NEWS +LIFESTYLE —ANEXTENSIONOFVANCOUVERISAWESOME.COM 234,800165,400 101,400 ISSUE AUGUST 25, 202260,800 31,000 LI ND SA YW IL LI AM -R OS S Insideaniconicchocolate It’saworldofpureimagination A2 factory
CharlesFlavelle,isstillleadingthewaywith change;heengineeredanadaptationfor coolingtablesjustthissummer. Ross'storyofstickingtocandyisn'tunusual onthefactoryfloor.ManyPurdysemployees areimmigrantstoCanada,andlike34-year veteranLinda,whooverseesproductionof BehindthescenesatPurdys'localchocolatefactory CONTINUESONPAGE4 LI ND SA YW IL LI AM -R OS S URBANSENIORS WorkSafeBC and other Provincial WCB Networks, VAC, BCEA andFNHAaccepted.Registeredunder theCollege of Speechand HearingHealthProfessionals of BC We’rehearing aidexperts and we want youtobe an expert too. Experiencethe difference at NexGen Hearing. DOWNTOWN 604.229.6387 KITSILANO 604.800.5267 KERRISDALE 604.373.8284 WESTBROADWAY 604.330.8767 VANCOUVER EAST 604.305.4843
Ofcourse,Purdysgoesbackwellbeyondthe early1980s;that'sjustwhentheVancouver chocolatebusinesshadoutgrownitsfacilities onWest7th(yes,ChoklitParkatthesiteis sonamedbecauseofthelegendarycompany) andtookovertheformerCanadaDryplant inRenfrew-Collingwood.Anotherinterlude regardingnames:No,it'snotatypo;Purdys gotridofthepossessiveapostropheafew yearsback,sotheyhavenotbeen"Purdy's" forsometime Purdysstartedin1907,andhasgrown sincetobeoneofthetopchocolatiersinthe world,offeringnotonlyretaillocationsbut onlineorderingwithglobalshipping.Most anyonewholovessweetsand/orgrewupin VancouverknowswhataHedgehog,Mint Meltie,orSweetGeorgiaBrownis;thoseare justafewofPurdys'signatureproductsthat comeoffthebusyfactorylines. Changesinchocolate-makingover theyears Workingthoselinesareabout200employees, includingmanyofwhomhavebeenwith Purdys for a long time; this August,an employeenamed Ross will hang up his hairnetand labcoatafter 41 years. Ross startedout doing shipping andreceiving before jumpingatthe chance to work in the factory.Herecallssomedayshe'dgettomake deliveriesbytruck,workontheenrobingline (coatingthingswithchocolate),andthenbein thecandykitchen,allinoneshift. RossalsoremembersbeingakidinSouthern Ontarioandpressinghisnoseagainstthe glasstowatchalocalchocolate-makerat work,thinkingthatwouldbethedream gig.Withaheadfullofexactingrecipes andmemoriesofplentyofproductsboth gonefromthecatalogueandstillbeing made,Rosshasseenalotofchangesover theyearsinsidethecompany.Hisfavourite discontinueditems,bytheway,areonemade with"Nougatine"andaSpanishPeanutbar. Otherthingshavechanged,fromprocesses withinthebusinesstoconsumerneeds, whichiswhyPurdyshasadaptedtoconcerns likefoodallergies(nutsinparticular)and introduceditsfirstveganproductsinthelast coupleofyears,withtremendoussuccess Eventhecompany'snearly93-year-oldowner,
otwodaysarequitealikeinsidethe Purdyschocolatefactory,which hasbeenturningoutsweetsatthe cornerofKingswayandEarlessince 1982.That'sbecauseeachday'sproduction schedulevaries,thankstoseasonalproducts, ingredientchanges,andtheintroductionof newtreatstothelineup.Whatyoucanalways countoninthesweetaromaofsugarand chocolateemanatingfromthefactory;that scentintensifiesontheinside-aplacemost folksdon'tgettoeversee.
