The Vanderbilt Hustler 01-29-14

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vanderbilthustler WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 2014


VOL. 126, ISS. 4


PRINTER’S ALLEY Lonnie, the Nashville legend, weighs in on what it’s like to operate Vanderbilt’s favorite karaoke bar By TYLER BISHOP InsideVandy director --------------------

Vanderbilt lore holds: You never plan to go to Lonnie’s, but it’s where you always end up. Over the years, Lonnie’s Western Room has developed an iconic — even legendary — name around the Vanderbilt campus. Many would even say that it has become a “rite of passage” to sing on the Lonnie’s stage before the four years as an undergraduate are up. “I think that’s right. And I think the other thing is having your picture taken with Lonnie. (Vanderbilt students) always come to me saying, ‘I’ve got your picture hanging in my dorm,’” said owner Lonnie Powers. You would be hard-pressed to find a place in Nashville that is more frequented by Vanderbilt students. According to Lonnie, “Vanderbilts” have been a driving force for business since he opened his doors in Printer’s Alley in 1989. A day in the life The best part, for Lonnie, about operating a karaoke bar is the

opportunity to get to know his customers, many of whom are students. “They still contact me on email, phone and what have you,” he said. “Every now and then I’ll get a text from a different one. A lot of them come back every time they are in town. Our favorite time is Homecoming for Vanderbilt, because all the (alumni) come back every year and we get to see all of them.” Not all aspects of running an 18-plus bar, however, are exciting. Lonnie said he and his staff are regularly forced to deal with underage students attempting to use fake ID’s. “We check at the door when they come in, and then my servers and bartenders — when you get inside to order — will re-check again. So it’s kind of a double-deal,” he said. “You know, we get fakes. I’ve got a stack of them over there in the register. It’s part of it.” But even Lonnie realizes not every fake ID can be recognized. “I’ve been using the same fake ID around Nashville since I was a freshman,” one male junior student said. When asked if he had used it at Lonnie’s, he said he had.




Senior makes the squad

Two Cents: The Commons experience

Does life on The Commons give freshmen an accurate impression of the Vanderbilt community?


Rob Cross makes the jump from team manager to player in his final semester at Vanderbilt



Coal plant conversion construction update Students, faculty and staff can expect the construction zone outside of Sarratt to be around for another six weeks or so






QUOTE OF THE DAY “Obviously, going to Chicago — the home of improv — is so huge for us.” LAUREN MANDEL, TONGUE ‘N’ CHEEK MEMBER

Coal plant conversion construction BITS expected to last 6 more weeks VANDER

President Obama to visit Nashville on Thursday, Jan. 30 By TYLER BISHOP

InsideVandy director -------------------President Barack Obama will be making a stop Thursday in Nashville as part of a post-State of the Union Address speaking tour, The White House announced this past weekend. Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools confirmed that Obama would be visiting McGavock High School, where he will deliver a speech on jobs, economic progress and education. Obama, whose approval rating among Tennessee voters fell below 30 percent in December, emphasized similar topics in his sixth State of the Union Address on Tuesday evening. A Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools representative said Thursday’s event would be “invite only” and tickets to attend would be required for admission. Though Tennessee leaders have welcomed Obama’s visit, they have sharply differing opinions across party lines about his policies and actions as president. “We are excited and proud to learn today that President Obama has chosen Nashville to deliver an address on how we can do more to provide opportunities to all Americans and strengthen the middle class,” said Tennessee House Democratic Caucus Chairman Mike Turner in a statement released on Sunday, Jan. 26. “Welcome to Tennessee. While you’re here take a look around because this is what a thriving economy looks like. Despite what your teleprompter may tell you, our success is not a result of your failed policies,” said congressman Marsha Blackburn (R) in a prepared statement on Jan. 25. Obama has already been active on other policy initiatives in 2014, including some relating to higher education. Last week Obama created a “Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault.” Additionally, one of the 12 executive orders he outlined in his State of the Union address was a plan to consult experts from more than 150 American universities to provide advice on education policy.


Creation of new underground storage tanks, to be used for 100,000 gallons of emergency natural gas, are the objective of the construction project outside Sarratt Student Center.

By CHARLOTTE GILL Senior news reporter --------------------

Students, faculty and staff can expect the construction zone currently located on Vanderbilt Place, in front of the Sarratt Student Center, to be in place for another six weeks or so, according to Assistant Vice Chancellor for Plant Operations Mark Petty. The construction primarily consists of creating new underground storage tanks and is part of the university’s project to convert its power plant from coal to natural gas power. Storm sewers in the area are also being rerouted over the new tanks. The underground tanks will provide storage for 100,000 gallons of emergency natural gas fuel. Rather than being stored near the plant, the majority of the natural gas normally used in the new plant will be piped in for efficiency purposes.

vanderbilthustler STAFF




The Board of Trust approved the conversion project in April 2013, and construction began in October. This phase of construction began two weeks ago and is projected to last for eight weeks total, or until early- to mid-March, according to Petty. Following this phase, few other renovations should be noticeable for students, as updates will mainly include deliveries of equipment during periods of low student traffic. Petty also addressed safety concerns regarding the storage tanks, as natural gas is a highly flammable material. “The underground storage tanks are heavily regulated items and the University will comply with those regulations. They include leak detection, annual state inspections, overspill monitors, etc.,” Petty told The Hustler. According to Petty, the conversion to natural gas should provide environmental benefits because natural gas is a cleaner burning fuel than coal, which releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and can cause acid rain. Other problems with coal include its decreasing



supply, dangerous mining conditions and the inconveniences of its transportation — semitrailers have historically brought loads of coal to campus seven to eight times per day. The equipment upgrade will also increase efficiency and decrease energy costs to the university in the long run. The new single-pressure system will give the power plant effectiveness year-round, as opposed to the dual-pressure system, which is less effective in the summer. It will also limit Vanderbilt’s dependence on electricity purchased from Nashville, as the demand for constant electricity from the Vanderbilt University Medical Center necessitates the university’s self-sufficiency and independence from Nashville power in case of emergency. “From an economic standpoint, we will be generating more of our own electricity,” Petty said. Vanderbilt is projected to officially stop using coal as a fuel source by September 2014, and the demolition of the smoke stack behind Rand and Buttrick halls should occur by June 2015.






