wel welcome
Welcome to TodaysArt 2009 We are very proud to present our conflict-inspired program, the culmination of many months’ hard work and dedication, and honored to welcome the artists, partners, allies, guests and visitors who make this event possible. For us, no one captures the essence of our theme better than M. Esther Harding, a Jungian psychoanalyst, who said, “conflict is the beginning of consciousness”, and it was around this broad idea that our program was built. We invited artists from a multitude of genres and we are proud to be able to present many unique productions and exclusive performances as well as projects that celebrate the conflicts within us all. Conflict became a reality for us, even leading to forced imprisonment and interrogations. We were unexpectedly and rudely forced into consciousness regarding our own theme. We are interested in the fact that any expression surrounding the theme Conflict is subject to many interpretations in our current society, especially considering our turbulent and open media landscape. It turns out the parameters determining what is acceptable and what is not are at best vague, and perhaps questionable. TodaysArt 2009 was never about inciting conflict, but always about simply drawing attention to the subject. The fact that our campaign was interpreted as a serious threat underlines the necessity for a debate, and productive input. We are inviting you to an open discussion about this subject at TodaysArt 09. From all of us and our allies, we wish you a great festival and hope that this year’s program offers you new insights, experiences and inspiration. Reading guide In front of you is the program book for TodaysArt 2009. The bios of the artists at each location are grouped according to how the acts relate to each other. In that sense, the program book tries to tell a story about different views on conflict from different artists at each location. The program book also contains a series of statements about this year’s theme, Conflict. In addition to exploring the theme itself, some of these features provide extra information about the artists. You can find general information about the festival at the back of the program book. If you have any questions, we will be happy to answer them at the ticket shop on the Spuiplein.
Define ne Struggle gle ont Confront Determine mine Expose se
Conflict is the beginning of consciousness M. Esther Harding
Janet Leyton n - Grant guest copywriter TodaysArt Festival daysArt F estiival
Confli is the Conflict beginning of consciousness
We can’t escape esc cape it. Being human, we are a all responsible. All actions have consequences and at every stage, there is conflict. Every action provokes reaction; even the butterfl smallest butte erfly wing flap can trigger a tornado according to popular culture, chaos theory and d Spinoza, Spinoza, the quintessential determinist. Our mere existence generates conflict, he e tells te ells us: “Nothing exists from whose nature some effect does not follow.” Whether external, exte ernal, internal, moral, physical, physic ideal, abstract, concrete, constructive or destructive, the TodaysArt together this year as we put destructive e, th he red thread of conflict stitches sti opposition the gun. From our serendipitous location friction, op ppo osition and ambivalence under un peace and justice, heart of international conflict in The Hague, Hague e, international city of peac management, management t, we look at when, how and an why conflict is woven through our lives in positive and an nd less positive ways. We look at – in a world struggling to cope with tragic, environmental disasters – the inevitability of conflict violent clashes cla ashe es and destructive environm and wonder wonde er iff there is an ‘evitability’. “Be not ast astonished tonished at new ideas; for it is w well known to you that a thing does not thereby many” fore cease e to be true because it is not accepted ac Spinoza Diving into o the archives of The Hague hi history, we find abundant historical context for an examination examin natio on of strife and discord in the so-called ‘City of Peace’. Firstly, it’s the place final resting restin ng p lace of Benedict Spinoza, the philosopher who laid the foundations for enlightenment. conflict with the ideas of his day, and despite enlightenm men nt. Spinoza was often in co century Netherlands, he was excommunicatthe relatively relative ely liberal atmosphere of 17th c community for his ideas. His most important ed from the th he synagogue synagogue by the Jewish c works were published after his death and were even then listed on the Index Librorum Prohibitorum Prohibitoru um (List of Prohibited Books) by b the Roman Catholic Church. Our program presents proudly pr rese ents works that challenge and provoke; works that present ideas and understood or quickly digested. The best ideas are concepts tthat hatt may not be easily unders dangerous; dangerous s; they th hey confront the established order and conflict with the status quo. “For peace e is s not mere absence of war war, but is a virtue that springs from, a state of disposition mind, a dis spo osition for benevolence, confi con dence, justice” Spinoza There’s mo more. ore.. Digging only slightly deep deeper into The Hague history, we find that this is Liberum (The Freedom of the Sea). Mare Liberum a quadricentenary quadrice ente enary year for the Mare Libe tomb to be the founding text of internationis a great tom mb of a book that is considered consid was used as part of a debate on free shipping al law. The e territory te erritory defining treatise wa in The Hague by the Dutch jurist and during the e First Firrst World War and it was written w
Conflict is the beginning of consciousness nsciousness
philosopher Hugo Grotius in 1609. A ‘Mare e Liberum’ commemoration n p program rogram is planned by the city for September 16th. Flawed human wed International law and h um man rights are explosive issues in the TodaysArt 09 program expose gram as artists seek to expo ose the weaknesses inherent to the system. The perceived Hague’s ed powerlessness of The H ague’s International Court of Justice – despite the majorr international human rights instruments s in nstruments having been widely signed and ratified, serious ious human rights violations violation ns cannot cannot be eliminated – is a primary concern for several ral artists invited to this year’s year’s festival edition. “If facts conflict with a theory, either the theory ry must be changed or the fac facts” cts” Spinoza Near contemporary of Spinoza and Grotius, and second son of The Hagu Hague ue w was as mathematician, astronomer and physicist Christian concerned n Huygens. Huygens was co once erned with time and gravity. With a telescope of his own wn design, he was the first to determine that Saturn was surrounded by rings, and the Titan. e first of Saturn’s moons, T itan. He was the leading proponent of the wave theory of light, which became instrumental in the understanding of seemingly conflicted wave-particle central concept e-particle duality – a centra al c oncept in quantum mechanics – and his invention of the pendulum clock was a timekeeping tim mekeeping breakthrough. TodaysArt channels a little of the Huygens spirit with w works ork ks that are a direct challenge to our everyday experience ce of time. Conflicts with time tim me are a very human problem – we measure it and compete te with it, we race against it, itt, we e try to kill it. We look into the future and peer into the past; we try to comprehend d time scales that are incomprehensible – the instantaneous car collision ous tragedy of a head on ca ar c ollision is normally beyond our awareness, the speeds involved mean we are barely bare ely conscious of the event until it’s already too late. The arguably climate uably greater tragedy of clima ate change unfolds at a pace too slow for humans to notice otice until it’s, again, too late. la ate. These are problems of scale and comprehension that are likely to lead to violent conflict on a scale the world has never seen. “The destruction of this planet would have no o significance on a cosmic s scale” ca ale” Kubrick TodaysArt expanded to many times its original al size over the years since its inception. But since reaching its mature form in 2005, we’ve spent successive years s reducing re educing its footprint on the city centre. In 2009, we implode just ode the entire festival into ju ust one highdensity point on the Spuiplein. Drawn together and her in close proximity in an nd around around the square, across the road from where Spinoza is off th the s buried in the churchyard o he Nieuwe Kerk, the events and installations jostle for attention. tention. Open air performances performan nces s compete
006 06
Confli is the Conflict beginning of consciousness
with the boom m boxes of the nearby skaters; skat our fragile glasshouses, last year dotted along the Turfmarkt, Turrfmarkt, are gathered into a crystalline heart of activity; visitors come together in n a critical mass of intensity in the normally dysfunctional public centre of The Hague’s Hague e’s downtown downtown district. “Truth springs s from argument amongst ffriends” Hume David Hum me Burdened by the idea of existence as a cause of conflict and faced with the logioff inaction, non-agency and stagnation, we confront the complexities of cal impasse impass se o action directly dire ectly by highlighting different forms of conflict and inviting artists whose work addresses address ses the issue head on to be part of our 09 program. We accept the truth everything we do – inherent to the human condithat conflict is, in fact, essential to every international festival, we also have to accept that we are tion. Being g organizers orrganizers of an internationa implicated d in environmental conflicts on a global scale. We are unsustainable. counter, To counter r, we e need to embrace the idea that not every action has equal consequences; that as humans we are capable not jjust of agency, but of moral agency, and that conflict can ca an be, be, must be, the catalyst for new insights and solutions.
Shift t Explain ain Build up Inspire re Think k
Bursting Balloons
Bjรถrn Remmerswaal erswaal copywriter TodaysArt Festival ysArt Fest tival
Bursting Balloons
The present e era ra is rife with input. Intern Internet, the mobile phone, our newspapers, television, radio; ra adio o; information is always at hand. The abundance of information that is available can can have many different effects effect on us. For every question we have, we can find thousands thousand ds of answers, if you know where to look. But what is it doing to us, to humanity?? What is the impact of all that information on us personally? What does it lead to in the the grand scheme of things? In The Structure Strructture of Scientific Revolutions Revolutio (1962), a famous book by the great intelThomas ‘paradigm shift’ was first used. Kuhn explained how lectual Tho omas Kuhn, the term ‘paradig collection of theories that explains most of what science tends s to create structures, a coll happening anomalies start to appear in these theois happeni ing around us. However, over time, t increasingly, matters seem to fall outside ries. Some e things cannot be explained and a theories The anomalies appear to become more numerof the theo ories used by the scientists. Th ous. This eventually eventually leads to an upheaval upheava or an insight that radically changes all the created that seem to explain everything again, theories. As As soon soon as new theories are cr lled and chaotic period prior to the we have entered a new paradigm. The question-fi q paradigm shift. new parad digm m is called the paradigm sh History is filled lle ed with paradigm shifts, small sm and large. Examples are the French Revofrom Ptolemaic to Copernican cosmology, the lution, quantum qua antu um mechanics, the shift fro evolution theory of e volution by Darwin, and so on. Most shifts however tend to go hand in hand with conflict; ict; intellectual, ideological or even actual physical conflict. In the here and now there are e signs of multiple paradigm shifts happening at once, some accompaconfl environmental conflicts, religious connied by co onflict. Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Afghan information filtering, stem cell research proponents vs. flicts, information inforrma ation freedom vs. informatio medical conservatism, co ons servatism, mass discussions on forums about every conceivable subject, individual crit criticism ticism on millions of blogs… Is a critical mass building up, like a balloon filling up w with ith h water, to a point when all it takes is just a tiny pinprick to burst apart? In the past, pastt, m many any paradigm shifts have gone hand in hand with a cultural shift. Not to anomalies and conflicts of ideas, using surprisingly, artists artists have always been drawn dra source them as a sou urce of inspiration. Artists in turn inspire us to think differently, to look at matters perspective. Challenging our ideals, they inevitably confusing ma atters from a different persp stimulate us us to o ask questions. In addition to acts in the festival program that have been while, roots of the art we know today and thus provide around forr a w hile, to remind us of the ro context, the th he main main part of the program at TodaysArt 09 aims to show you what a selection of artists think about the conflicts at work in our world today. Not all of the artists will provide provid de solutions. But many of them will encourage you to think and to feel, and, personal balloon. maybe, to help you burst your own perso
lutherse rse kerkk
The Lutherse Kerk will be one of the most exclusive locations of the ffestival. esttival. Any performance here will be special; the acoustics Kerk are oustics of the Lutherse Ker rk a re outstanding and so is the ambience. It is therefore efore fitting that one of the e founders fou unders of the ambient genre, an absolute icon in electronic will ctronic music, Biosphere, w illl perform here. The Lutherse Kerk will also host other very er brilliant artists from this s ve ery influential and exclusive label. A very special church hall, inspiring artists and artistts a nd great acoustics; all the elements are in place to make the performances at this s location legendary. Due to the size of this venue, it is advisable to show up in time n tim me to see your favorite e artist.
limited capacity of th the building, he b uildin ng,, we advise show up early e you to sho ow u p ear rly for this act. ac ct. web - biosphere.no biosphere e.no T09 - Lutherse K Kerk erk sat - 00.05 - 00.50 00 0.50
001 - Biosphere (NO) cat. - sound & music text - Born in Tromsø (Norway) 1962, Geir Jenssen is better known as Biosphere, a key figure in contemporary Norwegian music. In 1992, Jenssen shot to fame with his Biosphere-debut album “Microgravity”, becoming one of the pioneering ambient artists from the 90’s. He was one of the first to come up with a mix of soundscapes, voice samples and atmospheric noise with trancey melodies and solid beats. Since Cirque in 1999, all Biosphere’s releases have been on Touch (see page 022). As an inspirational influence for many new electronic music acts that have performed at TodaysArt, we are very proud to present this exclusive performance by Biosphere. Due to the
002 - Philip Jeck (UK) cat. - sound & m music usic text - Philip Jeck studied v visual isual art at Dartington n College of of Arts. Arts. He e started working playwo orking with record rec cord p lay yers and electronics in the early n th he earl ly 80’s and has has made soundtracks so oun ndtracks s and toured many dance and d with man ny d ance a nd theatre co companies, as well ompanies, a sw ell as s his solo co concert work. oncert work k. His His best bes st known wo work ork is “Vinyl Requiem” Re equiem m” (with Lol Sargent): performance Sargent): a per rforma anc ce for 180 50’s/60’s players 50’’s/60’s record reco ord player rs that won the the Time Out Ou ut PerformPerform mance Award 1993. Ov Over last ver tthe he las st few years,, he has returned retu urned to
Perform Host Show up Become Return Work Tour
text - Hildur Ingveldardóttir Guðnad Guðnadótdótttir (b. 1982) com1982 2) is a cellistt and an nd com mposer. She catalogue e has a rich h ca atalogu ue of collabo collaborations varied orations and d va aried projects b behind ehind her. GuðnadótGuðnadó óttir has collaborated, played play yed and an nd recorded w with artists ith other a rtists such h as múm, P Pan Sveran Sonic, Skúli Skú úli Sve errisson, BJNilsen, Hilmar Hilm marr Jensson, Jenss son, Hafler Trio, Trio o, Jóhann Jóhannsson, Jóha annsson n, Nico Muhly, Valgeir Sigurdsson, Sigurdsso on, Angel, Schneider™, B Ben and en Frost an nd Stilluppsteypa. composer Stilluppste eypa. As a c om mpose er she has w written for plays, ritten music fo or play ys, dance performances and perrformances s an nd films, lm ms, pieces forr chamber orchestras, orch hestras, various instruments, voices and voiices an nd electronics. Guðnadóttir electronic cs. Guðnadó óttir likes to o explore th the and movement he nature an nd m ovem ment of sound, and often tturns exurn ns her ex xperiments s into sound d and an nd visual visu ual installations. She rec recently centtly co-composed d a live soundtrack soundttrack tto o Derek Jarman’s 1980 film m In The e Shadow o off The Sun w with legends ith h lege end ds Throbbing g Gristle, arranged arran nged choir cho oir for performances Ausperform mances by them the em in A ustria and London. Lo ondon. Her latest album, alb bum m, ‘Without Sinking’ came Sinking’ cam me out on n Touch (see earlier e page 022) ea arlier tthis his s year. For this live perform performance, mance e, Hildur willl perform m material from ate erial fr rom m her latest solo album m as s well as as new material and improvisations. impro ovisatio ons.. She plays cello and u uses ses live programming programm ming to create crea ate a multilayered effect. web - hildurness.com hildurness s.com T09 - Lutherse K Kerk erk sat - 20.05 -20.30
visual art, making installations that utilize from 6 to 80 record players, including “Off The Record” for Sonic Boom at The Hayward Gallery, London [2000]. Jeck, also known as the Vinyl Alchemist, works with old records and record players salvaged from junk shops and he modifies them to suit his own purposes. He really does play them as musical instruments, creating an intensely personal language that evolves with each added part of a record. Philip Jeck makes genuinely moving and transfixing music, where we hear the art, not the gimmick. Jeck is signed to the influential Touch label (see page 022). web - philipjeck.com T09 - Lutherse Kerk fri - 00.05 - 00.45 003 - Jana Winderen (NO) Sub-Pelagic Voices cat. - sound & music text - Sub-Pelagic Voices is a performance based on hydrophone recordings of the invisible audioscapes of the oceans and their smaller inhabitants. Jana has collected the sounds on her field trips during the last 3 years to the Barents Sea and also in the Norwegian fjords. The performance will last 30 minutes. Winderen also has an installation in location Atrium, titled Evaporation (see page 071). web - janawinderen.com T09 - Lutherse Kerk fri - 21.05 - 21.35
005 - The Eternal Chord cat. - sound & music music text - The Eternal Eterna al Chord is an exclusive exclus siv ve intermezzo on the old d church organ.
004 - Hildur Guðnadóttir (IS) cat. - sound & music
Make Utilize Salvage Modify Suit Play Evolve Move Transfix Collaborate Record Co-compose Program Create
T09 - Lutherse Kerk sat - 21.05 - 21.15 006 - Johannes Gees (CH) Salat cat. - visual art / installation sound & music text - Johannes Gees is an artist based in Zurich, Switzerland. His body of work includes large interactive installations in public space, sound installations, readymades, video and photography. His installation Salat addresses the issue of sound in public space; what does it feel like when you hear a Muslim prayer call at a Lutheran church? web - johannesgees.com T09 - Lutherse Kerk fri - 20.00 (every hour, 5 min.) - 00.00 sat - 14.00 (every hour, 5 min.) - 00.00
Do Include Address Feel Hear
Vibrate te Process ess ate Resonate Amplify ify Convey ey
invasive sound
Jan Rohlf hlf CTM-festival (club transmediale), guest Festival uest curator cura ator TodaysArt Today ysArt Fe estiv val
invasive sound invasiv
Sonic events – noises, sounds, music – are not perceived by the ear alone. Their effect on tthe he human body goes beyond even the stimulation of the other sensory Acoustic that obtrude and invade the body and organs. Ac coustic vibrations transmit impulses imp its tissues; they are not only processed on a conscious level, but can also provoke unconscious physiological reactions. “Invasive unconscio ous psychological and uncontrollable uncon Sound” presents prese ents artists who make use of o all these aspects in order to get close to the body human bo ody in disquieting ways. Their work is aimed directly at both physiological the body. The experiences they offer audiences and culturally cultura ally y encoded perceptions of th both engender bot th conflict and corporeal pleasure. pl The hearing hearin ng and and understanding of sounds sound and music is a complex aesthetic-semiotic The process. T he interpretation of what we hear is, on one level, a culturally moulded, activity: notional activ vity: we evaluate sounds and an music based upon origins, orchestration, characteristics principles – the rhythm, the order of the tones, harcharacteris stic cs and organizational princi and melodies dissonances, pauses and jumps – and can accordmonies an nd m elodies as well as dissona composer or musician. On another level it is a ingly understand unde ersta and the intentions of the co experience, physical expe erience, a bodily encounter based upon affective response, sensory reand involuntary ception an nd in nvoluntary reactions beyond the realm of consciousness. Consciousness springs back ba ack into play, however, when it comes to whether the experience is pleasurdramatically different responses to bone-rattling able or objectionable objjecttionable – consider the dram of drone music or the beats of contemporary vibrations in the the low bass frequencies o some, unbearable for others. club music c – immensely pleasurable to s The physical as alarm signals, construction site noisphysic cal reaction to sonic events such su es or the s soothing oo othing burbling of running water is commonly experienced in everyday life. As such, the close affinity between sound and the human body seems at first banal. Like world, our bodies themselves produce noises and e alll physical things in this worl sounds when wh hen they are made to vibrate or when setting other things into vibration. And equipped with the voice, we have, like every other higher-order organism, a sophise ticated, bu built-in uilt--in sound-making apparatus. apparatu Conversely, everything that we perceive is first transmitted transm mitte ed through the body’s sensory senso system. And so for a long time, noises and sounds seemed see emed to be inextricably linked to the presence of bodies and the interaction of matter. Forr thousands of years, the notional activity of the musician was inseparano ble from the th he tangible articulations of his body and their interplay with the acoustically resonant b body ody of an instrument. All that chang changed With the invention of sound recordged with the discovery of electricity. el ing and electroacoustics, liation was no longer inevitable. The complete ellecttroacoustics, the old affiliat decoupling off sound and the sounding body was achieved between the early 18th g o and mid 20 20th 0th centuries. Sound became independent from the objects of the material
invasive sound
