Vanguard employee handbook (2016 0330)v2 final

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INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................. 4

WELCOME TO VANGUARD UNIVERSITY ................................................................................................................................ 4 705:000 705:010 710:000 710:010 710:015 710:020 710:030 710:035 710:040 710:045 710:050 710:060 710:065 720:000 720:005 720:010 720:015 720:020 720:030 720:035 720:040 720:050 720:060 720:070 720:075 720:080 720:090 730:000 730:010 730:020 730:030 730:040 730:050 730:055 730:060 730:070 730:080 730:090 730:100 730:105 730:110 730:120 730:130 730:140 730:150

THE PURPOSE AND STRUCTURE OF THE EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK ........................................................................ 5 ABOUT THIS HANDBOOK ........................................................................................................................................ 5 THE UNIVERSITY AND WHAT VANGUARD REPRESENTS ...................................................................................... 6 THE UNIVERSITY ..................................................................................................................................................... 6 A RELIGIOUS CORPORATION .................................................................................................................................. 6 UNIVERSITY MISSION AND IDENTITY STATEMENT ................................................................................................. 6 OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................................................. 7 HISTORY ................................................................................................................................................................. 7 FAITH CONFESSION ................................................................................................................................................ 7 INSTITUTIONAL VISION .......................................................................................................................................... 8 STATEMENT ON DIVERSITY .................................................................................................................................... 9 STATEMENT ON HUMAN SEXUALITY ...................................................................................................................... 9 STATEMENT ON SEXUAL HARASSMENT ............................................................................................................... 10 YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH VANGUARD UNIVERSITY ....................................................................................... 10 EMPLOYEE RELATIONS PHILOSOPHY ................................................................................................................... 10 CHRISTIAN AND ETHICAL CONDUCT..................................................................................................................... 10 MANAGING QUESTIONS AND/OR CONFLICT IN THE WORKPLACE – OPEN DOOR POLICY .................................... 10 APPEAL/GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES ...................................................................................................................... 11 AT WILL EMPLOYMENT ........................................................................................................................................ 11 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY .......................................................................................................................................... 11 EMPLOYMENT AND RELATED POLICY................................................................................................................... 12 CONFIDENTIALITY AND PRIVACY .................................................................................................................................... 12 ADA (AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT) ACCOMMODATIONS ........................................................................ 12 CONFLICTS OF INTEREST ...................................................................................................................................... 12 EMPLOYMENT OF RELATIVES ............................................................................................................................... 12 CODE OF CONDUCT .............................................................................................................................................. 13 UNLAWFUL DISCRIMINATION & HARASSMENT POLICY ....................................................................................... 13 EMPLOYMENT, CLASSIFICATION, PAY, RECRUITMENT AND PERFORMANCE ..................................................... 13 PAYDAYS .............................................................................................................................................................. 13 WITHHOLDINGS ................................................................................................................................................... 13 EXEMPT/NON-EXEMPT STATUS OF POSITIONS .................................................................................................... 13 OVERTIME ............................................................................................................................................................ 14 VOLUNTEERING (CURRENT PAID STAFF) ................................................................................................................... 15 VOLUNTEERS (NON-VANGUARD EMPLOYEES) ............................................................................................................ 15 WORKING HOURS ................................................................................................................................................ 15 REPORTING TIME AND ATTENDANCE................................................................................................................... 15 UNIVERSITY BUSINESS HOURS ............................................................................................................................. 15 MEAL PERIOD ....................................................................................................................................................... 15 BREAKS AND REST PERIODS AND HEAT ILLNESS PREVENTION PERIODS .............................................................. 16 ATTENDANCE ....................................................................................................................................................... 16 UNIVERSITY SPONSORED EVENT RECEPTIONS ..................................................................................................... 17 EMPLOYMENT SERVICE CREDIT ........................................................................................................................... 17 EMPLOYEE ORIENTATION .................................................................................................................................... 17 EMPLOYMENT OF STUDENTS ............................................................................................................................... 18 TRANSFERS INSIDE VANGUARD ........................................................................................................................... 18 Page 1 of 40

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HIRING POLICY FOR TRANSFERS ........................................................................................................................... 18 CATEGORIES OF EMPLOYMENT ........................................................................................................................... 18 PAYGRADES .......................................................................................................................................................... 19 POSITION DESCRIPTIONS (JOB DESCRIPTIONS) ................................................................................................................ 20 RECRUITING AND APPLYING ................................................................................................................................ 20 TESTING ............................................................................................................................................................... 20 STAFF HIRING PROCEDURES................................................................................................................................. 20 DETERMINING CLASSIFICATIONS FOR NEW EMPLOYEES ..................................................................................... 20 INTRODUCTORY REVIEW PERIOD ......................................................................................................................... 20 EVALUATING PERFORMANCE .............................................................................................................................. 21 JOB PERFORMANCE ............................................................................................................................................. 21 PAY CHANGES ...................................................................................................................................................... 21 RECLASSIFICATIONS ............................................................................................................................................. 21 PROMOTIONS ...................................................................................................................................................... 22 DOWNGRADES ..................................................................................................................................................... 22 BENEFITS AND LEAVES OF ABSENCE .................................................................................................................. 22 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS ............................................................................................................................................ 22 MEDICAL COVERAGE ............................................................................................................................................ 22 PRESCRIPTION DRUG COVERAGE ......................................................................................................................... 22 VISION COVERAGE ............................................................................................................................................... 22 DENTAL COVERAGE .............................................................................................................................................. 22 LIFE INSURANCE COVERAGE ................................................................................................................................ 23 LONG TERM DISABILITY COVERAGE ..................................................................................................................... 23 FLEXIBLE SPENDING ACCOUNT ............................................................................................................................ 23 403(B) RETIREMENT PLAN .................................................................................................................................... 23 CREDIT UNION MEMBERSHIP............................................................................................................................... 23 BEREAVEMENT LEAVE .......................................................................................................................................... 23 TUITION REMISSION BENEFIT .............................................................................................................................. 24 TUITION REMISSION VESTING .............................................................................................................................. 24 COURT WITNESS AND JURY DUTY ........................................................................................................................ 24 VOTING TIME ....................................................................................................................................................... 24 HOLIDAYS ............................................................................................................................................................. 24 VACATION ............................................................................................................................................................ 24 PAID SICK LEAVE FOR REGULAR BENEFITTED STAFF EMPLOYEES ......................................................................... 25 PAID SICK LEAVE FOR EMPLOYEES WHO REGULARLY WORK LESS THAN 20 HOURS PER WEEK ........................... 26 MEDICAL AND DISABILITY LEAVES ABSENCE FAMILY CARE AND MEDICAL LEAVE ................................................ 26 PREGNANCY DISABILITY LEAVE (CALIFORNIA PDL) .......................................................................................................... 27 VACATION OR SICK LEAVE........................................................................................................................................... 27 SALARY REPLACEMENT ............................................................................................................................................... 27 BENEFIT CONTINUATION ............................................................................................................................................ 28 RETURNING TO WORK ............................................................................................................................................... 28 LACTATION/BREASTFEEDING ACCOMMODATION............................................................................................................. 29 SICK LEAVE DONATION POLICY ............................................................................................................................ 29 MILITARY AND OTHER SERVICE-RELATED LEAVES ................................................................................................ 30 MILITARY LEAVE ................................................................................................................................................... 30 MISSION TRIP LEAVE ............................................................................................................................................ 31 OTHER LEAVES ..................................................................................................................................................... 31 ON-THE-JOB ...................................................................................................................................................... 31 ATTIRE/DRESS CODE ............................................................................................................................................ 31 CHANGES IN INFORMATION ................................................................................................................................ 31 PERSONNEL FILES ................................................................................................................................................. 32 USE OF UNIVERSITY VEHICLES/EQUIPMENT/MATERIALS/SUPPLIES .................................................................... 33 FUNDRAISING APPEALS........................................................................................................................................ 33 Page 2 of 40

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SOLICITATION FOR VOLUNTEER SERVICES AND MISSION TRIPS........................................................................... 33 SOLICITATION AND DISTRIBUTION ....................................................................................................................... 33 VENDOR SOLICITATION ........................................................................................................................................ 33 GUIDELINE FOR VISITORS ON CAMPUS ................................................................................................................ 34 SAFETY IN THE WORKPLACE AND IN THE COMMUNITY ....................................................................................... 34 NOTICE OF A DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE ................................................................................................................ 34 DRUG AND ALCOHOL FREE WORKPLACE .............................................................................................................. 35 DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING ............................................................................................................................. 35 WORKPLACE SECURITY AND ANTI-VIOLENCE ....................................................................................................... 36 MEDICAL ASSISTANCE/TREATMENT .................................................................................................................... 36 FIRST AID .............................................................................................................................................................. 37 CHILDREN ON CAMPUS POLICY ............................................................................................................................ 37 DATING POLICY AND CLOSE, PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS AT WORK ..................................................................... 37 CONDUCT AND EMPLOYMENT OUTSIDE VANGUARD UNIVERSITY ...................................................................... 37 UNIVERSITY-SPONSORED SOCIAL FUNCTIONS/OFFICE PARTIES .......................................................................... 37 CELL PHONE POLICY ............................................................................................................................................. 37 BUSINESS PHONE USE .......................................................................................................................................... 37 PERSONAL PHONE USE (CELL PHONE OR VANGUARD PHONE) ....................................................................................... 38 LOSS OF PHONE .................................................................................................................................................... 38 PHONE USE IN THE CAR ........................................................................................................................................ 38 MAILINGS ............................................................................................................................................................. 38 PERSONAL MAIL ................................................................................................................................................... 38 USE OF PERSONAL VEHICLE FOR UNIVERSITY BUSINESS ...................................................................................... 38 PERSONAL PROPERTY .......................................................................................................................................... 38 DESKS AND OFFICES ............................................................................................................................................. 39 LOST AND FOUND ................................................................................................................................................ 39 PARKING AREA ..................................................................................................................................................... 39 BUSINESS TRAVEL................................................................................................................................................. 39 COMMUNITY RESPONSIBILITIES .......................................................................................................................... 39 BRANDING GUIDELINES ....................................................................................................................................... 39 PUBLICITY/STATEMENTS TO THE MEDIA.............................................................................................................. 39 INSIDE VU ............................................................................................................................................................. 39 UNIVERSITY UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT HANDBOOK ........................................................................................ 40 ACADEMIC CALENDAR ......................................................................................................................................... 40 UNIVERSITY EVENTS CALENDAR ........................................................................................................................... 40 PROVOST’S BULLETIN ........................................................................................................................................... 40 BULLETIN BOARDS ............................................................................................................................................... 40 LEAVING VANGUARD ........................................................................................................................................ 40 RESIGNATION - WHEN AN EMPLOYEE LEAVES VANGUARD UNIVERSITY.............................................................. 40 INVOLUNTARY TERMINATIONS ............................................................................................................................ 40 REDUCTIONS IN FORCE ........................................................................................................................................ 41 RETURN OF UNIVERSITY PROPERTY ..................................................................................................................... 41 REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................................................... 41 COMPLIANCE WITH BIBLICAL STANDARDS AND MISSION STATEMENT .................................................................................... 42 AFFIRMATION OF STATEMENT OF FAITH AND COMMUNITY STANDARDS ................................................................................ 42 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ....................................................................................................................................... 42

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WELCOME TO VANGUARD UNIVERSITY Whether you are new to Vanguard University, or a long time employee, this Employee Handbook has been developed to help answer your questions and provide guidance regarding our policies, benefits and expectations. As an Employee of Vanguard University, the importance of your contribution cannot be overstated. The mission of Vanguard University is to pursue knowledge, cultivate character, deepen faith and equip each student for a Spirit-empowered life of Christcentered leadership and service. Together we pursue our mission by cultivating the Spirit-empowered life in Christian experience and service; promoting academic excellence that integrates faith and life; providing professor-mentors in a dynamic community environment. It is my vision that Vanguard University will become a nationally recognized leader in Christian higher education by cultivating academic excellence, character development and global perspective as seeds of greatness in the life of every student. Every day, you are cultivating those seeds of greatness. You are a vital part of this process for your work directly influences our community and the students we serve. Vanguard is built on a foundation of integrity and reputation that is second to none. That foundation is the direct result and reflection of you. As the Vanguard brand continues to expand, we must remember that we all have a responsibility to conduct ourselves in a manner that is in compliance with the highest ethical and legal standards while meeting the growing educational needs and challenges in higher education. It is imperative that we always conduct business honestly and fairly, with respect and integrity. This Employee Handbook explains our Human Resources policies and benefits, as well as the specific opportunities and responsibilities that exist for you within the Vanguard culture. In an effort to be responsive to the needs of a growing organization, changes or additions to this Handbook will be made as necessary and communicated via Inside VU and campus email. We ask that you read the handbook and complete the acknowledgement at the end of the document.

