f o r t h e a l u m n I a n D f r I e n D s o f m a l a s p I n a u n I v e r s I t y - C o l l e g e a n D va n C o u v e r I s l a n D u n I v e r s I t y
volume 1 • issue 1
72 years of History from
trade school to college to university
Golden Girls of Malaspina
The Flavour of Culinary Arts
Campus Developments · the new BreeD of mBas • a-Channel’s DavID wIwChar
Alumni stay connected with malaspina university-College—now Vancouver Island University please keep in touch with us! We would love to hear about your accomplishments. please update your contact information at www.viu.ca/alumni so we can send you your copy of Journey and keep you informed about relevant news, reunions, and events.
ConTACT us Journey magazine vancouver island university 114 – 59 Wharf street nanaimo, British Columbia Canada v9r 2X3 e-mail: alumni@viu.ca phone: 250 · 740 · 6215 Fax: 250 · 740 · 6491 www.viu.ca/alumni
HAve you purCHAseD your Alumni privilege CArD? malaspina and viu alumni can purchase an Alumni privilege Card for an annual fee of $10 and receive these on-campus benefits: Vancouver Island University Library Access to most of the library resources at less than half of the regular community rate Vancouver Island University Gymnasium Approximately 25% discount on regular rates on memberships and squash courts Vancouver Island University Theatre present your card at the box office to get student rates the suCCess of any sChool Is DetermIneD By the strength of Its graDuates.
discovery room–dining present your card and receive two-for-one desserts with the purchase of lunch or dinner phone 250 · 740 · 6338 for reservations Malaspina residences receive a 10% discount on short-term summer (may to August) accommodation with the presentation of your card at malaspina’s residence village—check malaspinaresidences.ca or call 250 · 754 · 6338 Vancouver Island University Bookstore (Nanaimo Campus) receive 20% off any regularly priced crested clothing and giftware with the presentation of your card Milner Gardens receive a special alumni membership rate: $10 per year for individuals, $20 per year for households; discounts on guest passes and regularly-priced merchandise and plants
purCHAse your Alumni CArD in person visit the Alumni office, 114-59 Wharf street, Harbourfront plaza, nanaimo monday – Friday, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm Cash or cheque By mail mail a cheque, payable to vancouver island university Alumni, to: Development and Alumni vancouver island university 114 – 59 Wharf street nanaimo, British Columbia Canada v9r 2X3 please include your full name, current mailing address, e-mail address, phone numbers, and your faculty or area of study. The alumni office is expanding the benefits program for alumni. if your organization is interested in contributing to the vancouver island university alumni benefits program, please contact the alumni office.
f o r t h e a l u m n I a n D f r I e n D s o f m a l a s p I n a u n I v e r s I t y - C o l l e g e a n D va n C o u v e r I s l a n D u n I v e r s I t y
volume 1 • issue 1 spring/summer 2008
table of contents 3 president’s viewpoint 4 Campus news malaspina university-College receives university designation 10 Alumni news 16 The new Breed of mBAs Tomorrow’s executives today 18 Athletics The golden girls of malaspina
20 malaspina Foundation Festival of Trees and student success 22 The lens Doesn’t lie Filmmaker and activist shoots and scores 24 The media is the voyage The journey of mal u-C’s first BA english grad 26 Class notes 28 milner gardens 29 Calendar of events
photo: John gardiner
19 Hyde and gold seek mariner coach named best all around in CCAA
enjoy the It is an honour to offer the inaugural edition of Journey to the alumni of Malaspina University-College, Malaspina College and the Vocational Training School. Journey will be published in the spring and fall to keep alumni connected with the institution and share in the accomplishments of distinguished alumni. Malaspina is currently going through a period of dynamic change, including the creation of new facilities, new programs, and the recent announcement that the institution will receive full university status and be renamed Vancouver Island University (VIU). University designation will lead to increased access for students to university degree programs without impacting the current quality of education. Whether you graduated last year or more than 60 years ago, alumni are a vital part of the legacy of Malaspina and a key contributor to where the institution is today. Inside this issue, you will find the personal stories of just a few of the successful alumni around the world that are now making a difference
Journey | WelCome
in their communities. Also, you will read about the changes happening at Vancouver Island University including new programs, new faculty, and new facilities. We are also proud to highlight the Mariners women’s volleyball team that did not lose a game all year on their way to a national title. I hope the stories bring back memories of when you were on campus and renew your sense of pride in being alumni of Malaspina UniversityCollege.
spring 2008 volume 1 • issue 1
We are proud to celebrate alumni accomplishments and we encourage you to contact us about those people, places, and things that you would like to see highlighted in the magazine. Feedback is always welcome and you can contact the Alumni Relations Office by e-mail, alumni@viu.ca, phone (250) 740-6215, or fax (250) 740-6491.
Journey is published in the spring and fall by vancouver island university’s Development and Alumni office and is distributed free of charge to alumni and friends. All material is copyright © 2008, vancouver island university Development and Alumni, and may be reprinted with written permission. opinions expressed in the magazine do not necessarily reflect the views of vancouver island university. The vancouver island university community acknowledges and thanks the Tla’Amin, Qualicum, snaw naw As, snuneymuxw, Quw’utsun, Halalt, penelakut, lyackson, Chemainus, and lake Cowichan First nations on whose traditional lands we teach, learn, research, live and share knowledge.
Sincerely, David Forrester Manager, Alumni Relations Vancouver Island University
publisher Development and Alumni, vancouver island university managing editor and Director, Development and Alumni roger prior editor matt Carter (BA ’06) Alumni relations manager David Forrester (pe Dipl, rec&sport Dipl ’02) Contributors marilyn Assaf sergei Belski Bob Cooney John gardiner (BA ’97) John lund micki mcCartney mark Kaarremaa Toni o’Keeffe mary o’neill John Woychuk Design primal Communications ltd. www.primalcommunications.com printing Teldon
We welcome letters to the editor. please address all correspondence to: editor, Journey 114 – 59 Wharf street nanaimo, British Columbia Canada v9r 2X3 carterm@viu.ca Advertising inquiries Dave Forrester, Alumni relations manager 114 – 59 Wharf street nanaimo, British Columbia Canada v9r 2X3 250 · 740 · 6214 forrested@viu.ca Canadian publications mail Agreement #40063601 return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: Development and Alumni 114 – 59 Wharf street nanaimo, British Columbia Canada v9r 2X3
President’s Viewpoint Welcome to the first edition of Journey, a publication designed for the Alumni of Malaspina University-College and Vancouver Island University.
ment to maintaining strong connections
College, between 1969 and 1989;
with our alumni will never change.
Malaspina University-College 1989
Our connections to you represent one
– 2008, and now the students that will graduate in the future from Vancouver
of the most important relationships we have. As Malaspina ambassadors you
Island University.
represent our institution around the
As Malaspina (now VIU) continues
The timing to release this new publica-
world. In recognition of this important
to grow, input and support from our
tion is perfect. As we launch this new
role you play, we want to ensure that we
alumni will be valuable and cru-
magazine, we are also moving forward
are providing you with opportunities,
cial. You represent our history; you
an important new chapter in our insti-
benefits, information, and support that
embody the very best of what we do.
tutional “Journey.”
allow you to stay connected with your
It is my hope that we will remain con-
peers and instructors.
nected and enjoy a long and rewarding
Malaspina University-College has
Although our Alumni Relations office
journey together.
received full university designation and
is relatively new and was established
has been re-named Vancouver Island
in May, 2003, the office represents
University. Although our institution
over 35,000 graduates from the Vo-
continues to undergo considerable and
cational Training School, Nanaimo,
exciting transformation, our commit-
between 1936 and 1971; Malaspina
As some of our readers may be aware,
Dr. Ralph Nilson President and CEO Vancouver Island University
spring/summer 2008 | viu.CA/Alumni
by David Forrester
Now Enjoying the VIU The Malaspina Theatre was filled to capacity on April 23rd as Premier Gordon Campbell and Education Minister Murray Coell announced that Malaspina University-College will become a university, re-named Vancouver Island University.
for post-secondary education in B.C., which includes a responsive system that creates more high-quality opportunities for students, and to be a leader in research support.”