world, and has since resided not only in the e parts of the physical world a accessible ccessible to the sensory organs, but also within electromagnetic romagnetic fields that can only be perceived with the aid of technology. In the digital within ital flow of information wit thin the computer, sound has finally become truly autonomous: omous: As pure information, information n, it is subject to any kind of analysis, synthesis or transformation. mation. These days sounds can n be freely programmed or generated from unmusical data ata and be played back on technical tech hnical systems – without any need for a musician to perform it or even any soun sounding ndin ng body in the conventional sense. The Canadian artist duo Artificiel refers to this his development in their current cu urrent project, “POWEr” – a performance for which the only visual and sound source is s a Tesla coil. Named after its inventor, the coil generates a very high-voltage alternating altern natin ng current that discharges in the form of visible arcs of electricity. The duo control controls ls and modulates the voltage frequency using electrical signals. The arcs ionize the surrounding e su urrounding air at the same frequency as the signal, setting This ting it into a plasmic state.. Th his creates oscillations in the air pressure, which can be heard as sound waves. The coil becomes a musical instrument. At the same time, the artists light rtists convert the sound and lig ght events generated by the coil into digital signals. They ey then use computers to create crreatte an intricate, real time audiovisual composition. “POWEr” impressively demonstrates that sound nd is first and foremost phy physical ysic cal energy, energy that can be conveyed by different media edia and transformed into other othe er forms of energy. Simultaneously, the performance becomes comes a theatrical demonstration demons strattion of energy tamed by its conversion into pure information, from mation, which, detached fro om its original source and potential, can be manipulated in any way. The destructive force forc ce of electricity bolts in “POWEr”, however, points to the sound e relationship between sou und and body: if one comes too close to the sound source, it will literally enter the bod body, dy, delivering massive shocks and internal burns – with potentially tentially fatal consequences. consequences s. In reaction to the decoupling of sound and body accomplished by digit digitalization, talization, today’s artists are increasingly searching for ways bodies ays to bring their own bodie es ((and and those of others) back into electronic music. In part, this practice aims at the rehabilitation reh hab bilitation of a sensually affective means of performance in based n electronic art, but it is also o ba ased upon the individual’s interest in introspection and the millennia-old practice o off m manipulatanipulating consciousness, which since Huxley has been known as psychedelics. psychede elics s. Interestingly, it is the very same technologies that initially body tially decoupled sound and bod dy that are now enabling a renewed convergence. The sensitivity of technical dev devices vice es and the universal transformability of electronic data is s allowing artists to analyze e the invisible and process-based aggregate states of the body, to manipulate them them, and m, an nd to ulti-
invasive sound invasiv
mately intertwine inte ertw wine them with technology to create innovative instruments in the form of hybrid human-machine hum man-machine systems. In the process, borders are increasingly dissolving inner biology and technology, and between individual between in nne er and outer, between biolo collective, of the body. and collec ctive e, mirroring our altering perception per The current curren nt fo forms orms of such systems mak make use of interfaces that read the movements performer of a perfor rme er by means of sensors and use these for the generation and modulation from the nervous and circulatory systems of sounds and d images. Likewise the signals sign are applied to o the generation of scores and the synthesis of sounds in brain wave music, biomusic or regenerative music. As A early as 1965, Alvin Lucier used brain waves generate to generat te sounds sounds in his piece “Music for Solo Performer”. Electrodes attached to amplified and sent to speakers, causing the his head picked pick ked up signals, which he a membranes off percussion instruments to resonate. Performances by the US artist duo membrane es o Dragons complex: Voltage impulses are passed through Lucky Drag gon ns are similar, but more com the audience audien nce and modulated by means of “body-contact relays” and skin resistance. Music is created crreatted by the spontaneous and collective process of interconnectivity. After overcoming social overcomin ng s ocial and bodily distances, distances the participants transform their bodies into components instrument. componen nts of of an electronic instrument Similar principles of biofeedback and interconnection are used by the artist duo TERMINALBEACH Erich Berger) in their project “Heart Chamber TERMINAL LBE EACH (Peter Votava and Er Orchestra”. Orchestra” ”. Via algorithms, the signals ffrom electrocardiographic (ECG) sensors atcreate scores, which are played by the musicians tached to tthe he musicians are used to crea time. in real time e. This This biofeedback allows the influence of usually unconscious physiologiapparatus, and the apparatus plays cal processes. proces sses s. The musicians play the technical te instrument. the musicians: musiciians s: together they form an ins A closeness closenes ss tto o the natural sciences is also a apparent with the Japanese artist Daito refers to discoveries of Jean Jallabert (1747), LuiManabe. His His project project “Face Visualizer” ref de Boulogne (1862), scientists who gi Galvani (around 1780) and, above all, Duchenne D the body. They found that the brain, muscles and discovered d th he electrical system of the b communicate signals transmitted by the nervous system in the senses com mmunicate through control sig form of tiny electrical impulses, and that these impulses can be stimulated artificially. controlled by sound to the facial muscles, Manabe Applying electronic elec ctronic stimulation controll music, physiological control over parts of the body. visualizes mu usic, thereby giving sound p In these a and nd other works, the artists d draw both practically and aesthetically upon self-experimentation. This is also the case with the forms of scientific research and self-exp sensitive microphones and cameras to Canadian artist Christof Migone, who uses u
invasive sound
conduct sometimes painful self-observation, n, exploring the most intimate intim mate e areas of the human body. He has composed, for example, mple, pieces of music using g the e cracking noises of the joints or sounds of the passing of bowel gasses, has explo explored ored d the faces and body cavities of his subjects with the tactile and ctile use of microphones, a nd amplified the noises made by eye movements. In doing so, he is not only following the e traditions of early video art. He is also drawing from the discipline of bioacoustics a and nd the development of modern medical diagnosis that came stethoscope me with the invention of the e ste ethoscope by René Théophile Hyacinthe Laënnec in 1816. 6. The musical instrument literally cuts into the e body during performances performance es b by y Justice Yeldham (Australian artist Lucas Abela). Pressing ssing a sharp-edged piece of glass with contact microphones attached to it against his mouth, he creates aggressive aggress sive layers of noise until the performance ends abruptly y with the glass shattering onto onto o his face. The observer is unavoidably confronted with vulnerability off his own h the precarious vulnerabili ity o body in vicarious anticipation of pain. Confrontation audience ntation by forcing the audie ence e into selfperception is also the theme of the Spanish-Basque Shock tactics -Basque artist Mattin. Shoc ck ta actics and the surprising circumvention of customary forms orms of performance make the e audience conscious of their own physical, fragile presence nce as Mattin assaults them m with flashes of blinding light, maximum volume white noise oise and sudden interludes s of complete silence. The direct physiological effects of sound and nd other frequencies form the e focus of other artistic strategies that attempt to make ke music physically perceptible. percep ptible. American Mark Bain describes his installations and nd performances as a mixture mixtture e of sound and vibrational events. Using seismic sensors activators, he s and mechanical activator rs, h e vibrates structures at their resonant frequencies at and below the limits of hum human man hearing. Entire buildings become instruments, and listeners experience isteners viscerally experien nce the sonic event as a strong vibration through the body. y. Bain refers to the pulsating infrasonic compression waves as a “sonic wind”, which upon h has a peculiar effect upo on the psyche and physiology of those present. Not least, he refers to effects commo commonly only y observed with constant winds such as the Mistral or Foehn. oehn. Infrasound can trigger sensations sensations from nausea and breathlessness to a feeling chance g of relaxation. It’s not by chan nce that in drone doom – an extreme, low-pitched sub-genre fetish genre of heavy metal – a fetis sh has developed for the mysterious “brown note”, which spontaneous ch is reputed to induce the spo ontaneous evacuation of the bowels. The perception of space and the body is also so the theme for Lynn Pook Poo ok and and Julien Clauss with their tactile audio installations. Here, sound is transferred d to the inner ear directly through flesh and bone by means emitters attached s of an interface of emitter rs at ttached to
invasive sound invasiv
listeners. Acoustic Aco oustic and tactile sensations are perceived in synchrony and move choreographically reographic cally across the surface of the body. Other examples exam mples utilize the principle of the th brain’s tendency to synchronize its frequen(brain entrainment) to create audiovisual stimucies to corresponding external stimuli (br Such gadgets – such as the Dream lation for the the purpose of altering consciousness. consci designed Brion Gysin or the project “Feed” by the Austrian Machines des signed in the 1960s by Brio Hentschläger physiological reactions beyond the control of the subKurt Hents schläger – provoke physiologi perceptual apparatus as a constituent ject and exploit ex xplo oit the peculiarities of the human h the effects. During the second half of “Feed”, the element off th he compositions and their e illuminated by coloured stroboscopic light. A physiroom is filled with an artificial fog illumin cal sensation sensattion n of immersion is increased by sub-bass and pulsating sounds, which are synchr synchronized dissolving all spatial coordinates. Participants see ronized with the light, dissolv kaleidoscopic kaleidosco opic c two and three dimensional dimensiona patterns and movements, which are not in fact generated genera ated d by the artist, but are created creat by the brain’s efforts to synchronize its frequencies w with only the “tactile” perception induced through ith h the external stimuli. It is o the synaesthetic individual senses within an immersive set-up that synaes sthe etic interaction of the indivi renders the a artwork rtwork complete. This form of perception drives the consciousness inwards and experiential qualities inseparable from real-life d so o actively brings about exp experience. experience e. Acoustic Acoustic space naturally has a similar, inherent “tactile” quality that envelopes the listener. liste ener. We experience sound without distance, as if in direct contact with the body, and and d thus the perception of sound sou feels unmediated. This is demonstrated by Jacob Kirkegaard’s “Labyrinthitis” which, as in “Feed”, is based on the incluKirk kegaard’s project “Labyrinthitis sion of the “tactile” audience, but using only audio: Two frequencies e “ta actile” perception of the aud of a partic particular vibrations in the listener’s inner ear. This leads to cular ratio create internal vibra the creation so-called Tartini tone, which is solely perceived creatio on of of a third frequency, the soby each re respective espe ective subject. The process-based proces ss-based nature of these work works and their performance practice is obviously performance happening, fluxus, expanded cinema and the closedinspired by y pe erformance art, by happeni installations their roots extend beyond the art history of the circuit inst talla ations of video art. Yet the century scientific technical innovation and the theatrical 20th centu ury and into the history of scie demonstrations popular during the 18th and 19th centuries. It is demonstra ations thereof, which were pop the symbolic one – which serves as raw primarily the the biological body – rather than th material. However, bec because cause the body can never be dissociated from either its metaphors or which these generate, the works provoke a the emotions, emotio ons s, utopias and dystopias w ambivalences. One issue is the problematization of multiplicity y off associations and ambiva
invasive sound
the separation of the “lived body” (Leib in German) erman) as a place of direct phe phenomenoenomenological experience, and “the body” as the objectifi conditioning. bjectified subject of social con nditioning. The instrumentalization and medialization off “the body” confronts the rea reality ality of the Leib. Yet it is by virtue of its permeability that the over technology, he Leib can assert itself ove er te echnology, when the effect of “technology” is experienced external stimuli ced as exposure to externa al st timuli and consequently perceived as difference. Conversely, these external stimuli can be internalized nternalized by triggering physiological phy ysiological reactions experienced as originating from within the body. Then, the clear clea ar division between body and machine no longer seems dynamism s possible. The overwhelming overwhelmin ng d ynamism of undergoing involuntary physiological responses experienced onses is consequently experien nced as an incursion by something formless and unknown, wn, both in the rigid control architecture arrchitecture of the technical apparatus and in the integrity incursion ty of the subject. This incur rsio on is made possible only through the correlation of technology hnology and physiology. In the e process, organic attributes are assigned to technology, y, while technology closes in n on n the body in multiple ways. The body becomes concurrently receiver, rrently a sender and receiv ver, interface, network node, data source, resonating cavity nal y and output medium. As a fin al consequence, it becomes unclear when the body is the object and when it is s the th he subject. In various ways, these works of art conceive notions of a cybernetically llinked, ink ked, hybrid physicality that is less and less a fixed form but ut is instead a dynamic plurality of communicating streams of information, technological gical zones and organic concentrations. conce entrations.
filmhuis uis
The Filmhuis is one of the prime locations part ns of the festival, hosting p artt of the Invasive Sound program curated by Jan Rohlf transmediale)), ohlf (CTM-festival (club transm mediale)), and interviews and discussions with both the artists from and the found founder der of the label Touch from the United Kingdom. Performances are ormances in this cinema a re predominantly screen-based and intimate, such as Lynn Pook & Julien Clauss’ Pause Clauss s’ P ause and Christof Migone’s s short films.
porate new w technologies technologie es with h the old, un underscoring the power nderscoring g th he pow werr and necessity editing neces ssity of edit ting g and presentation presentatiion to bring g the bestt out of each pr production. roduction. Now working work king extensively extensiivelly with h Fennesz, C Chris hris Watson, Watso on, Philip Jeck, Bios Biosphere, BJNilsen, sphere, BJN Nils sen, Oren Orren n Ambarchi and many oth others, hers, Touch cele celebrated ebrated its 20th 20tth year in 2001 with a UK CM CMN-backed MN--backe ed tour, including sell-out dates inclu uding sell-o out d ates in Brighton, Bristol, Glasgow, NewGlasgo ow, Ne ewcastle, Salisbury and the e QEH H in London. London n. The transitions from analogue to digital, from from m cameracam merraready artw artwork work to broadband broa adb band filele esharing and an nd from 1/4” masters masters s to website e downloads download ds are are only the surface surfac ce manifestations manifesta atio ons of the great chan changes nges that have e taken n place in recorded music re ecorded mu usic c over the last 25 years. has yea ars. Touch h as been att
007 - Touch (UK) Q&A cat. - panels / lectures / workshops text. - Since its first release in 1982, Touch has created sonic and visual productions that combine innovation with a level of care and attention that has made it the most enduring of any independent music company of its time. The first period up to the digitalization of music in the mid-80’s saw the release of several cassette magazines, where sounds by luminaries such as New Order, Cabaret Voltaire and The Residents were paralleled by visual work and writing by Neville Brody, Jon Savage, Joseph Beuys and many others. As the industry went through its usual elaborate cycles of self-annihilation and rebirth, Touch adapted to incor-
Combine Innovate Independent Digitalize Cycle Annihilate Adapt Incorporate Edit Underscore Download
imaging and and the sonic patterns pattern ns created by y MRI medical scanners. scann ners s. In 2007, Ja Jamie underwent amie Drouin n underw wen nt a series off tests for re reoccurring eoc ccurrin ng dizziness, which include included ed an MRI scan of his brain brain. n. He was s immediately immediate ely taken by y the th he unique uniq que sounds off the device device, e, which which are pulsing, rhythmic c patterns pa atterns s controlled fractional divid through fr racttional div visions in th the powerful he speed off a p owerful magnetic field. With the permise perm mission of the e hospital, he he returned returned d months later to recor record sounds rd the sou unds of the scanner. In the performe pe erform mance the source source recordings reco ordings are used as a basis to re-create the re-- cre eate th he spatial placement original pla acement of the e origina al patterns, a and subsequently nd subseq quently evolves th them composition hem into a c om mposition n which exp explores combinaplores new c om mbinations of th the Working he tones. Wo ork king in collaboration collaborattion with the audio are are e live visuals by Karl Kliem Kliem, m, which h reveal MR MRI through RI scan images imag ges s throu ugh h thin ‘slices’ ‘slices s’ synchronized with h the directi directional movements the ional moveme ents of th he sounds. MRI MRI | RMX is s intended inttended d as as a re-creation private experire-creattion of a privat te expe erience in a public environment: environ nment:: rere elating a medical which medical procedure proc ced dure whic ch is typically experienced y experienc ced in isola-tion, under unde er psychological psycholog gical stress, stre ess s, and in most earplugs mo ost cases with earplu ugs s or headphones disguise headph hones to dis sgu uise the scanner sounds. It inves investigates stigate es the psycho-acoustical psycho-acoustica al effects effects s of the mag magnetically produced gnetically p rod duced sounds, and draws relationships re elattionships s between the the auditory y side-effects side-efffec cts of scientifi and confic processes processe es a nd co on-temporary y musical conventions. conv vention ns. web - jamiedrouin.com jamiedrou uin.com T09 - Filmhuis, zaal zaal 6 fri - 21.30 - 22.10 22..10
the forefront of these changes, and will continue to be. Therefore, Touch is a welcome guest at TodaysArt. Led by Mike Harding, Touch will be doing a Q&A in the Filmhuis during the festival, where anybody who is interested will get the chance to talk with the people from Touch, including the artists who will be performing at TodaysArt (Hildur Guðnadóttir / Biosphere / Jana Winderen / Philip Jeck). web - touchmusic.org.uk T09 - Filmhuis, zaal 7 sat - 14.00 - 17.30 008 - Daito Manabe (JP) Face Stimuli cat. - sound & music text - Artist, coder, hacker, sound designer, DJ, Turntablist and VJ, Daito Manabe from Tokyo redefines existing media and technologies using unique angles. Daito Manabe’s physical “Face Visualizer” is a device that converts music into electronic impulses to stimulate the facial muscles. The result: a synchronized “Face Dance”. web - daito.ws T09 - Filmhuis, zaal 6 fri - 20.30 - 20.45 sat - 20.30 - 20.45 009 - Jamie Drouin (CA) & Karl Kliem (DE) MRI | RMX cat. - sound & music visual art / installation text - MRI | RMX is a multichannel sound and video performance based on magnetic resonance
Talk Perform Redefine Convert Stimulate Synchronize Undergo Record Evolve Explore Reveal Intend Relate Isolate Disguise Investigate
sat - 21.30 - 22.00 010 - Christof Migone (QC/CA) cat. - sound & music screenings text - Christof Migone is a multidisciplinary artist and writer. His work and research delves into language, voice, bodies, performance, intimacy, complicity and endurance. Several films and audiopieces by Migone will be played in the Filmzaal: “Evasion”, video, 9min, “Crackers”, audio, 7 min, “Poker”, video 12 min, “South Winds”, audio 5 min. web - christofmigone.com T09 - Filmhuis, zaal 6 fri - 22.30 - 23.15 sat - 22.30 - 23.15
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011 - Rudolfo Quintas & André Gonçalves (PT) Burning The Sound cat. - visual art / installation text. - Rudolfo Quintas is a visual artist and performer who specializes in the design of interactive audiovisual systems. The piece ‘Burning The Sound’ is a collaboration with mixed media, visual and sound artist André Gonçalves that won a Transmediale Award in 2009. Together they create a dynamic visual soundscape, based on the movements of Quintas choreographies in real-time. The interactive sound performance is about the nature of rituals, power and control. It uses fire from a regular lighter to subvert patterns of rhythm, thus using technologically mediated computer sound to exorcise the sound as a spiritual strategy. The performer’s gestures in relation
to his instrument not on only show nly sho ow the performer’s perforrmer’s emotional emottion nal state,, but it brings the instrument life. instrrum ment to o life e. In this action, it is explored and exp plored an nd established establishe ed as a synaesthesic syna aesthesic c symbolic metaphor in th the he sense sen nse e that it is from frrom the flame am me that the th he sound is shaped. shaped. This intensifi in ntensifi fies the synaesthesic quality synaes sthesic qua ality y of the e sound being beiing perceived as burned burrne ed by the flame. probably am me. Fire was probab bly the first technology and te echnology to exist an nd is s knowledge based an and nd rritualisitualis stic. Within n Burning the th he Sound, Sound d, digital, new ne ew media and an nd ancestral ancestra al technologies technolog gies fuse to question n contemporary inviscontempo orary strategies strateg gies s of inv vis sible control. contro ol. vimeo.com/user393756 vimeo.com m/user393756 Filmhuis, zaal zaal 6 23.30 - 23.45 23.30 - 23.45
012 - Lynn Pook (DE) & Julien Clauss (FR) Pause cat. - visual art / installatio installation on text. - Lynn Pook k studied dance, da anc ce, sculpture,, fine arts and an nd media a in n Paris, Berlin Berllin and Karlsruhe Karllsru uhe (ZKM). (ZK KM). The practice practiice of Lynn is rooted rooted d in n the observ observation the body, vation of th he b ody, the e individual and his perceptions. pe erce eptions s. Julien Cla Clauss auss studied d music, music, acoustics,, fluid mechanics and mech han nics an nd material sciences. His w work foork fo ocuses on tthe perception space he percept tion n of sp pac ce and the place pllace the individual ind dividual takes ta akes in his environment. Together enviironment. T oge ether tthey he ey created th the performance he performa anc ce Pause: Paus se: an installation lets visitors installa ation that le ets v isitors physically sound y perceive soun nd with their skin. web - lynnpook.de myspace.com/julienclauss myspace.c com/julienc clau uss T09 - Filmhuis, zaal zaal 7
frri - 20.00 fri 20.0 00 c continuous ontinuous - 00.00 continuous satt - 20.00 20.0 00 c ontinuous - 00.00 013 - Marieke Marriek ke Verbiesen & Neeltje Sprengers Sprreng gers (NL) Moviestar Mov vies star art installation cat. - visual visu ual a rt / installa ation text off the two winte ext - Moviestar Mov vies star is one o ners WORKSPACE s off the BNG W ORKSPACE Projectprijs Projjecttprijs 2009. This annual contest con ntes st organised d by Filmhuis Den n Haag/ZAAL Ha aag/ZAAL 5 is awarded to artists artis sts working on the cutting edge edg ge of of visual art and ďŹ lm. This installation inspired installa ation was in nspired by the evolution of speci special ial effects and the role e these play y in cinematography togrraphy and visual visu ual art. The installation installa ation merges merge es images from both h the th he visitor and an nd an electronically y controlled co ontrolled ďŹ lm lm set into one real-time reall-tim me projection. Both classic and d new ne ew techniques techniqu ues are used to create that crea ate a reality tha at the audience can manipulate ma anipulate in n real-time. web zaal5.nl w eb - zaal5.n nl T09 Filmhuis, T 09 - Film mhu uis, zaal 5 fri continuous fr ri - 20.00 20.0 00 c ontinuous - 00.00 14.00 continuous satt - 14.0 00 c ontinuous - 00.00
Theater ter aan het et spuii This location is one of our largest, and the subdivided he acts here can be subdiv vide ed into several groups which all approach confl ict in a different way. The ‘Invasive flict ‘Inv vasive Sound’ program (see feature, page 14) created ated by Jan Rohlf from CTM M – Festival (club transmediale) addresses the fact that than at sound reaches more tha an just your ears. Related to conflict, this program shows sound; ows the invasive quality off so ound; its vibrations penetrate structures and the human man body, which can have e surprising su urprising effects. Here you will also find new work by Olaf y established visual artist Ola af Nicolai, DJ’s in the foyer, the Soundmuseum installation allation that allows access s to o online audio exhibitions, and on Friday night a hip-hop pioneering p-hop program, with pione eerring andtalented performers and electronic producers genre cers that have shaped the e ge enre and inspired a new generations rations of artists.
