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HumorHumor | NUR:| 287 NUR: 287 Hardback Hardback | Pag’s: | 32 Pag’s: 32 € 9,95 per € 9,95 deel per deel Levering Levering voor rekening voor rekening ISBN 9789082977585ISBN 9789082977592 ISBN 9789082977578 ISBN 9789082977578ISBN 9789082977585 ISBN 9789082977592 AVI M5AVI M5 AVI E4AVI E4 AVI E5 AVI E5 middenmidden groep 5groep 5 eind groep eind 4groep 4 eind groep eind 5groep 5
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Geen paniek!
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Strips & Comics - Nederlandstalig Ridiculand 02. Ridder Dance-A-Lot Wouter Goudswaard Uitg: Syndikaat Humor album NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 48
De driekwartsmaat kent men alleen uit verhalen en legenden. Niemand kan zich precies herinneren hoe de driekwartsmaat gaat. Al jaren zijn er geruchten dat de maatvoering zich in Ridiculand bevindt. Choreografen en muzikanten van over heel de wereld reisden af naar Ridiculand om de driekwartsmaat te vinden... Zonder succes. Ridder Dance-a-Lot...
Tom Poes Hc08. Tom Poes En De Jonge Schicht Marten Toonder Uitg: Cliché Klassiek album NUR: 360 Hardback
ISBN: 9789064381386 • € 17,50 • 1-11-2019 • Levering voor rekening
K3 03. Circus Gaga Dirk Stallaert Bruno De Roover Uitg: WPG Uitgevers Avontuur album NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 32
ISBN: 9789002267567 • € 6,50 • 6-11-2019 • Levering voor rekening
ISBN: 9789078403869 • € 8,95 • 1-11-2019 • Levering voor rekening
Star Wars Saga Integraal Hc00. Integrale Editie Uitg: Dark Dragon Books SF album NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 240
ISBN: 9789463731355 • € 29,95 • 1-11-2019 • Levering voor rekening
Tom Poes Lu08. Tom Poes En De Jonge Schicht (Luxe Editie + Prent) Marten Toonder Uitg: Cliché Klassiek album NUR: 360 Hardback ISBN: 9789064381393 • € 59,00 • 1-11-2019 • Levering voor rekening
Kampioenen Special Sp. Movie Special Hec Leemans Uitg: WPG Uitgevers Avontuur album NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 120
Met drie stripverhalen en super coole spelletjes. ISBN: 9789002267710 • € 12,99 • 6-11-2019 • Levering voor rekening
Tom Poes 08. Tom Poes En De Jonge Schicht Marten Toonder Uitg: Cliché Klassiek album NUR: 360 Paperback
ISBN: 9789064381379 • € 9,50 • 1-11-2019 • Levering voor rekening
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Buurtpolitie 07. De Magneetvisser Nix
Suske En Wiske Door 03. Jean-Marc Krings Zidrou
Uitg: WPG Uitgevers Avontuur album NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 32
Uitg: WPG Uitgevers Avontuur album NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 48
ISBN: 9789002267444 • € 7,99 • 6-11-2019 • Levering voor rekening
ISBN: 9789002267239 • € 7,99 • 6-11-2019 • Levering voor rekening
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Strips & Comics - Nederlandstalig Urbanus 186. Urbanus Voedt Zijn Eigen Ouders Op Willy Linthout
Brugpieper Roos Vink 02. Fantastisch! Jan Vriends
Uitg: WPG Uitgevers Humor album NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 32
Uitg: Syndikaat Humor album NUR: 361 Paperback Pag: 48
ISBN: 9789002267512 • € 6,99 • 6-11-2019 • Levering voor rekening
ISBN: 9789078403876 • € 8,95 • 15-11-2019 • Levering voor rekening
Kronieken Van De Zwarte Maan Hc16. Terra Secunda Boek 2 Fabrice Angleraud Francois Froideval Uitg: Arboris Fantasy album NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 48 Het is gelukt ! Onder dreiging van de opmars van de Zwarte Maan, die zijn vazallen via de poorten van de hel naar Wismerhills planeet heeft gestuurd, is een grote evacuatie op gang gekomen en de miljoenen overlevenden zijn terechtgekomen op een nieuwe planeet, waar alles nog moet worden opgebouwd, onder het waakzame oog van Methraton. Wismerhill,... ISBN: 9789034307286 • € 18,95 • 15-11-2019 • Levering voor rekening
Vertongen & Co 29. Gewichtige Zaken Hec Leemans Uitg: WPG Uitgevers Avontuur album NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 32
ISBN: 9789002261152 • € 6,50 • 6-11-2019 • Levering voor rekening
Helemaal Wild! 01. Jan-Willem Spakman Uitg: Syndikaat Humor album NUR: 361 Paperback Pag: 48
ISBN: 9789078403883 • € 8,95 • 15-11-2019 • Levering voor rekening
Argus 2019. Nieuwsoverzicht In Meer Dan 200 Cartoons René Leisink
Kronieken Van De Zwarte Maan 16. Terra Secunda Boek 2 Fabrice Angleraud Francois Froideval
Uitg: Uitgeverij L Humor album NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 64
Uitg: Arboris Fantasy album NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 48
Argus, iedere dag het nieuws en een lach. Elke dag leest Argus alle kranten en kijkt hij alle journaals. Het nieuws van de dag vat hij samen in één vlijmscherpe cartoon. Meer hoef je dus niet te lezen. Dit album bevat een selectie van de beste cartoons bij het nieuws van 2019. ISBN: 9789088865114 • € 8,95 • 13-11-2019 • Levering voor rekening
Het is gelukt ! Onder dreiging van de opmars van de Zwarte Maan, die zijn vazallen via de poorten van de hel naar Wismerhills planeet heeft gestuurd, is een grote evacuatie op gang gekomen en de miljoenen overlevenden zijn terechtgekomen op een nieuwe planeet, waar alles nog moet worden opgebouwd, onder het waakzame oog van Methraton. Wismerhill,...
