Washington & Jefferson College Fall 2013 Magazine

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FALL 2013

Washington C O L L E G E

Jefferson M A G A Z I N E

First Families

First-generation Presidents thrive with the support of a tight-knit community

Eat. Love. Cupcakes. Angela Liprando ’13 loves to bake. During her senior year at W&J, the business administration major sat down and thought about what she wanted to do with her life: Put a cupcake in people’s hands and a smile on their faces. Liprando decided to follow her passion, founding Eat. Love. Cupcakes., a small-town bakery in Delmont, Pa. Currently baking out of her home, Liprando hopes to soon have her own storefront. She often bakes for W&J events, and the 84 dozen mini cupcakes that Eat. Love. Cupcakes. provided for the senior class reception this past year were a hit with all students, staff and faculty in attendance. Learn more about Liprando’s cupcakes and confections at www. eatlovecupcakes.com. To find out about more W&J entrepreneurs, turn to page 9.

On the cover

fall 2013

Washington C o l l e g e

Jefferson m a g a z i n e




Rosanna Tsatie ’13 celebrates with her family Commencement morning before becoming the first person in her family to receive a college diploma. To learn how first-generation Presidents are thriving at W&J, turn to page 10. First-generation Presidents thrive with the support of a tight-knit community

WJ Washington C O L L E G E

Jefferson M A G A Z I N E



FALL 2013









class notes

An Eye on Energy Assistant Physics Professor Michael McCracken ’04, Ph.D., leads a class that uses solar panels to test the ecological and economic benefits of solar power in Pennsylvania. The 18 solar panels sit atop the Washington & Jefferson College facility services building collecting data from the Swanson Solar Laboratory, donated by former W&J trustee John A. Swanson. For more information about the project, turn to page 7.




president’s message

The importance of education

Clarence Haring, President Haring-Smith’s grandfather, attended Harvard University, making him the first person in her family to receive a degree.

My grandfather, Clarence Haring, was the son of tobacco farmers in the Pennsylvania Dutch country of eastern Pennsylvania. He was a hard-working child, both on the farm and in school. No one in his family had ever gone to college; farming gave them a good life. But my grandfather loved school, and he dreamed of going to a place called Harvard. His teachers encouraged him to apply and one of them, Mr. Smyth, offered to pay his tuition if he were admitted. Those of you who know my story are familiar with its ending. My grandfather went to Harvard, graduated as a Rhodes Scholar, got his doctorate at Oxford, and later returned to Harvard to teach, becoming the founding faculty member of the Latin American Studies program. His fascination with history opened the world to him. He went on to teach others, encouraging them, too, to dream big dreams.

The first person to attend college on my grandmother’s side was Uncle Julian, who was much more interested in drawing and painting than in plowing the family farm. When the family sent him to work in a local store, Julian spent his days sketching rather than stocking shelves. One weekend, the frustrated storeowner told Julian to paint the entire store, thinking maybe this was something the young man would complete. And Julian did paint the store—every inch of it, including the windows. And then he ran away to New York, where he presented himself at Cooper Union and told the people in charge that he should be admitted to study art. After they explained that a prospective art student needed a portfolio (and described what that was), he produced one and was admitted. He went on to join the architectural firm of McKim, Mead & White. With them, he painted the murals on the ceilings and walls of the Supreme Court, the Library of Congress, and the “wedding cake” state capitol buildings across this country. College changed his life, as it did Clarence Haring’s. This issue of the magazine celebrates W&J’s commitment to students who have the courage to be the first in their families to go to college. It’s not an easy frontier to breach. Yet, about a fourth of our students are in this category. And our alumni who were the first in their families to complete college have gone on to do amazing things—discover the breast cancer drug Herceptin, lead companies like Merck and Citibank as CEOs, and become world-renowned heart surgeons and ground-breaking lawyers. They have helped to change the world. I remember well talking recently with one young man, the first in his family to go to college, as he was awaiting formal induction into the prestigious national honorary society Phi Beta Kappa at W&J. His father and mother were there, as was his younger brother. You could see how proud his parents were and how his younger brother looked up at him with admiration. When I asked him what he wanted to do after graduation, he said he had been admitted to medical school at West Virginia University, in his home state. He wanted to complete his medical degree and then work in rural West Virginia, giving back to his community, he said, because America needs rural doctors. His education at W&J not only changed his life and the life of his family, but it also changed the life of his community. That is why W&J remains committed to serving those who are the first in their families to attend college. We believe that the kind of close, personal attention that we give W&J students helps each of them—whether a first-generation or a sixth-generation college student—to succeed. W&J is about transforming lives, creating the kind of educated and responsible citizens who can lead our country forward. The college did that in the 19th century when we prepared the teachers, preachers and public leaders who founded the communities created to move America westward, and we continue to do it today. This is one of the many reasons why I am proud to be leading W&J.


Want to hear more from the President? Follow Tori Haring-Smith on Twitter @wjpresident.



Washington & Jefferson College Magazine FALL 2013 Editor ALLYSON GILMORE ’12

Editorial Assistant JACKIE SIPE ’13





W&J Magazine, published twice a year by the Office of Communications, highlights alumni and campus news about and of interest to more than 24,000 alumni and friends of the College. To receive additional copies or back issues, please call 724-223-6074 or email wjmag@washjeff.edu.

Letters to the Editor W&J welcomes feedback from readers regarding the magazine or topics related to the College. Submissions may be edited for style, length and clarity. Email wjmag@washjeff.edu or mail a letter to: Editor, W&J Magazine Office of Communications Washington & Jefferson College 60 S. Lincoln Street Washington, PA 15301

Corrections The following are corrections for the Spring 2013 W&J Magazine: In the story on page 7 titled, “Yesterday’s Trends Focus of Popular Intersession Courses,” adjunct English professor Stephen Mason’s name was misspelled. In addition, his quote should have read, “Today’s students are eager to find wisdom and strength in the era to use in their own.” On page 44, T. Scott Frank ’71 should have been identified as professor of theatre and communication.

Noted & Quoted “Ultimately, my future career will promote environmental awareness through a grassroots approach because I believe long-term change begins small with


“Let us embrace the growing diversity of educational sources, but let us also insist that they are not interchangeable.

If we do not value what we do, who else will?”


“I believe in a strong communicative process and structure that involves teachers, staff, students and parents. It is important to know and understand the pulse of the building and community when planning for new programs and initiatives.” MICHAEL P. GHILANI, ’943


to ensure that the world we live in today will remain here tomorrow.” HEATHER PAINTER ’134

“THE BIGGEST THING W&J HAS GIVEN ME IS PERSONAL INITIATIVE. If I want something done, I will find a way to do it. Secondly, the whole idea of a liberal arts education and thinking about things from different perspectives. I am also a very adaptable person.” ALEX NALLIN ’135

“I saw the tour as a benefit to the community. A lot of people don’t know their own local history, and the tour is one way of getting the word out.” JENNIFER HARDING, PH.D., ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF ENGLISH6

“I hope (my students) understand how music is an integral part of life, and music can reflect politics and history and gender identity. When they listen to the music,



but it shouldn’t be one-sided. As educators, it’s our responsibility to invest in our students and ensure they get the career preparation they need.” BRIANNE BILSKY ’05, PH.D., MAGELLAN PROJECT & FELLOWSHIPS COORDINATOR8

1 “Washington & Jefferson College sophomore one of five nationwide to receive environmental scholarship,” Liberal Arts College News, April 16, 2013 2 “We have met the enemy and he is us,” Tori Haring-Smith, Inside Higher Ed, March 8, 2013 3 “Upper St. Clair principal named state’s best,” Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, June 21, 2013 4 “Transatlanticism in the 21st century,” Christina Thünemann and Niklas Brüggemann, German World, Summer 2013 5 “College senior prepares for two-year Peace Corps assignment in Peru,” Cumberland Times-News, April 2, 2013 6 “‘Little Washington’ has walking tour for sightseers,” Dave Zuchowski, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Feb. 21, 2013 7 “W&J course explores U2,” Brad Hundt, Observer-Reporter, Dec. 25, 2012 8 “Letters to the business editor,” Brianne Bilsky, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, July 27, 2013



W&J news


A New Batch of Graduates “What are you going to do? How are you going to seize the moment?” – CHARLIE BATCH

Charlie Batch, founder of the Best of the Batch foundation and two-time Super Bowl champion, addressed the senior class.




he bright sun on the morning of May 18, 2013, reflected the spirits of all in attendance at Washington & Jefferson College’s 214th Commencement, where 332 new graduates celebrated alongside family, friends and faculty. As the keynote speaker, Charlie Batch, who has spent the past 11 seasons as
a quarterback with the Pittsburgh Steelers, encouraged the Class of 2013 to strive to create meaning as they develop their own careers. “I can’t sit up here and tell you what it’s going to take for you to become a 15-year NFL veteran. I can’t tell you what it’s going to take for you to get to three Super Bowls, and win two, and have two Super Bowl rings,” Batch said. “All I’m going to tell you is this: There’s a right way, and

there’s a wrong way. Ultimately, it is up to you to decide what you want to do. I challenge you to go out there and make a difference.”

E. Rohr, executive chairman of The PNC Financial Services Group; and Rabbi Serena Fujita, Jewish chaplain at Bucknell University.

Amirah Polite ’13, who delivered the senior address, remarked on the significance of the graduates receiving their diplomas. “Pretty soon, one by one, we are going to walk across this stage to receive not only our diploma, but the right to call ourselves Presidents,” Polite said. “We have been equipped with the skills to go far. And with the support of the friends we have made here, we will go even further than that.”

Before the Class of 2013 began its final march across campus, President Tori Haring-Smith told graduates, “At W&J, you learn strength and you learn perseverance. When you think the problems are too tough, call upon your inner strength. That is what you have developed here. Take that hard work and determination into the world with you.”

Honorary degrees were awarded to Batch; Dr. Bernard Harris, Jr., retired NASA astronaut and the first African-American to walk in space; James

Want to hear Batch’s entire speech? Find it online on wjcollege’s YouTube channel.






Campus activist awarded prestigious environmental scholarship

Honoring students with prizes is a tradition that dates back to the earliest days of the College. Today, W&J holds Honors Convocation to recognize the scholarly achievements of both students and faculty.

Lauren Horning ’15 is fascinated by the way humans affect the environment and has dedicated herself to ensuring that this impact is positive.



Morris K. Udall Scholar

National awards recognized, including two Fulbrights

Phi Beta Kappa inductees

Twenty-eight Departmental book prizes awarded


Endowed academic prizes and leadership and service awards given


Magellan Projects funded by W&J


W&J wind and choral performers

One Hundred Ninety-Four

Publications and presentations by faculty in 2012-2013



Students inducted into honors societies this year


In recognition of her efforts, Horning received the 2013 Morris K. Udall Scholarship, a $5,000 tuition prize awarded annually to sophomore and junior college students committed to careers in the environment, tribal public policy or Native American health care. Horning was selected from a pool of nearly 500 applicants to receive the prestigious scholarship.

“These experiences coupled with my educational training are planting the seeds for a future devoted to environmentalism.” – LAUREN HORNING ’15

Robert East, Ph.D., associate professor and director of the environmental studies program, nominated Horning for the award. “The Morris K. Udall Scholarship is prestigious because it is a gateway to incredible academic opportunities, other fellowships, scholarships, graduate school acceptance and job opportunities,” he said. W&J’s Udall Scholarship Representative since 2004, East has nominated 11 students. Horning is the first winner. “The application process is reasonably arduous and the selection is highly competitive, but Lauren possesses the most impressive qualifications I have seen,” said East.

Horning is committed to changing W&J students’ effect on the environment. She initiated a composting program and created the Green House, an environmentally-themed residence hall that promotes recycling, environmental stewardship and energy conservation. She also coordinates a campus division of Better World Books, which collects donated books to fund global literacy initiatives. An environmental studies and Spanish double major who intends to join the Peace Corps following graduation, Horning would like to one day manage an environmental education center with a summer camp for kids, teaching programs on how to buy sustainably, grow organic food, recycle and up-cycle old products. “Ultimately, my future career will promote environmental awareness through a grassroots approach because I believe long-term change begins small with impassioned individuals,” Horning said. “When you are passionate and feel strongly about something, that authenticity is apparent,” said Horning, an Alpha scholar from Bellefonte, Pa. “I became interested in the environment when I was a freshman, and it has become my lifestyle.” After receiving the award, Horning completed a Magellan Project that took her to Argentina, where she spent 10 weeks working and living with organic farmers. She plans to study abroad in Ecuador during the spring of her junior year. “These experiences coupled with my educational training are planting the seeds for a future devoted to environmentalism,” Horning said. – ROBERT REID



Lauren Horning received the 2013 Morris K. Udall Scholarship after a nomination from Dr. Robert East.

Students pursue sustainable energy When chemistry major and aspiring doctor Evan Rosenberg ’14 isn’t busy in the classroom, he is atop the Washington & Jefferson College facility services building collecting data from 18 solar panels that make up the Swanson Solar Laboratory. Led by Assistant Physics Professor Michael McCracken ’04, Ph.D., Rosenberg and his classmates use the solar panels to test the ecological and economic cost-benefits of small-scale solar power in southwestern Pennsylvania. The physics students test various scenarios with the panels, including how shade affects the panels’ ability to gather energy. To do so, they place masking tape on each of the panels. While keeping the length of the tape consistent, they change the pattern of the tape on each panel. Currently, they are examining the impact of the masking tape patterns. “The array is collecting data, as well as energy, throughout the summer months, generating a wealth of quantitative data for students to analyze come fall semester,” explains McCracken.

Michael Roth (left) and Evan Rosenberg test the impact of masking tape Despite his busy schedule, getting involved with the solar panel project was an easy patterns on solar panels. decision for Rosenberg. “I have always had an interest in renewable energy sources,” he said. “When the opportunity to be involved in a hands-on program that directly affects the future of W&J and its energy usage was presented to me, I needed to be a part of it.”

Since their installation in July 2012, the panels have produced enough energy to power 90 houses for one day and have a carbon offset of 1.87 tons, the equivalent of 48 trees. Rosenberg said he and the other students working with the panels hope to plant trees in the Washington community to represent the trees saved since the solar panels were installed. In addition to the solar panels, the W&J community has made many efforts toward becoming a more sustainable living and learning community. The Swanson Science Center, opened in 2010, is a gold-level certified Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design building. Residents of the W&J sustainable living theme community and members of the Green Club have conducted many outreach and service activities, including developing a composting program for some of the College’s dining waste; facilitating recycling of electronics, printer cartridges and books; and raising awareness of local sustainability.



CUT DOWN ON YOUR ENERGY BILL Did you know that the carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere is linked to your energy use? Rapidly rising levels of CO2 contribute to climate change, so analyzing your utility bills can tell you which appliances are using the most energy, and thus which habits are contributing to a dwindling bank account balance and a changing climate. Fortunately, James March, Ph.D., associate professor of biology at W&J, has some tips to help you quickly and easily reduce your energy use.

“When the opportunity to be involved in a hands-on program that directly affects the future of W&J and its energy usage was presented to me, I needed to be a part of it.”

Space heating: 41.5% of home energy use. Space heating accounts for the largest percentage of home energy use and is the area where changing your habits can result in the greatest return. Check the sealing around windows and doors and improve the insulation in your home to prevent heat loss. Consider lowering your thermostat and wearing more clothing. Also, clean and maintain filters and equipment, as clogged air filters can result in an increase in energy use. Appliances, electronics and lighting: 34.6% of home energy use. The EPA Energy Star program provides information to help consumers make informed decisions about the economic and environmental costs of electronics and appliances. Many devices consume energy even when turned off, but you can reduce this phantom power loss by plugging them into a power strip that you can turn off


when not in use. You also can measure the power usage of any appliance and determine running costs with a digital monitor called a “Kill A Watt” meter, available in your hardware store. Water heating: 17.7% of home energy use. The easiest way to reduce the amount of energy required to heat water is to use less hot water. Low-flow fixtures in showers and sinks can help, and you can use cold or warm settings when washing clothes. Also, set your hot water heater to 120 degrees to conserve energy. Air conditioning: 6.2% of home energy use. You can decrease air conditioning usage by following similar recommendations to those for space heating. In addition, consider using fans to reduce dependence on air conditioning. The Home Energy Saver from the Lawrence Berkeley Lab has online tools for evaluating and reducing energy use (homeenergysaver.lbl.gov).





Graduates earn Fulbright teaching opportunities abroad As freshly-minted graduates of W&J’s Class of 2013, Korey Morgan and Jacob Reis are continuing their educations abroad, thanks to scholarships earned through the prestigious Fulbright Program. Morgan, an international studies and Spanish double major with an East Asian studies minor, received a Fulbright U.S. Student Award that affords him the opportunity to gain experience in international relations. In July, he left his hometown of Greenwood, Maine, and began a one-year English teaching assistantship in Seoul, South Korea. In addition to teaching, Morgan will study the regional geopolitical tensions stemming from territorial disputes and an aggressive North Korea. “I hope to use the experience I gain in South Korea to enhance my future graduate school experience with the eventual goal of someday working for the State Department and specializing in relations with East Asia,” he said.

