until of spreading consislency. ·

Variation #1: Mint Brownies. Bake brownies in a 15 x 10-inch jelly roll pan. While they are baking make mint filling. Cream together 1/2 cup softened butter, 2 cups confectioners' sugar, and 2-3 Tbls . green Cream de Mint liquor; refrigerate until firm . Spread on cooled brownies. For glaze melt 1 cup (6 oz.) semi-sweet chocolate chips and 6 Tbls. butter together. Allow to cool slightly and spread over mint filling.

Esther (Streit) Hildner-Clifton, NJ

Variation #2: Seminary Chocolate Mint

Bars. For brownies beat together 2/3 cup margarine, 2 cups brown sugar, 1/2 cup cocoa, 3 eggs, and 1 tsp. vanilla . Blend in 1 1/4 cups flour, 1 tsp . baking powder, and 1 tsp. salt. Bake 35-40 minutes at 350° in greased 13 x 9-inch pan. Prepare mint filling as in Variation #1 substituting 2 Tbls. milk and 1/2 tsp. peppermint extract (green food color, opt.) for the liquor. Glaze is 2/3 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips and 4 Tbls. butter.

Lois Brandt-Milwaukee, WI

Variation #3: Fudge Cake. Separate eggs. Beat yolks with butter and sugar. Add dry ingredients alternately with chocolate syrup and vanilla, adding an extra 1/4 cup flour. Fold in beaten egg whites. Bake in 2 (8-inch) rounds at 350° for 30-35 minutes. Frost layer and top. (It runs down sides.) Use same procedure for frosting, but use 1/4 cup butter, 1 cup sugar, half of a 5 oz . can evaporated milk, and 1/3 cup chocolate chips.

Brownies/Bars 255

256 Bars


1/2 cup butter or margarine

1 cup peanut butter

2 tsp. vanilla

1 cup packed brown sugar

1 cup white sugar


1 1/3 cups flour

1 2/3 cups mini chocolate chips





40-50 bars

13 x 9-inch


25-30 minutes

Cream butter, peanut butter, vanilla, and sugars. Add eggs, one at a time; beat well. Stir in flour. Spread mixture evenly into greased pan. Bake until browned on top. Cool and cut into squares.

Note: Good without chips or regular size chips may be used. May be halved in an 8 x 8-inch or 11 x 7-inch pan.


1/3 cup butter or margarine

1/2 cup sugar

1 cup flour

1/4 tsp. salt

1/4 tsp. baking soda


4 (2.07 oz.) Snickers bars (or 10 fun-sized bars)

2 Tbls. butter or margarine

2 Tbls. milk

1/2 cup shredded coconut

Few drops almond extract





36 squares 9-inch square 350°

Base-12 minutes

Topping-12 minutes

Cream butter and sugar. Sift flour, salt, and soda over beaten mixture; mix until crumbly. Reserve 1/2 cup crumbs for topping. Pat remaining crumbs on bottom of pan and bake for 12 minutes until lightly browned.

Topping: Melt Snickers bars with butter and milk in saucepan over very low heat. Stir in coconut and almond extract. Spread chocolate mixture over baked crumb mixture. Sprinkle remaining 1/2 cup crumbs on top. Bake again for 12 minutes until crumbs are golden. Cool; cut into squares.


Beat 3 egg whites with 1/4 tsp. cream of tartar until soft peaks form. Beat in 1/2 cup sugar, 2 Tbls. at a time, beating until sugar is dissolved and stiff glossy peaks form. Beat in 1/4 tsp. mint extract and green food coloring. Pipe (using rosette tip) into 2-inch rings; decorate with candied cherry bits. Bake 1 1/4 hours at 200°; turn off oven and leave in oven 1 1/4 hours longer to dry completely. Remove carefully with metal spatula and store in tightly covered container.


1/2 cup butter or margarine

1 1/2 cups graham cracker crumbs

1 (14 oz.) can sweetened condensed milk

5 oz. peanut butter-flavored chips (1/2 bag or scant cup)

12 oz. semi-sweet chocolate chips

1 cup cocktail peanuts (opt.)





48 or more pieces 13 x 9-inch baking pan 350° 22-25 minutes


1 1/2 cups pitted dates, chopped

1 1/2 cups orange juice

2 1/2 cups flour

11/2 cups light brown sugar, firmly packed

1 tsp. salt

1 1/2 cups margarine or butter

1 cup flaked coconut

1 cup chopped walnuts

11/2 cups old-fashioned rolled oats

Yield: 36-48 bars

Pan: 13 x 9-inch

Oven: 350°

Bake: 45 minutes


Melt butter in baking pan in oven. Remove from oven and stir in graham cracker crumbs; pat well into bottom of pan. Pour milk evenly over crumbs. Sprinkle chips and nuts evenly over all and gently press down with back of spatula. Bake, but do not overbake. Cool before cutting into bars.

Note: Proportions of chips may be varied according to taste-more peanut butter and less chocolate.

Judy (Weiherman) Schumacher Brookfield, WI

In a saucepan simmer dates in orange juice, stirring for 30 minutes or until thickened.

In a bowl combine flour, brown sugar, and salt. Add cut-up pieces of margarine and blend until mixture is crumbly. Add coconut, walnuts, and oats. Press half the dough mixture into the bottom of ungreased pan and pat flat with a sheet of waxed paper.

Spread date mixture over the dough to within an inch of the edges. Top with remaining dough mixture and flatten. Bake until golden. Let cool and cut into bars.

Vi Brelje-Orange, CA

College students always welcome cookies from home! Choose sturdy unfrosted cookies. Bars, fruit cookies, and drop cookies usually travel better than crisp, rolled-out ones. Wrap several together in plastic wrap and put in juice or soup cans just a little larger than the cookie or in other sturdy cans or boxes. Fill container as full as possible with crushed paper, packing pellets, or bubble wrap to prevent cookies from breaking.

Bars 257

258 Bars


1 (8 oz.) can crescent rolls

1 cup walnuts or almonds

3/4 cup granulated sugar

1/2 tsp. cinnamon

1/4 tsp. nutmeg

1 (10 oz.) ja(apricot or peach preserves


1 cup coconut

1/2 cup flour

1/2 cup packed light brown sugar

1/4 cup walnuts or almonds

1/4 cup margarine, softened





42 servings 2 (13 x 9-inch) 375° 20-25 minutes


1/2 cup butter or margarine

1/2 cup brown sugar

1 cup flour

Topping: 2eggs

1 cup packed brown sugar

3 Tbls. flour

1/2 tsp. salt

1 cup chopped nuts

1 1/2 cups flaked coconut

1 tsp. vanilla

Yield: 25 squares

Pan: 9-inch square

Oven: 375°

Bake: Base-15 minutes

Topping- 20 minutes

Separate roll dough into 2 long rectangles. Place each rectangle in an ungreased pan; press dough over the bottom to form crust. Chop the nuts and combine with sugar, cinnamon, and nutmeg; sprin kle over crust. Drop spoonfuls of preserve over nut mixture.

Topping: In the same bowl combine topping ingredients until crumbly. Sprinkle this mixture over preserves. Bake until golden brown. Cool completely before cutting into bars.

Tester's note: A terrific luncheon dessert!

Dottie (Garbers) Franzen-Peoria, IL

Cream butter and brown sugar; add flour. Mix well. Press into lightly buttered pan. Bake 15 minutes until crust is light brown and fairly firm.

Topping: Beat eggs until light. Add sugar, flour, and salt. Mix thoroughly. Stir in nuts, coconut, and vanilla. Spread over baked layer as soon as it comes out of the oven. (Spoon on dollops with a teaspoon for easier spreading.) Return to oven and bake 20 minutes more. Cut when only slightly cooled.

Note: Different kinds of nuts may be used; flavor and appearance change with type of nut used. This recipe was from my mother and originally in an old German cookbook.

Martha (Bubeck) Schmidt-Madison, WI

Bars 259


1 3/4 cups crushed graham crackers (about 20)

1/2 cup sugar

1/2 cup butter or margarine, melted

1 (14 oz.) can sweetened condensed milk

7 oz. flaked coconut

12 oz. semi-sweet chocolate chips





78 squares (1 x 1 1/2 inches)

13 x 9-inch 350°

Base-10 minutes

Topping-15 minutes



3 cups flour

1/4 cup plus 2 Tbls. sugar

3/4 tsp. salt

3/4 cup margarine or butter, softened


4 eggs, slightly beaten

1 1/4 cups light or dark syrup

1 1/4 cups sugar

3 Tbls. margarine or butter, melted

1 1/2 tsp. vanilla

2 1/2 cups chopped pecans

Yield: 70 bars or 12-16

dessert servings




15 x 10-inch jelly roll 350°

Crust-20 minutes

Filling-25 minutes

Mix graham crackers, sugar, and margarine and pat on the bottom of pan. Bake for 1O minutes.

Mix milk and coconut and spread on top of first layer. Bake for 15 minutes.

Melt chocolate and spread on top of the other layers. Refrigerate when cool. Cut into small squares after chocolate has hardened.

Kristine (Kolterman) Fox-Baltimore, MD

Combine flour, sugar, salt, and margarine in large bowl at medium speed until crumbly (mixture will be dry). Press firmly in greased pan. Bake for 20 minutes until golden brown.

Filling: Mix all ingredients except pecans until well-blended. Stir in pecans. Pour over baked layer; spread evenly. Bake for 25 minutes until filling is set. Cool. Cut in 1 1/2- inch squares for cookies or larger pieces for dessert servings. Top dessert portions with whipped cream or ice cream.

Betty (Rhode) Schultz-Camden, SC

260 Bars


24 graham crackers

1 cup butter or margarine

1 cup brown sugar

1 cup chopped pecans





4 dozen 15 x 10-inch 350 ° 10 minutes

Editor's note: So delicious! So easy! For a "turtle-like" flavor drizzle melted semi-sweet chocolate chips on top.

Arrange crackers on ungreased cookie sheet. In a saucepan bring butter and sugar to a boil and boil for just two minutes. Remove from heat and stir in pecans. Spread mixture evenly over crackers. Bake. Cut crackers in half while warm.

Microwave Version: Reduce butter amount to 2/3 cup and cook with sugar in a 2-4 cup measuring cup to soft ball stage (about 3 minutes) and proceed as above.

Elinor (Hannusch) Kenyon Kansas City, MO

Variation #1: Substitute 1/2 cup sugar for the brown sugar and use 1 cup walnuts instead of pecans.

Marie Doege-Valparaiso, IN

Variation #2: Praline Cookies. Arrange one package of honey graham crackers on a large cookie sheet lined with foil. Reduce margarine to 3/4 cup and use walnuts or pecans.

Marion Huegli-Grosse Point Farms, Ml


2 cups brown sugar

1/4 cup butter or margarine


1/2 cup molasses

2 tsp. vanilla

2 cups flour

1 tsp. baking soda

1 tsp. each ginger, cinnamon, salt

1/2 tsp. cloves

1/2 cup milk

Pan: 13 x 9-inch

Oven: 350 °

Bake: 35 minutes

With electric mixer beat together sugar, butter, eggs, molasses, and vanilla. Stir together flour, soda, salt, ginger, cinnamon, and cloves; add alternately with milk, mixing well. Pour into greased pan and bake. Dust with confectioners' sugar when cool, if desired.

Note: This was always my favorite afterschool treat with a glass of milk.



1 cup sifted flour

1/2 cup rolled oats

1/2 cup packed brown sugar

1/2 cup butter


1 (1 lb.) can pumpkin (2 cups)

1 (13 1/2 oz.) can evaporated milk


3/4 cup sugar

1/2 tsp. salt

1 tsp. cinnamon

1/2 tsp. ginger

1/4 tsp. cloves


1/2 cup chopped pecans

1/2 cup brown sugar

2 Tbls. butter

Yield: 24 squares

Pan: 13 x 9-inch

Oven: 350°

Bars 261

Crust: Combine flour, oats, brown sugar, and butter. Mix until crumbly. Press into ungreased pan. Bake for 15 minutes.

Filling: Combine pumpkin, milk, eggs, sugar, salt, and spices. Beat well. Pour on crust. Bake for 20 minutes.

Topping: Combine pecans, brown sugar, and butter. Sprinkle over pumpkin filling. Bake 15 to 20 minutes or until set. Cool. Serve with whipped cream.

Note: Pumpkin pie for a crowd!

Editor's note: Bases such as this with flour, sugar, and butter may easily be made in the food processor. Put flour and sugar in container, cut cold butter in chunks and pulse on and off a few seconds until desired texture. (If you get it too fine, continue until mixture begins to hold together again.)

lrmie Roggow-Hemlock, Ml


1/2 lb. butter or margarine

2 Tbls. dark Karo syrup

2 tsp. baking soda

1 cup white sugar

2 cups oats

1 cup cake flour

1 cup coconut

1/2 tsp. salt

Yield: 40 bars

Pan: 15 x 10-inch

Oven: 325 °

Bake: 20 minutes ; >

Melt butter or margarine and Karo syrup together; add baking soda and mix. Combine white sugar, oats, cake flour, coconut, and salt. Add to the syrup mixture and mix well. Press dough into pan; bake until light brown Allow to cool slightly in the pan; cut into bars .

Editor's note: A South African favorite even called Crunchies in Afrikaans . Marilyn has enjoyed making these since her trip there.

Marilyn Holmquist-West Bend, WI

262 Pies



1 1/2 cups flour

2 tsp. sugar

1 tsp. salt

1/2 cup oil

2Tbls. milk


2/3 cup sugar

1/4 cup flour

1 tsp. cinnamon

3-4 cups sliced apples

1/2 cup dairy sour cream


1/2 cup Grape-nuts cereal

1/3 cup flour

1/3 cup brown sugar, packed

1/2 tsp. cinnamon

1tsp. nutmeg

1/8 tsp. grated lemon peel

1/4 cup butter, softened





6-8 servings 9-inch pie pan 375 ° 40-45 minutes


1 (3 oz.) pkg. lemon gelatin

2/3 cup boiling water

1/2 cup cold water

Ice cubes

3 1/2 cups thawed whipped topping

1 pint fresh blueberries

2 purchased graham cracker crumb crusts or same size homemade ones

Yield: 12 servings

Crust: In pie pan combine flour, sugar, and salt. Pour oil and milk over dry ingredients. Mix well. Pat into pan and flute edges, if desired.

Filling: Combine ingredients; mix well. Spoon into crust. ·

Topping: Combine ingredients; sprinkle over filling. Bake until apples are tender and topping is golden brown.

Note: Use peeled cooking apples. One cup crispy rice cereal may be used instead of Grape-nuts.

Tester's note: An easy "pat in" crust. Unique topping adds flavor and crunch.

Elda M. Ivey-Marion, IN

Completely dissolve gelatin in boiling water. Combine cold water and ice cubes to make 1 1/4 cups. Add to gelatin, stirring until slightly thickened. Remove any unmelted ice. Whisk topping into mixture. Fold in 1 1/4 cups blueberries; chill until mixture mounds. Spoon into crusts; chill two hours. Garnish with remaining berries and additional topping.

Editor's note: Delicate flavor; not too sweet and very good!

Barbara (Nolde) Schoedel Kirkwood, MO

• •

Pies 263


1 quart fresh blueberries

1 cup brown sugar, firmly packed

1 Tbls. lemon juice

1/4 tsp. salt

2 Tbls. each cornstarch and water

1 9-inch baked pie shell or graham cracker crust

1 cup whipping cream

2 Tbls. confectioners' sugar

1 tsp. vanilla

Yield: 6-8 servings


Meringue Crust:

3 egg whites

1/4 tsp. salt

1/4 tsp. cream of tartar

3/4 cup sugar

1 tsp. vanilla

3/4 cup finely chopped pecans


1 (4 oz.) pkg. German sweet chocolate

3 Tbls. water

1 tsp. vanilla

1 cup whipping cream

Yield: 8 servings

Pan: 9-inch pie

Oven: 275°

Bake: 60 minutes

Reserve 2 cups of the berries. Mash the rest; add sugar and lemon juice. Warm over low heat, stirring carefully. When juice forms, stir in cornstarch and water mixture. Cook until thick and clear. Place reserved berries in shell and pour hot filling over them. Chill. Whip cream; add sugar and vanilla. Serve with pie.

Tester's note: Great light pie! Good made with frozen blueberries also!

Mary (Heinrich) Horn-West Seneca, NV

IICrust: Beat egg whites, salt, and cream of tartar until soft peaks form. Add sugar a tablespoon at a time; continue beating until stiff and glossy. Add vanilla; fold in nuts. Spread into buttered pie plate. Bake until meringue appears dry and sounds hollow when tapped. Cool.

Filling: Melt chocolate in water over warm water. Add vanilla; cool. Whip cream until almost stiff. Carefully fold in chocolate mixture. Spoon into meringue shell. Chill several hours before serving. Garnish with chocolate curls, if desired.


Note: The perfect end to an elegant dinner!

Mary (Heinrich) Horn-West Seneca, NV

• •


1 cup sugar

1/4 cup cornstarch

1/2 cup butter, melted


1 tsp. vanilla

1 (6 oz.) pkg. chocolate chips

1 cup chopped walnuts

1 9-inch unbaked pie shell




6-8 servings 350° 40 minutes

Mix sugar, cornstarch, butter, eggs, and vanilla in large bowl. Stir in chocolate chips and nuts Pour mixture into shell; bake until filling is golden brown and begins to pull away from sides of crust. Cool on rack before serving.

Tester's note: "Mmmmmm!"

Linda Lohrmann-Walla Walla, WA


3 eggs, separated

1 1/2 cups milk

4 1/2 (1 oz.) squares

unsweetened chocolate, grated

1 1/2 cups sugar plus 3 Tbls.

5 Tbls. flour

1 1/2 tsp. vanilla

1 baked 9-in. pie shell




6-8 servings 350° 12-15 minutes

Add slightly beaten egg yolks to milk in saucepan. Heat; add chocolate . Mix 1 1/2 cups sugar and flour; then add to milk mixture. Stir quickly to avoid lumps and cook until thickened Remove from heat ; add vanilla . Spoon into pie shell. For meringue beat egg whites until frothy and gradually add 3 Tbls . sugar; beat until stiff. Spread on top of pie and brown in oven. Note: For 8-in. shell, decrease milk and sugar to 1 cup each, flour to 3 Tbls., chocolate to 3 squares. Use 2 eggs and 2 tsp. vanilla.

Tester's note: Delightful fudgy taste and consistency. A real family pleaser!

Janie (Kipp) Lichtfuss-Valparaiso, IN


For a two-crust pie, use 2 cups flour, 1 tsp. salt, 1/2 cup canola oil, and 4 Tbls. ice water. Blend as for a regular pie crust. Roll between sheets of waxed paper. Joanne Gatz-Urbana, IL

264 Pies

Pies 265


2 cups cranberries

1 cup sugar

2 butter cookie or graham cracker pie crusts


1 (8 oz.) pkg. cream cheese, softened

1 Tbls. flour

3 Tbls. sugar

1 1/2 cups dairy eggnog

3 large eggs




12-16 serving 2 (8-9 inch) pies



Base-10 minutes

Topping-30-40 minutes

Cook cranberries with sugar; mash with potato masher. Pour into crusts. Bake at 400° for 10 minutes.

Topping: Cream cheese, flour, and sugar. Add eggnog gradually, beating until smooth. Beat eggs well and add to mixture. Pour over cranberries. Reduce oven temperature to 350 ° and bake 30-40 minutes until set. Chill.

Tester's note: A different, delicious dessert for the holidays! 1/2 cup water may be added when cooking cranberries.

Eunice (Kretzmann) Koepke

Pewaukee, WI



1/2 cup margarine or butter

2 Tbls. sugar

1 cup flour

Filling and glaze:

1 cup sugar

3/4 cup water

3 Tbls. cornstarch

3 Tbls. flavored gelatin (same flavor as fruit used)

2 pints fruit (berries, peaches, etc.)





6-8 servings 9-inch pie 350° 10 minutes

Melt margarine with sugar; cool. Blend in flour and pat into pan. Bake until lightly browned. For glaze, mix sugar, water, and cornstarch; cook over medium heat until thick and clear. Remove from heat and add gelatin. Arrange fruit in cooled crust and pour glaze over. Chill at least 3 hours before serving.

Note: May be made in a 13 X 9-inch pan and cut i(lto squares. Use lemon gelatin if using blueberries.

Lynn Schur-Hollis, NH


Meringue crust:

5 extra large egg whites, room temperature

1/4 tsp. cream of tartar

1 cup sugar


5 slightly beaten egg yolks

1/2 cup sugar

6 Tbls. fresh lemon juice

2 Tbls. water

Rind of one small lemon

1 pt. whipping cream, whipped





8-10 servings 10-inch pie 250° 60 minutes



1 cup less 1 Tbls. sugar

1 6-oz. can frozen lemonade and enough water to make

2 cups liquid

1/4 cup cornstarch

3 large egg yolks

1 Tbls. milk

1 8-inch baked pie shell


3 egg whites

1/4 tsp. cream of tartar

6 Tbls. sugar

Yield: 6 servings

Oven: 350 °

Bake: 8-12 minutes

Meringue crust: Beat egg whites with cream of tartar until foamy. Continue beating until stiff peaks form. Add sugar, 1 Tbls. at a time, beating until stiff and glossy. Spread in pie plate (high on the sides) . Bake; do not open oven door. Cool in oven several hours or overnight.

Filling: Cook eggs , sugar, lemon juice, and water in top of double boiler until thick, stirring constantly . Remove from heat; add butter and lemon rind. Cool. Spread half of whipped cream into meringue shell. Cover with filling; spread remaining cream over top . Chill for several hours.

Carol (Weiss) Lestina

Arlington Heights, IL

Pie: Mix sugar, lemonade liquid , and cornstarch in saucepan. Heat, stirring constantly. Before mixture boils, add yolks mixed with milk; again, stir constantly until thickened. Cool; pour into pie shell.

Meringue: Beat egg whites and cream of tartar until frothy. Add sugar 1 Tbls. at a time, beating until mixture is stiff and glossy. Spread over pie filling. Bake until meringue is a delicate brown.

Note: Easy lemon meringue pie with ingredients easily kept on hand. Delicious taste; not too tart.

Cordelia Henline-Fort Wayne, IN


Blend together 3 Tbls. melted lowest cholesterol regular margarine (not whipped, light, or spread) and 1 1/4 cups graham cracker crumbs. Press in bottom and sides of 9-inch pie pan. Bake at 350 ° for 4-5 minutes.

266 Pies
• •

Pies 267


1 envelope unflavored gelatin

2 cups water, divided

1 3 oz. pkg. lemon sugar-free Jello

4 cups low-fat cottage cheese

1 Tbls. grated lemon rind

2 graham cracker pie crusts (see preceding page)

Yield: 2 (9-inch) pies


1 lb. whole or 12 oz. pitted prunes (2 cups)

1/3 cup sugar

1/4 tsp. salt

2 1/2 Tbls. cornstarch

1/4 tsp. cinnamon

1 Tbls. lemon juice or apple cider vinegar

1 baked 9- or 10-inch pie shell

Sweetened whipped cream for topping

Yield: 6-10 servings


2 cups pumpkin

1 1/2 cups sugar

1 cup evaporated milk


2 tsp. vanilla

2 tsp. pumpkin pie spice

2 Tbls. melted butter

1/2 cup Bisquick

1/2 tsp. salt

Oven: 350°

Bake: 30 minutes

In small cup sprinkle unflavored gelatin on 1/2 cup cold water; let soften. Bring remaining water (1 1/2 cups) to boil; add lemon Jello; stir to dissolve. Immediately add unflavored gelatin-water mixture and stir to dissolve; cool to lukewarm. Blend cottage cheese and lemon rind until smooth in blender. Slowly add gelatin mixture; pour into crust. Refrigerate. Garnish with fresh fruit. To make one pie with more lemon flavor, divide recipe in half using only lemon Jello.

Judy Schumacher-Brookfield, WI

Cook prunes gently in 4 cups water. Cool; drain, reserving juice. Pit, chop, and measure prunes. Combine sugar, salt, cornstarch, cinnamon, and 1 cup prune liquid in saucepan. Bring to boil, stirring constantly. Cook until thick; add lemon juice and prunes. Pour into pie shell. Chill. Spread sweetened whipped cream on top.

Note: This pie is frequently requested at church dinners, bazaars, and bake sales. My mother made a much simpler version: sweetened prunes in a baked shell, topped with cream.

Concordia Beversdorf-Shawano, WI

Mix all ingredients in blender and pour into a deep dish pie plate; bake. Should be firm, but do not overbake.

Note: Very easy, no-crust pie with a nice texture and flavor. Top with whipped cream or non-dairy whipped topping.

Naomi (Graef) Holverstott-Louisville, KY



2 1/2 cups cut rhubarb

9-in. unbaked pie shell

1 cup sour cream

1 1/2 cups sugar

2 Tbls. flour


3 separated

6 Tbls. sugar

Yield: 6-8 servings

Oven: 350°

Place rhubarb in pie shell. Mix sour cream, sugar, flour, and egg yolks. Pour over rhubarb. Bake for one hour; cool slightly. For meringue, beat egg whites until stiff. Add sugar gradually while beating. Spread over pie and bake 20 minutes.

Tester's note: A real hit that earned rave reviews!

lrmie Roggow-Hemlock, Ml


3/4 cup flour

1/2 cup packed dark brown sugar

1/2 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. cinnamon

1/4 tsp. ginger

1/4 tsp. nutmeg

3 Tbls. butter or margarine

3/4 cup hot water

1/2 tsp. baking soda

1/2 cup dark molasses

1 egg yolk, beaten

1 9-inch pie crust, unbaked

Oven: 400 °-15 minutes

325 °-20 minutes

Mix flour, sugar, salt, spices, and butter until crumbly. Mix hot water and baking soda in large bowl. Stir in molasses and egg yolk. Pour into crust. Sprinkle crumb mixture over molasses mixture. Bake at 400° for 15 minutes, then bake at 325° for 20 minutes or until crust and crumbs are brown. Do not overbake. Top with whipped cream, if desired.

Note: Delicious, gingerbread flavor. Kids love it!

Tester's note: Wonderful with molasses and spices-my son's favorite pie.


Combine 2 Tbls. sugar, 1 Tbls. cornstarch, and 1/2 cup water in small saucepan. Boil gently until thick and clear; set aside to cool. Combine 3 egg whites, 1/8 tsp. salt, and 1/4 tsp. cream of tartar in a bowl and whip until foamy. Add 1/4 cup plus 2 Tbls. sugar, gradually, beating thoroughly. Gradually beat in cooled cornstarch mixture; then spread on pie and bake.



Enjoy an endless variety of pies with these crusts and toppings! Here are just a few to pique your interest. Create many winning combinations of your own.

CRUSTS (for 9-inch pies)


2 cups pecans

1/4 cup brown sugar

1/8 tsp. cinnamon (opt.)

2 Tbls. butter, room temp.

In food processor, blend pecans, brown sugar, and cinnamon until nuts are finely ground. Add butter; process until combined. Press into pie pan; bake at 325° for 20 minutes.


1 (9 oz.) pkg. chocolate wafer cookies (Nabisco)

6 Tbls. butter, melted

Crush wafers; blend with butter. Press into pie pan. Bake at 325° for 1O minutes.


-Make your own favorite crust, eliminating the sugar, if desired.

-Use the lower cholesterol variation in this chapter.

-Substitute toasted ground almonds for up to half the graham crackers crumbs.

-Add 1/2-1 tsp. cinnamon or 1 tsp. grated lemon rind.


1/2 gallon each or combination of flavors: Vanilla • Butter Pecan • Chocolate Almond Roca • Chocolate Chip • Peppermint • Coffee • Raspberry


-Use your favorite (homemade or purchased) thick hot fudge, caramel, or fruit toppings between layers of ice cream.


5 Tbls. butter

1 cup golden brown sugar, packed

213 cup whipping cream

1 tsp. vanilla

Melt butter in heavy saucepan over medium heat. Add brown sugar and cream and heat until sugar dissolves. Boil 4 minutes without stirring. Remove from heat and add vanilla.


1/4 cup butter or margarine

1/3 cup freshly-squeezed lemon juice

3/4 cup sugar

1 tsp. grated lemon rind

3 slightly beaten eggs .

Melt butter in medium saucepan; stir in lemon juice, rind, and sugar. Cook and stir until sugar dissolves. Pour half of hot mixture into eggs. Return all to saucepan. Cook, stirring constantly until thickened.

Pies 269



3/4 cup whipping cream

6 oz. bittersweet (not unsweetened) chocolate, chopped, or 1 cup (6 oz.) pkg. semisweet chocolate chips.

Bring whipping cream just to a simmer; remove from heat and stir in chocolate.

TOPPINGS (or for between layers)

-Nuts, plain or toasted

-Toffee candy

-Favorite candy bars

-Fresh fruit

-Whipped cream or topping

-Meringue as for baked Alaska

-Brandied cherries (see page 229)

-Chocolate Crunch (see below)


In blender puree 1 (1 O oz.) pkg. frozen raspberries in syrup, thawed. Strain.


6 oz. semi-sweet chocolate chips

1 1/2 Tbls. vegetable oil

1 (9 oz.) pkg. chocolate wafer cookies, crushed to crumbs

Carefully melt chocolate chips with oil, stirring until smooth; stir in crumbs. Spread on cookie sheet lined with plastic wrap. Freeze until firm, about 10 minutes. Chop into pea-size pieces and store in air-tight container in freezer until needed.

LeAnn (Young) Benz-Mequon, WI, folds 1/2 pt. whipped cream into 1/3 of a half gallon of peppermint ice cream and puts into chocolate crust.


3 cups Cheerios

3 cups Rice Chex

3 cups Corn Chex

2 cups pretzel sticks

2 cups peanuts

2 cups plain M&Ms (1 lb.)

1 lb. white chocolate coating

Mix all ingredients except white chocolate together. Melt white chocolate in a double boiler or microwave carefully. Pour coating over cereal mixture and mix well until evenly coated. Spread on waxed paper to cool. Break into bite-sized pieces and store in an air-tight container.

Susan (Brandt) Minster-Indianapolis, IN

Variation: Substitute 3 cups pretzel sticks and 1 (12 oz.) can peanuts.

Janice Dobbs submitted by Carolyn Bates-Ann Arbor, Ml


Confections/Candy 271


1 t/2 lbs. white chocolate (confectionery coating), divided 6 oz. semi-sweet chocolate chips

1 tsp. peppermint extract

2 Tbls. cream

Green food coloring

Pan: 12 x 8-inch

Note: Tastes like Andes Candies!

Melt 1 lb. of the white chocolate and all of the chips on . HIGH for 1 1/2-3 minutes. Spread half of mixture on waxed paper in pan. Chill. Melt remaining white chocolate about 1 1/2 minutes . (Careful; chocolate scorches easily .) Stir in peppermint, cream, and food color ing Spread on top of chilled layer. Chill again. Remelt remaining chocolate mixture and spread on top Chill. Cut at room temperature into 1-inch squares.

Margaret (Killinger) Krueger New Berlin, WI


24 oz. almond bark (white chocolate)

1 1/4 cups .crunchy peanut butter

1 1/2 cups dry roasted peanuts

2 cups Rice Krispies

2 cups mini marshmallows

Note: Quick and easy, rich and tasty treat!


1/2 cup margarine

12 oz. chocolate chips

1 1/2 cups peanut butter

16 cups Crispix cereal (17.9 oz box minus 1 cup)

1/2 cup peanuts (opt.)

2 cups confectioners' sugar

Melt together margarine, chocolate chips, and peanut butter in microwave or in a double ooiler. Combine melted mixture , cereal ,

Melt almond bark in double boiler, stirring constantly to avoid scorching. (Water should be hot, but not boiling.) May also be melted in microwave. Stir in peanut butter and peanuts. Remove from heat; stir in cereal and marshmallows. Drop by teaspoonfuls on waxed paper or foil. When firm lift with spatula to storage container. Chill.

Elizabeth Siefker-Indianapolis, IN 0 and peanuts in a large bowl, stirring until thoroughly coated. Place confectioners ' sugar in a large paper bag; add mixture and shake until coated.

Marlene Kluge-Baltimore, MD

Variation: Use same amount of margarine and confectioner ' s sugar, but half the amount of chips, peanut butter, and cereal. Use Rice Chex instead of Crispix.

Kathryn (Drews) Hronec-Winnetka , IL

272 Candy/Fudge


3 (7 oz.) Hershey bars

18 oz. semi-sweet chocolate chips

1 lb. walnut pieces

1 (13 oz.) jar marshmallow cream

4 1/2 cups sugar

1 (12 oz.) can evaporated milk

1 lb. butter

Pan: 2 (13 x 9-inch) pans


12 oz. semi-sweet chocolate chips

1 (14 oz.) can sweetened condensed milk

1 tsp. vanilla

Pan: 8-inch square

Break Hershey bars into small pieces and combine with chips , nuts, and marshmallow in large bowl or roaster. Combine sugar, milk, and butter in saucepan; bring to slow boil. Boil four full minutes and pour over first mixture. Stir until well blended. Pour into buttered pans.

Tester's note: Excellent! Big batch.

Janie (Kipp) Lichtfuss-Valparaiso, IN 0

Melt chocolate chips and milk over low heat (or microwave until chips are melted). Add vanilla and stir until smooth. Pour into buttered pan and chill for 4 hours.

Tester's note: May use recipe for sweetened condensed milk found in Guild cookbook, Vol. Ill.

Kathryn (Drews) Hronec-Winnetka, IL


2 cups white sugar

2 cups brown sugar

1/4 cup cocoa

1/2 tsp. salt

1 cup milk

1/4 cup butter or margarine

1 tsp. vanilla

Pan: 9-inch square

In saucepan mix together sugars, cocoa, and salt. Add milk. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until mixture comes to rolling boil. Lower heat. Continue stirring to soft ball stage (234°F). Remove from heat and add butter or margarine and vanilla. Cool mixture slightly, then beat until glossy and pour into buttered pan.

Tester's note: Traditionally cooked fudge with a brown sugar flavor! Excellent!

Lorraine Gaunt-Smyrna, GA

Junius R. Sloan, American 1827-1900

A Currant Spray, 1875

Oil on canvas on masonite, 16 x 8-1/2 inches

Valparaiso University Museum of Art Estate of Percy H. Sloan 53.1.191

Junius Sloan very likely painted this when he and his family spent the summer in Milwaukee in the home of his brother-in-law on Prospect Avenue by Lake Michigan. This painting and 275 others by Junius, 100 by ear1y twentieth century Chicago artists, seven by nationally prominent American artists, and a $150,000 collection endowment became VU's in 1953 when representatives of Valparaiso University and the Percy H. Sloan estate signed a Trust Agreement. Before his death in 1950, Percy, Junius's son and a retired Chicago public school art teacher, negotiated the basics of this gift with the then VU President, 0. P Kretzmann.

§l l[)lt
Canning/Preserving/Side Dishes/Potpourri PICKLES Aunt Hazel's Great Pickles 273 Bread and Butter Refrigerator Pickles 273 Cajun Pickles ... ... ..... ..... .... .. ..... .... .... .. .. 274 Celery Dill Pickles 274 Grandma's Crock Pickles 275 Pickled Green Chiles .... ..... ...... .... ...... .. 276 JAMS Freezer Peach and Raspberry Jam 278 Peach-Orange Marmalade ........... .... ... 277 Rhubarb Cherry Jam ..... ........... .... .... ...277 SIDE DISHES AND SAUCES Camp Ham Glaze .............. ....... ........... 278 Cold Strawberry Soup 280 Cranberry Chutney 276 Cranberry Ham Sauce ..... .......... ... ....... 279 Fruit Soup 280 Microwave Cranberry Orange Sauce 279 Microwave-cooked Apples 279 BUTTERS AND SPREADS Basic Cream Cheese Spread 281 Basil Butters 283 Cheesy Raisin Spread 281 Cinnamon Honey Butter ... ... ..... ....... .. ..282 Fruit Spread 281 Grand Marnier Pecan Spread .............. 281 Honey Rum Butter 282 Italian Butter 283 Lemon Cream Cheese Spread ....... ..... 281 Mustard-Herb Butter 283 Orange Honey Butter 282 Parsley-Lemon Butter 283 Raspberry Butter. ... ......... .. ... ....... ......... 282 Seasoned Vegetable Butters 283 Sherry's Easy Cranapple Spread 281 Southwestern Butter 283 Strawberry Butter ............. ..... .. .. ... .. ..... .282 OTHER Edible Flowers ... ..... ....... .. .... .... ... ... ...... 282 Entertaining Ideas .... .. .... .. .............. .... .. 288 Food Pyramid 284 Fresh-Like Tomatoes .... .............. .... .... .275 Menu Planner 285-287

1 quart whole dill pickles


2 onions, sliced

1 1/2 cups sugar

Yield: 1 quart

Purchase any brand whole dill pickles; drain and discard all juice. Cut pickles in about 1/2" thick chunks and put in glass bowl with sliced onions and sugar. Let stand on counter overnight. They will draw their own juice in less than a day. Put pickles , onions, and juice back into quart jar.

Note: We always have a quart of these on hand in the refrigerator. Wonderful for gift giving. Anyone can say "I made them myself!"

Tester's note: Delicious and easy!

