Finding stability in an unpredictable economy
Ensure a stable future you can rely
The last three years have been a veritable roller coaster ride for the economy – and all of us are doing our best to navigate the ups and downs Inflation, interest rate increases and rising costs of living have all made a significant dent in our collective pocketbooks – and this has been especially challenging for seniors.
As more and more people take a hard look at their budgets and lifestyles, aging adults may be faced with some difficult decisions around where – and how – to best enjoy their later years. Whether you’re a senior living on retirement savings, investments, or the proceeds of real estate equity to finance a chosen lifestyle, we can safely say that all aging adults want to live securely in the knowledge that they’ve made the right choice and have some predictability in how their money will be spent well into their retirement.
Of course, uncertainty about the future can make effective decision-making more challenging. So let’s walk through some aspects you should consider when deciding your next move.
Breaking down the true cost of senior living
Whether you own or rent your home, there are certain costs you’ll need to consider in your budget.
For homeowners, even if the mortgage is long since paid off, there will be repair and maintenance costs, and these can be significant depending on the age and condition of your home. You may also need to include costs such as landscaping and yard upkeep, strata fees, utilities, and appliance repair or replacement.
For renters, regardless of whether they reside in a condo, apartment,
or a senior 55+ building, monthly rent often covers various expenses. However, the uncertainty of annual rent increases can pose challenges to budgeting if not disclosed well in advance. Having a clear understanding of the projected annual costs for the next four years or beyond becomes crucial in effectively managing and allocating retirement income.
A unique way to secure your future in a retirement residence
PARC Retirement Living has developed a unique solution designed to help keep rental costs known, predictable and consistent. For over 10 years, PARC has led the way in senior living by providing an important staple at all of PARC’s five residences.
guarantees that your rental rate will not increase more than 3% annually for your first four consecutive years. Plus, when you choose PARC as your home beyond four years, know that our future rates have historically been lower than the increased cost of living in your current home
The last thing you need is a hefty rate hike SECURE FUTURE® not only increases rental rate security for residents, it also enables them to budget and plan ahead with confidence And PARC knows it’s nice to have a little peace of mind during times of instability.
To learn more about the SECURE FUTURE® program at PARC Retirement Living, visit parcliving ca/blog/secure-future
HaveyoueverseentheAirBee n'BeeinStanleyPark?
Beforeyougosearchingfora two-storeysinglehomewith peoplecomingandgoing,notethe spelling.Thisisn'tforpeople,it'sfor thebees.
Specifically,alocalblue-ishbeethat likesitsalonetime Whenmostpeople thinkofbeestheythinkofEuropean honeybees,theclassicyellowandblack hivedwellers.
However,thelocalorchardmasonbee isabeeofadifferentstripe,literallyand figuratively.
"It'sasolitarybee,asidefromwhat mostofusknowofbeeswiththe hiveandthequeenbee,"saysMarisa
Bischoff,aconservationtechnician withtheStanleyParkEcologySociety (SPES).
They'retheonesthatruntheAirBeen' BeeinStanleyPark,ontheeastsideof theLostLagoon.
"Innature,theycanusehollowstems orholesinthegroundmadebyother creatures,"saysBischoff "Toaugment theirpopulationwecanputoutthese
TheAirBeen'Bee,whichhasbeenin placeforafewyears,isfilledwithtrays thatcontainthebeecocoons
"Overthewintertheyhibernate basically,andtheninthespringthey emergeagain,"saysBischoff
TheSPESkeepshundredsofmason beesinafridgeinpreparationforthe spring,thentheyfilltheAirBeen'Bee, amongotherplaces.
Oncethebeesareintheiradultform theydon'tremainintheAirBeen'Bee long;it'sashort-termstay. Theyonlyspendaboutamonthortwo intheiradultform Oncethefemale emergesfromthecocoontheymate, findanestingsite,andbuildalittle homefortheireggs(withpartitionsand pollenforthelarvatoeatwhenthey hatch).Thentheylaytheireggs.Later,
PUBLISHERANDEDITOR-IN-CHIEF BobKronbauer bobk@vancouverisawesomecom|604-439-2688
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SmartSweetsfoundergiving $25ktofemaleentrepreneur
Thelocalfounderofaglobalcandy empiresayshersuccesscircles backtoaplatterofsandwichesthat becameaninspiringmetaphorfor takingchances.