TNC competition team advances to Chicago finals Members of improv group to make their first-ever appearance in finals of the College Improv Tournament By HANNAH SILLS News editor --------------------

Tongue ‘n’ Cheek, Vanderbilt’s student improv comedy group, will send eight of its members to Chicago in March for the finals of the College Improv Tournament after its victory at the regional level of competition this past weekend. Although the group has competed in the regional round of the College Improv Tournament for the past four years, this is the first time they have advanced a team to the finals. The team won its spot in Chicago by placing second in the Lower Midwest Regionals in Indianapolis, Ind. At the finals, it will compete against 15 other teams from around the country. The 16 members of Tongue ‘n’ Cheek compete as two teams of eight. Brian Cooper, Megan Ward, David Johnson, Peter Linck, Adina Rosenberg, Joseph Ford, Andrew Spomer and Lauren Mandel make up team “Sarratt Pack” and will represent Tongue ‘n’ Cheek in Chicago. “Obviously, going to Chicago — the home of improv — is so huge for us,” Mandel said. “That’s where a lot of Tongue ‘n’ Cheek alumni live, so it’s sort of like our improv home.”

Mandel explained that the teams’ competition format is different from the style the group features in its shows on campus. Instead of shorter sketches, they perform a 2022 minute continuous set in competition, which Mandel described as “less gimmick and game-focused,” though still comic. “Sometimes the games — it’s all getting to that punch line,” she said. “But this isn’t about getting to the punch line, it’s kind of like the magic that happens over 22 minutes when everything all comes together at the end, kind of matching things and picking up on patterns and building relationships throughout the 20 minutes.” The teams create these long-form pieces based off a single word suggested by the audience. According to Mandel, the ensuing performance is an exercise in “groupthink,” honed by many hours of practicing together so that everyone is familiar with each other’s style. Membership in Tongue ‘n’ Cheek is determined by an audition process, which was highly selective this year. Out of the approximately 70 students who tried out in the fall, only four new students were accepted. No prior improv experience is necessary, however, to join the group.


Fifteen members of student improv group Tongue ‘n’ Cheek pose after team “Sarratt Pack” won second place in the Lower Midwest Regionals in Indianapolis, Ind.





Team places second in Qatar marketing competition Students’ plan related to 2022 World Cup nets Vanderbilt $3,000 prize By HANNAH SILLS News editor --------------------

The five managerial studies students representing Vanderbilt in the Qatar 2022 Women’s Soccer Challenge won second place in the final round of the competition, which saw teams from three universities present their marketing plans to a committee in the Arabian Peninsula nation. The trip lasted from Jan. 11-17. For the marketing competition, each team created a plan to increase female Qatari participation in soccer activities in advance of the 2022 World Cup to be held in Qatar. Thirty-three teams from different universities and graduate programs participated in the challenge, and the top three finalists — Vanderbilt, Syracuse and the University of Oregon — were invited to Doha, Qatar to present their ideas to a national committee. In Qatar, each team gave a 25-minute presentation before fielding approximately 40 minutes

of questions from the presiding committee. “They (the Vanderbilt team) were superb in the whole presentation,” said Art Johnsen, associate professor of managerial studies and faculty adviser to the team. Syracuse ultimately took first place, but as a reward for the team’s second place finish, Vanderbilt will receive a $3,000 prize. Johnsen noted that the Vanderbilt team’s achievement was all the more impressive given that the team from Oregon was composed of MBA students and the students from Syracuse were all advertising or marketing majors — tracks not offered for Vanderbilt undergraduates. Instead, Vanderbilt’s team, composed of seniors Taylor Bayles, Julia Buckman, Elle Burnett and Susannah Wherry and sophomore Meryl Stone, has a background of marketing courses offered through the managerial studies program. Though it didn’t take home the top prize, Vanderbilt’s team could eventually see some of its recommendations implemented, ac-

cording to Johnsen. He suspects the Qatar committee could cherrypick the best ideas from all of the universities as it looks to create its marketing strategy. The Qatar 2022 Women’s Soccer Challenge was part of an annual competition sponsored by Edventure Partners, an organization dedicated to giving universities opportunities to solve real-world marketing challenges. The challenge teams must address is different each year. The first Vanderbilt team to compete in a challenge finished in the top 10 out of approximately 40 universities nearly five years ago. The university did not field a team after that until this year’s competition. Asked if he would put together a Vanderbilt team for future marketing challenges, Johnsen said he would be willing to try again, given the success of this year’s team. “The one thing I know I’ll have are some bright, motivated students, and that’s a great place to start,” he said.


Professor Art Johnsen rides a camel in a desert in Qatar. While abroad, Johnsen and the five team members enjoyed several cultural learning opportunities.





Veritas Forum features MIT professor MIT Professor Dr. Rosalind Picard discussed the implications of conceptualizing humans as machines at this year’s annual Veritas Forum in Langford Auditorium on Tuesday, Jan. 28. Having designed and developed a variety of technologies and systems that aim to interpret and collect data on human affective information, Picard presented her research in an attempt to convey her own understanding of what it means to be human. She argued that human value is in large part derived from the meaning that human beings give to one another, as well as their capacity to have a relationship with God. -Kelly Halom, life editor





opinion THE


QUOTE OF THE DAY “Vanderbilt’s all-or-nothing mentality creates a false dilemma, and even worse, a potentially harmful culture of overachievement.”