“Vancouver Island University will
“This is in part because an innovative
be a critical educational, social and
institutional model that incorporates
“University status will bring enormous
economic hub, giving thousands of
developmental, vocational and un-
benefits to our students and communi-
students from Vancouver Island a
dergraduate education has not been
ties, while retaining our local focus and
chance to get the education they want
adopted elsewhere in Canada. It is in
our emphasis, above all, on excellent
closer to home,” Campbell said. “VIU
part because the label was deliberately
teaching,” said Malaspina University-
will build on its international reputa-
intended to connote a hybrid, and
College president Ralph Nilson. “This
tion for its Aboriginal focused pro-
therefore something which is neither
designation will increase access to
grams, leading-edge Coastal Resource
completely one thing nor another. And
university degree programs in central
Management programs, and trades
it is, in part, be-
and technology programs.”
cause Thompson
Officials from Malaspina University-
Rivers University
College had been lobbying for university designation since 2004. Support for such a designation was made in a comprehensive 2007 report that analyzed the state of British Columbia’s higher education system. The report, entitled Access and Excellence: The Campus 2020 Plan for British Columbia’s PostSecondary Education System, made 52 recommendations to government on how to build on the strengths of B.C.’s
this new university is part of our vision
and UBC Okanagan were created to respond to regional demands for access. These initiatives, while innovative, implied there was
Vancouver Island and
“University status will bring enormous benefits to our students and communities, while retaining our local focus”
something transitional, rather than final, in the concept of the university college.”
in Powell River without impacting the breadth of training currently available.” While university designation is a significant step for Malaspina University-College, the history of the institution will not be forgotten. Faculty, staff, and students that
attended the Vocational Training School, Malaspina College, and Malaspina Uni-
existing system of higher education.
The new Vancouver Island University
versity-College created the history of the
These recommendations included the
will focus on the training needs of the
institution and will play a key role in the
re-designation of B.C.’s university-col-
region and build on its provincial, na-
future of Vancouver Island University.
leges as regional universities.
tional and international reputation.
President Nilson is committed to
“The university college model of learn-
“It was clear from the Campus 2020
honouring the Malaspina name and
ing has succeeded, but, for several
process that British Columbians want
will be recommending that the Na-
reasons, the label has failed,” project
access to university degree programs
naimo campus of VIU be named
leader Geoff Plant said in the report.
closer to home,” Coell said. “Creating
the Malaspina campus.
Journey | CAmpus neWs
shellfish genomics lab established at viu
ancouver Island University will expand existing research capacity
at the Centre for Shellfish Research by establishing a Genomics Laboratory, thanks to an investment of more than $400,000 by the Government of Canada through Western Economic photo: viu Communications
Diversification Canada. “Our government’s contribution to this project will ensure Canadians are at the leading-edge of shellfish aquaculture,” said James Lunney, Member of Parliament for NanaimoAlberni. “Shellfish aquaculture has significant economic potential for coastal communities, and this project will be the first of its kind in British Columbia.” The funding will support and enhance shellfish genomics research capacity in B.C. through the acquisition and installation of genomic science equipment that will examine
l-r: Dr. ralph nilson, viu president; Dr. Helen gurney-smith, Csr research manager; Dr. James lunney, mp nanaimo-Alberni; Brian Kingzett, Csr Field station manager
biological and environmental stress
and in doing so, providing valuable
factors inherent in shellfish.
research opportunities for VIU undergraduate and graduate students.”
“Shellfish aquaculture is an important component of sustainable coastal
As a result of the investment, VIU will
economies,” said VIU President Dr.
also develop research tools to diagnose
Ralph Nilson. “The Centre for Shellfish
stress factors related to transportation,
Research has taken a leadership posi-
pollution, and environment in hatch-
tion addressing critical research needs,
ery-reared larvae and adult shellfish. According to VIU’s Director of Facilities and the project’s coordinator, Ric Kelm, the Master Plan will be developed with input from a wide range of constituents, including alumni. “Input from the community, both graduates and current students, our neighbours, employees and anyone using or visiting the
Alumni opinions needed for new campus master plan
campus, is an important factor of this plan,” said Kelm. “This input will assist VIU in creating a vision to grow our campus in ways that best support the needs of the entire community.” VIU has held several campus open houses to gather data and has set up a
Vancouver Island University has seen
“This new Master Plan will provide VIU
website to allow the public to comment
unprecedented growth over the past
with a strategic and organized approach
on the plan. “We want the community
ten years, and the pace is not about to
to expand our Nanaimo campus,” said
to tell us how they envision the campus
slow down. To plan for that growth,
President Ralph Nilson. “The plan is
of the future,” said Kelm. “We hope the
the institution is about to undertake a
also an important requirement when
community will tell us how they would
master planning process that will plan
applying for government funding and
like the campus to look and feel.” To ac-
for the next five, ten, fifteen, twenty
will assist us in saving facilities and
cess the website, alumni are encouraged
years and beyond.
infrastructure costs in the future.”
to go to www.viu.ca/masterplan.
spring/summer 2008 | viu.CA/Alumni
VIU Offering Graduate Programs Master of Business Administration and MScIB In 2007, Vancouver Island Univer-
applied at regional, national, and
sity began offering its first master’s
international levels.
degree program.
“Our faculty has wanted to offer this
Students can earn both a VIU Master
program for five years,” said Mike
and a University of Hertfordshire Master of Science in International
Mann, Dean of the Faculty of Management. “It’s very exciting that this master’s has our own stamp on it and it’s very satisfying to
Business (MScIB) at the same time, without leaving Nanaimo. This dual Canadian/British program is a partnership between VIU
“It’s very exciting that this master’s has our own stamp on it and it’s very satisfying to offer it.”
and the University of Hertfordshire in the United Kingdom. It is designed to give students an opportunity to combine knowledge and practical experience through the integration of theory, research, and practice that can be
photo: viu Communications
of Business Administration (MBA)
offer it.” With credentials from two continents, this intensive 14-month program provides
Brock Dykeman
graduates with the
“They will learn how to manage in an
support and skills
international context, as well as learning
needed to apply
standard management elements.”
for management
While the program is very demanding,
positions in North America and around the world. “Students will get an excellent management education through this program,” said Brock Dykeman, director of MBA programs at VIU.
Dykeman says it is open to anyone with an undergraduate degree. Students will not only learn the intricacies of international business in a classroom setting, they will also gain hands-on work experience through internships.
Master’s degree in Educational Leadership
Vancouver Island teachers have an exciting opportunity to upgrade their education.
or north Island region by a local
the B.C. context and engage in active
post-secondary institution. “Many
research of importance to themselves,
American universities have offered
their students, and their schools.
educational leadership degrees, but
Janzen said the new M.Ed was devel-
these programs are not embedded
oped after an extensive review of VIU’s
enough within the B.C. context,” said
education programs. He said plans are
Vancouver Island University is launch-
Dr. Harry Janzen, Dean, Faculty of
underway to develop another master’s
ing a new Master’s Degree in Edu-
Education at VIU. “Vancouver Island
program in special education, a new
cational Leadership at the Nanaimo
school districts have been asking for a
five-year Bachelor of Education degree
campus in September 2008.
made-in B.C. program for years.”
redesigned for elementary school teach-
It’s the first time a master’s program
The two-year program, delivered part-
ers, and a new post-baccalaureate pro-
in educational leadership is being
time, will allow teachers to enhance
gram to train teachers for the secondary
offered in the mid-Vancouver Island
their practice with a clear focus on
school system.
Journey | CAmpus neWs
VIU offers new degree in Graphic Design
graphic design student michelle martineau and instructor iris Churcher
Vancouver Island University’s Visual
“is exciting news” for anyone with a
Students will have the opportunity
and Applied Arts department will begin
creative spirit who is thinking about
to complete a practicum or work
offering a new degree in graphic design
starting a career as a graphic designer,
placement in their final year, and
starting in September, 2008.
or for former diploma program gradu-
graduates will leave VIU with an
“This Bachelor of Arts major in Graphic
ates who want to upgrade their skills.
extensive portfolio of their design work
Design will be the only full degree pro-
“We’re inviting all high school students,
for employment application.”
gram in graphic design on Vancouver
grads from Malaspina’s graphic design
Another unique feature of VIU’s new
Island,” said Steve Lane, Dean of Arts
diploma program, as well as diploma
graphic design degree program will
and Humanities. “As the industry stan-
graduates from other institutions to
be a management stream for students
dard in graphic design moves towards
check out our new degree program,”
interested in studio management or
an expectation of degree-level qualifica-
Hodgson said. “The degree program
entrepreneurial management. “This
tions, expanding our two-year diploma
will provide diploma graduates with
could appeal to someone who wants to
program into a four-year degree is not
skills in critical thinking and digital me-
become a creative director at a graphic
only wise, but necessary.”
dia that will complement their existing
design studio,” Hodgson said. “There’s
Instructor Karen Hodgson said expan-
skills and training. It’s an initiative to
currently no similar program in Canada
provide the best education and skill set
that includes this component.”
sion to a four-year degree program
needed for this growing discipline.
