Afteryearsofpop uppuppyyoga events,Vancouverfinallygotareal puppyyogastudio PupsYogaisanewVancouver yogastudiothataimstoaidpeopleintheir mentalhealthandsocializingtheirpuppies, butitalsohasabiggermissioninmind ThefounderslaunchedPupsYogato"raise fundsandawarenessforthestraydogsof Zimbabwewhileintroducingthepracticeof Yogaandallofitsbenefitstonewcrowds," writestheirwebsite
FollowingasoftlaunchonOct 16,the studiostartedofferingweekendclasses startingonOct 22witheachclasspriced at$45 Accordingtothestudio'sInstagram page,it's"anhourofpurerelaxationand cuddles."
Thepuppyyogastudioislocatedin Chinatownat180EPenderStreetandasks attendeestobringtheirownmats(thepups aren'tpotty-trainedyet)
@ P U P S Y O G A V A N C O U V E R / I N S T A G R A M MEA TS PR ODUCE GR OCER Y KILLARNEY LOCA TION ONL Y ( E 49 TH A VE) OPEN 8:30AM–10:00PM EVERYDAY www.88supermarket.ca While quantities last We reserve the right to correct pricing errors 2611 E 49th Ave, Vancouver • 604 438 0869 4801 Victoria Dr, Vancouver • 604 876 2128 GARLIC IN NET 1KG IMPORTED LARGE FUYU PERSIMMONS USA WE LOVE VAN HONEY SQUEEZE 1KG MAZOLA 100% PURE CANOLA OIL 2.84L TRUNG NGUYEN COFFEE GOURMET BOX 500G GOLDEN VALLEY WHITE EGGS MEDIUM 12S HEINZ TOMATO KETCHUP SQUEEZE 1L Prices valid from Thursday, October 27 to Wednesday, November 2 KASHA BUCKWHEAT GROATS 700G IN STORE BAKED FRENCH BREAD 440G VERA MORTADELLA BAULICROISSANTCREAMY CHOCOLATE/VANILLA300G PREMIUM GREEN SEEDLESS GRAPES USA FROZEN PORK BELLY $3.88/LB FROZEN DUCK $3.88/LB $2.98/LB $1.98/LB $3.68/EA $3.98/EA$6.98/EA $11.48/EA $1.88/100G $3.68/EA FRESH BONELESS BEEF SHANK $6.88/LB $3.68/EA $4.88/EA KANJI TO FROZEN SANUKI UDON 1.15KG $3.98/EA SURASANG CABBAGE KIMCHI 1.2KG $12.48/EA PUREFOODSSANMIGUEL CHICKENLUNCHEONMEAT340G $2.98/EA DAYS ONLY3 $5.98/EA $1.78/EA VICTORIA DRIVE DENTURE CLINIC 5477 VICTORIA DRIVE AT 39TH | MYDENTURES.CA WE ARE COMMITTED TO KEEP YOU SMILING! Cecilia Guglielmetti, RD Denturist Are you a denture wearer who: Has loose dentures? Cannot enjoy a meal? Has a sore mouth? Has stopped smiling? All of the above Need dentures for the first time? WE CAN HELP YOU! CALL FOR A FREE CONSULTATION EUROPEAN QUALITY AT CANADIAN PRICES TELEPHONE: 604-325-1914 NOW ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS | NO REFERRAL NEEDED
WiththeBCLions headedtotheGrey Cupplayoffs,it's maybetimeto learnafewthingsabouttheteam (especiallysincetheCanucksaren't givinganyoneanythingtocheer about)
Like,didyouknowtheyhavea fightsong?
It'scalled'RoaryouLions,Roar' andwaswrittenbyanEdmonton basedbroadcasternamedPeggy Miller Hereitis(skiptothe 32 secondmarktohearthelyrics Thebandyou'rehearingisactually locallegendDalRichards'bigband (whoevenmadeanalbumofallthe CFLfightsongsinthe60s)
Ifyouknewthat,herearesome factsyoumightnothaveheard before
1 Thenamehasnothingto dowithmountainlions
Whileacougar,akamountainlion(aka puma,akacatamount),haslongbeen thelogofortheBCLions,thename isactuallyareferencetothetwopeaks northofthecity(calledtheSistersby theSquamish).
