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Benchmarking is Essential for Your VA & UM Success

Robert T. Yokl, President/CEO, SVAH Solutions

Ignore the Value of Benchmarking at Your Own Peril

We have found that benchmarking, or the search for all industries’ best practices, is the best technique we know of to improve your value analysis and utilization management performance. Likewise, without benchmarking you will never know if you are at your best in all areas of value analysis and utilization management. For instance, how many hospitals have value analysis steering committees to guide their VA program? What are the ideal number of training hours that our value analysis team requires to be proficient? How many hospitals have bought the medical device we are considering buying? What is the IV set utilization cost of hospitals our same size and with similar operating characteristics? These are just a few benchmarking questions that can’t be answered with any other technique. So, ignore the value of benchmarking at your own peril.

Why Isn’t Benchmarking More Popular?

As we see it, benchmarking has been unpopular in supply chain circles because their metrics have too often been wrong for the following reasons:


Robert T. Yokl

Didn’t compare apples to apples: We have observed benchmarks that compared a 300-bed community hospital with a 770-bed university teaching hospital, thus, negating the relevance of this data. This can happen when artificial intelligence is employed instead of human intelligence to select the parameters for the benchmarking exercise.

Benchmarking: The search for all industries’ best practices that lead to superior performance

Errors in the data: Many times, there are errors in the hospital’s data that is given to the benchmarking agency. Or the agency doesn’t perform quality control checks on the data given them. Either way, your benchmarks could be flawed.

Lack of context: Not knowing how your benchmarking partners or peers achieve their benchmark (i.e., processes, practices, procedures, etc.) makes it difficult to pinpoint meaningful areas of improvement.

Measurement issues: Sometimes it is hard to find a match for a benchmark because your metrics are unique. For instance, if you measure your telecommunication cost with a metric of cost by employee, your benchmarking partner or peer hospitals might measure it by cost by (adjusted) patient day. The answer to this dilemma is to change your metric to conform to the industry standards.

As these reasons suggest, benchmarking is an art and science. If applied artfully, consistently, and carefully, benchmarking can be of enormous benefit to value analysis practitioners.

Benchmark Triangulation Can Assure The Correct Answers

Now that I told you all of the things that can go wrong with your benchmarking, here’s a technique called Benchmark Triangulation (or a series of measurements) that can assure that you obtain the correct answers to your benchmarking questions. Consequently, triangulation requires three consistent benchmarks (historical, peer, and internal) to confirm that your benchmarking exercise is giving you the correct answer. The differences between these three benchmarks are as follows:

Historical Benchmark: This is your own year-over-year metric on any parameter you are investigating, such as your own healthcare organization’s cost per lab test per discharge or number of IV sets utilized per (adjusted) patient day.

Peer Benchmark: Requesting the same metric from a hospital, system, or IDN that mirrors closely your healthcare organization’s size, type, and with similar operating characteristics.


Robert T. Yokl

Internal Benchmark: Requesting the same metrics from hospitals in your system or IDN. It’ s something we do with our CSUM software that automatically shows similar metrics from your cohort group. This should be a best practice for you, too.

The end result of this three-way comparison is that all three Triangulation Benchmarks should be very close. If not, then you need to question your peer comparison, quality of your data, or measurement issues. Generally, after reviewing these reasons for poor quality benchmarks, you will find the reason for the discrepancy. Based on our experience, it’s a matter of trial and error until you get it right.

Don’t Just Benchmark In Our Industry

We have a tendency in healthcare to only benchmark industry leaders and competitors within our own industry, instead of all industries, where applicable. This means that we could be missing some of the best practices in other industries that can be applied to our own healthcare organization. For instance, KPI benchmarks in contract management, telecommunications, inventory management, etc., that could also relate to your healthcare operations.

Achieve Superiority Over Your Peers And Competitors

We would all like to think that we have the best value analysis and utilization management program, but have you tested this assumption? Do you know where you stand against your peers and competitors? For example, how many new product, service, and technology requests are you receiving annually per hundred occupied bed? Is it within acceptable limits or do you have requisitionitis? How much are you saving annually per discharge? What is your copier utilization cost per employee? All of these and more questions can and should be answered through benchmarking before you can be reliably assured that you have achieved superior performance with your value analysis and utilization management program. However, to maintain this position, you will need to continuously benchmark with your peers and competitors to maintain that status. Then, and only then, you will be considered best in class!


Value Analysis Software Makes Your Job Easier

Robert T. Yokl, President/CEO, SVAH Solutions

Let Technology Up Your Value Analysis Game

Value analysis software is here to stay in the healthcare supply chain and there are good reasons why. Those who employ value analysis software at their hospital, system, or IDN know that it easily consolidates all of their information in one platform. This aids in vetting new product, service, and technology requests and can provide important resources for evidenced-based decisions. Slowly and surely, the days of value analysis professionals toiling with multitudes of Word documents and spreadsheets that create even more work can be behind you if you embrace and deploy one of the versions of value analysis software on the market today.

The days of toiling with Word documents & spreadsheets can be behind you.

There Is Always A Better Way

There is always a better way for value analysis professionals if they aren’t stuck in the “this is how we always did it” mode. This thinking is a recipe for disaster for those who don’t know what they don’t know because they are just too caught up in the day-to-day processing of new product requests, recalls, and GPO contract conversions to realize there is a better way.

Let’s face it, today’s value analysis professional’s job is much more challenging than it has been in the past. The dynamics have changed, the players are smarter, and your customers want better reports, better decisions, and faster response times on their new product requests. How can you improve when you are still working with spreadsheets, Word documents, or dare I say, paper documentation - yikes!

Case Study: 6,000 New Requests To Control Manually

I recently spoke to a Value Analysis Manager whose health system had processed over 6,000 new product requests the previous fiscal year. This number blew my mind since I calculated that it represented 23 new product requests a day. Even worse, this healthcare organization only had three value analysis professionals to manage all of these thousands of requests. I concurred that this task was overwhelming for these value analysis professionals and would have been a heck of a lot easier if this organization had value analysis software. Could your healthcare organization be experiencing this same challenge that value analysis software will solve? By the way, there is a happy ending to the story I just told you. The Value Analysis Manager I just spoke about is budgeting for value analysis software in 2022.

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