VANCOUVERISAWESOME.COM THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 2022 VANCOUVERISAWESOME A3 Forapersonalvisittoday, Forjuniorsuitesstartingat$2,60000/mo.•1968East19thAvenue,Vancouver ActiveSupportiveHousingForSeniors: •Dailylunchanddinner •Weeklyhousekeeping •Activitiesandrecreationprograms •On-sitehairsalon •CommunityCentreonblockaway •1bedroomsuiteavailable •Allsuiteshavebalconies SituatednexttoJohnHendryPark&TroutLake New Chelsea Society: proud to be locally owned and operated Canadian non-profitsociety. Suites available $2,60000/ mo. 1bedroom suites Nowavailable ActivitiesandFun arehereatChelseaPark
VANCOUVERISAWESOME.COM RDYSCHOCOLATETOURCONTINUEDFROMPAGE3 Purdys'marqueetreat,theSweetGeorgia Brown,andthewholeveganline,they'llsay it'stheirfirst-andlast-jobinCanada (Forthosewondering,howPurdysmakes theSweetGeorgiaBrownsissotop-secret wecouldn'tphotographtheequipment theyuse.Lessshockingly,Linda'sfavourite Purdysitemis .youguessedit...theSweet GeorgiaBrown.) 'Ihavethebestjobintheworld' saysPurdys'headchocolatier Thoughthereareenduringtreatsandrecipes therethathaveseenlittletonochange Purdysisoneofthelastcompaniesinthe worldtomaketheircreamfillingsamore old-fashionedway-it'stheconsumerswho ofteninspirenewitems. "Ourcustomerstelluswhattheywant,"says Purdys'topchocolatierRachelMcKinley, whohasbeenmakingchocolateforover20 yearsherselfandhasbeenwithPurdysfora longtime McKinleysaysshealsolovestoeatanddrink atgreatrestaurantsandbarsforinspiration fornewcreations,aswellaskeepaneyeon trendsandwhattheworld'stoppastrychefs areupto. "Forme,thereisnoshortageofideas,"attests McKinley "It'slikeputtingtogetherapuzzle,"shesays ofgettinganewPurdysproductfromher imaginationintoproduction-likeatop secrettreatthatwentthroughanagonizing testingphasethatdebutsthisfall McKinleyaddswithasmile:"Ihavethebest jobintheworld." ScantheQRcodefora videotour ByLindsayWilliam-Ross LI ND SA ALLPRICES IN Y, AUGUST 31,2022 UNLESSOTHERWISESTATED. Prices of productsthat featurethe M&MFood Market Rewards Special logo areexclusive to membersofthe M&MFood Market Rewards program. Simply present your membership card, or sign up for afreemembership in storeoronline, to takeadvantage of theseexclusive offers. M&M Food Market Express andother non-traditional storesoffer alimited rangeofproducts;thereforespecial pricingand promotions arenot valid at M&MFood MarketExpress or other non-traditionalstores. We reserve the right to correct any errors. RICHMOND 7020Francis Road 604-204-0707 Gilber tR d. No .3 Rd. Francis Rd. NORTHDELTA #1, 11161-84thAve 604-592-2902 (in RoyalDelta Centre) 112 St.NordelWay 120 St.Community Cent 84th Ave. VANCOUVER 4639 Arbutus St. 604-263-2322 A b S w S W B dW 33rd A e. ValleyDChevron DELIVERY $999 per lb save $8 TRY WITH BBQSeasoning Gourmet ChickenSpice 250g $649 17 BeefTeriyaki save $7up to ChBeefStrogano icken Masala CHOOSE FROM 15 VARIETIES READYIN MINUTES UNDER 20 Pul ed Pork Tacos Chicken Korma JambalayaNew! 1899Breaded Chicken Breasts 8 PIECES 907 g Crispy CHOOSE FROM3VARIETIES. save $4 Chicken and Bacon Lemon and Herb Chicken *Reg s ered T ademark of the Canad an Ce ac Assoc a on Used under cense Marinated Kabobs 105 g 128 g CHOOSE FROM4VARIETIES. 399 each New! Beef Bavette Steak 198 g/7 oz Beef Top Sirloin Steak 170 g/6 oz 1299 each999 eachAGEDMINIMUM21DAYS CUTFROMCANADA Classic Beef Burgers 8 BURGERS x 113 g/4 oz MeatLESS Burgers 6 BURGERS 680 g save $4 save $5 save $2 sale sale VICTORIA DRIVE DENTURE CLINIC 5477 VICTORIA DRIVEAT39TH |MYDENTURES.CA WE ARE COMMITTED TO KEEPYOU SMILING! Cecilia Guglielmetti, RD Denturist Are you adenturewearer who: Hasloosedentures? Cannotenjoy ameal? Hasa sore mouth? Has stopped smiling? All of theabove Need dentures forthe first time? WE CANHELPYOU! CALLFOR AFREE CONSULTATION EUROPEAN QUALITY AT CANADIAN PRICES TELEPHONE: 604-325-1914 NOWACCEPTING NEWPATIENTS |NOREFERRAL NEEDED
TheexpansionpushiscourtesyofAdelAshry ofMcMasterGroupHoldings,whogot hisstartinfranchisingglobalchainsinthe MiddleEastbeforespendingthelastnine yearsintheindustryfromaTorontobase. AshryhasnowmovedtoVancouverand hasthebusiness'sightssetongrowingthe longstandingicecreamshopchainonthis sideofCanada.Thecompanyhasnowsigned itslargestfranchiseagreementin51yearsin theCanadianmarket. Thenewlocationswillbedesignedaccording toBaskin-Robbins’new‘Moments’design, whichincludeseye-catchingdippingcabinets, flexibleandcomfortableseating,and modernizeddigitalmenuboards,according tothecompany.