014 - Olaf Nicolai (DE) SAMANI cat. - visual art / installation text. - Olaf Nicolai presents a newly commissioned work. In Samani, the choreographed movement of a pole dancer is used; a single light moves up and down a pole, also turning on its own axis. The effect of this light in a darkened room has a dramatic and theatrical effect. Nicolai’s conceptual approach and use of diverse media question the way in which we view our everyday environment. He also translates theories from science and the arts into aesthetic-artistic idioms, rendering them accessible in a new context. His works were shown at Documenta X (1997), at the 49th (2001) and 51st (2005) Biennale in Venice. He has been awarded various grants
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and fellowships, example fellow wships, for e xample ffrom ro om Villa Massimo (Rome, 1998), Villa Mass simo (Rome e, 19 998), V illa a Aurora (Lo (Los and os Angeles, 2007) an nd the city off Wolfsburg Wolfsburg’s arts g’s a rts prize e Junge Stadt Sta adt sieht Junge Ju unge Kunst in 2002. N Nicolai participated icolai has p artticipatted d in international internattional solo and and d group exhibitions. Several o off h his works is wor rks s can be found fou und in public colleccollec-tions, such Museum h as the Mu useum of Modern Art, Art, New York, Yorrk, ThyssenThysse en-Bornemisza Contemporary, Bornemisz za Art Cont tem mporary y, Vienna, Friedrich Christian Frriedrich Chr ristian Flick k Collection, Collection n, Berlin and d Migros Migros Museum, Zürich. olafnicolai.com Theater a/h studio a//h Spui, stu udio o 20.00 continuous - 00.00 20.00 continuous - 00.00
015 - Kurt Hentschläger (A (AT AT / US) FEED cat. - visual art / installatio installation on
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Subdivide Approach Reach Penetrate Commission View Translate Render Participate
Immerse Reflect Employ Overwhelm Research Accelerate Subject Shift Stress Evolve Project Create Emit Generate Diffuse Process Prepare Recognize Become Control
text te ext - The e immersive im mmersive nature na ature of Kurt Hentschläger’s performances Hen ntsc chläger’s pe erformances and d environments en nvironments s reflect on the metaphor sublime mettaphor of the s ublime and the human hum man n condition.. Between 1992 and 2003 worked d 20 003 he work ked collaboratively rativ vely y as one half of the duo Granular-Synthesis. Granular-Synthes sis. Employing large scale projected larg ge s cale projec cted images and drone soundscapes, dron ne like sounds scapes, his performances confronted form man nces confro onted the viewer on both both a physical physica al and emotional level, overwhelming leve el, o verwhelming the audience with h sensory se ensory stimulation. His currentt so solo olo work further furrther researches the nature human natture of hum man perception and d the accelerated impact of new w technologies te echnologies s on both individual vidu ual and collective collecttive consciousness. F FEED performance EED is a pe erformance in which the audienc audience ce is subjected to effects shifting effec cts and shif fting mood in an artifi environment artifi ficial enviro onment without performers perfform mers in the flesh. FEED stresses stre esse es the limits s of perception. What evolves evolves is a pure sensation of lightt projected directly onto the retinas spectators. retin nas s of the spec ctators. web web - hentschlager.info hen ntsc chlager.info T09 T09 - Theater The eate er a/h Spui, small hall fri 22.30 frri - 19.45-20.00 19.45-2 20.00 & 22.3 30 - 22.45
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stage, through digital processing and manipulation of sound and video. No content is prepared in advance, and electricity is used as a subtle but pressing instrument. artificiel.org/POWEr Theater a/h Spui, main hall 23.00 - 23.40 23.20 - 00.00
017 - Hiroaki Umeda (JP) Adapting for Distortion cat. - modern dance / movement text - Hiroaki Umeda is a pluridisciplinary artist: choreographer, dancer, sound, image and lighting designer with roots in hip-hop, classical dance and photography. He was born in 1977 and lives and works in Tokyo. In 2000 Hiroaki Umeda founded his own company «S20» and since he has started making own pieces. His work is minimal and radical, subtle and violent, and is created to be “experienced”. He is now recognized more as a visual artist rather than a choreographer, a mover rather than a dancer. By using projections, Umeda becomes one with his environment, controlling sound and light with his movements. web - hiroakiumeda.com T09 - Theater a/h Spui, main hall fri - 19.00 - 19.30 & 20.30 - 21.00 sat - 16.00 - 16.30 +15 min Q&A & 19.45 - 20.15
016 - Artificiel (QC/CA) POWEr POW WErr cat. - visual art installation visu ual a rt / installa ation text te ext - Artificiel is a digital arts duo based in Montréal, featuring Alexandre Alex xan ndre Burton and Julien Roy. Roy y. This Th his European Europea an premiere of Artificiel’s perform performance mance POWEr is based on acoustic c phenomena and d the striking imagery im magery created by high-voltage high h-voltage emissions. emissions. Used as s source materials, ource materia als, these ingredients dien nts are generated, captured, transformed diffused tran nsfo ormed and d iffused live on
018 - Jacob Kirkegaard (DK) Labyrinthitis cat. - visual art / installation text - Jacob Kirkegaard is a Danish artist who focuses on the scientific and aesthetic aspects of reso-
Mutant Data born Da ata Orchestra) Orchesttra) was b orrn in Seattle in 1966. He e studied stu udied at both MIT and the RijksacadRijk ksacad demie, and now lives a and works nd d work ks in Amsterdam. Amsterd dam. His work k centres centrres s on the interaction acoustics, inte eraction of aco oustics s, architecture physical/mental architectu ure and phy ysical/men nta al reactions to infrasonics – soun sounds nds below the e human hearing hearin ng threshthre eshold. He uses us ses both the e inaudible sounds normally no ormally present pres sen nt in buildings and other large larg ge concon nstructions, amplifying them with g th hem w ith h seismographic seismogra aphic and other othe er specially designed equip equipment, pme ent, and an nd the sound d potential of of structures, structures s, using machinery vibrate mac chinery to v ibrrate the e materials and/or surroundings surrroun ndings s – essentially shaking bu buildings uildings or the ground – for so sonic onic c effect. effec ct. Amplifying seismographic g the seism mog graphic c oscillations architecture oscillation ns of the arc chittecture e and ground, acoustically groun nd, either ac cou ustically or using vibrators, vibrators, allows alllow ws Bain n to o plumb structures waveform stru uctures with w avefo orm m data and sound, sound, mapping map ppin ng outt the th he signatures and s of each an nd defining nin ng a presence that which presenc ce within tha at w hich is normally thought static. thought of as as s tatic. He is also particularly y interested in nterestted d in “connective “connec ctive tissue” tissue e” between betwee en structures audience att s and the au udie ence a the show or installation,, whos whose se bodies contribute to the e sum of vibratio vibrations. work ons. Bain’s w orrk finds parallels in Nicoli Tes Tesla’s sla’s s early y experiments experimen nts with vibrational vib brational devices. B Bain’s ain’s work – which which attacks, or topically addresses, add dresses s, architecture other spaces we architectu ure and othe er s paces sw e inhabit – places posiplaces him in tthe he po osi-tion of anti-architect. antti-architect. T09 - Theater a/h a//h Spui, small sm mall hall sat - 22.50 -23.10 -23.110
nance, time, sound and hearing. Jacob Kirkegaard has turned his ears inwards: his new work Labyrinthitis is an interactive sound piece that consists entirely of sounds generated in the artist’s auditory organs, and will cause audible responses in audience members. Labyrinthitis relies on a principle employed both in medical science and musical practice: when two frequencies at a certain ratio are played into the ear, additional vibrations in the inner ear will produce a third frequency. web - fonik.dk T09 - Theater a/h Spui, small hall sat - 20.30 - 21.20 019 - Justice Yeldham (AU) cat. - sound & music text - What’s been described as “a trumpet player trapped in a two-dimensional universe” is in fact the unique audio work of Justice Yeldham (the latest alterego of Lucas Abela), a maverick musician with an unhealthy obsession for sheets of broken glass. By pressing his face and lips against the glass whilst employing various vocal techniques ranging from throat singing to raspberries, he turns household windows into crude musical instruments. This results in a wide variety of cacophonous noises that are strangely controlled and oddly musical. web - myspace.com/justiceyeldham T09 - Theater a/h Spui , small hall sat - 21.50 - 22.10 020 - Mark Bain (US/NL) cat. - sound & music text - Mark Bain (member of the
021 - Mat Mattin ttin (ES/SE) lab. la ab. - w.m.o/r w.m m.o//r / Desetxea Desetxe ea / Free Software Series war re S eries cat - sound & music text te ext - Mattin Matttin is a Basque e artist working with h noise no oise and improvisation. im mprovisation. His work wo ork seeks to address the social and economic econom mic structures of e experimental music xpe erimental m usic production performance, n through live p erformance, recordings writing. reco ordings and w riting. Using a conceptual approach, con ncep ptual appro oach, he aims to question que estio on the nature and parameters s of improvisation, specifically the relationship rela ationship between the idea of ‘’f ‘’freedom’’ free edom’’ and constant innovation that it traditionally tradiitionally implies, and d the established establishe ed conventions of im improvisation as mprovisation a s a genre. Mattin considers con nsiders improvisation not only interaction y as s an interac ction between musicians instruments, mus sicians and ins struments, but as a sit situation involving tuation invo olving all the elements eme ents s that constitute consttitute a concert, including includiing the audience and the social and architectural archite ectural space. web web - mattin.org matttin.org T09 T09 - Theater The eate er a/h Spui, small hall satt - 00.15 - 00.50 022 - Heart Hea art Chamber Chamber Orchestra (AT) cat. - sound & music text te ext - The e Heart He eart Chamber Chamb ber Orchestra consists con nsistts of 12 classical clas ssical musicians and d the artist duo o TERMINALBEACH Votava BEA ACH H (Peter Vota ava (AT/DE) & Erich (FI)). Errich h Berger (FI) )). Using their heartbeats, the musicians control a co computer composition omp puter comp position and visualization visu ualiz zation environment. The musicians equipped mus sicians are equ uipped with ECG (electrocardiogram) (electro ocardiogram m) sensors. The musical generated mus sica al score is g enerated in real rea time e by y the heartbeats heartb beats of the musicians. sicia ans s. They read d and play this score ffrom rom a computer screen.
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023 lab. cat. text
In Western culture we consider the heart to be the place for certain feelings. The heartbeat also reflects the physical state of the body. It pumps heavily if the body is under physical tension, and when it starts to beat very fast it can indicate fear, stress or excitement. Slow beats show a state of relaxation or sleep. Through meditation or biofeedback techniques one can manipulate these bodily states. The heart is a vital organ and for some it is the very place of life itself - a container of a metaphysical soul. Heart Chamber Orchestra is a project by TERMINALBEACH originally initiated and produced by TEKS Trondheim Electronic Arts Centre in cooperation with Trondheim Sinfonietta. heartchamberorchestra.org Theater a/h Spui, main hall 21.45 - 22.25 21.00 - 21.45 Stonephace (UK) Tru Thoughts sound & music This is definitely one of the music acts at TodaysArt you do not want to miss. Conceived over many years in the wilds of Cornwall, Stonephace bridges generations as well as genres, creating a timeless blend of jazz, progressive hip-hop and psychedelia. Their rare and exclusive live show at TodaysArt 09 features eclectic jazz radical Larry Stabbins on sax and flutes, Portishead’s Adrian Utley on guitar, Helm DeVegas on keyboards and inscrutable aural sorcerer Krzysztof Oktalski with the down and dirty drums
Turn Consist Generate Respond Rely Employ Vibrate Produce Describe Trap Press Range Control Study Centre Interact React Amplify Shake Oscillate
Work Improvise Address Use Record Write Question Imply Improvise Consider Involve Constitute Consist Compose Visualise Equip Feel Beat Indicate Relax
Guillamino hip-hop, o mixes dub, h ip-ho op, minimal, house house and soulful sou ulful vocals in a very peculiar pecu uliarr way, adding some so ome spices from all around the world. Guillamino’s Gu uilla amino’’s music always surprises listeners: alw ways surpris ses listene ers s: mixing electronica with ele ectronica w ith traditonal traditon nal Catalan Sardana, a weird weirrd approximation poproximatio on to hip-hop and p o-etry, a son songwriting project about ngwriting proje ect abou ut exile and a series of s shows using ho ows us sing the reacTable instrument. Some reacTa able instrum men nt. Som me time before, other BBC beforre, none oth her than B BC Radio 1 DJs DJ Js John Peel Pee el and and the e late Gilles Peterson s spread pre ead the e word by p playing music. Don’t laying his m us sic. Do on’’t miss this one. one. web - guillamino.com guillamino o.com T09 - Theater a/h a//h Spui, main ma ain hall fri - 00.00 - 00.45 00 0.45
on vinyl and laptop, all bathed in visuals from VJ Stella Marina. web - stonephace.com T09 - Theater a/h Spui, main hall sat - 01.00 - 02.00 024 lab. cat text
Capitol K (UK) Faith & Industry / Planet Mu / V2 sound & music A true citizen of the world, born in Malta and raised in various disparate locales - such as Dubai, Brunei, and England, currently based in London, Kristian Robinson channels his respect for, and experience with different musical traditions into the creation of a unique hybrid of lo-fi rock, electronica and pop, under the moniker of Capitol K. His studio experimentation built upon a heady balance of samples, found sounds and playful, melodic pop juxtaposed with a global urban environment backdrop placed Capitol K’s complex arrangements at the forefront of the electronic scene. His single ‘Pillow’ became Radio 1’s single of the week, helping to cement his pop credentials. K has also gained a reputation for being a captivating live performer, recreating the sprawl of his albums with a mix of live and sampled sources. web - myspace.com/capitolk T09 - Theater a/h Spui, main hall fri - 01.00 - 02.00 025 lab. cat. text
026 lab. ab. cat. text
Guillamino + Band (ES) Bankrobber sound & music Guillamino is one of the most surprising acts from the Barcelona musical scene, walking on the human side of electronica.
Pursuit Grooves (US) What Rules Rush Hour Rule es Records / R ush Hou ur sound & music music When speaking spe eaking of electronic electtronic or hip-hop producers producers who who o have made innovative inno ovative contributions con ntrib butions to their genre, ge enre, females female es are are rarely rarrely y mentioned. mentioned d. Whether hard to find or rarely e exposed, New York xposed, Ne ew Y ork artist artistt Pursuit Grooves Grrooves is making ma aking it her herr business tto important o deliver an im mporta ant contribution. Refusing Refusin ng to o be defined orr labeled, she sh he graciously gracio ous sly y accepts all of her infl fluences to create something that distinctly som mething tha at is s distin ncttly y her own while while owing much mu uch to o the past. S She he started experimenting with with production produc ction at the th he age of 14 a and DJ’ing nd started d DJ J’ing in n college. Using Using only hardware hard dware with no computers co omputers involved, in nvolved, she she e continues to gracefully m mix her ix he er beats at special events even nts and and supsu upplies gues guest international st mixes for int ternation nal radio shows. name, show ws. Much like her na ame,
tive conscience in the Detroit hip-hop scene. 2006 Marked his allegiance with Stones Throw Records. His music (featuring producers such as J Dilla, Madlib, Black Milk etc.) chronicles a life led in the rough-hewn city that birthed him, marking an evolution, incorporating a more topical and thought-provoking persona in addition to the extra-savage braggadocio Simpson is known for. Guilty’s testosterone-charged, inner city themes possess a sense of humor at times so side-splitting, it only proves how serious he really is. web - myspace.com/guiltysimpson T09 - Theater a/h Spui, small hall fri - 02.30 - 03.15
Purs Pursuit suitt Grooves plans plans to seek, hunt hun nt and an nd capture… … your ears. web noddinggrand.com web - nod ddin nggrand.com myspace.com/vjsmith mys space.com/vjsmith T09 T09 - Theater The eate er a/h Spui, small hall fri frri - 23.30 23.3 30 - 00.15 027 - Hank Han nk Shocklee Shocklee / Bomb Squad (US) (US S) lab. la ab. - BOMB B SQUAD, Future Frequency cat. - sound & music text te ext - The e BOMB BO OMB SQUAD is a production team New n tea am from Ne ew York, known for the the original sonic so onic innovations behind beh hind d Public Enemy. Ene emy. The BOMB SQUAD SQU UAD D is also credited cre edited with creating crea atin ng seminal recordings for a variety y of other highly regarded artists Madonna, artis sts such as Ma adonna, Janet Jackson, Jackso on, Ice Cube, Cube e, Slick Rick, LL C Cool oo ol J & Run DMC. DMC. Hank Shocklee, founding Sho ocklee, foundin ng member and legendary lege end dary DJ/producer, found some come som me ttime ime to com me over during the recording rec cording of their soon to release debut rele ease e solo debu ut (with Hank and d Keith Ke eith Shocklee Shockle ee serving as the front men) for a performance at TA09. TA09 9. This intimate intim mate show will feature combination featture e a combina ation of futuristic live electronics s and beats. web web - myspace.com/originalbombmys space.com/orig ginalbombsquad T09 T09 - Theater The eate er a/h Spui, small hall fri frri - 00.15 - 01.45 028 lab. la ab. cat. text te ext
029 - DJ Duct (JP) cat. - sound & music text - DJ DUCT is known as a one-ofa-kind turntablist and a producer from Japan. He has been actively participating in Tokyo’s hip-hop and break beats scene as a DJ since late 90s. It was the time when the term ‘turntablism’ was first introduced, and the art of spinning records progressed so dramatically in the hip hop world. As he witnessed such advancement, and immersed himself deeper and deeper into the art, he began to wonder if he could develop a completely new way of DJ’ing using just one turntable, instead of two or more, which was what all the other turntablists were using. DJ DUCT’s ‘less is more’ approach to turntablism have led him to establish his current unique style of performing. Using one turntable, a DJ mixer,
Guilty Simpson Simpson (US) Stones Sto ones s Throw sound & music Guilty Simpson (member Simpson (m member of the Almighty Dreadnaughtz Alm migh hty Dreadna aughtz crew) emerged sound eme erged as a sou und to be reckoned reck kon ned with after linking with producer prod duc cer J Dilla in n 2001. Since then, then n, Guilty Guilty has risen higher and higher hip-hop’s d hig gher in hip-hop’s collec-
Bathe Raise Channel Create Experiment Juxtapose Cement Gain Captivate Recreate Surprise Mix Surprise Approximate Innovate Credit Combine
Speak Contribute Expose Deliver Refuse Define Label Accept Experiment Involve Mix Seek Hunt wCapture Emerge Reckon Link Rise
Lucky Lu L ucky u d dr dragons rag agons ag
work with local and international inte ernatio ona al artists in the illusthe fields off music, il llus-tration, co comics, drawing, omics, draw wing g, video... video.... The goal of workshop of the work ksho op is to o get kids (aged (a aged 6-12) involved invo olved in the emerging modern, emerg ging moder rn, cool cool and an nd affordable e music instruments insttrum ments (such as th the Kaossilator) he Korg Kaoss silator)) and possibilities of th the music he m usic making aspect Nintendo as spect of the e Nintend do DS game console with m music usic software. The portab portability bility y of these thes se battery operated op perated instruments insttrum ments is the important feature e why they the ey are chosen for the kids - they ca can an bring them m outside, to to school, school, to o friends an and collaborate... nd they can collabora ate e... In addition workshop, n to the works shop, the e participating kids will do a pe pererformance of their freshly acquired fres shly y acqu uire ed skills, functioning proper func ctioning as a p roperr electronic band. c music ban nd. Acoustic Acous stic c instruments schools can instrumen nts used in s ch hools c an n now be easily ea asily mixed with witth the modern electronic so sound. Kids oun nd. Kid ds get into co computers earlier omputers e arliier and d earlier and d a computer computter nowadays nowad day ys is more th than han a toy. With With Korg’s Korg’’s mini effec effects cts processors processo ors and synsy ynthesizers, kids can le learn earn n how to process th their voices, interact heir own vo oice es, inte eractt with others otherrs and learn n instant basic song by layering g making, b y layerin ng loops of different sounds. different sou und ds. Instant Insttan nt sampling and manipulating manip pula ating of of the recorded made record ded sound iis sm ade easy. eas sy. The music off h hip-hop orr c structure o ip-ho op o techno ca can made an easily be ma ade on na Kaossilator and Kaossilato or in 1 minute a nd kids s can easily y collaborate for fo or a group grrou up sound. The Nintendo gamo DS, DS S, a ga aming console conso ole with a touchscreen, to ouch hscree en,, also offers s several commercial co omm mercia al music applications app plications which whic ch transtran ns-form it into o a full musical mus sica al instruinstrru-ment. Luka Luk ka will also ttell ell aboutt his s
a sampler, Kaoss-pads and other effectors, he collages and reconstructs the bits and pieces of sounds he captures from the records on the spot. It involves a lot of sampling, real-time editing, effect mixing and scratching, all taking place on stage. Since all the sounds come from the records (and no preliminary recorded materials on the sampler), it’s definitely a live performance, and an extension of DJ’ing more than anything else. web - myspace.com/djduct T09 - Theater a/h Spui, small hall fri - 01.45 - 02.30 029 - Touching Sound & Music Electronic music workshop for Kids by Lukatoyboy Presented by Kid’s-Patch cat. - workshops / lectures sound / music text - After successful workshops by Lukatoyboy at Kid’s-Patch, Club Transmediale and Communikey and amazing feedback from both participants and their parents, the Electronic Music Workshop for Kids will now be part of TodaysArt 09. The workshop is presented by Kids-Patch, a new Dis-patch festival production, an event dedicated to “new children’s creativity”. Each event consists of a series of workshops for kids, related to the fields of music, graphic art, performance and new media. It is a 100% participative program with a completely new, intuitive, inventive and forward-thinking approach to children’s education in the context of arts and culture. Children aged between 6 and 12
Northern Soul nuggets, German cosmic disco, Québécois mod madness, and a smattering of Afrobeat moog funk. Exotic trash and erotic treasures from around the globe to shake a leg to. web - myspace.com/guymauve T09 - Theater a/h Spui, foyer sat - 18.45 - 02.30
experie experiences ences these workshops with h th hese worksh hops in a lecture. are lect ture e. Children a re asked to be the in th he ffoyer oyer just before be efore 16.00 on Saturday. Satu urday. Language will not be barrier. a ba arrier. web web - kids-patch.com kids s-patch.com myspace.com/lktyby mys space.com/lkty yby T09 T09 - Theater The eate er a/h Spui, foyer satt - 14:30 - 17.00 (work (workshop) kshop) & 18:00 (performance) 18:0 00 - 18.45 (perfo ormance)
032 - Lucky Dragons (US) lab. - 555 Recordings / Ultra Eczema / Marriage Records cat. - sound & music text - The ‘communal experiment’ that is Lucky Dragons started as a ‘band’ eight years ago in San Francisco. When founder Luke Fischbeck met Sarah Anderson (aka Sarah Rara), the pair sought to forge a new definition of ‘band’ that included contexts such as public art, the gallery system, museum programming, blogs and small-press publishing; a way to subvert the accepted power structures of musical performance and creation through workshop-performances. Everything produced (19 albums already) is released under a Creative Commons license, and all are available as free downloads. Lucky Dragons are notorious for the ‘reverse-shoplifting’ distribution of their album “Hawks and Sparrows”, which involved planting copies of the album in records stores across the globe. The Lucky Dragons ‘concertsas-workshop’-style happenings have generated considerable interest in both the art and music worlds. With a basic set-up of home-made electronics and folk instruments, the pair encour-
030 - DJ Dame Dam me & DJ Michiel (NL) cat. - sound & music text te ext - DJ Dame’s Dam me’s love for fo or electronic music mus sic started in 1995, with her own n show sh how at an underground radio radiio station. station. Her sets flow across electro, house elec ctro o, steamy ho ouse beats, minimal min nima al techno and electronix. Combining Com mbining quick mixing skills and d an n impeccable music selection, tion n, DJ J Dame is adept adept in the late night nigh ht hours, hours, finding ndin ng the balance between betw wee en heavy floor oor tracks and elegant eleg gan nt crowd pleasers. ple easers. After being bein ng inactive inactive as a DJ for some years, s she he will be DJ’ing again at TodaysArt Todays sArt 09. DJ Michiel (from the The e Hague skate sk kate store Hardcore) will core e) w ill join DJ Dame, playing anything anythin ng between n the deep depths ambient dep pths s of ambien nt and IDM styles till the the dubtechno o 2009 vibes and old drum dru um n’ bass ttunes. unes. web web - djdame.com djda ame e.com T09 T09 - Theater The eate er a/h Spui, foyer fri frri - 20.00 20.0 00 - 02.30 031 - DJ TV TV DiSKO (CA/NZ) cat. - sound & music text te ext - DJ TV TV DiSKO (Geoff (Geo off Stahl) gives you Ibe Iberian erian psyche, Finnish disco, disc co, Turkish prog, pro og, Mexican garage Spanish gara age e rock, Span nish freakbeat, Bollywood Bolllyw wood breaks, breaks s, French yé yé,
age audience participation with offbeat premises.. web - hawksandsparrows.org myspace.com/luckydragons T09 - Theater a/h Spui, foyer fri - 21.30 - 22.00 033 - DoraVideo (JP) lab. - Macaroni Records cat. - sound & music visual art / installation text - DoraVideo is the brain child of Yoshimitsu Ichiraku (drums and computer). Yoshimitsu won an honorary mention in the Digital Music division of media art festival ARS Electronica, he recently collaborated with Keiji Haino, and has been active as the drummer in the band Yamaguchi. Yoshimitsu has created an exciting and fun group involving a drum and computer controlled system in cooperation with the Camera Japan Festival. He places impact sensors all over the drum set, creating a huge video deck, which allows him to use the drum set to control the video images. web - japanimprov.com/ichiraku T09 - Theater a/h Spui, foyer fri - 23.30 - 00.10
web T09 fri sat
to make an an exhibition, exhibitio on, which which usually last one mon month. nth. With its s broad artistic range, fro from sound om sou und d art, field recordings, composirecordings, composi itions from new m the field of of n ew music c and radio o experiments experimen nts through throug gh to contem contemporary mporary electronic electro onic music from various off-scenes, off--scene es, Soundmuseum.fm Soundmu useum.fm is s already a rapidly expanding network expanding net twork structure. Besides th the onlinehe o nline-platform Soundmuseum.fm also Soundmuse eum m.fm a lso materialises form materialis ses in space e in n the fo orm m of tangibl tangible which le installations, installatio ons s, whic ch where fea featured Rokolectiv atured at Ro oko olectiv (Bucharest), Museum (Buchares st), Santral Mu useum (Istanbul) and CTM (Ber (Berlin). rlin). www.soundmuseum.fm www.soundmuseum m.fm m Theater a/h Spui, foyer foy yer 19.00 - 03.00 03 3.00 continuous continu uou us 14.00 - 03.00 03 3.00 continuous continu uou us
035 - Tarek Atoui (LB) Un-drum / strategies surviving s of surviv vin ng noise cat. - sound & music music text - This is an intense and d physical physica al electronic performance c sound per rformance e by Tarek A Atoui. draws toui. It draw ws upon the three days and torture s of arrest a nd tortur re Atoui expe experienced erienced during du urin ng the July 2006 war on Leb Lebanon, durban non, du ur-ing which he perman permanently nen ntly lost los st partial hearing hea aring in his left lefft ear after afte er receiving a beating to the th he head. hea ad.. ‘Un-drum / strategies surviving s off surviv vin ng noise’ draws draw ws parallels s between be etween attempts tto states physio break sta ates s of ph hys si-cal and psychological ps sychologica al detendetention, siege e and the collapsing co olla apsing off musical performance e boundaries, bo ounda arie es, laptop art and electronic music. electro onic mus sic.. web - tarekatoui.com tarekatouii.com T09 - Theater a/h a//h Spui, main ma ain hall sat - 22.15 -22.45 -22.4 45
034 - Soundmuseum (NL) cat. - sound & music visual art / installation text - Founded by artist Nathalie Bruys and designer Katja van Stiphout, Soundmuseum.fm went online in October 2008 as an exhibition platform and archive for experimental sound art. Its curatorial/editorial team invites artists and other curators to add audio recordings of any length to the Soundmuseum depot, or
Participate Win Collaborate Create Involve Cooperate Allow Invite Add Compose Experiment Expand Materialize Feature Arrest Torture Experience Receive Beat Collapse
Witness ess Nurture ure Collaborate orate Struggle gle Prevail ail
a state of conflict Relja Bobić obić Dis-patch Festival
a state of o conflict
Belgrade’s s Dis-patch Dis s-patch festival is proud to be collaborating once more with the TodaysArt Festival in its 2009 edition on presenting presenti a very special program showcase of artists Europe and the Balkan Peninsula. This region coming from fro om the realms of South-East E unfortunately, different conflicts over the course of the previous has, unfort tunately, witnessed many diffe social and ultimately military ones. Offering a decade - political, cultural, religious, so scenes of this region seems a much-needed glance at the emerging music and art s topic of TA-Conflict. There is probably no other step in the e context co ontext of this year’s main top European tterritory errritory so deeply marked and shaped by recent conflicts of political, social nature. would initially think of images of wars that took and cultural culturral n ature. Although one woul Croatia, place in Croa atia, Bosnia and Kosovo, it iis important to draw the attention to the fact addition icts and brutality of the 1990s, numerous that in add ditio on to the horrible military confl c other confl flicts ictts of a different nature are still ongoing, resulting in an environment of constant s struggle expression, for modernity, for common-sense, for truggle for freedom of expres perspective perspectiv ve or, or, ultimately, for European integration and freedom of travel/movement. At the same that all of the featured artists are sharing sam me time, tiime, this is the common context con and have struggled stru uggled with, which led them to develop their selected artistic paths and foster different ones which prevail in their daily existence. diffe eren nt cultural values from the o Following the e last year’s “Dispatches fro from the art of today” program which had esan exchange between Belgrade and The Hague performing at the tablished a ne xchange of artists betwee festivals, collaboration has a more specific aim. By reacting to respective e fes stivals, this year’s collabora the diversity of local and regional artistic outthe festival’s theme, theme, we are presenting th area, which has nurtured exceptional talent and put, offering offerin ng a different view of the area forward-thinking better-known populist, alcohol-flavored brass forward-th hink king artists parallel to the b festivals, we will be presenting musicians, DJ’s, frenzy. In line with the scope of both fes of their local scenes of contemporary and video artists artiists that have been on the forefront fo in touch with the progressive expresmusic and d related arts, keeping the audience aud adventurous today. sions and adv venturous approaches of to Finally, being in The Netherlands - and specifi s cally The Hague - is a peculiar context, role of the ICTY (The Internabearing in mind miind the presence and the much-disputed m as well as the recent EU-integrational Criminal Crim mina al Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia), Y and tion issues s an nd tensions between Serbia and The Netherlands which have, inevitably, to say, all of the participants needed shaped into intto a conflict in their own right. Needless N visa Culture and art sadly cannot overto acquire a v isa in order to perform at TodaysArt. T come the political poliitical frictions which are far beyond their reach, but they are instrumental in opening g and an nd nurturing communication communicatio channels between the societies, between the artistic c milieus and finally – between people who are in need of direct, first-hand experiences cultures. experience es and and an open dialogue between betw
nieuwe we kerk k The Nieuwe Kerk, open only on Friday, is the he location for the program m “A A State of Conflict” (see feature page 044 and page 45), funded by the European Europea an CommisCommission and created by the Dis-patch Festival of cutting-edge music and related d re elated art in Belgrade, Serbia. All these artists come from countries that were recently rece ently torn by conflict, but have managed to be inspired these diffi ired by, or despite off, thes se d ifficult circumstances. The program consist of several performances veral electronic music perf form mances of various styles or audio-visual projects, butt will be opened with a con contemporary ntemporary classical concert for two pianos and an open talk with an accla acclaimed aim med Belgrade-based writer, addressing the e issues of various conflicts ictts which which are shaping the everyday ay life of the region.
