Washington & Jefferson College Spring 2013 Magazine

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Washington C O L L E G E

Jefferson M A G A Z I N E

Finding Your

Focus The Magellan Project transforms students’ passions into purpose

An artful tribute Matt McKnight ’14 paints a portrait of friend and teammate Tim McNerney ’13, who tragically was killed Oct. 4, stunning the W&J campus community. An art major and fullback on the football team, McKnight dedicated class time and late evenings in the studio to work on the painting, which he presented to Head Football Coach Mike Sirianni. McKnight, who called his friend “a caring, lovable guy who lived life to the fullest,” said he wanted to portray McNerney as a soldier. “He was a fearless warrior on the field, and his uniform was his suit of armor,” McKnight said. “Every time Tim ran the ball, it was like watching poetry in motion.”

On the cover


Washington C O L L E G E

Jefferson M A G A Z I N E

Finding Your

Focus The Magellan Project transforms students’ passions into purpose


Evan Rosenberg ’14 meditates during a physical chemistry lab in the Swanson Science Center. For his Magellan Project, Rosenberg applied his pre-health background to the study of meditation and yoga in India. To learn how students are discovering their passions through the Magellan Project, turn to page 9.

WJ Washington C O L L E G E

Jefferson M A G A Z I N E


contents 4




honor roll of donors






class notes


High ďŹ ve A President raises his helmet skyward in honor of Tim McNerney ’13 during a football game at Thomas More. The Presidents lost to the Saints 54-18, but went on to capture the PAC championship in memory of their star running back. For the full story, turn to page 20.




president’s message

The Value of Adventure

Washington & Jefferson College Magazine

At age 21, my life was changed when I was awarded a Thomas J. Watson Fellowship to travel the world for a year. I had dreamed about this trip ever since reading John Sack’s Report from Practically Nowhere in seventh grade and fantasized about being able to update his study of the 13 smallest countries. For the first time, I was setting my own assignments. When I got up in the morning, I decided what I was going to do that day to further my study. I assessed my project and made adjustments when things did not go as planned. I learned from failures and successes. I determined if and when I deserved a day off. It was scary, it was exhilarating, and it made me a global citizen. When I returned, I felt as if I could go anywhere in the world and survive. It was the single most empowering experience of my life.




President Tori Haring-Smith, pictured in Luxembourg in 1974, researched the world’s 13 smallest countries as a recent college graduate.

I wanted to make it possible for any student at Washington & Jefferson College to have the same kind of transformative experience, and so the Magellan Project was born. Generous gifts from Board members, faculty and alumni have funded more than 150 Magellan Projects since the program’s inception in 2008, allowing all W&J students—affluent or not—to have access to global learning opportunities that enrich their lives, build their self-confidence, and help them stand out in the job market and in seeking graduate school admission. Any student can propose a Magellan Project for independent study, service “It was scary, it was exhilarating, or research. Working with an adviser, students develop a project statement, and it made me a global citizen.” personal statement and budget. Like my fellowship, projects must involve individual study and travel, not enrollment at a foreign university or participation in a formal program. Students arrange their own itineraries, find their own housing and solve their own problems. Magellan scholars are self-directed; their passion motivates them to keep going even when their contacts fall through, or they get lost, or they miss the last bus up the mountain. By designing and completing their own projects on issues like child health care in India, fortified churches in Transylvania, street art in Paraguay or art education in Japan, students put their knowledge and skills to work in the larger world while learning civic responsibility and developing values as global citizens. When they embark on their travel, these students recognize major problems facing our world. When they return, they feel empowered to help solve those problems. And Magellan changes their lives. When a first-generation college student was offered one of only four undergraduate research internships at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, Magellan funding made the internship a reality. This student—who had never before been on an airplane—says her experience was critical to her admission and success in a rigorous graduate program at the University of California, San Francisco. Another student who used Magellan funding to travel to Berlin for an embassy internship now works in translation services for an international law firm. A student who examined public health care delivery in Cyprus is excelling in medical school. He, like others who have been accepted into graduate, law, medical and other professional programs, credits his international experience as a distinguishing factor in his success. In its first five years, the Magellan Project has accomplished its ambitious goal of providing life-changing international opportunities to students from all backgrounds. This is learning that works.


Want to hear more from the President? Follow Tori Haring-Smith on Twitter @wjpresident.




Student Assistant JACKIE SIPE ’13




W&J Magazine, published twice a year by the Office of Communications, highlights alumni and campus news about and of interest to more than 20,000 alumni and friends of the College. To receive additional copies or back issues, please call 724-223-6531 or e-mail wjmag@washjeff.edu.

Letters to the Editor W&J welcomes feedback from readers regarding the magazine or topics related to the College. Submissions may be edited for style, length and clarity. E-mail us at wjmag@washjeff.edu or mail a letter to: Editor, W&J Magazine Office of Communications Washington & Jefferson College 60 S. Lincoln Street Washington, PA 15301

Noted & Quoted

IT’S ABOUT WHAT CONSTITUTES A HUMAN BEING. The series was very in tune with the kinds of issues that were on people’s minds. ANDREW REMBERT, PH.D., ADJUNCT PROFESSOR, PHILOSOPHY1




It is a sign of respect to stay silent, but here it is totally different. You have to speak up. THEY GIVE YOU POINTS


W&J was the first school to actually say, “No, we’re not going to conform to everyone else’s ways of thinking.” DEANDRE SIMMONS ’134

IT IS HARD TO TEACH COURAGE —it has to be modeled in the classroom, on the athletic field, and in the residence halls. TORI HARING-SMITH, PH.D., PRESIDENT5


MUCH FUN TO COACH. They don’t get rattled. We’re 29 games in and they truly believe they can win. You can just see their confidence grow. JINA DERUBBO, HEAD COACH, WOMEN’S BASKETBALL6


1 “W.Pa. colleges find new ways to bring classes to life,” Rachel Weaver, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, Jan. 26, 2013 2 “Newsmaker: Patrick Schmidt,” Luis Fabregas, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, Sept. 12, 2012 3 “Flipping the lens: International students on U.S. culture,” Sofia Castello y Tickell, USA Today College, Sept. 17, 2012 4 “The Legend of Charlie ‘Pruner’ West,” Mike Clark, WTAE-TV Pittsburgh, Feb. 5, 2013 5 “Needed: A Curriculum for Courage,” Tori Haring-Smith, Inside Higher Ed, Nov. 14, 2012 6 “Miracle ending saves W&J women,” Joe Tuscano, Observer-Reporter, Feb. 27, 2013


7 “Teaching in a Wikipedia world,” Jennifer Harding, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Dec. 16, 2012


8 “Tour honors local history on Presidents Day,” Aaron Kendeall, Observer-Reporter, Feb. 28, 2013

—sometimes dramatically—before such failure might cost them an educational opportunity or a job.





W&J news

A Parent’s Perspective Matriculation an opportunity for mother to reflect on four transformative years

Before President Tori Haring-Smith, Ph.D., welcomed 442 new students to Washington & Jefferson College at its annual Matriculation ceremony in September, she acknowledged the proud yet anxious parents gathered under the tent, preparing for the inevitable moment, just a couple of hours away, when they would say good-bye to their freshly initiated college students. “Don’t be surprised if your son or daughter changes during his or her time here,” Haring-Smith cautioned. “When your child comes home, he or she will have grown and changed. That’s why you are sending them here. Embrace that growth.” It is a message that resonated with Kirstan Laird Thomas who, just three years ago, dropped off her eldest daughter, Julia, on the W&J campus 250 miles from their Lancaster, Pa., home. Now looking ahead to Julia’s next big transition—Commencement—Thomas reflects on her daughter’s transformation in a letter to the President.

After Matriculation, parents say good-bye to their children as they begin their first semester at W&J.

Dear President Haring-Smith, My daughter Julia is a senior at Washington & Jefferson College. Several years ago, when we showed up for a campus tour on a chilly Thanksgiving weekend, we had no idea what an important role that environment and the people of W&J would play in her life. Many months later, at Matriculation, I had the pleasure of coming to your home to meet with you and other parents of incoming freshmen. Between that encounter and your moving Matriculation speech that morning, I was quite impressed by your determination to make W&J the ultimate collegiate experience. Now Julia is just months away from graduating and, I have to say, in the seven semesters she has been at W&J, she really has made the most of her college career. A two-time Magellan Project recipient, she has studied in France and Vietnam in addition to spending three Intersession terms abroad. She completed an aggressive internship at Orthopedic Associates of Lancaster, presented at two national conferences and tutored Spanish students in the community. She is a member of seven national honor societies, captain of the equestrian team, a radio show host with WNJR and an active member of Pi Beta Phi sorority. Of course, it would be impossible to touch upon all the amazing people Julia has had the chance to learn from, befriend, share with and simply meet during her years at W&J. I can’t tell you the number of times Julia’s professors have welcomed her to dinner or lunch in their own homes. (At my son’s college, he rarely sees his professors on campus outside of their classrooms.) Julia has become who she is because of all of these experiences and her upbringing. I couldn’t be happier with how things have gone at W&J. I may sound like an ad for the College, but I honestly am that pleased with the education and events that have framed her years here. Thank you, Kirstan Laird Thomas Parent of Julia Thomas ’13

“Don’t be surprised if your son or daughter changes during his or her time here.” – TORI HARING-SMITH, PRESIDENT



Burmese student engages in U.S. culture, politics at W&J

W&J remains laser-focused on growing its international presence on campus and overseas, sending a record number of students to study abroad in foreign countries while hosting a steady stream of international-exchange and degree-seeking students from all over the world.

Growing up in the Southeast Asian country of Burma, Hla Hpone Myint ’16—known to his classmates as “Jack”—always dreamed of attending college in the U.S., calling the country a “symbol for human rights and democracy.” He had been accepted to 18 American colleges and universities before deciding on Washington & Jefferson College, which Myint said was “always at the top” of his list. Initially intrigued by the College’s name and reputation, Myint credits his final decision to the warm welcome he received from President Tori Haring-Smith, Ph.D., as well as students, faculty and staff during his campus visit. “W&J is such a close-knit community and I have developed some close relationships already,” he said.


juniors named Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholars are spending their semesters in France, Netherlands and The Gambia..

Now, more than halfway through his first year at W&J, the political science major is using his time in the U.S. to learn more about the American political system while representing his home country at the national level. During the fall semester, Myint was invited to attend a series of State Department meetings in Washington, D.C., as a guest of Burmese Theraveda Buddhist monk Shwe Nya Wa Sayadaw. While there, he was given the opportunity to listen to a speech by his “personal hero,” Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, a Burmese opposition politician and chairperson of the country’s National League for Democracy.

TEN Jack Myint came to W&J from Burma to study political science and government.


“Suu Kyi cares so much about our country and has sacrificed, put a lot on the line, to get the respect she deserves, from citizens of Burma and of the world,” he said. When Suu Kyi was presented with a Congressional Gold Medal at the U.S. Capitol, Myint was in the audience, sitting behind former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. He also had the chance to shake hands with such high-ranking U.S. officials as former Secretary of State Hillary Myint was in attendance when Burmese democracy Clinton and Sen. John McCain. leader Aung San Suu Kyi (center) received the Congressional Gold Medal from Speaker of the House Myint, who since has returned to D.C. John Boehner at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, to speak with Burmese American sp Sept. 19, 2012. communities, recently organized a com W&J W& trip to a Buddhist monastery in Virginia, where he introduced 17 V students to Burmese cuisine and stu Buddhist history. He also represented Bu the College in a Model United Nations conference at Harvard Na University, where W&J was honored U alongside Princeton and Yale, and al joined the Red & Black staff as a jo political columnist. p


“This experience has inspired me to stay focused on my decision to return to my country as a politician.” – HLA HPONE “JACK” MYINT ’16

By the Numbers: A GLOBAL CAMPUS

“This experience has inspired me “ to t stay focused on my decision to return to my country as a politician,” said Myint, who plans on attending graduate school or law attend school after W&J. W& “The government says that we are entering a new era of democracy and change but, the truth is, there is still a lot of work to be done. Because I have been given this opportunity to study in a model country, I feel it is my responsibility as a citizen to bring my experience back to Burma.”

Intersession courses were conducted abroad in 2013.

Twenty-three countries are represented by W&J’s growing class of international students.

Forty -one

applications for admission ssion have been submitted by students in China this year.


students studied abroad in 2010-11, ranking W&J 24th in the nation for study-abroad participation by the Institute of International Education.

Three-hundred T n ninety-one photos

have h been submitted by students to t the Global Photo Contest.

is the 10,296 miles distance between

Washington, Pa., and Flinders University in Adelaide, Australia, W&J’s farthest study-abroad program.


dollars have been raised in scholarship funds by alumni for students to study abroad since 2007.





Pettersen’s Laws FOUR QUESTIONS WITH W&J’S ENDOWED PHYSICS CHAIR Captivated by how things work since childhood, physics professor Michael Pettersen, Ph.D., aims to instill that same curiosity in his students at Washington & Jefferson College, where he has taught physics for a decade. As the College’s first Joseph A. Walker Endowed Chair of Physics, Pettersen talks to W&J Magazine about his passion for discovery in the classroom, including how he came to build his own harpsichord and why Galileo remains a relevant force in his teaching.

Q: A:


I always wanted to know how things worked. My dad was an engineer, so he often was able to answer those kinds of questions. My mom would buy me the “How and Why Wonder” books about science. They reinforced the idea that we can understand nature and that nature is beautiful and interesting. And when you discover something, however small it is, it is a little bit of a thrill.

Q: A:


Yes, about 10 years ago, I bought a harpsichord kit and as I was putting it together, I wondered, “Why is it built this way?”

Michael Pettersen (second from left) conducts a “General Physics” lab with students Joshua Etzel, Casey Smallwood and Katelyn Vannoy.

I started to become interested in the physics of it and thought I could teach a class to interest non-science students. If I could get students into the course because they are interested in music, and they can see how science applies to music, I’ve made an important connection.


YOU WROTE A BOOK ABOUT GALILEO AND THE CATHOLIC CHURCH. HOW DO YOU INCORPORATE THAT INTO YOUR TEACHING? What is unique about the book is that it puts students in the position of the people of that time. So, you will have students arguing in favor of Galileo’s theories on the basis of what his observations were. And you will have students on the other side, arguing the other position, and why the Earth stood still. It is just a very


engaging and successful pedagogy, and the story of Galileo lends itself perfectly to that.


YOU’VE TAUGHT PHYSICS AT W&J FOR 10 YEARS. HOW DO YOU SEE THE FIELD CHANGING IN THE NEXT DECADE? I think electronics technologies will be a big focus in the future. We’ve been riding a long time on semiconductor technologies—they run our world today. We are getting more and more compact and more and more sophisticated, but we are running into size constraints. So, the question is, “What’s going to replace them?” I think there are some exciting avenues, such as spintronics and quantum computing. I don’t know if that will be practical, but it certainly would be interesting.


Radio station adviser named best in college broadcasting The first time Anthony Fleury, Ph.D., was asked to be the faculty adviser for WNJR, Washington & Jefferson College’s student-run radio station, he said “no.” A devoted listener of public radio, Fleury explains that his hesitation was not for lack of interest. “I had no formal training,” he said. “My academic background is in rhetoric. I really did not know the first thing about running a radio station.” When approached again about the position in 2005, Fleury reconsidered. “In 2005, things were changing,” he said. “My departmental colleagues and I began developing a minor in communication and wondered if the radio station could become a lab for our students to practice the theory they were learning in class.” Now an adviser at WNJR for seven years, Fleury has transformed the station into a busy resource for the newly created communication arts major, earning him the honor of Distinguished Four-Year Broadcast Adviser of the Year by the College Media Association. The station also has forged ties with academic programs in environmental studies, library services, modern languages, music, professional writing and theatre, improving the quality of programming while increasing the number of learning opportunities available to students. Anthony Fleury (center), named Broadcast Adviser of the Year, credits WNJR’s success to the work of students, faculty and community members.

“WNJR is a lab for free speech and free-form music.” – ANTHONY FLEURY, WNJR ADVISER



“Students are allowed to present and discuss whatever they wish in their programs,” said Fleury, who explained that student hosts and producers first must receive training and pass written and demonstration tests. “WNJR is a lab for free speech and free-form music.” Fleury also uses the station as a platform for community relations, opening WNJR to local volunteers interested in producing their own shows. Additionally, he works with students to air educational programs like “Read On Radio” in collaboration with the Literacy Council of Southwestern Pennsylvania to broadcast weekly adult literacy lessons. Fleury, who said these efforts have helped him achieve his mission as an educator, concludes, “Managing the radio station has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my professional life.”

Confessions of a U2 Fan

Yesterday’s trends focus of popular Intersession courses


Revisiting an era of radio dramas, rotary-dial telephones and black-and-white television screens, three Intersession courses at Washington & Jefferson College are paying tribute to past trends and their influence on today’s culture. In “Radio Drama,” students are given the opportunity to produce a series of scripted plays that are broadcast live on WNJR. From performing the classic “Sorry, Wrong Number,” a popular radio drama from 1943, to the original “Sidekicks,” a contemporary high-school drama written by Jessica Zack ’14, students function in the roles of actor, writer and producer for a weekly radio program. “Drama, regardless of the media—theatre, film, television or radio—is the most prevalent form of storytelling that exists in our contemporary culture,” Bill Cameron, professor of communication and theater, said. “Understanding how drama works and having the opportunity to participate in its creation should, I feel, be part of every student’s liberal arts education.”

“Today’s students are eager to find wisdom and strength in the era to use as their own.” – STEVEN MASON, ADJUNCT PROFESSOR, ENGLISH

In a course on “The Twilight Zone,” students are invited to travel through another dimension to watch thought-provoking episodes of this popular 1960s television series. Andrew Rembert, adjunct professor of philosophy, prompts students to discuss the show’s themes of time travel, what it means to be human, eternal life and fear of the unknown. Students flock to sign up for the course, prompting Rembert to set aside a few slots for first-year students to give everyone an opportunity to enroll. “I think students take this course because it seems different from the usual grind of learning facts and well-established theories,” he said. “‘The Twilight Zone’ is realistic fantasy.”

From left, Christa Fornella, Kara Beck and Darby McMullen perform a radio drama live on WNJR for an Intersession course.

Taking a historical perspective on the era is Steven Mason, adjunct professor of English, who teaches “The Sixties.” In this year’s most popular Intersession course, Mason examines hot issues of the decade, including civil rights, free speech, war and peace and women’s liberation. “Today’s students are eager to find wisdom and strength in the era to use as their own,” he said. “The history of the ’60s is not dead. We have inherited it.” – ROBERT REID


Students watch an episode of “The Twilight Zone” in a course on the series.

Twenty-five years ago, Arlan Hess could not envision the possibility of teaching a college course on U2. “I couldn’t have imagined Elvis Presley or Frank Sinatra worthy of an entire academic semester, let alone my favorite alternative rock band from Ireland,” said Hess, who was introduced to the band at age 15 during a high school dance. Today, the English professor has combined her musical interests with her academic teachings at Washington & Jefferson College, where she developed a new First-Year Seminar course, “Rock and Roll, Culture and U2.” Here, she reveals her picks for the band’s three most influential songs.

1. “I WILL FOLLOW” Strangely enough, the first U2 song I heard was not actually sung by U2. I was at a high school dance when I heard a local garage band cover the tune. Until that moment, I had been listening to my mother’s Kenny Rogers albums and singing along to Fleetwood Mac on the radio. Suddenly, with “I Will Follow,” everything changed. My musical world would never be the same.

2. “SUNDAY BLOODY SUNDAY” I first heard this song on the band’s live album Under a Blood Red Sky, and was moved by the phrase, “How long must we sing this song?” I had heard news reports of hunger strikes and sectarian violence in Northern Ireland, but the conflict had remained abstract and distant. Already a dedicated fan of the group, I followed my curiosity into their message and learned about politics beyond my own backyard. This began a lifelong study of Northern Ireland politics.

3. “THE FLY” After The Joshua Tree album, U2 re-created itself musically. For the first time, it seemed as if the band members looked inward at themselves rather than outward at the world. At first, I did not like the new sound, but I later realized their musical maturation coincided with my own. Today, I think “The Fly” contains some of the band’s best lyrics: “Every artist is a cannibal; every poet is a thief. All kill their inspiration and sing about their grief.”

Listen to the Intersession radio drama presentations at www.washjeff.edu/radiodrama.





CAMPUS AND COMMUNITY JOIN FORCES TO MARCH AGAINST VIOLENCE More than 500 people representing Washington & Jefferson College and the Washington, Pa., community walked together in the first “CommUnity Voices Against Violence” march in November. The event was a response to the tragic October death of Tim McNerney ’13, a business administration major at W&J and star running back on the Presidents football team. Wearing yellow in support of the anti-violence movement, participants met at Old Main to listen to speeches from President Tori Haring-Smith, Ph.D., City of Washington Mayor Brenda Davis and Student Government Association President Damian Bosiacki ’13 before marching through campus and into downtown Washington. “This is a very important time for the College, for the City, for the community, for all of us to come together and make a statement,” Haring-Smith said. McNerney’s father, Robert, added that his son would have been proud of the turnout and the “commitment of all these people to do something about violence in the community.”


To learn more about McNerney’s legacy at W&J, turn to pages 20 and 43.

Though named after two American founding fathers, Washington & Jefferson College was never visited by George Washington or Thomas Jefferson. Yet the College enjoys a rich Presidential history in its home of Washington, Pa.—where 15 U.S. Presidents have visited, spoken or stayed. From William Howard Taft to Barack Obama, here are four presidents who made their way to W&J, leaving a lasting impression on the campus community.



The Old Gym (1916)

College Street (1932)

William Howard Taft, the 27th U.S. President, spoke to W&J students and community members in the Old Gym, now known as the Swanson Wellness Center, in 1916. In his speech, titled “Our International Relationships,” he referenced W&J’s recent football victories over his alma mater, Yale. This caused the students to erupt into a traditional “Whichi Coax” cheer, which they personalized at the end by yelling, “Taft! Taft! Taft!”

BILL CLINTON Henry Memorial Gym (2008) Bill Clinton, the 42nd U.S. President, made two stops at W&J in one year to support Democratic nominees Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama in their runs for the presidential office. His first campus visit in March 2008 took him to Henry Memorial Gym, Bill Clinton addresses a crowd of 2,000 people where he spoke on his wife’s at Henry Memorial Gym in March 2008. behalf for 35 minutes to a crowd of 2,000 people. While Sen. Clinton did not earn the Democratic nomination, she did win 78 percent of the vote in Washington County.

For the full presidential tour, visit www.washjeff.edu/walkingtour.


Campus and community members walk up Beau Street in a march against violence in response to the death of Tim McNerney.


Franklin D. Roosevelt, the 32nd U.S. President, traveled through W&J in 1932 while campaigning for office. Roosevelt, who rode in a touring car as his motorcade drove down College Street, was met by a crowd of students who streamed down the hill in front of Old Main to catch a glimpse of the New York governor. The all-male student body had been gathered in the Old Main chapel to hear a lecture denouncing alcohol, which had been illegal in the U.S. since Prohibition began in 1920.

BARACK OBAMA Rossin Campus Center (2008) Barack Obama, the 44th U.S. President, visited W&J on April 15, 2008, when he was campaigning for office. Then Sen. Obama was in a close contest with Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination when he made a stop in Barack Obama talks to 300 veterans at the Washington, Pa., a week before Rossin Campus Center in April 2008. the Pennsylvania primary. He spoke to an enthusiastic crowd of several hundred students, professors and community members on the plaza outside the Rossin Campus Center before addressing an audience of 300 veterans in the Rossin ballroom later that day. Obama ended up losing the Pennsylvania primary to Clinton, though by a narrower margin than had been predicted.

Finding Your

Focus The Magellan Project transforms students’ passions into purpose

A Magellan Project starts with a spark of inspiration—from a stimulating class discussion to an encouraging exchange with a professor— before igniting into a journey of exploration that can change the course of a student’s future. In five years, Washington & Jefferson College has set in motion 151 Magellan Projects for students who desire to amplify their college education with an independent research project of their own choosing. Whether studying the benefits of meditation with Tibetan monks in India or examining the identities of Hispanic communities across the U.S., the following four students set out on adventures that transformed their perspectives of the world.





the chemistry of

Healing Pre-health student finds peace in Himalayas

THE DISTANCE that separates the bustling town of Dharamshala in northern India from a tranquil Tibetan monastery nestled in the Himalayas is a 360-step trek up a steep hillside. For Evan Rosenberg ’14, who counted the steps during his daily voyage into town, the distance was the difference between chaos and serenity. The chemistry major chose the monastery as the location of his Magellan Project because it offered him the opportunity to engage in quiet meditation and open dialogue with Tibetan Buddhist monks and refugees. “It was nice because the town can be loud— horns are constantly blaring and it’s really busy,” he said. “Staying at the monastery allowed me to separate from the commotion and accomplish what I set out to do.” Though Rosenberg, a Pittsburgh native, is not new to international travel—in his three years at Washington & Jefferson College, he has traveled to China, Israel and Puerto Rico—it was his first time traveling alone. With nothing more in his suitcase than some clothing, meditation books and a yoga mat, Rosenberg, then 19, arrived at the heart of



India’s Tibetan exile region with an open mind and a desire to learn. “You’re put in a situation where you don’t know anyone and you’re in a different country, so you’re not familiar with the culture or how people will react to you,” he said. “You just have to submerge yourself in the experience.” When Rosenberg was asked to volunteer at the monastery as an English tutor, he embraced the chance to interact with monks who had traveled from all over the region to practice the language. “The Dalai Lama encourages the Tibetan people to learn English so they can tell their story,” said Rosenberg, who would initiate conversations with the monks over tea, answering questions about his culture while learning more about theirs. “It was cool, because you could tell where the monks were from by what they were wearing,” he said. “They dressed in colors that represented their places of origin, but the one thing that linked them together was their religion of Tibetan Buddhism.” While it was rewarding for Rosenberg to work with the monks on their English skills, he was more moved by the lessons they

taught him in return. “The biggest thing I took away from the monks is to live your life without regrets or grudges and to keep compassion in your heart for everyone,” he said. “Buddhism is such a beautiful way of life. I never once was disrespected by a Tibetan person.” For Rosenberg, who says he has battled symptoms of attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder since childhood, these lessons were invaluable in helping him find peace with himself and in his surroundings. To calm his mind, he practiced meditation in the monastery during the monks’ daily prayer services, called pujas, and sought out quiet spots of solitude during his hikes in the Himalayas. “To meditate means to do nothing. You’re not supposed to think or do anything at all, which is impossible,” he said. “But when you’re meditating in the mountains, the atmosphere is much different than it is at home. Everything is so quiet and relaxed. It is easier to focus there and get into that meditative state.” While conducting research on the health benefits of meditation during his time in

Evan Rosenberg practices yoga during a physical chemistry lab in the Swanson Science Center. He applied his pre-health background to the study of meditation and yoga in India.

India, Rosenberg noted a positive change in his behavior that has carried over into his pre-health studies at W&J. “After being so stressed at school last year, I’ve taken a new approach to my studies,” he said. “I still get all of my work done, but I’m a happier, calmer and more focused person as a result of my Magellan Project.” Rosenberg, who also studied traditional Tibetan medicine in India, plans to use what he has learned from his Magellan Project to benefit future patients suffering from cardiac or neurological problems. While his “heart always has been set on surgery”—at age 8, he knew he wanted to become a doctor—Rosenberg is open to the possibility of incorporating natural medicine into his future pursuits, adding that he would go back to India “in a heartbeat.” Reflecting on his time in the monastery, Rosenberg recalls a thought-provoking discussion he had with a young man who had been studying English for three months. “We would debate scientific ideas versus Buddhist ideas, such as how we perceive colors,” he said.

“You just have to submerge yourself in the experience.” – EVAN ROSENBERG ’14

Rosenberg explained that Buddhists see colors as representations of five natural elements—fire, air, space, earth and water— while science dictates that objects absorb some colors and reflect others. “We only see the colors that are reflected,” he said. Rosenberg drew a parallel between how humans recognize color and college students perceive life. “The typical student may only see what is reflected, but W&J students are given the opportunity to see what is absorbed,” he said. “The Magellan Project allows us to travel to places we never dreamed of visiting and experience things we never thought possible. It enhances our perspective of the world.” – MEGAN MONAGHAN





the art of

balance Field hockey force uncovers calling as artist

AT 5 FEET, 10 INCHES tall, Erin Barno ’13 is a force on Washington & Jefferson College’s field hockey squad, where she ranks as the sixth-leading scorer in the program’s 40-year history. The spirited team captain, who teasingly brags about being able to bench 135 pounds, “no problem,” lights up at the memory of her team’s crowning achievement—winning its first conference championship last year along with a coveted national tournament bid. “It was huge considering that, just four years ago, our team barely had enough players to take the field,” said Barno, who was responsible for scoring the game-winning goal against top-seeded Nazareth. “It’s crazy to see that growth and be a part of it, and I feel like at a small school like W&J, you’re able to take part in those things while excelling in academics.” With a rare combination of talent in mathematics and art, Barno exudes the same confidence on the field as she does in the studio, trading in her jersey for a paint-splattered smock, spending long afternoons and late evenings in Olin blissfully absorbed in her artwork.



While Barno’s passion for art has been life-long—her childhood paintings of red cardinals and lush forests adorn her parents’ central Pennsylvania home—the high school honors student did not envision a future that included art upon entering W&J. Though she had considered applying to art schools, Barno’s family and friends convinced her to pursue a major in education. “They thought I should be a math teacher and that my grades were too good to ‘just’ paint,” she said. Yet an art history course at W&J, followed by another course in drawing, helped change Barno’s mind. When her professors encouraged her to apply for a Magellan Project, she said, “The first thing I thought was, ‘I want to see pieces of art. I want to paint. I want to draw.’ That was an innate instinct.” The month-long excursion that Barno, then 19, planned to France and Italy the summer after her freshman year was her first time abroad. “That trip sparked my love for traveling and wanting to explore,” said Barno, who immersed herself in the cultural offerings of Paris and Rome while comparing the classical and neoclassical architecture of both cities.

However, what cemented Barno’s decision to pursue art as a career was the six weeks she taught at the Cloud Forest School in Costa Rica the following summer. It was her second shot at a Magellan Project, and Barno saw it as an opportunity to “test the waters” of a future in education. While she said she “had a blast” designing art programs for the students, she was most moved by the conversations she had with local Costa Rican artists. “That’s when it clicked,” she said. “When I first came to W&J, I was very tentative. I wanted to go back to central Pennsylvania; I wanted to teach; I wanted to live two doors away from my mom. Of course, there is nothing wrong with that, but after doing these Magellan Projects, I realized I’m not supposed to do that. I’m supposed to travel; I’m supposed to paint; I’m supposed to challenge myself. The Magellan Project really brought me to where I need to be and, I think, to where I always was meant to be.” For her third and final Magellan Project last summer, Barno returned to Europe to research 19th-century art, comparing the work of British romantic painters like John Constable to that of French impressionists

Field hockey captain Erin Barno works on a painting of her mother during field hockey practice at Cameron Stadium. She renewed her love of art during three Magellan Projects in Europe and Costa Rica.

“I’m supposed to travel; I’m supposed to paint; I’m supposed to challenge myself.” – ERIN BARNO ’13

like Claude Monet. Traveling to London and Paris, she relished the opportunity to view her favorite artists’ collections in person at the museums before visiting the exact sites where the works were created, calling the experience “mind blowing.” Back at the Olin art studio, Barno is drawing inspiration from a different, more controversial, source—the issue of negative body image in today’s young women. “Being at a college or on a women’s athletic team, you know body dissatisfaction is a problem,” she said. “I’ve had friends battle eating disorders and experience massive body changes because they lack self-confidence and feel like they’re not beautiful.” To address the issue, Barno is creating pieces that cause the viewer to question society’s standards of what is and isn’t

considered beautiful. “They’re supposed to be disarming, not necessarily appealing, images,” she said of her latest works, which pair different faces and bodies into unexpected combinations. “It creates that conversation about negative body image that I think needs to happen.” Using art as a “force of social change” is the kind of work Barno wants to pursue in graduate school. While she is targeting programs in Boston, Chicago and New York City, the mathematics and art double major is approaching her future in the same way she tackles a difficult math proof or painting—with an open mind. “If you throw me a proof I have no idea how to do, I focus on the facts. What can you do with what you have? It’s not something you want to struggle over, it’s something you want to play with. You’ll come up with the best solution that way,” Barno said. “It’s the same with painting. You might have an original idea, but once you start working with the paints on the canvas, you can come up with something better if you let yourself go through the exploration.” – MEGAN MONAGHAN





Constanza Salinas displays a family photo from her home in Chile in front of her college sorority house on Chestnut Street.

the psychology of

identity International student strengthens ties to heritage THOUGH ROOTED DEEPLY in her Hispanic culture, Chilean-born Constanza Salinas ’14 is quick to call the close-knit community of Washington & Jefferson College her home. Spotted cheering in the stands of Cameron Stadium at Presidents football games or spending time with her Kappa Kappa Gamma sisters at their Chestnut Street sorority house, Salinas—known as “Coni” to her friends—is well acclimated to the daily life of a western Pennsylvania college student. It was not until she took a class on Latino and Machismo stereotypes the fall semester of her sophomore year that the psychology major began to more closely examine the concept of identity and how it relates to her Hispanic heritage, especially in the U.S. “I just thought the class was really interesting,” she said. “I never thought about how identity is something very subjective and I never thought about it changing in different parts of the country.” Using several ideas presented in the class, Salinas applied for a Magellan Project so she could travel to three U.S. cities—New York City, Los Angeles and Houston—and study how Hispanics viewed themselves in each region. While Salinas is accustomed to traveling—she grew up in New Jersey, spent summers visiting relatives in Chile and Costa Rica, and went to high school in Spain—she admits that planning the month-long trip was not easy. Leaving much of her schedule to chance, Salinas began by visiting libraries in each city and researching areas with large Hispanic populations. She then visited the communities to meet with locals, choosing “people who seemed like they were willing to talk.” “In Los Angeles, I went to an area with Hispanic



“You make this whole project yourself. It really distinguishes you as a person.” – CONSTANZA SALINAS ’14

people everywhere,” she said. “There were street vendors selling ice and syrup, a very Mexican tradition, so I went over and talked to them. Then I talked to a guy selling avocados out of the back of his truck. I approached people who seemed interesting and had curious jobs.” Salinas quickly found that not everyone was willing to speak with her, particularly immigrants who did not understand what she was trying to accomplish with her project. “They didn’t know who I was. They didn’t want to tell anything about themselves,” she said. “They were there; they were done; they didn’t want to look back.” In a Colombian café outside New York City, Salinas met with a Dominican man who was more willing to share. “He sat there and told me his whole life story about how he came here—his entire trip,” she said. “It was exactly the kind of story I wanted.” The difficulties she faced in finding willing participants led her to discover her passion for something else—research. “My main purpose was to do personal interviews with a bunch of different people, but I ended up liking research a lot more,” said Salinas, who arranged a visit with Agua Marketing, a Houston-based market research and consulting company that focuses on the Hispanic population.

While there, she met with Manuel Delgado, the company’s CEO, who gave Salinas helpful suggestions of which areas in Houston to visit and showed her a presentation for prospective clients. He since has offered her a summer internship with his firm, an opportunity that Salinas hopes will help her decide if she should pursue research as a career. A junior at W&J, she already is incorporating what she learned from her Magellan Project into her studies. In the fall, she returned to a New York City library she visited during her trip to research a paper on Puerto Rican murals. “It’s been interesting to be able to use what I learned and put a different spin on it,” she said. Salinas—who appreciated how the Magellan Project allowed her to apply classroom theories to the outside world and, ultimately, to her own heritage—recalled a discussion in her Latino stereotypes class about the ambiguity of identity. “It was interesting, but I didn’t really know how true it was until now,” she said, adding that the most rewarding aspect of her journey was the chance it gave her to grow personally. “You make this whole project yourself. It really distinguishes you as a person because, in the end, it’s all about you.” – GEORGIA SCHUMACHER ’10

Mike Nemchick directs a performance of “The Vagina Monologues,” the play that led him to research comfort women in South Korea.

the language of

justice History major fuels passion for human rights

“This is my way of keeping the story of the comfort women alive.” – MIKE NEMCHICK ’13

AS A FRESHMAN, Mike Nemchick ’13 first heard about “comfort women” during a performance of “The Vagina Monologues.” The haunting testimonies of the women—who were forced into sexual slavery by the Japanese military during World War II—live on in the words of playwright Eve Ensler, who expresses their anguish in a moving plea for justice before their “stories leave this world.” The story stuck with Nemchick, who became a co-director of the production at Washington & Jefferson College the following year—a role he since has maintained to help bring awareness to violence against women. “This is my way of keeping the story of the comfort women alive,” he said, adding that for the past 20 years, supporters and survivors regularly gather in protest outside the Japanese Embassy in Seoul, South Korea. “They go every Wednesday,” Nemchick said. “The women protest in hopes that the Japanese government will acknowledge these crimes and issue an apology.” Upon declaring a major in history his sophomore year—overruling his original plans to study chemistry—Nemchick was inspired to further explore the plight of the comfort women for an East Asian history course. “Writing that paper got me more interested in the topic,” said Nemchick, who also has a minor in gender and

women’s studies. “I decided I could make a project out of it if I was able to go to Korea to research the political situation first-hand.” Nemchick applied for a Magellan Project the spring semester of his junior year, right before leaving campus to study abroad in Shanghai. As soon as he received confirmation that his proposal had been accepted, he began planning for his next adventure to South Korea while adapting to life at a Chinese university. “It was hard to get things rolling,” he said, recalling the challenges of making contacts and arranging travel accommodations from another country. Once in Seoul, the western Pennsylvania native tested his travel acumen while finding his way around the densely populated city. “There was a big language barrier,” he said. “I didn’t have time to study much Korean beforehand. I just knew a handful of words that I got by on.” Relying on his prior research, Nemchick found the House of Sharing, where he was able to interact with some of the surviving comfort women. The women, who are cared for at an assisted living facility connected to the museum, opened up to Nemchick about their stories. “They talked about basic things like how they were doing that day,” he recalled. “There was one who was more energetic. She liked singing and acting and talking about movies. She sang us songs.”

While taking a tour of the museum, Nemchick observed the women’s memorials and testimonies, as well as the paintings they created to help cope with their experiences. “As can be imagined, comfort women faced inhumane conditions, fighting disease, physical exhaustion and violence,” Nemchick said. “Many women did not speak up about what happened until years after the war, and many still choose to remain silent. Now that the women are growing older, this is a vital time for people to visit this piece of living history.” The experience helped transform the naturally reserved Nemchick, who has noticed a significant growth in his independence since returning to W&J. “I’ve become a lot more confident—working on my own, going out on my own,” he said. “Being able to come up with an idea to pursue and going out and finding ways to do it is rewarding.” As a senior, Nemchick is turning his focus to graduate school with aspirations of pursuing a career in human rights. He is certain he wants to continue traveling, listing countries in Asia, Europe and Africa. “I’m interested in seeing Africa, because I don’t really know a lot about it,” said Nemchick, who credits his Magellan Project with uncovering these ambitions. “Magellan is a way to learn more about yourself and to test yourself to see what you can do. It’s about learning something new and seeing what the world has to offer.” – GEORGIA SCHUMACHER ’10






A two-time Magellan Project scholar, Whitney Sims-Rucker has traveled to 13 countries on five continents.


sk Whitney Sims-Rucker ’13 how she first caught the travel bug, and she might point to the family trip she took to Senegal as

a child or her experience rock-climbing at Joshua Tree National Park in California as a Girl Scout. This early desire to explore led the Chicago native to Washington & Jefferson College, where she craved individual attention from professors along with opportunities to continue seeing the world. During her four years at W&J, Sims-Rucker received two grants from the Magellan Project to study the education of women in The Gambia and the indigenous Maori culture of New Zealand. These experiences, combined with the year she studied abroad in Europe and Asia, have taken Sims-Rucker to 13 countries on five continents. Here, the worldly W&J senior shares her 10 favorite places to visit across the globe.





