Student Council Elections 2016

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Student Council Elections 2016

Student Council Elections 2016 MESSAGE FROM STUDENT COUNCIL TEAM Dear students, Welcome to the Manifesto Booklet, where we have gathered all the Manifestos of our candidates. Please read through, prepare your challenging questions to the candidates and ask them during the Debates on Friday, February 26. You will receive more detailed information about the voting process via e-mail, so as for now, enjoy reading your bright ideas of your fellows candidates. We want to emphasize, that your participation is very important. Prove that you are a responsible person, responsible citizen, and responsible student of LCC International University. Get to know candidates, get to know their manifestos, make up your mind and vote – as simple as that. A future of Student Council is in your hands! Truly yours, Student Council Team

CONTENTS: Candidates for Treasurer


Candidates for Marketing Director


Candidates for Event Coordinator


Candidates for Vice President


Candidates for President



Student Council Elections 2016

TREASURER: Candidates:  Viktor Holyanych

Treasurer:     

To take care of all the financial issues of Student Council; To schedule the budget and prepare the reports on the current balance; To assist in finding the funds to enable the projects; To maintain contact with donor organizations and sponsors, including official correspondence, meetings and reporting; To make decisions regarding spending of Student Council;


Student Council Elections 2016 TREASURER: 1. Personal profile Viktor Holyanych Age: 18 Academic year: Freshmen Major: International Business Administration

Relevant Experience: -

Successfully completed online course of Microeconomics Excellent completion of Calculus I (100%) Good Microsoft Excel skills Previous experience of data analysis and personal budgeting

I use Microsoft Excel on a daily basis at my business classes, to calculate data while doing research and projects, to plan my schedule, calculate my monthly budget etc. Availability: 5 hours per week

3. Motivation I want to help Student Council community in managing financial and other resources in order to make the most efficient use of them and also in facilitating the work of Student Council. In addition, I believe that becoming a member of the Student Council team will help me acquire valuable practical skills in budgeting, planning as well as communication. This experience will be useful in my future business and family life. I am convinced that my previous experience and my character qualities make me suitable for this particular position. If I were to describe myself I would say that I am an active, hard-working, responsible and team loving individual.


Student Council Elections 2016

4. Programme statement Throughout the year, I will do my best to manage financial and other resources of Student Council in the most efficient and effective ways and I will develop new methods in calculating and allocating Student Council’s budget. I will apply my knowledge and skills acquired in the previous experience in order to cope with the responsibilities of the position of Treasurer. Having strong analytical abilities I have no doubts in my ability to schedule the budget and prepare the reports on the current balance as well as make wise decisions regarding spending of Student Council. Also, I learned how to communicate in diverse environments through volunteer projects and workshops both in Ukraine and while in the USA. This will help me to assist in finding the funds to enable the projects and also to maintain contact with donor organizations and sponsors.


Student Council Elections 2016

MARKETING DIRECTOR: Candidates:  Nino Nikabadze  Ksenia Melnikayte

Marketing Director:  

 

To develop and implement the marketing strategy for Student Council; To advertise Student Council events to the LCC International University community and non-LCC International University public; To assist with the development of Student Council website; To be responsible for LCC main website updates on Student Council events; 6

Student Council Elections 2016 MARKETING DIRECTOR:

1. Personal profile Nino Nikabadze Age: 19 Academic year: Freshman Major: International Relations and Development

Relevant Experience: [Period] [Position] [Organisation] [Professional/ Voluntary] [Major Accomplishments]

2013-2014 Organizer YES Georgia Professional Organizing events, such as simulation of MEU,NATO,MUN

[Period] [Position] [Organisation] [Professional/ Voluntary] [Major Accomplishments]

2015 summer Photographer Tourist Company – Inside Georgia Professional Use various programs, improve potography skills.

