V NEWS +LIFESTYLE —ANEXTENSIONOFVANCOUVERISAWESOME.COM 234,600165,300 101,300 ISSUE AUGUST 11, 202258,500 31,000 B O B K R O N B A U E R StonehengeonCambie? Localmessoneofourcity’sgreatmysteries A5
A2 VANCOUVERISAWESOME THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 2022 VANCOUVERISAWESOME.COM HearCANADA.com*Complimentaryhearing consultationsvalid forthoseover50. Notapplicable on thirdparty claims. AnewstandardofhearinghealthcareforCanadianshasarrived. HearCANADAcombinesthelatesthearingtechnologywith audiologicalexpertiseandfriendly,localservicetomaketaking chargeofyourhearinghealtheasierandmoreconvenientthan everbefore. ContactyourlocalHearCANADAclinictoscheduleyourfree* in-personhearingevaluationtoday. THE HEARING CARE OF TOMORROW IS HERE,CANADA 777WBroadway,Suite103 Vancouver,BC 604-706-1785 207-1160BurrardSt. Vancouver,BC 604-229-9684 Aarm Dental Group We’re in your neighborhood to make you smile EMERGENCY &NEW PATIENTS WELCOME www.aarm-dental.com WE DO NOT CHARGE ABOVE BCDA FEE GUIDE WE ACCEPTMOST MAJOR DENTAL INSURANCE PLANS NEW PATIENTS & EMERGENCIES ALWAYS WELCOME OPEN 6DAYS AWEEK •MONDAY TO SATURDAY $99.00 Zoom Whitening Aarm Dental Group on Beatty Your safety is our #1 priority We have you covered! 529 Beatty Street, Van, B.C. (between Dunsmuir &Pender St.) 604-699-1901 General Dentist Orthodontists Dr Sahar Abtahi Dr DBenjaminPliska r Ef EfatFarrrrokhshad Zoom In-Office Whitening for $99.00 Brightenyour smile! up to 10 Shades Whiter! Initial Orthodontic Consultation Complimentary
VANCOUVERISAWESOME.COM THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 2022 VANCOUVER IS AWESOME A3 Shopyournewlooknow SHOPNOW SIGNATURELOOKS,FORLOCALSBYLOCALS *PrintedinEastVan KITCHEN CABINETS DONE IN KI1TO2DAYS! TCHEN 1 TO 2 DAYS! CABINET REFINISHING Before After Love your cabinets, but not how they’reworn? Gleam Guardoffers asimple, cost-effective solution. We also refresh cabinets which costs less than refinishing. ALL GLEAMGUARDSTAFF ARE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES SET OUT BY THE BC PROVINCIAL HEALTH OFFICER,SUCH AS ABIDING BY SOCIAL DISTANCING PROTOCALSAND CONSISTENT AND EFFECTIVE HYGIENE PRACTICES.WEARE COMMITTED TO TAKINGTHE NECESSARY PRECAUTIONS TO KEEPYOU AND YOURFAMILYSAFE. Text cabinetpictures to 1-604-218-7470 or call. www.gleamguardcabinetrefinishing.ca 70%Less Than Replacing or Refacing! Wespecializein ProtectingYour Investment! UPTO TRACEY BOOTH -FOUNDER GOT GREASE? GOT PEELING? GLOOKS REAT! CELEBRATING30YEARS REFINISHINGCABINETS! FREE DEMOS FREE ESTIMATES NO TOXIC CHEMICALS NO DUST! ALLPRICESINEFFECT THURSDAY,AUGUST11 TO WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17,2022 UNLESSOTHERWISESTATED. Prices of products thatfeature theM&M Food Market Rewards Special logo areexclusive to membersofthe M&MFood Market Rewards program. Simply present your membership card,orsign up for afreemembership in storeoronline, to takeadvantage of theseexclusive offers.M&M Food Market Express andother non-traditional stores offer alimited rangeofproducts; thereforespecial pricingand promotions arenot valid at M&MFood MarketExpress or other non-traditional stores. We reserve the right to correct any errors RICHMOND 7020 FrancisRoad 604-204-0707 Gilber tR d. No .3 Rd. Francis Rd. NORTHDELTA #1, 11161-84thAve 604-592-2902 (in RoyalDelta Centre) 112 St.NordelWay 120 St.Community Centre 84th Ave. VANCOUVER 4639 Arbutus St. 604-263-2322 A b S w S W B dW 33rd A e. VallyDr N Chevron DELIVERY AVAILABLEmmfoodmarket.com Chicken Strips 27 33 PIECES 1 36 kg MADE WITH 100% WHITE CHICKEN BREASTMEAT TRY WITH $549 Plum DippingSauc 350mL 30% 1599 2399 save $6save $4 per steak $6 per piece $4 Bacon Wrapped Chicken 4 PIECES x 142 g/5 oz Bacon Wrapped Beef Top Sirloin Steaks 4 STEAKS x 142 g/5 oz TangyBarbecue Fall Off the Bone® Back Ribs 1 FULL RACK 510 g CHOOSEFROM 5VARIETIES New! ve $2 2 lb Entrées 907 g Cabbage Rolls Fettuccine Alfredo Cheese and Spinach Cannel oni Chicken Pad Thai Homestyle Tuna Cassero e *Registered Trademark of the Canadian Celiac Association. Used under license CHOOSE FROM 15 VARIETIES save $5up to 999
TroutandShoeiOhtani?Yeah,thatone Howaretheydoing:ThePascoDustDevils finishedsecondlastinthefirsthalfofthe seasonandarecurrentlysitting(asofthis writing)lastinthesecondhalf.Hencethe headline. 3facts:Inanefforttobetterknowour enemies,herearethreefactsaboutPasco(and maybeRichlandandKennewick…depending) andtheirbaseballsquadron.