In2015,TaraBoschwasatthelaunchevent ofanacceleratorprogramcalledTheNext BigThing,whereSmartSweetsgotits start.Neartheendofthefunction,theyoung entrepreneurandafriendspottedaplatterof leftoversandwiches.
"Shouldwegotakeacoupleofsandwiches andpackthemuptotakethemhome?"they thought.Whiletheyworriedaboutcoming acrossasrude,agroupofmentookthe entireplatterwiththem.
Sincethen,Boschpromisedherselftonever hesitateandtoalwaystakethatmetaphorical platterofsandwiches
Nowshewantstoempowerotherwomen tofeelthesameconfidenceintheir entrepreneurialjourneythroughBold Beginnings.
Theeventwillbeahybridofanaccelerator program,similartotheoneinwhichBosch gotherstart,andanincubatorthatwillbring in10youngwomenentrepreneursacross NorthAmericatoVancouverforachanceto win$25,000.
Frommakingherfirstretaildeliveryoutof herHondaFithatchbacktomakingover 100milliondollarsinrevenueandleadinga teamofover80people,Boschfoundherself hauntedbyimpostersyndrome,constant self-doubt,andintensefear.
thatareonthisjourneysothattheyfeel empoweredtoknowthatthey'reinfinitely capable?"wasthequestionthatdrovethe Vancouver-basedbusinesswomantocreate BoldBeginnings.
WhileBoldBeginningswillawardonlyone entrepreneur,theinauguraleventwillgiftall participantswithfarmorethanmoneycan provide:goldennuggetsofknowledgethat willhelpbringtheirvisionstolife,agroupof peersthateachcanleanonforsupport,and, ultimately,normalizingfeelingsofimposter syndromeandself-doubtthatarecommon amongentrepreneurs,sharesBosch.
"Ifwebringtogetheryoungwomenwho havebigvisionsandempowerthemtoknow theyareinfinitelycapable,thenthemagic andimpacttheywillgoontocreateinthe worldislimitless,"shesays
ByMariaDimentYouhavetolookprettyhardto seethis100-year-oldhouseat 2818GranvilleStpeekingover thestoresintheSouthGranville shoppingdistrict
Thisisoneofmanyoldhomesburiedbehind contemporarystoresyoucankeepaneyeout forinVancouver
JohnBentleyisanarchitectural photographerwhohasphotographed theinsideandoutsideofthousands ofbuildingsaroundVancouver Using imagesfromtheVancouverArchiveshe offersaglimpseofthepastandpresent onhissiteVancouverNow&Then
Thisphotoofourcityatnightwas takenandsharedbyaphotographer namedBenwhogoesbythehandle @sylaswindrunner. Forachancetohaveyourphotofeatured hereandonourInstagramaccount,tag
theeggshatchandeatthefoodleftforthem bytheirmother
Becauseoftheirdifferentlifecycle,orchard masonbeesvisitwaymoreblossomsthan honeybees They'reextremelyeffective pollinatorsofnativeplantstothearea,says
"Sixmasonbeescanpollinateonefruittree," shenotes,explainingitcantake10,000 honeybeestodothesamejob Asingle masonbeecanvisitupto2,400blossomsin aday
"Peoplerelyonhoneybeesalotfor pollination,butthey'renotasefficientas nativepollinators,"sheadds
yourInstagramphotoswiththehashtag #vancouverisawesome.