VIU launches degree program for Interior Design Vancouver Island University has launched a new Bachelor of Interior Design, which is great news for students who want to focus their creativity towards a professional career in design. “Rapid technological changes and higher industry standards in interior design have been the catalyst for the launch of this new degree program, which is the only one of its kind on Vancouver Island,” said VIU interior design instructor Bodil Ellins. “The degree program will replace our highly successful two-year diploma program in interior design, which has been extremely popular for the past fourteen years.” New regulations and guidelines have been set in motion in the interior design field, Bodil said. “The interior design profession will soon be governed by the Architects Institute
of B.C. with stricter requirements for members. Graduation from a recognized degree program will be a requirement for AIBC membership.” Ellins expects the new program to be popular with young and seasoned aspiring designers alike, and hopes it will attract diploma transferees from other schools on the mainland and across Canada who may apply for advanced standing and admission to third year. Graduates from the two-year diploma program in interior design have excelled in the workforce, and Ellins anticipates similar success for those who complete the degree program. Applications for first and third year of the new Bachelor of Interior Design degree are now being accepted. spring/summer 2008 | viu.CA/Alumni
viu opens a gateway to India
Malaspina University-College now VIU has its first overseas office in India. The Centre for Canadian Education (CCE) opened in March 2007 at the India Habitat Centre in Delhi, in recognition of the importance that India plays in the long-term objectives of VIU. Prashant Srivastava (MBA ’04), director of the Education Centre, is eager to promote VIU to students in India. “I had the most amazing experiences at Malaspina,” he said. “The quality of education has given me an edge at the start of my career, and the friendships with fellow students will last a lifetime.” The office will provide Indian students with quality support services to apply to one of the many certificate, diploma, degree, or post-graduate programs available at VIU. It will also help Indian students access the many online programs available to VIU students. These students, along with students from more than 45 countries at VIU, provide global insights and perspectives that Canadian students might not typically be exposed to. One of the initial objectives of the centre will be on recruitment to increase the number of undergrads coming to VIU. Currently, there are approximately 30 students from India attending VIU, with most enrolled in master’s degree studies. “We have seen a steady growth in requests for information on Malaspi-
photo: David Forrester
na now VIU since the centre opened its doors,” Srivastava said. “This past summer, Malaspina International High School, in partnership with the CCE, hosted a group of students from India and their school principal for a summer camp on the Malaspina campus.” For more information, contact CCE Director Prashant Srivastava at prashant srivastava: bringing a world view to viu
A new aluminum boat building program is ready to launch a lot of new careers. The five month program at the Nanaimo campus will give students the essential skills in a growing industry filled with employment opportunities. “We’ve built a great program,” said Mark Gall, chair of the Welding Program at VIU. “We’re using the same modern equipment and techniques that boat manufacturers are using, so our students will be able to walk into jobs as soon as they graduate.”
Journey | CAmpus neWs
Students will start the program with aluminum fabrication projects, building up to fabricating an aluminum boat from scratch: an 18-foot centre console fishing boat. Students will learn aluminum fabrication, layout, rigging, how to work with aluminum materials, and metallurgy with aluminum. “Manufacturers in this industry have to do their own in-house training because the skill set involved just isn’t out there right now,” said Gall. “We’re creating opportunities for students and those employers by giving them that training in our program.”
“ We’re creating opportunities for students...” Welding program chair mark gall is buoyed by the new program
photo: viu Communications
New boat-building program launched
VIU Serves the Culinary Institute of Vancouver Island Chef Debbie shore and the Civi turn raw students into seasoned Culinary Arts alumni
photo: viu Communications
With a growing shortage of profes-
Shore said students in the program
professional baking students. One
sionally trained chefs throughout
already get daily hands-on experience
such graduate is Tobias Grignon (Cook
Canada and around the world, Vancou-
working in VIU’s $1.5-million profes-
Training ’00), who ranks among the
ver Island University is expanding its
sional teaching kitchen at the Nanaimo
world’s top chefs under the age of 28.
renowned Culinary Arts program. VIU
campus, preparing meals for two busy
He won a national cooking competi-
currently offers a one-year certificate pro-
cafeterias and the Discovery Room fine
tion in Toronto in 2006, sponsored by
gram, but starting October 2008, a second
dining restaurant.
the worldwide culinary arts society, La
year of study will be added for students who want a diploma.
Chaine des Rotisseurs. His first place
“I’ve seen a lot of
win qualified him to compete in Frank-
culinary arts schools
furt, Germany, at the prestigious La
across the country
Chaine des Rotisseurs Society’s interna-
Debbie Shore, chair
and the fact that VIU
of Culinary Arts,
students prepare food
said the introduc-
that is consumed by
tion of the two-year
the public on site is
17 contenders.
diploma program
terrific experience,”
Now formally inducted into the La
said Canada Food
Chaine des Rotisseurs Society, Grignon
coincides with the
tional cooking competition. Representing Canada, Grignon placed third out of
official launch of VIU’s new Culinary
Network chef David Adjey on a visit
said the main thing aspiring chefs
Institute of Vancouver Island, a new
to the Culinary Arts department. “It
need to remember is that “whenever
umbrella organization that houses all
makes their training real.”
you’re competing, you have to maintain
of the culinary, professional baking,
Culinary arts students routinely enter
your composure and think quickly on
and food-related apprenticeship
your feet. The secret is not to look too
competitions, including the BC Junior Chefs Hot competition in Vancouver and
stressed out.”
According to Shore, second year culi-
the Culinary Salon/Cold Show. “CIVI
Immediately after graduation, Grignon
nary arts students will receive advanced
faculty are very well connected with
landed a job at the downtown Vancou-
dining room experience, advanced
industry and are committed to helping
ver Delta and Waterfront Hotels. He
pastry training, and a solid understand-
students become successful profession-
worked there for one season before
ing of basic management skills in the
als in industry,” Shore said. “One way of
joining the Fairmont Empress Hotel in
restaurant and hospitality industry.
doing that is through competitions.”
Victoria. He is currently the sous-chef
They will also benefit from two paid co-
VIU’s kitchens have graduated over
at the Wedgewood Hotel’s Bacchus
training programs.
operative education placements during the summer months.
2,000 culinary arts students and 300
Restaurant & Piano Lounge in Vancouver.
spring/summer 2008 | viu.CA/Alumni
Alumni create scholarship fund for VIU students photo: roger prior
by Roger Prior
Two early alumni from Malaspina College have created their own foundation to give back to Vancouver Island students. Ian Dubé and Kim Miller, together with Ian’s parents Dr. ‘Mac’
l-r: mike Johnston, Chanda eap, Doug Johnston, Tarah Howie, pauline Dickinson, erin olson, Jeff merry, Jeremy Clegg
Dubé and Vilma Dubé, created the Macville Foundation in 2002 that provides two full-scholarship awards to qualifying students
Local Accounting Firm creates Alumni Chapter
working towards an undergraduate degree. Dubé and Miller both started at Malaspina College in 1973. The Macville Foundation supports students from Vancouver
by Roger Prior
There is a strong two-way connection between
Island who have a vision for their future and demonstrate
Malaspina University-College now VIU and the
their potential, commitment, and motivation for developing
Nanaimo accounting firm of Johnston, Johnston and
their personal human capital through education. “Overall, our
Associates. There are six Malaspina alumni working
experiences at Malaspina contributed most to shaping our
in the firm and senior partner Doug Johnston hopes
careers and we have had a long association with the universitycollege, so we are very glad to create this partnership here as a
there will be more.
way of ‘giving back’ to our community,” Dubé said.
Currently forming their own alumni chapter at the
The Macville Foundation Awards are open to students who have
firm are Mike Johnston (Accounting Clerk Technician
completed their first year of study, are continuing in a university transfer or degree program at Vancouver Island University,
’97), who earned his CGA in 2003 and became a partner in 2005; Jeremy Clegg (BA ’04) and Erin Olson (BA ’06), both of whom are expected to receive
and have been residents of Vancouver Island for at least the
their CGA in 2008; Chanda Eap (BBA ’06), who is
previous five years. Selectors take into account the student’s financial need, academic achievement, and recommendations of faculty. Final selections are made by the VIU awards selection committee. To date, ten full tuition awards have been granted to Vancouver Island students.
expected to earn her CGA in 2009; Jeff Merry (Dipl Business Management ’04), who is also expected to earn his CGA in 2009; and intern Tarah Howie, (BBA ’08). Howie is the fifth VIU student to have served an internship at the firm. Former employee Jennifer Farr (BA ’05) was also recognized for recently receiving her C.A. degree. “We are very strong supporters of the accounting program at Malaspina,” Doug Johnston said. “Malaspina has strong faculty members who are also or have been in private practice, so the students get instruction that relates directly to the workplace and
photo: mark Kaarremaa
the profession.”
it’s smooth sailing for students thanks to ian Dubé (l) and Kim miller
Journey | Alumni neWs
Doug Johnston is also giving back to the program by establishing a permanent endowment with the Malaspina Foundation. The fund will provide an annual award for a high achieving accounting student and support them towards their Certified General Accountant certification.
