Vancouver Is Awesome #146 - January 19, 2023

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NEWS + LIFESTYLE AN EXTENSION OF VANCOUVERISAWESOME.COM 238,800 167,100 102,800 ISSUE JANUARY 19, 2023 94,200 31,000 BelovedCanuckGinoOdjickpasses awayatage52  A4 B R I C E F E R R E GINO! GINO! GINO!
A2 VANCOUVER IS AWESOME THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 2023 VANCOUVERISAWESOME COM ALL PRICES IN EFFECT THURSDAY, JANUARY 19 TO WE ED Prices of products that feature the M&M Food Market Rewards Spec a logo are exc usive to members of the M&M Food Market Rewards program S mply present your membership card, or s gn up for a free membership in store or online, to take advantage of these exclus ve offers M&M Food Market Express and other non-traditional stores offer a lim ted range of products; therefore special pr c ng and promotions are not valid at M&M Food Market Express or other non-trad tional stores We reserve the right to correct any errors RICHMONDFRANCIS 7020 Francis Road 604-204-0707 Gilbert Rd. No.3 Rd. Francis Rd NORTH DELTA #1, 11161-84th Ave 604-592-2902 in Roya De ta Cent e) 1 1 2 S NordelWay 1 2 0 S Commun ty C 84th Ave VANCOUVERARBUTUS 4639 Arbutus St. 604-263-2322 A b S S W B d Val yD N Chevron DELIVERY AVAILABLE mmfoodmarket com 9 4 SE save $2 *Registered Trademark of the Canadian Celiac Association Used under license Sirloin Beef Italian Style Meatballs 1799 1599 Supreme Homestyle g 20.99 save $3 2499 Shepherd’s Pie 2299 each save $2 save $3 save $3 Cabbage Rolls * No va d w th any mea s, pairings or other offers L mits may apply Offers excluded from k osk de very and mob le orders ** No purchase necessary W nners wi be random y se ected between January 20 - 22 from the Drive-Thru Curbs de or n-restaurant Wh e supplies ast See restaurant or deta ls On y at the McDonald s restaurant ocated at 2021 K ngsway Vancouver © 2023 McDonald’s $3 plus tax EggMcMuffin® Sandwich* $3 plus tax BigMac®* Giveaways Stop by the restaurant for a chance to win a McDonald’s gift card ** Plus, every 20th guest will receive a coupon redeemable for a FREE Big Mac® or Egg McMuffin®† $1 plus tax MediumPremiumRoastCoffee* Join us for these special deals January 20 - 22
VANCOUVERISAWESOME COM THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 2023 VANCOUVER IS AWESOME A3 Experience the difference BETTER hearing makes. E YOURSELF WorkSafe BC and other Provincial WCB Networks, VAC, MSDPR, and FNHA/NIHB accepted Registered under the College of Speech and Hearing Health Professionals of BC VANCOUVER EAST 604.305.4843 WEST BROADWAY 604.330.8767 DOWNTOWN 604.229.6387 KERRISDALE 604.373.8284 KITSILANO 604.800.5267 Vancouver - Langara MLA Michael Lee cordially invites you to a Lunar New Year Celebration Join Michael for light refreshments to celebrate the Lunar New Year! When: Sunday, January 29, 2023 Time: 12:00PM - 2:00PM Marpole-Oakridge Community Centre 990 West 59th Avenue To RSVP, please email Michael Lee MLA@leg bc ca @MichaelLeeBC /MichaelLeeBC @MichaelLeeBC MEA TS PR O D UCE GR OC ER Y KILLARNEY LOCA TION ONL Y (E 49 TH A VE) OPEN 8:30AM–10:00PM EVERYDAY While quantities last We reserve the right to correct pricing errors 2611 E 49th Ave, Vancouver • 604-438-0869 4801 Victoria Dr, Vancouver • 604-876-2128 Prices valid from Thursday, January 19, to Wednesday, January 25 FRESH BEEF BRISKET $6.88/LB GOLDEN SOLO PAPAYA HAWAII ROYAL GALA APPLE 3LB BAG B C BROCCOLI CROWN MEXICO $1.88/LB SUNFRIE 100% CANOLA OIL 3L KIRIN AFTERNOON MILK TEA 1 5L $3.88/EA $11.48/EA CION HONEY CASTELLA CAKES 8PK $10.98/EA RED BULL ENERGY DRINK 250ML HEINZ TOMATO KETCHUP 1.25L $1.88/EA $3.98/EA SMARTCHOICEWHITE SHRIMPCOOKED16/20300G $6.68/EA EMMA TOMATO PASSATA 660ML KEWPIE JAPAN MAYONAISE 450G $4.98/EA $2.28/EA EL SABROSO TORTILLA GUACACHIP 340G IN-STOREBAKEDGARLIC BREAD450G VERA LEAN MORTADELLA $1.28/100G $3.48/EA HERMES OLIVE POMACE OIL 1L $6.98/EA FRESH PORK TENDERLOIN $4.88/LB FRESH BONE IN CHICKEN THIGHS $3.88/LB $3.68/EA $2.98/EA $3.68/LB

TheVancouverCanuckssaidgoodbye toabelovedmemberofthefamily thispastweekend,asGinoOdjick passedawayattheageof52 It seemsachinglycruelthatamanwithaheart bigenoughtoencompasstheentirecityof Vancouverwasafflictedwithararedisease thatattackstheheart,cardiacamyloidosis OdjickwasagiantinVancouver That’sonly partlyametaphor Odjickwasamassive man,withmeatymittsthatswallowedup yourownwhenyoushookhishand ButGino wasagentlegiant,aslongasyoumethimoff theice

