AlreadyoneofVancouver's mostfamouspiecesofpublic art,'Phobia,'whichhangs underneaththeVictoriaDrive Bridge,isstayingput.
Thehugespidersculpturemadeout ofjunkbyMontreal-basedJunko Playtime,thepiecefirstshowedup againsttherockfacenexttotherail andSkyTraintracksinmidMarch A fewdayslaterthecityannounceditwas lookingatremovingit Duetohowcloseitwastothe
transitlines,thecitysaidtheartwas unsanctionedandcouldbetakendown
"Thisspaceismanagedbymultiple partners;itservesasacorridorfor SkyTrainandCN/BNSFRail," aspokespersontoldV.I.A."The installationofthisartworkwasnot doneinconsultationwiththeCityof Vancouverortherailcorridorpartners"
Junko,who'screatedbothsanctioned andunsanctionedartinVancouver, campaignedto"SaveSpidey"
AccordingtoaV.I.A.poll,themajority oflocalssupportedthespider
Itseemsthatthecampaignworked. "BasedontheCity’sreview,staff havedeterminedthatitissafeand possibletoleave'Phobia'inplaceon atemporarybasisupto6months," writescitycouncillorPeterMeiszner onTwitter
HenotestheCityandpartnershave discussedhowtheartcouldstayput TheCityisalsoreachingouttoJunko tocometoanagreementontimelines, responsibilities,andeventualremoval
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When your living room is front row, we’re with you all the way.
Atweetauthoredbyformer VancouvermayorKennedy Stewartcontinuestoget repliesstackedupunderit, withnearly1,000ofthemtellingthe manhe'swrongforcallingtheHastings encampmentclearing"genocidal,"and thathe"mightwanttositthisoneout," largelyduetohisinabilitytohelpthe homelesspopulationwhilehewasin office
It'simpossibletofeelgoodabout marginalizedpeoplebeingforcibly uprootedeverycoupleofyears,and whatthatsaysaboutusasasociety. It'ssimilarlyimpossibletofeelgood aboutanyofthetimeStewartspentas ourmayorandaschairoftheVancouver PoliceBoard,duringwhichwesawtwo similarencampmentstreatedtheexact samewaytheHastingsonewasdealt with
Afterhistweet,whichreferenced "85,732ofyou,"who"votedtoelecta newmayorandcouncil,"gotlambasted bythevastmajorityofTwitterusers, heissuedafollow-upaboutthe"many hatefulreplies,"itreceived.
Insinuatingthatthethoroughroasting wasaimedatencampmentresidentsand notthemanhimself,henotedthathe fears"Vancouverislosingitshumanity," thensuggestedthatresidents"offerto buyfolksinneedawarmcoffeeifyou areDowntownthisEasterweekend."
StewartnowworksasDirectorofthe SFUCentreforPublicPolicyResearch,
and it's not clear if his work involves commenting on Vancouverpolitics,however, he (and the reputation of his employer) might be best served by a time-out on the subject Acoolingoffperiod, as it were.
Former Premier John Horganofferedwhatmight be some inspiration in a recent Globe and Mail interview, stating that he's no longer making policy decisions Hedoesn't"havea lot of time anymore, none in fact, for public comment on my worldview,” so he won't beputtinganyofitoutthere forpeopletocommenton
Thenexttimeourformermayordecides tostompthesourgrapeshehasintoan equally sour batch of whine, he might want to make sure his feet are clean Doingsomightelicitakinderresponse from what he has coined "Cruel Vancouver."
This moody shot of Granville at night was taken and shared by Jason Dack who goes by the handle @jasondackphotographer
For a chance to have your photo featured here and on our Instagram account, tag your Instagram photos with the hashtag #vancouverisawesome
To keep up with everything happening in your city (and for more great photographs!) follow us at @viawesome
AttheMajorLeague level,baseballhassome ofthemostinteresting, deepestand longest running team-on-team rivalries in the sporting world
The Boston Red Sox and New York Yankees have hated each other’s guts since Sox owner HarryFrazee sold Babe Ruth to the Bronx Bombers for $100,000 in 1918.