Sometimes good enough is good enough

Students don’t have to ‘work hard, play hard’ all the time


Something got you peeved? Irked? Honked off? The Rant is your place to anonymously vent your spleen on any issue you want. To get your rant on, visit the Opinion page. Check out this week’s Rant on our Twitter account @InsideVandy.

Y’know, I’d be more sympathetic of the dean telling us to turn down our thermostats if they didn’t keep the lights on in Warren and Moore all fucking night. Every. Single. Night. Set my thermostat to 65 when it is 19 degrees outside? Good one, Housing!

KARA SHERRER is a sophomore in the College of Arts and Science. She can be reached at kara.n.sherrer@

If the rest of the country gets a snow day, why don’t we get a subzero wind chill day? I’m pissed off that the fourteen people who voted in the VSG election get to divide the VSG budget among themselves. Hats off to Michael Diamond for what was, hands down, the most reasonable and relevant article about abortion ever written in a school newspaper. Abby Sutton wants to close down Planned Parenthood clinics because one of its founders was in favor of eugenics. Should we then close down America because our Supreme Court endorsed eugenics in Buck v. Bell?

f a thing is worth doing, it’s worth doing well.” This common maxim, which was instilled in me as a child, is basically the proverbial version of Vanderbilt’s unofficial motto “work hard, play hard.” Both here at Vanderbilt and in our society at large, many of us have internalized the belief that we have to do something with 110 percent effort or we might as well not do it at all. However, this all-or-nothing mentality creates a false dilemma, and even worse, a potentially harmful culture of overachievement. If you think you have to “go big or go home” in every single situation — and who wants to go home? — then you have no other option than to give everything you have all the time. Nowhere is this reality more evident than in college. Incoming freshmen are warned about the dangers of overcommitment before they even set foot on campus. However, it’s clear that most students at Vanderbilt ignore these warnings, since email signatures that list campus positions often run five or six lines long (not to mention the extensive bios of the Outstanding Seniors). And the effects of this all-or-nothing lifestyle aren’t just a lengthy resume:

Eighty-five percent of college students reported feeling stressed on a daily basis, according to a joint poll by the Associated Press and mtvU in 2009. However, even though both college and the “real world” seem to be doing everything they can to make you think otherwise, there are other alternatives besides “going big” or “going home.” In fact, allocating your energy isn’t an either-or choice at all. It’s actually a spectrum. Despite the apparent wisdom of the opening proverb, there are many things that are worth doing that don’t always need to be done well, just done sufficiently. After all, there’s a reason an A is equal to a 90 or above and not a perfect 100. More often than not, for all intents and purposes “good enough” is actually good enough. That 110 percent effort simply isn’t necessary all the time. Frequently, doing something with (say) 80 or 90 percent effort is enough, even though society is set up to disproportionately reward that 110 percent effort. Furthermore, human beings have limits, and it’s impossible

to go at every aspect of your life with that 110 percent effort for an indefinite amount of time and not become overwhelmed. Each person has a certain amount of time, space and effort in his or her life that can be expended upon various activities. Think of it as a pie graph. The total size of this pie varies from person to person, but what doesn’t change is that the size of the pie is finite — each person has only so much to give, and no more. You can’t maximize one slice of the pie without having to minimize the others. While we’re conditioned to act like our time, space and effort are unlimited, nothing could be further from the truth, and deliberately allocating them is of paramount importance. Now, I’m certainly not advocating laziness. Sometimes that 110 percent effort is completely worth it, and there’s nothing wrong with doing a lot, or even doing “everything.” But it’s a mistake to work yourself to exhaustion simply because it seems like the scholastic or societal norm.

Jesus Christ, Econ majors. Please learn the difference between “reply” and “reply all.” You’re just giving the Engineering kids more ammunition. Dance Marathon’s obnoxious blue paint all over the Towers tunnel was a pretty innovative way to make me not want to go to Dance Marathon.










The Vanderbilt Hustler Opinion page aims to stimulate discussion in the Vanderbilt community. In that spirit, columnists, guest columnists and authors of letters to the editor are expected to provide logical argument to back their views. Unreasonable arguments, arguments in bad faith or arguments in vain between columnists have no place in The Hustler and will not be published. The Hustler welcomes reader viewpoints and offers three methods of expression: letters to the editor, guest columns and feedback on The views expressed in lead editorials reflect the majority of opinion among The Hustler’s editorial board and are not necessarily representative of any individual member. Letters must be submitted either in person by the author to the Hustler office or via email to Letters via email should come from a Vanderbilt email address where the identity of the sender is clear. With rare exception, all letters must be received by 1 p.m. on Tuesday. The editor reserves the right to edit and condense submissions for length as well as clarity.

Lengthy letters that focus on an issue affecting students may be considered for a guest column at the editor’s discretion. All submissions become the property of The Hustler and must conform to the legal standards of Vanderbilt Student Communications, of which The Hustler is a division. The Vanderbilt Hustler (ISSN 0042-2517), the student newspaper of Vanderbilt University, is published every Wednesday during the academic year except during exam periods and vacations. The paper is not printed during summer break. The Vanderbilt Hustler allocates one issue of the newspaper to each student and is available at various points on campus for free. Additional copies are $.50 each. The Vanderbilt Hustler is a division of Vanderbilt Student Communications, Inc. Copyright © 2014 Vanderbilt Student Communications.