Whentheteamwasawardedto Vancouverin1953,therewasacity
widecontesttopicktheirname, andtheLionswaspickedasanod tothelocallandmark Thelogoand connectiontocougarsfollowedsince theyalsoarestrongandfast. Thecolours,meanwhile,camefrom theMeralomas,anamateursportsclub (includingRugby)inVancouverwhere theteamhadstrongconnections
VANCOUVERISAWESOME COM THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2022 VANCOUVER IS AWESOME A5 PUBLISHERANDEDITOR IN CHIEF BobKronbauer bobk@vancouverisawesomecom|604 439 2688 DIRECTOROFSALES MichelleBhatti|michelle@vancouverisawesomecom MANAGINGEDITOR LindsayWilliam Ross lindsay@vancouverisawesomecom REPORTERS AllieTurner|BrendanKergin|DanielWagner ElanaShepert|GraemeWood|JeremyHainsworth MariaDiment|MariaTallarico|MikeHowell EDITORIALCARTOONIST GeoffCoates DESIGN+PRODUCTION JodeenHodgson SALESREPS AdamSkaloud|AlisonClay|BryceWickstrom DanielaBecerril|DavidChiew|EliLaycock JustinChen|MaureenLaventure SALES+MARKETINGCOORDINATOR KarenNgan FORADVERTISINGENQUIRIESPLEASEEMAIL advertising@vancouverisawesomecom FORGENERALEDITORIALENQUIRIESPLEASEEMAIL hello@vancouverisawesomecom FORDISTRIBUTIONINQUIRIESEMAIL viadelivery@vannet|delivery@vancouriercom orcall604 398 2901 SENDLETTERSTOTHEEDITORTO bobk@vancouverisawesomecomor 303W5thAve,VancouverBC,V5Y1J6
holdsafewrecords,including mostgamesplayedbya professionalfootballplayer
goodreason TheVancouver born 5thingsyou(probably)didn't knowabouttheBCLions CONTINUESONPAGE9 B C L I O N S
FanfrustrationwiththeVancouver CanuckscametoaheadlastSaturday nightattheirhomeopener Afterlosingfive straightgamesonthe tarttheseason,theCanuckscrashed nedonhomeice,falling5 1tothe BuffaloSabres Fansrespondedwith ofboos,whilesomewentasfaras gjerseysontheiceinprotest That mextremesoearlyintheseason,but justaboutthefirstsixgames this buildingforyears game,Canuckspresidentofhockey nsJimRutherfordwasaskedabout bilityofarebuildandhisanswer alltoofamiliar hinkpeoplehavetorealizehowlong are, ”saidRutherford “Youlookat theteamsthatwentthroughitand atthemnowhowgoodtheyare,but realotoftoughyears wemayverywellbeinarebuildin tionweregoingbutideally,we’dlike ansitionthisteamonthefly. ” ucksfanshavebeenhearingabout oling“onthefly”foryears TheCanucks roncecommittedtoatruerebuildinthe decadeunderformergeneralmanager Benning,whotradedawaymoredraft sthanheacquired,includingtwofirst roundpicksinback to backyearstocloseout histenure.
Frankly,fansdontwanttohearabouthow rebuildsarehardortakealongtime retoolingontheflyhasledtojustasmany “toughyears”asarebuild,withtheCanucks missingtheplayoffsinsixofthelastseven seasons Thedifferenceis,ateamthathas properlyrebuiltwillhaveastrongprospect poolandhopeforthefutureafterthosetough years,whiletheCanucksseemstuckinthe samepitofmediocrityinwhichtheybegun,
withnoprospecthelponthehorizon. TheotherissuewithRutherfordscomments isthathe’swrong Rebuildsdon’thaveto takealongtime Justlookattheteamthatruinedthe Canucks homeopener Afteryearsof muddledeffortsatrebuilding,theSabres hirednewmanagementin2020,then signalledafull scalerebuildbytradingJack EichellastNovember.Lessthanayearlater, theyhaveayoung,excitingteamthatcould makeittotheplayoffsthisseason
TheLosAngelesKingsstartedarebuildin early2019whentheytradedJakeMuzzinto theTorontoMapleLeafs,thentradedmore veteransin2020 Theykeptcoreveteranslike AnzeKopitar,DrewDoughty,andJonathan Quick,butsupplementedthemwith arguablythebestprospectpoolintheNHL, builtwiththedraftpickstheyacquiredin trades Lastseason,justthreeyearsafter startingtheirrebuild,theKingswerebackin theplayoffs
ThentherestheNewYorkRangers,who formallyannouncedtheirrebuildwithaletter totheirfansinearly2018 Thereweresome roughpatchesalongtheway,buttheywent totheEasternConferenceFinallastseason, justfouryearsaftertheirrebuildbegan Now theyrealegitimateStanleyCupcontender That’swhatfanswantfromtheCanucks: trueStanleyCupcontention Buttheplan fromRutherfordandgeneralmanagerPatrik Allvinseemsexactlythesameastheprevious managementgroup:sneakintotheplayoffs andhopeforthebest Insteadofanew direction,theycontinuedonthesametack andhavequicklyrunaground Continuingdownthatpathwillleadtoalot moretoughyearsthananyrebuild.
