2023 Centre for Experiential Learning

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Centre for Experiential Learning

Work-Integrated Learning & Career Services

2022 Highlights Report


Hay ch qa' sii'em siye'yu mukw mukw mustimuxw (Thank you respected ones of this place)

To the Snuneymuxw, Quw’utsun, Snaw-naw-as, Tla’amin, and Qualicum First Nation on whose traditional lands we teach, learn, research, live and share knowledge. We raise our hands and say Hay ch qa’ sii’em sieye’ yu mukw mustimuxw.

Centre for Experiential Learning, 900 Fifth Street, Nanaimo, BC V9R 5S5


Chris Yeast, Assistant Manager, Student Affairs

Sharon Milligan, Career and Co-operative Education Assistant

Tawnya Hoff, Experiential Learning Program Assistant


Alex Bowman; Alexis Beaubier; Brook Pearce; Danielle Johnsrude; Jonah Ferguson; Karolien Soylu; Lina Guo; Lynda Robinson; Omar Karim; Paula Deering; Sharon Milligan; Shelley-Anne Gaijda; and Tawnya Hoff


Jonah Ferguson, Photography


This annual report highlights general trends and developments over the past year. We also focus on narrative to demonstrate the learning experiences and highlight activity occurring within the Centre for Experiential Learning (CEL). We will be focusing on data from January 2022 – December 2022. For detailed statistics, historical data and newsletters please email cel@viu.ca. The CEL produced this report in March 2023 to be released for National Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) day, March 22, 2023.

Programs Supported within the Centre for Experiential Learning

Co-op Programs

Bachelor of Hospitality Management

Bachelor of Tourism Management

Computer Science

Culinary Arts


Recreation and Sport Management Diploma

Tourism Studies Diploma

Information Technology and Applied Systems

Internship Programs

Creative Writing


Graphic Design

Interior Design


Philosophy 3


The Centre for Experiential Learning & Student Engagement supports the Student Affairs strategic plan goals of enhancing life-enriching and career building opportunities. All of our programs pursue the desire to exemplify and demonstrate VIU’s core values of understanding, connection, and commitment

The programs, services, and learning opportunities provided through the CEL are inherently linked to VIU’s Strategic Retention Model, which focuses on student progression, including retention and graduation Strategies in the model are based on the belief that three motivational factors significantly affect students’ perspectives in reaching their goals, which include self-efficacy, sense of belonging, and perceptions of curriculum The CEL connects and engages with learners via meaningful learning opportunities through in and out-of-classroom experiences that help build on those motivational factors. It is an absolute privilege that we all get to do this type of work as we journey with students.

This report will highlight some of the metrics and milestones to inform the narrative of the activity associated with Goal 3 of the VIU Student Affairs Foundational Plan called: Enter with Curiosity; Leave with Confidence 2022-2027: Amplify VIU’s Work-integrated Learning & Career Exploration

“We will build on and improve experiential learning, career exploration, and skill development opportunities to position you (the student) to successfully launch and sustain a satisfying and successful career.”

It has been another full and exciting year, with change and growth by adding new team members across all CEL Departments We have seen an increase of students in 2022 participating in WIL experiences through internships and co-ops, a return to some international work-integrated learning experiences and a steady return to in-person experiences


The Office of Co-curricular Engagement & Learning (OCCEL) brought back the Vancouver Island Leadership Conference in person The theme this past year was Leading the Future Together The conference included 11 different speakers from diverse backgrounds, including Olympic athlete Lanni Marchant, author and TEDx speaker Nelson Soh, and Paul Underhill, founder of Rumble Supershake It also included a career expo and numerous activities students could get involved in, including yoga, meditation, journaling, foraging, dragon boating and a visit to Saysutshun (Newcastle Island) for a guided cultural tour and a traditional cedar workshop. There were 125 students registered for the conference.