We hope you will always find your work to be both challenging and rewarding. Serving with you, Michael J. Beals, PhD President/CEO

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THE PURPOSE AND STRUCTURE OF THE EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK ABOUT THIS HANDBOOK This Employee Handbook is intended to provide you with basic information to answer most questions about Vanguard University’s personnel policies and guidelines. Information you need for guidance on key topics resides in this handbook or other sections of the Vanguard University Policy and Procedures Manual (herein referred to as the “Institutional Manual”). In most cases, the topics covered herein are condensed/summarized versions of institutional policy, with the exception of policies governing only the faculty, which can be found in the Faculty Handbook. Federal or State laws may govern specific policies herein, and where applicable, supersede such policies. Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, consistent with Article VI, Section 6 of the Bylaws for Vanguard University, the Board of Trustees reserves the right to adopt, approve, amend or revoke any portion of the employee handbook at its sole and absolute discretion at any duly called regular or special meeting of the Board of Trustees or by unanimous written consent. Throughout this document, the term “Vanguard” will be interchanged with “The University”, “Vanguard University”, “VU”, “VUSC” and as used herein its successors or assigns and any of its or their subsidiaries, reflect the organization’s legal name which is “Vanguard University of Southern California (VUSC)”. Also, the term “E/employee(s)” will be interchanged with “Y/you,” and “Y/yours,” and refers to “Vanguard Employee(s).” Employee refers to those employed by Vanguard in a W-2 status, on active payroll or approved leave of absence. Policies, practices and benefits change over time. Information may become outdated and may not apply to a particular segment of our operation. Vanguard University Board of Trustees and/or the Administration reserves the right to revise or terminate any policy contained in the Employee Handbook at its sole discretion with or without notice, other than the employment at-will policy. The President, in consultation with the Vice Presidents, Chief Financial Officer and Senior Director of Human Resources, reserves the right to interpret and administer University policies and may, in his/her sole discretion, deviate from the policies stated in this Employee Handbook, other than with regard to the employment at-will policy. None of the information

described in this Employee Handbook or elsewhere is a guarantee that conditions of employment may not change. All proposed amendments, exceptions or deletions are subject to legal review and may not be in conflict with the mission and values of Vanguard University or in opposition of the core doctrines, fundamental truths, official statements or position papers of the sponsoring denomination, which is the General Council of the Assemblies of God (USA). This Employee Handbook is the property of Vanguard University of Southern California. All rights are reserved. As set forth in section 720:030, and elsewhere herein, an individual’s employment with Vanguard is “at-will.” No employee should rely on any statement that is at odds with the statement of "at-will” employment or any other information contained in this Employee Handbook. Any deviation from the “at-will” language contained in this Employee Handbook must be confirmed in writing and signed by the President/Chief Executive Officer of Vanguard University. All policies and procedures in this Employee Handbook supersede and replace all prior policies and procedures of Vanguard University. This Employee Handbook also summarizes the current benefit plans maintained by Vanguard. If any questions arise regarding the implementation or interpretation of any benefit plan, the terms and conditions of the actual plan documents and plan descriptions will take precedence. The Employee Handbook (and other plan documents), other than the employment at will policy, are not contractual in nature and do not guarantee any continuation of benefits. The Employee Handbook is part of the Vanguard University Policy and Procedures Manual (“Institutional Manual”). Many related board and administrative charters and policies have been removed from the Employee Handbook and placed as individual documents within the Institutional Manual. It is strongly recommended that you keep the Employee Handbook readily available for reference. All approved University policies can be found online at It is the sincere desire of this University that you understand your part in the University community, participate wholeheartedly in service to the organization and enjoy all of the benefits afforded to you through employment in this Christian work environment. Page 5 of 40




THE UNIVERSITY Vanguard University of Southern California is a private Christian, co-educational liberal arts university which is fully accredited by WASC Senior Colleges and Universities Commission (WSCUC) and endorsed by the Alliance for Assemblies of God Higher Education. As stated in the organization’s Articles of Incorporation, Vanguard University is incorporated with the State of California as a RELIGIOUS CORPORATION and is not organized for the private gain of any person; and is organized under the Nonprofit Religious Corporation Law exclusively for religious purposes. The specific purpose of the corporation is to operate a university that is affiliated with the Southern California District Council of the Assemblies of God (d.b.a. SoCal Network), a California Nonprofit Religious corporation; and is forever bound to give Christ the preeminence in all things and is bound to the Statement of Fundamental Truths as set forth in the Constitution and Bylaws of The General Council of the Assemblies of God, a Missouri benevolent corporation.


A RELIGIOUS CORPORATION Our Religious Corporation status allows us certain exemptions and exceptions to regulations. Regarding employment and related matters, on a Federal level, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 allows churches and religious organizations to prefer co-religionists in their employment decisions. In other words, the portions of Title VII that apply to hiring, promotion and separation do not apply to ". . . a religious corporation, association, educational institution, or society with respect to the employment of individuals of a particular religion to perform work connected with the carrying on by such corporation, association, educational institution, or society of its activities ." This preference exception also allows Vanguard to maintain and enforce community standards tied to our Religious affiliation for purposes of discontinuing employment of faculty and staff who have expressly violated those standards. In addition, California's Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) contains an exemption for non-profit religious associations or corporations under Government Code Sections 12926(d) and 12940(j)(4)(B) whereby Vanguard is not subject to laws relative to aforementioned employment matters. This state law exception would allow us to broach subjects and ask questions during the employment and promotion process, and during employment, that would otherwise not be allowed; having said that, Vanguard remains subject to Title VII, with the exception of the religious preference mentioned above.


UNIVERSITY MISSION AND IDENTITY STATEMENT The mission of Vanguard University is to pursue knowledge, cultivate character, deepen faith, and equip each student for a Spirit-empowered life of Christ-centered leadership and service. Affiliated with the Assemblies of God of Southern California, the University embraces the Assemblies of God doctrinal statement and its Pentecostal heritage of Spirit-empowered life and thought. Faculty, staff and students display considerable diversity in denominational affiliation, cultural expression and academic pursuits. Together they affirm the authority of Scripture, the Lordship of Jesus Christ and belief that human nature, though marred by sin, enjoys nevertheless the potential of personal redemption through God’s salvation in Jesus Christ. From this Evangelical and Pentecostal perspective, the Vanguard community commits itself to global Christian witness and to faithfully serving our communities, our nation, and our world in Christ’s name, embracing the values of Truth, Virtue and Service. The University believes that scholarship illuminated by Christian truth fosters the intellectual development, moral maturity, and spiritual vitality of students. A Vanguard education, therefore, promotes the integration of faith, learning, and living. The University is committed to providing professor-mentors that live in dynamic community with students. A hallmark of a Vanguard education is the emphasis on the relational and collaborative nature of learning. Caring and supportive relationships among students, faculty and staff provide opportunities for persons to share their faith journeys, to explore their hopes, and to nourish their souls. The community provides a safe and exciting place where we believe the Holy Spirit inspires and empowers scholarship, creative expression, witness, service, and exploration of God’s world.


OVERVIEW Vanguard University believes its Spirit-empowered Christian community provides a supportive and challenging environment in which to pursue a quality education. The University assumes that it is essential to offer Page 6 of 40

educational opportunity within a context of free inquiry and academic integrity. Such opportunity includes examining the Christian heritage, the claims of Christ, the charismatic involvement of the church, and the revelation of God. Vanguard University is a community that encourages individual integrity and responsibility in accordance with biblical Christianity and its social and ethical implications. As a smaller close-knit community the University offers a relational culture where professor mentors serve students. Most classes are small, which allows opportunity for academic inquiry and the personal interaction which is invaluable for learning.


HISTORY During the summer of 1920, Harold K. Needham, D. W. Kerr, and W. C. Peirce opened a school to prepare Christian workers for the various ministries of the church. The new institute, Southern California Bible School, moved from Los Angeles to Pasadena in 1927. In 1939 it was chartered by the State of California as a college eligible to grant degrees, and it became Southern California Bible College—the first four-year institution of the Assemblies of God. In 1943 the college received recognition by the government for the training of military chaplains. It moved to the present campus in 1950. The name was changed to Southern California College nine years later when majors in the liberal arts were added to the curriculum. Regional accreditation and membership in the Western Association of Schools and Colleges were granted in 1964. In 1967 the College received recognition and approval of its teaching credential program from the California State Board of Education. In June 1983 the Graduate Studies Program received approval from the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. A Degree Completion Program was started in 1994 for adult learners. On July 1, 1999, university status was achieved when Southern California College registered with the Secretary of State’s Office as Vanguard University of Southern California. The University is comprised of the College and the School for Graduate and Professional Studies. In addition to its founding president, Harold K. Needham, Vanguard University has had the able leadership of nine presidents: Daniel Kerr, Irvine J. Harrison, John B. Scott, O. Cope Budge, Emil A. Balliet, Wayne E. Kraiss, Murray W. Dempster, Carol A. Taylor and Michael J. Beals. For more than ninety years, Vanguard University has been a leader in educational innovation within its denomination, preparing students for all types of ministry and professional vocations. As a Christian university, Vanguard University is constantly seeking to expand its influence and service through education that provides excellence without compromise for the glory of Jesus Christ.


FAITH CONFESSION As a Christian comprehensive liberal arts university, informed by its evangelical persuasion and Pentecostal heritage, Vanguard University affirms the following confession of faith of their sponsoring denomination, The General Council of the Assemblies of God (USA). WE BELIEVE:  the Bible to be the inspired and only infallible and authoritative Word of God.  there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.  in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal future return to this earth in power and glory to rule over the nations.  the only means of being cleansed from sin is through repentance and faith in the precious blood of Christ.  regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential for personal salvation.  the redemptive work of Christ on the cross provides healing of the human body in answer to believing prayer.  the baptism in the Holy Spirit, according to Acts 2:4, is given to believers who ask for it.  in the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit, by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a holy life.  in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost – the one to everlasting life and the other to everlasting damnation. Page 7 of 40


INSTITUTIONAL VISION The vision that guides the Vanguard community is rooted in the University’s heritage as an institution of the Pentecostal tradition which was birthed out of the Azusa Street Revival in Los Angeles, California, at the turn of the twentieth century. From its inception, the movement generated a multicultural, multiracial, and genderinclusive community of Spirit-empowered Christian believers who were committed to peace-making and reconciliation. With global consciousness, these foremothers and forefathers of a renewed Christian faith carried the good news of the gospel around the world. A strong commitment to cultural diversity, racial reconciliation, and gender equality is a consequence of Vanguard being deeply grounded in the faith tradition that brought the University into existence. Moreover, these core values continue to define the institutional vision that pulls the University community toward its mission. Within this Christian context of inclusiveness, the University aims to provide a quality work environment marked by the pursuit of truth, the cultivation of character, and the desire for service. Three basic beliefs inherent in the Vanguard work experience—truth, virtue, and service—are summarized as follows: UNIVERSITY VALUES - “TRUTH, VIRTUE, SERVICE” Truth: As members of the Vanguard community we strive to . . .  pursue truth by understanding the Word of God and by knowing Christ, who is Truth.  develop critical and creative thinking skills for careful and reasoned analysis. Virtue: As members of the Vanguard community we endeavor to . . .  honor God and commit ourselves to the person and model of Jesus Christ.  develop personal integrity and character by applying biblical values to our lives.  understand and accept the responsibilities of living in a free society.  transcend the limitations and errors of the prevailing culture, and through a wholeness of vision, choose and hold to the path for a righteous life.

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Service: As members of the Vanguard community we work to . . .  develop our talents to their potential and discern God's purpose for our lives.  strengthen the skills necessary for effective communication of ideas and for a productive place in society.  exercise civic responsibility, respect cultural and individual differences, and care for others.


STATEMENT ON DIVERSITY Because we stand within the Judeo-Christian tradition, we affirm the biblical view that God is creator of and sovereign over all the earth and that all people are equally valuable in God’s sight. Because we embrace the Bible as the authoritative rule for faith and practice, we affirm the prophetic concept of justice which combines personal piety with social justice. By “personal piety” we mean that aspect of character and behavior, consistent with biblical morality, which seeks to be in right relation with God. By “social justice” we mean the state of social, political, and economic relationships in which all people are treated equitably. Because justice is rooted in the character of God, it would flower in the community of faith. One ought to seek justice because God seeks justice. We affirm that the pursuit of justice raises perennial issues that recur wherever social groups assert competing claims for resources and competing understandings of fair and equitable treatment. These difficulties we understand to be inherent in the human condition. Yet we also note an apparently inevitable tendency of human cultures to resolve issues of justice in fragmented and selfserving ways. By contrast, we wish to affirm that the Christian’s pursuit of justice is rooted in the character of God himself and that it, therefore, differs profoundly from the mandate of our prevailing pluralistic culture.


As Christians, we affirm that our unity within the Body of Christ transcends any differences which might divide us (Gal 3:28), including differences of culture, race, physical ability, age and gender. We believe that this unity summons us to seek fair and equitable treatment for all members of our community as long as it is not in conflict with or in violation of community standards. For this reason, we seek to create an environment in which competing cultural perspectives are given fair hearing, and in which individuals from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds are given equitable and fair access to resources. This we believe to be an expression of Christian holiness.

As evangelicals, we recognize that the worldwide mission of the church inevitably involves the challenge of cultural diversity. For this reason, we seek to create an environment in which our students learn the importance of balancing respect for other cultures with a healthy acknowledgement of the strengths and limitations of their own.

As Pentecostals, we believe that the source for the transformation of all human experience ultimately lies in the movements of the Holy Spirit. For this reason, we seek to create an environment in which the charismatic movement of the Holy Spirit leads us toward ever more thoughtful treatment of one another.

STATEMENT ON HUMAN SEXUALITY Vanguard University is a Christian institution situated in the Pentecostal tradition and affiliated with the Assemblies of God. As such, we align ourselves with principles and statements consistent with our identity and affiliation. We affirm the Assemblies of God position that: the consistent sexual ideal in the Bible is chastity for

those outside a monogamous heterosexual marriage and fidelity for those inside such a marriage. As we seek to fulfill our institutional mission: “to pursue knowledge, cultivate character, deepen faith and equip each student for a Spirit-empowered life of Christ-centered leadership and service” we integrate grace and truth in the pursuit of education and discipleship. This integration of grace and truth in every dimension of Vanguard’s community life is neither permissive nor judgmental. It motivates redemptive action in the embrace of persons and process toward transformation and wholeness. To this end, the policies and practices that guide our community life are rooted in the truthfulness of the biblical narrative, focused on the Lordship of Jesus Christ, dependent on the transforming power of the Holy Spirit and committed to the dignity of all persons. Refer to Vanguard’s Statement on Human Sexuality (BT.00.I.001) for more information on the University’s position and expectations for behavior in the community. Page 9 of 40


STATEMENT ON SEXUAL HARASSMENT Refer to the Title IX Policy for All Students and University Personnel (BT.30.I.001) for more information. This policy is compliant with all applicable laws governing such areas, including recent changes in California law April 1, 2016.

