NEWS + LIFESTYLE AN EXTENSION OF VANCOUVERISAWESOME.COM 235,200 166,200 101,600 ISSUESEPTEMBER 22, 202272,300 31,000 Thankyou,C’s! AgreatseasonofCanadians baseballwrapsup A4 B O B K R O N B A U E R
A2 VANCOUVER IS AWESOME THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2022 VANCOUVERISAWESOME COM Aarm Dental Group We’re in your neighborhood to make you smile… EMERGENCY & NEW PATIENTS WELCOME WE DO NOT CHARGE ABOVE BCDA FEE GUIDE WE ACCEPT MOST MAJOR DENTAL INSURANCE PLANS NEW PATIENTS & EMERGENCIES ALWAYS WELCOME OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK • MONDAY TO SATURDAY $99.00 Zoom Whitening Aarm Dental Group on Beatty Your safety is our #1 priority We have you covered! 529 Beatty Street, Van, B.C (between Dunsmuir & Pender St ) 604-699-1901 General Dentist Orthodontists Dr Sahar Abtahi Dr BenjaminPliskaDr Ef EfatFarrrrokhshad Zoom In-Office Whitening for $99.00 Brighten your smi e! up to 10 Shades Whiter! Initial Orthodontic Consultation Complimentary a KITCHEN CABINETS DONE IN 1 TO 2 CABINETSDAYS! DAYS! CABINET REFINISHING Before After Love your cabinets, but not how they’re worn? Gleam Guard offers a simple, cost-effective solution. We also refresh cabinets which costs less than refinishing. ALL GLEAM GUARD STAFF ARE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES SET OUT BY THE BC PROVINCIAL HEALTH OFFICER, SUCH AS ABIDING BY SOCIAL DISTANCING PROTOCALS AND CONSISTENT AND EFFECTIVE HYGIENE PRACTICES WE ARE COMMITTED TO TAKING THE NECESSARY PRECAUTIONS TO KEEP YOU AND YOUR FAMILY SAFE. Text cabinet pictures to 1-604-218-7470 or call. www.gleamguardcabinetrefinishing ca 70% Less Than Replacing or Refacing! Wespecializein ProtectingYour Investment! UPTO TRACEY BOOTH FOUNDER GOT GREASE? GOT PEELING? GLOOKS REAT! CELEBRATING30YEARS REFINISHINGCABINETS! FREE DEMOS FREE ESTIMATES NO TOXIC CHEMICALS NO DUST! North Vancouver 138 13th Street East, Suite 220 Tel.: 604-669-2273 Vancouver Nelson 808 Nelson Street, Suite 300 Tel.: 604-707-2273 Vancouver Hastings 900 West Hastings Street, Suite 800 Tel.: 604-681-2400 Get your personalized, holistic health check today.
VANCOUVERISAWESOME COM THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2022 VANCOUVER IS AWESOME A3 20%off Assorted Sizes Lundberg Organic Rice 899 907g 4999 827g 876g Supplements Vega One All In One Nutritional Shakes Amy’s Organic Canned Soup Choices’ Own Thanksgiving Dinner from GMexico rass Fed, Value Pack Organic Large Hass Avocados Organic Gala Apples 100% BC OWNED AND OPERATED WEEKLY CHOICES Prices Effective September 22 28, 2022 Choices’ Own Ready to Eat Wraps Beef Striploin Steaks 35.25/kg Whole Chicken Legs Raised Without Antibiotics 399/lb 8.80/kg Value Pack LOCAL BC from HOT PRICE 599 200g Choices’ Own Festive Garlic and Cheddar Bread 119 Dinner for 4 LOCAL Ca to f 1599 /lb 598 1 36kg bag 999 each 3/ 699 2/700 398mlAlProducts on SALE Order in store until Thursday, October 6th . FOR A LIMITED TIME, ENJOY FREE PICKUP FROM YOUR LOCAL CHOICES While quantities last Not all items available at all stores We reserve the right to correct printing errors Product may not appear exactly as depicted Buy One Get One Deals Not Available Online Kitsilano 604 736 0009 | Cambie 604-875 0099 | Kerrisdale 604 263 4600 | Yaletown 604-633-2392 Commercial Drive 604 678 9665 | Burnaby Crest 604 522 0936 | Abbotsford 604-744-3567 Kelowna 250 862 4864 | North Vancouver 604 770 2868 | South Surrey 604 541-3902 Scan To View All Our Specials This Week
TheRomanpoetSextusissaidtohave comeupwiththemuch usedproverb “absencemakestheheartgrow fonder”Iknowwe’reallprobably familiarwiththataxiomandyoulikelydont carewhocoinedit Butitsmylastarticlefor theyearandIwasexcitedtogetthename Sextus intothepapers.
Okay,Imoffbasealready,soletsgetbackin theboxanddealwiththesubjectathand:the 2022VancouverCanadians’Baseballseason Somethingthatissadlyatitsconclusionafter spanningsixmonths,twoseasons(spring andsummer)and132games
But,asGeoffreyChaucerispurportedtohave said,“Allgoodthingsmustcometoanend ” Okay,okay,okay!IpromiseI’mdonewiththe highschoolEnglish classreferences Orwait! I’mnot!IforgottotieinwhyIopenedwith theSextusquote Andforthosekeepingscore athome,that’sthesecondtimeI’vegotSextus intothepapers Andtherewasthethird
The2020MinorLeaguebaseballseasonwas cancelled Andin2021,theC’scouldntplay athome But2022broughtthembacktous, aswellasourfirstlookatthemasateamata higherlevelontheminorleagueladder.
ItwassomethingtorejoiceandIforone realizedhowmuchIhadtrulymissedhaving livebaseballinmylife Weareluckytohave themhereinVancouver,andthatprolonged absenceabsolutelydidmakemyheartgrow morepassionate Orwhateveritisthat Sextussaid(that'sthefourth)
andafewofthethingsImthinkingaboutat itssunset
Firstly,acorrection Ithascometomy attentionthatV.I.A.'swell meaningEditor in Chief,BobKronbauer,calledforthe word“bandbox”tobechangedto“sandbox” inacoupleofarticleswhereIdescribeNat BaileyStadium Hewasunfamiliarwiththe practiceofcallingsmallbaseballstadiums “bandboxes”andthoughtImeant“sandbox”I didnot.TheNatisabandboxandabeautiful
oneatthat Loveya,Bobby!Andthanksfor watchingsomuchbaseballwithmethisyear! [AnotefromBob:"RyanandIdid,indeed, watchmanyCsgamestogetherthisyear andeverymomentofourtimespentatThe Natwasfilledwithpurejoy Whilehehas maintainedhisvery wrongpositionthat ChefWasabiisnotworthbeingvigorously cheeredfor,Iamstillconsideringrenewing hisbaseballwritingcontractfornextyears season"]
Second,itwassoamazingtoseeSpring BaseballatNatBaileyagain Ittook mebacktomyyouthwhentheteam wasatahigherlevel Therainoutswere anissue,certainly,butwegotthrough itanditmademerealizewecanplay ballherebasicallyyearround MLB expansioneerstakenote
Thirdly,Ilovethepitchclock Iwas readytohateit,butIquicklyfellinlove withit.Ittooknothingawayfromthe romanticismofthegameanddelivered anon fieldproductthathasahealthy paceandexcitingamountofdrama Im thrilledtoseehowitwillshepherdthe MajorLeagueSeasonnextyear Andfinally Someschmaltz Itwas justsonicetoreconnectwithbaseball fansofeverystripe,liveandinperson attheNat Baseballispuremagicand inthewordsofCanadianBaseball LegendJoeyVotto:“Youcansitand putteraroundonyourphone Youcan haveabeerandahotdog Youcanstay lockedinonthegameandscoreit You canstandintheconcourseandbanter withfriendsandfamilyandcatchup Come late,leaveearly,andyoucanstillhaveagreat time”
Wellsaid,Joey However,theCincinnati Redsstillsuck
Haveagreatoff seasoneveryone Thanksfor reading Andasalways,seeyouattheNat (nextyear)
RyanBeil:That'sawraponthe2022seasonatNatBaileyStadium WorkSafe BC and other Provincial WCB Networks, VAC, MSDPR, and FNHA/NIHB accepted. Registered under the College of Speech and Hearing Health Professionals of BC Over 60% of people indicated in a COVID-19 survey* that having captioning available would improve communication. | 604-736 7391 We can help you to make your communication more accessible for all your audiences! INTERPRETING CAPTIONING ASL TRANSLATION AUDIO DESCRIPTION PLAIN LANGUAGE *Report: Impacts of COVID-19 on Communication Accessibility for Adults with Hearing Loss
TheVancouver Canucksaregetting anewrecruit.
Thoughthelatest additiontotheteamwon't bejoiningplayersontheice, theCanucksPupwillstillbe acutepartoftheteam Thehockeyteamhas partneredupwithBC GuideDogstosponsora litterofcutepupsandraise aservicedogthisseason "Aftertrainingiscompleted, thisCanuckspupwillwork withavisuallyimpaired client,achildwithautism,or aveteran/FirstResponder livingwithOSI PTSD," explainstheNHLteam's website
CanucksPupisn'tthe officialnameforthepupand theCanucksareseeking helpfromVancouverites andCanucksfanstofindthe perfectname.
