wel welcome
Welcome to TodaysArt 2009 We are very proud to present our conflict-inspired program, the culmination of many months’ hard work and dedication, and honored to welcome the artists, partners, allies, guests and visitors who make this event possible. For us, no one captures the essence of our theme better than M. Esther Harding, a Jungian psychoanalyst, who said, “conflict is the beginning of consciousness”, and it was around this broad idea that our program was built. We invited artists from a multitude of genres and we are proud to be able to present many unique productions and exclusive performances as well as projects that celebrate the conflicts within us all. Conflict became a reality for us, even leading to forced imprisonment and interrogations. We were unexpectedly and rudely forced into consciousness regarding our own theme. We are interested in the fact that any expression surrounding the theme Conflict is subject to many interpretations in our current society, especially considering our turbulent and open media landscape. It turns out the parameters determining what is acceptable and what is not are at best vague, and perhaps questionable. TodaysArt 2009 was never about inciting conflict, but always about simply drawing attention to the subject. The fact that our campaign was interpreted as a serious threat underlines the necessity for a debate, and productive input. We are inviting you to an open discussion about this subject at TodaysArt 09. From all of us and our allies, we wish you a great festival and hope that this year’s program offers you new insights, experiences and inspiration. Reading guide In front of you is the program book for TodaysArt 2009. The bios of the artists at each location are grouped according to how the acts relate to each other. In that sense, the program book tries to tell a story about different views on conflict from different artists at each location. The program book also contains a series of statements about this year’s theme, Conflict. In addition to exploring the theme itself, some of these features provide extra information about the artists. You can find general information about the festival at the back of the program book. If you have any questions, we will be happy to answer them at the ticket shop on the Spuiplein.
wel welcome
Welcome to TodaysArt 2009 We are very proud to present our conflict-inspired program, the culmination of many months’ hard work and dedication, and honored to welcome the artists, partners, allies, guests and visitors who make this event possible. For us, no one captures the essence of our theme better than M. Esther Harding, a Jungian psychoanalyst, who said, “conflict is the beginning of consciousness”, and it was around this broad idea that our program was built. We invited artists from a multitude of genres and we are proud to be able to present many unique productions and exclusive performances as well as projects that celebrate the conflicts within us all. Conflict became a reality for us, even leading to forced imprisonment and interrogations. We were unexpectedly and rudely forced into consciousness regarding our own theme. We are interested in the fact that any expression surrounding the theme Conflict is subject to many interpretations in our current society, especially considering our turbulent and open media landscape. It turns out the parameters determining what is acceptable and what is not are at best vague, and perhaps questionable. TodaysArt 2009 was never about inciting conflict, but always about simply drawing attention to the subject. The fact that our campaign was interpreted as a serious threat underlines the necessity for a debate, and productive input. We are inviting you to an open discussion about this subject at TodaysArt 09. From all of us and our allies, we wish you a great festival and hope that this year’s program offers you new insights, experiences and inspiration. Reading guide In front of you is the program book for TodaysArt 2009. The bios of the artists at each location are grouped according to how the acts relate to each other. In that sense, the program book tries to tell a story about different views on conflict from different artists at each location. The program book also contains a series of statements about this year’s theme, Conflict. In addition to exploring the theme itself, some of these features provide extra information about the artists. You can find general information about the festival at the back of the program book. If you have any questions, we will be happy to answer them at the ticket shop on the Spuiplein.
Define ne Struggle gle ont Confront Determine mine Expose se
Conflict is the beginning of consciousness M. Esther Harding
Janet Leyton n - Grant guest copywriter TodaysArt daysArt Festival
Confli is the Conflict beginning of consciousness
We can’t escape e it. Being human, we are a all responsible. All actions have consequences every que ences and at e very stage, there is conflict. Every action provokes reaction; even the smallest sma allest butterfly wing flap can trigger a tornado according to popular culture, chaos theory and Spinoza, Spin noza, the quintessential determinist. Our mere existence generates confl con nflict, he tells us: “Nothing exists from whose nature some effect does not follow.” Whether Wh hether external, externa al, internal, moral, physical, physic ideal, abstract, concrete, constructive or destructive, TodaysArt together this year as we put des structive, the red red thread of conflict stitches sti the gun. From our serendipitous location friction, opposition and ambivalence under un peace and justice, heart of international conflict in The The Hague, international in nternational city of peac management, we look at when, how and an why conflict is woven through our lives in positive pos sitive and less s positive ways. We look at – in a world struggling to cope with tragic, violent and environmental disasters – the inevitability of conflict viol lent clashes a nd destructive environm and d wonder if there is an ‘evitability’. “Be e not astonishe astonished ed at new ideas; for it is w well known to you that a thing does not thereby many” fore e cease to be true because it is not accepted ac Spinoza Spin noza Diving into the archives of The Hague hi history, we find abundant historical context for an examination of strife and discord in the so-called ‘City of Peace’. Firstly, it’s the place final na al resting plac ce of Benedict Spinoza, the philosopher who laid the foundations for conflict with the ideas of his day, and despite enlightenment. Spinoza Spinoza was often in co liberal century Netherlands, he was excommunicatthe relatively libe eral atmosphere of 17th c community for his ideas. His most important ed from the synagogue syna agogue by the Jewish c works wor rks were published after his death and were even then listed on the Index Librorum Prohibitorum (List (Lis st of Prohibited Books) by b the Roman Catholic Church. Our program proudly pro oudly presents s works that challenge and provoke; works that present ideas and concepts understood or quickly digested. The best ideas are con ncepts that may not be easily unders dangerous; dan ngerous; they confront the established order and conflict with the status quo. “For peace is not no ot mere absence of war war, but is a virtue that springs from, a state of mind, min nd, a disposition for benevolence, confi con dence, justice” Spinoza Spin noza The There’s ere’s more. Dig Digging gging only slightly deep deeper into The Hague history, we find that this is Liberum (The Freedom of the Sea). Mare Liberum a quadricentenary year for the Mare Libe to be the founding text of internationis a great tomb of a book that is considered consid was used as part of a debate on free shipping al law. The territory territtory defining treatise wa during in The Hague by the Dutch jurist and dur ring the First World World War and it was written w
Conflict is the beginning of consciousness nsciousness
philosopher Hugo Grotius in 1609. A ‘Mare e Liberum’ commemoration program m is planned by the city for September 16th. Flawed and wed International law an nd human rights are explosive issues in the TodaysArt 09 program expose weakgram as artists seek to ex xpose the wea aknesses inherent to the system. The perceived Intered powerlessness of The Hague’s Int ternational Court of Justice – despite the majorr international human rig rights ghts instruments having been widely signed and ratified, serious ious human rights violations viola ations cannot be eliminated – is a primary concern for several festival ral artists invited to this year’s festi ival edition. “If facts conflict with a theory, either the theory ry must be changed or tthe he facts” Spinoza Near contemporary of Spinoza and Grotius, and second son of The Hague was mathematician, astronomer and physicist Christian with n Huygens. Huygens was s concerned w ith time and gravity. With a telescope of his own wn design, he was the first to determine that Saturn was surrounded by rings, and the moons, e first of Saturn’s moon ns, Titan. He was was the leading proponent of the wave theory of light, which became ins instrumental strumental in tthe he understanding of seemingly conflicted wave-particle central e-particle duality – a ce entral conceptt in quantum mechanics – and his invention of the pendulum clock was a timekeeping breakthrough. TodaysArt channels a little of the Huygens spirit with h works that are a direct challenge to our everyday experience very ce of time. Conflicts with h time are a v ery human problem – we measure it and compete te with it, we race against agains st it, we try to kill it. We look into the future and peer into the past; we try to comprehend compreh hend time scales sca ales that are incomprehensible – the instantaneous ous tragedy of a head on n car collision n is normally beyond our awareness, the speeds involved mean we are barely conscious barely conscio ous of the event until it’s already too late. The arguably change uably greater tragedy off climate chan nge unfolds at a pace too slow for humans to notice otice until it’s, again, too o late. These are problems of scale and comprehension that are likely to lead to viole violent ent conflict on a scale the world has never seen. “The destruction of this planet would have no o significance on a cosm cosmic mic scale” Kubrick TodaysArt expanded to many times its original al size over the years since sin nce its inception. But since reaching its mature form in 2005, we’ve spent successive years ye ears reducing g its footprint on the city centre. In 2009, we implode into highode the entire festival int to just one hig ghdensity point on the Spuiplein. Drawn together her in close proximity in and around tthe he square, across the road from where Spinoza is Nieuwe s buried in the churchyard of the Nieu uwe Kerk, the events and installations jostle for attention. tention. Open air performances perform mances compete
004 04
Confli is the Conflict beginning of consciousness
with the boom boxes boxes of the nearby skaters; skat our fragile glasshouses, last year dotted along the Turfmarkt, are gathered into a crystalline heart of activity; visitors come together in a critical crittical mass of intensity in the normally dysfunctional public centre of The e Hague’s downtown dow wntown district. “Tru “Truth uth springs from fro om argument amongst ffriends” David Dav vid Hume Burrdened by the Burdened e idea of existence as a cause of conflict and faced with the logiinaction, cal impasse of in naction, non-agency and stagnation, we confront the complexities of by action directly b y highlighting different forms of conflict and inviting artists whose work wor rk addresses the issue head on to be part of our 09 program. We accept the truth everything we do – inherent to the human condithat conflict is, in n fact, essential to every tion. international festival, we also have to accept that we are tion n. Being organizers organ nizers of an internationa implicated imp plicated in environmental env vironmental conflicts on a global scale. We are unsustainable. To counter, counter, we need ne eed to embrace the idea that not every action has equal consequenchumans es; that as huma ans we are capable not jjust of agency, but of moral agency, and that confl con nflict can be, must must be, the catalyst for new insights and solutions.
Shift t Explain ain Build up Inspire re Think k
Bursting Balloons
Bjรถrn Remmerswaal erswaal copywriter TodaysArt ysArt Festival
Bursting Balloons
The e present era is rife with input. Intern Internet, the mobile phone, our newspapers, television, evis sion, radio; information in nformation is always at hand. The abundance of information that is available ava ailable can have ha ave many different effects effect on us. For every question we have, we can find d thousands of of answers, if you know where to look. But what is it doing to us, to humanity? hum manity? What is the impact of all that information on us personally? What does it lead d to in the grand gra and scheme of things? In The The Structure e of Scientific Revolutions Revolutio (1962), a famous book by the great intellectual ‘paradigm shift’ was first used. Kuhn explained how lect tual Thomas Kuhn, the term ‘paradig science collection of theories that explains most of what scie ence tends to create structures, a coll happening anomalies start to appear in these theois h appening around aro ound us. However, over time, t ries. increasingly, matters seem to fall outside ries s. Some things cannot be explained and a used The anomalies appear to become more numerof the theories us sed by the scientists. Th ous. ous s. This eventually leads to an upheaval upheava or an insight that radically changes all the created that seem to explain everything again, theories. As soon n as new theories are cr lled and chaotic period prior to the we have entered a new paradigm. The question-fi q shift. new w paradigm is s called the paradigm sh History is filled with with paradigm shifts, small sm and large. Examples are the French Revofrom Ptolemaic to Copernican cosmology, the lution, quantum mechanics, the shift fro evolution theory of evolutio on by Darwin, and so on. Most shifts however tend to go hand in hand with conflict; intellectual, inte ellectual, ideological or even actual physical conflict. In the here and signs now w there are sig gns of multiple paradigm shifts happening at once, some accompaenvironmental conflicts, religious connied by conflict. Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Afghan icts, information filtering, stem cell research proponents vs. flict ts, information n freedom vs. informatio medical conservatism, conserv vatism, mass discussions on forums about every conceivable subject, individual criticis criticism sm on millions of blogs… Is a critical mass building up, like a balloon filling water, llin ng up with wa ater, to a point when all it takes is just a tiny pinprick to burst apart? In the the past, many paradigm shifts have gone hand in hand with a cultural shift. Not to anomalies and conflicts of ideas, using surprisingly, artists artis sts have always been drawn dra them as a source e of inspiration. Artists in turn inspire us to think differently, to look at confusing perspective. Challenging our ideals, they inevitably con nfusing matters from a different persp stimulate stim mulate us to ask as sk questions. In addition to acts in the festival program that have been while, roots of the art we know today and thus provide around for a whil le, to remind us of the ro context, con ntext, the main n part of the program at TodaysArt 09 aims to show you what a selecthink tion n of artists thin nk about the conflicts at work in our world today. Not all of the artists willl provide solutions. But many of them will encourage you to think and to feel, and, personal balloon. maybe, to help you burst your own perso
lutherse rse kerkk
The Lutherse Kerk will be one of the most exclusive locations of th the Any he festival. An ny performance here will be special; the acoustics oustics of the Lutherse Kerk are out-standing and so is the ambience. It is therefore efore fitting that one of the the founders of the ambient genre, an absolute icon in electronic Biosphere, ctronic music, Biospher re, will perform perforrm here. The Lutherse Kerk will also host other er brilliant artists from tthis his very influuential and exclusive label. A very special church hall, inspiring artists and grea great at acoustics; all the elements are in place to make the performances location s at this locati ion legendary. Due to the size of this venue, it is advisable to show up see p in time to se ee your favorite e artist.
limited capacity the building, capa acity of th he buildin ng, we advise yo you show early ou to sho ow up ea arly y for this act. web - biosphere.no o T09 - Lutherse Ker Kerk rk sat - 00.05 - 00.50 0
001 - Biosphere (NO) cat. - sound & music text - Born in Tromsø (Norway) 1962, Geir Jenssen is better known as Biosphere, a key figure in contemporary Norwegian music. In 1992, Jenssen shot to fame with his Biosphere-debut album “Microgravity”, becoming one of the pioneering ambient artists from the 90’s. He was one of the first to come up with a mix of soundscapes, voice samples and atmospheric noise with trancey melodies and solid beats. Since Cirque in 1999, all Biosphere’s releases have been on Touch (see page 022). As an inspirational influence for many new electronic music acts that have performed at TodaysArt, we are very proud to present this exclusive performance by Biosphere. Due to the
002 - Philip Jeck (UK) cat. - sound & mus music sic text - Philip Jeck s studied visual art tu udied v isua al ar rt att Dartington College College of of Arts. He He started working playwork kin ng with h record p la ay-ers and electronics in the early e ea arly 80’s and has made sm ade soundtracks soundtra acks and toured w with many dance ith man ny da ance e and theatre compa companies, as well as anies, a sw ell a s his solo conc concert work. cert wor rk. His Hiis best be est known work k is s “Vinyl “Viny yl Requiem” Req quie em” (with Lol Sargent): performance Sarrgent): a perf form mance e for 180 50’s/60’s players 50’s/6 60’s record reco ord p laye ers that won the e Time Time Out Out PerformPe erfo orm mance Award 19 1993. Over the last 993. Ov ver th he la ast few years, he e has returned retturne ed to o
Perform Host Show up Become Return Work Tour
text - Hildur Ingveldardóttir GuðnadótIngveld dardóttir Gu uðna adóttir (b. 1982) is coms a cellist cellis st and d co omposer. She has catalogue has a rich h cat talog gue e of collaborat collaborations tio ons and d varied projects beh behind hin nd her. GuðnadótGuð ðnad dóttir has collab collaborated, borated, played play yed and and recorded wit with artists such th other artis sts s uch as múm, Pan Sonic, SvernS onic, Skúli Sv ver-risson, BJNilsen, Hilmar Jensson, Jen nsso on,, Hafler Trio, Jóhann Jóhann Jóhannsson, Jóha anns sson, Nico Muhly, Valgeir Valgeir Sigurdsson, Sigu urdsso on, Angel, Schnei Schneider™, Ben Frost ider™, B en F ros st and Stilluppsteypa. composer Stilluppsteyp pa. As a com mpos ser she has writt written plays, ten music for pla ays, dance performances perform mances s and d films, lm ms, pieces for chamber ch hamber orchestras, orchestrras,, various instruments, and instrruments, voices voic ces a nd electronics. Guðnadóttir like likes es to explore the n nature movement ature and m ove emen nt of sound, an and her nd often tturns urns s he er experiments into in nto o sound d and visual visua al installations. She recently coShe rec cently co ocomposed a live soundtrack sou undtrrack k tto o Derek Jarma Jarman’s an’s 1980 0 film m In The The Shadow of T The legends he Sun with h leg gends s Throbbing G Gristle, riistle, arranged arrrang ged choir choirr for performances Ausperforma ances by y them m in nA us-tria and London. Lond don. Herr latest late est album, alb bum, ‘Without Sinking’ out on Sin nking’ came o ut o n Touch (see p page 022) age 022 2) earlierr tthis his year. For this performance, s live per rform manc ce, Hildur will pe perform material from erform m aterial fr rom her latest solo o album m as well as as new material materia al and and improvisations. im mprov visattio ons.. She plays ce cello ello and uses s live e programming programmin ng to create a multimu ultilayered effec effect. ct.. web - hildurness.com m T09 - Lutherse Ker Kerk rk sat - 20.05 -20.30
visual art, making installations that utilize from 6 to 80 record players, including “Off The Record” for Sonic Boom at The Hayward Gallery, London [2000]. Jeck, also known as the Vinyl Alchemist, works with old records and record players salvaged from junk shops and he modifies them to suit his own purposes. He really does play them as musical instruments, creating an intensely personal language that evolves with each added part of a record. Philip Jeck makes genuinely moving and transfixing music, where we hear the art, not the gimmick. Jeck is signed to the influential Touch label (see page 022). web - philipjeck.com T09 - Lutherse Kerk fri - 00.05 - 00.45 003 - Jana Winderen (NO) Sub-Pelagic Voices cat. - sound & music text - Sub-Pelagic Voices is a performance based on hydrophone recordings of the invisible audioscapes of the oceans and their smaller inhabitants. Jana has collected the sounds on her field trips during the last 3 years to the Barents Sea and also in the Norwegian fjords. The performance will last 30 minutes. Winderen also has an installation in location Atrium, titled Evaporation (see page 071). web - janawinderen.com T09 - Lutherse Kerk fri - 21.05 - 21.35
005 - The Eternal Chord d cat. - sound & music mus sic text - The Eternal Chord Chord is s an exclusive exclusiive intermezzo o on n the old olld church ch hurc ch organ.