Panda, De Avonturen Van Hc25. Marten Toonder Uitg: Cliché Klassiek album NUR: 360 Hardback
ISBN: 9789064381355 • € 56,00 • 20-11-2019 • Levering voor rekening
Panda, De Avonturen Van Hc37. Integrale Editie Marten Toonder Uitg: Cliché Klassiek album NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 168 Het eerste deel uitgegeven door uitgever Cliché, deel 37 in de reeks. Met de verhalen: - De oproerkraai - De dromenhandel - De noodklokkenluider - De meesterkoekenbakker - De nieuwe IJstijd - De dolle delver - De stuipenjage ISBN: 9789492904133 • € 56,00 • 25-11-2019 • Levering voor rekening
ISBN: 9789034307279 • € 8,95 • 15-11-2019 • Levering voor rekening
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Strips & Comics - Nederlandstalig Amoras: De Kronieken 05. Charel Cambré Marc Legendre
Rode Ridder 264. Een Zachte Dood Fabio Bono
Garfield Album 138. Een Huiskat Jim Davis
Uitg: WPG Uitgevers Avontuur album NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 48
Uitg: WPG Uitgevers Avontuur album NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 32
Uitg: De Leeuw Humor album NUR: 362 Paperback Pag: 48
ISBN: 9789002267741 • € 7,99 • 4-12-2019 • Levering voor rekening
Kampioenen 105. Patatten En Saucissen ! Hec Leemans Uitg: WPG Uitgevers Avontuur album NUR: 362 Paperback Pag: 32 ISBN: 9789002267376 • € 6,50 • 4-12-2019 • Levering voor rekening
ISBN: 9789002267284 • € 6,50 • 4-12-2019 • Levering voor rekening
ISBN: 9789493033054 • € 5,95 • 16-12-2019 • Levering voor rekening
Rode Ridder Integrale Hc06. Willy Vandersteen
Koning Hollewijn Hc08. Marten Toonder
Uitg: WPG Uitgevers Avontuur album NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 236
Uitg: Cliché Klassiek album NUR: 360 Hardback
ISBN: 9789002267864 • € 34,99 • 4-12-2019 • Levering voor rekening
ISBN: 9789064381171 • € 59,00 • 20-12-2019 • Levering voor rekening
Kiekeboes De 154. Iemand Moet Het Doen Merho
Suske En Wiske 350. De Nacht Van Narwal Willy Vandersteen
Uitg: WPG Uitgevers Avontuur album NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 48
Uitg: WPG Uitgevers Avontuur album NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 48
ISBN: 9789002266263 • € 6,99 • 4-12-2019 • Levering voor rekening
Suske krijgt een geheimzinnige narwaltand in handen waarin oude runen gekerfd staan. Wanneer hij deze vertaalt verschijnt de geest van Arkin, zoon van een oude vikingkoning. Arkin was voorzien als opvolger maar liet de magische narwaltand van zijn vader onbewaakt achter waardoor deze gestolen werd door een concurrerende familie. Die tand is het... ISBN: 9789002267130 • € 6,99 • 4-12-2019 • Levering voor rekening
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Strips - Franstalig Barbe Rourge Hc00. Une Aventure Du Journal Pilote - Le Demon Des Caraïbes Victor Hubinon Jean-Michel Charlier Uitg: Uitgeverij Dupuis Avontuur album NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 72
Tuniques Bleues (Les) Hc63. La Bataile Du Craterie (Noir/Blanc Grand Format) Lambil Raoul Cauvin
Michel Vaillant Hc08. 13 Jours (Edition Augmenteé) Uitg: Uitgeverij Dupuis Avontuur album NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 80
Barbe-Rouge, avec "Tanguy et Laverdure" et "Astérix", fait partie des bandes dessinées qui sont nées dans le premier numéro de ‘Pilote' et qui sont encore en activité aujourd'hui. Pour fêter dignement les 60 ans du héros de Jean-Michel Charlier et Victor Hubinon, cet album reprend, à la manière d'un fac-similé, les 62 planches du "Démon des...
Uitg: Uitgeverij Dupuis Avontuur album NUR: 360 Hardback / Pag: 96 Lorsque le général Grant demande de l'aide au général Alexander, ce dernier décide de lui envoyer Blutch et Chesterfield. Le 22ème régiment de cavalerie doit en effet se recomposer suite à un assaut du capitaine Stark et le général n'aime pas les soldats inactifs. Lorsqu'ils arrivent sur place, les deux soldats de l'Union découvrent un siège qui...
La famille Vaillant se remet à peine du vide laissé par la disparition de Jean-Pierre. Finalement innocenté, Michel reprend la tête de l'écurie et compte bien la mener au rang qu'elle a connu par le passé. Il contacte Renault pour équiper les futures Vaillante d'un moteur français mais, en pleine réunion, le directeur général de Renault F1 apprend...