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YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH VANGUARD UNIVERSITY EMPLOYEE RELATIONS PHILOSOPHY We are committed to providing the best possible climate for maximum development and achievement of goals for you as an employee at Vanguard University. Our practice is to treat every employee with respect, understanding each person as an individual who is part of the Vanguard family. We seek to develop a spirit of teamwork -- individuals working together to attain a common goal. In order to maintain an atmosphere where these goals may be accomplished, we strive to provide a safe and productive work environment that honors Christ. Most importantly, we have a workplace where communications are open and problems can be discussed and resolved in a mutually respectful atmosphere, taking into account individual circumstances. We firmly believe that by communicating with each other directly (according to Matthew 18), yet respectfully, we can resolve any difficulties that may arise while developing mutually beneficial working relationships.


CHRISTIAN AND ETHICAL CONDUCT Vanguard University takes its Christian commitment very seriously. You are expected to conduct yourself in a way which consistently presents a positive witness of your Christian faith, avoiding practices that give offense to any significant part of the church, or general public, and maintaining standards of holiness in accordance with the Word of God. All personnel are expected to comply with applicable local, state, and federal laws and regulations in the exercise of their duties. No employee is authorized to violate such laws or regulations or direct any other person to ignore or violate such laws or regulations.


MANAGING QUESTIONS AND/OR CONFLICT IN THE WORKPLACE – OPEN DOOR POLICY Misunderstandings or differences of opinion which may develop from time to time in any work situation can usually be solved through an open-minded, one-on-one discussion. If you feel you have a problem, you should consider presenting the issue directly to the other employee(s) involved. This is consistent with the Matthew 18 approach of resolving conflict. If the issue remains unresolved, we encourage you to immediately bring your questions, suggestions and complaints to your supervisor or more senior management’s attention; resolving problems early improves the workplace for everyone. Careful consideration will be given to each situation in our continuing effort to improve the work relationships and operations. At any time, you may contact Human Resources for guidance in approaching any issue or individual. Your suggestions, comments, and complaints are important so we encourage you to take every opportunity to discuss them with us. Additionally, while Vanguard provides you with the opportunity to communicate your views, please understand that not every complaint can be resolved to complete satisfaction. Even so, Vanguard believes that open communication is essential to a successful work environment, and all employees should feel free to raise issues of concern without fear of reprisal.


APPEAL/GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES It is Vanguard’s sincere hope that its open door policy will resolve most workplace situations. Should the University’s open door policy not resolve a situation, however, the University has adopted a more formal procedure for employees to report complaints or problems. As a first step, you are expected to address an issue with your immediate supervisor. If the problem cannot be resolved at that level, or involves the supervisor, the next step is to discuss the matter with the department head. As a final step, if the matter is not resolved, you should go to the area Vice President or the Office of Page 10 of 40

Human Resources. The Vice President will review the complaint and consult with Human Resources and make independent recommendation(s) to the President and the Administration. The decision of the President and Administration shall be binding upon all parties unless specific higher authority is prescribed by relevant law or regulation. It is critically important that the parties attempt to resolve any differences in order to maintain a healthy and productive work environment. If the complaint is of an ethical nature, or possible areas or issues of compliance, you may utilize the campus hotline via Lighthouse ( and follow the process to describe the concern. This is explained in greater detail in Code of Conduct (BT.10.E.002) of the Institutional manual. Additionally, issues that may be covered under Title IX, such as sexual harassment and sexual assault, should be reported to the Title IX Coordinator as outlined in the Title IX Policy for All

Students and University Personnel (BT.30.I.001) All employees should feel free to raise issues and utilize this procedure without fear of reprisal.


AT WILL EMPLOYMENT In accordance with the California Labor Code [2922], all non-faculty employees who do not have an employment agreement are considered "at will" employees, and employment may be terminated at any time with or without notice, with or without cause or warning. If you do not have an employment agreement, you may resign at your option or may be terminated at the option of Vanguard University. Vanguard University Faculty and some select staff members that have contracts should refer to those agreements for conditions of employment. No employee or representative of Vanguard University has authority to enter into any agreement for employment for any specified period of time, or make any agreement contrary to the foregoing, unless it is in writing approved by the President/CEO and signed by a Vanguard University representative authorized by the President/CEO to enter into such an agreement.


EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Vanguard University adheres to all federal and state civil rights laws banning discrimination in private institutions of higher education. Vanguard will not discriminate against any employee, applicant for employment, student or applicant for admission on the basis of race, hearing status, personal appearance, color, sex, pregnancy, political affiliation, source of income, place of business, residence, ethnicity, national origin (including ancestry), citizenship status, physical or mental disability, age, family responsibilities, gender, veteran or military status (including special disabled veteran, Vietnam-era veteran, or recently separated veteran), predisposing genetic characteristics, domestic violence victim status or any other protected category under applicable local, state or federal law, including protections for those opposing discrimination or participating in any grievance process on campus or within the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission or other human rights agencies. Where permitted by law and in relation to the school’s heritage and mission, as a “Religious Corporation” Vanguard University does exercise religious preference throughout the employment process and throughout continued employment. For more detail on what is allowed for a “Religious Corporation”, please see page 6.


EMPLOYMENT AND RELATED POLICY The Vanguard University Board of Trustees are responsible for the approval and oversight of all personnel policies for the organization with delegated authority for the administration of personnel policies given to the University President as the Chief Executive Officer. The coordination and implementation of all personnel policies and procedures are managed by the Administration and Office of Human Resources. All University administrators, managers and supervisors are responsible for adhering to University personnel policies and procedures and for maintaining good personnel practices in their departments.




GENERAL CONFIDENTIALITY. Information about Vanguard University (“VANGUARD”), its Employees, students, volunteers, Board of Trustees, customers, suppliers, and vendors is to be kept confidential and divulged only to individuals within the University with both a need to receive and Page 11 of 40

authorization to receive the information. If in doubt as to whether information should be divulged, err in favor of not divulging information and discuss the situation with your Manager. More information about confidentiality please refer to the Code of Conduct Policy (BT.10.E.002) 720:054

EXPECTATION OF PRIVACY. Consistent with the value of showing respect for all persons while demonstrating integrity in all of our words and deeds, it is the responsibility of all Vanguard employees to avoid actions that are intended to obtain confidential or private information regarding another member of the Vanguard community, where there is not a business need to have such information. Examples of actions that would fall in this category include seeking private information from employee files or electronic media, searching another employee’s personal belongings, asking other members of the Vanguard community for confidential information about another employee, or searching another employee’s work area without a valid business reason. This includes employees’ compliance with the Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA). For information about FERPA, please contact the Office of the Registrar. However, as business circumstances warrant, Vanguard reserves the right, at its discretion, to access an employee’s work area, files, computer, voice or electronic mail. Access will normally be done by the employee’s supervisor, a higher-level manager in the department, or their designee. Campus Public Safety may also access an employee’s work area in the course of protecting the university community and/or property or in the investigation of a crime. Whenever possible, access will be done in the presence of another employee and will be limited in scope to the business need. Employees are therefore advised that if they do store personal data or property in Vanguard facilities or equipment, they do so at their own risk and with the understanding that they have no right to or expectation of privacy.


ADA (AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT) ACCOMMODATIONS Under The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), the University recognizes that certain faculty, staff, and student workers may require special accommodations for their job. The ADA Act prohibits discrimination and ensures equal opportunity for persons with disabilities in employment, State and local government services, public accommodations, commercial facilities and transportation. All employees requiring special accommodation are requested to meet with the Human Resources Office to determine if a reasonable accommodation is available. For more information on The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and subsequent amendments, please visit


CONFLICTS OF INTEREST To review the Conflict of Interest Policy, please refer to (BT.10.E.003)


EMPLOYMENT OF RELATIVES The University does not deny employment to relatives of faculty or staff employees. However, your close relatives (e.g. parents, spouses, siblings, children, grandparents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, or in-laws) are not permitted to work in the same supervisory chain of command without specific written approval of the University's President, and must be disclosed on a Conflict of Interest form.


CODE OF CONDUCT To review the Code of Conduct Policy, please refer to (BT.10.E.002)


UNLAWFUL DISCRIMINATION & HARASSMENT POLICY Vanguard University is committed to maintaining the institution as a Christian community that provides an environment for spiritual growth, work and study free of unlawful discrimination and harassment. The policy governing these areas is the Title IX Policy for All Students and University Personnel (BT.30.I.001) This policy is compliant with all applicable laws governing such areas, including recent changes in California law April 1, 2016.




PAYDAYS As an employee, you are paid semi-monthly on the first and sixteenth of each month. Should the normal day fall on a holiday, Saturday or Sunday, paychecks will be available on the preceding business day. It is the Page 12 of 40

University’s goal to ensure that you are properly paid for all work performed. Therefore, it is your responsibility to examine your paycheck and paycheck stub to ensure that you are being properly paid for all work time and that the paycheck and pay stub are accurate. If you believe that you are not being properly paid for all work, please immediately inform Human Resources.


WITHHOLDINGS Following are some of the more common deductions, which may be taken from salary/wages:


Federal and State Income Tax deductions are determined by the number of exemptions and marital status claimed on the W-4 form.

Federal Insurance Contribution Act (FICA) is a federally regulated amount paid by the employee, based on gross earnings and matched by an equal amount from the University. You should check with the Payroll Department if the rate and ceiling of this deduction are in question.

State Disability Insurance (SDI) and State Family Temporary Disability Insurance (FTDI) pays partial wage replacement benefits for those who are unable to work, because of a non-work-related illness or injury, or due to a covered family member’s illness. All employees are required by law to participate and to pay the entire SDI/FTDI premium. You should check with the Human Resources Department or California Employment Development Department for current regulations for filing a claim (Disability Insurance Claims).

Health Insurance premiums.

Contributions/Gifts to the University may be handled through payroll deductions, if you so request.

Other Deductions authorized by you, the employee.

EXEMPT/NON-EXEMPT STATUS OF POSITIONS The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and California Labor Code establishes minimum wage, overtime pay, record keeping, and child labor standards affecting full-time and part-time workers in the private sector and in Federal, state, and local governments. Some employees are specifically exempted from the requirements of the Act. An employee is classified exempt or non-exempt based on their assigned duties and responsibilities, in conjunction with their salary. The test that determines whether a job is exempt or non-exempt is set out in the Fair Labor Standards Act and California Labor Code administered by Human Resources in conjunction with the department manager. For Exempt positions, they must pass both a duties test and a salary test. An honorific title does not make an employee exempt.


EXEMPT STATUS. Exempt employees are salaried and hold bona fide executive, managerial, supervisory, administrative, and/or professional roles (including some academic administrative personnel, teachers, instructors, and professors), and advancement/development employees who spend the majority of their time raising money for the University. They are exempt from the overtime requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act and California Labor Code if they meet the tests set for each category as outlined in the Act.


NON-EXEMPT STATUS. Covered non-exempt employees are paid at least the current minimum wage and are paid overtime for working more than 8 hours in a workday, or 40 hours in a work week in accordance with State and Federal law. Employees who have been approved for an alternative work week (e.g. four 10 hour days) will be paid according to those guidelines. If you have specific questions about your status, please contact the Human Resources office.


OVERTIME Under University policy, overtime may be scheduled by your department supervisor or designee, if necessary, to accomplish key objectives. Deadlines are sometimes critical and, consequently, the requirement to work overtime is viewed as a condition of employment. Page 13 of 40

Employees required to work overtime should be notified in advance if possible. Generally, at least one day prior notification is advisable. Overtime for non-exempt employees must be authorized and approved by the

supervisor or department head. Overtime must be itemized and authorized in the time keeping system. Non-Exempt employees are defined as employees who are not exempt from the overtime provisions of the fair labor standards act FLSA or California law, based upon the nature of their work and level of pay. Nonexempt employees must be paid at a rate of not less than one and one-half times their regular rates of pay after 8 hours of work, up to 12 hours in a workday, or over 40 hours in a workweek, or for the first seven hours on the 7th consecutive day of work in the workweek. Employees who work over 12 hours in a workday, or more than 8 hours on the 7th consecutive day of work in the workweek shall be paid at 2 times their regular rate of pay for those extra hours. All overtime that is worked by non-exempt employees is compensable. There is no provision to receive time off in lieu of overtime. Supervisors are responsible for exercising control and ensuring that overtime is not performed if it is not authorized. For more information on Non-Exempt Staff, see section 730:037. Exempt employees are employees who, because of their positional duties, responsibilities, and level of decision making authority, are exempt from the overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and California law. Exempt employees are expected to work whatever hours are necessary to accomplish the goals and deliverables of their exempt position. Thus, exempt employees have more flexibility in their schedules to accomplish work than non-exempt, or hourly employees. Exempt employees do not receive overtime. For more information on Exempt Staff, see section 730:035.


VOLUNTEERING (CURRENT PAID STAFF) If you are a non-exempt employee, you may not volunteer your time in your current position. If a NonExempt employee helps out in another department, they must record that time and they will be paid for that time. Volunteer work for the University, if any, may only be conducted in areas not in their normal job description or similar to their normal duties, must be entirely voluntary, have no impact on their current job status, and must be rare, for very short durations, and approved in advance by Human Resources along with the department managers. Exempt staff and faculty may volunteer their time if it doesn’t interfere with their regular work schedule and duties.


VOLUNTEERS (NON-VANGUARD EMPLOYEES) Volunteers who are not Vanguard employees, are individuals who desire to provide volunteer services to Vanguard “a non-profit Religious Corporation” for a specific project, foundation, committee or other need, and who in some cases, have signed a volunteer agreement outlining the terms of their relationship with Vanguard. There is no pay or benefits for Volunteers. For outside volunteers, departments go through a screening process to determine the fit and role of such volunteers, and in circumstances under which they can assist the University.


WORKING HOURS If you are on a regular 40-hour per week work schedule (usually eight hours per day, five days per week) you are considered to be full time. Those on a regular work schedule of fewer than 40 hours per week are considered to be part-time employees and categorized accordingly as defined in Section 730:160 of this handbook. (Meal periods are not counted as working hours).


