R2R 2018-01 BE Stripwinkels

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Ready to Read STRIPS

Strip van de Maand


van de

maand Het stripalbum van de maand is één van de belangrijkste titels die deze maand te koop zal zijn. We ondersteunen deze titel op onze website doormiddel van een banner die een maand lang als openingsbanner op de website wordt getoond en die doorklikt naar de reeks.


1941. Aan het front in NoordAfrika lijkt weinig te doen aan de superioriteit van het Afrikakorps onder leiding van de Duitse veldmaarschalk Rommel, alias de Woestijnvos. Tegen het advies van de legerstaf in drukken drie Britse officieren hun idee door om een klein regiment van elitesoldaten op te richten: de Special Air Service (SAS). Een honderdtal mannen worden specifiek opgeleid om áchter de vijandelijke linies de meest heikele missies uit te voeren. Na een periode van intensieve training en verkenningen, lanceert de SAS haar eerste raids op Duitse vliegvelden.

Ook wordt op onze facebook pagina Van Ditmar Strips extra aandacht gegeven aan dit album. Tekeningen - Thomas Legrain Tekst - Vincent Burgeas ISBN 9789055819768 - Paperback - 17-01-2018 € 7,95 ISBN 9789055819775 - Hardback - 17-01-2018 € 13,95

€ 7,95 / € 13,95


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Strip van de Maand




Het houdt niet op met overvallen op postkoetsen. Marshal Sharp vormt een posse met mannen om achter de schuldigen aan te gaan. Het enige aanknopingspunt dat ze hebben, is de getuigenis van de enige overlevende van de aanvallen: een meisje dat de lippen stijf op elkaar houdt en zint op wraak. Duke wordt uit zijn rust gehaald en moet de wapens opnemen aan de zijde van zijn broer. Daarbij moet hij zijn demonen in de ogen kijken. Daar gaat het rustige leventje dat hij aan Peg had beloofd...

Met de miljoenen die hij heeft buitgemaakt op een drugkartel trekt Johan Tango zich terug in een ingedommeld dorpje in het Boliviaanse Andesgebergte. Het ideale plekje om ook zelf ongestoord uit te bollen. Maar het toeval wil dat ook zijn nieuwe buur en zijn zoon op de vlucht zijn voor een op zijn minst ingewikkeld verleden. Als ze bedreigd worden door drie gewapende mannen, neemt Tango het voor hen op en doodt de belagers. Weet hij veel dat hij zich zo de woede op de hals haalt van twee machtige gewapende groeperingen. De rust is plots ver weg…

Tekeningen - Herman Huppen Tekst - Yves Huppen

Tekeningen - Xavier Philippe Tekst - Matz

ISBN 9789055819782 - Paperback - 07-02-2018 € 7,95 ISBN 9789055819799 - Hardback - 07-02-2018 € 13,95

ISBN 9789055819829 - Paperback - 07-03-2018 € 7,95 ISBN 9789055819836 - Hardback - 07-03-2018 € 13,95

€ 7,95 / € 13,95

€ 7,95 / € 13,95

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Hotlist Strips JAN


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Top 5




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FRNK 03. HET OFFER Cossu / Bocquet € 7,95 ISBN 9789031436187


DUKE 02. HIJ DIE DOODT Hermann / Yves H. € 7,95 ISBN 9789055819782


TANGO 01. EEN ZEE VAN ROTSEN Xavier / Matz € 7,95 ISBN 9789055819829



HET REGIMENT 01. HET VERHAAL VAN DE SAS Legrain / Burgeas € 7,95 ISBN 9789055819768






JOMMEKE 288. DE ZWARTE DIAMANT Delzenne / Wouters € 5,95 ISBN 9789462106109 BFF’S 05. DE BFF’S GAAN HELEMAAL LOS Fenech / Cazenove € 6,95 ISBN 9789462106116


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BOLLIE EN BILLIE 35. SYMFONIE IN BILLIE GROOT Bastide / Cazenove € 6,95 ISBN 9789085585237 KID PADDLE 15. MEN IN BLORK midam € 6,95 ISBN 9789462106123



TEAM RAFALE 01. DE ALFA DEMONSTRATIE Loutte / Zumbhiel € 7,95 ISBN 9789031436156


ROBBEDOES DOOR 13. ZE NOEMDEN HEM ROOIE Verron / Sente € 9,95 ISBN 9789031435630

5 Prijzen zijn onder voorbehoud

Strips En Graphic Novels - Nederlandstalig DARK KNIGHT HC03. DARK KNIGHT III Frank Miller Uitg: Lion Comics Comics NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 440

ISBN: 9788833041384 • € 49,95 • 1-1-2018 • Levering voor rekening

KAPITEIN ANSJOVIS 02. OVER EEN ANDERE BOEG Floris De Smedt Uitg: Syndikaat Avontuur album NUR: 361 Paperback Pag: 48

ISBN: 9789078403647 • € 8,95 • 8-1-2018 • Levering voor rekening

MOEBIUS STRIPS : MAN VAN DE CIGURI Moebius Uitg: Sherpa Avontuur album NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 56

Moebius’ vervolg op Majoor Fataal – De hermetische garage; editie in kleur ISBN: 9789089881298 • € 39,95 • 15-2-2018 • Levering voor rekening

WONDER WOMAN HC02. (YEAR ONE) REBIRTH Nicola Scott Rucka, Greg Uitg: Lion Comics Comics NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 168 ISBN: 9788833041391 • € 24,50 • 1-1-2018 • Levering voor rekening

BATMAN HC02. [I AM SUICIDE] REBIRTH Mikel Janin King, Tom Uitg: Lion Comics Comics NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 168

ISBN: 9788833041407 • € 24,50 • 1-2-2018 • Levering voor rekening

DOUWE DABBERT 14. OP HET SPOOR VAN KWADE ZAKEN Piet Wijn Roep, Thom Uitg: Uitgeverij L Fantasy album NUR: 362 Paperback Pag: 56 In het veertiende album dat zes korte verhalen bevat komt de sympathieke dwerg meerdere malen tegenover boeven en schurken te staan. Gelukkig heeft Douwe Dabbert een scherpe geest en altijd zijn toverknapzak bij de hand, die hem meerdere malen uit de brand helpt. ISBN: 9789088863882 • € 8,95 • 22-2-2018 • Levering voor rekening

KAPITEIN ANSJOVIS 01. KIELHALEN VOOR GEVORDERDEN Floris De Smedt Uitg: Syndikaat Avontuur album NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 48

ISBN: 9789078403630 • € 8,95 • 8-1-2018 • Levering voor rekening

MOEBIUS STRIPS : ARZACH Moebius Uitg: Sherpa Avontuur album NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 56

Moebius’ eerste meesterwerk in kleur, alle tekstloze Arzach-verhalen... + De omweg in zwart-wit ISBN: 9789089881304 • € 39,95 • 15-2-2018 • Levering voor rekening

DOUWE DABBERT HC14. OP HET SPOOR VAN KWADE ZAKEN MET DOSSIER Piet Wijn Roep, Thom Uitg: Uitgeverij L Fantasy album NUR: 362 Hardback Pag: 64 In het veertiende album dat zes korte verhalen bevat komt de sympathieke dwerg meerdere malen tegenover boeven en schurken te staan. Gelukkig heeft Douwe Dabbert een scherpe geest en altijd zijn toverknapzak bij de hand, die hem meerdere malen uit de brand helpt. ISBN: 9789088863899 • € 16,95 • 22-2-2018 • Levering voor rekening

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Strips En Graphic Novels - Nederlandstalig LANFEUST ODYSSEY 09. DE ONNOZELE STRATEEG Didier Tarquin Arleston, Christophe

MOREA HC08. HET ULTIMATUM VAN DE ENGELEN Laurent Libessart Arleston, Christophe

Uitg: Uitgeverij L Fantasy album NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 48

Uitg: Uitgeverij L Avontuur album NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 48

Een nieuw avontuur in de spectaculaire cyclus rond de held Lanfeust. Een nieuwe oorlog met Lilth moet voorkomen worden voordat ze opnieuw tot krachten komt. Lanfeust wil zijn metgezellen verzamelen en Lilth zo snel mogelijk terugvinden, maar de godin is dichterbij dan hij denkt.

De onsterfelijke Moréa wordt niet alleen door haar eigen mensen buitenspel gezet, maar moet ook beantwoorden aan het ultimatum van haar aartsvijand Immaros. En als dat nu alles was... ISBN: 9789088863585 • € 18,95 • 22-2-2018 • Levering voor rekening

ISBN: 9789088863912 • € 8,95 • 22-2-2018 • Levering voor rekening

LANFEUST ODYSSEY HC09. DE ONNOZELE STRATEEG Didier Tarquin Arleston, Christophe

WOUDEN VAN OPAAL 10. HET LOT VAN DE JONGLEUR Cedric Fernandez Arleston, Christophe

Uitg: Uitgeverij L Fantasy album NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 48

Uitg: Uitgeverij L Fantasy album NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 48

Een nieuw avontuur in de spectaculaire cyclus rond de held Lanfeust. Een nieuwe oorlog met Lilth moet voorkomen worden voordat ze opnieuw tot krachten komt. Lanfeust wil zijn metgezellen verzamelen en Lilth zo snel mogelijk terugvinden, maar de godin is dichterbij dan hij denkt. ISBN: 9789088863929 • € 18,95 • 22-2-2018 • Levering voor rekening

Uitg: De Leeuw Humor album NUR: 362 Paperback Pag: 96

Zolang Garfield goed, en vooral véél, te eten krijgt, is het best een gezellig huisdier. Maar áls hem iets niet zint, hebben Odie en Jon het zwaar te verduren. Beleef de avonturen mee van deze meest eigenzinnige kat. ISBN: 9789492622631 • € 7,95 • 7-3-2018 • Levering voor rekening

GARFIELD POCKET 103. HOUDT ALLES GOED BIJ Jim Davis Uitg: De Leeuw Humor album NUR: 362 Paperback Pag: 160

Zolang Garfield goed, en vooral véél, te eten krijgt, is het best een gezellig huisdier. Maar áls hem iets niet zint, hebben Odie en Jon het zwaar te verduren. ISBN: 9789492334756 • € 5,95 • 7-3-2018 • Levering voor rekening

ISBN: 9789088863868 • € 8,95 • 22-2-2018 • Levering voor rekening

MOREA 08. HET ULTIMATUM VAN DE ENGELEN Laurent Libessart Arleston, Christophe

WOUDEN VAN OPAAL HC10. HET LOT VAN DE JONGLEUR Cedric Fernandez Arleston, Christophe


Uitg: Uitgeverij L Avontuur album NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 48

Uitg: Uitgeverij L Fantasy album NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 48

Uitg: Arboris Avontuur album NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 160

De onsterfelijke Moréa wordt niet alleen door haar eigen mensen buitenspel gezet, maar moet ook beantwoorden aan het ultimatum van haar aartsvijand Immaros. En als dat nu alles was... ISBN: 9789088863578 • € 8,95 • 22-2-2018 • Levering voor rekening


De succes-serie De wouden van Opaal gaan verder met een tweede serie die zich dertig jaar later afspeelt dan waar het negende deel was gestopt. Nieuwe hoofdpersonages en een nieuwe tekenaar brengen de verhalen van het fenomeen Christophe Arleston weer tot leven. Deze tweede reeks zal opnieuw 8 delen gaan beslaan en Het lot van de jongleur is het...