[Period] [Position] [Organisation] [Professional/ Voluntary] [Major Accomplishments]

2015 summer PR, Marketing Representative Tourist Company – Inside Georgia Professional *Gained experience and learnt how to collaborate with all members of the team and how to work with them. *Make decisions faster

[Period] [Position] [Organisation] [Professional/ Voluntary] [Major Accomplishments]

2015-present Editor Student times Voluntary *developed editing skills (making videos, posters)


Student Council Elections 2016 [Period] [Position] [Organisation] [Professional/ Voluntary] [Major Accomplishments]

2015-present Delegate, Journalist EYP Voluntary *Gathered, classified and organized the information needed to understand and solve global issues for the duration of being a delegate in EYP *Acting fast in critical situations after the EYP session

Availability: 15 hours per week 3. Motivation Being a leader is the great opportunity to express my ideas and use skills. With this power I will be able to put my effort in LCC’s community life. I’ll represent and promote information about the events which take place in LCC and outside of LCC. I presume that I have enough skills to fulfil my obligations. I’m working in excel, use Photoshop, know how to use Adobe Indesign and I can edit videos. Communication with different types of people has never been struggle for me.

4. Programme statement Promote information, support extra-curriculum activities, Work with various events which will be beneficial for LCC. -

Weekly meeting with students (cooperate with them and support them to create new projects and events).


Improve quality of production (videos, photos, posters ) I’ll help to every student and staff to promote information about their activities, events etc.


Student Council Elections 2016 MARKETING DIRECTOR: 1. Personal profile Ksenia Melnikayte Age: 21 Academic year: Senior Major: International Business Administration

2. Relevant Experience: One of the biggest experiences was the position of director in 'Student Times' for September 2014 - October 2015. The main goal was to inform LCC Community about the current events on and off campus. We were using different strategies to attract customers, keep them satisfied and loyal. We have found strategies that were working the best. Another experience I got was during CMAP in September 2014 - December 2015. We were using different strategies to attract Lithuanian high-school students including video marketing, email, direct marketing and etc. Also, I was the part of Mass Media team during EYP in March 2014. I have the skills to create advertisement in video, audio and visual format (including creating videos and work in Photoshop). Another skill I have is the high interest and skills to work in Google Analytics. Availability: 15 hours per week 3. Motivation Since the beginning of my LCC study I have grown a lot. I have participated in many activities including Bell Choir, Talent Nights, CMAP, Annual Academy Conference, 'Student Times', GLS, EYP and etc. Those are activities that helped me to develop in unique and diversified way. Now I am ready to make a challenge. After my graduation I am planning to work in Marketing field, and as soon as I realized it, I thought, well, if this is my field of interest, why not to combine marketing and my heritage for LCC. That is how the idea to apply for Marketing Director was created.


Student Council Elections 2016 4. Programme statement One of my biggest annual goals is to get an internship, graduate, and get a job in marketing field. Also, I am changing my citizenship to Lithuanian, and, for next year that is a very essential part for me. Why Marketing Director In Student Council? It is a great opportunity to get a real experience for my future career in terms of practice and understanding. For that I have an ability and desire to solve problems, strong skills in public speaking, good organizing skills, clear and strict time-management, analytical and strategic mindset; creative decision making. Those qualities will help me to find the best strategy for Marketing Promotion of Student Council and other events associated with it. Skills toward video, audio and visual production are also essential for promotion and the view of Students Council. I will create interactive, understandable and easy way to encourage LCC Community to participate in event held by StuCo as well as attract attention and interest of people outside the campus (including speakers, students, and investors). I will try my best to create the brand image of Student Council more reliable and trustworthy. I aim to reach the respect and willingness of LCC Community and people from outside to be involved into LCC's life and its events. I want StuCo be as respected and influential as other big groups strongly associated with LCC. I have worked on many projects and in different jobs, where the key to survival was to stay strong and have a will. I want to bring the best part of my personality and personalities of other team members into creating of Student Council into something special.


