Pornography Addiction and Recovery

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The History of Pornography

Pornography addiction and Recovery The history of pornography dates back to the sixteenth century. It begins amongst the print culture of the Italian Renaissance. (Norberg) It was also introduced by literature. The Raggionamenti, was the first obscene book and was composed by Pietro Aretino between 1534 and 1536. “Obscene texts could be found in special, locked cases which were off-limits to working-class men, women, and children.” (Norberg) The materials were also expensive and only offered to the elite class.

One revolutionary effect of pornography is the collapse of prices if connection charges and subscription to service providers are set aside. In the 1980s, pornography was available at hotels and motels with in-room pay-per-view. (Slade) Surprisingly, hotel chains make millions of dollars from selling pay-per-view access to pornographic films. (Farmer) In the 1990s, pornography was available from a person’s residence if desired with the Playboy Channel, Vivid, and the Spice Channel amongst others. American pay-per-view revenues rose from $54 million in 1992 to $367 million in 1999. (Slide)

Table of Contents History of Pornography.......................................................3 Pornography Today..........................................................4-5 The Effects of Pornography..............................................6-11 Solutions.......................................................................12-19 Appendix.....................................................................20-35 Our Team.....................................................................21-30 Additional Resources.....................................................31-32 Works Cited.................................................................33-36


The History of Pornography The history of pornography dates back to the sixteenth century. It begins amongst the print culture of the Italian Renaissance. (Norberg) It was also introduced by literature. The Raggionamenti, was the first obscene book and was composed by Pietro Aretino between 1534 and 1536. “Obscene texts could be found in special, locked cases which were off-limits to working-class men, women, and children.” (Norberg) The materials were also expensive and only offered to the elite class. One revolutionary effect of pornography is the collapse of prices if connection charges and subscription to service providers are set aside. In the 1980s, pornography was available at hotels and motels with in-room pay-per-view. (Slade) Surprisingly, hotel chains make millions of dollars from selling pay-per-view access to pornographic films. (Farmer) In the 1990s, pornography was available from a person’s residence if desired with the Playboy Channel, Vivid, and the Spice Channel amongst others. American pay-per-view revenues rose from $54 million in 1992 to $367 million in 1999. (Slide)


Pornography Today Today, pornography is considered an “obscene material whose intention is to provoke sexual arousal.” (Norberg) Pornographic material is hard to define because the material might be clearly pornographic to one observer or classified as art to another. Regardless of interpretation, pornography can be acquired more easily and discreetly than ever before, especially with the rise of such material on the Internet. “Pornography is now the most popular Internet destination for American men aged eighteen to thirty four...It is 50 percent more popular than music sites or eBay and four times more popular than travel services such as hotel and airline reservations. “ (Slade) Whether intentional or not, pornography is now offered to anyone at anytime. .


Numerous amounts of temptation surround us and our loved ones, and pornography is only one of the many. Statistics from a society called “Fight the New Drug,” shows a conservative estimate that 75% of people are addicted to pornography. Pornography is a major addiction that is on the rise. Pornography has the power to destroy lives and families. Many individuals are un3aware of this major issue that so many are dealing with every single day. How do we control this issue and how do we teach the dangers of pornography to others? L. Baron says, “Educating others about the seriousness of pornography is a way to help solve this addiction.” Teaching about the harmful effects of pornography and discovering the potential dangers of it, could provide a significant amount of protection for all of us. With easy access to the most extreme pornographic material at the tip of fingers through the convenience of technology, individuals are facing a whole new world of addiction. Pornography and other addictions are influencing the lives of many. In 2010, a Psychotherapist of porn addiction claimed that the pornography industry grossed more revenue than the top technology companies combined: Apple, Google, Ebay, Netflix, Yahoo, Microsoft and Amazon. J. Bryant, has said, “The average age of first internet exposure to pornography is 11 years old.” According to Family Safe Media Statistics, “The Largest group of viewers of internet porn is children ages 12-17.”


