Evenbeforeitopened, MountPleasantVintage &Provisionswasclearly oneofthecity'squirkiest restaurants Situatedinarestoredandtrickedoutheritagehomethatwasworked intotheverymodernnewWest6th mixed-usedevelopmentitanchors, therestaurant'soriginstoryis alsoatypical:Itsoperatorand conceptwerechosenaspartofa competitionheldbythedeveloper Sinceitslatesummerdebut,Mount PleasantVintage&Provisionshas beenpicture-perfectsocialmedia contentfodder,thankstoelements likeoldschooltinlunchboxesused forserving,70srec-roomvibes,and allsortsofeye-catchingcolourful andover-the-topdecor Butit'soneitemthatthebarrestaurantguestsencounteratthe doorthatseemstobetrippingfolks upthemost.
"NOTICE:THISISNOTA CULT"readsasignpositionedon thebrightwhitesidingofthehome nexttoitsbrighttomato-redfront door
ThesignevenhastheCityof Vancouvercrestandwhatlooks likesomeofficialdesignationwith "ProvinceofBC|SectionABT350" Ofcourse,there'snosuchthing as"SectionABT350"(theclosest
appearstoberecordspertaining tolegalmatters,pertheprovince's website)
Thesignisactuallyacheekyway forrestaurateurCameronBogue toofferanexplainerandalink betweenthebuilding'shistoryand presentinonefellswoop
Insmallerprint,thesignoffersabit ofabuildingbackstory. Theheritagehomeisthe1901-built CoulterHouse,whichhashad manyoccupantsoverthedecades, chieflyoperatingasthe"6thAvenue Grocery"intothelate1970s Asthe MountPleasantVintagesignputs
it,thepropertywas"cursed"in 1978"whenthelastcontinually-run businessshuttered"there,noting thatthehouse-turned-grocer earnedthedevilishnickname"666" beingasthebuilding(thenlocated at66W6th,nowmovedto67W 6th)closedat"age66"
Andthelinktothepresent, anddebunkinganylingering misfortune:"Settobreakthe curse,MountPleasantVintage &Provisionsreturnsfiercely independentsummer2022"
Indeed,ithas Sofar,theirreverent barandgrillhasbeenahitwith diners.Itssign,too,drawsplentyof attentionatallhours,withpeople stoppingtostepalittlecloserto figureoutwhythere'ssomekindof "official"declarationthatacultdoes notoperatethere
B O B K R O N B A U E R SALE ENDS JAN 1,2023 12 Days ofWine Holiday Advent Calendar $74.99 StellaArtois – 12 bottle $25.99 Below Gov’t Price Crown Royal $25.99 Below Gov’t Price 750ml SmirnoffRed Label $22.49 Below Gov’t Price 750ml Captain Morgan Spiced Rum $25.99 Below Gov’t Price 750ml All listed prices are exclusive oftax and recycling deposits.Additional items are on sale at each location. VancouverLocation: 6295 FraserStreet Vancouver, BC •V5W3A2 (604) 327-1113 Kerrisdale Location: 5503West Blvd Vancouver, BC •V6M 3W6 (604) 669-1121 BurnabyLocation: 7651 Royal OakAve Burnaby, BC •V5J 4K2 (604) 419-0225 www.westcoastliquor.com Fiol Prosecco Was $22.99 Save $3.00 Now $19.99 Below Gov’t Price Wishes Everyone Happy Holidays and the MostWonderful 2023 750ml
heVancouver chapterof thenational organization
KidSportmanagedtoraise $40,000attheirGiftof SportGalaheldrecentlyat theHeritageHallonMain Street.
Thegalaisanannual affairandthiswasthe organization'sfirstinpersononeheldsince COVIDhit
Theeventdrew200guests thatincludedOlympians andsportsstarsAshleigh McIvor,BrentHayden, ChristineNesbitt,Evan Dunfee,FinnIles,Jay DeMerit,andNatasha Wodak
Theorganizingcommittee tellsVancouverIs Awesomethatthemoney raisedwillsupportno lessthan500localkids whosefamiliesmightnot otherwisehavethemeans toenrolltheminorganizedsports Ifyouoranyoneyouknowcould benefitfromKidSportssupportthey
VANCOUVERISAWESOME COM THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2022 VANCOUVER IS AWESOME A5 PUBLISHERANDEDITOR-IN-CHIEF BobKronbauer bobk@vancouverisawesomecom|604-439-2688 DIRECTOROFSALES MichelleBhatti|michelle@vancouverisawesomecom MANAGINGEDITOR LindsayWilliam-Ross lindsay@vancouverisawesomecom REPORTERS AllieTurner|BrendanKergin|DanielWagner ElanaShepert|GraemeWood|JeremyHainsworth MariaDiment|MariaTallarico|MikeHowell DESIGN+PRODUCTION JodeenHodgson SALESREPS AdamSkaloud|AlisonClay|BryceWickstrom DanielaBecerril|DavidChiew|EliLaycock JustinChen|MaureenLaventure SALES+MARKETINGCOORDINATOR KarenNgan FORADVERTISINGENQUIRIESPLEASEEMAIL advertising@vancouverisawesomecom FORGENERALEDITORIALENQUIRIESPLEASEEMAIL hello@vancouverisawesomecom FORDISTRIBUTIONINQUIRIESEMAIL viadelivery@vannet|delivery@vancouriercom orcall604-398-2901 SENDLETTERSTOTHEEDITORTO bobk@vancouverisawesomecomor 303W5thAve,VancouverBC,V5Y1J6