Adult Basic Education helps change careers Shona Pickup knows the value of mak-
VIU’s Parksville-Qualicum Centre, but
Lewis said Pickup stood out in the
ing positive change. The 36-year-old
thanks to encouragement from ABE in-
classroom because of her dedication
mother of two and former aerobics
structor Allen Lewis, it didn’t take long
and commitment to learning. “Shona
instructor returned to school after 13
to feel at home and excel in her studies.
demonstrated wonderful leadership
“I was worried I’d feel out of place in
qualities. She is exactly the kind of
years to upgrade her high school education and launch a major career change.
adult learner who benefits in a big way
the classroom, but didn’t,” said Pickup.
Pickup admits she was nervous when
“Allen is an incredible instructor. Ev-
from programs like ABE.”
she first walked into the classroom at
erything came naturally. I loved it.”
Testing at the Parksville Career Centre pointed Pickup towards the health care field. “It makes perfect sense because I’ve always enjoyed helping people,” Pickup said. “This is the journey I’m supposed to be taking.” Pickup received the Rich Johnston photo: viu Communications
Award for maintaining an A average and is now volunteering to gain handson experience in the health care field. Eventually, after further training at VIU, she hopes to work at a seniors care home as a licensed practical nurse. into her eyes and knew instantly I
instructor Allen lewis discusses, with shona pickup, the pieces of a biology assignment
needed to find a new, more meaningful and better paying career,” he said.
ABT Grad shares recipe for success
Lyderik upgraded his math and English through the popular Adult Basic Education program in 2005. He enrolled in
Work hard and think positive—that’s Chris Lyderik’s (ABT ’06) recipe
pleting level one at the Cowichan cam-
for success.
pus and level two in Nanaimo. Lyderik
After graduating from Vancouver Island
chose to specialize in accounting, and
University’s Applied Business Technology program, he was hired by Lafarge,
Hub City Paving, a division of Lafarge, immediately after graduation.
70,000-plus employees and connec-
Don Hubbard, general manager for
tions around the world.
Lafarge’s North West Division, Van-
“I couldn’t be happier,” said Lyderik.
couver Island, and Vocational Trade
well for me. Going to Malaspina photo: viu Communications
landed a job as an accounting clerk with
a top international company with
“Things have worked out extremely
Chris lyderik is living large with lafarge
VIU’s 10-month ABT program, com-
played a big part.” Today, Lyderik is a construction estimator for Island Slipform in Victoria, a division of Lafarge. Two years ago, he was managing a fast-food restaurant. His motivation for a career change came from his newborn baby. “I looked
School alumnus (Heavy Duty / Commercial Transport Mechanics, ’66) said it’s rewarding to see grads like Lyderik succeed. “Malaspina grads all come out of school prepared to work,” said Hubbard. “They’re fresh and learn quickly. If they work hard and persevere, they’ll go far and we’ll help them get there.”
spring/summer 2008 | viu.CA/Alumni
photo: viu Communications
“ Life got really bad.
After two years, I knew I couldn’t live like that anymore.
Jason Devlin: the sky’s the limit
Malaspina takes student from Adult Basic Education to medical school Jason Devlin (B.Sc. ’07) knows all about overcoming life’s challenges. Several years ago, he was addicted to drugs and living on the streets of Vancouver. Today, he’s a confident and successful graduate of Malaspina University-College and attending medical school. “I’m excited and glad things have worked out for me,” said Devlin, who was courted by graduate and medical schools across the country with scholarships and entrance awards. “A career in medicine has been my goal for quite some time.” Devlin’s personal and academic success is miraculous when you consider that at age 15, as a rebellious teenager, he left home and got addicted to heroin in Vancouver. “Life got really bad,” he said. “After two years, I knew I couldn’t live like that anymore. The only way to survive was to remove myself from that situation.” Devlin returned to Powell River at age 18 and sought the help he needed. During his withdrawal from drugs, various counsellors with Family 12
Journey | Alumni neWs
Devlin, a biology major, received the Governor General’s Academic Silver Medal for outstanding achievement in a four-year degree program. He scored a 9.7 Grade Point Average out of a possible 10. He also received a prestigious Canada Graduate scholarship worth $17,500 and was a three-time winner of the Undergraduate Summer Research Award from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council. Services recommended he find something positive to occupy his time. “I figured school was better than working, so I enrolled in Adult Basic Education at the Powell River campus,” he said. “I wasn’t sure if I wanted to do more than ABE at the time, but I thought it was an appropriate first step for anything, and wouldn’t be a waste of time.” Devlin moved to the Nanaimo campus in 2003 and enrolled in the Bachelor of Science program. He excelled in his studies, and was hired to work for three
consecutive summers in VIU’s multimillion dollar Applied Environmental Research Lab. Chemistry professor Dr. Chris Gill said Devlin “has been a valuable member of the AERL team. His contributions to research have resulted in presentations at several international conferences and a peer reviewed publication. I’m proud to have been directly involved in his growth as a student and researcher. He’s a great example of the excellence possible here at VIU.”
Chester and the amazing Technicolour dream job
photo: Bob Cooney
Design grad finds success in Alberta At 25, graphic designer Stephenie Chester (ITAS Digital Media Dipl ’04, Applied Arts – Graphics Dipl ’03) is already at the top of her game as the
senior designer at the University of Lethbridge. She is responsible for designing everything from advertisements, recruitment materials, invitations, and
institutional publications, as well as
cate the industry environment as much
directing photo shoots. Her favourite
as possible, Chester not only graduated
project is an annual report to the com-
with two diplomas, but with a complete
munity, which circulates to 325,000
and diverse portfolio—a crucial element
households in Alberta.
for anyone working in a media and
After graduating from high school,
communications related field.
Chester applied to three schools: Mala-
“Without Malaspina I would never have
spina University-College, Emily Carr
had the well-rounded portfolio and the
Institute of Art and Design in Vancou-
practical knowledge of the design in-
ver, and the Alberta College of Art and
dustry that I have now. Both the graph-
Design in Calgary. Malaspina came out
ics and the digital media programs at
on top because it was close to home
Malaspina have given me the only thing
and would provide her with an intimate
I ever wanted for my future—a chance
class setting.
to be me, be challenged and be success-
“I wanted a truly personalized educa-
ful in a career that is driven by passion.”
tion with room to grow and define
Her passion has paid off. Her team has
myself as an artist, and I found that
won national design awards from the
at Malaspina,” said Chester, who also
Council for Advancement and Support
served as art director for Malaspina’s
of Education. Already in 2008, Univer-
student newspaper, The Navigator. “I
sity of Lethbridge’s Annual Report for
wouldn’t have changed a thing about
2006/07 has won awards from CASE
my education at Malaspina. I learned
(bronze) and the Canadian Council for
more in two years than I ever could
the Advancement of Education (silver).
have completing a degree at a larger
Chester also runs her own design
design school.”
studio, Chester Creative:
Because the VIU programs aim to repli-
Waugh is the Director of Equipment
where he stayed until it was bought by
and Facilities for the Hayes group of
Hayes in 1981. Waugh credits a range
companies, and manages up to 90 em-
of jobs in oil, mining, forestry, and
ployees. An average week can take him
road building for preparing him for his
from mining operations in northern B.C.
multi-faceted job at Hayes.
to the oil patch in Alberta and back to his
Heavy duty grad leads forest industry team Al Waugh, Cam mclellan, Dustin parein
photo: mark Kaarremaa
huge maintenance shop in Duncan.
Waugh is a long-serving member of the advisory committee for the Heavy
He remembers his time in the Heavy
Duty Mechanic program, ensuring that
Duty Mechanics program fondly, and
the curriculum and the instructors are
credits the influences of instructors
kept up to date on industry’s needs.
Ross Dingwall and Emil Sorensen for
He estimates that almost all of his
his success.
employees came through Malaspina
“At that time, we were in the old army
programs, including a current lineup of seven apprentices and 10 welders
tank shop from World War Two,” Waugh said. “The heavy duty guys were
and fabricators.
at one end and the tire repair guys were
Waugh’s relationship to VIU has
at the other. Welding was next door in
expanded through his family. His two
the old shed. We had some great times,
sons, Mike and Glen, are currently in
and our instructors really inspired us.”