The Effects of Pornography Pornography can be a source of normal sexual enjoyment for many. Some people are compulsively driven to use it to relieve stress and feel good, to avoid interpersonal relationships, and to self-treat other problems. (Hollen) Some doctors consider a pornography addiction as a disease. Kathryn Hollen, who has worked with the National Institutes of Health said, “A pornography addiction has the same effects as a drug or gambling addiction. A person’s lifestyle completely changes because they are preoccupied with thoughts and opportunities to view it. Some signs of a pornography addiction can be that a person neglects work, educational, or family responsibilities.” Pornography is not only affecting adults but also adolescents. Early exposure is linked to feelings of depression or emotional disconnectedness. (Kalyanaraman) One experimental study by Mahood, Kalyanaraman, and Sundar examined whether college students’ perceptions of Internet pornography. An interaction effect revealed that exposure to dehumanizing pornography with medium and high levels of interactivity led to increased acceptance of violence toward women Kalyanaraman and Sundar also gathered data available from the Youth Internet Safety Survey of 1,501 adolescents in the 10-to-17-year age range. They found that approximately 90% of youth who have reported seeking online pornographic materials are over the age of 14 years, and also that online seekers are substantially more prone to feelings of depression or emotional disconnectedness. (Kalyanaraman) 6

Rarely, a person hears the fact that viewing pornography messes with the brain in the same way drugs do. J Bryant has explained, “Whether someone is taking drugs or viewing pornography, the addiction process is the same.� Through research, he has discovered that the frontal lobe is the area of your brain that is responsible for decision making and logically thinking through scenarios. This part of the brain is most affected by addiction. Bryant has gathered that there are three steps that occur within the brain when someone views pornography. The first has to do with chemicals that are released and give an adrenaline rush to the body. Over-exposing the brain with pleasure chemicals like dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and epinephrine is extremely dangerous. Dopamine is a brain chemical that gets involved in many different functions, including movement, motivation, reward & well-being, and addiction. J. Bryant states that nearly all drugs of abuse or any kind of addiction directly or indirectly increases the level of dopamine in the pleasure and motivation pathways of the brain.


He goes on to explain that serotonin is stored in small vesicles within the nerve terminal and when electrical impulses occur, the chemical travels through the brain. Serotonin regulates mood, emotions, aggression, sleep, appetite, anxiety, memory, and perceptions. The next chemical is known as the “love hormone,” and it plays a role in various sexual behavior and stimulation within the body. The technical name for this chemical is called oxytocin. The last pleasure chemical that J. Bryant informs us of is Epinephrine, also known as adrenaline. It is a hormone that regulates the heart, blood vessels, and airway passages. All of these drugs are extremely addictive and leave the body craving more. When addicts give into their addictions, their bodies feel a temporary satisfaction due to these drugs that are released within the body. The second process that takes place in the brain is called the rewiring. When a brain is exposed to the addictive chemicals in this case caused by pornography, the brain begins to rewire itself in order to accommodate the extra chemicals. Just like drugs and alcohol, pornography is a shortcut. It’s a way to flood the brain with pleasure chemicals without having to interact with someone or actually meet a need for connection and love. “There is no long-term satisfaction involved, just a temporary wave of good feelings, which leave addicts wanting more,” said K.A. Davies. Pornography tricks the brain and carries the consequence of addiction.


If an addict continues to view porn and satisfy their cravings, over time, the brain will change the way that it responds to it. M. Diamond has taught that as addicts begin to think about pornography more often, the brain will focus attention on all the good things about viewing pornography and ignore any possible negative consequences.

Addiction involves a different state of being, in a way and an addict’s brain and life is being hijacked. The final process in the addiction to pornography is becoming dependent of it. The tolerance and a dependency to the chemicals that are released begin to build within the addict. V. Cline stated that “Individuals go from wanting the pleasure chemicals in order to feel good, to needing them.” Drug dependence means that a person needs a drug to function normally. Abruptly stopping the drug leads to withdrawal symptoms. Drug addiction is the compulsive use of a substance, despite its negative or dangerous effects. Pornography addicts can become addicted in this same way. Because pornography is something that is stimulated within someone’s own body, it can be more of a challenge to overcome. This internal addiction can affect a person mentally, physically, and spiritually. Full dependency on pornography can diminish trust between intimate couples and can ruin the perception of reality. Serious addictions are complicated health conditions that require both physical and psychological treatment and support. Treatment programs include counseling, both for the person, perhaps the family, and in other group settings.