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De succes-serie De wouden van Opaal gaan verder met een tweede serie die zich dertig jaar later afspeelt dan waar het negende deel was gestopt. Nieuwe hoofdpersonages en een nieuwe tekenaar brengen de verhalen van het fenomeen Christophe Arleston weer tot leven. Deze tweede reeks zal opnieuw 8 delen gaan beslaan en Het lot van de jongleur is het...

We zijn aangekomen in 1968. In Parijs staat de studenten op de barricades en ook Maurice Rosy, de schrijver van Baard en Kale, 1968, wordt beïnvloed door de nieuwe wind die is opgestoken. Hij besluit Stomp, de vaste tegenspeler in de strip, met vakantie te sturen omdat hij het gevoel heeft dat die hem belemmert in zijn ontwikkeling als...

ISBN: 9789088863875 • € 18,95 • 22-2-2018 • Levering voor rekening

ISBN: 9789034307231 • € 24,95 • 15-3-2018 • Levering voor rekening

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Strips En Graphic Novels - Nederlandstalig BAARD EN KALE COMPLEET LU06. NAAR VERRE VERTEN DOSSIER EN EX-LIBRIS Will Rosy

KRONIEKEN VAN DE ZWARTE MAAN 16. TERRA SECUNDA BOEK 2 Fabrice Angleraud Froideval, Francois

MAC COY COMPLEET LU01. DE LEGENDE VAN MAC COY (LUXE) Antonio Hernandez Palacios Gourmelen, Jean-Pierre

Uitg: Arboris Avontuur album NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 160

Uitg: BeeDee Fantasy album NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 48

Uitg: Arboris Western NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 160

We zijn aangekomen in 1968. In Parijs staat de studenten op de barricades en ook Maurice Rosy, de schrijver van Baard en Kale, 1968, wordt beïnvloed door de nieuwe wind die is opgestoken. Hij besluit Stomp, de vaste tegenspeler in de strip, met vakantie te sturen omdat hij het gevoel heeft dat die hem belemmert in zijn ontwikkeling als... ISBN: 9789034307248 • € 59,95 • 15-3-2018 • Levering voor rekening

HUURLING DEFINITIEF HC06. DE ZWARTE BOL Vincente Segrelles Uitg: Arboris Fantasy album NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 64

Het fort van Claust is vernietigd en de monniken hebben er voor gezorgd dat de formule van het buskruit openbaar is gemaakt. Claust is dus zijn overmacht kwijt en probeert een nieuw wapen te vinden, waarmee hij iedereen kan overheersen. Dat lukt hem, maar zijn ‘Zwarte Bol' is instabiel en vormt een bedreiging voor het hele land. De Huurling en... ISBN: 9789034307217 • € 18,95 • 15-3-2018 • Levering voor rekening

HUURLING DEFINITIEF LU06. DE ZWARTE BOL (LUXE EDITIE) DOSSIER EN EX-LIBRIS Vincente Segrelles Uitg: Arboris Fantasy album NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 64

Het is gelukt ! Onder dreiging van de opmars van de Zwarte Maan, die zijn vazallen via de poorten van de hel naar Wismerhills planeet heeft gestuurd, is een grote evacuatie op gang gekomen en de miljoenen overlevenden zijn terechtgekomen op een nieuwe planeet, waar alles nog moet worden opgebouwd, onder het waakzame oog van Methraton. Wismerhill,... ISBN: 9789034307279 • € 7,95 • 15-3-2018 • Levering voor rekening

KRONIEKEN VAN DE ZWARTE MAAN HC16. TERRA SECUNDA BOEK 2 Fabrice Angleraud Froideval, Francois Uitg: Arboris Fantasy album NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 48 Het is gelukt ! Onder dreiging van de opmars van de Zwarte Maan, die zijn vazallen via de poorten van de hel naar Wismerhills planeet heeft gestuurd, is een grote evacuatie op gang gekomen en de miljoenen overlevenden zijn terechtgekomen op een nieuwe planeet, waar alles nog moet worden opgebouwd, onder het waakzame oog van Methraton. Wismerhill,... ISBN: 9789034307286 • € 17,95 • 15-3-2018 • Levering voor rekening

MAC COY COMPLEET HC01. DE LEGENDE VAN MAC COY Antonio Hernandez Palacios Gourmelen, Jean-Pierre Uitg: Arboris Western NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 160

Het fort van Claust is vernietigd en de monniken hebben er voor gezorgd dat de formule van het buskruit openbaar is gemaakt. Claust is dus zijn overmacht kwijt en probeert een nieuw wapen te vinden, waarmee hij iedereen kan overheersen. Dat lukt hem, maar zijn ‘Zwarte Bol' is instabiel en vormt een bedreiging voor het hele land. De Huurling en...

De avonturen van Alexis Mac Coy spelen zich af tegen het einde van de Amerikaanse burgeroorlog, ongeveer rond dezelfde tijd als die van Blueberry en De Blauwbloezen. Mac Coy draagt het uniform van de Zuidelijken als hij gevangen wordt genomen door Noordelijke troepen, maar aan het eind van de oorlog wordt hij wegens zijn dapperheid bevorderd tot...

ISBN: 9789034307224 • € 39,95 • 15-3-2018 • Levering voor rekening

ISBN: 9789034307330 • € 25,95 • 15-3-2018 • Levering voor rekening

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De avonturen van Alexis Mac Coy spelen zich af tegen het einde van de Amerikaanse burgeroorlog, ongeveer rond dezelfde tijd als die van Blueberry en De Blauwbloezen. Mac Coy draagt het uniform van de Zuidelijken als hij gevangen wordt genomen door Noordelijke troepen, maar aan het eind van de oorlog wordt hij wegens zijn dapperheid bevorderd tot... ISBN: 9789034307347 • € 59,95 • 15-3-2018 • Levering voor rekening

MAGIKA INTEGRAAL HC01. EERSTE BAND Fabrice Angleraud Guenet, Nicolas Uitg: Arboris SF album NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 100

Justine Gallagher is weliswaar geen gewone politievrouw van de NYPD - je kunt er maar beter geen ruzie mee krijgen, als je begrijpt wat ik bedoel - maar als ze het op moet nemen tegen Vlad Tepes, de uit de vijftiende eeuw afkomstige moordmachine die bloederig te keer gaat in New York, ziet het er naar uit dat hij ook voor haar een maatje te groot... ISBN: 9789034307354 • € 19,95 • 15-3-2018 • Levering voor rekening

MAGIKA INTEGRAAL HC02. TWEEDE BAND Fabrice Angleraud Guenet, Nicolas Uitg: Arboris SF album NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 100

New York, kort na de millenniumwisseling. De politie heeft NYPD-agente Justine Galager afgestuurd op Vlad Tepes, de uit de middeleeuwen afkomstige moordenaar, die op zijn beurt heeft gezworen af te rekenen met de aanhangers van de sekte van New Jesus… ISBN: 9789034307149 • € 19,95 • 15-3-2018 • Levering voor rekening

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Strips En Graphic Novels - Nederlandstalig METABARONNEN CASTAKA COMPLEET HC01. CASTAKA COMPLEET Das Pastoras Jodorowsky, Alexandro



Uitg: Arboris SF album NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 112

Uitg: Arboris Humor album NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 48

Uitg: Arboris Avontuur album NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 200

In deze subreeks binnen het Metabaronnen-universum vertelt Alejandro Jodorowsky het verhaal van de voorouders van de Metabaronnen. De eerder in twee dikke delen vertelde imposante sage over dood en verderf, bloederige veroveringen en strijd, maar ook over kinderen, liefde en zachtaardigheid, verschijnt nu gebundeld in harde kaft, prachtig in beeld...

Olivier Blunder heeft het een poosje rustig aan gedaan, maar is nu weer helemaal terug! Op tekst van Fabcaro en met tekeningen van Serge Carrère, die de strip sinds kort samen voortzetten na het overlijden van Greg, beleeft Blunder weer nieuwe avonturen, die voor alle lezers van vroeger en nu zeer herkenbaar zullen zijn. De computer (hoe moet dat...

Voor de reeks Tanguy en Laverdure schreef auteur Jean-Michel Charlier graag verhalen die zich uitstrekten over twee albums, omdat hij dan zijn plots beter kon uitdiepen. De twee verhalen van albumlengte die de kern van dit boek vormen, zijn ook weer zo’n dubbelverhaal. We keren daarin terug naar het Arabische koninkrijk Sarrakat, dat we al hebben...

ISBN: 9789034307156 • € 19,95 • 15-3-2018 • Levering voor rekening

ISBN: 9789034307316 • € 7,95 • 15-3-2018 • Levering voor rekening

ISBN: 9789034307132 • € 59,95 • 15-3-2018 • Levering voor rekening

MOSES ROSE 02. HET GEHEUGEN VAN DE RUÏNES Christelle Galland Ordas, Patrice Uitg: Arboris Western NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 48


Olivier Blunder heeft het een poosje rustig aan gedaan, maar is nu weer helemaal terug! Op tekst van Fabcaro en met tekeningen van Serge Carrère, die de strip sinds kort samen voortzetten na het overlijden van Greg, beleeft Blunder weer nieuwe avonturen, die voor alle lezers van vroeger en nu zeer herkenbaar zullen zijn. De computer (hoe moet dat...

ISBN: 9789034307170 • € 7,95 • 15-3-2018 • Levering voor rekening

ISBN: 9789034307323 • € 17,95 • 15-3-2018 • Levering voor rekening

Uitg: Arboris Western NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 48

Uitg: Arboris Humor album NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 48

Uitg: Arboris Humor album NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 48

Louis ‘Moses’ Rose is een van de weinige overlevenden van de slachting bij Fort Alamo, maar wordt er juist daardoor van beschuldigd een deserteur te zijn. Om te bewijzen dat die beschuldiging onterecht is en af te komen van de spoken die hem elke nacht in zijn slaap kwellen, gaat hij vanuit New Orleans terug naar Texas, samen met sheriff Millsaps...



De strip Willems Wereld stond 21 jaar lang wekelijks in het tijdschrift Panorama, tot daar enkele maanden geleden een einde aan kwam. Voor dit laatste album heeft Aloys Oosterwijk (winnaar Stripschapprijs 2007) de allerbeste grappen uit het laatste jaar uitgekozen; de harde kafteditie bevat bovendien een extra dossier over... SC ISBN: 9789034307293 • € 7,95 • 15-3-2018 HC ISBN: 9789034307309 • € 17,95 • 15-3-2018 • Levering voor rekening


24/7 02, BIJZONDERE VERHALEN UIT DE POLITIEPRAKTIJK Patrick van Oppen Sytse Algera Uitg: Comic Watch Avontuur album NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 48

Uitg: Arboris Avontuur album NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 200

Louis ‘Moses’ Rose is een van de weinige overlevenden van de slachting bij Fort Alamo, maar wordt er juist daardoor van beschuldigd een deserteur te zijn. Om te bewijzen dat die beschuldiging onterecht is en af te komen van de spoken die hem elke nacht in zijn slaap kwellen, gaat hij vanuit New Orleans terug naar Texas, samen met sheriff Millsaps...