ByDanielWagner PassittoBulis
Retoolingontheflyhas edtoendlessmediocrity fortheCanucks ALL PRICES IN EFFECT THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27 TO WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2022 UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED. Prices of products that feature the M&M Food Market Rewards Special logo are exclusive to members of the M&M Food Market Rewards program Simply present your membership card or sign up for a free membership n store or onl ne, to take advantage of these exclusive offers M&M Food Market Express and other non traditiona stores offer a l mited range of products; therefore spec al pricing and promot ons are not va id at M&M Food Market Express or other non traditiona stores We reserve the r ght to correct any errors RICHMOND 7020 Francis Road 604 204 0707 Gilber Rd. No .3 Rd. Francis Rd. NORTH DELTA #1, 11161 84th Ave 604 592 2902 n Roya Delta Cen re 1 1 2 SNordelWay 1 2 0 SCommunCy en e 84 h Ave VANCOUVER 4639 Arbutus St. 604 263 2322 A b u u s S Y W B W 3 d A e Val yD N Ch vron 907 g/2 lb DELIVERY AVAILABLEmmfoodmarket com 1799 INCREDIBLE PRICE 2 lb Entrées 907 g Supreme Homestyle Lasagna Chicken Lasagna Shepherds P e Cabbage Rolls Chicken Teriyaki Chicken Pad Thai save $4up to Spicy Sesame Chicken & Rice *Reg s ered T ademark of he Canadian Ce iac Associa on Used under cense CHOOSE FROM 15 VARIETIES SELECTION MAY VARY BY STORE Chicken Strips MADE WITH 100% WHITE CHICKEN BREAST MEAT $733 per lb $899 per lb TRY WITH ButtermilkDill DippingSauce 350mL $549 save $10 HAPP HALLOWEEN Turkey Meatballs 78 83 PIECES 750 g Italian Style Beef Meatballs 85 95 PIECES 907 g Sirloin Beef Meatballs 60 70 PIECES 907 g *Registered Trademark of the Canadian Celiac Association. Used under license Taco Bites 8 PIECES 480 g save $8 save $2 2199 1299 1599 1599 save $3 save $3 save $4
VANCOUVERISAWESOME COM THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2022 VANCOUVER IS AWESOME A7 profIles In communIty leadershIp change can happen We’re celebrating the amazing people whose leadership is making change happen in our community Palexelsiya Lorelei has tirelessly and passionately worked in the community to demand justice for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Both individually and through the Butterflies in Spirit dance group she founded, Palexelsiya Lorelei is providing critical care, support and advocacy for MMIWG family members. To read more about Palexelsiya Lorelei’s leadership, visit centralcityfoundation.ca.
Palexelsiya Lorelei Williams Butterflies
in Spirit
OnSept 15,1954, DannyBrents bodywasfound onthe10thgreen atUBCsgolfcourse He waswearingaredplaid shirt,greytrousers,argyle socks,andbrownshoes Stuffedinsidehisshirt wasanearlyeditionofthe newspaper,soakedwithhis blood Therewasahalf smokedcigaretteinsidehis shirtwhereithaddropped fromhismouthwhenhe wasshot onceintheback andtwiceintheheadwith 45 calibrebullets
DannyBrent’smurderwas thecity’sfirstganglandhit anditcausedasensation inthepressprovidinga dailydoseoftruecrime forMickeySpillanefans ofthetime Therewas anassortmentofsketchy
characterssurrounding Danny twoex wives, rumoursofamarried girlfriend,andaChicago baseddrugsyndicate The plotwasntbadeither There werethehiredkillersfrom outoftown,theattempted murdersoftwoother Vancouverdruglords,and alargeroleforpolicechief WalterMulligan,who wouldbekickedofftheforce thefollowingyear Peopleliked42 year old Danny,evenhisex wives HeworkedatthePress ClubonBeattyStreet.On thenightofhismurder, Dannyhadfinishedhis shiftatthePressCluband headedovertotheMayling
SupperClubinChinatown Heparkedhisred1950 Meteorconvertible in theparkinglotattheback ofthebuilding Awitness saidhesawDannyleave withawomanandtwomen throughthebackdoor PolicethinkDannyslid behindthewheelofhiscar, litupacigarette,andwas shotinthebackbyoneofthe men Thefirstbulletpierced hisspineatadownward angleandthentoreaholein hisliverbeforeitcameout hisnavel.Dr.T.R.Harmon, thepathologist,saidhe couldhaveliveduptohalf anhour
Thekillersmadenoeffort tohidethebodyordisguise Dannysidentity Robbery wasquicklyruledout. Hewasstillwearingan expensivewristwatch,a goldring,andagoldband mountedwithablackstone ontheringfingerofhisleft hand Fourdaysafterhis murder,policeopeneda lockerintheVancouverBus
Depotandfound30ounces ofheroinwithastreetvalue of$175,000.Itwasquickly apparentthattherewas moretoDannythanhisjob asawaiter Eitherhewas killedbyagangtryingto takeovertheheroinindustry ormurderedbyahitteam foranoutstandingdrug debt
In1975,ahomeownerraking underahedgenearhishome inthe3100blockonWest 11thAvenue,foundarusted 45 calibreautomatic Lab testsfailedtoprovethatthe rustypistolwasthemurder weapon,andDanny’s murderremainsunsolved EveLazarusisareporter andauthor andshe hostsandproducesthe ColdCaseCanadatrue crimepodcast Herbooks includetheBC bestsellers MurderbyMilkshake;Cold CaseVancouverand VancouverExposed Eve’s latestbookisColdCase BC:TheStoriesBehindthe Province’sMostIntriguing MurderandMissingPerson Cases
VancouverColdCaseFiles:Thisunsolved1954 shootingdeathwasthecity'sfirst'gangland'hit Thisperfectfall shotwastaken andsharedby aphotographer namedRuchitawho goesbythehandle @enchantedvancouver. Forachancetohaveyour photofeaturedhereand onourInstagramaccount, tagyourInstagram photoswiththehashtag #vancouverisawesome Tokeepupwitheverything happeninginyourcity (andformoregreat photographs!)followusat
AwesomeInstagram PhotooftheWeek L astyearaCoast MountainBus Companyoperator waskilledinacollision involvingtwotransitvehicles CharanjitParhar,64,was fixingamechanicalissueon hisbusonWestCordova Streetwhenhewaspinned byanotherbus Now,CMBCis permanentlyhonouringhis memorywithasignatopa busstopneartheaccident site Thecircularplaquehasa heartwithParhar'sseniority numberinsideandwill remainatbusstop50036on WestCordovaandHomer streets TransLinkhasn'tformally announcedthenewsignage butamomentofsilencewas heldonSeptember29,2021, shortlyafterParhar'spassing Paharhadworkedfor CMBCforover21yearsat thetimeofhisdeath
Busdriverhonoured withheartatstop V A N C O U V E R S U N SHOP.CHOICESMARKETS.COM
kickerholdsseveralrecords, andwasabigpartofthree GreyCupwinsforthe Lions (hescoredthegame winningpointsin1985,1994 and2000)
Thatactuallyhintsathis biggestrecord,having playedin1985and2000; however,in1985hewas alreadyavet.