house VBZ VBZ. and works Z. He lives a nd d work ks in in Belgrade. T09 - Nieuwe Kerk, hall Ke erk, church h ha all fri - 20.00 -21.1 -21.15 15
036 - “The Peculiar Case of a Conflict”, a discussion with Vladimir Arsenijević cat. - workshops / lectures text - Vladimir Arsenijević is an awarded and internationally acclaimed Serbian writer, translator, editor and publicist. He won the 1994 “NIN” award, thus becoming the youngest ever recipient of this prestigious prize, for his first novel “In the Hold”. This anti-war book was soon translated to 20 languages and placed Arsenijević almost instantly among the most translated Serbian writers ever. Since then, Arsenijevic published four other novels. He is a well known editor who formed and developed RENDE publishing house, and currently, he runs a Belgrade subsection of a distinguished Croatian publishing
037 - DJ Ahmaad (BA) cat. - sound & m music usic text - Through tthe he mist of ttoday’s oday’s music, you see u can barely se ee the e man called Ahmed T Talović a.k.a. alo ović a.k k.a a. DJ Ahmaa Ahmaad, a.k.a.SKITZO. ad, a.k.a.SK KITZ ZO. He e comes wit with unidentifi th an unide entifi fied style sttyle e and mixture hip-hop, mixtu ure of funk, hip p-hop, breakbeat, beat, breakbeatt, broken be eat,, jazz, ‘’sevdah’’ and and d’n’b sound. so oun nd. His s first professional work profes ssional wor rk was was at a local music radio station sta ation n called calle ed Radio 3, as a host of the Truespin e Trues spiin RadioShow. Success Successfully, sfully, he presented knowledge d his knowle edg ge and d skills at Open Croatian Croatia an DMC DMC Championship Red Champion nship 2003, Re ed Bulll Music Academy Rome and Aca ademy Rom me 2004 2004 a nd d
Manage Inspire Open Address Shape Award Translate Publish Form Develop Run Work Represent
040 - LP Duo (RS) cat. - sound & music music text - Piano Duo founded o LP was fou und ded by y pianists Sonja Lončar Lonča ar and Andrija a Pavlović in They n summer 2004. 200 04. The ey finished postgraduate postgraduatte studies s for piano duo duo at Hochschule Hochsc chule für Musik und Theatre Rostock. Theatrre R ostoc ck. They won the first prize at the e International Internation nal competition compettitio on in Krakow (Poland), (P Poland), and d att the same sa ame competition competitio on they were werre awarded awarde ed with the special prize e for fo or the best performance perfo ormance of a piece piece by by a Dutch co composer. omposer. They They y are the e only duo in the history Balkans historry of of Balk kan ns to participate biggest piano particip pate in the b igg gest p ian no duo comp competition the world petition in th he w orld in Miami, Flo Florida. orida. web - pianoduolp.com T09 - Nieuwe Kerk, hall Ke erk, church h ha all fri - 21.30 - 22.15 22..15
numerous festivals. web - myspace.com/jdahmaad T09 - Nieuwe Kerk, church hall fri - 00.45 - 02.00 038- Wo0 (RS) cat. - sound & music text - Using electric guitar as a receiver of different frequencies that various devices transmit into the air, Wo0 creates a spectrum of sounds not usually related to the sound of electric guitar. He uses his imagination and some serious devices such as: mobile phones, remote control, radio, computer equipment, media players etc, to create very subtle, harmonic, oscillating and deep compositions of structural flow. web - myspace.com/belgradenoise T09 - Nieuwe Kerk, basement fri - 23.15 - 00.00
041 - Incredible Bob (RS) cat. - sound & music music text - Incredible Milošević e Bob or Bob M ilošev vić ć is a Belgrade-based Belgra ade-based video vid deo artist arttistt and VJ. Bo Bob ob works in n the field d of glitch a art recycling rt by recycl ling g drops, bugs, pixels, pixe els, scrambles,, feed-backs and structural d noises in a st tructurral way. Bob collaborated collaborate ed as as an editor on numerous film m and video projetcs, workshops projjetcs, and w orkshop ps as as well. He collaborated d with wiith Dušan Makavejev, Makavejev v, Želimir Žilnik, Puriša a Đorđević, Vlada Petri Petrić, Zoran ić, Z oran Popović, Neven Neven Korda, Kord da, Mihailo Mihailo Ristić and Johnny Rackowitzch. Ra ackowitzc ch.. T09 - Nieuwe Kerk, Ke erk, basementt fri - 22.30 -22.45 -22.4 45
039 - Every Kid on Speed (MK) cat. - sound & music text - This is one of the monikers under which Antonio Dimitrov appears - sound artist, street artist, DJ, designer… Based in Skopje, Macedonia, he is running the label Acid Fake Recordings, the sublabel Discofake and webzine Fakezine. Every Kid On Speed is his more active moniker with which he produces glitch, minimal, cut-up electronics. He performed at festivals such as Club Transmediale, Progress, Tiny Noise, Absurd, ctrl_alt_del and others. web - last.fm/music/ every+kid+on+speed T09 - Nieuwe Kerk, basement fri - 21.00 - 22.30
042 - Felony Flats (RS) cat. - sound & music music text - Leave Jackson His Computer Jac ckson And H is Comp putter Band locked lock ked with A-Trak A-T Trak and a
Receive Transmit Relate Oscillate Compose Perform Finish Award Participate Collaborate Edit
bunch of acid in a basement of a country club in Georgia for two days, go pick up Michael Jackson, take ‘em to an east New York block party headlined by Dave Clarke, then drop them off at Kim Gordon’s place in Massachusetts. Let Michael hook up with Quentin Dupieux on their way to a club in Belgrade where all of them are supposed to play a DJ set on broken turntables in front of 200 people who don’t give a damn about the music. web - myspace.com/felonyflats T09 - Nieuwe Kerk, church hall fri - 22.30 - 23.45
collaboration Mirko collaborattion between betwee en M irko Lazović an and Popov that nd Nenad P op pov tha at started two tw wo years ago o when when they both studied Art|Science Artt|Sc cience e in The Hag Hague. developed gue. They d eveloped d unique visual compositions vis sual compo ositiions and d improvisations in ong ongoing weekly going we eek kly y sessions, using their ow own wn custom custtom m built software softw ware and hardware. ha ardw ware. Their performances refl reflect continuous continuou us struggle between bettween abab bstract and diving and d concrete, d iving in an nd out of feed feedbacks while dbacks whi ile ttaming aming g circuit ben bent video nt cameras and vide eo equipment. equipmen nt. T09 - Nieuwe Ke Kerk erk fri - 21.00 - 00.00 continuous continu uous s
043 - Shazalakazoo (RS) cat. - sound & music text - “Folkstep” is a fully computerized music style, with the prevailing electronic rhythm and bass line patterns. This basic rhythm structure is overlaid with either folk samples or folklore-inspired themes played using MIDI controllers and/or vinyl scratching. These rhythms, harmonies and melodies are a unique blend. Their origins lie in various Slavic, Gypsy, Vlach, Greek, Romanian and Albanian streaks, or other cultures with substantial influence in the region. Shazalakazoo have been making electronic music since 1998, performing live since 2000. web - myspace.com/shazalakazoo T09 - Nieuwe Kerk, church hall fri - 23.45 - 00.45
045 - Lukatoyboy (RS) cat. - sound & music music text - Lukatoyboy Lukatoybo oy (Luka Ivanović) Iva anović) is a musician, sound designer, de esig gner, journalist and radio editor edittor from m Belgrade. Lukatoyboy’s Lukatoyboy y’s main sound/music sound/mu usic activities activitie es include producing g & performing perform ming g electroelecttroacoustic improvised mu music using usic us sing g feedback, field recordings recordin ngs and d small iPod d FM transmitters. transm mitters. He e teaches m music workshops usic works shops on “circuit be bending” ending” and d organises orrganises s electronic workshops c music wor rksh hops for kids (see page 040). 04 40). Since e February 2 2007 been 007 he has s be een the co-organizer co-organiizer of the improvE imp provE nights in Belgrade, Belgrade, encounters enco ounterrs of electron electronic musicians nic musicia ans and improvisers, which also serves as as a host for the local Share-events. Sharre-eve entts. web - myspace.com/lktyby myspace.c com/lktyby T09 - Nieuwe Kerk, Ke erk, basementt fri - 22.45 - 23.15 23..15
044 - mPnL: Nenad Popov & Mirko Lazović (RS/NL) cat. - visual art / installation text - mPnL is a result of ongoing
Em Embrace Consolidate Cons Incor Incorporate Guarantee Guar Ensure En
conflict is the end of indifference European E uropean Commission Representation in The Hague Reprresentat
conflict lict is the end of indifference
The main reason to establish the European an Union was to end conflic ict. ct. The The EU owes its existence to the memory of the terrible wars that ravaged the Euro European ope ean continent during the first half of the 20th century. Out of the rubble of World W War ar Two, a new kind of hope emerged. People who had resisted during esisted totalitarianism durin ng the the war were determined to put an end to international hatred and rivalry in Europe and e an nd create the conditions for lasting peace. Between 1945 courageous 5 and 1950, a handful of cou urag geous statesmen set about persuading their people to o enter a new era. New political politic cal structures were created in Western Europe, based on shared interests and founde founded upon ed u pon treaties guaranteeing the rule of law and equality between etween all countries. These e structures strructures have so far been successful. What we have today, and political ay, is a unique economic an nd p olitical partnership between 27 democratic European countries with the aim of p providing rov viding peace, prosperity and freedom for its 498 million citizens. But is the EU as it is now s no ow a political arena without conflict? Europe’s post-industrial ustrial societies are becoming increasingly complex. Standards of living have risen steadily, eadily, but often at the cost of an an increasing gap between rich and poor, between and within EU Member States. Terrorism Terro orism and organised crime have become an issue of internal ternal and external security. Ensuring En nsuring equal wealth and security for all, has become the challenge e real challenge for the EU; a ch hallenge that can not be dealt with without facing conflicting cting views and interests. When the Soviet empire crumbled in 1991, 1, the former communist countries co oun ntries of Central and Eastern Europe decided that theirr future lies within the famil family off democratic ly o European nations. In 2004, the EU underwent enlargement went a historic enlargemen nt to o incorporate 10 countries from Central and Eastern Europe Mediterranean: ope and the Mediterranean n: Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Slovenia. gary, Malta, Slovakia and Slove enia. The enlargement process continues to this day. Several countries from the We Western estern Balkan are aspiring to become a member of the EU. Yugoslav U. Croatia and the former Y ugo oslav Republic of Macedonia are already formal candidate date countries; Albania, Bosnia a and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia enjoy a European perspective. For people peo ople from the Balkan countries, war and conflict is not something from an older g generation, ene eration, such as the Second World War is for people from om Western Europe. Instead, Instead d, a large part of the younger generation has living memories life. Becoming es of war as part of daily life e. Be ecoming part of the EU is often a logical step for these countries, who consider the themselves ems selves part of Europe in terms of culture, history and aspirations. irations. European integration is open to all European countries when and if they are prepared obligations repared to take up all the o blig gations of EU membership. As part of the enlargement criteria, the European ropean Union asks future c candidate andidate countries to speed up their economic reconstruction, ction, improve their mutual relations, rela ations, which in the case of the Balkan have been scarred wars, d by ethnic and religious wa ars, and consoli-
054 54
confl is conflict the end of indifference in
date their democratic demo ocratic institutions. These discussions d are often a frustrating process confl avoided. And why should it? Conflict is the during which h co onflict can not always be av indifference end of indiffe eren nce and the start of getting to know each other. That is why we, the Commission, proud to offer you the opportunity to explore a European Co omm mission, are extremely prou Europe in The Hague at the TodaysArt festival, part of the diverse div vers se culture of Southeast Euro by funding a program pro ogram with artists from this region. Let’s embrace e th the he conflict and maybe even forget it while we enjoy each other’s creative expressions. expressio ons.
Engage ge Believe ve Preserve rve Reason on Choose se
do you engage or avoidvi David Rietveld etveld Councilman in The Hague for political part party GroenLinks ty Groe enLin nks
do you engage or avoidv
I did not lik like ke c confl onflict. For years, I tried to avoid any type of conflict as much as I could. any into conflict. I believed that conflict could only I didn’t see e an ny advantage in engaging in result in lo loss. oss. Also, weren’t humans the only species gifted with the ability to reason and make choices? shouldn’t we approach every possible conflict cho oices? So, in theory, why sh situation w with ith h reason, in order to choose the obvious peaceful solution? I felt strengthened in my views by the sheer sh endless news stream regarding conflict world, of the saddening results of conflicts: around the ew orld, mostly pictures and footage f decay Clearly, if given the choice, everybody would destruction, d ecay and destitution. Cle choose - at at least le east for himself - to avoid such su a result. I have lear learnt rnt it is impossible to avoid confl con ict. And not only that, it is also counterproductive. “Zonder “Z Zonder wrijving geen glans” is a Dutch saying which roughly translates to come to respect the meaning of it. Con‘without friction frictio on there is no gloss’, and I have h avoiding it can even be worse. Of course I am not flict can result re esult in horrible things, but avoi calling outt for heavy conflicts that have a terrible outcome such as described above. battle tough of a fight as any conflict. But surely a b attle of ideas can be as tou Up until now, no ow, there is not much conflict in The Hague. I think it is safe to say that at this moment we we have have reached a status quo on many levels. So, TodaysArt central theme for this year yea ar came came to me as a surprise. A surprise that is true, nonetheless: a conflict ís in the air. A type of formalized conflict which most of us are familiar with: elections. promise to be the most impetuous in the history The local elections elec ctions in March next year pro Hague. of The Hag gue e. And although we know tthat this conflict will be resolved peacefully guided by the e formal rules of elections - tthe result will be a new paradigm. I don’t think new paradigm, but it is safe to say that the role I should prelude prrelu ude to the contents of this n upcoming debate. of arts will be e a crucial part of the upcom I still don’tt like lik ke conflict. Not in the way y you like ice-cream or peanut butter. It seems preserve kindness. Or to go to battle for peace. But strange to engage in conflict to preserv you sometimes s yo ou have to. TodaysArt takes the lead and asks us to think ahead: what are values? Do you engage or avoid? your core v alu ues? What are they worth? D
Crash crush
At Spui 24-26, <>TAG will host Crash~Crush, show sh, a program that aims to o sh how that there is more to conflict than meets the eye; ye; even beauty. The visual visua al art arrt at this location offers different perspectives on confl onflict, and shows the multitude multtitu ude of different angles present-day artists can take in approaching such a sen sensitive nsitive topic.
Khalidi & John de Weerd. Weerrd. Participating artists: Vincent Elka (FR) – R Rafael afa ael Rozendaal (NL) – Erik van k va an der Weijde (NL) – Jonath Jonathan han Schipper (US) – Martin Kaltwasser Kaltwa asse er & Folke Köbberling (DE) – Johannes Jo ohan nnes Gees (CH) – Richard Barbr Barbrooke rook ke (Class Wargames) (UK) – Le Lena ena a von Lapschina (RU) – Arthur Zm Zmijewski mijewski (PL) – Matthijs Kiel (N (NL) NL) + a selection of the Vast-Forward Vast-Forward video program of 1646. 164 46.