Voor de reeks Tanguy en Laverdure schreef auteur Jean-Michel Charlier graag verhalen die zich uitstrekten over twee albums, omdat hij dan zijn plots beter kon uitdiepen. De twee verhalen van albumlengte die de kern van dit boek vormen, zijn ook weer zo’n dubbelverhaal. We keren daarin terug naar het Arabische koninkrijk Sarrakat, dat we al hebben...

ISBN: 9789034307187 • € 17,95 • 15-3-2018 • Levering voor rekening

ISBN: 9789034307125 • € 24,95 • 15-3-2018 • Levering voor rekening

ISBN: 9789492865007 • € 8,95 • 28-3-2018 • Levering voor rekening



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Strips En Graphic Novels - Herdrukken BAARD EN KALE COMPLEET HC01. DIE DUIVELSE MENEER STOMP Will Rosy Uitg: Arboris Klassiek album NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 160


Hoewel Maurice Tillieux (1921-1978) ook in de jaren dat hij in Robbedoes en andere striptijdschriften publiceerde al een groot publiek bereikte, is pas in de jaren daarna het besef gegroeid hoe uitzonderlijk zijn werk altijd is geweest, met als absoluut hoogtepunt de door hem zowel geschreven als getekende reeks Guus Slim. In het Franse taalgebied...

ISBN: 9789034305732 • € 24,95 • 15-3-2018 • Levering voor rekening

ISBN: 9789034305923 • € 24,95 • 15-3-2018 • Levering voor rekening

Uitg: Arboris Avontuur album NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 128 In dit boek is het eerste verhaal van de reeks opgenomen, dat vroeger in tweeën geknipt verscheen in de albums De verloren raket en Eerherstel voor een lafaard. Een zeer uitgebreid dossier (haast een boek of zich) met zeldzame documenten uit de archieven van Charlier en Uderzo en illustraties uit de begintijd van de strip is aan het boek...

Uitg: De Leeuw Humor album NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 48

Uitg: Arboris Klassiek album NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 160

Stomp is een genie, een van die geniale misdadigers die misdaad tot een kunstvorm verheffen, dankzij een briljante intelligentie die zijn achtervolgers telkens weer versteld doet staan. Zijn bende, de Witte Hand, is overal gevreesd. Stomp is een van die grote misdadigers die je niet snel vergeet. Gewone diefstallen en ongeïnspireerde moorden zijn...


CHAMPIONS 19. DEEL 19 Gurcan Gürsel

Een stripboek met korte hilarische verhaaltjes waarin gebeurtenissen op en rondom het voetbalveld op de korrel worden genomen. ISBN: 9789492622471 • € 7,95 • 31-1-2018 • Levering voor rekening

ROOIE OORTJES 45. Gurcan Gürsel

CHAMPIONS 20. Gurcan Gürsel

Uitg: De Leeuw Humor album NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 48

Uitg: De Leeuw Humor album NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 48

Rooie oortjes is een Belgische serie erotische stripverhalen die door verschillende tekenaars getekend wordt. De reeks is een gagstrip die erotische humor bevat en bedoeld is voor volwassenen.

Een stripboek met korte hilarische verhaaltjes waarin gebeurtenissen op en rondom het voetbalveld op de korrel worden genomen. ISBN: 9789492622488 • € 7,95 • 28-3-2018 • Levering voor rekening

ISBN: 9789492622396 • € 7,95 • 31-1-2018 • Levering voor rekening

ISBN: 9789034305794 • € 24,95 • 15-3-2018 • Levering voor rekening

BAARD EN KALE COMPLEET HC02. OP HET SPOOR VAN DE MISDAAD Will Rosy Uitg: Arboris Klassiek album NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 160 Voor de tweede bundel van De complete Baard en Kale is gekozen voor de eerste drie verhalen die topscenarist Maurice Tillieux voor de stripreeks van tekenaar Will heeft geschreven. Met de komst van Tillieux keerde de strip, die op dat moment de wat absurdere kant was opgegaan, weer terug naar de spannende detectiveverhalen waar de reeks groot mee...

ROOIE OORTJES 38. DEEL 38 Gurcan Gürsel


Uitg: De Leeuw Erotiek album NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 48

Rooie oortjes is een Belgische serie erotische stripverhalen die door verschillende tekenaars getekend wordt. De reeks is een gagstrip die erotische humor bevat en bedoeld is voor volwassenen. ISBN: 9789492622402 • € 7,95 • 28-3-2018 • Levering voor rekening

ISBN: 9789034305848 • € 24,95 • 15-3-2018 • Levering voor rekening

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MAART 15-03









TOMB RAIDER ARCHIVES (04) Fiona Avery B Ching

Uitg: Marvel Strips/Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 112

Uitg: Marvel Strips/Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 136

What happened to Captain Phasma after Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens? Writer Kelly Thompson (HAWKEYE) and artist Marco Checchetto (AVENGERS WORLD, PUNISHER, GAMORA) expand Captain Phasma’s story and reveal how she escaped the destruction of Starkiller Base. It’s the stunning lead-in to this winter’s blockbuster big-screen Star Wars film, and everything you need to know is right here!

Wakanda. The most technologically advanced nation in the world is protected by the mighty BLACK PANTHER! Before this fall’s BLACK PANTHER film, learn how T’CHALLA became the legendary hero of Wakanda in this ALL-NEW, NEVERBEFORE-TOLD tale set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe! See how the mantle was passed to the future king, in a time when super heroes were just emerging in the larger world.

ISBN: 9780785194552 • € 16,99 • 28-10-2017

ISBN: 9781302909420 • € 15,99 • 10-01-2018


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Uitg: Dark Horse Strips/Comics NUR: 360 / Hardback Pag: 488

What happened to Captain Phasma after Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens? Writer Kelly Thompson (HAWKEYE) and artist Marco Checchetto (AVENGERS WORLD, PUNISHER, GAMORA) expand Captain Phasma’s story and reveal how she escaped the destruction of Starkiller Base. It’s the stunning lead-in to this winter’s blockbuster big-screen Star Wars film,... ISBN: 9781506703541 • € 39,99 • 27-02-2018

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Comics En Graphic Novels - Engelstalig STAR WARS: THE CLASSIC NEWSPAPER COMICS (02) Al Williamson Goodwin A Uitg: Diamond Comics NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 296

REGULAR SHOW (10): Mad Rupert Howell L Uitg: Simon & Schuster US Strips/Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 112

REBELS: THESE FREE AND INDEPENDENT STATES Brian Wood Mutti A Uitg: Random House US Strips/Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 200

This second of three volumes reprints for the first time the classic Star Wars newspaper strip in its complete format. No other edition includes each Sunday page title header and “bonus” panels in their meticulously restored original color. The epic seven-days-a-week sagas begin with „Han Solo at Stars’ End,” based on a novel by Brian Daley,...

Best friends Mordecai and Rigby avoid chores and get into more outrageous trouble than they can handle working at their park jobs! From writer Mad Rupert (Adventure Time) and with art by Laura Howell (Angry Birds), Regular Show Vol. 10 marks the conclusion of the hit comic book series based on the fan-favorite show from Cartoon Network.

In 1775, Seth Abbott fought to win his fellow Americans their independence. In 1794, his son, John Abbott, comes of age as their new nation faces multiple new threats: high seas terrorism, fresh aggression from Britain, and intense political division at home. When Congress authorizes building America's first navy--the famous "six frigates" that...

ISBN: 9781684050536 • € 53,95 • 30-1-2018 • Levering voor rekening

ISBN: 9781684150618 • € 16,95 • 6-2-2018

ISBN: 9781506702032 • € 24,99 • 6-3-2018 • Levering voor rekening

ADVENTURE TIME (11): PRINCESS & PRINCESS Uitg: Simon & Schuster US Strips/Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 144

When Finn is asked to kingdom-sit for a neighboring Rock Princess, he’s excited to take a break from his responsibilities back home, until the Underground Kingdom turns to him with pressing matters. Thrown into the role of ‘princess’, Finn’s adopted kingdom decides to declare war on Princess Bubblegum! ISBN: 9781684150250 • € 16,95 • 30-1-2018

LEGEND OF KORRA: TURF WARS (02) Michael Dante Dimartino Koh I Uitg: Dark Horse Manga NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 80 Relishing their newfound feelings for each other, Korra and Asami leave the Spirit World . . . but find nothing in Republic City but political hijinks and human vs. spirit conflict! In order to get through it all, Korra and Asami vow to look out for each other--but first, they've got to get better at being a team and a couple! ISBN: 9781506700403 • € 12,50 • 30-1-2018 • Levering voor rekening

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MOEBIUS LIBRARY: THE ART OF EDENA Moebius Uitg: Dark Horse Strips/Comics NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 176

MOEBIUS LIBRARY: INSIDE MOEBIUS (01) Jean Giraud Moebius Uitg: Dark Horse Strips/Comics NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 216

This companion volume to the World of Edena graphic novel collects four fantastic Edena-related short stories and a motherlode of Moebius illustrations. A celebration of the imagery and creative enthusiasm Moebius held for his Edena universe and his characters Stel and Atan, these short stories are collected here, as Moebius explores his...

A six-part study with Inside Moebius Part 1 collecting the first two chapters in this fantastic exploration of a creator meeting his own creations. Dark Horse will release all parts to this exceptional, intimate series in 2018! This is the third volume in the Moebius Library hardcover series and the beginning of Moebius's most intensely personal...

ISBN: 9781506703213 • € 34,99 • 30-1-2018 • Levering voor rekening

ISBN: 9781506703206 • € 39,99 • 20-2-2018

WORLD OF WARCRAFT: CHRONICLE VOLUME 3 Uitg: Dark Horse Science Fict NUR: 334 Hardback Pag: 184

Like its predecessors, Volume III features beautiful full-color artwork by Peter Lee, Emily Chen, Stanton Feng, and other fan-favorite artists, as well as intricately detailed maps and spot art by Joseph Lacroix. Bolster your knowledge of Warcraft lore with this striking third volume! ISBN: 9781616558475 • € 39,95 • 27-3-2018 • Levering voor rekening

TOMB RAIDER ARCHIVES (04) Fiona Avery Ching B Uitg: Dark Horse Comics NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 488

Lara Croft's adventures, her circling the globe in search of priceless artifacts, couldn't be contained by the main comics series! The spin-off follows Lara as she encounters the same pirate through different lifetimes. Hard-to-find one-shot stories show Lara's origins. These painted stories are unbelievable masterpieces in the canon--now printed... ISBN: 9781506703541 • € 39,99 • 27-2-2018 • Levering voor rekening

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Comics En Graphic Novels - Engelstalig HATSUNE MIKU: FUTURE DELIVERY (02) Oshio Satoshi Hugin M


Uitg: Dark Horse Manga NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 168

Uitg: Knopf Strips/Comics NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 256

Asumi and Asimov have met the many future incarnations not only of Hatsune Miku, but Kagamine Len and Rin as well. But where is the original Miku who inspired so many others, and will finding her be the key to unlock the memories of who Asumi really is? Or has that truth been close by her all along...? ISBN: 9781506703626 • € 12,50 • 6-2-2018 • Levering voor rekening

AMERICAN GODS (01): SHADOWS (GRAPHIC NOVEL) Neil Gaiman Hampton S Uitg: Dark Horse Strips/Comics NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 208 Shadow Moon gets out of jail only to discover his wife is dead. Defeated, broke, and uncertain where to go from here, he meets the mysterious Mr. Wednesday, who employs him to serve as his bodyguard-thrusting Shadow into a deadly world where ghosts of the past come back from the dead, and a god war is imminent. ISBN: 9781506703862 • € 29,99 • 13-3-2018 • Levering voor rekening

ROME WEST Brian Wood Mutti A Uitg: Dark Horse Strips/Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 96

AMAZING SPIDERMAN: WORLDWIDE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN: WORLDWIDE (07) Dan Slott Immonen S Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 160

This adaptation of Anne Frank's Diary of a Young Girl into a graphic version for a young readership, maintains the integrity and power of the original work. With stunning, expressive illustrations and ample direct quotation from the diary, this edition will expand the readership for this important and lasting work of history and literature.