Student Council Elections 2016

EVENT COORDINATOR: Candidates:    

Marija Frenkel Solomiia Filiak Arthur Chernyshov Oleksandr Zozulia

Event Coordinator:   

  

To organize events at LCC International University; To supervise the events organizing team; To provide guidance and assist in facilitating communication between LCC administration and other community departments and leaders; To encourage students to participate in Student Council events; To look for the sponsors for different Student Council events; To organize interactive and educative workshops for LCC community.


Student Council Elections 2016 EVENT COORDINATOR: 1. Personal profile Marija Frenkel Age: 21 Academic year: Sophomore Major: Contemporary Communication

2. Relevant Experience: During high school I was organizing different events as well as hosting them. One of the biggest projects that I am still taking part in is Annual Alumna Event in my school. I also organized events such as International Women Day, New Years Eve celebration, Sports Day which were open for the Russian speaking community of my hometown. This summer I worked as an assistant in "Dvelkia Laime"- a wedding organization and decoration company. As a team we decorated and coordinated more than 7 weddings all over Lithuania. Availability: 5 hours per week 3. Motivation Since organization of events is my biggest passions and it is the main reason I choose Contemporary Communication as my major, I am willing to put all my heart and soul to what I do. I am ready to use all of my creativity and resources as well as communication skills to bring entertainment and new project to his wonderful community 4. Programme statement To make wonderful events for students to enjoy their free time from studies. Bring new projects and ideas to LCC community. To outsource location for LCC events and give the chance for the students to integrate into Klaipeda's society. 1) Brainstorm ideas of an event and its goal 2) Budget the event and find sponsors for it 3) Plan location and make arrangements 4) Coordinate people who will be involved 5) Make sure that everything goes smoothly


Student Council Elections 2016 Do not change the main idea of the existing projects but presenting it in a new, creative way. Find more sponsors for already existing project to improve their quality. While launching new initiatives it is important first to clarify its message and theme to the team members and higher ups. It is also a good idea to ask students what do they think about new projects and whether they support it Key Indicators I aim to reach:  Student satisfaction  New opportunities  Make LCC more known in Klaipeda  Attract more students


Student Council Elections 2016 EVENT COORDINATOR: 1. Personal profile Solomiia Filiak Age: 18 Academic year: Sophomore Major: International Business Administration

Relevant Experience: [Period] [Position] [Organisation] [Professional/ Voluntary] [Major Accomplishments]

[Period] [Position] [Organisation] [Professional/ Voluntary] [Major Accomplishments]

November 2014; November 2015 in charge of Talent Show decoration Student Council, LCC International University voluntary -effective team work -learn how to deal with unexpected situations -result of my work May 2013; May 2014 Interpreter guide (2013) Volunteers’ coordinator(2014) Ivano-Frankivsk Blacksmith Art community (worldwide festival of blacksmith art) voluntary -2014: effective performance of my team: goals were achieved, tasks completed -gain a lot of experience -developed my organizational as well as communication skills

Availability: Since I perceive this position as a profound step for my personal development, I am ready to dedicate as much time as it will require in order to generate a high-quality outcome from my side.


Student Council Elections 2016 3. Motivation Please outline your motivation to become a member of Student Council. As I mentioned above, I perceive this position as a great opportunity for selfdevelopment. In addition, this particular kind of job brings me huge satisfaction. The possibility of these two factors to occur simultaneously, pushes me to grab the opportunity, step out of my comfort zone, and fill in this application. I would like to mention that I am aware of the fact that this position requires huge responsibility and hard work, and I would also like to claim that I am not afraid of those two! I usually enjoy both the process and the desired outcome, especially when I have some equally energetic and dedicated people to work with.