Judy Schumacher-Brookfield, WI


3 cups sugar

3 cups vinegar (white or cider)

1/2 cup canning salt

1 1/3 tsp. turmeric

1 1/3 tsp. celery seed

1 1/3 tsp. dry mustard

About 12 medium cucumbers (or enough to fill a gallon jar)

3 onions

Yield: 1 gallon

Mix sugar, vinegar, and spices. Do not heat. Slice cucumbers and onions into either a gallon jar (sterilized) or several large jars. Fill; pack slightly. Pour vinegar solution over cucumbers and onion. Refrigerate for 5 days. Shake at least once a day. Will keep in refrigerator for at least a year and remain crisp.

Kay Mellom-Greenville, SC

Pickles 273


1 quart sliced dill pickles

3 cups white sugar

1 Tbls. Tabasco sauce

4 cloves garlic, minced or sliced (opt.)

Yield: 1 quart


Use cheapest variety of pickles from your super market, not ripple cut. Drain all juice from pickles and discard. Mix other ingredients in large bowl. Refrigerate. It takes about 1-2 days for sugar to dissolve. It will make its own juice. Put in jars. To make a large quantity for gifts or a bazaar, use a 1 gallon jar sliced dill pickles, 5 lbs. sugar, and 1 (2 oz ) bottle Tabasco sauce.

Note: These pickles have earned a great reputation and are a big seller at the New Orleans Lutheran High School Fair.

Tester's note: We loved them!

Chris Linke as submitted by Lois Oster-New Orleans, LA


4 cups sugar

1/2 cup salt

4 cups vinegar

2 cups water

Celery, cut into 6 x 1-inch stalks

Onion slices

8 cups cucumber slices

Dill heads

Boil sugar, salt, vinegar, and water to syrup stage. Meanwhile, place 3-4 celery stalks, 3-4 onion slices, cucumber slices, and 2 heads dill in each sterilized quart jar. Pour boiling syrup over and seal.

Ruth Krueger-Forestville, WI


Despite the fact that our mothers never processed pickles after they filled the jars, it is now recommended that pickles be processed in a boiling water bath-15 minutes for pints and 20 minutes for quarts.

274 Pickles

Canned Tomatoes 275


4 cups sliced cucumbers

1 Tbls. salt

2 cups vinegar

2 cups sugar

1 Tbls. celery seed

1 Tbls. mustard seed

1 cup sliced green pepper

1/2 cup sliced onion


For each pint jar:


1 cup calcium chloride

6 qts. water

2 oz. hot water

1/2 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. sugar

2 tsp. lemon juice or 1/4 tsp. citric acid

Boiling water to fill jar

Combine cucumbers and salt; let stand for one hour Combine vinegar, sugar, celery seed, and mustard seed; let stand for one hour. Drain cucumbers and combine with vinegar mixture, green pepper, and onion. Put into glass jars and refrigerate 3 days before serving.

Alberta Kraft-Menomonee Falls, WI

Select firm ripe tomatoes with no soft spots. Wash fruit in mild detergent and water; rinse. Scald in boiling water for 15 seconds; cool in running water. Cut off green "shoulders" and hard stems; peel. Slice about 3/8-inch thick with sharp knife into a colander. (I prefer not to use a wooden cutting board because of possible contamination.)

In a large pan stir together calcium choloride and water (5% solution). Place colander with tomatoes into the calcium chloride solution; leave for 5 minutes. (Separate slices during this time to allow firming solution to cover evenly. Meanwhile, stir together hot water, salt, sugar, and lemon juice. multiplying the solution by the number of jars you are planning to fill. Pack tomatoes into pint jars and cover with mixture. Fill packed jars with boiling water, leaving 1/2-inch headspace. Seal lids and heat jars in boiling water for 10 minutes (pints) or 15 minutes (quarts). Allow jars to stand until cool enough to handle; cool completely in running water. Refrigerate 24 hours; store in cool area.

Note: The brine solution and refrigeration are the secret to firm ''fresh" tomato slices.

Glee Krentz-Lexington, OH

• •


1/2 cup vinegar

1/2 cup sugar

1 tsp. dillweed

1 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. mustard seed

5 (4 oz.) cans whole green chiles,seeded

1 clove garlic, minced

Yield: 1 quart


1 quart (1 lb.) cranberries

4 apples, peeled, cored, and chopped

2 cups packed light brown sugar

1 cup each: chopped onion, raisins, and vinegar

1 clove garlic, crushed

1 3/4 tsp. ginger

3/4 tsp. each: allspice, cinnamon, and salt

1 cup water

Yield: 5 cups


nng vinegar, sugar, and spices to boil. Simmer 7 minutes until a light syrup is formed Dice chiles into chunks. Pack into a quart jar. Add syrup to cover. Refrigerate at least 3 days before using.


Stir together all ingredients in large saucepan. Simmer about 1 1/4 hours, stirring occasionally until thickened to desired consistency. Pour into glass bowl. Cover and chill until serving time.

Note: May be frozen for a later use.

Tester's note : Wonderful fall side dish!

Lois Hoeppner-Valparaiso, IN

276 Chiles/Chutney
• ll

Jams 277


18 peaches

4 large oranges


1 cup maraschino cherries, chopped

Peel and pit peaches. Quarter and seed orange Put peach es , oranges and orange peel through food grinder . Measure fruit into pan and add 1 1/2 cups sugar for each cup of fruit. Cook until mixture "sheets" and orange peel is translucent. Add cherries. Put in hot, sterilized glasses. Seal immediately.

Tester's note: This makes an absolutely delicious batch of jam! The whole family loved it on toast and English muffins. I plan to make more jars for holiday giving when peaches are in season.


6 cups diced rhubarb

4 cups sugar

1 (29 oz.) can cherry pie filling

1 (3 oz. package cherry jello

Mix together first three ingredients and cook for 30 minutes. Remove from heat and add jello . Pour into clean sterilized jars and seal.

Tester's note: Very cherry flavor-you'd never know it was rhubarb. My children liked it.


Many who love fresh juicy peaches with true rich peach flavor choose Colorado Mountain Lion peaches for eating, canning, and freezing. Depending on weather conditions, they usually arrive between the end of August and beginning of September in local grocery stores and fruit markets. Though peaches from other areas of the country are equally delicious in season, more of these are sold for preserving than any other.


278 Jams/Glaze


3 lbs. fully ripe peaches, room temperature

2 Tbls. lemon juice

3/4 tsp. salt

1/8 tsp. almond extract

1 (1 3/4 oz.) pkg. powdered light fruit pectin

3 cups sugar

1/2 pint raspberries

Yield: 5 (8 oz.) jelly glasses

Peel, pit, and cut peaches into bite-sized pieces . With potato masher, thoroughly crush enough peaches to equal 3 1/3 cups. Stir in lemon juice, salt, and extract. In small bowl, mix fruit pectin with 1/4 cup sugar. Gradually stir pectin mixture into peach mixture, stirring rapidly until thoroughly mixed . Let stand about 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Gradually stir remaining 2 3/4 cups sugar into peach mixture, stirring until sugar dissolves. A few sugar crystals will remain. Gently stir in raspberries. Pour or ladle peach mixture into sterilized containers to 1/2 inch from tops. Wipe off edges of containers ; cover with lids. Let stand at room temperature for 24 hours. Freeze for up to 1 year. After opening, store in refrigerator to use within 2 weeks. (About 35 calories per tablespoon.)


1/2 cup frozen orange juice concentrate, thawed

1/4 cup Sherry

1/4 cup water

1/4 cup brown sugar

1 tsp. Dijon-style mustard

Yield: 1 cup

0Stir together all ingredients. Brush on ham and canned pineapple slices and grill over open fire or hot coals.

Note: Each year we camped one weekend with families from our church and always made this grilled ham with our eggs for Saturday morning breakfast. With the brown sugar in the glaze, it can burn easily; so watch carefully. Heat any extra glaze and spoon on after grilling if desired.

Editor's note: Whenever any wine is specified always use regular drinking wine. Cooking wine is not good quality wine and is made from the dregs at the bottom. Regular wine is no more expensive (and often less expensive) than cooking wine.


Fruit Sauces 279


4 cups sliced pared apples

3/4 cup sugar

1/2 cup water

1 tsp. cinnamon

Yield: 4--6 servings

In a microwave -safe casserole, combine all ingredients. Microwave on high for 7-9 minutes, stirring once.

Editor's note: So easy and tasty-a good side dish.

Martha (Redman) Diekelmann

Crown Point, IN


1 lb. fresh cranberries

3/4 cup orange juice, fresh or reconstituted frozen

2 cups sugar

1 tsp. grated orange peel

Yield: 6 servings

In a 4-quart covered, microwave-safe casserole, combine all ingredients. Microwave on HIGH for 6 minutes. Stir; microwave another 6 minutes, stirring every 2 minutes to prevent boil-over. Chill. Make a day ahead. May be frozen.

Note: Fast and easy. Impressive at any holiday gathering!

Mary B. Scheig-Ft. Myers, FL

Variation: Reduce sugar to 1 1/2 cups. Add 1/2 tsp. cinnamon and a dash of cloves.

Margaret Krueger-New Berlin, WI


1/2 cup brown sugar

1 1/2 Tbls. cornstarch

1/8 tsp. cinnamon

1/8 tsp. cloves

1 cup cranberry juice

1 Tbls. concentrated frozen orange juice

1/4 cup mandarin oranges

Mix first four ingredients. Gradually add cranberry and orange juices. Cook on low heat about 5 minutes until thickened. Add the oranges.

Tester's note: Also good with roast pork or chicken.

Rebecca (Miller) Lawton-Cedarburg, WI

280 Fruit Soups


1/2 cup (3 oz.) dried peaches, quartered

1/2 cup (3 oz.) dried apricots, halved

1/2 cup (3 oz.) dried Calimyrna figs, halved

1/2 cup (3 oz.) dried dark figs, halved

1/2 cup large tapioca

4 cups water

1 cup (6 oz.) pitted bite-sized prunes

1 cup (6 oz.) raisins

1 apple, sliced

1 orange, thinly sliced

1/2 lemon, thinly sliced

3 cups water

Juice of 1/2 lemon

3/4 cup sugar

1 stick cinnamon

Soak the peaches, apricots, figs, and tapioca in the 4 cups of water for 12-25 hours. Then pour the mixture into a buttered Dutch oven or 4-quart kettle. Add the remaining ingredients. Simmer 2-3 hours. Add more liquid if necessary. Good hot, cold, or in hot fruit sundae.

Note: This recipe is a "heart-healthy" version of a classic.

Eunice (Kanning) Heimerdinger Minneapolis, MN


1 pint fresh sliced strawberries

1 cup sour cream

1/2 cup milk

1/2 cup gingerale

5 Tbls. sugar (3 oz.)

1 tsp. vanilla

1 Tbls. lemon juice

Yield: 4-6 servings

In blender container, blend all ingredients until smooth. Chill and serve in frozen bowls. Garnish with a fresh strawberry slit to fit over edge of bowl.

Editor's note: A wonderful refreshing summer treat! And a beautiful color! Suzanne served this for university guests during the week-end of ground-breaking for the new Center for the Visual and Performing Arts.


1 (16 oz.) jar jellied cranberry sauce

1 (15 oz.) jar unsweetened applesauce

1 Tbls. butter

1/2 tsp. cinnamon

1/4 tsp. nutmeg

1/8 ·tsp. allspice

In medium saucepan, combine cranberry sauce and applesauce Cook over medium heat until cranberry sauce melts. Add remaining ingredients and blend well. Pack into 4 clean 8 oz. jars. Cover and refrigerate or freeze.

Microwave directions: Place cranberry sauce in quart microwave-safe bowl. Whisk until smooth. Add applesauce and blend well. Microwave on HIGH 3-4 minutes, whisking twice during cooking. Add remaining ingredients and stir until margarine melts.

Note: Wonderful spread for date, nut, and zucchini breads

Arlene Rachiele-Wauwatosa, WI



In a medium bowl, blend together 8 oz. cream cheese, 1 1/2 Tbls. butter or margarine, 1/3 cup confectioners' sugar, and 1/2 tsp. vanilla. This is good for brown bread and zucchini bread. A dash of mace or cinnamon could be added.


In food processor, blend until smooth 8 oz. cream cheese, 1/4 cup chopped nuts, 1/3 cup raisins, 2 tsp. honey, and a dash of cinnamon. Good on plain bagels.


To 8 oz. cream cheese, add 1/2 cup chopped fruit (peaches, strawberries, etc.), 2-3 tsp. honey, and dash of cinnamon or ginger. You may substitute 1/3 cup preserves for fresh fruit and eliminate honey. Complimentary ingredients may be added, such as peaches, papaya, pineapple preserves, almonds, macadamia nuts, fresh or crystallized ginger, etc


In a medium bowl, blend together 8 oz. cream cheese, 1 Tbls. sugar, 1 Tbls. Grand Marnier, and 1/4 cup finely chopped pecans.


Combine 8 oz. cream cheese with 1 1/2 tsp. fresh lemon juice and 1 1/2 tsp. freshly grated lemon rind in food processor or in bowl with wooden spoon.

Spreads 281





Combine 1/2 cup butter with 1 Tbls. honey and 1/8 tsp. ground cinnamon in food processor or mixer until smooth. Use for breads and muffins.


In small bowl beat 1/2 cup butter with 2 Tbls honey and 1/2 tsp. rum extract until light and fluffy. Good on date and nut breads.


Beat together 1/2 cup butter, 3 Tbls. honey, and 1 tsp. grated orange rind until light and fluffy. Serve in orange shell. Serve on breads, French toast, and carrots.


In food processor or mixer, blend 1/2 cup butter with 1/4-1 /3 cup fresh or frozen (thawed) raspberries and 1 Tbls. honey. Could substitute 3 Tbls. raspberry jam for the raspberries and honey. Use on English muffins.


In blender or food processor, process 1/2 cup butter or margarine with 1 cup fresh or frozen (thawed) strawberries. Delicious on French toast and pancakes.


Many flowers are edible. The following are just a few of the more common ones you might like to use . The important factor in eating or garnishing with any flowers is that they be free from pesticides. Therefore, you should only eat those that you have grown yourself and know that they have not been sprayed. Remove base of flower.

In a salad use: appleblossoms, lilacs, nasturtiums , and scented geraniums (Pelargonium species) .

In a fruit salad try: orange blossoms, sweet violets, and pansies.

For garnish decorate with: orange blossoms, lilacs, pansies, peonies, petunias, and primroses.

For ice rings freeze: orange blossoms, forget-me-nots, petunias, and plum blossoms.

For oriental cooking try daylilies.

On cakes enjoy: dried or fresh sweet violets and pansies.

For a visual delight, use fresh or dried sweet violets or pansies on cakes.


Butters 283



Blend in any manner 1/2 cup butter, 1/2 tsp. lemon juice, 1/2 cup chopped fresh basil leaves, 2 Tbls. chopped parsley, and 2 Tbls. grated Parmesan cheese. Spread on French bread and bake or broil.

Blend together 1/2 cup butter-margarine soft spread, 3 Tbls. grated Parmesan cheese, 1 clove minced garlic, and 1/2 tsp. dried crushed basil leaves.


Blend 1/2 cup butter, 3 Tbls. Parmesan cheese, 1/2 tsp. Italian seasoning, and a dash of garlic salt. Spread on French bread and bake or broil. Good on pasta and zucchini.


Blend 1/2 cup butter, 1 tsp. fresh lemon juice, 2 Tbls. prepared Dijon mustard, 1 finely chopped shallot, 2 Tbls. chopped parsley, 1 Tbls. finely chopped chives, and a dash of freshly ground pepper. Try on French bread and vegetables.



Blend 1/2 cup butter, 1 1/2 Tbls. parsley, 1 Tbls. lemon juice, 2 tsp. minced onion, and 1 tsp. grated lemon rind Good on broccoli, rice, and seafood.


Blend 1/2 cup butter or margarine, softened, 1/2 cup mayonnaise, 1 cup grated Monterey Jack cheese, and 1 (4 oz.) can chopped green chiles including liquid. Spread on French bread and bake or broil. Myra Behnke-Little Rock, AR


Melt 1/4 cup butter or margarine and add one of the following:

Almond -1 Tbls. chopped toasted almonds

Basil -1 tsp. chopped fresh or 1/2 tsp. dried basil leaves

Cheese - 2 Tbls. grated parmesan cheese

Chive-Parsley - 1 Tbls. each chopped chives and chopped parsley

Curry - 1/4 tsp. curry powder

Garlic - 1/2 small garlic clove, crushed or 1/2 tsp. garlic powder

Horseradish -1 Tbls. prepared horseradish

Lemon -1 Tbls. grated lemon peel and 2 Tbls. lemon juice

Mustard-Dill - 1/4 tsp. dry mustard and 1 tsp. fresh or 1/4 tsp. dried dill weed

Sesame-Soy -1 Tbls. sesame seed and 2 Tbls. soy sauce


No longer will we see the familiar Basic Four Food Group Wheel that many of us studied in school. It has gone the way of the Basic Seven Food Group Wheel that some of us studied years before!

After many years of discussion and input by various interest groups, the Food Guide Pyramid now sets the standard for balancing your diet. At the bottom of the pyramid with the broadest base is the bread , cereal, rice, and pasta group. You should have 6-11 servings each day.

The next layer is composed of the vegetable group and the fruit group. You should have 3-5 servings of vegetables per day and 2-4 servings of fruit. This layer, along with the base, supplies vitamins , minerals, complex carbohydrates , and dietary fiber. They are very important to our overall good health and may also help prevent some illnesses, such as heart disease and cancer.

The next layer is composed of the milk, yogurt , and cheese group and the meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs, and nut group. You should have 2-3 servings from each of these groups.

At the top is the small triangle showing that fats, oils, and sweets should play a limited role in a well-balanced diet. Use very sparingly as one finds some fat in all the other layers also. Foods high in fat may contribute to obesity and may increase the risk of heart disease and some types of cancer. Some fat is present in all the layers of this food pyramid.

Enjoy cooking! Enjoy eating! Enjoy good health!

284 Food

Menu Planner 285


Included here are a few ideas to help you with your menu planning. There are so many recipes that could fit into each of the menus; it was very difficult to choose which ones to use. You know what foods and flavors most appeal to your family and guests, so use these menus as a starting point to plan your meals and be ready to receive many compliments! All recipes in bold letters are printed in this book.


Super Bowl Dip

Reuben Dip

Nachos with Guacamole and Fast

Fresh Salsa

Norris Nibbles

Ham Sandwiches with Spicy Mustard Sauce

Savory Italian Beef for Sandwiches

Meme's Slaw

Great Grandma's Oatmeal Cookies

Grand Marnier Brownies


Veggies with Green Pepper Dip

Tom's Grilled Chicken with Marinade

Grilled Potatoes

Buttered Corn on the Cob Eggplant Parmesan

Belgian Tomatoes

Fresh Fruit Salad with Amelia's Fruit Dressing

Mix and Match Ice Cream Pies


Crab-Stuffed Chicken Breasts

Lime-Flavored Rice

Asparagus with Almond Butter

Chunky Fruit Salad

Lemon Angel Food Delight


Marinated Steak

Old-Fashioned Baked Beans

German Potato Salad

Danish Potato Salad

Frog-Eye Salad

Broccoli Salad

Barb's Wonderful Pasta Salad

Chinese Cabbage Salad

Giant Peanut Butter Cookies

Bake Sale Brownies


Upside-Down Ham Loaf

Au Gratin Potatoes

Cranberry-Glazed Beets

Mixed Green Salad with Honey Dijon Dressing -or-

Taffy Apple Salad

Pumpkin-Upside Down Dessert


Stuffed Snow Peas

Roast Pork Loin with Raspberry Sauce

Almond Barley Casserole

Puree of Carrots in Orange Cups

Kathy's Bran Rolls

Oriental Spinach Salad

Apple Crisp


Traditional Turkey and Stuffing

Mashed Potatoes and Gravy

Sweet Potatoes Supreme

Cauliflower with Toasted

Almond Butter

Green Beans with Chive Parsley Butter

Microwave Cranberry

Orange Sauce

Mom's No-Knead Dinner Rolls

Apple Crunch Pie

Fresh Blueberry Pie

No-Crust Pumpkin Pie


Super Shrimp Spread

Mustard Dip for Pretzels

Blue Cheesecake


Veggie Pizza

Marinated Brussels Sprouts

Hot Bean Dip

Beer Balls

Cranberry Wine Punch


Easy Shrimp Dip

Favorite Ham with Cranberry Ham Sauce

Parsley-Browned Potatoes

Swiss Vegetable Medley -or-

Au Gratin Potatoes

Cherry Tomatoes and Green Beans

Whipped Pear Salad

Cranberry-Nog Pie

Christmas Cake


Cucumber Rounds

Chicken Curry Salad -or-

Oven Cashew Chicken Salad

Cran-Raspberry Ring

Banana Walnut Muffins

Blueberry Muffins

Chocolate Coffee-Toffee Torte

Sparkling Pink Punch

Company Tea


Quick Fruit Cup

Easy Do-Ahead Baked Eggs

Spinach and Ham Roll-ups

Cheese Blintzes

Variety of desired muffins and rolls

286 Menu Planner

Menu Planner 287


Kind-To-Your-Heart Stuffed Mushrooms

Lo-Cal Spinach Lasagna

Lettuce and Tomato Salad with Low-Calorie

Bleu Cheese Dressing

French Bread

Lemon Cheesecake Pies


Chicken Vegetable Stir Fry

White Rice

Green Salad with Lo-Cal Salad Dressing

Healthful Poppy Seed Cake -or-

Pears with Raspberry Sauce (No-Fat Variation)


Tortilla Chips

Fast Fresh Salsa


Super Shrimp Spread (Southwestern variation)

Mexican Cheese Dip

Chili Cheese Squares

Three-Peppered Quesadillas

Chicken Enchiladas

Enchilada Pie


Fresh Fruit sprinkled with Lime Juice and Pomegranate Seeds

Cinnamon Lemon Torte -or-

Fruit with Chocolate Fruit Dip


Bill's Birthday Cake

Donna's Sweet

Chocolate Caramel Cake

Raspberry Cheese Torte

Fruit Pizza

Saccone Dolce

Mediterranean Coffee

Flavored Coffee


Low Calorie Mushroon Soup

Veal Scaloppine

Spinach-Wild Rice Casserole

Dilled Carrots with Sour Cream

Green Salad with Raspberry Honey


Bailey's Irish Cream Cheesecake


Chicken Nuggets

Crispy Cheesey Carrot Casserole

Dorothy's "Aunt Adele's Jello"

Dirt Dessert


"THE BEST" Chicken Breasts

Top-of-the-Stove Wild Rice Pilaf

Sesame Broccoli

Strawberry and Spinach Salad

Luscious Layered Chocolate

Kahlua Dessert



-Use a big centerpiece with lots of flair!

-Use a table runner and arrange an eclectic grouping you have around the house to fit your theme. For a casual party ideas might include baskets, crocks, glass milk bottles, clay pots, bean pots, pitchers, and enamel ware. Fill with baby's breath, plants, wildflowers, vegetables, French bread , cheese, and sausage. Scatter votive lights, ribbons, and accent pieces throughout.

-For a touch of class use mirrors! Buy large inexpensive oval or rectangular wall mirrors framed with brass-toned metal from your local discount store. Place a votive light and some greens and flowers in one corner. Arrange special individual hors d'oeurves or cookies in diagonal rows. To clean wash tops only as backings are often cardboard. You could also purchase beveled edge plain mirrors or mirror tiles.

-Have food at different levels Use pedestal plates or perhaps a box or upsidedown bowl covered with a crocheted doily.

-Look around for unusual serving pieces. Serve your Christmas cookies from a nice tin with the cover askew, hamburger buns from a big basket, seafood from a shell, or lemonade from a big crock with a block of ice and a metal dipper. Be creative!


-Spread melted chocolate on the back of a non-toxic leaf (like a rose leaf). Peel off leaf and use chocolate leaf to decorate your favorite desserts.

-Layer 1/2 gallon each of your 2 favorite flavors of softened ice cream in a foillined jelly roll pan . Freeze until quite hard. Roll up as for jelly roll and freeze until very hard. Cut in slices and serve. This is nice to serve with Christmas cookies.

-Make a vegetable bundle. Dip the tops of green onions in boiling water to wilt. Tie around green beans, carrots, and zucchini sticks for an attractive vegetable on individual plates or an easy-to-pick-up buffet serving.

-With a small cookie cutter, cut out hearts or flowers from turnips, large carrot slices, or red pimiento.

-Make a little lemon "basket" with handle. Fill with parsley or cilantro sprigs.

-Learn one napkin folding idea to stand at your place setting. Tuck a flower in it if desired.

288 Entertaining

Arthur Geisert, American b.1941 Noah's Ark, 1\984

Etching 38/100, 23-7/8 x 35-3/4 inches

Valparaiso University Museum of Art Sloan Fund purchase 85 .15

Pictured here is a happy universe of humans and animals contendedly sharing a companionable life together a truly friendly "Peaceable Kingdom." Arthur Geisert studied art with Reinhold Marxhausen (VU '50) at Concordia College , Seward, Nebraska, and now is a full- time artist and etcher in Galena, Illinois participating in national and international exhibits. Geisert also is aQ authqt ...and illustrator of with five books published to date by Houghton Mifflin. For educational uses, Geisert has given VU the plate and all' the preliminary drawings and proofs for Noah's Ark.