First,thesmallestelephantintheroom: Thereareminidonuts,andplentyofthem CinCityDonutsandTheLittleDonut Bakeryareonsitewiththeirtinybutmightily adoredlittletreats.
hisyear'sfoodvendorlineupforthe annualFairatthePNEispacked withallthingsfamiliar,fusion,and "whattheheckisthat?"
Baskin-Robbinsrevealsmassive expansionplansforMetroVancouver
WhenitcomestotraditionalPNEFairfood staples,2022isrightontrackwithitsarrayof tornadopotatoes,gianthotdogs,freakishly longfries,cottoncandy,pretzels,corndogs, funnelcakes,burgers,icecream,lemonade, andslushies. Youwillmostcertainlyseelegendaryvendors, likeHunkyBill'sandtheiriconicplatesof Ukrainianfarelikeperogiesandcabbagerolls, aswellasSteve-O'sdeepfriedmaniawhere they'redunkinganythingandeverythingin batterforadeepgoldenfry,likeKit-Katbars Thereareover65vendorsatthe2022Fairat thePNE,andamongthemarenotonlythe usualsuspectsbutalsosomelocalventures rightoffthestreetsofVancouver,likethe NaMiVietnameseandSiriusCravings trucks.Everyyearthevendorstrytooutdo themselvesfrompreviousyearsbycoming
upwithdishesinspiredbyglobalfoodtrends thatwilltemptyourtastebudsandfuelyour Instagramfeed. Hereareafewofthenewandunusualitems thePNEFairvendorshaveonofferthisyear: •CottonCandyNoodles(Saltspring NoodleBar) •KoreanSquidInkCorndogs(LittleCocos Corndogs) •Poketaco(AlohaPoke)PoutinePerogies (InternationalPerogies) •BeefBrisketPhoTaco(TacoTigre) •JapaneseAburiCorn(Roasted Revolution) •PopRocksPopcornChicken(Chicky's Chicken) •ChilicheeseburgColossalOnion(Colossal Onion) Sowhileyoucandigintoricebowls,mac andcheese,friedchicken,orBBQ,takenote ofsomeofthewildestandwackiestdishes thatyouwillfindthisyearattheFairatthe PNE-includingafewthatmadewaves earlierthissummernextdoorinAlbertawhen thevendorshitthemidwayfortheCalgary Stampede TheFairatthePNErunsAug.20 Sept.5, 2022. ByLindsayWilliam-Ross Wackyfoodsyou'llfindatthisyear's PNEFair CO LO SS AL ON ION TCHEN CABINETS DONE IN KITCHEN1TO2DAYS! 1 TO 2 DAYS! CABINET REFINISHING Before After Love your cabinets, but not how they’reworn? Gleam Guardoffers asimple, cost-effective solution. We also refresh cabinets which costs less than refinishing. ALL GLEAMGUARDSTAFF ARE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES SET OUT BY THE BC PROVINCIAL HEALTH OFFICER,SUCH AS ABIDING BY SOCIAL DISTANCING PROTOCALSAND CONSISTENT AND EFFECTIVE HYGIENE PRACTICES.WEARE COMMITTED TO TAKINGTHE NECESSARY PRECAUTIONS TO KEEPYOU AND YOURFAMILYSAFE. Text cabinet pictures to 1-604-218-7470 or call. 70%Less Than Replacing or Refacing! Wespecializein ProtectingYour Investment! UPTO TRACEY BOOTH -FOUNDER GOT GREASE? GOT PEELING? GLOOKS REAT! CELEBRATING30YEARS REFINISHINGCABINETS! FREE DEMOS FREE ESTIMATES NO TOXIC CHEMICALS NO DUST! Aarm Dental Group We’re in your neighborhood to make you smile… EMERGENCY &NEW PATIENTS WELCOME WE DO NOT CHARGEABOVE BCDA FEE GUIDE WE ACCEPT MOST MAJOR DENTAL INSURANCE PLANS NEW PATIENTS & EMERGENCIES ALWAYS WELCOME OPEN6DAYS AWEEK •MONDAYTOSATURDAY $99.00 Zoom Whitening Aarm Dental Group on Beatty Your safety is our #1 priority We have you covered! 529 Beatty Street, Van, B.C. (between Dunsmuir &Pender St.) 604-699-1901 General Dentist Orthodontists Dr Sahar Abtahi Dr DBenjaminPliska r Ef EfatFarrrrokhshad Zoom In-Office Whitening for $99.00 Brighten your smile! up to 10 Shades Whiter! Initial Orthodontic Consultation Complimentary