Tripping over the welcome mat: A transfer’s experience The Vanderbilt transfer process can be awkward and inconsistent JULIE WILSON is a sophomore in the College of Arts and Science. She can be reached at julie.s.wilson@


y transfer problems all started when Vanderbilt lost my letter of admission. I was a freshman studying at Syracuse University and fairly confident I would be transferring to Boston University. In April, the Vanderbilt Admissions Office sent me an email with the link to an accepted transfer students survey about the application process. Confused, I called the Admissions Office every five minutes until I finally got through — to a voicemail. I continued to call twice a day, every day, in addition to sending emails, and received no proper response. With a week left until the deposit deadline for transfers, my parents (Nashville locals) had to walk into the admissions office and demand an answer. The counselor assured them I had been granted admission and that she had been meaning to reply to my emails, but she had not gotten around to it yet. My acceptance letter turned up a month later in a pile of improperly addressed envelopes in the Syracuse Mail Office. The bad luck continued when midAugust came, and I still had no idea where I would be living at Vanderbilt. Many

transfers (including myself) were receiving emails saying our meal plans had been changed to off campus plans, which made us think that we were not being given on campus residences. Then, the meal plans were quickly switched back to on campus plans. We had yet to be given our housing assignments, and when we did, we had almost no choice in the matter, save for a “suggestions” box. The trouble continued once I arrived on campus. At Founder’s Day, up at the podium, Frank Wcislo, Dean of the Ingram Commons, was introducing each of the freshmen houses. He finally turned to the transfers and said, “And finally, there are the transfer students, the ones who had the courage to admit that they failed.” Wait. What? Failed? Dean Wcislo paused for laughter which never came. I paused for an apology, which came later through the Connectdores (VUceptors for transfers) in the following days, but never from the mouth of the Dean himself. Sorry I didn’t get the chance to go through your beautiful Commons experience with you as a freshman, but that’s not my fault.

For a while, I thought that Syracuse truly was the right place for me, and in the end, the decision to leave was heartbreaking. I worked hard and made the Dean’s List my freshman year. I had classes I loved, teachers I bonded with and friends I made plans for the future with. I was dating someone and falling in love. In spite of this, I left that all behind for a new chance at college to do things over again because I believed there was more potential at me at Vanderbilt than my previous school. The rest of the transfer orientation process was not Dean Wcislo’s fault, but it was just as awkward as his speech. I never actually met my assigned Connectdore until after orientation ended, though luckily, another Connectdore adopted me into her group. The majority of the orientation events were required, but some Connectdores told their transfers that they did not have to attend everything but later sent angry emails when the students did not show up. At one point, we were instructed to stay in Sarratt Cinema for several hours for information sessions. We sat through a walk-through of the VU PETSA (Personal Empowerment Through Self Awareness) Module, which we had

already been required to complete online. Most of our requests to leave were denied. There was also a lot of confusion surrounding the orientation schedule. The Connectdores placed the schedule file on the little USB stick in the backpacks given to us at move-in. Not the best idea: Half of us moved in early or never got a backpack, and the other half never thought to check the drives. After a semester at Vanderbilt, I can look back and credit the transfer orientation process for some of the incredible friendships and connections I’ve made. Almost everyone has truly made me feel welcome on campus. However, YES is still convinced I’m a freshman, and I wish the school had given me more guidance on how to get my credits evaluated. It also would have been great if the Admissions Office could have kept track of my AP scores and properly addressed my acceptance letter. And if someone could finally explain to me what AnchorLink is, or what Anchor Down even means — does anyone actually know? — that would be great.




V. The People: Who picks who’s whom?


Let’s change the debate, and ourselves while we’re at it


DAVID SHUCK is a sophomore in the College of Arts and Science and a member of the Vanderbilt debate team. He can be reached at david.j.shuck@

n May 24 of last year, India’s Minister of Environment and Forests forbade the usage of any cetacean species (as whales, dolphins) by any entity, public or private, for “entertainment,” “exhibition” or “interaction,” and in a government statement prescribed the regarding of cetaceans as “nonhuman persons” with “specific rights.” Some mis-readers have understood this headline to mark India’s declaration that non-human personhood, for certain creatures, is now legally recognized. While this fails to be the case it still remains a significant development in the concept’s uptake among nations. On Jan. 22 of last week, this nation remembered Roe v. Wade. The anniversary remains a heated one, and features debates with adamantly opposed sides who know themselves righteous, truthful, informed. On that day this newspaper published an attempt at reconciliation; in the piece, “Misplaced Priorities,” Michael Diamond proposes a proper compromise: reducing the number of unwanted pregnancies by promoting contraceptive use and non-“abstinence-only” sexual education. This suggestion deserves due applause, but as Diamond himself recognizes, this proposal does not solve the debate. The problem persists as long as as his question, “At what point does human life begin?”, does the same. The abortion debate is not, as it can be caricatured, a limited battleground pitting pro-choice on pro-life, prodeath vs. pro-oppression. It’s more about identity, who’s in and who’s out of the club known as “people.” “Person” and “People” are identifiers always charged with emo-

tion and agenda, and most definitively do not connote today the same as they did when ‘Merica first used them. “Personhood” the concept and “Person” the word are as affirmative and inclusionary in the attributive as they are pejorative and expletory in its negative (i.e., “You’re not one”) and in this country, in any country, have a long and complex history. The reason? Personhood is an attributive, not an attribute, a prescription, not a description one can uncover. Personhood can be understood through a comparison with Life. Life is defined by criteria of function: can it reproduce, can it consume, use energy, react to its world and so on. Personhood is not defined, it is bestowed by those whose status had not been in question. An example: As per the Bill of Rights, est. 1791, “We the People” were just white, male landowners 21 years and older. Period. In 1857 this “people” gifted themselves, neatly wrapped, the Dred Scott decision: Slaves are property, not citizens, of course not “people,” and have no rights a court need respect. With fortune and hard work, 1865 brought a stage of abolition, and 1868’s 14th Amendment gave black males citizenship and, on paper, freedom from deprivation of life, liberty and property without due process. With 1870’s 15th Amendment, the Vote came too, but such progress can seem minor with an eye to Jim Crow, and 1875’s Minor v. Happersett decree that “Oh sorry, We (the People) just meant black males.” Women TBD until 1920). America’s history of personhood is a tortured one, something one can see quickly by looking at how the