Jacob Reis (left) and Korey Morgan teach English in Austria and South Korea, respectively, through Fulbright grants.

“The benefits of this program will help me grow as a teacher, a scholar and a person.” – JACOB REIS ’13

Morgan attended Gould Academy in Bethel, Maine, a college preparatory school that prepared him for acceptance into the School Year Abroad program, through which he spent a year studying in Zaragoza, Spain. During his time at W&J, he spent a semester in Pamplona, Spain, and an Intersession in Japan. Reis, a German and Spanish double major from Canonsburg, Pa., was awarded a position as an English teaching assistant in Austria through the Austrian-American Educational Commission, which is administered by the Fulbright Commission. Reis will divide his time between two Austrian high schools in the southern province of Styria— one in Zeltweg, the other in Fohnsdorf. He will assist teachers with activities and conversation in English language classes. Reis’ assignment begins Oct. 1, the start of the Austrian school year, and continues through May 31, 2014. On his return, Reis plans to pursue a Ph.D. in Germanic Studies at the University of Texas at Austin. “All roads lead to teaching, as far as my future career is concerned. This opportunity allows me to gain classroom experience, help educate a more world-ready society and strengthen my own German skills and understanding of Austrian culture. The benefits of this program will help me grow as a teacher, a scholar and a person,” said Reis.

Three alumni to Teach For America Charanya Kaushik, Heather Painter and Rosanna Tsatie, all members of the Washington & Jefferson College Class of 2013, have been accepted to Teach For America, a highly selective program that places participants in teaching positions in 46 high-need communities across the country. Kaushik, a biology major from Canonsburg, Pa., was president of the Indian Student Association, founder of the executive advisory council of Alpha Lambda Delta National Honor Society and a resident assistant. The pre-health graduate now teaches high school chemistry in the Harlingen Independent School District in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas. Kaushik explained that her liberal arts background will help her throughout this experience, as reading and writing deficiencies are a concern within her district. “It will be interesting to gain first-hand experience by living in the area and working with children to get additional perspective as to how these communities learn and grow,” she added. Kaushik plans to attend medical school after her time with Teach For America. Painter, a triple major in English, German and political science and a native of Pittsburgh, teaches at KIPP Delta Elementary Literacy Academy in



“I have had a great education, and I want to help others enjoy the same.” – HEATHER PAINTER ’13

Charanya Kaushik (left), Heather Painter and Rosanna Tsatie (not pictured) educate underprivileged children through Teach For America.

Helena, Ark. She is passionate about energy policy and renewable resources and plans to go to law school after her time teaching. Studying abroad in Germany has prepared Painter for leading students and adapting to a new environment. “To have the opportunity to teach in underprivileged school districts, to do something not a lot of people have the opportunity to do, is very special to me,” Painter said. “I have had a great education, and I want to help others enjoy the same.”

Tsatie, an art major, is a middle school art teacher in her native Zuni Public School District in New Mexico. Tsatie’s experiences at W&J and time with Teach For America have inspired her to pursue a master’s degree in education at the University of New Mexico. “I thought that becoming a teacher would be another way to give back to the community I grew up in,” Tsatie said. – JACKIE SIPE ’13

Student takes over struggling restaurant Megan DeLisle ’15 always dreamed of operating her own business, and thanks to her keen business instincts and some help from Joe Hardy, the founder and CEO of 84 Lumber and Nemacolin Woodlands Resort, her dream is coming true. DeLisle, a business administration major and entrepreneurial studies minor from Youngwood, Pa., is a member of the Hardy Scholars program, developed by Joe Hardy to support outstanding entrepreneurial studies students at W&J. DeLisle got to know Hardy when he offered the scholars a tour of his resort. During the tour, Hardy explained that his nearby quick-serve restaurant, Joe Dogg’s, needed something special to turn it into a thriving business. “After we left the resort, the wheels in my head started turning,” DeLisle said. “I had so many ideas for Joe Dogg’s.” The ambitious student drafted a business plan for Joe Dogg’s and presented it to Hardy one week later. Her ideas resulted in a meeting with Hardy and Cheri Bomar ’91, director of real estate and development/corporate counsel for 84 Lumber. DeLisle received a job offer on the spot. DeLisle says her assignment was very clear. “He (Hardy) gave me an office at the 84 Lumber corporate headquarters and asked me to work on Joe Dogg’s,” DeLisle said. “He told me to be creative and redevelop the business from the ground up.” The determined student did just that. DeLisle created and trademarked a new logo, developed a new menu and pricing structure, designed the restaurant, ordered equipment and produced a marketing strategy, all while

balancing her classes and work as a resident assistant, intramural athletics staff member and founder and president of the Young Entrepreneurs Society. The original Farmington, Pa., Joe Dogg’s location is thriving under DeLisle’s leadership, and she and Hardy are working toward opening a second location in Kittanning, Pa., with the ultimate goal of turning Joe Dogg’s into a prominent franchise.

DeLisle views Hardy, W&J and Tim Murphy, associate professor of entrepreneurial studies, as essential to her success. “W&J provides students with outstanding networking opportunities that enable them to connect with many successful individuals. W&J’s high expectations and professionalism have shaped my character in a way that allows me to overachieve.” – JACKIE SIPE ’13

Student entrepreneurs complete coffee shop turnaround Previously owned by Parkhurst Dining Services, the coffee shop in the atrium of the Swanson Science Center was not attracting the expected number of customers. Tim Murphy, associate professor of entrepreneurial studies, took notice of the shop and turned it into a project for his students. Now, the business that began as a learning opportunity has been transformed into a profitable venture by the three students who own and operate Roasted Café. When Murphy told accounting major Nick Pochiba ’13 about the opportunity to turn the struggling coffee shop into a student-run business, he jumped at the chance to take over with the help of classmates Dylan Haas ’13 and Preston Shaw ’14. “Professor Murphy suggested that it would be very difficult, but there was some time to make a profit,” Pochiba said. After drafting a business plan, finding investors and securing a loan, the trio opened the doors to Roasted Café in February 2012. Today, Roasted Café is thriving while serving as a real-world business laboratory for its student owners. “Roasted gave me valuable insight and experience at a young age,” Pochiba said. “To me, there is no greater satisfaction than accomplishing something from nothing in terms of a business.”

Preston Shaw (left), Nick Pochiba and Dylan Haas (not pictured) turned Roasted Café into a successful business.

“Having on my résumé that I ran my own business at 19 years old is something that can really stand out to employers.”

Shaw, an accounting major, will continue running – PRESTON SHAW ’14 Roasted Café during his senior year under the guidance of Rick Kinder, associate professor of business administration and faculty adviser for the project. Shaw secured an internship this past summer with Dick’s Sporting Goods, and says he appreciates the opportunity to apply concepts he learns in class to the business. “Having on my résumé that I ran my own business at 19 years old is something that can really stand out to employers,” he said. Pochiba says he is excited to see students carry on the tradition. “Roasted is like my baby,” he said. “I loved running the shop during my junior and senior years, and I would love to see some entrepreneurial students continuing to run it in 10 years.” – JACKIE SIPE ’13

Hardy and DeLisle at the grand re-opening of Joe Dogg’s. WASHINGTON & JEFFERSON COLLEGE


First Families First-generation Presidents thrive with the support of a tight-knit community

First-generation college students are thought to be more likely to drop out of college than students whose parents hold a degree. This is not so at W&J, where first-generation Presidents thrive in a supportive community and emerge as leaders on campus and within their fields of interest. Currently, a fourth of W&J students are first-generation. The following four first-generation Presidents are creating their own journeys by pursuing their passions and shaping their future careers.



Teach For America awardee inspires students in hometown

The first artist “I’m not who I was when I first got here.” – ROSANNA TSATIE ’13

Four years after leaving the Zuni Pueblo in New Mexico, Rosanna Tsatie ’13 has returned to her hometown as part of the highly selective Teach For America program, an organization that strives to ensure that children from low-income areas receive the best education possible. To achieve this goal, Teach For America enlists passionate, committed leaders like Tsatie to inspire students and convince them of the power of education. This challenge is one Tsatie willingly accepted. She currently works in Zuni as an art teacher in her former middle school. For Tsatie, this position is her opportunity to give back to a community that has done much to support her. In fact, community has always been important to Tsatie, who originally planned on staying close to Zuni for college before several serendipitous meetings with John Mark Scott ’69, Ph.D., in the halls of her high school convinced her otherwise. Tsatie was a sophomore when she first encountered Dr. Scott leading his annual W&J Intersession trip to Zuni. She briefly said hello and moved on; the next year, she saw him again, but Tsatie was a senior before the pair had a long conversation, this time discussing college. She later joined the class for dinner, where she met several students but recalls Ada Henigin ’10 being especially friendly and informative. “We talked about the school and everything she was involved in—theater, arts, singing, her sorority. She told me I should apply and to call her if I had any questions,” Tsatie said. When Tsatie applied to W&J and was accepted, her family and friends had mixed feelings about her decision to attend the school. Some were concerned about the distance and the expense, but many others, especially her high school teachers and coaches, gave her encouragement and support. Outside Zuni, Tsatie found additional assistance in the form of a scholarship from a generous alumnus, Roger Abelson ’57, who worked with Futures for Children, a group that supports Native Americans in completing high school and post-secondary education. The assistance meant a lot to Tsatie and her family, who had a chance to thank Abelson and his wife, Camille, in person when they finally met in 2012. “‘Sometimes you need to step out of your comfort zone to achieve your dreams.’ That said it all. I was hooked on her moxie. I felt fortunate at having such a young mind to mentor and to learn from,” said Abelson. After her arrival on campus, Tsatie encountered a familiar face—Henigin, who was excited to see Tsatie again and to give her a campus tour. The distance had prevented Tsatie from visiting W&J earlier, and the campus proved to be far different from the larger universities she had visited out West. “I thought, ‘This is campus? It’s so pretty,’” she said. “I was really excited.” While the collegiate atmosphere helped Tsatie acclimate to campus life, she struggled in selecting a major. Though she had originally planned to pursue a medical career, she changed her mind while taking an introductory science course. For advice, she turned to Dr. Scott. Recalling seeing Tsatie’s artwork at her high school, he suggested she consider art. With his assistance, Tsatie joined a ceramics class and discovered that art allowed her to incorporate the culture of the Zuni Pueblo into her schoolwork. “The ceramics class made me feel a little closer to home and that comforted me,” she said. In the following years, Tsatie explored alternative styles of art but kept returning to her roots. In her last semester, she created only traditional Zuni pieces, which were later showcased at her senior art show—a show which drew several of Tsatie’s family members as well as a retired Dr. Scott and her sponsor, Abelson, to campus. As Tsatie’s artwork improved, so did her confidence. She started intramural sports teams, joined student groups, and became a resident assistant—experiences she feels led to personal growth. “I’m not who I was when I first got here,” she said. “I was very quiet and shy, but now I’m outgoing and I say to hi to everybody. I have more confidence than ever.” Tsatie’s success has perhaps already inspired others; her sister is attending college in New Mexico, her cousin plans to attend W&J and other family members and friends are also considering W&J. Most recently, Tsatie heard from a parent of a student whose class she visited. “The mom thanked me for inspiring her daughter,” Tsatie recalled. “She’s in fifth grade and looking at Harvard; she wants to go far. Her mom said she wanted to be like me, once I talked about my stories and how much I have grown.”

In honor of her heritage and culture, Rosanna Tsatie wears her traditional Zuni regalia under her cap and gown during Commencement.

There is little doubt that, as a Teach For America member, Tsatie will now inspire many more students as she serves as their role model and an example of what they can achieve with determination and a desire to learn. -GEORGIA SCHUMACHER ’10 WASHINGTON & JEFFERSON COLLEGE


First Families

The first Fulbright scholar International studies major discovers mission teaching in South Korea Korey Morgan ’13 is on his way to becoming a world traveler. By the time he walked across the stage at the 2013 Commencement, he had already visited Spain twice and taken trips to France, Italy and Japan. Soon, he would be in South Korea teaching English through a Fulbright award. His dad sat watching graduation with pride, but while the pair may share a family resemblance, when it comes to travel, they have less in common. His dad has never set foot on a plane and, according to Morgan, Washington, Pa., might be the farthest his father has traveled from their hometown. Morgan grew up in a small town in Maine and is the first of his immediate family to earn a degree. “Most people there don’t go to college. It’s not really part of the culture,” he said. “You usually graduate from high school, get a job locally and stay in the area.” His mother earned her high school diploma only a few years before Morgan earned his own, and his dad finished high school by taking night classes while working during the day. “My parents are two of the smartest people I’ve ever met, but the resources and the expectations weren’t there for them,” he said. However, Morgan’s parents—especially his mother—always stressed the importance of education. “She was the driving force behind my education,” he said. “I have a lot to thank her for.” Morgan’s mother believed so strongly in the power of education that she left a higher-paying job to work at Gould Academy, a nearby college prep school, so that Morgan could attend the prestigious school free of charge. In his first year at the school, he enrolled in a program that allowed him to spend two weeks in Germany with a host family—an experience he said changed his life. “I didn’t know what 12


direction I was going in. I didn’t have huge dreams. When you’re a freshman in high school, how many dreams do you really have?” he said. “When I went to Germany, I thought, ‘I want to do this again. I want to go to college and study abroad.’” After returning to Maine, Morgan decided to study Spanish, later earning a scholarship to spend his senior year of high school studying in Spain. But while Morgan’s academic life was looking promising, his personal life took a downturn when his mother was diagnosed with multiple myeloma—a cancer which, while treatable, is typically considered incurable. Sadly, Morgan’s mom passed away right before his senior year of high school. He considered taking time off and trying to go to Spain the following year instead, but his mom had specifically instructed him to go to Spain no matter what happened to her. “That was a deciding factor. That’s what my mom wanted for me, so that’s what I did,” he explained. Morgan spent nine months in Spain before returning home and applying to colleges. When he learned about W&J from an adviser at his high school, he was attracted to the College’s international studies program and study abroad opportunities. However, besides the emotional toll of his mother’s passing, hospital bills had also hit their family hard and their budget had little room for college tuition. With the help of financial aid and a willingness to finance his own education—partly by working multiple jobs throughout the school year and during the summers—Morgan was able to attend the school he wanted. Upon arriving at W&J, Morgan quickly fell in love with the campus and the community, eventually joining a fraternity, taking on leadership roles in student government and participating in the Asian Cultural Association.

“I think the small-school mentality is really important for first-generation college-goers; that’s part of the reason I wanted a small school. I wanted to know my professors. I wanted to be held accountable,” he said. He chose double majors in Spanish and international studies as well as a minor in East Asian studies. In the first semester of his sophomore year, he studied abroad in Spain and explored other areas of Europe in his free time. Then, as a senior, he took an Intersession trip to Japan. In addition to his trips abroad, Morgan enjoyed interacting with the international students at W&J. “For being so small, W&J is really an international campus. To get my fix of Spanish, I’d hang out with the Spanish students and talk about Spanish food and culture,” he explained. Still, Morgan’s thirst for travel was nowhere near quenched. With encouragement from his Spanish professor, Dr. H.J. Manzari, he applied for a Fulbright grant to continue his travels. “I thought it was going to be a stretch, but I was incredibly surprised, enthusiastic and pleased when I got the acceptance letter,” said Morgan, who is teaching English in Seoul, South Korea, through July 2014. Today, there is little doubt that Morgan’s family is also pleased with what he has made of himself. His little brother, influenced by Morgan’s success, is now also going to college. For Morgan, his dad and his four siblings, graduation was a big day. “Maybe it’s lofty to say, but I think my accomplishments are also my family’s accomplishments. They have been my emotional support through college,” he said. “This is a milestone for me, and I think it’s also a milestone for my family.” -GEORGIA SCHUMACHER ’10

Korey Morgan eagerly awaits graduation on the morning of Commencement, an achievement that is a milestone for not only him, but also his family. He is currently teaching English in South Korea through a Fulbright award.