4. Programme statement Vision: To make a difference that would contribute to the Student Council’s development. I will apply all my skills, knowledge and ability to work persistently under pressure to fulfil the established goal. Goals: - turn Student Council into a highly respected institution (both among students and staff/faculty) - establish higher standards of events’ preparation - provide a creative and productive environment - outsource innovative LCC students (reserve StuCo team) Plan: - create a subteam, responsible for events’ organization; size: up to 3 people on regular basis, up to 7 volunteers for a particular event. It gives us: student involvement in StuCo life, fresh ideas, division of labour and, in turn, high level of productivity - outsourcing for regular subteam will consist of my personal request of certain people; as for the volunteer team, the collaboration with Marketing Director is a necessity: 1. make students know about recruiting; 2.make them want to apply well-established communication with the subteams and a healthy environment within StuCo in general; the easiest way: some day offs together (importance of setting a friendly common ground from the very beginning); my task as an event coordinator: establish such kind of environment in my subteam as well as contribute to StuCo’s environment I aim to reach full dedication to the future projects as well as trust and responsibility within a team.


Student Council Elections 2016 EVENT COORDINATOR: 1. Personal profile Arthur Chernyshov Age: 17 Academic year: Freshman Major: International Business Administration

Relevant Experience: Feel free to add more positions if needed.

[Period] [Position] [Organisation] [Professional/ Voluntary] [Major Accomplishments]

2014 – 2015 Main Event Coordinator in the Lyceum Council Mariupol City Lyceum “Lyceum Council” Voluntary Organized at least several acts or plays on each Lyceum event together with Students Life Director/ Was responsible for sound and video materials, cooperation and coordination of participants and compromising with teachers.

[Period] [Position] [Organisation]

2011-2015 part of KVN team KVN team “Accidentally Together” (belonged to MCL) Voluntary in the Lyceum A lot of First places as well as second and third, on different KVN competitions outside the Lyceum/ Performed on each Lyceum big event

[Professional/ Voluntary] [Major Accomplishments]

[Period] [Position] [Organisation] [Professional/ Voluntary] [Major Accomplishments]

2014 – 2015 KVN coach Mariupol City Lyceum/ School # 63 Voluntary Trained and supervised 4 teams and each of them took first or second places in different comedy competitions


Student Council Elections 2016 [Period] [Position] [Organisation] [Professional/ Voluntary] [Major Accomplishments]

2015 (March – August) Manager and Coordinator Social Entertainment Project in Mariupol Professional position Organized 3 big professional parties and one comedy show/ Was responsible for cooperating sound and video workers, in charge for finding the place for events and also for cooperating performers to make rehearsals several times a week.

Also, I have quite a good experience in video and filmmaking, which will help me to promote events and other important meeting organized by StuCo. Availability: four hours for Office time and group meetings and a lot of time for organizing an event (as much as I will have to) [How many hours per week are you ready to dedicate to Student Council?] 3. Motivation My sincere desire to become a part of Student Council as an Event Coordinator is supported by my passion in making student life more creative, diverse, interesting and exciting. My goal is to provide such kind of events for LCC students that can take them away from their everyday routine and make them rest for a while a spend an amazing and wonderful time. 4. Programme statement For the next year at LCC I am planning to organize 5 big events: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Talent Night Lounge Comedy Blind Dates Klaipėda Quests Game Night

1 – Next year I want to change the concept of the Talent Night and make it in the form of exhibition. One of the main points there will be the fact that before the event itself nobody will know who is performing in the Talent Night, except for StuCo. And this intrigue will be kept till the beginning of the show. There participants will be standing in the row on the stage, but hidden from the audience. Audience will be seeing only covered cabins. Then, throughout the show, host will be playing with the audience, like for instance making them guess who is hiding under the curtains etc. and after that participants will reveal their identities and show their talent. The intrigue will be kept till the