A fun side note to this story is Frazee is said to have used the money he made in the deal to finance a broadway musical. This has little to no bearing on the rivalry itself, I just like to bring it up
The San Francisco Giants and LosAngelesDodgershavealong running feud that dates back to the late 19th century when both of the teams were based in New York City
allowed to relocate to California in 1957, if they moved together And one more example, just off the top of my head, completely at random: The Chicago Cubs and St Louis Cardinals hate each other because the Cubs are perfect, pure and good while the Cardinals are dastardly and
possess the hearts of villains. See? Rivalries are fun They're goodforthegame Theygiveyou something to look forward to, create fun stories and really get your heart pumping, as a fan
In my opinion, Its time the Vancouver Canadians have an official Most Hated Rival and
today I would like to use my columnspacetopitchtheEugene Emeraldsfortheposition
Herearejustafewreasons(and by“justafew”Imean“theentire list”) of why I think the science supports this vision:
1. They beat us in the finals last year They were crowned the champions of the Northwest League for 2022 The wound is still very fresh. And they didn’t just beat us. They swept us. If that doesnt make you angry then congratulations on your superb emotional control.
2. Theyve won the championship two years in a row now Back to back! They’re looking to establish themselves as the most feared team in the league, and someone needs to stop them before it’s too late!
3.They’vewonthechampionship eight times Eight! That’s the most among all the teams in
the league!Suretheyretiedwith Spokaneandthenow-defunct YakimaBears,butthat’snotthe point!
Iknow,Iknow.Youcantjustwill a rivalry into existence with an article and a short list They are forgedorganicallyonthefieldand inthestands,overmanygames andmanyyears.
And,Iknow,Iknow:withonly sixteamsintotalplayinginthe league,itseasyforabsolutely everybodytobecomeyour greatestandMostHated Rival But still, when the Eugene Emeralds roll into town on April 25th, Im going to have a little extra venom in my heart Doyouagreeordisagreewithmy selectionoftheEmeralds?Doyou knowofanotherhistoricbaseball rivalryIdidntmention?Comelet meknow.Asalways,youcanfind meattheNat
ByRyanBeilThereareanumberof buildingsappearing inbothpictures (takenin1926 and2020),includingthe imposingWorldBuildingin thebackground
Thegreen-domedstructure (alsocalledtheSunTower) oncelaidclaimtobeingthe tallestbuildingintheBritish Empireforatime,boasting animpressive17floors
Thesedaysitseemstobeina constantstateofrepair-not surprising,givenitsageand extremevertical-ness
JohnBentleyisan architecturalphotographer whohasphotographed theinsideandoutsideof thousandsofbuildings aroundVancouver Using imagesfromtheVancouver Archivesheoffersaglimpse ofthepastandpresentonhis siteVancouverNow&Then
Vancouverisconsideredatop shelfcomedyspotandboasts anextensiverosteroftalented comedians
OnelocalcomicrecentlymadeitontoThe TonightShowStarringJimmyFallon.The late-nighttalkshowalsooncegaveashoutouttotheVancouverSkyTrain
VancouveriteSophieBuddlemadeher hilariousdebutinApril,anightaheadofher
performanceattheDeadCrowComedy RoominWilmington,NorthCarolina. BuddlejokedaboutmovingtoLosAngeles andherchildhooddreamofbecomingaspy Thejokesterrecentlytookthestageinher hometownfortheJustForLaughsfestival, whichalsofeaturedthe"EgyptianJon Stewart"andTheOfficestarsJennaand Angela
ByMariaDimentVanessawasfouryearsoldwhenher mother,26-year-oldGloriaLevina Moody,wasmurdered.Her brother,Dan,wasthree Gloria, whomeveryonecalledLevinaorjustLeefor short,wasfromtheBellaCoolareserveofthe NuxalkNation Shewasthesecondoldestof eightchildren
OnOctober23,1969,Lee,herbrotherDave andherparentsleftforWilliamsLake.The familycheckedintoaroomattheRanch Hotel Thefollowingday,LeeandDavehit thelocalbarsbeforeendingupbackatthe RanchHotel,whereLeewasseenat10p m
Noonerememberedwhattimesheleftor whoshewaswith,andnoonehadseenher getintoacar
Lee’sbodywasfoundthenextdayonacattle trailoutsideWilliamsLake Shehadbeen rapedandbeatentodeath Herparents,
DavidandDaisy,tookinVanessaand Danandraisedthemalongwiththeirown children
“Mygrandfatherreallyblamedhimself,”says Vanessa “Heendedupbecominganalcoholic anddiedin1972inhisforties ”Vanessasays elderstellthestoryofhowheagedinamatter ofdays “Helockedhimselfinmymoms room,andhejustlaythere.Hedidn’teator sleep,andwhenhecameout,everybodyinthe wholetowntalkedabouthowhishairwent purewhite.”