Tokeepupwitheverythinghappeningin yourcity(andformoregreatphotographs andplentyofstories!)followusat @viawesome
However,nativepollinatorsarefacing issues
"Ournativepollinatorshavebeensuffering alotduetohabitatloss,insecticide,"says
That'swhySPESstartedtheAirBeen' Bee,tohelpgetlocalmasonbeesoutinto thewildandeducatepeopleaboutthe nativepollinator Shesayspeoplecanhelpin differentways,fromplantingnativeplants andevenraisingtheirownorchardmason bees
"They'rereallyhardyandeasytoproliferate," saysBischoff "They'reeasytohelpalong"
Public Hearing: June 29, 2023
Thursday, June 29, 2023, at 1 pm to be convened by electronic means with in-person attendance also available in Council Chambers at City Hall, 453 West 12th Avenue, Vancouver, BC. Vancouver City Council will hold a Public Hearing to consider the following matters:
1. Heritage Revitalization Agreement and Heritage Designations –515 and 521 Hawks Avenue – BC Mills Houses
Application for a Heritage Revitalization Agreement (HRA) and heritage designation by laws for the two BC Mills Houses at 515 and 521 Hawks Avenue, which are both listed in the 'B' evaluation category on the Vancouver Heritage Register and associated with the BC Mills Timber and Trading Company The proposed HRA would allow for the site to be subdivided into two parcels with each containing one of the two heritage houses in return for their protection under respective designation by-laws, which will ensure their long-term preservation
2. CD-1 Rezoning: 4261 Cambie Street and 503 West 27th Avenue
To rezone 4261 Cambie Street and 503 West 27th Avenue from RS-1 (Residential) District to CD-1 (Comprehensive Development) District, to permit the development of a six-storey residential building A height of 21 metres (69 feet) with additional height for a rooftop amenity and a floor space ratio (FSR) of 2 80 are proposed
3. CD-1 Rezoning: 5079-5161 Ash Street
To rezone 5079-5161 Ash Street from RS-1 (Residential) District to CD-1 (Comprehensive Development) District, to permit the development of a sixstorey residential building A height of 21 4 m (70 ft ) and a floor space ratio (FSR) of 2.0 are proposed.
4. CD-1 Rezoning: 3132-3150 Rosemont Drive
To remove 3132-3150 Rosemont Drive from CD-1(72) (Comprehensive Development) District and to rezone the property by creating two new CD-1 (Comprehensive Development) Districts to permit the development of a six-storey residential building with 94 social housing units and retention of the existing community care facility A height of 20 1 metres (66 feet) and a floor space ratio (FSR) of 2 1 are proposed for the new residential building A height of 7 3 metres (24 feet) and a floor space ratio (FSR) of 0.67 would be permitted for the retained community care facility, matching the existing development
5 CD-1 Rezoning: 314-328 West Hastings Street
To rezone 314-328 West Hastings Street from DD (Downtown) District to CD-1 (Comprehensive Development) District, to permit the development of a 12 storey, mixed-use building with 128 secured market rental housing units and ground floor commercial space A height of 32 46 metres (106 5 feet) and a floor space ratio (FSR) of 8 56 are proposed Two of the existing heritage facades are proposed to be retained
6. Rezoning: 109 East 40th Avenue
To rezone 109 East 40th Avenue from RS-1 (Residential) District to RR-3A (Residential Rental) District, to permit the development of a four-storey, mixed-use market rental building with non-residential uses at grade A height of 15 3 metres (50 feet) and a floor space ratio (FSR) of 2 50 are proposed
Public Hearings are to be convened by electronic means, with in-person attendance also available You may participate in the Public Hearing either by speaking by phone or in person, or by submitting comments that will be distributed to the Mayor and Councillors
All spoken and written comments will be publicly accessible on the City of Vancouver’s website with your full name attached
To participate in the Public Hearing, you can register to speak beginning at 8:30 am on June 16, 2023
• Register to speak online by visiting: and select the agenda item(s) you wish to speak to; telephone participation is encouraged as it is the most efficient way to speak to Council