Thoughithasthousandsoficecreamshops scoopingflavoursatacombinedover8,000 locationsinnearly50countries,BaskinRobbinshasarelativelysmallfootprintto dateinCanada."Withanetworkofnearly 80franchisees,Baskin-Robbinscurrently operates107shopsacrossOntario,British Columbia,Quebec,andManitoba,"explains anewsrelease. However,plansareunderwaytogrow Baskin-Robbins,andits2022rebranded logoandlook,inMetroVancouver,witha whopping25shopsintheworks.Thefirst twonewBaskin-RobbinsCanadashops,both inmalls,openedalreadyinMetroVancouver: OneinJulyinMetropolisatMetrotown inBurnabyandanotherinearlyAugustat GuildfordTownCentreinSurrey.
t'soneofthemostwell knownnames inicecreamintheU.S.,andnowthe multi-nationalchainBaskin-Robbins hasrevealedplansforamajorexpansion inwesternCanada,particularlyinMetro VancouverandCalgary.
“WithasweetlegacyinCanada,Baskin Robbinsremainsfocusedongrowthacross thecountry,”saysCraigWalker,Senior DirectorofInternationalBusiness,for Baskin-RobbinsinCanada,inamedia release.
Comfortable, connected and convenient just afew of the many reasons why Mulberry
3.Thecitywasoriginally called“Hillsborough”but sometimeinthe1800speople gottiredofwritingthe“ugh” anditmorphedintothe “Hillsboro”weknowtoday Therewasneveranyofficial namechange,peoplejust startedsaying:“Whatare wedoingwithalltheseextra letters?”andjuststopped usingthem.Kindoflovethat, admittedly Player(s)towatch TheHillsbororosterhouses twooftheDiamondbacks' top10prospects:Shortstop JordanLawlar(rankedthird onMLBPipeline)andThird BasemanDeyvisonDeLos Santos(rankedsixth on MLBpipeline).Bothwith qualityballplayernamesto boot. Thepenultimatehomestand isuponus.I’llseeyouatThe Nataswesoakupeverybit ofbaseballwehaveleft
PARC has been voted Best Retirement Residence in Burnaby for nine years straight. Here, resort-style amenities like chef-prepared meals, fitness classes, afireside lounge and sun-splashed courtyardare complemented by shops, services, acommunity centreand popular Deer Lake Park just ashortwalk or drive away Graced with oversized windows, striking city views and modernsenior-friendly features, MulberryPARC’sspacious one- and two-bedroom suites areavailable for rent starting at $4,050/month. City living made easy.
VancouverCanadiansbaseball:It'shoppening! TheHillsboroHopsheadtotown andtheHops Inanefforttobetter understandourenemies,here arethreefactsaboutthecity ofHillsboroanditsbaseball squad. 1.BecauseHillsboro(which isinOregon)isinthe PortlandMetropolitanArea, theCanadianslikelyhave topassthroughVancouver, Washingtontogetthere whenplayingroadgames WhichIalwaysfindtobea kindofsurrealexperience. There’sawholeotherbizarro Vancouverdownthere.