004 - Hildur Guðnadóttir (IS) cat. - sound & music
Make Utilize Salvage Modify Suit Play Evolve Move Transfix Collaborate Record Co-compose Program Create
T09 - Lutherse Kerk sat - 21.05 - 21.15 006 - Johannes Gees (CH) Salat cat. - visual art / installation sound & music text - Johannes Gees is an artist based in Zurich, Switzerland. His body of work includes large interactive installations in public space, sound installations, readymades, video and photography. His installation Salat addresses the issue of sound in public space; what does it feel like when you hear a Muslim prayer call at a Lutheran church? web - johannesgees.com T09 - Lutherse Kerk fri - 20.00 (every hour, 5 min.) - 00.00 sat - 14.00 (every hour, 5 min.) - 00.00
Do Include Address Feel Hear
Vibrate te Process ess ate Resonate Amplify ify Convey ey
invasive sound
Jan Rohlf hlf CTM-festival (club transmediale), guest Festival uest curator TodaysArt TodaysA Art Fes stiva al
invasive sound invasiv
Son Sonic nic events – noises, noises, sounds, music – are not perceived by the ear alone. Their effect human effe ect on the hu uman body goes beyond even the stimulation of the other sensory org gans. Acoustic c vibrations transmit impulses imp organs. that obtrude and invade the body and its tissues; they are not only processed on a conscious level, but can also provoke unconscious unc conscious psychological and uncontrollable uncon physiological reactions. “Invasive Sound” Sou und” presents s artists who make use of o all these aspects in order to get close to the human hum man body in disquieting disquieting ways. Their work is aimed directly at both physiological the body. The experiences they offer audiences and d culturally encoded perceptions of th engender confl eng gender both c onflict and corporeal pleasure. pl The e hearing and understanding of sounds sound and music is a complex aesthetic-semiotic process. pro ocess. The interpretation of what we hear is, on one level, a culturally moulded, notional not tional activity:: we evaluate sounds and an music based upon origins, orchestration, characteristics principles – the rhythm, the order of the tones, harcha aracteristics and organizational princi dissonances, pauses and jumps – and can accordmonies and melodies as well as dissona composer or musician. On another level it is a ingly understand d the intentions of the co physical phy ysical experience, a bodily encounter based upon affective response, sensory reception involuntary cep ption and invo oluntary reactions beyond the realm of consciousness. Consciousness springs back into o play, however, when it comes to whether the experience is pleasurdramatically different responses to bone-rattling able or objectionable objection nable – consider the dram of drone music or the beats of contemporary vibrations in the low bass frequencies o immensely some, unbearable for others. club music – imm mensely pleasurable to s The as alarm signals, construction site noise physical reaction rea action to sonic events such su es o orr the soothin soothing ng burbling of running water is commonly experienced in everyday life.. As such, the e close affinity between sound and the human body seems at first banal. world, our bodies themselves produce noises and ban nal. Like all physical ph hysical things in this worl sounds sou unds when they the ey are made to vibrate or when setting other things into vibration. And equipped other higher-order organism, a sophisequ uipped with the th he voice, we have, like every e ticated, tica ated, built-in sound-making sound-making apparatus. apparatu Conversely, everything that we perceive is firstt transmitted tthrough hrough the body’s sensory senso system. And so for a long time, noises and sounds sou unds seemed to to be inextricably linked to the presence of bodies and the interaction of m matter. thousands activity of the musician was inseparaatter. For tho ousands of years, the notional no ble from the tangible tang gible articulations of his body and their interplay with the acoustically resonant reso onant body off an instrument. All that changed with the discovery of electricity. With the invention of sound recordel ing and electroacoustics, liation was no longer inevitable. The complete electroa acoustics, the old affiliat decoupling sound dec coupling of so ound and the sounding body was achieved between the early 18th and d mid 20th centuries. Sound became independent from the objects of the material
invasive sound
world, and has since resided not only in the e parts of the physical w world orld accessible to the sensory organs, but also within electromagnetic can perromagnetic fields that c an only be p erceived with the aid of technology. In the digital comital flow of information within the co omputer, sound has finally become truly autonomous: omous: As pure information, informattion, it is subject to any kind of analysis, synthesis or transformation. sounds freely mation. These days soun nds can be fre eely programmed or generated from unmusical data ata and be played back on on technical systems – without any need for a musician to perform it or even any so sounding ounding body y in the conventional sense. The Canadian artist duo Artificiel refers to this his development in theirr current proje project, ect, “POWEr” – a performance for which the only visual and sound sourc source coil. ce is a Tesla c oil. Named after its inventor, the coil generates a very high-voltage alternating current that discharges in the form of visible arcs of electricity. The duo controls and mod modudulates the voltage frequency using electrical signals. The arcs ionize the surrounding air at the same frequency as the signal, setting state. creates ting it into a plasmic sta ate. This crea ates oscillations in the air pressure, which can be heard as sound waves. T The becomes he coil becom mes a musical instrument. At the same time, the artists rtists convert the sound and light events generated by the coil into digital signals. They ey then use computers to o create an intricate, real time audiovisual composition. “POWEr” impressively demonstrates that sound nd is first and foremost physical ener energy, rgy, energy that can be conveyed by different media edia and transformed into intto other forms s of energy. Simultaneously, the performance becomes encomes a theatrical demonstration demo onstration of e nergy tamed by its conversion into pure information, mation, which, detached from its original source and potential, can be manipulated in any way. The destructive destructiv ve force of elecele ectricity bolts in “POWEr”, however, points to the sound body: e relationship between s ound and bo ody: if one comes too close to the sound source, it will literally enter the body, delivering massive shocks and internal burns – with potentially tentially fatal consequences. In reaction to the decoupling of sound and body accomplished by d digitalization, igitalization, today’s artists are increasingly searching for ways bodies those ays to bring their own bo odies (and tho ose of others) back into electronic music. In part, this practice aims at the rehabilitation n of a sensually affective means of performance in also upon n electronic art, but it is a lso based up pon the individual’s interest in introspection and the millennia-old practic practice manipulatce of manipul lating consciousness, which since Huxley has been known as psychedelics. psyche edelics. InterestIntere estingly, it is the very same technologies that initially tially decoupled sound and body that are now enabling a renewed convergence. The sensitivity of technical devices and tthe he universal transformability of electronic data is analyze s allowing artists to anal lyze the invisible and process-based aggregate states of the body, to manipulate them, and to u ultilti-
invasive sound invasiv
mately intertwine e them with technology to create innovative instruments in the form hybrid of h ybrid human-machine systems. In the process, borders are increasingly dissolving between biology and technology, and between individual bet tween inner and outer, between biolo mirroring of the body. and d collective, m irroring our altering perception per The e current form forms ms of such systems mak make use of interfaces that read the movements of a performer by y means of sensors and use these for the generation and modulation sounds from the nervous and circulatory systems of s ounds and images. im mages. Likewise the signals sign are applied to the th he generation of scores and the synthesis of sounds in brain wave music, biomusic or regenerative music. As A early as 1965, Alvin Lucier used brain waves generate to g enerate sounds soun nds in his piece “Music for Solo Performer”. Electrodes attached to amplified and sent to speakers, causing the his head picked up signals, which he a membranes of percussion instruments to resonate. Performances by the US artist duo Lucky are complex: Voltage impulses are passed through Luc cky Dragons a re similar, but more com the audience and d modulated by means of “body-contact relays” and skin resistance. Music is created by the spontaneous and collective process of interconnectivity. After overcoming social ove ercoming soci ial and bodily distances, distances the participants transform their bodies into components instrument. com mponents of an an electronic instrument Sim Similar milar principle principles es of biofeedback and interconnection are used by the artist duo TERMINALBEACH Erich Berger) in their project “Heart Chamber TER RMINALBEACH (Peter Votava and Er Orchestra”. algorithms, Orc chestra”. Via a lgorithms, the signals ffrom electrocardiographic (ECG) sensors atcreate scores, which are played by the musicians tached to the musicians mu usicians are used to crea in real time. This biofeedback allows the influence of usually unconscious physiologiapparatus, and the apparatus plays cal processes. The musicians play the technical te together instrument. the musicians: to ogether they form an ins A closeness closeness to the natural sciences is also a apparent with the Japanese artist Daito refers to discoveries of Jean Jallabert (1747), LuiManabe. His project projject “Face Visualizer” ref de Boulogne (1862), scientists who gi Galvani Galvani (around (aroun nd 1780) and, above all, Duchenne D discovered electrical body. They found that the brain, muscles and disc covered the e lectrical system of the b senses signals transmitted by the nervous system in the sen nses communicate through control sig electrical form m of tiny elect trical impulses, and that these impulses can be stimulated artificially. Applying controlled by sound to the facial muscles, Manabe App plying electronic electro onic stimulation controll visualizes physiological control over parts of the body. visu ualizes music, thereby giving sound p In these these and oth other her works, the artists d draw both practically and aesthetically upon forms self-experimentation. This is also the case with the form ms of scientifi fic research and self-exp Canadian sensitive microphones and cameras to Can nadian artist Christof Migone, who uses u
invasive sound
conduct sometimes painful self-observation, n, exploring the most intimate in ntimate areas s of the human body. He has composed, for example, mple, pieces of music using the cracking noises of the joints or sounds of the passing of bowel gasses, has ex explored faces xplored the fac ces and body cavities of his subjects with the tactile ctile use of microphones, and amplifi fied the noises made by eye movements. In doing so, he is not only following the traditions traditio ons of early video art. He is also drawing from the discipline of bioacoustic bioacoustics develcs and the dev velopment of modern medical diagnosis that came stethoscope me with the invention of the stethosco ope by René Théophile Hyacinthe Laënnec in 1816. 6. The musical instrument literally cuts into the e body during performances performa ances by Just Justice tice Yeldham (Australian artist Lucas Abela). Pressing piece with ssing a sharp-edged pie ece of glass w ith contact microphones attached to it against his mouth, he creates aggressive lay layers yers of noise until the performance ends abruptly shattering y with the glass shatterin ng onto his face. fa ace. The observer is unavoidably confronted with vulnerability own h the precarious vulnera ability of his o wn body in vicarious anticipation of pain. Confrontation audience selfntation by forcing the au udience into se elfperception is also the theme of the Spanish-Basque Shock and -Basque artist Mattin. Sh hock tactics a nd the surprising circumvention of customary forms make audience orms of performance ma ake the audien nce conscious of their own physical, fragile presence them ashes nce as Mattin assaults th hem with flash hes of blinding light, maximum volume white noise oise and sudden interludes interlud des of complete silence. The direct physiological effects of sound and nd other frequencies fo form orm the focus s of other artistic strategies that attempt to make ke music physically perceptible. perc ceptible. AmeriAme erican Mark Bain describes his installations and sound nd performances as a mixture mixture of sou und and vibrational events. Using seismic sensors activators, vibrates s and mechanical activa ators, he vibra ates structures at their resonant frequencies at and below the limits of human hearing. Entire buildings become instruments, and listeners experience isteners viscerally exper rience the sonic event as a strong vibration through the body. pulsating y. Bain refers to the puls sating infrasonic compression waves as a “sonic wind”, which upon h has a peculiar effect u pon the psyche psyc che and physiology of those present. Not least, he refers to effects commonly observ observed ved with constant winds such as the Mistral or Foehn. trigger oehn. Infrasound can tri igger sensations sensatio ons from nausea and breathlessness to a feeling g of relaxation. It’s not by y chance thatt in drone doom – an extreme, low-pitched sub-genre degenre of heavy metal – a fetish has d eveloped for the mysterious “brown note”, which spontaneous ch is reputed to induce tthe he spontaneo ous evacuation of the bowels. The perception of space and the body is also so the theme for Lynn Pook Pook and Julien Clauss with their tactile audio installations. Here, sound is transferred transferrred to the inner ear directly through flesh and bone by means emitters s of an interface of emit tters attached d to
invasive sound invasiv
liste listeners. eners. Acoustic Acousttic and tactile sensations are perceived in synchrony and move choacross reographically ac cross the surface of the body. Oth Other her examples u utilize tilize the principle of the th brain’s tendency to synchronize its frequencorresponding (brain entrainment) to create audiovisual stimucies s to correspon nding external stimuli (br lation Such gadgets – such as the Dream latio on for the purpose purrpose of altering consciousness. consci designed Brion Gysin or the project “Feed” by the Austrian Machines design ned in the 1960s by Brio Kurt physiological reactions beyond the control of the subKur rt Hentschläger – provoke physiologi perceptual apparatus as a constituent jectt and exploit the the peculiarities of the human h compositions effects. During the second half of “Feed”, the element of the c ompositions and their e room illuminated by coloured stroboscopic light. A physiroo om is filled with an artificial fog illumin cal sensation of immersion is increased by sub-bass and pulsating sounds, which are synchronized dissolving all spatial coordinates. Participants see d with the light, dissolv kaleidoscopic kale eidoscopic two tw wo and three dimensional dimensiona patterns and movements, which are not in factt generated by y the artist, but are created creat by the brain’s efforts to synchronize its frequencies the only the “tactile” perception induced through que encies with th he external stimuli. It is o the synaesthetic interaction of the indivi individual senses within an immersive set-up that renders the artw artwork work complete. This form of perception drives the consciousness inwards actively experiential qualities inseparable from real-life warrds and so ac ctively brings about exp experience. exp perience. Acoustic Acou ustic space naturally has a similar, inherent “tactile” quality that envelopes the listener. We experience sound without distance, as if in direct contact with the body, and thus thu us the perception of sound sou feels unmediated. This is demonstrated by Jacob “Labyrinthitis” which, as in “Feed”, is based on the incluJac cob Kirkegaard’s Kirkegaarrd’s project “Labyrinthitis sion audience, but using only audio: Two frequencies n of the “tactile” perception of the aud of a particular ra ratio vibrations in the listener’s inner ear. This leads to atio create internal vibra the creation of a third frequency, the soso-called Tartini tone, which is solely perceived by each each respective subject. The e process-based process-bas sed nature of these work works and their performance practice is obviously inspired performance happening, fluxus, expanded cinema and the closedinsp pired by perfo ormance art, by happeni circuit installations their roots extend beyond the art history of the circ cuit installatio ons of video art. Yet the scientific technical innovation and the theatrical 20th century and d into the history of scie demonstrations popular during the 18th and 19th centuries. It is dem monstrations tthereof, hereof, which were pop primarily the symbolic one – which serves as raw prim marily the biological bio ological body – rather than th material. How However, wever, because the body can never be dissociated from either its metaphors or which these generate, the works provoke a the emotions, utopias and dystopias w associations ambivalences. One issue is the problematization of multiplicity of as ssociations and ambiva
invasive sound
the separation of the “lived body” (Leib in German) erman) as a place of dire direct ect phenomen phenomenonological experience, and “the body” as the objectifi bjectified subject of social conditioning. The instrumentalization and medialization off “the body” confronts tthe he reality of tthe he Leib. Yet it is by virtue of its permeability that the over technology, he Leib can assert itself o ver technolo ogy, when the effect of “technology” is experienced external and ced as exposure to exte ernal stimuli a nd consequently perceived as difference. Conversely, these external stimuli can be internalized nternalized by triggerin triggering ng physiological reactions experienced as originating from within the body. Then, the th he clear division between body and machine no longer seems s possible. The overwhelming dynamism of undergoing involuntary physiological responses experienced onses is consequently ex xperienced as s an incursion by something formless and unknown, wn, both in the rigid control con ntrol architecture of the technical apparatus and in the integrity incursion made ty of the subject. This in ncursion is ma ade possible only through the correlation of technology hnology and physiology. physiology y. In the process, proce ess, organic attributes are assigned to technology, closes body y, while technology close es in on the bo ody in multiple ways. The body becomes concurrently receiver, interface, rrently a sender and rec ceiver, interfa ace, network node, data source, resonating cavity As y and output medium. A s a final consecons sequence, it becomes unclear when the body is the object and when it is the subje subject. ect. In various ways, these works of art conceive notions of a cybernetically linked, hyb hybrid brid physicality that is less and less a fixed form but plurality comut is instead a dynamic p lurality of co ommunicating streams of information, technological gical zones and organic concentrations. concentration ns.
filmhuis uis
The Filmhuis is one of the prime locations hosting ns of the festival, hostin ng part of the Invasive Sound program curated by Jan Rohlf transmediale)), ohlf (CTM-festival (club transmediale e)), and interviews and discussions with both the artists from and the the e founder of th he label Touch from the United Kingdom. Performances cinema predomiormances in this cinem ma are predom minantly screen-based and intimate, such as Lynn Pook & Julien Clauss’ Cla auss’ Pause and Christof Migone’s s short films.
porate new technologies technolo ogies s with witth the old, unde underscoring power erscoring the e po ower and necessity editing necessitty of edit ting and d presentation out n tto o bring g the e bestt o utt of each prod production. duction. Now working g extensively extens sively y with witth Fennesz, Chris s Watson, Philip Philip p Jeck, Biosph Biosphere, BJNilsen, here, BJN Nilse en, Oren Oren Ambarchi an and others, nd many y othe ers, Touch celebra celebrated ated its s 20th h year in 2001 with a UK CM CMN-backed MN-b back ked tour, including sell-out dates includin ng sell-o out d ates s in n Brighton, Bristol, Glasgow, NewGla asgow w, N ewcastle, Salisb Salisbury bury and d the e QEH H in London. The from The transitions trans sition ns fr rom m analogue to digital, digital, from from m cameracam mera-ready artwor artwork rk to broadband bro oadba and filele esharing and from frrom 1/4” 1/4 4” masters ma aste ers s to website downloads only dow wnload ds are arre on nly the surface manifestations the manifesttations of of th he great changes have s that h ave taken place in reco recorded over the orded music ove er th he last 25 years. been att years s. Touch Touch has b een a
007 - Touch (UK) Q&A cat. - panels / lectures / workshops text. - Since its first release in 1982, Touch has created sonic and visual productions that combine innovation with a level of care and attention that has made it the most enduring of any independent music company of its time. The first period up to the digitalization of music in the mid-80’s saw the release of several cassette magazines, where sounds by luminaries such as New Order, Cabaret Voltaire and The Residents were paralleled by visual work and writing by Neville Brody, Jon Savage, Joseph Beuys and many others. As the industry went through its usual elaborate cycles of self-annihilation and rebirth, Touch adapted to incor-
Combine Innovate Independent Digitalize Cycle Annihilate Adapt Incorporate Edit Underscore Download
imaging and d the the sonic son nic patterns patte ern ns created by MRI MRI medical scanners. scan nners s. In 2007, Jam Jamie Drouin underwent mie e Droui in un nderrwent a series of te tests reoccurring ests for reocc currin ng dizziness, which whiich included an n MRI scan of his brain brain. n. He e was wa as immediately by y taken b y the e unique un niq que sounds of th the device, he device e, which wh hich are pulsing, rh rhythmic hythmic c patterns patttern ns controlled th through fractional hro ough fractiona al divi-sions in the s speed powerful peed off a powe erfu ul magnetic field. permiseld d. With h the per rmis ssion of the h hospital, ospital, he returned re eturrned d months laterr tto the sounds o record th he so ounds s of the scann scanner. performner. In the e perform mance the source sou urce recordings reco ordin ngs are e used as a basis the ba asis to re-create re e-cre eate th he spatial placement original place ement off the orig ginal patterns, and subsequently d subseq quen ntly evolves them composition m into a c ompos sittio on which explore explores combinaes new com mbinations of the ttones. Working ones. W orking in collaboration n with the th he audio au udio o are are live visuals b by Kliem, y Karl K liem m, which wh hich reveal MRI sca scan through an images thro ough thin ‘slices’ synchronized with synchron nized d wit th the directional movements direction nal move emen nts of of the e sounds. MRI | RMX is s intended inte ende ed as s a re-creation experin of a private e exp perience in a public environment: environm men nt: rere-lating a medical which med dic cal procedure procedu ure w hich h is typically exp experienced isolaperienc ced in in is sola ation, under psychological psycholo ogica al stress, strress, and in most cases w with earplugs ith e arp plu ugs or headphones headphon nes to disguise the scanner sound sounds. investigates ds. It in nvesttigattes the psycho-acoustical psycho-a acoustic cal effects efffectts of the magnet magnetically produced tically p rod duce ed sounds, and draws draws relationships relationship ps between the e auditory auditorry side-effects sid de-e efffects s of scientific processes an and connd c ontemporary musical musical conventions. conve entions s. web - jamiedrouin.com jamiedrouin.c com T09 - Filmhuis, zaal zaa al 6 fri - 21.30 - 22.10
the forefront of these changes, and will continue to be. Therefore, Touch is a welcome guest at TodaysArt. Led by Mike Harding, Touch will be doing a Q&A in the Filmhuis during the festival, where anybody who is interested will get the chance to talk with the people from Touch, including the artists who will be performing at TodaysArt (Hildur Guðnadóttir / Biosphere / Jana Winderen / Philip Jeck). web - touchmusic.org.uk T09 - Filmhuis, zaal 7 sat - 14.00 - 17.30 008 - Daito Manabe (JP) Face Stimuli cat. - sound & music text - Artist, coder, hacker, sound designer, DJ, Turntablist and VJ, Daito Manabe from Tokyo redefines existing media and technologies using unique angles. Daito Manabe’s physical “Face Visualizer” is a device that converts music into electronic impulses to stimulate the facial muscles. The result: a synchronized “Face Dance”. web - daito.ws T09 - Filmhuis, zaal 6 fri - 20.30 - 20.45 sat - 20.30 - 20.45 009 - Jamie Drouin (CA) & Karl Kliem (DE) MRI | RMX cat. - sound & music visual art / installation text - MRI | RMX is a multichannel sound and video performance based on magnetic resonance
Talk Perform Redefine Convert Stimulate Synchronize Undergo Record Evolve Explore Reveal Intend Relate Isolate Disguise Investigate
sat - 21.30 - 22.00 010 - Christof Migone (QC/CA) cat. - sound & music screenings text - Christof Migone is a multidisciplinary artist and writer. His work and research delves into language, voice, bodies, performance, intimacy, complicity and endurance. Several films and audiopieces by Migone will be played in the Filmzaal: “Evasion”, video, 9min, “Crackers”, audio, 7 min, “Poker”, video 12 min, “South Winds”, audio 5 min. web - christofmigone.com T09 - Filmhuis, zaal 6 fri - 22.30 - 23.15 sat - 22.30 - 23.15
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established as s a synaesthesic c symbolic me metaphor eta aphor in the sense se ense that it is from m the flame that that the th he sound is sha shaped. aped. This intensifi inttens sifi fies es the synaesthesic quality synaesth hesic qua ality of the e sound being g perceived perceiv ved as as burned burn ned d by the flame. probably ame e. Fire Fire was wa as proba ably y the first technology and tech hnology to to exist ex xist a nd is s knowledge based and ritualistic. based an nd rit tualis stiic. Within “Burning “Burn nin ng The e Sound”, Sou und””, digital, new media media and ancestral ance estrral technologies s ffuse use to o question que estio on contemporary invisy strategies of invi isible control. vimeo.com/user393756 vimeo.com/u user3937756 Filmhuis, zaal zaa al 6 23.30 - 23.45 5 23.30 - 23.45 5
012 - Lynn Pook (DE) & Julien Julien Clauss (FR) Pause cat. - visual art / in installation nstallatio on text. - Lynn Pook studied sttudied dance, dance e, sculpture, fine ne arts and and media media a in in Paris, Berlin and Karlsruhe Karrlsruh he (ZKM). (Z ZKM). The practice e of of Lynn n is rooted ro oote ed in the observat observation the body, tio on of th he bo ody,, tthe he individual and an nd his perceptions. pe ercep ptions.. Julien Claus Clauss ss studied music, mu usic c, acoustics, fluid and uid mechanics a nd material sciences. work scie ences. His wo ork ffoocuses on the perception space ep ercep ption of s pace e and the place plac ce the individual ind divid dual takes tak kes s in his environment. Together environm ment. T oge ether tthey hey y created the p performance erforma ance e Pause: Pause e: an installatio installation lets visitors on that le ets v isito ors physically pe perceive sound erceive s ound with witth their skin. web - lynnpook.de e myspace.com/julienclauss myspace.com m/julienclauss T09 - Filmhuis, zaal zaa al 7 fri - 20.00 continuous - 00.00 00.00 0 sat - 20.00 continuous - 00.00 00.00 0
011 - Rudolfo Quintas (PT) Burning The Sound cat. - visual art / installation text. - Rudolfo Quintas is a visual artist and performer who specializes in the design of interactive audiovisual systems. The piece “Burning The Sound” won the CTM/Transmediale Award 2009. Quintas creates a dynamic visual soundscape, based on the movements of his choreographs in real-time. The interactive sound performance is about the nature of rituals, power and control. It uses fire from a regular lighter to subvert patterns of rhythm, thus using technologically mediated computer sound to exorcise the sound as a spiritual strategy. The performer’s gestures in relation to his instrument not only show the performer’s emotional state, but it brings the instrument to life. In this action, it is explored and
013 - Marieke Verbiesen Verbiesen & Neeltje Sprengers s (NL) Moviestar Mo oviestar cat. art installation c at.. - visual a rt / ins sta allation text one te extt - Moviestar Mo oviestar is o ne of the two winners BNG nerrs of the BN NG WORKSPACE Projectprijs Pro ojectprijs 2009. 20 009. This annual contest organised con ntestt organ nis sed by Filmhuis Den Haag/ZAAL Ha aag/ZA AAL 5 is awarded to artists working artistts work kin ng on the cutting edge art edg ge off visual a rt and ďŹ lm. This installation ins stallation was wa as inspired by the evolution special evo olutio on of spe ecial effects and the play e role e these ep lay in cinematography tog graph hy and visual art. The installation ins stallation merges merrges images from both botth the visitor visito or and an electronically callly controlled co ontrolle ed ďŹ lm set into one real-time rea al-tim me projection. projjection. Both classic and d new w techniques techniiques are used to create cre eate a reality realitty that the audience can n manipulate ma anipula ate e in real-time. web zaal5.nl w eb b - zaa al5.nl T09 Filmhuis, T 09 9 - Film mhuiis, zaal 5 fri continuous fr ri - 20.00 c ontinuou us - 00.00 sat 14.00 continuous s at - 14.0 00 co ontinuo ous - 00.00
Theater ter aan het et spuii This location is one of our largest, and the subdivided he acts here can be sub bdivided into several groups which all approach confl ict in a different way. The flict The ‘Invasive Sound’ program (see feature, page 14) created Festival ated by Jan Rohlf from CTM – Festiv val (club transmediale) addresses the fact that your at sound reaches more than just you ur ears. Related to conflict, this program shows ows the invasive quality y of sound; its s vibrations penetrate structures and the human man body, which can have have surprising surprisin ng effects. Here you will also find new work by y established visual artist Olaf Nicolai, DJ’s in the foyer, the Soundmuseum installation allation that allows access acc cess to online e audio exhibitions, and on Friday night a hip-hop pioneering p-hop program, with pi ioneering andand dtalented performers and electronic producers cers that have shaped tthe he genre and d inspired a new generations rations of artists.