• Register to speak via phone by calling 604-829-4238 and specifying which meeting date, meeting type and agenda item(s) you wish to speak to, and indicate whether you are participating by telephone or in person
• You can also register in person on the day of the Public Hearing, between 12:30 and 1 pm at City Hall; for more information, visit vancouver ca/publichearings
• At the conclusion of the registered speakers list, if you haven’t yet spoken and wish to do so, follow the phone in instructions provided by the Chair or attend in person and approach the podium as the Chair calls for additional speakers The Chair will close the speakers list upon seeing no further speakers
To participate by telephone, provide a telephone number that can be used to contact you, and provide an email address where instructions on when and how to call into the Public Hearing can be provided Unregistered speakers may also call in during the Public Hearing The telephone number and participant access code are tweeted out and available on the live stream, while the meeting is in progress For more information, visit vancouver ca/publichearings
Send your comments to Council online at, by email at speaker request@vancouver ca or by mail to: City of Vancouver, City Clerk’s Office, 453 West 12th Avenue, Third Floor, Vancouver, BC, V5Y 1V4 Get live updates on the meeting at or follow Twitter @VanCityClerk Watch the meeting live at
Copies of the draft by-laws will be made available for in-person viewing from 8:30 am to 5 pm on weekdays at the City Clerk’s Office on the 3rd Floor of City Hall from Friday, June 16, 2023 until the Public Hearing commences, and for viewing at all times on the meeting agenda starting June 16, 2023 at 1 pm See the agenda on the City’s website at vancouver ca/councilmeetings Minutes of the Public Hearing will also be available at this location approximately two business days after a meeting Details of all Council meetings can be found at covapp vancouver ca/ councilMeetingPublic
Theparksboardhasreleaseditsplan toconstructthemostuninviting Vancouverparkinrecentmemory, andIagreewithmanylocalswho've expressedtheirdismayoveritsdesign.
Thespacewhereit'stobeconstructedis currentlyanasphaltparkinglotwithafew picnictablesandlogsplacedthroughout itand,Ihatetosayit(Iactuallydon'thate tosayit),butitscurrentstateisbetterthan whatitwillbereplacedwith.
They'reabouttopaveaparkinglotandput upwhatnobodywouldconsidertobea paradise.
Moreofaplazathanapark,itlookslikea modern,urbanwalkway
Oneofthefeaturesiswhatthey'retoutingas a"sunrock,"andintheCityreportitsaysit's meant"forpeopletolayonandclimbon"
AllofthisisapparentlywhatVancouverites askedfor
Tworoundsofconsultationweredone,in 2020and2022,withhundredsofpeople sharingtheirideasonwhatthey'dliketosee attheparkattheintersectionofMainStreet and7thAvenue
Whatweseemtohaveaskedforisa"park" withalotofconcrete,sometrees,arock,and afewplacestosit
It'scurrentlycalled"Main&7thPark,"though itwilleventuallybegivenanofficialnameby theCity'sofficialParkNamingCommittee beforeitopensinthespringof2025
MyhopeisthattheylandonSunRockPark, inreferencetothemostinterestingthinginit
Aone-dayeventfilledwithavariety ofcat-themedactivitieswillpopup attheRockyMountaineerStation onAug.19,featuringeverything fromcraftsandcat-themedtattoostoa scavengerhuntandcatcostumecontest.
Event-goerswillbeabletomeettheir favouritefelineinternetcelebritiesinpurrsonatafreeMeetandGreet,including Bodhitheadventurecat,Teddythetabby, andSnapplewhowasbornwithwobblycat syndrome.
Humanscanalsoparticipateinascavenger hunt,helppaintakittenmural,andgeta temporarycat-themedtattoo.
Catownersandloversalikewillalsoget thechancetoshowofftheircatwalk(and favouritecat-themedapparel,makeup,or
anythingthatscreams"cat")onthecatwalk inafelinefashioncontest Thebest-dressed contestantwins!
Avarietyofthemedphoto-ops,a marketplacewithover40vendors,andfood truckswillbeon-siteaswell,including larger-than-lifecatcut-outsandan interactivehuman-sizecattree.
Meowfestaimstomakehistorythisyear toobybreakingtherecordfortheworld's biggestfurball.Catownersareencouraged tobringtheirpet'sfurballstotheevent Aftertherecord-breakingattemptall thecollectedfurwillbedonatedto organizationsthatsupportenvironmental andwildlifecauses.
Join us for Phase 4 of the / Jericho Lands planning program to learn about the revised site concept plan proposed by the landowners and share your thoughts.