2.WineCountry.Apparently,Washington's Tri-Citieshavearound200winerieswithin aone-hourdrive.So,ifyou’reafanofvines
TheTeam:TheTriCityDustDevils.Iknow whatyou’rethinking:whattheheckarethe threecitiesthatmakeupthistrifectaofcities theDustDevilsplayfor?Thosewouldbe: Richland,KennewickandPasco.Theyare threecitiescloselylinkedbythemeetingof threerivers,nestledrightatthebottomof WashingtonState
impactcannotbeoverstatedandIwantto thankhimforhistirelessadvocacy." anddedication.” Ramsayhasbeenalightningrodoverthe years,partlyduetothefactthatheismarried tolongtimeAtiraWomen'sResourceSociety CEOJaniceAbbott.Theirtwoagencies workhandinglove,creatingalongstanding perceivedconflictofinterest HislastdayofemploymentwillbeSept 6,2022.AnewCEOhasnotyetbeen announced. BobKronbauerwithfilesfromMikeHowell I K E H O W E L L
TheDustDevilsplayoutofGesaStadiumin Pasco.Sofortherestofthisarticle,Iwillrefer tothemasThePascoDustDevils,inasubtle actoftrolling. MajorLeagueTeam:TheDustDevilsare aminorleagueaffiliateTheLosAngeles AngelsofAnaheim.Youknow,theMLB teamthathassquanderedthetalentsofMike
BCHousingCEOcallingitquits M
Creatingart'makesmefeelalive'saysJunko Amessageaboutsustainabilitycouldbe drawnfromhiswork,especiallygivenherides aroundonabikeanddoesn'tuseanyengines ormotorstobuildhiscreations,butJunko saysit'spassionthatdriveshimmorethan communication. "It’sjustmypassion.It’sareasontolive,andit makesmefeelalive,"heexplains. Takingtimetocompleteitisagoodthing,he adds. "Itseemstomethatinthisdayandage everythinggetsdoneextremelyfastand conveniently,regardlessofhowmuchenergy ittakesoritsenvironmentalimpact,"he says."Ithinkit’sgoodtotakethingsslowly sometimes." Livingarelativelyun-tetheredlife,Junko iscoyaboutwherehisworkwillpopup next.However,therewillbemore,givenhis passionforthecreativeprocess. "Artisafull-timepassionforme,"hesays. "Sometimesit’sacareer,sometimesit’snot." "IlivefairlyminimallysothatIcanspendless timetryingtogenerateincomeandmoretime focusingonthethingsIlove."
fyouarereadingthisonlinethefollowing statementwillbetrueforyou:Thisweek, theTri-CityDustDevilsrollintotownto takeonourbelovedC’s.
HelistsarecentshootingonHastings,a womanbeingsetonfireintheDTES,and therecentheatwaveasevidencethathecan "nolongerhaveconfidenceIcansolvethe complexproblemsfacingusatBCHousing." InresponsetoRamsay'sresignation, VancouvermayorKennedyStewartsaidina statement:“ShayneRamsay’sworkoverthe last22yearsasBCHousingCEOhasmeant thousandsofpeopleallacrossourProvince haveawarmandsafeplacetocallhome.His
attheNatthisweek(orhopefullyIwillhave seenyouatTheNatlastweek,depending whenyoureadthis)aswe’reenteringthe homestretchoftheseason.Don’tsquander thebaseballseason Takeinasmanygamesasyoucan,because beforeyouknowit,we’llallbepiningfor baseballwhilestaringoutarainywindow. ByRyanBeil AtTheNat:Tri-City?Morelike'tri'harder! BO BK RO NB AU ER Hisannouncementlettertothe public,sharedAug.2,begins withthementionthat"something shifted"forhimonMay7,2022after amanwaskilledinCRABPark.Itgoesonto outlinemultiplereasonsforhisdeparture Thedecisionseemstohavebeenmadelast week,asRamsaysayshewas"swarmedby opponentsandthreatenedwithphysical violence,"afterspeakingatapublichearing atCityHallandthathehashadotherthreats madeagainsthim. Ramsaymadearareappearanceasaspeaker tothemotiontoapprovea129-unitsocial
Forsomeofyouthisisaseriespreview,and forsomeaseriesreview.Timeisrelative.And alsoacircle,I’mtold?Also,planningand organizationhaveneverbeenmystrongsuit.I havetoomuchbaseballtowatch!
CallingRamsay'swork"morechallenging thaneverbefore"duenumerousfactors, suchasthemandateimposeduponBC Housingtocreatemorehousing,alongside "unprecedentedhousingdemandbrought onbyCOVID-19,thetoxicdrugcrisis,and decadesofunderinvestment,"Stewartlauded thedepartingCEOwho"maintainedhis focusonhelpingthoseinmostneed." AddedStewart:"OnbehalfoftheCityof Vancouver,Iwouldliketooffermysincerest thankstoMr.Ramsayforhisyearsofservice
1.ThePrincipalowneroftheteamishall-offamerGeorgeBrett,bestknownforcharging anumpirewithanintenttokillafterbeing ejectedforusingtoomuchpinetaronhisbat. It’safascinatingpieceofbaseballloreand ifyou’veneverhadachancetolookintoit,I encourageyoutodoso!