Vanessasaysthefirsttimethefamilyheard fromtheRCMPwasnearlythreedecades afterhermother’smurder TwoRCMP officersbroughtalongseveralboxesoffiles fromthemurderinvestigationandtoldthe familythattheybelievedthreemenfrom
StepintotheworldofGenZ throughtheeyesofVI A's firstteen-agedcolumnist whosharesherunique perspectiveoneverythingfrom thedemiseofcapitalizationtothe emergenceofnewslanglike"rizz."
1.Whydon’tteensuse‘LOL’ thesedays?
Youmightthinkyou’reastepahead knowingthatLOLmeans"Laugh OutLoud"andnot"LotsOfLove," butmostofGenZhasalready movedon.Ifyoureinterestedin brushinguponyourtextinggame introducinganewalternativeto fitinwiththeyoungsters:theskull emoji( )ortheloudlycryingemoji ( )inplaceofLOL
2 Whydoyoungpeople typewithoutcapitalization?
Intheworldoftexting,looks matter evenifitmeansbreaking
grammar rules Typing in all lowercase letters breaks all the grammar rules we've learned in school, and Gen Z loves how pleasing it looks to the eye And
thissavvygenerationtakesitone stepfurtherbyturningoffAutoCapitalizationintheirSettings apptofullyembracethelowercase look Thistrendshowsnosigns
ofslowingdown,leavingmany wonderingjusthowimportant looksaretotheyoungergeneration
3.Whatdoesitmeanwhen "you’vegotrizz"?
AreyoufamiliarwiththeTikTok term"rizz"?Ifnot,youmightbe outofthelooponthelatestGenZ slang “Rizz”isshortfor“charisma,” andhavingrizzisaskill one thatcapturestheabilitytoattract andcharmaromanticinterest. Thenexttimeyouhearsomeone saying“You’vegotrizz,”takeit asacompliment,becauseGenZ definitelyseesitasone!
4.Whydoteensuse randomemojiswiththeir texts?
Ifyouretextingateenthesedays, theirusageofemojismayseemlike theydon'tbelonginamessage, butthat'sexactlywhyGenZloves
them Manyofmyfriendsoften throwinanemojiwithacompletely oppositeexpressiontoaddatouch ofironytotheirtexts Take“no ” forinstance it'sasarcasticway ofshuttingsomethingdownwitha hintofsass
“Did you finish your hw?” “ no ”
5.WhydosomeGenZseem hopelessaboutthestateof theworld?
NewdatafromStatisticsCanada (2022)revealsthatoverhalf(52per cent)ofyouthaged12to17perceive theirmentalhealthdifferentlythan theirparents.Thisisevidentintheir bleakoutlookonfuturefinancial security,concernsoverthelooming climatechangecrisis,frustration
WilliamsLakewereresponsible,andallthree had died.
In 2007, the RCMPs E-Pana unit added Lee’s case to their list of murdered and missing women along Highways 16, 97, and 5 Lees case is the oldest of the 18 files The reinvestigation found that the original three suspectswerebehindthemurder,butbecause they are dead, her murder is considered resolved, but unsolved
Vanessa’sgrandparentsaregone Heruncle Ron,Leesolderbrother,wasalsomurdered, except his case was solved His killer got 18 months Sadly, it was too late for Dan
withpoliticalpolarization,andtheconstant caption Memesoftenreferencepopculture, current events, or everyday life situations in a relatable way, making them particularly popular among the tech-savvy generation There are even websites on the internet whose sole purpose is to allow people to create memes.
Interestedinlearningmoreaboutthequirks ofGenZculture?
He was addicted to drugs and alcohol and died a few years ago. “My kid brother would always introduce himself as, ‘Hi, my name is Dan, and I’m damaged goods,'” Vanessa says “Every one of our lives took a wrong turn after the murder. Even within the community,eventoday,peoplehaveahard time talking about it.”