V.I.A.'shockeywriter, DanielWagner,asked VancouveritesonTwitterfor"someterribleCanucks
dogpunsthatdefinitelyshouldNOTbethepup’sname" C A N U C K S PUBLISHERANDEDITOR IN CHIEF BobKronbauer bobk@vancouverisawesomecom|604 439 2688 DIRECTOROFSALES MichelleBhatti|michelle@vancouverisawesomecom MANAGINGEDITOR LindsayWilliam Ross lindsay@vancouverisawesomecom REPORTERS AllieTurner|BrendanKergin|DanielWagner ElanaShepert|GraemeWood|JeremyHainsworth MariaDiment|MariaTallarico|MikeHowell EDITORIALCARTOONIST GeoffCoates DESIGN+PRODUCTION JodeenHodgson SALESREPS AdamSkaloud|AlisonClay|BryceWickstrom DanielaBecerril|DavidChiew|EliLaycock JustinChen|MaureenLaventure SALES+MARKETINGCOORDINATOR KarenNgan FORADVERTISINGENQUIRIESPLEASEEMAIL advertising@vancouverisawesomecom FORGENERALEDITORIALENQUIRIESPLEASEEMAIL hello@vancouverisawesomecom FORDISTRIBUTIONINQUIRIESEMAIL viadelivery@vannet|delivery@vancouriercom orcall604 398 2901 SENDLETTERSTOTHEEDITORTO bobk@vancouverisawesomecomor 303W5thAve,VancouverBC,V5Y1J6 WhatshouldtheCanucksPupbenamed? Hereareafewsuggestionspeoplecameupwith: RobertoLuondog PavelFurry BarkusNaslund RoryFetchpatrick JanDroolis PetQuinn PawsReinbark PawvelBure BarkMcLean ArtemChewbarov ByMariaDiment
A6 VANCOUVER IS AWESOME THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2022 VANCOUVERISAWESOME COM Abelovedfestivalreturnsto Vancouver'sDowntownEastside thisyearfeaturingavastarray ofperformances,workshops, galleries,andmuchmore The19thAnnualHeartoftheCityFestival willkickoffonWednesday,Oct 26andrun for12daysuntilSunday,Nov6 Therewill beamixofliveandonlineeventsincluding music,stories,poetry,theatre,ceremony, films,dance,readings,forums,workshops, discussions,galleryexhibits,arttalks, historytalksandhistorywalks Someofthe eventswillbeheldindoors,whileotherswill takeplaceoutside Thisyear'sthemeis"CommunityIs OurMentor"andtheeventswillfocus onlearningfrom"thelivedwisdomand culturalpractices"ofDTEScommunity organizations,artists,andculturalcircles byusingthe"transformativepowerofstory, song,music,film,theatre,dance,visualarts andceremonytoilluminatepathwaysof resistanceandresilience" Thereareover100eventsscheduled throughoutthefestivalandtheorganizers havehighlightedsomeoftheirtoppicks whichyoucanfind byscanningtheQR codehere ByElanaShepert HeartoftheCityfestivaltoreturn S U P P L I E D 2560 West Broadway Tel 604 733 1534 HuntersGardenCentre com Hours: 9 am to 5:30 pm Seven Days a Week Holidays: 9 am to 5 pm 2022 WINNER! We Have Over 100 Bulbs To Choose From! Fall Is Here At Hunters! Pansies 6 pack Calluna Heather 1 gallon Evergro Fall Lawn Fertilizer 10 kg $12.99 each $39.99 each $5.99 per pack † cDropbyatyour onvenienceorscanthe QRcodetobooknow! WRINKLE AND FROWN LINE CREAM: • For women & men of all ages and skintypes • Reduces the look of wrinkle depth up to 68% • 5 creams in one: A wrinkle cream, day cream, night cream, moisturizer, & make up base $3999 SAVE$10 Manager’s Special: 9 Now only Reduce the appearance of wrinkles up to 68% Available in London Drugs stores or order online at Search for ‘WrinkleandFrownLineCream’
GirlGuidesinB C willresume sellingtheirchocolatelymint flavouredcookiethisfallafteratwo yearpandemichiatus.
Distributionstartedacrosstheprovinceon Saturday,Sept 10togetthecookieboxesin thehandsofGuidesfortheirannualfallsale Thechocolatemintcookieshavebecomea stapleautumnfundraisingtreatbuthavenot beenavailableinB C sincethefallof2020 In2021,onlytheclassicchocolateandvanilla sandwichGirlGuidecookieswereproduced.
thestandardcookieschedulefrompriortothe pandemic,withchocolateymintcookiessold inFallandclassicchocolate/vanillasandwich cookiesavailableinSpring,andgirlsare excitedtoreachtheircookiefundraisinggoals tomakebigadventurespossible,"notesa mediareleasefromtheGirlGuides
Ifyou'rehungryforaboxormoreofthe chocolateymintcookies,theGirlGuideshave a"CookieFinder"toolontheirwebsitewhich youcanviewbyscanning theQRcode here
ByLindsayWilliam Ross
ChocolatemintGirlGuide cookiesreturntoB.C.after pandemicbreak G R L G U I D E S MEA TS PR ODU CE GR OCER Y KI LLAR N EY LO C A T I O N O NL Y (E 49 T H A VE) OPEN 8:30AM–10:00PM EVERYDAY While quantities last We reserve the right to correct pricing errors 2611 E 49th Ave, Vancouver • 604 438 0869 4801 Victoria Dr, Vancouver • 604 876 2128 Prices valid from Thursday, September 22 to Wednesday, September 28 FRESH BEEF OUTSIDE ROUND ROAST AA $5.98/LB FROZEN UTILITY DUCK RWA $3.88/LB KEITT MANGO MEXICO SPINACH RBUNCH OYAL GALA APPLES B C $0.88/LB $1.28/EA 2/$4.00 ORION TURTLE CORN CHOCO CHURROS 160G CAMPBELLS CREAM OF MUSHROOM 284ML $1.18/EA$2.98/EA FURLANI GARLIC TOAST 638G $3.98/EA GRANDE HARVEST JASMINE RICE 15LB D.D.P COCONUT CREAM 400ML $13.98/EA $2.28/EA O’STASTY FROZEN DUMPLING 567G $5.98/EA TROPICANAORANGEJUICE WITHPULP/NOPULP 263L KRAFT DINNER ORIGINAL 225G $1.28/EA $6.98/EA KRAFT PEANUT BUTTER SMOOTH 1KG $5.98/EA KUHNE BARREL DILL PICKLES 1L CINNAMON BUNS W/ DANISH CREAM 4’S HONEY HAM $1.88/100G $5.48/EA $4.28/PK FRESH BONE IN PORK LOIN CHOP $3.58/LB VICTORIA DRIVE DENTURE CLINIC 5477 VICTORIA DRIVE AT 39TH | MYDENTURES.CA WE ARE COMMITTED TO KEEP YOU SMILING! Cecilia Guglielmetti, RD Denturist Are you a denture wearer who: Has loose dentures? Cannot enjoy a meal? Has a sore mouth? Has stopped smiling? All of the above Need dentures for the first time? WE CAN HELP YOU! CALL FOR A FREE CONSULTATION EUROPEAN QUALITY AT CANADIAN PRICES TELEPHONE: 604-325-1914 NOW ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS | NO REFERRAL NEEDED
TheTorontoHouse Apartmentsat769 EHastingsStwere builtin1913during Vancouver'sgrowthspurtof theearly1900s In1950itbecametheAstoria
Hotel,andiscurrentlyan SROrental,withthe1950 eraneonsignsrestored JohnBentleyisan architecturalphotographer whohasphotographed theinsideandoutsideof
thousandsofbuildings aroundVancouver Using imagesfromtheVancouver Archivesheoffersaglimpse ofthepastandpresenton hissiteVancouverNow& Then
Thisseawallshotwastakenandshared byaphotographerwhogoesbythe
Youmayhave noticedcrows lookingalittle dishevelledas summerturnstofall,butthe lackoffeathersisn'tbecause oftheheat Infact,theruffled,patchy feathersarenormal "They'remoulting!"saysBC SPCA "Feathersdon'tlast forever,andpost nesting seasonisagood,low energy
timeforcrowstostarttheir annualmoult."
Moultingreferstothe animal'ssheddingofold feathers,hair,skin,orshell tomakewayfornewgrowth Thisprocessiswhatgives crowstheirlacklusterlook "Atthispoint,thefeathers losetheirusualglossiness, andstarttolookdulland evenbrown/greyincolour Overthenextfewweeks,
they'llbeworkingon growingoutanewandshiny feathercoat Itmightmake themlookalittlescruffy fornow,butit'scompletely normal,"BCSPCA reassured.
Ifyou'reeverconcerned aboutabirdoranimal's safety,youcanreachBC SPCA'sanimalhelplineat 1 855 622 7722
BlakeLivelydebutedher babybumpontheredcarpet (Sept 15)atForbes'sPower Women'sSummitinNew YorkCity Dressedinasparkly sequindress,Livelyisnow expectingafourthchildwith husbandandVancouverite RyanReynolds Theannouncementcomes afterReynoldsshared hiscolonoscopyonthe internetjusttwodaysprior, encouragingpeopleoverthe ageof40togettheircolons
VancouverNow&Then:The AstoriaHotelin1923and2021
Crowslookingruffled&patchy S P C A AwesomeInstagramPhotooftheWeek
handle@saptarshi photos Forachancetohaveyourphoto featuredhereandonourInstagramaccount, tagyourInstagramphotoswiththehashtag #vancouverisawesome Tokeepupwitheverythinghappeningin yourcity(andformoregreatphotographs!) followusat@viawesome Vancouver's favourite celebritycouple madeasurprise announcementlastweek
BlakeLivelyexpectingfourthchildwith RyanReynolds @ 2 1 M E T G A L A / T W I T T E R
2022 Vancouver Election
On Saturday, October 15, 2022, Vancouver voters will vote for:
• 1 Mayor
• 10 City Councillors
• 7 Park Board Commissioners
• 9 School Trustees
Each position is elected at large, meaning each position represents the entire city Positions are held for a four year term.
Are you a Vancouver voter?