Ontheice,ontheotherhand,Odjickwas afearsomecompetitor,willingtotakeon anyoneatanytimetoprotecthisteammates, whetherthatmeantafellowenforceroran entireteam

“Ontheice,hedidwhathehadtodo, said StanSmylonSunday. Butofftheice,hewas oneofthekindesthumanbeingsthatIhave metandplayedwith"

Odjickwasaclassiclatebloomer,whowent fromplayinghousehockeyonoutdoorrinks atage16totheNHLat20 WhenOdjick madeittotheNHL,hechosethenumber 29inhonourofhisfather,JosephOdjick it washisregistrationnumberattheresidential schoolinSpanish,Ontario.

TheCanucksselectedOdjickinthefifth roundofthe1990NHLEntryDraft,largely becauseofscoutRonDelorme Perhaps DelormesawsomethingofhimselfinOdjick, abig,toughhockeyplayerfromaFirst

HeopenedthedoorforOdjickinVancouver “Afterthedraft,[Canuckscoach]Bob McCammoncameovertomeandsaid,‘That damnRonwasbuggingustopickyouafter thesecondround,’”saidOdjickin1990 “He buggedussomuchwehadtopickyouinthe NobodyhadabiggerheartthanGinoOdjick CONTINUESONPAGE5 C A N U C K S T V Vancouver School Board conducts solo operation to gut University Transition Program We the students, parents, alumni, and citizens hereby demand the VSB halt it’s unilateral changes made to the Program and reconstitute the UTP Steering committee with full stakeholder representation for DUE PROCESS
Nationsbackground Delormewas and is atirelessadvocateforFirstNations people,openingdoorsinhockeythatmight otherwiseremainclosed


TheCanuckswereanticipatingsendingOdjickbackto Lavalafterhewasdrafted,butthebigwingercaught everyoneoffguardattrainingcamp:theenforcercouldplay, withsurprisingskatingabilityandasubtleintelligenceto hisgamethatbeliedhishulkingsize

“Hewasasmartplayer,”recalledMikeMurphy,who coachedOdjickwiththeCanucks farmteam,the MilwaukeeAdmirals.“Peopledontgivehimcredit,hehad excellenthockeyIQ”

The20-year-oldOdjickimmediatelytookonveterantough guysDaveMansonandStuGrimsoninhisfirstNHL game,electrifyingthefansandcatchingtheattentionofhis teammates,whoappreciatedhavingsomeoneontheice whocouldkeeptheoppositionhonest

IfhisfistswerewhatgothimintotheCanuckslineup,it washishockeysensethatallowedhimtoplaywithtalented linemateslikePavelBure Odjickwasassignedthetaskof protectingtheRussianRocketinhisrookieseasonandthe twoquicklybecameclosefriends,bondingovertheirshared outsiderstatus

“HecamefromthereserveandIcamefromtheSoviet Union,”recalledBuretoTheAthleticin2019 “Weboth couldn’tspeakEnglishwell,butwelearnedtounderstand eachother,youknow?”

Morethananythingelse,OdjickconnectedwithVancouver fans Healwaysmadetimetotalktofans,signautographs, and,likeDelormebeforehim,workwithFirstNations youth.Hewasearnest,honest,andunfiltered,witha disarmingandcharmingpersonality Mostofall,hecared deeply abouthisteammates,abouthishockeyteam, abouthiscity,andabouthiscommunity Restinpeace,Gino We’llalwaysrememberyourbigheart

AwesomeInstagram PhotooftheWeek

Thisphotoofsomepeoplelookingoveratthecityfrom theNorthShorethroughtheveilofatankerwas takenandsharedby@vansunsetphoto

Forachancetohaveyourphotofeaturedhereandon ourInstagramaccount,tagyourInstagramphotoswiththe hashtag#vancouverisawesome

Tokeepupwitheverythinghappeninginyourcity(andfor moregreatphotographs!)followusat@viawesome

VANCOUVERISAWESOME COM THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 2023 VANCOUVER IS AWESOME A5 PUBLISHERANDEDITOR-IN-CHIEF BobKronbauer bobk@vancouverisawesomecom|604-439-2688 DIRECTOROFSALES MichelleBhatti|michelle@vancouverisawesomecom MANAGINGEDITOR LindsayWilliam-Ross lindsay@vancouverisawesomecom REPORTERS AllieTurner|BrendanKergin|DanielWagner ElanaShepert|GraemeWood|JeremyHainsworth MariaDiment|MariaTallarico|MikeHowell DESIGN+PRODUCTION JodeenHodgson SALESREPS AdamSkaloud|AlisonClay|BryceWickstrom DanielaBecerril|DavidChiew|EliLaycock JustinChen|MaureenLaventure SALES+MARKETINGCOORDINATOR KarenNgan FORADVERTISINGENQUIRIESPLEASEEMAIL advertising@vancouverisawesomecom FORGENERALEDITORIALENQUIRIESPLEASEEMAIL hello@vancouverisawesomecom FORDISTRIBUTIONINQUIRIESEMAIL viadelivery@vannet|delivery@vancouriercom orcall604-398-2901 SENDLETTERSTOTHEEDITORTO bobk@vancouverisawesomecomor 303W5thAve,VancouverBC,V5Y1J6
Call today: Gung Hay Fat Choy

DidyouknowthataVancouverdesignedNikereleasedinMarch of2010isstillactivelybeingbought andsoldbycollectorsandresellers, andhasgoneforupwardsof$5,400on

It'strue Idesignedit WhilesomepeopleinVancouverknow meastheguywhostartedVancouverIs Awesomein2008,mycareerupuntilthat pointhadmostlybeenasagraphicdesigner andcreativedirectorintheskateboardand streetwearindustries.