EveLazarusisareporterandauthor and shehostsandproducestheColdCase Canadatruecrimepodcast Thisisan excerptfromEve’slatestbookColdCase BC TheStoriesBehindtheProvince’sMost IntriguingMurderandMissingPerson
We’rehappytodoaPart2 Sendyour questions to ewoo27@mychs ca EmmyWoo,asenioratVancouversCrofton HouseSchool,isthefirsthighschoolstudent writerforVIA Shehascontributedarticlesto YoungPostbySouthChinaMorningPostand TheLosAngelesTimesHSInsiderinthepast Whenshesnotchallengingseniorcitizensto agameofmahjongorusingDuolingotolearn anewlanguage,Emmyisanadvocatefor underrepresentedvoicesinthemedia
Originating after a strike led the provincial government to make their own ferry company, BC Ferries has become iconic to life on Canada's west coast
Fromprovidinganessential connectiontotherestofthe provinceforislanderstolong cruisesthroughthenorthern watersoftheprovince's Pacificcoast,itplaysarolein thousandsofpeople'slives. Howwellitprovidesthose
fordebate Over the 60+ years it's operated, there's a variety of notable moments, from the tragic to the zany Here are five facts that you (hopefully) haven't heard before
1 Bysomemetricsit'sthe largestfleetintheworld
Thereareafewdifferentways to measure the biggest ferry fleet in the world, including by passengers and number of vessels In both those categories BC Ferries is
among the largest (usually topthree)withpre-pandemic passenger totals cracking 22 million per year. While 36 vessels at any given time isn't a huge number, it's the size of those vessels that is impressive They hold the record in vehicle (or roll-on, roll-off) ferries BC Ferries has 36 rightnow,morethan anyoneelse Ourneighbours to the south are close, but Washington State Ferries only has 21 vessels They do (usually) just beat us for passengers though Youmayexpectsomewhere likeGreeceorthePhilippines tohavebiggersystems,but theirsystemsaredominated byafewdifferentcompanies, insteadofonelargeone
2.Indigenouspeoplewere keptonthecardecks
In the first decade of operation,localFirstNations people were not allowed above the main car deck on the ships
3.TheQueenofVictoriawas involvedinafatalcollision
Crashes between large ships are rare in B C , but one of themostsignificantinvolved theQueenofVictoria In1970 theSovietfreighterSergey Yeseninranintotheferryin ActivePass,anareainwhich thefreighterwasnotallowed
The collision appears to have been quite dramatic, with aerial photos showing the freighter embedded in the side of the ferry Three peoplewerekilled,including aseven-month-oldchildand hismother.
4.Youusedtobeableto travelfromTsawwassento PrinceRupert
For those wishing to explore B C a ferry directly to the province's northernmost major port would be a welcome trip And it used to be a thing. In the late 70s the Queen of Prince Rupert spent a season travelling between the two destinations It left
Tsawwassen at 8 a.m. on a Monday and floated into Prince Rupert at 6 p m on a Tuesday. Then it headed back south that night and docked in Tsawwassen at 6:30 a m on Thursday
5.ThePacifiCatsaredocked inEgypt(itappears)
They were called a few differentthings.FestFerries.
PacifiCat-class ferries
An anchor around the government's neck Backinthe1990s,itwas decidedBCFerriesneeded somenewships.Thetrioof shipsthatwereorderedwere catamarans;whiletheydidn't havethecarryingcapacityof the Spirit-class ferries, the idea was they'd make the VancouverIsland-Vancouver crossingquicker(catamarans are not uncommon in other parts of the world)
If they could do it faster, there would be more crossings Long, long story short, therewereafew issues.Onewasthecostof
theferriesballooned (to an estimated $463 million in 2000, or about $730 million in today's dollars).
Anotherwasthewashcaused by the ferries, which meant they had to go slower and avoid certain routes, which meant they weren't much quicker
The province ended up bailing on the ferries, just as the last of the three was finished They ended up being sold to an American company in 2003 A paper from2005showsacommittee consideredretrofittingthem "tosupportmilitaryvehicle payload."
However,thatwasn'tdone andtheshipsweresoldtoa companynowcalledADM ShipyardsfromtheUnited ArabEmirates.Inphotos onlinefromacoupleofyears agoyoucanseethebowof onepokingoutatadockat thePortofAlexandria.
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