Heavy Duty apprentice training, and
and moved into a dorm room in the old
After graduation, Waugh went to work
daughter Alyse is in her fourth year of
army huts where the Applied Stud-
for the Mangel heavy equipment com-
ies Building (180) stands today. Now,
pany and later Pat Carson Bulldozing,
Al Waugh has come a long way since he walked into the old heavy duty shop on Wakesiah Avenue for the first time in 1977, when he signed on for a sixmonth course in Heavy Duty Mechanics
BA studies, majoring in history.
spring/summer 2008 | viu.CA/Alumni
Malaspina: A Historical Perspective 14
Journey | Alumni neWs
A Current Perspective
music students phil Albert (bass), nico rhodes (saxophone - obscured), and Ayaka Kinugawa (piano) perform at the malaspina Theatre, highlighting the donation of an electric grand piano to viu by Don and Karla irvine
l-r: Alec Watson (BA ‘05), suzanne Teresa (BA ‘05), at an alumni reception in the spring of 2007 mBA student volunteers. l-r: sujie guo, ye Qian, lukman garbadeen
A successful alumni social was hosted by the Department of recreation and Tourism in march, 2007, at the new Faculty of management Building richard Crowley (BTm - recreation ‘07), Aggie Weighill (recreation Admin ‘97), Heather prencipe (BTm - recreation ‘07), richard giele (BTm - recreation ‘07) Dino Tsembelis (BTm - recreation ‘06)
The First Annual mBA Alumni reception was held at the royal Arbutus room in may, 2008. l-r: Dana sirri (‘06), iliana Correa (‘06), Cameron Wilson (‘06), Tolga Habali (‘04), Dalia gonzalez (‘05), Joanna Hesketh (‘05), Feron Ann Walker (‘06). missing: Anne Crocker (‘04) and victoria Trebesh (‘03)
spring/summer 2008 | viu.CA/Alumni
The New Breed of MBAs by John Woychuk
They dream of being CEOs of billion dollar companies. They dream of living the life of Jimmy Pattison, with private yachts anchored in the harbour year round, just waiting to whisk them off on a private exotic holiday. This might well be the dream of any one of us, but these are people that actually have a solid plan to get there—by age 45. Right now, they couldn’t be further
tional Business program is redefining
Quite the contrary to good hearty
from that dream. They’re students,
all generalizations about the dog eat
laughter, the above scenario begins
living off the working grid to earn their
dog MBA world. This remarkable shift
with challenges that surface within the
Master of Business Administration
is due to collaboration, and on an
first days and weeks of the program.
at Vancouver Island University. For
international scale.
Students who have grown up having
What do you get when you put thirty
robust success communicating in their
many, the mere utterance of the acronym ‘MBA’ stirs up the notion of extreme competition; that MBA students are typically the type of people who are willing to do what it takes to make it to the top, and it wouldn’t be the top if everyone made it there.
people from twenty different countries in the same room and tell them that not only do they need to get along, but their success is inextricably tied to the actions
various culturally rewarded ways suddenly find those ways failing. Misinterpretations occur and fragile new relationships between students are
of one another? If this sounds like the
put to the test. If this were a Bruce Lee movie, it
MBA class at VIU. In fact, it would be a
would now be the time for Bruce to
ty’s dual Master of Business Adminis-
comedic opportunity if so much weren’t
advance courageously and defeat the
tration, Master of Science in Interna-
on the line for each of these students.
over-sized villain, defying the per-
illustration: istockphoto.com
lead-in to a joke, it’s not. It describes an
However, Vancouver Island Universi-
Journey | Alumni neWs
ception that power is based on size. The battle happening in the MBA classroom is also about perception, knowing that every experience is inevitably filtered and understood thought a cultural lens. It is a battle that is won by learning and adapting—being one with the situation rather than opposing it. Enter Joanna Hesketh, Malaspina MBA graduate in 2005 and present MBA mentor. Hesketh, a Canadian, experienced the intercultural, collaborative learning model of the MBA program at Malaspina, and is now thriving from it. Hesketh knows that collaboration, especially intercultural collaboration, is a tremendous learning experience—one
Joanna Hesketh with friends and colleagues she met through the mBA program
been for her disability, she never would have met so
that she sees as much value in as her MBA.
many amazing people in Canada.
“I learned so much from working with
“I hope that my experience in the
students from around the world,” said Hesketh, who currently works as a coordinator in the Marketing & Recruitment Services Office at VIU. “The impact of these collective intelligent
There is a kindred friendship that has developed between Hesketh and Lai that has given something of great value
program can help Peggy in her stud-
to both of them. They respect one an-
ies,” Hesketh said. “It’s so important
other and because Hesketh represents
when going through such an intense
the potential of Lai’s future, Hesketh
program that someone tells you it’s all
mentors her through the inevitable
right to take some time for yourself or
minds—all of which grew up with a
that they are doing well in the program.”
very different lifestyle and culture—
Hesketh’s story, as it relates to the
discussing issues that directly impact-
intercultural, collaborative MBA pro-
ed one or another of those around the
gram, is not a rarity. Many other grads
room is something I will never forget.”
from this program have confirmed that
Hesketh is mentoring Peggy Lai, an
the diversity of learning has uniquely
international student who completed her undergraduate business studies in Canada with a focus in marketing. Being from Taiwan, she faces many of the cultural and language barriers that other international students
difficulties she will face on the way to graduating. Vancouver Island University’s outstanding MBA students are currently seeking internships. Internships are 10 – 16 weeks in duration and are typically project based work experi-
contributed to their current paths. However, Hesketh has taken the learning full circle. What she once suffered to understand, she now teaches to others. It appears to be her way of giving
ences. If your organization has a project or research in business areas such as marketing, finance, IT, human resources, or operations management, please contact Brook Pearce, VIU In-
back, but strictly speaking that’s only
ternship Coordinator, to learn how Lai
face. Unlike other international MBA
half true.
students, however, Lai also happens
Hesketh admits that she is blessed to
to be deaf in both ears. With hearing
call such an amazing person like Peggy
aids and an incredible will to learn and
Lai her friend. “Peggy is inspiring and
For more information on becoming
excel, Lai is doing what many would
endearing in one breath,” she said.
an MBA mentor, please contact
never attempt in her situation. And
“I’m continually amazed by the level
John Woychuk, (250) 740-6575,
she’s doing it with gratitude in her
of work that she produces, considering
or woychukj@viu.ca.
heart. According to Lai, if it hadn’t
English is her second language.”
or another MBA intern can benefit you: (250) 740-6574, or pearceb@viu.ca.
spring/summer 2008 | viu.CA/Alumni
The Golden Girls of Malaspina
by Matt Carter
The Malaspina Mariners women’s volleyball team capped off an incredible season by winning the 2008 CCAA National Championship at Mount Royal College in March. This was the first national title for the women’s volleyball team, and Malaspina’s first national title since the women’s basketball team brought home the hardware in 1998. The women’s volleyball team has been a powerhouse for Malaspina Athletics over recent years. Before winning gold in 2008, the team won bronze at the 2007 and 2006 national championships to go with second-place finishes in 2002-2004 and 2000. The program can also boast eleven BCCAA provincial championships over the last thirteen years. In terms of wins and losses, it was a perfect season. The Mariners ran off 23 consecutive wins to complete an undefeated regular season, and roared through the provincial and national championships without losing a single game. After defeating UBC Okanagan to capture the provincial title, the team earned victories over St. Thomas University and again over UBC Okanagan in the preliminary rounds of the national championship. In the title game, the Mariners defeated the host Mount Royal Cougars 25-18, 25-9, 30-28. Malaspina’s Ashley Greig was named Tournament MVP, while Kylie Crick was named to the 1st All-Star Team and Leigh Dreher to the The Mariners were coached by three Malaspina alumni: head coach Shane Hyde (BA ’06) and assistants Danielle Hyde (Rec and Sport Management ’01, BTM ’03) and Rob Barcelos (PE Dipl ’03, Rec and mariner Britt grydeland: serving it right
Sport Management ’04, BTM – Rec ’06).
photos: malaspina Athletics
Mariners Best in British Columbia
J o u r n e y | AT H l e T i C s
Malaspina’s athletics department is the top program in B.C. for 2007-08 after the Mariners were co-awarded the British Columbia Colleges’ Athletic Association (BCCAA) Aggregate Trophy. With a combined score of 56 points across five sports, the Mariners tied Douglas College and will share the honour this year. This is the second consecutive year and sixth time overall that Mariner Athletics has taken the top honour. The Mariners were led by the women’s volleyball team, which went undefeated and captured the first national title for the Malaspina in ten years. Other highlights included a provincial silver medal for the men’s volleyball team, three silver medals in badminton at the provincials, berths in the provincial tournaments for both the men’s and women’s basketball teams, and a seventh place finish for the golf team at the national championships. Malaspina now VIU competes in badminton, basketball, golf, soccer, and volleyball. Visit www.gomariners.ca for more information.
photo: sergei Belski
2nd All-Star Team.
photo: viu Communications
photo: sergei Belski
Hyde addresses the team during the national championship game
Hyde on campus
National award caps off perfect season for M’s coach by David Forrester
Shane Hyde (BA ’06) can add another
said Mariner Athletic Director Bruce
sors, and of course the amazing views
distinction to his already impressive
Hunter. “His hard work in all aspects of
on campus and wonderful community.”
coaching resume. The Mariners wom-
the program has created a culture that’s
One notable recruit for 2008-09 is
en’s volleyball coach was recognized as
second to none in both on and off court
John Philip’s daughter Keri, a setter
the 2007-08 Canadian Colleges Athletic
activities, and that has led to the suc-
who comes to VIU after playing three
Association Coaching Across All Sports
cess of his teams.”
years with Simon Fraser University.