“I think the small-school mentality is really important for first-generation college-goers; that’s part of the reason I wanted a small school. I wanted to know my professors. I wanted to be held accountable.” – KOREY MORGAN ’13



First Families

The first future dean of students Student leader finds success, passion for higher education at W&J Huong Nguyen ’14 knew she wanted to go to college from the time she was young—an ambitious dream for a girl from an immigrant family in which neither parent graduated from high school. Now, the psychology major and Reading, Pa., native begins her senior year at Washington & Jefferson College knowing that she has set a precedent for her two younger sisters and other first-generation college students. With her mother and father encouraging her academic pursuits, Nguyen set out on countless college visits during her senior year of high school so that she could find the right school to fit her needs. First coming to W&J for Scholarship Weekend in the spring of her senior year, Nguyen fell in love with the campus community because it felt similar to her hometown. “It was a really warm, welcoming environment,” she said. Selected for the W&J Leadership and Service Institute before beginning her freshman year, Nguyen developed and solidified relationships on campus before other students had even begun packing for move-in. This opportunity allowed Nguyen to strengthen her leadership skills and led her toward discovering her interest in pursuing student affairs in higher education as a career. While admitting that one of her greatest struggles as a first-generation college student was filling out applications and financial aid paperwork without a parent’s assistance, Nguyen’s transition from high school senior to college freshman was a smooth one. Once Nguyen completed the Leadership and Service Institute, though, and became more involved with classes, activities and job opportunities, she longed for a mentor to guide her. “I struggled a lot my first semester freshman year because I didn’t have someone to guide me and tell me that I would be the one deciding what time to put into everything,” Nguyen said. “This was my first time being away from home and being



“Graduating from college means independence for me; it means growth.” – HUONG NGUYEN ’14

independent. It was a little overwhelming, and I struggled trying to balance social life, academics and also not forgetting that I have family at home.” Nguyen found the guidance she needed from then-Assistant Dean of Student Life and Director of Diversity Programming & Multicultural Affairs Teanca Shepherd. Nguyen worked in the Office of Student Life with Shepherd, who felt as if she missed many opportunities during her own time in college by not asking the right questions and wanted to help students take advantage of the opportunities available to them. “More and more I introduced Huong to conferences, people and networks in hopes that they would aid in her career decision-making,” she said. Nguyen’s relationship with Shepherd ultimately fostered an interest in diversity and higher education, leading her to become a resident assistant and create the Diversity Programming Board, a group dedicated to promoting the inclusion of diverse populations through student programs. These experiences helped Nguyen discover that she wants to one day become a dean of students, and she is working to help her parents understand the significant role of extra-curriculars in shaping her future career. “While they do support me, it’s difficult to translate what I want to go into,” Nguyen said. “They think of the traditional aspects of

Huong Nguyen (left) was inspired by her mentor, Teanca Shepherd, to follow a career in higher education after working closely with her in the Office of Student Life at W&J.

education, the no-frills education where you go to class, you do work and you get good grades.” To gain experience in the field, Nguyen pursued the Mentorship Initiative for Student Life Internship at Ohio State this past summer, helping to bolster her confidence in her career and communicate the importance of student life on a college campus to her parents. “This experience confirmed my goals and my passion for higher education and student affairs, and quieted the whispers of doubt that I had when initially thinking about going into the field,” she said. Winning several awards at W&J for her leadership, Nguyen serves as a leader to her younger sisters by guiding them through the college application process and helping them develop realistic expectations about college. She hopes that by graduating from W&J she will show her sisters and other first-generation students the value of hard work and dedication. “That diploma has so many different representations for me about how much I faced adversity in order to actually graduate, being the first in my family to earn a college degree, and continuing on to earn a graduate degree,” she said. “I think it means a lot for my parents, too, to see that I made it and that I won’t have to struggle to provide for myself. Graduating from college means independence for me; it means growth.” -JACKIE SIPE ’13

The first future physician Magellan & Merck recipient aims to alter patients’ lives With dreams of becoming the first doctor in his family, Tyler Watson ’14 immersed himself in research and clinical experience, completing a Magellan Project with gastroenterologist Raymond Cross ’93, M.D., at the University of Maryland Medical Center in Baltimore this past summer. Working full-time as a clinical research assistant, as well as shadowing Dr. Cross 10 hours a week in his clinic and six hours a week in the operating room, Watson learned the importance of doctor-patient interaction. “Being able to be compassionate, understanding and willing to work with patients is not something that can be learned in a textbook. For me, I have been able to observe this relationship firsthand and see how essential it is for patients and physicians to interact,” said Watson. After three knee surgeries, Watson is no novice when it comes to being a patient. As a result, his football career at W&J ended after two seasons—a disappointment, to be sure, though it left him more time to focus on his studies. The McClellandtown, Pa., native redoubled his academic efforts and set out to gain as much real-world experience as he could in different disciplines within the medical field. He wanted to make a well-informed choice for his future. In the summer of 2012, supported by a Merck Internship for Excellence in Science Grant, Watson worked with Dr. David Provenzano, an anesthesiologist and researcher at Pittsburgh’s Ohio Valley General Hospital Institute for Pain Diagnostics and Care. Their research focused on monopolar radiofrequency (a minimally invasive technique to treat back pain) and was presented at the 11th Annual American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine Meeting in Miami and at the 4th Annual World Anesthesia Convention in Bangkok. Though the recognition has been nice, for Watson, the most gratifying part of his research is the possibility of helping people. “We were able to

“I feel like as a first-generation student you are creating yourself. W&J has a lot of opportunities for students to do that.” – TYLER WATSON ’14

discover findings that have the potential to change and improve clinical practices,” he explained. “It was fascinating, and even humbling, that what we did is going to alter patients’ lives.” The Pre-Health Professions Society president and Beta scholar credits W&J’s close-knit community and dedicated professors for his success. “It’s nice to know that professors’ doors are always open,” he said. “You can walk in with whatever you need help with. School or life, or anything, they’re always willing to help.” The chemistry major found a mentor in one of his professors, fellow first-generation college student Michael Leonard, Ph.D. “Tyler has been consistently focused on his goals and has shown dedication and perseverance as he works toward them. Through our conversations, it became clear to me that Tyler is a serious and dedicated student with a strong interest in research experience,” said Dr. Leonard. Without the support of his family, though, Watson would not be where he is today. “If I ever need something from them, they’re always going to go out of their way to accommodate whatever I need,” he said. A testament to his parents’ dedication to his education occurred this past summer when Watson achieved another important milestone in coming closer to his medical school dreams— taking the MCAT. What Watson did not expect was the integral role his dad would play.

Aspiring physician Tyler Watson (right) works in the chemistry lab with his mentor, Dr. Michael Leonard.

“I signed up for my MCAT two months before I was supposed to take it, which I thought was enough in advance, but I thought wrong,” said Watson. “The first one I could take was in Roanoke, Virginia. My dad actually switched his vacation week so he could take me down to Virginia to take my test.” Being the first in his immediate family to earn a degree was strong motivation for Watson. “It was a goal for me to go to college and finish with a degree,” he said. “It’s hard for me wanting to be a doctor because no one in my family is a doctor. A lot of my family is blue-collar, hard-working, not really involved in the world of academia. It’s just different.” Reflecting on his approaching graduation, Watson said about his family, “I feel like it’s going to mean a lot to them because they know how much work that I put in and they’re very proud of me. They’ll be happy that I’m doing what I want to do.” While admitting that being the first in his family to go to college was sometimes a challenge, Watson looks on the bright side of being a first-generation student. “I feel like as a first-generation student you are creating yourself,” he said. “W&J has a lot of opportunities for students to do that. I think that’s what I get more as a first-generation student: It’s my journey because it’s not like I’m following my parents’ steps.” -ALLYSON GILMORE ’12



What I Learned as a First-Generation College Student

FIVE FIRST-GENERATION ALUMNI SHARE THEIR ADVICE As W&J students find their own paths, they learn valuable lessons that have helped them make the most out of their college experience as the first person in their family to gain a degree. Five first-generation W&J alumni reflect on their college experiences and give advice to other first-generation college students.

Leave your comfort zone Although studying and engaging your professors are most important, don’t be afraid to leave your comfort zone. Some of your greatest learning experiences will come from situations which are unique to you. Encourage yourself to join campus groups, apply for internships or just introduce yourself to fellow students. Through challenges come growth and independence. RICHARD CLARK ’68 FORMER CHAIRMAN, MERCK

Strive for success Being first is no disadvantage. It is no doubt that you, with the support of your family, have accomplished much in your life already to be the first in your family to have the opportunity of college. Build on the personal work and effort that has resulted in your success to date, and most importantly, strive to match the sacrifice and dreams of your parents who have provided you this great gift. Identify and find the resources that you need to succeed within the college community (they are there), learn with a purpose and establish great friendships for life in the process. PAUL MEDVEDO ’77 CHIEF OPERATIONS OFFICER, JOLL DEVELOPMENT

Be involved As a first-generation college student, college is a learning experience not only for yourself, but also for your family. Make the most out of college. Enjoy the classes you take, take time to join organizations, spend time with new friends and get to know your professors. Getting involved on campus makes the college experience so much more rewarding and easier. Most importantly, don’t forget that you have your family at home who would do anything to help you reach your goals. The amount of financial and emotional support from my family is ultimately what got me through my four years away at college. KANDACE MANDARINO ’12 LEGAL ASSISTANT, THE LAW OFFICES OF MARY MARGARET BOYD LAW STUDENT, DUQUESNE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW

Create your own expectations The great thing about being a first-generation student is that you don’t have a name to live up to except your own. This means everything you accomplish will be remembered, and that gives you the perfect opportunity to leave your mark and set an example for future generations to follow. Be the “first” to exceed all expectations laid out before you, and everything else will fall into place. DEANDRE SIMMONS ’13 RECENT COMMUNICATION ARTS GRADUATE



Be passionate and think big Be enthusiastic; enthusiasm will open countless doors now and in the future. Travel; allow other doors to open through the amazing international opportunities W&J offers. DIANE THOMPSON ’90, M.D. MEDICAL DIRECTOR, INTEGRATIVE SERVICES AND BEHAVIORAL HEALTH, PENROSE-ST. FRANCIS MEDICAL SYSTEM

W&J sports Wrestler Sets School Record for Single-Season Victories

Standout wrestler Josh Etzel battles for a place on the podium at the NCAA Division III Championships.

FIRST W&J WRESTLING ALL-AMERICAN IN 11 YEARS Expectations were high for Josh Etzel ’14 heading into his 2013 wrestling season after competing at the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division III Tournament as a 141-pound sophomore. A biochemistry major in the pre-med program with a 3.81 grade point average and dreams of becoming a doctor, Etzel and Head Coach Tommy Prairie discussed ways to alleviate his rigorous daily schedule. Weight management is a hot-button issue in the sport, and staying near 141 pounds was something Etzel had to closely monitor each day. A joint decision was made prior to the season. “I wanted Josh to focus on academics and wrestling and less on worrying about what he was eating,” said Prairie, a second-year coach. “The 157-pound weight class seemed like the best fit. He certainly showed that we made the right decision.” Etzel’s wrestling focus sharpened and he won the 157-pound title at the W&J Open in November. He continued to roll in February, when he won the championship at Baldwin-Wallace’s John Summa Tournament. Two weeks later, he captured his second Presidents’ Athletic Conference (PAC) crown and became the 24th student-athlete in school history to win a pair of league titles. The February PAC Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) Scholar Athlete of the Month entered the NCAA Mideast Regional as the No. 2 seed in the 157-pound bracket with a 30-3 record. A loss in the semifinals ended his 17-match win streak, and he would need two consolation victories to assure himself a national qualifying spot. Etzel responded with a pair of wins to collect a return trip to the national tournament. “The season is a grind and we try to be at peak performance during three different points of the season,” said Prairie. “The regional tournament is certainly one of those moments that you want to be wrestling your best, and Josh knew getting

“I still have two goals that I want to accomplish, becoming a national champion and being accepted into medical school.”

one of those three spots would get him back to nationals.” After losing his opening match at the national championships, Etzel bounced back to win his first consolation bout and then dominated Ryan Arne of St. John’s (Minn.) 6-0 to advance. A medical forfeit guaranteed Etzel’s place as W&J’s first wrestling All-American since Kevin DeJuliis ’03 at the the 2002 NCAA Championship. Etzel finished sixth with a 3-3 record, the highest placement by a Presidents wrestler since W&J Athletic Hall of Famer Dave Krivus ’83 in 1983. “I accomplished my first goal last year (to make the NCAA Tournament) and this year was to get on the podium (finish among the top eight at NCAA),” noted the vice president of the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity. “I still have two goals that I want to accomplish, becoming a national champion and being accepted into medical school.” Etzel’s 37-7 final record set a school record for single-season victories and with 68 career wins, he is on pace to become only the fourth wrestler at W&J to produce 100 triumphs. Following the season, Etzel was selected a First Team Capital One CoSIDA At-Large Academic All-American. The at-large team is the toughest Academic All-America program to earn a spot on as it features all NCAA Division III student-athletes in 12 different sports.


because he’s completely focused on doing things the right way,” noted Prairie. “He’s one of the best wrestlers I’ve ever coached, and the goal is to move up five spots next year and win it all.” Etzel added, “The Academic All-America award might be the most gratifying thing I’ve accomplished. I work pretty hard and academics are my main focus, which makes this honor special.” Lukas Etzel, Josh’s brother has enrolled at W&J with hopes of earning a starting position in the lightweight classes. “I’m excited because we’ve been through this same scenario in high school,” said Etzel, whose older brother Jake also attended W&J. “I hope to set a good example for him, and his presence keeps me in check. He’s a great addition to this program.” This past summer, Etzel worked in biomedical research at Case Western Reserve University. Using experiments with rats, Etzel and his colleagues attempted to develop growth patterns in neo-natal lung development. While on the front end of the research, Etzel hopes to play a role in what could make a difference for many families. “I definitely hope the research can help with neo-natal babies in the future,” he said. “There’s a lot of future work as we are in the early stages, but it feels good to be part of this. I’ve wanted to be in the medical field my entire life.” – SCOTT MCGUINNESS

“I am not surprised at all at Josh’s accolades WASHINGTON & JEFFERSON COLLEGE




Stealing Third

Presidents bring home a program-best third-place finish at NCAA Division III Mideast Regional

Four Washington & Jefferson College baseball seniors were supposed to be eight hours away from walking across the stage to receive their diplomas, not walking onto a bus in Terre Haute, Ind., to be greeted by lukewarm pizza. The bus pulled out of the Art Nehf Field parking lot and headed back to team headquarters, the Holiday Inn Express. The Presidents had survived to play another day after a grueling, 16-hour experience of a lifetime at the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division III Mideast Regional. “I remember asking (Assistant Coach) Mark (Thomchick) what time it was and he said 1:30 a.m.,” said Head Coach Jeff Mountain. “I didn’t believe him. The game just flies when you are so involved. You lose sight of things like time.” W&J Commencement was set to begin on May 18 at 10 a.m. on a beautiful day in Washington. Twenty-four hours before the academic festivities and 410 miles from campus, W&J took the field for a morning elimination game against the College of Wooster. The Presidents trailed 5-2 in the top of the eighth inning, but a three-run double by Scott Liller ’13, one of the four graduating seniors, and a RBI single from D.J. Michalski ’14 pushed W&J in front 6-5. The Fighting Scots tied the game and the first round of craziness ensued. Both teams were held scoreless for three innings before W&J broke through with two runs in the 13th to earn the 8-7 victory. All-Region outfielder Josh Staniscia ’14 doubled home the first run and scored on a Ronny Peirish ’14 groundout. Marc Rizzo ’14 recorded the win after three innings of relief, and due to a double switch, had to make his first collegiate at-bat, a rarity for a relief pitcher in college baseball. The final out was recorded at 1:58 p.m., with the game lasting three hours, 58 minutes. W&J would have to win again later in the day to advance. “Our guys didn’t give up all year,” said Mountain, who won his 300th career game when the Presidents defeated Thomas More in the Presidents’ Athletic Conference (PAC) championship. “Having come back against NCAA-quality teams before, we developed a culture of winning. No matter the circumstances, these guys fought back and I’m proud of that.” The team took in a quick lunch and rested for a few hours. Due to the lengthy opening game, the tournament schedule was pushed back. W&J would play league-rival Thomas More in an elimination game at 8:45 p.m. The winner would face two-time defending national champion Marietta the following morning. The Presidents fell behind 7-3 after three innings, perhaps still feeling the effects of playing 13 innings just six hours prior. Two runs in the fourth and single runs in the sixth and seventh tied the game. Then, the zeroes started appearing on the scoreboard. “We couldn’t score, but our pitching held everything together,” noted the five-time PAC Coach of the Year. “Once extra innings started again, the players were running on adrenaline and developed a rhythm. The coaches, on the other hand, we are thinking of stuff like how are we going to feed these guys or how much sleep can we get if we end up winning this game. Plus, you worry about pitching and finding the right time to throw a new arm out there.” Mountain may not have known it at the time, but quality arms were the least of his concerns. Mike Vizzini ’14 entered the game in the third and pitched eight innings of scoreless baseball. All-American right-hander Eddie Nogay ’14, the expected Saturday starter if the Presidents were victorious, relieved Vizzini in the 11th and went the rest of the way. A diving catch by Stansicia ended a Thomas More threat in the eighth inning with the game tied 7-7 around the same time the post-game pizza



Senior Scott Liller hit a three-run double to keep W&J in the game against the College of Wooster.

“No matter the circumstances, these guys fought back and I’m proud of that.” – JEFF MOUNTAIN, HEAD BASEBALL COACH

The Presidents celebrate a program-best third-place finish at the NCAA Mideast Regional.

ALL ABOUT IT! The Presidents baseball team attracted national and local attention during its round-the-clock fight in the NCAA Division III Mideast Regional, consisting of two games and 28 innings in one day. Out of the numerous Tweets, here are some of our favorites:

arrived. Vizzini worked his way out of trouble in the ninth, and the 10th inning began 13 minutes after midnight.