This is a place I make sure to visit every time I am in The Gambia. While there are multiple wood markets in Banjul, the main attraction is located outside the city near the university. One of the things that I love about the markets is the amazing originality displayed in the pieces. Every piece symbolizes something—from a tribal or religious symbol to the culture of the country. TIP: For a good story, make sure to ask the sculptors about the meanings behind their pieces.




This royal palace, once a castle for kings of Navarra in the 13th and 14th centuries, is a hidden charm of northern Spain. Nestled in the tiny pueblo community of Olite, almost an hour from where I stayed in Pamplona, the palace is considered to be one of the most beautiful in all of Europe. PINK LAKE, DAKAR, SENEGAL

Senegal’s Pink Lake, located about two hours outside the capital city of Dakar, is named for its deep rose color, a result of the overwhelming amount of salt in the water. When I visited the lake during Buba Misawa’s Intersession course, “West African Politics,” we learned that the salt mined from the lake makes its way to the U.S., where it is used as rock salt to melt ice during the winter.

TIP: Visit the palace in the fall for picturesque views of the Spanish countryside.


What makes the Botanic Gardens so special is their location in the heart of Christchurch. I visited the city days after it was badly shaken by an earthquake in 2011. In the midst of all the destroyed buildings, this miraculous garden retained its beauty. The trees have been standing for more than 170 years, since before English settlers arrived in New Zealand. TIP: The beautiful scenery in the gardens makes this an ideal spot for a picnic.

TIP: Plan a visit in January to watch the Sonangol Africa Eco Race kick off in Dakar.



You can’t miss this futuristic-looking wooden structure, which stands out among the medieval buildings of Seville. Ride the elevator to the top of the structure for panoramic rooftop views of the city. Afterward, take some time to wander the streets of Seville, which are especially beautiful lit up at night. TIP: Stop in one of the city’s ice cream parlors—I like Llaollano—for a delicious treat.





Te Papa translates to “our place,” which is appropriate, considering that the museum is filled with exhibits that tell the story of New Zealand’s culture. I spent hours here researching the history and rebirth of the Maori language for my Magellan Project and socializing with the locals. TIP: Check out the “Passports” exhibit for a closer look at the people who have visited and settled in New Zealand.


This entertainment complex was a fun place for my friends and me to visit during my first few weeks abroad in Spain. My favorite part of the complex is the aquarium, which is the largest of its kind in Europe. It’s also worth checking out the science museum and planetarium, which is housed in a cool building designed to resemble an eye. TIP: Take time to check out Valencia’s beautiful beaches and vibrant cultural district.



Located in the heart of Madrid, I like to think of this plaza as the cultural hub of the city. The great cafés and street performers make this popular attraction a must-see if you’re in Spain. The plaza also has quite an extensive history. With its construction dating back to the early 17th century, it has been the site of bullfights, inquisition trials and public executions. TIP: Get your picture taken in front of the Phillip III statue built in 1616.



The Tower of Belem was one of my favorite stops during my junior year abroad. Built as a fortress in the 16th century to protect Lisbon, the tower is registered as one of the seven wonders of Portugal. During my visit, I checked out the pastries at Pastéis de Belém, a café that has been around since 1837. TIP: Try the pastel de nata, a popular Portuguese egg tart, at the nearby café.


This mausoleum is the final resting place of Chinese communist leader Mao Zedong. Visitors line up for miles in Tiananmen Square—the third-largest city square in the world—to pay tribute to Mao, whose body is on display for public viewing. This was definitely the most interesting, not to mention eerie, historical attraction I visited in China. TIP: Enjoy an authentic Chinese meal at one of the many restaurants surrounding Tiananmen Square.






Since the Magellan Project was launched five years ago, 129 students have completed 151 Magellan Projects, traveling to 22 U.S. states,

38 foreign countries and six continents. HERE ARE SOME HIGHLIGHTS OF THEIR ADVENTURES.


The Hengill volcano of Iceland is the northernmost point visited by Adam Toomey ’12. At 64 DEGREES north of the equator, it is 1,800 miles from the North Pole.

FOUR students conducted research projects on nuclear magnetic resonance at Radboud University in the Netherlands.


Bill Platt ’87 has worked with FOUR Magellan scholars at his financial firm in New York City.


Nick Tyger ’12 helped treat 2,000 sick and injured people during his medical mission in the Dominican Republic.


Damian Bosiacki ’13 and Sean Leehan ’13 stopped in 10 major U.S. cities on their joint cross-country Magellan trip.


Ecuador has attracted 12 Magellan Project scholars—more than any other country.



Eva Pfeffer ’13 compared the street art of THREE South American countries— Ecuador, Peru and Chile.




TWO siblings, Gary Flavion ’12 and Lindsay Flavion ’12, received Magellan funding to travel to France and Ecuador, respectively.

Georgia is the smallest country visited by Magellan student Austin Pilkington ’15. At 27,000 SQUARE MILES in size, it is a little more than half the size of Pennsylvania.


Think globally


Erin Barno ’13, Charlotte Bateman ’13, Amanda Knarr ’13 and Nick Tyger ’12 each completed THREE Magellan Projects.

As W&J students craft and complete their own Magellan Projects, they acquire valuable skills and knowledge that can’t be taught in the traditional classroom setting. Here, four Magellan alumni who executed independent projects in California, France, Germany and Paraguay reflect on their transformative experiences.

Appreciate the small things


The first class of Magellan Project scholars included 16 students.


FOUR students traveled to Christchurch, New Zealand, an 8,500-MILE flight from Pittsburgh.

Because of the Magellan Project, I was able to go to Paraguay and build a literacy center for children with supplies donated from W&J’s education department and my hometown community. The young children there had very little food to eat, dirty water to drink and not enough medicine when they were sick, but they were singing, dancing and thankful for what they did have—each other. The children taught me that it is not the material things that are important, but rather the spirit of day-to-day living. After graduation, I was accepted into the PeaceCorps in Benin, West Africa, where I taught English at an orphanage in my village. I went in thinking that I was going to do all of the teaching, but I ended up learning much more about myself in the process, including the importance of culture, traditions and family. I am now a more patient, forgiving and aware person because of these experiences. KAYLA CURTISS ’10 AMERICORPS VISTA ERIE, PA

The Magellan Project funding I received from W&J enabled me to participate in a research internship at the Institut Pasteur in Paris, where I spent my summer investigating a mouse model of immune disease while balancing explorations of Paris and Europe. This experience solidified my desire to apply for doctorate programs in biomedical research while introducing me to international research. It also expanded my understanding of the world beyond western Pennsylvania, encouraging my continued travel to China and Colombia after graduation. My Magellan enabled me to look beyond how science is conducted at my own research institution and even within the U.S. Understanding how science is taught worldwide will be beneficial as I explore a career in science education. BRITTANY ANDERTON ’09 GRADUATE STUDENT, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO

Seize every opportunity When I started my 10-week internship with the U.S. Embassy in Berlin, Germany, I expected to perform minor tasks. Instead, I was given the opportunity to take notes in meetings with German foreign-service counterparts and write a weekly rundown of news stories that influenced the actions of the embassy’s economic section. I also honed my German conversational skills and picked up a lot of business and government terms, improving my vocabulary as well as my understanding of Germany’s young professional culture. These skills helped me secure a position at an international law firm as I pursue my master’s in public and international affairs. With a focus in security and intelligence operations, I hope to someday work for the Foreign Service or maybe the intelligence community. My Magellan guided me on my career path and made an otherwise impossible summer of international travel feasible. DAN MASON ’10 INTERNATIONAL LEGAL SECRETARY, REED SMITH PITTSBURGH

Stay on top of industry trends For my Magellan Project, I interned with Denuo, a StarCom MediaVest Group in Los Angeles. I was the only intern on a small team that looked at integrating corporate brands into video games like Madden, Sims and Grand Theft Auto. The experience was a great introduction to the media industry, a career path I was not aware of until this internship. My Magellan led to a full-time job offer at StarCom’s headquarters in Chicago, where I was hired as a digital marketing associate after graduation. Since then, I’ve had the opportunity to work with clients like Disney Parks and organize events at one of the largest expos in North America—the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. By exposing me to innovation and the importance of keeping abreast of new trends in media, my internship sparked my interest in my current career. SHARON SHI ’09 MEDIA SUPERVISOR, TEAM SPRINT CHICAGO






With five fingers held high, members of the Presidents football team, along with cheerleaders, parents and fans, rushed the field at Wiley Stadium seconds after capturing Washington & Jefferson College’s first Presidents’ Athletic Conference (PAC) championship since 2007. Tears streamed down players’ faces as the celebration turned into a massive embrace around Head Football Coach Mike Sirianni, who raised the trophy in the air before presenting it to the parents of Tim McNerney ’13.

An Unthinkable Loss It was an emotional close to a season that will be remembered more for love and respect than tackles and touchdowns. After starting the first half of the season with a 4-1 record, the Presidents were well on their way to realizing McNerney’s goal of regaining their spot atop the conference standings. However, on Oct. 4, just 48 hours before W&J was set to play Thomas More in Kentucky, McNerney was found dead off campus, stunning the close-knit team of players who looked to the senior captain as their leader and friend. “We lost our best player, our captain and the most popular guy on the team,” Sirianni said. “Tim packed more into his 21 years of life than anyone I’ve ever met. He taught his teammates, friends and coaches to live each day to its fullest. We’ll never forget him, and we’ll never be the same without him.” Faced with a decision of whether or not to play a game five hours from campus after a tragedy that deeply affected the W&J community, the coaches and players resolved to travel to Crestview Hills, Ky., to take the field in McNerney’s honor. Co-captain DeAndre Simmons ’13 wore his fallen teammate’s No. 5 jersey during the game, where a pregame ceremony honored McNerney’s life. Understandably, the Presidents appeared to have 20


trouble focusing from the outset, committing seven turnovers and falling to the Saints 54-18.

A Campus Community Unites The days that followed were ones of grieving and healing for the team and campus community, but also of remembrance for a vibrant life that, though cut too short, touched everyone around him. Whether selling memorial bracelets or finding inspiration in the young musician’s lyrical rap tracks, McNerney’s teammates and classmates banded together to honor their friend’s legacy. Under the Twitter hashtag #RIP5, students used social media as a means to communicate and share memories, creating a virtual memorial for McNerney that continues to evolve. “We are going to honor Tim by winning football games and treating each other well, with respect,” said Sirianni, who led his emotional team in a pivotal Senior Day game against Westminster, the first at Cameron Stadium since the tragedy. Fans packed the stands as McNerney’s family took part in the festivities, releasing red and black balloons into a clear blue sky at the announcement of his name. The Presidents fought hard in honor of McNerney, and topped Westminster 24-21 behind 168 all-purpose yards from running back Dion Wiegand ’14.

“This team will remember fulfilling their teammate’s dream their entire lives.” – BILL DUKETT, DIRECTOR OF ATHLETICS

A week later, W&J hosted Saint Vincent in a Homecoming game that brought hundreds of alumni to Washington, Pa., in a show of support for their alma mater, including the players and coaches of the 1992 team who were celebrating the 20th anniversary of their appearance in the NCAA Division III national championship game. Referring to the support his team received as “remarkable,” Sirianni said the players were inspired by all of the calls, texts, emails and visits from alumni. “I’ll never forget the people who supported us when we needed it most,” he said. Bill Dukett, W&J’s director of athletics, agreed, saying that during the toughest of times, the tight-knit W&J community makes its biggest impact. “This tragedy affected not only the team but the entire campus,” Dukett said. “When you lose a team leader, it is a blow to everyone on the team. When you lose someone who is beloved by the entire campus community, reminders surround you every day—wherever you go on campus, whomever you talk to. The support our faculty, administration and alumni displayed to our coaching staff and student-athletes has been extraordinary. Former players calling to not only inquire about the situation, but also to lend support and counseling, assured me that the long-held saying of ‘once a President, always a President’ is alive and well.”

The Presidents celebrate on the field after winning the PAC championship in honor of McNerney. Players join hands as they run out onto the field at Thomas More with five fingers held high for McNerney.

“Tim packed more into his 21 years of life than anyone I’ve ever met. He taught his teammates, friends and coaches to live each day to its fullest.” – MIKE SIRIANNI, HEAD FOOTBALL COACH

Winning for Tim A 40-14 victory over Saint Vincent at Homecoming and a 27-17 triumph at Geneva the following weekend set up a showdown in Greene County for the final week of the regular season—the 40th edition of the PAC Backyard Brawl at Waynesburg. After linebackers Ian Hennessy ’13 and John Hunter ’13 stuffed a Waynesburg ball carrier on the third play of the game to force a punt, W&J dominated, winning 31-14 and setting off a wild postgame celebration. For the first time in nearly 40 days, tears were accompanied by smiles. “Winning this title meant a lot because our guys were playing for a purpose—they wanted to grant Tim’s wish,” Sirianni noted. “Was this the most talented team in W&J history? No. But, I believe this is the best championship this football program has ever won. The key game was the Westminster win. The tragedy was still so fresh in our minds, but we found a way to come out on top and then got on a roll.” Dukett commended Sirianni, who was named the PAC and D3football.com South Coach of the Year, and his staff for keeping the team

focused during the most difficult circumstances. “This team will remember fulfilling their teammate’s dream their entire lives,” Dukett said. “Celebrating on the field with the championship trophy will be just as memorable to them as playing in a Rose Bowl or Stagg Bowl game was to our alumni. This game teaches you to overcome any obstacle. Hopefully, they will carry this lesson on in life and be better prepared for the difficult challenges they will endure.” Following the season, McNerney was a unanimous first-team All-PAC choice and earned a spot on the D3football.com All-South Region Team. Sirianni said that the star running back’s No. 5 jersey will remain distinguished at W&J. “As long as I am head coach of this football program, no one will wear the number five again,” explained Sirianni, who added that a new weight room in the basement of Henry Memorial Gym will be named after McNerney and John Heisman, W&J’s 1923 head coach and namesake of the Heisman trophy. “Every future W&J football player will know Tim McNerney.”

Players, cheerleaders and members of the campus community come together to honor McNerney’s memory.


To learn how W&J and the McNerney family are honoring Tim’s legacy, visit www.washjeff.edu/mcnerneymemorial.






From the site of a famous Abraham Lincoln speech to the home of a Whiskey Rebellion protest, Kristen Galligan ’15 has breezed through nearly every historical landmark in her hometown of Frederick, Md., and college town of Washington, Pa., during her daily jaunts. Laughing at the prospect of her future as a tour guide, Galligan appreciates the scenic backdrop of her familiar workout routes, which she runs for up to 50 miles a week during the summer. “During the cross-country season, the workouts are more intense, so I try to lower the mileage to 40 or so,” she explained. It’s a modest description of the cross-country star’s weekly routine, which consists of a rigorous workout at Prentice Track at Cameron Stadium on Mondays, weight lifting in the Swanson Wellness Center on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and a long run on Wednesdays. Galligan and her teammates take what they call an “easy day” on Fridays with a shorter journey on the streets of Washington in preparation for Saturday meets.

with Head Coach Shawn Marek, set her goals for the season “pretty high” after she became the first female runner to qualify for the national championships her freshman year. Marek, whose first year coaching the team coincided with Galligan’s rookie season, was not surprised by his team captain’s record-breaking year. “Kristen leads by example and shows her dedication by doing all the little things that are necessary to reach her fullest potential,” he said. “She has improved immensely from her senior year in high school to her sophomore year at W&J—by more than two minutes—in large part to her extreme commitment, confidence and enthusiasm for the sport.” Galligan, who also competes on the track-and-field team in the spring, already is setting goals for next fall’s cross-country season. For the four-time PAC Runner of the Week,

“Winning a national championship is my y all-time goal. Next year, I’d love to be one ne of the top five runners in the country.”

Kristen Galligan extends her record-breaking cross-country season into the spring as a long-distance runner on the track-and-field team.

Record-Breaking Runners As the Presidents cross-country program picks up speed, here is a look at more runners who have made W&J history. 1. KRISTEN GALLIGAN ’15 The first female to win a PAC championship, she became W&J’s first cross-country All-American at the NCAA Division III championships. 2. SCOTT RYAN ’13 The second cross-country male to win a PAC championship and first to compete at the NCAA Division III championships, he produced back-to-back 13th-place finishes at the NCAA regional race, the top placements by a male in school history.


The disciplined regimen paid off for Galligan, who produced the best season by a Washington & Jefferson College cross-country runner, male or female, in school history. After becoming the first female runner to capture a Presidents’ Athletic Conference (PAC) championship, she finished in second place at the Mideast Regional—the top regional finish by a W&J harrier. A true endurance runner, Galligan saved her best for last during her second-straight trip to the NCAA Division III championships, where she placed 12th among 277 runners, becoming the Presidents’ first cross-country All-American. Her time of 21:27.40 on the 6K course in Terra Haute, Ind., was a mere 35 seconds behind national champion Christy Cazzola of Wisconsin-Oshkosh. “I was thrilled with the season; it was more than I could’ve asked for,” said Galligan who, along



etching her name into W&J history alongside national champions Jaimee Heffner ’99 (Javelin) and Kaitlyn Orstein ’08 (Swimming) is not out of the question. “Winning a national championship is my all-time goal,” Galligan said. “I never would have said those words last year. Each year of experience gained at the college level helps so much. During my freshman year, I didn’t know what it took to become All-Region or All-American. Next year, I’d love to be one of the top five runners in the country.” Marek does not hesitate when asked of the heights he expects Galligan to reach. “She had a great sophomore season and I fully expect her to become an NCAA champion before she graduates.” – SCOTT MCGUINNESS

3. MATTHEW RUDZKI ’08 The first cross-country male to win a PAC championship, he claimed the 2005 and 2007 league titles. 4. ERIN LONG ’09 The four-time All-Region cross-country runner never placed below fourth at the PAC championships, including a runner-up showing in 2006. 5. JENNIFER BAUMGARTEL ’01 The second cross-country runner to earn CoSIDA Academic All-American status, she placed third at the 1997 PAC championship. 6. ALLISON EVANOFF ROONEY ’92 A CoSIDA Academic All-American, she was the first cross-country runner to earn this status and one of only 10 two-time honorees in W&J history.

HALL OF FAME NEARS 100 MEMBERS VICKI STATON, longtime head coach of women’s basketball and volleyball, became the 99th person to be inducted into Washington & Jefferson College’s Athletic Hall of Fame in September. Joining Staton in the program’s 14th class are four legendary student-athletes representing basketball, football, swimming and track and field. Staton, who has impacted student-athletes at W&J for four decades, remains active in the department as an assistant women’s basketball coach. Her 646 combined head coaching victories are the most in school history. Staton’s volleyball squads won five Presidents’ Athletic Conference (PAC) titles and two ECAC South Region championships, while her basketball teams captured seven Pennwood Athletic Conference championships, three PAC titles and an ECAC Southern Division III championship.

WILLIAM E. “BILL” AMOS ’28*, known as “The Wild Bill of Campus,” was a three-sport athlete at W&J, lettering three years in football and basketball and two years in track and field. He was a two-time football captain who led the Presidents to a 20-3-1 record as fullback. A two-time All-American and All-East selection, Amos played in two East-West Shrine Games and made a career out of football, becoming the Presidents’ head coach and guiding W&J to 17 victories from 1929 to 1931. In 1930, he coached the first indoor college football night game when W&J played Lafayette in Atlantic City, N.J.

BRIAN DAWSON ’03 still holds eight school football records after setting 22, including passing yards (10,257), which, at the time of his graduation, was the fifth-highest total in NCAA Division III history. In 2003, Dawson was one of 42 quarterbacks in all NCAA divisions to amass at least 10,000 passing yards in a career. Those yards remain the 19th-best total in NCAA Division III history. RAFAEL PEREZ-MENDEZ ’91 won five PAC swimming championships, including four individual events. Named the team’s Most Valuable Swimmer in 1989, he set numerous school From left, Athletic Director Bill Dukett congratulates inductees Kelly records during his career. Mistretta, Vicki Staton, Brian Dawson and Rafael Perez-Mendez during Perez-Mendez recorded school halftime of a W&J football game. records in the 200 freestyle (1:47.82), 1,000 freestyle (10:34.98), 100 breaststroke over her three collegiate years. She became one (1:01.62), 200 breaststroke (2:13.82), 200 butterfly of only eight basketball players in school history (2:01.32) and 200 IM (1:59.61). to be selected as the PAC Most Valuable Player after finishing the 1994-95 season ranked 25th in KELLEY RYAN MISTRETTA ’95, after missing NCAA Division III in scoring with an average of her freshman basketball season due to an injury, 20.7 points per game. took the PAC by storm and scored 991 points, *Deceased grabbed 306 rebounds and dished out 186 assists

Gridiron Greats Reunite 1992 FOOTBALL TEAM CELEBRATES HISTORIC GAME One of the most successful athletic teams in Washington & Jefferson College history returned to Cameron Stadium during Homecoming & Reunion Weekend to celebrate the 20th anniversary of their appearance in the NCAA Division III championship game. Led by former Head Coach John Luckhardt, the 1992 Presidents finished the season with an 11-2 record. The defense finished as the national leader in points allowed per game, and the offense was fueled by a dominant offensive line. Running back Chris Babirad ’94 rushed for a school-record 2,471 yards and 32 touchdowns, while quarterback Bob Strope ’94 ranked in the top 10 for passing efficiency. Linebacker Shawn Prendergast ’94 racked up 124 tackles, while Rickey Williams ’93 picked off 10 passes. W&J earned NCAA playoff wins over perennial powers Lycoming, Emory & Henry and Rowan before falling to Wisconsin-LaCrosse 16-12 in the Amos Alonzo Stagg Bowl in Bradenton, Fla. The 1992 Presidents became the first W&J team to play in an NCAA Division III championship game.

Members of the 1992 football team reunite during Homecoming weekend. FROM INSIDE THE POCKET

“To play for the national championship was something we had worked toward for years. We had made the playoffs every season and were determined to go all the way in 1992.” – BOB STROPE ’94



W&J alumni



Members of the most decorated football squad since the 1922 Rose Bowl team returned to Cameron Stadium during Homecoming & Reunion Weekend to celebrate the 20th anniversary of their appearance in the NCAA Division III national championship game. Waving to the crowd at the announcement of their names, more than 30 players and coaches from the 1992 football team were greeted with cheers during a pregame ceremony before taking their reserved spots in the College Box to watch the Presidents handidly defeat Saint Vincent 40-14. At halftime, DeAndre Simmons ’13 of Lehigh Acres, Fla., and Eva Pfeffer ’13 of Temecula, Calif., were crowned Homecoming King and Queen. Simmons, a communication arts major, is a co-captain of the football team and member of Phi Gamma Delta fraternity. Pfeffer, an international business and art double major, is a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority and Alpha Phi Omega service fraternity. The weekend kicked off Friday evening at the annual Homecoming Dinner, where three alumni received awards and the class of 1972 took home the Class Cup. Following Saturday’s game, alumni packed the tent on Olin lawn for a festive Fifth Quarter celebration.

e b Erica Lott ’12 and Nico’Lee Rohac ’12 reunite with the cheerleading squad. c Rickey Williams ’93 tips his hat to the crowd during a pregame ceremony honoring the 1992 football team. d Delta Gamma alumnae Lynn Becker ’83, Paige Fairbaugh ’84, Sarana Becker Donaldson ’82, Cindy Leposki Martin ’83, Mindy Alcorn Mcneely ’82, Michelle Stout ’84 and Cheryl Maze ’80 reunite at Fifth Quarter. e Mayara Lorena ’16, Andrea Chezan ’16, Aananthi Rajasekaran ’13 and Francisco Betancourt Lasso ’16 enjoy the football game from the stands. f Kenny Roberts ’14 congratulates Homecoming Queen Eva Pfeffer ’13. g Veronica Kust ’09, Alana Galvin ’09, Zach Zebrasky ’09, Emily Hays ’09 and Leah Bonaccorsi ’11 enjoy the Homecoming festivities. h Ian Wagner ’95 spends time with his son at the 1992 football team reunion. i Zeta Beta Tau brothers Alan Witkower ’72, Bill Kaplan ’72, Ken Heffron ’72, Lee Mandel ’72 and Gene Hershorin ’72 pose with the George and Tom mascots. j NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell ’81 greets President Tori Haring-Smith at Fifth Quarter. 1) Future Presidents cheer on defensive back Sam Comly ’14. 1! Pep band member Katilyn Mascatelli ’13 pumps up the crowd at the football game. 1@ Buba Misawa shares a laugh with John Mollenauer ’57.

Save the date for Homecoming & Reunion Weekend, Sept. 27-28, 2013. For details, visit www.jayconnected.com/homecoming.








h j








A POEM FOR HOMECOMING Homecoming & Reunion Weekend featured W&J’s first alumni author panel, during which alumni joined professors and students for an afternoon of reading original works of their own or of fellow W&J graduates. Abrianne Rhoad ’13, editor-in-chief of the Red & Black and The Wooden Tooth Review, presented the following poem for the occasion.

We Asked

W&J Magazine was on hand at Homecoming & Reunion Weekend to find out what you love most about your alma mater. Whether you cherished your sorority sisters, bonded with your teammates or were inspired by a favorite professor, one thing is clear—the people are what make W&J memorable.

Q: What do I’m coming home for Homecoming Red & maybe Black coming home for ‘nother home, coming Welcome back home. I’m coming home for good byes, leaving faster than fall flies, running spirals down steep stairs coming home for Homecoming. I’m coming home for Home coming like I never really left, coming up and down the stairs up the stairs, counting the memories there. I’m coming home for Homecoming and home is never leaving, coming back for ‘nother Homecoming crowded tent and people humming cheers to red geraniums & black text: “Welcome Home.” I’m staying Home. It’s Homecoming. I’m the last one of my class, And even though I missed it here I’m leaving these memories for the past. I’m staying home. It’s Homecoming and Mom always asks: “Why?” Why don’t you come home? It’s Homecoming. “Home is here” is my reply. So I’m coming home for Homecoming Every year after and the next. It’s like I never leave home when I’m coming here, To revisit the memories is all I expect.



You Answered

you love about W&J?


W&J honors three notable alumni Distinguished alumni representing the fields of cancer research, integrated circuit technology and national security and intelligence operations were presented with Washington & Jefferson College’s highest honors during the annual Homecoming & Reunion dinner in October. The award winners were recognized for their dedication to their professions as well as to their communities and alma mater. – KERRI DIGIOVANNI LACOCK ’09

Tori Haring-Smith (right) congratulates alumni award winners, from left, Guy DuBois, Amanda Boehm and Larry Sumney.




Amanda Boehm ’02

Larry Sumney ’62

McClellan “Guy” DuBois ’70

Amanda Boehm ’02, Ph.D., is making a name for herself in the field of cancer research as a senior editor at the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. In this role, Boehm works closely with authors and experts in the field to communicate original research in a publication that is internationally acclaimed as one of the most-cited journals of its kind. Alice Lee, Ph.D., chairman of the biology department, recalls the double biology and English major as being one of her top students. “Dr. Amanda Boehm is someone who really embraces what it means to be a President: to dream, to discover, and to do,” Lee said. “I am very honored to be given this award,” Boehm said. This isn’t just an award for me; this is an award for my entire family because, without them, I could never have done the things I have done.” After graduating from W&J, Boehm earned her doctorate in cellular and molecular pathology from the University of Pittsburgh. She completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the Laboratory of Tumor Immunology and Biology at the National Cancer Institute in Washington, D.C. Her work on therapeutic cancer vaccines was published in two journals, and she served as an editor for the National Institutes of Health. A volunteer for W&J’s Alumni Mentor Program, she also advised the Kappa Alpha Theta chapter at W&J.

As president and CEO of the Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC), Larry Sumney ’62 has played a significant role in advancing integrated circuit technology, leading to the improvement of products from cellphones and iPods to sophisticated military defense systems. Under Sumney’s guidance, the SRC has grown into the world’s largest and most successful university research force to support the rapid progress of the semiconductor industry. “It is no surprise that Larry’s company stands beside eBay, IBM and Xerox as a recipient of the National Medal of Technology, an honor granted by the President of the United States to our nation’s greatest innovators of new and important technology,” President Tori Haring-Smith, Ph.D., said. Sumney’s graduation from W&J in 1962 launched his 20-year career with the federal government. Selected as an Edison Scholar at the Naval Research Laboratory, Sumney went on to earn his master’s in engineering administration from George Washington University. His last major government assignment was at the Pentagon, where he managed a multi-million-dollar technology program for the Department of Defense. “I have had several types of career positions,” Sumney said. “Throughout each of these, I have learned the impact of my education from W&J. The foundation that was provided to me has been a major component of my success.”

“You have guided our students as alumni mentors, you have given your time and your financial support to this College, you have been our best representatives.”

A leader in the field of national security and intelligence operations, McClellan “Guy” DuBois ’70 remains committed to his alma mater as a trustee and mentor. As general partner of The DuBois Group, he calls on his extensive experience with Raytheon and the Central Intelligence Agency to consult on national economic and security issues. At Raytheon, DuBois was the vice president of operational technologies and solutions, working with clients ranging from the Department of Defense to foreign government agencies. Previously, he worked for the CIA as a member of the agency’s Senior Intelligence Service. “For me, it has been a journey of discovery in the sense that I graduated from here and, by sheer chance, ended up at the Central Intelligence Agency largely because a former professor here was a scout for the CIA,” DuBois said. “The one thing that really stood out in my 26 years with the agency was that W&J alumni were playing a huge role in what was going on at the time.” During the course of his career, DuBois has mentored W&J students as interns at Raytheon. Now in his second term on the Board of Trustees, he also has participated in presidential search committees and focus groups and helped develop the College’s Computing and Information Studies program. DuBois first volunteered for W&J 42 years ago as a Phonathon caller for the W&J Fund. Invested in the future of W&J, DuBois and his wife, Lynn, have established a Charitable Gift Annuity and developed the Class of 1970 Faculty Development Fund. Their children Megan DuBois ’09 and David DuBois ’11 are also graduates of W&J.








Remembering the Holocaust As one of the first students at Washington & Jefferson College to create a Magellan Project, history major Staci Kubiak Foran ’09 spent the summer before her senior year visiting concentration camps and Holocaust memorials in Eastern Europe. Five years later, English major and French minor Rebecca Hendricks ’13 traveled to France to study the memorialization of the Holocaust and its impact on the country. Both inspired by research conducted at W&J, Foran and Hendricks reflect on the journeys that shaped their collegiate experiences.

Why did you decide to create a Magellan Project? Rebecca: Last year, in one of my French classes, I did a historical research project on the Vél d’Hiv roundup in Paris. My research led me to watching the movie Sarah’s Key, which I enjoyed so much that I felt compelled to read the book. I decided to apply for a Magellan Project so that I could travel to France and learn more. Staci: I always wanted to investigate and explore the Holocaust further than what I’ve read and been taught in the classroom, and the Magellan Project offered me a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to do so. After discussing the idea with my professors, my project quickly evolved to focus on how countries today have memorialized the Holocaust.

What did you study for your Magellan Project? Staci: I received a scholarship to visit sites related to the Holocaust in Europe. I traveled to Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Austria and Hungary to study how those countries are memorializing the Holocaust. I visited six concentration camps during a three-week period as well as museums and memorials.



“I remember the nervous anticipation I felt before seeing the concentration camps that I had read about so often in history books.”

“Holding a conversation with a Holocaust survivor in French was one of the most moving experiences of my journey.” – REBECCA HENDRICKS ’13


Staci Kubiak Foran visits Old Town in Prague while studying the Holocaust in Eastern Europe in 2008.

Rebecca Hendricks attends the 70th anniversary ceremony of the Vél d’Hiv roundup in Paris.

Rebecca: While attending the 70th anniversary ceremony of the Vél d’Hiv roundup, I heard speeches from groups that were raising awareness. I also explored several museums that covered the history of that decade, as well as other Holocaust museums in Paris that commemorated what occurred in France. Many people do not think of France when it comes to the Holocaust and what its involvement entailed.

enthusiastic that younger people were at the memorial to learn about what happened. Holding a conversation with a Holocaust survivor in French was one of the most moving experiences of my journey.

What do you remember most about your trip? Staci: I remember what a humbling experience it was. Many of the sites I visited saw some of the worst atrocities ever committed against humanity. I remember the nervous anticipation I felt before seeing the concentration camps that I had read about so often in history books. I’ll always remember the emotions I felt while walking through those places. Rebecca: I met an older Frenchman who had been arrested with his mother in the Vél d’Hiv roundup when he was very young but managed to survive. He was at the anniversary in honor of her and wore a button that said “Sons and Daughters of the Deported.” He was very

How did your Magellan Project impact your career plans? Rebecca: I am applying to law school and using my personal statement as an opportunity to talk about my trip. I’m emphasizing how great it was to plan my own research and travel after being inspired by a movie. I really want to work in a field that will allow me to travel, perhaps something that correlates with international business. Staci: My Magellan helped me gain a confidence that I would not have developed without setting out on this adventure. Like Rebecca, my experience was a talking point while I was applying for graduate school and interviewing for teaching jobs. Today, as a high school history teacher, I have the opportunity to share my Magellan experience with my students while teaching about the Holocaust. – KERRI DIGIOVANNI LACOCK ’09

Former attorney pursues dream of writing full-time in Greece When Jeff Siger ’66 left his career as a name partner at a New York City law firm to pursue his dream of becoming a full-time writer in Greece, he said his partners thought he was “crazy.” Now an internationally known author whom The Greek Press calls “prophetic,” Siger looks back at his decision with no regrets.


to a city near you. APRIL Detroit Far Hills, N.J. Milford, Conn. New York City Pittsburgh

“Once I realized I would not live forever, the rest of it was rather simple,” he said. “I always wanted to write and I always loved Greece and I finally saw the opportunity to enact my two loves.”

MAY Boston Chicago Washington, D.C.

This fall, for the first time since his graduation, Siger returned to his alma mater to speak with students, faculty and staff about his writing career. He credited Washington & Jefferson College with giving him the opportunity “to meet all kinds of different people,” an advantage for graduates in any field. “Academics, honestly, you can find in many different places,” he said. “I think it was the environment, the people of W&J, that helped best prepare me.”

JUNE Hershey, Pa. Pittsburgh JULY Kansas City, Mo. AUGUST Pittsburgh

A political science and biology double major at W&J and graduate of Boston College Law School, Siger never received formal training as a writer. Instead, he said, he “learned to write by writing.”

Jeff Siger returns to W&J to speak to students about his writing career. He plans to teach an Intersession course in 2014.

An affirmation of his career change, Siger’s first novel, “Murder in Mykonos,” became the number-one best-selling English-language book in Greece. It also is the first book to be published simultaneously in English and Greek by a Greek publisher.

“I always wanted to write and I always loved Greece and I finally saw the opportunity to enact my two loves.”

For a full calendar of alumni and parent events, go to www.jayconnected.com/events.

“I’m still smiling at that moment,” Siger – JEFF SIGER ’66 said. “I went to the website of this leading bookseller and I see my book listed as number one. It was all in Greek, so I went over to a friend and said, ‘Am I reading this right?’ He said, ‘Yes, you’re the number one selling book in Greece.’ It stayed that way the whole summer.” Since then, Siger has published three additional murder-mystery novels about Greece: “Assassins of Athens,” “Prey on Patmos,” and “Target: Tinos,” which was one of five titles chosen by The New York Times Book Review as a 2012 “Pick for the Beach.” Siger said he chose to write murder mysteries because it allowed him to tell the story of a culture. “I am discussing issues confronting Greece and, as it extends on a grander basis, the other islands,” he said. “Someone once said that the restoration of order to a fractured society is the basic premise of virtually all mystery writing.” The former Wall Street attorney, who said he has turned down bigger publishers in order to maintain a more spontaneous lifestyle, cherishes the freedom of his newfound career. “I love the fact that when I get up in the morning, that is all I have to do,” Siger said about being a writer. “I love when you get an idea and say, ‘Okay, I want to say something about it,’ and you have no idea what you’re going to say. Having been a writer now and having been involved in a lot of writing activities, I know that if I sit down and just start to write a little thing, just a small idea, something will come of it.” – ALLYSON GILMORE ’12





Roommates reunite to create scholarship fund Scott Leaf ’76 and David White ’76 first met when pledging the same fraternity, Zeta Beta Tau, their freshman year at Washington & Jefferson College. While the two students came to W&J with different objectives—Leaf was a chemistry major and aspiring dentist and White majored in political science and dreamed of working for the government—they quickly became best friends and, later, roommates, fully immersing themselves in the college experience together. Since graduating from W&J 37 years ago, Leaf and White remain closely connected with each other and their alma

“I look at this as if we’re throwing a pebble into a pond and making a ripple.” – SCOTT LEAF ’76

mater. Leaf, a volunteer for the Alumni Mentor Program, recently hosted a student intern at his dental office. White, founder and president of Coordinated Transportation Solutions, a not-for-profit transportation management firm, serves on the Alumni Executive Council. He also sat on the Parents’ Council while his son, Peter White ’11, attended W&J. “W&J was a really good experience for me and for my son,” White said. “While Peter was a student, he had just as positive an experience as I did.” Leaf and White regularly attend alumni events in the Washington, D.C., and Connecticut regions, respectively, and return to campus for their reunions. While serving on their 35th reunion committee, the two friends began reminiscing about the impact W&J has had on their lives and careers. “I thought, after speaking with David, that we could make a difference for a few students,” said Leaf, who decided to create a scholarship with White through two insurance policies—the White Leaf Scholarship Fund. “We decided to do this for W&J in recognition and support of the great education it gives young adults,” Leaf added. “With this financial gift, we not only receive a tax deduction, but the College receives an incredible scholarship endowment through these insurance vehicles.” Through the scholarship, Leaf and White hope to give a W&J student the same opportunities they had in college. Designed to be awarded to a student at the end of his or her freshman year, the scholarship helps a student who already is committed to W&J and needs assistance funding the additional years of college. “W&J gives you a broad view of the world. We believe in that and want to contribute to and promote that,” said White, who added that the scholarship has strengthened his friendship with Leaf. “We’ve always kept in touch, but volunteering for our last reunion and creating this scholarship together has made us closer.”

Scott Leaf, third from left, and David White, second from right, attend their 35th reunion at Homecoming 2011. They met at W&J as brothers of Zeta Beta Tau fraternity.

“W&J gives you a broad view of the world. We believe in that and want to contribute to and promote that.” – DAVID WHITE ‘76

Building off the momentum of the scholarship, Leaf and White are eager to get other alumni involved in supporting their alma mater. “I look at this as if we’re throwing a pebble into a pond and making a ripple,” Leaf said. “If other alumni could participate, we would make a lot of ripples and those ripples would have a large impact on W&J.” Interested alumni may contact Leaf and White to learn more about their scholarship, or Michele Abate Hufnagel ’93, W&J’s associate vice president for development and alumni relations, to create their own. – KERRI DIGIOVANNI LACOCK ’09



To create your legacy at W&J, visit www.washjeff.edu/support-wj.