Whileitlooksanimal-like,thegiantyellow objectisapieceofart;theinstallationwas builttherebyJunko,ananonymousartist basedinMontreal.Hesayshecamewestand endedupstayinginVancouverforabitinthe latespring,duringwhichtimehebuiltQueen BX1000. Hewasbikingintheareawheninspiration struck;hespottedagaragethatworkedon yellowtaxicabs,whichhadahugepileof brightyellowbumpers. "Iusecarbumpersofteninmyartwork,soI thoughtitwouldbegreattousetheyellow somehow,andthatledtotheideaofcreating somesortofbeecreature,"hetellsVancouver IsAwesome."Inevertrytorecreatean animalorcreaturerealistically,Ifinditmore interestingandfuntocreatesomethingnew." AndalmosteverythingusedinQueen BX1000wasafoundobject. "Igetallthematerialsbyjustbikingaround andlookingatwhatpeoplearethrowingout," henotes."Besidessomehardware(nails/ screws/bolts)nothingwaspurchased.All thematerialwasfoundonthestreetorin someone’sgarbagepile."
andfermentedgrapes,you mightwanttoconsider visiting. 3.Theteam’scolours,blue andkhaki,aremeantto representthecoloursofthe surroundingareas.The deserthillsarekindakhaki, andtheskyandriversare, youguessedit,blue. Playertowatchoutfor: ZachNeto.Anotherquality baseballname.Ifyousay itfastenough,itkindof soundslikeShar-nado. Also,hewasafirst-round pickinthe2022MLBdraft going13thoverall.He’sonly playedthreegames,buthe’s comeoutthegatehotasall heck.Maybemewriting aboutitwilljinxhimintoa slump?Onlytimewilltell. Sothereyouhaveit Hopefullyseeyoudown housingtoweronapieceofcitypropertyin Kitsilano,tellingVancouverIsAwesomethat hehadneverspokeninfrontofcouncilatany timeinhiscareerpriortothen. Inhisletter,Ramsaygoesontosaythat"from theInteriortotheWestSide,doubtlesssmall butvocalgroupsofpeopleareincreasingly angryandincreasinglyvolatile,"andthathe iskeptawakeatnightfearingforhispersonal safetyasaresult
QueenBX1000sitsplacid,headheld highaboveanempty,decayinglot inasouthVancouverindustrial area.
Butlet’scontinueourvirtualtouraround thesix-teamstrongNorthWestLeague. WelcometothegreaterTri-Cityarea, Washington!
Ifyouarereadingthisinourhumblelittle newspaper,thefollowingstatementwillbe trueforyou:Lastweek,ourbelovedC’stook onand(presumably)moppedthefloorwith theTri-CityDustDevils.
VANCOUVERISAWESOME.COM THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 2022 VANCOUVER IS AWESOME A5 PUBLISHERANDEDITOR-IN-CHIEF BobKronbauer bobk@vancouverisawesome.com|604-439-2688 DIRECTOROFSALES MichelleBhatti|michelle@vancouverisawesome.com MANAGINGEDITOR LindsayWilliam-Ross lindsay@vancouverisawesome.com REPORTERS AllieTurner|BrendanKergin|DanielWagner ElanaShepert|GraemeWood|JeremyHainsworth MariaDiment|MariaTallarico|MikeHowell EditorialInternYuqiCao EDITORIALCARTOONIST GeoffCoates DESIGN+PRODUCTION JodeenHodgson SALESREPS AdamSkaloud|AlisonClay|BryceWickstrom DanielaBecerril|DavidChiew|EliLaycock JustinChen|MaureenLaventure SALES+MARKETINGCOORDINATOR KarenNgan FORADVERTISINGENQUIRIESPLEASEEMAIL advertising@vancouverisawesome.com FORGENERALEDITORIALENQUIRIESPLEASEEMAIL hello@vancouverisawesome.com FORDISTRIBUTIONINQUIRIESEMAIL viadelivery@van.net|delivery@vancourier.com orcall604-398-2901 SENDLETTERSTOTHEEDITORTO bobk@vancouverisawesome.comor 303W5thAve,VancouverB.C.,V5Y1J6 Ifyou'vebeen daydreamingabout travelingtoEuropebut don'tcurrentlyhavethe fundsyoumaybeinluck! There'sa. well .asculpture onCambieStreetthat's betterthanStonehenge, rightinfrontofCanadian Tire. Ourancestorsusedto gatheraroundatablewhich waslocatedinthemiddle ofthecircleofdeteriorating benchesshowninthephoto here. Overthepastfewyears thattablecrumbled,was toppled,crackedinhalfand eventuallyremoved. Whatremainedwerethe benches,stillformedina circle,andtheyattracted acoupleofotherbenches, stacked,andadjacent. Themysteriesofwhatwent onatthishistoriclocation maynoteverbeknown,just liketheonesofStonehenge ByBobKronbauer Opinion:Localpileofbenchesbetter thanStonehenge B O B K R O N B A U E R call David at 604.649.2305 Select Realty Licensed at: 4806 Main Street, Vancouver,BCV5V 3R8 #9-3301West16th Avenue, Kitsilano $1,488,000 -2 bed/2 bath bungalow style townhome -1,200 sq.ft. -Completely renovated -3 PRIVATEoutdoor spaces -2 underground parking -Close to shopping,transportation and great restaurants CALL DAVID TO VIEW Business Owners: We’re here foryou ComplimentaryBusinessListing We’reoffering free GuidedBy.calistings, courtesyofthe Vancouver Is Awesome, to help connect localstoyour business. Ourteam is on standbyand readytoset up your complimentary profile. Email advertising@vancouverisawesome.comand we’ll getyou connected.