V()llJU""\lt IV I() X
(71 - B Volume IV Index 289 APPETIZERS (also see Dips/Spreads) Breakfast Sunrise 65 Ann 's Salmon Pate 21 Beer Balls .............. ....... .... ................ .... 29 BANANA Blue Cheesecake 20 Banana Chocolate Chip Bread ............ .48 Broiled Cheesy Party Ryes 29 Banana French Toast. 68 Cheese and Saco Puffs ........................ 29 Banana Walnut Muffins 33 Cheesy Muffin Bites .............. ... ............. 28 Cranberry Banana Bread ...................... 48 Chicken Little Canapes 22 Chili Cheese Squares ...........................28 BARBECUE Chinese Fried Walnuts 25 Barbeque Basting Sauce for Fish 184 Cocktail Lamb Meatballs 30 Barbequed Pot Roast 129 Cucumber Rounds ................................22 Corned Beef Bar-B-Q ........................... 92 Dill Snack Crax 25 Easy Oven Beef Barbeque for Dippin' Chili Pizza .................................26 Sandwiches ............ .......... .... .. ....... .. .93 Grape Garnishes Southern Pork Barbeque Sandwiches .. 94 for Cheese Trays 21 Sweet-Barbeque Pork Chops 148 Haystack 22 Tom's Grilled Chicken Hors d'oeuvres Pie ...............................24 with Marinade ................................. 162 Hot Taco Appetizer 27 Kind-To-Your-Heart BARS Stuffed Mushrooms ..........................30 Bake Sale Brownies ........................... 254 Low Calorie Bites 21 Blond Brownies 253 Low-Cal Mushrooms 30 Butterscotch Brownies 253 Norris Nibbles .......................................25 Caramel Brownies ..............................253 Pizza Fondue 28 Chocolate Marshmallow Popcorn Treats 25 Brownies 255 Stuffed Snow Peas ...............................23 Chocolate Peanut Three-Peppered Quesadillas 31 Snacking Bars 257 Tortilla Pinwheels 23 Cream Cheese Brownies 253 Veggie Pizza ... ................. ... ...... ...... ...... 24 Date Bars .... ........ .... ... ........... .... ....... ... 257 Grand Marnier Brownies 254 APPLE Hungarian Cookie Bars 258 Apple Crisp ....... ................ ............ ...... 224 London Squares ................................. 258 Apple Crunch Pie 262 Mint Brownies 255 Apple Dip 17 Mounds Bars 259 Apple Pancakes ........................... ...... .. .39 Peanut Butter Cup Brownies .............. 256 Apple Raisin Muffins 33 Peanutty Caramel Squares 256 Apple Surprise 224 Pecan Pie Squares ............................ .259 Applesauce Fruit Cake ........ ..... ......... .212 Praline Cookies 260 Brandied Apple Cake 209 Praline Strips ......................................260 Breakfast Apple-Rice Pudding .............. 65 Pumpkin Pie Squares .................. ...... .261 Chocolate Chip Apple Cake 209 Seminary Chocolate Mint Bars 255 Delicious Peanut Apple Dip 17 Soft and Chewy Ginger Bars .............. 260 English Apple Pie ...............................224 South African Crunchies ..................... 261 French Apple Tart ...............................223 Fresh Apple Coffeecake .40 BEANS Microwave-cooked Apples 279 Costa Rica Black Beans Sherry's Easy Cranapple Spread .... ... 281 and Rice ......................................... 188 Taffy Apple Salad 97 Hot Bean Dip 26 Old-Fashioned Baked Beans 193 APRICOT Red Beans anq Rice 188 Brandied Apricot Loaves .47 Roman Style Bean Soup 86
Sauerkraut Bean Soup ................. ........ 86 Corn and Black Bean Salad 107 BEEF (also see Casseroles and Ground Beef) Barbequed Pot Roast 129 Bulgogi (Korean Barbecued Beef) .............. 138 Carbonades a La Flamande .. .. .. .. ... .... 134 Chap-Chae (Korean Noodle Dish) ..................... 138 Chinese Beef and Pea Pods .............. 137 Crockpot Beef Fajitas 134 Doc's Gourmet Chili. 81 Easy Beef and Slaw Special. 94 Easy Oven Beef Barbeque for Sandwiches 93 Favorite Swiss Steak ... ....... ..... ........... 131 German Goulash Soup 76 Greek Beef Stew 133 Marinated Steak ................................. 132 Maryland Pot Roast 130 One-Pan Cantonese Beef 136 Orange Flavored Beef Stir-Fry 135 Oriental Beef Stir-Fry .......................... 136 Our Special Beef Kabobs 132 Pepper Steak 137 Pot Roast Italiano 130 Savory Beef Stew 133 Savory Italian Beef for Sandwiches 92 Savory Round Steak 131 Sliced Beef with Wine for Sandwiches .. ...... ......................... 93 Slow Cooker Beef in Beer 135 Spicy Italian Beef for Sandwiches 92 Spicy Pot Roast with Biscuit Dumplings .......................... 129 BEVERAGES (also see Punch) Coffee and Tea Tips 32 Company Tea ............................ . - 32 Cranberry Wine Punch , 31 Mediterranean Coffee 32 Sparkling Pink Punch 31 White Sangria Punch 32 BLUEBERRY Best Blueberry Pancakes 39 Blueberry Lemon Pie 262 Blueberry Muffins .................................. 34 Fresh Blueberry Pie 263 Lemon Blueberry Muffins 34 BREAD (also see Coffeecakes, Muffins, Pancakes/Waffles/French Toast, Rolls and Sweet Rolls) Bread Machine Arleen's Swedish Rye 55 Cheddar Cheese Bread 53 .. Mozzarella and Sun-Dried Tomato Bread 54 Orrie's Spaghetti Bread 54 Sunshine Egg Bread ............................. 54 Swedish Lim pa 55 Yogurt Sesame Bread .. ........................ 55 Quick Aunt Martha's Brown Bread .49 Banana Chocolate Chip Bread .48 Brandied Apricot Loaves .47 Cheddar-Oat Quick Bread .47 Cranberry Banana Bread .48 Graham Bread 38 Irish Soda Bread 50 Molasses Brown Bread ..... ................... .49 Peanutty Date Loaf... .48 Sweet Corn Bread ............................... .44 Yeast Bread Bowl Tip 88 Cherry Raisin Holiday Bread 58 Christmas Stollen 57 English Muffin Bread (Microwave) ........ 50 German Christmas Stollen 56 House Bread 51 Pilgrim's Bread 51 Potato Bread ........ ................................. 52 BROCCOLI Broccoli Salad ..................................... 103 Broccoli Soup 87 Broccoli-Cauliflower Casserole 194 Broccoli-Corn Chowder 87 Crustless Broccoli Quiche ..... .. .... ...... ... 74 Festive Chicken Noel. 157 Low Calorie Broccoli Soup 87 Sesame Broccoli. ................................ 193 BUTTERS Basil Butters .............. .. ..... .................. 283 Cinnamon Honey Butter 282 Honey Rum Butter 282 Italian Butter .......................................283 Mustard-Herb Butter 283 Orange Honey Butter 282
290 Volume IV Index
Parsley -Lemon Butter 283 Raspberry Butter .... 282 Seasoned Vegetable Butters .............. 283 Southwestern Butter .................... ....... 283 Strawberry Butter. 282 CABBAGE Chinese Cabbage Salad 105 Meme's Slaw 106 My Favorite Cole Slaw 106 CAKES (also see Cheesecakes , Coffeecakes, and Fruitcakes) Best Gingerbread Ever 218 Bill's Birthday Cake 21 O Brandied Apple Cake 209 Cherry Cake 211 Cherry Cake with Sauce 211 Chocolate Angel Food Cake 213 Chocolate Chip Apple Cake 209 Chocolate Chip Pound Cake 214 Chocolate Fudge Cake 216 Christmas Cake 213 Donna's Sweet Chocolate Caramel Cake .. .... .. .. .. ... 217 Door County Choco-Cherry Cake 211 Double Chocolate Pound Cake 214 Family Reunion Carrot Cake 218 French Christmas Cake 213 German Chocolate Upside-Down Cake 215 Glazed Carrot Cake .. .. .................... .. .. 218 Grandma's Old-Fashioned Rhubarb Cake ...... ... .... ....... .. .. .... .... 221 Healthful Poppy Seed Cake 219 Kokus Flad 219 Mounds Cake .... .................................217 Mousse-Topped Fudge Cake 215 My Boss's Cake 210 Oma's Puffa ...... . ............... ............ .. .... 220 Pumpkin Pie Cake 220 Rum Cake 221 Twinkie Cake .. ...... .. .. ..... .. .. ...... .... .. ..... 222 CANDY (also see Fudge) Chocolate Mint Candy 271 Peanut Butter Clusters 271 Puppy Chow 271 White Chocolate Party Mix 270 Volume IV Index 291 CARROT Cheesy Carrot Dip 26 Crispy Cheesey Carrot Casserole ...... 196 Dilled Carrots with Sour Cream .. ........ 196 Family Reunion Carrot Cake 218 Glazed Carrot Cake 218 Puree of Carrots in Orange Cups 195 CASSEROLES Beef Carbonades a La Flamande 134 Chicken or Turkey Better-For-You Baked Egg Scramble 70 Chicken Casserole Supreme .............. 166 Chicken en Papillote 167 Chicken Lasagne 168 Chicken Tandoori .... .. .... ........ .. .. ....... .. 162 Creamy Chicken Casserole ...... ... .. .... .169 Crunchy Hot Chicken Salad 121 Hearth Healthy Chicken Casserole 170 Mexicali Casserole 168 Oven Cashew Chicken Salad 121 Super Chicken Enchilada Casserole 166 Turkey and Stuffing Brunch Bake 75 Egg or Cheese (also see Eggs) Better-For-You Baked Egg Scramble 70 Cheesy Ham and Egg Bake with Veggies 71 Chili Cheese Souffle .......... .... .... .. ........ .73 Easy Do-Ahead Baked Eggs 71 Elegant Egg Scramble ...... .............. .. .... 70 Grits Au Gratin 67 Ham and Cheese Brunch Enchiladas ... .... .. .. .. ...... ........ 72 Valpo Brunch Bake ............................... 71 Ground Beef Bev's Deep Dish Mexican Pie ........... .140 Easy Lasagne · with Uncooked Noodles 142 Enchilada Pie .. .. .......... .... ........ .. ....... .. .139 Ground Beef Florentine .... ........ .... .. .... 140 Men's Favorite Casserole 144 Mexican Lasagne ............................... 139 Mom's Casserole 144 Pork or Veal Sunday Sausage Bake 72 Triple D Italian Casserole 151
G 292 Volume IV Index Seafood Baked Fish with Rice and Spinach .... ..... ........... 175 Crab Florentine 180 Janson's Temptation 176 Pedie's Crab Imperial 183 Shrimp and Crab Casserole 182 Shrimp Artichoke Casserole 184 Shrimp Crab Casserole .. .. .... .. .. .. .... .... 183 Shrimp Rice Pie 185 Vegetable (also see specific kinds) Almond Barley Casserole ................ .. .208 Artichoke-Spinach Casserole 203 Celery Amandine 197 Cheese-y Onion Vegetable Combo .. .... .... ................ 199 Eggplant Parmesan 197 Golden Baked Onions 198 Lee's Vegetable Rice Marinara .......... 208 Spinach-Wild Rice Casserole 204 Swiss Vegetable Medley 195 Vegetable-French Fry Medley 199 CAULIFLOWER Broccoli-Cauliflower Casserole ........... 194 Cauliflower with Toasted Almond Butter 194 Crunchy Cauliflower Salad ................. 104 CHEESECAKES Baileys Irish Cream Cheesecake .. ..... 228 Chocolate Cheesecake 229 Microwave Cheesecake 229 Peaches ' N Cream Cheesecake 230 CHERRY Brandied Cherries 229 Cherry Cake 211 Cherry Cake with Sauce ... .............. .. .. 211 Cherry Raisin Holiday Bread 58 Che r ry Ring 60 Cherry Top Cheese Torte ................ .. .230 Door County Choco-Cherry Cake 211 Frozen Creams with Cherry Berries .................... .. .. .238 Rhubarb Cherry Jam 277 CHICKEN (also see Casseroles) Beggin' for Bacon Chicken Salad .. .. .................. .. ....... . 117 Breast of Chicken with Zucchini and Mushrooms 153 Chicken and Chutney Pitas 96 Chicken Artichoke Salad 118 Chicken Curry Salad 119 Chicken Enchiladas 167 Chicken Extraordinaire 154 Chicken Firenze 155 Chicken in Honey Mustard Sauce 156 Chicken Little Canapes .' 22 Chicken Nuggets 165 Chicken or Albacore Tuna Rice Salad ...... .... .. ........... .... ...... .. ... 122 Chicken Parmesan 158 Chicken Spaghetti 169 Chicken Stock ...... ... ..... ..... ... ....... ... ..... .. 78 Chicken Supreme 154 Chicken Taco Filling 170 Chicken Vegetable Stir-Fry 163 Chicken with Peaches 155 Chinese Chicken Salad .. .... .......... .. .... 117 Chinese Style Chicken 164 Crab-Stuffed Chicken Breasts 156 Crunchy Hot Chicken Salad 121 Dijon Chicken 153 Dilled Chicken Vegetable Chowder 79 Festive Chicken .. .. .. .... .. .. .......... .......... 157 Festive Chicken Noel 157 Ham-Chicken Bake ........... ........ .... .... .. 152 Herb and Wine Roasted Chicken ....... 163 Lo-Cal Chinese Chicken Stir Fry 164 New Orleans Chili with Chicken 80 Oven Cashew Chicken Salad 121 Overnight Layered Chicken Salad 120 Parmesan Chicken Strips 165 Pineapple Baked Chicken .. ... .... ....... .. 158 Ron 's Grecian Chicken Breasts 159 Savory Chicken Soup 78 Southwestern Chicken Salad 118 Stuffed Chicken Breasts 159 Swedish Dilled Chicken 160 Sweet and Tangy Chicken Breasts 160 Tasty Baked Chicken Breasts 161 The Best Chicken Breasts 161 Tom's Grilled Chicken with Marinade 162 CHILI Doc's Gourmet Chili 81
Hearty Italian "Chili" .............................. 83 New Orleans Chili with Chicken 80 Our Family's Number One Chili ............ 80 Stony Hill Chili 82 Turkey Chili ...... .....................................79 Vegetarian Chili 82 CHOCOLATE Absolutely No-Fail, Wonderful, Almost Sinful Fudge 272 Banana Chocolate Chip Bread ............ .48 Choco-Mochas 241 Choco-Nutty Ice Cream Dessert 238 Chocolate Angel Food Cake ............... 213 Chocolate Angel Pie 263 Chocolate Charlotte 232 Chocolate Cheesecake ...................... 229 Chocolate Chip Apple Cake 209 Chocolate Chip Pie 264 Chocolate Chip Pound Cake .............. 214 Chocolate Coffee-Toffee Torte 216 Chocolate Fruit Dip 234 Chocolate Fudge Cake .......... ............. 216 Chocolate Marshmallow Brownies ......................... ................ 255 Chocolate Mint Candy 271 Chocolate Mint Cookies ...................... 249 Chocolate Peanut Snacking Bars 257 Chocolate Raspberry Yogurt Torte ...................................217 Chocolate Walnut Candy Cookies 241 Donna's Sweet Chocolate Caramel Cake 217 Door County Choco-Cherry Cake ........................ 211 Double Chocolate Pound Cake 214 Easy Fudge 272 Frances' Frosted Mocha Drops 242 German Chocolate Upside-Down Cake 215 Lake Fudge .................................. .. ..... 272 Luscious Layered Chocolate Kahlua Dessert 231 Mint Brownies .....................................255 Mint-Topped Chocolate Cookies 245 Mom Kipp 's Chocolate Pie 264 Mousse-Topped Fudge Cake 215 Oatmeal Slices with Chocolate Shot. 249 Peanut Butter Chocolate Delight ........ 237 Volume IV Index 293 Seminary Chocolate Mint Bars ........... 255 COFFEECAKES Sundt Sticky Buns .44 Cheese Coffeecake .. ........ .................... 63 Cherry Ring 60 Coffee Can Bread ................................. 63 Cranberry Nut Coffeecake .................... 40 Ellen's German Peach Kuchen 41 Finnish Cardamon Braids ..................... 59 Fresh Apple Coffeecake .40 Fruit Kuchen 41 "I Can't Believe It's So Easy" Kringle ............................... ............... 43 Italian Plum Coffeecake .42 Orange Nut Coffeecake 42 Sunflower Coffeecake ......................... .43 COOKIES Christmas Aunt Elsie's Coffee Crisps 245 Chocolate Mint Cookies 249 Church Window Cookies 249 Filled Noel Wreaths 252 Irma's Christmas Cookies 251 Italian Cookies ....................................246 Mint-Topped Chocolate Cookies ........ 245 Minted Meringue Wreaths 256 Oatmeal Slices with Chocolate Shot. 249 Cutout Fruit Center Cheese Dainties 250 Irma's Christmas Cookies 251 Soetkoekies ................. ....................... 251 Sugar Cookies with Praline Icing ............................250 Drop Aunt Frieda's Salted Peanut Cookies 241 Choco-Mochas 241 Chocolate Walnut Candy Cookies 241 Crunchy Peanut Butter Cookies ......... 242 Frances' Frosted Mocha Drops 242 Great Grandma's Oatmeal Cookies ................... ......... 243 Jubilee Jumbles 243 Orange Oatmeal Cookies 244 Toasted Oatmeal Cookies 244 Refrigerated Butter Pecan Tea Cookies 248 Caramel Nut Slices .............................248
-D 294 Volume IV Index Church Window Cookies ...... .............. 249 Oatmeal Slices with Chocolate Shot 249 Rolled/Shaped/Formed Aunt Elsie's Coffee Crisps 245 Filled Noel Wreaths 252 Giant Peanut Butter Cookies .............. 246 Italian Cookies .. ...... ............................ 246 Mint-Topped Chocolate Cookies ........ 245 Non-Pareil Cookies 248 Norwegian Sandbakkels ..................... 252 Raisin Puffs 247 Sunflower Crisp Cookies ......... ........... 247 CORN Broccoli -Corn Chowder ........................ 87 Corn and Black Bean Salad 107 Corn Sausage Chowder ....................... 86 CORNED BEEF Corned Beef Bar-B-Q 92 Reuben Dip 26 CRAB Crab Florentine .................... .... .......... 180 Crab Meat Burgers 95 Crab-Stuffed Chicken Breasts 156 Pandl's Crab Salad 123 Pedie 's Crab Imperial 183 Shrimp and Crab Casserole .. ............. 182 Shrimp Crab Casserole 183 CRANBERRY Cranberry Banana Bread ............ .......... 48 Cranberry Chutney ........ .. ............ ....... 276 Cranberry Ham Sauce 279 Cranberry Nut Coffeecake 40 Cranberry Oat Bran Muffins ........ ...... .... 37 Cranberry Wine Punch 31 Cranberry-Cheese Nog Pies 265 Cranberry-Glazed Beets 193 Microwave Cranberry Orange Sauce 279 Orange Cranberry Muffins 35 Sherry 's Easy Cranapple Spread 281 CRUSTS (see Pie/Quiche Crusts) DESSERTS (also see Cakes, Cheesecakes, Pies, Puddings, and Tortes) Apple Crisp 224 Apple Surprise .... .......... .......... .... ........ 224 Saccone Dolce (Sweet Mouthful) 231 Brandied Cherries 229 Caramel Rhubarb and Dumplings 226 Chocolate Fruit Dip 234 English Apple Pie 224 Fast Oatmeal Company Dessert 225 French Apple Tart ...... .............. .......... .223 Nutty Peach Crisp 224 Pears with Raspberry Sauce .............. 227 Prune Whip 227 Pumpkin Upside-Down Dessert 228 Frozen (also see Ice Cream/Ice Cream Desserts) Frozen Creams with Cherry Berries 238 Peach Marlow ........ ... .................. ........ 240 Peanut Butter Chocolate Delight .... .... 237 Rhubarb Mallow Sherbet 240 Refrigerated Angel Delight 236 Chocolate Charlotte 232 Dirt Dessert 233 Easy Trifle 236 Fruit Pizza ......... .. ................................234 Lemon Angel Food Delight 235 Luscious Layered Chocolate Kahlua Dessert 231 Party Trifle ..... ............. ... ....... .. ............ 236 Pears in Chocolate Sauce 232 DIPS/SPREADS (also see Butters) Apple Dip 17 Basic Cream Cheese Spread ............. 281 Blue Cheese Dip 17 Cheddar Chutney Spread 20 Cheesy Carrot Dip 26 Cheesy Raisin Spread 281 Chocolate Fruit Dip .............................234 Delicious Peanut Apple Dip 17 Dippin' Chili Pizza 26 Easy Shrimp Dip .............. ............ .... ..... 19 Easy Taco Dip 26 Fast Fresh Salsa 19 Fruit Spread ...... .......... ...... .... .... .......... 281 Grand Marnier Pecan Spread 281 Green Pepper Dip 18
Guacamole .............. ... .... ...... ... .... .... ..... 18 Hot Bean Dip 26 Hot Taco Appetizer 27 Jezebel Sauce ........ ....... ... .... .... .. ... .... ... 20 Lemon Cream Cheese Spread ........... 281 Mexican Cheese Dip 27 Mustard for Pretzels 18 Peanut Butter Dip 17 Pizza Fondue 28 Reuben Dip 26 Sherry's Easy Cranapple Spread 281 Spicy Mustard Sauce 19 Super Bowl Dip 27 Super Shrimp Spread ........ ................... 20 EGGS (also see Casseroles and Quiches) Better-For-You Baked Egg Scramble 70 Cheesy Ham and Egg Bake with Veggies 71 Chili Cheese Souffle ........... .................. 73 Curried Eggs 69 Easy Do-Ahead Baked Eggs 71 Egg Substitute 69 Elegant Egg Scramble 70 Ham and Cheese Brunch Enchiladas 72 Ham and Egg Breakfast Strudels 73 Incredible Egg Macaroni Salad 124 Mock Egg Salad 125 Sunday Sausage Bake 72 Valpo Brunch Bake 71 FISH (see Seafood) FLOWERS Edible Flowers 282 FOOD PYRAMID ... .... .... ..... ..... ..... ... .. .284 FROSTING/ICING Browned Butter Frosting 222 French Frosting for Angel Food Cake 222 FRUIT (also see specific kinds, and Desserts and Salads) Chunky Fruit Salad ............................... 97 Fruit Pizza ...........................................234 Fruit Soup ...........................................280 f - "F-'1 Volume IV Index 295 /-i Grape Garnishes for Cheese Trays ................. ............. 21 Prune Whip ...... ..... ................. .... .. .... ... 227 FRUITCAKES Applesauce Fruit Cake 212 Bill's Fruit and Nut Cake 212 FUDGE Absolutely No - Fail , Wonderful , Almost Sinful Fudge ......... ................... ..... ..272 Easy Fudge 272 Lake Fudge 272 GRANOLA Crunchy Granola 66 GROUND BEEF (also see Barbecue and Casseroles) Beer Balls 29 California Vegetable Pie 145 Company Casserole 143 Easy Lasagne with Uncooked Noodles .. .... ............ 142 Family Reunion Chow Mein 174 Greek Meatballs (Keftethes) 142 Meat Ball Curry 144 Meatloaf with Piquant Topping (Microwave) 141 Mexican Beef Vegetable Soup 77 Our Family ' s Number one Chili. 80 Stony Hill Chili 82 Tacorita 141 Valpo Sunday Brunch Meatballs 143 HAM Camp Ham Glaze ... .......... .. ... ...... ....... 278 Cheesy Ham and Egg Bake with Veggies 71 Cranberry Ham Sauce ... ..................... 279 Fast Ham Vegetable Sandwich 94 Ham and Cheese Brunch Enchiladas 72 Ham and Egg Breakfast Strudels 73 Ham-Chicken Bake 152 Maiki Ham .. ......... ............ ..... ... .. ..... ..... 149 Spinach and Ham Roll-Ups 148 Upside-Down Ham Loaf 149 ICE CREAM/ICE CREAM DESSERTS Chaco-Nutty Ice Cream Dessert ......... 238 Fresh Peach "Ice Cream" 239
-s- ti\
Index Mix and Match Ice Cream Pies 269-270 Peach Sundaes with Brandied Caramel Sauce .. .... ..... ... .239 Peppermint Ice Cream 240 JAMS Freezer Peach and Raspberry Jam 278 Peach -Orange Marmalade 277 Cherry Jam 277 LAMB Cocktail Lamb Meatballs 30 MEATS (see specific kinds) MENU PLANNER 285-287 MICROWAVE Caramel Rhubarb and Dumplings ............................... 226 Chicken with Peaches ........ ................ 155 Cranberry-Glazed Beets 193 English Muffin Bread (Microwave) ........ 50 Fruited Sweet Potatoes 203 Johnny Apple-Sweet Potatoes 202 Lickety-Split Turkey Breast... .............. 171 Meatloaf with Piquant Topping (Microwave) 141 Microwave Cheesecake ....... ... ...... ..... 229 Microwave Cranberry Orange Sauce .......... ..... 279 Microwave Fish Tips 185 Microwave German Potato Salad ... .. .......... ...... 112 Microwave-cooked Apples 279 Molded Cream of Wheat Pudding 233 Zucchini Mexicali 205 MUFFINS Apple Raisin Muffins .......................... .. .33 Baked French Donuts (Muffins) 37 Banana Walnut Muffins 33 Blueberry Muffins 34 Cheesy Muffin Bites 28 Cranberry Oat Bran Muffins 37 Fruited Oat Bran Muffins .... ..... ......... ... .37 Graham Gems 38 Lemon Blueberry Muffins ......... ............. 34 Morning Glory Muffins .......................... 36 Oat Bran Muffins 37 Orange Cranberry Muffins ..... .. ..... ... ..... 35 Quivey's Grove Raspberry Muffins 35 Sugar-Free Date Bran Muffins 36 Zucchini Oatmeal Muffins ...... ..... .. ... ... ..38 MUSHROOM Kind-To-Your-Heart Stuffed Mushrooms 30 Low Calorie Creamy Mushroom Soup 89 Low-Cal Mushrooms 30 Pork and Mushroom Dish 150 ORANGE Microwave Cranberry Orange Sauce 279 Orange and Honey Oven-Baked French Toast 68 Orange Cranberry Muffins 35 Orange Flavored Beef Stir-Fry 135 Orange Honey Butter 282 Orange Nut Coffeecake .. ..................... .42 Orange Oatmeal Cookies 244 Peach-Orange Marmalade ................. 277 Puree of Carrots in Orange Cups 195 PANCAKES/WAFFLES/ FRENCH TOAST/OTHER Apple Pancakes .................................... 39 Banana French Toast.. 68 Best Blueberry Pancakes ..... .. ........ ... ... 39 Caramelized French Toast 68 Cheese Blintzes 67 Cheesy Cinnamon Roll-ups 67 Low Cholesterol Buttermilk Pancakes 39 Orange and Honey Oven-Baked French Toast 68 Yeast Waffles ....................................... 64 PASTA Barb's Wonderful Pasta Salad 115 Chap-Chae (Korean Noodle Dish) ..... ........... ..... 138 Chicken Lasagne 168 Chicken Spaghetti ..... .................. ...... .169 Easy Lasagne with Uncooked Noodles ....... ......... ..142 Incredible Egg Macaroni Salad 124 Linguini Salad 116 Low-Cal Spinach Lasagne .................. 189
Millie 's Spaghetti Sauce 190 Pasta Sauce .. ... ............. ........... .......... 206 Pork and Spinach Manicotti. 147 The "One" Salad 116 Vermicelli Salad .. ...... .......... .. ...... ........ 115 Versat ile Cheese Sauce .............. .... ... 206 PEACH Brunch Tip (Baked Peaches) 65 Chicken with Peaches .. ........... ... .... .. .. 155 Freezer Peach and Raspberry Jam 278 Fresh Peach "Ice Cream" .... .... .. ......... 239 Nutty Peach Crisp 224 Peach Marlow 240 Peach Sundaes with Brandied Caramel Sauce 239 Peach Turkey Medley Salad .... .. .... .. ... 119 Peach-Orange Marmalade 277 Peaches 'N Cream Cheesecake 230 PEANUT Aunt Frieda's Salted Peanut Cookies 241 Chocolate Peanut Snacking Bars 257 Crunchy Peanut Butter Cookies ......... 242 Delicious Peanut Apple Dip 17 Giant Peanut Butter Cookies .. ............ 246 Peanut Butter Chocolate Delight 237 Peanut Butter Clusters 271 Peanut Butter Cup Brownies ... .. ... ...... 256 Peanut Butter Dip 17 Peanutty Caramel Squares ..... ... .... .... 256 Peanutty Date Loaf 48 Puppy Chow 271 PEAR Pears in Chocolate Sauce ... .. ....... .. .... 232 Pears with Raspberry Sauce 227 PEAS Chinese Beef and Pea Pods 137 Snow Pea and Tomato Salad .. .... ....... 113 Stuffed Snow Peas .. .. ... ....... .. ... ... .. .... .. .23 PICKLES Aunt Hazel's Great Pickles 273 Bread and Butter Refrigerator Pickles 273 Cajun Pickles 274 Celery Dill Pickles .... .... ... ..... ... ... ... ... ...27 4 Grandma 's Crock Pickles 275 Pickled Green Chiles 276 Volume IV Index 297 PIE/QUICHE CRUSTS Chocolate Crumb Crust... 269 Graham Cracker Crust Variations ... ... .. ............ .... ...... ......... 269 Low-Cholesterol Graham Cracker Pie Crust ... ..... ........ ... ....... ...... .......... .. ... 266 Low-Cholesterol Pie Crust... 264 Toasted Pecan Crust.. 269 PIES Apple Crunch Pie 262 Blueberry Lemon Pie 262 Chocolate Angel Pie .... .. ..... .... .. ....... ... 263 Chocolate Chip Pie 264 Cranberry-Cheese Nog Pies 265 English Apple Pie ......... .... ........ .. ... ..... 224 Fresh Blueberry Pie ............ ...... ...... .... 263 Fresh Fruit Pie with Shortbread Crust... 265 Lemon Angel Pie ... .... .... .... ... ... ... ........ 266 Lemon Cheesecake Pies (Low cholesterol) 267 Lemonade Pie 266 Mix and Match Ice Cream Pies ...269-270 Mom Kipp's Chocolate Pie .. ............... 264 Never-Fail Miracle Meringue 268 No-Crust Pumpkin Pie .. ...... .... .. .... .... ..267 Old-Fashioned Prune Pie 267 Shoofly Pie 268 Sour Cream Rhubarb Pie 268 PIZZA Dippin' Chili Pizza ....... .. ..... ...... ..... ........ 26 Fruit Pizza 234 Pizza Fondue 28 Pizza Ole ................. .... ... ..... .. ......... .. .. 190 Veggie Pizza .... ...... ........... .......... .......... 24 PORK (also see Casseroles and Sausage) German Style Schnitzel 147 Pork and Mushroom Dish 150 Pork and Spinach Manicotti .. ............. .147 Southern Pork Barbeque Sandwiches 94 Sweet Barbeque Pork Chops 148 POTATO Au Gratin Potatoes 201 Baked Potato Party ... ... ............... ........ 201 Curried Cod-Potato Skillet 175 Danish Potato Salad ... .. ...... ................ 111 Fruited Sweet Potatoes 203
?-«-5 298 Volume IV Index German Potato Salad ......................... 112 Grilled Potatoes 200 Healthful Twice-Baked Potatoes 200 Johnny Apple-Sweet Potatoes 202 Microwave German Potato Salad ......... .. ........ .. 113 Potato Bread 52 Potato Soup with Vegetables 88 Slovak Potato-Mushroom Soup ........... .89 Sweet Potatoes Supreme 202 POULTRY (also see Chicken and Turkey) Jack's Favorite Pheasant en Sauce ............. ....... .... 174 PUDDING Breakfast Apple-Rice Pudding ........ ...... 65 Molded Cream of Wheat Pudding 233 Norwegian Deluxe Rice Pudding 226 Simple Sundae Sauce 239 PUMPKIN New Zealand Pumpkin Soup ................ 90 No-Crust Pumpkin Pie 267 Pumpkin Pie Cake 220 Pumpkin Pie Squares .............. .. ......... 261 Pumpkin Upside-Down Dessert .... .... .. 228 PUNCH Cranberry Wine Punch ......................... 31 Sparkling Pink Punch 31 White Sangria Punch 32 QUICHE Crustless Broccoli Quiche 74 Easy Spinach Pie 74 Spinach Quiche 74 RASPBERRY Chocolate Raspberry Yogurt Torte 217 Freezer Peach and Raspberry Jam 278 Quivey ' s Grove Raspberry Muffins 35 Raspberry Butter 282 Raspberry Cheese Torte 235 RHUBARB Caramel Rhubarb and Dumplings ... ..... ....................... 226 Grandma ' s Old-Fashioned Rhubarb Cake ... ..... ..... ..... .. ... .. ....... 221 Rhubarb Cherry Jam .......................... 277 Rhubarb Mallow Sherbet... 240 Sour Cream Rhubarb Pie .. ....... .... .... .. 268 RICE (also see Wild Rice) Breakfast Apple-Rice Pudding 65 Chinese Fried Rice with Shrimp and Eggs 181 Costa Rica Black Beans and Rice 188 Lee's Vegetable Rice Marinara 208 Lime-Flavored Rice 208 Norwegian Deluxe Rice Pudding 226 Red Beans and Rice ............. .... .......... 188 Rice Ring lndienne 207 ROLLS/BISCUITS (also see Sweet Rolls) Cornmeal Biscuits ... .. ............... .. ......... ..45 Dutch Blankets .46 Kathy's Bran Rolls ... ................ ..... ........ 53 Mom's No-Knead Dinner Rolls 52 Surprising Butterhorns .45 SALAD DRESSINGS Amelia's Fruit Salad Dressing 127 Lo-Cal Salad Dressing .... ... ..... ............ 127 Other Salad Dressings 128 SALADS Frozen Fruit Slush 102 Pink and Pretty Frozen Salad 102 Fruit Chunky Fruit Salad 97 Frog Eye Salad 99 Fruit Salad di Pepe 99 Quick Fruit Cup 102 Taffy Apple Salad 97 Gelatin Cherry Salad 100 Cran-Raspberry Ring 101 Dorothy's "Aunt Adele's Jello" 100 Dreamy Salad 98 Fresh Strawberry and Melon Mold 101 Lemonade Mold ... .... ... ....... .... . .. .... ....... .99 Mama Richter's Perfection Salad 100 Quick Cottage Cheese Salad 98 Whipped Pear Salad ...... ........ .. ........... 1O1
Lettuce Easy Mexican Salad ..................... .... .. 107 Oriental Spinach Salad 109 Patti's Maui Salad 108 Spinach Salad with Cottage Cheese Dressing 110 Strawberry and Spinach Salad 109 Main Dish Antipasto Salad 126 Arlene's Special Seafood Salad 122 Begg in' for Bacon Chicken Salad 117 Chicken Artichoke Salad ...... ... ........... 118 Chicken Curry Salad 119 Chicken or Albacore Tuna Rice Salad 122 Chinese Chicken Salad ...................... 117 Crunchy Hot Chicken Salad .... .......... . 121 Crunchy Turkey Salad 120 Easy Mexican Salad ........................... 107 Incredible Egg Macaroni Salad ........... 124 Marylin's Taco Salad 125 Mock Egg Salad ..... .......... ... .... ......... .. 125 Oven Cashew Chicken Salad 121 Overnight Layered Chicken Salad ................................ 120 Pandl's Crab Salad 123 Peach Turkey Medley Salad 119 Picnic Salad 126 Salmon Mousse Buffet Salad 124 Simply Great Shrimp Salad 123 Southwestern Chicken Salad 118 Warm Taco Salad 125 Pasta Barb's Wonderful Pasta S<;ilad 115 Linguini Salad 116 The "One" Salad 116 Vermicelli Salad 115 Vegetable Bavarian Vegetable Salad 108 Belgian Tomatoes 114 Broccoli Salad ........................... .......... 103 Chinese Cabbage Salad 105 Corn and Black Bean Salad ..... ........ .. 107 Creamy Fresh Vegetable Salad 104 Crowd-Pleasing Vegetable Salad 108 Crunchy Cauliflower Salad 104 Cucumber Samba I. 111 Danish Potato Salad 111 German Potato Salad 112 Marinated Tomatoes 114 Mame's Slaw ...................................... 106 Microwave German Potato Salad ....... 113 Volume IV Index 299 My Favorite Cole Slaw 106 Popcorn Salad ..... .......................... ..... 112 Sauerkraut Salad 106 Snow Pea and Tomato Salad 113 Tabouli ................................................ 11 O Tomatoes T occato 114 SANDWICHES Breadless Turkey Melt Sandwich ......... 96 Cheesy Tuna Sandwich Spread 95 Chicken and Chutney Pitas .................. 96 Corned Beef Bar-B -Q 92 Crab Meat Burgers 95 Easy Beef and Slaw Special. 94 Easy Oven Beef Barbeque for Sandwiches 93 Fast Ham Vegetable Sandwich 94 Hot Vegetarian Sandwiches 96 Savory Italian Beef for Sandwiches 92 Sliced Beef with Wine for Sandwiches 93 Southern Pork Barbeque Sandwiches 94 Spicy Italian Beef for Sandwiches 92 Stromboli 94 Tastes Like Chicken Tuna Salad Sandwiches 95 SAUCE For Desserts Microwave Cranberry Orange Sauce 279 Peach Sundaes with Brandied Caramel Sauce ..... ................. ... .................... 239 Quick Fudge Sauce 238 Simple Sundae Sauce 239 For MeatsNegetables/Pasta Barbeque Basting Sauce for Fish 184 Camp Ham Glaze ........................ ..... .. 278 Cranberry Ham Sauce 279 Fast Fresh Salsa 19 Honey Mustard Glaze 173 Low-Calorie CucumberDill Sauce 184 Millie's Spaghetti Sauce 190 Orange Glaze 173 Pasta Sauce 206 Spicy Mustard Sauce 19 Versatile Cheese Sauce ... .... .. .. ...... .... 206
s 300 Volume IV Index Whipped Cream Horseradish Sauce 150 SAUERKRAUT Reuben Dip 26 Sauerkraut Bean Soup 86 Sauerkraut Salad 106 SAUSAGE Corn Sausage Chowder 86 Country Sausage Dinner 152 Hearty Italian "Chili" .................. ... ..... .... 83 Make-A-Meal Soup 83 Polish Sausage Platter ....................... 151 Sunday Sausage Bake 72 Triple D Italian Casserole 151 SEAFOOD (also see Crab, Shrimp, and Tuna) Amelia's Fillet of Flounder ............. .. .. .177 Ann's Salmon Pate 21 Arlene's Special Seafood Salad 122 Cajun Crawfish Etouffee ..................... 180 Clam Chowder-Noah's Ark 85 Curried Cod -Potato Skillet 175 Lemon-Pepper Catfish .. ......... ............. 176 Marinated Smoked Salmon 178 Microwave Fish Tips ........................... 185 Oven Fish with Spinach .................. .... 177 Salmon Mousse Buffet Salad 124 Scallop-Salmon Kabobs ..................... 178 Scallops Supreme .............................. 182 Seafood Chowder 84 Seafgod Stir-Fry ............... .................. 181 Southern Seafood Chowder ................. 85 Wisconsin Fish Boil 179 SHRIMP Baked Shrimp with Garlic and Herbs 186 Chinese Fried Rice with Shrimp and Eggs 181 Chinese Shrimp and Vegetable Soup ................................84 Easy Shrimp Dip ............ ............ .......... .19 Shrimp and Crab Casserole ............... 182 Shrimp Artichoke Casserole 184 Shrimp Crab Casserole 183 Shrimp Rice Pie .................................. 185 Simply Great Shrimp Salad 123 Skewered Shrimp with Apricot Glaze 186 Super Shrimp Spread 20 SOUPS/STEWS Bread Bowl Tip 88 Broccoli Soup ........ .... ....... .......... .. ........ 87 Broccoli-Corn Chowder ............. ........... 87 Chicken ·Stock 78 Chinese Shrimp and Vegetable Soup 84 Clam Chowder-Noah's Ark ...... ........... 85 Cold Strawberry Soup 280 Corn Sausage Chowder 86 Dilled Chicken Vegetable Chowder 79 Fruit Soup ... ... .....................................280 German Goulash Soup ....... ...... .......... .. 76 Greek Beef Stew 133 Hearty Beef Barley Soup 76 Homemade Canned Soup Substitutes 191-192 Low Calorie Broccoli Soup 87 Low Calorie Creamy Mushroom Soup 89 Make-A-Meal Soup 83 Mexican Beef Vegetable Soup 77 New Zealand Pumpkin Soup 90 Polish Beef Barley Soup .. .. ..... .............. 77 Potato Soup with Vegetables 88 Roman Style Bean Soup ... ... ...... ........ .. 86 Sauerkraut Bean Soup ........................ .86 Savory Beef Stew 133 Savory Chicken Soup ........ .. ....... .......... 78 Seafood Chowder 84 Slovak Potato-Mushroom Soup 89 Soup Avgolemono : 78 Southern Seafood Chowder ................. 85 Squash Soup 90 Tomato Soup 91 SPINACH Artichoke-Spinach Casserole .......... ... 203 Easy Spinach Pie 74 Low-Cal Spinach Lasagne 189 Oriental Spinach Salad 109 Pork and Spinach Manicotti 147 Spinach and Ham Roll-Ups 148 Spinach Quiche 74 Spinach Salad with Cottage Cheese Dressing .. ............. ........ .. ..... ...... ..... 110 Spinach-Wild Rice Casserole ............. 204 Strawberry and Spinach Salad 109
5 SPREADS (see Dips/Spreads) SQUASH (also see Pumpkin) Breast of Chicken with Zucchini and Mushrooms ............... 153 Mexican Squash .......... .. .. ...... ............. 204 Squash Soup 90 Yellow Spaghetti Squash 204 Zucchini Mexicali ................................205 Zucchini Oatmeal Muffins 38 STRAWBERRY Cold Strawberry Soup 280 Strawberry and Spinach Salad 109 Strawberry Butter ................................ 282 SWEET ROLLS Danish Rolls ............ ............................. 62 Giant Cinnam-m-m-on Rolls 61 Praline Rolls ,64 TOMATO Belgian Tomatoes : 114 Cherry Tomato Serving Tip ................ 205 Fresh-Like Tomatoes ..........................275 Hearth Healthy Chicken Casserole 170 Marinated Tomatoes 114 Snow Pea and Tomato Salad 113 Stewed Tomato Casserole ................. 205 Tomato Coulis 187 Tomato Soup 91 Tomatoes Toccato 114 TORTES Cherry Top Cheese Torte .... .. ............. 230 Chocolate Coffee-Toffee Torte 216 Chocolate Raspberry Yogurt Torte 217 Cinnamon Lemon Torte 225 Raspberry Cheese Torte ............. .... ... 235 TUNA Cheesy Tuna Sandwich Spread ........... 95 Chicken or Albacore Tuna Rice Salad 122 Tastes Like Chicken Tuna Salad Sandwiches 95 TURKEY Better-For-You Baked Egg Scramble 70 Breadless Turkey Melt Sandwich 96 Volume IV Index 301 Crunchy Turkey Salad ........................ 120 Family Reunion Chow Mein 174 Five Spice Turkey Legs 171 Great for a Shower Salad ................... 119 Lickety-Split Turkey Breast.. ............... 171 Oven-Easy Italian Meatballs ............... 172 Peach Turkey Medley Salad 119 Stacki-Uppi 173 Turkey and Stuffing Brunch Bake .. ..... ..75 Turkey Chili 79 Turkey Fiesta 172 VEAL Veal Piccata 146 Veal Scaloppine .... .............................. 146 VEGETABLES (also see specific kinds) Brussel Sprouts in Sour Cream .......... 194 California Vegetable Pie 145 Cambridge Pine Nut Roast... 187 Caramel Onions .............. ... ... ... ..... .... .. 198 Celery Amandine 197 Cheese-y Onion Vegetable Combo .......................... 199 Chicken Vegetable Stir-Fry ....... ......... .163 Chinese Shrimp and Vegetable Soup 84 Cranberry-Glazed Beets .. ........ ......... .. 193 Eggplant Parmesan 197 Fabulous French Fried Onion Rings 200 Golden Baked Onions 198 Healthful Vegetable Dinner 196 Hot Vegetarian Sandwiches 96 Lee's Vegetable Rice Marinara 208 Lentil Pilaf 207 Mexican Beef Vegetable Soup 77 Swiss Vegetable Medley 195 Vegetable Pilaf 207 Vegetable-French Fry Medley 199 Vegetarian Chili ... .. .. .... ........................ .82 Veggie Pizza 24 WILD RICE Spinach-Wild Rice Casserole 204 Top-of-the-Stove Wild Rice Pilaf 206 ZUCCHINI (see Squash)


A complete index of all recipes printed in Volumes I, II, Ill , and IV of the Valparaiso University Guild Cookbooks follows. We hope you will enjoy using it and be able to find your favorite recipes without paging through each individual index. Recipes are listed in category form and are listed alphabetically by name within each category. You will find most recipes listed at least twice.