REPORTING TIME AND ATTENDANCE Accurate records must be maintained to satisfy requirements of both State and Federal laws that have been enacted for your protection. It is your responsibility to report time accurately and honestly including the times in and out for the workday and for the meal period(s). All non-exempt employees are required to accurately and completely track their time in the Time and Attendance system electronically via our payroll provider, e.g. Paychex. The assigned supervisor approves time inside that system then submits it to payroll for review and processing. There is a payroll calendar that indicates when time submissions are due. Page 14 of 40

Please remember that no non-exempt employees are permitted to work “off the clock” at any time. For the purposes of this policy, “off the clock” work is where you perform work for the University but do not accurately record all such work time in the University’s approved time record. Additionally, no supervisor or manager can permit, encourage or require a non-exempt employee to work “off the clock.” If your supervisor or manager asks you to work “off the clock”, or otherwise appears to encourage it, you must immediately bring this issue to Human Resources. Exempt employees are only required to report exceptions to their time (i.e., sick leave, vacation leave, personal leave, bereavement leave, etc.). If an exempt employee does not log an exception in the time keeping system, it is assumed they worked a regular schedule during that pay period. Partial days off are recorded at a minimum of 4 hour increments (half days). You should carefully review your time records for accuracy and completeness. If you believe that your time record is inaccurate in any respect, please immediately inform your supervisor or Human Resources.


UNIVERSITY BUSINESS HOURS Vanguard University’s public business hours vary from office to office, but are generally 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Exceptions to standard business hours are at the discretion of that department manager.


MEAL PERIOD By law, except for exempt employees, all employees who work five or more hours in a day are required to take at least a 30-minute duty-free meal period by no later than the end of the fifth hour of work. An employee who works over ten hours in a day is required to take a second 30-minute duty-free meal period (by no later than the end of the tenth hour of work) unless the employee elects to waive the second meal period as described below. Employees are completely relieved of their job responsibilities during their meal periods.


WAIVER OF MEAL PERIOD. Non-exempt employees may choose to waive their meal periods only under the following circumstances. If an employee who works more than five hours is scheduled to complete their workday in six hours, the employee may waive their meal period. Additionally, depending upon your occupation, employees who work more than ten hours in a day may be able to waive their second meal period, but only if they take their first meal period and they do not work more than 12 hours that day. Please speak to your supervisor for clarification on whether you are entitled to waive your second meal period. Any time you voluntarily elect to waive a meal period, you must submit a written request and receive prior written authorization from your supervisor. Employees may not waive meal periods to shorten their workday or to accumulate meal periods for any other purpose.


ON DUTY MEAL PERIOD. In limited situations, certain designated non-exempt employees may be required to work an on-duty meal period due to the nature of the employee’s duties. Most of the University’s non-exempt employees do not qualify for an on-duty meal period. Unless your supervisor directs you to take an on-duty meal period due to the nature of your job duties and you agree to an on-duty meal period in writing, you will not be permitted to take an on-duty meal period. Currently, the only non-exempt employees allowed to take an on-duty meal period are Patrol Officers in Campus Safety.


BREAKS AND REST PERIODS AND HEAT ILLNESS PREVENTION PERIODS All non-exempt employees are entitled to periodic rest break periods during their workday. If you are a nonexempt employee, you will be paid for all such break periods even though they are duty-free. Your supervisor will advise you of the time and duration of your breaks and you are expected to return to work promptly at the end of any rest break. By law, you are entitled to one (1) 10-minute, duty-free rest break for every four (4) hours you work (or major fraction thereof, which is defined as two (2) hours). If you work less than 3.5 hours in a workday, you will not have a rest break. If you work more than 3.5 hours and up to six hours in a workday, you will receive one rest break during your shift. If you work more than six hours, you will receive a second rest break. If you work more than 10 hours and up to 14 hours, you will be entitled to an additional paid 10-minute, duty-free rest break. In general, for an 8 or 10-hour shift employee, you will receive one rest break during the first half of your shift and a second rest break during the second half of your shift. Page 15 of 40

Employees working in an outdoor environment are allowed and encouraged to take cool-down periods in the shade, located as near to the worksite as practicable, for not less than five minutes at a time whenever employees feel the need to do so to protect themselves from overheating and heat illness (generally when the temperature exceeds 85 degrees although when the temperature is below 85 degrees, access to shade will be provided promptly, when requested by an employee). These cool-down periods are duty-free. Employees are to inform their supervisors of the need for such a recovery period(s). Please review the University’s Illness & Injury Prevention Program (CF.60.B.001) or contact Human Resources with any questions. If for any reason you do not take the applicable rest breaks and/or meal periods, you must notify your supervisor immediately. No supervisor is authorized to tell you to forgo or shorten a meal or rest period. Should such occur, if at all, please immediately notify Human Resources.


ATTENDANCE Your punctuality and regular attendance are essential for good business operation and are a condition of employment. An unacceptable attendance or punctuality record may result in counseling, probation, suspension without pay, or termination. If you are unable to report to work, or will be late more than thirty (30) minutes, you must notify your Supervisor no later than thirty (30) minutes after your scheduled reporting time. In the absence of you Supervisor, notification is to be made to someone else in the department. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action. If you are absent for three (3) consecutive business days without notification to your immediate Supervisor, or designee, your absence will be considered voluntarily terminated. To ensure the effective operation of our business, you must obtain the approval of your Manager before your departure if leaving early or needing to leave the campus for other than lunch. For business appointments, please let both your Manager and someone else he/she designates know that you will be off campus for an extended period of time, as it is important to know the whereabouts of staff members to ensure adequate customer service and in case of an emergency. In order to permit needed transitional planning, the supervisor must be kept informed of developments involving an absence. Unreported and/or unexcused absences could subject you to loss of pay and possible disciplinary action.


UNIVERSITY SPONSORED EVENT RECEPTIONS See University Hospitality Policy (CF.60.C.001).


EMPLOYMENT SERVICE CREDIT "Length of service" refers to the length of time that a person is employed as an active, regular benefitted fulltime or part-time employee with Vanguard. Service begins on the day one becomes a regular full-time or parttime benefitted employee. Length of service is significant for determining Service Awards and certain employee benefits, such as vacation and other paid leave that is set forth in this Employee Handbook. You will accrue service credit with Vanguard while taking unpaid leaves of absence, including family and medical leaves, if you return to full employment status.


REHIRE WITH ACCREDITED SERVICE. Employees who resign and return to Vanguard will have their service time bridged and will not lose any credit for their previous service, for purposes of Service Awards. This will be called Service Date. Employees who resign and return to Vanguard within twelve (12) months of their separation date will not lose credit for their prior service as it relates to benefits such as vacation and sick pay, and will have any other benefit waiting period waived.


REHIRE WITHOUT ACCREDITED SERVICE. Employees returning after twelve (12) months from their separation date will be treated as a new hire for all benefits, except for service awards as stated above.

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EMPLOYEE ORIENTATION In order to assist a new hire with successful integration into the Vanguard University community, the following areas of responsibility are delineated: The Hiring Supervisor should begin completing the Supervisor’s Checklist for Welcoming New Employee form prior to the new employee’s first day of employment.

Human Resources will conduct a New Employee Information Meeting on or shortly after the new employee’s first day of employment at Vanguard and a Benefit Meeting during the employee’s first month of hire. The Hiring Supervisor should complete a New Employee Induction Checklist form within the new employee’s first week of work. Vanguard’s Learning & Development Committee is responsible for the development and oversight of the onboarding process whereby all new employees will attend an orientation meeting where various departments are represented. This meeting will educate the new employee about the planned goals and mission of Vanguard University, what departments provide what services, University policies, and to help inspire them in their commitment in their job and mission at the University. Orientation meetings will take place at regular intervals. This new onboarding program is expected to begin in the fall of 2016.


EMPLOYMENT OF STUDENTS Full-time traditional undergraduate and graduate students are discouraged from applying for full-time work. However, the University does employ full-time traditional undergraduate and graduate students for student temporary work positions, and are known as student workers. All applications for student worker positions are submitted directly to the individual department office(s). Guidelines for working hours, overtime, and meal and rest periods are defined in the Student Workers' Handbook, which can be obtained from the Human Resources Office and is available on-line at Students enrolled in the Professional Studies program taking evening classes, may apply for open positions at the University and submit required materials for as a job applicant.


TRANSFERS INSIDE VANGUARD After completion of 12 months of employment within the department/office in which the employee was hired, s/he may apply for other position openings for which s/he is interested and qualified. If you are interested in an open position, please follow the application procedures listed on the job opening announcement. The University always desires to hire, promote or transfer the candidate appearing to have the best qualifications for the particular position, be they internal or external. Cabinet may approve individuals for internal transfers prior to 12 months of service under special circumstances.


HIRING POLICY FOR TRANSFERS The transfer of an employee from a job in one department to a job of the same level in another department does not typically result in an increase in pay. If a transfer results in attaining a higher graded job, such a transfer will be handled as a promotion as outlined in Section 730:270.




FULL-TIME REGULAR EMPLOYEES regularly work 40-hours per week and are eligible for our fringe benefits package in accordance with their position and length of employment.


30 HOUR REGULAR EMPLOYEES regularly work 30 hours or more each week, but less than 40 hours, and are eligible for prorated fringe benefits, once they meet eligibility requirements. Effective July 1, 2015, those who are 30 hour per week employees will be eligible for Health benefits pursuant to the Affordable Care Act.


PART-TIME REGULAR EMPLOYEES regularly work 20 hours per week or more but less than 30 hours. Part time regular employees are eligible to receive some benefits on a prorated basis, once they meet eligibility Page 17 of 40

requirements, such as, 403(b) retirement plan, paid sick and vacation, paid holidays and employer paid life insurance, but are not eligible to participate in our Medical, Dental and Vision group plans. 730:168

VANGUARD FULL TIME TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES work for an assigned period or project generally less than 6 months. These can vary by number of hours, complexity or nature of the project, and other factors. Generally they work at least 30 hours per week. These employees may be offered some benefits based upon their expected number of hours and duration of assignment and as, and if, required by law.


VANGUARD PART-TIME TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES work for an assigned period or project of less than 6 months (or the equivalent of less than 1000 hours) and can vary by number of hours, complexity, nature of the project, and other factors, but are usually scheduled for less than 20 hours per week. There is a defined end date for these employees and except where required by CA or Federal law, they are not eligible to participate in the Vanguard benefit and retirements plans, nor receive benefits such as holiday pay, vacation pay, Health Insurance, 403(b) or any other fringe benefits.


STUDENT WORKERS are Vanguard Temporary Part-time Employees who are full time or part time traditional undergraduate students (minimum 6 units), hired for specific department tasks during the Academic Year. They are limited to 20 hours of work per week during the school year. They are temporary part time employees, and as such, are not eligible for benefits except where required by California State or Federal law.


OUTSIDE AGENCY TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES are not Vanguard Employees and are contracted through a staffing company to perform a specific job for a specified period of time, normally less than one year. Any benefits or pay are the responsibility of their agency/employer.


INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS are consultants or other entities who meet the qualification of independent contractor and are paid via Accounts Payable per the agreed upon terms of a signed agreement. They are not employees in any capacity for Vanguard and are not eligible for benefits.


VOLUNTEERS are individuals who desire to provide volunteer services to Vanguard “a non-profit Religious Corporation” for a specific project, foundation, committee or other need, and where required, have signed a volunteer agreement outlining the terms of their relationship with Vanguard. There is no pay or benefits for Volunteers.


PAYGRADES There are currently 10 Compensation Levels or Pay Grades reflecting a broad range of positions at each level. Each compensation level has a rate range. While all positions at Vanguard are valuable, the levels designate degrees of skill and/or responsibility, and subsequently, pay value in the marketplace. For example, a position at Level “7” denotes a higher degree of responsibility than Level “6”. Each position, based on its job description and other pertinent information, is assigned to a level. Like positions, e.g. positions of similar responsibility, are grouped in the same Level. All positions are slotted into a particular Pay Grade based upon analysis of like positions in the marketplace, in conjunction with Vanguard’s internal assessment for that position. Each rate range inside a Pay Grade is evaluated based upon industry salary surveys, local job market forces, Vanguard’s internal job matching, estimation of the position’s impact on the institution, and Vanguard’s ability to pay for the position. A position may be reclassified at any time; see Section 730:260. The University will comply with equal pay provisions and laws and will not pay any of its employees at wage rates less than the rates paid to employees of the opposite sex for substantially similar work, when viewed as a composite of skill, effort and responsibility, and performed under similar working conditions, except when based upon law-permitted exceptions. The rate ranges expressed in the Pay Grades may be periodically adjusted for inflation or market conditions upon recommendation by the Administration in conjunction with the Senior Director of Human Resources.


POSITION DESCRIPTIONS (JOB DESCRIPTIONS) A position or job description is maintained for each position and should be jointly updated at least annually by the employee and his/her supervisor, with final review and comments provided by Human Resources. Page 18 of 40


RECRUITING AND APPLYING Most openings for staff positions are posted on the Vanguard website with the exception of positions filled by departmental promotions, and/or including those who may already be in that role in a temporary capacity. Open positions are generally sourced or posted externally at local churches, electronic job boards, or with more traditional publications. For key positions, the University may use an outside search firm. Positions are posted through the Human Resources Office. All applicants for prospective jobs will submit a completed Application for Staff Employment (for faculty openings they would submit application for faculty employment), which includes a faith statement, a resume, and any other material listed in the Application Procedure section of the position announcement. All materials are to be submitted electronically to the Human Resources Office at These application materials will be reviewed for completeness by Human Resources, and will be forwarded to the appropriate department for consideration. In some cases (usually for faculty opportunities) and upon request by the department chair, applicant materials may be sent directly to the department chair or designee in lieu of Human Resources. Applicants may be required to undergo a background check and must be able to provide satisfactory, evidence of identity and legal authority to work in the United States.


TESTING Testing of an individual must be approved by Human Resources prior to any departmental use of any test. No test may be conducted, which does not specifically relate to the job and which is not approved in advance by Human Resources.


STAFF HIRING PROCEDURES Staff hiring procedures may be obtained by contacting the Human Resources Office.