To vote, you must meet all of the following qualifications:
• You are 18 years old or older on Election Day (October 15, 2022);
• You are a Canadian citizen;
• You have lived in B.C. for at least six months immediately before the day you register
• You live in Vancouver (no minimum days required)
• You are not disqualified by law from voting
Permanent residents who have not yet become Canadian citizens cannot vote.
If you live in UBC or University Endowment Lands (UEL) and do not own property in Vancouver, you can only vote for School Trustees in the Vancouver Election Instead of voting for a Mayor and Councillors for the City of Vancouver, you are eligible to vote for a Director to represent you in the Metro Vancouver Regional District Electoral Area A Election. Find out more at
If you own property in Vancouver but do not live in Vancouver, you can register to vote as a Non Resident Property Elector (NRPE), and will need to provide additional documentation at the voting place. Visit or call 3 1 1 for more information.
Are you registered to vote?
Check if you are registered
If you voted in the last B.C. provincial election (October 2020) and are a Vancouver resident, you are automatically on Vancouver’s voters list and will not need to register again. Find out if you are registered: visit or call 3 1-1.
information card this month, which you may show at your voting place.
There are two ways to register when you vote:
Option 1. Provide two pieces of identification (ID):
• Both pieces must show your name
• At least one piece must show your address
• At least one piece must include your signature
Examples of acceptable IDs
• Band membership card or Certificate of Indian Status
• BC CareCard
• BC Driver’s License
• BC Identification Card (BCID)
• BC Services Card
• Canadian Citizenship Card
• Canadian Passport
• Debit or credit card
• Government cheque or cheque stub
• Old Age Security Identification Card
• Prescription medication containers
• Property tax assessment/notice
• Social Insurance Number Card
• Student card
• Utility bill
Option 2. Provide one piece of identification and make a solemn declaration (ID):
If you have only one piece of ID, you may also make a solemn declaration in front of the person in charge of the voting place to confirm your identity and where you live
How can you vote?
1. In advance - October 1, 5, 8, 11 and 13 | 8 am to 8 pm
2 On Election Day - Saturday, October 15 | 8 am to 8 pm
3. By mail | All eligible voters may request to vote by mail.
Request a vote by mail package to be sent to your mailing address, and mail it back (free return postage) to the Vancouver Election Office or drop it off at one of our designated drop boxes around the city To apply to vote by mail, go to vancouver ca/vote, the Vancouver Election Office (305 West 8th Avenue) or call 3 1-1 (Registered voters only). The deadline to apply to vote by mail is on Thursday, September 29 (if you want the package mailed to you) or Tuesday, October 11 (if you want to pick up your package).
Voting places on advance voting days and Election Day – vote anywhere convenient for you
Voting place Address Special note
1 BritanniaCommunityServicesCentre 1661NapierStreet Alsoadvancevotingplace CaptainJamesCookElementarySchool 3340East54thAvenue CarnarvonCommunityElementarySchool 3400BalaclavaStreet CarnegieCommunityCentre 401MainStreet Alsoadvancevotingplace ChamplainHeightsCommunityCentre 3350MaquinnaDrive Alsoadvancevotingplace CharlesDickensAnnex 3877GlenDrive ChiefMaquinnaElementarySchool 2684East2ndAvenue CoalHarbourCommunityCentre 480BroughtonStreet CollingwoodNeighbourhoodHouse 5288JoyceStreet CreeksideCommunityRecreationCentre 1AthletesWay Alsoadvancevotingplace DavidOppenheimerElementarySchool 2421ScarboroAvenue DavidThompsonSecondarySchool 1755East55thAvenue DouglasParkCommunityCentre 801West22ndAvenue Alsoadvancevotingplace Dr.R.E.McKechnieElementarySchool 7455MapleStreet DunbarCommunityCentre 4747DunbarStreet Alsoadvancevotingplace FalseCreekCommunityCentre 1318CartwrightStreet FalseCreekElementarySchool 900SchoolGreen GatheringPlaceCommunityCentre 609HelmckenStreet GeneralBrockElementarySchool 4860MainStreet GeneralGordonElementarySchool 2268BayswaterStreet GordonNeighbourhoodHouse 1019BroughtonStreet Grandview¿uuqinak’uuhElementarySchool 2055WoodlandDrive HastingsCommunityCentre 3096EastHastingsStreet Alsoadvancevotingplace HillcrestCentre 4575ClancyLorangerWay Alsoadvancevotingplace HolyTrinityAnglicanChurch 1440West12thAvenue JewishCommunityCentreofGreaterVancouver 950West41stAvenue 530East41stAvenue
27 JohnNorquayElementarySchool 4710SlocanStreet 28 JohnOliverSecondarySchool
29. KensingtonCommunityCentre 5175DumfriesStreet Alsoadvancevotingplace 30 KerrisdaleCommunityCentre 5851WestBoulevard Alsoadvancevotingplace 31 KerrisdaleElementarySchool 5555CarnarvonStreet 32. KillarneyCommunityCentre 6260KillarneyStreet Alsoadvancevotingplace 33 KingGeorgeSecondarySchool 1755BarclayStreet 34 KitsilanoNeighbourhoodHouse 2305West7thAvenue 35. KitsilanoWarMemorialCommunityCentre 2690LarchStreet Alsoadvancevotingplace 36 KivanClub(BoysandGirlsClubsofSouth CoastBC) 2875St GeorgeStreet 37 L'EcoleBilingueElementarySchool 1166West14thAvenue 38. LordByngSecondarySchool 3939West16thAvenue 39 LordKitchenerElementarySchool 3455WestKingEdward Avenue 40. LordRobertsAnnex 1150NelsonStreet 41 LordRobertsElementarySchool 1100BidwellStreet
A12 VANCOUVER IS AWESOME THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2022 VANCOUVERISAWESOME COM 42 LordSelkirkElementarySchool 1750East22ndAvenue 43 LordTennysonElementarySchool 2650MapleStreet 44. Marpole-OakridgeCommunityCentre 990West59thAvenue Alsoadvancevotingplace 45 MoberlyArtsandCulturalCentre 7646PrinceAlbertStreet 46 MountPleasantCommunityCentre 1Kingsway Alsoadvancevotingplace 47. MountPleasantNeighbourhoodHouse 800EastBroadway 48. MusqueamCommunityCentre 6777SalishDrive 49 PrinceofWalesSecondarySchool 2250EddingtonDrive 50 QueenAlexandraElementarySchool 1300EastBroadway 51. QueenVictoriaAnnex 1850East3rdAvenue 52 RayCamCo operativeCentre 920EastHastingsStreet Alsoadvancevotingplace 53 RedemptionChurch 3512West7thAvenue 54. RenfrewCommunityElementarySchool 3315East22ndAvenue 55 RenfrewParkCommunityCentre 2929East22ndAvenue Alsoadvancevotingplace 56 RoundhouseCommunityArtsandRecreationCentre 181RoundhouseMews Alsoadvancevotingplace 57. ScottishCulturalCentre 8886HudsonStreet 58 SeaforthArmoury 1650BurrardStreet 59 ShaughnessyElementarySchool 4250MargueriteStreet 60. SimonFraserElementarySchool 100West15thAvenue 61 SirCharlesTupperSecondarySchool 419East24thAve 62 SirJohnFranklinCommunitySchool 250SkeenaStreet 63. SirRichardMcBrideAnnex 4750St.CatherinesStreet 64 SirWilliamVanHorneElementarySchool 5855OntarioStreet 65 StHelen'sAnglicanChurch 4405West8thStreet 66. StrathconaCommunityCentre 601KeeferStreet 67 SunsetCommunityCentre 6810MainStreet Alsoadvancevotingplace 68 šxʷwəqʷəθətCrosstownElementarySchool 55ExpoBoulevard 69. TempletonSecondarySchool 727TempletonDrive 70 ThunderbirdšxʷəxʷaʔəsElementarySchool 2325CassiarStreet 71 TillicumCommunityAnnex 2450CambridgeStreet 72. TrinityBaptistChurch 1460West49thAvenue 73 TroutLakeCommunityCentre 3360VictoriaDrive Alsoadvancevotingplace 74 VancouverAquaticCentre 1050BeachAvenue 75. VancouverCityHall 453West12thAvenue Alsoadvancevotingplace 76 VancouverPublicLibrary CentralBranch 350WestGeorgiaStreet 77 WaverleyElementarySchool 6111ElliottStreet 78. WestEndCommunityCentre 870DenmanStreet Advancevotingplaceonly 79 WestPointGreyCommunityCentre 4397West2ndAvenue Alsoadvancevotingplace 80 WestsideBaptistChurch 8506AshStreet 81. WindermereCommunitySecondarySchool 3155East27thAvenue 82 UBC AMSStudentNest 6133UniversityBoulevard UBCLandsandUniversity Endowment Lands voting placeonly(October15) 83 UniversityHillSecondarySchool 3228RossDrive UBCLandsandUniversity Endowment Lands voting placeonly(October15)
Accessing the voting place
Voting places:
• Are usually accessible by people who use wheelchairs, mobility scooters, strollers and canes Voters who cannot enter a voting place can vote outside the building (at the curb or designated spot in the parking lot).
• Most have universal washrooms inside or nearby
• Have chairs available
• Have a priority line for the following people no questions asked o older adults, o people with disabilities, o people who are immunocompromised, o people who are pregnant, o people who have children with them, or o people who require a low-stimulation environment (for example, because of mental health concerns, anxiety, developmental and cognitive disabilities)
Options for voters who need them:
1 Vote by the curbside of a voting place on any of the advance voting days (October 1, 5, 8, 11, 13) or on Election Day (October 15). When you arrive at a voting place, park at the designated curbside voting spot and call the Vancouver Election Office at 604 829 2010. At that point, an election official will come outside to help you vote Please visit vancouverca/vote to check accessibility options for each voting place and to check which voting places offer curbside voting
2. Use an assistive ballot-marking device during advance voting. If you need help to mark your ballot and want to use an assistive ballot marking device, please go to Roundhouse Community Centre (181 Roundhouse Mews) or Trout Lake Community Centre (3360 Victoria Drive) during advance voting days (October 1, 5, 8, 11, 13).