W&J class


After 46 years of service, Demetrius Iatridis ’51, a philosophy graduate from Washington & Jefferson College, retired from his position as a professor at the Graduate School of Social Work at Boston College. The retirement celebration that honored Iatridis included a panel discussion and keynote speech from former Massachusetts Gov. Michael Dukakis. Iatridis’ career at Boston College began in 1966 with a position as the director of the Institute of Human Sciences. He later became a professor at Boston College, where he taught classes comparing social policy in capitalist and communist societies. These classes often involved trips to Cuba, where Iatridis was given the opportunity to meet with Fidel Castro to discuss the practicality of social work. According to Iatridis, his passion for social work began at age 16 when, during World War II, the Nazi occupation of his native Greece caused him to flee to Egypt and eventually enlist in the Greek air force. His experiences during the war changed his career path. “I had prepared to go into aeronautical engineering until I decided that the world would not be built by aircraft engineers, but by mutual aid and collaborative programs to prevent other wars,” Iatridis said in an interview with The Boston College Chronicle. Following the war, Iatridis assisted the United Nations in helping Greek children affected by warfare. His efforts brought him to the U.S. to observe the country’s social welfare system and pursue an education. He attended W&J, where he studied philosophy

1949 T. Urling Walker writes, “I’m of the class of 1949 and I look forward to the possibility of attending the 65th reunion in 2014.” Walker enrolled in the 3-2 engineering program at W&J before finishing his degree in mechanical engineering at the Case Institute of Technology, now known as Case Western Reserve University. Walker worked as an industrial and management engineer at New York Air Brake, and later as an assistant professor of engineering sciences at Jefferson Community College. He also served as the mayor of Watertown, N.Y., for two terms. Walker, who says he enjoyed his time at W&J, adds, “Every chance I get, I let people know where I am from.”

1952 Paul Kiell, M.D., a retired psychiatrist, completed a 28.5-mile swim around Manhattan,

Former Massachusetts Gov. Michael Dukakis congratulates Demetrius Iatridis (left) on his retirement from Boston College.


Professor retires from influential career in social work

and psychology. “My education at W&J was the solid, exciting foundation of my entire professional life,” Iatridis said. “Critical thinking and the ability to think independently, skills both acquired at W&J, proved valuable in teaching my students later in graduate school.” In his retirement, Iatridis plans to continue volunteering for anti-poverty programs. As a former colleague of Iatridis said during the panel discussion, “Demetrius has kept his focus on helping those whom society tends to neglect.”

“My education at W&J was the solid, exciting foundation of my entire professional life.” – DEMETRIUS IATRIDIS ’51

N.Y., as the oldest competitor in the field at age 81. A former member of the swim team at W&J, he has applied his lifelong love of the sport to his position as a coordinator of the Specialized Water Interest Movement (SWIM Inc.). The program, which provides exercise opportunities for adults with health issues, is based in Basking Ridge, Pa.

’52 Paul Kiell, M.D., completed a 28.5-mile swim marathon in Manhattan, N.Y., as the oldest competitor in the field.

1953 John Frank, Ph. D., a retired counselor at Indiana University of Pennsylvania, is working as a field representative for U.S. Representative Mark Critz, helping people navigate issues such as social security and veterans affairs. Previously, Frank worked for U.S. Representative Jack Murtha. He resides in Indiana, Pa.

1956 Dennis Must has two forthcoming novels: “Hush Now, Don’t Explain,” to be released this summer, and “The World’s Smallest Bible,” to be released in spring 2014. “Hush Now, Don’t Explain” was named a Faulkner-Wisdom Award




class notes

Salvitti honored for philanthropy in higher education E. Ronald Salvitti ’59, M.D., received the 2013 Award for Individual Philanthropy from the Council of Independent Colleges (CIC) at the Presidents Institute Banquet in January. The award celebrates an individual who demonstrates the love of humankind through consequential giving and who provides an example of the philanthropic spirit. In announcing the award, Ronald Crutcher, president of Wheaton College in Massachusetts, said Salvitti’s “visionary and inspiring gifts have had a demonstrably positive effect on independent higher education, resulting in new buildings, enhanced science programs, and stronger endowments for many campus communities in Pennsylvania.” As a supporter of more than 50 educational and charitable nonprofit institutions, including his alma mater, Crutcher added that Salvitti “has provided exemplary philanthropic service and set a standard for higher education supporters everywhere.” Salvitti, the founder and medical director of the Southwestern Pennsylvania Eye Center in Washington, Pa., has been in the practice of ophthalmology for 40 years. Recognized as an innovator in the field, he has pioneered new methods in cataract and refractive eye surgery, including the design of intraocular lenses that have been widely used. Salvitti played an instrumental role in the funding and

finalist in the novel category by the William Faulkner Society and a finalist for the Michigan Literary Fiction Award from the University of Michigan Press. A philosophy graduate of W&J, Must writes plays, poetry, short stories and novels. He resides in Salem, Mass., with his wife, Aviva.

1960 Elliott Fredland accepted his newest acting job as a news anchor for the Onion News Network, a satirical news site. Fredland began acting full time in Chicago in 2003 and since has appeared in more than a dozen theatre productions. He also has appeared in numerous commercials and has had various roles in film, television and broadcasting. He resides in Chicago.

’60 Elliott Fredland accepted his newest acting job as a news anchor for the Onion News Network. 32


Ronald Salvitti (center) is presented with the Award for Individual Philanthropy by Georgia Nugent, chair of the Council of Independent Colleges.

construction of W&J’s John A. Swanson Science Center, dedicating a teaching wing and atrium in the building when it opened in 2010. He serves as a Trustee Emeritus of the College.

Layton Wise, president and co-founder of the Antique Automobile Club of America’s Covered Bridge Region, organized last summer’s eighth annual Classics on Main car show in Washington, Pa. Wise became interested in restoring antique cars while he was in college and now owns an automobile from each decade dating back to the early 1900s. He began painting antique cars after retiring as an engineer from Mine Safety Appliances Co., where he made pencil sketches of new product designs. Wise resides in Washington.

1962 Fred Veil wrote a book, “Bucky, A Story of Baseball in the Deadball Era,” about his grandfather’s career as a pitcher for the Pittsburgh Pirates during the 1903 World Series, which was the first in major league history. Veil is a retired corporate lawyer living in Prescott, Ariz.

1964 Charles Bens, Ph.D., published his ninth book, “Rebecca Sues Her Mother: You Caused My Diabetes.” The book is Bens’ first work of fiction and follows the difficulties of a college student diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. He resides in Sarasota, Fla.

Peter Fenninger released a new book titled “Among Teachers.” The book recounts his journey through the educational system as a student, teacher and administrator, and includes his experiences at W&J during the 1960s. Fenninger resides in Mooresville, N.C.

1966 David Seitz retired in 2010 from his position as a senior assistant city attorney with the City Attorney’s Office in Richmond, Va. He resides in Glen Allen, Va.

1968 Col. Gary Gresh was elected by the U.S. Army to the Adjutant General’s Corps Hall of Fame. A decorated Airborne, Ranger and Special Forces Officer, Gresh commanded numerous units, including a platoon in Vietnam with the 101st Airborne and the 18th Airborne Corps Brigade from Fort Bragg in Operation Desert Storm, before retiring from the Army in 1998. He is the author of “My Dearest Darling Barbara,” a Vietnam memoir, and is vice president of Southern Concrete Materials. Gresh and his wife, Barbara, live in Flat Rock, N.C.

1972 Mike Grumet reunited with Lambda Chi Alpha alumni at Angelo’s Restaurant in Washington, Pa. Attending the reunion were Jay Allen ’68, Jess Alonso ’71, Ken Baker ’68, Rob Barone ’73, Dave Bashour ’69, Al Brown, Dan Copeland, Chuck Hergenroeder ’69, Fred Hyser ’71, James Leach ’68, Bob McLuckey and Pat Rega ’69.


Richard Hughes is the co-founder of The Twin Towers Alliance. Founded as a bipartisan grassroots organization to advocate for the rebuilding of the Twin Towers, Hughes writes that the organization has developed into a “citizens’ watchdog group” with expertise on the workings of the Port Authorities of New York and New Jersey. Hughes, who has been interviewed by CBS, MSNBC, Fox News and The New York Times, resides in New York City.

1973 John Bord was elected to his fifth consecutive term as a Taylor County prosecuting attorney in Grafton, W.Va. Bord is the president of the West Virginia Prosecuting Attorneys Association, an organization that represents all prosecutors in the state. He also is an offensive line and strength coach at Grafton High School.

1975 Robert Brodell, M.D., and his wife, Linda Prichard Brodell ’77, M.D., retired from private practice in Warren, Ohio, and now reside in Madison, Miss. Edward Morascyzk was re-elected as secretary of the Washington County Community Foundation. He is a senior partner at the law firm Morascyzk, Stopperich & Associates in Washington, Pa., and is a supporter of the Special Olympics, the American Cancer Society and Canonsburg General Hospital.

1976 James Mortimer, president and chief executive officer of Nova Biostorage Plus, formerly Micronic North America, announced the name change of his company due to the expansion of its product offerings. Mortimer, who founded Nova 11 years ago, previously was the director of life science at Fisher Scientific. He and his wife, Dawn Kania Mortimer, reside in McMurray, Pa.

David White ’77 reunited with Beta Theta Pi alumni at the home of Paul Medvedo ’77 during Homecoming & Reunion Weekend at W&J in October. Attending the reunion, pictured in the front row, are Jack Soodik ’76, Bill Walls ’75, Gary Swegal ’76, Kurt Menges ’77, Andrew Aloe ’76 and Bill Booth ’77. Pictured in the back row are George Michaels ’58, John McCague ’76, White, Medvedo, George Alter ’75, Don Watkins ’76 and Douglas McBride ’77. When asked about the reunion, White commented, “What a long, strange trip it’s been.” McCague added, “As we say in the Beta house, a good time was had by all.”

1977 Ernie Ricci III, owner of Ricci’s Italian Sausage in Robinson Twp., Pa., was honored as the 2012 Business Professional of the Year by the Pittsburgh Chapter of the National Italian American Sports Hall of Fame. In addition, he published “Mangia Salsiccia! Cooking with Sausage,” a cookbook dedicated to the memory of KDKA radio personality John Cigna. All proceeds from the book benefit Little Sisters of the Poor.

1978 Joel Stein, D.O., an osteopathic physician in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., announced a partnership between his practice, the Institute for Non-Surgical Orthopedics, and Larkin Community Hospital in Miami. The partnership was developed as the first inpatient neuromusculoskeletal medicine educational and consulting program in south Florida aimed at post-doctoral residency and fellowship training.

1980 Harry Miller, National Guard brigadier general, was promoted to commander of the New York Army National Guard’s 42nd Infantry Division. He previously served as the division’s deputy commander.

Before that, Miller was on active duty as garrison commander of Fort Drum, N.Y., and filled in as a rear detachment commander for the Army’s 10th Mountain Division while the unit’s headquarters was deployed in Afghanistan.

’80 Harry Miller is commander of the New York Army National Guard’s 42nd Infantry Division.

1982 Dianne McClelland Faldowski changed the name of her legal search firm to McClelland Legal Search in Pittsburgh. Formerly called Fletcher & McClelland Legal Search, the agency places attorneys at all levels of experience in law firms and corporations locally and nationally. Faldowski resides in Washington, Pa. Col. Jeffrey L. Weaver, O.D., retired from the U.S. Army Reserve after more than 30 years of service. At his retirement ceremony, he received the Legion of Merit for “serving his country with distinction in positions of increasing responsibility as a clinician, teacher, researcher, healthcare administrator and commander.” Weaver is the chief executive officer of the American Board of Optometry. He resides in St. Louis.




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1984 Teri Ravetto Finfrock joined the Connect Appalachia Broadband Initiative Task Force, a group dedicated to increasing digital literacy by bringing high-speed Internet access to rural Appalachia. She is the manager of the Ohio Department of Commerce’s video service authorization section and serves as deputy chief legal counsel. Finfrock resides in Westerville, Ohio. Brad Newton retired from the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections after more than 26 years of state and military service. He has worked as a corrections officer, counselor, unit manager and, most recently, as staff assistant to the deputy secretary of corrections. He resides in Camp Hill, Pa. Michelle Stout was promoted to manager of community initiatives and diversity at Sunovia Energy Technologies in Sarasota, Fla. Stout also was honored by the Women’s Resource Center of Sarasota County for her “positive spirit and her ability to make a difference in her life and the lives of her children.”

1985 Col. Craig Christenson, D.P.M., retired from the U.S. Air Force. Previously, he was the Commander of

the 673rd Medical Operations Squadron at Elmendorf Air Force Base. Christenson resides in Anchorage, Alaska, with his wife, Sandy, and two children, Lane and Katie. George Novak joined the Aerospace Industries Association in Arlington, Va., as assistant vice president of civil aviation. Previously, he served as director of safety, borders and security with InterVISTAS Consulting, LLC. He also was an attorney with the Federal Aviation Administration, the lead research scientist at George Washington University’s Aviation Institute, and a program administrator for the university’s International Summits on Aviation Security. Col. Shawn Snarey retired from the U.S. Army after 30 years of service. He resides in Edinboro, Pa.

1986 Susan Mondik Key was recognized by the Washington County Chamber of Commerce for her years of leadership and service. Key, who has supported the organization in a leadership capacity for six years, served as the chamber’s second-ever female chairperson. Key is an attorney and partner at the Washington, Pa., law firm of Peacock Keller and is a member of the Washington County Bar Foundation and Pennsylvania Bar Association. Mark Seraly, M.D., launched DermatologistOnCall.com, a website where patients quickly can obtain dermatological care by sending photos and medical history to doctors. Seraly has operated his practice in Peters Township, Pa., for 18 years and works as an adjunct faculty member at the University of Pittsburgh.

’86 Mark Seraly launched an online network for dermatology care.

1987 Michael Daniels was named superintendent for Canon-McMillan School District, where he has served in the role on an interim basis since June 2011. He has worked for the district for 16 years, holding the roles of assistant superintendent, director of special education, special education coordinator and school psychologist. Daniels resides in Canonsburg, Pa.

1988 Gene Leposki was promoted to partner at the family law firm of McCurley Orsinger McCurley Nelson & Downing, LLP, in Dallas. Leposki joined the firm after nearly 10 years of leading his own law firm in San Diego and serving the U.S. Navy as a member of the Judge Advocate General’s Corps, where he was an advocate for military personnel with family law concerns.

1989 John Cicchini, O. D., and his wife, Loriann, announced the 20-year anniversary of their optometry practice in Belle Vernon, Pa.

High school teacher returns to W&J as master teacher An education graduate of Washington & Jefferson College and a high school English teacher of 30 years, Lori Magnone Freeze ’81 returned to her alma mater this fall as a participant in the Benedum/W&J Master Teacher Program. During her semester at W&J, Freeze, who teaches English at Canon-McMillan High School in Canonsburg, Pa., worked closely with faculty and students in the College’s education department. “The knowledge that I have gained from the professors and staff at W&J will enable me to help students who are aspiring to become teachers as well as the students, faculty and staff at my school district,” said Freeze, who is president of the Canon-McMillan Education Association and adviser for the student council. Freeze is the second recipient of the College’s Master Teacher Program grant. Teachers from school districts in Washington, Greene and Fayette counties in Pennsylvania and Wetzel County in West Virginia are eligible to apply.



Lori Freeze (center), a participant in the Benedum/W&J Master Teacher Program, reconnects with her former students from Canon McMillan High School at W&J.

The Master Teacher Program was established in 2011 to strengthen collaborative relationships among schools in the region and W&J; expand the educational perspectives of W&J students by exposing them to different school environments, practices and professionals; and establish master teachers as local experts and workshop leaders in their schools.

Oil and gas entrepreneur honored for leadership, service Rob Kozel ’89, a pioneer and entrepreneur in the oil and gas industry, was named a 2012 Entrepreneur of the Year by Washington & Jefferson College at its 26th annual Entrepreneurial Leadership Dinner. Additionally, the CEO and chairman of Mountaineer Keystone, LLC, was named one of “Pittsburgh’s 50 Finest” by Whirl Magazine for his community service and career success. In addition to founding Mountaineer Keystone, a Pittsburgh-based Marcellus and Utica shale exploration company, Kozel has co-founded four other energy-based companies in the U.S. and Europe: Texas Keystone Inc., an independent oil and gas operator with wells in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and New York; Falcon Partners, a land-leasing pipeline and facilities company; Falcon Drilling, LLC, an oil and gas drilling services company; and Gulf Keystone, Ltd., a company with oil and gas operations in Iraq. Previously, Kozel was an account manager for Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Western Pennsylvania. His first jobs were at Key Well Services and Keystone Energy, his father’s businesses, where he first became passionate about the oil and gas industry. Kozel credits his professors at W&J, as well as his parents, for fostering his entrepreneurial spirit. “W&J instills a sense of independence and responsibility in its students,” he said. “The faculty members are very involved in students’ lives. Not only do they expect you to go to class and participate, but they get to know you on a personal level. They want to be your mentors.”

“W&J instills a sense of independence and responsibility in its students.”

President Tori Haring-Smith congratulates Rob Kozel on being named W&J’s Entrepreneur of the Year.


Tim Sidow enjoyed the opportunity to dunk his friend and former classmate Bob Howard ’87 in a dunking tank at JT Walk in Virginia Beach, Va. The event is the National ALS Foundation’s largest single-day fundraiser for Lou Gehrig’s disease and stem cell research for neurological disorders. Sidow writes, “I was more than happy to donate for the opportunity to drop him in the water, which I did twice!”

1990 Brian Hamlin, M.D., and Jill Switalski Hamlin ’92 celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary with members of Phi Kappa Sigma and Pi Beta Phi. Attending the reunion were Nancy Killen Bryant ’95, Diane Carlisle ’94, Chuck Clontz, Jason DiNardo ’91, Shawn Echard, Jack Gullo, Christina Lane Loper ’92, Jim McKenzie ’94, Kelly McKenzie ’94 and Dana Ichenhour Olshefski ’92.



Steven Dulman accepted the position of vice president of accounting at Bowman Consulting Group in Chantilly, Va.

Megan Lynne Faust is a senior legal search consultant with McClelland Legal Search in Pittsburgh where she places full-time attorneys in law firms and corporations nationwide. She resides in North Strabane Township, Pa., with her husband and two children.

Hemant Pathak was promoted to assistant general counsel at Microsoft in Washington, D.C. An 11-year employee of Microsoft, his specialties are in cloud computing, healthcare information technology law, software licensing and consulting services transactions, government contracts and procurement, and regulatory and legal compliance. He resides in Reston, Va.

1992 Lisa Hawrot joined the law firm of Spilman Thomas & Battle, LLC, in Wheeling, W.Va. Jeffrey Metz was elected to the Board of Trustees at Wyoming Seminary in Wyoming Valley, Pa. He is president and chief executive officer of Metz Culinary Management in Dallas, Pa., which Food Management magazine named a top-five company to watch and ranked as a top-50 food management company. Metz also is chairman of the board of the Pennsylvania Restaurant Association.

Lisa Johnson was appointed to the position of assistant principal II at Chopticon High School in Morganza, Md. Previously, she was an assistant principal at Surrattsville High School in Clinton, Md. Jan Sundahl appeared on Fox News as a panelist during the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla., where she commented on changes to the Florida real estate market during the last four years. Sundahl, who has 18 years of real estate experience, is an associate in the RE/ MAX Alliance Group University Office. Prior to her career in real estate, she was a teacher in Sarasota County.




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Florida judge nominated to federal district court William Thomas ’91, a judge in the Miami-Dade Circuit Court, has been nominated by President Barack Obama to fill a vacancy in the federal court for the Southern District of Florida. Thomas, who has dedicated his professional career to public service, has served as a circuit judge in Florida’s Eleventh Judicial Circuit since 2005, presiding over both civil and criminal matters. For seven years, he served as an Assistant Federal Public Defender in the Southern District of Florida, where he represented indigent clients in federal criminal cases. “My directional heading on the bench is dictated by three basic themes: empathy for those who appear before me, fidelity to the rule of law, and humility befitting the position of judge,” Thomas said.

Thomas, who established W&J’s first multicultural group as a student, graduated from the College with a dual degree in political science and sociology. He holds a law degree from Temple University School of Law and has been a member of the Florida Bar Association since 1995.

Andrew Tabler was interviewed by The New York Times as an expert on Syrian politics in the article, “Mideast unrest intensifies debate on U.S. intervention in Syria.” Tabler is a senior fellow in the Program on Arab Politics at The Washington Institute in Washington, D.C., where he focuses on Syria and U.S. policy in the Levant. He also is the co-founder and former editor-in-chief of Syria Today and author of “In the Lion’s Den: An Eyewitness Account of Washington’s Battle with Syria.”


1998 Kimberly White Smith celebrated the release of her children’s book, “Monkeying Around: Meet Chippey and His Friends.” A former high school English teacher, Smith is a teacher at Noah’s Ark Preschool in Peters Township, Pa.

Melissa Maley was interviewed by ABC 27 about her job at Leg Up Farm, a non-profit therapy center for special-needs infants, children, adolescents and young adults in Mount Wolf, Pa.

J. Matthew Valosen, M.D., accepted a position as an orthopedic surgeon at the Bone & Joint Institute of South Georgia after serving as the chief of orthopedic surgical services for the U.S. Army at Winn Army Community Hospital at Fort Stewart. Valosen was awarded the Bronze Star while deployed in Iraq, where he implemented improvements in specialty musculoskeletal care for soldiers. He specializes in arthroscopic approaches to orthopedic conditions and joint replacement surgery.



Jason Luckasevic was featured in “The United States of Football,” a documentary film by Sean Pamphilon about the long-term brain damage that can result from playing the sport.

James G. Bittner IV, M.D., completed a fellowship in minimally invasive/bariatric surgery at Washington University in St. Louis. He also joined the faculty of Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine in Richmond, Va., as an assistant professor of surgery, co-director

Jennifer Cloonan accepted the position of government relations manager at FHLBank Pittsburgh. She is responsible for working with the bank’s Public Policy Network, a coalition of more than 700 banking, housing and community development advocates. Cloonan previously was the government affairs director for the REALTORS Association of Metropolitan Pittsburgh.


Luckasevic, who was among the first attorneys to file a lawsuit against the NFL regarding brain injuries, represents more than 450 former players as a partner at the law firm of Goldberg, Persky & White P.C. in Pittsburgh.



Raised on welfare by a single mother as one of ten children, Thomas was the first in his family to attend college. He said that when he arrived at Washington & Jefferson College, he had a single suitcase and less than $20 in his pocket. “In spite of our difficult financial situation, my mother emphasized the importance of education,” Thomas recalled. “I was extremely motivated to pursue my studies. I wanted to make my life better and to have a good quality of life in the future.” Judge William Thomas has been nominated to the federal district court for the Southern District of Florida by President Barack Obama.

of the bariatric surgery fellowship, director of surgical stimulation and the associate director of the VCU Minimally Invasive Surgery Center.

2001 Rachel Lozosky Friedmann, a school and employment law attorney with Peacock Keller in Washington, Pa., served as a faculty member at the National Business Institute’s Pennsylvania Special Education Law seminar. She also was selected to serve as Mistress of Ceremonies at Zonta International’s Washington County Chapter annual Rose Day Celebration, which honors the achievements of Washington County women. Amanda Wargo joined the law firm of Andalman & Flynn, P.C. in Silver Spring, Md. Wargo specializes in civil litigation, family and domestic matters and criminal defense.

2002 David Rometo, M.D., completed his fellowship in endocrinology, diabetes and metabolism at Washington University in St. Louis. He serves as a clinical assistant professor of medicine at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and UPMC, where he teaches and practices endocrinology.

2003 Keri Bozich opened an online jewelry and accessory store, KIST Boutique. Items from the boutique have been featured in Lucky and Real Simple magazines. The boutique began in 2010 as a Facebook store and became a full online boutique this summer. Previously, Bozich was a special agent for the criminal division of the Internal Revenue Service until a shoulder injury prevented her from continuing in the position. She resides in Bridgeville, Pa.

2005 Brianne Bilsky, Ph.D., published an essay in the critical anthology, “Revolutionary Leaves: The Fiction of Mark Z. Danielewski.” Bilsky is the Magellan Project and Fellowships coordinator and the Peer-Assisted Learning director at W&J. She returned to the College after completing her doctorate in English at Stanford University.

2006 Jim Christiana, Pennsylvania state representative, was named one of Pittsburgh Magazine’s “40 Under 40.” In his second term as a Republican in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, he was honored for his commitment, passion, visibility, diversity and overall impact on the Pittsburgh area. Christiana is the leading advocate for school choice in the House and was the prime sponsor of a bill that led to PennWATCH, a program designed to help citizens understand how the government spends funds.

’06 Jim Christiana, Pennsylvania state representative, was named one of Pittsburgh Magazine’s “40 Under 40.” Samantha Malone was promoted to manager of science and communications of the FracTracker Alliance. She resides in Pittsburgh, Pa. Matthew Mark was named head baseball coach at Caltech University in Pasadena, Calif. He is the university’s ninth coach since 1909. For the past three years, Mark was the pitching coach at Allegheny College in Meadville, Pa. Hollis Zemany McLachlan received accolades for her first film, “Pie Head: A Kinda True Story,” which won the prestigious grand jury prize and best screenplay at the Hollywood &

Vine Film Festival. McLachlan, who directed, co-produced, co-wrote and starred in the film, is releasing her second independent film, “Broken Things.” She is a member of the Screen Actors Guild and resides in Hollywood.

’06 Hollis Zemany McLachlan won the grand jury prize and best screenplay at the Hollywood & Vine Film Festival for her film, “Pie Head.”

2007 Taylor Frankovitch joined the law firm of Bowles Rice, LLP, in Cecil Twp., Pa., where he works in real estate and corporate law, energy and litigation. Frankovitch is admitted to practice law in Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Sarah Rosko accepted a position as an attorney adviser for the Social Security Agency Office of Disability Adjudication and Review in Harrisburg, Pa. Ryan Schrift founded R.J. Schrift Private Asset Management, a boutique investment firm in Charlotte, N.C., that caters to individuals in the eastern U.S.

Ryan Sayers was accepted into the Clearfield County Bar Association. Sayers is employed by Naddeo & Lewis, LLC, in Clearfield, Pa.

2010 Sarah Charley earned her master’s in mathematics from Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pa. Tabatha Dorman accepted the position of training and development specialist with Goodwill of Southwest Pennsylvania, a division of Goodwill International. Dorman credits her position to her knowledge of organizational and industrial psychology gained at W&J, as well as her experiences with the Magellan Project. Michelle Jenkins, an English teacher and drama club adviser at Baldwin High School in Pittsburgh, held a workshop to help fellow teachers learn how to incorporate social media in their curricula. Jenkins was interviewed by The South Hills Record about her practices. Leigh Myers was hired as a fifth-grade teacher at Thomas W. Holtzman Jr. Elementary School in Susquehanna Township near Harrisburg, Pa. Michael Wamsley is a defensive end for the Vila Velha Tritões, a football team in Brazil. Wamsley is also a dedicated volunteer in Brazil, helping to feed underprivileged children, teaching students teamwork and helping political candidates run for election. Wamsley writes, “These were all building blocks of life that I gained through my time and adventures at W&J.”

2008 Lindsay Harlow earned her master’s in American studies from Penn State University, Harrisburg. She is a management assistant at the U.S. Army Heritage and Education Center in Carlisle, Pa. Gina Hendricks earned her master’s in physician assistant studies from Chatham University in Pittsburgh. Carly Wilson joined Leech Tishman’s Estates & Trusts Practice Group in Pittsburgh. Previously, Wilson was a tax attorney with the Internal Revenue Service Office of Chief Counsel, Large Business & International Division in Washington D.C.

2009 Carl Frankovitch accepted the position of associate attorney with Frankovitch, Antetakis, Colantonio & Simon at the firm’s Weirton, Chester and Wheeling, W.Va., locations. Frankovitch concentrates in personal injury litigation and oil and gas law.

’10 Michael Wamsley is a defensive end for the Vila Velha Tritões, a football team in Brazil.

2011 Ashley Briggs accepted a position at Space Partnership International, a satellite consulting company in Bethesda, Md. Daniel Hood resides in Bologna, Italy, while working toward his master’s in international affairs from Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies. Hood will spend his second year of the program in Washington, D.C. Carolyn Milne started her own company, History Hound Research, LLC, which conducts historical research for authors, playwrights and screenwriters. Milne resides in Cape Coral, Fla. Katelyn Wescott achieved the high honor of Best Oral Advocate among her first-year classmates at Suffolk University School of Law in Boston.




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Alumni continue studies abroad as Rotary scholarss Two Washington & Jefferson College graduates, Nicole Gable ’10 and William Winters ’09, are continuing their studies abroad as Rotary Ambassadorial Scholars.

who plans to volunteer with a local Rotary ry club and develop an independent service project during his time in Medellin.

Gable, an English major at W&J, is pursuing a master’s in Latin American studies at La Universidad de Montevideo in Uruguay. In addition to her studies, Gable is teaching English with A Roof For My Country, a Latin American volunteer organization helping to fight poverty and build acceptable housing in some of the region’s poorest communities. “Many jobs here require English, and most of our students say that they will have better prospects upon completing the classes,” Gable said.

As W&J students, both Gable and Winters worked in the Office of International Studies, studied abroad and participated in service clubs. “I think k those pieces of our recent lives are what really allowed us to be solid candidates for this scholarship,” Winters said. “We eat, breathe and sleep anything to do with study y abroad and international experiences.”

Winters, an international business major at W&J, is attending the University of Antioquia in Medellin, Colombia, where he was accepted into a master’s program in the field of international development. “As scholars, we are encouraged to choose a field of study that will address major human needs, such as disease prevention, maternal and child health, and economic and community development,” said Winters,

Meghan Wingard works as a management associate for U.S. Steel in Pittsburgh, Pa. She earned a master’s in international marketing from Saint Joseph’s University.

2012 Allyson Gilmore is the communications coordinator at W&J. She is pursuing her master’s in integrated marketing communications at Duquesne University.

a partner at the law firm of Goldberg, Persky & White P.C. in Pittsburgh, specializing in the areas of asbestos and mesothelioma lawsuits, personal injury and toxic torts. Michelle recently rejoined the Office of Development at W&J as a gift planning officer. The couple resides in Robinson Twp., Pa.

2004 James Sixsmith and Melissa Griffith ’05 were married May 26, 2012. Alumni in the wedding party were Tanner Branam, Erin DiBartolo, Greg Kobulnicky, Michael Prushnok and Nick Warner ’01. The couple resides in Mt. Lebanon, Pa.

Aaron Klinec was signed by the Lake Erie Crushers in Avon, Ohio, where he will serve as a utility infielder. Klinec was the first player at W&J to win an ABCA/Rawlings NCAA Division III National Gold Glove Award for the 2012 season for making just six errors out of 231 chances, earning him a .974 fielding percentage. Katie Steider received a one-year position to conduct research as the New York State Emerging Infectious Disease Fellow at the Wadsworth Center at the New York State Department of Health.


2000 Michelle Martelli and Leif J. Ocheltree ’01 were married April 26, 2012, in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, with 28 of their family members present. Leif is 38


Nicole Gable (top) and William Winters (bottom left) are studying in Uruguay and Colombia as Rotary Ambassadorial Scholars.

2005 James Robert Matthews and Cassandra Jean Nicastro were married July 7, 2012, at St. Bernadette’s Catholic Church in Monroeville, Pa. The wedding party included maid of honor Amanda Nicastro ’09, Sean Biancaniello, Kamilla Grigorova Fronzaglia, Ryan Gubala ’06, Jeff Midgley, Sarah Shabla Plunkett and Jennifer Scott Sams. The bride and groom were joined by many alumni and friends from W&J. Cassandra

is the medical director for MedLearning, Inc., in Hasbrouck Heights, N.J., and James is an area manager of chemical and pharmaceutical operations of the Northeast for Cardinal Health. The couple resides in West Hartford, Conn.

2007 Fallon Nicole Carroll and Todd Michael Stephenson were married June 16, 2012, at St. John the Evangelist Church in Uniontown, Pa. Christina Merbedone served as maid of honor. Alumni in attendance were Christopher Acerbo, Marissa Capuzzi, Kevin Dejuliis ’03, Gillian Pavlek Flick, Gregory Flick, Courtney Grubich and Alison Landis ’05. The couple resides in Pittsburgh. Brandon Morris and Amanda Williams ’08 were married July 14, 2012, at Southminster Presbyterian Church in Mt. Lebanon, Pa. The wedding party included Craig Emmert, Christopher Harford, Trudie Homonai ’08, Jacob Hunka, Lisa Midgley ’08 and Vicki Martin Prutz ’06. The couple, who honeymooned in Italy, Greece and Turkey, resides in Streetsboro, Ohio.



Jessica Davis and Jason Moskal were married September 19, 2009, at First United Methodist Church in Washington, Pa. The reception was held in the ballroom of Washington & Jefferson College. Rebecca Polovich and Nathan Page were married July 6, 2012, at Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Pittsburgh. The couple resides in Bridgeville, Pa. Caitlin Scholly and Adam Bram were married June 9, 2012, at St. Michael the Archangel Church in Cary, N.C. Heather Browne Baker ’07 was a bridesmaid in the wedding party. Caitlin is a reading specialist and teaches kindergarten in the Wake County School District. The couple resides in Apex, N.C.

2009 Kerri DiGiovanni and Ty Lacock were married September 8, 2012, at The Church of the Covenant in Washington, Pa. A reception was held at the Hilton Garden Inn in Southpointe. Cortney DiGiovanni Capo ’03, sister of the bride, served as matron of honor. Alumni in the bridal party were Emily Allen, Douglas DiGiovanni ’05, Corey DiGiovanni ’07, Peter Johnson ’95 and Carley Riggin. Additionally, nearly 30 alumni were in attendance. DiGiovanni is the assistant director of alumni and development communications at W&J. The couple resides in Washington, Pa. Justin Swank and Jennifer Hauge were married September 29, 2012, at St. Thomas More Church. A reception was held at The Club at Nevillewood. Alumni in attendance were Corey Hopkins, Ly Do Hopkins ’08, Chris Naccarelli ’08, Chris Price ’08 and Kimberly Urcho.

1994 Shanon Moore Bryant and her husband, Jamie, announce the birth of their second child, Jacob Robert, March 10, 2012. He joins big sister Abby (10).

2000 The Rev. Ben Scott and his wife, Maria Elena, welcome their third daughter, Ruby Evelyn, born Dec. 25, 2012. John Mark Scott ’69, Ph.D., is the proud grandfather.

2001 Joseph Morascyzk and Christina Beam Morascyzk ’03 announce the birth of their daughter, Angeline Elizabeth, July 17, 2012. Angeline joins a long line of Presidents, including grandfather Angelo Morascyzk ’77, uncle Ed Morascyzk ’75 and cousins Erika Beam ’11, Stacey Beam ’11, Kristen Morascyzk Lesako ’03, E.J. Morascyzk ’11 and Angela Morascyzk Srsic ’02. The couple writes, “Sign Angeline and her big sister, Elena Mae, up for W&J and Kappa Kappa Gamma!”

2002 Aaron Drabkin and his wife, Elisabeth Mae, announce the birth of their son, William Joshua, Nov. 13, 2012.

2003 Danielle Meyer Michelangelo and her husband, David, welcome daughter Ava Marie, born Feb. 22, 2012. Tiffany Jackson Nobles and her husband, Douglas, welcome their first child, Jackson Douglas, born April 16, 2012. The family resides in Columbus, Ohio.

Amber Perkins Phillips and her husband, Nick, announce the birth of their first child, Jeweliana Nicole, Sept. 16, 2011. Brent Rockwell and his wife, Tawnya, announce the birth of their first son, Braydon Ward, Feb. 12, 2012. The family resides in Connellsville, Pa., where Brent is a special education teacher in the Connellsville Area School District.

2005 Natalie Glass Podkul and her husband, Matt, welcome their first child, Domenick Stanley, born May 12, 2012.

2006 Amy Smith Dille and her husband, Jason, announce the birth of their son, Hunter Jason, Sept. 12, 2012. Hunter was welcomed by his aunt, Heather Smith ’03, and grandmother, Cindy Smith, administrative assistant to the vice president and dean of student life at W&J. Amy is a senior assistant director of admission at W&J. Sarah Denny Zink and her husband, Gregg, welcome their first son, Robert Emil, born Sept. 17, 2012. Sarah writes, “Everyone is healthy and happy.”

2007 Brandon Studer and his wife, Tabitha, announce the birth of their second child, Gemma Rose, Feb. 20, 2012. She joins big brother Greyson (2).

IN MEMORIAM Donald E. Wonsettler ’37, M.D., Grove City, Pa., died July, 8, 2012, at age 95. He established his own medical practice and worked as a physician for the Grove City Area School System for 30 years. He also served as a deputy coroner for Mercer County and as a medical examiner at the State Correctional Institution.




class notes

Dr. Wonsettler joined the U.S. Army Medical Corps in 1942 and served in New Guinea, Manila and the Philippines, leaving the military with the rank of major. Michael C. Luciano ’41, M.D., Trumbull, Conn., died Oct. 11, 2010, at age 92. He opened a family medical practice in Bridgeport and later served as president of the medical staff at St. Vincent’s Hospital, retiring from practice in 1991. Dr. Luciano also served in the U.S. Army, where he was stationed overseas in Europe until 1948. At W&J, he was a member of Phi Beta Kappa honorary society and graduated summa cum laude. Albert W. Reece ’42, Seven Lakes, N.C., died Nov. 30, 2012, at age 93. He was a district superintendent for Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co., retiring in 1981 after 36 years. Mr. Reece also served as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army Air Force. At W&J, he played for the Presidents’ basketball team. Gilbert T. Seese ’42, Scottdale, Pa., died Nov. 14, 2012, at age 92. He taught math and science at the former Scottdale High School, later teaching physics and physical science at the Southmoreland School District. He retired in 1981 after 43 years of teaching. Mr. Seese served in the U.S. Navy during WWII and was promoted to lieutenant after his service in the Philippines, where he transported wounded soldiers and supplies. He continued active duty in Germany after the war ended, later serving in the U.S. Naval Reserves with assignments in Germany, Spain, Switzerland, Cuba and the Panama Canal. Edgar Alexander Herrman Jr. ’43, Dayton, Ohio, died Oct. 7, 2012, at age 91. He was the president and owner of a dealership representing Sharp office products in Des Moines, Iowa. After his retirement, Mr. Herrman and his wife returned to Dayton. He also served in the U.S. Air Force during WWII. The Rev. Ralph B. Huston ’43, M.Div., Lakeland, Fla., died Aug. 8, 2012, at age 91. He graduated from Boston University’s School of Theology and served as an ordained minister in the United Methodist Church for 42 years. He also was the superintendent of the Lakeland District and the associate council director of ministry and higher education. Rev. Huston was a leader in representing the church for affecting social change and helped to develop mission programs in the Caribbean.

’43 Ralph B. Huston developed mission programs in the Caribbean as a minister in the United Methodist Church.

