NEWS + LIFESTYLE — AN EXTENSION OF VANCOUVERISAWESOME.COM 236,400 166,700 102,200 ISSUE NOVEMBER 10, 202285,300 31,000 B O B K R O N B A U E R Poppiesgogreen Legionlaunches biodegradablepoppies A10
A2 VANCOUVER IS AWESOME THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2022 VANCOUVERISAWESOME COM||1968East19thAvenue,VancouverBC Chelsea Park Inspired Lifestyles for Seniors Active Supportive Housing For Seniors: • Delicious home cooked lunch & dinner served daily • Activities & recreation • 24 Hour safety & security, plus emergency pendants • One block from Trout Lake Community Centre Next To John Hendry Park & Trout Lake ISuitesAvailable6nquireNow: 04-789-7132 1BedroomSuitesStartingAt$2,600 Dopedesignsforrainorshine SHOPNOW*PrintedinEastVan STYLESTOSUITEVERYGENERATION-PAST,PRESENT,FUTURE
Vancouverites askRyan Reynoldsto‘save theCanucks’
RyanReynoldshasreportedlyshowninterest inbuyingaCanadianhockeyteam,and Vancouveritesarenothappyaboutit.
TheVancouveractorissaidtobeeyeingthe OttawaSenatorsifanopportunitytobuytheNHL teamarises Andthisisn'tReynolds'firstgo roundwith professionalsportsteams AlongwithfellowactorRobMcElhenney,Reynolds purchasedtheWelshfootballclubWrexhamAFCbackin Februarylastyear HemadeaTVshowaboutittoo,which hasbeennominatedfortheFreedomofWrexham,thecity's topaward ReynoldshintedathisinterestinpurchasingtheOttawa Senatorswithasingle"thinkingface"emojionTwitterlast week,andmanyVancouveritesontheplatformareshowing theirdisappointmentatthenews
"PleasebuytheCanucksinstead!"onewrites Others chimeinaskingtheVancouver bornactortoconsiderhis hometown'shockeyteam
SomearebringingotherVancouvercelebritiesintothe conversation,includingMichaelBubléandSethRogen,in partbecausebothhockeyteamscanbecostlyfortheactor. Stillmorehavedifferentsuggestions,includingbringinga basketballteambacktoVancouver TimewilltellwhathappenstotheOttawaSenators,and ifoneofVancouver'sfavouritesonsbecomesapartofthe team
ApopularChinatown restaurantknownforits brunches,drinksand approachablepan Asian disheshasshutdown
OpeninginJanuaryof2012,theUnion hadbeenservingupnoodlebowls, eggsbenedict,andChinese inspired scrambles,amongotherdishesto hungrylocals
Union,theCascadeGroup,announced itwouldbepermanentlyshuttingits doorsafterOct 23 "Wehavehadanamazing11yearsin Chinatown,"theywrite "Butitistime tomakeroomforsomeonenewat219 UnionStreet."
Intheannouncement,theyalso thankedtheirfront of housestaff, kitchencrewandcustomers "We'vebeenveryfortunatetowork
withanincredibleteaminour kitchen,ledthroughoutbychefLisa Henderson,"theywrite "Herincredible wayofmakingdelicioussoutheastAsian 'streetfood'tasteextraordinaryhas madetheunionwhatitis"
TheCascadeGroup'sothertwo locations,ElCamino'sat3250MainSt andTheCascadeRoomat2616Main St,willberemainingopen,theynote
Careful,don'tsliponthatgiant bananapeel!
SomeVancouveritespassing bythecity'swaterfront recentlywereprivytoseeingalarge yellowstatuesetupatJackPoolePlaza Thepeelisn'ttheremainsofKing Kong'smidnightsnackbutpart ofanawarenesscampaignbyThe CommunityAgainstPreventable Injuries(Preventable)toraiseawareness aboutinjuriesandpreventableaccidents
"Toremindyouthatmostinjuriesyou canseecoming,we'veputamassive bananapeelsculpturebytheOlympic Cauldron,"writesthenon profit organizationonTwitter "90percentof accidentsare100percentpreventable" BigBanana,theofficialnamefor the"sillysculpture"accordingto theorganization,wasondisplaythe afternoonofNov 2 Thisisn'tthefirsttimeabananapeelhas beenploppedaroundVancouver
In2019and2017,Preventableplacedthe eightfoottallsymbolforan“accident waitingtohappen”attheintersectionof GranvilleandGeorgiastreets oneof Vancouver'sbusiestjunctions
Thebananapeel,alighthearted campaign,isoneofthewaysthat theorganizationisreminding BritishColumbiansthatinjuriesare preventable
T H E U N I O N IanSomerhalderwasspotted greetingfansinVancouverlastweek Theactor,knownforhisroleas DamonSalvatoreinTV'sThe VampireDiaries,wasvisitingLegacy LiquorStoreinOlympicVillageon Nov 1wherehewasmeetingfans andsigningbottlesofBrother'sBond Bourbon Somerhalderdrewasmallcrowd outsideoftheliquorstoreintheearly eveningfortheevent,whichwas announcedontheliquorstore'ssocial mediaandhadlimitedcapacity AnofficialBCLiquorStore eventearlieronTuesday afternoonat39thandCambie featuringSomerhaldersigning bottlesalsosoldoutall100 availabletickets Theactorco founded Brother'sBondBourbonwith TheVampireDiariesco star PaulWesleyin2021 ByMariaDiment Actormeetsfanssignsliquorbottles @ A L P A L Z Z / @ J A Y D A K M A K E U P
Canucksdrafted BoHorvatninth overallinthe2013 draft,theunderstandingwasthat theywerentnecessarilygettinga dominantoffensiveplayer Hedidn’t havethemoregaudyoffensivetotals oftheplayersatthetopofthedraft likeNathanMackinnonandSam Reinhart,orevenhisownLondon Knightsteammate,MaxDomi Instead,Horvatwasseenasathe consummatetwo wayplayer,who woulddoallthelittlethingsyou needtowinhockeygames:battle inthecorners,winfaceoffs,andkill penalties Sure,hedputupsome points,butitwashischaracterand leadershipthatwouldbethereal hallmarksofhisgame.
Horvatwasprojectedasatop tier third linecentreor,ifhedidslot intoatop sixrole,itwouldbeasthe gritorsandpapertomakeroomfor moreskilledlinemates
Only,thatsnotexactlyhowits turnedout.Sure,thecharacter andleadershiparethereinspades hewasnamedtheteams14th captaininfranchisehistoryfora reason andhecertainlywinsa lotoffaceoffsandplaysbigminutes againsttoughopponents.But Horvatsalsoscoringawholelot Infact,asofthisweekend,Horvat
had10goalsin12gamesthisseason, secondamongNHLforwards thisseasonbehindonlyConnor McDavid That’ssomeprettyheadycompany butitgoesbackfurtherthanjust thisseason Horvatsgoal scoring spreedatesbacktoMarch9oflast season Sincethen,Horvathasa whopping24goalsin30gamesand his0 80goalspergameleadsthe entireNHLinthattime.