046 - <TAG> text - Crash~Crush: Wrijving geeft warmte (= Friction creates heat) is a free exhibition and extra program organized by <TAG>. The artists in this exhibition show how conflict (crash) can carry beauty (crush). Every conflict, public or private, contains something tender, but first and foremost: a solution. And friction creates heat. Crash/Crush presents images from the several stages of conflict. Some artworks investigate what stimulates conflict. They create confusion to undermine or avoid conflict. Others look for conflict, show its outcome or adjust reality. But in all stages of conflict there is beauty to be found, however brutal or reconciling it may be. The exhibition is curated by Hicham
Friday 09 October 20.00 – 22.00 Finnisa Finnisage age with a public performance of of the Game of War, by Class War Wargames. rgam mes. The exhibition is organised by organise ed b y TAG and is free to visit. 047 - DJ TV DiSKO (CA/NZ) (CA/NZ Z) cat. - sound & m music usic
Show Approach Contain Investigate Stimulate Confuse Undermine Avoid Reconcile
text web T09 fri
the intelligence of the body, for example, the knowledge e of the fingers or lips, is considered just as important musically musica ally as the ‘brain-knowledge ‘brain-knowledge’. STEIM e’. S TEIM has stimulated the design de esig gn of extremely physical in interfaces nterfaces and is widely considered conside ered d as the pioneering place for the e new live electronic concepts. STEIM has always encourag encouraged ged the use of low-tech solutions and s an nd the creative “misuse” of recycled recy ycled high-tech. STEIM sta stands ands for “a human approach to ttechnolech hnology”. This technology y has ha as to be tailored to the individual. ind divid dual. Unique instruments such such as The Hands, The Web, The e Sweatstick Sw weatstick and the MIDI Conductor Conduc ctorr were created as a result off pe personal ersonal and individual projects, projec cts, but are now used by other pe performers. erfo ormers. STEIM’s former director direc ctor and founding father Michel Mich hel Waisvisz Waisvisz (who unfortunately passed pass sed away in 2008) is generally recognized as being the first to invent in nve ent a practice for ecstatic live p performance erfformance with live electronic in instruments. nstrruments. Over the years, a great v variety ariety of the pioneering artists s off the live electronic performan performance nce arts have worked at STEIM. More Mo ore recently, STEIM is being discovered disco overred by DJ’s and VJ’s who wa want ant to liven up their act with physical phys sica al control of their sound machines s and laptops. But not just DJ’s and VJ’s; dancers, actors and d visual artists are also comin coming up ng u p to STEIM to use the ideas ffound ound at STEIM and to develop deve elop p these ideas for their person personal nal goals. At TodaysArt, STEIM will bring five artists: DJ Sniff, Emile Emile Zile,
see page041 for more info myspace.com/guymauve Crash~Crush, spui 24-26 23.00- 01.00
048 - Artist talks cat. - panels / lectures / workshops text - Lectures and artist talks by Johannes Gees, Jonathan Schipper, Olaf Nicolai & Catherine Baÿ. T09 - Crash~Crush, spui 24-26 sat - 16.00 - 18.00 049 - STEIM text - STEIM (the studio for electroinstrumental music) is the only independent live electronic music centre in the world that is exclusively dedicated to the performing arts. The foundation’s artistic and technical departments support an international community of performers and musicians, and a growing group of visual artists, in developing unique instruments for their work. STEIM invites these people for residencies and provides them with an artistic and technical environment in which concepts can be given a concrete form. It catalyzes their ideas by providing critical feedback grounded in professional experience. These new creations are then exposed to a receptive responsive niche public at STEIM before being groomed for a larger audience. STEIM promotes the idea that Touch is crucial in communicating with the new electronic performance art technologies. The computer has been used too much, and designed as an exclusive extension of the formalistic capabilities of humans. At STEIM
Dedicate Support Invite Provide Catalyze Groom Promote Communicate Design Extend Stimulate Consider Pioneer Approach Invent Develop
one turntable turnta able and DJ J mixer. web - djsniff.com m T09 - Crash~Crush, Crash~Cru ush, spui 24-26 24 4 -26 sat - 22.00 - 23.00
Byungjung Kwon, Mario de Vega and Blippoo Extravaganza. 050 - Xavier van Wersch & Adult Survivors of Satanism (NL) cat. - sound & music text - From the squishy crypts of the collective underbelly bleus, the Adult Survivors of Satanism come slithering up with their foul cochlea moistening power chords, to soil the The Hague rock ritual (for more info about Van Wersch, see page 100). web - xaflab.tk T09 - Crash~Crush, spui 24-26 sat - 20.00 - 20.45
053 - Emile Zile (AU) (STEIM) (STEIM M) Post-it Kino Kin no cat. - visual art / installatio installation on text - Emile Zile is a multi-disciplina multi-disciplinary ary y artist and performer thematically the ematic callly engaged with with popular popula ar screen screen iconography, iconograp phy, portraiture portraitture e and crowd dynamics. dyn namics. A sense sens se of black hum humor playful mor and a p layful and d engaging use of sound are foun found nd throughout work. throughou ut his body of w ork. In his perform performance mance Post-it Postt-it Kino, Zile e (re)creates narratives s cinematic c na arrative es through th the combination he combina atio on of evocative music and textual comtex xtual c om mmands. Simple “Hero”, Siimple words like “He ero o”, “Villain”, “BANG”, “BANG”, stuck stu uck to the e surface off a television and propro ojected onto video ontto a big screen scre een n via vide eo feed, conjure entire n narratives, arrratives s, and lead to to a unique interaction intteraction n with the audience. web - emilezile.com emilezile.c com T09 - Crash~Crush, Crash~Cru ush, spui 24-26 24 4 -26 sat - 21.00 - 21.25
051 - Byunjung Kwon (KR) (STEIM) cat. - sound & music text - Byungjun Kwon (1971, South Korea) started his musical career in early 90`s as a singer/songwriter and has released 7 albums, ranging from alternative rock to minimal house. His performance at the festival will be a selection of his work, accompanied by great visuals. web - byungjun.pe.kr T09 - Crash~Crush, spui 24-26 sat - 21.30 - 21.50
054 - Mario de Vega (MX) (STEIM) (STE EIM) cat. - sound & music music text - Mario de Vega born Vega was b orn n in Mexico City, 1979. He no now works ow wor rks s in both Be Berlin erlin and Mexico Me exic co City. City y. His work explores relations beexplores rel latio ons be etween stability, failure, simulation failurre, s imula atio on and ambiguity ambig guity with site-specifi site-specific projects, sculpture, sculpture, documentadocumentta-tion and sound sound improvisation impro ovis sation with electronic devic devices. imces. As an n im mproviser h his wide is work involves a w id de range of c customized objects, ustomized ob bjects, analog and an nd modified d electronics, ele ectron nics,, turntables s and computer comp pute er based base ed
052 - DJ Sniff (JP/NL) (STEIM) cat. - sound & music text - DJ sniff (Takuro Mizuta Lippit, artistic director at STEIM) believes in the instrumental autonomy of the turntable and the musicianship of the DJ. He is a turntable musician working in the field of improvised and experimental music. DJ Sniff uses a unique setup consisting of hand-made hardware interfaces and custom Max/MSP software along with
inte interfaces erfaces in different combinations. Unpredictable tion ns. U npredictab ble situations caused d by the manipulation ma anipulation of fragile frag gile objects and d the potential their of th heirr failure using motors, magnets, mag gne ets, electric semi-conductors, duc ctors, acoustic surfaces and electronic devices. elec ctro onic devices s. web mariodevega.info web - mar riod devega.info T09 T09 - Crash~Crush, Cras sh~ ~Crush, spui spu ui 24-26 fri frri - 21.15 5 - 21.50 055 - Blippoo Blip ppoo extravaganza (NL) (STEIM) (STEIM M) cat. - sound & music text Kassen te ext - Joker Jok ker Nies, Nies, Kasse en Oud and Rob b Hordijk Ho ordijk have for a long time been bee en associated associated artists artists in the field d off electronic arts. Joker is widely known for his energetic electronic performances elec ctro onic music p erformances on various variious circuit-bent circuit--bent electronic devices. dev vices. Kassen is s a talented composer, com mpo oser, musician musiciian and realtime programmer. prog grammer. Rob b is a slightly excentric exce enttric electronic electron nic instrument designer. design ner. The three thre ee will explore a world analog worrld of of pure ana alog electronic sounds, sounds s, playing, amongst amongst others thin things, ngs, Blippoo boxes, an instrument designed instrum ment design ned by Rob and d already alrready bent by design. In an improvised setup imp provised set tup the trio will try tto touch essence o to ouch the es ssence of the haydays hayday ys of abstract electronic sounds the s (around th he 1950/60s) when whe en the the micro-electronic micro-e electronic future was still s sti ill largely undefi un ndefined but saturated satu uratted with prospects pro ospects of exciting interplanetary inte erplanetary y endeavours, to be rewarded rew warded with a happy family life in outer outer space. space e. Scott them up, beamy! bea amy y! T09 T09 - Crash~Crush, Cras sh~ ~Crush, spui spu ui 24-26 fri frri - 22.00 22.0 00 - 22.50
Daree Grow w Persevere vere Build d Fuell
the hague city of conflict
Marieke Bolle Alderman Culture & Finance The ance in T he Hague e
the hague city of conflict
The Hague e is known as the International City of Peace and Justice. Conflict, one could TodaysArt choose conflict this year to say, is the e opposite op pposite of peace, so why would w characterize characteriz ze tthe he city and as a theme for its festival? It could perhaps be because of peace without there first having been conflict. We the obvious obviou us reason re eason that there is no peac can also be seen as something positive. In the tend to see e confl co onflict as a negative, yet it c art world for fo or instance a period of conflict is usually a period of artistic growth in which and Mondriaan hadn’t been in conflict with the artistic new genres genre es a nd styles emerge. If Mond conventions off his time he may not have developed his own unique neo-plastic “De convention ns o Seen Stijl” style.. Se een in this light conflict is tthe perfect theme for a contemporary art and Perhaps the conflicting expressions during the festimusic festivall such as TodaysArt. Perhap val will also als so give give birth to a new genre or, dare we think it, even a new Mondriaan? Can we also characterize the city of The Th Hague as a city of conflict? There is a diperhaps fuel the idea. The Hague is traditionchotomy in n our population that could pe caps’, in Dutch ‘hoeden en petten’. The city’s ally known n as s a city of ‘top hats and ca neighbourhoods neighbour rhoo ods are built on either sandy sand ground or on peat-soil, in Dutch ‘zand en subterranean level we see the same distinction. veen’, so it it seems se eems that even on a subte distinctive These two o dis stinctive groups of people and neighbourhoods might just prove to be fertile grounds grou und ds for the creation of art if we think of conflict as something positive. Who knows what wha at exciting exciting things could happen happe if we brought these two sides of The Hague together? closer toge ether? Artists from both sides could collaborate on interesting new art colwith style. lectives wi ith a whole new, distinctive sty The Hague e is aiming to be the Cultural Capital C of Europe in 2018. To achieve this, the strategy the conflict in our city, encourage it and best strate egy would perhaps be to embrace embr give free reign re eign n to the creation of art. This year, 2009, the TodaysArt festival will be five Olof van Winden and his team on this accomyears old. I congratulate co ongratulate the director Olo plishment:: it hasn’t hasn’t always been easy and I admire their perseverance. This 5th edition TodaysArt can experiment to see how our city functions when of TodaysA Art c an serve as a wonderful ex in the spotlight. I sincerely hope you will conflict is given giv ven center stage and can stand st ‘conflict’ might bring you? enjoy the ffestival estival and who knows what ‘c
centrale ale bibliotheek heek
The central library will be the location for a conflict of words. Literally. Literally y. VillaNuts, VillaNuts, Arnhem’s Artez and ArtScience (the interfaculty Academy aculty from the Royal Acad dem my of Art and the Royal Conservatoire from The Hague) library and gue) will take over the libra ary a nd fight until the last man falls.
mixture off typograph typography, colors and hy, c olors an nd microtonal compositions. microtona al sound comp positions s. By scanning the ISBN N number of of the books books, s, information informatio on about about that book will be retrieved from d fr rom the library database into dattabase and ‘loaded’ int to the gun. B By the y putting th he book on on a scale, th the Typographic he Typograp phic c Gun willl ‘fire’ its co contents ontents into the e room m by project projecting mixture ting a mixtu ure of its contents in a surprisi surprising ing way. web - villanuts.com villanuts.c com kabk.nl artez.nl fri - 20.00 - 00 00.00 continuous 0.00 continu uou us sat - 20.00 - 00 00.00 continuous 0.00 continu uou us
056 - VillaNuts Interactive Playground: KABK vs Artez (NL) cat. - visual art / installation text - VillaNuts, a meeting place, a foundation that organises exhibitions, performances, lectures and a whole host of other activities for young artists, students, and anyone who is interested, showcases the ‘Interactive Playground‘-program at TodaysArt, in the Central Library. Art students from the Royal Academy of Art (KABK) in The Hague and Interactive Media Design students from ARTeZ in Arnhem will battle each other with the contents of the library in The Hague. ARTeZ already told us what will be their weapon of choice. Every book, pamphlet or flyer will serve as ammunition for the Typographic Gun, which will convert these works into a
Take over Fight Organize Battle Convert Compose Scan Retrieve Load Put Fire Project
atrium um
The city hall, the ‘ice palace’, once again serves as the ultimate loca location ation for art. Inside of this vast white hall, every art discipline home. scipline seems to feels at h om me. This year the Atrium will be used for exquisite modern dance performance performances, es, tthe he exclusive slow-motion installation from Jonathan an Schipper, an intervention by snow whites, and an installation by Jana van Winderen Touch. inderen from the label Tou uch.. Several highly acclaimed dancers and choreographers TodaysArt aphers will be treating the Tod daysArt audience to enchanting choreographies,, some of which have been uniquely n un niquely made for this location. Two dance performances from ances are from dancers fro om the Nederlands Dans Theater, and TodaysArt would Nederlands d like to congratulate Nede erla ands Dans Theater with their 50th 0th anniversary.
processor. caught processorr. The body cau ught in n this paradox, the parad dox, becomes become es part part off th he machine, and here a componen component nt of a work of art. Jona Jonathan, atha an, based in New York, Yo ork, makes mechanical mec chanic call paradoxes. Opposition strives paradoxes s. Oppositio on s trives s to o reverse technology’s hold on us, to shake you its grasps, you out of it ts g rasps,, back into the body. Itt is meant to enact anti-progress upon anti-progres ss u pon you, to entropy own effects. enttropy its ow wn e ffects s. Its motto iis anti-technology. s anti-tech hnology. His sculpt sculpture inevitable ture “Slow inev vitable e death of A American muscle” merican m uscle” is a machine tthat advances fullhat advanc ces two fu ull-sized automobiles slowly one auto omobiles slo owly into on ne another ov over ver a period d off severall days, simu simulating head autoulating a he ead on au uto omobile collision. car moves co ollision. Each c ar mo ove es about three thre ee feet into the e other. The movement be move ement is so slow slo ow as tto ob e invisible. It is almost imp impossible possib ble e to watch a modern action actio on film m
057 - Jonathan Schipper (US) Slow Inevitable Death of American Muscle cat. - visual art / installation text - Jonathan Schipper’s philosophy that art is a mechanism for understanding is apparent in each of his insightful undertakings which take on the form of high-concept mechanics. His machines take measurements, calibrate limitations, trying to confront with a cold eye where we stand. Measuring out the distances, Schipper’s work shows the limitations of the bodily experience. Technology is supposed to extend you, but the reverse always seems to happen. We are absorbed today by technology. We have become an extension of the machine, a tool of technology, a button pusher, a word
Treat Enchant Understand Undertake Measure Calibrate Extend Absorb Strive Reverse Enact Advance Simulate Collide Move
September Continuous Septembe er 18 -26: Co ontinuous s fri - 20.00 - 00 00.00 continuous 0.00 continu uou us sat - 14.00 - 00.00 continuous continu uous
without at least one automobile wreck. Why do we find interest and excitement in new versions of the same event? Why are we not satisfied? Cars are extensions of our body and our ego. We buy or modify cars that reflect our personalities and egos. When we see an automobile destroyed, in a way we are looking at our own inevitable death. This moment is, because of it’s inherent speed, almost invisible. We have slowed the event via film and video but only from a cameras perspective. We never get to see the transformation of living breathing car to wreck in its entirety, in detail. This piece offers the viewer the ability to examine in three dimensions the collision of these cars. A moment that might take a fraction of a second in an actual collision will be expanded to take days. Collisions are spectacular moments. By changing one of the key variables, this piece removes and changes the nature of the event. What was life threatening is now rendered safe. What was supremely spectacular is now almost static. More reconciled than Jean Tinguely’s self-destroying machine, it is a machine of contrition, working to erase its wrongs. The wreck has been broken down to its Newtonian components. We are left to contemplate our own mortality, our own Newtonian components. This site-specific installation will be presented at TodaysArt 09 over a period of 7 days in the city hall of The Hague. web - oppositionart.com T09 - Atrium, section A
058 - Lukas Timulak (SK) & Pe Peter eter Bilak (SK/NL) Urtanz cat. - modern dance / movement mov vem ment text - Dancer Lukas Timulak the Lu ukas Timula ak from th he prestigious Nederlands prestigiou us Nederlan nds Dans Theater, in collaboran a latest co olla aboration with the Peter the designer designe er P eter Bilak, takes abstract take es interest in abstrac ct language with the structure of music with this site-specifi site-s spe ecific piece. The piece e backdrop of the piec ce is Kurt Schwitters’ Ur Ursonate from rson nate fr rom m the 1920s, written organization org gan nization n of phonetics that brid bridges music dge es mus sic c with poetry poetrry and performative perfo orm mative arts. It is humorous and humorous a nd dead serious at the same time, time e, accurate and historical d barbaric, his storical and modern. mode ern. The existence off this original origin nal Schwitters’ Schwitte ers’ recording record din ng is a small miracle. Mo Most ost of the e Dada performances perfformances were werre not recorded o orr the recordings are recordin ngs ar re lost, but Ursonate Ursonate was wa as recovered in The Hague Hag gue in the late late e 1980’s. Choreography: Timulak, Choreogra aphy: Lukas s Timulak k, Collaboration: Collaborattion: Peter Bilak, Bila ak, Music: Mu usic c: Kurt Schw Schwitters “Ursonate”, Light: witters “Urso ona ate”, Ligh ht: Tom Visser, Tomoko Visse er, Costumes: Costume es: T omok ko Inamura, Dancers: Dancers: Nina Niina Botkay, Botka ay, Ema Yuasa, Jiri Pokorny y web - timulak.com timulak.co om tonalsolution.nl tonalsoluttion.nl T09 - Atrium, section se ection B fri - 20.00 - 20.30 20 0.30 sat - 19.30 - 20.00 20..00 059 - Fernando Hernando Magadan (ES) & Harmen Straatman Straattma an (NL) Naked Ap Ape pe cat. - modern dance / movement mov vem ment
Excite Satisfy Buy Modify Reflect Destroy Transform Breathe Examine Expand Remove Change Render Reconcile Contemplate Recover
text - Dance has always been a natural element of cohesion, expression and communal identity. These social functions of cooperation, expression and identity are essential for our own development and physical relations. In a time where new technologies are changing the way we communicate, the way we express, and how we inhabit the world, how much space is left for pure social physical experience and the relation with the natural environment? ‘Naked Ape’ is a collaboration between choreographer Fernando Hernando Magadan of NDT (Netherlands Dance Theatre) and multimedia artist & sound designer Harmen Straatman. Using dance and technology as a medium, this choreographic work explores the relation between the human physical expression and instinct and the artificial environment we have created around us. The confrontation between the insensitivity of the technological media with the expressive human capacity may create an identity crisis for the last of our inherited natural faculties. Dancers in this piece are Sandra Marin Garcia, Roger van der Poel, Anna Herrmann and Bastien Zorzetto. Choreography: Fernando Hernando Magadan. Dancers: Sandra Marin Garcia, Mengham Lou, Bastien Zorzetto, Anna Herrmann. Music: Murcof, Louis XIV Demons, The Vesrsailles Session, J.S.Bach, Solo Violing Partita#1 In B Minor, BWV 1002 - Sarabande / Double, Jonsi and Alex, Sleeping Giant, Riceboy Sleeps. Sculptures: Fernando Hernando Magadan,
web T09 fri sat -
Harmen Straatman. Straatman. Interactive Inte eractive e Decor and d Soundscape: Soundscap pe: Harmen Harme en Straatman. Straatman n. Costume:: Tomoko To omoko Inamura. youtube.com/user/Fernanyoutube.com/user/Fe erna andoMagadan Atrium, Section Se ection B 21.15 - 21.45 21.4 45 20.30 - 21.00 21..00
060 - Arno Schuitemaker (NL)) Exit cat. - modern dance /movement /move eme ent text - Arno Schu Schuitemaker, uitemaker, a graduate graduatte from the Technical University Technical U niv versity in Delft, decided radically deciided to radi ically change cha ang ge his careerr by studying D Dance. ance. Today, he is a highly acclaimed acc claime ed and award-winning award d-winning choreogracho oreogrrapher. Together Toge ether with three thre ee male dancers, Kim-Jomi Kim-Jomi Fischer, Fisc cher, Ryan Rya an Djojokarso, Padrosa, and Djojokarso o, Oscar Padro osa, an nd composerr Jürgen de e Blonde, Schuitemaker created dance Schuitema aker create ed the dan nce performance the performan nce EXIT, in n which wh hich th he audience is seated around arou und the e dance area. based are ea. EXIT is b ase ed on the e growing u urge break rge of people to bre eak k free from our complex existence. comple ex e xisten nce e. The dance dancers ers portray this s struggle strug gglle through ra raw, dance and aw, dynamic d ance a nd relativistic c humor. T09 - Atrium, section se ection B fri - 22.15 - 22.35 sat - 21.30 - 21.50 21.5 50 061 - Joeri Dubbe (NL) Prospect Future Future cat. - modern dance / movement mov vem ment text - Born in Ha Haarlem, aarlem, Joeri Joe eri Alexander Alexan nde er Dubbe attended atttended the National Nattional BalBa allet Academ Academy honoured my and was s ho onoure ed as Most Ta Talented Student. alented Stu udent. He began his s dance career care eerr with an an apprenticeship apprentice eship with tthe he e Dutch h National Ballet. performed Ballet. He perfo ormed d
with h th this his company y for four years with h the th he coryphées, coryphée es, to make the transition Nederlands tran nsitiion to the N ederlands Dans Theater The eate er II. His choreography cho oreography Prospect Pros spe ect Future is s about fears that and d insecurities ins securities th hat people can experience experie ence when communicating with h others. otthers. T09 Atrium, T09 - Atrium m, section B fri frri - 23.15 - 23.35 satt - 23.3 23.30 30 - 23.45 062 - Cather Catherine rine Baÿ (FR) Blanche Blan nch he Neige cat. - mod modern derrn dance / movement movement text te ext - The e Snow Sn now Whites s of the French choreographer Catherine cho oreo ographer Ca atherine Baÿ have performed hav ve p erformed in n many international natiiona al settings over over the past years, always always adapting the theme of th the performance he p erformanc ce to the local situation, contesting situatio on, thus con ntesting Disney’s uniformization unifform mization of the iconic fairy tail hero. Hague, herro. In The H ague, where the performance perrformance is part of the 400 0 years celebration of Mare Liberum Libe erum m - the founding text of international inte erna ational law - 20 locally trained performers train ned d performer rs will represent the cyclic cyc clic motion between violence violenc ce and international interrnational conferences. enc ces. web web - blanche-neige.fr blan nch he-neige.fr T09 Atrium, T09 - Atrium m, section B satt - 22.10 - 23.10
web T09 fri sat
063 - Jana Jan na Winderen Winderen (NO) Evaporation Evaporration cat. - visual art installation visu ual a rt / installa ation text te ext - Jana Jan na Winderen Winderen researches re esearches the hidden hidd den n depths of the sea with the late latest technology; est technolo ogy; her work reveals complexity reve eals s the compl lexity and strangeness strange eness of the e unseen world beneath. ben neatth. She is concerned co oncerned with finding nd ding g sounds from fro om unseen
sources, like blind field recording. Jana will present both an installation, as well as a performance (see page 010). The installation, ‘Evaporation’, is recorded and filmed in and around the icefjord Kangia by Illulisat, Greenland. Winderen visited Greenland in July 2007 where she made hydrophone recordings not only 25 metres under the ice, but also from inside the ice itself. The video footage is from the same trip. janawinderen.com Atrium, media room 20.00 - 00.00 continuous 14.00 - 00.00 continuous
spuiplein lein
The Spuiplein is the heart of the TodaysArt rt Festival. The greenhouses greenhouse es from from last year are back, with installations, a shop, a bar, our ticket shop, several acts that will play out their conflicts using the crowd, performances. d, and surprise performanc ces. In sharp contrast with the transparent greenhouses,, Bunker/Crème Organization Organizattion n will host a night of underground italo disco in the Intergalactic (IC). Important: tergalactic Compound (IC) ). Im mportant: don’t miss the opening here ere at 19.00 on Friday.
of sociocu sociocultural general. ultural life in n general l. web - pipdenhaa pipdenhaag.nl ag.nl culturalis.nl T09 - Spuiplein fri - 18.30 - 18.45 18.4 45
064 - PIP (NL) The Hague Moves Opening TodaysArt 2009 cat. - modern dance / movement text - The Hague Moves (THM), The Hague’s very own choreography contest, started earlier this year. Choreographers will battle for a place on stage with the groove that makes them move. THM’s Guerrilla Team will open the TodaysArt Festival with a taste of what can be expected from THM ’09. Don’t miss this! The Guerrilla Team is extraordinarily big… This performance was created in cooperation with PIP, the sociocultural company of The Netherlands that aims to give everyone the opportunity to call upon the sociocultural energy in The Hague and thus increase the diversity, intensity and popularity
065 - Peter Zuiderwijk & Karin Ka arin n Mientjes (NL) Conflict-ID D cat. - visual art / installatio installation on text - For the 2009 20 009 edition of tthe he To-daysArt fe festival Zuiderwijk estival Peterr Zu uiderw wijk k & Karin MIentjes developed the th he thematic “CONFLICT-ID” “CONFLICT T-ID D” camcam mpaign. Through Thrrough different communication municatio on channels s they will try to raise about the e questions s ab bout th he representation interpretation representa ation and in nterrpretattio on of conflictt related me messages. Until essa ages. Un ntil which leve level control el do we actually ac ctua ally contr rol the information inform mation that represents rep presentts power and d when do we we start to to be manipulated manipu ulated by predefi pred defined d
web web T09 T09 fri frri satt -
web - myspace.com/weareacidwashed en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tecktonik T09 - Spuiplein fri - 20.00 - 00.00 sat - 20.00 - 00.00
notiions notions? s? Notions that relate to marketing-related mar rketting-related d distortion, but our generalizing also o ou ur own gene eralizing vocabulary. cab bula ary. The result resu ult is a series of posters, pos sters s, a modular modula ar flyer system, T-shirts a collection co ollection of T-s shirts and two interactive inte erac ctive projections projecttions on the messages city hall. All messa ages use a vocabulary shaped cab bula ary that is sh haped in the eye the of th he jjudgmental udgmentall beholder. An additional add ditio onal text about this project is presented in the e statement CONFLICT-ID page CON NFL LICT-ID on p age 080. peterzuiderwijk.com pete erzu uiderwijk.co om karinmientjes.nl kariinm mientjes.nl Spuiplein Spu uiplein 20.00 20.0 00 - 00.00 continuous 20.00 20.0 00 - 00.00 continuous
067 - Teletekst is dood (NL) ALLWEKNOW cat. - visual art / installation text - ALLWEKNOW is the new installation by Teletekst is dood. The installation captures web content related to real-time events happening at TodaysArt 09. This data is then processed into an interactive, motion tracking interface. Instead of merely looking at this program book, you can see, hear and feel what’s happening at the festival at that very moment. You will be able to decide what you want to see based on emotions rather than rationality. All we know is that this installation bridges the border between the virtual and the physical and provides the visitor with an innovative and radical new tool to experience the festival. web - allweknow.nl T09 - Spuiplein fri - 19.00 - 00.00 continuous sat - 14.00 - 00.00 continuous
066 - Tecktonik cat. - mod modern derrn dance / movement movement sound & music text orr having the te ext - Having Hav ving g a seizure o time You e off your life? Y ou decide: Tecktonik, the fam famous mous spazztastic electro dance tasttic e lectro danc ce style that has long the g conquered co onquered th he clubs and streets stre eets s of France iis s coming to The Hague Hag gue for the very y first time with the four fou ur best Tektonik dancers from m Paris and an n excellent DJ. Acid Washed dW ashed is a two-man process primarily, deteriorating dete eriorating sound amongst amo ong gst souvenirs, souvenirrs, friends, home studios analogue stud dios s and analo ogue equipment. They The ey bring bring a fusion fusio on of late nineties Fre French ench house e vibes and DFA disco that disc co touches touches tha at acknowledges the infl Chicago fluence of C hicago and Detroitt without be being eing overly reverential. names eren ntia al. Throw na ames like Steve Reich, Moroder Reic ch, Giorgio Mo oroder into the hat as well if you llike, ike, but don’t dwell dwe ell on on them. Cosmic Co osmic tunes for the party tonight (concept (concept & production n Tecktonik: Adrien Walter).