We’re working with the site’s owners, the x ʷ məθkʷ əy əm (Musqueam) Indian Band,Sḵwx wú7mesh (Squamish) Nation, and səlilwətaɬ (Tsleil-Waututh) Nation (MST Partnership), and Canada Lands Company (CLC), to create a Policy Statement to guide the future redevelopment of the Jericho Lands.
To learn more and share your feedback:
Drop by an open house
• Saturday, June 17, 2023, 11-3 pm
Jericho Hill Pool and Gymnasium, 4180 West 4th Avenue
• Thursday, June 22, 2023, 4-7 pm
Jericho Hill Pool and Gymnasium, 4180 West 4th Avenue
• Saturday, June 24, 2023, 11-3 pm
Central Library, 350 West Georgia Street, Main Floor Promenade
Learn online
Starting June 16, information materials will be available at:
Take the survey
Provide feedback on the revised site concept plan through the online survey, which is open from June 16-July 16, 2023
For more information:
Visit: Phone: 3-1-1
BlackCultureCelebration tofeatureiconicrappers
AnannualcelebrationofBlack culturewillfeatureastar-studded lineupofgroundbreaking Canadianhip-hopartists.
NowinitssecondyearinVancouver,the BlackCultureCelebrationmarksJuneteenth (officiallyheldonJune19intheU.S.) the daythatmarkstheemancipationofthelast remainingenslavedAfricanAmericansinthe Confederacy.
TheeventtakesplaceonSaturday,June17at SunsetBeach,whichiswhereVancouver's firstorganizedJuneteenthmarchculminated in2020.
Themusicfestivalwillalsoshowcase50 yearsofhip-hopinthecountry,featuring performancesbyiconicCanadianrappers likeKardinalOffishall,Rascalz,Maestro, andChoclair,aswellasVancouver-based MCsCheckmateandConcise.Therewill alsobeseveralotherentertainersperforming throughouttheday.
AttendeeswillalsogettobrowseBlack, Indigenous,andPeopleofColor(BIPOC) food,clothing,andartisanvendors.
ByElanaShepertMore details about the new downtown Vancouver to downtown Nanaimo ferry service launching this summer have been released, including schedules, amenitiesandticketprices. Hullowillhavetwoboatsinserviceby earlyAugust,thoughanexactdatewon'tbe announceduntilJuly.They'vefinishedsea trialsinVietnamandareontheirwayviaa massivecargoshiptoBC'sWestCoastnow
The new company is planning up to seven round-trip sailings from the beginning, with the first sailing leaving Vancouver at 8 a m each day and the last leaving Vancouver at 9:30 p m , though that is flexible depending on special events in the city On the Nanaimo side, the first sailing leaves at 6 a.m. and the last leaves at 7:30 p m Trips will be 70 minutes
Tickets will be split into three categories: comfort, premium and business. Comfort,
the cheapest ticket, will be $40 one-way The basic amenities include reserved seating and Wi-Fi access; comfort passengers will be limited to the main deck. Premium tickets will be $10 more at $50 Guests get access to the upper deck, highspeed Wi-Fi and USB charging ports. Business class, the top tier at $60, adds priority off-boarding and complimentary snacks and beverages
Infants will ride free in comfort, $30 for the premium tier and $40 for business class. Children's tickets will be $20 less than adult tickets Seniors will get a discount on comfort tickets, which will be $20 For premium and business, it'll be the same for seniors as adults.
Pets, so long as they fit on a person's lap or in a carrier, will be allowed, as will bicycles (which will have a specific stowing area).
ByBrendanKerginCatloverswhodon'townakittycanwalk awaywithanewfurrybestfriend.Folks cantakehomeakittenattheAdoptable KittyCornerpresentedbyLangelyAnimal ProtectionSociety(L.A.P.S.)
Notonlycanfelinefansfindanewfriend attheevent,buttheycanalsofindlove Therewillbetworoundsof"IfIFits,You Sits"speeddatingspecificallyforcatlovers, whichyoucansignupforhere.