Many people fail to realize that porn has an effect on everyone, not just the viewer. Porn has a way of decreasing the interest in a real relationship and increases an individual’s appetite for more porn. D. L. Carter has said that “56% of divorces involve at least one of the people having an obsessive interest in pornographic websites.” Carter has also explained that pornography is directly related to negative perceptions, attitudes, and aggression towards the opposite sex. Two Anonymous individuals, who admitted their struggle with an addiction to porn, shared that when they are viewing porn, they want to keep it confidential from everyone else. They feel that by keeping it secret they aren’t causing harm to anyone else. Both testified that this is not true and that viewing porn is damaging to oneself and their loved ones. Any time an individual feels exhausted, stressed, lonely, angry, or bored, turning to pornography is the solution that people come up with when it is already a struggle. To addicts this is the most reliable coping tool available to them. When an addict gives into porn, they push out the negative feeling inside and emotionally shift toward the feeling of temporary satisfaction. If porn addiction were a simple bad habit, people would not give up their marriages over it. If this addiction were easy to quit, this would not be the number one complaint in divorces.


According to Family Safe Media, there is one way to change the behavior of an addict. That way is learning new coping tools for porn addiction. Learning new ways to manage stress is different for everyone. Eliminating the shame that has been carried with the addict their whole life. Learning how to take care of one’s body, mind, and spirit in a healthy way is essential for overcoming this addiction. For an addict, this means creating new habits, and new habits take time.

Studies have shown that pornography can be related to higher divorce rates. According to a study done by the Matrimonial Lawyers Association, 56% of divorce cases involve one party in the marriage who has an obsessive interest in pornographic websites. Dr. MaryAnne Layden says, “I have also seen in my clinical experience that pornography damages the sexual performance of the viewers. Pornography viewers tend to have problems with premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction. Having spent so much time in unnatural sexual experiences with paper, celluloid and cyberspace, they seem to find it difficult to have sex with a real human being. Pornography is raising their expectation and demand for types and amounts of sexual experiences; at the same time it is reducing their ability to experience sex.�




Be the Support. Support in recovery from addictions is vital. A pornography addiction can impact the rest of someones’ life if they do not seek help. Treatments cannot start without recognition that he or she has a problem. Recognition is not easy but is the first step towards treatment. (Taboclaon) People who are addicted to porn usually get angry if they are asked to stop so it is important to know how to approach the problem. (Weiss) The key goal is to diminish degradation of the person. This will not help in recovery, but will prolong it. Christian Counselor, Mitch Temple offers some tips to confront the problem: • Wait for the right moment. Choose a time when he or she is not distracted or too stressed or tired. • Approach him or her in a non-confrontational manner. Your tone should be firm but filled with compassion. • Bring up the topic in a non-threatening way because they will become defensive. Try not to attack with “you” messages. (I caught YOU watching porn. Why are YOU doing this?).


You may try statements like the following to let the person know that you are their support: • I’m concerned that if we allow this problem to continue, it will only get worse. I can’t go on like we have been. I need the help more than anything. I know you are uncomfortable with this, but so am I. I realize, however, that if we avoid the problem, we’ll get the same results. • I know God wants us to do better. It’s obvious that if we don’t get help, we are making the decision to continue in a painful marriage. I believe there is hope for us and it is possible to have a happy life like we used to. • I love you with all my heart, but I am tired and need your help and support on this. If you won’t go for yourself, would you go with me? Being the support is not easy, but living in recovery requires absolute honesty and courage to support your loved one.


Create Awareness One of the best ways to combat pornography is to increase awareness of its effects in the family. A couple ways to create awareness is to use social media with messages about pornograpys effect.


Prevention and Protection Fight the New Drug is a new society that is against the use of pornography. This society puts an effort towards educating individuals on the harmful effects of porn. Fight the New Drug has created ways that individuals can contribute to the cause. Big or small, this organization sees any contribution as valuable. When it comes to joining this group, there is the pledge that must be followed and signed in order to become a fighter. In this pledge, it states that now is the time to stand and help others overcome that which has affected family, friends, and community. The pledge talks about avoiding personal exposure to the powerful drug of pornography. “Too many have suffered. Too many have sacrificed.” As a fighter, the pledge requires an open mind, being accepted and understanding of those who are struggling with pornography. Being strong and bold, not being afraid to teach others about the harmful effects of porn. And refusing to follow the status quo and being willing to do what needs to be done and said regardless of what is popular. Fight the new drug is a growing foundation. Through its expansion, it has been able to travel to several schools and universities to talk about pornography awareness. This foundation also offers recovery and counseling for those who have been fighting against pornography. As the foundation grows, more are becoming aware of the seriousness of porn, and how detrimental, it can be to an individual and their loved ones.