ISBN: 9782205083101 • € 27,50 • 1-11-2019 • Levering voor rekening
ISBN: 9791034743551 • € 34,95 • 1-11-2019 • Levering voor rekening
ISBN: 9791034745579 • € 27,95 • 8-11-2019 • Levering voor rekening
Tanguy & Laverdure Hs00. Anniversaire 60 Ans
Une Vie En Dessins Hc03. Yves Chaland Yves Chaland
Uitg: Uitgeverij Dupuis Avontuur album NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 104
Uitg: Uitgeverij Dupuis Klassiek album NUR: 360 Hardback
Une Vie En Dessins Hc03. Walthery (Edition Speciale) Francois Walthery Uitg: Uitgeverij Dupuis Klassiek album NUR: 360 Hardback
Tanguy et Laverdure ont 60 ans ! Pour fêter l'événement, voici un album hommage qui rassemble 6 histoires inédites de 8 à 12 pages, des années 1960 à nos jours, avec un casting d'exception : Jean-Charles Kraehn, Yvan Fernandez, Fred Duval, Corbeyran, André Le Bras, Patrice Buendia, Frédéric Zumbiehl, Matthieu Durand, Sébastien Philippe, Francis...
Yves Chaland est un auteur essentiel au sein du monde de la bande dessinée. Dans les années 80, il a été un des grands rénovateurs de la ligne claire. À travers une oeuvre magistrale ("Bob Fish", "Freddy Lombard" et "Le Jeune Albert"), Chaland a développé un univers imaginaire de première force : celui de la bande dessinée belge des années...
Ce premier « beau-livre » dédié à François Walthéry inaugure la collection « Une Vie en dessins ». Il présente plus de 200 fac-similés de planches originales scannées et reproduites avec soin. En vedette, Natacha, mais aussi Les Schtroumpfs, Benoît Brisefer, le P 'tit Bout d'chique et tous les autres personnages de Walthéry. Le triomphe du dessin...
ISBN: 9782205079678 • € 32,95 • 1-11-2019 • Levering voor rekening
ISBN: 9782390410027 • € 57,95 • 1-11-2019 • Levering voor rekening
ISBN: 9782390410096 • € 94,00 • 8-11-2019 • Levering voor rekening
Tanguy & Laverdure, Les Aventures De Hc00. Une Aventure Du Journal Pilote L'Ecole Des Aigles Albert Uderzo Jean-Michel Charlier
Johan Et Pirlouit Integrale Hc02. Peyo Uitg: Uitgeverij Dupuis Klassiek album NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 338
Largo Winch Hc22. Les Voiles Ecarlates (Edition Documentee) Uitg: Uitgeverij Dupuis Avontuur album NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 56
Uitg: Uitgeverij Dupuis Avontuur album NUR: 360 Hardback / Pag: 96 « Tanguy et Laverdure », avec « BarbeRouge » et « Astérix », fait partie des bandes dessinées qui sont nées dans le premier numéro de ‘Pilote' et qui sont encore en activité aujourd'hui. Pour fêter dignement les 60 ans des héros de Jean-Michel Charlier et Albert Uderzo, cet album reprend, à la manière d'un fac-similé, les 84 planches de « L'École...
Ce deuxième coffret d'art de « La Grande bibliothèque » consacré à "Johan et Pirlouit" comporte tous les récits imaginés et dessinés par l'auteur entre 1955 et 1957, soit 3 albums complets et 6 histoires courtes publiées dans Risque-Tout et le journal Spirou. Lorsque Dupuis lance en 1955 un nouvel hebdomadaire à destination des jeunes, les auteurs...
Le super-ordinateur JONAS, responsable des opérations qui plongèrent la bourse de Chicago dans un flash crash retentissant, s'est refermé sur Largo Winch et la tradeuse Mary Stricker. Dans ce serveur surchauffé, serait-ce la fin de leur enquête ? Pourtant, cela n'est rien à l'aune du vol des dix parts du groupe Winch lors de leur transfert sous...
ISBN: 9782205083095 • € 27,50 • 1-11-2019 • Levering voor rekening
ISBN: 9782873930752 • € 84,00 • 8-11-2019 • Levering voor rekening
ISBN: 9791034737116 • € 18,50 • 15-11-2019 • Levering voor rekening
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Strips - Franstalig Scorpion (Le) Hc12. Le Mauvais Augure (Edition Speciale) Enrico Marini Stephen Desberg
Blake & Mortimer Hc26. La Vallée Des Immortels II (Edition Bibilophile) Peter Van Dongen Teun Berserik
Uitg: Uitgeverij Dupuis Avontuur album NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 64
Uitg: Uitgeverij Dupuis Avontuur album NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 72
Nelio Trebaldi, le Scorpion, les différentes familles..., tous souhaitent ardemment découvrir le secret de la fortune des Trebaldi. Afin de trouver réponse à ses questions, le Scorpion part en compagnie du Hussard et de son soi-disant fils Charles-Henri en direction du château de Tarquinio, demeure ancestrale de la riche famille. Mais tout ne se...
Symbole mythique de la bande dessinée grand public de qualité, la série est devenue au fil des ans un best-seller incontestable. L'auteur, E.P. Jacobs, qui fut un proche d'Hergé, aimait la démesure qui prend toute sa dimension dans les inventions scientifiques (dont le fameux Espadon). On citera aussi une extraordinaire galerie de personnages tels...