areencouragingyoutocontactthemat kidsportvancouver@gmail.com. VancouverIsAwesomewasaproud sponsorofthisevent Youcanfollow @KidSportYVRonInstagramor Twitterformoreinfoonthemand theirwork ByBobKronbauer Eventraises$40,000tohelpkids getintoorganizedsports K I D S P O R T V A N C O U V E R
AVancouvertaxidermy studioisnowofferingan interesting...er...product. They'reproducingand sellingcute,stuffedrabbitheads
SourcedfromaB C trapperwho harveststheanimalsfortheirmeat, thatparticularpartoftheirbody wouldotherwisebedisposedof Thepairoflicensedtaxidermists whorunPrettyDeadputtheir headstogetherandcameupwith theideaofstuffingthem
JoLepeskaandLexiBoydare bothschooledtaxidermistsand entrepreneurswhooperatetheir businessfromastudiointhespace thatthepinballrepairshopJohn's JukesusedtooccupyatMainand Broadway
Theystuffandsellobscurethings liketherabbitheads(whichtheysay manypeopleuseaspaperweights), skeletons,skulls,two-headed ducklingsandawiderangeof insects
Theyalsoprovidepropsforfilmand TV,andyetanotherpartoftheir businessisstuffingpeoplesbeloved pets
DuringarecentstudiovisitI watchedasafamily'slatedogwho
It'snotforeveryone,butIhaveto saythatseeingthistypeofwork beingdoneinthecityisrefreshing Taxidermyisanoldtradethat isseeingnewlifebreathedinto itbyanewgenerationwhoare approachingitwithanartisanal flare,andseeingentrepreneurs succeedinourexpensivecityisajoy Thepairdescribesthemselvesas animallovers,andtheworktheydo honourswildlifeandhelpspeople connectnotonlywiththethings theysell,butwiththecraftitselfas theyoffercourses
Youcangoinanddoaworkshop intheirAcademyofOddities whereyouaretaughthowtostuff arat(sourcedfromacompany thatbreedsthemasreptilefood), thenmoveontolargerprojectsifit appealstoyou
They'realwaysofferingnew coursesandnewodditiestobuy, availableoffoftheirwebsiteat prettydeadtaxidermy.com. Thestuffedrabbitheadsmakegreat giftsat$120 InfactIboughtone formyselfwhenIvisited Ithinkit's goodluck
diedofoldagewasbeingturned intoarug Whileit'safascinatingprocess Ifindthethoughtofhavingour family'spoochstuffedwhenhe passesawaydarklycomical-it's notsomethingI'dwant He's17 andwe'vehadawonderfullifewith
him,butwhenit'soverI'dliketo justhavememories,photographs, andthetattoomywifegotofhim toremindmeofhowgreatofa
BobKronbauer:DisarticulatedB.C.rabbitheadsmakegreatgifts B O B K R O N B A U E R MorestoriesonlocalnewsatVancouverIsAwesome.com Joinusatfacebook.com/VancouverIsAwesome + Followus@VIAwesome 2560 West Broadway Tel 604-733-1534 HuntersGardenCentre com Store Hours: Open 7 Days a Week Mon - Sun: 9am - 5:30pm 2022 WINNER! Last minute shopping? Come by at Hunters! Christmas is Almost Here Grinch Trees Fraser Fir 5-foot Christmas Decor 30% off* *excluding greens and wreaths starts at $12.99 $ 99.99 each WorkSafe BC and other Provincial WCB Networks, VAC, MSDPR, and FNHA/NIHB accepted Registered under the College of Speech and Hearing Health Professionals of BC nexgenhearing.com
VANCOUVERISAWESOME COM THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2022 VANCOUVER IS AWESOME A7 ThisnightshotofdowntownandtheBurrardInletwastakenandsharedbylocal photographerRyanLwhogoesbythehandle@rl images ForachancetohaveyourphotofeaturedhereandonourInstagramaccount,tagyour Instagramphotoswiththehashtag#vancouverisawesome Tokeepupwitheverythinghappeninginyourcity(andformoregreatphotographs!)followus at@viawesome AwesomeInstagramPhotooftheWeek MEA TS PR ODUCE GR OCER Y KILLARN EY LO CA T IO N O NL Y (E 49 T H A VE) OPEN 8:30AM–10:00PM EVERYDAY www.88supermarket.ca While quantities last We reserve the right to correct pricing errors 2611 E 49th Ave, Vancouver • 604-438-0869 4801 Victoria Dr, Vancouver • 604-876-2128 Prices valid from Thursday, December 15, to Wednesday, December 21. JUMBO BLACK SEEDLESS GRAPE USA $2.98/LB FRESH CHICKEN WHOLE WING FRESH BONELESS PORK LOIN CHOPS FRESHBEEFINSIDEROUNDROAST (CUTFROMCANADIANAAA) $6.98/LB $3.98/LB CION HONEY CASTELLA CAKES 8PK SUNFRIE 100% CANOLA OIL 3L $10.88/EA $10.88/EA NESTLE MILO MALT POWDER MIX 900G $10.48/EA C.G.YOLKS FREE RANGE BROWN EGG 12’S KETTLE POTATO CHIPS 220G $6.48/EA $3.48/EA NELSON WHOLE COOKED MUSSELS 1KG $8.98/EA EVERLAND NATURAL BROWN SUGAR 1KG EMMA EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL 1L $8.88/EA $3.98/EA SURASANG KIMCHI 600G INSTORE BAKED FRENCH BREAD 440G OVEN ROASTED TURKEY BREAST $2.48/100G $1.78/EA OCEANSPRAYCRANBERRY COCKTAILORIGINAL1.89L(ONLY) $3.88/EA SMALL NAVEL ORANGE USA $0.98/LB GREEN ROUND BEAN MEXICO $1.98/LB $3.98/EA $3.98/LB The Catholic Church in Vancouver invites everyone to attend Christmas Mass rcav org/Christmas
A8 VANCOUVER S AWESOME THURSDAY DECEMBER 15 2022 VANCOUVER SAWESOME COM THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15 2022 VANCOUVER IS AWESOME A9 105 DAYS OF WINNING $325,000 IN CASH TO WIN! JACKPOT ALREADY OVER $1.6 MILLION WINNER TAKES HALF! M O RE T O WIN GIFT THE CHANCE TO WIN MILLIONS TODD TALBOT LOTTERY SPOKESPERSON DON’T MISS THE $200,000 EARLY BIRD WIN A 2023 AUDI E-TRON GT OR A PRIVATE JET TRAVEL EXPERIENCE FROM TRAVEL BEST BETS PLUS $20,000 CASH OR $125,000 CASH 50 ADDITIONAL WINNERS OF PLUS $1,000 CASH! HURRY! BECOME BC’S NEXT MULTI-MILLIONAIRE DEADLINE: MIDNIGHT, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23 GRAND PRIZE OPTIONS LANGLEY | SOUTH SURREY | WH TE ROCK | COURTENAY | SOOKE | KELOWNA | OAKRIDGE | OLYMPIC VILLAGE | WEST KELOWNA | $2.7 MILL ON CASH 10 KELOWNA Mounta n V ew Condo 630 Boynton Place, Ke owna (Available Spring 2025) WORTH OVER $2.9 MILLION LANGLEY West Coast Country Home 2811 202A Street Langley WORTH OVER $3.2 MILLION SOUTH SURREY Timeless Luxury 2273 130 Street South Surrey WORTH OVER $3.2 MILLION WHITE ROCK Ocean / Mounta n V ew Condo | Suite 100 –1500 Oxford Street, Wh te Rock (Available Sept 2026 WORTH OVER $2.9 MILLION COURTENAY Is and Lifesty e Package 3227 Winchester Avenue Courtenay (Available Feb 2023) WORTH OVER $2.9 MILLION SOOKE Oceanfront Condo Moonl ght Bay Ocean Cottage 81A Sooke (Available July 2024 WORTH OVER $2.9 MILLION WEST KELOWNA Beachfront Townhome V l a | V l a 1 or Vi la 6 –1 O d Ferry Road, West Ke ow uly 2025) WORTH OVER $2.9 MILLION OAKRIDGE Vancouver Luxury Townhome Un t 24 –755 West 49 Avenue Vancouver (Available Spring 2024 WORTH OVER $2.9 MILLION OLYMPIC VILLAGE Vancouver Penthouse Condo | Unit 1801 or 1802 –1708 Ontario Street, Vancouver WORTH OVER $2.9 MILLION OR CHOOSE $2.7 MILLION TAX-FREE CASH Live like a multi-m llionaire with the biggest cash w ndfall of your ife! 19+ TO PLAY | KNOW YOUR L MIT PLAY WITH N IT | PROBLEM GAMBL NG HELP L NE 1-888-795-6111 | WWW BCRESPONSIBLEGAMBL NG CA BC Gam ng Event L cences #136105 #136106 #136107 W nner wi choose one p ize opt on; o her p ize opt ons w l no be awarded 604-602-5848 1-888-445-5825 millionairelottery.com 2022 MILLIONAIRE LOTTERY TICKETS 2 for $100 | 5 for $175 | 10 for $300 | 25 for $600 50/50 PLUS® 2 for $15 | 6 for $30 | 16 for $60 DAILY CASH PLUS™ 2 for $25 | 6 for $50 PURCHASE YOUR TICKETS TODAY PURCHASE IN PERSON AT SUPPORTING Visit the Langley Home! - Open Dec 17 & 18, 11am - 4pm
AsunnydayatKitsilano Beachin1914and2021
John Bentley is an architectural
Peoplepassingbywantedtoknowwhatwasgoingonand theydonatedtoo,eventuallyraising$66,623
CHVisacriticaloutreachnon-profitforhigh-riskyouth aged16to24.Theorganizationprovidessocialworkerswho coordinateindividualized,integratedservices,delivermeals, andruncrisisprogramsandshelters
TheMadisonGroupis'rebooting'thefundraiserand promisingtotriple-matcheachcontribution Themoney raisedwillbenefitCHV'sRightsofPassageprogramwhich
In 1914, Charlie Chaplin makes his first film, the Komagata Maru is turned away at Vancouver's port, Archduke Franz Ferdinand is assassinated, and beachgoers enjoy a sunny day in Kitsilano
photographer who has photographed the inside and outside of thousands of buildings around Vancouver Using images from the Vancouver Archives he offers a glimpse of the past and present on his site Vancouver Now & Then