In 2021 the CEL announced that we received a one-time contribution of funding, which concluded in August 2022 as part of Phase 2 of the Co-op and WIL Initiative from the Provincial Government This allowed us to support student and employer engagement and provide career services with the launch of the VIU Career Studio and Career Peer Facilitator Program which has created some buzz on campus You can find the Career Studio in Building 255 The Career Studio opened in August 2022 and had an official grand opening during Career Month kicking off the Career Connections week with employers and students.

With Gratitude:

I extend my sincerest gratitude to all our partners, both on campus through different programs, faculties, departments, and with industry in the community. Thank you for building connections that allow our students to work towards launching into a meaningful career If you want to get connected, involved and pursue partnership opportunities, please email cel@viu ca, and we will connect with you

Director, Centre for Experiential Learning & Student Engagement

Career Studio | Work-Integrated Learning | Co-curricular Engagement & Learning | Peer Supported Learning

In this report 08 Focusing on Graduate Attributes 09 Graduate Attributes 10 Nomination for CEWIL & ACE-WIL Student of the Year 11 Co-op Student Wins Award & Featured on VIU Blog 12 Hospitality Student Experience 13 Highlights & Milestones – Student Affairs Foundational Plan Centre for Experiential Learning and Work-integrated Learning Overview

A Year in Review Numbers & Programs

7 14 WIL Highlights 15 Employer Highlights 16 CareerVIU 17 Social Media Engagement 18 Career Studio 19 Career Studio Stories 20 Career Studio Event Highlights 21 Career Studio Event Testimonials 22 OCCEL & Student Engagement 23 OCCEL Highlights 24 Co-Curricular Record 25 RockVIU Student Employee Story 26 Appendix: Key Terminology 27 Employer Partners

Focusing on Graduate Attributes

The VIU Graduate Attributes & Program Learning Outcomes are utilized in all department areas within the CEL & Student Engagement. The focus is on having students recognize and communicate the competencies for all three pillars: (Literacies, Intellectual and practical skills, and Civic engagement) through their experiential learning opportunities and being able to capture and professionally communicate these attributes as they move through their career and workplace transition.


Madelaine Jones, a third-year Computer Science student, has excelled in a diverse range of co-op work experiences, both in the public and private sectors. Her experience includes working at a local start-up, the federal government, and Amazon, where she made significant contributions and positively represented VIU students. As a woman in tech, Madelaine has exemplified equity, diversity, and inclusion in the industry, inspiring other female students pursuing STEM careers

Madelaine's open-mindedness and adaptability to different company cultures and environments have led to the impressive growth and development of her technical and professional skills. She is also a top student advocate for work-integrated learning. She has delivered a code review workshop last year and participated in Peer-Supported Learning, demonstrating her ongoing willingness to help her peers. Madeline has been nominated for CEWIL and ACE-WIL student of the year.

We believe that education doesn't just happen in the classroom; learning comes most powerfully through reallife experiences. We will therefore provide more opportunities for life-enriching and career-building opportunities such as co-ops, work placements and internships, and will continue to develop our suite of upskilling and re-skilling programs for learners throughout their careers.

Expanding life-enriching and career-building experiences.
VIU Strategic Plan 2021-2026

Recreation and Tourism Managment

This job [gave] me the opportunity to engage with members of the community, especially at the lake because the lifeguards are in such close contact with the public. This also gave me valuable teamwork experience because I was in a new environment and had to learn how to work with other guards in a completely different environment "

The biggest surprise of her co-op was “learning about the scope of the BC Wildfire Service,” she [Nadia] says. “Until I was employed with them, I’d never really thought much about everything they do, but it’s a lot The science behind wildfire management is fascinating, and I loved learning about how and why certain decisions are made. I’m by no means an expert now, but I definitely learned a lot.