ISBN: 9782505082903 • € 17,00 • 15-11-2019 • Levering voor rekening
ISBN: 9782870972892 • € 27,95 • 22-11-2019 • Levering voor rekening
Blake & Mortimer Hc26. La Vallee Des Immortels I + II Peter Van Dongen Teun Berserik
Blake & Mortimer Hc00. Le Dernier Pharaon (Edition Bibliophile) Francois Schuiten Thomas Gunzig
Uitg: Uitgeverij Dupuis Avontuur album NUR: 360 Boxed set
Uitg: Uitgeverij Dupuis Avontuur album NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 104
Symbole mythique de la bande dessinée grand public de qualité, la série est devenue au fil des ans un best-seller incontestable. L'auteur, E.P. Jacobs, qui fut un proche d'Hergé, aimait la démesure qui prend toute sa dimension dans les inventions scientifiques (dont le fameux Espadon). On citera aussi une extraordinaire galerie de personnages tels...
« Par Horus, demeure ! » Le souvenir de la Grande Pyramide hante à nouveau Mortimer. Ses cauchemars commencent le jour où il étudie d'étranges radiations qui s'échappent du Palais de Justice de Bruxelles : un puissant champ magnétique provoque des aurores boréales, des pannes dans les circuits électroniques et d'épouvantables hallucinations chez...
ISBN: 9782870972915 • € 34,95 • 22-11-2019 • Levering voor rekening
ISBN: 9782870972885 • € 34,95 • 22-11-2019 • Levering voor rekening
Blake & Mortimer Hc26. La Vallée Des Immortels II (Edition Bibilophile) Peter Van Dongen Teun Berserik
Blueberry Par Hc01. (Edition Noir/Blanc) Franstalig Joann Sfar Christophe Blain Uitg: Uitgeverij Dupuis Western NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 64
Uitg: Uitgeverij Dupuis Avontuur album NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 56 Symbole mythique de la bande dessinée grand public de qualité, la série est devenue au fil des ans un best-seller incontestable. L'auteur, E.P. Jacobs, qui fut un proche d'Hergé, aimait la démesure qui prend toute sa dimension dans les inventions scientifiques (dont le fameux Espadon). On citera aussi une extraordinaire galerie de personnages tels...
Alors qu'il patrouille aux abords d'une réserve indienne, le lieutenant Blueberry assiste au meurtre de deux femmes de la tribu tuées par trois jeunes Blancs. Voulant à tout prix éviter une nouvelle guerre, il va à la rencontre du clan. Mais les deux victimes ne sont autre que la femme et la fille du belliqueux guerrier, Amertume, qui a les...
ISBN: 9782870972816 • € 15,95 • 22-11-2019 • Levering voor rekening
ISBN: 9782205083798 • € 22,50 • 22-11-2019 • Levering voor rekening catgenforcetextbelowlasttable
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Stumptown is an upcoming American crime drama television series created by Jason Richman that is set to premiere on ABC. The series is set to debut in the 2019–20 television season on September 25, 2019. It is based on graphic novels of the same name.
The series centers on a sharp-witted military veteran who becomes a private investigator in Portland, Oregon, where she also takes care of her brother.
ISBN 9781620104408
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ISBN 9781620104804
ISBN 9781620105399
ISBN 9781620105795
Batwoman is an upcoming American superhero television series developed by Caroline Dries and Greg Berlanti. It is based on the DC Comics character Kate Kane / Batwoman, a costumed crime-fighter created by Geoff Johns, Grant Morrison, Greg Rucka, Mark Waid, and Keith Giffen. Will air in october.
Three years after billionaire philanthropist Bruce Wayne and his vigilante alter-ego Batman disappeared,[a] his cousin Kate Kane sets out to overcome her demons by protecting the streets of Gotham City as Batwoman and becoming a symbol of hope.
ISBN 9781401274306
ISBN 9781401278717
ISBN 9781401285777
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The Witcher
The Witcher is a 2019 fantasy drama TV series created by Lauren Schmidt Hissrich for Netflix. It is based on the book series of the same name by Andrzej Sapkowski. The series is set to be released in late 2019.
The Witcher follows the story of Geralt of Rivia, a solitary monster hunter, who struggles to find his place in a world where people often prove more wicked than beasts. But when destiny hurtles him toward a powerful sorceress, and a young princess with a dangerous secret, the three must learn to navigate the increasingly volatile Continent together.
ISBN 9781506713946 |Ready to Read 10 to Read 6|Ready
ISBN 9781616557935
ISBN 9781506701615
ISBN 9781506711096
Comics & Graphic Novels - Engelstalig Star Wars: Lost Stars (03): (Manga) Claudia Gray Uitg: Grand Central Manga NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 192 Will the end of the conflict mean the end of their story...? Thane and Ciena have survived to see the destruction of one Death Star and the construction of another, but as they watch from opposite sides as the Empire crumbles, can anything but tragedy await them at the end of their journey? ISBN: 9781975358679 • € 13,00 • 1-11-2019
Kick-Ass: The New Girl (03) Steve Niles M Frusin
Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge Ethan Sacks W Sliney
Uitg: Diamond Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 152
Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 112
After the bloody defeat of Violencia and Santos, there's no rest for Kick-Ass. She now has a criminal empire at her fingertips, and bags of blood money at her disposal. New threats emerge from out of town, as she destroys Russian meth labs and rattles the Mexican cartels. Can she take down her enemies, keep her family alive, and keep her identity...