The device can help mark your ballot with:
• Sip and puff, paddle or other accessibility devices
• Audio instructions and braille markings on paddles and buttons
• Large print or high colour contrast
Instructions on how to use the device will be available onsite, including in braille.
American Sign Language (ASL) will be available by video chat on advance voting days.
3. Bring someone you know to the voting place to help you, or get help from an election official on any of the advance voting days or on Election Day. You can choose to:
• Bring someone you know to the voting place Let an election official know, as the person helping you will have to take an oath of secrecy
• Get help from an assigned election official All election officials take an oath to keep your vote a secret.
Help in other languages
When you go to vote (during advance voting days on October 1, 5, 8, 11, 13 or Election Day), you can:
• Ask for an election official who speaks your language to help you Election officials who speak another language will be wearing a tag that says which language(s) they speak
• Bring someone you know to the voting place Let the election official know, as the person helping you will have to take an oath of secrecy.
Ballot marking instructions will be available in the following languages, in addition to large print (in English):
• Traditional Chinese Simplified Chinese
• Tagalog Punjabi
• Vietnamese Korean
• Spanish French
• Farsi Japanese
American Sign Language (ASL) will be available by video chat on advance voting days (October 1, 5, 8, 11, 13).
If your language is not listed above, we can also connect you over the phone to someone who can help you understand the ballot marking instructions. This service is available at the voting place in more than 180 languages.
Special voting at care facilities, social service centres, and others Special voting opportunities are available for voters in hospitals, larger residential care facilities, social service centres or shelters in Vancouver from September 28 to October 14.
If you are an eligible voter in one of these facilities, check with your facility administrator to see if voting will be offered in your facility.
Candidates in the 2022 Vancouver Election
The following is a list of candidates for the 2022 Vancouver Election separated by office. Like in 2018, the names on the actual ballot will be in random order, NOT alphabetical order. However, for 2022, there are numbers beside each name to make it easier for you.
Candidates live in Vancouver unless otherwise indicated.
Remember: You can vote for less than, or up to the number of candidates indicated, but not more.
The official candidate list will be the same on every ballot, and is as follows (note: all reside in Vancouver unless otherwise stated):
Candidates for Mayor (One to be elected)
50 SHOTTHA, Satwant
51 STEWART, Kennedy (Forward with Kennedy Stewart)
52 POPAT, Imtiaz
53 HARDWICK, Colleen (TEAM)
54 BROWN, Leona
55 RAUNET, Françoise
56 VILLEGAS, Lewis
57 CHAN, Ping
58 HARDING, Fred 傅爱德 (NPA)
59 HANSEN, Mike
61 BUDAY, Gölök Z
62 TETI, Dante
63 SIM, Ken (ABC Vancouver)
64 MARISSEN, Mark (Progress Vancouver)
Candidates for Councillor (Ten to be elected)
100 NARDI, Sean (TEAM)
102 HAYER, Asha (Progress Vancouver)
103 MONTAGUE, Brian (ABC Vancouver) North Vancouver
104 ANDERSON, Dulcy (Forward with Kennedy Stewart)
105 TRUONG, Tesicca 張慈櫻, (Forward with Kennedy Stewart)
106 DENOFRIO, Dominic
108 ORR, Sean (VOTE Socialist)
109 MACKINNON, Stuart (Vision Vancouver)
110 VARGAS, Lina
111 SINGH, Alvin (Forward with Kennedy Stewart)
112 BONAMIS, Iona 陶思穎 (OneCity)
113 KIRBY YUNG, Sarah (ABC Vancouver)
114 WIEBE, Michael (GREEN)
115 FOX, Amy “Evil Genius”
116 DE GENOVA, Melissa 鄭慧蘭 (NPA)
117 HE, May (Progress Vancouver)
118 WEBKING, Tanya (COPE)
119 ZHOU, Lenny (ABC Vancouver)
120 PEACOCK, Amie
121 OGER, Morgane (Progress Vancouver)
122 CARR, Adriane (GREEN)
123 FRANSON, Marlo
124 ALM, K R
125 NORRIS, Matthew (OneCity)
126 MEISZNER, Peter (ABC Vancouver)
127 BROWN, Cleta (TEAM)
128 SINGH, Devyani (GREEN)
129 BOLDT, Lesli (Vision Vancouver)
130 REDMOND, Eric (Affordable Housing Coalition)
131 DOMINATO, Lisa (ABC Vancouver)
132 KLASSEN, Mike (ABC Vancouver)
133 BOWEN, Mark
134 BHAYANI, Cinnamon 芯娜萌 雅妮(NPA)
135 ROBERTS, Stephen P (TEAM)
136 SWANSON, Jean (COPE)
137 CROMWELL, Ian (OneCity)
138 CHARKO, Ken 肯·查克 (NPA)
139 BOYLE, Christine (OneCity)
140 PHILBERT, Kyra
141 SMITH, Stephanie (GREEN)
142 FRANCIS, Mauro (Progress Vancouver)
143 QUAN, Grace (TEAM)
144 NIJJAR, Param (TEAM)
145 ALLAN, Elaine 伊艾倫 (NPA)
146 ASHE, Jeanette (Forward with Kennedy Stewart)
148 BLIGH, Rebecca (ABC Vancouver)
149 BROWN, Hilary (Forward with Kennedy Stewart)
150 ZARRABIAN, Arezo 蘇勵安 (NPA)
151 FRY, Pete (GREEN)
152 LÝ, Tim
153 MACKENZIE, Jeremy
154 BARZEGARI, Honieh یرگزرب هیناه (Vision Vancouver)
155 WVONG, Russil (Forward with Kennedy Stewart)
156 CHIN, David (Progress Vancouver)
157 ROSA, Marie Noelle (Progress Vancouver)
158 LEE, Morning 李會民 (NPA)
Candidates for Park Board Commissioner (Seven to be elected)
200 JENSEN, Scott (ABC Vancouver)
204 FRENKEL, Carla (Vision Vancouver)
205 UPTON, Jason (NPA) UBC
206 PINOCHET ESCUDERO, Andrea (VOTE Socialist)
208 BARKER, Tricia (TEAM)
209 STOCKWELL, Caitlin (OneCity)
210 HOWARD, Marie Claire (ABC Vancouver)
211 ROLLERGIRL IRWIN, John (Vision Vancouver) JACKSON, Serena (OneCity)
214 CHRISTENSEN, Laura (ABC Vancouver)
215 RILEY, Tricia (GREEN)
216 VIRDI, Jas (ABC Vancouver)
217 HASSAN, Maira (COPE) UBC
218 MENARD, Liam Murphy
219 SEPTEMBER, Dehara (NPA)
220 ZARUDINA, Olga (NPA)
221 KIMURA, Kumi (TEAM) Richmond
222 LARSEN, Kathleen (TEAM)
223 MOLLINEAUX, Michelle (TEAM)
224 PASIN, Dave 戴夫·帕辛 (NPA)
225 BUCKSHON, James (TEAM)
226 RIVERS, Tiyaltelut Kristen (OneCity) West Vancouver
227 AUDLEY, Patrick (TEAM)
228 BASTYOVANSZKY, Brennan (ABC Vancouver)
229 HAER, Angela Kate (ABC Vancouver)
230 SMITH, Tracy D
231 CRAIG, Steven
Candidates for School Trustee (Nine to be elected)
300 RICHARDSON, Christopher JK (ABC Vancouver)
301 FEDORA, Aaron (NPA)
303 THOMSON, Hilary (Vision Vancouver)
304 MAH, Suzie 馬陳小珠 (COPE)
305 TENGCO, Amanda
306 LEUNG, Aaron (Vision Vancouver)
307 ZEIDLER, Karina (VOTE Socialist)
308 HOPKINS, Heming
309 LITZCKE, Karin
310 TRIGUEROS, Rocco (COPE) Burnaby
311 AGGARWAL, Rahul 羅家衛 (NPA)
312 MCARTHUR, Kera (Vision Vancouver)
313 CHIEN, Alfred (ABC Vancouver)
314 FARIDKOT, Preeti (ABC Vancouver)
315 FRASER, Janet (GREEN)
316 JUNG, Victoria (ABC Vancouver)
317 SIGURDSON, Krista (OneCity)
318 EPSTEIN, Kyla (OneCity)
319 VAUGHAN, Ashley (NPA)
320 REDDY, Jennifer (OneCity)
321 GOODINE, Nadine C (NPA)
322 SOMERS, Gavin (OneCity)
323 BROWN, Rory (OneCity)
324 LEVINE, Zelda
325 KLJAJIC, Milan 夏•米男 (NPA)
326 CARDWELL, Steve (Vision Vancouver)
328 ZHANG, Josh (ABC Vancouver)
329 WONG, Allan 黃偉倫 (Vision Vancouver)
330 ALAM, Matiul (TEAM)
Also on the ballot – 2023-2026 Capital Plan Borrowing Questions
The 2023 2026 Capital Plan consists of $3.5 billion of investment in amenities and infrastructure. The Capital Plan was approved by City Council in June 2022, after a round of public engagement in which close to 4,000 citizens participated
The Capital Plan is funded from a variety of sources, including property taxes, utility fees, contributions from development, and contributions from partner agencies. In considering its debt capacity and to maintain its AAA credit ratings, the City balances the use of capital reserves, pay as you go, and debt financing in our financial strategy The City is required to obtain voter approval before it can borrow the money, which is why there are Capital Plan questions on the ballot in the municipal election.
A total of $495 million (out of the $3.5 billion) is proposed to be funded through borrowing that requires voter approval in the municipal election on October 15.