If you do not own all of the other volumes, we hope you will consider buying them. Each one is unique and completely different. Most owners have difficulty choosing their favorite volume! They have all been reprinted and may be purchased from any Guild member. For more information about the cookbooks and the Valparaiso University Guild please write:

Valparaiso University Guild

Valparaiso University Valparaiso, IN 46383

Index 303

304 Combined Index

APPETIZERS (also see Dips/Spreads) Linda's Savory Ham Balls ... .. ...... .84 ( Ill ) Ann's Salmon Pate 21 ( IV ) Low Calorie Bites 21 ( IV ) Asparagus Hors d'oeuvres .......... ..25 (II) Low-Cal Mushrooms 30 (IV) Bacon Roll-Ups 25 ( II ) Low-Calorie Appetizer 82 (Ill) Beer Balls 29 ( IV ) Make-Ahead Cheesettes 27 (II) Blue Cheesecake 20 (IV) Marinated Mushrooms ..... 22 ( I ), 85 ( Ill ) Broccoli -Cheese Appetizer. 80 (Ill) Meatballs (Crowd) 314 (Ill) Broiled Cheesy Party Ryes ........ .. 29 ( IV ) Miniature Meatballs .. ...................... 21 ( I ) Broiled Rye Slices 86 ( Ill ) Mushroom Canapes 34 (II) California Beef Jerky 25 ( II ) Mushroom Hors d'oeuvres 35 (Ill) Cheese and Baca Puffs 29 ( IV ) Nacho's .43 ( II ) Cheese Rice Krispies 81 (Ill) Norris Nibbles 25 ( IV ) Cheese Tarts 82 (Ill) Onion Pie (Quiche) 36 (II) Cheesy Muffin Bites 28 ( IV ) Onion Puffs ......... ............ .............. 36 ( II ) Chick-a-Dings 18 ( I ) Party Ham and Chicken Little Can apes 22 ( IV ) Cheese Rolls 81 (Ill) Chili Cheese Squares ............. .... .28 ( IV ) Party Pizza Rounds .................. .... 87 (Ill) Chinese Egg Rolls 38 ( Ill ) Pizza Fondue ........ ..... ........... .. ..... 28 ( IV ) Chinese Fried Walnuts 25 ( IV ) Polynesian Beef Bites 35 (Ill) Chipped Beef Sandwiches 20 ( I ) Popcorn Treats ........ .. ..... .... ......... 25 ( IV ) Clam Cocktail 30 ( II ) Quesadillas 245 ( II ) Cocktail Cheese Wafers 18 ( I ) Rumaki 23 ( I ) Cocktail Lamb Meatballs 30 ( IV ) Sausage Balls 85 (Ill) Cocktail Meatballs 21 ( I ) Sausage Patties 39 ( II ) Crab Canapes 88 ( Ill ) Seafood Caribbean Goulash 39 ( II ) Cucumber Rounds 22 ( IV ) Sesame Chicken 83 (Ill) Curried Cheese Toasts 27 ( II ) Shrimp Awaiting Bar-B-Q .. .. ... ........ 23 ( I ) Deep-Fried Mushrooms 35 ( II ) Shrimp Scampers .41 ( II ) Dill Pickle Delights 89 (Ill) Shrimp Wheels .40 ( II ) Dill Snack Crax 25 ( IV ) Shrimps Remoulades ......... .... ..... ..... 9 (I) Dippin' Chili Pizza 26 ( IV ) Spanakopeta .47 ( Ill ) Eggplant Antipasto 39 ( Ill ) Spiced Cocktail Nuts ........ .... ..... ... 89 ( Ill ) Empanadas ....................... ... ... ..... 39 ( Ill ) Spinach Balls 79 ( 111 ) French Quiche 37 (II) Spring Rolls 37 (Ill) French-Fried Stuffed Mushrooms Sauerkraut Balls 38 ( II ) Parmigiana 84 (Ill) Fruit Kabobs 89 (Ill) Stuffed Mushrooms 34, 35 ( II ) Grape Garnishes for Stuffed Snow Peas 23 ( IV ) Cheese Trays 21 ( IV ) Surprise Cheese Puffs 17 ( I ) Ham bits 33 ( II ) Sweet and Sour Sausages ............. 24 ( I ) Haystack ....... ... .. ......... ................. 22 ( IV ) Swiss Cheese Swirls 38 (II) Herb Toast 33 (II) Tangy Cheese Tidbits 18 ( I ) Holiday Sandwich Loaf 22 ( I ) Teriyaki Chicken Wings 83 (Ill) Hors d'oeuvres Pie 24 ( IV ) Tex-Mex Hors D'oeuvre ............... 36 (Ill) Hot Cheese Spinach 28 ( II ) Three-Peppered Hot Clam Triangles 29 ( II ) Quesadillas .... ... .. ............. .... .... 31 (IV) Hot Dog Yummies ......................... 32 ( II ) Tortilla Pinwheels 23 (IV) Hot Shrimp Tortilla Rolls 36 (Ill) Hors d'oeuvres ....... ... ... 23 ( I ), 41 ( II ) Veggie Pizza 24 (IV) Hot Taco Appetizer .............. ...... ..27 ( IV ) Vietnamese Egg Rolls 37 (Ill) Kind-To-Your-Heart Water Chestnut Appetizers .42 ( II ) Stuffed Mushrooms 30 ( IV ) World's Easiest Appetizer 32 ( II )
Combined Index 305 Zucchini Appetizers 80 ( Ill) Cranberry and Apple Kuchen 84 ( II ) Crumb Apple Pie 221 ( Ill ) APPLE Danish Apple Pie 154 (I) Apple Batter Pudding ................. 235 (Ill) Deep Dish Apple Pie Apple Bran Bread 57 ( II ) (Apple Crunch) 138 ( II ) Apple Butter ................ .... ........... .304 ( II ) Delicious Peanut Apple Dip 17 ( IV ) Apple Cake 60, 61 ( I ) Dutch Apple Pie .. ......... ...... ... ..... .. 155 ( I ) Apple Cranberry Cobbler 129 ( I ) English Apple Pie 224 (IV) Apple Cream Pie .. .... .................... 154 ( I ) French Apple Pie 221 ( Ill ) Apple Crisp .... ... .. ..... ... 138 (II), 316 (Ill) French Apple Tart ...... ... ........ ..... 223 (IV) ( Crowd ), 224 ( IV ) Fresh Apple Coffeecake .. ..... ... ... .40 (IV) Apple Crunch Pie 262 ( IV ) Fresh Plum and Apple Dip 17 ( IV ) Apple Compote 144 ( II ) Apple Doughnuts 73 (II) Fried Apples 268 ( I ) Apple Dressing ... ... .. ................... .. 268 ( I ) Frozen Apple Salad ...................... 233 (I) Apple Fritters 39 ( I ) Jewish Apple Cake 91 (II) Apple Kuchen 129 ( I ) Microwave Apple Crisp 305 (Ill) Apple Noodle Kugel 137 ( II ) Microwave-cooked Apples 279 (IV) Apple Nut Bread 85 ( II ) Mom's Apple Kuchen 76 (Ill) Apple Pancakes .... .. ... ...... ............ 39 ( IV ) Obst Kuchen .............. .............. .... 75 (Ill) Apple, Peach or Prune Cake 60 (I) Pork Applesauce Apple Raisin Muffins .................... 33 ( IV ) Kraut Bake ..... .. .... .... ... .. .. ........ 221 ( II ) Apple Squares 296 ( II ) Sherry's Easy Apple Strudel ..... .... .......... .45 (I), 83 (II) Cranapple Spread 281 (IV) Apple Surprise ..... ........ ... .. ......... 224 ( IV ) Spice Apple Cupcakes ......... ........ ..47 (I) Apple Walnut Cake 62 ( I ) Sugarless Apple Pie 220 (Ill) Apple-Cheese Crisp 231 (Ill) Tatty Apple Rolls .45 ( I ) Apple-Cranberry Sauce ... :.... ...... 182 ( 111 ) Taffy Apple Salad .... .......... .. ....... .97 ( IV ) Apple-Custard Dessert 237 (Ill) Tangy Pork and Apple-Date Dream Cake ................ 62 ( I ) Apple Casserole ........ ...... ... .... .223 (II) Apple-Tomato Relish 307 (II) Washington Apple Bread 63 (Ill) Apples with German Bratwurst... 55 (Ill) APRICOT Applesauce Cake ( 2 ) 92 (II) Apricot Brandy .. .............. ......... ..... .43 (II) Applesauce Fruit Cake 212 ( IV ) Apricot Bread ....... .. .. ...... ........ ....... .49 ( I ) Applesauce-Prune Cake 62 ( I ) Apricot Butter 304 ( II ) Autumn Apple Fruit Cake .............. 91 ( II ) Apricot Chiffon Pie 155 ( I ) Babe's Apple Cake ............ ......... 251 (Ill) Apricot Crumb Bars .. ... ...... ......... 277 (Ill) Baked Apple Pancake ........... ........ .48 ( I ) Apricot Crumble Cake ..... ... ...... .... .93 ( II ) Baked Apple Slices 130 (I), 137 (II) Apricot Dainties 271 (Ill) Big-Apple Pork Steaks 192 ( I ) Apricot Delight Salad 209 (Ill) Brandied Apple Cake ................. 209 ( IV ) Apricot Delight... ..... ....... .... .. ...... .. .147 ( I ) Breakfast Apricot Dessert 147 (I) Apple-Rice Pudding ................. 65 ( IV ) Apricot Jello Salad Brown Sugar Apple Pie 154 ( I ) or Dessert ........... ............. ........ 236 ( I ) Candied Apple "Pie" ... .. .... .. ....... .241 ( 111 ) Apricot Nectar Cake 251 (Ill) Carrot-Apple Mold 257 ( II ) Apricot-Whip Salad ...... ....... ....... 211 ( Ill ) Chocolate Chip Brandied Apricot Loaves .47 ( IV ) Apple Cake .... ... .. ... ..... ..... ...... 209 ( IV ) Breakfast Sunrise ........................ 65 ( IV ) Cinnamon Apple Salad 234 ( I ) Carob Crepes Cinnamon Applesauce Salad .. ..... 236 -( I ) with Apricot Yogurt Filling 22 (Ill) Covered Apple Cake ...................... 61 ( I ) Frozen Apricot Whip ....... ..... .... .. .. 152 ( II )
Combined Index Orange Apricot Ring 240 (I) Butter Chews ................................ 106 ( I ) Butter Fudge Fingers 125 ( II ) ASPARAGUS Butterscotch Bars 125 ( II ) Asparagus Casserole 274 ( 11 ) Butterscotch Brownies ............... 253 ( IV ) Asparagus Hors d'oeuvres ... ..... .... 25 ( II) Caramel Brownies 253 ( IV ) Asparagus Party Platter 273 (II) Carrot Bars 124 ( II ) Asparagus Salad 199 (Ill) Cheesecake Cookies .................. 124 ( II ) Asparagus Soup Salad 251 ( I ) Chewy Caramel Squares 277 (Ill) Asparagus-Fish Casserole .......... .232 ( I ) Chocolate Crispies 107 ( I ) Asparagus -Macaroni Chocolate Delight Bars ............... 126 ( 11 ) Casserole .... ...... ............. .......... 257 ( I ) Chocolate Eclair Bars 244 ( Ill ) Egg-Drop Asparagus Soup .41 (Ill) Chocolate Marshmallow Ham and Asparagus Brownies ................................255 (IV) Casserole ................................. 199 ( I ) Chocolate Peanut Korean Asparagus 273 ( II ) Snacking Bars 257 ( IV ) Mushroom-Asparagus Chocolate Refresher Bars .......... .. 107 ( I ) Casserole ................ .... ............ 285 ( II ) Chocolate Schnitzels 127 ( II ) Chocolate-Pecan BANANA Dessert Bars 283 (Ill) Banana Bars ........................ ...... 278 (Ill) Coffee Snack Bars 279 ( Ill) Banana Blender Ade ....... ............. .43 (II) Cream Cheese Brownies 253 (IV) Banana Cake 252 (Ill) Date and Coconut Bars 277 (Ill) Banana Chocolate Date Bars 127 (II), 257 (IV) Chip Bread ............................... 48 ( IV ) Date-Nut Bars .............................. 108 ( I ) Banana French Toast 68 (IV) Dream Bars .................................. 108 (I) Banana Fruit Nut Bread .49 (I) Energy Bars 34 ( Ill) Banana Gelatin Salad .................. 236 ( I ) Banana Ice Box Cookies : 120 ( I ) Frosted Cremes ........................... 108 ( I ) Fruit Fingerpies 280 (Ill) Banana Muffins 66 ( II ) Fudge Bars 141 (II) Banana Nut Bread ... ............ ... ........ 50 (I) Fudge Squares ............................. 106 ( I ) Banana Nut Cake 94 ( II ) Golden Bars 109 ( I ) Banana Sour Cream Cake ............ 93 ( II ) Gooey Bars ................................ 279 (Ill) Banana Split Dessert .. .... ........ .... 157 ( 11 ) Graham Cracker Squares ............ 109 ( I ) Banana Walnut Muffins 33 ( IV ) Grand Marnier Brownies 254 ( IV) Bananas Flambe 144 ( II ) Grasshopper Bars ....................... 128 (II) Banberry Pie 155 ( I ) Harvest Bars 280 (Ill) Cabbage-Banana Salad 261 (II) Hermits ............................ ...... ..... 282 (Ill) Cherry-Banana Pie ..................... 223 (Ill) Honey-Coconut Bars .................... 109 ( I ) Cranberry Banana Bread .48 ( IV ) Hungarian Cookie Bars 258 ( IV ) Grandma's Banana Cake 63 (I) Jell-Meringue Nut Bars .... ............ 129 (II) Joanne's BARS Chocolate Brownies 278 ( Ill ) Apricot Crumb Bars .................... 277 (Ill) Lemon Cheese Bars .................. 282 (Ill) Baby Ruth Bars 290 ( Ill ) Lemon Meringue Bars 282 (Ill) Bake Sale Brownies 254 ( IV ) Lemon Squares ........................... 128 ( II ) Baked Fudge (Brownies ) 127 (II) Londqn Squares ....................... .258 ( IV ) Banana Bars .............................. 278 (Ill) Luscious Cherry Cakes 64 ( I ) Blond Brownies 253 ( IV ) Mer_ingue Squares 110 ( I ) Bohemian Squares 105 ( I ) Mint Brownies ............................ 255 ( IV ) Brownies (Crowd ) 317 ( Ill ) Mixed Nut Bars ........................... 281 ( Ill) Brownies Deluxe .......................... 105 ( I ) Mounds Bars 259 (IV) Brownies 105 ( I ) Oatmeal Brownies 279 (Ill)
Combined Index 307 Oatmeal Fudge Squares 129 ( II ) Corned Beef Bar-B-Q .. ............. ... 92 ( IV ) October Calico Squares ...... ... ...... 111 ( I ) Deviled Hamburgers 111 (Ill) Orange-Oat Bars 111 ( I ) Easy Oven Beef Barbeque for Peanut Butter Cup Brownies 256 ( IV ) Sandwiches 93 (IV) Peanutty Caramel Squares ..... ... 256 ( IV ) Elsie's Barbecue Pecan Pie Squares 259 ( IV ) Beans & Beef.. 157 (Ill) Pecan Slices 113 ( I ) Fish Bar-B-Que 232 ( I ) Poppy Seed Bars 130 ( II ) Grilled Marinated Pot Roast... 169 ( I ) Praline Cookies .......................... 260 ( IV ) Japanese Flank Steak .. ...... ... .. ... .. 171 ( I ) Praline Strips 260 ( IV ) Lamb Shish-Kebob 218 ( II ) Pumpkin Bars ..... .. ..... ...... .... ....... 284 (Ill) Marinated Steak .. ................ ... .... 132 ( IV ) Pumpkin Cooky Bars 112 ( I ) Oven Barbecued Pumpkin Pie Squares 261 ( IV ) Spare Ribs 220 ( II ) Quickest Brownies Ever. 106 ( I ) Shrimp Awaiting Bar-B-Q 23 ( I ) Raisin Bars 284 (Ill) Sloppy Joe Burgers/ Rhubarb Bars 285 ( Ill ) Seasoning Mix 245 (II) Seminary Chocolate Sloppy Joes 112 (Ill) Mint Bars 255 ( IV ) Southern Pork Seven Layer Cookies ..... .. .... .... .... 112 ( I ) Barbeque Sandwiches .. ..... ...... 94 (IV) Soft and Chewy Sweet Barbeque Ginger Bars 260 ( IV ) Pork Chops 148 ( IV ) South African Crunchies 261 ( IV) Tasty Barbecue Sauce 180 ( II I ) Surfer Squares ..... .......... .... .. ... ..... 112 ( I ) Tom's Grilled Chicken Toffee Bars 124 (II) with Marinade 162 ( IV ) Toffee Squares ............... ........ .... 283 (Ill) Turkey Cooked Turtle Bars 130 ( II ) on Outside Grill 237 ( II ) Walnut Chews 113 ( I ) Valpo Guild Spa,nish Hamburger Wine Fruit Bars ...................... ...... 113 ( I ) ( Crowd ) ....... ...... ...... .... .......... 188 ( II ) Yellow Tops 281 ( Ill ) Yogurt Marinated Zippy Lemon Bars 11 O ( I ) Chicken Broil. 32 (Ill) Zucchini Bars .... ....... ...... ..... ....... 285 (Ill) BEANS BARBECUE 3 Bean Salad 252 (I) Bar-B-Qued Ribs in Fry Pan 195 ( I ) Baked Bean Dish ....... ... ..... .......... 189 ( I ) Barbecue Beef Baked Lima Beans ...... ....... .... .... 183 ( II I ) Sandwiches 110 (Ill) Barbecued Lima Beans 283, 284 ( II ) Barbecue Hawaiian Chicken 227 ( II ) Bean-Cabbage Scramble .... .... .... 275 ( II ) Barbecue Sauce for Poultry 217 ( II ) Broccoli-Lima Bean Barbecue Sauce 180 ( II I ) Casserole 276 ( II ) Barbecue 244 ( II ) Camper's Special 192 ( II ) Barbecued Brisket.. 169 ( I ) Chili Beans 189 ( I ) Barbecued Lima Beans 283, 284 ( II ) Corn and Black Bean Salad 107 (-IV ) Barbecued Spare Ribs 195 ( I ) Costa Rica Black Beans Barbeque Basting Sauce and Rice 188 (IV) for Fish 184 ( IV ) Creole Style Green Beans 274 (II) Barbequed Pot Roast 129 ( IV ) Dilly Beans (Canned) 312 (II) Beef and Pork Bar-B-Q 222 (I) Dressed-Up Canned Beef Angus Kabobs ........ . .... .... .. 145 ( II I ) Green Beans 183 (Ill) Beef Bar-B-Que ( 2 ) 222 ( I ) Elsie's Barbecue Beef Shish-Kebob 9 ( I ) Beans & Beef... 157 (Ill) Beef-Chicken Brochette 146 (Ill) Four-Bean Baked Beans 275 (II) Chicken Barbecue 166 ( II I )
Green Bean and Beef Stroganoff Chick-Pea Salad ..... ..... ... ...... .201 (Ill) with Tom ato Sauce 173 ( I ) Green Bean Casserole 275 ( II) Beef Tenderloin ........ ....... .. ..... .. .. 141 ( Ill ) Green Beans Beef Wellington 142 ( 111 ) with Bacon Dressing 258 ( I ) Beef-Chicken Brochette .. ...... ..... 146 ( Ill ) Hio Beans 258 (I) Beef-Mushroom Dish 142 (Ill) Hot Bean Dip 26 ( IV ) Bulgogi Hot Bean Salad 252 ( I ) (Korean Barbecued Beef) ..... . 138 ( IV ) Hot Green Bean Salad 252 ( I ) California Beef Jerky 25 (II) Husband ' s Special Cambodian Salad .48 (Ill) Baked Beans 276 ( 11 ) Carbonades Lima Bean and a la Flamande 134 ( IV ) Corn Casserole 283 (II) Carol's Steak Rose 179 ( II ) Navy Bean Soup 30 ( I ) Chap-Chae Old-Fashioned (Korean Noodle Dish) 138 ( IV ) Baked Beans 193 ( IV ) Chinese Beef and Pea Pods 137 ( IV ) Old-Fashioned Bean Soup 50 (II) Chinese Beef with Pea Pods 171 ( I ) Oriental Green Beans 259 ( I ) Chinese Beef Pedro's Special .. ........ .. ..... .. ...... ... 188 ( I ) with Sesame Seeds .49 ( 111 ) Ranch Style Baked Beans 189 ( I ) Chipped Beef Sandwiches 20 ( I ) Red Beans and Rice 188 ( IV ) Crockpot Beef Fajitas 134 ( IV ) Red Beans & Deluxe Round Steak 177 ( 11 ) Rice Casserole 157 ( Ill ) Diet Sukiyaki 150 (Ill) Roman Style Bean Soup 86 ( IV ) Doc 's Gourmet Chili. 81 (IV) Sallad 266 ( II ) Easy Beef and Salt Pork with Lima Beans 194 ( I ) Slaw Special 94 ( IV ) Sauerkraut Bean Soup 86 ( IV ) Easy Beef Stroganoff 146 ( 111 ) Schnitzel Beans 274 (II) Easy Oven Beef Barbeque Stell's Baked Beans (Crowd) 314 (Ill) for Sandwiches 93 ( IV ) String Beans and Beef Easy Pot Roast 148 ( Ill ) -(Chinese Style ) 184 ( II ) Fantastic Pot Roast... 178 ( II ) Sweet and Sour Wax Beans ........ 258 ( I ) Favorite Swiss Steak ................. 131 (IV) Swiss Green Beans 257 ( I ) Feriak 181 (II) Three Bean Casserole ............. ... 198 ( II ) French Beef Burgundy 171 ( I ) Fried Beef BEEF (also see Casseroles and Ground with Cellophane Noodles ........ 185 ( II ) Beef) Garden Roast 148 ( 111 ) Baked Steak 184 ( II ) German Goulasch ........................ 172 ( I ) Barbecued Brisket... 169 ( I ) German Goulash Soup 76 ( IV ) Barbequed Pot Roast 129 ( IV ) German Short Ribs 181 ( II ) Beef a la Jo 170 ( I ) Golden Stew ....................... .... ...... 178 ( I ) Beef and Pork Bar-B -Que 222 ( I ) Greek Beef Stew 133 (IV) Beef Angus Kabobs 145 ( 111 ) Grilled Marinated Pot Roast... 169 ( I ) Beef Bar-B-Que ( 2) 222 ( I) Hungarian Goulash ..................... 184 ( II ) Beef Brisket... 169 ( I ) Individual Beef Wellington 141 ( Ill ) Beef Burgundy 172 (I) , 179 (II) Japanese Flank Steak 171 ( I ) Beef Olives 180 ( II ) Jello Beef Salad 256 ( II ) Beef Parmigiana 182 ( II ) London Broil. 180 ( II ) Beef Rouladen 175 ( I ) Marinated Steak ... .... ............. ..... 132 ( IV ) Beef Shish-Kebob 9 ( I ) Maryland Pot Roast 130 ( IV ) Beef Strips and Cauliflower 149 ( 111 ) Microwave Beef Jerky 302 (Ill) Beef Stroganoff ( 2 ) 173 ( I ) Microwave Chop Suey ......... ...... 301 (Ill)
308 Combined Index
8 Combined Index 309 Microwave Ginger Beef Torpan File with Oyster Sauce ...... .... .. .... ..301 (Ill) ( Finnish Beef Tenderloin ).. .... 183 ( II ) Milt's Beef Ragout... 182 ( II ) Valpo Sunday Brunch Mince Meat... ............................... 312 (II) Beef Crepes ..... .... ..... ..... ... .. .. 101 (Ill) Mushroom Beef Viennese Goulash , 172 ( I ) Cocktail Spread 20 ( I ) No Peek Stew 178 (I) BEETS Nonnenfleisch and Beet Relish 307 (II) Brotklosse 15 ( 111 ) Beets with Pineapple ...... .......... .. 183 (Ill) One-Pan Cantonese Beef ...... .... 136 ( IV) Cardinal Salad 268 (II) Orange Flavored Cranberry-Glazed Beets 193 ( IV ) Beef Stir-Fry 135 ( IV ) German Pickled Beets 194 ( 111 ) Oriental Beef Stir-Fry 136 ( IV ) Sweet and Sour Beets 276 (II) Our Special Beef Kabobs .. .. ... ... 132 ( IV ) Oven Beef Stew 178 ( I ) BEVERAGES (also see Punch) Pasties 144 ( Ill ) Almond Tea 94 (Ill) Pennsylvania Dutch Meat Apricot Brandy .43 (II) Pot-Pie 170 ( I ) Banana Blender Ade .43 ( II ) Pepper Steak 143 ( 111 ), 137 ( IV ) Bohemian Tea 26 (I) Peppered Beef Brisket 178 ( II ) Bowle ( Punch ) 25 ( I ) Polynesian Beef Bites 35 (Ill) Chocolate Liqueur .46 ( II ) Pot Roast Italiano .. ..... .... ... ..... ... 130 ( IV ) Coffee and Tea Tips ....... .. ........... 32 (IV) Pump Room Beef... 146 (Ill) Company Tea 32 (IV) Roast Beef Teriyaki. 174 (I) Cranberry Wine Punch ................ 31 ( IV) Roast Beef 178 (II) Daiquiri Slush ............................... 93 (Ill) Roman Beef Strips 176 ( I ) Dandelion Wine 25 ( I ) Rouladen 175 ( I ) Dr. Nagel ' s Mulled Wine 10 (I) Russian Beef Stroganoff ......... ... 147 (Ill) Egg Nog ....................................... .44 ( II ) Sauerbraten 174 (I), 53 ( Ill) Frozen Daiquiris .46 ( II ) Savory Beef Stew 133 ( IV ) Hot Cider .. .... ...... ...... ....... ... ............ 25 ( I ) Savory Italian Beef Hot Spiced Wine 25 ( I ) for Sandwiches .......... .............. 92 ( IV ) Husband's Special Egg Nog .44 (II) Savory Round Steak 131 ( IV ) Instant Hot Chocolate 26 (I) Sliced Beef with Wine Instant Russian Tea 26 (I) for Sandwiches 93 ( IV ) Kahlua .46, 47 ( II ) Slow Cooker Beef in Bee r 135 ( IV) Lemon Mush 94 (Ill) Sour Beef... 177 (II), 143 (Ill) Liter Juice ..................................... .48 ( 11 ) Sourdough Beef Dip 121 (Ill) Maplebrook Slush ......... ......... ... ... 93 (Ill) Speedy Sauerbraten ................... .174 ( I ) Mediterranean Coffee 32 ( IV ) Spicy Italian Beef Raspberry Liqueur .... ... ........ ......... 91 (Ill) for Sandwiches 92 ( IV ) Russian Tea ........................... ... ..... 26 ( I ) Spicy Pot Roast with Slush 92 (Ill) Biscuit Dumplings 129 ( IV ) Spanish Coffee .......... .. ................. .48 (II) Standing Rib in Rock Salt ........... 177 ( II ) Sparkling Pink Punch 31 (IV) Steak for Supper 145 (Ill) Velvet Hammer Dessert Drink 91 ( Ill ) String Beans and Beef White Sangria Punch ................... 32 ( IV ) ( Chinese Style) .... .............. :.. 184 ( II ) Stupflgoetta ( Soup ) 32 ( I ) BISCUITS Sunday Flank Steak Rose ........... 180 ( II ) Buttermilk Biscuits .........................67 ( II ) Swedish Kalops Butterscotch Biscuits 67 ( II ) ( Beef Stew with Sour Cream) .177 ( I ) Cheese-Onion Biscuits 125 ( Ill ) Swiss Steak in Foil. ...................... 176 ( I ) Cornmeal Biscuits ....................... .45 ( IV )

310 Combined Index

Lyd ia 's Bes t Biscu its 124 ( Ill )

Rich Baking Powder Biscuits . ....... 68 (II)

Sourdough Biscuits 115 ( 111 )

Tea Biscuits 134 ( Ill )

Wholemeal Treacle Scones w ith Rum Butter 74 (II)


Best Bluebe rry Pancakes 39 ( IV )

Blueberry Cake ... .... ..... ..... .... ... ... ...63 ( I )

Blueberry Cheesecake ....... .. .. ........ 93 ( I )

Blueberry Lemon Pie 262 ( IV )

Blueberry Mold ......... ..... ..... .......... 237 ( I )

Blueberry Muffins 34 (IV)

Blueberry Sauce

150 (II)

Blueberry Sour Cream Cake .. .... 263 (Ill)

BlueberryTorte , 160 (II)

Blueberry -Oatmeal Muffir\S 122 ( Ill )

Fresh Blueberry and Cherry Jam .. ..... .... .... .. ... .. .. .... .304 ( 11 )

Fresh Blueberry Pie

Fresh Blueberry Salad Mold

263 ( IV )

253 ( II)

Lemon Blueberry Muffins, 34 ( IV)

Michigan Blueberry Sauce ....... .... 66 (Ill)

Red Raspberry , Strawbe(ry and Blueberry Jam

305 ( II )

Red , White and Blueberry Dessert 158 ( II )

Twin Mt. Blueberry Coffee Cake .. .75 ( II )

BREADS (also see Biscuits , Coffeecakes , Muffins, Pancakes/Waffles/French Toast/Other , Rolls , and Sweet Rolls/Doughnuts)

Bread Machine

Arleen 's Swedish Rye

Cheddar Cheese Bread

Mozzarella and Sun-Dried



Swedish Limpa

Yogurt Sesame Bread .... .. .. ...... ...


Apple Nut Bread

( IV )

( IV )



( II )

Apricot Bread .49 ( I )

Aunt Martha's Brown Bread .49 ( IV )

Banana Chocolate Chip Bread .48 ( IV )

Banana Fruit Nut


Bread .. .. ..... .....
( IV )
Egg Bread 54
( IV )
Bread .49 ( I )
Nut Bread .. .. .................... ..50 ( I )
Bread .......... ... .. .. .. .. .... .. ... ... .. .60 ( II ) Brandied Apricot Loaves .47 (IV) Carrot Bread 50 ( I) Cheddar-Oat Quick Bread ....... ... .47 (IV) Cheese-Filled Nut Loaf ... ... ..... ... 132 ( Ill ) Cranberry Banana Bread .48 ( IV ) Cranberry Bread ... .. ..... ...... ........ .. ... 50 (I) Cranberry Nut Bread .. ... ... ..... ... ..... 86 (II) Cranberry-Orange Bread 86 ( II ) Date Nut Bread 51 ( I ) Date-Cheese Loaf... ... ... .... .... ..... 132 ( 111 ) Ginger Mint Loaf 54 (I) Graham Bread 38 (IV) Grape Nuts Bread 51 (I) Herb Bread 60 ( II ) Irish Soda Bread ...... .. ......... ...... ... 50 ( IV ) Japanese Mandarin Orange Nut Loaf 85 (II) Lemon Bread ... ....... .. .. .. .. .. ...... ..... ..85 (II) Mardi Gras Bread 51 (I) Mary Metchenberg 's Green Tomato Bread 87 (II) Molasses Brown Bread .49 ( IV ) Monkey Bread 134 (Ill) Onion Cheese Supper Bread 62 ( II ) Orange Bread ... ....... .............. ......... 52 ( I ) Peanutty Date Loaf .48 (IV) Plum Nut Bread ...... .. .. .... .. .... .. ........ 54 ( I ) Poppy Seed Bread 133 ( 111 ) Prune Bread 88 ( II ) Pumpkin Bread ... .......................... ..53 (I) Quick French Bread 66 ( II ) Rhubarb Nut Bread ... ... ... ... .... .... .... 53 ( I ) Rich Corn Bread ..... ......... ........ ... ... 67 ( II ) Sausage Bread 130 ( 111 ) Southern Spoon Bread .................. .47 (I) Strawberry Bread 133 ( 111 ) Super-Easy Brown Bread .. ........ .130 (Ill) Sweet Corn Bread ........ ... ... .... .... .44 ( IV ) Unleavened Commun ion Bread 33 ( I ) Washington Apple Bread ..... ........ 63 (Ill) Whole Wheat Honey Nut Bread 70 ( II ) Yorkshire Pudding .47 (I) Zucchini Bread 88 ( II ) Zucchini Tea Loaf 87 (II) Sourdough Beef Dip .... .... ..... .................. ..... . 121 (Ill) Biscuits 115 (Ill) Bread Stioks 118 ( Ill ) Bread ... ...... ..... .... ..... ........... 116 , 117 (Ill) Cheese Swirl. 117 ( Ill ) Cinnamon Rolls 118 (Ill) Coffee Cake 119 (Ill) Pancakes ................. .. 115, 116, 119 (Ill)




Waffles .... ..... .......


Apple Bran Bread

Arabian Pocket Bread

























Combined Index 311

Broccoli Casserole ................. 12 , 259 ( I ) ( 2) 184 (Ill)

Broccoli Puff 277 ( II )

Broccoli Salad ... .264, 267 ( II ), 103 ( IV )

Broccoli Soup ...... .. ... ...... .............. 87 ( IV )

Broccoli Supreme .. .. .......... ...... .... 277 ( II )

Broccoli with Lemon Cream 185 (Ill)

Broccoli-Cauliflower Casserole 194 ( IV )

Broccoli-Cauliflower Coleslaw ... .199 ( 111 )

Broccoli-Cheese Appetizer .. ... .. .. .. 80 (Ill)

Broccoli-Corn Casserole ........... .. 278 ( II )

Broccoli-Corn Chowder. 87 ( IV )

Broccoli-Lima Bean Casserole .... 276 ( II )

Carrots and Broccoli Casserole 278 ( II )

Chicken-Broccoli Casserole ( 2 ).212 (II)

Crustless Broccoli Quiche .... ........ 74 (IV)

Festive Chicken Noel. 157 ( IV )

Low Calorie Broccoli Soup 87 ( IV )

Microwave Chinese-Style

Broccoli ........ ....... ................... 303 (Ill)

Rice-Broccoli Casserole 259 ( I )

Sesame Broccoli 193 ( IV )

Wild Rice Broccoli Bake ...... .. .... .. 277 ( II )


Apple Butter ................................


Sticks ..... .. .. .. .118 ( 111 )

Sourdough Bread 116 (Ill)

Sourdough Cheese Swirl 117 ( 111 )

Swedish Rye Bread ......... 35 (I) , 44 (Ill)

Whole Wheat Communion Bread 33 ( I )


Baked Spinach or Broccoli 265 ( I )

Broccoli and Artichoke Casserole .. .. ....... .... 184 ( 111 )

(II) Apricot Butter

Basil Butters


( IV )

Cinnamon Honey Butter ............ 282 ( IV )

Honey Rum Butter ..................... 282 ( IV )

Italian Butter. 283 ( IV )

Mustard-Herb Butter 283 ( IV)

Orange Honey Butter ..... ........ .... 282 ( IV )

Parsley-Lemon Butter 283 ( IV )

Raspberry Butter. 282 ( IV )

Rum Butter ........ ... ... ... .. ........ .... ..... 74 (II)

Seasoned Vegetable Butters 283 ( IV )

Shrimp Butter .... ....... .... .................. 24 ( I )

Southwestern Butter .. ........ .... .... 283 ( IV )

Spread for Pumpkin , Carrot and Zucchini Breads ................. 87 ( II )

Strawberry Butter 282 ( IV )


Aunt Pattie 's

Cabbage Casserole ... ...... ...... 188 ( 111 )

Bean-Cabbage Scramble 275 ( II )

Cabbage Salad 244 ( I )

Cabbage-Banana Salad .... ........ .. 261 ( II )

Chinese Cabbage Salad 105 ( IV )

Corn-Cabbage in Pressure Cooker ....... ........ 188 (Ill)

and Nut Coffeecake ... .. ... 121
111 )
Chocolate Cake 120
( 111
............... .......
..120 (Ill)
( II )
.44 (Ill)
Frieda's Dilly Bread
( II )
............. .... ....
.... .......
... .....
( 111
Wheat and Honey Bread 23
111 )
Bowl Tip ..... .... .... .. .. ..... ... ... 88
IV )
(Jewish Egg Bread ) 57
Bread ... ....... .. .... .. ... ....... ... 58
II )
Raisin Holiday Bread ...... .58
IV )
Yeast Tea Bread 72
Stollen ................. ... ...
IV )
American Bread 24
Muffin Bread (Microwave) .. ...... .... ... .............. 50
Bread ........ ..
111 )
Bread 59
Christmas Stollen 56
and Nutmeg Bread ............ 131 (Ill)
Bread : 34 (I)
Bread 51 (IV)
( Norwegian Christmas Bread) .. ....... .. ...... .... 79 (II) Leola 's Bread 61 ( II )
Bread ....... ... .. .. .. ...... ... 24
Ill )
Bread ..... ...... ... .. .... .... 131 ( Ill )
Bread 59
( II )
Brot (Bran Bread )
........ ..........
's Bread 51
Sweet Bread 73
II )
Bread ... .. .. ... .. ... .... .... ..... .... 52 ( IV )
Whole-Grain Bread 26 (Ill) Quick Whole-Wheat Raisin Bread 34 ( I )
Stoneground Wheat Bread ....
....... ..... ..... .. .. ...
( Ill )
Pretzels .40 ( I ), 135 ( Ill )
Corned Beef and Cabbage 192 ( II ) Cherry Cake 64 (I), 95 (II), 211 (IV) Dutch Slaw 261 ( II ) Cherry Chocolate Cake 95 (II) Frozen Cole Slaw 245 ( I ) Cherry Party Cake 63 ( I ) Garden Slaw 201 (Ill) Chip and Cherry Cake ......... ....... ... 95 ( II ) Great Cabbage Soup ... ...... .. ... .. .... .50 ( I ) Choco-Cheese Cupcakes 73 (I) Halupcki Casserole 180 ( I ) Chocolate Angel Food Cake 213 (IV) Hungarian Sauerkraut... ............... 195 ( I ) Chocolate Angel Food 99 ( II ) Kraut Noodle ... ................. ........... .54 ( Ill ) Chocolate Cake 70 ( I ) Kraut Salad 202 (Ill) Chocolate Cherry Cake .. .. .............. 70 ( I ) Meme's Slaw ...... ...... .. ............... 106 ( IV ) Chocolate Chip Apple Cake 209 ( IV ) My Favorite Cole Slaw ... .... ... . ... .106 ( IV ) Chocolate Chip Cake 254 (Ill) Overnight Cole Slaw 266 ( II ) Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cake .... 108 ( II ) Rotkohl (German Red Cabbage) .260 (I) Chocolate Chip Pound Cake ..... 214 (IV) Runzas .. ...................................... 190 (II) Chocolate Fudge Cake 216 ( IV) Scalloped Cabbage 188 ( 111 ) Chocolate Mousse Roll 89 ( II ) Stay-Crisp Salad 244 ( I ) Chocolate Nut Fluff Layers ............ 89 ( II ) Stuffed Cabbage Rolls 183 ( I ) Chocolate Sheet Cake 96 ( II ) Stuffed Cabbage 182 ( I ) Christmas Cake 213 ( IV ) Covered Apple Cake ......... ........... ..61 ( I ) CAKES (also see Cheesecakes, Cream Cake Filling 91 ( I ) Coffeecakes, and Fruitcakes) Cream Sherry Cake ................. ...... 78 ( I ) 1-2-3-4 Cake 106 ( Creme de Menthe Cake 256 (Ill) 1930's Sponge Cake 106 ( Daffodil Cake .... .. .... ............... ......... 75 ( I) 500 Cake .. .... ........ .. ......... ........ .... ..90 ( Date Cake 68 ( I ) Angel Food Ice Box Cake 156 ( Date Orange Cake 69 ( I ) Apple Cake 60, 61 ( Date-Nut-Chocolate Chip Cake ...... 69 (I) Apple, Peach or Prune Cake .......... 60 ( Delicious Date Cake 68 (I) Apple Walnut Cake ...... ........... .... ... 62 ( Dessert Cake 159 ( II ) Apple-Date Dream Cake 62 ( ) Devil's Food Cake 96 ( II ) Applesauce Cake ( 2 ) 92 (II) Donna's Sweet Applesauce-Prune Cake ................ 62 ( I ) Chocolate Caramel Cake 217 ( IV ) Apricot Crumble Cake 93 ( II ) Door County Apricot Nectar Cake 251 (Ill) Choco-Cherry Cake 211 (IV) Babe's Apple Cake ..................... 251 (Ill) Double Chocolate Pound Cake .214 (IV) Banana Cake 252 (Ill) Dump Cake 65 ( I ) Banana Nut Cake ..........................94 (II) Easy Chocolate Cake ( 2) 255 (Ill) Banana Sour Cream Cake .. ........ .. 93 ( II ) Easy Poppy Seed Cake ............. 261 (Ill) Basic Shortcake 78 ( I ) Eggless, Butterless, Best Gingerbread Ever 218 ( IV ) Milkless Spice Cake 57 (I) Bill's Birthday Cake 21 O ( IV ) Family Reunion Carrot Cake ..... 218 ( IV ) Blueberry Cake 63 ( I ) Fast Pound Cake 99 ( II ) Blueberry Sour Cream Cake 263 (Ill) Favorite Birthday Cake 252 (Ill) Bourbon Cake 75 ( I ) Favorite Chocolate Cake 71 (I) Brandied Apple Cake 209 ( IV ) French Christmas Cake 213 (IV) Brownie Cake 70 (I) Frosted Rhubarb Sauce Cake 262 (Ill) Sundt Pan Almond Cake 74 ( I ) Fruit Cocktail Cake ( 2) .. ..... .......... 65 (I) Butterscotch Crunch Cake 253 (Ill) Funny Cake 71 (I) Butterscotch Marble Cake ....... ....... 74 (I) German Chocolate Cupcakes ..... 110 ( II ) Carol Hansen's Poppy Seed Cake.67 (I) German Chocolate Carrot Pineapple Cake ... .... .. ....... 103 ( II ) Upside-Down Cake 215 ( IV ) Carrot Sheet Cake 94 ( II ) Gingerbread 258 (Ill) Cherry Cake with Sauce 211 (IV) Glazed Carrot Cake ................... 218 ( IV )
312 Combined Index
Combined Index 313 Grandma Finke 's Oatmeal Cake .108 ( II ) Rhubarb Cake 66 ( I ) Grandma's Banana Cake ....... ..... ... 63 ( I ) Rhubarb Upside Down Cake .. ... .262 (Ill) Grandma's Old-Fashioned Roxbury Cake .. .............................. 79 ( I ) Rhubarb Cake 221 ( IV ) Rum Cake ...... ..... ... .. .. .... ..... .. ... .. 221 ( IV ) Great Italian Cream Cake 107 ( II ) Sauerkraut Cake 79 ( I ) Gugelhupf Cake ...... ................. ...... 75 (I) Schokoladen Gugelhopf.. 99 ( II ) Harvest Cake Scripture Cake : 57 ( I ) (Pineapple-Nut Cake) 102 ( II ) Shortcake 137 ( 11 ) Healthful Poppy Seed Cake 219 (IV) Sour Cream Cake 107 ( 11 ) Heath Bar Cake ........... .. ...... ... ..... ... 76 (I) Sour Cream Chocolate Cake ... .... ..72 ( I ) Heavenly Hash Cake .................... 98 (II) Sour Cream Pound Cake 106 ( II ) High Society Cake ....................... 111 ( II ) Spice Apple Cupcakes .. .... .. ...... .. ... 47 ( I ) Hummingbird Cake 258 ( Ill ) Strawberry Crunch Cake 140 ( II ) Indiana Black Walnut Cake 79 ( I ) Strawberry Shortcut Cake 67 ( I ) Jeanne's Chocolate Cake ... .. ... ...... 71 (I) Sweet Potato Cake 80 ( I ) Jewish Apple Cake ........................ 91 (II) The Perfect Chocolate Cake 97 ( II ) Kentucky Jam Cake 109 ( II ) Tomato Soup Cake 80 (I) Kokus Flad .. .............. .. ....... .. ...... 219 ( IV ) Turtle Cake 264 ( Ill ) Laura Wilder's Gingerbread 100 ( II ) Twinkie Cake 222 ( IV ) Lump Chocolate Cake 254 (Ill) Mandarin Orange Cake .... .. .. .. ... ..100 ( II ) Ugly Duckling Pudding Cake 263 (Ill) Uhl's Cherry Cake ... ....... .... ..... ...253 (Ill ) Microwave Fudge Unbeatable Sourdough Pudding Cake 305 (Ill) Chocolate Cake 120 ( 111 ) Milky Way Cake ....................... .. .. .. 72 ( I ) Upside Down-Orange Minute Shortcake ..... .... ....... ..... ... ... 78 ( I ) Lemon Nut Cake .... .. .. .... ..... .... ... 67 ( I ) Mississippi Mud Cake 98 ( II ) Vegetable Cake 81 (I) Mocha Peanut Squares ........... .... 101 ( II ) Velvet Layer Cake .......................... 77 (I) Mounds Cake 217 (IV) Wacky Cake 11 O ( II ) Mousse-Topped Fudge Cake 215 (IV) White Chocolate Cake 256 (Ill) My Boss's Cake 210 (IV) Yellow Sour Cream Cake 77 (I) My Crazy Cake 111 (II) New Orleans King's Cake ............ 73 (Ill) CANDY (also see Fudge) Nutmeg Feather Cake 11 O ( II ) Aunt Susan's Unusual Candy 286 ( Ill ) Oatmeal Cake .. .... ..... .......... ....... .... 80 ( I ) Baby Ruth Bars .. .. .... .......... ..... ... 290 ( Ill ) Old-fashioned Pound Cake .... .. .. 259 (Ill) Baked Caramel Corn .................. .134 ( II ) Oma's Puff a 220 ( IV ) Butter Mints 132 ( II ) Orange Cake 66 ( I ), 260 ( Ill ) Butter Toffee 127 ( I ) Orange Candy Cake .................. 259 (Ill) Butterscotch Cookies ............. ... .290 (Ill) Orange Cardamom Cake 66 ( I ) Caramels ., 287 (Ill) Oven Iced Cup Cakes 73 ( I ) Chocolate Hard Candy 125 ( I ) Pea Picking Cake 109 ( II ) Chocolate Mint Candy 271 ( IV ) Peanut Squares .............. ............ 101 (II) Chocolate-Walnut Creams .... ....... 125 ( I ) Pear Cake 102 ( II ) Christmas Hard Candy 125 ( I ) Pecan Cake ................................ 261 ( Ill ) Coconut Balls .. .. .... .. .......... ......... 290 ( Ill ) Pineapple Cake 104 ( 11 ) Creme de Menthe Squares ........ 286 ( Ill ) Pineapple Coconut Cake 104 ( 11 ) Crunchy Grahams 292 ( Ill ) Pineapple Upside Down Cake 103 ( II ) Date and Pecan Logs ... .... .......... .131 (II) Pound Cake 76 ( I ) Date Roll 131 ( II ) Pumpkin Cake Loaf.. 105 ( II ) English Toffee 135 ( II ) Pumpkin Cake 105 (II), 260 (Ill) Festive Kisses ............................. 131 ( II ) Pumpkin Pie Cake 220 ( IV ) Fortified Popcorn 293 (Ill) Quick Mix Sponge Cake 77 (I) Honey Fruit Brittle 136 ( II )