Thomas B. Lloyd ’43, Ph.D., Bethlehem, Pa., died July 9, 2012, at age 90. He was a research scientist at Lehigh University for 21 years, involved in surface and material chemistry and environmental science. During his time at Lehigh, Dr. Lloyd published extensively, mentored graduate students and organized the Fowkes Institute of Surface Chemistry scholarship program. He also worked in research supervision at New Jersey Zinc Co. for 30 years and served on the chemistry faculty at Muhlenberg College. Dr. Lloyd served in the U.S. Navy during WWII. Capt. Edward G. Hutton ’44, D.D.S., Atlantic Beach, Fla., died June 29, 2012, at age 89. He served in the U.S. Navy during WWII, later re-activating his commission and serving until his retirement in 1980. During his brief absence from the U.S. Navy, Dr. Hutton had a private dental practice in Mt. Lebanon, Pa. At W&J, he was a member of Alpha Tau Omega fraternity. Louis C. Lippert ’44, M.D., Richland Twp., Pa., died Feb. 28, 2010, at age 87. He worked as a general practitioner in Freeport, Pa., and then as a radiologist at Shadyside, West Penn and DuBois hospitals. Dr. Lippert served in the U.S. Navy and later in the U.S. Army as a field doctor in Germany. Walter David Reese ’44, M.D., Huntingdon Valley, Pa., died June 23, 2010, at age 88. Albert Edward Devlin ’45, M.D., Brockway, Pa., died Oct. 31, 2012, at age 89. He practiced family medicine for 41 years. Dr. Devlin also was president of the DuBois Regional Medical Center staff, a former director at Highland View Health Care and a past board member of WRC Healthcare. Active in his community, Dr. Devlin was named Brockway’s Sportsman of the Year in 1986 as well as Citizen of the Year in 1998. He also served in the U.S. Army during WWII and in the U.S. Air Force during the Korean War. Walter E. Sellers ’48, D.D.S. Allentown, Pa., died May 9, 2012, at age 91. He practiced dentistry for 45 years, retiring in 1998. Dr. Sellers was a member of all local and state dental societies, as well as the American Dental Association. During WWII, he served in the U.S. Army in Italy. Robert M. Elliott ’49, Boca Raton, Fla., died Nov. 4, 2012, at age 89. He worked at Montgomery Ward, where he climbed the corporate ladder, making 16 moves in 23 years that took him from coast to coast. Mr. Elliott later was recruited to run Levitz Furniture, which he expanded into a nationwide chain in his role as chairman, creating the largest retail furniture business in the country. Throughout his career, he was recognized as one of the most dynamic leaders in the home furnishing industry. Mr. Elliott also was a WWII veteran. The Hon. Bruce J. Gould ’49, New York, N.Y., died May 7, 2012, at age 83. He was a New York



City housing judge who played an instrumental role in helping secure safe, affordable housing for New Yorkers and led initiatives to bring computer technology to building code enforcement. Hon. Gould earned his law degree from Columbia University.

’49 Bruce J. Gould helped secure safe, affordable housing for New Yorkers as a New York City housing judge. Raymond S. Tomassene ’49, Wheeling, W.Va., died Sept. 10, 2012, at age 91. He was a salesman for the former Clarke Paper Co. in Wheeling and a former part-time receptionist at Altmeyer Funeral Home. Mr. Tomassene also served in the U.S. Army Signal Corps during WWII. At W&J, he was a member of Beta Theta Pi fraternity. Henry C. Chalfant ’50, M.D., Ashland, Ohio, died March 4, 2012, at age 84. For 47 years, Dr. Chalfant practiced medicine and cared for several thousand patients before retiring in 2001. He served as a past president of the Samaritan Hospital Medical Staff and the Ashland County Medical Society. Aside from medicine, he was very involved with his family farm in Pennsylvania and was a devoted member of the Rotary Club, where he was a Paul Harris Award recipient. Dr. Chalfant served as a captain in the U.S. Army Medical Corps. Frederick W. Brouse ’51, Norristown, Pa., died July 5, 2012, at age 84. He was an insurance and real estate broker. Mr. Brouse also was a member and president of the Norristown Lions Club. He served in the U.S. Navy during WWII on the U.S.S. Philippine Sea. Dewees Harold Brown ’51, M.D., Bristol, Vt., died May 18, 2012, at age 82. He was in private practice in Bristol for more than 15 years, served as the director of the Family Practice Residency Program at Middlesex Hospital in Middletown, Conn., and completed the duties of a locum tenens in Kenai, Alaska. Dr. Brown also travelled to Barnaul, Siberia, where he developed a family practice as part of his service with the International Service Corps. After nearly 30 years as a flight surgeon in the U.S. Air Force and the Vermont Air National Guard, Dr. Brown retired as a colonel. Dr. Brown also received the Vermont State Medical Society’s A. H. Robbins

’51 Dewees Harold Brown developed a family practice in Siberia during his time with the International Service Corps.

Community Service Award and the University of Vermont Medical Alumni Association’s Outstanding Physician of the Year Award.

Valley YMCA Board of Directors. He also was a member of the Old Guard at W&J. Mr. Marshall served in the U.S. Navy during WWII.

Warren M. Henshaw ’51, Tulsa, Okla., died July 18, 2012, at age 83. He worked at The University of Tulsa performing various accounting and business functions, including managing investments for the university’s endowment fund, before retiring in 2000. Previously, Mr. Henshaw was an accountant for Jones and Laughlin Steel Corp. He also served in the U. S. Army.

Merle Kenneth Saler ’51, Campbell, N.Y., died June 2, 2012, at age 85. He was an electrical engineer and lifetime member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

William J. Lawson ’51, Garnet Valley, Pa., died Aug. 22, 2012, at age 86. He was the personnel superintendent at E.I. DuPont de Nemours and Co., Inc., in Wilmington, Del., for 30 years, retiring in 1983. Mr. Lawson also served in the U.S. Army during WWII and the Korean War, receiving the American Campaign Medal, European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal, Good Conduct Medal and WWII Victory Medal. At W&J, Mr. Lawson was president of the Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity and a member of the fraternity council and Presidents’ football team. David M. Marshall ’51, Charleroi, Pa., died Sept. 25, 2012, at age 85. He was the executive vice president and member of the board of directors of the Charleroi Federal Savings Bank. Mr. Marshall served as a Speers Borough Councilman and was a member of the Speers Industrial Development Corp. and Mon

Kenneth C. Carson Jr. ’53, Essex, Conn., died Sept. 25, 2012, at age 81. He was the director of personnel at the Cigna Health Insurance Co. in Bloomfield, retiring in 1987. Following his retirement, Mr. Carson joined People Management Inc. in Avon. He was a genealogist and longtime volunteer at Godfrey Library, a former chairman of the Board of Education in Granby and a coach for his local baseball team. William Darling Inglis ’53, M.D., Marblehead, Ohio, died Jan. 1, 2013, at age 81. Inglis was the senior medical director of Stein Hospice Care Center. He received the Person of the Year Award at the 2012 Midwest Care Alliance Annual Conference for being a pioneer and

’53 William Darling Inglis was one of the first doctors to be certified by the American Board of Hospice and Palliative Medicine.

mentor in the field of hospice care. Dr. Inglis was one of the first doctors to be certified by the American Board of Hospice and Palliative Medicine. He served in the U.S. Army Medical Corps as a Lt. Colonel from 1959-1968. Alexander Murdoch Jr. ’57, Cincinnati, Ohio, died Nov. 23, 2012, at age 77. He was a college administrator at the University of Cincinnati and Wilmington College. Mr. Murdoch also served in the U.S. Army. Charles P. Lower ’58, Riverside, Calif., died July 10, 2011, at age 82. Stephen Vuksanovich ’59, Pfafftown, N.C., died Oct. 2, 2012, at age 78. He worked for Western Electric, now Lucent Technologies, for 42 years. Mr. Vuksanovich also coached Pop Warner football and worked with the youth sports program. He served in the U.S. Army. Joseph M. Brenner ’61, M.D., New Orleans, La., died July 30, 2012, at age 72. He practiced internal medicine in New Orleans for 44 years and previously served as a lieutenant commander in the U.S. Public Health Service. Dr. Brenner also served as president of the medical staff and president of Memorial Clinics at Touro Infirmary. While at W&J, he was a member of Phi Beta Kappa honorary society and graduated magna cum laude.

Butler Waugh, Ph.D. (1934-2012) Founding university dean and passionate professor A founding father of Florida International University (FIU) who enjoyed a decades-long career as an English professor, Butler Waugh ’55, Ph.D., Tampa, Fla., died Nov. 7, 2012, at age 78. Dr. Waugh joined the Miami-based university in 1965 when it was nothing more than an abandoned airfield. The first staff member hired by Charles E. Perry, the founding president of FIU, Dr. Waugh drafted plans for the university, including the College of Arts and Sciences, of which he was named founding dean in 1970. “He used to laugh and say he wrote FIU,” his wife, Joanne, said in an interview with the university. “When he was given the opportunity to help start FIU, he just loved the idea of building a university from the ground up.” In 1975, Dr. Waugh stepped down as dean to return to his passion of teaching, becoming a fixture in the English department, where he specialized in 20th century literature. He retired in 2003.

Butler Waugh, a founding dean at Florida International University, stands at the university’s original site, an old airport tower in Miami.

“Butler was master teacher, a provocateur and a great risk-taker, qualities that made him most attractive to our most adventurous, curious students,” Jamie Sutton, English department chairman at FIU, said. A native of Pennsylvania, Waugh earned his bachelor’s in English from Washington & Jefferson College and his doctorate from Indiana University. “He believed in education,” Joanne added. “He was also very political. He was passionate and often would say, ‘My great-grandfather was an illiterate coal miner, and I spent 40 years teaching literature at a university. Only in America could that happen.’”




class notes

Samuel Sokol, Ph.D. (1941-2012) Leading scientist in vision research Samuel Sokol ’63, Ph.D., an integral member of the Tufts Medical Center in Boston, Mass., for nearly four decades and a leading scientist in vision research, died Sept. 18, 2012, at age 70. In 1970, Dr. Sokol joined the department of Ophthalmology at Tufts, where he conducted research and provided clinical services in infant vision, becoming the first to determine that infants develop visual acuity much earlier than previously understood. After earning certification in neuropsychological testing, Dr. Sokol joined the Floating Hospital for Children at Tufts in 1994. Serving as the director of the Visual Evoked Potential and Psychophysics Service, he completed evaluations for children, adolescents and adults. According to Mitchell B. Strominger, M.D., director of pediatric ophthalmology and ocular mobility at Tufts, the tests Dr. Sokol used on infants and nonverbal children allowed him to estimate a child’s visual acuity “even if he or she cannot tell us accurately what he or she can see.”

Peter J. Gulden Jr. ’61, M.D., Winter Park, Fla., died Aug. 28, 2012, at age 73. He practiced internal medicine in Winter Park, Fla. Previously, Dr. Gulden served as a flight surgeon for the U.S. Air Force at Tan Son Nhut Air Force Base in Vietnam, attaining the rank of captain. At W&J, Dr. Gulden was a member of Phi Kappa Psi fraternity, played as a forward for the Presidents’ basketball team and graduated with honors. He was inducted into the W&J Athletic Hall of Fame in 2001. Thomas B. Heflin ’62, M.D., Baton Rouge, La., died June 4, 2012, at age 72. He practiced medicine at Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center in Baton Rouge, previously the Pediatric Medical Center, retiring in 2009. Dr. Heflin served as a base pediatrician in the U.S. Air Force at Eglin Air Force Base in Ft. Walton, Fla., achieving the rank of major. W. Herbert Hughes ’63, Washington, Pa., died July 22, 2012, at age 70. For 36 years, he worked for McGuffey School District as an assistant principal and secondary English teacher, retiring in 1999. Mr. Hughes was a life member of Washington County school retirees, Pennsylvania State Education Association and National Education Association. Darrell W. Kuntz Jr. ’63, Forest Hills, Pa., died Oct. 16, 2012, at age 71. He was the office manager for Dorr’s Moving and Storage in Wilmerding. Previously, Mr. Kuntz had worked as a life sciences teacher at Washington Hospital’s School of Nursing and coached the school’s basketball team to several championships. He later became a chef at The Landmark in Washington and at various Holiday Inns in the region. Mr. Kuntz also 42


Dr. Sokol co-authored a definitive manual on electrophysiology for the American Academy of Ophthalmology that is still in use today. He also served as an assistant professor of pediatrics and neurology and professor of ophthalmology at the Tufts University School of Medicine. Outside of his medical work, Dr. Sokol performed as a pianist in jazz ensembles at the New England Conservatory and was an active marathon runner and triathlete. Born in Pittsburgh, he earned his bachelor’s in chemistry from Washington & Jefferson College and his doctorate from Lehigh University.

coached various youth baseball teams and was a member of the Allegheny Valley Umpire Association and Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association. Melvin B. Hayes ’64, Ph.D., Washington, Pa., died Sept. 28, 2011, at age 68. He conducted research on spinal cord injuries at Allegheny General Hospital in Pittsburgh. Previously, Dr. Hayes did scientific research at Mount Sinai Hospital with a grant from the National Institute of Health. In his spare time, he enjoyed braiding leather, pen and ink art work, and gardening. At W&J, he was a member of Phi Gamma Delta fraternity. John “Jack” Y. Mace Jr. ’64, Haverford, Pa., died May 13, 2012, at age 70. H. Gene Moss ’64, Ph.D., Greensburg, Pa., died Sept. 22, 2012, at age 69. He was an administrator with the American University School of International Service. Previously, Dr. Moss was a vice president at W&J and Seton Hill University in Greensburg, Pa. Donald J. Balsley Jr. ’66, McCandless, Pa., died Sept. 19, 2012, at age 68. Carl M. Sandler ’67, M.D., Houston, Texas, died July 22, 2012, at age 66. He worked at the University of Texas Medical School for 27 years, rising from assistant professor to chairman of the radiology department. Dr. Sandler later worked at MD Anderson Cancer Center. Known as an expert in genitourinary radiology, he wrote extensively on trauma and contrast, most prominently as a co-author of the “Textbook of Uroradiology.” Dr. Sandler also was president of the Society of Uroradiology, which awarded him the Howard Pollack Gold Medal for his achievements in 2012.

Sokol was a vision scientist and neuropsychologist at Tufts Medical Center.

With a passion for travel, he visited all seven continents before his 60th birthday. Dr. Sandler also served in the U.S. Air Force.

’67 Carl M. Sandler, esteemed radiologist, traveled to all seven continents. James A. Hall ’70, Derry, Pa., died Oct. 18, 2011, at age 62. He was a skiing and fly fishing instructor. K. Stewart Hills ’73, Iowa City, Iowa, died May 12, 2012, at age 62. He was an electronics specialist on the NOAA weather radio systems. Previously, he worked at Sperry Univac as a specialist in fire control and early warning radar systems. Originally from Devon, Pa., Hills changed his major at W&J from physics to economics. After graduation, he worked as a scuba diver and computer specialist on the deep-ocean submersible Alvin. Wayne Russell Coombs ’75, Venetia, Pa., died Oct. 25, 2012, at age 59. He worked as a rehabilitation counselor in the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, retiring in 2004. Previously, Mr. Coombs was a caseworker and counselor for Washington Communities Mental Health and Mental Retardation Center, Chartiers Mental Health and Mental Retardation Center and Torrance State Hospitals. Esther C. Garner ’75, Canonsburg, Pa., died Nov. 23, 2012, at age 91. She was employed by Goodwill Industries and was a homemaker.

Timothy David McNerney (1991-2012) Beloved W&J student and talented athlete, musician Members of the Washington & Jefferson College community mourned the loss of Timothy David McNerney ’13 of Butler, Pa., a business administration major at W&J and star running back on the Presidents’ football team who died Oct. 4, 2012, at age 21. The popular student was known campus-wide for his talents as a rapper as well as for his skills on the football field. McNerney ranked second in the Presidents’ Athletic Conference (PAC) and 33rd in NCAA Division III in rushing this season with an average of 115.3 yards per game. For his career, he ranked among the top 10 running backs in College history with 2,336 rushing yards and 30 touchdowns. McNerney scored at least one touchdown in 18 of the 25 games he suited up for in his No. 5 red-and-black uniform. A leader on the football field, McNerney dreamed of culminating his successful collegiate career with a PAC championship—a feat the Presidents accomplished in their team captain’s honor in November when they beat previously undefeated Waynesburg 31-14 at Wiley Stadium. “Tim was a tremendous young man raised by a great family,” said Head Football Coach Mike Sirianni, who gave the PAC championship trophy to McNerney’s family after the game. “He is one of my favorite players I have ever coached and he obviously was a great player and

“Tim was a tremendous young man raised by a great family.”

a great leader. He led by example and will truly be missed not only by me but by our football team and everyone who played and competed against him because he was such a competitor.” McNerney first sported No. 5 as a member of the Knights football team at Knoch High School in Saxonburg, where he holds the school’s all-time rushing record. Both schools held candlelight vigils in McNerney’s memory. At W&J’s memorial service on the Burnett Tim McNerney was one of the top Center lawn, McNerney’s teammates 10 running backs in W&J history. and classmates took turns sharing memories of their friend, calling him a “brother” and remembering how he “worked hard and played hard every day.” President Tori Haring-Smith called McNerney’s loss “a tragedy that cannot be explained,” adding, “I think what we need to remember is how Tim touched each of us, what he taught us, how he modeled for us the kind of person we all hope we can be.” To read more about McNerney and how the campus and football team are honoring his legacy, go to page 20.


Mrs. Garner also volunteered for various organizations, including the Literacy Council of Washington County, Canonsburg Hospital and the Blood Bank.

Clairton High School football team. While at W&J, Mr. Meade played for the Presidents’ football team and was a three-year football letterman and all-conference offensive lineman.

James R. Pounds ’82, Alexandria, Va., died October 24, 2012, at age 52. He worked as a computer consultant with Hewlett-Packard Co. Mr. Pounds was an active volunteer in the Kingstowne community and served in a leadership role at the Epiphany of Our Lord Byzantine Catholic Church. He also was a longtime member of the Slava Men’s Chorus.

Adam J. Markey ’06, Middletown, Ohio, died May 16, 2012, at age 27. He was an active volunteer at The Healing Center, a ministry of the Vineyard Community Church Tri-County Campus.

Robert N. Norris ’83, Heath, Texas, died Oct. 4, 2012, at age 51. He was admitted to both California and Texas state bars and was active in the communities where he resided. Mr. Norris was the president of Rotary and two-term president of the Chamber of Commerce in Granada Hills, Calif. He also served on the board of directors for Rockwall County Helping Hands and was active with the Boy Scouts in Heath. Voltaire D. Meade ’89, Clairton, Pa., died June 22, 2012, at age 45. He was a partner with Meade Brothers’ Trucking Co. of McKeesport, Pa., and a former assistant coach for the

Andrew Walter Guzzi ’09, Upper St. Clair, Pa., died Nov. 11, 2012, at age 25. He was a sales executive and verification officer with Global Vacation Network. Mr. Guzzi previously held sales positions with Home Depot Corporate and was a director of new products at Davison Design and Development. While at W&J, he was a member of Phi Delta Theta fraternity and the Student Activities Board, a saxophonist in the Jazz Band, and a technician on the Help Desk for information technology services. Mr. Guzzi also was a founding member of the Hometown Heritage House, a collegiate philanthropy that supports Special Olympics, Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank and other social service organizations in Washington County.

FRIENDS The Rev. William N. Brown, North East, Md., died May 8, 2012, at age 86. He was a chaplain in Salem, N.J., for more than 50 years. Rev. Brown also served as a pastor at churches in Hancocks Bridge, Canton and Deerfield, N.J. He was also an Eagle Scout with bronze and gold palms and served in the U.S. Army Air Corps during WWII. He attended W&J. Peter M. DeBlecourt, Jamison, Pa., died Nov. 8, 2012, at age 51. He was an account manager at Ascensus in Dresher, Pa. Previously, Mr. DeBlecourt had served as a campus minister at W&J with the Coalition for Christian Outreach. Linda Mae Fonner, Washington, Pa., died Aug. 17, 2012, at age 66. She worked at W&J as a kitchen employee. Frances Jeanne Frank, Washington, Pa., died Nov. 11, 2012, at age 86. She taught in the department of nursing at Maricopa County Community College in Phoenix, retiring in 1991. Previously, she was a faculty member at




class notes

Frederick J. Frank, Ph.D. (1920-2013) Cherished dean, educator and mentor D Dedicating 38 years of service to Washington & Jefferson College, Frederick J. Frank, Ph.D., who passed away Jan. 20, 2013, at age P 92, never missed an opportunity to improve 9 tthe lives of W&J students and demonstrate his llove and loyalty for the College. “Fred Frank was a ‘J’ man,” former President “ Howard Burnett said. “He loved the College and H tthe students and worked tirelessly to serve them.” Dr. Frank joined the W&J faculty as a psychology D professor in 1947 before entering a career in p administration in 1952, serving as director of Dr. Fred Frank admissions, dean of student personnel and dean of institutional planning. He retired as dean emeritus in 1985. During his time at W&J, Dr. Frank fostered the growth of student life and education at the College and contributed to the construction of 13 residence halls, The Commons and Olin Fine Arts Center. When W&J became co-educational in 1970, he effectively navigated the changing times by developing an environment sensitive to the needs of both male and female students. Ruth Riesenman, Ph.D., the College’s first female administrator, was hired by Dr. Frank to serve as the associate dean of students at the time. “Those ten years working at W&J with Fred are the most memorable of my 42-year career in higher education,” Riesenman said. “His warm and welcoming personality, and the twinkle in his eye as he teased you,

“Fred Frank was a ‘J’ man.”

defined him as a leader and made otherss eager to follow him.” In addition to leaving a 30-year legacy as dean of student personnel, Dr. Frank k also is credited with the enrollment of hundreds of W&J students in his role as director of admissions. “Fred was responsible for my attending W&J,” said Alan Weill ’59, who has known Dr. Frank for nearly 60 years. “His passing is a loss to all who knew and worked with him and to W&J.”

Frederick Frank dedicated 38 years of service to W&J.

For his dedication to the College, Dr. Frank was awarded an honorary Doctor of Humanities degree by W&J in 1986. The citation presented to Dr. Frank stated that his planning and perspective well positioned the College to meet the needs of future generations of W&J students. Nicholas J. Cavoti, Ph.D., professor and chair of psychology, remembers the dean as a great mentor and friend. I found Fred to be a man you could count on,” Cavoti said. “A man you could count on for straight advice, a man you could count on for help when you needed it and, perhaps best of all, a man you could count on to encourage you to be your best at every challenge.” In his personal life, the World War II veteran pursued his love of aviation as a private pilot and acted in several regional theater productions. Dr. Frank’s son, T. Scott Frank ’71, followed in his father’s footsteps by working at W&J as an associate professor of theatre and communication. Memorial contributions in honor of Dr. Frank and his late wife Jeanne may be directed to the Frederick J. Frank and Frances Jeanne Frank Prize for Leadership in Communication Arts.


the Washington Hospital School of Nursing and Community College of Allegheny County, where she attained the rank of full professor and was appointed interim dean of life sciences. She is the wife of the late Frederick J. Frank, Ph.D., dean emeritus of W&J, and mother of T. Scott Frank ’71, associate professor of theater and communication at W&J. Arthur W. Hopper Jr., Osceola, Ind., died May 14, 2012, at age 88. He worked for The Associates for 28 years, where he served as a regional manager. During WWII, Mr. Hopper served as a glider pilot in the U.S. Army Air Corps and was one of the first successful pilots to land in France on D-Day. Elizabeth Dillman Johnson, Lakewood, Ohio, died May 23, 2012, at age 98. Mrs. Johnson and her late husband Warren Johnson ’35 funded the Elizabeth & Warren Johnson Memorial Scholarship. Duane L. Lantz, Saltsburg, Pa., died Aug. 5, 2012, at age 68. Joining the W&J community in 1971, he served in various administrative positions, retiring in 2000. Mr. Lantz began



his career at W&J as an accountant, later serving as a director of financial affairs and evening instructor for the department of business administration and economics. He was promoted to vice president for business and finance and, after his retirement, was appointed vice president emeritus of business and finance. Orestes Panagotacos, Port St. Lucie, Fla., died July 21, 2012, at age 88. He attended W&J and was a member of Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity. Mr. Panagotacos served in the U.S. Army during WWII. Col. Carl R. Rotz, Washington, Pa., died Oct. 25, 2012, at age 95. He held several comptroller positions in the U.S. Army, ending his three decades of service as comptroller of the finance center at Fort Benjamin Harrison in Lawrence, Ind. Following his retirement in 1971, he served as vice president for business and finance at W&J, retiring in 1982 with emeritus status. He served in the U.S. Army during WWII, earning several military honors. Richard R. Snyder, Bloomington, Ill., died Nov. 3, 2012, at age 88. He and his wife owned and

operated two Snyder Market grocery stores before retiring in 1976. Mr. Snyder served in the U.S. Army Air Force during WWII, attaining the rank of sergeant. He trained at W&J as a classification specialist. August R. Specht Jr., Grass Valley, Calif., died May 26, 2012, at age 87. He worked as the general manager of the prison industry authority, retiring in 1983. He attended W&J as part of the Army Specialized Training program and served in the U.S. Army during WWII. John Ralph Thomas, Washington, Pa., died Oct. 14, 2012, at the age of 74. He worked at W&J for 37 years, retiring as maintenance supervisor. Mr. Thomas was a U.S. Army veteran. Juliana J. Uram, Washington, Pa., died June 29, 2012, at the age of 87. She had worked as an administrator at Butler Hospital. Involved in numerous clubs and philanthropic organizations, Mrs. Uram was president of the Women’s Auxiliary at W&J.


W&J honor

roll of donors

We are the PR ES ID EN TS Dear Alumni and Friends:

“Your gifts help us guarantee a world-class education that prepares W&J students for successful, meaningful lives after graduation.”

On behalf of the students, faculty and staff of Washington & Jefferson College, I would like to thank you for your financial supp ort of the College during the 2011 -12 fiscal year. When I reflect on the many nam es listed in the Honor Roll of Don ors, I think of the valuable experiences and learning opportunities each of you has help ed to provide our students. Throughout the pages of this magazine are stories of the amazing things our students are accomplishing at W& J. Whether designing ambitious Magellan Projects in foreign countries, presenting at inter national conferences, inter ning at Fortune 500 companies, completing research projects alongside experts in their fields of study, or competing alongside the country’s best collegiate athletes, W&J stud ents are achieving national recognition for their talen ts, and your generosity is making that possible. Your gifts help us guarantee a worl d-class education that prepares W& J students for successful, meaningful lives after graduation. Because of your gene rosity, these future leaders receive financial assistanc e, learn in first-rate facilities like the newly renovated Dieter-Porter Life Sciences Building , and benefit from prog rams like the award-winning Magellan Project. Your participation in our fundraisi ng effor ts helps demonstrate the value of a W&J education. Increasingly, charitabl e foundations and entities that rank colleges look closely at the overall number of donors to gauge community support for prog rams and projects. When you give to W&J, you endo rse the College and its mission to graduate people of uncommon integ rity. It is clear that your support makes the College stronger and better. The incredible things that happen at W&J are made poss ible by your leadership in giving. Thank you for your generous supp ort and for embodying what it mea ns to be a President. With ggratitude,,

Michael Grzesiak Vice President for Development & Alum

ni Relations


45 45

Donor Recognition Societies

Total Giving Report BY DESIGNATION

Founders Association ................................................$25,000+ Lazear Association ........................................ $10,000-$24,999 LeMoyne Association ........................................ $5,000-$9,999

W&J Fund $1,469,555

McGuffey Association ....................................... $3,000-$4,999

Endowment $4,303,891

1781 Association ............................................... $1,781-$2,999 Presidents Association ....................................... $1,000-$1,780

Capital $1,075,455

Jefferson Association .............................................. $500-$999 Washington Association .......................................... $250-$499

Other $2,331,386

Statesman Association ............................................ $100-$249 Donors listed at the Presidents Association level and higher are included in the John McMillan Society.

Total: $9,180,287

This report contains the names of all donors who made gifts to Washington & Jefferson College during the fiscal year, July 1, 2011, through June 30, 2012. *Denotes a donor who is deceased.

Board of Trustees 2011-2012 OFFICERS



Barbara R. DeWitt ’74 Chair

Jerrell Angell ’66

William N. Macartney III ’64

Edwina W. Cameron

Robert M. Beavers, Jr. ’65

James J. McCaffrey

Walter Cooper, Ph.D. ’50

Tori Haring-Smith, Ph.D. President

Gary L. Churgin ’75

Kenneth R. Melani, M.D. ’75

John R. Echement

Richard T. Clark ’68 Vice Chair

Jonathan M. Conrad ’73

Charles T. Nason ’68

Robert M. Elliott ’49*

Patrick A. Correnty, M.D. ’87

Albert G. Nickel ’65

Richard Y. Haddad

B. John Pendleton Jr., Esq. ’81 Vice Chair

Samuel J. Davis, Esq. ’72

Chong S. Park, M.D. ’83

Joseph A. Hardy, Sr.

McClellan A. DuBois ’70

William S. Platt ’87

James H. Knepshield, M.D. ’59

William M. Stout ’64 Vice Chair

Lyn M. Dyster, Ph.D. ’80

A. Michael Pratt, Esq. ’81

J. Robert Maxwell, Esq. ’43

James J. Barnes, Esq. Secretary

Walter Flamenbaum, M.D. ’63

Diana L. Reed, Esq.

John L.S. Northrop

John E. Frazier II, M.D. ’62

David A. Ross ’78

H. Thomas Patton ’50

Keith Ghezzi, M.D. ’77

Louise K. Ross ’74

Ronald V. Pellegrini, M.D. ’59

James F. Gismondi ’72

E. Ronald Salvitti II

James L. Phillips, M.D. ’54

Melissa A. Hart, Esq. ’84

David A. Steinberg ’91

Anica D. Rawnsley

Coleman Hughley ’71

LeAnne Trachok ’87

E. Ronald Salvitti, M.D. ’59

Elizabeth Hurwitz-Schwab ’74

Craig A. Varga, Esq. ’76

Ronald P. Sandmeyer, Sr. ’57

Charles F. Marcy ’72 Treasurer

Thomas J. Leydig ’80

Dorothy A. Servis, Esq. Robert B. Shust ’59 F. Leo Wright, Esq. ’52



John McMillan Society Each member of the John McMillan Society contributes $1,000 or more to the College during the fiscal year. Contributions received from members of the Society enhance the lives of students and faculty and set W&J apart as an outstanding institution.

FOUNDERS ASSOCIATES Anonymous (3) David F. Alter ’57 and Barbara Alter ASIANetwork Freeman Fellowship Robert M. Beavers, Jr. ’65 and Jo Beavers Richard Cameron and Edwina W. Cameron H’00 Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation CONSOL Energy Inc. Patrick A. Correnty ’87 Barbara Robinson DeWitt ’74 and Mark DeWitt McClellan A. DuBois ’70 and Lynn DuBois

Anica D. Rawnsley H’03

Kristin and David Steinberg Foundation

John S. Reed ’60 and Cynthia Reed

James E. Leckie ’75 and Sheryl Leckie

Estate of Alexander Rein ’52

Charles F. Marcy ’72 and Cindy Marcy

Range Resources

Robert & Josephine Beavers Family Foundation David A. Ross ’78 and Dana Crummer Peter J. Ross ’74 and Louise Kirkpatrick Ross ’74 Stephen M. Ross ’74 Franklin A. Rumore ’63 and Deborah Preston E. Ronald Salvitti ’59 Paul D. Schurgot Foundation, Inc. John A. Swanson and Janet Swanson Swanson Charitable Gift Fund

Marcy Family Foundation Massey Charitable Trust Albert S. McGhee ’53 and Elizabeth McGhee Mary Jane Miller ’88 and Eric Hollowaty Motorola Mobility Foundation Charles T. Nason ’68 and Beth Nason Joseph V. Newman, Sr. ’64 and Elizabeth H. Newman Albert G. Nickel ’65 and Dana C. Nickel

John M. Swick ’47

M. David Odle ’59 and Stephanie Odle


E. Miles Prentice III ’64 and Katharine Prentice

Roger T. Abelson ’57 and Camille Abelson

Thomas M. Priselac ’73 and Jody Priselac

American Middle East Institute

Charles J. Queenan, Jr. and Joann H. Queenan

John W. Bean ’65 and A. Alexandra Jupin

R. G. Johnson Company

Eat’n Park Hospitality Group, Inc. John E. Frazier II ’62 and Nicole Frazier Joseph G. Gibson ’86 and Elizabeth Gibson Joseph H. Gigler ’77 and Carol S. Gigler James F. Gismondi, Jr. ’72 and Elizabeth Gismondi Tori Haring-Smith and Robert H. Haring-Smith Charles W. Hergenroeder ’69 and Maureen Hergenroeder Hergenroeder, Rega & Sommer L.L.C. Jay L. Jenkins ’57 and Peggy J. Jenkins John M. Russell Fund of The Pittsburgh Foundation Scott F. Kennedy ’80 and Paula Kennedy Robert G. Lesnock ’62 and Marcelyn R. Lesnock Rebecca Keen Longsworth ’87 and Paul Longsworth Jennifer Lunden John L. S. Northrop H’99 and Rose Northrop Samuel J. Paisley ’72 and Jessica Paisley

Learned T. Bulman ’48

Diana L. Reed

James R. Durig ’58 and Marlene Durig

Charles E. Hughes Memorial Foundation

Mary L. Robinson-Slabey

Estate of Robert E. Herriott

Rossin Foundation/Rosetree, Inc.

Estate of Thomas D’Auria ’41

Richard T. Clark ’68 and Angela Clark

James D. Pareso ’66 and Kay Pareso

Daniel Rowley and Judith Rowley

Adolph V. Falso ’65 and Barbara Falso

Coca Cola Enterprises Bottling Company

Patrick J. Rega ’69 and Barbara Rega

Ruth A. Rowley

Rhodes Carpet

Walter Flamenbaum ’63 and Judith S. Flamenbaum

Jonathan M. Conrad ’73 and Mary B. Conrad

Gary A. Silverman ’78

Evalyn Rogers Estate of William I. Shaw ’58

Joseph A. Hardy, Sr. H’84 and Rebecca Hardy

Doug and Betsey Schwab Family Foundation

Ray G. Simms, Jr. ’58 and Karel Simms

The Heinz Endowments

D. Raymond Douglass, Jr. ’45 and Beverly Douglass

Barbara Hellberg Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield John S. & Cynthia Reed Foundation Scott H. Leaf ’76 David C. Leslie ’65 and Nan S. Leslie William N. Macartney III ’64 and Linda Macartney Margaret A. Cargill Foundation J. Robert Maxwell ’43 Kenneth R. Melani ’75 and Tracy Melani Estate of Natalie Miller Russell G. Mobley ’56 Moon Township Honda-Hyundai Ronald V. Pellegrini ’59 and Donna Lucas Pellegrini

Lyn Celenza Dyster ’80 and John G. Dyster Charles P. Eaton ’64 and Judy Eaton John R. Echement H’98 and Gertrude J. Echement Echement Family Foundation Estate of Hugh Taylor

James F. Slabe ’62 and Elaine Slabe David A. Steinberg ’91 Kristin Steinberg United States Steel Foundation, Inc. Craig A. Varga ’76 and Noelle Brennan Audrey L. Walther Leonard Wurzel ’39 and Elaine Wurzel

Flamenbaum Family Fund The Forsythe Foundation through the PNC Charitable Trust Grant Review Committee


GCA Services Group, Inc.

Constance Levy Ceisler

General Electric Corporation

The Chevron Community Fund held at the Community Foundation of Fayette County

Keith T. Ghezzi ’77 and Lisa Ghezzi Mark O. Hrutkay ’81 Elizabeth Hurwitz-Schwab ’74 and Douglas Schwab

Jerrell L. Angell ’66 and Shirin Angell

William Cohen ’52 Jeffrey J. Conn ’86 and Paula Shurina Conn ’93

Thomas A. Shoup ’75 and Ellen Barker Robert B. Shust ’59 and Judith Shust John D. Simon ’78 and Anne C. Simon Spectroscopy Society of Pittsburgh Stanford and Barbara Trachtenberg Donor Advised Fund James A. Steiner ’76 and Judith A. Steiner William M. Stout ’64 and Saundra Stout LeAnne Trachok ’87 Stanford B. Trachtenberg ’60 and Barbara Trachtenberg Verizon Foundation Holly Beall Wallace David L. White ’76 and Jackie Jones Wylie Wallace Fults Foundation



MCGUFFEY ASSOCIATES Richard F. Beatty ’74 and Anne Marie Beatty John L. Bord ’73 and Jeanie Bord

Walter B. Massenburg ’70 and Carolyn Flanagan

Michael V. Bittenbender ’67 and Sharon L. Bittenbender

Robert M. Gordon, Jr. ’52 and Shirley Gordon

Joseph H. Menendez ’72 and Lucia P. Menendez

BNY Mellon Foundation

Brian R. Hamlin, Sr. ’90 and Jill Switalski Hamlin ’92

Raytheon Company

Russell H. Briggs ’58

Cindy L. Burchell ’82

Lisa A. Rehak ’84

Howard J. Burnett H’98 and Maryann DePalma Burnett


Cindy C. Ross

John Curtis Burns ’80

Richard B. Crosbie ’65 and Sandra Crosbie

Mark J. Ross

Robert Daschbach ’78 and Donna Daschbach

Marvin L. Diehl ’54 and Millie Diehl Estate of Eugene F. Lucas James A. Garrettson, Jr. ’61 and Deanna Garrettson John O. Hanna, Jr. ’55 and Carol Hanna

Miles H. Simon ’71 and Karen Simon Kevin Smith and Terri Smith Bernard W. Stanek, Jr. ’88 and Susan Stanek Peter F. Stracci ’74 and Sharon Stracci

William P. Keen and Sarah Keen


Evan A. Klein ’77

Jon S. Adler ’61 and Carol Adler

Thomas J. Leydig ’80 and Cheryl Medich Leydig ’81

Andrew Aloe ’76 and Michelle DeFrancesco Aloe ’76

Lee R. Marshall ’48 and Marjorie Marshall

James W. Baird ’64

Samuel J. Davis ’72 and Regina Davis Donald S. Dazen ’79 and Karolyn N. Dazen John Easoz and Patricia Easoz Ernst & Young Foundation Fidelity FoundationMatching Gifts Norman L. Fine ’65 and Cheryl Fine Edward Galligan and Linn Galligan Galligan Family Fund

Calvin R. Harvey ’65 and Patricia Harvey E. Patrick Howard, Jr. ’55 and Linda Howard Coleman Hughley ’71 and Danna Hughley Jason D. Isaly ’96 and Kimberly A. Isaly James P. and Mary S. McArdle Charitable Fund of The Pittsburgh Foundation Robert A. Johnson ’66 and Selina Johnson Phyllis Kaufman Dennis A. Kovalsky ’73 Eric C. Lundgren ’81 and Lauren Pratt Lundgren ’82 Edward L. Martin ’71 Kenneth M. Mason, Jr. ’64 and Marilyn Roberts M. Patrick McCormick ’62 and Judy M. McCormick Dennis E. McMaster and Chris McMaster Thomas E. McNabb ’62 and Ann McNabb John F. Naughton ’63 Alton E. Newell and Elsie Eagle James W. Nickman ’71 and Karen Nickman James H. Norris ’75 and Ann Annase Stephen D. Oliphant ’55 and Judith Roscow


Orange County’s United Way William S. Platt ’87 and Courtney M. Platt

Biology department chair Alice Lee, Ph.D., and lab assistant Stephanie Bivona ’15 work in a new biology research lab in the Dieter-Porter Life Sciences Building. Thanks to the generosity of alumni, parents, friends, corporations, foundations and the government, Bivona and her classmates were able to start the fall semester in the newly renovated building.

PNC Bank Foundation

Classrooms and laboratories were updated with learning technology and built-in projection systems to enhance the overall teaching experience. The greenhouse was repaired to serve as a functional laboratory for the biology department’s plant collection. The ventilation, air-conditioning and electrical systems were replaced so that faculty can work in animal facilities year-round in a climate-controlled environment.

Procter & Gamble Company

“We’re very excited about the renovations and the positive impact they will have on our program,” Lee said. “The improvements made to our animal facility will allow students and faculty working with animals to more readily apply for federal funding and to publish the results. In addition, renovations were made to four research spaces so that students can work with faculty on projects ranging from molecular genetics to ecology.” The 32-year-old building, named in honor of late W&J biology professors Dewey Dieter, Ph.D., and Homer Porter, Ph.D., houses the College’s biology and psychology departments.