In2008,IhadacontractwithNike6 0(a now-defunctdivisionofthecompany),and thatwaswhenIpitchedthedesignconcept tosomepeopleIknewatanadjacent division-NikeSB

TheylikedmyconceptforaDunkLow colourway,assignedanactualshoedesigner tofinessemyideaandturnitintoalimited release,thenmadeitavailableforsaleonly atskateboardshops

Thesedaysyoucanstillfindpairsofit availablethroughtheresellingmarketas theDunkmodelispopularforcollectors, regardlessofthetheme Itlatelyaverages around$800persale,butraresizesgofor muchmore Asize12wentfor$5,463inMay of2021

MyDunkwascalledtheWallenbergDunk, anditwasanhomagetoalittlepalmtree ataspotthatpeopleskateboardatinSan

Francisco.Hypebeastpublishedastoryabout itthat'sstillintheirarchivesifyou'dliketo learnmore

Andwhattheheckisthepurposeofthis piece,youask?Thisdudewantstobrag aboutthattimemorethanadecadeagowhen hedidathing?

No,dearreader.Myintentionistobring somethingtolifethatyoumightwanttoput onyourfeet

Nikeannouncedthatthey'rereleasinga MontrealBagel-themedDunkthismonth,so I'mproposingaBC -themedDunk,which I'dliketohelpbringtolife.

IdugupaWallenbergDunksampleoutof mystorageandithasthewordsPROPERTY OFNIKE-NOTFORRESALEonthe insideoftheheel I'vedecidedtoholdit hostageforthegreatergood

So,folksatNike,let'sworktogetherona B.C.Dunk.I'llgiveyoubackthissample (whichyouprobablydon'tevenwant anymore,butc'mon,Ineededananglehere)if wegettogethertotalkaboutthis

We'llpromoteitonall64ofourparent companyGlacierMedia'scommunitynews websitesinWesternCanada,widelysharing ayet-to-be-determinedstoryaboutsomething awesomethat'sBritishColumbia-related Let'smakeaBC dunkhappen!

VancouverIsAwesome BobKronbauer:ThisVancouver designedNikesellsforover$5,000 of our 2023 AGELESS ADVENTURE TOURS Light refreshments & door prizes (Call to RSVP) (604) 542-5566 #260 - 1959 152nd Street, Surrey, B.C. V4A 9E3 YOU’RE INVITED TO A... FREE Tour PRESENTATION Wednesday, January 25 11:00 am Van Dusen Gardens FLORAL HALL 5251 Oak St, Vancouver Tours of Canada, the U.S. & beyond THANK YOU FOR RECYCLING THIS NEWSPAPER. VICTORIA DRIVE DENTURE CLINIC 5477 VICTORIA DRIVE AT 39TH | MYDENTURES.CA WE ARE COMMITTED TO KEEP YOU SMILING! Cecilia Guglielmetti, RD Denturist Are you a denture wearer who: Has loose dentures? Cannot enjoy a meal? Has a sore mouth? Has stopped smiling? All of the above Need dentures for the first time? WE CAN HELP YOU! CALL FOR A FREE CONSULTATION EUROPEAN QUALITY AT CANADIAN PRICES TELEPHONE: 604-325-1914 NOW ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS | NO REFERRAL NEEDED

TheVancouverArt Galleryisabusy epicentreinthecity's downtowncore, withmanylocalsusingits publicspacesforprotests, filming,andleisurely lounging Despitetheheavyfoottraffic, somepassersbymaynot noticeasmall,peculiardetail

Localradio stationtakes threehosts offtheair


DJsat102.7The Peakhavebeenlet go

Itwasannouncedlastweek that Jeremy Baker and Charis Hogg hosts of The Early Show along with midday host Jason Manning were no longer with the station

The news comes on the heels of a recent decision to takeThePeakoffFMradio altogether.InJuly2022,the radiostationswitchedover to HD, meaning it could multicast shows digitally It's also just been a weird year for Vancouver radio Since late June, radio hosts havebeenfired,newstations havecroppedup,andone DJhadaheartattack. Notmuchhasbeensaid publiclybythethreehosts aboutthemostrecent shakeupbutJeremyBaker didconfirmthenewson Twittersaying,"Probably beonthebenchforabit Butwe’llsortsomethingout when we can!"

Vancouver band the Matinée Tweeted their support of Baker, Hoggs, and Manning and pointed out the poor timing of the newsgiventhatitisBaker's birthday.

Listenersalsoaren'thappy with the decision, and the majority of Facebook commentsaresadtoseethe hostsgo.