Passagliahadamassive 25 yearcareer(allwith theLions)inprofessional footballwith408games played While,asakicker, thatallowsforalessinjury pronecareer,408gamesis exceptional Inbaseballorbasketball 400gamesmightnotbe huge,butinprofootball, whereseasonsare18games orsolong,400gamesisa lot Forcomparison,second placeintheCFLisBob Cameron,whoplayed394 Andafterhimthereare hugedropstoDamonAllen (370)andPaulMcCallum (340) TheCFLhassaid thatrecordcouldlive forever
It'snotjusttheCFL,either Passagliaholdsthatrecord overNFLplayersaswell, whereMortenAndersen holdstherecordat382.It's arecordTomBradycan't eventouch,ashe'sat324, andwouldneedfivemore seasonsofuninterrupted gamestobeatPassaglia Oh,andPassagliaalso holdstheCFLrecordsfor mostpuntsandfieldgoals aswell.
3.Afanwasflattened byaLionduringa game,andtriedtosue OnedayinJuneof2018a mandecidedtogofora jog Unusually,hedecided totakehispantsoff Even odder,hedecidedtodoall thisataCFLgameinBC Place
Thestreakerwasableto dodgestadiumsecurityout onthefield,butthenmade themistakeofgettingclose totheteams,whohadbeen liningupforaplay. DefensivebackMarcell Youngdecidedtoendthe guy'srunwithasolidhit Andthecrowdwentwild Reportsfromacoupledays afterthegamesaytheman hadgottenapersonalinjury lawyertotacklehiscase, citing'seriousinjuriesfrom thehit 4.CarlWeathers playedforthem YoumayknowCarl Weathersfromafewthings, likePredator,Rockyor ArrestedDevelopment. Morerecentlyheshowedup intheMandolorian
Long timeLionsfans thoughmay,ormaynot, rememberhimfromhisfirst careerasalinebacker He playedfortheteamfrom 1971to1973duringanera thatwasratherforgettable forteamandmaybealsofor Weathers,whodidn'tdo muchofnoteduringthose twoyears Heretiredand movedontoactingin1974 5 PamelaAnderson wasdiscoveredata game
In1989Andersonwasata gameasafan,justsitting inthecrowdwearinga Labatt'sbeert shirt That imagewentuponBC Place'sJumbotronand Anderson'scareerpath switchedfromfitness instructortosexsymbol Labattsawherandhired herasaspokesmodel Beforetheyearwasover sheappearedonaPlayboy coverandwasmodelling, whichledtoaroleonHome
Improvement,whichledto Baywatch. ByBrendanKergin BCLIONS-5THINGSCONTINUEDFROMPAGE5 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 8 am 8 pm* 1595 Kingsway • 604 872-3019 • www.famousfoods.ca Salesdates:Thursday, Oct27toWednesday, Nov2. 2022 *Allproductsintheflyerareonsalewhilequantitieslast Please check our website and social media regularly for announcements or changes to our hours of operation. Friendly reminder to keep a minimum 2-meter distance away from other customers and staff. Your Original Natural Food Store CANADIAN ORGANIC $599 /lb 13.21 kg Frozen Pork Back Ribs NON-MEDICATED Boneless & Skinless Chicken Breasts $799 /lb 17.62 kg NON-MEDICATED Boneless Fast Fry Pork Chops $599 /lb 13.21 kg EMMA Potato Gnocchi Assorted *excluding gluten-free $279 PRODUCT OF MEXICO Organic Lemons BC GROWN Ambrosia Apples FRESH Boneless Pork Butt Steaks $399 /lb 8.80/kg CANADIAN AA or Higher Prime Rib Steaks $999 /lb 22.02 kg CALIFORNIA OR MEXICO Organic Seedless Green or Red Grapes $359 /lb 7.91 kg $149 /lb 3.28 kg VIONI Organic Pumpkin Seed Oil ORGANIC Beef Chuck Burger $599 /lb 13.21/kg FROM THE DELI Mexican Salami LIBERTE Dairy Kefir Assorted BC GROWN Organic Fall Squash $189 /lb 4.17 kg *assorted NON-MEDICATED Boneless Sweet & Sour Pork $399 /lb 8.80 kg NATURE'S PATH OrganicRiceorKamut RicePuffs BC OR MEXICO Organic Zucchini Squash $159 /lb 3.51 kg $549 /ea 2 lb bag $299 100 grams $499 1 L *non-organic $999 454 grams $899 250 ml /lb 15.41 kg $699AA or Higher Beef Short Ribs 170 grams $399 2DAY WEEKEND SPECIAL! Saturday Oct. 29 & Sunday Oct. 30 *Whilequantitieslast *Limit4packagespercustomerplease Grass Fed Striploin Steaks $599 /lb 13.21/kg BULK Almond Bark Milk & White Chocolate 12 month 5.00%1 Redeemable Term deposit Future you will be so impressed. L m e d t m e o ff e r t e r m s a n d c o n d t o n s a p p y R e d e e m a b e a e 1 8 0 d a y s a t 3 7 5 % G & F F n a n c a G o u p s n o w G u f & F r a s e a r a d e n a m e o f G u a n d F a s e r F h e m e n s C r e d t U n o n 604 419-8888 gulfandfraser.com Let's talk.