DETERMINING CLASSIFICATIONS FOR NEW EMPLOYEES To help ensure more consistency between departments in starting rates for new employees, to ensure compliance with applicable equal pay laws, and to aid in budgeting for new positions, a “University hiring range� is discussed for each position. The hiring range is driven by the current budget for the position and market rates. The specific salary or hourly rate for the new hire is determined by the qualifications and experience of the new employee and as otherwise in compliance with law. Department heads may recommend to Human Resources a hiring rate, but may not authorize an offer of employment to the applicant or disclose the hiring rate to the applicant. Human Resources makes the offer of employment to the selected applicant. The University desires to bring new employees in at a competitive salary or wage. It is important to recognize that only the most experienced and qualified new hires are brought in at a higher than market rate (e.g., a highly qualified candidate, with excellent references and many years of directly related experience).


INTRODUCTORY REVIEW PERIOD The first ninety (90) days of hire or promotion to a staff position (including transfers from another position within the University) constitute a review, or adjustment period for mutual evaluation of the work. During this review period, both employee and supervisor should keep notes on learning curve progress. There should be no surprise at the end of 90 days. During this period of time, the Employee will be able to determine if his/her new job is suitable for him/her and the Supervisor will have an opportunity to evaluate the Employee's work performance in determining productivity and fit for the position. All Employees during and beyond the 90-day introductory period are classified as at-will, as previously defined in this Handbook. Agency Temporary Employees (those that are not on Vanguard payroll) are evaluated on a regular basis by their outside staffing firm with input from Vanguard and are not governed by the introductory period. During this period, time-off benefits are earned in accordance with the guidelines in this handbook, but no time-off benefits (except holidays and sick pay) may be used until completion of the review period unless approved by the supervisor. Persons transferring positions or promoting from other University positions, without a break in service, continue to receive full benefits and can use their time-off as approved by their new supervisor.


EVALUATING PERFORMANCE For employees who have been here at least a year, an Employee Performance Evaluation should be completed by the end of June in the fiscal year being measured, and is to be submitted to Human Resources. The Employee Performance Evaluation Form and Self-Evaluation form, along with instructions regarding the Performance Evaluation process is available on the Human Resources website at Page 19 of 40 For new employees, Performance Evaluations should be done by their first anniversary date, then in year two, shift to the Fiscal year schedule. Performance Evaluations are not salary reviews. Salaries are reviewed regularly against market conditions by the Administration in consultation with Human Resources in determining the need for an increase. Merit, market rates, internal equity, compliance with applicable equal pay laws, and overall value to the University can be factors along with an individual’s performance evaluation.


JOB PERFORMANCE Vanguard believes in the principle that you should be given the opportunity to demonstrate your abilities and continually improve job performance. Where performance problems exist, you should be made aware about these deficiencies and, in many instances, be given an opportunity to improve. When your department leadership determines that you are a candidate for improvement, the University will attempt to help you meet the department and university’s expectations and to supplement your effort and determination to improve. However, any effort to work with you to overcome performance problems, including development plans and/or verbal and written warnings shall not be deemed as a waiver of the institution's policy of at-will employment. In some cases, the Vanguard University in its sole discretion may determine that the performance problems and deficiencies are significant, and that it would not be in either your or the university’s best interest to continue the employment relationship.


PAY CHANGES While the pay grades and evaluation of positions will drive many decisions regarding changes in pay, changes in your pay may be requested by your immediate supervisor or Sr. Management. Reasons for changes in salary are driven by performance/merit, changes in the marketplace, promotion, downgrade in position, reclassification, department reorganization, changes in the financial condition of the institution, and other reasons determined by Administration to warrant such changes. All requests for changes should be directed through the Vice President in consultation with Human Resources. All pay changes are subject to budget.


RECLASSIFICATIONS Position classifications are determined by Human Resources in conjunction with the immediate supervisor and/or next level up over that position, and approved by the appropriate Vice President. A request for reclassification of a position should originate from the immediate supervisor of the position. A staff member may also initiate a request for reclassification through their immediate supervisor. A position reclassification should normally occur when the work load, duties, or responsibilities of a position materially change from what is stated in the position description. A market reclassification may occur when the fair market value of the position exceeds the current level as determined by salary structure and market assessment used by the University. A request for position reclassification should be submitted in writing to Human Resources, including a current description of the position’s responsibilities, a departmental organization chart and an explanation as to why a reclassification is deemed appropriate. A request for position reclassification should not be considered more frequently than once every twelve months for a specific position, unless there has been a significant shift in the duties/responsibilities of that position. A reclassification of a position does not change the employee’s evaluation date.


PROMOTIONS A staff employee in a regular Vanguard position who, without a break in service, moves to another regular University position at a higher Pay Grade shall be considered for an increase based upon the market rate/range for that position.


DOWNGRADES A staff employee in a regular Vanguard position, who, without a break in service, moves to a lower range or classification can expect a salary reduction based upon the level of the position to which they are moving, and based upon the market rate/range of that position.

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EMPLOYEE BENEFITS This Benefits section of this Handbook is intended to provide a general overview of the benefits currently available to eligible employees of the University. State and/or federal laws govern some of these benefits, while others are determined by the University or governed by a benefit provider. Should there be a discrepancy between the contents of this Handbook and a provision of an applicable law, benefit plan or contract, then the law, plan document, or contract will prevail. All employees should receive information regarding benefit plans during their Introductory Period. This information may include summary plan descriptions (SPD), which are detailed benefit documents. Questions regarding benefit matters should directed to the Human Resource Department. The University may change, suspend or eliminate any benefit at its sole discretion. Employees will be notified of any changes in employee benefit programs.


MEDICAL COVERAGE Medical coverage is provided to each full-time and 30 hour regular staff and faculty employee. Vanguard University shall pay a portion of the cost of one of the approved and selected carriers. This benefit is available the first of the month following date of hire.


PRESCRIPTION DRUG COVERAGE Prescription Drug coverage is provided to each full-time and 30 hour regular staff and faculty employee, usually as part of your Medical coverage. Vanguard University shall pay a portion of the cost of prescriptions and co-pay’s for employees and dependents. This benefit is available the first of the month following date of hire.


VISION COVERAGE Vision coverage is provided to each full-time and 30 hour regular staff and faculty employee. Vanguard University shall pay a portion of the cost of the Vision plan for employees. This benefit is available the first of the month following date of hire.


DENTAL COVERAGE Dental coverage is provided for each full-time and 30 hour regular staff and faculty employee. Vanguard University shall pay a portion of the cost of the Dental plan. This benefit is available the first of the month following date of hire.


LIFE INSURANCE COVERAGE Life Insurance coverage is provided to each regular and part-time (20 hours) staff and faculty employee. Vanguard University shall pay the cost of this Life Insurance. Current Coverage is equal to two times the employee’s annual base pay. This benefit is available the first of the month following date of hire.


LONG TERM DISABILITY COVERAGE Long Term Disability (LTD) coverage is provided to each regular and part-time (20 hours) staff and faculty employee. Vanguard University shall pay the cost of LTD. This benefit is available the first of the month following date of hire.


FLEXIBLE SPENDING ACCOUNT Vanguard University will establish a Flexible Spending Account for full-time and 30 hour regular staff and faculty employees each fiscal year. Participation in the Flexible Spending Account (FSA) allows employees to set aside tax-free dollars, through payroll deductions, which can be used to pay for certain out-of-pocket health care and/or dependent care expenses. This benefit is available the first of the month following date of hire.


403(b) RETIREMENT PLAN Vanguard University Retirement Plan provides the flexibility to choose savings, unique tax advantages, and a range of investment opportunities. All deductions are pre-tax. This benefit is for regular and part-time (20 hours) staff and faculty employees. Page 21 of 40

Matching Contributions. All matching contributions for our 403(b) plan are discretionary and driven by the financial health of the University. Vanguard currently contributes $1.00/$1.00 for the first 2% and $.50/$1.00 for the next 4% of an employee’s contribution to the Vanguard University 403(b) plan. Matching contributions are subject to change, are discretionary, and governed by the Vanguard Board of Trustees. Employees, if eligible, may and are encouraged to contribute each year up to current IRS limits into the approved Vanguard plan. The Federal Government regulates these amounts and they are subject to change annually. This benefit is available the first of the month following date of hire and the employee must be at least eighteen (18) years of age.


CREDIT UNION MEMBERSHIP As an employee of Vanguard University you are eligible for Schools First Federal Credit Union (“Schools First”) and Evangelical Christian Credit Union (“ECCU”) membership. Information regarding their services may be obtained on their websites at or


BEREAVEMENT LEAVE Vanguard University recognizes the importance of family and the difficulties faced following the death of a family member or another person close to you. Use of bereavement leave requires approval of the immediate supervisor.


DEATH OF A FAMILY OR HOUSEHOLD MEMBER. A regular full-time staff employee is eligible for three days of paid bereavement leave if the funeral is within 200 miles or up to five days if the funeral is over 200 miles for each eligible incident. Bereavement leave of a pro-rated amount is granted for a part-time benefits eligible employees, but not to temporary employees. The time off can be used for attending and/or arranging for the funeral of an immediate family member (i.e. spouse, father, mother, sibling, child, grandparent, or relative living with the employee).


DEATH OF ANY OTHER PERSON. In the event of the death of an individual who is not in your immediate family or a household member, you may take unpaid leave or may use any accrued vacation.


ADDITIONAL UNPAID LEAVE. If you require more than the time allowed for bereavement leave, you may request an unpaid personal leave of absence or may use any accrued vacation. Bereavement leave is not accumulated and there is no compensation for unused bereavement leave.


TUITION REMISSION BENEFIT See Tuition Remission Benefit Policy (CF.60.D.003)


TUITION REMISSION VESTING See Tuition Remission Vesting Policy (CF.60.D.004)


COURT WITNESS AND JURY DUTY If you are summoned to jury or witness duty must provide a copy of the summons to your supervisor. You are required to report back to work as soon as possible after they are released from jury or witness duty, unless there are less than two (2) hours remaining in their scheduled workday, in which case they should report to work on their next scheduled workday. You may be required to provide documentation from the court showing time served. An employee who serves on a jury or as a witness on a holiday observed by the University due to required jury or witness duty is eligible for holiday pay but does not receive an alternate day off.


EXEMPT EMPLOYEES. Exempt employees will continue to receive their University salary during required jury or witness duty. However, exempt employees are expected to do what they reasonably can to maintain continuity of operations while on jury or witness duty (e.g., keep in contact with supervisors, work on nights and weekends as needed). Exempt Employees will be paid to a maximum of 80 hours (or 10 days) per calendar year, subject to applicable legal requirements otherwise, if any.


NON-EXEMPT EMPLOYEES. Non-exempt employees will receive pay for actual time spent on required jury or witness duty and related travel, not to exceed the pay for the employee’s normal workday and the Page 22 of 40

normal workweek. On occasion, an employee may be asked to work after serving on jury or witness duty that day, if available. Non-Exempt Employees will be paid to a maximum of 80 hours per calendar year (pro-rated in accordance with scheduled work hours). Supervisors should attempt to redistribute workload so that the employee is not asked to work additional hours, except in emergencies.


VOTING TIME You are encouraged to participate in local, State and national elections. A non-exempt employee may take up to two (2) hours of unpaid leave at the beginning or end of a workday to vote in local, state, or national general elections or primaries. To be eligible, a non-exempt employee must be scheduled to work at least eight (8) hours that day and not have enough time to vote outside of the employee’s normal working hours. Employees who know or have reason to believe that time off to vote will be necessary must inform their supervisors as soon as possible and no later than two (2) working days before Election Day.


HOLIDAYS The University offers certain holidays to eligible employees and annually publishes that holiday schedule.


VACATION The University provides vacation to eligible employees in accordance with the vacation policy below. Vacation is paid absence provided by the University for all staff employees meeting the qualifying conditions indicated below. You are strongly encouraged to take vacation to have rest, time away from your job, and to enjoy family and friends for extended periods of time off. Vacation is granted according to the following formula (to be eligible for vacation accrual, you must be on the active payroll for the entire payroll period):

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Upon completion of full-time equivalent Vanguard Employment:

Receives the following Vacation Credit:

First Year Second Year Third Year Fourth Year Fifth Year Sixth Year Seventh Year Eighth Year Ninth Year Tenth Year Eleventh Year, and each year thereafter

10 days ( 80 hrs. per year or 6.7 hrs. per month) 11 days ( 88 hrs. per year or 7.3 hrs. per month) 12 days ( 96 hrs. per year or 8.0 hrs. per month) 13 days (104 hrs. per year or 8.7 hrs. per month) 14 days (112 hrs. per year or 9.3 hrs. per month) 15 days (120 hrs. per year or 10.0 hrs. per month) 16 days (128 hrs. per year or 10.7 hrs. per month) 17 days (136 hrs. per year or 11.3 hrs. per month) 18 days (144 hrs. per year or 12.0 hrs. per month) 19 days (152 hrs. per year or 12.7 hrs. per month) 20 days (160 hrs. per year or 13.3 hrs. per month)

Vacation is pro-rated from the above formula for staff working at least half-time. Regular staff employees may begin using earned vacation after completion of three months of Vanguard employment. Regular full-time Head Athletic Coaches, Head Athletic Trainer, and the Assistant Athletic Trainer shall accrue 20 days (160 hours) of vacation per year of full-time equivalency. Currently, staff vacation may be accumulated up to twice the individual's annual rate of accrual. Vacation time is not accrued beyond the maximum accumulation rate. At the time of termination, a staff employee (or his/her estate, in case of death) shall be paid for all unused vacation. NOTE: EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2017, staff maximum vacation accumulation/bank will be at 1.5 times the individual’s annual rate of accrual. The same rules apply for not accruing beyond the maximum, and being paid out any unused vacation at time of separation. Vacation shall be taken at the joint convenience of the employee and the University, subject to the approval of the immediate supervisor, and is to be requested via our payroll provider system, e.g. Paychex.