A thrilling call to adventure on the very edge of the galaxy! The newest chapter of the growing Star Wars saga begins with this riveting comic adventure tie-in to the theme park! ISBN: 9781302917869 • € 12,99 • 5-11-2019 • Levering voor rekening
ISBN: 9781534313491 • € 19,95 • 5-11-2019 • Levering voor rekening
Back To The Future: The Heavy Collection (02) Bob Gale E Vieceli Uitg: Penguin US Strips/Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 296
Making Comics Linda Barry Uitg: Farrar Straus Giroux Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 200
Co-creator Bob Gale takes his most famous creations on new adventures throughout the spacetime continuum, expanding the universe created by the blockbuster films! Who is Marty McFly? That's what Marty's asking himself, as it becomes abundantly clear his childhood memories don 't match up with what actually happened in this timeline. Then,...
The idiosyncratic curriculum from the Professor of Interdisciplinary Creativity will teach you how to draw and write your story Hello students, meet Professor Skeletor. Be on time, don’t miss class, and turn off your phones. No time for introductions, we start drawing right away. The goal is more rock, less talk, and we communicate only through...
ISBN: 9781684055579 • € 29,99 • 5-11-2019
ISBN: 9781770463691 • € 25,95 • 5-11-2019 • Levering voor rekening
House Paco Roca Uitg: Diamond Graphic Novel NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 134
Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 136 Tony Stark once vowed that he'd never build weapons again. So why's he hunkered down with Screwbeard the Dwarf in Avengers Mountain? And what is he making? COLLECTING: TONY STARK: IRON MAN 12-16 ISBN: 9781302914431 • € 15,99 • 5-11-2019
Spider-Man: Life Story Chip Zdarsky M Bagley
Dc Black Label Luthor Brian Azzarello L Bermejo
Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 200
Uitg: DC Comics Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 144
In this graphic novel by the internationally acclaimed, award-winning Wrinkles cartoonist, three adult siblings relive old conflicts as they clear out the family vacation home after their father’s death. The graphic novel The House is at once deeply personal (dedicated to Roca’s own deceased father) and entirely universal. Three adult siblings...
In 1962's Amazing Fantasy #15, fifteenyear-old Peter Parker was bitten by a radioactive spider and became the Amazing Spider-Man! 57 years have passed in the real world since that event - so what would have happened if the same amount of time passed for Peter as well? To celebrate Marvel's 80th anniversary, Chip Zdarsky and Spider-Man legend Mark...
ISBN: 9781683962632 • € 22,95 • 5-11-2019 • Levering voor rekening
ISBN: 9781302917333 • € 17,99 • 5-11-2019
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Tony Stark: Iron Man (03); War Of The Realms Dan Slott V Schiti
Superman has been called many things— the defender of truth, justice and the American way; the Big Blue Boy Scout; and the Man of Steel. In Luthor, Superman is called something he has never been called before: a threat to all humanity. ISBN: 9781401291990 • € 14,99 • 12-11-2019
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Comics & Graphic Novels - Engelstalig Dc Black Label Superman: Year One Frank Miller J Romita
Mighty Elvis: A Graphic Biography Seymour Chwast S Brower
Uitg: DC Comics Comics NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 216
Uitg: Penguin US Strips/Comics NUR: 360 Hardback
Superman: Action Comics (02): Leviathan Rising Brian Michael Bendis Uitg: DC Comics Comics NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 144
From legendary writer Frank Miller comes a groundbreaking, definitive treatment of Superman's classic origin story, with art by John Romita Jr. This story details new revelations that reframe the Man of Steel's most famous milestones--from Kal-El's frantic exile from Krypton, to Clark Kent's childhood in Kansas, to his inevitable rise to become...
Revel in this commemoration of Elvis' life in the form of an art book told through the unique vision of legendary designer and illustrator Seymour Chwast. Spearheading a new music form that, combined with an attitude and a look, would change the world, Elvis Presley became one of the most important cultural figures of the second half of the...
The adventures of the Man of Steel continue in North America's longestrunning comic book series, headlined by fan-favorite writer Brian Michael Bendis. Clark Kent dives deeper into his role as an investigative reporter, but will he uncover something so big and so dangerous that not even Superman will survive to break the story? The terror...
ISBN: 9781401291372 • € 29,99 • 12-11-2019
ISBN: 9781684055609 • € 19,99 • 12-11-2019
ISBN: 9781401294809 • € 24,99 • 12-11-2019
Dc Holiday Nightmares (03) Various
Star Trek: Year Five - Odyssey's End (01) Jackson Lanzing C Kelly
Symbiote Spider-Man Peter David G Land
Uitg: DC Comics Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 152
Uitg: Penguin US Strips/Comics NUR: 360 Paperback
Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 144
Join the World's Greatest Super Heroes and the world's most notorious supervillains in celebrating the holidays in this new special! All your favorite DC heroes and villians are back again celebrating this most magical time of the year! Join them all in the festivities in the all-new DC Holiday Vol. 3! ISBN: 9781401294878 • € 16,99 • 12-11-2019
Legend Of Korra : Ruins Of The Empire (02) Micahel Dante Dimartino M Wong Uitg: Dark Horse Manga NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 80
Join the crew of the Enterprise in all-new adventures as they near the end of their five-year mission, featuring the characters from the Original Series! The crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise left Earth four years ago. They 've traveled to strange new worlds, defeated impossible foes, and made universe-changing decisions. But now, with the end in...
Back to black! Everyone knows that the infamous living costume that Spider-Man accidentally brought back from the Secret Wars would someday become the wicked web-slinger known as Venom - but what happened before Peter Parker discovered the suit's sinister symbiotic secret? Find out in this dynamic tale from comics legends Peter David and Greg Land!