TheMadisonGroup,MadisonPacificProperties, andGlacierMedia(V I A 'sparentcompany)are participatinginafundraiserforCovenantHouse
Vancouver(CHV)calledtheMegaFlamingoReboot Backin2020,thefriendsandfamilyofalocalpsychiatrist, MeganRoberts,puttogetherabirthdaysurprisethatturned intothelargestDIYcommunityfundraiserthatCHVhasever had
Robertshadstagefourcancerandwascelebratingher44th birthdayduringtheheightoflockdowninVancouverso herlovedonesarrangedaCOVID-safeactivity Eachtime someonedonatedtoCHVtheywereentitledtoapinkplastic flamingowhichtheythenplacedonRoberts'frontlawnwith amessage
endeavourstoprovideyoungpeoplewithsafe,affordable housingastheytransitiontoindependentliving NowuntilDec 31,2022,each$1donationwillprovide$3 toCHV Peoplecanfindthefundraiser
pagebyscanningtheQRcodehere Alldonationsareeligibletoreceivean
Groupreboots successful'flamingo' fundraiser C O V E N A N T H O U S E V A N C O U V E R OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 8 am - 8 pm* 1595 Kingsway • 604-872-3019 • www.famousfoods.ca Salesdates:Thursday, December15toWednesday, December21 *Allproductsintheflyerareonsalewhilequantitieslast Please check our website and social media regularly for announcements or changes to our hours of operation. Friendly reminder to keep a minimum 2-meter distance away from other customers and staff. Your Original Natural Food Store FROZEN Sockeye Salmon Fillets $907 /lb 19.99 kg CAMINO Hot Chocolate Mixes Assorted $599 ORGANIC Fresh Herbs Assorted PRODUCT OF SPAIN Cooked & Peeled Beets NON-MEDICATED Maple Hills Frozen Cornish Hens $498 /lb 10.98 kg CANADA OR USA Organic Yellow Onions $469 3lb bag $199 500 grams EVERLAND Organic Maple Syrup Assorted CANADIAN Whole Beef Tenderloin $1814 /lb 39.99 kg FALESCA MOLISANA Canned Beans Assorted BC GROWN Organic Ambrosia Apples FROM THE DELI Lyoner Sausage $169 100 grams FROZEN Pork Back Ribs $454 /lb 9.99 kg LIBERTE Greek Yogourt Assorted Flavours BC GROWN Organic Potatoes Assorted $189 1oz clam NON-MEDICATED Roasting Chickens $399 /lb 8.80/kg $149 398 ml *non-organic $2299 1L NON-MEDICATED ORGANIC $699 /lb 15.41 kg Boneless Pork Leg Roasts NON-MEDICATED Ground Pork $399 /lb 8.80 kg /lb 13.21 kg $599 Pork Loin Roasts $649 275 grams 650-750g *non-organic SneakPeek 4-Day Sale! *Whilequantitieslast ONSALEDEC 21-24ONLY Canadian AA or Higher Prime Rib Roasts $907 /lb 19.99/kg $549 $469 3lb bag 5lb bag Holiday Hours Dec. 24 - 8am to 5pm Dec. 25 & 26 - CLOSED Dec. 31 - 8am to 6pm Jan. 1 - CLOSED ON SALE FROM DEC 15 – 31 aple Hills
Aseaofredopened VancouverIndigenous FashionWeek2022-the reddresswasthetheme ofopeningnightandattendees wereaskedtowearthecolourin remembranceofMMIWG2S
MusqueamelderCeciliaPointe openedtheeveningwitha traditionalwelcome Lorelei Williams,whowasalsoMCwith MandyNahanee,sangtheWarrior WomenSongwhileherteamwho goinsearchofmissingwomen, girls,andtwo-spiritpeople,held photosofthelovedonestheyhad lost Behindthem,aprocessionof modelsinreddressesstoodonthe second-floorbalconyandasthey raisedtheirfistsintheair
Theemotionintheroomwas palpable.Itwasapowerfuland importantstarttoaweekthat celebratedIndigenousexcellence throughfashionandperformance
SquamishandMusgamagw Dzawada’enuxwfashiondesigner HimikalasPamelaBakerjoined CreemodelJoleenMittonasa co-producerofVIFWthisyear alongwith32Indigenousdesigners whodisplayedanincredible arrayoftalentthatincluded menswear,regalia,formalgowns, casualcoordinatedsets,and stunningpartyoutfitsallofwhich incorporateddesignsandartfrom differentnations
YolondaSkeltonofSugiitLukxs Designscoveredalloftheabove inherrunwayshowonopening night Oneofherstandoutpieces wasanopen-backeagletopmade ofmetaldiscsthat'swingswrapped aroundthemodel'slowerback.She hadJulesKoostachindirectorof
theresidentialschooldocumentary WaaPakeintheshowwalking withhermotherRitaandherson Asivak Skeltonworkedonthe costumedesignandregaliamaking forthefilm Witheachnighthavingadifferent theme,nighttwowasAllMy Relationswheredesigners likeHeatherBouchierplayed aroundwithtextiles,optingto usetraditionalmaterialssuchas horsehair,dentaliumandsmoked moosehide.
