Buy walnuts online india 30 aug 17

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 Walnuts provide energy, essential vitamins and minerals. Due to their high fat

content they keep one’s hunger at bay for a long time. Their high proportion of unsaturated fatty acids are an especially important factor in many diets; some even claim that they may help reduce blood cholesterol. As far as calories go, walnuts are in the middle range of energy-producing foods. All in all, walnuts are the American homemaker’s favorite ingredient nut, used in cookies and cakes, pies and confections. Of late, they have become an important component in natural health blends containing dried fruits, coconut, sesame and sunflower seeds.  During Roman times the walnut was cultivated in Europe, ranging from Italy

through France. In fact, it is possible that later, when the nut reached England, it was named ‘walnut’ as a corruption of the name ‘Gaul nut’. In England the tree was actually more popular as an ornamental and for its exceptional hard wood, rather than for its nut.

ď‚— The United States leads the world in walnut production, with almost all of the

U.S. walnuts growing in California. Turkey, China and the Soviet Union also produce a substantial walnut crop, followed by some other countries whose production is on a smaller scale. About 90% of U.S. exports are in-shell, with the remainder in the form of shelled nuts. Although the U.S. is a leader in walnut exports, it can expect increasing competition from China and India, where the walnut industry is expanding ď‚— The largest native species of walnut in North America is the eastern black

walnut. It is valuable both for its flavorful nut, as well as for its high quality wood. A single black walnut tree is worth $30,000, its wood used in the manufacture of furniture and gun handles. However, the black walnut harvest of approximately twenty thousand tons is only one- tenth the size of the California Persian walnut harvest. In addition there are four other walnut species native to North America: including the butternut or white walnut, and three minor species which produce very small nuts that are enjoyed mostly by wildlife. The walnut family also includes the pecan and other hickories.

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