Three questions will be asked:
1 transportation and core operating technology: $173 45 million
2. community facilities: $162.07 million
3. parks, public safety, and other civic facilities; climate change adaption, and other emerging priorities: $159.47 million
The exact wording of the questions on the ballot is as follows:
Are you in favour of Council having the authority, without further assent of the electors, to pass by laws between January 1, 2023 and December 31, 2026 to borrow an aggregate $173,450,000 for the following purposes?
A. Street and Bridge Infrastructure
To provide for major maintenance, reconstruction and enhancement of the arterial and neighbourhood transportation networks, sidewalks, greenways and cycle routes and to undertake major maintenance of bridges and other structures, including repairs and structural work on the Granville Bridge and Cambie Bridge.
B. Traffic Signals and Street Lighting
To provide for major maintenance, replacement
and enhancement of traffic signals and street lighting that are beyond economical repair or no longer meet operational requirements
C. Electrical Services in Public Spaces
To provide for increased availability of electrical services in public spaces including uses such as electrical vehicle and bike charging, electrical kiosks for food trucks, filming and events, and lighting in public gathering spaces
D. Core Operating Technology
To provide for renewal and enhancement of the City’s core operating information technology systems such as fiber, data centres, servers and applications that are critical to the delivery of and access to City services and programs $16,400,000
Total..................................................... $173,450,000
If this question receives the assent of the electors, Council has the power, without further assent of the electors, to pass by laws, as and when Council considers appropriate, to borrow money for the projects described up to $173,450,000.
• Community facilities include buildings such as community centres, pools, rinks, libraries, childcare facilities, cultural facilities, social facilities and affordable housing
• Civic facilities include buildings such as fire halls, police buildings, administrative facilities and service yards.
Are you in favour of Council having the authority, without further assent of the electors, to pass by laws between January 1, 2023 and December 31, 2026 to borrow an aggregate $162,075,000 for the following purposes?
A. Renewal of Vancouver Aquatic Centre
To provide for replacement, renewal or rehabilitation of the Vancouver Aquatic Centre.
B. Renewal and Upgrades of Community Facilities
To provide for replacement, renewal or rehabilitation of community facilities, including
RayCam Community Centre and Childcare and/or other community facility projects
Total..................................................... $162,075,000
If this question receives the assent of the electors, Council has the power, without further assent of the electors, to pass by laws, as and when Council considers appropriate, to borrow money for the projects described up to $162,075,000.
Are you in favour of Council having the authority, without further assent of the electors, to pass by laws between January 1, 2023 and December 31, 2026 to borrow an aggregate $159,475,000 for the following purposes?
A. Renewal, Maintenance and Upgrades of Parks
To provide for renewal, ongoing capital maintenance, renovations or other upgrades of parks, park buildings and features within parks such as the seawall, pathways, playgrounds, playfields and sport courts
B. Renewal and Upgrades of Public Safety and Other Civic Facilities
To provide for replacement, renewal or rehabilitation of public safety and other civic facilities, including the Downtown South Fire Hall, Animal Shelter, and/or other civic facility projects
C. Emerging Climate Adaptation Priorities
To provide for additional replacement, renewal, or upgrade of infrastructure in response to Climate Change to withstand current and future risks associated with natural hazards; such as seawall
reconstruction, urban canopy other climate adaptation projects
D. Senior Government Partnership and/or Other Emerging Priorities
To provide for the City’s share of funding to leverage senior government and partner funding in the areas of transportation, community facilities, parks, civic facilities and technology and/or other emerging priorities.
Totall.................................................... $159,475,000
If this question receives the assent of the electors, Council has the power, without further assent of the electors, to pass bylaws, as and when Council considers appropriate, to borrow money for the projects described up to $159,475,000
For more information about the capital plan, visit vancouverca/capital plan
More information on Vancouver Election
Visit vancouverca/vote
Call 3 1 1
Pick up a printed Voters’ Guide from a community centre, library, or another City facility starting on September 29
Election information is available in 10 languages in addition to English: Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Tagalog, Punjabi, Vietnamese, Korean, Spanish, French, Farsi, and Japanese. Information is also available in braille, American Sign Language and large print
Localteamturnsbrokenand discardedjewelleryintoart
ThePacificNationalExhibition(PNE) revealedSept 12thatthewinnerof the88thannualPNEPrizehomeis BarbBamfordofBurnaby
The3,408sq ft homeislocatedinLangley andfeaturesthreebedrooms,two and a half bathroomsandamediaroom
Thehousealsohasaonebedroom,one bathroomlegalguestsuite,afirstforthe PNEPrizeHome
“ItisourgreatprivilegetoannounceBarbas thewinnerofthisyearsPNEPrizeHome, presidentandCEOofthePNEShelleyFrost saidinanewsrelease
“Steepedintradition,thePNEPrizeHome representsthehighstandardofconstruction, technologyandinnovationthatB C isknown for.WearesopleasedtocongratulateBarb theproudnewownerofthisluxurioushome
ByJessBalzer P N E
ThehomealsoincludesanEVcharger,12 solarpanelsmeasuring4 08kW,triplepane windowsandanall electricheatpumpsystem tocoolandheatthehouse
ThePNEsaysthegrandprizepackagewas worth$2.4million.
Otherprizesincludedvehiclesfrom Chevrolet,$100,000incashprizes,aSport TrekTrailer,HarleyDavidsonmotorcycle andtwoHarleyDavidsonelectricbikes Therewere792,548ticketssoldtoguestsat thefair,onlineandbyphone.
Proceedshelpsupportnumerousnon profitcommunitiesincludingagriculture, community,educationalincentives,artsand otherprograms
Residentscampaignfor workingwaterfountains
AgroupofWestEndlocalswantsthe taprunningagainatthreewater fountainsintheneighbourhood
SincelastApril,CharlotteTarver andotherresidentshavebeenaskingthe CityandVancouverBoardofParksand Recreationtoturnonwaterfountainslocated atButeandHarostreets,BarclayHeritage Square,andattheintersectionofBeachand Pacificstreets
However,theParkBoardhasrefused, citingwaterconservationby law4848,says thegroupofresidents.Thisisdespitethe ParkBoardgrantingexemptionstoseveral children'ssplashparksandallowingirrigation atsomecityfacilities
Inresponse,thegroupoflocalsheldan informationrallyattheButeandHaromini parktobringawarenesstotheircampaign. Thegatheringfeaturedspeakersandoutlined thepublichealthbenefitsofworkingwater fountains
"Spendingtimeinthisoasis likesetting contributestothementalandphysicalwell beingofmyfellowresidents,andhelpsthem
engageinthelocalscenewithneighbours, kidsandotherfolk,"saysTraver When thewaterisntrunning,themini parksoon becomesshabbyandlitterridden Itfeelslike adeadzonewhendry ”
AfterbeingturneddowntwicebyMayor KennedyStewart,Traverisappealingtothe city'sSeniors'AdvocacyCommitteeandthe provincialSeniorsAdvocatetohelpturnon thefountains,oratleastgetacommitmentto getthewaterflowingnextspring
TheCityofVancouverPlanningCommission releasedamemoduringlastyear'sheat domeemergencywhichcalledformore drinkinganddecorativefountainstohelp thepubliccooloff Duringthesameheat dome,amotionputforwardbyParkBoard CommissionerJohnCouparcalledforan inventoryofallofthecity'swaterfeaturesin theParkBoardsystem,aswellasatimeline andcostestimatesfornecessaryupgradesand repairstonon functionalfeatures Traverplansonusingtheserecommendations toconvincetheseniorsadvocatestohelp.
AB C artistandVancouver jewellerybrandhavejoined forcestotakeunwanted jewelleryandgiveitarenewed purposeintheformofart.
Lover'sTempohasstartedaninitiative calledtheFullCircleArtistProgramin thehopesofcreatingamoresustainable andcarbon neutralbrand,indoing sotheyhaveteamedupwithDanielle Krysa(alsoknowntotheinternetas @thejealouscurator)totakeend of lifejewellerythatwouldotherwisebe thrownawayandturnitintomixed mediasculpturalartwork
Thegoalistofosteradialogueabout creativity,art,consciousconsumerism, andsustainability
Unwantedchains,earrings,gems,and stoneswillbetransformedintofive piecesofartbyKrysaanddisplayedat anupcomingpop uponGranvilleIsland runningfromSeptember26toOctober2 beforebeingdigitallyauctionedoff 100percentoftheproceedswillbenefit Ecodrive,aclimateactionorganization thatfacilitatestheplantingofmangrove treesinMadagascarwhichcancapture andstoremorecarbonthanalmostany othertreeontheplanet
Theteamisencouragingpeople torecycletheirowntarnishedor unwantedjewelsbyofferinga30per centdiscounttothosewhosendthem theiroldLover'sTempojewellery "As partofourongoinggoaltocreatea moresustainablebusiness,wevebeen exploringwaystodesignafulllifecycle forourproducts Beingabletosee productsattheendoftheirlifebeing turnedintobeautifulworksofarthas beeninspiring,"saysLoversTempoCo FounderElaineKimSmithinamedia release
Krysawillbeatthepop uponMonday, September26fromnoonto2p m for peopletosayhelloanddiscussherart Lover'sTempoFullCircleArtist ProgramPop Up When:September26toOctober2 Where:TheNetLoftonGranville Island
Threepuppiesdieafter'highly contagious'parvooutbreak
PetownersinVancouver’s DowntownEastsidearebeing alertedtoanoutbreakofa potentiallyfatalcaninevirus AccordingtotheBCSPCA,three puppieshavediedfromtheparvovirus Thepuppieswerecaredforina buildingnearDunlevyAvenueand PowellStreetandthefourthpuppyis receivingintensiveveterinarycare MarkVosper,theBCSPCA’s regionalmanagerforanimalprotection intheLowerMainlandandFraser Valley,warnstheparvovirusishighly contagiousandoftenadeadlyvirus affectingmainlydogs
"Oneofouranimalprotectionofficers wascalledoutonFridayregarding foursickanddyingpuppies,anditwas confirmedthatthepuppiesweresuffering fromtheparvovirus,”hesays
Petownersshouldwatchforparvovirus signs,includinglethargy,lossofappetite, abdominalpainandbloating,feverorlow bodytemperature,vomitingandsevere,often bloodydiarrhea
Sincetheoutbreak,BCSPCAacted immediatelyandofferedupafreevaccination clinictothoseinthebuilding
"Dr HannahWeitzenfeldsetupafree vaccinationclinicinthebuildingtoensure thatotherdogsandpuppieswhomayhave
comeincontactwiththesickpuppiesreceive aparvovaccineasquicklyaspossible,”says Vosper
Atotalof18dogs,whichwasallofthedogs inthebuildingwheretheparvooutbreak occurred,werevaccinatedonMonday “Weurgeanyoneintheareawhosedogor puppyisexhibitingthesesymptomstoseek veterinaryhelprightaway,”saysVosper Persistentvomitinganddiarrheacancause rapiddehydrationanddamagetothe intestinesandimmunesystemcausingseptic shockinanimals.