AtonepointintimeBC heldthe titleofhavingstagedthelargest peacetimenon nuclearexplosionto date TheRippleRockexplosion tookplaceinthePaci
CampbellRiveronVancouverIsland. Yearsofplanningresultedintheexplosion ofanunderwatermountainthatlurkedjusta fewmetresbelowthesurfaceatlowtide,and wasamajorpainintheneckforshipstrying togetthroughanarrowsectionofDiscovery
Whenitwasintactitcreateda hazardousstandingwaveandwhirlpoolsina narrowpartofthepassagewhenthetidewas goinginorout,hencethenameRippleRock. Onehundred fourteenpeoplediedinnautical accidentsbecauseofit Atruespectacletobehold,theexplosionwas oneofthefirsteventstobelivebroadcaston TVallacrossCanada Itwasalsomarkedasa NationalHistoricEvent Inordertoachieveit theyboredunderneaththeoceanfloor,thenup
abountyonratseventhoughtherat populationwasn'taproblemandyou'dbe hardpressedtoeven
themayorofChester,Pennsylvania,whowas abletogethiscitizenstocollectadozenrat tailsinthespanofamonth Vancouver'sthen
ered15cents perpairofearsbutnobodybroughtanyin,so heincreaseditbyadime
intothemountainwheretheypackedinnearly 1,300tonsofNitramex2Hexplosives Andwhileitresultedinasaferjourneythrough thenarrows,theeventitselfwasalsoaboon forthelocaleconomy Onegroupoflocals organizedabusservicetoaviewingpointonthe dayoftheexplosion,chargingadollaraheadfor peopletogetonit Theymadeanicechunkof changeuntiltheRCMPshutdowntheroadthe busesweregoingdown,forsafetyreasons Aftertheexplosion,somepeoplesoldpostcards
AsshetoldittoareporterfortheVancouver Sun,shethrewarockattheratwhich stunnedit,thenherbrother“
withherdad’s jackknife,wrappedthemintinfoil,then broughtthemtocityhalltocollecther reward
It'sunclearifthemayorpaidherhimselfas thiswasnto
cialcitybusiness,orifhepaid thebountywithtaxpayerfunds.
Regardless,afewmoreratearstrickled inoverthenextfewdays.Themayorthen calledo
cial proclamationsayingthatVancouverwasrat free
showingaphotosequenceoftheexplosion, otherssoldtrinkets,andsomebodyevensold piecesofrockthatweretheactualdrillingsthat thecrewstookouttopackintheexplosives
TheMuseumatCampbellRiverhasanexhibit dedicatedtotheRippleRockexplosion,and therearestilllocalswhoarealivewhotalkabout theday
Followour@bcisawesomeTikTokformore BC storieslikethisone
Vancouver ’smayoroncepaidpeople 25centsforeverypairofactualrat earsthattheybroughttocityhall ItwasmayorTomCampbell,and
Campbellwasanaudaciousmayorwho notoriouslyhatedhippies Hedidandsaida lotofstuffthatmightbeconsideredoff
findonehere Hediditsimplybecausehewantedtooutdo
Thefirstpersontoclaimthe25 centbounty wasa16 year oldbaseballpitchernamed Donna.