014 - Olaf Nicolai (DE) SAMANI cat. - visual art / installation text. - Olaf Nicolai presents a newly commissioned work. In Samani, the choreographed movement of a pole dancer is used; a single light moves up and down a pole, also turning on its own axis. The effect of this light in a darkened room has a dramatic and theatrical effect. Nicolai’s conceptual approach and use of diverse media question the way in which we view our everyday environment. He also translates theories from science and the arts into aesthetic-artistic idioms, rendering them accessible in a new context. His works were shown at Documenta X (1997), at the 49th (2001) and 51st (2005) Biennale in Venice. He has been awarded various grants
web T09 fri sat
and fellowships, example fellowsh hip ps, for exam mple e from m Villa Massimo (Rome, 1998), Villa Massim mo (Rome e, 199 98), V illa Aurora (Los A Angeles, 2007) and ngeles, 200 07) a nd the city of W Wolfsburg’s arts prize olfsburg g’s ar rts p riz ze Junge Stadtt sieht sieht Junge Ju unge e Kunstt in 2002. Nico Nicolai participated olai has participat ted in international internationa al solo and group gro oup exhibitions. S Several works everal of his wo ork ks can be found d in public collections, such a as Museum off s the Museu um o Modern Art, New New York, ThyssenThyss senBornemisza Art Contemporary, Art Cont temp pora ary,, Vienna, Friedrich Christian Fried drich Christia an Flick Flick Collection, Berlin Berlin and Migros Miigros Museum, Zürich. Zü ürich. olafnicolai.com m Theater a/h Spui, stu studio udio 20.00 continuous - 00.00 00.00 0 20.00 continuous - 00.00 00.00 0
015 - Kurt Hentschläger (AT / US) FEED cat. - visual art / in installation nstallatio on
028 28
Subdivide Approach Reach Penetrate Commission View Translate Render Participate
Immerse Reflect Employ Overwhelm Research Accelerate Subject Shift Stress Evolve Project Create Emit Generate Diffuse Process Prepare Recognize Become Control
text te extt - The e immersive imm mersiv ve nature of Kurt Hentschläger’s performances and d environments env vironm ments reflect on the metaphor me etaph hor of tthe he e sublime and the human hum man condition. condittio on. Between 1992 and 2003 worked d 200 03 he w orked collaboratively as one half eh alf of the duo Granular-Synthesis. Gra anula ar-Syntthesis. Employing large scale projected larg ge sc cale pr rojjected images and drone soundscapes, dro one like sou undscapes, his performances co confronted onffronted the viewer on both h a physical phy ysiical and emotional level, lev vel, overwhelming ov verwhe elm ming the audience with stimulation. witth sensory s timulation. His current solo ren nt sol lo work k further further researches the human e nature of hu uman perception and d the e accelerated accelerrated impact of new w technologies tec chnologies on both individual and vid dual a nd collective colle ective consciousness. FEED nes ss. FE EED is a performance in which audience wh hich tthe he aud die ence is subjected to effects shifting effec cts and ds hifting mood in an artifi environment ficial en nvironment without performers perrform mers in the th he flesh. FEED stresses limits stre esses the lim mits of perception. What Wh hat evolves is s a pure sensation of llight projected ight projec cte ed directly onto the retinas of the sp spectators. pectators. web web b - hentschlager.info hen ntsch hlager..in nfo T09 Spui, T09 9 - Theater The eaterr a/h Spu ui, small hall fri frri - 19.45-20.00 19.4 45-20.00 & 22.30 - 22.45
web T09 fri sat
stage, through digital processing and manipulation of sound and video. No content is prepared in advance, and electricity is used as a subtle but pressing instrument. artificiel.org/POWEr Theater a/h Spui, main hall 23.00 - 23.40 23.20 - 00.00
017 - Hiroaki Umeda (JP) Adapting for Distortion cat. - modern dance / movement text - Hiroaki Umeda is a pluridisciplinary artist: choreographer, dancer, sound, image and lighting designer with roots in hip-hop, classical dance and photography. He was born in 1977 and lives and works in Tokyo. In 2000 Hiroaki Umeda founded his own company «S20» and since he has started making own pieces. His work is minimal and radical, subtle and violent, and is created to be “experienced”. He is now recognized more as a visual artist rather than a choreographer, a mover rather than a dancer. By using projections, Umeda becomes one with his environment, controlling sound and light with his movements. web - hiroakiumeda.com T09 - Theater a/h Spui, main hall fri - 19.00 - 19.30 & 20.30 - 21.00 sat - 16.00 - 16.30 +15 min Q&A & 19.45 - 20.15
016 6 - Artificiel (QC/CA) POWEr PO OWEr cat. art installation cat.. - visual a rt / ins sta allation text digital te extt - Artifi Arttificiel cie el is a d ig gital arts duo based Montréal, bas sed iin n Mon ntrréal, featuring Alexandre Burton Ale exand dre Burto on and Julien Roy. Roy y. This Th his European Euro opean premiere of Artifi performance Arttificiel’s cie el’s per rfo ormance POWEr is based on acoustic bas sed o n acous stic phenomena and striking d the e strikin ng imagery created by high-voltage high h-voltag ge emissions. Used as sour source materials, rce mat terials, these ingredients generated, die ents are are gen nerated, captured, transformed a and nd diffused live on
018 - Jacob Kirkegaard (DK) Labyrinthitis cat. - visual art / installation text - Jacob Kirkegaard is a Danish artist who focuses on the scientific and aesthetic aspects of reso-
Mutant Data was born a Orchestra) Orchesttra) w as b orn in Seattle in 1966. 19 966. He e studied d at both MIT and an nd the RijksacadRijks saca ademie, and no now works ow lives and wor rks in Amsterdam. Amsterdam m. His work work centres centrres on the interaction intera action off acoustics,, architecture a and physical/mental nd phy ysica al/menttal reactions to in infrasonics sounds nfrason nics – sound ds below the human hu uman hearing he earing threshth hres sh-old. He uses b both inaudible oth the e ina audib ble e sounds normally norm mally present pre esentt in buildings and an nd other large e conco onstructions, am amplifying them with mplifying the em w itth seismographic speseismograph hic and other other sp pecially design designed equipment, ned equipme ent, and and the sound potential po otential of of structures, structture es, using machinery vibrate machiinery to v ibra ate the materials and/or surroundings surroun ndings – essentially shaking buildings g building gs or the ground sonic groun nd – for s onic c effect. effe ect. Amplifying the seismographic e seism mogrraph hic c oscillations o off the ar architecture rchite ectu ure and ground, e either acoustically ither a cous stica ally y or using vibrators, Bain vibrrators, allows alllows s Ba ain n to plumb structures with waveform structtures wit th wa avefform m data and sound, sou und, mapping out ou ut the the e signatures o off each a and defi nd d efining ning g a presence w within that which ithin th hat w hich h is s normally thought static. tho ought of as st tatic c. He is also particularly pa articularly interested intteres sted in “connective “connectiv ve tissue” tissue e” between be etwe een structures an and audience att nd the au udience a the show or installation, whose in nstallation, who ose bodies contribute contrrib bute to the sum m of vibrations vibrations. Bain’s work s. B ain’s w ork k finds nd ds parallels in N Nicoli early icoli Tesla’s s ear rly y experiments s with with vibrational vib bratio onal devices. Bain Bain’s n’s work k – which wh hich h attacks, or topically to opically addresses, addrresses,, architecture a and other spaces we nd oth her sp pace es w e inhabit – places the posiplace es him in th he p osition of anti-architect. anti-a architectt. T09 - Theater a/h Spui, small sm mall hall hall sat - 22.50 -23.10
nance, time, sound and hearing. Jacob Kirkegaard has turned his ears inwards: his new work Labyrinthitis is an interactive sound piece that consists entirely of sounds generated in the artist’s auditory organs, and will cause audible responses in audience members. Labyrinthitis relies on a principle employed both in medical science and musical practice: when two frequencies at a certain ratio are played into the ear, additional vibrations in the inner ear will produce a third frequency. web - fonik.dk T09 - Theater a/h Spui, small hall sat - 20.30 - 21.20 019 - Justice Yeldham (AU) cat. - sound & music text - What’s been described as “a trumpet player trapped in a two-dimensional universe” is in fact the unique audio work of Justice Yeldham (the latest alterego of Lucas Abela), a maverick musician with an unhealthy obsession for sheets of broken glass. By pressing his face and lips against the glass whilst employing various vocal techniques ranging from throat singing to raspberries, he turns household windows into crude musical instruments. This results in a wide variety of cacophonous noises that are strangely controlled and oddly musical. web - myspace.com/justiceyeldham T09 - Theater a/h Spui , small hall sat - 21.50 - 22.10 020 - Mark Bain (US/NL) cat. - sound & music text - Mark Bain (member of the
021 - Mattin (ES (ES/SE) S/SE) lab. w.m.o/r la ab.. - w.m.o/ /r / Desetxea Des settxea / Free Software Series wa are S eries cat sound c at - sou und & music text Basque te extt - Mattin Ma attin is a Ba asq que artist working with witth noise no oise and improvisation. His s work worrk seeks seek ks to address the social soc cial and and economic eco onomic structures of e experimental xpe erimenttal music production live n through thrrough liv ve performance, recordings and rec cordings an nd writing. Using a conceptual approach, con ncep ptual ap pproach, he aims to question nature que estio on the n ature and parameters s of iimprovisation, mprov vis sation, specifically the e relationship rela ationsh hip p between the idea of ‘‘’freedom’’ and ’free edom’’ an nd constant innovation vattion that that it traditionally tra aditionally implies, and d the e established estab blis shed conventions of iimprovisation mprrovisatiion as a genre. Mattin considers improvisation cons siders im mprovisation not only interaction onlly as an inte eraction between musicians mu usicia ans and d instruments, but as a situation in involving nvolving all the elements em ments s that constitute constitute a concert, including inc cludin ng the audience and the social soc cial and and architectural arc chitectural space. web web b - mattin.org ma attin.o org T09 Spui, T09 9 - Theater The eaterr a/h Spu ui, small hall sat sat - 00.15 00..15 - 00.50 022 2 - Heart Chamber Cha amber Orchestra (AT) cat. cat.. - sound sou und & music text te extt - The e Heart Chamber Cha amber Orchestra consists con nsists of 12 classical musicians and d the e artist duo TERMINALBEACH Votava BEA ACH (Peter V otava (AT/DE) & Erich Erich Berger ((FI)). FI)). Using their heartbeats, hea artbe eats, the th he musicians control ac computer composition omp puter co omposition and visualization environment. visualiz zation e nvironment. The musicians equipped mu usicia ans are ee quipped with ECG (electrocardiogram) (ele ectro ocardio ogram) sensors. The musical mu usica al score e is generated in real rea time tim me by y the heartbeats he eartbeats of the musicians.. They re read ead and play this score from computer sco ore fr rom a c omputer screen.
web T09 fri sat
023 lab. cat. text
In Western culture we consider the heart to be the place for certain feelings. The heartbeat also reflects the physical state of the body. It pumps heavily if the body is under physical tension, and when it starts to beat very fast it can indicate fear, stress or excitement. Slow beats show a state of relaxation or sleep. Through meditation or biofeedback techniques one can manipulate these bodily states. The heart is a vital organ and for some it is the very place of life itself - a container of a metaphysical soul. Heart Chamber Orchestra is a project by TERMINALBEACH originally initiated and produced by TEKS Trondheim Electronic Arts Centre in cooperation with Trondheim Sinfonietta. heartchamberorchestra.org Theater a/h Spui, main hall 21.45 - 22.25 21.00 - 21.45 Stonephace (UK) Tru Thoughts sound & music This is definitely one of the music acts at TodaysArt you do not want to miss. Conceived over many years in the wilds of Cornwall, Stonephace bridges generations as well as genres, creating a timeless blend of jazz, progressive hip-hop and psychedelia. Their rare and exclusive live show at TodaysArt 09 features eclectic jazz radical Larry Stabbins on sax and flutes, Portishead’s Adrian Utley on guitar, Helm DeVegas on keyboards and inscrutable aural sorcerer Krzysztof Oktalski with the down and dirty drums
Turn Consist Generate Respond Rely Employ Vibrate Produce Describe Trap Press Range Control Study Centre Interact React Amplify Shake Oscillate
Work Improvise Address Use Record Write Question Imply Improvise Consider Involve Constitute Consist Compose Visualise Equip Feel Beat Indicate Relax
Guillamino mixes dub, hip-hop, mixes du ub, hip-h hop, minimal, house hou use and soulful soullful vocals in a very very peculiar pecu uliar way, way y, adding some e spices from m all around the w world. orld. Guillamino’s Gu uillam mino’’s music always surprises listeners: alway ys surpris ses listen ners: mixing electronica with electtro onica w ith traditonal tradittonal Catalan Sardana, apSard dana, a weird weird d ap pproximation to hip-hop and poo hip-h hop a nd p oetry, a songw songwriting project writing p roject about exile and a series shows using series of show ws u sin ng the reacTable instrument. Some reacTablle instrum mentt. So ome time before, n none other one ot ther tthan han n BBC C Radio 1 DJs John Jo ohn Peel Pe eel and an nd the e late Gilles Pe Peterson spread ete erson s prea ad the word by play playing Don’t yin ng his music. D on’t miss this one. one e. web - guillamino.com guillamino.c com T09 - Theater a/h Spui, main ma ain hall hall fri - 00.00 - 00.45 5
on vinyl and laptop, all bathed in visuals from VJ Stella Marina. web - stonephace.com T09 - Theater a/h Spui, main hall sat - 01.00 - 02.00 024 lab. cat text
Capitol K (UK) Faith & Industry / Planet Mu / V2 sound & music A true citizen of the world, born in Malta and raised in various disparate locales - such as Dubai, Brunei, and England, currently based in London, Kristian Robinson channels his respect for, and experience with different musical traditions into the creation of a unique hybrid of lo-fi rock, electronica and pop, under the moniker of Capitol K. His studio experimentation built upon a heady balance of samples, found sounds and playful, melodic pop juxtaposed with a global urban environment backdrop placed Capitol K’s complex arrangements at the forefront of the electronic scene. His single ‘Pillow’ became Radio 1’s single of the week, helping to cement his pop credentials. K has also gained a reputation for being a captivating live performer, recreating the sprawl of his albums with a mix of live and sampled sources. web - myspace.com/capitolk T09 - Theater a/h Spui, main hall fri - 01.00 - 02.00 025 lab. cat. text
026 lab. ab. cat. text
Guillamino + Band (ES) Bankrobber sound & music Guillamino is one of the most surprising acts from the Barcelona musical scene, walking on the human side of electronica.
(US) Pursuit Grooves (U US) What Rules Re Records Rush Hour ecords s / Ru ush H our sound & music mus sic When speaking speak kin ng of electronic electrronic c or hip-hop producers produ ucers who who have made innovative innova ative contributions con ntributio ons to their genre, genrre,, females are rarely ra arely mentioned. Whether Whetherr hard harrd to o find nd or rarely exp exposed, New York posed, Ne ew Y ork artist arttistt Pursuit Grooves Groo ove es is making makin ng it her her business to d deliver an important eliver a n im mporrta ant contribution. Refusing Refusin ng to o be defined or labeled, la abeled, she she graciously gracio ously y accepts all o off her infl fluences uen nces s tto o create something distinctly some eth hing that is dist tin nctly y her own while e owing g much mu uch tto o the past. She experie started d exp peri-menting with h production produc ction n at the the age of 14 and DJ’ing d started d DJ’ ’ing in college. Using Usin ng only hardware hardw ware with no computers com mputers involved, in nvolv ved,, she she continues to gracefully mix her og racefu ully m ix h er beats at special speciial events even nts and and sups up plies guest m mixes international ixes forr inte erna atiiona al radio shows. M Much her name, uch like h er n ame,
tive conscience in the Detroit hip-hop scene. 2006 Marked his allegiance with Stones Throw Records. His music (featuring producers such as J Dilla, Madlib, Black Milk etc.) chronicles a life led in the rough-hewn city that birthed him, marking an evolution, incorporating a more topical and thought-provoking persona in addition to the extra-savage braggadocio Simpson is known for. Guilty’s testosterone-charged, inner city themes possess a sense of humor at times so side-splitting, it only proves how serious he really is. web - myspace.com/guiltysimpson T09 - Theater a/h Spui, small hall fri - 02.30 - 03.15
Purrsuit Grooves Pursuit Groov ves s plans to seek, hunt hun nt and an nd capture… captture… your ears. web noddinggrand.com web b - nod ddinggrand d.c com myspace.com/vjsmith my yspac ce.com m/v vjsmith T09 Spui, T09 9 - Theater The eaterr a/h Spu ui, small hall fri frri - 23.30 - 00.15 0277 - Hank Shocklee Sho ocklee / Bomb Squad (US) lab. la ab.. - BOMB BO OMB SQUAD, SQUA AD, Future Frequency cat. cat.. - sound sou und & music text te extt - The e BOMB BO OMB SQUAD SQ QUAD is a production team n tea am from m New York, known for the original origina al sonic innovations behind beh hind Public c Enemy. Enemy. The BOMB SQUAD SQ QUAD D is also o credited with creating cre eating g seminal semina al recordings for a variety varriety of other othe er highly regarded artists such such as s Madonna, Janet Jackson, Jac ckson, Ice Cube, Cube, Slick Rick, LL Cool J & Run Ru un DMC. Hank Shocklee, founding Shockle ee, fou unding member and legendary leg genda ary DJ/producer, DJ//producer, found some time come som me ti ime to co ome over during the off their soon to e recording reco ording o release debut rele ease e solo d ebut (with Hank and d Keith Shocklee Sho ocklee serving as the front e fron nt men) ffor or a performance at TA09. TA09 9. This intimate in ntimate show will feature combination fea ature a com mbination of futuristic live electronics electro onics and beats. web web b - myspace.com/originalbombmy yspac ce.com m/o originalbombsquad squ uad T09 T09 9 - Theater The eaterr a/h Spui, Spu ui, small hall fri frri - 00.15 00..15 - 01.45 028 8 lab. la ab.. cat. cat.. text te extt
029 - DJ Duct (JP) cat. - sound & music text - DJ DUCT is known as a one-ofa-kind turntablist and a producer from Japan. He has been actively participating in Tokyo’s hip-hop and break beats scene as a DJ since late 90s. It was the time when the term ‘turntablism’ was first introduced, and the art of spinning records progressed so dramatically in the hip hop world. As he witnessed such advancement, and immersed himself deeper and deeper into the art, he began to wonder if he could develop a completely new way of DJ’ing using just one turntable, instead of two or more, which was what all the other turntablists were using. DJ DUCT’s ‘less is more’ approach to turntablism have led him to establish his current unique style of performing. Using one turntable, a DJ mixer,
Guilty Simpson Sim mpson (US) Stones Sto ones s Throw w sound sou und & music Guilty Simpson Simpso on (member of the Almighty Dreadnaughtz Alm mighty Drea adnaughtz crew) emerged sound em merge ed as a s ound to be reckoned after rec ckone ed with ha fter linking with producer pro oduc cer J Dilla a in 2001. Since then, the en, Guilty has ha as risen higher and higher d hig gher in hip-hop’s collec-
Bathe Raise Channel Create Experiment Juxtapose Cement Gain Captivate Recreate Surprise Mix Surprise Approximate Innovate Credit Combine
Speak Contribute Expose Deliver Refuse Define Label Accept Experiment Involve Mix Seek Hunt wCapture Emerge Reckon Link Rise
Lucky Lu L ucky dr d dragons ago ag ons
work with local loca al and international interrnatio onal artists in the music, illuse fields of mu usic, illu us-tration, comic comics, drawing, cs, draw wing,, video... vid deo... The goal of tthe workshop he work kshop is to o get kids (aged (age ed 6-12) involved invo olved d in n the emerging moder modern, rn, cool co ool and d affordable m music usic instruments ins strum mentts (such as the K Korg Kaossilator) org Ka aossiilato or) and possibilities of the m music usiic making aspect Nintendo aspe ect of the e Nin nten ndo DS game co console music onsole with m usic software. The portab portability bility of these these battery operated operatted instruments insttrum ments is s the important importan nt feature why wh hy they th hey are chosen ffor kids they can or the ki ids - the ey c an n bring them outside, outside, to school, sc choo ol, to to friends and tthey collaborate... hey can n coll labo oratte.... In addition to workshop, o the wo orksh hop,, the the participating kids will pergk ids wi ill do oap er-formance of th their acquired heir freshly fre eshly y acq quired d skills, functioning proper functio oning as s a pr rope er electronic m music band. usic ban nd. Acoustic Acou ustiic instruments used in scho schools can ools sc an now be easily mixed d with h the e modern electronic sound. Kids elec ctrronic sound d. Kid ds get into com computers earlier mputers e arlie er and an nd earlier and a computer computer nowadays nowa adays s is more than n a toy. With With Korg’s Korg g’s mini effects processors and and synsyn nthesizers, kid kids learn ds can le earn how w to o process their own vo voices, interact oices s, int tera actt with others a and nd learn n instant ins stantt basic song m making, layering aking, by la ayerin ng loops of different sounds. diffe erent sounds s. Instant Insttant sampling and an nd manipulating manip pulatting of of the recorded sound ds ound is made e easy. easy y. The music structure hip-hop sttru ucture of hip-h hop or techno can e easily on asily be e made o na Kaossilator in 1 minu minute kids ute and k ids can easily co collaborate ollaboratte for a group group p sound. The Nintendo gamNintendo o DS, DS S, a g aming console with with a touchscreen, to ouch hscre een, also offers several se everal commercial co omm merc cia al music applications applic cations which which transtra ansform it into a full full musical instruins strrument. Luka w will about ill also tell a boutt his his s
a sampler, Kaoss-pads and other effectors, he collages and reconstructs the bits and pieces of sounds he captures from the records on the spot. It involves a lot of sampling, real-time editing, effect mixing and scratching, all taking place on stage. Since all the sounds come from the records (and no preliminary recorded materials on the sampler), it’s definitely a live performance, and an extension of DJ’ing more than anything else. web - myspace.com/djduct T09 - Theater a/h Spui, small hall fri - 01.45 - 02.30 029 - Touching Sound & Music Electronic music workshop for Kids by Lukatoyboy Presented by Kid’s-Patch cat. - workshops / lectures sound / music text - After successful workshops by Lukatoyboy at Kid’s-Patch, Club Transmediale and Communikey and amazing feedback from both participants and their parents, the Electronic Music Workshop for Kids will now be part of TodaysArt 09. The workshop is presented by Kids-Patch, a new Dis-patch festival production, an event dedicated to “new children’s creativity”. Each event consists of a series of workshops for kids, related to the fields of music, graphic art, performance and new media. It is a 100% participative program with a completely new, intuitive, inventive and forward-thinking approach to children’s education in the context of arts and culture. Children aged between 6 and 12
Northern Soul nuggets, German cosmic disco, Québécois mod madness, and a smattering of Afrobeat moog funk. Exotic trash and erotic treasures from around the globe to shake a leg to. web - myspace.com/guymauve T09 - Theater a/h Spui, foyer sat - 18.45 - 02.30
exp experiences perie ences with these workshops wit th the ese wo ork kshops in a lecture. Children lec cture.. Childr ren are asked to be foyer in tthe he fo oyer justt before 16.00 on Saturday. Language Sat turda ay. Lan nguage will not be barrier. ab arrie er. web kids-patch.com web b - kid ds-pa atch.co om myspace.com/lktyby my yspac ce.com m/llktyby T09 Spui, T09 9 - Theater The eaterr a/h Spu ui, foyer sat (workshop) sat - 14:30 14:3 30 - 17.00 (w workshop) & 18:00 (performance) 18:0 00 - 18.45 (p performance)
032 - Lucky Dragons (US) lab. - 555 Recordings / Ultra Eczema / Marriage Records cat. - sound & music text - The ‘communal experiment’ that is Lucky Dragons started as a ‘band’ eight years ago in San Francisco. When founder Luke Fischbeck met Sarah Anderson (aka Sarah Rara), the pair sought to forge a new definition of ‘band’ that included contexts such as public art, the gallery system, museum programming, blogs and small-press publishing; a way to subvert the accepted power structures of musical performance and creation through workshop-performances. Everything produced (19 albums already) is released under a Creative Commons license, and all are available as free downloads. Lucky Dragons are notorious for the ‘reverse-shoplifting’ distribution of their album “Hawks and Sparrows”, which involved planting copies of the album in records stores across the globe. The Lucky Dragons ‘concertsas-workshop’-style happenings have generated considerable interest in both the art and music worlds. With a basic set-up of home-made electronics and folk instruments, the pair encour-
030 0 - DJ Dame & DJ Michiel (NL) cat. cat.. - sound sou und & music text te extt - DJ Dame’s Dam me’s love lov ve for electronic music mu usic started started in n 1995, with her own ow wn show at an an underground radio rad dio station. sttation. Her sets flow across electro, steamy ele ectro,, steam my house beats, minimal min nima al techno techn no and electronix. Combining Combin ning quick qu uic ck mixing skills and impeccable d an impec ccable music selection, tion n, DJ J Dame e is is adept in the late night nig ght hours, finding the balance between bettwee en heavy heav vy floor tracks and elegant ele egantt crowd d pleasers. pleasers. After being beiing inactive in nactive e as as a DJ for some years, she be yea ars, s he will b e DJ’ing again at TodaysArt DJ Tod daysA Art 09. D J Michiel (from the e The e Hague skate store Hardcore) will DJ corre) w ill join D J Dame, playing anything any ythin ng between betw ween the deep depths ambient dep pths of amb bient and IDM styles till the dubtechno dubtec chno 2009 vibes and old d drum n’ bass ba ass tunes. web web b - djdame.com djd dame e.com T09 T09 9 - Theater The eaterr a/h Spui, Spu ui, foyer fri frri - 20.00 - 02.30 031 - DJ TV DiSKO DiS SKO (CA/NZ) cat. cat.. - sound sou und & music text te extt - DJ TV DiSKO DiSKO (Geoff (G Geoff Stahl) gives you Iberian u Ibe erian psyche, ps syche, Finnish disco, Turkish dis sco, T urkish h prog, prog, Mexican garage Spanish garrage rock, S panish freakbeat, Bollywood Bollywo ood breaks, bre eaks, French yé yé,
age audience participation with offbeat premises.. web - hawksandsparrows.org myspace.com/luckydragons T09 - Theater a/h Spui, foyer fri - 21.30 - 22.00 033 - DoraVideo (JP) lab. - Macaroni Records cat. - sound & music visual art / installation text - DoraVideo is the brain child of Yoshimitsu Ichiraku (drums and computer). Yoshimitsu won an honorary mention in the Digital Music division of media art festival ARS Electronica, he recently collaborated with Keiji Haino, and has been active as the drummer in the band Yamaguchi. Yoshimitsu has created an exciting and fun group involving a drum and computer controlled system in cooperation with the Camera Japan Festival. He places impact sensors all over the drum set, creating a huge video deck, which allows him to use the drum set to control the video images. web - japanimprov.com/ichiraku T09 - Theater a/h Spui, foyer fri - 23.30 - 00.10
web T09 fri sat
to make an exhibition, ex xhibitio on, which which usually last on one month. With ne mon nth. W ith h its broad artistic sound c range, from m so ound art, field recordings, composirec cordings,, com mpo ositions from th the new music he field of of ne ew m us sic c and radio experiments ex xperimen nts through throu ugh to contempo contemporary orary electronic ele ectro onic music from various va arious off-scenes, off-s scen nes, Soundmuseum.fm Soundmuse eum.fm is already a rapidly expanding network exp panding netw work structure. Be Besides the onlineesides th he on nline eplatform Soundmus Soundmuseum.fm also seum m.fm a ls so materialises space form s in spac ce in the fo orm of tangible installations, which installations, whic ch where feature featured ed at Rokolectiv (Bucharest),, S Santral Museum antral Mus seum m (Istanbul) an and (Berlin). nd CTM (Berl lin). www.soundmuseum.fm www.sound dmuseum m.fm Theater a/h Spui, Spui, foyer 19.00 - 03.00 0 continuous s 14.00 - 03.00 0 continuous s
035 - Tarek Atoui (LB) Un-drum / strategies surviving strategies s of s urv viv ving noise cat. - sound & music mus sic text - This is an intense and inttense an nd physical ph hysic cal electronic so sound performance ound per rform mance e by Tarek Ato Atoui. draws upon oui. It dra aws u pon n the th he three days of a arrest and rrest a nd ttorture ortu ure Atoui experie experienced enced during g the July 2006 wa war Lebanon, durar on Lebano on, d uring which he permanently ep ermanenttly lost lo ost partial hearing g in his s left earr after afterr receiving a b beating eating to to the head. he ead. ‘Un-drum / strategies surviving strrategie es of surv viviing g noise’ draws s parallels parallells between be etwe een attempts to br break states physireak sta ates of p hysi-cal and psychological psyc chological detende eten ntion, siege and d the collapsing collap psin ng of of musical performance perfformance boundaries, bo ound dariies s, laptop art an and music. nd electronic electrronic c mu usic c. web - tarekatoui.com tarekatoui.co om T09 - Theater a/h Spui, main ma ain hall hall sat - 22.15 -22.45
034 - Soundmuseum (NL) cat. - sound & music visual art / installation text - Founded by artist Nathalie Bruys and designer Katja van Stiphout, Soundmuseum.fm went online in October 2008 as an exhibition platform and archive for experimental sound art. Its curatorial/editorial team invites artists and other curators to add audio recordings of any length to the Soundmuseum depot, or
Participate Win Collaborate Create Involve Cooperate Allow Invite Add Compose Experiment Expand Materialize Feature Arrest Torture Experience Receive Beat Collapse
Witness ess Nurture ure Collaborate orate Struggle gle Prevail ail
a state of conflict Relja Bobić obić Dis-patch Festival
a state of o conflict
Belgrade’s Dis-patch festival is proud to be collaborating once more with the TodaysArt Festival in its 2009 edition on presenting presenti a very special program showcase of artists coming Europe and the Balkan Peninsula. This region com ming from the e realms of South-East E has, different conflicts over the course of the previous has s, unfortunately, witnessed many diffe decade social and ultimately military ones. Offering a dec cade - political, cultural, religious, so scenes of this region seems a much-needed glance at the emerging em merging music and art s topic of TA-Conflict. There is probably no other step p in the context conte ext of this year’s main top European territory Eur ropean territor ry so deeply marked and shaped by recent conflicts of political, social would initially think of images of wars that took and d cultural nature. Although one woul place in Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo, it iis important to draw the attention to the fact icts and brutality of the 1990s, numerous that in addition tto o the horrible military confl c other conflicts of of a different nature are still ongoing, resulting in an environment of constant expression, for modernity, for common-sense, for con nstant struggle for freedom of expres perspective perrspective or, ultimately, ultimately, for European integration and freedom of travel/movement. At the that all of the featured artists are sharing the same time, time e, this is the common context con and d have struggled with, which led them to develop their selected artistic paths and foster ones which prevail in their daily existence. fostter different cultural values from the o Folllowing the last Following las st year’s “Dispatches fro from the art of today” program which had esbetween Belgrade and The Hague performing at the tablished an exchange of artists betwee collaboration has a more specific aim. By reacting to respective festivals, this year’s collabora the diversity of local and regional artistic outthe festival’s theme, them me, we are presenting th put, area, which has nurtured exceptional talent and put t, offering a different view of the area forward-thinking better-known populist, alcohol-flavored brass forw ward-thinking g artists parallel to the b frenzy. with festivals, we will be presenting musicians, DJ’s, fren nzy. In line wit th the scope of both fes of their local scenes of contemporary and d video artists that have been on the forefront fo in touch with the progressive expresmusic and related relate ed arts, keeping the audience aud sions adventurous today. sion ns and advent turous approaches of to Fina Finally, ally, being in The The Netherlands - and specifi s cally The Hague - is a peculiar context, bearing role of the ICTY (The Internabea aring in mind the presence and the much-disputed m tional as well as the recent EU-integration nal Criminal Tribunal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia), Y tensions tion n issues and te ensions between Serbia and The Netherlands which have, inevitably, shaped to say, all of the participants needed sha aped into a conflict in their own right. Needless N acquire Culture and art sadly cannot overto a cquire a visa a in order to perform at TodaysArt. T come com me the political politica al frictions which are far beyond their reach, but they are instrumental opening in o pening and nurturing communication communicatio channels between the societies, between milieus the artistic milieu us and finally – between people who are in need of direct, first-hand experiences cultures. exp periences and an open dialogue between betw
nieuwe we kerk k The Nieuwe Kerk, open only on Friday, is the he location for the program “A State of Conflict” (see feature page 044 and page 45), funded by the European Europ pean CommisCommis ssion and created by the Dis-patch Festival of cutting-edge music and related a art rt in Belgrade, Serbia. All these artists come from countries that were werre recently torn to orn by conflict, but have managed to be inspired ired by, or despite off, tthese hese difficultt circumstances. The program consist of several performances veral electronic music p erformances s of various styles or audio-visual projects, butt will be opened with a contemporar contemporary ry classical concert for two pianos and an open talk with an ac acclaimed cclaimed Belgrade-based writer, addressing the e issues of various confl flicts which are shaping the everyday ay life of the region.