Andonnightthree,Indigenous Future,Mitton,whoalsomanages
thebasketballteamAllMy Relations(AMR),walkedthe runwaywithfellowteammatesas partofacollaborationwithOka FashionandAMR.Theteamwon thechampionshipatthisyearsAll NativeBasketballTournament andthefashionwhichtook inspirationfromtheiruniformswas acelebrationonthecatwalk MusqueamIndianBandelder ShanePointebeganthefinal night,themed"SpiritOfTheWest Coast,"withatraditionalwelcome andmessagefortheyouth, followedbyanIndigenousdance
bytheCoastSalishfamilygroup ofsingers,dancers,anddrummer calledTsatsuStalgayu,which translatestoCoastalWolfPack
Thefirstdesignstotakethe runwaywerebyDebraSparrow whichsawwoventextilesand designs AnIndigenousspinning machinewasplacedinthemiddle oftherunwaytoclosetheshow, withamodelbrieflyspinningyarn infrontoftheaudience Designers KaylynBaker,JBtheFirstLady, andRebeccaBaker-Grenier followedafter.
RezKidsintroducedthelatterhalf oftheshow,includingdesigners TishnaMarlowe,AyLelum, D'ArcyMosesandheadlinerPam Baker
Thefinalshowofthenightopened withaseriesofdesignswithOrca visuals,asymbolofprotection andcommunity Thefirstlook astonishedtheaudiencetwiceas themodelrevealedthefulldesign downtherunway
TheclosingmodelworeanEagle headdresswithadetailedgown
HighlightsfromVancouverIndigenousFashionWeek2022 Despiteasnowystart,Vancouverisnowherenearits snowiestyearever,whennearly8feetofsnowfellin 1971 Herearefiveotherfactsyouprobably don'tknowaboutwinterinVancouver. 5thingsyou(probably)didn'tknowaboutwinter 1.Thecoldestdayeverdroppedto-18C WhilemanymajorCanadiancitiesseetemperaturesinthe -20satleastonceayear,inVancouverthat'sneverhappened ThecoldestdayrecordedforthecitywasDec 29,1968, whentemperaturesdroppedto-18C Atthetimetherewas anofficialweatherstationatUBC,whichsaw-183C Atthe airport,whichisstillbeingusedasaweatherstationforthe city,ithit-178C 2.Thesnowiestdayeversawmorethanafoot fallover24hours @ E D P O R T R A I T P H O T O G R A P H Y @ T E K A D E S J A R L A I S CONTINUESONPAGE13 SHOP.CHOICESMARKETS.COM Here’ H Y C H lp PLEASE RECYCLE THIS NEWSPAPER.
In1935Vancouverwaspushingthrough thoselateJanuaryblueswhen44 2cmof snowdroppedonthecityin24hours That's about175inches Itfrozethecity,asitwasn'tpreparedforsuch ahugestorm Itevenresultedinthecollapse oftheroofoftheHastingsParkForum hockeyarena
ForthosewonderingiftheBlizzardof1996 cameclose,itdid Dec 29,1996saw40 9 cm,thesecondsnowiestdayinthecity's recordedhistory
3.Vancouverhasaninepercent chanceofawhiteChristmas
Vancouver'snotaverysnowycity,generally, andwhilesomeCanadiancitiesalways haveawhiteChristmas(that'saDec 25 withatleast2cmofsnowontheground), EnvironmentCanadaputsVancouverasone oftheleastlikelyplacesinthecountryfor suchaday
Usingdecadesofdata,theyfigurethe chancewe'llseethecityblanketedinsnow Christmasmorningisninepercent Lastyearsomesnowfell,butitdidn'tmeet thethreshold.ThelasttimeVancouverhada properwhiteChristmaswas2008,sothecity isaboutdue
4.Therewasayearwhere Vancouversawalmostnosnow In2015almostnosnowfellinVancouver(or, attheairport,atleast) Onlytraceamounts weremeasuredonDec 17,meaningit wasobservedfalling,buttherewasan "unmeasurableorinsignificantquantity"
5.Vancouver'ssnowremoval budgetistinycomparedtoother cities
Vancouverisn'tusuallyverysnowy,andthe city'sbudgetfordealingwithitisnotvery big,comparedtootherCanadiancities
InareportfromlastyearCityofVancouver staffnotedthereareonlyaboutninesnowfall days,and100withicyconditions
Inthefouryearsprevious,theaveragebudget todealwithallthatwasabout$5 4million, with$3 6milliongoingtotheactualresponse (therestwasforpreparationwork)
Montreal'sisexponentiallybigger,witharound $170millionspenteachyear,orabout3per centofthecity'sbudget It'soneofthebiggest municipalsnow-clearingoperationsinthe worldandevenhasitsownWikipediapage
Through28games,the VancouverCanucks havegivenupasmany shorthandedgoalsthis seasonastheydidalloflastseason
TheCanucksgaveuptheirsixth shorthandedgoaloftheseason onSaturday,second-mostinthe NHLanditcameatacrucialtime. Down1-0totheMinnesotaWild inthesecondperiod,theCanucks hadthree-straightpowerplays a goldenopportunitytotiethegame Instead,theWildextendedtheir leadwhenJ T Millerturnedthe puckoverwithanill-considered cross-icepassattheblueline.Wild penaltykillerConnorDewarblewa breakawayslapshotpastMartinto completelydeflatetheCanucks “Thatwassortofabackbreaker,” saidCanucksheadcoachBruce Boudreau “Youcouldseethewind reallygooutofthesailsofalotof players.