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints also offers an addiction recovery program. The Addiction Recovery Program Guide to Recovery and Healing is a workbook that outlines the 12 steps of recovery. These steps are gospel principles that help individuals overcome addiction through the Atonement. The guide, written by members who have been through the journey of recovery themselves, contains an explanation of principles, practical suggestions for applying those principles, and “understanding” questions relating to each step.

The twelve steps that the church advises is honesty, hope, trust in God, truth, confession, change of heart, humility, seeking forgiveness, restitution and reconciliation, daily accountability, personal revelation, and service. Recovery group meetings are free and confidential. They assist individuals and families who desire to overcome addictive behavior and find a better life through gospel fellowship. In these meetings, participants learn to draw on the power of God to help them achieve freedom from their addiction and to help them enjoy the blessings of Church participation and temple covenants. Any individual who is struggling with an addiction can use this resource as a guide and blessing in his or her life. This guide is a way for individuals to learn how to apply key principles and make a change for the better.


What is to be expected? Among the many addictions in the world, porn is one that many struggle with to overcome. Some individuals think it is normal, and that it is to be expected in the world we live in. While others believe that it is a great sin and morally wrong. Opinions from adults, parents, church leaders, media, or anyone, for that matter, could have a major impact on one’s life, whether that impact is for good or bad. Pornography can no longer be a taboo subject. It is important that individuals learn more about the harmful effects of this addiction. Teaching the science behind the addiction can help others safe guard themselves and other individuals from falling into this addictive trap. As we come to understand more about this topic, we can help encourage those who struggle with this addiction to receive proper help. Due to the many harmful effects that addiction to pornography brings, it is important that take the opportunity to share in the awareness.


Personal Addiction Alex Stewart, a public speaker on porn addiction has shared his story of when he first became addicted to porn, and the recovery process that he continues to go through. At the age of nine years-old Alex’s family moved to a new neighborhood. Across the street, Alex had a friend that he would play with occasionally. One day this friend invited Alex over to his house, on that day, Alex shares with others how his life changed in one regretful experience. “From the very first time I viewed pornography, I was addicted.” Alex’s friend pulled out a pornographic magazine to show him. “One time is all it takes.” For 15 years, Alex has struggled with an addiction to pornography. It has taken several years of therapy to recover from this dangerous addiction. Through his recovery process, Alex has gained a strong desire to share his struggle with others and help make a difference in their lives. “In reality, no matter what we do, at some point all of us will be faced or view pornography, whether by accident or with the intentions to do so.” Alex also teaches individuals that pornography is something that many people want to keep the secret from others. He goes on to share that “When we are little we are taught all about drugs and why they are bad for us, but the only thing said about pornography is not to do it. This way of teaching needs to stop.” Alex Stewart spends his time traveling and teaching others about the potential dangers and effects of pornography and is a firm believer that any addiction can be overcome.




Maria Klein

My name is Maria Klein. I live in Logan, UT with my husband and we have been married for almost a year and a half. We are happily expecting our first baby girl in a few weeks. I am 37 weeks pregnant, and we are excited for the arrival of our little princess. I am finishing my last two semesters of college online, and will be graduating with a degree in Theatre and Speech Education. I will have two minors as well, one in English and Communications. I enjoy spending time outside and being active. Volleyball is my favorite sport, and I love music! In June my husband and I will be moving to Indianapolis, where he will begin his new job. I am excited to move back east, because I am originally from Ohio. So we will be about four hours away from my family. I am looking forward to beginning this new chapter in life with my husband, and we are excited for the adventure it will be.


Selection of Issue: I suggested this topic to my group, because I have known many in my life who have struggled with this harmful addiction. After watching the heartache and pain of many close friends and family members, I knew it was time for me to act on the awareness of this issue. My group expressed interest in doing this topic, and understood the seriousness of it. Without hesitation we decided to dive into this taboo subject. Team member tasks: In our group I represented writer number 1. My section of the issue book was focused on the harmful effects of pornography addiction, the science behind the addiction and ways to recovery. Strategic Research: 1.Personal account and interview information from Alex Stewart, who is a public speaker on porn addiction. 2.The harmful effects of pornography addiction. 3.The science behind the addiction and how it affects the brain. 4.The effect it has on relationships. 5.Learning new ways to manage this internal addiction through recovery programs.