house VBZ. H He works e lives and wor rks in Belgrade. T09 - Nieuwe Kerk, Kerk k, church h hall fri - 20.00 -21.15
036 - “The Peculiar Case of a Conflict”, a discussion with Vladimir Arsenijević cat. - workshops / lectures text - Vladimir Arsenijević is an awarded and internationally acclaimed Serbian writer, translator, editor and publicist. He won the 1994 “NIN” award, thus becoming the youngest ever recipient of this prestigious prize, for his first novel “In the Hold”. This anti-war book was soon translated to 20 languages and placed Arsenijević almost instantly among the most translated Serbian writers ever. Since then, Arsenijevic published four other novels. He is a well known editor who formed and developed RENDE publishing house, and currently, he runs a Belgrade subsection of a distinguished Croatian publishing
037 - DJ Ahmaad (BA) cat. - sound & mus music sic text - Through the mist today’s em ist of toda ay’s music, you can see the can barely se ee th he man called Ahmed Talović a.k.a. Ahmed T alov vić a .k k.a. DJ Ahmaad,, a a.k.a.SKITZO. He .k.a.SK KITZO O. H e comes with an unidentifi n unide entifi fied style style and mixture o off funk, hiphip-hop, -hop p, breakbeat, broken bro oken beat, jazz, jazz z, ‘’sevdah’’ and d d’n’b sound. sound. His His s first professional work was att a was a local music radio ra adio station sta ation n called callle ed Radio 3, as a h host Truespin ost off the True espin RadioShow. S Successfully, uccess sfully y, he e presented hi his and is knowledge e an nd skills at Open Croatian DMC DMC C Championship Bull Championsh hip p 2003, Red d Bu ulll Music Academy Rome and Acade emy Rom me 2004 a nd
Manage Inspire Open Address Shape Award Translate Publish Form Develop Run Work Represent
040 - LP Duo (RS) cat. - sound & music mus sic text - Piano Duo LP was fo founded ounded by by pianists Sonja Son nja a Lončar Lonča ar and an nd Andrija Andrija a Pavlović in summer They summer 2004. 2004 4. Th hey finished postgraduate pos stg graduatte studies studie es for piano duo at Hochschule Hoc chsch hule e für Musik und Rostock. un nd Theatre Ro osto ock. They won the first pr prize rize at at the th he International competition competition n in Krakow (Poland), (Pola and), and d at the the same sa ame competition they th hey were we ere awarded aw warded d with the spe special eciial prize forr the e best performance perform mance off a piece piiece e by by a Dutch com composer. mposer. They They are e tthe he only duo in the Balkans the history histo ory off Balk kans s to participate in the bigg biggest piano gest p ia ano o duo competiti competition world ion in tthe he w orld d in n Miami, Florid Florida. da. web - pianoduolp.c pianoduolp.com com T09 - Nieuwe Kerk, Kerk k, church h hall fri - 21.30 - 22.15
numerous festivals. web - myspace.com/jdahmaad T09 - Nieuwe Kerk, church hall fri - 00.45 - 02.00 038- Wo0 (RS) cat. - sound & music text - Using electric guitar as a receiver of different frequencies that various devices transmit into the air, Wo0 creates a spectrum of sounds not usually related to the sound of electric guitar. He uses his imagination and some serious devices such as: mobile phones, remote control, radio, computer equipment, media players etc, to create very subtle, harmonic, oscillating and deep compositions of structural flow. web - myspace.com/belgradenoise T09 - Nieuwe Kerk, basement fri - 23.15 - 00.00
041 - Incredible Bob (RS (RS) S) cat. - sound & music mus sic text - Incredible Bob Bob Milošević b or Bo ob Milošev vić is a Belgrade-based Belgrade e-based video vide eo artist arttis st and VJ. Bob w works orks in n the e field d of glitch art by recycling drops, y recyc cling dro ops,, bugs, pixels,, scrambles, feedscramb bles, feed dbacks and noises in a str structural ructura al way. Bob collaborated colla aborate ed as s an n editor on numerous num merous film and d video projetcs, workshops projetc cs, and w ork ksho ops as s well. He collab collaborated borated d with witth Dušan Duša an Makavejev, Ž Želimir Žilnik, Puriša elimir Ž ilnik k, Pu uriš ša Đorđević, Vlad Vlada Petrić, Zoran da Petr rić, Z oran n Popović, Neven Nev ven Korda, Kord da, Mihailo Miha ailo Ristić and Johnny Jo ohnny Rackowitzch. Ra acko owitz zch. T09 - Nieuwe Kerk, Kerk k, basement basem ment fri - 22.30 -22.45
039 - Every Kid on Speed (MK) cat. - sound & music text - This is one of the monikers under which Antonio Dimitrov appears - sound artist, street artist, DJ, designer… Based in Skopje, Macedonia, he is running the label Acid Fake Recordings, the sublabel Discofake and webzine Fakezine. Every Kid On Speed is his more active moniker with which he produces glitch, minimal, cut-up electronics. He performed at festivals such as Club Transmediale, Progress, Tiny Noise, Absurd, ctrl_alt_del and others. web - last.fm/music/ every+kid+on+speed T09 - Nieuwe Kerk, basement fri - 21.00 - 22.30
042 - Felony Flats (RS) cat. - sound & music mus sic text - Leave Jackson Computer Jacks son And His C om mputer Band locked d with with A-Trak A--Trak k and da
Receive Transmit Relate Oscillate Compose Perform Finish Award Participate Collaborate Edit
bunch of acid in a basement of a country club in Georgia for two days, go pick up Michael Jackson, take ‘em to an east New York block party headlined by Dave Clarke, then drop them off at Kim Gordon’s place in Massachusetts. Let Michael hook up with Quentin Dupieux on their way to a club in Belgrade where all of them are supposed to play a DJ set on broken turntables in front of 200 people who don’t give a damn about the music. web - myspace.com/felonyflats T09 - Nieuwe Kerk, church hall fri - 22.30 - 23.45
collaboration Mirko n between betwee en M irko o Lazović and N Nenad Popov that enad P opo ov th hat started two years years ago when wh hen they both studied stu udied Art|Science Arrt|Scienc ce in The Hague.. They d developed eve eloped unique visual compositions visua al compo ositio ons and improvisations ongoing weekly improvisatio ons in on ngoin ng w eekly y sessions, usin using ng theirr own n custom cu usto om built software softwarre and hardware. ha ardw ware e. Their performances perform mances reflect ect continuous struggle struggle between betw ween abab-stract and concrete, diving and co oncrete, divin ng in a nd d out of feedbac feedbacks while taming cks wh hile ta aming g circuit bent c cameras video ameras s and d vid deo equipment. T09 - Nieuwe Kerk k fri - 21.00 - 00.00 0 continuous continu uous s
043 - Shazalakazoo (RS) cat. - sound & music text - “Folkstep” is a fully computerized music style, with the prevailing electronic rhythm and bass line patterns. This basic rhythm structure is overlaid with either folk samples or folklore-inspired themes played using MIDI controllers and/or vinyl scratching. These rhythms, harmonies and melodies are a unique blend. Their origins lie in various Slavic, Gypsy, Vlach, Greek, Romanian and Albanian streaks, or other cultures with substantial influence in the region. Shazalakazoo have been making electronic music since 1998, performing live since 2000. web - myspace.com/shazalakazoo T09 - Nieuwe Kerk, church hall fri - 23.45 - 00.45
045 - Lukatoyboy (RS) cat. - sound & music mus sic text - Lukatoyboy (Luka (Luka Ivanović) Iva anov vić) is is a musician, s sound ound designer,, journalist and an nd radio editor edito or from m Belgrade. Lukatoyboy’s Lu ukatoybo oy’s main main n sound/music c activities include in nclude producing & performing perform ming electroelec ctro oacoustic improvised music using imp provised mus sic u sin ng feedback, field eld d recordings recorrding gs and small iPod FM M transmitters. transm mitte ers. He He teaches mus music workshops sic c works shop ps on “circuit bend bending” din ng” and organises org ganis ses electronic m music usic workshops s for kids (see page page 040). 04 40). Since Sinc ce February 200 2007 07 he has been tthe he co-organizer co-organize er of the improvE imprrovE E nights in Belgrade, Bellgrade, encounters encounte ers of electronic musicians and cm usicia ans a nd improvisers, which also serves which a lso s erv ves as s a host for the e local Share-events. Share e-ev vents.. web - myspace.com/lktyby myspace.com m/lktyby y T09 - Nieuwe Kerk, Kerk k, basement basem ment fri - 22.45 - 23.15
044 - mPnL: Nenad Popov & Mirko Lazović (RS/NL) cat. - visual art / installation text - mPnL is a result of ongoing
Em Embrace Consolidate Cons Incorporate Incor Guarantee Guar Ensure En
conflict is the end of indifference European Commission Representation in The Hague Representat
conflict lict is the end of indifference
The main reason to establish the European an Union was to end con confl nflict. The EU owes its existence to the memory of the terrible wars that ravaged the E European uropean continent during the first half of the 20th century. Out of the rubble of World War Two, a new kind of hope emerged. People who had resisted esisted totalitarianism during the warr were determined to put an end to international hatred and rivalry in Eur Europe rope and create the conditions for lasting peace. Between 1945 courageous 5 and 1950, a handful of c ourageous statesmen set about persuading their people to o enter a new era. New political structures struc ctures were created in Western Europe, based on shared interests and fou founded unded upon treaties tre eaties guaranteeing the rule of law and equality between etween all countries. These structures s have so far been successful. What we have today, ay, is a unique economic c and politicall partnership between 27 democratic European countries with the aim o off providing p peace, eace, prosperity and freedom for its 498 million citizens. But is the EU as it is now a po political olitical arena without conflict? Europe’s post-industrial becoming ustrial societies are beco oming increasingly complex. Standards of living have risen steadily, eadily, but often at the cost co ost of an increasing incre easing gap between rich and poor, between and within EU Member States. States s. Terrorism and an nd organised crime have become an issue of internal ternal and external security. Ensuring equal wealth and security for all, has become the EU; e real challenge for the E U; a challenge that can not be dealt with without facing conflicting cting views and interests. interestts. When the Soviet empire crumbled in 1991, 1, the former communistt countries off Central and Eastern Europe decided that theirr future lies within the fa family democratic amily of demo ocratic European nations. In 2004, the EU underwent enlargement incorporate went a historic enlargem ment to incorp porate 10 countries from Central and Eastern Europe Mediterranean: Repubope and the Mediterrane ean: Czech Re epublic, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, The gary, Malta, Slovakia and d Slovenia. Th he enlargement process continues to this day. Several countries from the Western B Balkan alkan are aspiring to become a member of the EU. former RepubU. Croatia and the forme er Yugoslav Re epublic of Macedonia are already formal candidate Herzedate countries; Albania, Bosnia and H erzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia enjoy a European perspective. For Fo or people from the Balkan countries, war and conflict is not something from an olde older er generation,, such as the Second World War is for people from om Western Europe. Instead, Inste ead, a large part part of the younger generation has living memories es of war as part of daily life. Becoming part of the EU is often a logical step for these countries, who consider themselves p part art of Europe in terms of culture, history and aspirations. irations. European integration is open n to all European countries when and if they are prepared the repared to take up all th he obligations of EU membership. As part of the enlargement criteria, the European ropean Union asks futur future re candidate c counountries to speed up their economic reconstruction, ction, improve their mutual mutu ual relations, which which in the case of the Balkan have been scarred d by ethnic and religious s wars, and consoli-
052 52
confl is conflict the end of indifference in
date their democratic democra atic institutions. These discussions d are often a frustrating process avoided. And why should it? Conflict is the during g which conflict can not always be av end of indifference e and the start of getting to know each other. That is why we, the Commission, proud to offer you the opportunity to explore a European Commiss sion, are extremely prou Europe in The Hague at the TodaysArt festival, part of the diverse culture culture of Southeast Euro funding by fun nding a program progra am with artists from this region. Let’s e embrace mbrace the c confl onflict and maybe even forget it while we enjoy each other’s creative expressions. ex xpressions.
Engage ge Believe ve Preserve rve Reason on Choose se
do you engage or avoidvi David Rietveld etveld Councilman in The Hague for political party GroenL GroenLinks Links
do you engage or avoidv
I did d not like con confl nflict. For years, I tried to avoid any type of conflict as much as I could. didn’t advantage into conflict. I believed that conflict could only I did dn’t see any a dvantage in engaging in result in loss. Als Also, so, weren’t humans the only species gifted with the ability to reason and shouldn’t we approach every possible conflict d make choices? choice es? So, in theory, why sh situation reason, situ uation with rea ason, in order to choose the obvious peaceful solution? I felt strengthened strengthene ed in my views by the sheer sh endless news stream regarding conflict world, of the saddening results of conflicts: around the world d, mostly pictures and footage f destruction, decay Clearly, if given the choice, everybody would des struction, dec cay and destitution. Cle choose cho oose - at leastt for himself - to avoid such su a result. I ha have ave learnt it is impossible to avoid confl con ict. And not only that, it is also counterproductive. duc ctive. “Zonderr wrijving geen glans” is a Dutch saying which roughly translates to ‘without come to respect the meaning of it. Con‘wit thout friction there there is no gloss’, and I have h avoiding it can even be worse. Of course I am not flictt can result in horrible things, but avoi heavy calling out for he eavy conflicts that have a terrible outcome such as described above. tough of a fight as any conflict. Butt surely a battle of ideas can be as tou Up until now, there the ere is not much conflict in The Hague. I think it is safe to say that at this moment we have e reached a status quo on many levels. So, TodaysArt central theme for this year came cam me to me as a surprise. A surprise that is true, nonetheless: a conflict ís in n the air. A type typ pe of formalized conflict which most of us are familiar with: elections. promise to be the most impetuous in the history The e local elections in March next year pro The And of T he Hague. A nd although we know tthat this conflict will be resolved peacefully guided by the formal forrmal rules of elections - tthe result will be a new paradigm. I don’t think new paradigm, but it is safe to say that the role I should sh hould prelude to the contents of this n arts upcoming debate. of a rts will be a crucial crucial part of the upcom I still stiill don’t like confl conflict. Not in the way y you like ice-cream or peanut butter. It seems strange engage preserve kindness. Or to go to battle for peace. But stra ange to engag ge in conflict to preserv sometimes have som metimes you h ave to. TodaysArt takes the lead and asks us to think ahead: what are your Do you engage or avoid? you ur core values? What are they worth? D
Crash crush
At Spui 24-26, <>TAG will host Crash~Crush, that sh, a program that aims s to show tha at there is more to conflict than meets the eye; ye; even beauty. The visual vis sual art at this location offers different perspectives on confl onflict, and shows the multitude multitude of different angles present-day artists can take in approaching such a s sensitive ensitive topic.
Khalidi & John de e Weerd. Participating artis artists: sts: Vincent Elka (FR) – Rafael Rozendaal (NL) – Erik van der Weijde (NL) – Jon Jonathan Schipper nathan Schipp per (US) – Martin Kaltwasser Folke Kalttwasser & Folk ke Köbberling (DE) – Johannes Gees Ge ees (CH) – Richard Ba Barbrooke arbrooke (Class (Clas ss Wargames) (UK) – Lena von La Lapapschina (RU) – Arthur Arth hur Zmijewskii (PL) – Matthijs Kie Kiel el (NL) + a selection of th the he Vast-Forward Vast-Forwa ard video program off 1646.