A6 VANCOUVERISAWESOME THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 2022 VANCOUVERISAWESOME.COM Feedmetacosandtellme I'mpretty,"readsahot pinkneonsignonthewall insidethenewsecond locationofGringo. ThebelovedirreverentVancouver tacojointrecentlyopeneditsdoors inthecolourfulWestEnd. Gringo2.0asit'sreferredtohas movedinat1074DavieSt,in theformerBeetboxspace.The plant-basedpredecessorclosedup shoponMay28thisyear,afteran October2019launch. PartnerSeanDavisofWooden TableHospitalitytellsV.I.A.inan emailthattherestaurantofficially openedonFriday,July29.The Gringo2.0crewmadeshortwork oftransformingthesmallspace "Wedidsomepaintingandminor adjustmentstotheroom,"Davis explains,addingbusinesspartner ShoelDavidson,andhisdad, Richard,"didanamazingjob Gringo-izingthespaceinseven shortweeks."Gringo,whose BloodAlleyspotis"theO.G.Back AlleyTaco&DrinkShop,"is well-knownandlovedforitsmenu ofapproachableandfuntakeson Mexican-stylecomforteats,like nachos,burritos,quesadillas,and,of course,tacos. Plus,whenitcomestothenew DavieStreetGringo,"Wewillhave someexcitingmenufeaturesthatwe willbesharingonoursocialfeedsin thecomingweeks,"hintsDavis. Currently,Gringo2.0onDavieis openfrom11:30a.m.tomidnight daily.FollowthemonInstagram @Gringo_Westendformoreinfo andtofindoutabouttheirnew menuitems. ByLindsayWilliam-Ross Cheekytacojointsopenssecondlocation " GR IN GO RE ST AU RA NT S/F AC EB OO K GR IN GO RE ST AU RA NT S / FA CE BO OK Ifthethoughtofdozens ofbirdsperchingon yourhead,shouldersand handssoundsappealing toyou,avisittoCharlesE. Jones’Birds’Paradisewould fillyouwithjoy. “Vancouver’sMajor Attraction”,asproclaimedby Jones’promotionalbrochure, waslocatedatJones’houseat 5207HoySt. Jones,alwaysaloverofbirds, beganhisaviaryin1931,afew yearsafterretirement. Innewspaperarticles,the Birds’Paradisewassaidto hostthousandsofvisitors eachyear,fromallaround theworld,includingSouth Africa,Norway,Indiaand Japan. Jonescanvasedforthe relocationofhisaviaryto StanleyParkinthelaterpart ofthe1930s,butthatdream wasnottoberealized.Bythe endofAugust1939,despite allthevisitors,andthe threenewsreelsthatJones promotionalbrochuretouted as“showinginallpartsofthe earthbyUniversalFilms”,he closedhisdoorstovisitors duetodwindlingfinances andpoorhealth. Whenhediedtwomonths later,TheProvince proclaimed,“Thebirdsofthe airaresighingtoday,notover thedeathofoneoftheirown, butforthelossofamanwho lovedthem." Interestedinfindingmore archivalphotographsof Vancouver?SearchtheCity ofVancouverArchives’online databasebyscanningtheQR codehere. ByBronwynSmyth City ofVancouver Archives CV A3 71 -1 38 1 1930s'Vancouver'sMajorAttraction'was anaviaryinsidealocalman'shomeLocal breaking newsvisit Vancouverisawesome.com Our Printed Weekly Flyers Are Now Digital •Same Great Flyer •Even More Great Savings •HelpingToReduce Our Enviromental Footprint 200 -370 EAST BROADWAY, VANCOUVER, BC •6095 FRASER STREET, VANCOUVER, BC PLEASE RECYCLE THIS NEWSPAPER.
VANCOUVERISAWESOME.COM THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 2022 VANCOUVER IS AWESOME A7 Thissummertimeskylineshot wastakenandsharedbya photographernamedManj Bainswhogoesbythehandle@ manjbainsphotography. Forachancetohaveyourphotofeatured hereandonourInstagramaccount,tag yourInstagramphotoswiththehashtag #vancouverisawesome. Tokeepupwitheverythinghappeningin yourcity(andformoregreatphotographs!) followusat@viawesome. AwesomeInstagramPhotooftheWeek Localphotographercreates'life changing'portraitsessions CONTINUESONPAGE9 Ialwayschatwithpeopleforawhilebefore gettingthecameraout,”saysTamea Burd. TheVancouverphotographerspecializes inheadshotsandportraitphotographyand hasalwaystakenasupportiveperson-first approachtoherartbutinrecentyearsshehas observedthat“peopleneedalotmoretalking.” “Duringthepandemic,Inoticedthatthe ‘normal’amountofstressandunhappiness justquadrupled,”sheexplains.“People’s insecuritiesseemtobewaywaymoreintense” Burdhasalotofexperiencewithpeople’s insecuritiesinfrontofthecamera.Shesees alotofpeopleforbusinessoronlinedating photosandsaystheyoftenentertheprocess withasenseofoverwhelmingdreadoran ingrainedbeliefthatthey'reunphotogenic. MEA TS PR ODUCE GR OCER Y KILLARNEY LOCA TION ONL Y( E4 9 TH AV E) OPEN 8:30AM–10:00PMEVERYDAY www.88supermarket.ca While quantities last. We reserve the right to correct pricing errors. 2611E49th Ave, Vancouver • 604-438-0869 4801Victoria Dr, Vancouver• 604-876-2128 JUMBO KENT MANGO MEXICO BROCCOLI CROWN USA DAN DPAK INSTANT OAT 1KG SAN MIGUEL CORNED BEEF 340G FRESH MADE SPICY SUSHI ROLL COMBO FRESH MADE VIETNAMESE SANDWICH Prices valid from Thursday, August 11 to Wednesday, August17. KRAFT PEANUT BUTTER CRUNCHY/SMOOTH 1KG FESTIVE HAM APPLE/ BLUEBERRY TURNOVERS 4’S MILANO CROISSANTS ASSORTED 300G LARGE YELLOW PEACH USA FRESH WINGTAT LONGKONG CHICKEN $14.88/EA $1.98/LB $1.68/LB 2/$4.00 $3.98/EA$8.28/EA $3.28/EA $4.48/PK$5.98/EA FROZEN BEEF SHORT RIB $6.88/LB BUY 7GET 1 FREE SORBETERO FROZEN DESSERT 1.42L $6.98/EA EMMA EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL 1L $5.88/EA BAMBOO TREE COCONUT WATER 1L $2.28/EA $5.58/EA FRESH PORK HOCK $1.88/LB CLASSICO SAUCE TOMATO BASIL 650ML $2.98/EA DAYS ONLY FRI,SAT&SUN 3 $1.88/100G VICTORIADRIVE DENTURE CLINIC 5477 VICTORIA DRIVE AT 39TH |MYDENTURES.CA WE ARE COMMITTED TO KEEPYOU SMILING! Cecilia Guglielmetti, RD Denturist Are you adenturewearer who: Hasloosedentures? Cannotenjoy ameal? Hasa sore mouth? Has stopped smiling? Allofthe above Need dentures forthe first time? WE CANHELPYOU! CALLFOR AFREE CONSULTATION EUROPEAN QUALITYATCANADIAN PRICES TELEPHONE: 604-325-1914 NOWACCEPTING NEWPATIENTS |NOREFERRAL NEEDED
HastingsStreetcorridor, thestoryremainsthesame: peoplearesuffering,people aredyingandpoliticians makepromisestodobetter. Thepandemiccoupledwith apoisoneddrugsupply,and thesidewalksupanddown EastHastingsStreet,where —yes—drugsarebeingsold andconsumed,wherestolen goodsarebeinghawkedand peoplearebeingassaulted, evenlitonfire Homicidesarenot uncommon.Overdosedeaths continuetosetrecords.