2.Therearealotoftech companies,apparently.So manythatHillsboroispart ofanindustrialcorridor thatreferstoitselfasThe SiliconForest.AlaSilicon Valley.What’snext?Silicon Mountain!?
Myfriends(and alsomyenemies, Iguess),wehave reachedapointin thesummerallbaseballfans dread.Thestrangedoldrums oflateAugustwhenyou haven’tquitecometoterms thatfallislooming Imean,it’sstillhotout, summeractivitiesabound, andthere’sstillbaseballto beplayed.Butthebaseball droughtoffallandwinter istappingyougentlyonthe shoulder.Sweaterweatheris coming Look,I’mnottryingto bumanyoneout,especially myself.Butit’simportantto rememberweonlyhavetwo homestandsleftthisseason. Soifyouhaven’tyetmade yoursummerpilgrimageto NatBaileyStadiumin2022, getyetotheballpark! Andifyouhappentohitup TheNatAugust23through 28thenhere’sahandy-dandy seriespreviewforyou.You areverywelcome. Visitingteam TheHillsboroHops.The teamthatgraciouslyhosted ourballclubforthe2021 seasonforpandemic-related reasons.Whichwasavery nicethingtodo.Toobadwe havetobeatthemsobadly MajorLeagueteam TheHopsareaminor leagueaffiliateforthe ArizonaDiamondbacks Diamondbacksareatype ofRattlesnakes.Atleast thewesternversionsare. TherearealsoEastern Diamondbacksthatarepit vipers?Anyways,let’sjustsay it’saconfusingnicknamefor abadteam. Whathappenedlast time ThelasttimeTheHops cametotown,weswept‘em! That’sright,TheC’swon allsixgames.Let’shopefor alateAugustrepeatofthat action,pleaseandthankyou 3factsaboutHillsboro
ByRyanBeil Makethe move this summer and call604.526.2248 today!
IPAshavearefreshingbitterness, stoutsarewarmandroasty,soursare (shockingly)sour,andallofthatsortofmakes sense.They'reallflavourneighbours Withhefeweizens,whendonetotheirfull potential,yougetasweetbananaflavour, sometimeswithabitofvanilla.
NorthPointBrewing'sBananaPancakesis aclear(well,sortofhazy)exampleofthis.It cranksupthebanananotestotheextreme withoutadropofthefruitinit Thatflavourisactuallyproducedbytheyeast; hefeweizensallusespecificstrainsasbrewers turntochemistrytocreatetheclassicflavour. InNorthPoint'scase,PaulKovamees, whotheypickedupfromParallel49before opening,reallylaysonethegaswhengoingfor thebananainthisseasonalbrew. Infact,itmightbetheirbeerwiththe strongestfruitflavour,despitenothavingany fruitinit. FortheNorthPointcrew,wholaunched theirfirstlocationinDecember2019,it's aninterestingdirectionanddefinitelyadds anotherdimensiontotheirmenuthatfewgo forinaregionwherepalealesandIPAsarethe basicfoodgroups. Co-owner/co-founderLiamJeffriessays thegroupoffriendsstartedoffdiscussinga breweryideawhileinacabinonthecoast. Unsurprisingly,hazyIPAsweretheirfirstlove.
VANCOUVERISAWESOME.COM THURSDAY,AUGUST 25, 2022 VANCOUVER IS AWESOME A7 Hefeweizenshaveauniqueflavour profilewhenitcomestobeers.