John A. Olsen ’60 and Kaylee Beal


Brian M. Popko ’93 and Stacey H. Popko A. Michael Pratt ’81 Ralph J. Reda ’85 and Caroline Reda William E. Reisinger ’63 and Gail B. Reisinger Judith S. Rettger Samuel D. Riccitelli ’81 and Melinda Elish Riccitelli ’81 Charles Roazen ’52 and Rhea Roazen Robert J. Roma ’62 Daniel Rooney and Patricia Rooney

Kathy A. Ruhl ’82 and L. Greg West

Howard E. Beede ’62 and Nancy Sue Beede

Harry L. Farmer, Jr. ’54 and Ann J. Farmer

Conway A. Jeffress, Jr. ’65 and Louise Jeffress

Ronald D. Snee ’63 and Marjorie C. Snee

William F. Benter

George M. Fatula, Sr. ’67 and Renetta D. Fatula

Thomas R. Jordan ’49 and Emma Jordan

William Fedorochko, Jr. ’62 and Sandra Fedorochko

Sitha Rama Katragadda and Sudha R. Katragadda

John R. Ferraro ’70 and Bonnie Ferraro

F. Nelson Keeney ’63 and Shirley A. Keeney

George J. Black III ’44* and Arlene Foreman

Paul G. Finch and Marie A. Finch

Lynn Arko Kelley ’77

Gilbert Floyd, Jr. ’92

John Blake, Jr. and Cheryl Blake

William D. Foland H’94 and Patricia Foland

Christopher S. King ’83 and Jill King

Arthur A. Sohn ’55 and Barbara Sohn Harry A. Sporidis ’91 and Christy Sporidis Tom Squitieri ’75 George V. Thieroff, Sr. ’57 and Darlene Thieroff Dennis P. Tihansky ’65 Antonio C. Torchia ’86 and Sandy Torchia

Saul R. Berg ’61 and Rhonda Sue Berg Daniel Bethem ’66 and Mary Jo Bethem Joseph P. Bishop ’39

Charles H. Booth, Jr. ’41 and Gertrude Booth

Larry R. Klevans ’65 and Carol Klevans

Harriet Branton

Frederick J. Frank H’86* and Frances J. Frank*

Nicholas P. Brenlove ’68 and Donna Brenlove

Chauncey E. Frazier II ’56 and Magdaline C. Frazier

Jeffrey H. Van Hyning ’68 and Mary Van Hyning

James S. Broadhurst and Suzy Broadhurst

Thomas G. Frazier ’64 and Alexandra V. A. Frazier

Robert P. Krass ’59 and Patricia Krass

Ray Verlinich ’77 and Martha L. Verlinich

Pamela L. Burns

William T. Fritz ’82 and Mary Fritz

Robert H. Krupkin ’71

Ronald Calhoon and Susie Calhoon

J. Herbert Gaul, Jr. ’66 and Mary Etheridge Gaul

Charles J. La Belle ’62 and Janice La Belle

Robert B. Campbell ’58

James P. Geiger ’47 and Gladys H. Geiger

Joseph B. Leckie ’50 and Betty Leckie

Henry Gelband ’58

Charles H. Lee ’57 and Janet S. Lee

Roslyn Thompson Towler Thomas J. Tredici ’49

Liese Kasparek Vito ’87 and Kenneth Vito Jonathan R. Walburn ’73 Alan R. Weill ’59 and Nancy Y. Weill Kevin L. Welsh ’85 George W. Zannos ’64 and Marilyn Serlin

Caterpillar Foundation Nicholas J. Cavoti and Teresa Cavoti Charleroi Federal Savings Bank Robert M. Cherry ’68 and Judith Cherry Zeno N. Chicarilli ’71

Vincent S. Graziano ’72 and Robin McGinn Graziano ’75 Edward M. Greb and Barbara Greb Linda V. Troost and Sayre Greenfield

Mark R. Koch ’71 and Cynthia Koch Rick Kohr II and Holly Kohr

David R. Leonard ’66 and Lisa Leonard John G. Lovelace ’68 John T. Lucas ’82 and Eileen Lucas

CIGNA Corporation

Donna Haley Grier ’80 and Steven C. Grier

James W. Clarke ’62 and Jeanne Clarke

Michael P. Grzesiak and Karen E. Grzesiak

F. Anthony Clutter ’98 and Tera Zaremba Clutter ’99

Charles W. Harris, Jr. ’69 and Jacqueline Harris

Kevin Hackett and Mary Beth MacIulla

Michael R. Cohen and Laura J. Cohen

Harry and Ann Farmer Charitable Fund

Jennifer Thuransky Magee ’90 and Milton E. Magee, Jr.

Marjory Condit

Kenneth Haver and Judith Haver

Aegon Transamerica Foundation

James W. Condrin ’56 and Maxine Condrin

Richard W. Mains, Jr. ’64 and Brenda Mains

Donald Allison ’41

J. Barry Hemphill ’64 and Barbara Hemphill


Charles R. Amos ’66 and Sharon L. Amos

Walter Cooper ’50

Fred N. Herskowitz ’67 and Anne Herskowitz

PRESIDENTS ASSOCIATES Anonymous (2) The Abernathy Fund for Conservation of the Washington County Community Foundation, Inc. Stewart Adams and Andrea Adams Pritam M. Advani ’80

Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc. James F. Aquilino ’62 and Margaret Ann Aquilino

Walt Coury David B. Crowe ’52 and Jean Crowe

William G. Atkinson ’43*

Dana Graham Devereux ’73 and Deborah S. Hensley

Alvan Balent, Sr. ’53 and Linda Balent

Jerry A. Dorsch ’63 and Susan Dorsch

Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corporation

Dow AgroSciences

Kathryn Davin Barnes ’86 and John Barnes

Drs. Todd and Diane Thompson Fund

Amy L. Barrette ’98

William T. Dymond, Jr. ’82 and Jennifer D. Dymond

Mitchell B. Bassi ’85 and Florence Bassi

Tina Anania Eckhardt ’88 and Aric J. Eckhardt

Ira E. Baumgartel ’73 and Michele Baumgartel

Erie Community Foundation

Michael C. Bednar and Tammy Bednar

Terry L. Evans ’70 and Sally Lysinger Evans ExxonMobil Foundation

Jason E. Luckasevic ’97 and Kelly Gablick Luckasevic ’00 David Lynch and Dorothy Davis

Larry A. Makel ’75 and Jean Makel Patricia D. Maloney

Richard A. Holan ’52 and Lenore Holan

Stephen V. Martin ’81 and Kathleen Martin

Paul C. Holtz ’59 and Alice Holtz

Wilfred J. McAloon, Jr. ’57 and Dorothy McAloon

Robert M. Howard ’87 and Wendy Anderson Howard ’87 Jeffrey P. Hufnagel ’93 and Michele Abate Hufnagel ’93

John J. McCague III ’76 and Kathy McCague Jeremy C. McCamic ’49

Frederick M. Hyser ’71 and Trixie L. Hyser

J. Thomas McCandless ’62 and Paula McCandless

George M. Inglis ’59 and Sarah Jane Inglis

Lee H. McCormick ’55 and Barbara McCormick

C. Michael Irvin ’78 and Paula Irvin

Andrew G. McIlvaine ’70 and Julie McIlvaine

Dennis Ivan ’66 and Mary Jo Ivan

James H. McMaster ’60 and Judith McMaster

Charles R. Jack ’57 and Anna Louise Jack Joseph Jackovic and Dorothy Jackovic

James R. McNabb, Jr. ’57 and Marjorie McNabb David B. McWilliams ’65 and Nancy McWilliams WASHINGTON & JEFFERSON COLLEGE


William A. Meddings ’62 and Pam Meddings

Michael D. Nettleton ’75 and Terry Nettleton

Charles E. Powell, Jr. ’69 and Kathleen Powell

Elizabeth Wood Sanders ’96 and Eric P. Sanders

Susan Medley

Arthur J. Nowak ’58 and Ginger Nowak

PPG Industries, Inc.

SAP America

Nowak Family Fund

William L. Proudfit ’64 and Jean L. Proudfit

Alan L. Schuler ’51 and Donna Schuler

Arthur L. Nudelman ’61 and Arlene Z. Nudelman

Hullihen D. Quarrier, Jr. ’62 and Meredith Quarrier

Schuler Family Foundation

Lawrence J. O’Brien, Jr. ’66 and Ellen P. O’Brien

Victor J. Raskin ’66 and Carol Raskin

Kristin M. Ondecko Ligda ’03 and Erik Ligda

John W. & Shirley E. Richman Foundation

Peter M. Panchura ’82

Ruth A. Riesenman

Joseph P. Mock ’59

Chong S. Park ’83 and Lisa Park

John J. Montgomery ’60 and Judy K. Montgomery

John S. Parker ’52 and Dorris Parker

W. Robert Robertson ’55 and Mary Jane Robertson

John I. Moraca ’55 and Betty Moraca

Donna Patterson

K. Wayne Robison and Luann Robison

John R. Patterson ’50

Sylvia M. Roma ’76

Donald M. Morgan ’78 and Jody Morgan

Emily J. Peters ’03

Malcolm K. Rosenbaum ’49

Pfizer, Inc.

Charles M. Rosenberg ’65

James L. Phillips ’54 and Barbara Phillips

Seth Rosenberg and Janet Rosenberg

Michael S. Siegel ’73

Steven J. Pinelli ’75 and Marianne Pinelli

Carl R. Rotz* and Martha Rotz

Paul A. Skrabut ’64

David M. Mego ’82 and Patricia Mego John C. Mettler II ’38 The Michael & Teryl Nettleton Charitable Fund of the Dallas Foundation Andrew I. Miller ’86 Milton and Jennifer Magee Charitable Fund

William J. Morgan ’62 and Eleanor Morgan Arthur C. Morrissey ’63 and Janet Hayes Michael Dean Mosites and Andrea Mosites

Pittsburgh Steelers Sports, Inc.

E. Ronald Salvitti II and Renae Salvitti

Ira J. Schulman ’74 and Beverly Werme Schulman ’75 M. Gerald Schwartzbach ’66 and Susan Schwartzbach Dorothy A. Servis H’94 Mark A. Shaw ’90 James C. Shelby, Jr. ’62 and Constance J. Shelby Joel W. Shelkrot ’59 and Bonnie Shelkrot Blynn L. Shideler ’56 Howard F. Shivers, Jr. ’55 and Jean Shivers Robert A. Simonin ’55 Bernard R. Smedley ’61 Donald J. Snyder, Jr. ’72 and Karen Foster Snyder Anthony N. Solomita ’75 Luke Sossi and Jessica Sossi Thomas H. Sprague ’66 and Merle S. Sprague Robert H. Stevenson ’64 Frank J. Suatoni, Jr. ’60 and Elizabeth Suatoni Larry W. Sumney ’62 and Rachel Wiebe Sumney Gordon E. Swartz ’68 and Deborah C. Doyle John E. Tate ’77 and Jeri Tate George V. Thieroff, Jr. ’82 and Lesa Moser Thieroff ’84 Diane Sims Thompson ’90 and Todd Thompson

We are the LEADERS Members of the class of 1972 celebrate their 40th reunion at Homecoming & Reunion Weekend in October. In honor of this milestone event, the class raised $78,541.23 in support of their alma mater.

James J. Thornton ’60 and Elizabeth Thornton Julie Throckmorton Tocqueville Society Darin P. Trelka ’92 and Miriam Mavrich Trelka ’93

With an impressive participation rate of 44 percent, the 1972 graduates beat five other reunion classes to claim the coveted Class Cup, which was presented during the annual Homecoming dinner. The competition honored gifts and pledges made from July 2011 to October 2012.

John Turcik and Priscilla Turcik

A committee of volunteers representing the class of 1972 personally contacted each class member, inviting them to participate in the W&J Annual Fund campaign. Committee members were Jim Gismondi ’72, Sheldon Goettel ’72, Vince Graziano ’72, Pete Kafkalas ’72, Don Kasperik ’72, Lee Mandel ’72, Lynn McClain-Urffer ’72, Bob McLuckey ’72, Sam Paisley ’72, Tom Patterson ’72, Rich Pocock ’72 and Tom Prickett ’72.

W. Karl VanNewkirk ’63 and Luella VanNewkirk

Since the Class Cup was reintroduced in 2006, the class of 1972 is the first class to win the Cup for two consecutive reunions. Chairman Gismondi challenges future reunion classes to beat their 44 percent class participation.

Peter F. Wagner ’79

James P. Valecko ’90 and Jennifer Valecko

W.R. Berkley Corp Charitable Foundation Barbara E. Waddington Alfred F. Wales ’60 and Jean P. Wales Robert G. Walker ’69



Bruce B. Weiner ’73 and Susan Simon Weiner ’73

Louis V. DiBello ’63 and Marie DiBello

Weiner Family Foundation

D. Raymond Douglass, Jr. ’45 and Beverly Douglass

Jeff Werthan and Susan Miller Werthan D. Lawrence Wickerham ’72 and Mary Louise Wickerham Edith Slafka Willcox ’88 and Michael H. Willcox Bruce M. Wolf ’70 and Sheryl Wolf Steven P. Woratyla ’87 and Elizabeth Woratyla Satoshi Yamanaka Franklin H. Yoho ’81 and Jan Yoho Jeffrey A. Yunkun ’79 and Kimberly S. Yunkun

James D. Douglass and Nancy Douglass McClellan A. DuBois ’70 and Lynn DuBois James R. Durig ’58 and Marlene Durig Charles P. Eaton ’64 and Judy Eaton John R. Echement H’98 and Gertrude J. Echement Robert M. Elliott ’49* and Eileen Cummins Elliott* Walter Flamenbaum ’63 and Judith S. Flamenbaum John E. Frazier II ’62 and Nicole Frazier

Jody Priselac Charles J. Queenan, Jr. and Joann H. Queenan Victor J. Raskin ’66 and Carol Raskin Anica D. Rawnsley H’03 John S. Reed ’60 and Cynthia Reed Stephen I. Richman and Audrey G. Richman David A. Ross ’78 and Dana Crummer Peter J. Ross ’74 and Louise Kirkpatrick Ross ’74

Andrew Aloe ’76 and Michelle DeFrancesco Aloe ’76

Helen V. Samson Ronald P. Sandmeyer, Sr. ’57 and Elaine H. Sandmeyer

Joseph Edmunt Babiarz ’67 Violet Bica-Ross

Benefactors who have given $100,000 or more throughout their lives are inducted as permanent, lifetime members of the John McMillan Society.

James F. Gismondi, Jr. ’72 and Elizabeth Gismondi

Thomas A. Shoup ’75 and Ellen Barker

Joseph A. Hardy, Sr. H’84 and Rebecca Hardy

Ray G. Simms, Jr. ’58 and Karel Simms

H. King Hartman ’59 and Carol Hartman

James F. Slabe ’62 and Elaine Slabe

Anonymous (2)

Elizabeth Hurwitz-Schwab ’74 and Douglas Schwab

Russell F. Stein III ’52 and Marcia L. Stein

Samuel D. Isaly

Peter N. Stephans and Joan Stephans

James H. Knepshield ’59 and Barbara Knepshield

Sanford F. Beyer II ’74 and Dorene M. Beyer

Jennie Lau Scott H. Leaf ’76

Robert H. Stevenson ’64 Diann R. Stout J. Barry Stout ’64 and Lenore Thompson Stout

Joon Yong Lee

William M. Stout ’64 and Saundra Stout

Robert J. Brooks and Susan Brooks

David C. Leslie ’65 and Nan S. Leslie

Robert J. Brooks, Jr. ’92 and Shelli DeCarlo Brooks ’94

John A. Swanson and Janet Swanson

William N. Macartney III ’64 and Linda Macartney

John M. Swick ’47

Learned T. Bulman ’48

Margaret Hardy Magerko and Peter Magerko

Violet Bica-Ross Karyn M. Brooks ’95

Howard J. Burnett H’98 and Maryann DePalma Burnett Donald R. Cameron and Sally Cameron James W. Cameron ’80 and Nancy Morgan Cameron ’81 Lynn Cameron ’87 Richard Cameron and Edwina W. Cameron H’00 Richard T. Clark ’68 and Angela Clark Marjory Condit Patrick A. Correnty ’87 Scott D. Davenport ’85 and Dianne Davenport Samuel J. Davis ’72 and Regina Davis

Jeffrey H. Van Hyning ’68 and Mary Van Hyning

Virginia R. Marino

Craig A. Varga ’76 and Noelle Brennan

J. Robert Maxwell ’43

Alberto W. Vilar ’62

Albert S. McGhee ’53 and Elizabeth McGhee

Audrey L. Walther

Kenneth R. Melani ’75 and Tracy Melani Joseph P. Mock ’59 Charles T. Nason ’68 and Beth Nason Ronald V. Pellegrini ’59 and Donna Lucas Pellegrini B. John Pendleton, Jr. ’81 and Mary Ann Butera Pendleton ’80 E. Miles Prentice III ’64 and Katharine Prentice Thomas M. Priselac ’73 and

Eileen Addis Jon S. Adler ’61 and Carol Adler

Edith Sten Gillmor

Robert M. Beavers, Jr. ’65 and Jo Beavers

Roger T. Abelson ’57 and Camille Abelson

E. Ronald Salvitti ’59

Timothy P. Schieffelin ’77 and Susan Schieffelin

John S. Kern ’64 and Marie Kern


Mrs. Peter C. Rossin

Spencer M. Free ’45 and Patricia L. Free

Lillian Bassi

Established in 1996, the Old Main Society is a membership of generous donors who support W&J through planned giving. Members provide for the College in their wills, trusts, or retirement plans; use life insurance as a gift; or establish charitable trusts or gift annuities.

Richard J. Riotto ’87

John McMillan Society Lifetime

Roger T. Abelson ’57 and Camille Abelson

Old Main Society

Alan R. Weill ’59 and Nancy Y. Weill David J. White ’77 D. Lawrence Wickerham ’72 and Mary Louise Wickerham F. Leo Wright ’52 and Rosemary Wright

Geri L. Bacu ’86 J. Randolph Birch ’58 and Suzette Birch George J. Black III ’44* and Arlene Foreman Lois Boulis John F. Brady ’70 and Roberta Isleib Learned T. Bulman ’48 Howard J. Burnett H’98 and Maryann DePalma Burnett Stephen F. Calderon ’78 and Sandra Myhalik John A. Campbell and Barbara Campbell Edith Cannon Ralph A. Capone ’74 and Andrea Capone Joseph Caruso ’51 and Elizabeth Caruso Constance Levy Ceisler James Hawley Chester ’66 and Connie Chester Kathleen L. Cigana ’88 James W. Clarke ’62 and Jeanne Clarke Sandra C. Cooper ’77 Harry M. Corbett ’44 and Florence Corbett Friedrich R. Crupe ’59 and Christiane Crupe Samuel J. Davis ’72 and Regina Davis

Prudence Yost

Louis V. DiBello ’63 and Marie DiBello

George W. Zannos ’64 and Marilyn Serlin

William H. Diehl, Jr. ’58 and Johnna Diehl D. Raymond Douglass, Jr. ’45 and Beverly Douglass



McClellan A. DuBois ’70 and Lynn DuBois

George Hollingshead ’58 and Roberta Hollingshead

John G. Kramer ’52 and Pat Kramer

John J. McDonough ’92 and Kathy McDonough

James R. Durig ’58 and Marlene Durig

Tom E. Horner ’43

Jennie Lau

J. Gaven Hurley ’65 and Kathleen Hurley

Scott H. Leaf ’76

Paul G. McKelvey, Jr. ’48 and Helen McKelvey*

Charles H. Lee ’57 and Janet S. Lee

Ronald D. McKenzie ’55 and Jane McKenzie

Jack F. Lembke ’40 and Lyndell Lembke

Demas L. McVay, Jr. ’55

Donald G. Lightfoot ’70 and Joan S. Lightfoot

David B. Miller ’58 and Marie T. Miller

Julius Little ’41 and Linda Little

Douglas R. Miller ’73 and Jane Miller

Robert M. Elliott ’49* and Eileen Cummins Elliott* Dava Esman ’74

Frederick M. Hyser ’71 and Trixie L. Hyser

Terry L. Evans ’70 and Sally Lysinger Evans

George M. Inglis ’59 and Sarah Jane Inglis

Joel L. Falik ’61 and Anne Falik

James S. Irvine ’49

Rita M. Finley

James F. Israel ’67 and Elaine Israel

Walter Flamenbaum ’63 and Judith S. Flamenbaum Charles L. Flynn, Jr.

F. Nelson Keeney ’63 and Shirley A. Keeney

J. Barry Loughridge ’50 and Sue Loughridge* Glenn W. MacTaggart ’73 and Karla MacTaggart

George E. McVehil, Jr. ’56

Russell G. Mobley ’56 Joseph P. Mock ’59

Joseph G.C. Francis ’62 and Sara Jane Francis

Lynn Arko Kelley ’77

Elliott D. Fredland ’60

John S. Kern ’64 and Marie Kern

Norman S. Mass ’61 and Adaya Mass

Spencer M. Free ’45 and Patricia L. Free

Evan A. Klein ’77

J. Robert Maxwell ’43

John F. Munnell ’52 and Mary B. Munnell

William D. Klimek and Jacquelyn Klimek

Cheryl A. Maze ’80

Alexander Murdoch, Jr. ’57

W. Robert Goldman, Jr. ’67

J. Scott McBride

Brett Rosenberg Harris ’88 and Mitch Harris

James H. Knepshield ’59 and Barbara Knepshield

James Scott McBride, Jr.*

Donald G. Myers ’68 and Susan Myers

Lynne J. Haubelt ’77 and Nicholas Haubelt

Carl W. Konvolinka, Jr. ’56 and Susan Konvolinka

Neal F. McBride ’46 and Norma McBride*

Charles T. Nason ’68 and Beth Nason

John W. McDonald, Jr.

John F. Naughton ’63

Charles L. Kendi ’89

James F. Hitchman ’70

William D. Moore ’52 and G. Ann Moore

Clifford L. Nelson ’58 and Doris Nelson Albert G. Nickel ’65 and Dana C. Nickel E. Lee North ’46 John L. S. Northrop H’99 and Rose Northrop Philip D. O’Connell III ’74 Stephen D. Oliphant ’55 and Judith Roscow Brian G. Orr ’74 and Linda Orr Alexander Osterneck ’88 Vincent O. Palladino ’51 and Marie Palladino John S. Parker ’52 and Dorris Parker Ronald V. Pellegrini ’59 and Donna Lucas Pellegrini

We are the TRAILBLAZERS On behalf of the class of 2012, members of the Senior Class Gift committee present a gift of a campus map on the corner of North Lincoln and East Pine Streets during a dedication ceremony in May. In honor of their Commencement from Washington & Jefferson College, the class of 2012 raised nearly $1,300 for its gift. The senior committee encouraged 41 percent of the class to participate in the initiative. W&J Trustee Charles T. Nason ’68 generously matched the funds raised by the class. “Through the senior gift, our class has left a permanent mark on the campus,” committee member Michael Harding ’12 said. “I look forward to visiting campus as an alumnus, seeing our gift and saying, ‘I helped make that possible.’” Participating in the senior gift dedication, pictured from left, are: President Tori Haring-Smith, Ph.D., Nason, Harding, April Johnson ’12, Jenna Wandrisco ’12, Abbey Musial ’12, Raelynn Forsyth ’12, Jacob Testa ’12, Nicholas Tyger ’12.

Andrew Pesky ’59 and Elaine O. Pesky Emily J. Peters ’03 James L. Phillips ’54 and Barbara Phillips Steven J. Pinelli ’75 and Marianne Pinelli Joseph W. Placer ’59 and Andrea Placer E. Miles Prentice III ’64 and Katharine Prentice Thomas M. Priselac ’73 and Jody Priselac Andrew Procko ’48 Anica D. Rawnsley H’03 Stanley Reed, Jr. and Ann Reed George W. Roark, Jr. ’46 and Barbara Roark



W. Robert Robertson ’55 and Mary Jane Robertson

D. Lawrence Wickerham ’72 and Mary Louise Wickerham

Charles M. Rosenberg ’65 and Gayle Rosenberg

Peter F. Wilson ’74 and Judy Wilson

Mrs. Peter C. Rossin

R. Victor Wood, Jr. ’55

Franklin A. Rumore ’63 and Deborah Preston

F. Leo Wright ’52 and Rosemary Wright

Arch J. Albanese

William F. Saalbach H’85* and Betty Saalbach

York F. Yochum ’64 and Nina Yochum



Warren K. Martin


Clarence D. Randolph

E. Ronald Salvitti ’59 John Mark Scott Jr. ’69 and Judith Scott Robert H. Shoop, Jr. ’60 and Janet Shoop Robert B. Shust ’59 and Judith Shust Richard A. Siegrist ’68 and Elisabeth Siegrist Ray G. Simms, Jr. ’58 and Karel Simms Miles H. Simon ’71 and Karen Simon

Alumni W&J relies on the support of its dedicated alumni to maintain its character as a high quality liberal arts institution. These benefactors are listed by class year and giving society.



STATESMEN J. Stuart Dickson


R. Alan Fawcett

Ronald D. Snee ’63 and Marjorie C. Snee


Edgar H. Soifer ’53 and Nancy Soifer


J. Murray Freund

William L. Proudfit

Jack F. Lembke

Russell F. Stein III ’52 and Marcia L. Stein Peter N. Stephans and Joan Stephans Robert H. Stevenson ’64 H. Donald Stone, Jr. ’52 and Nancy Stone William M. Stout ’64 and Saundra Stout


John H. Trout

Gordon I. Norton, Jr.

WASHINGTON ASSOCIATES Thomas B. Lloyd* Andrew M. Margileth

STATESMEN John H. Allen James H. Bradenburg John P. Duthie Edgar A. Herrman* Tom E. Horner Ralph B. Huston* Craig M. Moore Robert C. Waltz Paul H. Weinstein

DONORS Timothy D. Calvin E. Eugene Fisher Harvey D. McClure Thomas J. Urbansky



DONOR Donald E. Wonsettler*

Martha G. Sweet Mark D. Swift


PRESIDENTS ASSOCIATES Donald Allison Charles H. Booth, Jr.



Dennis P. Tihansky ’65


Michael A. Timko ’88 and Susan Storrick Timko ’89


Raymond S. Tomassene ’49*



LeAnne Trachok ’87

John C. Mettler II


Paul P. Marinak*

Patrick J. Uram ’86



John C. Van Aken II ’61 and Jane Riggle Van Aken

Robert M. Kiskaddon

Warren E. Gregg


Arch H. Logan, Jr.

Warren S. Sellers

Harry M. Corbett

Gilbert M. Watt

Joseph F. Coury


Allen F. Turcke ’49

Jeffrey H. Van Hyning ’68 and Mary Van Hyning Joseph K. Vargo ’89 Jonathan R. Walburn ’73

Hugh M. Miller

Robert G. Walker ’69 T. Urling Walker ’49 and Mabel Walker


Butler H. Waugh ’55* and Joanne M. Waugh


Alan R. Weill ’59 and Nancy Y. Weill


David L. White ’76 and Jackie Jones

Nicholas B. Horsky


Leonard Wurzel




Joseph M. Kuchta


Robert B. Scott

K. Duane Reed

J. Robert Maxwell


Lauren M. Burtch

William G. Atkinson*

Richard J. Crosbie James W. Stewart WASHINGTON & JEFFERSON COLLEGE








D. Raymond Douglass, Jr.

DONORS Harry E. Butson

DONORS J. Raymond Gera


James H. Hammett

Frank V. Petrone

Howard G. Lee

Bernard A. Staskiewicz

Neal F. McBride

Paul E. Coury


E. Lee North

Carmel J. Passalacqua

Gordon V. Thompson

John K. Johnson


Russell A. MacCachran


Jack L. Paradise

James H. Coleman III


Joseph H. Field

John M. Swick

John G. Tucker

DONOR Jerry J. Appelbaum

Luther M. Rhine George W. Roark, Jr.



James P. Geiger





WASHINGTON ASSOCIATES John A. MacPhail David M. Sutherland

STATESMEN Dean W. Elson Robert C. McCarthy William J. M. Thompson Preston N. Williams

We are the EDUCATORS Physics department chair Michael Pettersen, Ph.D. (center), is congratulated by John Zimmerman, Ph.D., vice president for academic affairs and dean of the faculty, and President Tori Haring-Smith, Ph.D., as Washington & Jefferson College’s first Joseph A. Walker Class of 1942 Chair of Physics.


DONOR Harold J. Mondik


The award is named in honor of the late Joseph Walker ’42, a renowned test pilot for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Walker became the first NASA pilot to fly the experimental X-15 supersonic aircraft, a feat he performed 24 times. He also was the first American civilian to make a spaceflight via the X-15 to the altitude of 100 kilometers, crossing the threshold definition of outer space.


“With this honor, I hope to pass on to students Joseph Walker’s passion for science, discovery, exploration and adventure,” said Pettersen, who has chaired the physics department at W&J for nine years, has published 31 refereed journal articles and co-authored a book on the trial of Galileo and the Catholic church.


“The epitome of a teacher-scholar, Dr. Pettersen advocates the connection between sciences and the liberal arts in the classroom,” Zimmerman said.

Malcolm K. Rosenbaum


1781 ASSOCIATE Thomas J. Tredici

Thomas R. Jordan Jeremy C. McCamic


Stanley L. Handelman Paul H. Patton



Francis A. Locke

John S. Wollam

Joseph Caruso

Donald W. Butts

Allen F. Turcke

James S. Linderman

Arthur J. Holder

T. Urling Walker

Paul L. Salansky

Irwin Kabat


Albert L. Rabenstein*

Thomas A. Dickinson


John K. Henderson


John M. Kyle

Burton S. Benovitz


John W. Smith

J. Barry Loughridge

Dewees H. Brown*

Theodore A. Beadle

J. Robert Manson

Richard E. Cunningham

Jerome Brown


Elliott B. McGrew, Jr.

Norman Hamer

William R. Carr

John P. Chupinsky

John D. McGrew

Kenneth Headley

Miles C. Durfey

Winfield S. Gibbs

Philip A. McMahon

Warren M. Henshaw*

Edward D. Frohlich

Bruce J. Gould*

J. Leroy Myers

Joseph Kurash

Chauncey R. Headley*

D. Andrew Grimes

George M. Pyle

Donald I. Levin

Paul J. Kiell

E. Paul Hoop, Jr.

Philip L. Reinhard, Jr.

James D. Lowe

Stuart C. McCombs, Jr.

John E. Marlow

Alexander B. Stavovy

E. Don Marshall

William D. Moore

Nicholas Maropis

John R. Thomas

Earl H. McKinney

Forrest G. Tompkins

Charles W. Mason, Jr.

Howard Toboco

Sheldon N. Myers

Edwin J. Pear

John E. Unger, Jr.

Arthur C. Smock


Robert R. Reeves

Edward J. White

Kurt H. Teil

Charles C. Crompton

Raymond S. Tomassene*

Jay W. White

Robert E. Wilson

Eugene H. Wilson


Edward J. Skurzynski

Donald A. Youngdahl

Joseph Ellovich

Richard O. Tedeschi

Jay A. Zeffiro

Robert R. Teuteberg

Charles A. Vogel


John F. Emerson

Arthur E. Barnes II Oliver Wellington Brown, Jr.


William D. Dykstra

Charles E. Azen

Carl S. Fluke



Robert W. Baird

William R. Hanshumaker



Harold L. Brock

Alfred F. Smith

Leonard Gilman



Robert E. Sostheim

David R. Knoche

Albert S. McGhee

John H. Stitely

William Cohen

Richard A. Krinzman Daniel Mudrick



John H. Riggle

Alvan Balent, Sr.


Robert M. Gordon, Jr.

Warner H. Schlaupitz

Charles Roazen


L. Jerome Schwaed Bruce L. Shakely


Robert C. Trexler


Thomas K. Ward

David B. Crowe

Walter Cooper

William D. Watson

Richard A. Holan

Joseph B. Leckie

Ernest G. Weating

John S. Parker

John R. Patterson



Robert L. Boord


William H. Meanor Richard F. Ruben

WASHINGTON ASSOCIATES Henry C. Chalfant* William E. Colligan, Jr.




JEFFERSON ASSOCIATES Edward A. Jaeger Donald R. Swanson

WASHINGTON ASSOCIATES Louis Alvarez Arthur A. Griffin

C. Richard Coen

Martin S. Handelman

Reed B. Day

William K. Krisher

William S. Morrison

Robert A. Lefkowith

Roger B. Rollin

Laurence P. Parmer Henry Wechsler



Kenneth C. Carson, Jr.* David F. Crumrine Richard E. Easler William D. Inglis III* Robert E. Lynch James A. Mounts, Jr. Melvin H. Sher Vincent R. Staffileno



Harry D. Ferguson


William F. Judt

E. Patrick Howard, Jr.

Walter J. Pankiewicz

Stephen D. Oliphant

T. Lew Pitchford

Arthur A. Sohn

DONORS Malcolm L. Cowen


Richard C. Foster

Lee H. McCormick John I. Moraca

Marvin L. Diehl


Joseph W. Thompson, Sr.

Harry L. Farmer, Jr.

George A. Girty

Nelson J. Wilson

James L. Phillips

Edwin A. McGlumphy

W. Robert Robertson

Philip H. Miller

Howard F. Shivers, Jr.

Malcolm W. Reed, Jr.

Robert A. Simonin

DONORS William E. Allen


Dean Behrend

Frank S. Forsythe

Willard A. Harvey, Jr.

John N. McElravey

George H. Mondik

Philip N. Smith

Norman Ames Posner

Charles L. Sonneborn III

Donald F. Puglisi



John O. Hanna, Jr.

Rawlin A. Fairbaugh

JEFFERSON ASSOCIATES John A. Malcolm, Jr. Camille J. Maravalli

WASHINGTON ASSOCIATES Morton I. Davidson Demas L. McVay, Jr.

STATESMEN George E. Anthou Duane H. Dull, Sr. Charles C. Mackey Ronald D. McKenzie Thomas W. Platt Richard B. Rabenstein* Howard E. Reidbord D. Lee Shroads, Sr. Paul C. Smilow Jack W. Sweeney Roger C. Townsend


We are the COMPETITORS Athletic Director Bill Dukett (right) congratulates Athletic Hall of Fame legends J.C. Morrow ’77, Rich Pocock ’72, Don Kasperik ’72 and Pat McCormick ’62, who served as honorary co-captains at the Homecoming football game in October. The former student-athletes join dedicated Presidents in giving back to the College through participation in the Pete Henry Society. Named after Washington & Jefferson College’s beloved former athletic director and football coach, the Pete Henry Society comprises donors who share the vision that athletic success and academic excellence go hand in hand. Gifts to the Society provide critical funding for the W&J athletic program, supporting travel, equipment upgrades, uniforms and programming for coaches and student-athletes. The College’s 24 competitive athletic teams continue to thrive thanks to the support of the Pete Henry Society. During the fall season, Head Football Coach Mike Sirianni, a four-time Presidents’ Athletic Conference (PAC) Coach of the Year, led the football team to its 23rd PAC championship. Women’s cross-country standout Kristen Galligan ’15, who competed in the NCAA Division III Championships with teammate Scott Ryan ’13, made history as W&J’s first cross-country runner to earn All-America honors.



John W. Dean Jack O. Greenberg Stephen R. Kladakis Charles E. McMillan R. Walter Powell Ralph D. Rush







James W. Condrin

Charles R. Jack

Chauncey E. Frazier II

Charles H. Lee

Blynn L. Shideler

Wilfred J. McAloon, Jr.



James R. McNabb, Jr.

Robert B. Campbell

E. Ronald Salvitti

Russell H. Briggs

Henry Gelband



Arthur J. Nowak


Victor S. Behar Neil B. Billig


Kenneth E. Bell

David J. Burkey

J. Randolph Birch

Richard L. Carson

Joseph M. Warsaw

Richard D. Gilardi

Richard J. Carter George E. McVehil, Jr. Leonard W. Strobel

John Kladakis David W. Moore

Daniel T. Blackburn


Edward C. Dalglish


Dale R. Bowne

Vincent S. Franz, Jr.

E. Thomas Deutsch, Jr.

Henry W. Fulton, Jr.

Chester S. Handelman

Arnold J. Eisenfeld

J. Rogers Kossler

F. Jay Keefer

George V. Frank

John M. Mackey

Robert J. Suwak

Clifford L. Nelson Herbert O. Nichols

Dennis Patrick Must


John L. Patterson

Ronald G. Dolasky


William R. Smith

J. Robert Franz

Harry W. Fuchs III

Robert W. Sommer

Marcus A. Gottlieb

Robert M. Glad

Frank S. Kazmierczak

Merton W. Hutton


Charles W. Lemmon

Raymond P. Johnston

Stephen Banko

George G. Moffat

Burton H. Pollock

Charles J. Burstin

Ronald P. Sandmeyer, Sr.

Richard T. Rosenburgh

Don L. Fuhr

Frederick A. Schrader

Richard L. Ross

Norman C. Hunt

Jack G. Wassam

Ronald M. Roth Edward A. Stevens, Jr.

James F. Rittenhouse John F. Rugh, Sr.


Martin L. Strassman

Charles B. Stunkard*

John H. Elder

James A. Wheeler

William H. Williamson, Sr.

John E. Gysegem


1781 ASSOCIATE Alan R. Weill

PRESIDENTS ASSOCIATES Paul C. Holtz George M. Inglis Robert P. Krass Joseph P. Mock Joel W. Shelkrot

JEFFERSON ASSOCIATES Geoffrey W. Bennett Friedrich R. Crupe William S. Gartner, Jr. Arthur B. Scott Sheldon A. Weinstein

WASHINGTON ASSOCIATES Robert T. Brinton Charles T. D’Alessio James A. Lynn

Norman L. Cimino

Benson J. Schultz

Robert C. Evans

Charles W. Tanner, Jr.

Ralph L. London

George T. Walker

Daniel J. Maloney

Patterson R. Cowder

George B. Millar

W. Gordon Fediaczko

Herbert W. Neu, Jr.

Thomas A. Halter

Andrew P. Puglise

Dale G. Johnston

Charles A. Rowe

James H. Knepshield

Alva Gayman Shrontz

R. Talbott Miller


Roger T. Abelson

John S. Perry

STATESMEN Matthew N. Boulis


Joseph W. Placer

James R. Durig

Lawrence D. Romboski Byron W. Scott

Jay L. Jenkins

George V. Thieroff, Sr.

Robert B. Shust

John C. Lauffer





David F. Alter



Robert E. Holden



Ronald V. Pellegrini

M. David Odle


William L. McEwan



Mayer W. Selekman

Ray G. Simms, Jr.

Frederick R. Simpson Robert A. Sphar



Edwin B. Spragg



Willis J. Pierre

Sidney R. Steiner Michael E. Wald

Stanford B. Trachtenberg

George E. Chorba III

Joel Safier

Benjamin Weinberger

Stephen J. Mihalek

Richard E. Schwirian

Sherwin J. Siff

William E. Sloka

Clifford E. Silver

Robert P. Wallace




William C. Boesman

James H. McMaster

Alfred J. Alexander

Anthony F. Babicka, Jr.

Donald R. Fullem

John J. Montgomery

Alan A. Allen

Lee W. Borden

Ronald F. Miller

Frank J. Suatoni, Jr.

Ronald Paul Benjamin

James R. Boyd

Walter J. Terpin

James J. Thornton

Robert W. Bowser

Frank R. Braden III

Alfred F. Wales

David J. Cox

William H. Collar

William S. Decker, Jr.