314 Combined Index


























Butter Toffee .... .. .... ... 306 (Ill)
Caramel Corn 306 (Ill)
Chinese Chews 307
Peanut Brittle 305
Ill )
Duke of Paducah
Balls 294
Puffs 294
Peanut Butter Chews 291
( Ill
Peanut Butter Kisses 291
Bonbons 287
Ill )
Brittle 127, 128 ( I )
Butter Balls 135, 136 ( II )
Butter Clusters 271 ( IV )
Butter Cups 130 ( II )
Butter Drops ... .. .... ...... .... 293 ( Ill )
Butter Roll 'Ems 291 ( Ill) Pecan Pralines 127 ( I )
Balls ............ ............. ..... 134
II )
Crunch .............. ........... 294
II )
Chow .... ..........................271
IV )
Candy ... .. .... ..... ... ..... ... ....... 132
II )
Squares .......................... 287 (Ill) Sarah's Confections 292 ( Ill ) Spiced Nuts 128 (I) Supreme Sour Cream Penuche .. 135 (II) Swedish Nut Meats 128 ( I )
Macaroons ........... ........ 291 (Ill)
Sisters' Fruit 'N Nut .... ...... ..289
( Ill
Germ Candy Bars ... .... ... .. 136
II )
Chocolate Party Mix 270 ( IV )
Carrot Delight 280 ( II )
Carrots ....... ... .... ... .. ...... 186 ( 111 )
Bars 124 ( 11 )
Bread 50 ( I ) Carrot Casserole ........ ..... .......... .187 ( Ill ) Carrot Chiffon Pie 33 (Ill) Carrot Cookies ..... .......... ... ... .. .... 266 ( 111 )
Pineapple Cake 103 ( 11 ) Carrot Pudding 139 ( I )
Salad 265 (II)
Sheet Cake .. .. .................... 94 ( II )
Mold 257 ( II )
Salad 251 (I)
Casserole 185 (Ill)
and Broccoli Casserole .. 278 ( II ) Carrots and Zucchini 292 ( II )
for Company 187 ( 111 ) Cheesy Carrot Dip ......... ......... ..... 26 ( IV ) Cream of Carrot-Cheddar Soup 27 (Ill) Crisp Fried Carrots .. ... ... .. .. ..... ... .. 279 ( II ) Crispy Cheesey Carrot Casserole 196 ( IV ) Dilled Carrots with Sour Cream .196 ( IV ) Family Reunion Carrot Cake ... ..218 ( IV ) Favorite Carrots 186 ( 111 ) Glazed Carrot Cake 218 ( IV ) Glazed Carrots with Green Grapes 186 (Ill) Golden Carrot Mold 278 ( II ) Marinated Carrots ( Copper Pennies ) 279 ( II ) Marinated Carrots Supreme 260 ( I ) Puree of Carrots in Orange Cups 195 ( IV ) Sunshine Carrots 280 ( II ) Vitamin Salad 205 (Ill) Zesty Carrots 280 (II) CASSEROLES Beef Almond Bake Casserole 179 (I)
Carbonades a La Flamande ...... 134
Casserole of Liver ...................... 164
Corned Beef Casserole 179 ( I ) Dried Beef Noodle Casserole 193 ( II ) Microwave Chop Suey .......... .. ...301 (Ill) Mock Stroganoff 196 ( II ) Mom's Chop Suey 179 ( I ) Reuben Casserole ...................... 192 ( II ) Zucchini Meat Casserole 203 (II) Chicken or Turkey
Baked Egg Scramble 70 ( IV )
Casserole ........ ........ .. ........ 214
Chicken Casserole Supreme 166 ( IV ) Chicken Casserole 212, 216 (I), 234
Chow Mein Casserole 215 ( I ) Chicken Delight ........ ........... ....... .. 215 ( I ) Chicken en Papillote ... ...... ...... ... 167 ( IV ) Chicken Lasagne 168 ( IV ) Chicken Macaroni Casserole 213 ( I ) Chicken or Turkey Casserole ..... 170
Ill ) Chicken Tandoori. 162
IV )
Vegetable Casserole 214
Casserole ( 2 )
Beef Casserole 209
Casserole 169
Chicken Casserole ....
... ... ... .... .. ..
(II) Chicken
(I) Chicken-Broccoli
(I) Chicken-Dried
) Chicken-Spinach
) Chopstick
.165 (
Combined Index 315 Company Comin ' Hamburger Casserole 154 ( Ill ) Chicken Casserole ........ ... ..... .166 (Ill) Hamburger Hotdish 194 ( II ) Creamy Chicken Casserole 169 ( IV ) Men ' s Favorite Casserole .. ..... ... 144 ( IV ) Crunchy Hot Ch icken Salad 121 ( IV ) Mexican Casserole 197 ( II ) Hearth Healthy Mexican Lasagne 139 ( IV) Chicken Casserole 170 ( IV ) Minnesota Hotdish ....... ...... ...... ... .49 (Ill) Hot Turkey (or Ch icken) Mock Chow Mein 197 (II) Salad Souffle 213 (I) Mom's Casserole 144 ( IV ) Mexicali Casserole ... .. ... ..... ....... .168 (IV) Mom's Chop Suey ... .... ... ... .... ..... .198 (II) Oven Cashew Chicken Salad 121 ( IV ) Moussaka 196 ( II ) Paella ..... .. ........ .... ............. ..... .. ...231 (II) Noodle & Beef Casserole ...... ..... 156 ( 111 ) Party Chicken Casserole Rosina's Special. 157 ( 111 ) (Crowd) 310 (Ill) Supper-in-a-Skillet... 151 ( Ill ) Sunshine Chicken .... ............ ... .... .215 ( I ) Taco Casserole .................... .... .. 149 (Ill) Super Chicken Tater Tot Casserole 198 ( II ) Enchilada Casserole 166 ( IV ) Three Cheese Manicotti 199 ( II ) Turkey and Stuffing Valpo Casserole 181 (I) Brunch Bake 75 ( IV ) Wild Rice and Wild Rice Turkey Dish : 170 ( 111 ) Hamburger Casserole 180 ( I ) Egg or Cheese Zucchini Meat Casserole 203 (II) Better-For-You Ham Baked Egg Scramble 70 ( IV ) Cheesy Ham and Egg Bake Cheesy Ham and Egg Bake with Veggies 71 (IV) with Veggies 71 (IV) Clone Casserole ... ... ... .. .... ..... .. ... 160 ( 111 ) Chili Cheese Souffle 73 (IV) Ham and Egg Casserole 214 ( II ) Chilis Rellenos Casserole ..... .. ... ..47 (Ill) Ham & Asparagus Casserole 199 ( I ) Easy Do-Ahead Baked Eggs 71 (IV) Ham -Vegetable Casserole 160 (Ill) Elegant Egg Scramble 70 ( IV) Hurry-Up Casserole 205 ( II ) Grits Au Gratin ................... ...... .... 67 ( IV ) Simple Rarebit... 209 ( II ) Ham and Cheese Pork or Veal Brunch Enchiladas 72 (IV) Almond Bake Casserole 179 ( I ) Mrs Jennings Chop Suey for 50 ( Crowd ) 224 ( II ) Southern Grits & Cheese ........ .46 ( Ill) Chow Mein Noodle Ring ....... ..... .224 (II) Valpo Brunch Bake ..... .............. ... 71 ( IV) Colombo Casserole .... ............ ... ..223 (II) Wheat Germ Egg Salad Crunchy Sausage Casserole 158 ( Ill ) Casserole ... ........ ... ..... ... ...... .... .30 (Ill) Kielbasa Casserole ...... ............ ... .205 ( I ) Ground Beef Microwave Chop Suey 301 (Ill) 3 Bean Casserole 198 ( II ) Mom's Chop Suey 179 ( I ) Baked Macaroni with Noodle Suey ............ .. ... ... ... ... ..... ..202 ( I ) Beef and Cheese 206 ( II ) Party Casserole 163 ( Ill ) Bev 's Deep Dish Mexican Pie .. .. 140 ( IV) Pork Milano 196 ( I ) Camper' s Special. 192 ( II ) Pork Sausage Company Beef Casserole 195 ( 11 ) Casserole Supreme 197 ( I ) Crusty Beef, Cheese and Noodle Savory Casserole 158 ( 111 ) Casserole ... .. .. ......... ........ ..... ...195 (II) Sunday Sausage Bake .... .. .......... 72 ( IV ) Easy Lasagne Tangy Pork and with Uncooked Noodles ... ... ... 142 (IV) Apple Casserole 223 (II) Eggplant Hamburger Casserole 180 ( I ) Triple D Italian Casserole 151 ( IV ) Enchilada Pie 139 ( IV ) Veal and Pork Casserole 225 ( II ) German Skillet Dinner ...... .. ..... ..... 181 ( I ) Wiener Crown Supper 225 ( II ) Ground Beef Florentine 140 ( IV ) Seafood Halupcki Casserole .................. .... 180 ( I ) Asparagus-Fish Casserole 232 ( I )

316 Combined Index

Baked Fish with Rice and Spinach 175 ( IV )

Chinese Casserole .. .... ......... .. .. .... 232 ( I )

Christmas Eve Crab Bake ........... .228 ( I )

Crab and Shrimp Casserole 173 ( 111 )

Crab Florentine ....... ... ..... ... ..... ..180 ( IV )

Golden Shrimp Casserole .. .. ..... ..241 ( II )

Haddock-Shrimp Casserole 239 (II)

Hot Seafood Casserole 239 ( II )

Janson's Temptation 176 ( IV)

Pedie 's Crab Imperial ........... ..... 183 ( IV )

Scalloped Potato and Tuna Casserole ............. .... 243 ( I )

Seafood Party Dish 239 (II)

Shrimp and Crab Casserole 182 ( IV )

Shrimp Artichoke Casserole 184 ( IV )

Shrimp Casserole ....... ................ 174 (Ill)

Shrimp Crab Casserole .. .. ......... 183 ( IV )

Shrimp Rice Pie 185 ( IV )

Shrimp-LobsterWild Rice Casserole .. ....... ..... .. .226 ( I )

Tuna-Cauliflower Casserole 177 ( 111 )


Almond Barley Casserole ... .. .... .208 ( IV )

Artichoke-Spinach Casserole .... 203 ( IV )

Asparagus-Macaroni Casserole ...257 ( I )

Barley Casserole .......................... 31 (Ill)

Barley Pilaf 181 ( Ill )

Celery Amandine 197 ( IV )

Cheese-y Onion

Vegetable Combo 199 ( IV)

Connoisseur's Casserole 189 ( Ill )

Eggplant Casserole .......... .. .. ........ 261 (I)

Eggplant Parmesan 197 ( IV )

Frozen Vegetable Casserole ....... 293 (II)

Golden Baked Onions 198 ( IV )

Green and Gold Casserole ......... 206 (II)

Green Spaghetti Casserole 206 (II)

Grits Casserole .. .......... .... .... ..... .. 295 ( II )

Lee's Vegetable Rice Marinara 208 ( IV )

Mixed Vegetable Casserole ........ 293 (II)


Casserole 285 ( II )

Red Beans & Rice Casserole 157 (Ill)

Ring of Plenty Casserole ... .......... 205 (II)

Spinach-Wild Rice Casserole .... 204 ( IV )

Swiss Vegetable Medley 195 ( IV )

Turnip Casserole ........... ............. 193 (Ill)

Vegetable-French Fry Medley 199 ( IV )

Wild Rice Casserole 272 (I), 181 (Ill)


Dot's Friday Night Special 18 (Ill)


24 Hour Cauliflower Salad ... ...... .262 ( 11 )

( 111 ) Blumenkohl


Baileys Irish Cream

Cheesecake 228 ( IV )

Blueberry Cheese Cake 93 ( I )

Cheese Cake Deluxe 164 ( II ) Cheesecake

Cherry Crescent

( I )

........ .. ........ .. 131 ( I ) Choco-Cheese


(I) Chocolate Cheesecake

Cream Cheese Cake ... ......... .. ... ..... 94 (I)

German Baked Cheesecake ........ 62 ( Ill )

Microwave Cheesecake 229 ( IV )

Miniature Cheese Tartlets .... ... .. .232 ( Ill )

Miracle Cheese Cake 164 ( II )

No-Bake Cheesecake ...... .... .......... 94 ( I )

Orange Cheesecake ...... .... ... ......... 95 ( I )

Peaches 'N Cream

• Cheesecake .............. ..... ....... 230 ( IV )

Valpo Cheesecake ..... .......... .. .... 2,31 (Ill)

Viennese Cheese Cakes .... ........... 90 (II)


Bing Cherry Mold ...... ...... .... ....... 210 ( Ill )

Brandied Cherries 229 ( IV )

Cherry Banana Pie 223 (Ill)

Cherry Berries on a Cloud ... ... .... 233 (Ill)

Cherry Brown Sugar Cookies ....... 114 ( I )

Cherry Cake with Sauce 211 ( IV)

Cherry Cake ... .64 (I), 95 ( 11 ), 211 (IV)

Cherry Chocolate Cake 95 ( II )

Cherry Coronet Salad .................. 237 ( I )

Suppe .49
-Cauliflower Cole
Cauliflower and Mushroom Casserole 281 (II) Cauliflower Salad 265
11 ) Cauliflower with Toasted Almond Butter 194 (IV) Company Cauliflower 281
Company Peas and Cauliflower
Crunchy Cauliflower Salad 104
Tuna-Cauliflower Casserole 177
Beef Strips and Cauliflower
( II ) Broccoli-Cauliflower
..194 ( IV ) Broccoli
( Ill )
( I )
( IV )
Combined Index 317 Cherry Crescent Cambridge Chicken with Ham 209 (I) Cheesecake Cups 131 (I) Cantonese Chicken 205 ( I ) Cherry Delight 132 ( I ) Chick-a-Dings 18 ( I ) Cherry Jello Mold 254 ( II ) Chicken and Chutney Pitas 96 (IV) Cherry Party Cake 63 ( I) Chicken and Ham Salad 248 ( I ) Cherry Pie , 171 (II) Chicken and Rice Maryland 166 ( 111 ) Cherry Pike 138 ( II ) Chicken Artichoke Salad 118 ( IV ) Cherry Port Angel Food Torte 86 (I) Chicken au Vin 216 ( I ) Cherry Raisin Holiday Bread 58 ( IV ) Chicken Barbecue 166 (Ill) Cherry Ring 60 ( IV ) Chicken Breasts Roma 229 ( II ) Cherry Top Cheese Torte 230 (IV) Chicken Cacciatore .. ..... .............. 234 ( II ) Cherry Torte ( 2 ) ... .................. ....... 85 ( I ) Chicken Cordon Bleu 233 ( II ) Cherry-Dumpling Soup ................... 29 ( I ) Chicken Crepes 217 ( I ) Cherry-Pecan Coffee Cake 138 ( 111 ) Chicken Curry Salad 119 ( IV ) Cherry-Pineapple Dessert 131 ( I ) Chicken Deluxe .......................... 165 ( Ill ) Chip and Cherry Cake ................... 95 ( II) Chicken Divine .. .. ... .............. ........ 211 (I) Choco-Cherry Honey Pie 157 ( I ) Chicken Egg Drop Soup 29 ( I ) Chocolate Cherry Cake ............ ..... .70 (I) Chicken En Croute ( Crowd ) ... .. 309 ( Ill ) Chocolate Cherry Frosting 83 ( I ) Chicken Enchiladas 167 ( IV ) Door County Chicken Extraordinaire ... ........... 154 ( IV ) Choco-Cherry Cake 211 ( IV) Chicken Firenze 155 ( IV ) Fantastic Cherry Ring 134 ( Ill ) Chicken Hollandaise Sandwich 225 ( I ) Fresh Blueberry and Chicken in Cherry Jam 304 ( II ) Honey Mustard Sauce 156 ( IV ) Frozen Creams Chicken Little Can apes 22 ( IV ) with Cherry Berries 238 ( IV ) Chicken Livers in Wine 232 ( II ) Luscious Cherry Cakes 64 ( I ) Chicken Livers with Rice ..... ....... 171 ( 111 ) Man-Pleaser Cherry Torte ...... .. ...... 85 (I) Chicken Loaf ......................... ...... 231 (II) Miniature Cheese Tartlets 232 (Ill) Chicken Marengo 230 ( II ) Peach Cherry Pie 156 ( I ) Chicken 'n Dumplings 232 ( II ) Pork with Cherry Sauce ......... ...... 191 ( I ) Chicken 'n Stuffing Scallop .......... 217 ( I ) Port Wine Cherry Mold 253 ( II ) Chicken Nuggets 165 ( IV ) Rhubarb Cherry Jam ................. 277 ( IV ) Chicken or Albacore Tuna Uhl's Cherry Cake .. ................... .253 ( Ill ) Rice Salad .......................... ... 122 ( IV ) Wisconsin Cherry Pie 156 ( I ) Chicken or Turkey Loaf 214 (I) Chicken Oriental CHICKEN (also see Casseroles) (Easy Sweet-Sour Chicken ).165 (Ill) Baked Chicken Sandwiches 109 ( Ill ) Chicken Paprikash 206 ( I ) Baked Chicken Chicken Parmesan ... 168 (Ill), 158 (IV) with Peanut Topping 228 (II) Chicken Piquant... 167 (Ill) Barbecue Hawaiian Chicken 227 ( II ) Chicken Salad 206 ( Ill ) Beef-Chicken Brochette ............. 146 ( Ill ) Chicken Spaghetti. 169 ( IV ) Beggin' for Bacon Chicken Stock 78 ( IV ) Chicken Salad 117 ( IV ) Chicken Supreme 154 ( IV ) Breast of Chicken Chicken Taco Filling 170 ( IV ) Kaufmann Supreme ................. 21 O ( I ) Chicken Vegetable Stir-Fry ........ 163 ( IV ) Breast of Chicken on Rice 216 (I) Chicken with Peaches 155 ( IV ) Breast of Chicken with Zucchini Chicken-Rice Salad 258 (II) and Mushrooms ..................... 153 ( IV) Chicken-Sherry Dish .................. 169 (Ill) Breath of Spring Chicken Salad Chinese Chicken (Crowd) 311 ( Ill ) Salad 58 (Ill), 117 (IV) Brunswick Stew ............................ .49 (II) Chinese Chicken ......................... 228 ( II )


Turkey or Chicken Curry 236 ( II )

Turkey or Chicken Salad Supreme ...................... 208 ( Ill )



15 ( I ), 14 ( II ), 320 ( Ill )





( 111 )

( I )

Apple Strudel ....... .... .. ... ... .45 (I), 83 (II)

Austrian Kuchen

Bohemian Braid


( II )

Sundt Sticky Buns .44 ( IV )

Butter Cinnamon Cake

( II )

318 Combined Index Chinese Style Chicken 164 ( IV ) Company Chicken ( 2 ) 208 ( I ) Coq au Vin 208 (I), 167 (Ill) Crab-Stuffed Chicken Breasts 156 ( IV ) Creamy Baked Chicken Breasts 227 (II)
Hot Chicken Salad 121 ( IV )
Chicken .. .. .... ... .. ... .. .... .... .. . 153 (IV) Dilled Chicken Vegetable Chowder 79 (IV) Easy Company Chicken ( Crowd ) .... ............................ 308 ( Ill ) Epicurean Chicken Salad 247 (I) Festive Chicken 157 ( IV ) Festive Chicken Noel. 157 ( IV ) Gourmet Chicken 209 ( I ) Ham-Chicken Bake 152 ( IV ) Herb and Wine Roasted Chicken 163 ( IV ) Herbed Chicken Rose ....... ... ......... 211 ( I ) Herbed Chicken-Shrimp Bake 230 ( II ) Honey-Mustard Chicken 228 (II) Hot Brown Sandwich ................... 244 ( II ) Hot Chicken Salad 24 7 ( I )
Turkey or Chicken Salad Souffle .......... .. .. 213 ( I ) King Ranch Chicken 234 ( II ) Lo-Cal Chinese Chicken Stir Fry 164 ( IV ) Luau Chicken 206 ( I ) Maggie's Chicken ....... .. ...... .. ..... ..227 ( II ) Marinated Chicken Salad 247 (I) Microwave Curry Bombay Chicken 299 (Ill) Microwave Spicy Baked Chicken ............ .. ........ 299 ( 111 ) Moo Goo Gai Pan 56 (Ill) New Orleans Chili with Chicken 80 ( IV ) Ono Ono Hawaiian Chicken ........ 235 ( II ) Oriental Chicken 207 (I) Oven Cashew Chicken Salad 121 (IV) Oven Fried Chicken a la Creole ..229 ( II ) Overnight Layered Chicken Salad ........ .. ............. 120 ( IV ) Parmesan Chicken Strips 165 ( IV ) Party-Best Glazed Chicken 207 ( I ) Pineapple Baked Chicken ... .. ..... 158 ( IV ) Popover Chicken 168 ( 111 ) Ron's Grecian Chicken Breasts.159 (IV) Savory Chicken Soup .................. 78 ( IV ) Scalloped Chicken (Crowd ) 312 (Ill) Seasoned Coating Mix for Chicken 233 ( II ) Sesame Chicken 83 ( Ill ) Sour Cream Crockpot Chicken 167 ( Ill ) Southwestern Chicken Salad 118 ( IV ) Spanish Olive Chicken 206 ( I ) Stuffed Chicken Breasts 159 ( IV ) Swedish Dilled Chicken 160 ( IV ) Sweet and Tangy Chicken Breasts 160 ( IV ) Tasty Baked Chicken Breasts 161 (IV) Teriyaki Chicken Wings ..... ........... 83 (Ill) The Best Chicken Breasts 161 ( IV ) Tom's Grilled Chicken with Marinade 162 ( IV ) Traditional Ceylonese Rice and Chicken Curry 204 ( I )
Chicken Salad 207
Chicken Broil 32
CHILI Bayou Chili 193 ( II ) Chili Beans 189 (I) Chili Cheese Log 27 ( II ) Chili Con Queso ...... .... ................. 83 ( Ill ) Chili Soup 51 ( 11) Chili 31 (I) Chili/Chili Seasoning Mix 202 ( II ) Crockpot Chili. 51
Doc's Gourmet Chili. 81
Italian "Chili" 83
) Hearty
Orleans Chili
Family's Number
Chili 80
Hill Chili. 82
Chili. 79
Vegetarian Chili 82
Minute Hot Coffee Cake 75
Kranz Kuchen 74
(IV) Our
( IV ) Stony
( IV ) Turkey
(II) Almond

Candy Cane Coffee Cake .... ..... ... ..42 ( I )

Cheese Coffeecake 63 (IV)

Cherry Ring 60 ( IV )

Cherry-Pecan Coffee Cake 138 ( Ill )

Chocolate Chip Coffee Cake 139 ( Ill )

Christmas Stollen .40, 41 ( I )

Coffee Cake Cookies ........ ........... ..42 ( I )

Coffee Can Bread .... ... ... .. ........ .... 63 ( IV )

Cranberry and Apple Kuchen 84 ( II )

Cranberry Nut Coffeecake .......... .40 ( IV )

Cream Cheese Coffee Cake 136 (Ill)

Crumb Coffee Cake ..... .............. 137 ( Ill )

Danish Kringle 78 (II)

Danish Puff .44 (I)

Danish Roll 67 ( Ill )

Easy Strudel. .. .. ... ....................... 230 (Ill)

Ellen 's German Peach Kuchen .. ..41 ( IV )

Fantastic Cherry Ring 134 (Ill)

Finnish Cardamon Braids 59 ( IV )

Fresh Apple Coffeecake .40 (IV)

Fruit Kuchen .41 ( IV )

Fruit Strudel. 230 (Ill)

Gooey Butter Cake

139 (Ill)

Grandma's Crumb Cake ?? (II)

Grandma's Treasure Haunts


82 (II)

Hungarian Coffee Cake .43 ( I)


Kringle .. .... .. ........... ... ...... ... ..... .43 ( IV )

Italian Plum Coffeecake .42 ( IV )

Jewish Coffee Cake ... ............... .... 84 ( II )

Lynn 's Coffee Cake .... .. ..... ....... ..... .43 ( I )

Mimi's Stoll en ..... .. .... .... ..... ...... ...... .41 ( I )

Mom's Apple Kuchen ....... ... .... .....

Oatmeal Gem



Noel Wreaths 252 ( IV )

Frosted Christmas Fruit Cookies 113 ( II )

German Christr:nas Cookies 70 (Ill)

Holly Confections 117 ( 11 )

Irma's Christmas Cookies 251 (IV)

Italian Cookies 246 ( IV )

Lebkuchen 123 ( I )

Mint-Topped ·

Chocolate Cookies 245 ( IV )

Minted Meringue Wreaths 256 ( IV )

Moendchen ..... ............. .. .... .......... 123 ( I )

Oatmeal Slices with Chocolate Shot... .. ...... ....... .. ..249 ( IV )

Peppernuts ... .. .. .. .... ..... 123


( II )


Old Fashioned Coffee Cake ..... ......40 ( I )

Orange Nut Coffeecake .42 ( IV )

Peach Custard Kuchen .............. ..134 ( I )

Peach Kuchen .. ... ..... .... ....... ... ... .. .76 ( 111 )

Philly Cream Cheese


( Ill )

Plum Kuchen 83 ( II )

Prize Sour Cream Coffee Cake .44 ( I )







( 111 )

( Ill )

Can't Believe It's So Easy"
Coffee Cake
............. ........
Cheese Coffee Cake
and Nut Sourdough Coffee Cake 121
rdough Coffee Cake ............ .119
( 111 )
flower Coffeecake .43
ish Tea Log 64
Mt. Blu eberry Coffee Cake 75
Aunt Elsie's Coffee Crisps 245
( IV ) Swed
(Ill) Twin
(II) Combined Index 319 Wurst
.. ..... ........ ..... ..... ....
( Ill ) COOKIES Christmas
( IV )
Mary Schliecher's Cinnamon Stars 271 ( Ill ) Bourbon or Rum Balls ......... .. ...... 114 (II) Brazil Nut Cookies 114 ( II ) Butter Cookie Special. ........... ..... .117 ( II ) Chocolate Christmas Cookies .... 275 (Ill) Chocolate Mint Cookies ... ..... ..... 249 (IV) Christmas Candied Cookies ... .. .. .113 ( II ) Christmas Cookies 123 ( I ) Christmas Cut-Outs 116 ( II ) Christmas Tree Cookies .... .... ... .. .. 123 ( I ) Church Window Cookies .... ....... 249 ( IV ) Filbert Poppyseed Slices 115 ( 11 ) Filled
Cookies 71
Anise Drops ......
( German Jelly Cookies )
Springerle .. ..... ......... ................
Sunday School Church Cookies .114
Peppernuts ......
Sugar Cookies ................ ..116
(Ill) Pfeffernuesse
) Self-Frosting
) Spitzbuben
) White
...... ... .... ... ...
(I) White
) Cutout
Figgy Cookies .........
Center Cheese Dainties 250
Gingersnaps 99
Cook ies ......... ... .... ...... ......... 98
Christmas Cook ies ..
My Ch ildren 's Favorite Scotch Cookies 272 (Il l ) Poo r Man' s Coo kie s .... ............ ..... 72 (Ill) Raisin Cook ies 118 ( II ) Scotch Sh ortb re ads ......... ............. 70 (Ill) Soetkoekies 251 ( IV )
..... ........
(I) Fruit
) Grandma's
) Honey
(I) Irma's
.. .. ...

320 Combined Index





















Sugar Cookies 117
II )
Cookies with Praline Icing 250
( IV )
Molasses Cookies 120
Sugar Cookies
.... .. .. ...... ....
( II )
Peanut Cookies
Aunt Frieda 's Salted
............. ...... ..241 ( IV )
Hill Cookies
.. ..... .......... ..265 (Ill)
Cookies 290
Cookies 120
Cookies ... ........ ..... ........... 266
Brown Sugar Cookies 114 ( I )
Date Drops ............. .... .... 266 ( Ill )
241 ( IV )
) Cherry
Chip Cookies ......... ....
... ....
) ,
( II )
Cookies .. ........ ............. 114
( I )
Taffy Cookies .......
.. .....
( I )
Walnut Candy Cookies
... ... .... ...... ... ..
( IV )
Mein Chocolate Clusters
( II )
Haystacks 265
Macaroons 116
( I )
Cheese Cookies ....... ....... 122
Peanut Butter Cookies 242 ( IV ) Filbert Nut Cookie ......... .... .. ........ 123 ( II ) Filler-Uppers 118 ( II ) Forgotten Cookies 115 ( I ) Frances' Frosted Mocha Drops .242 (IV) French Tea Cakes 115 ( I ) Grandma's Stone Crock Cookies .118
I )
Grandma's Oatmeal Cookies 243 ( IV )
) Crunchy
Chocolate Cookie ........... 123
II ) Honey Carob Drops .. ...... ... .... ... ..122 ( II ) Jubilee Jumbles 243 ( IV) Monster Cookies ...... ......... ....... ..268 (Ill) Nutritious Poppin' Fresh Cookies 267 (Ill) Oatmeal Gems 100 ( I ) Orange Cookie ....................... ...... 117 ( I ) Orange Oatmeal Cookies 244 ( IV ) Pecan Mounds 120 ( II ) Potato Chip Cookies ............ ....... .117 ( I ) Rocks 269 ( 111 ) Snickerdoodles .. .... ..... ... .. ............ .117 ( I ) Soft Molasses Cookies ( 2 ) ......... 116 ( I ) Soft Raisin Cookies 121 ( II ) Soft Sugar Cookie ...... .................. 118 ( I ) Sponge Cookies 118 ( I ) Sugarless Cookies ..................... 268 (Ill) Texas Ranger Drop Cookies ...... ..119 ( I ) Toasted Oatmeal Cookies 244 (IV) Toffee Nut Chews .... ................. .. .119 ( I ) Filled Ice Cream Kolacky ................... .. 276 (Ill) Kolackys 103 ( I ) Mom's Date Cups 272 (Ill) Pecan Pie Cookies 119 ( II ) Pecan Tassies ..... ..... ....... .. .......... 142 ( II ) Pineapple Filled Cookies 104 ( I ) Raisin Filled Cookies 104 ( I ) Sandy's Dream .... ....... .. ........ .. ..... 122 (II) Spitzbuben (German Jelly Cookies) 70 (Ill) Viennese Nut Cookies 71 (Ill) Walnut Horns .... ....... ......... ......... 275 ( Ill ) Refrigerated Almond Ice Box Cookies 119 ( I ) Apricot Dainties 271 (Ill) Banana Ice Box Cookies 120 ( I ) Butter Pecan Tea Cookies 248 (IV) Candied Fruit Slices 274 (Ill) Caramel Nut Slices 248 ( IV ) Cathedral Window Cookies 120 ( I ) Church Window Cookies ........... 249 ( IV ) Date Pinwheels 273 (Ill) Ice Box Cookies .... .. ..................... 121 ( I ) Oatmeal Refrigerator Cookie 121 ( I ) Oatmeal Slices with Chocolate Shot... ............ 249 ( IV ) Premium Icebox Cookies 273 ( Ill ) Vanilla Refrigerator Cookies ........ 122 ( I ) Rolled/Shaped/Formed Almond Horns ....................... ......... 97 ( I ) Amish Sugar Cookies .. ......... ...... ..69 (Ill) Aunt Elsie's Coffee Crisps 245 ( IV ) Butter Crunch Peanut Butter Cookies ............. 102 ( I ) Butter Pecan Roll Cookies 123 ( II ) Butter Pecans .. ...... ... .......... ........ 274 (Ill ) Chocolate Crinkles 97 ( I ) Chocolate Yummies ... .. ........... .... 120 (II) Cinnamon Cookies 97 ( I ) Coffee Cake Cookies ................ .... .42 ( I ) Coffee Charmers 98 ( I ) Crisp Cookies ...... .. ...... ........... ..... 121 (II) Filled Noel Wreaths 252 ( IV ) Giant Peanut Butter Cookies 246 ( IV ) Greek Easter Cookies .................. 72 ( Ill ) Italian Cookies 246 ( IV ) Lacy Oatmeal Cookies 276 ( 111 )



Mint-Topped Chocolate Cookies ........... .....245 ( IV )

Molasses Sugar Cookies

No Sugar Cookies ..... ... ........ .. ....