TheCanuckshaveoneofthebest powerplaysintheNHLsofarthis season;theyaretiedforthefifthmostpowerplaygoalsintheNHL with27 Butthesixshorthanded goalsagainsthaslimitedtheimpact ofthepowerplay,givingthema goaldifferentialofplus-21 The averagegoaldifferentialonNHL powerplaysthisseasonisplus-18 5, sotheCanucks’powerplayisjust barelyaboveaveragewhenyou includeshorthandedgoals
Itsnotjustthegoals Sometimesa teamjustgetsastringofbadluckor shakygoaltending,butaccordingto hockeyanalyticssiteNaturalStat Trick,nootherteamintheNHL
hasgivenupasmanyhigh-danger scoringchanceswhileonthepower playastheCanucks
ThebiggestissuefortheCanucks powerplaythathasledtothese shorthandedchancesandgoalshas beenpuckmanagementaround theopposingblueline.Twogoals cameoffturnoversbyMiller,but therewerealsoturnoversbyElias Pettersson,VasilyPodkolzin,and OliverEkman-Larssonthatled toshorthandedgoals Itsenough tomakeyouwonderiftheres somethingspecifictotheCanucks powerplay asystemsissue thatleadstotheCanucksrepeatedly
turningthepuckoverinsucha dangerousareaoftheice AccordingtoBoudreau,that’snot thecase Hesaysitcomesdownto individualdecision-making “Iwouldthinkthat'snotasystem playwhenyoumakeapass rightontheotherguy'stapefor abreakaway, saidBoudreau, referencingMillersturnover againsttheWild “Alotoftimes whenyou'repressing,youknow, badthingshappen Wevebeen pressingforgoalsalotthisyear ” TheCanuckshaven’tjustgivenup shorthandedgoalswhenpressing
foroffence,though.Threeofthesix shorthandedgoalshavecomewhen theCanuckshavethelead infact, theyvebeenthetyinggoalsafter theCanuckshadtakenamulti-goal leadearlierinthegame,including theCanucks firsttwogamesof theseason,whichsetthetonefor aseven-gamelosingstreak Each ofthoseshorthandedgoalstook achancetoextendtheleadand insteaderasedit CanuckscaptainBoHorvatthinks thatfatigueplaysafactorandhe mayhaveapoint WhenDewar scoredhisshorthandedgoaloff Miller’sturnover,Millerandthe
rstpowerplayunithadalready beenontheiceforoveraminute “Especiallywhenwegettired,I thinkweforgetthatwestillhave toplayalittlebitofdefenseout thereeventhoughthey'vegotone lessguy,”saidHorvat “Sometimes wemight,especiallyonourunit, overextendourselvesalittlebit,and thenthat'swhenthelapseshappen forus
“Ifwecankeepourshiftshorts andourmindssharp,it'sdefinitely gonnahelpus ”
ShorthandedgoalshaveshortcircuitedtheCanucks’powerplay B O B K R O N B A U E R VICTORIA DRIVE DENTURE CLINIC 5477 VICTORIA DRIVE AT 39TH | MYDENTURES.CA WE ARE COMMITTED TO KEEP YOU SMILING! Cecilia Guglielmetti, RD Denturist Are you a denture wearer who: Has loose dentures? Cannot enjoy a meal? Has a sore mouth? Has stopped smiling? All of the above Need dentures for the first time? WE CAN HELP YOU! CALL FOR A FREE CONSULTATION EUROPEAN QUALITY AT CANADIAN PRICES TELEPHONE: 604-325-1914 NOW ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS | NO REFERRAL NEEDED
VANCOUVERISAWESOME COM THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2022 VANCOUVER IS AWESOME A15 © NHL Learn more about the Team Rogers Community Draft. This holiday season, we’re drafting more kids than ever before to Team Rogers.