BC recordeditslowestlevelofnew weeklyCOVID 19deathssincethe provinceinAprilstartedreporting thosedeathsonaweeklybasis 16in theweekendedSeptember10.
TheWorldHealthOrganization's(WHO) weeklyreportlastweeksaidCOVID 19 deathsfellby22percentcomparedwith
thepreviousweek,tomorethan11,000 worldwide thefewestsinceaweekinMarch 2020
"Wearenotthereyet,buttheendisinsight," WHODirectorGeneralTedrosAdhanom Ghebreyesussaidatapressconference.
B.C.COVID-19deathsfollow globaldownwardtrend C H U N G C H O W Day by day, for the last 50 years, Coast Mental Health has made ‘A Difference’ in your neighbourhood. We continue to advocate for, support, and provide specialized mental health services to over 5,000+ people living with mental illness. This is ‘The Difference’ we make every day. Visit to follow along with our 50th Anniversary and learn more about ‘The Difference’ we make! Celebrating 50 years of making ‘The Difference’ SHOPNOW SIGNATURELOOKS,FORLOCALSBYLOCALS Dopedesignsforrainorshine *PrintedinEastVan
QuinnHughesontherightsidewouldsolve amajorCanucks’problem
Findingagoodright handeddefenceman intheNHLisnteasy JustasktheVancouver Canucks.
TheCanuckshadn’tdrafted asinglerighthanded defencemanthathasplayed even50NHLgamessince KevinBieksa,afifth round pickin2001.Thatsover 20yearswithoutdraftinga legitimateNHLdefenceman thatshootsright Thatsaproblembecause defencementendtoplay betterontheirnaturalside lefthandeddefencemen
ontheleft,righthanded defencemenontheright Withnohomegrownright handeddefencemen,the Canuckshavehadtoget luckywithundraftedfree agentsoutofcollegehockey oroverspendintradesand freeagency
Theteam’scurrentdilemma isfindingadefencepartner fortheirnumberone defenceman,QuinnHughes ThatmeanstheCanucks dontjustneedagoodright handeddefenceman;they needonethatcanplayonthe toppairing Thatis,unless
Hughescanbeoneofthose raredefencementhatcan exceloneithersideoftheice Inaninterviewwith ChekTV’sRickDhaliwal, Canuckspresidentofhockey operationsJimRutherford saidthatHugheshas approachedthemabout playingontherightside Whenhejoinedhisfellow Canucksteammatesinan informalscrimmagelast week,Hughesskatedon therightsidewithOliver Ekman Larssonplayingon theleft
Hugheshaslongsaidthat hecanplaybothsides Right afterhewasdrafted,hesaid,
“Ifeeljustascomfortable ontherightasIdoonthe left There’spositivesand negativestoboth” Inoneofhisfirstfewgames withtheCanucks,then head coachTravisGreen experimentedwithHughes ontherightside,playinghim withAlexEdler
“WetalkedtoQuinnwhenhe gothereabouthisthoughts ofplayingontherightside,” saidGreenafterthegame “Ithoughtifhecouldplay theright,itsgoingtogive himachancetoplayin differentspots,withdifferent partners”
Canucksfanshaveseena lefthandeddefenceman excelontherightsideofthe toppairingbefore When ChristianEhrhoffwaswith theCanucks,heprimarily playedontherightside withEdlerandthatduo wasdominant,particularly inthe2010 11season,when Ehrhoffpiledup50pointsin 79games
LikeHughes,Ehrhoffwasa sublimeskaterwithexcellent hockeysense,whowas fantasticonthepowerplay. Hisskatingandskillmade italoteasierforhimtoplay onhisoff side,whichisnt alwaysaneasytransition A defencemanplayingonhis off sidehastopickupthe
puckofftheboardsonhis backhandmorefrequently andhastochangehowthey defendtherush,asitcanbe hardertodefendthemiddle oftheice
Whileplayingontheright sideisnteasyforaleft handeddefenceman,Hughes isntanordinarydefenceman Ifhecanmakethetransition toplayingontherightside, thatsolvesamajorissueboth shorttermandlong term
Shortterm,Hughescan partnerwithEkman Larsson onthetoppairing,with TravisDermottstepping uptoplaywithTylerMyers onthesecondpairingand rookieJackRathboneeasing intoactiononthethird pairingwithLukeSchenn Thatmakesiteasiertoget Rathboneintothelineup andgivestheCanucksa legitimatetoppairingthat oughttobeabletomatchup wellagainsttopforwards.
Long term,itsaloteasierto findalefthandedtop pairing defencemantoplaywith Hughesthanarighthanded one IfHughescanplay eithersideequallywell,then theCanucksdon’thaveto worryabouthandednessat allwhenseekingouthislong termpartner
ByDanielWagner Passit toBulis
Looking for a terrible night out? Then Karen's Diner is coming for you
Theconceptrestaurant lookslikeafriendly'60s style diner,butoffersavery differentexperiencewithstaff specializinginbeingrude Andthat'sthefunofit
"Karen'sisaninteractive dinerandanabsurdlyfun experience AtKaren'syou willbegreetedandwaited uponbyrudewaitersand forcedtoplayavarietyof games,"statesthecompany's website "Karen's Diner is a place where you can complain until the cows come home because we literally don't care."
Invideosfromlocations aroundtheworldstaffat Karen'sDinersflippeople off,swearatthem,start arguments,tossmenuson theground,givepeoplerude hatsand,occasionally,break into dance
Essentially, it's a place where being a 'Karen' (a name that's often used to refer to someone who's short tempered, uptight, privileged, and complains, oftentothemanager)does the customer no good "Come on, ask for the manager...WE DARE YOU,"thecompanysayson theirwebsite
Theconceptstartedin Australiawherethereare severalrestaurantsnow,and ithasspreadwithlocations orpop upsacrossEngland, theU S ,NewZealandand othercountries
It'sarrivinginVancouver thiswinter,accordingtothe reservationsite,andleaving attheendofMay2023 Right nowit'stakingreservations foritswaitlistforwhenit releasesopenings
Learnmorebyscanningthe QRcodehere.
Pop-upcafe offersterrible serviceand bizarredining experience K A R E N S D I N E R NORM FLOCKHART (604) 328-2111 14 Year Member of MLS Medallion Club PREC 1 BR & DEN! 737 SQ.FT.! UPPER MOUNT PLEASANT! This east facing suite features double glazed windows, gas fireplace, laminate floors, a spacious open plan Living Room/Dining Room & insuite laundry Fresh paint Rainscreened building The best of Mt Pleasant at your door! #206 189 East 16th Avenue, Vancouver OPEN SAT/SUN 1-3! $599,900 SHOP.CHOICESMARKETS.COM PLEASE RECYCLE THIS NEWSPAPER.