Watchingoverthecity fromabove,foursmall multicolouredshipsare anchoredatoptheVancouver ArtGallery

Althoughtheyareapositively unusualsight,whyarethey thereinthefirstplace?


havebeensailingthecity skylineforjustovertwo decades

Theywerecreatedby VancouversculptorKen Lumandinstalledin2001 aspartofthe"PublicArt fortheNewMillennium" project,accordingtothe CityofVancouverPublicArt Registry

Thefourvessels,coloured red,white,black,and yellow,serveasadirectional, geographical,andhistorical marker Theworkiscalled "FourBoatsStranded" However,eachsculpture isascaled-downmodelof historically-significantboats inVancouver'spast.Each oftheships'coloursdepicts

thecolonialstereotypingof cultural,racial,andhistorical identification

TheredboatisaFirst NationsLongboat;Captain Vancouver'sshipiswhite; theblackshipistheinfamous 1914Indianimmigrantship, theKomagataMaru,andthe yellowboatisacargoship thatcarriedmigrantsfrom

China'sFujianProvince, explainstheVancouverArt Gallery

Lumisawell-knownartist, whosemosticonicwork inthecityistheEastVan cross In2011,theVancouver ArtGalleryhosteda retrospectiveofLum'swork

Here'swhytherearesmallshipsontopoftheVancouverArtGallery V A N C O U V E R A R T G A L L E R Y Burnaby’sBest SeniorLivingCommunity Mulberry PARC’s winter deals come once a year and won’t last! Choose from our beautiful one-bedroom suites that boast spectacular Northwest or Southeast views, modern compact kitchens and luxury plank flooring Our suites come packaged with our exclusive PARCActive Living™ program, including a well-equipped gym, along with classes, art and cultural programs, chef-prepared cuisine, an onsite Wellness Nurse, complimentary transportation and more You’ll find comfort and freedom combined – located in the lively urban hub of HighGate in Burnaby. Act Now! This suite starts at our special rate of $3,970!* Call Terrie or Erin today for a tour to see for yourself why Mulberry has been voted the Best Independent Living community in Burnaby. * Limited time offer Must sign by February 15, 2023 604.526.2248

365restaurantstakingpart inDineOutVancouver

Hopeyou're hungry!DineOut Vancouverhas finallyrevealedall 365restaurantstakingpartin its2023event,whichmeans it'stimetoplanyoureating accordingly

Nowinits21styear,the popularannualcelebration ofdiningoutinVancouver offersanalways-impressive rosterofrestaurantswith fixed-pricemealsand additionalprogrammingfor foodlovers.

Thisyear,DineOutVancouverwilltakeplace fromJan 20toFeb 5,2023 OrganizedbyDestinationVancouverand designedtogivelocalsandvisitorsalikean abundanceofopportunitiestoexplorethe city'sdiverseandexcitingfoodsceneduring atypicallyquietertimeofyear,DineOutisa greatwaytorevisitoldfavouritesandtrynew restaurants

SetmenuswillbeofferedforDOV2023at threepriceranges:$20-$34,$35-$50,or$54$64.

Thisyearthereare365restaurantlocations takingpart,rangingfromcasualfavourites likeFableDinerandAfuriRamentohighendoptionslikeHawksworth,Carlino,and FiveSails Thereissomethingforeveryone, whetheryou'reveganorvegetarian(Mila

PlantBasedorNightshade)orafanof popularchains,likeCactusClub,Milestones, andEarls Youcanhitupalittlelocalindie tacojointorsplurgeonaspecialoccasion celebration

Newcomersfor2023toDOVinclude restaurantsthatopenedin2022,like Farmhouse,Nox,andImpostori,among manymore

EnjoyDOVFmealsfromAbbotsfordtoWest Vancouver,andsouthtoTsawwassenand WhiteRock-andsomanyplacesinbetween Therearecasualbakeriesandcafes,fine diningandspecialoccasionspots,andahost ofglobalcuisinestoexperience

ScantheQRcodehere toseetheentirelistof participatingrestaurants, andmore.

Adoghadanear-deathexperienceon publictransitlastweek

Atfirst,Vancouverpolicetold V.I.A thatadoghadtragically diedatBroadway-CityHallStationafter itgotcaughtinbetweenthetraindoors. "Therearealotoftraumatizedpassengers andso[the]VPDisassistingTransit," Const.TaniaVisintininitiallysaid. MetroVancouverTransitPolice(MVTP) clarifiedthatthedogis,infact,aliveand unharmed.

Const.AmandaSteedtoldV.I.A.justbefore noonlastThursdayagoldenretrieverran intoOakridge-41stStation,founditselfon thetracks,and"justcouldn'tgetout."

"Hewasstuckinthetunnel,"shesays."The dogranfromOakridgetowardsBroadwayCityHall."

CanadaLinetrainattendantstookoneofthe trainsoutandmanuallydroveittolocatethe pup,addedSteed.