H. Nicholas Collins, Jr.


Anthony M. Harrison

Thomas H. Cunningham

Roy J. Krochmal

Robert E. Dyer

Sanford T. Marcus

Robert F. Livingston

Thomas G. Gahagan

J. Frederick Sharer

Bertram Harold Lubin

Joseph W. Greco, Jr.

Stephen B. Tily III

Theodore M. Madzy

James W. Karaman

Athas H. Tsigas

Kenneth M. Malgay

James E. Lombard

Richard A. Meyer

Howard G. Martin, Jr.

Michael R. Zimmerman

DONORS Joseph F. Andrews



1781 ASSOCIATE John A. Olsen

David L. Quinn

Warren F. Mazek Nicholas A. Pascuzzi William J. Sharp Gary R. Sheffer David C. Tenney Michael Witkin Ralph J. Zecchino


MCGUFFEY ASSOCIATE James A. Garrettson, Jr.

1781 ASSOCIATE Jon S. Adler

We are the FUTURE


Phi Kappa Psi President Dylan Haas ’13, shown by his fraternity’s fountain in front of Old Main, received funding from the Magellan Project Franklin Award to intern at UBS Financial Services in New York City.

Saul R. Berg

After developing a valuable connection with W&J Trustee William Platt ’87, a senior vice president at UBS, Haas was given the opportunity to work as a member of Platt’s wealth management team. While there, the economics major performed tasks that included researching information for senior firm members, creating portfolio allocation models based on clients’ goals and risk preferences, and shadowing junior firm members in the execution of daily trades.

Bernard R. Smedley

“I am very thankful for the opportunity W&J gave me to work in the center of the financial world,” Haas said. “I learned a valuable lesson about teamwork and redefining my idea of success. After W&J, I will be able to enter the workforce with a results-based mentality, which will help me excel.” Since it was established five years ago, the award-winning Magellan Project provides donor-based support for students who wish to pursue independent research projects and internships during their W&J careers.

Arthur L. Nudelman

JEFFERSON ASSOCIATES Ronald C. Agresta Peter J. Gulden, Jr.* George W. Knight Murray J. Levith David W. Steinbach John C. Van Aken II




William J. Morgan

Walter Y. Malcolm

Gary B. Shaw

Hullihen D. Quarrier, Jr.

David E. Manes

George L. Spillers

Albert E. Fershing

James C. Shelby, Jr.

Patrick D. Moore

Daniel M. Sprague

Howard A. Scalzi

Larry W. Sumney

Sanford F. Tolchin Thomas F. Upson

William C. Abraham


Howard T. Alexander

E. Eugene Best

Raymond L. Anderson

Duncan M. Brown

Stuart Berkowitz

William M. Carpenter

Richard E. Charles

Ronald M. Dagar

Robert E. Greene

Michael W. Datch

Joseph M. Levin

Harold L. Fraser

Norman S. Mass

Andrew A. Goletz

Calvin M. McIntyre

Robert D. Kabo

Richard G. Seymann

Michael N. Matzko

Johnson L. Thistle

Melvin E. Mounts, Jr.


Paul C. Pennock

DONORS Salvi T. Altomare

Philip Raskin Frederick W. Siegel, Jr.

George T. Bailey Joel L. Falik Warren L. Falk James C. Gradert Edward C. Kaleugher George R. Mauk Robert H. Ream Robert M. Steiner



LEMOYNE ASSOCIATES John E. Frazier II Robert G. Lesnock

WASHINGTON ASSOCIATES Bruce P. Buchanan Robert E. Daniel Joseph G.C. Francis Thomas B. Heflin* Edward A. Hill Richard Rifkin

STATESMEN John M. Allardice Robert A. Anderson Timothy E. Annin Craig W. Caldwell John T. Carson James E. Delozier Charles H. Eaton Henry H. Hood, Jr. Ernest N. Maley William E. McCorkle, Jr.

1781 ASSOCIATES M. Patrick McCormick Thomas E. McNabb Robert J. Roma

Malcolm H. McDowell, Jr. Watson F. McGaughey, Jr. Stanton I. Moldovan J. Byron Singer Jeffrey C. Tweedy


Adrian R. Van Strien

James F. Aquilino

Harry H. Wolfkill

Howard E. Beede James W. Clarke William Fedorochko, Jr. Charles J. La Belle J. Thomas McCandless William A. Meddings

Norman J. Weinberger Robert F. Young

DONORS Roy A. Blair II Alfred R. Bornemann




Edwin W. Billmire

Walter Flamenbaum

Harry A. Mink

Franklin A. Rumore

John P. Proudfit

Karl G. Benzio

Allan B. Schachter

1781 ASSOCIATES John F. Naughton

David R. Schucker William G. Siple

William E. Reisinger Ronald D. Snee



Jerry A. Dorsch


F. Nelson Keeney

William N. Macartney III

Arthur C. Morrissey W. Karl VanNewkirk



Joseph V. Newman, Sr. E. Miles Prentice III

Peter M. Bonadio James T. Herron, Jr. Anthony C. Iantosca


Norman A. Lockshin

1781 ASSOCIATES WASHINGTON ASSOCIATES J. Paul Clarke Paul S. Drohan Mark J. Goldberg Stephen B. Levine Roland P. Wilder, Jr. John A. Yauch

James W. Baird Kenneth M. Mason, Jr. George W. Zannos

PRESIDENTS ASSOCIATES Thomas G. Frazier J. Barry Hemphill Richard W. Mains, Jr.

STATESMEN Richard P. Bollinger Louis V. DiBello John G. Dziak Robert A. Hall, Jr. William G. Hayes III James S. Leib Louis L. Marines James F. Moore Arthur K. Nakashima Joseph A. Pacelli Thomas F. Rosenberg Harvey M. Rubin Walter A. Schade, Jr.

William L. Proudfit Paul A. Skrabut Robert H. Stevenson


WASHINGTON ASSOCIATES Irwin L. Browarsky James W. Clark Arnold W. Cushner Mark H. Frankel



Roger S. Golomb

Peter B. Eaton

John Y. Mace, Jr.*


Frank D. Hamlin, Jr.

Joseph C. Eckert

Donald N. Merz

John W. Bean

Ronald N. McElhaney

Michael R. Elliott

B. Bruce Mounts

Albert G. Nickel

Robert W. Sonnhalter, Jr.

Robert E. Howes

Gary D. Richmond

Malcolm S. Weiss

G. Donald Markle

James H. Russell

Michael R. Wilson


Donald C. Murray, Jr.

Howard Semins

Douglas P. Woodman

Richard B. Crosbie

James S. Snow, Jr.

John G. Shoop

John G. Turnbull

Frank J. Vandall


Alexander Weinstein

Raymond H. Baer

York F. Yochum

Charles K. Bens

1781 ASSOCIATES Norman L. Fine Calvin R. Harvey


Dennis P. Tihansky

Gabriel J. Bober


Fred K. Briard

A. Robert Ahlgren

Nelson Bunin

Fred T. Erskine III



Gary E. Campbell

W. Robert Kennedy

Robert M. Beavers, Jr.

Conway A. Jeffress, Jr.

Donald E. Cermak

Allan N. Levine

Adolph V. Falso

Larry R. Klevans

Philip R. Delmer

Allen R. Lewis

David C. Leslie

David B. McWilliams


Charles M. Rosenberg

JEFFERSON ASSOCIATES Allan B. Goodrich Stephen M. Greenberg Michael K. Legg John M. Noah Horatio J. Petrocelly, Jr. R. Douglas Yajko

WASHINGTON ASSOCIATES Ronald F. Bargiband Geoffrey A. Gwynn J. Gaven Hurley Floyd R. Hyatt Robert J. Jenison, Sr. Richard P. Rush Edward E. Smock John P. Unice


Leonard B. Zadecky

STATESMEN Bethany Haver ’12 proudly displays her gratitude to her parents, Ken and Judy Haver, at Commencement 2012. A psychology major and NCAA championship diver, Haver is now coaching recreational gymnastics while pursuing a doctorate in physical therapy.

John O. Cole, Jr.

During their daughter’s time at Washington & Jefferson College, the Havers served on the Parents’ Council, a committee of volunteers who act as a bridge of communication between W&J parents and the College’s administration, faculty, students, alumni and friends. “We are so grateful for the rich education and experience that Bethany received during her four years at W&J,” Ken said. “We were excited to join the Parents’ Council so we not only could assist with fund-raising but also be an advocate for the school with parents of prospective and incoming students, and act as an engaged sounding board for the College administration.”

Lawrence F. Del Pizzo

Members of the Council are spokespeople for the entire parent constituency and act as leaders in advising and financially supporting W&J. With the help of the Parents’ Council, W&J received more than $114,000 in gifts from parents of current students during the 2011-12 fiscal year.

Barry H. Kart

Kenneth T. Cooper William D. Creighton Walter H. Dimling James H. Duff Charles R. Hartman III Doneld R. Howell Charles L. Inglefield David A. Kier Franklin D. Kuzy Jan W. Maratta



Alan J. Montgomery

Charles M. Robbins

Edward W. Fox, Sr.

John G. Lovelace

Joseph Prestia

William C. Ruha

Stuart B. Katz

Gordon E. Swartz

James O. Scott Terry A. Scott

Jay A. Leipzig


David L. Ream Charles R. Stauffer, Jr.


Wayne C. Baxter

Telford W. Thomas

John W. Crawford


Peter B. Bidzila

Jack O. Williams

Curt P. Ellenberg

Wayne A. Allridge

Thomas Scott Boyd, Jr.

Jack D. Baer

Samuel K. Rock, Jr.

David H. Trask

James D. Lebedda


Allen C. Snyder

David B. Agostoni

Lawrence W. Bray Arthur S. Brooks


H. James Bayles

Bruce H. Campbell

Charles W. Bruton, Jr.

Frank B. Bertovich


Bruce A. Harlan

Edward J. Dobkin

John T. Carey

Ralph D. Hirsch

Ronald E. Hinebaugh

Michael A. Donadee

Robert M. Entwisle III

J. Michael Lacey

Charles McClain Hoak II

Arnold E. Fingeret

Norman A. Fair

Victor M. Rudkin

James B. Hobson, Jr.

Frank M. Hall, Jr.

Larry W. Fifer

Alex J. Haralam

William R. Henrick


Paul W. Huckans

Richard William Hopkins

Jay D. Allen

Marc Pollock

Gordon F. Keeler, Jr.

Kenneth L. Baker

David W. Seitz

William J. Koopman III

Lewis W. Birmingham

David C. Sperling

Michael A. Levy

Clyde P. Yates

Kenneth J. Bondra

Jay W. Lewis

Philip E. Hamill

Donald A. MacGregor

Bert R. Maggio


Edward P. McMahon Gerald M. Prado

Dean C. Morrow

Alexander Blain, IV John W. Ceraso

Audra D. Robinson

Robert S. Frankel

Craig M. Rothman

Terry J. Hancock

Carl M. Sandler*

William A. Jackson

Jonathan Solomon

Steven J. Kothe

David G. Trainer

James W. Maloy

Thomas E. Weyer

John M. Junkin, Jr. Richard W. Kirsch, Jr. Bert M. Moldovan Robert J. Murray Burt Joel Nydes Thomas A. Spataro James J. Vangundy Timothy R. Wisecarver Richard P. Zaharoff



Carl M. Rock, Jr.

Jerrell L. Angell


James D. Pareso

1781 ASSOCIATE Robert A. Johnson

PRESIDENTS ASSOCIATES Charles R. Amos Daniel Bethem J. Herbert Gaul, Jr. Dennis Ivan David R. Leonard Lawrence J. O’Brien, Jr. Victor J. Raskin M. Gerald Schwartzbach Thomas H. Sprague

JEFFERSON ASSOCIATES Kenneth W. Getty, Jr. Gerard M. Kendzior Robert S. Luttrell

Thomas P. Benic


Thomas C. Fry


David E. Gadd


Clifford B. Lewis

Michael V. Bittenbender

Thomas R. Marshall

Alfred P. Ilch

Robinson T. Rhodes William R. Rowse, Jr. Jay K. Sadlon Charles Voinovich, Jr. Daniel J. Wehner Williamson White Gregory D. Zeigler Andrew G. Zelenka, Jr. Anthony Zettlemoyer

DONORS Stephen D. Berman Edward D. Beslow Kenneth M. Culbertson, Jr. David P. Flanders Robert B. Ill



J. Thomas Lane

George M. Fatula, Sr.


John D. MacMillan

Fred N. Herskowitz


Richard T. Clark Charles T. Nason

Barrett Burns Leonard I. Eisenfeld


Victor Lazzaro, Jr.

Jeffrey H. Van Hyning



Donald C. Beatty III

Nicholas P. Brenlove

Clifford C. Evans

Robert M. Cherry

J. Martin Leach George M. Mellis William E. Milligan Donald G. Myers Richard E. Orwig, Jr. Eric W. Oyer Robert E. Petrie, Jr. Gary D. Plummer Harold L. Yankelevitz




LEMOYNE ASSOCIATES Charles W. Hergenroeder Patrick J. Rega



Thomas A. Musi

Jeffrey P. Schmoyer

Mephie-Mbuya Ngoi

John Mark Scott, Jr.

Brian D. Knapp

Harry S. Oakley, Jr.

Edmund J. Wise, Jr.

George U. Love II

John C. Succop, Jr.

Richard K. Mason

James H. Taylor

James K. Nicely

Jeffry H. Young

Blaine C. Prinkey


J. William Smith



Paul M. Zabetakis

Ralph L. Amos

McClellan A. DuBois

Thomas W. Carr

Charles W. Harris, Jr. Charles E. Powell, Jr.


David J. Cohen


Robert G. Walker

Robert E. Arnold

Peter M. Falion

Walter B. Massenburg

A. Paul Aversano

Charles R. Gillett


Jon A. Barkman

Kenneth G. Jackson, Jr.

Alan S. Drohan

Scott P. Kenney


Thomas W. Armstrong

Gary W. Geis

Edward Malachosky II

Terry L. Evans

David G. Bashour

Ivan J. Kamil

William Frederick Martson, Jr.

John R. Ferraro

Charles W. Johnston

George D. Kennedy

Frederick H. Miller, Jr.

Andrew G. McIlvaine

Robert C. McQueen

William H. Markle

Robert J. Mizwa

Bruce M. Wolf

Lawrence W. Weber

Frank A. McClure

Walter A. Regula, Jr.

JEFFERSON ASSOCIATES Dominic A. Colaizzo Philip J. Jackson Donald G. Lightfoot Gordon C. Miller Robert F. Milspaw Charles A. Parlato Charles W. Zubritsky III

WASHINGTON ASSOCIATES Eric J. Held Michael P. Lynch John T. Webster

STATESMEN Marc Alan Abrams John F. Brady

We are the EXPLORERS

John L. Carroll Jeffrey J. Costantino David L. Garber


Psychology and biology major Vanessa Kichline ’12 examines a song sparrow at the Abernathy Field Station for a 2012 Intersession class, one of the many learning opportunities provided to students at Abernathy, a 57-acre parcel of land located just five miles from the Washington & Jefferson College campus.

Gary S. Haas

“The Abernathy Field Station is the ideal outdoor classroom,” James March, Ph.D., associate professor of biology, said. “It is a place where students can learn how to see, gain a sense of place, look for patterns in complexity, and all while having fun.”

Webster B. Kinnaird

Access to this outdoor classroom, provided by Janet Abernathy and her late husband, Dr. Ernest Abernathy, allows faculty and students to study the structure and function of different ecosystems through both coursework and independent research projects. The habitats support diverse assemblages of birds, salamanders, fish, mammals, insects and more than 100 tree species.

Ray E. Quickel


C. Steven Heft Bruce R. Johnson C. Barton Jones Kenneth E. Kirby Philip F Mamolito Edwin A. Young II


David C. O’Leary

Richard H. Pocock, Jr.


James F. Easton

Randall S. Peffer

Robert H. Savarese

Dennis A. Kovalsky

Howard M. Freedlander

Mark G. Perry

Michael I. Mallinger

Thomas R. Ross II

Jonathan G. Pomeroy

Dustin F. Sheldon


Ching-Quo Wong

Edwin C. Culbertson


Kevin S. Ryan, Sr.

Ira E. Baumgartel


Gary J. Singer

Dana Graham Devereux

James A. Blaine, Jr.

James P. Villotti, Jr.

Michael S. Siegel



1781 ASSOCIATES Coleman Hughley Edward L. Martin James W. Nickman


Jonathan R. Walburn

Lawrence M. Coco

Bruce B. Weiner

Mark E. Davis


T. Scott Frank

E. Daniel Ayers, Jr.

Philip T. Harris

Caroline Crothers Barone

Robert S. Henderson

Gregory A. Burke


Jeffrey P. Lake

Edward P. Carr, Jr.

Richard J. Federman

John P. Margaritis

Robert W. Coren

Peter C. Lacey

Richard D. Martin

Violet Robertson Forrest

R. Burke McLemore

Herbert L. Mathews

Kenneth M. Heffron

Ronald O. Valdiserri

Susan Simon Weiner

Michael J. Medden

Mark J. Hershman

Zeno N. Chicarilli

Richard C. Melrod

Scott A. Herz

Frederick M. Hyser

William F. Pore

Lee R. Mandel


Mark R. Koch

Samuel K. Roberts

Robert A. McLuckey

Daniel R. Casper

Robert H. Krupkin

Charles H. Saul

Alan C. Patterson

Alan G. Greenwald

Thomas Alfred Thielet

Thomas H. Prickett

Stephen D. Hoyt

Charles Edward Weingartner

Robert A. Relick

Mark R. Katlic

Donald R. Rodgers, Jr.

Honey Carroll Kirk

James C. Denny

Anthony J. Seneca

Timothy A. Kulp

William R. Horbatt


M. Terrance Simon

Thomas W. Smith

Nicholas Tapyrik


Robert M. Surdam, Jr.

Gary D. Thompson

Lynn McClain Urffer

John V. Trachok




Jeffrey S. Lyons John L. Mitchell William S. Sheers Kenneth D. Viemeister


Charles F. Marcy


R. Robert Barone

Bruce E. Barton

Paul L. Bickerton

James F. Gismondi, Jr.

Walter M. Hertenstein

Ronald N. Bindas

Samuel J. Paisley

Richard C. Hughes III

William S. Blakemore, Jr.

G. David Koepf

Kurt E. Blaugher

Jim McCandless

John M. Brinsko

Charles T. Drevna John S. Hastings

Alfred D. Young, Jr.



James C. Smith, Jr.

L. William Cashdollar


Glenn W. Vogel

Charles J. Castoro

Jess M. Alonso

Alan B. Witkower

Wilma Shaffer Caton

Barnet D. Wolf

Jeffrey S. Craig

Joseph H. Menendez

Charles B. Ardman Gregory L. Arko William J. Bentz William M. Bogan A. Parker Burroughs III T. Andrew Candor David L. Cherry Gordon M. Core Larry D. Corridon Patrick J. Duff Glenn C. Hurley, Jr. Gary E. Kolb Robert L. Lindsay

1781 ASSOCIATE Samuel J. Davis

Robert D. Kearney Clifford W. Martin



Vincent S. Graziano


Donald J. Snyder, Jr. D. Lawrence Wickerham



Thomas M. Priselac

Damon J. Faldowski


Alexander M. Miller, IV

John L. Bord

Norman E. McHolme Brian Milosh Jonathan G. Moll William M. Seneca Peter S. Shek George M. Suder Mark L. Tabor Edwin C. Williams, Jr. Richard A. Williams




Peter J. Ross

Barbara Nemesh Walls

Peter D. Browne

Paul E. Bernstein

Stephen M. Ross

Peter F. Wilson

Curtis R. Bucher, Jr.

David S. Dempsey


Kevin K. Cutrell

Richard Alan Diehl

Elizabeth Hurwitz-Schwab


Paul A. D’Orazio

Jane Saperstein Drabkin

J. Gregory Drummond

George H. Connerat, Jr.

Dorothy Standiford Brownlee

David E. Junker

Samuel Paul Davis

William L. Lane, Jr.


David R. Machak

Richard F. Beatty

Duncan J. Forsyth

Theodore J. Esborn

Peter F. Stracci

Michael R. Girard

Dava Esman

Charles F. Houghton, Jr.

Susan Nill Flynn

Joanne Burnley Ladley

William S. Jersey

Joseph L. Lenkey

James H. MacBride

David N. Rutt

Dorothy Martin Powers

R. Blair Summersgill

John A. Rodgers

John A. Yankura

Edward B. Wood

Stephen Kresovich



Philip D. O’Connell III

Leonard P. Blass

Linda Diludovico Bacha

Barbara Robinson DeWitt

Gregory A. Olson

James D. Brodell

Rita Terek Flaherty

Louise Kirkpatrick Ross

Brian G. Orr

Chris L. Bromfield

Raymond K. Grimes

Mark R. Mathews, Sr. Susan Frank McClure Evelyn Young Ruschel Michael G. White





John R. Hillman, Jr. Susan Rush Kepler R. Daniel Knox Robert G. Langley John E. Luginski Tim J. Mains Kathryn E. Podvia Carolyn Nelson Sabroske Frederick D. Zonino, Jr.






Young alumni Kara Eaton ’04, Jepthah Orstein ’04 and Kaitlyn Orstein ’09 gather at the annual Fifth Quarter event during Homecoming & Reunion Weekend with Head Swimming and Diving Coach Michael Orstein and his wife, Heather. “My wife Kara and I give back and stay connected to W&J because of the things it has given to us. I was looking through old pictures and it made me want to go back to that time and place,” Jepthah said. “It doesn’t take much for that feeling to happen and I want to make sure future generations can have the same feeling when they look at an old stack of W&J pictures.” The Orsteins joined Washington & Jefferson College’s young alumni in raising more than $10,000 for their alma mater this year, meeting a challenge issued by a generous benefactor. These gifts had triple the impact on W&J as gifts were matched two to one. More than 250 graduates from the classes of 2002 to 2012 participated in the challenge.

1781 ASSOCIATES James H. Norris Tom Squitieri

PRESIDENTS ASSOCIATES Robin McGinn Graziano Larry A. Makel Michael D. Nettleton Steven J. Pinelli



Beverly Werme Schulman Anthony N. Solomita

JEFFERSON ASSOCIATES Patricia A. Brletic Elaine Kathryn Geris William J. Walls, Jr.

WASHINGTON ASSOCIATES Susan Webreck Alman Wayne N. Campbell



James B. Geshay


Mario Dipietrantonio

Karen Laine Lazar

Larry A. Drapela

Donna Levinsky Milewski


Andrew J. Glaid, IV

Christopher L. Montgomery

Scott H. Leaf

Robert S. Korneke

Ernest B. Ricci

Stanley J. Kudla

Stephen F. Shetler


Jennifer Jones Lucas

Susan F. Smith

Craig A. Varga

David W. Meili

Stephen D. Tiley

Charles S. Palmer, Jr.

Robert A. Urso


Mary M. Patnesky

David J. White

James A. Steiner

Louis S. Rudorfer

Joseph A. Wineman

David L. White

Jack N. Soodik

Michael J. Zorch

Voravud Tanvisuth

Janet Zbalishen Casper David Allan Drabkin Mary Fletcher Laplante Thomas J. Lester

1781 ASSOCIATES Andrew Aloe

R. Keith Bragonier Gary L. Churgin Anthony B. Cocciolone Vincent P. D’Auria Aris D. Despo Martin J. Edwards Philip B. Friedman Joseph M. Hanson Max D. Humbert Cary D. Jones Joseph H. Liput, Jr. Steven P. Orbin David W. Powers Mark J. Powers Patricia M. Relosky


Patricia L. Brundage Alan J. Evelyn Glenn R. Flickinger Howard D. Hoffman Ronald A. Ignotz Donald E. McCloskey II James H. Oberfeitinger Joseph A. Veres Bonnie Ciaffoni Watts

Thomas M. Biksey William E. Bozzo





Martin Scott Levine

Joseph H. Gigler

Thomas J. Shula

MCGUFFEY ASSOCIATE WASHINGTON ASSOCIATES Marc A. Freed Joyce Webb Gelles Susan Kaweski A. Scott Patti Dale W. Pcsolyar Grant A. Ross

Evan A. Klein

1781 ASSOCIATE Ray Verlinich

Louise Caruso Cox Anita Chipoletti Davis Michael A. Eisenfeld Brooke Elias Linda Nelan Irey P. Keith Jones Cynthia J. Lennox Barbara Senich Miller Thomas G. Necastro Nancy J. Norris Linda Merrill O’Connor William J. Potscavage Catherine Cross Roman Robert J. Somplatsky Mark J. Vavrek



John E. Tate




STATESMEN D. Elgart Aster

William B. Connors

James H. Cahoon

William W. Cruikshank


James J. Castle

Paul S. Gelles

Gary A. Silverman

Gary Defilippo

Wendy Moskat Hamilton

Joan Kinick Defilippo

Wayne A. Martin


John A. Lane

Paul P. Medvedo, Jr.

John D. Simon

William McCune

Timothy P. Schieffelin

Richard D. Newman

Robert D. Sutherland

Andrew B. Walker

George E. Alter III David W. Beyer

Judith Wuchina Bartelt

John J. McCague III

Kenneth Thomas



Julian H. Ziff

Michelle DeFrancesco Aloe

Patricia A. Metz


John C. Witsberger

Steven D. Preda

David A. Ross

1781 ASSOCIATE Robert Daschbach

Marnie Abraham Russell


William J. Sofis, Jr.

Jeffry M. Betler

Gary J. Swegal

Russell A. Drozdiak


Wallace N. Tobin

Mary E. Ducato-Coley

C. Michael Irvin

Jeffrey H. Welsh

Valerie Kikta Fritz

Donald M. Morgan




George D. Utley III

Suzanne Nard Swegal

Debora L. Solomon

Thomas John Weir, Jr.

John G. Van Cleve

Paula Cohn Sorensen

Susan Andrews Wiles

Victoria Dewey Wood

Stephen F. Calderon Lene H. Carpenter


Mary C. Martini

Vinh T. Bui

Timothy W. Morris

Charles B. Dehainaut


Robert A. Shor


James M. Fernberger

James E. Bable

Keith A. Waddle

Peter S. Frey

Steven W. Bartelt


Kim Ross Houser

James Gizzie



Brian K. Kerr

Effie Candy Jean Heulitt

Donald S. Dazen

Ronald O. Lewis

Mark J. Heulitt

Susan Inglefield Geiger

Jeffrey A. Martin

Barbara Green Hillebrandt

Robert Pierattini

F. Noel Parent III

K. Michael Keil


Richard J. Pinelli, Sr.

Jeffrey T. Recker

Michael S. Myers

Peter F. Wagner

Barbara Burson Rutt

Louis Scotti

Jonathan J. Nissenblatt

Jeffrey A. Yunkun

Mark C. Shaw

Nancy A. Sukys

Bradley H. Noll

Cheryl Voskamp Wineman

JEFFERSON ASSOCIATES Harold T. Carpenter Thomas W. Oates, Jr.

WASHINGTON ASSOCIATES Robert E. Bisel Gordon B. Miller, Jr.

STATESMEN Jeffrey D. Cushman David Dusenbery Kerin L. Fresa-Dillon April Fields Greene Wallace B. Greene William A. Irvin III Harry A. Lehman III Barry P. Markovitz Samuel A. Murgie Lawrence L. Plummer, Jr.


David L. Sclarsky Dale E. Veres Andrew J. Walko

Member of the Board of Directors of the Mylan Charitable Foundation Rodney Piatt (pictured center), presents John Zimmerman, Ph.D., vice president for academic affairs and dean of the faculty, and President Tori Haring-Smith, Ph.D., a check in support of student research internships in the sciences.

Martin J. Yoskovich

Funds from the Mylan Charitable Foundation will be awarded to 10 students at Washington & Jefferson College obtaining prestigious summer research internships at various universities and organizations. Through discovery-based research projects, students understand how scientists work on problems, learn laboratory techniques, develop skills in the interpretation of results, and cultivate the ability to analyze data and to integrate theory and practice.

Gary R. Bedford

“As a result of this generous contribution from the Mylan Charitable Foundation, our students will have hands-on experiences in prominent facilities across the country,” Haring-Smith said. “These experiences will not only assist their studies at W&J but will give them insights into the career of scientific research.” Support from foundations and corporations like Mylan Charitable Foundation plays a significant role in meeting teaching, research and student needs at W&J.



DONORS Douglas A. Bloom Jo Ann Bastaroli Cowden James P. Dornberger, Jr. Charles A. Harry Lawrence E. Loper Ranelle Miele-Nadeau Marjorie Green Opp


Mark E. Vogel

Richard M. Collins

Sandra Rosenberger Webb

Tina Derose D’Amico


Gloria Bello Witt

William H. Davis

Dianne McClelland Faldowski

Barry R. Fabriziani

Clayton T. Hardon


Robert S. Fiedler

Lyn Celenza Dyster


Kathleen A. Hazenstab


Andrew A. Lafferty

Mark E. Dorogy


Michael D. Lingenfelter

Carla Lehr Grygiel

Mark O. Hrutkay

Beth Forrest McCleery

James R. Grygiel


Scott F. Kennedy


Timothy L. McErlean

Thomas J. Leydig


Gary L. Ford


Sybil Horne McKeegan


Cheryl Medich Leydig

B. John Pendleton, Jr.

John M. Barry

Michele L. Peterson

Susan McKown Beard

Eugene F. Petrilla

Dorothy Robison Collins

John Curtis Burns


Eric C. Lundgren

Joel S. Rozen

Paul D. Crain

A. Michael Pratt

Mark M. Saniga

Sarana Becker Donaldson

Pritam M. Advani

Melinda Elish Riccitelli

Gerald J. Sartori, Jr.*

Michael J. Fediaczko

Donna Haley Grier

Samuel D. Riccitelli

Ronald M. Unice

Richard O. Gette

Bradley A. Weber

Joseph J. Golian



Geoffrey A. Weinstock

Elizabeth A. Hays

Gregory W. Hartley

Stephen V. Martin


Cheryl A. Maze

Franklin H. Yoho

Lynn Iams Barger

Peter J. Henry

David A. Herchko

Lisa Burgunder Morris


J. Grant Hormell


Frank C. Botta

Joy Kinick Jones

Rosalie Elenitsas

Scott Rush Kingston

Brock K. Bakewell

Edwin A. McGlumphy, Jr.

Thomas M. Pappas

Alexander L. Eckman

Steven L. Sterner

Patricia Burns Raybuck

Stephen T. Liu

David R. Westphal

Leonard E. Schuster

STATESMEN Nancy J. Antol-Sartori


Frank Cotter, Jr.

Richard J. Burnheimer

Julius Farkas

Robert M. Droder

Joseph M. Labuda II

Ann P. Fallon

Timothy Walter Lucas

Elizabeth A. Griffin

Jeffrey J. Norton

Marcia South Klein

Mary Ann Butera Pendleton

Joseph A. Molnar

Richard B. Pumilia

Gerald Lee Morosco

Andrew Christian Rojas

Kam-Fai Pang

Joann Grcich Russak

Paul A. Scoff

Gary Sams

Keith S. Somers

Kim Schroeder Theleen

Rhonda J. Sudina

Anthony J. Zinobile

Charles D. Thompson

David B. Myers

David B. Jones

Martine L. Stephens

J. Marshall White, Jr.

Winona Gardill Keener David F. Landis Chris E. Novak Kevin A. Ohlson Francis X. O’Rourke Michael C. Patrick Carma Sprowls-Repcheck Raymond D. Tedesco Jeffrey L. Weaver

DONORS Patricia Slosky Briggs




Florence Haggerty Celento Helen Holland Hall Andrew M. Hirsch Marvin D. Snyder, Jr. Stacey Scariot Snyder Royce W. Wilhelm Joyce Zubritsky Witowski

Lauren Pratt Lundgren Kathy A. Ruhl




William T. Dymond, Jr.


William T. Fritz


G. Mark Jodon

Linda Andrews-Potts


John T. Lucas

Lisa A. Balash

Kelly L. Baker

David M. Mego

Robert R. Beyer

Anthony Calabro, Jr.

Peter M. Panchura

Derek R. Brown

David A. Cenk

George V. Thieroff, Jr.

Christopher S. King Chong S. Park












Lisa A. Rehak

Ralph J. Reda

Jeffrey J. Conn

Kevin L. Welsh

Joseph G. Gibson



Mitchell B. Bassi

Antonio C. Torchia

Thomas D. Baer



Joseph V. Columbus

Jacqueline M. Bauer

Kathryn Davin Barnes

Kent W. Davis

Albert Brennsteiner

Andrew I. Miller

Melissa A. Hart

Edmund D. Graff




Karen Grosso Lambert

Mitchell G. Azar

Nancy Rich Longman

Jacquelyn Carrozza

Russell W. Savory

Desiree E. Doncals

Dianne S. Wainwright

David L. Conn

Joseph H. Sproul III

Donald A. Walters

Carla T. Falcon-Blackwell



Lisa C. Hamilton

Leighton J. Annis II

I. Scott Heller

Anne Palmieri Ansa

David J. Keener, Jr.

Jeffrey F. Ciaramella

David S. Kushner

Adam D. Cohen

David J. Leggett

Helen Vardy Gricks

Cynthia Amodio Levi

Timothy J. Gricks

Cynthia Leposki Martin

Joseph P. Herbst

Robert A. Puntel

Virginia Bolton Jaeger

Susan M. Rybacki

Marjorie Jordan Ostrowski

Beth A. White

David E. Shaffer

Miroslava Zeleznik-Landis

Susan Losko Sollenberger

Marsha L. Chaffins-Zingas Janice J. Durham-Worthington Cynthia Reese Heller Beth Johnson-Harris Michelle Bucci Lagnese Stephen M. Lichtman Kathleen Wolf Osten Patrick N. Patchen, Jr. Timothy J. Pifer Dan Radke Cathy Spangler Sams Lynne M. Simpson Richard L. Sweeney, Jr. Linda Hunt Wagner James J. Wano

JEFFERSON ASSOCIATES Albert Bates, Jr. Deborah Mendel McGlumphy Alan G. Micco Terrence M. Monteverde Mark A. Wirant


WASHINGTON ASSOCIATES Thomas James Condosta Diane Tangalos Dorogy Joseph C. Jordan Karen Maletta Lang Lorie Masturzo Roule Norman T. Roule Robert S. Sensky


Jacqueline Semzock Conn

Katherine Spurrier Steratore


Weslene Tanner Tallmadge

Steven K. Aronoff

Denise Keefer Von Herrmann

Anthony D. Bartirome

Joseph J. Wagner, Jr.

Daniel P. Colligan


Ms Julie Evans Coyne


John C. David

Frederick Ceslak

Lauren Schwerha Farrell

Veronica A. Constantine

Paula Kostolansky Ferrato

Louis M. Dayich

Brenda Crosier Gundersen

J. Douglas Farrell

Andrew J. Harris

J. Daniel Hochberg

Kenneth H. Jaynes

Clay C. Kilgore

Sharon Cmar Murtha

Regis Raubaugh

Rhonda Stanek Petit

Kira Yarosh Rudolph

Beth Brinsky Villotti

Bartley T. Quillin

Valentina Petrone Avery Karen Kotyk Beisner James A. Boyd Mark S. Dugan George E. Fleming, Jr. Martha Kyle Gluck Amy Midouhas Keating

Kris Makar Rushman

Linda W. Shilatz

Lynn Waltenbaugh

Shawn J. Snarey

Brian A. Weston

John M. Varlotto


WASHINGTON ASSOCIATES Geri L. Bacu Ruth Pecyk Clemens Gregory J. Conte Karen Thieroff Sproul

STATESMEN Lisa Garchar Amoroso Troy Donald Boone Todd D. Casteel Edward T. Henefer John G. Hollis Elizabeth Rose Jacobs Edward A. Jaeger, Jr. Sheila Hogan Kron James W. Lane, Jr. Adam G. Lougee Barbara Nagle Muench Robert J. Walters Karen D’Angelo Yochum

DONORS Michael A. Bush Christine L. Fleming Randall G. Klimchock Jill Stipanovich McLinden Kathleen Tomko Molinaro Michael Potkul Gregg A. Shivers Harry A. Stiffler, Jr. Annette Tangalos Tsimouris Patrick J. Uram










Melissa Madura Anderson



Patrick A. Correnty

Mary Jane Miller



Ross J. Langford

Michael J. Abriatis

John E. Retzloff

Karen Kronson Gerstner



Rebecca Keen Longsworth

Bernard W. Stanek, Jr.

LeAnne Trachok



William S. Platt

Tina Anania Eckhardt

Liese Kasparek Vito

Edith Slafka Willcox



Robert M. Howard

Daniel A. Rosenthal


Matthew K. Sohn

Lynn A. Colaiacovo


Thomas E. Dinnin

Lisa Lorenzo Donina

Jerry I. Hadrych

David P. Raiken

Michael J. Lucas

Sally J. Reigel

Michael E. McClain

Brenda Gelder Ribar

Randall S. Raner

Pamela Fink Vidmar George A. Walton, III

Tracey Turner Corso Barbara Lange


Michelle Sharik Wilkinson

Steven P. Woratyla

April Novelli Langford

John M. Cicchini

Elizabeth Birmingham Williams

M. Carolyn Foust Kinskey

Damon W. Zeigler



Gabriel S. Lazzaro Kerry L. McBride


Dominick N. Biangone

Tara Kern Rose

Cameron C. Altmar

William Garner

Tracey M. Vogel

Marc S. Brodsky

Christina Butto Midcap

G. Richard Zimmerman II

Benjamin T. Buttriss

Wendy Anderson Howard

Kevin B. Cook Robert M. Smith Daniel G. Zavadak

James D. Patrizi

Kathleen Whelan Goldbeck


Tracy M. Reed Christopher F. Riordan



Sally Harvison Andreaco

Robert A. Adkins

James M. Cappelli

Susan Miller Brown

Tracy Moore Riordan

Elizabeth McCarrell Crumrine

Jay B. Clayton

Mary-Margaret Wiker Conjelko

Gabrielle A. Scarpaci

Tana J. Klair

Marijo Curran Freedman

Louis P. Craig

Hazel J. Urbano-Schultz

Julie Page Lapcevic

Neil S. Freedman

Vidya Nayak Craig

James K. Watson

Thomas G. Lapcevic

Dan Halulko III

Brian T. Doherty

Philomena Divizio Thomas

Andrew C. Heublein

Thomas B. Foster

Cynthia Sherensky King

Margaret L. Johnston


Kirk M. Lago

Mary Bonkoski Leah

Rose Plovic Baker

Richard M. Mazza

Grant M. Lucas

Lynn Cameron

Tracey Dragovich Melograne

Cynthia Rothblum Oviatt


Stephen A. Kesicki

Michael J. Mortimer

Susan Storrick Timko

David A. Steinberg

Francis P. King

J. Matthew Sweeney

Catherine Coyne Watson



Loretta D. McMahon

Harry A. Sporidis

Samuel K. Miller


Jack R. Rea

Carol Logsdon Bichler


Peter M. Rose

Brian D. Brown


Edward P. Wojnaroski, Jr.

Kathleen L. Cigana


I. Lynn Wallace Dodd


David P. Crowe


Maria Rosini Greaves

Brian R. Hamlin, Sr.