VANCOUVERISAWESOME COM THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2022 VANCOUVER IS AWESOME A21 #9-3301 West 16th Ave $1,388,000 Completely renovated, 1,200 sq ft bungalow style Kitsilano Townhome with 2 Beds/2 Baths and 3 PRIVATE outdoor spaces. OPEN HOUSE SAT/SUN SEPT 24TH & 25TH 2:00-4:00PM 2856 Waterloo St $3,888,000 2017 built Kitsilano Craftsman 3 Beds/3 Baths plus 3 Bed legal suite Balance of 2 5 10 warranty remaining OPEN HOUSE SAT/SUN SEPT 24TH & 25TH 3:00-5:00PM call David at 604.649.2305 Licensed at: 4806 Main Street Vancouver BC V5V 3R8 call David at 604.649.2305 Licensed at: 4806 Main Street Vancouver BC V5V 3R8 3460 West 15th Ave $2,888,000 Custom built, 3,070 sq ft Kitsilano home with unobstructed panoramic views. 3 Beds/3 Baths plus 1 Bed/1 Bath AirBnB suite. OPEN HOUSE SAT/SUN SEPT 24TH & 25TH 12:00-2:00PM JUST LISTED JUST LISTED JUST LISTED DANNYNIKAS 604.724.0450 MacdonaldRealtyLtd. Custom5bdrmhomeonaprivate11,867sqftlotinthequietSWMarineDrneighbourhood At 5,950sqft,thisexquisitehomewasbuiltwiththefinestcraftsmanship&hasrecentlycompleted astunningrenovation&updatedwithmodernluxuries&finishing’sbyawardwinningHodgson Design Associates ($1m+) Soaring 19’ vaulted ceilings impress as you enter the grand living rm&intoagourmetkitchenthatboastscustomcabinetry,highendappliances,Italianmarble. Eclipsedoorsleadouttoabeautifullylandscapedyardw/builtinBBQ,patio,fireplace,lounge area, Sport court & a 3 car garage A beautiful master w/balcony awaits you upstairs along w/3morebdrmsw/ensuites Lowerlevelyou’llfindagamesarea/recrm,theatrerm,bdrmw/ ensuite,&laundryrm. Callforyourprivateviewing. Luxury5bdrm,6bathrmfamilyhome 6738BeechwoodStreet,Vancouver NEWLISTING $8,198,000 1669 KITCHENER ST | $1,070,000 • SW Corner 2 Bedroom + Den (Possibly small 3rd Bed) • Bright airy space overlooking quiet tree-lined street • Modern open-concept kitchen w/ high end appliances • Showstopper Master Bedroom w/ 11ft ceilings • Pets and Rentals welcome. 1 Parking & huge storage ocker Call Nicola 604 767 4600 #1 3657 W 16TH AVE | $789,900 Opp unity p hase a street front professional office near n secti of o major thoroughfares in the affluent West P t G neig orhood The office/retail space offers a private ent nce bby, two private offices, kitchen, washroom and two se ed parking stalls Please contact the ist ng agents for more information and to schedule a tour Call Nicola 604 767 4600 BY APPOINTMEN ONLY SAT/SUN, SEPT 24/25TH 2-4PM ONLY #2214 938 SMITHE ST | $728,000 • One Bedroom plus den, fully furnished • Open Balcony In suite laundry secured parking • Beautifully updated plus custom built-ins • Quality concrete building w/ concierge & gym • Pet and Rental friendly Call Sylvia 604 351 8417 MintHomeTeam com Nicola Campbell *PREC 604 767 4600 Sylvia Fierro *PREC 604 351 8417 Mackinley Wilson REaltoR® 604 765 9340 Georgia Heraty REaltoR® 604 763 6173 1428 W 7th Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 1C1 Each Office Independently Owned and Operated PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORPORAT ON SOLD OPEN HOUSE SUN, SEPT 25TH 1-3PM
DUBORD, Paul Joseph
Paul Joseph Dubord MD, FRCSC, OC, passed away Monday September 5 in Vancouver after a short, intense battle with pancreatic cancer He s survived by Mary Lou his loving w fe of fifteen years, and by her children Mitche l (Maryam) and Tom (Sharla) Paul was predeceased by h s wife Joanne and is survived by their three sons: Luke (Laurie), Michae (Sheila) and Marc (Dianne)
Dr Dubord was a renowned cornea surgeon, an active member of the Ophthalmology commun ty and a world leader in internationa eye banking and corneal transplantation Paul worked tirelessly in Canada, Japan, Singapore, Sr Lanka, Afr ca, South America, Europe and especially in India to improve access to quality cornea transplants Pau was a Professor Emeritus at the University of British Columbia (UBC), Department of Ophtha mology and was a board member of the Branch of Internationa Surgery at UBC He was active in the Eye Bank Association of America where he he d various leadership positions, including service on ts medical advisory board since 1992 He a so worked on expert panels of the Canad an Standards Association and of the Wor d Health Organization to develop standards for t ssue transplantation
In 1994 Paul founded the reg stered char ty Eyesight International which has worked internationally to improve corneal transplantation and has had a long and productive relationsh p with the LV Prasad Eye Institute in Hyderabad, India training hundreds of fellows and he ping thousands of people For his contributions to ophtha mology and for his tireless humanitarian work on the nternational stage, notably in Ind a, Paul was appointed as an Officer of the Order of Canada
Paul was an avid dancer boater and hiker who found solace in the natura beauty of the mountains and sea He wil be great y m ssed and remembered by his many friends and co leagues all over the world the celebration flowers, donations
2113 Karen Fehr 5750 Larch Street, 804, Vancouver, BC
957 Daniel Matalon 132 720 Queens Ave New Westminster BC
304 Darren Douglas Roy Gill 2181 West 41 Ave, Unit 8, Vancouver, BC
3020 Carlito Regacho, E 43th Avenue, Vancouver, BC, V5P1M5
787 Senguk Baik 677 East 7th Ave, Vancouver, BC
111 Allan Tria 6290 Royal Oak Ave, Burnaby, BC 3670, Stephane Daigle
3182 10 17700 60th Ave, Surrey, BC
3487 Antonina Madura 1168 33rd Ave, E Vancouver, BC
3009 Ali Khalid 3104 7782 Windsor St, Vancouver, BC 2691 Mathew Thomas Harkema 6777 Victoria Dr, Vancouver, BC
2288 Jason Fenton 823 7831 Westminster Hwy, Richmond, BC
2083 Noe Mora
2033 Upland Drive, Vancouver, BC
A sale will take place online at www ibid4storage com starting at 10AM on Wednesday, October 5, 2022 untill 10AM Friday, October 7, 2022
Winners will be contacted by email at the end of auction. Room contents are personal/household goods unless noted otherwise. Bids will be for the entire contents of each locker unit.
By virtue of the Warehouseman’s Lien Act and on behalf of Maple Leaf Self Storage, we will dispose of goods belonging to Amber Little, namely: 1975 Carnaval Travel Trailer to recover $2,450.85 plus accruing storage and any/all other expenses related. These goods will be made available for sale after October 6th, 2022. Goods are currently being stored in Vancouver, BC Contact 604-434-2448 for further information.
Date of
of life pending In lieu of
may be made n Paul’s memory to Eyesight International: https://eyesightinternationa com/ (Registered Canadian Charity # 92923848RR0001) U-Haul Moving Center Vancouver Claims a Landlords Contractual Lien against the following persons goods in storage at persons goods in storage at 1070 SE Marine Dr , Vancouver, BC Tel : 604 325 6526 Auction is subject to cancellation at anytime without notice
EMPLOYMENT general emPloyment Cleaning Business is looking for RELIABLE HOUSE CLEANERS. 604.987.9970 GOLD, SILVER & PLATINUM BUYERS purchasing al gold & silver bullion, jewelry coins, nuggets, dust, scrap, pre-1968 coins, bulk silver, sterling +++ Numismatist pur chasing entire coin collections & accumulations, Royal Canadian Mint coins, world collections old $$$. +++ 250864-3521 MARKETPLACE WanteD WANTED Danish and Brazilian Modern Furniture We pay top dollar for teak and rosewood furniture from the 1950s 1970s. All types and conditions. Single items or entire estates. Call today! 250 886 7335 Danishmodernfurniture @gmail com Old Books Wanted. also: Photos Postcards Letters Paintings. no text books or encyclopedias I pay cash. 604-737-0530 BUSINESS SERVICES Personals *SWEDISH MASSAGE* 604-739-3998 W Broadway @ Oak St. travel OSOYOOS, BC. Furnished 1, 2 & 3 bedroom beachside condos available now! Discounted Weekly/Monthly rates through April 2023. Utilities/cable included. Starting @ $36/night 250-4880907 REAL ESTATE inDustrial/ commercial INTEGRITY POST FRAME BUILDINGS since 2008 Built with concrete posts. Barns, shops, riding arenas, machine sheds and more. 1-866-974-7678 real estate WanteD WANTED Fixer Uppers Detached Houses & properties including Condos & Townhouses. ANY City • ANY Condition (private investor) Call Ali @ 604-833-2103 WANTED Fixer Uppers Detached Houses & properties including Condos & Townhouses. ANY City • ANY Condition (private investor) Call Ali @ 604-833-2103 HOME SERVICES cleaning A CLEAN SWEEP! Home and Move Out Cleaning. 778-836-9970 CLEANING SERVICE Reas rates, specializing in homes. Guar work. Refs. Call 604-715-4706 concrete CONCRETE SPECIALIST Call Mario 604 253 0049 604 764 2726 Sidewa k Dr veway Pat o Exposed Aggregate Remove & Replacing Reasonab e Rates 35 yrs experience For free est Drainage DRAIN Tiles, Sewer, Water, Video Inspection, Jack Hammering, Hand Excavating, Concrete Cutting, Rootering, WET BSMT MADE DRY 604.782.4322 electrical All Electrical, Low Cost Licensed. Res/Com. Small job expert. Renos, Panel changes. (604)374-0062 Simply Electric A CLASS ELECTRICIAN Res/comm Fully lic. 40 yrs. Local exp. Bonded, Ins, WCB. Great rates All work guaranteed 2 yrs. Free est. 7 days 8 am midnight. Small to mid size jobs and service calls DAVE 778-230-0619 Commercial & Residential Reno’s & Small Jobs bf#37309 778-322-0934 YOUR ELECTRICIAN Lic#89402 Insured. Guar’d. Fast same day service. We love BIG & small jobs! 604-568-1899 A LIC’D. Electrician #30582 Rewiring & reno, appliance/ plumbing, rotor rooter 778998-9026, 604-255-9026 HOME SERVICES excavating #1 Backhoes & Excavators Trenchless Waterlines Bobcats & Dump Truck & All Material Deliveries Drainage; Video Inspection, Landscaping Concrete Stump/Rock/Cement/Oil Tank & Demos, Paving, Pool/Dirt Removal, Paver Stones, Jackhammer, Water/Sewer Line/Sumps, Slinger Avail Concrete Cutting, Hand Excavating. Basements Made Dry Claudio’s Backhoe Service 604-341-4446 Fencing West Coast Cedar Installations since 1991 New • Repaired • Rebuilt Fences & Decks. 604-788-6458 (no text) Flooring Hardwood Floor Refinishing Experts • Repairs • Staining • Installation • Free Estimates 604-376-7224 INSTALLATION REFINISHING, Sanding. Free est, great prices. Satisfaction guar 604-518-7508 MARKETPLACE Ca or emai to place your ad, Monday through Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm 604 653 7851 • 604 362 0586 • Book your ad online anytime at Your Community TODAY'S PUZZLE ANSWERS electrical Call to advertise in Home Services 604.653.7851