Non-Pareil Cookies ....................

Norwegian Sandbakkels

Nut Balls


Oatmeal Seed Cookies

Orange Crisps

Orange-Pecan Balls ......... .. .. .......



Philadelphia Cream

Quick Lemon Cookies .... ............





Sugar Cookies



( I )


( IV )

( IV )


( I )


( Ill )

( II )


( Ill )


( I )

( I )

( I )



COOKING FOR A CROWD (see Volume Ill, pages 308 - 318)


Broccoli-Corn Casserole ..... ... .... .278 (II)

Broccoli-Corn Chowder ... ....... .. ... .87 ( IV )

Corn and Black Bean Salad

( IV)

Corn Casserole 261 ( I) , 282 (II)

Corn Custard ... .. .. ..... .. ........ ... .. .... 282 ( II )

Corn Pudding 261 (I) , 282 (II)





( IV )




Crab Canapes ................ .... ... .. .....









92 (IV)

Corned Beef Casserole ... .. ........... 179 ( I )


Jello Salad 246 ( I )




( IV )


(II) Hot

............... ... .19 ( I )

King Crab Crown 258 ( II )

Lobster or Crab Fondue ... ......... ... 226 ( I )

Microwave Crab Appetizer Dip 298 (Ill)

Pandl's Crab Salad 123 ( IV )

Pedie 's Crab Imperial ..... ... .. ...... 183 ( IV )

Shrimp and Crab Casserole 182 ( IV )

Shrimp Crab Casserole 183 ( IV )

Sole Fillets with Crab Sauce .... .... 230 ( I )


Apple Cranberry Cobbler 129 ( I )

Apple-Cranberry Sauce .............. 182 (Ill)

Baked Cranberry Salad 249 (II)

Cranberry and Apple Kuchen ... .. .. .84 (II)

Cranberry Banana Bread .... ....... ..48 ( IV )

Cranberry Bread 50 ( I )


276 ( IV )

Cranberry Fluff 234 ( I ) Cranberry

( I )

( IV )

( I )

Cranberry Nut Bread 86 ( II )

Cranberry Nut Coffeecake .40 (IV)

Cranberry Oat Bran Muffins 37 ( IV )

Cranberry Pudding 147 (II)

Cranberry Refrigerator Dessert 158 ( II )

Moments ....... ... ..................
Butter Cookies 101
( I )
... .. .. ... .. .... ..........
( I
Cheese Balls ...... .. ......
( Ill )
Cookies .................
Crisp Cookies
Sausage Chowder 86
in Pressure Cooker ..... ........... 188
of Corn Soup 17
Ill )
Corn Casserole ........ .. ........ 283 (II)
Corn Casserole 189 ( Ill )
Bean and Corn Casserole 283 ( II ) Quick Corn Curry Soup 51 ( II ) Quick Corn Relish 245 ( I )
Corn Bread 67 ( II )
Cream-Corn Casserole 190 (Ill)
Beef and Cabbage 192
Beef Bar-B-Q
Combined Index 321
Beef Quiche 99
II ) Reuben Dip 26
IV )
Baked Crab-Shrimp Potato Salad 173
111 )
Crabmeat Sandwiches 223
Christmas Eve Crab Bake 228
(Ill) Pastrami
) Reuben
......... ... ..........
and Mushroom Quiche 210
( II )
Shrimp Casserole
.. ... ..
111 )
Cakes 171
Meat Burgers ... ........ ...... .... .95 ( IV )
Souffle 240
Crab Meat
........................ ..19 ( I ) Crab
( II )
Spread 30
Crab-Meat Hot Sandwiches ....
Crab-Stuffed Chicken Breasts 156
Mousse 88
Crabmeat Quiche .......... ..... ........ ..99 ( Ill)
Crab Dip
Crab Philly Spread
Ham Sauce 279
Freeze 233
Mold 238

322 Combined Index

Cranberry Relish 249 ( II )

Cranberry Salad 239 ( I ), 249 ( II ), 211 (Ill)

Cranberry Sherbet... ....... ............. 252 ( II )

Cranberry Wine Punch 31 ( IV )

Cranberry Wreath Salad ...... ... ..... 238 ( I )

Cranberry-Celery Mold 239 ( I )

Cranberry-Cheese Nog Pies 265 ( IV )

Cranberry-Glazed Beets ............ 193 ( IV )

Cranberry-Orange Bread 86 ( II )

Frosted Cranberry Salad 239 ( I )

Frozen Cranberry Salad ....... ....... 251 (II)

Harvest Cranberry Sauce 312 (II)

Microwave Cranberry

Orange Sauce ................ ..... ..279 ( IV )

Orange Cranberry Muffins 35 ( IV )

Portofino Jello 254 ( II )

Scalloped Cranberries 182 ( Ill)

Sherry's Easy Cranapple

Spread 281 ( IV )

Spiced Cranberry Ring ............... 211 (Ill)


Carob Crepes with Apricot Yogurt Filling ............................22 ( Ill )

Chicken Crepes ......................... ... 217 ( I )

Crepe Buffet for 16 212 (II)

Crepes with Spinach Filling 102 (Ill)

Crepes ........................................ 102 ( Ill )

Valpo Sunday Brunch

Beef Crepes 101 ( Ill )

CRUSTS (see Pie/Quiche Crusts)

DESSERTS (also see Cakes, Cheesecakes, Pies, Puddings, and Tortes)

Apple Cranberry Cobbler 129 ( I )

Apple Crisp ................... ............. 224 ( IV )

Apple Crisp .138 (II), 316 (Ill) (Crowd)

Apple Kuchen 129 ( I )

Apple Noodle Kugel 137 ( II )

Apple Squares ... ..... .. .... ... ............ 296 (II)

Apple Strudel ... .. ..... ... ...... .45 ( I ), 83 ( 11 )

Apple Surprise 224 ( IV )

Apple-Cheese Crisp 231 ( Ill )

Apple-Custard Dessert .. ........... ..237 (Ill)

Saccone Dolce (Sweet





), 137 ( II )

29 ( Ill )

()J _ 1:)
........ ... ..... ... 231 (IV)
Apple Slices ..
..... 130
Flambe ................
Bavarian Tart ................................63 ( Ill ) Borracho ....................................... 130 ( I ) Boulle (Date and Nut Dessert) 66 (Ill) Brandied Cherries 229 ( IV ) Brown and Gold Gingerbread .... .148 ( II ) Caramel Rhubarb and Dumplings .. .. ................... 226 ( IV ) Cherry Delight .. ...... .. .... ......... ....... 132 ( I ) Cherry Pike 138 ( II ) Cherry-Pineapple Dessert ..... .... ... 131 ( I ) Chocolate Fruit Dip 234 ( IV ) Cream Puffs ..... ..... ..... .. ........ ...... .. 68 (Ill) Easy Strudel. .............................. 230 (Ill) Easy-Mix Peach Cobbler. ............. 133 ( I ) Easy-Time Holiday Squares 143 ( II ) English Apple Pie 224 ( IV ) English Trifle ...... ..... ... ....... ... ....... 145 ( II ) Fast Oatmeal Company Dessert 225 (IV) Forgotten Dessert ( Scahum Torte ) 132 (I) French Apple Tart 223 (IV) Fresh Peaches by Jiminy ............ .133 ( I ) Fruit Pizza 142 ( II ) Fruit Strudel ................................230 (Ill) German Orange Dessert .. .. ......... .65 (Ill) Grapefruit Baked Alaska 135 ( I ) Lemon Crackle 132 ( I ) Meringue Hearts 233 ( Ill ) Microwave Apple Crisp 305 ( Ill ) Mother's Caramel Custard 147 (II) Nutcracker Suite 234 (Ill) Nutty Peach Crisp 224 (IV) Peach Custard Kuchen ..... ..... .. ... .134 ( I ) Peach Sponge 139 ( II ) Pears with Raspberry Sauce ..... 227 ( IV ) Pineapple Betty 134 ( I ) Pineapple No Bake Torte 160 (II) Pineapple Squares ...................... 143 ( II ) Prune Whip 227 ( IV ) Pumpkin Upside-Down Dessert ............ 228 ( IV ) Rhubarb Cobbler .......................... 135 ( I ) Rhubarb Crisp 232 ( Ill ) Rhubarb Dessert 139 ( II ) Soft Meringue with Strawberries 140 ( 11 ) Stove-Top Flan 236 (Ill) Strawberry Tarts in Orange Pastry Shells 141 ( 11 ) Strawberry Trifle 146 ( II )
Combined Index 323 Frozen (also see Ice Cream/Ice Cream Lime Delight ................................ 162 ( II ) Desserts) Lime Slices 159 (II) Easy Frozen Dessert 155 ( II ) Luscious Layered Chocolate Kahlua Frosty Strawberry Dessert ... ... ..... 137 ( I ) Dessert ..................................231 ( IV ) Frozen Apricot Whip 152 ( II ) Mandarin Orange Dessert 150 ( I ) Frozen Brandy Dessert .... ....... .... 152 (II) Marshmallow Dessert 245 (Ill) Frozen Chocolate Dessert 136 ( I ) Our Favorite Tapioca Dessert 143 (I) Frozen Creams Party Trifle 236 ( IV ) with Cherry Berries ................ 238 ( IV ) Pastel Mint Refrigerated Frozen Fruit Cake .... ... .... .. .. ... ..... 154 ( II ) Dessert 150 ( I ) Grasshopper Pie ............ .. ....... .. ... 136 ( I ) Pears in Chocolate Sauce 232 ( IV ) Lemon-Lime Sorbet 246 ( Ill ) Pineapple Marshmallow Fluff 151 ( I ) Mousse At ricaine 154 ( II ) Pineapple-Mint Dessert .............. 245 (Ill) Orange to the 4th Power 155 ( 11 ) Pudding Dessert 162 (II) Peach Marlow 240 ( IV ) Raspberry Dessert 151 ( I ) Peanut Butter Chocolate Red, White and Delight 237 ( IV ) Blue Berry Dessert .................. 158 ( II ) Rainbow Dessert ......... ............... .153 ( II ) Simple Tropical Dessert 136 ( I ) Rhubarb Mallow Sherbet 240 ( IV ) Strawberry Fluff... 244 (Ill) Simple Tropical Dessert 136 ( I ) Strawberry Jello Delight.. ............ 161 ( II ) Strawberry Royale ...................... 243 (Ill) Tropical Refrigerator Dessert 243 ( Ill ) Strawberry Swirl. 155 ( II ) Tortoni Squares 248 ( Ill ) DIPS/SPREADS (also see Butters) Refrigerated Apple Dip .............................. ... .. .. 17 (IV) Ambrosia Mousse ...... .. ... ... .. .. ..... .146 ( I ) Artichoke Spread/Dip 77 ( 111 ) Angel Cake Dessert 146 ( I ) Basic Cream Cheese Spread 281 (IV) Angel Delight 231'-( IV ) Beer Cheese .................................26 ( II ) Angel Food Lemon Mold .............. 146 ( I ) Blue Cheese Dip 17 ( IV ) Angels' Delight.. 147 (I) Braunschweiger Pate 86 ( Ill ) Apricot Delight... 147 ( I ) Cheddar Chutney Spread ........ ... .20 ( IV ) Apricot Dessert ........................... .. 147 ( I) Cheese Ball 17 (I), 26 (II) Apricot Jello Salad or Dessert 236 ( I ) Cheesy Carrot Dip ....... ................ 26 ( IV ) Banana Split Dessert 157 ( 11 ) Cheesy Raisin Spread ...... ....... .. 281 ( IV ) Blueberry Torte ........................... 160 ( II ) Chili Cheese Log 27 ( II ) Cherry Berries on a Cloud 233 (Ill) Chili Con Queso ..... .. .......... .......... 83 (Ill) Chocolate Charlotte 232 ( IV ) Chocolate Fruit Dip 234 ( IV ) Chocolate Eclair Bars .... .... .. ....... 244 (Ill) Clam Dip 29 ( II ) Chocolate Hershey Dessert 157 ( II ) Crab Meat Delight.. ............ .. .. ..... ... 19 ( I ) Chocolate-Lime Delight... 150 ( I ) Crab Spread ..................................30 (II) Contetti Mold ............................... .148 ( I ) Crabmeat Mousse ........................ 88 (Ill) Cranberry Refrigerator Dessert 158 ( 11 ) Curry Dip 19 ( I ) Dirt Dessert 233 ( IV ) Delicious Peanut Apple Dip .. ....... 17 ( IV ) Easy Trifle 236 ( IV ) Dill Dip 31 (II) English Trifle 148 ( I ) Dippin' Chili Pizza ........... ... .......... 26 ( IV ) Favorite Dessert .......................... 163 ( II ) Easy Shrimp Dip 19 ( IV ) Frosted Salad ................. ....... .. ..... 148 ( I ) Easy Taco Dip ............................. 26 (IV) Fruit Cocktail Dessert 160 ( II ) Fast Fresh Salsa 19 ( IV ) Fruit Pizza 234 ( IV ) Fruit Spread 281 ( IV ) Fruit-Jello Dessert ....................... 159 ( II ) Grand Marnier Pecan Spread .... 281 (IV) Lady Finger Refrigerator Cake .... .149 ( I ) Green Pepper Dip 18 ( IV ) Lemon Angel Food Delight 235 ( IV ) Guacamole 18 ( IV ) Lemon Bisque 149 ( I ) Heavenly Shrimp Ball. .................. .40 ( II )
Herring Salad Spread 33 (II) Holiday Appetizer Pie 20 ( I ) Hot Bean Dip .......... ..................... 26 ( IV ) Hot Clam Dip 29 ( II )
Crab Dip 31 ( II ) Hot Crab Philly Spread 19 ( I ) Hot Fondue Dip 21 ( I ) Hot Mushroom Dip ........................ 35 ( II ) Hot Shrimp Dip .40 ( II ) Hot Taco Appetizer 27 (IV)
Curry Cheese Ball .............. 28 (II) Janet's Cheese Rolls 82 (Ill) Jezebel Sauce 20 ( IV ) Lemon Cream Cheese Spread .. 281 ( IV ) Liver Roll 34 ( II ) Lobster or Crab Fondue 226 ( I ) Marge 's Vegetable Dip ................. 80 (Ill) Mexican Cheese Dip 27 ( IV ) Microwave Crab Appetizer Dip 298 (Ill) Microwave Hot Florentine Dip .... 298 (Ill) Mock Oyster Dip 26 ( II ) Mushroom Beef Cocktail Spread 20 ( I ) Mustard for Pretzels ..................... 18 ( IV ) Party Shrimp Dip 23 ( I ) Pate 86 ( 111) Peanut Butter Dip ........................ 17 ( IV ) Pecan Cheese Ball. 28 ( II ) Pizza Fondue 28 ( IV ) Pizza Fondue 214 (II) Potted Shrimp ................................ 24 ( I ) Quick Easy Dip 20 ( I ) Reuben Dip 26 ( IV ) Salmon Party Ball. 37 (II) Sherry's Easy Cranapple Spread 281 ( IV ) Shrimp Butter 24 ( I ) Shrimp Cucumber Dip .................. .41 ( II ) Shrimp Dip 87 (Ill) Shrimp Spread 87 (Ill) Sourdough Beef Dip ................... 121 (Ill) Spicy Mustard Sauce ..... .. ...... ...... 19 ( IV ) Spinach Spread/Dip 78 (Ill) Spread for Pumpkin, Carrot and Zucchini Breads 87 ( II ) Spring Garden Dip 32 ( II ) Super Bowl Dip ............ ....... ......... 27 ( IV ) Super Shrimp Spread 20 ( IV ) Tasty Cheese Spread 17 ( I ) DOUGHNUTS (see Sweet Rolls/Doughnuts) DUMPLINGS Baby Dumplings .40 ( Ill ) Grandmother's Austrian Liver Dumplings for Soup .43 (Ill) Kartoffel Kloesse (Potato .43 (Ill) Nonnenfleisch and Brotklosse .. .... 15 ( 111 ) Potato Dumplings 286 ( II ) Traditional Hungarian Plum Dumplings ....................... 269 ( I ) EGGS (also see Casseroles and Quiche) Baked Eggs and Ham .................. 98 (Ill) Baked Omelet 220 ( I ) Better-For-You Baked Egg Scramble ............... 70 ( IV ) Breakfast Souffle 220 ( I ) Broiled Tuna-Egg Sandwiches ... 111 (Ill) California Eggs Supreme ........ ..... 96 (Ill) Cathy's Egg Casserole 96 (Ill) Cheese Souffle with Salmon/Spinach Variations 208 ( II ) Cheese Souffle 209 (II) Cheesy Ham and Egg Bake with Veggies 71 (IV) Chili Cheese Souffle 73 (IV) Chinese Egg Rolls ........................ 38 (Ill) Curried Eggs ......... ...... ................. 69 ( IV ) Deviled Eggs 246 ( I ) Dorothy's Eggs ............. ........... ..... 97 (Ill) Easter Brunch Egg Casserole 95 (Ill) Easy Do-Ahead Baked Eggs 71 (IV) Egg Casserole 210 ( II ) Egg Croquettes ..... ....................... 98 (Ill) Egg Substitute 69 ( IV ) Egg-Bacon Brunch 95 (Ill) Eggs and Sausage ...................... 21 O ( II ) Eggs Ranchero 97 (Ill) Elegant Egg Scramble 70 ( IV ) Ham and Cheese Brunch Enchiladas 72 ( IV ) Ham and Egg Breakfast Strudels ................... 73 ( IV ) Ham and Egg Casserole 214 (II) Ham Strata 199 ( I ) Incredible Egg Macaroni Salad .. 124 ( IV ) Italian Frittata 221 ( I ) Microwave Egg and Cheese Scramble .................. 303 (Ill) Mock Egg Salad 125 ( IV ) Molded Egg Salad 246 ( I )
Combined Index 325 Mrs. Jenning 's Southern White Chocolate Icing 256 (Ill) Grits and Cheese ................. ... .46 (Ill) White Syrup Frosting ................... 104 (II) Scrambled Egg Dish 97 ( 111 ) Scrambled Eggs for a Crowd 316 (Ill) FRUIT (also see specific kinds, and Southwestern Ranch Eggs Desserts and Salads) with Lentils .46 ( 111 ) Baked Grapefruit 249 ( Ill ) Sunday Sausage Bake ................ 72 ( IV ) Chunky Fruit Salad 97 ( IV ) Valpo Brunch Bake ...... .... .. .. .. ...... 71 (IV) Friendship Fruit .... ...... ................ 250 (Ill) Wheat Germ Egg Salad Frosted Cantaloupe Crowns ... .. ... 16 (Ill) Casserole .......... .. ... ... .. ... .. ........ 30 (Ill) Frozen Fruit Bits .. ..... ................... 251 (II) Woodcock 220 (I) Frucht Suppe .................................. 30 ( I ) Fruit Fingerpies 280 (Ill) FISH (see Seafood) Fruit Kabobs ........... ..................... .89 ( Ill ) FruitPizza 142(11), 234(1V) FLOWERS - EDIBLE 282 ( IV ) Fruit Soup 56 ( 11 ), 280 ( IV ) Fruit Strudel 230 ( Ill ) FOOD PYRAMID .... .................. .284 ( IV ) Grape Garnishes for Cheese Trays 21 ( IV) FROSTING/ICING Honey Fruit Fondue 145 ( II ) Broiled Coconut Frosting 110 ( II ) Hot Baked Fruit 268 ( I ) Browned Butter Frosting 222 ( IV ) lnsty Fruit 249 ( Ill ) Brownie Frosting 83 ( I ) Linda's Warm Fruit Compote 249 ( Ill ) Buttercream Frosting 264 (Ill) Prune Whip 227 ( IV ) Caramel Frosting 82 (I), 109 (II) Ruby Fruit Compote 144 (II) Chocolate Butter Cream Spiced Prunes 268 (I) Frosting .... .... ..... .. .. .. .. ..... ... ..... 111 (II) Chocolate Frosting 83 (I), 278 (Ill) FRUITCAKES Chocolate Icing ..... ..... ................ 120 ( 111 ) Applesauce Fruit Cake 212 ( IV ) Chocolate Torte Frosting ................ 86 ( I ) Autumn Apple Fruit Cake .............. 91 ( II ) Chocolate-Cherry Frosting 83 ( I ) Bill's Fruit and Nut Cake 212 ( IV ) Cover Up Frosting 111 ( II ) Bishop's Cake for Christmas 58 (I) Cream Cake Filling ......................... 91 ( I ) Everyday Fruitcake .................... 257 ( Ill ) Creamed Cheese Frosting 82 ( I ) Frozen Fruit Cake 154 ( II ) Creamy Frosting 278 ( Ill ) Fruit Cake 58 ( I ) Delicious Butter-Creme Frosting .... 82 ( I ) Light Fruitcake ............... .... ......... 257 ( Ill ) Deluxe White Frosting 94 ( II ) Mother's Fruit Cake 59 ( I ) Fluffy Frosting 82 ( I ) Pork Cake 59 ( I ) French Frosting ... ............... ...... ... ... 84 (I) White Fruit Cake ..... ............. .... .... .. 58 (I) French Frosting for Angel Food Cake .............. 222 (IV) FUDGE Lemon Butter Frosting 84 (I) Absolutely No-Fait , Wonderful, Almost Milky Way Frosting 72 (I) Sinful Fudge 272 ( IV ) Mocha Frosting ......... ...... ... ...... ..317 ( Ill ) Calico Fudge 126 ( I ) Mocha Rum Frosting 101 (II) Country House Fudge 133 ( II ) Mother's Marvelous Easy Fudge 272 (IV) Mocha Frosting 112 (II) Lake Fudge 272 ( IV ) Peanut Frosting ..... ............. ....... .. 101 ( II ) Maple Cream Fudge 126 (I) Peppermint Frosting 112 ( II ) Microwave Fudge ... ..... .. .. .. ......... 304 (Ill) Quick Chocolate Fluffy Frosting 83 ( I ) Millie 's Semisweet Fudge 288 ( Ill ) Vanilla Glaze 64 ( Ill ) Never-Fail Chocolate Fudge ...... 288 ( Ill ) Waldorf Astoria Frosting 112 (II) Quick Chocolate Fudge 133 (II) Whipped Cream Frosting ............... 84 (I) Quick Fudge .. ... ....... .......... .. ....... .. 126 ( I )















White Fudge 288 (Ill)
Granola ... .. ..................... 66 ( IV )
326 Combined Index
Granola 71 (II)
71 ( II )
Butter Granola 72 (II)
Barbecue and Casseroles)
(also see
(Meatball Soup) ....... 42 (Ill)
Bean Dish 189 ( I )
Burger Ball 185 ( I )
Chili 193 ( II )
Balls 29 ( IV )
Vegetable Pie 145 ( IV ) Chili Beans .......... ........ ........ ......... 189 ( I ) Chili Soup ...................................... 51 (II)
31 (I)
Seasoning Mix 202 (II) Cocktail Meatballs .......................... 21 ( I )
Casserole 143 ( IV )
Chili 51 (II)
Dish Pizza ............ .. ...... ...... 199 ( II )
Tasty Spaghetti Sauce 186 ( I )
Hamburgers .... .. ............ 111 ( Ill )
.................. ................. 187 ( II ) Double Stuffed Meat Loaf 184 ( I ) Dutch Meatloaf 50 (Ill) Easy Lasagne with Uncooked Noodles 142 (IV) Elsie's Barbecue Beans and Beef .............. ...... 157 ( Ill ) Emmet's Italian Pizza 51 (Ill) Family Reunion Chow Mein 174 (IV) German Meatballs with Spaetzle ........................... 194 ( II ) Golden Browns 184 ( I )
Meatballs (Keftethes) 142 (IV) Hamburger Soup .. .. ............ ........ 105 (Ill) Italian Beef Pie .......................... . 152 ( 111 ) Italian Spaghetti Sauce with Fresh Tomatoes 52 (Ill) Italian Spaghetti 52 (Ill) Juicy Meat Balls 184 ( I ) Lasagna 186, 187 ( I ), ( 2 ) 200 (II) , 50, 153 (Ill) Little Pizzas 224 ( I ) Meat Ball Curry 144 ( IV ) Meat Loaf Supreme 187 ( II ) Meatball Creole 188 ( II ) Meatbalis (Crowd) 314 (Ill) Meatloaf with Piquant Topping (Microwave) 141 (IV) Meatloaf 154 ( Ill ) Mexican Beef Vegetable Soup 77 (IV) Microwave Lasagna 300 (Ill) Microwave Pizza Casserole 302 (Ill) Miniature Meatballs ...... .................. 21 ( I ) Mixed-Up Lasagna 200 ( II ) Old-Fashioned German Goetta 191 ( II ) Openface Hamburger Sandwiches 224 ( I ) Our Family's Number one Chili 80 ( IV ) Party Meatloaf with Mushroom Sauce 152 ( 111 ) Pastitsio 188 ( II ) Pedro's Special 188 ( I ) Pinata Salad 256 ( II ) Pizza Burger Pronto 109 (Ill) Pizza Burgers 247 (II) Pizza Hot Dish 201 (II) Pizza Meat Loaf 154 ( 111 ) Pizza Pasties 201 (II) Porcupines 190 ( II ) Quick Beef Stroganoff 155 ( Ill ) Ranch Style Baked Beans 189 ( I ) Riso-Neopolitan 186 ( II ) Rome Spaghetti Sauce 191 ( II ) Runzas ...... .......... ........................ 190 (II) Sauerbraten Meatballs 186 ( II ) Sicilian Meat Roll .48 (Ill) Sloppy Joe Burgers/ Seasoning Mix 245 ( II ) Sloppy Joes 112 ( Ill ) So Who Needs a Helper? Hamburger ...... .. ....... 155 ( Ill ) Spaghetti Pie ...... .. .... ................... 202 ( II ) Spaghetti Sauce ( 2 ) 187 ( I ) Stony Hill Chili .............................. 82 (IV) Stromboli Sandwiches 248 ( II ) Stuffed Cabbage Rolls 183 ( I ) Stuffed Cabbage 182 ( I ) Stuffed Green Peppers 182 ( I ) Swedish Meatballs ( 2) 185 (I), 189, 190 (II) Sweet-Sour Meatballs 151 (Ill) Sweetheart Soup 106 (Ill) Tacorita ...................................... 141 (IV) Terry's Spaghetti Sauce 153 ( 111 ) Three Cheese Manicotti 199 ( II ) Tortilla Pie .. .... .............. .... ........... 200 (II) Valpo Guild Spanish Hamburger ( Crowd ) 188 ( II )



HAM (also see Casseroles)



























269 -270 ( IV )

Mousse Africaine 154 ( II )

Peach Sundaes with Brandied Caramel Sauce .. .. .. .. .. ............ ............ .. 239 ( IV )

Peppermint Ice Cream 240 ( IV )

Pumpkin Ice Cream Pie 174 ( 11 )

Raspberry Cream .......... ...... .. ..... 247 ( Ill )

Snow Ice Cream 151 (II)

Spiked Spumoni ............ .. .... ...... .. .138 ( I )

Strawberry FluffTorte 162 ( II )

Tortoni Squares ............ .... ...... .... 248 (Ill)

Vanilla Ice Cream .... .. ... 137 (I) , 151 (II)


Freezer Peach and Raspberry Jam 278 ( IV )

Fresh Blueberry and Cherry Jam 304 ( II )

Holiday Jelly ........................ .. .... . 198 ( Ill )

Hot Pepper Jelly 303 ( II )

Peach Jam 305 (II)

Peach Pit Jelly 303 ( II )

Peach-Orange Marmalade 277 ( IV )

Raspberry Jam .. ............ .. .. .... ...... 305 (II)

Red Raspberry Jam 306 ( II )

Red Raspberry , Strawberry and Blueberry Jam .. ........ ........ 305 ( II )

Red Sweet Pepper Jam 197 (Ill)

Rhubarb Cherry Jam 277 ( IV )

Rhubarb Jam .. .. .. .. .. .. ................ .. .306 (II)

Strawberry Jam .... .. ...... .. .......... .. 306 ( II )

Strawberry-Rhubarb Conserve .. 198 ( Ill )

Tomato Preserves 198 ( 111 )

Baked English Lamb Chops .... ..... 203 ( I )

Cocktail Lamb Meatballs 30 ( IV )

Lamb Shish Kebob .................. .... 218 (II)

Marinated Leg of Lamb 203 ( I )

Roast Leg of Lamb ............ .......... .53 (Ill)

Saucy Lamb Chops 218 (II)

Turkish Lamb Pilaf 218 (II)


Lobster Bisque 226 (I), 104 (Ill)

Lobster or Crab Fondue 226 ( I )

Sunday Brunch Meatballs .... ... .. ......... .. ...... ... ..143
IV )
Rice Meatballs .................... 147
Eggs and Ham
.... .. .... .. ......
Chicken with
Ham Glaze 278
( IV )
and Ham Salad
.... .. .... .. ..
( I )
Ham Sandwiches 112
Ham Sauce 279
( IV )
Ham Vegetable Sandwich .. .94
Ham Loaf 197
I )
and Cheese Brunch Enchiladas .. ................. 72 ( IV )
and Egg Breakfast Strudels 73 ( IV )
and Potato Salad .. ............ ... 248 ( I )
Balls in Sour Cream 161 (Ill)
Balls .. ...... ............................ 216
Bunwiches 225
215, 216
...... ......
Roll-Ups .. ...... .. ..................... 198
I )
Strata ................................... 199
Bake 152
IV )
II )
.......... .... ........................ .. .33
II ) Hot Ham and Cheese Sandwiches 16 (Ill) Hot Ham Sandwiches ............ .. .... 247
II )
Ham Balls in Pineapple Sauce 161
Ill )
Savory Ham Balls ............ 84 (Ill)
Ham 149
Ham and Cheese Rolls 81
(IV) Party
Peak Ham Special ...... .. ..... 198 ( I )
Gumbo Salad .. .. ..... 259 ( II )
Ham and Cheese 214 (II)
and Ham Roll-Ups 148 ( IV )
Sauce for Ham ...... .. ....... 217 (II) Upside-Down Ham Loaf 149 ( IV ) Zippy Ham Sauce .. .. .... .. .. ...... .. .... 217 ( II ) ICE CREAM/ICE CREAM DESSERTS
Bar 248 (Ill) Choco-Nutty Ice Cream Dessert ...... .. .. ...... .................. 238 ( IV ) Chocolate-Mint Freeze 247 (Ill)
de Menthe Parfaits 246 (Ill)
Peach "Ice Cream" .... .. .. .. 239 ( IV )
Mincemeat Dessert 138 ( I )
Pumpkin Pie 174 ( II ) H-:5 Combined Index 327 Fudge Sundae Pie 165 ( I ) Guild/Memorial Sundae (Crowd ) 318 ( Ill ) Ice Cream Dessert ........ 138 (I) , 152 (II) Ice Cream Kolacky 276 (Ill) Ice Cream Pie 246 (Ill) Lime-Pineapple Parfait Pie 225 (Ill) Mix and Match Ice Cream Pies
Lobster Thermidor ......... .. ... ... .. ..... 226 ( I ) Microwave Hot Florentine Dip 298 (Ill) Shrimp-Lobster-Wild Rice Microwave Lasagna 300 (Ill) Casserole 226 ( I ) Microwave Peanut Brittle 305 ( Ill ) Microwave Pizza Casserole 302 ( Ill ) MEATS (see specific kinds) Microwave Quick 'n Easy Onion Potatoes 303 (Ill) MENU PLANNER ............... 285-287 ( IV ) Microwave Spicy Baked Chicken ......... .... 299 (Ill) MICROWAVE Microwave-cooked Apples 279 (IV) Apple Crisp 138 ( II ) Molded Cream of Caramel Rhubarb Wheat Pudding ...................... 233 ( IV ) and Dumplings .... ................... 226 ( IV ) Nacho's .43 ( II ) Chicken with Peaches 155 ( IV ) Quick Microwave Fish for One .. .179 ( IV ) Chinese Ribs 58 (Ill) Riso-Neapolitan 186 ( II ) Coconut Cream Pie ..................... 169 ( II ) Scallop-Salmon Kabobs ............ 178 ( IV ) Cranberry-Glazed Beets 193 ( IV ) Shrimp Stuffed Eggplant 292 ( II ) English Muffin Bread Zucchini Mexicali 205 ( IV ) (Microwave) 50 (IV) Fruited Sweet Potatoes 203 (IV) MUFFINS Johnny Apple-Sweet Potatoes 202 ( IV ) 7 Week Refrigerator Lickety-Split Turkey Breast 171 ( IV ) Bran Muffins 46 ( I ) Meatloaf with Piquant Topping Amelia Kluth's Bran Muffins 26 (Ill) (Microwave) 141 (IV) Apple Raisin Muffins 33 ( IV ) Microwave Apple Crisp 305 (Ill) Baked French Donuts (Muffins) 37 ( IV ) Microwave Beef Jerky 302 (Ill) Banana Muffins 66 ( II ) Microwave Butter Toffee 306 (Ill) Banana Walnut Muffins 33 ( IV ) Microwave Butterscotch Sauce 307 (Ill) Blueberry Muffins 34 (IV) Microwave Caramel Corn ........... 306 (Ill) Blueberry-Oatmeal Muffins ........ 122 ( Ill ) Microwave Cheesecake 229 (IV) Bran Muffins 66 ( II ) Microwave Chinese Chews 307 (Ill) Cheesy Muffin Bites ..................... 28 ( IV ) Microwave Cranberry Oat Bran Muffins 37 (IV) Chinese-Style Broccoli 303 (Ill) Fruited Oat Bran Muffins 37 (IV) Microwave Chop Suey 301 ( Ill ) Graham Gems ............................. 38 ( IV ) Microwave Company High Protein Bran Muffins .. .. ........ 25 (Ill) Vegetable Tray .. ......... .. .......... 304 ( Ill ) Lemon Blueberry Muffins 34 (IV) Microwave Crab Appetizer Dip 298 (Ill) Morning Glory Muffins 36 ( IV ) Microwave Cranberry Oat Bran Muffins .......................... 37 (IV) Orange Sauce .............. .. ....... 279 ( IV ) Oatmeal Muffins .46 ( I ) Microwave Crustless Orange Cranberry Muffins 35 ( IV ) Quiche Lorraine 300 (Ill) Pumpkin Muffins .46 (I) Microwave Curry Quick Supper Muffins 68 ( II ) Bombay Chicken 299 (Ill) Quivey's Grove Microwave Egg Raspberry Muffins 35 ( IV ) and Cheese Scramble ........... 303 (Ill) Spice Apple Cupcakes .47 ( I ) Microwave Fish Tips 185 ( IV ) Sugar-Free Date Bran Muffins ..... 36 (IV) Microwave Fudge Pudding Wheat Germ Buns 27 (Ill) Cake 305 (Ill) Wheat Germ Muffins 70 (II) Microwave Fudge 304 (Ill) Zucchini Oatmeal Muffins ....... ..... 38 ( IV ) Microwave German Potato Salad 112 ( IV ) MUSHROOM Microwave Ginger Beef with Oyster Asian Mushroom Salad ................ 55 (Ill) Sauce 301 (Ill) Baked Stuffed Mushrooms 262 (I)
328 Combined Index






Hot Mushroom Dip

Katie's Artichoke-Mushroom

Salad .......................................