DogjumpsonSkyTraintracks, getslostintunnels CONTINUESONPAGE9 CAROLYNCARSON 778.878.4687 LOVE where YOU live ! Personal Real Estate Corporation #29 - 7001 Eden Drive - Sardis BC. Thinkingofdownsizingwithoutcompromisingspace? Checkoutthis3500sqft3bedroom rancher located in the adult oriented community of EDENBANK. This upscale secured gated 55+community in Sardis BC features pristine gardens, private walking paths, natural winding creeks, large green belt, tennis and pickleball courts, heritage club house complete withindoorswimmingpool,sauna,hottub,pooltable,party,gamesandexerciseroomand workshop for owners. RV parking available call David at 604.649.2305 Select Realty Licensed at 4806 Main Street, Vancouver, BC V5V 3R8 1317 Chestnut St, Kitsilano $1,998,000 Kits Point ½ Duplex. 3 Beds, 2.5 Baths, 1,978sq.ft., City & Park Views Open House Sat/Sun Jan 21/22 12:00-3:00pm #366 - 250 E 6TH AVE | $969,000 • 2 bed 2 full bath plus flex/den space • Over 900 SqFt plus spacious balcony • Quiet South/East exposure • Open kitchen, full size S/S appliances • In-suite laundry parking & storage • Roof top decks, fitness room, bike storage COMING SOON! • 1 376 SqFt N/W corner unit with 3 beds, 2 baths & 2 parking • Convenient Metrotown location • New building by Boffo Developments • Great building amenities Hot tub, sauna, gym & rooftop patio Call Nicola for more info 604.767.4600 Nicola Campbell *PREC 604 767 4600 Sylvia Fierro *PREC 604 351 8417 Mackinley Wilson UA 604 765 9340 Georgia Heraty REAltoR® 604 763 6173 1428 W 7th Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 1C1 Each Office Independently Owned and Operated PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORPORAT ON UNL CENSED ASS STANT OPEN HOUSE Sat/Sun, Jan 21/22nd 2-4pm DISTRICT AT SOUTH MAIN Call Sylvia for more info or to book a private viewing 604 351 8417 METROTOWN CONDO WITH VIEWS TO UBC


Vancouverforthefirsttime in50,000years orsince NeanderthalswalkedtheEarth.

CometC/2022E3(ZTF)wasfirstdiscovered inMarch2022byastronomerswhenit"was alreadyinsidetheorbitofJupiter,"according toNASA

MarleyLeacock,anastronomerattheHR MacMillanSpaceCentre,toldVancouverIs Awesomethatscientistsspottedthecelestial objectusingthewidefieldcameraatthe ZwickyTransientFacilityinthePalomar ObservatoryinCalifornia


comettoorbitaroundthesun,"andbasedon itsorbitalparameters,ithasbeenclassifiedas ahyperboliccomet,"sheexplained Thismeansthatthecometmostlikely originatedfromtheOortcloudandthatthis mightbethelasttimeitappearsinoursolar system

"Bydefinition,ahyperbolicorbitmeansthat theobjectwillonlyenterthesolarsystem once,socometC/2022E3(ZTF)mayleave oursolarsystementirely,"sheclarified Thecometalsohasa"gorgeouslygreen" colourthatmaybevisibletothenakedeye,


spotthecometwiththenakedeye,itisagood ideatobringbinocularswith40to50-mm aperturesorasmalltelescopeifyouwantto beabletomakeoutdetail,Leacockadvised. "Ifyouspotitwithoutatelescopeor binoculars,itwillmostlikelylooklikeafaint smudgeinthesky Keepinmindthatthe moonisalsoupthatnight,whichmayimpede someviewingaswell Trytokeepyourback toit"

The"greencomet"isexpectedtoreachabout a"magnitude6orbrighterattheclosest approach,"whichisthedimmestthenaked eyecansee Thebestbetforviewingisto gotoadarkskylocationoutsideofthecity, Leacockexplained

Thecelestialbodywillmakeitsclosest approachonFeb 1inMetroVancouverand willbevisibleallnight Sincethesunwillset around5p.m.,itwillbeinthenorthernsky. "Thecometwillbeprettyclosetothenorth celestialpole,sousingPolarisasamarkerand lookingaroundthatareaisagoodstart,"she said "Atsunset,ifyouweretoholdyourfist outstretchedandalignthebottomofitwith thehorizon,thecometwillbefiveofthose highandtotherightofPolaris"

Itwillbehighestintheskybetween9and10 pm,whereitwillsitroughlytwo-ish'fists' abovePolaris.

"Theysaidthattheyhavecorralledthedogandtheyhave locatedhimandthey'regoingtoreturnitbacktohisowner," shesaid.

MVTPsharedanupdateonwhathappenedthenextday, sayingthatthedog'sleash"gotcaughtinaCanadaLine train'sdoorsafterherownermadeitonboard,butshe didn't.Thrownintotheguideway,[thedog]wasunhurt,but scared,andranintothetunnel."

