5 things recruiters can adopt from the marketers of their company | FastCollab | Blog
Recruiters are always presented with a challenging task of hiring the best employees. Sourcing, converting and engaging the employees is the utmost priority for the HR team of any company. In this article we have tried to map the possibilities where HRs can be in constant touch with the marketing team of their company to adopt certain key practices they follow to engage their target audience and convert them to leads and customers. 1. Brand the Openings The high priority task of marketers in any company is to brand the company name along with its product and/or services offered. These branding efforts bring the visibility of the
5 things recruiters can adopt from the marketers of their company | FastCollab | Blog
company among its target customers and prompt them to connect back. A similar practice recruiters shall also include to brand the company name to spread more about the job opportunities. Spread the openings through viral infographics or even videos. Just like marketers do, activate your social networks and start networking. Connect with current employees to bring more referrals. Utilise the website to display job openings with the company. If done in the right direction, recruiters can have a major talent pool built up with them in no time. 2. The Funnel Concept For ages, marketers are known to use the ‘Funnel’ concept to conceptualise receival of leads, engaging them and turning them into prospective leads and customers. The flow of majority of these leads comes through the branding efforts talked about earlier. Following the same concept recruiters can also look to put all the received candidates in a funnel. Filtration of these candidates is more easier through applying HR Screening process, following which it is easier for recruiters to forward profiles to rejected, interview prospects and later joined. 3. Bring a CRM for candidate management A professional sales and marketing team of any company must be using a CRM to track all the leads generated and updates on what has been done and what is expected to be done in future. This whole CRM is like a central database to keep all the records at one place that can be accessed by anyone who wants it to. In a similar fashion recruiters should also look to maintain a centralised database where any other recruiter can come and access the database of candidates, add more to it, manage it or mine out the present list. This practice is helpful to recruiters in making out plan as to how to engage candidates through emails or cold calling. 4. Rolling out campaigns are your best bet A prospect not interested today can be made a hot lead tomorrow, through creative and engaging campaigns. This is what marketers of any company are expert in doing. It is recommended for the recruiters to start spending some time with marketing professionals to understand what elements they use to create such effective campaigns. Such campaigns successfully solve the purpose of staying on top of the mind among the target audience and gradually convert them to prospects and customers. Similarly, it is recommended to engage candidates for all the job openings running in the company, and not just one. Update all profiles about upcoming recruitment drives or interview processes. Sending frequent bulk emails from a single source will help recruiters to stay top of mind among the prospective candidates. 5. Track and Generate reports Report making is the most quintessential step for all the marketers to track and analyse which campaign resulted in maximum sales and which did not. This will help them to strategize further on which sources to focus more to improve the results and what changes to bring for the failed ones. Similarly recruiters should keep updating their reports on which job
5 things recruiters can adopt from the marketers of their company | FastCollab | Blog
advertisement mode gave them maximum profiles, what is the cost spent per candidate, total time taken right from opening the job till closing it, etc. Such reports are crucial to make plans for better hiring for the upcoming openings. Once recruiters have collected the knowledge of above practices from the marketers. It’s time for them to comeout a step ahead. Use the best applicant tracking system that can help you to manage your hiring process and bring quick closures with its automated features. Utilise free job posting sites and bulk emails to brand the openings, maintain a centralised database, post jobs on social networks and generate automated reports.