Andtheydoone,andit'sgreat.TheLifeof Rileyisastraightforward,hop-heavyhazy IPA.LongtimecraftbeerfansinB.C.willbe veryfamiliarwithit,evenifthey'veneverhad itbefore. However,despitebeingnewtothescene, theydecidedonveeringinawildlydifferent directionshortlyafterleavingthegate,Jeffries says,astheyjumpedintothefruitedbeerpool. ThesourTropicLikeit'sHothasabroad fruityflavourasthepeach,pineappleand mangoareevenlymeasured.TheStrawberry Blondeisabitmoresubtlewithitsfruity BrendanKergin
nature. Totryouttheirbeersinperson,theyhavea coupleoflocations.Themainhubisoverin NorthVancouver'sShipyardsDistrictwhile they'realsoinanoutposttastingroomofsorts inPortMoody. They'vealsojustlaunchedanewcafe downtown! By
Thismightbethefruitiestbeerin Vancouverwithoutanyfruitinit BR EN DA NK ER GIN MEA TS PR ODUCE GR OCER Y KILLARNEY LOCA TION ONL Y( E4 9 TH AV E) OPEN 8:30AM–10:00PMEVERYDAY While quantities last. We reserve the right to correct pricing errors. 2611 E49th Ave, Vancouver • 604-438-0869 4801Victoria Dr,Vancouver •604-876-2128 FRESH BLUEBERRY B.C. TOMATO ON THE VINE B.C. DONA ELSITA CORN TORTILLA 90CT AROY-D COCONUT MILK 400ML W.F. BATH TISSUE DOUBLE ROLL 12’S HERMES EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL 1L Prices valid from Thursday, August 25, to Wednesday, August31. LOTTE MILKIS YOGURT DRINK 1.5L INSTORE BAKED MINI STRUDELS 6PACK OLD FASHINED HAM GENERALMILLSCHEERIOS CEREAL 342-430GR ATAULFO MANGO MEXICO FRESH BEEF RIBEYE $8.88/LB $1.98/LB $1.28/LB $2.98/LB $5.98/EA$3.98/EA3/$3.00 $1.88/100G$2.48/EA FROZEN PORK BELLY $3.88/LB SHAOMEIBROWNSUGAR BOBADESSERT4’S $5.88/EA$6.98/EA DAN DPAK CASHEW SEA SALT 113G $1.98/EA ACTIVIA YOGURT 650G $3.98/EA $4.98/EA FRESH CHICKEN THIGH $2.88/LB FRESH NPURE PINEAPPLE JUICE 1L $1.88/EA $4.48/PK DAYS ONLY FRI,SAT&SUN 3 call David at 604.649.2305 Select Realty Licensed at: 4806 Main Street, Vancouver,BCV5V 3R8 #9-3301West16th Avenue, Kitsilano $1,488,000 -2 bed/2 bath bungalow style townhome -1,200 sq.ft. -Completely renovated -3 PRIVATEoutdoor spaces -2 underground parking -Close to shopping,transportation and great restaurants CALL DAVID TO VIEW
whichincludesaskingpeople tomovealongiftheyhadset upnearthegarden. Whenaskingamanlater identifiedas44-year-old KevinAaronHibbardto move,"Haroldwasallegedly punchedanumberoftimes inthefaceresultingin multipleinjuries:broken nose,lacerationsabove theeyeandpossiblenerve damage,"saysthegarden societyonline WhileJohnson,64,was expectingtoretirenextyear, thesocietysaysthoseplans havebeenmovedupdueto theinjurieshesuffered. Inordertohelpwithhis recoveryandunplanned retirement,thesocietyhas launchedafundraiser. "TheDr.SunYat-Sen GardenSocietyofVancouver willbecollectingfundsfor HaroldJohnsontoshowour gratitudeandappreciation forhis20yearsofdedication andcommitmenttothe Chinatowncommunity," theywriteonaGoFundMe page Sofarthecommunity responsehasbeensignificant. Theyhaveraisedmorethan $15,000,andthatnumberis climbing. Alongwiththedonations, peoplehavebeenleaving messagesforJohnsononthe fundraiserpage. "Sosadtohearthenews, wishyouallthebest!" MichelleKwokwrites. "ThoughIhaven’tmetyou personallyIhaveseenyou aroundtheneighbourhood andIappreciatetheeffort anddedicationtoyourjob thatyouhaveexhibited," writesJohnKostiuk."Ihope youmakeafullrecovery Thankyouforcontributing tothecommunity." ScantheQRcodehere toviewthe fundraiser page.