Mushroom Sauce




















( II )




168 (Ill)


( I )




Dish .......... .. ....
Mushrooms 262
( I
Casserole ................................
Mushrooms 35
II )
in Sour Cream with Mushrooms .. .. ................... 231
Mushrooms 30
Mushroom Soup 89
IV )
Mushrooms 30
Mushrooms 22
I ), 85
Ill )
and Onion Soup ....... 104
Ill )
Business 285
( II
35 (Ill)
Cocktail Spread ... 20
Florentine 190
( 111 )
and Mushroom Dish .......... 150
IV )
Casserole 190
111 )
Mushrooms Parmigiana 84
Mushrooms ................. 34, 35
II ) ORANGE Butterscotch Orange Sauce ........... 68 ( I ) Cranberry-Orange Bread .............. 86 ( II ) Date Orange Cake 69 ( I )
Orange Dessert ...... ........ 65 (Ill)
Mandarin Orange Nut Loaf ....................... 85
Orange Cake ............ ... 100
II )
Orange Dessert 150
I )
Orange Sherbet Mold
II )
Salad .......................... 209 (Ill)
Cranberry Orange Sauce 279 ( IV )
and Honey Oven-Baked French Toast 68 (IV) Orange Apricot Ring 240 ( I )
Bread 52 ( I )
Butter Rolls 127 (Ill)
Cake 66 ( I ), 260 ( Ill )
Candy Cake .................. 259 (Ill)
Cardamom Cake 66 ( I )
Cheesecake ...... .......... ... ... 95
I ) I
Cookie ............................. 117 ( I ) Orange Cranberry Muffins ........... 35 ( IV ) Orange Crisps 270 ( Ill ) Orange Flavored Beef Stir-Fry ... 135 (IV) Orange Honey Butter 282 ( IV ) Orange Nut Coffeecake .............. .42 ( IV ) Orange Oat Bars 111 ( I ) Orange Oatmeal Cookies 244 ( IV ) Orange Salad 212 ( 111 ) Orange Stuffed Pork Chops 194 ( I ) Orange to the 4th Power 155 ( II ) Orange Torte .............................. 239 (Ill) Orange-Pecan Balls .................... 119 ( II ) Peach-Orange Marmalade 277 ( IV ) Pork Chops a La Orange ........ ... 159 ( Ill ) Puree of Carrots in Orange Cups 195 ( IV ) Real Orange Gelatin 213 (Ill) Rhubarb-Orange Custard Pie 226 (Ill) Tossed Salad with Mandarin Oranges 263 (II) Upside-Down Orange Lemon Nut Cake 67 ( I ) PANCAKES/WAFFLES/FRENCH TOAST/OTHER Alma's Thin Pancakes 122 (Ill) Apple Pancakes 39 ( IV ) Baked Apple Pancake .48 ( I ) Banana French Toast 68 (IV) Best Blueberry Pancakes 39 ( IV ) Caramelized French Toast 68 (IV) Cheese Blintzes 67 ( IV ) Cheesy Cinnamon Roll-ups 67 ( IV ) Company French Toast... 122 (Ill) Cottage Cheese Pancakes 209 (II) German Pancakes 68 ( II ) Light Sourdough Pancakes 115 ( 111 ) Low Cholesterol Buttermilk Pancakes 39 ( IV) Oatmeal Pancakes with Orange Syrup 124 ( 111 ) Orange and Honey Oven-Baked French Toast 68 (IV) Oven Pancake Special 123 (Ill) Palacsinta (Hungarian Pancake ) .48 (I) Pfann Kucken (German Pancake ) 221 (I) Potato Pancakes 288 ( II ) Sourdough Pancakes ......... 116, 119 ( 111 ) Sourdough Waffles 120 (Ill) Swedish Pancakes ......................... 48 ( I )
Combined Index 329 Orange

330 Combined Index

Wheat Germ Griddle Cakes 22 (Ill)

Yeast Waffles ...... ... ... ..... .. ............ 64 ( IV)


Asparagus Macaroni Casserole .. .257 ( I )

Baked Macaroni with Beef and Cheese 206 (II)

Barb 's Wonderful Pasta Salad ... 115 ( IV )

Chap-Chae (Korean Noodle Dish) 138 ( IV )

Chicken Lasagne ............ ..... ... ... 168 ( IV )

Chicken Macaroni Casserole 213 ( I )

Chicken Spaghetti. 169 ( IV )

Chow Mein Noodle Ring ............. 224 (II)

Dried Beef Noodle Casserole 193 ( II )

Easy Lasagne with Uncooked Noodles ... ...... 142 ( IV )

Egg Yolk Noodles ....... ........... .. .... .269 (I)

Green Spaghetti ..........................206 (II)

Incredible Egg Macaroni Salad 124 ( IV )

Italian Spaghetti Sauce with Fresh Tomatoes 52 (Ill)

Italian Spaghetti ........ ........ ... ...... .. 52 (Ill)

Kielbasa-Pasta Salad ............... ..206 (Ill)

Kraut Noodle

54 (Ill)

Lasagna 186, 187 (I) , ( 2) 200 (11),50 , 153(111)

Linguini Salad 116 ( IV )

Low-Cal Spinach Lasagne 189 ( IV )

Macaroni Combination Salad 249 ( I )

Macaroni Ring 295 (II)

Marj's Mostaccioli Salad .......... .... 260 (II)

Millie 's Spaghetti Sauce 190 (IV)

Mixed-Up Lasagna .. .................... 200 ( II )

Noodle and Beef Casserole 156 ( Ill )

Noodle Pudding ... .. .. .. .. ..... ............ 61 (Ill)

Noodle Ring .. .. .. ...........................269 ( I )

Noodle Suey 202 ( I )

Pasta Sauce 206 ( IV )

Pastitsio ...................... .. ..... .... ... ... 188 ( II )

Pork and Spinach Manicotti. 147 ( IV )

Ring of Plenty 205 ( II )

Seafood Lasagna 238 ( II )

Spaghetti-Fruit Salad ......







........... 208
Spaghetti Ring 207
Cheese Manicotti 199
II )
Salad .. ...... ...... ........ ... 115 ( IV ) Cheese Sauce 206
IV )
, Peach or Prune Cake 60 (I) Brunch Tip (Baked Peaches) 65 ( IV ) Chicken with Peaches 155 ( IV ) Cream Peach Pie 157 ( I ) Easy Mix Peach Cobbler 133 ( I ) Freezer Peach and Raspberry Jam 278 ( IV ) Fresh Peach "I ce Cream" .. ........ 239 ( IV ) Fresh Peach Pudding ................... 141 ( I ) Fresh Peaches by Jiminy 133 ( I ) Glazed Peach Pie .... ..... ... .. ...... .... 158 ( I ) Nutty Peach Crisp 224 ( IV ) Peach Cherry Pie ....... .... .............. 156 ( I Peach Custard Kuchen ... ..... ... ..... 134 ( I ) Peach Jam 305 ( II ) Peach Kuchen 76 (Ill) Peach Marlow ....... ...... ... ......... ... 240 ( IV ) Peach Pit Jelly .. ........... ... ... .. ... ..... 303 (II) Peach Sponge 139 (II) Peach Sundaes with Brandied Caramel Sauce 239 ( IV ) Peach Turkey Medley Salad 119 ( IV ) Peach-Orange Marmalade ........ 277 ( IV ) Peaches and Cream Salad ......... 254 ( II ) Peaches 'N Cream Cheesecake 230 ( IV ) Peaches 'n Cream Pie .......... ... ... 174 (II Peachy Cream Salad Mold 215 (Ill) Pickled Peaches 197 ( Ill ) Quick Spiced Peaches 182 ( Ill ) Spicy Peach Mold 214 (Ill)
Bavarian Tart .... ..... .... ..... ... ... ... ..... 63 ( Ill ) Pear Cake 102 ( II ) Pear Crumble Pie ......................... 158 ( I ) Pear Salad 240 ( I ) Pears and HoneyNutmeg Sauce 123 (Ill) Pears in Chocolate Sauce ......... 232 ( IV ) Pears with Raspberry Sauce ... ..227 ( IV ) Pretty Pear Plate 213 ( Ill )
Chinese Beef and Pea Pods 137 ( IV ) Chinese Beef with Pea Pods 171 ( I ) Chinese Pork and Snow Peas 191 ( I ) Company Peas and Cauliflower ... 263 ( I ) Crunchy Pea Salad 30 (Ill) English Pea Casserole 284 ( II ) Pork and Pea Pods ... ... .......... ..... 221 (II) Smokey Peas and Potatoes 191 ( 111 )
Pea and Tom ato Salad 113 ( IV )
Snow Peas ....... ............... 23 ( IV )



















( I )


Hazel 's Great Pickles ... .....273 ( IV )
Three-Day Dills 195
Ill )
and Butter Pickles 301 ( II )
and Butter Refrigerator Pickles ..... .. ........ 273 ( IV )
Pickles 274 (IV)
Dill Pickles 196
Dill Pickles ... ............ ...... .274
Pickle Delights 89 (Ill)
Crock Pickles 275 ( IV )
Pickles ......... ... ...... ... .... .... 299 ( II )
Pickles 298 ( II )
Dill Pickles 302 ( II )
Koehler's Dill Pickles 302 (II) Open Jar Sweet Pickles .... .......... 299 ( II )
Green Chiles 276 ( IV )
Pickles 300 (II)
Dill Pickles ............. .. ... ...... 301 (II)
Freezer Pickles 299
II )
for Making Better Pickles 297
II )
Sweet Pickles .... ... ..... .... .297
II )
Pickles 298 ( II ) Zempf Gurken ................... ......... 196 (Ill) PIE/QUICHE CRUSTS Chocolate Crumb Crust 269 ( IV ) Chocolate Graham Crust ............. 164 ( I ) Crazy Pastry 219 (Ill) Easy Pie Crust 168 ( II )
Cracker Crust Variations ...............................269 ( IV )
Cracker Crust... .... ..... .... 161 (I), 67, 222 (Ill)
Graham Cracker Pie Crust .... 266 ( IV ) Low-Cholesterol Pie Crust... 264 ( IV ) Never-Fail Pie Crust... 219 ( Ill ) No Fail Pie Crust 153 ( I ) Pastry ....... ................ .... ... .. .... ...... ..36 ( II ) Quiche Crust ................................ 99 ( Ill) Six Crust-Pie Crust 153 ( I ) Toasted Pecan Crust... 269 (IV) Vanilla Wafer Crust ..................... 168 ( II ) Whole Wheat Crust... 32 , 221 (Ill) PIES Angel Pie 220 (Ill) Apple Cream Pie .... ... .... ..... .. .. .. .. .. 154 ( I ) Apple Crunch Pie 262 ( IV ) Apricot Chiffon Pie ...... ... .... .... ...... 155 ( I ) Avocado Cream Pie 222 ( Ill ) Combined Index 331 Banberry Pie ...... .. .... ................ .. .. 155 ( I ) Bavarian Tart ....... ..... ......... .......... .63 ( Ill ) Blueberry Lemon Pie 262 ( IV ) Brandy Alexander Pie 168 ( II ) Brown Sugar Apple Pie ........... ..... 154 ( I ) Butterscotch Pie 165 ( I ) Candied Apple "Pie" 241 (Ill) Carrot Chiffon Pie ..... ............ ... .. ... 33 ( II I ) Cherry Pie 171 ( II ) Cherry-Banana Pie 223 ( Ill) Chess Pie ..... .................... ........... 165 (II) Choco-Cherry-Honey Pie 157 ( I ) Chocolate Angel Pie 263 ( IV ) Chocolate Brownie Pie ............... 222 (Ill) Chocolate Cheese Pie 164 ( I ) Chocolate Chiffon Pie 164 ( I ) Chocolate Chip Pie .................... 264 ( IV ) Coconut Cream Pie ........ ...... .. ..... 169 ( II ) Concord Grape Pie ..................... 171 ( II ) Cranberry-Cheese
Nog Pies ......
( IV )
Peach Pie ................ ...... ...
Crumb Apple Pie
( Ill )
Apple Pie
Dish Apple Pie (Apple Crunch)
Pie 169
Dutch Apple Pie 155
Easy Pecan Pie ...... ..... .. ....... ...
I ) English Apple Pie 224
Apple Pie 221
Cream Pie ......
Silk Pie 228
Blueberry Pie 263
Fruit Pie with Shortbread Crust...
Strawberry Pie 160
Chocolate Pie .................. 170
Lemon Pie 161
Pumpkin Pie 174
Fudge Pie ..... ... ........ .... ........ ........ 168
II ) Fudge Sundae Pie 165 ( I ) German Cheese Pie 64 (Ill)
Celestial Vanilla Pie ....... 229
Glazed Peach Pie ........................ 158
Schwartzkopf's Strawberry Pie 176
Meringue Pie ....... ....... 172
Pie 161
.......... .... .. .. ..... ...
( I ) Deep
.. ... ..... .. ..... ......
(II) Derby
( I )
... ..
) French
......... ... .. ...
( II ) French
(Ill) Fresh
( IV ) Fresh
.. .......
( IV ) Fresh
( I ) Frozen
( II ) Frozen
(I) Frozen
) Grandma
) Grapefruit
) Grapefruit
Pie .......................... 136
Pleaser- Lemon Pie 162
Cream Pie 246
Lime Pie 162
I )
) Husband
) Ice
) Key
































332 Combined Index
Angel Pie 266
IV )
Cheesecake Pies (Low cholesterol)
............... ....267 ( IV )
Cloud Pie 224
Party Pie 172
Refrigerator Pie 161
( I )
Pie 266
( IV
....... ......... .. .... .......
( I )
Parfait Pie ......... 225
Pie .. ............... .... ..
( I )
Dollar Pie 173
II )
Pie ...... ...... .. .............. 159
I )
Coconut Custard Pie ....... 166
I )
and Match
Cream Pies 269-270
Kipp's Chocolate Pie 264
Butterscotch Pie 223
Miracle Meringue 268
( IV)
Pumpkin Pie 267
( IV )
............................... 166
( I )
Cream Pie 165
( I )
Meringue Pie 224 (Ill)
Prune Pie 267 ( IV )
Cherry Pie 156
I )
'n Cream Pie 174
II )
Butter Pie ..... ... ...... ...... ... ..168
I )
Crumble Pie ......................... 158
I )
Pie 225
Pie ............................. .. ...226
(Ill) Praline
Ice Cream Pie 174
II )
Mallow Pie ..................... 168 ( I )
Pie 168 ( I )
Angel Pie 220 (Ill)
Swirl Eggnog Pie ...... 219 (Ill) Rhubarb Cream Pie ............ ........ 176 ( II ) Rhubarb Pie ( 2) 227 ( Ill ) Rhubarb Supreme Pie ................ 175 ( II ) Rhubarb-Meringue Pie ................. 160 ( I ) Rhubarb-Orange Custard Pie 226 (Ill)
Pie ...... ....... .................... 175 ( II )
Pie 268 ( IV )
Cream-Raisin Pie 228 ( Ill )
Cream Rhubarb Pie 268 ( IV )
Pecan Pie 167 ( I ) Strawberry Pie ............................ .. 159 ( I ) Sugarless Apple Pie 220 (Ill) Two-Crust Fresh Pineapple Pie 158 ( I ) Velvety Custard Pie 166 (I) Walnut Pie 229 (Ill) Wisconsin Cherry Pie 156 ( I ) Wisconsin Christmas Pie 67 (Ill) Zucchini Pie .......... ... ..................... 31 (Ill) PINEAPPLE Beets with Pineapple 183 ( II I ) Cardinal Salad 268 (II) Carrot Pineapple Cake 103 ( II ) Cherry-Pineapple Dessert ......... ... 131 ( I ) Golden Nugget Salad ... ..... ....... .... 238 ( I ) Harvest Cake ( Pineapple Nut Cake ) ........ .... 102 ( II ) Lime-Pineapple Parfait Pie ......... 225 (Ill) Pineapple Betty 134 ( I ) Pineapple Cake 104 ( II ) Pineapple Cheese Pie .... ............ 225 (Ill) Pineapple Coconut Cake 104 ( II ) Pineapple Filled Cookies .. ........... .104 ( I ) Pineapple Marshmallow Fluff.. 151 ( I ) Pineapple Mint Dessert ........... ... 245 ( Ill ) Pineapple No-Bake Torte 160 ( II ) Pineapple Squares ...................... 143 ( II ) Pineapple Torte 161, 166 ( II ), 240 ( Ill ) Pineapple Upside Down Cake 103 ( II ) Portofino Jello 254 ( II ) Scalloped Pineapple 295 ( II ) Tahitian Salad 242 (I) Tropical Refrigerator Dessert 243 ( Ill ) Two-Crust Fresh Pineapple Pie ... 158 ( I ) PIZZA Deep Dish Pizza 199 ( II ) Dippin' Chili Pizza 26 ( IV ) Easy-Pour Pizza 156 ( Ill ) Emmet's Italian Pizza 51 (Ill) Fruit Pizza 142 (II), 234 (IV) Little Pizzas 224 ( I ) Microwave Pizza Casserole 302 ( II I ) Party Pizza Rounds 87 (Ill) Pizza Burgers 247 (II) Pizza Fondue 214 (II), 28 (IV) Pizza Hot Dish 201 (II) Pizza Meatloaf 154 ( Ill ) Pizza Ole 190 ( IV ) Pizza Pasties 201 ( II ) Pizza Sandwiches .... .................... 224 ( I ) Pizza 188 ( I ) Pizzaburger Pronto 109 ( Ill ) Veggie Pizza 24 (IV) PORK (also see Casseroles and Sausage) Baked Pork Chops ........ 194 (I), 219 (II) Bar-B-Qued Ribs in Fry Pan ........ 195 ( I )



































( I


( II )

( Ill )





( II)

( IV )

( IV )

Fruited Sweet Potatoes 203 ( IV )

German Potato Salad

251 ( I ), 260 (II), 112 (IV)

Grilled Potatoes 200 ( IV )

Ham and Potato Salad ............... ..248 ( I )

Hash Brown Casserole 286 (II)

Healthful TwiceBaked Potatoes 200 ( IV )

Herbed Potato Fluff .............. .. ... ..284 ( II )

Johnny Apple-Sweet Potatoes 202 ( IV )

Kartoffel Kloesse ( Potato Dumplings) .43 (Ill)

Kartoffel Suppe ( Potato Soup ) .... 53 ( II )

Lo-Cal Dilled Potatoes 191 (Ill)

Mary's Cheese Potatoes 264 ( I )

Mashed Potato Balls .............. ..... 288 ( II )

Mayonnaise Potato Salad .......... 202 (Ill)

Microwave German

Potato Salad ................. .... ..... 113 ( IV )

Microwave Quick 'n Easy

Onion Potatoes 303 (Ill)

Party Potatoes ........................ ..... 287 ( II )

Potato Balls 63 ( II )

Potato Bread 52 ( IV )

Potato Dumplings ........... ....... ...... 286 (II)

Potato Pancakes 288 ( II )

Potato Rolls 63 (II)

Potato Soup with Vegetables ....... 88 ( IV )

Potato Whole-Grain Bread ........... 26 ( Ill )

Scalloped Potato and Tuna Casserole 243 ( II )

Slovak Potato-Mushroom Soup ... 89 ( IV )

Smokey Peas and Potatoes 191 (Ill)

Sweet Potato Cake 80 ( I )

Sweet Potato Crisp (Crowd ) ..... 311 (Ill)

Sweet Potatoes Supreme 202 ( IV )

Tater Tot Casserole 198 (II)

POULTRY (also see Chicken and Turkey)

How to Cook for Casseroles or Salads ................................308 (Ill)

Jack's Favorite Pheasant en Sauce 174 ( IV )

Marinade or Barbecue Sauce for Poultry 217 (II)

Mom's Poultry Stuffing 235 (II)

Spare Ribs ................. 195 ( I )
and Pork Bar-B-Q 222
I )
Pork Steaks 192
I )
Baked Pork Chops
and Snow Peas
Chops 159
Bake Pork
Sauerkraut 222
( II )
Style Schnitzel 147
............................ 184
I )
Sauerkraut.. 195
I )
Meat Loaves 196
I )
and Ribs Ukraine 54
Ill )
Chop Suey ..... .......... 301
Ill )
Goo Yak 190
Stuffed Pork Chops
( I )
Barbecued Spare Ribs 220
( 11
Pork Chops ........................ 220
( 11 )
... .... ......... ..
Spareribs 221
( II )
and Mushroom Dish 150
( IV
and Pea Pods ..................... 221
( II
and Spinach Manicotti ... .... 147
( IV)
Applesauce Kraut Bake 221
Cake ...................................... 59
I )
Chops a La Orange ..... .. .... 159
111 )
Chops Ala No illy .................. 193
I )
Chops Deluxe 193
I )
Chops Supreme 193
I )
Milano .................... .............. 196 ( I )
Tenderloin in Sour Cream 220 (II)
Tenderloin Rosemary 192 ( I )
with Cherry Sauce ............... 191 ( I ) Salt Pork with Lima Beans .. ... ..... 194 ( I ) Slow-Cooked Pork 159 ( 111 ) Southern Pork Barbeque Sandwiches 94 (IV) Stuffed Cabbage 182 ( I ) Stuffed Pork Chops 219 ( II ) Stuffed Pork Tenderloin 192 ( I ) Sweet Barbeque Pork Chops 148 ( IV ) Sweet Sour Pork 190 ( I )
Style Sweet-Sour Pork 222
Gratin Potatoes 201
... ....................... 173
Potato Salad
( 111 )
Potato Party :201
Gypsy Potatoes 192
Potato Torte ...
Potatoes 287
( IV ) Betty's
( 111 )
..... .. .. ....
(I) Cornflaked
.. ...................
(I) Cottage
( 11 )
Cheese Potatoes
.. .. .......
Cod-Potato Skillet

334 Combined Index

Smothered Pheasant 170 ( Ill ) Frozen Pumpkin Pie 174 ( II ) Stuffing for Large Turkey .............. 218 ( I ) New Zealand Pumpkin Soup 90 ( IV ) No-Crust Pumpkin Pie ............... 267 ( IV ) PUDDING Pumpkin Bars 284 (Ill) Apple-Batter Pudding 235 (Ill) Pumpkin Bread 53 (I) Arroz Con Coco 60 (Ill) Pumpkin Cake Loaf. ......... ... ........ 105 ( II ) Baked Chocolate Pudding 236 (Ill) Pumpkin Cake 105 (II), 260 (Ill) Baked Rice Pudding ..................... 143 ( I ) Pumpkin Cooky Bars 112 ( I ) Bread Pudding ..... .............. ..... .... 146 ( II ) Pumpkin Date Torte 165 ( II ) Breakfast Apple-Rice Pudding 65 ( IV ) Pumpkin Ice Cream Pie .............. 174 ( II ) Carrot Pudding .. ... ... ..................... 139 ( I ) Pumpkin Mallow Pie 168 ( I ) Chocolate Mousse Plus 242 (Ill) Pumpkin Muffins .46 (I) Chocolate Mousse 146 ( II ) Pumpkin Pie Cake 220 ( IV ) Christmas Plum Pudding ............. 148 (II) Pumpkin Pie Squares 261 (IV) Cinnamon Pudding 139 ( I ) Pumpkin Pie ................................. 168 ( I ) Corn Pudding ;-; .261 (I) , 282 (II) Pumpkin Pudding 143 ( I ) Cranberry Pudding .. ....... .... ......... 147 (II) Pumpkin Torte with Rum Sauce 90 (I) Cream Cheese Mousse 163 ( II ) Pumpkin Torte ............... 89 (I), 241 (Ill) Date Pudding 140 (I), 149 (II) Pumpkin Upside-Down Easy Christmas Pudding 140 ( I ) Dessert 228 ( IV ) Fig Pudding ... .. ............... ....... . ...... 140 ( I ) Fresh Peach Pudding 141 ( I ) PUNCH Grand Marnier Mousse ( Crowd )318 ( Ill ) 7-Up Surprise Punch 90 (Ill) Lemon Foam 141 ( I ) Bowle ,. 25 (I) Mint-Chocolate Mousse 242 (Ill) Champagne Punch 90 (Ill) Mississippi Bread Pudding Cranberry Wine Punch 31 (IV) with Rum Sauce 60 (Ill) Egg Nog Fruit Punch 28 ( I ) Missouri Cracker Pudding ............ 62 (Ill) Favorite Punch ............. .... ... ... .... .. 17 ( 111 ) Molded Cream of Wheat Frosty Fruit Punch .44 ( II ) Pudding 233 ( IV ) Fruit Punch .45 ( II ) Mother's Caramel Custard .. ........ 147 ( 11 ) Golden Punch .............................. .45 ( II ) Mousse Africaine 154 ( II ) Hot Golden Wassail 94 ( Ill ) Mrs. Truman's Ozark Pudding 61 ( Ill ) Hot Holiday Punch .45 ( II ) Noodle Pudding ........................ .... 61 (Ill) Liisan Booli ( Vodka Punch ) 47 ( II ) Norwegian Deluxe Punch 28 ( I ) Rice Pudding 226 ( IV ) Refreshing Punch 28 (I) Old English Christmas Pudding .. 149 ( II ) Rhinelander Punch 90 (Ill) Our Favorite Tapioca Dessert ...... 143 ( I ) Sangria (Spanish Wine Punch) .47 (II) Persimmon Pudding 142 ( I ) Sparkling Pink Punch 31 ( IV ) Pinters Pudding & Sauce .. .. ......... 142 ( I ) Tropical Punch 91 ( Ill ) Plum Pudding 235 (Ill) Wassail Christmas Punch 27 ( I ) Pumpkin Pudding 143 ( I ) White Sangria Punch 32 ( IV ) Simple Sundae Sauce 239 ( IV ) Snowflake Pudding with Crimson QUICHE Raspberry Sauce 234 (Ill) Corned Beef Quiche 99 ( Ill ) Stove Top Flan Crab and Mushroom Quiche 210 ( II ) (Steamed Custard ) ........ ... .... 236 (Ill) Crabmeat Quiche 99 (Ill) Suet Pudding 144 ( I ) Crustless Broccoli Quiche .... ........ 74 (IV) Yorkshire Pudding .47 (I) Crustless Quiche 101 (Ill) Easy Spinach Pie 74 (IV) PUMPKIN French Quiche ........... .... ................ 37 (II) Baked Pumpkin 29 (Ill) Italian Zucchini Quiche 98 (Ill)

Microwave Crustless

Quiche Lorraine .. .. .. ........... .. ..300 (Ill)

Onion Pie ........ .. .. .. ........ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 36 ( II )

Quiche Crust 99 (Ill)

Quiche Lorraine ........................... 211 (II)

Quiche Luncheon Dish 102 ( 111 )

Sausage Quiche 212 (II)

Spinach Quiche

74 ( IV )

Spinach Quiche Dijon ................. 100 ( 111 )

Spinach Quiche

100 (Ill)

Swiss-Bacon Quiche 211 ( II )


Chocolate Raspberry

Yogurt Torte 217 (IV)

Crimson Raspberry Sauce ....... .. 234 (Ill)

Freezer Peach and Raspberry Jam 278 ( IV )

Jubilee Salad Mold .................... ... 237 ( I )

Quivey's Grove

Raspberry Muffins ................... 35 (IV)

Raspberry Angel Torte 156 ( II )

Raspberry Butter 282 (IV)

Raspberry Cheese Torte ........... 235 (IV)

Raspberry Cream ....................... 247 (Ill)

Raspberry Dessert 151 ( I )

Raspberry Jam

305 ( II )

Raspberry Jello Salad .................. 240 ( I )

Raspberry Liqueur 91 ( Ill )

Raspberry Swirl Eggnog Pie 219 (Ill)

Red Raspberry Jam .. .... .. .. .. ........ 306 ( II )

Red Raspberry, Strawberry, and Blueberry Jam

305 (II)

Snowflake Pudding with Crimson Raspberry Sauce 234 (Ill)


Apple-Tomato Relish 307 (II)

Beet Relish 307 ( II )

Cranberry Relish 249 ( II )

End of the Garden Relish 309 ( II )

Green Tomato Relish 308 ( II ), 195 ( Ill )

Hot Dog Relish .. .. .. .. .. .... .... .... .. ... .310 ( II )




Combined Index 335


Caramel Rhubarb and Dumplings 226 ( IV )

Frosted Rhubarb Sauce Cake .... 262 (Ill)

Grandma's Old-Fashioned

Rhubarb Cake .. .. .. .. .............. .221 ( IV )

Molded Rhubarb Salad ........ .. .... .255 ( II )

( 111 )

( I )


( Ill )

( I )

Sweet Cucumber Relish .... .......... 307 ( II )

Zucchini Relish 308 ( II )




.. .. .. .. ...


( IV )

( I )

Rhubarb Pie ( 2) 227 ( Ill )

Rhubarb Supreme Pie .. .. .... .. ....... 175 ( II )

Rhubarb Torte


Rhubarb Upside Down Cake 262 (Ill)

Rhubarb-Meringue Pie .................

( I )

.. 198 ( Ill )


Bar-B-Qued Ribs in Fry Pan 195 ( I )

Barbecued Spare Ribs .................

Chinese Ribs

( I )


German Short Ribs .................... .181 ( II )

Kraut and Ribs Ukraine

Oven Barbecued Spare Ribs

Polynesian Spareribs

RICE (also see Wild Rice)


( II )

( II )

Arroz Con Coco .. ..................... .. ... 60 (Ill)

Baked Rice Pudding ..................... 143 (I)

Breakfast Apple-Rice Pudding 65 ( IV )

Chinese Fried Rice with Shrimp and Eggs 181 ( IV)

Costa Rica Black Beans and Rice 188 ( IV )

Delicious Rice ............ .. ................ 270 ( I )

Fried Rice 270 (I), 57 (Ill)

Lee's Vegetable Rice Marinara .. 208 ( IV )

Lime-Flavored Rice 208 ( IV )

Mock Wild Rice ...........................294 ( II )

Norwegian Deluxe Rice Pudding 226 ( IV )

Oriental Rice ................................271 ( I )

Parsley Rice 294 ( II )

Zucchini Relish
245 ( I )
Relish 245
Rhubarb Bars
Rhubarb Cake
Cherry Jam
Rhubarb Cobbler 135
Rhubarb Cream Pie 176
II )
Crisp 232
Dessert 139
( II )
Jam. :
Rhubarb Nut Bread
Rhubarb-Orange Custard Pie 226 (Ill) Sour Cream Rhubarb Pie 268 ( IV ) Conserve


























(I), 261 (II)











336 Combined Index
Beans and Rice 188 ( IV )
Beans and Rice Casserole .157 ( 111 )
Casserole .............. .............. 294
II )
Pilaf 294
II )
Ring lndienne 207
IV )
Casserole 259
I )
( also see
Rolls 64 ( II )
Pecan Rolls 69 ( II )
Dinner Rolls with Rum Sauce ...... ............ .. . 129 (Ill)
64 ( II )
Blankets .. ..... ........... ... ....... .46 (IV) Easy Refrigerator Rolls 62 (II)
Rolls 126 (Ill) Kathy's Bran Rolls 53 ( IV )
Rolls 65 ( II ) Mom's No-Knead Dinner Rolls 52 ( IV )
Butter Rolls 127 (Ill)
Buns 63
II )
Rolls ... ...... ............ .. .... 126
111 )
Rolls 63
II )
Rolls 130 (Ill)
Butterhorns .45 ( IV )
Dough Dinner Rolls ........... .69 ( II ) Wheat Germ Buns 27 (Ill)
DRESSINGS 24-Hour Salad Dressing 256 ( I ) Amelia's Fruit Salad Dressing .... 127 (IV) Blender Mayonnaise 256 ( I )
Cheese Salad Dressing 217 ( Ill )
Seed Dressing 254 ( I )
Cheese Salad Dressing216 (Ill)
Garlic Salad Dressing 217 (Ill)
Bleu Cheese Dressing 271 ( II )
Dressing ... ........... ........ ... .. 254 (I) Fruit Salad Dressing 256 (I), 272(11),216(111) How Did You Make That Salad Dressing? 218 (Ill) L & H Dressing (French Dressing) 270 (II) Lo Cal Martinque Dressing 271 (II) Lo-Cal Salad Dressing 127 ( IV )
Salad Dressing 216 (Ill) Mock Sour Cream ... ..................... 254 ( I ) My Favorite Dressing 218 (Ill)
Salad Dressing 272 ( II )
Seed Dressing
Potato Salad Dressing ............... ..255 ( I ) Renata 's French Dressing 270 (II) Roquefort Dressing 255 ( I ) Russian Salad Dressing 271 ( II ) Salad Dressing ( for Fruit Salad ) . 256 ( I ) Salad Dressings 128 ( IV ) Seasoning Salt.. ................ .... ...... 272 ( II ) Shirley 's Fruit Dressing 271 ( II ) Sour Cream Dressing 200 (Ill) Super Salad Dressing ................ 217 ( Ill ) Sweet Tomato Dressing 255 (I) Vinegar, Oil & Bacon Dressing 255 (I)
Dressing 31
Champagne Salad 213
Freeze .... ...... ........
Sherbet... ...
... ....
( I ) Cranberry
( II )
Frozen Fruit Salad
Apple Salad ............ ......
Frozen Cheese Salad 233 ( I ) Frozen Cranberry Salad 251 (II)
Fruit and Cheese Salad 252
II ) Frozen Fruit Bits 251 (II) Fruit Slush 102 ( IV)
and Pretty Frozen Salad 102
IV )
Hour or "Overnight Salad" 234
I )
.... ... .. ..... .252 ( II ) Frozen
Fruit 24
Fruit Salad ... .. ....... ....... 210
Great Fruit Salad ... ............ ... ...250
Cranberry Salad 249
(Ill) A
) Baked
Muesli (Swiss Fruit Salad
Fruit Salad 97
IV )
Apple Salad ........ ...
... 234
I )
Fluff 234
I )
Salad 249 (II), 211
Luxe Fruit Salad 235
I )
(Ill) Chunky
(Ill) De
Eye Salad 99
IV )
Salad di Pepe 99
Salad 250
Melon Balls 214
Cheese Salad 215
(IV) Fruit
) Minted
(Ill) Pimento
Salad 250
II )
Pear Plate ............. ... ........ 213
Ill )
Fruit Cup 102
Salad 208
Ill )
Apple Salad ............... ..... ....97
IV )


































Tomorrow 's Salad 235 (I)
Delight Salad ...... ... .. ....... 209
Jello Salad or Dessert 236
Salad 211
Salad 199
Soup Salad 251
I )
Gelatin Salad 236
Mold ............... .............. 237
I )
Salad Jello 257 (II)
Salad 268 (II)
Mold 257 ( II )
Salad 251 ( I )
Coronet Salad 237 ( I )
Jello Mold 254 ( II )
Salad 100 ( IV )
Applesauce Salad 236
I )
Beef Jello Salad 246
I )
Ring 101
IV )
Jello Mold 238
I )
Salad 239
I )
Wreath Salad 238
I )
Mold 239
I )
Cheese Salad 210
Molds 268 ( II )
Mousse 269 ( II )
Salad 269 ( II )
"Aunt Adele 's Jello" .... 100 ( IV )
Salad 98 ( IV )
Blueberry Salad Mold 253 (II)
Strawberry and Melon Mold 101 ( IV )
Cranberry Salad 239
I )
Salad .....
I )
... .. ...
..... ..... ...
Nugget Salad 238
I )
Tomato Aspic 270 (II) Jello Beef Salad ................ .... .. ... 256 ( II ) Jello Tuna Salad 259 ( II ) Jubilee Salad Mold .. ............... .. .... 237 ( I ) Katie's Artichoke Mushroom Salad 268 (II) King Crab Crown 258 ( II ) Lemon Salad .... ... .. ... .. ...... .. .. .. .. ..212 (Ill) Lemonade Mold 99 ( IV ) Luscious Strawberry Salad 255 (II) Mama Richter's Perfection Salad 100 ( IV )
Orange Sherbet Mold 257 ( II ) Mint-Mallow Salad 214 (Ill) Molded Egg Salad 246 ( I ) Molded Rhubarb Salad ........... ... .255 ( II ) Combined Index 337 Orange Apricot Ring ..................... 240 ( I ) Orange Salad 212 ( 111 ) Peaches and Cream Salad ... ...... 254 (II) Peachy Cream Salad Mold 215 ( Ill ) Pear Salad 240 ( I ) Port Wine Cherry Mold ................ 253 ( II ) Portofino Jello 254 ( II ) Quick Cottage Cheese Salad 98 ( IV ) Rainbow Gelatin Mold ..... ... .. ...... 215 ( Ill ) Raspberry Jello Salad 240 ( I ) Real Orange Gelatin 213 (Ill) Ribbon Mold ... .. ............................. 241 ( I ) Salmon Mold 249 ( I ) Salmon Mousse 258 (II) Sea-Foam Salad ..... ................... 200 (Ill) Shrimp Mold .... ... ................ .......... 250 ( I ) Spiced Cranberry Ring 211 (Ill) Spiced Grape Salad 212 (Ill) Spicy Peach Mold 214 (Ill) Spinach Salad 269 (II) Three Layer Salad 241 ( I ) Tomato Aspic 253 (I) Tomato Surprise 203 (Ill) Tuna Salad 250 ( I ) Turkey Lime Mold 250 (I) Two Layer Chicken Salad 207 (Ill) Whipped Pear Salad 101 ( IV ) Yogurt Jello Salad ... ... ... .............. 257 ( II) Yum Yum Salad 241 ( I ) Lettuce 24 Hour Cauliflower Salad .... ...... 262 ( II ) 7-Layer Salad 243 ( I ) Cleo's Caesar Salad 263 (II) Easy Mexican Salad ...... ... .... ... .. 107 ( IV ) Fresh Salad 242 ( I) Hearty Salad 243 ( I ) Make-Ahead Salad ................... ..202 (Ill) Mandarin Salad 209 (Ill) Marzetti Salad ..... ... .......... ... ... .... 203 ( Ill ) Oriental Spinach Salad 109 ( IV ) Patti's Maui Salad 108 ( IV ) Sesame Salad 203 (Ill) Spinach Salad with Cottage Cheese Dressing 11 O ( IV ) Strawberry and Spinach Salad 109 ( IV ) Super Seven-Layer Salad 205 (Ill) Tahitian Salad 242 ( I ) Tossed Salad with Mandarin Oranges 263 (II) Main Dish Antipasto Salad 126 ( IV )

338 Combined Index

Arl ene's Spe cial

Sea t ood Salad ..... .... .. .. .. ... .....

( IV )

As ian Mu shroom Salad ······:·...... .. 55 ( Il l)

Baked C rab- Sh rimp

Potato Salad . 173 ( 111 )

Begg in' for Bacon

Chicken Salad : 117 ( IV)

Breath of Spring


1 (Ill)


Cambodian Salad .48 (Ill)





( I )

( IV)

.... ... .... .

Rice Salad .. .... .... .. .. ............. ..

Chicken Salad

Chicken-Rice Salad





( Ill )


Salad 58 ( Ill ) ,


( IV )

Curry -Rice Salad .. ...... . .... .. .. .. .....


















( Ill )


.. .... .. .. .. .... ..