Student Council Elections 2016 end of the Talent Night. 2 – Lounge Comedy is going to be a new project at LCC. It will be in the form of comedy show where performers will one by one show their comedian abilities to the audience. Point to admit here is that the whole place will look like a vintage jazz bar, which will create a cozy atmosphere and let people feel like they are in the real Also there will be elements of competition sometimes, but the comedy concept will be kept and our participants will be still entertaining the audience. 3 – As for Blind Dates, I will restore this event at LCC and keep the “old school” format. It’s going to be a competition with two stages. During the first stage participants will be divided into groups, 4 people in each(1guy and 3 girls or vice versa). These groups will go through series of questions without seeing each other. After the first stage each group will be left with 1 girl and guy. Second stage will consist of different tasks that pairs will have to go through together. According to the results, after voting, students will choose 3 best pairs that will receive 1,2 and 3 places and also Prizes! This event is also a good opportunity for students to get to know each other better and make new friends! 4 - Klaipėda Quests will be an outdoors event and the playground will not be limited by only LCC territory. It will look like a scavenger hunt where participants will be divided into the groups from 4-5 people in each but with larger verity of tasks. Participants will have to go through multiple stations and do different tasks on each. After succeeding with the task on particular station a group will be given a direction to the next station. The main goal of this game will be to reach the final station. At every station will be a person who will guide participants, give clues, hints and directions to the next station. 5 – Game Night will provide you a cozy atmosphere where you will be able to rest, play different games with other students or just have nice conversations. This event will be in Michealsen Centre and will take the whole night. There will be a lot of different playgrounds where students will be able to play packer or card games, video games contests, Mafia, Monopoly, also there will be Pillow fights or Body Art etc. To make long story, it’s going to be fun!!! Besides that I’m going to renew the Outsiders program, which will allow students to discover different parts of Klaipėda and its’ surroundings. It is my vision of how events for the next will look like, but all propositions from other students will be heard and taken into consideration as well.


Student Council Elections 2016 EVENT COORDINATOR:

1. Personal profile Oleksandr Zozulia Age: 18 Academic year: 2016-2017 Major: IBA

Relevant Experience: Feel free to add more positions if needed.

[Period] [Position] [Organisation] [Professional/ Voluntary] [Major Accomplishments]

2014-2015 Promo-coordinator MTS-Ukraine Professional Organizing promo-events for MTS-Ukraine in Nikolayev, increased sales of the product.

[Period] [Position] [Organisation] [Professional/ Voluntary] [Major Accomplishments]

2015-2016 Head of the Chess Club LCC Chess Club Voluntary Creation of the chess club, maintaining its activity

Availability: 10 hours per week 3. Motivation Please outline your motivation to become a member of Student Council. It is very pleasant to be a student in such a good place as LCC. It is a big honour to be the one who contributed in the development of the university. Despite the fact that student council is doing a great job this year, I see some opportunities to improve student life by implementing new events and modernizing old ones. I want to see LCC not as a separate place from the general community organization, but as the one, which interacts a lot with the community of Klaipeda. Also I think it is worth trying to change the existing pattern of communication among the LCC students (now students cooperate in the groups of 3 or 4, but my idea is to develop brotherhood and sisterhood among the students, so they will be able to


Student Council Elections 2016 interact in bigger groups.)So, I want to contribute in making some positive changes in my University – that is my prime reason to apply for the position of the Event Coordinator.

4. Programme statement

Key year goals • To burst the LCC bubble (To encourage better cooperation between LCC and other institutions in Klaipeda). • To improve student-to-student relationships. • To show students that Student Council is ready to deal with any problem they might have.

Plan of support/improvement of existing projects Talent night was great this year, so I do not want to change anything except of the better explanation of the story line. Outsiders is a very nice event because it serves both as an entertaining and as

Name Introsport


Standup Show. Quest

To entertain students and faculty. To entertain LCC students, to encourage the cooperation

To celebrate the beginning of the academic year and to encourage future cooperation between LCC and other educational institutions in Klaipeda.

Description Students form LCC and other Universities gather to have some food and celebrate the beginning of the academic year, some of them will take part in competitions throwing a ball in the basketball basket and do some similar activities. Students will be divided into two teams regardless of attachment to their university (it will encourage creation of the bonds between the students of different universities). Single students or teams are invited to share comic situations with the public. There will be the hidden object. The main goal is to find that object. 20 types of clues will be put in the

Place Meadow in front of LCC.

Time First part of Septemb er

Michelson Center.