The full article is titled An award-winning work co-op with the BC Wildfire Service


Hospitality Student Experience

At Disney World I had a chance to meet and work with people from countries I never heard of and discovered interesting new things about how coming from different cultures can affect the way we eat, live, work, and enjoy life My interpersonal skills significantly improved as I started opening up with strangers, as I started talking to them and getting used to working with them and be able to adjust myself in order to fit in a new environment The time I spent at Disney also taught me a lot on flexibility and critical thinking skills as not everything is going to happen exactly as planned so being able to make wise decisions when unexpected things occur is vital in a people-oriented industry like hospitality Overall, I do think I have gained a lot of things that will help my selfdevelopment personally and professionally.

I think I managed to learn a lot about how to treat and talk to people from different backgrounds, cultures, ethnicities, educational levels, etc. I do believe that one doesn’t need to know about as many cultures as possible, it’s a good thing to learn about new people and their cultures but the important thing is you must learn how to treat people with respect as a human being first.

Disney is a big corporation, and I was able to learn a lot from them about professionalism in terms of workplace etiquette, culture, language, and communication I learned that showing up on time for work is one of the most important factors indicating that you’re a responsible employee Being a Disney cast member, how you present yourself is how people see Disney through you which is why I have always been careful with my words, my actions, and every compliment I gave to the guests At Disney, we’re “Cast Member” because while at work, I will have to be “on show” which means whenever I’m able to be seen by guests, I will have to keep the “magic” going by taking care of guests and never show negativity

One piece of advice I would give to give to Disney program’s future co-op students: “I know that having a chance to work for Disney will enhance your skills, your resume, and your knowledge about one of the most famous hospitality companies so don’t miss out the chances that you get to learn; however, don’t forget to also have fun, to enjoy every moment you have at Disney because the experiences and the friendships you have there are going to be lifelong”

The co-op program has given me a chance to try new things, live in a different place, meet new people, and learn more about new cultures. After having this unique experience as a co-op student, I am motivated to become more professional and eager to learn new knowledge to work for big companies. The program has also fueled my passion as an international hospitality professional who provides excellent service and creates unique and lasting relationships with guests coming from around the world.


Highlights and Milestones to Support the Student Affairs

Foundational Plan in 2022 to Celebrate:

A Career Peer Facilitator program implemented in Fall 2022 First Career Peer Training as part of the Student Affairs Leadership Institute in August 2022

Aspects of an employer and student engagement plan implemented in 2022 and ongoing in 2023

Career Studio on the Road – Workshops made available for faculty and departmental areas to book in as of Fall 2022, and a suite of programming and support

The launch of the AI resume optimization tool was in place for Fall 2022 and has been built into Career Studio support

Initiated first Student Affairs Student Leadership Institute for program areas with the Student Affairs - supporting over 60 student staff and volunteers led by PSL, OCCEL, Career Studio, and Thrive

Launch of employer and student engagement activities happened in Fall 2022 through Career Connections, Employer Appreciation, and Labour Market Roundtables

Director of the CEL serves on the BC WIL council and was appointed vice-chair in May 2022

Several of the CEL WIL faculty serve on committees affiliated with ACE-WIL and CEWIL Canada showcasing a professional commitment to advancing the field and practice within VIU, which will add value to the WIL Practitioner Community of Practice launching Spring 2023

Launch of the Community of Practice in 2022: Student Employment, Training & Leadership Colead by Student Employment and the CEL

Funding partnership with the Alumni Association for the Career Studio programming

Addition of the Experiential Learning Module to CareerVIU


The CEL provides quality educational opportunities that employ effective teaching and learning strategies in experiential learning and career education that contribute to meaningful employment


Through the design of WIL courses and activities, CEL collaborates with other decanal areas to provide an integrative, practical approach that contributes holistically to students’ development


Experiential Learning

Community Engagement




$2,525 Average Monthly Salary 265 WIL Experiences 219 Different Employers 14 A Year in Review in Numbers WIL Highlights January-December 2022 88 International Students 6 Indigenous Students Co-op Positions Posted 284 Students registered in Co-op Planning & Upper-Level Internship Courses. 223
15 173 Vancouver Island 25 Rest of BC 28 Lower Mainland 26 Rest of Canada Where did our Students Work? 11 International Corporation or Private Business 81% Non-Profit 13% Government 6% Career and Employment Highlights 255 Students registered in VIULearn Resume and Cover Letter Course 2199 Job Postings in CareerVIU Employment Portal 3756 Active Employers in CareerVIU Employment Portal 1039 Newly registered students in CareerVIU Who are our Employers?