thelackofhousingformore than2,000unhousedpeople acrossthecity,hasnoticeably exacerbatedandexposedthe humantragedy. Thesummerheat,asithas donefordecades,forces peopleoutoftheirsingle room-occupancyhotelsto thestreetforfreshairand safety;manyofthehotelsare indisrepair,withoutproper ventilation,infestedwith rodentsandbugsandhave beenandcontinuetobe scenesofviolence. Somakeofitwhatyouwill ofthepopulationcurrently living/surviving/loiteringon
Therecentheat wavefoundmany Vancouverites tryingtostaycool andhydrated,andit'snot thelastwe'llseeoftheheat thissummer. Localsmayspotafewtags oncitytreesaskingfor help,andthosewillingto sharetheirwatercanoffera helpinghand. TheVancouverBoardof ParksandRecreationis askingresidentstohelpkeep thetreesgreen,decorating newtreesaroundthecity with'Waterme,please'tags. "Thisnewtreeneedswater twiceaweek,"thetag reads.Theparkboardalso recommendsatleast10to20 litresofwaterbespilledover thetrees'rootstwotimes perweek. Waterrestrictionsdon't applytotreesandshrubs, accordingtothetags. ByMariaDiment Vancouveritestohelp AR KB OA RD /T WI TT ER heDowntown Eastsideisagain makingnewsthis
careforthirstytrees @P
summer Whichisnotreallynews Inthe20yearsofwriting aboutpoverty,drug addiction,mentalillnessand homelessnessalongtheEast
Traumaisatthecoreof muchofit Thatversionofthe DowntownEastsideisona chronicnewscycle. Communitycourage award
poetryofthecommunityis notoftencelebratedinnews pages.Anyoneremember poetBudOsborn? Engagingprogramsfor seniors(pingpong,line dancing,"survival"English courses)andclubsfor kidsatcommunitycentres haven'tmadeforalotof copy.Anyonerememberthe RayCamyouthrunningclub ledbynationalteamrunner MattJohnston? Thecommunitywork ofIndigenouselders likeMarjorieWhiteand youngpeoplelikeGenoa Point—bothwinnersof a“communitycourage award”in2012—should alsobeconsideredfora differentperspectiveonthe neighbourhood. Musiciansarewell represented,too. ButIdigress. AslongasI’vebeen inthisjob,I’veheard countlessstrategies,ideas, recommendationsandplans fromwell-meaningfolksto betterconditionsforpeople livingintheDowntown Eastside. Doctors,healthcare workers,housingadvocates, communityresidents, businessowners,non-profit leaders,copsandpoliticians haveallweighedin. Still,thepovertypersists. Readtherestofthiscolumn -adeepdive intocovering theDTESas areporter-by scanningtheQR codehere
VANCOUVERISAWESOME.COM THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 2022 VANCOUVERISAWESOME A9 LOCALPHOTOGRAPHERCONTINUEDFROMPAGE7 T A M E A B U R D P H O T O G R A P H Y Whenitwasbuiltin1910,thisbuildingat998 ThurlowSthadfivefloors.Severalmonths later,asixthfloorwasadded,asshowninthis picture In1966afiredestroyedthetopflooroftheWashington Courtapartments,anditwentbacktohavingjustfivefloors In2018anotherfiredamagedseveralsuitesintheWestEnd apartmentbuilding Andthat'sthe'storey'ofWashingtonCourt. ByJohnBentley VancouverNow& Then:Washington Courtin1919and2020 T A M E A B U R D P H O T O G R A P H Y “Ihavehadpeoplesonervousortense theywereshakingorintears,”sheshares. Burdalsohasabackgroundinpeer counsellingandiscertifiedasalifecoach bytheWainwrightGlobalInstituteof ProfessionalCoaching.Sheusesthat knowledgebasetoputherclientsat easeandisextremelydetailedwiththem aboutwhattoexpectbeforearrivingata photoshoot. “Thereasonwelookbadinphotosis becausewethinkwelookbadinphotos,” shesays.“Everyoneisphotogenicifthey arecomfortablewhentheirphotoisbeing taken.” Whatare"wellnessportraits"? Havingpeoplecomeawayfrom theexperiencefeelingbetterabout themselveswasalwaysanunderlyingpart ofthephotographyprocessforherbut afteratherapistclientsuggestedthatthe waysheapproachedphotographywas indeedtherapeuticandafterwitnessing thedistressanduneasepeoplewere havingabouttheirappearancepost pandemic,shedecidedtodevelopa specificservicetocombatphotoanxiety. Shecallsitwellnessportraits Beingcarefulnotto"therapize"the processandusingcasualnon-therapy specificterms,theWellnessportraitsare aserviceBurdofferstoclients16andup thatincludesself-esteemandself-imagebaseddiscussionbeforetheshoot. Shesaystheconversationsvaryfrom persontopersonbutthatshekeepsthem specifictoherexpertise.Tostartshewill askclients“Whatbroughtyoutome?” Followedby“Whenyoulookatanimage [ofyourself],whatdoyouseethatmakes younotlikeit?” Shedoesn’taskaseriesofinvasive questionsbutinsteadallowstheclientto lead. Howthephotographerhelpsbuildthe client'sself-esteem Inhypotheticalterms,Burdsaysthat mostoftenparentsorsomeoneinthe client’slifehaserodedtheirself-esteem. Burdhelpsherclientstoaddressthe voiceintheirheadsthatisn’ttheirs.