ISBN: 9781684055685 • € 15,99 • 12-11-2019
ISBN: 9781302919047 • € 17,99 • 12-11-2019
Superman: Action Comics (01): Invisble Mafia Brian Michael Bendis Uitg: DC Comics Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 144
Blade Runner (01) Michael Green A Guinaldo Uitg: Titan UK Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 112
King Wu's dreams of peacefully transitioning the Earth Kingdom into a democracy are in danger when Commander Guan throws his political hat in the ring, hoping to subvert the new system from the inside out. But playing fair was never part of his plan; Guan and Dr. Sheng are using terrifying new technology to cement Guan's win! In a desperate...
Acclaimed writer Brian Michael Bendis' new chapter for the Man of Steel and the City of Tomorrow begins here! With art by the best-selling writer and artist Patrick Gleason, both Metropolis and the Man of Steel take center stage as Brian Michael Bendis continues his grand entrance into the DC Universe! The Daily Planet teeters on the brink...
Return to the original world of Blade Runner 2019. Return to the original world of Blade Runner 2019. Welcome to the rain soaked world of Los Angeles 2019 - a dystopic world of Replicants, Spinners and hardboiled future noir. There's a new Blade Runner in town, and she's out for blood. Replicant blood. This officially sanctioned sequel...
ISBN: 9781506708959 • € 10,99 • 12-11-2019
ISBN: 9781401294786 • € 17,99 • 12-11-2019
ISBN: 9781787731615 • € 17,95 • 19-11-2019
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Comics & Graphic Novels - Engelstalig Complete Elfquest (06) Wendy Pini R Pini Uitg: Dark Horse Strips/Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 592
Punisher (03) Street By Street, Block By Block Matthew Rosenberg S Kudranski Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 112
The classic high fantasy series featuring elves battling humans, protecting their forest home, testing friendships, and time traveling adventures. This new treasury of the classic fantasy series by Wendy and Richard Pini collects deeper cuts of canonical backstories and Wolfrider essentials. Discover how humans, looking to escape their own...
With Bagalia in chaos and Zemo's back against the wall, Frank has never been in more danger! How do you stop a criminal mastermind with an entire nation at his beck and call? Desperate times call for desperate measures on all sides. Baron Zemo's plans are revealed to be even more sinister than believed. As Frank and Zemo's war extends beyond...
ISBN: 9781506706078 • € 24,99 • 19-11-2019
ISBN: 9781302919023 • € 15,99 • 19-11-2019
James Bond Origin (02) Jeff Parker I Moustafa Uitg: Diamond Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 148
RUSSIAN RUSE: A Norwegian supply ship carrying gold mysteriously sinks. A Russian crew claims the Nazis are responsible. Royal Navy Lieutenant James Bond suspects foul play. ISBN: 9781524112684 • € 27,95 • 22-11-2019
Justice League (04): The Sixth Dimension Scott Snyder J Jimenez
Star Wars (12): Rebels And Rogues Various
Art Of Star Wars Rebels Dan Wallace
Uitg: DC Comics Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 200
Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 184
Uitg: Dark Horse Comics Hardback Pag: 216
The Justice League has the map to the Sixth Dimension in hand--and with it, they have the key to saving the Multiverse from utter destruction! Scott Snyder and Jorge Jimenez epic saga continues, but can they stop the Legion of Doom? The Justice League ventures to the Sixth Dimension in hopes of saving their world. Meanwhile, Superman is trapped...
Darth Vader is on the hunt for Luke Skywalker! Thousands of remote probes are sent into the far reaches of space looking for the Rebel Alliance. But the rebels send out desperate, heroic missions to lead them astray. ISBN: 9781302914516 • € 19,99 • 19-11-2019
ISBN: 9781506710914 • € 39,99 • 26-11-2019
ISBN: 9781779501684 • € 24,99 • 19-11-2019
Prince Valiant (20): 1975-1976 Hal Foster J Murphy Uitg: Diamond Graphic Novel NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 112
An incredible hardcover amassing art and creator commentary chronicling four seasons of adventure in a galaxy far, far away! In the early days of the rebellion, a tight-knit group of rebels from various backgrounds banded together against all odds to do their part in the larger mission of defeating the Galactic Empire, sparking hope across the...
Star Wars Legends Epic Collection: The Menace Revealed (02) John Ostrander J Duursema Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 144
Dceased Tom Taylor Uitg: DC Comics Comics NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 224
Prince Valiant battles pirates and Aleta defeats a wizard in this collection of KingArthur inspired Sunday newspaper comics. Creator Hal Foster’s art returns for the Sunday newspaper comic strip series' 2000th strip, recalling the high points of the Prince Valiant legend. Then, Aleta’s younger sister Helene is gambled away by her husband to a...
Jedi Knight Quinlan Vos has lost his memory! Now he must rediscover his past while searching for his Padawan, Aayla Secura! But deadly gamblers, false Jedi, corrupt officials and the pull of the dark side all stand in his way! Then, lightsabers clash as the bounty hunter Aurra Sing arrives on Coruscant, slaying Jedi in the very shadow of the...
What happens to the World's Finest if the world ends? With death spreading across the planet, who will live and who will turn in this apocalyptic tale of heroism, sacrifice and annihilation? It's the end of the world as we know it! Six hundred million people worldwide are instantly turned into violent, monstrous engines of destruction when...