LCC Campus

Novembe r + March


Student Council Elections 2016 among the students Friday Run.

student’s mailboxes. Only by organizing the groups they might find the hidden object To encourage the Students are running from students of LCC to DeFehr to the place in the lead a healthy Wood behind Maxima life-style.

Advice To develop fair student-professor relationships.

Lunch with professor.


LCC cafeteria

Event will occur each week on Fridays at 6 p.m. (will move to Michealse n center for winter time) Once per week.

Key indicators I will aim to reach 1. Students will communicate not in the small groups (3-4 students) but in bigger ones (5-10) 2. LCC will make some annual events with other institutions of Klaipeda. 3. Students, first of all, will come to the StuCo to solve the problem they have .


Student Council Elections 2016

VICE PRESIDENT: Candidates:  Nikita Kotlyarov  Viktoriia Rabcheniuk

Vice President: 

      

To attend regular meetings with the VP Academics of LCC International University and represent the student body in academic issues; To attend regular meetings with the Library Committee and represent the student body in library related issues; To attend the Academic Council meetings each month; To plan and execute the annual academic event; To network with faculty and administration; To initiate and assist with the annual graduates’ school information session organization; To substitute the President of Student Council when needed; To search for opportunities for academic advancement by communicating students’ opinion to administration and faculty.


Student Council Elections 2016 VICE PRESIDENT: 1. Personal profile Nikita Kotlyarov Age: 20 Academic year: 3rd Major: Business Administration

Relevant Experience: [Period] [Position] [Organisation] [Professional/ Voluntary] [Major Accomplishments]

2014-2015 LVP LCC Volunteer 2 stage Leader

[Period] [Position] [Organisation] [Professional/ Voluntary] [Major Accomplishments]

2015-..present Marketing Director Student Council Professional Now People aware of Stu小o

Availability: As much as it takes. 3. Motivation I was lucky enough to enjoy being a member of the Student Council as a Marketing Director. It has honestly been a very stressful, tough and a busy semester but I never took a moment of regret as I have been devoted to making LCC a more attractive place. I have accumulated a great deal of valuable experience by working in the Stuco team and being a much more active part of LCC itself. I am determined to continue building a more active and a fascinating atmosphere at LCC which would give a chance to all the students to enjoy their lives at LCC to the highest quality. The progress and the success StuCo has shown in this academic year motivates me to continue contributing to the accomplishments. Due to my devotion and a burning will to make a positive change at LCC, I will be running for the Vice-President in Stuco. Thus, I believe that I can bring my experience, knowledge, skills, altogether to the good use of StuCo moving forward and keep reaching its potential to the fullest.


Student Council Elections 2016 4. Programme statement My Goals: Be the Voice of LCC Students.  Availability of APA Format Training or Assistance in the writing center for free.  Making sure all professors use Moodle on a daily basis.  To organize all events with a bigger budget yet, in an efficient way.  To make sure students get an opportunity to communicate any issues to LCC bodies and get results as soon as possible.  To provide every single student at LCC to pursue their talents by providing individual counseling and actually creating new volunteer clubs in many areas. How to achieve these goals:  Have volunteer professors train students at LCC writing center who will be able to provide the received knowledge to the rest of the LCC students.  File the signatures of LCC students to the board on this particular matter.  All students will get biweekly short questionnaires and will have an opportunity to personally have e-interviews with stucco members.  Research what fields LCC students are interested in and create free clubs accordingly. There are a few clubs and projects developing currently at LCC which need budgeting, promotional campaigns to attract more participants both from LCC and outside as well. I will devote all my enthusiasm towards involving as many students as possible into organizing different already existent events at LCC such as the talent show, Barbeques, Campus games. LCC has the facilities and a huge potential for conducting interesting seminars, Ted Talks and many other academic trainings for its students. “LET’S KEEP BUILDING”


Student Council Elections 2016 VICE PRESIDENT: Viktoriia Rabcheniuk

Age: 20 Academic year: 4th Year Major: Business Administration

Relevant Experience: [Period] [Position] [Organisation] [Professional/ Voluntary] [Major Accomplishments]

Spring 2015 Student Leader of Angel Tree + LCC International University Voluntary During this experience I have improved my communication and organizational skills. I have got the perspective to work with people as a team. Also, I got to know how to build and maintain strong relationships with others. I learned how to resolve problems efficiently and communicate with people effectively. I got a chance to recognise myself from different perspective as conscientious and dedicative leader.