ancouver mayoroncepaid peopletobring ratstoCityHall F L E / G E T T Y
One of the world's largest non nuclear explosions took place in B.C. URBAN SENIORS www.chelseaparkbc.ca|chelseapark@newchelsea.ca|1968East19thAvenue,VancouverBC Chelsea Park Inspired Lifestyles for Seniors Active Supportive Housing For Seniors: • Delicious home cooked lunch & dinner served daily • Activities & recreation • 24 Hour safety & security, plus emergency pendants • One block from Trout Lake Community Centre Next To John Hendry Park & Trout Lake ISuitesAvailable60nquireNow: 4-789-7132 1BedroomSuitesStartingAt$2,600
Babyboomersaretheleast environmentconscious generationwhileGen Xhasthebiggesthome carbonfootprint,newBCHydro researchhasfound
generationgap:GenXmost resistanttogoinggreenathome,” releasedOct 21,foundthatwhile babyboomers(58to78yearsold) oncelivedinthebiggesthouses withthemostamenities,there isashiftoccurring Now,Gen
Xers(42to57yearsold)aremost likelytoliveinlarger,detached single familyhomeswithbigger greenhousegasimplications
Why?BecausemanyGenXers stillrelyheavilyonnaturalgas forheatingandappliances,and
tothefactthattheyarethemost likelygrouptothinktheimpacts ofclimatechangehavebeen exaggerated
BC Hydro
Susie Rieder. “Bigger
often mean greaterenergyuseandemissions, especiallywhenitcomestohome
Moreover,boomersarefrequently nolongerintheirlargehomes, havingdownsized Still,overhalfofmillennials surveyedforthereportratedbaby boomersastheleastenvironmentally consciousgeneration
Theresearchalsofoundwhile aquarterofGenXthinktheir generationcaresthemostabout theenvironmentandclimate change,overhalfadmittedthey couldbedoingmoretoreduce theircarbonfootprint
Still,theresearchfoundwhenit comestogreeningtheirlives,Gen Xersaresignificantlylesswillingto makesacrificesthanmillennials
TherealsoseemstobeaGenX disconnectinbehaviours
Whilemanypeoplehaveembraced recyclingandreducingtheuse ofsingleuseplastics,BCHydro foundthatGenXersaremuchless willingtogiveupthegas powered elementsoftheirlives
SurveyresultsfoundthatGenX isnearly60percentlesslikelyto giveupdrivingagas powered vehiclethanmillennials;90per centlesslikelytogiveupusing gasappliancesthanmillennials; and60percentlesslikelytogive uptheirgasheatingsystemthan millennials
Further,GenXersdontappear willingtogiveupgas powered appliances,waterheaters, kitchenappliances,fireplaces, lawnmowers,weedwhackers, pressurewashers,leafblowersand patioheaters
Thesurveywasconductedby MajidKhouryonlineof800 BritishColumbiansbetweenAug 15and18,2022withamarginof error+/ 3.46%.
poweredequipment andtools.Thereportalsonotes boomersareoftenlookeduponas thegenerationthatcreatedproblems formillennials(aged26to41)
average home size of Gen X is between 1,500 to
square feet twice as
as millennials, says
GenXersoutdo boomerswithlargest carbonfootprint,BC Hydroreportfinds G E T T Y
AA5099B Shane Coughlan 1546 Balsam Street, Vancouver BC
833 Hollie Baptiste 951 East 17th Avenue, 805, Vancouver BC
AA4122E Marcus Pietrobon 901 Cottonwood Avenue, Vancouver, BC
3343 Nesrine Hamuda 37 Evergreen Blndg, Calgary, AB
AA0683R Miranda Maloney 4085 Union Street, Burnaby, BC
817 Mitchell Lagimodiere 215-4480 Kaslo Street, Vancouver, BC
3175 Michelle Mcguire 3265 SW Marine Dr, Vancouver, BC
Brett Daniel Thompson 1819 Vee Road, Cowican Bay,
Jose Palanca 3491 Bishop Place, Coquitlam,
A12 VANCOUVER IS AWESOME THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2022 VANCOUVERISAWESOME COM TODAY'S PUZZLE ANSWERS To advertise call 604.653.7851 To advertise call 604 653 7851 To advertise in the Classifeds call 604.653.7851 TRUTH IN EMPLOYMENT ADVERTISING Glacier Media Group makes every effort to ensure you are respond ng to a reputable and legitimate job opportun ty If you suspect that an ad to which you have responded is misleading, here are some hints to remember Legitimate employers do not ask for money as part of the application process; do not send money; do not give any cred t card nformat on; or call a 900 number in order to respond to an employment ad. Job opportunity ads are salary based and do not require an investment. If you have responded to an ad which you believe to be misleading please call the: Better Business Bureau at 604-682-2711 Monday to Friday, 9am 3pm or email: inquiries@bbbvan.org and they will investigate. Please thoroughly wash your hands to keep us healthy! LEGAL