ISBN: 9781683962472 • € 37,95 • 19-11-2019 • Levering voor rekening
ISBN: 9781302920333 • € 15,99 • 19-11-2019
ISBN: 9781401294403 • € 29,99 • 26-11-2019
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Comics & Graphic Novels - Engelstalig Narcos Netflis tv series Ryan Ferrier Uitg: IDW Strips/Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 96
Superman (02): The Unity Saga: The House Of El Brian Michael Bendis I Reis Uitg: DC Comics Comics NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 208
Immortal Hulk (05) Breaker of worlds Al Ewing J Bennet Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 112
All-new stories bringing to light the tangled web of money and power in '90s Colombia spinning straight out of the hit Netflix original show! Further detailing the intrigue and danger of the international drug trade of the 1990s two new recruits bring danger to DEA agents Murphy and Pena, while Pablo Escobar must contend with a dangerous threat...
A year spent traveling the stars changed Jon Kent. Are parents Clark and Lois ready for the all-new, all-different Superboy? Secrets are revealed, a new look debuts and Superman's world is changed forever! The epic secrets of Superman continue to unfold! A few months in space with his paternal grandfather Jor-El changed Jon Kent forever. With...
It's the final showdown - Bruce Banner versus General Fortean, a man willing to do whatever it takes to destroy the Immortal Hulk once and for all, even if it means turning himself into what he hates the most. As Shadow Base declares war on anyone with a gamma mutation, Banner has to decide what kind of Hulk he wants to be - and what kind of...
ISBN: 9781684055517 • € 15,99 • 26-11-2019
ISBN: 9781401294397 • € 29,99 • 26-11-2019
ISBN: 9781302916688 • € 15,99 • 3-12-2019
Star Wars: Age Of Resistance Heroes Tom Taylor R Rosanas
Umbrella Academy Library Edition (02): Dallas Gerard Way G Ba
Joe Hill: The Graphic Novel Collection Joe Hill S King
Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 128
Uitg: Dark Horse Comics NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 216
Uitg: IDW Strips/Comics NUR: 360 Paperback
This is the Age of Star Wars - an epic series of adventures that unite your favorite characters from all three trilogies! Explore untold tales of the greatest heroes of the Resistance. ISBN: 9781302917128 • € 17,99 • 26-11-2019
Umbrella Academy is Netflix's most watched show of 2019 with over 45 million viewers and a second season on the way! Catch up on the best selling comic series with this Deluxe Oversized Hardcover of the complete second series, Dallas, with the short story "Anywhere but Here" and an expanded 36-page sketchbook featuring work by Gerard Way, Gabriel...
Get into the mind of the bestselling author with these five graphic novels, spanning genres from straight up horror to psychological thriller!New York Times Best Seller Joe Hill is the creative force behind this collection of graphic novels that showcase the world-building and bone-chilling talents of the famed... ISBN: 9781684054930 • € 29,99 • 3-12-2019
ISBN: 9781506715483 • € 39,99 • 26-11-2019
Stranger Things (02): Six (Graphic Novel) Jody Houser Uitg: Dark Horse Gf/Hb Bk General NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 96 A prequel comic from Netflix' awardwinning series, delving into the mysterious workings of Project MKUltra and the weird science that opened the door to the Upside Down. Francine, a teenage girl with precognition, has struggled through a lifetime of exploitation: first by her parents, then by Dr. Brenner of Hawkins Laboratory. Dr. Brenner... ISBN: 9781506712321 • € 17,99 • 26-11-2019
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Aquaman: Sword Of Atlantis (01) Kurt Busiek J Guice
Ninja The most dangerous game
Uitg: DC Comics Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 248
Uitg: Random House US Graphic Novel NUR: 363 Paperback Pag: 144
A new Aquaman crashes the kingdom in the aftermath of the massive event Infinite Crisis. Who is this new King of the Seven Seas, and can he be trusted?It's One Year Later after the events of Infinite Crisis, and Aquaman has totally changed! The new Aquaman begins the hunt for his missing father and fights a savage duel... ISBN: 9781401287719 • € 39,99 • 3-12-2019
The first in a series of original graphic novels, starring Ninja (Tyler Blevins)-the most influential public figure in gaming today--as he embarks on exciting gaming adventures, with the fate of the world at stake.Tyler Blevins (aka "Ninja")--the undisputed champion of the world's most popular online battle royale-enjoys a... ISBN: 9781984857446 • € 16,99 • 3-12-2019 • Levering voor rekening
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Comics & Graphic Novels - Engelstalig Star Wars: Age Of Resistance Villains Tom Taylor L Kirk Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 128 This is the Age of Star Wars - an epic series of adventures that unites your favorite characters from all three trilogies! Now it's the First Order's turn to take center stage. Plus: Tales of Kylo Ren and Supreme Leader Snoke! ISBN: 9781302917302 • € 17,99 • 3-12-2019
Cromwell Stone Andreas Uitg: Titan UK Comics NUR: 360 Hardback
Cromwell Stone is one of thirteen men who lived though a mysterious sea voyage. Now his fellow survivors are disappearing in unusual and unnerving ways. He sets out to solve the mystery, and finds himself caught up in a much bigger and stranger story. ISBN: 9781785868887 • € 34,95 • 10-12-2019
Batman: Detective Comics (02): Arkham Knight Peter J. Tomasi B Walker Uitg: DC Comics Comics NUR: 360 Hardback Pag: 144 As a new era dawns, the Batman is facing the most dangerous threat of his career! The Arkham Knight has arrived in Gotham City with an entire round table of deadly allies, and their first encounter will leave Batman shaken to his core. After Batman's brutal battle with the Arkham Knight, things only get worse when one of his most important... ISBN: 9781779501646 • € 24,99 • 17-12-2019
Star Wars Motion Picture (Slipcase Edition) Uitg: IDW Comics NUR: 360 Boxed set Pag: 360
James Cameron's Avatar: Tsu 'tey's Path Sherri L Smith J Durresma Uitg: Dark Horse Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 144
Celebrate the concluding chapter of the Skywalker saga in this special box set collecting the graphic novel adaptations of A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, The Force Awakens, and The Last Jedi. Perfect for readers of any age, this commemorative set is designed for collectors and purpose-built to accommodate your volume...