excluded were tortured because of it. The very position of power the Founding White-Male-Property-Owning Fathers found themselves in such that they might make personhood determinations is thanks to the dispossession of all those “savages” present before, one example of many in a history of Eurocentric Colonial identification by which “the People” were bought power at the cost of mere humans. There is a violence to this history because there is a violence to personhood. It is a weapon which protects and defends, assaults and destroys — and those with the luxuries personhood bestows always seem the ones vested with the authority of choosing recruits. Women and African-Americans, given a person’s right to vote far, far too late, were not the ones who chose who began as “the People.” “The People,” preexisting, were discriminating, are discriminating and let others in when convinced, perhaps after a hazing. Roe v. Wade is thus no island of contention in a sea of conviction, but in an archipelago of developments on who gets what, why, when, where and how. It is akin to both the cetacean talk above, and to the ongoing discussion of whether corporations are persons, too. To me, it’s bonkers, but thus goes the draft. I’m not picking — were I, dolphins would swim circles around Romney; were pro(human-)life advocates, the unborn would be spoken for. Whether or not I, or you, or the next person thinks an unborn child is a person has nothing whatsoever to do with the true or false proposition that “Human life begins at conception.” It has to do with identification, and whether or not you or I or zhe or they grant, not recognize, that





2008 D


“personhood.” The exact same rules apply to you or me — someone’s vouching for us with words, bestowing on us a title, not squinting and finding that, “oh yes, you’re one too.” Thus we change our terms to change the problem. Personhood is an election, and one that says far more about the voters than who gets voted on. We call persons those to whom we are empathetic and those with whom we can identify. If personhood is bestowed, and we’re the bestowers, a responsibility comes along with that scepter we hold. The problem now becomes being humble enough to recognize that maybe we ourselves should not be the judges, and it stands to reason that we might be blinded to that empathy and identification others experience, and we do not. If we are the “persons” of today, we really ought to consider whether we deserve the title to be as important as the voting on new “persons.” Maybe deserving that title comes from identifying not just with who we want in, but the other drafters, too. Maybe, in other words, our “personhood” is a refusal to settle our “talking past each other.” Maybe our personhood means really coming to terms with each other.



Does The Commons give freshmen an accurate impression of the Vanderbilt experience?

2008 D

Compiled by DAVID SHUCK --------------------

Rebekah Smith, Class of 2016: The long tables make it seem like everyone sits together all the time in large, wonderful groups. But, you can’t eat together with everyone every day.

Renzo Costa, Class of 2016: I guess there’s hidden sides, but that’s because I looked for them. Freshman year was very “To the Frats!” It was very Greek-oriented. This year, I just looked for different outlets, but of course I am in a Frat.

Nishant Badal, Class of 2016: I think it’s a pretty inaccurate representation. Your friend group becomes your activity, and it becomes difficult to keep in touch with people. I’ve talked to people who say they miss Commons, and just the fact that they say that shows that something’s inaccurate.

Marissa Kelly, Class of 2015: I think it is the same Vanderbilt. I think it’s the best way Vanderbilt can adjust you to college life.

Bobby Lux, Class of 2015: I really think it gave a best case scenario for what you could make your Vanderbilt experience if you follow that path. I think it is one possibility, and I like that possibility.

JC Elmore, Class of 2016: I would say the biggest difference I’ve noticed is the level of community with random people is not as fostered as it was on Commons. Friend groups from last year can kind of fade away … not totally gone, but not as prominent as in Hank. BOSLEY JARRETT / THE VANDERBILT HUSTLER









W Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse

2100 West End Ave. Day to go: Monday–Friday Special: Though it may be one of the pricier options, Ruth’s Chris definitely comes with the best quality. From 5-7 p.m. during the week, patrons can go for both $7 cocktails and $7 small plates, including a crab BLT with zucchini fries and a steak sandwich with fries. This happy hour helps you get some of the best food with your drink.

Blue Bar 1911 Broadway Day to go: Monday-Sunday Special: A great place to get a feel for Nashville locals, Blue Bar has a reasonable happy hour every day of the week. Everyday until 6 p.m. you can get $2 domestic bottles, $1.75 domestic drafts and $2.50 premium drafts. All day every day, Blue Bar serves $2 PBRs, $2 vodka house shooters, and $3 Fireballs. Plus, there is tons of pool to keep you occupied.


1524 Demonbreun St. Day to go: Sunday Special: For Sunday brunch, South has bottomless mimosas for $15 from noon to 5 p.m. Extend your weekend and enjoy a leisurely brunch, trying to forget that Monday will ever come.

Kay Bob’s Grill & Ale 1602 21st Ave. South Day to go: Wednesday Special: From 4–7 p.m. on Wednesdays, you can go refill your growler, which holds 4 pints of beer, with beers on tap for $6. You can purchase a growler at the bar for $5 if you don’t have your own. Though you can’t drink the growler at the bar, the bar will keep it chilled for you while you eat your meal.

Boca Loca Cantina

Jackson’s Bar & Bistro 1800 21st Ave. South Day to go: Tuesday Special: On Tuesdays, Jackson’s offers two-for-one beers and well and call drinks all night long. Plus, the cookie dough egg roll might make for an excellent drunchie.