068 - Gastón Arévalo (UY) Thinner cat. - sound & music text - Sound artist and producer with an aesthetic interest in nature as one of the fundamental elements of his inspiration. His interest lies in contemplating different landscapes and converting these landscapes into a digital environment in the form of music. His music, therefore, is based
Attach Host Open Groove Move Expect Increase Seize Decide Conquer Process Deteriorate Fuse Touch Acknowledge Revere Dwell Capture Relate Process
Know Bridge Provide Innovate Experience Contemplate Convert Categorize Run Jump Climb Present Use Expect
web T09 fri sat
T09 - Spuiplein sat - 21.00 - 22. 22.00 performance) .00 ( perform mance)
on organic rhythms, noises, field recordings and sounds. It could be categorized as “ambient experimental” and “minimal dub”. garevalo.info Spuiplein, greenhouse #2 20.00 - 00.00 20.00 - 00.00
071 - Mastermundo World’s First Flashmob Flashmo ob Open Open Air Air Rock Orch Orchestra Spectacle hestra Spec ctac cle cat - sound & music music text - Mastermundo Mastermu undo will do o something so omething g quite unexpected. unex xpected. Just Ju ust be be there the ere and witness will witne ess something you w ill not soon forget... forget... web - mastermundo.org mastermu undo.org T09 - Spuiplein sat - 22.00 - 22.20
069 - Freerunners cat - modern dance / movement text - Ever seen those people on television who run all over towns, jumping across fences, climbing on top of roofs, and doing insane acrobatic feats while they’re at it? Freerunners will be present across the festival terrain. So watch yourself, someone might be using you as a springboard when you least expect it... T09 - Spuiplein fri - 20.00 - 00.00 sat - 14.00 - 00.00
072 - Liefhertje en De Grote Witte Grotte W itte Reus (NL) cat. - shop / presentation pre esentation text - Liefhertje en De Grote Witte Grotte W itte Reus (Deardeer The (Dea ardeer and T he e Big White Giant) will fill up the up one one off th he greenhouses on the Spu Spuiplein uiplein n with a temporary tem mporary shop. sho op. Here you you u will find an extensive collection e co ollectio on of of art, design design, and publican, fashion a nd public cations, as w well best books ell as the b es st book ks and music c from Subwalk, Subw wallk, ReyRey ykjavik Pub Publishers (including book blishers (inc clud ding boo ok presentation van Nuenen, presentatiion Henri va an Nuene en,, see below), below w), Stroom Den Den n Haag, Haag g, Onomatopee Onomatop pee Publishers Publish hers s (with a book presentation, see below) pres sentation, se ee below w) and others, Magazine others s, Fw: Maga azin ne and d V2_. Liefhertje Liefhe ertje en De Grote Witte e Reus presents sells authentic pres sents and se ells authe enttic c products created created by young you ung designers and artists artists, s, and an nd organorg gan nizes exhib exhibitions activities. bitions and a ctivities. Besides being a plac place for creative ce fo or crea ative e minds to m meet, harbors eet, it also o ha arbors sa knowledge centre wh where selected here selecte ed artists receive guidan guidance supnce e and s up pport. The organization organizatio on represents represe ents s creativity and and innovation, innova ation n, and d strives to bring bring art and an nd audience audien nce e together as possible as much as po ossible e
070 - Antistrot (NL) The Ponball cat. - visual art /installation text - Antistrot’s midi street performance “The Ponball” is a performance that is a reply to the Midi Street Instruments project (TodaysArt co-production 2006). After high power fuel intoxicated composing, the Ponball has finaly finished his musical masterpieces. These will be played for you on a high octane turn organ. The Ponball is so happy! Like a ghost on the run, it just might appear out of the white smoke of mystery. Participants: Johan Kleinjan, Marco Kruyt en Remco de Jong (illustration Antistrot: David Elshout). web - antistrot.com
web w eb T09 T 09 fri fr ri satt
ing confrontation nonetheless. This presentation is part of the program that is presented by Liefhertje & De Grote Witte Reus (see page 076). T09 - Greenhouse #4 sat - 16.00 -16.30
liefhertje.nl liefh herttje.nl Spuiplein Spu uiplein greenhouse greenho ouse #4 20.00 20.0 00 - 00.00 continuous 14.00 continuous 14.0 00 - 00.00 cont tinuous
073 - Onomatopee Ono oma atopee Projectspace presentation pres sen ntation Dick Raaijmakers’ ‘Method’ ‘Me etho od’ cat - presentation pres sen ntation text te ext - This s is a presentation by Remco van Bladel Bla adel on the revised and translated tran nsla ated edition of Dick Raaijmakers’ Raa aijm makers’ theoretical theo oretical work “De Methode”. Me ethode”. Dick Dic ck Raaijmakers (Maastricht, the (Ma aastricht, th he Netherlands, 1930) 1930 0) is s generally considered as both h the th he founding g father and godfather electronic god dfather of elect tronic music. He has however ho owever also created a most intriguing inspiring intriiguing and ins spiring body of work worrk consisting consisting of of performances, visual art, visu ual a rt, music theatre theatre and theoretical essays. theo orettical essays s. This presentation n is part of the program that is presented by Liefhertje & De Grote W Witte itte Reus (see page 076). web web - onomatopee.net ono oma atopee.net T09 T09 - Greenhouse Greenh house #4 satt - 16.30 16.3 30 - 17.00
075 - Pierre Derks (NL) Miniscule Blue Helmets on a Massive Quest cat. - presentation text - Do you want to help build a mini force on a massive scale? Join a global intervention in public space, completely in your control. The “Miniscule Blue Helmets on a Massive Quest” are rapidly spreading around the globe. The Hague functions as their forward operating base from where they take off. Eyewitnesses of the quest have submitted hundreds of photos taken on all continents. The Miniscule Blue Helmets on a Massive Quest are being monitored by Pierre Derks. Do not hesitate to send in your sightings. Shoot the Blue Helmet and upload the image! Reports can be found on the minibluehelmets website. This official launch is part of the program that is presented by Liefhertje & De Grote Witte Reus (see page 076). web - minibluehelmets.com T09 - Greenhouse #4 fri - 20.00 - continuous sat - 14.00 - continuous (official launch 16.00-18.00)
074 - Henri Hen nri van van Nuenen/Reykjavik Publisher Pub blish her cat. - presentation pres sen ntation text te ext - Visual Visu ual artist Henrii van Nuenen will present newest pre esent his ne ewest publication n ‘De zager en de jager’ (The logger logg gerr and the hunter). hu unter). The logger logg gerr and the hunter, hu unter, two conspicuous spic cuo ous figures iin n a forest, each with h their th heir own task. tas sk. They meet in a lus lush sh summer park, the place where Riding whe ere Little Red R iding Hood and her grandmother gra andmother reside. This is a black and story, blac ck a nd white s tory, conveyed through alone, thro ough images a lone, no words and d very ve ery little action. actiion. It is a strik-
076 - Niklas Roy (DE) & Adad Hannah (QC/CA) International Dance Party cat. - visual art / installation sound & music
text - International Dance Party is a box equipped with a sound system, music, flashing lights, and even a fog machine. The installation, fitted with radar equipment that senses movement, works in such a way that the more you invest, the better things get. The audience controls the intensity and complexity of the party as a statement against passive consumerist attitudes. It is a sort of microcosmic reflection on the social sphere of a club. web - internationaldanceparty.com T09 - Spuiplein, greenhouse #5 fri - 20.00 - 00.00 continuous sat - 14.00 - 00.00 continuous
web T09 fri sat
tion, a vent ven nt for your aggressions, aggressio ons s, ecstasy, A Armageddon rmageddon – it’s alll in n this inconspicuous little e box. fursr.com Spuiplein,, greenhouse #6 greenhous se # 6 00.00 continuous 20.00 - 00 0.00 continu uou us 14.00 - 00.00 continuous continu uous
078 - Intergalactic FM (NL)) cat. - sound & music music text - Intergalactic Intergalac ctic FM (affiliated with witth the earlierr Cybernetic c BroadcastBroadcas st-ing System) System m) is the online on nline e radio o station where get your wh here you can g et you ur daily dose disco, funk, e of electro,, dis sco, fu unk k, sound tracks, space, hiphop trac cks, italo, spac ce, hip pho op and other quality mu music. usic. Inter-galactic FM will stream West strea am the W es st Coast Allia Alliance program straight ance progra am straig ghtt onto the w web eb during the e festival. festiv vall. web - intergalacticfm.com intergalac cticfm.com T09 - Spuiplein,, Intergalactic Compound Compoun nd fri - 20.00 - 00 00.00 continuous 0.00 continu uou us sat - 14.00 - 00.00 continuous continu uous
077 - //////////fur//// (DE) MoshPit Amp cat - visual art / installation sound & music text - The MoshPit Amp by Volker Morawe, Tilman Reiff and Roman Kirschner (known for their Painstation installation) is an automata that converts head-banging movements into metal music. Through style and intensity of your head-banging, you are the conductor of a virtual metal band consisting of four instruments: vocals, bass, drums and guitar. You can control the volume as well as the pattern of each instrument to create engaging musical arrangements. If you mosh really hard you can trigger a guitar solo for the ultimate rock experience. Your performance in front of the amp will additionally be supported by a lightshow with smoke, flash and pyrotechnics. A wall of sound under your command, a volcanic, orgasmic erup-
Reply Intoxicate Compose Finish Witness Fill up Collect Present Sell Organize Meet Harbor Select Receive Represent Innovate Strive Revise Translate Consider
Question ion Interpret ret ver Take over Confront ont Exploit oit
Conflict - id
Peter Zuiderwijk erwijk graphic designer signer
Conflict - id Conf
Everyday we we consume numerous texts a and images that represent ongoing conflicts consciously, most of us are completely accustomed and disputes.. Although not too conscio to the rhetorical rhettoric cal vocabulary that is often used. What do these textual and visual mesactually an objective insight or do they merely tell us sages actu ually tell us? Do they give us a about conflict in general? something g ab bout the representation of c The problem proble em is rooted in the actual consumption cons of these messages. The independwestern questionable. In one way or another we are ence of a we estern recipient is always q influenced d by y our roots. And so it is that for the Western world, most representations power connotation. One might not support certain poof western n po ower have a trustworthy con litical or social so ocia al convictions, but the basic basi vocabulary that represents Western power subconsciously we simply know how to interpret is common n ground. Consciously or subc and most signs a nd symbols. We only ask questions about sincerity when unconvenmessages. Simple common sense or tional components com mpo onents enter these preconceived preconc generalizations become despots, the good cause turns into a quesgeneraliza ation ns take over; leaders becom is interpreted as propaganda. This is tionable form fo orm m of corruption and the message me imminent with representations of non-Western even more e im mminent when we are confronted conf variation colors our perception. A power. Every Eve ery exotic adjective or unconventional uncon portrait that tha at is s a bit too polished is taken as an indication for a totalitarian regime and for our taste is interpreted as a sign a display of of power that is a little bit too obnoxious o unstable actual situation and what other messages do we of an unsta able e situation. What is the actu known and unknown in any given situacontract from frrom m our cultural perspective? The T representations of conflict. tion define e how ho ow we interpret most repres The same goes for the images and texts that directly represent aggression, violence Graphic and despair. despa air. G raphic depictions of confliicts are hard to ignore. But do we truly understand them? them m? Most Western societies do not know what actual violence means. Our reference argument, an accident or an exceptional eruption of closest ref fere ence might be an argumen aggression. The destruction, actual life-threatening situations and the aggression n. T he impact of real destructi cannot be understood in a metaphorical repunbearable insecurity in nsecurity that goes with it c resentation. However, the compulsive thrill we sometimes experience resentation n. H owever, we cannot deny th when a violent The entertainment industry has been exploiting vio olen nt message is consumed. Th this feeling g for fo or years. With the introduction introductio of modern communication tools this compulsive urge has urg ge h as found a new platform. The T representation of conflict is democratized by popularr demand. de emand. Within this context a journalist or press-agency no longer defines what the image im mag ge of a conflict is. Everyone reports and not a single graphic detail is left you might but inaccuracy and hype become more imporout. Yes, yo ou m ight get a better insight, b incomprehensive thrills remain. tant. Eventually Eventtuallly only the incomprehensiv
Conflict ict - id
TodaysArt has invited the theme ‘conflict’ to the city of peace and justice. jus stic ce. Again one could ask him or herself what these adjectives One wonders ctives actually stand for. On ne w onders why The Hague is actively marketing itself this Western s way. For the average Wes stern n person, the fact that the city claims this part of conflict for itself is probably a positive thing and interpreted as The Hague wanting to promote te peace and justice. Others s might interpret it as simply a matter of marketing. “Peace marketing e and Justice” is the marke etin ng equivalent of “Conflict” and the message it sends out connotation and ut has a Western connotatio on a nd morality. One could feel that it is dubious for a city to peace o claim the name ‘city of pe eace e and justice’ instead of having others claim it for them. Again, the vocabulary can be be lost lo ost in translation. There is no right or wrong. Only the obnoxious game of interpretation interpre etatiion truly says something about the identity of conflict.
Oc Occupy Sustain Su Dominate Dom Dictate Dic Oppose Op
the resistance
Corne Cornelius Harris Alter Management Alterr Ego M ana agement / Underground Resistance
the resistance sistance
The music industry is nothing if not conflict. ct. From the early days of the e industry, when debates on recorded music versus live performance risks erformance highlighted the e ris sks of taking music out of the clubs, to the current debates performance es over downloads and perf form mance rights, these conflicts have been more than just opinions being expressed. These Th hese conflicts are historical and emotional marking points, the ts, places where we can see e th he shifts from one generation, culture, mentality, to another. her. And the conflicts speak k to o the fact that the music occupies a place beyond mere entertainment. The song you u firrst st danced to, the song you share with a loved one, the tune a parent would sing to o you yo ou as a child, these sounds have meaning, so when we come into contact with so someone ome eone with an opposing take on the music, that conflict with the other is also a defense deffens se of our first love, our childhood, growing up and more. bad e. So the conflict isn’t really a b ad thing; it’s an affirmation of who we are. Some of the most powerful music on the planet has come from the effects efffec cts of conflict. The trans-Atlantic slave trade itself was an incredibly orderly process, much to the detriment of those being transported to the he Americas. But the conflict with that orderly system, the combative nature of those sounds se circumstances, led to so ound ds as diverse as jazz, gospel, blues, rock, soul, funk, disco, o, hip-hop, reggae, techno, and d more. From the moment that African drums were outlawed awed on plantations, conflict was was a key dimension to those genres. But conflict is key ey in today’s music as well. On the side of necessary conflict, it is no o secret that large corporat corporations tion ns have been steadily growing larger over the past 20 years. broadcast ars. The recording and broa adca ast industries (record labels and radio, respectively) are dominated by fewer than 10 corporations controlling (financially) almost 90% of the world’s music business. W When hen n it comes to labels, we’re talking about only 4 companies 80% off the market es dominating more than 80 0% o in the US, and over 70% globally. Together, er, Sony/BMG and Universal Univers sal control control more than 50% of the US, and they are swiftly reaching percentage eaching that same percent tage globally. In the name of streamlining operations, making king marketing easier, etc, there the ere are many artists who will never fit their mold, never sell to the mass market ne needed eede ed to sustain such a huge corporate entity. There are many any radio stations and venues s that will not support anything not fitting into the formats ats of these corporations. And this is one of the places positive conflict comes into play. y. People are fighting back. Not by burning down own the offices of these con conglomerates, nglo omerates, but by simply turning off their radios. By going from ng online to buy directly fro om independent artists. By supporting the smaller stores that at carry more independent music. By going out to clubs and venues that feature something ething other than the standard stand dard d dictated by these larger organizations. By supporting festivals such as TodaysArt in tthe he Hague.
086 86
the res resistance
One of the most intriguing aspects of TodaysArt Today is that it flies in the face of all that the mainstream ttells ells s you what it should be. A blend of popular independent artists with unknown and/or more unknow wn a nd/or underground artists, it doesn’t rely on those major corporations for its support; there there are no million selling major label acts on the bill. And in doing icts nition of what a festival is. It brings people tothat, it conflic cts with the standard definitio circumstance, connecting music with gether who would wou uld never meet under any other ot technology with analog sensibilities. It brings dance, video with physical art, digital tech icting together confl flict ting ideologies and concepts, concep yet the outcome is often awe inspiring.
club conflict nflict
In times of conflict, nothing is certain. Club Conflict will be opening its s doors do oors at an undisclosed location. Brace for a major jor impact. Send a text message me essa age (SMS, costs: 25 ct per message) to o 3555 with this text: confl flict
“Love Can’t made Can n’t Turn Around” Arou und d” mad de the Top Ten Te en in 1986. His His recorded record ded output after 1990 was s relatively re elativelly small, preferring to concentrate conc centra ate on performing perform ming on the e global gllobal DJ DJ circuit. web - myspace.com/farleyjackmastermyspace.c com/farleyjack kmaste er-funkcom T09 - Club Confl flict fri - 03.00 - 05.00 05 5.00
079 - Farley ‘Jackmaster’ Funk (US) cat. - sound & music text - As a Chicago DJ and producer, Farley first made his name broadcasting on Chicago’s WBMX-FM as a member of the Hot Mix 5, the legendary DJ team which broke house music for a wider audience. Farley also appeared at the Warehouse club (where the name “House” originated from) and had a residency at the Playground, which set his reputation as one of the city’s top DJs. His single “Jack the Bass” inaugurated the highly popular jacking craze in Chicago house. Known as Farley Keith or Farley Funkin’ Keith until 1984, he then adopted the name Farley ‘Jackmaster’ Funk and, together with Jesse Saunders, created the first house single to reach the UK charts. His cover of Isaac Hayes’
080 - Aaron-Carl (US lab. ab. - Wallshaker Wallshake er Music / Soul Sou ul City / Subject Detroit / Me Metroplex etro oplex / Kompakt cat. - sound & music music text - As one of Detroit’s m most ostt indemand producers producers and and soughtsough ht-after re-mixers, Carl’s re-m mixers, Aaron C arl’s signature sound crosses cros sses s genres. genrres s. From soulful house to o the th he dirtiest dirtties st ghetto-tech anthems, producghetto-tec ch anthems s, his prod ductions have various e graced va arious labels s
Break Appear Originate Inaugurate Adopt Prefer Concentrate Perform Crawl Change Feed Pulsate Deprogram Reprogram
Respond Manipulate Locate Research Control Expose Prolong Arise Fragment Devise Destabilize Grow -Gnaw Save Show Cross Grace Arm
find these breeding grounds, in abandoned warehouses, factories and office buildings; anywhere in the large woven rings of urban ‘tristesse’ around the ancient inner cities, where subjects would be exposed to hyper stimuli for prolonged periods of time. Many of the test subjects died of brain melt or drug related suicide, or even worse, “grew up”, but it soon became clear that from their ashes a younger and stronger army would arise. Nature - ever so gently pushed in the right direction by these deranged Social Darwinists had once again adapted to its new parameters. The West Coast Sound of Holland was born. Here was a different breed all together, smart, well trained, well armed and utterly ruthless. Always in the shadows, yet ready to fight - a deadly group of musical Guerillas. At first their factions were small and fragmented. Each would devise its own tactic to destabilize the status quo, but soon alliances would grow and pacts would be made. Largely ignored by the “independent” Media(tm) they have been gnawing away at the pillars of power, and they have changed the face of music doing it. And they’ve been doing it for you! Because you might not know it, but you need to be saved… not only from Muzak(tm), Mediocrity(tm), Consumerism(tm) and Corporate Communities(tm), but most of all from yourself! The West Coast Alliance will show you the way, the Dirty Brown way!