Gobacktoalloflastseasonand Horvathas41goalsinhislast82 games,whichwouldmatchthe bestCanucksseasonsinceMarkus NaslundandToddBertuzziin 2002 03 Thatssomeelitecompany anditraisesthequestion:isBo Horvatanelitegoalscorer?It’s certainlystartingtolooklikeit
“Itkindoffeelsalittlesurrealwhen yousayitlikethat,”saidHorvat onCBCsAfterHourswhenhe
wasconfrontedwithhisgoal scoringpace “There’salotofgreat goalscorersinthisleague toeven beinthatcategory,itfeelsgood Ijusttrytocapitalizeonevery opportunityIcanget.” He’sbeengettingalotof opportunities,particularlyonthe powerplay,whereopposingpenalty killshavelearnedtorespectthe dangerofhisshotfromthebumper positioninthemiddleoftheice.But
hesbeenscoringineverysituation and,likemostgreatgoalscorers, inmultipledifferentways Three ofhisgoalsthisseasonhave comefromwristshots,threefrom slapshots,andfourfromtipsor deflections
Perhapsitshouldn’tbesurprising thatHorvathasbecomeagreat goalscorer RightsinceJuniorhe steppeduptoscoregoalsinbig situations. Inhisdraftyear,after amoderatelygoodregularseason, Horvatlituptheplayoffswith 16goalsin21gamestoleadthe OHLplayoffsingoals Inhisone playoffappearanceascaptainof theCanucks,Horvatwasabeast, scoring10goalsin17games Bythe timetheCanuckswereeliminated fromtheplayoffsbytheVegas GoldenKnights,Horvatledthe playoffsingoals.
Unfortunately,evenasHorvat comesthroughwithgoalscoring whentheteamneedsit,itsnot leadingtowins Evertheteam player,Horvatwantswinsmore thananythingelse.
“IfIwouldhavescoredfour,tie game,”lamentedHorvataftera two goaleffortwasn’tenoughina recentgame “So,Illtrytogetfour nexttime”
ByDanielWagner PassittoBulis
B R E N D A N K E R G N SALE CONDUCTED BY LIQUIDATION GROUP www maynardsretail com 130 W BROADW VANCOUVER ALL SALES FINAL EVERYTHING SOLD AS-IS 130 W BROADWAY, VANCOUVER MAJOR WARDROBE LIQUIDATION SALE LOCALLY FILMED! | 3 SEASONS! | 50+ EPISODES! BEGINS FRIDAY, NOV. 18 @ 9:30AM FORMER MEC LOCATION • PARKING IS LIMITED Pay Parking on Roof or Street Parking Nearest Skytrain: Cambie & Broadway 30,000 PIECES OF WARDROBE! OVER WAY 10,000 OVER PAIRS OF &SHOES ACCESSORIES! MENS, WOMENS & CHILDRENS • Winter Coats • Jackets • Jeans • Pants • Dress Shirts & Pants • Suits • Suit Jackets • Skirts • Sweaters & Cardigans • Blouses • Sports Jackets • Sweat Tops & More! LARGE SELECTION OF ACCESSORIES • Shoes • Gloves • Jewellery • Hats • Purses & More! LARGE SELECTION OF HIGH-END WARDROBE & ACCESSORIES EVERYTHING PRICED FOR IMMEDIATE LIQUIDATION! Week 1: NOV. 18 21 9:30 5 Each Day Week 2: NOV 25 28 9:30 5 Each Day Week 3: DEC 1 4 9:30 5 (Sun 11 5) Br ng own shopping bags • No large purses jackets or baby strollers allowed in the store 2560 West Broadway Tel 604 733 1534 HuntersGardenCentre com Store Hours: November 11: 9am-5pm Mon Sun: 9am 5:30pm 2022 WINNER! Add Winter Pansies to your garden for an extra pop of colour! Get ready for the Holidays Cypress Goldcrest ‘Wilma’ 4 inch pot Winter Pansies Fibre Pack Sunblaster Gro Light 12 inch $49.99 each$6.99 each $9.99 each
Letter: Spiders cominginside
Ijustread yourarticle [about spiders making theirway inside inthefall] andIfound awaytokeepthemout ofone'shomemanyyears ago Chestnuts!Ilineafew onwindowsillsandpatio doors Ialwayshadhuge spiderswinteringinmy placeandchestnutssolved theproblembutIdon't knowwhy?Size,smell? Thereisatricktogetting chestnutsintime the chestnutsdropwhenthe weathercools,usuallyatthe sametimespiderswantto moveinsidesoonehastobe quicktocollectthem Some chestnutsarepoisonousso ifadogcomesoverIrun andcollectthemuntilhe/ sheleavesjustincasemine are Namaste Pam
ThePavilionisStanleyPark'soldest structureandwasoriginallybuiltasa concessionstandin1911
Ithasbeenavenueforthousands ofdinners,parties,andweddingreceptions, noneofwhichIeverattended Infact,Ihad neverseentheoutsideofit,letalonethe inside,untilIwalkedthegroundsvirtually aloneduringthe2020lockdown
It'sanimpressiveandiconicplacewithstrong linkstothehistoryofVancouver,andIlook forwardtospendingmoretimethere
JohnBentleyisanarchitectural photographerwhohasphotographedthe insideandoutsideofthousandsofbuildings aroundVancouver Usingimagesfromthe VancouverArchivesheoffersaglimpseofthe pastandpresentonhissiteVancouverNow &Then
VANCOUVERISAWESOME COM THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2022 VANCOUVER IS AWESOME A5 PUBLISHERANDEDITOR IN CHIEF BobKronbauer bobk@vancouverisawesomecom|604 439 2688 DIRECTOROFSALES MichelleBhatti|michelle@vancouverisawesomecom MANAGINGEDITOR LindsayWilliam Ross lindsay@vancouverisawesomecom REPORTERS AllieTurner|BrendanKergin|DanielWagner ElanaShepert|GraemeWood|JeremyHainsworth MariaDiment|MariaTallarico|MikeHowell EDITORIALCARTOONIST GeoffCoates DESIGN+PRODUCTION JodeenHodgson SALESREPS AdamSkaloud|AlisonClay|BryceWickstrom DanielaBecerril|DavidChiew|EliLaycock JustinChen|MaureenLaventure SALES+MARKETINGCOORDINATOR KarenNgan FORADVERTISINGENQUIRIESPLEASEEMAIL advertising@vancouverisawesomecom FORGENERALEDITORIALENQUIRIESPLEASEEMAIL hello@vancouverisawesomecom FORDISTRIBUTIONINQUIRIESEMAIL viadelivery@vannet|delivery@vancouriercom orcall604 398 2901 SENDLETTERSTOTHEEDITORTO bobk@vancouverisawesomecomor 303W5thAve,VancouverBC,V5Y1J6
VancouverNow&Then:TheStanley ParkPavilionin1912and2020
VancouverCanadians releasetheir2023
Agoldenretriever hadquitethe adventurein Vancouverlast Monday,Oct 31.
Thepupwasspotted runningaloneatMainland andHelmckenaround 12:30p.m.According toV.I.AreaderBrent Bagshaw,awomanfrom theYaletownBusiness ImprovementAssociation sawhimandtriedtocatch him,followinghimupto DavieStreet.