046 - <TAG> text - Crash~Crush: Wrijving geeft warmte (= Friction creates heat) is a free exhibition and extra program organized by <TAG>. The artists in this exhibition show how conflict (crash) can carry beauty (crush). Every conflict, public or private, contains something tender, but first and foremost: a solution. And friction creates heat. Crash/Crush presents images from the several stages of conflict. Some artworks investigate what stimulates conflict. They create confusion to undermine or avoid conflict. Others look for conflict, show its outcome or adjust reality. But in all stages of conflict there is beauty to be found, however brutal or reconciling it may be. The exhibition is curated by Hicham
Friday 09 Octobe October er 20.00 – 22.00 Finn Finnisage nisage with a public performance Game performanc ce of the Gam me of War, by Class W Wargames. The argames. Th he exhibition is organised organ nised by TAG and is free to visit visit. t. 047 - DJ TV DiSKO (CA/NZ) (CA//NZ) cat. - sound & mus music sic
Show Approach Contain Investigate Stimulate Confuse Undermine Avoid Reconcile
text web T09 fri
the intelligence off the body, forr example, the knowledge know wledge of the fingers or lips, is considered considered just as important musically as the ‘brain-knowledge’. STEIM has stimulated the e design of extremely physica physical al interfaces and is widely considered cons sidered as the e pioneering place for the new live electronic con concepts. ncepts. STEIM M has always encouraged the use e of low-tech solutions and the creative “misuse” of recycled high-tech. STEIM stands for “a human approach to technology”. This technology technollogy has to be tailored to the individual. Unique instruments The instrumen nts such as Th he Hands, The Web, The Sweatstick Sweatstic ck and the MIDI Conductor were created as a result of personal and individual projects, pro ojects, but are e now used by other othe er performers. STEIM’s former director and founding father Michel Michel Waisvisz Waisvis sz (who unfortunately passed away awa ay in 2008) is generally recognized d as being the first to practo invent a pra actice for ecstatic liv live performance ve performanc ce with live electronic instruments instruments. s. Over the years, a great great variety of of the pioneering artists arttists of the live e electronic perform performance mance arts have worked at STEIM. More recently, recently y, STEIM is being discovered by DJ’s and VJ’s who o want to liven n up their act with physical physical control contrrol of their sound machines and laptops. But not ju just ust DJ’s and VJ’s; dancers, actors acto ors and visuall artists are also coming up to STEIM to use the ideas found at STEIM and to develop develop these ideas for their per personal rsonal goals. At TodaysArt, STE STEIM EIM will bring five artists: DJ Sniff, Sniiff, Emile Zile,
see page041 for more info myspace.com/guymauve Crash~Crush, spui 24-26 23.00- 01.00
048 - Artist talks cat. - panels / lectures / workshops text - Lectures and artist talks by Johannes Gees, Jonathan Schipper, Olaf Nicolai & Catherine Baÿ. T09 - Crash~Crush, spui 24-26 sat - 16.00 - 18.00 049 - STEIM text - STEIM (the studio for electroinstrumental music) is the only independent live electronic music centre in the world that is exclusively dedicated to the performing arts. The foundation’s artistic and technical departments support an international community of performers and musicians, and a growing group of visual artists, in developing unique instruments for their work. STEIM invites these people for residencies and provides them with an artistic and technical environment in which concepts can be given a concrete form. It catalyzes their ideas by providing critical feedback grounded in professional experience. These new creations are then exposed to a receptive responsive niche public at STEIM before being groomed for a larger audience. STEIM promotes the idea that Touch is crucial in communicating with the new electronic performance art technologies. The computer has been used too much, and designed as an exclusive extension of the formalistic capabilities of humans. At STEIM
Dedicate Support Invite Provide Catalyze Groom Promote Communicate Design Extend Stimulate Consider Pioneer Approach Invent Develop
one turntable and DJ J mixer. mix xer. web - djsniff.com T09 - Crash~Crush, Crash~Crush h, spui 24-26 24 4 -26 6 sat - 22.00 - 23.00 0
Byungjung Kwon, Mario de Vega and Blippoo Extravaganza. 050 - Xavier van Wersch & Adult Survivors of Satanism (NL) cat. - sound & music text - From the squishy crypts of the collective underbelly bleus, the Adult Survivors of Satanism come slithering up with their foul cochlea moistening power chords, to soil the The Hague rock ritual (for more info about Van Wersch, see page 100). web - xaflab.tk T09 - Crash~Crush, spui 24-26 sat - 20.00 - 20.45
053 - Emile Zile (AU) (STEIM) (ST TEIM) Post-it Kino cat. - visual art / in installation nstallatio on text - Emile Zile is a multimulti-disciplinary - disc ciplin nary artist and pe performer erfformer thematically them matiically engaged with witth popular screen sc cree en iconography, iconography y, portraiture and d crowd dynamics. dynam mics. A sense sense e of black humorr a and playful nd a p layful and engaging use sound us se of sou und are are ffound ound d throughout h his work. is body y of w ork k. In n his performance performa ance Post-it Pos st-it Kino, Kino o, Zile Zile e (re)creates c cinematic narratives in nematic c nar rrative es through the co combination ombina ation n of evocative music commus sic and d textual texttual c ommands. Simple like “Hero”, Simp ple words word ds lik ke “H Hero”,, “Villain”, “BANG”, the “BA ANG”, stuck stu uck tto o th he surface of a te television elevisio on and an nd propro ojected onto a big screen video scrreen via v id deo o feed, conjure narratives, e entire n arra ative es, and lead to a unique e interaction inte erac ction with the audience. aud die ence. web - emilezile.com m T09 - Crash~Crush, Crash~Crush h, spui 24-26 24 4 -26 6 sat - 21.00 - 21.25
051 - Byunjung Kwon (KR) (STEIM) cat. - sound & music text - Byungjun Kwon (1971, South Korea) started his musical career in early 90`s as a singer/songwriter and has released 7 albums, ranging from alternative rock to minimal house. His performance at the festival will be a selection of his work, accompanied by great visuals. web - byungjun.pe.kr T09 - Crash~Crush, spui 24-26 sat - 21.30 - 21.50
054 - Mario de Vega (MX) (STEIM) cat. - sound & music mus sic text - Mario de Vega born Veg ga was b orn in Mexico City, 19 1979. works 979. He e now w wo ork ks in both Berlin and Mexico Mexic co City. City y. His work explores relations beexp plo ores re elatio ons b etween stability, simulation stability y, failure, failurre, si imula atiion n and ambiguity y with site-specifi site-spe ecifi fic projects, sculpture, scu ulp pture, documentadocu umenttation and sound sou und improvisation imprrovisatio on with electronic devices. As an electron nic devic ces. A sa n iimm-proviser his w work wide ork involves inv volve es a w id de range of cus customized objects, sto omized d objects s, analog and modifi modified d electronics, ele ectro onic cs, turntables an and nd computer comp puterr based base ed
052 - DJ Sniff (JP/NL) (STEIM) cat. - sound & music text - DJ sniff (Takuro Mizuta Lippit, artistic director at STEIM) believes in the instrumental autonomy of the turntable and the musicianship of the DJ. He is a turntable musician working in the field of improvised and experimental music. DJ Sniff uses a unique setup consisting of hand-made hardware interfaces and custom Max/MSP software along with
inte interfaces erfac ces in d different iffferent combinations. Unpredictable tion ns. U npredic ctable situations caused cau used d by the e manipulation manipulation of fragile objects and frag gile o bjects sa nd the potential using of ttheir heir failure eu sing motors, magnets, electric ma agnetts, elec ctrric semi-conductors, acoustic duc ctors s, acoust tic surfaces and electronic devices. ele ectronic dev vic ces. web mariodevega.info web b - ma ariodevega..in nfo T09 T09 9 - Crash~Crush, Cra ash~Crush, spui 24-26 fri 21.15 21.50 frri - 21.1 15 - 2 1.50 055 5 - Blippoo extravaganza (NL) (STEIM) cat. sound cat.. - sou und & music text Kassen te extt - Joker Jok ker Nies, Nies, Ka assen Oud and Rob Hordijk have Ho ordijk h av ve for a long time been bee en associated as ssociatted artists in the ďŹ eld electronic elld of electro onic arts. Joker is widely wid dely known n for fo or his energetic electronic music ele ectronic mu usiic performances on various vario ous circuit-bent cirrcu uit-bent electronic devices. dev vices s. Kassen n is a talented composer, com mposer, musician mu usician and realtime programmer. pro ogram mmer. Rob is a slightly excentric exc centrric electronic elec ctrronic instrument designer. des signe er. The e three will explore a world wo orld of of pure analog electronic sounds, sou unds s, playing, playin ng, amongst others things, Blippoo s thin ngs, Blipp poo boxes, an instrument designed ins strum ment de esigned by Rob and bent d already alre eady b ent by design. In an improvised setup ds etup the trio will try to to touch the ouch th he essence of the haydays abstract hay ydays of ab bsttract electronic sounds sou unds s (around (aroun nd the 1950/60s) when wh hen the th he micro-electronic mic cro o-electronic future was stil still ll largely large ely y undeďŹ ned but saturated satturate ed with h prospects prospects of exciting g interplanetary inte erplane eta ary endeavours, to be rewarded with rewa arded w ith a happy family life e in outer outer space. sp pace. Scott them up, beamy! bea amy!! T09 T09 9 - Crash~Crush, Cra ash~Crush, spui 24-26 fri frri - 22.00 - 22.50
Daree Grow w Persevere vere Build d Fuell
the hague city of conflict
Marieke Bolle Alderman Culture & Finance ance in The Hague
the hague city of conflict
The e Hague is known kno own as the International City of Peace and Justice. Conflict, one could say, TodaysArt choose conflict this year to say y, is the opposite of peace, so why would w characterize cha aracterize the city and as a theme for its festival? It could perhaps be because of peace without there first having been conflict. We the obvious reason reas son that there is no peac can also be seen as something positive. In the tend to see conflict as a negative, yet it c art world for instance insta ance a period of conflict is usually a period of artistic growth in which Mondriaan hadn’t been in conflict with the artistic new w genres and styles emerge. If Mond conventions his con nventions of h is time he may not have developed his own unique neo-plastic “De Stijl” style. Seen in this light conflict is tthe perfect theme for a contemporary art and Perhaps the conflicting expressions during the festimusic festival such as TodaysArt. Perhap val will also give birth to a new genre or, dare we think it, even a new Mondriaan? Can n we also characterize cha aracterize the city of The Th Hague as a city of conflict? There is a dichotomy population perhaps fuel the idea. The Hague is traditioncho otomy in our p opulation that could pe caps’, in Dutch ‘hoeden en petten’. The city’s ally y known as a city of ‘top hats and ca neighbourhoods s are built on either sandy sand ground or on peat-soil, in Dutch ‘zand en veen’, subterranean level we see the same distinction. vee en’, so it seems seem ms that even on a subte These distinctive The ese two distin nctive groups of people and neighbourhoods might just prove to be fertile for fert tile grounds fo or the creation of art if we think of conflict as something positive. Who knows kno ows what exciting things could happen happe if we brought these two sides of The Hague closer clos ser together? Artists from both sides could collaborate on interesting new art collectives whole style. lect tives with a w hole new, distinctive sty The e Hague is aiming aim ming to be the Cultural Capital C of Europe in 2018. To achieve this, the best the conflict in our city, encourage it and bes st strategy would perhaps be to embrace embr give e free reign to o the creation of art. This year, 2009, the TodaysArt festival will be five years Olof van Winden and his team on this accomyea ars old. I congratulate cong gratulate the director Olo plishment: plis shment: it hasn’t always been easy and I admire their perseverance. This 5th edition TodaysArt experiment to see how our city functions when of T odaysArt can n serve as a wonderful ex confl in the spotlight. I sincerely hope you will con nflict is given center stage and can stand st enjoy ‘conflict’ might bring you? enjo oy the festival and who knows what ‘c
centrale ale bibliotheek heek
The central library will be the location for a conflict of words. Literally. Literrally. VillaNuts, VillaNutts, Arnhem’s Artez and ArtScience (the interfaculty Academy aculty from the Royal A cademy of Art and the Royal Conservatoire from The Hague) gue) will take over the library and fight until the last man falls.
mixture of ty typography, colors and ypograph hy, color rs a nd d microtonal s sound compositions. ound co ompo ositiions. By scanning the ISBN nu number umb ber of the books, information in nfo ormation about abou ut that th hatt book will be retrieved from retrieve ed fro om tthe he library database ‘loaded’ into datab base and d ‘loa aded d’ in nto o the gun. By p putting book utting tthe he b ook k on on a scale, the T Typographic ypographic Gun will will ‘fire’ its conte contents ents into o the room roo om by projecting mixture off its g a mixtu ure o s contents in a s surprising urpris sing way. way y. web - villanuts.com m kabk.nl artez.nl fri - 20.00 - 00.00 0 continuous s sat - 20.00 - 00.00 0 continuous s
056 - VillaNuts Interactive Playground: KABK vs Artez (NL) cat. - visual art / installation text - VillaNuts, a meeting place, a foundation that organises exhibitions, performances, lectures and a whole host of other activities for young artists, students, and anyone who is interested, showcases the ‘Interactive Playground‘-program at TodaysArt, in the Central Library. Art students from the Royal Academy of Art (KABK) in The Hague and Interactive Media Design students from ARTeZ in Arnhem will battle each other with the contents of the library in The Hague. ARTeZ already told us what will be their weapon of choice. Every book, pamphlet or flyer will serve as ammunition for the Typographic Gun, which will convert these works into a
Take over Fight Organize Battle Convert Compose Scan Retrieve Load Put Fire Project
atrium um
The city hall, the ‘ice palace’, once again serves as the ultimate lo location art. ocation for ar r t. Inside of this vast white hall, every art discipline att home. This scipline seems to feels a s year the Atrium will be used for exquisite modern dance performan performances, exclunces, the exc clusive slow-motion installation from Jonathan intervention an Schipper, an interve ention by snow w whites, and an installation by Jana van Winderen Touch. Several inderen from the label T ouch. Severa al highly acclaimed dancers and choreographers aphers will be treating the TodaysArtt audience to enchanting choreographies,, some of which have be been een uniquely y made for this location. Two dance performances Nedances are from dancers s from the Ne ederlands Dans Theater, and TodaysArt would Dans d like to congratulate Nederlands Da ans Theater with their 50th 0th anniversary.
processor. T The caught he body y cau ught in this paradox, paradox x, becomes becom mes part part of tthe he e machine, an and component nd here a com mpo onent of a work of art. Jona Jonathan, athan, based base ed in New York,, makes makes mechanical mec chan nic cal paradoxes. O Opposition strives ppositio on st trive es tto o reverse techno technology’s us, ology’s s hold d on n us s, to shake you grasps, u out out of its gr rasp ps, back into the e body. It It is meant mea ant to enact anti-progress upon antii-p progress up pon you, to entropy own effects. entro opy its ow wn effec cts s. Its motto is a anti-technology. nti-tech hnolo ogy.. His sculpture inevitable e “Slow inevitab ble e death of American m muscle” usc cle” is sa machine tha that advances fullat advanc ces ttwo wo fu ullsized automobiles sl slowly into one lowly y int to o ne e another overr a perio period od of several sev vera al days, simula simulating head on autoating a he ead o na utomobile collision. car moves collis sio on. Each Eac ch ca ar m oves about three feet fe eet into o the other. The movement moveme ent is so slow w as s tto o be e invisible. It is almost impossible sa lmostt imp poss sib ble to watch a m modern odern action action film m
057 - Jonathan Schipper (US) Slow Inevitable Death of American Muscle cat. - visual art / installation text - Jonathan Schipper’s philosophy that art is a mechanism for understanding is apparent in each of his insightful undertakings which take on the form of high-concept mechanics. His machines take measurements, calibrate limitations, trying to confront with a cold eye where we stand. Measuring out the distances, Schipper’s work shows the limitations of the bodily experience. Technology is supposed to extend you, but the reverse always seems to happen. We are absorbed today by technology. We have become an extension of the machine, a tool of technology, a button pusher, a word
Treat Enchant Understand Undertake Measure Calibrate Extend Absorb Strive Reverse Enact Advance Simulate Collide Move
September 18 Continuous 18 -26: Contin nuous s fri - 20.00 - 00.00 0 continuous s sat - 14.00 - 00.00 0 continuous continu uous s
without at least one automobile wreck. Why do we find interest and excitement in new versions of the same event? Why are we not satisfied? Cars are extensions of our body and our ego. We buy or modify cars that reflect our personalities and egos. When we see an automobile destroyed, in a way we are looking at our own inevitable death. This moment is, because of it’s inherent speed, almost invisible. We have slowed the event via film and video but only from a cameras perspective. We never get to see the transformation of living breathing car to wreck in its entirety, in detail. This piece offers the viewer the ability to examine in three dimensions the collision of these cars. A moment that might take a fraction of a second in an actual collision will be expanded to take days. Collisions are spectacular moments. By changing one of the key variables, this piece removes and changes the nature of the event. What was life threatening is now rendered safe. What was supremely spectacular is now almost static. More reconciled than Jean Tinguely’s self-destroying machine, it is a machine of contrition, working to erase its wrongs. The wreck has been broken down to its Newtonian components. We are left to contemplate our own mortality, our own Newtonian components. This site-specific installation will be presented at TodaysArt 09 over a period of 7 days in the city hall of The Hague. web - oppositionart.com T09 - Atrium, section A
058 - Lukas Timulak (SK (SK) Bilak K) & Peter Bila ak (SK/NL) Urtanz cat. - modern dance e / movement mov veme ent text - Dancer Lukas Timulak the Luka as Timula ak from th he prestigious N Nederlands ederlan nds Dans Dans Theater, in a la latest collaboraatest collab bora ation with the Peter e designer designe er Pe eter Bilak, takes interest abstract in nterest in ab bstra act language wi with ith h the structure sttructure of of music with this this site-specifi site-spec cific piece. The backdrop piece bac ckdrop p of the p iece is Kurt Schw Schwitters’ from wittters’ Ursonate fr rom the 1920s, writ written tten organization org ganization of phonetics music s tthat hat bridges s mu usic with poetry and and performative perfformative arts. It is humorous and dead hum morous a nd d ead serious at the same time, time e, acac ccurate and b barbaric, historical arbaric, historic cal and modern. The The existence existen nce of of this original Schwitters’ Schwitte ers’ recording reco ording g is a small miracle. Most the miira acle. M ost of of th he Dada performances not perform mances were e no ot recorded or th the are he recordings reco ordings a re lost, but Ursonate Urso onate was wa as recovered re ecov vere ed in The Hague in the late 1980’s. 1980 0’s.. Choreography: Timulak, Choreograph hy: Lukas Tim mula ak, Collaboration:: Peter Bilak, Bilak k, Music: Music: Kurt Schwitt Schwitters “Ursonate”, Light: ters “Urs sonatte”, Li ight:: Tom Visser, Costumes: Tomoko Costume es: T omo oko Inamura, Dancers: Danc cers: Nina Nina Botkay, Botk kay, Ema Yuasa, J Jiri Pokorny iri Poko orny web - timulak.com m tonalsolution.nl tonalsolution n.nl T09 - Atrium, section sectio on B fri - 20.00 - 20.30 0 sat - 19.30 - 20.00 0 059 - Fernando Hernando Hernand do Magadan (ES) & Harmen Straatman Strraatman (NL) Naked Ape cat. - modern dance e / movement mov veme ent
Excite Satisfy Buy Modify Reflect Destroy Transform Breathe Examine Expand Remove Change Render Reconcile Contemplate Recover
text - Dance has always been a natural element of cohesion, expression and communal identity. These social functions of cooperation, expression and identity are essential for our own development and physical relations. In a time where new technologies are changing the way we communicate, the way we express, and how we inhabit the world, how much space is left for pure social physical experience and the relation with the natural environment? ‘Naked Ape’ is a collaboration between choreographer Fernando Hernando Magadan of NDT (Netherlands Dance Theatre) and multimedia artist & sound designer Harmen Straatman. Using dance and technology as a medium, this choreographic work explores the relation between the human physical expression and instinct and the artificial environment we have created around us. The confrontation between the insensitivity of the technological media with the expressive human capacity may create an identity crisis for the last of our inherited natural faculties. Dancers in this piece are Sandra Marin Garcia, Roger van der Poel, Anna Herrmann and Bastien Zorzetto. Choreography: Fernando Hernando Magadan. Dancers: Sandra Marin Garcia, Mengham Lou, Bastien Zorzetto, Anna Herrmann. Music: Murcof, Louis XIV Demons, The Vesrsailles Session, J.S.Bach, Solo Violing Partita#1 In B Minor, BWV 1002 - Sarabande / Double, Jonsi and Alex, Sleeping Giant, Riceboy Sleeps. Sculptures: Fernando Hernando Magadan,
web T09 fri sat -
Harmen Straatman. Stra aatman. Interactive Interractiive e Decor and Soundscape: So oundscap pe: Harmen Harm men Straatman. Costume: Costume: Tomoko Tom mok ko Inamura. youtube.com/user/Fernanyoutube.com m/user/Fe ernandoMagadan Atrium, Section Secttio on B 21.15 - 21.45 20.30 - 21.00 0
060 - Arno Schuitemake Schuitemaker er (NL) Exit cat. - modern dance e /movement /mov veme ent text - Arno Schuite Schuitemaker, emaker, a graduate e from the Technical University Tec chnical U nive ersitty in n Delft, decided radically decide ed to rad dically change ch hange e his career by studying Dance. ys tudyin ng Da ance e. Today, he is a highly y acclaimed acclaim med and award-winning award-w winning choreograchorreog grapher. Together male Togeth her with three three e ma ale dancers, Kim-Jomi Kim m-Jomi Fischer, Fisch her, Ryan Rya an Djojokarso, Oscar Padrosa, and Oscar Pa adros sa, a nd composer Jürgen Jü ürgen de e Blonde, Blo onde e, Schuitemaker created the dance Schuitemake er create ed th he da ance performance the e EXIT, in n which th he audience is seated se eated around aroun nd the e dance area. EX EXIT based the XIT is b ased on n th he growing urge of peo people break ople tto o bre eak free from our complex existence. comple ex ex xiste ence. The dancers portray sp ortray this struggle stru uggle through raw, d dynamic dance and ynamic da ance e an nd relativistic hum humor. mor. T09 - Atrium, section sectio on B fri - 22.15 - 22.35 sat - 21.30 - 21.50 061 - Joeri Dubbe (NL) Prospect Future Futture cat. - modern dance e / movement mov veme ent text - Born in Haar Haarlem, rle em, Joeri Joe eri Alexander Alexa anderr Dubbe attended atten nded the National Natiiona al BalBallet Academy and was honoured ya nd wa as ho onou ured d as Most Tale Talented Student. He ented Stu uden nt. H e began his dance da ance career carreer with with h an an apprenticeship Dutch apprenticesh hip with the Dutc ch National Ballet. performed Ballle et. He p erfo orme ed
witth thi with this is compa company any for four years with wit th the e coryphées, coryp phées, to make the transition the transitio on to th he Nederlands Dans Theater The eaterr II. His s choreography choreography Prospect Pro ospec ct Future Futu ure e is about fears and d insecurities ins securitiies s that people can experience exp perie ence when whe en communicating with wit th others. oth hers. T09 Atrium, T09 9 - Atr rium,, section sectio on B fri 23.35 frri - 23.15 - 2 3.35 sat sat - 23.30 - 23.45 062 2 - Catherine Baÿ (FR) Blanche Bla anche Neige cat. modern cat.. - mo odern n dance / movement text te extt - The e Snow Whites Wh hittes of the French choreographer cho oreographe er Catherine Baÿ have performed hav ve pe erformed d in many international nattiona al settings settin ngs over the past years, adapting yea ars, always always ad dapting the theme of tthe performance he p erform mance to the local situation, contesting situ uatio on, thus sc ontesting Disney’s uniformization uniiform mization n of the iconic fairy taill hero. The hero o. In Th he Hague, where the e performance performan nce is part of the 400 0 years yea ars celebration cele ebration of Mare Liberum Lib berum m - the founding fo ounding text of international inte ernattional llaw aw w - 20 locally trained perfor performers rmers will represent the motion e cyclic mot tio on between violence vio olenc ce and international in nternational conferences. enc ces. web web b - blanche-neige.fr bla anche e-neige..fr T09 Atrium, T09 9 - Atr rium,, section sectio on B sat sat - 22.10 - 23.10 23.10
web T09 fri sat
063 3 - Jana Winderen (NO) Evaporation Eva apora ation cat. art installation cat.. - visual a rt / ins sta allation text te extt - Jana Jan na Winderen Windere en researches the hidden hid dden depths of the sea with the latest technology; e late est tech hnology; her work reveals complexity rev veals the co omplexity and strangeness off the unseen world stra ange eness o beneath. ben neath. She is s concerned with finding nd ding sounds sound ds from unseen
sources, like blind field recording. Jana will present both an installation, as well as a performance (see page 010). The installation, ‘Evaporation’, is recorded and filmed in and around the icefjord Kangia by Illulisat, Greenland. Winderen visited Greenland in July 2007 where she made hydrophone recordings not only 25 metres under the ice, but also from inside the ice itself. The video footage is from the same trip. janawinderen.com Atrium, media room 20.00 - 00.00 continuous 14.00 - 00.00 continuous
spuiplein lein
The Spuiplein is the heart of the TodaysArt rt Festival. The greenhouses greenho ouses from last las st year are back, with installations, a shop, a bar, our ticket shop, se several everal acts that will play out their conflicts using the crowd, performances. sharp d, and surprise performa ances. In sha arp contrast with the transparent greenhouses,, Bunker/Crème Organization Organiization will host ho ost a night of underground italo disco in the Intergalactic Important: tergalactic Compound (IC). Importan nt: don’t miss the opening here ere at 19.00 on Friday.
of sociocultu sociocultural general. ural life in ge eneral. web - pipdenhaag.n pipdenhaag.nl nl culturalis.nl T09 - Spuiplein fri - 18.30 - 18.45
064 - PIP (NL) The Hague Moves Opening TodaysArt 2009 cat. - modern dance / movement text - The Hague Moves (THM), The Hague’s very own choreography contest, started earlier this year. Choreographers will battle for a place on stage with the groove that makes them move. THM’s Guerrilla Team will open the TodaysArt Festival with a taste of what can be expected from THM ’09. Don’t miss this! The Guerrilla Team is extraordinarily big… This performance was created in cooperation with PIP, the sociocultural company of The Netherlands that aims to give everyone the opportunity to call upon the sociocultural energy in The Hague and thus increase the diversity, intensity and popularity
065 - Peter Zuiderwijk & Karin Mientjes (NL) Conflict-ID cat. - visual art / in installation nstallatio on text - For the 2009 edition the To9e dition of th he T odaysArt festi festival Zuiderwijk iva al Peter Zui iderw wijk & Karin MIentjes developed MIen ntjjes dev velop ped the th he thematic “CONFLICT-ID” “CO ONFLICT T-ID”” camcam mpaign. Through different comThrou ugh diffe erent com mmunication channels they will channels s the ey w ill try to raise q questions about uestions s abo out tthe he representation interpretation representatio on and interp prettatio on of conflict related messages. Until re ela ated me essa ages s. Unti il which level d do control o we actually ac ctuallly c onttro ol the information informatio on that represents reprresents s power and when when do we start startt to to be manipulated manipula ate ed by predefi prede efined ne ed
web web bT09 T09 9 fri frri sat sat -
web - myspace.com/weareacidwashed en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tecktonik T09 - Spuiplein fri - 20.00 - 00.00 sat - 20.00 - 00.00
nottions notions? s? Notio Notions ons that relate to marketing-related ma arketing-rellatted distortion, but our generalizing also ou ur own ge eneralizing vocabulary. cab bularry. The result re esult is a series of posters, pos sters s, a modular modu ular flyer system, T-shirts a collection collec ction of T -shirts and two interactive inte eracttive projections pro oje ections on the messages city y hall. All m essages use a vocabulary cab bularry that is s shaped in the eye judgmental of tthe he ju udgme ental beholder. An additional text about add ditional tex xt a bout this project is presented prese ented in the statement CONFLICT-ID on CO ONFLICT-ID o n page 080. peterzuiderwijk.com pet terzu uiderwiijk k.com karinmientjes.nl karrinmientjes s.n nl Spuiplein Spuiple ein 20.00 - 00.00 co continuous ontinuous 20.00 - 00.00 co continuous ontinuous
067 - Teletekst is dood (NL) ALLWEKNOW cat. - visual art / installation text - ALLWEKNOW is the new installation by Teletekst is dood. The installation captures web content related to real-time events happening at TodaysArt 09. This data is then processed into an interactive, motion tracking interface. Instead of merely looking at this program book, you can see, hear and feel what’s happening at the festival at that very moment. You will be able to decide what you want to see based on emotions rather than rationality. All we know is that this installation bridges the border between the virtual and the physical and provides the visitor with an innovative and radical new tool to experience the festival. web - allweknow.nl T09 - Spuiplein fri - 19.00 - 00.00 continuous sat - 14.00 - 00.00 continuous
066 6 - Tecktonik cat. modern cat.. - mo odern n dance / movement sound sou und & music text te extt - Having a seizure seizurre or having the time life? tim me of your li ife e? You decide: Tecktonik, Tec ckton nik, the e ffamous amous spazztastic electro dance tas stic e lectro da ance style that has long lon ng conquered co onquered d the clubs and streets France stre eets of Fran nce is coming to The Hague for the very ev ery first time with the Tektonik e four best T ektonik dancers from Pa Paris aris and d an excellent DJ. Acid W Washed ashed is s a two-man process primarily, s prim marily, deteriorating sound amongst am mongst souvenirs, souv venirs, friends, home studios analogue stu udios s and ana alogue equipment. They The ey bring brring a fusion fusion of late nineties French house s Fre ench ho ouse vibes and DFA disco dis sco touches to ouches s tthat hat acknowledges the e influence uence off Chicago and Detroit withou without ut being overly reverential. ere ential. Throw w names like Steve Reich, G Giorgio Moroder iorgio oM oroder into the hatt as w well you ell if y ou like, but don’t dwell dw well on on them. them m. Cosmic tunes for the e party tonight tonig ght (concept & production duc ction n Tecktonik: Teckto onik: Adrien Walter).