PAID SICK LEAVE FOR REGULAR BENEFITTED STAFF EMPLOYEES All benefited staff employees (must work 20 hours or more per week, e.g., Full-time Regular, 30 hour Regular, Part-Time Regular, Full Time Temporary) are given an up-front amount of paid sick leave and also accrue sick leave. Sick leave is a paid absence due to personal illness or illness (the diagnosis, care or treatment) of the staff member’s covered family members (employee’s parent, child, spouse, grandparent, grandchild, and sibling) for preventive care for the employee or a covered family member or if the employee has been the victim of a crime, domestic assault, sexual violence and/or stalking. Commencing with their date of hire, a regular staff employee is immediately eligible for 24 hours or three (3) working days of sick leave. Thereafter sick leave will accrue at the rate of one (1) day, or 8 hours, for each full-time equivalent month of employment, up to a maximum amount of thirty (30) working days for a regular full-time staff employee, or a pro-rated amount for a 30 hour regular employee and part-time employee (but at no time less than a maximum of six days, or 48 hours). Employees are to provide “reasonable” advance notification if the need for paid sick leave is foreseeable or as soon as practicable. Upon termination of employment, no compensation shall be paid for unused sick leave. (See Section 740:320 for use within the Family Medical Leave Act). Donated sick leave may be applied to a staff member’s accrual and used under this policy per the program defined in Section 740:385. Vanguard does not have a “personal leave” policy. Vacation time or “non-paid” time off should be used for personal matters such as settlement of a home purchase, visitors from out of town, social, fraternal, recreational activities such as meeting or visiting with relatives or friends, attending special ceremonies, or pursuing hobbies. If the employee wants to take the time unpaid, they can do so for a limited duration as determined by and with permission from their supervisor. Page 24 of 40


PAID SICK LEAVE FOR EMPLOYEES WHO REGULARLY WORK LESS THAN 20 HOURS PER WEEK All Faculty members, Temporary Employees, and (Staff members that regularly work less than 20 hours per week), will receive, at the beginning of each fiscal year, three (3) days, or 24 hours, of sick leave to be used for the same reasons and under the same conditions as specified above for benefited staff employees. These sick days do not accrue and unused sick time will expire at the end of each year. Upon termination of employment, no compensation shall be paid for unused sick leave. If at all possible, routine visits to doctors or dentists should be made during non-working hours or at the very beginning or end of the work day.


MEDICAL AND DISABILITY LEAVES ABSENCE FAMILY CARE AND MEDICAL LEAVE (Incorporating the Federal Family and Medical Leave Act & the California Family Rights Act) Vanguard University will not discriminate against you as a result of the approved use of family care and medical leave, including pregnancy disability leave. Vanguard University’s Family Care and Medical Leave policy incorporates the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and the California Family Rights Act (CFRA). Under most circumstances, if you are eligible for protected leave under the federal FMLA, then you will also be eligible for protected leave under the CFRA, as these two Acts run concurrently, except for pregnancy disability leave, in which case you may be eligible to take BOTH a pregnancy disability leave and CFRA leave to care for the newborn baby (see below). Also, the military related leave provisions are available only under the FMLA. Eligibility: If you have been actively employed with Vanguard University for twelve (12) months or longer, and have worked at least 1,250 hours during the 12 month period immediately prior to your leave (an average of 25 hours per week), and work at a site with at least 50 employees or within 75 miles of 50 employees, you are entitled to take unpaid Family Care and Medical Leave of up to 12 weeks in a 12-month period, calculated as a “rolling” 12 month period measured backward from the date of any FMLA/CFRA leave usage, for one or more of the following reasons:     

Your own serious health condition The birth and care of your newborn child (within 12 months of the birth) The placement and care of an adopted or foster child (within 12 months of placement) The care of a spouse, child, or parent, parent-in-law, grandparent, grandchild or sibling who has a serious health condition To care for a spouse, child, or parent who is a service member in the Armed Forces (including the National Guard and Reserves) and who is on or is called up for active duty for any “qualifying exigency” (as defined by the Secretary of Labor) A spouse, child, parent, or next of kin may also take up to 26 workweeks of leave per single 12 month period to care for an ill or injured service member of the Armed Forces (including the National Guard, reserves and certain veterans who has incurred a serious injury or illness on active duty)

Family Care and Medical Leave may be taken intermittently or all at once. Certain types of leaves may require a medical certification as provided below. Family Care for baby bonding can be taken intermittently. During a Family Care and Medical Leave, the leave is unpaid. However, you may elect to use Sick or Vacation Leave and/or qualify for partial salary replacement through State Disability Insurance or the Paid Family Leave Act. (See below), which receipt of benefits will be coordinated so that, at any one time, you are not paid more than your regular pay. It is expected that you will provide as much advance notice as is possible with regard to an anticipated Family Care and Medical Leave and that you will return to work on the first work day immediately following the conclusion of your leave. If you fail to properly notify Vanguard University prior to taking a leave or fail to Page 25 of 40

return to work at the conclusion of your approved leave and have not requested an extension of your leave (see Unpaid Personal Leaves below), Vanguard University will consider you to have voluntarily resigned.


PREGNANCY DISABILITY LEAVE (CALIFORNIA PDL) Under the California Pregnancy Disability Leave statute, even if you are not eligible for FMLA/CFRA leave, and regardless of your length of service, if you are disabled by pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions, such as severe morning sickness, doctor-ordered bed rest, childbirth, and recovery from childbirth, you are entitled to take an unpaid Pregnancy Disability Leave of up to four months (88 workdays or 17 1/3 weeks based on a 5-day workweek), during your period of actual disability as verified by a doctor. Pregnancy disability leave may be taken all at once, or intermittently, as needed. Part-time employees will be granted a pro-rata amount of this maximum leave time. If requested and based on written medical certification, you will also be entitled to a reasonable accommodation in connection with your employment for pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions, such as a transfer temporarily to a less strenuous or hazardous position or duties. Integrating Pregnancy Disability Leave (PDL) and Family Care and Medical Leave (FMLA) Pregnancy Disability Leave (PDL) and federal FMLA leave run concurrently, but PDL and CFRA leave run consecutively. That is, if you are on Pregnancy Disability Leave, and if you are also eligible for CFRA leave, then you may continue your leave beyond the period of actual disability for up to an additional 12 weeks (if available). The maximum possible leave for a combined pregnancy disability and family care leave is four months (88 work days) for disability, plus twelve weeks for baby bonding, but in all cases medical verification of disability is required and the leave must be completed within one year of the birth of the child.


VACATION OR SICK LEAVE While on Family Care and Medical Leave or Pregnancy Disability Leave may use your vacation or sick leave, but are not required to do so. It is important to note that use of vacation or sick leave may reduce the amount of salary replacement you receive if you file for State Disability or Family Disability pay.


SALARY REPLACEMENT Except to the extent that you use vacation or sick leave and/or qualify for partial salary replacement through State Disability Insurance or the Paid Family Leave Act, a Family Care and Medical Leave is unpaid. California provides two distinct programs to assist employees on unpaid leave with partial salary replacement. These are: California State Disability Insurance: SDI provides short-term benefits to eligible workers who suffer a loss of wages when they are unable to work due to a NON WORK-RELATED illness, injury or disability, including pregnancy and childbirth; and Paid Family Leave Insurance (or Family Temporary Disability Insurance): Paid Family Leave Insurance provides up to six weeks of benefits for employees who must take time off to care for a seriously ill child, spouse, parent, or, or to bond with a newborn or newly adopted child. (In the case of a pregnancy disability leave, followed by a CFRA leave, you may be eligible to receive both SDI and Paid Family Leave Insurance.) For more information please contact the Human Resources Department.




HEALTH: While you are on approved Family Care and Medical Leave, including Pregnancy Disability Leave, Vanguard University will continue providing health care coverage to the employee during the length of the approved leave, on the same basis as if the person had been actively at work. The employee will be responsible for paying for the employee portion of the health insurance premium, and such payment will be due at the same time as if it had been made by payroll deduction. If you are still on approved leave after this period, you will be eligible for COBRA. If the employee does not return to work after the leave for reasons other than health conditions or some other reason beyond the employee's control, the University will charge the employee retroactively for the premiums paid by the University

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VACATION OR SICK LEAVE: Vacation or sick leave time does not accrue while you are on Family Care and Medical Leave or Pregnancy Disability Leave. Accrual will resume once you return to work as a regular full or part time employee.


403(b): If you participate in Vanguard University’s 403(b) Retirement Plan, your time on Family Care and Medical Leave or Pregnancy Disability Leave counts as service under those plans and as long as you are receiving a paycheck, you may continue to make contributions to the plan.


FLEXIBLE HEALTHCARE SPENDING ACCOUNT (FSA): If you participate in the Flexible Healthcare Spending Account and plan to be on unpaid leave, you can elect to continue your participation in the Medical FSA by arranging with Vanguard University’s Benefit Specialist to make sufficient payroll deductions either before or after your leave to fulfill your annual commitment; or you may elect to stop participation until you return to work. In this situation, any expenses incurred during the unpaid leave would be ineligible for reimbursement. For FSA Dependent care you may not contribute or claim any reimbursements for the time you are on a leave of absence per the IRS rules.


MEDICAL OR OTHER VERIFICATION. Should you request Family Care and Medical Leave or Pregnancy Disability Leave, Vanguard University will require verification from a health care provider as applicable. Such verification will need to include the nature and anticipated length of time of the illness or disability and expected date of return to work. Failure to provide the requested medical certification may result in the denial of your leave. For leave to enable the employee to care for a seriously ill child, spouse or parent, the written certification must also contain (1) an estimate of the amount of time that the doctor believes the employee needs to care for the family member, and (2) a statement that the serious health condition warrants participation of a family member to provide care during a period of treatment or supervision. The University may also require verification for leave because of a qualifying exigency in terms of requiring the covered military member’s active duty orders, and may contact the Department of Defense to verify.


RETURNING TO WORK It is expected that you will continue to keep Vanguard University informed of your leave status and will provide as much advance notice as is possible if you need to extend your Family Care and Medical Leave or a Pregnancy Disability Leave beyond the original date of your approved leave. You will be required to return to work on the first work day immediately following the conclusion of your approved leave. For leaves relating to your own serious health condition, you may be required to provide a medical certification releasing you to return to work. If you fail to return to work at the conclusion of your leave, and have not requested an extension (see Unpaid Personal Leaves), Vanguard University will consider you to have voluntarily resigned.


LACTATION/BREASTFEEDING ACCOMMODATION An employee who is breastfeeding her child will be provided reasonable break times as needed to express breast milk for her baby, unless doing so would seriously disrupt the operations of the University. The break time shall, if possible, run concurrently with any break time already provided to the employee. For nonexempt employees, breaks of more than 20 minutes in length will be unpaid and the employee should indicate this break period on her time record. Please contact Human Resources for accommodations.


SICK LEAVE DONATION POLICY In the case of a medical emergency or major disaster as defined by applicable law, the University shall allow other University personnel to donate sick leave to a leave bank for use by employees who have exhausted all time off benefits in an amount sufficient to allow the employee a total of 60 work days of time off with pay. The minimum amount of leave that can be donated is four (4) hours and the maximum amount of leave a donating employee may donate cannot exceed the maximum amount of leave that he/she normally accrues during the year, and must leave the donating employee with at least a 50% balance. Employees who donate time must have sufficient time remaining in their balance and will not be permitted to exhaust their balances due to the fact that they may experience their own personal need for time off. Employees who are currently on an approved leave of absence cannot donate sick/personal time. Donating employees cannot borrow against future sick leave accruals to donate. For purposes of this policy, a medical emergency is defined as “a medical condition of the employee or a family member that will require the prolonged absence of the employee from duty and will result in a Page 27 of 40

substantial loss of income to the employee because the employee will have exhausted all paid leave available apart from the leave-sharing plan. Immediate family member is defined as spouse, domestic partner, child, parent or other relationship in which the employee is the legal guardian or sole caretaker. A major disaster is one that has been declared by the President of the United States and that has caused severe hardship to the employee or family members of the employee and requires the employee to miss work Employees who wish to utilize the donated sick leave bank must apply to Human Resources within a reasonable period of time following the medical emergency or major disaster, usually no more than six months, and indicate the medical emergency and/or major disaster conditions that apply. The application must include the employee’s authorization to present their request to University employees for the sole purpose of soliciting donations. Human Resources will notify the employee of whether the application has been approved or not. A recipient will receive paid leave at his or her normal rate of pay applicable to the type of time off. A recipient will not receive cash in lieu of using the donated leave. All paid leave granted to the recipient employee is considered wages to that employee and is subject to appropriate tax withholding. In order to protect other employees from being unduly pressured to provide donated aid, all requests for donated time shall be solicited by the Senior Director of Human Resources or designate or voluntarily offered by another employee who is aware of the need for additional leave time and feels voluntarily led to offer aid to fellow employees without solicitation or coercion. Employees may not directly solicit other employees to participate in this donation program. The donor employee cannot specify the recipient of the donated leave; rather, all donated leave goes into a leave bank for use by qualified employees. Further, donor employees may not claim an expense, a tax deduction or a charitable contribution for any of the leave donated under the plan.

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MILITARY AND OTHER SERVICE-RELATED LEAVES This section describes a number of military and other service-related leaves available to University employees to accommodate their need to be away from work to perform certain military service, public service, and civic duties. Administrative leave status will not be required for exempt employees for absences of less than one full day or less than the portion of a day during which an employee on less than full-time pay status is normally scheduled to work when the absence occurs because of activities covered by section 740:400 of this policy.


MILITARY LEAVE Military leave is granted in accordance with state and federal law for:  

Reserve training leave for inactive duty, such as weekly or monthly meetings or weekend drills. Temporary military leave when ordered to active duty, for training for a period not to exceed 180 calendar days, including time spent traveling to and from such duty.

Extended military leave when an employee enlists or is ordered into active-duty service of any length or active-duty training in excess of 180 days, or when an employee is ordered into active federal military duty as a member of the National Guard or Naval Militia. Such leave will be granted for a period not to exceed five (5) years. In addition, leave will be granted for a period up to six (6) months from the date of release from duty.