What will Secret Empire mean for the Amazing Spider-Man? The return of Otto Octavius! But this isn't the old Doc Ock he's back as the Superior Octopus! He's allied himself with Steve Rogers and Hydra, and he has a personal mission - to take down the company that he helped create: Parker Industries! Spider-Man is already overwhelmed from the...

ISBN: 9781101871799 • € 24,95 • 6-3-2018

ISBN: 9781302902940 • € 19,99 • 16-1-2018 • Levering voor rekening

BLADE OF THE IMMORTAL OMNIBUS (05) Hiroaki Samura Uitg: Dark Horse Manga NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 650

GWENPOOL, THE UNBELIEVABLE (04): BEYOND THE FORTH WALL Chris Hastings Gurihiru Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 112

Kidnapped and bound by three Itto-ryu warriors, Rin is unable to warn her bodyguard, Manji--the seemingly immortal swordsman, that he's heading into a trap. The Itto-ryu thugs also possess a large dose of the only known poison to severely cripple his regenerative abilities. Over 700 pages of samurai swordplay and grudge matches in one killer,...

Gwen Poole is everyone's favorite character from the "real" world! And her superpower is Official-Handbook-level knowledge of top-secret comic book facts! But the longer she's in the Marvel Universe, and not reading about it from the outside, the more her powers run out...or do they? Maybe a trip back to her world might help - but if that happens,...

ISBN: 9781506705675 • € 24,95 • 27-3-2018 • Levering voor rekening

ISBN: 9781302905484 • € 15,99 • 2-1-2018

BEN REILLY: SCARLET SPIDER (02) Peter David Bagley M


Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 112

Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 112

In AD 323, a fleet of Roman ships is lost in a storm, and they find themselves on the shores of the New World, one thousand years before Columbus. Unable to return home, they establish a new colony, Roma Occidens, radically altering the timeline of America and subsequent world events as seen through the eyes of one family. An alt-history account...

Out of the ashes of The Clone Conspiracy, Ben Reilly is alive once again - and has taken up the mantle of the Scarlet Spider once more! But with enemies bearing down on him from every side, neither of those status quos might last for too much longer! Ben is running out of options and running out of time! And it doesn't help that one of the people...

Wanda Maximoff has returned to the Avengers at last! But not everyone on the team is happy about it. Will the team be split down the middle by the arrival of the Scarlet Witch? And as the Unity Squad faces this challenge to group harmony head-on, an old enemy makes their explosive return at the worst possible time! The lives of our heroes will be...

ISBN: 9781506704999 • € 17,95 • 20-3-2018 • Levering voor rekening

ISBN: 9780785194590 • € 15,99 • 30-1-2018 • Levering voor rekening

ISBN: 9781302906450 • € 15,99 • 6-3-2018 • Levering voor rekening


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Prijzen zijn onder voorbehoud

Comics En Graphic Novels - Engelstalig BLACK PANTHER: THE MAN WITHOUT FEAR - THE COMPLETE COLLECTION David Liss Francavilla F Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 416

ICEMAN (01) Sina Grace Vitti A Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 136

THOR (02) Walt Simonson Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 240

In the wake of Shadowland, Hell's Kitchen has a new protector - the Black Panther! He has no kingdom, no Vibranium and no high-tech safety net - just bloody knuckles and the will to prove himself in a foreign land. T'Challa will create a new life, a new identity, and become a new kind of hero. But with Daredevil gone, the bad guys are coming out...

Bobby Drake has been in the super hero game longer than most - but what has he left behind besides a few good one-liners and a string of failed relationships? And now a younger version of himself has emerged from the timestream - and he's more put together than Bobby ever was. He grapples with his gay identity and his family and how to build a...

Few people have ever left their mark on one character quite the way Walter Simonson has. His work on the Mighty Thor swept the Norse God of Thunder to heights never before seen and rarely achieved in his wake. Spanning epic tales of heroism and treachery, love and war, Simonson's work is often considered the defi nitive Thor. From the majesty and...

ISBN: 9781302907723 • € 34,99 • 9-1-2018 • Levering voor rekening

ISBN: 9781302908799 • € 17,99 • 9-1-2018

ISBN: 9781302909024 • € 24,99 • 23-1-2018 • Levering voor rekening

SPIDER-MAN: BRAND NEW DAY - COMPLETE COLLECTION (04) Mark Waid Mckone M Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 504

DEADPOOL: WORLD'S GREATEST (03) Gerry Duggan Hawthorne M

STAR WARS ADVENTURES (02) Landry Walker Charm D

Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 272

Uitg: IDW Strips/Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 80

A truly Amazing era of Spider-Man continues - with the former Green Goblin in charge! First, Spidey goes "24/7" to mess with J. Jonah Jameson - as a new Vulture makes his high-flying debut! But Norman Osborn is policing the nation with his Dark Avengers squad, and Peter Parker doesn't like that one bit! Whose side will the armored American Son be...

Deadpool and the Mercs for Money are clearly the best and least dysfunctional super-group in the Marvel Universe. Until Civil War II breaks out and everything falls apart! Brace yourself, True Believer, you're about to find out what made Wade Wilson the world's most popular hero! But when the former voice inside DP's head known as Madcap returns...

FN-2187 turns a bad day and troublesome pest into praise from Captain Phasma. Luke and Leia undertake a high-stakes, two-part undercover mission on Tibrin with explosive results. Plus more stories with K-2SO, Cassian, Emil, CR-8R, and the rebels vs. the Empire expand the world of Star Wars into new territory for a new generation of fans.

ISBN: 9781302907990 • € 39,99 • 2-1-2018 • Levering voor rekening

ISBN: 9781302908942 • € 34,99 • 16-1-2018 • Levering voor rekening

ISBN: 9781684051694 • € 11,95 • 20-2-2018 • Levering voor rekening

SPIDER-MAN/DEADPOOL (04) Josh Corin Kalan E Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 112

The adventures of your favorite duo in comic books continue, and this time Spider-Man and Deadpool have decided NOT TO BE FUNNY ANYMORE?! What could have possibly driven our two heroes to take the funny outta their own funny book? And just what the heck has SLAPSTICK got to do with it?! When the villainous ARCADE decides to build a second, even... ISBN: 9781302908065 • € 15,99 • 16-1-2018 • Levering voor rekening

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SPIDER-GWEN (02) Jason Latour Taylor T


Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 264

Uitg: DC Comics Strips/Comics NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 304

Gwen Stacy has lost her spider-powers! Which makes this a very bad time to fi nd herself in Frank Castle's crosshairs! So when the Mary Janes head to a haunted house, will Gwen be along for the fun, or will she be one of the ghosts? Thanksgiving should be a happy time with friends and family - unless crime lord Matt Murdock and his ninjas crash... ISBN: 9781302909000 • € 34,99 • 16-1-2018 • Levering voor rekening

Jack is taken back in time to some of his many adventures and misadventures. Jack then takes a trek across the fabled lands of Americana with Humpty Dumpty and Paul Bunyan. His extreme road stories and encounters with other notorious, renegade Fables are just a few of the situations in store! Collects JACK OF FABLES #16-27. ISBN: 9781401277710 • € 42,95 • 6-3-2018 • Levering voor rekening

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Comics En Graphic Novels - Engelstalig VENOM (03): LETHAL PROTECTOR - BLOOD IN THE WATER Mike Costa Siquiera P


Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 136

Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 424

You've seen things from Eddie Brock's perspective; now see how things look from the other side - from the perspective of the Venom symbiote! COLLECTING: VENOM 154-158 ISBN: 9781302906047 • € 16,99 • 30-1-2018 • Levering voor rekening

WOLVERINE: COMPLETE COLLECTION (03) Daniel Way Carey M Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 496

THANOS (02) Jeff Lemire Peralta G Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 112

From Civil War to the Fantastic Four! King T'Challa and Queen Ororo are about to embark on a diplomatic tour around the globe - and beyond! Stops include Latveria (hello, Doctor Doom), the Moon (meet the Inhumans), Atlantis (hey, it's Namor) and a United States locked in confl ict over the Superhuman Registration Act (enter, Iron Man)! But Storm...

See Thanos as you've never seen him before: powerless and alone! He is willing to do anything to survive...even if that means accepting help from the unlikeliest of places! And when a threat emerges that's even worse than the Mad Titan himself, every last one of our lives will depend on the weakened Thanos' drive to survive! And then there's the...

ISBN: 9781302909475 • € 39,99 • 16-1-2018 • Levering voor rekening

ISBN: 9781302905583 • € 15,99 • 9-1-2018


DOCTOR STRANGE (04): MR. MISERY Jason Aaron Immonen K

Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 400

Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 136

Daniel Way continues to explore Wolverine's origins in action-packed fashion! It starts with Logan's wartime history with Captain America and Bucky, on a secret mission in Madripoor...and you won't believe Wolverine's true agenda! In the present day, Wolverine and Deadpool clash - but who hired the Merc with a Mouth to kill Logan? Then, Professor...

Cable stars in power-packed adventures from an explosive era! The Askani'son's world is rocked when he battles Jack Truman, the highly trained S.H.I.E.L.D. operative known as Agent 18! When the Nemesis Contract is opened, Cable will face the wrath of Zzzax, the fury of Nick Fury and the portent of Project: Deathlok! Then, when Stryfe strikes,...

As magic faced its last days, Mr. Misery helped Doctor Strange defeat the Empirikul. But that doesn't make Misery a hero. Not one bit. Now the nightmarish creature is about to show Strange the full meaning of his name - and he'll do it by visiting pain and suffering on one of the Doc's closest allies! The Sorcerer Supreme won't stand for that -...

ISBN: 9781302907686 • € 34,99 • 2-1-2018 • Levering voor rekening

ISBN: 9781302909482 • € 34,99 • 23-1-2018 • Levering voor rekening

ISBN: 9781302905873 • € 19,99 • 2-1-2018

VENOMVERSE Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 128

DEADPOOL CLASSIC (21): DVX Fabian Nicieza Acker B Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 368

DOCTOR STRANGE (05) Denis Hopeless Henrichon N Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 136

During a routine battle with the villainous Jack O'lantern, Venom fi nds himself transported to a far-off world and learns a terrible truth - a deadly new species called the Poisons has emerged from the vastness of space, and to make matters worse, they're hunting Venoms! Trapped on the planet's surface with a ragtag band of Venomized heroes,...

Deadpool clashes with the X-Men in adventures that give new meaning to the word "classic"! First, a bromance is rekindled as Deadpool and Cable - the Merc with the Mouth and the Soldier with the Shoulders - face a fight for the future! Then, learn the secret shared history of the Regeneratin' Degenerate and the Ragin' Cajun as Wade and Gambit take...