Personal Reflection: Throughout the process of completing this project, I was able to study more about this serious issue that many struggle with every day. I was able to take the time to learn more about the harmful effects of this addiction and the science behind it. I learned a lot about the chemical balance within the brain, and the way the brain rewires itself in order to accommodate certain chemicals released within the body. The gentlemen I had the privilege of interviewing also taught me a great deal on this topic. Alex Stewart was willing to share his personal experience with the addiction, his experience through the recovery process, and his goals of helping others receive help through sharing in the awareness. This assignment helped me realize the importance of talking about this issue, and helping others understand the many harmful effects that it has. I have learned that pornography has an effect on everyone, not just the viewer. Because pornography is an internal addiction, it can be a great challenge for many individuals to overcome. It is important that we are aware of this issue and all that it entails. If we are educated on this topic and know how it works, we will be able to help those who are in need of recovery. We will also be able to safeguard others and ourselves from falling into this harmful addiction. Many are unaware of the seriousness of this addiction and the pain it brings into the lives of many. It is time for the awareness to be shared, and for individuals to learn about the many harmful effects of pornography addiction.


Vanessa Morales

I am from the busy city of Dallas, TX. My heritage is Mexican-American. II like to hide behind my camera and snap shots of the beautiful world. The world is more beautiful when I play my ukulele in the sun. I may be small (4’ 11�) but I have big dreams to become a professional photographer and designer. For now, I am a 22-year-old Visual Communication student at Brigham Young University- Idaho. However, I graduate in April and I am excited to find a professional career in Visual Communication. Selection of issue: Team writer, Maria Klein suggested the issue of pornography. I was immediately intrigued about the issue because pornography has evolved and become more accessible over the years. I especially wanted to focus on the history and effects of a pornography addiction.


Team Member Tasks: I represented writer number 1. I was responsible for providing research of the history and nature of pornography. I also included one proposed solution to the problem and a professional interview. All group members were required to provide editorial comments to other writers and work as a team. Strategic Research: 1. Professional interview from Laura Hawk, who is a licensed psychologist with a 24-year practice in counseling individuals and families 2. The history of pornography and how is has evolved over the years to become more accessible. 3. The effects of pornography based on experimental studies. 3. Researched solutions of how families and friends can confront the problem and be a support to addicted users. Personal Reflection: My view of pornography has changed since completing this issue book. I didn’t understand why people would get addicted to something that has obvious consequences. I learned that an addicted person uses pornography to cover other problems that involve high-stress. I read many case studies that involved the deterioration of healthy relationships because of a pornography addiction. The case studies were truly heartbreaking but motivated me to find a strong and usable solution for anyone who is suffering from this addiction.Pornography impacts the lives of adults and children. I learned that early exposure could lead to feelings of depression and problematic relationships. Pornography also affects a woman’s selfimage and quality of relations. Pornography is corrupting our society and needs immediate action.


Meeshell Jewell

My name is Meeshell Jewell. I am a Communications Major with an emphasis in Visual Communications. I love my major and the work I do for it! I will be graduating in July 2014. I enjoy traveling with purpose. I did a semester abroad in Jerusalem, Israel. While there, my studies focused on the land and culture. I, also, volunteered as a representative for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints for a year and half in the West Indies. While volunteering I helped others increase their knowledge of Jesus Christ and increase the quality of their lives.


Selection of Issue: Team member, Maria Klein, suggested this topic. I immediately thought it was a great topic because it is an issue that has been seeping into society for so long. Now, this issue not only tolerated but embraced which leaves every following generation less and less aware of its harmful effects.

Team Member Tasks: For this project I was writer number 3. I researched the ramifications of this issue which is the consequences and effects of this addiction. I also researched solutions that could help those who may struggle with the addiction. Strategic Research: 1. Professional interview with Craig Cobia. Cobia is the CEO for the non-profit organization “Citizens For Decency�. This organization was assembled to help individuals and families become aware of the harmful effects of pornography and combat those effects. Personal Reflection Researching this topic has been very enlightening and informative. It has helped me to better understand the seriousness of pornography and its addictive, degrading effects to individuals, families, and communities. I now have a greater determination to fight against this epidemic and protect my future family from it. Before researching this topic I really had no idea how harmful pornography is. As far back as I can remember I have been taught by church leaders and my mother never to view pornography. However, I always assumed this was simply for moral reasons. I have, also, been taught that pornography breaks up families but I never really understood how that happened. After researching, I now understand that pornography is not just a spiritual or moral matter but that it physically changes the brain structure of humans. Because of its effects on the brain it is extremely addicting and, therefore, alters an individual’s ability to carry out everyday tasks. Therefore, limiting each addicted individuals progression in school, work, and families.