Generaladmissionticketscost$27for attendeesages13andolder($10forthose betweensevenand12yearsold)andsales startJune3online.AVIPAdmissionPass for$120willgetyouearlyandall-dayentry totheevent,atotebagfullofgoodiesforyou andyourcat,adrinkticket,andwillletyou skipthelinetotheAdoptableKittyCorner.
FourFirst Nations artiststo collaborate onInvictus Games 2025visual design
FourIndigenousartistshavebeen chosentocreateanddesignthe visualidentityfortheupcoming InvictusGames,duetobe heldinVancouverandWhistlerinthe winterof2025.
Thelogowillrepresentthefour localFirstNations,withtheTsleilWaututhNation’sOliviaGeorge,the SquamishNation’sRayNatraoro,the Lil’watNation’sLeviNelsonandthe MusqueamNation’sMackPaulto
“Thisisabighonour,”saidNatraoro, anaccomplishedcarvingartist renownedforhiswoodmasks,rattles, totemsandcanoes.
“Iamhonouredandprivilegedtobethe Nationmemberselectedtorepresent theSquamishNation."
Natraorosaidthecreativegigwasa “greatopportunity”toshowcaseandtell thestoryofhisowngreatgrandfather, CoastSalishartist,mastercarverand
5thingsyou (probably)don't knowabouttreesin Vancouver
The City of Vancouver owes its standing, in a very real way, to trees
It was the lumber industry that built the city in its earliest days, and still is a part of today's economy. They're more than just an economic driver, though, as they play a variety of roles, from local First Nations culture, to urban beautification, to keeping the city healthy
FirstWorldWarveteranAndyNatrall, andthecountlessotherIndigenouswar veteranswhofoughtonthebattlefields. TheInvictusGames,foundedby PrinceHarryin2014,isaninternational sportscompetitionfor woundedandillmilitary personnel.
Readmorebyscanning theQRcodehere.
ByMinaKerr-Lazenby,LocalJournalism InitiativeReporterGiven this, there are lots of tree facts in this city, from the tree that Queen Elizabeth II planted to Canada's first civic arboretum to the fact there's a map of over 151,000 trees in the city (not including Stanley Park)
1.Vancouverhasagardenoftreesmentioned byWilliamShakespeare
Stanley Park has many, many hidden gems, and an arboretum of trees mentioned in Shakespeare's play is one of them
The perfect garden for the natural conservationist/ literature nerd, it's also a bit of a historical site, as the first
Localbreweriespullin over20winsatCanadian BrewingAwards
MetroVancouverbreweriesonce againhadastrongshowing onthenationalbeerstagelast weekendwithnearlytwo-dozen awards.
Gotsomethingtoselloradesireto buysomethingspecial?
Whetheryouhavesomeitems you'reitchingtopartways withoryou'vebeensearchingacrossthe LowerMainlandforsomethingunique,a community-rungaragesaleinVancouver offerstheidealplacetodoboth OpentoeveryoneintheGrandview Woodlandneighbourhood,theGreat GrandviewGarageSaleprovideslocals withtheopportunitytoselltheiritemsto numerouspeopleonSaturday,June17
"Itwillbebigandfun Thisisthelargest garagesaleinallofVancouver,"explainsthe eventpage
"AnditwillbeanEastVangoodtime foreveryonefromthevinyljunkies,tothe lemonadestandtycoons"
Participantscanregistertheirresidenceon theeventmapandindicatewhatthey'llbe selling
Onthebigday,theycanputablanketout ontheirfrontlawn,putatableontheir sidewalk,orjustrolluptheirgaragedoor Lastyear,about125peopleparticipatedin theevent.
Collectyourstuff.Gothroughyourclosets, storagespace,andbasements,andmake alistofallthestuffyouwanttosell.Give themagoodcleaningtohelpthemsell
Priceit Comeupwithapriceforeachitem, andmarkitdown.Tape&markerswork wellforhomemadepricetags
Getlotsofchange Garagesales transactionsaremostlyincash,andithelps tohavelotsofsmallbillsandcoinsonhand Getfriendstohelp Haveafriendortwo cometohelpyousetup,makesales,clean upafter,andmakethedayevenmorefun
Spreadtheword Tellyourfriendsand neighbours Postsomeofyourincredible itemsonFacebooktogetshoppersexcited GreatGrandviewGarageSale
When:Saturday,June17from10a.m.until2 pm ,rainorshine
Where:GrandviewWoodlandareainEast Vancouver,anywherebetweenBroadway andtheBurrardInlet,betweenClarkDr andNanaimo.
