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Wall Vases

Wall Vases


London 2016

China Without Dragons Rare Pieces from Oriental Ceramic Society Members, exhibition catalogue Oriental Ceramics Society, London, 2016

Lunsingh-Scheurleer 1980

D.F Lunsingh Scheurleer, Chinesische und Japanishche Porzellan in Europäischen Fassungen, Braunschweig, 1980

Mater 2011

Benoît Mater, De Gouden Eeuw van China: De Tang Dynastie (618-907AD), exhibition catalogue Drents Museum, Assen, 2011

New York 1986

The Burghley Porcelains, An Exhibition from The Burghley House Collection and Based on the 1688 Inventory and 1690 Devonshire Schedule, exhibition catalogue Japan Society, New York, 1986

New York 2017

Willow Weilan Hai & Li Yinde, Dreams of the Kings - A Jade Suit for Eternity: Treasures of the Han Dynasty from Xuzhou, exhibition catalogue China Institute, New York, 2017

Paris 1995

Chine: des Chevaux et des Hommes, exhibition catalogue Musée National de Arts Asiatiques-Guimet, Paris, 1995

Paris 2000

La Gloire des Empereurs Chine, exhibition catalogue Petit Palais, Paris, 2000

Paris 2014

Eric Lefebvre & Huei-chung Tsao, Splendeurs des Han essor de L’Empire Céleste, exhibition catalogue Musée national de Arts Asiatiques-Guimet, Paris, 2015

Pei 2004

Fang Jing Pei, Symbols and Rebuses in Chinese Art. Figures, Bugs, Beasts, and Flowers, Berkeley, 2004

Penkala 1980

Maria Penkala, Magic Blanc de Chine: a Guide for the Collector and Dealer, Schiedam, 1980

Pinto de Matos 2011

Maria Pinto de Matos, The RA Collection of Chinese Ceramic: A Collector’s Vision Vol. 1-3, London, 2011

Pinto de Matos 2019

Maria Pinto de Matos, The RA Collection of Chinese Ceramic: A Collector’s Vision - Vol IV, London, 2019

Pietsch, Loesch & Stöber 2006

Ulrich Pietsch, Anette Loesch & Eva Ströber, China.Japan.Meissen – Die Porzellansammlung zu Dresden, Munich/ Berlin, 2006

Rastelli 2008

Sabrina Rastelli (et al), China at the Court of the Emperors; Unknown Masterpieces from Han Tradition to Tang Elegance (25-907), exhibition catalogue Palazzo Strozzi, Florence, 2008.

Rawski & Rawson 2005

Evelyn Rawski & Jessica Rawson (eds), China: The Three Emperors 1662-1795, exhibition catalogue Royal Academy, London, 2005

Rong 2005 Zhang Rong, Luster of Autumn Water: Glass of the Qing Imperial Workshop, catalogue Palace Museum, Beijing, 2005

Ruriko 2018

Tsuchida Ruriko (et al), The Glass that Gallé Adored – Glass from the Qing Imperial Collection, exhibition catalogue Suntory Museum of Art, Tokyo, 2018

Sargent 1991

William R. Sargent, The Copeland Collection, Chinese and Japanese Ceramic Figures; The Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, 1991

Scagliola 2012

Manuele Scagliola, Nera Laura (coll. Rose Kerr & Luisa Mengoni), East Asian Ceramic: The Laura Collection, Turin, 2012

Schreuder 2017

Esther Schreuder, Cupido & Sideron –Twee Moren aan het Hof van Oranje, Amsterdam, 2017

Schumacher 2010

Anne-Claire Schumacher, La donation Clare van Beusekom-Hamburger: Faïences et Porcelaines des XVIe-XVIIIe siècles: Faiences et Porcelaine Des XVIE - XVIIIE Siècle, Geneva, 2010

Shangraw, Rabiner & Brown 1995

Clarence Shangraw, Donald Rabiner & Claudia Brown, A Chorus of Colour – Chinese Glass from Three American Collections, exhibition catalogue Asian Art Museum, San Francisco, 1995

Shangraw & Volf 1997

Clarence Shangraw & Jana Volf, Treasures of Chinese Glass Workshops - The Ina & Sandford Gadient Collection, exhibition catalogue Winter Park Gallery, Orlando, 1997

Sheaf & Kilburn

Colin Sheaf & Richard Kilburn, The Hatcher Porcelain Cargoes, The Complete Record, Oxford, 1988

Ströber 2001

Eva Ströber, “La maladie de porcelaine…” East Asian Porcelain from the Collection of Augustus the Strong, Leipzig, 2001

Ströber 2002

Eva Ströber, Ostasiatika, Braunschweig, 2002

Ströber 2011

Eva Ströber, Symbols on Chinese Porcelain; 10,000 Times Happiness, Keramiekmuseum Princessehof, Leeuwarden, 2011

Sun 2017

Zhixin Jason Sun, Age of Empires, Art of the Qin and Han Dynasties, New York, 2017

Syndram 2005

Dirk Syndram, Renaissance and Baroque Treasury Art – The Green Vault in Dresden, Catalogue Staatliche Kunstsammlung Dresden Grünes Gewölbe, Munchen/Berlin, 2005

Syndram 2006

Dirk Syndram, Jutta Kappel & Ulrike Weinhold, The Baroque Treasury Art at the Grünes Gewölbe Dresden Dresden, Catalogue Staatliche Kunstsammlung Dresden, Munchen/ Berlin, 2006

Tabar de Anitua 1983

Fernando Tabar de Anitua, Ceramicas de China y Japon en el Museo Nacional de Artes Decorativas, Madrid, 1983

Thorpe & Bower 1982

Robert Thorpe & Virginia Bower, Spirit and Ritual: The Morse Collection of Ancient Chinese Art, exhibition catalogue, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 1982

Tsang & Moss 1986

Gerard Tsang & Hugh Moss, Arts from the Scholar’s Studio, exhibition catalogue The Oriental Ceramic Society of Hong Kong, 1986

Ulrichs 2005

Friederike Ulrichs, Die Ostasiatische Porzellansammlung der Wittelsbacher – in der Residenz München, Bayerische Schlösserverwaltung, Munich 2005

Wang 1994

Wang Wenqing (ed.), Ten Major Museums of Shaanxi, Xián 1994

Watson 1980 Francis Watson, Chinese Porcelains in European Mounts, Exhibition Catalogue China Institute in America, 1980

Watson 1986 Francis Watson, Mounted Oriental Porcelain, Washington, 1986

Welch 2008

Patricia Welch, Chinese Art: A Guide to Motifs and Visual Imagery, North Clarendon, 2008

Wirgin 1974

Jan Wirgin, K’ang-Hsi Porcelain: Selected Objects from Swedish Collections, Bulletin No.46, The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities (Östasiatica Museet), Stockholm, 1974

Yin 2016

Cao Yin, Tang: Treasures from the Silk Road, exhibition catalogue Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, 2016

Zimmerman 1923

Ernst Zimmerman, Chinesische Porzellan und die übringen

Keramischen Erzeugnusse Chinas Vol I & II, Leipzig 1923

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