thro throughout oughout the wo world. orld. He has worked wor rked d with international artists and d remixed some of Detroit’s biggest bigg ges st artists, like lik ke Underground Resistance, Hand, Res sista ance, Kelli H and, SCAN 7 & 88. AUX X 88 8. Starting in 1996, armed with h no o more than n a cheap keyboard boa ard and a four-track four--track cassette tape e recorder, re ecorder, Aaron Carl proved early earl ly on on that he could co ould hold his own. With demo own n. W ith his dem mo tape landing in to o the th he hands of Underground Resistance’s Res sista ance’s Mad Mike Banks, Aaron Aaro on was quickly y signed onto his label – Soul City. Ciity. Even then, Aaron be Aaro on refused to b e boxed into one e genre, ge enre, releasing deep house vocals, underground undergrou und bangers, and d electro-house ele ectro-house e tracks. web aaroncarl.com web - aaro onc carl.com T09 Confl T09 - Club bC onflict fri 00.00 frri - 00.0 00 - 01.30 081 - West We est Coast Coast sound of Holland text - When Wh hen a group of spotty teenagers crawled cra awled out of their concrete tombs tom mbs s in 1992 with a head full of cyberpunk, cyb berp punk, little did they know they the ey would would change the face of the e West We est Coast and indirectly the e World. Wo orld. Through feeding the reptilian rep ptilia an brain of the disenfranchised d part of the population with pulsating pulsating codes (deprogram to reprogram), reprrogram), they created an army arm my of of drones that would only respond respon nd to specific triggers, sent outt and an nd manipulated from a centrall co concrete oncrete Bunker, at that time located loc cated deep underneath the Dutch Duttch Ministry of Finance. Zealously ous sly they they researched the possibilities of the human interface in a controlled co ontrolled environment, or “coop”, “co oop””, as they called it. Strewn around aro ound d the West Coast one could
web - dirtybrownandmiserable.com T09 - Club Conflict and IC. Artist/acts/organizations at the festival associated with the West Coast Alliance: Intergalactic FM, Syncom Data, Crème Organization, Bunker-records, Bangkok Impact, I-F, Legowelt & Orgue Electronique, Baz Reznik, DJ TLR, Guy Tavares (host). All performing at Club Conflict see page 086 and in the IC on Spuiplein.. 082 - Nuno Dos Santos (NL) cat. - sound & music text - DJ Nuno dos Santos (1976), born in Portugal but raised in The Netherlands, is a DJ and Producer of deephouse and melodic techno music. He also works a a designer, combining music and interaction - at TodaysArt 08 his installation rAys V2.0 was part of the program. His unique musical talent is developing strongly and in 2000 Dos Santos was invited for the Red Bull Music Academy in Ireland. Five years later he was voted ‘DJ talent of the year’ during the Amsterdam Dance Event in 2005. Nuno Dos Santos is all about musical freedom during club nights. Whether it is minimal techno or old school Chicago house, he is always looking for the boundaries of the dance spectrum. web - nunodossantos.nl T09 - Club Conflict fri - 01.30 - 03.00
083 - GREEN LABEL NIGHT T cat. - sound & music text - Together with bookin booking ng agency agency Extrema Music, Joris Voorn s Vo oorn and Edwin Oosterwal willl host ho ost the Saturday night at Clu Club Confl ub C onflict. The night is called a Green Gre een night. Green is the label run n by y Voorn and Oosterwal. But this th his night is more than a label showcase. sho owcase. It’s a night that promotes promote es quality techno music. The lin line-up ne-up for this night promises to be a la late ate night venture featuring Jor Joris ris Voorn Voorn and Edwin Oosterwal themselves, also performing together as Rejected in the morning hours. hours s. In n addition, there will be performances perform manc ces by Aril Brikha, Agoria, R Ripperton, ipp perton, Deetron and Sebastia Sebastian an Mullaert aka Minilogue ft LIVE-visuals LIVE E-viisuals by ljudbilden & piloten. Ljud Ljudbilden dbilden & piloten is Kristofer Ström, Strö öm, who will be also be providing provid ding g the visuals at several other p performances. erfo ormances. web - extremamusic.com rejected.nl 084 - Aril Brikha (IR / SE) - Liv Live ve (Extrema Green Nigh Night) ht) lab. Kompakt ab. - Peacefrog g / Kompak kt / Fragile e / Transma Transmat Man Poker at / Music M an n / Pok kerr Flat cat. - sound & music music text - Aril Brikha a (born 1976 6 in Teheran, Teherran n, Iran) is a producer producer currently cu urre ently residing in Stockholm. Aril n Stockholm m. In 1998 8A ril Brikha reacquainted rea acquainted the e world d with deep soul. p techno sou ul. Since Since forging an n alliance with with Transmat, Trans smatt, Brikha, celebrated ce elebrated as s the new w star of dee deep toured ep techno, has s toure ed solidly with witth his live show. show w. With haunting s strings, trings, filtered lte ered d chords chorrds s and synth pads that a accompany cc compa any y hypnotic b beats, eats, he transcends tra ans scends s the th he
087 - Edwin Oosterwal (NL) (Extremamusic / Green Night) lab. - Rejected / Extrema Music cat. - sound & music text - In the early nineties, Edwin Oosterwal from Rotterdam discovered his passion for electronic dance music and decided to start playing records himself. After winning a DJ-contest he became a resident at Atak and met Joris Voorn, with whom he performs as Rejected (see page 094). At the end of the nineties Edwin packed up his record bag and moved to Sydney, Australia and later to New York. During his career Edwin developed his own mix of house and techno. web - myspace.com/edwinoosterwal T09 - Club Conflict sat - 23.00 - 01.00
mulltitu multitude ude of dance danc ce music genres and d brings back the the old feeling of making want mak king g us just wa ant to dance. web myspace.com/arilbrikha web - mys space.com/arillbrikha T09 Confl T09 - Club bC onflict satt - 03.15 - 04.15 085 - Agoria Ago oria (FR) (Extremamusic (Exttrem mamusic / Green Night) cat. - sound & music text composer te ext - A co omposer and DJ DJ from Lyon who the o go o around th he world to make it dance da anc ce by mixing g three turntables, fast. prodigy bles s, fa ast. This pro odigy of the French Fren nch h electronic scene is capable of tteleporting eleporting thousands of clubbers joy. club bbe ers to a state e of ultimate joy web myspace.com/agoriagoria web - mys space.com/ago oriagoria T09 T09 - Club b Confl Conflict satt - 04.15 - closing 086 - Joris Voorn Voorn (NL) (Extremamusic (Exttrem mamusic / Green Night) lab. la ab. - Green Gre een / Rejected / Extrema Music cat. - sound & music text te ext - As a producer, prroducer, remixer, rem mixer, DJ and live performer from Rotterdam, Joris Joriis Voorn Voorn has joined jo oined an elite group grou up of international DJ’s whose musical mus sica al talent has s acquired global glob bal appeal. He e has been concentrating con ncen ntrating on many different styles off electronic music, rangstyle es o ing from atmosph atmospheric heric interludes to broken brok ken beats, house house and deep soulfull techno sin since nce 1997. His productions prod duc ctions and rremixes emixes appear on mix mix x albums and an nd in record cases w worldwide. orldwide. Together with Edwin Edw win Oosterwal he forms the duo o Rejected Re ejected (see e page 094). web web - jorisvoorn.com joris svo oorn.com T09 T09 - Club b Confl Conflict satt - 23.00 23.0 00 - 01.00
088 - Sebastian Mullaert aka Minilogue Ft. Live-visuals by ljudbilden & piloten (SE) (Extremamusic / Green Night) lab. - Chillosophy / Cocoon cat - sound & music text - Sebastian Mullaert from Malmö (Sweden) is probably best known for his recent success with his Minilogue alias. As a DJ, Sebastian is working all over the place mixing everything from dub, jazz and beats through ambient and electronica up to techno and house in various forms. The musical direction of his sets is very site specific. The red line through Sebastian’s DJ set is how he tells a story through his music. His sets are rarely shorter than three hours. web - myspace.com/oozemusic myspace.com/ljudbilden
Emerge Flourish Propel Grow Cement Ensure Surround Sow Involve Secure Build Snowball Play Establish Deliver Launch Feature DJ
Hail Release Kick off Float Combine Remix Translate Explore Investigate Question Forge
090 - Ripperton (CH) - Live e (Extremamusic / Gree Green Night) en N ight) lab ab - Perspectiv v / Dessous s / SystemSystem matic cat. - sound & music music text - The Swiss s based musician Raphaël Ripperton Ripperton (aka (a aka Lazy Fat People) ha has on his unique as worked o nh is uniqu ue production style for a about bo out fifteen fte een years. In these th hese years he played d in different b bands, ands, established establis shed his his own label Perspectiv v Records, Re ecords s, produced endless 12” an and nd delivered remixes forr no none other one oth her than Radiohead, Garnier, Radio ohead, Laurent Lauren nt Garn nie er,, Beanfield,, Steve Lawler Law wler and others. Defi most De efinitely one e off the m os st creative Swiss Swiss DJ’s nowadays, now wadays s, Ripperton n is a perfect perfec ct chameleon chamelleo on of electron electronic nic music. web - ripperton.com T09 - Club Confl flict sat - 01.00 - 02.30
T09 - Club Conflict sat - 01.00 - 03.15 089 - Deetron (CH) (Extrema Green Night) cat. - sound & music text - Over recent years, Sam Geiser aka Deetron has emerged as a rising star in the electronic musical world. His popularity as producer has flourished in tandem with his reputation as a dynamic DJ, and as the latter discipline propelled him across the globe, his work for a growing roster of record labels further cemented his position as a genuine talent within the International scene. Born in Bern, Switzerland, music was a constant in the Geiser family home. Sam’s father’s activities as a jazz musician ensured that he was surrounded by music from a very early age, sowing the seeds of his own musical interests. But it was hip-hop that encouraged this to flourish into an active involvement in music, during his teens. In 1994, he got his first big break: securing a residency at Zurich’s reputed club, Trax at Rohstofflager. Having reached this position, Sam felt it was time to make his own forays into music production and began building a studio, drawing on his experience as a DJ to create his own tracks. Things snowballed from that moment onwards, and Deetron has become a famous and respected producer and DJ with his warm techno sound infused by the soul of Detroit. web - deetron.com T09 - Club Conflict sat - 02.30 - 04.30
091 - Rejected (NL) (Extremamusic / Gree Green Night) en N ight) Rejected / Sound Architecture Arc chittecture e cat. - sound & music music text - Musicians Voorn and Edwin s Joris Voor rn a nd Ed dwin n Oosterwal started producpro odu ucing music c together under unde er the Rejected moniker moniker and their th heir debut de ebut ep was a h huge success. uge succe ess.. At the e end of 200 2006 launched their 06 they laun nch hed the eirr own recor record called Rejected, rd label call led Rejec cted, which has featured several s since feature ed seve era al solid underground hits. Beyond unde erground hi its. Beyon nd the recording Rejected record ding studio,, Re ejected d has been DJ’ing all over overr Europe, Europ p e, including major even events nts in The e Netherlands. web - rejected.nl rejected.n nl myspace.com/rejectedmuzik myspace.c com/rejecte edm muzik T09 - Club Confl flict sat - 04.30 - closing clo osing
094 - Legowelt & Orgue Electronique (NL) Crème Organization / Bunker / Strange Life cat - sound & music text - As one of the few TodaysArt resident artists, Legowelt (Danny Wolfers) & Orgue Electronique (Brian Chinetti) play live shows where Legowelt’s bad-ass style of Italo disco, Chicago acid house and Detroit techno is combined with Orgue Electronique’s soulful excursions into minimal funk, deep disco, melodic freestyle and electro-stiffness. All of this by using subtle analogue techniques. web - legowelt.com sternstudio.com T09 - Club Conflict fri - 23.00 - 00.00
092 - Baz z Reznik Re eznik (NL) Do it it Yourself Yo ourself Fuck the Rest / SD Records Rec cord ds cat. - sound & music text te ext - A typical ty ypic cal long night DJ set from Baz Reznik z Re eznik begins s with the use of the TB303 in (Italo (Italo)disco o)disco records and d will take you on a journey through acid-house thro ough acid-hou use of Phuture and d Traxx Tra axx and the e electro and squat-acid of Bun Bunker nker and Crème Organization Organiization from m his hometown The yellow e Hague. Ha ague. This y ellow line in his music mus sic makes him m a DJ of variety, playing play ying g his records record ds on disco parties partties s as well as old-school or squat- and techno-parties. techno o-parties. web tunnel-radio.nl web - tunn nel--radio.nl T09 T09 - Club b Confl Conflict fri frri - 03.30 03.3 30 - closing 093 - Syncom Syn ncom m Data (NL) - Live SD Records Clone Rec cords / Clon ne / Bunker cat - sound & music text te ext - Since Sinc ce 11995 995 Syncom Data - hailing from m the th he dirty playgrounds play ygrounds of The Hague Hag gue and Rotterdam Rotterrdam - has built up a steady deep, stteady name e with their deep dubby dub bby and raw electro-technoele ectro-technohouse hou use sound. They The ey started with a couple co oup ple of releases releas ses on Bunker Records. Rec cord ds. In 2005 tthey hey kicked off ttheir Records heir own SD R ecords label. In their th heirr live sets as well as their releases rele ease es Syncom Data doesn’t hold d on to one particular pa articular style. They The ey float somewhere somew where between Jamaican Jam maic can bass, Detroit Detroit melancholy, cho oly, Dutch harshness and raw Chicago Chic cag go booty jack. jac ck. Or as they say it themselves:: “It’s all about creating mindblowers crea atin ng strong m indblowers and heavy dancefloor smokers.” web web - syncomdata.net sync com mdata.net T09 T09 - Club b Confl Conflict fri frri - 00.00 00.0 00 - 01.00
095 - Bangkok Impact (FI) lab. - Crème Organization / Clone / Viewlexx cat. - sound & music text - Bangkok Impact (a.k.a. 8-Bit Rockers, Lolita Sträp etc.) is the nom de disco of Sami Liuski. An electronics genius from Helsinki. Sami has the enviable ability to remix his own environment, to translate his emotions into a lush, harmonious sound. Sami explores dance music’s past, investigates its future possibilities and questions his affection for disco. Over the past few years, Sami has forged close ties with the Dutch electro scene. web - myspace.com/bangkokimpact T09 - Club Conflict fri - 02.30 - 03.30 096 - DJ TLR (NL) lab. - Crème Organization / Global
cat text
web T09 fri
Darkness / Bunker - sound & music - DJ TLR (founder Crème Organization, co-founder Global Darkness) became involved in organizing underground parties in the freaked out squat scene of the West Coast of Holland. In the late 90’s, the first wave of The Hague electronics hit him and refueled his love for electro that had been dormant since the mid 80’s Italo disco. In 2000, he traveled on Bunker’s Dirty Brown world tour. It didn’t take long for the Bunker / Crème myth of grandeur to become a reality, and he has been DJ-ing the world ever since. - globaldarkness.com - Club Conflict - 01.00 - 02.30
Hit Refuel Travel
cafe de vinger
This year, the underground café De Vinger will host the final of X-Vektor X-Vek ktor on Friday night; the talent hunt that is organized by Festival. y the State-X New Forms F esttival. A conflict of upcoming talent! Saturday nightt will be hosted by Langwe Langweiligkeit, eilig gkeit, who will bring out the underground scene night off ene of The Hague for a nigh ht o proper Tekno. ekno.
097 - State-X New Forms – X-Vektor: cat. - sound & music text. - HPC and Paard van Troje have joined forces to bring some of the best and most anticipated acts of the current international underground movements to The Hague with the festival State-X New Forms. State-X’s program is compiled along the themes X-plore (what are new developments in the experimental pop music-scene?), X-plain (what inspired and triggered those developments?) and X-pect (what will possibly happen in the future?). At TodaysArt, State-X New Forms will present the final of X-Vektor, a search for avant garde and underground talent. X-Vektor differs from other talent hunts in that it searches for the experimental, acts that are not
necessarily aiming for fo or a specific audience, but rather try to innovate and explore. web - state-xnewforms.nl/xvektor state-xnewforms.nl/x xvek ktor T09 - Café De Vinger fri - 20.30 - 02.00 continu continuous uous 098 - Firetime Firetime is s strongly ro rooted ooted in The the Rotterdam-scene. Rotterrdam-scene e. T he band d members draw their creative cre eative juices from m various inspiration in nsp piration n From this, they cresources. F rom all this s, th hey cre econcoction ated their own conco oction which wh hich electronic, contains a bit of jazz, electron nic c, progrock. but most of of all progro ock k. T09 - Café De V Vinger inger fri - 21.30 - 22.15 22..15 099 - Machinist The ambient ambie ent drones of M Machinist achinis st Broek) (Zeno van den Broek k) create crreate space, a certain certain architecture arch hitec cture iin n
Organize Host Anticipate Compile Inspire Trigger Search Differ Aim Innovate Draw Contain
having studied arts stu udied visual ar rts and d philosophy. philosoph hy. His work k refl flects an n organical approach tto o the field elld of electronic his composic music. In h is compos si-tions, perf performances formances and d installainsta alla ations, ther there element re is always s an n elemen nt of controlled chaos. H He e explores s the relation man relatio on between ma an and d machine b by y conceiving them as sa hybrid system which besys stem in whic ch erratic cb ehaviour is the principal princip pal condition condittio on for interaction. common interac ction. Another Anoth her comm mon theme in his his work is recycling. rec cycling g. Like a modern Frankenstein, he Franke ens stein, h e constructs machinery s his machiner ry from m parts of de deceased equipment eceased eq quip pmentt and disfunctional disfun nctional devices. dev vice es. He e creates da danceable beats anceable be eats s on the th he spot, accompanied by brilliant acco ompanied b yb rillian nt performances. performan nces. web - xaflab.tk T09 - Café De Vinger Vinger fri - 00.50 - 01.30
sound. It evokes images and has an involuntary deeply tangible impact. Inspired by modern art, the contemporary city and a schooling in architecture, Machinist works on melding sound, art and space together. T09 - Café De Vinger fri - 22.15 - 23.00 100 - Piaz Piaz is Rotterdam-based musician Paul Fitzpatrick, the love child of Irish immigrants. He blends electronic and guitar sounds into a warm, melancholy pot of music. Think Mogwai and Cinematic Orchestra with a little touch of classical. T09 - Café De Vinger fri - 23.00 - 00.00 101 - Desade Desade is a collaboration between DJ YobKiss and Jacques de la Disque. This means French disco and solid electro tunes. T09 - Café De Vinger fri - 01.30 - 02.30
104 04 - Langweiligkeit (NL) cat. - sound & music music text - Langweiligkeit, Langweilig gkeit, esteemed estee eme ed partner parrtner of TodaysA TodaysArt guardians Art and gua ardians of the underground sce scene ene in The e Hague, will wiill host a program progrram in Café de Vinger on Saturday. The Sa aturrday. T he e following artists will per perform: rform: FrikK (Elek (ElektrobBreakbeat, ktrobBreakbea at, myspace.com/frikk2), myspace.c com/frikk2)), The Th he ChipChiip-monks on analog exn Acid (live a na alog ex xtremely lo loud freakpooud heavy shit, freakpo odium.com/members/135), dium.com m/members//135 5), Numtek Num mtek (Hardcoretekno, myspace.com/ (Hardcore etekno, mys spac ce.com m/ numtek), Dubneet Dubneet (Hardcore) (Hard dcore) vs. DJ Wre Wreedvaag (SkunkTekno, eedvaag (S Skun nkTekn no, myspace.com/dubneet). live myspace.c com/dubne eet). Also:: liv ve finger-painting drip nger-paiinting and d rip p art with with h hot models by Cxc, White White Trash Tras sh Clan, B-MEN B-M MEN and Supahpet. Supah hpet. web - langweiligkeit.eu langweilig gkeit.eu sat - 22.00 - 02.00 02 2.00 continuous continu uou us
102 - Rioteer Rioteer is the brainchild of Bas Welling and hails from Tilburg. Rioteer created quite a storm in the international world of Free Electronics, Fragmented Media and styles like Breakcore, Noise, Industrial, and Deviant Hardcore. T09 - Café De Vinger fri - 00.00 - 00.50 103 - Xavier van Wersch (NL) cat. - sound & music text - Xavier van Wersch (1976) obtained a degree in Sonology at the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague, after
Impact Meld Blend Obtain Approach Recycle Construct Create Guard Host Perform Finger-paint
Ff Farley ‘Jackmaster’ ac ckmaster’ Funk k Felony Fla Flats ats Fernando Hernando Ma Magadan agadan n& Harmen Straatman Straatman 098 - Firetime 076 - Freerunners Freerunne ers
p. - // 078 - //////////fur//// p. 086 044 091 076 090 070 031 058
Aa Aaron Carl A State of Conflict Agoria Antistrot Aril Brikha Arno Schuitemaker Artificiel Artist talks
p. 095 095 008 061 060
Bb Bangkok Impact Baz Reznik Biosphere Blippoo extravaganza Byunjung Kwon
p. 036 071 026
Cc Capitol K Catherine Baÿ Christof Migone
p. 024 094 100 046 041 037 060 095 056 041 042
Dd Daito Manabe Deetron Desade DJ Ahmaad DJ Dame DJ Duct DJ Sniff DJ TLR DJ TV DiSKO DJ TV DiSKO DoraVideo
p. 091 060 010 048 090
Ee Edwin Oosterwal Emile Zile Eternal Chord, The Every Kid on Speed Extremamusic / Green Night
p. 086 048 068
p. 073 036 037
Gg Gastón Arévalo Arrévalo Guillamino o + Band Guilty Simpson Sim mpson
p. 037 033 077 010 031
Hh Hank Shocklee / Bomb Bom mb Squad d Heart Chamber Cha amber Orchestra Orch hesttra Henri van Nuenen Hildur Guðnadóttir Guð ðnadóttir Hiroaki Um Umeda meda
p. - Ii 048 - Incredible e Bob 078 - Intergalactic Intergalac ctic FM p. 031 024 010
071 070 012 066 091 032
Jj Jacob Kirkegaard Jamie Drouin Kliem Dro ouin & Karl Klie em Jana Winderen Wind deren Sub-Pelagic Sub-Pelag gic Voices Jana Winderen Wind deren Evaporation Evaporatio on Joeri Dubbe Johannes s Gees Jonathan Schipper Joris Voorn Voorrn Justice Yeldham Ye eldham
p. - Kk 040 - Kids-patch 028 - Kurt Hents Hentschläger schläger p. 100 00 095 076 090
Ll Langweiligkeit Langweilig gkeit Legowelt & Orgue Electronique Ele ectrroniqu ue Liefhertje en De Grote Witte Reus Grotte W itte R eu us ljudbilden n & piloten
048 0 48 041 0 41 068 0 68 050 0 50 026 0 26
095 - Syncom Data
LP D Duo uo o Lucky Dragons Lukas T Timulak Peter imulak & P eter Bilak Lukatoyboy Lukato oyboy Julien Lynn Pook & Julie en Clauss
p. 056 042 073 073 022
- Mm p. m 098 0 98 - Machinist Mac chin nist 027 0 27 - Marieke Marriek ke Verbiesen & Neeltje Sprengers Spreng gers 060 Mario 060 - Mar rio de de Vega 032 Mark 032 - Mar rk Bain Bain 076 076 6 - Mastermundo Mas sterrmundo 033 033 - Mattin Matttin 050 mPnL: Popov 050 - mPn nL: Nenad Pop pov & Mirko Lazović Lazo ović ć
p. - Ww 089 - West Coast Sound of Holland 048 - Wo0 p. - Xx 060 - Xavier van Wersch + Adult Survivors of Satanism 100 - Xavier van Wersch
p. - Oo 028 028 - Olaff Nicolai Niicolai 077 Onomatopee 0777 - Ono oma atopee Projectspace -
Pp Peter Pete er Zuiderwijk Zuiderwijk & Karin Mientjes Philip Jeck Jeck Piaz z Pierre Derks Pierrre D erks PIP Pursuit Purs suitt Grooves
p. 094 094 100 10 00 094 094 026 026
Rr Rejected Reje ecte ed Rioteer Riotteer Ripperton Ripp perrton Rudolfo Rud dolffo Quintas
p. 091 091 050 050 042 042 098 098 058 058 033 033
Ss Sebastian Seb basttian Mullaert aka Minilogue Shazalakazoo Sha azallakazoo Soundmuseum Sou undmuseum State-X Forms Statte-X X New Form ms – X-Vektor STEIM STE EIM Stonephace Stonep phace
Tt TAG Tarek Atoui Tecktonik Teletekst is dood Touch
p. - Vv 064 - VillaNuts: KABK vs. Artez 046 - Vladimir Arsenijevic
p. - Nn 077 0777 - Niklas Roy & Adad d Hannah 090 090 - Nuno Nun no Dos Dos Santos
p. 072 072 2 008 008 100 10 00 077 0777 072 072 2 036 036
index categories
046 - Vladimir Arsenijevic Arsenijevic
p. 070 071 068
p. - screenings 026 - Christof Migone Migone
076 031 070 068 072 073
p. 078 076 031 042 060 031 024 071
012 066 028 090 026 027
modern dance / movement Arno Schuitemaker Catherine Baÿ Fernando Hernando Magadan & Harmen Straatman Freerunners Hiroaki Umeda Joeri Dubbe Lukas Timulak & Peter Bilak PIP Tecktonik
077 028 072 026 042 073 064
visual art / installation //////////fur//// Antistrot Artificiel DoraVideo Emile Zile Jacob Kirkegaard Jamie Drouin & Karl Kliem Jana Winderen Evaporation Johannes Gees Jonathan Schipper Kurt Hentschläger ljudbilden & piloten Lynn Pook & Julien Clauss Marieke Verbiesen & Neeltje Sprengers mPnL: Nenad Popov & Mirko Lazović Niklas Roy & Adad Hannah Olaf NicolaiI Peter Zuiderwijk & Karin Mientjes Rudolfo Quintas Soundmuseum Teletekst is dood VillaNuts: KABK vs. Artez
p. 058 040 056 022
panels / lectures / workshops Artist talks Kids-patch TAG: Crash~Crush Touch Q&A
050 -
p. - shop 076 - Liefhertje en De Grote Witte Reus Grotte W itte R eu us p. 078 086 091 090 095 095 008 061 037 060 036 024 094 100 00 046 041 037 060 095 041 056 042 091 010 048 086 048 098 073 036 037 033 010 048 078 024 010
sound & music //////////fur//// //////////fur///// Carl Aaron Car rl Agoria Aril Brikha a Bangkok Impact Impact Baz Reznik Biosphere e Blippoo extravaganza ex xtravaganza Hank Shocklee / Bomb Bom mb Squad d Byunjung Kwon Capitol K Manabe Daito Man nabe Deetron Desade DJ Ahmaad Ahmaa ad DJ Dame DJ Duct DJ Sniff DJ TLR DiSKO DJ TV DiS SKO DJ TV DiSKO DiS SKO DoraVideo o Edwin Oosterwal Oos sterwal Eternal Chord, Ch hord, The Every Kid on Speed Farley ‘Jackmaster’ ac ckmaster’ Funk k Felony Flats Fla ats Firetime Gastón Arévalo Arrévalo Guillamino o + Band Guilty Simpson Sim mpson Heart Chamber Cha amber Orchestra Orch hesttra Hildur Guðnadóttir Guð ðnadóttir Incredible e Bob Intergalactic Intergalac ctic FM Jamie Drouin Kliem Dro ouin & Karl Klie em Jana Winderen Wind deren
012 0 12 2 091 0 91 032 0 32 100 10 00 095 0 95 048 0 48 041 0 41 050 0 50 098 0 98 060 0 60 032 0 32 076 0 76 6 033 0 33 077 0 777 090 0 90 008 0 08 100 10 00 036 0 36 094 0 94 100 10 00 094 0 94 091 0 91 050 0 50 042 0 42 098 0 98 033 0 33 095 0 95 042 0 42 073 0 73 3 089 0 89 048 0 48 100 10 00 060 0 60
Sub Sub-Pelagic b-Pe elagic Voices Johannes Joh hann nes Gees Joris Jori is Voorn Voorn Justice e Yeldham Langweiligkeit Langw weiligkeit Legowelt Legow welt & Orgue e Electronique LP D Duo uo o Lucky Dragons Lukatoyboy Lukato oyboy Machinist Mac chin nist Mario Mar rio de de Vega Mark Mar rk Bain Bain Mastermundo Mas sterrmundo Mattin Mat ttin Niklas Roy & Adad d Hannah Nuno Dos Nun no D os Santos Philip Jeck Jeck Piaz z Pursuit Purs suitt Grooves Rejected Reje ecte ed Rioteer Riotteer Ripperton Ripp perrton Sebastian Seb basttian Mullaert aka Minilogue Shazalakazoo Sha azallakazoo Soundmuseum Sou undmuseum State-X Forms Statte-X X New Form ms – X-Vektor Stonephace Stonep phace Syncom m Data Tarek Atoui Tare ek A toui Tecktonik West Wes st Coast Coast Sound d of Holland Wo0 0 Xavier van Wersch h Xavier van Wersch h + Adult Survivors Satanism Surv vivo ors of Satan nism
p. 077 0 777 077 0 777 077 0 777
presentations pres sen ntations Henri Hen nri van van Nuenen n Onomatopee Ono oma atopee Projectspace Pierre Derks Pierrre D erks
p. - Statements 044 - A State of Conflict Relja Bobić 007 - Bursting Balloons Björn Remmerswaal 080 - Conflict-ID Peter Zuiderwijk 002 - Conflict is the Beginning of Consciousness Janet Leyton-Grant 051 - Conflict is the End of Indifference European Commission 054 - Do you Engage or Avoid? David Rietveld 062 - The Hague, City of Conflict Marieke Bolle 083 - The Resistance Cornelius Harris 014 - Invasive Sound Jan Rohlf
general info
Spuiplein: Theater a/h Spui: Filmhuis: Atrium (City Hall)) Bibliotheek: Nieuwe Kerk: Lutherse Kerk: Club Conflict: Cafe de Vinger: CrashCrush:
Webspots Portal: todaysart.nl Festival website: 2009.todaysart.nl From there one can travel to our social networks Mini Blue Helmets |+| Hyves |+| Twitter |+| Last.FM |+| Facebook |+| Flickr |+| Myspace |+| Youtube
#spui #tahs lmhuis #filmh huis s #atrium m #bieb #nkerk k #lkerk k #clubconfl #clubc con nflict #vinger #vinge er #crashcrush #crash hcru ush
message/title: “#ta09 Example messag ge/title: “#ta a09 #spuiplein (artistt name) is amazing ama azing #friend” or “Disappointing performance performance e by y (artist (artis st #tahs name) #ta09 #tah hs #foe”
Live report platform Friends whom can’t make it can enjoy the festival from within their browser. If you have visited the festival you can logon afterwards and relive the experience.