Emergency National Guard leave when an employee who as a member of the National Guard is called to active duty by proclamation of the Governor during a state of emergency. An employee who as a member of the National Guard is called to active federal military duty at the request of the President of the United States is not eligible for emergency National Guard leave, but will be granted extended military leave. National Guard members may also be eligible for training leave.

Civil Air Patrol leave when an employee who as a volunteer member of the Civil Air Patrol is directed and authorized to respond to an emergency operational mission of the California Wing of the Civil Air Patrol. Provided that an employee has been employed by the University for the ninety (90) days immediately preceding the commencement of leave, such leave will be granted for a period not to exceed ten (10) days per year.

Physical examination leave when an employee is required to take a pre-induction or pre-enlistment physical examination to fulfill a commitment under a Selective Service or comparable law, or during a period of war or comparable national emergency.


NOTICE REQUIRED. An employee is to provide advance verbal or written notice of the need for military leave except when such notice is precluded by military necessity, impossibility, or reasonableness. Employees also are expected to provide their supervisors with as much advance notice as possible of their anticipated date of release from duty and return to work.


PAY DURING MILITARY LEAVE. An employee who is not eligible for military leave with pay may elect to substitute accrued vacation (of applicable), otherwise, the military leave will be unpaid. An employee granted reserve training leave, temporary military leave for active-duty training, or extended military leave may use their accrued vacation time for the first thirty (30) calendar days of such leave in any one fiscal year. An employee may use their accrued vacation time for the physical examination. Time off for other physical examinations in connection with military service may be charged to their accrued vacation leave, or the employee may take the time off as unpaid. An employee granted military leave for emergency National Guard duty may use their accrued vacation time for the first thirty (30) calendar days of such leave in any one fiscal year.


REINSTATEMENT. Following release from military service, an employee will have such right to return, and only such right, as may be required by state or federal law in effect at the time the employee applies for reinstatement. Page 29 of 40


EFFECT ON BENEFITS. An employee granted military leave with pay will receive all benefits related to employment that are granted when an employee is on pay status. An employee granted military leave without pay will receive: (a) retirement benefits and service credit in accord with the provisions of the applicable retirement system; (b) health plan coverage at the employee’s request and expense for a limited period of time as described in the University Group Insurance Regulations; (c) other length-of-service credits related to employment that would have been granted had the employee not been absent, provided that the employee returns at the conclusion of the leave in accordance with applicable federal and state law; and (d) vacation and sick leave accruals and holiday pay only in accordance with policy.


MISSION TRIP LEAVE Effective October 1, 2014, mission trip leave may be eligible for Vanguard University benefited staff employees. With the written approval of both the Supervisor and the reporting Vice President, Vanguard University provides 100% of the approved leave every third calendar year. The Global Education and Outreach Office will provide the Request for Approval form and will also evaluate for further approval considerations. In the event that a positions’ job description includes travel for university purposes, this policy does not apply. Mission trip leave is only for approved Vanguard University mission trips. This leave is approved provided the following qualifications are met by the employee:  Demonstrates qualities of strong Christian character and leadership abilities;  Meets and/or exceeds job requirements;  The employee’s absence will not produce a hardship for his/her department or the university;  Receives final approve from the Global Education and Outreach Office to participate in a mission trip.


OTHER LEAVES The University offers a wide variety of other unpaid leaves of absences as required by law, for (1) military spouse leave, (2) victims of sexual assault, domestic violence of stalking; (3) victims of crimes; (4) emergency service for fire, law enforcement or emergency rescue training; (5) school activities and child care provider leaves; (6) literacy leave; (7) organ and bone marrow donation leave (paid); and (8) other leaves that may be required by state and/or federal law. Eligibility and conditions of these leaves vary considerably, and if you are interested in any leave for any of these purposes, or for any other purpose, please contact Human Resources.




ATTIRE/DRESS CODE Vanguard University's expectation is that you wear professional attire when representing the University to our community on and off campus. Clothing that interferes with safety should not be worn. See Dress Code Policy (CF.60.D.007).


CHANGES IN INFORMATION It is your responsibility to promptly notify your department leader and Human Resources of any changes in your address, telephone number, name, and emergency contact information. Further, in the event of changes to marital status or changes to your family that may affect withholding tax status, health insurance coverage or beneficiary of insurance, it is your responsibility to promptly report that information to Human Resources.


PERSONNEL FILES The University maintains personnel files on each employee. Such files are the property of the University. This file contains employment related information about the employee. Federal and State Laws maintain that all employee medical information be kept in a separate, confidential file. The contents of an employee's personnel file, except for letters of reference and certain other limited kinds of information, are open for inspection by the current or former employee, upon request, at reasonable times, but no later than 30 calendar days after a written request to do so, subject to certain legal exceptions. Current and former employees are only allowed to request to view their own personnel file. Files will be reviewed under the supervision of a member of the Human Resource Department. Employees may take notes related to documents in their personnel file; however, no alterations of these records are permitted, nor can a document be added to or removed from the Page 30 of 40

file at the time of an employee’s review. A current or former employee may request and receive from the University a copy of his or her personnel file, provided the employee pays the actual copying costs (and costs of mailing if requested), and subject to certain legal exceptions. Contact Human Resources if you wish to review your personnel file or have copies made of documents, or designate an authorized representative to do so. The availability of documents in the personnel file are subject to the Record Retention and Destruction

Policy (CF.60.A.002)

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GENERAL. University equipment, materials and supplies are to be used exclusively for official purposes; and, in the spirit of Christian stewardship, should be used efficiently and in a manner to provide maximum costbenefit to the University, its mission, and the educational community that it serves.


UNIVERSITY VEHICLES. Vanguard University owns/leases a small fleet of vehicles for University needs and is responsible for the repair, maintenance, insurance and control of such vehicles to assure their safe operation and availability to meet University needs. In order to assure this availability and economical service, use of the University's vehicles is restricted to operation by an authorized employee or student worker for University needs. In the course of such operation, you are expected to exercise good judgment and safedriving practices at all times, including avoiding any activity, which may distract their attention from the road or violate any law. Such activity includes speeding or other reckless driving, ingesting alcoholic beverages, or unsafe or unlawful use of a cell phone while operating a vehicle. Employees operating a motor vehicle in performance of their work must maintain a safe driving record and have a valid driver’s license.


PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT PROCEDURES. In an effort to coordinate all information of a public relations nature, especially in regard to style, physical appearance and language, it is the policy of the University to submit all proposed literature to the Marketing & Communications prior to its printing and mailing.


FUNDRAISING APPEALS In the course of events, departments and students frequently decide to solicit funds for student activities or activities to benefit a non-profit organization, or for University-related purposes such as the support of a program or activity at the University. To ensure accuracy of information portrayed to donors and scheduling of appeals as well as proper acknowledgement and receipting, all appeals for funds must be approved for content, style and scheduling by the Advancement Office prior to any active fundraising. Fundraising is limited to certain areas of the University and the Advancement Office can help guide you in that process. When funds are received, the funds must immediately be deposited in University accounts under the control of the University. No employee shall fundraise in violation of this policy.


SOLICITATION FOR VOLUNTEER SERVICES AND MISSION TRIPS Any soliciting of funds on campus (by employees or others) requires a written request and advance approval. Request for volunteer services should come through the Vice President for University Advancement. Requests for mission trip support should come through the Office for Global Education and Outreach.


SOLICITATION AND DISTRIBUTION In order to avoid unnecessary annoyances and interruptions from your work, solicitation by one employee to another employee is prohibited while either person is on working time. Employee distribution of literature, handbills or other printed materials in work areas is prohibited at all times. Soliciting or distribution of literature by non-employees on these premises is prohibited at all times.


VENDOR SOLICITATION The University prohibits outside vendors on campus selling any items or services, unless approved by the Administration. Solicitors should be reported to Campus Public Safety at (714) 966-6799.

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GUIDELINE FOR VISITORS ON CAMPUS All visitors must enter University facilities at the main entrance and are not authorized, without exception, to enter work areas without specific management permission. Of specific interest are any unauthorized individuals on University property, who without appointment or approval will be asked to leave the premises. A “visitors guide” has been written and is available for review and guidance to ensure visitors are treated appropriately and that Vanguard’s business interests are protected. This guide can be found online through the Human Resources microsite in the Institutional Manual.




GENERAL SAFETY. Safety can only be achieved through teamwork at Vanguard University. Each Employee, Supervisor and Manager must practice safety awareness by thinking defensively, anticipating unsafe situations, and reporting unsafe acts and conditions immediately to Campus Safety. . In addition to the primary and desired emphasis which is the health and safety of every Employee, the financial implications to the University as a result of excessive work injuries are very clear . . . money spent on workers’ compensation costs reduces what is available for wages, benefits and other Employee programs. This reality is a reminder to all of us to put safety first. You will receive a copy of the Workplace Injury Illness Prevention Plan (WIIPP) (CF.60.B.001) and we ask that you read it carefully. You will be asked to sign a written acknowledgement of receipt once the safety orientation is complete. At a minimum, an Employee must observe the following precautions:         

The use of or being under the influence of alcoholic beverages or illegal drug substances or the abuse of legal prescription drugs during working hours will not be tolerated. The possession of alcoholic beverages or illegal drug substances on the University's property is forbidden. Use, adjust and repair machines and equipment only if s/he is trained and qualified. Immediately stop use and report damaged or inoperable machines and equipment to his/her supervisor. Assure that hazards are proactively identified and corrected and dispose of waste in accordance with University guidelines. Do not engage in actual, or threats of, workplace violence. Get help when lifting or pushing heavy objects. Understand his/her job fully and follow instructions. If s/he is not sure of the safe procedure, s/he should not guess...s/he must ask his/her Supervisor. Know the locations, contents and use of first aid and firefighting equipment. Wear personal protective equipment in accordance with the job s/he is performing. The Employee must notify his/her Supervisor of any emergency situation. If s/he is injured or becomes sick or injured at work, no matter how slightly, s/he must inform his/her Supervisor immediately.

A violation of a safety precaution is in itself an unsafe act. A violation may lead to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.


NOTICE OF A DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE In accordance with the intent of the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, Vanguard University hereby advises all employees and students that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of controlled substances on Vanguard University property or within its work places is a specific violation of federal laws and institutional rules. The Vanguard University Student Life Center has available resources to assist in drug counseling and drug rehabilitation assistance. These services are not limited to students but are available to all Vanguard University students, employees and their immediate families.

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Any employee or student found violating these federal regulations will be dismissed from the institution; unless the student or employee successfully participates in a Drug-Abuse Assistance or Rehabilitation Program under the auspices of Student Affairs. Be advised that under the Drug-Free Workplace Act (1988), the institution is required to notify the appropriate Federal Funding Agency within ten days after receiving voluntary notice from an employee, or otherwise receiving actual notice of a conviction or violation of substance abuse under these regulations.


DRUG AND ALCOHOL FREE WORKPLACE Vanguard University has a vital interest in maintaining safe, healthful and productive working conditions for its Employees. An Employee under the influence of a drug or alcohol on the job can be a serious safety risk to himself or herself, to other Employees, and, in some instances, to the general public, and also can cause damage to the University and its reputation with suppliers, customers and the communities where the University operates. The possession, use or sale of alcohol or an illegal drug in the workplace is unacceptable. Accordingly, the University has established the following policy with respect to the possession, use or sale of alcohol or drugs while at work or on University property or on University business. The goal of this policy is to maximize safety and productivity in the workplace, while preserving the privacy and dignity of Employees. This policy applies uniformly to all Employees and also applies to prospective Employees after they receive an offer of employment.


ALCOHOL. Possession or being under the influence of alcohol by an Employee while at work or on University property or on University business is prohibited.


ILLEGAL DRUGS. Possession, use, sale, purchase, or being under the influence of an illegal drug while at work or on University property or on University business is prohibited. Employees who are convicted for offthe-job drug activity may be considered to be in violation of this policy. In deciding what action to take, management will take into consideration the nature of the charges, the Employee's present job assignment, the Employee's record with the University, and other factors relative to the impact of the Employee's conviction upon the conduct of University business.


LEGAL DRUGS. In some circumstances, an Employee's use of a legal drug can pose a significant risk to the safety of the Employee or others. The use of, or being under the influence of, any legally obtained drug, or due to misuse of a legally obtained drug, while at work or on University property or on University business is prohibited if such use or influence may affect the safety of other Employees or members of the public. An Employee who has reason to believe that the use of a legal drug may present a safety risk to others must report such drug use to the University either to their supervisor to determine the best manner in which to address the issue. The University may require the Employee to take a leave of absence or comply with other appropriate remedies determined by management, including reasonable accommodation if appropriate.




POST-ACCIDENT/REASONABLE SUSPICION TESTING. The University may require a drug test or alcohol screening test of an Employee who has been involved in an accident while at work or on University property or on University business or in other circumstances where the University has a reasonable suspicion that the Employee may have been under the influence or otherwise in violation of this policy . An employee's consent to submit to such a test is required as a condition of employment and the employee's refusal to consent shall result in termination, even for a first refusal.


CONSEQUENCES OF POSITIVE TEST RESULTS. In the case of a positive test result, an Employee is subject to termination of employment. The University will refuse to hire a prospective Employee who receives a positive drug test result.


CONFIDENTIALITY. Information regarding tests conducted under this policy will be kept in the strictest confidence unless otherwise directed by law. Testing records will be kept separate from an Employee's regular personnel file, and will be made available to only those with a need to know the results.


NO CONTRACT RIGHTS IN FAVOR OF EMPLOYEES. This policy is not intended to be a contract, and the University may amend, change or discontinue this policy at any time. Employment at Vanguard Page 34 of 40

University is at-will and may be terminated by the Employee or by the University, at any time, with or without cause.