DRSUNYAT-SENGARDEN Didyouknow thatthereare34 buildingsinand neartheOlympic Villagethatareheatedusing humanpoop? It'strue Theheatingcomesfrom whatiscalledtheFalse CreekNeighbourhood EnergyUtility(NEU), whichislocatedjustEast oftheCambieStbridge Thelocalshavedubbedit the"PoopFingers"because thesculptureatthefacility ismeanttolooklikeahand, 34Vancouverbuildings heatedusinghumanpoop CONTINUESONPAGE9 FR AN CL AR CH ITE CT UR E/ KR IS TO PH ER GR UN ER T
ForHaroldJohnson abrutalassaultwill likelymeanearly retirement. Johnson,asecurityguard who'sworkedinChinatown since2002accordingtothe Dr.SunYat-SenGarden Society,hasbeenapopular andbelovedcommunity memberduringhistimein thearea. However,onFriday,Aug.12, hewasonhismorningpatrol, Thousandsraisedforpopularsecurity guardattackedinChinatown
ByBrendan Kergin
VANCOUVERISAWESOME.COM THURSDAY, AUGUST25, 2022 VANCOUVER IS AWESOME A9 AwesomeInstagram PhotooftheWeek Thislongexposure wastakenand sharedbya photographernamed DonDevrieswhogoesby thehandle@devdon. Forachancetohaveyour photofeaturedhereand onourInstagramaccount, tagyourInstagram photoswiththehashtag #vancouverisawesome Tokeepupwitheverything happeninginyourcity(and formoregreatphotographs!) followusat@viawesome. andsewagerunsbelowit. Theprocessiscalledwaste heatrecovery,andtheNEU takesheatfromthesewage thatrunsbeneathitand pumpsitintothenearby buildings.Ofcourseit's notonlypoopbutalsohot waterfromshowers,orfrom kitchens-suchaswhen peoplestraintheirmacaroni downthesink. Intheoryit'smeantto reducetheuseoffossilfuels forheating,butwhenthere's notenoughwastenearbythe heatissupplementedwith anaturalgassystemwhich actsasasortofbackup. Whenthere'salotofenergy beingusedbythehomes connectedtothesystem thelightsonthetopofthe "PoopFingers"sculpture gored.Whenthere'snot asmuchbeingusedthey goblue.You'llseethisas you'regoingNorthacross theCambieStbridgeinto downtown Andnowyouknow. Followour@bcisawesome TikTokaccountformore storieslikethis ByBobKronbauer HEATEDBYPOOPCONTINUEDFROMPAGE8 OPEN 7DAYSAWEEK 8 am - 8 pm* 1595 Kingsway •604-872-3019 • Please check our website and social media regularly for announcements or changes to our hours of operation. Friendly reminder to keep aminimum 2-meter distance away from other customers and staff. Your Original Natural FoodStore ORGANIC ORGANIC $1768 /lb 38.99 kg RibEye Steaks ORGANIC Beef Stew/lb 13.21 kg $599Ground ChuckBeef AQUA STAR Shrimp Tempura $1399 500 grams ORGANIC Striploin Steaks $1679 /lb 36.99kg NON-MEDICATED Pork Belly $599 /lb 13.21kg NON-MEDICATED Chicken Legs BackAttached $349 /lb 7.69 kg Back toSchool Sale SAN REMO Organic CannedTomatoes ECOVER Dishwasher Powder $799 $349 1.36 kg plus tax BRAGG OrganicRaw Apple CiderVinegar $799 946 ml 796 ml 25% OFF! Thursday August 25 -Wednesday August 31 SukuVitamins Sugar-Free Gummies *Whilequantitieslast SalesDates:Thursday, August25 Wednesday, August31, 2022 *Allproductsintheflyerareonsalewhilequantitieslast FROM THE DELI German Salami BC GROWN Tomatoes on theVine PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA Organic ValenciaOranges $299 100 grams $159 /lb 3.51 kg $199 /lb 4.39 kg PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA Organic Grapes Seedless GreenorRed GRASS FED T-Bone Steaks PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA Organic Baby BokChoy PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA Organic Celery $149 /lb 3.29 kg $1360 /lb 29.99 kg $199 /lb 4.39 kg $359 /lb 7.91 kg BOB'S RED MILL Super-Fine NaturalAlmond Flour $899 453 grams EVERLAND OrganicSalsas Assorted $549 $699 /lb 15.41 kg /500ml † cDropbyatyour onvenienceorscanthe QRcodetobooknow!