Bagshawalsosawthe dogonDavieturning southontoHomerand joinedtheefforts.Hesays hecalledtothedogbut itwasspookedandkept running.
"Iwentupstairstograb apouchofdogtreatsand thenstartedcombingthe streets,"hetellsV.I.Ain anemail.
Withthe2022WorldSeriesnowover,the VancouverCanadianshaveannounced theirschedulefortheupcoming2023season ofMinorLeagueBaseballatNatBailey Stadium
LastyeartheNorthwestLeagueteamplayed66regular seasongamesathomeinVancouver,thenfinishedinsecond placebehindtheEugeneEmeraldsinanexcitingfinalseries
OurhometownHigh AaffiliateoftheTorontoBlueJays willplayanother66gamesathomethisseason,withwhat theleaguecallsa“sixon,oneoff”schedule
Thismeansthatthey'llplaysixgamesinarowagainstone opponentandthentaketheseventhday(Monday)offbefore playinganothersix gameseries
TicketsarenowavailableontheCanadianswebsite,with thehomeopenerbeingApril7,2023
Aswegetclosertotheseasonlookformorecoveragefrom V I A 'sweeklyC'scolumnist,superfanRyanBeil!
April:7 9,4/11 16,4/25 30
May:9 14,5/30 31
June:1 4,6/13 18,6/27 30
July:1 2,7/14 16,7/25 30
August:8 13,8/22 27,8/29 31
Bagshawwascombingovertheseawall andGeorgeWainbornParkasking anyoneiftheyhadspottedthewhitehueddogwhenamanlethimknowthe retrieverhadbeenspottedrestingin DavidLamParknearby.
"AsIapproachedthedogwithtreats Icouldseeyetanothermandoingthe same,"recallsBagshaw."Thedog joggedtowardsthepierandthen
jumpedintoFalseCreekandstarted swimming."Bagshawcalledouttoa passingAquabusandtheboattried tobringthedogaboardbutwithout muchluck."Soontherewerethree Aquabusesencirclingthedog.The Aquabusskippermanagedtograbthe dogbyitscollar,butthedogslipped outofit,"saysBagshaw."Azodiac soonarrivedonthescene,wethought itmayhavebeenthepolicebutlater learnedittoowasdispatchedby Aquabus."
Ittooktwomenonthezodiactoget thedogonboardandtheydidsustain afewbitesbutstaffattheFalseCreek ferrycompanytellsV.I.Athatitwas "nothingtooserious."
"It'smorethatthedogwasscaredand gettingitoutofthewaterwastricky," theysay.Thedogisnowsafeand soundandAquabusisworkingwith theBCSPCAtofindthedog'sowner. "He'shappyandhealthy,"theysay.
Therestaurantspaceat1300 RobsonSt adjacenttoForage hashadafewidentitiesinthe lasthandfulofyears,andhas justre emergedfromabitofapandemic slumberwithanewnameandmenu CalledtheJervisJoint,therefreshed contemporarypub stylespotistaking upthemantlefrompredecessorsBeside (asin"besideForage")andbeforethat theCanadiana themedTimber.The nameisanodtoitslocationatthe cornerofRobsonandJervis,andthe
restaurantisundertheumbrellaofthe ListelHotel,whichhousesbothJervis JointandForage
Timberwasprimedtoofferitslast serviceonMarch22,2020when COVID 19changeditsplansandsped upthetimeline Ultimately,Beside gotupandrunningthatsummer,but wounddownoperationsaboutayear later
JervisJointoffersabitofasports barvibeandanapproachablemenu ofcomforteats,likeasmashburger,
nachos,andwings,withcraftbeers Happyhourisofferedfrom3to6pm andhassnackanddrinkspecials There arealsodailyspecials,likediscounted pitchersoftheirhousePilsneron Thursdays,ora"burgerandabeer"deal for$20onSaturdays
Thejust launchedJervisJointisopen WednesdaythroughSundayfrom3 pm tolate FollowthemonInstagram @jervisjoint
ByLindsayWilliam Ross
schedule B O
Refresheddowntownpubspacerelaunches VOLUNTEER NOW HELP PEOPL IN OUR COMMUNIT APPLY TODAY volunteerBCY@redcross.c 604-709-6687 WRINKLE AND FROWN LINE CREAM: • For women & men of all ages and skintypes • Reduces the look of wrinkle depth up to 68% • 5 creams in one: A wrinkle cream, day cream, night cream, moisturizer, & make up base $3999 SAVE$10 Manager’s Special: Now only Reduce the appearance of wrinkles up to 68% Available in London Drugs stores or order online at Search for ‘WrinkleandFrownLineCream’
VANCOUVERISAWESOME COM THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2022 VANCOUVER IS AWESOME A7 It's fall in the Lower Mainland and some folksareheadingSouth! This great shot of that in action was taken and shared by a photographer named Jatin who goes by the handle @the alpha guy Follow @viawesome and share your photos using the #vancouverisawesome hashtag on Instagram to be considered for publishing here! AwesomeInstagramPhotooftheWeek MEA TS PR ODUCE GR OCER Y KILL ARNEY LOCA TION ONL Y (E 49 TH A VE) OPEN 8:30AM–10:00PM EVERYDAY While quantities last We reserve the right to correct pricing errors 2611 E 49th Ave, Vancouver • 604 438 0869 4801 Victoria Dr, Vancouver • 604 876 2128 Prices valid from Thursday, November 10, to Wednesday, November 16. FRESH BEEF EYE OF ROUND ROAST $6.88/LB FRESH PORK BELLY IN BAG BONELESS SKIN ON $3.88/LB FRESHBLUEBBERY1 PINTCLAMSHELLPERU YELLOW ONION 3LB BAG U.S.A EXLARGEHONEYGLOWTREERIPE PINEAPPLECOSTARICA $4.98/EA $1.98/EA $3.98/EA NEW CHOICE CHICKEN /BEEF BROTH 396G HAITAI HONEY BUTTER CHIPS 60G 2/$4.002/$3.00 MAZOLA 100% PURE CORN OIL 2.84L $12.48/EA GREEN GIANT CORN NIBLETS 341ML KIRIN AFTERNOON MILK TEA 1.5L $1.18/EA $3.88/EA CHORIPDONG FROZEN LEEK DUMPLING 540G $3.98/EA SAPUTO SHREDDED CHEESE 320G JACOB’S CREAM CRACKERS 200G $1.88/EA $5.48/EA QUEPASAORGANIC TORTILLACHIPS300G 350G $3.88/EA 12 GRAIN BREAD 500G HOT CAPICOLLA $2.28/100G $3.48/EA FRESH CHICKEN LEG BACK ATTACHED $2.38/LB DAYS ONLY FRI SAT&SUN 3 CUT FROM CANADIAN AAA GRADE DAN D PAK COCONUT CREAM 400ML $2.28/EA VICTORIA DRIVE DENTURE CLINIC 5477 VICTORIA DRIVE AT 39TH | MYDENTURES.CA WE ARE COMMITTED TO KEEP YOU SMILING! Cecilia Guglielmetti, RD Denturist Are you a denture wearer who: Has loose dentures? Cannot enjoy a meal? Has a sore mouth? Has stopped smiling? All of the above Need dentures for the first time? WE CAN HELP YOU! CALL FOR A FREE CONSULTATION EUROPEAN QUALITY AT CANADIAN PRICES TELEPHONE: 604-325-1914 NOW ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS | NO REFERRAL NEEDED
Vancouverwillhost the111thGrey Cupin2024,the CanadianFootball Leagueclubannouncedlast week aculminationofa successfulresurgenceinthe firstfullyearundernewowner AmarDoman
Topleagueandclubofficials madetheannouncementatBC PlaceStadium whichwill hostits10thGreyCupafter theNovember2024event alongwithprovincialtourism ministerLisaBeare,incoming VancouvermayorKenSim (picturedhere)andPavCo president/CEOKenCretney amongotherrepresentatives fromthecommunity CFLcommissioner RandyAmbrosiemadethe announcementofficialviaa televisedmessagemadefrom TorontowithDoman Itwill bethe17thtimetheGreyCup ishostedinVancouver.