CareerVIU is the CEL’s online career and experiential learning platform. The platform named “Outcome” was developed by Orbis Communications. Orbis Communications is one of the most trusted experiential learning solution providers for post-secondary institutions in Canada. For nearly 2 decades, their team has empowered the stories of over 100 institutions, 1 million students and 350,000 businesses

At VIU the Outcome platform, called “CareerVIU”, supports students by connecting in-class learning with real world experiences and opportunities.


Social Media Engagement

472 Reactions / 7 Comments / 58 Reposts 10,670 Organic Impressions 500 Page Views / 37 Custom Button Clicks 200 Total Follows LinkedIn: Aug 1, 2022 to Feb 23, 2023 17

Career Studio

The Career Studio employs 5 Career Studio Peer Facilitators to assist students with resume and cover letter reviews, job search strategies, career exploration, and interview skills The Career Peers are available for in-person and Zoom appointments between the hours of 9 am and 3 pm Monday - Friday The Career Peers also facilitate Career Studio On-the-Road events such as resume and cover letter workshops, career exploration workshops and information sessions to support students when preparing for job fairs and hiring events on and off campus Faculty and department areas are welcome to book Career Studio on the Road to visit their classes or meetings VIU has developed a Career Peer Training Hub which serves as a living resource for the Career Peers to assist them in supporting students with career education The Career Peer Training Hub includes learning and resources in the following areas:

Helping skills

Career Exploration

Resume and Cover Letter critique


Job Search Strategies

Interview Skills

The official grand opening of the VIU Career Studio was held on November 21, 2022 with services being available to students from September 6, 2022 The Career Studio hosted faculty, staff, students, and alumni for a ribboncutting event and presentation to introduce the service

The purpose of the Career Studio is to follow the University’s plan to welcome and inspire a community of learning, through understanding, connection, and commitment

Career services will:

Assist all students to build a foundation for workplace success through career education and the development of career readiness competencies and the VIU Graduate Attributes

Adapt programs and services to support students in attaining lifelong career planning skills through reflective practice and developing a deeper knowledge of self

Facilitate connection for students in all areas of programming, with employers and alumni through experiential learning opportunities and events that will encourage exploration, curiosity, and personal development

Commit to an equitable, diverse, and inclusive model that connects all students, alumni, faculty, staff, employers, and community organizations to resources for ongoing professional networking and supportive services for employment readiness and success

118 One-on-One Appointments

5 Career Peers

5 Alumni Engaged Events/Clubs

12 Career Studio on the Road Workshops/Events

Engaging 300+ Students in Career Education Opportunities


Success Story

Joe’s story

I was working on my resume in the VIU cafeteria and saw a booth advertising the Career Studio, so I asked for some information and found I could go in person to reach out for help. It had been so many years since I applied for a job and I felt my resume was very out of date I had spent a decade and a half at one job and was having trouble presenting my skills in a way that would be readable and relatable to potential employers.

I dropped in without an appointment, and the Career Studio was very helpful. They read my resume, gave feedback and got me signed up for an online course. I found the course helpful for reformatting my resume and presenting my skills and experience in an attention-grabbing way

When I re-approached the workplace I was seeking employment at with my updated resume, I was hired! The Career Studio was a huge help. I would recommend it to anyone.