This would inevitably affect society. These brain changes also increases one’s appetite for different sexual partners. I consider a loyal mother and father the core and foundation of a family. If either one of them are seeking other partners that foundation is then broken. As we all know, a house without a foundation cannot stand, so it is with the family. One of the things that intrigued me the most during this research was learning that pornography companies are beginning to target children as young as 11. Learning this gave me the greatest determination to actively protect my future children. I understand that we all have freedom to choose and some might think trying to protect children from pornography is overlycontrolling. However, if others truly understood its addictive and destructive nature they would not think twice about protecting their children from it. Or anyone for that matter. You wouldn’t give your children or a friend cocaine, would you? You wouldn’t and neither would I. My core thoughts after learning and pondering all of this is: I hope to do the world a favor and actively fight against pornography, beginning with my home and family.


Kendra Pettingill

My name is Kendra Pettingill. I live in Rexburg, ID. We have been married for 4 years. We had our first child, a little girl, in October 2013. Our daughter, Madelyn is 5 months old and the center of our lives. I am pursuing my degree in Communications from Brigham Young University- Idaho and will graduate in December 2014. I enjoy garage sales, auctions and anywhere I can find a good deal. I enjoy creating. I love visual design, music, and getting crafty. I am also passionate about keeping a record of my family’s lives. Selection of Issue: Maria suggested this topic to the group. It is a very relevant topic to our day and age. Pornography is everywhere in our society and it is important to know the harmful effects that it can have on an individual and family. I thought this was a great topic to choose for our issue book.


Pornography Today Today, Team Member pornography Tasks: is considered an “obscene material whose intention In our group is to Iprovoke represented sexual thearousal.” editor. I (Norberg) am responsible Pornographic for material the layout is and harddesign to define of the because issue the book material and appendix might beas clearly pornographic well as phrasing to one and observer order of the or classified information. as art to another. Regardless Personal Reflection: of interpretation, pornography can be acquired more easily While and putting discreetly together than this ever book before,onespecially the effects with of the rise of pornography such material addiction on the Internet. and also “Pornography ways to recover is nowfrom the most popular that addiction Internet I found destination a newfor sense American of urgency men to aged protect eighteen to mythirty family. four...It is 50 percent more popular than music sites or eBay and four times more popular than travel services such as hotel I was and stunned airline to find reservations. out that of“children (Slade)ages Whether 10-17intentional almost or not, 90 percent pornography of themishad nowseen offered pornography. to anyone Itatisanytime. a growing danger in our world and we can’t just stand by. It isn’t a fact .of going out and searching for pornography because the pornography companies are searching out our families. Putting together this information helped me realize how important it is to talk about this issue. It is a battle that we need to fight for our communities and our families. We need to stand up for our children and protect them against this harmful addiction.


Additional Resources Websites The history and evolution of pornography Gave insight on how to recover from a pornography addiction. Online resources, support groups, and coaching for women whose husbands are addicted to pornography. An organization that is taking a stand against pornography. An organization that offers a recovery program. php?issueID=311&guideMainID=21 Helps individuals learn more about the harmful effects of pornography. tips/pc-security/how-to-block-pornography-on-internetconnected-devices Different ideas on how to prevent pornography in your home. How your negative actions at home can “motivate� your child to use pornography.


Additional Resources Organizations and Recovery Programs S.A. Lifeline Foundationis a foundation that focuses on how family members can help and manage the shock of having a friend or family member with a pornography addiction. Sexaholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover. Recovering Couples Anonymous is a world service organization to fellowship recovering couples. COSA, Fight the New Drug,The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints and Candeo are a twelve-step recovery programs for men and women whose lives have been affected by another person’s compulsive sexual behavior. It is a program for spiritual development, no matter what religious beliefs. .