LionsCOODuaneVienneausaidthesuccess oftheLions’bidreflectedthecomplete packagethatVancouverrepresented:A centralizedeventspaceforthefullweeks festivities,astrongandre emergingfan interestintheCFLandsupportfromallthe stakeholdersinvolved “It’safocuseveryyearinGreyCupsfor
theCFLtohavethefestival,thegame andeverything[being]tightandcompact,” Vienneausaid “It’simpossibletogetabetter environmentthanyoudohereinVancouver, withBCPlace,theVancouverConvention Centreandallthehotelsbeinginwalking distance Thatsatruefactorthatreallyhelped uswinthebid ”
/ T
R Prices of products that feature the M&M Food Market Rewards Spec al logo are exclusive to members of the M&M Food Market Rewards program Simply present your membership card or sign up for a free membersh p n store or onl ne to take advantage of these exclusive offers M&M Food Market Express and other non traditiona stores offer a l mited range of products; therefore special pr cing and promotions are not valid at M&M Food Market Express or other non traditiona stores We reserve the r ght to correct any errors RICHMOND FRANCIS 7020 Francis Road 604 204 0707 Gilbert Rd. No.3 Rd. Francis Rd. NORTH DELTA #1 11161 84th Ave 604 592 2902 n Roya Delta Cen re 1 1 2 SNordelWay 1 2 0 SComm n Cy en e 84 h Ave VANCOUVER ARBUTUS 4639 Arbutus St. 604 263 2322 S Y e w W s W 3dA ValeyDr N Chevron DELIVERY AVAILABLEmmfoodmarket com ALL PRICES IN EFFECT THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10 TO WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2022 UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED GOURMET CHICKEN Swiss BISTRO CHICKEN® Ricotta and Spinach Stuffed Chicken Breasts LIMIT OF 8 PER CUSTOMER BISTRO 142 g CHOOSE FROM 4 VARIETIES GOURMET 170 g CHOOSE FROM 5 VARIETIES 499 INCREDIBLE PRICE each Single Serve Entrées 275 g 340 g Shepherds Pie Lasagna 499 each sale Butter Chicken CHOOSE FROM 17 VARIETIES SELECTION MAY VARY BY STORE save $250 Chicken Strips 27 33 PIECES 1 36 kg/3 lb MADE WITH 100% WHITE CHICKEN BREAST MEAT $766 per lb TRY WITH PlumDipping Sauce 350mL $599 PRICE DROP Jalapeño Wonton 12 PIECES 223 g Falafels 15 PIECES 475 2g 6 28 PIECES 500 g 999 each New! save $2 799 save $2 DELICIOUS APPETIZERS Turkey Meatballs 78 83 PIECES 750 g Italian Style Beef Meatballs 85 95 PIECES 907 g Sirloin Beef Meatballs 60 70 PIECES 907 g Meatball Mania 1599 each PRICE DROP Large size available, 130 140 PIECES 1 36 kg $19 99 save $5 2299 1299 save $5 save $4 save $2 *Registered Trademark of the Canadian Celiac Association Used under license save $4 Sauce included Sauce included CIRCLE CRAFT C H R I S T M A S M A R K E T N OV E M B E R 9–1 3 VA N C O U V E R C O N V E N T I O N C E N T R E 250 artisans from coast to coast GET TICKETS AT
Whenitcomes tolocally madejamsand preservesin theLowerMainland,Vista D'Orohasbeenastaplefor overtwodecades
Nowthebusinesshascome full circlebyreturningto oneofitsoriginalvending spaces:Vancouver's legendaryGranvilleIsland PublicMarket.Vista D'Oro'sonsiteshop cafe space,ThePreservatory, isexpandingitsreach withthelaunchofits PreservatoryProvisions& ToastBarinsidetheiconic marketplace.
ThePreservatoryisnow openforbusinessinsidethe marketfrom9a m to6pm TheLangley basedfarm andwinery,whichwas purchasedbyLeeand PatrickMurphyin1997, boastsorchardsand vineyards,producing cropstheydeployintotheir manyproducts,including picklesandjams allthings preserves LeeMurphyquiteliterally "wrotethebook"onthe subject;hercookbookThe Preservatorywasreleasedin thespringof2017 PreservatoryProvisions& ToastBarisdescribedby
LeeandPatrickas"ahyper localspecialtyfoodmarket andcasualstand uptoast cafe"
Customerswillbeableto shopfromshelvesloaded with"preserves,pickles, honey,chocolatesandso muchmore,"offeringwhat ThePreservatoryteamsays willbe"atrulydeliciousslice ofBC"
Forthoseinsearchofa lightbite,theToastBarwill featureamenuof"elevated toastshighlightingThe Preservatorypreserves atopthefreshestbread fromthebestlocalbakeries pairedwithBC’sbounty ofseasonalveggies,herbs, artisanalcheese."Thecheese willbesuppliedbyPublic MarketneighboursBenton Bros,whowereamongthe firsttostockVistaD'Oro products(andstilldo)
Themenuincludestoast onachoiceofthreekinds ofsourdough,brioche,or sproutedryewithtoppings likecharcuteriefromthe Market'sOyamaSausage, orhouse madericottaand preserves And,ofcourse, they'redoingtoastclassics likeavocado,cheese,or cinnamonsugar Follow @preservatorytoastbarfor moreinformation
GranvilleIslandMarkethasnew 'toastbar'andspecialtyfoodshop
Ahyper local specialtyfood marketandcasual stand uptoast cafe. @ T H E P R E S E R V A T O R Y / I N S T A G R A M
ByLindsayWilliam Ross