[Period] [Position] [Organisation] [Professional/ Voluntary] [Major Accomplishments]

2010-2012 News Publisher School Voluntary Having a position of news publisher, I had an opportunity to improve my writing skills. I have also become more organized and responsible.

Availability: 8-10 hours


Student Council Elections 2016 3. Motivation I do believe that my both personal and professional skills can make me a strong candidate for the position of Vice President of LCC International University. Due to several projects I have been a leader of, I have gained experience in conflict resolution, time management, tasks organizing, and team work. I am eager to learn something new and willing to explore myself on this position. I believe that Student Council has an important mission - connecting students with faculty and administration. I personally consider it as an intermediary who helps LCC to be fully integrated and successful organization. Being a student at LCC and actually experiencing student life are the things that will help me to fulfil my responsibilities of the Vice President of Student Council successfully. Observing the positive changes in my student life, I have noticed that Student Council members are the reason for that. For a moment, I understood that I want to be that person too - the one who makes changes and the one who will care for LCC students’ well-being. I am also willing to have more experience working in intercultural community and improve my interpersonal skills. I am absolutely motivated to make positive changes in LCC by listening students’ thoughts and concerns.

4. Programme statement The key goals on this position for me are: -showing my full dedication to Student Council by regularly attending all meetings -doing by best to solve any issues the LCC community may face -creating friendly and goal-oriented environment for Student Council -empowering and motivation Student Council members -dedicating time and efforts to assist and help the President of Student Council -improving communication between students and faculty/administration -trying to understand students’ needs and help everyone who needs help I believe that the success of the goals depends on Students Council members. Therefore, it is essential to empower and motivate them to make positive changes in student life. I will help the President of Student Council to build a supporting and pleasant environment with transparent communication and discussion. I will do my best in making all Student Council members comfortable and willing to share their ideas and concerns. For me, listening and communication are what makes team work effective. I hope to have several (7-8) meetings with the Student Council team to discuss how the things are going on. It will help the team always to be informed and involved in work. Also, I plan to initiate a couple of projects, which would be in students’ interest. Of course, the main indicator of successful work for me, in this case, is student’s feedback. If the mission of Student Council is to improve student life,


Student Council Elections 2016 then the students should be asked whether “we are successful”. Again, I emphasizing how important communication is. If there is no possibility for LCC students to leave their feedback, it may be a good idea to implement and to have a chance later to find out what they think of Student Council. Being a business major, no matter how weird it sounds, I see Student Council as an organization and students as customers. It may be hard to improve students’ life if we do not listen their needs and concerns. Yet, creating an image of Student Council as the organization, which does listen and care, will bring great results like positive changes in students’ life!


Student Council Elections 2016

PRESIDENT: Candidates:  Valeriya Boyko

President:           

To oversee the events and projects of Student Council; To represent the Student Body on the President’s Cabinet; To represent the Student Body at LCC International University Board meetings; To represent the Student Body on Committee Academic Standing; To represent the Student Body on Committee on Discipline; To advocate on behalf of the students when issues arise; To call and chair the Student Council meetings; To represent LCC students on LSS (Lietuvos Studentu Sajunga) board; To coordinate with Student Council presidents of other higher institutions within Klaipeda region for common projects; To monitor the individual projects of every Student Council member; To be open to listen to any student on various issues concerning their stay and study at LCC International University;


Student Council Elections 2016


1. Personal profile Valeriya Boyko Age: 19 Academic year: 3rd Major: Contemporary Communication

2.Relevant Experience: [Period] [Position] [Organisation] [Professional/ Voluntary] [Major Accomplishments]