LEGAL/PUBLIC NOTICES LANDSCAPING HOME SERVICES Cleaning Business is looking for RELIABLE HOUSE CLEANERS. 604.987.9970 Seeking friendly & caring caregiver for my mother in Vancouver Must have basic knowledge of elderly care. Casual or P/T $15-28/hr Email davevance090@gmail.com for job description. Old Books Wanted. also: Photos Postcards, Letters, Paintings. no text books or encyclopedias. I pay cash. 604-737 0530 WANTED SASQUATCH SKULL Also purchasing SILVER & GOLD coins, bars, jewelry, scrap, nuggets, ster ing, 999+ BULLION, maple leafs, bulk silver, pre-1969 coins. Coin collector BUYING ENTIRE COIN COLLECTIONS, old $ & Royal Canadian Mint coins. TODD 250864-3521 *SWEDISH MASSAGE* 604-739-3998 W Broadway @ Oak St. INTEGR TY POST FRAME BUILDINGS since 2008. Built with concrete posts. Barns, shops, riding arenas, machine sheds and more. sales@integritybuilt.com. 1866-974-7678. www.integritybuilt.com. CONCRETE SPECIALIST Call Mario 604-253-0049 604-764-2726 S dewalk, Driveway, Patio Exposed Aggregate, Remove & Rep ac ng Reasonable Rates 35 yrs exper ence For free est Drainage & Excavation SERVICES • We make Basements Dry • 604-341-4446 DRAIN Tiles Sewer, Water, Video Inspection, Jack Hammering, Hand Excavating, Concrete Cutting, Rootering, WET BSMT MADE DRY 604.782.4322 All Electrical, Low Cost Licensed Res/Com Small job expert. Renos, Pane changes. (604)374-0062 Simply Electric Commercial & Residential Reno’s & Small Jobs bf#37309 778-322-0934 A LIC’D. Electrician #30582 Rewiring & reno, appliance/ plumbing, rotor rooter 778998-9026, 604-255-9026 #1 Backhoes & Excavators Trenchless Waterlines Bobcats & Dump Truck & All Material Deliveries Drainage; Video Inspection, Landscaping Concrete Stump/Rock/Cement/Oil Tank & Demos, Paving, Pool/Dirt Removal, Paver Stones, Jackhammer Water/Sewer, Line/Sumps, Slinger Avail, Concrete Cutting, Hand Excavating. Basements Made Dry Claudio’s Backhoe Service 604-341-4446 West Coast Cedar Installations since 1991 New • Repaired • Rebuilt Fences & Decks. 604-788-6458 (no text) cedarinstall@hotmail.com GOLDEN HARDWOOD, LAMINATE & TILES Install Hardwood, Sanding/Refinishing, Tiling + Home Renovations. • 778-858-7263 • Hardwood Floor Refinishing Experts • Repairs • Staining • Installation • Free Estimates 604-376-7224 centuryhardwood.com INSTALLATION REFINISHING, Sanding. Free est, great prices. Satisfaction guar 604-518-7508 Clearwest services Professional Window Cleaning Gutter Cleaning and Repair Roof Cleaning and Powerwashing Free Est. Call 604.710.3581 Call Simon for prompt & professional service 30 yrs exp. Gutter Cleaning, Power Washing, Window Cleaning, Roof Cleaning 604-230-0627 HANDYMAN • RENOVATIONS •Kitchen •Bath • Plumbing •Countertop •Floors •Paint & more. Call MIC for quote: 604-725-3127 SHAW LANDSCAPING LTD Complete Landscaping • Lawn Cuts • Gardening • Pruning • Power Washing 778-688-1012Start-Finish. Demo-Design. PAVERS, Driveway, Sidewalk Concrete Removal Replace LANDSCAPING, Turf Hedges Retaining Wall, Patio. Drainage 604-782-4322 Removal, Planting and Stump Grinding CERTIFIED INSURED WCB CALL US TO GET YOUR FREE ESTIMATES 604.737.0170 | www.rakesandladders.com MODERA LANDSCAPING • LAWN Gravel, Bedrock • HEDGE Trimming • PAINT Exterior • STUCCO Repair, Chimney • DECKS Fencing, Patios • RETAINING Walls • Pavers • CONCRETE Driveways • ROOFING Repairs 27 Yrs Exp. 778-968-7843 MASONRY AND REPAIRS •Stone Walls •Bricks •Chimneys & Fireplaces •Pavers •Asphalt •& More •ALL CONCRETE WORK •20+ years experience. George • 778-998-3689 ABE MOVING & Delivery & Rubbish Removal $45/hr per Person.24/7 • 604-999-6020 Affordable Moving From $45/hr 1,3,5,7,10 Ton Trucks Licensed & Insured Local Long Distance Free Est. Senior Disc. 604-537-4140 www.affordablemoversbc.com D & M PAINTING Exterior/Interior Specialist Many Years Experience. Fully Insured Top Quality • Quick Work. Free estimate. 604-724-3832 INT/EXT SPECIALIST 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE FREE ESTIMATE. 604-723-8434 Painting Specials g g 778-895-3503 2 rooms for $400, 2 coats any colour (Ceiling & Trim extra) Price incls premium qua ity paint NO PAYMENT until Job is completed We do all sorts of wood flooring and all types of mouldings Fully Insured 20 yrs. exp • Free Est. INTERIOR & EXTERIOR SPECIALS 10% OFF Call 6047291234 FAIRWAY PAINTING EMPLOYMENT general eMPloyMent MARKETPLACE Wanted BUSINESS SERVICES Personals REAL ESTATE industrial/ coMMercial concrete drainage electrical excavating Fencing Flooring gutters HandyPerson Masonry Moving Painting/ WallPaPer MARKETPLACE Ca or emai to place your ad, Monday through Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm 604 653 7851 • 604 362 0586 nmather@glaciermedia ca • dtjames@glaciermedia ca Book your ad online anytime at vancourier.adperfect.comclassifieds.vancourier.com Your Community U-Haul Moving Center Vancouver Claims a Landlords Contractual Lien against the following persons goods in storage at persons goods in storage at 1070 SE Marine Dr Vancouver BC Tel : 604 325-6526. Auction is subject to cancellation at anytime without notice. AA7513F Mathew Harkema 2095 E 52Nd Avenue, Vancouver, BC AA5602D Bradley Minchin 445 23Rd Avenue, Vancouver, BC 2284 Julie Hilton 602-2151 West 39th Ave, Vancouver,