Pittsburgh Trib Sports



I ‘14

Nogay took the ball at 12:27 a.m. for the 11th inning. W&J loaded the bases in the top of the 13th inning, but a 1-2-3 double play ended the chance to break the game open at exactly, of course, 1:23 a.m. At 1:51 a.m., the game became the longest in W&J history at 15 innings and caught the attention of many locally and nationally on social media. Three straight singles loaded the bases once again, and Staniscia delivered a fielder’s choice to score Michael Ruffing ’16. Peirish followed with an RBI single, while Kyle McLain ’14 brought home a pair with a double. The Saints did not go quietly, scoring once in the bottom half of the 15th, but a 6-4-3 double play ended the game at 2:07 a.m. W&J 11, Thomas More 8. Five hours, two minutes and a day later on the calendar. Nineteen runs, 38 hits and six double plays. Exactly nine hours on the field since the first pitch against Wooster. Scott Brady ’13, another one of the seniors who would miss commencement ceremonies, celebrated the diploma he was about to receive with a career-best 5-for-8 day at the plate. In the previous 13 years, Washington & Jefferson had played three games that lasted at least 13 innings. In the span of 15 hours, W&J battled Wooster for 13 and Thomas More for 15.


@TribSports “It’s final. W&J edges Thomas More, 11-8, in the 15th. That’s 28 innings of baseball for the Presidents Friday. Next up in NCAAs is Marietta”

PAC Athletics “We’ve been fortunate to have a lot of good days in my years at W&J, but that’s one I’ll never forget,” said Mountain with a smile. “All the credit goes to the players. Mike has been good all year in relief, but that was his best performance of the year. Eddie wanted the ball once Mike tired out. He’s scrappy, and there was no tomorrow.” The game against the Marietta Pioneers was scheduled to start at 10 a.m. Due to the unusual circumstances, the tournament committee petitioned the NCAA to push that back to noon. After about six hours of sleep, W&J fought valiantly, but saw its season come to an end with a 6-2 loss. The remarkable season ended with a 33-13 record and a program-best third-place NCAA regional finish. “Winning three games showed we belonged,” said Mountain. “In our previous experiences on this stage, we could have had similar success, but a bounce here or a big play there never seemed to go our way. This year it did, and that’s baseball. After this experience, we know there’s not a team out there that we can’t compete with.”

@PAC_Athletics “The term “instant classic” is overused, but tonight’s baseball epic between PAC rivals @wjathletics and @tmcsaints definitely qualifies #d3b”

PAC Sports Network @PACSports “While you were sleeping, Thomas More and W&J played fifteen innings of baseball at the Mideast Regional. Finished after 2 a.m. W&J 11 TMC 8”

Dave Trushel ’12 @DaveTrush “Wish I could get back on the mound for the Presidents in this game #26 #15thInning”

Maura Lyle ’14 @maura_cath “Staying up just to watch the #wjbaseball game. 15 innings and still going strong! #BringItHome”







Cheyenne Mangold recorded two top-five finishes at the NCAA Division III Outdoor Track & Field Championships, earning two All-American awards.

D I S Presidents achieve another record-setting athletic season Three Washington & Jefferson College teams earned postseason bids, while track and field sent a school-record four athletes to the NCAA Division III Championships, coming out with two All-Americans.

TRACK AND FIELD Washington & Jefferson College enjoyed one of its most successful seasons in history this spring as the track and field program sent a school-record four athletes to the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division III Championships in La Crosse, Wis. Jared Jones ’13 and Scott Ryan ’13 qualified for 200 meters and 5,000 meters, respectively, while Cheyenne Mangold ’14 and Kristen Galligan ’15 both competed in a pair of events. Mangold placed third in the 400-meter hurdles with a school-record time of 1:00.18, the best finish by a W&J student-athlete at the outdoor national championships since W&J Athletic Hall of Famer Jaimee Heffner ’99, Ph.D., won the 1997 national javelin title. An hour before competing in the hurdle event, the two-time NCAA All-American took fifth place in the 400 meters with the second-fastest time in school history (55.75 seconds). Galligan earned an All-American citation after claiming fifth place in the 10,000 meters (35:56.72) with a time that trailed the national champion by only 11 seconds. Two days later, she placed 13th in the 5,000 meters. “To place 18th as a team, the best NCAA team finish in school history, because of the efforts by Cheyenne and Kristen makes me very proud of these young women,” said Head Coach Shawn Marek. “Scott and Jared also performed very well and capped their careers on a national stage. Starting with cross country in the fall and ending the season in late May, this was a very special year for our programs.” Galligan bookended a record year in which she became the first cross-country runner in school history to earn All-American laurels. She competed at the NCAA Division III Championships in three different sports this academic year (cross country, indoor 20


Kristen Galligan ’15

“To place 18th as a team, the best NCAA team finish in school history, because of the efforts by Cheyenne and Kristen makes me very proud of these young women.”


T A N C E track and field, outdoor track and field) and finished 13th, 9th, 5th and 13th, respectively, in the four national races. Ryan placed 17th in the 10,000-meter field (31:21.11) in the final race of his record-breaking career. He also competed at the 2012 and 2013 cross-country national championships. Jones posted the 16th-fastest time in the 200 meters (21.90) just two weeks after setting the school record (21.58) at the Eastern College Athletic Conference (ECAC) Championships.

MEN’S LACROSSE The Presidents’ Athletic Conference (PAC) announced the addition of lacrosse as an official varsity sport beginning with the 2014-15 academic year and held its first unofficial conference championship this spring. W&J entered the four-team postseason tournament as the No. 2 seed and rolled past Thiel in the semifinals 14-7. During the win, Joseph Eck ’13 racked up three goals and four assists to become the program’s all-time leading scorer after vaulting ahead of Andrew Wallick ’12. Just 48 hours later, the Presidents were celebrating at midfield of Chuck Noll Stadium

Joseph Eck ’13

with the first-ever PAC men’s lacrosse championship trophy after defeating the host and top-seeded Saint Vincent Bearcats 10-8. The seven members of the W&J senior class became the first W&J team to defeat Saint Vincent. Eck, a first team All-Landmark Conference choice, produced four goals and one assist to close his record-breaking career with 185 points (131 goals, 54 assists). Donald Kirby ’13 was the winning goalie after stopping 16 shots. He finished his career holding nearly every school goaltending record, including 645 saves.

WOMEN’S BASKETBALL Head Coach Jina DeRubbo’s teams have enjoyed tremendous success since her arrival on campus nine years ago. Six teams have reached postseason play, including four NCAA Tournament appearances. The 2012-13 Presidents reached the ECAC Tournament and finished with a 21-9 record. W&J defeated Penn State-Behrend 62-59 in the opening round of the ECAC Tournament before falling to Swarthmore in the semifinals. The Presidents were boosted this winter by the play of Division I transfer Chelsea Apke ’14.

Chelsea Apke ’14

The Mt. Lebanon High School graduate was a first team All-PAC selection after averaging 14.9 points and 9.3 rebounds per game. Valerie Dunlap ’15 asserted herself as one of the league’s top post players and formed a dynamic 1-2 force for W&J in the paint. The 6-foot-2 Dunlap (13.4 ppg, 9.4 rpg) set a school record with 83 blocked shots.

SOFTBALL For the first time since 2009, the W&J softball team earned a spot in the PAC final four and recorded one victory, a 5-4 triumph over top-seeded Westminster. ECAC All-Star shortstop Kelsey Cunningham ’13 fueled the team’s resurgence after batting .453 and setting two W&J single-season records with 62 hits and 47 runs. The Presidents’ leadoff hitter finished 34th in NCAA Division III in runs (1.15 rpg), 39th in doubles (0.4 dpg) and 62nd in on-base percentage (.516). Only 43 players in the nation were tougher to strike out than Cunningham as she was retired on strikes four times in 137 at-bats. W&J’s 25-16 record tied the 2006 team for the third-highest win total in school history.





W&J alumni

Linked in Learning

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lumni from around the country gathered to explore new connections and rekindle old friendships with fellow Presidents, all while taking advantage of interesting lessons unique to each event. From cooking classes and wine tastings to Bavarian brews and musical performances, alumni and friends from across the country celebrated their W&J connections while learning something new.

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Emily Peters ’03, Professor Richard Easton and Maureen Connolly ’04 at the annual Hofbrauhaus gathering and Bavarian beer tasting.

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2 lbs potatoes

Extra virgin olive oil Small bunch fresh thym

e sprigs Small bunch flat-leaf pars ley Kosher salt Method: Preheat oven to 400˚F.

Cut potatoes in half. Pour a layer of oil to cov er the base of a glass baking dish.

Press a small sprig of thym e or parsley in the center of each pot ato half. Lay the cut side down in the oil. Roast for 30 minutes, until potatoes are soft when pierced with the tip of a knife. Turn over gently.

Roast for another 5 min utes. Sprinkle with salt.

Graham Irwin ’71, Jay Robison and David Lentz ’73 (from left) work together to prepare boneless chicken breast stuffed with goat cheese and sun-dried tomatoes.



Phil Soeder ’12 takes herb tattooed red potatoes out of the oven for the group to enjoy.

Whichi Coax Wisdom!

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W&J Knowledge Quizzed in Chicago


and soften ition of oxygen to round out Aeration: the deliberate add the flavor of the wine. a dry, bitter pounds in wines that leave Tannins: the phenolic com feeling in the mouth. ins and of wine—acids, sugars, tann Balance: when the elements usly, it is balanced. onio harm ther toge e alcohol—com on the palate. Texture: how the wine feels

At the Chicago alumni event, guests tested their W&J knowledge during a competitive trivia challenge. Can you pass this quiz?


Julie Keller Heverly ’99 and Amanda Adamek ’02 learn wine terminology at the wine tasting held at the Wine School of Philadelphia.

Alumnily A s s e mb

2. 3.

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Phi Delta Theta brothers Neil Billig ’57, Jim Knepshield ’59, Bob Shust ’59, Reid Billig ’60, Bob Suwak ’57, Frank Forsythe ’54 and Jim Lynn ’59 at the annual Naples gathering.


Only one room number in Thistle is designated using Roman numerals. What room number is it? How many steps does it take to reach the top floor of Old Main? The 1970 football team was the first in school history to win the PAC championship. How many players were on the official 1970 football roster? Based on when they became W&J property, what are the three oldest buildings on campus? What famous American gave W&J its first major gift? What was the contribution?

ANSWERS 1. XIII 2. 81 3. 47

Young alumni reunite at the Washington, D.C., reception, where nearly 100 Presidents and their guests enjoyed a performance by the W&J Jazz Ensemble.

4. McMillan, Old Main and the Old Gym (Swanson Wellness Center) 5. Benjamin Franklin gave W&J 50 pounds for library books

Which•i Coax (wich-e¯ kwaks)

1. Based on the noises that frogs make in Aristophanes’ classic Greek comedy, The Frogs. 2. The traditional cheer of Washington & Jefferson College.





Class of 1963 celebrates 50 years

The Class of 1963 prepares to process to the Commencement ceremony to be inducted into the Old Guard.

Walter Flamenbaum ’63, Ph.D., had not returned to Washington & Jefferson College in nearly 45 years when he visited the campus in 2006. Since then, the active alumnus and board of trustees member has returned often. “The only asset to the absence was that it let me truly appreciate how the culture of the campus— including students and professors—has been nurtured and well-maintained,” said Flamenbaum when sharing reflections with his classmates. Flamenbaum and his classmates celebrated the culture of campus, both in 1963 and today, when they returned for the 214th Commencement Ceremony. At the ceremony, they were formally inducted into the Washington & Jefferson College Old Guard by President Tori Haring-Smith, Ph.D.

“The only asset to the absence was that it let me truly appreciate how the culture of the campus—including students and professors—has been nurtured and well-maintained.”


Peter Bonadio ’63 shows off the official W&J dink that he received as a freshman.

In celebration of its 50th reunion, the class gave more than $640,000 to the College. A portion of these funds established the Class of 1963 Endowed Scholarship Fund, which will serve as a legacy of the Class of 1963—creating a permanent gift that will help W&J students. “As the newest members of the Old Guard of Washington & Jefferson College, you are our most devoted supporters, our strongest advocates, and the keepers of our most venerable traditions,” said Haring-Smith, “Thank you again for your contributions and loyalty to W&J. We honor your legacy.”


Spoon of Knowledge Est. 1885 The “Spoon of Knowledge” dates back to the 19th century. Tradition dictates that the large wooden spoon is passed each year from the graduating senior class to the junior class to symbolize the “spooning” of knowledge to the younger class. Covered with unique silver disks bearing the year of each graduating class, the Spoon is not engraved until it has officially been passed to the next class. The tradition was placed on hiatus in 1968 and revived in the spring of 1993 with the carving of a new spoon by Keck Jackson ’69 to accommodate engravings. Traditionally passed by the outgoing student government association (SGA) president to the incoming president, the Spoon is passed at the annual Senior Picnic.



Julie Grebenz Rothbardt ’93, Ph.D., passes the Spoon to Dwight Dachnowicz ’94 after the tradition is revived. They pose with President Howard J. Burnett, Ph.D. and Dr. G. Andrew Rembert (right).

Outgoing SGA president Damian Bosiacki ’13 (right) and current president Adam Kmett ’15 with President Tori Haring-Smith, Ph.D. at the 2013 Senior Picnic with the old and new spoons.



A Presidential Legacy For the members of two families, attending Washington & Jefferson College has become a tradition. At the 214th Commencement ceremony, the Brown Seiler family and the Colligan family each welcomed another graduate into their long lines of proud alumni.

The Brown Seiler Family New W&J graduate Charles Wellington Brown Seiler ’13 celebrates with President Tori Haring-Smith, Ph.D., and his grandfather, Oliver Wellington Brown, Jr., ’49 after Commencement. Though 64 years separate the graduation dates of grandson and grandfather, both received degrees in philosophy and are members of Beta Theta Pi fraternity. Oliver Jr. was overwhelmed with joy when he found out that his grandson was attending W&J and even more so when he watched Charles accept his diploma. “I felt a great sense of pride for Charlie’s celebratory achievement and in Washington & Jefferson for granting him the challenging opportunity,” Oliver Jr. said. Charles also felt a great sense of family pride having his grandfather at Commencement. “It was great. It made me feel really good and more proud to know that he was able to be there to watch another generation receive a diploma from the same school he carried that same tradition from,” he said. For the Brown Seiler family, W&J has “strengthened family closeness” as Oliver Jr. puts it. And with the discovery that his wife, Marjorie, is a descendent of the Rev. John Corbly, a W&J founder, this connection became even more important to the family. However, the family connection does not stop with Charles and Oliver Jr. Oliver’s father, Oliver Wellington Brown, Sr., a Beta Theta Pi as well,

Oliver Welington Brown Jr. ’49

Oliver Wellington Brown Sr. 1916

Thomas Steven Brown 1877

graduated from W&J in 1916. He was known for his writing, serving as editor-in-chief of the Red & Black and as the Pandora historian. Oliver Sr.’s father, Thomas Steven Brown, Esq., was a graduate of the Washington Academy Class of 1877. Thomas taught history at the Academy and authored a book about the institution for his class’s 25th anniversary, a book that resides at U. Grant Miller library today. In the book, he referenced important moments in the College’s history, and many of his stories may have come from his father, William Brown, who attended Washington Academy before going to search for gold during the Gold Rush. His family connection to W&J is important to recent graduate Charles. “It’s a great connection because not only do I feel more connected traditionally with my grandfather and family, but I feel more connected with the school as well,” he said.

The Colligan Family When Patrick Colligan ’13 began looking for his potential college, his father, Daniel Colligan ’83, made sure W&J was on the list. Four years later, Patrick, Daniel, and Daniel’s father, William Colligan, Jr., ’50 stand proudly together in front of Old Main at Commencement. “I was really pleased when Dan chose W&J, and even more so when Patrick decided to attend as well,” said William. The three generations of Presidents also are all members of the same fraternity, Alpha Tau Omega. “I didn’t even know my father was an ATO! When I told him I was going to join ATO, he laughed and said ‘That’s my fraternity,’” Daniel said. Fast-forward 30 years and it was Patrick letting his dad know that he, too, was joining ATO. Patrick went on to serve as president of the fraternity. On all accounts, W&J has played a large part in this family’s life. “It comes down to education and comes down to broadening oneself in contrast to finding a job. It put in us a passion for learning,” said Daniel.

Daniel Colligan ’83

William Colligan Jr., ’ 50

“What W&J gave us was more than a diploma, it gave us the liberal arts discipline and the skills to learn throughout the rest of our lives.” “The intangibles; you don’t see them, but they are there,” added William when reflecting on W&J. – KERRI DIGIOVANNI LACOCK ’09 WASHINGTON & JEFFERSON COLLEGE




Alumnus directs gift to help local students When John “Jack” Munnell ’52, VMD, Ph.D., was a student at Washington & Jefferson College, he spent his weekends and summers working on a local farm for Zabina Weed.

John “Jack” Munnell as a senior at W&J.

Munnell dreamed of becoming a veterinarian, and, during his senior year, he told Weed that he was going to begin working full time for another employer to pay his tuition to veterinary school. But Weed would hear of no such thing. She told Munnell that if he stayed and worked on the farm while completing his W&J education, she would provide the financial support he needed for veterinary school.