Before getting his break as head coach
Hyde also takes pride in being a part
of the women’s volleyball team, Hyde
of the overall development of student
benefited from the guidance of two
athletes. “I enjoy seeing the teams have
coaching influences: John Philip from
success on the court, but I love to see
Ballenas Secondary School and Mariner
athletes succeed off the court as well,”
“The award is a huge honour and I
coach Rick Bevis. “John was a big influ-
he said. “It’s great to see one of my
wasn’t expecting it after missing out on
ence early on and Rick really showed
players succeed in class or see a former
the provincial and national coaching
me how to become a college coach,”
athlete in the community that is suc-
awards this past season,” Hyde said.
Hyde said. “I wasn’t the best indoor
cessful in their career, recently married,
“After seven years as head coach, it is
player as I prefer the beach game, but
or has kids now.”
amazing to be recognized for the suc-
I really enjoyed being part of the team.
cess of the program.”
Leadership has always interested me, so
The Mariners have been nothing short
coaching came naturally.”
of dominant under Hyde’s guidance,
Hyde, who graduated with minors in
it appears that he will be there for the
winning eight provincial gold medals
physical education and history, consid-
foreseeable future. “I’m excited about
and seven national medals. The nation-
ers his time on campus an asset to get-
the direction of the program, especially
al medal haul includes two bronze, four
ting the best players to commit to VIU.
during this time of change as Malaspi-
silver, and the gold medal from 2007-
“When recruiting players, I can tell
na becomes VIU and the athletic depart-
08, when the Mariners did not lose a
them about my experience on campus
ment considers joining the CIS. It will be
game on their way to the national title.
and how I enjoyed the small class sizes,
interesting to see what the next chapter
“Shane is very deserving of this award,”
one-on-one interactions with profes-
of the athletics program will be.”
Award at the Mariners year-end athletic awards banquet. The award recognizes overall coaching contributions, leadership, and commitment to education goals over a five year period.
If previous success is any indication, the Mariners are in good hands with Hyde at the helm. By all indications,
spring/summer 2008 | viu.CA/Alumni
photo: David Forrester
The gingerbread village is an annual tradition
guy Doiron has the santa spirit
Festival of Trees Enjoys Record Breaking Year The popular Christmas fundraiser for the Malaspina University-College Foundation, Festival of Trees, raised $130,000 in 2007, up from $106,000 the previous year. The bulk of the proceeds, $75,000, will go towards the Foundation’s Keys to Success campaign, which supports student scholarships, awards, and bursaries. The remainder will go into student programs and to the Foundation’s endowment fund. The good news was announced at the 12th Annual Business Breakfast held in March at the Nanaimo campus. The sold out event attracted over 250 community and business leaders, many of whom are alumni and long-time supporters of the Festival of Trees and Malaspina.
george Hrabowych
New leader for Malaspina Foundation George Hrabowych, partner in the Nanaimo firm of Herold Engineering, is the new chair of the Malaspina University-College Foundation for 2008. Hrabowych has been a Foundation Director for seven years and has been very active in the annual Festival of Trees and the Foundation’s Keys To Success campaign to raise funds for
Jeet Manhas, 2007 Festival Chair, said funds donated from local businesses or
new scholarships, awards and bursaries
individuals to the Keys to Success campaign will be matched with pledges of $500 or
for Malaspina students.
more per year over three years to support student scholarships, awards, and bursaries. A total of 35 new pledges were received at this year’s Business Breakfast. Support from the business community and fundraising efforts by the Foundation go a long way to making post-secondary education more affordable and accessible for students, said VIU President Dr. Ralph Nilson. “The ongoing community support for
Support Students when Buying or Selling a House
events such as the Festival of Trees and the Business Breakfast is gratifying,” said
Thinking of buying or selling a house?
Nilson. “Our students benefit directly.”
Realtors who are established donors to the Malaspina University-College Foundation have pledged continuing
Tartan, Kilts, and Bagpipes at 2008 Festival of Trees
support for Malaspina students by
The Festival of Trees is going Scottish in 2008. The festivities will run from Nov. 21
commission on purchases and sales of
to 29 with a Scottish theme throughout six events, ranging from an elegant gala to fun-filled family days that bring upwards of 3,500 visitors to the Nanaimo campus.
property by, or referred by, Malaspina University-College staff or students.
The Festival of Trees is a Christmas celebration and an annual tradition in Nanaimo,
These contributions will be donated
jointly supported by the Foundation, Vancouver Island University, and supporters
to the Malaspina University-College
and volunteers.
Foundation fund for student awards,
For more information on the 2008 Festival of Trees, please contact Susie Caswell at the Vancouver Island University Foundation Office by phone at (250) 740-6216, or by e-mail: caswells@viu.ca.
donating 25 per cent of their net
J o u r n e y | F o u n D AT i o n
scholarships, and bursaries. If you wish to participate, please contact Susie Caswell by phone at (250) 740-6216.
Lisa Radetic | How an Award Helped Me Lisa Radetic is a Malaspina business student, majoring in accounting and finance. She is a second-generation Malaspina student; her father, Boris Radetic, studied in the Millwright Apprentice Program from 1980-82. High levels of academic achievement have helped Lisa earn the Millennium Scholarship Award, the Vancouver Island Real Estate Board Business Scholarship, and the A. Rod Glen Business Management Award. In May, 2008, Lisa was part of a field school that visited Shanghai and Guangzhou, China, to study Chinese financial markets, cross-cultural marketing, and the management of multicultural and multilingual groups. Following is an excerpt from her address to participants at the Malaspina
photo: matt Carter
University-College Foundation and Alumni’s 12th Annual Business Breakfast in March, 2008.
lisa radetic: destined for success
Being a Malaspina student means many
give back to this school which has done
things. It means friendship, learning,
so much for me. It has become a pas-
opportunities, community, and con-
sion to enrich the community feeling;
nections. With its smaller class sizes,
not only in the business faculty, but
intimate campus, and warm people,
across the entire campus. Last Novem-
Malaspina is without a doubt a com-
ber [2007], a team of seven colleagues
munity with a welcoming and inclusive
and I created and organized the first
environment. You will walk through
annual Malaspina University Leader-
campus and see people you know—peo-
ship Conference, which played host to
ple you’ve only had one class with in
75 students from Malaspina, UBC, SFU,
first year, but you still know their name
and Kwantlen. The event sought to in-
and say “hello”. Professors know your
spire young leaders about the creativity,
name; they know details about your life
innovation, and imagination needed in
and who you are. This is truly unique
today’s fast-paced, constantly changing
and has made for a school that fosters
world. Preparations for the 2008 Mal-U
learning and connections and makes it
Leadership Conference have already
a pleasure to come to every day.
begun, with the challenge of topping all
As I’ve learned during my four years
that was accomplished in 2007.
here at Malaspina, school is more than
My passion is to own my own busi-
just classrooms and textbooks. There
nesses. The opportunities I have had to
is so much learning that needs to occur
run events and projects, create business
beyond the scope of a lecture, and it is
plans, and network with other enthu-
learning that involves becoming a well-
siastic business students from across
rounded student and human being. As
Canada has made it clear to me that this
soon as I discovered this, I decided to
is what I want to do. When I begin my
run for president of the Malaspina Busi-
businesses, I will have already experi-
ness Students’ Association, the official
enced what it means to manage people
club of the Malaspina Business Pro-
with differing values and personalities,
gram—and I won! This club is now the
do contingency planning to effectively
most active club on campus and seeks
deal with anything that comes my way,
to supplement students’ education with
and start projects with zero dollars to
networking events, professional work-
our name. This un-traditional learning
shops, and scholarship opportunities.
has changed my life and moulded my
Because I’ve been so fortunate to
future in directions I didn’t even know I
receive financial assistance that has
could take—
helped me take part in opportunities such as these, I have done my best to
- and for that, I am so grateful.
spring/summer 2008 | viu.CA/Alumni
by Matt Carter
paul manly records the front lines at a protest in montebello, Quebec
Adopting that mantra is filmmaker
After earning a broadcast diploma from
traits. I saw TV dumbing itself down for
Paul Manly (BA ’07), who has garnered
Algonquin College in 1991, Manly began
audiences, and saw a lot of crap—espe-
attention for his footage and films that
working as an independent producer
cially violent programming—become
promote social activism and encourage
and freelancer in the television
accessible on normal cable.” In order to
public debate on political issues. He
industry. He credits his first “victory”
regroup, he looked to empower himself
also owns a full service media produc-
as an activist filmmaker to a shoot in
with more skills and strengthen his
tion company, Manly Media.
1993. Disappointed in the lack of media
writing and researching, which led him
Manly, who grew up in Ladysmith and
coverage of logging and erosion around
to Malaspina.