WORKPLACE SECURITY AND ANTI-VIOLENCE As a University, we are firmly committed to providing a workplace that is free from acts of violence or threats of violence. We have established a strict policy that prohibits any Employee from threatening or committing any act of violence in the workplace, while on duty, while on University-related business or while operating any vehicle or equipment owned or leased by the University. This policy applies to all Employees. In order to achieve our goal of providing a workplace that is secure and free from violence, we must enlist the support of all Employees. Compliance with this policy and the University’s commitment to a “zero tolerance” policy with respect to workplace violence is every Employee’s responsibility. Employees are required to report any incident involving a threat of violence or act of violence immediately to their Supervisor or, if they prefer, the Human Resources Department or Campus Public Safety. The Supervisor must report the matter immediately to the Human Resources Department who will investigate the matter and take appropriate corrective action. This may include the imposition of disciplinary action upon any Employee who violates this policy, up to and including immediate termination. Employees are required to report violations of this policy, including any incidents involving actual or threatened violence. They may do so without fear of retaliation of any kind. Further information regarding our anti-violence policies and workplace security is included in the University Injury and Illness Prevention program.


MEDICAL ASSISTANCE/TREATMENT It is the intent of the University to encourage you to seek help through the University Employee Assistance Program (EAP) which can include preliminary advice/counseling for a variety of life issues that can arise. However, the University itself will not be responsible for the payment of treatment beyond the initial consultation that comes with the EAP program. If you voluntarily enter a treatment program may apply for a medical leave of absence during the time of treatment. This leave will be in accordance with the University medical leave policy and will generally not exceed four (4) months. If participation in a drug and/or alcohol treatment program is required by the employer, failure to adhere to the requirements of any drug and/or alcohol treatment program in which you are enrolled may subject you to disciplinary action, up to and including rescinding leave of absence or involuntary termination. Additionally, if such treatment program is required by the employer, failure to complete a drug and/or alcohol treatment program in which you are enrolled may result in similar disciplinary action. An Employee who has returned to duty following rehabilitation may be asked to sign an agreement to allow unannounced testing, for a specified term. A positive test result would cause immediate involuntary termination.


FIRST AID First aid supplies are available from an Employee’s Supervisor for the treatment of minor injuries. The University is not permitted to dispense medication of any nature.


CHILDREN ON CAMPUS POLICY Refer to the Children on Campus Policy (CF.60.F.002) for more information.


DATING POLICY AND CLOSE, PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS AT WORK Refer to the Dating/Fraternization Policy (CF.60.D.005) for more information.

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CONDUCT AND EMPLOYMENT OUTSIDE VANGUARD UNIVERSITY Vanguard University does not seek or desire to interfere with your off-duty activities. However, the University cannot tolerate off-duty conduct that impacts negatively on Vanguard University, either in terms of the your individual work performance or the business interests of the University, including its reputation or in any job which interferes with your Vanguard University assignment or regular work schedule and availability for overtime. Moonlighting, or working at another employer is allowed only after written approval from your supervisory and subject to the following considerations:  Vanguard University work requirements, including overtime, will have precedence over any part-time employment elsewhere.  You must be able to safely and effectively maintain your work performance standard at Vanguard University.  Vanguard University will not pay medical benefits for injuries or sickness resulting from employment outside the University.  You are not permitted to work for a competing institution or business where in the opinion of Vanguard University’s senior management, that employment relationship would present a conflict of interest.  Any benefits that you would earn at another employer outside Vanguard, are the responsibility of you and the other employer for purposes of ensuring compliance with Federal or State regulations for such programs.  Faculty members should refer to the Faculty Handbook 630:020 – 630:026 for additional guidelines.


UNIVERSITY-SPONSORED SOCIAL FUNCTIONS/OFFICE PARTIES University functions at Vanguard University have become a tradition, and we intend on continuing these events and allowing parties, as appropriate for the occasion. Whether it is a department party or facility/Universitywide function, please use good judgment. Serving or providing alcohol or illegal drugs is not permitted at University-sponsored events.


CELL PHONE POLICY See Cell Phone Policy (


BUSINESS PHONE USE Many Employees have personal cellular phones they use for business purposes. There are many competitive, fixed price cellular phone plans available to cover all levels of usage for local and long distance calls, so please review your current program to ensure you are capping expenses whenever possible. Cell Phone Reimbursement Policy is available for staff who qualify based upon the amount of time spent off campus making calls for Vanguard Business. Updates to the Vanguard University mobile phone directory are made periodically. If you change your mobile number, please promptly report it to Human Resources.


PERSONAL PHONE USE (CELL PHONE OR VANGUARD PHONE) While at work you are expected to exercise the same discretion in making personal calls using your personal cellular phone as is expected for the use of University phones. Personal calls during the workday, regardless of the phone used, can interfere with Employee productivity, be distracting to others, and should be limited. This goes for both incoming and outgoing calls. You should handle personal business during non-working hours. Please make sure your family and friends are aware of this policy. Employees should strictly limit the use of University telephones for personal business


LOSS OF PHONE Vanguard University will not be responsible for lost or stolen cellular phones, either in or outside the workplace.


PHONE USE IN THE CAR See University Driver Policy (CF.60.F.008)

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MAILINGS The University seeks to manage postage expenses. In order to do so, departments are requested to use bulk mailings where possible. In order to ensure that sufficient funding is available on the permit, departments are requested to provide forty-eight (48) hour notice prior to submitting bulk mailing request. The mailroom personnel may assist in the procedures needed for bulk mail. In some cases, it may be best to utilize an external mailing service. Recommendations can be requested from the Mail Room Supervisor. Additionally, where possible, email should be used when communicating information in lieu of regular mail.


PERSONAL MAIL Personal mail should not be addressed in care of the University as it interferes with the distribution of University mail. Personal mail, with proper postage affixed, may be placed in outgoing University mailboxes, at your risk.




PERSONAL PROPERTY Although normal precautionary measures to prevent loss through theft are continually taken by Vanguard University, losses can occur. The University, as in the case of other organizations, does not assume responsibility for the loss of, theft of or damage to personal property. Therefore, if you keep personal property on the University premises or uses personal property while engaged in University business, you do so at your own risk. You can help to prevent losses if you observes the following practices:     

Never leave wallets or pocketbooks unattended. Do not leave your work area with valuables lying around. Keep vehicles locked with property out of sight. Keep lockers, tool boxes, cabinets, desk drawers, etc., locked when not in use. Do not leave personal articles of personal value overnight in the facility.

You should immediately report all thefts to your immediate Supervisor and a Human Resources Representative. The University reserves the right to inspect all bundles, packages, handbags, attaché cases, tool boxes, lunch boxes, lockers and vehicles, located on the premises, at any time.


DESKS AND OFFICES The University provides desks for many of its Employees at the University’s expense. Although desks are made available for the convenience of Employees while at work, Employees should remember that all desks remain the sole property of the University. Moreover, the University reserves the right to open and inspect lockers and desks, as well as any contents, effects or articles that are in lockers or desks. Such an inspection can occur at any time, with or without advance notice or consent. An inspection may be conducted before, during or after work hours by an authorized representative of the University. Prohibited materials, including weapons, explosives, alcohol, and non-prescribed drugs or medications, may not be placed in a locker or desk. Employees who place prohibited materials in a locker or desk may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Employees who, if requested, fail to cooperate in any inspection will be subject to disciplinary action, including possible suspension or termination. The University is not responsible for any articles that are placed or left in a locker or desk that are lost, damaged, stolen, or destroyed.


LOST AND FOUND Unidentified personal articles found on the premises should be given to Campus Public Safety who will endeavor to find the owner. The University does not assume any responsibility for the care of the property and will dispose of it after ninety (90) days. Page 37 of 40


PARKING AREA The University provides ample parking for employees. You should drive carefully, and obey all posted signs, at all times when entering and leaving the parking area. The University is not responsible for damage to your car or loss of personal property while on, or off University premises. Cars should be locked at all times, with valuables out of sight.


BUSINESS TRAVEL See University Travel Policy (CF.60.C.002)


COMMUNITY RESPONSIBILITIES Vanguard University, in an effort to uphold its responsibilities to the communities in which it has operations, will from time to time sponsor certain activities, such as blood drives and solicitation for the local United Way. Your participation in such activities is completely voluntary.


BRANDING GUIDELINES A marketing and communication department can help walk them through specifics of our brand guidelines but we could provide a small part about our brand promise to help build the importance of building the Vanguard brand together as a community.


PUBLICITY/STATEMENTS TO THE MEDIA All media inquiries regarding the University and its operations must be referred to the Director of Marketing & Communications. Only the Director of Marketing & Communications, the President or designated individual is authorized to make or approve public statements pertaining to the University or its operations. If you wish to write and/or publish an article, paper or other publication on behalf of the University must first obtain prior approval from the Director of Marketing & Communications and President before publication.


INSIDE VU The purpose of “InsideVU” is to serve as an official channel by which University news is communicated on a weekly basis. Special “Inside VU” announcements are reserved for communication to highlight special events for faculty and staff (e.g. Open Enrollment, Faculty/Staff Chapels, Town Halls, etc.) Information for InsideVU announcements are to be submitted electronically to the Marketing & Communications Office at


UNIVERSITY UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT HANDBOOK The University Undergraduate Student Handbook and Academic Catalog are considered to be the final reference points on matters of policy stated for students. The Vice President for Student Affairs is responsible for maintaining the student handbook and policies. The Student Handbook is reviewed annually during the spring semester and approved by the Board of Trustees at their June meeting. Contact the Vice President for Student Affairs for matters on inclusion or changes in stated policy. The Student Handbook can be found on the University’s website at and the Academic Catalog at


ACADEMIC CALENDAR The Academic Calendar is maintained by the Provost’s Office and approved by Administration. The Academic Calendar serves as the primary calendar by which all University events and meetings are scheduled. The Academic Calendar can be found in the current catalog, or on the University’s website at


UNIVERSITY EVENTS CALENDAR The University Events Calendar is coordinated through various campus offices, with oversight by the University Events Committee. The purpose of the University events calendar is to communicate when University events are scheduled. Placement of events on the master events calendar will be reviewed by the University Events Committee. Events meeting the criteria for classification as a Tier I or Tier II event must complete the University Events Packet for each event. See University Events Committee Charter (PO.11.A.003).

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PROVOST’S BULLETIN The Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA) Office maintains a monthly bulletin for academic faculty and staff when school is in session. The “Provost’s Bulletin” is the official means of distribution for all University faculty committee actions.


BULLETIN BOARDS The bulletin boards are reserved for University business and no materials may be posted on bulletin boards on campus without a stamp of approval from the department in which the board resides. Official University notices approved by the Administration do not require approval from the department in which a board may reside.

760:000 760:010

LEAVING VANGUARD RESIGNATION - WHEN AN EMPLOYEE LEAVES VANGUARD UNIVERSITY Should you decide to end your employment with Vanguard University, we ask that you provide your Supervisor with at least two weeks advance notice. Your thoughtfulness will be appreciated and noted favorably should you ever wish to reapply for employment with the University. Additionally, you are encouraged to meet with Human Resources to complete a brief exit interview prior to leaving. You should notify the University if your address changes during the calendar year in which termination occurs so that any correspondence will be sent to the proper address.


INVOLUNTARY TERMINATIONS While the decision to begin employment is consensual, the same is not always true upon separation. As an atwill employer, the University reserves the right to end an employment relationship at any time, with or without cause or notice.


REDUCTIONS IN FORCE While the University hopes to continue growing and providing employment opportunities, business conditions, changes in political climate, market conditions, and other factors are unpredictable. Changes or downturns in any of these, or other areas, could create a need to restructure or reduce the number of people employed. In the event that the University determines to lay off any Employee or a number of Employees, the University retains full discretion to select which Employee(s) will be laid off.


RETURN OF UNIVERSITY PROPERTY In the event that you separate from employment from the University for any reason, you are required to return all property owned by the University, and any and all University Confidential information, and any copies of same, to the Manager prior to your departure.


REFERENCES All reference requests for existing or former employees should be directed to your supervisor or Human Resources without any comment either on or off the record. No other supervisor or University employee is authorized to release references for a current or former employee. University policy is to confirm only name, dates of employment, and position held (and salary with advance authorization of the employee). One (1) copy of authorized references will be kept in the former employee’s personnel file; and will be destroyed in accordance with the Record Retention and Destruction Policy (CF.60.A.002)

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COMPLIANCE WITH BIBLICAL STANDARDS AND MISSION STATEMENT Christianity is central to the purpose and mission of Vanguard University. For this reason, all University affairs are conducted in full accordance with community standards that are based upon and driven by those Biblical principles. Likewise, it is Vanguard’s policy to employ only committed disciples of Jesus Christ. Consequently, you are expected to review and affirm your agreement with such standards as a condition for continued employment with Vanguard University both in terms of doctrinal belief and practical application. For example, you are expected to reflect Christian values in your interaction with persons we serve, fellow employees, and others. In addition, you are required to reframe from behavior that reflects negatively on the University and Christian standards. Violation of these requirements shall give rise to discipline up to and including employment termination.


AFFIRMATION OF STATEMENT OF FAITH AND COMMUNITY STANDARDS As an acknowledgement and agreement for the above standards, all corporate officers, administrators, faculty and staff, as a condition of their employment at Vanguard University, acknowledge in writing their acceptance of and agreement with the Faith Confession, as set forth in the University’s application for employment, in the Employee Handbook on pages 7-8, Vanguard’s Statement on Human Sexuality (BT.00.I.001), Code of Conduct (BT.10.E.002), Conflict of Interest (BT.10.E.003), and all other policies listed herein.


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Thank you for reading the Vanguard University Employee Handbook. We welcome you to Vanguard University and are excited to have you as a Vanguard Employee. We appreciate your vital role in accomplishing the mission of the University as we serve our students, each other, and the broader Vanguard community. As mentioned throughout this handbook, all non-faculty employees who do not have an employment agreement are considered "at will" employees, and employment may be terminated at any time with or without notice, with or without cause or warning. As such, if you do not have employment agreement, you may resign at your option or may be terminated at the option of Vanguard University. Vanguard University Faculty and Executive Management generally have contracts or employment agreements, and should refer to those agreements for conditions of employment.

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