The Sorcerer Supreme suffers Secret Empire! New York City is under attack by dark forces, and only Doctor Strange has a shot at saving it - but it's quite a long shot! And to have any hope, Strange must ally himself with some unsavory people. No, not Spider-Woman - though the Doctor is recruiting her, too. We're talking about Wilson Fisk, A.K.A....

ISBN: 9781302909345 • € 15,99 • 9-1-2018 • Levering voor rekening

ISBN: 9781302910105 • € 34,99 • 30-1-2018

ISBN: 9781302905897 • € 19,99 • 23-1-2018


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Comics En Graphic Novels - Engelstalig MIGHTY CAPTAIN MARVEL (02): BAND OF SISTER Margaret Stohl Bandini M


Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 112

Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 512

STAR WARS: DOCTOR APHRA (02) Kieron Gillen Walker K Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 168

As Secret Empire begins, Captain Marvel faces the Chitauri! The savage alien fleet has nearly reached Earth space - and it's up to Carol Danvers to stop it. But taking on an entire armada is a tall order even for our mighty hero and the crew of the Alpha Flight Space Station. Can Carol find a way to inspire her ranks - including her battalion of...

The Mob has set a trap for Frank Castle, turning low-level enforcer Wilson Fisk into a fictional Kingpin of Crime for Frank to target. But Fisk decides he quite likes his new position enough to kill his bosses to keep it. Suddenly, the Punisher finds himself in a one-on-one war with a deadly threat, and he must decide how far he is willing to go...

Aphra's back with a brand-new plan that's guaranteed to pay! There's just one teensy problem... it involves surrounding herself with some of the galaxy's biggest baddies. And they don't like the not-so-good doctor's tricks! Her mission to make quick credits by auctioning off an ancient Jedi artifact will start well... and end badly. And that's...

ISBN: 9781302906061 • € 15,99 • 9-1-2018

ISBN: 9781302909123 • € 39,99 • 30-1-2018 • Levering voor rekening

ISBN: 9781302907631 • € 19,99 • 20-2-2018

MIGHTY THOR (04) Jason Aaron Dauterman R

PUNISHER (03) Becky Cloonan Horak M

Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 136

Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 112

ASTONISHING X-MEN (01): LIFE OF X Charles Soule Cheung J Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 144

Who is the new Ultimate Thor? The Ultimate Universe's Thor died defending the Multiverse, but his hammer remains. Who wields it now? Ponder that question along with Jane Foster, the Mighty Thor, as she faces the Ultimate team-up! War is coming to the Ten Realms - and when the Queen of Cinders sets them ablaze, even the combined might of not one,...

The Punisher is back in the Big Apple: Start spreading the bullets! He's coming today! He wants to destroy the crime of it...New York, New York! And when a blackout hits the big city, the dark brings out some of the worst that its mean streets have to offer. The NY subway can be full of horrible people on a good day, but for Frank Castle...this...

Charles Soule and a stellar roster of superstar artists unite to put the Astonishing back in the X-Men! An ancient evil is attacking the world's most powerful minds. It will have them by the time you finish this sentence, and a moment later, it will have us all. A band of X-Men discovers the truth behind the threat, but is there any time left for...

ISBN: 9781302906580 • € 24,99 • 30-1-2018

ISBN: 9781302905415 • € 15,99 • 16-1-2018

ISBN: 9781302908508 • € 17,99 • 6-3-2018


ALL-NEW WOLVERINE (05) Tom Taylor Cabal J

Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 208

Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 112

STAR WARS: JEDI OF THE REPUBLIC - MACE WINDU Matt Owens Cowan D Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 112

The X-Men and Inhumans have been on a collision course ever since the link was proven between the Inhumans' precious Terrigen Mist and the sickness and death of many mutants. And when the Beast discovers that mutantkind has only two weeks left before planet Earth becomes completely uninhabitable for them, an Inhuman/mutant war is unavoidable! It...

Daken has been kidnapped, and it's up to Wolverine to find him. But when his trail brings her back to the Facility, the place that tortured and created her, what new horrors will Laura find cooking there? Who, exactly, are the Orphans of X? How are they connected to the Wolverine? And what do they know about Laura and her past? COLLECTING:...

One of the most revered Jedi Masters of all stars in his own solo series! Learn all there is to know about the man, the myth, the legend -Mace Windu! For over a thousand generations, the Jedi have been the peacekeepers of the galaxy...but now, at the dawn of the Clone Wars, they fi nd themselves in a new role: generals in the Army of the Republic....

ISBN: 9781302906900 • € 34,99 • 16-1-2018 • Levering voor rekening

ISBN: 9781302905613 • € 15,99 • 27-2-2018

ISBN: 9781302909413 • € 15,99 • 6-3-2018

Prijzen zijn onder voorbehoud

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Comics En Graphic Novels - Engelstalig MARVEL'S BLACK PANTHER PRELUDE Wil Corona Pilgrim

IRON FIST (02): Ed Brisson Perkins M

Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 136

Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 160

Wakanda. The most technologically advanced nation in the world is protected by the mighty BLACK PANTHER! Before this fall's BLACK PANTHER film, learn how T'CHALLA became the legendary hero of Wakanda in this ALL-NEW, NEVERBEFORE-TOLD tale set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe! See how the mantle was passed to the future king, in a time when super...

The punches and kicks fly as the man with the Iron Fist teams up with Shang-Chi, the Master of Kung Fu! But what brings these two heroes with the deadly hands together? Oh, nothing much - only a murder cult trying to kill Danny! But that's easier said than done... It's an all-out martial arts extravaganza you won't want to miss, as Iron Fist's...

SAGA (08) Brian K Vaughan Uitg: Diamond Strips/Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 152

After the traumatic events of the War for Phang, Hazel, her parents, and their surviving companions embark on a lifechanging adventure at the westernmost edge of the universe. Collects issues 43 through 48. ISBN: 9781534303492 • € 16,95 • 2-1-2018 • Levering voor rekening

ISBN: 9781302907778 • € 17,99 • 20-3-2018

ISBN: 9781302909420 • € 15,99 • 10-1-2018 • Levering voor rekening

ALL-NEW GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY (02): RIDERS IN THE SKY Gerry Duggan Kuder A Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 136

X-MEN: LEGION SHADOW KING RISING Chris Claremont Nicieza F Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 328

BLACK SCIENCE (07): EXTINCTION IS THE RULE Rick Remender Scalera M Uitg: Diamond Strips/Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 128

Your favorite Guardians take turns in the spotlight! Gamora - the most dangerous person in the galaxy - has been hiding something from her teammates. What is her secret quest, and how did it find her? Star-Lord has been sailing the radio waves of the cosmos for years, keeping up with the one piece of Earth he could never quite leave behind -...

David Haller is no ordinary mutant. Son of Charles Xavier, founder of the X-Men, David's incredible mental powers fractured his mind - and now, each of his personalities controls a different ability! And they're not all friendly, as Xavier and the New Mutants find out the hard way! But as Legion struggles to control the chaos in his head, he...

The Eververse collapsing under its own weight. The Dimensionauts, a ragtag collection of heroes, scientists and anarchists from countless alternate realities, must band together and head towards the center of the Onion, the infinite-layered construct of all there is, was and ever could be. Grant McKay created the Pillar to save the world with...

ISBN: 9781302905453 • € 17,99 • 2-1-2018

ISBN: 9781302909550 • € 34,99 • 30-1-2018 • Levering voor rekening

ISBN: 9781534304932 • € 18,95 • 13-2-2018 • Levering voor rekening


SOUTHERN BASTARDS 04. Jason Aaron Latour J

WALKING DEAD WALKINIG DEAD (29) Robert Kirkman Adlard C

Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 136

Uitg: Diamond Strips/Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 160

Uitg: Diamond Strips/Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 136

As the Guardians begin their search for the Infinity Stones in earnest...they join up with the Nova Corps?!? That's right - the Guardians are going to be walking the space beat officially! COLLECTING: GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY (2017) 146151 ISBN: 9781302905460 • € 17,99 • 27-3-2018

Coach Boss holds sway over Craw County for one reason: he wins football games. But after the biggest, ugliest loss of his career, the coach must become more of a criminal than ever before, if he's gonna keep ahead of his enemies. Enemies like Roberta Tubb, who's come to town with a machine gun and some serious questions about how her daddy...

Recent events have thrown Alexandria into turmoil, and now Rick, Dwight, Eugene and Negan all have something to prove. Collects THE WALKING DEAD #169-174. ISBN: 9781534304970 • € 18,95 • 13-3-2018 • Levering voor rekening

ISBN: 9781534301948 • € 18,95 • 9-1-2018 • Levering voor rekening


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Comics En Graphic Novels - Engelstalig X-FILES: ORIGINS (01) Jody Houser Howell C Uitg: IDW Strips/Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 140

Before the FBI, before the X-Files, they were just two teenagers in search of the truth. On Martha’s Vineyard, a young Fox Mulder investigates something strange happening on the island, while in San Diego, 13-year-old Dana Scully looks into the shocking murder of her teacher. Two kids, two mysteries, one conspiracy that threatens the future of... ISBN: 9781631408458 • € 22,95 • 28-2-2018 • Levering voor rekening

LOVE SONG Uitg: IDW Graphic Novel NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 200

WEIRD LOVE: SO THIS IS LOVE? Craig Yoe Gussoni C Uitg: IDW Strips/Comics NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 160

The punk rock star and graphic novelist introduces these LOL bizarro, lurid, and looney romance comic book stories from the 1950s, '60s, and beyond! Your jaw will drop over the WTH wacky pulp fiction with... Off-beat stories abound in this celebration of the lurid and sometimes sleazy history of romance comic books. ISBN: 9781684050208 • € 32,50 • 6-2-2018 • Levering voor rekening

SPIDER-MAN/DEADPOOL Joe Kelly Mcguinness E Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 264

JESSICA JONES (03): Brian Michael Bendis Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 112

THE RETURN OF THE PURPLE MAN! The only thing worse than being stalked by the evil incarnate that is the Purple Man is being stalked by the evil incarnate that is the Purple Man when you have a small child. The sequel to one of the most controversial stories in Marvel Comics history is here, produced by the original creators of Jessica Jones. ... ISBN: 9781302906375 • € 15,99 • 20-3-2018

WEAPON X (02): Greg Pak Borstelmann M Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 136

United by a shared love of music, this collection of four "albums" is composed of a series of short stories, each running into the next like best cuts from your favorite records. It gets the joy and humor out of the way up front, letting the story wind its way into the serious corners of adult life. This story will sink into readers like a jingle...

The Webbed Wonder and the Merc with a Mouth are the double act of your dreams! And legendary Deadpool creative team Joe Kelly and Ed McGuinness have reunited to make it everything you ever hoped for beginning with the Dread Dormammu! But will a fledgling friendship turn sour when Wade Wilson's next target turns out to be... Peter Parker?! Someone...

Origin of a monster! The newly reformed Weapon X program took DNA from the most savage genetic anomalies in the world to create a rage-fi lled behemoth of epic proportions. But before they meddled with nature, they started with man. Who volunteered to be experimented on, and what made them the perfect test subject? Learn the startling answers...