BC 990
BC A sale will take place online at www.ibid4storage.com starting at 10AM on Monday, November 14, 2022 until 10AM Wednesday, November 16, 2022 Winners will be contacted by email at the end of auction. Room contents are personal/household goods unless noted otherwise. Bids will be for the entire contents of each locker unit. A CLASS ELECTRICIAN Res/comm. Fully lic. 40 yrs. Local exp. Bonded, Ins, WCB. Great rates. All work guaranteed 2 yrs. Free est. 7 days 8 am midnight. Small to mid size jobs and service calls. DAVE 778-230-0619
VANCOUVERISAWESOME COM THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2022 VANCOUVER IS AWESOME A13 vancouverisawesome.com All advertising published in this newspaper is accepted on the premise that the merchandise and services offered are accurately described and willingly sold to buyers at the advertised prices. Advertisers are aware of these conditions. Advertising that does no conform to these standards or that is deceptive or misleading is never knowingly accepted. If any reader encounters non-compliance with these standards we ask that you inform the Publisher of this newspaper and The Advertising Standards Council of B.C. OMISSION AND ERROR: The publishers do no guarantee the insertion of a particular advertisemen on a specified date, or at all, although every effort will be made to meet the wishes of the advertisers Further the publishers do not accept liability for any loss of damage caused by an error or inaccuracy in the printing of an advertisemen beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied by the portion of the advertisemen in which the error occurred. Any corrections of changes will be made in the next available issue. Vancouver Is Awesome will be responsible for only one incorrect insertion with liability limited to that portion of the advertisement affected by the error Request for adjustments or corrections on charges must be made within 30 days of the ad s expiration For best results please check your ad for accuracy the first day it appears. Refunds made only after 7 business days notice! ADVERTISING POLICIES SUDOKU Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a Sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row column and box Each number can appear only once in each row column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. PUZZLE ANSWERS ON SEPARATE PAGE HOME SERVICES • FULL SERVICE JUNK REMOVAL & Clean-Up at Affordable Rates • Pianos & Hot Tubs No Problem • Booked Appointments • Same-Day Service • Residential & Commercial JUNK 604.220.JUNK (5865) BRADS REMOVAL.com Starting at $249 + dump fees. 20 YARD BIN RENTALS • Hot Water Tanks • Plumbing • Heating • Furnaces • Boilers • Drainage • Res & Comm • 24/7 Service 604-437-7272 Call Simon for prompt & professional service 30 yrs exp. Gutter Cleaning, Power Washing, Window Cleaning, Roof Cleaning 604-230-0627 ALL RENOVATIONS: •Kitchen •Baths •Additions •Patio •Stairs •Deck •Fences •Pa nt ng •Drywal & MORE 778 892 1530 a1kahlonconstruction ca FATHER AND SON Carpenters Master carpenter, over 50 yrs exp. Great workmanship and referrals. During Covid we are doing fences, decks and stairs. Please call Ed 604-721-4861 Kitchen & Bathrooms, all Tile, all Flooring, Drywall, Paint. ALL REPAIRS +More! INT & EXT • 778-836-0436 MASTER CARPENTER •Finishing•Doors •Moulding Decks•Renos•Repairs Emil: 778-773-1407 primerenovation.ca Since 1989 604 732 8453 mrbuild@mrbuild.com www mrbuild com Need anything done or repaired? □Renos □BathRooms □RePaIRs □PaIntInG □tILInG □DooRs □KItchens □WInDoWs □DecKs □Fences □RooFInG □GUtteRs A-1 Contracting & Roofing New & Re-Roofing • All Types All Maintenance & Repairs GUTTER CLEANING Gutter Guard Installations • RENOVATION WORK • WCB 25% Discount • Emergency Repairs • Jag • 778-892-1530 a1kahlonconstruction.ca MCNABB ROOFING ALL Roofing & Repairs Insured • WCB 40+ yrs exp • Free Est’s Roy • 604-839-7881 NEW ROOFS & REPAIRS Gutter Cleaning • $145 Free Est. • GLRoofing.ca 604-240-5362 SPECIALIZING IN CEDAR, FIBERGLASS LAMINATES AND TORCH ON L abi y nsurance, WCB BBB Free Es ma es 604-946-4333 Bros. Roofing Ltd. Over 40 Years in Business plumbing poweR washing Renos & home impRovement Renos & home impRovement Roofing Rubbish Removal Looking to do some Refer to the Service Directory for all of your home improvement, decorating and gardening needs Home Improvement? Dopedesignsforrainorshine SHOPNOW*PrintedinEastVan STYLESTOSUITEVERYGENERATION-PAST,PRESENT,FUTURE
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