A10 VANCOUVERISAWESOME THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 2022 VANCOUVERISAWESOME.COM To advertisecall 604.653.7851 RENTALS EMPLOYMENT LEGAL SUITE FOR RENT GENERAL EMPLOYMENT STORAGE FOR RENT LEGAL/PUBLIC NOTICES HOMESERVICES U-Haul Moving Center Vancouver ClaimsaLandlords Contractual Lien against the following persons goods in storage at persons goods in storage at 1070 SE Marine Dr., Vancouver,BC Tel:604 325-6526. Auction is subject to cancellation at anytime without notice. 1370 Aaron Michaud 417 MillwoodRd. Toronto, ON M4S1K3 288 Rahman Jawed 797 69 Avenue, Vancouver,BC 1184 Errol Bautista 4257 Beatrice Street, Vancouver,BC 3383 Timothy Roux, 3675 w7th Ave502, Vancouver,BC 340 Joane Safstrom 1503 4758 Grange Street, Burnaby,BC 3211 Penelope Germaine Kerrigan 9-3090 Kingsway,Vancouver,BC 797 Terrance O’Malley 206-102 Stewart Creek Rise Canmore, AB 2816 Angelica Glenn 5230 41 St CAMROSE, AB 2816 Ellie Vidao 01-2030 Henry St, Port Moody,BC 3440 DarnelMetsui 1489 Marine Drive West Vancouver, BC 2268 Daniel Wilson 12 Hollyhock Street,Markham, ON 3086 Jean Beaman 5024 Prince Albert, Vancouver,BC 3466 Donald Louis Charles 4961 Smith Avenue, Burnaby,BC Asale will take place online at starting at 10:00AM on Friday,September 02, 2022 until 10:00AM Monday,September 05, 2022. Winners will be contacted by email at the end of auction. Room contents are personal/household goods unless noted otherwise. Bids will be for the entire contents of each locker unit. Cleaning Business is looking for RELIABLE HOUSE CLEANERS. 604.987.9970 ROCKY MOUNTAIN EQUIPMENT is NOW HIRING: AG Equipment Techs, Heavy Equipment Techs -Journeyman &Apprentices, Parts Techs. View Open Roles & Apply: Relocation and Signing Bonus Offered. MARKETPLACE WANTED NUMISMATIST PURCHASING COIN COLLECTIONS &ACCUMULATIONS! Royal Canadian Mint, Canada &World CollectionsWanted. Also buying 9999 bullion, old money,jewelry,nuggets, sterling, gold, silver,coins, bars, monster boxes +++ ESTATES WELCOMED! Todd 250 864 3521. Old Books Wanted. also: Photos Postcards, Letters, Paintings. no text books or encyclopedias. Ipay cash. 604-737-0530 BUSINESS SERVICES PERSONALS *SWEDISHMASSAGE* 604-739-3998 W. 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Lic’d &WCB Summer Clean-up Specials •Lawn Maintenance •Power Rake • New Sod &Seeding • Tree Topping &Trimming •Power Wash •Gutters •Patio’s• Decks •Fences •Concrete •Retaining Walls •Driveways&Sidewalks &Much MORE All work guaranteed Free Estimates 604-240-2881 MODERATE LANDSCAPING • LAWN Gravel, Bedrock • HEDGE Trimming • PAINT Exterior • STUCCO Repair,Chimney • DECKS Fencing, Patios • RETAINING Walls • Pavers • CONCRETE Driveways • ROOFING Repairs 27 Yrs Exp. 778-968-7843 MARKETPLACE Call or email to place your ad, Monday through Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm 604-653-7851 •604-362-0586 • Book your ad online anytime at Your Community 1BR/1BA $3,300 Chesterman Beach Fully furnished, all incl. 250 725 3363 Storage Locker (Fairview) $210 8’ wx8 ’h x6 .25’ dr oll up door, 400 cubic ft.Su per secure, monitored security gate, 24hr ac cess, drive up. Near Cambie &16th, Van. 604 738 4100. 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NO PAYMENT until Job is completed. We do all sorts of wood flooring and all types of mouldings. Fully Insured 20 yrs. exp. •Free Est. INTERIOR &EXTERIOR SPECIALS 10% OFF Call 6047291234 FAIRWAY PAINTING MOVING LAWN &GARDEN GUTTERS TODAY'S PUZZLE ANSWERS Find all the help you need in the HomeServices section Any Anyproject, project, BIG BIG or orsmallsmall...
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