ISBN: 9781684050475 • € 27,95 • 16-1-2018 • Levering voor rekening

ISBN: 9781302903725 • € 34,99 • 20-3-2018

ISBN: 9781302907358 • € 15,99 • 6-3-2018

STAR TREK: BOLDLY GO (02) Mike Johnson Shasteen T Uitg: IDW Strips/Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 144

As the Federation and Romulans convene in the wake of the Borg attack, the precarious peace is threatened by the murder of a key diplomat... and a Starfleet cadet is the prime suspect! Don't miss this all-new adventure, guest-starring Jaylah from STAR TREK BEYOND, and the cast from the hit STARFLEET ACADEMY series! ISBN: 9781684051038 • € 22,95 • 9-1-2018 • Levering voor rekening

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SPIDER-MAN: MILES MORALES (04): Miles Morales Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 136

AVENGERS ACADEMY: THE COMPLETE COLLECTION (01) Christos Gage Mckone M Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 400

Miles Morales...under arrest? If Miles' parents weren't already freaking out about their son, they are now! Miles has always had difficulty balancing his duties as Spider-Man with his studies at school, but his personal life is starting to suffer now, too! Between Ganke, Goldballs, Bombshell, and his mother and father, Miles is being pulled in a...

Norman Osborn subjected six superhuman teenagers - Veil, Finesse, Mettle, Hazmat, Reptil and Striker - to torturous training to mold them in his image. Now, they've been rescued by Hank Pym and his fellow instructors - Tigra, Justice, Speedball and Quicksilver - and enrolled into Avengers Academy! They've been told that they're the most promising...

ISBN: 9781302905989 • € 17,99 • 20-3-2018

ISBN: 9781302909468 • € 34,99 • 13-3-2018 • Levering voor rekening

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Comics En Graphic Novels - Engelstalig X-MEN GOLD (04): THE NEGATIVE WAR ZONE Marc Guggenheim Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 136

When alien invaders take one of their own, the X-Men must travel to the Negative Zone to get them back! Will the mutants be able to escape the Negative Zone with the team in-tact? COLLECTING: X-MEN: GOLD 16-20 ISBN: 9781302909741 • € 15,99 • 27-3-2018

DESPICABLE DEADPOOL (01): DEADPOOL KILLS CABLE Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 136

DEADPOOL KILLS CABLE! You heard that right. No more being a hero-Deadpool is a wanted man, and he's back to doing what he does best: killing people. What better way to show you're serious about going bad than killing your best friend? Get ready for a brutal fight. COLLECTING: DESPICABLE DEADPOOL 287-291 ISBN: 9781302909949 • € 17,99 • 13-3-2018

DEADPOOL: THE COMPLETE COLLECTION (02) Gerry Duggan Shalvey D Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 424 Brian Posehn and Gerry Duggan continue their Deadpool double act - and they're there for Wade Wilson's good times, bad times and downright ugly times! Things take a turn for the dark as the Merc with a Mouth is haunted by his Weapon X past. Can his brothers-in-arms Wolverine and Captain America help Deadpool through his most harrowing story ever?... ISBN: 9781302910310 • € 34,99 • 27-3-2018 • Levering voor rekening


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LEGION: X-MEN LEGACY (02): Simon Spurrier Huat T Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 136


Refusing Wolverine's offer to join the X-Men, David Haller must now decide exactly how he will carry out his father's legacy. But upon venturing into the world on his own, will he be beckoned back to Westchester by his budding fascination with young X-Man Blindfold? And more important, how will their future together change the fate of mutant kind?...

In the aftermath of the financial panic of 1893, Nikola Tesla and the Centurions of Science are all that stand between the rule of law and a shadowy cabal of corrupt industrialists plotting to usurp the federal government of the United States. Featuring: Black Coats, Swamp Men, the vast pneumatic tube network of New York City, and tons of action...

ISBN: 9781302910600 • € 15,99 • 13-3-2018 • Levering voor rekening

ISBN: 9781684050024 • € 22,95 • 16-1-2018

ART OF GOD OF WAR Uitg: Dark Horse Gf/Hb Bk General NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 184

STEVE CANYON (08): 1961-1962 Milton Caniff Uitg: IDW Strips/Comics NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 336

It is a new beginning for Kratos. Living as a man, outside the shadow of the gods, he seeks solitude in the unfamiliar lands of Norse mythology. With new purpose and his son at his side, Kratos must fight for survival as powerful forces threaten to disrupt the new life he has created. An intimate chronicle of the years-long odyssey to bring Kratos...

The Greatest Generation's cartoonist-inchief continues to appeal to two disparate groups--comics afficianados as well as active military and veterans. The Air Force created an official record for Steve Canyon, the only time a fictional character was so honored. These never-before-reprinted strips include full-color Sunday pages, and are...

ISBN: 9781506705743 • € 39,99 • 13-3-2018

ISBN: 9781684050345 • € 53,95 • 16-1-2018 • Levering voor rekening

BLACK HAMMER (02): Jeff Lemire Ormston D


Uitg: Dark Horse Strips/Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 152

Uitg: Dark Horse Strips/Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 112

When a visitor from the outside world arrives on the Farm, looking for the Black Hammer and bringing news of Spiral City to its Golden Age heroes, everything changes. Her arrival stirs up old memories and awakens new hope in the marooned heroes and they make a new attempt to escape their strange prison. ISBN: 9781506701981 • € 22,95 • 2-1-2018

Vaea, an elven squire, and her knight, the drunken Ser Aaron Hawthorne, arrive in Kirkwall just in time for Varric Tethras' appointment as Viscount. A talented thief, Vaea skips the party to take on an easy job recovering a hidden lock box . . . but when she chooses to change the terms of the deal mid-heist, she is entangled in a dangerous mission... ISBN: 9781506703381 • € 19,95 • 16-1-2018

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Comics En Graphic Novels - Engelstalig ALIENS: DEAD ORBIT James Stokoe Uitg: Dark Horse Strips/Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 104

After a horrific accident strikes a space station, an engineering officer must use all available tools--a timer, utility kit, and his wits--to survive an attack from the deadliest creature known to man. ISBN: 9781506703336 • € 19,95 • 23-1-2018 • Levering voor rekening

BEST OF ENEMIES A HISTORY OF US AND MIDDLE EAST RELATIONS : PART THREE: 1984-2013 Uitg: Abrams&Chronicle Graphic Novel NUR: 363 Paperback Pag: 104

In the third volume of their graphic history of US and Middle East relations, Jean-Pierre Filiu and David B. cover the tumultuous period that began with Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait in 1990 and ended with Obama’s decision, in 2013, not to intervene in Syria. Taking in the First Gulf War, the rise of al-Qaeda, the military response to the September 11...

CHRONICLES OF CORUM (01): THE KNIGHT OF SWORDS MICHAEL MOORCOCK Mike Baron Mignola M Uitg: Titan UK Strips/Comics NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 104 Prince Corum Jhaelen embarks on an epic journey of fate and vengeance through all the fifteen planes of Earth, even to the very center of Time-the still, blue city of Tanelorn. Acclaimed author Michael Moorcock weaves stunning blend of magic, heroism, and wonder. ISBN: 9781782763253 • € 28,95 • 13-2-2018

ISBN: 9781910593455 • € 21,95 • 15-2-2018

THE THREE ROOMS IN VALERIE'S HEAD David Gaffney Berry D Uitg: IDW Graphic Novel NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 120

KLIMOWSKI POSTER BOOK Andrzej Klimowski Uitg: Abrams&Chronicle Graphic Novel NUR: 363 Hardback Pag: 96

Valerie has a rich interior life. Serially unlucky in love, to feel better she imagines that her previous boyfriends are dead and that their bodies are kept downstairs in the cellar in a mummified state. Every day she speaks with them about what went wrong. This original graphic novel is a dark comedy about relationships, memory, loneliness and...

Harold Pinter said of the graphic artist Andrzej Klimowski, "He leads the field by a very long furlong, out on his own, making his own weather. He is Klimowski, unafraid." In the mid-1970s, Klimowski's fearlessly original artwork caught the eye of leading Polish theatre and film companies, for whom he designed some of the period's most influential...

ISBN: 9781603094153 • € 22,95 • 16-1-2018

ISBN: 9781910593462 • € 21,95 • 8-3-2018

BIZARRE ROMANCE Audrey Niffenegger Campbell E Uitg: Random House UK Fict Lit. NUR: 300 Hardback Pag: 168

Uitg: Titan UK Strips/Comics NUR: 360 Hardback

A brand new story taking place after the events of the second Dishonored game. Follow the continuing adventures of Corvo Attano and Emily Kaldwin in this sequel to the highly anticipated upcoming game Dishonored 2 as they come up against brand new threats and foes. ISBN: 9781785852343 • € 18,95 • 6-2-2018

ASSASSIN'S CREED UPRISING (02) Alex Paknadel Watters D

WARHAMMER 40.000: FALLEN George Mann Beltin T

Uitg: Titan UK Strips/Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 112

Uitg: Titan UK Strips/Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 112

Internationally bestselling author Audrey Niffenegger and her husband, graphic artist Eddie Campbell, collaborate on this quirky, irreverent collection that celebrates and satirises love of all kinds. Within thirteen different vignettes, it explores the good, the bad, the ugly and the just plain weird – with Niffenegger's sharp, imaginative prose...

The Phoenix project saga begins to unravel in this second thrilling chapter of Assassin’s Creed Uprising! Our modern day Assassins take the fight to the heart of the Spanish Civil War in order to secure a valuable artifact that could change the course of history. But when a brand new enemy rears its ugly head, both the Brotherhood and Templar...

ISBN: 9781911214236 • € 22,95 • 1-3-2018

ISBN: 9781782763093 • € 18,95 • 30-1-2018 • Levering voor rekening

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Collects issues #9-12 of the Warhammer 40,000 ongoing series. ISBN: 9781785858604 • € 18,95 • 13-2-2018

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Comics En Graphic Novels - Engelstalig ROBOTECH Brian Wood Turini M Uitg: Titan UK Strips/Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 112

Return to the fan-favorite Macross Saga that began the classic Robotech franchise, as hotshot Veritech pilot Roy Fokker and skilled rookie Rick Hunter are pulled into an intergalactic war when the Earth is invaded by the insidious Zentraedi! Whether you've seen the classic cartoon to the point you can quote every episode, or whether you've... ISBN: 9781785859137 • € 18,95 • 13-2-2018

PENNY DREADFUL (02): THE BEAUTEOUS EVIL Chris King Hervas J Uitg: Titan UK Strips/Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 112

The continuation of the Penny Dreadful story where the future of humanity is at stake! Mankind has been caught in the middle of a war, one which they have little chance of surviving. As the relics of an evil long since thought vanquished emerge from the darkness, the legacy of Vanessa Ives’ death is clear: A battle is coming, and the...

ISBN 9781506703329 € 39,99

ISBN 9781506703527 € 39,99

ISBN 9781506703534 € 39,99

ISBN 9781506703541 € 39,99

ISBN: 9781785859779 • € 18,95 • 13-3-2018

MARVEL BLACK PANTHER THE ULTIMATE GUIDE Stephen Wiacek Uitg: DK Graphic Novel NUR: 363 Hardback Pag: 200

Find out everything you need to know about the heroic King of Wakanda, Black Panther. It explores the fascinating world of the warrior, monarch, scientist and superhero known as Black Panther. This comprehensive book showcases stunning Black Panther comic artwork and examines iconic characters, from T'Challa and Storm to Ulysses Klaw, as well as... ISBN: 9780241300817 • € 26,95 • 4-1-2018



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Pop Culture BEARDS ROCK Sarah La Barbière

GEEK TATTOO Issa Maoihibou

Uitg: Simon & Schuster US Cadeau,humor,lifestyle NUR: 640 Hardback Pag: 288

Uitg: Simon & Schuster US Cadeau,humor,lifestyle NUR: 640 Hardback Pag: 416

The beard, from antique philosophes to modern hipsters, an artist’s promenade into the history of beards, mustaches and facial hair. From the ancient philosophers’ beards to the floral hippie beards, from the thick hair of the great warriors to the sophisticated haired dandies, hair has always been making sense. Perceived as a sign of...