Jeffrey R. Sullivan

Kimberly Knoche Bittner

Marna McCormick Hicks

James D. Greaves

Sherri Aronhalt Laing

Emily Smith Heim

Catherine Scanga Ribaudo


Brian P. Molinaro

Virginia Zirngibl Somplatsky

Jennifer Thuransky Magee


Steven S. Ramey

Michael A. Timko

Mark A. Shaw

Beth Cohen Abriatis

Kimberly Kupfer Villani

Diane Sims Thompson

Noelle Hoeffner Barr

James P. Valecko

Diane Girdish Burke

Kristine L. Zottola



Seth A. Litman




Craig S. Markovitz

Rita Pasko Camacho

Cynthia N. Fulford

Kelli Wasserstrom Gellis

Jean Henry Mullen

Bethany Sage Curtis

Lisa A. Hall

Patti J. Lacock

William L. Thomas

Lisa Bagay Hawrot

Donna L. Henderson

John W. C. McNabb

Peter J. Magnotta

Deborah J. Kepple-Mamros

Jamie Josey Medved


Renee M. Miller

Lesly Mituzas McAfee

Michele Streppa Niklaus

Stephanie Brady Blackwell

Michael J. Myers

Adam A. Zollinger

Christopher A. Butler

Natalie Rega Nichols


Pamela Hunt Capaldi

Dana Icenhour Olshefski

Nancy Killen Bryant

Edward J. Cirra

Louise A. Skiviat


Penny Suwak Dufalla

Denise Urso Galloway

George D. Smith Christopher Sprando


Ryan L. George

John F. Graff, IV Kelly A. Kimberland

Mark Alan Walczyk

Stephanie Steiner Kubik

Kaivon A. Maknoon


Kacey C. Wiedt

Claudia B. Sweger

Thomas G. McLellan III

Jane Perry

Suzanne Heaton Musselman

Patricia Raymond Raiken Laura Starling Silber Kari DeCarlo Strathern

DONORS J. Marc Buskirk



Joy Wilhelm Rowland Laura Pawk Santora

Denise Lynn Shearer

R. Reed Kovalan


D. Craig Russell III

Paula Shurina Conn

Robert W. Stewart, Jr.




Brian M. Popko

Kenyon R. Bonner

Jason D. Isaly


Diane L. Carlisle


George M. Fatula, Jr.


Nancy A. Istenes

Elizabeth Wood Sanders


Jeffrey P. Hufnagel

Matthew H. Johnson


Michele Abate Hufnagel

Daniel T. Lader

Miriam Mavrich Trelka

Jonathan A. Levkulich


Chris J. Roe

Michael Sean Antonis


Andrew J. Tabler

Tricia Lander Antonis

Elisa Violi Taffe

Jason E. Baer


John F. Caccamese, Jr.

Christina Tuminella

Suzanne Van Ness Caccamese

Andrew J. Veyliotti

Gilbert Floyd, Jr.

Mary Kuster Litman

Darin P. Trelka

Thomas J. Rooney, Sr.


Steven F. Colosimo

Jennifer Timpson Russell

Merrilee Werner Anderson

Jason M. Furer

Jonathan Q. Kenney

Samuel B. Ickes


John E. Kosar III

Michelle Leonard Leavy

Raymond Keith Cross, Jr.

Lisa Pasierb

Jennifer L. Lojek

1781 ASSOCIATE Jill Switalski Hamlin

JEFFERSON ASSOCIATE April Cunningham Kline

STATESMEN Rebecca Titus Colosimo


Beth Ann Hennen Gorby

Todd M. Luckasevic

Samuel R. Gottlieb

Tracey Foglia Burkholder

Robert M. Oelschlager

Bradley F. Kendzior

Judy Ann Gehrlein Bush

Nicholas J. Kubik III David D. Kuhn


Michelle Pasquino

Jeffrey A. Barczak

Elaine Brown Rayski

Suzanne D’Onofrio Cappelli

Julie Grebenz Rothbardt

Donna L. Deist

Charles R. Weimer

Kristin Niehl Dess

R. Clint Zollinger

Jennifer Lynn Van Horn Dorris


Bryan M. Sejvar

Katherine Wiedt Kovalan

Nicholas A. Como Brian M. Osborn

John A. Haines



Jennifer F. Shugars


James A. Sitter Anna Maratos Spence


DONORS Jamie L. Barni-Bomberger


Brandi Kann Coburn

Dana Dellapiazza

Brenda Bain Filer

Brant T. Miller

Michael J. Forslund

Antonio Digiandomenico

Jeffrey D. Hodor Jacki Greenewald Ruskay





Victoria L. Crile

Thomas P. Clark

Brandy Lynn Behanna Glenn


Timothy M. Hurley

Matthew J. Harasty

Alexander M. Keddie, V


Stacie Cass Harasty

Robert P. Swart

Holly Richert Jacobs



Jason M. Kelecic


Stacey Rhodes Brower

Kelly J. Kozon


Jason E. Luckasevic

Francisco F. Bryant

Richard L. Lesnock

Samuel R. Pazicni

Lyric Winona Clark

Patrick J. McMahon

Jennifer Baumgartel Zangardi


Brad A. Collins

Eric J. Monzo

Jennifer Frank Goodman

A. Noelle Carpenter Gasparovich

Timothy R. Purcell


Bryon B. Hobbs

Christopher J. Merck

Kelly L. Ronk

Jennifer S. Beam

Donna Elaine Jacobe Hobbs

Philip A. Steigner

Paul M. Rossmont

Nicole Bosley Bednarski

Erin A. Kennedy

Sarah Ebner Scott


Bernadette Rosario Sitter


Nikki A. Wilson

Jennifer L. Badger

William A. Brandstetter II


David T. Braun


Katherine Miller Campbell


Joanne Stanley Frye

Kelly Gablick Luckasevic

Matthew D. Henry

Daniel P. Brower


Hans H. Frederick

Jonathan E. Anderson

Michael D. Hetcko

Begene Baker Bahl

Timothy L. Jacobs

Angela M. Bukovinsky

Stacey Hannan Liulias

Heather Zackal Etner

Christopher M. Merlo

Christine Buono Harrison

Robert V. Serych, Jr.


Melissa A. Miseyka

Jeffrey D. Johnson Shelley Ruffner Johnson

Nathan R. Luderer

Leif J. Ocheltree

Jennifer Stanoszek Kallenborn

Liz Newman


Jared L. Olanoff

Scott J. Kallenborn

John T. Andrew Chelosky

John D. Snook III

Christopher P. Pushic

Lynn Hoak Keller

Kim Rohal Digiandomenico

Julie Folger Woolley

Jeanine Samolovitch Revak

Christopher S. Musuneggi

Ebony Miller Yeboah-Amankwah

Evan L. Uselton

Michael J. Revak


Adam J. Veltri

Lindsay Lubecki Anness


Gregory W. Williams

Vito C. Beneccio

Christopher B. Witte

Jennifer L. Colpo

Michael A. Wright

Scott D. Hamilton

Lauren Radocay Thomas

Patti Zeidler Erdely Deanne Blum Forslund Stephanie Hull German Louis D. Kitsko Lisa Baxter Leach George V. Lewis III Elizabeth A. Mehok Wendy Lowry Melda

Nilesh Patel

Lindsay J. Ledwich Kathy Heffernan Sharp



Carrie Lynch Lamere

Jimil B. Wilson


Victoria Domalakes Bray

Tera Zaremba Clutter

Diana Wallace Demedici

Amy L. Barrette F. Anthony Clutter


Greg R. Dunn, Jr. Todd W. Feathers James R. Maloy Michelle Martelli Ocheltree


Joel A. McClosky

Emily Bush Frank

Andrea Singley Rolinski

Janel F. Foster

P. Nathan Frank III

Christopher L. Seese

Amy Seman Hartman

Paula Ream Powell

Traci Wilson Seese






Amanda Niebauer Dunn


Justin R. Moccaldi

Heather Miller Purcell

Keith A. Miller John Andrew Scott

Lindsey H. Detrick

Michelle R. McCreery

STATESMEN Christopher A. Gisler John Richard Gulakowski Joshua N. Jeffries Stephanie S. Monroe Jonathon S. Pons Betty H. Rainier David A. Rometo Jonathan D. Zahler




Roger W. Wortman, Jr.


Brian J. Sweeney

Rachel Ellen Steinberg Barnett

Matthew J. Zane

Adam M. Bergamasco

Gary K. Tan

Jennifer M. Barozie

Nicholas A. Zane

Angela M. Bertugli

Adrienne L. Bogdanowicz

Matthew S. Bettinazzi Brianne N. Bilsky


Donald M. Brunker


Cori A. Bloom


Rebecca S. Fong


Meghan Deisroth Borroner

Matthew H. Brandstetter

Kristine L. Fritz

Jon Buck


Anthony J. Franz

Corey D. DiGiovanni

Keith A. Gruber


Katherine L. Harner

Stephen W. Kiefer

Maegan Macri Joseph

Karalee A. Noga

Jonathan E. Lozosky

Brady P. McMahon

Anthony D. Mahramus

Danielle Witucki Skowronski

Michael T. Fuga

Rose Marie Fedor Kraeer Nathan E. Longstreth


Audrey M. Marks

Jennifer A. Molin

Gary E. Conkle

Cassandra J. Nicastro


Linda Campbell Neill

Zachary E. Golembiewski

Matthew R. Phillips

Rebecca S. Barrett

Natalie Glass Podkul

Steven N. Berk

Raelynn Regula David R. Shoup


Rita Vacca Sikora

Justin T. Carr

David H. Woessner

Michael S. Anderson

Todd M. Vaccaro

Lisa Teitelbaum Carr

Rachel Armitage Brown

Clint E. Watson

William J. English

Juliann Boyd

Christina Hutchinson Weiss

Maria M. Ermolova


Damian J. Carrieri

Paul A. Esber

Maureen E. Connolly

John G. Gilkes

Teri R. Daniel


Megan Zigarovich Hart


Samuel G. Mann


Sarah H. Rosko

Nicole L. Carolla

Raul Sandoval, Jr.

Jonathan B. Herbert

Jeffrey M. Ford

Ryan J. Schrift


Sean T. Logue

Jason M. Loughman

Patrick R. Stewart

Emily McGuire Lozosky

Jennifer G. Vicinie

Brandon J. Studer

Audrey Taylor Bores

Justin S. Mankey

Tammy Svitek

Amy L. Butler

Sarah Denny Zink

Tamara L. Miseyka


Kelly J. Dollins

Kristin M. Ondecko Ligda

Randall J. Hall

Emily J. Peters

Brooke M. Helfer

Kara S. Eaton

Jepthah M. Orstein


Michael E. Petrosky

Robert R. Dunn

Mauri E. Peyton, II

Robert P. Luc

Abbey C. Ross

Michelle Nichole Riley Pons

Rocco Serrao

Shannon Miller Volk

Jonathan R. Stehle, Jr.

Karin Wong

Michelle Goldsboro Thomas Antonio L. Valone


Samuel E. Young

Kelly Skubick Airel

Kisa M. Lape Amber Perkins Phillips Christina Bruno Pushic

Christopher P. Varacallo

Jeffrey L. Bender

Cory T. Walsh

Ryan A. Booth

Paul L. Weygandt III

Stephen Capone Jr.

Kimberly Sawlsville Zeiders

Thomas C. Charley Kimberly J. Cieslik Sara Drischler


Christine A. Gallagher


Katie Groznik Goehring

STATESMEN Yianni G. Barakos


Samantha L. Malone

Ashley N. Holman


Hollis Zemany McLachlan

Melissa Camerota McMahon

Aimee Festa Mitchell

Stephanie S. Yeager

Brent A. Rockwell


Matthew J. Silvis

Emory L. Redd

Brian W. Swartzlander, Jr.


Christian T. Wolfe

J. Mark Frankovitch

Kaleen Spangler Wolfe

Nicole Chorba McCandless



Matthew S. Hilliard

Mary Rosendale Singeltary


Eric M. Taslov

Scott L. Heyl

Gina Marie Bernardo Cortney DiGiovanni Capo

Nadia D. Mills

Journey E. Myers Nicole A. Pruss


Michael A. Ridenour, Jr.

Cheryl A. Angus

Andrew J. Rinefierd

Gregory T. Barton

Stephen D. Schlauch

Daniel D. Brodland

Danielle M. Senge

Stefanie L. Brown

Michelle L. Shaver

Ashley D. Carbaugh

Rose A. Cunningham

Elaina R. Sendro

Jordan O. Thompson

Kolbey M. Seidel

Jessica M. D’Arcy

Amanda N. Sheehan

Benjamin D. Veres

Millicent E. Shek

Kelsey E. Donahue

Matthew P. Stripp

Leslie Walker

Ashley M. Smith

Andrew J. Winiarski

Breanna M. Smith

Dana L. Drexler Lauren E. Fenicle John F. Foran Brian D. Frank, Jr. Ryan W. Gregg

Sommer L. Sprowls Jordan Stanley



Charvonne N. Holliday


Cody L. Hoop

David M. Carroll

Crystalyn Lee Johnson

Connor A. Frank


Ruby I. Klashman

Sarah E. Homulka

Eric J. Baran

Lawrence W. Latta, Jr.

Daniel N. Martin

Nicholas A. Matty

Rachel L. Stasny

Colin P. McNamara

Stephanie E. Thellman Alexandra M. Tropea Mary F. Welter Julianne T. Zackey

CLASS OF 2012 STATESMEN Zachary L. Pugliese


Christine R. Muha


Juliana Novak

Daniel T. Barringer

Michael J. Reddy

Joshua A. Barron


Kristen S. Walburn

Craig R. Besong

Julia C. Balacko


Carly R. Wilson

Nathan D. Bucklew

Meghan M. Bickerton

Elizabeth A. Adamski

Diana M. Campbell

Joseph Breckons III

Carolyn M. Averback

Shawn A. Carpenter

Ashley N. Briggs

Elizabeth Bendick


Courtney S. Caruso

Paige M. Butka

Anna V. Blake


Sarah R. Charley

Ashley E. Cavalcanto

Benjamin K. Boehme Jamey L. Butala

Catherine R. Rowley

STATESMAN Jacob D. Testa

D’Rese N. Despert

Tyler J. Charles


Tabatha A. Dorman

Bradley T. Cieslinski

Hanna K. Carroll

Rahul Bazaz

Douglas V. Edwards, Jr.

Chamois R. Crookshanks

Chelsea L. Chedrick

Kerri A. DiGiovanni

Christina E. Festa

David J. Doom

Joanne E. Chojecki

Sean P. Jasionowski

Nathan J. Flesher

John G. Dumnich, Jr.

Bradley M. Class

Alicia J. Kordistos

Andrea C. Fletcher

Taylor J. Eddens

Crystal A. Clement

Thomas J. Stock

Michael J. Gielata

Michael C. Ferraro

Amanda N. Colton

Kimberly J. Urcho

Ryan J. Gratchick

Edward T. Hirsh

Catherine J. Corcoran

Bryan J. Hanrahan

Shane Jones

Liann M. Correia


Talia R. Hughes

Joshua N. Kohler

Emily C. Couch

Emily R. Allen

Tyler J. Kaido

Heather M. Kraus

Graham H. Cowieson

Bradley L. Begonia

William H. Kidston

William R. Krause

Sarah M. Cull

David L. Bucar

Sara M. Lamars

Christian D. Larson

Benjamin R. Daggett

Matthew Chapman

Daniel A. Mason

Matthew R. Lawton

Caleb B. David

Megan L. DuBois

Katherine E. Nega

Michael J. Lewandowski

Kelsey M. DelGreco

William S. Flynn

Katie L. O’Connor

Marc G. Lubline

Michael B. Digman

Carl A. Frankovitch

Joshua S. Ridenour

Melanie L. Lusnak

Kourtney E. Doman

Pierce W. Hance, Jr.

Megan C. Rielly

Tessa L. Markle

Emily A. Dowler

Erin Kisak

Michael L. Rush

John B. Mathews

Stephen W. Dukes

Samantha Knapek

Dean A. Saunders

Matthew R. McNally

Lina M. Echeverri

Staci Kubiak

Caitlin M. Schaefer

Cency G. Middleton

Tara A. Fatula

Lindsay M. Leone

Matthew M. Seefeld

Amy L. Mihalchik

Patrick R. Fening

David Lewandowski

David M. Singer

Justin M. Mondok

RaeLynn Forsyth

Mandy E. McManamon

Kelsey R. Spec

Eden L. Penatzer

John E. Frazier III

Kalie M. Minick

Marissa A. Stevens

Emma C. Price

Gregory E. French

Brigitte M. Myers

Katherine A. Stout

Nicholas G. Puckett

Dara A. Gold

Amanda R. Nicastro

Megan E. Strayer

Daniel J. Ramous

Samantha A. Grahn

Paul J. Pfeuffer

Micheal C. Thomas

Shanna E. Reese

Cayla M. Grodotzke

Carley R. Riggin

Willis P. Thomas

Rachel Riegel

Matthew G. Gruber II



Michael L. Harding, Jr.

Meghan A. Patrick

Zachary T. Hare

Caitlin A. Quicksell

Bethany A. Haver

James R. Ransaw

Christopher E. Hawk

Alicia M. Ritts

Brittany E. Homcha

Mitchell S. Rose

Adam S. Ivusich

Morgan J. Ross

Donnelle S. Jageman

Shane M. Rumbaugh

Sean M. Jericho

Stephanie S. Saussol

April M. Johnson

Lisa M. Schenkel

Bradley S. Jurik

Lucas F. Schorr

James Kaufman

Ian P. Scully-Szejko


Brenden P. Kelley

Emma C. Shebest


Vanessa K. Kichline

Lauren P. Silvio

Courtney D. Kirker

Amanda H. Soraiz

Richard Cameron and Edwina W. Cameron H’00

Ashley N. Kirkpatrick

Katie J. Steider

Sara E. Kissell

Alicia J. Stoyanoff

Craig M. Kornick

Dreadless B. Stubbs

Victoria C. Kowalewski

Eric T. Stultz

Michele C. Krasnesky

Brittany M. Swartzwelder

Joanna E. Krause

Dustin A. Tanner

Andrew Lacy, Jr.

Parents and grandparents of students and alumni see first hand the value of a W&J education through the experiences of their children and grandchildren. The College is grateful for their generous contributions to support its operations.

James H. Norris ’75 and Ann Annase Judith S. Rettger Daniel Rooney and Patricia Rooney Ray Verlinich ’77 and Martha L. Verlinich

PRESIDENTS ASSOCIATES Stewart Adams and Andrea Adams Michael C. Bednar and Tammy Bednar John Blake, Jr. and Cheryl Blake

McClellan A. DuBois ’70 and Lynn DuBois

Harriet Branton

David A. Ross ’78 and Dana Crummer

Ronald Calhoon and Susie Calhoon

Peter J. Ross ’74 and Louise Kirkpatrick Ross ’74

Nicholas J. Cavoti and Teresa Cavoti

Ellie M. Tecza


Michael R. Cohen and Laura J. Cohen

Matthew J. Landfried

Cory Thoma

Jason C. Lee

Taylor N. Thompson

John R. Echement H’98 and Gertrude J. Echement

George M. Fatula, Sr. ’67 and Renetta D. Fatula

William F. Lewis

Jenna J. Tomashosky

Mark O. Hrutkay ’81

Jacob F. Lippert

David J. Trushel

Paul G. Finch and Marie A. Finch

Hannah J. Lott

Elizabeth K. Turcik

Julie M. Lotzmann

Lance V. Turturice

Kaitlyn C. Loy

Nicholas J. Tyger

Evan M. Lutton

Anna Urchek

Richard J. Mary

Brittany N. Vogel

Eugene W. McCourt

Natalie A. Vukmer

Shanna R. McDonough

Alyssa V. Vukson

Robert F. McMahon, Jr.

Courtney M. Walsh

Jacob B. Mellor

Jenna M. Wandrisco

Patrick F. Memari

Taylor A. Warmbrodt

Alexander V. Midolo-Cleveland

Andrew K. Wellins

Marissa A. Milchak

Sarah I. White

Hannibal M. Miles

Justin A. Wise

Kelsye A. Milliron

Kristina J. Woodside

Brittany L. Mills

Abbey J. Woodward

Michael D. Morris

Emily A. Yarbenet

Troy Mueller

Alexander S. Zoretich

Daniel Rowley and Judith Rowley

LEMOYNE ASSOCIATES John E. Frazier II ’62 and Nicole Frazier Joseph G. Gibson ’86 and Elizabeth Gibson Scott F. Kennedy ’80 and Paula Kennedy David L. White ’76 and Jackie Jones

MCGUFFEY ASSOCIATES William P. Keen and Sarah Keen Cindy C. Ross Mark J. Ross

Pamela L. Burns

William T. Fritz ’82 and Mary Fritz Kenneth Haver and Judith Haver C. Michael Irvin ’78 and Paula Irvin Joseph Jackovic and Dorothy Jackovic Sitha Rama Katragadda and Sudha R. Katragadda Lynn Arko Kelley ’77 Rick Kohr II and Holly Kohr Joseph B. Leckie ’50 and Betty Leckie David Lynch and Dorothy Davis Kevin Hackett and Mary Beth MacIulla

Kevin Smith and Terri Smith

Stephen V. Martin ’81 and Kathleen Martin


Andrew G. McIlvaine ’70 and Julie McIlvaine

Andrew Aloe ’76 and Michelle DeFrancesco Aloe ’76

Michael Dean Mosites and Andrea Mosites

Kerri E. Nunnamaker

Howard J. Burnett H’98 and Maryann DePalma Burnett

Donald J. Snyder, Jr. ’72 and Karen Foster Snyder

Brittney R. Oake

John Curtis Burns ’80

Luke Sossi and Jessica Sossi

Sloane B. O’Donnell

Donald S. Dazen ’79 and Karolyn N. Dazen

Gordon E. Swartz ’68 and Deborah C. Doyle

John Easoz and Patricia Easoz

George V. Thieroff, Jr. ’82 and Lesa Moser Thieroff ’84

Abigail A. Musial Matthew J. Needles Lauren B. Novak

Ryan G. Pankiewicz Nicholas G. Paouncic Ji Woong Park Theodore B. Passyn




Edward Galligan and Linn Galligan Kenneth M. Mason, Jr. ’64 and Marilyn Roberts

John Turcik and Priscilla Turcik


John Mary and Cathy Mary

David Breen and Mary Jo Breen

Stephen C. Minana

Lori Callen

Stephen W. Nugent and Lori A. Long

Gary R. Brod and Marcia A. Brod

Dominic A. Colaizzo ’70 and Rachael Colaizzo Daniel Faulk and Cynthia H. Faulk Ronald W. Frank and Marsha K. Frank Elaine Kathryn Geris ’75 and Richard Allen Falk E. W. Jeffreys and Beverly Jeffreys

Gregory O’Neill and Lynne O’Neill

Paul R. Callaway and Mary Allison Callaway Richard A. Campbell and Sandra Campbell

Ralph Germak and Mary Germak James B. Geshay ’77 and Renee P. Geshay Stan Glowaski and Anna Marie Glowaski

Brian Carlin and Cheryl Carlin

Robert Goodney and Jana Goodney

Richard Rattner and Heather Rattner

John Cezniak and Patricia Cezniak

Robert Goodwin, Jr. and Darla Goodwin

Gregory Ringeling and Joan Ringeling

Nicolette Chiesa

Frederick A. Green and Eva L. Green

Michael H. Orstein and Heather Orstein

Arthur J. Rooney, Jr.

Mark Chomas and Suzanne Chomas

Joseph Griffith and Lora Griffith

Jeffrey S. Lehman and Debra G. Lehman

Howard Rosenberg and Kathleen Rosenberg

John Lott and Lucy Lott

Ronald Roth and Sheila Roth

Jennifer Roberts

Edward Conkle

Roy T. Hare and Debra A. Hare

Jacqueline Scarborough

Victor M. Rudkin ’68 and Barbara G. Rudkin

Carl Correia and Karen Correia

Edward Heltman

Richard R. Soeder and Barbara L. Soeder

Kevin S. Ryan, Sr. ’72 and Carol Ryan

James T. Couch and Anne L. Couch

Lawrence Hennen

Claudia B. Sweger ’94 and Craig R. Sweger

Nicholas L. Sewell and Magda L. Binion

Paul D. Crain ’82 and Kathleen D. Crain

William J. Walls, Jr. ’75 and Barbara Nemesh Walls ’74

Supote Sriwattanakomen and Sutinee Sriwattanakomen

Samuel A. High, Jr. and Sherine High

Beth A. Creehan and Richard A. Creehan

Neil E. Wummer and Grace Wummer

George Stewart II and Susan Stewart

Edward Hornak and Catherine Hornak

Kenneth Cronin and Linda Cronin

John P. Unice ’65 and Carolyn Unice

Max D. Humbert ’75 and Barb Humbert

Dennis Crookshanks and Rebecca Crookshanks

Lew Irwin and Marcia Irwin

Rozanne Winfield

Bernard A. Staskiewicz ’47 and Phyllis Staskiewicz

David J. Cunningham and Karen E. Cunningham


Susan Webreck Alman ’75 and Robert J. Alman

Timothy Abraham and Beth Abraham

Robert B. Daggett and Sharon E. Daggett

Paul Baroffio and Mary Lynn Baroffio


Thomas Clark and Karen Clark Anthony B. Cocciolone ’75 and Carol A. Cocciolone

Tim Guy and Lisa Guy Robert Hanna and Susan Hanna

Martha F. Hettchen

Thomas Jenkins and Joyce Jenkins Lucy Johnson and Stephen T. Johnson

Vincent P. D’Auria ’75

Paul Kaminski and Patti Kaminski

Joseph Alvarez and Melinda Alvarez

Gary Defilippo ’76 and Joan Kinick Defilippo ’76

Robert D. Kearney ’73 and Susan Kearney

Anthony C. Canterna and Patricia Canterna

Nancy Angell

Amy Depew

Nancy J. Antol-Sartori ’80

Robert Kirkpatrick, Jr. and Lori Kirkpatrick

David Allan Drabkin ’75 and Jane Saperstein Drabkin ’74

John Augustine and Tammy Augustine

David DiBenedetto, Sr. and Corrine DiBenedetto

William W. Dukett and Shirley Dukett

Deborah Bacha

Vincent S. Franz, Jr. ’57 and Patricia Franz James R. Grygiel ’82 and Carla Lehr Grygiel ’82 James Halferty and Donna Elaine Halferty David J. Havranek and Gwen Havranek

Robert Beaudoin and Donna Beaudoin William N. Bennett and Karen A. Bennett Jeffry M. Betler ’77 and Susan A. Betler David Bevilacqua and Elizabeth Bevilacqua

Joseph W. DiCecco and Kathleen A. DiCecco Paul Doman and Kathleen Doman Nicholas Dubina and Barbara E. Dubina

Leonard Kmett and Jolene Kmett Keith Knopes and Barbara Knopes Rosemary Kosiorek William A. Krasnesky

Eric Egelman

Doug R. Krause and Christine D. Muller Krause

Robert Erdely and Michele Erdely

Paul Krause and Kathryn Krause

Raymond Ewald and Judith Ewald

Robert L. Krepps and Linda L. Krepps

Karl Hiss, Sr. and Patricia Hiss

Michael Bivona and Deborah Bivona Patricia Bleuher

W. Gordon Fediaczko ’59 and Nancy Fediaczko

Michelle Bucci Lagnese ’85

Stephen Homcha and Margaret Homcha

Robert B. Bogdewiecz and Mary Z. Bogdewiecz

John Fink and Terri Fink

Kevin Lee and Marisa Lee

Susan Forkus

James Lesniak

Gerard Boronsky and Rosemary Boronsky

Violet Robertson Forrest ’72 and Robert G. Forrest

Merico Lignelli, Jr. and Jodi Lignelli

William B. Boyles H’98 and Lee Boyles

Robert Foust and Tracey Foust

Louise Lippincott

Bill Gaber and Cindy Gaber

Scott R. Brady and Janet L. Brady

Mark E. Lobell

George Gavin and Nancy Gavin

Gary R. Lofgren and Maria A. Manocchio

Raymond Johnston, Jr. and Dana Johnston Thomas G. Lapcevic ’87 and Julie Page Lapcevic ’87 Andrew Mangold and Laurie Mangold Samuel G. Mann and Debra Mann

Frank Lally, Jr. and Kriss Lally



Kevin Long and Michelle Long Tsambikos Mahramas and Robin Mahramas

Bradley Wagner and Marci Wagner

Bruce Brosek and Diane Brosek

Sajid Raees and Shaheen Sajid

Craig Wallick and Patricia Wallick

Kenneth C. Brunermer and Lisa R. Brunermer

Tami Brown and Herbert Brown

Revan Maragiri and Chinna Maragiri

James F. Ransaw and Denise K. Ransaw

Jeffrey Walsh and Wendy Walsh

Jim Marker and Carol Marker

Rody Burk and Debra Burk

Yvonne Leffler Rathgeb

Zhenyuan Wang and Lin Fan

John Martin and Suzanne Martin

Barbara A. Burns

Robert A. Reed and Nancy E. Reed

Michael McDonough

Priscilla C. Burt

Willie Rucker, Jr. and Valerie Sims-Rucker

Roger Weaver and Michelle Gunderson

Paul McCreery and Barb McCreery John J. McDermott Brian McInnins and Jolie McInnins Paul McLellan and Karen Hundemer

Thomas Rudolph and Evelyn Rudolph Raul Sandoval and Dolores Sandoval Gerald J. Sartori, Jr. ’81

Loretta D. McMahon ’87 and Robert McMahon

Melissa Savage

William J. McMahon and Nora McMahon

Keith Schuette and Colleen B. Schuette

Sandra Mey

Andrew G. Shayne

Frederick Meyer and Thecla Meyer

Peter S. Shek ’73 and Debra A. Shek

Skip Michalski and Sally Michalski Mark Milchak and Maureen Milchak James Miller III and Anne Miller Joseph Miller and Patricia Miller Mark E. Mioduszewski and Debbie W. Mioduszewski Geno Morelli and Renee Morelli Mark Morrissey and Katherine Morrissey Richard Mowrey Juanita L. Myers and Wayne Myers James A. Naser and Lori A. Naser Michele Nigro Elvis Norville and Andrea Norville

Christianne Schoedel

Scott E. Shipper and Elaine C. Shipper Matthew Simms and Vicki Simms Gary Sipe and Kathleen Sipe Joy Soeder William J. Sofis, Jr. ’76 and Sue Miller Sofis

Daniel Wiegand and Karen Wiegand Russ Wieszczyk and Deanne Wieszczyk Scott Wootton and Karen Wootton Vincent Yevins and Milissa Yevins R. W. Ziegler

Derwyn L. Carpenter and Regina L. Carpenter Edward Carr and Charlene Carr Joseph Caruso, Jr. and Sandra Caruso

Allan Zytnick and Ruth Rosen Zytnick

Gregory Cecchetti and Claudia Cecchetti


Lisa A. Chappel and Thomas Chappel, Jr.

Ivan W. Donahey and Joann Donahey

John Chedrick and Lisa Chedrick

Jon Donathan and Twyla Donathan

Brand J. Closen and Barbara J. Closen

Michael Altieri and Deborah Altieri

Daniel Colligan ’83 and Joann Colligan

Christine Amspacker

John Columbia and Dovonna Columbia

Thomas E. Anderton and Janice L. Anderton

Samuel Spina and Lori Spina

Linda Andrews-Potts ’80 and Bruce Potts James W. Ashbaugh

Ronald Stoyanoff and Deborah Stoyanoff

William Austin and Allison Austin

Frederick Stueber, IV and Elizabeth Stueber

John A. Balacko and Glenda J. Balacko

Larry Stultz and Barbara Stultz

Michael Banko and Linda Banko

James Olson and Judith Olson Richard Pagano and Madeleine Ana Ortiz

Roger Sullenberger and Debbie Sullenberger

F. Noel Parent III ’78 and Kathleen K. Parent

Gary J. Swegal ’76 and Suzanne Nard Swegal ’78

Michael C. Patrick ’82 and Susan Patrick

Greg Sweitzer and Peggy Sweitzer

Bea Herbeck Belnap

Brian Szabo and Luann Szabo

John Peroni and Kimberly Peroni

Thomas Szejko and Kelly Szejko

Charles Bendick and Grace Bendick

James J. Taglieri and Josette R. Taglieri

James O. Campbell and Donna K. Campbell

Robert Caveney and Claire Caveney

Michael Sowko and Lucille Sowko Andrew Stouffer and Gena Stouffer

Alexander Burzese and Amy Burzese

Michelle Zubillaga

George M. Suder ’73 and Karen Suder

Jeanne B. Perry

Teresa Barger Brian Barno and Carol Barno Charles Baugher, Jr. and Michele Baugher Susanne Behringer

Jack Benoit and Cynthia Benoit

Laura Cleveland

John Conley and Michele Conley Cruz Cortez and Ana J. Cortez Louis J. Couture Paul Crawford and Arleen Crawford Julie A. Crayton John Cura and Diane Cura James Dagg and Michelle Dagg Ben D’Angelo and Kandis D’Angelo John C. David ’83 and Joyce L. David Daniel Deckman and Sherry Deckman David Depew Maura A. DeRiggi Bruce Desimini and Donna Desimini Albert Digennaro and Luann Digennaro

Bryan Peterson and Laura Peterson

Timothy Tan and Pamela Tan

Steven Bentzel and Margaret Bentzel Jill M. Bevilacqua

Benjamin Peticca and Diana Peticca

William Testa and Lori Testa

Thomas W. Dodd, Sr. and Carol L. Dodd

Randy Thornlow and Geraldine Thornlow

Robert L. Bigley and Rosemary Bigley

Dennis Dowler and Darlene Dowler

Donald Thornton and Lorri Thornton

Thomas M. Biksey ’77 and Germaine Biksey

Cheri L. Duball and John Duball

Rory Tropp and Shelley A. Tropp

John Bitting and Beth Bitting

James Dunlap and Mary Ann Dunlap

J. David Vojtko and Deborah Vojtko

Denny Brock and Jacqueline Brock

Dwayne Eberle and Caroline Eberle

Dennis Pishney Lawrence L. Plummer, Jr. ’79 and Karen F. Plummer David Popovic and Caroline Popovic


James R. Proudfit and Nancy Proudfit


Richard Elias and Carol Elias

James Herb and Covi Herb

Thomas English and Margaret English

Gregory P. Hirsh and Mary Anne Hirsh

William A. Eskew and Melinda F. Eskew James Fahrenhold, Sr. and Victoria Fahrenhold J. Douglas Farrell ’84 and Lauren Schwerha Farrell ’83 Susan Fedorovich Linus E. Fenicle and Sharon L. Fenicle Angelo Ferraro and Patricia Ferraro George Fischer and Michelle Fischer Joseph Fitzgerald and Debra E. Fitzgerald Rita Terek Flaherty ’74 and John Flaherty Edward J. Flynn and Suzanne Flynn Randy Forney and Janet Forney Ronald L. Frankenberry and Cindy S. Frankenberry Steven Friedman and Elizabeth Friedman Julian Gallegos and Patricia Gallegos

Karl Mueller and Michelle Mueller

Richard Holmes and Jackie Holmes

Robert Long and Ann Marie Long

Michael A. Murphy and Rebecca D. Murphy

Dianne Horn

Dolly Lyon

William Humphrey and Karen Humphrey

David R. Machak ’73 and Ardeth Machak

Robert Musulin and Linda Musulin

Catalina T. Hurtado Bartley Ives and Mary Ives

William Majurski and Lynn Hamilton

Kenneth H. Jaynes ’83 and Susan Jaynes

Paul Mancini and Judy Mancini James Maochi

Ronald G. Johnson and Linda A. Johnson

Philip Marabella and Stephanie Marabella

Peter Kappas and Sherri Kappas

Howard Markle, Jr. and Roxanne Markle

Frank L. Karch and Diane M. Karch

Anthony Mastellino, Jr. and Heidi Mastellino

Barry L. Keidel and Kimberly A. Keidel

Mark R. Mathews, Sr. ’73

Raymond O. Kelchner and Kathryn A. Kelchner James Kell and Christine Kell Keith H. Kemp and Julie A. Kemp Susan Rush Kepler ’74 Donald F. Kirby and Debra Kirby

James Gante, Sr. and Virginia Gante

Robert Kostelnik and Polly Jo Kostelnik

Joseph Gasbarrini

John W. Kozon and Patricia Kozon

Paul Glagola and Donna Glagola Richard Gottlieb and Sue Gottlieb Randy Gratchick and Carol Gratchick

Shelley Marvich

Eric Kaufman and Dorthy Kaufman

Beth Gandelman

Jennifer Geraets

Judy K. Moschetta

Tami Licht

Martin Kollar, IV and Jacqueline Kollar

Peter Geandreau

David M. Lewandowski and Beverly A. Lewandowski

Stephen Kracinovsky and Elizabeth Kracinovsky Charles Kress, Jr. and Pamela Kress Ann Kuebler

Daniel McBride and Pamela McBride

Edward H. Myers and Susan L. Elliott-Myers Eric J. Myers and Daniela M. Meyers Clark Necciai and Annette Necciai Robert A. Nedzesky and Kathleen M. Nedzesky Donald Nickerson and Juanita Nickerson Bernard A. Niebauer and Rosemary Niebauer Jean O’Donnell Patrick O’Connor and Elizabeth O’Connor

Anna M. McConaughy

Douglas Ogden and Lynn Ogden

James L. McGee and Donna M. McGee

Kenneth Ogilvie and Dawn Ogilvie

James Cooke McGough and Mildred McGough

Michael O’Malley and Ellen O’Malley

Michael McLain and P atricia McLain

Paul Ondecko and Julianna Ondecko

Kevin McMenamin and Sandra McMenamin

Gary Orosz and Lynn Orosz

Patrick McMullen and Robin McMullen

Darrell Painter and Carol Painter

Amy Meehan

Thomas M. Pappas ’81 and Cindy Pappas

Elias Memari and Mayada Memari

James A. Pasquine and Lauren J. Pasquine

Rochelle Michael

Frank H. Patterson III

Robert Mies, Jr. and Tammy Mies

Gerald Paul and Nancy Paul

Jeremy Gray and Theresa E. Gray

Timothy R. Kuntz and Heather L. Kuntz

John J. Gregor and Melissa W. Gregor

Theodore R. Kuster and Betsy Kuster

Glenn Miller and Susan Miller

Jeffrey Guarinoni and Lisa Guarinoni

John Kutzfara and Patricia Kutzfara

Stuart J. Miller and Joann Miller

David T. Gutowski and Jacqueline S. Gutowski

Robert G. Langley ’74 and Ellen L. Langley

Kevin J. Mills

Michael Haas and Michelle Haas

Chris LaRue and Katherine LaRue

Susan W. Minana

Richard Lavery and Mary Pat Lavery

David Mitchell and Renee Mitchell

John R. Leavor and Cathy A. Leavor

Kenneth Mitchell and Cindy Mitchell Russell Mogel and Terri Mogel

Michael Presley and Penny Presley

Cynthia Hallberlin

Albert G. Lebedda and Georgia Lebedda

George H. Mondik ’53 and Donna T. Mondik

Jennifer Prohaska

George Hanne and Kerry Hanne

Sheree Lee

Linda Hansen

Dennis Lemley and Bonnie Lemley

Peter Moniodes and Donna Moniodes

Jim Rabon and Kelley Rabon

Richard L. Lesnock ’99 and Dorothy Lesnock

John Montecalvo and Susan Montecalvo

Valveeman Rajasekaran and Sakuntala Rajasekaran

Todd Levenson and Sally Levenson

Richard Morrissey and Pamela Morrissey

James Reed

Paul Hadrosek and Lisa Hadrosek Robert Haflett and Linda Haflett James Hall and Cynthia Hall

Thomas Healy, Jr. and Virginia Healy Robert S. Henderson ’71 and Phyllis R. Henderson

Wayne Miles and Inge Miles Karen Miller Thomas D. Miller

Stephen Peddicord and Rena Peddicord John Petronzi and Georgeann Petronzi Andrew F. Pingitore and Jennifer L. Pingitore James Podrasky and Adrienne Podrasky Marinko Popovic and Ruzica Popovic Bert Popovich and Nadine Popovich

Jeffrey Putt and Nicole Putt

Jack A. Rea, Jr. and Dorris Rea



Edward J. Regula and Toni Regula Ralph Resnick and Beverly Resnick James M. Reuter and Janet F. Reuter Wendy Reynolds Robert J. Rinefierd, Jr. and Barbara A. Rinefierd Joseph Ringer and Vicki Ringer

Kathleen Watson


Armand L. Spooner and Agnes Spooner

Robert Weibley and Linda Weibley

Phyllis Kaufman

Robert Stephenson and Joan King

Thomas Weis and Linda Weis

Keith Stevanus and Cathy Stevanus

Richard S. Wellins and Ellen L. Wellins

Robert L. Stevens and Helyn R. Stevens

Christopher White and Patricia White

Jeffrey Stockert and Ann Stockert

John H. White and Maureen White

Roslyn Thompson Towler

PRESIDENTS ASSOCIATES Anonymous (2) William F. Benter

Jari Whitesel and Nicole Whitesel

James S. Broadhurst and Suzy Broadhurst

Gary Suess

John Wurtzer and Kathy Wurtzer

Marjory Condit

Warren Sufrin and Adele Sufrin

Theresa Wyant

Walt Coury

Peggy Tannenholtz

Myung Yoo and Hong Yoo

Donna Patterson

Bruce Tecza and Stephanie Tecza

Todd Young and Melissa Young

Ruth A. Riesenman

Greg Terranova and Heidi Terranova

David Zampatti and Karen Zampatti

Seth Rosenberg and Janet Rosenberg

Christopher Sprando ’92

Prashant Thakore and Rina Thakore

Gerald Zivoder and Judith Zivoder

E. Ronald Salvitti II and Renae Salvitti

Garry Sargent, Jr. and Denise Sargent

Micheal E. Thomas and Lorie A. Thomas

John Zylstra and Debra Zylstra

Dorothy A. Servis H’94

Winthrop Sargent and Deborah Sargent

Warren K. Thomas and Elizabeth L. Powell

Allen Schaffner and Johanna Schaffner

Thomas Thompson and Kathleen Thompson

Mark Schaitkin

Ellen J. Tourtelot

J. J. Scharding and Paula M. Scharding

Jeffrey Trettel and Patrice Trettel

William Ritchey and Mary Ritchey Thomas Rose and Victoria Rose Raymond Rosenbaum and Wendy Rosenbaum Carol Rothey Diane Ryan Terrance Ryan

Todd Swanson and Tamara Schiller-Swanson Michael Schuckers and Diane Schuckers Michael A. Schumacher and Christine A. Schumacher Gregory G. Schwab and Bonnie L. Schwab James Sciulli John Mark Scott, Jr. ’69 and Judith Scott Carl G. Sestito and Kris A. Sestito Arnold Shaner and Kathy Shaner

Randall Strayer and Jennifer E. Strayer

Wayne Tropea and Edeltraut Tropea Floyd F. Trunzo and Rebecca L. Trunzo Timothy Tyger and Maria Tyger

Barbara E. Waddington

Friends The support of W&J friends demonstrates the College’s reach beyond the boundaries of campus, connecting members of the College community to individuals close to home, across the country and around the world.