“Once youmakethatconnectionit’seasierto detach,” OPEN 7DAYSAWEEK 8 am 8 pm*8 8 1595Kingsway •604-872-3019 •www.famousfoods.ca Please check ourwebsite and social media regularly for announcements or changes to our hours of operation. Friendly reminder to keep aminimum 2-meter distance away from other customers and staff. YourOriginal Natural FoodStore ORGANIC DUSO'S $499 300 grams Assorted Fresh Pastas GRASS FED Whole ChickenWings/lb 10.98 kg $499Regular GroundBeef GRASSFED T-Bone Steaks $1360 /lb 29.99 kg MARK ANGELO'S FrozenSausages Assorted $799 675 grams GRASS FED RibEye Steaks $1270 /lb 27.99 kg ORGANIC Frozen PorkBackRibs $599 /lb 13.21kg On Special ThisWeek! FIORETTI Jumbo Canned Chickpeas STAGIONI Gluten-Free Pizza Dough Mix $1399 $599 1kg SAN REMO OrganicCanned ItalianTomatoes $349 796 ml 2.84 L 946 ml plus dep& eco $349 Thursday August 11 -Wednesday Aug 17 Santa Cruz Organic Lemonades *Whilequantitieslast SalesDates:Thursday, August11toWednesday, August17 , 2022 *Allproductsintheflyerareonsalewhilequantitieslast FROM THE DELI Hot Genoa Salami BC GROWN Cornon theCob BC GROWN Fresh Blueberries $329 100grams $799 2lbclam BC GROWN Organic Warba White Potatoes NON-MEDICATED Boneless Chicken Breast& Thigh Combo PRODUCT OF USA Organic Cauliflower NEWZEALAND OR USA Organic Gala Apples $199 /lb 4.39 kg $816 /lb 17.99 kg $179 /lb 3.95 kg $159 /lb 3.51/kg LAKEWOOD OrganicJuice Lemon or Lime $499 370ml BULK Yogourt Covered Peanuts $599 454grams $498 /lb 10.98 kg 3 for $4($1.33 ea)
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days notice ADVERTISING POLICIESvancouverisawesome.com COMMUNITY HOME SERVICES CALL Todayfor Summer DISCOUNTS! GUTTERS •REPLACEMENTS •DOWNPIPE •LEAF GUARD •DRAIN GUARD •SIDING Commercial&Residential. Free Estimates. Gutter Specialists. Licensed. WCB Insured. 604-724-5493 • 604-721-0372 • a1guttersltd@gmail.com COMING EVENTS Artists/Craft Fair with Live Music Local artists leather goods, baby quilts, ceramics, jew ellery, paintings, dried flowers and much more! Leg in Boot Sq, on the seawall, South False Creek. Saturday, August 13 12 pm to 4:30 pm. maryroseh8@gmail.com EMPLOYMENT GENERAL EMPLOYMENT Cleaning Business is looking for RELIABLE HOUSE CLEANERS. 604.987.9970 GARAGE SALES Yard Sale Aug 14 9AM 3PM Multi family yard sale. Lots of great items at awesome prices. 8833 Montcalm Street, Vancouver MARKETPLACE WANTED Old Books Wanted. also: Photos Postcards, Letters, Paintings. no text books or encyclopedias. Ipay cash 604-737-0530 BUSINESS SERVICES PERSONALS *SWEDISHMASSAGE* 604-739-3998 W. Broadway @Oak St. RENTAL APARTMENTS/ CONDOS FOR RENT 1BR/1BA $3,300 Chesterman Beach Fully furnished, all incl. 250 725 3363 vimeo.com/220893042 CLEANING PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Gutter cleaning Pressure washing Window washing Gardening 10 years experience 604 209 3445 www.npservices.ca CONCRETE CONCRETE SPECIALIST Call Mario 604-253-0049 604-764-2726 Sidewalk, Driveway,Patio Exposed Aggregate, Remove &Replacing Reasonable Rates. 35 yrs experience Forfree est. DRAINAGE DRAIN Tiles, Sewer,Water, Video Inspection, Jack Hammering, Hand Excavating, Concrete Cutting, Rootering, WET BSMT MADE DRY 604.782.4322 All Electrical, Low Cost Licensed. Res/Com. Small job expert. Renos, Panel changes. (604)374-0062 Simply Electric Commercial &Residential Reno’s&Small Jobs bf#37309 778-322-0934 ELECTRICAL ALIC’D. Electrician #30582 Rewiring &reno, appliance/ plumbing, rotor rooter 778998-9026, 604-255-9026 EXCAVATING #1 Backhoes &Excavators Trenchless Waterlines Bobcats &Dump Truck &All Material Deliveries Drainage; Video Inspection, Landscaping Concrete Stump/Rock/Cement/Oil Tank &Demos, Paving, Pool/Dirt Removal, Paver Stones, Jackhammer, Water/Sewer,Line/Sumps, Slinger Avail, Concrete Cutting, Hand Excavating. Basements Made Dry Claudio’sBackhoe Service 604-341-4446 FENCING West Coast Cedar Installations since 1991 New •Repaired•Rebuilt Fences &Decks. 604-788-6458 (no text) cedarinstall@hotmail.com GUTTERS FLOORING Hardwood Floor Refinishing Experts •Repairs •Staining •Installation • Free Estimates 604-376-7224 centuryhardwood.com INSTALLATION REFINISHING, Sanding. Free est, great prices. Satisfaction guar 604-518-7508 GUTTERS Call Simon for prompt & professional service 30 yrs exp. Gutter Cleaning,PowerWashing, WindowCleaning, Roof Cleaning 604-230-0627 HANDYPERSON HANDYMAN •RENOVATIONS •Kitchen •Bath •Plumbing •Countertop •Floors •Paint &more. Call MIC for quote: 604-725-3127 LANDSCAPING SHAW LANDSCAPING LTD Complete Landscaping •Lawn Cuts •Gardening •Pruning •Power Washing 778-688-1012 Start-Finish. Demo-Design. PAVERS Driveway,Sidewalk Concrete Removal -Replace