068 - Gastón Arévalo (UY) Thinner cat. - sound & music text - Sound artist and producer with an aesthetic interest in nature as one of the fundamental elements of his inspiration. His interest lies in contemplating different landscapes and converting these landscapes into a digital environment in the form of music. His music, therefore, is based
Attach Host Open Groove Move Expect Increase Seize Decide Conquer Process Deteriorate Fuse Touch Acknowledge Revere Dwell Capture Relate Process
Know Bridge Provide Innovate Experience Contemplate Convert Categorize Run Jump Climb Present Use Expect
web T09 fri sat
T09 - Spuiplein sat - 21.00 - 22.00 performance) 0 ( perfor rman nce)
on organic rhythms, noises, field recordings and sounds. It could be categorized as “ambient experimental” and “minimal dub”. garevalo.info Spuiplein, greenhouse #2 20.00 - 00.00 20.00 - 00.00
071 - Mastermundo World’s Firstt Flashmob Flashmob Open Open n Air Air Rock Orches Orchestra Spectacle strra Spec ctacle cat - sound & music mus sic text - Mastermundo Mastermund do will do o something som methin ng quite unexpected. unexpe ected. Just Ju ust be be there th here e and witness something y you will ou w illl not soon forget... forge et... web - mastermundo.org mastermund do.org T09 - Spuiplein sat - 22.00 - 22.20 0
069 - Freerunners cat - modern dance / movement text - Ever seen those people on television who run all over towns, jumping across fences, climbing on top of roofs, and doing insane acrobatic feats while they’re at it? Freerunners will be present across the festival terrain. So watch yourself, someone might be using you as a springboard when you least expect it... T09 - Spuiplein fri - 20.00 - 00.00 sat - 14.00 - 00.00
072 - Liefhertje en De Grote Reus Grote Witte Re eus (NL) cat. - shop / presentation prese entation text - Liefhertje en Witte n De De Grote Grotte W itte Reus (Deardeer (Deardee er and The Big g White Giant)) will will fill up one one of of tthe he e greenhouses Spuiplein s on the Spuiple ein n with a temporary tempo orary shop. sho op. Here Here e you you will find an extensive collection extensive e collect tio on of of art, design, ffashion and publicaas shion a nd p ublica ations, as well a as books s the best boo oks and music from frrom Subwalk, Sub bwalk k, ReyRe eykjavik Publis Publishers (including book shers (inc cluding b ook k presentation Henri van Nuenen, nH enri v an N uen nen, see below), Stroom Stroom Den Den Haag, Haa ag, Onomatopee e Publishers Publish hers (with (witth a book presentation, see below) presen nta ation, s ee b elow w) and others, F Fw: and w: Magazine an nd V2_. Liefhertje Witte Liefherttje e en De e Grote Gro ote W itte Reus presents authentic presen nts s and sells a uth hentic c products created cre eated by young youn ng designers an and artists, nd artists s, and organorrgan-izes exhibitio exhibitions activities. ons and activ vitie es. Besides bein being place for creative ng a plac ce fo or crea ative e minds to me meet, also harbors eet, it als so ha arbors sa knowledge centre where selected centre w here e sel lectted d artists receive supreceiv ve guidance and ds up-port. The organization org ganizatio on represents re eprese ents s creativity and innovation, innova ation n, and an nd strives to bring g art and audience audie ence together as m much possible uch as s pos ssiblle
070 - Antistrot (NL) The Ponball cat. - visual art /installation text - Antistrot’s midi street performance “The Ponball” is a performance that is a reply to the Midi Street Instruments project (TodaysArt co-production 2006). After high power fuel intoxicated composing, the Ponball has finaly finished his musical masterpieces. These will be played for you on a high octane turn organ. The Ponball is so happy! Like a ghost on the run, it just might appear out of the white smoke of mystery. Participants: Johan Kleinjan, Marco Kruyt en Remco de Jong (illustration Antistrot: David Elshout). web - antistrot.com
web w eb b T09 T 09 9 fri fr ri sat s at
ing confrontation nonetheless. This presentation is part of the program that is presented by Liefhertje & De Grote Witte Reus (see page 076). T09 - Greenhouse #4 sat - 16.00 -16.30
liefhertje.nl lieffhertjje.nl Spuiplein Spuiple ein greenhouse green nhouse #4 20.00 - 00.00 co continuous ontinuous 14.00 continuous 14.0 00 - 00.00 c ontinuous
073 3 - Onomatopee Onomatop pee Projectspace presentation presentatiion Dick Raaijmakers’ ‘Method’ cat cat - presentation pre esenttation text te extt - This Thiis is a presentation prese entation by Remco van n Bladel Bla adel on n the revised and translated edition translatted edi itio on of Dick Raaijmakers’ Raa aijmakers’ theoretical theoretical work “De e Methode”. Me ethode””. Dick Raaijmakers s (Maastricht, (Ma aastrich ht,, the Netherlands, 1930) 193 30) is s generally generrallly considered as both botth the founding foundiing father and godfather electronic god dfath her of e le ectronic music. He has s however how wever also also created a most intriguing intrriguing and d iinspiring nspiring body of work wo ork consisting co onsistin ng of performances, visual a art, rt, music theatre and theoretical essays. the eorettical es ssa ays. This presentation the n is part part of th he program that is presented by prese ented b y Liefhertje & De Grote Witte Reus Gro ote W itte Reu us (see page 076). web web b - onomatopee.net ono omattopee.n net T09 #4 T09 9 - Greenhouse Gre eenh house # 4 sat sat - 16.30 16.3 30 - 17.00
075 - Pierre Derks (NL) Miniscule Blue Helmets on a Massive Quest cat. - presentation text - Do you want to help build a mini force on a massive scale? Join a global intervention in public space, completely in your control. The “Miniscule Blue Helmets on a Massive Quest” are rapidly spreading around the globe. The Hague functions as their forward operating base from where they take off. Eyewitnesses of the quest have submitted hundreds of photos taken on all continents. The Miniscule Blue Helmets on a Massive Quest are being monitored by Pierre Derks. Do not hesitate to send in your sightings. Shoot the Blue Helmet and upload the image! Reports can be found on the minibluehelmets website. This official launch is part of the program that is presented by Liefhertje & De Grote Witte Reus (see page 076). web - minibluehelmets.com T09 - Greenhouse #4 fri - 20.00 - continuous sat - 14.00 - continuous (official launch 16.00-18.00)
074 4 - Henri van Nuenen/Reykjavik Publisher cat. cat.. - presentation pre esenttation text artist Henri te extt - Visual Vis sual a rtist H enri van Nuenen will present pre esent his newest publication n ‘De e zagerr en en de jager’ (The logger log gger and the hunter). The logger log gger and the hunter, two conspicuous spicuou us figures gure es in a forest, each with witth their the eir own n task. task. They meet in a lush summ summer mer park, the place where Little Red wh here L ittle R ed d Riding Hood and herr grandmother grandmotther reside. This is a black and bla ack a nd white e story, conveyed through h images s alone, no words and d very verry little action. action. It is a strik-
076 - Niklas Roy (DE) & Adad Hannah (QC/CA) International Dance Party cat. - visual art / installation sound & music
text - International Dance Party is a box equipped with a sound system, music, flashing lights, and even a fog machine. The installation, fitted with radar equipment that senses movement, works in such a way that the more you invest, the better things get. The audience controls the intensity and complexity of the party as a statement against passive consumerist attitudes. It is a sort of microcosmic reflection on the social sphere of a club. web - internationaldanceparty.com T09 - Spuiplein, greenhouse #5 fri - 20.00 - 00.00 continuous sat - 14.00 - 00.00 continuous
web T09 fri sat
tion, a vent for for your aggressions, aggrressio ons, ecstasy, Arm Armageddon all mageddo on – it’s a ll in this inconspicuous box. inconspic cuous little box x. fursr.com Spuiplein, greenhouse #6 gre eenhou use # 6 20.00 - 00.00 0 continuous s 14.00 - 00.00 0 continuous continu uous s
078 - Intergalactic FM (NL) (N NL) cat. - sound & music mus sic text - Intergalactic FM cF M (affi filiated liate ed with witth the earlier Cybernetic Cyb bernetiic BroadcastBroad dcast-ing System) is s the online on nline e radio rad dio o station where can get your wherre you ca an ge et yo our daily dose off e electro, lectro, disco, ffunk, unk, sound tracks, space, hiphop tracks s, italo, s pace e, hip phop p and other qu quality music. Interuality mu usic. Inte ergalactic FM will West will stream strea am the W est Coast Allianc Alliance program straight ce progr ram s traig ght onto the web b during the festival. festtiv val. web - intergalacticfm.com intergalactic cfm m.com T09 - Spuiplein, Intergalactic In nte ergalac ctic Compound fri - 20.00 - 00.00 0 continuous s sat - 14.00 - 00.00 0 continuous continu uous s
077 - //////////fur//// (DE) MoshPit Amp cat - visual art / installation sound & music text - The MoshPit Amp by Volker Morawe, Tilman Reiff and Roman Kirschner (known for their Painstation installation) is an automata that converts head-banging movements into metal music. Through style and intensity of your head-banging, you are the conductor of a virtual metal band consisting of four instruments: vocals, bass, drums and guitar. You can control the volume as well as the pattern of each instrument to create engaging musical arrangements. If you mosh really hard you can trigger a guitar solo for the ultimate rock experience. Your performance in front of the amp will additionally be supported by a lightshow with smoke, flash and pyrotechnics. A wall of sound under your command, a volcanic, orgasmic erup-
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Question ion Interpret ret ver Take over Confront ont Exploit oit
Conflict - id
Peter Zuiderwijk erwijk graphic designer signer
Conflict - id Conf
Eve Everyday eryday we consume con nsume numerous texts a and images that represent ongoing conflicts consciously, most of us are completely accustomed and d disputes. Although not too conscio to tthe he rhetorical vocabulary that is often used. What do these textual and visual messages tell an objective insight or do they merely tell us sag ges actually te ell us? Do they give us a something conflict in general? som mething about the representation of c The e problem is rooted rooted in the actual consumption cons of these messages. The independence western questionable. In one way or another we are enc ce of a weste ern recipient is always q influenced by our ou ur roots. And so it is that for the Western world, most representations western power connotation. One might not support certain poof w estern powe er have a trustworthy con litical litic cal or social convictions, convictions, but the basic basi vocabulary that represents Western power subconsciously we simply know how to interpret is common common ground. grou und. Consciously or subc most signs and symbols. We only ask questions about sincerity when unconventional messages. Simple common sense or tion nal components componen nts enter these preconceived preconc generalizations become despots, the good cause turns into a quesgen neralizations ttake ake over; leaders becom tionable is interpreted as propaganda. This is tion nable form off corruption and the message me even imminent with representations of non-Western eve en more immi inent when we are confronted conf power. variation colors our perception. A pow wer. Every exotic exo otic adjective or unconventional uncon portrait por rtrait that is a bit too polished is taken as an indication for a totalitarian regime and power for our taste is interpreted as a sign a display of powe er that is a little bit too obnoxious o an actual situation and what other messages do we of a n unstable situation. What is the actu contract known and unknown in any given situacon ntract from our ou ur cultural perspective? The T representations of conflict. tion n define how we we interpret most repres The e same goes ffor or the images and texts that directly represent aggression, violence and d despair. Graphic depictions of confliicts are hard to ignore. But do we truly understand stan nd them? Most Western societies do not know what actual violence means. Our closest argument, an accident or an exceptional eruption of clos sest reference e might be an argumen aggression. destruction, actual life-threatening situations and the agg gression. The impact of real destructi unbearable cannot be understood in a metaphorical repunb bearable insecurity insec curity that goes with it c resentation. However, the compulsive thrill we sometimes experience rese entation. How wever, we cannot deny th when The entertainment industry has been exploiting whe en a violent message message is consumed. Th this s feeling for years. ye ears. With the introduction introductio of modern communication tools this compulsive urge has found a new platform. The T representation of conflict is democratized by popular popular demand. dema and. Within this context a journalist or press-agency no longer defines what wha at the image of of a conflict is. Everyone reports and not a single graphic detail is left out. might but inaccuracy and hype become more imporout t. Yes, you mig ght get a better insight, b only incomprehensive thrills remain. tant. Eventually o nly the incomprehensiv
Conflict ict - id
TodaysArt has invited the theme ‘conflict’ to the city of peace and d justice. Again one could ask him or herself what these adjectives ctives actually stand for.. One wonders why The Hague is actively marketing itself this Western person, s way. For the average W estern perso on, the fact that the city claims this part of conflict for itself is probably a po positive ositive thing and interpreted as The Hague wanting to promote Others te peace and justice. Oth hers might interpret inte erpret it as simply a matter of marketing. “Peace marketing equivalent e and Justice” is the ma arketing equiv valent of “Conflict” and the message it sends out connotation morality. ut has a Western connot tation and mo orality. One could feel that it is dubious for a city to o claim the name ‘city off peace and justice’ ju ustice’ instead of having others claim it for them. Again, the vocabulary can be lost in translatra anslation. There is no right or wrong. Only the obnoxious game of interpretation interrpretation truly y says something about the identity of conflict.
Oc Occupy Sustain Su Dominate Dom Dictate Dic Oppose Op
the resistance
Corne Cornelius Harris Alter Ego Management / Underground Resistance
the resistance sistance
The music industry is nothing if not conflict. ct. From the early days off the industry, when debates on recorded music versus live performance erformance highlighted the risks of ttaking aking music out of the clubs, to the current debates performance es over downloads and p erformance rrights, ights, these conflicts have been more than just opinions being expressed. These con confl nflicts are historical and emotional marking points, ts, places where we can see the shifts s from one generation, culture, mentality, to another. speak her. And the conflicts sp peak to the fact fac ct that the music occupies a place beyond mere entertainment. The song you first danced danc ced to, the song you share with a loved one, the tune a parent would sing g to you as a child, these sounds have meaning, so when we come into contact with h someone with an opposing take on the music, that conflict with the other is also a defense of ou our ur first love, our childhood, growing up and more. really thing; e. So the conflict isn’t rea ally a bad thin ng; it’s an affirmation of who we are. Some of the most powerful music on the planet has come from the e effects of co confl onflict. The trans-Atlantic slave trade itself was an incredibly orderly pro process, ocess, much tto o the detriment of those being transported to the confl he Americas. But the co onflict with that orderly system, the combative nature of those se circumstances, led to o sounds as diverse as jazz, gospel, blues, rock, soul, funk, disco, o, hip-hop, reggae, techno, and more.. From the moment that African drums were outlawed key awed on plantations, conflict was a k ey dimension to those genres. But conflict is key well. ey in today’s music as we ell. On the side of necessary conflict, it is no o secret that large corpo corporations orations have been steadily growing larger over the past 20 years. industries ars. The recording and broadcast indu ustries (record labels and radio, respectively) are dominated by fewer than th han 10 corporations corpora ations controlling (financially) almost 90% of the world’s music business. When it com comes mes to labels, we’re talking about only 4 companies market es dominating more than n 80% of the m arket in the US, and over 70% globally. Together, er, Sony/BMG and Universal Univ versal control more than 50% of the US, and they are swiftly reaching percentage globally. eaching that same perc centage globa ally. In the name of streamlining operations, making king marketing easier, etc, etc, there are many artists who will never fit their mold, never sell to the mass markett needed to su sustain ustain such a huge corporate entity. There are many will any radio stations and venues venues that w ill not support anything not fitting into the formats corporations. one ats of these corporations s. And this is o ne of the places positive conflict comes into play. y. People are fighting back. Not by burning down own the offices of these c conglomerates, onglomerate es, but by simply turning off their radios. By going ng online to buy directly y from independent artists. By supporting the smaller stores that independent at carry more independe ent music. By going out to clubs and venues that feature something dictated ething other than the standard dictat ted by these larger organizations. By supporting festivals such as TodaysA TodaysArt Hague. Art in the Hag gue.
084 84
the res resistance
One of the most intriguing aspects of TodaysArt Today is that it flies in the face of all that the mainstream you mains stream tells yo ou what it should be. A blend of popular independent artists with unknown more u nknown and/or underground artists, it doesn’t rely on those major corporations for its support; there therre are no million selling major label acts on the bill. And in doing nition of what a festival is. It brings people tothat, itt conflicts with the standard definitio circumstance, connecting music with gether who would never never meet under any other ot dance, technology with analog sensibilities. It brings dance e, video with physical physical art, digital tech together togeth her conflicting g ideologies and concepts, concep yet the outcome is often awe inspiring.
club conflict nflict
In times of conflict, nothing is certain. Club Conflict will be opening g its doors at an undisclosed location. Brace for a major jor impact. Send a text message (SMS, costs: 25 ct per message) to o 3555 with this text: confl co onflict
“Love Can’t Turn made Turn Around” Aro ound” ma ade the Top Ten in n 1986. His recorded reco ord ded output after 1990 19 990 was relatively relativ vely y small, preferring preferrring to concentrate conc centrrate e on performing performin ng on the global glo oball DJ DJ circuit. web - myspace.com/farleyjackmastermyspace.com m/farley yjackmas sterrfunkcom T09 - Club Conflict ic ct fri - 03.00 - 05.00 0
079 - Farley ‘Jackmaster’ Funk (US) cat. - sound & music text - As a Chicago DJ and producer, Farley first made his name broadcasting on Chicago’s WBMX-FM as a member of the Hot Mix 5, the legendary DJ team which broke house music for a wider audience. Farley also appeared at the Warehouse club (where the name “House” originated from) and had a residency at the Playground, which set his reputation as one of the city’s top DJs. His single “Jack the Bass” inaugurated the highly popular jacking craze in Chicago house. Known as Farley Keith or Farley Funkin’ Keith until 1984, he then adopted the name Farley ‘Jackmaster’ Funk and, together with Jesse Saunders, created the first house single to reach the UK charts. His cover of Isaac Hayes’
080 - Aaron-Carl (US lab. ab. - Wallshaker Music Music / Soul Soul City y / Subject Detroit Metroplex De etrroit / M etroplex x/ Kompakt cat. - sound & music mus sic text - As one of Detroit’s most De etrroit’s m ost indemand producers pro oducers and and soughtsoug ghttafter re-mixers, Carl’s re-mixe ers, Aaron Aaro on Ca arl’s signature sound so ound crosses cros sses genres. gen nres. From soulfull house house to to the dirtiest dirttie est ghetto-tech anthems, his producs pro odu uctions have gra graced various labels aced va ariou us la abels
Break Appear Originate Inaugurate Adopt Prefer Concentrate Perform Crawl Change Feed Pulsate Deprogram Reprogram
Respond Manipulate Locate Research Control Expose Prolong Arise Fragment Devise Destabilize Grow -Gnaw Save Show Cross Grace Arm
find these breeding grounds, in abandoned warehouses, factories and office buildings; anywhere in the large woven rings of urban ‘tristesse’ around the ancient inner cities, where subjects would be exposed to hyper stimuli for prolonged periods of time. Many of the test subjects died of brain melt or drug related suicide, or even worse, “grew up”, but it soon became clear that from their ashes a younger and stronger army would arise. Nature - ever so gently pushed in the right direction by these deranged Social Darwinists had once again adapted to its new parameters. The West Coast Sound of Holland was born. Here was a different breed all together, smart, well trained, well armed and utterly ruthless. Always in the shadows, yet ready to fight - a deadly group of musical Guerillas. At first their factions were small and fragmented. Each would devise its own tactic to destabilize the status quo, but soon alliances would grow and pacts would be made. Largely ignored by the “independent” Media(tm) they have been gnawing away at the pillars of power, and they have changed the face of music doing it. And they’ve been doing it for you! Because you might not know it, but you need to be saved… not only from Muzak(tm), Mediocrity(tm), Consumerism(tm) and Corporate Communities(tm), but most of all from yourself! The West Coast Alliance will show you the way, the Dirty Brown way!