NARB | narb.me | is an online onlin ne art art dis-available web, covery guide ava ailable on w eb, mobile and iPhone. It allows anyone e to o find and and exhibitions discuss exhibitio ons in any city in the Netherlands and beyond.
Report Live Engage and Contribute! Join visitors, artists and media by reporting your TodaysArt 09 experiences and becoming part of the innovative live registration powered by NARB | RoelandP | Open & Sociaal. A large projection on the facade of the public library (Bibliotheek) will display your messages, photos and videos if you include some simple elements in your social tool of choice to support your favorite artists or act and engage with friends, and foes.
Open & Sociaal | open-sociaal.nl open-socia aal.nl | are arre buildexperts in engaging communities, commu unitties, bu uilding ng social media applications application ns for for web and mobile. RoelandP | roelandp.nl roelan ndp.nl | loves love es TodaysArt. Todays sArtt.
TICKETS Tickets can be obtained at the the Ticket Ticke et shop (Spuiplein, see map). The The e pre-sale pre-s salle tickets for wristickets are to be switched fo or w ristbands. All Todays TodaysArt locations sArt locatio ons will be e accessible with a festival wr wristband. The ristband. Th he wristbands are va valid 20:00 (Friday) alid from 20 0:00 0 (Frid day y) and 12:30 (Saturday) last loca(Saturd day) until the la ast loc ca-tion the opening hours ion closes. For th he exact op pening ho ourrs for location, timetable or each location n, check the e tim metable in four n the program. There There are fo our kinds off tickets ickets available: Friday-, Saturday-, Sa aturrday-, All-Weekend and Su Support upport -tickets. -tick kets s. Tickets are availa available September 25 able on Sep ptem mber 2 5 from rom 19:00 and on September Septemb ber 26 26 from m
Visit m.greetingsfromthehague.com | m.todaysart.nl | ta09.narb.me and share your messages directly. Always use #TA09 as (hash)tag in tweets, blogs or titles of video or photo posts (Twitter | Flickr | Youtube | Vimeo | Qik | Blogs | Yfrog | Twitpic | Mobypicture | Picasa) to make sure your report appears. Make quick judgments in your reports using #friend or #foe. To indicate your location on the map use;
Meeting point
12 12:00 2:00 0 at the e the th he Ticket sh shop; hop; ticket sales closes (both days) 00:30: clo ose es (bot th d ays) at 00:3 30:
Not sure where to meet your friends, or lost your companions and can’t reach them? Don’t panic. On the Spuiplein you will find the Ticketshop that functions as a meeting point. While you wait for your friends you can enjoy everything that’s happening, get your tickets, programme book and T-shirt at the Ticket and info counter and get a drink at the bar on the square.
Opening hours: hourrs: Friday 25 Frida ay 2 5 - 09 19:00 – 00:30 Saturday 26 S aturday 2 6 - 09 12:00 – 00:30 Prices: P riice es: Weekend W eekend : Friday: Frida ay: Saturday S aturday :
Hotels - Hostels
Support S upp port weekend week kend ticket : €50,drinks) (incl.. 2 drin nks)
Hotel Mercure Den Haag Central (rooms with festival view.) Hotel Mercure Den Haag Central welcomes you on the 25th and 26th of September 2009 to the cultural heart of The Hague. The hotel is situated right next to the central hub of the festival, the city hall and the dance- and music theatre. Hotel Mercure Den Haag Central is easy to reach by car and has its own car park, and if you arrive by train or bus, it is within walking distance of Den Haag Central Station and Den Haag Holland Spoor. The hotel has 159 air-conditioned rooms available, including 3 suites. Inside the hotel you can enjoy drinks at the cosy Pullman Bar.
GETTING THER THERE RE AND GETTING HOME Public transport: tran nspo ort: from fr rom Den Haag Haa ag Centraal Station you can walk walk or or take ta ake tram 2, 3, 4 and 6 (exit stop Spui). Haag at sto op Spu ui). From Den H aag Holland Spoor S poo or you can walk or take ta ake tram 1, 8, 9, 15 5 and an nd 16 (exit (e exitt at stop Spui). Sp pui). For current timetables, tim mettables s, check ch heck www.htm.net. www.h htm.net. For exact www.9292ov.nl. exa act directions, direc ctio ons, check w ww.9292ov.nl. Car: From take Fro om Utrecht Utrec cht you can tak ke the A1, from Amsterdam, A mstterdam m, ttake ake the A4 and then the A44, take A 44, from Rotterdam Rottterdam tak ke the A13. Night transport: trans spo ort: Be check B e sure su ure to che eck www.htm.net www.httm.net and www.9292ov.nl w ww.9292ov.nl for specific times in n advance, ad dvance e, schedules sc chedules on Friday or Saturday may S aturday m ay y differ. The e trams will take orr to where you you to to the train stations o staying. Trains depart are es taying g. T rains will de epart from Den Haag (walkable H aag g Central Centtral Station (wa alkable from Spuiplein). www.ns.nl S puiplein).. Check Ch heck www.n ns.nl or mobile. ns.nl more information n s.nl for m ore e informatio on on travelling by train departure b y tra ain and d eparture times.
Single or double rooms: € 99 (special festival rate) per person per night, including breakfast (excl.city tax: € 3,81) Prices based on availability. Spui 180 2511 BW Den Haag Tel : (+31)70/3636700 Fax : (+31)70/3639398 http://bit.ly/mercuredenhaag Stayokay Hostel budgettip. (600 meter walk to festival area) Stayokay Den Haag will give you a royal welcome to Den Haag! Located in the city centre of Den Haag on a
Mobile services: serrvic ces: instructions please For route in nstrructions ple ease call 0900mobiel.9292ov.nl 9292 or go o to mobiel.929 92ov.nl on your cellphone cellp phone
Oude Mol Tapas Oude Molstraat 61 61
five-minute walk from the station Den Haag Holland Spoor and the festival, this hostel resides in a beautifully renovated building in the style of the architectural movement known as “Amsterdam School”. Modern comfort and a historical atmosphere go hand in hand at Stayokay. All the rooms are ensuite and have a modern and comfortable interior. In Brasserie Bite & Drink you can enjoy diner or a few drinks in a grand café-style. It is a perfect place to meet travellers from all over the world and share stories. If the weather is good, you can enjoy your drinks on our patio next to the water. 5 minutes walking distance from the festival.
Lapsang Tearoom Oude Molstraat 11a www.lapsang.nl Baklust Vegetarian and Organic Organic Lunchroom Lun nchroom Veenkade 19 www.baklust.nl De Paas Special beer cafe e Dunne Bierkade 16A www.depaas.nl
- Twin bed, including breakfast: € 78,(for the room, not per person, city tax included in price) - Four-person room, including breakfast: € 124,- (for the room, not per person, city tax included in price)
Momiji Sushi Sushi Restaurantt Maarssenplein Rabbijn Maarsse enplein 1 www.momijisushi.nl www.momijisush hi.nl Concrete Clothing and gadget gad dget store www.concrete.nl
Scheepmakersstraat 27 2515 VA Den Haag tel +31 (0)70 315 78 88 fax +31 (0)70 315 78 77 www.stayokay.com
Cremers Cafe Coffeeshop / Caf fe Prinsestraat 84 www.cafecremers.nl www.cafecremer rs.nl
Eat – Drink Scallywags British Tearoom Wagenstraat 117 www.scallywagsrestaurants.com
No Boys Allowed Womens only clothing clo othing store e Prinsestraat 104 www.noboysallowed.nl www.noboysallow wed.nl
Song Phi Non Thai food & karaoke Wagenstraat 177 www.song-phi-nong.nl
De Overkant Lunchroom Stationsweg 32 www.naardeoverkant.nl www.naardeover rkant.nl
’t Achterommetje Dutch lunchroom Achterom 71 www.achterommetje.nl
Webconcept Development Roeland P. Landegent (RoelandP | Open & Sociaal) Mark Dekkers (Open & Sociaal) Tijs Teulings (NARB) Wilbert Baan (Hypernarrative)
Supervisory Board Board Mr. M.J.C. M r. M .J.C. van n Pernis Mr. G.H.A. Monod M r. G .H.A. Mo onod de Froideville Fro oideville Mr. J.. Visse Visser M r. J er Ms. N.. van Ha Haelst M s. N aelst Mr. D.. New Newcomb M r. D wcomb
Production Executive Producer Ramses Nieuwenhuizen Producer Floor Zegers Production & Artist logistics Stacie Lyons Production assistant Hanna van der Ven Financial production assistant Juriaan Moolhuysen Production & Logistics assistant Annelieke Plugge Production assistant Sara Halbertsma Production & Communication assistant Danielle Boelling Production & Promotion assistant Eelco Borremans Volunteer Coordinator Irfaan Koerban Decorators Eljo Embregts Annemieke Blaha
Founder Director / F ou under Olof Winden O lo of van W ind den
Curators Artistic Director Dirrecttor Olof Winden O lo of van W ind den Program Director Director Remco Schuurbiers R emco Schuu urbiers Dance Curator Da ance Anne-Lyke van A nne e-Lyke e va an den Elshout Curator Art & Technology Hicham Khalidi H ic cham Kh haliidi Music Curator Mu usic c Tim Terpstra T im mT erpsttra Curators Guest Cura atorrs Rohlf Jan R ohlf Takuro Mizuta T aku uro Miz zuta a Lippit Niels N ie els s Brands Relja R elja a Bobic c
Marketingg Communications Marketing & Communications Communications Director Vincent Sauter V in ncent Sa aute er Editor Björn B jö örn n Remmerswaal Remme erswaal Janet Leyton-Grant Jane et Leyton- Grant Tim Terpstra T im mT erpsttra Project Management Ma anagement & Development Tim Terpstra T im mT erpsttra Graphic Design De esig gn CONFLICT T - ID D Development Peter Zuiderwijk P eterr Zuide erw wijk Karin K arin n Mientjes Mien ntjes Web design desig gn & Development Peter Zuiderwijk P eterr Zuide erw wijk Kyle K yle Dukes s Satoshi S atoshi Shiraishi Sh hiraishi
Advisors Christiaan van Betuw (Volkskrant) Roeland P. Landegent (RoelandP.nl) Neeltje Leemans (Freshmaker) Jean Paul Wijers (Protocolbureau) Teletekst is Dood Beer van Geer Mikhel Maes Jorick Mulder Laurens Profittlich Tim Terpstra David Veneman Micah Westera
Creative Partners: European Cities o off Advance Advanced Sound ed S ound and related arts / International Internation nal Cities s of Advanced Sound arts d and related relate ed a rts (ECAS (EC CAS / ICAS) Dis_Patch Club Transmediale Transmedia ale <>TAG Steim RoelandP Extrema Music GREEN Liefhertje en de Grote Reus Grote Witte e Re eus Onomatopee V2_ Peter Zuiderwijk & Karin Mientjes Mie entjjes Prooost Teletekst is Dood d PIP Bunker Crème Organizat Organization tion Intergalactic ntergalactic FM Mare Liberum Holland Dance Fe Festival estival Filmhuis Den Haa Haag ag Filmhuis Zaal 5 Alter Ego Management & Bo Bookings ook kings VillaNuts Shrajah Biennial 9 - 2009 Langweiligkeit The Hague Moves Move es
TodaysArt is presented by The Generator Foundation Governmental Partners Gemeente Den Haag Cultural Foundations VSB NFPK+ Casema Cultuurfonds Gravin van Bylandt Stichting Fonds 1818 SNS Reaal Fonds Institutional Partners Bureau Export de la Musique Francaise Arts Council Quebec European Commission Office of Contemporary Art Norway Embassies U.S. Embassy The Hague Finland Denmark Preferred & Tech- Suppliers Brand Beam Systems Focus ADC Thieme Media Centre Residentie.net Circle Group 1WINE Ticketscript StayOkay Den Haag TRUE NUTS Events
Prestigious Partners Protocolbureau Facilitating Partners Stichting Atrium De Nieuwe kerk, Den Haag Lutherse Kerk, Den De en Haag Theater aan het S Spui, Haag pui, Den H aa ag Centrale Bibliotheek, Den Haag g De Vinger Mercure, Den Ha Haag aag Rent an Army Tent Ten nt Hostel Roggeveenstraat Roggevee enstraat
Media Partners Hyves NARB Open & Sociaal Haags Uitburo Motoko - film & motion design
Grote G ro ote m markt arrkt
Gedempte Burgwal w
Gedempte Gracht r
Grote marktstraat a
Spui S pui
Lutherse Burgwal
Turfmarkt r
00.00 00.00 20.45 22.10 23.15 23.45
(continuous) (continuous)
19.30 03.00 20.00 00.00 02.30 21.00 22.00 22.25 22.45 23.40 00.10 00.15 00.45 01.45 02.00 02.30 03.15
(continuous) (continuous)
21.15 00.00 22.30 22.15 23.45 22.45 23.15 00.00 00.45 02.00
20.00 - 00.00
FRi - centrale bibliotheek
21.15 - 21.50 22.00 - 22.50 23.00 - 01.00
FRi - crash crush
20.00 21.00 21.00 21.30 22.30 22.30 22.45 23.15 23.45 00.45
FRi - nieuwe kerk
19.00 19.00 19.45 20.00 20.00 20.30 21.30 21.45 22.30 23.00 23.30 23.30 00.00 00.15 01.00 01.45 02.30
VillaNuts: KABK vs. Artez (p. 064)
Mario de Vega (p. 060) Blippoo Extravaganza (p. 061) DJ TV Disko (p. 56)
Vladimir Arsenijevic (p. 046) Nenad Popov & Mirko Lazovic (p. 050) Every Kid on Speed (p. 048) LP Duo (p. 048) Felony Flats (p. 048) Incredible Bob (p. 048) DJ Lukatoyboy (p. 050) Wo0 (p. 048) Shazalakazoo (p. 050) DJ Ahmaad (p. 046)
Hiroaki Umeda (p. 031) Soundmuseum (p. 042) Kurt Hentschläger (p. 028) Olaf Nicolai (p. 028) DJ Dame & DJ Michiel (p. 041) Hiroaki Umeda (p. 031) Lucky Dragons (p. 041) Heart Chamber Orchestra (p. 033) Kurt Hentschläger (p. 028) Artificiel (p. 031) DoraVideo (p. 042) Pursuit Grooves (p. 036) Guillamino + band (p. 036) Hank Shocklee / Bomb Squad (p. 037) Capitol K (p. 036) DJ Duct (p. 037) Guilty Simpson (p. 037)
Lynn Pook & Julien Clauss (p. 026) Marieke Verbiesen & Neeltje Sprengers (p. 027) Daito Manabe (p. 024) Jamie Drouin & Karl Kliem (p. 024) Christof Migone (p. 026) Rudolfo Quintas (p. 026)
(every hour, 5 min) Johannes Gees (p. 012) Jana Winderen - Sub-Pelagic Voices (p. 010) Philip Jeck (p. 008)
FRi - theater a h spui
20.00 20.00 20.30 21.30 22.30 23.30
FRi - filmhuis
20.00 - 00.00 21.05 - 21.35 00.05 - 00.45
FRi - lutherse kerk
Church Hall Basement Basement Church Hall Church Hall Basement Basement Basement Church Hall Church Hall
Main Hall Foyer Small Hall Studio Foyer Main Hall Foyer Main Hall Small Hall Main Hall Foyer Small Hall Main Hall Small Hall Main Hall Small Hall Small Hall
Zaal 7 Zaal 5 Zaal 6 Zaal 6 Zaal 6 Zaal 6
20.30 00.00 00.00 21.45 22.35 23.35
18.45 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00
(opening) (continuous) (continuous) (continuous) (continuous) (continuous) (continuous) (continuous) (continuous) (continuous) (continuous)
(continuous) (continuous)
00.00 01.30 01.00 02.30 03.00 03.30 05.00 closing
21.30 22.15 23.00 00.00 00.50 01.30
22.15 23.00 00.00 00.50 01.30 02.30
FRi - cafe de vinger
23.00 00.00 00.00 01.00 01.30 02.30 03.00 03.30
FRi - club conflict
18.30 19.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00
FRi - spuiplein
FRi - atrium
20.00 20.00 20.00 21.15 21.15 23.15
Firetime (p. 098) Machinist (p. 098) Piaz (p. 100) Rioteer (p. 100) Xavier van Wersch (p. 100) Desade (p. 100)
Legowelt & Orgue Electronique (p. 095) Aaron Carl (p. 086) Syncom Data (p. 095) DJ TLR (p. 095) Nuno Dos Santos (p. 090) Bangkok Impact (p. 095) Farley Jackmaster Funk (p. 086) Baz Reznik (p. 095)
PIP (p. 072) Teletekst is dood (p. 073) Peter Zuiderwijk & Karin Mientjes: ConďŹ&#x201A;ict - ID (p. 072) Pierre Derks (p. 077) Liefhertje en de Grote Witte Reus (p. 076) Niklas Roy & Adad Hanna (p. 077) ////fur//// (p. 078) Intergalactic FM (p. 078) Gaston Arevalo (p. 073) Tecktonik (p. 073) Freerunners (p. 076)
Lukas Timulak & Peter Bilak (p. 068) Jonathan Schipper (p. 066) Jana Winderen (p. 071) Fernando Hernando Magadan & Harmen Straatman (p. 068) Arno Schuitemaker (p. 070) Joeri Dubbe (p. 070)
Greenhouse #2
Greenhouse #4 Greenhouse #4 Greenhouse #5 Greenhouse #6
Section B Section A Media Room Section B Section B Section B
00.00 20.30 21.15 00.50
17.30 00.00 00.00 20.45 22.00 23.15 23.45
(continuous) (continuous)
03.00 17.00 16.30 18.45 02.30 20.15 00.00 21.20 21.45 22.10 22.45 23.10 00.00 00.50 02.00
(performance) (continuous)
(continuous) (workshop)
18.00 20.45 21.25 21.50 23.00
00.00 00.00 20.00 21.00 21.50 23.10 23.45
sat- spuiplein
14.00 14.00 19.30 20.30 21.30 22.10 23.30
sat - atrium
20.00 - 00.00
(continuous) (continuous)
sat - centrale bibliotheek
16.00 20.00 21.00 21.30 22.00
sat - crash crush
14.00 14.30 16.00 18.00 18.45 19.45 20.00 20.30 21.00 21.50 22.15 22.50 23.20 00.15 01.00
Jonathan Schipper (p. 066) Jana Winderen (p. 071) Lukas Timulak & Peter Bilak (p. 068) Fernando Hernando Magadan & Harmen Straatman (p. 068) Arno Schuitemaker (p. 070) Catherine Baÿ (p. 071) Joeri Dubbe (p. 070)
VillaNuts: KABK vs. Artez (p. 064)
Artist Talks (p. 058) Xavier van Wersch & Adult Survivors of Satanism (p. 060) Emile Zile (p. 060) Byunjung Kwon (p. 060) DJ Sniff (p. 060)
Soundmuseum (p. 042) Kids-Patch: Electronic Music Workshop for Kids (p. 040) Hiroaki Umeda + 15 min Q&A (p. 031) Kids-Patch: Electronic Music Workshop for Kids (p. 040) DJ TV DiSKO (p. 041) Hiroaki Umeda (p. 031) Olaf Nicolai (p. 028) Jacob Kirkegaard (p. 031) Heart Chamber Orchestra (p. 033) Justice Yeldham (p. 032) Tarek Atoui (p. 042) Mark Bain (p. 032) Artificiel (p. 031) Mattin (p. 033) Stonephace (p. 033)
TOUCH Q&A (p. 022) Marieke Verbiesen & Neeltje Sprengers (p. 027) Lynn Pook & Julien Clauss (p. 026) Daito Manabe (p. 024) Jamie Drouin & Karl Kliem (p. 024) Christof Migone (p. 026) Rudolfo Quintas (p. 026)
(every hour, 5 min) Johannes Gees (p. 012) Hildur Gudnadottir (p. 010) Eternal Chord (p. 010) Biosphere (p. 008)
sat- theater a h spui
14.00 14.00 20.00 20.30 21.30 22.30 23.30
sat - filmhuis
sat - lutherse kerk
20.00 20.05 21.05 00.05
Section A Media Room Section B Section B Section B Section B Section B
Foyer Foyer Main Hall Foyer Foyer Main Hall Studio Small Hall Main Hall Small Hall Main Hall Small Hall Main Hall Small Hall Main Hall
Zaal 7 Zaal 5 Zaal 7 Zaal 6 Zaal 6 Zaal 6 Zaal 6
00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 16.30 17.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 22.00 22.20
(continuous) (continuous) (continuous)
(continuous) (continuous) (continuous) (continuous) (continuous) (continuous) (continuous)
01.00 01.00 03.15 02.30 04.30 04.15 closing closing
22.00 - 02.00
Sat - cafe de vinger
23.00 23.00 01.00 01.00 02.30 03.15 04.15 04.30
sat - club conflict
14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 16.00 16.30 20.00 20.00 20.00 21.00 22.00
Langweiligkeit (p. 100)
Joris Voorn (p. 091) Edwin Oosterwal (p. 091) Sebastian Mullaert (p. 091) Ripperton (p. 094) Deetron (p. 094) Aril Brikha (p. 090) Agoria (p. 091) Rejected (p. 094)
Teletekst is dood (p. 073) Pierre Derks (p. 077) Liefhertje en de Grote Witte Reus (p. 076) Niklas Roy & Adad Hanna (p. 077) ////fur//// (p. 078) Intergalactic FM (p. 078) Freerunners (p. 076) Henri van Nuenen (p. 077) Onomatopee (p. 077) Peter Zuiderwijk & Karin Mientjes: ConďŹ&#x201A;ict - ID (p. 072) Gaston Arevalo (p. 073) Tecktonik (p. 073) Antistrot (p. 076) Mastermundo (p. 076) Greenhouse #2
Greenhouse #4 Greenhouse #4
Greenhouse #4 Greenhouse #4 Greenhouse #5 Greenhouse #6