Chelsea’s side of the story

A student came in one morning for a resume critique to get a job after years with the military. This was out of the scope of my practice, but I knew one thing – being in the military teaches you many things and there are many transferable skills. The challenging part for me in this was helping the student see that

As we talked, Paula, our Career Services Officer, assisted me. She was able to send me some resources that I could share with the student and we enrolled him in the resume and cover letter course that is free from the Career Studio. A few days later, this student emailed me to let me know that he got a job after using the course and the resources. My heart was filled with a lot of happiness to hear that The situation was a challenge at first, but it demonstrates that no work experience is ever a waste With the right communication, you can connect transferable skills to make the employer see you are a fit without doing the job.

it the Career Studio Website

eer Studio on the Road Workshops Bookings

Career Exploration

Career Peer Bookings

VIULearn Resume Open Access Course


Career Studio Events

(September 2022 - March 2023) Career Fairs


1 Appreciation Event

6 Labour Market Roundtables & Employer Panels

162 Employers Engaged

1095 Students Engaged


I found the career fair last week to be an excellent value of time and one of the best hiring events that I’ve experienced in terms of connecting with the right candidates. I appreciated the fact that it was a concentrated two-hour period focused towards the business faculty students or those with an interest in business – exactly the type of applicants that we were looking for!

In February, the Career Studio provided incredible support to the Faculty of Management Marketing Department in hosting an Alumni Panel of marketing professionals. Jonah Ferguson (Career Studio) arranged a panel of accomplished Marketing graduates from VIU, who spoke to an audience of 50 VIU students who were keen to learn about a career in marketing. There is tremendous value for students in connecting with the business community beyond the classroom, and this event exemplified an opportunity for our students to create industry connections. Our Marketing Department is incredibly grateful for the support of the Career Studio in organizing all aspects of this event, as it was a fantastic success


Office of Co-Curricular Engagement and Learning

The Office of Co-Curricular Engagement & Learning (OCCEL) at Vancouver Island University (VIU) plays a critical role in supporting successful student engagement and learning outside of the classroom. OCCEL builds a holistic approach to the development of student learning through reflection and engagement in co-curricular activities at VIU. OCCEL provides, collaborates, and creates opportunities to enrich student life and to build a positive campus experience through the facilitation of programming including but not limited to; Co-Curricular Record, Fun@VIU, Student Leadership Circle, CCR Talks, Vancouver Island Leadership Conference, VIU’s CoCurricular Involvement App, The Student Leadership Hub and RockVIU-Welcome to Campus (Nanaimo, Cowichan, Powell River). The Co-Curricular Record serves as a foundation at OCCEL and enables VIU to recognize the journey and reflective experiences of our student learners. The summary below provides brief highlights on students impacted and engaged through cocurricular and in-formalized WIL programming coordinated through OCCEL in the past academic year

4,905+ Students Participation in 2021-2022 OCCEL programming

2000+ New Students and Faculty, Co-Curricular Involvement App

450 Co-Curricular Record, Recognized Opportunities


44,000 student engagement rewards earned

150 student participants

760 student participants

1750 student participants

1645+ student participants

300 student participants



300 student participants


Co-Curricular Record

What is the Co-Curricular Record?

The Co-Curricular Record (CCR) is VIU’s official non-academic transcript. It is implemented, maintained, and led by the OCCEL. The CCR provides a full database of all the available engagement positions, student opportunities and student’s completed reflections

The CCR recognizes students for both organizing and participating in approved paid and volunteer experiences. Co-curricular learning transcends academia by developing students' intrapersonal capabilities and soft skills, such as professionalism, philanthropy, and leadership to build upon the theories that were learned through classroom teachings (Bergen-cico & Viscomi, 2012). In collaboration with other departments and faculties at VIU, the CCR can provide events and activities widely across the institution to make specific and measurable impacts on student’s overall learning and development

Benefits of the CCR at VIU

This non-academic transcript can be used to support a student's pathway to graduate school or future employment and can be used for applications related to scholarships/awards.