THEPRESERVATORY OWNERS OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 8 am 8 pm* 1595 Kingsway • 604-872-3019 • Salesdates:Thursday, Nov10toWednesday, Nov16. 2022 *Allproductsintheflyerareonsalewhilequantitieslast Please check our website and social media regularly for announcements or changes to our hours of operation. Friendly reminder to keep a minimum 2-meter distance away from other customers and staff. Your Original Natural Food Store CANADIAN NON-MEDICATED $349 /lb 7.69 kg Back-Attached ChickenLegs CANADIAN Grass Fed Short Ribs $799 /lb 17.62 kg GRASS FED Regular Ground Beef $498 /lb 10.98 kg PACIFIC FOODS Organic Soups Assorted 946ml-1L $599 PRODUCT OF MEXICO Organic Lemons PRODUCT OF CANADA Mixed Colour Bell Peppers NON-MEDICATED Frozen Cornish Hens $544 /lb 11.99 kg CANADIAN Grass Fed Beef Stew $599 /lb 13.21 kg PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA Pomegranates 2 for $5 (2.50 ea) $389 2lb bag NEW WORLD Peanut Butter Assorted NON-MEDICATED Bone-In Pork Butt Steaks $299 /lb 6.59 kg FROM THE DELI Smoked Chicken Breast NATURE'S PATH Organic Waffles Assorted BC GROWN Organic Yellow Potatoes $179 /lb 3.95 kg NON-MEDICATED J.D. Farms Frozen Turkeys $498 /lb 10.98 kg LIBERTE Classic Yogourt Assorted Organic Cane Sugar BC GROWN Organic Red Potatoes $549 5lb bag $549 2lb bag $269 100 grams $499 210 grams $1499 2kg /lb 10.98 kg $498Grass Fed Beef Shank 650 grams $429 /1kg $399 2-Day Weekend Special Saturday, Nov. 12 & Sunday, Nov. 13. *Whilequantitieslast *Limit4packagespercustomerplease Grass Fed Boneless Rib Eye Roasts $1134 /lb 24.99/kg BULK FOOD THANK YOU FOR RECYCLING THIS NEWSPAPER. SHOP.CHOICESMARKETS.COM
Ashift towards environmentally friendly materials and new digital engagementstrategiesareamong newinitiativestheRoyalCanadian Legionishopingwillbreathefresh lifeintothe2022nationalpoppy campaign
Theannualpushtohonour fallensoldiersissettorun untilRemembranceDay,and organizerssaythey'rehopefulthe featuresintroducedthisyearwill helpre engageCanadiansinthe actofpayingtributetoveterans bothpastandpresent
TheLegionhasscaledbackthe numberoftraditionalpoppyboxes atlocationsacrossthecountry wherepeoplecandonatecashand receiveapoppypin,rollingoutjust over27,000comparedtoaround 34,000in2021
Butthenewcampaignwillfeature theintroductionofbiodegradable poppiesandwreathsmadeof naturalmaterialssuchaspaper, mossandbamboo Itwillalsoinclude"PoppyStories," aninitiativeallowingpeopleto scanalapelpoppywiththeir smartphoneandbepresentedwith informationaboutrealCanadian veterans,includinganecdotes abouttheirlives,theirroleswithin themilitary,wheretheyservedand
"Thevariousinitiativesareaway toengagemoreCanadiansfrom acrossgenerations,toengage youngerpeopleintheactof remembrance,"saidNujmaBond, communicationsmanagerforthe legion'snationalheadquarters.
"Wehopethatwhenwemodernize howweremember,andthe materialsweusetoremember,it willalsocarryonthetraditionof remembranceinCanada"
Forthethirdyearinarow,the organizationwillalsohaveboxes thatcanacceptpaymentsfrom tap enableddevicesorcards.The legionsaid1,000suchboxeswillbe inplacethisyear,thesamenumber asin2021whenlargeswathsofthe countrywerestilloperatingunder publichealthrestrictionsintended tocurbtheCOVID 19pandemic Canadianscanalsomakea donationtowardsthecampaignat mypoppyca,wheretheycancreate adigitalpoppy,addacustomized commemorationtoaveteranand shareitonsocialmedia
Whiletherearestillregional restrictionsinplacethatwillneed tobeheeded,fewerpublichealth measuresmeansmorevolunteers willbephysicallypresentatpoppy boxestoengagewiththosepassing byandencouragedonations
"PoppyStories,"an initiativeallowing peopletoscana lapelpoppywiththeir smartphoneand bepresentedwith informationaboutreal Canadianveterans, includinganecdotes abouttheirlives, theirroleswithinthe military,wherethey servedandwhattheir passionswere.
stories,forpeopletomeetveterans, tohavepositiveconversations,to learnalittlebitmoreaboutthose whohaveservedus,"saidBond Thisyear'ssupplyofpoppieswill consistofboththetraditionaland environmentallyfriendlyversions, theLegionsaid,notingithopesto depleteoldstockbeforeswitching exclusivelytosustainablematerials forfuturecampaigns
Theorganizationdoesn'thavefinal figuresfortheamountraisedfrom lastyear'scampaign,butBond saidthelegiontypicallyraises closeto$20millionfromitspoppy campaignonanygivenyearto supportveterans,theirfamiliesand communities.
BrentCraig,veterans'service officerfortheLegion'sWestboro branchinwestOttawa,saidthose fundsgodirectlyintoarangeof programsthathelpveteranswith ahostofneeds,includingassisting withpaperworkwhenapplying forbenefitsfromVeteransAffairs Canadaorpeersupportprograms.
withanumberofveteranswho helpoutwiththepoppycampaign andalsocomeuptothebox,and they'veallbeenveryappreciativeof thefactthatthepoppycampaign exists,"saidCraig,whosefather servedintheAirForceand grandfatherservedinEurope duringtheSecondWorldWar RonnAnderson,78,servedfor morethan38yearsintheCanadian ArmedForces,withstintsin Europeasanartillerymanand aspartoftheAirForce Thisis his22ndyearrunningthepoppy campaignforthelegion'sSt JamesbranchinWinnipeg,and hesaidhehopestoseespikesin
Here’ H Y C H lp Don Davies MP Vancouver Kingsway Community Office 2951 Kingsway, Vancouver, BC V5R 5J4 604-775-6263 | Honouring those who sacrificed. Working for a peaceful future. Best wishes on Remembrance Day. Sgt Mark Salesse Sgt Pier Dalmagro Mcpl Andrew Lew Cpl Rich Bender Cpl Stuart Langridge Cpl Jason Villeneuve
volunteernumbers,public engagementanddonation totalsbytheendofthe campaigncomparedtothe lasttwoyears
Hesaidthereturnof traditionalpoppyboxesis particularlywelcomeamong veterans,addingheandhis fellowformersoldiershavemoremeaningful interactionswiththepublicandreceivemore thanksfortheirservicewhentheydontheir uniformsandvolunteerforthecampaign "Thatmeansalottometobeabletosupport theseveteransthatneedourhelp,"said
An thr pe to mo
wemodernizehow weremember,and thematerialswe usetoremember,
By Wehopethatwhen
itwillalsocarry onthetraditionof remembrancein Canada.