The best of pop culture meets the world of the tattoo. 416 pages and more than 80 international tattoo artists. An unique collection for both fans of flesh art and pop culture. Pop culture is everywhere, even in the flesh ! This unique book presents the work of more than 80 famous tattoo artists specializing in film, TV series,... ISBN: 9782374950747 • € 42,95 • 21-11-2017

Uitg: Simon & Schuster US Gf/Hb Bk General Hardback Pag: 128 Discover everything you ever wanted to know about the hit show Buffy the Vampire Slayer in this humorously illustrated infographic book. This one-of-a-kind infographic guide to all things Buffy blends striking illustrations with a bounty of facts and stats that shed light on just about every aspect of the hit TV show. Full of fun insights and... ISBN: 9781683830566 • € 16,95 • 24-4-2018 • Levering voor rekening


Uitg: Simon & Schuster US Gf/Hb Bk General NUR: 17 Boxed set Pag: 32 Build your own Batmobile with this IncrediBuilds model kit featuring a full-color booklet on the iconic vehicle from director Tim Burton's Batman films. One of the most memorable movie cars of all time, the Batmobile from Tim Burton's Batman films takes the spotlight in this exciting book and wood model set. The book is packed with amazing facts... ISBN: 9781682980163 • € 29,95 • 22-11-2016

ISBN: 9782374950044 • € 53,95 • 21-11-2017



HAND POKEN / NO ELECTRICTY: STICK AND POKE TATTOO CULTURE Pro-Actif Uitg: Carpet Bombing Cultu Art General NUR: 656 Hardback Pag: 192 Hand Poked / No Electricity is a love letter to stick and poke tattoo culture. It is a work of art in itself. Not only artists handbook but a resource book, a history book and a visual feast of everything single colour. Since the dawn of time people have been using needles and sticks, whatever comes to hand, to push ink into their skins to make...

BATMAN: BAT-SIGNAL MINI KIT Mark Cotta Vaz Uitg: Running Press UK pbk Gf/Hb Bk General NUR: 17 Boxed set Pag: 17

ISBN: 9780762445264 • € 9,95 • 22-5-2012

ISBN: 9781908211538 • € 21,95 • 12-3-2018



Uitg: Simon & Schuster US Cadeau,humor,lifestyle NUR: 640 Hardback Pag: 176

Uitg: Simon & Schuster US Cadeau,humor,lifestyle NUR: 640 Hardback Pag: 288

This grimoire from the baddest witch around will teach potential slayers and aspiring wiccans everything they’ll ever need to know about magic in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Every good witch has a grimoire, and Willow Rosenberg is no exception. The Official Grimoire is the first and only truly comprehensive collection of every magical moment...

It’s a boom time for bazooms in 21st century America—and it isn’t just males who are breast-obsessed—the fairer sex is too. Droves of females flock to plastic surgeons daily for breast lifts and augmentation. Their insatiable quest for the “perfect pair” has jettisoned the procedure to the second most popular form of plastic surgery in the world. ...

Jesus portrayed in contemporary art, graphic design, advertising and pop culture. See Jesus in South Park, Jesus as an American superhero, a comic book character or a Japanese manga. The star of new pop art, Jesus, doesn’t fail to entertain. For thousands of years, the Jesus‘ life was the main inspiration for all the occidental artists. Then,...

ISBN: 9781683830689 • € 37,95 • 24-10-2017 • Levering voor rekening

ISBN: 9782374950402 • € 22,95 • 6-2-2018

ISBN: 9782374950068 • € 53,95 • 20-3-2018


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Uitg: Tuttle/Periplus Gf/Hb Bk General NUR: 17 Boxed set Pag: 48

Uitg: Titan UK Cadeau,humor,lifestyle NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 160

Fold and launch world record-setting paper airplanes!Paper airplane aficionados watched in awe when Takuo Toda launched his Zero Fighter and set the current Guinness World Record for longest flight duration. ISBN: 9780804846370 • € 16,95 • 15-4-2018

TOKYO POP-UP BOOK A COMIC ADVENTURE WITH NEKO THE CAT Sam Ita Uitg: Tuttle/Periplus Gf/Hb Bk General NUR: 270 Hardback Pag: 14

THE SECOND VOLUME OF THE POPULAR STEAMPUNK STYLE SERIES! A gorgeously illustrated book of inspiration and projects to create for all Contraptors, Gizmologists and Primocogglers living the Steampunk lifestyle! Featuring gas masks, apparel, and step-by-step guides.

This adventurous pop-up book for kids whisks you on a whirlwind tour of Tokyo's most famous landmarks!Tokyo Pop-Up Book cleverly pairs cultural and geographical information with artful paper engineering and an exciting storyline. Follow Chico, a 13-year-old shutterbug, and his mischievous cat Neko as they travel to the world's largest city.

ISBN: 9781783294961 • € 22,95 • 13-10-2017

ISBN: 9784805314340 • € 19,95 • 15-3-2018

SKIN DEEP Steven Burton Uitg: Random House US Art General NUR: 656 Hardback Pag: 176



Uitg: Simon & Schuster US Gf/Hb Bk General NUR: 12 Hardback Pag: 60

Uitg: Simon & Schuster US Art General NUR: 640 Hardback Pag: 240

For decades now tattoos have been potent symbols of the Los Angeles gang-life scene. The black and white tattoos with recognizable gang symbols appear on members' faces, necks and all over their bodies, making their gang affiliation immediately clear to whomever crosses their path. This can mean the difference between life and death on he streets,...

Show off your Supernatural devotion with this deluxe journal, featuring notes and advice from John Winchester himself! Blowing town after a deadly hunt, Sam and Dean Winchester accidentally leave behind their father’s journal, containing notes, sketches, and advice gathered from decades of hunting. That’s where you come in! Based on John’s...

The interaction with happened-upon street art is both physical and emotional, provoking a reaction and hopefully a conversation about the work this worldwide phenomenon. From backs of street signs to corporate boardrooms, its visibility, popularity, and diversity is what makes it so beloved. Highlighting some of the best work from around the...

ISBN: 9781576878491 • € 45,00 • 24-10-2017

ISBN: 9781683830740 • € 19,95 • 12-9-2017 • Levering voor rekening

ISBN: 9781681882987 • € 42,95 • 17-10-2017 • Levering voor rekening catgenforcetextbelowlasttable


Defined by the Oxford Dictionary as “a genre of science fiction that typically features steam-powered machinery rather than advanced technology”, Steampunk has taken the world by storm, rapidly moving from literature into movies, games and fashion. This book is an indispensable guide for those looking for inspiration and projects to... ISBN: 9781781168479 • € 22,95 • 11-3-2014 • Levering voor rekening

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SUPERNATURAL: THE MEN OF LETTERS BESTIARY WINCHESTER FAMILY EDITION Waggoner Hotz K Uitg: Simon & Schuster US Film/Theatre Hardback Pag: 112 This immersive in-world guide based on the highly popular Supernatural television show reveals the strengths, weaknesses, secrets of the deadly ghosts, demons, angels, and creatures that the Winchesters have hunted. An immersive in-world guide to the Supernatural universe, this tome from the Men of Letters’ archive features information on the... ISBN: 9781683830269 • € 33,50 • 12-9-2017

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Pop Culture - Star Trek ART OF STAR TREK: THE KELVIN TIMELINE Jeff Bond Uitg: Titan UK Gf/Hb Bk General NUR: 674 Hardback Pag: 192

A complete and in-depth look at the art of the newest Star Trek trilogy. Covering the creation of Star Trek (2009), Star Trek Into Darkness and Star Trek Beyond, this lavish art book contains never-before-seen concept art and designs, as well as interviews with the key creatives who helped bring these exciting movies to life on the big screen. ISBN: 9781785655845 • € 49,95 • 5-12-2017 • Levering voor rekening

STAR TREK: LIGHT-AND-SOUND BORG CUBE MINI KIT Uitg: Running Press UK pbk Art General NUR: 640 Boxed set Pag: 48



Uitg: Running Press UK pbk Art General NUR: 640 Boxed set Pag: 48

Uitg: Running Press UK pbk Art General NUR: 640 Boxed set Pag: 32

Star Trek fans and collectors will love this one-of-a-kind, mini-size collectible tricorder with light and sound. The tricorder is a multifunction handheld device used for sensor scanning and data analysis. Kit includes: Light-up tricorder with sound 48-page book on the history of tricorders and full-color photos

This kit includes a Starship Enterprise with a cool light-up feature, and a 32-page book on the history of the Enterprise ,a must-have item for Star Trek fans! ISBN: 9780762449897 • € 10,95 • 25-4-2014

ISBN: 9780762463640 • € 13,95 • 3-4-2018 • Levering voor rekening



Uitg: Running Press UK pbk Art General NUR: 17 Boxed set Pag: 32

Star Trek fans and collectors will love this one-of-a-kind, mini-size collectible Borg cube with light and sound. The Borg cube is a cube-shaped spacecraft that is one of the largest, most powerful and fastest vessels in the Star Trek Galaxy. Kit includes: Light-up Borg cube with sound Display base 48-page book on the history of Borg cubes...

For more than forty years, Star Trek has made a phenomenal cultural impact. Now with the new movie well on its way, trekkies everywhere will want to get their hands on this kit. The kit includes a lightup phaser (to get all the bad guys!) and a 32-page book on the history of phasers, and lots of fun quotes and images from the classic show.

ISBN: 9780762463657 • € 13,95 • 3-4-2018

ISBN: 9780762450107 • € 9,95 • 9-4-2013

Uitg: Abrams&Chronicle Art General NUR: 17 Boxed set Pag: 48

ISBN: 9781452124506 • € 19,95 • 15-9-2013 • Levering voor rekening




Uitg: Running Press UK pbk Art General NUR: 17 Boxed set Pag: 48

Uitg: Running Press UK pbk Art General NUR: 17 Boxed set Pag: 48

Uitg: Titan UK Strips/Comics NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 192

The communicator is used for voice communication and serves as an emergencysignaling device for Starfleet. This kit includes a replica of the iconic communicator, which features light and sound, and a 48-page book on the history of communicators, complete with full-colour photos.

This kit includes a light-up shuttlecraft and a 32-page book on the history of shuttlecrafts,Star Trek fans will love it!

Following on from Juan Ortiz’s fabulous Original Series movie-poster collection, this latest treat for art-loving Trek fans features 178 posters that capture the essence of The Next Generation. Inspired by indie-film and black-light posters, comics and rock/punk culture and showcasing Ortiz’s unique creative vision, this new instalment of original...