Rare'greencomet'topassVancouverforfirsttimein50,000years OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 8 am - 8 pm* 1595 Kingsway • 604-872-3019 • Sales dates:Thursday, January 19 to Wednesday, January 25. *All products in the flyer are on sale while quantities last. Please check our website and social media regularly for announcements or changes to our hours of operation Friendly reminder to keep a minimum 2-meter distance away from other customers and staff. Your Original Natural Food Store ORGANIC Extra Lean Ground Beef $799 /lb 17.61 kg ORGANIC Inside Round Roasts or Steaks $799 /lb 17.61 kg GREENFIELD Antibiotic-Free Sliced Bacon $999 375 grams MACLEAN Beef or Turkey Burgers $999 454 grams PLUM-M-GOOD Organic Brown Rice Thins $379 MARUKAN Rice Vinegar TWO BEARS Barista Friendly Oat Milk TWO BEARS Vanilla Oat Latte $599 946 ml *unsweetened $699 946 ml $549 710 ml 95 grams PRODUCT OF CANADA Baby English Cucumbers PRODUCT OF MEXICO Organic Zucchini $169 /lb 3.73 kg $359 1lb bag FROM THE DELI Rosemary Ham $239 100 grams SEVENTH GENERATION Liquid Dish Soap Assorted $419 561 ml PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA Organic Cauliflower PRODUCT OF MEXICO OR US Organic Kale Black or Green PRODUCT OR CALIFORNIA Organic Romaine Lettuce $269 /lb 5.93 kg ORGANIC Whole Chickens $599 /lb 13.21 kg $229 $329 bunch bunch NON-MEDICATED ORGANIC $199 /lb 4.39 kg Chicken Bones FRESH Whole Pork Butt $299 /lb 6.59 kg /lb 8.80 kg $399 Fresh Ground Pork OnSpecial ThisWeek! Thursday, Jan. 19 - Wednesday, Jan. 25 Vega One All-In-One Shakes 25% off 827-876 grams; plus gst UBC Faculty of Dentistry UBC Dentistry is screening patients 12 years of age and older who require Braces (Full orthodontic treatment cost: $4,200) For information, visit www.dentistry.ubc ca/gradortho Graduate Orthodontics Program To arrange a screening appointment: Call between 8:30 am – 4 pm (Monday to Friday) 604-827-4991 or email gradorthoclinic@dentistry T H E U N V E R S T Y O R B R T I S H C O L U M B I A UBCDentistry isscreening patients 7yearsofageandolderwhorequire Braces (Full orthodontic treatment cost: $1,000to$4,200) Forinformation, visit wwwdentistryubcca/gradortho GraduaeO thodon csProgram Toarrangeascreeningappointment: 604-827-4991(12years&older) 604-827-0706(7to10yearsold) oremailgradorthoclinic@dentistryubcca

3 2023

Judy was born on July 31, 1937 to parents Graeme and Margaret King in Vancouver, BC, where she grew up and lived most of her ife She s predeceased by brothers Malco m and Michae and survived by her sister Terry Wilkinson

In 1961, Judy met a dashing man from Ontar o named David Wilson who had moved west and soon became her loving husband for 59 years Judy and David built a rich life in Vancouver and she will be forever remembered and loved by David and their three children, Sarah (John Cat iff), Chris (Kara) and Hamish (Nancy), as well as four wonderful grandsons Brendan, Andrew, Jamie and Charlie

Judy and David raised their family mostly in Vancouver and also spent five spec a years in Toronto Over a lifetime, she developed a wealth of dear friends with whom she shared fun and games, dinners and trips, creating cher shed memories

There was no subject this bright-minded UBC graduate could not cover Judy took interest in news, the arts, food and sports and e evated many a dinner-table or cocktail-party discussion w th her wit and smarts

Throughout her life, Judy could fa rly be described as a: loving wife, adoring mother, caring friend, proud grandmother, welcoming host, exceptional cook, keen golfer, lefty-swinging tennis player, bridge maven, avid reader, enthusiastic shopper, perfect gift-giver true blue sports fan and fantasy football champion.

Judy was all that and more and will be deeply missed, dearly cherished and forever remembered by everyone lucky enough to know her

In lieu of flowers, and for the love of family, donations can be made in Judy’s memory to Ronald McDonald House BC.