VANCOUVERISAWESOME COM THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2022 VANCOUVER IS AWESOME A23 GUTTERS LAWN & GARDEN BuildResults HOME SERVICES CALL Today for Summer DISCOUNTS! GUTTERS • REPLACEMENTS • DOWNPIPE • LEAF GUARD • DRAIN GUARD • SIDING Commercial & Residential Free Estimates Gutter Specialists Licensed WCB Insured 604 724 5493 • 604 721 0372 • handyperSon HANDYMAN • RENOVATIONS •Kitchen •Bath • Plumbing •Countertop •Floors •Paint & more. Call MIC for quote: 604-725-3127 landScaping Start-Finish. Demo-Design. PAVERS, Driveway, Sidewalk Concrete Removal Replace LANDSCAPING, Turf, Hedges, Retaining Wall, Patio Drainage 604-782-4322 25+ years Experience. Fully Ins’d. Lic’d & WCB Summer Clean-up Spec als • Lawn Maintenance • Power Rake • New Sod & Seeding • Tree Topping & Trimming • Power Wash • Gutters • Patio’s • Decks • Fences • Concrete • Retaining Walls • Driveways & Sidewalks & Much MORE All work guaranteed Free Estimates 604-240-2881 MODERATE LANDSCAPING • LAWN Gravel, Bedrock • HEDGE Trimming • PAINT Exterior • STUCCO Repair, Chimney • DECKS Fencing Patios • RETAINING Walls • Pavers • CONCRETE Driveways • ROOFING Repairs 27 Yrs Exp. 778-968-7843 maSonry MASONRY AND REPAIRS •Stone Walls •Bricks •Chimneys & Fireplaces •Pavers •Asphalt •& More •ALL CONCRETE WORK •20+ years experience. George • 778-998-3689 ABE MOVING & Delivery & Rubbish Removal $50/hr per Person.24/7 • 604-999-6020 moving Affordable Moving From $45/hr 1,3,5,7,10 Ton Trucks Licensed & Insured Local Long Distance Free Est. Senior Disc. 604-537-4140 painTing/ wallpaper D & M PAINTING Exterior/Interior Specialist Many Years Experience. Fully Insured. Top Quality • Quick Work. Free estimate. 604-724-3832 Interior & Exterior Specialist. Top Quality Work. Best Rates. Free Est. WCB. Ryan • 778-929-6107 INT/EXT SPECIALIST 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE FREE ESTIMATE. 604-723-8434 Painting Specials g g 778-895-3503 2 rooms for $400, 2 coats any colour (Ceiling & Tr m extra) Price incls premium qua ity paint NO PAYMENT until Job is completed We do all sorts of wood flooring and all types of mouldings painTing/ wallpaper Fully Insured 20 yrs. exp • Free Est. INTERIOR & EXTERIOR SPECIALS 10% OFF Call 6047291234 FAIRWAY PAINTING plumbing • Hot Water Tanks • Plumbing • Heating • Furnaces • Boilers • Drainage • Res & Comm • 24/7 Service 604-437-7272 power waShing Call Simon for prompt & professional service 30 yrs exp. Gutter Cleaning, Power Washing, Window Cleaning, Roof Cleaning 604-230-0627 renoS & home improvemenT ALL RENOVATIONS: •Kitchen •Baths •Additions •Patio •Stairs •Deck •Fences •Pa nt ng •Drywal & MORE 778-892-1530 a1kahlonconstruction ca FATHER AND SON Carpenters Master carpenter, over 50 yrs exp. Great workman ship and referrals. During Covid we are doing fences, decks and stairs. Please call Ed 604-721-4861 Kitchen & Bathrooms, all Tile, all Flooring, Drywall, Paint. ALL REPAIRS +More! INT & EXT • 778-836-0436 MASTER CARPENTER •Finishing•Doors •Moulding Decks•Renos•Repairs Emil: 778-773-1407 Since 1989 604-732-8453 Need anything done or repaired? □Renos □BathRooms □RePaIRs □PaIntInG □tILInG □DooRs □KItchens □WInDoWs □DecKs □Fences □RooFInG □GUtteRs roofing A-1 Contracting & Roofing New & Re-Roofing • All Types All Maintenance & Repairs GUTTER CLEANING Gutter Guard Installations • RENOVATION WORK • WCB 25% Discount • Emergency Repairs • Jag • 778-892-1530 a1kahlonconstruction ca MCNABB ROOFING ALL Roofing & Repairs Insured • WCB 40+ yrs exp • Free Est’s Roy • 604 839 7881 NEW ROOFS & REPAIRS Gutter Cleaning • $145 Free Est. • 604-240-5362 SPECIALIZING IN CEDAR FIBERGLASS LAMINATES AND TORCH ON L abi ty Insu ance, WCB BBB Free Es imates 604-946-4333 Bros. Roofing Ltd. Over 40 Years in Business rubbiSh removal • FULL SERVICE JUNK REMOVAL & Clean-Up at Affordable Rates • Pianos & Hot Tubs No Problem • Booked Appointments • Same-Day Service • Residential & Commercial JUNK 604.220.JUNK (5865) 20 YARD BIN RENTALS from $249/week + dump fees BRADS STucco D & S STUCCO 30 yrs exp. Exc serv All types of Finishes, Repairs Ins’d 604-788-1385 Tree ServiceS TREE SERVICES Pruning, Hedge Trimming Tree & Stump Removal 75 ft Bucket Trucks 604 787 5915 www treeworksonl ne ca $50 OFF * on jobs over $1000 Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a Sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. SUDOKU PUZZLE ANSWERS ON SEPARATE PAGE ACROSS DOWN 1 Crops sown in winter in India 5 Nursemaids in EastAsia 10 Investigates 12 Treated like a child 14 About religious belief 16 Widely used exclamation 18 Car mechanics group 19 Not good 20 Indigenous people of Alberta 22 Everyone has one 23 Fencing sword 25 Soaks 26 The human foot 27 Of she 28 Erythrocyte (abbr) 30 Soldiers 31 Energy, style and enthusiasm 33 Playwright O’Neill 35 Stone parsley 37 Small stones 38 Gas descriptor 40 Monetary unit of Samoa 41 Jeans manufacturer 42 NHLgreat Bobby 44 Cool! 45 Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! 48 Winged 50 Partner to “oohed” 52 Defensive nuclear weapon 53 Coated 55 Furry household friend 56 Chinese principle underlying the universe 57 Prefix meaning “within” 58 Makes easier 63 Transferred property 65 Branched 66 Hillsides 67 Abba , Israeli diplomat 1 Eggs in a female fish 2 Military mailbox 3 Unit to compare power levels 4 Line on a map connecting similar points 5 One who accepts 6 Partner to cheese 7 Ancient Greek sophist 8 About hilus 9 Southeast 10 Where actors ply their trade 11 Beloved Philly sandwich 13 Intend 15 Talk excessively 17 Bronx cheers 18 Drain 21 Renews 23 Monetary unit inAsia 24 Relative biological effectiveness (abbr) 27 Carthaginian statesman 29 Aged 32 Mauna , Hawaiian volcano 34 Firearm 35 Consolation 36 An island in the north Atlantic 39 Pitching statistic 40 Disconsolate 43 Apart of a river where the current is very fast 44 Call it a career 46 Behave in a way that degrades someone 47 Health insurance 49 Recommend 51 Baltic peninsula 54 Father 59 After B 60 Bar bill 61 Doctors’group 62 2,000 lbs 64 Equal to one quintillion bytes Call Simon for prompt & professional service 30 yrs exp. Gutter Cleaning, Power Washing, Window Cleaning, Roof Cleaning 604-230-0627 Find all the help you need in the Home Services section Any Anyproject, project, BIG BIG or orsmall... small...
A24 VANCOUVER IS AWESOME THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2022 VANCOUVERISAWESOME COM OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 8 am - 8 pm* 1595 Kingsway • 604-872-3019 • Please check our website and social media regularly for announcements or changes to our hours of operation Friendly reminder to keep a minimum 2-meter distance away from other customers and staff. Your Original Natural Food Store On Special ThisWeek! Thursday Sept. 22 - Wednesday Sept. 28 *Whilequantitieslast SalesDates:Thursday, September22thtoWednesday, September28th, 2022 *Allproductsintheflyerareonsalewhilequantitieslast Everyone Natural Body Soaps & Lotions 25% OFF! GRASS FED $699 /lb 15.41 kg Inside Round Roasts GRASS FED Stewing Beef $699 /lb 15.41 kg MAPLE LEAF Sliced Bacon $699 375 grams NON-MEDICATED Pork Tenderloin $699 /lb 15.41 kg GRASS FED Regular Ground Beef $498 /lb 10.98 kg FLORA Organic Beet Crystals $2199 200 grams plus gst AMY'S BURRITOS NEW! FROM THE DELI Schinkenspeck BC OR MEXICO Organic Zucchini Squash BC GROWN Nectarines $279 $169 $339 /lb 6.15 kg /lb 3.73 kg 100 grams PRODUCT OF WASHINGTON Organic Yellow Onions ORGANIC Top Sirloin Steaks PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA Organic Seedless Green or Red Grapes BC GROWN Organic Macintosh Apples $189 $359 /lb 4.17 kg /lb 7.91 kg /lb 19.99 kg $907 $529 3lb bag ORGANIC TRADITIONS Organic Health Foods Assorted NON-MEDICATED Pork Back Ribs $861 /lb 18.99 kg NON-MEDICATED /lb 17.41 kg $789Boneless & Skinless Chicken Breasts 25% OFF! 15% OFF! Regular Gluten Free $479 $519 170 grams 156 grams "Each sleep product addresses a specific sleep issue to get you relaxed and catching the ZZZs you need. Melatonin free- herbal capsules. Try them tonight!" Bazzzics Sleep Supplements