Looking ahead What happens on Printers Alley may not be changing anytime soon, but Lonnie’s has some exciting developments in the works. “We’re working with some people in Los Angeles now that want to do a reality show about the inside part of a bar in Nashville — a behind-the-scenes deal,” Lonnie said. He is also considering expanding his karaoke business. Versions of the beloved bar may soon be opening in Oklahoma and Florida; however, Lonnie admits the bars will always be Nashvillian at heart. “Well, that’s what they say. It’s been here about as long as any of the others,” he said. “We’ve never changed anything. Its worth it, and everybody likes it. That’s why they call it ‘Lonnie’s: A Nashville Original.’”

Nashville has no shortage of drink specials, but sometimes you want to skip the cab to get the best deals. Check out all of these amazing happy hours and specials that are less than a mile from campus By Kelly Halom, life editor


The roots According to Lonnie, Nashville was not always so optimistic about the idea of a karaoke bar. When he decided to open the city’s first karaoke bar on Demonbreun Street in the ’80s, many discouraged the business idea he had developed after having spent time in other big cities. “Everybody said it wouldn’t work — you had to have fiddles and guitars — but 30 years later it is still happening,” he said. Despite all skepticism, Lonnie made the karaoke bar work, and it didn’t take him long to find the right formula. Few things have changed about the business since Lonnie’s moved to its current Printers Alley location, which used to house a piano bar called The Voo Doo Room. “Twenty-six years ago we did the exact same thing that we’ll do tonight,” he said.


115 16th Ave. South Day to go: Everyday Special: This pizzeria is BYOB, so you decide the price. Pop over with a cheap bottle of wine, or whatever’s leftover from the night before, and enjoy. There is no corkage fee.


The crowd While Vanderbilt students bring excitement to Lonnie’s on a regular basis, they are certainly not its most high-profile customers. “We’ve had everybody in here,” Lonnie said. “Paul McCartney, Jerry Springer, Willie from ‘Duck Dynasty,’ Jimmy Fallon — I could go on and on and on. But you meet a lot of good people from all over the world, really.” Being in the heart of Music City, Lonnie’s never lacks people willing to jump on stage to perform. Lonnie said Nashvillians have never been the type to disappoint. “We have a great local following, even some people who are here several nights a week, actually,” he said. “It’s always been a mixed crowd. We get all kinds of people all the time. It’s pretty cool.”

DeSano Pizza Bakery


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Casino Night in the Student Life Center, full of fun casino games and other activities. Prizes at the night will include a Southwest Airlines gift card, Rites of Spring tickets, an iPad Mini and more.


Lonnie: Where he’s been, where he’s going

presents Casino Night THIS VenUe From 7-11 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 31, Vanderbilt Programming Board’s VenUe will be hosting






2000 Belcourt Ave. Day to go: Thursday Special: On Thursdays, you can get half-price pitchers of margaritas and sangrias all day long. The classic margarita pitcher is typically $28, so on Thursday order two — only $14 a pitcher.




Dan’s brings the party back to Demonbreun By KELLY HALOM Life editor --------------------

With a swirl of controversy hitting Demonbreun Street recently, it was unclear if the area was still the place to be come Thursday night. In the wake of a stabbing incident last spring and an athlete ban on Tin Roof instituted midsummer, the call to go “downtown” became less and less frequent. However, the places many students have used to mark time at Vanderbilt – places like Dan McGuiness Irish Pub – are still alive and well, waiting for the party to come back. “We’re looking at trying to get everybody back, because since the summer, it definitely was a decline. It was a huge decline,” said Isaiah Lyon, a bartender at Dan’s for the past three years. Not only was the summer a little slow, but also the fall, even with students back on campus. However, with Panhellenic recruitment coming to a close in recent weeks, Lyon said numbers are picking back up. “In the fall, it wasn’t a resurgence like we’re used to. It came back, but it kind of didn’t. And starting the last few weeks, it started to come back a little bit, and we’re like ‘Awesome, cool, let’s get everybody back in here,’” Lyon said. With Demonbreun’s recent conflicts, the tone of the road had become somewhat more subdued, no longer the place to blow



Bartender Isaiah Lyon pours a beer from the tap for a waiting customer at Dan McGuinness Irish Pub on Demonbreun Street. The pub has seen an increase in traffic from students this semester. off steam at the end of the week. “I’ve heard that some of the bars this year, specifically — maybe in lieu of what happened over the summer — I’ve heard that some of the other bars have not been so nice to everybody, which is unfortunate,” Lyon said. “I could see some bartenders having lower patience, lower tolerance level,

that kind of thing. Like I said, for us, we’re looking to get the crowd back.” Vanderbilt students are a significant part of what make the scene for bartenders at Dan’s. “For us, as bartenders, we hang out, we have a good time, we goof around with a bunch of you guys and everything, and we

have a blast,” Lyon said. The bartenders have even come to recognize some student traditions, including the large crowd that comes out the Monday following Bid Day, which the bar did not see coming the first time around a few years ago. “We didn’t know it was coming because we didn’t know about it,” Lyon said. “And I remember, there was like two of us working, and nothing was set up for it. It was a Monday night. And then a couple of students came in … Twenty minutes later, the bar was wall to wall.” Though Lyon enjoys the Vanderbilt crowd, he acknowledges how stressful the job can become on some of the busier nights. And with that stress, Lyon says the best way to get on the bartenders’ good sides is patience. “I’ve got 40 people standing in front of me that are all wanting something. And I will get to you, I promise,” Lyon said. “Some people don’t realize it, but they’ll get impatient. Some people slap the bar, stuff like that. That’s the kind of thing that will irritate a bartender. I see you; stop yelling at me, I got you. Trust me, I got you.” But even when the job becomes frustrating, Lyon tries to keep things in perspective. “I get that everyone that comes out here, they’re not in work mode, where I am, and I get that,” Lyon said. “It’s a completely different world when you’re on the other side of the bar.”





THE BIG STAT Vanderbilt men’s basketball’s run from 15:57 to 9:38 in the second half against Texas A&M on Saturday, leading to its 66-55 victory.