ISBN: 9780762459346 • € 10,95 • 9-8-2016

ISBN: 9780762459339 • € 10,95 • 24-5-2016

ISBN: 9781785653872 • € 38,95 • 5-9-2017 • Levering voor rekening catgenforcetextbelowlasttable

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Pop Culture - Star Wars ART OF STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI Phil Szostak Uitg: T&H Distributions Film/Theatre NUR: 674 Hardback Pag: 256

INCREDIBUILDS: STAR WARS X-WING DELUXE BOOK AND MODEL SET Michael Kogge Uitg: Simon & Schuster US Gf/Hb Bk General NUR: 17 Boxed set Pag: 32

INCREDIBUILDS: STAR WARS: ROGUE ONE DEATH STAR BOOK AND MODEL SET Ryder Windham Uitg: Simon & Schuster US Gf/Hb Bk General NUR: 17 Boxed set Pag: 32

Star Wars: The Force Awakens shattered box-office records as one of the highestgrossing films of all time, and its eagerly awaited sequel, Star Wars: The Last Jedi, is sure to do the same. Written and directed by Rian Johnson (Looper, The Brothers Bloom, Brick) and production designed by Rick Heinrichs (Fargo, The Big Lebowski, The Nightmare...

Discover this exciting new Star Wars– themed book and 3D wooden model that bring to life one of the Rebel Alliance's most versatile ships: the X-Wing fighter. The full-colour, hardcover book includes everything you need to know about the X-Wing, from basic flight and weapons capabilities through to notable pilots, famous battles, and amazing...

Build your own Death Star with this IncrediBuilds: Star Wars model kit, featuring a full-color book with facts and trivia on the Empire’s deadliest weapon! Build and color your own 3D Death Star model and learn all about the iconic battle station in this deluxe IncrediBuilds book set. The Empire’s deadliest weapon takes center stage in this...

ISBN: 9781419727054 • € 42,50 • 15-12-2017

ISBN: 9781682980118 • € 19,95 • 1-1-2017

ISBN: 9781682980972 • € 19,95 • 23-5-2017



Uitg: Simon & Schuster US Gf/Hb Bk General NUR: 17 Boxed set Pag: 32

Uitg: Simon & Schuster US Gf/Hb Bk General NUR: 17 Boxed set Pag: 40

Build your own TIE Fighter with this IncrediBuilds: Star Wars model kit, featuring a full-color booklet filled with fascinating facts and trivia and awesome imagery of the craft in action. Build and color your own 3D TIE Fighter model and learn all about the classic Star Wars spacecraft in this deluxe IncrediBuildsTM book set. This exciting...

Discover this exciting new Star Wars– themed book and wood model to build that bring to life the “fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy”: the Millennium Falcon. The full-colour hardcover book includes everything you need to know about the Millennium Falcon, from basic flight and weapons capabilities through to famous owners, notable battles, and...

ISBN: 9781682980040 • € 19,95 • 15-9-2016

ISBN: 9781682980101 • € 21,95 • 1-1-2017

INCREDIBUILDS: JOURNEY TO STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI: A-WING BOOK AND MODEL Michael Kogge Uitg: Simon & Schuster US Gf/Hb Bk General NUR: 17 Boxed set Pag: 32

INCREDIBUILDS: STAR WARS: ROGUE ONE- AT-ACT BOOK AND MODEL SET Michael Kogge Uitg: Simon & Schuster US Gf/Hb Bk General NUR: 17 Boxed set Pag: 32

Build your own A-wing with this IncrediBuilds: Star Wars model kit, featuring a full-color book with facts and trivia on this incredible spacecraft. The deluxe 32-page hardcover book is packed with information—from basic capabilities to its pivotal role in both the Rebel Alliance and the Resistance—and is filled with stunning imagery and...

Build your own AT-ACT, as seen in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, with this IncrediBuilds: Star Wars model kit, featuring a full-color book with facts and trivia on the Empire’s fearsome walkers! Build and color your own 3D AT-ACT model and learn all about this amazing new vehicle from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story in this deluxe IncrediBuildsTM...

ISBN: 9781682980958 • € 19,95 • 14-11-2017

ISBN: 9781682980897 • € 19,95 • 23-5-2017

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STAR WARS: HAN SOLO - A NOVEL Uitg: Egmont Children Books NUR: 270 Paperback C

ISBN: 9781405291484 • € 10,95 • 25-5-2018

STAR WARS: HAN SOLO - CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE Uitg: Egmont Children Books NUR: 270 Paperback C

ISBN: 9781405291514 • € 9,95 • 5-4-2018

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Uitg: Egmont Children Books NUR: 17 Paperback C

Uitg: Egmont Film/Theatre NUR: 674 Paperback Pag: 32

ISBN: 9781405291491 • € 9,95 • 25-5-2018

Revisit the Star Wars universe with the newest addition to the franchise, The Last Jedi. Join Rey, Finn and Poe to continue the adventure that started in The Force Awakens, and discover a host of new characters, ships and locations. Colour in scenes, characters and ships in this awesome movie colouring book. Other titles in The Last Jedi...

STAR WARS: RETURN OF THE JEDI NOTEBOOK COLLECTION Uitg: Abrams&Chronicle Gf/Hb Bk General NUR: 12 Paperback Pag: 64

This distinctive notebook collection showcases classic and rarely seen, gorgeous vintage posters and concept artwork from the ultimate film in the original Star Wars trilogy. Each notebook features lightly ruled interiors with quotations from the film, plus additional artwork on the inside and back covers. ISBN: 9781452162768 • € 14,95 • 24-4-2018

ISBN: 9781405287876 • € 7,95 • 1-9-2017 • Levering voor rekening



Uitg: Egmont Children Books NUR: 17 Paperback C

Uitg: Egmont Children Books NUR: 270 Paperback C Pag: 432

ISBN: 9781405291507 • € 7,95 • 25-5-2018

STAR WARS: JOURNEY TO STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI - CAPTAIN PHASMA Kelly Thompson Checchetto M Uitg: Marvel Strips/Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 112 What happened to Captain Phasma after Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens? Writer Kelly Thompson (HAWKEYE) and artist Marco Checchetto (AVENGERS WORLD, PUNISHER, GAMORA) expand Captain Phasma's story and reveal how she escaped the destruction of Starkiller Base. It's the stunning lead-in to this winter's blockbuster big-screen Star Wars film,... ISBN: 9780785194552 • € 16,99 • 28-11-2017


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STAR WARS: ROGUE ONE ADAPTATION Jody Houser Laiso E Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 144

As a cargo ship rockets across the galaxy to Canto Bight, the deckhands on board trade stories about legendary Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker. But are the stories of the iconic and mysterious Skywalker true, or merely tall tales passed from one corner of the galaxy to another? Is Skywalker really a famous Jedi hero, an elaborate charlatan, or even...

The Rebellion is here! The Rogue One crew makes the leap from the big screen to the comic-book page in this action-packed adaptation! All looks lost for the galaxy when the Empire's new super-weapon is discovered: any insurgency will quickly be thwarted by the devastating new Death Star! But maybe there is hope for the Rebel cause when Jyn Erso...

ISBN: 9781405289122 • € 14,95 • 5-4-2018

ISBN: 9780785194576 • € 19,99 • 19-12-2017

STAR WARS: MILLENNIUM FALCON: BOOK AND MODEL Lucasfilm Uitg: Egmont Gf/Hb Bk General NUR: 270 Boxed set Pag: 1

Along with a model of the Millennium Falcon, this title lets you join Han Solo and his co-pilot Chewbacca for an adventure. It is filled with fun facts, character profiles, ship schematics and story moments from across the entire Star Wars saga. Press out the pieces to build the Millennium Falcon with no glue required. ISBN: 9781405285223 • € 28,95 • 15-10-2017

STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS ADAPTATION Chuck Wendig Ross L Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 144 It's been three decades since the Rebel Alliance destroyed the Death Star and toppled the Galactic Empire...but now, on the remote planet of Jakku...there is a stirring in the Force. A young scavenger named Rey...a deserting storm trooper named Finn...an ace pilot name Poe...and a dark apprentice named Kylo Ren... Their lives are about to collide... ISBN: 9781302902032 • € 19,99 • 21-11-2017

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Uitg: Egmont Children Books NUR: 270 Paperback C

Uitg: Penguin US Film/Theatre Hardback Pag: 80

ISBN: 9781405289221 • € 10,95 • 5-4-2018

STAR WARS: YODA: BRING YOU WISDOM, I WILL Uitg: Abrams&Chronicle Gf/Hb Bk General NUR: 17 Boxed set Pag: 48

ISBN: 9780811874700 • € 16,95 • 1-1-2015 • Levering voor rekening

Star Wars: The Last Jedi™: The Visual Dictionary is the definitive guide to Star Wars: The Last Jedi, revealing the characters, creatures, droids, locations, and technology from the new film. Packed with 100+ images and information as penned by Star Wars™ scribe Pablo Hidalgo, it's a musthave for all fans who want to go beyond the movie... ISBN: 9781465455512 • € 25,95 • 15-12-2017 • Levering voor rekening

STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI BOOK AND MODEL Uitg: Egmont Film/Theatre NUR: 674 Paperback Pag: 32

Learn about Kylo Ren’s starship, the TIE silencer. Press out pieces to build your own model of Kylo Ren’s TIE while reading about some of the new ships and characters from Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Other titles in The Last Jedi series: Star Wars The Last Jedi Activity Book Cobalt Squadron Star Wars Journey to The Last Jedi Colouring Book ...


STAR WARS: DARTH VADER IN A BOX: TOGETHER WE CAN RULE THE GALAXY Uitg: Abrams&Chronicle Gf/Hb Bk General NUR: 17 Boxed set Pag: 48

Uitg: Penguin US Film/Theatre NUR: 674 Paperback Pag: 72

ISBN: 9780241288467 • € 17,95 • 1-1-2015 • Levering voor rekening

This 72-page sticker book includes more than 1,000 stickers of main characters, locations, vehicles and props. Featuring all-new content from the highly anticipated film, Star Wars: The Last Jedi™!© & TM 2017 LUCASFILM LTD. ISBN: 9781465455567 • € 14,95 • 15-12-2017 • Levering voor rekening

ISBN: 9781405287883 • € 13,95 • 15-12-2017 • Levering voor rekening

STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI INCREDIBLE CROSS-SECTIONS Jason Fry Remillard K Uitg: Penguin US Film/Theatre NUR: 674 Hardback Pag: 48


STAR WARS: YODA'S PUZZLES Star Wars Uitg: Egmont Children Books NUR: 270 Paperback C

Uitg: DK Gf/Hb Bk General Hardback Pag: 200

This beautiful hardcover book reveals the inner workings of 13 key vehicles from Episode VIII of the Star Wars™ saga, Star Wars: The Last Jedi™. Each vehicle is shown as an intricately detailed, full-color cross-section artwork, complete with callouts to the important features of each ship. Clear, comprehensive text makes this an indispensable...

Take a stunning visual tour of Star Wars with DK's comprehensive pictorial guide to the galaxy far, far away! From lightsabers and beasts to food and clothing, Star Wars: The Visual Encyclopedia is a virtual museum of a book. Explore beautiful galleries with more than 2,500 images, and discover facts about Star Wars culture, science and...

ISBN: 9781465455529 • € 25,95 • 15-12-2017

ISBN: 9780241288467 • € 32,50 • 7-9-2017 • Levering voor rekening

Use your Jedi wisdom to solve Master Yoda's brain-bending riddles and puzzles! This illustrated book of brainteasers, logic problems, word games and more will test the powers of Padawans, Knights and even Jedi Masters. Do, or do not - there is no try... ISBN: 9781405288880 • € 7,95 • 8-2-2018


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