The biology major agreed to Weed’s generous offer and went on to attend the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine. After graduation in 1956, Munnell went back to work on Weed’s farm while he planned his future. Again, Weed was eager to help Munnell, giving him the money to start his own veterinary practice. Munnell always remembered the difference Zabina Weed made in his life. “As I have told my children, someone helped me. We wouldn’t have what we have today if I wouldn’t have gotten my veterinary degree and all that followed. She made that possible,” said Munnell. “I have felt for quite some time I should do something about it.” Munnell now funds the Zabina Weed Memorial Scholarship at W&J in her memory.

Munnell (third row, third from the right) pictured with the W&J basketball team.

“As I have told my children, someone helped me. We wouldn’t have what we have today if I wouldn’t have gotten my veterinary degree and all that followed.”


“She was very interested in W&J, and I think she would very much approve of what I’m doing,” said Munnell. To honor Weed, who was a resident of Washington, Pa., the scholarship must be awarded to a student from the Washington or Greensburg, Pa., areas. The scholarship is designed to support students in the pre-health program who demonstrate a financial need. Munnell attributes his long and successful career to Weed’s support and his W&J education. After owning a private veterinary practice in Washington, Pa., Munnell went on to teach at Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine and later received his Ph.D. from Cornell University. He spent much of his career at the University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine, where he holds emeritus rank as an associate professor. Of W&J, the former basketball player and proud Phi Gam said, “It was everything. I went there with the idea of a good pre-medical education, and what I received was an excellent education. Without W&J at the base of everything I’ve accomplished in my life, I’d have nothing.” Munnell hopes that through the Zabina Weed Memorial Scholarship he can make a difference in the lives of future W&J students as Weed did in his. “This is my way of paying her back for all she did for me. I’d like to encourage alumni who are able, to do what she did for me—do what they can to help,” said Munnell. For many, like Munnell, an endowed scholarship fund is a meaningful way to memorialize a loved one while supporting current students and helping them to realize their dreams. Alumni interested in learning more about creating a scholarship may contact Michele Abate Hufnagel ’93, W&J’s associate vice president for development and alumni relations. – KERRI DIGIOVANNI LACOCK ’09

To create your legacy at W&J, visit www.washjeff.edu/support-wj.



Munnell (second row, second from the left) pictured in 1952 with members of the Phi Gamma Delta fraternity intramural basketball team.

We Asked

The Globe-Trotting Geek

You Answered Since graduating from W&J more than two years ago, Alexandra Brueckner ’11 has embarked on a journey across the globe with the Japan Exchange and Teaching Programme. Brueckner is an assistant language teacher at Aomori Prefectural High School in Japan. Her current teaching appointment ends in July of 2014, though she has the option to renew her contract and stay until July 2016. You can experience Brueckner’s adventure by following her blog at http://theglobetrottinggeek.wordpress.com.

As members of the Class of 2014 enter their last year at W&J, the W&J Magazine wants to know, “What is one thing the senior class needs to do before they graduate?” Here is what alumni had to say:

Alexandra Brueckner reminisces about her time at W&J two years after graduation.

Alexandra’s blog

Nostalgia is alive and well in my veins this morning. Two years ago today, on May 17, 2011, I graduated from Washington & Jefferson College. Sometimes it feels like only yesterday that my friends and I graduated, and sometimes it feels like half a lifetime has passed. For the past few days, my Twitter and Facebook feeds have been inundated with updates from my fellow young alumni who are heading back to our alma mater this weekend for the College’s 214th Commencement ceremony. To put it lightly, jealousy is right behind nostalgia as my prevalent emotion. I’d give just about anything to be standing along the sidewalk of Wheeling Street with a few members of the Class of 2011 as the Class of 2013 walks by us in their black robes. And I hate that I’m missing Homecoming this autumn for the second year in a row. I am not at all one of those people who leave behind their university once they graduate. That place was my home for four years, and it left its mark.

“But even though I’m a continent and an ocean away and I haven’t matriculated there for two years, I still consider myself a President.”

I’ve only been back to W&J’s campus once since I’ve graduated. During a quick five-hour visit this past winter, I reconnected with a few professors and saw some friends that I hadn’t seen since graduation. I wandered around the same buildings in which I’d learned about Romanticism, the respiratory system, German verb tenses, and Japanese social constructs. It completely felt like I had come home (to my home away from home) again, but I couldn’t help but feel – ALEXANDRA BRUECKNER ’11 out of place. It’s amazing how a place can still feel so utterly familiar and so completely foreign at the same time. I barely recognized any of the faces roaming around campus, but still remembered which mailbox had been mine. Lest I sound like someone who’s wishing to relive her college years and lamenting just how awful “the real world” is, that’s not at all the case. Being an adult totally rocks. Time flies when you’re having fun, they say, and that’s definitely part of the reason that the past two years have passed so quickly for me. The things I’ve accomplished, the places I’ve gone, and the ways in which I have changed have made for two of the best years of my life thus far. I am far more content, both in my surroundings and in my own skin, than I was when I crossed the stage to accept my diploma. But even though I’m a continent and an ocean away and I haven’t matriculated there for two years, I still consider myself a President. Whatever the distance, be it in miles or years, W&J will always be one of my homes. Days like this, when I’m wishing I could lounge away the warm May afternoon in the Adirondack chairs on the lawn in front of Old Main with my friends, just remind me of that fact more vividly than others.

My friends and I all made “Washington/Pittsburgh bucket lists” since some of us weren’t from the area. We tried to cross off as many activities as possible & take pictures doing each thing. It kept us from just sitting around on weekends and gave us some wonderful memories. These friends are still my best ones. -STEPHANIE THELLMAN ’11

Be the first one to work, the last to leave and don’t complain. -KENT DAVIS ’84 HAVE FUN, BE PATIENT WITH YOURSELF, AND SAVOR YOUR SENIOR YEAR! -CHERYL MAZE ’80

It’s okay if you still don’t know what you want to be when you grow up. An education from W&J means you have the breadth of knowledge - and the confidence - to keep changing your path. -SHANE JONES ’11


Choose a career path where you bring solutions and relevance to someone else’s life; not just a career path based on income potential. -JENNIFER DORRIS ’92



W&J class


Most senior Cleveland Clinic alumnus leaves a legacy at W&J William L. Proudfit ’35, M.D., one of the nation’s most respected cardiologists, has created a legacy not only at W&J, but also at the Cleveland Clinic, where he recently became the most senior alumnus. Proudfit is 99 years old. Proudfit and his family have strong ties to W&J. Four generations of Proudfits have attended the College, including the doctor’s father, the Rev. J. L. Proudfit 1895, brother J. Paul Proudfit ’31, M.D., son John P. Proudfit ’63, nephew William Lyle Proudfit ’64 and grandson Matthew Proudfit ’90 and his wife Ann Hartle Proudfit ’90. “W&J has always been a large part of our family traditions,” said Matthew Proudfit. Proudfit graduated from Harvard Medical School in 1939, then trained at Geisinger Memorial Hospital in Danville, Pa., before becoming a fellow at the Cleveland Clinic, where he spent a full year of rotations checking medical histories and performing physical examinations. “To this day, I believe a person’s medical history is as important to a proper diagnosis as the physical examination,” Proudfit told the Cleveland Clinic’s Alumni Connection. Following his fellowship, Proudfit entered the U.S. Army, where he served as an internal medicine specialist during World War II. After the war, he returned to the Cleveland Clinic as head of the Section of Electrocardiography. In this position, Proudfit contributed greatly to the field of cardiology by performing research that defined the link between angina pectoris and coronary artery disease, revolutionizing electrocardiography. He became known at the Cleveland Clinic for his

1950 Walter Cooper, Ph.D., received the Woerner Kollmorgen Award for Community Service from Nazareth College in Rochester, N.Y. Cooper was honored for making numerous contributions to improve the quality of life for members of the Rochester community. Organizations that have benefitted from his leadership include the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the Urban League, Baden Street Settlement, Action for a Better Community, United Community Chest and the Rochester Area Foundation. The former research scientist



At age 99, Dr. William Proudfit is the oldest living alumnus of the Cleveland Clinic and is a revolutionary cardiologist.

“impeccable research, remarkable accuracy and a reluctance to take credit for his accomplishments.” Proudfit later served as chairman of clinical cardiology. As chairman, he helped to establish the Cleveland Clinic’s Coronary Intensive Care Unit in 1970. After retiring from patient care in 1979, Proudfit served as a consultant and teacher on the emeritus staff until 1986. Proudfit’s colleague William C. Sheldon, M.D., wrote of the cardiologist in his book “Pathfinders of the Heart,” “Dr. Proudfit helped foster an ethic of patient care that was to make Cleveland Clinic famous and contribute to its growth. He was an excellent internist and cardiologist and an outstanding teacher.”

“W&J has always been a large part of our family traditions.”


for Eastman Kodak Company previously received the Rochester Junior Chamber of Commerce’s LeRoy Synder Award, the Rochester Chamber of Commerce Social Work Civic Development Award and the F. Ritter and Hettie L. Shumway Distinguished Service Award, among many others.

1955 Arthur Sohn and members of the Class of 1955 “Grey Guard” celebrated their 8th Annual Florida Reunion with a dinner. Sohn writes, “Last year’s Mote Marine Aquarium project was a great success as we helped them meet their fundraising and endowment goals. That program caught the attention of the Atlanta and Baltimore Aquariums and instead of coming to our reunion dinner Bob Simonin, Victor Wood and Alan Friedman were visiting those

sites to discern if we could help them as well. These programs conform to our philosophy: that it’s not the years in your life, but the life in your years that matters.” Pictured seated at the reunion are Sohn and Barbara Sohn. Pictured standing are Steve Oliphant, Judy Oliphant, Turbi Smilow, Paul Smilow, Carol Kamerer, Don Kamerer and Demas McVay.

Pellegrini honored for his dedication to cardiology Ronald V. Pellegrini ’59, M.D., a renowned cardiothoracic surgeon at the West Penn Allegheny Health System Cardiovascular Institute at Forbes Regional Hospital, received the 2013 Peter J. Safar Pulse of Pittsburgh Award at the 2013 Pittsburgh Heart Ball in February. The award recognizes Pellegrini’s commitment to leading the fight against stroke and heart disease. Upon receiving the award, Pellegrini told the Pittsburgh Tribune Review, “When you look at the other people who have received this award, and to think that you could be in the same category, it’s presumptuous on my part. It’s humbling. These people have made fantastic contributions to mankind.” Pellegrini set a new standard for cardiac surgery when he and his team implanted the first intra-aortic balloon pump in 1974. Later, when he saw an increase in patients with mitral valve disease, he studied under a French cardiac surgeon to bring new mitral valve repair technology to western Pennsylvania and trained other surgeons in the technique as well. Committed to improving the well-being of the Pittsburgh region, Pellegrini established the perfusion program at Duquesne University, serving as medical director of the program, founded the Three Rivers Cardiac Institute and established cardiac surgical programs at Washington Hospital, Passavant Hospital, Butler Hospital and St. Clair Hospital, among others.

1958 Henry Gelband, M.D., is the part-time vice chair for the department of pediatrics at the University of Miami School of Medicine. He continues to be involved with the pediatric cardiology and faculty affairs units while also enjoying visits from his three sons and four grandchildren at his Key Biscayne, Fla., home.

1959 E. Ronald Salvitti, M.D., was awarded an honorary doctor of science degree from Seton Hill University. Salvitti is a leader in the field of LASIK eye surgery. He and his late wife, Constance Salvitti, are generous supporters of both W&J and Seton Hill University. The couple provided funding for the McKenna Recreation Center and the physician assistant program at Seton Hill and played a significant role in the construction of W&J’s John A. Swanson Science Center, funding the building’s atrium and the Salvitti Teaching Wing.

1963 Thomas Rosenberg, M.D., a specialist in pediatric and adult allergy and immunology

Academically, Pellegrini has made distinct contributions to his field with nearly 50 papers published in prestigious medical journals. He also presented his research at over 100 professional conferences. Pellegrini has established himself as an expert and leader in the field of cardiothoracic surgery and has contributed to the training of a generation of cardiovascular surgeons.

Dr. Ronald Pellegrini received the 2013 Peter J. Safar Pulse of Pittsburgh Award at the Pittsburgh Heart Ball.

During his 40-year career, Pellegrini has served as chief of surgery at Mercy Hospital’s Division of Cardiovascular Surgery and at the University of Pittsburgh as the director of adult acquired heart disease, clinical assistant professor of surgery and director of adult cardiac surgery. In his 11 years as the director of adult cardiac surgery at the University of Pittsburgh, he won the Cardiothoracic Surgery Faculty of the Year Award three times.

since 1974, has retired from private practice. Rosenberg is now the medical director of Preferred Health Systems-Coventry Health Care in Wichita, Kan. He is also the chairman of the Wichita Airport Advisory Board, and has recently completed his second term as Mayor of Eastborough, Kan.

1968 Kenneth L. Baker received the Robert L. Ceisler Professionalism Award from the Washington County Bar Association in Washington, Pa. The award is presented to attorneys who exemplify the “working rules of professionalism” and encourage other attorneys to do the same. Baker, who focuses on estate planning and administration, real property and corporate and business matters with Peacock Keller, served a three-year term as an attorney for the Judge Advocate General Corps of

’68 Kenneth L. Baker received the Robert L. Ceisler Professionalism Award from the Washington County Bar Association.

the U.S. Army and is a past president of the Washington County Bar Association. As a member of the American College of Trust and Estate Counsel, Baker is a frequent lecturer on estate planning and administration. He is also a solicitor for the Washington School District and Citizens Library. Richard Lodish, Ph.D., recently retired after more than three decades as principal of Sidwell Friends Lower School in Bethesda, Md. Lodish also helped start a bilingual school in China and a charter school in Oakland, Calif.

1969 Richard Mason has retired from his position as assistant county counsel for the County of Los Angeles, where he supervised fellow attorneys representing various county departments. Previously, Mason worked for the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) as the special counsel to the superintendent and the first general counsel. He also has worked with the Office of County Counsel in the schools division representing LAUSD and Los Angeles Community College District. Mason and his wife, Jimmie, enjoy spending time with their children and grandchildren.




class notes



Andrew McIlvaine has retired after 40 years in educational administration, including 30 years at the University of Pennsylvania and 10 at Cumberland Regional School District in New Jersey. He writes that he is “looking forward to relaxing, traveling and playing golf.”

Malcolm J. Kaus, Ph.D., retired from ExxonMobil as intellectual property and licensing manager after 31 years of service. He resides in Houston, Texas.

1971 Col. Kenneth Viemeister and his wife, Lorraine, celebrated the marriage of their daughter Nancy Marie to Erik Gutierrez on March 24, 2013, at The St. Regis Hotel in Washington, D.C.

1972 Capt. Lee R. Mandel, M.D., announced that Glagoslav Publications, a company specializing in literature related to Russia, acquired the rights to his book “Moryak: A Novel of the Russian Revolution.” Mandel has retired from his role as a captain of the Medical Corps for the U.S. Navy’s Command Flight Surgeon Naval Safety Center and looks forward to dedicating his time to research and writing. He writes, “Life is good.”

Capt. Lee R. Mandel celebrates his retirement from the U.S. Navy Medical Corps with his family.

’72 Capt. Lee R. Mandel published “Moryak: A Novel of the Russian Revolution” with Glagoslav Publications. James Villotti, M.D., was recognized as one of America’s most compassionate doctors. The family practitioner received Compassionate Doctor certification, which is part of the Patients’ Choice recognition program. The distinction is awarded based on outstanding patient ratings in categories such as patient face time, follow-up care, ease of appointment setting and courtesy of office staff. Villotti is a trustee and chief of staff at Englewood Community Hospital in Englewood, Fla.

1974 M. Scot Curran was presented the Humanitarian Award by the Washington County Bar Association. The award, given only one other time in the Bar Association’s 120-year history, recognizes Curran’s dedication to the association and legal profession through his work with the Special Professional Awareness Committee, which he has chaired since 1990, and the statewide Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers organization. Curran has been a sole practitioner since 1985 and was recently elected to serve on the board of directors of the Washington County Bar Association. Stephen Kresovich, Ph.D., was chosen to lead Clemson University’s Advanced Plant Technology Program, researching and developing genetic solutions for maximizing crop production and value for soybeans, cotton and peanuts. The internationally recognized expert on genetics is

Doctor recognized for saving a former president’s life Sam Spagnolo ’61, M.D., was recently recognized as a “Power Player of the Week” by Fox News for his part in saving the life of former President Ronald Reagan after an assassination attempt. Spagnolo, a pulmonary diseases and allergy medicine specialist at The George Washington University Hospital in Washington, D.C., was head of the lung department at the time. When President Reagan was shot on March 30, 1981, he underwent emergency surgery to remove a bullet that was lodged in his lung. Spagnolo was called in to treat the president after his initial surgery. A few days after the surgery, the president developed a fever of nearly 104 degrees, causing Spagnolo to alter the treatment plan. “That made all of us a little nervous about which way this was going to go. At that point, I thought his life was in danger,” Spagnolo told Chris Wallace of Fox News in his interview. Although the tests that Spagnolo conducted did not indicate an infection, he firmly believed an infection to be the cause of the president’s deteriorating condition and prescribed antibiotics. Spagnolo’s intervention reduced President Reagan’s fever within 24 hours and allowed him to continue healing from his surgery. During his time treating the president, Spagnolo kept a detailed journal, which was made public for the first time during his interview with Fox News. Spagnolo recalled how he sat by the president’s



Dr. Sam Spagnolo explains to Fox News how he helped save President Ronald Reagan’s life after lung surgery.

bedside in the mornings during the president’s recovery, watching television and listening to the president’s stories. Spagnolo wrote, “Day 9, Tuesday, April 7, I went to the president’s room and spoke with him for 10 to 15 minutes. He looked better and his spirits were good. He continued to tell me various stories at that time about his early days in Hollywood.” After he was discharged from the hospital, President Reagan invited Spagnolo and his medical team to the Oval Office so he could formally recognize them. Nancy Reagan recently told Wallace, “Please send him a big, big thank you.”