A16 VANCOUVER IS AWESOME THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2022 VANCOUVERISAWESOME COM To advertise call 604.653.7851 All advertising published in this newspaper is accepted on the premise that the merchandise and services offered are accurately described and willingly sold to buyers at the advertised prices. Advertisers are aware of these conditions. Advertising that does not conform to these standards or that is deceptive or misleading, is never knowingly accepted. If any reader encounters non-compliance with these standards we ask that you inform the Publisher of this newspaper and The Advertising Standards Council of B.C. OMISSION AND ERROR: The publishers do not guarantee the insertion of a particular advertisement on a specified date, or at all, although every effort will be made to meet the wishes of the advertisers. Further, the publishers do not accept liability for any loss of damage caused by an error or inaccuracy in the printing of an advertisement beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied by the portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred.Any corrections of changes will be made in the next available issue. Vancouver Is Awesome will be responsible for only one incorrect insertion with liability limited to that portion of the advertisement affected by the error Request for adjustments or corrections on charges must be made within 30 days of the ad’s expiration. For best results please check your ad for accuracy the first day it appears. Refunds made only after 7 business days notice! ADVERTISING POLICIES TRUTH IN EMPLOYMENT ADVERTISING Glac er Media Group makes every effort to ensure you are responding to a reputable and legitimate job opportun ty f you suspect that an ad to which you have responded is misleading, here are some hints to remember Legitimate employers do not ask for money as part of the application process; do not send money; do not give any cred t card nformat on; or call a 900 number in order to respond to an employment ad. Job opportunity ads are salary based and do not require an investment. If you have responded to an ad which you believe to be misleading please call the: Better Business Bureau at 604-682-2711 Monday to Friday, 9am - 3pm or email: inquiries@bbbvan.org and they will investigate. vancouverisawesome.com LEGAL LEGAL/PUBLIC NOTICES HOME SERVICES By Virtue of the Warehouseman’s Lien Act BigSteelBox Corporation 20142 Logan Ave, Langley, BC c a ms a PPSA Warehouse Lien against Farrell, Colin of Vancouver, BC., for arrears of container rent amounting to $2,587 20 plus any additional costs of storage that accrue. If not paid in full, the contents of the storage container filled with: furniture, boxes, mattresses, and other miscellaneous items, will be sold online auction via: Ibid4Storage.com on December 19, 2022. WAREHOUSEMAN LIEN By virtue of the Warehouseman’s Lien Act and on behalf of Shelter Island Marina, we will dispose of goods belonging to Paul Smith, namely: Carver 3602, 36ft to recover $8,068.07 plus accruing storage and any/all other expenses related. These goods will be made available for sale after December 29, 2022. Goods are currently being stored in Richmond, BC. Contact 604-434-2448 for further information MARKETPLACE wanTed Old Books Wanted. also: Photos Postcards, Letters, Paintings. no text books or encyclopedias I pay cash. 604-737-0530 WANTED SASQUATCH SKULL - Also purchasing SILVER & GOLD coins, bars, jewelry, scrap, nuggets, sterling, 999+ BULLION, maple leafs, bulk silver, pre-1969 coins. Coin collector BUYING ENTIRE COIN COLLECTIONS, old $ & Royal Canadian Mint coins. TODD 250864-3521 BUSINESS SERVICES perSonalS *SWEDISH MASSAGE* 604-739-3998 W Broadway @ Oak St. REAL ESTATE induSTrial/ commercial INTEGR TY POST FRAME BUILDINGS since 2008. Built with concrete posts. 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VANCOUVERISAWESOME COM THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2022 VANCOUVER IS AWESOME A17 Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a Sudoku, the numbers 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in SUDOKU PUZZLE ANSWERS ON SEPARATE PAGE ACROSS DOWN 1 Product or (abbr ) 4 Zodiac sign 9 S China seaport 14 Former OSS 15 Early English printer 16 Aphid genus 17 General’s assistant (abbr ) 18 Aussies 20 Dissuades 22 Make law 23 Drench 24 Soak in a liquid 28 Male child 29 It cools your home 30 Small constellation 31 To call (archaic) 33 Explores beneath the Earth 37 Commercial 38 W hemisphere organization 39 You can find it in a can 41 “Land of the free” 42 36 inches 43 Footwear 44 Challenges 46 They hold things together 49 Of I 50 Partner to flow 51 Not connected by kinship 55 Worries 58 Garlic mayonnaise 59 A way to take by force 60 Legendary English rockers 64 Your consciousness of your own identity 65 Fencing swords 66 Silly 67 Actor DiCaprio 68 Encircles with a belt 69 Mails a message 70 Longing 1 Horse mackerels 2 It can be viral 3 Prickly plants 4 Consciousness 5 Type of sarcoma 6 Tax collector 7 Sun up in New York 8 One who scorches 9 Influential psychotherapist 10 Situated at an apex 11 Communicative 12 Forearm nerve 13 Former CIA 19 Folk singer DiFranco 21 Employee stock ownership plan 24 Large-scale 25 School environment 26 Remove 27 Male parents 31 Large rodent 32 Weighed down 34 Held tightly 35 route: going there 36 Explains again 40 Exclamation of surprise 41 Courteously 45 Lying down 47 Judge 48 Forcefully took 52 Loosely compacted