Above: Senior Rob Cross (highlighted) as a manager, celebrating with the team during the 2012 SEC Tournament, when the Commodores defeated the Kentrucky Wildcats for the SEC Title. Right: Cross (left) with Nick Souder, the new head manager of the men’s basketball team. Left: Cross was a manager for the men’s basketball team for 3 1/2 years until he was officially added to the roster two weeks ago. His first game as a player was against Missouri on Jan. 16.

CROSSING OVER By ANTHONY LYNCH Sports writer --------------------

Basketball manager is not the most glamorous of positions. You work hard to ensure every practice and game runs smoothly, you travel with the team on long road trips, and yet you receive none of the outside recognition of a player. Senior Rob Cross joked, “As a manager, when people know your name, it usually means you did something wrong.” Lately, however, people have learned Cross’ name for a different reason: After 3 1/2 years as a basketball manager, Cross finally made the team roster.

It is no secret the Vanderbilt men’s basketball team has been thin this season after unexpectedly losing several key players in the offseason. And when redshirt sophomore point guard Eric McClellan was suspended from the team in early January, Cross was called into action. For the 6-foot guard, the switch from manager to player was sudden. “Eric got kicked off the team, so that brought us down to nine, and you can’t practice with nine guys,” Cross said. “So that afternoon Coach Rich (assistant coach Tom Richardson) asked me about playing, and I said ‘Yeah, absolutely.’ So it happened really, really quickly.” Cross embraced his new


Rob Cross, the manager-turned-player, reflects on his experience with the Vanderbilt men’s basketball team role as a player immediately. “I like it a lot more than being a manager,” he said. “I love being a manager, I loved the 3 1/2 years I had doing that, but there’s something special about playing. You always grow up dreaming of being a player, and for me that dream wasn’t going to happen, but now I have another shot at it. It’s been fun.” Cross admits he would love to get into a game because it would likely mean Vanderbilt had a comfortable lead, but he has not lost sight of the bigger picture. Even in the midst of his biggest individual accomplishment, Cross remains selflessly focused on the team. “It’s kind of like being a

manager, I’m just trying to make our guys better everyday in practice,” he said. “That’s my role on the team is to make them better.” While making a college roster may have been a dream for Cross, it was never the goal. Make no mistake, this is not the story of a manager who waited his whole career for a chance to touch the court. This is the story of a man who has been focused from a young age on a much bigger goal. “I’ve wanted to coach since I was 11,” Cross said. “I’d really like to work in the NBA, preferably on the player development or video side. That’s kind of my on-a-pedestal goal.” It was this long-term


goal of coaching that brought Cross to Vanderbilt. “For me it was either explore playing D-III or be a manager somewhere D-I and go that coaching route, so I knew pretty early that was what I wanted to do.” Choosing the route of manager has given Cross four invaluable years to learn from the Vanderbilt coaching staff. “I don’t think there’s a staff in the country that does X’s and O’s better than they do,” Cross said without hesitation. “They’ll be seeing something three steps ahead of whatever I’m seeing. So for me wanting to be a coach, that experience has been incredible.” But for now, the focus for Cross is not on his future. When asked to reflect on the highlights of his time at Vanderbilt, Cross paused for a second and

laughed. “You can tell I have a lot because I have to think about it,” he said. Still, it is clear what Cross will remember most fondly. “I think the biggest thing is just the guys and the relationships that I’ve had with them throughout the years,” he said. “A guy like Rod Odom for example, I’ve been rebounding for him almost every night since freshman year, so a guy like that, me and him are like brothers now.” Although Cross only earned a spot on the roster toward the end of his career, he has been an integral part of the basketball team for much longer. “It’s been a great four years,” he said. “And hopefully we can make the next eight or however many weeks we have left of this season something special. That’s the goal.”


Women’s basketball falls to No. 10 South Carolina in nail-biter


The Vanderbilt women’s basketball team faced off against the South Carolina Gamecocks at Memorial Gym on Sunday, Jan. 26. Though the score remained close the entirety of the game, the Commodores were unable to take the lead and lost, 61-57. Senior guard Jasmine Lister (11) was held to four points.

By ALLISON MAST Sports editor --------------------

With less than a minute remaining in the game, South Carolina guard Tiffany Mitchell hit a crucial layup, giving the Gamecocks a two-point lead. On the ensuing Commodore possession, Mitchell forced a turnover, which she took down the court for a 2-point basket. The Gamecocks held onto this lead to defeat the Commodores (16-4, 5-2 SEC) by a score of 61-57 in Nashville. Senior guard Christina Foggie kept the Commodores within striking distance until the final minute, finishing the game with 23 points on 9-of-14 shooting. While she was able to hit shots from the floor down the stretch, she struggled from the line, making four of nine free throws. Fellow guard Jasmine Lister remained cold for the entire game. The South Carolina defense took away the 3-point shot,

Lister’s best weapon. Consequently, she posted only four points on 2-of-8 shooting. “I thought they did a great job trailing Jas, sticking with her and not giving her enough open looks,” said head coach Melanie Balcomb. “They really used their size advantage on Jas to take her out of being able to make those big plays.” Lister tried to counterbalance the Gamecock defense by feeding the ball inside, but the Commodores lacked the size to be effective in the post. “It wasn’t really affecting me. They weren’t really letting me get the ball. They had good pressure defense and limited my touches,” Lister said. “They did do a good job, and I just tried to take advantage when I had the ball and create for my teammates as well.” The Gamecocks (18-2, 6-1) are now responsible for both of the Commodores’ conference losses this season. Vanderbilt will look to rebound on Thursday when the team travels to Missouri.