PRESIDENT SPOTTING Don Murray ’64 reunited with Alpha Tau Omega alumni to celebrate their 35th reunion trip on Maryland’s Eastern Shore in Oxford, Md. They stayed at the historic Robert Morris Inn and attended a crab feast at the home of George Desimone ’67 and his wife, Cathy. Attending the reunion, pictured in the front row, are Keith Reisinger ’65, M.D., George “Gig” Hender, Rob Stevenson, John Kern, Murray and Jack Manock ’63, Ph.D. Pictured in the second row are George Zannos, Pete Fenninger and Charles “Bud” Bruton ’66. Pictured in the third row are Dave McWilliams ’65, Jaak Kusma ’67, Al Nickel ’65, Hazen Wilson ’67, Desimone and Barrett Burns ’67. Missing from photo is Art Morrissey ’63, Ph.D. Through the years, the group has been to Washington, D.C., Ocean City, Chicago, Denver and Hilton Head, among other destinations.

a professor of genetics and biochemistry and is the endowed Coker Chair in Molecular Genetics at Clemson University’s School of Agricultural, Forest and Environmental Sciences. Kresovich previously served as the SmartState Endowed Chair of Marine Genomics at the University of South Carolina and the Medical University of South Carolina. Prior to coming to South Carolina, Kresovich was director of Cornell University’s Institute for Biotechnology and Life Science Technologies and was vice provost for life sciences and interim vice provost for research.

1975 Robert Brodell, M.D., is professor and chairman of the department of dermatology and professor of pathology at the University of Mississippi Medical Center. Brodell and his team started the first dermatology residency training program in Mississippi. His wife, Linda Prichard Brodell ’77, M.D., is an assistant professor of ophthalmology at the University of Mississippi Medical Center. David Petti, D.M.D., showcased his passion for acting most recently in Paramount Pictures’ “Jack Reacher.” He also has appeared in the HBO series “Citizen Cohn,” the television show “Unsolved Mysteries,” and movies including “Hoffa,” “The Cemetery Club” and “The Fire Next Time.” Petti also enjoys doing commercials. He operates a dental practice in Pittsburgh, is a boxing and self-defense instructor and a member of the Screen Actors Guild.

’75 David Petti showcased his acting skills in “Jack Reacher.”

1976 Richard Sax is a veteran prosecutor in the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office, where he has been assigned to the elite homicide unit for the last 25 years. Sax also serves as the office’s director of training. In the winter he works with Elk Mountain Ski Patrol. Sax enjoys cycling centuries in the summer and is dedicated to yoga year round.

1977 Richard M. Dottavio recently accepted the position of sales manager for treasury management with Dollar Bank in Pittsburgh. Dottavio has worked in the financial industry for over 30 years, working in retail banking, corporate lending and electronic banking. He specializes in efficiency of operations and systems administration.

1980 Cheryl A. Maze, a corporate marketing and branding manager, was named a principal of TLC Engineering for Architecture Inc. Maze leads a team responsible for business development across Florida, Tennessee and Texas.

1981 Rhonda J. Sudina, a partner at Robb Leonard Mulvihill, LLP, was inducted into the Academy of Trial Lawyers of Allegheny County. Sudina resides in Gibsonia, Pa.

1983 Chong S. Park, M.D., was named medical director of the Heart Institute at Jefferson Regional

Medical Center in Jefferson Hills, Pa. Park is a cardiothoracic surgeon at the Park Cardiothoracic and Vascular Institute at Jefferson Regional.

’83 Chong S. Park was named the medical director of the Heart Institute at Jefferson Regional Medical Center.

1985 Col. Craig Christenson, D.P.M., was appointed deputy commissioner of the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services. Christenson previously served as the Commander of the 673rd Medical Operations Squadron at Elmendorf Air Force Base in Anchorage, Alaska, before retiring with the rank of colonel. Lt. Col. Charles Schrankel, the mission command division chief at Combined Arms Doctrine Directorate, published an article titled “Applying Mission Command through the Operations Process” in Military Review. He retired from the U.S. Army as a lieutenant colonel after serving in Germany, Korea, Iraq and Kuwait. Schrankel resides in Parkville, Mo. Leonel A. Vasquez, M.D., was inducted as a fellow of the American College of Radiology. He is an assistant professor of radiology and imaging sciences at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta, as well as the division director of Community Radiological Specialists for Emory University and Emory Healthcare and serves as chief of service and chair of radiology at Emory Johns Creek Hospital.

1987 Jocelyn Stefancin has been named chief public defender for Medina County in Ohio. The former prosecutor for Morrow and Wayne




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counties, Stefancin now represents indigent clients in municipal and juvenile court. She plans to implement a mentorship program for her fellow attorneys in order to strengthen the office’s community presence and keep its citizens informed of their legal rights.

’87 Jocelyn Stefancin accepted the position of chief public defender for Medina County in Ohio.

1988 Norman Singleton has been named vice president of policy with Campaign for Liberty, an organization promoting a return to a Constitution-based government, in Springfield, Va. Previously, Singleton worked for Congressman Ron Paul as a legislative director.

1989 Michael Kluska, D.O., is a plastic surgeon at the Center for Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery in Greensburg, Pa. He is board certified in both plastic and reconstructive surgery and general surgery. Kluska is a fellow and trustee of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery. He is also a member of the American College of Osteopathic Surgery and the American Osteopathic Association.

1990 Robert Perry has joined Welty Building Co. in Fairlawn, Ohio, as vice president with responsibility for sales. Perry previously managed suite sales for the Cleveland Browns. Before working with the Browns, he was president of his own company, the medical supply distributor Legacy Healthcare Solutions. Perry began his career in pharmaceutical sales with Pfizer Inc. Hazel Urbano-Schultz re-entered the work force by joining the gift-planning department at Northwestern University’s Office of Alumni Relations and Development in Evanston, Ill. Urbano-Schultz spent two years as a stay-at-home mom to now six-year-old twins. Damon Zeigler accepted the position of vice president of vendor management at Valuation Partners in Sugar Land, Texas. He is responsible for broadening the company’s appraiser and realtor networks. Previously, Zeigler was vice president of vendor management at LSI, a 32


Clinical cancer researcher honored for innovative leadership D. Lawrence Wickerham ’71, M.D., has been honored with the Maurice Cleveland Waltersdorf Award for Innovative Leadership. The award recognizes Washington & Jefferson College alumni who attain a high level of achievement and exemplify the spirit and leadership qualities of Dr. Maurice C. Waltersdorf, who served as a professor and chairman of the department of economics for 32 years. Wickerham has more than 30 years of experience in the design, conduct and analysis of international research studies, the results of which have dramatically improved the care and quality of life of women with breast President Tori Haring-Smith congratulates Dr. D. cancer. Today, he is an associate Lawrence Wickerham on receiving the Maurice professor of medicine at the Pittsburgh Cleveland Waltersdorf Award for Innovative Leadership. Campus of Temple University School of Medicine and the chief of cancer genetics and prevention at Allegheny General Hospital. Among Wickerham’s other awards are the National Cancer Institute Recognition Award for outstanding research efforts in cancer prevention and the Potamkin Award for outstanding work in breast cancer research from the Pennsylvania Breast Cancer Coalition. Wickerham said the leadership skills he has developed over the years, in a variety of different areas, all “really started at W&J.” “Setting goals and figuring out how to get there,” he continued, “working with people, incorporating teamwork, and maintaining team loyalty. It is a learning experience every day,” he said. “My ability to deal with people started for me at W&J.”

lending processing services provider, and has held several senior level operations and vendor management roles in the appraisal and real estate services industries.

1992 Lisa Bagay Hawrot joined the Wheeling, W.Va., office of Spilman Thomas & Battle, PLLC, as counsel. Hawrot has been representing family law clients in West Virginia and Ohio for over 15 years, and successfully argued an adoption case before the West Virginia Supreme Court. She also has experience in real estate, including surface and mineral title examinations and general litigation matters. Michael Whitehead has been promoted to head football coach at Cumberland Valley High School in Mechanicsburg, Pa., where he is a teacher. His prior positions included assistant football coach and varsity baseball coach.

’92 Michael Whitehead is the head football coach at Cumberland Valley High School.

1993 Brett Mankey has joined the corporate practice group at the Pittsburgh law firm of Leech Tishman. He focuses his practice in the area of corporate transactions, having spent the past 15 years as both a lawyer and businessman. Previously, Mankey served as the managing member of Ballynahinch Capital Partners, where he was engaged in outsourced corporate/strategic development and legal advisory work.

1995 Eric Miller, M.D., expanded his practice and now offers pain management services at the Connally Multi-Specialty Clinic in Floresville, Texas. Miller founded the Central Texas Pain Center in 2004 and treats over 7,000 patients at clinic locations in New Braunfels, San Antonio and Floresville, Texas.

1996 Robert Bojarski, a major in the U.S. Army, received the Meritorious Service Medal for developing a joint logistics training program with the Kuwaiti National Guard that allowed both sides to share information about moving people and equipment during combat. Bojarski spent nine months deployed in Kuwait with the 316th Expeditionary Sustainment Command, where he is currently a supervisory logistics management specialist. Richard Whitehead received his master’s in liberal arts and sciences at San Diego State University, with a focus on American religious history, in particular catastrophic millennial groups. Jake Wyland joined the Washington County Bar Association. Wyland owns his own private criminal defense practice, Wyland Defense LLC in Robinson Township, Pa. Previously, he served as the deputy district attorney at the Dauphin County District Attorney’s Office in Harrisburg. Wyland is a member of the Pennsylvania Bar Association, the Allegheny County Bar Association and the Pennsylvania Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers.

1997 David Smydo was a guest speaker at Penn State Fayette’s “CEO Conversations.” Smydo, the CEO of fine wine retailer Sokolin LLC, shared his experiences of managing the business during the recession in 2008 and told students and guests that his success is due to his willingness to make sacrifices and work hard. Smydo resides in Bridgehampton, N.Y.

1998 Marie La Bruyere Crossley joined MacElree Harvey, Ltd., in their Centreville, Del., office. Crossley practices family law and is a member of the Delaware Bar Association’s Family Law Section and the Melson-Arsht Inn of Courts. A recipient of the

Delaware State Bar Association Pro Bono Award, she volunteers with the Delaware Violence Advocacy Project, Delaware Volunteer Legal Services and the Office of the Child Advocate. Keri Jo Vinson McHugh, D.O., was nominated for Culpeper Regional Hospital’s 2012 Physician of the Year award. McHugh is a board certified emergency physician at Culpeper Regional Hospital in Culpeper, Va. She resides in Spotsylvania, Va., with her husband, Patrick, and their three children.

2000 Andrea Singley opened her own law practice in Gettysburg, Pa. Singley graduated from the University of Pittsburgh School of Law in 2003 and practices family law, bankruptcy, real estate, estate planning and civil litigation.

2003 Tony DeSantis was promoted to director of systems development at Allied Services Integrated Health System in Clarks Summit, Pa.

Brian J. Hutzen earned his doctorate in molecular, cellular and developmental biology from The Ohio State University. Hutzen received the Pelotonia Research Fellowship, awarded to graduate students who research cures for cancer, for his research on early childhood brain tumors. He will continue his research at the Center for Childhood Cancer and Blood Disease at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio. Mike McKito was promoted to vice president of marketing at Northcentral University in Scottsdale, Ariz. He will lead all offline and digital marketing and advertising initiatives. Previously, McKito held various leadership roles in finance, enrollment and marketing at the Education Management Corporation in Pittsburgh.

2005 Edward Caldwell, D.O., was accepted into a vascular surgery fellowship at the University of Cincinnati. He is currently serving as the chief resident of the General Surgery Department at Kettering Health Network in Dayton, Ohio.

Diagnostic radiologist to lead Ohio State Medical Association Mary Jean Wall ’78, M.D., was elected president of the Ohio State Medical Association (OSMA). She is a diagnostic radiologist at North Central Radiology & Imaging in Bellevue, Ohio. “I look forward to this wonderful opportunity to lead our association at a very important time for our profession,” Wall said. Wall believes that her 13-year tenure with the U.S. Army Active Duty and Reserves will influence how she leads the organization. “My Army experience taught me that the victories and successes of a unit or organization are not those of its leader; they belong to the unit as a whole.”

Dr. Mary Jean Wall was elected president of the Ohio State Medical Association, Ohio’s oldest and largest physician association.

Addressing the challenges brought about by the always-changing medical field in terms of the steel industry in Pittsburgh, Wall advised, “As a profession, we are now facing extreme external stress, heat, if you will. I choose to believe that this gives us an opportunity to make us a more formidable, influential and powerful group.”

Wall will begin her term as president in 2014. In addition to her involvement with OSMA, Wall is a member of the American Medical Association, the Radiological Society of North America, the Ohio Governor’s Committee on Medicaid Expansion and is a fellow of the American College of Legal Medicine.




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English teacher publishes first novel Eric Magliocca ’08 published his first novel, “The Red Triangle,” with Charles Towne Publishing.

Always intrigued by sharks, Magliocca also wanted to explore the modern social issues of betrayal, power and family in the lives of people in their late 20s and early 30s. “I thought if I could somehow merge the two ideas, I might have a story there,” Magliocca said.

The new author hopes to become an established writer one day, as he feels that writing will always be an essential part of his life. “I’ve been writing since I was a kid, and I have always wanted to write a book,” he said. “I’m glad I was lucky enough to find a publisher who believed in me and believed in my idea.”

The English teacher at Fort Couch Middle School in Upper St. Clair, Pa., wrote the first chapter of the novel about a shark attack while still an undergraduate at W&J.

Magliocca soon learned that publishing is a rigorous business. During the editing process he discovered it was best to keep the novel simple by removing unnecessary characters and scenes. He worked closely with his editors to create a novel true to his ideas that would appeal to readers of the genre.

2006 Jamie Lee Johnston accepted the position of candidate care specialist with the talent acquisition services practice of Newton Consulting, LLC in Claysville, Pa. Johnston is noted for her experience in education and behavior management. Bonnie McGill was awarded the Graduate Research Fellowship by the National Science Foundation. McGill is pursuing a doctorate in ecology at Michigan State University. Previously, McGill was a lab manager at Duke University.

2007 Samuel Mann earned his juris doctor from the College of William & Mary. 34


Eric Magliocca published his first novel, “The Red Triangle,” with Charles Towne Publishing.

“I was extremely lucky to have wonderful and inspiring teachers throughout my time at W&J.”

Jonathan Flickinger was named compliance program specialist at CENTRIA in Moon Township, Pa. Flickinger also works as a consultant in the combat sports industry, specializing in mixed martial arts and professional kickboxing. He received his juris doctor from Duquesne University School of Law in 2011 and currently resides in South Fayette Township, Pa.


“The Red Triangle” is a murder mystery about the disappearance of a woman in the shark-infested waters surrounding the Farallon Islands off the coast of northern California, and her husband’s search for her and for answers about her potential infidelity.

“I was extremely lucky to have wonderful and inspiring teachers throughout my time at W&J,” said Magliocca. He credits much of his flexible writing style and ability to explore different topics to his time spent with W&J professors Tara Robbins Fee, Annette Drew-Bear, Lauryn Mayer, Todd Verdun, John Lambertson and Anthony Fleury. “They really helped me grow as a writer. Their positive influences made me work so hard on every paper I submitted,” he said. “Because they all had different styles and approaches to writing instruction, they made me adapt.”


Craig Emmert joined the energy group at Burns White LLC, in Pittsburgh. He will handle oil and gas lease litigation and title curative and certified title opinions. Previously, Emmert wrote certified title opinions for oil and gas exploration and production companies and handled oil and gas lease disputes with Lawrence D. Brudy & Associates Inc. Michael Seminerio, Ph.D., is completing a fellowship in clinical pharmacology and pharmacogenomics at the University of Chicago Medical Center. Seminerio is also pursuing a master’s in business administration at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business.

2008 Jonah Hatfield graduated from the University of Pittsburgh Katz Graduate School of Business with a master’s in business administration and a master’s in management information systems.

Hatfield earned certifications in six sigma green belt and global supply chain management. Christopher M. Simms was sworn in as a member of the Greene County Bar and joined the Logan Law Office in Waynesburg, Pa. Simms represents clients in domestic relations, civil litigation, landlord/tenant, personal injury, unemployment compensation, real estate, wills and estates and juvenile DUI/criminal matters.