Ottawa, embraced music before video. He played bass professionally for ten years and studied jazz at Humber College. Inspired by his mother Eva, a video producer, Manly turned to filmmaking with the intention of producing
the Sooke Reservoir—Victoria’s primary source of drinking water—Manly rented a plane and shot footage of the environmental degradation. Local television picked up the footage, and within ten days, public outcry led to a
volunteering with the Chiapas Media Project, a group that helped Zapatista villagers in southern Mexico produce their own indigenous media with computers and video cameras. To as-
music videos. He saw video as a more
moratorium on logging in the area.
powerful medium than music.
However, in the early 2000s, Manly
Spanish at Malaspina. However, all of
became disillusioned with industry
the introductory Spanish courses were
following the cancellation of a number
full, so he enrolled in political sci-
of series he was working on, combined
ence, global studies, and media studies
with changing trends in programming.
courses. Manly had no intention at
“I wouldn’t make TV that I wouldn’t
the time of pursuing a degree, but was
“I didn’t think rock and roll was going to change the world anymore,” Manly said.
watch or that I wouldn’t want my kids to watch,” Manly said. “Reality TV tends to put people into situations in order to exploit humanity’s worst
One of Manly’s projects involved
J o u r n e y | F e AT u r e
sist his efforts, Manly decided to study
excited to find instructors and fellow students who were also interested in talking about the environment and social justice.
photo submitted
The lens doesn’t lie.
ters that existed on the West Coast of
cover officers. As of May, 2008, the
able to dig into their subjects and do
Vancouver Island for more than thirty
YouTube clip had been viewed over
substantial research, which was able
years, earned praise from a number of
380,000 times.
to be applied to work in the ‘outside
media outlets, including CBC Radio,
world’,” said Manly, who graduated
the Globe and Mail, and Victoria Times
with minors in global studies and
Colonist. Its premiere and second
media studies. “I really enjoyed the
screening at the Victoria Independent
education experience.”
Film and Video Festival were sold out.
photo submitted
“I really appreciated that students were
paul, samantha, and Aven in Belize
Manly and his wife, Samantha Letourneau (BA ’07), completed global studies internships in Belize in 2007. Travelling with daughter Aven, Manly shot promotional footage for the University of Belize for both domestic and international markets, while Letourneau studied municipal governance and community planning methods. “It was wonderful that we both had opportunities to work in Belize at the same time,” Letourneau said, whose internship recommendations led to the establishment of a Malaspina field school to Belize by the Geography department. “This kind of international experience opens
something new.” Manly has had continued success with his video projects. Sombrio, a 2006 documentary about the eviction of a diverse community of surfers and squat-
profession. But the initial lack of coverage shows how mainstream media can
because it was an example of self-
people should watch news on different
sufficient living in the modern age,”
networks, CBC, and YouTube to see
Manly said. “There were never serious
how they cover the same story. If you’re
problems with the community but once
always watching the same network,
the government became interested in
you’re always getting the same slant.”
creating a park, the community was
“Video is a powerful medium,” Manly
re-branded by the media as a bunch of
adds. “Information sinks in, but in an
rowdies and freeloaders. I made Som-
emotional way.”
brio not just because it is an interest-
Manly’s work as a student and profes-
ing story but because I also wanted to
sional has not gone unnoticed by his
give the people in the community the
professors. Marshall Soules, chair of the
respect they deserved.” In 2007, at a summit meeting of North American political leaders in Montebello, Que., Manly shot footage of a standoff between demonstrators and a trio of combat-gear wearing ‘protestors’ wielding rocks, their faces hidden behind bandanas. The scene was framed by a line of helmeted riot police, across the street from a cemetery. Demonstrators accused the three men of being police provocateurs, dispatched to incite violence in order to discredit the protest.
chance to step outside the box and try
officers. “I believe it’s an honourable
bury a story, and that’s why I think
Video is a powerful medium. Information sinks in, but in an emotional way.
your perspective, and gives you a
ing that his uncle and sister are police
“Sombrio is an important story
The accusations
and broadens
“I’m not anti-police,” Manly said, not-
were dismissed by government sources and hardly analyzed by mainstream media. However, after Manly
uploaded his footage to YouTube, his video clips were picked up and broadcast for three consecutive nights on national newscasts and the story made the front page of the Globe and Mail. Quebec provincial police were forced to
Media Studies program, lauded Manly’s dedication to his craft and beliefs.
“It’s been a pleasure and an
inspiration to know Paul as a student, an independent filmmaker, and an engaged social activist,” Soules said. “He’s obviously talented and hard-working, but equally important are his infectious commitment to social justice and his keen sense of ethics. Paul’s a mover and a shaker with a conscience—someone the Malaspina community will want to watch with interest.” Manly is currently working on a documentary, Trading Democracy for Corporate Rule, which critiques a number of proposed North American trade agreements. For more information on this film and other projects, visit manlymedia.com.
admit that the three men were under-
spring/summer 2008 | viu.CA/Alumni
The Media is the Voyage
by Matt Carter
If you’ve lived on Vancouver Island at any point over the last 23 years, chances are good that you’ve seen the face, heard the voice, or read the words of Malaspina University-College’s first Bachelor of Arts graduate to major in English. With experience in radio, print, electronic media, and now television, David Wiwchar (BA ’98) is a key figure in Vancouver Island journalism and was named one of the Island’s “Top 40 Under 40” in 2006. Wiwchar was born in Port Alberni and raised in Nanaimo, where he started his media career at CHUB Radio. With encouragement from a family friend in the radio industry, Wiwchar recorded a demo tape in a production studio, and was hired the next day. He was 17 years old. After seven years with CHUB and CKEG, Wiwchar began to photo: A-Channel
explore other career options. With a childhood often spent
David Wiwchar turns it up, brings the news.
to enrol in Malaspina now VIU’s Resource Management Officer Technology program. Before taking RMOT courses, Wiwchar had to complete academic foundation courses, including an entry-level English course taught by Elizabeth Grove-White.
“I vividly remember marking David’s
Edmonton to create their online news
in Port Alberni. The newspaper’s
first English assignment when he
portal, Canada.com. While in Ed-
aim to provide a culturally sensitive
was a student,” said Grove-White,
monton, Wiwchar continued to take
viewpoint to First Nations stories
who now teaches at the University of
courses at the University of Alberta
resonated strongly with Wiwchar. “I
Victoria. “David’s assignment jumped
before returning to Vancouver Island
always felt that I wasn’t just working
out from the pile because his eye was
to complete his degree at Malaspina.
for a paycheque, but for principles
“Before convocating, I was given the
I strongly believed in—Aboriginal
so sharp, his writing voice so fresh. I returned the paper and told him he
choice of receiving my English BA
rights, title, and self-determination.”
from Malaspina University-College or
Through Ha-Shilth-Sa, Wiwchar won
the University of Victoria,” Wiwchar
a number of high-profile awards,
said. “I chose Malaspina, where I was
including a Canadian Association of
on a first-name basis with everyone
Journalists award for investigative
from the janitor to the president, and
journalism in 2004 for “Nuu-Chah-
where I had received a fantastic edu-
Nulth Blood Returns to West Coast”.
Wiwchar switched into a BA program
cation and the confidence I needed
The story documented the unethical
and focused largely on journalism
for my career choice.”
use of blood samples collected from
After graduating, Wiwchar assumed
members of the Ahousaht First Na-
had potential. I also told him—rather briskly—if he wanted to become a good writer, he’d better work on grammar and spelling, and I thought he should consider the university stream at Malaspina.”
and literature courses, earning the L. C. Parkin Award scholarship in 1996. He also took multimedia courses from professors Grove-White and Marshall Soules, which led to his hiring by Southam Newspapers in 24
exploring the forests in south Nanaimo, it was a natural choice
J o u r n e y | F e AT u r e
the role of managing editor at HaShilth-Sa, the oldest First Nations newspaper in Canada, published by the Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council
tion. The story, researched in collaboration with Michael Tymchuk of CBC Radio, spurred international debate on ethics in health and human research.