sediment 53 High mountain 54 Portable conical tents 56 Cereal grass 57 Dining utensil 59 Thoughtful 60 Helps you walk 61 Indicates near 62 Midway between northeast and east 63 Local area network RICHMONDFRANCIS 7020 Francis Road 604-204-0707 Gilbert Rd. No.3 Rd. Francis Rd. NORTH DELTA #1 11161-84th Ave 604-592-2902 n Roya De ta Cent e) 1 1 2 S NordelWay 1 2 0 S Commun ty Cen e 84th Ave VANCOUVERARBUTUS 4639 Arbutus St. 604-263-2322 u s S Y W W 3 A ValyDr N Chevron DELIVERY AVAILABLE mmfoodmarket com Prices of produc s that feature the M&M Food Market Rewards Spec a ogo are exclusive to members of the M&M Food Marke Rewards program S mp y present your membersh p card or s gn up for a free membersh p n store or onl ne to take advantage of these exc us ve offers M&M Food Market Express and other non- rad t ona stores offer a imi ed range of products; therefore specia pricing and p omo ions are no val d at M&M Food Marke Express or other non-traditional sto es We reserve the r ght to correct any errors “Lowest Price o he Season” s our guaran ee to you sub ect to the fol owing qua ficat ons tha you w ll not af er his flyer’s exp ry per od see a lower pr ce on these selected tems at M&M Food Market exc uding M&M Food Market Express ocat ons and partners the Trad t ona Loca ions from December 15, 2022 unt December 31 2022 the Guarantee Period ) I you find a ower advert sed pr ce at our Trad t ona Locations dur ng he Guarantee Period you can br ng your receipt o one of our Tradi ional Locations and receive a s ore cred t for the di ference between the price you paid and the new advert sed pr ce NOTE Guarantee s on y va id for M&M Food Marke Rewards customer ransact ons Asian Party Pack 48-58 PIECES 800 g Nanaimo Bars 850 g Pub Party Pack 32 PIECES 576 g Thai Party Pack 24 PIECES 430 g Shrimp Ring Cocktail Sauce included $7 save $7 save Italian Style $4 save $5 save INCREDIBLE PRICE 1299 each PARTY FAVOURITES Mini Chocolate Mousse Cakes 6 PIECES 300 g Mini Chocolate Peanut Butter Cakes 6 PIECES 300 g 999 each save save $2 Turkey Breast 875 g save $2 $4 save each
A18 VANCOUVER IS AWESOME THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2022 VANCOUVERISAWESOME COM Warmest greetings of the Season and every good wish for the upcoming year from my family to yours aka Grandpa Dave Selling Vancouver since 1983
NEWS + LIFESTYLE — AN EXTENSION OF VANCOUVERISAWESOME.COM FROM NOW - DEC 31, 2022 NEW CUSTOMER DEAL Register online and get 25% off your first order FROM NOW - DEC 31, 2022 Buy one get another 50% off on Mondays and Tuesdays for a limited time at all 3 locations
La Ruota is a national pizza franchise which serves Neapolitan style pizza by the slice and offers dine in, take out, and delivery options. It’s uniqueness comes from their undeniable love and passion for pizza, the technology they have created in restaurant management, strict professionalism and community involvement.
La Ruota’s first location opened and became a Neapolitan pizza success story in Coquitlam in 2017 Since then, La Ruota opened their second and third locations which took nearly a year to open their doors to the public La Ruota has become an even greater success story with its famous long line ups, considering they had faced many challenges during pandemic.
They are doing extremely well in their current locations and have gone through an almost double-in-size expansion just over a year ago. Not only that, they have plans to open new locations on the East Coast and the USA as well.
Kubilay Demirel a long time industry veteran and company CEO, who also owns the Megabite group that created the best Neapolitan style pizza in the city, is also well known for providing immense support for female entrepreneurs such as Gulsah Suicmez
Gulsah’s Success Story
Gulsah is now the owner of one Pizza Garden location in Abbotsford and two locations of La Ruota in Kitsilano and on Cambie Street.
Gulsah, was born and raised in Turkey, and after immigrating to Canada, started her career at Megabite pizza as a cashier, while studying her master degree in business management at university After graduating she started to work in Megabite’s marketing department.
Gulsah was always craving more success and wanted to own her own business After working at the company’s headquarters for 5 years as the marketing manager, she succeeded in achieving her dream, with the help of company’s franchise financing program, and her passion and knowledge about pizza.
Gulsah opened her first pizza store in Abbotsford, Pizza Garden, which is La Ruota’s sister company. She was
very proud to open the first quick service Neapolitan pizza store in Abbotsford. Gulsah quickly became part of the community and organized many community events such as breakfast for kids and donations to Salvation Army
After 3 successful years in Abbotsford,
Gulsah opened La Ruota in Kitsilano and later at the Cambie St location Gulsah continues to thrive and is proud of participating in many events and donations in each and every community she is involved in.
Gulsah’s tips for success? Do what you are passionate about, do your
homework, and never give up She also mentioned that company support played a huge role in her success.
La Ruota welcomes all pizza lover entrepreneurs who want to be part of the success story For franchise inquiries please contact to franchising@laruota.com
First time customers get %25 off on their first order • Monday and Tuesday buy 1 and get 50% off 2nd pizza • laruota ca SPONSORED CONTENT