Lt Col. F.N. Pope C.D. escorting HM Queen Elizabeth II OPEN HOUSE We invite Kitsilano Community to join us! SUN, OCT 9, 2022 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM BillyBishop/KerrisdaleLegionHall 1407 LABURNUM ST VANCOUVER We are throwing open our doors and welcoming ALL to join us. Do you want to toast our Servicemen and First responders? Do you want to put your dancing shoes on to some great local bands?We’vegotyoucovered! Doorsopenat10:30am,complimentary coffeeandmuffinsavailable Barservingfirstdrinksat12:30pm LiveMusicthroughout theday 2Bandsintheevening Fullylicensed Chilli&dogstoeat SeaforthPipeBand at5:00PM FRI, NOV 11, 2022 10:30am 11:00pm CELEBRATE REMEMBRANCE DAY WITH US AT THE BILLY EVERYONE WELCOME Ü Ü Ü Ü Ü SOME OF THE THINGS YOU WILL ENJOY... Thank you to all who fought for our freedom and to those who continue to serve to defend it. A message from your local MLA Lest We Forget N OV E M B E R 1 1 , 2 0 2 2 KEVIN FALCON LEADER OF THE OFFICIAL OPPOSITION VANCOUVER QUILCHENA 604 664 0748 Kevin Falcon MLA@leg bc ca /kevinfalconbc @kevinfalcon @kevinfalconbc
Vancouverisabouttobecome ashimmeringwonderland, andwewon'thavetowait untiltheChristmasholidays toexperiencethetwinklingspectacle LumièreFestivalwilldazzlethecity withglowinginstallations,pop up performances,andneighbourhood parades
FromNov 17to27,theluminous eventwillradiatethroughVancouver's downtown,Yaletown,WestEnd,and Gastownneighbourhoods,bringing withitover55localartists
Thefreefamily-friendlyeventwillsee pop upperformancesoneachnightof thefestival,exceptonNov 21and22, thatwillrunfrom4:30to7pm
Performanceswilltravelaroundthe citytoanewlocationeachnight, startingattheVancouverArtGallery andtrailingthroughtheWestEndto downtown,Gastown,andendingin Yaletown
Youcanfindthefullfestivalschedule online
Glimmeringlightinstallations,named "DreamBeacons,"willlightupevery nightofthefestival Amongthemonce stoodatowering12 foot tallbeaver
Thisyear'stheme,titled"Dreamthe Future,"aimstoredefinewinterasa monthofinspirationandconnectionby intertwiningelementsoflight,artand storytelling
For Win, the move to Mulberry PARC was a step forward that gave her a new lease on life. She didn’t like living alone and felt she’d better make a move while she still could.
Although the gardening, knitting, painting, fitness classes, entertainment and scenic day trips keep her occupied, she claims it’s the staff that she values most Discover reasons to come home to Mulberry PARC: parcliving ca/home
Whyare there glasstiles embedded inour sidewalks?
ingalong thecitystreetsin Vancouverwedon't alwayspayattention towhat'sunderfoot
Andwhywouldwe?It's usuallyconcreteorasteam grate.Buteverynowand then,patchesofpurpleglass tiles,cracked,worn,andhalf buriedinconcretewillappear andgiveaglimpseinto theworldofsubterranean tunnelsthatVancouverused tohave
Thetiles,calledsidewalk prisms,arelargelycontained tothedowntowncoreand areremnantsof"areaway" roofstructures
What'san"areaway"? Accordingtoanemailed statementfromtheCityof Vancouver,"areawaysare undergroundstructuresthat aretypicallyanextension ofacommercialbuilding’s basementunderthesidewalk Thismeanstheroofstructure ofanareawaysupportsor actsasthesidewalksurface above "
Areawaysdatebacktothe early1900sandtheglasstiles wereincorporatedintothe sidewalktoletlightfilterinto theundergroundspaces The citysaysthattheprevailing theoryaroundastowhythe glassispurplewasaresult ofaUVlightreactionthat
Come Home to PARC “The
are lovely and make
7230 Acorn Avenue, Burnaby, 604 526 2248
Whetheryou haveaHonda oraHarley, whether you'reanewfanora long timerider,David Dupreysaysallmotorcycle enthusiastsarewelcomeat theBurnoutCafe Thenewcafe(at2032East HastingsSt)tookoveran oldTireTownthat'sbeen closedforafewyearsand isturningitintoahubfor motorbikes Alongwiththe cafe,thespaceishometo LastCaress,ashopselling motorcycle relatedgearand clothing,andatattoospace forartistAmandaSmart
"WhatIwantedtodoisa placethatallmotorcyclists couldmeetup,"hesays.
Duprey,ownerofthe NarrowGroup(who'salso behindSlim'sBBQ,Taco Kat,andmore)sayshe's wantedtocreateaplacelike theBurnoutCafe"forever," givingthecity'smotorcycle communityaplacetohang outandtalkaboutbikes He'salsotheownerofnine motorcycleshimself I'mreallydorkyaround motorcycles,"headds Thelocationisanoldgarage thathe'shadhiseyeonfora while;achanceconnection puthimintouchwiththe ownersoftheemptybuilding andhemadeadeal Others havetriedtocreatehomes forVancouver'smotorbike community,but"noone hasreallylandedit,"he
changedthecompositionof theglassovertime.
AreVancouver's areawaysstillopen? Sidewalkprismsarefound incitiesalloverthewest coastofNorthAmericafrom VancouvertoSanFrancisco withthemostfamous
examplebeingSeattlewhich runstoursthroughthevast networkoftunnels
Inothercities,like Vancouver,mostareaways havebeendecommissioned overtheyearsasstreet andutilityupgradesand redevelopmenttakesplace
"Inmoderncities,thearea belowsidewalksisused primarilyforimportant telecommunicationsand utilitiescorridors,"the cityreports Theareaway structuresareownedand maintainedbytheindividual propertyownersbutsome remainingglassblocks
havebeenpavedoverwhen damagedtoensuresidewalks remainsafeandaccessible Eventhoughsomebuildings maintainareawaystothis day,therearefewerthan25 locationsinVancouverwhere theglassblocksstillexist "Designandperformance
Whilethereareasignificant numberofridersinthearea, headds,they'realloverthe place;thegoalisforthe communitytogatherat BurnoutCafe
It'sbeenopenforseveral monthsalready,andgroups arefindingit,withmeetups andeventsat(orstartingat) thecafe Theyrangefrom theDucatiownersclubto scooterguysandgirls
Thecafeitselfisatributeto motorcyclesasart,Duprey explains,withmotorcycle art(muchofwhichDuprey hascollectedovertheyears himself)onthewallsand custombikesplacedasartin thespace
"Motorcyclesthemselves areart,"hesays "Allthe motorcyclesIhaveinthere arewhatIconsiderpieces ofart"
Alongwiththecafeand shops,there'seventspacein theback Rightnow,Duprey saysthey'reessentiallygiving itawaytogroupswanting toholdeventstheythink arecool Thatincludesdrag shows,jazz infusedrap battlesandarecentwitch y market Theonlythingisit's notbeinglentouttogroups holdinglate nighteventsor asaplacetogetdrunk;it's morecommunityoriented "ThespaceisthereandIjust wantittogetused,"hesays
requirementsfornew sidewalkshavechanged significantlyinthelast100 years,"thecitytellsV I A "Allnewwalkingsurfaces needtobesuitableforwet anddryconditionsand mustbeabletosupport theweightofemergency
vehicles.Asmanyofthe glassmanufacturersareno longerinbusinessduetothe decreaseindemand,andsince concreteandsteelaremore efficientatmeetingthese requirements,glassprism blocksarerarelyusedtoday."