2009 Sara Commander was promoted to genetic counselor supervisor at PerkinElmer Genetics in Bridgeville, Pa. She also serves as remote laboratory genetic counselor for Signature Genomics in Spokane, Wash.

’09 Sara Commander was promoted to genetic counselor supervisor at PerkinElmer Genetics.

Marianne Mitchen is a registered nurse on a surgical floor at Summa Health System in Akron, Ohio. Mitchen also conducts nursing research as a member of the nursing research committee and co-authored an abstract that has been accepted to the National Magnet Nursing Conference, which features presentations and hosts over 5,000 nurses from all over the world.

2010 Tyler Kaido earned his juris doctor from Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Va., and received a direct appointment to the Air Force JAG Corps.

2011 Ashley Briggs accepted a position as a human resources and marketing assistant at Williams & Connolly LLP in Washington, D.C.

2012 Amanda Soraiz spent the summer interning at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in The Hague, Netherlands.


1984 Susan Cohen and Douglas Williams were married Dec. 31, 2012, in St. Petersburg, Fla. The bridal party included Karen Grosso Lambert and Nancy Niehoff Mitchell ’82. Also in attendance were Patricia Harrison Easton ’74 and W&J professors Richard Easton and Joseph DiSarro. The couple resides in Columbus, Ohio.

of honor. Alumni in the bridal party included Ashley Howsare Wissinger. Morrissey will soon complete her rotation as a surgical critical care/acute care surgery fellow at the University of Nevada. Lafferty is a senior data architect for General Electric. The couple plans to reside in Las Vegas, Nev.

2005 Jonathan Flickinger and Jenna Schwartz were married June 1, 2013, at the Church of Christ in Washington, Pa. A reception at St. Clair Country Club followed. The couple enjoyed a honeymoon in St. Thomas. Flickinger works in legal compliance at CENTRIA in Moon Township, Pa., and Schwartz works at PNC Bank.

2006 Jonathan Ross and Susanne Seward ’09 were married June 30, 2012, at Luther Memorial Church in Erie, Pa. A reception was held at the Sheraton Erie Bayfront. Emily Allen ’09 served as the maid of honor and the wedding party included Megan Raddatz ’10 and Spencer Swayne. Sam Crummer ’16 was an usher. Nearly 20 alumni were in attendance. Ross is a project manager at Atlantic Realty, and Seward works as a senior product marketing associate at Cvent. The couple resides in Reston, Va.

Brinley, Dec. 12, 2012. Susan writes, “I’m hoping she will want to be a President too!”

2001 Sara Beamon Bellisario and her husband, Brian, welcome their second daughter, Delaney, born March 2, 2012. She joins big sister Addison. Joanne Stanley Frye and her husband, Henry, announce the birth of their second child, Nathaniel Preston, May 5, 2012. He joins big brother Hank (3). Joanne writes, “Audrey Taylor Bores ’03 is Nathaniel’s wonderful godmother.”

2003 Audrey Taylor Bores and her husband, Scott, welcome identical twin boys, Taylor Ryan and Tyler John, born April 27, 2012. Audrey writes, “Tyler is blessed to have an amazing godmother, Joanne Stanley Frye ’01.” James Rosborough and his wife, Beth, announce the birth of their first child, Nora Lynn, May 4, 2012. James writes, “Everyone was healthy and extremely happy!”

2005 Todd Mittelmeier and his wife, Ashley, welcome their first child, Brynlee Rose, born Dec. 3, 2012.

2006 Cyndi Lyle Richter and her husband, Glenn, welcome their second child, Levi James, born Dec. 2, 2012. Cyndi writes, “Elijah is enjoying being a big brother!”


2000 Shawna Morrissey, D.O., and Brian Ross Lafferty were married Oct. 6, 2012, at Saint Elizabeth of Hungary Roman Catholic Church in Baldwin, Pa. Shannon Morrissey ’04, sister of the bride, served as maid

1996 Richard Whitehead and his wife, Tara, welcome their first child, Gillian Eliza, born Aug. 3, 2012.


2008 Nataly Valeriano Price and her husband, Benjamin, welcome their first child, Trent Edward, born Jan. 8, 2013.

Susan Fitzgerald Zemba and her husband, Doug, announce the birth of their daughter, Scarlett




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IN MEMORIAM Robert A. May ’31, Kennett Square, Pa., died Jan. 5, 2013, at age 102. Mr. May designed consumer and industrial products while working at Harold Van Doren, an industrial design firm in Philadelphia, and held several patents for his work. Previously, he was a designer of tableware and decorative glassware for Duncan and Miller Glass Co. Mr. May co-transcribed and co-published “The Civil War Diaries of a Union Soldier: Private Robert John May, Company Sharpshooter,” and was a member of Phi Gamma Delta fraternity. The Rev. Harry E. Goll ’37, Bridgton, Maine, died Feb. 27, 2013, at age 97. Rev. Goll served as rector of St. Mark’s Church in Southborough, Mass., for 35 years and was chaplain at Fay School for 24 years. Rev. Goll was an advocate for racial equality and worked toward abolishing the death penalty in Massachusetts. At W&J, he was the College’s undefeated boxing champion in his weight class. Richard B. Donaldson ’38, M.D., Signal Mountain, Tenn., died Dec. 27, 2009, at age 92. Dr. Donaldson practiced orthopedic surgery for over 50 years and founded the Chattanooga Orthopedic Clinic. In later years, he would cofound the Whitehall Medical Building on the same site. Dr. Donaldson was on the surgical staff at Erlanger Children’s Hospital, Memorial Parkridge, Erlanger North, East Ridge, and North Park Hospitals. He was also certified by the American Academy of Pain Management and acted as medical director of rehabilitation and pain management at East Ridge Hospital for many years. Dr. Donaldson was a diplomat of the American Board of Orthopedic Surgery and a Fellow of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. He served as a medical officer in the U.S. Army during World War II.

’38 Richard B. Donaldson founded the Chattanooga Orthopedic Clinic and was a practicing surgeon for over 50 years. Robert M. Kiskaddon ’38, M.D., Punta Gorda, Fla., died March 24, 2013, at age 97. Dr. Kiskaddon practiced internal medicine in Youngstown, Ohio, for over 35 years. He held a teaching position at Northeastern Ohio University, was active in the governance of the Youngstown Hospital Association and served as president of the Mahoning County Medical Society. Dr. Kiskaddon became a member of Rotary International in 1949 and remained an active member during his retirement.



Robert B. McJunkin ’39, Bellefonte, Pa., died Oct. 12, 2010, at age 92. Mr. McJunkin taught math at Plum High School until 1972 and was a co-owner of Murmac Farms until his retirement in 2002. Mr. McJunkin served in the U.S. Air Force, flying at night and locating stars to create maps, until his honorable discharge as a staff sergeant in 1946. John P. Duthie ’43, Toms River, N.J., died March 25, 2013, at age 91. Mr. Duthie was a dedicated teacher for 37 years for Hillside Board of Education, retiring in 1982. He was a member of the board of the New Jersey Retired Educators Association and a volunteer for Meals on Wheels. Mr. Duthie was a veteran of the U.S. Navy; he served on the USS Pastores during World War II. William K. Headley ’43, Paoli, Pa., died Dec. 7, 2011, at age 89. Mr. Headley worked at Provident Mutual Life Insurance Co. where he was responsible for the installation of the company’s first mainframe computers. He trained employees to be computer programmers and analysts before colleges offered computer courses. He retired as a vice president. Mr. Headley graduated magna cum laude from W&J and was a member of Delta Tau Delta fraternity. He also was the college organist and played flute in the band. He served in the U.S. Navy as an officer in the Pacific during World War II and served in the Reserves for several years, retiring as first lieutenant. George Johnson Black III ’44, Fort Myers, Fla., died Dec. 29, 2012, at age 90. A World War II veteran, Mr. Black enjoyed a long career as an insurance agent with New England Life Insurance Company, where he worked for 35 years. Previously, Mr. Black worked for the U.S. Army Security Agency as a translator of Russian. During World War II, he enlisted in the U.S. Army’s Horse Cavalry and later transferred to the Chemical Warfare Division. He was stationed in Iceland and Britain and participated in the Normandy Invasion. Lauren M. Burtch ’44, Fresno, Calif., died Jan. 1, 2013, at age 90. Prior to his retirement in 1987, Mr. Burtch was the director of agricultural research for Spreckels Sugar Company and was a nationally recognized expert on sugar beet research and technology. After retiring, Mr. Burtch continued to offer his knowledge as a consultant on sugar beet technology and volunteered with Kiwanis and Angels on Wheels. Mr. Burtch served as a lieutenant in the U.S. Navy and commanded a landing craft tank stationed in Okinawa during World War II. James A. Esler ’44, died March, 25, 2006. Nicholas B. Horsky ’44, Milmont Park, Pa., died March 15, 2013, at age 89. Mr. Horsky was a lead chemist at Sun Oil Company for 44 years before retiring in 1984. He was a founding member of St. Stephen’s Orthodox Catholic Cathedral in Northeast Philadelphia, a member

of the Federated Russian Orthodox Clubs and a board member of the Delaware County Environmental Protection Agency. Ralph G. Forquer ’45, Mt. Airy, Md., died March 21, 2013, at age 90. Mr. Forquer was a teacher in Washington, Pa., and Latrobe, Pa., and was a teacher, counselor and administrator for Montgomery County Public Schools in Rockville, Md. for 30 years. He was honored for his athletic abilities in the Swissvale High Hall of Fame, the Washington County Hall of Fame and the Pennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame. Mr. Forquer served in the U.S. Army Air Corps during World War II.

’45 Ralph G. Forquer was inducted into the Pennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame. Donald E. Sloan Jr. ’45, Emlenton, Pa., died Aug. 28, 2012, at age 89. Mr. Sloan was a retired Emlenton district judge, co-owner of the Sloan Agency and a leader at the Emlenton Presbyterian Church. He served in the U.S. Army during World War II. Howard G. Lee ’46, M.D., Phoenixville, Pa., died April 27, 2013, at age 88. He worked as an emergency room physician in Phoenixville from 1972 until his retirement. Previously, Dr. Lee owned his own general medicine practice. He served the U.S. Army in the 14th Armored Division in France and Germany during World War II. John J. Storrick ’46, Elkins, W.Va., died March 12, 2013, at age 87. Mr. Storrick was an engineer for Duquesne Light until his retirement in 1989. Mr. Storrick served in the U.S. Army Air Corps during World War II. William R. Couchenour ’48, Greensburg, Pa., died May 25, 2013, at age 88. Mr. Couchenour was an English journalism teacher for the Latrobe School District and Westmoreland County Community College for over 50 years. Mr. Couchenour served in the U.S. Army Air Corps during World War II. Edwin L. Carter ’49, M.D., Dedham, Mass., died Nov. 15, 2012, at age 83. E. Paul Hoop, Jr., ’49, Lititz, Pa., died Dec. 17, 2012, at age 85. Mr. Hoop worked as a certified life underwriter with a career devoted to the insurance industry. He was a member of Beta Theta Pi fraternity at W&J and a member of the Masonic Lodge in Washington, Pa., for over 60 years. Mr. Hoop served in the U.S. Army. Bryan F. Mitchell ’49, O.D., Martinsburg, W.Va., died May 4, 2013, at age 86. Dr. Mitchell operated a private optometry practice for 44 years and had offices in both Grant and Pendleton Counties. He served

McClellan A. “Guy” DuBois (1948-2013) College trustee and adviser to Presidents McClellan A. “Guy” DuBois ’70, General Partner of The DuBois Group and dedicated W&J Trustee, died April 10, 2013, at the age of 64. Mr. DuBois began his 26-year career with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) as the senior economist on Asia. After a time on the CIA’s Presidential Support Staff, where he helped write the “President’s Daily Brief,” Mr. DuBois was appointed Chief of the Agency’s Japanese Analysis Branch. He quickly moved through the ranks at the CIA, holding positions of increasing responsibility and importance to national security, such as Chief of the Technology Transfer Assessment Center and Chair of the Interagency Technology Transfer Intelligence Committee, before ultimately being named a Deputy Director of the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency. Following his career with the CIA, Mr. DuBois worked at Raytheon Corporation, a defense systems technology company, as Vice President for Business Development and Strategic Planning, before becoming Vice President of Operational Technology Solutions and CEO of Raytheon UTD. Mr. DuBois was most recently General Partner of The DuBois Group, an economic and national security consulting company. In addition to his outstanding professional achievements, Mr. DuBois was remembered as a leader in the class of 1970. John Carroll ’70 recalls his keen wit and extraordinary intellect. “I remember meeting Guy 47 years ago on the fourth floor of Hayes Hall, when I came upon him playing simultaneous chess games against four opponents. He was playing blindfolded. I watched him win those games.”

West Virginia in many capacities, including as a commissioner for the West Virginia Department of Natural Resources, the Grant County Development Authority and the Transnational Commission on Industrial Development. Mr. Mitchell was honored as a Distinguished West Virginian in 1996. Andrew T. Panchura ’49, D.D.S., Pittsburgh, Pa., died April 11, 2013, at age 89. Dr. Panchura was an orthodontist for over 40 years, an instructor at the University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine and a volunteer with the Flying Dentists, a group of pilots and dentists helping underprivileged villages in Central America. A World War II veteran, he was a captain in the U.S. Army Air Corps with the 8th Air Force 448 Bomb Group. Dr. Panchura piloted the lead plane of B-24 bombers on the raid over Cologne, Germany. He served 30 missions and was awarded the Medal of Valor.

’49 Andrew T. Panchura provided dental services to underprivileged villages in Central America.

As an alumnus, Mr. DuBois brought that same focus to his support of the College. An enthusiastic member of the Alumni Mentor Program, he hired students as interns and employees. A trustee from 2001-2006 and again from 2008 until his death, Mr. DuBois served on the 2005 Presidential Search Committee and as Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee. Mr. DuBois and his wife Lynn recently established a charitable Guy DuBois received the College’s Distinguished Service Award in 2012. gift annuity to support scholarships. In 2012, Mr. DuBois received the College’s Distinguished Service Award—the highest honor bestowed on an alumnus—in recognition of his many outstanding contributions. “The students at W&J always looked forward to hearing him speak on panels sponsored by Career Services, and he was a mentor to many of our graduates, providing them the guidance they needed to get their careers started. In short, he was deeply woven into the fabric of this place. I will miss him as an advisor and a friend,” said President Tori Haring-Smith. Mr. DuBois’ legacy to the College continues through his children, Megan DuBois ’09 and David DuBois ’11.

Edward F. Willever ’49, Lancaster, Pa., died Jan. 24, 2013, at age 87. He worked as an insurance agent and owned Willever Insurance Agency in Bucks County. Mr. Willever served in the Army Air Corps during World War II. Clyde R. Orr ’50, Bridgeville, Pa., died April 24, 2013, at age 84. Mr. Orr was retired from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and was an active member of Allegheny Center Alliance Church. John H. Riggle ’50, Houston, Pa., died June 1, 2013, at age 87. Mr. Riggle taught at Chartiers-Houston High School for 14 years and at California University of Pennsylvania as an associate professor of mathematics for 26 years. Mr. Riggle served in the U.S. Navy on the USS Duluth in the Pacific Theater during World War II and earned two battle stars. Elmer G. Theobald ’50, Atlanta, Ga., died April 20, 2013, at age 86. Mr. Theobald was an industrial engineer with J.C. Penney in New York City until his retirement in 1987. He was an aircraft mechanic and aerial gunner with the U.S. Navy during World War II and was a member of Kappa Sigma fraternity at W&J. Thomas K. Ward ’50, Baltimore, Md., died July 15, 2012, at age 83. Mr. Ward was a textbook field representative for McGraw Hill Publishing Company before his retirement.

After retiring, he continued to work part-time as a field representative for Cobblestone Publishers. Mr. Ward was a member of the U.S. Army and served in the Counterintelligence Corps in Germany before being discharged in 1954 with the rank of corporal. John S. Wollam ’50, Ph.D., Falmouth, Mass., died April 1, 2013, at age 85. Dr. Wollam performed research and development of semi-conductors before his retirement and held several patents in his field. After retirement, he established a private consulting firm. Dr. Wollam served in the U.S. Navy during World War II and was a gunnery officer and instructor at the U.S. Gunnery School in Anacostia, Md.

