Endometriosis Hysteroscopy
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endometriosis hysteroscopy A hysteroscopy is a procedure where the inside of the uterus is examined through a thin telescope that is inserted through the cervix without the need for any surgical cuts to be made. The procedure may be performed in a clinic setting with mild discomfort and no general anaesthetic or it may be performed as a day procedure in a hospital under a local or general anaesthetic. The choice of where and how it is done will depend on equipment availability and the skillset of the doctors looking after you. Studies have shown that outpatient procedures are highly acceptable to women, since they do not need to have an aneasthetic and the discomfort is minimal with a rapid return to normal activities. If the procedure is performed in conjunction with a laparoscopy for endometriosis however, this would be done at the same time under a general anaesthetic.
Hysteroscopy may be used to both diagnose and treat specific conditions of the uterine cavity. Common problems that can be treated by hysteroscopy include: diagnosing and treating abnormal uterine bleeding investigation of infertility the treatment of scar tissue in the uterus (Asherman syndrome) removal of fibroids or polyps endometrial ablation (a treatment where the uterine lining is removed due to heavy periods) treatment of uterine abnormalities For women having a procedure for endometriosis, it is not necessary to have a hysteroscopy as part of a treatment, although frequently there may be one of the above additional reasons to have a hysteroscopy. Scientific studies have previously investigated using a hysteroscopy and taking a biopsy of the endometrium to make a diagnosis of endometriosis, although this is not currently a method of diagnosing endometriosis and is not recommended for this purpose.
Prior to your hysteroscopy, you will be given specific instructions on any dietary requirements and this will depend on whether you are having an outpatient procedure, a general anaesthetic for the hysteroscopy alone or if you are having a laparoscopy for endometriosis in conjunction with your hysteroscopy. Depending on where you are having your hysteroscopy will determine the pre-procedural process including the need for an IV line (drip), anaesthetics and monitoring equipment. For the procedure itself, hysteroscopy requires access to the vagina, cervix and uterus and you will have your legs placed in stirrups and drapes are placed over the lower part of your body. The cervix is then located either with the hysteroscope directly or using a speculum and held using a special holding clamp.
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