says Dupreyishopefulthe newspacewhichhasthree similarlythemedbusinesses
andeventspacewilltakeoff Henotesthatwithroomto parkbikes,it'sagoodplace
SIDEWALKTILESCONTINUEDFROMPAGE12 call David at 604.649.2305 Select Realty L censed at: 4806 Main Street Vancouver, BC V5V 3R8 1360 Cypress Street, Kitsilano - $1,588,000 Kits Point 2 Bed/2 Bath 1,401sq.ft. Townhome with 2 large, private patios CALL DAVID FOR A PRIVATE APPOINTMENT DANNYNIKAS 604.724.0450 MacdonaldRealtyLtd. Custom5bdrmhomeonaprivate11,867sqftlotinthequietSWMarineDrneighbourhood At 5,950sqft,thisexquisitehomewasbuiltwiththefinestcraftsmanship&hasrecentlycompleted astunningrenovation&updatedwithmodernluxuries&finishing’sbyawardwinningHodgson Design Associates ($1m+) Soaring 19’ vaulted ceilings impress as you enter the grand living rm&intoagourmetkitchenthatboastscustomcabinetry,highendappliances,Italianmarble Eclipsedoorsleadouttoabeautifullylandscapedyardw/builtinBBQ,patio,fireplace,lounge area, Sport court & a 3 car garage A beautiful master w/balcony awaits you upstairs along w/3morebdrmsw/ensuites Lowerlevelyou’llfindagamesarea/recrm,theatrerm,bdrmw/ ensuite,&laundryrm Callforyourprivateviewing Luxury5bdrm,6bathrmfamilyhome 6738BeechwoodStreet,Vancouver $7,988,000
A14 VANCOUVER IS AWESOME THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2022 VANCOUVERISAWESOME COM To advertise call 604.653.7851 To advertise call 604.653.7851 All advertising published in this newspaper is accepted on the premise that the merchandise and services offered are accurately described and willingly sold to buyers at the advertised prices. Advertisers are aware of these conditions. Advertising that does no conform to these standards or that is deceptive or misleading is never knowingly accepted. If any reader encounters non-compliance with these standards we ask that you inform the Publisher of this newspaper and The Advertising Standards Council of B.C. OMISSION AND ERROR: The publishers do no guarantee the insertion of a particular advertisemen on a specified date, or at all, although every effort will be made to meet the wishes of the advertisers Further the publishers do not accept liability for any loss of damage caused by an error or inaccuracy in the printing of an advertisemen beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied by the portion of the advertisemen in which the error occurred. Any corrections of changes will be made in the next available issue. Vancouver Is Awesome will be responsible for only one incorrect insertion with liability limited to that portion of the advertisement affected by the error Request for adjustments or corrections on charges must be made within 30 days of the ad s expiration For best results please check your ad for accuracy the first day it appears. Refunds made only after 7 business days notice! ADVERTISING POLICIES LEGAL LEGAL/PUBLIC NOTICES HOME SERVICES By Virtue of the Warehouseman’s Lien Act BigSteelBox Corporation 37400 North Para lel Road, Abbotsford, BC c a ms a PPSA Warehouse Lien against Klarenbach, Scott of Vancouver, BC , for arrears of container rent amounting to $1,326 08 plus any additional costs of storage that accrue. If not paid in full, the contents of the storage container filled with: furniture, boxes, a mattress and box spring, a ladder, and other miscellaneous items will be sold online auction via: on November 14, 2022. EMPLOYMENT General employment Cleaning Business is looking for RELIABLE HOUSE CLEANERS. 604.987.9970 GARAGE SALES Antique, Estate and Collectable Show Sunday, Nov 13 703 Terminal Ave Starts 10 am 3 pm Early Bird 8 am $15 Regular admin $4 Over 50 tables of antique treasures and collectables Huge Selection from all Estates around British Columbia Always Buying Old stuff We do house calls We buy all collectables, Native Art, Old books, Old car parts, more! Call us today 604 657 1421 VANCOUVER FLEA MARKET Wanted Old Books Wanted. also: Photos Postcards, Letters, Paintings. no text books or encyclopedias I pay cash. 604-737-0530 Christmas Craft Fair Saturday, November 27, 10:00am to 2:00pm St Thomas Anglican Church, 2444 East 41st Avenue, Vancouver Handcrafted gifts, gourmet jams & jellies, original artwork, jewelry, pet gifts, home baking, candy & food gifts, raffle baskets & more Strict COVID precautions in place for your safety masks, double vaccinat ons and social distancing required www stthomasvancouver ca 604 434 6111 BUSINESS SERVICES personals *SWEDISH MASSAGE* 604 739 3998 W Broadway @ Oak St concrete CONCRETE SPECIALIST Call Mario 604-253-0049 604-764-2726 Sidewalk, Driveway, Patio Exposed Aggregate Remove & Rep acing Reasonab e Rates. 35 yrs exper ence For free est. drainaGe Drainage & Excavation SERVICES • We make Basements Dry • 604-341-4446 DRAIN Tiles, Sewer, Water, Video Inspection, Jack Hammering, Hand Excavating, Concrete Cutting, Rootering, WET BSMT MADE DRY 604 782 4322 electrical A CLASS ELECTRICIAN Res/comm Fully lic. 40 yrs Local exp Bonded, Ins, WCB. Great rates. All work guaranteed 2 yrs. Free est. 7 days 8 am midnight. Small to mid size jobs and service calls DAVE 778-230-0619 electrical Commercial & Residential Reno’s & Small Jobs bf#37309 778-322-0934 A LIC’D. Electrician #30582 Rewiring & reno, appliance/ plumbing, rotor rooter 778998-9026, 604-255-9026 excavatinG #1 Backhoes & Excavators Trenchless Waterlines Bobcats & Dump Truck & All Material Deliveries Drainage; Video Inspection, Landscaping Concrete Stump/Rock/Cement/Oil Tank & Demos, Paving, Pool/Dirt Removal, Paver Stones, Jackhammer, Water/Sewer, Line/Sumps, Slinger Avail Concrete Cutting, Hand Excavating. Basements Made Dry Claudio’s Backhoe Service 604-341-4446 FencinG West Coast Cedar Installations since 1991 New • Repaired • Rebuilt Fences & Decks. 604-788-6458 (no text) FloorinG Hardwood Floor Refinishing Experts • Repairs • Staining • Installation • Free Estimates 604-376-7224 INSTALLATION REFINISHING, Sanding. Free est, great prices. Satisfaction guar 604-518-7508 Gutters Clearwest services Professional Window Cleaning Gutter Cleaning and Repair Roof Cleaning and Powerwashing Free Est Call 604.710.3581 Call Simon for prompt & professional service 30 yrs exp. Gutter Cleaning, Power Washing, Window Cleaning, Roof Cleaning 604 230-0627 Handyperson HANDYMAN • RENOVATIONS •Kitchen •Bath • Plumbing •Countertop •Floors •Paint & more. Call MIC for quote: 604-725-3127 MARKETPLACE Ca or emai to place your ad, Monday through Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm 604-653-7851 • 604-362-0586 nmather@glaciermedia ca • dtjames@glaciermedia ca Book your ad online anytime at Your Community MARKETPLACE ARTS & COLLECTIBLES David Emerson Hall Gifts of Art To Calm Your Soul Pause I Reflect I Comfort Home Gallery by Appointment Only 778 836 5744 TODAY'S PUZZLE ANSWERS Find in the Classifieds! Lost? It’s full of local listings that can save you money Besuretocheck theclassifieds Thinking of Renovating? ating To advertise call 604.653.7851