James Cameron's blockbuster film is expanded upon by award-winning author Sherri L. Smith (novels Lucy the Giant, Flygirl, and The Toymaker's Apprentice) and artist Jan Duursema (Star Wars graphic novel series The Clone Wars, Legacy, and Dawn of the Jedi), with new scenes and new, revealing information about the mysteries of Eywa! From his...
ISBN: 9781684056651 • € 54,99 • 4-12-2019
ISBN: 9781506706702 • € 22,95 • 10-12-2019
Avengers (04) Jason Aaron S Caselli Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 112
Daredevil (02): no devils, only god Chip Zdarsky L Sharma Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 136
The ground of Hell's Kitchen has shifted and Matthew Murdock has emerged a changed man...but for better or worse? Don 't miss the second installment of this new arc: "No Gods, Only Devils"! ISBN: 9781302914998 • € 19,95 • 17-12-2019
Star Wars: Doctor Aphra (06) Si Spurrier W Santos
Journey To Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker
Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 120
Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 112
The war is over. And Earth's Mightiest Heroes are looking to celebrate. But who invited the Squadron Supreme of America? THE CHALLENGE OF THE GHOST RIDERS! Robbie Reyes wants rid of the flameheaded monster inside him. So it's time to do the common-sense thing: perform an exorcism on his car. Only problem is, Johnny Blaze, the King of Hell, has...
After a year of close shaves, Doctor Chelli Aphra is taking it easy and lying low. Probably herding banthas or something. She's smart like that, right? No, not really. The galaxy's shadiest archaeologist is back doing what she does best: busting into alien temples to steal horrifying weapons for huge profit. She just can 't stop herself. But plenty...
BEFORE THE EXCITING EVENTS OF STAR WARS: THE RISE OF SKYWALKER! Hounded by the FIRST ORDER across the galaxy, the RESISTANCE is in dire need of ships, weapons and recruits to make a final stand against KYLO REN's forces. Desperation drives a delegation led by GENERAL LEIA ORGANA and REY to entreat the Rebel veteran's one-time allies, THE MON...
ISBN: 9781302914622 • € 15,99 • 10-12-2019
ISBN: 9781302914882 • € 15,99 • 10-12-2019 • Levering voor rekening
ISBN: 9781302919245 • € 17,95 • 17-12-2019
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Comics & Graphic Novels - Engelstalig Aquaman (01): Unspoken Water Kelly Sue Deconnick R Rocha
X-Men: Summers And Winter Lonnie Nadler N Edwards
Uitg: DC Comics Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 152
Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 112
He's lost his memory. And his kingdom. Can Arthur Curry find the hero within in order to reclaim his throne?The tides turn for the Sea King as superstar scribe Kelly Sue DeConnick (Captain Marvel, Pretty Deadly) and red-hot artist Robson Rocha (Teen Titans, Supergirl) take the rudder to steer Aquaman into uncharted waters. In the...
A time for grief - and a time for joy! First, in Extermination's aftermath, the X-Men mourn their fallen brother Cable. But no one takes it harder than his adopted daughter, Hope Summers. Can she cope with the loss, or will Hope start down a dark path from which there is no return? Only Jean Grey can save Hope from herself! Plus, Chris Claremont...
ISBN: 9781779501431 • € 17,99 • 24-12-2019
ISBN: 9781302919429 • € 14,99 • 31-12-2019
Aquaman (02): Amnesty Kelly Sue Deconnick R Rocha Uitg: DC Comics Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 144
The tides turn for the Sea King as Kelly Sue DeConnick (Captain Marvel, Pretty Deadly) and red-hot artist Robson Rochatake steer Aquaman into uncharted waters! Dive back into Aquaman's story as he continues his epic adventure. Arthur Curry discovers more of his true nature and his connection to the seas. Once he regains his memories and... ISBN: 9781401295332 • € 24,99 • 24-12-2019
Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man (02): hostile takeovers Tom Taylor Y Cinar Uitg: Marvel Comics NUR: 360 Paperback Pag: 112 The neighborhood, and the planet, is doomed. Spider-Man is powerless to stop the end of the world. Only Earth's Newest and Mightiest Hero, Spider-Bite, can save the day. Wait, WHAT?! COLLECTING: FRIENDLY NEIGHBORHOOD SPIDERMAN (2019) 6-10 ISBN: 9781302916916 • € 17,99 • 31-12-2019
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The Boys
The Boys is an American superhero web television series based on the comic book of the same name by Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson. Developed by Eric Kripke for Amazon, it follows the titular team of vigilantes as they fight back against superpowered people who abuse their abilities. Summer 2019.
The Boys is set in a universe where superpowered people are recognized as heroes by the general public and owned by powerful corporation Vought International, which markets and monetizes them. Outside of their heroic personas, most are arrogant and corrupt. The series primarily focuses on two groups: the Seven, Vought International's premier superhero team, and the titular Boys, vigilantes looking to keep the corrupted heroes under control.
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