ByElanaShepFromVancouver,itwasapairof10-year-olds thatledthewayattheCanadianBrewing Awards,withPowellBrewerygrabbinga pairofgolds(fortheirdarklagerDancing intheDarkandImperialIPAPartyTime) whileParallel49snaggedagoldandasilver (winningtheBelgian-styleBrettcategory withtheir10thAnniversarybeerandgetting secondinNorthAmericanwheatbeerswith Jerkface9000).
OthergoldwinnersinVancouverwere Georgie'sBestDryHoppedESBfrom Bomber(intheamber/redalecategory)and 33AcresofEuphoriaintheBelgian-style Tripelcategory.
ElectricBicycle'sAtomicJamtooksilverin theAmerican-stylesoursandSteamworks tookbronzeinthelightlagercategory withtheirLionsGateLight,roundingout Vancouver'srepresentation. Meanwhile,MetroVancouverbreweries scoredanumberofwinsaswell,notably Delta'sFourWinds,whichgotapairof bronzesforGreg,anAmericanIPA,and LaMaison,asessionale.Theirstrongest showing,though,wasfortheir FourWindsPaleAle,whichgota silver.AlsofromDelta,Barnside scoredasilverforitsbarleywine. Langleywaswellrepresented. Whilenosinglebreweryblewout thecompetition,fourreceived medals.CampBeerCo.gotagold forLagerkollerintheKellerbier category.SmugglersTrailalsogot agold,winningtheEnglish-style IPAcategorywithCanoeChase.
DeadFrogtookasilverforitsimperialstout, andLocalitygotanhonourablementionfor itsOwlTrainVanillaPorter.
NorthVancouvergotacoupleofmedalsas well,withLaCerveceriaAstillerosscoring agoldforitssaltedlimelagerintheherbed andspicedbeercategory.Justacouple blocksawaythecrewatNorthPointgot asilverwiththeirCerealMilkChocolate Stout.
MetroVancouverwinnersalsoincludeda goldforMonkey9inRichmond,fortheir CosmicKolsch Regularawardwinner BurnabarianfromDageraadgotasilver intheBelgianStylepalealecategorythis year,andCentralCityinSurreygotan honourablementionfortheirStreetLegal beerinthelow-alcoholcategory.
WhileB.C.didn'twineitherofthebig awards(bestbeerorbreweryoftheyear), theprovincedidgrabthemostindividual awardsofanyprovinceagain,with51awards outofmorethan190handedout,beatinglast year'stotalof45.
OfallB.C.brewers,PortAlberni'sTwin Citycamehomewiththemosthardware, earningthreebronzesandasilver.Ofthose, threewereforsourstyles.
tree dedicated to Shakespeare in the park was planted in 1916
In 1936 it was made official, when Vancouver was celebrating its Golden Jubilee; it was even opened by Canada's governor general at the time
The arboretum includes red oak, fir, beech, and a tree of heaven; in all there are about 45 trees If you're looking for it, it's near the rose garden.
2.ThetallesttreeinMetroVancouverwastaller thanthetallesttreeintheworldnow
Before the lumber industry arrived in Vancouver, the city's forest may have been home to some of the tallest trees to have ever existed
However, between the burgeoning industry 140 years ago and the Great Fire, most ancient giants are gone, including those that would have been among the tallest
One tree that was recorded is simply known as the Lynn Valley Tree (one guess where it came from) It was measured at 126.5 m, or about 415 feet.
For comparison, the tallest tree now (a sequoia in California called Hyperion) is about 116 meters
Some speculate taller trees existed here and were cut down without being measured
3.Thelargestmapleleavesarefoundaround MetroVancouverandsouthernBC
Thanks to the leaf on the flag, the maple tree has come to represent Canada worldwide.