Track stars shine at Indoor Invitational Women’s track team impresses at newly completed indoor facility, features breakout performances by young Commodores By MATT LIEBERSON Sports writer --------------------

The Vanderbilt women’s track team had an exciting weekend at the Vanderbilt Indoor Invitational, with many athletes attaining personal bests. One of the weekend’s stars was Jennifer Cannon, who had multiple personal bests in only the second official track meet at the Commodores’ new indoor facility. Cannon finished fourth in the high jump with a height of 1.74 meters and third in the 60-meter hurdles with a time of 8.56 seconds, both good for individual records. Cannon wasn’t completely expecting such a huge weekend, but it did not catch her totally by surprise. “For the high jump, I had made some nice

jumps early in the week at practice,” Cannon said. “I went into the meet feeling pretty confident with what I could do.” The sophomore attributed her success to her efforts in practice. “I’ve just been working hard on my technique, really trying to apply what I have been working on in the races,” she said. Cannon’s teammates have noticed the extra effort she puts in at every practice. “Her determination is a huge factor,” said senior high jumper Ellie Tidman. “She always listens to coaches and gets the job done. She is so driven, so when she sets her mind on something everything seems to click.” Cannon’s weekend also included a 25.26-second 200-yard dash, good for 18th. Other standout performers included junior Brionne Williams, who jumped 1.74 meters for third place in the high jump and senior Liz Anderson, who took second place in the 3,000-meter run with a time of 9:33.65. Anderson hadn’t yet competed this season. Vanderbilt’s 4x400 relay team of Faith Washington, Skyler Carpenter, Courtney Clayton and Erin Edmond also finished in second place with a time of 3:46.24. The Commodores added another solid performance in the 800-meter run, with freshman Courtney

Clayton finishing third in 2:09.51, and junior Kat Delaney finishing fifth in 2:11.18. The new indoor track got rave reviews from the runners, who appreciated being able to have a meet like this on Vanderbilt’s campus. “We are beyond lucky to have this amazing facility,” said sophomore Lily Williams, who finished 13th in the 1-mile run in 5:03.29. “Not only is it gorgeous and new, but it gives us and all the teams a chance to run a full practice or train fully no matter

the weather.” After an excellent weekend at the invitational, Cannon also stressed the positive impact of the new building. “Being able to have other SEC schools here to compete while friends and family watch is amazing.”

The Vanderbilt women’s track and field team hosted the Vanderbilt Indoor Invitational from Jan. 24-25 at the school’s new multipurpose facility. Sophomore high jumper Jennifer Cannon, cleared a jump of 1.74 meters, good for fourth place.




Men’s tennis falters in ITA Kick-Off Tourney at home By CALLIE MEISEL Asst. sports editor --------------------

The Vanderbilt’s men’s tennis team hosted Texas, Wake Forest, and LSU for the ITA Kick-Off Tournament from Jan. 25-26. Thanks to a stellar performance against Marquette, the Commodores jumped from No. 16 to No. 15 in the national polls, making them the top seed in the tournament. On Saturday, the Commodores faced the fourth-seeded Texas Longhorns while second-seeded Wake Forest battled the thirdseeded LSU Tigers. The ITA Kick-Off Tournament was the first national tournament to use the new scoring format. For both singles and doubles matches, opponents compete to win six games first with no-ad scoring and tiebreakers at five-all instead of at six-all. If singles opponents split sets, they will play out a third set unless the match has already been decided.

Although the Commodores boasted the highest-ranked singles player in the tournament, junior Gonzales Austin, at No. 9 in the nation and the highest-ranked doubles team in the tournament, Austin and senior Ryan Lipman, at No. 2 in the nation, Vanderbilt struggled against Texas. The Commodores forced many matches into grueling, close tiebreakers, but ultimately fell, 0-4. The duo of Rhys Johnson and Ryan Smith walked away with the only Commodore victory that day, beating the Longhorn’s secondseeded team, 6-5 (7-2). As the Longhorns advanced to the main-draw finals against Wake Forest, the Commodores went on to play LSU in the consolation finals the following morning, when they were able to bounce back after the previous day’s upset, beating the Tigers, 4-1. The team did not lose a singles match, although two were left unfinished due to ITA’s new rules. Most notably, Austin prevailed



Albert Pujols extends charity services to Nashville By ALLISON MAST Sports editor --------------------


Redshirt senior Ryan Lipman celebrates his victory in a doubles match against Marquette on Jan. 19. after grinding out a three-set match against LSU’s No. 72 Chris Simpson, 6-1, 2-6, 6-3. Austin also fought hard in his doubles match with Lipman, and the duo proved to be the only Vanderbilt victors in the doubles bracket with a win over LSU’s first-seeded doubles team, 6-4. That same day, Wake Forest closed out a tight match against Texas, 4-3, to win the tournament. The Commodores will compete at home again against Northwestern on Sunday, Feb. 2 at noon.

Professional baseball player Albert Pujols, currently of the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim, visited the University Club of Nashville to announce that his charity, the Pujols Family Foundation, will be extending its services to the Nashville area. Since the foundation’s inception in 2005, the superstar slugger has been spreading awareness of Down syndrome in Kansas City, St. Louis and Los Angeles as well as providing aid to poverty-stricken areas in the Dominican Republic, his home country. Pujols was inspired by his 16-year-old daughter Isabella, who has Down syndrome. In addition to meeting with Vanderbilt University Medical Center doctors to discuss medical missions in the Dominican Republic, Pujols invited former Commodore running back Zac Stacy to be a spe-


Albert Pujols, of the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim, poses with his family at the University Club of Nashville. Pujols talked about the expansion of his charity, the Pujols Family Foundation. cial guest at the evening event. Despite his success on the field, the All-Star first baseman hopes to be remembered for the work he did to give back to the community. “It’s not always about Albert Pujols like it was before. It’s about others and giving back.”






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