For Students

Contribute to student goal planning and success. Emphasize CCR interviews for graduate programs and employment opportunities

Share their CCR on LinkedIn through VIU's co-curricular involvement app to develop their professional network and connect to new opportunities

Helps students articulate relevant knowledge and skills that can be demonstrated to employers and for awards/funding applications.

Students receive recognition for their commitment to cocurricular learning

Enhances student self-awareness and develops professional competencies

Provides a platform for students to involve themselves within the community

For Faculty & Staff

Officially facilitates and records opportunities and positions for experiential learning outside the classroom that are relevant to their respective academic areas

Provides faculty and staff an opportunity to support and recognize their students’ noncredit earning and skill-building Promotes and incentivizes student engagement in their activities and programs. Promotes reflective learning.

Check out the Opportunity directory to see the various opportunities across campus.

24 511 Reflections Submitted 366 Positions Validated

I’ve been going to VIU on and off for many years working on my degree, and I can say with absolute confidence that it wasn’t until I engaged with the community that facilitates all of the extra-curricular learning and growth at this school that I really understood why I was in university I consider myself an accomplished professional outside of academia, but the complementary skills and applied practice that the CCR has allowed me to quantify in my learning is invaluable and has opened my eyes to the powerful experience of uplifting others in our collective pursuit of success and change for the better ”

The full article is titled

Did you know?

Co-ops and internships are among the most popular forms of WIL that the CEL helps to facilitate between our students and a diverse range of host organizations. These organizations include employers, non-profit organizations, industry associations, small- to mediumsized enterprises, entrepreneurs, government departments and social services. For more information about WIL, Career Services, or Co-Curricular please connect with the CEL.

The importance of out-of-classroom experiences

Appendix: Key Terminology

Association for Co-operative Education and Work-Integrated Learning BC/Yukon (ACE-WIL)

ACE-WIL BC/Yukon is a non-for-profit comprised of post-secondary, publicly-funded institutions in the BC/Yukon region that officer Co-operative Education and WIL programs

Centre for Experiential Learning (CEL)

Is a division of Student Affairs which supports the strategic plan goals of enhancing life-enriching and career building opportunities All programs pursue the desire to exemplify and demonstrate VIU’s core values of understanding, connection, and commitment

Co-curricular Record (CCR)

The CCR is VIU’s official non-academic transcript, and it is implemented, maintained, and led by OCCEL

Co-operative Education and Work-Integrated Learning Canada (CEWIL)

As defined by CEWIL Canada in 2021, is the lead organization for WIL in Canada and partners with postsecondary institutions, community members, employers, government, and students to champion WIL.

Office of Co-curricular Engagement & Learning (OCCEL)

The OCCEL engages and supports the student experience by fostering meaningful connections, wellness, leadership development, and personal growth through creating, promoting and recognizing co-curricular activities exercised on campus and within the community

Peer Supported Learning (PSL)

Offers free, regularly scheduled, informal study sessions led by a senior student who has been successful in this course At its core the PSL program helps students integrate what to learn with how to learn and it has been successfully implemented around the world as an effective study program

Work-integrated learning (WIL)

As defined by CEWIL Canada in 2021, WIL is a form of curricular experiential education that formally integrates a student's academic studies with quality experiences within a workplace or practice setting WIL experiences include an engaged partnership of a least: an academic institution, host organization, and a student WIL can occur at the course or program level and includes the development of student learning objectives and outcomes related to: employability, agency, knowledge and skill mobility, and life-long learning


Special Thanks to Our Employer Partners

32 Lakes Cafe and Bakery

AES Engineering Ldt

Airhouse Nanaimo

Andritz Ltd.

