Natural treatment for dengue is an often overlooked, but very interesting option to consider. This article, published in May, 1998, in the "Folha de Sao Paulo"(Brazil) newspaper is very informative for those seeking a natural remedy against dengue. Contrary to what we’ve been told by allopathic medicine, it appears there is a treatment for dengue, and even, according to some, a possible preventive! Here’s our translation of the article, which was, of course, originally written in Portuguese. (Please note that the subtitles are not from the original article. We added them for clarity’s sake.)
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While the aedes aegypti mosquito spreads dengue, and the nations' authorities are still trying to contain the epidemic, homeopathy is an efficient alternative for the treatment of the disease that, in some cases, can be fatal. The State Department of Health has acknowledged that the homeopathic treatment is more efficient in combating symptoms of the disease, and is distributing instructions to doctors in the public health services about how to prescribe these homeopathic remedies. After meetings with specialists from the Instituto Hahnemanniano do Brasil (IHB), one of the representatives of Brazilian homeopathy, a Coordinating Committee for the Program of Homeopathy of the State Department of Health elaborated a protocol for the treatment of dengue with homeopathic medicines. Simple and practical, the protocol makes it possible for even allopathic doctors to prescribe these remedies.
Having said the above, it is important to note that rehydration and blood testing are procedures that allopathic doctors are very good at and that are necessary in the case of treating a disease such as dengue. It’s a matter of working together for the good of the patient. It is a great encouragement to me to know that there is a natural remedy that can, if not totally prevent dengue, at least attenuate the symptoms and make for a milder case of the disease. I have not used homeopathic medicine up until now, but have decided to try this formula in light of all that I have read, and due to the lack of other natural alternatives. I’ve been taking it for about 3 weeks as of this writing. So far, I am impressed with the seriousness of the homeopathic professionals and their humanity and concern for patients and the general population, as well as with the research that I have been able to read regarding success rates in the treatment of dengue. Natural treatment of dengue and homeopathic prevention are valid options that homeopathy offers us. As we have said before, your best protection is to educate yourself and learn all you can so you can make wise decisions regarding your health and that of your family.
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