Works Cited “7 Steps to Protect Your Family From Pornography.” Archkck. Catholic Church, n.d. Web. 12 Mar. 2014. “Desensitization: A Numbed Pleasure Response.” Your Brain On Porn. N.p., 11 Dec. 2011. Web. 12 Mar. 2014. “Helping Your Child Avoid the Pornography Trap.” Helping Your Child Avoid the Pornography Trap. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Mar. 2014. “How to Block Pornography on Internet-Connected Devices.” How to Block Porn on Internet-Connected Devices. WEBROOT, n.d. Web. 12 Mar. 2014. “Pornography Addiction.” Encyclopedia of Addictions. Kathryn H. Hollen. Vol. 2. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2009. 287. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 11 Mar. 2014. “The Gospel Coalition.” The Gospel Coalition Blog 5 SureFire Ways to Motivate Your Son to Use Pornography Comments. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Mar. 2014. Baron, L., & Straus, M. (1984). Sexual stratification, pornography, and rape in the United States. In N. M. Malamuth & E. Donnerstein (Eds.), Pornography, sexual aggression (pp. 185-209). New York: Academic Press.


Works Cited Carter, Joe. “The Gospel Coalition.” The Gospel Coalition Blog 9 Things You Should Know About Pornography and the Brain Comments. N.p., 8 May 2013. Web. 12 Mar. 2014. Cheney, Davison. “When You Know Your Kid Is Sexting, but You Don’t Know What to Do |” When You Know Your Kid Is Sexting, but You Don’t Know What to Do | KSL, n.d. Web. 13 Mar. 2014. Cline, V. (2009). “Pornography’s Effects on Adults and Children”. Retrieved January 2011 doc/20282510/Dr-Victor-Cline-Pornography-s-Effects-on-Adultsand-Children Davies, K.A. (2004). “Voluntary exposure to pornography and men’s attitudes toward feminism and rape”. Journal of Sex Research. Retrieved Jan, 2011. articles/mi_m2372/is_n2_v34/ai_19551963/ Diamond, M. (1999). The effects of pornography: an international perspective. In J. Elias, V. Bullough, V. Elias, G. Brewer, J. Douglas & W. Jarvis (Eds.), Pornography 101: Eroticism, Sexuality and the First Amendment (223–260) Amherst: Prometheus Press. Family Safe Media Statistics. Qtd. at Alabama Policy Institute. “Internet Pornography: Facts and Figures.” Web. 3 Dec. 2009. issue.php?issueID=311&guideMainID=21 or http://www.


Works Cited Farmer, Clark. “Pornography.” Encyclopedia of Business Ethics and Society. Ed. Robert W. Kolb. Vol. 4. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, 2008. 1631-1633. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 11 Mar. 2014. J Bryant, D. Brown, “Use of pornography,” Pornography: research advances and policy considerations, Hillsdale (NJ): Erdbaum; 1989, p. 25-55. Jenkins, Philip. “Pornography.” Encyclopedia of Recreation and Leisure in America. Ed. Gary S. Cross. Vol. 2. Detroit: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 2004. 121-123. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 11 Mar. 2014. Kalyanaraman, Sriram. “Internet Pornography, Effects of.” Encyclopedia of Children, Adolescents, and the Media. Vol. 1. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Reference, 2007. 427429. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 11 Mar. 2014. Kleponis, P. (2010). Psychotherapist: Porn Addiction Prevalent, Curable., Retrieved 2011 oct/10101505 2. Ropelato, J. http://www.internet-filter-review. html Retrieved Jan. 2011 Landau, Judith, James Garrett, and Robert Webb. “Assisting A Concerned Person To Motivate Someone Experiencing Cybersex Into Treatment.” Journal Of Marital & Family Therapy 34.4 (2008): 498-511. Education Full Text (H.W. Wilson). Web. 14 Mar. 2014. 35

Works Cited Norberg, Kathryn. “Pornography.” The Oxford Companion to The Body. Ed. Colin Blakemore and Sheila Jennett. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press, 2001. 550. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 11 Mar. 2014. Robert, Weiss. “Pornography Addiction Treatment.” Sexual Recovery Institute. Web. 14 Mar 2014. Taboclaon, Aleah. “Pornography Is an Addiction.” Child Pornography. Ed. Stefan Kiesbye. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2013. At Issue. Rpt. from “Addiction Studies—Why Pornography Harms.” Push of Hope. 2011. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 14 Mar. 2014. Wilson, Gary. “The Great Porn Experiment.” YouTube. YouTube, 06 Apr. 2012. Web. 12 Mar. 2014.


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