Salad (Crowd) ...
and Ham Salad
( IV )
or Albacore Tuna
( IV )
117 (IV)
Hot Chicken
Turkey Salad 120
Turkey Salad
310 (Ill)
IV )
Chicken Salad 247
and Potato Salad 248 ( I ) Hot Chicken Salad 247 (I)
Turkey or Chicken Salad Souffle 213
I )
Egg Macaroni Salad 124
IV )
Salad 206
Ill )
Salmon Salad 59
Combination Salad 249
I )
Chicken Salad 247 (I)
's Taco Salad 125 ( IV )
Egg Salad 125 ( IV )
Cashew Chicken Salad 121 ( IV )
Layered Chicken Salad 120 ( IV )
's Crab Salad 123 ( IV )
Turkey Medley Salad 119 ( IV )
Salad 126 ( IV )
Salad 256 ( II )
Mousse Buffet Salad 124 ( IV )
-Ham Gumbo Salad 259 ( II )
Great Shrimp Salad 123 ( IV )
Chicken Salad 118 ( IV )
on a Shoestring 205 (Ill)
or Chicken
Supreme 208 (Ill)
rkey Sa lad 208 (Il l)
Taco Salad 125 ( IV)
Bean Salad .. .. ......... ... .. ....... .. .. ...252
I )
II )
rian Vegetable Salad 108 ( IV )
Tomatoes .. ....... ...... .... ... 114 (IV)
Salad .. .264 , 267
i-Cauli f lowe r Coleslaw 199
Ill )
Salad 244 ( I )
Salad 261 (II)
Salad 265
II )
Salad 265
(II) ,
(IV) Broccol
Cabbage Salad 105
Salad 204
) Chinese
and Black Bean Salad ....... 107
Fresh Vegetable Salad.104
Crowd-Pleasing Vegetable Salad .. ................
IV ) Crunchy Cauliflower Salad 104 ( IV ) Crunchy Pea Salad 30 (Ill) Cucumber Salad 242 ( I ) Cucumber Sambal : 111 (IV) Cucumbers with Yogurt .. .... .......... 242 (I) Danish Cucumber ................ . ..... 200
Potato Salad 111
) Creamy
(Ill) Danish
Medley Salad 262
Potato Salad 251
) German
(I) ,
Bean and Chick Pea Salad 201
Bean Salad 252
Hot Green Bean Salad 252
Kraut Salad 202
111 ) Marinated Tomatoes 114 (IV) Marj's Mostaccioli Salad 260 (II) Mayonnaise Potato Salad 202 (Ill) Meme's Slaw 106
IV )
German Potato Salad
Vegetable Salad 261
Favorite Cole Slaw 106
) Hot
.. .. .... ....
) Mixed
(II) My
Vegetable Salad 267
Popcorn Salad 112
Sallad 266
II ) Salsa Salad 253
I ) Sauerkraut Salad 245 ( I ), 106
IV ) Snow Pea and Tomato Salad 113 ( IV ) Spinach Mold 253 ( I ) Spinach Salad Bowl 244 ( I ) Spinach Salad 264 ( II )
.......... .. .. .. .. ......... ..
( I ) Oriental












Stay Crisp Salad ...... .................... 244 ( I ) Superb Spinach Salad ............ ... 204 (Ill) Sweet-Sour Spinach Salad 264 ( II )
11 O ( IV ) Tomatoes Toccato 114 ( IV )
Salad 205 ( 111 )
Salad ..................... 263, 267 (II) SANDWICHES (also see Barbecue)
Pear Sandwich ...... ....... 296 (II) Baked Chicken Sandwiches ....... 109 ( Ill ) Baked Crabmeat Sandwiches 223 ( I )
Turkey Melt Sandwich ....... ............. ............. 96 ( IV ) Broiled Tuna-Egg Sandwiches 111 (Ill) Cheesy Tuna Sandwich Spread 95 (IV) Chicken and Chutney Pitas 96 ( IV )
Hollandaise Sandwich .... 225 ( I )
Beef Sandwiches 20 ( I ) Combination Ham Sandwiches ..112 ( 111 )
Beef Bar-B-Q 92 ( IV )
Meat Burgers 95 ( IV )
Meat Hot Sandwiches ......... 223 ( I )
Monsieur ( French Grilled Sandwich with Sauce )...... .. .... .45 (Ill) Deviled Hamburgers 111 ( Ill ) Easy Beef and Slaw Special 94 (IV) Easy Oven Beef Barbeque for Sandwiches 93 (IV) Fast Ham Vegetable Sandwich 94 (IV) Golden Shrimp Sandwiches .. ...... 246 ( II ) Gourmet Sandwich Spread 248 ( II )
Bunwiches ...... ..... ................ 225 (I)
Side Bread ..................... ..246 (II)
Sandwich Loaf 22 ( I ) Hot Brown Sandwich 244 (II) Hot Dog Surprises ......... .... ... ... .... .224 ( I ) Hot Ham and Cheese Sandwiches 16 (Ill) Hot Ham Sandwiches .................. 247 (II) Hot Vegetarian Sandwiches 96 (IV) Little Pizzas 224 ( I ) Openface Hamburger Sandwiches 224 ( I )
Burgers ... ..... ..... ..... .... ... ..... 247 (II)
Sandwiches 224 ( I )
Pronto ..... ............ ih 109 (Ill)
Italian Beef for Sandwiches .................. :..... 92 ( IV) Sliced Beef with Wine for Sandwiches 93 ( IV ) Combined Index 339 Sloppy Joe Burgers/ Seasoning Mix 245 ( II ) Sloppy Joes 112 (Ill) Southern Pork Barbeque Sandwiches 94 ( IV ) Spicy Italian Beef for Sandwiches 92 ( IV ) Stromboli. 94 (IV) Stromboli Sandwiches .. ............... 248 ( II ) Tacowitches 111 (Ill) Tastes Like Chicken Tuna Salad Sandwiches ... ... ......... .............. 95 (IV) Tuna Coneys Delight... ....... .......... 223 ( I ) Tuna Puff Sandwiches ......... .. ..... 246 ( II ) Turkey Taste Teasers 248 (II) Valpo Guild Spanish Hamburger ( Crowd ) 188 ( II ) SAUCES For Desserts Betsy's Hard Sauce 1O ( I ) Blueberry Sauce 150 ( II ) Brown Sugar Hard Sauce ...... ...... 142 ( I ) Butterscotch Orange Sauce ... ........ 68 ( I ) Caramel Sauce ....... ..... 145 (I), 229 (Ill) Chocolate Sundae Sauce 145 ( I ) Crimson Raspberry Sauce 234 (Ill) For Dessert Fudge Sauce, Ice Cream Parlor Style .. ... .. .. ...... .............. 150 ( II ) Homemade Sweetened Condensed Milk .. ................. ..319 ( Ill ) Honey Syrup 66 (Ill) Hot Cinnamon Sauce For Pies 153 ( I ) Hot Fudge Chocolate Sauce 150 (II) Hot Fudge Sauce ......... 145 ( I ), 250 ( Ill ) Michigan Sauce .. ......... 66 (Ill) Microwave Butterscotch Sauce 307 (Ill) Microwave Cranberry Orange Sauce .. ....... .............. 279 ( IV ) Mint Syrup 150 (II) Peach Sundaes with Brandied Caramel Sauce 239 ( IV )
and Honey-Nutmeg Sauce 123 (Ill) Quick Fudge Sauce ... ..... ........... 238 ( IV ) Rum Sauce 90 (I) , 60, 129 (Ill) Sailor Duff Sauce 255 (Ill) Simple Sundae Sauce ....... ........ 239 ( IV ) Strawberries De Luxe 84 ( I ) Warm Butter Sauce · 147 ( II )

340 Combined Index

For MeatsNegetables/Pasta

Barbeque Basting Sauce for Fish

Basting Sauce


184 ( IV )

179 ( 111 )

Bechamel Sauce 21 O ( I )

Blender Hollandaise 296 ( II )

Brown Sauce .. ............................ 141 (Ill)

Camp Ham Glaze 278 ( IV )

Chili Sauce

309, 311 (II)

Cognac Cream Sauce ................. 183 ( II )

Cranberry Ham Sauce 279 ( IV )

Fast Fresh Salsa







( IV )

( IV )

Hot Mustard .................. ........ 38 , 179 (Ill)

King Edward Sauce 197 (Ill)

Marinade for Flank Steak ............

Marinade or Barbecue Sauce for Poultry

( 11 )

217 ( II )

Mexican Hot Sauce .... .. ...... .. ....... 310 ( II)

Millie's Spaghetti Sauce

Mushroom Sauce
























190 ( IV )

152, 168 (Ill)

( IV )



( Ill )

( II )

( IV )

( Ill )

( Ill )


( II )




Barbecue Sauce ............ ............. 180
( II )
Sauce 142
Cucumber Dill Sauce 184
Glaze .. ................ ...... .... 173
.. ......... 206
IV )
Wine Sauce
II )
for Fish
... .177
Mustard ........................... 217
( II )
Seasoning Sauce 273
Mustard Sauce
Sauce 38
Barbecue Sauce 180
Catsup 311
Sauce for Ham
Sauce (Crowd) 309
Cheese Sauce ............ 206
( IV )
Cream Horseradish Sauce 150
IV )
Ham Sauce 217 (II)
Tomato Kraut 289
II )
Sauerkraut.. 222
Sauerkraut Balls 38
Skillet Dinner .................. 181
Sauerkraut.. ................ 195
( I )
Ukraine 54
Noodle ................................54 (Ill)
Salad 202
111 ) Pork Applesauce Kraut Bake 221 ( II ) Reuben Casserole 192 ( II ) Reuben Dip 26 ( IV ) Sauerkraut Bean Soup 86 ( IV ) Sauerkraut Cake ............................ 79 ( I ) Sauerkraut Relish ,.... ........ ...... ...... 245 (I) Sauerkraut Salad 245 ( I ), 106 ( IV) Sauerkraut Special : 264 (I) Slovak Sauerkraut.. .. ..... ............. 288 ( II ) SAUSAGE Apples with German Bratwurst... .. 55 (Ill) Cherokee Salami 204 (II) Corn Sausage Chowder 86 ( IV ) Country Sausage Dinner .......... .152 ( IV ) Easy -Pour Pizza 156 ( Ill ) Emmet's Italian Pizza 51 (Ill) Hearty Italian "Chili" 83 ( IV ) Kielbasa Casserole 205 ( II ) Kielbasa-Pasta Salad 206 (Ill) Make-A-Meal Soup ...................... 83 ( IV ) Polish Sausage Platter 151 ( IV) Pork Sausage Casserole Supreme .. .. ........ ..... 197 ( I ) Pork Sausage Dressing 218 ( '1) Sausage Balls 85 (Ill) Sausage Bread 130 ( 111 ) Sausage Patties .............. .. ............ 39 ( II ) Sausage Quiche 212 (II) Summer Sausage ........ ............... 204 ( II ) Sunday Sausage Bake ................ 72 ( IV ) Sweet and Sour Sausages 24 ( I ) Triple D Italian Casserole 151 ( IV ) Wurst Kuchen 54 (Ill) SEAFOOD (also see Crab, Lobster, Shrimp, and Tuna) Amelia's Fillet of Flounder 177 ( IV ) Ann's Salmon Pate 21 ( IV ) Arlene's Special Seafood Salad 122 ( IV ) Asparagus-Fish Casserole 232 ( I ) Auckland Green Clam Chowder ...... .................. .40 ( Ill ) Baked Fish with Ga u:Jen Vegetable Stuffing .... 175 (Ill) Batter for- Deep-Fat Frying Fish 179 ( Ill ) Cajun Crawfish Etouffee 180 ( IV ) Carolina Catfish Gumbo 42 ( Ill ) Cheese Souffle with Salmon/Spinach Variations 208 (II)
Combined Index 341 Clam Chowder 52 (II), 103 (Ill) Sole Orientale ..............................230 ( I ) Clam Chowder-Noah's Ark 85 (IV) Southern Seafood Chowder 85 ( IV ) Clam Cocktail ................................ 30 ( II ) Spinach and Oysters 172 (Ill) Clam Dip 29 ( 11 ) Stuffed Flounder 177 (Ill) Curried Cod-Potato Skillet .. ....... 175 ( IV ) Super Fish Puffs 176 ( Ill ) Fish au Gratin ............................. 175 (Ill) Wisconsin Fish Boil 179 ( IV ) Fish Bar-B-Que 232 ( I ) Fish Chowder 53 (II) SHRIMP Fish 'n Chips 244 ( II ) Baked Crab-Shrimp Fish Soup .. ..................... 29 ( I ), 103 ( Ill ) Potato Salad 173 ( 111 ) Flounder Florentine 238 ( II ) Baked Shrimp Haddock-Shrimp Casserole 239 ( II ) with Garlic and Herbs ............ 186 ( IV ) Halibut in Sour Cream Bayou Country Shrimp with Mushrooms ............ .. ...... .. .231 (I) Jambalaya 227 ( I ) Herring Salad Spread 33 ( H) Chinese Fried Rice Hot Clam Dip .. ............................... 29 ( II ) with Shrimp and Eggs .' 181 (IV) Hot Clam Triangles ........ .... .... .. .. ... 29 ( II ) Chinese Shrimp Hot Seafood Casserole 239 ( II ) and Vegetable Soup ................ 84 ( IV ) Key West Mackerel ...................... 59 (Ill) Crab and Shrimp Casserole 173 ( 111 ) Lake Michigan Curry Shrimp Skillet ................... .240 ( II ) Smoked Salmon Salad 59 (Ill) Easy Shrimp Dip 19 ( IV ) Lemon-Baked Fish (Crowd) ..... 313 ( Ill ) Golden Shrimp Casserole 241 ( II ) Lemon-Pepper Catfish ............... 176 ( IV ) Golden Shrimp Sandwiches 246 (II) Linguini with Clams .................... 172 ( Ill ) Haddock-Shrimp Casserole ....... .239 ( II ) Lo-Cal Scallops 171 ( 111 ) Heavenly Shrimp Ball 40 ( II ) Long Beach Sea Food ................. 227 ( I ) Herbed Chicken-Shrimp Bake 230 (II) Marinateg Fish Steaks 176 ( 111 ) Hot Shrimp Dip .............................. 40 (II) Marinated Smoked Salmon ....... 178 ( IV ) Hot Shrimp Microwave Fish Tips 185 ( IV ) Hors d'oeuvres 23 ( I ), 41 ( II ) Oven Fish with Spinach 177 ( IV ) Macaroni Combination Salad 249 ( I ) Oyster Stuffing .............................218 ( I ) Party Shrimp Dip ............................ 23 ( I ) Salmon Mold 249 ( I.) Potted Shrimp 24 ( I ) Salmon Mousse Buffet Salad 124 ( IV ) Shrimp and Cheese Dinner 229 ( I ) Salmon Mousse .......................... 258 ( II ) Shrimp and Crab Casserole ...... 182 ( IV ) Salmon Party Ball .. ........................ 37 (II) Shrimp and Egg Foo Yong .......... 241 (II) Salmon Patties 244 ( II ) Shrimp Artichoke Casserole 184 ( IV ) Salmon with Olive- Shrimp Awaiting Bar-B-Q ............... 23 ( I ) Cheese Sauce ......................... 230 ( I ) Shrimp Butter .. .. .. .. .... .. .................. .24 ( I ) Sauce for Fish .............. .. ............ 177 ( Ill ) Shrimp Casserole ....................... 174 (Ill) Scallop-Salmon Kabobs 178 ( IV ) Shrimp Crab Casserole 183 ( IV ) Scalloped Oysters ........................ 229 ( I ) Shrimp Creole .... ...... .................... 229 ( I ) Scallops Supreme 182 ( IV ) Shrimp Cucumber Dip .................. .41 ( II ) Seafood Caribbean Goulash 39 ( II ) Shrimp Dip 87 (Ill) Seafood Chowder 84 ( IV ) Shrimp Jambalaya ....................... 270 ( I ) Seafood in Ramekins 228 ( I ) Shrimp Mold 250 ( I ) Seafood Lasagna ........................ 238 ( II ) Shrimp Remoulades ......................... 9 ( I ) Seafood Newburg (Crowd ) (Ill) Shrimp Rice Pie ...... .. ................. 185 ( IV ) Seafood Party Dish 239 ( II ) Shrimp Scampers 41 ( II ) Seafood Stir-Fry ......................... 181 (IV) Shrimp Scampi ........................... 174 (Ill) Shrimp-Lobster-Wild Rice Shrimp Spread .............................87 (Ill) Casserole 226 ( I ) Shrimp Stuffed Eggplant 292 ( II ) Sole Fillets with Crab Sauce 230 ( I ) Shrimp Wheels .. ............................ 40 ( II )
Shrimp-Ham Gumbo Salad 259 ( II ) Hearty Vegetable Beer Soup 55 ( II ) Shrimp-Lobster- Homemade Canned Soup Wild Rice Casserole 226 (I) Substitutes 191-192 (IV) Simply Great Shrimp Salad 123 ( IV ) Kartoffel Suppe ( Potato Soup ) 53 ( II ) Skewered Shrimp Leek Soup 104 (Ill) with Apricot Glaze 186 ( IV ) Lentil Soup 55 ( II ) Super Shrimp Spread 20 ( IV ) Lentil Super Soup J06 (Ill) Lentil-Barley Stew 28 (Ill) SOUPS/STEWS Lobster Bisque 226 ( I ), 104 ( Ill ) Albondigas ( Meatball Soup ) .42 ( 111 ) Low Calorie Broccoli Soup ........... 87 ( IV ) Auckland Green Clam Chowder ..40 (Ill) Low Calorie Blumenkohl Suppe .49 ( II ) Creamy Mushroom Soup 89 ( IV ) Bread Bowl Tip 88 (IV) Make-A-Meal Soup ...................... 83 ( IV ) Broccoli Soup .. ... .......... .... .. .......... 87 ( IV ) Mexican Beef Vegetable Soup 77 (IV) Broccoli-Corn Chowder 87 ( IV ) Minestrone ................. .......... ... ...... 54 ( II ) Brunswick Stew .49 ( II ) Minnesota Beer Cheese Soup .... .40 (Ill) Carolina Catfish Gumbo .42 (Ill) Mushroom and Onion Soup 104 (Ill) Cheesy Chowder. .......................... 50 ( II ) Navy Bean Soup 30 ( I ) Cherry-Dumpling Soup 29 ( I ) New Zealand Pumpkin Soup ....... 90 ( IV ) Chicken Egg Drop Soup 29 ( I ) No Peek Stew 178 (I) Chicken Stock 78 (IV) Old Fashioned Bean Soup 50 ( II ) Chili Soup ...................................... 51 (II) Oven Beef Stew 178 ( I ) Chili ...................... ..... ........ 31 (I), 51 (II) Polish Beef Barley Soup ..... .... ..... 77 ( IV ) Chinese Shrimp and Potato Soup with Vegetables 88 ( IV ) Vegetable Soup .. .. .... ... .. ... .. ..... 84 (IV) Quick Corn Curry Soup ....... .......... 51 ( II ) Clam Chowder 52 (II), 103 (Ill Roman Style Bean Soup 86 ( IV ) Clam Chowder-Noah's Ark ........ 85 (IV) Sauerkraut Bean Soup .. .... ..... ... .. 86 ( IV ) Cold Strawberry Soup 280 ( IV ) Savory Beef Stew 133 ( IV ) Corn Sausage Chowder 86 ( IV ) Savory Chicken Soup 78 ( IV ) Cream of Carrot-Cheddar Soup 27 ( Ill ) Seafood Chowder ........................ 84 ( IV ) Cream of Corn Soup 17 ( Ill ) Slovak Potato-Mushroom Soup 89 ( IV ) Cream of Wild Rice Soup 108 ( 111 ) Soup Avgolemono 78 (IV) Creme of Peanut Soup 52 ( II ) Soupe au Pistou 29 (Ill) Crockpot Vegetarian Southern Seafood Chowder 85 ( IV ) Barley Soup 107 (Ill) Squash Soup ... .... .... ....... ....... ... ... 90 ( IV ) Dilled Chicken Stew Julienne 150 (Ill) Vegetable Chowder 79 (IV) Stupflgoetta 32 ( I ) Dutch Split-Pea Soup .41 (Ill) Swedish Kalops Egg-Drop Asparagus Soup .41 ( Ill ) (Beef Stew with Sour Cream) 177 ( I ) Fish Chowder 53 ( II ) Sweetheart Soup 106 (Ill) Fish Soup 29 (I), 103 (Ill Tomato Soup ... ... ............. ............ 91 (IV) Frucht Suppe 30 ( I ) Tripes Clementine 226 ( II ) Fruit Soup 280 ( IV ) Turkey Soup 105 (Ill) Fruit Soup 56 ( II ) Vegetable Soup ............. 31 (I), 107 (Ill) German Goulash Soup ................ 76 ( IV ) Vegetarian Barley Soup 107 ( Ill ) Golden Stew 178 ( I ) Wild Rice Soup 108 ( Ill ) Gram's Linsen Soup (Crowd) 315 ( Ill ) Winter Vegetable Stew 28 (Ill) Grandma's Lentil Soup ........ .......... 54 ( II ) Zucchini Soup 105 (Ill) Great Cabbage Soup .......... .......... 50 ( II ) Greek Beef Stew ............. ........... 133 (IV) SPINACH Hamburger Soup 105 ( 111 ) Artichoke-Spinach Casserole .... 203 ( IV ) Hearty Beef Barley Soup ....... ... ... 76 ( IV ) Baked Spinach or Broccoli 265 ( I )
Combined Index 343 Cheese Souffle Squash Soup 90 ( IV ) with Spinach Variation ............ 208 ( II ) Stuffed Acorn Chicken-Spinach Casserole 169 ( 111 ) Squash 203 (II), 193 (Ill) Chinese Salad 204 (Ill) Yellow Spaghetti Squash 204 ( IV ) Crepes with Spinach Filling 102 ( 111 ) Zucchini Appetizers 80 (Ill) Easy Spinach Pie 74 (IV) Zucchini Bars 285 ( Ill ) Hot Cheese Spinach ..................... 28 ( II ) Zucchini Bread .............. ...... ... ..... .. 88 (II) Layered Spinach ......................... 289 ( II ) Zucchini Casserole ....................... 267 (I) Louisiana Spinach ........................ 266 ( I ) Zucchini Jack .............................. 291 ( II ) Low-Cal Spinach Lasagne 189 ( IV ) Zucchini Meat Casserole 203 ( II ) Oriental Salad 243 ( I ) Zucchini Mexicali 205 ( IV ) Oriental Spinach Salad 109 ( IV ) Zucchini Oatmeal Muffins ····v···... 38 (IV) Pork and Spinach Manicotti. 147 ( IV ) Zucchini Pie 31 ( Ill ) Saucy Spinach 265 ( I ) Zucchini Relish 308 ( II ) Spanakopeta 47 ( Ill ) Zucchini Salad 263, 267 (II) Spinach and Ham Roll-Ups 148 ( IV ) Zucchini Soup 105 ( 111 ) Spinach and Oysters 172 (Ill) Zucchini Tea Loaf 87 (II) Spinach Balls 79 (Ill) Zucchini. 193 ( 111 ) Spinach Casserole 267 ( I ), 289 ( II ) Spinach Elegant 266 ( I ) STRAWBERRY Spinach Mold ..... ...... .......... .......... 253 ( I ) Banberry Pie .......... ...................... 155 ( I ) Spinach Quiche Dijon 100 (Ill) Cold Strawberry Soup 280 ( IV ) Spinach Quiche 100 (Ill), 74 (IV) Fresh Strawberry Pie 160 ( I ) Spinach Salad Bowl ..................... 244 ( I ) Frosty Strawberry Dessert ........... 137 ( I ) Spinach Salad with Cottage Cheese Frozen Strawberry Torte 92 ( I ) Dressing 11 O ( IV ) Grandma Schwartzkopf's Spinach Salad ..................... 264, 269 ( II ) Strawberry Pie .. ..... ... ....... .......176 ( II ) Spinach Souffle Luscious Strawberry Salad ......... 255 (II) with Spinach Sauce 207 ( II ) Red Raspberry, Strawberry Spinach Souffle 265 ( I ) and Blueberry Jam 305 ( II ) Spinach Spaghetti Ring ............... 207 (II) Soft Meringue with Strawberries .140 ( II ) Spinach Spread/Dip 78 (Ill) Strawberries De Luxe 84 ( I ) Spinach-Mushroom Casserole ... 190 (Ill) Strawberries ......... ........................ 103 ( I ) Spinach-Wild Rice Casserole ... .204 ( IV ) Strawberry and Spinach Salad 109 ( IV ) Strawberry and Spinach Salad 109 ( IV ) Strawberry Bread 133 ( 111 ) Superb Spinach Salad 204 (Ill) Strawberry Butter ....................... 282 ( IV ) Sweet-Sour Spinach Salad ......... 264 (II) Strawberry Crunch Cake ............. 140 ( 11 ) Strawberry Fluff Torte 162 ( II ) SPREADS (see Dips/Spreads) Strawberry Fluff... 244 ( Ill ) Strawberry Jam 306 ( II ) SQUASH (also see Pumpkin) Strawberry Jello Delight ......... ..... 161 ( II ) Baked Stuffed Yellow Squash 203 ( II ) Strawberry Pie 159 ( I ) Baked Zucchini. 194 ( 111 ) Strawberry Royale 243 (Ill) Breast of Chicken with Zucchini and Strawberry Shortcut Cake 67 ( I ) Mushrooms 153 (IV) Strawberry Swirl ... ... .............. ... ... 155 ( II )
and Zucchini ................ ... (II) Strawberry Tarts Italian Zucchini Quiche 1. •.. 98 (Ill) in Orange Pastry Shells 141 ( II ) Mexican Squash ..... ...... ............. 204 ( IV ) Strawberry Torte ............................ 91 ( I ) Quick and Easy Zucchini Relish .194 ( 111 ) Strawberry Trifle 146 ( II ) Sauteed Zucchini 291 (II) Strawberry-Rhubarb Conserve .. 198 ( 111 )
Casserole -"1 ···290 (II)
Ring 290 ( II )
344 Combined Index STUFFING Frozen Tomato Sauce 311 ( II ) Casserole Bread Dressing ......... 181 ( Ill ) Garlic Tomatoes .......... .... .... ....... 192 ( 111 ) Danish Bread Stuffing 226 ( II ) Green Tomato Relish 308 ( II ), 195 ( Ill ) Fruit-Nut Dressing for Fowl .... ...... 219 ( I ) Grilled Tomatoes 192 (Ill) Garden Vegetable Stuffing ......... 175 (Ill) Hearth Healthy Mom 's Poultry Stuffing 235 ( II ) Chicken Casserole ................ 170 ( IV ) Oyster Stuffing 218 ( I ) Hurry-Up Tomato Aspic 270 ( II ) Pork Sausage Dressing 218 ( I ) Marinated Tomatoes 114 (IV) Stuffing for Large Turkey .............. 218 ( I ) Mary Metchenberg's Green Tomato Bread ............. ... 87 (II) SWEET ROLLS/DOUGHNUTS Okra and Tomatoes ....... ......... .... 291 (II) Apple Doughnuts 73 (II) Snow Pea and Tomato Salad 113 ( IV) Apple Fritters ... ... ... .. ....... ................ 39 ( I ) Stewed Tomato Casserole 205 (IV) Beignets 65 (Ill) Tally-Ho Tomatoes ....................... 267 (I) Breakfast Cinnamon- Tom ato Aspic 253 ( I ) Raisin Rolls ............................... 76 ( II ) Tomato Catsup 311 ( II ) Buttermilk Doughnuts 37 ( I ) Tomato Coulis .. ..... ... .... .... ... ....... 187 ( IV) Butterscotch Rolls ... ....... ... .. ....... 129 ( 111 ) Tomato Preserves 198 (Ill) Caramel Pecan Rolls ............... ..... 69 ( II ) Tomato Sauce for Ham 217 ( II ) Cream Puffs ............................ ..... 68 (Ill) Tomato Soup ... ............ .. ....... ....... 91 (IV) Crullers 37 (I) Tom ato Soup Cake 80 ( I ) Danish Pastry .. .. .............. .............. 81 ( II ) Tomato Surprise 203 (Ill) Danish Rolls ................................. 62 ( IV ) Tomato Wedges Provencal. ........ 290 (II) Delicious Danish 80 ( II ) Filled Butter Horns 128 ( 111 ) TORTES Fluffy Rolls ................................. 127 (Ill) Almond Torte ............................... 166 (II) Giant Cinnam-m-m-on Rolls ...... .. 61 ( IV ) Blitz Torte ................................... 237 (Ill) Golden Raisin Buns .... .. .. .. ... ...... 125 ( 111 ) Blueberry Torte 160 ( II ) Hot Cross Buns .. ......... .......... .. .. .128 (Ill) Cherry Port Angel Food Torte 86 ( I ) Italian Honey Bubbles ...... ... ... .. .... 66 (Ill) Cherry Top Cheese Torte .. ........ 230 (IV) Kol ace 36 ( I ) Cherry Torte ( 2 ) 85 (I) Malasadas Chocolate Coffee-Toffee Torte ..216 (IV) (Portuguese Doughnuts ) .......... 36 (I) Chocolate Nut Torte .......................86 ( I ) Never-Fail Raised Doughnuts ........ 37 ( I ) Chocolate Potato Torte .................. 87 (I) Orange Butter Rolls 127 (Ill) Chocolate Raspberry Praline Rolls 64 ( IV ) Yogurt Torte 217 (IV) Rum Buns ................. .................... ?? (II) Chocolate Torte .... ... ..... .............. 242 (Ill) Snowflakes 38 ( I ) Cinnamon Lemon Torte 225 ( IV ) Sour Cream Twists 81 ( II ) Date Nut Torte 143 (II) Sourdough Cinnamon Rolls ....... 118 ( 111 ) Fig-Date-Nut Torte .............. ........... 87 (I) Spudnuts 76 ( II ) Forgotten Dessert Swedish Butter Horns 38 ( I ) ( Schaum Torte ) .... .................. 132 ( I ) Sweet Rolls ......... .... ................... .. .80 ( II ) Frozen Chocolate Torte 153 ( II ) Taffy Apple Rolls .45 (I) Frozen Strawberry Torte 92 (I) Tomatoes Toccato 114 ( IV ) Grasshopper Torte ...................... 167 ( II ) Hazelnut Torte ................... ............. 87 (I) TOMATO Helen Kapsa's Delicious Torte 238 ( Ill ) Apple-Tomato Relish 307 (II) Lady Finger-Rum Torte .................. 92 ( I ) Bacon Tomato Kraut ....... .. .......... 289 (II) Man-Pleaser Cherry Torte .............. 85 (I) Belgian Tom atoes ..... .. ..... .......... 114 ( IV ) Milwaukee Cake 88 ( I ) Cherry Tomato Serving Tip 205 (IV) Orange Torte 239 (Ill) Fresh-Like Tomatoes ..... ........... .275 (IV) Pineapple No-Bake Torte ... .... .... .160 ( II )

Pineapple Torte 161, 166 (II), 240 (Ill)

Pink Sugar Wafer Torte 156 ( II )

Poppy Seed Torte .......................... 89 (I)

Pretzel Torte 239 ( Ill )

Pumpkin Date Torte 165 ( II )

Pumpkin Torte with Rum Sauce ..... 90 ( I )

Pumpkin Torte .............. 89 ( I ), 241 ( Ill )

Raspberry Angel Torte 156 (II)

Raspberry Cheese Torte ........... 235 (IV)

Refrigerated Lemon Torte 88 ( I )

Rhubarb Torte 240 (Ill)

Soda Cracker Torte ........................90 (I)

Sour Cream Torte 167 ( II )

Strawberry Fluff Torte 162 ( II )

Strawberry Torte 91 ( I )

Swiss Chocolate Torte 238 (Ill)


Avocado Hot Dish 242 ( II )

Broiled Tuna-Egg Sandwiches ... 111 (Ill)

California Chicken Pie ................ 178 ( Ill )

Cheesy Tuna Sandwich Spread 95 ( IV )

Chicken or Albacore Tuna

Rice Salad ............................. 122 ( IV )

Chinese Casserole 232 ( I )

Jello Tuna Salad ......................... 259 ( 11 )

Scalloped Potato and Tuna Casserole 243 (II)

Tastes Like Chicken Tuna Salad Sandwiches ............................. 95 ( IV )

Tuna Coneys Delight.. 223 ( I )

Tuna Fish Pie with Cheese Roll Crust.. 243 ( II )

Tuna on-a-Shoestring 205 (Ill)

Tuna Puff Sandwiches 246 (II)

Tuna Salad 250 ( I )

Tuna-Cauliflower Casserole 177 ( 111 )

Tuna-Tofu Patties ....................... 178 (Ill)

Two-Cheese Tuna Delight 242 ( II )



( IV )

Breadless Turkey Melt Sandwich 96 ( IV )

Chicken or Turkey Casserole ..... 170 ( Ill )

Chicken or Turkey Loaf.. .............. 214 ( I )

Crunchy Turkey

Salad 310 (Ill), 120 (IV)

Curried Turkey and Wild Rice ..... 236 ( II )

Family Reunion Chow Mein 174 (IV)

Five Spice Turkey Legs ......... .... 171 ( IV )


( IV )

Turkey or





( I )

( II )


( Ill )

Baked Egg Scramble 70
for a Shower
Combined Index 345 Hot Turkey or Chicken Salad Souffle 213 ( I ) Lickety-Split Turkey Breast ........ 171 ( IV ) Oven-Easy Italian Meatballs ...... 172 ( IV ) Peach Turkey Medley Salad 119 ( IV ) Stacki-Uppi 173 ( IV ) Turkey and Stuffing Brunch Bake 75 ( IV ) Turkey Chili .................................. 79
IV )
Cooked on Outside Grill 237 ( II ) Turkey Fiesta ............................. 172
IV ) Turkey Lime Mold 250
Salad .... ......
Chicken Curry 236
or Chicken Salad Supreme 208
Scallop 236
( II )
Soup 105
Taste Teasers 248
Turkey Tetrazzini ......................... 237
Wild Rice Turkey Dish 170
VEAL Almond-Veal lmperial 163 (Ill) Golden-Browns ............................ 184 ( I ) Individual Meat Loaves ................ 196 ( I ) Old World Veal 201 ( I ) Party Veal Chops ......... ..... ........... 200 ( I ) Veal and Pork Casserole ............ 225 ( II ) Veal Chausseur 200 ( I )
Julienne 201
I ) Veal Parmigiano 202 (I) Veal Piccata 146 (IV) Veal Scallopini : 162 (Ill) Veal Scaloppine 146 ( IV ) Veal Stew with Dumplings 164 ( Ill )
(also see specific kinds) Brussel Sprouts in Sour Cream .194
California V!3getable Pie 145
IV ) Cambridge Pine Nut Roast... ..... 187
IV ) Caramel Onions 198 ( IV) Celery Amandine 197
IV )
Onion Vegetable Combo .................. 199 ( IV) Chicken Vegetable Stir-Fry 163
IV )
Shrimp and Vegetable Soup ....................... 84 ( IV ) Connoisseur's Casserole 189 ( Ill ) Eggplant Casserole ........... ... .... .... 261 ( I ) Eggplant Parmesan 197 ( IV )
(Ill) Turkey


























i 346 Combined Index Fabulous French Fried Wild Rice Soup 108 (Ill) Onion Rings .. ....... ... ... .......... .. 200 ( IV ) Wild Rice Turkey Dish 170 ( Ill ) Far East Celery ............................ 260 ( I ) French Fried Onions 262 ( I ) YOGURT Frozen Vegetable Casserole ....... 293 (II) Apricot Yogurt Filling Golden Baked Onions .. ... ........ ... 198 ( IV ) for Crepes 22 (Ill) Healthful Vegetable Dinner 196 ( IV ) Cucumbers with Yogurt 242 (I) Hearty Vegetable Beer Soup 55 ( II ) Easy Yogurt ....... ... ........................ 34 ( Ill ) Hot Vegetarian Sandwiches ....... .96 (IV) Suggested Additions for Yogurt 33 (Ill) Lee's Vegetable Rice Marinara 208 ( IV ) Yogurt Dressing ........................... 31 ( Ill ) Lentil Pilaf ...... .. ..... ... ......... ........ .207 ( IV ) Yogurt Jello Salad ........ ....... .. .. .... 257 (II) Marinated Brussel Sprouts ......... 185 ( II I ) Yogurt Marinated Chicken Broil 32 (Ill) Mexican Beef Vegetable Soup 77 (IV) Yogurt .......... .... ..... .. ...... .. ...... ... .. ... .42 ( II ) Microwave Company Vegetable Tray .. ............. ........ 304 ( Ill ) ZUCCHINI (see Squash) Mixed Italian Vegetables with Cheese Topping ............. 187 ( Ill ) Mixed Vegetable Casserole 293 ( II ) Parsnips with Orange Sauce 263
( I )
Peppers 195
( Ill )
( Ill )
Onions and Green Peppers 263
I )
Stuffed Eggplant 292
II )
Vegetables (Crowd
Vegetable Medley 195
IV )
Casserole ........................ 193
.......... .. .. .... .......... ..81 ( I )
Mornay 293
( II
Pilaf 207
Soup 31
(I), 107 (Ill)
Fry Medley 199
( IV )
Chili 82
( IV )
Pizza ................................ 24
Vegetable Stew 28
(Ill) WILD
of Wild Rice Soup 108
Turkey and Wild Rice 236
II )
(Ill) Curried
Wild Rice .................... 271 ( I )
Wild Rice 294 ( II )
-Wild Rice Casserole
..... ......... .226 ( I
Rice Casserole 204
( IV )
Wild Rice Pilaf ....................... 206
( IV )
Rice and Hamburger Casserole 180
( I )
Rice Broccoli
( II )
Rice Casserole 272
(I), 181 (Ill)
Rice Hot Dish ....................... 271
I )
Rice Meatballs 147
Favorite Recipes 347
Favorite Recipes
Favorite Recipes 349
350 Favorite Recipes
Favorite Recipes 351
Favorite Recipes

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