’50 John S. Wollam held several patents in the field of semi-conductor research. E. Don Marshall ’51, Greenville, Pa., died Jan. 6, 2013, at age 86. Mr. Marshall was the assistant manager of the accounting department at Bessemer and Lake Erie Railroad until 1982. After retirement, Mr. Marshall worked as a self-employed tax practitioner. He served on the WASHINGTON & JEFFERSON COLLEGE



class notes

board of directors at Strayhaven Animal Shelter and was auditor and zoning administrator for Hempfield Township. Mr. Marshall served in both World War II and Korea and was a member of Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity at W&J. Theodore A. Beadle ’52, Wynnewood, Pa., died April 11, 2013, at age 82. Mr. Beadle dedicated 48 years to rail transportation with the Pennsylvania Railroad, the Philadelphia-area commuter rail and Amtrak. He was active with the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania, the United Transportation Union and the National Railway Historical Association, among others. Mr. Beadle also wrote extensively about history, travel and environmental conservation. Mr. Beadle served in the U.S. Army with the European Communications Zone and enjoyed living in France and touring Europe during his service. William R. Carr ’52, Bradenton, Fla., died April 24, 2013, at age 82. He worked for Capitol Coin Company in New York City for many years and was a member of Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity at W&J. Nils S. Liebendorfer ’53, Ph.D., Amelia Island, Fla., died April 9, 2013, at age 81. Dr. Liebendorfer was an employee with Peoples Home Savings until he retired as president of the company in 1985. After retiring from this position, Dr. Liebendorfer earned his Ph.D. in

psychology and worked as a psychologist in the Indiana State Prison system before volunteering his services with the Nassau County judicial system in Florida. Dr. Liebendorfer was a member of ROTC at W&J and was an officer in the U.S. Army. R. Victor Wood Jr. ’55, Indian Rocks Beach, Fla., died March 30, 2013, at age 79. Mr. Wood was the director of McDonalds International real estate, president of Burger King Canada and senior vice president of Payless ShoeSource. He was inducted into the National Association of Corporate Real Estate Executives Hall of Fame in 1996. Mr. Wood spent 20 years with the U.S. Navy on active duty and in the reserves before retiring as a commander.

’55 R. Victor Wood Jr. was president of Burger King Canada and senior vice president of Payless ShoeSource. Michael A. Miscio ’56, Haymarket, Va., died April 13, 2013, at age 78. Mr. Miscio worked with Mobil Oil Corp., now known as ExxonMobil, for 28 years and served in the U.S. Army.

The Rev. James T. Snoke ’56, Glen Allen, Va., died March 24, 2013, at age 78. Rev. Snoke attended Union Theological Seminary after graduating from W&J and was ordained in September 1959. Richard W. Haring ’59, Ross Township, Pa., died June 7, 2012, at age 76. Emmanuel A. Lucia ’60, Fredericksburg, Va., died Dec. 21, 2012, at age 81. Mr. Lucia was a physicist at Frankfurt Arsenal and later at the Naval Surface Warfare Center in Dahlgren, Va. After retiring in 1990, he became a government contractor for Vitro Corp., and was a substitute teacher in the Spotsylvania County school system. Mr. Lucia served in the U.S. Army during the Korean War. James P. Streamo ’61, Ph.D., Durham, N.C., died May 19, 2013, at age 73. Dr. Streamo worked for Blue Cross Blue Shield until his retirement in 2004. Previously, he worked for AT&T in Philadelphia, New York City and Basking Ridge, N.J. developing management information systems. Dr. Streamo enjoyed watching sports and working on his computer with digital photography. James E. Ewing ’62, Honolulu, Hawaii, died Dec. 17, 2012, at age 72. He was an executive bank credit officer for Bank of Hawaii and Ohana Pacific Bank. Mr. Ewing was a U.S. Navy veteran.

James F. Gismondi Jr. (1950-2013)

Dedicated trustee and auto industry consultant A trustee and active member of the W&J community for more than 30 years, James F. Gismondi Jr. ’72, died April 2, 2013, at the age of 62. Mr. Gismondi received his master’s in business administration from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania in 1974. In the years following, he worked at the Ford Motor Company in various management and executive positions of increasing responsibility. After retiring from Ford in 1999, Mr. Gismondi became an auto industry consultant and strategic planner with IBM, BBDO Detroit, Ardent Learning and SAP Business Solutions. Dedicated to his community of Farmington Hills, Michigan, Mr. Gismondi volunteered for the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Michigan and recently became the chairperson of the board of trustees of the Michigan Chapter of the Multiple Sclerosis Society. Additionally, Mr. Gismondi served as the parish representative to the Vicariate Pastoral Council and as the vicariate representative to the Archdiocese of Detroit. While at W&J, Mr. Gismondi was an economics major and a cherished member of Alpha Tau Omega fraternity. “Jim was my ATO big brother and I valued his counsel, and particularly his way of using humor to show affection. I am still influenced by that today. We lost one of the real good guys,” said Vince D’Auria ’75.



Always devoted to W&J, Mr. Gismondi was a member of the board of trustees from 1998-2003 and again from 2008 until his death. He also served on the W&J Development Council, the Jay Admissions Council and several of his class reunion committees. President Tori Haring-Smith said, “Jim’s enthusiasm for the College was infectious. His ready smile and can-do attitude helped set a productive tone for trustee meetings. Jim was a tireless supporter of staff, faculty and students alike—we will all miss him.”

James Gismondi, a member of the board of trustees at W&J, was a tireless supporter of the College.

Mr. Gismondi is remembered as an extraordinary individual and valuable friend. “He was an uncommon man, and a credit to W&J,” said Jeff Van Hyning ’68.

Charles R. Ream, Ph.D. (1928-2013) Beloved coach and education department chairman

Charles R. Ream, Ph.D., who dedicated his career to enriching the lives of students, especially student-athletes, at Washington & Jefferson College, died April 20, 2013, at the age of 84. Dr. Ream, better known as “Coach” to many, began his coaching career at the Western Pennsylvania School for the Blind, where he coached wrestling and track while attending the University of Pittsburgh. His first full-time coaching position was at Wilkinsburg High School. Dr. Ream began his career in higher education as a Division III coach at Dickinson College, where he led the football, wrestling and lacrosse teams. In 1960, Dr. Ream joined W&J as the head football and track coach. Ten years later, in 1970, he led the College to its first Presidents’ Athletic Conference Championship in football. Dr. Ream’s athletic achievements were widely recognized. He was inducted into the Western Pennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame and the Washington & Jefferson College Sports Hall of Fame. In the words of former football player Glenn Flickinger ’75, “Coach Ream was the champion.” Dr. Ream served as a mentor to many. Flickinger remembers Dr. Ream’s motivational reassurance, “Don’t worry, champions heal

John Megela Jr. ’63, D.M.D, Freedom, Pa., died Jan. 22, 2013, at age 71. Dr. Megela practiced dentistry in the U.S. Air Force. His career included a tour in Vietnam. Andrew J. Fabian ’64, D.D.S., Jupiter, Fla., died Feb. 17, 2013, at age 70. Dr. Fabian practiced dentistry for 38 years in McMurray, Pa., and served in the U.S. Army Dental Corps in Korea. Kenneth P. Tray ’67, Pittsburgh, Pa., died March 30, 2013, at age 67. Mr. Tray was an area sales manager at Colgate-Palmolive Company. He served in the U.S. Army in Vietnam. Michael J. Culyba ’68, M.D., Pittsburgh, Pa., died Jan. 30, 2011, at age 64. Dr. Culyba was a practicing physician for 15 years, serving most recently as vice president of medical affairs for UPMC Health Plan. Previously, he was medical director for Gateway Health Plan and vice president/medical director for Heritage Valley Health Systems. Dr. Culyba was involved in many community health initiatives, including HEALTHY Armstrong, LifeSmart and We Can. Dr. Culyba served as a lieutenant commander in the U.S. Navy from 1973-1978. Evans K. Anderson Sr. ’69, Thurmont, Md., died Jan. 19, 2013, at age 65. Mr. Anderson held several business development and management positions at telecommunications and technology companies. Mr. Anderson was a member of

fast,” as a mantra that remains with him to this day whenever he faces challenges. “He chalked up a big win in my column of people who made a difference in my life, as I know he did in the many lives he touched,” said Flickinger. After a successful career as a coach, Dr. Ream’s devotion to helping students succeed led Charles Ream dedicated over 30 him to become the chairman years of his career to W&J as a of the education department at coach and later chairman of the W&J, a position he held until education department. he retired in 1992. During his time at W&J, Dr. Ream and his wife, Marian Ream ’71, Ph.D., formed Universal Learning Corporation, which developed schools for children whose parents are employed by Westinghouse and Bechtel in Korea, the Philippines and South America.

Phi Gamma Delta fraternity and a member of the swim team at W&J. He served in the U.S. Army in Vietnam as a first lieutenant in the 29th Artillery Division, earning the Bronze Star for his service. Robert T. Crothers ’70, Peters Township, Pa., died May 15, 2013, at age 65. Mr. Crothers was a partner at the law firm of Peacock, Kelly, Yohe, Day, Ecker & Crothers. He specialized in family planning and adoption and was considered an expert in health care and labor law, serving as amicus curiae in the 1986 U.S. Supreme Court case of Thornburgh v. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Mr. Crothers served as president of the National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association from 1986-1989. Joseph F. Roberts Jr. ’70, Slovan, Pa., died Aug. 24, 2012, at age 63. Mr. Slovan owned and operated P&G Chevrolet in Slovan for many years. Terry K. Leckman ’74, White Oak, Pa., died Dec. 27, 2012, at age 60. Mr. Leckman was a partner in the law firm Lipsitz, Nassau, Schwartz and Leckman and was also a solicitor for White Oak Borough. He was a member of the Allegheny County Bar Association. Thomas C. George Jr. ’79, Morgantown, Pa., died Feb. 3, 2013, at age 55. Mr. George was vice president of operations for American

Independent Insurance Co. for 14 years, and was a trustee at First Baptist Church of St. Peters. Tamara Michel Haines ’06, Washington, Pa., died April 28, 2013, at age 36. Ms. Haines was a homemaker and a member of Immaculate Conception Church. She was also a member of the Keystone Club and Business and Professional Women (Canonsburg chapter).

FRIENDS Edith S. Adler, Washington, Pa., died May 31, 2013, at age 100. Mrs. Adler and her husband, Bertram, owned a thriving clothing business, The Adler Company, in Canonsburg, Pa., from 1941 to 1967. For 52 years, Mrs. Adler was a volunteer at the Canonsburg Hospital. She also volunteered with the Washington Hospital Foundation. Mrs. Adler is survived by her son, Jon Adler ’61, M.D. Robert B. Beall, Bloomington, Ind., died May 19, 2013, at age 80. Mr. Beall had a long career in sales and television management, managing WTWO-TV in Terre Haute, Ind., for most of his career and later managing television stations in Savannah, Ga., and Wilmington, N.C., before retiring. He was a member of the U.S. Army. Mr. Beall attended W&J.




class notes

William F. Saalbach, Ph.D. (1921-2013)

Economics professor and loyal supporter of the College An integral member of the economics department at W&J for over two decades, William F. Saalbach, Ph.D., died March 4, 2013, at the age of 91.

professional career in engineering, personnel and academic administration,” said Professor K. Wayne Robison of the economics and business department.

Dr. Saalbach joined the W&J faculty in 1960 and served as chairman of the economics department for several years. The economics and business departments grew rapidly under his leadership. Dr. Saalbach authored a series of five economics textbooks, which were widely used by secondary schools throughout the country. He was also responsible for the development of a management training program, offered as an evening class through the Washington County Manufacturer’s Association.

In 2007, Dr. Saalbach established the Betty and Bill Saalbach Adam Smith Silver Pin Award, an annual award providing financial support to the economics major authoring the most outstanding senior thesis.

“He was a no-nonsense, demanding and serious-minded academician with high standards and expectations for his students. He enjoyed academic research, writing and editing, which were enhanced by his broad academic background and

Robert Joseph Boswell, Jr., Lancaster, Pa., died Jan. 1, 2013, at age 85. Mr. Boswell was a terminal manager at Motor Freight Express before retiring. Previously, he was a terminal manager at Suawk Co. and taught classes at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. Mr. Boswell served in the U.S. Army during World War II and attended W&J. Carolyn D. Campbell, Washington, Pa., died April 14, 2013, at age 97. Mrs. Campbell was a teacher in the Fort Knox, Ky., and Coral Gables, Fla., school systems. She was active in the Washington Hospital Auxiliary and W&J Auxiliary. Ben J. Clayburgh, M.D., Grand Forks, N.D., died Jan. 21, 2013, at age 88. Dr. Clayburgh was an orthopedic surgeon who most recently worked with the University of North Dakota (UND) Sanford School of Medicine arranging medical student exchanges between UND and schools in Norway. Previously, he established Orthopedic Independent Medical Evaluations, P.C., which he managed for several years doing independent medical evaluations. Dr. Clayburgh also practiced at the Grand Forks Clinic and formed The Orthopaedic Clinic. He completed his residency at the Mayo Clinic and was certified by the American Board of Orthopedic Surgery. Dr. Clayburgh was a private in the U.S. Army and served as a flight surgeon in the U.S. Air Force. He attended W&J. Bradley E. Coyle, Washington, Pa., died May 29, 2013, at age 56. Mr. Coyle was an accountant with AMETEK Specialty Metals



In addition to his role as a professor of economics, Dr. Saalbach was a management-personnel consultant for many municipalities and school districts and was a regular writer for the monthly magazine “Coal Age.” Dr. Saalbach retired from teaching in 1984 and was awarded an honorary doctor of laws degree by W&J in 1985. He is remembered for his dedication to student learning and his commitment to growing the economics department.

for 27 years, later working in the gas and oil industry with Elite Oilfield Services as a transportation manager. He attended W&J. James D. Delaney, Washington, Pa., died May 14, 2013, at age 72. He worked as a sales proposal engineer for Lectromelt, later called Electric Metallurgy Co., and was a tax consultant for H&R Block. Mr. Delaney attended W&J. James L. Holleran, Jr., San Diego, died March 2, 2013, at age 80. Before his retirement in 1993, Mr. Holleran worked at the Naval Training Equipment Center where he was an electronic technician with a specialty in quality assurance and reevaluation on flight simulators. Previously, he worked for Curtiss-Wright Corporation as an engineer on flight simulators and other training devices. Mr. Holleran served in the U.S. Navy aboard the USS Ingersoll from 1950 to 1954 as a machinist mate. He attended W&J. Katherine Joan Mounts, Morgan Hill, Calif., died Dec. 19, 2012, at age 73. Most of her career was spent as a surgical nurse and nursing instructor at Washington Hospital in Washington, Pa. Ms. Mounts held similar positions in Richmond, Va., and at Centinela Hospital Medical Center in Los Angeles. She also worked for the American Red Cross, and most recently as an instructor for surgical nursing at the Ohio State University Hospital. She attended W&J. John E. Raysich, Washington, Pa., died Jan. 15, 2013, at age 65. He owned John Raysich Auto

William Saalbach served as a professor in the economics department at W&J for over two decades.

Specialties in Bridgeville, Pa., specializing in German vehicles. He attended W&J. Margaret Allen Weldon, Milford, Conn., died Jan. 21, 2013, at age 100. She was an administrative assistant in the Yale University Office of Development. Previously, she worked at W&J. Charles L. Wilson, Washington, Pa., died April 7, 2013, at age 84. He owned Washington Upholstering and Awning Co. and Wilson C & L Washington Storage Units. Mr. Wilson served in the U.S. Marine Corps from 1951 to 1953 with the rank of sergeant. He attended W&J. Mary Jo Yohn, Harmony, Pa., died March 11, 2013, at age 88. She taught Latin at Zelienople High School and later was a full-time substitute teacher in the Seneca Valley School District. Mrs. Yohn attended W&J. Albert E. Zamule, Hampton, Pa., died March 30, 2013, at age 89. He began his career in the printing industry after attending W&J. Mr. Zamule partnered with associates to create Rippl Printing and Packaging Inc., in Pittsburgh, Pa. He served in the U.S. Army during WWII.

THIS MOMENT made possible by your generosity.

Jack Meyers ’15 researched great white sharks in South Africa for his Magellan Project this past summer.

Dear Alumni and Friends of Washington & Jefferson College, On behalf of the students, faculty and staff, I sincerely thank you for your investment in W&J, our students and their bright futures during the 2012-13 fiscal year. As a donor, you are an active partner with the College as we inspire students to excel in learning, leadership and service in the region and in the world. Because of your support, we continue to assure that students reach their highest potential, and we graduate individuals of uncommon integrity who are prepared for life after W&J. Already, our newest alumni, the Class of 2013, are using their W&J experiences to affect the world around through programs like Teach For America and the Peace Corps. Your gifts made it possible for a record number of students to embark on Magellan Projects this past summer. When you give to W&J’s programs, like the Magellan Project, you are giving students life-changing opportunities to travel the globe and engage in experiences that will shape their lives. I encourage you to visit the online honor roll beginning November to read stories from the students whose lives were changed by these gifts and view the more than 2,500 individuals who believe in W&J’s mission and support the College. I offer my deepest gratitude for your generosity, your dedication and your belief in a Washington & Jefferson College education. With gratitude,

Michael Grzesiak Vice President for Development & Alumni Relations

Look for the Honor Roll of Donors online beginning November 1, 2013. Visit www.washjeff.edu/honorroll to learn more.

Washington & Jefferson College 60 South Lincoln Street Washington, Pennsylvania 15301-4801

POMP AND CIRCUMSTANCE Frances Ostrowski ’13 shows the excitement felt by 332 new graduates of Washington & Jefferson College as the Class of 2013 marks its transition from students to alumni. For more Commencement coverage, turn to page 4.

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