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Vamshi Noel
Located in the Conservative city Chennai..... I stand far away from the generic crowd .... may b'coz of ma attitude towards everything in life n ma perspective of life... like to be organised and innovative towards it.... strongly beleive in professionalism n perfection.... I'm an introvert by ma nature but at times can be an extrovert... ...can get along well.....but cannot bond with everyone..... I'm dedictaed.... at times demanding..... I'm often mistaken by people around me that I'm trying to be a wannabe but its just that I wannabe one among them.... I would rather be shot dead than being back stabbed........So if u've anything for me better cut in on ma face rather than venting it elsewhere.....it wud help me a lot.... I admire people who work hard..... but hate who sleep n slog......which should be the least thing u do..... I hate crowdy places.... just love deserted places like calm beaches.... abandoned railway lines..... high hills n peaks.... Just wanna be s'thing signi