WILSON, Judith Margaret (nee King) With heavy hearts we announce the sudden loss of Judith Margaret Wilson (nee King) who passed away surrounded by family in Vancouver on January
OF INTENT RE: LIQUOR CONTROL AND L CENS NG ACT APPLICA TION FOR A LOUNGE ENDORSEMENT App cation for a ounge Area (w th pat o) has been re ceived by the Liquor and Cannabis Regu ation Branch from Art san Sakemaker Inc located at 1339 Ra lspur A ley, Van couver Proposed l censed hours are: 11:00 AM TO 10:00 PM Person capacity wil be limited to 11 persons inter or and 14 persons on the patio Res dents ocated with n a 0 5 mi e (0 8 km) rad us of the proposed site may comment on th s proposal by: 1) Wr t ng to: The General Manager C/O Sen or L censing Ana yst L quor and Cannab s Regu ation Branch PO Box 9292 Victor a, BC, V8W 9J8 2) Emai to: LCRB SLA@gov bc ca PETITIONS AND FORM LETTERS WILL NOT BE CONS D ERED To ensure the considerat on of your views, your comments name and address must be rece ved on or be fore February 17, 2023 P ease note that your comments may be made ava able to the applicant or local govern ment officials where d sclosure s necessary to administer the icensing process Old Books Wanted. also: Photos Postcards Letters, Paintings. no text books or encyclopedias I pay cash. 604-737-0530 WANTED SASQUATCH SKULL - Also purchasing SILVER & GOLD coins, bars, jewelry scrap, nuggets, sterling, 999+ BULLION, maple leafs, bulk silver pre-1969 coins. Coin collector BUYING ENTIRE COIN COLLECTIONS, old $ & Royal Canadian Mint coins. TODD 250864-3521. PETS STAFFORDSHIRE Terrier pups born Dec 11th; avail Feb 11th. $1000. Mom and Dad are purebreds. 236-513-2447 BUSINESS SERVICES peRsonals *SWEDISH MASSAGE* 604-739-3998 W Broadway @ Oak St. HOME SERVICES cleanIng CLEANING SERVICE Reas rates, specializing in homes. Guar work. Refs. Call 604-715-4706 dRaInage DRAIN Tiles, Sewer, Water, Video Inspection, Jack Hammering, Hand Excavating, Concrete Cutting, Rootering, WET BSMT MADE DRY 604.782.4322 electRIcal A CLASS ELECTRICIAN Licensed. LEL0209900 Res/comm Bonded, Insured, WSB. Small jobs and problem expert. Free estimates. 7 days 8 am - midnight. Dave, 778-230-0619 Commercial & Residential Reno’s & Small Jobs bf#37309 778-322-0934 YOUR ELECTRICIAN Lic#89402. Insured. Guar’d. Fast same day service. We love BIG & small jobs! 604-568-1899 All Electrical, Low Cost, Licensed, Res/Com, Small job expert, Renos, Panel changes (604)374-0062 Simply Electric FencIng West Coast Cedar Installations since 1991 New • Repaired • Rebuilt Fences & Decks. 604-788-6458 (no text) FlooRIng GOLDEN HARDWOOD, LAMINATE & TILES Install Hardwood, Sanding/Refinishing, Tiling. + Home Renovations. • 778-858-7263 • Hardwood Floor Refinishing Experts • Repairs • Staining • Installation • Free Estimates 604-376-7224 INSTALLATION REFINISHING, Sanding. Free est, great prices. Satisfaction guar 604-518-7508 gutteRs HandypeRson HANDYMAN • RENOVATIONS •Kitchen •Bath • Plumbing •Countertop •Floors •Paint & more. Call MIC for quote: 604-725-3127 landscapIng SHAW LANDSCAPING LTD Complete Landscaping WINTER CLEAN-UP Shrub & Tree Pruning 778-688-1012 masonRy MASONRY AND REPAIRS •Stone Walls •Bricks •Chimneys & Fireplaces •Pavers •Asphalt •& More •ALL CONCRETE WORK •20+ years experience. George • 778-998-3689 masonRy EMIL’S CHIMNEY SERVICE Brick work, tiles, marble, chimney work, etc 40 Yrs Experience Emil, 604-729-8079 movIng ABE MOVING & Delivery & Rubbish Removal $45/hr per Person.24/7 • 604-999-6020 Affordable Moving From $45/hr 1,3,5,7,10 Ton Trucks Licensed & Insured Local - Long Distance Free Est. Senior Disc. 604-537-4140 paIntIng/ WallpapeR Painting Specials g g 778-895-3503 2 rooms for $400, 2 coats any colour (Ceiling & Trim extra) Price incls premium qual ty paint NO PAYMENT until Job is completed We do all sorts of wood flooring and a l types of mouldings plumbIng • Hot Water Tanks • Plumbing • Heating • Furnaces • Boilers • Drainage • Res & Comm • 24/7 Service 604-437-7272 pRopeRty maIntenance Gutter Cleaning Only $150 604 209 3445 ALL RENOVATIONS: •Kitchen •Baths •Additions •Patio •Stairs •Deck •Fences •Pa nt ng •Drywal & MORE 778-892-1530 Renos & Home ImpRovement Kitchen & Bathrooms, all Tile, all Flooring, Drywall, Paint. ALL REPAIRS +More! INT & EXT • 778-836-0436 MASTER CARPENTER • Finishing • Doors • Moulding • Decks • Renos • Repairs Emil: 778-773-1407 Since 1989 604-732-8453 mrbuild@mrbuild com Need anything done or repaired? □Renos □BathRooms □RePaIRs □PaIntInG □tILInG □DooRs □KItchens □WInDoWs □DecKs □Fences □RooFInG □GUtteRs MARKETPLACE Ca or emai to place your ad, Monday through Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm 604-653-7851 • 604-362-0586 nmather@glaciermedia ca • dtjames@glaciermedia ca Book your ad online anytime at Your Community electRIcal HOME SERVICES TODAY'S PUZZLE ANSWERS FlooRIng

Golden Era Cocktail Revival Gala


s guaranteed to be a night to remember

Note that Fairmont Hote Vancouver will be offering special room rates for the evening