VANCOUVERISAWESOME COM THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2022 VANCOUVER IS AWESOME A15 Do-It-Yourself Not Working Out? Find a Qualified Plumber Fast In Our Home Services Section call to advertise 604.653.7851 HOME SERVICES Removal, Planting and Stump Grinding CERTIFIED INSURED WCB CALL US TO GET YOUR FREE ESTIMATES 604 737 0170 | www rakesandladders com landScaping SHAW LANDSCAPING LTD Complete Landscaping • Lawn Cuts • Gardening • Pruning • Power Washing 778-688-1012 lawn & garden 25+ years Experience. Fully Ins’d. Lic’d & WCB FALL Clean-up SPECIALS • Lawn Maintenance • Power Rake • New Sod & Seeding • Tree Topping & Trimming • Power Wash • Gutters • Patio’s • Decks • Fences • Concrete • Retaining Walls • Driveways & Sidewalks & Much MORE All work guaranteed Free Estimates 604 240 2881 maSonry MASONRY AND REPAIRS •Stone Walls •Bricks •Chimneys & Fireplaces •Pavers •Asphalt •& More •ALL CONCRETE WORK •20+ years experience. George • 778 998-3689 moving ABE MOVING & Delivery & Rubbish Removal $45/hr per Person.24/7 • 604-999-6020 moving Affordable Moving From $45/hr 1,3,5,7,10 Ton Trucks Licensed & Insured Local Long Distance Free Est. Senior Disc. 604-537-4140 painTing/ wallpaper D & M PAINTING Exterior/Interior Specialist Many Years Experience. Fully Insured. Top Quality • Quick Work. Free estimate. 604 724-3832 INT/EXT SPECIALIST 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE FREE ESTIMATE. 604-723-8434 Painting Specials g g 778-895-3503 2 rooms for $400, 2 coats any colour (Ceiling & Tr m extra) Price inc s premium qua ity paint NO PAYMENT until Job is completed We do all sorts of wood flooring and all types of mouldings plumbing • Hot Water Tanks • Plumbing • Heating • Furnaces • Boilers • Drainage • Res & Comm • 24/7 Service 604-437-7272 power waShing Call Simon for prompt & professional service 30 yrs exp. 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Over 40 Years in Business rubbiSh removal • FULL SERVICE JUNK REMOVAL & Clean-Up at Affordable Rates • Pianos & Hot Tubs No Problem • Booked Appointments • Same-Day Service • Residential & Commercial JUNK 604.220.JUNK (5865) BRADS Starting at $249 + dump fees. 20 YARD BIN RENTALS Tree ServiceS TREE SERVICES Pruning, Hedge Trimming Tree & Stump Removal 75 ft Bucket Trucks 604-787-5915 www treeworksonl ne ca $50 OFF * on jobs over $1000 Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a Sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. SUDOKU PUZZLE ANSWERS ON SEPARATE PAGE ACROSS DOWN 1 Clip a small piece 5 Enter forcibly 11 Southwestern Native American tribe 12 Helps you smell better 16 Sun or solar disk 17 Low frequency 18 Former Houston football player 19 Federal crime 24 Home to Boston (abbr) 25 Approval 26 Those who fight an establishment (abbr) 27 student, learns healing 28 Indian groomer of horses 29 Line where two pieces meet 30 One might be brief 31 Type of sword 33 Knife for fruits or vegetables 34 Stinkhorns 38 Stroke 39 Industrial process for producing ammonia 40 Sir Newton 43 Wild goat 44 Muslim ruler 45 Scottish ancestor 49 Hat 50 Horse mackerel 51 Alcoholic accompaniment 53 Tech department 54 Manifesting approval 56 Upper bract of grass 58 Of I 59 Large wading bird 60 Military prisons 63 FamedAmerican cartoonist 64 Rise 65 Greek God of war and courage 1 Sewing needles 2 Functionary 3 Induces vomiting 4 The finger farthest from the thumb 5 Not moving 6 Sports official 7 Water purification process (abbr) 8 University of Dayton 9 Indo Malaysian evergreens 10 High schoolers’math course 13 Yankovic is a weird one 14 Adversaries 15 Merchandisers 20 Radioactive metal (abbr) 21 Atomic #52 22 The back 23 One time computer giant 27 Female of a horse 29 Football’s big game (abbr) 30 Vehicle 31 Single Lens Reflex 32 It’s becoming more prevalent 33 Political action committee 34 Makes lightbulbs 35 Natural home of an animal 36 In bed 37 Superman villain 38 The Golden State 40 One who leads prayers in a mosque 41 They accompany a leader 42 Atomic #18 44 Electronic countermeasures 45 The appearance of something 46 Connecting line on a map 47 Deep red color 48 Secret affairs 50 Drenches 51 Contains music 52 Expression of surprise 54 Intestinal pouches 55 Where birds are born 57 and behold 61 Cools your home 62 The First State Looking to do some Refer to the Service Directory for all of your home improvement, decorating and gardening needs Home Improvement?
A16 VANCOUVER IS AWESOME THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2022 VANCOUVERISAWESOME COM While quantities last Not all items available at all stores We reserve the right to correct printing errors Product may not appear exactly as depicted Buy One Get One Deals Not Available Online Kitsilano 604 736 0009 | Cambie 604-875 0099 | Kerrisdale 604 263 4600 | Yaletown 604-633-2392 Commercial Drive 604 678 9665 | Burnaby Crest 604 522 0936 | Abbotsford 604-744-3567 Kelowna 250 862 4864 | North Vancouver 604 770 2868 | South Surrey 604 541-3902 Scan To View All Our Specials This Week CHRISTMAS STARS OF THE SEASON Every holiday season, our stores begin to glow with the stars, all thanks to our Star of the Season program. This campaign helps the most vulnerable members of our communities have an amazing holiday season. From November 15th to December 24th, our cashiers will be cheerleaders as we raise funds for local neighbourhood houses Choices’ Own Antibiotic Free Deli Meats 100% BC OWNED AND OPERATED WEEKLY SPECIALS! Prices Effective November 10 November 16, 2022 Avocados Kicking Horse Organic FairTrade Ground Coffee Dr Bronner’s Non GMO OrganicToothpaste Maple Hill Farms Organic Free Range Large Eggs Lundberg Organic Rice Pinty’s Frozen Chicken Gluten-Free 1399 -1499 Assorted Sizes 298 4 per bag 2/ 800 530g Choices’ Own Sourdough Bread 499 140g 899 284g 629 One Dozen 799 907g 25% Off Assorted Varieties from Mexico