2014-2015 Vice-President on Human Resources European Youth Parliament – Ukraine Voluntary Revising Membership in EYP-UA; Revising HR structure;

[Period] [Position] [Organisation] [Professional/ Voluntary] [Major Accomplishments]

2015-2016 Vice-President LCC Student Council Voluntary Revising Attendance Policy

Availability: 15 hours 3. Motivation Dear Students of LCC, I am addressing this message to you because YOU are the integral part of making next year of Student Council and LCC count. I am putting myself forward to take on the position of President of Student Council. There are numerous factors contributing to my decision to sacrifice the time spent to enjoy new season of Ray Donavan, extra hour to research a peculiarity for future thesis or a conversation in Coffee King.


Student Council Elections 2016 If summarised in one sentence, to me LCC is an abundance of undiscovered potential. Our institution is merging Eastern European individuality, American education and Christian values. Our student body is representing 27 cultures worldwide, bringing 500 individuals together for five years. Those, however, are just empty facts: they do not matter much if they don’t matter to you personally. Think to yourself: when was the last lecture that you attended and had a dizzy “a-ha” moment? When did you have your last sleepless night conversation in Enns kitchen with someone you connected for the first time? When was the last time you went to an LCC event and thought to yourself that that was a time well-spent? LCC is providing us, the students, with so many opportunities that we fail to fully use. It does not mean that there is no space for growth for LCC as an institution, in fact, on of Student Council’s main responsibilities is to identify the areas for LCC to work on for the benefit of the students. However, along with those responsibilities, I believe it is on the shoulders of every student holding an LCC id card to be accountable for his own experience in LCC, making the events worth attending, initiating meaningful conversations with peers and making an effort to learn mindfully. I am applying for President of Student Council because I believe in the value we (you and me) can co-create here. During the next year, I invite you to join me in conversation of how we (you and me) can make LCC a place that would exceed expectations of students that are fully engaged. We can make it grand.

4. Programme statement As a President, I am putting my maximum attention to the team of Student Council. I am planning to involve future Student Council members to draft a vision for the next year already this semester. This would allow us to unite our efforts towards one meaningful goal, instead of having a number of strong individuals working on seemingly unconnected tasks for the sake of working on them. Thus, while unfortunately I am unable to draw a concrete plan yet, since doing so would be unrealistic and empty political rhetoric, I instead will outline a number of fields I would prioritise next year. 

External communication. During past years StuCo has lost its strong ties


Student Council Elections 2016

with Lithuanian Students Union. We also have not been very active in attracting new partners. Outside of LCC, as of now, StuCo’s reputation is non-existent. I reckon that putting ourselves forward as a wellestablished Student Organisation is the next essential step for us. Identity formation and knowledge-sharing. Student Council still remains to be an ambiguous body within LCC walls. By revaluating our current mission statement, responsibilities within each position and communicating those to the students and staff, we will reaffirm our identity as an organisation. Moreover, next year we should aim to reorganise all the materials and documents StuCo has produced since 2008 and creating knowledge-sharing guides we will ensure future sustainability of Student Council. Internal communication. Finally, a major space for improvement is our internal communication with LCC students. I hope that next year we will establish a consistent and clear communication channel with students, engaging you in a bigger dialogue with us.

Engaging Student Council Team: As stated before, as a President my main responsibility is to work with team of Student Council. I have an extensive experience in facilitation (3 years) and training (80+ hours). With this expertise I can clearly state that inner communication processes in StuCo would be engaging. I emphasize that creating a team is the essential part of productive year for StuCo. I envision future StuCo team to engage in a process similar to strategic planning, preparing our vision and activities for the next year. Student Council meetings will take place weekly; however, Vice-President and I would closely supervise StuCo team and helping them in their activities. I expect StuCo members to manage their motivation levels on their own, however, as a leader I promise to do my best to help StuCo achieve our goals and fulfil our mission.


Student Council Elections 2016


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