After winning the CAJ award, Wiwchar was offered jobs from a number of media outlets. Citing a desire to stay on Vancouver Island, he accepted a job with Victoria television station AChannel to serve as their Alberni Valley and West Coast videographer. The leap from print to television, Wiwchar says, was challenging. “When I was at The Edmonton Journal and The Nanaimo Daily News, I would write at least five stories every day. In television, it takes a lot of energy and time to put together even one or two stories. Because I’m a video journalist, I’m a one-man band—I set up interviews, do the editing. It’s not easy to juggle everything at once.” Still, the power and scope of television is recognized by Wiwchar. “Television is arguably the most effective form of journalism,” he said.
international award winning, full-service graphic design studio that is owned and staffed almost exclusively by malaspina alumni
Shilth-Sa, but notes that the best day
for First Nations journalists is when
Journey. Twice per year you will read
“No other media conveys emotion as well, or reaches as many people.” Wiwchar still subscribes to Ha-
First Nations newspapers are no longer needed, signaling fair coverage of Aboriginal issues from the mainstream media. “I think mainstream coverage for First Nations issues has improved, mainly because of First Nations leaders who understand the power of the media and invite reporters into their communities,” Wiwchar said. “I also think that mainstream media are aware that there are important stories in First Nations communities that aren’t receiving the attention they should, but unfortunately most newsrooms still aren’t doing anything about it.”
ur school has an amazing his-
brochures, websites, tourism literature,
tory filled with amazing peo-
logos, brand identities, advertisements,
ple, and their stories deserve
and product packaging, including a
to be shared. This is the impetus behind
highly-regarded series of wine labels. Dodds and his crew’s professionalism
about personal triumphs, professional
and dedication to this magazine is not
accomplishments, emotional connec-
only an excellent example of the skills
tions, student successes; VTS, Mala-
that VTS, Malaspina, and now VIU
spina, and VIU graduates are among
graduates possess, but a great example
the best ambassadors that Vancouver
of the intense pride that we as alumni
Island could ever hope for.
have for our school. I hope that this en-
In your hands is a tangible alumni suc-
thusiasm to share these stories spreads
cess story. The superlative first issue
throughout the VIU community.
has been designed by Primal Commu-
The journey to a post-secondary educa-
nications, an international award win-
tion forges powerful relationships and
ning, full-service graphic design studio
changes lives. This is what the alumni
that is owned and staffed almost exclu-
perspective celebrates, and we thank
sively by Malaspina alumni. President
Primal Communications for their sup-
and Creative Director Rob Dodds (Dipl
port in bringing that perspective to life.
Applied Arts – Graphics ’90) started the company in Nanaimo in 1994. In addition to magazine publishing experience, Primal has designed catalogues,
Matt Carter (BA ’06) Editor, Journey
spring/summer 2008 | viu.CA/Alumni
photo concept: rob Dodds, photo credit: Alec Watson sTphotoworks.com
shooting, write the script, and do the
s e t o N s s a l C Brodie Ketelsen
(JAzz STUdIeS ’01) is currently working with both municipal and regional governments as a research planner. Ketelsen followed up his Malaspina studies with a BA in Urban Planning from UBC and has recently completed a MA degree in community planning from Alberta. Ketelsen also competes in regional surfing competitions and plays drums in two working bands.
Mike Deines (JAzz STUdIeS Lisa Hooper
’98) ANd
Linzie Kluss (HAIrdreSSING ’03) recently co-founded Studio Vogue Hair Design in Nanaimo with Kathy Grant.
(BTM – reCreATION ’00) were married in Harrison Hot Springs in 2007, and now live in Burnaby, B.C. Lisa is currently a personnel administrator with an IT company, and Mike is an effects animator with Atomic Cartoons.
Chelsea (Crane) Barr (BTM ‘03) is working as a communications clerk with the City
Scott (B.ed ’00, BA ’00, Pe dIPL ’96) ANd Sarah Jolly (B.ed
of Nanaimo’s Economic Development Office. Chelsea works with Destination
’00, BA ’00) live in Busan, Korea
Nanaimo looking after media relations
(population: 4 million people) with
and travel trade.
their daughters McKenna and Macyn
Aran Gough
and their golden retriever Soju. They
(B.SC ’96) is a Project Manager
work at the Busan Foreign School,
with Knight Piésold Consultores
an American international school.
S.A., the Peruvian office of Knight
Scott is currently the principal and
Piésold Consulting, a multinational
Sarah teaches kindergarten. They have also helped to develop the school curriculum, and have coached a
Cleopatra Corbett
number of soccer and basketball teams.
(BTM – reCreATION ’04) is the
with the preparation of social and
Dustin Bodnaryk
Manager of Development Services/
environmental impact assessments for
Planning with the Town of Golden
mining and hydroelectric industries.
(BTM – reCreATION ’07) is the Tourism Development Coordinator for the City of Dawson Creek—known as Mile 0 of the Alaska Highway. Bodnaryk invites all alumni to visit the Mile 0 City to experience the
certificate from SFU. Corbett still finds time to take to the stage, acting in local plays and playing funky bass and guitar.
Mike Stone
and attractions that are provided in
Northern British Columbia.
and his brother Marcus started Top
(B.ed ’06, BA ’06) is heading to Hong Kong on a two-year teaching contract this summer. Journey | Alumni ClAss noTes
consulting firm. Gough works principally
(B.C.) and is pursuing an Urban Design
history, culture, activities, events,
Adam LaForest
environmental and engineering
Drawer Graphics & Screenprinting in Nanaimo, and have served a variety of corporate, athletic, and personal clients.
Alumni, send us a class no te to tell us about your new job, pr omotion, wedding, family addition, tra or further academic achieve vels, ments!
e-mail: alumni@viu.ca
subject: Class notes
Development and Alumn
vancouver island unive
114 – 59 Wharf street
nanaimo, BC v9r 2X3 CAnADA
golDen girls oF mAlAspinA wINNerS Of THe 2008 CCAA NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP
BACk rOw L-r: Danielle Hyde, shane Hyde, Jackie Tait, laura littlejohn, Britt grydeland, Aileen Holder, Kylie Crick, Caitilin moilliet, rob Barcelos frONT rOw L-r: sara Harrington, lindsay mcloughlin, leigh Dreher, Tamara rosenlund, Ashley greig, Felicia mark spring/summer 2008 | viu.CA/Alumni
Milner Gardens & Woodland has been
Milner Gardens was the dream and
received national acclaim after being
open to the public. Malaspina Univer-
creation of one very determined
listed as one of the top ten public
sity-College acquired the property in
woman, Veronica Milner. Her second
gardens in Canada.
1996 to provide learning and research
husband, Horatio “Ray” Milner, was a
“Spirits on site are pretty high after the
opportunities in the art and science of
successful Canadian businessman and
horticulture, as well as other activities
lawyer who purchased what is now
appropriate to the garden and forest.
Milner Gardens in 1937 and began
The property provides an amazing
developing the site. Veronica Milner
living laboratory for Malaspina’s
saw the garden and forest as a single
horticultural students, as well as the
living organism, a microcosm of calm
ders last fall.”
general public.
and tranquility.
Only a short drive north of Parksville,
The 70-acre property is a sensuous
Alumni are reminded that they are
delight. Old growth Douglas firs and
entitled to discounts on membership
cedars frame breathtaking views of the
rates, guest passes, and regularly-priced
Strait of Georgia, while the Gardens’
merchandise and plants with the presen-
small orchard, berry and vegetable
tation of their Alumni Privilege Card.
gardens, more than 400 varieties of
For more information about Milner
rhododendrons, blue-green hostas,
Gardens & Woodland, including hours
fragrant honeysuckle and delicate lace-
of operation, call (250)752-6153
cape hydrangeas soothe the eye.
or visit www.milnergardens.org.
recent listing by the Canadian Geographic Travel magazine,” said executive director Geoff Ball. “This comes on the heels of Milner Gardens being named one of Oceanside’s Seven Won-
Milner Gardens & Woodland features several special events throughout the year including the annual fall plant sale and Christmas Magic Celebration. Milner Gardens is also available for weddings and rental needs. This year marks the eighth year that
Journey | milner
GIVING BACk graduates of malaspina are great supporters, returning contributions to the school from which they earned their careers. They contribute to awards for students, often in the program from which they graduated, and also into programs and services, such as athletics, which benefited them through their student days.
For more inFormATion on HoW To give BACK, ConTACT
malaspina university-College Foundation 114 – 59 Wharf street nanaimo, B.C. v9r 2X3 phone (250) 740-6212 Fax (250) 740-6491 foundation@viu.ca www.viu.ca/foundation regisTereD CHAriTy 88733 3482 rr0001 (1994)
CALeNdAr Of eVeNTS 19th annual rBC Charity golf tournament fairwinds golf & Country Club nanoose Bay, B.C. September 9, 2008 partial proceeds to benefit the vancouver island university Foundation twenty-fifth anniversary men’s soccer national Championship reunion nanaimo, B.C. September 13-14, 2008 For more information, contact: mike Armstrong (physical education ‘73) (250)753-3245 - local 2493 armstrong@viu.ca
2008 BCCaa provincial soccer Championships nanaimo, B.C. October 24-25, 2008 mariner Field www.gomariners.ca
vancouver Island leadership Conference presented by vIu Business students nanaimo, B.C. November 13-15, 2008 http://www.malulc.ca
Department of recreation and tourism alumni reunion-Celebrating 35 years of recreation and 20 years of tourism at malaspina nanaimo, B.C. November 7 and 8, 2008 For information or to register, contact: Aggie Weighill (recreation Admin. Dipl ’97) (250) 753-3245 - local 2416 weighilla@viu.ca http://www.viu.ca/rectouralumni
2008 festival of trees In support of vancouver Island university and the vIu foundation malaspina (nanaimo) Campus November 21-29, 2008 For more information, including volunteer and sponsorship opportunities, contact: susie Caswell (250) 740-6216 caswells@viu.ca http://www.viu.ca/festival