To many it represents Eastern Canada, as the leaf that inspired the symbol was the sugar maple
But if you want to find the maples with the big leaves, head west
The biggest maple leaf found in Canada according to Guinness World Records was discovered in Richmond in 2010 by a family That big leaf was measured at 53 cm wide and 52 2 cm long
For those who don't rely on a beer company to make things official (actually Guinness World Records is now owned by B C's own Jim Pattison Group) the largest maple leaf was found in Victoria, apparently, and measured 60 9 cm by 72 cm
4 OneofVancouver'searliesttourist attractionswastheHollowTree
The Hollow Tree in Stanley Park is still an attraction but is more often passed by these days
However, it could be considered Vancouver's first tourist attraction People have been posing for photos with it since the 1890s, and it's not clear when exactly it became a sight to go see
And it was popular; the Vancouver Archives have more than 100 photos of people posing with it over 100 years ago.
The tree itself is a dead Western red cedar, it lived to be between 600 and 800 years old When it died the trunk ended up hollowed out and became a natural shelter
In 2006 it was badly damaged in the big windstorm that hit the city, and measures were taken to save it; it's now got a metal skeleton of sorts holding it up
It sounds (and looks) like something the Grimm brothers would have written about, but in fact a small house did exist in Vancouver's Riley Park neighbourhood that was
made out of a massive tree
While the term "treehouse" conjures up images of something in the branches, this was in the stump, on the ground. It was located around 4230 Prince Edward St Thanks to Ronan for the suggestion for this piece
If you have ideas for a "5 things you (probably) don't know about Vancouver" email me at brendan@vanocuverisawesome com
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Saehla Rena Anna-Mara Czubey
Sabri Rasheed
M Mohammed Tahr
Ken Bourassa
Chantha Ly
Jemro Ibarra
Shuamn Cheng
Jessca Proulx
Shaffin Amirai SovanI
Giussepe Ciodaro
Brett Daniel Thompson
Chris Wesley
Peter Ubungen
Rakesh Dutt
James Randel Lafleur
Robert Nelson
Dora Marko/ Chnn
Chris Wesley
Dora Marko/ Chnn
A sale wil take pace online at www ibid4storage com starting at 10AM on Tuesday, June 20, 2023 until 10AM on Thursday June 22, 2023 Wnners wl be contacted by emai at the end of auction Room contents are persona/househod goods unless noted otherwse Bds wll be for the entire contents of each ocker unit
Killarney Community Centre Society
Annual General Meeting
Tuesday, June 27th, 2023, 7:00 p m
In Kllarney Senior Centre Grand Hal Everyone Welcome!
f you are interested n gettng involved, We have vacances avalable for Board Members
Please contact Klarney Communty Centre at 604-718-8201 or kllarneyccs@gmail com
June 16 –18: For adults Sacred Connections: Re-awaken your inner compass - live your best life! June 23 – 25: For adults
Inner Wisdom: Catalyze Your Life Path!
Kids Horse Camp: June 30, July 1
For more info and to register:
1.877.329.8668 |
cominG events
Antique, Estate and Collectable Show
703 Terminal Ave, Vancouver Starts 10am to 3pm Admin $4
Early brd $15 (Starts 8am)
Over 50 tabes overflowing with fantastc tems Come early !
Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a Sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes.
They’re there when you need them... now it’s your turn to be there for them.
BC’s Hometown Heroes come to the aid of people in life-threatening situations every day. From rescue to recovery, BC’s front line workers and first responders our fire fighters, along with the doctors, nurses and health care teams at Vancouver General Hospital—are always on duty for critically ill and severely injured British Columbians. When you need help, these heroes respond.
Your Hometown Heroes Lottery ticket purchases support VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation, raising essential funds for equipment at VGH and UBC Hospital and GF Strong Rehab Centre to support specialized patient care and comfort.
Ticket purchases also support programs of the BC Professional Fire Fighters’ Burn Fund, including burn survivor support services and burn and fire prevention programs.