Timur Tyra and Elizabeth Tyra


Thomas Valdisera and Betsy Valdisera

Joseph A. Hardy, Sr. H’84 and Rebecca Hardy

Scott Vannoy and Cynthia Vannoy

Barbara Hellberg

Fred Vero and Kimberly Vero David Verrico Matthew Vizzini and Jayne Vizzini Tim Vogel and Brenda Vogel

Natalie Miller* Anica D. Rawnsley H’03 John A. Swanson and Janet Swanson

Jeff Werthan and Susan Miller Werthan Satoshi Yamanaka

JEFFERSON ASSOCIATES Elizabeth Brown Erik Kocher Ernest Leva Judith A. Moses Janet S. Murray Nancy Seidel Aubrey Stephenson

WASHINGTON ASSOCIATES James J. Barnes Maryleona Clapsaddle Henry Ernecoff*


Jeremiah Healy

Charles J. Queenan, Jr. and Joann H. Queenan

Sue Mahood

Diana L. Reed

David Mattana and Fay Mattana

Mary L. Robinson-Slabey

Frank Mazurek, Jr.

James Skiff and Carolyn Skiff

Michael F. Walsh and Jean Walsh

Ruth A. Rowley Kristin Steinberg

Robert Mountain and Diane Mountain*

Thomas Skovira and Kelly Skovira

J. David Walters and Linda Walters

Audrey L. Walther

Robert Myers

Donald Smallwood, Jr. and Cathy Smallwood

Marlene Wandi

William Shoup and Kimberly Shoup William Shumaker and Kimberley Shumaker Steve Shuman and Tammy Shuman

Susan Vukson Richard Wallace and Lisa Wallace Scott A. Wallace and Margaret A. Wallace

Tracey Smeltzer

Clement J. Wandrisco and Maria Wandrisco

Kevin Smith and Lori Smith

Tamika Washington

Thomas Smith and Lori Smith

Lee S. Watelet and Deborah L. Watelet

Robert J. Somplatsky ’77 and Virginia Zirngibl Somplatsky ’88


Vicki Span


Miles Watkins and Cindy Watkins

Dave Mattana

Betty Norton*


Eric Swanson

Constance Levy Ceisler

Ethan Ward

Jennifer Lunden

Diane Willliamson

John L. S. Northrop H’99 and Rose Northrop


Evalyn Rogers

Janet S. Abernathy

Holly Beall Wallace

James Altman and Carol Altman

Barbara Baker

Jim Vautier

Marie Laguerre

Louis Bragg

Frances Welling

Marjorie Locke

Barbara Brown

Robert A. White

Sharon Long

Kay A. Cober

Robert Y. White, Jr.

Kevin Marett

Craig Colvin and Janet Cable

Suzanne Winick

Joseph Marinak

Madeline Corwin

Robert D. Worstell and Nancy Worstell

Mackenzie L. Martin

Lori Davis Margaret L. Day

Deborah Martson* Stephen Matisz

Joseph Dibenedetto


Evelyn McClenathan

Phyllis K. Duffield


James Meyer

Barbara Etzel

Raymond Abplanalp and Ruth Abplanalp

Gary Meyers

Kathleen Etzel Kathleen Fulton Karolyn Gould* Sharon Greco Phyllis L. Hartman Patricia Headley Susan C. Heflin B. K. Holman and Theresa Holman

Margaret Allison Robert Baird Gregg Baldwin Paula Barnosky Steve Barton Chuck Baugher Lawrence Becker Jeremy A. Bennett

Sherman E. Kahn and Nancy S. Waite-Kahn

Daniel Biddle

Marianne Lane

Karri Boden

Stephen Marinak

David Borkowski

James Mathers

Dwight Bowman

Joanne McCandless

Darlene Bricker

Barron P. McCune, Jr. and Ann McCune

Preston Burlew

James H. McCune

John Daniels and Paula Daniels

Arlene McDonough Jeanne M. Meskus Arles Messinger and Carol Messinger Helen B. Miller Jacqueline Moses

Valerie Biebuyck

Virginia Cecchetti Jeanne Davis Tom Debacco Tammy Dewitt Judith Donley Barbara Etzel

Robert J. Mies Edith Miller Shelley Mitchell Ronald Morosky Gregory Pappas

Faculty, Staff and Retired Employees Financial contributions from W&J faculty and staff indicate their commitment to the College mission and their dedication to ensuring the strong future of the institution.

LEMOYNE ASSOCIATES Tori Haring-Smith and Robert H. Haring-Smith

MCGUFFEY ASSOCIATES William P. Keen and Sarah Keen

Lou Pearce

Cheryl Medich Leydig ’81 and Thomas J. Leydig ’80

Alfred Poff

Cindy C. Ross

Lawrence Potts Regina Potts


Susan J. Powell

Howard J. Burnett H’98 and Maryann DePalma Burnett

Shirley Freund Radman Bobbie Reier Chuck Reiss Ken Rhodes Florence Riazian Anita Rush Howard Sayman John Scerbo and Jennifer Scerbo Richard Schneider Stephen Sewell Patrick Shriane and Judy Shriane Christina Skillings

Kenneth M. Mason, Jr. ’64 and Marilyn Roberts Dennis E. McMaster and Chris McMaster Alton E. Newell and Elsie Eagle Tom Squitieri ’75

PRESIDENTS ASSOCIATES Nicholas J. Cavoti and Teresa Cavoti William D. Foland H’94 and Patricia Foland

Joan Etzel

Nelson Sobutka and Joan Sobutka

David Falls

Robert Sult

Richard Farren

Raymond Thimons

Marilyn Garthwaite

Raymond Thomas

Betty Jane Godfrey

John Thornton

Fred Harvey and Ethel Harvey

Linda V. Troost and Sayre Greenfield

Tom Healy

Richard M. Thornton and Joyce L. Thornton

Michael P. Grzesiak and Karen E. Grzesiak

Joe Hess

John Tuszl and Patricia Tuszl

Martin Hirsch

Carla Ulery

Michele Abate Hufnagel ’93 and Jeffrey P. Hufnagel ’93

Gary R. Hlusko

Courtney Vautier

Louise Rohrer

Blaise Hollot and Patricia Hollot

Renee Vautier

Joseph B. Leckie ’50 and Betty Leckie

Maryanne Roode

Leslie Inskeep

Paul E. Weber and Ann Weber

Patricia D. Maloney

Charlotte E. Rosenberry

Edna Jones

Francis Wilds

Susan Medley

Mary Ann Scott

Joan D. Jones

Cindy Witte

Marian Semoff

Shirley Kahler

Helen Burns Wonsettler

K. Wayne Robison and Luann Robison

Chloe Sewell

Norman Kennedy and Suzanne K. Kennedy

Ruth Woodward

Richard A. Kohr III

David Young

Richard Kohr

Kathleen Zapp

Robert Kunkle and Cheryl Kunkle

Ted Zervos

John Moses and Jo Moses Sophie Moses Florence H. North* Margaret D. Oliver* William O’Shea June Phillips John Raffaeli, Jr. Margaret W. Redding John Reinhart and Mary Reinhart

Nicholas A. Sewell Martin Siegel Ann Rae Suwak Allan Tedesco

Robert Yohe and Joan Yohe

Frederick J. Frank H’86* and Frances J. Frank* Edward M. Greb and Barbara Greb

Carl R. Rotz* and Martha Rotz Julie Throckmorton




Donna T. Mondik and George H. Mondik ’53

Lawrence Becker

Judy K. Moschetta

Patricia A. Brletic ’75

Robert G. Forrest and Violet Robertson Forrest ’72

Reed B. Day ’52 and Christine Pigford Day

Zheya Gai and Manabu Sato Gai

Jack A. Rea, Jr. and Dorris Rea

Thomas P. Benic ’67 and Barbara S. Sullivan

Peter Riesbeck

Angela M. Bertugli ’05

Lori Dougherty and Stephen M. Dougherty

Lisa C. Hamilton ’83

John Mark Scott, Jr. ’69 and Judith Scott

Edward D. Beslow ’68 and Claire Zysblat Beslow

Anupama Shanmuganathan

Jeffry M. Betler ’77 and Susan A. Betler

Daniel Faulk and Cynthia H. Faulk

Charles T. Hannon and Uma R. Satyavolu

Debra L. Morris

Mark F. Harris and Nancie T. Harris

Claudia B. Sweger ’94 and Craig R. Sweger

Lucy Johnson and Stephen T. Johnson

WASHINGTON ASSOCIATES Robert A. Adkins ’87 Michelle Anderson Michael Camden Roberta Cross and John Nesbit Diana Cusano Stares William W. Dukett and Shirley Dukett

Annette Drew-Bear Luther and Ross Luther

Bernard A. Staskiewicz ’47 and Phyllis Staskiewicz John P. Unice ’65 and Carolyn Unice Michael L. Woltermann

STATESMEN Anonymous Steven Anderson Jeffry M. Betler ’77 and Susan A. Betler Darcy Bickerton and Paul L. Bickerton ’73 William B. Boyles H’98 and Lee Boyles Thomas Contreras and Kathy Contreras Michael Crabtree and Mary Pillow Beth A. Creehan and Richard A. Creehan Karen B. Crenshaw Kerri A. DiGiovanni ’09 Joseph DiSarro and Judy Moses Barbara E. Dubina and Nicholas Dubina Robert R. Dunn ’03 and Leslie Dunn


Daniel A. Stinson

Karri Boden

Eric T. Stultz ’12

Robert B. Bogdewiecz and Mary Z. Bogdewiecz

Valerie Biebuyck

Buba Misawa and Ramatu Misawa

Alyssa V. Vukson ’12 Michelle R. Wybranowski

David Borkowski

R. Lloyd Mitchell and Kathleen Mitchell

Susan L. Zunich and Paul Zunich

Gerard Boronsky and Rosemary Boronsky Dwight Bowman

Dean C. Morrow ’68 and Patty Morrow Beth E. Musser

Jeanene R. Jones and Mark M. Saniga ’81

William S. Sheers ’71

Daniel Biddle

John L. Bord ’73 and Jeanie Bord

Terese F. Hines

Albert L. Rabenstein ’52*

Gerald E. Stebbins and Karen L. Stebbins

Loretta D. McMahon ’87 and Robert McMahon

Juanita L. Myers and Wayne Myers

Michael H. Orstein and Heather Orstein

Sarah J. Sperry

Gary R. Bedford ’79

Michael A. Timko ’88 and Susan Storrick Timko ’89

Marlene Grenell and Mark Grenell Amy N. Lloyd


Anthony Fleury

Nora A. Semler Michael R. Shaughnessy and Christy P. Shaughnessy Richard J. Stevens, Jr. and Kathy J. Stevens Thomas Szejko and Kelly Szejko Mary M. Williams and Edwin C. Williams, Jr. ’73 Mei Yu Yang

DONORS Nancy Killen Bryant ’95 and Richard W. Bryant Lisa A. Chappel and Thomas Chappel, Jr. Cheri L. Duball and John Duball T. Scott Frank ’71 and Sarah Frank John J. Gregor and Melissa W. Gregor Donna J. Gruhalla and Thomas Gruhalla Susan Rush Kepler ’74

Athletics W&J alumni and friends understand the importance of a strong body, as well as a strong mind, and donate to the College’s men’s and women’s athletic programs to benefit current and future generations of student-athletes. Raymond Abplanalp and Ruth Abplanalp

John Curtis Burns ’80 Lori Callen Richard Cameron and Edwina W. Cameron H’00 Anthony C. Canterna and Patricia Canterna Kenneth C. Carson, Jr. ’53*

Virginia Cecchetti

James Altman and Carol Altman

Thomas P. Clark ’98

Rachel Armitage Brown and Michael Brown

Zeno N. Chicarilli ’71 Kay A. Cober Collina Felice Enterprises

D. Elgart Aster ’76

Nicholas A. Como ’91

Thomas D. Baer ’84 and Dana Cook Baer ’86

Jeffrey J. Conn ’86 and Paula Shurina Conn ’93

Robert Baird

Patrick A. Correnty ’87

Gregg Baldwin

Raymond Keith Cross, Jr. ’93 and Melissa Cross

Paul Baroffio and Mary Lynn Baroffio R. Robert Barone ’73 and Caroline Crothers Barone ’72

Charles Baugher, Jr. and Michele Baugher

Stuart J. Miller and Joann Miller

Donald M. Brunker ’02 and Danica Brunker

Kelly Skubick Airel and Doug Airel

Ralph Liberatore

Denise McDaniel

Darlene Bricker

Gregory Cecchetti and Claudia Cecchetti

Timothy S. Klitz and Jane E. Caldwell

Michelle Martelli Ocheltree ’00 and Leif J. Ocheltree ’01

Joseph Breckons III ’11

Timothy Abraham and Beth Abraham

Barone & Sons, Inc.

James G. March

Scott R. Brady and Janet L. Brady

Steve Barton

Chuck Baugher Wayne C. Baxter ’66 and Sally Baxter H. James Bayles ’67 and Lorraine Bayles

Edward C. Dalglish ’57 and Sally A. Dalglish Robert Daschbach ’78 and Donna Daschbach Tammy Dewitt David DiBenedetto, Sr. and Corrine DiBenedetto Joseph Dibenedetto Marvin L. Diehl ’54 and Millie Diehl Dollar Bank

Lisa Lorenzo Donina and Pete Donina

Richard Rattner and Heather Rattner

Joe Hess

James H. McCune

Samuel A. High, Jr. and Sherine High

McKees Rocks Industrial Enterprises, Inc.

Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield

Paul McLellan and Karen Hundemer

Chuck Reiss

Karl Hiss, Sr. and Patricia Hiss

Metro Fence Co., Inc.

Greg R. Dunn, Jr. ’00 and Amanda Niebauer Dunn ’00

Leslie Inskeep

Metrotech Chemicals

John W. & Shirley E. Richman Foundation

Robert R. Dunn ’03 and Leslie Dunn

J.M. Miller Home Improvements

James Meyer

James P. and Mary S. McArdle Fund of The Pittsburgh Foundation

Gary Meyers

Judith Donley D’Onofrio’s William W. Dukett and Shirley Dukett

Eat’n Park Hospitality Group, Inc. Eckert, Seamans, Cherin, & Mellott, LLC Robert Erdely and Michele Erdely Barbara Etzel Barbara Etzel Joan Etzel

Raymond P. Johnston ’58 and Emma Johnston Edna Jones Christopher S. King ’83 and Jill King Donald F. Kirby and Debra Kirby

Kathleen Etzel

John Kladakis ’58 and Teddi Kladakis

Richard Farren

Richard A. Kohr III

Fedex Ground, Inc

Richard Kohr

W. Gordon Fediaczko ’59 and Nancy Fediaczko

Rick Kohr II and Holly Kohr

Ferguson-Dittrich John R. Ferraro ’70 and Bonnie Ferraro Brian D. Frank, Jr. ’08 Edward Galligan and Linn Galligan

Robert J. Mies Joseph Miller and Patricia Miller Keith A. Miller ’97 and Rhiannon L. Miller David Mitchell and Renee Mitchell Shelley Mitchell Moon Township Honda-Hyundai Ronald Morosky

Lawrence D. Romboski ’59 and Joanne Romboski David A. Ross ’78 and Dana Crummer Paul M. Rossmont ’99 William C. Ruha ’66 and Fennai N. Ruha James H. Russell ’64 and Marriles Russell E. Ronald Salvitti ’59 Raul Sandoval, Jr. ’07

Donald C. Murray, Jr. ’64 and Arlene Murray

Howard Sayman

William R. Krause ’11

Richard Schneider

Robert Kunkle and Cheryl Kunkle

Robert J. Murray ’65 and Christine Murray

Nicholas L. Sewell and Magda L. Binion

Joseph Kurash ’51

James H. Norris ’75 and Ann Annase

Stephen Sewell

Peter C. Lacey ’73 and Gail Lacey

E. Lee North ’46 and Florence H. North*

Joseph Gasbarrini

Marie Laguerre

Stephen W. Nugent and Lori A. Long

Gateway Foot & Ankle

Ross J. Langford ’89 and April Novelli Langford ’88

Gregory O’Neill and Lynne O’Neill

Thomas G. Lapcevic ’87 and Julie Page Lapcevic ’87

Michael H. Orstein and Heather Orstein

Joseph H. Gigler ’77 and Carol S. Gigler

Brent A. Rockwell ’03 and Tawnya L. Rockwell

Raul Sandoval and Dolores Sandoval

Daniel T. Lader ’94 and Tracy Lader

Kenneth W. Getty, Jr. ’66 and Bonnie Getty

Florence Riazian

Robert Mountain and Diane Mountain*

Galligan Family Fund

GCA Services Group, Inc.

Bobbie Reier

Ernest Leva Sharon Long

William O’Shea Gregory Pappas James D. Pareso ’66 and Kay Pareso

Patrick Shriane and Judy Shriane Ray G. Simms, Jr. ’58 and Karel Simms Siwick Yanicko S.J. Mulholland, Inc. Thomas W. Smith ’73 and Joan M. Smith Ronald D. Snee ’63 and Marjorie C. Snee Southwestern Pennsylvania Eye Center

Jennifer Frank Goodman and K. Michael Goodman

John Lott and Lucy Lott

Robert M. Gordon, Jr. ’52 and Shirley Gordon

Nathan R. Luderer ’00

James A. Pasquine and Lauren J. Pasquine

Sharon Greco

Tsambikos Mahramas and Robin Mahramas

Lou Pearce

John J. Gregor and Melissa W. Gregor

Samuel G. Mann and Debra Mann

Pharmacy Healthcare Solutions

Peter F. Stracci ’74 and Sharon Stracci

David T. Gutowski and Jacqueline S. Gutowski

Marc USA Advertising

Richard J. Pinelli, Sr. ’78 and Tara D. Pinelli

George M. Suder ’73 and Karen Suder

Michael Haas and Michelle Haas

Marthinsen & Salvitti Insurance Group

PNC Financial Services Group

Robert Sult

Alfred Poff

Jack W. Sweeney ’55 and Jean Sweeney

Thomas A. Halter ’59 and Mary Halter Bruce A. Harlan ’65 and Nina Harlan

Timothy Walter Lucas ’80

Kevin Marett

James Mathers Stephen Matisz Dave Mattana

Pfizer, Inc.

Jonathon S. Pons ’02 and Michelle Nichole Riley Pons ’03

Aubrey Stephenson

Brian Szabo and Luann Szabo Raymond Thimons

Regina Potts

Raymond Thomas John Thornton

David Mattana and Fay Mattana

Matthew D. Henry ’01

Frank Mazurek, Jr.

Dan Radke ’85 and Cynthia Radke

James Herb and Covi Herb

Stuart C. McCombs, Jr. ’52 and Joan McCombs

Randall S. Raner ’89

Barron P. McCune, Jr. and Ann McCune

Philip A. Steigner ’97

Lawrence Potts

Tom Healy

Scott A. Herz ’72 and Marjorie Herz

Charles R. Stauffer, Jr. ’67 and Susan Stauffer


Richard M. Thornton and Joyce L. Thornton Rory Tropp and Shelley A. Tropp



John Turcik and Priscilla Turcik

In Memory of Cenzino Cacchione

Carla Ulery

Joseph DiSarro and Judy Moses

David A. Ross ’78 and Dana Crummer

In Memory of John M. Campbell ’38

Peter J. Ross ’74 and Louise Kirkpatrick Ross ’74

In Memory of Frank R. Mascara

Bruce H. Campbell ’65 and Marilyn C. Campbell

E. Ronald Salvitti ’59

Edward M. Greb and Barbara Greb

Christopher P. Varacallo ’07 Courtney Vautier Jim Vautier Renee Vautier Barbara E. Waddington Ethan Ward James K. Watson ’90 and Catherine Coyne Watson ’89 Jeffrey H. Welsh ’76 and Debra Welsh

In Memory of Russell L. Condit, Jr. ’46 Marjory Condit In Memory of James B. Donnelly Norman T. Roule ’83 and Lorie Masturzo Roule ’83 In Memory of Sam Easoz

Robert B. Shust ’59 and Judith Shust Stanley & Kathleen Grumbacher Foundation

D. Lawrence Wickerham ’72 and Mary Louise Wickerham

In Memory of Alfred J. Gentile ’64

In Memory of William K. Headley ’43

Donald C. Murray, Jr. ’64 and Arlene Murray

David Falls

In Memory of William P. Griffin, Jr. ’59

Marjorie Locke

David Young George W. Zannos ’64 and Marilyn Serlin Kathleen Zapp Ted Zervos R. W. Ziegler Sarah Denny Zink and Gregg Zink Gerald Zivoder and Judith Zivoder

Elizabeth A. Griffin ’81

These meaningful gifts honor the memory of W&J alumni and friends while supporting the College in a number of important ways.

Edith Miller Anita Rush John Tuszl and Patricia Tuszl

Gary L. Churgin ’75 and Amy Churgin

In Memory of K. Stewart Hills ’73

Jonathan M. Conrad ’73 and Mary B. Conrad Patrick A. Correnty ’87 Barbara Robinson DeWitt ’74 and Mark DeWitt

Memorial Gifts

Marilyn Garthwaite

In Memory of Jacqueline Haring

Richard T. Clark ’68 and Angela Clark

Lyn Celenza Dyster ’80 and John G. Dyster

Edward M. Greb and Barbara Greb In Memory of John G. Meskus ’55 In Memory of Williams M. Mitchell

John Daniels and Paula Daniels

Cindy Witte

In Memory of Charles W. McKinley, Jr.

Jeanne M. Meskus

Robert Y. White, Jr.

Christopher B. Witte ’98

Robert Yohe and Joan Yohe

In Memory of James G. Hawkins ’46 Charles J. Queenan, Jr. and Joann H. Queenan

Francis Wilds

William D. Foland H’94 and Patricia Foland William S. Sheers ’71 In Memory of Henry A. Jones ’36

Allan B. Goodrich ’65 and Teresa Goodrich In Memory of Diane Mountain Robert B. Bogdewiecz and Mary Z. Bogdewiecz James A. Pasquine and Lauren J. Pasquine Gerald Zivoder and Judith Zivoder In Memory of Peter O. Murphy ’71 Mark G. Perry ’71 and Suzanne Perry In Memory of Mark B. Nickel

Joan D. Jones

Peter J. Ross ’74 and Louise Kirkpatrick Ross ’74

In Memory of Marvin B. Kaufman ’50

George W. Zannos ’64 and Marilyn Serlin

Phyllis Kaufman

J. Douglas Farrell ’84 and Lauren Schwerha Farrell ’83

In Memory of A. Samuel Kaufman ’55

Walter Flamenbaum ’63 and Judith S. Flamenbaum

Demas L. McVay, Jr. ’55

In Memory of Julius S. Nyikos H’90 Edward M. Greb and Barbara Greb In Memory of Margaret D. Oliver

John E. Frazier II ’62 and Nicole Frazier

In Memory of Lester Lacock Charlotte E. Rosenberry

Blaise Hollot and Patricia Hollot

James F. Gismondi, Jr. ’72 and Elizabeth Gismondi

In Memory of James W. Lane ’44

Jeanne B. Perry

In Memory of Walter N. Ayers III ’71

Elizabeth Hurwitz-Schwab ’74 and Douglas Schwab

In Memory of Audrey Lasday

In Memory of Cinda Griffin Pikulin ’80

Richard D. Martin ’71 and Karen Martin

James H. Knepshield ’59 and Barbara Knepshield

Constance Levy Ceisler

Elizabeth A. Griffin ’81

Thomas J. Leydig ’80 and Cheryl Medich Leydig ’81

In Memory of John Lichvar ’38

In Memory of Albert L. Rabenstein ’52

In Memory of Kelly White Bonessi ’81

Kay A. Cober

Louis Bragg

William N. Macartney III ’64 and Linda Macartney

In Memory of Paul P. Marinak ’44

Frederick J. Frank H’86* and Frances J. Frank*

Kenneth R. Melani ’75 and Tracy Melani

Preston Burlew

Charles T. Nason ’68 and Beth Nason

Fred Harvey and Ethel Harvey

R. Lloyd Mitchell and Kathleen Mitchell

Martin Hirsch

Jeanne B. Perry Michael L. Woltermann

In Memory of Peggy Andy Constance Levy Ceisler

Elizabeth A. Griffin ’81 In Memory of Steven H. Bowytz ’64 Barbara Baker June Phillips In Memory of Donald W. Brabson ’71


Ronald P. Sandmeyer, Sr. ’57 and Elaine H. Sandmeyer

Marian Semoff

Marianne Lane

Paula Barnosky

In Memory of Frank C. Perry

William P. Keen and Sarah Keen

Jeffrey P. Lake ’71 and Deborah Lake

Albert G. Nickel ’65 and Dana C. Nickel

Shirley Kahler

Herbert L. Mathews ’71 and Diane Mathews

B. John Pendleton, Jr. ’81 and Mary Ann Butera Pendleton ’80

Stephen Marinak

In Memory of Richard B. Rabenstein ’55

Charles Edward Weingartner ’71 and Nancy Weingartner

William S. Platt ’87 and Courtney M. Platt

Robert Myers

Jeanne B. Perry

Periodontal Associates


Joseph Marinak

John Reinhart and Mary Reinhart

In Memory of Paul E. Rathgeb, Jr. ’55 Yvonne Leffler Rathgeb

In Memory of John W. Rohrer III ’56

In Memory of Susan York

Louise Rohrer

Alan R. Weill ’59 and Nancy Y. Weill

In Memory of Peter C. Rossin Rossin Foundation/Rosetree, Inc. In Memory of Constance Salvitti Peter J. Ross ’74 and Louise Kirkpatrick Ross ’74 Alan R. Weill ’59 and Nancy Y. Weill In Memory of David K. Scarborough Donald C. Murray, Jr. ’64 and Arlene Murray In Memory of Henry E. Seidel ’52

In Honor of Whitney Haring-Smith and Abigail Seldin

Charles E. Hughes Memorial Foundation

Alan R. Weill ’59 and Nancy Y. Weill


In Honor of Nicole E. Nemeth

Honorary Gifts These special gifts celebrate loved ones or friends while supporting the College in a number of important ways.

Susan Hanna and Robert Hanna In Honor of Thomas Prairie John Curtis Burns ’80 George W. Zannos ’64 and Marilyn Serlin In Honor of Gina Raffaeli

In Honor of David F. Alter ’57 and Barbara Alter Suzanne Winick

John Raffaeli, Jr. In Honor of Frances Smith Rohrich ’85

The Chevron Community Fund held at the Community Foundation of Fayette County Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation Coca Cola Enterprises Bottling Company Collina Felice Enterprises Community Foundation of Washington County MD CONSOL Energy Inc. David C. O’Leary Family I.H.S Fund

In Honor of Ryan D. Breen ’10

Robert D. Worstell and Nancy Worstell

David Breen and Mary Jo Breen

In Honor of Morgan J. Ross ’12

Delta Dental of Colorado

John Scerbo and Jennifer Scerbo

In Honor of Matthew C. Burns ’11

Cindy C. Ross

Discount Rent a Car

Diane Willliamson

John Curtis Burns ’80

Mark J. Ross

Dollar Bank

Lakewood United Methodist Chancel Handbell Choir

Pamela L. Burns

In Honor of John Mark Scott, Jr. ’69

In Honor of Sidney Busis

Matthew S. Hilliard ’06

In Memory of Clarence E. Stewart ’33

Constance Levy Ceisler

James Cooke McGough and Mildred McGough

In Honor of William A. Callaway ’96

In Memory of Edward E. Sweet

Paul R. Callaway and Mary Allison Callaway

Nancy Seidel In Memory of Joseph I. Steele ’54 Junior League of Cleveland

Madeline Corwin Edward M. Greb and Barbara Greb

In Honor of the Development and Alumni Relations Staff

F. Noel Parent III ’78 and Kathleen K. Parent

Dayton Foundation

D’Onofrio’s, Inc. Doug and Betsey Schwab Family Foundation Drs. Todd and Diane Thompson Fund

In Honor of Ralph Snyder

Easyware Computing

Constance Levy Ceisler

Eat’n Park Hospitality Group, Inc.

In Honor of John A. Swanson Eric Swanson

Echement Family Foundation Eckert, Seamans, Cherin, & Mellott, LLC

William P. Keen and Sarah Keen

Michael P. Grzesiak and Karen E. Grzesiak

R. Lloyd Mitchell and Kathleen Mitchell

In Honor of Kerri A. DiGiovanni ’09

The Eileen & Warren Martin Fund

Christina Skillings

Emily J. Peters ’03

Erie Community Foundation

State Farm Insurance

In Honor of Charles P. Eaton ’64

Ann Rae Suwak Michael L. Woltermann

Seth Rosenberg and Janet Rosenberg

In Memory of Bert Thoms

In Honor of Joshua D. Etzel

Timothy R. Wisecarver ’65

John Curtis Burns ’80

In Memory of Edwin V. Valdiserri ’73

In Honor of Katelyn Fearer

Ronald O. Valdiserri ’73

Rebecca S. Fong ’02

In Memory of John W. Walther, Jr. ’63

In Honor of the Financial Aid, Admissions, and Communications Staff

The Abernathy Fund for Conservation of the Washington County Community Foundation, Inc.

In Memory of Burton B. Weber ’62

Alton E. Newell and Elsie Eagle

Alpha Business Group

Harry and Ann Farmer Charitable Fund

John W. Bean ’65 and A. Alexandra Jupin

In Honor of William D. Foland

American Middle East Institute

The Heinz Endowments

The Appraisal Group

Herbert Brown Building & Remodeling

Audrey L. Walther

In Memory of Dwaine H. Welling ’57

William S. Sheers ’71

In Honor of Megan Yunn Jack Buncher Foundation

Gifts from Organizations Gifts from organizations provide vital support for College operations. Anonymous (2)

ASIANetwork Freeman Fellowship

Frances Welling

In Honor of Elizabeth Cober Gillette ’93

In Memory of Paul B. Wice

Kay A. Cober

James F. Gismondi, Jr. ’72 and Elizabeth Gismondi

In Honor of Ira Gordon

BNY Mellon Foundation

Constance Levy Ceisler

In Memory of Ralph H. Wisniewski ’64

In Honor of Dylan Haas

Cappelli’s Beer & Pop Warehouse

Donald C. Murray, Jr. ’64 and Arlene Murray

John Curtis Burns ’80

Barone & Sons, Inc. Belfiore Vending

Chambers Medical Group

Fedex Ground, Inc Flamenbaum Family Fund Forestville Technology Inc. The Forsythe Foundation through the PNC Charitable Trust Grant Review Committee Galligan Family Fund Gateway Foot & Ankle GCA Services Group, Inc. Gittler’s Aquarium & Aviary

Hergenroeder, Rega & Sommer L.L.C. Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield J. Denny May Trust Fund J.M. Miller Home Improvements Jack Buncher Foundation

Charleroi Federal Savings Bank



James P. and Mary S. McArdle Fund of The Pittsburgh Foundation

Rossin Foundation/ Rosetree, Inc. Samuel, Fannie and Irwin A. Solow Endowment Fund

Estate Gifts

Instrumentation Lab Lubrizol Foundation

John M. Russell Fund of The Pittsburgh Foundation

SAP America

John S. & Cynthia Reed Foundation

Schuler Family Foundation

These generous gifts from W&J donors who have passed away support the College’s mission in various ways.

Paul D. Schurgot Foundation, Inc.

Thomas D’Auria ’41

Select Genetics

Robert E. Herriott

Sewickley Valley Rheumatology

Eugene F. Lucas

Siwick Yanicko

Natalie Miller

S.J. Mulholland, Inc.

Margaret D. Oliver

Southwestern Pennsylvania Eye Center

Alexander Rein ’52

Spectroscopy Society of Pittsburgh

Hugh H. Taylor

Jefferson Orthopedic Group

Joseph & Andrea Placer Fund Junior League of Cleveland Kolb Family Fund Kristin and David Steinberg Foundation Lakewood United Methodist Chancel Handbell Choir Malcolm & Malcolm Marc USA Advertising Margaret A. Cargill Foundation

Stanford and Barbara Trachtenberg Donor Advised Fund

Marthinsen & Salvitti Insurance Group

Stanley & Kathleen Grumbacher Fund

Massey Charitable Trust

State Farm Insurance

McKees Rocks Industrial Enterprises, Inc.

Swanson Charitable Gift Fund

Metro Fence Co., Inc.

Texas Roadhouse

Metrotech Chemicals

Thomas J. and Cheryl D. Leydig Fund

Marcy Family Foundation

The Michael & Teryl Nettleton Charitable Fund of the Dallas Foundation Mile High United Way Milton and Jennifer Magee Charitable Fund

T-Bones, Inc.

Tocqueville Society Town & Country Properties United States Steel Foundation, Inc.

Mon Valley Medical Associates

United Way of Washington County

Moon Township Honda-Hyundai

W.R. Berkley Corp. Charitable Foundation

Motorola Mobility Foundation

William I. Shaw ’58

Merck Partnership for Giving Microsoft Corporation Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co. PepsiCo, Inc. Pfizer, Inc. Piedmont Natural Gas PNC Bank Foundation PPG Industries, Inc. Procter & Gamble Company Raytheon Company Sanofi Aventis Pharmacuetical SAP America Shell Oil Company Foundation

Matching Gifts

Sherwin-Williams Foundation Tektronix

Corporate matching gift programs enable W&J alumni, parents and friends to multiply their giving to the College.

Verizon Foundation

Abbott Laboratories

Gifts in Kind

Aegon Transamerica Foundation Aetna Foundation Alcoa Foundation American Electric Power Company, Inc.

Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.

W&J alumni and friends support the College through their non-monetary gifts of tangible property or personal assets.

Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc.

Cappelli’s Beer & Pop Warehouse

Aon Foundation

Janet S. Murray

Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corporation

Ken Rhodes

Nova Aurora Corporation

Washington County Bar Association

Nowak Family Fund

Washington Distributing Co.

Beckman Coulter Inc.

Cindy C. Ross

Orange County’s United Way

Weiner Family Foundation

BNY Mellon Foundation

Mark J. Ross

Periodontal Associates

Wylie Wallace Fults Foundation

Caterpillar Foundation

Texas Roadhouse

Pharmacy Healthcare Solutions

Youth Service America/ Sodexo Foundation

Chevron Texaco

Washington Distributing Co.

Phase 4 Learning Center


PNC Financial Services Group

Dell Direct Giving

R. G. Johnson Company

Delta Airlines Foundation

Rabbi Sanford and Ruth Marcus Fund

Dominion Foundation

Range Resources

Eaton Corporation


Eli Lilly and Company

Rhodes Carpet

Ernst & Young Foundation

John W. & Shirley E. Richman Foundation

ExxonMobil Foundation

Dow AgroSciences

Fidelity FoundationMatching Gifts

Robert & Josephine Beavers Family Foundation

General Electric Corporation

John Bayard Rodgers Trust

Home Depot

H.J. Heinz Company IBM Corporation


Rhodes Carpet

CIGNA Corporation

Pittsburgh Steelers Sports, Inc.

Robert A. Simonin Agency, Inc.


Johnson & Johnson

Exceptional care was taken to ensure the accuracy and completeness of these reports. If, despite our best intentions, you notice an error of omission, please contact the Office of Development at 724-223-6078 so that we may correct our records.


made possible by your generosity. When Amanda Tse ’14 traveled to Nicaragua on a medical mission trip, her first priority was to meet the people she would be treating in the clinic. So, she immersed herself into the local culture, touring the neighborhoods of Managua and playing soccer with children in the streets. When it came time to volunteer at the clinic, the biology major was called upon to assist with medical procedures, fill prescriptions and shadow physicians. She served. She learned. She was inspired. “I was reminded exactly why I work all hours of the night studying for biology exams and doing lab reports,” Amanda said. “This trip renewed my passion for helping people to the best of my abilities, whether medically or just by extending a helping hand.” When you give to the W&J Fund, you give Magellan Project scholars like Amanda the life-changing opportunity to travel the globe and engage in experiences that will shape their lives and arm them with the skills and knowledge to change the world around them.

Make a moment today. Make your gift at washjeff.edu/give.

Washington & Jefferson College 60 South Lincoln Street Washington, Pennsylvania 15301-4801

WALK THIS WAY Resident assistants Stefanie Mogel ’13, Jackie Sipe ’13 and Jessica Kostelnik ’13 greet first-year students and parents arriving on campus for move-in day. Washington & Jefferson College welcomed 442 new Presidents at Matriculation, formally inducting them into the campus community. For more Matriculation coverage, turn to page 4.

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