LANDSCAPING, Turf,Hedges, Retaining Wall, Patio. Drainage 604-782-4322 LAWN &GARDEN 25+ years Experience. Fully Ins’d. Lic’d &WCB Summer Clean-up Specials •Lawn Maintenance •Power Rake • New Sod &Seeding • Tree Topping &Trimming •Power Wash •Gutters •Patio’s• Decks •Fences •Concrete •Retaining Walls •Driveways&Sidewalks &Much MORE All work guaranteed Free Estimates 604-240-2881 MASONRY MASONRY AND REPAIRS •Stone Walls•Bricks •Chimneys &Fireplaces •Pavers•Asphalt •& More •ALL CONCRETE WORK •20+ years experience. George • 778-998-3689 MOVING ABE MOVING &Delivery & Rubbish Removal $50/hr per Person.24/7 • 604-999-6020 MOVING Affordable Moving From $45/hr 1,3,5,7,10 TonTrucks Licensed &Insured Local-Long Distance Free Est. Senior Disc. 604-537-4140 www.affordablemoversbc.com 2Guys With ATruck Moving &Storage 604-628-7136 Experienced Movers $120.00/hr Full size truck +2profes sional movers, $120/hr. Weekday &early bird specials. Local,Vancou ver Island &BCInterior. Call Gary @236 881 4975 PAINTING/ WALLPAPER D& M PAINTING Exterior/Interior Specialist Many Years Experience. Fully Insured. TopQuality •Quick Work. Free estimate. 604-724-3832 PAINTING/ WALLPAPER Painting Specials g g 778-895-3503 2roomsfor $400, 2coats anycolour (Ceiling &Trim extra) Price incls premium quality paint NO PAYMENTuntil Job is completed We do all sorts of wood flooring and alltypesofmouldings Fully nsured 20 yrs. exp. •Free Est. INTERIOR &EXTERIOR SPECIALS 10% OFF Call 6047291234 FAIRWAY PAINTING PLUMBING • Hot Water Tanks • Plumbing • Heating • Furnaces • Boilers • Drainage • Res & Comm • 24/7 Service 604-437-7272 MARKETPLACE Call or emailtoplace your ad, Monday through Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm 604-653-7851•604-362-0586 nmather@glaciermedia.ca • dtjames@glaciermedia.ca Book your ad online anytimeat vancourier.adperfect.comclassifieds.vancourier.com Your Community TODAY'S PUZZLE ANSWERS vancouverisawesome.com Reduce Reuse Recycle The classifieds can help! 604.630.3300 FIND HELP FOR YOUR PROJECTS Do-It-Yourself Not Working Out? Find aQualified Plumber Fast In Our Home Services Section call to advertise 604.653.7851
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VANCOUVERISAWESOME.COM THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 2022 VANCOUVER IS AWESOME A11 BuildResults HOME SERVICES POWER WASHING Call Simon for prompt & professional service 30 yrs exp. Gutter Cleaning,PowerWashing, WindowCleaning, Roof Cleaning 604-230-0627 Pressure washing Gutter &windowcleaning Work Safe,Freeest. SUMMER SPECIALS Ken’spoWErwaShIngpluS CallKen 604-716-7468 RENOS &HOME IMPROVEMENT ALL RENOVATIONS: •Kitchen •Baths •Additions •Patio •Stairs •Deck •Fences •Pa nt ng •Drywal & MORE 778-892-1530 a1kahlonconstruction.ca FATHER AND SON Carpenters Master carpenter,over 50 yrs exp. Great workmanship and referrals. During Covid we are doing fences, decks and stairs. Please call Ed 604-721-4861 RENOS &HOME IMPROVEMENT Kitchen &Bathrooms, all Tile, allFlooring, Drywall, Paint. ALL REPAIRS +More! INT &EXT •778-836-0436 MASTER CARPENTER •Finishing•Doors •Moulding Decks•Renos•Repairs Emil: 778-773-1407 primerenovation.ca Since 1989 604-732-8453 mrbuild@mrbuild.com www.mrbuild.com Need anythingdone or repaired? □RENOS □BATHROOMS □REPAIRS □PAINTING □TILING □DOORS □KITCHENS □WINDOWS □DECKS □FENCES □ROOFING □GUTTERS ROOFING A-1 Contracting &Roofing New &Re-Roofing •All Types AllMaintenance &Repairs GUTTER CLEANING Gutter Guard Installations • RENOVATION WORK • WCB 25% Discount • Emergency Repairs • Jag •778-892-1530 a1kahlonconstruction.ca SPECIALIZING IN CEDAR, FIBERGLASS LAMINATES AND TORCH ON L abil y nsurance, WCB BBB,Free Es ma es 604-946-4333 Bros. Roofing Ltd. Over 40 Years in Business RUBBISH REMOVAL Have too much stuff or need soil delivery? Call: Junkyard Angel at 778-859-2100 or visit: www.junkyardangel.ca RUBBISH REMOVAL • FULL SERVICE JUNK REMOVAL &Clean-Up at Affordable Rates • Pianos &Hot Tubs No Problem • Booked Appointments • Same-Day Service • Residential &Commercial JUNK 604.220.JUNK (5865) 20 YARD BIN RENTALS from $249/week +dump fees BRADS REMOVAL.com STUCCO D&SSTUCCO 30 yrs exp. Exc serv All types of Finishes, Repairs Ins’d 604-788-1385 Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a9x9 grid, broken into nine 3x3 boxes. To solveaSudoku, the numbers 1through 9must fill each row,column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row,column and box. Youcan figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numericclues already provided in the boxes. SUDOKU PUZZLE ANSWERS ON SEPARATE PAGE ACROSS DOWN 1. Breezed through 5. Time units (abbr.) 8. Pigeon’smurmur 11. Moves aside in fright 13. Partner to “ahh” 14. Taxis 15. Monetary units of Turkey 16. Returned material authorization (abbr.) 17. ProlificItalian opera composer 18. Restaurants 20. One’sgrandmother 21.Ancient Greek City 22. Italian mountain ranges 25. Data 30.Acted in an obedient way 31.Autonomic nervous system 32. Notonthe up-and-up 33. Mock lightly 38. Mimic 41. Built 43.Aneighborhood 45. Inflammation of the kidneys 48. Semitic fertility god 49. Temporary name of Seaborgium 50. Wise people 55. Tear down 56. _-fi (slang) 57. Diamond weight 59. Frosted 60. PredecessortoEU 61. Makes changesto 62. Some are secret 63. Tooth caregiver 64. OldEnglish poet 1. Sign language 2. In style 3. Norwegianriver 4. People with impaired hearing 5. Largestinging paper wasp 6. Bucharest is its capital 7. River in Ireland 8.Type ofTV 9. Double-reed instruments 10. Spanish motorcycle manufacturer 12. Midway between south and southeast 14.Frenchcommune 19.Alike 23.Abachelor’sapartment 24.Foot part between the ball and ankle 25.Belonging to athing 26. Japanese classical theater 27. Supervisesflying 28. Noteven 29. Capital of SaudiArabia 34. Electronic countermeasure 35. Consumed 36.American politician (abbr.) 37. SunupinNewYork 39. Casually looked through 40. Revealedthe presence of 41. Peyton’slittle brother 42. Diana _, singer 44. Study of moral values and rules 45. Civil Rights group 46. Makesless severe 47. Made an emotional appeal 48.Vivacity of style 51. Onewho is highly skilled 52. Gets around in pursuit of pleasure 53. FamedguitaristClapton 54. Most commonJapanese surname 58. Recipeabbreviation Shopyournewlooknow SHOPNOW SIGNATURELOOKS,FORLOCALSBYLOCALS *PrintedinEastVan
A12 VANCOUVER IS AWESOME THURSDAY,AUGUST 11, 2022 VANCOUVERISAWESOME.COM NoticeofNomination forthe 2022 Vancouver General Election TheVancouver Election Office will be accepting nominations forthe following offices: Mayor(1tobeelected) Councillors(10 to be elected) Park Boardcommissioners(7tobeelected) School trustees (9 to be elected) Thenomination period beginsat9 am on Tuesday, August 30 and ends at 4pmonFriday, September 9. Candidate information packages,including nomination papers, and electororganization information packages areavailable online at vancouver.ca/become-a-candidate and the Election Office locatedat305 West 8th Avenue, Vancouver. Whoiseligible fornomination? Candidatesmustbe: •18yearsofage or older on Election Day(October 15, 2022); •A Canadian citizen; •A resident of BC foratleastsix months immediately beforethe daynomination papers arefiled; and •Not be disqualified underthe VancouverCharter or anyother enactment from being nominated for, being electedtoorholding the office,orbeotherwise disqualified by law. Duringthe nomination period(August30toSeptember 9), candidatesmay deliver completednomination documents to theElection Office (305 West 8th Avenue) in one of the following ways: •Inperson (recommended) -call604-829-2010 to make an appointment •Bymail or other delivery service, or •Byemail -election@vancouver.ca with originals to follow. TheChief Election Officermustreceive originals of nomination documents by 4pmonFriday, September 16, 2022. CandidatesNOT delivering nomination documents in person musttakethe documents to alawyer, notary or Commissionerfor Taking Affidavits forBC, so thata solemn declaration maybeadministered.
nomination deposit from each
Third-partyadvertising limits In accordancewith the Local Elections Campaign Financing Actfor the 2022 general localelection,the following third-partyadvertisinglimits apply: Mayorand Councillor: $11,588.38 Park Boardcommissioner:$11,588.38 Schooltrustee: $6,130.72 Formoreinformation on campaign period expense limits and third-partyadvertising limits, please contact ElectionsBC: Call 1-800-661-8683 Email electoral.finance@elections.bc.ca Visit elections.bc.ca
TheElection Office a$100 candidate whichcould be paid in cash, certified cheque or bank draft. Nomination deposits will be returnedafter campaign financingdisclosure statements arefiled with Elections BC following the election. Formoreinformationonthe nomination process, please contact theVancouver Election Office: Call 3-1-1 Email election@vancouver.ca Visit vancouver.ca/become-a-candidate Campaign period expense limits In accordancewith the Local Elections Campaign Financ ing Actfor the 2022 generallocal election, the following expense limits forcandidatesduring the campaign period (September 17 to October 15) apply: Mayor: $231,767.60 Councillor: $120,491.15 Park Boardcommissioner:$120,491.15 School trustee: $122,614.43