through throughout hout th the he world. He has worked wo orked d with international intternational artists and d remixed rem mixed some some of Detroit’s biggest big ggestt artists, artists s, like Underground Resistance, Res sistance, Kelli Hand, SCAN 7 & AUX 88. Starting AU UX 88 8. Starti ing in 1996, armed with than wit th no o more th han a cheap keyboard boa ard and and a four-track fou ur-track cassette tape Aaron tap pe recorder, recorderr, A aron Carl proved early ear rly on n that he he could hold his own. With demo ow wn. W ith his sd emo tape landing in to to the e hands hand ds of Underground Resistance’s Mad Res sistance’s M ad Mike Banks, was quickly Aaron w as qu uic ckly signed onto label his s labe el – Soul City. Even then, Aaron rrefused efused d tto o be boxed into releasing one e genre, rel leasing deep house vocals, voc cals, underground undergrround bangers, and d electro-house ele ectro-h house tracks. web aaroncarl.com web b - aar roncarl.com m T09 Confl T09 9 - Club Clu ub Co onflict fri 00.00 frri - 00. .00 - 01.30 081 - West Coast Coa ast sound of Holland textt - When a group group of spotty teenagers crawled crawle ed out of their concrete tombs in 1992 with a head full of cyberpunk, cyberpun nk, little did they know they would change the face of the West Coast and indirectly the World. World d. Through feeding the reptilian b brain rain of the disenfranchised pa part art of the population with pulsating codes (deprogram to reprogram), they created an army of d drones rones that would only respond tto o specific triggers, sent out and m manipulated anipulated from a central concr concrete rete Bunker, at that time located deep deep underneath the Dutch Ministry of Finance. Zealously they y researched the possibilities o off the human interface in a controlled contrrolled environment, or “coop”, as s they called it. Strewn around th the he West Coast one could
083 - GREEN LABEL NIGHT NIG GHT cat. - sound & music text - Together with boo booking oking agency Extrema Music, Jo Joris oris Voorn and d Edwin Oosterwal will will host the Saturday night at Club Conflict. The night is called d a Green night. Green is the label run by Voorn and Oosterwal. But Bu ut this night is more than a lab label bel showcase. It’s a night that promotes quality pro omotes qualit ty techno music. The e line-up for this night promises to be a late nigh night ht venture featuring Joris Voorn and Edwin Oosterwal themselves, also themselves, a lso performing together togeth her as Rejected Rejecte ed in the morning hours. addition, ho ours. In additio on, there will be perfo performances ormances by Aril Brikha, Agoria, Agoria a, Ripperton, Deetron and Seba Sebastian Mullaert astian Mullaer rt aka Minilogue ft LIVE-visuals LIVE-visuals by by ljudbilden & piloten. pilote en. Ljudbilden n & piloten is Kristof Kristofer fer Ström, who will be also be providing pro oviding the visuvis suals at several other performances. othe er performanc ces. web - extremamusic.com m rejected.nl
web - dirtybrownandmiserable.com T09 - Club Conflict and IC. Artist/acts/organizations at the festival associated with the West Coast Alliance: Intergalactic FM, Syncom Data, Crème Organization, Bunker-records, Bangkok Impact, I-F, Legowelt & Orgue Electronique, Baz Reznik, DJ TLR, Guy Tavares (host). All performing at Club Conflict see page 086 and in the IC on Spuiplein.. 082 - Nuno Dos Santos (NL) cat. - sound & music text - DJ Nuno dos Santos (1976), born in Portugal but raised in The Netherlands, is a DJ and Producer of deephouse and melodic techno music. He also works a a designer, combining music and interaction - at TodaysArt 08 his installation rAys V2.0 was part of the program. His unique musical talent is developing strongly and in 2000 Dos Santos was invited for the Red Bull Music Academy in Ireland. Five years later he was voted ‘DJ talent of the year’ during the Amsterdam Dance Event in 2005. Nuno Dos Santos is all about musical freedom during club nights. Whether it is minimal techno or old school Chicago house, he is always looking for the boundaries of the dance spectrum. web - nunodossantos.nl T09 - Club Conflict fri - 01.30 - 03.00
084 - Aril Brikha (IR / SE) SE E) - Live (Extrema Green Night) lab. Kompakt ab. - Peacefrog / K ompak kt / Fragile Fragile / Transmat / M Music Man Poker usic M an / Po oker Flat cat. - sound & music mus sic text - Aril Brikha (b (born born 1976 6 in Teheran, Tehe eran, Iran) is a producer pro oducer currently cu urren ntly residing in S Stockholm. 1998 Aril to ockholm. In n 199 98 A riil Brikha reacquainted world reacq quainted d the wor rld d with deep techno soul. te echno so oul. Since Since e forging an alli alliance iance with with Transmat, Tran nsmatt, Brikha, celebrated celeb brated as the e new w star of deep techno, toured te echno, has toure ed solidly with his his live show. show w. With haunting strin strings, ngs, filtered lte ered chords cho ords and synth pa pads accompany ads that acco omp pany hypnotic bea beats, ats, he transcends trransc cend ds the the e
087 - Edwin Oosterwal (NL) (Extremamusic / Green Night) lab. - Rejected / Extrema Music cat. - sound & music text - In the early nineties, Edwin Oosterwal from Rotterdam discovered his passion for electronic dance music and decided to start playing records himself. After winning a DJ-contest he became a resident at Atak and met Joris Voorn, with whom he performs as Rejected (see page 094). At the end of the nineties Edwin packed up his record bag and moved to Sydney, Australia and later to New York. During his career Edwin developed his own mix of house and techno. web - myspace.com/edwinoosterwal T09 - Club Conflict sat - 23.00 - 01.00
mu multitude ultitude of dance dance music genres and d brings back ba ack the old feeling of making just ma aking g us jus st want to dance. web myspace.com/arilbrikha web b - my yspac ce.com m/a arilbrikha T09 Confl T09 9 - Club Clu ub Co onflict sat 03.15 sat - 03. .15 - 04.15 085 5 - Agoria (FR) (FR R) (Extremamusic (Extremam music / Green Night) cat. sound cat.. - sou und & music text composer te extt - A c omp poser and and DJ from Lyon who wh ho go o around aroun nd the world to make it dance dance e by mixing mix xing three turntables, prodigy ble es, fast. This sp rodigy of the French electronic Fre ench electro onic scene is capable teleporting e of te eleporttin ng thousands of clubbers joy. clu ubbers to a state sttate of ultimate joy web myspace.com/agoriagoria web b - my yspac ce.com m/a agoriagoria T09 T09 9 - Club Clu ub Confl Co onflict sat sat - 04.15 04..15 - closing g 086 6 - Joris Voorn Voorrn (NL) (Extremamusic (Extremam music / Green Night) lab. Rejected la ab.. - Green / Rejec cte ed / Extrema Music Mu usic cat. cat.. - sound sou und & music text te extt - As a producer, remixer, DJ and live e performer perrformerr from from Rotterdam, Joris Jorris Voorn Vo oorn has ha as joined an elite group off inter international gro oup o rna ational DJ’s whose musical mu usica al talent has has acquired global appeal. glo obal a ppeall. He has been concentrating on con ncen ntrating go n many different styles o off elect electronic tro onic music, ranging atmospheric g from m atmo ospheric interludes to broken beats, broken bea ats s, house and deep soulful since sou ulful techno os ince 1997. His productions and pro oduc ctions a nd remixes appear on mix albums album ms and in record cases worldwide. cas ses w orldw wid de. Together with Edwin Edw win Oosterwal Oosterw wal he forms the duo o Rejected Rejjected (see (s see page 094). web web b - jorisvoorn.com jorisvoo orn.com m T09 T09 9 - Club Clu ub Confl Co onflict sat sat - 23.00 - 01.00
088 - Sebastian Mullaert aka Minilogue Ft. Live-visuals by ljudbilden & piloten (SE) (Extremamusic / Green Night) lab. - Chillosophy / Cocoon cat - sound & music text - Sebastian Mullaert from Malmö (Sweden) is probably best known for his recent success with his Minilogue alias. As a DJ, Sebastian is working all over the place mixing everything from dub, jazz and beats through ambient and electronica up to techno and house in various forms. The musical direction of his sets is very site specific. The red line through Sebastian’s DJ set is how he tells a story through his music. His sets are rarely shorter than three hours. web - myspace.com/oozemusic myspace.com/ljudbilden
Emerge Flourish Propel Grow Cement Ensure Surround Sow Involve Secure Build Snowball Play Establish Deliver Launch Feature DJ
Hail Release Kick off Float Combine Remix Translate Explore Investigate Question Forge
090 - Ripperton (CH) - Live Live (Extremamusic / G Green reen Night) lab ab - Perspectiv / Dessous Dessous / SystemSyste em atic cat. - sound & music mus sic text - The Swiss based bas sed musician mu usicia an Raphaël Ripperton Rippe erton (aka (a aka Lazy y Fat Fa at People) has w worked his unique orked on h is un niq que e production s style about ty yle for abou ut fifteen ftee en years. In these played thes se years he p layed d in different ban bands, nds, established esta ablish hed his his s own label Perspectiv Pe ers spectiv v Records, Rec cord ds, produced endless 12” and en ndless 12 2” an nd delivered rem remixes none other mixes for non ne o the er than Radiohead, Garnier, Radiohea ad, Laurent Lau urentt Garn nier,, Beanfield, Steve Stteve Lawler Law wler and and others. Definitely most nittely one e of tthe he m ost creative Swiss s DJ’s nowadays, nowa aday ys, Ripperton is a perfect perfec ct chameleon ch hamele eon n of electronic music. cm usic. web - ripperton.com m T09 - Club Conflict ic ct sat - 01.00 - 02.30 0
T09 - Club Conflict sat - 01.00 - 03.15 089 - Deetron (CH) (Extrema Green Night) cat. - sound & music text - Over recent years, Sam Geiser aka Deetron has emerged as a rising star in the electronic musical world. His popularity as producer has flourished in tandem with his reputation as a dynamic DJ, and as the latter discipline propelled him across the globe, his work for a growing roster of record labels further cemented his position as a genuine talent within the International scene. Born in Bern, Switzerland, music was a constant in the Geiser family home. Sam’s father’s activities as a jazz musician ensured that he was surrounded by music from a very early age, sowing the seeds of his own musical interests. But it was hip-hop that encouraged this to flourish into an active involvement in music, during his teens. In 1994, he got his first big break: securing a residency at Zurich’s reputed club, Trax at Rohstofflager. Having reached this position, Sam felt it was time to make his own forays into music production and began building a studio, drawing on his experience as a DJ to create his own tracks. Things snowballed from that moment onwards, and Deetron has become a famous and respected producer and DJ with his warm techno sound infused by the soul of Detroit. web - deetron.com T09 - Club Conflict sat - 02.30 - 04.30
091 - Rejected (NL) (Extremamusic / G Green reen Night) Rejected / Sound Sou und Architecture Arrchite ectu ure e cat. - sound & music mus sic text - Musicians Jo Joris and Edwin oris Voorn an nd E dwin n Oosterwal started sttarted producprroducing music together to ogether under unde er the Rejected moniker mo oniker and an nd their th heir debut debutt ep was a huge success. Att th the e succe ess. A he end of 2006 th they launched their hey launche ed thei ir own record llabel called Rejected, abel cal lled R eje ecte ed,, which has si since featured several ince feat tured d sev veral solid underground hits. Beyond underg gro ound h its. B eyo ond the recording studio studio, Rejected o, Rej jecte ed has been DJ’ing DJ J’ing all over over Europe, Europe e, including ma major events The ajor even nts in n Th he Netherlands. Netherlands s. web - rejected.nl myspace.com/rejectedmuzik myspace.com m/rejecttedm muzik k T09 - Club Conflict ic ct sat - 04.30 - closing g
094 - Legowelt & Orgue Electronique (NL) Crème Organization / Bunker / Strange Life cat - sound & music text - As one of the few TodaysArt resident artists, Legowelt (Danny Wolfers) & Orgue Electronique (Brian Chinetti) play live shows where Legowelt’s bad-ass style of Italo disco, Chicago acid house and Detroit techno is combined with Orgue Electronique’s soulful excursions into minimal funk, deep disco, melodic freestyle and electro-stiffness. All of this by using subtle analogue techniques. web - legowelt.com sternstudio.com T09 - Club Conflict fri - 23.00 - 00.00
092 2 - Baz Reznik Rezniik (NL) Do it Yourself Yo ourself Fuck the Rest / SD Records Rec cords cat. sound c at.. - sou und & music text night te extt - A typical typica al long gn ight DJ set from Baz Reznik begins z Rez znik be egins with the use of the e TB303 TB3 303 in ((Italo)disco Italo)disco records and you d will willl take y ou on a journey through acid-house h acid-house of Phuture and d Traxx Tra axx and d the the electro and squat-acid Bunker squ uat-a acid of B unker and Crème Organization from Org ganiz zation fro om his hometown The e Hague. This yellow line in his music mu usic makes makes him a DJ of variety, playing pla aying g his records reco ords on disco parties well as parrties as wel ll a s old-school or squatsqu uat- and techno-parties. tech hno-parties. web tunnel-radio.nl web b - tun nnel--radio.n nl T09 T09 9 - Club Clu ub Confl Co onflict fri frri - 03.30 03.. 30 - closing 093 3 - Syncom Data Data (NL) - Live SD Clone D Records Rec cords / C lone / Bunker cat cat - sound sou und & music text Syncom te extt - Since Sin nce 1995 Sy ync com Data - hailing from the th he dirty y playgrounds playgrounds of The Hague and Rotterdam Ro otterdam - has built up a steady deep, ste eady name na ame with their deep dubby and and raw w electro-technohouse hou use sound. sound. They They started with a couple couplle of releases re ele eases on Bunker Records. 2005 Rec cords. In 20 005 they kicked off their own S SD D Records label. In their their live sets se ets s as well as their releases Syncom rele ease es Sync com Data doesn’t hold holld on n to one e particular style. They The ey float oat somewhere som mewhere between Jamaican Jam maic can bass, bas ss, Detroit melancholy, Dutch harshness cho oly, D utch h arshness and raw Chicago booty bootty jack. Or as they say y it themselves: th hemsellve es: “It’s all about creating cre eating g strong stron ng mindblowers and heavy hea avy dancefl dancefl floor oor smokers.” web web b - syncomdata.net syn ncom mdata.n net T09 T09 9 - Club Clu ub Confl Co onflict fri frri - 00.00 00..00 - 01.00
095 - Bangkok Impact (FI) lab. - Crème Organization / Clone / Viewlexx cat. - sound & music text - Bangkok Impact (a.k.a. 8-Bit Rockers, Lolita Sträp etc.) is the nom de disco of Sami Liuski. An electronics genius from Helsinki. Sami has the enviable ability to remix his own environment, to translate his emotions into a lush, harmonious sound. Sami explores dance music’s past, investigates its future possibilities and questions his affection for disco. Over the past few years, Sami has forged close ties with the Dutch electro scene. web - myspace.com/bangkokimpact T09 - Club Conflict fri - 02.30 - 03.30 096 - DJ TLR (NL) lab. - Crème Organization / Global
cat text
web T09 fri
Darkness / Bunker - sound & music - DJ TLR (founder Crème Organization, co-founder Global Darkness) became involved in organizing underground parties in the freaked out squat scene of the West Coast of Holland. In the late 90’s, the first wave of The Hague electronics hit him and refueled his love for electro that had been dormant since the mid 80’s Italo disco. In 2000, he traveled on Bunker’s Dirty Brown world tour. It didn’t take long for the Bunker / Crème myth of grandeur to become a reality, and he has been DJ-ing the world ever since. - globaldarkness.com - Club Conflict - 01.00 - 02.30
Hit Refuel Travel
cafe de vinger
This year, the underground café De Vinger will host the final of X-Vektor X-V Vektor on Friday Frid day night; the talent hunt that is organized by Forms y the State-X New Form ms Festival. A conflict of upcoming talent! Saturday nightt will be hosted by Langweiligkeit, w who ho will bring out the underground scene night ene of The Hague for a n ight of proper Tekno. ekno.
necessarily aiming g for a specifi fic audience, but rather rath her try to innovate and explore. explorre. web - state-xnewforms.nl/xvektor state-xnewforms.n nl/xvektor T09 - Café De Vinger fri - 20.30 - 02.00 cont continuous tinuous
097 - State-X New Forms – X-Vektor: cat. - sound & music text. - HPC and Paard van Troje have joined forces to bring some of the best and most anticipated acts of the current international underground movements to The Hague with the festival State-X New Forms. State-X’s program is compiled along the themes X-plore (what are new developments in the experimental pop music-scene?), X-plain (what inspired and triggered those developments?) and X-pect (what will possibly happen in the future?). At TodaysArt, State-X New Forms will present the final of X-Vektor, a search for avant garde and underground talent. X-Vektor differs from other talent hunts in that it searches for the experimental, acts that are not
098 - Firetime Firetime is st strongly tro ongly rrooted oote ed in n The the Rotterdam-scene. Rotterda am-scene. Th he band members draw w theirr creative crea ative e various juices from v arious inspiration inspiratio on cresources. From m all this, they c re eown concoction ated their ow wn conco octio on which whic ch bit jazz, electronic, contains a b it of jazz z, ele ectro onic c, all progrock. but most of a ll progr rock.. T09 - Café De Ving Vinger g er fri - 21.30 - 22.15 099 - Machinist The ambientt drones drones of M Machinist ach hinist den Broek) (Zeno van de en Broek k) create cre eate e space, a certain certtain architecture arch hitec cture e in n
Organize Host Anticipate Compile Inspire Trigger Search Differ Aim Innovate Draw Contain
having studied arts and d visual visua al art ts an nd philosophy. His work k refl flects s an organical approach the ap pproach to th he field eld d off electronic m music. composiusic. In his c omp posi-tions, perform performances mances and installainsttalllations, there is always element s an elem ment of controlled chaos. explores dc haos. He e xplore es the relation b between and etween n man an nd machine by co conceiving onceiving tthem hem m as as a hybrid system which erratic bem in whi ich e rrattic cb ehaviour is the principal princip pal condition cond ditio on for interaction. common interactio on. Another Anoth her c om mmon theme in his s work work is recycling. recy yclin ng . Like a modern he mode ern n Frankenstein, Frank kensttein,, h e constructs his s machinery y from fro om parts of dece deceased equipment eased eq quipmen nt and disfunctional He disfuncttio onal devices. de evice es. H e creates danc danceable beats ceable b eats s on the th he spot, accompanied b by brilliant y br rillia ant performances. performance es. web - xaflab.tk T09 - Café De Vinger Ving g er fri - 00.50 - 01.30 0
sound. It evokes images and has an involuntary deeply tangible impact. Inspired by modern art, the contemporary city and a schooling in architecture, Machinist works on melding sound, art and space together. T09 - Café De Vinger fri - 22.15 - 23.00 100 - Piaz Piaz is Rotterdam-based musician Paul Fitzpatrick, the love child of Irish immigrants. He blends electronic and guitar sounds into a warm, melancholy pot of music. Think Mogwai and Cinematic Orchestra with a little touch of classical. T09 - Café De Vinger fri - 23.00 - 00.00 101 - Desade Desade is a collaboration between DJ YobKiss and Jacques de la Disque. This means French disco and solid electro tunes. T09 - Café De Vinger fri - 01.30 - 02.30
104 04 - Langweiligkeit (NL) cat. - sound & music mus sic text - Langweiligkeit, Langweiligkeiit, esteemed estee emed d partner pa artn nerr of TodaysArtt a and guardians off nd guardia ans o the underground scene undergro ound sce ene iin n The e Hague, will host host a program prrogra am iin n Café de Vinger The Ving ger on Saturday. Saturd day. T he following art artists perform: tis sts will perf form m: FrikK (Elektro (ElektrobBreakbeat, obBreak kbeatt, myspace.com/frikk2), myspace.com m/frikk2), The ChipChip pmonks on Acid analog exAc cid (live anal log e xtremely loud heavy shit, dh eavy s hit, ffreakporeak kpodium.com/members/135), dium.com/m members s/135)), Numtek Nu umtek k (Hardcoretekno, myspace.com/ (Hardcoretek kno, mys spac ce.co om/ numtek), Dubneet Dubn neet (Hardcore) (H Hardc core e) vs. DJ Wreed Wreedvaag (SkunkTekno, dvaag (S SkunkTek kno, myspace.com/dubneet). myspace.com m/dubne eet). Also: Also o: live e finger-painting nger-paintiing and drip art with witth hot models by by Cxc, White White Trash Trrash h Clan, B-MEN N and Supahpet. Su upah hpet.. web - langweiligkeit.eu langweiligke eitt.eu sat - 22.00 - 02.00 0 continuous continu uous s
102 - Rioteer Rioteer is the brainchild of Bas Welling and hails from Tilburg. Rioteer created quite a storm in the international world of Free Electronics, Fragmented Media and styles like Breakcore, Noise, Industrial, and Deviant Hardcore. T09 - Café De Vinger fri - 00.00 - 00.50 103 - Xavier van Wersch (NL) cat. - sound & music text - Xavier van Wersch (1976) obtained a degree in Sonology at the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague, after
Impact Meld Blend Obtain Approach Recycle Construct Create Guard Host Perform Finger-paint
Ff Farley ‘Jackmaster’ Funk ackm master’ F unk Felony Flats Fernando He Hernando Magadan ernando Mag gada an & Harmen Straatman Stra aatman 098 - Firetime 076 - Freerunners
p. - // 078 - //////////fur//// p. 086 044 091 076 090 070 031 058
Aa Aaron Carl A State of Conflict Agoria Antistrot Aril Brikha Arno Schuitemaker Artificiel Artist talks
p. 095 095 008 061 060
Bb Bangkok Impact Baz Reznik Biosphere Blippoo extravaganza Byunjung Kwon
p. 036 071 026
Cc Capitol K Catherine Baÿ Christof Migone
p. 024 094 100 046 041 037 060 095 056 041 042
Dd Daito Manabe Deetron Desade DJ Ahmaad DJ Dame DJ Duct DJ Sniff DJ TLR DJ TV DiSKO DJ TV DiSKO DoraVideo
p. 091 060 010 048 090
Ee Edwin Oosterwal Emile Zile Eternal Chord, The Every Kid on Speed Extremamusic / Green Night
p. 086 048 068
p. 073 036 037
Gg Gastón Arévalo Arév vallo Guillamino + B Band and Guilty Simpson Simps s on
p. 037 033 077 010 031
Hh Hank Shocklee Shock kle ee / Bomb Bom mb Squad Squad d Heart Chamber Chambe er Orchestra Orch hestrra Henri van Nuenen Nu uenen Hildur Guðnadóttir Guðnad dóttir Hiroaki Ume Umeda eda
p. - Ii 048 - Incredible Bob b 078 - Intergalactic FM cF M p. 031 024 010
071 070 012 066 091 032
Jj Jacob Kirkegaard Kirkeg gaard Jamie Drouin & Karl Kliem Jana Winderen Windere en Sub-Pelagic Voices Voices Jana Winderen Windere en Evaporation Joeri Dubbe e Johannes Gees Ge ees Jonathan Sc Schipper chipper Joris Voorn Justice Yeldham Yeldha am
p. - Kk 040 - Kids-patch 028 - Kurt Hentsch Hentschläger hläger p. 100 00 095 076 090
Ll Langweiligkeit Langweiligkeiit Legowelt & Orgue Orgue Electronique Electro oniq que Liefhertje en Witte Reus n De De Grote Grotte W itte R eus s ljudbilden & piloten piloten
048 0 48 8 041 0 41 068 0 68 8 050 0 50 0 026 0 26 6
095 - Syncom Data
LP Duo Lucky Dragons Luc cky D ragon ns Lukas Timulak Luk kas T imulak & Peter Bilak Lukatoyboy Luk katoy yboy Lynn Pook Julien Lyn nn Po ook & J ulien Clauss
p. 056 042 073 073 022
- Mm p. 098 0 98 8 - Machinist Ma achin nist 027 0 277 - Marieke Ma arieke e Verbiesen & Neeltje Sprengers Spreng gers 060 Mario 060 0 - Ma ario de de Vega a 032 Mark 032 2 - Ma ark Bain 076 076 6 - Mastermundo Ma asterm mundo o 033 033 3 - Mattin Ma attin 050 mPnL: Nenad Popov 050 0 - mP PnL: N enad P opov & Mirko Lazović Laz zović ć
p. - Ww 089 - West Coast Sound of Holland 048 - Wo0 p. - Xx 060 - Xavier van Wersch + Adult Survivors of Satanism 100 - Xavier van Wersch
p. - Oo 028 028 8 - Olaf Ola af Nicolai Nic colai 077 Onomatopee 077 - Onoma atopee Projectspace -
Pp Peter Petter Zuiderwijk Zuiderw wijk & Karin Mientjes Philip Phiilip Jeck Jeck Piaz Pia az Pierre Derks Pie erre D erks PIP P Pursuit Purrsuit Grooves Groov ves s
p. 094 094 4 100 094 094 4 026 026 6
Rr Rejected Rejjecte ed Rioteer Rio oteerr Ripperton Rip ppertton Rudolfo o Quintas Quinttas
p. 091 091 050 050 0 042 042 2 098 098 8 058 058 8 033 033 3
Ss Sebastian Mu Mullaert ulla aert aka Minilogue Shazalakazoo Shazala akazoo o Soundmuseum Soundm museum m State-X Forms Sta ate-X X New F orms – X-Vektor STEIM Stonephace Sto onep phace
Tt TAG Tarek Atoui Tecktonik Teletekst is dood Touch
p. - Vv 064 - VillaNuts: KABK vs. Artez 046 - Vladimir Arsenijevic
p. - Nn 077 Roy 077 - Niklas Nik klas R oy & Adad Adad Hannah 090 090 0 - Nuno Dos Dos Santos San ntos
p. 072 072 008 008 8 100 077 077 072 072 036 036 6
index categories
046 - Vladimir Arsenijevic Ars sen nijevic
p. 070 071 068
p. - screenings 026 - Christof Migone
076 031 070 068 072 073
p. 078 076 031 042 060 031 024 071
012 066 028 090 026 027
modern dance / movement Arno Schuitemaker Catherine Baÿ Fernando Hernando Magadan & Harmen Straatman Freerunners Hiroaki Umeda Joeri Dubbe Lukas Timulak & Peter Bilak PIP Tecktonik
077 028 072 026 042 073 064
visual art / installation //////////fur//// Antistrot Artificiel DoraVideo Emile Zile Jacob Kirkegaard Jamie Drouin & Karl Kliem Jana Winderen Evaporation Johannes Gees Jonathan Schipper Kurt Hentschläger ljudbilden & piloten Lynn Pook & Julien Clauss Marieke Verbiesen & Neeltje Sprengers mPnL: Nenad Popov & Mirko Lazović Niklas Roy & Adad Hannah Olaf NicolaiI Peter Zuiderwijk & Karin Mientjes Rudolfo Quintas Soundmuseum Teletekst is dood VillaNuts: KABK vs. Artez
p. 058 040 056 022
panels / lectures / workshops Artist talks Kids-patch TAG: Crash~Crush Touch Q&A
050 -
p. - shop 076 - Liefhertje en Witte Reus n De De Grote Grotte W itte R eus s p. 078 086 091 090 095 095 008 061 037 060 036 024 094 100 00 046 041 037 060 095 041 056 042 091 010 048 086 048 098 073 036 037 033 010 048 078 024 010
sound & music //////////fur//// Aaron Carl Agoria Aril Brikha Bangkok Impact Impa act Baz Reznik Biosphere Blippoo extravaganza extrrav vaganz za Hank Shocklee Shock kle ee / Bomb Bom mb Squad Squad d Byunjung Kw Kwon won Capitol K Manabe Daito Manab be Deetron Desade DJ Ahmaad DJ Dame DJ Duct DJ Sniff DJ TLR DJ TV DiSKO O DJ TV DiSKO O DoraVideo Edwin Oosterwal Ooste erw wal Eternal Chord, Chorrd, The Speed Every Kid on nS peed Farley ‘Jackmaster’ Funk ackm master’ F unk Felony Flats Firetime Gastón Arévalo Arév vallo Guillamino + B Band and Guilty Simpson Simps s on Heart Chamber Chambe er Orchestra Orch hestrra Hildur Guðnadóttir Guðnad dóttir Incredible Bob b Intergalactic FM cF M Jamie Drouin & Karl Kliem Jana Winderen Windere en
012 0 12 091 0 91 032 0 32 2 100 095 0 95 5 048 0 48 8 041 0 41 050 0 50 0 098 0 98 8 060 0 60 0 032 0 32 2 076 0 76 6 033 0 33 3 077 0 77 090 0 90 0 008 0 08 8 100 036 0 36 6 094 0 94 4 100 094 0 94 4 091 0 91 050 0 50 0 042 0 42 2 098 0 98 8 033 0 33 3 095 0 95 5 042 0 42 2 073 0 73 089 0 89 9 048 0 48 8 100 060 0 60 0
Sub Sub-Pelagic b-Pe elagic V Voices oiices Johannes Joh hann nes Gees Gee es Joris Jor ris Voorn Vo oorn Justice Yeldham Jus stice e Yeldha am Langweiligkeit Lan ngwe eiligkeit Legowelt Leg gowe elt & Orgue Org gue Electronique LP Duo Lucky Dragons Luc cky D ragon ns Lukatoyboy Luk katoy yboy Machinist Ma achin nist Mario Ma ario de de Vega a Mark Ma ark Bain Mastermundo Ma asterm mundo o Mattin Ma attin Niklas Roy Nik klas R oy & Adad Adad Hannah Dos Santos Nuno D os San ntos Philip Phiilip Jeck Jeck Piaz Pia az Pursuit Grooves Pur rsuit Groov ves s Rejected Rej jecte ed Rioteer Rio oteerr Ripperton Rip ppertton Sebastian Mu Mullaert ulla aert aka Minilogue Shazalakazoo Shazala akazoo o Soundmuseum Soundm museum m State-X Forms Sta ate-X X New F orms – X-Vektor Stonephace Sto onep phace Syncom Syn ncom m Data Tarek Atoui Tarrek A toui Tecktonik Tec ckton nik West Sound We est Coast So ound of Holland Wo0 Wo o0 Xavier Xav vier van van Wersch We ers sch Xavier Xav vier van van Wersch We ers sch + Adult Survivors Satanism Survivo ors of S atanism
p. 077 0 77 077 0 77 077 0 77
presentations presentatiions Henri van van Nuenen Nue enen Onomatopee Onoma atopee Projectspace Pierre Derks Pie erre D erks
p. - Statements 044 - A State of Conflict Relja Bobić 007 - Bursting Balloons Björn Remmerswaal 080 - Conflict-ID Peter Zuiderwijk 002 - Conflict is the Beginning of Consciousness Janet Leyton-Grant 051 - Conflict is the End of Indifference European Commission 054 - Do you Engage or Avoid? David Rietveld 062 - The Hague, City of Conflict Marieke Bolle 083 - The Resistance Cornelius Harris 014 - Invasive Sound Jan Rohlf
general info
Spuiplein: Theater a/h Spui: Filmhuis: Atrium (City Hall) Bibliotheek: Nieuwe Kerk: Lutherse Kerk: Club Conflict: Cafe de Vinger: CrashCrush:
Webspots Portal: todaysart.nl Festival website: 2009.todaysart.nl From there one can travel to our social networks Mini Blue Helmets |+| Hyves |+| Twitter |+| Last.FM |+| Facebook |+| Flickr |+| Myspace |+| Youtube
#spui #tahs lmhuis #filmh huis #atrium #atriu um #bieb b #nkerk #nkerrk #lkerk k #clubconfl flict #vinger #crashcrush
message/title: “#ta09 Example message/ /tittle: “#ta a09 #spuiplein (artist name) na ame) is amazing amaz zing g #friend” or “Disappointing performance perfformanc ce by y (artist (arttis st #foe” name) #ta09 #tahs # foe”
Live report platform Friends whom can’t make it can enjoy the festival from within their browser. If you have visited the festival you can logon afterwards and relive the experience.