VANCOUVERISAWESOME COM THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 2023 VANCOUVER IS AWESOME A11 To advertise in the Classifieds call: 604-653-7851 All advertising published in this newspaper is accepted on the premise that the merchandise and services offered are accurately described and willingly sold to buyers at the advertised prices. Advertisers are aware of these conditions. Advertising that does not conform o these standards or that is deceptive or misleading, is never knowingly accepted. If any reader encounters non-compliance with these standards we ask that you inform the Publisher of this newspaper and The Advertising Standards Council of B.C. OMISSION AND ERROR: The publishers do not guarantee the insertion of a particular advertisement on a specified date, or at all, although every effort will be made to meet the wishes of the advertisers. Further, the publishers do not accept liability for any loss of damage caused by an error or inaccuracy in the printing of an advertisement beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied by the portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred. Any corrections of changes will be made in the next available issue. Vancouver Is Awesome will be responsible for only one incorrect insertion with liability imited to that portion of the advertisement affected by the error Request for adjustments or corrections on charges must be made within 30 days of the ad’s expiration. For best results please check your ad for accuracy the first day it appears. Refunds made only after 7 business days notice! ADVERTISING POLICIES HOME SERVICES Rubbish Removal • FULL SERVICE JUNK REMOVAL & Clean-Up at Affordable Rates • Pianos & Hot Tubs No Problem • Booked Appointments • Same-Day Service • Residential & Commercial JUNK 604.220.JUNK (5865) BRADS Starting at $249 + dump fees. 20 YARD BIN RENTALS VANCOUVER of 2023 Voteforyourfavourites CastyourvotesinourannualStarsofVancouverReader'sChoiceAwards! Ourannualreaders'choiceawardshowcasesthebestyourcityhastooffer EnterforachancetowinaWhistleradventurepackagevaluedover$1,500! Thedeadlineforentryis11:59pm,February12,2023 Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a Sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. SUDOKU F nd out more about Vancouver Cockta l Week events and seminars at thealchemistmagazine ca/vcw T H E G O L D E N E R A C O C K T A I L R E V I V A L G A L A S S P O N S O R E D B Y March 11, 2023 • 6-7pm VIPs; 7-11pm partygoers Pacific Ballroom, Fairmont Hotel Vancouver, 900 W Georgia St.
TICKETS ON SALE NOW AT thealchemistmagazine ca/vcw Take the grand staircase up to one of the most historic and beautifu ballrooms n Vancouver and the marquee event of Vancouver Cockta l Week: The Golden Era Cocktail Revival Gala Raise your glass to the fal of Prohibition and enter the go den era of cocktai s at an epic party that takes you on a glamorous journey through tipsy traditions Throughout the ballroom designed in 1939 and with more than 800 hours of hand-painted deta ls stations featuring local bar stars and global brand ambassadors w l offer dr nks representing different eras in
l cu ture
Come early and enjoy our VIP hour, where you can m ng e with our international and nationa VIP guests while en oy ng passed canapés and cocktails
the VIP hour, cheer on the finalists n the Wor d Class Canada bartender compet t on during the r speed-round hour before we announce the 2023 Canadian Bartender of the Year Then enjoy the food stations, ive music and DJ, and cast your b ds in the si ent auction to support the BC Hospitality Foundation The Golden Era Cocktai Rev val Gala
March 5-11, 2023
1 Not invited 6 Whale ship
10 One
17 City
19 Away
21 Rice
22 One
24 Complements an entree 26 Grouped by twos 29 Disfigure 31 Woods 32 Political action committee 34 Longer of 2 bones in the forearm 35 Kin groups 37 Philippine Island 38 Contrary to 39 Bluish-gray fur 40 Comprehend the written word 41 Natural depressions 43 Felines 45 Breathe noisily 46 Taxi 47 Pancake made from buckwheat flour 49 Swiss river 50 Foot (Latin) 53 Have surgery 57 Formal withdrawal 58 Monetary units of Peru 59 Greek war god 60 2,000 lbs 61 High points 1 Green and yellow citrus fruit 2 Abright color 3 Thicket 4 Journalist Tarbell 5 Aplace to work or relax 6 Sharp mountain ridge 7 Helicopter 8 Mimic 9 Suggests 10 More musty 11 Large flightless rail 12 Make beer 13 Soviet Socialist Republic 16 People who can account for you 18 Taunt 22 South Dakota 23 Cover the entirety of 24 Kids’favorite visitor 25 Away to save for retirement 27 Fencing swords 28 C China mountain range 29 Type of sandwich 30 Team 31 Paddle 33 Partly digested food 35 Most cagey 36 Shoppers make one 37 Cathode-ray tube 39 Food supplies 42 Backbones 43 Concern 44 Blood group 46 Broadway songwriter Sammy 47 Dutch colonist 48 Full-grown pike fish 49 Deity of a monotheistic cult 50 Type of bread 51 S Nigerian people 52 Scottish tax 53 Young women’s association 54 Brazilian city 55 Hide of a young animal 56 Midway between north and northeast Roofing A-1 Contracting & Roofing New & Re-Roofing • All Types All Maintenance & Repairs GUTTER CLEANING Gutter Guard Installations • RENOVATION WORK • WCB 25% Discount • Emergency Repairs • Jag • 778-892-1530 a1kahlonconstruction ca SPECIALIZING IN CEDAR, FIBERGLASS LAMINATES AND TORCH ON Liab ity nsurance WCB BBB Free Est mates 604-946-4333 Bros. Roofing Ltd. Over 40 Years in Business
point south of southwest
Small cavity in a rock
ofAngels hoopster
to mark with one s signature
OJ trial judge
cooked in broth
point east of due south
One point east of southeast
A12 VANCOUVER IS AWESOME THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 2023 VANCOUVERISAWESOME COM Accepted in all stores Coquitlam 1400 United Blvd 604 524 3444 Richmond 12551 Bridgeport Rd 604 273 2971 Nanaimo 1711 Bowen Rd 250753 6361 Langley 20429 Langley Bypass 604 530 8248 Kelowna 1912 Spall Rd 250 8607603 Victoria 661 McCallum Rd 250475 2233 SCANDESIGNS COM | SCANDESIGNSFURNITURE SCANDESIGNS FURNITURE f i LEATHER | REG $4499 | SALE $2999 BARCLAY SML SECTIONAL with Power Recliner S E $1500 IN-STOCK AND READY TO DELIVER 5+ COLOURS 5+ COLOURS 4 COLOURS LEATHER REG $1168 | SALE $999 GENEVA SWIVEL CHAIR LEATHER REG $998 | SALE $829 HALEY SWIVEL CHAIR FABRIC REG $1099 | SALE $799 SANTAN CHAIR SELECT FROM 5+ COLOURS SELECT FROM 5+ COLOURS LEATHER | REG $5199 | SALE $3699 BARCLAY SECTIONAL with Power Recliner POWER RECLINER LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED 1976 S I N C E Q U A L I T Y H O M E F U R N I S H I N G S GREAT WINTER SALE THE HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR! 2023

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