AOK Agiou Athanasiou

Baileys in the Village

Banff Lodging Company

Bar burrito

Berwick on the Lake Residence


Boston Pizza

Brewsters McKenzie Towne

Browns Socialhouse

Cactus Club Cafe

Cafe Haus Pels

Camp Narnia


Chongqing Yixing Travel Service

Cinderella Slip Ons

Coast Building Systems Inc

Communications Security Establishment

Costa Del Sol

Craig St Brew Pub

Crust Bakery

Da Tang

Days Inn by Wyndham

Delta Hotels

Domco Group of Canada

Dorchester Nanaimo


Edgewood Health Network

Edo Japan

Education First

End User Technology VIUFA

ESC Automation

Fairmont Hotels and Resorts

Farms Gate Foods and Catering

Gina's Mexican Cafe

Giovanni's Ristorante

Golf Town

Gosh Tea

Government of British Columbia

Government of Canada

Great Canadian Gaming Corporation

Hawke Media

Herold Engineering Limited

Hilton Hotels and Resorts

Home Base Yellowknife

Horne Lake Caves

Icing by Claires

In The Beantime Cafe

Inn on Long Lake

Island Urban Indigenous Wellness Society

Joe Fortes Seafood and Chophouse

Kaslo Home Hardware

Kelly & Carlos O'Bryan's


Kim's Korean BBQ

KJ Controls

Launchpad Golf

Living Forest Oceanside Campground and RV

Ma Maison Fine Foods and Catering

Manchu WOK

Marriot International

McDonalds Restaurants of Canada Limited



Melia Hotels and Resorts

Mercure Hotel

Monkey 9 Brew Pub

Monks on Marine

Mr Mikes Steakhouse

Nanaimo Aquatic Centre

Nanaimo Association for Community Living

Nanaimo Night Owls

Nanaimo Regional General Hospital (NRGH)

Nanaimo Yacht Services

Nancy's Bakery

Naramata Inn

Nelson & District Chamber of Commerce

Neon Nails Spa

Newcastle Engineering

Nimmo Bay Resort


Num-Ti-Jah Lodge

Oak Bay Beach Hotel

Oak Tree Manor

Old Town Bakery

Opa! Souvlaki Franchise Group Inc

Original Joe's

Overwaitea Food Group

Pacific Shore Resort & Spa

Parallel 49 Realty

Parksville Beach Festival

Penny's Palapa

Pho Boi A Taste of Vietnam

Pho Tin Tin

Playful Pups Doggy Daycare

Point Group Hospitality

Pomeroy Kananaskis Mountain Lodge

Prosperity Foods Ltd

Pursuit Collection

Quails Gate Estate Winery

Qualicum Beach Cafe

Quality Foods

Quality Inn Hotel Nanaimo

Queen Charlotte Lodge

Realm Food Co

Regional District of Nanaimo

Rhythm Chinese Restaurant

Royal Bay Baker

Ruxi Boardgame

Seascape Restaurant

Shanghai City Chinese Restaurant

Shanghai XinShuo Steel Trading Co , Ltd

Silver Star Mountain

Spa A' Lita

Spare Labs

Sparkling Hill Resort & Spa

Starbucks Canada

Sushi Ryu

Tandoori Junction Indian Cuisine


Terracentric Coastal Adventures Ltd

The Grand Hotel

The Lakehouse At Shawnigan

The Masthead Restaurant

The Satellite Bar and Grille

The Shady Rest Restaurant, Pub and Liquor store

The Victor

The Wickaninnish Inn

Tidal Café

Tigh-Na-Mara Seaside Spa Resort

Tim Hortons

Turner and Associates

Van Cha Tea House

Vancouver Canadians Baseball Foundation

Vancouver Island University

Walt Disney Parks & Resorts

Whirlpool Jet Boat Tours

Whistler Cooks

White Spot Restaurants

WildPlay Element Parks

Yulang OP-Electronics LTD



Career Studio, Building 255

900 Fifth St , Nanaimo BC V9R 5S5

For General Inquires

Phone: 250-740-6639

Email: CEL@viu.ca


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