NARB | narb.me | is s an an online onlin ne art disdiisavailable web, covery guide availa able on w eb, mobile e allows anyone and iPhone. It allow ws anyon ne to find d and an nd city discuss exhibitions in n any c ity in n the beyond. Netherlands and be eyond.
Report Live Engage and Contribute! Join visitors, artists and media by reporting your TodaysArt 09 experiences and becoming part of the innovative live registration powered by NARB | RoelandP | Open & Sociaal. A large projection on the facade of the public library (Bibliotheek) will display your messages, photos and videos if you include some simple elements in your social tool of choice to support your favorite artists or act and engage with friends, and foes.
Open & Sociaal | open-sociaal.nl op pen-sociaal.n nl | are are buildexperts in engaging g communities, bui ilding ng social media applications ap pplications for fo or web web and mobile. RoelandP | roelandp.nl roelandp..nl | loves lov ves TodaysArt. Toda aysA Artt.
TICKETS Tickets can be obtained obta ain ned at the Ticket Tick ket shop (Spuiplein, see map). The pre-sale pre-s sale tickets switched for ickets are to be sw wittched fo or wrist-bands. All TodaysArt locatio locations will ons w ill be accessible with a fe festival wristband. The estival w ristb band d. T he e wristbands are valid 20:00 (Friday) d from 2 0:00 0 (Fri iday) and 12:30 (Saturday) the last loca(Saturday y) until th he las st lo ocation opening hours ion closes. For the exact op pening h ours for timetable or each location, check check the e tim metable e in four kinds n the program. There The ere are fo our k inds of of tickets ickets available: Friday-, Frrid day-, Saturday-, Sa aturd day--, AllAllWeekend and Supp Support port -tickets. -tick kets. Tickets are availabl available September le on Septem mber 25 5 from from rom 19:00 and on September Septemb ber 26 fro om
Visit m.greetingsfromthehague.com | m.todaysart.nl | ta09.narb.me and share your messages directly. Always use #TA09 as (hash)tag in tweets, blogs or titles of video or photo posts (Twitter | Flickr | Youtube | Vimeo | Qik | Blogs | Yfrog | Twitpic | Mobypicture | Picasa) to make sure your report appears. Make quick judgments in your reports using #friend or #foe. To indicate your location on the map use;
Meeting point
12 12:00 2:0 00 at at the th he the Ticket Ticke et shop; ticket sales closes (both days) 00:30: c los ses (bo oth d ays) att 0 0:30:
Not sure where to meet your friends, or lost your companions and can’t reach them? Don’t panic. On the Spuiplein you will find the Ticketshop that functions as a meeting point. While you wait for your friends you can enjoy everything that’s happening, get your tickets, programme book and T-shirt at the Ticket and info counter and get a drink at the bar on the square.
Opening Ope ening hours: Friday 19:00 F rid day 25 - 09 19 9:0 00 – 00:30 Saturday 12:00 S atturd day 26 - 09 12 2:0 00 – 00:30 Prices: P ric ces: Weekend W eek kend : Friday: F rid day: Saturday S atturd day :
Hotels - Hostels
Support S up pport weekend week kend ticket tic cket : €50,(incl. (i inc cl. 2 drinks)
Hotel Mercure Den Haag Central (rooms with festival view.) Hotel Mercure Den Haag Central welcomes you on the 25th and 26th of September 2009 to the cultural heart of The Hague. The hotel is situated right next to the central hub of the festival, the city hall and the dance- and music theatre. Hotel Mercure Den Haag Central is easy to reach by car and has its own car park, and if you arrive by train or bus, it is within walking distance of Den Haag Central Station and Den Haag Holland Spoor. The hotel has 159 air-conditioned rooms available, including 3 suites. Inside the hotel you can enjoy drinks at the cosy Pullman Bar.
GETTING GET TTING THERE AAND ND GETTING HOME Pub Public blic transport: from fr rom m Den Den Haag Centraal Centtra aal Station you can c an n walk walk or take ta ake tram m 2, 3, 4 and 6 (exit att s stop Spui). From Den a to op Sp pui). F rom D en Haag Holland Spoor S po oor you u can n walk or take tram 1, 8, 9, 15 5 and and 16 (exit at stop p Spui). For current timetables, ti imettables, check ch heck www.htm.net. ww ww.htm.net. For exact check e xa act directions, dire ection ns, che eck www.9292ov.nl. Car: Car r: From F rom m Utrecht Utre echt yyou ou can take the A1, from Amsterdam, take A4 A mstterdam, ta ake the eA 4 and then the A44, A 44 4, from frrom Rotterdam Rottterdam m ttake ake the A13. Night Nig ght transport: Be check B e sure su ure to o che eck www.htm.net ww ww.htm.net and www.9292ov.nl specifi w ww.9 9292 2ov.n nl for sp pecific times in n advance, advanc ce, schedules sc chedule es on Friday or Saturday S atturd day may differ. The The trams will take you y ou u to to the e train stations statio ons or to where you are staying. Trains will a re s ta aying. Tr rains w ill depart from Den Haag Station H aa ag Central Cen ntral S tation n ((walkable walkable from Spuiplein). www.ns.nl S pu uiplein). Check Ch heck ww ww.ns.nl or mobile. ns.nl more information n s.n nl for m ore inform mation on travelling by and departure b y ttrain ra ain an nd de eparture e times.
Single or double rooms: € 99 (special festival rate) per person per night, including breakfast (excl.city tax: € 3,81) Prices based on availability. Spui 180 2511 BW Den Haag Tel : (+31)70/3636700 Fax : (+31)70/3639398 http://bit.ly/mercuredenhaag Stayokay Hostel budgettip. (600 meter walk to festival area) Stayokay Den Haag will give you a royal welcome to Den Haag! Located in the city centre of Den Haag on a
Mobile services: For F or route ro oute instructions s please call 09009292 orr go mobiel.9292ov.nl 9 29 92 o o to m obiell.9 9292ov.nl on your cellphone c elllphone e
Oude Mol Tapas Oude Molstraat 61
five-minute walk from the station Den Haag Holland Spoor and the festival, this hostel resides in a beautifully renovated building in the style of the architectural movement known as “Amsterdam School”. Modern comfort and a historical atmosphere go hand in hand at Stayokay. All the rooms are ensuite and have a modern and comfortable interior. In Brasserie Bite & Drink you can enjoy diner or a few drinks in a grand café-style. It is a perfect place to meet travellers from all over the world and share stories. If the weather is good, you can enjoy your drinks on our patio next to the water. 5 minutes walking distance from the festival.
Lapsang Tearoom Oude Molstraat 11a www.lapsang.nl Baklust Vegetarian and Organic Org ganic Lunchroom Lunchrroom m Veenkade 19 www.baklust.nl De Paas Special beer cafe Dunne Bierkade 16A A www.depaas.nl
- Twin bed, including breakfast: € 78,(for the room, not per person, city tax included in price) - Four-person room, including breakfast: € 124,- (for the room, not per person, city tax included in price)
Momiji Sushi Sushi Restaurant Maarssenplein Rabbijn Maarssenp ple ein 1 www.momijisushi.nl www.momijisushi.n nl Concrete Clothing and gadget gadge et store www.concrete.nl
Scheepmakersstraat 27 2515 VA Den Haag tel +31 (0)70 315 78 88 fax +31 (0)70 315 78 77 www.stayokay.com
Cremers Coffeeshop / Cafe Prinsestraat 84 www.cafecremers.nl www.cafecremers.n nl
Eat – Drink Scallywags British Tearoom Wagenstraat 117 www.scallywagsrestaurants.com
No Boys Allowed Womens only clothing cloth hin ng store e Prinsestraat 104 www.noboysallowed.nl www.noboysallowe ed.nl
Song Phi Non Thai food & karaoke Wagenstraat 177 www.song-phi-nong.nl
De Overkant Lunchroom Stationsweg 32 www.naardeoverkant.nl www.naardeoverka ant.nl
’t Achterommetje Dutch lunchroom Achterom 71 www.achterommetje.nl
Colophon Col lophon
Webconcept Development Roeland P. Landegent (RoelandP | Open & Sociaal) Mark Dekkers (Open & Sociaal) Tijs Teulings (NARB) Wilbert Baan (Hypernarrative)
Sup Supervisory pervisory Board Mr. M.J.C. M r. M .J.C.. van n Pernis s Mr. G.H.A. M r. G .H.A.. Monod de e Froideville Froideville Mr. J.. Viss Visser M r. J ser Ms. N.. van M s.. N n Haelst Mr. D.. New Newcomb M r. D wcom mb
Production Executive Producer Ramses Nieuwenhuizen Producer Floor Zegers Production & Artist logistics Stacie Lyons Production assistant Hanna van der Ven Financial production assistant Juriaan Moolhuysen Production & Logistics assistant Annelieke Plugge Production assistant Sara Halbertsma Production & Communication assistant Danielle Boelling Production & Promotion assistant Eelco Borremans Volunteer Coordinator Irfaan Koerban Decorators Eljo Embregts Annemieke Blaha
Director Founder Dire ector / Founde er Olof Winden O lo of van W ind den
Curators Cur rators Artiistic Director Artistic Olof Winden O lo of van W ind den Program Director Remco Schuurbiers R em mco Sc chuu urbiers Curator Cur rator Dance Anne-Lyke Elshout A nn ne-Lyk ke van den E lshout Curator Technology Cur rator Art & Tec chnology Hicham Khalidi H icham K halid di Curator Cur rator Music Tim Terpstra T im mT erps stra Guest Gue est Curators Jan Rohlf J an nR ohlf Takuro T ak kuro o Mizuta a Lippitt Niels Brands N ie els sB ran nds Relja Bobic R eljja B obic
Marketing Communications Marketing & Communications Com mmunications Director Vincent Sauter V ince ent Saute er Editor Björn B jörn n Remmerswaal Rem mmerswaal Janet Leyton-Grant J an net Ley yton-Grant Tim Terpstra T im mT erps stra Project Management Managem ment & Development Tim Terpstra T im mT erps stra Graphic Gra aphic Design Development CONFLICT - ID D evelopment Peter Zuiderwijk P ete er Z uid derwijk Karin K arrin n Mientjes s Development Web design & De evelopment Peter Zuiderwijk P ete er Z uid derwijk Kyle K yle e Dukes Duke es Satoshi S attosh hi Shiraishi
Advisors Christiaan van Betuw (Volkskrant) Roeland P. Landegent (RoelandP.nl) Neeltje Leemans (Freshmaker) Jean Paul Wijers (Protocolbureau) Teletekst is Dood Beer van Geer Mikhel Maes Jorick Mulder Laurens Profittlich Tim Terpstra David Veneman Micah Westera
Creative Partners: European Cities of A Advanced Sound dvance ed So ound d and related arts / International In nte ernatio onal Cities Citie es of of Advanced Sound and d related relate ed arts (ECAS (ECA AS / ICAS) Dis_Patch Club Transmediale <>TAG Steim RoelandP Extrema Music GREEN Liefhertje en de Grote Reus Gro ote Witte e Reu us Onomatopee V2_ Peter Zuiderwijk & Karin Karin Mientjes Mientje es Prooost Teletekst is Dood PIP Bunker Crème Organization Intergalactic ntergalactic FM Mare Liberum Holland Dance Fest Festival tiv val Filmhuis Den Haag Filmhuis Zaal 5 Alter Ego Managem Management Bookings ment & B ookiings s VillaNuts Shrajah Biennial 9 - 2009 2009 Langweiligkeit The Hague Moves
TodaysArt is presented by The Generator Foundation Governmental Partners Gemeente Den Haag Cultural Foundations VSB NFPK+ Casema Cultuurfonds Gravin van Bylandt Stichting Fonds 1818 SNS Reaal Fonds Institutional Partners Bureau Export de la Musique Francaise Arts Council Quebec European Commission Office of Contemporary Art Norway Embassies U.S. Embassy The Hague Finland Denmark Preferred & Tech- Suppliers Brand Beam Systems Focus ADC Thieme Media Centre Residentie.net Circle Group 1WINE Ticketscript StayOkay Den Haag TRUE NUTS Events
Prestigious Partners Protocolbureau Facilitating Partners Stichting Atrium De Nieuwe kerk, Den De en Haag Lutherse Kerk, Den Haag Haag Theater aan het Spui, Den H Haag aag g Centrale Bibliothee Bibliotheek, Haag ek,, Den H aag g De Vinger Mercure, Den Haag g Rent an Army Tent Hostel Roggeveenstraat Roggeveens strraat
Media Partners Hyves NARB Open & Sociaal Haags Uitburo Motoko - film & motion design
Grote G ro ote m markt arrkt
Gedempte Burgwal w
Gedempte Gracht r
Grote marktstraat a
Spui S pui
Lutherse Burgwal
Turfmarkt r
00.00 00.00 20.45 22.10 23.15 23.45
(continuous) (continuous)
19.30 03.00 20.00 00.00 02.30 21.00 22.00 22.25 22.45 23.40 00.10 00.15 00.45 01.45 02.00 02.30 03.15
(continuous) (continuous)
21.15 00.00 22.30 22.15 23.45 22.45 23.15 00.00 00.45 02.00
20.00 - 00.00
FRi - centrale bibliotheek
21.15 - 21.50 22.00 - 22.50 23.00 - 01.00
FRi - crash crush
20.00 21.00 21.00 21.30 22.30 22.30 22.45 23.15 23.45 00.45
FRi - nieuwe kerk
19.00 19.00 19.45 20.00 20.00 20.30 21.30 21.45 22.30 23.00 23.30 23.30 00.00 00.15 01.00 01.45 02.30
VillaNuts: KABK vs. Artez (p. 064)
Mario de Vega (p. 060) Blippoo Extravaganza (p. 061) DJ TV Disko (p. 56)
Vladimir Arsenijevic (p. 046) Nenad Popov & Mirko Lazovic (p. 050) Every Kid on Speed (p. 048) LP Duo (p. 048) Felony Flats (p. 048) Incredible Bob (p. 048) DJ Lukatoyboy (p. 050) Wo0 (p. 048) Shazalakazoo (p. 050) DJ Ahmaad (p. 046)
Hiroaki Umeda (p. 031) Soundmuseum (p. 042) Kurt Hentschläger (p. 028) Olaf Nicolai (p. 028) DJ Dame & DJ Michiel (p. 041) Hiroaki Umeda (p. 031) Lucky Dragons (p. 041) Heart Chamber Orchestra (p. 033) Kurt Hentschläger (p. 028) Artificiel (p. 031) DoraVideo (p. 042) Pursuit Grooves (p. 036) Guillamino + band (p. 036) Hank Shocklee / Bomb Squad (p. 037) Capitol K (p. 036) DJ Duct (p. 037) Guilty Simpson (p. 037)
Lynn Pook & Julien Clauss (p. 026) Marieke Verbiesen & Neeltje Sprengers (p. 027) Daito Manabe (p. 024) Jamie Drouin & Karl Kliem (p. 024) Christof Migone (p. 026) Rudolfo Quintas (p. 026)
(every hour, 5 min) Johannes Gees (p. 012) Jana Winderen - Sub-Pelagic Voices (p. 010) Philip Jeck (p. 008)
FRi - theater a h spui
20.00 20.00 20.30 21.30 22.30 23.30
FRi - filmhuis
20.00 - 00.00 21.05 - 21.35 00.05 - 00.45
FRi - lutherse kerk
Church Hall Basement Basement Church Hall Church Hall Basement Basement Basement Church Hall Church Hall
Main Hall Foyer Small Hall Studio Foyer Main Hall Foyer Main Hall Small Hall Main Hall Foyer Small Hall Main Hall Small Hall Main Hall Small Hall Small Hall
Zaal 7 Zaal 5 Zaal 6 Zaal 6 Zaal 6 Zaal 6
20.30 00.00 00.00 21.45 22.35 23.35
18.45 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00
(opening) (continuous) (continuous) (continuous) (continuous) (continuous) (continuous) (continuous) (continuous) (continuous) (continuous)
(continuous) (continuous)
00.00 01.30 01.00 02.30 03.00 03.30 05.00 closing
21.30 22.15 23.00 00.00 00.50 01.30
22.15 23.00 00.00 00.50 01.30 02.30
FRi - cafe de vinger
23.00 00.00 00.00 01.00 01.30 02.30 03.00 03.30
FRi - club conflict
18.30 19.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00
FRi - spuiplein
FRi - atrium
20.00 20.00 20.00 21.15 21.15 23.15
Firetime (p. 098) Machinist (p. 098) Piaz (p. 100) Rioteer (p. 100) Xavier van Wersch (p. 100) Desade (p. 100)
Legowelt & Orgue Electronique (p. 095) Aaron Carl (p. 086) Syncom Data (p. 095) DJ TLR (p. 095) Nuno Dos Santos (p. 090) Bangkok Impact (p. 095) Farley Jackmaster Funk (p. 086) Baz Reznik (p. 095)
PIP (p. 072) Teletekst is dood (p. 073) Peter Zuiderwijk & Karin Mientjes: ConďŹ&#x201A;ict - ID (p. 072) Pierre Derks (p. 077) Liefhertje en de Grote Witte Reus (p. 076) Niklas Roy & Adad Hanna (p. 077) ////fur//// (p. 078) Intergalactic FM (p. 078) Gaston Arevalo (p. 073) Tecktonik (p. 073) Freerunners (p. 076)
Lukas Timulak & Peter Bilak (p. 068) Jonathan Schipper (p. 066) Jana Winderen (p. 071) Fernando Hernando Magadan & Harmen Straatman (p. 068) Arno Schuitemaker (p. 070) Joeri Dubbe (p. 070)
Greenhouse #2
Greenhouse #4 Greenhouse #4 Greenhouse #5 Greenhouse #6
Section B Section A Media Room Section B Section B Section B
00.00 20.30 21.15 00.50
17.30 00.00 00.00 20.45 22.00 23.15 23.45
(continuous) (continuous)
03.00 17.00 16.30 18.45 02.30 20.15 00.00 21.20 21.45 22.10 22.45 23.10 00.00 00.50 02.00
(performance) (continuous)
(continuous) (workshop)
18.00 20.45 21.25 21.50 23.00
00.00 00.00 20.00 21.00 21.50 23.10 23.45
sat- spuiplein
14.00 14.00 19.30 20.30 21.30 22.10 23.30
sat - atrium
20.00 - 00.00
(continuous) (continuous)
sat - centrale bibliotheek
16.00 20.00 21.00 21.30 22.00
sat - crash crush
14.00 14.30 16.00 18.00 18.45 19.45 20.00 20.30 21.00 21.50 22.15 22.50 23.20 00.15 01.00
Jonathan Schipper (p. 066) Jana Winderen (p. 071) Lukas Timulak & Peter Bilak (p. 068) Fernando Hernando Magadan & Harmen Straatman (p. 068) Arno Schuitemaker (p. 070) Catherine Baÿ (p. 071) Joeri Dubbe (p. 070)
VillaNuts: KABK vs. Artez (p. 064)
Artist Talks (p. 058) Xavier van Wersch & Adult Survivors of Satanism (p. 060) Emile Zile (p. 060) Byunjung Kwon (p. 060) DJ Sniff (p. 060)
Soundmuseum (p. 042) Kids-Patch: Electronic Music Workshop for Kids (p. 040) Hiroaki Umeda + 15 min Q&A (p. 031) Kids-Patch: Electronic Music Workshop for Kids (p. 040) DJ TV DiSKO (p. 041) Hiroaki Umeda (p. 031) Olaf Nicolai (p. 028) Jacob Kirkegaard (p. 031) Heart Chamber Orchestra (p. 033) Justice Yeldham (p. 032) Tarek Atoui (p. 042) Mark Bain (p. 032) Artificiel (p. 031) Mattin (p. 033) Stonephace (p. 033)
TOUCH Q&A (p. 022) Marieke Verbiesen & Neeltje Sprengers (p. 027) Lynn Pook & Julien Clauss (p. 026) Daito Manabe (p. 024) Jamie Drouin & Karl Kliem (p. 024) Christof Migone (p. 026) Rudolfo Quintas (p. 026)
(every hour, 5 min) Johannes Gees (p. 012) Hildur Gudnadottir (p. 010) Eternal Chord (p. 010) Biosphere (p. 008)
sat- theater a h spui
14.00 14.00 20.00 20.30 21.30 22.30 23.30
sat - filmhuis
sat - lutherse kerk
20.00 20.05 21.05 00.05
Section A Media Room Section B Section B Section B Section B Section B
Foyer Foyer Main Hall Foyer Foyer Main Hall Studio Small Hall Main Hall Small Hall Main Hall Small Hall Main Hall Small Hall Main Hall
Zaal 7 Zaal 5 Zaal 7 Zaal 6 Zaal 6 Zaal 6 Zaal 6
00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 16.30 17.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 22.00 22.20
(continuous) (continuous) (continuous)
(continuous) (continuous) (continuous) (continuous) (continuous) (continuous) (continuous)
01.00 01.00 03.15 02.30 04.30 04.15 closing closing
22.00 - 02.00
Sat - cafe de vinger
23.00 23.00 01.00 01.00 02.30 03.15 04.15 04.30
sat - club conflict
14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 16.00 16.30 20.00 20.00 20.00 21.00 22.00
Langweiligkeit (p. 100)
Joris Voorn (p. 091) Edwin Oosterwal (p. 091) Sebastian Mullaert (p. 091) Ripperton (p. 094) Deetron (p. 094) Aril Brikha (p. 090) Agoria (p. 091) Rejected (p. 094)
Teletekst is dood (p. 073) Pierre Derks (p. 077) Liefhertje en de Grote Witte Reus (p. 076) Niklas Roy & Adad Hanna (p. 077) ////fur//// (p. 078) Intergalactic FM (p. 078) Freerunners (p. 076) Henri van Nuenen (p. 077) Onomatopee (p. 077) Peter Zuiderwijk & Karin Mientjes: ConďŹ&#x201A;ict - ID (p. 072) Gaston Arevalo (p. 073) Tecktonik (p. 073) Antistrot (p. 076) Mastermundo (p. 076) Greenhouse #2
Greenhouse #4 Greenhouse #4
Greenhouse #4 Greenhouse #4 Greenhouse #5 Greenhouse #6